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Crime Reconstruction
Crime Reconstruction
Crime Reconstruction
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Crime Reconstruction

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Crime Reconstruction, Second Edition is an updated guide to the interpretation of physical evidence, written for the advanced student of forensic science, the practicing forensic generalist and those with multiple forensic specialists. It is designed to assist reconstructionists with understanding their role in the justice system; the development and refinement of case theory’ and the limits of physical evidence interpretation. Chisum and Turvey begin with chapters on the history and ethics of crime reconstruction and then shift to the more applied subjects of reconstruction methodology and practice standards. The volume concludes with chapters on courtroom conduct and evidence admissibility to prepare forensic reconstructionists for what awaits them when they take the witness stand.

Crime Reconstruction, Second Edition, remains an unparalleled watershed collaborative effort by internationally known, qualified, and respected forensic science practitioner holding generations of case experience among them. Forensic pioneer such as W. Jerry Chisum, John D. DeHaan, John I. Thorton, and Brent E. Turvey contribute chapters on crime scene investigation, arson reconstruction, trace evidence interpretation, advanced bloodstain interpretation, and ethics. Other chapters cover the subjects of shooting incident reconstruction, interpreting digital evidence, staged crime scenes, and examiner bias. Rarely have so many forensic giants collaborated, and never before have the natural limits of physical evidence been made so clear.

  • Updates to the majority of chapters, to comply with the NAS Report
  • New chapters on forensic science, crime scene investigation, wound pattern analysis, sexual assault reconstruction, and report writing
  • Updated with key terms, chapter summaries, discussion questions, and a comprehensive glossary; ideal for those teaching forensic science and crime reconstruction subjects at the college level
  • Provides clear practice standards and ethical guidelines for the practicing forensic scientist
Release dateAug 9, 2011
Crime Reconstruction

W. Jerry Chisum

William Jerry Chisum has been a criminalist since 1960. He studied under Dr. Paul L. Kirk at U.C. Berkeley, worked in San Bernardino, and set up the Kern County Laboratory in Bakersfield. After joining the California Dept. of Justice, he took a leave of absence (1971-73) to work at Stanford Research Institute. He has been President of the California Association of Criminalists three times, and has also served as President of the American Society of Crime Lab Directors. In October of 1998, he retired from 37 years of public service but continues working as a private consultant. An accomplished teacher and lecturer, he has also been published in many forensic science journals and books.

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    Book preview

    Crime Reconstruction - W. Jerry Chisum

    Table of Contents

    Cover image

    Front matter



    Preface to the First Edition



    About the Authors

    Chapter 1. Forensic Science

    Chapter 2. A History of Crime Reconstruction

    Chapter 3. Crime Reconstruction

    Chapter 4. Observer Effects and Examiner Bias

    Chapter 5. Practice Standards for the Reconstruction of Crime

    Chapter 6. Evidence Dynamics

    Chapter 7. Crime Scene Investigation

    Chapter 8. Methods of Crime Reconstruction

    Chapter 9. Staged Crime Scenes

    Chapter 10. Trace Evidence in Crime Reconstruction

    Chapter 11. Wound Pattern Analysis

    Chapter 12. Reconstruction Using Bloodstain Evidence

    Chapter 13. Shooting Incident Reconstruction

    Chapter 14. Shooting Incident Reconstruction

    Chapter 15. Fire Scene Reconstruction

    Chapter 16. Sexual Assault

    Key Terms

    Chapter 17. Reconstructing Digital Evidence

    Key Terms

    Chapter 18. Crime Reconstruction

    Key Terms

    Chapter 19. Forensic Examination Reports

    Chapter 20. Reconstruction Court Presentation and Testimony

    Appendix I. Crime Reconstruction Report: Sharp Force Homicide

    Appendix II. Bloodstain Pattern Case Study

    Appendix III. Staged Crime Scene Analysis



    Front matter

    Crime Reconstruction

    Visit the Crime Reconstruction, Second Edition

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    Crime Reconstruction

    Second Edition

    W. Jerry Chisum, BS

    Brent E. Turvey, MS


    Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Altheide, Cory

    Digital forensics with open source tools : using open source platform tools for performing computer forensics on target systems : Windows, Mac, Linux, UNIX, etc. / Cory Altheide, Harlan Carvey.

    p. cm.

    Includes bibliographical references.

    ISBN 978-1-59749-586-8

    1. Computer crimes--Investigation. 2. Open source software. 3. Forensic sciences. I. Carvey, Harlan A.

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    Joseph L. Peterson

    The second edition of Crime Reconstruction is a very important addition to the forensic science and crime scene investigation literature. Editors Jerry Chisum and Brent Turvey, and their associated chapter authors for this volume, have advanced the crime reconstruction literature in three important areas: (1) they have integrated important themes of the 2009 National Academies report on forensic science into their book chapters, calling for more rigorous scientific standards and reliability in all aspects of forensic and crime scene examinations; (2) they have strengthened all chapters, particularly those addressing ethics, trace evidence, and shooting and fire scene reconstruction; and (3) they have added new chapters on forensic science, crime scene investigation, wound pattern analysis, sexual assault reconstruction, and report writing. All chapters also contain key terms, a chapter summary, an abstract, and several questions that should assist college and training instructors in preparing examinations.

    I would like to take a moment to highlight several chapters that particularly impressed me in this second edition. Parts 1 and 2 of the second edition address the forensic examiner and the crime scene. Chapter 1 on forensic science sets an important theme by defining the important role of the crime scene reconstructionist as a person who needs the fundamental training in general forensic science in order to apply the methods and techniques of science to reconstruct crimes and interpret available physical evidence. The reconstructionist's primary role is to take the side of the evidence and to maintain that position throughout the investigation. Chapter 3 is extremely important and presents a canon of ethics that demands that the scene is interpreted correctly and that the reconstructionist gets it right with a minimum of error. The examiner has the professional and moral duty to pursue the truth of the evidence, wherever it may lead. Chapter 4 on observer effects and examiner bias is extremely important to the crime scene reconstructionist, particularly as a growing number of challenges to objectivity are recognized in the forensic science and legal literature. Cooley and Turvey rightly point out that while most forensic scientists will not fall victim to overt forms of fraud and bias, many examiners today are much less aware of more covert forms of bias that are present and the effect context has in influencing an investigation.

