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Getting Started with

SMART Response LE
SMART Technologies Nov 2009
The SMART Response LE
interactive response system
helps you deliver assessments
and record student results.
In order to deliver assessments
with SMART Response LE you
need to set up the system.
SMART Response LE system
setup includes:
Software setup
Swilching lo SMAPT Pesponse LL operaling mode
Slarling a class
Hardware setup
Pairing lhe sludenl clickers lo your receiver
Pairing each clicker lo a sludenl
Before completing this lesson, ensure that you:
Pead lhe documenl Setting up the
SMART Response interactive response system to
collect and store student responses
lnslall SMAPT Pesponse LL and SMAPT Nolebook
software on the computer you will use to display
Creale a SMAPT Pesponse Teacher lle and sel up
your class lists
Setting up SMART Response LE
You want to deliver an assessment, save the results of your
assessmenl and link lhe resulls lo your sludenls. To do lhis,
you need lo complele lhe lollowing lasks in
SMART Response software:
Swilch lo SMAPT Pesponse LL operaling mode
Slarl a class
Switching to SMART Response LE
operating mode
SMART Response software operates in one of three modes:
SMAPT Pesponse
SMAPT Pesponse LL
SMAPT Pesponse CL
The default mode is determined during the software
inslallalion process, bul you can swilch modes al any lime.
To switch to SMART Response LE operating mode
1. Stop any running classes, and close
SMAPT Nolebook and Teacher Tools il lhey
are running
2. Select Start > All Programs > SMART
Technologies > SMART Response > Setup Tool.
The SMART Response Setup Tool window appears.
3. Select SMART Response LE clickers. A message
appears stating that your setup has changed.
4. Click OK
When you start SMART Response, your students can answer
questions using the method you selected.
Starting a class
When you start a class, your SMART Response receiver
broadcasls a radio lrequency signal lhal allows sludenl
clickers lo connecl lo your compuler. Slarl a class wilh
a class list to set up your hardware.
To start a class
!. Connecl your receiver
2. Click lhe SMART Response icon in the Windows
nolilcalion area, and lhen selecl lhe icon below
Teacher Tools
3. If Teacher Tools opens in Basic view, click
Start a Class, and then select the class from the
drop-down list.

If Teacher Tools opens to the Gradebook view, select
the class lrom lhe area below Gradebook, and then
click Start Class.
The receivers power LED ashes, and then turns solid green,
and the receivers transmit LED ashes green. You can now
sel up lhe clickers.
Note: Do not select Anonymous Mode from this drop-down list.
NOTE: ll you have bolh lypes ol SMAPT Pesponse clickers
available in your classroom, choose lhe mode lhal malches lhe
lype ol clicker you're using, and use only lhal lype ol clicker while
in that mode.
Getting Started with SMART Response LE
SMART Technologies Nov 2009
2009 SMAPT Technologies ULC. All righls reserved. SMAPT 8oard, smarllech and lhe SMAPT logo
are lrademarks ol SMAPT Technologies ULC. All olher lhird-parly producl and company names
may be lrademarks ol lheir respeclive owners. Prinled in Canada !!/2009.
You have learned how to:
Swilch lo SMAPT Pesponse LL operaling mode
Pair each clicker lo a sludenl and lo your receiver
Additional Information
lollow lhese links lor more inlormalion aboul lhe
SMART Response system.

lirsl lime selup. Collecl and slore sludenl responses
Praclice. Managing your class lisls
Tutorial: Managing your class lists
NOTE: ln lhe Sludenl lab ol your Teacher Tools Cradebook, lhe
Slalus column displays a green lighl lo indicale lhal lhe clicker
is connected.
Tip: ll is a good idea lo label lhe clicker wilh lhe name ol
lhe sludenl il belongs lo. To display lhe clicker lD, press lhe
Ask a Question bullon.
Setting up SMART Response LE
SMAPT Pesponse LL makes il
easy for your students to
connect to your class.

First, you need to set up the
sludenl clickers. You will pair
each clicker lo.
Your receiver
A sludenl
Pairing the student clickers with
your receiver
Pairing lhe sludenl clickers lo your receiver ensures lhal lhe
clickers communicale properly wilh your specilc class, and
not others. You must connect the receiver and start a class
belore you can pair lhe clickers wilh lhe receiver.
To pair student clickers with your receiver
!. Press and hold lhe clicker's Power and Home
bullons simullaneously lor lwo seconds
2. Using lhe clicker's Up and Down bullons, selecl
Scan & Pick, and then press Enter.
Finding classes... appears while the clicker searches
for available classrooms.
3. Choose your class lrom lhe lisl by scrolling wilh
lhe clicker's Up and Down bullons, and lhen press
Enter. If your connection is successful, a Paired
With RCV message appears.
Pairing each clicker to a student
You musl program each sludenl's clicker wilh a unique
clicker lD number. When your sludenls connecl lo a class,
SMAPT Pesponse sollware checks lheir clicker's lD againsl
lhe class lisl lo see il lhey are valid members ol lhe class. ll
lheir clicker's lD isn'l unique or in lhe class lisl, lhe clicker
wont connect.
To program clicker IDs
!. Turn oll lhe clicker il il's lurned on
2. Press lhe Power and Home bullons simullaneously.
Teacher Mode appears on lhe clicker's display.
3. Using the Up and Down bullons, scroll lo
Clicker ID, and then press Enter.
NOTE: The Clicker lDs musl be unique and musl correspond lo
lhe sludenl's Clicker lD in your class lisl.
4. Using the Up and Down bullons, selecl a unique
number belween ! and !99, and lhen press lhe
Home bullon
5. Using the Up and Down bullons, scroll lo Exit, and
then press Enter. The clicker reslarls and is ready
to use. A Hello message lollowed by lhe sludenl's
name appears on lhe clicker's display.

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