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Rappaccini's Daughter: A Bilingual English-Russian Edition
Rappaccini's Daughter: A Bilingual English-Russian Edition
Rappaccini's Daughter: A Bilingual English-Russian Edition
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Rappaccini's Daughter: A Bilingual English-Russian Edition

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This bilingual English-Russian edition of Hawthorne's famous story Rappaccini's Daughter was prepared for those who want to perfect their skills in reading advanced English and/or Russian. This book is a classic story of romance presented in a bilingual English-Russian edition, with sentences of the original and the translation consecutively aligned. The goal is to help the readers follow the source text closely, comparing it with the translation, sentence by sentence, paying attention to the lexical, grammatical, and syntactical correspondences. Hawthorne published Rappaccini's Daughter in 1844, and the first Russian translation saw light already in 1853. Hawthorne's work gained fame in Russia due to the author's exceptional talent in depicting complex moral dilemmas, his mastery in crafting the plot, and his ability to capture the reader's attention with his elegant style and exquisite imagery. This present bilingual edition of the story is based on the first Russian translation of 1853. Filling in some missing sections in the translation and correcting occasional errors, this revision follows the rules and norms of the modern Russian orthography and punctuation, while seeking to retain the authenticity and the beauty of the 19th century literary language. While this bilingual text is addressed primarily to speakers of Russian who desire to master advanced literary English, it may provide a worthwhile reading experience for speakers of English who are familiar with this classic text and who are interested in mastering advanced literary Russian.
Release dateNov 25, 2019
Rappaccini's Daughter: A Bilingual English-Russian Edition

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Nathaniel Hawthorne was born is Salem, Massachusetts in 1804. His father died when he was four years old. His first novel, Fanshawe, was published anonymously at his own expense in 1828. He later disowned the novel and burned the remaining copies. For the next twenty years he made his living as a writer of tales and children's stories. He assured his reputation with the publication of The Scarlet Letter in 1850 and The House of the Seven Gables the following year. In 1853 he was appointed consul in Liverpool, England, where he lived for four years. He died in 1864.

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    Rappaccini's Daughter - Nathaniel Hawthorne

    Nathaniel Hawthorne

    Rappaccini’s Daughter

    A Bilingual English-Russian Edition

    This edition is based on an anonymous Russian translation of 1853

    Revised, aligned and produced by Leonid Kolker

    Edited by Olena Kolker

    Cover Davyd Kolker

    © 2019 by Leonid Kolker

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means – for example, electronic, photocopy, recording – without the prior written permission of the publisher. For information, address the publisher at:

    Rappaccini’s Daughter

    A young man, named Giovanni Guasconti, came, very long ago, from the more southern region of Italy, to pursue his studies at the University of Padua. Много лет назад молодой человек, по имени Джованни Гуасконти, родом с юга Италии, приехал в Падую, чтобы продолжать курс наук в знаменитом университете этого города.

    Giovanni, who had but a scanty supply of gold ducats in his pocket, took lodgings in a high and gloomy chamber of an old edifice which looked not unworthy to have been the palace of a Paduan noble, and which, in fact, exhibited over its entrance the armorial bearings of a family long since extinct. Золота у Джованни в кармане было немного, поэтому и поселился он в высокой мрачной комнате старинного здания, которое, впрочем, достойно было служить дворцом какому-нибудь падуанскому вельможе и над дверьми которого красовался герб давно угасшей фамилии.

    The young stranger, who was not unstudied in the great poem of his country, recollected that one of the ancestors of this family, and perhaps an occupant of this very mansion, had been pictured by Dante as a partaker of the immortal agonies of his Inferno. Молодой иностранец, знавший великую итальянскую поэму, припомнил, что Данте поместил в своем аду, между страдающими в посмертных муках, одного из членов этого семейства, быть может, даже одного из старинных обитателей этого самого здания.