    Part 3 on physical evidence provides eight chapters on a variety of evidence forms that may be encountered by the crime scene reconstructionist. Practice Standards for the reconstruction of crime scenes (Chapter 5) also set some primary rules and measures that the investigator should keep in mind regardless of the type of scene. Another extremely important consideration for the reconstructionist is to recognize those evidence dynamics (Chapter 6) that might alter, relocate, or contaminate the physical crime scene either prior to the arrival of the investigator or as a result of the crime scene investigation itself. Trace evidence (Chapter 10) addresses an area that has been pushed to the background of forensic investigation in the past several years because of the rise in DNA profiling. I believe it is important to give trace evidence its due and to encourage crime scene reconstructionists to be aware of the multiple types of trace materials that can help determine what happened at the scene and establish the association between offenders and victims and the scene itself. The authors also stress that physical evidence is not necessarily a certain and precise record of actions and events and may leave an incomplete picture of the crime. All scientific and investigative personnel must recognize that physical evidence will not always answer every question. Other chapters on reconstructing bloodstain evidence (Chapter 12), investigating shooting incidents (Chapters 13 and 14), and reconstructing fire scenes (Chapter 15) are well crafted and provide insight to the new (and experienced) investigator. Part 4 on the courtroom provides solid instruction and important insight on report writing, presentation, and testimony.

    Crime Reconstruction (Second Edition) is a thoroughly researched and well-written text assembled by two noted authors and practitioners in the field of forensic science. Chisum and Turvey are to be commended for their scholarship. It will soon become the standard reference for professionals and students of crime reconstruction.

    Preface to the First Edition

    W. Jerry Chisum and Brent E. Turvey

    A holistic approach to crime reconstruction

    Relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts. Emphasizing the organic or functional relation between parts and the whole.

    —Holistic, Dictionary Definition

    … what is the nature of the whole, and what is my nature, and how this is related to that, and what kind of a part it is of what kind of a whole.

    —Marcus Aurelius Antonius, 167 CE, Meditations, Book II

    Holistic crime reconstruction is the development of actions and circumstances based on the system of evidence discovered and examined in relation to a particular crime. In this philosophy, the whole body of evidence that comes to light in a given case is treated as interdependent; the significance of each piece, each action, and each event falls and rises on the backs of the others. More evidence gives rise to more meaning, and less evidence necessarily allows for the resolution of less meaning. The reconstruction is a function of this system and how much evidence there is and whether and how it interrelates and maintains its consistency.

    A system of related evidence and any conclusions based thereon are like a mechanical engine or a biological organ, with few if any extraneous parts working judiciously, and in harmony, toward a desired end. If one of the parts fails, then the whole system suffers and may fail. With evidence and its interpretation it is precisely so. Interpretations must be compatible, working in concordance to support each other. Or at the very least not working against each other. Bloodstain pattern interpretations must not contradict the ballistic analysis; trace evidence must not contradict the conclusions of the arson investigator; DNA evidence must not contradict the conclusions of the fingerprint examiner; and so forth. A concordance of the evidence must be apparent. The reason for this is straightforward. Though it can be forgotten in a climate that seeks and rewards certain conclusions, all science, and even forensic science, especially forensic science, is grounded in skepticism. It necessarily follows that a finding out of harmony with any of the others in its system should call one or all into question.

    Origins: the forensic generalist

    The foundation for holistic crime reconstruction doctrine was introduced more than a century ago, with the 1894 publication of Handbuch fur Untersuchungsrichter als System der Kriminalistik (Criminal Investigation: A Practical Textbook for Magistrates, Police Officers and Lawyers) by the renowned Austrian jurist Dr. Johann (Hans) Baptist Gustav Gross (Gross, 1906 and Gross, 1924). The goals of this manual were formative and ambitious: to establish principles of scientific investigation, and to provide for the birth of the scientific investigator. The manual itself was a broad success with international appeal, achieving no less than five English editions (1906, 1924, 1934, 1949, and 1962). It also provided the basis for the practical work later undertaken by French scientist Dr. Edmund Locard when he established what is considered to be the world's first police crime laboratory in Lyon, France, in 1910. Despite the passage of time and advances in technology, the philosophies of System der Kriminalistik remain a touchstone of forensic knowledge and wisdom to the present day.

    The approach to crime reconstruction advocated by Dr. Gross, and subsequent students of his work, was to assign such duties to a scientific investigator—what would be referred to in more modern language as a forensic generalist. The scientific investigator was to be a professional schooled broadly in the subjects of crime, criminals, and the scientific methods of their identification, apprehension, and prosecution. Their role was to understand how the system of evidence and details of a case could be established, how they could be related, and how they could be interpreted. This holistic method, branded by dispassion and an adherence to science, would ideally free the scientific investigator from the constraints of politics, cronyism, and emotional bias.

    The philosophy of Hans Gross was mirrored in many subsequent published works and aspired to in numerous crime labs across the United States.

    The forensic generalist fades

    At present, the forensic generalist is all but a memory, and until recently (Inman and Rudin, 2000 and Savino and Turvey, 2004) had not made an honest appearance in forensic science textbooks since DeForest, Gaensslen, and Lee (1983). More curiously, some forensic professionals at present become angered when generalists are described, let alone remembered. There is more than one reason for the disappearance of the generalist and the related professional sensitivity. We will focus on the three most apparent; the first is over-specialization; the second is diminished crime lab budgets; and the third is the false paradigm of advocacy for one side over another.

    The Gross Facts

    Forensic generalists and forensic specialists alike are required in order for informed forensic case examination, laboratory testing, and crime reconstruction to occur. A forensic generalist is a particular kind of forensic scientist who is broadly educated and trained in a variety of forensic specialties. They are big picture people who can help reconstruct a crime from work performed with the assistance of other forensic scientists, and then direct investigators to forensic specialists as needed. According to DeForest, Gaensslen, and Lee (1983, p. 17):

    Because of the depth and complexity of criminalistics, the need for specialists in inescapable. There can be serious problems, however, with overspecialization. Persons who have a working knowledge of a broad range of criminalistics problems and techniques are also necessary. These people are called generalists. The value of generalists lies in their ability to look at all of the aspects of a complex case and decide what needs to be done, which specialists should be involved, and in which order to carry out the required examinations.

