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Theme: Animals in Africa Aims: to teach the pupils to operate the learnt lexis in oral speech, to train pupils

to sing English songs, to develop the skills of writing and listening. Equipment: pictures, tape- recorder, Posnayko THE PROCEDURE I. Organization moment. Greeting

T: Good morning, kids ! How are you today? Im glad youre fine. Pupils:Let us smile when we say "Hello, Hello" For a smile starts the day off right. Let us smile when we say "Hello, Hello" For a smile makes our faces bright. T. Are you sure that smile makes our life bright? PI When you smile in the morning You'll be happy all the day. When you smile in the morning You'll be merry and gay. P2 When you smile in the morning Everything will be OK During the whole day.

II. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

T: We are starting the lesson. Everybody, please, get ready. Settle down. Look at these cards and guess what we are going to talk about. ( , .) T.:Posnayko has come to visit us. But he has hidden somewhere in our classroom. He wants you to guess where he's hiding. Let's look for him. Example. P1: I think Posnayko is hiding in the teachers desk. T: No, he isn't. P2: I bet Posnayko is hiding under the bookcase. T: No, he isn't. Etc. (You can use the list of hiding places given below: on the bookcase in the teachers bag behind the desk behind the blackboard under the first desk between the television set and the wall in the corner of the classroom behind the bookcase )


T: Today is a special day. Posnayko is a birthday guest today. Do you remember the birthday song? One more congratulation is the song "Happy birthday" Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Posnayko! Happy birthday to you! May your birthday be bright! May your birthday be bright! May your birthday be bright! From morning till night! (At that time teacher brings a cake into the classroom with candles on it.) T: Blow the candles out. And now lets present him with a trip to Africa to see animals live in the deserts, in the jungle, in safari parks.

III. Lexical task

1. Game At the zoo Teacher-guide : This is an elephant. Elephants eat grass, fruits, vegetables. This is a monkey.
All monkeys like to play. This is a brown bear. Bears like to sleep in winter. This is a tiger. Tigers are like big cats. This is a lion. Lions are very strong. Tigers and lions eat meat. This is a red fox. A fox has a nice tail.

What animals do not live in Africa? 2. Write the names of the animals those live in Africa.

A s__ __ __ __

An e__ __ __ __ __ __ __

A g__ __ __ __ __

A m __ __ __ __ __


A c __ __ __ __

A z __ __ __ __

A l __ __ __

A p __ __ __ __ __

IV. Game Crosses and Noughts

T: I am sure everyone likes to play Crosses and noughts in order to revise the words. Your task is name the world and translate it, after that you can put crosses and noughts. ( a baboon, a buffalo, an ostrich, an antelope, a chimp, a rhinoceros, a cheetah, a flamingo, a hyena)

A onobba An eloptnae A hateche

A faolufb A hipmc A mifalgon

An toscirh A nirhoroces A eihna

V. Game Non- stop

T.: Without thinking complete the sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. eat plants. like to be in the water to save their skin. are born under the water. can be in water not breathing during 30 minutes. oviposits in sand.

VI. Song
T. One more task is to sing have already learnt some songs and I offer all of you to sing a song with the names of some animals.Ready? OK. Lets sing.

In the sun I lie for days ( ) -3-

In the sun I lie for days And upon the sun I gaze. Lie for days, lie for days, While upon the sun I gaze. Crocodile-dile swims on by Rhino-rhino comes to spy. Only I lie for days And upon the sun I gaze.

gaze - [geiz]

upon - [a'pon] - a

VII. Its interesting to know

Meet leopard Zakumi! It is a symbol of the World Football Championship 2010.

Leopards are graceful and strong animals. They climb the trees very skillfully. They can even eat and drink there. Leopard can carry its prey that is heavier than it in the tree. Because of its beautiful fur leopard can be victim of the poachers. We have to save them.

VIII. Listening
Tapescript Joe: Hey, look! There are some lions over there! Beth: Where? Joe: There! On the rock. There are two no three! Beth: Oh yes! They're beautiful! Jomo: I'm stopping here because there are some zebras under those trees and I don't want to make a noise. Emma: Ooh yes! I can see them. There are lots of them. Joe: They are like horses in football shirts. AI: Be careful, Em. There is a snake under the rock! Emma: Aagh! There are lots of them! Help! Jomo: It's OK. They aren't dangerous. Don't worry. Beth: Can you see those butterflies over there? They're huge! Joe: Look at these giant spiders... Emma: Oh no! I don't like spiders let's go! Joe: Can we see some monkeys, Jomo? -4-

Jomo: There aren't any here they live in the forest. There aren't many trees here. But look over there. Beth: Elephants! How wonderful! T: Now you are going to work in groups of four. You'll get the lines from the dialogue but the words are mixed up. You are to put the words and the lines in order so that the dialogue makes sense. Look, some there lions are over there! they are Where? on They the are rock sitting. Oh are very yes they beautiful. There tree a those some are zebras under. Don't noise make. I too see can them. There them lots of are. Emma careful, be. lots there of are, them Help! They not dangerous are, worry don't. Can see monkeys we some, Jomo? There here any aren't they in live the forest. those look But trees over under there. elephants see can how I wonderful! ( , , )

IX. Making a story

1. T.: Look at the blackboard, children. You can see some words. Lets make the story together in chain. Who wants to start? Safari, jeep, animals, baby, noise, bad man, guns, button, home ( , ) 2. T.:You have to know her name. This is Dayan Fossy. She devoted her life to protection of mountain gorillas She was murdered by the poachers in 1985.


X. Conclution
T.: Its time to come back home. Dear children, did you like our trip to Africa? What did you like best of all? Today you have learned what animals live in Africa. At home you are to write a story. Imagine that you were on a tour in Australia. What animals did you see? What happened to you there? One more prize for your work are good marks.


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