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Daniel Medvedov

Estudios sobre el YOGA


Daro Lancini Estudios sobre el YOGA


El Yoga se hace HOY, no maana, no despus. Por ello, mi querido amigo Daro Lancini ha creado este palndromo-mantra, para los practicantes de ahora, de hoy.




YOGA con Daniel Medvedov

(Yogui MANASAHAMSA) Yo no invento nada, slo transmito la sabidura de los antiguos sabios: soy un heraldo que anuncia bienes. Mi Yoga es tradicional. Es un legado de antiguos y actuales maestros, pero ahora yo soy el responsable de mis enseanzas. No necesito hablar siempre de mis maestros: he madurado. Soy autnomo, libre, independiente. Cuando el joven se casa, debe dejar de hablar tanto de su padre. Es tiempo para despertar, para recibir la claridad de la luz que brilla en pleno da, en la plena realidad.

No ms arrimarse a los antiguos y a los que te han precedido: ya ellos han hecho lo que tenan que hacer. Ahora es tu turno, es tiempo de practicar y acaso, si se te es pedido, ensear lo que has comprendido. Insinuar que has estudiado con grandes maestros y que por ello t tambin sabes, es como hablar de las universidades donde te has graduado para que los dems estn asegurados que eres un experto, por el mero hecho de haber estado en Oxford. No necesito citar a nadie: me basta con los que creen en m y en mis palabras, aunque sea uno solo. A ese pasar el testigo que me ha sido entregado en el gran estadio de la existencia, lugar donde todos corremos para alcanzar el premio.

Qu es lo que yo enseo?
Yo enseo doce cosas: 1. Castillos Digitales (Los MUDRAS, nudos energticos que se hacen con los dedos de las manos) 2. Gestos Rituales (Los HASTA, ademanes de poder que se hacen con los brazos) 3. Posturas de Dignidad (Los ASANAS, modos de sentarse en el espacio, adoptando una figura energtica con el cuerpo) 4. Concentracin (SAMYAMA, o dirigir la atencin hacia una sola cosa)

5. Contemplacin (DHYANA, la percepcin instantnea de la Realidad) 6. Equilibrio, Ponderacin, Balance (Del Cuerpo, del Alma, del Intelecto) 7. Consciencia del Ser (El PURUSHA, Yo verdadero) 8. Palabras Sagradas (MANTRAS) 9. Escuchar el Sonido Interno y Externo de la Vida (SHABDA) 10. Limpieza de los Emuntorios (Kriya, la Purificacin de los agregados) 11. Respiracin (PRANAYANA) 12. La comprensin del Vaco (Sunyata) Con slo esas doce cosas, un practicante de YOGA puede adquirir la Madurez y es posible que despierte, para estar preparado para la Iluminacin, fenmeno personal que slo ocurre a pocos en esta vida. El paso previo al despertar es la Realizacin, una sensacin de plenitud y contentura con lo que haces, con lo que tienes y con lo que eres. Eso es todo. TAT TVAM ASI

Alfa-Yoga es una prctica libre, autnoma e independiente. No pertenece a sistema alguno y respeta sus propios lmites. Alfa-Yoga es:

educarse a si mismo en la discrecin y la sobriedad curarse a si mismo a travs de una continua recuperacin del estado original de la salud economizar el tiempo para si mismo, reduciendo lo compromisos investigarse a si mismo para descubrir el Ser prepararse a si mismo y aplicar en la vida diaria tal preparacin construir un espacio para si mismo en el que hacer diario y consagrarlo para la prctica jugar y recrearse a travs del humor y la bsqueda del arte crear nuevas situaciones para la expansin del nopensamiento personal recordar las enseanzas de los maestros tradicionales y buscar nuevos criterios retroceder continuamente hacia el Ser para percibir las cosas desde esta perspectiva existencial ALFA YOGA AUM YO YA ESO AS AQU MANASAHAMSA

Cada da, en la bella maana, luego de llevar a mi nia a la escuela, retorno cantando el Gayatri Mantra: Om, Bhur, Bhuvah, Svar Tat Savitur Vareniya Bhargo Devasiya Dimahi Diyo Yonah Prachodayat Oh, T Tierra, Aire y Paraso Aquel que ha creado todas las cosas, Aquel que siembra el silencio en la meditacin de los sabios Dame tambin, a mi, aunque sea un poco De esa paz



CUERPO HUMANO Crepitar es una produccin continua de sones y sonidos repetidos, secos, rpidos, y fluidos, como el canto de la sal arrojada en el fuego, o del aire al penetrar en los pulmones, como el roce mutuo de los extremos de un hueso fracturado. Eso es un MANTRA. La palabra snscrita posee el radical MNTR, relacionado con mana y tryate, que se traducen como mente y liberacin. No obstante, en snscrito la liberacin es MOKSHA y la LIBERTAD es KAIVALYA, bella palabra potica, presente en las ltimas siete palabras del clebre libro de Patanjali, YOGASUTRAS:



gunanam pratiprasavah

svarupapratishtha va citishaktiriti
Cuando se ha alcanzado la realizacin, objetivo supremo de la vida, las tres cualidades fundamentales ya no remueven ms al Ser a reaccionar. Es la LIBERTAD. En otras palabras, el SER - lo que percibe, se presenta sin ninguna coloracin de pensamientos errticos. Burnouf aduce el skr. (snscrito) manami resonar, murmurar. Las variantes de la palabra MANTRA son: MENTRA MINTRA MONTRA MUNTRA En espaol, la palabra MIENTRAS est relacionada, directamente con esta raz, MNTR. (No presto atencin a los comentarios de
J. Corominas, con todo respeto y apreciacin.)


MANTRA es un trmino compacto, no es fruto de aliteraciones, ni proviene de expresiones latinas, como se cree. Una raz esta conformada por consonantes y las vocales cambian como los ladrillos en un muro. Las consonantes son columnas sonoras, fonticas y fonolgicas incrustadas en el muro del lxico. Es fascinante descubrir que la palabra


proviene de la misma raz. Manar es un verbo que cuadra perfectamente con la significacin y con el sentido de la palabra MANTRA, pues los mantras manan desde la fuente misma de la vida. Curiosamente, MANTRA es un trmino masculino, pues se le llama EL Mantra, y LOS Mantras, aunque termine en el femenino A. MANTRA es una manifestacin del sonido, una muestra, (en francs MONTRER - mostrar). Su estado interno y su presencia ventral y visceral profunda, lo define como son. Entre SON y SONIDO existe la misma relacin y diferencia que entre PEZ y PESCADO. Dentro del agua PEZ, fuera del agua, PESCADO. Ya me cansan todos estos juegos filolgicos sin valor alguno. Me retiro por unos breves momentos, para hacer mi YOGA con GOYA.


ANAMNESIS de 1000Arepas Durga Shirali me inici, hace ya treinta aos, en Caracas, en los misterios de la meditacin de RAMA DEVI, y me entreg el mantra OM HRIM RAMA DEVIAYI NAMAHA Luego, recuerdo que son ya unos veintiocho aos atrs, en el templo de la Misin Rama Shakti, en Shakti Nagar, cerca de Mangalore, en el sur de la India, TARA DEVI me revel el mantra CHARANAM SHARANAM RAMAMBIKE CHARANAM SHARANAM TRIYAMBAKE cantado cada maana por hombres y mujeres, por los taxistas en Mangalore, por todos, como en la cancin de Willie Colon, con palabras de Chico Buarque:


Este mantra me abri la va para la bsqueda de los sufes y el Maestro CHARAN (Qu curioso!, la palabra charan en snscrito pie, es la primera palabra del mantra CHARANAM, donde NAM es el nombre, - nombre secreto, por cierto, - del enviado mstico) y a la vez era el nombre de mi futuro maestro, futuro en aquellos aos, ahora presente, eterno). CHARAN me entrego, via Papa Luks, en Caracas tambin, las cinco secretas palabras de la iniciacin sufi, sikh. No las voy a escribir aqu, pues he jurado, - como los pitagricos, por su Tetraktys, - que me las guardar. Pero las saben todos los iniciados de RADHA SWAMI.

PRONUNCIACIN No importa la pronunciacin como algunos pretenden, pronuncia como quieras. Si haz recibido el mantra directamente de alguien, pues el poder se ha transmitido. El MANTRA debe ser entregado personalmente, de t a t, por el Maestro, sea en la iniciacin, sea en otra situacin, u ocasin. Un mantra no tiene poder si no es entregado en viva voz por quien tiene la potestad de entregar mantras. En la India hay bancos de mantras, como si fuesen bancos de dinero, y la gente va, luego de repetir en la noche sus mantras, y deposita el nmero de recitaciones, informndole al banquero cuantas veces lo ha cantado. Luego, al fin de mes, cada quien revisa cuanto ha ahorrado, cuanto poder tiene en la cuenta! Cuanto ms repitas un mantra , ms poder adquiere ese mantra.


El mantra


lo recib del maestro Su Yu Chang. OM NAMO NARAYANAYA del Maestro Zen , Nan Huai Chin, en China y el famoso mantra del pepino


OM, TRAYAMBAKE YAMAHAE SHUGHANDIM PUSHTI VARDANAM URUVARUK AMIBYA BANDHANAM MRITIYOR MUKHSIYA MAMRITAM me lo ense el maestro Blas , el Yogui SHANKARA, en Caracas. De el recib tambin los mantras guerreros OM BAKHRATUM DAYAHUM y OM BALACHANDRAYA NAMAHA JAPA es la repeticin del mantra. De por si, la repeticin es una forma de meditar. Lo ms impresionante que he odo en la India es la repeticin de los mil nombres de LALITA, los famosos LALITA SAHASRANAMA, cantados por una joven devota en el templo de Rama Devi en Shakti Nagar. A

menudo cantaba yo los nombres de Lalita y uno de ellos es mi apelativo del yoga -BHAKTIMANASAHAMSIKA - El Cisne del Lago de la Mente. Esta palabra, HAMSA, es la palabra que repetimos todos los momentos de nuestra vida, pues el sonido de nuestra respiracin. Su mettesis SOHAM, el famoso YO SOY de los yoguis, es la inversin de HAMSA. Pues, cada vez que respiramos, estamos repitiendo el mantra HAMSA SOHAM. Muchos dicen que hay que practicar y repetir slo un mantra.

Segn mi prctica, pienso y se, que hay mantras para cada momento, a veces uno, otras veces otro, y as, en la bella sucesin de los das, poco a poco, llegas a ser el mantra mismo. T eres el mantra ms importante.


Te amo, mi tesoro


as les dicen las madres griegas a sus nios.

El ms bello de los mantras



Este es el mantra que yo entrego a mis iniciados. Lo puedo escribir aqu, no hay ningn problema. Abre el apetito por el silencio, concentra el intelecto y lleva hacia la realizacin.





DANIEL MEDVEDOV BhakthaManasaHamsika

Durante veintitrs aos (1977-2000), Daniel Medvedov ha estudiado la filosofa y la prctica de las diversas escuelas de yoga de la India, bajo mi tutora y supervisin. Por lo cual, le otorgo el permiso internacional de ensear, que lo faculta a dar clases, abrir centros de estudios y otorgar diplomas a su criterio, acorde con la tradicin de los Maestros que nos han enseado el Yoga de los antiguos.


En Caracas, Venezuela, el veinticuatro de Junio del ao 2000

Yogui Shankara
(Dr. Blas Garca Nuez)


Av.Francisco Solano, Edif. 16, Ofic.51 Tel. 7617048,



Caracas, Venezuela

Castillos Digitales





El conocimiento de los MUDRAS no se puede transmitir por escrito. No obstante, los grandes rasgos de la teora que explica sus principios fundamentales, como tambin la descripcin de la

tcnica empleada para su construccin, puede ser motivo de todo tipo de escritos, desde las tablas figurativas de los mudras, hasta las listas de los nombres empleados para denominar a cada uno de estos venerables gestos y signos transmitidos de generacin en generacin, desde la antigedad remota. He tenido la gracia de aprender los secretos de los mudras, de cuatro maestros, casi al mismo tiempo, durante un perodo de unos veinte aos. Estos maestros, a su vez, han recibido el conocimiento de los mudras a travs de la UPADESHA, es decir de modo inicitico. Fueron ellos - el maestro Su, el Yogui Shankara, el maestro Zen Nan Huai Chin y el Gran Maestro Calgrafo y experto en Artes Marciales, Liu Yuen Chiao. Para m, todo ello es materia de jbilo. La verdad es que pocos en el mundo, muy pocos, saben algo de los mudras. Por lo menos yo, slo he encontrado a esos cuatro individuos y su conocimiento era completo y lapidario. El Yogui Shankara me mostr y tambin me abri las puertas al mundo de los MANTRAS. Mantras y Mudras van mano en mano, pues, no puede haber una de esas tcnicas separada de la otra. Los mudras, adems de ser un cdigo secreto para mostrar, pedir y ofrecer cosas al mundo visinvisible, son una poderosa herramienta de curacin en la AUTOIATRA, la Medicina de si mismo. Cada dedo de la mano es el Terminal energtico de uno de los cinco rganos internos de la fisiologa animal y su metabolismo concurre, con procesos distintos, pero usando la misma energa vital, en el ciclo metablico general.

Este cambio interno, de hecho, una transformacin diaria, incluye los distintos procesos anablicos - o sea todo lo que entra en el cuerpo como alimentacin, tanto intelectual y anmica, o material, substancial, fsica y los procesos catablicos es decir


aquellas operaciones internas que expulsan y desechan lo que ya no se usa en el organismo. En el ciclo metablico general, el cambio diario incluye los siguientes rganos internos, cada uno un sistema fisiolgico especfico, correspondiente y anlogo a uno de los dedos de la mano: Pulgar-Bazo ndice-Hgado Medio-Corazn Anular- Pulmn Meique- Rin Por tanto, cada vez que tocamos las yemas de los dedos, conectamos rganos y abrimos procesos energticos internos. A veces, unimos sin darnos cuenta, la punta de algunos dedos y los nios muy pequeos hacen esto a menudo. La ciencia de los Mudras es tambin una tcnica de concentracin. Muchos confunden la concentracin con la relajacin, dos estados diametralmente opuestos. An as, algunos creen que estn meditando, si acaso, se relajan. En realidad, lo que hacen, al relajarse, es soltar las riendas al caballo, para dejarlo correr desbocado, hacia sus propios rumbos. Ciertamente, nuestro cuerpo fsico es un caballo desbocado. Nos lleva dnde quiere y no responde a nuestras peticiones, tal vez porque hemos abusado demasiado de su confianza. Los Mudras congelan los pensamientos y paran el mundo y al caballo. Si logras parar el mundo, puedes alcanzar el estado de meditacin, o sea estar en medio de las cosas. Ya sabes, las cosas son seres, criaturas, hechos y objetos, sinnmero. No hay, para mi, cosa ms bella que la mano humana. Pareciera que el resto de nuestro cuerpo entero es parte de la mano y no la mano parte del cuerpo. No es por nada, pero el maestro de Aquiles se llamaba, en griego, KHIRN- la Mano.


Si este conocimiento no se puede, ni se debe, comunicar por escrito, porqu tantos libros y disquisiciones sobre los mudras? Cada quien hace lo que ms se le parece, y todos tratamos de agregar nuestro grano de arena al inmenso mar de la sabidura. Por tanto, bienvenido sea todo escrito sobre los mudras. Qu es un mudra? Pregunta crucial, pues implica muchas otras interrogantes como, por ejemplo: Por qu existen los mudras? Cuando se hacen, y cuando no deben hacerse los mudras? Dnde se pueden hacer los mudras? Para qu se hacen los mudras? y otras ms. Intentar responder a cada una, por separado. Los mudras existen para comunicarse con el mundo visinvisible. Si aun no sabes cmo es este mundo, tienes que estudiar e investigar. Tal comunicacin se basa en una lgica parecida a la lgica de nuestra propia lengua. Los mudras se hacen en situaciones de calma, pero tambin en los momentos apremiantes de nuestras vidas. Cuando un avin despega en Oriente, veo a todos los budistas haciendo el mudra de la angustia, el temor sin motivo, ni causa. Este mudra es equivalente a nuestro signo de la cruz, cundo nos persignamos. Ya hemos encontrado la palabra conveniente: ellos, los chinos, japoneses, coreanos y dems, tambin se estn persignando con su mudra favorito. El nico sitio donde los mudras no deben hacerse, es en el retrete. En cuanto a la respuesta de esa pregunta, (Dnde se pueden hacer los mudras?), concibo que ya he respondido con lo anterior.

Los mudras se hacen para concentrarse y para entrar en comunicacin anglica con las potencias visinvisibles que nos miran y contemplan en cada segundo de nuestras vidas. Podemos ofrecerles flores, diversos otros objetos, o simplemente estados de nimo, con lo que estarn ms que complacidos. He aqu un modelo-lgico-terico de los procesos involucrados en la produccin de los mudras. Los mudras son castillos digitales: con sus bvedas, columnas, cpulas y ojivas, los mudras parecen catedrales digitales. Cada vez que haces un mudra, debes decir EPHAT, palabra aramea que significa brete. Con ello se abre la energa del gesto que ests proclamando hacia el mundo visinvisible. En rabe, EPHATA aparece en la expresin EFTAIEH SAMSA- brete Ssamo. En la Mecca, la Kaaba, o Piedra Negra, es un santuario debajo del cual surge y mana una clebre fuente y manantial, llamado ZEM-ZEM, o SAMSAM, palabra relacionada con la semilla de Ssamo. La expresin brete Ssamo se refiere a la accin de meter el mundo entero en una semilla de ajonjol, el ssamo. Por otra parte, la cueva de Al-Bab y sus cuarenta ladrones tiene mucho que ver con los mudras, pues los llamados ladrones son los cuarenta dedos del cuerpo humano. Esa cueva de los tesoros tiene una entrada sin llave, pero cerrada hermticamente, o sea como una HERMA, en griego, la palabra que designa a la piedra viva, como deca Covarrubias que eran las peas. Cada mudra tiene su palabra y su nombre, pero la llave universal es EPHATA! - BRETE! A continuacin, el modelo lgico-terico que describe mltiples categoras que entran a dinamizar el proceso de formacin de un mudras. Tal grafismo no es un esquema cualquiera, pues los medios estn en el medio, las causas y los efectos se encuentran en el

trayecto horizontal del mundo visible, los principios y los fines se ubican en el eje vertical del mundo invisible y en los puntos intercardinales estn el valor y el precio, ms el uso y la funcin del proceso analizado.






La lectura del mudra a travs de este modelo lgico terico puede revelar relaciones antes no percibidas entre los conceptos y las categoras que operan en la realizacin de un castillo digital. Cuantos mudras hay?


En principio, su nmero es infinito, pero al pasar de ocho, empiezan a repetirse, y su redundancia es resultado de un retorno morfolgico, pues son combinaciones de los ocho principales. La respuesta a la pregunta Cuantos mudras hay? - es OCHO, como las ocho cosas auspiciosasASHTAMANGALA.

Mudra de la Tierra-NANDYAVARTA, Laberinto Mudra de la Montaa BHADRASANA, el Trono Mudra del Agua KALASHA, el Vaso lleno de agua Mudra del Viento-MATSYAYUGMA, Dos Peces Mudra del Rayo- SRIVATSA, el Smbolo Sagrado Mudra del Fuego-VARDHAMANAKA, vaso-ceniza Mudra del Mar DARPANA, el Espejo Mudra del Cielo- SWASTIKA, la que trae el bien

Luego de estos ocho mudras, repito, las nuevas formas son repeticiones y el fenmeno de la redundancia hace retornar siempre la mirada hacia las ocho formas bsicas.

Hay que aprender todos estos mudras de un sujeto ilustrado en el tema, de viva voz y gesto, en persona, no por escrito, para que se establezca una comunicacin energtica entre el aprendiz y la energa involucrada en

el proceso. Este proceso de la memoria csmica habla de una gestualidad tradicional, valida en el universo entero, ni ms que decir sobre la validez que tal lenguaje tenga entre los pueblos terrestres. Si quisiramos tener un lenguaje universal para entendernos con los posibles extraterrestres que acaso puedan visitarnos algn da, este lenguaje sera el cdigo de los mudras. No obstante, el nmero de mudras enseados en las escuelas esotricas de oriente y occidente es de 384. Mi maestro Nan Huai Chin me entreg un libro con los 384 mudras, libro que luego lo he pasado a mi otro maestro de mudras, el Yogui Shankara. La enciclopedia de los mudras, un volumen entero de los 24 volmenes de Budismo Esotrico Japons, que compr en Taipei, en el templo de la East West Essence Society, donde estudiaba, (tena que pagarlo, pues all los libros no se regalaban, y, por cierto, compr los veinticuatro volmenes) se los regal, luego, al Maestro Su Yu Chang, dado que lo mereca: me haba enseado lo ms importante cmo entrar en y cmo salir de, un mudra. Los mayas fueron, junto a los pueblos de la India, los ms ilustrados individuos en las operaciones digitales de estos sellos extraordinarios. Hay un famoso libro de Samuel Mart, llamado MANOS SIMBLICAS, publicado en Mjico en la dcada de los setenta y citado en Internet, junto a un trabajo mo sobre los mudras mayas, ANATOMA MAYA, a su vez presentado en uno de los Congresos de Americanistas.

Esto me honra y por ello no lo he pasado por alto. Junto con el ms importante texto sobre los mudras, el famoso libro de Sanders, los libros de Gutierre TIBN, publicados en Mjico, en el Fondo de Cultura Econmica, y el texto de Samuel Mart, forman un triunvirato imprescindible para el investigador y estudioso de los mudras. El ms importante de los mudras es el mudra del Cielo, presente en el saludo NAMAST de la India: las manos juntas. Este saludo tiene sus secretos: delante del corazn representa un saludo a los desconocidos. Delante de los ojos, es un saludo para quienes amamos y encima de la cabeza es el saludo para con los maestros. Cuando se pasa a saludar al mundo celeste, las manos se abren en signo de imploracin y dula y se dirigen hacia arriba. El esquema del nmero de los mudras es el siguiente: 1. Mudra Universal 2. Mudras Positivo-Activo y Negativo-Pasivo 3. Mudras de los Tres Niveles: Bhur, Bhuvah, Svar 5. Mudras de los Cinco rganos 8. Mudras de los Ocho Rumbos, mudras principales 10. Mudras de la TETRAKTYS 12. Mudras Zodiacales 16. Mudras Geomnticos 24. Mudras de los Veinticuatro Horas 32. Mudras de los Pentagramas 36. Mudras Solares 40. Mudras de la Gestacin 52. Mudras de las Semanas del Ao

64. Mudras de los Hexagramas 81. Mudras para el Mundo Visinvisible 108. Mudras del Mala- el Rosario 260. Mudras de Venus 384.Mudras Generales de los Grados del Crculo (360 Visibles plus 24 Invisibles) Los mudras son categoras binarias. Hay mudras positivos y mudras negativos, activos y pasivos, de apertura y de cierre, de altura y de profundidades, de la derecha y de la izquierda, de fuego y de agua. Esta lista es una indicacin de la complejidad y, a la vez, de la simplicidad del trabajo de los mudras. Segn la ley binaria de las combinaciones, hay ocho mudras de tres niveles - los mudras principales, dieciseis mudras de cuatro niveles, treinta y dos mudras de cinco niveles, sesenta y cuatro mudras de seis niveles, ciento veintiocho mudras de siete niveles, doscientos treinta y seis mudras de ocho niveles y as en adelante. Los niveles de un mudra se refieren a las capas superpuestas que desdibujan el castillo digital, capas o pisos, zonas o planos horizontales que forman la estructura de esta construccin de los dedos.

El mudra es una palabra que en snscrito significa matriz, sello, patrn, molde. En la India, cualquier lapsus de letras, o problema de tipografa, se achaca al RAKSHA MUDRA, el clebre diablillo de la Imprenta de nuestras tipografas occidentales, que mueve las letras y las cambia, las quita, las pone no se dnde, para

producir lapsus calami, lapsus litterae y faltas ortogrficas de todo tipo.. El RAKSHA es el demonio o diablillo. Por tanto, el mudra es un molde, una huella digital compuesta por las huellas combinadas de los diez dedos que participan en la construccin del edificio secreto de las manos. La memoria cambia con la prctica de los mudras: se abren nuevas vas sinpticas, generados por la energa vital y en el mapa de los circuitos cerebrales aparecen nuevos plexos, hay nuevos caminos neuronales y el poder recordatorio aumenta visiblemente, pues el hombre neuronal, famoso mueco somatotpico de la corteza cerebral, tiene unas manos inmensas que parecen pegadas a un cuerpo minsculo. Esta figura es el resultado de las operaciones de porcentaje dinmico que ocupan las distintas zonas y diversas partes del cuerpo humano en la zona cerebral. El que ensea la ciencia de los mudras tiene que ser redondo, es decir, saber todo. Si no sabe todo, no sabe. Puede saber poco, pues, el poco saber, sigue siendo saber. Un crculo pequeo, comparado con un crculo grande, es igual de redondo. EPHATA! EFTAIYEH SAMSAM! BRETE SSAMO! As abrimos la rueda para entrar y para salir.


Es el mundo extraordinario de un cdigo tradicional que ha sido transmitido desde la antigedad hasta nuestros das.
El ARTHA-SHASTRA, es en snscrito, El Conocimiento de la Ganancia Material, un escrito del siglo V, d.C., por Kautilya. Vishakhadata, otro autor de piezas de teatro de la misma poca, escribe la MUDRARAKSHASA El Ministro Rakshasa y su Anillo Firmado, como dicen los diccionarios que es la traduccin, Pero ya hemos visto que RAKSHA- MUDRA o MUDRA- RAKSHA es el Diablillo de la Imprenta y por tanto la traduccin sera !El Diablillo de la Imprenta!.

***** *****
De los mudras brota el AMRITA, el Elixir de la Inmortalidad. Beber el Elixir es escuchar el SHABDA.



Daniel Medvedov




Mi Maestro de SHABDA YOGA, Charan Singh Ji, de Radha Soami Satsang Beas, India






Postura Tomar la Tierra como testigo




Equilibrio no es lo mismo que balance


Postura Maytreya Esplendida dejadez real












Apuntes sobre la Concentracin

Una AREPA de Luz hecha por 1000Arepas



Deposito mi cabeza sobre una gran piedra.

Para muchos, la meditacin es adoptar una postura seca, recta, precisa, tradicional. Para otros, la meditacin es menos que inexistente.

Y los pocos, hacen lo que pueden, rasguan unos minutos, mientras huyen, y se quedan tranquilos, en silencio, unos breves instantes. Sigue siendo meditacin, no lo duden . . . Mis piernas estn una sobre la otra, pero no de cualquier modo: el pie izquierdo sobre el derecho, como Cristo en la cruz.


Soy un puro, un khtharos elino, en manos de Zeus, aqul a quien yo llamo TRIS . . . Me fuma TRIS, con bocanadas de humo blanco y la ceniza no cae, se queda all, en la punta del cigarro . . . Yo soy el fuego de lucirnaga, pero la hoja de tabaco sagrado ha sido recogida en Yucatn y lo ha enrollado el propio Itzamna, el dios maya del roco. Hay ceniza y humo . . . Es el alma del puro, como llaman los marineros al interior del cabo. TRIS me fuma desde hace tiempo . . . Al caer la ceniza, la tomo entre los dedos, suavemente, sin destrozar el cilindro cinreo y me lavo las manos con ese color gris de las ascuas. Soy amigo de la ceniza, de la luz-ceniza de la luna en el primer da . . .

Mi nia me pregunta: - Por qu ests tan serio?

- Oh, querida le respondo no es seriedad, es concentracin . . . - Lucho como todos los dems con los pensamientos, que asaltan a cualquiera, como ladrones en el desierto . . .

Pero cabeza es ms dura que esa piedra donde descansa. Me concentro, deseo ser un crculo, donde todo comienza y termina en la periferia. Arriba, el cielo azul tiene sus nubes, a su vez, pensamientos del cielo. Pero ms arriba, detrs de las nubes, el azur es la clave, el azur azul . . . Y todos aquellos que han llegado se encuentran en el centro. Hasta la hora est prefigurada: a las doce en punto del medioda, cuando las manecillas del reloj se encuentran, tambin . . .

. . . . . . . . . .

Le enseo eso a mi hija . . . Calma, toma un momento de reposo, mientras huyes . . .

Descansa y dile a ese instante sin duracin lo que el Doctor Fausto le dijo:

Qudate! Eres tan hermoso!


Y el puro, ese trabuco ctaro, humea, emite humo, nubes de humo que se confunden con las nubes. Debo decir algo sobre la respiracin: espira, saca el aire y qudate un poco en este vaco. El cuerpo debe estar configurado para sacar aire, no para introducirlo en los pulmones. Es la respiracin de los que meditan.

Ese tipo de respiracin tiene cinco fases:


Resulta que nuestro cuerpo est configurado, desde la infancia, para inspirar, pero no expulsa el aire, al menos que uno lo haga . . . Por tanto, hay que configurarlo al revs, para exhalar, no para inspirar. Este tipo de respiracin se llama respiracin placentaria, o embrionaria, o amnitica . . . Es el gran secreto de los practicantes de la meditacin.


El cielo es mi propiedad privada, pero no temas, la comparto . . .

Cabemos todos aqu, entre las nubes, y aun sobra espacio . . .


Esa es mi manera de estar en el medio, de meditar, la manera de concentrarme, en el centro de mi mismo. Mi manera de estar aqu, en la colmena. Es que el mundo es, para mi, una colmena, donde la reina goza con los znganos, los znganos gozan con la reina, las abejas guerreras con su guardia, y las obreras con su labor. Y hay miel, mucha miel . . . Y propolis. El pjaro Simurgh, el que dicen que entiende el habla de los humanos, me acompaa como una montura fiel, alada. Y lejos, en la montaa, encuentro otros veintinueve pjaros que me esperan. Soy el ave nmero treinta, para cumplir lo que dice el nombre SIMORGH, en persa: 30 Pjaros . . .


Aqu en el risco no hay nadie ms, slo nosotros, los treinta.

Por ello en rumano, el nombre del caballo alado del Prncipe Azul, FatFrumos din Lacrima, es murgul . . . Un MURG, In AMURG, SI-MURGH . . .




Sobre la arena hay un nombre secreto

SIMURGH . . . . .



. . . . . . . . . .

Daniel Medvedov

Clean Y!r Eyes wi# 1000Arepas Me#od

Vienna 2011

There is a method to clean your eyes, coming from ancient times. Look to a small

Crystal Sphere, concentrate your glance, and remain frozen until tears are coming, directly from the liver. It is like crying with no sound, only with tears. You need a teacher, an illustrated teacher who knows the subtle details of this kind of Kryia Yoga, the Yoga of Cleaning. The Eye has twelve different points from which tears are generated. Every one of this points is a channel from where organs and viscera are liberating toxins with the help of the liver, which is our cleaning internal fabric: Heart, Lungs, Tripitaka (a general triple system of Energy and metabolism, Stomach, Gall Bladder, Pericardium, Large Intestine, Kidney, Spleen- pancreas System, Liver and urinary Bladder. From each one of these points, tears are coming out. Those tears are toxic, very oily, with different density and heavy. Do not touch your face with hand, you have to wash it afterwards with cold water. In the end, after

minutes, close your eyes and remain a bit, in silence. This is all.








Mira los milanos en el cielo azul del atardecer: vuelan como hojas de te verde girando en crculos irregulares en el agua caliente, miradas a travs del vidrio transparente del vaso. Vivo entre edificios y almacenes, una tarea moderna. El peso de la ciudad se percibe en el aire: olores inauditos al pasar al lado de este almendro, las flores de leandro sueltan sus fragancias.

El viento casual frecuenta nuestras ventanas para luego penetrar sin ser invitados, en nuestros pulmones, alcanzando la sangre, llegando a la mdula, visitando el lquido cefaloraqudeo hasta llegar a las bellas clulas que sustentan el cuerpo en la lucha diaria. A pesar de los atascos y de las miasmas de la calle, el buscador de los misterios de la existencia puede alcanzar una sensacin de serenidad y alegra existencial moderada, a travs de la prctica del Yoga. El Yoga es un estado del Ser: todo elemento como dicen los policas al referirse a los civiles todo sujeto que posea siquiera la intencin de convivir en armona con el peso de las

obligaciones y compromisos diarios, puede alcanzar resultados inauditos. Para llevar a cabo esa tarea, el interesado debe respetar, si puede, los siguientes puntos: En la maana, antes de salir de la cama, guardar por un instante (tan slo diez segundos) un estado congelado de su pensamiento, es decir firme sin emitir ninguna aseveracin, sin comentarios, en calma. As empezar el da desde cero, desde ese punto neutro que llamamos el centro de nosotros mismos, el YO. Durante todo el da, observa tus pensamientos, tu dilogo interno, y realiza que el pensar es una actitud intil, dado que no aporta absolutamente nada a las acciones.

Vulvete consciente, en todo momento, del roce que produce el aire de la inspiracin y de la espiracin con las ventanas de la nariz. Mantn la lengua en el cielo de tu boca, en el paladar blando, durante el da entero, tocando con su dorso el cielo de la boca. As hablars menos . . . Para estar concentrado, mira en todo momento tus manos, en las acciones que realizas: as grabars en tu memoria los gestos y las posturas de tu cuerpo. El Yoga es una actitud diaria. Su sentido se refiere a la unin ntima que se establece entre tu Ser y la


energa de las acciones que realizamos en cada instante. Disfruta de ese instante y dile, cada vez que puedes: Qudate! Eres tan hermoso! En estos trminos puede comprenderse que hay individuos que poseen el estado de Yoga y literalmente hacen Yoga sin saberlo! El Yoga en la ciudad es una actividad fascinante: contemplar las caras de la gente, sus orejas, escuchar la meloda de sus pasos y percibir sus luces y sus sombras, or el sonido imperceptible de la vida natural, ahogado por los ruidos artificiales de las congregaciones humanas, compartir la trayectoria de nuestras obligaciones con la alegra del individuo que lleva a cabo, con

cautela, todas todos sus compromisos triviales. Lo importante es saber que el Yoga es un continuo estado de alerta y que el espacio circundante puede ofrecer lecciones existenciales insospechables: aquel que percibe los detalles de las cosas que los dems ni siquiera se dignan de mirar, adquiere a travs de la constancia de su actitud, el conocimiento secreto del cambio y percibe la secuencia de los eventos que guan los pasos de la vida citadina. Las escaleras, an las mecnicas, los pasillos llenos de gente, los atascos, los insultos, los robos, las esperas, las vejaciones corporales, las mentiras y los engaos menores, y

otros tantos elementos catalizadores, son todos motivo de contemplacin. Retorna siempre a ti mismo: despus de cada accin, por ms trivial y mnima que sea, retorna, regresa, devulvete al punto neutro. Desde ese centro existencial te puedes dirigir al siguiente evento . . .

Es posible, intntalo . . .


DANIEL MEDVEDOV Tel. www.scribd.com/1000Arepas dantecarbonela@yahoo.es www.facebook.com/taichi384 group taichi 394




!Como un crculo, sers redondo! Holmes Place Health Club, La Moraleja Gimnasio Shuriken, Arturo Soria


Estudio Danza Carmen Senra, Apolonio Morales

Menu de especialidades tradicionales

1- Siddhasana ( postura del adepto o perfecta)

2345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728Padmasana (del loto) Bhadrasana (de gracia) Muktasana (de liberacin) Vajrasana (del rayo) Swastikasana (auspiciosa) Simhasana (del len) Gomukhasana (de la cara de vaca) Virasana (del hroe) Dhanurasana (del arco) Mritasana (del cadver) Guptasana (escondida) Matsyasana (del pez) Matseyendrasana (de matseyendra o de la torsin espinal) Paschimottanasana (de estiramiento de la espalda, o postura de la pinza) Goraksha-asana (de goraksha) Ukkatasana (arriesgada) Sankatasana (peligrosa) Mayurasana (del pavo real) Kukkutasana (del gallo) Kurmasana (de la tortuga) Uttana kurmasana (de la tortuga extendida) Mandukasana (de la rana ) Uttana madukasana (de la rana extendida) Vrikshasana (del rbol) Garudasana (del guila) Vrihasana (del toro) Shalabhasana (del saltamonte)


Makarasana (del cocodrilo) Ushtrasana (del camello) Bujangasana (de la cobra) Yogasana (del yoga) Postura Visinvisible

1- Siddhasana ( postura del adepto, o postura perfecta)

Calma, no hay necesidad de adoptar curiosas posturas: !El contenido importa! Las apariencias pueden engaar a los no-avisados . . .


Daniel Medvedov

1000Arepas Sayings NEW GENERATION DESIDERATA A message

Wien 2011

We do not need many words to communicate


something that we understand. If we understand all and everything it is even easiest. To understand a little or as much as we can it is practically the same. The next step after understanding is to know. So, what you already know is by no means what you understood. Intelligence is this capacity of every individual with which he can understand everything. We only need to want, to have the deep desire to understand all what is happening in front of our eyes. Please, strive to understand. That one who has a smile on his lips is one who wanted to understand and, as a natural consequence, understood all and everything.

Look placidly unto the City noise & haste and whenever you may, go to

the Mountain and to the Sea to become one with their wonderful greatness. Be of that world but do not install yourself in It because you belong to one parallel to it.

You cannot be in good terms with all persons but you may accept everyone with all their sham and broken dreams. You do not need to speak your truth to everybody. Just calm down and keep it for those dear ones who

want to listen you. You do not need to listen to everyone speaking. Words spoken by deceptive people are deceptive too. Just looking to them as a mirror you would be able to know instantly what they think, what they say and what they pretend to do. You do not need to avoid aggressive people but to affront them with your bright sincerity and shiny power. Become a martial spiritual artist with such a kind of a glance . . .

Compare yourself with others: you shall understand sharply that we all are one . . . Just do nothing or whatever you can and avoid plans and projects, which only are slavery chains for future. Enjoy everyday bliss Be what you are. Do not look for a career. The real possession in our hands is our life and joy. If somebody deceives you, still have faith in him or in her because confidence and splendid generosity might change others character and deeds.

And be not blind in front of those ones who are heralds of high ideals. Life needs heroes and martyrs. Armor yourself with ashes light shield: be like the moon in that first gray day of her secret brilliance Be like an abyss with no bottom where everybody may throw his or her problems and sorrow. Be cynical to those who change their principles on the way towards ends and plainly sell themselves for money and gold

Love is always present even if we do not feel it. If you are old you still have the right to dance but your mood has to be other than youngsters. Nurture Energy by thinking not. Do not explain yourself nor complain. Nobody needs to carry your load. Kill Phantasy and nurture Imagination with Intelligence and Creativity. Forget Discipline: It is just a stupid frame. Be natural and spontaneous.

Be gentle with others but not with yourself: You need to be alert, bright and clear. Everything is, as it has to be: behind all fact, being or object there is a secret. God is here, with every step with every breath.

You dont need to be happy. Just be content with that one who you are, with that nothing what you have and with what nothing you might do. Strive to become silent, strive to

become calm, and strive to be yourself in order to shine. If you feel fear for future, keep calm: everything is written down but the sequence of change remains in your hands. Do not manipulate others. Be splendid and generous with your time, with your money and with your wisdom, if it happened you to enjoy the last two.





cuando no piensas es asi


Deja de pensar








































































* calma

calma CALMA




















Daniel Medvedov

MADRID 2009 Descansa, amigo y amiga, descansa en la huida . . . Toma tu tiempo. Espira hondo, saca todo el aire que tengas, para as respirar bien . . . Yo, mientras huyo, descanso. La fuga es perpetua, continua, infinita. Una huida sin par, hacia Ithaca, y cuando llego, no voy a salir ms . . . Dicen del hurao que es esquivo, que se recata de todos, y que huye de la gente, extrandose y recelndose de ella. En la huida, juego ajedrez. Muevo las piezas, cabalgo los caballos, salgo de la torre, voy con la reina, soy el rey. . . En la huida, tomo el te verde, el mate amargo, el agua hirviendo . . . No tengo tiempo de saludar a nadie . . . No me queda otra que adelantarme, como el gua que desaparece de la vista de aquellos a quienes les muestra el camino. Y, si acaso se pierden, aparece otra vez. Su sola presencia es indicio de la direccin, ni siquiera le es necesario gritar: Por all!


Mi amigo Covarrubias dice que huir es fuir, fugir. Parece traer origen griego, de pheugo, huir. Comnmente denota cobarda, dice el sabio, Cobarda en la milicia, salvo cuando se hace con maa para traer al enemigo en la emboscada, o cuando no pueden contrastarle, por ser grande su poder. El huir de los vicios es mucha valenta. Pero hay ciertas cosas de las cuales no hay que huir: de las responsabilidades, no huir de ti mismo, no huir de tu destino, no huir de tus obligaciones, no huir de los compromisos, si puedes, huye, huye sin mirar para atrs de los castigos, no puedes huir de los premios, mejor ignorarlos, no se debe huir en pos de ellos Un zorro hua despavorido y en la huida, unos lagartos le preguntaron: -Por qu huyes? -He odo que estn encarcelando a los dromedarios, para obligarlos a trabajos forzados. -T ni de lejos te pareces a un dromedario, ests loco?

- Es cierto. dijo el zorro Pero si se le ocurre a alguien decir que soy un dromedario pequeo no tendra escapatoria. y sigui huyendo. Yo me parezco a ese zorro de la historia de Saadi. Con esto me despido en la huida, pues voy a descansar. . .










VIJNA BHAIRAVA TANTRA (El discernimiento intuitivo de la realidad ltima) _____________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ____ Bhairava (La Consciencia) y Bhairavi (La Energa), amorosamente unidos en el mismo conocimiento, salieron

de lo indiferenciado para que su dialogo iluminara a los seres. Bhairavi, la Shakti de Bhairava, dijo: Oh Dios, tu que manifiestas el universo y gozas de esa manifestacin, tu no eres otra cosa que mi Ser. Yo he recibido la enseanza del Trika, que es la quintaesencia de todas las escrituras sagradas. Sin embargo, tengo todava algunas dudas. Oh Dios, desde el punto de vista de la realidad absoluta, Cul es la naturaleza esencial de Bhairava? Reside ella en la energa ligada a los fonemas? En la realizacin de la naturaleza esencial ligada a Bhairava? En un mantra en particular?

En las tres Shakti? En la presencia del mantra que vive en cada palabra? En el poder del mantra presente en cada partcula del universo? Reside esa naturaleza esencial en los chakras? En el sonido HA? O bien es nicamente la Shakti? Aquello que est compuesto, ha surgido de la energa inmanente y trascendente o ha surgido solamente de la energa inmanente? Si aquello que est compuesto solo ha surgido de la energa trascendente, la trascendencia misma no tendra ms objeto. La trascendencia no puede ser diferenciada en sonidos y en partculas ya que su naturaleza indivisa no le


permite encontrarse mltiple.



Oh Seor, que tu gracia borre mis dudas! Perfecto! Perfecto! Tus preguntas, oh bien amada, forman la quintaesencia de los Tantras. Yo voy a exponerte un saber secreto. Todo lo que es percibido como una forma compuesta en el campo de la Consciencia, debe de ser considerado como una fantasmagora, una ilusin mgica, una ciudad fantasma suspendida en el cielo. Tal descripcin solo tiene como objeto el empujar a las personas que estn sometidas a la ilusin y a las actividades mundanas, a volverse hacia la

contemplacin. Tales enseanzas estn destinadas a aquellos que estn interesados en los ritos y las prcticas exteriores y estn sometidos al pensamiento dual. Desde el punto de vista de lo absoluto, Bhairava (La Consciencia) no est asociada ni a las letras, ni a los fonemas, ni a las tres Shaktis, ni al estmulo de los Chakras, ni a las dems creencias, y la Shakti no es su esencia. Todos estos conceptos expuestos en las escrituras estn destinados a aquellos cuya mente es todava muy inmadura para captar la realidad suprema. Solo son caramelos destinados a incitar a los aspirantes a una va de conducta tica y a una

practica espiritual, con el fin de que un da puedan darse cuenta de que la naturaleza ultima de la Consciencia (Bhairava) no est separada de su propio Si-mismo. El xtasis mstico no est sometido al pensamiento dual, est totalmente liberado de las nociones de lugar, de espacio y de tiempo. Esta verdad no puede ser tocada ms que por la experiencia. Solo se puede llegar a ella cuando uno se libera totalmente de la dualidad, del ego, y se establece firmemente en la plenitud de la consciencia del Si. Este estado de Bhairava esta lleno de la pura felicidad de la nodiferenciacin del practicante y del universo, l solo es la

Shakti. En la realidad de su propia naturaleza as reconocida y conteniendo el universo entero, se toca la ms alta esfera. Quin entonces podra ser adorado? Quin entonces podra ser colmado por esa adoracin? Solo esa condicin de Bhairava reconocida como suprema es la Gran Diosa. Como no hay ya diferencia entre la Shakti y el que la posee, ni entre la substancia y el objeto, la Shakti es idntica al Si-mismo. La energa de las llamas no es algo diferente del fuego. Toda distincin no es ms que un preludio a la va del verdadero conocimiento. Aquel que accede a la Shakti capta la no-distincin entre

Shiva (La Consciencia) y Shakti (La Energa) y pasa la puerta de acceso a lo divino. Tal y como se reconoce el espacio iluminado por los rayos del sol, as se reconoce a Shiva gracias a la energa de Shakti que es la esencia del Si-mismo. La diosa dijo: Oh dios de dioses, tu que llevas el emblema del tridente y la guirnalda de crneos, dime: por que medios se puede discernir el estado bhairaviano de plenitud, ese estado inexpresable, fuera del espacio y del tiempo? En qu sentido se afirma que la suprema Diosa es la apertura que permite acceder a l?


Puedes responder con el lenguaje convencional a estas cuestiones absolutas? Oh Bhairava, ensame afn de que mi conocimiento llegue a ser total. Bhairava respondi: PLENITUD INTERIOR Y ABSORCIN EN LA ENERGA DEL ALIENTO A. EL ALIENTO 1. Expiracin, hacia arriba; inspiracin, hacia abajo: sobre la suprema Energa compuesta de estos dos polos, se debe ejercer un empuje ascendente. Estando mantenido en su lugar de origen cada aliento, la plenitud se establece entre dos respiraciones.


2. Espacio vaco interior (Bhairava, pausa a pulmones llenos, Plenitud, la Consciencia), espacio vaco exterior (Bhairavi, pausa a pulmones vacos, Vaco, la Energa): sobre esta pareja que forman los dos alientos, hay que ejercitarse sin interrupcin. De esta manera, oh Bhairavi, la maravillosa belleza de la Consciencia y de la Energa se desvela (en la unin yoga- que integra los contrarios). 3. Si la energa, en forma de aliento, no puede ni entrar ni salir; libre entonces de toda dualidad, ella se expande en medio. Por mediacin suya, se accede a la Esencia Bhairaviana.


4. Que uno se entregue a la pausa del aliento tras la expiracin o bien tras la inspiracin. Al final de esta practica, la energa se dice que esta sosegada (quietud psicosomtica) y, gracias a ella, un estado de Ser sosegado se revela (la serenidad del Ser). B. LA KUNDALINI. LOS CHAKRAS 5. Considera la Shakti (La Energa) como una viva luminosidad, cada vez ms sutil, llevada de centro en centro, de abajo hacia arriba, por la energa del aliento, a travs del tallo de la flor de loto. Cuando esa energa se sosiega en el centro superior, entonces ocurre el despertar de la Consciencia.

6. Como un relmpago, de chakra en chakra, poco a poco, hela aqu que surge hasta la cumbre de la cabeza: y ah ocurre el gran Despertar!. 7. Imagina las letras snscritas en esos focos de consciencia, primero como letras, luego ms sutilmente como sonidos, a continuacin como el sentimiento ms sutil. Entonces djalas de lado y se libre. Aquel que se ha liberado gradualmente de las tres condiciones: grosera, sutil y suprema, al fin se identifica con Shiva (La Consciencia). 8 Concentra la atencin en el entrecejo, mantn tu mente libre de todo pensamiento dualizante, deja que tu forma sea llenada con la energa del

aliento hasta la cumbre de la cabeza y, all, bate en la espacialidad luminosa. ENTRADA EN EL VACIO INCOMPARABLE DE LA CONSCIENCIA A - MEDITACIONES LUMINOSAS 9. Imagina los cinco crculos coloreados de una pluma de pavo real, como si fueran los cinco sentidos diseminados en el espacio ilimitado y mantnte en la espacialidad (en la vacuidad) de tu propio corazn (de tu centro, del centro del ser). 10. Vaco, pared, receptculo supremo (la pura Consciencia), cualquiera que sea el objeto de contemplacin, l es la matriz de la espacialidad


(vacuidad) de tu propio espritu. 11. La atencin fijada en el interior del crneo, los ojos cerrados, ve el espacio entero como si fuera absorbido por tu propia cabeza, estabilizando el pensamiento, poco a poco la espacialidad (la vacuidad) de tu espritu, lo Altamente Reconocible, lo Absoluto, ser reconocido. 12. En el centro se yergue el canal central. Que se medite sobre l bajo la forma de esta Diosa semejante al tallo del loto, idntica a la bveda celeste interiorizada en la cavidad y la vacuidad del corazn: entonces el Dios resplandecer. 13. Utilizando la mano, se deben bloquear las aberturas

de los sentidos. En cuanto se percuta el entrecejo, el punto luminoso que se haya percibido se desvanecer poco a poco: entonces, en esa desaparicin, he aqu la suprema morada. 14. Esta llama sutil, nacida de la efervescencia (los fosfenos producidos al presionar los ojos), semejante a la marca roja del iniciado (tilak), es necesario visualizarla en el corazn y en la cumbre de la cabeza: finalmente al desaparecer esa efervescencia, uno se absorber en la Consciencia resplandeciente. B - MEDITACIONES SONORAS 15. Consigue el Brahman supremo aqul que se sumerge en el sonido absoluto,

puramente interno, situado en el receptculo de la oreja; sonido ininterrumpido, tumultuoso como un ro. 16. Si se canta OM o cualquier otra frmula sagrada con presencia y lentitud; que se evoque el vaco que sigue al largo sonido final: por la potencia eminente de ese vaco, oh Bhairavi, uno se abismar en la Vacuidad. 17. Es en el comienzo o en el final de cualquier sonido, donde hay que centrarse. Llegado a ser vaco por virtud del vaco, el hombre tomar forma de vaco. 18. Si, indiferente a cualquier otra cosa, se siguen atentamente los prolongados sonidos de instrumentos de cuerdas, o de otros

instrumentos, al final de cada sonido (en el silencio en el que se reabsorbe el sonido), el esplendor infinito del firmamento se desplegar. 19. Visualiza una letra, djate llenar por su luminosidad. La consciencia abierta, entra en la sonoridad de la letra, despus en una sensacin cada vez ms sutil, un sonido cada vez menos audible. Cuando el sonido de la letra se disuelva en el espacio, ahonda en esta armona silenciosa; s libre. C - MEDITACIONES SOBRE EL CUERPO 20. Que se evoque el espacio vaco e ilimitado en su propio cuerpo y en todas las direcciones a la vez:

entonces, para un ser libre de dualidad mental, todo se vuelve espacio vaco e ilimitado. 21. Que se evoque al mismo tiempo el vaco (la presencia etrea) por encima y el vaco (la presencia etrea) por debajo. Perdiendo la energa sus ataduras con el cuerpo, el pensamiento quedar vaco. 22. Se debe evocar simultneamente y sin flaquear el vaco de la cumbre, el vaco de la base y el vaco del corazn. En el desvanecimiento de todo pensamiento dualizador, entonces aparecer la Consciencia no dual. 23. Que se evoque, justo por un instante, lo ilimitadamente espacioso en un punto

cualquiera del cuerpo: ah est la Vacuidad misma! Libre de toda distincin mental, se recobra la Esencia no dual. 24. Toda la substancia que forma el cuerpo, hay que evocarla intensamente como impregnada de ter (sin lmites, sin resistencias, homogneo, omnipresente, consciente, vacuo), y al fin, oh Diosa con ojos de gacela, esa evocacin se volver permanente. 25. Se debe meditar sobre el propio cuerpo como si no contuviera nada en el interior (como una habitacin vaca), no siendo la piel mas que una pared. As se pasar ms all de lo meditable.


ABSORCION SOSEGADA EN LA INTIMIDAD DEL CORAZN 26. Oh bienaventurada! Los sentidos absorbidos en la paz incorruptible del corazn, habiendo despejado todo objeto de su consciencia, l obtiene el ms alto favor, el que penetra hasta el centro (el chakra del corazn). 27. Que se disuelvan todos los procesos mentales en el centro superior de la cabeza, que se consolide bien la intuicin intelectual, que se impregne el cuerpo entero de consciencia: entonces, sin duda, el signo caracterstico de la Realidad se impondr. 28. Fija tu espritu en el centro superior de la cabeza en cualquier situacin en la que te encuentres, as la

agitacin desaparecer y en algunos das conocers lo indescriptible. 29. Concntrate en el fuego que se extiende desde el pi. As, por una concentracin intensa, se debe visualizar el propio cuerpo que, consumido por el fuego, se reduce a cenizas (pero tu identidad no). Al final se encontrar la serenidad. 30. O tambin; cuando haya meditado en la imaginacin sobre el universo entero como si estuviera siendo consumido por las llamas, el hombre cuya mente permanece indiferente a todo lo dems, llegar a la ms alta condicin humana. 31. Si se efecta la meditacin sobre los principios sutiles y sobre los

principios muy sutiles contenidos en su propio cuerpo, o bien sobre los del universo, como si se reabsorbieran los unos en los otros; al final la suprema Diosa se revelar. 32. Aquel que medite sobre la energa del aliento, fluida, plena y a la vez lenta y muy suave, en la cumbre del cerebro, y que, en el momento de dormirse, penetre en su propio corazn, obtendr por este medio el libre poder sobre sus sueos y sobre la muerte misma. 33. Que se considere el universo entero como si se disolviese en formas cada vez ms sutiles (los mundos fluyen en principios, los principios


en el Ser) hasta su fusin de pura Consciencia. 34. Si se medita sobre la realidad Shivata segn el mtodo de los seis caminos (remontando de las formas a las esencias); y esto englobando ah totalmente el universo entero, entonces surgir el gran Despertar. 35. Hay que concentrarse intensamente sobre todo este universo como si estuviera vaco. Entonces, oh suprema Diosa, con el pensamiento disuelto, se llegar a ser maestro en esta absorcin. 36. Que se ponga la mirada limpia y sin pensamiento sobre un cntaro, una vasija, o cualquier otro recipiente, pero sin prestar la menor atencin a sus paredes. Si se

consigue absorberse en ese vaco, en ese instante preciso, uno se identificara con l. 37. Que se ponga una mirada global, sin pensamiento, en un lugar interminablemente espacioso (un horizonte vaco), sin rboles, sin montaas, sin paredes ni obstculos (un desierto, un ocano... ): entonces el pensamiento se reabsorber y uno se volver libre de toda actividad fluctuante. EL CENTRO Y EL DESPERTAR MS ALTO 38. Al percibir dos objetos, se toma consciencia del intervalo que los separa; hay que instalarse ah sin tambalearse. Que a

continuacin se rechacen los dos objetos simultneamente: entonces, en esa grieta, la Realidad brilla. 39. Cuando la consciencia acaba de abandonar un objeto, se debe bloquearla sin dejar que se oriente hacia otra cosa. As, gracias a ese vaco intermedio, la Realizacin se expande en toda su intensidad. 40. En verdad, que se contemple perfectamente, de manera simultnea en su totalidad, bien sea el universo exterior, bien sea el propio cuerpo, como si estuvieran hechos de Consciencia. Entonces, ya ninguna dualidad subsistiendo, surgir el Despertar supremo. 41. El yoghi debe de ejercitarse en fijar la

atencin en el vaco de esos puntos en los que no hay ni entrada ni salida de aire, en el interior (al final de la inspiracin) y en el exterior (al final de la expiracin). As se convertir finalmente en el recipiente del que surge el Conocimiento de una armona completa (el Conocedor) BEATITUDES 42. Hay que considerar, bien sea el universo entero, bien sea el cuerpo individual, simultneamente en su totalidad, como desbordante de su propia felicidad. Entonces, degustando este nctar intimo, uno se identificar a la Beatitud Absoluta. 43. En presencia de un espectculo de magia, oh Diosa

con ojos de gacela, una gran alegra surge sbitamente. Gracias a ella, la Realidad se desvela. 44. Cuando la potencia del aliento se eleva, todo el conjunto de las diversas actividades se derrumba: poco a poco, en el momento en el que un hormigueo es sentido, la suprema voluptuosidad se propaga. 45. En el intervalo entre el fuego (comienzo del acto sexual) y el veneno (final del acto sexual), que se fije la Consciencia que no es otra cosa que gozo. Entonces la Consciencia se asla, se colma de aliento, y se une a la beatitud del amor. 46. Al final de la unin, en el instante en el que acaba la

absorcin en la intensa energa de la mujer, es el Gozo de la Realidad de Brahman lo que se esta disfrutando: y es eso lo que se llama precisamente gozo intimo. 47. Incluso en ausencia de una pareja, el flujo de felicidad puede producirse si se rememora intensamente la alegra y el gozo que nos han dado sus caricias, sus besos, sus abrazos (haciendo el delicado y difcil recorrido de retorno desde el gozo sensorial al gozo del Ser). 48. O tambin, al volver a ver a alguien de la familia despus de una larga separacin, que inmensa alegra! Que se contemple esta felicidad que acaba de surgir, que uno se absorba en ella,

que el pensamiento se identifique con ella. 49. En esa expansin de alegra que procuran el alimento y la bebida, hay que entregarse sin reserva a la plenitud experimentada (la plenitud en s, separada del objeto): as se acceder a una felicidad perfecta. 50. Si el yogui se funde en esa felicidad sin rival que suscitan los cantos y otros placeres estticos, su pensamiento muy tranquilizado, todo mezclado a ese disfrute, l se identificar con la felicidad misma. 51. Ah donde la psique encuentra su satisfaccin (y queda aquietada), ah mismo (en esa quietud y en esa satisfaccin) se debe quedar

fijada sin dudas: porque es ah donde la esencia de la suprema beatitud se revela sin restriccin. 52. Cuando el sueo no se ha impuesto todava, y, sin embargo, el mundo exterior desaparece, en ese estado, la incomparable Diosa aparece. MUDRAS, GESTOS, POSTURAS Y DESVANECIMIENTO DEL SOPORTE 53. Cuando bajo la luz del sol, de una lampara o de otra fuente luminosa, una porcin de espacio aparece salpicado de manchas, que se fije la mirada ah: y la esencia intima del Absoluto resplandecer. 54. La posicin del Cadver, La Furiosa, la Bhairaviana, la Absorbedora, la Moviente en el

espacio: por estas cinco posiciones-actitudes, el universo ser captado intuitivamente, la suprema fusin en el Todo ser revelada. 55. Que uno se instale en un asiento muy blando, solo reposando sobre las nalgas, sin soporte para los pies ni las manos: as la Consciencia despierta surge y se expande en plenitud. 56. Confortablemente instalado en un asiento, los brazos cruzados en el pecho y las manos en las cavidades de las axilas. Se satura gradualmente la zona entre las axilas de una gran paz. El pensamiento se concentra: as recogido, sobreviene el apaciguamiento.

57. Si se mira fijamente, sin parpadear, cualquier objeto fsico como si fuese por primera vez, privando al pensamiento de todo apoyo (de toda asociacin mental), pronto se alcanza el estado de Shiva. 58. La boca muy abierta, manteniendo la lengua en el centro, si se fija la consciencia en ese centro recitando mentalmente el sonido HA, uno se disolver en la paz. 59. Estando sentado o acostado, que se imagine intensamente el propio cuerpo como si estuviera privado de soporte (ingrvido). El pensamiento se desvanece en ese mismo instante; las predisposiciones,

potencialidades, impregnaciones oscuras y las tendencias subconscientes no tardarn de la misma manera en desvanecerse. 60. O bien; si uno se encuentra en un vehculo en movimiento muy rpido, o en movimiento oscilante, o si no, moviendo el cuerpo con una lentitud extrema, entonces, oh Diosa, gracias al apaciguamiento del pensamiento, se accede al Ocano Divino. EL INEXPRESABLE ESPLENDOR. BHAIRAVA SE INSTAURA 61. Esplendor Bhairaviano! Oh Diosa, se llegar a ese esplendor instantneamente si, contemplando un cielo inmaculado, todo el ser

inmvil, se sumerge ah una mirada sin flaqueo. 62. Todo ese espacio vaco del cual Bhairava constituye la esencia, hay que evocarlo como disuelto en la propia cabeza y reabsorberse en l. Entonces el universo entero ser absorbido en la resplandeciente Realidad, expresin misma de Bhairava. 63. Cuando se ha reconocido plenamente la naturaleza de Bhairava (La Consciencia) en los tres estados, a saber: conocimiento dual limitado (en la vigilia), percepcin exteriorizante (en el sueo), tinieblas (en el sueo profundo), se est entonces colmado de la Luz infinita de la Consciencia.


64. O tambin; durante una oscura noche sin luna, los ojos abiertos a las tinieblas, deja a tu ser entero fundirse en esa oscuridad y accede a la esencia bhairaviana (al estado de despertar). 65. O todava; en primer lugar se mantienen los ojos bien cerrados, entonces se ve una mancha oscura. Que, a continuacin, se abran los ojos exageradamente, evocando la forma de Bhairava: se volver uno idntico a ella. 66. Cuando un obstculo hace fracasar cualquier deseo de los sentidos, o tambin si voluntariamente se rechaza la satisfaccin del deseo; si uno se zambulle en ese vaco sin dualidad que ocurre en ese momento (en el vaco de la

frustracin), ah mismo la Consciencia ultima brilla en todo su esplendor. 67. Si se pronuncia la letra A, de una manera muy breve, brusca, fugitiva y sutil; el Seor supremo, ese potente torrente de Conocimiento surge imprevisible. 68. Que se fije la consciencia sobre el fin sbito de cualquier sonido. Entonces, no encontrando el pensamiento ya ms ningn apoyo, se entrar en contacto con el Brahman eterno. 69. Uno debe percibirse como si se difundiera en todas direcciones, lejos, cerca. Tan pronto como la consciencia haya perdido todo soporte, entonces la verdadera


naturaleza de la Energa se revelar. 70. Si se golpea cualquier parte del cuerpo con un instrumento puntiagudo o de otra clase, y se mantiene la consciencia fijada en ese lugar preciso (en esa nica sensacin en si, como pura energa), se conocer un impulso fulgurante hacia Bhairava (el estado supremo). 71. La actividad mental, el intelecto, el ego, el pensamiento no existen en m: es necesario tener la certitud de ello. Gracias a la ausencia de pensamiento dualizante que resulta de esta certitud, se trascienden para siempre todos los pensamientos. 72. A la ilusin (Maya) se le llama aquello que

desorienta. La funcin de las cinco corazas (determinacin, discriminacin, apego, tiempo y espacio) es la de delimitar, y cada una de las corazas tiene otras. Pero si se considera que todo eso (Maya y las corazas determinantes) son simples atributos de lo Real, porque rechazarlos? (pudiendo usar lo ilusorio como camino de retorno a lo Real). REPLIEGE A LA FUENTE DE LA ENERGA DE LA VOLUNTAD Y PERFECTA OMNIPENETRACIN A. DESEO Y CONOCIMIENTO 73. Habiendo constatado la emergencia de un deseo, que se le ponga fin bruscamente. Cualquiera que sea la fuente

de la cual surgi, que all mismo se reabsorba. 74. Antes de que la voluntad, el conocer o el deseo hayan surgido, en verdad Quin soy yo? Tal es, en el orden mas profundo, la naturaleza del Yo (sin voluntad, conocimiento ni deseo). Que el pensamiento se identifique a ello, se abisme en ello. 75. Pero una vez que voluntad y conocimiento ya han aparecido, entonces se debe adherir todo el ser al surgimiento de la energa deseante y cognosciente (olvidando el objeto de deseo o de conocimiento), sin mirar a nada ms: entonces, intuitivamente, el Sentido Ultimo de la Realidad ser percibido.

76. Sin causa, sin soporte, embaucador por naturaleza: as es todo conocimiento relativo. En el orden de la Realidad Absoluta, este conocimiento relativo no pertenece a ningn sujeto limitado. Oh Bien amada, quien se consagra enteramente a esta meditacin llega a ser Shiva. 77. Aquel que tiene como propiedad la Consciencia, reside en todos los cuerpos; en ninguna parte existe diferenciacin. Todo est hecho de esta Consciencia: darse cuenta de ello, es dominar el devenir. 78. Si se consigue estabilizar la consciencia mientras se es presa del deseo, de la clera, de la avidez, de la desorientacin,

del orgullo, de los celos; la inmutable Realidad que est detrs de esos estados, la tranquilidad que subyace, subsiste sola. B - ILUSION Y FELICIDAD 79. Como un espectculo de magia, como una pintura o como un remolino; as debe uno llegar a percibir el universo, en su integridad: de esa meditacin surgir la felicidad. 80. Oh Bhairavi! No residas ni en el placer ni en el sufrimiento, sino mantnte constantemente en la realidad inefable y espacial que los une a ambos, en el centro inmvil que est entre ellos. 81. Yo estoy en todas partes: es dndose cuenta, de esto, como uno se desapega de

su propio cuerpo. Bien sujeto en esta visin, sin preocupacin por otra cosa, se obtiene la dicha. 82. La discriminacin o el deseo, etc., no residen exclusivamente en m (ser consciente), sino que se encuentran tambin en todas partes, en las vasijas y otros objetos inanimados. Quien se da cuenta de esto llega a ser omnipenetrante. REALIZACIN DEL SI ABSOLUTO. CONOCIMIENTO DEL UNO 83. Todos los seres que poseen un cuerpo tienen una percepcin idntica del sujeto y del objeto. Pero lo que caracteriza a los yoguis, es su atencin sin defecto en la unin del sujeto y del objeto,

(sin estar perdidos en las cosas). 84. Incluso en el cuerpo de otro, siente la consciencia como la tuya propia; en poco tiempo se llegar a la omnipresencia. 85. Que se retire todo soporte al pensamiento: se cesar entonces de tener una visin dualista de las cosas. Cul es entonces el estado bhairaviano, oh Diosa con ojos de gacela?: Es cuando el yo individual llega a ser el Si Absoluto. 86. Yo soy omnisciente, omnipotente, omnipenetrante; yo soy el Seor supremo, dotado de todos los atributos de Shiva (La Consciencia): aquel que es consciente de tales certitudes y se afirma

en ellas, se vuelve Shiva (La Consciencia) en persona. 87. Lo mismo que las olas surgen del agua, las llamas del fuego, los rayos del sol, as es a partir de m, Bhairava, como todas las ondas de este universo surgen diferenciadas. 88. Cuando, habiendo perdido el camino, se ha corrido y dado vueltas en todos los sentidos, hasta el punto de caer por tierra extenuado; entonces, cuando la agitacin ya se ha reabsorbido, gracias al cese de la efervescencia de la energa, la condicin suprema se manifiesta. 89. Si uno se encuentra privado de energa, o bien de consciencia del mundo exterior o incluso si el pensamiento se

disgrega, entonces, cuando llega a su fin la efervescencia energtica consecuente con esos estados, resplandece la Maravilla bhairaviana. 90. Oh Diosa, escchame, voy a revelarte toda esta enseanza tradicional y mstica: basta con que los ojos se fijen en el espacio sin parpadear para que aparezca al momento el estado de soledad plena, de independencia, de perfeccin, de totalidad. 91. Habiendo taponado los odos, y contrado los esfnteres inferiores del cuerpo, que se medite sobre la pura resonancia interior, sin consonante ni vocal, hasta penetrar en el eterno Brahman.

92. Que uno se mantenga sobre un pozo muy profundo (precipicio, valle, vasija ... ), con los ojos fijos: entonces la pura intuicin intelectiva (buddhi), que ninguna dualidad perturba, se produce claramente, y pronto el pensamiento se disuelve completamente. ILUMINACIN SUPREMA Y NIVELACIN REHABILITACIN DEL PENSAMIENTO Y DE LOS ORGANOS Y LIBERTAD ABSOLUTA 93. Oh bienamada, por dondequiera que se oriente el pensamiento, hacia fuera o hacia dentro, ah mismo se encuentra el estado shivata: puesto que este es

omnipenetrante adnde podra ir el pensamiento para escapar de l?. 94. En todo momento, por intermediacin de los sentidos, la Consciencia absoluta se revela. (cuando ests vvidamente consciente a travs de algn sentido particular, conserva la pura consciencia). Que uno se absorba exclusivamente en ella y se descubrir la plenitud esencial. 95. Al comienzo o al final de un estornudo, en el terror o en la ansiedad, cuando uno est suspendido sobre un precipicio, cuando uno huye de un campo de batalla, en el instante en el que una intensa curiosidad brota, cuando se despierta el apetito o que

este es saciado, etc. en todas estas emociones es la naturaleza misma de lo Absoluto la que se manifiesta. 96. Volviendo a ver un lugar en el que se vivi antao, que uno deje ir el recuerdo (etapa transitoria entre el puro Sujeto y el puro objeto) hacia tal o cual objeto. Entonces, he aqu que el cuerpo pierde todo apoyo y ah, el Soberano Omnipresente se manifiesta. 97. Si se concentra la mirada sobre un objeto cualquiera y, a continuacin, muy lentamente, se la retira de l, el conocimiento del objeto no subsiste ms que en el pensamiento, si luego se retira tambin el pensamiento uno se vuelve el receptculo de la plenitud inefable.

98. Esta alta intuicin espiritual (buddhi) que, en el hombre perfectamente desapegado, se despierta por la intensidad de la Bhakti (devocin, amor, respeto y adoracin del hombre hacia Dios), es la energa misma del Bienhechor. Que se le evoque sin descanso y uno se identificar con l, Shiva. (La entrega devocional desemboca en la liberacin). 99. Mientras que se toma consciencia de un objeto determinado, todos los dems objetos se disuelven poco a poco en la vacuidad. Si se centra la atencin sobre esta ltima, sin dejar sin embargo de percibir el objeto, se accede a la quietud.


100. Esas purificaciones rituales que predican las personas de dbil conocimiento, aparece en la doctrina shivata como una verdadera impureza: librate del pensamiento dualizante y no reconozcas nada como puro o impuro; es liberndose de todas estas dualidades como se llegar a la dicha. 101. La realidad bhairaviana se extiende por todo igualmente, incluidas las personas comunes. Nada existe que sea distinto a ello: el hombre que toma consciencia de esto accede al Sin-segundo. 102. Se debe ser el mismo con respecto al amigo y al enemigo, el mismo en el honor y en el deshonor. Habiendo comprendido esto, que uno se

establezca en la total plenitud de Brahman (Lo Absoluto) y que se sea dichoso. 103. No se debe alimentar el odio hacia nadie; an ms no se debe alimentar el apego. En este estado de en medio, en quien est libre tanto del apego como del odio, Brahman (Lo Absoluto) aparece suavemente. 104. Lo incognoscible, lo inaprensible, el vaco y aquello que no llegar nunca a la existencia: contempla todo esto; al final de esta evocacin est la iluminacin. 105. Se debe fijar el pensamiento sobre el espacio externo que es eterno, sin fundamento, vaco, omnipenetrante, indeterminado:

as uno se fundir en el noespacio. 106. Cualquiera que sea el objeto en el que est el pensamiento, es necesario, por la fuerza misma de ese pensamiento y sin demora, dejar el objeto completamente sin dejar a otro que tome su lugar. Entonces toda la agitacin mental tendr fin. BHAIRAVA APACIGUADO EN EL CUAL LA LIBERTAD SE MANIFIESTA PLENAMENTE 107. Bhairava es uno con tu consciencia luminosa. Bhairava es aquel que, gracias a la consciencia de si, refleja todo, da todo, y penetra el universo entero. Recitando el nombre de Bhairava (vivenciando el contenido y el

estado que evoca), llegas a ser Shiva (La Consciencia). 108. Yo soy esto o lo otro, eso es mo, yo existo...: incluso a travs de tales afirmaciones, (si se discierne quien es ese yo) el pensamiento llega a lo sinsoporte. A esta viva meditacin sucede el apaciguamiento. 109. Eterno, Omnipresente, Sin Soporte, Omnipenetrante, Soberano de todo lo que es: aqul que medita en cada instante sobre estas palabras actualiza el sentido ltimo de ellas. Se convierte en lo que ellas significan. 110. Todo este universo est tan desprovisto de realidad como un espectculo de magia. Cul es la realidad de tal

fantasmagora? Si esta visin se implanta firmemente en si, uno se apacigua. 111. Para un Si liberado de toda forma, cmo podra existir un conocimiento o actividad cualesquiera? Los objetos externos dependen del yo que es consciente de ellos y, por lo tanto, este mundo est vaco. 112. No existen ya ms para m ataduras, no existe ya ms para m la liberacin. Atadura y liberacin no son mas que fantasmas para personas asustadas. Como el sol se refleja en el agua, as todo este universo se refleja en el espejo de la consciencia. ... placer, dolor, etc., todas estas impresiones nos llegan por la puerta de los

sentidos. Que uno se libere de esto (que se desprenda todo ello), que se estabilice slidamente en Si-mismo: entonces se morar por siempre en el Ser. ... Todo es iluminado por la consciencia y la consciencia es iluminada por todo. Debido a su esencia nica, conocimiento y conocido se revelan como siendo uno. ... pensamiento emprico, consciencia interior, energa vital, sujeto limitado: cuando estas cuatro cosas se han desvanecido definitivamente, oh Bienamada!, solo subsiste la Maravilla Bhairaviana. As, ciento CONCLUSIN en pocas palabras, doce instrucciones

referidas a ese estado libre de agitacin acaban de ser expuestas. Aquel que las conoce escapa al pensamiento dualizante y llega al conocimiento perfecto. Llega a ser Bhairava mismo en persona quien se consagra a uno solo de estos mtodos. Sus palabras se realizan en actos, l obtiene el poder de transmitir, o no, la Shakti. El no envejece, l no muere. Disfruta de atributos supranormales, como el poder de exigidad y los otros. Mimado por las yoghini (las ocho energas del supremo Shiva), oh Diosa!, l hace de maestro en todas sus asambleas. El est liberado, aunque contine todava en esta vida

y se dedique a labores ordinarias. La diosa plante entonces su ltima pregunta: Oh seor supremo, si tal es la maravillosa esencia de la Energa, y se toma por norma, oh Dios, Quin en ese caso recita las frmulas sagradas y cul es la recitacin? Quin medita, oh poderoso Maestro, quin adora y quin se regocija de ser adorado? Quin ofrece la oblacin a quin? O todava ms, Cul es la oblacin, cul es el sacrificio, quin lo ha hecho, cmo y por qu? Bhairava respondi: Oh Diosa con ojos de gacela, estas prcticas de las que haces mencin son totalmente exteriores y no revelan ms

que el mbito grosero. En verdad, esta Realizacin que se realiza incansablemente en el seno de la Realidad Suprema, he ah la recitacin (japa) que es digna de ese nombre... Un intelecto inmutable, sin aspecto ni fundamento, tal es la verdadera meditacin (dhyna). Pero la representacin formal de divinidades provistas de cuerpos, de rganos, de rostros o de manos, no, eso no tiene nada en comn con la verdadera meditacin. La adoracin (puja) verdadera no consiste en ofrecer flores u otros dones, sino en afianzar la intuicin intelectual en el supremo


firmamento de la Consciencia no dual... Si uno se dedica resueltamente a una sola de las ciento doce instrucciones aqu descritas, se disfrutar cada da ms profundamente de una plenitud ilimitada... Cuando se hecha al fuego de la Suprema Realidad (el Gran Vaco) los cinco elementos, los sentidos y sus objetos, la mente dualizante e incluso la vacuidad misma, entonces hay una real ofrenda a los dioses. Oh diosa suprema, aqu, el sacrificio no es otra cosa que la satisfaccin espiritual caracterizada por la felicidad. El verdadero lugar de peregrinaje es la absorcin en la Shakti que destruye toda mancha y protege a todos los

seres. cmo podra haber otra adoracin y quin la recibira entonces?. La esencia del Ser es universal. Es autonoma, felicidad y consciencia. La absorcin en esta esencia es el bao ritual. Las ofrendas, el adorador, la suprema Shakti no son mas que uno. Esto es la adoracin profunda. Que el aliento expirado salga y que el aliento inspirado penetre, en una armona espontnea. La Kundalini, la Sinuosa, entonces recobrar su verdadera naturaleza enderezada. Es la Gran Diosa, inmanente y trascendente, es el ms alto lugar de peregrinaje... Gracias a Ella, bien absorbido en Ella, se

alcanzar la incomparable Bhairava. Emitiendo el fonema SA, el individuo, por su aliento, se dirige hacia el exterior; enunciando el fonema HA, l penetra de nuevo en Si mismo. Es as que, sin descanso, la respiracin va repitiendo esta formula HAMSA, HAMSA (yo soy Ello; Ello soy yo). Veintin mil veces, da y noche, esta recitacin del mantra de la suprema Diosa est prescrito. Muy fcil de realizar, no plantea dificultad ms que a los ignorantes. Oh Diosa, acabo as de exponerte esta suprema ambrosia que nada podra sobrepasar. No se debe nunca divulgar a alguien que no sea

discpulo de la ConscienciaEnerga (porque le creara una perturbacin), que sea malo, duro de corazn o falto de devocin hacia su Gur. Por el contrario, no se tenga duda en dispensarlo a esos seres de intuicin intelectual pura en los que la duda no aflora jams, a esos hroes, esos seres magnnimos, todos aquellos que veneran el linaje inicitico de los maestros y que las pondrn en prctica. Porque sin prctica, la transmisin se diluye, y aquellos que han tenido la maravillosa ocasin de recibir esas enseanzas vuelven al sufrimiento y a la ilusin a pesar de que han tenido un tesoro eterno en las manos.


Oh mujer con ojos de gacela; pueblo, reino, ciudad, pas, mujer, hijos, parientes, todo aquello de lo cual se ha tomado posesin, habr que abandonarlo totalmente!. Para que bueno sirven esas cosas pasajeras, oh Diosa, si solo este supremo tesoro es permanente?. La vida misma habr que abandonar, pero que no se renuncie a la ambrosia soberana. La Diosa exclam: Oh Dios de dioses, oh poderoso Dios, heme aqu perfectamente colmada, oh Seor de la felicidad. Ahora he captado la esencia de las enseanzas y la quintaesencia de los Tantras. Ahora he penetrado intuitivamente el


corazn de todas las energas diferenciadas. As como se reconoce el espacio iluminado por los rayos del sol, as se reconoce a Shiva (La Consciencia) gracias a Shakti (La Energa) que es la esencia del Ser. Entonces Shiva y Shakti, radiantes de beatitud, se unieron de nuevo en lo indiferenciado.

Adorando a Shiva


FIN DEL VIJNA BHAIRAVA TANTRA Respetable Jpika Satya Gur de la JANA Dr. Pablo Elias Gmez Posse

Sanskrit-English Dictionary
Dictionary reference list used at http://bhagavata.org to the file that was loaded from: sacred-texts.com and has been extended with definitions of the Monier-Williams dictionary (indicated with an *=) and the ISKCON Vedabase (marked*V) and (partly) adapted to the transliteration used at srimadbhagavatam.org (see also http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil226

fak/indologie/tamil/mwreport.html mwreport.html or the html-version). Transliteration functions: n with ~= J or n'; n with an accent is a G; A = aa or , I = ii or , U= uu or , T= th, z=s', M=m/n (with dot), H=h (ha), N= n, 4= stressed in pronunciation, S (s with lower dot)=sh, R= ri (the original list this list began with sometimes spells the s' or z as sh, thus creating confusion on the spelling of the s with a above; but this is not so for words from the MW dictionary with a *= behind them). Apart from the transcription of Devangar letters care has to be taken of accents,f Udtta and Svarita, both represented by the digit 4. Furthermore in MW entries the indication of vowel sandhi ("blending of short and long vowels'') by circumflex is represented here by the number 7 if placed above a single vowel and by 9 if spanning two vowels. The (rare) combination of two separate vowels in MW is represented by adding the number 0 to the second vowel. Updated: see bottom of the page (check for regular updates)


A AUM = Primordial Sound OMkaara = the syllable om a = not aa *= from all sides, up to, even, until, up to the limit, not, all over, aa+ghraa = to smell aa+char.h = to practice aa+yaa = to come aa+ruh.h = to climb aaudau = in the beginning aauM-kaara = the sound AUM aaH = to sit aabda = year aabdaphala = yearly prognostication, also varshhaphala

aabhaa* =1 P. {-bhAti} (Impv. 2. sg. {A4-bhAhi} RV.; pf. {-babhau}) to shine or blaze towards RV. AV.; to irradiate, outshine, illumine RV. AV. TB. BhP.; to appear, become visible or apparent BhP. MBh. Hariv. Rjat. &c.; to look like Kaths. MBh. &c. aa-bhaa* =2 f. splendour, light; a flash; colour, appearance, beauty MBh. Mn. Sus'r. Pacat. &c.; a reflected image, outline; likeness, resemblance MBh. R.; (mfn.) ifc. like, resembling, appearing R. Kvya7d. S'is'. &c. (e.g. {hemA7bha}, shining like gold); [cf. Hib. {avibh}, `" likeness, similitude "'; {avibe}, `" neatness, elegance "'; {avibhcal}, `" a spark of fire "' ?] [145,2] aabhri * = P. {-bha4rati} (pf. {A4-jabhAra} RV.; aor. P. sg. {A74bhArSam} RV. &c.) to bring towards or near; to carry or fetch; to effect, produce RV. AV. VS. S'Br. &c.; to fill up, fill, attract (one's attention) BhP aabrahmabhuvanaat.h = up to the Brahmaloka planet aabhaj * = P. (Impv. 2. sg. %{A4-bhaja}; pf. %{A4babhAja}; aor. Subj. 2. sg. %{A4-bhAg} RV. viii, 69, 8) A1. (Impv. 2. sg. %{A4-bhajasva}, &c.) to cause to share or partake; to help any one to anything, let

any one have anything RV. AV. AitBr. S3Br. &c.; to revere, respect BhP.: Caus. (Impv. 2. sg. %{bhAjayasva}) to cause to partake Comm. on Br2A1rUp. i, 3, 18. aabhajanIya * = mfn. id. Sa1y. on RV. aabharaNaM = ornaments aabharaNam.h = (n) ornaments, jewellery aabhaa = color aabhaasaM = the original source * = aabhaasa * = m. splendour, light R. Veda1ntas. 195; colour, appearance R. Sus3r. Bhag.; semblance, phantom, phantasm of the imagination; mere appearance, fallacious appearance Veda1ntas. S3a1n3khS3r.; reflection; intention, purpose; (in log.) fallacy, semblance of a reason, sophism, an erroneous though plausible argument (regarded by logicians as of various kind); ifc. looking like, having the mere appearance of a thing Gaut. Sa1h. &c. aabhaasha m. speech , talking ; addressing R. ; a saying , proverb ; introduction , preface L. aabhaashya * = 1 mfn. to be addressed, worthy

of being spoken to or conversed with MBh. Ragh. \\2 ind. p. having addressed, having spoken to. aabhaasvara* = mfn. (Pn. 3-2, 175) shining, bright L.; m. N. of a class of deities, sixtyfour in number; N. of a particular set of twelve subjects ({AtmA jJAtA damo dAntaH zAntir jJAnaM zamas tapaH kAmaH krodho mado moho dvAdazA7bhAsvarA ime} T.) aabhaata* = mfn. shining, blazing; appearing, visible MBh. Mn. &c. abhi* = ind. (a prefix to verbs and nouns, expressing) to, towards, into, over, upon. (As a prefix to verbs of motion) it expresses the notion or going towards, approaching, &c. (As a prefix to nouns not derived from verbs) it expresses superiority, intensity, &c.; e.g. {abhi-tAmra}, {abhinava} q.v. (As a separate adverb or preposition) it expresses (with acc.) to, towards, in the direction of, against; into S'Br. and KtyS'r.; for, for the sake of; on account of; on, upon, with regard to, by, before, in front of; over. It may even express one after the other, severally Pn. 1-4, 91 e.g. {vRkSaM vRkSam abhi}, tree after tree [cf. Gk. $; Lat. {ob}; Zend &18820[61,1] {aibi}, {aiwi}; Goth. {bi}; Old High Germ. {b}].


abhii* = 1 mfn. fearless R. Ragh.\\* = 2 ( {i}), {abhy-e4ti} (Imper. 2. sg. {abhI74hi}; impf. 3. pl. {Ayan}, 3. sg. . {-Ayata}; ind. p. {abhI74tya}) to come near, approach, go up to or towards (acc.) RV. &c.; (with {sakAzam} or {samIpam} or {pArzve}) id. Pacat.; to go along or after (acc.) RV. &c.; to enter, join, go over to Mn. Bhathth.; (with a pr. p.) to begin to, (perf. 3. pl. {abhI7yu4H}) S'Br.; to reach, obtain RV. &c.; to get or fall into (acc.) MBh. &c.; to come to, fall to one's share (with acc.) Bhathth.; (said of the sun) to rise (as if he came nearer; also with {abhitarAm} [q. v.] instead of {abhi}) AitBr., (with {astam}) to set MBh. i, 1797 (cf. {abhy-aya}): Pass. {abhI7yate}, to be perceived, known BhP.: Intens. (1. pl. {-Imahe}) to ask, request RV. i, 24, 3. aabhiikshNa * = mfn. (fr. {abhIkSNa}), repeated, frequent L.; ({am}) n. continued repetition. aabhUka* = mfn. empty, having no contents; powerless. aabhuuta* = mfn. produced, existing. aachar.h = to behave, interact aaca* = m. N. of a man Rjat.; see {Aca-parAca} and {Aco7paca} ss.vv.

aacaksh * = A1. %{-caSTe} (Pot. 2. sg. %{cakSIthAs} ; perf. %{-cacakSe}) to look at , inspect RV. vii , 34 , 10 ; to tell , relate , make a communication about (acc.) , announce , declare , make known , confess TS. vii S3Br. &c. ; to acquaint , introduce to (acc.) MBh. xiii , 1986 R. ; to address any one (acc.) Das3. ; to call , name S3Br. A1s3vGr2. &c. ; to signify Pa1n2. Sch. aacar* = {-carati}, to come near to (acc.), approach RV.; to lead hither (as a path) TS. ii [131,3]; to address, apply to (acc.) Pacat.; to proceed, manage, behave one's self. RPrt. Mn. ii, 110, &c.; to use, apply p. RPrt.; to examine (a witness) Mn. viii, 102, &c.; (with or without {saha}) to have intercourse with ChUp. Mn. xi, 180; to act, undertake, do, exercise, practise, perform MundUp. Mn. (v, 22 impf. {A7carat}, `" has done it "') MBh. &c.; to throw into the fire KtyS'r. aacaara * = m. (ifc. f. {A} Yj. i, 87, &c.) conduct, manner of action, behaviour, good behaviour, good conduct Mn. MBh. &c.; custom, practice, usage, traditional or immemorial usage (as the foundation of law) ib.; an established rule of conduct, ordinance, institute, precept; a rule or line MBh. iii, 166; = {AcArika} below Sus'r.; (with Buddhists) agreeing with what is taught by the teacher Sarvad.; ({I}) f. the plant Hingtsha Repens L.

aacara* = see {dur-Aca4ra}. aacaara* = &c. see {A-car}. acarama * mfn. not last, not least; said of the Maruts RV. v, 58, 5. aacaraNa * = n. approaching, arrival (as of the dawn) RV. i, 48, 3; undertaking, practising, performing Kd. Sh.; conduct, behaviour Vedntas., (cf. {sv-Ac-}); a cart, carriage ChUp. (m. Comm.) aacarataH = acting aacarati = he does aacaraan.h = performing aacaaraH = behavior aacaarya = a religious teacher aacaarya(H) = (Masc.nom.S)teacher; preceptor aacaaryaM = the teacher aacaaryaaH = teachers


aacaaryaan.h = teachers aacaaryopaasanaM = approaching a bona fide spiritual master aacchaadakam.h = (n) covering sheet, chaddar aacit* =1 (Impv. 2. sg. {-cikiddhi}; perf. 3. sg. {ciketa}) to attend to, keep in mind RV.; (Subj. 1. sg. {-ciketam}; perf. 3. sg. {-ciketa}, p. m. nom. {cikitvA4n}) to comprehend, understand, know RV. AV. v, 1, 2; to invent RV. viii, 9, 7; (Subj. {-cetat} or {-ci4ketat}; perf. . 3. pl. {-cikitre} or {-cikitrire}) to appear, become visible, distinguish one's self RV.: Desid. (1. pl. {-cikitsAmas}) to wait for, watch clandestinely, lurk RV. viii, 91, 3. \\ =2 {t} f. attention to (gen.) RV. vii, 65, 1 aada * = mfn. ifc. taking , receiving (cf. %{dAyA7da4}.) aadadi * = mfn. procuring RV. viii , 46 , 8 , obtaining , recovering RV. i , 127 , 6 ; ii , 24 , 13. aadaana = taking aadaara * =N. of a plant that can be substituted for the Soma.


aadaa * = 1. A1. %{-datte} , (Pa1n2. 1-3 , 20) , ep. also rarely P. (e.g. 1. sg. %{-dadmi} , or %{dadAmi}) , Ved. generally A1. [Pot. 1. pl. %{dadImahi} [136,3] ; impf. 3. sg. %{A7datta} ; perf. 1. and 3. sg. %{-dade} ; perf. p. %{-dadAna4} RV. iv , 19 , 9 , or %{-da4dAna} RV. x , 18 , 9 AV.] , but also P. (impf. sg. %{A7dam} , %{A7das} , %{A7dat} , and 1. pl. %{A7dAma} aor. 3. du. %{A7ttAm} VS. xxi , 43) `" to give to one's self "' , take , accept , receive from (loc. instr. or abl.) RV. &c. ; to seize , take away , carry off , rob ib. ; to take back , reclaim Mn. viii , 222 seq. ; to take off or out from (abl.) , separate from (abl.) RV. i , 139 , 2 , &c. ; to take or carry away with one's self , KenaUp. (Pot. P. 1. sg. %{-dadIyam@}!) Mn. ix , 92 MBh. ; to seize , grasp , take or catch hold of RV. &c. ; to put on (clothes) RV. ix , 96 , 1 S3vetUp. ; to take as food or drink (with gen.) RV. viii , 72 , 17 and (perf. Pass. 3. sg. %{-dade}) 19 , 31 ; (with acc.) Ragh. ii , 6 ; to undertake , begin BhP. &c. ; to choose (a path) R. Ragh. iii , 46 ; (with %{vacanam} &c.) to begin to speak MBh. &c. ; to begin to speak or to recite Ta1n2d2yaBr. La1t2y. (cf. %{punar-AdAyam}) ; to offer (as oblations) Mun2d2Up. (irreg. pr. p. %{dadAyat}) ; to perceive , notice , feel MBh. 4. Ra1jat. ; to keep in mindN. ; to accept , approve of MBh. v , 7324 R. Ma1lav.: Caus. (ind. p. %{dApya}) to cause one to take S3a1n3khS3r.: Desid. A1. (impf. 3. pl. %{A74ditsanta}) to be on the point of taking or carrying away from (gen.) TS. i ; to be

on the point of taking (the hand of) Das3. ; to be about to take to one's self Hcar.\\ 4. P. %{A4-dyati} , to bind on , fasten to AV. aadadi * = mfn. procuring RV. viii, 46, 8, obtaining, recovering RV. i, 127, 6; ii, 24, 13. aadara * = respect, regard, notice; care, trouble Pacat. Hit. Ragh. Kir. &c.; {AdaraM-} 1. {kR}, to exert or interest one's self for; {AdareNa} and {AdarAt} adv. respectfully; carefully, zealously. aadaraH = (m) respect aadarshaH = (m) ideal aadatte = accepts aadau = First (see aadi) aadhara- * = of the lower position of something, of its foundation mfn. * = ifc. supportable, tenable (cf. %{dur-}); see also adhara aadhaara- m. support, prop, stay, substratum; the power of sustaining, or the support given, aid, patronage AV. xii, 3, 48 MBh. Sus3r. Veda1ntas. &c.; that which contains (a fluid &c.), a vessel, receptacle Ya1jn5. Sus3r. Pan5cat. &c.; a dike, dam Ragh.; a basin round the foot of a tree L.; a

reservoir, pond L.; (in phil. and Gr.) comprehension, location, the sense of the locative case; ifc. belonging or relating to; the subject in a sentence (of which qualities &c. are affirmed); N. of a lake; of an author. aaditya* = (Pn. 4-1, 85) mfn. belonging to or coming from Aditi TS. ii, 2, 6, 1 S'Br. &c. [137,2]; m. `" son of Aditi "'; ({As}) m. plN. of seven deities of the heavenly sphere RV. ix, 114, 3, &c. S'Br. iii, 1, 3, 3 (the chief is Varuna, to whom the N. ditya is especially applicable; the succeeding five are Mitra, Aryaman, Bhaga, Daksha, Ans'a; that of the seventh is probably Srya or Savitrii; as a class of deities they are distinct from the {vizve devAH} ChUp.; sometimes their number is supposed to be eight TS. Sy.; and in the period of the Brhmanas twelve, as representing the sun in the twelve months of the year S'Br. iv, 5, 7, 2, &c.); N. of a god in general, especially of Srya (the sun) RV. AV. AitBr. S'Br. S'is'. &c.; N. of Vishnu in his Vmana or dwarf {avatAra} (as son of Kas'yapa and Aditi) ChUp.; the plant Calotropis Gigantea L.; ({au}) m. du.N. of a constellation, the seventh lunar mansion L.; ({A}) f. (?) the sun VS. iv, 21; ({am}) n. = {au} (cf. {punar-vasu}); N. of a Sman ChUp. aaDhyaH = wealthy


aadhi * =1 m. (for 2. see p. 139, col. 2) a receptacle BhP. xi, 13, 33; place, situation L.; foundation Nyyam.; a pledge, deposit, pawn, mortgage RV. Mn. Yj. [138, 3]; hire, rent p.; an attribute, title, epithet (cf. {upA7dhi}) L. aadhi * =2 m. thought, care, anxious reflection, mental agony, anxiety, pain TS. MBh. Yj. &c.; reflection on religion or duty L.; hope, expectation L.; misfortune L.; a man solicitous for his family's livelihood L. aadhii * =1 (cf. {A-dhyai}; according to Dhtup. xxiv, 68 Pn. 6-1, 6, &c., {-dIdhI}), P. (Subj. 3. pl. {A4-dIdhayan}) to mind, care for RV. vii, 7, 6: . (Subj. 2. sg. {A4-dIdhIthAs}) to meditate on, think about, care for, wish for AV. viii, 1, 8, &c.; (p. aor. {dhI4SamANa} mfn. RV. x, 26, 6) to wish for, long for. aadhii * =2 f. (for 1. {A-dhI} see under {A-dhA}), eagerness, longing, care RV. AV. &c. aadhii4 *= 2 f. (for 1. {A-dhI} see under {A-dhA}), eagerness, longing, care RV. AV. &c. aaDi* = f. (= {Ati4} q.v.) N. of an aquatic bird MrkP.


aadi*= 1 m. beginning, commencement; a firstling, first-fruits; ifc. beginning with, et caetera, and so on (e.g. %{indrA7dayaH@surAH}, the gods beginning with Indra i.e. Indra &c.; %{gRhA7diyukta}, possessed of houses &c.; %{evamAdIni@vastUni}, such things and others of the same kind: %{zayyA@khaTvA7dih} [Comm. on Pa1n2. 3-3, 99], S3ayya1 means a bed &c.; often with %{-ka} at the end e.g. %{dAnadharmA7dikam} [Hit.], liberality, justice, &c.); %{Adau} ind. in the beginning, at first.\\= 2 mfn. beginning with %{A} Ra1matUp. aadii*= 2. (3. sg. impf. %{A74dIdet} RV. i, 149, 3; 3. sg. aor. %{A4-dIdayat} RV. ii, 4, 3) to shine upon, enlighten. aadii* = 2. (3. sg. impf. {A74dIdet} RV. i, 149, 3; 3. sg. aor. {A4-dIdayat} RV. ii, 4, 3) to shine upon, enlighten. aadiM = the origin aadiH = the origin aadi-s'arIra * = n. the primitive body MBh.; (in phil. = {sUkSma-} L.) aadi-s'Abdika * = [NBD.] m. an old grammarian.

aadI7s'vara * = m. N. of a prince. aa-dis'ya * = ind. p. aiming at MBh.; announcing, teaching Ragh. xii, 68; having said L. aa-dis' * = 1 P. {-dide4STi} [Subj. 3. sg. {-didezati} AV. vi, 6, 2, &c.], {-diza4ti} [3. pl. {-dizanti} Impv. 2. sg. {-diza} impf. 1. sg. {A7dizam}, &c.], rarely {dizate} [BhP. viii, 24, 51] inf. {-di4ze} [RV. ix, 21, 5] and {-deSTum} (aor. 3. sg. {A7dikSat} [Bhathth. iii, 3 see Pn. 3-1, 45] fut. 1. pl. {-dekSyAmaH}, perf. {dideza}) to aim at, have in view; to threaten RV. ix, 21, 5, &c. AV. [137, 3]; to hit RV. ix, 56, 1; to assign RV. ii, 41, 17, &c. AV. BhP. R. Ragh. &c.; to point out, indicate; to report, announce, teach ChUp. iii, 18, 1 BhP. MBh. R. Ragh. &c.; to determine, specify, denominate S'Br. iii, 5, 8 S'nkhS'r. Lthy. BhP. AitBr. &c.; to declare, foretell, Ratnv. Mlav. &c.; to order, direct, command Gobh. s'vGri. Mn. MBh. BhP. Kaths. &c.; to refer any one to (loc.); to banish MBh. S'ak. Kaths. &c.; to undertake, try MBh.; to profess as one's aim or duty RV. Yj.: Caus. {-dezayati}, to show, indicate, announce, Ratnv. MBh. S'ak. Mriicch.: Intens. (p. {de4dizAna}) to have in view, aim at (acc.) RV. ix, 70, 5. aa-di4s'* = 2 {k} f. aiming at, design, intention RV. x, 61, 3, &c.; N. of a particular direction or point of

the compass (enumerated with {diz}, {pra-}, {vi-}, and {ud-}) VS. vi, 19 (cf. inf. {A-di4ze} = dat.) aadibhiH = by those aadidevaM = the original Lord aadidevaH = the original Supreme God aadiishvara = the primeval lord, a name of Shiva aadikartre = to the supreme creator aadikeshhu = etc etc aadis'akti * = f. the primeval powerN. of My L. aadishhTa = ordered aadishhTavaan.h = (he was)commanded aaditya = a name of Sun, Vishnu is among twelve Aditya-s aadityaH = the Adityas aadityagataM = in the sunshine aadityavat.h = like the rising sun

aadityavarNaM = luminous like the sun aadityaan.h = the twelve sons of Aditi aadityaanaaM = of the Adityas aado* = P. {-dA4ti}, {-dya4ti} (Subj. 1. pl. {A4dyAmasi}, &c.) to reduce to small pieces, to crush AV. aadritaH = having begun aadrita* = mf({A})n. attentive, careful, zealous, diligent R. Pacat. BhP. Ragh. &c.; respected, honoured, worshipped Mn. Kaths. &c. aadritya* =1 mf({A})n. venerable, respectable R. Bhathth. \\ =2 ind. p. having respected, having honoured aadhaaraH = support or base adharaat.h = from below aadhaaya = resigning aadhatsva = fix

aadhipatyaM = (n) supremacy, ownership,


overlordship aadhipatya *= n. [Pa1n2. 5-1 , 124] (fr. %{adhipati}) , supremacy , sovereignty , power RV. x , 124 , 5 AV. xviii , 4 , 54 VS. TS. AitBr. S3Br. Mn. Ya1jn5. Pan5cat. &c.

aadhiiparNa *= mf(%{A})n. `" winged with longing "' AV. iii , 25 , 2. aadhunika = (adj) modern aadhyaatmikaM = super-natural, spiritual aadhrita *= mf(%{A})n. contained (with loc.) aadrita *= mf(%{A})n. attentive , careful , zealous , diligent R. Pan5cat. BhP. Ragh. &c. ; respected , honoured , worshipped Mn. Katha1s. &c. aadya = earliest aadyaM = original aaGYaa = commandaagachchhet.h = one should come aagaadha * = `" a little deep "'


aagama = arrival: * = mf({A})n. coming near, approaching AV. vi, 81, 2; xix, 35, 3; m. (ifc. f. {A}) arrival, coming, approach R. &c.; origin Mn. viii, 401 R. &c.; appearance or reappearance MBh. ii, 547; course (of a fluid), issue (e.g. of blood) Mn. viii, 252 Sus'r.; income, lawful acquisition (of property, {artha}, {dhana}, {vitta}, {draviNa}) Mn. MBh. &c.; reading, studying Pat.; acquisition of knowledge, science MBh. Yj. &c.; a traditional doctrine or precept, collection of such doctrines, sacred work, Brhmana Mn. xii, 105 MBh. &c.; anything handed down and fixed by tradition (as the reading of a text or a record, title-deed, &c.); addition Nir. i, 4; a grammatical augment, a meaningless syllable or letter inserted in any part of the radical word Prt. Pn. Comm.; N. of a rhetorical figure; ({am}) n. a Tantra or work inculcating the mystical worship of S'iva and S'akti. aagamana = coming aagame = on the arrivalaajaanubaahuM = the one whose arms extend upto his knees aagamya * = ind. p. having arrived or comeN. aagata * = mfn. come, arrived RV. AV. &c.; come to or into (acc. [Mn. iii, 113, &c.] or loc. [Pan5cat. Das3. &c.] or in comp. [Mn. vi, 7 Ragh. iii, 11, &c.]);

come from (in comp.) Ya1jn5. ii, 154; come into existence, born R. ii, 85, 19; coming from (abl.) Pa1n2. 4-3, 74; returned S3Br.; (with %{punar}) Mn. xi, 195 and Hit.; meeting with an obstacle, pushed against (in comp.) Mn. viii, 291; occurred, happened, risen Mn. ii, 152 MBh. &c.; entered (into any state or condition of mind) MBh. R. Katha1s.; resulting (from calculation) Su1ryas.; walked through (as a path) S3Br. vi; m. a new comer, guest S3Br. iii; (%{am}) n. anything that has taken place or has fallen to one's share (opposed to %{AzA4}, `" anything still expected or hoped for "') S3Br. ii (cf. %{a4n-Agata} and %{sv-Agata}.) aagataH = having attained aagataaH = attained aagraha * = m. insisting on, strong or obstinate inclination for, obstinacy, whim Kaths. S'rng.; (= {grahaNa}) seizing, taking L.; favour, affection L., ({At}, {eNa}) abl. instr. ind. obstinately Kaths. aagrahAyaNaka* = mfn. to be paid (as a debt) on the day of full moon of the month Agrahyana Pn. 4-3, 50. aagrahAyaNika* = mfn. id. Pn. 4-3, 50; containing a full moon of Agrahyana (as a month or half a

month or a year) Pn. 4-2, 22. aagrahArika* = mfn. one who appropriates to himself an Agra-hra or an endowment of lands or villages conferred upon Brhmans L. aagrahAyaNa* = {as}, m.= {agra-hAyaNa} (q.v.) Pn. 5-4, 36 Comm.; ({I}) f. (g. {gaurA7di} q.v.; scil. {paurNamAsI}) the day of full moon in the month Agrahyana S'nkhS'r. &c.; (ifc. ind. {-Ni} or {-Nam} Pn. 5-4, 110); a kind of Pka-yaja Gaut. BhavP. i, &c.; N. of the constellation Mriigas'iras L. aagrahAyaNa* = &c. see above. aaha = said aaha* =1 ind. an interjection; a particle implying reproof; severity; command; casting; sending L. * =2 perf. 3. sg. of the defect. 1. {ah} q.v. aahaaramf(%{I})n. ifc. bringing near, procuring; being about to fetch, going to fetch MBh.; (%{as}) m. taking [163,1]; fetching, bringing near Ka1tyS3r. R.; employing, use Ka1tyS3r.; taking food; food [e.g. %{A-hAraM} 1. %{kR}, to take food, eat MBh. &c.]; livelihood Hit. Pan5cat. R. Mn. Sus3r. &c.


aahaarasaMbhava* m. the juice produced by food, chyle, lymph, serum L aahara *= 1 mfn. ifc. bringing, fetching Ragh.; m. taking, seizing; accomplishing, offering (a sacrifice) MBh. Ka1d.; drawing in breath, inhaling; inhaled air; breath inspired, inspiration L.//2 (2. sg. Impv. forming irregular Tatpurusha compounds with the following words): aahartri = (m adj.) a performer aahati = striking, hitting; * mfn. struck, beaten, hit, hurt R. Ragh. Kum. Kaths. VarBri. &c.; fastened, fixed RV. AV.; beaten, caused to sound (as a drum &c.) MBh. Hariv. Ragh. &c.; crushed, rubbed S'is'.; rendered null, destroyed, frustrated BhP. VarBriS.; multiplied VarBriS. [162, 2]; hit, blunted (said of a Visarga, when changed to {o}) Sh.; uttered falsely L.; known, understood L.; repeated, mentioned L.; m. a drum L.; ({am}) n. old cloth or raiment L.; new cloth or clothes L.; assertion of an impossibility L. aahave = in the fight aaha4nana * = n. the act of striking at, beating KtyS'r.; killing (an animal) AV.; a stick for beating a drum AV. xx, 133, 1.

aaha4nana-prakAra * = mfn. fit for beating pS'r. aahananyA7 * = mfn. (fr. {A-hanana}), being in the act of beating (a drum &c.) VS. xvi, 35. aahana4s * = mfn. to be beaten or pressed out (as Soma); to be skimmed (as milk) RV.; to be beaten (as an unchaste woman); unchaste, wanton; obscene, lascivious, profligate RV. v, 42, 13; x, 10, 6. 8. aahanasya * = n. unchasteness, lasciviousness AitBr.; lascivious words, obscenity S'Br.; ({As}) f. pl. (scil. {Rcas}) verses of a lascivious character; a chapter of the Kuntpa hymns in the Atharva-veda AitBr. s'vS'r. &c.; (with {an-} mfn. chaste, decent S'nkhGri. HirGri.) aahan * = P. {-hanti} (Impv. {A4-jahi} AV. &c.; pf. {A4-jaghAna} RV. &c.) . {-hate} (only if no object follows Pn. 1-3, 28, or if the object is a part of one's own body Kty.; Pot. 1. sg. {-ghnIya} Pat. on Pn. 1-1, 62 Das'.) to strike at, hit, beat; to attack, assault RV. TS. s'vGri. MBh. Kaths. &c.: (.) to strike one's self (or any part of one's body) BhP. Pn. and Comm. Bhathth.; to make away with one's self Das'. 91, 15; to fasten AV. S'Br.; to beat or cause to sound (a drum &c.) TS. S'Br. Kaths. Bhathth. &c.: Intens. {A4-jaGghanti} RV. vi, 75, 13, to strike

at or beat violently. aahna4 * = n. (fr. {ahan}), a series of days, many days S'Br. Pn. aahaara = Diet aahaaraH = eating aahaaraaH = eating aahrita * m= mfn. brought near, fetched, procured Mn. Ragh. Ya1jn5. Ma1rkP. &c.; taken, seized, captivated Katha1s. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.; taken (as food), eaten R. &c.; uttered, spoken R. BhP. &c. aahuH = are said ahu* = mfn. only in {paro4-'hu} q.v. aahu* = P. . {-juhoti}, {-juhute} (p. {-ju4hvAna}) to sacrifice, offer an oblation; to sprinkle (with butter) RV. AV. TS. Hariv. aahuu* = &c. see {A-hve}. aahuu4* = f. calling, invoking (BRD.) ib. aahuta* = mfn. offered as an oblation, sacrificed

RV. AV. S'nkhS'r.; laid in the fire (as a corpse) RV. x, 16, 5; offering made to men, hospitality (= {manuSya-yajJa} q.v.) L.; nourishment of all created beings (considered as one of the five principal sacrifices of the Hinds; cf. {bhUtayajJa}) L. aahuuta* = mfn. called, summoned, invoked, invited. aahri = to eat aaho = or else aaja* = mfn. (fr. 1. {aja4}), coming from or belonging to goats, produced by goats s'vGri. R. Sus'r.; m. a vulture L.; a descendant of Aja; ({A4}) f. (only used for the etym. of {ajA4}) = {ajA4}, a shegoat S'Br. iii; ({am}) n. the lunar mansion PrvaBhdrapad (presided over by Aja Ekapd) VarBriS.; clarified butter L. aajagara * = belonging to a python, a boa aajaa4na* = n. birth, descent VS. S'Br. iii; birthplace Comm. on VS. xxxiii, 72; ({A}) f. place of conception (as a mother) Aitr. aajaa4na* = {AjA4ni} see {A-jan}.

aajyaM = melted butter aajIvya * affording a livelihood Yj. i, 320 MBh. xiv, 1330; ({am}) n. means of living MBh. iii, 8452 BhP. (cf. {sv-Aj-}.) aakarNa = towards the ear aakarNa\-dhanuraasana = the shooting bow posture aakarshha = attracted aakarshhaNa = attraction aakaa.nkshaa = wish, ambition aakaara = (masc) form, shape * = 1 m. (ifc. f. %{A} R. i, 28, 24 Ragh. xii, 41) form, figure, shape, stature, appearance, external gesture or aspect of the body, expression of the face (as furnishing a clue to the disposition of mind) Mn. MBh. &c. aakaarikaa = (f) doorbell aakaarita * = mfn. ifc. having the shape of Vedntas. aakaasha = ether

aakasha* = m. ( {kaS}, `" to rub "'), a touchstone L.; (v.l. for {AkarSa} Pn. 4-4, 9 Siddh. and v, 2, 64 Siddh.) aakaas'a * = m. (Ved.) or (later) n. (ifc. f. {A}) a free or open space, vacuity AitBr. S'Br. MBh. &c. [127,1]; the ether, sky or atmosphere Naigh. S'Br. Mn. &c.; ({am}) n. (in philos.) the subtle and ethereal fluid (supposed to fill and pervade the universe and to be the peculiar vehicle of life and of sound) Vedntas. &c.; Brahma (as identical with ether) L.; = {AkAza-bhASita} below Comm. on S'ak.; ({e}) loc. ind. in the air (a stage direction implying something said by or to a person out of sight) Mriicch. S'ak. &c. aakaashaM = the sky aakaashavaaNii = (f) radio aakaashasthitaH = situated in the sky aakaashaat.h = (abl.S)from space or sky aakara * = m. one who scatters i.e. distributes abundantly RV. iii, 51, 3; v, 34, 4; viii, 33, 5; accumulation, plenty, multitude R. Sus3r. &c.; (ifc. f. %{A} MBh. iii, 1657, 16215) a mine Mn. Ya1jn5. &c.; a rich source of anything Sa1h.; place of origin,

origin; N. of a country (the modern Khandesh) VarBr2S.; N. of wk. (quoted in Kamala1kara's S3u1dradharmatattva); (mfn.) best, excellent L. aakhu = mouse aakhyaa (f) name* = 1 P. (impf. {-akhyat}) to behold RV. iv, 2, 18; (fut. p. {-khyAsya4t}; perf. 3. pl. {-cakhyuH}) to tell, communicate, inform, declare, announce S'Br. xiii, xiv Mn. MBh. &c.; to call (with two acc.) Ragh. x, 22: Pass. {-khyAyate}, to be named or enumerated S'Br.; to be called S'Br. x, xiv: Caus. P. (2. sg. {-khyApayasi}) to make known, declare MBh. i, 7485: . (Pot. {khyApayeta}) to cause to tell AitBr. S'nkhS'r. \\ 2 f. (ifc. f. {A} Kaths. Snkhyak.) appellation, name Prt. Pn. Mn. vii, 157, &c.; (= {-saMkhyA}) total amount Mn. ii, 134 MBh. iii, 12831 (cf. Hariv. 515) and xv, 671; appearance, aspect R. vii, 60, 12 [129,2]; ({ayA}) instr. ind. `" with the name "', named Kaths. aakhya = named aakhyaataM = described aakhyaahi = please explain aakraanta mfn. approached, frequented, visited

Mn. R.; on which anything lies heavily, pressed by (instr. or in comp.) Mr2icch. Pan5cat. &c.; overcome, overrun, attacked, in the possession of (instr. or in comp.) Pan5cat. Katha1s. &c.; overcome or agitated (as by feelings or passions) R. Katha1s. &c.; overspread with (instr.) Hit. &c. [128,2] aakram.h = to attack aakrama *= m. approaching, attaining, obtaining, overcoming VS. xv, 9 S3Br. xiv (cf. %{dur-Akr-}.) aakramaNam.h = (n) attack, invansion aakritiini = forms aakrita * = mfn. arranged, built (as a house) RV. viii, 10, 1; done (as evil or good) to any one VarBriS. aakrishhTa = (past part. of aa + kR\^ishh) attractedaaksha* = mfn. (fr. 1. {a4kSa}) belonging or referring to terrestrial latitude Comm. on Sryas.; ({am}) n. (fr. 2. {akSa4}) = {AkSakI} L. aakShepaH = (m) objection aakshi * = cl. 2. %{-kSeti} (3. pl. %{-kSiya4nti} and impf. %{A74kSiyan}; Pot. 1. pl. %{-kSiyema}) to

abide, dwell in (acc.), inhabit RV. AV.; %{-kSeti}, to possess, take possession of (acc.) RV.: cl. 6. %{kSiya4ti}, to exist AV. x, 5, 45. aakSipta* =mfn. cast, thrown down; thrown on the beach (by the sea) Pacat.; caught, seized, overcome (as the mind, {citta}, {cetas} or {hridaya}) by beauty, curiosity, &c., charmed, transported BhP. Kd. Kaths. &c.; hung out or exposed to view (as flags &c.); put into (loc.) MBh. iii, 3094; pointed or referred to, indicated Sh. &c.; refused, left (as the right path) Km.; insulted, reviled, abused, challenged, called to a dispute (dat.) Kaths.; caused, effected, produced Kaths. Comm. on Bd.; ({am}) n. `" absence of mind "' see {sA7kSiptam} aakula = full of aakulitam.h = sad, worried aakuuta * = intention, purpose, wish VS. S'Br. &c. (see {cittA7kUta4} and {sA7kUta}); incitement to activity, Snkhyak. aakIrnam * = dense, filled with, covered, brimming, crowded aakuuta * = n. intention, purpose, wish VS. S'Br.