    Specialization occurs when a forensic scientist has been trained in a specific forensic sub-specialty, such as an area of criminalistics, forensic toxicology, forensic pathology, forensic anthropology, or so forth. Forensic specialists provide the bricks, and forensic generalists have traditionally provided the blueprints.

    In the modern forensic system, the majority of forensic scientists have become so specialized in their analytical functions that they are no longer in possession of the gross facts in the cases they work. This is a source of both angst and embarrassment to some crime lab personnel, as they would prefer that their analyses be better informed. Still others would prefer to retain the appearance of overall forensic authority that knowing the full case facts allows. Nowadays, a piece of evidence is brought to a crime lab or examiner, it is examined using a specific method, test, or procedure as the requesting agency dictates, a report of findings is written, and the overall context may or may not be known or even sought. Without the gross facts of a case, and at least some knowledge of assembling them, crime reconstruction cannot occur. Not participating in this process, for lack of skill, time, or invitation, has become a sore point for some in the community of forensic science specialists.

    Underfunded and Understaffed

    In terms of money, government crime laboratory budgets nationwide rarely allow for the full suite of forensic specialties, with, for example, trace evidence units vanishing in the shadow of the forensic titan that DNA has become because of its acceptance by the courts. Money, after all, is allocated for those areas of forensic science that the court has embraced. Money is not allocated for areas of forensic science that the court shows disinterest. And money for research is often a luxury that cannot be afforded at all.

    Further still, government labs have faced severe budget and personnel shortages in recent years. There are several interwoven reasons for this. First, the demand for lab services has increased with the growing national profile of forensic science thanks to the popular media. More law enforcement officers are coming to understand that forensic evidence can help their cases, more juries are expecting it at trial, and as a result government crime labs are being asked to do more examinations on more evidence. Second, practice standards in many regions have evolved to meet the needs of crime lab certification. Nationwide many of the larger government crime labs and lab systems are suffering excruciating independent reviews and scrambling to meet the criteria set down by the American Society of Crime Lab Directors Laboratory Accreditation Board (ASCLD/LAB) in order claim this coveted credential in court. To meet ASCLD/LAB criteria, more of the diminishing lab budget must be spent on quality control, adequate workspace, and adequate evidence tracking and storage. Additionally, each person must complete a proficiency test on each type of evidence they analyze each year. This slows down the amount of time forensic scientists have to work on case material, and can, in extreme cases where there are staff shortages, put the examination of evidence on hold for periods of time. The accreditation process is not easy, and even requires some labs to simply start over and build entirely new multi-million-dollar facilities. This to say nothing of the requirement to hire more adequately qualified personnel, bringing front and center the problem of too few qualified candidates available with less money to pay them. Additionally, new methods of forensic analysis are not encouraged as they must be proven methods—refinements of methods are not allowed. This works against the intention of the scientific method and stamps out the spark of creativity, as many of the past advances in crime lab analysis were the result of experimentation with actual case materials and trying something new. Third, the public funding of state crime labs constantly suffers at the hands of wary voters who tend to lack enthusiasm for raising taxes to help fund education, let alone forensic science.

    With all of these factors at work, many government crime labs do not have the time, the resources, or the personnel to perform their regular analytical casework. As a consequence, backlogs have mounted in almost all areas of forensic analysis. In this environment, the extra time and commitment required for crime reconstruction is an added expense that becomes hard for administrators to justify.

    The Paradigm of Sides

    The paradigm of sides challenges forensic scientists on two fronts, presenting a false choice in which they are invited to abandon their chosen profession for advocacy. First, there is the obvious division between the prosecution and the defense. More than a few forensic scientists work in an environment that rewards them for thinking and behaving as though there is a morally right side of the courtroom, and a morally wrong side of the courtroom. By choosing fidelity to one side of the courtroom over another, the forensic scientist not only loses that which defines them, namely their objectivity, but they also presume a role in court that is not meant for them—that of the trier of fact. It is not the place of the forensic scientist to decide who is worthy of a defense, who is guilty, or how they should be punished. These are moral and legal conclusions, which brings us to the second part of the paradigm of sides: the division between scientific fact and legal truth. The forensic scientist is an educator to the court. It is the role of the forensic scientist to establish scientific fact and explain what it means to an investigator, attorney, judge, or jury in the context of a given case. Moreover, the scientific facts should be the same no matter which side the forensic scientist is working for. It is the role of the judge and jury, not the forensic scientist, to form legal conclusions about who is guilty of what, and what the penalty should be based on the totality of evidence.

    Though often confused, scientific fact and legal truth are not the same thing. Scientific fact is established through careful examination using the scientific method. Legal truth is determined by the trier of fact based on their understanding of the law. This is made abundantly clear in cases of wrongful conviction, where a person may be found legally guilty of a crime without having actually committed it. Subsequently, the abilities of a forensic scientist are not measured in arrests, convictions, or even acquittals, as will be made evident throughout this work. Forensic science, though a servant to court, must serve itself first in order to have any intrinsic value. When science chooses a side other than itself in any conflict or dispute, it is no longer science but advocacy.

    The majority of forensic scientists have no trouble understanding the gravity involved in navigating the paradigm of sides on this level, and would rather resign from a case or an agency than sacrifice their objectivity and integrity. The true forensic scientist knows that their first onus is to their profession, and that if there is no science, there can be no forensic science.

    This community understanding is all well and good until it is remembered that a fair number of forensic scientists work in government crime labs that are housed within, or directly supervised by, police agencies or district attorney's offices. In terms of the actual reconstruction of crime, police and prosecutors are faced with the reality that the scientists they employ may not always agree with their theories regarding a case. In fact, in some instances, the evidentiary findings of the crime lab may hamper or even disprove an important point upon which a police or prosecution theory is built. For some government agencies, this internal evidence based self-correction is a welcome adjustment to the course of a criminal investigation and any future prosecution. However, history has shown that this is not always so. Not all government crime labs enjoy an open or healthy relationship with their law enforcement and prosecutorial supervisors. And a significant number of government agencies remain hesitant to put their scientists in a position where they can reconstruct the crime in its entirety and then be called by the defense as witnesses against them.

