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MATLAB SIMULATION OF FS-1015 LPC-10e COPYRIGHT (C) 1996-99 ANDREAS SPANIAS and TED PAINTER This Copyright applies only to this particular MATLAB implementation of the LPC-10e coder. The MATLAB software is intended only for educational purposes. No other use is intended or authorized. This is not a public domain program and unauthorized distribution to individuals or networks is prohibited. Be aware that use of the standard in any form is goverened by rules of the US DoD. This program is free software. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. There is no commitment or even implied commitment on behalf of Andreas Spanias or Ted Painter for maintenance or support of this code. MATLAB is trademark of The Mathworks Inc ALL DERIVATIVE WORKS MUST INCLUDE THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. ****************************************************************** TBDM PORTED TO MATLAB FROM LPC-55 C RELEASE 3-1-94 ****************************************************************** DESCRIPTION COMPUTE HIGH RESOLUTION AVERAGE MAGNITUDE DIFFERENCE FUNCTION (AMDF) FOR USE IN FIRST-PASS PITCH ESTIMATE. DESIGN NOTES A) A LOGARITHMICALLY SPACED LAG, 60-POINT AMDF IS CALCULATED AND ITS MINIMUM FOUND. AMDF MINIMA USUALLY INDICATE PERIODICITY IN THE INPUT SIGNAL. B) PRECEDING COARSE ESTIMATES OF THE MINIMUM AND LAG VALUES ARE RESOLVED TO ONE SAMPLE. C) LAGS AT THE UPPER OCTAVE FREQUENCY ARE CHECKED. IF THE MINIMUM OF THE AMDF IS FOUND IN THIS REGION, THE MINPTR IS SET TO THE UPPER OCTAVE FREQUENCY (-20 LAGS). D) MINIMUM OF THE AMDF COARSE RESOLUTION FUNCTION IS ASSIGNED TO THE HIGH-RESOLUTION MINIMUM FOUND ABOVE, EVEN THOUGH THE TAU ARRAY MAY NOT CONTAIN THE CORRESPONDING LAG VALUE. E) THE LOCAL MAXIMUM OF THE AMDF FUNCTION IS FOUND WITHIN +/- HALF AN OCTAVE OF THE AMDF MINIMUM. A MAXIMUM OF 68 AMDF POINTS ARE COMPUTED. EACH AMDF POINT REQUIRES 39 SUMMATIONS, THEREFORE A MAXIMUM OF 2652 AMDF SUMMATIONS ARE COMPUTED. VARIABLES OUTPUTS amdf minptr maxptr mintau average magnitude difference function, 60 lags (tau) index of AMDF min index of AMDF max within +/- 1/2 octave of min lag corresponding to minimum AMDF value

% INPUTS % speech - spectrally flatted, inverse filtered speech % tau - table of lags % % INTERNAL % LTAU - index of last tau lag (60) % tau2 - table of lags for high-res estimate % amdf2 - amdf function for high-res estimate % ltau2 - used to construct table of lags close to AMDF min % minp2 - high-res estimate min index % maxp2 - high-res estimate max index % minamd - AMDF minimum % ptr - "" "" % minptr - "" "" % maxptr - used to find maximum within 1/2 octave of minimum % i - general purpose integer index % % ****************************************************************** function [ amdf, minptr, maxptr, mintau ] = tbdm( speech, tau ) % DECLARE GLOBAL VARIABLES global LTAU tau2; % DECLARE AND INITIALIZE LOCAL VARIABLES amdf = zeros( LTAU, 1 ); amdf2 = zeros( 6, 1 ); % COMPUTE FULL AMDF USING LOG SPACED LAGS, FIND COARSE MINIMUM [ amdf, minptr, maxptr ] = difmag( speech, tau, LTAU, tau(LTAU), amdf ); mintau = tau( minptr ); minamd = fix( amdf( minptr ) ); % BUILD TABLE CONTAINING ALL LAGS WITHIN +/-3 OF THE AMDF MINIMUM % EXCLUDING ALL THAT HAVE ALREADY BEEN COMPUTED ltau2 = 0; ptr = minptr - 2; i = max( mintau-3, 41 ); while i <= min( mintau+3, tau( LTAU ) ) while tau( ptr ) < i ptr = ptr + 1; end if tau( ptr ) ~= i ltau2 = ltau2 + 1; tau2( ltau2 ) = i; end i = i+1; end % COMPUTE AMDF OF THE NEW LAGS, IF THERE ARE ANY, AND CHOOSE ONE IF IT % IS BETTER THAN THE COARSE MINIMUM if ltau2 > 0 [ amdf2, minp2, maxp2 ] = difmag( speech, tau2, ltau2, tau(LTAU), amdf2 ); if amdf2( minp2 ) < minamd mintau = tau2( minp2 ); minamd = fix( amdf2( minp2 ) ); end end % CHECK ONE OCTAVE UP, IF THERE ARE ANY LAGS NOT YET COMPUTED

if mintau >= 80 i = fix( mintau * 0.5 ); if rem( i, 2 ) == 0 ltau2 = 2; tau2(1) = i-1; tau2(2) = i+1; else ltau2 = 1; tau2(1) = i; end [ amdf2, minp2, maxp2 ] = difmag( speech, tau2, ltau2, tau(LTAU), amdf2 ); if amdf2( minp2 ) < minamd mintau = tau2( minp2 ); minamd = fix( amdf2( minp2 ) ); minptr = minptr-20; end end % FORCE MINIMUM OF THE AMDF ARRAY TO THE HIGH RESOLUTION MINIMUM amdf( minptr ) = minamd; % FIND MAXIMUM OF AMDF WITHIN 1/2 OCTAVE OF MINIMUM maxptr = max( minptr-5, 1 ); i = maxptr+1; while i <= min( minptr+5, LTAU ) if amdf(i) > amdf(maxptr) maxptr = i; end i = i+1; end

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