&c. (see {cittA7kUta4} and {sA7kUta}); incitement to activity, Snkhyak. aakula =* confounded, confused, agitated, flurried MBh. &c.; confused (in order), disordered ib.; filled, full, overburdened with (instr. or generally in comp.), eagerly occupied ib.; ({am}) n. a place crowded with people R. iii, 43, 34; `" confusion aalaapa * = m. speaking to, addressing; speech; conversation, communication Pan5cat. Hit. Katha1s. S3ak. &c.; the singing or twittering of birds Katha1s.; statement of the question in an arithmetical or algebraic sum; question; a lesson Jain.; (%{A}) f. (in music) a particular Mu1rcchana1 or melody. aalabdha A: embarrassed *= mfn. touched MBh.; killed, sacrificed; gained, conciliated BhP. aalamba = support aalambate = to recline aalaya = house* = see %{A-lI}.\\m. and n. a house, dwelling; a receptacle, asylum R. Ya1jn5. Katha1s. &c.; (often ifc. e.g. %{himA7laya}, `" the abode of snow. "')


aanuupa* = mfn. (fr. {anUpa} g. {kacchA7di} [Pn. 4-2, 133]), belonging to a watery place; wet, watery, marshy Sus'r.; m. any animal frequenting watery or marshy places, as fishes, buffaloes, &c. (cf. {anUpa}) ib.; a descendant of Anpa; ({am}) n. N. of a Sman Lthy. iv, 6, 1. aalasya = idleness aali = maid aaliina* = mfn. having come close to Katha1s. Hariv. Ragh.; dwelling or abiding in Katha1s.; crouched, stooped MBh. R. aalingati = to embrace aalIna * = having come close to Kaths. Hariv. Ragh.; dwelling or abiding in Kaths.; crouched, stooped MBh. R. aalochate = to think, to contemplate aalochaya = (verbal stem) consider aam= yes * =; ind. an interjection of assent or recollection Mriicch. S'ak. Vikr. &c.; (a vocative following this particle is anudtta Pn. 8-1, 55.)


aamarsha* = m. (for {a-marSa} q.v. T., with reference to Pn. 6-3, 137), impatience, anger, wrath L. aamars'a * = m see %{A-mRz}.\\ m. touching L.; contact; nearness, similarity A1s3vS3r. ii, 2, 13, 32. aamaatya * = m. (= {amAtya} q.v.), a minister, counsellor L. aamanaska = the mind free from desire aama *= 1 mf({A})n. raw, uncooked (opposed to {pakva} q.v.) RV. AV. Mn. Yj. &c.; N. of the cow (considered as the raw material which produces the prepared milk). RV. iii, 30, 14, &c.; unbaked, unannealed AV. MBh. VarBriS. &c.; undressed; unripe, immature Sus'r. &c.; undigested Sus'r.; fine, soft, tender (as a skin) BhP. iii, 31, 27; m. N. of a son of Kriishna VP.; of a son of Ghriita-priishthha BhP. v, 20, 21 [146, 2]; m. or ({am}) n. constipation, passing hard and unhealthy excretions Sus'r.; ({am}) n. state or condition of being raw Sus'r.; grain not yet freed from chaff; [cf. Gk. $; Lat. {amrus}; Hib. {amh}, `" raw, unsodden, &45756[146, 2] crude, unripe "'; Old Germ. {ampher}; Mod. Germ. ({Sauer-ampfer}.] \\*=2 m. (probably identical with 1. {Ama}), sickness, disease L.

aamaa*= 2. P. (Pot. {-mimIyAt} Kthh. xix, 13) to bleat at aamaavaasya *= mfn. (fr. %{amA-vAsyA} g. %{saMdhivelA7di} Pa1n2. 4-3 , 16) , belonging to the new moon or its festival S3Br. AitBr. ; born at the time of new moon Pa1n2. 4-3 , 30 ; (%{am}) n. the new moon oblation. aamana * 1 n. sickness, disease; (for 2. {Amana} see {A-man}. aamana * 2 n. friendly disposition, inclination, affection TS. ii, 3, 9, 1 and 2 MaitrS.; (for 1. {Amana} see under 2. {Ama}.) aamarsha * = m. (for {a-marSa} q.v. T., with reference to Pn. 6-3, 137), impatience, anger, wrath L. aamaya = disease *= m. sickness, disease S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. Ya1jn5. R. &c.; indigestion L.; (%{am}) n. the medicinal plant Costus Speciosus Bhpr. aamii * = P. %{-minAti} (RV. vi, 30, 2, &c.) to destroy, neutralize, curtail RV.; to put aside or away, cause to disappear or vanish, displace; to exchange RV. i, 92, 10, &c.; to put or push out of place TBr.: A1. (impf. %{A74minanta}) to vanish,

disappear RV. i, 79, 2: Intens. (p. %{-me4myAna}) to change, alter RV. i, 96, 5. aamisha * = food, meat, prey, an object of enjoyment, a pleasing or beautiful object, coveting, longing for, lust, desire; a gift, boon aamisham SB: meat-eating, meat, fish, eggs and so on aamraphalam.h = (n) mango (the king of fruits) aamla = souraanrta* = untruthful, lying, false. aamnaa* = P. {-manati}, to utter, mention, allege; to cite, quote; to commit to memory, hand down in sacred texts; to celebrate KtyS'r. Lthy. BhP. Mlav. Kum. &c. aamnaaya* = m. sacred tradition, sacred texts handed down by repetition; that which is to be remembered or studied or learnt by heart; a Veda or the Vedas in the aggregate; received doctrine VPrt. Mn. MBh. &c.; traditional usage, family or national customs; advice, instruction in past and present usage; a Tantra; a family, series of families L. aamush * = P. (impf. %{A74muSNAt} RV. x, 67, 6) to draw or pull towards one's self; to take away

RV. aamushmika * = mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{amuSmin} loc. of %{adas}), of that state; being there, belonging to the other world Sus3r. Sa1h. Das3. &c. aamushmikatva * = n. the state of being there or belonging to the other world Nya1yam. aamushyakulikaa * = f. (fr. %{amuSya-kula}), the being of that family Pa1n2. 6-3, 21 Ka1s3.aamushyaputrikaa * = f. (fr. %{amuSyaputra}), the being the son of that one ib. aamushyaayaNa * = mf(%{I})n. (g. %{naDA7di} Pa1n2. 4-1, 99), a descendant of such a one AV. S3Br. S3a1n3khGr2. &c.; m. a son or descendant of an illustrious person L. aana* = m. (fr. {an}), face [NBD.]; mouth; nose [Sy.] RV. i, 52, 15; exhaling the breath through the nose T.; inhalation, breath inspired, breathing, blowing L. aanaksh * =to approach, obtain, reach, present L. aanana = Face, mouth; the face; entrance, door aananaM = face aananda = happiness


aanandana = happiness aanandamayaH = full of great happiness aanata* = mfn. bending, stooping, bowed Ragh. Katha1s.; humbled, submissive, obedient MBh. &c.; bent or curved inwards (as a bow) S3Br.; flat, sunk (not elevated) MBh. R.; pacified, conciliated; saluted reverently. [140,2] aanaya * = m. leading to T.; leading to a teacher = {upanayana} q.v.) L. aanaaya * = {as}. m. a fishermas net Pn. aanati* = f. bending, bowing, stooping VS. Katha1s.; submission, obedience, inferiority Comm. on Ka1tyS3r. &c.; contentedness T.; saluting L. aangirasapavitra = n. N. of the verse RV. iv, 40, 5 p. aangirasezvaratIrtha = n. N. of a Tirtha S'ivaP. Rev. aangiraa4 = mf({I4})n. descended from or belonging or referring to the Angirases or to Angiras AV. VS. &c.; ({a4s}) m. a descendant of Angiras (as Briihatsman [AV.], Cyavana [S'Br. iv],

Aysya [S'Br. xiv], &c.) RV. AV. &c.; especially N. of Briihaspati RV. AV. &c. [131,2]; the planet Briihaspati i.e. Jupiter; ({I}) f. a female descendant of Angiras MBh. i, 6908; iii, 14128. aangIrasa4* = mf({I4})n. descended from the Angirases or from an Angiras TBr. aangla = English aanglabhaashhaa = English language aaNiH = nail aanila * = mf({I})n. (fr. {anila}), proceeding from or produced by wind, windy L.; belonging to Vyu or Anila T.; m. N. of Hanumat; of Bhma L.; ({I}) f. and ({am}) n. N. of the constellation Svti. aaniila * = mf({A})n. darkish Ragh. Vikr.; slightly dark or blue; m. a black horse L.; ({I}) f. a black mare T.; tin L. aanrita* = mf({I})n. (fr. {an-Rta} g. {chattrA7di} Pn. 4-4, 62), untruthful, lying, false. aantaradeshiiya = within the country mainly for transaction??


aanu 1 1. A1. (aor. 3. pl. %{A74nUSata} RV. i, 151, 6 and ix, 65, 14) to sound, roar towards or near; (p. %{-nuvAna} Bhat2t2.) to cry; to twitter (as birds): Intens. (%{A4-navinot} RV. vii, 87, 2) to roar towards.\\ 2 mfn. (fr. 2. %{an}), living, human T. aanumaanika* = mf({I})n. (fr. {anumAna}), relating to a conclusion, derived from inference, subject to inference, inferable, inferred p. S'nkhS'r.; making conclusions BhP. aanumata* = mf({I})n. belonging to the goddess Anu-mati (q.v.) TBr. aanupuurva* = n. and {I} f. (fr. {anu-pUrva}), order, series, succession MBh. R. &c.; (in law) direct order of the castes Mn. Yj. &c.; (generally only instr. {-eNa} and {-yA}, one after the other, in due order.) aanupuurvya* = n. order, succession KtyS'r. Mn. Yj. &c.; (generally abl. {-At}, in due order.) aanusUya * = mfn. given by Anu-sy (Atri's wife) Ragh. xiv, 14. aanuSUka4 * = mfn. (probably fr. {anu-SUka}, `" after-shoot of rice "' [according to native interpretation from {anu-sU}]), `" in the manner of

the after-shoot of rice "' i.e. shot after TS. ii, 3, 4, 2. aanusuka * = mfn. studying or knowing the work Anus (q.v.) L. aanusUka * = = {AnuSUka} (?) q.v. aa pa* = 1 m. obtaining; (mfn.) ifc. to be obtained (cf. %{dur-}). aa pa* = 2 m. N. of one of the eight demigods called Vasus VP. Hariv. MBh.; (%{I}) f. N. of a constellation L. aa pa* = 3 n. (fr. 2. %{ap} Pa1n2. 4-2, 37), a quantity of water, Mallina1tha on S3is3. iii, 72. aapaa* = 1. P. %{-pibati}, (Impv. 2. du. %{A4pibatam} RV. ii, 36, 6; pf. %{-papau}: Pass. %{-pIyate}, &c.) to drink in, suck in or up; to sip RV. MBh. Ragh.; to drink in with ears or eyes i.e. to hear or see with attention, hang on BhP. Ragh.; to absorb, take away: Caus. %{-pAyayati}, to cause to drink or suck in BhP. aap.h = to obtain aapad * = 1 A1. %{-padyate} (pf. %{-pede} aor. %{A7pAdi} , &c.) to come , walk near , approach

BhP. ; to enter , get in , arrive at , go into S3Br. La1t2y. R. &c. ; to fall in or into ; to be changed into , be reduced to any state ; to get into trouble , fall into misfortune AV. viii , 8 , 18 ; xi , 1 , 30 S3Br. AitBr. MBh. Mn. &c. ; to get , attain , take possession ; to happen , occur S3Br. Ma1lav. &c.: Caus. %{-pAdayati} (aor. 1. pl. %{A74-pIpadAma} AV. x , 5 , 42) to cause to enter , bring on S3Br. ; to bring to any state Ragh. ; to bring into trouble or misfortune R. &c. ; to bring near or towards , fetch , procure , produce , cause , effect MBh. Sus3r. Ragh. &c. ; to procure for one's self , obtain , take possession BhP. ; to change , transform. aapaada* = 1 m. reward, remuneration ChUp.; arriving at L.; (for 2. {A-pAda} see below.) aapaada* = &c. see under 1. {A-pad} aapadaa* = f. misfortune, calamity L. aapaH = water aapaNaH = (m) shop aapana * = n. obtaining, reaching, coming to BhP.; pepper L. aapaana * = 1 mfn. one who has reached; (for 2. see

%{A-} 1. %{pA}.) aapaNa * = m. a market, a shop MBh. R. Katha1s.; waves MBh.; commerce, trade L. aapana * = &c. see under 1. %{Ap}. aapaNikaH = (m) shop-keeper aapad.h = calamity aapadaaM = dangers aapannaM = achieved aapannaaH = gaining aapah = water aapanna * = mfn. entered, got in S'Br. KtyS'r. &c.; afflicted, unfortunate S'ak. Kaths. &c.; gained, obtained, acquired; having gained or obtained or acquired. aapaaDa* = m. (ifc. mf({A})n. L.) compressing, squeezing Sus'r.; giving pain, hurting L.; a chaplet tied on the crown of the head MBh. R. Ragh.; N. of a metre.


aapi * = m. an ally , a friend , an acquaintance RV. VS. (according to Sa1y. on RV. ii , 29 , 4 , from the Caus.) causing to obtain [wealth &c.] ; (mfn.) ifc. reaching to , entering. aapi * = &c. see under 1. %{Ap}. aapI * = &c. see under %{A-pyai}.\\mfn. fat , enlarged , increased T. aapta * = mfn. reached, overtaken, met S'Br.; received, got, gained, obtained S'Br. Mn. Hit. Kaths.; filled up, taken S'Br.; come to Naish.; reaching to, extending; abundant, full, complete; apt, fit, true, exact, clever, trusted, trustworthy, confidential Mn. R. Ragh. &c.; respected; intimate, related, acquainted MBh. R. Ragh. &c.; appointed; divided Sryas.; connected L.; accused, prosecuted L.; m. a fit person, a credible or authoritative person, warranter, guarantee; a friend; an Arhat Jain.; N. of a Nga MBh.; ({A}) f. = {jaTA} q.v. L.; ({am}) n. a quotient; equation of a degree L. aapuurya = covering aapuryamaaNaM = always being filled aapUryamANa * = mfn. becoming full, increasing


aaprichchha = take leave of aapoklima = The 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th Houses ApratI * = (%{A-prati-i}) P. (Impv. 2. pl. %{e4tana} RV. vi, 42, 2) to go towards any one to meet him. iishaM = Lord S'iva aaptuM = afflicts one with aapnuyaaM = may have aapnuvanti = attain aapnoti = achieves aaplutaa = immersed aapsara: = mfn. (fr. {apsaras}), belonging to the Apsaras. aapuuryamaaNa* = mfn. becoming full, increasing. aapya* = 2 mfn. (fr. 2. {ap}), belonging or relating to water, watery, liquid Sus'r.; consisting of water; living in water; m. N. of several asterisms VarBri.; N. of a Vasu; ({As}) m. pl.N. of a class of deities BhP. Hariv.; ({am}) n. N. of a constellation; (for 1. {Apya} see under {Ap}.)

aapya* = 3 n. N. of a plant, a kind of Costus L. (cf. {vApya}.) aa-pyaayana * =mfn. causing fulness or stoutness Sus'r.; increasing welfare, gladdening L.; ({I}) f. an umbilical vein MrkP.; ({am}) n. the act of making full or fat Sus'r.; satiating; satisfying, refreshing, pleasing Mn.; increasing, causing to thrive MBh.; causing to swell (the Soma) S'Br. &c.; satiety, satisfaction; advancing; anything which causes corpulency or good condition; strengthening medicine Sus'r.; corpulency, growing or being fat or stout; gladness L. aaraadhita * =mfn. propitiated, pleased, solicited for a boon; worshipped, honoured, revered; accomplished, effected. aaraadhya = pleasable aaraama = (m) garden *= m. delight , pleasure S3Br. TUp. Bhag. Bhartr2. ; place of pleasure , a garden , grove Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. R. Mr2icch. Katha1s. &c. ; N. of a particular Dan2d2aka metre ; [cf. $ and $.] aarath * P. (p. {-raTat}) to shriek, screech Kaths. Bhathth.


aaraa4t * = ind. (abl. of an ideal base {Ara} fr. {AR}; cf. {Are4}) from a distant place; distant; to a distant place; far from (with abl.) RV. AV. p. MBh. Kaths.; near Gaut. Ragh.; directly, immediately Prab. Kaths. S'ak. 131 a; ({t}) m. N. of a village L. aarabdhat.h = started aarabdha * = mfn. begun, commenced, undertaken AitBr. MBh. R. BhP. Katha1s. &c.; one who has begun or commenced, beginning, commencing R. BhP.; m. N. of a king. aarabdham.h = started aarabhamaaNa* = mfn. beginning, commencing resolutely (with a determination to finish). aarabhaTa* = m. an enterprising man, courageous man L.; (%{I}) f. boldness, confidence, heroism Ra1jat.; (in dram.) the representation of supernatural and horrible events on the stage. aarabhate = begins aarabhatha * = m. an enterprising man, courageous man L.; (%{I}) f. boldness, confidence, heroism Ra1jat.; (in dram.) the representation of supernatural and horrible events on the stage.

aarabhyate = is begun aarakta* = mfn. reddish Sus'r. Vikr.; ({am}) n. red sandal-wood L aarambha = beginning *= m. undertaking, beginning Mn. Pan5cat. Megh. &c.; a thing begun; beginning, origin, commencement S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. Megh. &c.; (in dram.) the commencement of the action which awakens an interest in the progress of the principal plot Sa1h. 324 and 325; haste, speed; effort, exertion; pride; killing, slaughter (erroneous for %{Alambha} see Zachariae, Beitrge, p. 20, l. 9) aarambhaH = endeavor aarambhashuura = one who shows active participation in the beginning aarambhikaaH = beginners aaraNya*= mf({A})n. (fr. {araNya}), being in or relating to a forest, forest-born, wild RV. AV. KtyS'r. MBh. &c.; m. a wild animal ChUp. aaraNyaka*= mfn. forest, wild, forest-born, produced in a forest, relating to a forest or a forest animal, (the {AraNyakam parva} of the Mahbhrata is either the whole third book or only the

first section of it); m. a forester, an inhabitant of the woods MBh. Ragh. &c.; ({am}) n. N. of a class of religious and philosophical writings closely connected with the Brhmanas and called ranyakas because either composed in forests or studied there, (the Upanishads are considered to be attached to them.) aarakshakaH = (m) policeman aarakshikaa = (f) policewoman aaratii = crying out of desperation for help, ritual aaraadhanaM = for the worship aarda * = mf({I} [gana {gaurA7di} Pn. 4-1, 41])n. ({Rd}), pressing hard, tormenting exceedingly T aardha* = in comp. optionally for {ardha-} (q.v.) Pn. 7-3, 2 aardita = parched, dry aardra = wet * mf({A})n. ({ard} Un. ii, 18) wet, moist, damp RV. TS. S'Br. MBh. Mn. Sus'r. Megh. &c.; fresh, not dry, succulent, green (as a plant), living AV. S'Br. R. Sus'r. MBh. &c.; fresh, new Kaths.; soft, tender, full of feeling, warm; loose, flaccid Kaths. Megh. Pacat. &c.; m. N. of a

grandson of Priithu Hariv. VP.; ({A}) f. the fourth or sixth Nakshatra or lunar mansion AV. MBh. VarBriS.; ({am}) n. fresh ginger Vishnus.; dampness, moisture Hariv. aardrachittaa = having emotional mind aardraa = Sixth nakshatra aarghya * = mfn. relating to or coming from the above bee Sus'r.; ({am}) n. its honey L. aarhaaH = deserving aarii * = P. ({A4-riNanti} RV. ix, 71, 6) to pour, let drop: . {A4-rIyate}, to trickle or flow upon; to flow over RV. aarita * = mfn. praised RV. i, 101, 4, & aarjavaM = simplicity aarjava* = mfn. (fr. {Rju} g. {pRthvAdi} Pn. 5-1, 122), straight; honest, sincere Kaths.; m. N. of a teacher VP.; ({am}) n. straightness, straight direction Sh.; rectitude, propriety of act or observance; honesty, frankness, sincerity ChUp. p. Gaut. MBh. R. Mn. &c.


arjavaka* = mfn. straight, direct; m. N. of the ninth Sarga or creation MBh. xii, 11566. aarjuna * = m. N. of Indra (= {arjuna} q.v.) Kthh. 34, 3. aarka * = mfn. (fr. {arka}), belonging or relating to the sun BhP.; coming from the plant Calotropis Gigantea VarBriS. aarogya = health aaroha * = m. one who mounts or ascends, a rider (on a horse &c.), one who is seated in a carriage R.; ascent, rising, creeping up, mounting S3ak. Katha1s. R.; haughtiness, pride Katha1s.; elevation, elevated place, altitude R.; a heap, mountain R.; increase Sa1h.; a woman's waist, the swell of the body R. BrahmaP. S3is3.; length L.; a particular measure L.; descending (= %{ava-roha} ?) L. aarohaNa = climbing aarohati = to climb, to ascend aaropayati = to plant aaropita*= mfn. raised, elevated Kum.; fixed, placed Kd.; made; charged with; strung (as a bow); deposited, intrusted; interposed, supplied;

accidental, adventitious L. aarpita* = mfn. fastened to, annexed; dependent on RV. AV. aarta = intensely troubled \\ * = mfn. (optionally also written {Artta}, whence erroneously derived fr. {Rt} or even regarded as irreg. formation fr. {ard}; see also Weber in S'Br. p. 339, l. 20 ff.) fallen into (misfortune), struck by calamity, afflicted, pained, disturbed; injured; oppressed, suffering, sick, unhappy S'Br. TS. Mn. R. S'ak. Ragh. &c. aartha * = mf({I})n. (fr. {artha}), relating to a thing or object; material, significant (opposed to {zAbda} q.v.) Sh.; resulting from or based on the possession of a thing Pat. aartaH = the distressed aarthika = (adj) economic, fiscal aarthikaniiti = (f) economic policy aaru* = 1 1. P. {-rauti} or {-ravIti} (Impv. {A4-ruva} RV. i, 10, 4) to shout or cry towards; to cry out VarBriS. R. Bhathth.; to praise L.: Intens. {roravIti}, to roar towards or against RV. \\* = 2 m. a hog; a crab; the tree Lagerstroemia Regina L.;

({us}) f. a pitcher L. aaruDha = The sign which is as distant from the lord as the lord is from the house concerned aaruuDha * = mounted, ascended, bestridden (as a horse &c.) MBh. Hariv. BhP.; risen; raised up, elevated on high VarBriS. Pacat. Hit. Kaths. &c.; undertaken; reached, brought to (often used in compounds e.g. {indriyA7rUDha}, brought under the cognizance of the senses, perceived) BhP.; having reached or attained, come into (a state) BhP. Prab. S'ak. Kaths. &c.; ({am}) n. the mounting, arising. aarurukshoH = who has just begun yoga aaruhya = having climbed aaruu* = mfn. ({R} [Un. i, 87]), tawny; ({Us}) m. tawny (the colour) L aaruuDhasya = of one who has attained aaruuDhaani = being placed aaruudha = house aaruNi * = m. (fr. {aruNa})N. of Uddlaka (a

renowned Brhmana teacher, son of Aruna Aupaves'i and father of S'veta-ketu) S'Br. AitBr. MBh.; N. of Auddlaki (= S'veta-ketu) KathhUp.; N. of Suparneya, a son of Prajpati Tr.; of Vainateya MBh.; of Tathyu Blar. aarya = wise man* = m. (fr. {arya4}, {R}), a respectable or honourable or faithful man, an inhabitant of ryvarta; one who is faithful to the religion of his country; N. of the race which immigrated from Central Asia into ryvarta (opposed to {an-Arya}, {dasyu}, {dAsa}); in later times N. of the first three castes (opposed to {zUdra}) RV. AV. VS. MBh. Yj. Pacat. &c.; a man highly esteemed, a respectable, honourable man Pacat. S'ak. &c.; a master, an owner L.; a friend L.; a Vais'ya L.; Buddha; (with Buddhists [Pli {ayyo}, or {ariyo}]) a man who has thought on the four chief truths of Buddhism (see next col.) and lives accordingly, a Buddhist priest; a son of Manu Svarna Hariv.; (mf({A} and {A4rI})n.) ryan, favourable to the ryan people RV. &c.; behaving like an ryan, worthy of one, honourable, respectable, noble R. Mn. S'ak. &c.; of a good family; excellent; wise; suitable; ({A}) f. a name of Prvat Hariv.; a kind of metre of two lines (each line consisting of seven and a half feet; each foot containing four instants, except the sixth of the second line, which contains only one, and is

therefore a single short syllable; hence there are thirty instants in the first line and twenty-seven in the second); [cf. Old Germ. {e7ra}; Mod. Germ. {Ehre}; Irish {Erin}.] aaryasamaaja = Aryan group aaryaa = (f) a respected woman aasa*= seat, the lower part of the body behind, posteriors aasaat * = ind. (fr. an ideal base {Asa}), from or in the proximity, near RV. aa4sa*=ashes, dust, a bow aasaJj *= P. %{-sajati}, to fasten on, attach, fix; to fasten on one's self, put on (as dress, armour, &c.) RV. AV. Ka1tyS3r. R. Kum. &c.; to fix one's self to, adhere to Kir. xiii, 44; to take up MBh. &c.; to take hold of, cling to AV. MBh. S3Br. BhP. &c.: Caus. %{-saJjayati}, to cause to attach or put or fix on S3a1n3khS3r. Ragh.; to employ MBh.: Pass. %{sajyate}, to adhere, cohere, be attached: Desid. %{sisaGkSati}, to wish to attach S3Br. i, 6, 1, 12; 15. aasaM = exist


aasakta = attached\\* = mfn. fixed or fastened to; attached to, lying on or upon S'Br. Kum. R. Kaths. &c.; attached strongly to, intent on; zealously following or pursuing MBh. VarBri. Kaths. Pacat. &c.; wound round, encircled; accompanied or furnished with; following directly, immediately proceeding from (acc.) MBh. aasaktamanaaH = mind attached aasana = seat aasanaM = seat aasanastham.h = (lotus like-)posture-stood aasane = on the seat aasaadaya = (causative of aa+sad) resort to aasaadya = attaining aasevita * = mfn. frequented; practised assiduously. aasha.ns.h = to wish, to hope, to desire aashaya = (masc) resting place


aas'aya * = m. resting-place, bed; seat, place; an asylum, abode or retreat S'Br. MBh. Pacat. Bhag. &c.; a receptacle; any recipient; any vessel of the body (e.g. {raktA7zaya}, `" the receptacle of blood "' i.e. the heart; {AmA7zaya}, the stomach &c.) Sus'r.; the stomach; the abdomen Sus'r.; the seat of feelings and thoughts, the mind, heart, soul Yj. R. Kaths. &c.; thought, meaning, intention Prab. Kaths. Pacat.; disposition of mind, mode of thinking; (in Yoga phil.) `" stock "' or `" the balance of the fruits of previous works, which lie stored up in the mind in the form of mental deposits of merit or demerit, until they ripen in the individual soul's own experience into rank, years, and enjoyment (Cowell's translation of Sarvad. 168, 16 ff.); the will; pleasure; virtue; vice; fate; fortune; property; a miser, niggard L.; N. of the plant Artocarpus Integrifolia L. aashayasthitaaH = situated within the heart aashaa = desire aasha*= (1. {az}), reaching, obtaining (cf. {dur-} Aza m. food; eating S'Br. KtyS'r. &c. (cf. {prAtarAza}, {sAyam-Aza}, &c.; {hutA7za}, {AzrayA7za}, &c.) aashaa4 *=, desire, hope, expectation, prospect AV.

S'Br. ChUp. R. S'ak. Kaths. Pacat. &c.; Hope personified as the wife of a Vasu Hariv.; as the daughter-in-law of Manas Prab.; (for 2. {A4zA} see s.v.) aa4shaa*. (1. {az}; for 1. {AzA4} see {A-zaMs}), space, region, quarter of the heavens RV. AV. TS. R. MBh. Ragh. &c. aas'aasana *= n. asking, praying or craving for Comm. on Nya1yam. aas'aasanIya *= mfn. to be wished or craved for Comm. on Nya1yas. aashaapaasha = entanglements in a network of hope aashaapiNDaM = AshA+pindaM, desire+lump(piNDaM also means rice-ball given aas'aya *= m. resting-place, bed; seat, place; an asylum, abode or retreat S3Br. MBh. Pan5cat. Bhag. &c.; a receptacle; any recipient; any vessel of the body (e.g. %{raktA7zaya}, `" the receptacle of blood "' i.e. the heart; %{AmA7zaya}, the stomach &c.) Sus3r.; the stomach; the abdomen Sus3r.; the seat of feelings and thoughts, the mind, heart, soul Ya1jn5. R. Katha1s. &c.; thought, meaning, intention Prab. Katha1s. Pan5cat.; disposition of mind, mode of thinking; (in Yoga phil.) `" stock "'

or `" the balance of the fruits of previous works, which lie stored up in the mind in the form of mental deposits of merit or demerit, until they ripen in the individual soul's own experience into rank, years, and enjoyment (Cowell's translation of Sarvad. 168, 16 ff.); the will; pleasure; virtue; vice; fate; fortune; property; a miser, niggard L.; N. of the plant Artocarpus Integrifolia L. aas'i * = 1 f. eating Kaus'. aas'ii * =1 f. = 1. {Azi4s} L.; (for 2. {AzI} see 2. {Azis}.) aa-s'i * =2 P. (Impv. {A4-zizIhi}) to sharpen [Sy.] i.e. to make zealous RV. vii, 16, 6; viii, 21, 8 [to bestow, let partake BRD.]; (for 1. {Azi} see 2. {Aza}.) aas'ii * =2 f. = 2. {Azis} L. aa-s'ii * =3 . (irr. {-za4ye} [3. sg.] RV. AV.: Impv. 3. sg. {A-zayAm} AV. v, 25, 9; 3. pl. {-zerate} Vikr.) to lie or rest on or round: P. (impf. 3. pl. {A7zayan}) to wish BhP. ix, 1, 37 [perhaps this form is rather a Nom. from 1. {AzA}?]: Caus. (impf. {A74zIzayat}) to lay or put upon R. aashina = old (also heard as aashiina)

aashishhati = to give aashirvaad aashu = fast aashcharyaM = surprise aashcharyamayaM = wonderful aashcharyavat.h = with wonder, surprise aashcharyaaNi = all the wonders aashrama = a yoga centre or school aashrayatva = dependence, leaning aashrayaa = sheltor aashrayet.h = must come upon aashri = to take shelter aas'rita * = mfn. attaching one's self to , joining ; having recourse to , resorting to as a retreat or asylum , seeking refuge or shelter from ; subject to , depending on MBh. Katha1s. Ra1jat. Kum. &c. ; relating or belonging to , concerning R. Hariv. BhP. Ma1rkP. &c. ; inhabiting , dwelling in , resting on , being anywhere , taking one's station at MBh. R.

Ya1jn5. VarBr2S. &c. ; following , practising , observing ; using , employing ; receiving anything as an inherent or integral part Mn. MBh. BhP. Kum. Pan5cat. &c. ; regarding , respecting Bhag. R. ; taken or sought as a refuge or shelter Katha1s. BhP. Ra1jat. ; inhabited , occupied Katha1s. Pan5cat. Ragh. BhP. ; chosen , preferred , taken as rule Katha1s. Ra1jat. ; m. a dependant , subject , servant , follower Kum. Hit. Ya1jn5. &c. ; (%{am}) n. (with Buddhists) an object perceived by the senses and %{manas} or mind. aashritaM = assuming aashritaH = taking refuge aashritaaH = accepting aashritya = taking shelter of aashleshha = embrace aashleshhaa = Ninth nakshatra aashvaasayaamaasa = encouraged aashvinii = First nakshatra aas'u * = mfn. (1. {az} Un. i, 1), fast, quick, going

quickly RV. AV. S'Br. &c.; ({us}) m. Ved. the quick one, a horse RV. AV.; ({us}, or {u}) m. n. rice ripening quickly in the rainy season S'Br. KtyS'r. L.; ({u}) n. N. of a Sman; ({u}) ind. quickly, quick, immediately, directly Sus'r. Megh. Pacat. &c. (cf. Gk. $, $; Lat. {acu} in {acupedius}, &49452[157, 3] {o7cissimus}: of the same origin may be the Lat. {aquila} and {accipiter}.) aas'aya* = m. resting-place, bed; seat, place; an asylum, abode or retreat S'Br. MBh. Pacat. Bhag. &c.; a receptacle; any recipient; any vessel of the body (e.g. {raktA7zaya}, `" the receptacle of blood "' i.e. the heart; {AmA7zaya}, the stomach &c.) Sus'r.; the stomach; the abdomen Sus'r.; the seat of feelings and thoughts, the mind, heart, soul Yj. R. Kaths. &c.; thought, meaning, intention Prab. Kaths. Pacat.; disposition of mind, mode of thinking; (in Yoga phil.) `" stock "' or `" the balance of the fruits of previous works, which lie stored up in the mind in the form of mental deposits of merit or demerit, until they ripen in the individual soul's own experience into rank, years, and enjoyment (Cowell's translation of Sarvad. 168, 16 ff.); the will; pleasure; virtue; vice; fate; fortune; property; a miser, niggard L.; N. of the plant Artocarpus Integrifolia L. aas.h = to sit

aasi* = P. (pf. %{A4-siSAya} RV. x, 28, 10) to wrap or pack up. aasita* = mfn. seated, being at rest; one who has sat down, one who is seated or dwells Kaths. R. &c.; ({am}) n. sitting, sitting down Sh. MBh.; a seat; a place where one has lived, an abode R.; way or manner of sitting (cf. {dur--}); N. of several Smans. aasit.h = was/existed aasina = by the weapon aasinaM = situated aasinaH = eaters aas'is * = 1 %{Is} f. asking for , prayer , wish RV. AV. VS. TS. S3Br. &c. ; blessing , benediction ; wishing for any other R. Ragh. Kum. S3ak. &c. ; a particular medicament ; (for 2. %{Azis} see s.v.) 2 f. a serpent's fang ; (for 1. %{Azi4s} see %{A-zAs}.) aasiit.h = was aasiita = does remain still aasiinaH = situated

aaspada* = n. (ifc. mf[{A}]n. fr. {pada} with {A} prefixed, {s} being inserted), place, seat, abode S'ak. Kaths. Mriicch. Bhartri. Das'. &c.; the tenth lunar mansion VarBri.; business, affair; dignity, authority; power L. aasphuT * = Caus. {-sphoTayati}, to split open, crush, grind Kaths.; to move, agitate quickly; to shake MBh. Mn. BhP. &c. aas'raya* = m. that to which anything is annexed or with which anything is closely connected or on which anything depends or rests Pn. R. Ragh. Sus'r.; a recipient, the person or thing in which any quality or article is inherent or retained or received; seat, resting-place R. Kaths. Sus'r. &c.; dwelling, asylum, place of refuge, shelter R. S'is'. &c.; depending on, having recourse to; help, assistance, protection Pacat. Ragh. &c.; authority, sanction, warrant; a plea, excuse L.; the being inclined or addicted to, following, practising; attaching to, choosing, taking; joining, union, attachment; dependance, contiguity, vicinity RPrt. Yj. Mn. &c.; relation; connection; appropriate act or one consistent with the character of the agent; (in Gr.) the subject, that to which the predicate is annexed; (with Buddhists) the five organs of sense with {manas} or mind (the six together being the recipients of the {Azrita} or objects which enter

them by way of their {Alambana} or qualities); source, origin; ifc. depending on, resting on, endowed or furnished with (e.g. {aSTaguNA7zraya} see under {aSTa}). aasrij *V-S evolved. send forth *= = P. (Impv. 2. sg. {A4-sRja}) . (pf. 3. pl. {A4-sasRjire}) to pour out upon, pour in RV.; to admit (a stallion to a mare) RV. ix, 97, 18; to adorn, decorate RV. v, 52, 6; to carry near; to procure KtyS'r. aastikyaM = religiousness aas'ru * = P. {-zRNoti} . {-zRNute}, to listen to; to hear; to perceive (with the ear) RV. AV. TS. S'Br. BhP. &c.; to accept, promise Pn. 1-4, 40 R. Yj. L.: Caus. {-zrAvayati} [but {A4-zravayatam} RV. vii, 62, 5; aor. {-azuzravus} RV. x, 94, 12], to cause to hear; to announce, make known, tell RV. s'vS'r. MBh.; to address, speak to, call to (especially at particular rites) RV. AV. TS. S'Br. ChUp. TUp. KtyS'r. &c.: Desid. {-zuzrUSati} [only P. Pn. 1-3, 59], to wish to hear; to listen. aas'ruta * = mfn. listened to, heard; audible TS.; promised, agreed Ya1jn5.; (%{am}) n. a calling (at rites see %{A-zrAvaNa}) Ka1tyS3r. TS. aaste = remains


aasthaaya = following aasteya* = mfn. (Pn. 4-3, 56) belonging to something existent. aasthitaH = being situated aasthitaaH = situated aastikya* = n. (fr. {Astika}), belief in God, piety, faithfulness; a believing nature or disposition MBh. Bhag. BhP. aasu * = to press out (Soma juice); to distil aa-su * = 3. P. {-suno4ti}, (Subj. 2. pl. {-suno4tA} AV. xx, 127, 7 and {A4-sotA} RV. ix, 108, 7) to press out (Soma juice); to distil RV. AV. S'Br. ChUp. aa-suu * = P. {A4-suvati} 1. (p. {-suvAna4}) to excite towards [161, 1]; to throw to, send off towards; to assign to, bring quickly, procure; to yield, grant RV. AV. S'Br. aasuraM = demonic * aasura = 1 mf({I})n. (fr. {asura}), spiritual, divine RV. VS. AV.; belonging or devoted to evil spirits; belonging or relating to the Asuras RV. AV. VS.

KtyS'r. Prab. Das'. &c.; infernal, demoniacal; m. an Asura or demon AV. AitBr. Pn.; a form of marriage (in which the bridegroom purchases the bride from her father and paternal kinsmen) s'vGri. i, 6, 6 Mn. iii, 31 (cf. {vivAha}); ({As}) m. pl. the stars of the southern hemisphere Sryas. &c.; a prince of the warrior-tribe Asura Pn.; ({I}) f. a female demon; a division of medicine (surgery, curing by cutting with instruments, applying the actual cautery); N. of the plant Sinapis Ramosa L.; the urethra BhP.; ({am}) n. blood; black salt L. aasuraH = demoniac aasuranishchayaan.h = demons aasurii = demoniac qualities aasuriiM = atheistic aasuriishhu = demoniac aas'u* = mfn. (1. %{az} Un2. i, 1), fast, quick, going quickly RV. AV. S3Br. &c.; (%{us}) m. Ved. the quick one, a horse RV. AV.; (%{us}, or %{u}) m. n. rice ripening quickly in the rainy season S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. L.; (%{u}) n. N. of a Sa1man; (%{u}) ind. quickly, quick, immediately, directly Sus3r. Megh. Pan5cat. &c. (cf. Gk. $, $; Lat. {acu} in

{acupedius}, &49452[157,3] {o7cissimus}: of the same origin may be the Lat. {aquila} and {accipiter}.) aas'vaasa * = m. breathing again or freely, taking breath; recovery Sus'r.; cheering up, consolation; relying on Kaths.; a chapter or section of a book Sh. aas'vaasita * = mfn. encouraged , animated , comforted , consoled Das3. BhP. Pan5cat. &c.\\mfn. reanimated , revived , refreshed &c. MBh. R. aasvaada = tastingaatanka = horror, terror aazvaasa * = m. breathing again or freely, taking breath; recovery Sus3r.; cheering up, consolation; relying on Katha1s.; a chapter or section of a book Sa1h. aasya = (m) mouth aasyaa * = f. sitting Sus'r.; abiding, abode; state of rest L. aasya4 * = n. [ifc. mf({A})n.] mouth, jaws RV. AV. VS. MBh. &c.; face Yj.; (mfn.) belonging to the mouth or face, belonging to that part of the mouth

or face, belonging to that part of the mouth which is the organ of uttering sounds or letters Pn. Siddh. Ks'. &c. [160, 1] aaT* = ind. a croak (imitation of the sound uttered by a frog) Ta1n2d2yaBr. aat * = ind. (abl. of 4. %{a}) afterwards, then (often used in a concluding paragraph antithetically to %{ya4d}, %{yadA}, %{ya4di}. and sometimes strengthened by the particles %{a4ha}, %{i4d}, %{Im}, %{u}) RV. AV.; then, further, also, and RV. AV. It is sometimes used after an interrogative pronoun (like %{u}, %{nu4}, %{aGga4}) to give emphasis to the pronoun RV. aata *=nmfn. (Pa1n2. 7-4, 47) taken, obtained ChUp. Katha1s.; taken away or off, withdrawn from S3Br. AitBr. &c.; seized, grasped ChUp. La1t2y. &c.; perceived, felt Ma1lav.; undertaken, begun MBh. xiii, 3567. aatataayinaH = aggressors aatapa = heat aatapatraM = sunshade* = n. `" heatprotector "' (ifc. f. {A} Megh. Kaths.), a large umbrella (of silk or leaves) MBh. &c.; {AtapatrAyita} mfn. forming

an umbrella (as the branches of a tree) BhP. aathavika *= m. a woodman, forester. aathavika *= m. (fr. %{aTavI}), the inhabitant of a forest Mn. ix, 257 MBh. &c.; a forester Sa1h.; (mfn.) consisting of inhabitants of the forest (as an army) Ka1m. aathavin *= %{I} m. N. of a teacher Va1yuP. aatishhTha = be situated aatura = anxious * = mf(%{A})n. suffering, sick (in body or mind) RV. viii AV. xi, 101, 2, &c.; diseased or pained by (in comp.) MBh. R. &c.; desirous of (Inf.) (cf. %{an-Atura4}.) aatta = ready aattha = have spoken aatma = of the self * = (in comp. for {Atma4n}; also rarely ifc. e.g. {adhy-Atma}, {adhy-Atma4m}). aatmaa = soul- see aatman aatmaanaM = the mind aatmaani = in the pure state of the soul


aatmaasambhavitaaH = self-complacent aatmaa.atattvamasi = Thou art That Not (self + Self are differnt:Duality) aatmabhaava = within their hearts aatmabhuutaatmaa = compassionate aatmadars'a * = m. `" self-shower "', a mirror Ragh. vii, 65. aatmadaa * = mfn. granting breath or life RV. x, 121, 2. aatmadaana * = n. gift of self, self-sacrifice Kaths. aatmaghosha * = m. `" uttering one's own name "', a crow L.; a cock L.aatmasaat * = ind. with 1. %{kR} (ind. p. %{-kRtvA}) to place upon one's self Ya1jn5. iii, 54; %{-karoti} (ind. p. %{-kRtvA} MBh. iii, 493 and 496; %{-kRtya} BhP.) to make one's own, attract, turn to one's self, acquire or gain for one's self; to cause to become one with the supreme spirit Nr2isUp. aatmaiva = the very mind aatmaja = son aatmaja * = mfn. self-originated MBh. xii, 12449;

m. (ifc. f. {A} R.) `" born from or begotten by one's self "', a son Nir. Mn. &c.; N. of the fifth lunar mansion VarYogay.; ({A}) f. a daughter MBh. R. &c.; `" originating from intellect "', the reasoning faculty L. aatmajaa = daughter aatmajaH = son aatmaja * = mfn. knowing one's self MBh. xii, 12440; knowing the supreme spirit Vedntas. aatmajaana = (aatmaGYaana) = knowledge of self* = n. self-knowledge MBh. v, 990 and 1167; knowledge of the soul or supreme spirit Mn. xii, 85 and 92 MBh. Vedntas. aatmaka *= mf({ikA})n. belonging to or forming the nature of (gen.) MBh. xv, 926; having or consisting of the nature or character of (in comp.) ChUp. [cf. {saMkalpA7tmaka}]; consisting or composed of Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. {paJcA7tmaka} &c.) aatmaka * = mf(%{ikA})n. belonging to or forming the nature of (gen.) MBh. xv , 926 ; having or consisting of the nature or character of (in comp.) ChUp. [cf. %{saMkalpA7tmaka}] ; consisting or composed of Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. %{paJcA7tmaka} &c.)


aatmakaaraNaat.h = for sense enjoyment aatmakaama * = (%{Atma4-}) mf(%{A})n. loving one's self , possessed of self-conceit R. ii , 70 , 10 ; loving the supreme spirit S3Br. xiv (Br2A1rUp.) aatmakaH = possessing or controlling aatmakaM = consisting of aatma-krita * = ({Atma4-}) mfn. done or committed against one's self VS. viii, 13; done of one's self, self-executed R. ii, 46, 23. aatmamaayayaa = by My internal energy aatman * = {A} m. (variously derived fr. {an}, to breathe; {at}, to move; {vA}, to blow; cf. {tma4n}) the breath RV.; the soul, principle of life and sensation RV. AV. &c.; the individual soul, self, abstract individual [e.g. {Atma4n}] (Ved. loc.) {dhatte}, or {karoti}, `" he places in himself "', makes his own TS. v S'Br.; {AtmanA akarot}, `" he did it himself "' Kd.; {AtmanA vi-yuj}, `" to lose one's life "' Mn. vii, 46; {Atman} in the sg. is used as reflexive pronoun for all three persons and all three genders e.g. {AtmAnaM sA hanti}, `" she strikes herself "'; {putram AtmanaH spRSTvA nipetatuH}, `" they two having touched their son fell down "' R. ii, 64, 28; the prayers of transcendental activity [with for each of the four a

type of priest or below s.v. {AtmanA}]; essence, nature, character, peculiarity (often ifc. e.g. {karmA7tman}, &c.) RV. x, 97, 11, &c.; the person or whole body considered as one and opposed to the separate members of the body VS. S'Br.; the body Ragh. i, 14 RmatUp.; (ifc.) `" the understanding, intellect, mind "' see {naSTA7tman}, {mandA7-}; the highest personal principle of life, Brahma (cf. {paramA7tman}) AV. x, 8, 44 VS. xxxii, 11 S'Br. xiv, &c.; effort L.; (= {dhRti}) firmness L.; the sun L.; fire L.; a son L.; [Old Germ. {tum}; Angl. Sax. {oedhm}; Mod. Germ. {Athem}, {Odem}; Gk. $, $ (?).] &42279[135, 1] aatmanaa* = instr. of {Atman}, in comp. [but not in a Bahuvrhi] with ordinals Pn. 6-3, 6 (cf. the Bahuvrhi compounds {Atma-caturtha}, and {paJcama}.) aatmasad * = mfn. dwelling in (my-) self AV. v, 9, 8. aatmasama * = m. equal to one's self; (%{Atmasama}) %{-tAMnI}, to render any one (acc.) equal to one's self, Ratna1v. aatma-tattva * = n. the true nature of the soul or of the supreme spirit S'vetUp.; ({Atmatattva}) {-jJa} mfn. knowing or versed in the Vednta doctrines L.

aatmata * = f. essence, nature BhP. aatmatva * = n. essence, nature Sh. aatmatriptaH = self-illuminated aatman.h = Soul *= %{A} m. (variously derived fr. %{an} , to breathe ; %{at} , to move ; %{vA} , to blow ; cf. %{tma4n}) the breath RV. ; the soul , principle of life and sensation RV. AV. &c. ; the individual soul , self , abstract individual [e.g. %{Atma4n}] (Ved. loc.) %{dhatte} , or %{karoti} , `" he places in himself "' , makes his own TS. v S3Br. ; %{AtmanA@akarot} , `" he did it himself "' Ka1d. ; %{AtmanA@vi-yuj} , `" to lose one's life "' Mn. vii , 46 ; %{Atman} in the sg. is used as reflexive pronoun for all three persons and all three genders e.g. %{AtmAnaM@sA@hanti} , `" she strikes herself "' ; %{putram@AtmanaH@spRSTvA@nipetatuH} , `" they two having touched their son fell down "' R. ii , 64 , 28 ; [see also below s.v. %{AtmanA}] ; essence , nature , character , peculiarity (often ifc. e.g. %{karmA7tman} , &c.) RV. x , 97 , 11 , &c. ; the person or whole body considered as one and opposed to the separate members of the body VS. S3Br. ; the body Ragh. i , 14 Ra1matUp. ; (ifc.) `" the understanding , intellect , mind "' see %{naSTA7tman} , %{mandA7-} ; the highest

personal principle of life , Brahma (cf. %{paramA7tman}) AV. x , 8 , 44 VS. xxxii , 11 S3Br. xiv , &c. ; effort L. ; (= %{dhRti}) firmness L. ; the sun L. ; fire L. ; a son L. ; [Old Germ. {a1tum} ; Angl. Sax. {oedhm} ; Mod. Germ. {Athem} , {Odem} ; Gk. $ , $ (?).] &42279[135 ,1] aatmana = (Masc.instr.sing.) thro' the self aatmanaH = of the person aatmanaa = by the purified mind * = instr. of {Atman}, in comp. [but not in a Bahuvrhi] with ordinals Pn. 6-3, 6 (cf. the Bahuvrhi compounds {Atma-caturtha}, and {-paJcama}.) aatmani = in himself aatmaratiH = taking pleasure in the self aatmasa.nyama = of controlling the mind aatmasa.nstutiH = and praise of himself aatmasa.nsthaM = placed in transcendence aatmasaat.h = to imbibe, to make one's own, to train oneself


aatmavantaM = situated in the self aatmavashyaiH = under one's control aatmavat *= mfn. having a soul Nr2isUp. ; selfpossessed , composed , prudent Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c. ; ind. like one's self Hit. ; (%{Atmavat}) %{-tA} f. self-possession , self-regard , prudence Mn. xi , 86 Ragh. viii , 83 ; self-resemblance , proportion , analogy L. aatmavaan.h = established in the self aatmavinigrahaH = self-control aatmavibhuutayaH = personal opulences aatmavishvaasaH = (m) confidence aatmayogaat.h = by My internal potency aatmatattva * = n. the true nature of the soul or of the supreme spirit S'vetUp.; ({Atmatattva}) {-jJa} mfn. knowing or versed in the Vednta doctrines L. aatma-tantra * =n. the basis of self MBh. xiii, 4399; (mfn.) depending only on one's self, independent BhP. (cf. {sva-tantra}.) aatma-ta * = f. essence, nature BhP.

aatmiyataa = the feeling of oneness aathopa * = m. puffing, swelling MBh. iii, 11587 Pan5cat. &c.; a multitude, redundancy BhP.; flatulence, borborygmi Sus3r.; pride, self-conceit Mr2icch. &c. (cf. %{sA7topam}.) aatura * = mf({A})n. suffering, sick (in body or mind) RV. viii AV. xi, 101, 2, &c.; diseased or pained by (in comp.) MBh. R. &c.; desirous of (Inf.) (cf. {an-Atura4}.) aatyantikaM = supreme aatyantika *= mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{aty-anta}), continual, uninterrupted, infinite, endless Mn. ii, 242 seq. Bhag. &c.; entire, universal (as the world's destruction &c.) BhP. Sarvad. aavaasaH = (m) residence, living quarters aavaha * =mf({A})n. bringing, bringing to pass, producing; what bears or conveys Mn. Bhag. R. Pacat. &c.; m. N. of one of the seven winds or bands of air (that which is usually assigned to the {bhuvar-loka} or atmospheric region between the {bhUr-loka} and {svar-loka}) Hariv.; one of the seven tongues of fire. [155, 2]


aavaaha * = m. inviting, invitation MBh.; marrying L.; N. of a son of S'vaphalka Hariv aavali * = %{is} and %{I} f. (%{val} T.), a row, range; a continuous line; a series; dynasty, lineage Vikr. BhP. Prab. Hit. &c. aavaasya* = mfn. ifc. to be inhabited by, full of BhP. viii, 1, 10. aavaraNa = a veil aavartaH = (m) whirlpool aavartate = comes back aavartinaH = returning aavartita* = mfn. turned round, stirred round Hariv. BhP. &c. aavasatha4 * = m. (Un. iii, 114) dwelling-place, abode, habitation, night's lodging AV. ix, 6, 7 S'Br. ChUp. Mn. R. Hit. Ragh. &c.; a dwelling for pupils and ascetics; a village; a particular religious observance L.; a treatise on ry metres T. aavali = (f) line, row


aavasatha * = m. (Un2. iii, 114) dwelling-place, abode, habitation, night's lodging AV. ix, 6, 7 S3Br. ChUp. Mn. R. Hit. Ragh. &c.; a dwelling for pupils and ascetics; a village; a particular religious observance L.; a treatise on A1rya1 metres T. aavayoH = of ours aaveza *= m. joining one's self Ka1tyS3r.; entering, entrance, taking possession of MBh. S3ak. Prab. &c.; absorption of the faculties in one wish or idea, intentness, devotedness to an object BhP.; demoniacal frenzy, possession, anger, wrath Ba1lar. Ka1d.; pride, arrogance L.; indistinctness of idea, apoplectic or epileptic giddiness L. aavi* = {is} and {I4} f. (perhaps {vI}), pain, suffering Sus'r. TS.; ({yas}) f. pl. pangs of childbirth Sus'r. aavii* = P. {-ve4ti} (but also {-va4yati} Nigh. ii, 8; pf. {-vivAya}, &c.) to undertake; to hasten near, approach RV.; to grasp, seize AitUp.; to drive on or near RV.: Intens. (Pot. 3. pl. {A4-vavIran} TS. iii, 2, 9, 5) to tremble, be agitated; (for the noun {AvI} see {Avi}, and for {AvI} f. see {Avya}.) aavidhya *= ind. p. having pierced &c.


aavirbhuutaM = having taken a physical form or incarnation aavishya = entering aavis'* =* = P. . {-vizati}, {-te} (inf. {A-vi4zam} RV. ii, 24, 6) to go or drive in or towards; to approach, enter; to take possession of RV. AV. VS. S'Br. MBh. BhP. R. Mn. &c.; to sit down, settle MBh.; to get or fall into; to reach, obtain; to become RV. MBh. R. BhP. &c.: Caus. {-vezayati}, to cause to enter or approach; to cause to reach or obtain; to deliver, offer, present; to make known RV. AV. AitBr. MBh. BhP. Ragh. Bhag. &c. aavishh.h = to be possesed by aavishhTaM = overwhelmed aavishhTaH = overwhelmed aavikshita = descendent of avikshit (i.e, marutta) aavraj P. %{-vrajati}, to come near, proceed to S3Br. La1t2y. Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.; to come back or home, return R. BhP. Sus3r. MBh. &c.aavriti * = f. covering, closing, hiding. aavrij * =. {-vRGkte} (Subj. {-va4rjate} RV. i, 33,

1; aor. {A74vRkta} RV. viii, 90, 16; also P. aor. 1. sg. {A74vRkSam} RV. x, 159, 5) to turn or bring into the possession of, procure for, bestow, give RV.; to turn or bring into one's own possession; to appropriate RV. S'Br. BhP.; to be propitiated, favour BhP.: Caus. P. {-varjayati}, to turn over, incline, bend Hariv. S'ak. Vikr. Ragh. Megh. &c.; to pour out Ragh. Kum.; to deliver BhP. Ragh. &c.; to cause to yield, overcome; to gain one's favour, propitiate, attract Kaths. Das'. &c. aavri * =1 1. P. {-vRNoti}, to cover, hide, conceal; to surround, enclose, shut, comprehend, hem in; to keep off MBh. R. BhP. S'ak. Kaths. &c.: Caus. {vArayati}, to cover, enclose; to ward off, keep off MBh. R. BhP. VarBriS. aavritya * =1 ind. p. 3. having covered &c. S'ak. MBh. &c. aavrita = encircled/avrithA * = ind. not in vain, profitably L. aavritaM = is covered aavritaH = is covered aavritaa = covered


aavritaaH = covered aavrittiM = return aavritya = covering aavrishhthi = (fem) rain aaveshita = fixed aaves'ika *= mfn. own , peculiar ; inherent ; m. a guest , a visitor ; (%{am}) n. entering into ; hospitable reception , hospitality L. aaveshya = establishing aavriyate = is covered aavhayati = to call aavya * =mf({AvI})n. (fr. {avi}), belonging to sheep TS.; woollen s'vGri. aayaama *: extending, restraining, restrained, stopping aayaata * = mfn. come, arrived, attained MBh. S'ak. Kaths. &c.; ({am}) n. abundance, superabundance, Kir

aayaH = (m) income, earnings aavyakta* = mfn. quite clear or intelligible R. vii, 88, 20. aayatana = place, position aayatam.h = (n) rectangle aayana *= 1 n. coming, approaching RV. AV. VS.; (for 2. {Ayana} see s.v aayaana * =n. coming, arrival RV. viii, 22, 18 MBh. &c.; the natural temperament or disposition L. (cf. {ayAna}.) aayanaa.nsha = Precession of Equinoxes. Used to convert Tropical positions to Sidereal aayaataH = have come aayaatana = abode, resting place aayata * = mfn. stretched, lengthened, put on (as an arrow); stretching, extending, extended, spread over; directed towards, aiming at; extended, long, future MBh. R. Sus'r. Ragh. S'is'. Kir. &c.; m. an oblong figure (in geometry); ({A}) f. a particular interval (in music); ({am}), and ({ayA}) ind.

without delay, on the spot, quickly S'Br. aayatana n. resting-place, support, seat, place, home, house, abode TS. S3Br. ChUp. AitBr. Mn. Ya1jn5. Kum. &c.; the place of the sacred fire (= %{agny-Ayatana}) Ka1tyS3r. A1s3vS3r. and Gr2.; an altar; a shed for sacrifices; a sanctuary ChUp. R. Mn. Pan5cat. &c.; a plot of ground, the site of a house; a barn Ya1jn5. ii, 154; the cause of a disease Sus3r.; (with Buddhists) the five senses and Manas (considered as the inner seats or A1yatanas) and the qualities perceived by the above (the outer A1yatanas). aayu* = 1 2. A1. (%{A4-yuvate} RV. ix, 77, 2; pf. %{yuyuve4} RV. i, 138, 1; p. %{-yuva4mAna} RV. i, 582, and %{-yuvAna} S3Br. ix, 4, 1, 8) to draw or pull towards one's self; to seize, take possession of RV. TBr. S3Br.; to procure, provide, produce TS.; to stir up, agitate, mingle Ma1nS3r. and Gr2.: Intens. (p. %{-yo4yuvAna} RV. iv, 1, 11) to meddle with.// 2 mfn. (fr. %{i} Un2. i, 2), living, movable RV. VS.; (%{us}) m. a living being, man; living beings collectively, mankind RV.; son, descendant, offspring; family, lineage RV.; a divine personification presiding over life RV. x, 17, 4; N. of fire (as the son of Puru1ravas and Urvas3i1) VS. MBh. Hariv. (cf. %{Ayus}); N. of a man persecuted by Indra RV.; N. of several other men MBh. Hariv.

&c.; N. of a king of frogs MBh.; (%{u}) n. [and (%{us}) m. L.] life, duration of life RV. iii, 3, 7; ix, 100, 1. aayuH = [long] life aayus * = n. life, vital power, vigour, health, duration of life, long life RV. AV. TS. S3Br. Mn. MBh. Pan5cat. &c.; active power, efficacy RV. VS.; the totality of living beings [food Sa1y.] RV. ii, 38, 5 and vii, 90, 6; N. of a particular ceremony (= %{AyuH-SToma} q.v.); N. of a Sa1man; of the eighth lunar mansion; food L.; (%{us}) m. the son of Puru1ravas and Urvas3i1 (cf. %{Ayu}) MBh. Vikr. VP.; [cf. Dor. $; perhaps also $.] aayudhaM = weapons aayudhadharmiNI* = f. the plant Sesbania AEgyptiaca (commonly called Jayant) L. aayudhapAla* = m. the governor of an arsenal Hariv. aayudhabhRt* = mfn. bearing arms; ({t}) m. a warrior VarBriS. aayudhAgAra* = n. an armoury, arsenal Mn. MBh. Venis.; {-nara} m. governor of an arsenal Hariv.

{AyudhA7gArika} m. governor of an arsenal Hariv. [149, 2] aayudha* = n. a weapon RV. AV. VS. R. Mn. MBh. Ragh. &c.; implement AV. x, 10, 18 AitBr. Kaus'.; gold used for ornaments L.; ({Ani}) n. pl. water L. aayudhaanaaM = of all weapons aayur* = (in comp. for {Ayus} below). aayush* = (in comp. for {Ayus} below). aayusha* = n. ifc. = {Ayus}, duration of life S'Br. Pacat. &c. aayus* = n. life, vital power, vigour, health, duration of life, long life RV. AV. TS. S'Br. Mn. MBh. Pacat. &c.; active power, efficacy RV. VS.; the totality of living beings [food Sy.] RV. ii, 38, 5 and vii, 90, 6; N. of a particular ceremony (= {AyuH-SToma} q.v.); N. of a Sman; of the eighth lunar mansion; food L.; ({us}) m. the son of Purravas and Urvas' (cf. {Ayu}) MBh. Vikr. VP.; [cf. Dor. $; perhaps also $.] aayushhkaaraka = Significator of Longevity which is Saturn


aayuta * = mfn. melted, mixed, mingled; ifc. combined with MBh. R. BhP.; ({A4-yutam}) n. halfmelted butter MaitrS. AitBr. aayojakaH = (m) organiser, sponsoraasava abandhu = one who does not have any brothers / kinmen abala = helpless (woman) abalaa = (helpless) Woman abuddhayaH = less intelligent persons abodha = Ignorance abda = Season of plenty abdhi = sea abdhii = (m) ocean, sea abhaavaH = changing quality abhaavayataH = of one who is not fixed abhaashhata = began to speak


abhadra * = mfn. inauspicious, mischievous; (%{am}) n. mischief. abrahmaNya = Not kosher abhajyamaana * = mfn. (Pass.) not being detached; not being vanquished, &c. abhaashate - see aabhaasha abhaktaaya = to one who is not a devotee abhara: see abhr abhavat.h = became abraviit.h = spoke abhavishhyat.h = will become abhaya = freedom from fear *mf({A})n. unfearful, not dangerous, secure; ({a-bha4ya}) mfn. fearless, undaunted S'Br. xiv; m. N. of S'iva; of a natural son of Bimbisra; of a son of Idhmajihva BhP.; of a river in Kraucadvpa BhP.; ({A}) f. the plant Terminalia Chebula; ({a4-bhayam}) n. (ifc. f. {A}) absence or removal of fear, peace, safety, security RV. &c. (cf. {a4bhaya-tama} below); `" safety "', (applied as proper name to) a child of Dharma and

his reign in Plakshadvpa BhP.; a kind of symbol procuring security Hcat.; a sacrificial hymn recited to obtain personal security Kaus'.; the root of a fragrant grass, Andropogon Muricatum. abhayaM = fearlessness abhaye = and fearlessness abhi * = ind. (a prefix to verbs and nouns, expressing) to, towards, into, over, upon. (As a prefix to verbs of motion) it expresses the notion or going towards, approaching, &c. (As a prefix to nouns not derived from verbs) it expresses superiority, intensity, &c.; e.g. %{abhi-tAmra}, %{abhi-nava} q.v. (As a separate adverb or preposition) it expresses (with acc.) to, towards, in the direction of, against; into S3Br. and Ka1tyS3r.; for, for the sake of; on account of; on, upon, with regard to, by, before, in front of; over. It may even express one after the other, severally Pa1n2. 1-4, 91 e.g. %{vRkSaM@vRkSam@abhi}, tree after tree [cf. Gk. $; Lat. {ob}; Zend &18820[61,1] {aibi}, {aiwi}; Goth. {bi}; Old High Germ. {bi1}]. abhibhavati = transforms abhibhavaat.h = having become predominant abhibhava * = mfn. overpowering, powerful AV. i,

29, 4 [67,1]; m. prevailing, overpowering, predominance Bhag. &c.; defeat, subjugation under (instr. or abl., or in comp.); disregard, disrespect; humiliation, mortification. abhibhuuya = surpassing abhicara = m. a servant L. abhichaara = black magic abhicaara * = m. exorcising, incantation, employment of spells for a malevolent purpose AV. &c.; magic (one of the Upapa1takas or minor crimes).\\ m. exorcising, incantation A1p.\\ see %{abhi-car}. abhidhaana* = n. telling, naming, speaking, speech, manifesting; a name, title, appellation, expression, word; a vocabulary, dictionary, lexicon; putting together, bringing in close connection VPrt.; (compar. {-tara}) KaushBr.; ({I}) f. see s.v. abhidhaasyati = explains abhidhiiyate = is called abhidhitsA * = f. desire of expressing or naming Kpr.

abhidhi * = 3. (impf. 3. pl. {abhy-adhinvan}) to satisfy Kthh. PBr. abhidhii * = (perf. 1. sg. {-dIdhaya-}; p. . {dI4dhyAna} RV. iv, 33, 9) to reflect upon, consider RV. iii, 38, 1 and x, 32, 4. abhijaana* = n. remembrance, recollection; knowledge L.; ascertainment; a sign or token of remembrance [62,3]; any sign or token serving as a proof for (loc. or {prati}) R.; = {abhijJAnazakuntala} q.v. Sh. abhigraha * = m. seizing taking hold of; attack, onset L.; defiance, challenge L.; robbing, plundering L.; authority L.; a vow Jain abhihitaa = described* = mfn. ( %{dhA}), harnessed or put to (as a horse) RV. AV. S3Br.; named, called Mn. iii, 141, &c.; held forth, said, declared, spoken MBh. Mn. &c.; spoken to Kum. &c.; m. N. of a chief L.; (%{am}) n. a name, expression, word. abhii * = 1 mfn. fearless R. Ragh.\\ 2 ( %{i}), %{abhy-e4ti} (Imper. 2. sg. %{abhI74hi}; impf. 3. pl. %{-Ayan}, 3. sg. A1. %{-Ayata}; ind. p. %{abhI74tya}) to come near, approach, go up to or towards (acc.) RV. &c.; (with %{sakAzam} or

%{samIpam} or %{pArzve}) id. Pan5cat.; to go along or after (acc.) RV. &c.; to enter, join, go over to Mn. Bhat2t2.; (with a pr. p.) to begin to, (perf. 3. pl. %{abhI7yu4H}) S3Br.; to reach, obtain RV. &c.; to get or fall into (acc.) MBh. &c.; to come to, fall to one's share (with acc.) Bhat2t2.; (said of the sun) to rise (as if he came nearer; also with %{abhitarAm} [q. v.] instead of %{abhi}) AitBr., (with %{astam}) to set MBh. i, 1797 (cf. %{abhy-aya}): Pass. %{abhI7yate}, to be perceived, known BhP.: Intens. (1. pl. %{-Imahe}) to ask, request RV. i, 24, 3. abhiikshNa * = mfn. (contr. of %{abhikSaNa} cf. Nir. ii, 25), constant, perpetual L.; in comp. for %{abhIkSNam} q.v.; (%{am}) ind. repeatedly, again and again, perpetually, constantly; presently, at once; very, exceedingly (in comp. %{abhIkSNa}) Ra1jat. abhiipsita = desired abhijanavaan.h = surrounded by aristocratic relatives abhijaataH = born of abhijaatasya = of one who is born of abhijaananti = they know


abhijaanaati = does know abhijaayate = becomes manifest abhijita = A nakshatra between uttaraashhDhaa and shravaNa mainly centred on the star Vega. For some reason it is not usually included in the 27 nakshatras although it would make 28 if it was. adhipatii - Lord abhijit * = mfn. victorious VS. xv, 7; born under the constellation Abhijit Pn. 4-3, 36, (cf. {Abhijita}); ({t}) m. N. of a Soma sacrifice (part of the great sacrifice Gavm-ayana) AV. S'Br. &c.; N. of a son [Hariv.] or of the father [VP.] of Punarvasu; of Vishnu L.; N. of a star (a Lyrae) L.; of the 20th (or 22nd) Nakshatra AV. &c.; the eighth Muhrta of the day (about midday) Kaus'. &c. abhijin.hmuhuurta = the most auspicious moment abhikrama = in endeavoring abhimanaH = conceit abhimaana = self-importance * = m. intention to injure, insidiousness KtyS'r.; high opinion of one's self, self-conceit, pride, haughtiness; (in Snkhya phil.) = {abhi-mati}, above; conception (especially

an erroneous one regarding one's self) Sh. &c.; affection, desire; N. of a Riishi in the sixth Manvantara VP. \\ see %{nir-abhImAna}.\\ see %{abhi-man}. \\ see %{nir-abhImAna}. abhimaanatA * = f. pride , arrogance. abhimaanavat * = mfn. conceiving or having ideas about self ; proud , arrogant. abhimaanazAlin * = mfn. proud , arrogant Kir. ii , 48. [67,2] abhimaanazUnya * = mfn. void of conceit , humble. abhimanas * = mfn. `" having the mind directed towards "' , desirous of , longing for (acc.) R. &c. abhimanaaya * = Nom. A1. (Opt. %{-manAyeta}) to long for , desire Bhat2t2. (cf. g. %{bhRzA7di}): Desid. %{-mimAnayiSate} Pat. abhimata * mfn. longed for, wished, desired; loved, dear; allowed s'vGri.; supposed, imagined; ({am}) n. desire, wish. abhimriSTa* = touched, struck abhimukhaaH = towards

abhinandatii = praises abhinaya = acting abhinanda *= m. the delight, pleasure (of sensuality) S3Br. xiv ChUp.; wish, desire for (ifc.) Sus3r.; N. of the first month; N. of a commentator on the Amara-kosha; N. of the author of the Yogava1sisht2hasa1ra; (%{A}) f. delight L.; wish L. abhinandana *= n. delighting L.; praising, applauding L.; wish, desire L.; (%{as}) m. N. of the fourth Jaina Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i1. abhinivesha = possessiveness abhipravrittaH = being fully engaged abhipraayaH = (m) opinion abhiprayaa *= (Imper. 2. pl. %{-yAtha4na}) to come towards , approach RV. viii , 27 , 6 ; to set out , march off , go to battle MBh. &c. abhipraaya *= m. aim Pa1n2. 1-3 , 72 ; purpose , intention , wish R. &c. ; opinion Mn. vii , 57 , &c. ; meaning , sense (as of a word or of a passage). abhiraama * = mf({A}) n. pleasing, delightful, agreeable, beautiful; m. N. of Siva; 1. ({am}) ind. so

as to be agreeable to (in comp.) S'k.; (for 2. {abhirAmam} see s.v. below.) abhiraamastrilokaanaaM = the laudable rAma for all the three worlds abhirataH = following abhirakshantu = should give support abhirakshitaM = perfectly protected abhirakshitam.h = who has been well protected abhirata * = mfn. reposing Ya1jn5. i , 251 ; pleased or contented with (loc.) , satisfied ; engaged in , attentive to (loc.) , performing , practising. abhirati * = f. pleasure , delighting in (loc. or in comp.) Ragh. ix , 7 , &c. ; N. of a world Buddh. abhishhi.nchati = performs' puuja', by pouring water etc. on the idol abhishhekaM = ablution abhisandhaaya = desiring abhitaH = everywhere


abhitaD.h = to strike abhivand * = . (rarely P.) to salute respectfully abhivandaka* = mfn. having the intention to salute Jain. abhi-vandana * n. saluting respectfully abhiijya* = mfn. id. L.; m. a god L abhinaya * = m. (indication of a passion or purpose by look, gesture, &c.) acting, dramatic action (expressive of sentiment) abhivyaJjana * = n. making manifest L. abhiyaachanaa = (f) demand abhiyuktaanaaM = fixed in devotion abhivijvalanti = and are blazing abhiyaata * = mfn. approached; attacked. abhukta * = mfn. uneaten; unenjoyed, unused, unexpended; one who has not eaten, enjoyed or expended.


abhuuta* = mfn. whatever has not been or happened. abhicaksh * =%{-caSTe} (2. sg. %{-cakSase} RV. v, 3, 9; Ved. Inf. %{-cakSase} RV.) to look at, view, perceive RV. BhP.; to cast a kind or gracious look upon any one RV.; to address BhP.; to assail with harsh language RV. vii, 104, 8; to call BhP. abhicakshaNa* =n. conjuring, incantation AV. vi, 127, 2; (%{A}) f. (in augury or astron.) observation (of the sky) AV. ix, 2, 21. abhicakshya * =mfn. manifest RV. viii, 4, 7. abhihita * = mfn. ( %{dhA}) , harnessed or put to (as a horse) RV. AV. S3Br. ; named , called Mn. iii , 141 , &c. ; held forth , said , declared , spoken MBh. Mn. &c. ; spoken to Kum. &c. ; m. N. of a chief L. ; (%{am}) n. a name , expression , word. abhijaa* = %{-jAnAti}, %{-nIte}, to recognize, perceive, know, be or become aware of; to acknowledge, agree to, own; to remember (either with the fut, p. or with %{yad} and impf.) Pa1n2. 22, 112 seqq. Bhat2t2. abhija* = mf(%{A})n. knowing, skilful, clever; understanding, conversant with (gen. or ifc.);

(%{A}) f. remembrance, recollection Pa1n2. 3-2, 112; supernatural science or faculty of a Buddha (of which five are enumerated, viz. 1. taking any form at will; 2. hearing to any distance; 3. seeing to any distance; 4. penetrating men's thoughts; 5. knowing their state and antecedents). abhimata * = mfn. longed for , wished , desired ; loved , dear ; allowed A1s3vGr2. ; supposed , imagined ; (%{am}) n. desire , wish. abhimatataa * = f. agreeableness , desirableness ; desire , love. abhimati * = f. self reference , referring all objects to self (as the act of Aham2ka1ra or personality) BhP. abhimaati * = mfn. insidious RV. v , 23 , 4 and x , 18 , 9 ; (%{is}) f. striving to injure RV. ; an enemy , foe RV. AV. S3Br. abhinanda * = m. the delight, pleasure (of sensuality) S3Br. xiv ChUp.; wish, desire for (ifc.) Sus3r.; N. of the first month; N. of a commentator on the Amara-kosha; N. of the author of the Yogava1sisht2hasa1ra; (%{A}) f. delight L.; wish L. abhinandya * = 1 mfn. = %{abhi-nandanIya} S3a1k.

Ragh. v, 31.\\ 2 ind. p. having rejoiced at; having gladdened. abhipracakS * =(Ved. Inf. %{-ca4kSe}) to see RV. i, 113, 6. abhivicaksh * =%{-caSTe}, to look towards RV. iii, 55, 9 AV. ii, 10, 4. abhivikhyaa * = to look at , view VS. Gobh. abhivikhyaata* = mfn. universally known , renowned , known as , called MBh. &c. abhyaacaksh * = (impf. %{-A7caSTa}) to look at (acc.) BhP.; to speak BhP. abhyaakarsha 8 = m. ( {kRS}), a striking of the flat of the hand upon the breast in defiance (a practice common to wrestlers and pugilists) MBh. i, 7109. abhyaanana * = mfn. having the face turned towards BhP. abhyaasa* = reaching to, pervading Yj. iii, 114; (with {yad} and Pot.) prospect, any expected result or consequence ChUp.; proximity (with gen. or abl.) R. &c.; (mfn.) near Kum. vi, 2; ({am}) ind. near, at hand AitBr. PBr.; ({e}) loc. ind. near (with

gen. or abl.) R. &c.; ({At}) abl. in comp. with (a perf. Pass. p., as) {Agata}, &c., arrived from near at hand, &c. Pn. 2-1, 39 Sch. & vi, 3, 2 Sch. abhyaasa* = 2 m. the act of adding anything, S'ulb.; (in Gr.) `" what is prefixed "', the first syllable of a reduplicated radical Pn.; reduplication Nir.; repetition Mn. xii, 74, &c.; (in poetry) repetition of the last verse of a stanza [Nir.] or of the last word of a chapter [Comm. on AitBr.]; (in arithm.) multiplication; repeated or permanent exercise, discipline, use, habit, custom [77, 1]; repeated reading, study; military practice L.; (in later Vednta phil.) inculcation of a truth conveyed in sacred writings by means of repeating the same word or the same passage; (in Yoga phil.) the effort of the mind to remain in its unmodified condition of purity (sattva). abhyaasa * = see ({abhy-} 1. {az} and) 2. {abhy-} 2. {as}. abhyadhikaH = greater abhyanunaadayan.h = resounding abhyarchya = by worshiping abhyard * = to oppress , afflict , pain R.: Caus. id.

BhP. abhyardha * = m. only (%{e4}) loc. ind. opposite to , in the face of (abl.) S3Br. abhyardhas * = ind. apart , separate from (abl.) MaitrS. TS. [76,2] abhyardhayajvan * = (6) mfn. (said of Pu1shan) receiving sacrifices apart or separate ones RV. vi , 50 , 5. abhyardita * = mfn. (fr. Caus.) distressed , oppressed MBh. i , 4116 Pa1n2. 7-2 , 25 Sch. abhyarhaNa * = n. reverencing , honouring BhP. abhyasanaM = practice abhyasuuyakaaH = envious abhyasuuyati = is envious abhyasuuyantaH = out of envy abhyahanyanta = were simultaneously sounded abhyaasha = outskirts abhyaasa = study

abhyaasayoga = by practice abhyaasayogena = by the practice of devotional service abhyaasaat.h = than practice abhyaase = in practice abhyaasena = by practice abhyavarsha: A* heaped with, showerd by, covered with, poured over abhyutthaanaM = predominance abhyudaya = rise, prosperity * = m. sunrise or rise of luminaries (during or with reference to some other occurrence) Ka1tyS3r. Jaim.; beginning, commencing (as of darkness, &c.) R.; elevation, increase, prosperity, happiness, good result Mn. iii, 254 R. &c.; a religious celebration, festival Mn. ix, 84. abhyupAyana * = n. a complimentary gift, an inducement BhP. abhyupeta* = mfn. approached, arrived at (acc.) MBh. i, 3592 Ragh. v, 14; (with %{gRham}) staying

in a house VarBr2S.; furnished with (in comp. [VarBr2S.] or instr.); agreed upon, assented to Das3.; promised Megh. abhraM = cloud abhr * = cl. 1. P. {abhrati} (perf. {Anabhra}) to error wander about Bhathth. acara* = or {a4-carat} [RV.] mfn. immovable. acaraM = and not moving acarasya = and nonmoving acala = (adj) still, stationary acalaM = unmoving acalaH = immovable acalapratishhThaM = steadily situated acalaa = unflinching acalena = without its being deviated acakshus.h = one without an eye


acaapalaM = determination acetana* = mfn. without consciousness, inanimate; unconscious, insensible, senseless, fainting, &c. acetAna* =mfn. thoughtless, infatuated RV. vii, 4, 7. acetas* =mfn. imprudent RV.; unconscious, insensible. acintya = inconceivable acintyaM = beyond contemplation acintyaH = inconceivable aciraad.h = without delay/in no time aciraadbhava = in no time from the cycle of birth\&death acireNa = very soon acetasaH = without KRishhNa consciousness acchedyaH = unbreakable achyuta = O infallible one

achyutam.h = the who does not slip acit* = mfn. without understanding RV.; irreligious, bad RV.; (the NBD. suggests to take {aci4t} as a f. `" not-knowledge "' Sy. sometimes explains by {ci}, `" neglecting the Agnicayana, irreligious); {a-cit} f. not-spirit, matter Sarvad. aH = (v) to be aD * = 1 cl. 1. P. %{aDati}, to endeavour L. ad * = 1 cl.2. P. %{a4tts}, %{Ada}, %{atsyati}, %{attum}, to eat, consume, devour, Ved. Inf. %{a4ttave} RV.: Caus. %{Ada4yati} and %{-te} (once %{adayate} [A1pS3r.]) to feed [cf. Lith. {edmi}; Slav. {jamj} for {jadmj}; Gk. $; Lat. {edo}; Goth. root {AT} pres. {ita}; Germ. &5166[17,3] {essen}; Eng. {to} {eat}, Arm. {utem}].\\ad mfn. ifc. `" eating "', as %{matsyA7d}, eating fish. addhA * = ind. (fr. %{ad}, or %{a}, this), Ved. in this way; manifestly; certainly, truly. ad.h = to eat a-daara * = having no wife adara * = not little, much.

adatta * = mfn. not given; given unjustly; not given in marriage; one who has given nothing AV.; (%{A}) f. an unmarried girl; (%{am}) n. a donation which is null and void Comm. on Ya1jn5. acala * = mf(%{A})n. not moving, immovable; m. a mountain, rock; a bolt or pin; the number seven; N. of S3iva and of the first of the nine deified persons, called `" white Balas "' among the Jainas; of a Devarshi VP.; (%{A}) f. the earth; one of the ten degrees which are to be ascended by a Bodhisattva before becoming a Buddha. acara * = or {a4-carat} [RV.] mfn. immovable. acarama * = mfn. not last , not least ; said of the Maruts RV. v , 58 , 5. acikara* V: let made, let be done adadat.h = gave adambha* = mfn. free from deceit, straightforward m. N. of S'iva; absence of deceit; straightforwardness. aadaahyaH = unable to be burneddambhitvaM = pridelessness


adarshaH = mirror adas * = nom. mf. %{asau4} (voc. %{a4sau} MaitrS.) n. %{ada4s}, (opposed to %{ida4m} q.v.), that, a certain, (%{adas}) ind. thus, so, there. adatta V* assume, * n= mfn. not given; given unjustly; not given in marriage; one who has given nothing AV.; ({A}) f. an unmarried girl; ({am}) n. a donation which is null and void Comm. on Yj. adakshiNaM = with no remunerations to the priests adhika * = mfn. additional, subsequent, later; surpassing (in number or quantity or quality), superior, more numerous; abundant; excellent; supernumerary, redundant; secondary, inferior; intercalated; (%{am}) n. surplus, abundance, redundancy, hyperbole ind. exceedingly, too much; more. adbhuta = the sentiment of marvel* =mfn. extraordinary; see s.v. \\ [once {adbhuta4} RV. i, 120, 4] mfn. (see 1. {at}), supernatural, wonderful, marvellous m. the marvellous (in style), surprise; N. of the Indra of the ninth Manvantara, ({am}) n. a marvel, a wonder, a prodigy.


adbhutaM = wonderful adbhuutaM = wonderfull addhaa * = V: directly, * in this way; manifestly; certainly, truly. adesha = at an unpurified place adhaH = (indeclinable) below adhana = one without money adhama = inferior* = mfn. (see {a4dhara}), lowest, vilest, worst, very low or vile or bad (often ifc., as in {narA7dhama}, the vilest or worst of men); m. an unblushing paramour, ({A}) f. a low or bad mistress [cf. Lat. {infimus}]. adhamaaM = condemned adhamaadhama = the worst among the inferior adhara = Lip adharaM = lips adharaH = (m) lips


adhara- * = o the lower position of something *= mfn. (connected with %{adha4s}), lower, inferior, tending downwards; low, vile; worsted, silenced; m. the lower lip, the lip, (%{A4t}) abl. ind. see s.v. below; (%{asmAt}) abl. ind. below L.; (%{A}) f. the lower region, nadir; (%{am}) n. the lower part, a reply, pudendum muliebre L. [Lat. {inferus}] adharaya Nom. P. %{adharayati} , to make inferior , put under ; eclipse , excel. adharma = breach of duty* m. unrighteousness, injustice, irreligion, wickedness; demerit, guilt; N. of a Prajpati (son of Brahm, husband of Hins or Mriish); N. of an attendant of the sun; ({A}) f. unrighteousness (personified and represented as the bride of death). adharmaM = irreligion adharmaH = irreligion adharmachaarii = adj. impious adharmasya = of irreligion adhas * = ind. (see %{a4dhara}) , below , down ; in the lower region ; beneath , under ; from under (with acc. gen. , and abl.) ; also applied to the lower region and to the pudendum muliebre [cf. Lat.

{infra}]. adhastaat * = ind.= %{adha4s} q.v. adhasgama * = m. or descent , downward movement , degradation. adhasthita * = mfn. standing below ; situated below. adhaupaasana* = n. sexual intercourse Comm. on BrirUp. adhi * = 1 m. (better {Adhi} q.v.), anxiety, ({is}) f. a woman in her courses (= {avi} q.v.) L. a4dhi *=, as a prefix to verbs and nouns, expresses above, over and above, besides. As a separable adverb or preposition; (with abl.) Ved. over; from above, from; from the presence of; after AitUp.; for; instead of RV. i, 140, 11, (with loc.) Ved. over; on; at; in comparision with; (with acc.) over, upon, concerning. adhii * =, or {a4dhy-eti} (exceptionally {adhI7yati} RV. x, 32, 3), to turn the mind towards, observe, understand RV. and AV.; chiefly Ved. (with gen. [cf. Pn. 2-3, 72] or acc.) to mind, remember, care for, long for RV. &c.; to know, know by heart TS.

S'Br. Up. &c.; to go over, study MBh. iii, 13689; to learn from (a teacher's mouth abl.) MBh. iii, 10713; to declare, teach S'Br. x Up.: . {adhI7te4} or (more rarely) {adhI7yate} (Mn. iv, 125; Pot. 3. pl. {adhI7yIran} Kaus'. Mn. x, 1) to study, learn by heart, read, recite: Caus. {adhy-Apayati} (aor. {Apipat} Pn. 2-4, 51) to cause to read or study, teach, instruct: Caus. Desid. {adhy-Apipa-yiSati}, to be desirous of teaching Pn. 2-4, 51: Desid. {adhI7SiSati}, to be desirous of studying Pn. 8-3, 61 Sch. adhIra * = mfn. imprudent RV. i, 179, 4 AV.; not fixed, movable; confused; deficient in calm selfcommand; excitable; capricious; querulous; weakminded, foolish; (%{A}) f. lightning; a capricious or bellicose mistress. adhiraat V= acquired kingdom; {sastri} imperial adhibhih *- etcetetera, and such, the combination or collection of things adhibhuta = the principle of objective existence adhibhuutaM = the material manifestation adhidaiva = the principle of subjective existence


adhidaivaM = governing all the demigods adhidaivataM = called adhidaiva adhigaa * = 1. P. to obtain; P. (aor. Subj. 2. pl. %{gAta}, or %{-gAtana}) to remember, notice RV. and AV.; P. or generally A1. (%{-jage}, %{-agISTa}, %{agISyata} Pa1n2.) to go over, learn, read, study; to attempt, resolve: Caus. P. %{-gApayati}, to cause to go over or teach: Desid. Caus. %{-jigApayiSati}, to be desirous of teaching Pa1n2. 2-4, 51. adhigachchhati = attains adhigaN* to enumerate, to value highly BhP. adhigam* = to go up to, approach, overtake, to approach for sexual intercourse, to fall in with, to meet, find, discover, obtain; to accomplish; to study, read: Desid. P. {adhi-jigamiSati}, to seek; . {adhi-jigAMsate}, to be desirous of studying or reading. adhigamana * = n. acquisition; finding; acquirement, reading, study; marriage, copulation. adhigamanIya * = or mfn. attainable adhigamya = having gone toadhigamanIyagamya * = mfn. attainable; practicable to be learnt.

adhigantri* = {tA} m. one who attains or acquires. acquirement, mastery, study, knowledge [21, 1]; mercantile return, profit, &c. adhigartya* = (5) mfn. being on the driver's seat RV. v, 62, 7. adhigata* = mfn. found, obtained, acquired; gone over, studied, learnt. adhikaara * = m. authority; government, rule, administration, jurisdiction; royalty, prerogative; title; rank; office; claim, right, especially to perform sacrifices with benefit; privilege, ownership; property; reference, relation; a topic, subject; a paragraph or minor section; (in Gr.) government, a governing-rule (the influence of which over any number of succeeding rules is called anu-vriitti q.v.) adhiikaara* = (= {adhi-kAra}) m. superintendence over (loc.) Mn. xi, 63; authorization, capability MBh. adhika = additional* =mfn. additional, subsequent, later; surpassing (in number or quantity or quality), superior, more numerous; abundant; excellent; supernumerary, redundant; secondary, inferior; intercalated; ({am}) n. surplus, abundance, redundancy, hyperbole ind.

exceedingly, too much; more. adhikaM = more adhikaH = greater adhikataraH = very much adhikaaraH = right adhikaariin.h = (m) officer adhimaatra = superior adhimaatraatama = the highest, the supreme one adhipa = protector * m. a ruler, commander, regent, king. adhipaa* = {As} m. Ved. a ruler, king, sovereign. adhipati = lord adhipa *= m. a ruler , commander , regent , king. adhipA *= %{As} m. Ved. a ruler , king , sovereign. adhipAMzula *= or %{-pAMsula} mfn. being

dusty above ; dusty. adhipatham *= ind. over or across a road S3Br. adhipati *= m. = %{adhi-pa} ; (in med.) a particular part of the head (where a wound proves instantly fatal). adhipativatI *= (%{a4dhipati-}) f. containing the lord in herself MaitrUp. adhipatnI *= f. a female sovereign or ruler. adhishthhita* mfn. settled; inhabited; superintended; regulated; appointed; superintending. adhiyaGYa = the principle of sacrifice, incarnation adhiyaGYaH = the Supersoul adhivaasa = dwelling adhiishtha* = mfn. (3. {iS}), solicited, asked for instruction (as a teacher) Pn.; ({as}? or {am}) m. n. instruction given by a teacher solicited for it Pn. Sch. adhishhThaana = seat, abode adhishhThaanaM = sitting place

adhishThaana * = n. standing by, being at hand, approach; standing or resting upon; a basis, base; the standing-place of the warrior upon the car Sa1mavBr.; a position, site, residence, abode, seat; a settlement, town, standing over; government, authority, power; a precedent, rule; a benediction Buddh. adhishhThaaya = being so situated adhiis'vara * = m. a supreme lord or king, an emperor; an Arhat J adhisari = competent candidate adhishthhita* = mfn. settled; inhabited; superintended; regulated; appointed; superintending. adhiita = studied adhiitaa = studied adhiiyaanaH = studied Adhokshaja * = m. N. of Vishn2u or Kr2ishn2a; the sign S3ravan2a1. Adhokshajam * =[Ka1tyS3r.] or ind. under the axle.


adhoksheNa * = [As3vS3r.] ind. under the axle. adhomukha = face downwards adhomukhashvaanaasana = the dog stretch posture adhRta*= mfn. not held, unrestrained, uncontrolled; unquiet, restless TS.; m. N. of Vishn2u (see also aadhRta) adhunaa = recently *= ind. at this time , now. [23,1] adhruva * = mf({A}) n. not fixed, not permanent; uncertain, doubtful; separable. adhvan * = %{A} m. a road, way, orbit; a journey, course; distance; time Buddh. and Jain.; means, method, resource; the zodiac (?), sky, air L.; a place; a recension of the Vedas and the school upholding it; assault (?); ifc. %{adhva}, %{as}. [24,1] adhvara * = mfn. ( %{dhvR}), not injuring AV. TS.; (%{a4s}) m. a sacrifice (especially the Soma sacrifice); N. of a Vasu; of the chief of a family; (%{am}) n. sky or air L. adhyayana = study

adhyayanaiH = or Vedic study adhyaksheNa = by superintendence adhyaksha* = mf({A})n. perceptible to the senses, observable; exercising supervision; m. an eyewitness; an inspector, superintendent; the plant Mimusops Kauki ({kSIrikA}). adhibhUta* = n. the spiritual or fine substratum of material or gross objects; the all penetrating influence of the Supreme Spirit [21,3]; the Supreme Spirit itself; nature; (a4m) ind. on material objects (treated of in the Upanishads) S3Br. xiv TUp. adhidaiva* = or %{-daivata} n. a presiding or tutelary deity, the supreme deity, the divine agent operating in material objects; (%{am}) ind. on the subject of the deity or the divine agent. adhyaapayituM = to teach (infinitive of causative of adhi+i, to study) adhyaapikaa = (f) lady teacher adhyaasa = a case of mistaken identity * = m. (2. {as}), imposing (as of a foot) Yj.; (in phil.) = {adhy-Aropa}; an appendage RPrt adhyaatma = the principle of self * = n. the Supreme Spirit; (mfn.), own, belonging to self;

({a4m}) ind. concerning self or individual personali adhyaatma* = n. the Supreme Spirit; (mfn.), own, belonging to self; (%{a4m}) ind. concerning self or individual personality. adhyaatmaM = transcendental adhyaatmavidyaa = spiritual knowledge adhyopatya = Lordshipadhyeshhyate = will study adhruvaM = temporary adhyuuh * = 1. to lay on , overlay ; to place upon , to raise above. adhyuuDha * = mfn. ( %{vah}) , raised , exalted ; affluent ; abundant ; m. the son of a woman pregnant before marriage [cf. 1. %{saho7Dha}] ; S3iva ; (%{A}) f. a wife whose husband has married an additional wife. adhvan.h = road adhvaan.h = (m) road, path, way advayam * V: without a second advitiiya * = mfn. without a second, sole, unique; matchless.


aditii = the mother of the gods aditya = (m) sun adrishhTa = Unseen, fortune, luck * = or mfn. unseen, unforeseen, invisible, not experienced, unobserved, unknown, unsanctioned\\2[S3Br.] mfn. unseen, unforeseen, invisible, not experienced, unobserved, unknown, unsanctioned; m. N. of a particular venomous substance or of a species of vermin AV., (%{am}) n. unforeseen danger or calamity, that which is beyond the reach of observation or consciousness, (especially the merit or demerit attaching to a man's conduct in one state of existence and the corresponding reward or punishment with which he is visited in another); destiny, fate: luck, bad luck. adrishhTapuurvaM = never seen before adya = today adri *= a stone, a rock, a mountain; a stone for pounding Soma with or grinding it on adrohaH = freedom from envy advaasana = the prone posture


advitiiyaH = the inseparable or the non-dual adveshhTaa = nonenvious advaita = non-duality of the universal spirit agaccha* = mfn. not going L.; m. a tree L. agaadha *: not shallow, deep, unfathomable m. a hole, chasm L.; N. of one of the five fires at the Svadhkra Hariv. agata = not past agatasuuMscha = agata + asuun.h + cha:undeparted life + and (living people) agatvaa = without going (from gam.h) agama = proof of the trustworthiness of a source of knowledge agama * = not going, unable to go m. a mountain L.: a tree [ef. {a-ga}]. agamya * = mfn. unfit to be walked in , or to be approached ; not to be approached (sexually) ; inaccessible ; unattainable [4,3] ; unintelligible ; unsuitable.

agamyaa * = f. a woman with whom cohabitation is forbidden. agastamaasa = month of August agochara = (adj) unknown agni = fire agniH = fire agniparvataH = (m) volcano, volcanic cone agnipetikaa = (f) matchbox agnishalaakaa = (f) matchstick agnishhu = in the fires agnitraya: n. or the three sacred fires, called respectively Grhapatya, havanya, and Dakshina agnau = in the fire of consummation agra = (neut in this sense) tip agra* = mfn. (fr. {aGg} Un.), foremost, anterior, first, prominent, projecting, chief, best L.; supernumerary L.; ({A}) f. [scil. {rekhA}] measure

of amplitude (i.e. the distance from the extremity of the gnomon-shadow to the line of the equinoctial shadow) Sryas.; ({am}) n. foremost point or part; tip; front; uppermost part, top, summit, surface; point; and hence, figuratively, sharpness; the nearest end, the beginning; the climax or best part; goal, aim; multitude L.; a weight, equal to a pala L.; a measure of food given as alms L.; (in astron.) the sus amplitude; ({am}) ind. in front, before, ahead of; ({a4greNa}) ind. in front, before (without or with acc.) S'Br.; (a4gre) ind. in front, ahead of, in the beginning, first; further on, subsequently, below (in a book); from up to ({A}) S'Br., before (in time) AitUp. &c. [cf. Gk. $]. agraahya* = mfn. not to be conceived or perceived or obtained or admitted or trusted, to be rejected. agrabIja* = mfn. (said of plants) propagated by cuttings m. a viviparous plant. agrabhU* = mfn. being at the top, at the head of. agraga* = m. a leader. agrahasta* = m. = {-pANi}; the tip of an elephant's trunk Vikr.; finger R.


agrahAra* = m. royal donation of land to Brhmans; land or village thus given MBh. agraha* = mfn. = {mukhya} (Comm.) MBh. iii, 14189 BR. propose to read {agra-ha}, destroying the best part m. non acceptance, a houseless man i.e. a Vnaprastha a Brhman of the third class L. agrahAyaNa* = m. `" commencement of the year "'N. of a Hind month ({mArgazIrSa}, beginning about the 12th of November). [6,3] agrajAti* = m. a Brahman L. agrajyA* = f. sine of the amplitude Sryas. agrakara* = m. the fore &1592[6, 2] part of the hand, finger; first ray S'is'. agrapA* = mfn. drinking first MBh. agrapeya* = n. precedence in drinking AitBr. agraM = at the tip agretvan* = mf({arI})n. going in front AV. agraha* =mfn. = {mukhya} (Comm.) MBh. iii, 14189 BR. propose to read {agra-ha}, destroying

the best part m. non acceptance, a houseless man i.e. a Vnaprastha a Brhman of the third class L. agrii* m. a word invented for the explanation of {agni4} agrajaH = elder agrataH = (let the two go) before (me) agre = in front of/ahead/beforehand agrya * = mf({A}) n. foremost, topmost, principal, best; proficient, well versed in (with loc.); intent closely attentive m. an elder or eldest brother L.; ({A}) f. = {tri-phalA} q.v.; ({am}) n. roof L. agha * = mfn. bad , dangerous RV. ; sinful , impure BhP. m. N. of an Asura BhP. ; (%{a4m}) n. evil , mishap RV. AV. ; sin , impurity Mn. &c. ; pain , suffering L. ; (%{A4s}) f. pl. the constellation usually called Magha1 RV. x , 85 , 13. agha.MmanaH = (adj) evil-minded agha.MmanaH = adj. evil-minded aghaM = grievous sins


aghaayuH = whose life is full of sins agrataHkR * = to place in front or at the head , to consider most important. agrataHsara * = mf(%{I})n. going in front , taking the lead. agratas * = ind. ; see col. 3. agratas * = ind. in front , before ; in the beginning , first RV. x , 90 , 7 VS. ; (with gen.) before , in presence of aGYa = the ignorant person aGYaH = a fool who has no knowledge in standard scriptures aGYataa = ignorance aGYaana = ignorance aGYaanaM = nescience aGYaanajaM = due to ignorance aGYaanasambhuutaM = born of ignorance


aGYaanaaM = of the foolish aGYaanena = by ignorance aha = said aha* = 1 ind. (as a particle implying ascertainment, affirmation, certainty, &c.) surely, certainly RV. AV. S'Br.; (as explaining, defining) namely S'Br.; (as admitting, limiting, &c.) it is true, I grant, granted, indeed, at least S'Br. [For the rules of accentuation necessitated in a phrase by the particle {a4ha} cf. Pn. 8-1, 24 seqq.] \\ =2 n. (only Ved.; nom. pl. {a4hA} RV. AV.; gen. pl. {a4hAnAm} RV. viii, 22, 13) = {a4Har} q.v., a day; often ifc. {aha4} m. (e.g. {dvAdazA7ha4}, {try-aha4}, {SaDaha4}, &c.) or n. (e.g. {puNyA7ha4}, {bhadrA7ha4}, and {sudinA7ha}); see also {ahna} s.v. ahaM = (pron) I * = nom. sg., `" I "' RV. &c.; = {ahaMkaraNa} q.v., (hence declinable gen. {ahamas}, &c.) BhP. [Zd. {azem}; Gk. $; Goth. {ik}; Mod. Germ. {ich}; Lith. &38735[124,2] {asz}; Slav. {az}]. ahaH = of daytime ahankara = tendency to identify oneself with

external phenomena, 'the I-maker' ahankaara = Egoism, selfishness, ignorance ahankaaraM = false ego ahankaaraH = false ego ahankaaravimuuDha = bewildered by false ego ahankaaraat.h = by false ego ahankritaH = of false ego ahanma = * selfhood, falsehood ahata * = mfn. unhurt, uninjured AV. xii, 1, 11 VS.; not beaten (as a drum) AdbhBr.; unbeaten (as clothes in washing), unwashed, new S'Br. &c.; unblemished, unsoiled BhP.; ({am}) n. unwashed or new clothes "' ahatvaa = not killing ahamahamikaa = (f) competition, debate ahaMkaara = false ego, identification with the body * = m. conception of one's individuality, selfconsciousness ChUp. &c.; the making of self,

thinking of self, egotism MBh. &c.; pride, haughtiness R. &c.; (in Snkhya phil.) the third of the eight producers or sources of creation, viz. the conceit or conception of individuality, individualization; ({ahaMkAra}) {-val} mfn. selfish, proud L. aharaagame = at the beginning of the day aharnishaM = ahaH and nishaa:day and night Ahavaniya: the fire prepared for receiving oblations; especially the eastern of the three fires burning at a sacrifice ahi = on earth ahimsaa = non-violence* = f. not injuring anything, harmlessness (one of the cardinal virtues of most Hind sects, but particularly of the Buddhists and Jains; also personified as the wife of Dharma VmP.) ChUp. Nir. Mn. &c.; security, safeness S'Br. AitBr. ah(a)na* = only (like {aha4}) ifc. for {a4han} (or {a4har}), q.v. e.g. {aty-ahna}, {aparA7hNa4}, {pUrvA7hNa4} &c., qq. vv.; ({Aya}) dat. ind. formerly Naigh.; instantly, speedily MBh. Kum. Ragh.

ahanti * = f. id. VS. xvi, 18 [vv.ll. {a4-hantva} mfn. `" indestructible "' TS. iv, and {a4-hantva} mfn. id. MaitrS. Kthh.] ahanyamAna * = mfn. (Pass. p.) not being struck p. BhP. ahanA4 * = instr. with an earlier form of accentuation for {a4hnA}. see before. ahanyA7 * = (4) mfn. daily RV. i, 168, 5; 190, 3; v, 48, 3. a4han * = the base of the weak and some other cases of {a4har}, q.v. e.g. instr. {a4hnA} [once {ahanA4} RV. i, 123, 4]; dat. {a4hne}; loc. {a4han} (Ved.) or {a4hani}, or {ahni}, &c.; nom. du. {a4hanI} (see also s.v. {a4har}) and pl. {a4hAni}; only Ved. are the middle cases of the pl. {a4habhyas} [RV.], {a4habhis} [RV., nine times], and {a4hasu} [RV. i, 124, 9], while the later language forms them fr. the base {a4has} q.v. ahita = sorrow (antonym of hita) ahitaaH = enemies ahituNDikaH = (m) a snake charmer


ahaitukaM = without cause aho = Oh !, V*: alas, how, ah, or else *= (instead of %{ahA} [= %{a4har}] in comp. before the letter %{r}). \\ 2 ind. a particle (implying joyful or painful surprise) Ah! (of enjoyment or satisfaction) Oh! (of fatigue , discontent , compassion , sorrow , regret) Alas! Ah! (of praise cf. Pa1n2. 8-1 , 40 seq.) Bravo! (of reproach) Fie! (of calling Kum. iii , 20) Ho! Halo! (of contempt) Pshaw! Often combined with other particles of similar signification , as %{aho@dhik} or %{dhig@aho} , %{aho@bata} , &c. ahoraatra = day and night ahuta* = mfn. unoffered, not yet offered (as a sacrificial oblation) AV. xii, 4, 53 S'Br. Mn. xii, 68; one who has not received any sacrifice AV. vii, 97, 7; (the fire) through or in which no sacrificial oblation has been offered p.; not obtained by sacrifice AV. vi, 71, 2; m. religious meditation, prayer (considered as one of the five great sacraments, otherwise called Brahma-yaja) Mn. iii, 73 seq. ahRta * = mfn. not captivated or carried away by (instr.) Ragh. viii, 68.


ahUta* = mfn. uncalled, unsummoned RV. x, 107, 9. aihika *= mfn. (fr. %{iha}) , of this place , of this world , worldly , local , temporal BhP. Veda1ntas. &c. aikaantikasya = ultimate aikya = unity aila * =a descendant of IlN. of Purravas (cf. 1. {aiDa4}) Hariv. MBh.; N. of the planet Mars T.; ({As}) m. pl. the descendants or family of Purravas MBh. xiii; ({A}) f. N. of a river (v.l. {elA}) Hariv.; ({am}) n. plenty or abundance of food or refreshment; a particular number (Buddh.) aichchhat.h = desired airaavata* = m. (fr. {irA-vat}), a descendant of Irvat; N. of a Nga or mythical serpent AV. viii, 10, 29 TndyaBr. MBh. Hariv. &c.; `" produced from the ocean "'N. of Indra's elephant (considered as the prototype of the elephant race and the supporter of the east quarter; cf. {nAga}, which means also elephant and serpent) MBh. Ragh. Megh. &c. [234, 3]; a species of elephant R. ii, 70, 23; the tree Artocarpus Lacucha; the orange tree

L.; N. of a particular portion of the moos path; of a form of the sun VP. MBh.; ({as}, {am}) m. n. a kind of rainbow MBh. Ragh. &c.; ({I}) f. the female of Indra's elephant; N. of a river MBh.; lightning L.; a species of fern Sus'r.; ({I}, {A}) f. a particular portion of the moos path (including the lunar mansions Punarvasu, Pushya, and s'lesha) VarBriS.; ({am}) n. the fruit of Artocarpus Lacucha Sus'r.; N. of a Varsha MBh. aishvaraM = divine ais'varya = desire for power; opulence {Sadais'varya-puurnam. The Lord is full in six opulences] * = n. the state of being a mighty lord, sovereignty, supremacy, power, sway S'Br. xiii MBh. Mn. &c.; dominion Kaths.; superhuman power (either perpetual or transient, consisting, according to some, of the following eight: {aNiman}, {laghiman}, {mahiman}, {prApti}, {prAkAmya}, {vazitva}, {Izitva}, and {kAmA7vasAyitva}, qq.v.; or, according to others, of such powers as vision, audition, cogitation, discrimination, and omniscience; and of active powers such as swiftness of thought, power of assuming forms at will, and faculty of expatiation Sarvad. &c.) aitihya* = n. (fr. {iti-ha}), traditional instruction,

tradition Tr. i, 2, 1 MBh. R aj, Aj * to propel, drive forward ajaa = (f) goat ajaanaM = do not understand ajaanat.h = knew ajaanataa = without knowing ajaanantaH = without knowing aja = goat* = f. a she-goat aja * = 1 m. a drove, troop (of Maruts) AV.; a driver, mover, instigator, leader; N. of Indra, of Rudra, of one of the Maruts [{aja4 e4ka-pA4} RV., and {aja4 e4ka-pAda} AV.], of Agni, of the sun, of Brahm, of Vishnu, of S'iva, of Kma (cf. 2. {a-ja}); the leader of a flock; a he-goat, ram [cf. Gk. &2547[9, 2] $, $; Lith. $]; the sign Aries; the vehicle of Agni; beam of the sun (Pshan); N. of a descendant of Visvmitra, and of Das'aratha's or Drghabhu's father; N. of a mineral substance; of a kind of rice; of the moon; ({A4s}) m. pl.N. of a people RV. vii, 18, 19; of a class of Riishis MBh.; ({A}) f. N. of Prakriiti, of My or Illusion see {a361

jA} (s.v. 2. {a-jA}); a she-goat; N. of a plant whose bulbs resemble the udder of a goat Sus'r. aja4 * = 2 mfn. not born, existing from all eternity; ({a4s}) m. N. of the, first uncreated being RV. AV.; Brahm, Vishnu, S'iva, Kma; ({A}) f. N. of Prakriiti, My or Illusion (see also 1. {aja4} and 1. {ajana}). ajaM = unborn ajaH = unborn ajagaraH = (m) python ajaagara * = not awake, not wakeful ajana* =1 m. ( {aj}), `" the instigator "', Brahm; ({am}) n. act of instigating or moving, [10,1] a-jana4* =2 mfn. destitute of men; desert; m. an insignificant person. ajapa* = 1 m. ( {jap}), one who does not repeat prayers; a reciter of heterodox works L.; ({A}) f. the mantra or formula called hansa (which consists only of a number of inhalations and exhalations). ajapaa = involuntary repetition (as with a mantra)

ajasraM = the unborn one ajaviithii * = f. `" goat's road "'N. of one of the three divisions of the southern path , or one of the three paths in which the sun , moon , and planets move , comprehending the asterisms %{mUla} , %{pUrvA7SADha} , and %{uttarA7SADha}. ajaya * = m. non-victory, defeat; (mfn.), unconquered, unsurpassed, invincible; m. N. of Vishnu; of a lexicographer; of a river; ({A}) f. hemp; N. of a friend of Durg; My or Illusion. ajita * = mfn. not conquered, unsubdued, unsurpassed, invincible, irresistible; m. a particular antidote; a kind of venomous rat; N. of Vishnu; S'iva; one of the Saptarshis of the fourteenth Manvantara; Maitreya or a future Buddha; the second of the Arhats or saints of the present (Jaina) Avasarpini, a descendant of Ikshvku; the attendant of Suvidhi (who is the ninth of those Arhats); ({As}) m. pl. a class of deified beings in the first Manvantara. a4-jIta * = mfn. ( {jyA}, usually {jina}), not faded, not faint AV. TS., &c. ajina* = n. (probably at first the skin of a goat, {aja}); the hairy skin of an antelope, especially a

black antelope (which serves the religious student for a couch seat, covering &c.); the hairy skin of a tiger, &c. m. N. of a descendant of Priithu VP. ajra = (m) field ajman* = {a} n. career, passage, battle RV. AV. [Lat. {agmen}]. ajma* = m. ( {aj}), career, march RV. [cf. Gk. $]. &2960[10,3] ajaanin* = mfn. ignorant, unwise. ajaataka* = mfn. unknown, (g. ajaati* = m. not a kinsman, not related Mn. ajaanakRta* = mfn. done inadvertently. ajaanatA* = f. or ignorance. aJNchalaH = (m) aanchal in Hindi aJNjana = the name of the mother of Hanuman aJNjaneyaasana = the splits aJNjali = (m) folded hands, palms cupped in the

form of a vessel akutas'cit *V= from nowhere akaanda * = without a trunk T.; causeless, unexpected; ({e}) ind. causelessly, unexpectedly. akara * = mfn. handless, maimed; exempt from tax or duty, privileged; not acting; (%{A}) f. Emblic Myrobalan, Phyllanthus Emblica. Bh Pur: accepted, has performed, made, did exhibit, maintained, executed, created, carried out akartaaraM = as the nondoer akarma = inaction akarman * = mfn. not working; not performing good works, wicked RV. x, 2 2, 8; inefficient; (in Gr.) intransitive; ({a}) n. absence of work; observances; improper work, crime. akarmabhoga * = m. enjoyment of freedom from action. akarmAnvita * = mfn. unoccupied; disqualified. akarmaka * = mfn. (in Gr.) intransitive.


akarmaNya * = mfn. improper to be done; unfit for work; inefficient. akarmakrit.h = without doing something akarmaNaH = than no work akarmaNi = in not doing prescribed duties akalmashhaM = freed from all past sinful reactions akasmaat.h = by chance akaaraH = the first letter aakaarita * = mfn. ifc. having the shape of Vedntas. akaaro = the letter `a' akaarya = and forbidden activities* = mfn. not to be done, improper; ({am}) n. a criminal action akaaryaM = what ought not to be done akaarye = and what ought not to be done akhaNDa * = mfn. not fragmentary, entire, whole, (%{am}), n. time L.; (%{a-khaNDA@dvA@dazI}),

the twelfth day of the first half of the month Ma1rgas3i1rsha. [4,2] akhila = entire akhilaM = whole akhilaguru = preceptor for all, also all types of long syllable letters akiNchanaH = (m) a have-not akicana *= mfn. without anything , utterly destitute ; disinterested ; (am) n. that which is worth nothing. akicanataa *= f. or voluntary poverty (as practised by Jaina ascetics). akicanatva *= n. voluntary poverty (as practised by Jaina ascetics). akicaniman *= %{A} m. utter destitution , (g. %{pRthu-Adi} q.v.) akicana *= mfn. without anything, utterly destitute; disinterested; (am) n. that which is worth nothing.


akiirti = infamy akiirtiM = infamy akiirtiH = ill fame akka = mother akrama * = mfn. not happening successively, happening at once Yogas.; m. want of order, confusion. akraanta * = mfn. unpassed, unsurpassed, unconquered, not doubled RV. Pra1t.; (%{A}) f. the Egg plant. [3,1] akriyaaH = without duty akrodha = freedom from anger akrodhaH = freedom from anger akledyaH = insoluble akrita * = mf({A}) n. undone, not committed; not made, uncreated; unprepared, incomplete; one who has done no works, ({am}) n. an act never before committed AitBr.; ({A}) f. a daughter who has not been made {putrikA}, or a sharer in the

privileges of a son Pn. akritabuddhitvaat.h = due to unintelligence akritaatmaanaH = those without self-realization akritena = without discharge of duty akritvaa = without doing (from kRi) akritsnavidaaH = persons with a poor fund of knowledge aksh* = (perhaps a kind of old Desid. of 1. {az}) cl. 1. 5. {akSati}, {akSNoti} (Pn. 3-1, 75; fut. {akSiSyati} or {akSyati} L.; aor. {AkSIt}, 3. du. {AkSiSTAm} or {ASTAm} L.; perf. {AnakSa} [Pn. 7-4, 60 Comm.], but . p. [with the Vedic weak stem {AkS} cf. perf. {Az-uH} 3. pl. &c. fr. 1. {az}] {AkSANa4}),; to reach RV. x, 22, 11; to pass through, penetrate, pervade, embrace L.; to accumulate (to from the cube?) L.: Caus. {akSayati}, {AcikSat}, to cause to pervade L.: Desid. {acikSi}, {Sati} or {acikSati} L. aksha* = 1 m. an axle, axis (in this sense also n. L.); a wheel, car, cart; the beam of a balance or string which holds the pivot of the beam; a snake L.; terrestrial latitude (cf. {-karNa}, {-bhA}, {-bhAga});

the collar-bone S'Br.; the temporal bone Yj.; N. of a measure (= 104 angula); [cf. Lat. {axis}; Gk. $; Old Germ. {ahsa}; &634[3, 1] Mod. Germ. {Achse}; Lith. {assis}.] aksha* = 2 m. ( 1. {az} Un.) a die for gambling; a cube; a seed of which rosaries are made (cf. {indrA7kSa}, {rudrA7kSa}); the Eleocarpus Ganitrus, producing that seed; a weight called {karSa}, equal to 16 mshas; Beleric Myrobalan (Terminalia Belerica), the seed of which is used as a die; a N. of the number 5; ({am}) n. sochal salt; blue vitriol (from its cube-like crystals) L. aksha* = 3 n. an organ of sense; sensual perception L.; m. the soul L.; knowledge, religious knowledge L.; a lawsuit L.; a person born blind L.; N. of Garuda L.; of a son of Rvana; of a son of Nara, &c. aksha* = 4 n. [only ifc. (f. {I}) for {akSi}], the eye. akshaanti* = f. impatience, jealousy, intolerance. akshama = (adj) incapable* = mf({A})n. unable to endure, impatient; incompetent (with Loc., Inf. or ifc.), envious; ({A}) f. or {-tA} f. impatience, envy; incompetence, inability (with Inf.) akSauhiNI* = f. an army consisting of ten anikinis,

or 21, 870 elephants, 21, 870 chariots, 65, 610 horse, and 109, 350 foot. (Since an anikini consists of 27 vhinis, and 27 is the cube of 3, {akSauhiNI} may be a compound of 2. {akSa} and {vAhini}; or it may possibly be connected with 1. {akSa}, axle, car.) akshaara * = mfn. free from alkali or factitious salt. akshara = Letter * = mfn. imperishable; unalterable; m. a sword L.; S3iva L.; Vishn2u L.; (%{A}) f. see %{a4kSarA} below; (%{am}) n. a syllable; the syllable %{om} Mn.; a letter [m. Ra1matUp.]; a vowel; a sound; a word; N. of Brahma; final beatitude religious austerity, sacrifice L.; water RV. i, 34, 4 and i, 164, 42 [3,3]; Achyranthes Aspera. aksharaa * = f. (cf. %{a-kSa4ra} n. above), word, speech RV. aksharaaNaaM = of letters aksharaat.h = beyond the infallible aksharaM = indestructible aksharaH = infallible


akshayaM = unlimited akshayaH = eternal akshepa * =m. drawing together, convulsion, palpitation Sus'r. Kum. vii, 95 Kd.; applying, laying (as a colour) Kum. vii, 17; throwing away, giving up, removing Kum. i, 14, &c.; `" shaking about the hands "' or `" turning the hand "' (in pronouncing the Svarita) RPrt.; charming, transporting Kd. &c.; (in rhetoric) pointing to (in comp.), hinting Sh. Das'ar. &c.; (see also {AkSepo7pamA} below); reviling, abuse, harsh speech BhP. &c. (cf. {sA7kSepam}); objection (especially to rectify a statement of one's own) Sus'r. Kvya7d. Sh. &c.; challenge Kaths.; N. of a man VP akshi = (n) eye * = n. (1. %{az} Un2.) [instr. %{akSNA} dat. %{akSNe}, &c., fr. %{akSan}, substituted for %{akSi} in the weakest cases. Vedic forms are: abl. gen. %{akSNa4s}; loc. %{akSa4n} (once %{akSiNi}!); du. nom acc. %{akSI4} RV., %{a4kSiNI}, %{a4kSyau}, and %{akSya4u} AV. S3Br. and AitBr.; instr. %{akSI4bhyAm}; gen. %{akSyo4s} VS., %{akSyo4s} and %{akSo4s} (!) AV.; pl. nom. acc. %{a4kSINi} AV., %{akSANi} RV.; ifc. %{akSa} is substituted see 4. %{ahSa}], the eye; the number two; %{I4}) n. du. the sun and moon RV. i, 72, 10; [cf. Gk. $, $; Lat. &842[3,3]

{oculos}; A.S. {aegh}; Goth. {augo}; Germ. {Auge}; Russ. {oko}; Lith. {aki-s}.] akula * =not of good family, low akuNTha * mfn. not blunted, not worn out; vigorous, fixed; ever fresh, eternal akurvat.h = did akurvata = did they do akuutha* = mf({A})n. having no prominence on the forehead TS.: not deceitful, unerring (said of arms) Yj.; not false (said of coins) Yj. n. akushalaM = inauspicious akuupaara * = mfn. unbounded RV. v, 39, 2 and x. 109, 1; m. the sea VS. &c.; tortoise BhP. &c. the mythical tortoise that upholds the world; N. of a man PBr.; N. of an A1ditya L.; (%{A}) f. N. of an An3girasi1 PBr. akupya * = n. not base metal, gold or silver Kir.; any base metal (= %{kupya} see 3. %{a}). akupyaka * = n. gold or silver L.


alam *= ind. (later form of %{a4ram} q.v.), enough, sufficient, adequate, equal to, competent, able. (%{alam} may govern a dat. [%{jI4vitavai4} (Ved. Inf. dat.) %{a4lam} AV. vi, 109, 1, or %{alaM@jIvanAya} Mn. xi, 76, &c., sufficient for living] or Inf. [Pa1n2. 2-4, 66; %{alaM@vijJAtum} `" able to conceive "' Nir. ii, 3] or instr. [Pa1n2. 2-3, 27 Siddh.; %{alaM@zaGkayA}, enough i.e. away with fear!] or gen. [%{alaM@prajAyAH}, capable of obtaining progeny PBr.] or may be used with the fut. [%{alaM@haniSyati}, he will be able to kill Pa1n2. 3-3, 154 Sch.] or with an ind. [Pa1n2. 3-4, 18; %{alaM@bhuktvA}, enough of eating i.e. do not eat more, %{alaM@vlcArya}, enough of consideration].) 2 alaM (in comp. for %{a4lam}). alaM = especially ala.nkaaradiiptaM = shining with adornments, decorations alankrita = decorated / ornamented alabdhabhuumikatva = the feeling that it is impossible to see reality alabdha * = mfn. unobtained.


alabhya = Difficult alasaH = lazy alasya = indolence alaka *= %{as}, %{am} m. n. (ifc. f. %{A}) a curl, lock Ragh. &c.; (%{as}) m. (= %{alarka} q.v.) a mad dog L.; (%{As}) m. pl.N. of a people VarBr2S.; of the Inhabitants of Kubera's residence Alaka1 MBh. iii, 11813; (%{A}) f. (g. %{kSipakA7di} q.v.) a girl from eight to ten years of age L.; N. of the capital of Kubera (situated on a peak of the Hima1laya inhabited also by S3iva) Kum. vi, 37, &c.; N. of a town in Nishadha Katha1s. alakshamaana = one who disregards alakshmiH = poverty (alaxmiH is opp. of laxmiH) alaya* = m. ( {lI}), non-dissolution, permanence R. iii, 71, 10 (v.l. {an-aya}); (mfn.) restless S'is'. iv, 57. ali = a black bug aliika = (adj) false, untrue aloluptvaM = freedom from greed


alpa = small, little2 *= mf(%{A})n. (m. pl. %{e} or %{As} Pa1n2. 1-1, 33) small, minute, trifling, little AV. &c.; (%{am}) ind. (opposed to %{bahu}) little Mn. ii, 149 and x, 60; (%{ena}) instr. ind. (with a perf. Pass. p. Pa1n2. 2-3, 33) `" for little "', cheap Dal. [95,3]; easily R. iv, 32, 7; (%{At}) abl. ind. (with a perf. Pass. p.) without much trouble, easily Pa1n2. 2-3, 33; (in comp. with a past Pass. p.) ii, 1, 39 and vi, 3, 2. alpaka * mf({ikA})n. small, minute, trifling Mn. &c.; ({a4m}) ind. little Naigh. S'Br.; ({A4t}) abl. ind. shortly after S'Br.; m. the plants Hedysarum Alhagi and Premna Herbacea L. alpaM = a few, little, inadequate alpabuddhayaH = the less intelligent alpaka* = mf({ikA})n. small, minute, trifling Mn. &c.; ({a4m}) ind. little Naigh. S'Br.; ({A4t}) abl. ind. shortly after S'Br.; m. the plants Hedysarum Alhagi and Premna Herbacea L. alpamedhasaaM = of those of small intelligence alpavayaskaM = young (small) age alpaayu = Short life between 8 and 32 years

alaukikatva * = n. rare occurrence (of a word) Sh. a-laukika * = mf({I})n. not current in the world, uncommon, unusual (especially said of words); not relating to this world, supernatural. alaukika * see {a-loka} a-laukika antika :* = (with gen. or abl.) near, proximate L. (compar. {nedIyas}, superl. {nediSTha}); ({am}) n. vicinity, proximity, near e.g. {antikastha}, remaining near; ({a4m}) ind. (with gen. or ifc.) until, near to, into the presence of; ({A4t}) ind. from the proximity; near, close by; within the presence of; ({e4}) ind. (with gen. or ifc.) near, close by, in the proximity or presence of; ({ena}) ind. (with gen.) near. antika * = (fr. {anta}), only ifc. reaching to the end of, reaching to (e.g. {nAsA7ntika}, reaching to the nose), lasting till, until. anudhyaana* = n. meditation, religious contemplation, solicitude. a(a)ntikA * = f. an elder sister am* = 1 ind. quickly, a little, (g. {cA7di} q.v.) \\2 the termination {am} in the comparative and other

forms used as ind. e.g. {pratara4m}, &c., (g. {svarAdi} q.v.) \\3 {amati}, to go L.; to go to or towards L.; to serve or honour L.; to sound L.; (Imper. . 2. sg. {amISva}; aor. {AmIt}; cf. {abhy-am}) to fix, render firm TS.; (perf. p. acc. sg. {emuSa4m} for {emivA4Msam}) to be pernicious or dangerous RV. viii, 77, 10: Caus. {Ama4yati} (impf. {A4mayat}; aor. Subj. {Amamat}) to be afflicted or sick RV. AV. VS. (cf. {a4n-Amayat}). am* = n. the root of a fragrant grass (used for tatties or screens, &c., commonly called Kaskas, Andropogon Muricatus). ama*=1 m. impetuosity, violence, strength, power RV. VS. AV.; depriving of sensation, fright, terror RV.; disease L.\\=2 mfn. (pron.; cf. {amu}) this AV. xiv, 2, 71 (quoted in S'Br. xiv and s'vGri.) [The word is also explained by {prA7Na}, `" soul "' cf. Comm. on ChUp. v, 2, 6.] amaa*=1 ind. (Ved. instr. fr. 2. {a4ma} q.v.) (chiefly Ved.) at home, in the house, in the house of (gen.), with RV. &c.; together Pn. 3-1, 122; ({A}) f. = {amA-vAsyA4} q.v. Comm. on Ragh. xiv, 80 (in a verse quoted from Vysa) Comm. on Sryas; also {amA7nta} m. the end, of the {amA} ({-vAsyA4}) night ib.\\2 (3. {mA}) f. (= {a-pramANa}) not an authority, not a standard of action Nyyam.

