
idea proposal

The new Korean Museum of Urbanism and Architecture (KMUA) is not a place that prioritses identity in its form. When the concept of architecture as ‘A Recycling Assemblage’ leads to an idea of a connected architecture educational programme, the role of our museum of urbanism and architecture will be engrained within the perspectives and experiences of the citizens who will visit and participate. Therefore, this proposal for the KMUA education programme aims at specificity in terms of the site in order to amplify the architectural concepts behind this building rather making such a method applicable or available to other institutions.

Lessons Learnt from Three Arch Education Programmes

: The Architecture Center, run by the American Institute of Architects New York, has long planned and run exhibitions as well as lectures and educational programmes for children and families. Educational programmes for students are held throughout the year by professionally trained staff, and classes for families take place on weekends. However, while there are many specialist areas of ‘architectural education’, and specialisms of its operating

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