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Despite the wide array of information on fat loss diets, there are still misconceptions

on what works and what does not work. Dieters will adopt skeptical attitudes
toward certain diet practices that the health experts recommend mainly because
common sense appears to be waylaid by the suggestions. The following are just a
few of these surprising secrets to effective weight loss diets that many dieters fail to
recognize as completely rational when all things are considered.

Eat 5 to 6 Meals a Day

Many beginner dieters believe that the best way to lose excess pounds is to lessen
the number of meals eaten in the day. The rationale is that the less number of meals
and food consumed in a day, the less number of caloric intake. The body will then
start to lose weight.

Or maybe not where the effective fat loss diets are concerned. Let's start the
explanation by stating the fact that the digestion of the food and the absorption of
the resulting nutrients require energy to happen inside the body.

When taken in small amounts at regular intervals, the 5 to 6 healthy meals a day
tells the body to burn more energy to complete the consumption-digestion-
absorption cycle. The more energy burned, the faster the metabolism and the more
weight lost in the process.

We have to emphasize that the meals must be in small quantities at regular intervals
so that the body will not succumb to hunger pangs. The meals must also be made of
healthy foods like fruits and vegetables, whole grains and cereals, lean meat and
fatty fishes, nuts and seeds instead of the usual fast-food type of food items.

Eat Proteins with Every Meal

It is also surprising to many that the most effective fat loss diets actually include the
inclusion of proteins. After all, we see numerous advertisements hawking the use of
protein supplements for bulking up the body - muscles, that is. Thus, if losing weight
is the goal, protein must be in low quantities to avoid gaining bulk.

This is not so for two reasons. First, the body needs proteins since it is a
macronutrient essential in normal cellular functioning particularly as the building
block of life itself. Without protein, fats and carbohydrates will not function as

Second, protein has the highest Thermogenesis Induced by the Diet (TID), which is
defined as the energy burned by the body in the digestion and absorption of the
food. The TID for proteins is at 25% while carbohydrates only has 5 and fats 2%.

But not all proteins are created equal. Experts recommend taking high-quality
proteins from poultry, eggs, red meat, fish and even protein powders in the
recommended quantities. Ask your personal trainer about your own protein
requirements regardless of the fat loss diets being adopted.

But before you start on the first meal of your 6-meals-a-day and protein-rich
nutrition program, we suggest doing your aerobic exercises first. Skipping the
technicalities of the body's processes, the performance of aerobics before meals
means that the calories burned are from fats, not sugars. You will then be able to
lose fat faster than had you exercised after breakfast.

Indeed, fat loss diets are great ways to lose excess weight when combined with a
workout program. But to lose weight faster, just adopt the two components of faster
fat loss.

 I hope you enjoyed this article. You can come to my website at

http://www.bestwaytoloseweightinfo.com/tricks-for-faster-fat-loss-diets where we
have tons of free information on how to get in shape, lose weight, and learn how to
live a healthier lifestyle.

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