amaanin* = mfn. ( {man}), not proud, modest MBh. amaanitA* = f. or modesty, humility. amaanitva* = [Bhag. &c.] n. modesty, humility. a-maatA putra * = mfn. (g. {kASThA7di} q.v.) `" having neither mother nor son "', only in comp. e.g. {amAtAputrA7dhyApaka} m. a teacher who cares for neither mother nor son (on account of being entirely absorbed in his work) Pn. 8-1, 67, Kls'. amaatya * = (4) m. (fr. 1. {amA4} cf. Pn. 4-2, 104 Sch.) inmate of the same house, belonging to the same house or family RV. vii, 15, 3 VS. As'vGri. KtyS'r.; `" a companion (of a king) "', minister MBh. Mn. &c. amaara *: non-destruction amaanitvaM = humility amaanana* = n. disrespect Hit. amaanushha = (adj) inhuman, cruel amaavaasya * = n. [NBD.] neighbourhood AV. iv , 36 , 3 [perhaps for %{-vAztya} , `" lowing (of cows) at home "' , as the word is used together with %{A379

gara4} and %{prati-kroza}] ; mfn. born in an %{amA-vAsyA4} night Pa1n2. 4-3 , 30 (cf. %{AmAvAsya4}) ; N. of a Vedic teacher VBr. ; (%{vAsyA4}) f. (scil. %{rAtri} ; fr. 5. %{vas} , `" to dwell "' , with %{amA4} , `" together "') the night of new moon (when the sun and moon `" dwell together "') , the first day of the first quarter on which the moon is invisible AV. S3Br. &c. ; a sacrifice offered at that time ; N. of the Acchoda1river MatsyaP. amaayaya* straight, straigh forward, unduplicious, well mannered sincere * =. not cunning, not sagacious S'Br. AitBr.; free from deceit, guileless Bhathth.; ({A}) f. absence of delusion or deceit or guile, ({ayA}), instr. ind. guilelessly, sincerely Mn. ii, 51 BhP. Hit. amaaya mfn. not cunning, not sagacious S3Br. AitBr.; free from deceit, guileless Bhat2t2.; (%{A}) f. absence of delusion or deceit or guile, (%{ayA}), instr. ind. guilelessly, sincerely Mn. ii, 51 BhP. Hit. amala = without rubbish * = mf({A})n. spotless, stainless, clean, pure, shining; ({as}) m. crystal (cf. {amara-ratna}) BhP.; N. of a poet; of Nryana L.; ({A}) f. N. of the goddess Lakshm L.; ( {amarA} q.v.) the umbilical cord L.; the tree Emblica Officinalis Gaertn. L.; the plant Saptal L.; ({am})

n. talc L. amalaM = clean amalaan.h = pure aman'gala * = mfn. inauspicious , unlukey , evil Ragh. xii , 43 , &c. ; m. the castor oil tree , Ricinus Communis L. ; (%{am}) n. inauspiciousness , illluck Kum. Ven2is. aman'galya * = mfn. inauspicious , unlucky L. ; (%{am}) n. inauspiciousness , ill-luck BhP. amani* = f. road, way Un. amanI* = (for {a-mana4s} in comp. with {bhU} and its derivatives). amani see {am}. amaNiva* = mfn. [NBD.] having no jewels SnkhS'r. amaniibhAva* = m. the state of not having perception or intellect MaitrUp. amanyata = believed amara *: undying, immortal, imperishable

amaratva * = [MBh. &c.] n. the condition of the gods (i.e. immortality). amarsha * = m. ( {mRS}), non-endurance Pn. 3-3, 145; impatience, indignation, anger, passion MBh. R. &c.; m. N. of a prince VP. amarshahaasa * = m. an angry laugh , a sarcastic sneer MBh. amarshaja * = mfn. springing from impatience or indignation MB amarshaNa * = mfn. = %{amarSa@vat} MBh. &c. , impatient (cf. %{raNA7marSaNa}) ; m. (= %{amarSa})N. of a prince BhP. ; (%{am}) n. impatience of (gen.) MBh. xiii , 2159. amarshavat * = mfn. not bearing , intolerant passionate , wrathful , angry L. amata * = 1 m. sickness, disease Un.; death L.; time L.; dust Comm. on Un. a4-mata * = 2 mfn. ( {man}), not felt, not perceptible by the mind S'Br. xiv; not approved of, unacceptable. aama4-taa * = f. rawness; unpreparedness Sus'r. ambaka * = n. S'iva's eye Blar. (cf. {try-ambaka}); an eye L.; copper L. ambandha = relation / connection

ambara = aakaasha * = ambara n. circumference, compass, neighbourhood RV. viii, 8,14; (ifc. f. %{A}) clothes, apparel, garment MBh. &c.; cotton L.; sky, atmosphere, ether Naigh. MBh. &c.; (hence) a cipher Su1ryas.; N. of the tenth astrological mansion VarBr2.; the lip; saffron L.; a perfume (Ambra) L.; N. of a country MatsyaP.; (a1s) m. pl.N. of a people VarBr2S. ambaraM = sky, garment ambaa = mother ambaa * f. (Ved. voc. {a4mbe} [VS.]or {amba} [RV.], in later Sanskrit {amba} only, sometimes a mere interjection s'vS'r.), a mother, good woman (as a title of respect); N. of a plant; N. of Durg (the wife of S'iva); N. of an Apsaras L.; N. of a daughter of a king of Ksi MBh.; N. of one of the seven Krittiks TS. Kthh. TBr.; a term in astrol. (to denote the fourth condition which results from the conjunction of planets?). In the South Indian languages, {ambA} is corrupted into {ammA}, and is often affixed to the names of goddesses, and females in general [Germ. {Amme}, a nurse; Old Germ. {amma}, Them. {ammo7n}, {ammU7n} aMbaa = mother ambu = water

ambudhi = sea ambuvegaaH = waves of the waters ambhas.h = (n) water ambhasaa = by the water ambhasi = on the water ambhuruhaM = lotus amedhyaM = untouchable *: mfn. not able or not allowed to sacrifice, not fit for sacrifice, impure, unholy, nefarious, foul S'Br. Mn. &c.; ({am}), n. faeces, excrement KtyS'r. Mn. ix, 282 Yj. &c. aMhas* =n. anxiety, trouble RV. &c.; sin L.; [cf. %{agha4}, %{A4gas}; Gk. $, $, $, $.] aMhasaspati* =[VS.] m. lord of perplexity i.e. an intercalary month; cf. %{AMhaspatya}. aMhasaspatya* =n. power over calamity TS. A1pS3r. AMhaspatya* =mfn. belonging to the dominion of An6haspati (as the intercalary month) Gobh.


aMhati* = f. anxiety, distress, trouble RV.; illness L.; [cf. Lat. {ango}]; a gift (also %{aMhatI} f.) L amiishaam SB: of those; among those; of these,of them; amita * = unmeasured, boundless, infinite RV. &c.; without a certain measure S'Br. Sus'r. &c.; ({a4mitam}) ind. immensely RV. iv, 16, 5. amitavikramaH = and unlimited force amla = (m) sour amogha * = mf({A}) n. unerring, unfailing, not vain, efficacious, succeeding, hitting the mark, productive, fruitful; ({a4-mogha}, ) {as} m. the not erring, the not failing S'Br.; N. of S'iva; of Vishnu MBh. xiii; of Skanda MBh. iii, 14632; of a minister of an Asura king at war with Karttikeya SkandaP.; of a river L.; ({A}) f. trumpet flower, Bignonia Suaveolens, Roxb.; a plant of which the seed is used as a vermifuge, Erycibe Paniculata Roxb.; Terminalia Citrina Roxb.; N. of a spear MBh. iii, 16990 and R. i, 29, 12; (with or without {rAtri}) `" the unfalling one "' a poetical N. of the night MBh.; a mystical N. of the letter {kS} (being the last one of the alphabet); N. of Durg L.; of the wife of Sntanu; of one of the mothers in Kanda's suite

MBh. ix, 2639. amrita = of ambrosia, potion to cause immortality amritaM = veritable nectar amritattvaaya = for liberation amritabinduu = a drop of nectar amritabhujaH = those who have tasted such nectar amritasya = of the immortal amritodbhavaM = produced from the churning of the ocean amritopamaM = just like nectar\ a4Msa*= *V: expansion, part of, m. the shoulder, shoulder-blade; corner of a quadrangle; N. of a king; ({au}) m. du. the two shoulders or angles of an altar; a share (for {aMza}); [cf. Goth. {amsa}; Gk. $, $; Lat. {humerus}, &124[1, 2] {ansa}.] aMs'a m. (probably fr. 1. %{az} , perf. %{Ana4Mza} , and not from the above %{aMz} fictitiously formed to serve as root) , a share , portion , part , party ; partition , inheritance ; a

share of booty ; earnest money ; stake (in betting) RV. v , 86 , 5 Ta1n2d2yaBr. ; a lot (cf. 2. %{prA7s}) ; the denominator of a fraction ; a degree of latitude or longitude ; a day L. ; N. of an A1ditya. aMs'aka* = 1 mf({ikA})n. (ifc.) forming part. \\2 m. a share; degree of latitude or longitude; a co-heir L.; ({am}) n. a day L. amu * = a pronom. base, used in the declension of the pronom. %{ada4s}, that (e.g. acc. %{amu4m}, %{amU4m}; instr. %{amunA}, %{amuyA}; dat. %{amu4Smai}, %{amuSyai}, &c.) amushmin * = (loc. sg. of %{ada4s}) ind. in the other world L.; (forms the base of %{AmuSmika} q.v. amushya * = (gen.sg. of %{ada4c}), of such a one.amushyakula* = mfn. belonging to the family of such a one, (ganas %{pratijanA7di} and %{manojJA7di} q.v.) amushyaputra * = m. the son of such a one (i.e. of a good family, of known origin), (g. %{manojJA7di} q.v.) amutra = in the next life1 * = ind. there AV. S3Br. &c.; there above i.e. in the other world, in the life to

come VS. S3Br. &c.; there i.e. in what precedes or has been said S3Br.; here Katha1s. amuurta * = mfn. formless, shapeless, unembodied S3Br. xiv Up. &c.; not forming one body, consisting of different parts Su1ryas.; m. N. of Siva. amuuDhaaH = unbewildered aanga* = mfn. (in Gr.) relating to the base. ({aGga}) of a word Pn. 1-1, 63 Comm.; m. a prince of the country Anga, (g. {pailA7di} q.v.); ({I}) f. a princess of that country MBh. i, 3772; ({am}) n. a soft delicate form or body L. anana * =breathing, living ananubhUta* mfn. not perceived, not experienced unknown. (see also the affirmative anubhUta) antaraya* = 1 m. impediment, hindrance pS'r. (cf. {a4n-antaraya}.) //2 Nom. P. {-ayati} see {antar-i}. antaraaya* = m. intervention, obstacle. anubhUta * = mfn. perceived, understood, apprehended; resulted, followed as a consequeuce; that has experienced, tasted, tried or enjoyed. anuvritta * = mfn. following, obeying, complying;

rounded off; (%{am}) n. obedience, conformity, compliance. an.gamejayatva = unsteadiness of the body ana* = m. breath, respiration S'Br. ChUp. anaa* = ind. (fr. pronom. base {a}), hereby, thus, indeed RV. anaadara = lack of respect anaadi = without beginning anaadiM = without beginning anaaditva = non-beginning anaaditvaat.h = due to eternity anaakshArita * =mfn. unreproached. anaakshit * =mfn. not residing or resting S'Br. anaanasaphalam.h = (n) pineapple anaanata* mfn. unbent, not humbled RV. m. N. of a Riishi of the SV.


anaamayaM = without miseries anaapad* = {t} f. absence of misfortune or calamity Mn. anaarambhaat.h = by nonperformance anaarya = persons who do not know the value of life anaatha * =having no master or protector; widowed; fatherless; helpless, poor; ({a4m}) n. want of a protector, helplessness RV. x, 10, 11. anaatman * = not self, another; something different from spirit or soul; ({an-Atma4n}) mfn. not spiritual, corporeal, destitute of spirit or mind S'Br. anaatmanaH = of one who has failed to control the mind anaavrittiM = no return anaashinaH = never to be destroyed anaashritaH = without taking shelter anaahata = unbeaten

anaahuta = (adj) un-invited anaadritya * = ind. p. without respecting, regardless. an-aadrita * = mfn. not respected, disrespected. an-aadrita * = see {an-Adara}. anaavrita* = mfn. uncovered S'Br. xiv, undressed; uninclosed, open. anabhishvangaH = being without association anabhiSaGga* = or %{an-abhiSvaGga} m. absence of connection or attachment anabhisneha * = mfn. without affection, cold, unimpassioned anabhisandhaaya = without desiring anabhisnehaH = without affection anadhishthhita * = mfn. not placed over, not appointed; not present. anaha.nvaadi = without false ego


anahankaaraH = being without false egoism anagha = O sinless one anakshi * = n. a bad eye L. [24, 2] anakshika * =mfn. eyeless TS. anakshara * =mfn. unfit to be uttered; unable to articulate a syllable. anakshasaGgam * =[MaitrS.] or {a4n-akSastambham} [S'Br.] ind. so as not to interfere with the axle-tree. anaksh* =(nom. {an-a4k}) mfn. blind RV. ii, 15, 7. anAkula *= mf(%{A})n. not beset; not confused, unperplexed, calm, consistent, regular. anala = fire analaH = fire analena = by the fire anamiiva * = mf({A4})n., Ved. free from disease, well, comfortable; salubrious, salutary; ({a4m}) n. good health, happy stat

anaga * mf({A}) n. bodiless, incorporeal; m. N. of Kma (god of love, so called because he was made bodiless by a flash from the eye of S'iva, for having attempted to disturb his life of austerity by filling him with love for Prvat); ({am}) n. the ether, air, sky L.; the mind L.; that which is not the anga. ananta = infinite, a name of Vishnu* = mf({A})n. endless, boundless, eternal, infinite; m. N. of Vishnu; of S'esha (the snake-god); of S'esha's brother Vsuki; of Kriishna; of his brother Baladeva; of S'iva; of Rudra; of one of the Vis'vadevas; of the 14th Arhat, &c.; the plant Sinduvra, Vitex Trifolia; Talc; the 23rd lunar asterism, S'ravana; a silken cord (tied round the right arm at a particular festival); the letter {A}; a periodic decimal fraction? ({A}) f. the earth; the number one; N. of Prvat and of various females, the plant S'riv; Periploca Indica or Asclepias Pseudosarsa or Asthmatica (the root of which supplies a valuable medicine); ({am}) n. the sky, atmosphere; Talc. anantaM = unlimited anantaH = Ananta anantaraM = after


anantaruupa = O unlimited form anantaruupaM = unlimited form anantavijayaM = the conch named Ananta-vijaya anantaviiryaa = unlimited potency anantaaH = unlimited anantaasana = Ananta's posture ananya * = mf({A})n. no other, not another, not different, identical; self; not having a second, unique; not more than one, sole; having no other (object), undistracted; not attached or devoted to any one else ananyachetaaH = without deviation of the mind ananyabhaak.h = without deviation ananyamanasaH = without deviation of the mind ananyayaa = unalloyed, undeviating ananyayogena = by unalloyed devotional service ananyasvaamyam.h = (n) patent rights

ananyaaH = having no other object ananyena = without division anapades'a* = m. an invalid argument. anapadhrishya* = ind, p. not having overpowered AitBr. anaapad * = %{t} f. absence of misfortune or calamity Mn *VB when there is no emergency;in the absence of danger;not in a calamit anapaayin* = mfn. not going or passing away, constant in the same state; invariable. anapeksha * = mfn. regardless, careless; indifferent; impartial; irrespective of; irrelevant; (%{A}) f. disregard, carelessness; (%{a4nape7kSam}) ind. irrespectively, carelessly S3Br. anapeksha H = neutral anapekshya = without considering the consequences anartha* = m. non-value, a worthless or useless object; disappointing occurrence, reverse, evil; nonsense; (mfn.), worthless, useless, bad;

unfortunate; having no meaning; having not that (but another) meaning; nonsensical. anarthaM = purposeless/in vain/dangerproductive anas'nataH = abstaining from eating anas'nan.h = without eating (having fasted) anas'nat * = mfn. not eating RV. i, 164, 20, &c. anas'nantsAGgamana* = m. the sacrificial fire in the Sabh (which is approached before breakfast) S'Br. anas'nAna * = mf({A})n. not eating. anasuyave = to the nonenvious anasuuyaH = not envious anasUya. * = not spiteful, not envious; ({A}) f. freedom from spite; absence of ill-will or envy; N. of a daughter of Daksha; of one of S'akuntal's friends. anasuuyantaH = without envy


anavabudhyamAna * = mfn. deranged L. anata * = mfn. not bent, not bowed down; not changed into a lingual consonant RPra1t.; erect; stiff; haughty. anati *= not very -, not too -, not past -. (Words commencing with %{an-ati} are so easily analysed by referring to %{ati}, &c., that few need be enumerated.)= anatmasa* A= inessential anavadya* = mf({A4})n. irreproachable, faultless; unobjectionable; ({A}) f. N. of an Apsaras. anavalokayaan.h = not looking anavaaptaM = wanted a-naya * =1 m. bad management; bad conduct (gambling, &c.) an-aya * = 2 m. evil course, ill luck; misfortune, adversity (cf. {ayA7naya} s.v. {aya}.) anayoH = of them andha = blind

andhakaara = darkness aneka = Many anekadhaa = into many anekavachanaM = plural anekaani = many anena = by thisa.ngaNa = field anena* = V* by this, with Him by these; 1 mfn. without stags RV. vi, 66, 7 (cf. {enI4}) angaM = body a.ngasa.nginau = with a.ngaiH = limbs, body parts a.ngaistushhthuvaa.nsastanuubhiH = having satisfied with strong limbs? anga = a limb, or body part anga* = 1 ind. a particle implying attention, assent or desire, and sometimes impatience, it may be rendered, by well; indeed, true, please, rather quick; {kim aGga}, how much rather!


a4nga* = 2 n. ( {am} Un.), a limb of the body; a limb, member; the body; a subordinate division or department, especially of a science, as the six Vedngas; hence the number six; N. of the chief sacred texts of the Jainas; a limb or subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said to be five, viz. 1. {karmaNAm Arambho7pAyaH}, means of commencing operations; 2. {puruSa-dravyasampad}, providing men and materials; 3. {dezakAla-vibhAga}, distribution of place and time; 4. {vipatti-pratIkAra}, counter-action of disaster; 5. {kArya-siddhi}, successful accomplishment; whence {mantra} is said to be {paJcA7Gga}); any subdivision, a supplement; (in Gr.) the base of a word, but in the strong cases only Pn. 1-4, 13 seqq.; anything inferior or secondary, anything immaterial or unessential, see {aGga-tA}; (in rhetoric) an illustration; (in the drama) the whole of the subordinate characters; an expedient; a mental organ, the mind L.; m. sg. or ({As}) m. pl.N. of Bengal proper or its inhabitants; (sg.)N. of a king of Anga; (mfn.), having members or divisions L.; contiguous L. angaM = limb(s) angaani = limbs anghri (aGghri) * = m. a foot; foot of a seat; the

root of a tree [cf. %{aMhri}]. an'ghrinAmaka* =m. or a synonym of %{aGghri}, means always foot as well as root. an'ghrinAman* =n. a synonym of %{aGghri}, means always foot as well as root. an'ghripa* =m. (drinking with the foot or root), a tree. an'ghripAna* =mfn. sucking the foot or toes (as an infant) L. an'ghriparNI* =or f. the plant Hedysarum Lagopodioides. an'ghriskandha* =m. the ancle. an'ghrivalli* =or f. the plant Hedysarum Lagopodioides. aghrivallikaa * =f. the plant Hedysarum Lagopodioides. ajaas * = mfn. having no kindred RV. x , 39 , 6. ajas * = %{as} n. ointment , a mixture RV. i , 132 , 2 ; N. of a Sa1man A1rshBr. ; (%{as}) ind. quickly ,

instantly RV. BhP. ; see %{a4JjasA}. ajasa * = mfn. straight , straightforward , honest L. ; (%{I4}) f. N. of a heavenly river RV. i , 104 , 4. ajasA * = ind. straight on , right , truly , justly ; quickly , soon , instantly. amrishaa * = ind. not falsely, certainly, surely S3Br. xiv BhP. anaatha * = mf(%{A})n. having no master or protector ; widowed ; fatherless ; helpless , poor ; (%{a4m}) n. want of a protector , helplessness RV. x , 10 , 11. a4ngira* = m. = {a4Ggiras} RV. i, 83, 4 and iv, 51, 4 MBh. Yj. (cf. Gk. $ and $.) &2164[8,1] [8,2] a4ngiras =, {As} m. N. of a Riishi, author of the hymns of RV. ix, of a code of laws, and of a treatise on astronomy (he is said by some to have been born from Brahm's mouth, and to have been the husband of Smriiti, of S'raddh, of two daughters of Maitreya, of several daughters of Daksha, &c.; he is considered as one of the seven Riishis of the first Manvantara, as a Prajpati, as a teacher of the Brahmavidy, which he had learnt from Satyavha, a descendant of Bharadvja, &c. Among his sons,

the chief is Agni, others are Sanvarta, Utathya, and Briihaspati; among his daughters are mentioned Sinivl, Kuh, Rk, Anumati, and Akpr; but the Riicas or Vedic hymns, the manes of Havishmat, and mankind itself are styled his offspring. In astronomy he is the planet Jupiter, and a star in Ursa Major); N. of Agni MBh.; ({asas}) m. pl. descendants of Angiras or of Agni (mostly personifications of luminous objects); the hymns of the Atharva-veda TS.; priests who by using the magical formulas of those hymns protect the sacrifice against the effects of inauspicious accidents. angirastama = ({a4Ggiras-}) mfn. having the luminous quality of the Angirasas in the highest degree, said of Agni and of Ushas RV. angirasvat = ind. like Angiras RV. VS.? ({a4Ggirasvat}) mfn. connected with or accompanied by the Angirasas RV. VS. angirasAmayana = n. a Sattra sacrifice. angirasa4 = m. an enemy of Vishnu in his incarnation of Paras'urma. angula = a finger


angushhTha = the big toe angushhThaH = (m) thumb anichchhan.h = without desiring aniika *= %{as} , %{am} , m.n. ( %{an}) , face ; appearance , splendour , edge , point ; front , row , array , march ; army , forces ; war , combat. aniis'a *= mfn. one who has not a lord or superior, paramount; powerless, unable; m. Vishn2u; (%{A}) f. powerlessness, helplessness Up. aniishvaraM = with no controller aniketaH = having no residenc* = or {a-niketana} mfn. houseless. animisha * = mfn. not winking, looking steadily, vigilant RV. &c.; open (as eyes or flowers); m. not winking, a god BhP.; a fish L., ({a4m}) ind. vigilantly RV. i, 24, 6. animishaaksha * =mf({I}) n. one whose eyes are fixed. animishaacaarya * =m. N. of Briihaspati.


animishat * =n. not winking, vigil mfn. not winking, looking steadily, vigilant RV. &c.; open (as eyes or flowers); m. not winking, a god BhP.; a fish L., ({a4m}) ind. vigilantly RV. i, 24, 6. animishaaksha * =mf({I}) n. one whose eyes are fixed. animisha * = mfn. not winking, looking steadily, vigilant RV. &c.; open (as eyes or flowers); m. not winking, a god BhP.; a fish L., ({a4m}) ind. vigilantly RV. i, 24, 6. animishat * =mfn. not winking, vigil animiaacaarya * = m. N. of Br2ihaspati. animishaaksha * = mf(%{I}) n. one whose eyes are fixed. animishat * = mfn. not winking , vigilant RV. animitta * = mf(%{A})n. having no adequate occasion , causeless , groundless ; (%{am}) n. absence of an adequate cause or occasion , groundlessness. animittaliGganAsa * = m. `" unaccountable loss of distinct vision "'N. of an ophthalmic disease ending

in total blindness (perhaps amaurosis). animittanirAkRta * = mfn. groundlessly rejected S3a1k. animittatas * = ind. groundlessly Mn. iv , 144. anilaH = (m) wind or air aniiha* = mfn. listless, indifferent; m. N. of a king of Ayodhy; ({A}) f. indifference, apathy, disinclination. anila* = m. ( {an} cf. Trish {anal}), air or wind; the god of wind; one of the fortynine Anilas or winds; one of the eight demi-gods, called Vasus; wind as one of the humors or {rasas} of the body; rheumatism, paralysis, or any affection referred to disorder of the wind; N. of a Riishi and other persons; the letter {y}; the number forty-nine. aniiLa* = [RV. x, 55, 6] = {a4-nIDa} q.v. anilachulli = (f) gas (LPG) anirdes'ya* = mfn. undefinable, inexplicable, incomparable anis'a *= mfn. `" nightless "', sleepless; uninterrupted, incessant (only in comp.); (%{am})

ind. incessantly, continually. anitya = uncertain/temporary/ephemeral/transient anityaM = temporary anityaH = nonpermanent anirdeshyaM = indefinite anirviNNachetasa = without deviation aniruddha * = mfn. unobstructed, ungovernable, self-willed; m. a spy, a secret emissary (?); the son of Pradyumna (a form of Kma, and husband of Ush); S'iva; N. of an Arhat (contemporary of S'kyamuni); of a descendant of Vriishni; ({am}) n. the rope for fastening cattle L. anishchayat.h = due to non-determination (having not decided) anishhTa = and undesirable anishhTaM = leading to hell anivrita * = mfn. (1. %{vR}) , unchecked , not impeded RV. iii , 29 , 6.

a.njana = anointment anjana* = ointment for the eyes ajah *V easily, properly, as-it-is, directly ajana * = m. a kind of domestic lizard L. ; N. of a fabulous , serpent ; of a tree Pan5cat. ; of a mountain , of a king of Mithila1 , of the elephant of the west or south-west quarter ; (%{A}) f. N. of Hanumat's mother ; of Pravarasena's mother ; (%{am}) n. act of applying an ointment or pigment , embellishing , &c. , black pigment or collyrium applied to the eyelashes or the inner coat of the eyelids ; a special kind of this pigment , as lampblack , Antimony , extract of Ammonium , Xanthorrhiza , &c. ; paint , especially as a cosmetic ; magic ointment ; ink L. ; night L. ; fire L. (In rhetoric) making clear the meaning of an equivocal expression , double entendre or pun , &c. ajanii* = f. a woman (fit for the application of ointments, pigments, sandal, &c.) L.; N. of two medicinaI plants. ajasiina* = mfn. going straight on, straightforward RV. x, 32, 7. ajali* = m. ( {aJj}), the open hands placed side by

side and slightly hollowed (as if by a beggar to receive food; hence when raised to the forehead, a mark of supplication), reverence, salutation, benediction; a libation to the Manes (two hands full of water, {udakA7Jjali}) VP. &c.; a measure of corn, sufficient to fill both hands when placed side by side, equal to a kudava. ajanavat* = ind. like collyrium. ajanaka* = m. portion of a text containing the word {aJjana}, (g. {goSad-Adi} q.v.); ({I}) f. N. of a medicinal plant. ajanI* = f. a woman (fit for the application of ointments, pigments, sandal, &c.) L.; N. of two medicinaI plants. ajaspA* = mfn. drinking instantly RV. x, 92, 2 and 94, 13. ajasayana* = mf({I})n. having a straight course, going straight on TS. AitBr. ajasIna* = mfn. going straight on, straightforward RV. x, 32, 7. ajali* = m. ( {aJj}), the open hands placed side by side and slightly hollowed (as if by a beggar to

receive food; hence when raised to the forehead, a mark of supplication), reverence, salutation, benediction; a libation to the Manes (two hands full of water, {udakA7Jjali}) VP. &c.; a measure of corn, sufficient to fill both hands when placed side by side, equal to a kudava. ajalika* = as, {am} m. n. N. of one of Arjuna's arrows MBh.; ({A}) f. a young mouse L. a.nkusha = a goad (metal stick used to control elephants) a.nkushadhaariNam.h = bearing the weapon `ankusha' with which the elephant a.nsha = part, angle a.nsha-bhuutaM = has been a part of her a.nshaH = fragmental particle a.nshumaan.h = radiant a.nshena = part anrita = false anrita*=not true, false; falsehood, lying, cheating;

agriculture anta = end antaM = or end antaH = (adv) inside antaHkaraNa = Mind antaHpeTikaa = (f) drawer antaHsthaani = within antaka* = 1 m. border, boundary S3Br.\\2 mfn. making an end, causing death; m. death; Yama, king or lord of death AV. &c.; N. of a man favoured by the As3vins RV. i, 112, 6N. of a king. antakaale = at the end of life antagataM = completely eradicated antara = Sub-period in a Dasha antara * = mf({A}) n. being in the interior, interior; near, proximate, related, intimate; lying adjacent to; distant; different from; exterior; ({am}) n. the interior; a hole, opening; the interior part of a

thing, the contents; soul, heart, supreme soul; interval, intermediate space or time; period; term; opportunity, occasion; place; distance, absence; difference, remainder; property, peculiarity; weakness, weak side; representation; surety, guaranty; respect, regard; (ifc.), different, other, another e.g. {dezA7ntaram}, another country; ({am}), or {-ta4s} ind. in the interior, within [cf. Goth. {anthar}, Theme {anthara}; Lith. {antra-s}, `" the second "'; Lat. {alter}]. antaraa * = ind. in the middle , inside , within , among , between ; on the way , by the way ; near , nearly , almost ; in the meantime , now and then ; for some time ; (with acc. and loc.) between , during , without. antaraatmanaa = within himself antaraatmaa = the inner self, residing in the heart antaraaya = (m) obstacle* = m. intervention, obstacle. antaraaraamaH = actively enjoying within antaradeshiiya = among different countries mainly for transaction??


antaraM = between antaranga = the practices of pranayama and hara antaraya * = 1 m. impediment, hindrance pS'r. (cf. {a4n-antaraya}.) antariksha = (n) space antarikshaM = space, sky antardhaa * = 1 A1. %{-dhatte} , to place within , deposit ; to receive within ; to hide , conceal , obscure ; to hide one's self: Pass. %{-dhIyate} to be received within , to be absorbed ; to be rendered invisible ; to disappear , vanish ; to cease: Caus. %{-dhApayati} ; to render invisible , to cause to disappear. antare = between antareNa = without antarjyotiH = aiming within antaryutakam.h = (n) vest antarsukhaH = happy from within


antavat.h = perishable antavantaH = perishable antike = near ante = after annaM = (n) food annaat.h = from grains aniiha* = mfn. listless, indifferent; m. N. of a king of Ayodhy; ({A}) f. indifference, apathy, disinclination. aNiiyaa.nsaM = smaller aNIyas = {an}, {as},, as (fr. {aNu} q.v.), or mfn. more minute than usual. anaNIyas * = mfn. not at all minute; vast, mighty S3is3. iii, 4. anirukta * = mfn. unuttered , not articulated ; not explained (because of being clear by itself) [30,1] ; unspeakable TUp. aniruktagAna * = n. indistinct singing ; humming

(of hymns) , a particular mode of chanting the Sa1ma-veda. aniyata * mfn. not regulated, uncontrolled, not fixed, uncertain, unrestricted, irreguIar, casual; not unaccentuated RPra1t. aNoH = than the atom anutaapa *= m. repentance, heat. anu = following aNu * = mf(%{vI})n. fine, minute, atomic; (%{us}) m. an atom of matter; `" an atom of time "', the 54, 675, 000th part of a muhu1rta (of 48 minutes); Panicum Miliaceum VS. S3Br. xiv Mun2d2UP.; N. of Siva; (%{a4NvI}) f. `" the subtle one "'N. of the fingers preparing the Soma juice RV.; (%{u}) n. (in prosody) the fourth part of a ma1tra1; (%{aNu4}) ind. minutely S3Br. 2 aNU (with %{bhU}, &c.) see s.v. 3 aNU (for %{aNu} in comp. with %{bhU} and its derivatives). 4 anu 1 mfn. = %{aNu} q.v. L. 5 anu 2 m. a non-A1ryan man RV.; N. of a king (one of Yaya1ti's sons); of a non-A1ryan tribe MBh. &c. 6 anu 3 ind. (as a prefix to verbs and nouns, expresses) after, along, alongside, lengthwise, near to, under, subordinate to, with.

(When prefixed to nouns, especially in adverbial compounds), according to, severally, each by each, orderly, methodically, one after another, repeatedly. (As a separable preposition, with accusative) after, along, over, near to, through, to, towards, at, according to, in order, agreeably to, in regard to, inferior to Pa1n2. 1-4, 86. As a separable adverb) after, afterwards, thereupon, again, further, then, next. anubandha = (m) result, effect * = m. binding, connection, attachment; encumbrance; clog; uninterrupted succession; sequence, consequence, result; intention, design; motive, cause; obstacle; inseparable adjunct or sign of anything, secondary or symptomatic affection (supervening on the principal disease); an indicatory letter or syllable attached to roots, &c. (marking some peculiarity in their inflection; e.g. an {i} attached to roots, denotes the insertion of a nasal before their final consonant); a child or pupil who imitates an example set by a parent or preceptor; commencement, beginning; anything small or little, a part, a small part; (in arithm.) the junction of fractions; (in phil.) an indispensable element of the Vednta; ({I}) f. hickup L.; thirst L. anubandhaM = of future bondage


anubandhiini = bound anubandhe = at the end aNuubhva * = m. the becoming an atom Nir. anubhava* = m. perception, apprehension, fruition; understanding; impression on the mind not derived from memory; experience, knowledge derived from personal observation or experiment; result, consequence. anubhaava * = m. sign or indication of a feeling ({bhAva}) by look or gesture Kpr. &c.; dignity, authority, consequence; firm opinion, ascertainment, good resolution, belief. anubudh* = to awake; to recollect; to learn (by infurmation): Caus. {-bodhayati}, to communicate, to remind, Sk. aNuubhuu * = to become minute or atomic. anubhuu * = to enclose, embrace ChUp.; to be after, attain, equal RV. &c.; to be useful, to help S'Br. S'nkhS'r.; to turn or incline to RV. x, 147, 1 [36,3]; to notice, perceive, understand; to experience, to attempt.


anubhuu * = mfn. perceiving, understanding (ifc.) anubhuuta *= perceived, understood, apprehended; resulted, followed as a consequeuce; that has experienced, tasted, tried or enjoyed anubhUti *= f. perception; knowledge from any source but memory; (in phil.) knowledge gained by means of the four Pramnas (perception by the senses, inference, comparison, and verbal authority); dignity, consequence. anubhUta* = mfn. perceived, understood, apprehended; resulted, followed as a consequeuce; that has experienced, tasted, tried or enjoyed. anubhUtiprakAza *= m. N. of a metrical paraphrase of the twelve principal Upanishads by Vidyranya-muni. anubhUtisvarUpAcArya *= m. N. of the author of the grammar Srasvat-prakriy. anubhUya *= ind. having experienced. anuchaaraya = (causative of anu+car) follow anuchintayan.h = constantly thinking of


anudarshanaM = observing * = n. consideration, regard. anudinaM = daily anuddishya = having targetted or aimed at anudvignamanaaH = without being agitated in mind anudvegakaraM = not agitating anugata * = mfn. followed by, having anything (as a skin) hanging behind; following; a follower; acquired; extinguished; tallying with; (%{am}) n. moderate time (in music). anugiitaa* = f. `" an after-song "'N. of part of the fourteenth book of the Mahbhrata (chaps. 1692). anugraha * = m. favour, kindness, showing favour, conferring benefits, promoting or furthering a good object; assistance; facilitating by incantations; rear-guard; N. of the eighth or fifth creation VP. anugrihiita * = mfn. favoured, obliged. anuja * mfn. born after, later, younger; m. a

younger brother, a cadet; the plant Tryamna; ({am}) n. the plant Prapaundarika; ({A}) f. a younger sister TS. anujaa* = 1 to permit, grant, allow, consent; to excuse, forgive; to authorize; to allow one to depart, dismiss, bid farewell to; to entreat; to behave kindly: Caus. %{-jJApayati}, to request, ask permission, ask for leave to depart, to take leave: Desid. %{-jijJAsati} or %{-te}, to wish to allow or permit Pa1n2. 1-3, 58.//2 f. assent, assenting, permission; leave to depart; allowance made for faults; an order or command. anujan * = cl. 4. . {-jAyate}, to follow in being born or produced or arising; to take after (one's parents) Ragh. anu-janman * = {A} m. a younger brother, younger. anu-janam * = ind. according to people, popularly. anujiivin* = mfn. living by or upon; dependent; (%{I}) m. a dependent, follower; N. of a crow Pan5cat. anujiivisaatkrita * = mfn. made wholly subservient Kir.


anukalpa * = m. permission to adopt an alternative or substitute (e.g. instead of Kus3a grass you may use Du1rba1) Mn. &c. anukamp * = to sympathize with, compassionate anukampaka * = m. `" sympathizer "'N. of a king; (mfn.) ifc. sympathizing with, compassionating. anukampana * n. sympathy, compassion. anu-kampanIya * = mfn. pitiable. anukampita * mfn. compassionated anukampin * = mfn. sympathizing with. anukampya * = mfn. pitiable, worthy of sympathy m. an ascetic L., expeditious (explained by {tarasvin}, perhaps for {tapasvin}) L. anukampaarthaM = to show special mercy anukaroti = (1 pp) to follow, to mimic, to ape, to emulate anukaari = like anukrama *= m. succession , arrangement , order

, method ; an index showing the successive contents of a book ; (%{am}) or (%{eNa}) or (%{At}) ind. in due order. anukramaNa *= n. proceeding methodically or in order ; following. anukramaNI *= f. a table or chapter of contents , index to a collection of Vedic hymns (giving the first word of each hymn , the number of verses , name and family of poets , names of deities and metres). anukramaNikA *= or f. a table or chapter of contents , index to a collection of Vedic hymns (giving the first word of each hymn , the number of verses , name and family of poets , names of deities and metres). anukuula * = mf(%{A})n. following the bank (%{kUla}) or slope or declivity; according to the current AV.; favourable, agreeable; conformable to; friendly, kind, well-disposed; m. a faithful or kind and obliging husband; (%{A}) f. Croton Polyandrum; N. of a metre; (%{am}) n. (in poetry) narrative of calamity leading finally to happiness. anulipta = smeared


anulepanaM = smeared with anuloma = with the grain, naturally* = mf({A})n. `" with the hair or grain "' (opposed to {prati-loma} q.v.), in a natural direction, in order, regular, successive; conformable; ({A}) f. a woman of a lower caste than that of the mas with whom she is connected Yj.; ({As}) m. `" descendants of an anulom "', mixed castes, (g. {upakA7di} q.v.); ({a4m}) ind. in regular order S'Br. &c. anumaana *= 1 m. permission, consent TBr. Ka1t2h. / 2 n. the act of inferring or drawing a conclusion from given premises; inference, consideration, reflection; guess, anumaatuM = to guess anumaanaat.h = (ablat.)from guessing or induction anuman *= to approve, assent to, permit, grant: Caus. P. %{-mAnayati}, to ask for permission or leave, ask for (acc.) Ya1jn5.; to honour. conjecture; one of the means of obtaining true knowledge (see %{pramANa}). anumantR *= mfn. consenting to, permitting TBr. &c.


anumantr *= to accompany with or consecrate by magic formulas; to dismiss with a blessing. anumantraNa *= n. consecration by hymns and prayers. anumantraNamantra *= m. a hymn used in consecrating. anumantrita *= mfn. so consecrated. anumantaa = permitter anumati = (f) permission * = f. assent, permission, approbation; personified as a goddess RV. AV. &c.; the fifteenth day of the moon's age (on which it rises one digit less than full, when the gods or manes receive oblations with favour); also personified as a goddess VP., oblation made to this goddess. anumata* = mfn. approved, assented to, permitted, allowed, agreeable, pleasant; loved, beloved; concurred with, being of one opinion; ({am}) n. consent, permission, approbation; ({e}) loc. ind. with consent of. anumati* = f. assent, permission, approbation; personified as a goddess RV. AV. &c.; the fifteenth

day of the moon's age (on which it rises one digit less than full, when the gods or manes receive oblations with favour); also personified as a goddess VP., oblation made to this goddess. anumIyamAna* = mfn. Pass. p. being inferred anumeya mfn. to be measured AV. vi, 137, 2; inferable, to be inferred, proved or conjectured. anumita * = mfn. inferred, conjectured. anumimaana * = mfn. p. A1. concluding , inferring. anumodita* = mfn. pleased, delighted, applauded; agreeable, acceptable. anumR * to follow in death anumRgyadAzu * = mfn. granting all that is sought. anumRgya * mfn. ( {mRg}), to be sought after anumRtA * f. the woman who burns with a part of her husband's dress. anumRj * = to rub lengthways for polishing or cleaning AV. S'Br. &c. Intens. part. {ma4rmRjAna}, stretching (the arms) repeatedly towards RV. x, 142, 5.

anumRz * =to grasp, seize RV. &c.; to consider, think of, reflect: Caus. {-marzayati}, to touch or take hold of for the sake of examining Kthh. anuniita * = mfn. disciplined , taught ; obtained ; respected ; pleased , pacified ; humbly entreated. anuniniishu * = mfn. desirous of conciliating. anupaa* = 1 1. to drink after or there upon, follow in drinking, drink at; Caus. (Pot. {-pAya4yet}) to cause to drink afterwards S'Br. [35, 2] \\* = 2 2. Caus. P. . {-pAlayati}, {-te}, to preserve, keep, cherish; to wait for, expect. anuupa* = mfn. (fr. 2. {a4p} q.v., with {anu}), situated near the water, watery L.; ({a4s}) m. a watery country Mn. &c.; pond RV.; bank of a river; a buffalo (cf. {AnUpa}) L.; N. of a Riishi, teacher of the Sma-veda. anupakaariNe = irrespective of return anupalabdha * = mfn. unobtained, unperceived, unascertained. anupashyati = one tries to see through authority anupashyanti = can see


anupashyaami = do I foresee anuprapannaaH = following anuprikta: = mfn. mixed with MBh. anupUrva* = mf({A})n. regular, orderly, in successive order from the preceding; ({a4m}) ind. in regular order, from the first RV. &c.; ({eNa}) ind. in regular order or succession, from the first, from the beginning, from above downwards. anupUrvya* = mfn. regular, orderly KtyS'r. anuraadhaa = Seventeenth nakshatra anuraa * = to be brilliant or shine in accordance with (said of corresponding metres) RV. anurajyate = is becoming attached anurata * = a mfn. fond of, attached to. anurakta * mfn. fond of, attached, pleased; beloved. anuraj * = to become red in imitation of ; to be attached or devoted: Caus. P. %{-raJjayati} , to win , conciliate , gratify.

anurajaka * = mf(%{ikA})n. attaching , conciliating. anurajana * = n. the act of attaching or conciliating affection , love ; pleasing. anurodha * = m. obliging or fulfilling the wishes (of any one) ; obligingness , compliance ; consideration , respect ; reference or bearing of a rule. anuruupa * = mfn. following the form, conformable, corresponding, like, fit, suitable; adapted to, according to; m. the Antistrophe which has the same metre as the Stotriya or Strophe; the second of three verses recited together; (%{am}) n. conformity, suitability; (%{am}, %{eNa}) ind. ifc. conformably, according. anus'aasana * = n. instruction, direction, command, precept RV. x, 32, 7, &c. anus'am * = to become calm after or in consequence of BhP. anus'aMs* = to recite or praise after another TS. &c.; (Ved. Inf. (dat.) %{anu-za4se}) to join in praising RV. v, 50, 2.


anusavanam * = ind. at every sacrifice TBr. &c.; constantly BhP. anuzaya * = m. close connection as with a consequence, close attachment to any object; (in phil.) the consequence or result of an act (which clings to it and causes the soul after enjoying the temporary freedom from transmigration to enter other bodies); repentance, regret; hatred; ancient or intense enmity; (%{I}) f. a4 disease of the feet, a boil or abscess on the upper part; a boil on the head. anusev * = to practise, observe. anusevin* = mfn. practising, observing, habitually addicted to. anushaasitaaraM = the controller anus'ayin * = mfn. having the consequence of an act, connected as with a consequence; devotedly attached to, faithful; repentant, penitent, regretful, sorry for; hating deeply. 31 anus'aayin mfn. lying or extending along Nir. anushushruma = I have heard by disciplic succession


anushochanti = lament anushochituM = to lament anushhajjate = one necessarily engages anushhTup.h = the format's name anushhThana = (n) performance, execution anusantataani = extended anusaraNa* = n. following, going after; tracking, conformity to, consequence of; custom, habit, usage. anusaara = following, customary(masc) anus'aasana * = n. instruction, direction, command, precept anus'aya m. close connection as with a consequence, close attachment to any object; (in phil.) the consequence or result of an act (which clings to it and causes the soul after enjoying the temporary freedom from transmigration to enter other bodies); repentance, regret; hatred; ancient or intense enmity; ({I}) f. a4 disease of the feet, a boil or abscess on the upper part; a boil on the

head. anusmara = go on remembering anusmaran.h = remembering anusmaret.h = always thinks of anusuu * = {Us} m. N. of wk., Pn Comm. anu-suucaka * = mf({ikA})n. ( {sUc}), indicative of, pointing out. anu-suucana * = n. pointing out, indication. anu-suupam * = ind. in every condiment. anusvaaraH = the accompanying sound or letter ( the letter form `.n' `M'?) anutishhThanti = regularly perform anuttamaM = the finest anuttamaaM = the highest anusvaara* = m. ( {svR}), aftersound, the nasal sound which is marked by a dot above the line, and which always belongs to a preceding vowel.

anuvarN* = to mention, describe, recount; to praise. anuvaada* = m. saying after or again, repeating by way of explanation, explanatory repetition or reiteration with corroboration or illustration, explanatory reference to anything already said; translation; a passage of the Brhmanas which explains or illustrates a rule ({vidhi}) previously propounded (such a passage is sometimes called {anuvAda-vacana}); confirmation Nir.; slander, reviling L. anuvaaram* = ind. time after time. anuvartanIya* = mfn. to be followed; to be supplied from a previous rule. anuvartin* = mfn. following, compliant, obedient, resembling. anuvartitva* = n. the state of being so. anuvartman* =mfn. following attending AV. &c.; ({a}) n. a path previously walked by another BhP. anuvartitR* = {tA} m. a wooer RV. x, 109, 2. anuvartana* = &c. see {anu-vRt}.

anuvartana* = n. obliging, serving or gratifying another; compliance, obedience; following, attending; concurring; consequence, result; continuance; supplying from a previous rule. anuvartate = follows in the footsteps anuvartante = would follow anuvartayati = adopt anuvaadaM = translation anuvaadya = having translated anuvelam * = ind. now and then. anuvidhiiyate = becomes constantly engaged anuvR * = to cover, KaushBr. &c.; to surround: Caus. . {-vArayate}, to hinder, prevent. anuvRtta * = mfn. following, obeying, complying; rounded off; ({am}) n. obedience, conformity, compliance. anuvRtti * = f. following, acting suitably to, having regard or respect to, complying with, the act of continuance; (in Pnini's Gr.) continued course or

influence of a preceding rule on what follows; reverting to; imitating, doing or acting in like manner. anuvRt * = . to go after; to follow, pursue; to follow from a previous rule, be supplied from a previous sentence; to attend; to obey, respect, imitate; to resemble; to assent; to expect; Caus. P. {-vartayati}, to roll after or forward; to follow up, carry out; to supply. anuvRt * = mfn. walking after, following MaitrS. PBr. anuyaayinaH = followers anuyaajaanumantraNa *= reciting those formulas Ka1tyS3r. anuuchaanaM = (teacher?) aNva * = n. fine interstice or hole in the strainer used for the Soma juice RV anvA * (for 2. {anu-vA} q.v.), blowing after TndyaBr. GopBr. anaavrishthi* = f. want of rain, drought.


anvaya = Family anvayavat * mfn. having a connection (as a consequence), following, agreeing with; belonging to race or family; ({vat}) ind. in connection with, in the sight of Mn. viii, 332. anvayavyatireka * n. agreement and contrariety; a positive and negative proposition; species and difference; rule and exception; logical connection and disconnection. anvayavyaapti * = f. an affirmative argument. anvayin * mfn. connected (as a consequence); belonging to the same family anvayitva * = n. the state of being a necessary consequence. anvashochaH = you are lamenting anvetave * = &c. see %{anv-i}. anvi * = to go after or alongside, to follow; to seek; to be guided by; to fall to one's share RV. iv, 4, 11; Ved. Inf. %{a4nv-etave} to reach or join [BR.], to imitate [Gmn.] RV. vii, 33, 8; %{a4nv-etavai4}, to go along (with acc.) RV. i, 24, 8; vii, 44, 5.

anvish* = 3. cl. 1. P. %{-icchati}, to desire, seek, seek after, search, aim, at AV. &c.: cl. 4. P. %{iSyati} id. R. &c., Caus. %{-eSayati} id. Mr2icch. &c. anvishtha * = or mfn. sought, required. anvita * = mfn. gone along with; joined, attended, accompanied by, connected with, linked to; having as an essential or inherent part, endowed with, possessed of, possessing; acquired; reached by the mind, understood; following; connected as in grammar or construction. anviiksh* = to follow with one's looks, to keep looking or gazing AV. &c.; to keep in view S'Br. anvichchha = try for anvIkshaa* = f. examining, inquiry Comm. on Nyyad. [47, 3]; meditation BhP. anviikshaNa* = n. or exa mining, inquiry Comm. on Nyyad. [47, 3] anviikshaa* = f. exa mining, inquiry Comm. on Nyyad. [47, 3]; meditation BhP. anviikshitavya* = mfn. to be kept in view or in

mind S'Br. aanviikshikI* = f. (fr. {anv-IkSA}), logic, logical philosophy, metaphysics MBh. Mn. Gaut. &c anvaham * = ind. day after day , every day. anvita * = mfn. gone along with; joined, attended, accompanied by, connected with, linked to; having as an essential or inherent part, endowed with, possessed of, possessing; acquired; reached by the mind, understood; following; connected as in grammar or construction.\\ %{anv-ita} q.v. Ba1lar. Kir. anvitaaH = absorbed, * gone along with, joined, attended, accompanied anveshhaNam.h = (n) search, exploration anya = other person * = 1 (3) n. inexhaustibleness (as of the milk of cows) AV. xii, 1, 4 (cf. %{a4nyA}.).// 2 %{as}, %{A}, %{at}, other, different; other than, different from, opposed to (abl. or in comp.); another; another person; one of a number; %{anya@anya} or %{eka@anya}, the one, the other; %{anyac@ca}, and another, besides, moreover [cf. Zd. {anya}; Armen. {ail}; Lat. {alius}; Goth. {aljis}, Theme {alja}; Gk. $ &13802[45,2] for

$; cf. also $]. anyaM = other anyaH = another anyatama * = mfn. any one of many, either, any. anyat.h = other anyatra = somewhere else anyathaa = other *= ind. otherwise, in a different manner (with %{atas}, %{itas}, or %{tatas} = in a manner different from this; %{anyathA@anyathA}, in one way, in another way); inaccurately, untruly, falsely, erroneously; from another motive; in the contrary case, otherwise [cf. Lat. {aliuta}]. anyayaa = by the other anyaaM = another anyaan.h = others anyaani = different anyaayena = illegally


anye = others anyena = by another anyebhyaH = from others anyaiH = by others anyonya = mutual apa* = ind. (as a prefix to nouns and verbs, expresses) away, off, back (opposed to %{u4pa}, %{a4nu}, %{sam}, %{pra}); down (opposed to %{ud}). apaada* = mfn. not divided into Pdas not metrical. apaadaa* = 1. . to take off or away S'Br. Kaus'. apaana = one of the vital airs, controls the elimination of bodily wastes* = m. (opposed to %{prA7Na4}), that of the five vital airs which goes downwards and out at the anus; the anus MBh. (in this sense also (%{am}) n. L.); N. of a Sa1man PBr.; ventris crepitus L. apaanaM = the air going downward


apaane = in the air which acts downward apaapo = without sins apaaraa = one who has no limits apaara* = mfn. not having an opposite shore TS.; not having a shore, unbounded, boundless (applied to the earth, or to heaven and earth, [{ro4dasI}], &c.) RV. &c.; m. `" not the opposite bank "', the bank on this side (of a river) MBh. viii, 2381; ({am}) n. (in Snkhya phil.) `" a bad shore "', `" the reverse of {pAra} "', a kind of mental indifference or acquiescence; the reverse of mental acquiescence L.; the boundless sea. apaatrebhyaH = to unworthy persons apaartha* = mfn. without any object, useless; unmeaning BhP. &c.; ({am}) n. incoherent argument apaarthaka * =mfn. useless apaavrita* = mfn. open, laid open RV. i, 57, 1, &c.; covered L.; unrestrained, self willed apaavritaM = wide open


apaaya* = see %{ape7}. apaaya* = m. going away, departure; destruction, death, annihilation; injury, loss; misfortune, evil, calamity. apaayaya *V = to (breast)-feed apaayinaH = disappearing apachii = to decrease apaciti 1 f. honouring, reverence S3is3.\\ 2 f. loss L.; expense L.; N. of a daughter of Mari1ci VP.; (for 3. %{a4pa-citi} see below.) \\ 3 3 f. (= $, 3. %{ci}), compensation, either recompense [TS. &c.] or retaliation, revenge, punishing RV. iv, 28, 4, &c. apada* = n. no place, no abode AV.; the wrong place or time Kaths. &c.; (mfn.), footless Pacat. apades'a *= m. assigning, pointing out Ka1tyS3r.; pretence, feint, pretext, disguise, contrivance; the second step in a syllogism (i.e. statement of the reason); a butt or mark L.; place, quarter L. apaharaNa = stealing apahartaaraM = the remover]destroyer

apahrita = stolen apahritachetasaaM = bewildered in mind apaishunaM = aversion to fault-finding apakaara * = m. wrong, offence, injury, hurt; despise, disdain. apakarsha * = m. drawing or dragging off or down, detraction, diminution, decay; lowering, depression; decline, inferiority, infamy; anticipation Nyyam.; (in poetry) anticipation of a word occurring later. apa-karsha-sama * = {as}, {A} mf. a sophism in the Nyya (e.g. `" sound has not the quality of shape as a jar has, therefore sound and a jar have no qualities in common "'). apa-karshaka * = mf({ikA})n. drawing down, detracting (with gen.) Sh. apakri = to harm apalaayanaM = not fleeing apamaa = comparison apamaanayoH = and dishonor

apanaya* = m. leading away, taking away; bad policy, bad or wicked conduct. apanayana* = n. taking away, withdrawing; destroying, healing; acquittance of a debt. apanudyaat.h = can drive away apaNDita = someone who is not a scholar apara = other* = 1 mfn. having nothing beyond or after, having no rival or superior.* =2 mf({A})n. (fr. {a4pa}), posterior, later, latter (opposed to {pU4rva}; often in comp.); following; western; inferior, lower (opposed to {pa4ra}); other, another (opposed to {sva4}); different (with abl.); being in the west of; distant, opposite. Sometimes {apara} is used as a conjunction to connect words or sentences e.g. {aparaM-ca}, moreover; m. the hind foot of an elephant S'is'.; ({A}) f. the west L.; the hind quarter of an elephant L.; the womb L.; ({I4}) f. (used in the pl.) or ({a4m}) [RV. vi, 33, 5] n. the future RV. S'Br.; ({a4param} [AV.] or {apara4m} [RV.]) ind. in future, for the future; ({aparam}) ind. again, moreover PrGri. Pacat.; in the west of (abl.) KtyS'r.; ({eNa}) ind. (with acc.) behind, west, to the west of KtyS'r. [cf. Goth. and Old Germ. {afar}, and the Mod. Germ. {aber}, in such words as {Aber-mal}, {Aber-witz}].

aparaM = junior apararaatra = (m) dawn aparaspara = without cause aparaa = lower aparaadha* = m. offence, transgression, fault; mistake; %{aparAdhaM} 1: %{kR}, to offend any one (gen.) aparaardhya* = mfn. without a maximum, unlimited in number s'vS'r. [50,3] aparaja* = mfn. born later VS. aparajana* = sg. or pl. m. inhabitants of the west GopBr. KtyS'r. aparatra* = ind. in another place; ({eka-tra}, {aparatra}, in one place, in the other place Pn. 6-1, 194 Sch.) aparatva* = n. = {-tA} q.v. aparasad* = mfn. being seated behind PBr. -2. aparaajitaH = who had never been vanquished

aparaajiita = Unconquered aparaajita:* = mf({A})n. unconquered, unsurpassed RV. &c.; m. a poisonous insect Sus'r.; Vishnu; S'iva; one of the eleven Rudras Hariv.; a class of divinities (constituting one portion of the so-called Anuttara divinities of the Jainas); N. of a serpent-demon MBh.; of a son of Kriishna BhP.; of a mythical sword Kaths.; ({A}) f. (with {diz}) the northeast quarter AitBr. &c.; Durg; several plants, Clitoria Ternatea, Marsilea Quadrifolia, Sesbania AEgyptiaca; a species of the S'arkari metre (of four lines, each containing fourteen syllables). aparaaNi = others aparaan.h = others apare = others aparigraha = abstention from greed, nonpossessiveness aparigrahaH = free from the feeling of possessiveness aparimeyaM = immeasurable aparihaarye = of that which is unavoidable

aparyaaptaM = immeasurable apasada * = m. the children of six degrading marriages (of a Brhman with the women of the three lower classes, of a Kshatriya with women of the two lower, and of a Vais'ya with one of the S'dra Mn. x, 10 seqq., but cf. MBh. xiii, 2620 seqq. and {apadhvaMsa-ja}), an outcast (often ifc.; see {brAhmaNA7pasada}). apashyat.h = he could see aps'raya * = 2 m. the upper portion of a bed or couch on which the head rests Das3.; refuge, recourse, the person or thing to which recourse is had for refuge; an awning spread over a court or yard R. v, 11, 19. apatya = Progeny apathham.h = read apathu * = mfn. not clever, awkward, uncouth; ineloqueut; sick, diseased L. a-pattra * = mfn. leafless; ({A}) f. N. of a plant. a-patnika * = mfn. not having a wife AitBr. KtyS'r.; where the wife is not present KtyS'r.

apa-trap * = to be ashamed or bashful, turn away the face. apa-tras * = (impf. 3. pl. {-atrasan}) to flee from in terror RV. x, 95, 8 MBh. apa-trasta * = mfn. (ifc. or with abl.) afraid of, fleeing or retiring from in terror Pn. 2-1, 38. a-pathin * = {-nthAs} m. absence of road Pn. 5-4, 72. apaurusha* n. unmanliness; superhuman power; (mfn.), unmanly; superhuman. [57, 1] apavarga = heaven, liberation: m. completion, end (e.g. {paJcA7pavarga}, coming to an end in five days) KtyS'r. &c.; the emancipation of the soul from bodily existence, exemption from further transmigration; final beatitude BhP. &c.; gift, donation s'vS'r.; restriction (of a rule) Sus'r. S'ulb. apavaada = exceptional apaviddha* = mfn. pierced; thrown away, rejected, dismissed, removed. apavighnaH = without obstacles


apayaa* = to go away, depart, retire from (abl.).; to fall off: Caus. %{-yApayati}, to carry away by violence BhP. apeksh * = ( %{IkS}) , to look away , to look round AV. S3Br. ; to have some design ; to have regard to , to respect ; to look for , wait for ; to expect , hope ; to require , have an eye to Sa1h. ; with %{na} , not to like Katha1s. apekshaa = (f) expectation, hope * = f. looking round or about, consideration of, reference, regard to (in comp.; rarely loc.); dependence on, connection of cause with effect or of individual with species; looking for, expectation, hope, need, requirement; ({ayA}) ind. with regard to (in comp.) apeta* = *V bereft of *= mfn. escaped, departed, gone, having retired from, free from (abl. or in comp.) aphala = one without fruit aphalaprepsunaa = by one without desire for fruitive result aphalaakaankshibhiH = by those devoid of desire for result apavad* = P. to revile, abuse TBr. &c.; to distract,

divert, console by tales Pa1rGr2. Ya1jn5.; (in Gr.) to except RPra1t.; (A1. only) to disown, deny, contradict Pa1n2. 1-3, 77 Sch.: Caus. %{-vAdayati}, to oppose as unadvisable; to revile; (in Gr.) to except RPra1t. apavAda* = m. evil speaking, reviling, blaming, speaking ill of (gen.); denial, refutation, contradiction; a special rule setting aside a general one, exception (opposed to %{utsarga} Pa1n2. 3-1, 94 Sch.) RPra1t. Pa1n2. Sch.; order, command Kir.; a peculiar noise made by hunters to entice deer S3is3. vi, 9. api = also, * = Meaning is often used to express emphasis, in the sense of even, also, very; e.g. {anyad api}, also another, something more; {adyA7pi}, this very day, even now; {tathA7pi}, even thus, notwithstanding; {yady api}, even if, although; {yadyapi tathA7pi}, although, nevertheless; {na kadAcid api}, never at any time: sometimes in the sense of but, only, at least e.g. {muhUrtam api}, only a moment.\\* = Meaning may be affixed to an interrogative to make it indefinite, e.g. {ko 'pi}, any one; {kutrA7pi}, anywhere.\\Meaning imparts to numerals the notion of totality e.g. {caturNam api varNAnAm}, of all the four castes.\\Meaning may be interrogative at the beginning of a

sentence.\\Meaning may strengthen the original force of the Potential, or may soften the Imperative, like the English `" be pleased to "'; sometimes it is a mere expletive.\\Meaning `" even then "', nevertheless, notwithstanding S'ak. (v.l.) Bhartri. Prab. Sinha7s. apihita * = mfn. put to , placed into RV. ; shut , covered , concealed RV. &c. (cf. %{pi-hita}) a4pI * = Meaning 2 ( {i}), (Ved.) {a4py-eti}, to go in or near; to enter into or upon; to come near, approach (also in copulation RV. ii, 43, 2 ind. p. {apI74tyA}); to partake, have a share in; to join to pour out (as a river). apiiDA* = f. id.; ({ayA}) ind. not unwillingly. apohanaM = forgetfulness apoha* = m. pushing away, removing; (in disputation) reasoning, arguing, denying. apo7hana* = f. id.; \\ apohanIya* = mfn. to be taken away, or removed, or expiated. aprakaashaH = darkness apramatta* = mfn. not careless, careful, attentive,

vigilant S'Br. &c. aprameya * = mfn. immeasurable, unlimited, unfathomable Mn. i, 3 and xii, 94, &c.; not to be proved. aprameyAnubhAva * = mfn. of unlimited might. aprameyAtman* = m. `" of inscrutable spirit "'N. of S3iva. apratigha * = mfn. ( %{han}), not to be kept off, not to be vanquished Mn. xii, 28, &c apratimaprabhaava = O immeasurable power apratishhThaM = without foundation apratishhThaH = without any position apratiikaaraM = without being resistant apradaaya = without offering apramaaNa * =n. a rule which is no standard of action MBh. S'k. &c.; (in discussion) a statement of no importance or authority. apramatta* =m mfn. not careless, careful,

attentive, vigilant S'Br. &c. aprameya = the ununderstandable, inscrutable * =immeasurable, unlimited, unfathomable Mn. i, 3 and xii, 94, &c.; not to be proved. aprameyaM = immeasurable aprameyasya = immeasurable apraapya 1 mfn. unobtainable MBh. &c.; superl.// 2 ind. p. not having obtained; not reaching. apratarkya * = mfn. not to be discussed L.; incomprehensible by reason, undefinable Mn. i, 5 & xii, 29 BhP. &c. [57,3] aprati* = mfn. without opponents, irresistible RV. BhP.; (%{I}) n. irresistibly RV. vii, 83, 4 and 99, 5 AV.; (%{A4}) ind. see s.v. above. -1. apravrittiH = inactivity apraaptat.h = uttained, obtained apraapya = failing to attain apraamaamaaNya = Unjustified

aprithivyoH = to the earth apriyaM = the unpleasant apriyaH = and the undesirable apsaras* =m {As} [RV. AV.&c.], or {ap-sarA4} [AV. &c.], f. (fr. 2. {a4p} + {sR}), `" going in the waters or between the waters of the clouds "', a class of female divinities (sometimes called `" nymphs "'; they inhabit the sky, but often visit the earth; they are the wives of the Gandharvas (q.v.) and have the faculty of changing their shapes at will; they are fond of the water; one of their number, Rambh, is said to have been produced at the churning of the ocean). apsu = in water apuNya = vice apunaraavrittiM = to liberation apUryamANam* - mfn. not getting full Ka1tyS3r. apushhpa = one without flowers apya* = (2, 3) mf({a4pyA}; once {a4pI} RV. vi, 67, 9)n. being in water, coming from water, connected

with water RV. (cf. 3. {A4pya}). apya* = 1 mfn. to be reached, obtainable S'Br.; ({am}) n. confederation, alliance, relationship, friendship RV. ii, 29, 3, &c.; a friend RV. vii, 15, 1; (for 2. {Apya} see p. 144, col. 1.) apyaya* = m. joint , juncture Kaus3. S3ulb. ; pouring out (of a river) PBr. , entering into , vanishing (the contrary of %{prabhava} or %{utpatti}) Up. &c. (cf. %{svA7pyaya4}.) [56,1] apyayau = disappearance apyayana * = n. union, copulating L. araNyam.h = (n) jungle, forest araNya* = n. (fr. 1. {a4raNa}; fr. {R} Un.), a foreign or distant land RV. i, 163, 11 and vi, 24, 10; a wilderness, desert, forest AV. VS. &c.; m. the tree also called Kathphala L.; N. of a son of the Manu Raivata Hariv. 434; of a Sdhya ib. 11536; of a teacher (disciple of Priithvidhara). araNyaka*= n. a forest Yj. iii, 192, the plant Melia Sempervirens L. aratiH = being without attachment


araagadveshhataH = without love or hatred arbha*: little, small, unimportant; child, boy // ruins, rubbish, often ifc. in names of old villages half or entirely gone to ruin arbhaka = small arbuda *= m. Ved. a serpent-like demon (conquered by Indra, a descendant of Kadru1 therefore called Ka1draveya S3Br. AitBr.; said to be the author of RV. x, 94 RAnukr.) RV. &c.; (%{a4s}) m.id. RV.i, 51, 6 and x, 67, 12; (%{am}) n. N. of the above-named hymn RV. x, 94 A1s3vS3r.; (%{as}, %{am}) m. n. a long round mass (said especially of the shape of the foetus in the second half of the first month [Nir. xiv, 6] or in the second month [Ya1jn5. iii, 75 and 89]); a swelling, tumour, polypus Sus3r. &c.; (%{a4rbuda}), ri. (also m. L.) ten millions VS. xvii, 2, &c.; (%{as}),m.N. of a mountain in the west of India (commonly called Abu1, a place of pilgrimage of the Jainas, and celebrated for its Jaina temples); m. pl.N. of a people VarBr2S. BhP. &c. arbudarogaH = (m) cancer archati = (1 pp) to worship


archituM = to worship arcita * = mfn. honoured, worshipped, respected, saluted MBh. Mn. &c.; offered with reverence, Mn iv, 213 ({an-} neg.) & 235 Yj. i, 167 ardana * = mfn. moving restlessly Nir. vi, 3; ifc. ({janA7rdana}) disturbing, distressing, tormenting R. BhP. &c.; annihilating, destroying BhP. (cf. {mahISA7rdana}); ({as}) m. a N. of S'iva MBh. xiii, 1147; ({A}) f. request L.; ({am}) n. pain, trouble, excitement Sus'r. ardani * = m. sickness, disease L.; asking, request L.; fire L. ardha = half* = 1 m. Ved. side, part; place, region, country (cf. {a4py-ardham}, {abhy-ardha4}, {parA7rdha4}); [Lat. {ordo}; Germ. {ort}.] \\2 mfn. (m. pl. {ardhe} or {ardhas} Pn. 1-1, 33) half. halved, forming a half [cf. Osset. {ardag}]; {ardha4}.. {ardha4} (or {ni4ma}.. {ardha4} RV. x, 27 "' 18), one part, the other part; ({a4s}, {a4m}) m. n. (ifc. f. {A}) the half. RV. vi, 30, 1, &c.; ({a4m}) n. `" one part of two "', with 1. {kR}, to give or leave to anybody (acc.) an equal share of (gen.) RV. ii, 30, 5 and vi, 44, 18; a part, party RV. iv, 32, 1 and vii, 18, 16; ({e}) loc. ind. in the middle, Sk. ({ardha}) in comp. with a subst. means `" the half

part of anything "' [cf. Pn. 2-2, 2], with an adj. or past Pass. p. [cf. Pn. 5-4, 5] `" half "'; also with an adj. indicating measure [cf. Pn. vii, 3, 26 and 27]; a peculiar kind of compound is formed with ordinals [cf. Pn. 1-1, 23 Comm.] e.g. {ardhatRtIya}, containing a half for its third, i.e. two and a half; {ardha-caturtha}, having a half for its fourth, three and a half.) ardhachandraasana = the half-moon posture ardhanavaasana = the half-boat posture ardhanaariinatheshvara = S'iva and his S'akti united as one ardhanaariishvara = S'iva and his S'akti united as one ardhanicholaH = (m) frock ardhapadmaasana = the half-lotus posture ardhamatsyendraasana = the half spinal-twist posture ardana *= mfn. moving restlessly Nir. vi, 3; ifc. (%{janA7rdana}) disturbing, distressing, tormenting R. BhP. &c.; annihilating, destroying

BhP. (cf. %{mahISA7rdana}); (%{as}) m. a N. of S3iva MBh. xiii, 1147; (%{A}) f. request L.; (%{am}) n. pain, trouble, excitement Sus3r. ardhashirshhaasana = the half headstand posture ardhasarvaangaasana = the half-shoulderstand posture ardhasalabhaasana = the half-locust posture ardhoruka = (n) half-pant ardhorukam.h = (n) half-pant, shortsarjana = obtaining ardita * = asked, requested, begged L.; injured, pained, afflicted, tormented, wounded; killed, destroyed ib.; ({am}) n. N. of a disease argasiM = (f) pleasure argha = value arghya * = mfn. `" valuable "' see {an-arghya}, (g. {daNDA7di} q.v., `" {argham-arhati} "') deserving a respectful reception (as a guest) PrGri. Yj. &c.; belonging to or used at the respectful reception of a guest Gobh. Yj. &c.; ({am}) n. (Pn. 5-4, 25)

water offered at the respectful reception of a guest s'vGri. &c., (probably for {Arghya} q.v.) a kind of honey L. arha = deserving * = mf(%{A})n. meriting, deserving (praise or blame cf. %{pUjA7rha}, %{nindA7rha}), worthy of. having a claim or being entitled to (acc. or Inf. or in comp.); being required, obliged, allowed (with Inf.); becoming, proper, fit (with gen. or ifc.) Pan5cat.; worth (in money), costing R., (cf. %{satA7rha}, %{sahasrA7rha}), m. a N. of Indra L., (%{a}) f. or (%{ANi}) n. pl. worship ChUp.. arhati = (1 pp) to deserve arhaNa* = mfn. having a claim to, being entitled to (in comp.) BhP.; ({am}) n. deserving, meriting Pn. 3-3, 111, worship, honour, treating any one (gen.) with respect Mn. iii, 54 BhP.; a present of honour MBh. i, 130 BhP.; ({A}) f. worship, honourN. Ragh. &c., ({arha4Na}), Ved. instr. ind. according to what is due RV. i, 127, 6, x, 63, 4 and 92, 7. arhasi = deserve ari = enemies * = m. v.l. for {arin} below. ari * =1 mfn. ( {R}), attached to faithful RV.; ({is})

m. a faithful or devoted or pious man RV.\\=2 mfn. ( {rA}; = 1. {ari4}, assiduous, &c., Gnm.), not liberal, envious, hostile RV. ({i4s}) m. an enemy RV. MBh. &c.; ({a4ris}), m.id. AV. vii, 88, 1 and xiii, 1, 29, (in astron.) a hostile planet VarBriS.; N. of the sixth astrological mansion ib. (in arithm.)the number six (cf. {arAti}); a species of Khadira or Mimosa L. aritaa * = f. or enmity ari-bhaava = the sixth house in a Rashi or bhaava chart arishhu = on enemies arishtha* = mf({A}) n. unhurt RV. &c.; proof against injury or damage RV.; secure, safe RV.; boding misfortune (as birds of ill omen, &c.), Adbh Br. Hariv.; fatal, disastrous (as a house) R. ii, 42, 22; m. a heron L.; a crow L.; the soapberry tree, Sapindus Detergens Roxb. (the fruits of which are used in washing Yj. i 186); cf. {arI STaka}; Azadirachta Indica R. ii, 94, 9; garlic L.; a distilled mixture, a kind of liquor Sus'r.; N. of an Asura (with the shape of an ox, son of Bali, slain by Kriishna or Vishnu) Hariv. BhP.; of a son of Manu Vaivasvata VP. (v.l. for {deSTa}); ill-luck, misfortune (see {ariSTa} n.) MBh. xii, 6573, ({A}),

f. a bandage Sus'r.; a medical plant L.; N. of Durg SkandaP.; N. of a daughter of Daksha and one of the wives of Kas'yapa Hariv.; ({am}) n. bad or illluck. misfortune; a natural phenomenon boding approaching death; good fortune, happiness MBh. iv, 2126, buttermilk L.; vinous spirit L.; a womas apartment, the lying-in chamber (cf. {ariSTagriha} and {-zayyA} below) L. arishhthanemiH = the appelation to Garuda? arisuudana = O killer of the enemies arjanaM = the earning or acquiring or acqusition arjuna * = mfn. (cf. {Rjra4} and {raj}) white, clear (the colour of the day RV. vi, 9, 1; of the dawn RV. i, 49, 3; of the lightning; of the milk; of silver, &c.); made of silver AV. iv, 37, 4; m. the white colour "' L.; a peacock L.; cutaneous disease Sy. on RV. i, 122, 5; the tree Terminalia Arjuna W. and A.; N. of a man RV. i, 122, 5; of Indra VS. S'Br., of the third of the Pindava princes (who was a son of Kriitavrya who was slain by Paras'urma) ib.; of a S'skya (known as a mathematician); of different other persons; the only son of his mother L.; ({I}) f. a cow MBh. xiii, 3596; a kind of serpent, (voc. {a4ijuni}) "' AV. ii, 24, 7; a procuress, bawd L.; N. of Ush (wife of Aniruddha) L.; of the river Bhud

or Karatoys L.; ({-nyau}, or {-nyas}) f. du. or Pl.N. of the constellation Phalgun RV. x, 85, 13 S'Br.; ({am}) n. silver AV. v, 28, 5 and 9; gold L.; slight inflammation of the conjunctiva or white of the eye Sus'r.; a particular grass (used as a substitute for the Soma plant) PBr. &c.; (= {rUpa}) shape Naigh.; ({As}) m. pl. the descendants of Arjuna Pn. 2-4, 66 Sch. arjuna-anujam A*: emblem [as in 10.77: 11] arjuna = a disciple of Krishna, hero of the Mahabharata arjunaM = unto Arjuna arjunaH = Arjuna arjunayoH = and Arjuna arka = essence, a name of Sun * = m. ( {arc}), Ved. a ray, flash of lightning RV. &c.; the sun RV. &c.; (hence) the number, twelve "' Sryas.; Sunday; fire RV. ix, 50, 4 S'Br. BrirUp.; crystal R. ii, 94, 6; membrum viriIe AV. vi, 72, 1; copper L.; the plant Calotropis Gigantea (the larger leaves are used for sacrificial ceremonies; cf. {arka-kozI}, {-parNa4}, {palaza4}, &c. below) S'Br. &c., a religious ceremony S'Br. BrirUp. (cf. {arkA7zvamedha}

below); praise hymn, song (also said of the roaring of the Maruts and of Indra's thunder) RV. and AV.; one who praises, a singer RV.; N. of Indra L.; a learned man (cf. RV. viii, 63, 6) L. [89, 2]; an elder brother L.; N. of a physician BrahmaP. (cf. {arkacikitsA} below); ({as}, {am}) m. n. (with {agneH}, {indrasya}, {gautamasaH}, &c.) N. of different Smans; food Naigh. and Nir. (cf. RV. vii, 9, 2). arkadina *= n. a solar day. arogita = diseaselessness arpaNa = Offer arpaNaM = contribution arpita = surrendering * = [eight times in RV.; cf. Pn. 6-1, 209 seq.] or\\* = [RV. i, 164, 48, &c.] mfn. inserted, fixed RV. VS. &c.; fixed upon (as the eyes or the mind); thrown, cast into (loc.; said of an arrow) Ragh. viii, 87; placed in or upon Ragh. ix, 78, &c.; (said of a document or of a sketch) transferred to (a plate or portrait i.e., `" engraved "' or, painted "') Ragh. xvii, 79 S'k. Kum. iii, 42; offered, delivered, entrusted Yj. ii, 164, &c.; given back Ragh. xix, 10, &c. artha = money *= {as}, {am} m. n. [in RV. i-ix only

n. [90, 3]; in RV. x six times n. and thrice m.; in later Sanskriit only m.] aim, purpose (very often {artham}, {arthena}, {arthAya}, and {arthe} ifc. or with gen., for the sake of. on account of. in behalf of. for "'); cause, motive, reason Mn. ii, 213, &c.; advantage, use, utility (generally named with kma and dharma see {tri-varga}; used in wishing well to another dat. or gen. Pn. 2-3, 73); thing, object (said of the membrum virile S'Br. xiv); object of the senses VarBriS.; (hence) the number, five "', Seiryas.; substance, wealth, property, opulence, money; (hence in astron.) N. of the second mansion, the mansion of wealth (cf, {dhana}) VarBriS.; personified as the son of Dharma arid Buddhi BhP.; affair, concern (Ved. often acc. a4rtham with {i}, or gam, to go to one's business, take up one's work RV. &c.); (in law) lawsuit, action; having to do with (instr.), wanting, needing anything (instr.), SBr, &c.; {sense}, meaning, notion (cf. {artha-zabdau} and {arthAt} s.v. below and {vedatattvA7rtha-vid}); manner, kind L., prohibition, prevention L.; price (for {argha} q.v.) L.; ({At}) abl. ind. see s.v. below; ({e}) loc. ind. with 1. {kR} (g. {sakSAd-Adi} q.v.) // n. m. aim, purpose, meaning, sense, object, profit, advantage of (instr.), wealth, property, money, thing, matter, business, cause, suit, action; o. --- adj. having a thing for object, for the sake of, on account of, for; acc., instr., dat. & loc. the same adv.

arthaM = wealth arthaH = is meant arthan.h = and economic development arthanaipuNa = (n) efficient in polity arthapraaptirbhavati = wealth-attainment becomes arthayate = (10 pp) to request arthavaan.h = one with money arthasya = (masc.poss.sing.) wealth or meaning arthaarthii = one who desires material gain arthin * = mfn. active, industrious RV.; (cf %{arthe74t} above); one who wants or desires anything (instr. or in comp.; cf. %{putrA7rthin}, %{balA7rthin}); supplicating or entreating any one (gen.); longing for, libidinous R. i, 48, 18; (%{I}) m. one who asks for a girl in marriage, a wooer Ya1jn5. i, 60 Katha1s.; a beggar, petitioner, suitor Mn. xi, 1, &c.; one who supplicates with prayers VarBr2S.; a plaintiff, prosecutor Mn. viii, 62 and 79 Ya1jn5. ii, 6; a servant L.; a follower, companion L.


arthinah*A = person in need, person asking for something arthiyaM = meant arthe = in meaning arthopaarjanaaya = for earning maney aruNi * = see also aaruni; m. N. of a Muni BhP. (cf. {AruNi}). aru* = m. the sun L.; the redblossomed Khadira tree L.; for {arus} n. only in comp. with {-M-tuda} mf({A})n. (Pn. 3-2, 35 and vi, 3, 67) `" beating or hurting a wound "', causing torments, painful Mn. ii, 161, &c. aruupaka * = mfn. shapeless, immaterial MBh. iii, 12984; (in rhetoric) without figure or metaphor, literal. arvaaciina * = or mf(%{A4})n. turned towards , favouring RV. \\mf(%{A4})n. turned towards , favouring RV. ; turned towards (in a hostile manner) RV. , vi , 25 , 3 ; (with abl.) being on this side or below S3Br. ; belonging to a proximate time , posterior , recent ; (for %{avAsIna}) reverse , contrary L. ; (%{ar@vA4cenam}) ind. (with abl.) `"

on this side of "' , thence forward , thence onward S3Br. ; less than (abl.) ib. arvaaktana * = mf(%{A}) n. being on this side of, not reaching up to BhP. aryamaa = Aryama arya* = 1 (2, once 3 RV. iv, 1, 7) mfn. ( %{R}) kind, favourable RV.; attached to, true, devoted, dear RV.; excellent L.; (%{a4s}) m. a master, lord Naigh. Pa1n2. 3-1, 103 (cf. 3. %{a4rya}.)\\mf(%{A})n. ( = 1. %{arya4}) kind, favourable RV. i, 123, 1.\\ 3 m. (= 1. %{aiya4}) `" master, lord "', a Vais3ya VS. &c. Pa1n2. 3-1, 103 (a1) f. a woman of the third caste, the wife of a Vais3ya VS. &c. Pa1n2. 4-1, 49 Comm., (%{I}) f. the wife of any particular Vais3ya Pa1n2. 4-1, 49 Siddh. (cf. %{aryANI}.) asaadhu * = mfn. (Pa1n2. 6-2, 160) not good, wicked, bad S3Br. MBh. &c.; wrong Comm. on TPra1t.; (%{u4s}) m. not an honest man, a wicked man S3Br. Mn. &c.; (%{u4}) n. anything bad, evil S3Br. (%{sAdhvasAdhu4nI}, `" good and evil "') MBh. &c.; disfavour, disgrace, only %{-u4nA} instr. ind. disfavourably S3Br. ii ChUp. (cf. 3. %{asAman}); (%{u}) ind. (used as an interjection of disapproval) bad! shame! Ra1jat. &c.


asaaraM = worthless/without essence asaavaadityaH = asau and AdityaH: this(person) and Sun asa*= not he asadrishhii = unfit asahya* = mf({A})n. unbearable, insufferable, insuperable SV. MBh.; impracticable, impossible MBh. iii, 12255 seq.; with {draSTum}, `" impossible to be seen "' i.e. invisible Up. asaadhu * = mfn. (Pn. 6-2, 160) not good, wicked, bad S'Br. MBh. &c.; wrong Comm. on TPrt.; ({u4s}) m. not an honest man, a wicked man S'Br. Mn. &c.; ({u4}) n. anything bad, evil S'Br. ({sAdhvasAdhu4nI}, `" good and evil "') MBh. &c.; disfavour, disgrace, only {-u4nA} instr. ind. disfavourably S'Br. ii ChUp. (cf. 3. {a-sAman}); ({u}) ind. (used as an interjection of disapproval) bad! shame! Rjat. &c. asadbhAva * = m. non-existence, absence Veda1ntas. &c.; an evil temperament or disposition L. asakta = unattached\\* = mfn. not stopped or

intercepted by os at (loc.; said of arrows and of a sword) MBh. iii, 1602; xiv, 2189; (in the same sense {a-saGga} Ragh. iii, 63); free from ties, independent, Snkhyak.; detached from worldly feelings or passions, unattached or indifferent to (loc.) Mn. ii, 13 Ragh. &c.; ({am}) ind. without obstacle or resistance Hariv. 9741 R. iii, 75, 6; uninterruptedly Kir. iv, 31 Km.; immediately, at once Das'. asaktaM = without attraction asaktaH = without attachment asaktabuddhiH = having unattached intelligence asaktaatmaa = one who is not attached asaktiH = being without attachment asamarthaH = unable asameta * = mfn. `" not arrived, absent "', missing Ragh. ix, 70. asaMbhava * = m. `" non-existence "', destruction VS. xl, 10; non-happening, cessation, interruption Mn. xi, 27; absence of. want Mn. MBh. &c.; impropriety, inconsistence, impossibility KtyS'r.

Mn. &c.; (mfn.) `" non-happening "', inconsistent, impossible. asampraGYaata = unconscious samadhi asammuuDhaH = undeluded asammuuDhaaH = unbewildered asammohaH = freedom from doubt asaMskRta* = mfn. not prepared S'nkhGri.; not consecrated Mn. Yj.; unadorned Pacat.; unpolished, rude (as speech). asaMskRtAlakin* = mfn. having unadorned curls Kd. asa.nnyasta = without giving up asa.nyataa = unbridled asa.nshayaM = undoubtedly asa.nshayaH = beyond a doubt asankhyaH = (m) countless asangashastreNa = by the weapon of detachment

asapatnaM = without rival asat * = mf({a4-satI})n. [in RV. seven times {a4sat} and five times {A4sat} with lengthening of the accentuated vowel] not being, not existing, unreal RV. vii, 134, 8 AV. Up. Kum. iv, 12; untrue, wrong RV.; bad S'Br. Mn. &c.; ({n}) m. Indra L.; ({tI}) f. see s.v. below; ({t}) n. non-existence, nonentity RV. AV. &c.; untruth, falsehood RV. vii, 104, 8; evil Ragh. i, 10; ({ntas}) m. pl. bad or contemptible men MBh. &c. asat.h = matter asatkaara* = m. doing injury, offence MBh. i, 6355. asatkaarya* = n. bad or illicit occupation Mn. xii, 32; ({asatkArya}) {-vAdin} m. one who (like a Naiyyika) holds that an effect is nonexistent in its cause before production. asatkrita* = mfn. badly treated MBh. iii, 2755 and 2918; ({am}) n. offence ib. 2981. - 1. asatpatha* = m. a bad road L.; (mfn.) not being on the right path BhP. asat* = mf({a4-satI})n. [in RV. seven times {a4sat} and five times {A4sat} with lengthening of the

accentuated vowel] not being, not existing, unreal RV. vii, 134, 8 AV. Up. Kum. iv, 12; untrue, wrong RV.; bad S'Br. Mn. &c.; ({n}) m. Indra L.; ({tI}) f. see s.v. below; ({t}) n. non-existence, nonentity RV. AV. &c.; untruth, falsehood RV. vii, 104, 8; evil Ragh. i, 10; ({ntas}) m. pl. bad or contemptible men MBh. &c. asatkritya* = ind. p. not taking notice of (acc.) MBh. xiii, 2766. - 2. asatkritya* = mfn. one who does evil actions L. asatyasannibha * = mfn. improbable, unlikely L. asau = him (from adas.h) asaumya = (adj) unpleasant asataH = of the nonexistent asatkrita* = mfn. badly treated MBh. iii, 2755 and 2918; ({am}) n. offence ib. 2981. - 1. asattaa* = f. non-existence L. - 1. asatii* = f. an unfaithful or unchaste wife MBh. R. &c.


asatya* = mfn. untrue, false, lying. RV. iv, 5, 5 MBh. &c.; ({am}) n. untruth, falsehood Mn. &c. asatkritaM = without respect asatkritaH = dishonored asattva * = n. id. NriisUp.; non-presence, absence Nyyam \\2 mfn. strengthless, without energy asatyaM = unreal asevita mfn. neglected, unattended to; abstained from. as'esha* = mf(%{A})n. without remainder, entire, perfect, all; m. non-remainder Ka1tyS3r.; (%{am}) ind. entirely, wholly Kum. v, 82; (%{eNa}) ind. id. MBh. &c. ash.h = to obtain, accomplish as'aaya: * to reach ashaantasya = of the unpeaceful ashaashvataM = temporary ashaastra = not in the scriptures


ashishhya = unteachable (adj) asha.nka = undaunted ashakta = weak ashaktaH = unable ashanam.h = (n) food ashamaH = uncontrollable ashayaat.h = from their source ashastraM = without being fully equipped ashatara* n= mfn. (compar. fr., `" {aSa} "' fr. 1. {az}?) more acceptable RV. i, 173, 4. as'ishya * = mfn. not to be taught (as a person), not deserving to, or not capable of being instructed MBh. v, 1009 Pacat.; (a thing) that need not be taught or which it is unnecessary to teach Pn. 1-2, 53. as'izu * = mf({a4-zizvi}, but according to Pn. 4-1, 62, also Ved. {a-zizu})n. childless, without young ones RV. i, 120, 8 and iii, 55, 6. as'ishthataa * = f. or rudeness

as'ishthatva * = n. rudeness ashishhyaaya = non-disciple i.e.non-believer as'eshha = total, mf({A})n. without remainder, entire, perfect, all; m. non-remainder KtyS'r.; ({am}) ind. entirely, wholly Kum. v, 82; ({eNa}) ind. id. MBh. &c. asheshhataH = completely asheshhaaNi = all asheshheNa = in detail ashochyaan.h = not worthy of lamentation ashoshhyaH = not able to be dried as'ubha = and inauspicious * =azubha = mfn. not beautiful or agreeable, disagreeable; inauspicious Vet.; bad, vicious (as thought or speech) MBh. i, 3077 seq. &c.; m. N. of a lexicographer; ({a4zubha}) n. a shameful deed, sin S'Br. ii Bhag. &c.; misfortune, harm, mischief. Sus'r. VarBriS. &c. ashubhaat.h = from ill fortune ashubhaan.h = inauspicious

ashuchi = to the unclean ashuchiH = unclean ashuchau = unclean ashubhaM = evil ashushruushhave = to one who is not engaged in devotional service ashaaDha * (or in RV. {a4-SAlha}) mfn. not to be overcome, invincible RV. VS.; born under the Nakshatra Ashdh Pn. 4-3, 34; m. the month (generally called) shdha L.; a staff made of Pals'a wood (carried by the student during the performance of certain vows) L.; N. of a teacher Kthh. S'Br. i (cf. {ASADhi}); ({A}) f. N. of a brick (used for the sacrificial altar) S'Br.; ({A4 or A4s}) f. sg. or pl.N. of two lunar mansions (distinguished as {pinvA and uttara}, `" the former "' and the latter "', and reckoned either as the eighteenth and nineteenth [TBr.] or as the twentieth and twentyfirst [VP.&c.]) AV. xix, 7, 4, &c. [116, 2] aashaaDha * m. (fr. {a-SADhA})N. of a month (corresponding to part of June and July) in which the full moon is near the constellation Ashdh Sus'r. VarBriS. Megh. Kaths. &c.; a staff of the

wood of the Pals'a (carried by an ascetic during certain religious observances in the month shdha) Pn. 5-1, 110 Kum. &c.; N. of a prince MBh.; the Malaya mountain L.; a festival (of Indra) p. i, 11, 20; ({A}) f. (for {a-SADhA} q.v.) the twenty-first and twenty-second lunar mansions (commonly compounded with {pUrva} and {uttara}) L.; ({I}) f. the day of full moon in the month shdha KtyS'r. Vait.; (mfn.) belonging to the month shdha VarBriS. ashnataH = of one who eats ashnan.h = eating ashnanti = enjoy ashnaami = accept ashnaasi = you eat ashnute = achieves ashma = stone ashman.h = (masc) stone ashraddadhaanaH = without faith in revealed scriptures

ashraddadhaanaaH = those who are faithless ashraddhayaa = without faith ashraushhaM = have heard ashruupuurNaakula = full of tears as'ru * = n. ({us} m. only once S'Br. vi and once R.) a tear RV. x, 95, 12 and 13 AV. &c. with {muc}, or {kR} [MBh. xii, 12491] or {vRt}, Caus. [R.] to shed tears [supposed to stand for {dazru} fr. {daMz}: cf. Gk. $; Lat. {lacryma} for {dacryma}; &35742[114, 3] Goth. {tagrs}; Eng. {tear}; Mod. Germ. {Zhre}]. as'ru = (n) tears ashlaaghya = adj. virtueless ashva = a horse ashvatthaM = a banyan tree ashvatthaH = the banyan tree ashvatthaamaa = Asvatthama ashvamedha = a form of sacrifice where a horse is sent around to estiblish supremacy

ashvaanaaM = among horses aas'vaasita * mfn. encouraged, animated, comforted, consoled Das'. BhP. Pacat. &c. //reanimated, revived, refreshed &c. MBh. R aas'vaasa * m. breathing again or freely, taking breath; recovery Sus'r.; cheering up, consolation; relying on Kaths.; a chapter or section of a book Sh. ashvini = a mudraa, contraction of the anal sphincter muscles ashvinau = the two Asvinis as'obhanam *V = lack of brilliance, against the etquette (see s'obha) ashtha* = 1 mfn. ( {akS}; cf. {nir-akS}) `" marked, branded "', only in comp. with 1.\\2 fr. 1. {az}. see {a4-samaSTa-k-}. \\=3 (in comp. for {aSTan}).\\^ (in comp for {aSTan}) mfn.\\ =4 or with the final {A8} blended in comp. ashthau = (adj) eight ashthadalakamalabandha = eight-petalled lotus pattern, a form of bandha poetry

ashthadhaa = eightfold ashthaadasha = eighteen ashthaavakra = name of a deformed(at eight places) sage ashthottarii-dashaa = A lunar based Dasha system uses 108 yr cycle and one chooses it according to certain criteria ashhtakavarga = A predictive method of Astrology that uses a system of points based upon planetary positions asi = you are * = m. (2. %{as}), a sword, scimitar, knife (used for killing animals) RV. AV. &c.; (%{is}) f. N. of a river (near Benar2es) Va1mP. (cf. %{asI}); [Lat. {ensi-s}.] asii * = f. (= %{asi} f. q.v.) N. of a river (near Benares) MBh. vi, 338. as'ubha* = mfn. not beautiful or agreeable, disagreeable; inauspicious Vet.; bad, vicious (as thought or speech) MBh. i, 3077 seq. &c.; m. N. of a lexicographer; ({a4-zubha}) n. a shameful deed, sin S'Br. ii Bhag. &c.; misfortune, harm, mischief. Sus'r. VarBriS. &c.

as'itra *= {am}, u. food Kthh. (cf. {prA7zitra4}.) as'ika *=v.l. for {asika} q.v. a-s'iras *=mfn. headless Mn. ix, 237. a4-s'iva *=mf({A}) n. unkind, envious, pernicious, dangerous RV. AV. MBh. &c.; m. N. of a demon causing disease Hariv. 9560; ({am}) n. ill-luck RV. i, 116, 24; x, 23, 5 MBh. &c. a4-s'is'u *=mf({a4-zizvi}, but according to Pn. 4-1, 62, also Ved. {a-zizu})n. childless, without young ones RV. i, 120, 8 and iii, 55, 6. a-s'iSya *=mfn. not to be taught (as a person), not deserving to, or not capable of being instructed MBh. v, 1009 Pacat.; (a thing) that need not be taught or which it is unnecessary to teach Pn. 1-2, 53. as'iiti *=f. eighty RV. ii, 18, 6 AV. &c. a-s'iirNa *=mfn. unimpaired L. as'sha V: desires, wishes, blessings, hopes, benedictions asitaH = Asita

asita * = mfn. unbound TS. vii S'Br. xiv. \\ 2 mf({A}; Ved. {a4siknI})n. ({sita}, `" white "', appears to have been formed from this word, which is probably original, and not a compound of {a} and {sita}; cf. {asura} and {sura}), dark-coloured, black RV. &c.; m. the planet Saturn VarBriS.; a poisonous animal (said to be a kind of mouse) L.; N. of the lord of darkness and magic AV. S'Br. s'vS'r.; of a descendant of Kas'yapa (composer of RV. ix, 5-24), named also Devala [RAnukr.] or Asita Devala [MBh. Hariv.]; N. of a man (with the patron. Vrshagana) S'Br. xiv; of a son of Bharata R.; of a Riishi Buddh.; of a mountain MBh. iii, 8364 Kaths.; ({a4s}) m. a black snake AV.; a Mantra (saving from snakes) MBh. i, 2188; ({A}) f. a girl attending in the womes apartments (whose hair is not whitened by age) L.; the indigo plant L.; N. of an Apsaras MBh. i, 4819 Hariv. 12472; ({a4siknI}) f. `" the dark one "', the night RV. iv, 17, 15; x, 3, 1; a girl attending in the womes apartments L.; N. of a wife of Daksha Hariv.; N. of the river Akesines (afterwards called Candrabhg) in the Pajb RV. viii, 20, 25 and ({asiknI4}) x, 75, 5. asid.hdhyoH = and failure asiddhau = failure


asma *= (fr. %{a-sma}), a pronom. base from which some forms (dat. %{a4smai}, or %{asmai4} abl. %{asimA4t} loc. %{asmin}) of %{ida4m} (q.v.) are formed; also the base of the first person pl. acc. %{asmA4n} [= $], instr. %{asmA4bhis} dat. %{asma4bhyam} abl. %{asma4t}, in later, language also %{asmat-tas} [MBh. &c.] gen. %{asmA4kam} [exceptionlly %{asmA4ka} RV. i, 173, 10 AV.] loc. %{asmA4su}; dat. loc. %{asme4} (only RV. AV. VS.) asmad.h = I, me asmadiiyaiH = our asmaakaM = us asmaat.h = these asmaan.h = us asmaabhiH = by us asmi = (v) I am* = `" I am "', 1. {as} q.v. asmitaa* = f. egoism Yogas. Comm. on S'is'. iv, 55, &c. asmimaana* = m. self-conceit L.

asmitaa = egotism, self righteousness asmin.h = in this asmindvaye = in this pair asparshana = not touching asphutha * = mf({A})n. indistinct BhP. Kaths. &c.; not quite correct, approximate (as a number) Sryas.; ({am}) n. (in rhetoric) indistinct speech. a-sphutha-phala * = n. approximate result (as the gross area of a triangle &c.) asphuthaa7laMkaara * = m. an indistinct embellishment of speech Sh. asrij = (neut) blood asrij * = {k}, (once {d} TS. vii) n. (m. or f. only Hariv. 9296) blood RV. i, 164, 4 AV. &c. [for the weak cases see {asa4n}; besides, in later language, forms like instr. {asRjA} (R. iii, 8, 4) and gen. {asRjas} (Sus'r.) are found]; saffron L.; ({k}) m. the planet Mars; a kind of religious abstraction L. asrikkara* = m. `" forming blood "', lymph, chyle L.


asrishhTaannaM = without distribution of prasaadam as'ruta * = mfn. unheard S3Br. xiv, &c.; not heard from the teacher, not taught Jaim.; (hence) contrary to the Vedas L.; untaught, not learned MBh. v, 1000 and 1369; m. N. of a son of Kr2ishn2a, Kr2ishn2s Hariv. 6190; of a son of Dyutimat VP.; (%{A}) f. N. of the wife of An3giras Katha1s. asta = fall (set)1 mfn. (perf. Pass. p. 2. {as}), thrown, cast Ragh. xii, 91; ({a4n-} neg.) S'Br. iii; (only in comp.) thrown off, left off, set aside, given up (as grief. anger, a vow, &c.) VP. Kaths. &c.; ({A4}) f. a missile, an arrow AV. \\ = 2 n. home RV. AV. S'Br.; m. setting (as of the sun or of luminaries) VarBriS. Sryas.; `" end, death "' see {asta-samaya} below; the western mountain (behind which the sun is supposed to set) MBh. R. &c.; (in astron.) the seventh lunar mansion VarBri.; ({a4stam}) ind. at home, home RV. &c., especially used with verbs e.g. {a4stam-i} [{a4stam e4ti}; pr. p. {astaM-ya4t} AV. S'Br.; fut. p. {astam-eSya4t} AV.; perf. p. {a4stamita} see below s.v.] or {a4staM-gam} [{a4stam ga4cchati} AV. &c.; perf. p. {astaM-gata} MBh. &c., once in reversed order {gata astaM} R. i, 33, 21] or {astaM-yA} [pr. p. {-yAt} Mn. iv, 37] to go down, set RV. AV. &c.; {astam-i}, {astaM-gam}

(also Caus. see {astaM-gamita} below), or {prA7p} [Kaths.], to go to one's eternal home, cease, vanish, perish, die S'Br. xiv MBh. &c.; {astaM-nI} [{-nayati}], to lead to setting, cause to set MBh. iii, i 7330; ({a4stA}) ind. v.l. for {a4stam} SV. [122, 2] a4sta* =2 n. home RV. AV. S'Br.; m. setting (as of the sun or of luminaries) VarBriS. Sryas.; `" end, death "' see {asta-samaya} below; the western mountain (behind which the sun is supposed to set) MBh. R. &c.; (in astron.) the seventh lunar mansion VarBri.; ({a4stam}) ind. at home, home RV. &c., especially used with verbs e.g. {a4stam-i} [{a4stam e4ti}; pr. p. {astaM-ya4t} AV. S'Br.; fut. p. {astam-eSya4t} AV.; perf. p. {a4stamita} see below s.v.] or {a4staM-gam} [{a4stam ga4cchati} AV. &c.; perf. p. {astaM-gata} MBh. &c., once in reversed order {gata astaM} R. i, 33, 21] or {astaM-yA} [pr. p. {-yAt} Mn. iv, 37] to go down, set RV. AV. &c.; {astam-i}, {astaM-gam} (also Caus. see {astaMgamita} below), or {prA7p} [Kaths.], to go to one's eternal home, cease, vanish, perish, die S'Br. xiv MBh. &c.; {astaM-nI} [{-nayati}], to lead to setting, cause to set MBh. iii, i 7330; ({a4stA}) ind. v.l. for {a4stam} SV. [122, 2] asthA* =with the final {A8} blended in comp. astaM = destroyed, vanquished

astamavelaa = (fem) evening twilight asti = (v) he is astu = there should be* (3. sg. Imper.), let it be, be it so; there must be or should be (implying an order) asteya* = n. not stealing Mn. Yj. &c. astra = Weapon asthi = Bone asthipaJNjaram.h = (n) skeleton asthiraM = unsteady asvatantra * = not self-willed, dependant, subject Mn. ix, 2 Gaut. BhP.; ({asvatantra}) {-tA} f. the not being master of one's feelings or passions Kd. asya = of it asyati = (4 pp) to throw asyaaM = in this asvargyaM = which does not lead to higher planets

assi = (v) you (sing) are as'ubha* = mfn. not beautiful or agreeable, disagreeable; inauspicious Vet.; bad, vicious (as thought or speech) MBh. i, 3077 seq. &c.; m. N. of a lexicographer; ({a4-zubha}) n. a shameful deed, sin S'Br. ii Bhag. &c.; misfortune, harm, mischief. Sus'r. VarBriS. & asU * = not bringing forth, barren asu * = m. (1. {as}), Ved. breath, life RV. AV. &c.; life of the spiritual world or departed spirits RV. x, 15, 1; (in astron.) `" respiration "', = four seconds of sidereal time or one minute of arc Sryas.; = {prajJA} Naigh.; (in later language only {a4savas}) m. pl. the vital breaths or airs of the body, animal life AV. Mn. iii, 217, &c.; ({asu}) n. grief L.; (= {citta}) the spirit L. a-suu4 * = mfn. (3. {sU}), not bringing forth, barren RV. and AV. (acc. f. {a-sva4m}) VS. (acc. f. {asU4m}). [121, 3] asu: * Ved. breath, life RV. AV. &c.; life of the spiritual world or departed spirits RV. x, 15, 1; (in astron.) `" respiration "', = four seconds of sidereal time or one minute of arc Sryas.; = {prajJA} Naigh.; (in later language only {a4savas}) m. pl. the

vital breaths or airs of the body, animal life AV. Mn. iii, 217, &c.; ({asu}) n. grief L.; (= {citta}) the spirit L. asukhaM = full of miseries asura = devil* =mfn. (2. {as} Un.), spiritual, incorporeal, divine RV. AV. VS.; m. a spirit, good spirit, supreme spirit (said of Varuna) RV. VS.; the chief of the evil spirits RV. ii, 30, 4 and vii, 99, 5; an evil spirit, demon, ghost, opponent of the gods RV. viii, 96, 9; x AV. &c. [these Asuras are often regarded as the children of Diti by Kas'yapa see {Daitya}; as such they are demons of the first order in perpetual hostility with the gods, and must not be confounded with the Rkshasas or imps who animate dead bodies and disturb sacrifices]; a N. of Rhu VarBriS. &c.; the sun L.; a cloud Naigh. (cf. RV. v, 83, 6); ({As}) m. pl.N. of a warrior-tribe, (g. {parzv-Adi}, q.v.); of a Vedic school; ({A}) f. night L.; a zodiacal sign L.; ({I}) f. a female demon, the wife of an Asura, KaushBr. (cf. {AsurI} and {mahA7surI}); the plant Sinapis Ramosa Roxb. L. [In later Sanskriit {sura} has been formed from {asura}, as {sita} from {asita} q.v.] asUra * =`" absence of sunlight "', only ({e4}) loc. ind. in the night RV. viii, 10, 4.


asuraaNaaM = of demons asuraan.h = demons asuu = to hate, be jealous asuun.h = life asuuya = jelousy * 1 Nom. P. {-yati}, rarely . {yate} (pr. p. {-ya4t} RV. x, 135, 2 S'Br.; aor. {AsUyIt} S'Br. iii; 3. pl. {asUyiSuH} Rjat.) to murmur at, be displeased or discontented with (dat. [S'Br. Pn. 1-4, 37, &c.] or acc. [MBh. R. &c.]): Caus. (ind. p. {asUyayitvA}) to cause to be displeased, irritate MBh. iii, 2624 (N.) asuuya * 2 grumbling at, displeased with (loc.) MBh. xiii, 513; ({A}) f. displeasure, indignation (especially at the merits or the happiness of another), envy, jealousy Nir. p. Mn. &c. asuuyaka * = mfn. (Pn. 3-2, 146) discontented, displeased, envious, calumnious Nir. Mn. &c. asuuyitR * = mfn. displeased, envious MBh. ii, 2545; ({an-} neg.) i, 5611. asuuyu * = mfn. id.; (see {an-asuyu}.)


asvasa= see aasvaasa asvastha* = mf(%{A})n. not in good health, sick, feeling uneasy Mn. vii, 226 MBh. &c.; not being firm in itself. MBh. xii, 276 (Hit.); (%{asvastha})%{-tA} f. illness, Ratna1v. (Pra1kr2it {assatthadA}); %{-zarIra} mfn. ill Ka1d.//see %{asva} asvaasthya * = indisposition, sickness, discomfort BhP. Kaths. ath (aT) cl. 1. P. A1. %{aTati}, %{-te}, %{ATa}, %{aTiSyati}, %{ATIt}, %{aTitum}, to roam, wander about (sometimes with acc.; frequently used of religious mendicants): Intens. %{aTATyate}, to roam or wander about zealously or habitually, especially as a religious mendicant: Desid. %{aTiTiSati}, to be desirous of roaming. at 1 ind. a prefix said to imply `" surprise "', probably a contraction of %{ati}, meaning `" extraordinary "', (g. %{Ury-Adi}, q.v.)\\ 2 cl. 1. P. A1. %{a4tati} (Naigh.; p. %{a4tat} or %{a4tamAna}), to go constantly, walk, run RV.; to obtain L. atad* = not that BhP. (cf. {a-sa}).


aTati = (1 pp) to roam atat = see 'atad' ataH = hence ataHparam * = ind. henceforth , further on. [12,2] atattvaarthavat.h = without knowledge of reality atandritaH = with great care atarka* = m. an illogical reasoner; bad logic. atapaskaaya = to one who is not austere athavi * = %{is}, or usually athavii * = f. `" place to roam in "', a forest. athavika * = better atha = thereupon * =(or Ved. {a4thA}) ind. (probably fr. pronom. base {a}), an auspicious and inceptive particle (not easily expressed in English), now; then; moreover; rather; certainly; but; else; what? how else? &c. \\" but if. "' MBh. v, 2775 Bhag. ii, 33; xviii, 58


atha-shabda = the word atha (prayers are started with words atha or AUM) atha.rH = object, meaning atharvaNvaakyaM = `atharvaNa" word-piece atharvashiirshha = atharva(?) atharvashiirshhaM = 'atharva' heading or head athavaa = or athaataH = atha and ataH: then and therefore athau = or in other words atho *= ind. ( = %{atha} above), now; likewise; next; therefore. ati = extremely aticara *= mfn. transient, changeable; (%{A}) f. the shrub Hibiscus Mutabilis. aticaara *= m. passing by, overtaking, surpassing; accelerated motion, especially of planets; transgression


ati-parichaya = excessive familiarity ati-viiryaM = super power atichaara = Accelerated planetary motion atikram *= to step or go beyond or over or across , (Ved. Inf. %{ati-kra4me} , to be walked on RV. i , 105 , 16) ; to pass , cross ; to pass time ; to surpass , excel , overcome ; to pass by , neglect ; to overstep , transgress , violate ; to pass on or away ; to step out ; to part from , lose: Caus. %{-krAmayati} , or %{kramayati} , to allow to pass (as time) ; to leave unnoticed. atikrama *= m. passing over , overstepping ; lapse (of time) ; overcoming , surpassing , conquering ; excess , imposition , transgression , violation ; neglect ; determined onset. atitaranti = transcend atitaralaM = ati+tarala, very+unstable atithi = (m) guest atithiH = (masc.Nom.sing.)guest (literally undated)


atidaaruuNaman.h = adj. very dreadful atidis' *= to make over, transfer, assign: Pass. %{dizyate}, (in Gr.) to be overruled or attracted or assimilated. atidurvritta = of exceedingly bad conduct atirichyate = becomes more ativartate = transcends atishaya = wonderful atishayokti = exaggeration atiitaH = surpassed atiitya = transcending atiindriyaM = transcendental atiiva = very much * = ind. exceedingly, very; excessively, too; quite; surpassing (with acc.): Compar. {atI7va-tarAm} ind. exceedingly, excessively S'is'. iv. 25. atikrama * = m. passing over, overstepping; lapse (of time); overcoming, surpassing, conquering;

excess, imposition, transgression, violation; neglect; determined onset atilaGgh* = Caus. %{-laGghayati}, to transgress Katha1s. atilaGghana* = n. excessive fasting Sus3r. ativaa * = 2. cl. 2. P. {-vAti}, to blow beyond AV.: cl. 4. P. {-vayati}, to blow violently; ({ati-vAyati}), pr. p. loc. ind. the wind blowing strongly MBh. ativartana* = n. a pardonable offence or misdemeanour. ativartin* = mfn. passing beyond, crossing, passing by, surpassing; guilty of a pardonable offence. ativartula* = mfn. very round; m. a kind of grain or pot-herb. atmaanaM = (masc.Acc.S) the self attA *= f. (probably a colloquialism borrowed from the Deccan, said to occur chiefly in dramas), a mother L.; mother's sister L.; elder L.; (in Pra1kr2it) a mother-in-law L. see %{akkA}. aththa *= ind. high, lofty L.; loud L.; m. a watch495

tower; a market, a market-place (corruption of %{haTTa}); N. of a Yaksha Ra1jat.; over-measure L.; (%{a}). f. overbearing conduct(?) Pa1n2. 3-1, 17 Comm.; (%{am}) n. boiled rice, food L.; (mfn.), dried, dry L. atra * = 1 (or Ved. %{a4-trA}) ind. (fr. pronominal base %{a}; often used in sense of loc. case %{asmin}), in this matter, in this respect; in this place, here at this time, there, then.\\2 mfn. ( %{tras}), (only for the etym. of %{kSattra}), `" not enjoying or affording protection "' Br2A1rUp.\\3 m. (for %{at@tra}, fr. %{ad}), a devourer, demon RV. AV., a Ra1kshasa.\\ atra 4 n. (for %{at-tra}), food RV. x, 79, 2. atrasat: V* getting frightened A* unsettled, daunted, put off, intimidated, shaken, overcome, dismayed. atulaniiya = uncomparable. atuulyaM = uncomparable. atura * = mfn. not liberal, not rich AV. atyaadri to take great care of, be anxious about. atyajat.h = left, sacrifice

atyantaM = the highest atyantika * = mfn. too close; (%{am}) n. too great nearness S3Br. atyarthaM = highly atyaaginaaM = for those who are not renounced atyaani = surpassing atyaya* = m. (fr. {i} with {ati} see {atI7}), passing, lapse, passage; passing away, perishing, death; danger, risk, evil, suffering; transgression, guilt, vice; getting at, attacking Yj. ii, 1 2; overcoming, mastering (mentally); a class ChUp. atyaaya* = m. ( {i}), the act of going beyond, transgression, excess Pn. 3-1, 141, ({am}, 4) ind. going beyond RV. viii, 101, 14. atyaayaa* = to pass by RV. atyushhNa = very hot atyeti = surpasses atra = (m) eater


audara: *audara + mfn. (fr. {udara}), being in the stomach or belly Suparn.; gastric (as a disease) Hcat. aum (AUM) *= ind. the sacred syllable of the S3u1dras (see 3. %{au}) (see also under pranava, omkaara and om) aupamyena = by comparison aushadha = medicine aushhadha = medicine aushhadhaM = medicine aushhadham.h = (n) medicine aushhadhasuuchii = (f) syringe, injection aushhadhivana = medicinal garden aushhadhiiH = vegetables aushaNa* = n. (fr. {uSaNa}), pungency L. aushadha* = mf({I})n. (fr. {oSadhi}), consisting of herbs S'Br. vii; ({I}) f. N. of Dkshyan MatsyaP.; ({am}) n. herbs collectively, a herb S'Br. AitBr.