    The paradigm of sides presents the forensic scientist with a false choice between prosecution or defense; between scientific fact or legal truth. Pressure to choose can be brought to bear in many ways—personal, professional, and financial. Furthermore, the pressure on a forensic scientist in such environments, to be part of the team and help get the bad guys, can be seductive and overwhelming to the point of assimilation. As will be discussed in future chapters, the rewards for assimilation are great, and the consequences for failing to assimilate can be equally great.

    Overspecialization, diminishing budgets, and the paradigm of sides; in such ways the practice and implementation of crime reconstruction has with some exceptions faded from many crime labs and been moved into the hands of others.

    The authors view this with neither frown nor favor, but rather agree to recognize that it is so. As such, the need for the development of this textbook becomes apparent. Namely, that with its departure from the crime lab, the practice of crime reconstruction is in no small danger of losing its footing on the ascending ladder that is the employment of scientific principles to casework.

    Modern crime reconstruction

    Modern forensic science and crime reconstruction is slowly becoming the work of police technicians trained inexpensively through short courses and lectures, as opposed to formally educated forensic scientists shepherded by mentors of quality experience. The difference between the two is significant. A forensic scientist does not just test or examine evidence and then record the results; they are meant to explore, understand, and explain its significance. Thornton (1997; p. 3) provides a succinct and accurate description:

    The single feature that distinguishes forensic scientists from any other scientist is the certain expectation that they will appear in court and testify to their findings and offer an opinion as to the significance of those findings. The forensic scientist will testify not only to what things are, but to what things mean.

    This is the very heart of crime reconstruction—not just what, where, and when, but also how and why.

    The reconstruction of a crime from physical evidence is the culmination of a long and methodical process. It is the last step in the analytical journey each piece of physical evidence takes from the moment it is recognized at a crime scene. Those steps occur in roughly the same order for each item of evidence:

    1. Recognition

    2. Preservation

    3. Documentation

    4. Collection

    5. Transportation

    6. Identification/Classification

    7. Comparison

    8. Individuation

    9. Interpretation/Reconstruction

    Traditionally, the specific duties are broken down in this way:

    Detective/Investigator/Forensic Technician

    1. Recognition

    2. Preservation

    Forensic Technician (a.k.a. Crime Scene Technician)

    3. Documentation

    4. Collection

    5. Transportation

    Forensic Scientist/Criminalist

    6. Identification/Classification

    7. Comparison

    8. Individuation

    9. Interpretation/Reconstruction

    The problem is that these forensic titles and roles are often mixed, misunderstood, or outright confused, sometimes over many generations of professionals in a given system. As a result, forensic job titles abound, with more than one to describe the same set of duties—crime scene investigator, crime scene technician, forensic investigator, evidence technician, forensic technician, laboratory technician, laboratory specialist, forensic specialist, forensic analyst, forensic scientist, criminalist, etc. What is important to remember about titles is that they are administrative, and not necessarily suggestive of a particular background, education, training, or expertise. It is the work that defines the professional. It is education, training, experience, and the quality of work products that help define expertise.

    For the purposes of this text, it is important to become disentangled from this avalanche of jumbled titles and return to classic definitions for the purpose of clarity.

    A technician is one who is trained in specific procedures, learned by routine or repetition. A forensic technician is trained in the specific procedures related to collecting and even testing evidence found at crime scenes. This is without any need for employing or even understanding the scientific method and the principles of forensic science. This describes the police technicians documenting crime scenes and collecting evidence, and more than a few of the forensic personnel working in government crime labs.

    A scientist is someone who possesses an academic and clinical understanding of the scientific method and the analytical dexterity to construct experiments that will generate the empirical reality that science mandates. A forensic scientist is one who is educated and trained to examine and determine the meaning of physical evidence in accordance with the established principles of forensic science, with the expectation of presenting their findings in court. This describes fewer and fewer of those practicing forensic science in the United States.

    As the authors have experienced on countless cases, it is technicians, investigators, and ultimately attorneys who are actually providing a majority of crime reconstructions in court, often with little understanding of forensic science or the scientific method, to say nothing of the natural limits of physical evidence. Crime lab personnel are performing any necessary laboratory analysis, but police and prosecutors are taking the final step to explain events and their relationships in court. This has the net effect of elevating the lay testimony of investigators and forensic technicians to that of the forensic scientist, and of reducing the expert findings of the forensic scientist to the level of the technician.

    Without the proper scientific foundation, technicians and detectives performing crime reconstructions may do so without a sense of what good science is, and what constitutes the difference between assumptions, opinions, theories, and facts. They also tend to fail with regards to grasping the necessity for testing theories, and for continually attempting to falsify them against the revelations of experimentation and newly developed information. Confirmation of one's theories is easy to find, especially if that is all one seeks. Good science is not about trying to prove one's theories, but rather working tirelessly to disprove them through falsification (Popper, 1963).

    Holistic crime reconstruction

    This textbook is aptly titled Crime Reconstruction. It is not a manual intended to explain the technical mechanics of searching or processing crime scenes, or to delineate the rote procedures related to instrumental laboratory analysis. There are plenty of texts available which adequately cover these very important considerations, without which reconstruction would be impossible. As already discussed, holistic crime reconstruction is the development of actions and circumstances based on the system of evidence discovered and examined in relation to a particular crime. It is best conceived as the function of a forensic generalist. Our purpose is to educate students and prepare generalist practitioners of the forensic sciences as to the manner in which interpretations regarding evidence may be legitimately achieved and expressed.

    As we have suggested, not everyone agrees with the forensic generalist model. One of the philosophical arguments against the generalist is that one cannot be an expert in everything. We do not propose that to perform crime reconstruction one needs to be an expert in all forensic disciplines. We propose that forensic reconstructionists must become an expert in only one: the interpretation of the evidence in context. If students wish to pursue further knowledge about examination and analysis in a particular discipline, then there are several excellent publications that are available for that purpose. However, there has never been a textbook devoted only to the interpretation of evidence in context—the proofs, the perils, and the prevarications. Consequently, those studying and performing crime reconstruction have perhaps lacked some advanced measure of informed guidance on the subject. It is our collective goal to assist with filling that void.

    Crime reconstruction, to be accurate, must be based upon a close scientific examination of the physical evidence and the surrounding environment. These examinations must be the result of applying the scientific method. Interpretations of the meaning of subsequent results must be clearly derived by logic and critical thinking. We will try to explain these concepts so that students can understand that crime reconstruction is not just mere observation and speculation. We will also give students several ways to approach the problem of how reconstruction may be competently performed. Throughout this work we have included reconstruction techniques, interpretation guidelines, and even practice standards.

