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Poetic Devices

Definitions of Poetic Devices simile alliteration a comparison using "as" or "like" the deliberate repetition of consonant sounds deliberate repetition of identical or similar assonance vowel sounds an address to a person absent or dead or to an apostrophe abstract entity diction poet's distinctive choices in vocabulary echo repetition of key word or idea for effect hyperbole exaggeration for dramatic effect a comparison not using as or like when one metaphor thing is said to be another "sound echoing sense"; use of words onomatopoeia resembling the sounds they mean a seeming contradiction in two words put oxymoron together seeming contradiction that surprises by its paradox pithiness attribution of human motives or behaviours to personification impersonal agencies a pair of lines which end-rhyme expressing one rhyming couplet clear thought rhyme repetition of same sounds internal 'feel' of beat and metre perceived when rhythm poetry is read aloud tone, mood feelings or meanings conveyed in the poem

Millcrest Academy ? 1999

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