KtyS'r. &c.; herbs used in medicine, simples, a medicament, drug, medicine in general Mn. MBh. Ragh. &c.; a mineral W.; a vessel for herbs. autpattika * = mf({I})n. (fr. {ut-patti}), relating to origin, inborn, original, natural Lthy. BhP. &c.; {a4 priori}; inherent, eternal Jaim. i, 1, 5. autsukya* = n. (fr. {ut-suka}), anxiety, desire, longing for, regret MBh. R. Ragh. &c.; eagerness, zeal, fervour, officiousness Pacat. Kaths.; impatience Sh. Pratpar. av* = cl. I.P. {a4vati} (Imper. 2. sg. {ava} sg. {tAt} RV. viii, 2, 3, p. {a4vat} impf. a4vat, 2. sg. 1. {A4vaH} [for 2. {A4vaH} see {vR}]; perf. 3. sg. {Ava}, 2. pl. {Ava4} RV. viii, 7, 18, 2.sg. {A4vitha}; aor. {a4vit}, 2. sg. {AvIs}, {avIs} and {aviSas}, Imper. {aviSTu}, 2. sg. {aviDDhi4} [once RV. ii, 17, 8] or {aviDDh} [six times in RV.], 2. du. {aviSTam}, 3. du., 2. pl. {aviSTa4nA} RV. vii, 18, 25 Prec. 3. sg. {avyAs}, Inf. {a4vitave} RV. vii, 33, 1; Ved. ind. p. {AvyA} RV. i, 166, 13) to drive, impel, animate (as a car or horse) RV.; Ved.to promote, favour, (chiefly Ved.) to satisfy, refresh; to offer (as a hymn to the gods) "' RV. iv, 44, 6; to lead or bring to (dat.: {Uta4ye}, {vA4ja-sAtaye}, {kSatrA4ya}, {svasta4ye}) RV.; (said of the gods) to be pleased with, like, accept favourably (as sacrifices, prayers

or hymns) RV., (chiefly said of kings or princes) to guard, defend, protect, govern BhP. Ragh. ix, 1 VarBriS. &c.: Caus. (only impf. {avayat}, 2. sg. {Avayas}) to consume, devour RV. AV. VS. S'Br. [cf. Gk. $ Lat. {aveo}?]. &29765[96,1] ava = protect avaachii = (f) south avaachya = unkind avaaptavyaM = to be gained avaapta* = mfn. one who has attained or reached KathhUp.; obtained, got, ({am}) n. `" got by division, a quotient Comm. on VarBri. avaaptavat* = mfn. reaching, obtaining; entertaining (as a belief) L. avaaptavya* = mfn. to be obtained Bhag. Ragh. avaapita* = mfn. ( {vap}), not sown (as grain, {dhAnya}) but planted L. avaap* = ( {Ap}), {-Apnoti} (Imper. 2. sg. {Apnuhi}) to reach, attain, obtain, gain, get Up. Mn. MBh. &c.; to get by division (as a quotient)

Sryas.; to suffer (e.g. blame or unpleasantness or pain) Mn. Ragh. xviii, 34 Pacat.: Caus. to cause to obtain anything (acc.) Naish. viii, 89. avaapa * = mfn. see %{dur-avA7pa}. avaapti* = f. obtaining, getting R. Kum. v, 64, &c.; (in arithm.) a quotient. avaaptuM = to achieve avaapnoti = gets avaapya = achieving avaapyate = is achieved avaapsyatha = you will achieve avaapsyasi = will gain avaarch *= ( %{Rch}) , %{avA7rchati} (sic ; Pot. %{avA7rche4t}) to fall down , become damaged TS. S3Br. avaastu* = mfn. having no home AV. xii, 5, 45. avabhaasa * = m. splendour, lustre, light; appearance (especially ifc. with words expressing a

colour) Jain. Sus'r.; (in Vednta phil.) manifestation; reach, compass, see, {zravaNA7vabh-}. ava-bhaasa-kara * =m. N. of a Devaputra Lalit. ava-bhaasa-prabha * ={As} m. pl.N. of a class of deities Buddh. ava-bhaasa-prA7pta * =m. N. of a world Buddh. ava-bhaasaka * =mfn. (in Vednta phil.) illuminating, making manifest. [101, 3] ava-bhaasana-zikhin * =m. N. of a Nga demon Buddh. ava-bhASaNa * =n. speaking against, speaking Sh. ava-bhaasana * =n. shining Bhpr.; becoming manifest Sh.; (in Ved. phil.) illuminating. avabhritha* = (once %{-bhRtha} AV. ix, 6, 63) m. `" carrying off, removing "', purification or ablution of the sacrificer and sacrificial vessels after a sacrifice RV. viis, 73, 23, &c.; a supplementary sacrifice (see below) cf. %{jIvitA7vabh-}. avabodha * = m. waking, being awake Bhag. vi, 17 Kum. ii, 8; perception, knowledge Ragh. vii, 38,

&c., faculty of being resolute in judgment or action [Comm.] BhP., teaching L. (vedabase:) consciousness; avabodha-rasa of Your internal potency, by the mellow of knowledge; knowledge; total consciousness. avachaya = (m) gathering, collection avachinoti = to pluck avachyaH = unblamable avadhaana * = n. attention, attentiveness, intentness Kum.iv, 2 S3is3. ix, 11, &c., (cf. %{sA7vadhana}.) avadhiiraNaa = (f) a repulse, repulsion avadhuuta* = mfn. shaken off (as evil spirits) VS. i, i4; removed, shaken away BhP. &c.; discarded, expelled, excluded MBh. &c.; disregarded, neglected, rejected Das'. &c.; touched R. vi, 82, 62; shaken, agitated (especially as plants or the dust by the wind), fanned MBh. &c.; that upon which anything unclean has been shaken out or off (cf. {avakSuta}) Mn. v, 125 MBh. xiii, 1577; unclean BhP.; one who has shaken, off from himself worldly feeling and obligation, a philosopher ({brahmavid}) BhP. Rjat.; m. N. of a S'aiva philosopher;

({am}) n. rejecting, repudiating MBh. iv, 352 (= Hariv. 4717). avadhuutapraNipAta* = mf({A})n. rejecting an act of homage Vikr. avadhuutavesha* = mfn. `" wearing unclean clothes "' or `" wearing the clothes of one who is rejected "', or `" having discarded clothes "' BhP. avadhyaH = cannot be killed avadya * = mfn. (Pn. 3-1, 101) `" not to be praised "', blamable, low, inferior RV. iv, 18, 5 and vi, 15, 12 BhP.; disagreeable L.; (a4m) n. anything blamable, want, imperfection, vice RV. &c.; blame, censure ib.; shame, disgrace RV. AV. ava-dhUta * = mfn. shaken off (as evil spirits) VS. i, i4; removed, shaken away BhP. &c.; discarded, expelled, excluded MBh. &c.; disregarded, neglected, rejected Das'. &c.; touched R. vi, 82, 62; shaken, agitated (especially as plants or the dust by the wind), fanned MBh. &c.; that upon which anything unclean has been shaken out or off (cf. {avakSuta}) Mn. v, 125 MBh. xiii, 1577; unclean BhP.; one who has shaken, off from himself worldly feeling and obligation, a philosopher ({brahmavid}) BhP. Rjat.; m. N. of a S'aiva philosopher;

({am}) n. rejecting, repudiating MBh. iv, 352 (= Hariv. 4717). ava-dhUta-praNipAta* =mf({A})n. rejecting an act of homage Vikr. ava-dhUta-veSa * =mfn. `" wearing unclean clothes "' or `" wearing the clothes of one who is rejected "', or `" having discarded clothes "' BhP. avadhuuta * = mfn. shaken off (as evil spirits) VS. i, i4; removed, shaken away BhP. &c.; discarded, expelled, excluded MBh. &c.; disregarded, neglected, rejected Das'. &c.; touched R. vi, 82, 62; shaken, agitated (especially as plants or the dust by the wind), fanned MBh. &c.; that upon which anything unclean has been shaken out or off (cf. {avakSuta}) Mn. v, 125 MBh. xiii, 1577; unclean BhP.; one who has shaken, off from himself worldly feeling and obligation, a philosopher ({brahmavid}) BhP. Rjat.; m. N. of a S'aiva philosopher; ({am}) n. rejecting, repudiating MBh. iv, 352 (= Hariv. 4717). avaGYaa = contempt avaGYaataM = without proper attention avagachchha = must know

avagam.h = to comprehend, understand avagamaM = understood avagantavya * = mfn. to be known or understood, intended to be understood, meant. avagraha = (m) famine avahaasaarthaM = for joking avahaa* = to be left remaining, remain behind, to be excelled, to be abandoned avajaananti = deride avajaya* = m. overcoming, winning by conquest Ragh. vi, 62, &c. avajaghnat* = mfn. (irreg. p. in Pass. sense; {hanyamAna} Comm.) being beaten or struck by (instr.) MBh. i, 1424. avajaya *V= indifferent, neglectful, disrespecting, disregarding, disobeying avaji* = (impf. {avA7jayat}; ind. p. -jitya) to spoil (i.e. deprive of by conquest), win MBh. Mn. xi 80 &c.; to ward off MBh. xiii, 124, to conquer MBh..:

Desid. (p. {-jigISat}) to wish to win or recover S'nkhS'r. avajita* = mfn. won by conquest R. iii, 54, 6, contemned L. avajiti* = is f. conquest, victory Kir. vi, 43. avajaata* = mfn. despised, disrespected; given (as alms) with contempt. Bhag. xvii, 22. avajaana* = n. (Pn. 3-3, 55) = 2. {ava-jJA} Ragh. i, 79 Hit. avajyut* = Caus. {-jyotayati}, to light up or cause a light to shine upon, illumine S'Br. avajval* = Caus. {-jvalayati} [S'V-S'r.] or {-jvAl}, [Kaus'.], to set on fire. avaaj* = ({aj}) {a4vA7jati}, to drive down RV. i, 161, 10. avajA* =1 {-jAnAti} (ind. p. {-jJaya}; perf. Pass. {jajJle} Bhathth.) to disesteem, have a low opinion of, despise, treat with contempt MBh. &c.; to excel Kvya7d. avajA* =2 f. contempt, disesteem, disrespect

(with loc. or gen.); ({ayA}) instr. ind. with disregard, indifferently Kaths. (cf. {sA7vAjJam}.) avakaranikara = dust, garbage avakarikaa = (f) dustbin, garbage bin avakalana = differentiation avakalpate (avaklRp) *= %{-kalpate} , to correspond to , answer , be right TS. &c. ; to be fit for , serve to (dat.) BhP. Sarvad.: Caus. , %{kalpayati} , to put in order , prepare "' , make ready S3Br. &c. ; to employ becomingly S3Br. ; to consider as possible Pa1n2. 3- "' , 3 , 147 Sch.: Desid. of Caus. (impf. 3. pl. %{avA7cikalpayiSan}) to wish to prepare or to make ready AitBr. avakiraNa * = n. sweepings Car. avakirNa * = mfn. who has spilt his semen virile , i. e. violated his vow of chastity TA1r. , poured upon , covered with , filled MBh. i , 7840 , &c. , (cf. %{sapta@dvArA7vakIrNa}) avakirNajaTAbhAra * = mfn. whose tresses of hair are scattered or have become loose Das3. avalepa * = m. glutinousness (as of the mouth)

Sus'r. [103, 3]; ointment L.; ornament L.; pride, haughtiness BhP. Ragh. &c. (cf. {an-} neg.) avalehaH = (m) pickle avalipta = proud, haughty avaman * = 1. (Pot. {-manyeta} aor. Subj. 2. sg. {maMsthAH}, 2.pl. {-madhvam} Bhathth.; ep. also P. {-manyati} fut. {-maMsyati} MBh. iv, 444) to despise, treat, contemptuously MBh. &c.; to repudiate refuse ib.: Pass. {-manyate} to be treated contemptuously: Caus. (Pot. {-mAnayet}) to despise, treat contemptuous) y Mn. ii, 50. avamaana * m. (ifc. f. Kaths.) disrespect contempt Mn. ii, 162, &c.; dishonour, ignominy MBh. iii, 226, &c. avana = protection* = n. favour, preservation, protection Nir. BhP. &c. (cf. {an.avana}); (= {tarpaNa}) satisfaction L.; joy, pleasure L.; (for the explan. of 2. {e4va}) desire, wish Nir.; speed L.; 1. ({I}) f. the plant Ficus Heterophylla L.; N. of a river Hariv.; (for 2. {avanI} see {ava4ni}.) avani* = f. course, bed of a river RV.; stream, river RV., the earth Naigh. R. Pacat. &c.; the soil, ground Megh.; any place on the ground Sryas.;

({ayas}) f. pl. the fingers Naigh. avanii* = 1 f. the earth R. Pacat. avanii* = 2 (fut. 2. sg. {-neSyasi}) to lead or bring down into (water) S'Br.; to put into (loc.) Gobh.; {nayati}, Ved. to pour down or over AV. VS. &c. avana* = n. favour, preservation, protection Nir. BhP. &c. (cf. {an.avana}); (= {tarpaNa}) satisfaction L.; joy, pleasure L.; (for the explan. of 2. {e4va}) desire, wish Nir.; speed L.; 1. ({I}) f. the plant Ficus Heterophylla L.; N. of a river Hariv.; (for 2. {avanI} see {ava4ni}.) avanejana * = mf({I})n. washing, serving for washing (the feet) BhP.; ({am}) n. ablution (of hands [SBr.] or feet [Mn. ii, 209 BhP.]); water for washing (hands [AV. xi, 3, 13] or feet cf. {pAdA7van-}). avaniM = earth avanipaala = of warrior kings avaniitanya = the daughter of the Earth (siita) avapaata* = m. falling down Mriicch.; ({an-} neg.) AitBr. (cf. {zastrA7vap-}); descent, descending

upon; flying down Hit.; a hole or pit for catching game in Ragh. xvi, 78 [101,1]; ({am}) ind. with {ava-patya} (ind. p.), falling or flying down like (in comp.) avapad* = {-padyate} (Subj. P. {-padAti} RV. ix, 73, 9; Prec. . 3. sg. {-padISTa} RV. vii, 104, 17; aor. Subj. . 3. sg. {-pAdi} RV. i, 105, 3; Ved. Inf. (abl.) {-pa4das} RV. ii, 29, 6) Ved. to fall down, glide down into (acc.) RV. &c.; (Imper. . 3. pl. {padyantAm}; Subj. P. 2. sg. {-patsi}; Pot. P. 1. sg. {padyeyam}) to drop from (abl.), be deprived of (abl.) AV. AitBr. PBr.; (Subj. . 1. sg. {-padyai}) to fall, meet with an accident AitBr.; (fut. 3. pl. {patsyanti}) to throw down Kthh.: Caus. (Imper. 2. sg. {-pAdaya}; ind. p. {-pAdya}) to cause to glide or go down AV. Sus'r. avapas'* = P. {-pazyati} (2. pl. {-pazyata}; p. {pa4zyat}) to look down upon (acc.) RV. AV. xviii, 4, 37: . {-pazyate}, to look upon AV. ix 4,19. avapaT* = (ind. p. {-pATya}) to split, tear into pieces Sus'r. Kd. Pass. {-pAtyate}, to crack, flaw, split Sus'r. avapat* = (p. {-patat} RV. x, 97, 17 ind. p. {-patya} see {ava-pAta}; impf. {avA7patat} MBh. &c.) to fly down, jump down, fall down: Caus. (p. {-pAtayat})

to throw down Kaths. avaraM = abominable avarcas * = mfn. having no vigour or energy AV. iv , 22 , 3 S3Br. v. avaruuNaddhi = to obstruct avarohati = to descend avaruddha * = hindered, checked, stopped, kept back S'ak. Sh.; shut in, enclosed Mn. viii, 236 &c.; imprisoned secluded (as in the inner apartments) Yj. ii, 290, &c.; expelled MBh. iv, 2011, &c.; wrapped up, covered VarBriS.; disguised Das'.; Ved. obtained, gained S'Br. &c. avarudh* = P. (aor. {-rudhat}) to obstruct, enclose, contain RV. x, 105, 1, (Inf. {-roddhum}) to check, keep back, restrain R. iii, 1, 33, to expel Kaus'. S'nkhS'r. R. ii, 30, 9; {-ruNaddhi}, to seclude, put aside, remove S'Br. KaushBr. ShadvBr.; to shut in, (aor. . {avA7ruddha} and Pass. {avA7rodh}) Pn. 3-1, 64 Sch.; to keep anything (acc., as one's grief) locked up (in one's bosom acc.) Bhathth.; (ind. p. {rudhya}) to keep one's self ({AtmAnam}) wrapped up in one's self ({Atmani}) BhP.; (impf. {avA7ruNat}) to confine within, besiege Das'.: . {512

rundhe} (for {-nddhe} AV.; impf. {avA7rundha} TS.; ind. p. {-ru4dhya} ib.; Ved. Inf. {-ru4dham} ib. and {-rudham} MaitrS.) chiefly Ved. to reach, obtain, gain: P. (p.f. {-rundhatI}; cf. {anurudh}) to be attached to, like BhP.: Desid.A. {-rurutsate}, Ved.to wish to obtain or gain TS. &c.: Intens.P. (Subj. 2. sg. {-rorudhas}) to expel from "' (the domimon) R. si, 58, 20. avaruuDha* = mfn. come near, approached AV. vi, 140, 1; descended, dismounted, alighted. avarudham * = Ved.Inf. see %{avarudh}. avarudhyamaana * = mfn. being enclosed or surrounded BhP. avasaadita * = mfn. made to sink , exhausted , dispirited ; frustrated R. v , 51 , 2. avashaH = helplessly avazesha * = n. leavings , remainder Mn. viii , 159 , &c. ; often ifc. e.g. %{ardhA7v-} , %{kathA7v-} , %{pitA7v-} q.v. ; (%{am}) ind. ifc. so as to leave as a remnant Das3. (cf. %{nir-av}.) avas'eshita* = mfn. left as a remnant, remaining MBh. i, 5129, &c. (cf. %{kathA-mAtrA7v-} and

%{nAmamAtrA7v-}.) avas'i * = (Imper. 2. sg. %{-zizIhi}) to deliver from , remove RV. x , 105 , 8. avas'I * = A1. (3. pl. %{zIyante} ; Imper. %{zIyatam}) to fall or drop off AV. xviii , 3 , 60 TS. Ka1t2h. S3Br. PBr. avas'IbhUta * = mfn. unrestrained , independent L. ; uninfluenced by magic L. avas'in * = mfn. not having one's own free will ; not exercising on's own will , not independent A1p. avas'ish * = Pass. %{-zi4Syate} , to be left as a remnant , remain TBr. S3Br. MBh. &c.: Caus. (Pot. %{-zeSayet}) to leave as a remnant MBh. v , 2638 R. v , 26 , 38. avas'iSTa * = mfn. left , remaining. avashishhyate = remains avashhTabhya = entering into avasaM = automatically avasan.h = III pl. imperfect of vas, to live

avasannaaH = inadequate avasaraH = (m) opportunity, chance avasarpati = to slide (as from a waterslide) avasaadayet.h = put into degradation avasAdita * mfn. made to sink, exhausted, dispirited; frustrated avasara *= m. `" descent (of water) "', rain L.; occasion, moment, favourable opportunity S3ak. &c.; seasonableness, appropriate place for anything (gen.) Katha1s.; any one's (gen.) turn Pan5cat.; leisure, advantageous situation L.; (= %{mantra}) consultation in private(?) L.; a year L.; (%{e}) loc. ind. at the right moment Katha1s. avasatha * = m. (for {A-vasatha} q.v.) habitation Hcat.; a village L.; a college, school L.; ({am}) n. a house, dwelling L. avasthaa = a state of the mind* = P. {-tiSThati} (impf. {-atiSThat}; aor. Subj. {-sthAt}; perf. . 3. sg. {-tasthe}; perf. p. P. {-tasthiva4s}) `" to go down into (acc.), reach down to (acc.) RV. S'Br.; (aor. Subj. 2. pl. {-sthAta}), to go away from (abl.) RV. v, 53, 8; (aor. Subj. 1. sg. {-stkam}) to be

separated from or deprived of (abl.) RV. ii, 27, 17: . (Pn. 1-3, 22; rarely P. e.g. Bhag. xiv, 23 BhP. &c.) to take one's stand, remain standing s'vGri. &c.; to stay, abide, stop at any place (loc.) MBh. &c.; to abide in a state or condition (instr.) MBh. i, 5080 BhP. &c.; (with ind. p.) to remain or continue (doing anything) MBh. i, 5770; iii, 187 (ed. Bomb.), &c.; to be found, exist, be present MBh. Yj. i, 272, &c.; (perf. 1 sg. {-tasthe}) to fall to, fall into the possession of (dat.) RV. x, 48, 5; to enter, be absorbed in in (loc.) Mn. vi, 81 [106,1]; to penetrate (as sound or as fame) MBh. xiii, 1 845: Pass. {sthIyate}, to be settled or fixed or chosen S'ak.: Caus. (generally ind. p. {-sthApya}) to cause to stand or stop (as a carriage or an army &c.), let behind MBh. &c.; to place upon (loc.), fix, set, array s'vGri. &c.; to cause to enter or be absorbed in (loc.) MBh. iii, 12502; to render solid or firm R. v, 35, 36; to establish (by arguments) Comm. on Nyyad.: Pass. Caus. {-sthApyate}, to be kept firm [`" to be separated "' BR.] BhP. avasthaatuM = to stay avasthaatrayaH = three states of bodily consciousness (awake, sleep, dream) avasthitaM = situated


avasthitaH = situated avasthitaaH = situated avasthitaan.h = arrayed on the battlefield avasthiti %{is} f. residence BhP. Katha1s. abiding, stability see %{an-av-}; following, practising L. avastu*n = n. a worthless thing Kum. v, 66, insubstantiality, the unreality of matter Kap. Vedntas. avasyand* = . (p. {-syandamAna}) to flow or trickle down BhP. avasyandita* = n. (in rhetoric) attributing to one's own words a sense not originally meant Sh. Das'ar. &c. avasya* = Nom P. (p. dat. sg. m. {avasyate}) to seek favour or assistance RV. i, 116, 23. av[at] * = cl. I .P. %{a4vati} (Imper. 2. sg. %{ava} sg. %{tAt} RV. viii , 2 , 3 , p. %{a4vat} impf. a4vat , 2. sg. 1. %{A4vaH} [for 2. %{A4vaH} see %{vR}] ; perf. 3. sg. %{Ava} , 2. pl. %{Ava4} RV. viii , 7 , 18 , 2.sg. %{A4vitha} ; aor. %{a4vit} , 2. sg. %{AvIs} , %{avIs} and %{aviSas} , Imper. %{aviSTu} , 2. sg.

%{aviDDhi4} [once RV. ii , 17 , 8] or %{aviDDh} [six times in RV.] , 2. du. %{aviSTam} , 3. du. , 2. pl. %{aviSTa4nA} RV. vii , 18 , 25 Prec. 3. sg. %{avyAs} , Inf. %{a4vitave} RV. vii , 33 , 1 ; Ved. ind. p. %{AvyA} RV. i , 166 , 13) to drive , impel , animate (as a car or horse) RV. ; Ved.to promote , favour , (chiefly Ved.) to satisfy , refresh ; to offer (as a hymn to the gods) "' RV. iv , 44 , 6 ; to lead or bring to (dat.: %{Uta4ye} , %{vA4ja-sAtaye} , %{kSatrA4ya} , %{svasta4ye}) RV. ; (said of the gods) to be pleased with , like , accept favourably (as sacrifices , prayers or hymns) RV. , (chiefly said of kings or princes) to guard , defend , protect , govern BhP. Ragh. ix , 1 VarBr2S. &c.: Caus. (only impf. %{avayat} , 2. sg. %{Avayas}) to consume , devour RV. AV. VS. S3Br. [cf. Gk. $ Lat. {aveo}?]. &29765[96 ,1] avatara * = m. descent, entrance S'is'. i, 43; opportunity Naish. avataara = a divine incarnation particularly of Vishnu, e.g. Buddha* = m. (Pn. 3-3, 120) descent (especially of a deity from heaven), appearance of any deity upon earth (but more particularly the incarnations of Vishnu in ten principal forms, viz. the fish tortoise, boar, man lion, dwarf, the two Rmas, Kriishna, Buddha, and Kalki MBh. xii, 12941 seqq.); any new and unexpected appearance

Ragh. iii, 36 & v, 24, &c., (any distinguished person in the language of respect is called an Avatra or incarnation of a deity); opportunity of catching any one Buddh.; a Tirtha or sacred place L.; translation L. avataritavya* = n. impers. to be alighted Mriicch. avataarita* = mfn. caused to descend, fetched down from (abl.); taken down, laid down or aside; removed; set a-going, rendered current, accomplished Rjat. avataarin* = mfn. making one's appeance see {raGgA7vat-}; making a descent in the incarnation of (in comp.) RmatUp.; ifc. appearing Mlatm. avataarayati = to keep down, to get down avati = (1 pp) to protect avatishhThati = remains avatishhThate = becomes established avatu = (may the lord) protect avayavaH = A Limb (of the body), A part, a portion, a component, a constitunt, an ingredient

avayava * =m. (ifc. f. {A}) a limb, member, part, portion Pn. &c.; a member or component part of a logical argument or syllogism Nyyid. &c. aaves'a *= m. joining one's self Ka1tyS3r.; entering, entrance, taking possession of MBh. S3ak. Prab. &c.; absorption of the faculties in one wish or idea, intentness, devotedness to an object BhP.; demoniacal frenzy, possession, anger, wrath Ba1lar. Ka1d.; pride, arrogance L.; indistinctness of idea, apoplectic or epileptic giddiness L. avekshaa * f. observation, care, attention to (loc.) Mn. vii, 101 R. BhP. avekshya* = mfn. to be attended to avekshitavya mfn. to be observed attentively Sus3r. avi* = mfn. ( {av}), favourable, kindly disposed AV. v, 1, 9, ({is}) mf. a sheep RV. (mentioned with reference to its wool being used for the Soma strainer) AV. &c.; the woollen Soma strainer RV.; ({is}) m. a protector, lord L.; the sun L.; air, wind L.; a mountain L.; a wall or enclosure L.; a cover made of the skin of mice L., ({is}) f. an ewe AV. x, 8, 31, (= a-v q.v.; cf. also {adhi}) a woman in her courses L. [cf. Lith. {awi-s}; Slav. {ovjza}, Lat. {ovi520

s}; Gk. $-s; Goth. {avistr}]. avibhaktaM = without division avichaarii = adj. thoughtless avidita = without knowledge, unknowingly avidushaH = of one who does not know avidya = lack of education, ignorance * = mfn. unlearned, unwise Mn. ix, 205, &c.; ({avidyA}) f. ignorance, spiritual ignorance AV. xi, 8, 23 VS. xl, 12-14 S'Br.xiv; (in Vednta phil.) illusion (personified as My), ignorance together with non-existence Buddh. avidyAmaya* = mfn. consisting of ignorance. avidyamAna* = mfn. (3. {vid}; pr. Pass. p.), not present or existent, absent KtyS'r. Lthy. Mn. &c. {-ta} f. the not being present Comm. on Nyayad. avidyamAnatva* = n. id. Comm. on BrirUp. avidyamAnavat* = ind. as if not being present Pn. 3-1, 3 Comm.; viii, 1, 72. avidyaa = metaphysical ignorance

avidyamaana* = mfn. (3. {vid}; pr. Pass. p.), not present or existent, absent KtyS'r. Lthy. Mn. &c. {-ta} f. the not being present Comm. on Nyayad. avidvaa.nsaH = the ignorant avidhipuurvakaM = in a wrong way aviGYeyaM = unknowable avii * = {Is} f. ( {vI}), a woman in her courses L. avikalpena = without division avikaaryaH = unchangeable avikaarin * = mfn. unchangeable, invariable (as truth) MBh. xii, 5979 & (superl. %{-ri-tama}) 5986, &c.; unchangeable (in character), faithful Mn. vii, 190; without change, without being changed Sus3r.; not exhibiting any alteration (in one's features) Katha1s. avilupta*= mfn. undamaged unhurt BhP. Ra1jat. Katha1s avinashyantaM = not destroyed avinaasha = undestructible, name of Vishnu

avinaashi = imperishable avinaashinaM = indestructible avinda *= not finding, not getting, not gaining avipakva* =mfn. undigested Bhpr.; immature. avipashchitaH = men with a poor fund of knowledge avirati = sensuality avirodha = no opposition * = m. non-opposition to, living or being in agreement with (in comp. or inst.) MBh. xiii, 1935 Hariv. 8752 R.; nonincompatibility, consistency, harmony, Ya1n5. ii, 186, &c. avis'aGka* = mfn. having no doubts, not hesitating MBh. iii, 2171 and xiii, 2747; ({A}) f. `" no hesitation "', ({ayA}) instr. ind. undoubtingly without hesitation MBh. Hariv. &c. avis'aGkita* = mfn. unapprehensive, not having doubts, not hesitating MBh. v, 490 BhP. &c.; ({am}) ind. without hesitation R. v, 90, 13 Sus'r. avis'astR* = {tA4} m. an unskilful cutter up or

killer (of animals) RV. i, 162, 20. avis'esha* = m. non-distinction, non-difference, uniformity Kap.; (mfn.)without difference, uniform BhP. Kap. &c.; ({ANi}) n. pl. (in Sinkhya phil.) N. of the (five) elementary substances (cf. {tan-mAtra}); ({At}) ind. or in comp. {avizSa-} [e.g. {avizeSazruteS}, {aviseSo7padezAt} KtyS'r.] without a special distinction or difference KtyS'r.] Jaim. Gaut. S'ulb.; not differently, equally Comm. on Nyyad.; ({eNa}) ind. without a special distinction or difference p. Comm. on Yj. &c. = avis'eshavat* = mfn. not making a difference between (loc.) Yj. iii, 154. avasita * = mfn. one who has put up at any place, who dwells, rests, resides RV. i, 32, 15 and iv, 25, 8 S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.; brought to his abode (as Agni) TS.; ended, terminated, finished, completed MBh. i, 4678, &c.; one who has given up anything (abl. MBh. xii, 7888; or in comp. Ya1jn5. ii, 183); determined, fixed BhP.; ascertained BhP.; known, understood; one who is determined to (loc.) BhP.; being at end of the line of a verse (see %{avasA4na}) RPra1t. VPra1t.; stored (as grain &c.) L.; gone L.; (%{am}) n. `" a dwelling-place "' see %{navA7vasita4}.


avis'va* = n. not the universe BhP. avis'vasat* = mfn. not confiding Rjat. Kaths. avis'vasta* = mfn. not trusted, suspected, doubted L.; = {a-vizvasa4t} R. iii, 1, 25, &c. avisha * = 1 mf(%{A})n. not poisonous RV. AV. VS. Sus3r.; (%{A}) f. the plant Curcuma Zedoaria \\ 2 m. ( %{av}), the ocean Un2. (cf. %{taviSa}); (%{I}) f. a river Un2.; the earth L. avekshe = let me see avekshya = considering avottaraattaat.h = protect me from the northern direction avrithaa * = ind. not in vain, profitably L. avyaakritaa = not expressed avya * = mfn. (said of the woollen Soma strainer) coming from sheep ({a4vi} q.v.) RV.; ({as}, {am}) m. n. the woollen Soma strainer RV. avyaahataaGYaH = avyAhata+agyaH, not feeling the hit?

avyabhichaariNii = without any break avyabhichaariNyaa = without any break avyabhichaareNa = without fail avyaakrita* = mfn. undeveloped, unexpounded S'Br. xiv BhP.; ({am}) n. elementary substance from which all things were created, considered as one with the substance of Brahma L. avyakta = nonmanifested* = mfn. undeveloped, not manifest, unapparent, indistinct, invisible, imperceptible Up. Pn. Mn. &c.; (in alg.) unknown as quantity or number; speaking indistinctly; m. (= {paramA7tman}) the universal Spirit Mn. ix, 50; N. of Vishnu L.; of S'iva L.; of Kma L.; a fool L.; N. of an Upanishad; ({am}) n. (in Snkhya phil.) `" the unevolved (Evolver of all things) "', the primary germ of nature, primordial element or productive principle whence all the phenomena of the material world are developed, KathhaUp. Snkhyak. &c.; ({am}) ind. indistinctly. avyaktaM = nonmanifested avyaktaH = invisible avyaktamuurtinaa = by the unmanifested form

avyaktaa = toward the unmanifested avyaktaat.h = to the unmanifest avyaktaadiini = in the beginning unmanifested avyaliika * = mfn. having no uneasiness or unpleasantness; well off MBh. v, 698; not false, true, veracious BhP. Das'ar.; ({am}) ind. truly BhP. avyaya = without deterioration: 1 or rarely {a4vyaya} [only RV. viii, 97, 2 and ix, 86, 34] mfn. ({a4vi}) made of sheep's skin (as the woollen Soma strainer) RV.; belonging to or consisting of sheep RV. viii, 97, 2. \\2 mf({A})n. not liable to change, imperishable, undecaying Up. Mn. &c.; `" not spending "', parsimonious; m. N. of Vishnu or S'iva L.; of a son of Manu Raivata Hariv. 433; of a Nga demon MBh. i, 2157 (ed. Bomb.); the nonspending, parsimony; ({am}) n. [or m. L.] an indeclinable word, particle Pn. APrt. &c.; (in Vednta) a member or corporeal part of an organized body L. avyayaM = immutable; V state of affairs avyayaH = inexhaustible avyayasya = of the imperishable

avyavasaayinaaM = of those who are not in KRishhNa consciousness avyutpanna mfn. not ensuing or following, Ven2is.; underived (as a word), having no etymology Pa1n2. 7-2, 8 Pat.; unaccomplished, inexperienced BhP. &c. ayaama * = not a night-watch, any time during daylight. ayaasya * (4) mfn. (= $ Windisch; cf. {ayA4s} and {ai0A4s} before), agile, dexterous, valiant RV.; m. N. of an Angiras (composer of the hymns RV. ix, 44-66 and x, 67 and 68) RV. x, 67, 1 and 108, 8 S'Br. xiv. ayaata * = mfn. not gone ayaM = him (from idaM.h) ayajanta = third person plur. imperfect aatmanepada of yaj, to worship ayatha * = n. a foot RV. x 28, 10 and 11 (mfn.) prosperous, Pa1rGr.\\see col. 2.\\ayatha ind. not as it should be, unfitly BhP. ayatiH = the unsuccessful transcendentalist


ayathaavat.h = imperfectly ayana*=mfn. going VS. xxii, 7 Nir.; ({am}) n. walking a road a path RV. iii 33, 7 &c. (often ifc. cf. {naimiSA7yana}, {puruSA7yana}, {prasamA7yana}, {samudrA7yaNa}, {svedA7yana}), (in astron) advancing, precession Sryas.; (with gen [e.g. {a4ngirasAm}, {AdityA4nam}, {gavAm}, &c.] or ifc.) `" course, circulation "'N. of various periodical sacrificial rites AV. S'Br. &c. the sus road north and south of the equator, the half year Mn. &c., the equinoctial and solstitial points VarBriS. &c.; way, progress, manner S'Br.; place of refuge Mn. i, 10; a treatise ({zAstra} cf. {jyotiSAm-ayana}) L. ayaana* =n. not moving "', halting, stopping L.; (= {sva.bhAva}), natural disposition or temperament "' L ayaneshhu = in the strategic points ayama = length, extension, restraint ayashaH = infamy ayasaH = (m) iron ayase = (v) to go

ayata * = mfn. unrestrained, uncontrolled ayatha * = n. a foot RV. x 28, 10 and 11 (mfn.) prosperous, Pa1rGr.\\see col. 2.\\ ayatha ind. not as it should be, unfitly BhP. ayaGYasya = for one who performs no sacrifice ayudha* = m. a non-fighter Pn. 5-1, 121. ayuktaH = one who is not in KRishhNa consciousness ayuktasya = of one who is not connected (with KRishhNa consciousness) ayuta * = 1 mfn. (1. {yu}), unimpeded AV. xix, 51, 1; N. of a son of Rdhika BhP. ayu4ta * = 2 n. [{as} m. only MBh. iii, 801], `" unjoined, unbounded "', ten thousand, a myriad RV. AV. &c.; in comp. a term of praise (see {ayutA7dhyApaka}), (g. {kASThA7di} q.v.) ayogataH = without devotional service ayojayishhyat.h = if one does not join or connect ayobhaaNDam.h = (n) a wooden barrel

ba * the third letter of the labial class (often confounded with {va}). baadaraayaNa * = m. (patr. fr. %{badara}; cf. g. %{naDA7di}) N. of sev. teachers and authors (esp. of a sage identified with Vya1sa, said to be the author of the Veda7nta-su1tras; of an astronomer; of the author of a Dharma-s3a1stra &c. ) IW. 106 &c.; mfn. written or composed by Ba1dBa1dara1yan2a Cat. baadhate = (1 ap) to obstruct baadhyate = affected, afflicted baadhaka * = mf({ikA})n. oppressing, harassing, paining (see {zatru-b-}); opposing, hindering, injuring, prejudicing MBh. Pur. ({-tA} f.); setting aside, suspending, annulling S'ank. Sarvad. ({-tva} n.); m. a partic. disease of women L.; a kind of tree Gobh.; mf({I})n. belonging to or derived from the Bdhaka tree ShadvBr. S'rS.


baadhana * = mfn. oppressing, harassing (see {zatrub-}); opposing, refuting L.; ({A}) f. uneasiness, trouble, pain Nyyas.; n. opposition, resistance, oppression, molestation, affliction (also pl.) R. S'ak.; removing, suspending, annulment (of a rule &c.) Veda7ntas. Pn. Sch. baadhita4 * = mfn. pressed, oppressed &c. RV. &c. &c.; (in gram.) set aside, annulled; (in logic) contradictory, absurd, false, incompatible (cf. {abAdhita}) baadhya * = mfn. to be (or being) pressed hard or harassed or distressed or pained or checked or suppressed , Kav. Katha1s. Pur. &c. ; to be (or being) set aside or suspended or annulled Vop. bhaadra* = m. (fr. {bhadra}, of which it is also the Vriiddhi form in comp.) the month Bhdra (= {pada} below) Rjat.; ({I}) f. (scil. {tithi}) the day of full moon in the month BhBhdra Col. baahu = arm *= 1 m. and (L.) f. (fr. %{bah}, %{baMh}; for 2. %{bAhu} see col. 3) the arm, (esp.) the fore-arm, the arm between the elbow and the wrist (opp. to %{pra-gaNDa} q.v.; in medic. the whole upper extremity of the body, as opp. to %{sakthi}, the lower extextremity) RV. &c. &c.; the arm as a measure of length (= 12 An3gulas)

Sulbas.; the fore-foot of an animal (esp. its upper part) RV. AV. Br. A1s3vGr2.; the limb of a bow S3Br.; the bar of a chariot-pole Gobh.; the post (of a door; see %{dvAra-b-}); the side of an angular figure (esp. the base of a right-angled triangle) Su1ryas.; the shadow of the gnomon on a sun-dial ib.; (also du.) the constellation A1rdra1 L.; m. N. of a Daitya MBh.; of a prince (who brought ruin upon his family by his illegal actions) ib.; of a son of Vr2ika Hariv.; of a son of Vajra VP. [Cf. Gk. $, $; &222225[730,2] Germ. {buog}, {Bug}; Angl. Sax. {bo1g}; Eng. {bough}.]\\ 2 (for 1. see col. 2), Vr2iddhi form of %{bahu} in comp. = ki1t2a mfn. g. %{palady-Adi}. baahuM = arms baahulya = plentitude baahyasparsheshhu = in external sense pleasure baahyaan.h = unnecessary baala = child baalaH = young boy baalakaH = boy


baalakavii = young poet baalabuddhii = adj. childish baalaa = Girl baalaaH = the less intelligent baalikaaH = girl baalis'a *= 1 mf(%{A})n. young , childish , puerile , ignorant , simple , foolish MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; m. a fool , simpleton , blockhead ib. baalonmattavadeva = like a child who has gone mad baalyakaalaat.h = from a young age baandhava = brother* = a kinsman, relation (esp. maternal rrelation), friend (ifc. f. ) Mn. MBh. &c.; a brother A.; ({I}) f. a female relative Kaths. baaNa = Arrow baaNaH = (m) arrow baaNa* = or {vANa4} (RV.), {bA4Na} (AV.; later more usually {vANa} q.v.) m. a reed-shaft, shaft

made of a reed, an arrow RV. &c. &c.; N. of the number five (from the 5 arrows of Kma-deva; cf. {paJca-b-}) Sryas. Sh.; the versed sine of an arc Ganit.; a mark for arrows, aim BhP.; a partic. part of an arrow L.; Saccharum Sara or a similar species of reed Bhpr.; the udder of a cow ({vANa4} RV. iv, 24, 9) L.; music (for {vANa4}) AV. x, 2, 17 = {kevala},; N. of an Asura (a, son of Bali, an enemy of Vishnu and favourite of S'iva) MBh. Pur.; of one of Skanda's attendants MBh.; of a king Hariv.; (also {-bhaTTa}) of a poet (the author of the Kdambar, of the Harsha-carita, and perhaps of the Ratna7val) Cat.; of a man of low origin Rjat.; m. (S'is') or ({A}) f. (L.) a blue-flowering Barleria; ({A}) f. the hind part or feathered end of an arrow L.; n. the flower of Barleria Kir. S'is'.; the body Pras'nUp. // n. appearance, evidence, perception Veda7ntas. Bha1sha1p. &c.; light, lustre L.// 3 bhANa m. ( %{bhaN}) recitation (esp. of the Buddhist law) MWB. 44; N. of a sort of dramatic entertainment (in which only one of the interlocutors appears on the scene, or a narrative of some intrigue told either by the hero or a third person) Das3ar. Sa1h. Prata1p. (cf. IW. 471). // 4 bhAna %{bhAnu} and e. see p. 751, col. 1. baaNapaaNiM = with hand holding arrow (and Bow)


baashhpasthaalii = (f) pressure cooker baashpa * m. (also written {vASpa} cf. Un. iii, 28) a tear, tears MBh. Kv. &c.; steam, vapour R. Ragh. Pacat.; a kind of pot-herb Vgbh.; iron L.; N. of a disciple of Gautama Buda7ha; ({I}) f. a kind of plant (= {hiGgu-pattrI}) L. babhuuva = became (from bhuu, to become), VB: became, appeared, there was, there arose, he chose bahavaH = in great numbers bahiH = outside bahu *= mf(%{vI4} or %{u})n. much, many, frequent, abundant, numerous, great or considerable in quantity (n. also as subst. with gen.) RV. (rarely in Man2d2. i-ix) AV. &c. &c. (%{tadbahu-yad}, `" it is a great matter that "' MBh.; %{tvayA@me@bahu@kRtaM-yad}, `" you have done me a great service by-or that- "' Nal.; %{kim@bahunA}, `" what occasion is there for much talk? "' i.e. `" in short "' S3ak. Hit.); abounding or rich in (instr.) S3Br.; large, great, mighty AV. &c. &c.; (%{u4}) ind. much, very, abundantly, greatly, in a high degree, frequently, often, mostly RV. &c. &c. (often ibc., where also= nearly, almost, rather, somewhat [724,3]; cf.

%{bahu-tRNa}, %{bahu-trivarSa} and Pa1n2. 5-3, 68; %{bahu-man} = to think much of esteem highly, prize, value); n. the pl. number AitBr. bahukrita = variously done/made-up bahukritaveshhaH = various make-ups/roles bahujanasukhaaya = (dat.Sing.) for he happiness of many bahujanahitaaya = (dat.Sing.)for the welfare of many bahuDhaa = (indec.)in many ways or differently bahuda.nshhTraa = many teeth bahudustaare = fordable with great difficulty bahudhaa = in many ways bahunaa = many bahumataH = in great estimation bahuraashhTriyasaMsthaa = (f) a multinational corporation


bahulaaM = various bahulaayaasaM = with great labor bahuvachanaM = plural bahuvidhaaH = various kinds of bahushaakhaaH = having various branches bahusyaaM = may exist as many bahuudaraM = many bellies bahuun.h = many bahuunaaM = many bahuuni = many bangabhaashhaa = Bengali language baDisham.h = (n) fishing rod badarikaa = the jujube fruit (``bora'' in marathi) badara * = m. the jujube tree, Zizyphus Jujuba L.; another tree (= {deva-sarSapa}) L.; the kernel of the fruit of the cotton plant L.; dried ginger L.; N.

of a man g. {naDA7di}; ({A}) f. the cotton shrub L.; a species of Dioscorea L.; Mimosa Octandra L.; Clitoria Ternatea L.; ({I}) f. see below; ({ba4d-}) n. the edible fruit of the jujube (also used as a weight) VS. &c. &c.; the berry or fruit of the cotton shrub L. baddha = caught * =mfn. bound, tied, fixed, fastened, chained, fettered RV. &c. &c.; captured, imprisoned, caught, confined ib. ({zatAt}, `" for a debt of a hundred "' Pn. 2-3, 24 Sch.); bound by the fetters of existence or evil Kap.; hanged, hung R.; tied up (as a braid of hair) Megh.; (ifc.) stopped, checked, obstructed, impeded, restrained, suppressed MBh. Kv. &c.; girt with S'nkhS'r.; (with instr. or ifc.) inlaid or studded with, set in MBh. Kv. &c.; attached to, riveted or fixed on (loc.) ib.; joined, united, combined, formed, produced ib.; composed (as verses) R.; (esp. ibc.; cf. below) conceived, formed, entertained, manifested, shown, betrayed, visible, apparent (cf. {jAta} ibc.) MBh. Kv. &c.; clenched (as the fist) Hariv. R.; folded (as the hands) Mriicch.; contracted (as friendship or enmity) R. S'ak.; taken up (as an abode) Rjat.; built, constructed (as a bridge) R. Ragh.; embanked (as a river) Rjat.; congealed, clotted (as blood; opp. to {drava}) Sus'r.; alloyed (as quicksilver) L.; m. or n. ? (with Jainas) that which binds or fetters the embodied spirit (viz. the connection of the soul with deeds)

MW. baddhapadma = having bound himself in lotusbaddhahasta\-shirshhaasana = the bound hands headstand posture baddhaaH = being bound badh = to tie up badh.h = to trap, to tie down badhnaati = to tie, to pack badhyatas* = ind. (freedom) from the crowd AV. xii, 1, 2 (v.l. {madhya-ta4s}). badhU* = f. wrongly for {vadhU4} AV. viii, 6, 14. baddhakadambaka* = mfn. forming groups S'ak. badhyate = becomes entangled badhU * = f. wrongly for {vadhU4} AV. viii, 6, 14. badhiraya * = Nom. P. {-yati}, to niake deaf, deafen. Das'. Mcar.


badhirita * = mfn. made deaf, deafened Das'. Kd. Prab. badhin * = mfn. (ifc.) injuring, impeding Jtakam. badva * n. (once m.) a large number, multitude (Sy., `" 100 Kothis "'; others `" 10, 000 millions "' BhP. Sch. `" the number 13, 084 "') Br. MBh. BhP. bahudhaa* = ind. in many ways or parts or forms or directions, variously, manifoldly, much, repeatedly RV. &c. &c. (with {kR}, to make manifold, multiply MBh.; to make public, divulge ib.) bata = how strange it is bakabaka = stork * = crane, Ardea Nivea (often fig. = a hypocrite, cheat, rogue, the crane being regarded as a bird of great cunning and deceit as well as circumspection) bakaH = (m) crane bakulaM = blossom (bakula tree blossom bakulaH = type of tree/shrub bakulaa = (f)pr.n

bala = strength balaM = army balavat.h = strong balavataaM = of the strong balavaan.h = powerful balahiinena = (instr.sing.) by the person bereft of power or strength balaa = force balaat.h = by force balaarishhTa = Infant mortality balishhTha = strong balii*V= powerful, stromng; presentatoons, offerings; of tribute; *= bali *V= saying calling, chanting, calling as such, stating, uttering, taking //*= asm. (perhaps fr. {bhR}) tribute, offering, gift, oblation (in later language always with {hR}) RV. &c. &c.; tax, impost, royal revenue Br. Mn. MBh. &c.; any

offering or propitiatory oblation (esp. an offering of portions of food, such as grain, rice &c., to certain gods, semi-divine beings, household divinities, spirits, men, birds, other animals and all creatures including even lifeless objects; it is made before the daily meal by arranging portions of food in a circle or by throwing them into the air outside the house or into the sacred fire; it is also called {bhUtayajJa} and was one of the 5 {mahA-yajJas}, or great devotional acts; cf. RTL. 411, 421) GriS'rS. Mn. (esp. iii, 69, 71) MBh. &c. (often ifc. with the object, the receiver, the time, or the place of the offering); fragments of food at a meal W.; a victim (often a goat or buffalo) offered to Durg MW.; the handle of a chowrie or fly-flapper Megh.; N. of a Daitya (son of Virocana; priding himself on his empire over the three worlds, he was humiliated by Vishnu, who appeared before him in the form of a Vmana or dwarf. son of Kas'yapa and Aditi and younger brother of Indra, and obtained from him the promise of as much land as he could pace in three steps, whereupon the dwarf expanding himself deprived him of heaven and earth in two steps, but left him the sovereignty of Ptla or the lower regions) MBh. Pur. &c. (cf. IW. 328); N. of Indra in the 8th Manv-antara Pur.; of a Muni MBh.; of a king ib. Pacat.; of a son of Su-tapas Hariv. Pur. (cf. {vali}).


bali balii = a demon king bali* = m. (perhaps fr. {bhR}) tribute, offering, gift, oblation (in later language always with {hR}) RV. &c. &c.; tax, impost, royal revenue Br. Mn. MBh. &c.; any offering or propitiatory oblation (esp. an offering of portions of food, such as grain, rice &c., to certain gods, semi-divine beings, household divinities, spirits, men, birds, other animals and all creatures including even lifeless objects; it is made before the daily meal by arranging portions of food in a circle or by throwing them into the air outside the house or into the sacred fire; it is also called {bhUta-yajJa} and was one of the 5 {mahA-yajJas}, or great devotional acts; cf. RTL. 411, 421) GriS'rS. Mn. (esp. iii, 69, 71) MBh. &c. (often ifc. with the object, the receiver, the time, or the place of the offering); fragments of food at a meal W.; a victim (often a goat or buffalo) offered to Durg MW.; the handle of a chowrie or fly-flapper Megh.; N. of a Daitya (son of Virocana; priding himself on his empire over the three worlds, he was humiliated by Vishnu, who appeared before him in the form of a Vmana or dwarf. son of Kas'yapa and Aditi and younger brother of Indra, and obtained from him the promise of as much land as he could pace in three steps, whereupon the dwarf expanding

himself deprived him of heaven and earth in two steps, but left him the sovereignty of Ptla or the lower regions) MBh. Pur. &c. (cf. IW. 328); N. of Indra in the 8th Manv-antara Pur.; of a Muni MBh.; of a king ib. Pacat.; of a son of Su-tapas Hariv. Pur. (cf. {vali}). bandii = prisoner, detainee bandha = (a form of poetry)//* binding, tying, a bond, tie, chain, fetter RV. &c. &c.; a ligature, bandage Sus'r.; damming up (a river) MrkP.; capture, arrest, imprisonment, custody Mn. MBh. &c.; connection or intercourse with (comp.) Pacat. BhP. (ifc. = connected with, conducive to MBh.); putting together, uniting, contracting, combining, forming, producing MBh. Kv. &c.; joining (the hollowed hands) Ragh.; anything deposited ({-dhe-sthA} = to remain deposited) Campak.; a deposit, pledge Rjat.; any configuration or position of the body (esp. of the hands and feet) Ragh. Kum.; a partic. mode of sexual union (there are said to be 16, 18, 36, or even 84 L.), Caur.; constructing, building (of a bridge &c.) MBh. Rjat.; bridging over (the sea) Vcar.; knitting (the brows) Rjat.; fixing, directing (mind, eyes, &c.) Cat.; assumption, obtainment (of a body) Ragh.; (ifc.) conceiving, cherishing, feeling, betraying Hariv. Klid.; a border, framework,

inclosure, receptacle L.; a sinew, tendon L.; the body L.; (in phil.) mundane bondage, attachment to this world S'vetUp. Bhag. &c. (opp. to {mukti}, {mokSa}, `" final emancipation "', and regarded in the Snkhya as threefold, viz. {prakRti-}, {vaikArika-}, and {dakSiNA-b-}); combination of sounds (in rhet.), construction or arrangement of words Kvya7d. Pratp.; arrangement of a stanza in a partic. shape Kpr.; arrangement of musical sounds, composition S'atr.; a disease which prevents the eyelids from quite closing Sus'r.; (ifc. with numerals) a part (cf. {paJca-} bandhaM = bondage bandha\-padmaasana = the bound lotus posture bandhana = restriction ba.ndhanaat.h = (Nr.abl.S) bondage; tie bandhanaiH = from the bondage bandhaat.h = from bondage bandhu = brother * = m. connection, relation, association RV. &c. &c. (ifc. with f. {U} = belonging to, coming under the head of i.e. `" being only in name "'; cf. {kSatra-}, {dvija-b-} &c.; `" resembling

"' Blar. v, 56/57, `" frequented by "' ib. iii, 20, `" favourable for "' ib. iv, 87; cf. Pn. 6-1, 14); respect, reference ({kena bandhunA} `" in what respect? "') S'Br.; kinship, kindred Mn. ii, 136; a kinsman (esp. on the mother's side), relative, kindred RV. &c. &c. (in law, a cognate kinsman in a remote degree, one subsequent in right of inheritance to the Sa-gotra; three kinds are enumerated, personal, paternal and maternal); a friend (opp. to {ripu}) MBh. Kv. BhP.; a husband Ragh.; a brother L.; Pentapetes Phoenicea L. (= {bandhUka}); N. of a metre Col.; (in astrol.) of the fourth mansion Var.; of a Riishi with the patr. Gaupyana or Laupyana (author of RV. v, 24 and x, 5660) RAnukr.; of Manmatha L. bandhuH = friend bandhuvargaH = relatives bandhushhu = and the relatives or well-wishers bandhuun.h = relatives bandhau = in (towards) relatives barham.h = (n) peacock feather barhishmat * = (%{-hi4S-}) mfn. accompanied or provided with sacrificial grass RV. Br. Mn.; having

fire or light, blazing, shining W.; m. one who has or spreads ssacrificial grgrass, a worshipper, sacrificer RV.; N. of Pra1ci1na-barhis BhP.; (%{atI}) f. N. of a wife of Priya-vrata and daughter of Vis3vakarman BhP.; N. of a city in Brahma7varta ib. basti = method for cleaning the intestines baT* = ind. in truth, certainly (Sy.= {satyam}) RV. baTaraka* = n. pl. circular lines of light which appear before the closed eye Aitr. baTu* = m. (also written {vaTu}) a boy, lad, stripling, youth (esp. a young Brhman, but also contemptuously applied to adult persons) MBh. Kv. &c.; N. of a class of priests Cat.; a form of S'iva (so called from being represented by boys in the rites of the S'ktas) ib.; Calosanthes Indica L. bata* = 1 ind. (later usually {vata}; g. {svar-Adi}) an interjection expressing astonishment or regret, generally = ah! oh! alas! (originally placed immediately after the leading word at the beginning of a sentence, or only separated from it by {iva}; rarely itself in the first place e.g. Mlav. iii, 21/22; in later language often in the middle of a sentence) RV. &c. &c.

bata* = 2 m. a weakllng RV. x, 10, 13. bata * = 1 ind. (later usually {vata}; g. {svar-Adi}) an interjection expressing astonishment or regret, generally = ah! oh! alas! (originally placed immediately after the leading word at the beginning of a sentence, or only separated from it by {iva}; rarely itself in the first place e.g. Mlav. iii, 21/22; in later language often in the middle of a sentence) RV. &c. &c. biDaalaH = (m) cat bindu = dot binduH = (m) point, drop binduu = a drop, a dot bibharti = is maintaining, *: would carry bibhiishhaNashriidaH = the man who gave `shrI' riches etc, to vibhIshhaNa bibheti = fears bibheshhi = afraid bibhyati *V= is afraid; fears bila = hole (neut)

biija = seed biijaM = the seed biijagaNita = algebra biijapradaH = the seed-giving biijaankuranyaaya = maxim of seed and shoot biibhatsa = the sentiment of disgust (nauseating, revolting ) biibhatsakarman.h = adj. repulsive worker bhaaH = light baaDha* = or {bALha4} mfn. ( {baMh}; cf. Pn v, 63) strong, mighty (only ibc. and in {bAhe4} ind.), loudly, strongly, mightily RV.; ({bADham} or {vADham}) ind. assuredly, certainly, indeed, really, by all means, so be it, yes (generally used as a particle of consent, affirmation or confirmation) MBh. Kv. &c. baadha4* = 1 m. a harasser, tormentor Hariv.; annoyance, molestation, affliction, obstacle, distress, pain, trouble RV. &c. &c.; (also {A}, f.; cf. Vm. v, 2, 44) injury, detriment, hurt, damage

MBh. Kv. &c.; danger, jeopardy (see {prA7Na-}); exclusion from (comp.) Pacat.; suspension, annulment (of a rule &c.) Sh. Pn. Sch. &c.; a contradiction, objection, absurdity, the being excluded by superior proof (in log., one of the 5 forms of fallacious middle term) Kap. Bhshp. &c.\\2 m. (prob.) urging, impulse (Naigh. ii, 9= {bala} Sy. = {bAdhaka}, {bAdhana}) RV. vi, 11, 5; i, 61, 2; 132, 5 (?). bhaadra* = m. (fr. {bhadra}, of which it is also the Vriiddhi form in comp.) the month Bhdra (= {pada} below) Rjat.; ({I}) f. (scil. {tithi}) the day of full moon in the month BhBhdra Col. bhaadrapada* = m. (fr. {bhadra-padA}) the month Bhdra (a rainy month corresponding to the period from about the middle of August to the middle of September) Var. Rjat. Sus'r.; ({A}) f. du. and pl. = {bhadra-padA}N. common to the 3rd and 4th Nakshatras (q.v.) Sryas. VP.; ({I}) f. the day of full moon in the month BhBhdra KtyS'r. Sch. bhaaga * = 2 Vriiddhi form of {bhaga} in com \\1 m. ( {bhoj}) a part, portion, share, allotment, inheritance (in Ved. also = lot, esp. fortunate lot, good fortune, luck, destiny) RV. &c. &c.; a part (as opp. to any whole; {bhAgam bhAgam} with Caus. of {klRp} or {bhAgAn} with {kR}, to divide in

parts); a fraction (often with an ordinal number e.g. {aSTamo bhAgaH}, the eighth part, or in comp. with a cardinal e.g. {zata-bh-}; 1/100; {azIti-bh-} = 1/80) Up. Mn. MBh. &c.; a quarter (see {eka-bh-}, {tri-bh-}); part i.e. place, spot, region, side (ifc. taking the place of, representing) Lthy. MBh. &c. (in this sense also n.; see {bhUmi-bh-}); part of anything given as interest W.; a half rupee L.; the numerator of a fraction Col.; a quotient MW.; a degree or 360th part of the circumference of a great circle Sryas.; a division of time, the 30th part of a Rs'i or zodiacal sign W.; N. of a king (also {bhAgavata}) Pur.; of a river (one of the branches of the Candra-bhg) L.; mfn. relating to Bhaga (as a hymn) Nir.; n. N. of a Sman rshBr. bhaagavata * = mf({I})n. (fr. {bhaga-vat}) relating to or coming from Bhagavat i.e. Vishnu or Kriishna, holy, sacred, divine MBh. Hariv. Pur.; m. a follower or worshipper of BhBhagavati or Vishnu ib. (cf. IW. 321, 1); N. of a king VP.; n. N. of a Purna (cf. {bhAgavata-p-}). bhaagavatapuraaNa * = n. N. of the most celebrated and popular of the 18 Pura1n2as (especially dedicated to the glorification of Vishn2u-Kr2ishn2a , whose history is in the 10th book ; and narrated by S3uka , son of Vya1sa , to king Pari1-kshit , grandson of Arjuna) IW. 331 ; 315

&c. ; %{-kroDapattra} n. pl. , %{-tattva-saMgraha} m. %{-prakAza} m. %{prathama-zloka-trayI-TIkA} f. %{-prasaGga-dRSTA7ntA7valI} f. %{prAmANya} n. %{-bandhana} n. %{-bRhatsaMgraha} m. %{-bhAvA7rtha-dIpikA-prakaranakrama-saMgraha} m. %{-bhAvA7rtha-dIpikAsaMgraha} m. %{-bhUSaNa} n. %{-maJjarI} f. %{mahA-vivaraNa} n. %{-sArA7rtha-darzinI} f. %{sUcikA} f. %{-svarUpa-viSayaka-zaGkA-nirAsa} m. %{-NA7dya-zloka-trayI-TIkA} f. %{-NA7rkaprabhA} f. N. of wks. connected with the BhP. bhaajana* = n. (fr. Caus.) sharing, division (in arithm.) Col.; mf({A})n. (ifc.) sharing or participating in, entitled or relating or belonging to Br. &c. &c.; n. `" partaker of "', a recipient, receptacle, (esp.) a vessel, pot, plate, cup, &c. MBh. Kv. &c.; (with gen. or ifc. with f. {A}), a place or person in which anything is collected or in whom any quality is conspicuous, any fit object or clever or deserving person ib. (cf. {pAtra}); the act of representing, representation ({ena} ind. with gen. in the place of; ifc. a representative, deputy, substitute, serving for, equivalent to) Br. GriS.; a partic. measure (= an dhaka= 14 Palas) S'rngS.; m. N. of a man; pl. his descendants g. {bidA7di}. bhaajanatA* = f. (ifc.) the being a vessel for, possession of BhP.


bhaaJanaloka* = m. (with Buddhists) the world of inanimate things (opp. to {sattva-l-} q.v.). Dharmas. 89. bhaajanIbhUta* = mfn. (ifc.) one who has become a vessel for or who has obtained Kaths. Lalit. bhaagadheya = fortune bhaagya = Blessing * =1 mfn. (fr. %{bhaga}) relating to Bhaga; n. (with %{yuga}) the 12th or last lustrum in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBr2S.; (scil. %{bha} or %{nakSatra}) the asterism of Bhaga i.e. Uttara-Phalguni1 ib. [752,1]\\2 mfn. ( %{bhaj}) to be shared or divided, divisible (= %{bhajya}) Vop.\\3 mfn. (fr. %{bhAga}) entitled to a share g. %{daNDA7di}; (with %{zata}, %{viMzati} &c.) = %{bhAgika} Pa1n2. 5-1, 42 Sch.; lucky, fortunate (compar. %{-tara}) MBh. R.; n. sg. or pl. (ifc. f. %{A}) fate, destiny (resulting from merit or demerit in former existences), fortune, (esp.) good fortune, luck, happiness, welfare MBh. Ka1v. &c. (%{ena} ind. luckily, fortunately Hit.); reward BhP. bhaagya-bhaava = Ninth house of Luck bhaagyaM = fortune; luck bhaagyodaya = prosperity, rise of wealth and

belongings bhaajayu* = mfn. (fr. Caus.) sharing with others, generous, liberal RV. bhaajaka* = m. (fr. Caus.) a divisor (in arithm.) Col. bhaajana* = n. (fr. Caus.) sharing, division (in arithm.) Col.; mf({A})n. (ifc.) sharing or participating in, entitled or relating or belonging to Br. &c. &c.; n. `" partaker of "', a recipient, receptacle, (esp.) a vessel, pot, plate, cup, &c. MBh. Kv. &c.; (with gen. or ifc. with f. {A}), a place or person in which anything is collected or in whom any quality is conspicuous, any fit object or clever or deserving person ib. (cf. {pAtra}); the act of representing, representation ({ena} ind. with gen. in the place of; ifc. a representative, deputy, substitute, serving for, equivalent to) Br. GriS.; a partic. measure (= an dhaka= 14 Palas) S'rngS.; m. N. of a man; pl. his descendants g. {bidA7di}. bhaajanam.h = (n) division bhaajaaM = acquiring peeople bhaajita * = mfn. (fr. Caus.) shared, divided Sryas.; distributed, portioned W.; n. a share,

portion ib. bhaakshaalaka* = mfn. relating to or coming from the place Bhakshl g. {dhUmU7di}. bhaaksha* = mf({I})n. ( {bhakS}) habitually eating, gluttonous (= {bhakSA zIlam asya}) g. {chattrA7di}. bhaalaM = forehead bhaanu * = m. appearance, brightness, light or a ray of light, lustre, splendour RV. &c. &c.; the sun MBh. Kv. &c.; a king, prince, master, lord L.; N. of the chapters of the dictionary of an anonymous author Cat.; N. of S'iva L.; of an ditya RmatUp.; of a Deva-gandharva MBh.; of a son of Kriishna ib.; of a Ydava Hariv.; of the father of the 15th Arhat of the present Avasarpin L.; of a prince (son of Prati-vyoma) BhP.; of a son of Vis'va-dhara and father of Hari-ntha Cat.; of a pupil of S'ankara7crya Cat.; of various authors (also with {dIkSita}, {paNDita}, {bhaTTa} &c.) ib.; pl. the dityas (children of Bhnu) Hariv. Pur.; the gods of the 3rd Manv-antara Hariv.; f. a handsome wife (= {bhAnu-matI}) L.; N. of a daughter of Daksha (wife of Dharma or Manu and mother of Bhnu and ditya) Hariv. VP.; of the mother of Devarshabha BhP.; of a daughter of Kriishna Hariv.; of the

mother of the Dnava S'akuni &c. BhP. bhaanuu = a name of Sun bhaara = load bhaara * = weight, war, battle, contest; a burden, load, weight; * = m. ( {bhR}) a burden, load, weight RV. &c. &c.; heavy work, labour, toil, trouble, task imposed on any one (gen. or comp.) MBh. Kv. &c.; a large quantity, mass, bulk (often in comp. with words meaning `" hair "') Hariv. Kv. &c.; a partic. weight (= 20 Tuls = 2000 Palas of gold) Hariv. Pacat. Sus'r.; = {bhAra-yaSTi}, Krand.; a partic. manner of beating a drum Sangt.; N. of Vishnu L.; of a prince VP. bhaaradvaaja* = mf({I})n. coming from or relating to Bharad-vja S'Br. &c. &c.; m. patr. fr. {bharadvAja} g. {bidA7di}; N. of various men (esp. of supposed authors of hymns, viz. of Riijis'van, Garga, Nara, Pyu, Vasu, S'sa, S'irimbitha, S'unahotra, Sapratha, Su-hotra q.v.; but also of others e.g. of Drona, of Agastya, of S'aunya, of Sukes'an, of Satya-vha, of S'sha Vhneya, of one of the 7 Riishis, of a son of Briihas-pati &c., and of many writers and teachers pl. of a Vedic school) RAnukr. MBh. Cat. IW. 146, 161 &c.; the planet Mars L.; a skylark Pacat.; pl. N. of a people VP.;

({I}) f. a female descendant of Bharad-vja (with {rAtri}N. of the author of RV. x, 127; cf. also {bhA4radvAjI-pu4tra} below); a skylark PrGri.; the wild cotton shrub L.; N. of a river MBh. VP.; n. a bone L.; N. of various Smans rshBr.; of a place Pn. 4-2, 145 (v.l. for {bhar-}). bhaarata = O descendant of Bharata bhaaratii = Utterance bhaarate = (Loc.S)in India or Bharat bhaaravaahakam.h = (n) a truck bhaargava* = mf({I})n. relating to or coming from Bhriigu Up. MBh. &c.; belonging to S'ukra (cf. below) R.; patr. fr. {bhRgu} (pl. {bhRgavaH}) Pn. 2-4, 65; N. of S'ukra (regent of the planet Venus and preceptor of the Daityas) R. Var. &c.; of S'iva MBh.; of Paras'u-rma ib.; of various men (esp. supposed authors of hymns, viz. of Itha, Kali, Kriitnu, Griitsamada, Cyavana, Jamad-agni, Nema, Prayogs, Vena, Soma7huti and Syma-ras'mi q.v.; but also of many other writers or mythological personages e.g. of Ithala, of Riicka, of Dvi-gat, of Dris'na, of Mrkandeya, of Pramati &c.) Br. S'rS. MBh. RAnukr.; a potter MBh. (Nlak.); an astrologer L.; an archer, a good bowman (like

Paras'u-rma) L.; an elephant L.; pl. the descendants of Bhriigu (properly called {bhRgavaH}; cf. above) MBh. Hariv.; N. of a people MBh. Pur.; ({I}) f. a female descendant of Bhriigu Pn. 2-4, 65; Bhargava's i.e. S'ukra's daughter R.; N. of Deva-yni f. MBh. BhP.; of Lakshm L.; of Prvat L.; Panicum Dactylon and another species L.; n. N. of various Smans rshBr. bhaaryaa = wife bhaaryaa-bhaava = Seventh house of spouse (wife) bhaaryaanuraagaH = attachment to wife bhaasa* = m. light, lustre, brightness (often ifc.) MBh. Hariv. Kaths.; impression made on the mind, fancy MW.; a bird of prey, vulture (L. = {zakunta}, {kukkuTa}, {gRdhra} &c.) AdbhBr. past. MBh. Hariv. &c. (w.r. {bhASa}); a cow-shed L.; N. of a man Rjat.; of a dramatic poet (also called Bhsaka) Mlav. Hcar. &c.; of a son of a minister of king Candra-prabha Kaths.; of a Dnava ib.; of a mountain MBh.; ({I}) f. N. of the mother of the vultures (a daughter of Tmr) MBh. Hariv. Pur.; of a daughter of Prdh MBh.; n. (m. TBr.) N. of a Sman Br. S'rS. bhaashate = (1 ap) to speak

bhaashin.h = one who talks bhaashh.h = to speak bhaashhaNa = speech bhaashhase = speaking bhaashhaa = language bhaashhaayaaM = in the language bhaashhiNi = speaker bhaashhita = speech bhaasaH = effulgence bhaasayate = illuminates bhaasasya = Bhasa's bhaashaa* = f. speech, language (esp. common or vernacular speech, as opp. to Vedic or in later times to Sanskriit) Nir. Pn. Mn. MBh.; any Prkriit dialect or a partic. group of 5 of them (viz. Mhrshthri, S'auraseni, Mgadhi, Prcy, and Avanti, also called Paca-vidh Bhsh; cf. under {prAkRta}, p. 703) Cat.; description, definition Bhag.; (in law) accusation, charge, complaint,

plaint Dhrtas. Yj. Sch.; N. of Sarasvati L.; (in music) of a Rgini. bhaaskra = a name of Sun bhaasvataa = glowing bhaashitapuMska * = mfn. = {ukta-puMska} (q.v.) Pn. 6-3, 34 &c. ({-tva} n. vii, 3, 48 Sch.) bhaashitavya * = mfn. to be spoken to or addressed R. (v.l. for {bhajitavya}). bhaa4shitR * = mfn. speaking, a speaker, talker (with acc, or ifc.) S'Br. MBh. &c. bhaashita * = mfn. spoken, uttered, said; spoken to, addressed Mn. MBh. &c.; n. speech, language, talk i bhaashin* = mfn. saying, speaking, loquacious (mostly ifc.) MBh. Kv. &c. bhaasin * = mfn. shining, brilliant (see {Urdhva-} and {jyotir-bh-}). bhaashinah: V: foretelling, speaking as a sign 3a1rn3gS.; (in arithm.) finding by combination or

composition; (with Jainas) right conception or notion; the moral of a fable HParis3.; N. of an Upanishad; a crow L.; water L.; n. furthering, promoting MBh.; the fruit of Dillenia Speciosa L.; (ifc.) nature, essence Ra1matUp. bhaati = light //* = f. light, splendour BhP.; evidence, perception, knowledge ib. [751,1] bhaata * = mfn. shining, appearing &c.; = {prabhAta} L.; n. (impers.) appearance has been made by (instr.) BhP. bhaatha * = m. or n. ( {bhaT}) wages, hire, rent L. bhaava * = becoming, being, existing, occurring, appearance; turning or transition into; continuance, continuity of the thread of existence through successive births Buddh.; state, condition, rank (with {sthAvira}, old age, euphem. = he dies; state of being anything,, the state of being a child, childhood; sometimes added pleonastically to an abstract noun, the state of thinness.; true condition or state, truth, reality; manner of being, nature, temperament, character bhaava * = m. ( {bhU}) becoming, being, existing, occurring, appearance S'vetUp. KtyS'r. &c. [754, 2]; turning or transition into (loc. or comp.) MBh. RPrt.; continuance (opp. to cessation; {eko7ti562

bhAva}, continuity of the thread of existence through successive births Buddh., wrongly translated under {eko7ti-bh-}) MBh.; state, condition, rank (with {sthAvira}, old age; {anyam bhAvam Apadyate}, euphem. = he dies; state of being anything, esp. ifc. e.g. {bAlabhAva}, the state of being a child, childhood = {bAlatA}, or {tva}; sometimes added pleonastically to an abstract noun e.g. {tanutA-bhAva}, the state of thinness) Up. S'rS. MBh. &c.; true condition or state, truth, reality (ibc. and {bhAvena} ind. really, truly) MBh. Hariv.; manner of being, nature, temperament, character ({eko bhAvaH} or {eka-bh-}, a simple or artless nature; {bhAvo bhAvaM nigacchati} = birds of a feather flock together) MBh. Kv. &c.; manner of acting, conduct, behaviour Kv. Sh.; any state of mind or body, way of thinking or feeling, sentiment, opinion, disposition, intention ({yAdRzena bhAvena}, with whatever disposition of mind; {bhAvam amaGgalaM-kR}, with loc., to be ill disposed against; {bhAvaM dRDhaM-kR}, to make a firm resolution) Mn. MBh. &c.; (in rhet.) passion, emotion (2 kinds of Bhvas are enumerated, the {sthAyin} or primary, and {vyabhicArin} or subordinate; the former are 8 or 9 according as the Rasas or sentiments are taken to be 8 or 9; the latter 33 or 34) Kv. Sh. Pratp. &c.; conjecture, supposition Mn. Pacat.; purport, meaning, sense ({iti bhAvaH}, `" such is the sense "' = {ity arthaH} or {ity abhiprA7yaH}, constantly

used by commentators at the end of their explanations); love, affection, attachment ({bhAvaM-kR}, with loc., to feel an affection for) MBh. Kv. &c.; the seat of the feelings or affections, heart, soul, mind ({parituSTena bhAvena}, with a pleased mind) S'vetUp. Mn. MBh. &c.; that which is or exists, thing or substance, being or living creature ({sarva-bhAvAH}, all earthly objects; {bhAvAH sthAvara-jaGgamAH}, plants and animals) MundUp. MBh. &c.; (in dram.) a discreet or learned man (as a term of address = respected sir) Mriicch. Mlav. Mlatm.; (in astron.) the state or condition of a planet L.; an astrological house or lunar mansion ib.; N. of the 27th Kalpa (s.v.) ib.; of the 8th (42nd) year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBriS.; (in gram.) the fundamental notion of the verb, the sense conveyed by the abstract noun (esp. as a term for an impersonal passive or neuter verb having neither agent nor object expressed e.g. {pacyate}, `" there is cooking "' or `" cooking is going on "') Pn. 3-1, 66; 107 &c.; N. of the author of the Bhvaprkas'a (= {mizra-bhAva}) Cat.; wanton sport, dalliance L.; birth L.; place of birth, the womb L.; the world, universe L.; an organ of sense L.; superhuman power L.; the Supreme Being L.; advice, instruction L.; contemplation, meditation L. (cf. {-samanvita}). bhaava = House and is also used to indicate the

chart that uses Porphyry's Cusps bhaavaH = endurance bhaavaM = nature bhaavanaa = fixed mind (in happiness) // *= f. of prec., in comp.* = n. (for 2. %{bhAvana} see p. 755, col. 1) a forest of rays Ghat2.//2 mf(%{I})n. (fr. Caus.; for 1. see 2. %{bhA4} p. 750) causing to be, effecting, producing, displaying, manifesting MBh. Ka1v. BhP.; promoting or effecting any one's (gen. or comp.) welfare MBh. R. &c.; imagining, fancying, Asht2a1vS.; teaching MBh.; m. a creator, producer, efficient MBh. Ka1v.; N. of S3iva (= %{dhyAtR}) MBh.; of Vishn2u A.; of the 22nd Kalpa (q.v.); (%{A}) f. and n. the act of producing or effecting Nir. Sa1h. BhP.; forming in the mind, conception, apprehension, imagination, supposition, fancy, thought, meditation (%{bhAvanayA} ind, in thought, in imagination; %{-nAm-bandh}, with loc., to occupy one's imagination with, direct one's thoughts to) MBh. Ka1v. S3am2k. Veda7ntas. &c.; (in logic) that cause of memory which arises from direct perception Tarkas.; application of perfumes &c. (= %{adhivAsana}) L.; (%{A}) f. demonstration, argument, ascertainment Ya1jn5.; feeling of devotion, faith in (loc.) Pan5cat.; reflection,

contemplation (5 kinds with Buddhists MWB. 128); saturating any powder with fluid, steeping, infusion S3a1rn3gS.; (in arithm.) finding by combination or composition; (with Jainas) right conception or notion; the moral of a fable HParis3.; N. of an Upanishad; a crow L.; water L.; n. furthering, promoting MBh.; the fruit of Dillenia Speciosa L.; (ifc.) nature, essence Ra1matUp. bhaavaya = deem/consider/visualise/imagine bhaavayataa = having pleased bhaavayantaH = pleasing one another bhaavayantu = will please bhaavasamanvitaH = with great attention bhaavaaH = natures bhaavitaaH = remembering bhaavaiH = by the states of beingbhaaveshhu = natures cintyah bhaavya4* = mfn. (fr. {bhU} or its Caus.) future, about to be or what ought to be or become RV. &c. &c. (in later language often used as fut. tense of

{bhU}; cf. {bhAvin}); to be effected or accomplished or performed Kum. BhP.; to be apprehended or perceived Kaths.; to be (or being) imagined or conceived, AshthvS. (cf. {dur-bh-}); easy to guess or understand Vm.; to be (or being) argued or demonstrated or admitted or approved Yj. Kv.; to be convicted Mn. viii, 60; m. N. of a man (= {bhAvayavya} Nir.) RV. i, 126, 1 (others `" to be worshipped "', others `" future "'); of a king (= {bhAvya-ratha} or {bhAnu-ratha}) VP.; n. (impers.) it is to be by (instr, ) Mn. v, 150; it should be understood Mriicch. Sch. bhaDa* = m. N. of a partic. mixed caste Cat. (cf. {bhaTa}) bhadraM = (Nr.nom. + acc.sing.)goodness bhadra* = mf({A4})n. blessed, auspicious, fortunate, prosperous, happy RV. &c. &c.; good, gracious, friendly, kind ib.; excellent, fair, beautiful, lovely, pleasant, dear ib.; good i.e. skilful in (loc.) MBh. iv, 305; great L.; (with {nRpati} m. a good or gracious king Yj.; with {kAnta} m. a beautiful lover or husband Pacat.; with {diz} f. the auspicious quarter i.e. the south MBh.; with {vAc} f. kind or friendly speech BhP.; voc. m. and f. sg. and pl. {bhadra}, {-dre}, {-drAH}, often in familiar address = my good sir or lady, my dear or my

dears, good people Mn. MBh. &c.; {a4m} and {a4yA} ind, happily, fortunately, joyfully RV. AV.; {-am} with {kR} or {A-car}, to do well Hit.); m. (prob.) a sanctimonious hypocrite Mn. ix, 259 (v.l. {-dra-pre7kSaNikaiH}); a partic. kind of elephant R. (also N. of a world elephant ib.) a bullock L.; a water wagtail Var. (cf. {-nAman}); Nauclea Cadamba or Tithymalus Antiquorum L.; N. of S'iva L.; of mount Meru L.; of a class of gods (pl.) under the third Manu BhP.; of a people (pl.) AV.Paris'.; of one of the 12 sons of Vishnu and one of the Tushita deities in the Svyambhava Manv-antara BhP.; (with Jainas) of the third of the 9 white Balas L.; of a son of Vasu-deva and Devak (or Paurav) BhP. Kaths.; of a son of Kriishna BhP.; of a son of Upacrumat Buddh.; of an actor Hariv.; of a friend of Bna Vs., Introd.; (with Buddhists) N. of a partic. world; ({A}) f. a cow L.; N. of various plants (= {anantA}, {aparijAtA}, {kRSNA}, {jIvantI}, {nIlI}, {rAsnA} &c.) L. [746,1]; N. of a metre Col.; of the 2nd, 7th and 12th days of the lunar fortnight W.; of the 7th movable Karana (s.v.; cf. also 2. {bhadrA-karaNa}); of a form of Durg VP.; of a goddess Pacar.; of a Buddhist deity L.; of a S'akti Hcat.; of Dkshyan in Bhadre7s'vara Cat.; of a Vidy-dhar R.; of a Sura7ngan Sinha7s.; of a daughter of Surabhi R.; of a wife of Vasu-devi Hariv. Pur.; of the wife of Vais'ravana MBh.; of a daughter of Soma and wife of Utathya ib.; of a daughter of Raudrs'va and the Apsaras Ghriitc

Hariv.; of a Kkshvat and wife of Vyushita7s'va MBh.; of a daughter of Meru and wife of Bhadra7s'va BhP.; of a daughter of S'ruta-krti and wife of Kriishna BhP.; of various rivers (esp. of one described as rising on the northern summit of Meru and flowing through Uttarakuru into the northern ocean) Pur.; the celestial Ganges L.; of a lake Hcat.; n. prosperity, happiness, health, welfare, good fortune (also pl.) RV. &c. &c. ({bhadraM tasya} or {tasmai}, prosperity to him! Pn. 2-3, 73; {bhadraM te} or {vaH} often used parenthetically in a sentence = `" if you please "', or to fill up a verse; {bhadram upalAh}, happiness to you, O stones! S'ntis'.; {bhadram} with {kR} and dat., to grant welfare to, bless RV.); gold L.; iron or steel L.; kind of Cyperus (= {-musta}) L.; a partic. posture in sitting Cat.; a partic. Karana L. (cf. f.); a partic. mystic sign AgP.; a partic. part of a house Nalac.; N. of various Smans rshBr. bhadraa* = 1 f. of {bhadra}, in comp. -1. bhadraa* = 2 ind. (g. {sA7kSAd-Adi}), in comp. -2. bhadraa* =1 f. of {bhadra}, in comp. -1.\\2 ind. (g. {sA7kSAd-Adi}), in comp. -2. bhadraaH = goodness bhadraasana = the auspicious posture.

bhadrapada* = n. N. of a metre Col. [746,2]; ({A}) f. N. of the 3rd and 4th lunar asterisms Var. &c. (also n.; {-dA-yoga} m. N. of ch. of Bhaththo7tpala's Comm. on VarBriS.) bhadrapAda* = mfn. born under the Nakshatra Bhadra-pad Pn. 7-3, 18 Sch. bhaga * m. (ifc. f. {A} and {I} g. {bahv-Adi}) `" dispenser "', gracious lord, patron (applied to gods, esp. to Savitrii) RV. AV.; N. of an ditya (bestowing wealth and presiding over love and marriage, brother of the Dawn, regent of the Nakshatra Uttara-Phalgun; Yska enumerates him among the divinities of the highest sphere; according to a later legend his eyes were destroyed by Rudra) ib. &c. &c. [743, 3]; the Nakshatra UUttara-PhPhalgun MBh. vi, 81; the sun ib. iii, 146; the moon L.; N. of a Rudra MBh.; good fortune, happiness, welfare, prosperity RV. AV. Br. Yj. BhP.; (ifc. f. {A}) dignity, majesty, distinction, excellence, beauty, loveliness RV. AV. Br. GriS. BhP.; (also n. L.) love, affection, sexual passion, amorous pleasure, dalliance RV. AV. Br. KtyS'r. BhP.; (n. L.; ifc. f. {A}) the female organs, pudendum muliebre, vulva Mn. MBh. &c.; ({A}) f. in {bhagA-nAmnI} below; n. a partic. Muhrta Cat.; the perinaeum of males L.; m. n. = {yatna}, {prayatna}, {kIrti}, {yazas}, {vairAgya}, {icchA}, {jJAna}, {mukti}, {mokSa},

{dharma}, s'r L. [Cf. Zd. {bagha = Old Pers. {baga}; Gk. $; &226046[743, 3] Slav. {bogu8}, {bogatu8}; Lith. {bago4tas}, {na-ba4gas}.], bhagna * (see also bhanga/bhaGga)=. broken (lit. and fig.), shattered, split, torn, defeated, checked, frustrated, disturbed, disappointed Mn. MBh. &c. (sometimes forming the first instead of the second part of a comp. e.g. {grIvA-bhagna}, {dharma-bh-} for {bhagna-grIva}, {-dharma}; also `" one who has broken a limb "' BhP.); bent, curved R.; lost Mn. viii, 148; n. the fracture of a leg Sus'r. bhashita * = n. barking L. bhasita * = mfn. reduced to ashes BhP.; n. ashes Bhm. bhagavat.h = God bhagavat * = ind. like a vulva Vishn. Sch. -2. bha4ga-vat * = 2 mfn. (for 1. see under {bha4ga}) possessing fortune, fortunate, prosperous, happy RV. AV. GriS. BhP.; glorious, illustrious, divine, adorable, venerable AV. &c. &c.; holy (applied to gods, demigods, and saints ae a term of address, either in voc. {bhagavan}, {bhagavas}, {bhagos} [cf. Pn. 8-3, 1 Vrtt. 2 Pat., and viii, 3, 17] f.

{bhagavatI} m. pl. {bhagavantaH}; or in nom. with 3. sg. of the verb; with Buddhists often prefixed to the titles of their sacred writings); m. `" the divine or adorable one "'N. of Vishnu-Kriishna Bhag. BhP.; of S'iva Kaths.; of a Buddha or a Bodhisattva or a Jina Buddh. (cf. MWB. 23); ({I}) f. see below. bhagavad.h = god's bhagavad.hgiitaa = the dialogues between Krishna and Arjuna bhagavan.h = O Supreme bhagavaan.h = O Personality of Godhead bhagavaana = holy bhaginii = sister bhagneshakaarmukaH = the man who broke the bow of Isha(shiva) i.e. rAma bhaGga (bhan'ga) *= mfn. breaking, bursting (said of the Soma) RV. ix, 61, 13; m. breaking, splitting, dividing, shattering, breaking down or up VS. &c. &c.; a break or breach (lit. and fig.), disturbance, interruption, frustration, humiliation, abatement,

downfall, decay, ruin, destruction Mn. MBh. &c.; fracture (see %{asthi-bh-}); paralysis, palsy L.; bending, bowing, stretching out (see %{karNa-}, %{gAtra-}, %{-grIvA-bh-}); knitting, contraction (see %{bhrU-bh-}); separation, analysis (of words) Sa1h.; overthrow, rout, defeat (also in a lawsuit) Hit. Ka1m. Ya1jn5. Sch.; rejection, refusal Ka1lid.; refutation Sarvad.; panic, fear Ra1jat.; pain (see %{pArzva-bh-}); a piece broken off, morsel, fragment Ka1lid. Ka1d.; a bend, fold, Sah. (cf. %{vastra-bh-}); a wave Ragh. Gi1t. [cf. Lith. {banga4}]; a water-course, channel L.; fraud, deceit L.; a tortuous course, roundabout way of speaking (= or w.r. for %{bhaGgi}) Sarvad.; toilet, fashion (for %{bhaGgi}?) Var.; = %{gamana} L.; N. of a serpent-demon MBh.; (with Buddhists) the constant decay taking place in the universe, constant flux or change; (with Jainas) a dialectical formula beginning with %{syAt} q.v.; (%{bhaGga4}) m. hemp AV.; (%{A}) f. see below. bhairava = terrible, one of the forms of Shiva bhaikshyaM = by begging bhaj.h = to practice / incur bhaja = worship


bhajaka* = m. a distributer, apportioner (see {civara-bh-}); a worshipper MW. bhajana* = m. N. of a prince VP.; n. the act of sharing W.; possession ib.; (ifc.) reverence, worship, adoration Prab. Sch. (also {-tA} f. with loc. Cn.); {-vArika} m. a partic. official in a Buddhist monastery L.; {-nA7nanda} m. N. of an author Cat.; {-nA7mRta} n. N. of wk. bhajaka = worshippers bhajataaM = in rendering devotional service bhajati = (1 pp) to divide, to allocate bhajate = renders transcendental loving service bhajanIya* = mfn. to be loved or revered or waited upon, venerable MBh. BhP. bhajana = a hymn* = m. N. of a prince VP.; n. the act of sharing W.; possession ib.; (ifc.) reverence, worship, adoration Prab. Sch. (also {-tA} f. with loc. Cn.); {-vArika} m. a partic. official in a Buddhist monastery L.; {-nA7nanda} m. N. of an author Cat.; {-nA7mRta} n. N. of wk. bhajanti = render service


bhajante = render services bhajasva = be engaged in loving service bhajaami = reward bhaje = I worship bhajaina = (f) where to your erection bhakataH = devotee bhakta = devotee bhaktaH = devotee bhaktaaH = devotees bhaktaanukaMpinaaM = compassionate to the devotees bhakti = devotion, worship bhaktiM = devotional service bhaktiH = in devotional service bhaktimaan.h = devotee


bhaktiyogena = by devotional service bhaktimat =* mfn. = %{-bhAj} MBh. Ka1v. &c.; accompanied by devotion or loyalty BhP. bhakteshhu = amongst devotees bhaktyaa = in full devotion bhaktyupahritaM = offered in devotion bhaksha = Food bhakshayati = (10 up) to eat, to devour bhakshaNa* = mfn. eating, one who eats (cf. {dADima-}, {pApa-bh-}); n. the act of eating, drinking, feeding S'rS. Nir. MBh. &c.; eating what excites thirst L.; chewing L.; the being eaten by (instr.) Mn. R.; ({bha4-}) a drinking vessel RV. bhakshaNIya* = mfn. to be (or being) eaten Pacat.; {-tA} f. eatableness S'rngP. bhakshayitavya* = mfn. to be eaten or devoured, edible MBh. Pacat. bhakshayitR* = m. an eater, enjoyer MBh.


bhakshaTaka* = m. a variety of Asteracantha Longifolia L. bhakshaalii* = f. N. of a place g. {dhUmA7di} (not in Ks'.) bhaksha* = m. drinking or eating, drink or (in later language) food RV. &c. &c. (often ifc., with f. {A}, having anything for food or beverage, eating, drinking, living upon); {-kAra} m. `" food-maker "', a cook, baker L.; {-M-kAra4} mfn. furnishing food MaitrS. (cf. Pn. 6-3, 72 Vrtt. 2 Pat.); {-MkRta} ({kSa4M-}) mfn. drunk or eaten, enjoyed TS. s'vS'r.; {-japa} m. the prayer muttered while drinking Soma s'vS'r.; {-pattrI} f. betel-pepper (the leaf of which serves for food) L.; {-bIja} w.r. for {bhakSya-b-}; {-mantra} m. a verse spoken while drinking Soma S'nkhS'r. bhalla * = mfn. auspicious, favourable (= {bhadra} or {ziva}) L.; m. a bear Hit. (cf. {accha-bhalla}, {bhalluka}, {bhallUka}); a term used in addressing the Sun (only dat.; cf. 2. {bhala}) MantraBr. Gobh.; (pl.) N. of a people Pn. 5-3, 114. Sch. (v.l. {malla}); N. of S'iva (cf. above); a kind of arrow or missile with a point of a partic. shape MBh. Kv. &c. (also {I} f. and n.); a partic. part of an arrow MBh.; ({I}) f. Semecarpus Anacardium Bhpr.; n. an arrow-head of a partic. shape S'rngP.

bhallatakaH = (m) cashewnut bhallukaH = (m) bear bhaMbhaM = (v) to fuck up the ass bha.nga = (masc) break bhangura V: perishable, breakable, to be lost, transient bhaNT* = cl. 10. P. {bhaNTayati}, to deceive Dhtup. xxxii, 50 Vop. bhaNTuka* = m. Calosanthes Indica L. (v.l. {bhaNDuka}). bhaNDu* = g. {suvAstv-Adi}. bhandhuka* = or {-dhruka} m. N. of a place SkandaP. bhaanava* = mfn. peculiar to the sun L.; ({I}) f. a kind of pace Sangt. bhaanu4* = m. appearance, brightness, light or a ray of light, lustre, splendour RV. &c. &c.; the sun MBh. Kv. &c.; a king, prince, master, lord L.; N. of the chapters of the dictionary of an anonymous

author Cat.; N. of S'iva L.; of an ditya RmatUp.; of a Deva-gandharva MBh.; of a son of Kriishna ib.; of a Ydava Hariv.; of the father of the 15th Arhat of the present Avasarpin L.; of a prince (son of Prati-vyoma) BhP.; of a son of Vis'va-dhara and father of Hari-ntha Cat.; of a pupil of S'ankara7crya Cat.; of various authors (also with {dIkSita}, {paNDita}, {bhaTTa} &c.) ib.; pl. the dityas (children of Bhnu) Hariv. Pur.; the gods of the 3rd Manv-antara Hariv.; f. a handsome wife (= {bhAnu-matI}) L.; N. of a daughter of Daksha (wife of Dharma or Manu and mother of Bhnu and ditya) Hariv. VP.; of the mother of Devarshabha BhP.; of a daughter of Kriishna Hariv.; of the mother of the Dnava S'akuni &c. BhP. bhaaraaya Nom. A1. %{-yate}, to form a load be a load for (gen.) Kuval. BhP. bhaaraya m. = %{bhAradvAja}, a sky-lark ib. [753,3] bhaarayasththi f. a pole or yoke for carrying loads L. bhaargava* = mf({I})n. relating to or coming from Bhriigu Up. MBh. &c.; belonging to S'ukra (cf. below) R.; patr. fr. {bhRgu} (pl. {bhRgavaH}) Pn. 2-4, 65; N. of S'ukra (regent of the planet Venus

and preceptor of the Daityas) R. Var. &c.; of S'iva MBh.; of Paras'u-rma ib.; of various men (esp. supposed authors of hymns, viz. of Itha, Kali, Kriitnu, Griitsamada, Cyavana, Jamad-agni, Nema, Prayogs, Vena, Soma7huti and Syma-ras'mi q.v.; but also of many other writers or mythological personages e.g. of Ithala, of Riicka, of Dvi-gat, of Dris'na, of Mrkandeya, of Pramati &c.) Br. S'rS. MBh. RAnukr.; a potter MBh. (Nlak.); an astrologer L.; an archer, a good bowman (like Paras'u-rma) L.; an elephant L.; pl. the descendants of Bhriigu (properly called {bhRgavaH}; cf. above) MBh. Hariv.; N. of a people MBh. Pur.; ({I}) f. a female descendant of Bhriigu Pn. 2-4, 65; Bhargava's i.e. S'ukra's daughter R.; N. of Deva-yni f. MBh. BhP.; of Lakshm L.; of Prvat L.; Panicum Dactylon and another species L.; n. N. of various Smans rshBr. bhaarya(a) V*= wife, bride bhaavana * = n. (for 2. %{bhAvana} see p. 755, col. 1) a forest of rays Ghat2.\\ 2 mf(%{I})n. (fr. Caus.; for 1. see 2. %{bhA4} p. 750) causing to be, effecting, producing, displaying, manifesting MBh. Ka1v. BhP.; promoting or effecting any one's (gen. or comp.) welfare MBh. R. &c.; imagining, fancying, Asht2a1vS.; teaching MBh.; m. a creator, producer, efficient MBh. Ka1v.; N. of S3iva (=

%{dhyAtR}) MBh.; of Vishn2u A.; of the 22nd Kalpa (q.v.); (%{A}) f. and n. the act of producing or effecting Nir. Sa1h. BhP.; forming in the mind, conception, apprehension, imagination, supposition, fancy, thought, meditation (%{bhAvanayA} ind, in thought, in imagination; %{-nAm-bandh}, with loc., to occupy one's imagination with, direct one's thoughts to) MBh. Ka1v. S3am2k. Veda7ntas. &c.; (in logic) that cause of memory which arises from direct perception Tarkas.; application of perfumes &c. (= %{adhivAsana}) L.; (%{A}) f. demonstration, argument, ascertainment Ya1jn5.; feeling of devotion, faith in (loc.) Pan5cat.; reflection, contemplation (5 kinds with Buddhists MWB. 128); saturating any powder with fluid, steeping, infusion S3a1rn3gS.; (in arithm.) finding by combination or composition; (with Jainas) right conception or notion; the moral of a fable HParis3.; N. of an Upanishad; a crow L.; water L.; n. furthering, promoting MBh.; the fruit of Dillenia Speciosa L.; (ifc.) nature, essence Ra1matUp. bhaavanaa * = f. of prec., in comp. bhar = (v) to bear, carry bhara * = mf({A})n. ( {bhR}) bearing, carrying, bringing; bestowing, granting; maintaining,

supporting (mostly ifc.; cf. {Rtam-}, {kulam-}, {deham-}, {vAjam-bh-} and c.); m. (ifc. f. {A}) the act of bearing or carrying &c.; carrying away or what is carried away, gain, prize, booty RV. AV.; war, battle, contest ib.; a burden, load, weight (also a partic. measure of weight = {bhAra} q.v. L.) Hariv. Kv. &c. (acc. with {kR}, to place one's weight, support one's self Hit.); a large quantity, great number, mass, bulk, multitude, abundance, excess Kv. Kaths. &c. ({bhareNa} and {-rAt} ind. in full measure, with all one's might Kd.); raising the voice, shout or song of praise RV.; n. du. (with {indrasya}, or {vasiSThasya}) N. of 2 Smans rshBr. bharadvaaja* = ({bhara4d-}) m. `" bearing "' speed or strength (of flight) "', a skylark R.; N. of a Riishi (with the patr. Brhaspatya, supposed author of RV. vi, 1-30; 37-43; 53-74; ix, 67. 1-3; x, 137, 1, and Purohita of Diva-dsa, with whom he is perhaps identical; BhBharad is also considered as one of the 7 sages and the author of a law-book) RV. &c. &c. ({-jasya a-dAra-sRt} and {a-dAra-sRtau}, {arkau}, {upahavau}, {gAdham}, {nakAni}, {prizninI}, {prAsAham}, {bRhat}, {maukSe}, {yajJA7yajJIyam}, {lomanI}, {vAja-karmIyam}, {vAja-bhRt}, {viSamANi}, {vratam}, {sundhyuH} and {saindhukSitAni}N. of Smans ArshBr.); of an Arhat Buddh.; of a district Pn. 4-2, 145; of an Agni

MBh.; of various authors Cat.; pl. the race or family of Bharad-vja RV.; {-gArga-pariNaya-pratiSedhavAdA7rtha} m. N. of wk.; {-dhanvantari} m. N. of a divine being S'nkhGri.; {-pravraska} n. N. of AV. ii, 12; {-prAdur-bhAva} m. N. of ch. of Bhpr.; {zikSA} f. {-saMhitA} f. {-sUtra} n. {-smRti} f. N. of wks. bharaNi = jewel bharaNii = Second nakshatra bharata = Bharat bharatarshhabha = O chief amongst the descendants of Bharata bharatava.nditaH = the who has been saluted by Bharata bharatashreshhTha = O chief of the Bharatas bharatasattama = O best of the Bharatas bharataagraja = the one going before Bharata (elder of bharata) bharjanaM = nourisher?


bharjayati = to fry bharjita * = mfn. (fr. Caus.) roasted, fried Sus'r.; destroyed, annihilated bhartaa = sustainer bhartR * =m. (once in S'Br. {bha4rtR}) a bearer [cf. Lat. {fertor}], one who bears or carries or maintains (with gen. or ifc.) RV. S'Br. MBh.; a preserver, protector, maintainer, chief, lord, master RV. &c. &c. ({trI4} f. a female supporter or nourisher, a mother AV. Kaus'. TBr.); ({bha4rtR}) m. a husband RV. v, 58, 7 Mn. MBh. &c. bhartR4-tva * =n. (MBh. &c.) masterhood, husbandship; {-tAMgata} mfn. subject, married W. bhartRka * =ifc. (f. {A}) = {bhartR}, a husband (cf. {pro7Sita-}, {mRta-}, {svA7dhIna-bh-}). bhartrima * =(?) mfn. maintained, nourished, supported W. bhasha* = mf({I})n. barking, yelping, chiding VS. (cf. g. {pacA7di}); m. a dog L.; ({A}) f. a species of plant L.; ({I}) f. a bitch L. bhashhati = to bark

bhastrikaa = the bellows breath bhasma = ash bhasmaM = ashes bhasmasaat.h = to burn to ashes bhasmaavasheshhaM = ashes+remains bhaTTakavaara = Sunday bhatha * = m. (fr. {bhRta}) a mercenary, hired soldier, warrior, combatant MBh. Kv. &c.; a servant, slave Kvya7d. VP.; a humpback Gal.; N. of a serpent-demon Buddh.; = {arya-bhaTa} (cf. below); pl. N. of a degraded tribe L. (cf. {bhaTTa}, {bhaDa}, {bhaNDa}; according to some `" a person whose father is a Brhman and whose mother is a Nath "'); ({A}) f. coloquintida. bhauma* = mf({I})n. relating or dedicated to the earth, produced or coming from the earth, earthly, terrestrial VS. &c. &c. (with {naraka} m. = hell on earth MBh.; with {brahman} n. = the Veda ib.); consisting or made of earth, earthy PacavBr. KtyS'r. MBh. &c.; coming from the land (as revenue &c.) L.; (fr. {bhauma}, the planet Mars) relating to the plplanet Mars or to his day, falling

on Tuesday Vet.; m. a red-flowering Punar-nav L.; = {ambara} L.; N. of the 27th Muhrta L.; metron. of a partic. earth-deity GriS.; of Atri RAnukr.; of the Daitya Naraka MBh.; of the planet Mars (whose day is Tuesday) ib. Var. Pur. &c.; m. or n. N. of AV. xii, 1; ({I}) f. `" produced from the earth "'N. of Sit L.; n. dust of the earth (pl.) MBh.; corn, grain past.; (only ifc.) floor, story MBh. R. bhaumacAra* = m. `" the course of the planet Mars "', N. of a ch. of Bhaththo7tpala's Comm. on VarBriS. bhaumavAra* = m. `" Mars-day "', Tuesday KtyS'r. Sch.; {-vratavidhi} m. N. of wk. bhaumaka* = m. any animal living in the earth AdbhBr. bhaumana* = m. N. of Vis'va-karman MBh. (prob. w.r. for {bhauvana}). bhavaami = I become bhavaan.h = you bhava * = m. ( {bhU}) coming info existence, birth, production, origin (= {bhAva} Vop.; ifc., with f. {A} = arising or produced from, being in, relating to)

Yj. MBh. Kv. &c.; becoming, turning into (comp.) Kthh.; being, state of being, existence, life (= {sat-tA} L.) S'rngP. (cf. {bhavA7ntara}); worldly existence, the world (= {saMsAra} L.) Kv. Pur. [749, 1]; (with Buddhists) continuity of becoming (a link in the twelvefold chain of causation) Dharmas. 42 (MWB. 102); well-being, prosperity, welfare, excellence (= {zreyas} L.) MBh. Kv. &c.; obtaining, acquisition (= {Apti}, {prA7pti}) L.; a god, deity. W.; N. of Agni S'Br.; of a deity attending on Rudra and frequently connected with S'arva (later N. of S'iva or a form of S'iva; or N. of a Rudra, and as such of the number 11 or of the 11th lunar mansion Gol. Var. Sch.; du. {bhavau} = Bhava i.e. S'iva and his wife Bhavn BhP.; cf. Vm. v, 2, 1) AV. &c. &c.; of the 1st and 4th Kalpa Cat.; of a Sdhya VP.; of a king MBh.; of a son of Pratihartrii VP.; of Viloman ib.; of a rich man Buddh.; of an author Cat.; n. the fruit of Dillenia Speciosa L.; = {bhavya}, {bhaviSya}, {bhAvana} L. bhavaaya = for the sake of the world bhavaarNava = bhava+arNava, birth\&death+ocean bhavaH = birth bhava* = m. ( {bhU}) coming info existence, birth, production, origin (= {bhAva} Vop.; ifc., with f. {A}

= arising or produced from, being in, relating to) Yj. MBh. Kv. &c.; becoming, turning into (comp.) Kthh.; being, state of being, existence, life (= {sat-tA} L.) S'rngP. (cf. {bhavA7ntara}); worldly existence, the world (= {saMsAra} L.) Kv. Pur. [749, 1]; (with Buddhists) continuity of becoming (a link in the twelvefold chain of causation) Dharmas. 42 (MWB. 102); well-being, prosperity, welfare, excellence (= {zreyas} L.) MBh. Kv. &c.; obtaining, acquisition (= {Apti}, {prA7pti}) L.; a god, deity. W.; N. of Agni S'Br.; of a deity attending on Rudra and frequently connected with S'arva (later N. of S'iva or a form of S'iva; or N. of a Rudra, and as such of the number 11 or of the 11th lunar mansion Gol. Var. Sch.; du. {bhavau} = Bhava i.e. S'iva and his wife Bhavn BhP.; cf. Vm. v, 2, 1) AV. &c. &c.; of the 1st and 4th Kalpa Cat.; of a Sdhya VP.; of a king MBh.; of a son of Pratihartrii VP.; of Viloman ib.; of a rich man Buddh.; of an author Cat.; n. the fruit of Dillenia Speciosa L.; = {bhavya}, {bhaviSya}, {bhAvana} L. bhavaa in comp. before {d} for {bhavat}. bhavaketu * m. N. of a partic. phenomenon in the sky Var. bhavacandra * m. N. of a man Cat.


bhavadiya: A* given by your, bhava4-jala * n. the water (or ocean) of worldly existence Kv. bhava4-bhaGga * m. annihilation of wworldly exexistence, delivery from births or transmigration Hcat. bhava4-maya * mf({I})n. consisting of or produced from S'iva MBh. bhavana = home, residence, place* = n. (m. g. %{ardharcA7di}) a place of abode, mansion, home, house, palace, dwelling (ifc. f. %{A}) Mn. Mbh. &c.; horoscope, natal star (see %{bhavane7za}); m. N. of a R2ishi in the 2nd Manvantara VP.; a dog L.; n. coming into existence, birth, production Kap. Sch. Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 1-4, 31; a site, receptacle (ifc.) Pan5cat.; the place where anything grows (ifc.= field cf. %{zAli-bh-}); = %{bhuvana}, water L. bhavaneshhu = in the homes of bhavantaM = You bhavantaH = you bhavanti = grow

bhava.ntu = let them be or become bhava4-rasa * m. delight in wworldly exexistence Sinha7s. bhavat * = mf(%{antI})n. being, present RV. &c. &c.; m.f, (nom. %{bha4vAn}, %{-vatI}; voc. %{bhavan} or %{bhos} q.v.; f. %{-vati}; cf. Mn. ii, 49) your honour, your worship, your lordship or ladyship, you (lit. `" the gentleman or lady present "'; cf. %{atra-} and %{tatra-bh-}; used respectfully for the 2nd pers. pron., but properly with the 3rd and only exceptionally with the 2nd pers. of the verb e.g. %{bhavAn@dadAtu}, `" let your highness give "'; sometimes in pl. to express greater courtesy e.g. %{bhavantaH@pramANam}, `" your honour is an authority "') S3Br. &c.; (%{antI}) f. the present tense Pat.; (%{atI}) f. a partic.kind of poisoned arrow L. bhavataH = Thy bhavataraNe = for crossing the ocean of births \& deaths bhavati = becomes bhavatii = you


bhavatu = let there be bhava4-viti * f. liberation from the world, cessation of worldly acts Kir. bhava4-vyaya * m. du. birth and dissolution Bhag bhavabiijaanaaM = the birth-seeds bhavasaagaraM = the ocean of births and deaths bhav.h = to be bhavi = future bhavitaa = will come to be bhavishya = future, of future bhavishhya = future bhavishhyataaM = of future manifestations bhavishhyati = it will increase in the future bhavishhyanti = will be bhavishhyaaNi = future


bhavishhyaamaH = shall exist bhavet.h = would be bhavya* = mfn. being, existing, present RV. &c. &c.; to be about to be or become, future (= {bhAvin}) MrkP. Pacar. (also for the future tense of {bhU} MBh. iv, 928 v.l. {bhAvya}); likely to be, on the point of becoming (see {dhenu-} and {dhenumbhavyA}); what ought to be, suitable, fit, proper, right, good, excellent Kv. Pur. Kaths.; handsome, beautiful, pleasant MBh. Kv. &c.; gracious, favourable (= {prasanna}) R.; auspicious, fortunate Ragh. BhP.; righteous, pious Vcar.; true L.; m. Averrhoa Carambola MBh. &c.; N. of a Riishi in the 9th Manv-antara VP.; of a son of Dhruva (the polar star) Hariv.; of a son of Priyavrata Pur.; of a teacher Buddh.; of a poet Cat.; (pl.) a partic. class of gods under Manu Ckshusha Pur.; ({A}) f. N. of Um (Prvat) L.; Piper Chaba (prob. w.r. for {cavyA}); n. that which is or exists (= {yad bhavati}) RV. &c. &c.; being, existing, the being present AV. &c. &c.; future time (see {bhavadbhUta-bhavya}); fruit, result, reward, (esp.) good result, prosperity Ragh. Dhrtan.; a bone L.; the fruit of Averrhoa Carambola or of Dillenia Indica L.; m. or n. one division of the poetical Rasas or sentiments W.


bhaya = fear* = n. ( {bhI}) fear, alarm dread apprehension; fear of (abl. gen. or comp.) or for (comp.) RV. &c. &c. ({bhayAt} ind. `" from fear "'; {bhayaM-kR} with abl. `" to have fear of "'; {bhayaM-dA}, `" to cause fear, terrify "'); sg. and pl. terror, dismay, danger, peril, distress; danger from (abl. or comp.) or to, (comp.) ib.; the blossom of Trapa Bispinosa L.; m. sickness, disease L.; Fear personifled (as a Vasu, a son of Nir-riiti or Ni-kriiti, a prince of the Yavanas and husband of the daughter of Time) Pur. (also n.; and {A} f. as a daughter of Kla or Vaivasvata, and wife of the Rkshasa Heti). bhayaM = fear bhayanaka = that which causes fear bhayaat.h = out of fear bhayaanaka = the sentiment of fear, terror bhayaanakaani = very fearful bhayaavahaH = dangerous bhayena = out of fear bhaujya = enjoyment (of kingship)

bhautika = material bhauma = A name for the planet Mars bhavaan: see bhavat bhavat *= mf(%{antI})n. being, present RV. &c. &c.; m.f, (nom. %{bha4vAn}, %{-vatI}; voc. %{bhavan} or %{bhos} q.v.; f. %{-vati}; cf. Mn. ii, 49) your honour, your worship, your lordship or ladyship, you (lit. `" the gentleman or lady present "'; cf. %{atra-} and %{tatra-bh-}; used respectfully for the 2nd pers. pron., but properly with the 3rd and only exceptionally with the 2nd pers. of the verb e.g. %{bhavAn@dadAtu}, `" let your highness give "'; sometimes in pl. to express greater courtesy e.g. %{bhavantaH@pramANam}, `" your honour is an authority "') S3Br. &c.; (%{antI}) f. the present tense Pat.; (%{atI}) f. a partic.kind of poisoned arrow L. bheka = a frog bheDa* = m. a ram L. (cf. {eDa}, {bheDra} and {bheNDa}); a raft, float L. (cf. {bhela}); N. of a lexicographer and a physician Cat.; of a Riishi L.; ({I}) f. a ewe L.; N. of one of the Mtriis attending on Skanda MBh.


bheda4 = break, pierce, also difference * = m. ( {bhid}) breaking, splitting, cleaving, rending, tearing, piercing (also pass. the being broken &c.) KtyS'r. Yj. MBh. Kv. &c.; breaking open, disclosing, divulging, betrayal (of a secret cf. {rahasya-bh-}); bursting asunder, opening, gaping, parting asunder BhP. Sus'r.; bursting forth or out, expanding, blossoming, shooting out, sprouting Klid. Blar.; a cleft, fissure, chasm (cf. {zilA-bh-}; du. pudendum muliebre) RV.; rupture, breach, hurt, injury, seduction Km. MBh. Kaths.; shooting pain (in the limbs), paralysis (cf. {ardhabh-}) Sus'r.; separation, division, partition, part, portion Kv. Pur.; distinction, difference, kind, sort, species, variety S'rS. Up. MBh. &c.; disturbance, interruption, violation, dissolution RPrt. KtyS'r. Sh.; disuniting, winning over to one's side by sowing dissension (cf. {upA7ya}) Mn. Yj. Km.; disunion, schism, dissension between (instr.) or in (comp.) MBh. Var. Rjat.; change, alteration, modification MBh. S'ak.; contraction (cf. {bhrUbh-}) [766,2]; evacuation (of the bowels) S'rngS.; (in astron.) a partic. crossing or conjunction of the planets; one of the ways in which an eclipse ends (cf. {kukSi-bh-}); (in math.) the hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle; (in dram.) = {saMhati-bhedana}, or = {pro7tsAhana}, Sh; (in phil.) dualism, duality (cf. comp.); N. of a man AV.; pl. N. of a people RV.

bhedaM = the differences bhedana = breaking through, piercing bhedaaGYaanaM = difference/otherness/duality bheruNDa = terrible bheruNDaasana = the formidable posture bheryaH = large drums bheshaja = medicine, antidote, cure* = mf({I})n. (fr. 1. {bhiSaj}) curing, healing, sanative RV. AV. AitBr.; n. a remedy, medicine, medicament, drug, remedy against (gen. or comp.) RV. &c. &c.; a spell or charm (for curative purposes (generally from Atharva-veda) S'rS.; water Naigh. i, 12; Nigella Indica W. bhettavai * = %{bhettavya}, %{bhettR} see under %{bhid}, p. 757, col. 2. bhettavya * = mfn. to be broken or split R.; to be betrayed or divulged Hariv. bhettri * = mfn. breaking, splitting, bursting through, piercing; a breaker &c. RV. &c, &c.; a conqueror Cat.; an interrupter, disturber,

frustrator Ka1m.; a divulger, betrayer MBh. Ya1jn5.; a factious or seditious man MW.; m. N. of Skanda Mr2icch.; N. of a partic. magical spell recited over weapons R. bibharshi * V: manifest, assume, bear, accept, carry\\ S.G: assume, maintain (and perpetuate) bibhrat* = mfn. (pr.p. of {bhR}) bearing, carrying RV. &c. & bhid.h = to break bhidaa* = f. splitting, bursting, destroying, destruction Ka1v. (cf. %{dur-bhida}); separation (see %{-bhRt}); distinction, difference Ka1v. BhP.; a kind or species. Sa1h.; coriander L. bhii *= 1 cl. 3. P. (Dha1tup. xxv , 2) %{bibhe4ti} (du. %{bibhItas} or %{bibhitas} Pot. %{bibhIyAt} or %{bibhiyAt} Pa1n2. 6-4 , 115 ; Pot. 3. pl. %{bibhyeyuH} MBh. xii , 459 ; impf. 3. pl. %{abibhayuH} Pa1n2. 7-3 , 83 Sch. ; ep. also A1. 1. sg. %{bibhye} and and P. 3. sg. %{bibhyati} pl. %{bibhyanti} ; Ved. also cl. 1. A. %{bha4yate} , and accord , to Dha1tup. xxxiv , 15 , cl , 10. P. %{bhAyayati} ; pf. %{bibhAya} , 3. pl. %{bibhyuH} RV. &c. &c. ; %{bIbhAya} AitBr. ; %{bibhayA4M@cakara} S3Br. cf. Pa1n2. 3-1 , 39 ;

aor. %{abhaiSIt} , %{-Sma} , %{-SuH} RV. AV. &c. , 2. sg. %{bhaiSIs} AV. , %{bhais} Br. &c. , esp. in %{mAbhais} "' , do not be afraid ; once for pl. = %{mA@bhaiSTa} R. i , 55 , 25 ; %{bhes} Br. ; %{bhema} RV. , p. A1. %{bhiyAna4} ib. , ; fut. %{bhetA} Gr. ; cond , %{abheSyat} S3Br. ; inf. %{bhiya4se} RV. ; %{bhetum} MBh. &c.) , to fear , be afraid of (abl. or gen. , rarely instr , or acc.) RV. &c. &c. ; to fear for , be anxious about (abl.) R.: Pass. %{bhIyate} , aor , %{abhAyi} Gr.: Caus. %{bhISa4yate} (S3Br. &c. ; cf. Pa1n2. 1-3 , 68) , %{bhISayati} (MBh. ; once m. c. %{bhiS-} BhP. ; p. %{bhISayANa} MBh. ; aor. %{bIbhiSaH} TS. , %{SathAH} RV.) , %{bhAyayati} , %{-te} (Pa1n2. 1-3 , 68 Sch. ; Pot. %{bhAyayes} Megh. 61 ; v.l. %{bhISayes} ; aor %{bIbhayat} , %{a4bIbhayanta} RV. ; ind. p. %{-bhAyya} Br.) , %{bhApayate} (Pa1n2. 6-1 , 56 Sch.) , to terrify , put in a fright , intimidate RV. &c. &c.: Desid. %{bibhISati} Gr.: Intens. %{bebhIyate} , %{bebhayIti} , %{bebheti} ib. [Cf. %{bhyas} ; Lith. {bijo4tis} ; Slav. {bojati} ; Germ. {biben} , {beben}.] bhiita * = mfn. frightened, alarmed, terrified, timid, afraid of or imperilled by (abl. or comp.) RV. &c. &c.; anxious about (comp.) Pan5car.; (%{am}) ind. timidly S3iksh.; n. fear, danger L.; (impers.) fear has been shown, S3rin3ga1r.


bhiiru * = mf({U8})n. fearful, timid, cowardly, afraid of (abl. or comp.) RV. &c. &c.; (with {paratra}) dreading the beyond or the hereafter Yj. Sch. (ifc. expressive of blame Ganar. on Pn. 2-1, 53); m. a jackal L. (cf. {pheru}); a tiger L.; various kinds of fish L.; a centipede L.; a kind of sugarcane L.; Asparagus Racemosus L.; f. a timid woman (esp. voc. `" {bhIru} "', `" O timid one! "') Kv.; a shadow L.; a she-goat L.; Solanum Jacquini L.; n. a species of plant L. [758, 3]; silver L bhiitaM = fearful bhiitabhiitaH = fearful bhiitaani = out of fear bhiiti = fear bhiitiM = fear bhiitiH = fear bhiima = terrible* = mf({A})n. fearful, terrific, terrible awful formidable, tremendous RV. &c. &c. (ibc., fearfully &c.); m. Rumex Vesicarius L.; N. of Rudra-S'iva s'vGri. Un. Sch.; of one of the 8 forms of S'iva Pur.; of one of the 11 Rudras Pur.; of a Devagandharva MBh.; of one of the Devas called

Vajamush ib.; of a Dnava ib. Kaths.; of a Vidydhara Kaths.; of a son of the Rkshasa Kumbhakarna Cat.; of the second son of Pndu (also called) Bhima-sena and Vriiko7dara; he was only the reputed son of PPndu, being really the son of his wife Priith or Kunt by the wind-god Vyu, and was noted for his size, strength and appetite) MBh. Kv. Pur. &c.; of sev. other men AitBr. MBh. Hariv. &c.; pl. the race of Bhima MBh.; ({A}) f. a whip L.; a bullock's gall-stone L.; N. of a form of Durg Hariv.; of an Apsaras R.; of sev. rivers MBh.; of a district Rjat.; of a town Buddh. bhiimakarmaa = one who performs herculean tasks bhiimaarjuna = to Bhima and Arjuna bhiishaya %{-yati} see %{bhI}. *V = terrifying, threatening. bhishaya %{-yati} see %{bhI}. bhiishhma = by Grandfather Bhishma bhiishhmaM = unto Grandfather Bhishma bhiishhmaH = Grandfather Bhishma bhiNDiH = (f) ladies-finger, okra

bhitaaH = out of fear bhittiH = (m) walls bhinnaa = separated bhilla = tribal bhikshaapaatram.h = (n) begging bowl bhikshukaH = (m) beggar bhikshu* = m. a beggar, mendicant, religious mmendicant (esp. a Brhman in the fourth s'rama or period of his life, when he subsists entirely on alms) Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. RTL. 55 n. 1); a Buddhist mendicant or monk Kaths. Lalit. (cf. MWB. 55); a partic. Buddha L.; Asteracantha Longifolia L.; Sphaerantus Mollis L.; N. of an ngirasa (author of RV. x, 117) RAnukr.; of a son of Bhoja Rjat.; of a poet Cat.; n. N. of an Upanishad (cf. {bhikSuko7paniSad}), bhikshucaryA* = f. `" a mendicant's course of life "', begging BhP. bhikshusUtra* = n. a collection of rules or precepts for mendicants Pn. 4-3, 110; {-bhASya-vArttika} n. N. of a Comm. on prec.


bhikshuka* = m. a beggar, mendicant, a Brhman of the mmendicant order (cf. {bhikSu}) GriS. Mn. MBh. &c. (RTL. 386); ({I}) f. see below. bhikshukasatI* = f. a virtuous female mendicant L. bhikshukI* = f. (of prec.) a female mendicant MBh. R. &c. bhikshuNI* = f. a Buddhist female mendicant or nun Lalit. DivyA7v. (MWB. 86). bho = exclamatory word for addressing a person bho-bhoh * = see bhos* n (fr. {bhavas} voc. of {bhavat} q.v.; before vowels and soft consonants {bho}; before hard consonants {bhos} and {bhoH}; the latter form also in pause cf. Pn. 8-3, 17 &c.; but there is occasional confusion of these forms, esp. in later literature; often also {bhobhoH}.), an interjection or voc. particle commonly used in addressing another person or several persons = O! Ho! Hallo l, in soliloquies = alas! S'Br. &c. &c. (according to L. a particle of sorrow and of interrogation). bodha * = mfn. knowing, understanding, Asht2a1vS. (cf. g. %{jvalA7di}); m. waking, becoming or being awake, consciousness AV. MBh.