    Also, students will come to appreciate that the crime scene is a dynamic location; it does not remain virginal or static, as a frozen moment of time, but rather it is constantly subject to change. The greater the time interval between the crime, the documentation, and examination of the scene, the greater the changes may be. These changes we have referred to as evidence dynamics. To be ignorant of the problems inherent in the interpretation of the evidence due to evidence dynamics can result in serious misinterpretation errors.

    Different areas of physical evidence offer opportunities for reconstruction. Bloodstains, Firearms, Arson, and Trace Evidence all contribute to the whole. We have included chapters on each of these types of evidence by some of the leading experts in these fields.

    Finally, there are chapters on ethics and expert testimony, so that students may understand how to comport themselves professionally, and what waits for them in the courtroom. The perspectives of the forensic scientist and the attorney are provided. As readers will come to appreciate, these considerations are far from trivial.

    It is important for students of forensic science to learn that no one discipline can truly stand alone in a reconstruction. Each form of evidence must be in agreement with the other forms that are present. Each part must be meticulously established, and then considered not just on its own but also in its place as part of the greater whole. What is it, how does it fit, and what does it mean in context—these are the questions asked by a reconstructionist.

    Given this holistic approach, the authors of this text have come to view reconstruction as the work of one who is sufficiently educated, trained, and experienced to understand the total body of forensic evidence and analysis in a case. That is, again, the forensic generalist. The generalist-reconstructionist, it must be understood, need not know how to perform all of the forensic examinations that were conducted. They need not have the ability to operate a camera to view a photograph; they need not have the ability to extract DNA and amplify it to comprehend a DNA analyst's report; they need not have the ability to perform an autopsy to understand the cause and manner of death, and appreciate the trajectory of the projectiles that passed through the body. Rather, they must be able to understand what the results of forensic examinations are, how they were reached, what they mean, and then how they may be integrated to create of picture of events. Integration of findings is key, as crime is best reconstructed when forged by a collaboration of the forensic evidence, and not a reliance on one single examination or discipline. To rely on one piece of evidence, or one theory, without placing it in context, is not only potentially misleading, but also a disservice to the justice system that the forensic scientist ultimately serves. It is our collective hope that this text will be worthy of that service, and will assist the next generation of forensic generalists with the difficult tasks that are before them.


    DeForest, P.; Gaennslen, R.; Lee, H., Forensic Science: An Introduction to Criminalistics. ( 1983)McGraw-Hill, New York.

    Gross, H., Criminal Investigation. ( 1906)G. Ramasawmy Chetty & Co, Madras.

    Gross, H., Criminal Investigation. ( 1924)Sweet & Maxwell, London.

    Inman, K.; Rudin, N., Principles and Practice of Criminalistics: The Profession of Forensic Science. ( 2000)CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

    Popper, K., Conjectures and Refutations. ( 1963)Routledge and Keagan Paul, London.

    Savino, J.; Turvey, B., Rape Investigation Handbook. ( 2004)Elsevier Science, London.

    Thornton, J., The general assumptions and rationale of forensic identification, In: (Editors: Faigman, D.L.; Kaye, D.H.; Saks, M.J.; et al.)Modern Scientific Evidence: The Law and Science of Expert Testimony, 2 ( 1997)West Group, St. Paul, MN.


    Brent E. Turvey and William Jerry Chisum¹

    ¹Mr. Chisum served as a peer reviewer for the National Academy of Science report, which also cited the first edition of Crime Reconstruction as a learned treatise on numerous issues.

    The national academy of science report: a mandate for science in forensic science

    The first edition of Crime Reconstruction was written throughout 2005 and early 2006 as a multidisciplinary science text for advanced forensic professionals. It offered a clear rationale for returning to a forensic generalist-oriented model and provided useful tools, guidelines, and even practice standards for physical evidence interpretation. This filled an important gap in the forensic science literature.

    Asserting that evidence interpretation must be a scientific process, Crime Reconstruction reminded the criminal justice community that this task is in the domain of forensic scientists. More specifically, the authors demonstrated collectively that the interpretation of physical evidence should remain the province of forensic scientists trained to apply the scientific method objectively without law enforcement involvement, influence, or oversight. It took a then controversial position that law enforcement investigators should be in charge of the criminal investigation and that forensic scientists should be in charge of the scientific investigation. The view that police employees are capable of acting as wholly objective scientists—while also charged with investigating crime, working with victims, interviewing suspects, and making arrests—was refuted throughout with careful citation of literature, cases, experience, and the applicable principles of cognitive psychology. Until the publication of this first edition, such views were widely held but rarely voiced out of a very real fear among those practicing forensic science—many of whom work for law enforcement agencies.

    One purpose in writing Crime Reconstruction was to acknowledge the current status of the reconstructionist community—that it tends to be inappropriately composed of law enforcement officers and evidence technicians (a.k.a. crime scene investigators) who have, at best, undertaken a short course training model. Such practitioners, while well meaning, tend to use oversimplified reconstruction techniques with little or no actual scientific background (e.g., education in proper use of the scientific method from scientists in a nonlaw enforcement context).

    This second edition of Crime Reconstruction has been adapted to serve both students of forensic science and professional forensic scientists charged with the task of evidence interpretation. Our primary goal was and remains the development of tools and practice standards for the forensic generalist based on the scientific method, analytical logic, and critical thinking.

    Our second edition is also written in the still foaming wake of the National Academy of Science (NAS) report on forensic science. ² This national audit of the forensic science community in the United States, commissioned by the U.S. Congress, lays out both criticisms and mandates that echo those found in our first edition. Because not all forensic science students and professionals have read the NAS report as they should and because its findings and recommendations are so vital to the future of forensic science, a review is necessary.

    ²Edwards, H., and Gotsonis, C. (2009). Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward. Washington, DC: National Academies Press; url:

    The purpose of this preface is to explain our support of the NAS committee on Identifying the Needs of the Forensic Science Community (a.k.a. the NAS report). This includes, specifically, the separation of law enforcement culture and forensic science practice; the development of an independent National Institute of Forensic Science (NIFS); the promulgation of basic scientific education requirements for forensic scientists; and the nurturing of forensic science graduate programs along with related Ph.D.-level research into new forensic methods, fraud, bias, and related error rates. These are issues that the forensic science community has had a half-century to investigate and study, but has instead chosen to ignore. We feel this must change in order that forensic science remains worthy of service to society.