    These reminiscences and associations, together with the tendency to heartbreak natural to a young man for the first time out of his native sphere, caused Giovanni to sigh heavily as he looked around the desolate and ill-furnished apartment. Такое воспоминание, вместе с наклонностью к меланхолии, столь естественной в молодом человеке, впервые вышедшем из круга, где он родился, заставило Джованни глубоко вздохнуть, когда он обвел взглядом мрачную, плохо обставленную комнату.

    Holy Virgin, signor! cried old Dame Lisabetta, who, won by the youth's remarkable beauty of person, was kindly endeavoring to give the chamber a habitable air, "what a sigh was that to come out of a young man's heart! – Пресвятая Богородица! – воскликнула старуха Лизабетта, которая, придя в восторг при виде замечательной красоты Джованни, старалась придать этой комнате более жилой характер, – что может значить подобный вздох, когда у вас такое молодое сердце?

    Do you find this old mansion gloomy? For the love of Heaven, then, put your head out of the window, and you will see as bright sunshine as you have left in Naples." Этот старый особняк кажется вам, быть может, слишком мрачен? Ради Бога, выгляньте только в окно, и вы увидите такое же чудное солнце, как то, которое вы оставили в Неаполе.

    Guasconti mechanically did as the old woman advised, but could not quite agree with her that the Paduan sunshine was as cheerful as that of southern Italy. Гуасконти машинально последовал совету старухи, но он не нашел, чтобы падуанское солнце было такое же веселое, как солнце южной Италии.

    Such as it was, however, it fell upon a garden beneath the window and expended its fostering influences on a variety of plants, which seemed to have been cultivated with exceeding care. Однако же, каково бы оно ни было, оно все-таки освещало сад, расположенный под окнами, и разливало свою живительную теплоту по множеству растений, за которыми, по-видимому, смотрели с необыкновенным старанием.

    Does this garden belong to the house? asked Giovanni. – Сад этот принадлежит хозяину вашего дома? – спросил Джованни.

    Heaven forbid, signor, unless it were fruitful of better pot herbs than any that grow there now, answered old Lisabetta. "No; that garden is cultivated by the own hands of Signor Giacomo Rappaccini, the famous doctor, who, I warrant him, has been heard of as far as Naples. – Упаси Бог, синьор! Ах, если бы в нем росли лучшие травы, нежели те, что произрастают сейчас, – отвечала Лизабетта. – Нет, синьор, над этим садом трудится синьор Джакомо Раппачини, тот знаменитый доктор, о котором слух, без сомнения, дошел и до Неаполя.

    It is said that he distils these plants into medicines that are as potent as a charm. Говорят, что он из этих растений делает лекарства такие же сильные и могущественные, как чары.

    Oftentimes you may see the signor doctor at work, and perchance the signora, his daughter, too, gathering the strange flowers that grow in the garden." Вы часто будете видеть синьора доктора, а может быть, и синьору дочь его занятыми собиранием чужеземных цветов, растущих в их саду.

    The old woman had now done what she could for the aspect of the chamber; and, commending the young man to the protection of the saints, took her departure. Старуха, истощив все старания, чтобы сделать комнату как можно более пригодной для проживания, вышла из нее, поручив молодого человека заступничеству всех святых.

    Giovanni still found no better occupation than to look down into the garden beneath his window. Джованни не мог придумать себе лучшего занятия, как любоваться садом.

    From its appearance, he judged it to be one of those botanic gardens which were of earlier date in Padua than elsewhere in Italy or in the world. По виду он принял его за один из тех ботанических садов, которые в Падуе появились ранее, чем в остальной части Италии и даже в целом свете.

    Or, not improbably, it might once have been the pleasure-place of an opulent family; for there was the ruin of a marble fountain in the centre, sculptured with rare art, but so woefully shattered that it was impossible to trace the original design from the chaos of remaining fragments. Может быть, он служил увеселительным садом богатого семейства, потому что посредине виднелись развалины мраморного фонтана дивной работы; но теперь он был до того разбит и изувечен, что в этом хаосе разбросанных осколков невозможно было узнать первоначального рисунка.

    The water, however, continued to gush and sparkle into the sunbeams as cheerfully as ever. Вода, однако же, продолжала бить и сверкать

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