&c.; the opening of blossom, bloom Cat.; the taking effect (of spells; acc. with %{pra-yA}, `" to begin to take effect "') ib.; exciting (a perfume) Var.; perception, apprehension, thought, knowledge, understanding, intelligence Ka1v. Ra1jat. Pur.; designation Sa1h. Pa1n2. Sch.; awakening, arousing W.; making known, informing, instructing MW.; Knowledge personified as a son of Buddhi Pur.; N. of a man Ma1rkP. (cf. Pa1n2. 4-1, 107); pl. N. of a people MBh. bodhaka * = mf(%{ikA})n. awakening, arousing R.; causing to know, explaining, teaching, instructing, a teacher, instructor Ka1v. Veda7ntas. Sarvad.; (ifc.) denoting, indicating, signifying (%{tva} n.) Pa1n2. Sch. Veda7ntas.; m. a spy, informer W.; N. of a man (pl. his descendants) Pravar.; of a poet Cat. bodhana * = mf(%{I})n. causing to awake or expand (a flower), arousing, exciting R. Hariv. Sus3r.; enlightening, teaching, instructing (cf. %{bAla-bodhinI}); m. the planet Mercury W.; N. of a mountain VP.; (%{I}) f. intellect, knowledge L.; long pepper L.; = %{bodha-vAsara} PadmaP.; a partic. S3akti Hcat.; n. waking, being awake Ka1tyS3r. Sus3r.; perceiving, understanding Ragh.; causing to wake, awakening, arousing MBh. R. &c.; causing (a spell) to take effect, Cat [734,3]; calling

forth a perfume, burning incense L.; causing to perceive or understand Sa1h.; instructing, teaching, informing Hariv. Ka1v.; denoting, indicating, signifying Sa1h. Pa1n2. Sch.; `" the awaking of Durga1 "'N. of a festival on the 9th day of the dark half of the month Bha1dra Col. bodhaana * = mfn. prudent, clever, wise L.; m. a wise man; N. of Br2ihas-pati L. bodhaayana * = m. N. of a teacher and author of the Brahma-su1tra-vr2itti (said to have commented also on the Bhagavad-gi1ta1 and 10 Upanishads) Cat. bodhayitri *= mfn. (fr. Caus.) causing to know , informing MaitrUp. bodhi * = mf. (with Buddhists or Jainas) perfect knowledge or wisdom (by which a man becomes a Buddha or Jina), the illuminated or enlightened intellect (of a BBuddha or JJina) Katha1s. Ra1jat. S3atr. Lalit. (cf. MWB. 97, 188 &c.); m. the tree of wisdom under which perfect wwisdom is attained or under which a man becomes a Buddha, the sacred fig-tree, (Ficus Religiosa) Hcat. (MWB. 35, 181 &c.); `" wakener "', a cock L.; N. of a man (= Buddha in a former birth) Ja1takam.; of a mythical elephant Lalit.; of a place L.; pl. N. of a people R.;

mfn. learned, wise Un2. iv, 117.\\ f. (with Buddhists) perfect knowledge or enlightenment MWB. 43 (%{-dhy-aGga} n. an `" integral part of perfect knowledge or enlightenment "' Lalit.) bhadaaka * = m. fortune, prosperity (or mfn. auspicious, fortunate) Un2. iv, 15 Sch. (%{kalyANe}). bhoutikashaastram.h = physics bhoktavya = should be used, enjoyed *=mfn. to be enjoyed or eaten Ya1jn5. Ka1v. &c.; to be used or employed Mn. viii, 144; to be possessed or governed or ruled Ma1rkP.; to be utilized or exploited MBh.; to be fed (n. impers. `" a meal is to be eaten "') MBh. Hariv. bhoktaa = the enjoyer bhoktR* = m. ({trI} f.) one who enjoys or eats, enjoyer, eater, experiencer, feeler, sufferer MaitrUp. MBh. &c. (also as fut. of 3. {bhuj} R.); a possessor, ruler of a land, king, prince Inscr.; a husband, lover L. bhogatva* = n. the state of being curved or winding, curvedness Km. 1.


bhogi* = in comp. for 1. {bhogin}. bhogadA* = f. `" granting enjenjoyments "'N. of the goddess of the Pingalas Cat. [767,3 bhoktaaraM = the beneficiary bhoktiaa = one who enjoys bhoktuM = to enjoy life bhoktritve = in enjoyment bhoga = enjoyment bhoga* = 1 m. (1. {bhuj}) any winding or curve, coil (of a serpent) RV. &c. &c.; the expanded hood of a snake Hariv. Km. Pacat.; a partic. kind of military array Km.; a snake Suparn.; the body L.\\2 m. (3. {bhuj}) enjoyment, eating, feeding on RV. &c. &c. (with Jainas `" enjoying once "', as opp. to {upa-bhoga}, q.v.); use, application S'Br. GriS'rS. &c.; fruition, usufruct, use of a deposit &c. Mn. Yj.; sexual enjoyment Mn. MBh. &c.; enjenjoyment of the earth or of a country i.e. rule, sway MrkP.; experiencing, feeling, perception (of pleasure or pain) Mn. MBh. &c.; profit, utility, advantage, pleasure, delight RV. &c. &c.; any object of enjoyment (as food, a festival &c.) MBh. R.;

possession, property, wealth, revenue Mn. MBh. &c.; hire, wages (esp. of prostitution) L.; (in astron.) the passing through a constellation VarBriS.; the part of the ecliptic occupied by each of the 27 lunar mansions Sryas.; (in arithm.) the numerator of a fraction (?) W.; N. of a teacher Cat.; ({A}) f. N. of a Sura7ngan Sinha7s.; n. w.r. for {bhogya} or {bhAgya}. bhogarataH = indulging in worldly pleasures bhogaaH = material enjoyment bhogaan.h = enjoyable things bhogaiH = enjoyment bhogi = serpent (that has bhoga, meaning hood) bhogii = the enjoyer bhogin* = 1 mfn. (for 2. see col. 3) furnished with windings or curves or rings, curved, ringed (as a serpent) R. BhP. &c.; m. a serpent or sserpentdemon MBh. Kv. &c.; a kind of shrub L.; ({inI}) f. a serpent nymph R. \\2 mfn. (for 1. see col. 2) enjoying, eating MrkP. Prasang.; having or offering enjoyments, devoted to enjenjoyments, wealthy, opulent MBh. Yj. Var. &c.; suffering,

experiencing, undergoing Kap.; using, possessing MW.; m. a voluptuary MW.; a king L.; the head man of a village L.; a barber L.; = {vaiyAvRtti-kara} (?) L.; a person who accumulates money for a partic. expenditure W.; N. of a prince VP.; ({inI}) f. a kind of heroine Bhar.; the concubine of a king or a wife not regularly consecrated with him L. bhojanaM = eating bhojanashaalaa = (f) dining room bhojaneshhu = or while eating together bhojotsavaH = (m) feast bhokshyase = you enjoy bhrama* = m. (ifc. f. {A}) wandering or roaming about, roving over or through (comp.) Kaths.; moving about, rolling (as of the eyes) Rjat.; turning round, revolving, rotation (acc. with {dA} = to swing) MBh. Sryas. Hcat.; a whirling flame RV.; a whirlpool, eddy Prab.; a spring, fountain, watercourse L.; a potter's wheel Snkhyak.; (v.l. {mi}), a grindstone (see comp.); a gimlet or auger L.; a circle ryabh.; giddiness, dizziness Sus'r.; confusion, perplexity, error, mistake (ifc. mistaking anything for) Hariv. Kv. Rjat. &c.; ({At}) ind. by

an error or mistake Gt. bhraama* = m. roaming about, unsteadiness Gt. bhraamaka * = mf({ikA})n. (fr. Caus.) causing error, deceitful, false R. Sch.; m. n. `" causing (scil. iron) to turn round "', a magnet (also {-kA7dri}, m.) L.; m. `" turning round (scil. towards the sun?) "', a sunflower, heliotrope L.; a deceiver, cheat L.; ({akA}) f. a species of plant L. bhraamarin vmfn. (fr. prec.) affected with vertigo or epilepsy Mn. iii, 161; whirling round, revolving W.; made of honey. ib. bhraama * = roaming about, unsteadiness bhraamayan.h = causing to travel bhrashtha* = mfn. fallen, dropped, fallen down or from or off (abl. or comp.) AV. &c. &c.; (with or scil. {divaH}), fallen from the sky i.e. banished to the earth Kaths. S'ukas.; broken down, decayed, ruined, disappeared, lost, gone MBh. Kv. &c.; fled or escaped from, rid of (abl.) Kaths.; strayed or separated from, deprived of (abl. or comp.) MBh. Kv. &c.; depraved, vicious, a backslider W.; ({A}) f. a fallen or unchaste woman MW.


bhras'ishtha* = mfn. (superl.) most (very) powerful or strong or vehement Pat. on Pn. 6-4, 161. bhras'iiyas* = mfn. (compar.) more (very) powerful &c. ib. bhras'iman* = m. potency, vehemence, strength g. {dRDhA7di}. bhras'* = see {bhraMz}, p. 769, col. 1. bhras'iman* = {bhraziSTha}, {-zIyas} see p. 766, col. 1. bhras'* = see {bhraMz}, p. 769, col. 1. bhras'iman* = {bhraziSTha}, {-zIyas} see p. 766, col. 1. bhraas'* = (v.l. {bhrAs}; cf. {bhlAz}) cl. 1. 4. . {bhrAzate}, {-zyate} Pn. 3-1, 70 ({-zyati} Naigh.; pf. {babhrAze} and {bhreze} Pn. 6-4, 125; fut. {bhrAziSyate}, {-zitA} aor. {abhrAziSTa}), to shine, glitter Dhtup. xix, 76: Caus. {bhrAzayati} (aor. {ababhrAzat}, or {abibhrazat}) Gr.: Desid. {bibhrAziSate} ib.: Intens. {bAbhrAzyate}, {bAbhrASTi} ib. bhraa4s'ya* = mfn. (fr. Caus.) to be struck down or

overthrown RV. bhraas'* = (v.l. {bhrAs}; cf. {bhlAz}) cl. 1. 4. . {bhrAzate}, {-zyate} Pn. 3-1, 70 ({-zyati} Naigh.; pf. {babhrAze} and {bhreze} Pn. 6-4, 125; fut. {bhrAziSyate}, {-zitA} aor. {abhrAziSTa}), to shine, glitter Dhtup. xix, 76: Caus. {bhrAzayati} (aor. {ababhrAzat}, or {abibhrazat}) Gr.: Desid. {bibhrAziSate} ib.: Intens. {bAbhrAzyate}, {bAbhrASTi} ib. bhraatra * = m. a brother (see {mAtur-bh-}); n. brotherhood, fraternity RV. bhraatri * = m. (connection with {bhR} doubtful) a brother (often used to designate a near relative or an intimate friend, esp. as a term of friendly address) RV. &c. &c.; du. brother and sister Pn. 12, 68. [Cf. Zd. {brtar}; Gk. $ &c.; Lat. &234074[770, 2] {frater}; Lith. {broter-e7lis}; Slav. {bratru7}; Goth. {brothar}; Germ. {bruoder}, {Bruder}; Eng. {brother}.] bhraatrika * = (ifc., with f. {A}) = {bhrAtR}, a brother Klid. (cf. {a-} and {sa-bh-}); mf({I})n. coming from or belonging to a brother, brotherly, fraternal Pn. 4-3, 78 Sch. bhraa4trivya * = m. a father's brother's son, cousin

AV. Rjat.; (mostly with {a4-priya}, {dviSa4t} &c.) a hostile cousin, rival, adversary, enemy AV. VS. Br. R. BhP.; n. (with {indrasya}) N. of a Sman rshBr. bhraatrIya * = m. a (father's) brother's son, nephew Pn. 4-1, 144; mfn. fraternal, belonging or relating to a brother W. bhraatreya * = m. = prec. m. Bh bhraataH = (m) brother bhraatarau = the two brothers bhraataa = brother bhraatri = brother bhraatrikaaraka = Significator of Brother which is Mars bhraatrin.h = brothers bhraanta = lost bhraanti = confusion bhraantidarshana = a delusion

bhrama*=m. (ifc. f. {A}) wandering or roaming about, roving over or through (comp.) Kaths.; moving about, rolling (as of the eyes) Rjat.; turning round, revolving, rotation (acc. with {dA} = to swing) MBh. Sryas. Hcat.; a whirling flame RV.; a whirlpool, eddy Prab.; a spring, fountain, watercourse L.; a potter's wheel Snkhyak.; (v.l. {mi}), a grindstone (see comp.); a gimlet or auger L.; a circle ryabh.; giddiness, dizziness Sus'r.; confusion, perplexity, error, mistake (ifc. mistaking anything for) Hariv. Kv. Rjat. &c.; ({At}) ind. by an error or mistake Gt. bhramati = (1 pp) to roam, to wander bhramatva * = n. (in phil.) the being an error, erroneousness. bhramat * = mfn. wandering about, roaming MBh. bhramara-ja * = mfn. produced by bees (as honey) L. bhramarA7ri * = m. `" bee-enemy "' = {bhramaramArI} (q.v.) L. bhramaraka * = m. n. a curl on the forehead L. (cf. {bhramarA7laka}); m. a bee L.; a ball for playing with L.; a whirlpool L.; ({ikA}) f. wandering in all

directions ({-dRSTi} f. a wwandering glance BhP.); n. a humming-top ({-bhrAmam} with Caus. of {bhram}, to cause to spin like a humming-top Blar.); honey of the large black bee L. bhramarAya * = Nom. . {-yate}, to resemble a bee Subh. bhramarita * = mfn. covered with bees Naish. bhramAya * = (accord. to g. {bhrizA7di} fr. p. {bhramat}) Nom. . {-yate}, (prob.) to begin turning round or revolving, to roam about. [770, 1] bhraanta* = mfn. wandering or roaming about MBh. Kv. &c.; having wandered about or through (with acc.) Kaths.; wandered about or through (n. impers. with instr., `" it has been wandering about by "') S'rngP. Kaths.; moving about unsteadily, rolling, reeling, whirling MBh. Kv.; perplexed, confused, being in doubt or error ib.; m. an elephant in rut L.; a species of thorn-apple L.; n. roaming about, moving to and fro Kv. Pacat. Sus'r.; a partic. mode of fighting Hariv.; error, mistake Cn. bhraanta* = bhrikuTi = upper part of the eyelashes and lower part of the forehead


BhriguH = Bhrigu bhrijjati = to bake bhrit.h = one who carries bhrit * = mfn. bearing, carrying, bringing, procuring, possessing, wearing, having, nourishing, supporting, maintaining (only ifc.; cf. {iSu-}, {kSiti}, {dharma-}, {vaMza-bhRt} &c.) bhrita* =mfn. borne, carried &c. (see prec.); gained, acquired Katha1s.; (ifc.) filled, full of. ib.; hired, paid (as a servant) Mn. MBh. &c. (%{bhaktavenayor@bhRtaH}, `" one who receives board and wages "'; cf. %{kSIra-bh-}); m. a hireling, hired servant or labourer, mercenary Ya1jn5. Sch. bhrittva* = n. see {zastrA7stra-bhRt-tva}. bhritaka* = mfn. brought, fetched (see {drAg-bh}); mfn. hired, receiving wages; m. a hired labourer, servant Mn. MBh. &c.; ({ikA}) f. hire, wages DivyA7v. bhritin* = see {saMvatsara-bhRtin}. bhritya* = mfn. to be nourished or maintained; m. one who is to be mmaintained, a dependent,

servant (also the sservant of a king, a minister) GriS. Mn. MBh. &c. [765,1]; ({A}) f. support, maintenance, wages &c. (= {bhRti}). L.; nursing, care of(cf. {kumAra-bhRtyA}). bhrityAya* = Nom. . {-yate}, to behave like a servant Kaths. bhritra* = m. (?) Siddh. bhritha* = (prob.) m. offering, oblation (of Soma) RV.; a turtle, tortoise L. bhritvan* = mfn. collecting, accumulating AV. bhrita* = mfn. borne, carried &c. (see prec.); gained, acquired Kaths.; (ifc.) filled, full of. ib.; hired, paid (as a servant) Mn. MBh. &c. ({bhaktavenayor bhRtaH}, `" one who receives board and wages "'; cf. {kSIra-bh-}); m. a hireling, hired servant or labourer, mercenary Yj. Sch. bhrita* = {bhRtya} &c. see p. 764 bhritya = servant bhrisha = (adv) ample brahmacarya * = n. study of the Veda, the state of

an unmarried religious student, a state of continence and chastity (also {A} f. Hariv.) AV. &c. &c. (acc. with {grah}, {car}, {vas}, {A-gam}, {upai}, to practise chchastity; cf. {-cArin}); {-tva} n. the unmarried state, continence, chastity Hariv.; {vat} mfn. leading the life of an unmarried religious student, practising chchastity past. MBh.; {vrata} n. a vow of chchastity, BeahmaP.; {skhalana} n. deviating from chchastity MW.; {ryA7zrama} m. the period of unmarried religious studentship MBh. bhramara = a large bee bhramarakam.h = (n) a top (spun using a thread) bhramarii = the bee breath bhramiH = a screw bhrita * = mfn. borne, carried &c. (see prec.); gained, acquired Kaths.; (ifc.) filled, full of. ib.; hired, paid (as a servant) Mn. MBh. &c. ({bhaktavenayor bhRtaH}, `" one who receives board and wages "'; cf. {kSIra-bh-}); m. a hireling, hired servant or labourer, mercenary Yj. Sch. bhris'a* = mfn. (perhaps the original meaning may be `" falling heavily "' cf. {bhraz}) strong,

vehement, mighty, powerful, frequent, abundant (often ibc. cf. below; rarely as an independent word; cf. {subhRta}) Mn. MBh. &c.; ibc and({am}) ind. strongly, violently, vehemently, excessively, greatly, very much Mn. MBh. &c.; harshly, severely ChUp.; quickly, without hesitation MBh.; often, frequently R.; eminently, in a superior manner L.; m. a partic. tutelary deity VarBri. bhruvoH = the eyebrows bhruuH = brow bhuu *= to turn into an inauspicious omen Naish. iii, 9. bhu* =mfn. (ifc.) = 2. %{bhI}, 2 mfn. becoming, being, existing, springing, arising (ifc.; cf. %{akSi-}, %{giri-}, %{citta-}, %{padmabhU} &c.); m. N. of Vishn2u MBh. xii, 1509 (Ni1lak.); of an Eka7ha S3rS.; f. the act of becoming or arising Pa1n2. 1-4, 31; the place of being, space, world or universe (also pl.) RV. AV. [761,1]; the earth (as constituting one of the 3 worlds, and therefore a symbolical N. for the number `" one "') Mn. MBh. &c.; one of the three Vya1hr2itis (see %{bhu4vas}, %{bhUr}, pp. 760 and 763); earth (as a substance), ground, soil, land, lauded property ib.; floor, pavement Megh.; a place, spot, piece of ground RV. &c. &c.; the base of

any geometrical figure A1ryabh.; object, matter (see %{vivAdasaMvAda-bhU}); a term for the letter %{l} Ra1matUp.; a sacrificial fire L. bhuja * = m. (ifc. f. {A}) the arm MBh. Kv. &c. ({bhujayor antaram}, the breast Bhartri.; cf. {bhujA7ntara}); the hand Pn. 7-3, 61; the trunk of an elephant MBh. iii, 15736; a branch, bough BhP.; a bending, curve, coil (of a serpent; see comp. below); the side of any geometrical figure KtyS'r. Sch.; the base of a triangle Sryas.; the base of a shadow ib.; the supplement of 2 or 4 right angles or the complement of 3 right angles MW.; ({A}) f. see col. 2. bhujaa * =f. a winding, curve, coil (of a snake) BhP.; the arm or hand, Pracand. (cf. comp.); the side of any geometrical figure, Aryabh. Hcat. bhujiSya * = mfn. granting food , useful AV. (cf. %{a-bh-}) ; free , independent L. ; m. a slave , servant (%{-tA} f.) Can2d2. DivyA7v. (cf. Un2. iv , 178 Sch.) ; a comrade , companion L. ; a person who has regained his liberty by redeeming his pledge L. ; a cord wound round the wrist of a girl before her marriage (%{-hasta-sUtraka}) L. ; the hand L. ; a string L. ; (%{A}) f. any woman dependent on or working for others , a slave-girl , maid-servant Ya1jn5. MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; a harlot ,

courtezan L. bhukta * = mfn. enjoyed, eaten, made use of, possessed &c. MBh. Kv. &c.; one who has eaten a meal (= {bhukta-vat} Siddh.) Kaus'. Sus'r. (cf. {bhukta-pIta}); n. the act of eating L.; the thing eaten or enjoyed, food MBh. (ifc. feeding or living on Pacat.); the place where any person has eaten R. (cf. Pn. 2-2, 13 Sch.) bhuja = arm or shoulder * m. (ifc. f. {A}) the arm MBh. Kv. &c. ({bhujayor antaram}, the breast Bhartri.; cf. {bhujA7ntara}); the hand Pn. 7-3, 61; the trunk of an elephant MBh. iii, 15736; a branch, bough BhP.; a bending, curve, coil (of a serpent; see comp. below); the side of any geometrical figure KtyS'r. Sch.; the base of a triangle Sryas.; the base of a shadow ib.; the supplement of 2 or 4 right angles or the complement of 3 right angles MW.; ({A}) f. see col. 2. bhujaa*= f. a winding, curve, coil (of a snake) BhP.; the arm or hand, Pracand. (cf. comp.); the side of any geometrical figure, Aryabh. Hcat. bhuja.nga = snake bhujanga = snake


bhujan.gaasana = the cobra posture bhujaasana = the arm posture bhujau = upper arms bhukta* = mfn. enjoyed, eaten, made use of, possessed &c. MBh. Ka1v. &c.; one who has eaten a meal (= %{bhukta-vat} Siddh.) Kaus3. Sus3r. (cf. %{bhukta-pIta}); n. the act of eating L.; the thing eaten or enjoyed, food MBh. (ifc. feeding or living on Pan5cat.); the place where any person has eaten R. (cf. Pa1n2. 2-2, 13 Sch.) bhukti = The Sub-period in a Dasha. Also known as the Antara * = f. enjoyment, eating, consuming, A1s3Gr2. Pan5cat.; fruition, possession, usufruct Mn. Ya1jn5. Ka1v.; food, victuals Ka1v. Ra1jat.; (in astron.) the daily motion of a planet Su1ryas. (cf. %{pakSa-bh-}); a limit MW. bhuktvaa = enjoying bhunkte = enjoys bhunkshva = enjoy bhuj.h = to eat


bhuJNjate = enjoy bhuJNjaanaM = enjoying bhuJNjiiya = one has to enjoy bhutaH = (past part.)was there bhudaana = the donation of land bhumiH = the earth bhumikatva = firm ground bhumii = the object of meditation bhumau = on the earth bhunaktu = (may) eat or enjoy bhun'kte (SB) = enjoys, causes to enjoy, suffers, he undegoes, causes to enjoy, causes to be subjected, eats bhur* = (prob. a secondary form of {bhri} not in Dhtup.), P.. {bhura4ti}, {-te}, to move rapidly or convulsively, stir, palpitate, quiver, struggle (in swimming) RV.: Intens. {ja4rbhurIti} (p. {ja4rbhurat}, {-rANa}), to flicker (as fire) ib. (Cf.

Gk. $, $; Lat. {furere}.] &230993[760,1] bhur* = (prob. a secondary form of {bhri} not in Dhtup.), P.. {bhura4ti}, {-te}, to move rapidly or convulsively, stir, palpitate, quiver, struggle (in swimming) RV.: Intens. {ja4rbhurIti} (p. {ja4rbhurat}, {-rANa}), to flicker (as fire) ib. (Cf. Gk. $, $; Lat. {furere}.] &230993[760,1] bhushuNDii = (f) rifle, gun bhuvaH = the upper world bhuva* = {-vat}, {-vana} &c. see cols. 2. 3. * = bhuva* = m. N. of Agni VS. (Mahdh.) Kaus'.; of a son of Pratihartrii VP.; a mushroom L.; (prob. n.) = {bhuvas}, the atmosphere.bhuvana = o bhuur* = ind. (orig. = {bhUs} nom. voc. of 2. {bhU}) one of the 3 Vyhriitis (q.v.), `" the earth "' (the first of the 7 upper worlds; cf. {bhu4vas}) VS. &c. &c.; hell L.; = next Hariv..a. home * = n. a being, living creature, man, mankind RV. &c. &c.; (rarely m.) the world, earth ib. (generally 3 worlds are reckoned [see %{tri-bhuvana} and %{bhuvana-traya}], but also 2 [see %{bhuva@na-dvaya}], or 7 [MBh. xii, 6924] or 14 [Bhartr2.]; cf. RTL. 102 n. 1); place of being, abode, residence AV. S3Br.; a house (v.l. for %{bhavana}) L.; (?) causing to exist (= %{bhAvana}) Nir. vii, 25; water Naigh. i, 15; m. N. of a partic. month TS.; of a Rudra

VP.; of an A1ptya (author of RV. x, 157) RAnukr.; of a teacher of Yoga Cat.; of another man MBh. bhuvi = in this world bhuu = (v) to become, appear bhU to turn into an inauspicious omen Naish. iii , 9. bhuu *= 1 cl. 1. P. (Dha1tup. i , 1) %{bha4vati} (rarely A1. %{-te} ; pf. %{babhU4va} , 2. pers. %{U4tha} or %{-Uvitha} cf. Pa1n2. 7-2 , 64 ; %{babhUyAs} , %{-yA4r} , %{babhUtu} RV. ; A1. %{babhUve} or %{bubhUve} Vop. ; cf. below ; aor. %{a4bhUt} , %{-Uvan} ; Impv. %{bodhi4} [cf. %{budh}] , %{bhUtu} RV. ; aor. or impf. %{a4bhuvat} , %{bhu4vat} , %{bhuvAni} ib. ; Prec. %{bhUyAsam} , 2. 3. sg. %{-yAs} ib. [760,2] ; %{bhUyAt} AV. ; %{bhUyiSThAs} BhP. ; %{bhaviSAt} [?] AitBr. ; %{abhaviSta} , %{bhaviSISta}. Gr. ; fut. %{bhaviSya4ti} , ep. also %{-te} and 2. pl. %{-Syadhvam} ; %{bhavitA} Br. &c. ; inf. %{bhuve4} , %{-bhve4} , %{bhUSa4Ni} RV. ; %{bhavitum} , %{-tos} Br. ; ind. p. %{bhUtvA4} ; %{bhUtvI4} RV. ; %{-bhU4ya} RV. &c. ; %{-bhU4yam} , %{-bha4vam} Br.) , to become , be (with nom , or adv. or indecl. words ending in %{I} or %{U} cf. %{kRSNI-bhU} &c.) , arise , come into being , exist , be found , live , stay , abide , happen , occur RV. &c. &c. (often used with

participles and other verbal nouns to make periphrastical verbal forms ; with a fut. p. = to be going or about to e.g. %{anuvakSyan@bhavati} , he is going to recite S3Br. ; the fut. of %{bhU} with a pf. p. = a fut. pf. e.g. %{kRtavAn@bhaviSyasi} , you will have done MBh. ; the pf. P. %{babhUva} after the syllable %{Am} is put for the pf. of verbs of the 10. cl. &c. [cf. 1. %{as} and 1. %{kR}] ; the A1. appears in this meaning S3is3. ix , 84 Kum. xiv. 46 ; observe also %{bhavati} with a fut. tense , it is possible that , e.g. %{bhavati@bhavAn@yAjayiSyati} , it is possible that you will cause a sacrifice to be performed Pa1n2. 3-3 , 146 Sch. ; %{bhavet} , may be , granted , admitted Ka1s3. on P. iii , 2. 114 ; %{bhavatu} id. , well , good , enough of this Ka1v. Hit. ; %{iticed@bhavet} , if this question should be asked Mn. x , 66 ; %{kva@tad@bhavati} , what is to become of this , it is quite useless TBr. ; with %{na} = to cease to exist , perish , die MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; with %{iha@na} , not to be born on earth MBh. ; with %{zata-dhA} , to fall into a hundred pieces MBh. ; with %{dUrataH} , to keep aloof. S3a1rn3gP. ; with %{manasi} or %{cetasi} and gen. , to occur to the mind of any one Ka1d. ; id. with gen. alone Lalit.) ; to fall to the share or become the property of , belong to (cf. `" esse alicujus ; `" with gen. , rarely dat. or loc. accord. to Vop. also with %{pari} or %{prati} and preceding acc.) RV. &c. &c. ; to be on the side of , assist (with gen. or %{-tas})

MBh. 1301 (cf. Pa1n2. 5-4 , 48 Sch.) ; to serve for , tend or conduce to (with dat. of thing) RV. &c. &c. (with %{phalAya}. to bear fruit Ka1m.) ; to be occupied with or engaged in , devote one's self to (with loc.) MBh. Ka1v. ; to thrive or prosper in (instr.) , turn out well , succeed RV. TS. Br. ; to be of consequence or useful Mn. iii , 181 ; (also A1. Dha1tup. xxxiv , 37) to fall , or get into , attain to , obtain Br. MBh. ; (with %{ida4m}) to obtain it i.e. be successful or fortunate TS.: Pass. %{bhUyate} (or %{-ti} Up. ; aor. %{abhAvi}) sometimes used impers. e.g. %{yair@bhaviSyate} , by whom it will be existed i.e. who will be Ra1jat.: Caus. %{bhAvayati} (rarely %{-te} ; aor. %{abIbhavat} Gr. ; inf. %{bhAvitum} R. ; Pass. %{bhAvyate} &c. MBh.) , to cause to be or become , call into existence or life , originate , produce , cause , create Pur. Sa1h. ; to cherish , foster , animate , enliven , refresh , encourage , promote , further AitUp. MBh. &c. ; to addict or devote one's self to , practise (acc.) MBh. HYog. ; to subdue , control R. ; (also A1. Dha1tup. xxxiv , 37) to obtain Jaim. Sch. ; to manifest , exhibit , show , betray MBh. Ka1m. Das3. ; to purify BhP. ; to present to the mind , think about , consider , know , recognize as or take for (two acc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; to mingle , mix , saturate , soak , perfume Kaus3. Sus3r. (cf. %{bhAvita} , p. 755 , col. 1): Desid , of Caus. %{bibhAvayiSati} (Pa1n2. 7-4 , 80 Sch.) , to wish to cause to be &c. Br.: Desid. %{bu4bhUSati} (%{-te})

, to wish or strive to become or be RV. &c. &c. ; (with %{kSipram}) , to strive to be quickly possessed MBh. ; to want to get on , strive to prosper or succeed TS. Br. MBh. ; to want to have , care for , strive after , esteem , honour MBh. Hariv. ; to want to take revenge BhP.: Intens , %{bo4bhavIti} , %{bobhavati} , %{bobhoti} , %{bibhUyate} , to be frequently , to be in the habit of BhP. Bhat2t2. ; to be transformed into (acc.) RV. AV. ; (with %{tiraH}) , to keep anything (instr.) secret S3Br. [Cf. Zd. {bu1} ; Gk. $ , $ ; Lat. {fuit} , {fuat} &c. ; Slav. {byti} ; Lith. &231127[760 ,2] {bu4ti} ; Germ. {bim} , {bim} ; Angl. Sax. {beo4} ; Eng. {be}.] \\ 2 mfn. becoming , being , existing , springing , arising (ifc. ; cf. %{akSi-} , %{giri-} , %{citta-} , %{padmabhU} &c.) ; m. N. of Vishn2u MBh. xii , 1509 (Ni1lak.) ; of an Eka7ha S3rS. ; f. the act of becoming or arising Pa1n2. 1-4 , 31 ; the place of being , space , world or universe (also pl.) RV. AV. [761,1] ; the earth (as constituting one of the 3 worlds , and therefore a symbolical N. for the number `" one "') Mn. MBh. &c. ; one of the three Vya1hr2itis (see %{bhu4vas} , %{bhUr} , pp. 760 and 763) ; earth (as a substance) , ground , soil , land , lauded property ib. ; floor , pavement Megh. ; a place , spot , piece of ground RV. &c. &c. ; the base of any geometrical figure A1ryabh. ; object , matter (see %{vivAdasaMvAda-bhU}) ; a term for the letter %{l} Ra1matUp. ; a sacrificial fire L.

bhuud.h = was bhuuH = become bhuuloka *= m. (ifc. f. %{A}) the terrestrial world , earth Katha1s. Ma1rkP. (cf. %{bhUr-l-}) ; %{kailAsa-mAhAtmya} n. N. of a ch. of the Brahmo7ttKh. ; %{-sura-nAyaka} m. an Indra of the earth Ra1jat. bhuuri* = mfn. much, many, abundant, frequent, numerous, great, important, strong, mighty RV. &c. &c.; ({I}) ind. much, abundantly, greatly, often, frequently ib. ({bhU4ri kR4tvas}, many times, repeatedly RV. iii, 18, 4); m. N. of Brahm or Vishnu or S'iva L.; of a son of Soma-datta (king of the Blhikas) MBh. Hariv. Pur.; m. n. gold L.; f. (cf. Pli {bhUrI}) reason, intellect Lalit. bhuuta = happened, the spirits, the dead, attendants of S'iva* = mf({A})n. become, been, gone, past (n. the past) RV. &c. &c.; actually happened, true, real (n. an actual occurrence, fact, matter of fact, reality) Yj. R. &c.; existing, present Kan.; (ifc.) being or being like anything, consisting of, mixed or joined with Prt. Up. Mn. &c. (also to form adj. out of adv., e.g. {ittham-}, {evam-}, {tathA-bh-}); purified L.; obtained L.; fit, proper L.; often w.r. for {bhRta}; m. a son, child L.;

a great devotee or ascetic L.; (pl.) N. of an heretical sect (with Jainas, a class of the Vyantaras) L.; N. of S'iva L.; of a priest of the gods L.; of a son of Vasudeva and Paurav BhP.; of a son-in-law of Daksha and father of numerous Rudras ib.; of a Yaksha Cat.; ({A} f.) the 14th day of the dark half of the lunar month SkandaP. (L. also m.); N. of a woman HParis'.; n. (cf. above) that which is or exists, any living being (divine, human, animal, and even vegetable), the world (in these senses also m.) RV. &c. &c.; a spirit (good or evil), the ghost of a deceased person, a demon, imp, goblin (also m.) GriS. Up. Mn. &c. (cf. RTL. 241); an element, one of the 5 elements (esp. a gross elelement = {mahA-bh-} q.v.; but also a subtle elelement = {tan-mAtra} q.v.; with Buddhists there are only 4 elelement) Up. Snkhyak. Veda7ntas. &c.; N. of the number `" five "' (cf. {mahA-bh-} and {pAJcabhautika}); well-being, welfare, prosperity VS. TS. AitBr. bhuutagaNaan.h = ghosts bhuutagraamaM = all the cosmic manifestations bhuutagraamaH = the aggregate of all living entities bhuutabhartri = the maintainer of all living entities

bhuutabhaavana = O origin of everything bhuutabhaavanaH = the source of all manifestations bhuutabhaavodbhavakaraH = producing the material bodies of the living entities bhuutabhrit.h = the maintainer of all living entities bhuutala = on the surface of the earth bhuutasargau = created living beings bhuutasthaH = in the cosmic manifestation bhuutasya = of forms bhuutaanaaM = of living entities bhuutaani = living entities (that are born) bhuutaanii = all that are created bhuutiH = exceptional power bhuuti * = f. existence, being L.; well-being, thriving, prosperity, might, power, wealth, fortune RV. &c. &c.; Welfare personified (= {lakSmI})

BhP.; superhuman power (as attainable by the practice of austerity and magical rites) W.; ornament, decoration Megh. 19; ashes Kv. Kaths.; fried meat L. (?); = {bhUmi}, earth, ground AitBr. (Sy.); (with {marutAm}) N. of a Sman rshBr.; of various plants (Andropogon Schoenanthus or = {rohiSa} &c.) L.; (also {-tI}), of the wife of Ruci or Kavi and the mother of Manu Bhautya Hariv. VP.; m. a class of deceased ancestors MrkP.; N. of Vishnu MBh.; of S'iva L.; of the father of Manu Bhautya MrkP.; of a Brhman L. bhuutejyaaH = worshipers of ghosts and spirits bhuutesha = O Lord of everything bhuuteshhu = living entities bhuutvaa = having come into being bhuupa = king bhuupaTaH = (m) map, chart bhuupati = lord of the earth (king) bhuubhrit.h = mountain


bhUman * = n. the earth, world RV. AV.; a territory, country, district s'vGri.; a being (pl) the aggregate of all existing things RV.; ({bhUma4n}) m. abundance, plenty, wealth, opulence, multitude, majority RV. &c. &c. (ifc. filled with Mcar.; {bhUmnA} ind. generally, usually Kv. Rjat.; {bhUnA4} ind. plentifully, abundantly RV.); the pl. number ({bhUmni}, in the plural) L.; N. of Kriishna BhP.; f. a collection, assembly S'nkhBr. bhUmaNDala* = n. `" earth-circle "', orbis terrarum, the terrestrial globe Cn. Pur. Kaths. &c.; the circumference or circuit of the earth Sryas. bhuumiH = earth* f. (Ved. also nom. {bhU4mI} gen. abl. {-myAs} loc. {-myAm}) the earth, soil, ground RV. &c. &c.; (pl. divisions of the world; cf. {bhUmi-traya}); a territory. country, district ib.; a place, situation S'Br. &c. &c.; position, posture, attitude MBh. Kv. &c.; the part or personification (played by an actor) Kaths.; the, floor of a house, story Megh. Kaths.; the area S'ulbas.; the base of any geometrical figure Col.; (metaph.) a step, degree, stage Yogas. (with Buddhists there are 10 or 13 stages of existence or perfection Dharmas. 45; 46); extent, limit Kir.; (ifc.) a matter, subject, object, receptacle i.e. fit object or person for (cf. {vizvAsa-}, {sneha-bh-} &c., and {pAtra},

{bhAjana}); the tongue L.; m. N. of a son or grandson of Yuyudhna and father of Yugandhara Hariv. VP. bhuumiti = geometry bhuumiisuta = A name for the planet Mars bhuumnaa= m*V= supreme. unlimited bhuuyaH = repeatedly bhuuyo = again bhuuri = much, great* = mfn. much, many, abundant, frequent, numerous, great, important, strong, mighty RV. &c. &c.; ({I}) ind. much, abundantly, greatly, often, frequently ib. ({bhU4ri kR4tvas}, many times, repeatedly RV. iii, 18, 4); m. N. of Brahm or Vishnu or S'iva L.; of a son of Soma-datta (king of the Blhikas) MBh. Hariv. Pur.; m. n. gold L.; f. (cf. Pli {bhUrI}) reason, intellect Lalit. bhuushanaM = ornament (Nr.nom.sing.) bhuushhaNa = ornament bhuushhita = adorned

bhuuya* = n. (ifc.) becoming, being (see {amutra-}, {Atma-} &c bhyas * = cl. 1. A1. (Dha1tup.xvi , 27) %{bhya4sate} (only impf. %{a4bhyasetAm} RV. ; Subj. %{bhya4sAt} SV. ; Gr. also pf. %{babhyase} fut. %{bhyasiSyati} &c.: Caus. %{bhyAsayati}: Desid. %{bibhyasiSate}: Intens. %{bAbhyasyate} , %{bAbhyasti}) , to fear , be afraid , tremble (cf. %{bhI} , of which this is a secondary form , prob. through %{bhiyas}). bhyasa * = see %{sva-bhyasa4}. biibhatasa* = mf({A})n. (fr. Desid. of {bAdh}) loathsome, disgusting, revolting, hideous S'nkhBr. S'rS. MBh. &c.; loathing, detesting L.; envious, cruel, wicked L.; changed or estranged in mind L.; m. disgust, abhorrence; (with rasa) the sentiment of disgust (one of the 8 Rasas q.v.) Das'ar. Sh.; N. of Arjuna L.; ({A4}) f. loathing, abhorrence VS. (cf. {a4-b-}); n. anything loathsome or hideous, a hhideous sight Mlatm.; {-karman} mfn. doing loathsome or wicked things (as an abusive word) Mcar.; {-tA} f. loathsomeness, detestableness MBh.; prab. bibhakSayiSA * = f. (fr. Desid. of {bhaj}) a desire of eating or enjoying Nyyam.

bibhakSayiSu * =mfn. desirous of eating MBh. MrkP.; -, {-daMSTrin} mfn. having teeth ddesirous of eeating "', hungry. mouthed VarBriS. bibhaNiSu * =mfn. (fr. Desid. of {bhaN}) desirous of speaking S'l. biibhatsa * =mf({A})n. (fr. Desid. of {bAdh}) loathsome, disgusting, revolting, hideous S'nkhBr. S'rS. MBh. &c.; loathing, detesting L.; envious, cruel, wicked L.; changed or estranged in mind L.; m. disgust, abhorrence; (with rasa) the sentiment of disgust (one of the 8 Rasas q.v.) Das'ar. Sh.; N. of Arjuna L.; ({A4}) f. loathing, abhorrence VS. (cf. {a4-b-}); n. anything loathsome or hideous, a hhideous sight Mlatm.; {-karman} mfn. doing loathsome or wicked things (as an abusive word) Mcar.; {-tA} f. loathsomeness, detestableness MBh.; prab. bibhitsaa f. (fr. Desid. of %{bhid}) a desire to break through or destroy or pierce or penetrate (with acc. or gen.). MBh. Ka1d. (cf. Siddh. on Pa1n2. 2-3, 66). %{-tsu} mfn. desirous of breaking through &c. (with acc.) MBh. BhP. bibhrajjiSu * = m. `" that which wishes to destroy "', fire Bhathth.; {-prakhya} mfn. resembling fire ib.

(= {agni-tulya} Sch.) bibhrakSu * = mfn. (fr. Desid. of {bhrajj}) wishing to parch or destroy Bhathth.; m. fire W. bibhrat *= mfn. (pr.p. of %{bhR}) bearing, carrying RV. &c. &c. bila * = n. (also written %{vila} ; ifc. f. %{A}) a cave , hole , pit , opening , aperture RV. &c. &c. ; the hollow (of a dish) , bowl (of a spoon or ladle) &c. AV. VS. S3Br. S3rS. ; m. Calamus Rotang L. ; Indra's horse Uccaih2-s3ravas L. ; N. of two kinds of fish L. bindu * = m. (once n. MBh.; in later language mostly written {vindu}) a detached particle, drop, globule, dot, spot AV. &c. &c.; (with {hiraNyaya}) a pearl AV. xix, 30, 5 (cf. {-phala}); a drop of water taken as a measure L.; a spot or mark of coloured paint on the body of an elephant Kum.; (ifc. also {ka}) the dot over a letter representing the Anusvra (supposed to be connected with Siva and of great mystical importance) MBh. Kaths. BhP.; a zero or cypher R. (in manuscripts put over an erased word to show that it ought not to be erased = `" stet "' Naish.); a partic. mark like a dot made in cauterizing Sus'r.; a mark made by the teeth of a lover on the lips of his mistress L.; a coloured mark

made on the forehead between the eyebrows L.; (in dram.) the sudden development of a secondary incident (which, like a drop of oil in water, expands and furnishes an important element in the plot) Sh. (ifc. also {-ka}); m. N. of a man g. {bidA7di}; of an ngirasa (author of RV. viii, 83; ix, 30) Anukr.; of the author of a Rasa-paddhati Cat.; pl. N. of a warrior tribe g. {dAmany-Adi}. boddhavyaM = should be understood bodhayantaH = preaching bodhi = supreme knowledge bodhita = having been taught/enlightened bodhya * = to be known or understood, to be regarded or recognized as (nom.) Veda7ntas. BhP. Sh. &c.; to be made known Veda7ntas.; to be enlightened or instructed Kaths.; m. N. of a Riishi MBh. braahma * = mf({I})n. (fr. {brahman}, for which it is also the Vriiddhi form in comp.) relating to Brahma8 or Brahm, holy, sacred, divine AV. &c. &c.; relating to sacred knowledge, prescribed by the Veda, scriptural Mn. ii, 150 &c.; sacred to the Veda (with or scil. {tIrtha} n. the part of the hand

situated at the root of the thumb), ii, 59 &c.; relating or belonging to the Brhmans or the sacerdotal class peculiar or favourable to or consisting of Brhmans Brahmanical Mn. MBh. &c. (with {nidhi} m. money bestowed on the sacerdotal class Mn. vii, 89); belonging to an inhabitant of Brahm's world Jtakam.; m. (with or scil. {vivAha}) N. of a form of marriage (in which the bride is bestowed on the bridegroom without requiring anything from him) Mn. iii, 21 &c.; N. of a man (son of Kriishna and father of Mahe7s'vara) Cat.; patr. of Nrada L.; of Kavi MBh.; of rdhvanbhan and Raksho-han RAnukr.; ({I}) f. see {brAhmI}; n. sacred study, study of the Veda BhP.; (with or scil. {tIrtha}) see above. braahma* = {brAhmaNa} &c. see p. 741. braahmamuhuurta *= m. n. a partic. period of the day (that included between the 4th Ghat2ika1 and the 2nd before sunrise) , dawn L. (cf. Mn. iv , 92). ( see also: brahmamuhuurta). braahmaNa = Brahmin, priest, knower of Brahma (brahmaM jaanaati iti) * = mfn. relating to or given by a Brhman, befitting or becoming a BrBrhman, Brhmanical AV. TBr. MBh.; ({Na4}) m. one who has divine knowledge (sometimes applied to Agni), a Brhman, a man belonging to the 1st of the 3 twice-born classes and

of the 4 original divisions of the Hind body (generally a priest, but often in the present day a layman engaged in non-priestly occupations although the name is strictly only applicable to one who knows and repeats the Veda) RV. &c. &c.; = {brAhmaNAcchaMsin} KtyS'r.; a Brhman in the second stage (between Mtra and S'rotriya) Hcat.; N. of the 28th lunar mansion L.; ({I}) f. see {brAhmaNI}; n. that which is divine, the divine AV.; sacred or ddivine power ib. s'vGri.; Brhmanical explanation, explanations of sacred knowledge or doctrine (esp. for the use of the Brhmans in their sacrifices) Br.; the Brhmana portion of the Veda (as distinct from its Mantra and Upanishad portion) and consisting of a class of works called Brhmanas (they contain rules for the employment of the Mantras or hymns at various sacrifices, with detailed explanations of their origin and meaning and numerous old legends; they are said by Syana to contain two parts: 1. {vidhi}, rules or directions for rites; 2. {artha-vAda}, explanatory remarks; each Veda has its own Brhmana, that of the RV. is preserved in 2 works, viz. the Aitareya, sometimes called s'valyana, and the Kaushtaki or S'nkhyana-BrBrhmana; the white Yajur-veda has the S'ata-pathaBrBrhmana; the black Yajur-veda has the Taittirya-BrBrhmana which differs little from the text of its Sanhit; the SV. has 8 BrBrhmana, the best known of which are the Praudha or Paca639

vins'a and the Shadvins'a; the AV. has one BrBrhmana called Go-patha) Nir. GriS'rS. &c.; the Soma vessel of the Brahman priest RV. AV.; a society or assemblage of Brhmans, a conclave W. braahmaNaH = )Masc.Nom.S) the Brahmin braahmaNasya = of the man who knows the Supreme Brahman braahmaNaa = sacrificial formulae1 * = mfn. relating to or given by a Bra1hman, befitting or becoming a BrBra1hman, Bra1hmanical AV. TBr. MBh.; (%{-Na4}) m. one who has divine knowledge (sometimes applied to Agni), a Bra1hman, a man belonging to the 1st of the 3 twice-born classes and of the 4 original divisions of the Hindu1 body (generally a priest, but often in the present day a layman engaged in non-priestly occupations although the name is strictly only applicable to one who knows and repeats the Veda) RV. &c. &c.; = %{brAhmaNAcchaMsin} Ka1tyS3r.; a Bra1hman in the second stage (between Ma1tra and S3rotriya) Hcat.; N. of the 28th lunar mansion L.; (%{I}) f. see %{brAhmaNI}; n. that which is divine, the divine AV.; sacred or ddivine power ib. A1s3vGr2.; Bra1hmanical explanation, explanations of sacred knowledge or doctrine (esp. for the use of the Bra1hmans in their sacrifices) Br.; the Bra1hman2a

portion of the Veda (as distinct from its Mantra and Upanishad portion) and consisting of a class of works called Bra1hman2as (they contain rules for the employment of the Mantras or hymns at various sacrifices, with detailed explanations of their origin and meaning and numerous old legends; they are said by Sa1yan2a to contain two parts: 1. %{vidhi}, rules or directions for rites; 2. %{artha-vAda}, explanatory remarks; each Veda has its own Bra1hman2a, that of the RV. is preserved in 2 works, viz. the Aitareya, sometimes called A1s3vala1yana, and the Kaushi1taki or S3a1n3kha1yana-BrBra1hman2a; the white Yajurveda has the S3ata-patha-BrBra1hman2a; the black Yajur-veda has the Taittiri1yaBrBra1hman2a which differs little from the text of its Sam2hita1; the SV. has 8 BrBra1hman2a, the best known of which are the Praud2ha or Pan5cavin6s3a and the Shad2vins3a; the AV. has one BrBra1hman2a called Go-patha) Nir. Gr2S3rS. &c.; the Soma vessel of the Brahman priest RV. AV.; a society or assemblage of Bra1hmans, a conclave W. braahmaNaaH = brhmanas braahmaNaan.h = Brahmins braahmaNe = in the brhmana

braahmii = spiritual braM = (root) to wander bra4hma = cosmos * = 1 m. a priest (see {asura-}, {ku-}, {mahAbr-}); n. the one self-existent Spirit, the Absolute R. brahma * = 2 in comp. for {brahman}. - Observe that in the following derivatives the nom. n. (Brahma8) is used for the impersonal Spirit and the nom. m. (Brahm) for the personal god. brahmaaNDa* = n. `" Brahm's egg "', the universe, world (also pl.) Hariv. Sryas. Pur. (also {-kaTAha} m. ryabh. Sch.); N. of a Purna and an Upapurna; {-kapAla} m. the skull or hemisphere of the world, the inhabited earth Hcar.; {-kalpa} m. {-jJAna-mahArAja-tantra} n. and {-tantra} n. N. of Tntric wks.; {-purANa} n. N. of one of the 18 Purnas (so called as revealed by Brahm and containing an account of the egg of Brahm and the future Kalpas; cf. IW. 514; 521); {-bhANDo7dara} n. the interior of the vessel-like egg of Brahm MW. [740,3]; {-yAmale paJcamI-sAdhana} n. N. of wk. brahmaM = (Acc.S)the great self


brahmacharya = control of sexual impulses brahmacarya * = n. study of the Veda, the state of an unmarried religious student, a state of continence and chastity (also {A} f. Hariv.) AV. &c. &c. (acc. with {grah}, {car}, {vas}, {A-gam}, {upai}, to practise chchastity; cf. {-cArin}); {-tva} n. the unmarried state, continence, chastity Hariv.; {vat} mfn. leading the life of an unmarried religious student, practising chchastity past. MBh.; {vrata} n. a vow of chchastity, BeahmaP.; {skhalana} n. deviating from chchastity MW.; {ryA7zrama} m. the period of unmarried religious studentship MBh. brahmacharyaM = celibacy brahmacharyaasana = the posterior stretch posture brahmachaariNau = (2)bachelors brahmachaarin.h = celebates, established in (the persuit of) Brahma brahmachaarivrate = in the vow of celibacy brahmajiGYaasaa = desire to know or understand Brahman


brahmaNaH = gen. sing. of brahman brahmaNaa = by the spirit soul brahmaNi = Brahman.h;God brahmatejobalaM = the power or might arising out of the effulgence of Brahman brahmadaNDena = (Nr.instr.S) the big egg i.e Universe brahmadvaara = the door where kundalini enters the spine brahman.h = the preceptor brahmanirvaaNaM = the spiritual kingdom of God brahmabhuH = the earth brahmabhuyaaya = elevated to the Brahman platform brahmabhuutaM = liberation by identification with the Absolute brahmabhuutaH = being self-realized


brahmabhuuyaaya = for self-realization brahmamayaH = full of Brahma (Ananda) i.e.bliss brahmapadaM = the state/position of Brahma/god-realised state brahmayoga = by concentration in Brahman brahmavaadinaaM = of the transcendentalists brahmavit.h = one who knows the Supreme perfectly brahmavidaH = who know the Absolute brahmasa.nsparshaM = being in constant touch with the Supreme brahmasamaaja = Brahmasamaj, a movement in 19-20th century near Calcutta brahmasuutra = of the Vedanta brahmaa = non. sing of brahman, masc brahmaaNaM = Lord Brahma brahmaaNDapraaNa = cosmic breath

brahmaadiinaamapi = even of Brahma and others brahmaadyaacharaNaM = practises this brahma science brahmaasi = are Brahma brahmaasmi = brahmA and asmi: Brahma and am brahmamuhuurta m. a partic. hour of the day Sin6ha7s. (see also: braahmamuhuurta) brahmiSTha *= mfn. (superl. fr. %{brahma4n}) a Bra1hman in the highest degree (as a N. of Brihaspati or Praja1-pati and of very learned and pious Bra1hmans or princes) TS. &c. &c. ; m. N. of a prince Ragh. ; (%{A}) f. N. of Durga1 Devi1P. braviimi = I am speaking braviishhi = You are explaining briMh* = {bRnhaNa} &c. see 2. 4. {bRh}. briMhaNa* = mfn. (fr. Caus.) making big or fat or strong, nourishing Sus'r.; m. a kind of sweetmeat W.; n. the act of making big &c. ib.; a means for making strong or firm RPrt.


briMhaNatva* = n. the quality of making fat or strong Sus'r.; the quality of making solid or firm Hariv. briMhaNIya* = mfn. to be fattened or nourished Pn. 8-2 Sch.; fattening, nutritious Sus'r. briMhayitavya* = mfn. to be nourished or strengthened Sus'r. briMhayitR* = mfn. strengthening, increasing L. briMhita* =1 mfn. (for 2. see under 4. {bRh}) strengthened, nourished, cherished, grown, increased MBh. Hariv. &c.; ({A}) f. N. of one of the Mtriis attendant on Skanda MBh.; (v.l. {bRMhila}). \\=2 n. (for 1. see under 2. {bRh}) the roar or noise made by elephants MBh. Kv. &c. brihat * mf({atI4})n. (in later language usually written {vRhat}) lofty, high, tall, great, large, wide, vast, abundant, compact, solid, massy, strong, mighty RV. &c. &c.; full-grown, old RV.; extended or bright (as a luminous body) ib.; clear, loud (said of sounds) ib.; m. N. of a Marut Hariv.; of a prince MBh.; of a son of Su-hotra and father of Aja-midha Hariv. m. or n. (?) speech ({-tAm pati} = {bRhaspati}) S'is'. ii, 26; ({tI}) f. see s.v.; n. height (also= heaven, sky) RV.; N. of various Smans

composed in the metrical form Briihat (also with {Aneyam}, {bharad-vAjasya}. {bhAradvAjam}, {vAmadevyam}, {sauram}) rshBr. [736, 1]; N. of Brahman, Bhp.; of the Veda ib.; ({a4t}) ind. far and wide, on high RV.; firmly, compactly ib.; brightly ib.; greatly, much ib.; aloud ib. (also {atA4} AV.) bri^ihatsaama = the Braahat-sama bri^ihaspatiM = Brhaspati bri^ihaspatiH = the teacher of the Devas called "Brihaspati" literally bri^ihaspatirdadhaatu = Brihaspadi may give us bri^ihaspatii = A name of the planet Jupiter bri^ihaspatii-varshha = The Jovian or Jupiter Year. Cycle of 60 years which starts with the first New Moon in Tropical Aries. Mundane Astrology term bri^ihaspatiivaara = Thursday brisii * = f. (also written {briSI}, {vRsI}, or {vRSI}) a roll of twisted grass, pad, cushion, (esp.) the seat of a religious student or of an ascetic, S'rs. MBh. &c.

bruu = to speak * = cl. 2. P. A1. (Dha1tup. xxiv, 35) %{bra4vIti}, %{brUte4} (only pr. stem; the other forms are supplied by %{vac} cf. Pa1n2. 2-4, 53; %{brUmi} for %{bravImi} R.; Subj. %{bra4vas}, %{-vat} RV.; Impv. %{brUhi}, ep. also %{bravIhi}, %{bruvadhvam}; %{brUtAt} Pa1n2. 7-i, 35 Sch.; impf. %{abruvam} for %{abravam} Up. MBh.; pr.p. A1. ep. %{bruvamANa} for %{bruvANa}; Prec. 2. pl. %{brUyAsta} Nal. xvii, 36, prob. w.r. for %{brUyAs@tat}), to speak, say, tell (either intrans.; or with acc. of pers. or thing; or with acc. of thing and acc. dat. gen. or loc. of person = to tell or relate anything to; with two acc. also = declare or pronounce to be, call) RV. &c. &c.; to speak about any person or thing (acc. with or without %{prati}, or %{adhikRtya}) Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c.; to proclaim predict Var.; to answer (either intrans. with %{punar} or trans. with %{praznam}, `" a question "') Mn. MBh.; (with %{anyathA}) to speak or decide or judge wrongly Mn. Pan5cat.; (A1., rarely P.) to call or profess one's self to be (nom., rarely with %{iti}) RV. Br. MBh.; (A1.) to designate for one's self, choose AitBr.; (A1.) to be told by itself tell itself (tell its tale) Pa1n2. 3-1, 89 Va1rtt. 1 Pat. [Cf. Zd. {mru1}.] [742,2] bruuhi = tell bubhuushu*= mfn. wishing to be or become

anything (nom.) S3is3. HParis3.; wishing to become powerful or prevail Ka1tyS3r. MBh. BhP.; wishing the welfare of (gen.) MBh. (see also vibhubhusu) bud.hdhyaa = by intelligence bud.hdhvaa = knowing bud.hbudaaH = (m) bubbles buddha = Buddha* mfn. awakened, awake MBh.; expanded, blown SmavBr.; conscious, intelligent, clever, wise (opp. to {mUDha}) MBh. Kv. &c.; learnt, known, understood past. MBh. (`" by "', usually instr., but also gen. according to Pn. 2-2, 12; 3, 67 Sch.); m. a wise or learned man, sage W.; (with Buddhists) a fully enlightened man who has achieved perfect knowledge of the truth and thereby is liberated from all existence and before his own attainment of Nirvna reveals the method of obtaining it, (esp.) the principal Buddha of the present age (born at Kapila-vastu about the year 500 B.C. his father, S'uddhodana, of the S'kya tribe or family, being the Rja of that district, and his mother, My-dev, being the daughter of Rja Su-prabuddha MWB. 19 &c.; hence he belonged to the Kshatriya caste and his original name S'kyamuni or S'kya-sinha was really his family name,

while that of Gautama was taken from the race to which his family belonged; for his other names see ib. 23; he is said to have died when he was 80 years of age, prob. about 420 B.C. ib. 49 n. 1; he was preceded by 3 mythical Buddhas of the present Kalpa, or by 24, reckoning previous Kalpa, or according to others by 6 principal Buddhas ib. 136; sometimes he is regarded as the 9th incarnation of Vishnu Hariv. Kv. Var. &c.); n. knowledge BhP. (B. {buddhi}). buddhagataM = having gone to Buddhaor due to Buddha buddhayaH = intelligence buddhi = intelligence buddhiM = intelligence buddhiH = intellect buddhinaashaH = loss of intelligence buddhinaashaat.h = and from loss of intelligence buddhibhedaM = disruption of intelligence buddhimataaM = of the intelligent

buddhimaan.h = is intelligent buddhiyuktaH = one who is engaged in devotional service buddhiyuktaaH = being engaged in devotional service buddhiyogaM = real intelligence buddhiyogaat.h = on the strength of KRishhNa consciousness buddhisa.nyogaM = revival of consciousness buddhii = Intelligence buddheH = more than the intelligence buddhau = in such consciousness budha = wise budhaH = the intelligent person budhakaushika = the person budhakaushika budhakaushikaH = budhakaushikaH (the author of this hymn)

budhavaara = Wednesday budhaaH = those who know budhaadityayoga = Combination for learning budhiH = mind

ca* = 1 and, likewise, accordingly (introducing quotations) Mn. ix, 19 and 45 Dhrtas. Hit. iti ca* = 2 ind. (fr. pronominal base 3. {i}), in this manner, thus (in its original signification {iti} refers to something that has been said or thought, or lays stress on what precedes; in the Brhmanas it is often equivalent to `" as you know "', reminding the hearer or reader of certain customs, conditions, &c. supposed to be known to him). In quotations of every kind {iti} means that the preceding words are the very words which some person has or might have spoken, and placed thus at the end of a speech it serves the purpose of inverted commas ({ity uktvA}, having so said; {iti

kRtvA}, having so considered, having so decided). It may often have reference merely to what is passing in the mind e.g. {bAlo 'pi nA7vamantavyo manuSya iti bhUmipaH}, a king, though a child, is not to be despised, saying to one's self, `" he is a mortal "', (Gr. 928.) In dram. {iti tathA karoti} means `" after these words he acts thus. "' Sometimes {iti} is used to include under one head a number of separate objects aggregated together (e.g. {ijyA7dhyayanadAnAni tapaH satyaM kSamA damaH} {alobha iti mArgo 'yam}, `" sacrificing, studying, liberality, penance, truth, patience, selfrestraint, absence of desire "', this course of conduct, &c.) {iti} is sometimes followed by {evam}, {iva}, or a demonstrative pronoun pleonastically (e.g. {tAm brUyAd bhavatI7ty evam}, her he may call `" lady "', thus). {iti} may form an adverbial compound with the name of an author (e.g. {iti-pANini}, thus according to Pnini). It may also express the act of calling attention (lo! behold!) It may have some other significations e.g. something additional (as in {ityAdi}, et caetera), order, arrangement specific or distinctive, and identity. It is used by native commentators after quoting a rule to express `" according to such a rule "' (e.g. {anudAttaGita ity Atmanepadam bhavati}, according to the rule of Pnini i, 3, 12, the tmanepada takes place). {kim iti} = {kim}, wherefore, why? (In the S'atapatha-brhmana {ti} occurs for {iti}; cf. Prkriit {ti} and {tti}.)

caakra4 * = mfn. (fr. {cakra4}) carried on (a battle) with the discus Hariv. 5648; belonging to a wheel W.; circular W.; m. N. of a man S'Br. xii. caapaala * = N. of a Caitya DivyA7v. caapala * = n. (fr. {cap-} g. {yuvA7di}) mobility, swiftness Ragh. iii, 42 BhP. vii, 12, 20; agitation, unsteadiness, fickleness, inconsiderateness, insolence Gaut. ix, 50 Pn. 8-1, 12 Vrtt. 5 MBh. &c. caara * = m. ({car}) = {cara}, a spy Mn. vii, ix MBh. i, 5604 R. Mriicch. Kaths.; going, motion, progression, course (of asterisms VarBriS. BhP. v, 22, 12) ChUp. vii, 1, 5 R. &c.; wandering about, travelling W.; `" proceeding "' see {kAma-}; practising MBh. v, 1410; a bond, fetter L.; a prison L.; Buchanania latifolia Bhpr.; n. a factitious poison L. (v.l. for {vAra}); ({I}) f. a particular step (in dancing); a trap, snare HParis'. i, 353. caaraNa* = mfn. depending on a Vedic school ({caraNa}) p.; belonging to the same Vedic school (`" reading the scripture "' W.) Gaut.; m. a wandering actor or singer Mn. xii, 44 MBh. v, 1039 and 1442 VarBriS. Pacat. &c.; a celestial singer MBh. R. S'ak. BhP. Gt. i, 2; a spy BhP. iv, 16, 12 Blar.; n. ( {car}, Caus.) `" pasturing, tending "' see

{go-}; a kind of process applied to mercury; ({I}) f. a female celestial singer Blar. ix, 21/22 ff.; Hibiscus mutabilis Npr. caarita mfn. set in motion Ra1jat. iv, 653; caused to be done by (instr.) MBh. xii, 11584. [393,3] caaritra* =m. (%{car} cf. %{zAmitra}) `" moving "'N. of a Marut Hariv. 11547; n. (= %{car-}) proceeding, manner of acting, conduct R. iii, iv Pan5cat. (ifc. f. %{A}); good conduct, good character, reputation Hariv. 10204 Nal. R. &c. (`" life in accordance with the 5 great vows "' Jain.); peculiar observance, peculiarity of customs or conditions W.; a ceremony Buddh. L.; (%{A}) f. the tamarind tree L. caarma: made of skin, hide, leather caaru* = mf({us})n. (2. {can}) agreeable, approved, esteemed, beloved, endeared, (Lat.) {carus}, dear (with dat. or loc. of the person) RV. VS. xxxv, 17 TS. iii TBr. iii, 1, 1, 9 SnkhS'r. i, 5, 9; pleasing, lovely, beautiful, pretty RV. AV. MBh. &c.; ind. so as to please, agreeably (with dat.) RV. ix, 72, 7 and 86, 21 AV. vii, xii, xiv; beautifully Hariv. Caurap.; m. (in music) a particular {vAsaka}; N. of Briihaspati L.; of a son of Kriishna Hariv. 6699 BhP. x, 61, 9; of a Cakra-vartin Buddh.; n. (v.l. for {vara}) saffron L.

Sch.; ({vI}) f. a beautiful woman L.; splendour L.; moonlight L.; intelligence L.; N. of Kubera's wife L. caitya* = 1 m. (fr. 5. {cit} or 2. {citi}) the individual soul BhP. iii, 26; 28, 28; 31, 19 Sarvad. ii, 198f. caitya* =2 mfn. relating to a funeral pile or mound ({citA}) s'vGri. iii, 6 Griihys. ii, 4; m. n. a funeral monument or Stpa (q.v.) or pyramidal column containing the ashes of deceased persons, sacred tree (esp. a religious fig-tree) growing on a mound, hall or temple or place of worship (esp. with Buddh. and Jain. and generally containing a monument), a sanctuary near a village s'vGri. i, 12 Pars'. Yj. ii, 151 & 228 MBh. &c.; a Jain or Buddh. image L.; m. = {-tyaka}, ii, 814. caitaki* = m. pl. (fr. {cetaka}) N. of a family Pravar. ii, 2, 2. caitta* = mfn. belonging to thought ({citta4}), imagined Veda7ntas.; mental, mdar. ii, 2, 18 Sch. Prab. Sch. caitra* = m. N. of the 2nd spring month (its full moon standing in the constellation Citr cf. Pn. 42, 23) S'nkhBr. xix, 3 KtyS'r. Lthy. Mn. vii, 182 MBh. &c.; the 6th year in the cycle of Jupiter VarBriS. viii, 8; a Buddh. or Jain religious

mendicant L.; a common N. for any man (like Deva-datta), Gaudap. on Snkhyak. 5 and 7 Prab. iii, 7/8 Sch. Pn. 2-3, 29 Sch. (not in Ks'.); `" son of Citr "'N. of a son of Budha and grand father of Su-ratha BrahmaP.; = {caitriyAyaNa4} Anukr. on Kthh. xxxix, 14; N. of two Riishis VP. iii, 1, 12 and 18; one of the seven ranges of mountains (dividing the continent into Varshas) L.; n. = {caitya}, a sepulchre L.; a sanctuary L.; mfn. for {citra} (B) or {jaitra} (Sch.) MBh. vii, 76; ({I}) f. (with or without {paurNamAsI}) the day of full moon in month Caitra, sacrifice offered on that day S'nkhS'r. iii, 13, 2 KtyS'r.xiii Lthy.x Pn. 4-2, 23 MBh. xii, xiv. caittika* = mfn. belonging to thought W. caitraka* = m. = {-trika} L.; m. pl. N. of a warrior tribe Pn. 6-2, 34 Ks cakra = Circle, wheel, psychic centre in humans* = n. (Ved. rarely m.; g. {ardharcA7di}; fr. {car}?; 1. {kR} Pn. 6-1, 12 Ks'.) the wheel (of a carriage, of the Sus chariot [RV.], of Time [i, 164, 2-48]; {kra4M-car}, to drive in a carriage S'Br. vi) RV. &c.; a potter's wheel S'Br. xi Yj. iii, 146 (cf. {-bhrama} &c.); a discus or sharp circular missile weapon (esp. that of Vishnu) MBh. R. Sus'r. Pacat. BhP.; an oil-mill Mn. iv. 85 MBh. xii, 6481 & 7697; a circle R. BhP. &c. ({kalA7pa-}, `" the circle of a

peacock's tail "' Riitus. ii, 14); an astronomical circle (e.g. {rAzi-}, the zodiac) VarBriS. Sryas.; a mystical circle or diagram, Tantr.; = {-bandha} q.v. Sh. x, 13 a/b; a cycle, cycle of years or of seasons Hariv. 652; `" a form of military array (in a circle) "' see {-vyUha}; circular flight (of a bird) Pacat. ii, 57; a particular constellation in the form of a hexagon VarBriS. xx VarBri. Laghuj.; a circle or depression of the body (for mystical or chiromantic purposes; 6 in number, one above the other, viz. 1. {mUlA7dhAra}, the parts about the pubis; 2. {svA7dhiSThAna}, the umbilical region; 3. {maNipUra}, the pit of the stomach or epigastrium; 4. {anAhata}, the root of the nose; 5. {vizuddha}, the hollow between the frontal sinuses; 6. {AjJA7khya}, the fontenelle or union of the coronal and sagittal sutures; various faculties and divinities are supposed to be present in these hollows); N. of a metre (= {-pAta}); a circle or a similar instrument (used in astron.) Laghuj. Sryas. xiii, 20 Gol. xi, 10 ff.; (also m. L.) a troop, multitude MBh. v, ix ({krA7valI}, q.v.) Hariv. R. &c.; the whole number of (in comp.) Sarvad. xi, 127; a troop of soldiers, army, host MBh. (ifc. f. {A}, iii, 640) BhP. i, ix Cn.; a number of villages, province, district L.; (fig.) range, department VarBriS. xxx, 33; the wheel of a monarch's chariot rolling over his dominions, sovereignty, realm Yj. i, 265 MBh. i, xiii BhP. ix, 20, 32 VP.; (pl.) the winding of a river L.; a whirlpool L.; a crooked or fraudulent device (cf.

{cakrikA}) L.; the convolutions or spiral marks of the S'la-grma or ammonite W.; N. of a medicinal plant or drug Sus'r. vf.; of a Trtha BhP. x, 78, 19; m. the ruddy goose or Brhmany duck (Anas Casarca, called after its cries; cf. {-vAka4}) MBh. ix, 443 Blar. viii, 58 Kaths. lxxii, 40 S'rngP.; (pl.) N. of a people MBh. vi, 352; (g. {azvA7di}) N. of a man, BriArUp. iii, 4, 1 Sch.; of another man Kaths. lvi, 144; of a Nga MBh. i, 2147; of one of Skanda's attendants MBh. ix, 2539 and 2542; of a mountain BhP. v, 20, 15 Kaths. liv. 16; ({A}) f. a kind of Cyperus or another plant L.; ({I4}) f. a wheel (instr. sg. {-kri4yA}; gen. du. {-kryo4s}) RV.; (du. {kriyau}) Kthh. xxix, 7; [cf. {a-}, {aSTA4-}, {uccA-}, {e4ka-}, {kAla-}, {kU-}, {daNDa-}, {dik-}, {dharma-}, {mahA-}, {mAtR-}, {ro4dha-}, {viSNu}, {sa-}, {sapta4-}, {hiraNya-}; {tri-} and {sucakra4}; cf. also, $, Lat. {circus}; Angl. Sax. {hveohl}, Engl. {wheel}.] cakaara * m. the letter or sound {ca}. * m. the particle {ca} Pn. 2-3, 72 Ks' calataa * = f. shaking, tremulous motion cala * = mf({A})n. (g. {pacA7di}) moving, trembling, shaking, loose MBh. &c.; unsteady, fluctuating, perishable ib.; disturbed, confused ib.; m. `" agitation, shaking "' see {bhUmi-}; wind L.;

wind (in med.) Ashtha7ng. i, 11, 1; quicksilver L.; a sprout, shoot Gal.; n. water Gal.; ({A}) f. lightning L.; incense L.; the Goddess of Fortune Kaths. lx, 119; a metre of 4 x 18 syllables (cf. {a-}, {niz-}, {puMzcalI}, {cAla}.) campaka * =: m. Michelia Campaka(bearing a yellow fragrant flower) MBh. R. &c.; a kind of perfume VarBriS. lxxvii, 7; a particular part of the bread-fruit W.; N. of a man Rjat. vii; of a relation of the Jaina Meru-tunga; of a country Buddh.; n. the flower of the Campaka tree MBh. Sus'r. &c.; the fruit of a variety of the plantain L.; ({A}) f. N. of a town, JaimBhr. Hit. canda*= fierce, violent, cruel, impetuous, hot, ardent with passion, passionate, angr y caNDavega * = mfn. having an impetuous course or current (said of the sea, of the battle, and of time) R. iv f. BhP. iv, 29, 20; m. N. of a metre; of a Gandharva chief. 27, 13; (%{A}) f. `" N. of a river "'; %{-gA-saMgama-tIrtha} n. N. of a Ti1rtha Reva1Kh. xviii. cana = cha(?)+na, and +not capala * = mf({A})n. ({kamp}; g. {zauNDA7di}, {zreNy-Adi} and {vispaSTA7di}) moving to and fro,

shaking, trembling, unsteady, wavering MBh. &c.; wanton, fickle, inconstant ib.; inconsiderate, thoughtless, ill-mannered Mn. iv, 177 MBh. xiv, 1251; quick, swift, expeditious Hariv. 4104; momentary, instantaneous Subh.; m. a kind of mouse Sus'r. v, 6, 3 Ashtha7ng. vi, 38, 1; a fish L.; the wind Gal.; quicksilver L.; black mustard L.; a kind of perfume ({coraka}) L.; a kind of stone L.; N. of a demon causing diseases Hariv. 9562; of a prince MBh. i, 231; n. a kind of metal (mentioned with quicksilver); ({am}) ind. quickly Das'. vii, 420 f.; ({A}) f. lightning Gt. vii, 23; long pepper L.; the tongue L.; (g. {priyA7di}) a disloyal wife, whore L.; spirituous liquor (esp. that made from hemp) L.; the goddess Lakshmi or fortune (cf. MBh. xiii, 3861) L.; N. of two metres (cf. {mahA-}); (in music) the 5th note personified. car * =. 1. {ca4rati}, rarely {-te} (Subj. {ca4rat}, 3 pl. {ca4rAn} RV.; perf. {cacA4ra} [AV. &c.], 2 sg. {cacartha} BhP. iv, 28, 52; pl. {cerur}, &c.; {-ratur} S'Br. &c.; . {cere} BhP. iii, 1, 19; fut. {cariSyati}, {te}; aor. {acArIt} [S'Br. xiv &c.]; inf. {ca4ritum} [ii MBh. i, iii R.] or {cartum} [MBh. iii, xiii R. iii BhP. v], Ved. {cara4dhyai} [RV. i, 61, 12], {ca4ritave} [113, 5], {cara4se} [92, 9 and v, 47, 4], {carA4yai} [vii, 77, 1], {caritos} [Aitr. i, 1, 1, 7]; ind. p. {caritvA4} S'Br. xiv BhP. x, 75, 19; {cartvA} MBh. v, 3790; {cIrtvA}, xiii, 495; p. {ca4rat}) to move one's

self, go, walk, move, stir, roam about, wander (said of men, animals, water, ships, stars, &c.) RV. AV. &c.; to spread, be diffused (as fire) VarBriS. xix, 7; to move or travel through, pervade, go along, follow Mn. MBh. &c.; to behave, conduct one's self, act, live, treat (with instr. or loc.) RV. AV. &c.; to be engaged in, occupied or busy with (instr e.g. {yajJe4na c-}, `" to be engaged in a sacrifice "' S'Br.) RV. x, 71, 5 AV. vi, 117, 1 AitBr. &c.; (with [S'Br. iv ChUp. Kaus'. S'nkhS'r.] or without [S'Br. ii, xiv] {mithuna4m}) to have intercourse with, have to do with (instr.); (with a p. or adj. or ind. p. or adv.) to continue performing or being (e.g. {arcantaz cerur}, `" they continued worshipping "' S'Br. i; {svAminam avajJAya caret}, `" he may go on despising his master "' Hit.) RV. AV. VS. &c.; (in astron.) to be in any asterism or conjunction VarBriS.; to undertake, set about, under go, observe, practise, do or act in general, effect, make (e.g. {vratA4ni} `" to observe vows "' AV. &c.; {vighnaM c-}, `" to put a hindrance "' MBh.; {bhaikSaM c-} `" to beg "' Mn. ii; {vivAdaM c-} "', to be engaged in a lawsuit "' Mn. viii, 8; {mRgayAM c-}, to hunt "' MBh. R.; {sambandhAMz c}, `" to enter into connections "' Mn. ii, 40; {mArgaM cacAra bANaiH}, `" he made a way with arrows "' R. iii, 34, 4; {tapasA indriyANi c-}, to exercise one's organs with penance MBh. xiv, 544) RV. AV. &c.; to consume, eat (with acc.), graze Yj. iii, 324 Pacat. BhP. v, x Subh. Hit.; to make or render

(with double acc. e.g. {nare4ndraM satya-sthaM carAma} "', let us make the king keep his word "' R. ii, 107, 19: Caus. {cArayati}, to cause to move or walk about AV. xii, 4, 28 (aor. {a4cIcarat}) S'nkhBr. xxx, 8 Lthy.; to pasture MBh. xiv R. BhP. iii, x; to send, direct, turn, move MBh. &c.; to cause any one (acc.) to walk through (acc.) MBh. xii R. v, 49, 14; to drive away from (abl.) MBh. xii, 12944; to cause any one (acc.) to practise or perform (with acc.) Mn. xi, 177 and 192; to cause (any animal acc.) to eat Bdar. ii, 2, 5 Sch.; to cause to copulate Mn. viii, 362; to ascertain (as through a spy instr.) MBh. iii, xv R. i, vi; to doubt (cf. {vi-}) Dhtup. xxxiii, 71: Desid. {cicariSati}, to try to go S'nkhBr. xxx, 8 (p. {cicarSat}) [389, 2]; to wish to act or conduct one's self S'Br. xi; to try to have intercourse with (instr.), vi: Intens. {carcarIti} . or rarely [MBh. iii, 12850] Pass. {caJcUryate} ({curIti} and {-cUrti} Pn. 7-4, 87f.; ind. p. {-cUrya} R. iv, 29, 22; p. once P. {-cUryat} Hariv. 3602) to move quickly or repeatedly, walk about, roam about (in loc.) AV. xx, 127, 4 MBh. &c.; to act wantonly or coquettishly Bhathth. iv, 19 (cf. Pn. 31, 24); [cf. $, $ &c.] cara * = mfn. (g. {pacA7di}) moving, locomotive (as animals opposed to plants, or as the Karanas in astrol.) VPrt. S'vetUp. iii, 18 Mn. vii, 15 MBh. &c.; (= {saMcArin}) forming the retinue of any one

BhP. iv, 29, 23; movable, shaking, unsteady W.; ifc. going, walking, wandering, being, living, practising (e.g. {adhaz-}, {anta-}, {antarikSa-}, {ap-}, {AdAya}, {udake-}, &c.; cf. Pn. 3-2, 16); ifc. (Pn. 5-3, 53 f.; vi, 3, 35; f. {I}) having been formerly (e.g. {ADhya-}, {devadatta-}, qq. vv.; {a-dRSTa-} or {nadRSTa-}, `" not seen before "' Kaths. [once f. irr. {A}, lx, 58] Sarvad. iii, 16; vii, 19; {an-Alokita-} id. Blar. iv, 54/55); m. a spy, secret emissary or agent Mn. vii, 122 Hariv. 10316 R. &c.; = {caraTa} L.; the small shell Cypraea moneta L.; the wind, air BhP. x, 14, 11; the planet Mars L.; a game played with dice (similar to backgammon) L.; a cowrie W.; `" passage "' see {a-}, {duz-}; n. (in astron.) ascensional difference Gol. vii; ({A4}) f. dat. {rA4yai} inf. {car} q.v.; (in music) N. of a Mrchan; ({I}) f. a young woman (cf. {caraTi}) L.; = {digambaraprasiddhA} g. {gaurA7di}; also ifc. see {anu-} and {sahacarI}. caraTa * m. (= {cara}) a wagtail L.; ({I}) f. (= {raNTI}, {ciraTI}, {ciraNTI}) a woman married or single who after maturity resides in her father's house L. Sch. carama m. (nom. pl. %{-me}, or %{-mAs} Pa1n2. 1-1, 33)f(%{A})n. (in comp. Pa1n2. 2-1, 58) last, ultimate, final RV. vii, 59, 3; viii, 20, 14 TS. i, v BhP. &c. (%{-mA@kriyA}, `" the [final i.e.] funeral

ceremony "' MBh. iv, 834); the outermost (first or last, opposed to the middle one) RV. viii, 61, 15; later KapS. i, 72; (%{-maM@kiM}, `" what more? "' Prasannar. v, 3/4); `" western "', in comp.; lowest, least L.; a particular high number Buddh. L.; (%{am}) ind. last MBh. i, iii; at last, at the end Ra1jat. v, 7; after any one (gen.) Mn. ii, 194 Kir. caraNa* = m. n. (g. {ardharcA7di}) a foot Gobh. Mn. ix, 277 Bdar. MBh. &c. (ifc. f. {A} Hariv. 3914 Mlav.); (ifc. pl.) `" the feet of "', the venerable (N. N. ) MBh. xii, 174, 24 Sch.; a pillar, supor Hariv. 4643; the root (of a tree) L.; a Pda or line of a stanza, S'rut.; a dactyl; a 4th part (pda) VarBri. Ll.; a section, subdivision Bhpr. Sarvad. ({catuz-} q.v.); a school or branch of the Veda Nir. i, 17 Pn. MBh. xii, xiii Pacat. iv, 3; n. going round or about, motion, course RV. iii, 5, 5; ix, 113, 9; x, 136, 6 and 139, 6 S'Br. ii, x Sh. [389, 3]; acting, dealing, managing, (liturgical) performance, observance AV. vii, 106, 1 S'Br. S'nkhS'r. KtyS'r. VP. iii, 5, 13; behaviour, conduct of life KtyS'r. ChUp. v, 10; good or moral conduct Kaus'. 67 MBh. xiii, 3044 Lalit.; practising (generally ifc. cf. {tapaz-} [{tapasaz c-} Mn. vi, 75], {bhikSA-}, {bhaikSa-}) Gobh. iii, 1, 12 Nal.; grazing W.; consuming, eating L.; a particular high number Buddh. L. (cf. {dvi-}, {puraz-}, {ratha-}).


carita * = mfn. gone, gone to, attained W.; `" practised "', in comp.; espied, ascertained (by a spy, %{cara}) R. vi, 6, 16 and 7, 21; (%{a4m}) n. going, moving, course AV. iii, 15, 4; ix, 1, 3 Gobh. iii Sus3r.; motion (of asterisms) Su1ryas.; acting, doing, practice, behaviour, acts, deeds, adventures RV. i, 90, 2 MBh. R. VarBr2S. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} Gi1t. ix, 1); fixed institute, proper or peculiar observance W. (cf. %{uttara-rAma-}, %{du4z-}, %{sac-}, %{saha-}, %{su-}). caritArtha * = mf(%{A})n. attaining one's object, successful in any undertaking S3ak. vii, 31/32 Ma1lav. v, 19/20 Ragh. Kum. Pa1n2. Ka1s3. and Siddh.; %{-tA} f. successfulness S3ak. v, 5/6 %{tva} n. id. Sa1m2khyak. Bha1sha1p. (cf. %{cAritA7rthya}.) caritra* = n. (Pa1n2. 3-2, 184; rarely m. VS. vi, 14 MaitrS. i, 2, 16) a foot, leg RV. AV. x, 2, 12 Kaus3. 44; n. going VS. xiii, 19; acting, behaving, behaviour, habit, practice, acts, adventures, deeds, exploits Mn. ii, 20; ix, 7 R. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} Pan5cat. iv, 7, 5); nature, disposition W.; custom, law as based on custom Na1r. i, 10 f.; xx, 24; (%{A}) f. the tamarind tree L. (cf. %{cAr-}). carItra* = n. = %{-ritra}, behaviour, conduct L.


carma: a shield carmasAra* = m. `" skin-essence "', lymph, serum L. caru* = m. (g. {bhImA7di}) a kind of vessel (in which a particular oblation is prepared), saucepan, pot RV. AV. S'Br. xiii KtyS'r. Kaus'. Mn. Yj.; a cloud (cf. RV. i, 7, 6) Naigh. i, 10; an oblation (of rice, barley and pulse) boiled with butter and milk for presentation to the gods or manes VS. xxix. 6 TS. i S'Br. AitBr. i, 1 & 7 KtyS'r. &c. (pl. Yj. i, 298). [390, 2] carya* = mfn. (Pn. 3-1, 100) to be practised or performed Mn. iii, 1; m. (= {cara}) the small shell Cypraea moneta L.; n. ifc. driving (in a carriage) MBh. viii, 4215; ({A}) f. going about, wandering, walking or roaming about, visiting, driving (in a carriage, {ratha-} MBh. ix, xiii R. i, 19, 19) MBh. R. BhP. ix, 16, 1; (often ifc.) proceeding, behaviour, conduct S'Br. xi, 5, 7, 1 Lthy. viii s'vS'r. xii, 4 Mn. vi, 32 &c.; due observance of all rites and customs Sarvad. vi ff.; a religious mendicant's life L.; practising, performing, occupation with, engaging in (instr. [Gaut.] or generally in comp.) S'Br. xiv s'vGri. iii, 7 Mn. i, 111 MBh. &c.; deportment, usage W.; (in music) a kind of composition; N. of Durg Gal. (cf. {brahma-}, {bhikSA-}, {bhaikSya-}).

cashtha * = mfn. (%{cakS}) spoken W. catvaraH = (adj) four caura* = mfn. ({cur}) thievish HParis'. ii, 170 (= {cora4} g. {prajJA7di}; g. {chattrA7di}) a thief. robber Mn. iv, viii, xi (ifc.) Hariv. &c.; a dishonest or unfair dealer, usurper Pacat. i, 8, 11/12 and 18/19 (also in comp. translatable as adj.); (ifc.e.g. {kavi-}, `" a plagiarist "') Ganar. 114; a (heart-) captivator Hariv. 7125; 9981 and 9994; the perfume Coraka L.; `" plagiarist "'N. of a poet (cf. {cora}) S'rngP.; pl. N. of a family Pravar. i, 7 (Kty. and Vis'van.); ({I}) f. a female thief. (heart)captivator Kaths. vc, 54; civ, 168; = {-ra-karman} L. caurya* = n. (g. {brAhmaNA7di}) = {-ra-karman} Mn. ix, xi Yj. ii, 72 Mriicch. &c.; trickery Hariv. 15163 f.; (ifc. with {zulka}) defraudation Pacat. iv, 5, 0/1. c(h)arina A* = wandering, staying cha = and ceratah *= wandering, rambling, playingamble, bat around, branch off, bum around, clamber, climb, cruise, depart, digress, divagate, diverge, drift,

excurse, extend, fork, gad, gallivant, get sidetracked, grow, knock about, knock around, meander, perambulate, percolate, peregrinate, promenade, range, roam, rove, saunter, sc ramble, snake, sprangle, sprawl, spread, spread-eagle, straddle, straggle, stray, stroll, trail, traipse, travel aimlessly, turn, twist, walk ceshth *= cl. I. %{ce4STati} , %{-te} (inf %{Titum}) to move the limbs , move , stir MBh. R. BhP. S3ak. ; to make effort , exert one's self , struggle , strive , be active AV. xi , 4 , 23 f. S3Br. iii La1t2y. Kaus3. Mn. MBh. ; to be busy or occupied with (acc.) ; to act , do , perform , care for Gobh. i , 6 , 19 MBh. R. S3ak. Ra1jat. iii , 493 ; to prepare S3Br. xiv , 9 , 4 , 18 (ind. p. %{ceSTitvA4}): Caus. %{tayati} , %{-te} (aor. %{aciceSTat} [Bhat2t. xv , 60] or %{acac-} Pa1n2. 7-4 , 96) to cause to move , set in motion , impel , drive S3a1n3khS3r. viii , 9 , 3 Mn. xii , 15 MBh. R. Sus3r. iv , 32 , 17. ceshtha *= m. `" moving "' , a kind of fish (%{tapasvin}) L. ; n. moving the limbs , gesture Mn. vii , 63 ; behaviour , manner of life Hariv. 5939 ; (%{al}) , f , (Pa1n2. 2-3 , 12) moving any limb , gesture Mn. vii f. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c. (ifc. Ragh. ii , 43) ; action , activity , effort , endeavour , exertion A1s3vS3r. i S3vetUp. ii , 9 (ifc.) Mn. iv , 65 Bhag. &c. ; doing , performing Mn. i , 65 ; behaving ,

manner of life Mn. vii , 194 KapS. iii , 51 VarBr2S. (ifc.) &c. ; cf. %{a-} , %{naSTa-} , %{niz-}. ceshthaanaaza * m. ceasing of every motion L.; destruction of the world L. ceshthaanirUpaNa * = n. observing any one's actions W ceshthaarha * =({-TA7r-}) mfn. worthy of effort W ceshthaavat * = mfn. moveable Sus'r. iii, 5, 23; full of activity, active W ceshtha * = m. `" moving "', a kind of fish ({tapasvin}) L.; n. moving the limbs, gesture Mn. vii, 63; behaviour, manner of life Hariv. 5939; ({al}), f, (Pn. 2-3, 12) moving any limb, gesture Mn. vii f. Yj. MBh. &c. (ifc. Ragh. ii, 43); action, activity, effort, endeavour, exertion s'vS'r. i S'vetUp. ii, 9 (ifc.) Mn. iv, 65 Bhag. &c.; doing, performing Mn. i, 65; behaving, manner of life Mn. vii, 194 KapS. iii, 51 VarBriS. (ifc.) &c.; cf. {a-}, {naSTa-}, {niz-}. ceshthaka * =mfn. making effort or exertion W.; m. a kind of fish (= {-Ta}) L.; a kind of coitus. ceshthana * = n. making effort W.; motion Mn.xii,

120 MBh. xii, 6363 R. BhP.; ifc. performing KapS. i, 3; effort, exertion W. ceshthayitR * mfn. one who sets in motion MBh. xii, 1181. ceshthita * = mfn. set in motion W. ; done with effort , exerted W. ; done S3ak. iii , 23/24 (v.l.) ; v , 9 ; frequented Ragh. xi , 51 ; n. moving any limb , gesture Mn. Sus3r. VarBr2S. ; doing , action , behaviour , manner of life Mn. MBh. R. KapS. iii , 59 ff. S3ak. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} Bhar. xxxiv , 118). cet* = Nom. (fr. {ce4tas}) {-tati} (Vop. xxi, 8; aor. 3. pl. {acetiSur}) to recover consciousness Bhathth. xv, 109. cet* = 1 Nom. {tati}. see {cit}.\\ = 2 see {ce74d}. cetanatA* = f. the state of a sentient or conscious being, intelligence. cetanatva* = n. id. Sarvad. vii, 8 Kum. iii, 39 Sch. KapS. i, 100 Sch. cetanAcetana* = pl. sentient and unsentient beings Megh. 5. cetanAvat* = mfn. having consciousness, knowing,

understanding, reasonable Nir. MBh. xii, xiv Snkhyak. Sus'r. cetanikA* = f. Terminalia Chebula L. cetu* = m. heedfulness RV. ix, 81, 3. ceTa* = m. a servant, slave Mriicch. Kaths. vi, 127 (ifc.) Sh.; a kind of fish p.i, 17, 38; ({I}) f. a female servant R. ii, 91, 62 S'ak. "' &c. cetti* = {ce4tya} see {cit}. cetR* = 1 m. an observer S'vetUp. vi, 11. cetR* = 2 m. a revenger RV. vii, 60, 5. cetaH* = in comp. = {-tas}. cetaH-pIDA * = f. grief L. ceTa* = m. a servant, slave Mr2icch. Katha1s. vi, 127 (ifc.) Sa1h.; a kind of fish A1p.i, 17, 38; (%{I}) f. a female servant R. ii, 91, 62 S3ak. "' &c. ceTaka * = m. a servant, slave Bhartr2. i, 91 Katha1s. vi and lxxi (ifc.) Hit.; a paramour L.; (%{ikA}) f. = %{-TI} Katha1s. iv, xii, lii.


cetana* = mf(%{I4})n. visible, conspicuous, distinguished, excellent RV. AV. ix, 4, 21; percipient, conscious, sentient, intelligent Kat2hUp. v, 13 S3vetUp. vi, 13 Hariv. 3587 KapS. Tattvas. &c.; m. an intelligent being, man Sarvad. ii, 221; soul, mind L.; n. conspicuousness RV. i, 13, 11 and 170, 4; iii, 3, 8; iv, 7, 2; soul, mind R. vii, 55, 17 and 20; (%{A}) f. consciousness, understanding, sense, intelligence Ya1jn5. iii, 175 MBh. &c. (often ifc. [f. %{A}] Mn. ix, 67 MBh. &c.) (cf. %{a-}, %{niz-}, %{puru-ce4t-}, %{vi-}, %{sa-}, %{su4-}). cetanatA* = f. the state of a sentient or conscious being, intelligence. cetanatva* =n. id. Sarvad. vii, 8 Kum. iii, 39 Sch. KapS. i, 100 Sch. cetanAvat* =mfn. having consciousness, knowing, understanding, reasonable Nir. MBh. xii, xiv Sa1m2khyak. Sus3r. ce4tana-tA * = f. the state of a sentient or conscious being, intelligence. ce4tana-tva * = n. id. Sarvad. vii, 8 Kum. iii, 39 Sch. KapS. i, 100 Sch. ce4tana-bhAva * = m. id. Bdar. ii, 1, 6 Sch.

cetanA7cetana* = pl. sentient and unsentient beings Megh. 5. cetanA-vat * = mfn. having consciousness, knowing, understanding, reasonable Nir. MBh. xii, xiv Snkhyak. Sus'r. cetanA7STaka * = n. N. of wk. cetanikA * = f. Terminalia Chebula L. cetanI * = ind. for {-na}. cetanI-kri * = to cause to perceive or become conscious BhP. viii, 1, 9 Sch. cetanI-bhU * = to become conscious ib. [398, 1] cetaniiyaa * = f. the medicinal herb {Rddhi} L. cetas *= n. splendour RV.; (Naigh. iii, 9) consciousness, intelligence, thinking soul, heart, mind VS. xxxiv, 3 AV. Mn. ix, xii MBh. &c. (ifc. Kat2hUp. Mn.&c.); will AV. vi, 116, 3 TBr.iii, 1, 1, 7; cf. %{a-ceta4s}, %{dabhra4-}, %{pra4-}, %{laghu}, %{vi4-}, %{sa4-}, %{su-ce4tas}. cetasaka * = m. pl. N. of a people MBh. vii, 2095.


cetasam * = ind. ifc. fr. {-tas} Vop. vi, 62. cetayaana * = mfn. (irreg. pr. p.) having sense, reasonable MBh. iii, v, viii R. ii, 109, 7. cetayitavya * = mfn. to be perceived Pras'nUp. cetayitR * = mfn. = {-ya} MBh. xii S'vetUp. Sch. cetishthha* = mfn. (fr. {ce4ttR}) most attentive (with gen.) RV. i, 65, 9 and 128, 8; v, vii; x, 21, 7; (fr. {citra4}) most conspicuous, viii, 46, 20 VS. xxvii, 15. cetI * = ind. in comp. for {-tas}. cetI-kR * = Vop.vii, 84. cetu4 * = m. heedfulness RV. ix, 81, 3. ce4ttR * = mfn. attentive, guardian, RY. x, 128, 9 (see also s.v. 4. {cit}) AV. iv and vi ({cettR4}) TS. if. ce4tya * = mfn. perceivable RV. vi, 1, 5; ({A4}) f. = {tu4} (?), x, 89, 14. ceTa * = m. a servant, slave Mriicch. Kaths. vi, 127 (ifc.) Sh.; a kind of fish p.i, 17, 38; ({I}) f. a female servant R. ii, 91, 62 S'ak. "' &c.

cetuyA * = N. of a place Kshiti7s'. vii. ce4tti * = {ce4tya} see {cit}. cetavya4 * = mfn. to be piled up TS. v S'Br. vi; ix, 5, 1, 64 Bhathth. ix, 13; = {cayanIya} Vop. xxvi, 3. ceto * = in comp. for {-tas}. ceto-bhava * = m. = {citta-ja} L. Sch. ceto-bhU * = m.id., Mlatim. Blar. Vcar.xi, 94. ceto-mat * = mfn. endowed with consciousness, living MBh. iii, 8676. ceto-mukha * = mfn. one whose mouth is intelligence, MndUp. ceto-vikAra * = m. disturbance of mind Sus'r. Mn. i, 25 Sch. ceto-vikArin * = mfn. disturbed in mind Sus'r. i, 46, 4, 4. ceto-hara * = mf({A})n. captivating the heart Bhm. iii, 10. cetR * = 1 m. an observer S'vetUp. vi, 11.

cetR4 * = 2 m. a revenger RV. vii, 60, 5. cha..ndramaa = (Fem.nom.S)the moon cha.ndramaaH = the Moon god chakaara = did (past perfect tense of kRi+kar to do) chaakalehaH = (m) chocolate candy, toffee chaalakaH = (m) driver chaandoga* = mfn. `" relating to the Chando-gas "', in comp. chaandramasaM = the moon planet chaanyatraika = cha+anyatra+ekaH, and+in any other place+only one chaapaM = the bow chaapabaaNadharo = bearing bow\&arrow chaapalya = (from chapala) rashness chaasmi = as I am


chaapi = also chaariNau = blowing chaataka = the ever thirsty chaataka bird that lives only on raindrops chaaturvarNyaM = the four divisions of human society chakaastu = let it be shining chakra: see cakra chakraM = cycle chakrabandha = wheel pattern, a form of bandha poetry chakram.h = (n) wheel, cycle, circle chakravaataH = (m) cyclone chakrahastaM = disc in hand chakraaakaara = (bauvriihi) wheel-shaped chakraasana = the wheel posture


chakriNaM = with discs chakshu = eye chakshuH = eyes chakshus.h = eye chal.h = to walk chala = moving chalaM = flickering chalachchitra = movie chalati = (1pp) to walk chalita = deviated; calita mfn. shaking, tremulous, unfixed MBh. &c.; one who has moved on MBh. Sryas. iii, 11; gone, departed (e.g. {sa calitaH}, `" he started off "' Pacat. Gt. iii, 3 Hit.); walked Vet. iii, 1/2 (v.l.); being on the march (an army) L.; moved from one's usual course, disturbed, disordered (the mind, senses, fortune, &c.) Hariv. 5669 R. &c.; caused to deviate, turned off from (abl.) Yj. i, 360 Bhag. vi, 37; n. unsteady motion (of eyes) Bhartri. i, 4.


chamasaH = (m) spoon chamuuM = military force chanda* =mfn. pleasing, alluring, inviting RV. i, 92, 6; viii, 7, 36; {-nda4}, praising ({cha4nda} Naigh. iii, 16) RV. vi, 11, 3; cf. {madhu-cch-}; m. appearance, look, shape Hariv. 8359 ff.; cf. {prati} and {vi-cch-}; pleasure, delight, appetite, liking, predilection, desire, will Yj. ii, 195 MBh. &c.; ({ena}) instr. ind. [also with {svena}, viii, 1249 R. ii, 83, 25; or ifc. with {sva-} (Hariv. 7017) or {Atma-} MBh. v, xiii R. v, 26, 18] according to one's own wish Mn. viii, 176 Nal. xxiii, 15 R. v; according to the wish of (gen.) MBh. iii, 7096 Hariv. 7097; ({a-cch-} neg. `" against the wish of "') 7098 and 8557; ({At}) abl. ind. according to the wish of (in comp.) MBh. viii, 3542; ({a-cch-} neg. `" involuntarily "' R. iii, 5, 2); poison L.; N. of S'kyamuni's charioteer ({chandaka}) Lalit. xv DivyA7v. xxvii, 159; of a prince W.; cf. {sva-}; {indra-}, {kalA7pa-}, {deva} and {vijaya-}, various kinds of pearl-ornaments. cha4nda-ja * = mfn. `" originating from one's own wish "', self-produced (gods) Hariv. 12296. chandaska * = ifc. (f. {A}) = {-das}, metre Nyyam. ix, 2, 5 and 8 Sch.

chandasya4 * = mfn. (Pn. 4-3, 71 and 4, 93, 140 Vrtt. 1) taking the form of hymns, metrical, relating to or fit for hymns RV. ix, 113, 6 TS. i, 6, 11, 4; made or done according to one's wish Pn. 4-4, 93 Ks'.; ({A4}) f. (with {I4STakA}) N. of a sacrificial brick S'Br. vii, 5, 2, 42; viii, 2 f. chAndasa * = mf({I})n. having the sacred text of the Veda ({cha4ndas}) as (its) subject, peculiar or relating or belonging to the Veda, Vedic Kaus'. Pn. 4-3, 71 Pat. Hariv. 12284 BhP.; (once {-nda} BhavP. i); archaistic Sarvad. vi, 11; (g. {manojJA7di} Pn. 5-2, 84 Ks'.) studying the holy text of the Vedic hymns, familiar with it Kaths. lxii, cxviii; (ifc. g. {khasUcy-Adi} Ganar. 114 Sch.); relating to metre RAnukr. Sch. chandaka* = mfn. ifc. `" charming "' see {sarva-}; m. N. of S'kya-muni's charioteer DivyA7v. xxvii, 158 Lalit. chandana * = mfn. charming VarBriS. civ, 61. chandaka * = 1 n. `" roof "' see {bRha4c-}; deceit Un. [404, 3] cha4ndas * = n. desire, longing for, will MBh. xii, 7376 Pn. 4-4, 93 Ks'.; intention, purport W.; a sacred hymn (of AV.; as distinguished from those

of RV. SV. and YajurV.), incantation-hymn RV. x AV. S'Br. viii MBh. v, 1224 Ragh. i, 11; the sacred text of the Vedic hymns S'Br. xi, 5, 7, 3 s'vGri. Kaus'. Gobh. VPrt. Pn. Mn. &c.; metre (in general, supposed to consist of 3 or 7 typical forms [AV. VS. &c.] to which Virj is added as the 8th [S'Br. viii, 3, 3, 6]; {cha4ndas} opposed to {gAyatri4} and {triSTu4bh} RV. x, 14, 16); metrical science MundUp. i, 1, 5 MBh. i, 2887 Pacat. S'rut.; = {-do-grantha} Nyyam. ix, 2, 6 Sch.; [cf. Lat. {scando}, `" to step, scan. "'] chandana = sandal chandoga* = m. ({gai}) `" singer in metre "', chanter'of the SV., Udgtrii priest AitBr. iii, 32 S'Br. x S'nkhS'r. &c.; {-paddhati} f. N. of the work Yaja-prs'va (YajurV. Paris'. xv Caran.); {pariziSTa} n. Kty.'s supplement on Gobh. Mn. ii, 44 Kull.; {-brAhmaNa} n. = {chAndogya-br-} AitBr. iv, 18 Sy.; {-mAhaki} m. N. of a teacher VBr.; {-vRSo7tsarga-tattva} n. N. of wk.; {-zAkhA} f. a branch of the SV. (quoted in a work on S'rddhas); {-zrAddha-tattva-pramANa} n. N. of wk. by Raghu-nandana; {-zruti} f. `" tradition of the Chandogas "', the SV. Pars'. ii, 5/111, 3, 6; {sopAna} n. N. of wk.; {-gA7hnika-paddhati} f. N. of wk. by Rma-kriishna.


chandra = Name for the Moon chandra-kuNDalii = Chart where the Ascendant or lagna is the sign of the natal moon chandra-raashi = Natal Moon sign. Used in India much like we use the Sun sign system in the West chandra-lagna = Ascendant using the Natal lunar position chandrabimba = moon disc chandramasi = in the moon chandrika = moonlight chandrodaya = moon-rise channa* = mfn. covered, covered over MBh. iii, 800 R. i f. Megh. BhP. &c. (ifc. cf. Pn. 6-2, 170); obscured (the moon) MBh. i, 2699 Sryas. iv, 10 and 22; hidden, unnoticed by (dat.), secret, clandestine, disguised MBh. iii f. R. ii, v BhP. Kaths. Rjat.; ({am}) ind. secretly Mn. ix, 98 and 100 Mriicch. Das'.; (in comp. {-nna-}) Rjat. v, 467; (with {gai}, to sing) privately, in a low voice Lthy. iii, 1, 12 ff.; ({e}) loc. ind. secretly Hariv. 8686.


chaJNchalaM = flickering chaJNchalatvaat.h = due to being restless chapala = fickle, unstable chapalaM = fickle-minded char.h = to wander chara = moving chara-raashi = Moveable signs charaM = moving charaNa = foot charaNaH = (m) foot charataaM = while roaming charati = (1 pp) to move, to roam charan.h = acting upon charanti = move or travel or wander charaacharaM = moving and nonmoving

charita = nature charitaM = story, character charitra = life charitraaNi = tales of valour charaiveti = chara:moving (things) +eva:alone; only + iti:thus charchaa = discussion charpaTa = torn/tattered cloth charman.h = (neu) skin, leather charyaa = practise / observance chashhakaH = (m) glass chashhakaadhaanii = (f) saucer chaTakaH = (m) sparrow chatuH = four chaturaH = capable / skiled/ clever


chaturastraH = (m) square chaturastrakam.h = (n) frame (of a photograph or a picture) chaturtha = fourth chaturthyaaM = during the (auspicious)4th day (from New Moon, full moon) chaturbhujena = four-handed chaturvidhaM = the four kinds chaturvidhaaH = four kinds of chaturhastaM = who has four hands chatushhpaada-raashi = Quadrupedal signs chatus.h = four chatussaagaraparya.ntaM = till or upto the four oceans chatvaaraH = four chatvaari = four


chaya = (m) a heap chayanam.h = (n) selection, choice chaitanya = energy, enthusiasm chattragRha * = n. the room in which the parasol (or badge of royalty) is kept MBh. v, 3544. chattra-cakra * = n. (in astrol.) a kind of diagram. chattra-pati * = m. the officer watching over the royal parasol, Sinha7s. xxiii, 0/1 chattra-yukti * = f. "' use of the parasol "'N. of a chapter of Bhoja's Yukti-kalpa-taru. chattra-vat * = mfn. furnished with a parasol Sus'r. i, 10, 1; ({tI}) f. N. of a town ({ahi-cchattra} Sch.) MBh. i, 6348. chattrika * = m.= {-ttra-dhara} g. {purohitA7di}. chattrin * = mfn. furnished with a parasol MBh. xiii, 739 Hariv. 14205 R. i, iii; m. a barber L. chattvara * = m. a house Un. iii, 1; a bower ib chailaajina = of soft cloth and deerskin

chha.nda = Hobby chha.ndaH = metre (poetic) chhatra = umbrella chhatram.h = (n) umbrella chhatraakam.h = (n) mushroom chhadiH = (m) roof chhadmachaariNaH = those who wander by adopting tricks such as becoming chhandasaaM = of all poetry chhandaa.nsi = the Vedic hymns chhandobhiH = by Vedic hymns chhalayataaM = of all cheats chhavii = picture, portrait chhaatraaH = students chhaadana = covering


chhaayaa = shade chhittva = cutting chhittvaa = cutting off chhid.h = to cut, break by cutting chhidra = (neut in this sense) hole, cut chhinatti = to tear, to break chhindanti = can cut to pieces chhinna = having torn off chhurikaa = (f) knife chhettaa = remover chettavya *= mfn. to be cut off Mn. viii , 279 R. vi , 92 , 4 ; to be cut Nya1yam. ix , 3 , 13 Sch.\2 %{ttR} , &c. see 1. %{chid}. chettri *= mfn. one who cuts off , cutter , woodcutter Mn.iv , 71 Sch. (ifc.) Hit. i , 4 , 3 ; a remover (of doubts , %{saMzayAnAm} , 2 , 21) MBh. xiii Bhag.


chhettuM = to dispel chhedana = cutting chekitaanaH = Cekitana cheshhTaH = the endeavorscheshhTate = (1 ap) to try, to attempt cheshhTasya = of one who works for maintenance cheTii = (f) maid, dasii chet.h = if chetanaa = the living force chetas.h = mind chetasaH = their hearts chetasaa = by consciousness chetasaaM = of those whose minds chetaaH = in heart chidra *= mf(%{A})n. torn asunder RV. i, 162, 20; containing holes, pierced Ka1tySr. xv ff. R. i, 73, 20 Sus3r. v, 1, 43; leaky MBh. v, 1307; 1047 (= xii,

8782); n. a hole, slit, cleft, opening VS. TS. i, vi Ka1tyS3r. La1t2y. Kaus3. Mn. &c. (%{daiva-kRta}, `" opening or hole made by nature "', the cartilage of the ear, pupil of the eye Sus3r.; %{-draM} %{dA}, to yield an opening or free access "' BhP. v, 6, 4); defect, fault, blemish, imperfection, infirmity, weak point, foible MBh. &c.; (in astrol.) the 8th lunar mansion VarBr2. Laghuj. i, 17; the number `" nine "' (there being 9 openings in the body) Su1ryas. ii, 18; the lower regions Gal. (cf. %{a4-}, %{karNa-}, %{kRta-}, %{gRha-}, %{niz-}, %{mahA-}). chihna = sign chii = to increase chiira = dress made of bark? chikitsaka = remedy chikitsaalayam.h = (n) hospital chikiirshhavaH = wishing chikiirshhuH = desiring to lead chikroDaH = (m) squirrel


chinoti = to collect, to gather chint.h = to think chintaya = (causative of cit) to think chintayati = (10 up) to think chintayantaH = concentrating chintayet.h = should think of chintaa = worrying chintaaM = fears and anxieties chintaamaNi = the gem that gives you anything you can think about chintita = something one has thought about chinmayaH = full of the `mind' or consciousness chira = permanently chirakaala = always, everpresent, permanent chiraat.h = after a long time


chiraaya = for long chiraayuH = long-life- span (`chira' actually means permanent cf. chiranjIvI) chit.h = pure consciousness chitaa = funeral pyre chitta = mind chittaM = mind chittaH = mind chittalayaH = absorbed mind chittavikshepa = confusion, distraction chittavritti = a mode of behaviour chittaa = mind chittaatmaa = mind and intelligence chittvara * = mfn. (Un2. iii, 1) fit for cutting off. L.; hostile L. (cf. %{chatt-}) roguish L. chitti * = f. division W.; Pongamia glabra L.

chitra = strange// citra *= mf({A4})n. conspicuous, excellent, distinguished RV.; bright, clear, brightcoloured RV.; clear (a sound) RV.; variegated, spotted, speckled (with instr. or in comp.) Nal. iv, 8 R. Mriicch. VarBriS.; agitated (as the sea, opposed to {sama}) R. iii, 39, 12; various, different, manifold Mn. ix, 248 Yj. i, 287 MBh. &c.; (execution) having different varieties (of tortures) Mn. ix, 248 Das'. vii, 281; strange, wonderful Rjat. vi, 227; containing the word {citra4} S'Br. vii, 4, 1, 24 KtyS'r. xvii; ({a4m}) ind. so as to be bright RV. i, 71, 1; vi, 65, 2; in different ways R. i, 9, 14; (to execute) with different tortures Das'. vii, 380; ({a4s}) m. variety of colour L. Sch.; Plumbago zeylanica L.; Ricinus communis L.; Jonesia As'oka L.; a form of Yama Tithyd.; N. of a king RV. viii, 21, 18 ({ci4tra}); of a Jbla-griihapati (with the patr. Gaus'ryani), KaushBr. xxiii, 5; of a king (with the patr. Gngyyani) KaushUp. i; of a son of Dhritarshthra MBh. i, vii; of a Dravida king, Padma P.v, 20, 1 (v.l. {-trA7kSa}); of a Gandharva Gal.; ({A4}) f. Spica virginis, the 12th (in later reckoning the 14th) lunar mansion AV. xix, 7, 3 TS. ii, iv, vii TBr. i S'Br. ii, &c.; a kind of snake L.; N. of a plant (Salvinia cucullata L.; Cucumis maderaspatanus L.; a kind of cucumber L.; Ricinus communis L.; Croton polyandrum or Tiglium L.; the Myrobalan tree L.; Rubia Munjista L.; the grass Gandadrv L.) Car. vii, 12 (= {dravanti}) Sus'r.; a metre of 4 X 16 syllabic instants; another of 4 x 15

syllables; another of 4 x 16 syllables; a kind of stringed instrument; a kind of Mrchan (in music); illusion, unreality L.; `" born under the asterism Citr (Pn. 4-3, 34 Vrtt. 1)N. of Arjuna's wife (sister of Kriishna = {subhadrA} L.) Hariv. 1952; of a daughter of Gada (or Kriishna v.l.), 9194; of an Apsaras L.; of a river DivyA7v. xxx; of a rock BhP. xii, 8, 17; f. pl. the asterism Citr VarBriS. xi, 57; ({a4m}) n. anything bright or coloured which strikes the eyes RV. VS. TS. S'Br. TndyaBr. xviii, 9; a brilliant ornament, ornament RV. i, 92, 13 S'Br. ii, xiii; a bright or extraordinary appearance, wonder, ii S'ak. Pacat. Bhartri. &c.; (with {yadi} [S'ak. iii, 9/10] or {yad} [Hariv. 9062 S'ak. Kaths. xviii, 359] or fut. [Pn. 3-3, 150 f.]) strange, curious (e.g. {citraM badhiro vyAkaraNam adhyeSyate} `" it would be strange if a deaf man should learn grammar "' Ks'.) [396, 2]; strange! Hariv. 15652 Kaths. v, vii Rjat. i, iv; the ether, sky L.; a spot MBh. xiii, 2605; a sectarial mark on the forehead L.; = {kuSTha} L.; a picture, sketch, delineation MBh. Hariv. 4532 ({sa-} mfn. = {-ga}) R. S'ak. &c. (ifc. f. {A} Megh. 64); variety of colour L.; a forest ({vana} for {dhana}?) of variegated appearance Sch. on KtyS'r. xxi, 3, 23 and ShadvBr. ii, 10; various modes of writing or arranging verses in the shape of mathematical or other fanciful figures (syllables which occur repeatedly being left out or words being represented in a shortened form) Sarasv. ii, 16 Kpr. ix, 8 Sh.; punning in the form of

question and answer, facetious conversation, riddle, iv, 14/v Pratpar. Kuval.; cf. a- and, {sucitra4}, {dA4nu-}, {vi-}; {caitra}. chitraM = surprising chitrakaH = (m) a leopard chitrakaara = (m) painter, artist chitrapatangaH = (m) butterfly chitramandiram.h = (n) movie theatre chitrarathaH = Citraratha chitraraasabhaH = (m) zebra chitraveshhTiH = (m) lungi chitraa = Fourteenth nakshatra chitrinii = a fine cord within the spine chitroshhTraH = (m) giraffe chuTati = to pinch chubukasamarpitajaanu = face dedicated

to(huddled up between) the knees chumbati = to kiss churikaabandha = pattern of sword, a form of bandha poetry chulli = (f) cooking fire chuurNam.h = (n) fine powder chuurNayati = to grind (as wheat to flour) chuurNitaiH = with smashed chodanaa = the impetus chodhitakaraNa = tested or awakened senses chorayati = (10 up) to steal, to rob chorah = (m) thief chyavanti = fall down ciirNa *= mfn. (%{car}) practised , observed (as a vow , austerity) Mun2d2Up. iii , 2 , 10 MBh. xv , 91 DivyA7v. BhP. v , 6 , 3 ; n. conduct W.


cikiirsh* = mfn. ( %{kR} Desid.) wishing to do Vop. cikiirshA* = f. (Pa1n2. 3-3, 102 Ka1s3.) intention or desire to make or do or perform (generally ifc.) MBh. i R. i, v Pa1n2. 2-3, 66 Ka1s3. (with gen.) BhP. ii f.; (%{-raSA}) xi, 9, 26; desire for (gen. or in comp.) MBh. i, 1860 and 5172 Hariv. 4907. cikiirshaka* = mfn. id. Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 1-1, 58 and vi, 1, 193. cikiirshita* = n. `" intended to be done, designed "', purpose, design, intention Mn. iv, vii MBh. R. &c. cikiirshu* = mfn. (Pa1n2. 3-2, 168 Ka1s3.) intending to make or do or perform (with acc. or ifc.) MBh. R. Pa1n2. 2-3, 69 Ka1s3. BhP. Katha1s.; wishing to exercise one's self in the use of (acc.) MBh. viii, 1965; cf. %{upahArI-}. cikIrSuka* = mfn. = %{-rS} (with acc.), vi, 48, 83. [395,1] cintaka* = mfn. ifc. one who thinks or reflects upon, familiar with (e.g. {daiva-}, {vaMza-}, &c., qq. vv.) Gaut. Mn. vii, 121 MBh. Hariv. R. Pacat.; m. an overseer DivyA7v.; N. of the 23rd Kalpa period VyuP. i, 21, 48 f.; cf. {kArya-}, {graha-}, {megha-}.

cintana* = n. thinking, thinking of. reflecting upon; anxious thought Mn. xii, 5 MBh. Kaths. Rjat.v, 205 Sh.; consideration Sarvad. x; xii, 6 ff. cintaniiya* = mfn. to be thought of or investigated VarBriS. xliii, 37 Pacat. 1, 1/2; iii BhP. viii, 11, 38. cintayAna* = mfn. (irr. pr. p.) reflecting, considering MBh. ii, 1748; iii, 12929 Pacat. iv, 14/15. cintaa* = f. (Pn. 3-3, 105), thought, care, anxiety, anxious thought about (gen. loc., {upari}, or in comp.) Mn. xii, 31 Yj. i, 98 MBh. &c. ({-tayA} instr. `" by mere thinking of "' VP. i, 13, 50); consideration Sarvad. xii f. [398,2]; N. of a woman Rjat. viii, 3453. cintaavat* = mfn. = {-para} W. cintita * = mfn. thought, considered W.; thought of. imagined Pan5cat. Vet.; found out, investigated Nal. xix, 4 Hit. (%{su-}); treated of. Madhus.; reflecting, considering W.; n. thought, reflection, care, trouble VarBr2S.li, 24 Dhu1rtas.; intention R. i; (%{A}) f. see %{caintita}. cit * = 4 cl. 1. %{ce4tati} (impf. %{acetat} RV. vii , 95 , 2 ; p. %{ce4tat} RV.) cl. 2. (A1. Pass. 3. sg.

%{cite4} , x , 143 , 4 ; p. f. instr. %{citantyA} , i , 129 , 7 ; A1. %{citAna} , ix , 101 , 11 VS. x , 1) cl. 3. irreg. %{cIhetati} (RV. ; Subj. %{ciketat} RV. ; Impv. 2. sg. %{cikiddhi} RV. ; p. %{cikitAna4} RV. ; perf. %{cike4ta} RV. &c. ; %{ciceta} Vop. viii , 37 ; 3. du. %{cetatur} AV. iii , 22 , 2 ; A1. and Pass. %{cikite4} RV. &c. ; 3. pl. %{-tre} RV. ; for p. %{cikitva4s} see s.v. ; A1. Pass. %{cicite} Bhat2t2. ii , 29 ; aor. %{acetIt} Vop. viii , 35 ; A1. Pass. %{a4ceti} and %{ce4ti} RV. ; for %{acait} see 2. %{ci} ; fut. 1st %{ce4ttA} , i , 22 , 5) to perceive , fix the mind upon , attend to , be attentive , observe , take notice of (acc. or gen.) RV. SV. AV. Bhat2t2. ; to aim at , intend , design (with dat.) RV. i , 131 , 6 ; x , 38 , 3 ; to be anxious about , care for (acc. or gen.) , i , ix f. ; to resolve , iii , 53 , 24 ; x , 55 , 6 ; to understand , comprehend , know (perf. often in the sense of pr.) RV. AV. vii , 2 , 1 and 5 , 5 ; P. A1. to become perceptible , appear , be regarded as , be known RV. VS. x , xv: Caus. %{ceta4yati} , %{-te} (2. pl. %{ceta4yadhvam} Subj. %{cetayat} Impv. 2. du. %{cetayethAm} impf. %{a4cetayat} RV. ; 3. pl. %{cita4yante} RV. ; p. %{cita4yat} RV. (eleven times) ; %{ceta4yat} , x , 110 , 8 , &c. ; A1. %{cetayAna} see s.v.) to cause to attend , make attentive , remind of. i , 131 , 2 and iv , 51 , 3 ; to cause to comprehend , instruct , teach RV. ; to observe , perceive , be intent upon RV. MBh. xii , 9890 Katha1s. xiii , 10 ; A1. (once P. MBh. xviii , 74) to form an idea in the mind , be conscions of ,

understand , comprehend , think , reflect upon TS. vi S3Br. ChUp. vii , 5 , 1 MBh. BhP. viii , 1 , 9 Prab. ; P. to have a right notion of. know MBh. iii , 14877 ; P. `" to recover consciousness "' , awake Bhat2t2. viii , 123 ; A1. to remember , have consciousness of (acc.) Pa1n2. 3-2 , 112 Ka1s3. Ba1dar. ii , 3 , 18 Sch. ; to appear , be conspicuous , shine RV. TS. iii: Desid. %{ci4kitsati} (fr. %{kit} Pa1n2. 3-1 , 5 Dha1tup. xxiii , 24 ; exceptionally A1. MBh. xii , 12544 ; Impv. %{-tsatu} Subj. %{-tsAt} aor. 2. sg. %{a4cikitsIs} AV. ; Pass. p. %{cikitsyamAna} Sus3r. Pan5cat.) to have in view , aim at , be desirous AV. v , 11 , 1 ; ix , 2 , 3 ; to care for , be anxious about , vi , x ; (Pa1n2. 3-1 , 5 Siddh.) to treat medically , cure Ka1tyS3r. xxv MBh. i , xii Sus3r. Pan5cat. Bhartr2. ; to wish to appear RV. i , 123 , 1: Caus. of Desid. (fut. %{cikitsayiSyati}) to cure Ma1lav. iv , 4/5 , 6 f.: Intens. %{cekite} (fr. 2. %{ci}? , or for %{-tte} RV. i , 53 , 3 and 119 , 3 ; ii , 34 , 10 ; p. %{ce4kitat} , ix , 111 , 3 ; A1. %{ce4kitAna} RV. eight times) to appear , be conspicuous , shine RV. citta* = mfn. `" noticed "' see {a-ci4tta}; `" aimed at "', longed for ChUp.vii, 5, 3; `" appeared "', visible RV. ix, 65, 12; n. attending, observing ({tira4z cittA4ni}, `" so as to remain unnoticed "'), vii, 59, 8; thinking, reflecting, imagining, thought RV. VS. S'Br. &c.; intention, aim, wish RV. VS. AV.