    The nas report—a community response

    The impetus for the NAS report, which is a congressionally funded system-wide investigation and review of the forensic sciences, included the following: publication of an ongoing series of critical legal reviews regarding the tremendous bias and lack of science in forensic practice; ongoing occurrence of highly publicized forensic frauds, blunders, and crime lab scandals across the United States; ever-increasing number of DNA exonerations sourced back to flawed or misleading forensic evidence documented by groups such as the Innocence Project³; and publication of the first edition of this text. All of these are referenced in the final version of the report. The findings were prepared to inform the U.S. Congress, to help them with related legislative and budgetary decisions, per the role of the NAS.


    Judge Harry T. Edwards was the cochair of the NAS committee responsible for investigating the forensic science community and the final NAS report. ⁴ He testified to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary on March 18, 2009, regarding his role and perspective (Edwards, 2009) ⁵:

    I started this project with no preconceived views about the forensic science community.… And I do not watch, CSI programs on television, so I was not affected by Hollywood's exaggerated views of the capacities of forensic disciplines. Rather, I simply assumed, as I suspect many of my judicial colleagues do, that forensic science disciplines typically are grounded in scientific methodology and that crime laboratories and forensic science practitioners generally are bound by solid practices that ensure that forensic evidence offered in court is valid and reliable. I was surprisingly mistaken in what I assumed. The truth is that the manner in which forensic evidence is presented on television—as invariably conclusive and final—does not correspond with reality.

    ⁴The National Academy of Science committee on Identifying the Needs of the Forensic Science Community.

    ⁵Edwards, H. (2009). Statement before United States Senate, Committee on the Judiciary, March 18.

    Since its publication in February 2009, the NAS report has received a number of responses from the professional community. The International Association for Identification released a memo advising that members not assert 100% infallibility (zero error rate) when addressing the reliability of fingerprint comparisons,⁶ despite a century of advocating precisely the opposite; the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) acknowledged that forensic scientists should be assiduously held to Codes of Ethics,⁷ despite the fact that in more than 50 years it has failed to develop one for its membership; and the American Society of Crime Lab Directors responded by endorsing the report's new paradigm and supporting the need for mandating ethics guidelines, ensuring quality through establishing standards for education, training, accreditation, certification, and use of common language.⁸ These are important revelations to be sure. From these and other published accounts, the authors get the impression that forensic organizations worldwide not only endorse the report, but even go so far as to suggest that they have long been agents of the reforms it suggests.

    ⁶Garrett, R. (2009). President, International Association for Identification, open letter to the membership, February 19.

    ⁷Bohan, T. (2009). The American Academy of Forensic Sciences Approves Position Statement in Response to the National Academy of Sciences' Forensic Needs Report, Press Release, AAFS, September 4.

    ASCLD's Comments on the Release of the NAS Report on Forensic Science, press release, American Society of Crime Lab Directors, February 19, 2009; available at

    However, anyone who has read the NAS report will be confronted by two crucial omissions from this wave of organizational endorsements. First, the NAS report makes clear the need for science in forensic science—at the very least practitioners must achieve an undergraduate degree with a formal scientific foundation. Clear organizational statements in favor of requiring a science-oriented undergraduate degree in order to serve as a practicing forensic scientist are absent, as most forensic organizations cater to a law enforcement-based membership. Many law enforcement-employed forensic practitioners lack the ability to meet any degree requirement, relying instead on an experience waiver. Second, the NAS report makes clear the need for separating law enforcement culture from forensic science. This is an issue that forensic science organizations have entirely ignored or opposed because, again, they would lose a significant portion of their membership if they were to follow this mandate.

    While these issues are apparent to any scientist who has read the report, they seem less than apparent to most of the forensic practitioners and attorneys that the authors have discussed the matter with. Subsequently, it has become clear that many practitioners aren't reading the NAS report because they think that they already know what's in it, having read their particular organization's supportive yet narrow responses. They don't know what's in it, why it's important, or even what it means for the community.

    Separating scientific and law enforcement cultures

    Chapter 4 of the NAS report is entitled The Principles of Science and Interpreting Scientific Data. This chapter makes clear what science is, what it involves, and defines it as a culture with its own philosophy, mission, and objectives. It is necessary because so much of the criminal justice community is subordinate to the law, and too many forensic practitioners forget that law and science have different missions. As stated in the NAS report (2009, p. 4-11):

    The methods and culture of scientific research enable it to be a self-correcting enterprise. Because researchers are, by definition, creating new understanding, they must be as cautious as possible before asserting a new truth. Also, because researchers are working at a frontier, few others may have the knowledge to catch and correct any errors they make. Thus, science has had to develop means of revisiting provisional results and revealing errors before they are widely used. The processes of peer review, publication, collegial interactions (e.g., sharing at conferences), and the involvement of graduate students (who are expected to question as they learn) all support this need. Science is characterized also by a culture that encourages and rewards critical questioning of past results and of colleagues. Most technologies benefit from a solid research foundation in academia and ample opportunity for peer-to-peer stimulation and critical assessment, review and critique through conferences, seminars, publishing, and more. These elements provide a rich set of paths through which new ideas and skepticism can travel and opportunities for scientists to step away from their day-to-day work and take a longer-term view. The scientific culture encourages cautious, precise statements and discourages statements that go beyond established facts; it is acceptable for colleagues to challenge one another, even if the challenger is more junior. The forensic science disciplines will profit enormously by full adoption of this scientific culture.

    This is a welcome acknowledgment that the mandates of good science need to be written out and explained, as they are so poorly understood both within the forensic science community and among its end users—the courts and law enforcement. The NAS report also makes clear at multiple points that forensic science is often developed and practiced outside of scientific culture and by nonscientists. Subsequently, the forensic science community has yet to fully embrace fundamental scientific mandates for lack of understanding that they actually exist, let alone that science does not result without them.

    This echoes warnings expressed in Thornton and Peterson (2002), that forensic scientists are rarely trained in the scientific method, do not understand its implications, and that this ignorance leads to abuse. ⁹ Similarly concerned, the authors wrote (Chisum and Turvey, 2007, p. 85): most practicing [forensic examiners] would probably have a great deal of enthusiasm for strict adherence to standards that embrace diminished bias, analytical logic, and the scientific method, if only they understood what these things are.