TBr. &c.; (Naigh. iii, 9) the heart, mind TS. i S'vetUp. vi, 5 MBh. &c. (ifc. f. {A} Pacat.); memory W.; intelligence, reason KapS. i, 59 Yogas. i, 37; ii, 54 Veda7ntas.; (in astrol.) the 9th mansion VarYogay. iv, 1; cf. {iha-}, {cala-}, {pU4rva-}, {prA4yaz-}, {laghu-}, {su-}, {sthira-}. citra * = conspicuous, excellent, distinguished RV.; bright, clear, bright-coloured RV.; clear (a sound) RV.; variegated, spotted, speckled (with instr. or in comp.) Nal. iv, 8 R. Mriicch. VarBriS.; agitated (as the sea, opposed to {sama}) R. iii, 39, 12; various, different, manifold Mn. ix, 248 Yj. i, 287 MBh. &c.; (execution) having different varieties (of tortures) Mn. ix, 248 Das'. vii, 281; strange, wonderful Rjat. vi, 227; containing the word {citra4} S'Br. vii, 4, 1, 24 KtyS'r. xvii; ({a4m}) ind. so as to be bright RV. i, 71, 1; vi, 65, 2; in different ways R. i, 9, 14; (to execute) with different tortures Das'. vii, 380; ({a4s}) m. variety of colour L. Sch.; Plumbago zeylanica L.; Ricinus communis L.; Jonesia As'oka L.; a form of Yama Tithyd.; N. of a king RV. viii, 21, 18 ({ci4tra}); of a Jblagriihapati (with the patr. Gaus'ryani), KaushBr. xxiii, 5; of a king (with the patr. Gngyyani) KaushUp. i; of a son of Dhritarshthra MBh. i, vii; of a Dravida king, Padma P.v, 20, 1 (v.l. {trA7kSa}); of a Gandharva Gal.; ({A4}) f. Spica virginis, the 12th (in later reckoning the 14th) lunar

mansion AV. xix, 7, 3 TS. ii, iv, vii TBr. i S'Br. ii, &c.; a kind of snake L.; N. of a plant (Salvinia cucullata L.; Cucumis maderaspatanus L.; a kind of cucumber L.; Ricinus communis L.; Croton polyandrum or Tiglium L.; the Myrobalan tree L.; Rubia Munjista L.; the grass Gandadrv L.) Car. vii, 12 (= {dravanti}) Sus'r.; a metre of 4 X 16 syllabic instants; another of 4 x 15 syllables; another of 4 x 16 syllables; a kind of stringed instrument; a kind of Mrchan (in music); illusion, unreality L.; `" born under the asterism Citr (Pn. 4-3, 34 Vrtt. 1)N. of Arjuna's wife (sister of Kriishna = {subhadrA} L.) Hariv. 1952; of a daughter of Gada (or Kriishna v.l.), 9194; of an Apsaras L.; of a river DivyA7v. xxx; of a rock BhP. xii, 8, 17; f. pl. the asterism Citr VarBriS. xi, 57; ({a4m}) n. anything bright or coloured which strikes the eyes RV. VS. TS. S'Br. TndyaBr. xviii, 9; a brilliant ornament, ornament RV. i, 92, 13 S'Br. ii, xiii; a bright or extraordinary appearance, wonder, ii S'ak. Pacat. Bhartri. &c.; (with {yadi} [S'ak. iii, 9/10] or {yad} [Hariv. 9062 S'ak. Kaths. xviii, 359] or fut. [Pn. 3-3, 150 f.]) strange, curious (e.g. {citraM badhiro vyAkaraNam adhyeSyate} `" it would be strange if a deaf man should learn grammar "' Ks'.) [396, 2]; strange! Hariv. 15652 Kaths. v, vii Rjat. i, iv; the ether, sky L.; a spot MBh. xiii, 2605; a sectarial mark on the forehead L.; = {kuSTha} L.; a picture, sketch, delineation MBh. Hariv. 4532 ({sa-} mfn. = {-ga}) R. S'ak. &c.

(ifc. f. {A} Megh. 64); variety of colour L.; a forest ({vana} for {dhana}?) of variegated appearance Sch. on KtyS'r. xxi, 3, 23 and ShadvBr. ii, 10; various modes of writing or arranging verses in the shape of mathematical or other fanciful figures (syllables which occur repeatedly being left out or words being represented in a shortened form) Sarasv. ii, 16 Kpr. ix, 8 Sh.; punning in the form of question and answer, facetious conversation, riddle, iv, 14/v Pratpar. Kuval.; cf. a- and, {sucitra4}, {dA4nu-}, {vi-}; {caitra}. codapravRddha* = ({-da4-}) mfn. exalted by the inspiring (draught of Soma), i,: 174, 6. codana* = mfn. impelling AV. vii, 116, 1 (cf. {RSi-}, {eka-}, {kIri-}, {brahma-}, {radhra-co4d-}); ({A}, {am}) fn. impelling, invitation, direction, rule, precept VS. xxix, 7 RPrt. S'nkhS'r. KtyS'r. Lthy. Mn. ii, &c.; ({A}) f. reproof (as in Pli) DivyA7v. i, 54; ({i}),f. N. of a plant(v.l. for {rodanI}) L. Sch. codanAguDa* = m. a ball to play with L. codayanmati* = mfn. (fr. {-da4yat}, p. {cud}, Caus.) promoting devotion RV. v, 8, 6; viii, 46, 19. codayitavya* = mfn. to be criticised Bdar. Sch.


codayitR* = mf({trI4})n. one who impels or animates or promotes RV. i, 3, 11; vii, 81, 6 Kum. iii, 21. codas* = see {a-coda4s}. codaayani* = m. pl. N. of a family Pravar. iv, 8. coDakarNa* = m. `" projecting-ear "'N. of a man Kaths. lxix, 164. codaka* = Meaning* = mfn. impelling MBh. xiii, 71; m. direction, invitation KtyS'r. i. 10 Nyyam. x; (in Gr.) = {pari-graha} q.v. RPrt. x, 10 [400,2]; xi, 14; asker, objectioner, pupil Jain. coDaka* = {-colaka}, a jacket DivyA7v. xxvii, 541. coda* = m. an implement for driving horses, goad or whip, v, 61, 3; ({-da4}) mfn. animating, inspiring, promoting, i, 143, 6; ii, 13, 9 and 30, 6 (cf. {radhracoda4}.) coDa* = m. {-cU4Da}, a sort of protuberance on a brick TS. v, 3, 7, 1 (ifc.); = {-Daka} SaddhP.; pl. N. of a people L.; sg. a prince of that people Pn. 4-1, 175 Vrtt. (v.l. {cola}); ({A}) f. N. of a plant L. coda* = {-daka}, {-dana}, &c. see {cud}.

codana * = mfn. impelling AV. vii, 116, 1 (cf. %{RSi}, %{eka-}, %{kIri-}, %{brahma-}, %{radhra-co4d}); (%{A}, %{am}) fn. impelling, invitation, direction, rule, precept VS. xxix, 7 RPra1t. S3a1n3khS3r. Ka1tyS3r. La1t2y. Mn. ii, &c.; (%{A}) f. reproof (as in Pa1li) DivyA7v. i, 54; (%{i}),f. N. of a plant(v.l. for %{rodanI}) L. Sch. codita * = mfn. caused to move quickly RV. ix, 72, 5; driven, impelled, incited MBh. R.; carried on (a business), iv, 28, 21 ({a-} neg.); invited, directed, ordered MBh. Ragh. xii, 59; informed, apprised W.; inquired after, BP. vii, 15, 13; enjoined, fixed, appointed, S'nkhS'r. KtyS'r. Mn. ii f. viii MBh. xiii, 2439 R. (B) iii, 56, 16. coditatva * n. the being enjoined Jaim. vi, 1, 9; ({a-} neg.) KtyS'r. i, 6 cumbita * m= mfn. kissed S'ak. iii Sh. i; touched closely or softly Mlatm. Vcar. xiv, 7 Sarvad. cuuDa * = mfn. stupid (?) Divya7v. xxxv, 99 f.; m. (cf. {kU4Ta}) a sort of protuberance on a sacrificial brick S'Br. viii and KtyS'r. (also ifc. f. {A}); m. or n. = {-DA-karaNa} Yj. iii, 23; m. N. of a man (with the patr. Bhgavitti) S'Br. xiv, 9, 3, 17 f.; ({A}) f. (beginning a Gana of Ganar. 365: g. {bhidA7di}) the hair on the top of the head, single lock or tuft

left on the crown of the head after tonsure Ragh.xviii, 50 (ifc.) Pars'. [401, 1]; = {-DAkaraNa} (cf. {-Do7panayana}) Ragh. iii, 28 Smriitit. i; the crest of a cock or peacock L.; any crest, plume, diadem W.; the head L.; the top (of a column) Hcat. i, 3; the summit Hit. i, l 01; a toproom (of a house) L.; a kind of bracelet L.; a small well L.; N. of a metre; of a woman g. {bAhvAdi} ({DAlA} Ks'.); cf. {cUla}, {coDa}, {caula} {uc-}, {candra-}, {tAmra-}, {svarNa-}; {paMca-} and {mahA-cUDA}. cuuta: *V= species of mango tree. cyuta* = 1 mfn. moved, shaken AV. ix, 2, 15; gone away from (abl.) R. ii, 52, 27 and 72, 5; (with abl. or ifc.) deviated from (lit. [Pacat. v, 3, 10/11] and fig. [Mn. viii, 418; xii, 70 ff. Hariv. 11105 and 11188]); (said of arrows) failing an aim (abl.) L.; flying away from (abl. or in comp.; said of missile weapons) MBh. xiii, 4610 Hariv. 8088 R. iii BhP. iii, 18, 5; expelled from, deprived of (abl.) MBh. iii Bhathth. vii, 92; destitute of. free of (in comp.) Pacat. i, 10, 26 Kaths. lx, 178; abandoned by (in comp.) VarBriS.li, 2; disappeared, vanished Hariv. 11173 Ragh. iii, 45; viii, 65 Bhathth. iii; come forth from, dropped from, streaming forth from (lit. and fig., as speech from the mouth) Mn. vi, 132 MBh. xiii, 2183 R. i-iii BhP. Bhathth. ix, 71; fallen from, fallen

MBh. &c.; fallen from any divine existence for being re-born as a man Buddh. Jain.; (in astrol.) standing in the $ Laghuj. x, 5; sunk (morally) Kum. v, 81; (in math.) divided Bijag.; cf. {a4-}, {ha4sta}.\\ 2 mfn. ifc. id. see {ghRta-}, {madhu-}. cyuuta* = v.l. for {cUta}, the anus W.

daa = (v) to give daa* = 3 For {do}, to cut q.v. * =4 cl. 4. P. {dya4ti} (cf. {A-} 4. {dA}), to bind, only in {dISva} VS. xxxviii, 3 [cf. $ $]. * =5 For {de} q.v. * =6 f. ( {de}), protection, defence L. * =7 For {dai} q.v. * =8 f. ( {das}) cleansing, purifying L. daa*1 cl. 3. {da4dAti} (pl. {-dati} RV. &c.; . {datte} Pacat. i, 4, 19/20 12, 7 Subh.; 1. sg. {dadmi} MBh. xii Hariv. R. if.; Impv. {da4dAtu} pl. {-dahu}; 2. sg. {daddhi4} RV. i f. iv, vi, viii, x; {dehi4} [Pn. 6-4, 119] RV. iii f. viii, x AV. v, xviii f. &c. [473,3]; 2. pl. {da4dAta} RV. vii, 57, 6, {-tana} x, 36, 10, {datta4} 51, 8 VS. AV. &c.; 2. du. {-tta4m}

RV. i, 34, 6 AV. &c.; Pot. {dadyA4} AV. &c.; impf. {a4dadAt}; pl. {a4dadur} RV. vi, x AV. v, 18, 1; 2. du. {a4dattam} RV. &c.; 2. pl. {-ttana i}, 139, 7, {a4dadAta} x, 64, 12; Subj. {da4dat} ii, v, vii f. x, {das} vii f. {-dan} AV. vi, 24, 1 p. m. nom. sg. {da4dat} pl. {-tas} RV. &c.; p. . {da4dAna}, v, 33, 9; {-na4}, i. 148, 2; v, 2, 3; sg. {dadati}, ii, 35, 10 MBh. iii, 13422; pl. {-danti}, xii f.; Impv. {-da}, ix MrkP.; {-data} Sinha7s.; Pot. {-det} Pars'. vi, 19; impf. {a4dadat} AV. xii, 4, 23 MBh. R.; . sg. {da4date} RV. i, 24, 7 AV. x, 8, 36; pl. {-dante}, 35 VS. viii, 31; Impv. sg. {-datAm} RV. iii, 53, 17; {dasva} MBh. Hariv. &c.; impf. pl. {a4dadanta} RV. vii, 33, i i AV. xiv; p. {da4damAna} RV. i, 41, 9; iv, 26, 6; aor. {a4dAt} [Pn. 2-4, 77], {dat}, {a4dur}, {du4r} &c.; Subj. 2. du. {dAsathas} RV. viii, 40, 1 [cf. Naigh. ii, 30]; Pot. 1. pl. {deSma} VS. ii, 32; pf. {dadau4}, {-du4r}, {-da4thur}, {-datur}, {-do4} RV. &c.; Pass {-de4}, iv, 34 & 37 AV. X, 2, 16; {dadade}, {-dAte}, {-dire} Pn. 6-4, 126 Ks'.; p. gen. {dadu4Sas} RV. i, viii, {-SAm} vi; nom. {dvA4n}, x, 132, 3; {-dAvan} AV. v, 11, 1; acc. {divA4Msam}, ix, 5, 10 [cf. Vop. xxvi, 133]; fut. p. {dAsya4t} AV.vi, 71, 3; . {-syate}, {-syante}, 1. sg. {-sye} MBh. Hariv. R. MrkP.; Prec. {deyAt} Pn. 6-4, 67; inf. {dAva4ne} RV.; {dA4tos}, vii, 4, 6; {tave}, vii-ix AV. iii, 20, 5; {dA4tavai4} [Pn. vi, 1, 200 Siddh.] RV. iv, 21, 9; {-tum}, v AV. &c.: ind. p. {dattvA4ya} [Pn. 7-1, 47 Ks'.] RV. x, 85, 33; {ttva} AV. &c.; {-dA4ya} [Pn. 6-4, 69] RV. &c.:

Pass. {dIyate} [Pn. 6-4, 62]; p. {-ya4mAna} AV. ix; aor. {adAyi} Pn. 7-3, 33 Ks'.; Prec. {dAsISTa}, {dAyis-}, vi, 4, 62) cl. 1. {dA4ti} (RV. iv-vii; Impv. {-tu}, 15, 11; cf. Pn. 6-1, 8 Vrtt. 3 Pat.; ii, 4, 76 Ks'.) to give, bestow, grant, yield, impart, present, offer to (dat., in later language also gen. or loc.) RV. &c.; to give (a daughter, {kanyAm}) in marriage Mn. v, ix Yj. MBh. &c.; to hand over Mn. viii, 186 & 234; (with {haste}) Kaths.; to give back, 222 f. MBh. iii Pacat. VP. Kaths. lxxiv; to pay ({daNDam}, `" a fine "' Mn. viii f.; {RNam}, a debt "', viii Yj. ii, 45); to give up, cede ({Asanam}, `" one's seat "') Mn. iv, 54; ({panthAnam} or {mArgam}, `" to give up the road, allow to pass "') viii, 275 and R. v, 94, 8; to sell (with instr. of the price), i Nal. xiv, 21 VarBriS. xlii, 11; to sacrifice ({AtmAnam}, `" one's self. "' Kaths. xxii, 227; {At} {khedAya}, to give one's self up to grief "', v, 57); to offer (an oblation &c.) Mn. Yj. R. &c.; to communicate, teach, utter (blessings, {AziSas} S'ak. MrkP.), give (answer, {prati-vacas}, {canam}, {praty-uttaram} Nal. S'ak. &c.), speak ({satyaM vacas}, the truth, yj. ii, 200; {vacam}, to address a speech to [dat.] S'ak. vi, 5); to permit, allow (with inf.) MBh. i S'ak. vi, 22; to permit sexual intercourse S'Br. xiv, 9, 4, 7; to place, put, apply (in med.) Mn. Yj. MBh. &c.; to add Pacat. ii, 6, 5 Sryas. VarBriS. Laghuj.; with {varam} "', to grant a boon "' S'Br. xi KtyS'r. MBh. &c.; {zoham}, to cause grief "', xiii R. ii; {avakAzam}, `" to give

room or space, allow to enter Yj. ii, 276 Mriicch. Ragh. &c.; {prANAn} or {jIvitam}, `" to spare any one's life "' MBh. Kaths. xviii, 275; {talam} or {lAn}, to slap with the palms of the hands MBh. iii, ix Hariv. 15741; {-la-prahAram}, to strike with the palm Pacat. iv,. 2, 0/1 {tAlam}, to beat time with the hands MBh. i Bhathth.; {saMjJAm}, to make a sign Mriicch.; {saMketakam}, to make an appointment Pacat. ii, 4, 3/4 {samayam}, to propose an agreement Kaths. xviii, 139; {upamAm}, to compare with [gen.] Cn.; {paTaham}, to proclaim with the drum Kaths. lxxiii, 357; {zabdam}, to make a noise, call out Vet. iv, 2/3; {zApam}, to utter a curse MBh. R. &c.; {gAIh}. id. Bhartri.; {anuyAtram}, to accompany Kaths. xviii, 197; {AliGganane}, {parirambhaNam}, to embrace, 209 Gt. iii, 8; {jhampam}, to jump Hit.; {zrAddham}, to perform a Srddha MBh. xiv R. ii; {vratakam}, to accomplish a vow Hariv.; {yuddham}, {niy-}, {saMgrAmam}, to give battle, fight with MBh. Hariv. R.; {AjJAm} {Adezam}, to give an order, command, i BrahmaP. Vet.; {saMdezam}, to give information Kaths. xvii, 161; {prayogam}, to give a dramatic representation Mlav. i, 12/13 {vRtim}, to fence in Mn. viii, 240 Kull.; {darzanam}, to show one's self Prab. iii,; 0/1 {dRSTim} {dRzam} {akSi} {caksus}, to fix the eyes on (loc.) S'ak.i, 6 Kaths. Dhrtas. S'riingrat. Sh.; {karNam}, to give ear, listen S'ak. Kaths.; {manas}, to direct the mind to

(loc.) MBh. xii, 2526; {kars} {kapolam}, to rest the cheek on the hand Krand. xviii, 73 [474,1]; {nigaDAni} to put on or apply fetters Mriicch. vii, 6/7 {pAvakam}, to set on fire; {agnIn} to consume by fire Mn. v, 168; {zAram}, to move a chess-man Das'. vii, 137; {argalam}, to draw a bolt, bar Kaths. Rjat. vi, 96; {jAnu}, to kneel upon (gen.) MBh. iii f.; {padam}, to tread upon [loc.] Bhartri. Hit. ii, 12, 25 SS'ankar. i, 38; to direct the steps Amar. 74; {viSam}, to poison Pacar. i, 14, 80 (with acc.!); {garam} id. VP. iv, 3, 16 (with gen.); -. to carry, hold, keep, preserve RV. AV. VS.; to show SV. i, 2, 1, 4, 7 (aor. {adadiSTa}; {aded-} fr. {diz} RV.): Caus. {dApayati} (Pn. vii, 3, 36; aor. {adIdapat}, 4, 1 and 58 Ks'.) to cause to give or be given, cause to bestow or present or give up, oblige to pay, make restore VS. ix, 24 AV. iii, 20, 8 Mn. &c.; to demand from (abl.) Mn. viii, 47; to cause to utter or speak Hariv. 15782 Yj. ii, 6/7 {ghoSaNAm}, to cause to be made known Kaths. lxiv, 86; to cause to place or advance, xii, 160; to cause to perform, v, 112 to cause to be put on (loc.) MBh. i, 5724: Desid. {di4tsati} (Pn. 7-4, 54 and 58; p. {di4dAsat} RV. x, 151, 2; {di4tsat}, ii, vii-ix AV. v, 7, 6 MBh.; Pot. {tseyam} RV. viii MBh.; pf. 2. sg. {didAsitha} AitBr. viii, 21 S'nkhS'r. xvi, 16; cf. S'Br. xiii, 7, 1, 15) to wish to give, be ready to bestow RV. &c.; to wish to give in marriage MBh. &c.: Intens. {dedIyate} Pn. 6-4, 66 Ks'.; [cf. $; Lat. {do}; &c.]

daa*2 m. a giver RV. v, 41, 1 (dat. {de4}); vi, 16, 26 (nom. {dA4s}); ifc., giving, granting "' see {an-azva}, {a-bhikSa-}, {azva-}, {Atma-}, &c. {-dA4}; {a4nAzIr-}. daaH = giving daaha *= m. (fr. %{dah}) burning , combustion , conflagration , heat Ka1tyS3r. Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. R. &c. ; place of cremation Vas. xix , 26 ; glowing , redness (of the sky cf. %{dig-}) Mn. MBh. VarBr2S. &c. ; cauterizing , cautery (of a wound) Sus3r. Ma1lav. iv , 4 ; internal heat , fever Sus3r. ; pl. N. of a people (v.l. for %{vaideha}) Va1yuP. 1 ; %{-haka} mf(%{I})n. burning , setting on fire Ya1jn5. ii , 282 BhP. xi , 10 , 8 ; m. Plumbago Zeylanica. daahana *= n. (fr. the Caus.) causing to burn or be burnt , reducing to ashes MBh. i , 403 BhP. xii , 12 , 40 ; cauterizing W. ; (%{I}) f. Grislea Tomentosa L. daakiNii = the goddess in mulaadhaara chakra daaDimaphalam.h = (n) pomegranate, anaar daaDhaa* = f. (= and prob. fr. %{daMSTrA}) large tooth, tusk L.; wish, desire L.; number, multitude


daadhaara = holds daakshya = cleverness, honesty, brilliance daakshyaM = resourcefulness daakshiNa * = nif({I})n. (fr. {da4kSiNA} f.) belonging or relating to a sacrificial fee S'Br. S'nkhS'r.; relating to the south W.; ({A}) f. the southern country i.e. the Deccan (see below, {-ja}); n. a collection of sacrificial fees (g. {bhikSA7di}); pl. N. of a Knda of TS. daal: thick lentil soup daama = garland (like) daambha* = mf({I})n. (fr. {dambha}) deceitful, hypocritical Nalac daamyati = (4 pp) to tame daanta* = 1 mfn. ( {dam}) tamed, broken in, restrained, subdued; mild, patient Br. Mn. MBh. &c.; liberal L.; m. a tamed ox or steer (cf. {damya}) Rjat. v, 432; a donor, giver W.; Ficus Indica or = {damanaka} L.; N. of a son of Bhma Nal. 1, 9; of a bull Kaths. xvi, 295; pl. of a school of the AV.; ({A}) f. of an Apsaras MBh. xiii, 1425.\\* = 2

mf({I})n. (fr. {danta}) made of ivory MBh. R. Sus'r.\\= 3 mfn. ending in {dA}, MnGr, i, 18 Gobh. ii, 8, 16. daana = the act of giving daana* = 1 n. the act of giving RV. S'Br. MBh. &c.; giving in marriage (cf. {kanyA-}); giving up (cf. {prANa-}, {Atma-}, {zarIra-} Pac. ii); communicating, imparting, teaching (cf. {brakma}); paying back, restoring Mn. Yj.; adding, addition (VarBriS.); donation, gift Lat. {donum}] RV. S'Br. &c. ({-naMdA}, to offer a ggift Mn. Yj. Hit. &c.; {-nam prayam}, to bestow a ggift Mn. iv, 234); oblation (cf. {udaka-}, {havir-}); liberality (cf. 2. {dAna}); bribery Mn.vii, 198 (cf. {upA7ya}). daana* = 2 n. cutting off. splitting, dividing L.; pasture, meadow RV.; rut-fluid (which flows from an elephant's temples) MBh. Hariv. &c.; ({dAna4}) m. (only in RV. but cf. {vasu-}) distribution of food or of a sacrificial meal; imparting, communicating, liberality; part, share, possession; distributor, dispenser RV. vii, 27, 4. daana* = 3 n. purification L. daanaiH = by charity


daanaM = charity daanava = a demon daanavaH = the demons daaNDa* = 1 mf({I})n. relating to a stick or to punishment W.; m. patr. fr. {daNDa}, (g. {zivA7di}); ({A}) f. a partic. game with sticks Pn. 4-2, 57 Ks'.; n. the being a staff (g. {pRthv-Adi}); multitude of staff-bearers, vi, 4, 164 Sch. daane = in charity daanena = by charity daaneshhu = in giving charities daanika * = mfn. relating to a gift, &c. (only ifc.; cf. %{adhyayana-}, %{udaka-}, %{vara-}). daanta \\ 1 mfn. ( %{dam}) tamed , broken in , restrained , subdued ; mild , patient Br. Mn. MBh. &c. ; liberal L. ; m. a tamed ox or steer (cf. %{damya}) Ra1jat. v , 432 ; a donor , giver W. ; Ficus Indica or = %{damanaka} L. ; N. of a son of Bhi1ma Nal. 1 , 9 ; of a bull Katha1s. xvi , 295 ; pl. of a school of the AV. ; (%{A}) f. of an Apsaras MBh. xiii , 1425.\\ 2 mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{danta}) made of

ivory MBh. R. Sus3r. \\3 mfn. ending in %{dA} , Ma1nGr , i , 18 Gobh. ii , 8 , 16. daantau = with good teeth? daara* =1 Inf({I})n. ( {dRR}) tearing up, rending (cf. {bhU-}); m. rent, cleft, hole TndyaBr. xv, 3, 7 (cf. {udara-}, {karbu-}, {a-dAra-sRt}); ({I}) f. id. Sus'r. daara* =2 m. pl. (probably not connected with s. {dAra} and {dRR}, but cf. Pn. 3-3, 20 Vrtt. 4) a wife (wives) GriS. Mn. MBh. &c. ({-An} {kR} or {pra-kR}, take to wife, marry MBh.; cf. {kRta-}); rarely m. sg. (p. i, 14, 24 Gaut. xxii, 29) f. sg. (BhP. vii, 14, ii) and n. pl. (Pac. i, 450). daaraa = woman daaridrya = poverty daars'a* = mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{darza}) relating to the new moon or the nnew mmoon sacrifice Kaus3. 24; m. (scil. %{yajJa}) the nnew moon ssacrifice Mn. vi, 9. daaru = (neut) tree, wood daaruNa * = mf({A}, once {I})n. hard, harsh (opp.

{mRdu}) S'Br. MBh. Sus'r.; rough, sharp, severe, cruel, pitiless; dreadful, frightful; intense, violent Mn. MBh. R. S'ak. Pac. &c.; (in comp. or {-am} before a vb. to express excellence or superiority cf. g. {kASThA7di}); m. Plumbago Zeylanica L.; n. harshness, severity, horror MBh.; {-Naka} n. N. of a disease of the roots of the hair Sus'r.; {-Nya} n. harshness (of sound, TPrat. ii, 10). daarvaaghaaTaH = (m) woodpecker daasa* = 1 m. fiend, demon; N. of certain evil beings conquered by Indra (e.g. Namuci, Pipru, S'ambara, Varcin &c.) RV.; savage, barbarian, infidel (also {dA4sa}, opp. to {Arya}; cf. {dasyu}); slave, servant RV. AV. Mn. &c.; a s'dra L. Sch.; one to whom gifts may be made W.; a fisherman (v.l. for {dAza}); ifc. of names, esp. of S'dras and Kya-sthas (but cf. also {kAli-}); ({I}) f. a female servant or slave AV. S'Br. Mn. MBh. &c.; harlot L. Sch.; N. of a plant (= {nilA} or {pItA jhintI}, {kAkajaGghA}, {nIlA7mlANa} &c.) L.; an altar L.; N. of a river L.; ({dA4sa}) mf({I})n. fiendish, demoniacal, barbarous, impious RV.\\ 2 m. a knowing man, esp. a knower of the universal spirit L. daasharathiH = dasharatha's son daasaH = (male, nom.sing.) servant

daasosmyaham.h = disciple+am+I daasya* = n. servitude, slavery, service S'Br. Mn. &c. daas'u * =worshipping, sacrificing daas'a * =(written also {dAsa}) m. fisherman, ferryman, mariner VS. xxx, 16 Mriicch. viii, 408, 9 MBh. Hariv. &c.; the son of a Nishda by a woman of the yogava caste Mn. x, 34; servant, slave L.; ({I}) f. fisherwoman, female slave L. \\dAza * =3 the Vriiddhi form of 2. {daza} in comp. daasya * = n. servitude , slavery , service S3Br. Mn. &c. Daakinii * = f. (of {-ka} Pn. 4-2, 51 Pat.) a female imp attending Kl (feeding on human flesh) BhP.x BrahmaP. MrkP. Kaths. ({DAginI}, cii, cviii f.) (cf. {zAk-}); N. of a locality S'ivaP. i, 38, 18. daasyante = will award daasyaami = I shall give charity daatavya = shouold be given daatavyaM = worth giving

daataa = (masc.Nom.S) the giver daataaraM = the giver daataaram.h = one who gives daava * = conflagration, esp. a forest conflagration S'Br. MBh. &c.; fire, heat; distress L.; m. n. a forest MBh. (always connected with fire) Ragh. ii, 8. daaya* =1 mfn. (Pn. 3-1, 139; 141) giving, presenting (cf. {zata-}, {go-}); m. gift, present, donation MBh. R. &c.; nuptial fee L. (cf. {su-}); gift at the ceremony of initiation W.; handing over, delivery Mn. viii, 165; n. game, play Pacad. \\2 m. share, portion, inheritance RV. TS. &c. ({dAyAd upA7gata}, obtained through inheritance, Mit.; {dAyam upai9ti pitus}, he obtains his father's inheritance Br.); division, part (ifc. = fold cf. {zata4-}); dismembering, destruction L.; irony L.; place, site L. daayinii = giver dadati = give, donate dadadaH = (n) a thunder dadaami = I give

dadaasi = you give, confer upon dadau = gave (from daa: to give) dadha* = mfn. (iii, i, 139) `" giving "' see %{iDA-}, %{ilA-}.\\1 mfn. (2, 171 Va1rtt. 3) `" giving "' RV. x, 46, 1; preserving (with acc.) Vop.; n. a house L. dadhatamurujaTaa = bearing, head adornments dadhaatu = let them give( us welfare) dadhaami = create dadhichii = a sage who gave his bones to the gods to make a thunderbolt dadhmuH = blew dadhmau = blew dagdha = burned, tormented, pained, consumed by grief or hunger, distressed; dry, insipid; inauspicious; miserable, execrable daghibaaga = (f) Chinese take-out dah *= 1 cl. 1. P%{dahati} (ep. a1so A1. ; p. %{da4hati} impf. %{a4dahat} ; aor "' %{adhAk}

RV. ii , 15 , 4 ; 1 .sg. %{-kSam} MBh. vii ; 3. pl %{kskur} Katha1s. ; Subj. %{dhAk} RV. i , 158 , 4 ; 2. sg. %{dhakSi} , iv , 4 , 4 ; p. %{dha4kSat} [also nom. m.] , vi , 3 , 4 x , 91 , 7 %{da4hSat} , i , 130 , 8 ; fut. %{dhakSyati} [Pa1n2. 7-2 , 10 Siddh. Ka1r. 6] MBh. [Pot. %{dhakSyet} , i , 8383] &c. ; %{dahiSy} , i , 2120 BhP. iv Prasan3g. xix , 7 ; inf. %{dagdhum}) to burn , consume by fire , scorch roast RV. &c. ; to cauterise Sus3r. ; to consume , destroy completely Mn. vii , 9 MBh. &c. ; to torment, torture, pain, distress, disturb, grieve MBh. &c.: Pass. %{dahyate} (%{-ti} Ma1nGr2. ii , 15 MBh. if. , xiif.) ; to be burnt , burn , be in flames AV. Nir. &c. ; to be consumed by fire or destroyed Mn. vi , 71 ; to be inflamed (a wound) Sus3r. i , 28 ; to be consumed by internal heat or grief , suffer pain , be distressed or vexed MBh. &c. ; Caus. %{dAhayati} to burn or be burned Mn. Ya1jn5. i , 89 MBh. &c. ; to cause to be cooked Hariv. 15523 (aor. pl. %{adIdahan}): Desid. %{didhakSati} (cf. %{-kSA} , %{-kSu}) to be about to burn or consume or destroy MBh. i-iv R. (p. %{-kSamANa}): Desid. Caus. (p. %{-kSayat}) to cause any one to make efforts to burn Bhat2t2. iii , 33: Intens. %{dandahIti} , %{-hyate} (Pa1n2. 3-1 , 24 ; 7-4 , 86) to burn or destroy completely Hariv. 8726 BhP. vi , 8 , 21 (Impv. %{-dagdhi}) S3is3. Prasannar. vi , 32 and 48 ; A1. to be burnt completely Hariv. 7040 BhP. Pan5cat. i , 8 , 23/24 [cf. Lith. {degu4} , I am hot "' ; Goth. {dag-s} ; Old Germ. {ta1h-t} , `" a

wick "'].\\dah 2 mfn. `" burning "' see %{uza4-}. dahana *= mf(%{I})n. burning , consuming by fire , scorching , destroying (chiefly ifc.) Hariv. BhP. Bhartr2. ; (said of the %{dhAraNA} of fire) Goraksh. 164 ; m. fire (of three kinds) , Agni Kaus3. MBh. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} Hora1s3.) ; the numeral three VarBr2S. Su1ryas. ; one of the 5 forms of fire in the Sva1ha1-ka1ra Hariv. 10465 ; a pigeon L. ; Plumbago zeylanica L. ; Anacardium officinarum L. ; N. of an attendant of Skanda MBh. ix , 2536 ; N. of a Rudra , i MatsyaP. ; n. burning , consuming by fire Kaus3. 80 R. vii Ragh. &c. ; cauterising Sus3r. ; sour gruel Npr. ; (%{A}) f. N. of part of the moon's course VarBr2S. ix , 1-3 Sch. ; (%{I}) f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana L.dahat.h = one that burns dahati = (1 pp) to burn, to pain dahra *= 1 mfn. small , fine , thin , Na1-rUp. A1p. i , 9 , 23 (%{-re@para-rAtre} , in the shorter half of the night "') ; (%{a4m} , n) ind. little TS. vii , 5 , 3 , 1 ; n. the cavity of the heart BhP. iii ; vi , 9.\\ 2 m. a wood on fire Un2. vr2. ; fire ib. daihya *= nif(%{A})n. being in the body (%{At} , nan) ib. ; m. the soul ib. Daitya = a demon son of Diti


DaityaanaaM = of the demons dainya *= n. wretchedness , affliction , depression , miserable state MBh. Ka1v. Sus3r. &c. ; meanness , covetousness W. dainyayoga = Combination of planets (Yoga) which give rise to poverty. Usually it is caused by the malefic conjunctions of house lords with the lords of the 6th, 8th or 12th houses daiva = destiny daivaM = in worshiping the demigods daivaH = godly daivii = transcendental daiviiM = divine dal* = (= {dRR}) cl. l. {-lati} [pf. {dadAla}] Bhathth. xiv; aor. pl. {adAliSur}, xv) to, crack, fly open, split, open (as a bud) Sus'r. ii, 16 Sis'. ix, 15 Bhm. i, 4 Amar. Gt. Dhrtas.: Caus. {dAlayati}, to cause to burst Sus'r. Bhathth.: {dal-} id., Anargh. Gt. i, 8 Sch. [471, 2]; to expel Mlatm. viii, 1 Kaths. lviii, 8; cii, 58; cf. {ava-}, {ud-}, {vi-}.


Dam * = cl. 1. P. (p. %{-mat}) to sound (as a drum) Prab. iii , 14. dam * = 1 cl.4. %{dAmyati} (Pa1n2. 7-3 , 74 ; ind. p. %{dAntvA} and %{damitvA} , 2 , 56 ; aor. Pass. %{adami} , 3 , 34 Ka1s3. ; P. %{-mit} Bhat2t2. xv , 37) to be tamed or tranquillised S3Br. xiv , 8 , 2 , 2 (Impv. %{dA4myata}) ; to tame , subdue , conquer MBh. vii , 2379 and BhP. iii , 3 , 4 (ind. p. %{damitvA}) Bhat2t2.: cl. 9. irreg. (? Subj. 2. sg. %{da4nas}) id. RV. i , 174 , 2: Caus. %{damayati} (p. %{-ma4yat} ; A1. Pa1n2. 1-3 , 89) to subdue , overpower RV. vii , 6 ; x , 74 , 5 AV.v , 20 , 1 MBh. Ra1jat. ; Desid. see %{dAn} ; [cf. $ , $ ; Lat. {domare} &c.]\\ 2 a house RV. x , 46 , 7 (gen. pl. %{damAm}) ; %{pa4tir@da4n} (gen. sg.) = %{da4m-patis} , 99 , 6 ; 105 , 2 ; i , 149 , 1 ; 153 , 4 ; %{pa4ti@da4n} = %{da4m-patI} , 120 , 6 ; %{zi4zur@da4n} `" a child of the house "' , x , 61 , 20 ; [cf. $ &c.] da.nDaH = punishment da.ntii = the tusked one da.nsh.h = to bite da.nshhTra = tooth


da.nshhTraa = (fem) tooth, fang dakaraakSasa* = m. a water-Rkshasa DivyA7v. viii, 262 ff. dakalaavaNika* = mfn. prepared with water and salt L. Dakaara* = m. the letter {D} TPrt. iv, 38 Sch. dakaara* = m. the letter or sound {d}. Daaka* = m. an imp attending Kl Klac. v, 38. daka* = n. = {ud-}, water Phetk. xvii; cf. {dagA7rgala}. dakhiNa = right side daksha = a lord of created beings dakshaH = expert* = mf({A})n. able, fit, adroit, expert, clever, dexterous, industrious, intelligent RV. &c.; strong, heightening or strengthening the intellectual faculties (Soma), ix f.; passable (the Ganges) MBh. xiii, 1844; suitable BhP. iv, 6, 44 Bhartri. iii, 64; right (opposed to left) RmatUp. i, 22 Phetk. i; m. ability, fitness, mental power, talent (cf. {-kratu4}), strength of will, energy, disposition

RV. AV. VS.; evil disposition RV. iv, 3, 13; x, 139, 6; a particular form of temple Hcat. ii, 1, 390; a general lover W.; a cock Car. i, vi; N. of a plant L.; fire L.; Siva's bull L.; N. of an ditya (identified with Praj-pati TS. iii S'Br. ii; father of Kriittik S'ntik.) RV. if., x Nir. ii, xi; N. of one of the Prajpatis (MBh. xii, 7534 Hariv. VP. i, 7, 5 and 22, 4 BhP.iii, 12, 22 MatsyaP. cvl, 15 KrmaP. &c. S'ak. vii, 27; born from Brahm's right thumb MBh. i, xii Hariv. &c.; or from A-ja "', the unborn "' BhP. iv, 1, 47; or son of Pra-cetas or of the of 10 Pra-cetasas, whence called Prcetasa MBh. i, xii f. Hariv. 101 VP. i, 15; father of 24 daughters by Pra-sti VP. i, 7, 17 ff. BhP. &c.; of 50 [or 60 MBh. xii, 61 36 R. iii, 20, 10; or 44 Hariv. 1 1521 ff.] daughters of whom 27 become the Moos wives, forming the lunar asterisms, and 13 [or 17 BhP.; or 8 R.] those of Kas'yapa, becoming by this latter the mothers of gods, demons, men, and animals, while 10 are married to Dharma Mn. ix, 128f. MBh. i, ix; xii, 7537ff. Hariv. VP. &c.; celebrating a great sacrifice [hence {dakSa sya4yana}, `" N. of a sacrifice "' Mn. vi, 10] to obtain a son, he omitted, with the disapproval of Dadhca, to invite Siva, who ordered Vira-bhadra to spoil the sacrifice Hariv. 12212 [identified with Vishnu] ff. VyuP.i, 30, = BrahmaP. i LingaP. MatsyaP. xiii VmP. ii-v S'ivaP. i, 8 Ks'Kh. lxxxvii ff.; named among the Vis'vedevs Hariv. 11542 VyuP.; Briihasp. [Hcat] &c.); N. of a son of Garuda MBh. v, 3597; of a man with

the patr. Prvati S'Br. ii, 4, 4, 6; of a law-giver Yj. i, 5 Mn. ix, 88 Sch. &c.; of a son of Us'i-nara BhP. ix, 23, 2; of one of the 5 Knyakubja Brhmans from whom the Bengal Brhmansare said to have sprung Kshiti7s'. i, 13 and 41; ({A}) f. the earth L.; cf. {a-tUta-}, {dina4-}, {samAna4}; {su-da4kSa}; {mArga-dakSaka}; {dAkSAya4n}; $; Lat. {dex-ter}; Goth. {taiksvs}. dAkSa* = mf({I})n. (fr. {dakSa}) relating to Daksha (Hariv.) or to Dkshi (Pn. 4-2, 112); southern, dwelling in the south SS'ankar.; m. or n. the south (in {-SasyA7yana} n. the sus progress towards ssouth, the winter solstice and sacrifice then performed Mn. vi, 10 [v.l. {dakS-}]); m. pl. N. of the disciples of a partic. school (see {kumArI-d-}). dakshiNa = South * = (also {-Na4} S'Br.) mf({A})n. (declined as a pron. when denoting relative position [`" right "' or, southern "'] KtyS'r. As'vGri. &c.; cf. Pn. 1-1, 34; vii, 1, 16; but not necessarily in abl. and loc. sg. m. n. [{-Ne} KtyS'r. Mn. ii, 63] and nom. pl. m.; except Hariv: 12390) able, clever, dexterous Pn. 1-1, 34 Ks'. S'atr. (ifc.); right (not left) RV. AV. VS. &c. ({-NaM parI7}, to walk round a person with the right side towards him "' BhP. iv, 12, 25; {-maMkR}, to place any one on the right side as a mark of respect "', i, viii); south, southern (as being on the right side of a

person looking eastward), situated to the south, turned or directed southward AV. VS. &c.; coming from south (wind) Sus'r. Ragh. iv, 8; (with {AmnAya}) the southern sacred text (of the Tntrikas), Kularn. iii; straightforward, candid, sincere, pleasing, compliant MBh. iv, 167 R. S'ak.iv, 18 Sh. iii, 35 Pratpar. BrahmaP.; m. the right (hand or arm) RV. i, viii, x TS. v; the horse on the, right side of the pole of a carriage, i, x VS. ix, 8; S'iva; m. or n. the south Nal. ix, 23 R. iv; n. the righthand or higher doctrine of the S'ktas Kula7rn. ii; ({am}) ind. to the right R. ii, 92, 13; ({A}) f. (scil. {go}), able to calve and give milk "', a prolific cow, good milch-cow RV. AV.; a fee or present to the officiating priest (consisting originally of a cow cf. Kty S'r. xv Lthy. viii, 1, 2 ). RV. Rc.; Donation to the priest (personified along with brhmanas-pati, Indra, and Soma, i, 18, 5; x, 103, 8; authoress of x, 107 RAnukr.; wife of Sacrifice [Ragh. i, 31 BhP. ii, 7, 21, both being children of Ruci and Akti, iv, l, 4 f. VP. i, 7, 18 f.); reward RV. viii, 24, 2I; (offered to the Guru) MBh. v Ragh. v, 20 Kaths. iv, 93 f.; ({-NAm A-} {diz}, to thank "' DivyA7v. vii, 104; Caus. to earn thanks, i); a gift, donation (cf. {abhaya-}, {prA7Na-}) Mn. iii R. ii; (scil. {diz}) the south, Deccan L.; a figure of Durg having the right side prominent W.; completion of any rite ({pra-tiSThA}) L.; ({e}) loc. ind. on the right side Hemac.; ({At}) abl. ind. from or on the right side Pn. 5-3, 4; from the south,

southward ib.; ({ena}) instr. ind. on the right or south (35), on the right side of or southward from (acc.; ii, 3, 31) S'Br. KtyS'r. MBh. &c. (with {kR}, to place or leave on the right BhP. v, 21, 8); ({ais}) instr. ind. to the right Kaus'. 77; [cf. Lith. {de4szine7} f. the right hand. "'] dakshiNaattaat.h = from the southern direction dakshiNaayanaM = when the sun passes on the southern side dakshiNe = in the southern direction dakshiNeshvara = Dakshineshvar, place near Calcutta danta* = m. (fr. &) = {da4t} RV. vi, 75, 11 AV. &c. (n. R. vi, 82, 28; ifc., {al} [Kaths. xxi Caurap.] or {I} [MBh. ix Mriicch. x, 13 VarBriS. Ghath.] Pn. 41, 55); the number 32 Ganit.; an elephant's tusk, ivory MBh. R. &c. [468, 3]; the point (of an arrow? {atharI4}) RV. iv, 6, 8; the peak or ridge of a mountain, Haravij. iv, 32 Dharmas'arm. vii, 32; an arbour S'is'. iv, 40; a pin used in playing a lute, Haravij. i, 9; ({i}) f. = {-tikA} Sus'r. VarBriS.; (in music) N. of a composition; cf. {ibha-dantA}; {kuDmala-} and {krUra-a-dantI} &c.


daNDa = a staff, also monetary punishment for wrong doing\\* = ( = $ -v, hence cognate with {d4ru} and {dRR}) m. (n. [cf. {ikSu-}] g. {ardharcA7di}) a stick, staff, rod, pole, cudgel, club RV. &c. (staff given at investiture with the sacred thread S'Br. &c.; `" penis [with {vaitasa4}] "', xi, 5, 1, 1; `" trunk "' see {zuNDA-}; `" arm "' or `" leg "' see {dor-}, {bAhu-}; `" tusk "' see {daMSTrA-}); = {-DakA7sana} BriNrP. xxxi, 115 (n.); a stalk, stem (of a tree; cf. {ikSu-}, {ud-}, {khara-}) MBh. ii, 2390; the staff of a banner, 2079; iv, xiv; the handle (of a ladle, sauce-pan, fly-flap, parasol &c.) AitBr. S'Br. &c.; the steam of a plough L.; `" a mast "' see {mahAdaNDa-dhara}; the cross-bar of a lute which holds the strings S'nkhS'r. xvii; the stick with which a lute is played L.; a churning-stick (cf. {-DA7hata}) L.; a pole as a measure of length (= 4 Hastas) VarBriS.xxiv, 9 MrkP.il; N. of a measure of time (= 60 Vi-kals) BrahmaP. ii VarP. BhavP.; N. of a staff-like appearance in the sky (`" N. of a planet "' (L.; cf. {-bhAsa}) VarBriS.; N. of a constellation, xx, 2 VarBri. Laghuj.; a form of military array (cf. {-vyuha}) L.; a line (cf. {-pAta}); a staff or sceptre as a symbol of power and sovereignty (cf. {nyasta-}), application of power, violence Mn. vii f. MBh.; power over (gen. or in comp.), control, restraint (cf. {vAg-}, {mano-}, {kAya-} [{karma-} MrkP. xli, 22]; {tri-daNDin}) Subh.; embodied power, army ({koza-}, du `" treasure and army "' Mn. ix, 294 MBh. Kir. ii, 12)

Mn. vii Ragh. xvii, 62; the rod as a symbol of judicial authority and punishment, punishment (corporal, verbal, and fiscal; chastisement and imprisonment, reprimand, fine) TndyaBr. xvii, 1 Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. {gupta4} & {gUDha-}) [466,3]; pride L.; m. a horse L.; Punishment (son of Dharma and Kriy VP. i, 7, 27 MrkP. l); Yama L.; S'iva MBh. xii, 10361; N. of an attendant of the Sun, iii, 198; (g. {zivA7di} and {zaunakA7di}) N. of a man with the patr. Aupara MaitrS. iii, 8, 7 TS. vi, 2, 9, 4; of a prince slain by Arjuna (brother of {dhara}, identified with the Asura Krodha-hantrii) MBh. if., viii; of a Rakshas R. vii, 5, 39; see {oDaka}; ({A}) f. Hedysaruni lagopodioides, Npr dANDa* = 1 mf({I})n. relating to a stick or to punishment W.; m. patr. fr. {daNDa}, (g. {zivA7di}); ({A}) f. a partic. game with sticks Pn. 4-2, 57 Ks'.; n. the being a staff (g. {pRthv-Adi}); multitude of staff-bearers, vi, 4, 164 Sch. daNDaM = stick(walking) daNDaasana = the staff posture daNDii = Dandii dala = leaf


dalam.h = (n) flower petal Dam* = cl. 1. P. (p. {-mat}) to sound (as a drum) Prab. iii, 14. dam* =1 cl.4. {dAmyati} (Pn. 7-3, 74; ind. p. {dAntvA} and {damitvA}, 2, 56; aor. Pass. {adami}, 3, 34 Ks'.; P. {-mit} Bhathth. xv, 37) to be tamed or tranquillised S'Br. xiv, 8, 2, 2 (Impv. {dA4myata}); to tame, subdue, conquer MBh. vii, 2379 and BhP. iii, 3, 4 (ind. p. {damitvA}) Bhathth.: cl. 9. irreg. (? Subj. 2. sg. {da4nas}) id. RV. i, 174, 2: Caus. {damayati} (p. {-ma4yat}; . Pn. 1-3, 89) to subdue, overpower RV. vii, 6; x, 74, 5 AV.v, 20, 1 MBh. Rjat.; Desid. see {dAn}; [cf. $, $; Lat. {domare} &c.] dam* =2 a house RV. x, 46, 7 (gen. pl. {damAm}); {pa4tir da4n} (gen. sg.) = {da4m-patis}, 99, 6; 105, 2; i, 149, 1; 153, 4; {pa4ti da4n} = {da4m-patI}, 120, 6; {zi4zur da4n} `" a child of the house "', x, 61, 20; [cf. $ &c.] dama = self-control *= m. (or n.) house , home ($ , Lat. {domus}) RV. AV. vii (also %{puru-da4ma} q.v.) VS. viii , 24 ; mfn. ifc. `" taming , subduing "' see %{ariM-} , %{gaM-} %{baliM-} ; m. selfcommand , self-restraint , selfcontrol S3Br. xiv , 8 , 2 , 4 (%{-ma4} , but cf. Pa1n2. 7-3 , 34 Ka1s3.) TUp.

KenUp. Mn. &c. ; taming L. ; punishment , fine , viii f. Ya1jn5. ii , 4 BhP. ; N. of a brother of Damayanti1 Nal. i , 9 ; of a Maha-rshi MBh. xiii , 1762 ; of a son of Daksha , i Sch. ; of a grandson [or son BhP. ix , 2 , 29] of Marutta VP. iv , 1 , 20 Ma1rkP. cxxxiv Va1yuP. ; cf. %{dur-} , %{su-}. damaH = control of the senses damayataaM = of all means of suppression dambha = of pride* m. N. of a man Rjat. viii, 1135; ({A}) f. N. of a weapon Buddh. L. * m. deceit, fraud, feigning, hypocrisy Mn. iv, 163 MBh. &c.; Deceit (son of A-dharma and Mriish BhP.iv, 8, 2) Prab.ii; Indra's thunder bolt L.; S'iva; N. of a prince ({darbha} AgP.; {rambha} VP.) PadmaP. dambhaH = pride dambhena = out of pride daNDa* = ( = $ -v, hence cognate with {d4ru} and {dRR}) m. (n. [cf. {ikSu-}] g. {ardharcA7di}) a stick, staff, rod, pole, cudgel, club RV. &c. (staff given at investiture with the sacred thread S'Br. &c.; `" penis [with {vaitasa4}] "', xi, 5, 1, 1; `" trunk "' see {zuNDA-}; `" arm "' or `" leg "' see {dor-}, {bAhu-}; `" tusk "' see {daMSTrA-}); = {735

DakA7sana} BriNrP. xxxi, 115 (n.); a stalk, stem (of a tree; cf. {ikSu-}, {ud-}, {khara-}) MBh. ii, 2390; the staff of a banner, 2079; iv, xiv; the handle (of a ladle, sauce-pan, fly-flap, parasol &c.) AitBr. S'Br. &c.; the steam of a plough L.; `" a mast "' see {mahAdaNDa-dhara}; the cross-bar of a lute which holds the strings S'nkhS'r. xvii; the stick with which a lute is played L.; a churning-stick (cf. {-DA7hata}) L.; a pole as a measure of length (= 4 Hastas) VarBriS.xxiv, 9 MrkP.il; N. of a measure of time (= 60 Vi-kals) BrahmaP. ii VarP. BhavP.; N. of a staff-like appearance in the sky (`" N. of a planet "' (L.; cf. {-bhAsa}) VarBriS.; N. of a constellation, xx, 2 VarBri. Laghuj.; a form of military array (cf. {-vyuha}) L.; a line (cf. {-pAta}); a staff or sceptre as a symbol of power and sovereignty (cf. {nyasta-}), application of power, violence Mn. vii f. MBh.; power over (gen. or in comp.), control, restraint (cf. {vAg-}, {mano-}, {kAya-} [{karma-} MrkP. xli, 22]; {tri-daNDin}) Subh.; embodied power, army ({koza-}, du `" treasure and army "' Mn. ix, 294 MBh. Kir. ii, 12) Mn. vii Ragh. xvii, 62; the rod as a symbol of judicial authority and punishment, punishment (corporal, verbal, and fiscal; chastisement and imprisonment, reprimand, fine) TndyaBr. xvii, 1 Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. {gupta4} & {gUDha-}) [466,3]; pride L.; m. a horse L.; Punishment (son of Dharma and Kriy VP. i, 7, 27 MrkP. l); Yama L.; S'iva MBh. xii, 10361; N. of an attendant of the Sun,

iii, 198; (g. {zivA7di} and {zaunakA7di}) N. of a man with the patr. Aupara MaitrS. iii, 8, 7 TS. vi, 2, 9, 4; of a prince slain by Arjuna (brother of {dhara}, identified with the Asura Krodha-hantrii) MBh. if., viii; of a Rakshas R. vii, 5, 39; see {oDaka}; ({A}) f. Hedysaruni lagopodioides, Npr danDadiipa = (m) tubelight danDayati = (10 up) to punish danta *= m. (fr. &) = %{da4t} RV. vi , 75 , 11 AV. &c. (n. R. vi , 82 , 28 ; ifc. , %{al} [Katha1s. xxi Caurap.] or %{I} [MBh. ix Mr2icch. x , 13 VarBr2S. Ghat2.] Pa1n2. 4-1 , 55) ; the number 32 Gan2it. ; an elephant's tusk , ivory MBh. R. &c. [468,3] ; the point (of an arrow? %{atharI4}) RV. iv , 6 , 8 ; the peak or ridge of a mountain , Haravij. iv , 32 Dharmas3arm. vii , 32 ; an arbour S3is3. iv , 40 ; a pin used in playing a lute , Haravij. i , 9 ; (%{i}) f. = %{-tikA} Sus3r. VarBr2S. ; (in music) N. of a composition ; cf. %{ibha-dantA} ; %{kuDmala-} and %{krUra-a-dantI} &c. dantaH = (m) tooth dantapaalii = (f) gums dantacAla* = m. looseness of the teeth Sus'r.iv, 39.

dantakAra* = m. an ivory worker R. ii. dantajAha* = n. the root of a tooth g. {karNA7di} dantapattra* = n. a kind of ear-ring dara* = (Pn. 3-3, 58) mfn. ( {dRR}) ifc., cleaving, breaking see {puraM-dara4}, {bhagaM-}; m. (g. {ardharcA7di}, {uJchA7du}) = {-rI} R. ii, 96, 4; a conch-shell BhP. i, vf., x Kramadp.; m. the navel Gal.; `" stream "' see {asRg-}; fear MBh. v, 4622; n. poison (v.l. {dhara}) L.; ({I}) f. a hole in the ground, cave MBh. R. Hariv. Kum. &c.; ({am}) ind. a little Bhartri. iii, 24. darbha * = m. (2. {dRbh}) a tuft or bunch of grass (esp. of Kus'a grass; used for sacrificial purposes) RV. i, 191, 3 AV. &c.; N. of a grass (different from Kus'a and Ks'a Sus'r. i, 38; Saccharum cylindricum W.) Lalit. xvii, 89 Sus'r.; (Pn. 4-1, 102; g. {kurv-Adi} v.l.) N. of a man Pravar. ii, 3, 1 (s'vGri. Kty. &c.); `" of a prince "' see {dambha}. dari // daari *: splitting, opening, tearing asunder daridrataa = poverty; shortage darpa = pride (masc)


darpaM = pride darpaH = arrogance darpaNa = Mirror darpaNaH = (m) mirror darbha = a sweet-smelling dried grass dars'a * = mfn. ( %{dris}) ifc. `" looking at, viewing "' see %{avasAna-}, %{Adinava-}, and %{vadhUdarza4}, %{tattva-}; `" showing "' see %{Atma-}; m. `" appearance "' see %{ca4dir-darza4}, %{dur-}, %{prity-}; (g. %{pacA7di}) the moon when just become visible, day of new moon, halfmonthly sacrifice performed on that day AV.; (parox.) TS. TBr. & S3Br. ix Kaus3. A1s3vGr2. &c. (n. MBh. iii, 14206); (Day of) New Moon (son of Dha1tr2i BhP. vi, 18, 3; of Kr2ishn2a, x, 61, 14; N. of a Sa1dhya Va1yuP. ii, 5, 6); du. = %{pUrNamAsa4} TS. Sch. dars'ana = seeing * =darzana mf({I})n. showing. Pn. 5-2, 6; ifc. seeing, looking at (see {tulya-}, {deva-}, {sama-}.) Ragh. xi, 93; `" knowing see {dharma-}; exhibiting, teaching MBh. i, 583 BhP. v, 4, 11; n. seeing, observing, looking, noticing, observation, perception RV. i, 116, 23 S'Br. xiv S'nkhGri. v, 5 MBh. &c. [471, 1]; ocular perception

Sus'r. iv, 27; the eye-sight, vi, 17; inspection, examination Yj. 1, 328 Hariv. 5460; visiting Yj. i, 84 Kaths. iii, 8; audience, meeting (with gen. Cn.; instr. with or without {saha} Vet.; in comp. Ragh. xii, 60 S'ak. v, 5/6; vii, 25/26 Rjat. vi, 43; experiencing BhP. i, 8, 25; foreseeing Ragh. viii, 71; contemplating Mn. viii, 9 and 23; apprehension, judgment S'ak. iii, 6/7 discernment, understanding, intellect Mn. vi, 74 Yj. i, 8 Bhag. &c.; opinion Mlav. v, 13/14 Km. ii, 6; intention (cf. {pApa-}) R. i, 58, 18; view, doctrine, philosophical system (6 in number, viz. [Prva-] Mmns by Jaim. Uttara-Mmns by Bdar.; Nyya by Gotama Vais'eshika by Kana7da Snkhya by Kap.; Yoga by Pat.) MBh. xii, 11045 f. BhP. &c.; the eye Sus'r. v, 8 S'ak. iv, 6 Prab. iii, 10; the becoming visible or known, presence s'vGri. iii, 7 Mn. ii, 101; iv Yj. i, 131; ii, 170 MBh. &c.; appearance (before the judge) Mn. viii, 158 Yj. ii, 53 Km.; the being mentioned (in any authoritative text) Kty. S'r. i, xxvi Lthy. vi, ix Bdar. i, s, 25 MBh. xiv, 2700; a vision, dream Hariv. 1285 Hit. iii, 0/1; ifc. appearance, aspect, semblance Mn. ii, 47 MBh. (Nal. ii, 3; xii, 18 and 44) R. Ragh. iii, 57; colour L.; showing (cf. {danta-}) Bhartri. ii, 26 Dhrtas. i, 35/11 a mirror L.; a sacrifice L.; = {dharma} L.; ({I}) f. Durg Hariv. 10238; N. of an insect Npr.; cf. {a-}, {su-}.


darshanaM = sight, Darshan darshanakaankshiNaH = aspiring to see darshanaaya = for seeing darshaniiya = handsome darshanena = at the sight of darshaya = show darshayaamaasa = showed darshitaM = shown darshinaH = seers darshibhiH = by the seers darvii = (f) serving spoon, ladle Dasa* = mfn. id. g. {tRNA7di}. dasa* = m. a demon, vi, 21, 11. das'a = (adj) ten* =1 ifc. for {-zA} ({ajpa-}, {udag-} &c.) \\=2 ifc. ({tri-}, {dvi-}, {nir-}) and in comp. for {-zan} ({as}) f. pl. `" Decads "'N. of 10 Jain texts

({upA7saka-}. &c.) consisting of 10 chs. each. das'aa * =f. ( {daMz}?) the fringe of a garment, loose ends of any piece of cloth, skirt or hem KtyS'r. iv, 1, 17 ({UrNA}) Lthy. viii, 6, 22 Kaus'. S'nkhGri. ii, 12, 5 Mn. &c.; a wick Gobh. iv, 2, 32 ({kSauma-}) Kum. iv, 30 Bhartri. iii, i; state or condition of life, period of life (youth, manhood, &c.), condition, circumstances R. Pacat. Megh. &c.; the fate of men as depending on the position of the planets, aspect or position of the planets (at birth &c.) VarBriS. VarBri. Laghuj.; the mind L.; cf. {vastra-}; i. {daza}. dashati = (1 pp) to bite dashanavihiinaM = dashana+vihInaM, teeth+bereft dashanaantareshhu = between the teeth dashamukhaantakaH = the finisher (destroyer) of the ten-faced one (rAvaNa) dasharatha = dasharatha's dasharathatanayaM = the son of dasharatha dasharathasyaitau = dasharathasya+etaau,

dasharatha's+this pair dashaa = Planetary period or system of directions. Also means the actual Major planetary period itself. There are many of these the most used being vi.nshottarii or 120 year cycle system. Others are ashhTottari (108), Chatursheetisama (84), Dwadashottari (112), Dwisaptatisama (72), Panchottari (105), ShashhTisama (60), Shatatri.nshatsama (36), Shodashottari (116), Yogini (30). These are lunar based. Then there are Rashi (sign) based systems: chara, sthira, kaala chakra and kendraadi dashas etc dashaa.nsha = One of the varga-s or harmonic divisions of a sign. This is the 10th division dashaanana = Another name for Ravana dashaavataara = the ten avataara-s of Vishnu dashaikaM = eleven dashhTa = bite dasyu* = m. ( {das}) enemy of the gods (e.g. {za4mbara}, {zu4SNa}, {cu4muri}, {dhu4ni}; all conquered by Indra, Agni, &c.), impious man (called {a-zraddha4}, {a-yajJa4}, {a4-yajyu}, {a4743

pRnat}, {a-vrata4}, {anya-vrata}, {a-karma4n}), barbarian (called {a-nA4s}, or {an-A4s} `" uglyfaced "', {a4dhara}, inferior "', {a4-mAnuSa}, inhuman "'), robber (called {dhani4n}) RV. AV. &c.; any outcast or Hind who has become so by neglect of the essential rites Mn.; not accepted as a witness, viii, 66; cf. {traso4-} ({da4syave vR4ka} m. `" wolf to the Dasyu "'N. of a man RV. viii, 51; 55 f; {da4syave sa4has} n. violence to the DDasyu (N. of Turvti), i, 36, 18). dasyuhan* = m. (nom. {-hA4} instr. {-ghnA4})fn. destroying the Dasyus (Indra i, vi, viii [473,2]; Indra's gift, x, 47, 4; {manyu4}, 83, 3; {ma4nas}, iv, 16, 10); {-ha4n-tama} mfn. (superl.) most destructive to the Dasyus, vi, 16, 15 and viii, 39, 8 (Agni); x, 170, 2 (Light) Hariv. (Buddha); cf. Pn. 8-2, 17 Ks'. da *=1 the 3rd cerebral consonant (pronounced like {d} in {drum} by slightly turning the tip of the tongue upwards [430,2]; and often in Bengal like a hard {r}).\\ *=2 m. a sound L.; a kind of drum W.; fear L.; submarine fire L.; Siva L.; ({A}) f. a Dkin L.; a basket &c. carried by a sling L. \\*=1 the 3rd and soft letter of the 4th or dental class. \\*=2 mf({A})n. (1. {dA}) ifc. (Pn. 3-2, 3) giving, granting, offering, effecting, producing (e.g. {abhI7STa-}, `" giving any desired object "' Pacat.

ii, 50; {gaja-vAji-vRddhi-}, `" promoting the welfare of elephants and horses "' VarBriS. xviii, 5) Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. {agni-}; {a-doma-da4}; {anna-}, {artha-}, {garbha-}, {janma-} &c.); m. n. a gift L.; ({A}) f. id. L. \\ *=3 mfn. ( {do}) ifc. see {anala-}, 2. {jIva-}; m. n. the act of cutting off L.; ({A}) f. id. L. \\ *=4 mfn. (4. {da-}) ifc. see {Rzya-da4}. \\*=5 = {da4t} cf. {a-panna-}, {panna-}; {So-Da}. \\ *=6 m. a mountain L.; n. a wife (derived fr. {da4m-patI}) L.; ({A}) f. heat, pain L dat * = m. (taking the form {da4nta} in the strong cases Pn. 6-1, 63) a tooth RV. (nom. {da4n}, x, 115, 2) AV. VS. S'Br. s'vGri. BhP.; often ifc. (Pn. 5-4, 141-145) see {a-} &c.; {a-dat-ka}; {dac-chada} [cf. $, Lat. {dens} &c.] dattaM = given dattvaa V= granted, promised, * resumption to give dattaan.h = things given daurbalyaM = weakness daurmanasya = despair daur * = Vriiddhi of {dur} for {dus}.


dauraatmya* = n. badheartedness, wickedness, depravity MBh. Kv. &c.; {-myaka} mfn. wicked, evil (deed) R. daur-ita4 * =n. mischief. harm S'Br. daur-gatya * =n. distress, misery, poverty MBh. &c. daur-gaha4 * = m. `" descendant of Dur-gaha "' patr. of Puru-kutsa (Naigh. `" horse "'). RV. iv, 42, 8. daur-jana * = mf({I})n. consisting of bad people (company) Nalac.; {-nya} n. wickedness, depravity [499, 2]; evil, wrong Hit. BhP.; ill-will, envy, S'rng P. daurbhikSa * =n. famine TndyaBr. Sch. daurmadya * =n. brawl, fight L. daur-mitri * =m. metron. fr. {dur-mitrA} (g. {bAhv-Adi}). daur-mukhi * = m. patr. fr. {dur-mukha} MBh. vii, 7008 &c. daur-vAsa * = or mf({I})n. relating to Dur-vsas Madhus.

daur-vratya * = ({dau4r-}) n. disobedience, ill conduct VS. daur-hArda * = n. badness of mind, wickedness, enmity, g. {yuvA7di}. daur-hRda * = n. id. MBh. v, 751; m. villain Nlak.; morbid longing of pregnant women L. daurudhara * = mfn. (fr. {durudharA}) Var. daurezruta * = m. (fr. {dUre-zruta}) patr. of the serpent-priest Timirgha ib. daurgya * = n. difficulty, inaccessibility W. dauhitra = (m) grandson (daughter's son) dauhitri = (m) granddaughter (daughter's daughter) dautya * n. (fr. {dUta}) the state or function of a messenger, message, mission dava * = (see also daava). (2. {du}) a wood on fire BhP. viii, 6, 13; fire L. Sch.; burning, heat Car. i, 20; fever W.; a forest L.; cf. {dAva}. dayaa = mercy* = f. sympathy, compassion, pity for

(loc. MBh. Pacat. Bhartri. &c. [470,1]; gen. R. Hariv. 8486; in comp. MBh. xiv Hit. i, 6, 41 ) S'Br. xiv &c. ({-yAM} {kR}, `" to fake pity on "' [loc. MBh. Hit. i, 2, 7; gen. Vop.]); Pity (daughter of Daksha and mother of A-bhaya BhP. iv, 1, 49 f.) Hariv. 14035; cf. {a-daya4}; {nir-}, and {sadaya}. dayaaluH = the kind-hearted dayita = dear *= mfn. cherished, beloved, dear MBh. R.; protected Bhat2t2. x, 9; m. a husband, lover S3ak. iii, 19/20 (v.l.); (%{A}) f. a wife, beloved woman Ragh. ii, 30 Megh. 4 Sis3. ix 70 Katha1s. Dhu1rtas. ii, 13. Dayate = to fly deha = body: * = m. n. ( {dih}, to plaster, mould, fashion) the body Tr. KtyS'r. Mn. &c.; (in a triad with {manas} and {vAc}) Mn. i, 104 &c.; ({haMdhAraya}, to support the body i.e. exist Nal.); form, shape, mass, bulk (as of a cloud; ifc. f. {A}) Var.; per. son, individual Subh.; appearance, manifestation ifc. having the appearance of ({saMdeha-} Blar. iii, 43/44); N. of a country L.; ({I4}) f. mound, bank, rampart, surrounding wall RV. dehaM = body, existence

dehatrayaH = the three forms of bodies (corporal or physical, astral and causal dehabhrit.h = the embodied dehabhritaa = by the embodied dehabhritaaM = of the embodied dehali = doorstep dehavadbhiH = by the embodied dehaaH = material bodies dehaantara = of transference of the body dehaapaaye = when life departs the body dehin.h = man dehinaM = of the embodied dehinaaM = of the embodied dehii = the self dehiinaM = the living entity


dehiinaH = of the embodied dehe = in the body dehe.asmin.h = in this body deheshhu = bodies deva = God* = mf({i})n. (fr. 3. {div}) heavenly, divine (also said of terrestrial things of high excellence) RV. AV. VS. S'Br. (superl. m. {deva4tama} RV. iv, 22, 3 &c.; f. {devi-tamA}, ii, 41, 16); m. (according to Pn. 3-3, 120 {de4va}) a deity, god RV. &c.&c.; (rarely applied to) evil demons AV. iii, 15, 5 TS. iii, 5, 4, 1; (pl. the gods as the heavenly or shining ones; {vi4zve devA4s}, all the gods RV. ii, 3, 4 &c., or a partic. class of deities [see under {vi4zva}], often reckoned as 33, either 11 for each of the 3 worlds RV. i, 139, 11 &c. [cf. {tri-daza}], or 8 Vasus, 11 Rudras, and 12 dityas [to which the 2 As'vins must be added] Br.; cf. also DivyA7v. 68; with Jainas 4 classes, viz. {bhavanA7dhI7za}, {vyantara}, {jyotiSka}, and {vaimAnika}; {devA4nAm pa4tnyas}, the wives of the gods RV. VS. Br. [cf. {deva-patnI} below]) [492,3]; N. of the number 33 (see above) Ganit.; N. of Indra as the god of the sky and giver of rain MBh. R. &c.; a cloud L.; (with Jainas) the 22nd Arhat of the future Ut-sarpin; the image of a god, an idol Vishn.; a god

on earth or among men, either Brhman, priest RV. AV. (cf. {bhU-d-}), or king, prince (as a title of honour, esp. in the voc. `" your majesty "' or `" your honour "'; also ifc. e.g. {zrI-harSa-d-}, {vikramA7Gka-d-}, king S'r-hharsha or VikrVikrama7nka, and in names as {puruSo7ttama-d-} [lit. having Vishnu as one's deity; cf. {atithi-d-}, {AcArya-d-}, {pitR-d-}, {mAtR-d-}]; rarely preceding the name e.g. {devacaNDamahAsena} Kaths. xiii, 48) Kv. Pac. &c. (cf. {kSiti-}, {nara-}, &c.); a husband's brother (cf. {devR} and {devara}) W.; a fool, dolt L.; a child L.; a man following any partic. line or business L.; a spearman, lancer L.; emulation, wish to excel or overcome L.; sport, play L.; a sword Gal.; N. of men VP.; of a disciple of Nga7rjuna MWB. 192; dimin. for {devadatta} Pn. 5-3, 83 Vrtt.4 Sch.; (n. L.) an organ of sense MundUp. iii, 1, 8; 2, 7; ({A}) f. Hibiscus Mutabilis or Marsilia Quadrifolia; ({I4}), f. see s.v. [Cf. Lat. {dvus}, {deus}; Lit. {de14vas}; Old Pruss. {deiwas}.] devaaH = demigods devaalayaH = (m) temple devaan.h = demigods devaanaaM = of the demigods

devaaya = Divine* = Nom. P., only p. {-ya4t} = {vaya4t}, Maitr. and KapS. Kthh. devabhogaan.h = the pleasures of the gods devadevasya = of the Supreme Personality of Godhead devadatta = one of the vital airs, which causes yawning devadattaM = the conchshell named Devadatta devadaasii = God's (female) servant (word degenerated to a temple prostitute) devadeva = O Lord of all demigods devadevasyadevaH = (masc.nom.sing.) god; demigod devahitaM = that which is healthy or `pro' or good for the Devas devaM = God devataa = goddess devataaH = the demigods

devarshiH = the sage among the demigods devarshiiNaaM = of all the sages amongst the demigods devarishi* = m. `" a Riishi among the gods "'N. of Nrada, 16, 1 (cf. {-varSi}). devarshi* = m. ({deva} + {RSi}) a Riishi, a saint of the celestial class, as Nrada, Atri &c. MBh. (xiv, 781 {sapta saptarSayaH} for {ssapta devarS-}) R. Pur. &c. (cf. {brahmarSi} and {rAjarSi}); N. of S'iva MBh. xiii, 1259; {-carita} n. the deeds of ddivine sages MBh. xii, 7663; {-tva} n. state or rank of a ddivine ssages BhP. i, 3, 8; {pitR-vallabha} m. sesamum Gal.; {-varya} m. chief of sages MW. devalaH = Devala devala* = 1 m. an attendant upon an idol (who subsists on the offerings made to it; oftener {-laka} Mn. iii, 152; 180 MBh.); a virtuous or pious man Un. i, 108 Sch.; N. of a descendant of Kas'yapa and one of the authors of RV. ix; of Asita or a son of AAsita MBh. Pur.; of a man mentioned with AAsita, Prav.; of an astronomer Var.; of a legislator (also, {-bhaTTa}) Madhus. Kull.; of a son of Pratysha MBh. Hariv.; of an elder brother of Dhaumya MBh.; of the husband of Eka-parn

Hariv.; of the father of Sannati (the wife of Brahma-datta) ib.; of the grandfather of Pn. Col.; of a son of Vis'v-mitra (pl. his descendants) Hariv.; of a son of Kriis's'va by Dhishan BhP. devanAgarii* = f. `" divine city writing "'N. of the character in which Sanskriit is usually written (prob. from its having originated in some city) Col. MWB. 66, 1. devavara = O great one amongst the demigods devavrataaH = worshipers of demigods devayajaH = the worshipers of the demigods devayaa* = mfn. going to the gods, longing for them RV. devaya* = Nom. P., only p., {-ya4t}, loving or serving the gods, religious RV. (cf. {a4-}); divine or shining (?) BhP. iii, 20, 22. devi = Goddess devii = Goddess * = f. (cf. {deva4}) a female deity, goddess RV. AitBr. MBh. &c. (e.g. Ushas RV. vii, 75, 5; Sarasvat, v, 41, 17; Svitr, the wife of Brahm MBh.; Durg, the wife of S'iva MBh. Hariv.

Kv. &c.; the 4 goddesses of Buddhists are Rocan, Mmaki, Pndur and Tr Dharmas. iv); N. of nymph beloved by the Sun L.; of an Apsaras MBh. i, 4818; (with Jainas) the mother of 18th Arhat of present Ava-sarpin L.; queen, princess lady (the consecrated wife or daughter of a king, but also any woman of high rank) MBh. Kv. &c.; a kind of bird (= {zyAmA}) L.; a partic. supernatural power (= {kuNDalinI}) Cat.; worship, reverence W.; N. of plants (colocynth, a species of cyperus, Medicago Esculenta &c.) L devesha = O Lord of all lords deveshhu = amongst the demigodsdava *= a wood on fire B; fire; burning, heat = (water) deyaM = is to be given deyam.h = to be given desha = country deshe = land dhaa * = 1 cl. 3. P. . {da4dhAti}, {dhatte4} RV. &c. &c. (P. du. {dadhva4s}, {dhattha4s}, {dhatta4s} [Pn. 8-2, 38]; pl. {dadhma4si} or {-ma4s}, {dhattha4}, {dAdhati}; impf. {a4dadhAt} pl. {755

dhur}, 2. pl. {a4dhatta} or {a4dadhAta} RV. vii, 33, 4; Subj. {da4dhat} or {-dhAt} [Pn. 7-3, 70 Ks'.], {-dhas}, {-dhatas}, {-dhan}; Pot. {dadhyA4t}; Impv. {dAdhAtu} pl. {-dhatu}; 2. sg. {dhehi4} [fr. {dhaddhi}; cf. Pn. 6-4, 119] or {dhattAt} RV. iii, 8, 1; 2. pl. {dhatta4}, i, 64, 15, {dhattana}, i, 20, 7, {da4dhAta}, vii, 32, 13, or {-tana}, x, 36, 13 [cf. Pn. 7-1, 45 Sch.]; p. {da4dhat}, {-ti} m. pl. {-tas}; . 1. sg. {dadhe4} [at once 3. sg. = {dhatte4} RV. i, 149, 5 &c. and= pf..], 2. sg. {dha4tse}, viii, 85, 5 or {dhatse4} AV. v, 7, 2; 2. 3. du. {dadhA4the}, {dhA4te}; 2. pl. {-dhidhve4} [cf. pf.]; 3. pl. {da4dhate} RV. v, 41, 2; impf. {a4dhatta}, {-tthAs}; Subj. {da4dhase}, viii, 32, 6 [Pn. 3-4, 96 Ks'.]; Pot. {da4dhIta} RV. i, 40, 2 or {dadhIta4}, v, 66, 1; Impv. 2. sg. {dhatsva}, x, 87, 2 or {dadhiSva}, iii, 40, 5 &c.; 2. pl. {dhaddhvam} [Pn. 8-2, 38 Ks'.] or {dadhidhvam} RV. vii, 34, 10, &c.; 3. pl. {dadhatAm} AV. viii, 8, 3; p. {da4dhAna}); rarely cl. 1. P. . {dadhati}, {-te} RV. MBh.; only thrice cl. 2. P. {dhA4ti} RV.; and once cl. 4. . Pot. {dhAyeta} MaitrUp. (pf.P. {dadhau4}, {-dhA4tha}, {-dhatur}, {-dhimA84}, {-dhur} RV. &c.; . {dadhe4} [cf. pr.], {dadhiSe4} or {dhiSe} RV. i, 56, 6; 2. 3. du. {dadhA4the}, {-dhA4te}, 2. pl. {dadhidhve4} [cf. pr.]; 3. pl. {dadhire4}, {dadhre}, x, 82, 5; 6, or {dhire}, i, 166, 10 &c.; p. {da4dhAna} [cf. pr.]; aor. P. {a4dhAt}, {dhA4t}, {dhA4s}; {adhu4r}, {dhu4r} RV. &c.; Pot. {dheyAm}, {-yur}; {dhetana} RV. TBr.; 2. sg. {dhAyIs} RV. i, 147, 5;

Impv. {dhA4tu} [cf. Pn. 6-i, 8 Vrtt. 3 Pat.]; 2. pl. {dhA4ta} or {-tana}, 3. pl. {dhAntu} RV.; . {adhita}, {-thAs}, {adhItAm}, {adhImahi}, {dhImahi}, {dhimahe}, {dhAmahe} RV.; 3. sg. {ahita}, {hita} AV. Tr.; Subj. {dhe4the} RV. i, 158, 2, {dhaithe}, vi, 67, 7; Impv. {dhiSvA84}, ii, 11, 18, &c.; P. {adhat} SV.; {dhat} RV.; P. {dhAsur} Subj. {-sathas} and {-satha} RV.; . {adhiSi}, {-Sata} Br.; Pot. {dhiSIya} ib. [P. vii, 4, 45]; {dheSIya} MaitrS.; fut. {dhAsyati}, {-te} or {dhAtA} Br. &c.; inf. {dhA4tum} Br. &c.; Ved. also {-tave}, {-tavai4}, {tos}; {dhiya4dhyai} RV.; Class. also {-dhitum}; ind. P. {dhitvA4} Br.; {hitvA} [Pn. 7-4, 42], {-dhA4ya} and {-dhA4m} AV.: Pass. {dhIya4te} RV. &c. [Pn. 6-4, 66], p. {dhIya4mAna} RV. i, 155, 2 [513, 3]; aor. {a4dhAyi}, {dhA4yi} RV. [Pn. 7-3, 33 Ks'.]; Prec. {dhAsISTa} or {dhAyiSISTa} [vi, 4, 62]) to put, place, set, lay in or on (loc.) RV. &c. &c. (with {daNDam}, to inflict punishment on [with loc. MBh. v, 1075, with gen. R. v, 28, 7]; with {tatpadavyAm padam}, to put one's foot in another's footstep i.e. imitate, equal Kvya7d. ii. 64); to take or bring or help to (loc. or dat.; with {Are4}, to remove) RV. AV. S'Br.; (.) to direct or fix the mind or attention ({cintAm}, {manas}, {matim}, {samAdhim} &c.) upon, think of (loc. or dat.), fix or resolve upon (loc. dat. acc. with {prati} or a sentence closed with {iti}) RV. Mn. MBh. Kv. BhP.; to destine for, bestow on, present or impart to (loc. dat. or gen.) RV. Br. MBh. &c. (Pass. to be

given or granted, fall to one's [dat.] lot or share RV. i, 81, 3); to appoint, establish, constitute RV. S'Br.; to render (with double acc.) RV. vii, 31, 12 Bhartri. iii. 82; to make, produce, generate, create, cause, effect, perform, execute RV. TBr. S'vetUp. &c. (aor. with {pUrayAm}, {mantrayAm}, {varayAm} &c. = {pUrayAm} &c. {cakAra}); to seize, take hold of, hold, bear, support, wear, put on (clothes) RV. AV. Kv. BhP. &c.; (.) to accept, obtain, conceive (esp. in the womb), get, take (with {o4kas} or {ca4nas}, to take pleasure or delight in [loc. or dat.]) RV. AV. Br.; to assume, have, possess, show, exhibit, incur, undergo RV. Hariv. Kv. Hit.etc.: Caus. {dhApayati} Pn. 7-3, 36 (see {antar-dhA}, {zraddhA} &c.): Desid. {dhi4tsati}, {-te} (Pn. 7-4, 54), to wish to put in or lay on (loc.) RV. AitBr. (Class. Pass. {dhitsyate}; {dhitsya} see s.v.); {di4dhiSati}, {-te}, to wish to give or present RV.; (.) to wish to gain, strive after (p. {di4dhiSANa}, x, 114, 1) ib.: with {avadya4m}, to bid defiance ib. iv, 18, 7 (cf. {didhiSA4yya}, {didhiSu4}): Intens. {dedhIyate} Pn. 6-4, 66. [Cf. Zd. {d}, {dadaiti}; Gk. $; &158945[513, 3] Lith. {dedu4}, {de4ti}; Slav. {dedja}, {diti}; Old Sax. {duan}, {do7n}, Angl. Sax. {do7n}, Engl. {do}; Germ. {tuan}; {tuon}, {thun}.] dhaanya = grain dhaa4na * = mfn. containing, holding (cf. {uda-});

n. receptacle, case, seat (cf. {agni-}, {kSura-}, {rajju-} &c.; {-nam akto4s} prob. = womb or bosom of the night RV. iii, 7, 6); ({I}) f. = n. (cf. {aGgAra-}, {gopAla-}, {rAja-} &c.); the site of a habitation L.; coriander L.; N. of a river L.; ({A4}) f. see s.v. dhaanaaq4 * = f. corn, grain (originally the grains of seed from their being `" laid "' into and `" conceived "' by the earth cf. 1. {dhA}, but usually = fried barley or rice or any grain fried and reduced to powder) RV. &c. &c.; coriander L.; bud, shoot L. dhaama = one who has the abode dhaaman.h = (n) lustre dhaaraNa* = mf({I})n. holding, bearing, keeping (in remembrance), retention, preserving, protecting, maintaining, possessing, having (ifc. or with gen.) Tr. MBh. Sus'r.: BhP.; assuming the shape of (gen.), resembling MBh.xiii, 739; m. N. of S'iva MBh.; of a son of Kas'yapa ib.; of a prince of the Candravatsas ib.; du. the two female breasts L.; ({dhA4raNa}) n. the act of holding, bearing &c. S'Br. Mn. Yj. MBh. &c.; wearing (see {liGga-}); suffering, enduring R.; keeping in remembrance, memory Tr. Mn. MBh. Hariv.: immovable concentration of the mind upon (loc.) Veda7ntas.; restraining (cf. {zvAsa-}); keeping back i.e.

pronouncing imperfectly Prt.; ({A} and {I}) f. see {dhAraNA} and {-NI}. dhaaraNaa* = f. (cf. {-Na}, col. 1) the act of holding, bearing, wearing, supporting, maintaining MBh. R.; retaining, keeping back (also in remembrance), a good memory KathhUp. GriS. MBh. BhP.; collection or concentration of the mind (joined with the retention of breath) Mn. MBh. Sus'r. Kv. Pur. &c.; cf. MWB. 239 ({-NAM-dhR}, to exercise concentration Yj.; {-NAM gataH}, having composed one's self R.); understanding, intellect Yj. iii, 73; firmness, steadfastness, righteousness L.; fixed preceptor settled rule, certainty Mn. MBh.; pl. the 8th to the 11th day in the light half of month Jyaishthha Var. dhaataa = supporter dhaataaraM = the maintainer dhaataaram.h = the creator dhaatu = verb dhaatu * = 1 m. layer, stratum KtyS'r. Kaus'.; constituent part, ingredient (esp. [and in RV. only] ifc., where often= `" fold "' e.g. {tri-dhA4tu}, threefold &c.; cf. {triviSTi-}, {sapta-}, {su-}) RV.

TS. S'Br. &c.; element, primitive matter (= {mahAbhUta} L.) MBh. Hariv. &c. (usually reckoned as 5, viz. {kha} or {AkAza}, {anila}, {tejas}, {jala}, {bhU}; to which is added {brahma} Yj. iii, 145; or {vijJAna} Buddh.); a constituent element or essential ingredient of the body (distinct from the 5 mentioned above and conceived either as 3 humours [called also {doSa}] phlegm, wind and bile BhP. [cf. {purISa}, {mAMsa}, {manas}, ChndUp. vi, 5, 1]; or as the 5 organs of sense, {indriyANi}.[cf. s.v. and MBh. xii, 6842, where {zrotra}, {ghrANa}, {Asya}, {hRdaya} and {koSTha} are mentioned as the 5 dhdhtu of the human body born from the either] and the 5 properties of the elements perceived by them, {gandha}, {rasa}, {rUpa}, {sparza} and {zabda} L.; or the 7 fluids or secretions, chyle, blood, flesh, fat, bone, marrow, semen Sus'r. [L. {rasA7di} or {rasaraktA7di}, of which sometimes 10 are given, the above 7 and hair, skin, sinews BhP.]); primary element of the earth i.e. metal, mineral, are (esp. a mineral of a red colour) Mn. MBh. &c. element of words i.e. grammatical or verbal root or stem Nir. Prt. MBh. &c. (with the southern Buddhists {dhAtu} means either the 6 elements [see above] Dharmas. xxv; or the 18 elementary spheres [{dhAtu-loka}] ib. lviii; or the ashes of the body, relics L. [cf. {-garbha}]). \\2 mfn. ( {dhe}) to be sucked in or drunk ({havis}) RV. v, 44, 3 f. = {dhenu}, milch cow Lthy. vii, 5, 9. \\3 n. (with

{rauhiNa}) N. of a Sman rshBr. dhaatrii = (f) nurse dhaatrI* = f. `" female supporter "', a nurse MBh. Kv. &c.; midwife Hit. iv, 61; mother Yj. iii, 82; the earth Var. MBh. Hariv. &c.; Emblica Officinalis Var. Sus'r. (some derive it fr. {dhe} cf. {dhAyas} and Pn. 3-2, 181). [514,2] dhaatra* = 1 n. receptacle, vessel L. \\2 mf({I})n. belonging to Dhtrii S'Br. dhaaraNaa = concentration dhaarayate = one sustains dhaarayan.h = considering dhaarayaami = sustain dhaaraa = (fem) rain dhaariNi = wearer dhaartaraashhTrasya = for the son of Dhritarashtra dhaartaraashhTraaH = the sons of Dhritarashtra


dhaartaraashhTraaNaaM = of the sons of Dhritarashtra dhaartaraashhTraan.h = the sons of Dhritarashtra dhaarma* = 1 mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{dharma}) relating to justice or virtue S3Br.; belonging to Dharma (god of justice) MBh.\\Vr2iddhi form of %{dharma} in comp. dhaarmiNa* = n. an assemblage of virtuous men g. {bhikSA7di} (iv, 2, 38). dhaarmika* = mf({I})n. righteous, virtuous, pious, just Up. Mn. MBh. &c.; resting on right, conformable to justice (mind, words &c.) R.; m. judge L.; a bigot Kd.; juggler Ratn.; a Bodhi-sattva L. dhaarmikam.h = the religious one dhaaryate = is utilized or exploited dhaava* = mfn. washing, cleansing (ifc.; cf. {asi-}, {caila-}); m. see {danta-}. dhaav.h = to run dhairya = courage

dhamana *V = dispeller, subduer * dhamana blowing with a bellows L.; blowing i. e. scaring away (cf. {mAyA-}); cruel L.; m. reed Bhpr. [510, 1]; Azadirachta Indica L.; m. or n. a partic. high number Buddh.; n. melting (of ore). dhamani = a layer within a nadi allowing for the passage of energy dhana = money * = n. the prize of a contest or the contest itself (lit. a running match, race, or the thing raced for; {hita4M} {dhA7nam}, a proposed prize or contest; {dhanaM-ji}, to win the pprize or the fight) RV.; booty, prey ({dhanam-bhR} ., to carry off the prize or booty) RV. AV.; any valued object, (esp.) wealth, riches, (movable) property, money, treasure, gift RV. &c. &c.; capital (opp. to {vRddhi} interest) Yj. ii, 58; = {go-dhana} Hariv. 3886; (arithm.) the affirmative quantity or plus (opp. to {RNa}, {kSaya}, {vyaya}, {hAni}); N. of the 2nd mansion Var.; m. N. of a merchant HParis'. Sinha7s. dhanaM = wealth dhanakaaraka = Significator for Wealth which is Jupiter dhanaJNjaya = O conqueror of wealth

dhanaJNjayaH = Dhananjaya (Arjuna, the winner of wealth) dhanapati = kubera (Lord of the wealth) dhanabhaava = Second house ruling over Wealth dhanamaana = of wealth and false prestige dhanayoga = The 2nd, 5th, 9th and 11th are Wealth producing houses. Any inter-relation of their lords, by way of position aspect or conjunction, will produce money. The more strongly they are interrelated, the more wealth is promised in the birth chart, which the native will get eventually in the related major or sub-periods dhanaani = wealth dhanishhThaa = Twenty-third nakshatra dhanu = The Zodiacal sign Sagittarius dhanuH = (m) a bow dhanuraasana = the bow posture dhanurdharaH = the carrier of the bow and arrow


dhanushha = The Zodiacal sign Sagittarius dhanushhaM = bow dhanushhaa = thro'bow dhanvan * n. a bow RV. &c. (esp. ifc.; cf. {asthi-}, {ugra-}, {kSipra-} &c., and Pn. 5-4, 132 &c. Vm. v, 2, 67); rain-bow MnGri. i, 4; the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius Jyot.; (also m.) dry soil, shore ({samudasya}; cf. {dhanu}); a desert, a waste RV. &c. &c.; m. Alhagi Maurorum L.; N. of a country. BhP. (Cf. {dhanu}, {-nus}.) dhanyaH = are praiseworthy dhara* = mf({A})n. ( {dhR}) bearing, supporting (scil. the world, said of Kriishna and S'iva) MBh.; ifc. holding, bearing, carrying, wearing, possessing, having, keeping (also in memory), sustaining, preserving, observing (cf. {aMzu-}, {akSa-}, {kulaM-} &c.) MBh. R. &c.; m. a mountain Kir. xv, 12 (cf. {kSiti-}, {bhU-} &c.); a flock of cotton L.; a frivolous or dissolute man (= {viTa}) L.; a sword Gal.; N. of a Vasu MBh.; of a follower of the Pndavas ib. of the king of the tortoises L.; of the father of Padma-prabha (6th Arhat of pres. Avasarpin) L.; ({A}) f. `" bearer, supporter "', the earth Mn. MBh. Kv. &c.; the uterus or womb Bhpr.; a

vein or tubular vessel of the body L.; marrow L.; a mass of gold or heap of valuables (representing the earth and given to Brhmans) W.; one of the 8 forms of Sarasvat id.; N. of one of the wives of Kas'yapa (mother of the land and water-birds, prob. = the Earth) Hariv. 232 (v.l. {irA}); n. poison L. (v.l. {dara}) daambhika * = mf(%{I})n. id.; m. a cheat, hypocrite Mn. MBh. Hariv.; Ardea Nivea L. (cf. %{baka}). dhaara * = 1 mf({I})n. ( {dhR}) holding, supporting, containing (ifc.; cf. {karNa-}, {chattra}, {tulA-} &c.); m. N. of Vishnu L.; debt L. dhaara * = 2 m. or n. (1. {dhAv}) stream, gush (cf. {taila-} [add.] and {toya-}); mfn. coming down in a stream or as rain Sus'r. Bhpr. dhaa4raa * = 1 f. stream or current of water; (cf. {tri-}, {dvi-}, {zata-}, {sahasra-}), flood, gush, jet, drop (of any liquid), shower, rain (also fig. of arrows, flowers, &c.; {va4sor dh-}, `" source of goodN. of a partic. libation to Agni AV. S'Br. MBh.; of a sacred bathing-place MBh.; of Agni's wife BhP.); a leak or hole in a pitcher &c. L.; the pace of horse S'is'. v, 60 (5 enumerated, viz. {dhorita}, {valgita}, {pluta}, {ut-tejita}, {ut-te7rita}, or {A767

skandita}, {recita} for the two latter L.; with {paramA}, the quickest pace Kaths. xxxi, 39); uniformity, sameness (as of flowing water?) L.; custom, usage W.; continuous line or series (cf. {vana-}); fig. line of a family L.; N. of a sacred bathing-place (also with {mAhezvarI} cf. above) MBh.; of a town (the residence of Bhoja) Cat. dhaara * = 3 m. a sort of stone L.; edge. boundary L. (cf. 2. {dhArA}); deep place, depth W. (to 1. {dhAra}?). dhaa4raa * = 2 f. (2. {dhAv}) margin, sharp edge, rim, blade (esp. of a sword, knife, &c.; fig. applied to the flame of fire) RV. S'Br. MBh. Kv. &c.; the edge of a mountain L.; the rim of a wheel Ragh. xiii, 15; the fence or hedge of a garden L.; the van of an army L.; the tip of the ear L.; highest point, summit (cf. {-rA7dhirUDha}) glory, excellence L.; night L.; turmeric L. dhaaraya * = mfn. holding , bearing &c. (Pa1n2. 31 , 138) ; owing a sum (gen.) to (dat.) L. dhaaraaya * = Nom. A1. %{-yate} , to be like a stream Amar. 20 Sch. dhaarayadvat * = mfn. possessing the quality of sustaining or supporting (A1dityas) TS.

dhak 1 nom. fr. %{dagh} or %{dah} (cf. %{dakSiNa-dagh} and %{uza4-dah}).//2 an exclamation of wrath Uttarar. iv, 23. dhAka * = m. an ox Un2. iii, 40 Sch.; a receptacle (= %{AdhAra}; v.l. %{AhAra}, food) ib.; a post L.; (%{A}) f. Pa1n2. 7-4, 13 Va1rtt. 1 Pat. [cf. $]. dhara = earth dharaM = wearing dharaNa * = mf({I})n. bearing, supporting VS. Tr.; m. a dike or bank L.; the world L.; the sun L.; the female breast L.; rice-corn L.; N. of a king of the Ngas S'atr.; m. or n. a sort of weight variously reckoned as= 10 Palas, = 16 silver Mshakas, = 1 silver Purna, = 1/10 S'atamna, = 19 Nishpva, = 2/5 Karsha, = 1/10 Pala, = 24Raktik Mn. Yj. Sus'r. Var. &c.; n. the act of bearing, holding, &c. Kv.; bringing, procuring (cf. {kAma-}); support, prop, stay (cf. {pRtkivI-}, {savana}.); a partic. high number Buddh. (cf. {dhamana}, {dhamara}); ({I}) f. see s.v. dharaNi = earth dharati = to wear


dharayet.h = bears dharitri = earth dhartaa.asi = are the bearer or support dharma = religion * = 1 m. (rarely n. g. %{ardharcA7di}; the older form of the RV. is %{dha4rman} q.v.) that which is established or firm, steadfast decree, statute, ordinance, law; usage, practice, customary observance or prescribed conduct, duty; right, justice (often as a synonym of punishment); virtue, morality, religion, religious merit, good works (%{dha4rmeNa} or %{mAt} ind. according to right or rule, rightly, justly, according to the nature of anything; cf. below; %{mesthita} mfn. holding to the law, doing one's duty) AV. &c. &c.; Law or Justice personified (as Indra S3Br. &c.; as Yama MBh.; as born from the right breast of Yama and father of S3ama, Ka1ma and Harsha ib.; as Vishn2u Hariv.; as Praja1-pati and son-in-law of Daksha Hariv. Mn. &c.; as one of the attendants of the Sun L.; as a Bull Mn. viii, 16; as a Dove Katha1s. vii, 89, &c.); the law or doctrine of Buddhism (as distinguished from the %{saJgha} or monastic order MWB. 70); the ethical precepts of Buddhism (or the principal %{dharma} called %{sUsra}, as distinguished from the %{abhidharma} or, further dharma and from the

%{vinaya} or `" discipline, these three constituting the canon of Southern BBuddhism MWB. 61); the law of Northern BBuddhism (in 9 canonical scriptures, viz. Prajn5a1-pa1ramita1, Gan2d2avyu1ha, Das3a-bhu1mi7s3vara, Samadhira1ja, Lan3ka7vata1ra, Saddharma-pun2d2arika, Tathagata-guhyaka, Lalita-vistara, Suvarn2aprabha1sa,ib. 69); nature, character, peculiar condition or essential quality, property, mark, peculiarity (= %{sva-bhAva} L.; cf. %{daza-dh-gata} S3Br. &c. &c.; %{upamAno7pameyayor@dh}, the tertium comparationis Pa1n2. 2-1, 55 Sch.); a partic. ceremony MBh. xiv, 2623; sacrifice L.; the ninth mansion Var.; an Upanishad L.; associating with the virtuous L.; religious abstraction, devotion L.; = %{upamA} L. (cf. above); a bow Dharmas3.; a Soma-drinker L.; N. of the 15th Arhat of the present Ava-sarpin2i1 L.; of a son of Anu and father of Ghr2ita Hariv.; of a sson of Ga1ndha1ra and ffather of Dhr2ita Pur.; of a sson of Haihaya and ffather of Netra BhP.; of a sson of Pr2ithus3ravas and of Us3anas ib.; of a sson of Su-vrata VP. (cf. %{dharma-sUtra}); of a sson of Di1rghatapas, Va1yup.; of a king of Kas3mi1ra, Ra1j. iv, 678; of another man ib. vii, 85; of a lexicographer &c. (also %{-paNDita}, %{-bhaTTa} and %{zAstrin}) Cat. [Cf. Lat. {firmus}, Lith. {derme4}.]\\ 2 Nom. P. %{-mati}, to become, law Vop.\\3 in comp. for %{-man} q.v. 2.\\ see p. 510, col. 3.

dharmadeva * = m. the god of justice MBh. dharmaM = doctrines dharman* = m. bearer, supporter, arranger RV.; N. of a son of Br2ihad-ra1ja and father of Kr2itam2jaya VP.; (%{dhA7rman}) n. (older than %{dha4rma} q.v., in later language mostly ifc.; cf. below) support, prop, hold RV. VS.; established order of things, steadfast decree (of a god, esp. of Mitra-Varun2a), any arrangement or disposition; will, pleasure; law, rule, duty; practice, custom, mode, manner (%{dha4rmaNA}, %{-mabhis}; %{maNas@pa4ri} in regular order, naturally; %{svAya@dhar@maNe} at one's own pleasure; %{dharmaNi} with the permission of, %{a4dhi@dh-} against the will of [gen.]) RV. AV. VS.; (esp. ifc.) nature, quality, characteristic mark or attribute S3Br. (cf. %{an-ucchitti-}) MBh. (cf. %{uJcha-} [add.], %{kSatra-}, %{phala-}, %{phena}.) Var. (cf. %{dasyu-} [add.]) Kap. (cf. %{cid-dh-} [add.]) Ka1v. (cf. %{vinAza-}.). dharmaH = (masc.nom.sing.)(roughly)religion; life-code; way of good living;duty dharmapatnii = respectable address for wife, wife from prescribed vedic rituals


dharmaruci * = mfn. delighting in or devoted to virtue A1past.; m. N. of a Da1nava Katha1s.; of a god of the Bodhi tree Lalit.; of a man Buddh. dharmasaadhanaM = the means for doing one's duty dharmasya = occupation dharmakshetre = in the place of pilgrimage dharmaatmaa = righteous dharmaarthaM = For the sake of dharma dharmaaviruddhaH = not against religious principles dharme = religion dharmeNahiinaaH = bereft of dharma or duty dharmin* = mfn. knowing or obeying the law, faithful to duty, virtuous, pious, just Gaut. MBh. R.; endowed with any characteristic mark or peculiar property Hariv. Kvya7d. (cf. below) Sh.; (ifc.) following the laws or duties of, having the rights or attributes or peculiarities of. having anything as a characteristic mark, subject to any state or

condition Mn. MBh. Kv. Pur. &c.; m. the bearer of any characteristic mark or attribute, object, thing Kap.; N. of the 14th Vysa, DevbhP.; of a king VP.; (in) f. a kind of perfume L.; N. of a woman (cf. {dhArmiNeya}). dharmitA* = f. the being endowed with any chcharacteristic mmark or aattribute (ifc.) Sarvad.; {-tA7va-} {ccheda} m. {-tA7vacchedakatAvAda} and {-vAdA7rtha}, m. {-tA7vacchedakapratyAsatti} f. {-tti-nirUpaNa} n. {-tA7vacchedakarahasya} n. {-tA7vacchedaka-vAda} m. N. of wks. [513, 1] dharmitva* = n. virtuousness, justice, faithfulness to duty Km.; (ifc.) the being obliged to Gaut.; the being endowed with or obnoxious to Sus'r. Kv. Pur. dharmiSTha* = mfn. (superl.) very virtuous or righteous, completely lawful or legal Mn. MBh. Kv. &c. dharmIyas* = mfn. (compar.) more virtuous &c.; very pious or moral &c. W. dharmika* = w.r. for {dhArmika}. dharmya * = mfn. legal, legitimate; usual,

customary Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c.; just, virtuous, righteous Mr2icch. ix, 5; endowed with qualities or properties, `" propertied "' Kat2hUp. ii, 13 (cf. %{tad-}); suitable to (gen.) Pa1n2. 4-4, 47; N. of a man(cf %{-dhArmyAyaNa}); n. a customary donation, vi, 2, 65. dharmyaM = as a religious duty dharmyaaNi = religious (used in plural ) dharmyaat.h = for religious principles dharmvirahiita = adj. irreligious dharsha* n= m. ( {dhRS}) boldness, insolence, arrogance MBh. i, 7040 (cf. {dur-}); impatience W.; paralysing, rendering weak or impotent ib.; violation (of a woman) ib.; injury, wrong, insult; restraint ib.; a eunuch ib. (cf. below). dharshita* = mfn. overpowered, violated, illtreated MBh. Hariv. Pur.; n. contumely, insolence W.; copulation ib.; ({A}) f. an unchaste woman L. dhasaJNjaya = a vital air that stays in the body after death dhatta [dhaTa] * = m. (prob. fr. {dhri} like {bhaTa}

fr. {bhR}) a balance or the scale of a bbalance Hcat. (cf. {tulA-}); ordeal by the bbalance Mit.; the sign of the zodiac Libra Jyot.; ({I}) f. old cloth or raiment; a piece of cloth worn over the privities L. dhatu = element dhatte V* accepts; SB 1.2.23\\ is manifested; SB 1.10.25\\ eternally accepts; SB 1.15.35\\ take place; SB 1.19.14\\accepts; SB 2.10.36\\ executes; SB 3.5.13\\ He assumes; SB 3.17.31\\she inflicts; SB 3.27.24\\ has taken; SB 4.8.26\\accept; SB 5.1.13\\gives; SB 6.1.51\\ possesses; SB 6.8.3233\\ accepts; SB 7.2.22\\ he assumes; SB 7.14.41\\ one possesses; SB 7.15.45\\He performs; SB 8.1.13\\He accepts; SB 8.5.22\\ dhatte &emdash; accepts the forms of incarnations; SB 8.24.5\\takes upon Himself; SB 10.74.3\\ manifests; SB 10.87.46\\ (the devotee) places; SB 11.4.10\\ He impregnates; SB 11.6.16\\assumes its position; SB 11.22.17\\gives; CC Antya 1.150 dhauta = white* = mfn. (2. {dhAv}) washed, cleansed, purified TndBr. Sus'r. Kv. &c.; washed off, removed, destroyed Klid. S'is'. Bhathth. (cf. {dhUta4}) [520, 3]; polished, bright, white, shining MBh. Kv. &c.; ({I}) f. washing Sinha7s.; n. id. Cn.; silver L.

dhavala = white dhava* = 1 m. Grislea Tomentosa or Anogeissus Latifolia AV. MBh. &c. Sus'r. Bhpr. \\2 m. (accent. only Naigh.; said by some to be fr. {dhU}, but more probably a secondary formation fr. {vi-dha4vA} q.v.) a man Naigh. ii, 3 Pac. ii, 109; a husband BhP. i, 16, 20; lord, possessor Hariv. 14952; rogue, cheat L.; N. of a Vasu (w.r. for {dhara}?) VP. dhenu = a cow dhenuunaaM = of cows dhii * = 1 cl. 3. . {dIdhIte}, &c. RV. (cf. {dIdhI}; the forms {dhImahi} and {a4dhAyi} belong rather to 1. {dhA}; pf. {dIdhaya}, {-dhima}, {-dhiyur} or {dhyur}, {-dhire} RV. AV. Br.) to perceive, think, reflect; wish, desire: Intens. {dedhyat} TS. \\ 3 cl.4. . {dhIyate}, to contain, bold (Pass. of 1. {dhA}?); to slight, disregard; to propitiate (?) Dhtup. xxvi, 37. dhii * 4 = 2 f. thought, (esp.) religious thought, reflection, meditation, devotion, prayer (pl. Holy Thoughts personified) RV.; understanding, intelligence, wisdom (personified as the wife of Rudra-Manyu BhP.), knowledge, science, art; mind, disposition, intention, design (ifc. intent

upon Kv.); notion, opinion, the taking for (comp.) RV. &c. &c. ({ya4thA dhiyA4} or {dhiyA4 na4}, according to thy wisdom or will; {itthA4 dhiyA4} or {dhi4yaH}, willingly lit. such is thy will RV.); N. of the 5th house from the Lagna Var. \\ 4 f. for {dI}, splendour RV. iii, 34, 5; vi, 3, 3. dhiimat.h = learned man dhiimataa = very intelligent dhiimataaM = of those who are endowed with great wisdom dhiimahi = V* upon meditate d dhiira = courageous, steadfast dhiira* = 1 mf({I4} or {A})n. intelligent, wise, skilful, clever, familiar with, versed in (loc.) RV. &c. &c. (compar. {dhI4ra-tara} AV. R.); m. N. of a Buddha L.; of sev. men with the patr. S'ataparneya S'Br. -1.\\ 2 mf({A})n. ( {dhR} or {dhA}? cf. Un. ii, 24) steady, constant, firm, resolute, brave, energetic, courageous, self-possessed, composed, calm, grave Hariv. Kv. Pur.; deep, low, dull (as sound) Klid. Amar. &c.; gentle, soft L.; wellconducted, well-bred L.; ({am}) ind. steadily, firmly &c.; m. the ocean, sea (as an image of

constancy?); N. of Bali L.; of other men Rjat.; f. N. of sev. medic. plants ({kAkolI}, {kSIra-kAk-}, {mahA-jyotiSmatI}, {medA}, {zveta-vacA}, Rosa Glandulifera) Bhpr. L.; an intoxicating beverage L.; a woman who keeps down all expression of resentment or jealousy Sh.; N. of a woman Cat.; n. saffron L. (not always, esp. in comp., separable from 1. {dhIra}). dhiiraM = patient dhiiraH = the sober dhiirataa = courage dhiivara = (m) a fisherman dhi * =1 cl. 6. P. {dhiyati} ({didhAya}, {dheSyati} &c.) to hold (Dhtup. xxviii, 113). Prob. abstracted fr. 1. {dhA}, of which it is the weak form. \\ 2 m. receptacle (only ifc.; cf. {ambu-}, {iSu-} &c.) \\ 3 or {dhinv} cl. 5. P. {dhinoti} (aor. {adhinvIt} Br.; pf. {didhinva}; fut. {dhinviSyati}, {dhinvitA} Gr.) to nourish, satiate, satisfy Br.; to delight, please Kv. dhik * = ind., used as a prefix or as an interj. of reproach, menace or displeasure = fie! shame! out upon! what a pity! &c. (with acc., rarely gen. voc. or nom.) Up. Lthy. MBh. Kv. &c. (also {dhig dhik},

{aho dhik}, {hA dhik}, {hA dhik kaSTam}, {hA8 hA dhik} &c.; {dhik tvAm}, or {tava} [also with {astu}] shame upon you!) dhik.h = to be condemned dhikbalaM = dhik.h:fie upon it + balam:power or strength dhisa-naramdhisha*= watching or heeding men (?) "'N. of Vishnu V dhishnya * = mfn. mindful, attentive, benevolent, liberal (As'vins) RV. i, 3, 2; 89, 4 &c.; devout, pious (voice, hymn), x, 114, 9; m. (f. {A} only RV. iv, 3, 6; n. MBh. i, 7944) a sort of subordinate or side-altar (generally a heap of earth covered with sand on which the fire is placed, and of which 8 are enumerated, viz. besides the {AgnIdhrIya} [in the gndhra] those in the Sadas [see s.v.] belonging to the {hotR}, the {maitrA-varuNa} or {pra-zastR}, the {brAhmaNAcchaMsin}, the {potR}, {neSTR} and {acchA-vAka}; and the {mArjAlIya}) Br. S'rS. &c. (cf. {klRpta-}) &c.; N. of Us'anas i.e. the planet Venus L. (cf. {dhiSaNa}); ({A}) f. a meteor Var. (n. only MBh. v, 7272); n. site, place, abode, region, house MBh. Kv. Pur. &c.; the seat of a god i.e. a quarter of the sky VP.; star, asterism (looking like the fire on the side altars) Var.; the orb of an

asterism (on which its light seems to centre) MBh. VP.; power, strength L.; mfn. placed upon a mound of earth serving as an altar AV. Br. &c.; m. (with or scil. {agni}) a fire so placed VS. TS.&c. dhiya: see dhI, dhyati dhiyati= dhi dhruk*= unworthy, opposing, killing, harming dhruva*= mf(%{A4})n. (prob. fr. %{dhR}, but cf. %{dhru} and %{dhruv}) fixed, firm, immovable, unchangeable, constant, lasting, permanent, eternal RV. &c. &c. (e.g. the earth, a mountain, a pillar, a vow &c.; with %{svA7Gga} n. an inseparable member of the body Pa1n2. 6-2, 177; with %{dhenu} f. a cow which stands quiet when milked AV. xii, 1, 45; with %{diz} f. the point of the heavens directly under the feet [reckoned among the quarters of the sky cf. 2. %{diz}] AV. Br. [521,3]; with %{smRti} f. a strong or retentive memory ChUp. vii, 26, 2; cf. also under %{karaNa} and %{nakSatra}); staying with (loc.) RV. ix, 101, 12; settled, certain, sure Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c.; ifc. = %{pApa} L.; m. the polar star (personified as son of Utta1na-pa1da and grandson of Manu) Gr2S. MBh. &c.; celestial pole Su1ryas.; the unchangeable longitude of fixed stars, a constant arc ib.; a knot

VS. v, 21; 30; a post, stake L.; the Indian fig-tree L.; tip of the nose (?) L.; a partic. water-bird ib.; the remaining (i.e. preserved) Graha which having been drawn in the morning is not offered till evening S3Br. Vait.; (in music) the introductory verse of a song (recurring as a kind of burthen) or a partic. time or measure (%{tAla-vizeSa}); any epoch to which a computation of dates is referred W.; N. of an astrol. Yoga; of the syllable Om Ra1matUp.; of Brahma1 L.; of Vishn2u MBh.; of S3iva S3ivag.; of a serpent supporting the earth Gr2S. TA1r.; of a Vasu MBh. Hariv. Pur.; of a son of Vasu-deva and Rohin2i1 BhP.; of an A1n3girasa (supposed author of RV. x, 173) Anukr.; of a son of Nahusha MBh.; of a follower of the Pa1n2d2us ib.; of a son of Ranti-na1ra (or Ranti-bha1ra) Pur.; (%{A}) f. the largest of the 3 sacrificial ladles AV. xviii, 4, 5, 6 (with %{juhU} & %{upabhRt}) VS. S3Br. &c.; (scil. %{vRtti}) a partic. mode of life Baudh.; (scil. %{strI}) a virtuous woman L.; Desmodium Gangeticum L.; Sanseviera Zeylanica L.; (in music) the introductory verse (cf. above); n. the fixed point (from which a departure takes place) Pa1n2. 1-4, 24; the enduring sound (supposed to be heard after the Abhinidha1na) RPra1t.; air, atmosphere L.; a kind of house Gal.; (%{am}) ind. firmly, constantly, certainly, surely Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. Ka1v. &c.; (%{Aya}) ind. for ever Hariv. [Cf. Zd. {drva}.]

dhmaati = to blow air into, to inflate dhri = to bear dhrishtha [dhRSTa] *= mfn. bold , daring , confident , audacious , impudent RV. AV. (cf. %{a4-} , %{a4n-A-}) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; secured , obtained W. ; profligate , abandoned ib. (ifc. it gives a bad sense to the first member of the comp. Pa1n2. 2-1 , 53 Gan2ar. ii. 114) ; m. a faithless husband ib. ; a magic. formula spoken over weapons R. ; N. of a son of Manu Vaivasvata Hariv. (C. %{-SNu}) Pur. (cf. %{dhArSTa}) ; of a son of Kunti Hariv. ; of a son of Bhajama1na ib. (C. %{SNa}) ; (%{A}) f. a disloyal or unchaste woman W. ; (%{am}) ind. boldly , courageously , fearlessly S3Br. La1t2y. R. [520,1] dhriti* = f. holding, seizing, keeping, supporting (cf. {carSaNI-}, {vi-}), firmness, constancy, resolution, will, command RV. &c. &c. [519, 3]; satisfaction, content, joy MBh. Kv. &c. ({-tiM-kR}, to keep ground or stand still MBh. vii, 4540; to find pleasure or satisfaction Ratn. iv, 4/5; {-timbandh}, to show firmness Amar. 67; to fix the mind on Mn. v, 47); Resolution or Satisfaction personified as a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma (MBh. Hariv. Pur.) or as a S'akti (Hcat. &c.); N. of partic. evening oblations at the

as'vamedha S'Br.; any offering or sacrifice W.; of sev. kinds of metre and of a class of metres consisting of 4 X 18 syllables Col.; of the numeral 18 Var. Ganit.; of one of the astrol. Yogas. L.; of a mythical garden Gol.; of one of the 16 Kals of the moon Pur.; of a goddess (daughter of a Kal of Prakriiti and wife of Kapila) ib.; of the wife of Rudra-Manu ib.; of the 13th of the 16 Mtriiks L.; m. wish {kSatrasya} = {kSatra-dh-} Lthy.; N. of one of the Vis've Devs MBh.; of a preceptor Cat.; of the son of Vijaya and father of Dhriita-vrata Hariv. Pur.; of a son of Vta-havya and father of Bahula7s'va Pur.; of a son of Babhru L.; of a Varsha in Kus'a-dvpa VP. dhrita = ghee * dhrita * = mfn. held, borne, maintained, supported kept, possessed; used, practised, observed RV. &c. &c.; measured, weighed (with or scil. {tulayA}) MBh.; worn (as clothes, shoes, beard, &c.) Mn. MBh. Kv.; kept back, detained ({kare}, by the hand) Hit.; drawn tight (reins) S'ak.; turned towards or fixed upon, ready or prepared for, resolved on (loc. or dat.) MBh. R.; continuing, existing, being ib.; prolonged (in pronunciation) Prt. ({am} ind. solemnly, slowly Pac. iii, 72/73); (with {antare}) deposited as surety, pledged ib. iv, 31/32; quoted, cited by (comp.) L.; m. N. of a son of

the 13th Manu Hariv. (v.l. {bhRtha}); of a descendant of Druhyu and son of Dharma Pur. (cf. {dhArteya}); n. a partic. manner of fighting Hariv. dhritaraashhTrasya = of Dhritarashtra dhriti = with determination dhritiM = steadiness dhritiH = firmness dhritigrihiitayaa = carried by conviction dhriteH = of steadiness dhritya = by determination dhrityaa = determination drishtha4 * = mfn. seen, looked at, beheld, perceived, noticed Mn. MBh. Kv. &c.; visible, apparent AV. VS.; considered, regarded, treated, used S'ak. iii, 7 Pac. i, 401/402; appeared, manifested, occurring, existing, found, real Kv. Pac. Hit.; experienced, learnt, known, understood MBh. Kv. &c.; seen in the mind, devised, imagined MBh. R.; allotted, destined ib.; settled, decided, fixed, acknowledged, valid Mn. Yj. MBh. &c.; n.

perception, observation Snkhyak. Tattvas.; (scil. {bhaya}) a real or obvious danger. drishtha * = mfn. beheld, visible, conspicuous, famous, celebrated BhP. (= {pra-khyAta} Sch.); {TAnta} see p. 662, col. 1. dhrishhTaketuH = Dhrishtaketu dhrishhTadyumnaH = Dhristadyumna (the son of King Drupada) dhruvaM = certainly * = mf({A4})n. (prob. fr. {dhR}, but cf. {dhru} and {dhruv}) fixed, firm, immovable, unchangeable, constant, lasting, permanent, eternal RV. &c. &c. (e.g. the earth, a mountain, a pillar, a vow &c.; with {svA7Gga} n. an inseparable member of the body Pn. 6-2, 177; with {dhenu} f. a cow which stands quiet when milked AV. xii, 1, 45; with {diz} f. the point of the heavens directly under the feet [reckoned among the quarters of the sky cf. 2. {diz}] AV. Br. [521, 3]; with {smRti} f. a strong or retentive memory ChUp. vii, 26, 2; cf. also under {karaNa} and {nakSatra}); staying with (loc.) RV. ix, 101, 12; settled, certain, sure Mn. MBh. Kv. &c.; ifc. = {pApa} L.; m. the polar star (personified as son of Uttna-pda and grandson of Manu) GriS. MBh. &c.; celestial pole Sryas.; the unchangeable longitude of fixed stars,

a constant arc ib.; a knot VS. v, 21; 30; a post, stake L.; the Indian fig-tree L.; tip of the nose (?) L.; a partic. water-bird ib.; the remaining (i.e. preserved) Graha which having been drawn in the morning is not offered till evening S'Br. Vait.; (in music) the introductory verse of a song (recurring as a kind of burthen) or a partic. time or measure ({tAla-vizeSa}); any epoch to which a computation of dates is referred W.; N. of an astrol. Yoga; of the syllable Om RmatUp.; of Brahm L.; of Vishnu MBh.; of S'iva S'ivag.; of a serpent supporting the earth GriS. Tr.; of a Vasu MBh. Hariv. Pur.; of a son of Vasu-deva and Rohin BhP.; of an ngirasa (supposed author of RV. x, 173) Anukr.; of a son of Nahusha MBh.; of a follower of the Pndus ib.; of a son of Ranti-nra (or Ranti-bhra) Pur.; ({A}) f. the largest of the 3 sacrificial ladles AV. xviii, 4, 5, 6 (with {juhU} & {upabhRt}) VS. S'Br. &c.; (scil. {vRtti}) a partic. mode of life Baudh.; (scil. {strI}) a virtuous woman L.; Desmodium Gangeticum L.; Sanseviera Zeylanica L.; (in music) the introductory verse (cf. above); n. the fixed point (from which a departure takes place) Pn. 1-4, 24; the enduring sound (supposed to be heard after the Abhinidhna) RPrt.; air, atmosphere L.; a kind of house Gal.; ({am}) ind. firmly, constantly, certainly, surely Mn. Yj. MBh. Kv. &c.; ({Aya}) ind. for ever Hariv. [Cf. Zd. {drva}.]


dhruvaH = a fact dhruvaa = certain dhutavastra = Washed garment dhuka* = m. a kind of plant (commonly Bhuyabora or Rnabora). L.; ({A}) f. id. ib. dhumaH = smoke dhuumra * = mf(%{A})n. smoke-coloured , smoky , darkcoloured , grey , dark-red , purple VS. Br. &c. &c. ; dim , obscured (see below) ; m. a camel TS. ; a mixture of red and black , purple (the colour) W. ; incense (= %{turuSka}) L. ; (in astrol.) the 28th Yoga ; N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh. ; of a Da1nava Hariv. ; of S3iva MBh. ; of a monkey or bear R. ; of an author and other men Cat. (cf. %{dhUmrAyaNa} and %{dhaumr-}) ; pl. of a family of R2ishis R. ; (%{A}) f. a kind of gourd (= %{zazANDulI}) L. ; N. of the mother of the Vasu Dhara MBh. ; of Durga1 Devi1m. ; n. wickedness , sin W. dhunvan *V: waving dhuraa = (f) yoke, responsibility


dhuriNa = awakened/aroused? dhuuka* = m. wind L.; rogue L.; time L.; Mimusops Elengi Car. dhuuma = smoke dhuumaH = (m) smoke dhuumaketuH = (m) comet dhuumanirgamaH = (m) chimney dhuumapaana = smoking dhuumena = by smoke dhuupita * = mfn. incensed, perfumed MBh. R.; suffering pain or fatigue L. dhuurta = adj. clever dhuusaraH = grey dhUrjaTa * = m. N. of an attendant of S'iva Kaths. (cf. next). dhUr-jaTi * = m. `" having matted locks like a burden "', N. of Rudra-S'iva MBh. Kaths. Hit. &c.

({-Tin} MBh. xiii, 7510); N. of a poet (also {-rAja}) Cat. dhvajaH = (m) flag * = m. (n. only Hariv. 9245 and g. {ardharcA7di}; fr. 2. {dhvaj}) a banner, flag, standard (ifc. f. {A}) RV. &c. &c.; a flag-staff W.; mark, emblem, ensign, characteristic, sign MBh. Hariv.; attribute of a deity (cf. {makara-}, {vRSabha-} &c.); the sign of any trade (esp. of a distillery or tavern) and the business there carried on Mn. iv, 85; a distiller or vendor of spirituous liquors L.; (ifc.) the ornament of (e.g. {kuladhvaja}) L.; the organ of generation (of any animal, male or female) Sus'r. L. (cf. {puM-}, {strI-}); a skull carried on a staff (as a penance for the murder of a Brhman W.; as a mark of ascetics and Yogis MW.); N. of a tree (= {-vRkSa}) Cat.; a place prepared in a peculiar way for building L. (in pros.) an iambic; (in Gr.) a partic. kind of Krama-pthha: (in astrol.) N. of a Yoga; pride, arrogance, hypocrisy L.; N. of a Grma Pn. 4-2, 109 Sch. dhvaMsana * = mfn. = {-saka} MBh. (cf. {dakSA7dhvara-}); spluttering Nir. ii, 9; n. destruction, ruin R. BhP. dhvani = sound dhvanigraahakam.h = (n) microphone

dhvanivardhakam.h = (n) amplifier, loud-speaker dhvanii = sound dhvaniifita = audio cassette dhvasta* = mfn. fallen, destroyed, perished, lost Br. &c. &c.; eclipsed, obscured Var.; scattered or covered with (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kv. &c. dhyaatvaa = having meditated dhyaana = contemplation * n. meditation, thought, reflection, (esp.) profound and abstract religious meditation, ({-nam Apad}, {A-sthA} or {-naMgam}, to indulge in rreligious mmeditation) ChUp. Mn. MBh. Kv. &c. (with Buddhists divided into 4 stages MWB. 209 Dharmas. lxxii; but also into 3 ib. cix); mental representation of the personal attributes of a deity W.; insensibility, dulness Bhpr.; ({-na4}) m. N. of a partic. personification MaitrS.; of the 11th day of the light half in Brahma's month dhyaanam.h = meditation dhyaanayogaparaH = absorbed in trance dhyaanaat.h = than meditation

dhyaanena = by meditation dhyaaya.nti = meditate or think dhyaayataH = while contemplating dhyaayati = meditates dhyaayantaH = meditating dhyaayed.h = may we meditate dhyeyaM = is to be meditated digbala = Directional strength dina* =3 (accented only Naigh. i, 9) m. n. (g. %{ardharcA7di}, only occurring as n.) a day Mn. Ragh. Pan5cat. and o. (ifc. also in Vedic texts) ifc. f. %{A} Ra1jat. i, 347. [Cf. Lat. {peren-dinus}, {nUndinus} &c.; Got. {sin-teins}; Lit. {de0na}; O.Pr. acc. sg. {deinan}; Slav. {dr2ni1}.] diti = mother of the Daityas demons didarshayishhan.h = wishing to show diikinaaH = (m) a happy homosexual


diikshaa* = f. preparation or consecration for a religious ceremony, undertaking religious observances for a partic. purpose and the observances themselves AV. VS. Br. S'rS. &c.; dedication, initiation (personified as the wife of Soma RV. 25, 26, of Rudra Ugra or RRudra Vmadeva Pur.); any serious preparation (as for battle) MBh. Hariv. Kv.; self-devotion to a person or god, complete resignation or restriction to, exclusive occupation with (comp.; cf. {viraha-}, {zAka-}, {zRGgAra}.)diinajanaaya = to the poor (humble state) people diikshita mf(%{i} GopBr. i, 5, 24)n. consecrated, initiated into (dat. loc. instr., or comp.) AV. TS. Br. S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c.; prepared, ready for (dat. instr. or comp.) MBh. R. (%{-taM-kR}, to initiate, instruct Katha1s. xx, 198); performed (as the Di1ksha1 ceremony) W.; m. a priest engaged in a DDi1ksha1 (%{-tva} n. Jaim.); a pupil of (affixed, and rarely prefixed to the N. of a teacher, and given as a N. to a Bra1hman to denote his being a pupil of that tteacher e.g. %{bhaTToji-}, %{zaM-kara-}; sometimes the teacher's N. is dropped and DDi1ksha1 is used alone). diina* = mfn. (fr. 3. %{di}?) scarce, scanty RV.; depressed, afflicted, timid, sad; miserable, wretched Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c.; (%{am}) ind. sadly,

miserably S3iksh. 35; n. distress, wretchedness Hariv. Pan5c.; Tabernamontana Coronaria L.; (%{A}) f. the female of a mouse or shrew L. diip.h = to adorn, to grace diipa = light diipaH = lamp diipaka = Lamp diipena = with the lamp diipta = blazing diiptaM = glowing diiptaanala = blazing fire diipti = light diiptimantaM = glowing diiptaiH = shining diiyate = is given diirgha = Long

diirgha-suutra = one who works slowly, procrastinates diirghaH = (adj) long diirghasuutrii = procrastinating diirghaa = (adj) long dik * = in comp. for 2. {diz}, see dis' dina = Day dinadarshikaa = (f) calendar dinakara * = mf({I})n. making day or light; m. the sun Kv. &c.; N. of an ditya RmatUp.; of the author of the wk. Candra7rk; of a Sch. on S'is'. ({mizra-d-}); of other men; ({I}) f. (scil. {TIkA}) N. of Comm. on the Bhshsp. and Siddha7ntamukta7val; {-ra-TppanI} f. N. of a Comm.; {-ratanaya} m. `" son of the sun "', the planet Saturn Var.; {-ra-deva} m. N. of a poet; {-ra-bhaTTa} m. N. of an author; {-TIya} n. his wk.; {-rA7tmaja} m. `" daughter of the sun "' patr. of the Yamun; {rIya} n. {-ro4ddyota} m. N. of wks. di4na-kRt * = m. = {-kartR} MBh. VarBriS. &c.; {suta} m. = {-karatanaya} VarYogay.; {-d-divasa} m.

Sunday ib. di4na-kesara * = (also written {-zara}) m. `" dayhair "', darkness L. di4na-gaNa * = m. = {ahar-} Ganit.; {-Nita} n. N. of wk. di4na-caryA * = f. daily-work Kaths. di4na-naktam * = ind. by day and night MrkP. di4na-niz * = f. du. day and night VarBriS. xxxii, 7. di4na-pa * = m. the regent of a week-day ryabh. iii, 16. di4na-pati * = m. id. Ganit.; `" day-lord "', the sun Bhartri. Rjat. dinayaaminyau = dina+yAminI, day + night dinaankaH = (m) date dine = (Loc.sing.) during the day i.e day-by-day dis' * = 1 cl. 3. P. {di4deSTi} (Imper. {di4deSTu} RV.; cl. 6. {diza4ti}, {-te} [later the only Pres. stem]; pf. {dide4za}, {didize4}; fut. {dekSyati}, {796

te} [{deSTA} Siddh.]; aor. {adikSat} S'Br. &c.; {adikSi}, {a4diSTa} RV.; inf. {deSTum} MBh. etc.; {di4ze} RV.) to point out, show, exhibit RV.viii, 82, 15; to produce, bring forward (as a witness in a court of justice) Mn. viii; to promote, effect, accomplish Kir., i, 18; to assign, grant, bestow upon (dat. RV. ii, 41, 17 AV. xiv, 2, 13; gen. MBh. iii, 14278; xiii, 1843; loc. R. i, 2, 28); to pay (tribute) Hariv. 16061; to order, command, bid (inf.) Kir. v, 28: Pass. {dizyate} MBh. &c.: Caus. {dezayati}, {te}; aor. {adIdizat}, to show, point out, assign MBh. R.; to direct, order, command ib.; teach, communicate, tell, inform confess Buddh.: Desid. {didikSati}, {-te}, to wish to show &c.: Intens. {de4diSTe}, 3. pl. {-zate}, (p. f. pl. {-zatIs}) to show, exhibit, manifest RV.; to order, command ib.: Pass. {dedizyate}, to show or approve one's self. AV. VS. [Cf. Z. {dis}; Gk. $; Lat. {dco}, &149116[479, 3] {in-dricare} &c.; Goth. {teihan}; O. E. {te4on} (fr. {ti4han}).] dis' * = 2 f. quarter or region pointed at, direction, cardinal point RV. AV. S'Br. &c. (four in number, viz. {prAcI}, east; {dakSiNA}, south; {pratici}, west; and {udIcI}, north AV. xv, 2, 1 s'vGri. iv, 8 &c.; Sometimes a 5th, {dhruvA} AV. iii, 9, 15 S'Br. ix, 4, 3, 10; and a 6th, {UrdhvA} AV. iii, 27, 1 S'Br. xiv, 6, 11, 5; and a 7th, {vy-adhvA} AV. iv, 40, l S'Br. ix, 5, 2, 8; but oftener 8 are given i.e. the 4 cardinal

and the 4 intermediate quarters, S.E., S.W.N. W., and N. E. Mn. i, 13 [cf. {upa-}]; and even a 9th, and 10th, {tiryak} or {adhas} and {Urdhvam} S'Br. vi, 2, 2, 34 MBh. i, 729; {dizAm pati} [cf. {dik-pati}) below] = Soma RV. ix, 113, 2, or = Rudra VS.xvi, 17); quarter, region, direction, place, part (pl., rarely eg. the whole world e.g. {dizi}, {dizi}, in all directions, everywhere Bhartri. i, 86; {digbhyas}, from every qquarter BhP. i, 15, 8 [480, 2]; {dizo dizas}, hither and thither Pac. ii, 116/117; {dizo'valokya}, looking into the qquarter of the sky i.e. into the air Ratn. iv, 4/5 {di4so 'ntAt}, from the extremities of the world ib., Introd. 6); country, esp. foreign country, abroad (cf. {dig-Agata} and {lAbha}, below); space (beside {kAla}) Kap. ii, 12; the numeral 10 (cf. above) S'rutab. Sryas.; a hint, reference, instance, example Sus'r. Sh. Sch.; precept, order, manner RV. [cf. $ O. H.G. {zeiga} (see also {dizA})]; mark of a bite L.; N. of a river MBh. vi, 327. dis' * = 3 a vulgar form for {dRz}, to see Pn. i, 3, 1 Vrtt. 13 Pat. dishtha * = mfn. shown, pointed out, appointed, assigned ({diSTA gatis}, the appointed way "' i.e. death R. ii, 103, 8); fixed, settled; directed, bidden RV. AV. MBh. R. &c.; m. time L.; a sort of Curcuma L.; N. of a son of Manu Vaivasvata Pur.; n.

appointed place ChUp. v, 9, 2; aim, goal TBr. ii, 4, 2, 2 &c.; allotment, assignment, decree; fate, destiny AV. x, 3, 16 MBh.; direction, order, command BhP. v, 1, 11 &c. Rjat. iv, 121; a description according to space and time (i.e. of a natural phenomenon) Sh. dishtha4-kArin * =mfn. executing an order or acting according to fate BhP. iv, 28, 1. dishtha4-dRz * =mfn. looking at fate or at one's lot BhP. iv, 21, 22. dishtha4-para * =mfn. relying on fate, fatalist MBh. iii, 1214. dishtha4-bhAva * =m. `" appointed state "' i.e. death MBh. v, 4529. dishtha4-bhuj * =mfn. reaping the appointed results of one's works BhP. vii, 13, 39. dishthA7nta * =m. `" appointed end "' i.e. death MBh. R. &c. dishthi * =f. direction, prescription, TndyaBr. xxv, 18; auspicious juncture, good fortune, happiness (esp. instr. {-TyA}, thank heaven! I congratulate you on your good luck! often with {vardhase}, you

are fortunate) MBh. Kv. &c.; a kind of measure of length Kaus'. Sch. on Kty. Sr. dishthi-vRddhi * =f. congratulation Kd. Hcar. dita * = 1 mfn. (3. %{dA}) bound (cf. %{ud-} , %{ni-} , %{saM-}).\\ 2 mfn. ( %{do} Pa1n2. 7-4 , 40) cut , torn , divided BhP. vi , 6 , 23 (cf. %{nir-}). dhisthhita - see adhishthhita divaM = to heaven divangataH = died divasa = day divasakritaM = day-time-done divasasya = of days divase = on the day diva *= n. heaven , sky MBh. Hariv. ; day , esp. in %{dive4-dive} , day by day , daily RV. and ifc. (g. %{zaradAdi}) ; wood L. [Cf. %{a4har-} , %{tri-} , %{naktaM-} , %{naktaM-} %{bRhad-}. %{rAtrim-} , %{su-} ; cf. also $ Fo in $ Lat. (?) {biduum}.


divaa *= ind. (for %{divA4} , instr. of 3. %{di4v}) g. %{svarAdi} , by day (often opposed to %{na4ktam}) RV. ; used also as subst. e.g. %{divA@bhavati} ChUp. iii , 11 , 3 ; (with %{rAtris}) MBh. ii , 154 &c. ; esp. in beginning of comp. divam *V= to the spiritual world, the heavens, the sky, to heaven, the higher planets, to their heavenly himes, to the spiritual world, the higherplanets, the celestial planets. divaakara = sun divi = in heaven divya = divine divyaM = transcendental divyaaH = divine divyaan.h = celestial divyaanaaM = of the divine divyaani = divine divyaayudhaH = the man with divine weapons

divyau = transcendenta diSTa * =fate, destiny; direction, order, command mfn. shown, pointed out, appointed, assigned, the appointed way "' i.e. death; fixed, settled; directed, bidden; a sort of Curcuma L.; N. of a son of Manu Vaivasvata Pur.; n. appointed place; aim, goal; allotment, assignment, decree; BhP. v,; a description according to space and time (i.e. of a natural phenomenon) Sh. dishaH = on all sides dishati = (6 pp) to show dishaa = directions dishaaM = direction dishi = in all directions dogdhi = milks (from duh.h: to milk ) dodhayati = to explain doraka = (m) rope, string dolaa = swing


doshaa * = 1^ f. darkness, night RV. AV. &c. ({A4m} & {A4} [instr.; cf. g. {svar-Adi}] ind. in the evening, at dusk, at night); Night personified (and regarded with Prabhs as wife of Pushpa7rna and mother of Pradosha or Evening, Nis'itha [!] or Midnight and Vyushtha or Day-break) BhP. iv, 13, 13; 14 (cf. {doSa4s}, {pazcA-doSa}, {pra-doSa}, {prati-doSam}) 1. dosha * = 1 m. evening, darkness (only BhP., where personified as one of the, 8 Vasus and husband of Night, vi, 6, 11; 14); ({A4}) f. see next. \\2 m. rarely n. ( {duS}) fault, vice, deficiency, want, inconvenience, disadvantage Up. Mn. MBh. Kv. &c. [498, 3]; badness, wickedness, sinfulness Mn. R.; offence, transgression, guilt, crime (acc. with {R} or {labh}, to incur guilt), SrS. Mn. MBh. &c.; damage, harm, bad consequence, detrimental effect ({nai9Sa doSaH}, there is no harm; {ko'tra d}, what does it matter?) Mn. MBh. Kv. &c.; accusation, reproach ({-SaMkR} or {-SeNa-gam} with acc., to accuse) R.; alteration, affection, morbid element, disease (esp. of the 3 humours of the body, viz. {pitta}, {vAyu}, and {zleSman}, 1 [cf. {tridoSa} and {dhAtu}], applied also to the humours themselves) Sus'r.; (also {-Saka}) a calf L. doshaa* = 2 f. (for 1. see 1. {doSa}) the arm L.


doshaiH = by faults doshha = Blemish doshhaM = fault doshhavat.h = as an evil doshhaaH = the faults doshhena = with fault doshhaiH = by such faults drAva * = m. (fr. 2. %{dru}) going quickly, speed, flight; fusing, liquefaction; heat L. draavya* = mfn. to be made to run or put to flight W.; fusible, liquefiable. drava = liquid * = mfn. (fr. 2. %{dru}) running (as a horse) RV. iv, 40, 2; flowing, fluid, dropping, dripping, trickling or overflowing with (comp.) Ka1t2h. Mn. MBh. Ka1v.; fused, liquefied, melted W.; m. going, quick motion, flight Hariv.; play, sport Ja1takam.; distilling, trickling, fluidity Bha1sha1p.; juice, essence, decoction; stream or gush of (comp.) Ka1v.; (dram.) the flying out against one's superior Das3ar. Sa1h.; N. of one of

the Vis3ve Deva1s, Hcat "' dravaNa = melting dravati = (1 pp) to melt dravanti = glide draviNa* = n. movable property (as opp. to house and field), substance, goods (m.pl. BhP. v, 14, 12), wealth, money RV. AV. Mn. MBh. &c.; essence, substantiality, strength, power RV. AV. S'Br. R. &c.; N. of a Sman ArshBr.; m. N. of a son of Vasu Dhara (or Dhava) MBh. Hariv. VP.; of a son of Priithu BhP.; of a mountain ib.; pl. the inhabitants of a Varsha in Krauca-dvpa ib. dravya* = n. a substance, thing, object Up. Mn. MBh. &c.; the ingredients or materials of anything MBh. R.; medicinal substance or drug Sus'r.; (phil.) elementary substance (9 in the Nyya, viz "' {pRthivI}, {ap}, {tejas}, {vAyu}, {AkAza kAla}, {diz}, {Atman}, {manas}; 6 with Jainas, viz. {jIva}, {dharma}, {adharma}, {pudgala}, {kAla}, {AkAza}); (Gr.) single object or person, individual (cf. {eka-}); fit object or person (cf. {A-}.); object of possession, wealth, goods, money Mn. Yj. MBh. &c.; gold R. vii, 18, 34 Sch.; bellmetal, brass L.; ointment L. "'; spirituous liquour L.; a stake, a

wager W. dravya* = 2 mfn. (fr. 4. {dru}) derived from or relating to a tree Pn. 4-3, 161; tree-like or corresponding to a tree S'nkhBr. x, 2; n. lac, gum, resin L. dravyamayaat.h = of material possessions dravyayaGYaaH = sacrificing one's possessions dravyeNa = (instr.S) money or riches or wealth drashhTaa = consciousness, the 'witness, ' also a statesman with insight drashhTuM = to be seen drakshyasi = you will see draakshaa = (f) grapes dhR * =. 1. P. . {dharati}, {-te} (Dhtup. xxii, 3; . Pot. {dhareran} pS'r.), but more commonly in the same sense the Caus. form {dhArayati}, {-te} (perf. P. {dA8dhA4ra}, {-dha4rtha} [Impv. {dadhartu} AV. Paipp.]; . {dadhre4}, 3. pl. {-dhrire4} RV. &c. &c.; aor. {adhAram} R.; {adhRta}, {dhRthAs} AV.; {a4dIdharat} RV. &c. &c. [{dIdhar}, {didhRtam}, {806

ta} RV.; 3. pl. {-rata} S'Br.]; {adArSIt} Gr.; fut. {dhariSyati} MBh.; {-Sye4} AV.; {dhartA} BhP.; inf. {dhartum} Kv., {-tavai} Br. [{dharta4ri} see under {-Tri}]; ind. p. {dhRtvA}, {-dhRtya} Br.) to hold, bear (also bring forth), carry, maintain, preserve, keep, possess, have, use, employ, practise, undergo RV. &c. &c.; (with or scil {AtmAnam}, {jIvitam}, {prANAn}, {deham}, {zarIram} &c.) to preserve soul or body, continue living, survive MBh. Kv. &c. (esp. fut. {dhariSyati}; cf. Pass. below); to hold back, keep down, stop, restrain, suppress, resist Br. MBh. Kv. &c.: to place or fix in, bestow or confer on (loc.) RV. AV. Br. &c.; destine for (dat.; . also to be destined for or belong to) RV.; present to (gen.) Krand.; to direct or turn (attention, mind, &c.) towards, fix or resolve upon (loc. or dat.) Up. Yj. MBh.; . to be ready or prepared for S'Br.; P. . to owe anything (acc.) to (dat. or gen.) MBh. (cf. Pn. 1-4, 35); to prolong (in pronunciation) AitBr. RPrt.; to quote, cite L.; (with {garbham}) to conceive, be pregnant (older {-bham-bhR}) MBh. Kv. &c.; (with {daNDam}) to inflict punishment on (loc.) MBh. R. BhP. (also {damam}); (with {kezAn}, or {zmazru}) to let the hair or beard grow MBh.; (with {razmIn} [ib.] or {praharAn} [S'ak.]) to draw the reins tight; (with {dharamam}) to fulfil a duty R.; (with {vrata4m}) to observe or keep a vow RV. &c. &c.; (with {dhAraNAm}) to practise self-control Yj.; (wit. {ipas}) to perform penance BhP.; (with {mUrdhnA} or {-dhni}, {zirasA} or {807

si}) to bear on the head, honour highly Kv.; (with or scil. {tulayA}) to hold in a balance, weigh, measure MBh. Kv. &c.; (with or scil. {manasA}) to bear in mind, recollect, remember ib.; (with {samaye}) to hold to an agreement, cause to make a compact Pac. i, 125/126 (B. {dRSTvA} for {dhRtvA}): Pass. {dhriya4te} (ep. also {-yati}; pf. {dadhre4} &c. = .; aor. {adhAri}) to be borne &c.; so be firm, keep steady RV. &c. &c.; continue living, exist, remain Br. MBh. Kv. &c. (also {dhAryate} R.); to begin, resolve upon, undertake (dat.; acc. or inf.) AV. S'Br. ChUp.: Caus. {dhAra4yati}, {-te} see above: Desid. {didhIrSati} (see {-SA}), {didhariSate} Pn. 7-2, 75; {didhArayiSati}, to wish to keep up or preserve ({AtmAnam}) Gobh. iii, 5, 30: Intens. {da4rdharti} (RV.) and {dAdharti} (3. pl. {-dhrati} TS.; cf. Pn. 7-4, 65) to hold fast, bear firmly, fasten. [Cf. Zd. {dar} [519, 2]; Gk. $; Lat. {fre1-tus}, &160659[519, 2] {fre1-num}.] dRta *= respected, honoured driDha = unrelenting driDhaM = strongly driDhataa = firmness, strength driDhanishchayaH = with determination

driDhavrataaH = with determination driDhaasana = the side relaxation posture driDhena = strong dRpta* = mfn. mad, wild, proud, arrogant ({-tara}, compar.) MBh. Kv. &c. (cf. {a4-d-} and {adRpita4}). drishau = eyes drishh = (pashyati) to see drishaH = eyes dris'a m. look , appearance (cf. %{I-d-} , %{kI-d-} , %{tA-d-} &c.) ; (%{am}) ind. = 2. %{dRz} ifc. (g. %{zarad-Adi}) ; (%{A}) f. the eye L. dris'a mf(%{I})n. id. Ka1v. Katha1s. Ra1jat. dris'ad * = %{dRzadvati} = %{dRSad} , %{dRSadvatI} below. dris'aakaaGkshya * = n. `" desirable to the eye "' , a lotus L. dris'aalu * = m. the sun L.

dris'aana * = m. (cf. 1. %{dRz}) a Bra1hman or spiritual teacher L. ; N. of a R2ishi with the patr. Bha1rgava Ka1t2h. ; of a demon L. ; n. light , brightness L. dris'aasphutamAlA * = (or %{-zA-sph-}?) f. N. of wk. dris'ati * = f. look , appearance RV. vi , 3 , 3. drishad *= f. ( %{dRR}? Un2. i, 130) a rock, large stone, mill-stone, esp. the lower mmill-ststone (which rests on the %{upala}) RV. AV. VS. S3Br.; GS. Ka1v. &c. drishhTaH = observed drishhTavaan.h = seeing drishhTavaanasi = as you have seen drishhTiM = vision drishhTii = Sight drishhTiibheda = difference in seeing, observing or outlook drishhTvaa = having seen

drikshyati = see draavya * = mfn. to be made to run or put to flight W.; fusible, liquefiable. draupadeyaaH = the sons of Draupadi dravya * = n. a substance, thing, object Up. Mn. MBh. &c.; the ingredients or materials of anything MBh. R.; medicinal substance or drug Sus'r.; (phil.) elementary substance (9 in the Nyya, viz "' {pRthivI}, {ap}, {tejas}, {vAyu}, {AkAza kAla}, {diz}, {Atman}, {manas}; 6 with Jainas, viz. {jIva}, {dharma}, {adharma}, {pudgala}, {kAla}, {AkAza}); (Gr.) single object or person, individual (cf. {eka-}); fit object or person (cf. {A-}.); object of possession, wealth, goods, money Mn. Yj. MBh. &c.; gold R. vii, 18, 34 Sch.; bellmetal, brass L.; ointment L. "'; spirituous liquour L.; a stake, a wager W. dravya * = 2 mfn. (fr. 4. {dru}) derived from or relating to a tree Pn. 4-3, 161; tree-like or corresponding to a tree S'nkhBr. x, 2; n. lac, gum, resin L. drogdhavya* = mfn. to be injured S3Br. MBh. drogdhovya* = &c. see above.

drogdhR* = m. injurer, ill-wisher MBh. Ra1jat. droha *= m. injury, mischief. harm, perfidy, treachery, wrong, offence Mn. MBh. R. &c. droha *= m. injury , mischief. harm , perfidy , treachery , wrong , offence Mn. MBh. R. &c. drohabhAva *= m. hostile disposition Mn. ix , 17. drohabuddhi *= mfn. maliciously-minded , malevolent MW. drohacintana *= n. injurious design L. drohapara *= mfn. full of malice , Rajat. drohATa *= (%{-hA7Ta}?) m. a false man ; a hunter ; a form of metre (L.). drohavacana *= n. injurious language MBh. drohavRtti *= mfn. malicious , wicked Ra1jat. drohin *= mfn. hurting , harming ; perfidious against , hostile to (gen. or comp.) MBh. R. &c. drohita *= mfn. hostile , maliciously inclined L.


druh: * =1 cl. 4. P. {dru4hyati} (ep. and metr "' also . {-te}) Br. MBh. R. &c. (pf. {dudrbha} RV., {hitha} AV.; aor. {adruhat}, Gr "' Subj. 2 sg. {druhas} MBh., 3 pl. {druhan} [with {mA}] RV.; 2 sg. adrukshas AitBr.; fut. {dhrokSyati} MaitrS., {drohiSyati} Pn. 7-2, 45; {drogdhA}, {droDhA} or {drohitA} Gr.; inf. {drogdhavai} Kthh.; ind. p. {drugdhvA}, {drochitvA}, {druhitvA} Gr.; {druhya} MaitrS.) to hurt, seek to harm, be hostile to (dat.; rarely gen. [R. ii, 99, 23 Hit. ii, 121] loc. [BhP. iv, 2, 21] or acc "' [Mn. ii, 144]); absol. to bear malice or hatred MBh. Hit.; to be a foe or rival Kvya7d. ii, 61: Caus. {drohayati}: Desid. {dudrohiSati}, {dudruh-} Gr.; {dudrukSat} Kthh. (cf. {abhi-} and {dudhrukSu}). [Orig. {dhrugh} [502, 3]; cf. Zd. {druj}; Germ. {triogan}, {trgen}.] druh4: * 2 mfn. (nom. {dhruk} or {dhruT} Pn. 82, 33; wrongly {druk}; cf. {ni4drA-}.) injuring, hurtful, hostile to (gen. or comp.) Mn. MBh. Pur.; m.f. injurer, foe, fiend, demon RV. Kthh.; f. injury, harm, offence RV. AV. [Cf. Zd. {druj}; Germ. {gidrog}, {gethroc}.] druha * = m. a son L.; a lake L. (cf. {draha}); ({I}) f. a daughter L. druhiNa * = m. id. Rjat.; N. of S'iva or Vishnu Hariv. (w.r. {-hina}).

druhvan * = mfn. hurting, injuring RV. AV. druhyu * = m. pl. N. of a people RV.; sg. N. of a son of Yayti and brother of Yadu &c. MBh. (w.r. {du4hyu}) Hariv. (v.l. {druhya}) Pur. druhya* = m. N. of a man; g. {zivA7di} pl. his descendants; g. {yaskA7di} (also v.l. for the next Hariv.) druhyet *V= will commit violence. druhaNa * =m. (either fr. 1. {druh}, or = {drughaNa}) N. of Brahm L. drudha = robust drupadaH = Drupada drupadaputreNa = by the son of Drupada druta* = mfn. quick, speedy, swift MBh. R.; quickly or indistinctly spoken Gt.; flown, run away or asunder Kv. Pur.; dissolved, melted, fluid Kv.; m. a scorpion L.; a tree (cf. {druNa} and {druma}) L.; n. a partic. faulty pronunciation of vowels Pat.; ({am}) ind. quickly, rapidly, without delay. Mn. MBh. &c.


dreshhkaaNa = A Varga. This is a subdivision of one third or a sign. Also known as Dreshkana droha * = m. injury, mischief. harm, perfidy, treachery, wrong, offence Mn. MBh. R. &c. droNa = the teacher Drona droNaM = Drona droNaH = Dronacarya droNii = (f) bucket druma = tree druta * = quick, speedy, swift MBh. R.; quickly or indistinctly spoken Gt.; flown, run away or asunder Kv. Pur.; dissolved, melted, fluid Kv.; m. a scorpion L.; a tree (cf. {druNa} and {druma}) L.; n. a partic. faulty pronunciation of vowels Pat.; ({am}) ind. quickly, rapidly, without delay. Mn. MBh. &c. duda * = m. N. of a mountain MBh. xiii, 7658. dudda * = and mfn. giving pain, cruel, wicked L. duddAdin * = mfn. giving pain, cruel, wicked L.


duddhara * = m. (for %{dur-dh-}?) a kind of rope-ladder Pan5cad. dudh * = cl. 1. P. %{do4dhati} (Nigh. ii, 12), to be angry, hurt, injure; Pres. p. %{do4dhat}, impetuous, wild, fierce RV. dudhi * = mfn. violent, impetuous, injurious RV. duhitaH = (f) daughter duhitaa = (f) daughter duHs'Ila * = mfn. badly disposed, ill-behaved MBh. R. &c. ({-tA} f. Kull.); ({A}) f. N. of a woman Kaths.; {-citta} mfn. bad-hearted, Subhsh. duHshcharita = adj. bad blooded duHkha = sorrow * = 1 mfn. (according to grammarians properly written {duS-kha} and said to be from {dus} and {kha} [cf. {su-kha4}]; but more probably a Prkritized form for {duH-stha} q.v.) uneasy, uncomfortable, unpleasant, difficult R. Hariv. (compar. {-tara} MBh. R.); n. (ifc. f. {A}) uneasiness, pain, sorrow, trouble, difficulty S'Br. xiv, 7, 2, 15 Mn. MBh. &c. (personified as the son of Naraka and Vedan VP.); ({am}) ind. with difficulty, scarcely, hardly (also {at} and {ena})

MBh. R.; impers. it is difficult to or to be (inf.with an acc. or nom. R. vii, 6, 38 Bhag. v, 6); {duHkham} - {as}, to be sad or uneasy Ratn. iv, 19/20; - {kR}, to cause or feel pain Yj. ii, 218 MBh. xii, 5298.\\2 Nom. P. {-khati}, to pain SaddhP. duHkhaM = distress duHkhataraM = more painful duHkhasa.nyoga = of the miseries of material contact duHkhahaa = diminishing pains duHkhaanaaM = material miseries duHkhaalayaM = place of miseries duHkhe = and distress duHkhena = by miseries duHkheshhu = in the threefold miseries duHkhaiH = the distresses duHkhita *= mfn. pained, distressed; afflicted,

unhappy Mn. MBh. R. &c.; %{-citta} mfn. grieved in mind MW duHshiila = adj. bad-tempered duHstha mfn. `" standing badly "', unsteady, disquieted (lit. and fig.); uneasy, unhappy, poor, miserable Pur. Ra1jat.; ignorant, unwise, a fool L.; covetous W.; (%{am}) ind. badly, ill; with %{sthA}, to be unwell Amar. 29. dukhanda = hot iron dugdha = milk duHs'iila* = mfn. badly disposed, ill-behaved MBh. R. &c. ({-tA} f. Kull.); ({A}) f. N. of a woman Kaths.; {-citta} mfn. bad-hearted, Subhsh. DukriJNkaraNa = grammatic formula ``DukRi.nkaraNa'' DukriJNkaraNe = the grammatical formula ``DukRi.nkaraNe'' dura * = 1 = 1. {dur} only in {zata-} (q.v.) \\ * = 2 m. (perhaps {dRR}) `" one who opens or unlocks "', giver, granter (= {dAtR} Sy.) RV. i, 53, 2; vi, 35, 5.


duraas'aya *= mfn. evil-minded, malicious Prab. ii, 28/29 BhP.; m. the subtle body which is not destroyed by death Sch. duravaapa *= mfn. ddifficult to be attained or accomplished MBh. vii, 727 S3ak. i, 26/27. dur-bhraatri = bad brother duratyaya = very difficult to overcome * = mfn. {atikrama} KathhUp. iii, 14 MBh. R. &c.; inaccessible MBh. xiii, 4880; inscrutable, unfathomable R. iii, 71, 15 BhP.; {-yA7nukramaNa} mfn. whose ways are past finding out (God) MW. duraatman.h = evil natured, vile duraasadaM = formidable duraas'a * = mfn. having bad expectations Prab.iii, 5; ({A}) f. bad expectation, vain hope, despair Rjat. Bh duranvaya * = mfn. difficult to be passed along (road) R. ii, 92, 3; ddifficult to be accomplished or performed MBh. Hariv.; ddifficult to be found out or fathomed R.; not corresponding or suitable BhP. x, 84, 14; m. a false concord (in gram.); a consequence wrongly deduced from given premises

MW duraapa * = mfn. didifficult to be attained or approached, inaccessible S3Br. Mn. MBh. &c.; m. N. of a Da1nava Hariv. duraasada *= ddifficult or dangerous to be approached MBh. Kv. Pur.; ddifficult to be found or met with, unheard of, unparalleled MBh. R.; difficult to be accomplished (v.l. {-saha}); m. N. of S'iva, mystical N. of a sword MBh. xii, 6203. durbala = weak durbuddhi = stupid person, idiot durbuddheH = evil-minded durbhiksha = famine durdars'a * = mfn. difficult to be seen or met with KathhUp. past. MBh. R. &c.; disagreeable or painful to the sight MBh. Hariv. &c.; {-tA} f. MBh. viii, 861; {-zatAya} Nom. . {-yate}, to have a bad or disgusting appearance MW. dureva* = mfn. ill-disposed, malignant; m. evildoer, criminal RV. AV. durga = fort

durgati = bad state, defeat durgatiM = to degradation durgam.h = (n) fort durgama* = mfn. difficult to be traversed or travelled over, impassable, inaccessible, unattainable MBh. Hariv. Kv.; m. or n. a ddifficult situation; m. N. of a son of Vasu-deva and Pauravi VP.; of Dhriita ib., &c.; {-mArganirgama} mfn. of ddifficult access and issue Pac. i, 427; {durgamA7zu-bodhinI} f. N. of a Comm. durgaa = Goddess Durga durgaaNi = impediments durghaTanaa = (f) calamity, disaster durita * = ({du4r-} RV. i, 125, 7) n. bad course, difficulty, danger. discomfort, evil, sin (also personified) RV. AV. Hariv. Kv. &c.; mfn. difficult, bad AV. xii, 2, 28; wicked, sinful L.; {-kSaya} m. destruction of sin BhP.; N. of a man ib.; {-damanI} f. Mimosa Suma L.; {-tA7tman} mfn. evil-minded, malicious Subh. 147; {-tA7ri} f. `" enemy of sin "'N. of a Jaina goddess; {-tA7rNava} m. `" ocean of sins "'N. of a king Kautukar.

durjana = wicked person durjanaM = bad person durnigrahaM = difficult to curb durniriikshyaM = difficult to see durnivaara = hard to correct durlabha = ungettable durlabhaM = rare (thing) durlabhataraM = very rare durlakSya* = mfn. hardly visible Das3. Ra1jat.; n. a bad aim Ratn. iii, 2 durmada * = mad conception or illusion, foolish pride or arrogance Pur.; ({-ma4da}) mfn. drunken, fierce, mad, infatuated by (comp.) RV. MBh. &c.; m. N. of a son of Dhriita-rshthra MBh. i; of a son of Dhriita (father of Pracetas); of a son of Bhadrasena (father of Dhanaka); of a son of Vasu-deva and Rohini or Paurav Pur.; {-da-vIra-mAnin} mfn. foolishly fancying (one's self) a hero BhP. iii, 17, 28; {-dA7ndha} mfn. `" blinded by mad illusion "', besotted, v, 12, 16; {-din} m. drinker, drunkard Pat.

durmatiH = foolish durmanaH = (adj) evil-minded durmanaH = adj. evil-minded durmedhaa = unintelligent duryodhanaH = King Duryodhana durvachana = wicked statements durvaadalashyaamaM = black as the'durvA' (flower)petal durvibhaavya *= mfn. d difficult to be perceived or understood Ka1v. durvidagdha = foolishly puffed up, vain durviniita * = mfn. badly educated, ill-conducted, undisciplined, mean, wicked, obstinate, restive MBh. Kv. &c. ({-taka} id. Kaths. xx, 9); m. N. of a sage (associated with Durvsas &c.) VarBriS. xlviii, 63; of a prince. durvisha* = m. `" ddifficult to be pervaded or approached "'N. of S'iva MBh. xii, 104


durvishaha* = mfn. ddifficult to be borne or supported, intolerable, irresistible, impracticable MBh. R. BhP. ({-Sahya} id. MBh. R.); m. N. of S'iva MBh. xii, 10431; of a son of Dhriita-rshthra MBh. i. durvitarkya * = mfn. difficult to be discussed or understood BhP durvritta = those having wickedness durvrittaM = bad deed dush*= ind. a prefix to nouns and rarely to verbs or adverbs (Pn. 2-1, 6; 2, 18 Vrtt. 2 Pat.; iii, 3, 126 &c.) implying evil, bad, difficult, hard [488, 2]; badly, hardly; slight, inferior &c. (opp. to {su}), often = Engl. {in-} or {un-} [cf. 2. {duS}; Zd. {dush}; Gk. $; Goth. {tuz-}; O.H.G. {zur}.]. It becomes {dur} (q.v.) before vowels and soft consonants; {dU} (q.v.) before {r} and sometimes before {d}, {dh}, {n}, which become {D}, {Dh}, {N}; remains unchanged before {t}, {th} (in older language however {ST}, {STh}); becomes {duS} (q.v.), rarely {duH} before {k}, {kh}; {p}, {ph}; {duz} (q.v.) before {c}, {ch}; {duH} (q.v.), rarely {duz}, {duS}, {dus}, before {z}, {S}, {s}. dushkirtii = adj. declared evil

dushhkritaaM = of the miscreants dushhkritinaH = miscreants dushhTagraha = Aspected (Aspecting) Planet dushhTabuddhii = adj. evil spirited dushhTaasu = being so polluted dustyajya * mfn. difficult to be relinquished or quitted dushhpuuraM = insatiable dushhpuureNa = never to be satisfied dushhpraapaH = difficult to obtain dustara = hard to cross dustarka* = m. false reasoning, wrong argument BhP.; {-mUla} mfn. founded on it MW. dushtha* = mfn. spoilt, corrupted; defective, faulty; wrong, false; bad, wicked; malignant, offensive, inimical; guilty, culpable S'rS. Mn. Yj. Sus'r. MBh. &c.; sinning through or defiled with (cf. {karma} {mano-}, {yoni-}, {vAg-}); m. a villain,

rogue; a kind of noxious animal Vishn. xii, 2; ({A}) f. a bad or unchaste woman L.; u. sin, offence, crime, guilt Hariv. R. (cf. {zruti-}); Costus Speciosus or Arabicus L. dushthataa* = f. or badness, wickedness dushthara* = mfn. difficult to be passed or overcome or endured; unconquerable, irresistible; incomparable, excellent RV. AV. (cf. {dus-t-}); {ta4rItu} mfn. id. RV. TS.; N. of a man S'Br. xii, 9, 3, 1. dustara* = mfn. (cf. {S-T-}) difficult to be passed or overcome, unconquerable, invincible MBh. Kv. &c. dustyajya * = mfn. difficult to be relinquished or quitted MBh. R. &c dussthaana = An evil position (6, 8, 12 Houses) duuda * = mfn. afflicting, harassing L. (For 1 . %{dU} see p. 488, col. 2.) duuta = messenger duura = far


duura4 * = mf({A})n. (prob. fr. 1. {du}, hut see Un. ii, 21; compar. {da4vIyas}, superl. {daviSTha}, qq.vv.) distant, far, remote, long (way); n. distance, remoteness (in space and time), a long way S'Br. MBh. Kv. &c.; ({a4m}) ind. far, far from (gen. or abl. Pn. 2-3, 34 Ks'.), a long way off or a long period back RV. AV. S'Br. &c. (also {dUrA4d dUra4m} AV. xii, 2, 14); far above ({ut-patati} Hit. i, 101/102) or below ({ambhasi} Kaths. x, 29); far i.e. much in a high degree ({dUram un-mani-kRta} Prab. iii, 21/22; {dUraM-kR}, to surpass, exceed Ragh. xvii, 18; {-M-karaNa} mf({i})n. making far or distant, removing Vop. (v. l.); {-M-gata} mfn. = {ra-g-} Sank.; {-M-gama4} mfn. going far away VS. xxxiv, 1; ({A}) f. (scil. {bhUmi}) one of the 10 stages in the life of a S'rvaka L.; ({eNa}) ind. (Pn. 2-3, 35) far, from afar, by far MBh. Kv. &c.; compar. {ra-tareNa} VP. iii, 7, 26, 33; ({At}) ind. (Pn. ib.) from a distance, from afar RV. AV. MBh. &c.; far from (abl.) Mn. iv, 151; a long way back or from a remote period, iii, 130; in comp. with a pp. e.g. {dUrAd-Agata}, come from afar Pn. 2-1, 39; vi, 1, 2; 2, 144 Ks'.; ({e}) ind. (Pn. 2-3, 36 Ks'.) in a distant place, far, far away RV. i, 24, 9; iv, 4, 3 (opp. {a4nti}) and c AV. S'Br. Ts'Up.5(opp. {antike}) Mn. MBh. &c.; compar. {-ra-tare}, some way from (abl.) Mn. xi, 128; {dUre-kR}, to discard Amar. 67; {dUre-bhU} or {gam}, to be far away or gone off Kaths. Vet.; {-re tiSThatu}, let it be far i.e. let it be unmentioned, never mind Kaths. vi, 37.

duuradarshakam.h = (n) telescope duuradarshana = television duuradarshanam.h = (n) television duuradarshii = one with far-sight especially a statesman duuradhvanii = telephone duuravaaNiivinimayakendram.h = (n) telephone exchange duurasthaM = far away durAza* = mfn. having bad expectations Prab.iii, 5; ({A}) f. bad expectation, vain hope, despair Rjat. BhP. duurena = discard it at a long distance duure* = loc. of {dUra} (q.v.) in comp. duureanta* = mfn. ending in the remote distance, boundless (heaven and earth) RV. AV. duureartha* = ({-re4-}) mfn. whose aim is far off RV. vii, 63, 4.


duuretya* = mfn. being far off, distant Pn. 4-2, 104 Vrtt. 1 Pat. duurebhaa* = ({-re4-}) mfn. shining to a distance RV. i, 65, 10. duureheti* = ({-re4-}) mfn. whose arrows fly to a distance PrGri. iii, 14; m. a partic. form of Agni TS. Comm. duurvaa.nkuraiH = with the bud of `dUrva' duushita * = mfn. spoiled , corrupted , contaminated , defiled , violated , hurt , injured Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; censured , blamed MBh. Katha1s. ; calumniated , blemished , compromised , falsely accused of (often in comp. see %{manyu-} , %{zatrU7pajApa}.) Mn. vi , 66 (v.l. %{bhUSita}) , viii , 64 &c. MBh. Bhartr2. Pan5c. &c. ; (%{A}) f. a girl who has been violated or deflowered W. dva * =original stem of {dvi} q.v. (nom. acc. du. m. {dva4}, or {dvau4} fn. {dve4}; instr. dat. abl. {dvA4bhyAm} gen. loc. {dva4yos}) two RV. &c. &c.; both (with {api} Ragh. xii, 93); loc. {dvayos} in two genders (masc. and fem.) or in two numbers (sing. and pl.) Gr. L. [Cf. {dvA} and {dvi}; Zd. {dva}; Gk. &155939[503, 2] $, $ and $= $; Lat. {duo18} and {bi} = {dvi}; Lith. {du}, {dvi}; Slav. {du8va}; Goth.

{tvai}, {tva} &c.] dvaa * =old nom. du. of {dva}, substituted for {dvi} in comp. before other numerals dvaapara * = m. n. that die or side of a die which is marked with two spots VS. TS. Ka1t2h. MBh.; the Die personified Nal. vi, 1; `" the age with the number two "'N. of the 3rd of the 4 Yugas or ages of the world (comprising 2400 years; the YYugas itself = 2000, and each twilight = 200 years; it is also personified as a god) AitBr. Mn. MBh. &c. RTL. 111; 433; N. of a myth. being MBh. i, 2713; doubt, uncertainty L.; %{-cchandas} n. pl. a partic. class of metre Nida1nas.; %{-stoma} m. pl. of Stomas ib. dvaara = entry (neut) dvaaraka* n. door, gate MBh.; ifc. occasioned or caused by S'ank.; ({akA}) f. `" many-gated "'N. of the capital of Kriishna (on the western point of Gjart, supposed to have been submerged by the sea) MBh. Hariv. Pur. &c. ({ikA} f. id. L. RTL. 55, 1; 113; 400, 2). dvaaraM = door dvandva = couple

dvandvaM = tha pair dvandvaH = the dual dvandvaiH = from the dualities dvayaM = twin dvaadashamaJNjarikaabhiH = by the bouquet consisting of 12 flowers (12 dvaidhaaH = duality dvau = (adj) two dve = two dvesha = haterd dveshha = hatred dveshhaH = hatred dveshhau = also detachment dveshhTi = envies dveshhya = the envious


dveshhyaH = hateful dvi = two, both dvisha * = mfn. (ifc.) hostile, hating (cf. {-tA} and {-tva}) [507, 1]; hateful or unpleasant to Hariv.; m. foe, enemy L. dvishaa * = f. cardamoms dviguNa = twice dvichakrikaa = (f) bicycle dvija = brahmin, tooth dvijaa* = mfn. twice-born RV dvija* = mfn. twice-born; m. a man of any one of the first 3 classes, any ryan, (esp.) a Brhman (reborn through investiture with the sacred thread cf. {upa-nayana}) AV. Mn. MBh. &c.; a bird or any oviparous animal (appearing first as an egg) Mn. MBh. &c.; a tooth (as growing twice) Sus'r. Bhartri. Var. (n. BhP. ii, 1, 31); coriander seed or Xantboxylum Alatum L.; ({A}) f. Piper Aurantiacum Bhpr.; Clerodendrum Siphonantus L.; {pAlaGkI} L. (cf. {-jA4} and {-jati}).


dvijottama = O best of the brhmanas dvipa = elephant\\m. elephant (lit. drinking twice, sc. with his trunk and with his mouth) Mn. MBh. R. &c. (ifc. f. %{A}); N. of the number 8 Gan2it.; Mesua Ferrea L.; %{-dAna} n. the rut-fluid of an elephant Ragh.; %{-pati} m. `" prince of elephants "', a large eelephants Ratn.; %{-mada} m. = %{dAna} L.; %{--pA7ri} m. `" foe of elephants "', a. lion BhP.; %{-pA7sya} m. having an eelephant's face "'N. of Gan2e7s3a L.; %{--pe7ndra} m. = %{pa-pati} Ragh.; %{--pe7ndradAna} n. the rut-fluid of a large eelephants Var.; %{-pe7zvara} m. = %{pe4udra}, Malatim. dvipaada = two feet dvirdvaadashaa = 2nd and 12th house from each other dvishhataH = envious dvisvabhaavaraashi = Common Signs dvitiiya* = mf({A})n. (fr. {dvi} Pn. 5-2, 54; decl "' i, 1, 36 Vrtt. 3 Pat. cf. vii, 3, 115) second RV. &c. &c.; ({am}) ind. for the second time KathhUp. MBh. &c.; m. companion, fellow (friend or foe) S'Br. MBh. &c.; ifc. doubled or accompanied by,

furnished with (cf. a-, {chAyA-}, {dhanur-} &c.); the 2nd in a family (i.e. a son L.; cf. AitBr. vii, 29); the 2nd letter of a Varga i.e. the surd aspirate Prt. Pn. &c.; ({A}) f. female companion or friend Kthh. xcviii, 33; wife (a second self) L.; (sc. {vibhakti}) the 2nd case, the accusative or its terminations Pn. 2-1, 24 &c.; (sc. {tithi}) the 2nd day of a half-month Rtn. iv, 2/3; ({dvi4tIya}) mfn. (Pn. 5-3, 49) forming the 2nd part or half of anything, with {bhAga} m. half of (gen.) Mn. iv, 1 &c.; n. the half (at the beginning or end of a comp.) Pn. ib., ii, 2, 3 Ks'. dviipaH = (m) island * = m. n. (fr. %{dvi} + %{ap} Pa1n2. 5-4, 74; vi, 3, 97) an island, peninsula, sandbank RV. S3Br. MBh. &c.; a division of the terrestrial world (either 7 [Jambu, Plaksha or Gomedaka, S3a1lmali1, Kus3a, Kraun5ca, S3a1ka and Pushkara MBh. vi, 604 &c. Hariv. Pur. &c.] or 4 [Bhadra7s3va, Ketu-mlla, Jambu-dvipa and Uttara1h2 Kuravah2 MBh. vi, 208 Hariv. Ka1v. &c. cf. Dharmas. cxx] or 13 [the latter four + 9, viz. Indra-dvipa, Kaseru1-mat, Ta1mra-varn2a, Gabhasti-mat, Na1ga-dvipa, Saumya, Ga1ndharva, Varun2a and Bha1rata, which are enumerated VP. ii, 3, 6; 7, as forming Bha1rata-varsha] or 18 [among which the Upa-dvipas are said to be included Naish. i, 5 Sch.]; they are situated round the mountain Meru, and separated from each other

by distinct concentric circumambient oceans; %{ayaM@dvIpaH} = %{jambu-dv-} BhP. v, 16, 5 or = %{bhArata-dv-} VP. ii, 3, 7); m. place of refuge, shelter, protection or protector MBh. Ka1ran2d2.; a tiger's skin L.; cubebs L. (cf. %{-sambhava}). dvividhaa = two kinds of dyaamutemaaM = sky dyutaM = gambling dyuta* = n. N. of the 7th mansion (= $) Var. (v.l. {dyuna}, or {dyUna}). dyUta* = n. (m. only MBh. ii, 2119; cf. Pn. 2-4, 31) play, gaming, gambling (esp. with dice, but also with any inanimate object). AV. S'rS. Mn. MBh. &c.; (fig.) battle or fight, contest for (comp.) MBh. iii, 3037 &c.; the prize or booty won in battle ib. vii, 3966; ix, 760. dyuti (dyoti)= gleam* = f. splendour (as a goddess Hariv. 14035), brightness, lustre, majesty, dignity. Mn. MBh. Var. Kv. &c.; (dram.) a threatening attitude Das'ar. Sh.; m. N. of a Riishi under Manu Merusvarna Hariv.; of a son of Manu Tmasa ib. dyutiM = the sunshine

dyau = from outer space

E ebhiH = by them ebhyaH = to these demigods edh* =cl. 1. . {e4dhate} (rarely P. {-ti}), {edhAMcakre}, {edhitA}, {edhiSyate}, {aidhiSTa}, to prosper, increase, become happy, grow strong RV. AV. VS. S'Br. Mn.; to grow big with selfimportance, become insolent; to become intense, extend, spread, gain ground (as fire or passions) MBh. BhP.; to swell, rise (as waters) BhP.: Caus. {edhayati}, to cause to prosper or increase, wish for the welfare or happiness (of any one), bless BhP. Kum. vi, 90 Bhathth. edha* = m. ({indh}), fuel RV. i, 158, 4; x, 86, 18 VS. S'Br. Ragh. &c. [232,1]; (mfn.) ifc. kindling see {agny-edha}; [cf. Gk. $, $; Hib. &72394[232,1] {aodh}; O. H. G. {eit}; Angl. Sax. {a7d}.] edhaa.nsi = firewood edhamAnadviS * = mfn. hating those who have

become insolent or impious (through prosperity) edhate = (1 ap) to grow edhita * = mfn. grown, increased, enlarged, made big, made to spread, filled up edhitR * = mfn. one who increases edhanIya * mfn. to be increased or enlarged. edhavat * =mfn. kept up with fuel (as fire) edhodaka * =n. fuel and wate r edhatu * =1 (for 2. see p. 232, col. 1), {us} mf. prosperity, happiness RV. viii, 86, 3 AV. S'Br. &c.; ({us}) m. man Un. i, 79; (mfn.) increased, grown L. edhas * =1 {as} n. happiness, prosperity\\ 2 n. fuel edha * =m. ({indh}), fuel RV. i, 158, 4; x, 86, 18 VS. S'Br. Ragh. &c. [232, 1]; (mfn.) ifc. kindling see {agny-edha}; [cf. Gk. $, $; Hib. &72394[232, 1] {aodh}; O. H. G. {eit}; Angl. Sax. {a7d}.] eka = one ekaM = one

ekaH = (adj) one ekatvaM = in oneness ekatvena = in oneness ekada.ntaM = one who has a single tusk ekada.ntaaya = to the one-tusked ekamaksharaM = pranava ekamevaadvitiiyaM = one without a second ekaanta *= m. a lonely or retired or secret place, (%{e} ind. in a lonely or solitary place, alone, apart, privately) MBh. Mn. S3ak. &c.; a single part, part, portion Pat.; the only end or aim, exclusiveness, absoluteness, necessity R. Sus3r. &c.; devotion to one object, worship of one Being, monotheistic doctrine MBh. BhP.; (%{am}, %{ena}, %{At}) ind. solely, only, exclusively, absolutely, necessarily, by all means, in every respect, invariably MBh. Megh. Bhartr2. Kap. &c.; (mfn.) directed towards or devoted to only one object or person BhP. R. &c.; %{-karuNa} mfn. wholly and solely compassionate, wholly charitable Hit.; %{-grahaNa} n. partial comprehension Car.; %{-grAhin} mfn. comprehending partially ib.; %{-tas} ind. lonely,

alone; solely, exclusively, invariably, &c.; %{-tA} f. %{-tva} n. exclusive worship BhP.; the state of being a part or portion Pat.; %{-duHSamA} f. `" containing only bad years "', (with Jainas) N. of two spokes in the wheel of time (the sixth of the Avasarpin2i1 and the first of the Utsarpin2i1, qq.v.); %{-bhAva} m. devotedness to only one object MBh.; %{-bhUta} mfn. one who is alone or solitary BhP.; %{-mati} mfn. having the mind fixed on one object; %{-rahasya} n. N. of wk.; %{-rAj} m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva; %{-vihArin} mfn. wandering alone; %{-zIla} mfn. fond of loneliness MBh.; %{suSamA} f. `" containing only good years "', (with Jainas) N. of two spokes in the wheel of time (the first of Avasarpin2i1 and the sixth of Utsarpin2i1, qq. v.); %{-sthita} mfn. staying or remaining alone or apart. akatva * = n. oneness, unity, union, coincidence, identity Ka1tyS3r. MBh. Sus3r. &c.; (in Gr.) the singular number Ka1s3.; singleness, soleness HYog. ekayaa = by one ekavachanaM = singular ekasthaM = in one place ekasmin.h = in one

ekaaH = one ekaakini = solitary woman ekaakii = alone ekaagra = one-pointed ekaagraM = with one attention ekaagreNa = with full attention ekaantaM = overly ekaaksharaM = the one syllable eke = in one ekena = alone ekaikaM = one by one ekaikamaksharaM = each and every word eko.ahaM = I the one single being enaM = this enas * = {as} n. ( {i} Un. iv, 197; {in} BRD.),

mischief, crime, sin, offence, fault RV. AV. S'Br. Mn. &c.; evil, unhappiness, misfortune, calamity RV. AV.; censure, blame L.; [cf. Zd. {aenaGh}; Gk. $.] enasvin * = mfn. wicked, &72437[232, 1] sinful, a sinner RV. AitBr. S'Br. Mn. enasya * = mfn. produced by sin; counted a sin or crime, wicked, sinful AV. vi, 115, 2; viii, 7, 3 S'Br. eraka * = m. N. of a Nga MBh. i, 2154; ({A}) f. a kind of grass of emollient and diluent properties MBh. VP. Bhpr. &c.; [cf. Gk. $]; &72471[232, 1] ({I}) f. a species of plant; N. of a river; ({am}) n. a woollen carpet (Buddh.) eSaNa* = 1 {am}, {A} n. f. impulse, ardent desire BhP. \\* = 2 mfn. seeking for, wishing Nir.; m. an iron arrow L.; ({A}) f. seeking with, desire, begging, solicitation, request S'Br. Pn. Rjat. &c.; (with Jainas) right behaviour when begging food Sarvad. 39, 9; ({I}) f. an iron or steel probe Sus'r.; a goldsmith's scale L.; ({am}) n. the act of seeking, begging, solicitation MBh.; medical examination, probing Sus'r. eSa* = 1 mfn. gliding, running, hastening RV. \\* = 2 (nom. m. of {eta4d} q.v.)\\* = 3 mfn. (fr. 3. {iS})

ifc. seeking S'Br. xiii; m. the act of seeking or going after RV. x, 48, 9; ({eSa4}), wish, option RV. i, 180, 4, (cf. {svaI7Sa4}); ({A}) f. wish L.; [cf. Zd. {ae7sha}; O. H. G. {e1r}.] eshhaH = this eshhaa = this eshhaaM = of them eshhyati = comes eshhyasi = you will attain etat.h = it etan.h = this etayoH = of these two etasya = of this etaaM = this etaan.h = all these etaani = all these


etaavan* = (by Sandhi for {etA4vat}) etaavat.h = this much * = mfn. so great, so much, so many, of such a measure or compass, of such extent, so far, of such quality or kind RV. AV. S'Br. MBh. &c.; (often in connection with a relative clause, the latter generally following; {etAvAn eva puruSo yaj jAyA7tmA prajA}, a man is of such measure as [i.e. made complete by] his wife, himself, and his progeny Mn. ix, 45) R. BhP. Hit. &c.; ({at}) ind. so far, thus far, so much, in such a degree, thus RV. vii, 57, 3 S'Br. Hit. &c. etad * = mfn. (Gr. 223; g. %{sarvA7di} Pa1n2. 1-1, 27) this, this here, here (especially as pointing to what is nearest to the speaker e.g. %{eSa@bANaH}, this arrow here in my hand; %{eSa@yAti@panthAH}, here passes the way; %{eSa@kAlaH}, here i.e. now, is the time; %{etad}, this here i.e. this world here below); sometimes used to give emphasis to the personal pronouns (e.g. %{eSo'ham}, I, this very person here) or with omission of those pronouns (e.g. %{eSa@tvAM@svargaM@nayAmi}, I standing here will convey thee to heaven; %{etau@praviSTau@svaH}, we two here have entered); as the subject of a sentence it agrees in gender and number with the predicate without reference to the noun to be supplied (e.g.

%{etad@eva@hi@me@dhanam}, for this [scil. cow] is my only wealth MBh.); but sometimes the neuter sing. remains (e.g. %{etad@guruSu@vRttiH}, this is the custom among Gurus Mn. ii, 206); %{etad} generally refers to what precedes, esp. when connected with %{idam}, the latter then referring to what follows (e.g. %{eSa@vai@prathamaH@kalpaH} %{anukalpas@tv@ayaM@jJeyaH}, this beforementioned is the principal rule, but this following may be considered a secondary rule Mn. iii, 147); it refers also to that which follows, esp. when connected with a relative clause (e.g. %{eSa@cai9va@gurur@dharmo@yam@pravakSy Amy@ahaM@tava}, this is the important law, which I will proclaim to you MBh.) RV. &c. &c.; (%{a4d}) ind. in this manner, thus, so, here, at this time, now (e.g. %{na4@vA4@u@eta4n@mriyase}, thou dost not die in this manner or by that RV. i, 162, 21) AV. VS. &c.; [cf. Zd. {ae7ta}; Old Pers. {aita}; Armen. {aid}; Osk. {eiso}.] eti = attain * = f. arrival, approach RV. x, 91, 4; 178, 2. ete = they etena = by this


eteshhaaM = of the Pandavas etaiH = all these etaiH = all these eva = ( used to put emphasis ) eva * = 1 (in the Sanhit also {evA4}) ind. ({i} Un. i, 152; fr. pronom. base {e} BRD., probably connected with 2. {e4va}), so, just so, exactly so (in the sense of the later {evam}) RV. AV.; indeed, truly, really (often at the beginning of a verse in conjunction with other particles, as {id}, {hi}) RV.; (in its most frequent use of strengthening the idea expressed by any word, {eva} must be variously rendered by such adverbs as) just, exactly, very, same, only, even, alone, merely, immediately on, still, already, &c. (e.g. {tvam eva yantA nA7nyo 'sti pRthivyAm}, thou alone art a charioteer, no other is on earth, i. e. thou art the best charioteer MBh. iii, 2825; {tAvatIm eva rAtrim}, just so long as a night; {evam} {eva} or {tathai9va}, exactly so, in this manner only; in the same manner as above; {tenai9va mantreNa}, with the same Mantra as above; {apaH spRSTvai9va}, by merely touching water; {tAn eva}, these very persons; {na cirAd eva}, in no long time at all; {japyenai9va}, by sole repetition; {abhuktvai9va}, even without having

eaten; {iti vadann eva}, at the very moment of saying so; {sa jIvann eva}, he while still living, &c.) RV. &c. MBh. &c.; (sometimes, esp. in connection with other adverbs, {eva} is a mere expletive without any exact meaning and not translatable e.g. {tv eva}, {cai9va}, {eva ca}, &c.; according to native authorities {eva} implies emphasis, affirmation, detraction, diminution, command, restrainment); [cf. Zd. {aeva}; Goth. {aiv}; Old Germ. {eo}, {io}; Mod. Germ. {je}.] e4va * = 2 mfn. ({i}), going, moving, speedy, quick TBr. iii Un.; m. course, way (generally instr. pl.) RV.; the earth, world VS. xv, 4; 5 [Mahdh.]; a horse RV. i, 158, 3 [Sy.]; ({As}) m. pl. way or manner of acting or proceeding, conduct, habit, usage, custom RV.; [cf. Gk. $, $; Lat. &72584[232, 2] {aevu-m}; Goth. {aivs}; O.H.G {e7wa} and Angl. Sax. {e7u}, {e7o}, `" custom "', `" law "'; Germ. {ehe}.] evam * = ind. (fr. pronom. base %{e} BRD.; probably connected with 1. %{eva4}), thus, in this way, in such a manner, such, (it is not found in the oldest hymns of the Veda, where its place is taken by 1. %{eva4}, but occurs in later hymns ind in the Bra1hman2as, especially in connection with %{vid}, `" to know "', and its derivatives [e.g. %{ya@evaM@veda}, he who knows so; cf.

%{evaM-vi4d}, col. 3]; in classical Sanskr2it %{evam} occurs very frequently, especially in connection with the roots %{vac}, `" to speak "', and %{zru}, `" to hear "', and refers to what precedes as well as to what follows [e.g. %{evam@uktvA}, having so said [232,3]; %{evam@evai9tat}, this is so; %{evam@astu}, or %{evam@bhavatu}, be it so, I assent; %{asty@evam}, it is so; %{yady@evam}, if this be so; %{kim@evam}, how so? what is the meaning of it? what does this refer to? %{mai9vam}, not so! %{evam} - %{yathA} or %{yathA} - %{evam}, so as) Mn. S3ak. &c.; (it is also often used like an adjective [e.g. %{evaM@te@vacane@rataH}, rejoicing in such words of thine; where %{evam} = %{evaM-vidhe}]) MBh. S3ak. &c.; sometimes %{evam} is merely an expletive; according to lexicographers %{evam} may imply likeness (so); sameness of manner (thus); assent (yes, verily); affirmation (certainly, indeed, assuredly); command (thus, &c.); and be used as an expletive. eva.nvidhaH = like this eva.nvidhaaH = like this evaapi = also


G ga *= 1 (3rd consonant of the alphabet), the soft guttural having the sound %{g} in %{give}; m. N. of Gan2e7s3a L.\\ 2 mf(%{A})n. (%{gam}) only ifc. going, moving (e.g. %{yAna-}, going in a carriage Mn. iv, 120 Ya1jn5. iii, 291; %{zIghra-}, going quickly R. iii, 31, 3; cf. %{antarikSa-} &c.); having sexual intercourse with (cf. %{anya-strI-}); reaching to (cf. %{kaNTha-}); staying, being, abiding in VarBr2. Ragh. iii, 13 Katha1s. &c. (e.g. %{paJcama-}, abiding in or keeping the fifth place, S3rut.); relating to or standing in connection with R. vi, 70, 59 BhP. &c. (cf. %{a-}, %{agra-}, %{ajihma-}, %{atyanta-}, &c.; %{agre-ga4}, &c.)\\3 mf(%{I} Pa1n2. 3-2, 8)n. (%{gai}) only ifc. singing (cf. %{chando-}, %{purANa-}, %{sAma-}); m. a Gandharva or celestial musician L.; (%{A}) f. a song L.; (%{am}) n. id. L.\\ 4 (used in works on prosody as an abbreviation of the word %{guru} to denote) a long syllable W.; (in music used as an abbreviation of the word %{gAndhAra} to denote) the third note. gaa = (v) to come gaana* = n. singing, song KtyS'r. Lthy. i, vii Hariv. 11793 Sis'. ix, 54; a sound L. (cf. {araNya-}, {Uha-}, {Uhya-}

gaathazravas * = ({-tha4-}) mfn. famous through (epic) songs (Indra), viii, 2, 38. gaathaka * = m. (Pn. 3-1, 146) a singer (chanter of the Purnas) Pn. 1-1, 34 Ks'. Rjat. vii, 934; ({ikA}) f. an epic song Yj. i, 45 MBh. iii, 85, 30 Ratna7v. ii, 5/6. gaathA-kAra * = m. author of (epic) songs or verses Pn. 3-2, 23; a singer, reciter W. gaathA-nArAzaMsI4 * = f. du. epic songs and particularly those in praise of men or heroes MaitrS. i, 11, 5; f. pl. id. S'Br. xi, 5, 6, 8 (cf. {nArAzaMsI4}.) gaathAnI * = mfn. leading a song or a choir RV. i, 190, 1 and viii, 92, 2. gaathA7ntara * = m. N. of the fourth Kalpa or period of the world. gaatha * = m. a song RV. i, 167, 6 and ix, 11, 4 SV.; ({gA4thA}) f. id. RV.; a verse, stanza (especially one which is neither Riic, nor Sman, nor Yajus, a verse not belonging to the Vedas, but to the epic poetry of legends or khynas, such as the S'unahs'epa-khyna or the Suparn.) AV. TS. TBr. S'Br. &c.; the metrical part of a Stra Buddh.; N. of

the ry metre; any metre not enumerated in the regular treatises on prosody (cf. {Rg-gAthA}, {rijugAtha}, {yajJa-gAthA}.) gaaM = the planets gaanga = of the ganga river gaaNDiivaM = the bow of Arjuna gaatraaNi = limbs of the body gaana = singing gaayakaH = (m) singer gaaayantikaa * = f. (fr. %{-ntI} f. of %{gAyat}), `" singing "'N. of a cave in the Hima7laya MBh. v, 2836 gaayati = (1 pp) to sing gaayatrii = the Gayatri hymns gaayikaa = (f) singer gaahate = (1 ap) to plunge gaahamaana = (present participle) swimming or

floating gaganayaatrikaH = (m) astronaut gabhiira* = mf({A4})n. deep (opposed to {gAdha} and {dIna}) RV. &c. [346, 3]; (Naigh. i, 11) deep in sound, deepsounding, hollow-toned RV. v, 85, 1 Riitus.; profound, sagacious, grave, serious, solemn, secret, mysterious RV. AV. v, 11, 3; ({gambh-} MBh. &c.) Prab. iv, 15 Sh.; dense, impervious BhP. viii, 3, 5; ({gambh-} R. iii); not to be penetrated or investigated or explored, inscrutable; `" inexhaustible "', uninterrupted (time) BhP. i, 5, 8; ({gambh-}, iv, 12, 38; v, 24, 24); m. N. of a son of Manu Bhautya or of Rambha VP. iii, 2, 43 BhP. ix, 17, 10. gachati = to go gaccha* = m. ({gam}) a tree L.; the period (number of terms) of a progression ryabh. ii, 20 and Sch. on 19; family, race Jain.; ({As}) m. pl.N. of a people (v.l. for {kakSa}). gachchhataam.h = (may the two)go gachchhati = goes gachchhan.h = going

gachchhanti = they reach gada * = m. a sentence MBh. i, 1787; disease, sickness Sus'r. Ragh. &c.; N. of a son of Vasu-deva and younger brother of Kriishna MBh. Hariv. BhP.; of another son of Vasu-deva by a different mother, ix, 24, 51; n. poison L.; ({A}) f. a series of sentences RmatUp. ii, 5, 4; a mace, club, bludgeon MBh. R. &c.; Bignonia suaveolens L.; N. of a musical instrument; of a constellation VarBri. Laghuj.; v.l. for {gadhA} TS. Sch. (cf. {a-gada4}, {a4-vijJAta-g}.) gaDa * = m. a kind of gold-fish (the young of the Ophiocephalus Lata or another species, Cyprinus Garra) L.; a screen, covering, fence L.; a moat, ditch L.; an impediment L.; N. of a district (part of Malva, commonly Garha or Garha Mandala) L.; ({A}) f. (in music) a kind of Rgin (cf. {tRNa-g-}, {payo-g-}.) gadati = (1 pp) to say gadinaM = with maces gahanaa = very difficult gahvara: deep, impervious, impenetrable TS. v Hariv. BhP.; confused (in mind) Kaths. lxi, 39 and

41; m. an arbour, bower L.; a cave, cavern L.; ({A}) f. the plant Embelia Ribes L.; ({I}) f. a cave, cavern L.; the earth Gal.; ({am}) n. `" an abyss, depth "' (`" water "' Naigh. Nir.) see {-re-STha4}; a hidingplace, thicket, wood AV. xii, 2, 53 MBh. R. &c.; an impenetrable secret, riddle MBh. xiii, 1388; a deep sigh L.; hypocrisy L.; Abrus precatorius (?) L. gaja = Elephant gajaH = elephant gajakeshariyoga = Yoga in which the Moon is in an angular position (Kendra) or 1, 4, 7, 10 signs from Jupiter. Good Yoga for Wealth and Power based on strength and other factors in the chart gajendraaNaaM = of lordly elephants gaJNjiiphaa = playing cards gakaaraH = beginning with the letter `ga' gala = neck galita = (adj) dropped off galitaM = weakened


gam * =1 Ved. cl. 1. P. {ga4mati} (Naigh.; Subj. {gamam}, {ga4mat} [{gamAtas}, {gamAtha} AV.], {gamAma}, {gaman} RV.; Pot. {game4ma} RV.; inf. {ga4madhyai} RV. i, 154, 6): cl. 2. P. {ga4nti} (Naigh.; Impv. 3. sg. {gantu}, [2. sg. {gadhi} see {A}, or {gahi} see {adhi-}, {abhy-A-}, {A-}, {upA7-}], 2. pl. {ga4ntA} or {gantana} RV.; impf. 2. and 3. sg. {a4gan} [RV. AV.], 1. pl. {a4ganma} [RV. AV.; cf. Pn. 8-2, 65], 3. pl. {a4gman} RV.; Subj. [or aor. Subj. cf. Pn. 2-4, 80 Ks'.] 1. pl. {ganma}, 3. pl. {gma4n} RV.; Pot. 2. sg. {gamyAs} RV. i, 187, 7; Prec. 3. sg. {gamyA4s} RV.; pr. p. {gma4t}, x, 22, 6): cl. 3. P. {jaganti} (Naigh. ii, 14; Pot. {jagamyAm}, {-yAt} RV.; impf. 2. and 3. sg. {ajagan}, 2. pl. {ajaganta} or {-tana} RV.): Ved. and Class. cl. 1. P. (also . MBh. &c.), with substitution of {gacch} [= $] for {gam}, {ga4cchati} (cf. Pn. 73, 77; Subj. {gA7cchAti} RV. x, 16, 2; 2. sg. {gacchAs} [RV. vi, 35, 3] or {gacchAsi} [AV. v, 5, 6]; 2. pl. {gacchAta} RV. viii, 7, 30; 3. pl. {ga4cchAn} RV. viii, 79, 5; impf. {a4gacchat}; Pot. {gacchet}; pr. p. {ga4cchat} RV. &c.; aor. {agamat} Pn. 3-1, 55; vi, 4, 98 Ks'.; for . with prepositions cf. Pn. 1-2, 13; 2nd fut. {gamiSyati} AV. &c.; 1st fut. {ga4ntA} [Pn. 7-2, 58] RV. &c.; perf. 1. sg. {jagamA} [RV.], 3. sg. {jagAma}, 2. du. {jagmathur}, 3. pl. {jagmu4r} RV. &c.; p. {jaganva4s} [RV. &c.] or {jagmivas} Pn. 7-2, 68 f. {jagmu4SI} RV. &c. [347, 1]; Ved. inf. {ga4ntave}, {ga4ntavai4}; Class. inf. {gantum}: Ved. ind. p.

{gatvAya}, {gatvI4}; Class. ind. p. {gatvA4} [AV. &c.], with prepositions {-gamya} or {-gatya} Pn. 6-4, 38) to go, move, go away, set out, come RV. &c.; to go to or towards, approach (with acc. or loc. or dat. [MBh. Ragh. ii, 15; xii, 7; cf. Pn. 2-3, 12] or {prati} [MBh. R.]) RV. &c.; to go or pass (as time e.g. {kAle gacchati}, time going on, in the course of time) R. Ragh. Megh. Naish. Hit.; to fall to the share of (acc.) Mn. &c.; to go against with hostile intentions, attack L.; to decease, die Cn.; to approach carnally, have sexual intercourse with (acc.) s'vGri. iii, 6 Mn. &c.; to go to any state or condition, undergo, partake of, participate in, receive, obtain (e.g. {mitratAM gacchati}, `" he goes to friendship "' i.e. he becomes friendly) RV. AV. &c.; {jAnubhyAm avanIM-gam}, `" to go to the earth with the knees "', kneel down MBh. xiii, 935 Pacat. v, 1, 10/11; {dharaNIM mUrdhnA-gam}, `" to go to the earth with the head "', make a bow R. iii, 11, 6; {ma4nasA-gam}, to go with the mind, observe, perceive RV. iii, 38, 6 VS. Nal. R.; (without {ma4nasA}) to observe, understand, guess MBh. iii, 2108; (especially Pass. {gamyate}, `" to be understood or meant "') Pn. Ks'. and L. Sch.; {doSeNa} or {doSato-gam}, to approach with an accusation, ascribe guilt to a person (acc.) MBh. i, 4322 and 7455 R. iv, 21, 3: Caus. {gamayati} (Pn. 2-4, 46; Impv. 2. sg. Ved. {gamayA} or {gAmaya} [RV. v, 5, 10], 3. sg. {gamayatAt} AitBr. ii, 6; perf. {gamayA4M cakAra} AV. &c.) to cause to go (Pn.

8-1, 60 Ks'.) or come, lead or conduct towards, send to (dat. AV.), bring to a place (acc. [Pn. 1-4, 52] or loc.) RV. &c.; to cause to go to any condition, cause to become TS. S'Br. &c.; to impart, grant MBh. xiv, 179; to send away Pn. 1-4, 52 Ks'.; `" to let go "', not care about Blar. v, 10; to excel Prasannar. i, 14; to spend time S'ak. Megh. Ragh. &c.; to cause to understand, make clear or intelligible, explain MBh. iii, 11290 VarBriS. L. Sch.; to convey an idea or meaning, denote Pn. 32, 10 Ks'.; (causal of the causal) to cause a person (acc.) to go by means of {jigamiSati} another Pn. 1-4, 52 Ks'.: Desid. {ji4gamiSati} Pn., or {jigAMsate} Pn. 6-4, 16 Siddh.; impf. {ajigAMsat} S'Br. x) to wish to go, be going Lthy. MBh. xvi, 63; to strive to obtain S'Br. x ChUp.; to wish to bring (to light, {prakA4zam}) TS. i: Intens. {ja4Gganti} (Naigh.), {jaGgamIti} or {jaGgamyate} (Pn. 7-4, 85 Ks'.), to visit RV. x, 41, 1 (p. {ga4nigmat}) VS. xxiii, 7 (impf. {aganIgan}); [cf. $; Goth. {qvam}; Eng. {come}; Lat. {venio} for {gvemio}.] gama*= mf({A})n. (Pn. 3-3, 58) ifc. going (e.g. {araM-}, {kAma-}, {kha-}, {tiryag-}, &c.); riding on (in comp.) Hcat. i, 11, 718; m. going, course Pn. 52, 19; march, decampment VarYogay. iv, 58; intercourse with a woman (in comp.) Mn. xi, 55 Yj. ii, 293; going away from (abl.) Caurap.; (in math.) removal (as of fractions), Bjag.; a road L.;

flightiness, superficiality L.; hasty perusal W.; a game played with dice and men (as backgammon &c.) L.; a similar reading in two texts Jain. gamaH = take to gamana = Going gamanaM = going gamyate = one can attain gaNa* = m. a flock, troop, multitude, number, tribe, series, class (of animate or inanimate beings), body of followers or attendants RV. AV. &c.; troops or classes of inferior deities (especially certain troops of demi-gods considered as S'iva's attendants and under the special superintendence of the god Gane7s'a; cf. {-devatA}) Mn. Yj. Lalit. &c.; a single attendant of S'iva VarBriS. Kaths. Rjat. iii, 270; N. of Gane7s'a W.; a company, any assemblage or association of men formed for the attainment of the same aims Mn. Yj. Hit.; the 9 assemblies of Riishis under the Arhat Mah-vra Jain.; a sect in philosophy or religion W.; a small body of troops (= 3 Gulmas or 27 chariots and as many elephants, 81 horses, and 135 foot) MBh. i, 291; a series or group of asterisms or lunar mansions classed under three heads (that of the

gods, that of the men, and that of the Rkshasas) W.; (in arithm.) a number L.; (in metre) a foot or four instants (cf. {-cchandas}); (in Gr.) a series of roots or words following the same rule and called after the first word of the series (e.g. {ad-Adi}, the g. {ad} &c. or the whole series of roots of the 2nd class; {gargA7di}, the g. {garga} &c. or the series of words commencing with {garga}); a particular group of Smans Lthy. i, 6, 5 VarYogay. viii, 7; a kind of perfume L.; = {vAc} (i.e. `" a series of verses "') Naigh. i, 11; N. of an author; ({A}) f. N. of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2645 (cf. {ahar-}, {maru4d-}, {vR4Sa-}, {sa4-}, {sapta4-}, {sa4rva-}; {deva-}, {mahA-}, and {vidagaNa4}.) ga.n = the letter or sound `ga.n gantavyaM = to be reached gantaasi = you shall go gandha = smell (masc) gandhaH = fragrance gandharva = of the Gandharvas gandharvaaNaaM = of the citizens of the

Gandharva planet gandhaan.h = smellsgariimaa = (f) superiority gangaa = river Ganga gangaasaagara = the sea of Ganga (banks of the Ganges) gaN.h = to count, to consider gaNa = Number gaNadevatA* = {As} f. pl. troops of deities who generally appear in classes (dityas, Vis'vas, Vasus, Tushitas, bhsvaras, Anilas, Mahrjikas, Sdhyas, and Rudras) gaNakarishhiH = the rishi of this stotra is gaNaka gaNanaa = consideration gaNapataye = to gaNapati gaNapati = gaNaanaaM pathiH or lord of groups (of devas) gaNapatiM = Ganesh


gaNapatirdevataa = the god of this stotra gaNapatii = god of luck and wisdom gaNayati = (10 up) to count gaNita = mathematics gaNeshavidyaa = the knowledge of gaNeshha gaNDa = the cheek garbha = womb * = m. (%{grabh} = %{grah}, `" to conceive "'; 2. %{gRR} Un2. iii, 152) the womb RV. AV. &c.; the inside, middle, interior of anything, calyx (as of a lotus) MBh. VarBr2S. &c. (ifc. f. %{A}, `" having in the interior, containing, filled with "' S3a1n3khS3r. RPra1t. MBh. &c.) [349,3]; an inner apartment, sleepingroom L.; any interior chamber, adytum or sanctuary of a temple &c. VarBr2S. RTL. p. 445; a foetus or embryo, child, brood or offspring (of birds) RV. AV. &c.; a woman's courses Vishn2.; `" offspring of the sky "' i.e. the fogs and vapour drawn upwards by the rays of the sun during eight months and sent down again in the rainy season (cf. Mn. ix, 305) R. iv, 27, 3 VarBr2S. Ba1lar. viii, 50; the bed of a river (esp. of the Ganges) when fullest i.e. on the fourteenth day of the dark half of the month Bha1dra or in the height

of the rains (the Garbha extends to this point, after which the Ti1ra or proper bank begins, and extends for 150 cubits, this space being holy ground); the situation in a drama when the complication of the plot has reached its height Das3ar. i, 36 Sa1h. vi, 68 and 79; the rough coat of the Jaka fruit L.; fire L.; joining, union L.; N. of a R2ishi (called Pra1ja1patya) Ka1t2h.; [cf. %{amRta-}, %{ardha-}, %{kRSNa-}, %{mUDha-}, %{vizva-}, %{hiraNya-}; cf. also $; Hib. {cilfin}, `" the belly "'; Angl. Sax. {hrif}; Germ. {kalb}: Engl. {calf}.] garbhaM = pregnancy garbhaH = embryo garbhapiNDa = an embryo garbhaasana = the foetus posture garbhiNii = (f) a pregnant woman garbhin* mfn. pregnant, impregnated or filled with (acc. S3Br.vi, viii f. xi; or instr., xiv, 9, 4, 21) RV. iii, 29, 2 TS. (f. pl. %{garbhi4Nayas}, ii, 1, 2, 6; cf. Pa1n2. 7-3, 107 Pat.) &c.; (%{iNI}), a pregnant woman Mn. Ya1jn5. i, 105 MBh. &c.; pregnant (as an animal) VarBr2S. lxvii, 1O (cf. Un2. iii, 152); ifc. with words denoting animals (e.g. %{go-garbhiNI},

a pregnant cow) Pa1n2. 2-1, 71. garda = Dark shade gardabha = donkey gardabhaH = (m) donkey Garhapatya: the fire from which sacrificial fires are lighted. garhaNa* = mfn. containing a blame (as a question) Kaths. lxxxiii; n. censuring, censure, blame, reproach MBh. xii, 9153 R. Sarvad. iv, 1; (in rhet.) Sh. vi, 174 and 190; ({A}) f. id. MBh. iii, 1283; {-NAM-yA}, to meet with reproach Mn. ii, 80. garhaNIya* = mfn. to be blamed, blamable Yj. i, 86 MBh. i, 3604; iii, 3888. [350,3] gArhapata* = n. (fr. {gRha4-pati} g. {azvapatyAdi}) the position and dignity of a householder S'Br. v TndyaBr. x KtyS'r. Lthy. (cf. {kuru-g-}.) gArhapatya* = mfn. with {agnI}, or m. (Pn. 4-4, 90) the householder's fire (received from his father and transmitted to his descendants, one of the three sacred fires, being that from which sacrificial

fires are lighted RTL. 364) AV. VS. S'Br. &c.; m. or n. = {-sthAna} S'Br. vii, 1, 2, 12 KtyS'r. xvii, 1, 3; m. pl.N. of a class of manes MBh. ii, 462; n. the government of a family, position of a householder, household RV. i, 15, 12; vi, 15, 19; x, 85, 27 and 36. gArhasthya* = (sometimes wrongly spelt {-stha}) mfn. (fr. {gRha-stha}), fit for or incumbent on a householder MBh. ix, xiii; n. the order or estate of a householder, of the father or mother of a family Gaut. iii, 36 MBh. i, iii R. ii, &c.; household, domestic affairs MBh. xiv, 162 BhP. iii; ix, 6, 47. garhaa* = f. censure, abuse MBh. Pn. Pacat.; disgust exhibited in speech Sh. iii, 180. gaarha* = mfn. (fr. {gRha4}), `" domestic "', in comp gariiyaan.h = glorious gariiyaH = better gariiyas mfn. (TBr. i; compar. fr. %{guru4} Pa1n2. 6-4, 157) heavier W.; extremely heavy R. vi; greater than (abl.) MBh. xiv, 255; more precious or valuable, dearer than (abl.) Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c.; extremely important, i, 8426; very honourable Pan5cat.; highly venerable, more venerable than (abl.) Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.; dearer than (abl.),

dearer MBh. &c.; worse, i, 1886 Ca1n2. gariiyasa mfn. dearer than (instr.) MBh. i, 67, 114. gariiyase = who are better gariiyastara mfn. greater MBh. vii, 5324. gariiyastva n. great weight Katha1s. lxxiv, 192; importance MBh. R. Ka1m. garj.h = to thunder garjanam.h = thundering sound garta = (m) pit, trench, cavity garuDa = eagle garuDaasana = the eagle posture garva = vanity garvaM = arrogance/haughtiness gata = gone; -* gata. gone, gone away, departed, departed from the world, deceased, dead RV. i, 119, 4 AV. &c.; past (as time), gone by Mn. viii, 402 MBh. &c.; disappeared (often in comp.) Mn. vii,

225 MBh. &c.; come, come forth from (in comp. or abl.) R. iv, 56, 10 Kaths. ii, 11; come to, approached, arrived at, being in, situated in, contained in (acc. or loc. or in comp. e.g. {sabhAM g-}, `" come to an assembly "' Mn. viii, 95; {kAnyakubje g-}, gone to Knyakubja Pacat. v; {ratha-g-}, sitting or standing in a carriage R. iii; {Adya-g-}, {turya-g-}, {antya-g-}, taking the first, fourth, last place; {sarva-g-}, spread everywhere Nal. ii, 14) RV. i, 105, 4 AV. x, 10, 32 S'Br. &c.; having walked (a path acc.); gone to any state or condition, fallen into (acc. or loc. or in comp. e.g. {kSayaM} or {-ye g-}, gone to destruction; {Apadg-}, fallen into misfortune Mn. ix, 283) TUp. Mn. &c.; relating to, referring to, connected with (e.g. {putra-g- sneha}, love directed towards the son R. i; {tvad-g-}, belonging to thee); walked (a path), frequented, visited RV. vii, 57, 3 R. Kum.; spread abroad, celebrated MBh. iii; `" known, understood "', having the meaning of (loc.) L.; n. going, motion, manner of going MBh. iv, 297 R. S'ak. vii, 7 Vikr. &c.; the being gone or having disappeared Cn.; the place where any one has gone Pn. Ks'.; anything past or done, event W.; diffusion, extension, celebration ChUp. vii, 1, 5; manner Pn. 1-3, 21 Vrtt. 5. gata(H) = (Masc.Nom.S)having gone or the person who has gone

gataM = reached (past part.) gataH = returned gatachintaa = thinking of gatarasaM = tasteless gatavati = while gone gatavyathaaH = freed from all distress gatasangasya = of one unattached to the modes of material nature gataa = became gataaH = having achieved gataagataM = death and birth gataasuun.h = gata + asuun.h:departed life (dead people) gati = the movement; gati* = f. going, moving, gait, deportment, motion in general RV. v, 64, 3 VS. TS. &c.; manner or power of going; going away Yj. iii, 170; procession, march, passage, procedure, progress, movement (e.g. {astra-g-}, the going or

flying of missile weapons R. v; {parAM gatiMgam}, `" to go the last way "', to die; {daiva-g-}, the course of fate R. vi Megh. 93; {kAvyasya g-}, the progress or course of a poem R. i, 3, 2); arriving at, obtaining (with gen. loc., or ifc.) S'Br. ix MBh. &c.; acting accordingly, obeisance towards (loc.) p. i, 13 f.; path, way, course (e.g. {anyatarAM gatiMgam}, `" to go either way "', to recover or die s'vS'r.) R. Bhag. &c.; a certain division of the moos path and the position of the planet in it (the diurnal motion of a planet in its orbit?) VarBriS.; issue Bhag. iv, 29; running wound or sore Sus'r.; place of issue, origin, reason ChUp. i, 8, 4 f. Mn. i, 110 R. Mudr.; possibility, expedient, means Yj. i, 345 R. i Mlav. &c.; a means of success; way or art, method of acting, stratagem R. iii, vi; refuge, resource Mn. viii, 84 R. Kaths. Vet. iv, 20; cf. RTL. p. 260; the position (of a child at birth) Sus'r.; state, condition, situation, proportion, mode of existence KathhUp. iii, 11 Bhag. Pacat. &c.; a happy issue; happiness MBh. iii, 17398; the course of the soul through numerous forms of life, metempsychosis, condition of a person undergoing this migration Mn. Yj. MBh. &c.; manner s'vGri. i Sch.; the being understood or meant Pat.; (in gram.) a term for prepositions and some other adverbial prefixes (such as {alam} &c.) when immediately connected with the tenses of a verb or with verbal derivatives (cf. {karmapravacanIya}) Pn. 1-4, 60 ff.; vi, 2, 49 ff. and 139; viii, 1, 70 f.; a

kind of rhetorical figure Sarasv. ii, 2; a particular high number Buddh.; `" Motion "' (personified as a daughter of Kardama and wife of Pulaha) BhP. i, v, 1; m. N. of a son of Anala Hariv. i, 3, 43. gatiM = progress, V*= destination, position, way, progress, path gatiH = entrance gatra = body gatvaa = attaining gavaakshaH = (m) window, an opening for ventilation gaurava = glory gata mfn. gone, gone away, departed, departed from the world, deceased, dead RV. i, 119, 4 AV. &c.; past (as time), gone by Mn. viii, 402 MBh. &c.; disappeared (often in comp.) Mn. vii, 225 MBh. &c.; come, come forth from (in comp. or abl.) R. iv, 56, 10 Katha1s. ii, 11; come to, approached, arrived at, being in, situated in, contained in (acc. or loc. or in comp. e.g. %{sabhAM@g-}, `" come to an assembly

"' Mn. viii, 95; %{kAnyakubje@g-}, gone to Ka1nyakubja Pan5cat. v; %{ratha-g-}, sitting or standing in a carriage R. iii; %{Adya-g-}, %{turyag-}, %{antya-g-}, taking the first, fourth, last place; %{sarva-g-}, spread everywhere Nal. ii, 14) RV. i, 105, 4 AV. x, 10, 32 S3Br. &c.; having walked (a path acc.); gone to any state or condition, fallen into (acc. or loc. or in comp. e.g. %{kSayaM} or %{ye@g-}, gone to destruction; %{Apad-g-}, fallen into misfortune Mn. ix, 283) TUp. Mn. &c.; relating to, referring to, connected with (e.g. %{putra-g@sneha}, love directed towards the son R. i; %{tvad-g-}, belonging to thee); walked (a path), frequented, visited RV. vii, 57, 3 R. Kum.; spread abroad, celebrated MBh. iii; `" known, understood "', having the meaning of (loc.) L.; n. going, motion, manner of going MBh. iv, 297 R. S3ak. vii, 7 Vikr. &c.; the being gone or having disappeared Ca1n2.; the place where any one has gone Pa1n2. Ka1s3.; anything past or done, event W.; diffusion, extension, celebration ChUp. vii, 1, 5; manner Pa1n2. 1-3, 21 Va1rtt. 5. gauravaM = respect gautama* = mf({I})n. relating to Gotama (with {pada-stobha} m. pl.N. of a Sman); m. patr. fr. Gotama (N. of Kus'ri, Uddlaka, Aruna S'Br.; of S'aradvat Hariv. Mriicch. v, 30 VP.; of S'ata7nanda

L.; of S'kya-muni; of Nodhas and Vma-deva RAnukr.; of a teacher of ritual Lthy. s'vS'r. s'vGri.; of a grammarian TPrt. Lthy. [with the epithet {sthavira}]; of a legislator Yj. i, 5; the father of Ekata, Dvita, and Trita MBh. ix, 2073); (= {got-}) N. of the first pupil of the last Jina (one of the three Kevalins); N. of a Nga (also {-maka}) DivyA7v. ii; m. pl. Gautama's family Hariv. 1788 Pravar.; a kind of poison L.; n. N. of several Smans rshBr. Lthy. iv, 6, 16; fat (cf. {bhAradvAja}, `" bone "') L.; ({gau4tamI}) f. (ganas {gaurA7di} and {zArGgaravA7di}) a female descendant of Gotama (N. of Kriip Hariv. BhP.; of Mah-prajpat Lalit. vii, xv) MBh. xiii, 17 ff. S'ak.; N. of Durg Hariv. 10236; of a Rkshas L.; of a river (= {go-dAvarI}, or {go-matI}) MBh. xiii, 7647 R. vi, 2, 27; the bile-stone of cattle ({go-rocanA}) L.; = {rAjanI} L. gavi = in the cow geya = that which can be sung * = mfn. (Pn. 3-1, 97 Ks'.) to be sung, being sung or praised in song Lthy. Hariv. Pn. 3-4, 68 BhP. x; singing, singer of (gen.) Pn. 3-4, 68; n. a song, singing MBh. R. Megh. &c. (said of the flies) humming Pacat. i, 15, 8/9); cf. {AzIr-}, {prAtar-}. geyaM = is to be sung

gehe = in the house gehenardin * = mfn. `" shouting defiance at home "', id. ib. Bhathth. v, 41. ghRNa = heat, ardour, sunshine, through heat or sunshine; a warm feeling towards others, compassion, tenderness; aversion, contempt; horror, disgust; a kind of cucumber ghaaTa * =mfn. (%{ghaT}) `" working on "' see %{danta-}; = %{ghATA} (or %{-Te}) %{yasyA7sti} (or %{-sya@stas}) g. %{arza-Adi} (not in Ka1s3.); n. management of an elephant Gal.; m. for %{ghaTa} (a pot) Hariv. 16117 (C); the nape or back of the neck, cervical ligament L.; (%{A}) f. id. Car. i, 17, 17 Sus3r. vi, 25, 11 (cf. g. %{arza-Adi}) (cf. %{kara-}.) //2 ghaata = mfn. (%{han} Pa1n2. 7-3, 32 and 54) ifc. `" killing "' see %{amitra-}, %{go-}; m. a blow, bruise MBh. R. &c.; slaying, killing Mn. x, 48 Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.; injuring, hurting, devastation, destruction Ya1jn5. ii, 159 MBh. &c.; (see %{grAma-} & %{karma-}); (in astron.) entrance Su1ryapr. AV. Paris3.; the product (of a sum in multiplication) Gan2it. ghanadhAtu* = m. `" inspissated element of the body "', lymph L


ghaTa = pot * = mfn. intently occupied or busy with (loc.) Pa1n2. 5-2, 35; = %{ghaTA@yasyA7sti} g. %{arza-Adi}; m. a jar, pitcher, jug, large earthen water-jar, watering-pot Mn. viii, xi Ya1jn5. iii, 144 Amr2itUp. MBh. &c.; the sign Aquarius VarBr2S.; a measure = 1 Dron2a (or = 20 Dron2as W.) Asht2a7n3g. v, 6, 28 S3a1rn3gS. i, 28; the head MBh. i, 155, 38 Sch.; a part of a column VarBr2S. liii, 29; a peculiar form of a temple, lvi, 18 and 26; an elephant's frontal sinus L.; a border L.; (= %{kumbha4}) suspending the breath as a religious exercise L.; (along with %{karpara} cf. %{karpara}) N. of a thief Katha1s. lxiv, 43; (%{A}) f. (gan2as %{arza-Adi}, %{sidhmA7di} and %{picchA7di}) effort, endeavour L.; an assembly L.; a number, collection, assemblage BhP. iii, 17, 6 Kpr. vii, 11/12; a troop (of elephants) assembled for martial purposes Ma1lati1m. v, 19 VarBr2S. xliii S3is3. i, 64 Katha1s. Ra1jat.; justification (%{TAm-aT}, `" to have one's self justified by another "') Bhadrab. iv; (perhaps %{-Ta}, m.) a kind of drum; a sweet citron L.; (%{I}) f. a waterjar Prab. ii, 7/8; (also %{-Ti} q.v.; cf. %{-TI-ghaTa}) a period of time (= 24 minutes) Sch. on Ya1jn5. ii, 100-102 and on Su1ryas. i, 25; the Ghari1 or Indian clock (plate of iron or mixed metal on which the hours are struck) L.; a particular procession PSarv. (cf. %{dur-}, %{bhadra-}.)


ghaTaH = (m) earthen pot ghaTaka = component ghaTi = Hour ghataH = (m) earthen pot ghatii = (f) clock, watch ghana = dark, ghana also means cloud ghanasama = Like cloud ghanishha = well-built ghaatayati = causes to hurt ghaatukaH = (m) butcher ghna * = mf({A} MBh. xiii, 2397 Hariv. 9426; {I} f. of 2. {han} q.v.)n. ifc. striking with Mn. viii, 386; killing, killer, murderer, ix, 232 MBh. R. iii; destroying Mn. viii, 127 Yj. i, 138 R. i BhP. iv; removing Mn. vii, 218 Hariv. 9426 Sus'r.; multiplied by VarBriS. li, 39 Sryas. (f. {I}); n. ifc. `" killing "' see {a4hi-}, {parNaya-ghna4} (cf. {artha-}, {arzo-}, {kAsa-}, {kula-}, {kuSTha-}, {kRta-}, {kRmi-}, {gara-}, {guru-}, {go-}, {jvara-},

{puruSa-}, &c.) ghna4t * = mfn. pr. p. {han} q.v. ghora = horrible * = mf({A4})n. (cf. {ghur}) venerable, awful, sublime (gods, the Angiras, the Riishis) RV. AV. ii, 34, 4; terrific, frightful, terrible, dreadful, violent, vehement (as pains, diseases, &c. ) VS. AV. TS. ii S'Br. xii &c. (in comp., g. {kASThA7di}); ({am}) ind. `" dreadfully "', very much g. {kASTA7di}; m. `" the terrible "', S'iva L. (cf. {-ghoratara}); N. of a son of Angiras S'nkhBr. xxx, 6 s'vS'r. xii, 13, 1 ChUp. MBh. xiii, 4148; ({A}) f. the night L.; N. of a cucurbitaceous plant L.; (scil. {gati}) N. of one of the 7 stations of the planet Mercury VarBriS. vii, 8 and 11; ({I}) f. N. of a female attendant of Durg W.; ({a4m}) n. venerableness VS. ii, 32; awfulness, horror AV. S'Br. ix Kaus'. BhP. iv, 8, 36 Gobh. ii, 3 Sch.; `" horrible action "', magic formulas or charms RV. x, 34, 14 s'vS'r. S'nkhS'r. R. i, 58, 8 [379,3]; a kind of mythical weapon MBh. v, 3491; poison L.; saffron L. (cf. {dhIra} and {gaura}). ghore = ghastly ghoshha = noise ghoshthha* =m. (n. L.; fr. {stha} Pn. 8-3, 97) an abode for cattle, cow-house, cow-pen, fold for cattle RV. VS. AV. &c.; stable or station of animals (in

general Pn. 5-2, 29 Vrtt. 3) MBh.; meeting-place, xii, 6547 (= 9953); with {aGgirasAm}N. of a Sman TndyaBr. xiii; {apA4M g-}, a water-vessel AV. xi, 1, 13; `" refuge (of men) "', S'iva MBh. xiv, 198; N. of an author Buddh.; n. = {-SThI-zrAddha} Kull. on Mn. iii, 254; ({A}) f. a place where cows are kept Ganar. 56 Sch.; ({I}) f. an assembly, meeting, society, association, family connections (esp. the dependent or junior branches), partnership, fellowship MBh. (metrically {-SThi}, v, 1536) &c.; conversation, discourse, dialogue Pacat. Kd.; a kind of dramatic entertainment in one act Sh. vi, 274; N. of a village g. {palady-Adi} (Ks'. Ganar. 325); {-karman} n. a rite relating to the cow-stable Kaus'. 19; {-kukkuTa} m. a kind of crow Npr.; {gocara} m. id. ib.; {-cara} m. a kind of hawk Gal.; {ja} m. `" born in a cow-pen "'N. of a Brhman PhithS.; {-pati} m. a chief herdsman L.; {-zva} m. (fr. {zva4n}) `" a dog in a cow-pen which barks at every one "', one who stays at home and slanders his neighbours, malicious or censorious person L.; {-SThA7gAra} m. n. a house in a cow-pen L.; {SThA7dhyakSa} m. = {-STha-pati} L.; {SThA7STamI} f. N. of a festive day (cf. {gopA7ST}); {-SThe-kSveDin} &c. see s. v. {-SThe}. 2. ghrita = purified butter, Hindi ghee ghritaM = (Nr.nom. + acc. S) ghee; clarified butter

gheparaida = (m) a celebration of homosexuality ghoshhaH = vibration ghosha * = m. indistinct noise, tumult, confused cries of a multitude, battle-cry, cries of victory, cries of woe or distress, any cry or sound, roar of animals RV. AV. &c.; the sound of a drum, of a conchshell, of the Soma stones, of a carriage, &c. RV. AV. &c.; the whizzing or whir of a bow-string [TBr. ii], crackling of fire [MBh. ix, 1334], singing in the ear [S'Br. xiv]; the roaring of a storm, of thunder, of water, &c. RV. AV. Sus'r. Megh.; the sound of the recital of prayers MBh. R. Mriicch. x, 12; the sound of words spoken at a distance S'Br. ix; rumour, report (also personified KtyS'r. Sch.) RV. x, 33, 1; a proclamation SaddhP. iv; a sound (of speech) ChUp. Sus'r.; the soft sound heard in the articulation of the sonant consonants ({g}, {gh}, {j}, {jh}, {D}, {Dh}, {d}, {dh}, {b}, {bh}, {G}, {J}, {N}, {n}, {m}, {y}, {r}, {l}, {v}, {h}), the vowels, and Anusvra which with the Yamas of the first 10 of the soft consonants make up altogether 40 sounds (cf. {a-gh-}) RPrt. xiii, 5 f. APrt. Sch. Pn. 1-1, 9 Sch.; an ornament that makes a tinkling sound BhP. x, 8, 22; a station of herdsmen MBh. Hariv. R. &c. (ifc. cf. Pn. 6-2, 85); (pl.) the inhabitants of a station of herdsmen MBh. iv, 1152; a particular form of a temple Hcat. ii, 1, 389; a musquito L.;

Luffa foetida or a similar plant L.; N. of S'iva MBh. xii, 10386; N. of a man (Sy.) RV. i, 120, 5; of an Asura Kthh. xxv, 8; of a prince of the Knva dynasty BhP. xii, 1, 16; of a son of Daksha's daughter Lamb Hariv. 148 and 12480; of an Arhat Buddh.; a common N. for a Kya-stha or one of the writer caste W.; m. pl. (g. {dhUmA7di}) N. of a people or country VarBriS. xiv, 2; m. n. brass, bellmetal L.; ({A}) f. Anethum Sowa L.; = {karkaTazRGgI} L.; N. of a daughter of Kakshvat RV. i, 117, 7; 122, 5 (? Impv. {ghuS}); x, 40, 5 (cf. {Atma-}, {indra-}, {uccair-}, &c.) ghoshhayati = (10 up) to proclaim, announce ghnataH = being killed ghnii = destroying ghoshaNa * = mfn. sounding BhP. iv, 5, 6; n. proclaiming aloud, public announcement R. v, 58, 18 Hit. (v.l.); (ifc. Ragh. xii, 72); (%{A}) f. id. Mr2icch. x, 12 and 25 Pan5cat. Das3. Katha1s. ghraaNaM = smelling power giiratha* = m. `" the vehicle of speech "' = {gir-Iza} L.


gila * = swallowing gir.h = language giraH = words giraaM = of vibrations gira* = 1 ifc. = 1. {gi4r}, speech, voice VarBriS. xxxii, 5; 1. ({A}) f. (g. {ajA7di} Ganar. 41 Sch.) id. L. giri = mountain girikandara = (neut) ravine girijaa = paarvati girish = God of mountain attributed to Lord Shiva giri4s'a * =m. (g. {lomA7di}) `" inhabiting mountains "', N. of Rudra-S'iva VS. xvi, 4 (voc.) MBh. Ragh. Kum. &c.; N. of a Rudra RmatUp.; ({A}) f. = {-zAyikA} Sus'r. i, 46, 2, 14; N. of Durg Hariv. 9423 (v.l. {guhasya jananI}). gir117s'a * =m. (= {-rI7ndra}) a high mountain; N. of the Himavat L.; `" mountain-lord "', S'iva MBh. xiii, 6348 Kum.; one of the 11 Rudras Yj. ii, 102/103, 34; ({A}) f. N. of Durg Hariv. 9424 (cf.

{giri-zA}). gi4riis'a * m. `" lord of &110071[355, 1] speech "'N. of Briihaspati (regent of the planet Jupiter) L gilati = to swallow giita = (n) song* = mfn. ( {gai}) sung, chanted, praised in songs Mn. ix, 42 MBh. &c.; n. singing, song VS. xxx TBr. iii S'Br. iii, vi p. &c.; N. of four hymns addressed to Kriishna; ({A}) f. a song, sacred song or poem, religious doctrines declared in metrical form by an inspired sage (cf. Agastyaggta4. Bhagavad-ggta4 [often called Gt Prab. vi, 9/10 &c.], Rma-ggta4, S'ivaggta4); N. of a metre. giitakrama* = m. the arrangement of a song W.; = {varNa} L. giitajJa* = mfn. versed in the art of singing, acquainted with songs Yj. iii, 116. giitanRtya* = n. sg. song and dance R. i, 24, 5; a particular dance. giitaka* = n. a song, hymn Yj. iii, 113 BhP. viii VP. (Sh. i, 2/3, 14) Kaths.; a kind of metre ({narkuTaka}) VarBriS. civ, 52; melody (seven in

number) MrkP. xxiii, 51 and 59 ({ikA}) f. a short song or hymn MBh. iii, 8173 ({gAthikA} ed. Bomb.); a metre of 4 X 20 syllables; a stanza composed in the Gti metre Kaths. cxvii, 109 (with reference to 65 f.) (cf. {daza-gItikA}.) giitaM = described giitaa = Shrimad.h Bhagavad.h gItA glaaniH = discrepancies glaayati = (1 pp) to fade go = cow / bull * = {gau4s} (acc. {gA4m} instr. {ga4vA} dat. {ga4ve}, gen. abl. {go4s} loc. {ga4vi}; du. {gA4vA} [Ved.], {gA4vau}; pl. nom. {gA4vas} acc. {gA4s} [rarely {gA4vas} TBr. iii TUp. MBh. iv, 1506 R. ii] instr. {go4bhis} dat. abl. {go4bhyas}, gen. {ga4vAm} [once at the end of a Pda RV. iv, 1, 19] and [in RV. at the end of Pdas only cf. Pn. 7-1, 57] {go4nAm} loc. {go4Su}) m. an ox f. a cow, (pl.) cattle, kine, herd of cattle RV. &c. (in comp. before vowels [cf. Pn. 6-1, 122 ff.] {gav}, {gava}, qq. vv.; cf. also {gavAm}, {gavi}, {gAM} ss.vv.; {gavAM vrata}N. of a Sman; {gavAM tIrtha} see {go t-}; {go4Su-gam}, to set out for a battle [to conquer cows] RV. ii, 25, 4; v, 45, 9; viii, 71, 5); `" anything coming from or belonging to an ox or cow "', milk

(generally pl.), flesh (only pl. RV. x, 16, 7; `" fat "' Gmn.), skin, hide, leather, strap of leather, bowstring, sinew (RV. x, 27, 22 AV. i, 2, 3) RV.; = {go4SToma} (q.v.) AitBr. iv, 15 S'Br. xiii ( also {goAyu4s}); (pl.) `" the herds of the sky "', the stars RV. i, 154, 6 and vii, 36, 1; (m. [also f. Un. Sch.]) rays of light (regarded as the herds of the sky, for which Indra fights with Vriitra) MBh. i, iii Hariv. 2943 R. &c.; m. the sign Taurus VarBriS. xl f. VarBri. Laghuj.; the sun (cf. {-putra}) Nir. ii, 6 and 14; the moon L.; a kind of medicinal plant ({RSabha}) L.; a singer, praiser (fr. {gai}) Naigh. iii, 16; `" a goer "', horse (fr. 1. {gA}) Sy. on RV. i, 121, 9 and iv, 22, 8; N. of two Riishis of the SV. (with the patr. ngirasa [TndyaBr. xvi] and Myka); N. of a man (who with Pushkara is said to be the {balA7dhyakSa} of the sons and grandsons of Varuna) MBh. ii, 381 (cf. R. vii, 23, 28); m. or f. (?) the sus ray called Sushumna Nir. ii, 6; water BhP. i, 10, 36 (also f. pl., xi, 7, 50); an organ of sense BhP. vii, 5, 30; the eye Kuval. 70; a billion TndyaBr. xvii, 14, 2; mf. the sky Naigh. i, 4 (perhaps VS. xxiii, 48); the thunderbolt Sy. on RV. v, 30, 7; the hairs of the body L.; f. an offering in the shape of a cow (= {dhenu} q.v.) W.; a region of the sky L.; (Naigh. i, 1) the earth (as the milk-cow of kings) Mn. iv, xii MBh. R. &c.; (hence) the number `" nine "' Jyot. Sryas.; = {go-vIthI} Sch. on VarBriS. ix, 1 ff.; a mother L. (cf. VarBriS. iii, 68); (Naigh. i, 11) speech, Sarasvat (goddess of

speech) MBh. i, iii, v Ragh. ii, v Cn.; voice, note (fr. {gai}) S'is'. iv, 36; N. of Gaur Gal.; of the wife [or of a daughter-in-law BhP. ix, 21, 25] of S'uka (a daughter of the manes called Suklas) Hariv. 986 MatsyaP.; N. of a daughter of Kakut-stha and wife of Yayti Hariv. 1601; [cf. $; Lat. {bos}; Old Germ. {chuo}; Mod. Germ. {Kuh}; Eng. {cow}; Lett. {gohw}; cf. also $, $; Goth. {gavi} and Mod. Germ. {Gau}.] gocara m. pasture ground for cattle A1pS3r. i , 2 , 4 ; (R. iv , 44 , 80) ; range , field for action , abode , dwelling-place , district (esp. ifc. `" abiding in , relating to "' ; `" offering range or field or scope for action , within the range of , accessible , attainable , within the power "') Kat2hUp. iii , 4 Mn. x , 39 MBh. &c. ; the range of the organs of sense , object of sense , anything perceptible by the senses , esp. the range of the eye (e.g. %{locana-gocaraM-yA} , to come within range of the eye , become visible Pan5cat.) MBh. vii , 5616 Sus3r. Vikr. iv , 9 &c. [364,2] ; the distance of the planets from the Lagna and from each other VarBr2S. civ , 2 Romakas. ; mf(%{A})n. being within the range of , attainable for (gen.) BhP. iii , 25 , 28 ; perceptible (esp. to the eye) MBh. xiii , 71 , 33 and 91 , 24 ; having (or used in) the meaning of (loc.) L. Sch. ; %{-gata} mfn. one who has come within the range of or in connection with (gen.) Bhartr2. ; %{-tA} f. the state

of being liable to (in comp.) Sarvad. iv , 253 ; %{tva} n. id. , 42 ; %{-prakaraNa}N. of wk. ; %{phala}N. of VarBr2S. civ ; %{-pIDA} f. inauspicious position of stars within the ecliptic VarBr2S. xli , 13 ; %{-rA7dhyAya} m. = %{-ra-phala} ; %{-rA7ntaragata} mfn. being within the power of (gen.) Pan5cat. ; %{-rI-kRta} mfn. within the range of observation Sa1h. iii , 28 a/b ; overcome (by fatigue , %{glAnyA}) Hcar. v , 139. gocaryaa * = f. seeking food like a cow BhP. xi, 18, 29 gokula* = n. a herd of kine MBh. R. &c.; a cowhouse or station ib.; a village or tract on the Yamun (residence of Nanda and of Kriishna during his youth BhP.; [RTL. p. 113] the inhabitants of that place) BhP. ii, 7, 31; N. of a certain sanctuary or holy place Rjat. v, 23; {-jit} m. N. of an author of the 17th century; {-nAtha} m. N. of the author of the Padavkya-ratna7kara; of the author of the Rasa-maha7rnava; {-stha} m. pl.N. of a Vaishnava sect; {-lA7STaka} n. N. of a poem; {-le7za} m. `" lord of the Gokula "'N. of Kriishna Gal.; {-lo7dbhavA} f. N. of Durg L. gola = globe goloka * = m. (n., Tantr.), `" cow-world "', a part of

heaven, or (in later mythol. RTL. 118 and 291) Kriishna's heaven MBh. xiii, 3195 (cf. 3347) Hariv. 3994 (cf. 3899) R. ii BrahmaP.; {-varNana} n. N. of BrahmaP. iv, 4; of part of the Sad-siva-sanhit; of part of SkandaP. gomukha = musical instrument resembling a cow's face gomukhaaH = horns gomukhaasana = the cow-faced posture gotra = family, race gopa = cover, that which is not visible gosa* = m. ({so}) = {-visarga} L.; ({e}) loc. ind. (v.l. {go-ze}) at day-break L. Sch.; (in Prkriit Hl.) gosa* =2 m. myrrh L. goshaa* = mfn. ({sA} = {san} Ks'. on Pn. 3-2, 67 and viii, 3, 108 = {-Sa4Ni} RV. ix, 2, 10; 16, 2; 61, 20; x, 95, 3. [367,2] goshthhika* = mfn. relating to an assemblage or society Pacat. i, 14.


goshthhe* = loc. of {-STha4} q.v.; {-kSveDin} mfn. `" bellowing in a cow-pen "', a boasting coward, g. {pAtre-samitA7di} and {yuktA7rohy-Adi}; {-paTu} mfn. `" clever in a cow-pen "', a vain boaster ib.; {paNDita} mfn. id. ib.; {-pragalbha} mfn. `" courageous in a cow-pen "', a boasting coward ib.; {-vijitin} mfn. `" victorious in a cow-pen "' id. ib.; {-zaya} mfn. sleeping in a cow-stable Yj. iii, 263; {-zUra} m. a hero in a cow-pen, boasting coward g. {pAtre-samitA7di} and {yuktA7rohy-Adi}. goshthhya* = ({go4-}) mfn. being in a cow-stable VS. xvi, 44. 1. gostana* = m. a cow's dug MBh. iii, 32, 4; a cluster of blossoms, nosegay W.; a pearl necklace consisting of 4 (or of 34 W.) strings L.; a kind of fort; ({I}) f. a kind of red grape Bhpr. v, 6, 108; N. of one of the mothers attending on Skanda MBh. ix, 2621; {-nA7kAra} mfn. shaped like cow's dug Sus'r. ii, vi Bhpr. v; {-nI-sava} m. a kind of wine Npr. goshthoma* = ({go4-}) m. ({sto4ma} Pn. 8-3, 105 Ks'.) an Eka7ha ceremony forming part of the Abhiplava which lasts 6 days (also called {go4} q.v.) TS. vii Lthy. x (cf. AitBr. iv, 15 and {-stoma}.) 1. goshthhaana* = mfn. ({sth-}) serving as an abode

for cows VS. i, 25. goshthhI* = f. of {-STha4} q.v.; {-pati} m. the chief person or president of an assembly W.; {-bandha} m. meeting for conversation Kd. v, 825; {-yAna} m. a society-carriage Mriicch. vi, 4; {-zAlA} f. a meeting-room; {-zrAddha} n. a kind of S'rddha ceremony Kull. on Mn. iii, 254 (RTL. p. 305). gostoma* = m. (Pn. 8-3, 105 Ks'.) = {-SToma} s'vS'r. ix, 5, 2. gosthaana* = n. a station for cattle, cow-pen Hariv. 3397 (cf. {-SThA4na}.) goshthha* = m. (n. L.; fr. {stha} Pn. 8-3, 97) an abode for cattle, cow-house, cow-pen, fold for cattle RV. VS. AV. &c.; stable or station of animals (in general Pn. 5-2, 29 Vrtt. 3) MBh.; meeting-place, xii, 6547 (= 9953); with {aGgirasAm}N. of a Sman TndyaBr. xiii; {apA4M g-}, a water-vessel AV. xi, 1, 13; `" refuge (of men) "', S'iva MBh. xiv, 198; N. of an author Buddh.; n. = {-SThI-zrAddha} Kull. on Mn. iii, 254; ({A}) f. a place where cows are kept Ganar. 56 Sch.; ({I}) f. an assembly, meeting, society, association, family connections (esp. the dependent or junior branches), partnership, fellowship MBh. (metrically {-SThi}, v, 1536) &c.; conversation, discourse, dialogue Pacat. Kd.; a

kind of dramatic entertainment in one act Sh. vi, 274; N. of a village g. {palady-Adi} (Ks'. Ganar. 325); {-karman} n. a rite relating to the cow-stable Kaus'. 19; {-kukkuTa} m. a kind of crow Npr.; {gocara} m. id. ib.; {-cara} m. a kind of hawk Gal.; {ja} m. `" born in a cow-pen "'N. of a Brhman PhithS.; {-pati} m. a chief herdsman L.; {-zva} m. (fr. {zva4n}) `" a dog in a cow-pen which barks at every one "', one who stays at home and slanders his neighbours, malicious or censorious person L.; {-SThA7gAra} m. n. a house in a cow-pen L.; {SThA7dhyakSa} m. = {-STha-pati} L.; {SThA7STamI} f. N. of a festive day (cf. {gopA7ST}); {-SThe-kSveDin} &c. see s. v. {-SThe}. 2. go4shthha* =goSTha* = Nom. . (fr. 1. {-STha}) {SThate}, to assemble, collect Dhtup. viii, 4. gosvaamin* = m. the master or possessor of a cow or of cows KtyS'r. Mn. viii, 231 VarBriS.; a religious mendicant (commonly {gosAin} cf. RTL. pp. 87; 135; 142; also affixed as a honorary title to proper names e.g. {vopadeva-g-}); `" lord of cows "', Kriishna W.; {-mi-sthAna} n. N. of a mountain peak in the middle of the Hima7laya W. gorakshaasana = the cowherd posture gotama* = ({go4-}) m. (superl.) N. of a Riishi

belonging to the family of Angiras with the patr. Rh-gana (author of RV. i, 74-93) RV. AV. S'Br. i, xi, xiv ShadvBr. &c.; (for {gaut-}) N. of the chief disciple of Mah-vra; of a lawyer (cf. {gautama4}); of the founder of the Nyya phil.; `" the largest ox "' and `" N. of the founder of Nyya phil. "' Naish. xvii, 75; N. of a son of Karnika Buddh.; ? MBh. xiii, 4490 (cf. {-dama}); m. pl. (Pn. 2-4, 65) the descendants of the Riishi Gotama RV. s'vS'r. xii, 10 Lthy.; n. a kind of poison Gal.; ({I}) f. v.l. for {gaut-} in g. {gaurA7di}; {-gaura} m. = {gauragotama}, the white Gotama Ganar. 89 Sch.; {pRcchA} f. `" questions of (Mah-vra's pupil) Gotama (put forth in a discussion with Prs'va's pupil Kes'in) "'N. of a Jain work; {-stoma} m. N. of an Eka7ha sacrifice s'vS'r. S'nkhS'r. (cf. S'Br. xiii, 5, 1, 1); {-svAmin} m. Mah-vra's pupil Gotama; {mA7nvaya} m. N. of S'kya-muni L.; {-mI-putra} m. `" son of Gotam "'N. of a king (50 B.C. or A.D.) Inscr. VyuP. MatsyaP.; {-me7zvara-tIrtha} n. N. of a Trtha S'ivaP. govinda = Lord KRishna govindaM = Govinda graamam.h = (n) village graaha * =(Pn. 3-1, 143) mf({I})n. ifc. seizing,

holding, catching, receiving Yj. ii, 51 R. iv, 41, 38; taking (a wife) Yj. ii, 51 (cf. {karNa-}, {gila-}, {dhanur-}, {pANi-}, {pArSNi-}, {vandi-}, {vyAla-}, {hasta-}); m. a rapacious animal living in fresh or sea water, any large fish or marine animal (crocodile, shark, serpent, Gangetic alligator, water elephant, or hippopotamus) Mn. vi, 78 MBh. &c. (ifc. f. {A}, iv, 2017; xvi R. ii); a prisoner L.; the handle (of a sword &c.) Gal.; seizure, grasping, laying hold of Pacat. i, 10, 1 (v.l. for {graha}); morbid affection, disease S'Br. iii; paralysis (of the thigh, {Uru-grAha4} AV. xi, 9, 12 [{ur-} MSS.] MBh. v, 2024 and vi, 5680); `" mentioning "' see {nAma-}; fiction, whim Bhag. xvii, 19; conception, notion of (in comp.) Vajracch. 6 and 9; ({am}) ind. see s.v.; ({I}) f. a female marine animal or crocodile R. vi, 82, 73 ff. graahakaH = (m) customer graahaya = (verbal stem) to cause to be caught graahaan.h = things graaheNa = with endeavor graahya = what is to be grasped * = mfn. to be seized or taken or held RV. x, 109, 3 Mn. Yj. MBh. &c.; to be clasped or spanned Kaths. lxxiv,

217; to be captured or imprisoned Yj. ii, 267 & 283 MBh. &c.; to be overpowered Prab. ii, 8/9; ({a} neg.) R. (B) iii, 33, 16; to be picked or gathered R. iv, 43, 29; to be received or accepted or gained Mn. Yj. MBh. &c.; to be taken in marriage, xiii, 5091; to be received in a friendly or hospitable manner, xii, 6282; to be insisted upon Kaths. xvii, 83; to be chosen or taken account of Rjat. iv, 612; to be perceived or recognised or understood Mn. i, 7 MBh. &c. (cf. {a-}); (in astron.) to be observed VarBriS.; to be considered R. v, vii VarBriS. lxi, 19; to be understood in a particular sense, meant Vop. vi, 15 Pn. Sch.; to be accepted as a rule or law, to be acknowledged or assented to, to be attended to or obeyed, to be admitted in evidence Mn. viii, 78 Yj. MBh. &c.; to be undertaken or followed (a vow) Kaths. vcii, 38; to be put (as confidence) in (loc.), lviii, 36; m. an eclipsed globe (sun or moon) Sryas.; n. poison (NBD.; `" a present "' BRD.) L.; the objects of sensual perception Yogas. i, 41; ({A}) f. archery exercise Gal. (cf. {dur-}, {suhha-}, {svayaM-}.) graahya * mfn. to be taken or accepted, acceptable MBh. R. (cf. {a-pratig-}); one from whom anything may be received MBh. (cf. {-gRhya} and Pn. ib.); m. N. of partic. Grahas TBr. Sch. graahyaM = accessible

graama* = m. an inhabited place, village, hamlet RV. i, x AV. VS. &c.; the collective inhabitants of a place, community, race RV. x, 146, 1 AV. &c.; any number of men associated together, multitude, troop (esp. of soldiers) RV. i, iii, x AV. iv, 7, 5 S'Br. vi, xii; the old women of a family PrGri. i, 9, 3 Sch.; ifc. (cf. Pn. 6-2, 84) a multitude, class, collection or number (in general) cf. {indriya-}, {guNa-}, {bhUta-}, &c.; a number of tones, scale, gamut Pacat. v, 43 MrkP. xxiii, 52; = {indriya-} Jain.; m. pl. inhabitants, people RV. ii, 12, 7; x, 127, 5; n. a village R. ii, 57, 4 Hcat. i, 7, 721/722; [cf. {ariSTa-}, {mahA-}, {zUra-}, {saM-}; cf. Hib. {gramaisg}, `" the mob "'; {gramasgar}, `" a flock. "'] graamaka * = m. a small village Hcar. viii, 3; a village MBh. v, 1466; N. of a town Buddh.; n. = %{ma-caryA} BhP. iv, 25, 52. graamya4* = mfn. (Pn. 4-2, 94) used or produced in a village TS. v AitBr. vii, 7, 1 Kaus'.; relating to villages Mn. vii, 120; prepared in a village (as food) S'Br. ix, xii Mn. vi, 3; living (in villages i.e.) among men, domesticated, tame (an animal), cultivated (a plant; opposed to {vanya} or {araNya}, `" wild "') RV. x, 90, 8 AV. VS. &c.; allowed in a village, relating to the sensual pleasures of a village MBh. xii, 4069 R. iii f. BhP. iv, vi [374, 1]; rustic, vulgar

(speech) Vm. ii, 1, 4; (see {-tA} and {-tva}); relating to a musical scale W.; m. a villager Yj. ii, 166 MBh. xiii BhP. &c.; a domesticated animal see {-mAMsa}; = {-ma-kola} W.; n. rustic or homely speech W.; the Prkriit and the other dialects of India as contra-distinguished from the Sanskriit W.; food prepared in a village MBh. i, 3637 KtyS'r. xxii Sch.; sensual pleasure, sexual intercourse MBh. ii, 2270 BhP. iv; ({A}) f. = {-miNI} L.; = {ma-ja-niSpAvI} L. graha = Planet * =(Pn. 3-3, 58; g. {vRSA7di}) mfn. ifc. (iii, 2, 9 Vrtt. 1) seizing, laying hold of, holding BhP. iii, 15, 35 (cf. {aGkuza-}, {dhanur-}, &c.); obtaining, v, viii; perceiving, recognising, iv, 7, 31; m. `" seizer (eclipser) "', Rhu or the dragos head MBh. &c.; a planet (as seizing or influencing the destinies of men in a supernatural manner; sometimes 5 are enumerated, viz. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn MBh. vi, 4566 f. R. i, 19, 2 Ragh. iii, 13 &c.; also 7 i.e. the preceding with Rhu and Ketu MBh. vii, 5636; also 9 i.e. the sun [cf. S'Br. iv, 6, 5, 1 and 5 MBh. xiii, 913; xiv, 1175] and moon with the 7 preceding Yj. i, 295 MBh. iv, 48 VarBriS.; also the polar star is called a Graha, Garg. (Jyot. 5 Sch.); the planets are either auspicious {zubha-}, {sad-}, or inauspicious {krUra-}, {pApa-} VarBriS.; with Jainas they constitute one of the 5 classes of the Jyotishkas);

the place of a planet in the fixed zodiac W.; the number `" nine "'; N. of particular evil demons or spirits who seize or exercise a bad influence on the body and mind of man (causing insanity &c.; it falls within the province of medical science to expel these demons; those who esp. seize children and cause convulsions &c. are divided into 9 classes according to the number of planets Sus'r.) MBh. &c.; any state which proceeds from magical influences and takes possession of the whole man BhP. vii, ix BrahmaP. Hit. ii, 1, 20; a crocodile MBh. xvi, 142 (ifc. f. {A}) R. iv f. BhP. viii; any ladle or vessel employed for taking up a portion of fluid (esp. of Soma) out of a larger vessel Mn. v, 116 Yj. i, 182; N. of the 8 organs of perception (viz. the 5 organs of sense with Manas, the hands and the voice) S'Br. xiv NriisUp. i, 4, 3, 22; (= {gRha}) a house R. vii, 40, 30 (cf. {a-}, {khara-}, {-druma} and {-pati}); `" anything seized "', spoil, booty MBh. iii, 11461 (cf. {-hA7luJcana}); as much as can be taken with a ladle or spoon out of a larger vessel, ladleful, spoonful (esp. of Soma) RV. x, 114, 5 VS. TS. AitBr. S'Br. &c.; the middle of a bow or that part which is grasped when the bow is used MBh. iv, 1351 ({su-}, 1326); the beginning of any piece of music; grasp, seizing, laying hold of (often ifc.) Kaus'. 10 MBh. &c.; keeping back, obstructing Sus'r.; imprisoning, imprisonment ({-haM-gam}, `" to become a prisoner "' Km.) R. ii, 58, 2; seizure (by demons causing diseases e.g. {aGga-}, spasm of

the limbs) Sus'r.; seizure of the sun and moon, eclipse AV. xix, 9, 7 and 10 VarBriS.; stealing, robbing Mn. ix, 277 MBh. vi, 4458; effort Hit.; insisting upon, tenacity, perseverance in (loc. or in comp.) BhP. vii, 14, 11 Naish. ix, 12 Kaths. Rjat. viii, 226; taking, receiving, reception Mn. viii, 180 S'riingr.; taking up (any fluid); choosing MBh. xii, 83, 12 Sh. vi, 136; `" favour "' see {-nigraha}; mentioning, employing (a word) Mn. viii, 271 Pn. 7-1, 21, Kr. 2 Amar. Rjat.; apprehension, perception, understanding Bhshp. BhP. Sarvad. Sch. on Jaim. and KapS.; ({Aya}) dat. ind. = {gRhItvA} see {grah} (cf. {guda-}, {ziro-}, {hanu-}, {hRd-}.) graaha * =m. a spittoon L.; accepting gifts W. grahaNa * =mfn. ifc. seizing, holding Hariv. 2734; resounding in (?) S'ak. ii, 0/1, 6; n. the hand L.; an organ of sense Yogas. i, 41; a prisoner MBh. xiii, 2051; a word mentioned or employed (e.g. {vacana}, `" the word {vacana} "') Pat. and Ks'.; seizing, holding, taking S'Br. xiv Mn. ii, 317 MBh. &c.; taking by the hand, marrying, i, 1044; catching, seizure, taking captive Mn. v, 130 MBh. &c.; seizure (as by a demon causing diseases), demoniacal possession Hcat.; seizure of the sun or moon, eclipse p. i, 11 Yj. i, 218 VarBriS. &c.; gaining, obtaining, receiving, acceptance R. i, 3, 18 Pacat.