    ⁹The work of Dr. Joseph L. Peterson, criminalist practitioner, researcher, and educator, is referenced multiple times in the NAS report. He also presented before the NAS committee as part of their inquiry.

    The NAS report further provides for the need to separate the forensic science community from law enforcement culture. This is discussed in many sections, and all throughout Chapter 6, Improving Methods, Practice, and Performance in Forensic Science, where it is explained (2009, p. 6-1):

    The majority of forensic science laboratories are administered by law enforcement agencies, such as police departments, where the laboratory administrator reports to the head of the agency. This system leads to significant concerns related to the independence of the laboratory and its budget. Ideally, public forensic science laboratories should be independent of or autonomous within law enforcement agencies. In these contexts, the director would have an equal voice with others in the justice system on matters involving the laboratory and other agencies. The laboratory also would be able to set its own priorities with respect to cases, expenditures, and other important issues. Cultural pressures caused by the different missions of scientific laboratories vis-à-vis law enforcement agencies would be largely resolved. Finally, the forensic science laboratories would be able to set their own budget priorities and not have to compete with the parent law enforcement agencies.

    The NAS committee's recognition of the incompatibility between scientific and law enforcement/prosecutorial goals, and the bias this can create and has created, is perhaps its most significant contribution to the future of the forensic science community. This is consistent with specific recommendations for separation found in Cooley and Turvey (2007; see also Chapter 4 of this work), ¹⁰ which cites back to Giannelli (1997), ¹¹ Starrs (1993), ¹² and Kirk and Bradford (1965). ¹³

    ¹⁰Cooley, C., and Turvey, B. (2007). Observer effects and examiner bias: Psychological influences on the forensic examiner. In Crime Reconstruction (W.J. Chisum and B. Turvey, eds). Boston: Elsevier Science.

    ¹¹Giannelli, P.C. (1997). The abuse of scientific evidence in criminal cases: The need for independent crime laboratories. Virginia Journal of Social Policy Law, 4:439–470.

    ¹²Starrs, J. (1993). The seamy side of forensic science: The mephitic stain of Fred Salem Zain. Scientific Sleuthing Review, 17:1–8, Winter.

    ¹³Kirk, P., and Bradford, L. (1965). The Crime Laboratory: Organization and Operation. New York: Charles C. Thomas.

    Forensic scientists perform objective analysis on evidence in order to educate the triers of fact. As such, their methods and means should not be biased by, aligned with, or subordinate to the law enforcement mission. They must not be measured by arrests assisted or convictions secured. They must also not compete with police budgets, with lab equipment set against patrol car maintenance. They must be under the management of other scientists and be evaluated and promoted by virtue of their scientific competence.

    If readers take nothing else from the NAS report, let it be that science cannot survive, and therefore does not belong, in the culture of law enforcement. This means that every government-funded crime lab must be removed from law enforcement oversight or affiliation and made an autonomously run government entity.

    The forensic science community cannot reform itself

    As explained in the NAS report, the forensic science community is fragmented and broken; it cannot identify, let alone fix, its own problems, and does not speak with a single voice about what is best for its future. Moreover, it has proven incapable of holding itself accountable for anything that it does—with a history of failing to correct identifiable errors and scientific deficiencies.

    Consider the following two examples:

    The American Academy of Forensic Sciences: The AAFS is often touted as a forward-thinking, science-minded professional organization, with respect to promoting good practice and educational development in the forensic sciences. In reality, the AAFS is primarily a professional networking organization with many nonscience and law enforcement members, including a jurisprudence section for attorneys and judges and a general section for law enforcement employees unable to join other sections. It does not mandate a science degree for membership or advancement, offers no general knowledge exam or certification, and has no specific ethical guidelines for members save those that protect the interests of AAFS. Also, numerous AAFS members remain in good standing despite having been determined by the courts to have provided false and misleading credentials, testimony, or findings under oath. The value of any professional organization is found in the degree to which it credentials and regulates its membership, and the AAFS fails both of these tests.

    American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board (ASCLD/LAB): ASCLD-LAB is the laboratory accrediting body founded by ASCLD. It is governed by lab directors drawn from the very labs that it accredits. This means that it is run by laboratory stakeholders and is not an independent, impartial credentialing body. They do not see it as useful to revoke the credentials of members. Nor do they see it as beneficial to make audit results public. The FBI lab did not lose their ASCLD/LAB accreditation after the fingerprinting errors revealed in the Brandon Mayfield case nor were they sanctioned; DNA Security Inc. didn't lose their ASCLD/LAB accreditation after its senior (and sole) analyst committed forensic fraud in the Duke–Lacrosse rape case. In fact, no known penalties were levied. These are anathema to good scientific practice.

    Moreover, ASCLD/LAB requires that accredited labs set laboratory procedures in stone. Deviations from established procedures are not allowed—reducing any scientist to a technician's role. This sounds good unless the procedure is dated or uninformed, as may be the case. It also goes against the spirit of the scientific method (developing, testing, and eliminating all possibilities). Forensic scientists are not free to try new methods published in scientific journals and analyze evidence within the constraints of a particular case under the ASCLD/LAB must be in the lab manual model. That is, unless they have the time develop new standards and protocols, which most labs do not with their caseloads and backlogs. Subsequently, they are compelled to stick with old methodologies and are generally unable to innovate.

    These examples, taken from many, show how self-interested and unscientific the forensic science community can be when governing itself. However, the most compelling argument that the forensic science community cannot reform itself is that after more than 50 years it hasn't. The NAS report is clear on this issue, and its findings have the virtue of being both informed and impartial.

    The adversarial process cannot reform the forensic science community

    Contrary to arguments made by those advocating against forensic reform, judges and lawyers have not held the forensic science community accountable for identifiable errors and scientific deficiencies. As explained in the NAS report (2009, p. S-19):

    The adversarial process relating to the admission and exclusion of scientific evidence is not suited to the task of finding scientific truth. The judicial system is encumbered by, among other things, judges and lawyers who generally lack the scientific expertise necessary to comprehend and evaluate forensic evidence in an informed manner, trial judges (sitting alone) who must decide evidentiary issues without the benefit of judicial colleagues and often with little time for extensive research and reflection, and the highly deferential nature of the appellate review afforded trial courts' Daubert rulings. Given these realities, there is a tremendous need for the forensic science community to improve. Judicial review, by itself, will not cure the infirmities of the forensic science community.

    The point, which cannot be stressed enough, is reiterated later in the NAS report with less diplomacy (2009, p. 1-14):

    The bottom line is simple: In a number of forensic science disciplines, forensic science professionals have yet to establish either the validity of their approach or the accuracy of their conclusions, and the courts have been utterly ineffective in addressing this problem. For a variety of reasons—including the rules governing the admissibility of forensic evidence, the applicable standards governing appellate review of trial court decisions, the limitations of the adversary process, and the common lack of scientific expertise among judges and lawyers who must try to comprehend and evaluate forensic evidence—the legal system is ill-equipped to correct the problems of the forensic science community. In short, judicial review, by itself, is not the answer.

    We agree that judicial review is not and never has been the answer to quality forensic science for the following reasons—beyond the lack of scientific expertise among jurists.

    Scientific fact and legal truth are not the same, despite their confusion by some. Scientific fact refers to information and events that have been established based on a broad factual record to a reasonable degree of scientific certainty by scientists using the scientific method. Legal truth refers to information and events that have been established by a court ruling based on a narrow factual record—at the discretion of either a judge or a jury. Scientific fact is the result of objective and analytical deliberation; legal truth is the result of something else entirely, as explained in Thornton and Peterson (2002, p. 149) ¹⁴:

    Scientific truths are established when the validity of a proposition is proven to the satisfaction of a prudent and rational mind. Legal truths are not established by the exercise of the scientific method, but by the processes of the adversary system.

    The role of physical evidence in the administration of justice may reasonably be described as follows: Science offers a window through which the law may view the technological advances of our age. Science spreads out a smorgasbord of (hopefully) valid facts and, having proudly displayed its wares, stands back. The law now picks out those morsels that appear most attractive to it, applying selection criteria that may or may not have anything to do with science. These selection criteria may appear sensible, even obligatory to the law, but may appear illogical or even whimsical to science.

    Scientific fact and legal truth are therefore very different propositions. Not only are they established by entirely different means, they are also sought for what can be incompatible ends. Science seeks to find out what happened and why; the law seeks just resolution of legal conflict.

    ¹⁴Thornton, J., and Peterson, J. (2002). The general assumptions and rationale of forensic identification. In Modern Scientific Evidence: The Law and Science of Expert Testimony (D.L. Faigman, D.H. Kaye, M.J. Saks, and J. Sanders, eds.). St. Paul, MN: West Group.

    Moreover, judicial players have their own agendas and cultures to satisfy. None of this is a secret, but it will not be heard from beneficiaries of the current law enforcement-dominated forensic science community. In plain language, too many prosecutors are focused on obtaining convictions, not justice or fact finding; too many defense attorneys lack sufficient motive, education, or resources to really question law enforcement employed or affiliated forensic personnel; too many attorneys on both sides are content to hire experts who are either ignorant of science or ignore it in their interpretation of evidence; and too often judges are former prosecutors with the agenda of protecting law enforcement-employed or -affiliated forensic personnel from scrutiny—serving as back-up prosecutors rather than neutral interpreters of the law.

    Because there is a need to separate forensic science from law enforcement culture, because the forensic science community cannot reform itself, and because the adversarial process is not suited to the task developing and regulating scientific practice, we wholly support the NAS report's recommendation for the development of a National Institute of Forensic Science (NIFS). This would be an independent federal agency that is not in any way committed to the existing system and not part of a law enforcement agency, with a culture that is strongly rooted in science and must be wholly endorsed (2009, p. S-13). It must be created separate from DOJ, separate from any law enforcement oversight, and separate from any law enforcement budget priorities.

    The authors hope that the NIFS would not be composed of members drawn from ASCLD or ASCLD/LAB, the FBI, or those strongly affiliated with the AAFS, as this would perpetuate the very problems it should seek to alleviate. Instead, the NIFS should be run by a strong leader from the forensic science community with no political loyalties or employment ties to its end users (e.g., law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies). It should be governed by a body composed of scientists from various applied and research backgrounds who are also not compromised by an employment or funding relationship with end users. It would be best composed of scientists, and for scientists, to serve the justice system most effectively.

    Forensic scientists must meet basic educational requirements: they must be educated as scientists

    The imposition of basic educational standards is one of the greatest challenges confronting the forensic science community. A major contributing factor to the problem is, again, the alignment of forensic science with law enforcement. Many forensic examiners work for or within law enforcement agencies that have very low educational requirements—where a vocational criminal justice degree is viewed as an acceptable substitute for a scientific education. This is not something that the law enforcement community prefers to acknowledge or be reminded of. To retain membership of the nonscientific forensic examiners employed by law enforcement, most forensic organizations either do not impose degree requirements or provide exceptions for law enforcement experience. This has created one of the most serious problems identified by the NAS report: an overall lack of scientific education and training, let alone a culture of science, in the forensic sciences.

    The NAS report makes clear in its discussion of education reform that an undergraduate degree in the forensic sciences, or some other related science, is necessary and that a graduate degree is preferable. It also provides that on the job training is an inadequate substitute (2009, p. 8-1):

    Forensic examiners must understand the principles, practices, and contexts of science, including the scientific method. Training should move away from reliance on the apprentice-like transmittal of practices to education at the college level and beyond that is based on scientifically valid principles, as discussed in Chapter 4. For example, in addition to learning a particular methodology through a lengthy apprenticeship or workshop during which a trainee discerns and learns to copy the skills of an experienced examiner, the junior person should learn what to measure, the associated population statistics (if appropriate), biases and errors to avoid, other threats to the validity of the evidence, how to calculate the probability that a conclusion is valid, and how to document and report the analysis. Among many skills, forensic science education and training must provide the tools needed to understand the probabilities and the limits of decision making under conditions of uncertainty.

    To correct some of the existing deficiencies, the starting place must be better undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as increased opportunities for continuing education. Legitimating practices in the forensic science disciplines must be based on established scientific knowledge, principles, and practices, which are best learned through formal education and training and the proper conduct of research.

    This runs contrary to the views of many law enforcement forensic

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