Kaths. xci, 37; choosing Snkhyak. Prab. Sh. vi, 201; purchasing Pacat.; taking or drawing up (any fluid) S'Br. iv KtyS'r.; the taking up of sound, echo W.; attraction Megh. Ragh. vii, 24 Pacat. v, 13, 5/6; putting on (clothes) MBh. ii, 840 Ragh. xvii, 21; assuming (a shape) Yj. iii, 69 MBh. xiv Devm.; undertaking, devoting one's self to (in comp.) R. v, 76, 22 Pacat. [372, 3]; service BhP. iii, 1, 44; including Pn. Ks'.; mentioning, employing (a word or expression) KtyS'r. Lthy. VPrt. Pn. Vrtt. Pat. and Ks'. Sh. vi, 205; mentioning with praise, acknowledgment Sus'r.; assent, agreement W.; perceiving, understanding, comprehension, receiving instruction, acquirement of any science Mn. ii, 173 MBh. iii, xiv Ragh. &c.; acceptation, meaning Pn. 1-1, 68 Vrtt. 5 Pat. Ks'. and Siddh. on Pn.; ({I}) f. an imaginary organ supposed to lie between the stomach and the intestines (the small intestines or that part of the alimentary canal where the bile assists digestion and from which vital warmth is said to be diffused) Sus'r.; = {-NI-gada} Ashtha7ng. iii, 8 Hcat. i, 7 (cf. {kara-}, {keza-}, {garbha-}, {cakSur-}, {nAma-}, {pANi-}, {punar-}.) grahatva * = n. = %{-tA} Hariv. BhP. v f. ; the state of a ladleful or spoonful Ka1t2h. ix , 16. grAhita * = mfn. made to take or seize W.; made to

accept or take (a seat &c.) Vikr. iii, 0/1 Das3. vii, 266 Katha1s. li, 71; made to undertake or to be occupied with (instr.) R. (G) i, 7, 14; taught MBh. iii, 12195. granthaalayaH = (m) library granthiH = (m) knot granthii = a knot, obstruction in the chitrini grasate = (1 pp) to swallow grasana * = swallowing, devouring, a kind of partial eclipse of the sun or moon, seizing, the mouth, jaws grasamaanaH = devouring grasishhNu = devouring grasta* = mfn. swallowed, eaten Pacat.; taken, seized W.; surrounded or absorbed Sus'r.; possessed (by a demon) Das'. iv Hit.; involved in MBh. xiii, 7292 R. iv, 50, 11; tormented, affected by Yj. iii, 245 Pacat. &c.; eclipsed MBh. iii, 2667 R. &c.; inarticulately pronounced, slurred RPrt. Lthy. Pn. S'. (RV.) 35 Pat.; ({a-} neg.) ChUp.; n. inarticulate pronunciation of the vowels Pat. Introd. on Vrtt. 18.

grastaM = having been caught/seized grathita * = mfn. strung, tied, bound, connected, tied together or in order, wound, arranged, classed RV. ix, 97, 18 S3Br. xi MBh. &c.; set with, strewn with MBh. &c.; artificially composed or put together (the plot of a play) S3ak. i, 1/2 Ma1lav. i, 1/2 Vikr.; closely connected with each other, difficult to be distinguished from each other MBh. i, v, xii BhP. iv f.; having knots, knotty Sus3r. i f. iv; coagulated, thickened, hardened, vi; hurt, injured L.; seized, overcome L.; n. the being strung Sch.; a tumor with hard lumps or knots Sus3r. ii, 14, 1 and 4; iv, 21, 3. grihiita * = mfn. (%{grah}, but see %{gRbhAya}) grasped, taken, seized, caught, held, laid hold of ChUp. A1s3vGr2. &c.; received, accepted; received hospitably (as a guest) BhP. iii, 5, 19; obtained, gained; `" taken on one's self "' see %{-mauna}; mentioned Pan5cat.; perceived, understood S3ak. (v.l.) Mudr.; received completely into one's mind (opposed to %{adhI7ta}, `" studied "', but not successfully) Pa1n2. 2-3, 6 Ka1s3. BhP. i, 2, 12. griJNjanakam.h = (n) carrot griNanti = are offering prayers griNaami = I hold

gRR\\1 cl. 9. P. A1. %{gRNA4ti}, %{-NIte4} (1. sg. A1. and 3. sg. Pass. %{gRNe4} RV.; 1. sg. A1. %{gRNISe4} RV.; 2. pl. %{gRNa4tA} AV. v, 27, 9; p. P. %{gRNa4t} RV. &c.; A1. & Pass. %{gRNAna4} RV.; Ved. inf. Impv. %{gRNISa4Ni} RV. vi, 15, 6 and viii, 12, 19), to call, call out to, invoke RV. AV. S3Br. iv Bhag. xi, 21; to announce, proclaim RV.; to mention with praise, praise, extol RV. BhP. xi, 13, 41 Bhat2t2. viii, 77; to pronounce, recite MBh. vii, 1754 Ragh. BhP. i, 1, 14; to relate, teach in verses, 4, 9 Gan2it. i, 4, 5; [cf. $, $; Hib. {goirim}; Old Germ. {quar}, {quir}, &c.; Old Pruss. {gerbu}, `" to speak "'; Angl. Sax. {gale}; Germ. {Nachtigal}; Lat. {gallus} ?]\\2 cl. 6. P. %{girati} or (cf. P. viii, 2, 21) %{gilati} (S3Br. i MBh. Sus3r.), ep. also A1. %{girate} (1. sg. %{gi4rAmi} AV. vi, 135, 3; perf. %{jagAra} RV.; aor. Subj. 3. pl. %{garan} RV. i, 158, 5), to swallow, devour, eat RV. &c.; to emit or eject from the mouth MBh. xii, 12872: Caus. (aor. 2. sg. %{ajIgar}) to swallow RV. i, 163, 7: Intens. %{jegilyate} Pa1n2. 8-2, 20: Desid. %{jigariSati}, vii, 2, 75; [cf. 2. %{gal}, 2 %{gir}, %{gila}, 2. %{gIrNa4}; Lith. {gerru}, `" to drink "'; Lat. {glutio}, {gula}; Slav. {gr-lo}; Russ. {z8ora}.]\\ = 3 (= 3. %{kRR}) cl. 10. A1. %{gArayate}, to know Dha1tup. xxxiii, 33; to make known, teach ib. gridhraH = (m) eagle


griha = house grihagodhikaa = (f) house lizard grihapaaThaH = (m) homework grihasthaaH = householders grihaadishhu = home, etc grihiitvaa = holding the grihiita*= mfn. ({grah}, but see {gRbhAya}) grasped, taken, seized, caught, held, laid hold of ChUp. s'vGri. &c.; received, accepted; received hospitably (as a guest) BhP. iii, 5, 19; obtained, gained; `" taken on one's self "' see {-mauna}; mentioned Pacat.; perceived, understood S'ak. (v.l.) Mudr.; received completely into one's mind (opposed to {adhI7ta}, `" studied "', but not successfully) Pn. 2-3, 6 Ks'. BhP. i, 2, 12. grihiitacetas*= mfn. one whose mind or heart is captivated BhP. vi, 18, 38. grihiitavidya*= mfn. one who has acquired knowledge, learned W. grihiiti*= f. `" seizing, taking "' (the hand, 1. {kara899

}), and `" levying "' (taxes, 2. {kara-}) Hcar. iv, 23; perception Bdar. iii, 3, 16; taking anything to mean or understanding by anything, 4, 23 Sch. grihiitin*= mfn. one who has grasped &c. anything (loc.), g. {iSTA7di}. grihiitri*= mfn. (for {grah-}) one who seizes L. grihNan.h *V = accepting, exating, withdrawing, taking, chanting grihNaati = to catch grihyate = can be so controlled grihyavat*= m mfn. having many adherents or partisans TndyaBr. xiii, 11, 13 Sch. grihyaka*= mfn. domesticated (as animals) Pn. 31, 119 Ks'. grihya*=1 ind. p. Ved. ifc., `" seizing by "' see {karNa-}, {pAda-}, and {hasta-gR4hya}; {haste-}. \\*=2 mfn. (fr. {grah}) to be grasped or taken AV. v, 20, 4 S'nkhGri. v, 2, 5; perceptible S'vetUp. i, 13; ({a4-} neg.) S'Br. xiv; (Pn. 3-1, 119) `" to be taken together with "' (in comp.), adhering to the party of (Ks'.), being in close relation to (as the

lotus to the moon) Kvya7d. ii, 179 Das'. vi; vii, 254 Kir. ii, 5 Bhathth. vi, 61; to be acknowledged or admitted W.; to be adopted or trusted or relied on W.; = {ava-} Vop. xxvi, 20; n. for {guhya} (anus) L.; ({A}) f. (Pn. 3-1, 119) ifc. being outside (of a town or village, as {senA}, an army) Ks'.; a suburb L. \\*=3 mfn. (fr. {gRha4}) belonging to a house, domestic (said of an Agni) TS. v MaitrS. AitBr. viii, 10, 9 Gobh. &c. (said of a series of ceremonies relating to family or domestic affairs, such as marriages, births &c., and treated of in the Griihyastras, q.v.); living in houses, domesticated (as animals) L.; not free, dependent, ({a-} neg.) Bhathth. vi, 61; m. the domestic Agni S'nkhGri. v, 2, 5; a domesticated animal L.; m. pl. the inmates of a house, domestics S'Br. ii f. xii KtyS'r. PrGri. ii; n. a domestic rite Gaut.; a domestic rule or affair BhP. x, 8, 25 Hcat.; = {-sUtra}; ({A}) f. domestic rites and the rules relating to them Griihys. griivaM = neck gu = darkness guDa = jaggery guDaH = (m) jaggery guDaakesha = O Arjuna

guDaakeshaH = Arjuna, the master of curbing ignorance guDaakeshena = by Arjuna guha * m. (g. {azmA7di}) `" reared in a secret place "'N. of Skanda (the god; cf. Krttikeya) MBh. iii, ix, xiii Hariv. 10478 Sus'r. Kum. &c.; N. of S'iva MBh. xiii, 1263; of Vishnu W.; of a king of the Nishdas (friend of Rma) R. i f. vi Mcar. iv, 60/7; N. belonging to persons of the writer caste W.; a horse (`" a swift horse "' W.) L.; m. pl.N. of a people in the south of India MBh. xii, 7559 [360, 3]; (2. {gu4hA}) f. (ganas {vRSA7di} and {bhidA7di}) a hiding-place, cave, cavern VS. xxx, 16 TBr. i MBh. &c. (ifc. f. {A} Hcat. i, 7 and 10); (fig.) the heart S'vetUp. iii, 20 MBh. xii BhP. ii, 9, 24; Hemionitis cordifolia Sus'r. i, 19, 27; v, 7, 1 (cf. {prati-g-}); Desmodium gangeticum L.; (3. {gu4hA}), Ved. instr. ind. in a hiding-place, in secret, secretly (opposed to {Avi4s}, and especially with {dhA}, {ni-dhA}, {kR}, `" to conceal, remove "') RV. AV. S'Br. xi, xiii. guhyaka* = m. N. of a class of demi-gods who like the Yakshas are attendants of Kubera (the god of wealth) and guardians of his treasures (they may have received their N. from living in mountain caverns) Mn. xii, 47 MBh. Hariv. &c. (identified

with Yakshas MBh. v, 7480 Megh. 5 &c.); the number `" eleven "' Sryas.; N. of Kubera L.; m. `" mystery "' see {tathAgata-g-}. gulma * = m. (rarely n. MBh. x BhP. viii, x) a cluster or clump of trees, thicket, bush, shrub VS. xxv, 8 Mn. Yj. &c.; a troop or guard of soldiers, body of troops, division of an army (consisting of 45 foot, 27 horse, 9 chariots, and 9 elephants MBh. i, 290; or of 135 foot, 81 horse, 27 chariots, and 27 elephants L.; cf. MBh. v, 5270) Mn. vii, ix MBh. &c.; a fort, entrenchment W.; disciplining an army W.; m. a chronic enlargement of the spleen or any glandular enlargement in the abdomen (as that of the mesenteric gland &c.) Sus'r. VarBri. xxi, 8 Kaths. xv; the spleen L.; `" a wharf or stairs, Ghath "' see {-tara-paNya}; ({I}) f. a cluster or clump of trees L.; the Myrobalan tree L.; jujube L.; small cardamoms L.; a tent L. guna = character guNa = qualities * = m. ( {grah} Un.) a single thread or strand of a cord or twine (e.g. {tri-g-} q.v.), string or thread, rope TS. vii Mriicch. Kum. Ragh.; a garland W.; a bow-string R. iii, 33, 16 ({cApa-}) Ragh. ix, 54 Riitus. Hit.; (in geom.) a sinew; the string of a musical instrument, chord S'is'. iv, 57: ifc. (f. {A}) with numerals `" fold, times

"' (see {ca4tur-}, {tri-}, {daza-}, {dvi4-}, {paJca-}; rarely the numeral stands by itself along with {guNa4} [e.g. {viziSTo dazabhir guNaiH}, `" of ten times higher value "' Mn. ii, 85] AV. x, 8, 43 MBh. iii, 15649 Hariv. 509; [{guNa} = {bhAga}] Pn. 5-2, 47 Ks'.); a multiplier, co-efficient (in alg.); subdivision, species, kind (e.g. {gandhasya guNAH}, the different kinds of smell MBh. xii, 6847); the 6 subdivisions of action for a king in foreign politics (viz. peace, war, march, halt, stratagem, and recourse to the protection of a mightier king) Mn. vii, 160 Yj. i, 346 MBh. ii, 155; = {upA7ya} (q.v., denoting the 4 ways of conquering an enemy) R. v, 81, 41; `" requisite "' see {-No7pe7ta}; a secondary element, subordinate or unessential part of any action (e.g. {sarva-g-} mfn. `" reaching to all subordinate parts "', hence `" valid throughout "' KtyS'r.) S'nkhS'r. s'vS'r. KtyS'r. R. v, 1, 71; an auxiliary act S'nkhBr. xxvi, 4; a secondary dish (opposed to {anna} i.e. rice or the chief dish), side-dish Mn. iii, 224 ff.; (= {karman}, in Gr.) the secondary or less immediate object of an action Pn. 1-4, 51 Sch.; a quality, peculiarity, attribute or property Lthy. S'nkhGri. Mn. iii, ix, &c.; an attribute of the 5 elements (each of which has its own peculiar quality or qualities as well as organ of sense; thus 1. ether has {zabda}, or sound for its Guna and the ear for its organ; 2. the air has tangibility and sound for its Gunas and the skin for its organ; 3. fire or light has shape or

colour, tangibility, and sound for its Gunas, and the eye for its organs; 4. water has flavour, shape, tangibility, and sound for its Gunas, and the tongue for its organ; 5. earth has the preceding Gunas, with the addition of its own peculiar Guna of smell, and the nose for its organ) Mn. i, 20 and 76-78 MBh. xii, 6846 ff. S'ak. i, 1 BhP. iii, 5, 35; (in S'nkhya phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakriiti, chief quality of all existing beings (viz. {sattva}, {rajas}, and {tamas} i.e. goodness, passion, and darkness, or virtue, foulness, and ignorance; cf. RTL. pp. 31; 36; 163) Mn. i; iii, 40; xii, 24 ff. Snkhyak. Bhag. xiii f.; (hence) the number `" three "' VarBriS. iic, 1; a property or characteristic of all created things (in Nyya phil. twenty-four Gunas are enumerated, viz. 1. {rUpa}, shape, colour; 2. {rasa}, savour; 3. {gandha}, odour; 4. {sparza}, tangibility; 5. {saMkhyA}, number; 6. {parimANa}, dimension; 7. {pRthaktva}, severalty; 8. {saMyoga}, conjunction; 9. {vibhAga}, disjunction; 10. {paratva}, remoteness; 11. {aparatva}, proximity; 12. {gurutva}, weight; 13. {dravatva}, fluidity; 14. {sneha}, viscidity; 15. {zabda}, sound; 16. {buddhi} or {jJAna}, understanding or knowledge; 17. {sukha}, pleasure; 18. {duHkha}, pain; 19. {icchA}, desire; 20. {dveSa}, aversion; 21. {prayatna}, effort; 22. {dharma}, merit or virtue; 23. {adharma}, demerit; 24. {saMskAra}, the self-reproductive quality); an epithet KtyS'r.; good quality, virtue,

merit, excellence Mn. MBh. &c.; the merit of composition (consistency, elegance of expression, &c.) Kvya7d. i, 41 f. Kpr. viii Sh. viii; the peculiar properties of the letters (11 in number, viz. the 8 {bAhya-prayatnAs} [q.v.] and the 3 accents) Ks'. on Pn. 1-1, 9 and 50 (cf. {-mAtra}); the first gradation of a vowel, the vowels {a} (with {ar}, {al} Pn. 1-1, 51), {e}, {o} Nir. x, 17 RPrt. xi, 6 Pn.; an organ of sense L.; a cook (cf. {-kAra}) L.; Bhmasena (cf. {-kAra}) L.; ({A}) f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana L.; the plant {mAMsarohiNI} L.; N. of a princess Rjat. iv, 695 (cf. {nir-}, {vi-}, {sa-}; {gauNa}.) guNaiH = by the qualities gunavat.h = man with good qualities guNakathanapuNyena = through the merit from praising Thy glories guNakarma = of works under material influence guNakarmasu = in material activities guNan.h = praising guNanam.h = (n) multiplication guNanidhiM = the stock-pile of good qualities

guNabhedataH = in terms of different modes of material nature guNabhoktri = master of the gunas guNamayii = consisting of the three modes of material nature guNamayaiH = consisting of the gunas guNataH = by the modes of material nature guNatrayaH = three qualities i.e satvaH, rajaH \&tamaH guNatva n. the condition of a string Hit.; subordination Ka1tyS3r.; the possession of qualities Sarvad. x, 35 and 52; excellence Sus3r. i, 45, 7, 19; multiplication W. guNavaan.h = a man with good qualities guNavat * = mfn. `" furnished with a thread or string "' and `" endowed with good qualities "' Pan5cat. S3a1rn3gP. Subh.; endowed with the five qualities or attributes of elements Sa1m2khyak. 60; endowed with good qualities or virtues or merits or excellences, excellent, perfect MBh. R. &c.; m. N. of a son of Gun2avati1 Hariv. 8840; (%{tI}) f. N. of a

combination of three S3lokas forming all one phrase Ka1vya7d. i, 13 Sch.; of a daughter (of Suna1bha and wife of Sa1mba Hariv. 8762; 8779; 8840; of the prince Gun2a-sa1gara Katha1s. cxxiii); %{-tama} mfn. (superl.) most excellent Ya1jn5. ii, 78; %{-tara} mfn. (compar.) more excellent Mn. v, 113 R. iii Pan5cat.; %{-tA} f. the state of possessing qualities W.; possession of good qualities or virtues, excellence MBh. xiv, 86 R. ii Ragh. viii; %{tva} n. the state of possessing qualities Sa1h. i, 2/3, 37 f. guNasa.nkhyaane = in terms of different modes guNasangaH = the association with the modes of nature guNaGYa = one who knows qualities (one who is a patron of good qualities) guNaaH = senses guNaatiitaH = transcendental to the material modes of nature guNaan.h = the three modes of nature guNaanvitaM = under the spell of the modes of material nature

guNebhyaH = to the modes of nature guNeshhu = in sense gratification gup.h = guard, hide gupta = secret; gupta mfn. protected, guarded, preserved AV. &c.; hidden, concealed, kept secret, secret Bhartri. Pacat. Kaths. &c. (with {daNDa}, a secret fine, fine secretly imposed or exacted Hit.; cf. {gUDha-d-}); = {saMgata} (? joined, combined) W.; ({am}; in comp. {a-} Hcat.) ind. secretly, privately Kaths.; ({su-}) Pacat. iv; ({e}) loc. ind. in a hidden place Kaths. lxxv; m. (Pn. 6-1, 205 Ks'.) N. of several men belonging to the Vais'ya caste (PrGri. i, 17; cf. RTL. p. 358), especially of the founder of the renowned Gupta dynasty in which the names of the sovereigns generally end in {gupta} (cf. {candra-}, {samudra-}, {skanda-}; {gupta} is also often found ifc. in names of the Vais'ya class); ({A}) f. a married woman who withdraws from her lover's endearments L.; Mucuna pruritus Sus'r. iv, 26, 33; vi, 46, 21 ({pta}); N. of a woman Pn. 4-1, 121 Sch. ({gopA} Ks'.); of a S'kya princess Buddh. guptaasana = the hidden posture guru = (adj) heavy * = mf({vI})n. (cf. {giri4}; comp.

{ga4rIyas}, once {-yas-tara}, {guru-tara}, superl. {gariSTha}, {gurutama} see ss. vv.) heavy, weighty (opposed to {laghu4}) RV. i, 39, 3 and iv, 5, 6 AV. &c. (g. {zauNDA7di} Ganar. 101); heavy in the stomach (food), difficult to digest MBh. i, 3334 Sus'r.; great, large, extended, long Yj. (see {kratu}) Bhartri. &c.; (in prosody) long by nature or position (a vowel) Prt. (a vowel long both by nature and by position is called {garIyas} RPrt. xviii, 20) Pn. 1-4, 11 and 12; high in degree, vehement, violent, excessive, difficult, hard RV. MBh. &c.; grievous Megh. 80; important, serious, momentous MBh.&c.; valuable, highly prized Yj. ii, 30 ({guru} = {garIyas}) &c.; haughty, proud (speech) Pacat.; venerable, respectable; m. any venerable or respectable person (father, mother, or any relative older than one's self) Gobh. S'nkhGri. Mn. &c.; a spiritual parent or preceptor (from whom a youth receives the initiatory Mantra or prayer, who instructs him in the S'stras and conducts the necessary ceremonies up to that of investiture which is performed by the crya Yj. i, 34) RPrt. s'vGri. PrGri. Mn. &c.; the chief of (gen. or in comp.) Cn. Ragh. ii, 68; (with S'ktas) author of a Mantra; `" preceptor of the gods "', Briihaspati Mn. xi; (hence) the planet Jupiter Jyot. VarBriS. Bhartri. &c.; `" Pndu-teacher "', Drona L.; Prabh-kara (celebrated teacher of the Mmns, usually mentioned with Kumrila) SS'ankar. vi, 50; xv, 157; (= {dharma}) `" venerable

"', the 9th astrological mansion VarBriS. i, 16; Mucuna pruritus L.; N. of a son of Sankriiti BhP. ix, 21, 2 du. parents MBh.; m. pl. parents and other venerable persons Mn. iv Vikr. v, 10 Kaths.; a honorific appellation of a preceptor (whose N. is also put in the pl.), Jain Hit.; ({vI}) f. `" venerable woman "', a mother p. i, 21, 9; `" great (with child) "', pregnant, a pregnant woman L.; the wife of a teacher W.; [cf. $; Lat. {gravis}; Goth. {kauriths}; Lith. {gie4ras}.] guruH = teacher; weighty gurucharaNaambuja = the lotus feet of the teacher/guru guruNaapi = even though very difficult gurutvaM = (abstract noun)greatness;weeightiness gurutvaaakarshhaNa = gravitational attraction gurun.h = the superiors guruvaara = Thrusday guruu = teacher, preceptor, long syllables as against short(laghuu)


gulikaa = (f) tablet, pill gulma = the spleen guhaa = (fem) cave guhyaM = confidential subject guhyatamaM = the most confidential guhyataraM = still more confidential guhyaat.h = than confidential guhyaanaaM = of secrets guuna* = mfn. voided (as ordure) Pn. 8-2, 44 Vrtt. 2. guudha* = (%{gULha4} RV.) mfn. covered, hidden, concealed, invisible, secret, private RV. &c.; disguised Mn. ix, 261 MBh. iii, 17311 [361,1]; n. a secret place or mystery Kat2hUp. i, 1, 29; one of the S3abda7lam2ka1ras Sarasv. ii, 19; (%{am}) ind. secretly Das3. vii, 248 Ra1jat. v, 268; (%{A}) f. N. of a S3ruti Gal.; (%{e}) loc. ind. secretly Mn. vii, 186; ix, 170. GYa = one who knows (suffix)

GYanakaaraka = Significator of knowledge which is Jupiter GYaa = to know GYaatachara = (adj) known GYaatavyaM = knowable GYaati = community (people of the same caste etc.) GYaatuM = to know GYaate = in the realised state GYaatena = by knowing GYaatvaa = knowing well GYaana = knowledge GYaanaM = knowledge GYaanaH = whose knowledge GYaanagamyaM = to be approached by knowledge GYaanachakshushhaH = those who have the eyes of knowledge

GYaanachakshushhaa = by the vision of knowledge GYaanadiipite = because of the urge for selfrealization GYaanaplavena = by the boat of transcendental knowledge GYaanamana.ntaM = Knowledge and Infinity or Absoluteness GYaanamayaH = (Masc. Nom.Sing.)full of knowledge GYaanamayo = full of Gyana or knowledge GYaanayaGYaH = sacrifice in knowledge GYaanayaGYaaH = sacrifice in advancement of transcendental knowledge GYaanayaGYena = by cultivation of knowledge GYaanayogena = by the linking process of knowledge GYaanavataaM = of the wise GYaanavaan.h = learned

GYaanavihinaH = (but)bereft of knowledge of the Self GYaanashabdayoH = of knowledge and sound GYaanasya = of knowledge GYaanaaH = knowledge GYaanaagniH = the fire of knowledge GYaanaat.h = than knowledge GYaanaanaaM = of all knowledge GYaanaavasthita = situated in transcendence GYaaninaH = of the knower GYaanibhyaH = than the wise GYaanii = one who is in knowledge GYaane = in knowledge GYaanena = with knowledge GYaanenaiva = GYAnena + eva:thro' knowledge alone

GYaanendriya = an organ of knowledge, i.e. the five senses GYaayate = known GYaayase = can to be known GYaasyasi = you can know GYeyaM = be known GYeyaH = should be known GYeyosi = You can be known

haa * = Meaning 1 ind. an exclamation expressive of pain, anger, astonishment, satisfaction &c. (= ah! alas! oh! ha! often before or after a voc. case, also repeated {hA-hA} cf. 1. {hahA} above, or followed by other particles, esp. {dhik}, {hanta}, {kaSTam} &c.) MBh. Kv.&c, haa * = Meaning 2 (not always separable fr. 3.

{hA}) cl. 3. . (Dhtup. xxv, 7) {ji4hIte} (p. {ji4hAna} [q.v.]; pf. {jahire4} AV.; aor. {ahAsta} RV. &c.; fut. {hAtA} Gr.; {hAsyate} Br. MBh.; inf. {hAtum} ib.; ind. p. {hAtvA} Gr.; {-hA4ya} RV.), to start or spring forward, bound away, give way to (dat.) RV.; to spring or leap upon (?) RV. x, 49, 5; to go or depart or betake one's self to have recourse to (acc.) Nalo7d. [1296, 2]; to fall or come into any state Kir.: Pass. {hAyate} (aor. {ahAyi}) Gr.: Caus. {hApayati} (aor. {ajIhapat}) ib.: Desid. {jihAsate} ib.: Intens. {jahAyate}, {jAhAti}, {jAheti} ib. haa * = Meaning 3 cl. 3. P. (Dhtup. xxv, 8) {ja4hAti} (rarely cl. 1. {jahati} 3. du. {jahltaH} Impv. {jahi4hi} For {jahAhi} Pn. 6-4, 117]; {jahItAt} AV.; Pot. {jahyAt} AV. &c.; pf. {jahau}, {jahu4H} RV. &c.; {jahe} Br.; aor. {ahAt} ib. &c.; {ahAsIt} Gr.; 3. sg. {ahAs} RV.; {a4hAsi} AV.; {hAsiSTa} ib.,; fut. {hAtA} Gr.; {hAsyati}, {-te} AV. &c, {jahiSyati} MBh. &c.; inf. {hAtum} ib.; ind. p. {hitvA4}. [q.v.] RV. &c.; {hitvI4} {-tvA4ya} RV.; {hItvA} Gr.; {-hA4ya} Br., {hI4yam} TS.), to leave, abandon, desert, quit, forsake, relinquish (with {zarIram}, {deham}, {prA7NAn}, {asUn}, {jvitam} &c. - "' to die "') RV. &c, &c.; to discharge, emit ib.; to put away, take off, remove, lay aside, give up, renounce, resign, avoid, shun, abstain or refrain from Mn. MBh. &c.; to disregard, neglect ib.; to lose, be deprived of. R. Km.; to get rid of. escape

from Up. MBh. &c.; to cause to emit (with {zardham}, `" to cause to break wind "') Vop.: Pass. {hIya4te} or {hI4yate} (ep. also {hIyati}; aor. {ahAyi}), to be left or abandoned or deserted &c.; to be left behind, fall short of (abl.) RV. &c. &c.; to be excluded from or bereft of (abl. or instr.; with {prA7NaiH}, `" to die "') KathhUp. Mn. MBh. &c.; to be overtaken by (instr.) MBh.; to be deficient or wanting, suffer loss or injury, fail (also in a lawsuit), decrease, wane, decline, come to an end ChUp. Mn. MBh. &c.; to weigh less (at the ordeal of the balance) Yj. Sch.; to be given up or avoided Bhartri. (v.l.); to be subtracted VarBriS.; to become detached from (with abl. or instr.), fall out (as hair) BhP.: Caus. {hApayati} (m. c. also {-te} aor. {ajIhapat}; {-jIhipaH} RV.), to cause to leave or abandon &c.; to omit, neglect Mn. MBh. &c.; to fall short of. be wanting in (acc.) MBh. Cn.; to give up ({asUn}, `" life "') Hariv.; to lose ({kAlam}, `" time "') Km.; to abandon ({pratijJAm}, `" a thesis "') Jtakam.: Desid. {jihAsati}, to wish to leave or abandon Das'. BhP. HParis'.; to wish to reject or disdain Prab.; to wish to escape Sarvad.: Intens. {jehIyate}, {jAhAti}, {jAheti} Gr. This page was generated by SFgate 4.0.30. Ha Meaning 1 the thirty-third and last consonant of the Ngar alphabet (in Pnini's system belonging to the guttural class, and usually pronounced like the English {h} in {hard}; it is not an original letter, but is mostly derived from an older {gh}, rarely

from {dh} or {bh}). haa * = Meaning 2 (only L.) m. a form of S'iva or Bhairava (cf. {nakulI7za}); water; a cipher (i.e. the arithmetical figure which symbolizes o); meditation, auspiciousness; sky, heaven, paradise; blood; dying; fear; knowledge; the moon; Vishnu; war, battle; horripilation; a horse; pride; a physician; cause, motive; = {pApa-haraNa}; = {sakopa-vAraNa}; = {zuSka}; (also {A} f.) laughter; ({A}) f. coition; a lute ({am}) n. the Supreme Spirit; pleasure, delight; a weapon; the sparkling of a gem; calling, calling to the sound of a lute; (ind.) = {aham} (?), IndSt.; mfn. mad, drunk. haakiNii = the goddess in aGYaa chakra haalaahala = poison haana * 2 n. the act of abandoning, relinquishing, giving up, escaping, getting rid of Gaut. S'ank. Sarvad.; want, lack Kap.; cessation ib. Bhartri. (v.l.) haana 1 mfn. gone or departed &c. (in {sa4MhAna}, `" risen "') VS. haani = damage haaniH = destruction

haara = Garland *= 1 mf(%{I})n. bearing, carrying, carrying away, stealing (e.g. %{kSIra-h-}, `" stealing milk "') Ma1rkP.; levying, raising (e.g. %{kara-h-}, `" raising taxes "') BhP.; ravishing, charming, delightful (or `" relating to Hari i.e. Vishnu "') ib.; relating to Hara or S3iva Nalac.; m. taking away, removal ib.; confiscation, forfeiture (of land, money &c.) Mn. MBh. Katha1s.; waste, loss (see %{kAla-h-}); war, battle W.; a carrier, porter ib.; (in arithm.) a divisor or division Col.; (in prosody) a long syllable ib.; a garland of pearls, necklace (accord. to some, one of 108 or 64 strings) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; (%{A}) f. Pa1n2. 3-3, 104; (%{I}) f. a pearl L.; a girl of bad reputation (unfit for marriage) L.; a kind of metre Col.\\2 (for 3. see p. 1292, col. 1) Nom. P. %{-rati} to be like a string of pearls Dhu1rtas.\\ 3 mfn. (for 1. and 2. see p. 1289, col. 2) relating to Hari or Vishn2n BhP.\\ %{hAraka}, %{hArin} &c. see p. 1289, cols. 2 and 3. haariNii = remover haard * = (fr. and = {hRd}). see {dur-} and {suhA4rd}. haa4rdi * = m. the heart AV.; contentment, ease, comfort VarBriS.; n. the heart or interior of the body (also applied to the intestines) RV.


haardikA * =see {yama-h-}. haardikya * =m. patr. of Kriita-varman MBh. Hariv.; friendship R. haardin * =mfn. feeling affection for (loc.) MrkP. haardivan * =(Tr.) or (vS.) mfn. hearty, cordial, having an affection for (loc.) haardvan * =(vS.) mfn. hearty, cordial, having an affection for (loc.) haasa = laughter haasya = the sentiment of humor haata * = mfn. given up, abandoned BhP ha = the sun ha * = Meaning1 the thirty-third and last consonant of the Ngar alphabet (in Pnini's system belonging to the guttural class, and usually pronounced like the English {h} in {hard}; it is not an original letter, but is mostly derived from an older {gh}, rarely from {dh} or {bh}). ha * = Meaning 2 (only L.) m. a form of S'iva or

Bhairava (cf. {nakulI7za}); water; a cipher (i.e. the arithmetical figure which symbolizes o); meditation, auspiciousness; sky, heaven, paradise; blood; dying; fear; knowledge; the moon; Vishnu; war, battle; horripilation; a horse; pride; a physician; cause, motive; = {pApa-haraNa}; = {sakopa-vAraNa}; = {zuSka}; (also {A} f.) laughter; ({A}) f. coition; a lute ({am}) n. the Supreme Spirit; pleasure, delight; a weapon; the sparkling of a gem; calling, calling to the sound of a lute; (ind.) = {aham} (?), IndSt.; mfn. mad, drunk. ha * = Meaning 3 ind. (prob. orig. identical with 2. {gha}, and used as a particle for emphasizing a preceding word, esp. if it begins a sentence closely connected with another; very frequent in the Brhmanas and Stras, and often translatable by) indeed, assuredly, verily, of course, then &c. (often with other particles e.g. with {tv eva}, {u}, {sma}, {vai} &c.; {na ha}, `" not indeed "'; also with interrogatives and relatives e.g. {yad dha}, `" when indeed "'; {kad dha}, `" what then? "' sometimes with impf. or pf. [cf. Pn. 3-2, 116]; in later language very commonly used as a mere expletive, esp. at the end of a verse) RV. &c. &c. ha * = Meaning 4 mf({A})n. (fr. {han}) killing, destroying, removing (only ifc.; see {arAti-}, {vRtra-}, {zatruha} &c.)

ha * = Meaning 5 mf({A})n. (fr. 3. {hA}) abandoning, deserting, avoiding (ifc.; see {an-oka-} and {vApI-ha}); ({A}) f. abandonment, desertion L. haituka* = mf({I})n. having a cause or reason, founded on some motive (in {a-h-}) Bhag. BhP.; (ifc.) caused by, dependent on MBh. BhP.; m. a reasoner, rationalist, sceptic, heretic ({I} f.) Mn. Yj. MBh. &c.; a follower of the Mmns doctrines W. hala = a plough halaasana = the plough posture halaahala = poison halahala* = mfn. ploughing making furrows L. halahalaa* = ind. an exclamation of applause or approbation MBh. R. halaahala* = m. n. a kind of deadly poison (prodoced at the churning of the ocean by gods and demons) Kv. Pacat.; m. (only L.) a kind of lizard; a kind of snake; a Jaina or Bauddha sage. haalahala* = (Jtakam.) and n. the above poison.


haalahaala* = (L.) n. the above poison. haalaahala* = m. a panic. poisonous plant (the seed of which is said to resemble a cow's teat) Bhpr.; a kind of lizard L.; a kind of spider L.; n. (rarely m.), a deadly poison prepared from the roots of the above plant accord. to R. and BhP. produced at she churning of the ocean (cf. {halAhala}) Kv. Sus'r. BhP.; ({A}) f. a kind of small mouse L.; ({I}) f. spirituous liquor L. haalahala* = {hAlAhala}, {hAhala} &c. Sea p. 1293, col. 2. halaayudha * m. `" plough-weaponed "'N. of Balarma (see above; also transferred to VishnuKriishna) MBh. Hariv.; (also with {bhatTa}, {mizra} &c.) N. of various writers (esp. of a poet, of the author of the Abhidhna-ratnamls, of the author of the Purna-sarvasva &c.) Cat.; {cchAndogya} (?) and {-stava} m. N. of wks. haMsaH = (m) swan han* = mfn. only f. {-ghnI} q.v.\\* = m. killer of Makha "'N. of Agni or Indra or Rudra TS. han* =1 cl. 2. P. (Dhtup. xxiv, 2) {hanti} (3. du. {hata4H}, 3. pl. {ghnanti}; rarely . {hate}, 3. pl.

{ghnate}; and cl. 1. {hanati}, Ved. also {jighnate}, {ti}; Pot. {hanyAt} Br. also {ha4nIta}, {ghnIta}; Impv. {jahi4} Tr. {handhi4}; impf. {a4han}, Ved. and ep. also {ahanat}, {ahanan}, {aghnanta}; p. {jaghnat}, {ghnamAna} MBh.; pf. {jaghA4na}, {jaghnu4H} Br.and ep. also {jaghne}, {-nire} Subj. {jagha4nat} RV.; p. {jaghniva4s}, Ved. also {jaghanvas}; aor. {ahAnIt} JaimBr. [cf. {vadh}]; fut. {hantA} MBh.; {haMsyati} ib.; {haniSya4ti}, {te} AV. &c.; inf. {ha4ntum}, Ved. also {ha4ntave}, {-tavai4}, {-toH}; ind. p. {hatvA4}, Ved. also {tvI4}, {-tvAya}, {-hatya}; {-hanya} MBh.; {ghA4tam} Br. &c.), to strike, beat (also a drum), pound, hammer (acc.), strike &c. upon (loc.) RV. &c. &c.; to smite, slay, hit, kill, mar, destroy ib.; to put to death, cause to be executed Mn. Hit.; to strike off Kaths.; to ward off, avert MBh.; to hurt, wound (the heart) R.; to hurl (a dart) upon (gen.) RV.; (in astron.) to touch, come into contact VarBriS.; to obstruct, hinder Rjat.; to repress, give up, abandon (anger, sorrow &c.) Kv. BhP.; (?) to go, move Naigh. ii, 14: Pass. {hanya4te} (ep. also {ti}; aor. {avadhi} or {aghAni}), to be struck or killed RV. &c. &c.: Caus. {ghAtayati}, {-te} (properly a Nom. fr. {ghAta} q.v.; aor. {ajIghatat} or {ajIghanat}), to cause to be slain or killed, kill, slay, put to death, punish Mn. MBh. &c.; to notify a persos death ({kaMsaM ghAtayati} = {kaMsavadham AcaSTe}) Pn. 3-1, 26 Vrtt. 6 Pat.; to mar, destroy MBh. Pacat. (v.l.): Desid. {ji4ghAMsati},

{-te} (Pot. {jighAMsIyat} MBh.; impf. {ajighAMsIH} S'Br.), to wish to kill or destroy RV. &c. &c.: Intens. {ja4Gghanti} (RV.; p. {jaGghanat}, {ja4Gghnat} or {gha4nighnat}), {jaGghanyate} (with pass. sense MundUp.), {jeghnIyate} (Pn. 74, 31), to strike = tread upon (loc. or acc.) RV.; to slay, kill ib.; to dispel (darkness), destroy (evil, harm) ib.; to hurt, injure, wound MundUp. [Cf. Gk. $; Lat. {de-fendere}, &388667[1287, 2] {offendere}; Lit. {genu}, {gi4ti}; Slav. {gu8nati}.] han* =2 mf({ghnI})n. killing, a killer, slayer (only ifc.; see {ari-}, {tamo-han} &c.) hana * mf({I})n. id. (see {vIra-haNa}); m. killing, slaughter (see {su-hana}); ({A}) f. (see {durha4NA}). ha.nsa = (masc) swan, goose ha.nsaasana = the swan posture hanana = killing hanishhye = I shall kill hanumatprabhuH = the lord of Hanuman hanumaana = a monkey chief, son of Anjana and

Vayu hanumaanaasana = the splits hanta = O !, Alas !* ind. an exclamation or inceptive particle (expressive of an exhortation to do anything or asking attention, and often translatable by `" come on! "' `" here! "' `" look! "' `" see! "' in later language also expressive of grief, joy, pity, haste, benediction &c. and translatable by `" alas! "' `" ah! "' `" oh! "' &c.; often repeated or joined with other particles e.g. {hA hanta}, {hanta hanta}, {hanta tarhi}) RV. &c. &c. hantaaraM = the killer hanti = kills hantuM = to kill hantri = desirous of killing hanyate = is killed hanyamaane = being killed hanyuH = may kill har.h = to steal

hara = shankara * = mf(%{A}, rarely %{I})n. (only ifc.; fr. 1. %{hR}) bearing, wearing, taking, conveying, bringing (see %{kavaca-}, %{vArttA-h}), taking away, carrying off, removing, destroying (see %{bala-}, %{zakti-h-}); receiving, obtaining (see %{aMza-h-}); ravishing, captivating (see %{mano-h-}); m. `" Seizer "', `" Destroyer "'N. of S3iva A1s3vGr2. Mn. MBh. &c.; of a Da1nava MBh. Hariv.; of a monkey R.; of various authors &c. Cat.; (in arithm.) a divisor Col.; the denominator of a fraction, division ib.; a stallion (?) L.; an ass L.; fire L. haraH = shiva harati = (1pp) to take (away) haranti = throw harasi = you remove hari = vishnu hariH = the Supreme Personality of Godhead, KRishhNa hariNa = deer harita = green

haritam.h = (n) cabbage haridraa = (f) turmeric (haldii) hariiH = VishNu hareH = of Lord KRishhNa hartaa.asi = are the usurper harmya = building harsha = (masc) joy * = m. (ifc. f. %{A}; fr. %{hRS}) bristling, erection (esp. of the hair in a thrill of rapture or delight) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; joy, pleasure, happiness (also personified as a son of Dharma) Kat2hUp. MBh. &c. [1292,3]; erection of the sexual organ, sexual excitement, lustfulness Sus3r.; ardent desire MBh.; N. of an Asura Katha1s.; of a son of Kr2ishn2a BhP.; of various authors &c. (also with %{dIkSita}, %{mizra}, %{sUri} &c.; cf. %{zrI-harSa}); mfn. happy, delighted W. harshha = from happiness harshhaM = cheerfulness harshhashokaanvitaH = subject to joy and sorrow

haryaksha * = mfn. yelloweyed VS. MBh.; m. a lion MBh. R.; the zodiacal sign Leo Cat.; a monkey R.; N. of Kubera L.; of a demon causing diseases PrGri.; of an Asura BhP.; of a son of Priithu ib.; of S'iva MW. hary-aksha * = hary-akSa haryaksha * = {hary-aGga} &c. see above, col. i. hasati = (1pp) to laugh hasta = hand hastaM = hand hastaghaTii = (f) wristwatch hasta\-paadangushhThaasana = the hand-to-bigtoe posture hastaat.h = from the hand hastaaksharam.h = (n) handwriting hastini = in the elephant hastipakaH = (m) mahout, one who rides the elephant

hastairbibhraaNaM = bearing in the hands hata* =mfn. struck by lightning Ka1t2h. [113,1]\\ mfn. struck, heaten (also said of a drum), smitten, killed, slain, destroyed, ended, gone, lost (often ibc. = `" destitute of "', `" bereft of "', `" -less "') RV. &c. &c.; injured, marred, hurt, wounded (lit. and fig.) MBh. Katha1s.; struck off (as a head) R.; knocked out (as an eye) ib.; hit by (instr. or comp.) Ka1v. Katha1s.; whirled up, raised (as dust) S3ak.; visited or afflicted or tormented by, struggling with, suffering from (instr. or comp.) S3Br. ChUp. MBh. &c.; (in astron.) touched, come into contact VarBr2S.; violated (sexually, as a woman) MBh. viii, 2037; ruined, undone, hopeless, miserable, wretched (of persons and things; cf. comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.; worthless, useless ib.; defective Sa1h.; cheated, deceived Kuval.; deprived of, lapsed from (%{-tas} or comp.) MBh. R.; (in arithm.) multiplied A1ryabh.; (%{A}) f. a violated woman (see above); a despised girl unfit for marriage L.; (%{am}) n. striking, killing, hurting W.; multiplication ib. [Cf. Gk. $, &388690[1287,2] `" slain. "'] hatha (haTa)* = force, against one's will * =mfn. struck - by lightning, heaten (also said of a drum), smitten, killed, slain, destroyed, ended, gone, lost (often ibc. = `" destitute of "', `" bereft of "', `" -less "') RV. &c. &c.; injured, marred, hurt, wounded (lit.

and fig.) MBh. Kaths.; struck off (as a head) R.; knocked out (as an eye) ib.; hit by (instr. or comp.) Kv. Kaths.; whirled up, raised (as dust) S'ak.; visited or afflicted or tormented by, struggling with, suffering from (instr. or comp.) S'Br. ChUp. MBh. &c.; (in astron.) touched, come into contact VarBriS.; violated (sexually, as a woman) MBh. viii, 2037; ruined, undone, hopeless, miserable, wretched (of persons and things; cf. comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.; worthless, useless ib.; defective Sh.; cheated, deceived Kuval.; deprived of, lapsed from ({-tas} or comp.) MBh. R.; (in arithm.) multiplied ryabh.; ({A}) f. a violated woman (see above); a despised girl unfit for marriage L.; ({am}) n. striking, killing, hurting W.; multiplication ib.[Cf. Gk. $, &388690[1287, 2] `" slain. "'] hathha *= m. violence , force (ibc. , %{ena} , and %{At} , `" by force , forcibly "') R. Ra1jat. Katha1s. &c. ; obstinacy , pertinacity (ibc. and %{At} , `" obstinately , persistently "') Pan5cat. Katha1s. ; absolute or inevitable necessity (as the cause of all existence and activity ; ibc. , %{At} , and %{ena} , `" necessarily , inevitably , by all means "') MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; = %{haTha-yoga} Cat. ; oppression W. ; rapine ib. ; going in the rear of an enemy L. ; Pistia Stratiotes L. hatha m. a blow , stroke RV. ; killing , slaughter

ib. ; a man stricken with despair Un2. ii , 2 Sch. haTayoga = union with the supreme via discipline hataM = killed hataH = being killed hataan.h = already killed hataani = (past.part.)having been killed hataiH = having been killed hatvaa = by killing haviH = butter havirdhaana* = m. N. of the author of RV. x, 11-15 Anukr.; of a son of Antar-dhana (cf. {havirdhAman}) BhP.; ({I}) f. N. of the mythical cow Surabhi or Kma-dhenu ib.; of the wife of Havirdhna ib.; ({am}) n. `" oblation-receptacle "', the vehicle in which the Soma plants are couveyed to be pressed (generally in du.) AV. VS. S'Br.; a shed for the Soma vehicles ib. KtyS'r.; a place of sacrifice MBh. Hariv.; the earth (as the depository of obloblation) AV.; ({e}), du, (with {prajApateH}) N. of two Smans rshBr.

havishhaa = offerings haya = horse hayaiH = horses helana *= n. the act of slighting, disregard, contempt MBh. BhP.; sporting amorously, wanton dalliance (cf. %{hil}) W. heman.h = gold hemanta = (masc) winter hetavaH = causes - see hetu heti * = f. (fr. 1. %{hi}; in later language also m. a missile weapon, any weapon (also personified) RV. &c. &c.; stroke, wound Sa1y.; Agni's weapon, flame, light MBh. Ka1v. &c.; a ray of the sun L.; rapid motion, shot, impact (of a bow-string) RV.; an implement, instrument BhP.; a young shoot or sprout L.; m. N. of the first Ra1kshasa king (represented as occupying the Sun's chariot in the month Caitra or Madhu) R.; of an Asura BhP. hetoH = in exchange hetu = intention * = m. `" impulse "', motive, cause,

cause of, reason for (loc., rarely dat. or gen.; {hetunA}, {hetoH}, {hetave}, {hetau}, `" for a cause or reason "', `" by reason of "', `" on account of "' [with gen. or comp. e.g. {mama hetoH} or {mad-dhetoH}, `" on account of me "']; {kaM hetum} or {ko heTuH}, `" wherefore? "' `" why? "' Pn. 2-2, 23 Pat.; {yato hetoH}, `" because "'; {anena hetunA} or {iti hetoH}, `" for this reason "'; {mRtyu-hetave}, `" in order to kill "'; {hetur alaukikaH}, `" a supernatural cause "'; ifc. {hetu} also = `" having as a cause or motive "', `" caused or effected or actuated or attracted or impelled by "' e.g. {karma-hetu}, `" caused by the acts [of a former existence] "' Mn. i, 49; {mAMsa-hetu}, `" attracted by [the smell of] flesh "' MBh. x, 496; {karma-phala-hetu}, `" impelled by [the expectation of] the consequences of any act "' BhP. ii, 47; 49) RV. &c. &c.; a logical reason or dedaction or argument, the reason for an inference (esp. applied to the second member or Avayava of the five-membered syllogism see {nyAya}) Nyyad. IW. 61; logic (in general see {hetuvidyA}); (in gram.) the agent of the causal verb Pn. 1-4, 55 &c.; (with Buddhists) primary cause (as opp. to {pratyaya} q.v.) Sarvad.; (with Pas'upatas) that which causes the bondage of the soul i.e. the external world and the senses ib.; a means ({hetubhiH} ifc. `" by means of "') MBh.; mode, manner ({hetubhiH} ifc. `" according to "') ib. Sus'r. Yj.; price, cost Rjat. v, 71; condition MBh.; (in rhet.) = {kAvya-liGga}

(q.v.) Bhar. Kpr. Sh. hetuH = aim (Here: cause) hetunaa = for the reason hetumadbhiH = with cause and effect heya 1 mfn. (for 2. see p. 1297, col. 1) to be gone &c. MW.\\ 2 mfn. (for 1. and 3. see p. 1296 and 1304) to be left or quitted or abandoned or rejected or avoided (%{-tva} n.) Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.; to be subtracted L. hi = really hi * =Meaning 1 i (cf. {hay}) cl. 5. P. (Dhtup., xxvii, 11) {hino4ti} (Ved. also {hinute4}, {hi4nvati} and {hinva4ti}, {-te}; p. {hinvAna4} [with aet. and pass. sense] RV.; {ha4yat} RV. TS.; 1: sg. {hiSe} RV.; pf. {jighAya}, {jighyuH} Br. &c.; {jighye} [with pass. sense] Bhathth.; aor. {a4hema} {a4hema}, {ahyan}, {heta} p. {hiyAna4} [with pass. sense] RV.; {ahyam} [?], {a4hait} AV.; {ahaiSIt} Br.; {aheSata} RV.; fut. {hetA} Gr.; {heSyati} MBh. &c.; inf. {-hye4} RV.), to send forth set in motion, impel, urge on, hasten on (. also intrans.) RV. AV. S'Br. KtyS'r.; to stimulate or incite to (dat.) RV.; to assist or help to (dat.) ib.; to discharge, b, hurl, cast, shoot RV.; to convey, bring, procure ib. S'Br.;

to forsake, abandon, get rid of Bhathth.; ({hinvati}), to gladden, delight Dhtup. xv, 82: Pass. {hIyate} (aor. {ahAyi}) Gr.: Caus. {hAyuyati} (aor. {ajIhayat}) ib.: Desid. of Caus. {jihApayiSati} ib.: Desid. {jighISati} ib.: Inteus. {jeghIyate}, {jeghayIti}, {jegheti} ib. hi4* =Meaning 2 ind. (used as a particle [cf. {ha} and {gha}] and usually denoting) for, because, on account of (never standing first in a sentence, but generally after the first word and used enclitically, sometimes after pronouns; e.g. {sa4rvo hi4 pR4tanA jigISati}, `" for everybody wishes to win battles "'; {bkavAn hi pramANam}, `" for your honour is the authority "'; {tahA hi}, `" for example "', `" accordingly "'; {na4 hi4} or {nahI4} "', for not "', `" not at all "') RV. &c. &c.; just, pray, do (with an Impv. or Pot. emphatically; sometimes with Indic., e. g. {pasyAmo hi}, `" we will just see "') ib.; indeed, assuredly, surely, of course, certainly ({hi4 vai4}, `" most assuredly "'; {hi-tu} or {hi-punar}, `" indeed-but "'; often a mere expletive, esp. to avoid a hiatus, sometimes repeated in the same sentence; {hi} is also said to be an interjection of `" envy "', `" contempt "', `" hurry "' &c.) ib. hii* = ind. (an exclamation of surprise or astonishment or horror or sorrow or hilarity or satisfaction, usually translatable by) ah! oh! alas l

&c.; (also said to be so used in giving a reason or cause, and translatable by) therefore, so, because, for (cf. 2. {hi}) &c.; (it is sometimes repeated cf. {hIhI} Hariv. Bhathth. hi.nsati = kills hi.nsaa = violence hi.nsaaM = and distress to others hi.nsaatmakaH = always envious hita = benefit hitaM = beneficial hitakaamyayaa = for your benefit hite = in welfare work hitaishhin.h = one who wishes good hitaaya * = Nom. . {-yate}, to avail, be of use or advantage Vs. Hit4vat mfn. one who has put away or hidden his property RV. hitvaa = having given up/abandoned


hinasti = degrade hima = snow himaalayaH = the Himalayan mountains = * Nom. P. {-yati}, to resemble the Hima7laya Dhrtas. hiMsa* = mfn. injuring, injurious, mischievous, hostile RV.; ({A}) f. see below. hiMsA* = f. injury, harm (to life or property), hurt, mischief, wrong (said to be of three kinds, 1. mental as `" bearing malice "'; 2. verbal, as "' abusive language; 3. personal, as `" acts of violence "') Mn. Yj. MBh. &c.; Injury or Mischief personified (as the wife of Adharnia and daughter of Lobha and Nishkriiti) Pur.; Asteracantha Longifolia L. hiraNmaya* = mf({I}) n. (for {hiraNya-maya}) golden, gold-coloured TS.&c, &c.; m. N. of Brahm. (see {hiraNya-garbha}) L.; of a Riishi MBh.; of a son of Agnidhra and ruler of a Varsha BhP.; m.n. one of the 9 Varshas or divisions of the continent (said to be between the mountainous ranges S'veta and S'riinga-vat; see varsha and {zveta}) Pur. hiraNyakashyapu = a demon king, killed by Vishnu hiraNyagarbha = Effulgent, a name of Sun

hiraNyagarbhaH = the Golden Embryo of life and form hiinau = bereft, having lost horaa = A Varga. The Division of a sign into Solar and Lunar or Division into halves. Used for determining Wealth amongst other things hraada * = m. sound, noise, roar (of thunder) ChUp. MBh. Kir.; sound (in a phonetical sense) Pat.; N. of a serpent-demon MBh.; of a son of Hiranyakas'ipu Hariv. Pur. hraasa * = m. shortening, diminution, decrease, deterioration, detriment Mn. Ya1jn5. &c.; paucity, scarcity MBh. Hariv. &c.; sound, noise L. hrada * = 1 m. (once n.; ifc. f. {A} rather to be connected with {hlAd}, but cf. {hrAd}; for 2. {hrada} see p. 1307) a large or deep piece of water, lake, pool (rarely applied to the sea; with {gAGga}, `" the water of the Ganges "') RV. &c. &c.; ({A}) f. the incense tree L.; ({I}) f. g. {gaurA7di}. hrada * =2 m. (ifc. f. {A}; for 1. see p. 1306, col. 3) sound, noise L.; a ray of light (see {zata-hr-}); a ram L.; N. of a son of Hrda Hariv.


hraasa * = m. shortening , diminution , decrease , deterioration , detriment Mn. Ya1jn5. &c. ; paucity , scarcity MBh. Hariv. &c. ; sound , noise L hrasvaa = (adj) short hriiH = modesty hrii* = 1 cl. 3. P. (Dhtup. xxv, 3) {jihreti} ({ji4hriyat} MaitrS.; pf. {jihrAya} Ragh.; {jihrayAM-cakAra}, {-yAm-Asa}, Gr.; aor. {ahraiSIt} ib.; Prec. {hrIyAt} ib.; p. {hrayANa}, see {a-hr-}; fut. {hretA}, {hreSyati} Gr.), to feel shame, blush, be bashful or modest, be ashamed of any one (gen.) or anything (abl.) Kv. Kaths.: Caus. {hrepayati} (aor. {ajihripat}), to make ashamed, cause to blush, confound, put to shame (also fig. = `" surpass, excel "') ib.: Desid. {jihrISati} Gr.: Intens. {jehrIyate} (p. {-yamANa} SaddhP.), {jehrayIti}, {jehreti}, to be greatly ashamed ib. \\2 f. shame, modesty, shyness, timidity (also personified as daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma) VS. &c. & hriiyantraNA * f. torment of shshame, constraint of bashfulness hriyate = is attracted


hri = to steal hrit *= mfn. (only ifc.) bringing , carrying , carrying away , seizing &c. (see %{bali-} , %{taila-} , %{pApa} , %{-bhayahRt} &c.) hrita = deprived of hritat.h = heart hritsthaM = situated in the heart hrid.h = heart (neut) hridaya = heart* = n. (ifc. f. {A}) the heart (or region of the heart as the seat of feelings and sensations; {hRdaye-kR}, `" to take to heart "'), soul, mind (as the seat of mental operations; {capala-hRdaya}, `" fickleminded "') RV. &c. &c.; the heart or interior of the body RV. AV. TBr. MBh.; the heart or centre or core or essence or best or dearest or most secret part of anything AV. &c. &c.; true or divine knowledge MW.; the Veda ib.; science ib.; (with {prajApateH}) N. of a Sman IndSt.; m. a partic. Sunday BhavP.; ({A}) f. N. of a mare Hariv.; mfn. going to the heart BhgP. (fr. {hRd} + {aya} Sch.) hridayaM = heart

hridayasthaM = heart-stationed hridayaani = hearts hridayii = in my heart hridayeshhu = in the hearts of hridi = in the heart hriddeshe = in the location of the heart hridyaaH = pleasing to the heart hrish* = cl. 1. P. A1. %{ha4rSati}, %{-te} fr. P. only p. %{ha4rSat}), to be excited or impatient, rejoice in the prospect of, be anxious or impatient for (dat.) RV.; to speak or affirm falsely, lie Dha1tup. xvii, 59; cl. 4. P. (Dha1tup. xxvi, 119) %{hRSyati} (ep. and m. c. also %{-te}; pf. %{jaharSa}, %{jahRSuH}; %{jahRSe}, %{-Sire} MBh. &c.; aor. %{ahRSat} ib.; fut. %{harSitA}, %{harSiSyati} Gr.; inf. %{harSitum} ib.; ind. p. %{-hRSya} MBh. &c.), to thrill with rapture, rejoice, exult, be glad or pleased Pa1rGr2. Mn. MBh. &c.; to become sexually excited Sus3r.; to become erect or stiff or rigid, bristle (said of the hairs of the body &c.), become on edge (like the teeth) MBh. BhP.: Pass. %{hRSyate} (aor. %{aharSi}) Gr.: Caus.

%{harSa4yati}, %{-te} (aor. %{ajIhRSat}, or %{ajaharSat}), to excite, make impatient or eager for (victory &c.) RV. &c. &c.; to rejoice, be glad Mn. MBh.; to cause to bristle Cat.: Desid. %{jiharSiSati} Gr.: Intens. %{jarIhRSyate}, %{jarharSTi} &c. (Ved. forms %{jarhRSanta}, %{ja4rhRSANa} and %{jAhRSANa4}), to be impatient or excited RV. VS. A1s3vS3r.; to excite violently RV. [Cf. Lat. {horreo} for {horseo}.] hrishhitaH = gladdened hrishhiikesha = O master of all senses hrishiikes'a* = m. (perhaps = {hRSI-keza} cf. {hRSI-vat} above) id. ({-tva} n.) MBh. Hariv. &c.; N. of the tenth month VarBriS.; of a Trtha Cat.; of a poet ib.; lord of the senses (said of Manas) BhP.; {-zA7zrama} m. N. of a man Cat. hrishhiikeshaM = unto Lord KRishhNa hrishhiikeshaH = Hrishkes'a (KRishhNa, the Lord who directs the senses of the devotees) hrishhTaromaa = with his bodily hairs standing on end due to his great ecstasy hrishhyati = takes pleasure

hrishhyaami = I am enjoying hrishtha * = mfn. thrilling with rapture, rejoiced, pleased, glad, merry Mn. MBh. &c.; bristling, erect, standing on end (said of the hairs of the body) MBh. R. &c.; rigid, stiff Hariv.; blunted (cf. {hRSita}) Pat.; surprised, astonished ib. hrit *= hRt mfn. (only ifc.) bringing, carrying, carrying away, seizing &c. (see %{bali-}, %{taila-}, %{pApa}, %{-bhayahRt} &c.)// 2 in comp. for %{hRd}. hum *= or %{hUm} ind. an exclamation (of remembrance, doubt, interrogation, assent, anger, reproach, fear &c., not translatable); a mystical syllable used in spells and magical texts or sentences; in Vedic ritual used immediately before the singing of the Prasta1va or prelude as well as during the chanting of the Pratiha1ra or response S3rS. MBh. Ka1v. &c. huM *= in comp. for %{hum}. hUm *= ind. an exclamation or interjection &c.; see %{hum} huta = offerings (usually made to a fire)


hutaM = offered hutabhuk.h = fire (one who eats offerings) hutaashavaktraM = fire coming out of Your mouth hyaH = yesterday

ichchh.h = to wish ichchha = the will ichchhati = (6 up) to wish icchataa * = f. or desire, wishfulness L. icchatva * = n. desire, wishfulness L. ichchhan.h = present participle of ishh, to wish ichchhantaH = desiring ichchhasi = you wish

ichchhaa = desire ichchhaami = do I wish iD * = (fr. 1. %{iS} ; connected with %{i4rA} q.v. ; only in inst. gen. abl. sing. , and acc. pl. %{iDA4} and %{iDa4s} ; or , according to the spelling of the R2igveda , %{iLA4} and %{iLa4s}) , a refreshing draught , refreshment , libation offered to the gods RV. ; the flow of speech , the stream of sacred words and worship , prayer ; (Sa1y.) the earth , food RV. VS. ; (%{iDas} , or %{iLas}) pl. the objects of devotion (a particular form of Agni addressed in the fourth verse of the A1pri1 hymn RV. i , 13) RV. iii , 4 , 3 ; (erroneously also referred to in the Bra1hman2as &c. as if etymologically connected with the words %{IDya} , %{IDita} , %{ILita} , `" the praiseworthy "' , `" the praised "' , which are used in other passages as the designation of the same object of worship) VS. AitBr. S3Br. A1s3vS3r. &c. id * = ind. Ved. (probably the neut. form of the pronom. base %{i} see 3. %{i} ; a particle of affirmation) even , just , only ; indeed , assuredly (especially , in strengthening an antithesis , e.g. %{ya4thA@va4zanti@devA4s@ta4he74d@asat} , as the gods wish it , thus indeed it will be RV. viii , 28 , 4 ;

%{di4psanta@i4d@ripa4vo@nA74ha@debhuH} , the enemies wishing indeed to hurt were in nowise able to hurt RV. i , 147 , 3). %{id} is often added to words expressing excess or exclusion (e.g. %{vizva@it} , every one indeed ; %{zazvad@it} , constantly indeed ; %{eka@it} , one only). At the beginning of sentences it often adds emphasis to pronouns , prepositions , particles (e.g. %{tvam@it} , thou indeed ; %{yadi@it} , if indeed , &c.) %{id} occurs often in the R2ig-veda and Atharva-veda , seldom in the Bra1hman2as , and its place is taken in classical Sanskr2it by %{eva} and other particles. idaM = this* = 1 {aya4m}, {iya4m}, {ida4m} (fr. {id} Un. iv, 156; g. {sarvA7di} Pn. 1-1, 27 Vop.; a kind of neut. of the pronom. base 3. {i} with {am} [cf. Lat. {is}, {ea}, {id}, and {idem}]; the regular forms are partly derived from the pronom. base {a}; see Gr. 224; the Veda exhibits various irregular formations e.g. fr. pronom. base {a}, an inst. {enA4}, {ayA4} [used in general adverbially], and gen. loc. du. {ayo4s}, and perhaps also {avo4s}, in RV. vi, 67, 11; vii, 67, 4; x, 132, 5 [BRD.]; fr. the base {ima}, a gen. sing. {ima4sya}, only RV.; the RV. has in a few instances the irregular accentuation {a4smai}, v, 39, 5, &c.; {a4sya}, iv, 15, 5, &c.; {A4bhis}, vi, 25, 2, &c.: the forms derived fr. {a} are used enclitically if they take the place of the

third personal pronoun, do not stand at the beginning of a verse or period, and have no peculiar stress laid upon them), this, this here, referring to something near the speaker; known, present; (opposed to {adas} e.g. {ayaM lokaH} or {idaM vizvam} or {idaM sarvam}, this earthly world, this universe; {ayam agniH}, this fire which burns on the earth; but {asAv agniH}, that fire in the sky, i. e. the lightning: so also {idam} or {iyam} alone sometimes signifies `" this earth "'; {ime smaH}, here we are.) {idam} often refers to something immediately following, whereas {etad} points to what precedes (e.g. {zrutvai9tad idam UcuH}, having heard that they said this). {idam} occurs connected with {yad}, {tad}, {etad}, {kim}, and a personal pronoun, partly to point out anything more distinctly and emphatically, partly pleonastically (e.g. {tad idaM vAkyam}, this speech here following [165, 3]; {so 'yaM vidUSakaH}, this Vidshaka here). idam* = 2 ind. [Ved. and in a few instances in classical Sanskriit] here, to this place; now, even, just; there; with these words RV. AV. S'Br. AitBr. ChUp.; in this manner R. ii, 53, 31 S'ak. (v.l. for {iti} in {kim iti joSam Asyate}, 202, 8). idaaniiM = now


idrik.h = as it is iDaa = the channel on the left of the spine iDyaM = worshipable iidrishhaM = like this iiD *= 1 cl. 2. A1. %{I4TTe} (2. sg. pres. %{IDiSe} , Ved. %{ILiSe} pf. %{IDe4} fut. %{IDiSyate} aor. %{aiDiSTa}. inf. %{IDitum} , Ved. %{ILe} , &c.) to implore , request , ask for (with two acc.) ; to praise RV. AV. \\ 2 %{T} f. praise , extolling RV. viii , 39 , 1. iiDya *= mfn. to be invoked or implored ; to be praised or glorified , praiseworthy , laudable RV. AV. VS. S3Br. Ragh. &c. iha = here ihaiva = in the present bodyijyate = is performed iheha *= ind. here and there, now and then, repeatedly; {-mAtR} m. one whose mother is here and there i.e. everywhere RV. vi, 59, 1. iihita * mfn. sought, attempted, striven for; wished, desired; ({am}) n. desire, request, wish, effort Hit. Kaths. Prab. &c.


iih.h = to wish iihate = he aspires iihante = they desire iihaa = wish iihatas * = ind. diligently, energetically, by or with labour or exertion. iiksh.h = to see iikshaNa = seeing iikshaNaM = eyes iips* = (Desid. of {Ap} q.v.), to wish to obtain. iipsana* = n. desiring or wishing to obtain L. iipsaa* = f. asking, desire or wish to obtain MBh. R. iipsita* = mfn. wished, desired; ({am}) n. desire, wish MBh. R. Ragh. Kaths. iipsitatama* = mfn. most desired, immediately aimed at (as the object of an action) Pn. 1-4, 49.


iipsu* = mfn. striving to obtain; wishing to get or obtain, desirous of (with acc.) Mn. MBh. Ragh. R. &c. iipsuyajJa* = m. a particular Soma sacrifice KtyS'r. iis'itaa *= f. or superiority, supremacy, one of the eight attributes of S3iva MBh. BhP iiksha *= mf(%{I})n. ifc. seeing , looking , visiting (see %{tiryag-IkSa} , %{vadhv-IkSa}) ; (%{A}) f. sight , viewing ; considering BhP. Nya1yad. ; (%{am}) n. anything seen S3Br. vii , 1 , 2 , 23 (merely for the etym. of %{antarikSa}). iikshaka *= m. a spectator , beholder S3Br. A1s3vGr2. Gobh. iikshaNa* = n. a look, view, aspect sight KtyS'r. Lthy. Kaths. Pacat. Ratnv. &c.; regarding, looking after, caring for Mn.; eye MBh. R. Sus'r. S'ak. &c. iikshate = (1 ap) to see iikshaka* = m. a spectator, beholder S'Br. s'vGri. Gobh. iikshaNiiya* = mfn. to be seen or perceived.

iikshamaaNa* = mfn. looking at, surveying VS. R. iikshaNika* = {as}, {A} mf. and m. a looker into the future, a fortune-teller VarBriS. iikshaNiika* = m. a looker into the future, a fortune-teller VarBriS. iirma = (m) arm iirsha = jelousy iis' * = 1 cl. 2. A1. %{I4STe} , or Ved. %{I4ze} (2. sg. %{I4ziSe} and %{I4kSe} RV. iv , 20 , 8 ; vi , 19 , 10 ; Pot. 1. sg. %{I4zIya} pf. 3. pl. %{Izire} , %{IziSyati} , %{Izitum}) to own , possess RV. MBh. Bhat2t2. ; to belong to RV. ; to dispose of , be valid or powerful ; to be master of (with gen. , or Ved. with gen. of an inf. , or with a common inf. , or the loc. of an abstract noun) RV. AV. TS. S3Br. MBh. Ragh. &c. ; to command ; to rule , reign RV. AV. S3Br. &c. ; to behave like a master , allow Kat2hUp. ; [cf. Goth. {aigan} , `" to have "' ; Old Germ. {eigan} , `" own "' ; Mod. Germ. {eigen}.]\\2 %{T} m. master , lord , the supreme spirit VS. &c. ; N. of S3iva. iisha = God


iis'a4 * = mfn. owning, possessing, sharing; one who is completely master of anything; capable of (with gen.); powerful, supreme; a ruler, master, lord Mn. S'Br. MBh. Kum. &c.; m. a husband L.; a Rudra; the number `" eleven "' (as there are eleven Rudras); N. of S'iva as regent of the north-east quarter MBh. Hariv. R. S'ak. &c.; N. of S'iva; of Kuvera; ({A4}) f. faculty, power, dominion AV. VS. S'Br. iis'a * m. lord in lord in heaven pl. N. of the dityas, Vasu and Rudra Hcat. i, 6. (For other comp. see under {diva4s}, {divA}, 2. {divi4}, {divo} 3. {dyu4}.) iishaa* = f. (said to be fr. 1. {IS}), the pole or shafts of a carriage or plough; ({e}) f. du. the double or fork-shaped pole RV. iii, 53, 17; viii, 5, 29 AV. viii, 8, 23; xi, 3, 9 S'Br. KtyS'r. MBh. &c.; a plank, board VarBriS.; a particular measure, S'ulb. iisha* = m. the month s'vina see {iSa}; a son of the third Manu; a servant of S'iva. iishaa* = f. (said to be fr. 1. {IS}), the pole or shafts of a carriage or plough; ({e}) f. du. the double or fork-shaped pole RV. iii, 53, 17; viii, 5, 29 AV. viii, 8, 23; xi, 3, 9 S'Br. KtyS'r. MBh. &c.; a plank, board VarBriS.; a particular measure, S'ulb.


iis'ana * = n. commanding , reigning S3vetUp.\\ (and \\ IzAna ) mfn. owning , possessing , wealthy ; reigning RV. AV. VS. S3Br. &c. ; m. a ruler , master , one of the older names of S3iva-Rudra AV. VS. S3Br. MBh. Kum. &c. ; one of the Rudras ; the sun as a form of S3iva ; a Sa1dhya ; N. of Vishn2u ; N. of a man ; (%{A}) f. N. of Durga1 ; (%{I}) f. the silkcotton tree , Bombax Heptaphyllum L. ; (%{am}) n. light , splendour L. iis'itaa * = f. or superiority, supremacy, one of the eight attributes of S3iva MBh. BhP. iis'vara* = mfn. able to do, capable of (with gen. of Vedic inf., or with common inf.), liable, exposed to AV. TS. S3Br. AitBr. Kum. Hit. &c.; (%{as}, %{I}) mf. master, lord, prince, king, mistress, queen AV. S3Br. Ragh. Mn. &c.; m. a husband MBh.; God; the Supreme Being Mn. Sus3r. Ya1jn5. &c.; the supreme soul (%{Atman}); S3iva; one of the Rudras; the god of love; N. of a prince; the number `" eleven "'; (%{A} or %{I}) f. N. of Durga1; of Lakshmi1; of any other of the S3aktis or female energies of the deities; N. of several plants L. iisha* = m. the month s'vina see {iSa}; a son of the third Manu; a servant of S'iva. iishannimayamfn. exchanged for a little L.

iishaavaasyaM = inhabited or manifested by the Master iishvara = lord, the capable (here)* * = mfn. able to do, capable of (with gen. of Vedic inf., or with common inf.), liable, exposed to AV. TS. S'Br. AitBr. Kum. Hit. &c.; ({as}, {I}) mf. master, lord, prince, king, mistress, queen AV. S'Br. Ragh. Mn. &c.; m. a husband MBh.; God; the Supreme Being Mn. Sus'r. Yj. &c.; the supreme soul ({Atman}); S'iva; one of the Rudras; the god of love; N. of a prince; the number `" eleven "'; ({A} or {I}) f. N. of Durg; of Lakshm; of any other of the S'aktis or female energies of the deities; N. of several plants L. iishvaraM = the Supersoul iishvaraH = the Supreme Lord iishvarapraaNidhaana = attentiveness to god iis'itaa* = f. or superiority, supremacy, one of the eight attributes of S'iva MBh. BhP. iis'itva* = n. superiority, supremacy, one of the eight attributes of S'iva MBh. BhP. iis'varapraNidhaana* = n. devotion to God,

Vedntas iis'vara* = mfn. able to do, capable of (with gen. of Vedic inf., or with common inf.), liable, exposed to AV. TS. S'Br. AitBr. Kum. Hit. &c.; ({as}, {I}) mf. master, lord, prince, king, mistress, queen AV. S'Br. Ragh. Mn. &c.; m. a husband MBh.; God; the Supreme Being Mn. Sus'r. Yj. &c.; the supreme soul ({Atman}); S'iva; one of the Rudras; the god of love; N. of a prince; the number `" eleven "'; ({A} or {I}) f. N. of Durg; of Lakshm; of any other of the S'aktis or female energies of the deities; N. of several plants L. iis'itavya* = mfn. to be reigned or ruled over BhP. iis'itR* = {tA} m. a master, owner, proprietor; a king S'vetUp. Prab. iis'itA* = f. or superiority, supremacy, one of the eight attributes of S'iva MBh. BhP. iis'itva* = n. superiority, supremacy, one of the eight attributes of S'iva MBh. BhP. iiti * = 1 f. (fr. 4. {I}?), plague, distress, any calamity of the season (as drought, excessive rain, swarm of rats, foreign invasion, &c.); infectious disease MBh. R. Sus'r. &c.; an affray L.; travelling

in foreign countries, sojourning L. iiyakSamANa * = = {i4yakSamANa} (fr. {iyakS}) q.v. MaitrS. ii, 10, 6. iiya-cakSas * = fn. ({Iya} fr. {i}), of pervading or far-reaching sight RV. v, 66, 6. ijyayaa = by worship Iksha * = mf(%{I})n. ifc. seeing, looking, visiting (see %{tiryag-IkSa}, %{vadhv-IkSa}); (%{A}) f. sight, viewing; considering BhP. Nya1yad.; (%{am}) n. anything seen S3Br. vii, 1, 2, 23 (merely for the etym. of %{antarikSa}). ikshuH = sugarcane ikshvaakave = unto King IksvakuimaM = (from idaM) this iLA * = (not to be confounded with the inst. case of %{iD} above), refreshing draught, refreshment, animation, recreation, comfort, vital spirit RV. AV. AitBr.; offering, libation (especially a holy libation, offered between the Pra-ya1ga and Anu-ya1ga, and consisting of four preparations of milk, poured into a vessel containing water, and then partially drunk by the priest and sacrificers; personified in the cow,

the symbol of feeding, and nourishment) S3Br. i, 8, 1, 1, &c. AitBr. Ka1tyS3r. Kaus3.; (metaphorically cf. %{id}), stream or flow of praise and worship (personified as the goddess of sacred speech and action, invoked together with Aditi and other deities, but especially in the A1pri1 hymns together with Sarasvati1 and Mahi1 or Bha1rati1) RV. AV. VS. &c. [164,3]; the earth, food Sa1y.; a cow; the goddess %{iDA} or %{iLA} (daughter of Manu or of man thinking on and worshipping the gods; she is the wife of Budha and mother of Puru1-ravas; in another aspect she is called Maitra1varun2i as daughter of Mitra-Varun2a, two gods who were objects of the highest and most spiritual devotion); N. of Durga1; of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Kas3yapa; of a wife of Vasudeva and of the Rudra R2ita-dhvaja; speech BhP.; heaven L.; earth MBh.; a particular artery on the left side of the body; a tubular vessel (one of the principal channels of the vital spirit, that which is on the right side of the body) L.\\= f. (closely connected with %{i4DA} and %{i4rA}, qq.v.) flow; speech; the earth, &c.; see %{iDA}. ila * = %{ilA} see %{iDa}, %{i4DA}, p. 164, col. 2, and %{i4lA} below. ima* = * the base of some cases of the demonstrative pronoun {ida4m} q.v. (acc. sg. m. {ima4m} f. {imA4m} [168, 1]; nom. pl. m. {ime4}, &c.; irregular gen. sg. {ima4sya} RV. viii, 13, 21

[once]). imaaH = all these imaan.h = these ime = these imau = these ingate = waver indiraa = Goddess Lakshmi indiraaramaNa = Vishnu, Husband of Goddess Lakshmi indu = moon indugopa = a centipede commonly seen during rainy season indra m. (for etym. as given by native authorities see Nir. x, 8 Sa1y. on RV. i, 3, 4 Un2. ii, 28; according to BRD. fr. %{in} = %{inv} with suff. %{ra} preceded by inserted %{d}, meaning `" to subdue, conquer "' [166,2]; according to Muir, S. T. v, 119, for %{sindra} fr. %{syand}, `" to drop "'; more probably from %{ind}, `" to drop "' q.v., and

connected with %{indu} above), the god of the atmosphere and sky; the Indian Jupiter Pluvius or lord of rain (who in Vedic mythology reigns over the deities of the intermediate region or atmosphere; he fights against and conquers with his thunder-bolt [%{vajra}] the demons of darkness, and is in general a symbol of generous heroism; %{indra} was not originally lord of the gods of the sky, but his deeds were most useful to mankind, and he was therefore addressed in prayers and hymns more than any other deity, and ultimately superseded the more lofty and spiritual Varun2a; in the later mythology %{indra} is subordinated to the triad Brahman, Vishn2u, and S3iva, but remained the chief of all other deities in the popular mind) RV. AV. S3Br. Mn. MBh. R. &c. &c.; (he is also regent of the east quarter, and considered one of the twelve A1dityas) Mn. R. Sus3r. &c.; in the Veda1nta he is identified with the supreme being; a prince; ifc. best, excellent, the first, the chief (of any class of objects; cf. %{sure7ndra}, %{rAje7ndra}, %{parvate7ndra}, &c.) Mn. Hit.; the pupil of the right eye (that of the left being called Indra1n2i1 or Indra's wife) S3Br. Br2A1rUp.; the number fourteen, Su1ryas; N. of a grammarian; of a physician; the plant Wrightia Antidysenterica (see %{kuTaja}) L.; a vegetable poison L.; the twenty-sixth Yoga or division of a circle on the plane of the ecliptic; the Yoga star in the twenty-sixth Nakshatra, $ Pegasi; the human

soul, the portion of spirit residing in the body; night L.; one of the nine divisions of Jambu-dvi1pa or the known continent L.; (%{A}) f. the wife of Indra see %{indrANI}; N. of a plant L.; (%{I}) f. N. of an attendant of Devi1. indraH = the god Indra indrachaapa = (m) rainbow indradhanuH = (m) rainbow indrapramati* = m. a pupil of Paila and author of some verses of the Riig-veda RAnukr. BhP. VP. AgP. indrapramada* = m. N. of a man. indraprasUta* = ({i4ndra-}) mfn. caused or impelled by Indra RV. x, 66, 2. indraprastha* = n. `" Indra's place "'N. of a city (now called Delhi, the residence of the Pndavas) MBh. indrapraharaNa* = n. Indra's weapon, the thunderbolt L. indriya = organ of sense or action* = mfn. fit for or

belonging to or agreeable to Indra RV. AV. VS.; m. a companion of Indra(?) RV. i, 107, 2 AV. xix, 27, 1; ({am}) n. power, force, the quality which belongs especially to the mighty Indra RV. AV. VS. TS. AitBr. S'Br.; exhibition of power, powerful act RV. VS.; bodily power, power of the senses; virile power AV. VS. S'Br.; semen virile VS. KtyS'r. MBh. &c.; faculty of sense, sense, organ of sense AV. Sus'r. Mn. Ragh. Kir. &c.; the number five as symbolical of the five senses. (In addition to the five organs of perception, {buddhI7ndriyANi} or {jJAne7ndriyANi}, i.e. eye, ear, nose, tongue, and skin, the Hinds enumerate five organs of action, {karme7ndriyANi} i.e. larynx, hand, foot, anus, and parts of generation; between these ten organs and the soul or {Atman} stands {manas} or mind, considered as an eleventh organ; in the Vednta, {manas}, {buddhi}, {ahaMkAra}, and {citta} form the four inner or internal organs, {antarindriyANi}, so that according to this reckoning the organs are fourteen in number, each being presided over by its own ruler or {niyantR}; thus, the eye by the Sun, the ear by the Quarters of the world, the nose by the two As'vins, the tongue by Pracetas, the skin by the Wind, the voice by Fire, the hand by Indra, the foot by Vishnu, the anus by Mitra, the parts of generation by Prajpati, manas by the Moon, buddhi by Brahman, ahankra by S'iva, citta by Vishnu as Acyuta; in the Nyya philosophy each organ is connected with its own

peculiar element, the nose with the Earth, the tongue with Water, the eye with Light or Fire, the skin with Air, the ear with Ether; the Jainas divide the whole creation into five sections, according to the number of organs attributed to each being.) indriyaH = senses indriyagocharaaH = the objects of the senses indriyagraamaM = the full set of senses indriyajaya = mastery of the senses by controlling the desires indriyasya = of the senses indriyasyaarthe = in the sense objects indriyaaNaaM = of the senses indriyaaNi = the senses indriyaaraamaH = satisfied in sense gratification indriyaarthaan.h = sense objects indriyaarthebhyaH = from the sense objects


indriyaartheshhu = in sense gratification indriyebhyaH = more than the senses indriyaiH = by the senses indro = the Lord Indra indra * = m.m. (for etym. as given by native authorities see Nir. x, 8 Sy. on RV. i, 3, 4 Un. ii, 28; according to BRD. fr. {in} = {inv} with suff. {ra} preceded by inserted {d}, meaning `" to subdue, conquer "' [166, 2]; according to Muir, S. T. v, 119, for {sindra} fr. {syand}, `" to drop "'; more probably from {ind}, `" to drop "' q.v., and connected with {indu} above), the god of the atmosphere and sky; the Indian Jupiter Pluvius or lord of rain (who in Vedic mythology reigns over the deities of the intermediate region or atmosphere; he fights against and conquers with his thunder-bolt [{vajra}] the demons of darkness, and is in general a symbol of generous heroism; {indra} was not originally lord of the gods of the sky, but his deeds were most useful to mankind, and he was therefore addressed in prayers and hymns more than any other deity, and ultimately superseded the more lofty and spiritual Varuna; in the later mythology {indra} is subordinated to the triad Brahman, Vishnu, and S'iva, but remained the

chief of all other deities in the popular mind) RV. AV. S'Br. Mn. MBh. R. &c. &c.; (he is also regent of the east quarter, and considered one of the twelve dityas) Mn. R. Sus'r. &c.; in the Vednta he is identified with the supreme being; a prince; ifc. best, excellent, the first, the chief (of any class of objects; cf. {sure7ndra}, {rAje7ndra}, {parvate7ndra}, &c.) Mn. Hit.; the pupil of the right eye (that of the left being called Indrn or Indra's wife) S'Br. BrirUp.; the number fourteen, Sryas; N. of a grammarian; of a physician; the plant Wrightia Antidysenterica (see {kuTaja}) L.; a vegetable poison L.; the twenty-sixth Yoga or division of a circle on the plane of the ecliptic; the Yoga star in the twenty-sixth Nakshatra, $ Pegasi; the human soul, the portion of spirit residing in the body; night L.; one of the nine divisions of Jambudvpa or the known continent L.; ({A}) f. the wife of Indra see {indrANI}; N. of a plant L.; ({I}) f. N. of an attendant of Dev. indhana = fuel isha* = 1 mfn. seeking (see {gav-iSa}). \\=2 mfn. possessing sap and strength; well-fed, strong; sappy, juicy, fertile RV.; m. N. of the month s'vina, September-October) VS. S'Br. Sus'r. VP.; N. of a Riishi BhP.


ishu * = {us} mf. an arrow RV. AV. VS. MBh. Ragh. S'ak. &c.; (in mathematics) a versed sine; N. of a Soma ceremony KtyS'r.; the number five Sh.; N. of a particular constellation VarBri. xii, 7. [According to Daynanda {iSu} may mean `" ray of light "'; cf. Gk. $; &52843[168, 3] Zd. {ishu}.] ishat.h = a little ishhubhiH = with arrows ishtha = of all desirable things ishthaM = leading to heaven ishthaaH = palatable ishthaan.h = desired ishthikaa = (f) brick ishthvaa = worshiping ishtha* = 1 mfn. (for 2. see s.v.), sought S'Br.; wished, desired; liked, beloved; agreeable; cherished RV. S'Br. KtyS'r. Mn. Pacat. S'ak. &c.; reverenced, respected; regarded as good, approved Mn. Snkhyak.; valid; m. a lover, a husband S'ak. 83 c; the plant Ricinus Communis L.; ({A}) f. N. of

a plant L.; ({am}) n. wish, desire RV. AV. AitBr. Mn. R.; ({am}) ind. voluntarily.\\2 mfn. (p.p. fr. {yaj}; for 1. {iSTa4} see col. 2) sacrificed, worshipped with sacrifices VS. S'Br. KtyS'r. AitBr. &c.; m. sacrifice MrkP. xiii, 15; ({am}) n. sacrificing, sacrifice; sacred rite, sacrament L. ishthadeva* = m. (L.) or a chosen tutelary deity, favourite god, one particularly worshipped (cf. {abhI7STa-devatA}). ishthadevataa* = f. a chosen tutelary deity, favourite god, one particularly worshipped (cf. {abhI7STa-devatA}). ishthayaaman* = ({iSTa4-}) mfn. going according to desire RV. ix, 88, 3. ishthavrata* = mfn. that by which good ({iSTa}) works ({vrata}) succeed [Sy.] RV. iii, 59, 9. ishthArtha* = m. anything desired or agreeable; (mfn.) one who has obtained a desired object MBh. R.; {-rtho7dyukta} mfn. zealous or active for a desired object. ishthAvat* = mfn. possessing a desired object (?) AV. xviii, 3, 20 [perhaps and belonging to 2. {iSTa}].

ishthakRt* = mfn. performing a sacrifice Comm. on KtyS'r. ishthayajus* = ({iSTa4-}) mfn. one who has spoken the sacrificial verses VS. TS. ishthakaa* = f. a brick in general; a brick used in building the sacrificial altar VS. AitBr. S'Br. KtyS'r. Mriicch. &c. ishthakaavat* = mfn. possessed of bricks Pn. ishthi* =1 f. impulse, acceleration, hurry; invitation; order; despatch RV.\\* =2 f. seeking, going after RV.; endeavouring to obtain; wish, request, desire RV. VS. &c.; any desired object; a desired rule, a desideratum, a N. applied to the statement of grammarians who are considered as authoritative.\\* =3 f. sacrificing, sacrifice; an oblation consisting of butter, fruits, &c., opposed to the sacrifice of an animal or Soma RV. i, 166, 14; x, 169, 2 S3Br. A1s3vS3r. Ya1jn5. Mn. S3ak. Ragh. &c. it * = 1 ifc. going, going towards; cf. %{arthe74t}; (for 2. %{it} see s.v.)\\2 (in Gr.) an indicatory letter or syllable attached to roots &c. (= %{anubandha} q.v.) \\ for the Ved. particle %{id} q.v. itaH = besides this

i4tara = Other* == mf({A})n. (the neuter is {ad} in classical Sanskriit, but {am} [{ad} S'Br.] in Ved. Pn. 7-1, 25, 26; comparative form of pronom. base 3. {i}; cf. Lat. {iterum}; Hib. {iter}), the other (of two), another; (pl, ) the rest; (with abl.) different from RV. AV. S'Br. MBh. R. Mn. Ragh. Hit. &c.; low, vile Kd.; expelled, rejected L.; ({A}) f. said to be a N. of the mother of Aitareya; ({ad}) ind. whereas, whilst Subh.; {itara}, {itara}, the one - the other, this - that. ({itara} connected antithetically with a preceding word often signifies the contrary idea e.g. {vijayAya itarAya vA} [MBh.], to victory or defeat; so in Dvandva compounds, {sukhe7tareSu} [S'vetUp.], in happiness and distress; it sometimes, however, forms a Tat-purusha compound with another word to express the one idea implied in the contrary of that word, e.g. {dakSiNe7tara}, the left hand.) i4tarajana* = m. an ordinary man S'rng.; ({As}) m. pl. `" other men "'; a euphemistic name of certain beings who appear to be considered as spirits of darkness (Kuvera belongs to them) AV. VS. TS. MaitrS. GopBr. i4tarajaatiiya* = mfn. ordinary, common-place. i4taratas* = ind. otherwise than, different from; from or to another direction KtyS'r. S'Br. &c.;

({itazce7taratazca}, hither and thither R.) i4taratra* = ind. elsewhere BhP.; on the other hand, else Yogas. itarathaa* = ind. in another manner, in a contrary manner; perversely; on the other hand, else S'Br. KtyS'r. S'is'. &c. itarapaaNi* = m. the left hand s'vGri. iv, 7, 13. itarAGga* = mfn. being a means to another, ancillary to another Sh. 266. itaraH = common itaretara = mutual, each-other itastataH = (indecl) here and there ith * = cl. 1. P. %{eTati}, %{eTitum} (Dha1tup. ix, 31), to go; to go to or towards; (p. %{iTa4t} RV. x, 171, 1) to make haste; to err [NBD.] iti= like that* =1 f. {ityai4} (dat.) see {i} above; (for 2. {iti} see s. v.) \\ 2 ind. (fr. pronominal base 3. {i}), in this manner, thus (in its original signification {iti} refers to something that has been said or thought, or lays stress on what precedes; in

the Brhmanas it is often equivalent to `" as you know "', reminding the hearer or reader of certain customs, conditions, &c. supposed to be known to him). In quotations of every kind {iti} means that the preceding words are the very words which some person has or might have spoken, and placed thus at the end of a speech it serves the purpose of inverted commas ({ity uktvA}, having so said; {iti kRtvA}, having so considered, having so decided). It may often have reference merely to what is passing in the mind e.g. {bAlo 'pi nA7vamantavyo manuSya iti bhUmipaH}, a king, though a child, is not to be despised, saying to one's self, `" he is a mortal "', (Gr. 928.) In dram. {iti tathA karoti} means `" after these words he acts thus. "' Sometimes {iti} is used to include under one head a number of separate objects aggregated together (e.g. {ijyA7dhyayanadAnAni tapaH satyaM kSamA damaH} {alobha iti mArgo 'yam}, `" sacrificing, studying, liberality, penance, truth, patience, selfrestraint, absence of desire "', this course of conduct, &c.) {iti} is sometimes followed by {evam}, {iva}, or a demonstrative pronoun pleonastically (e.g. {tAm brUyAd bhavatI7ty evam}, her he may call `" lady "', thus). {iti} may form an adverbial compound with the name of an author (e.g. {iti-pANini}, thus according to Pnini). It may also express the act of calling attention (lo! behold!) It may have some other significations e.g. something additional (as in {ityAdi}, et caetera),

order, arrangement specific or distinctive, and identity. It is used by native commentators after quoting a rule to express `" according to such a rule "' (e.g. {anudAttaGita ity Atmanepadam bhavati}, according to the rule of Pnini i, 3, 12, the tmanepada takes place). {kim iti} = {kim}, wherefore, why? (In the S'atapatha-brhmana {ti} occurs for {iti}; cf. Prkriit {ti} and {tti}.) itihaasa = history itihaasa(H) = history; epic ittha *= n. in astron. = $ VarBr2S. itthaa *= ind. Ved. thus ; (often used in the R2ig-veda , and sometimes only to lay stress on a following word ; therefore by native etymologists [Nir.] considered as a particle of affirmation.) %{itthA} is often connected with words expressing devotion to the gods &c. in the sense of thus , truly , really ; especially with %{dhI} as an adjective. Hence %{itthA-dhI} = such , i.e. true (%{satyA}) or real worship. Similarly , %{itthA-dhI4} mfn. so devout , so pious i.e. very devout ; performing such or true works [Sa1y.] RV. AV. Kat2hUp. ityuta = thus it is said ittham *= ind. (fr. %{id} q.v. Pa1n2. 5-3 , 24) , thus , in this manner RV. AV. TS. R. S3ak. &c. ; [cf.

Lat. {item}.] itthaM = like that ityetaani = iti+etAni, thus+ these ityevaM = knowing thus iyaM = this iyakS * = (anom. Desid. of {yaj}) P. {i4yakSati} (Subj. 3. pl. {i4yakSAn} RV. x, 50, 3; p. {i4yakSat}) . (p. {i4yakSamANa} RV. i, 123, 10 VS. xvii, 69) to go towards, approach; to request, endeavour to gain; to long for, seek RV. VS. iyakSu4 * = mfn. Ved. longing for, seeking to gain RV. x, 4, 1. i4yat * = mfn. (fr. pronominal base 3. {i}), so large, only so large; so much, only so much; of such extent RV. TS. S'Br. AitBr. Pacat. Ragh. &c.; [cf. the syllable {iens}, or {ies} in such Lat. words as {totiens}, {toties}, {quotiens}, {quoties}, and in numeral adverbs as {quinquies}.] iyate V*: it appears like, is perceived, is seen, is mistaken as, is spent, seems, i4yat--c-ciram * = ({iyacciram}) ind. so long, such a

time Kaths. i4yat-taka4 * = ({iyat-}) mf({ikA})n. so small, so little RV. i, 191, 11; 15. iya4m * = f. nom. sg. of the demonstrative pronoun {ida4m}, q.v. iyasya * = aning (anom. Intens. of {yas}) . {iyasyate}, to relax, weaken; to vanish S'Br. iyasaa4 * = * = f. lassitude, shrinking S'Br. iyasita4 * = mfn. shrunk S'Br.; ({a4m}) n. shrinking ib. iyat * = mfn. (fr. pronominal base 3. %{i}), so large, only so large; so much, only so much; of such extent RV. TS. S3Br. AitBr. Pan5cat. Ragh. &c.; [cf. the syllable {iens}, or {ies} in such Lat. words as {totiens}, {toties}, {quotiens}, {quoties}, and in numeral adverbs as {quinquies}.] iyattaa * = f. or the state of being, of such extent, quantity, fixed measure or quantity, so much Ragh. Ka1d. &c


iyesha = (SB) attempted, prepared, desired; (Sastri) feeling inclined; being ready iva = just like or as if Jaa jaaDya = laziness, inability to identify/appreciate good qualities (here) jaagarti = is wakeful jaagri = to stay awake * = cl. 2. %{-garti} (cf. Pa1n2. 6-1 , 192 ; cl. 1. %{-garati} MBh. xii , 7823 ; 1. sg. irr. %{-gRmi} , 6518 ; 3. pl. %{jA4grati} AV. &c. [Pa1n2. 6-1 , 189 Ka1s3.] ; Impv. %{-gRhi4} , %{-gRtAt} , %{-gRtam} , %{-gRta4} ; Subj. %{garat} ; Pot. %{-gRyAt} , or %{-griy-} AitBr. viii , 28 &c. ; impf. %{a4jAgar} [RV. x , 104 , 9] ; p. %{jA4grat} ; rarely A1. %{jAgramANa} MBh. ; pf. Ved. %{jA7gA4ra} [RV. AV.] , 1. sg. %{-ga4ra} [RV. x , 149 , 5] , p. %{-gRva4s} [see s.v.] ; pf. class. [Pa1n2. 3-1 , 38 ; vii , 3 , 85 ; but cf. vi , 1 , 8 Va1rtt.1] %{jajAgAra} or %{jAgaraM-cakAra} ; fut. 2nd %{jAgriSya4ti} TS. &c. [A1. R. ii , 86 , 4] ; fut. 1st %{-ritA} Pa1n2. 7-2 , 10 Va1rtt. 1 Pat. ; aor. %{ajAgarIt} , vii , 2 , 5 ; Pass. impers. %{ajagAri} , 3 , 85 ; Prec. %{jAgaryAt} , iii , 4 , 104 Ka1s3.) to be awake or watchful RV. AV. &c. ; to awake Pan5cat.

iii , 9 , 0/1 Hit. ii , 3 , 2/3 ; to watch over , be attentive to or intent on , care for , provide , superintend (with loc. or loc. with %{a4dhi}) RV. AV. &c. (with acc. Caurap.) ; (said of fire) to go on burning AV. Pra1yas3c. i , 5 ; to be evident W. ; to look on W.: Caus. (aor. 2. and 3. sg. %{a4jIgar} Impv. %{jigRta4m} , %{-ta4}) to awaken RV. ; %{jAgarayati} , (Pa1n2. 7-3 , 85 ; aor. Pass. impers. %{aJAgari} or %{-gAri} Vop. xviii , 22 ; xxiv , 6 and 13) id. Hit. ii , 3 , 0/1 ; [cf. $ ; Lat. {vi1gilo}.] jaagrita = alert jaagrata = (Vr.Imp.IIP.Pl.PP) Wake up; awake jaagrataavasthaa = complete awareness of the state of the mind jaagrati = are awake jaaha * =n. ifc. (g. 2. {karNadi}) the root or point of issue of certain parts of the body cf. {akSi-}, ({Asya-}), {oSTha-}, {karNa-}, {keza-}, {gulpha-}, {danta-}, {nakha-}, {pAda-}, {priSTha-}, {bhrU-}, {mukha-}. jaahnavii = the River Ganges jaala = net * = 1 mfn. watery MBh. iii, 11967 \\ 2

n. a net (for catching birds, fish &c.) AV. viii, x Ka1tyS3r. Pa1rGr2. &c.; a hairnet A1p.; a net (fig.), snare Ya1jn5. iii, 119 MBh. iii, 25 R. v Bhartr2. &c.; (in anat.) the omentum Bhpr. ii, 310; a cob-web W.; any reticulated or woven texture, wire-net, mail-coat, wire-helmet MBh. vff. Hariv. Kum. vii, 59; a lattice, eyelet. R. iii, 61, 13 VarBr2S. lvi, 22; a lattice-window Mn. viii, 132 Ya1jn5. i, 361 Vikr. &c.; `" the web or membrane on the feet of water-birds "' see %{-pAda} the finger- and toe-membrane of divine beings and godlike personages S3ak. vii, 16; lion's mane Katha1s. lxxv; a bundle of buds W.; (chiefly ifc.) collection multitude MBh. &c.; deception, illusion magic Das3. viii, 42 Katha1s. xxiv, 199; pride W.; for %{jAta}, kind, species S3vetUp. v, 3 R. ii; m. (g %{jvalA7di}) Nauclea Cadamba L.; a small cucumber. L. Sch.; (%{i}) f. a kind of cucumber L.; cf. %{a4yo- %{indra-}, %{giri}, %{bRhaj-}. jaalam.h = (n) net jaamadagnyajit.h = he who scored a victory over jAmadagni (ParashurAm, the son jaambavadaashrayaH = he who gave refuge to jhambava(the bear-chieftain of jaa4na * = 1 n. birth, origin, birth place RV. i, 37, 9

and 95, 3; v, x AV. vii, 76, 5 S'Br. iii, 2, 1, 40. [418, 3] \\ * = 2 m. (fr. {ja4na}) patr. of Vriis'a (= {vaijAna}, `" son of Vijn "' Sch.) TndyaBr. xiii, 3 Arsh jaanakaaraaH = knowledgeable jaanakiivallabhaH = the darling of jAnaki (sItA) jaanan.h = even if he knows jaanaati = knows jaaniite = know jaaniimaH = know jaanu = (n) knee jaanu\-shirshhaasana = the head-knee posture jaanunii = knees jaane = I know jaapyasameta = with chanting of the names of the lord jaata = born, become (from jan.h, to be born, or

created)*= mfn. ( {jan}; ifc. Pn. 6-2, 171) born, brought into existence by (loc.), engendered by (instr. or abl.) RV. &c.; grown, produced, arisen, caused, appeared ib.; ifc. (Pn. 2-2, 5 Ks'.; 36 Vrtt. 1; vi, 2, 170) see {mAsa-}, {saptA7ha-}, &c.; appearing on or in VarBriS. lii, 5 ff.; destined for (dat.) RV. iv, 20, 6; ix, 94, 4; turning to (dat.) Sh. iii, 58/59; happened, become, present, apparent, manifest TS. VS. &c.; belonging to (gen.) RV. i, 83, 5; viii, 62, 10; ready at hand Pacat. ii, 16; possessed of (instr.) MBh. iv, 379; often ifc. instead of in comp. (Pn. 2-2, 36 Vrtt. 1; vi, 2, 170 f.; g. {AhitA7gny-Adi}) e.g. {kiNa-}, {danta-}, &c., qq.vv.; m. a son RV. ii, 25, 1 AV. xi, 9, 6 S'Br. xiv Pacat.; a living being (said of men, rarely of gods) RV. iv, 2, 2; v, 15, 2; x, 12, 3 AV. xviii VS. viii, 36; N. of a son of Brahm PadmaP. v; n. a living being, creature RV.; birth, origin, i, 156, 2 and 163, 1; iii, 31, 3; race, kind, sort, class, species, viii, 39, 6 AV. &c.; a multitude or collection of things forming a class (chiefly ifc., e.g. {karma-} "', the whole aggregate of actions "' Mn. vii, 61/62 {sukha-}, `" anything or everything included under the name pleasure "' Gt. x, 3) Mn. ix MBh. &c.; individuality, specific condition ({vyakta}) L.; = {-karman} NrS.; (impers. with double instr.) it turned out or happened that Rjat. v, 364 [417, 3]; ({A}) f. a daughter W.; [cf. $; Germ. {Kind}; Lith. {gentis}.]


jaataM = having become jaataH = of all beings jaataka = Nativity, literally means one who is born jaatasya = of one who has taken his birth jaataa = (part.fem.nom.S)is born jaataaH = born jaati = circumstances of life to which one is born jaati* = f. birth, production AitBr. ii, 39 Mn. MBh. (also {-tI}, xiii f.) &c.; re-birth R. i, 62, 17 Krand. xxiii, 193; the form of existence (as man, animal, &c.) fixed by birth Mn. iv, 148 f. Yogas. ii, 13; (ifc.) Kaths. xviii, 98; position assigned by birth, rank, caste, family, race, lineage KtyS'r. xv Mn. Yj. &c. ({-tI} MBh. xiv, 2549); kind, genus (opposed to species), species (opposed to individual), class Lthy. KtySr. Pn. &c., (once {-tI} ifc. MBh. vi, 456); the generic properties (opposed to the specific ones) Sarvad.; natural disposition to Car. ii, 1; the character of a species, genuine or true state of anything Yj. ii, 246 MBh. xii, 5334; reduction of fractions to a common denominator; a selfconfuting reply (founded merely on similarity or

dissimilarity) Nyyad. v, 1 ff. Sarvad. xi, 10 and 34 Prab. Sch.; (in rhet.) a particular figure of speech Sarasv. ii, 1; a class of metres R. i, 4, 6 Kvya7d. i, 11; a manner of singing Hariv.; a fire-place L.; (= {tI}) mace, nutmeg Sus'r.; Jasminum grandiflorum L.; = {-tI-phalA} L.; = {kampilla} L. cf. {antya-}, {eka-}, {dvi-} - [cf. Lat. {gens}; Lith. {pri-gentis}] jaatii * = f. = {-ti} q.v.; Jasminum grandiflorum Hariv. 7891 Bhartri. BhP. x Amar. [418, 2]; mace, nutmeg Sus'r. VarBriS jaatidharmaaH = community projects jaatu = at any time jaayate = (4 ap) to be born jaayante = develop jaayaa = Wife, female companion, spouse, strii ja = Born jabhU* = m. `" being in a lotus "', the god Brahm. jaDa mf({A})n. (cf. {ja4lhu}) cold, frigid Pacat. i, 12, 4 Kvya7d. ii, 34 Rjat. iv, 41; stiff, torpid, motionless, apathetic, senseless, stunned,

paralysed Ragh. iii, 68 S'ak. &c.; stupid, dull Mn. viii, 394 (also {a-} neg., 148) Yj. ii MBh. (ifc. `" too stupid for "', iii, 437) &c.; void of life, inanimate, unintelligent KapS. i, 146; vi, 5o NriisUp. Veda7ntas. Sarvad.; dumb "' Mn. ii, 110 Sus'r.; ifc. stunning, stupefying S'ak. iv, 6; m. (g. {azvA7di}) N. of Sumati (who simulated stupidity) cf. MrkP. x, 9; cold, frost W.; idiocy W.; dulness, apathy W.; inanimate "', lifeless, matter (opposed to {cetana}); n. water (= {jala}) S'rngP. (Subh.); lead L.; ({A}) f. N. of a plant ( = {jaTA}, Mucuna pruritus, Flacourtia cataphracta L.) Car. vi, 2 (ifc. f. {A}). jagajaitra = jagaje?+atra, in the world?+here jagat* mfn. ( {gam} redupl. Pn. 3-2, 178 Vrtt. 3) moving, movable, locomotive, living RV. AV. &c.; (= {jA4gata}) composed in the Jagat metre RV. i, 164, 23 ShadvBr. i, 4 Lthy. i, 8, 9; m. air, wind L.; m. pl. people, mankind Rjat. (C) iii, 494; n. that which moves or is alive, men and animals, animals as opposed to men, men (Naigh. ii, 3) RV. AV. &c. ({-to madhye}, `" within everybody's sight "' R. vii, 97, 1; 5 and 10); the world, esp. this world, earth S'Br. Mn. &c.; the Jagati metre RV. i, 164, 25; N. of a Sman see - {sAman}; n. du. heaven and the lower world Kir. v, 20; n. pl. the worlds (= {-gattraya}) Prab. i, 10; people, mankind Kpr. x, 50/51

(Sh. and Kuval.); ({ja4gatI}) f. a female animal RV. i, 157, 5; vi, 72, 4; a cow Naigh. 11, II; the plants (or flour as coming from plants) VS. i, 21 S'Br. i, 2, 2, 2; the earth s'Up. Pras'nUp. Mn. i, 100 MBh. &c.; the site of a house L. (Kir. i, 7 Sch.); people, mankind L.; the world, universe R. ii, 69, 11 a metre of 4 x 12 syllables RV. x, 130, 5 AV. viii; xix S'Br. AitBr. &c.; any metre of 4 X 12 syllables; the number 48 Lthy. ix Kty. xxii; a sacrificial brick named after the Jagat metre S'Br. viii KtyS'r. xvii; a field planted with Jamb L. jagat.h = universe jagataH = of the world jagataaM = of the Universe jagatpate = O Lord of the entire universe jagan.h = (Nr.nom + acc.sing.)world jagannivaasa = O refuge of the worlds jaghana * = (%{janh}) m. [RV. i, 28, 2; v, 61, 3; vi, 75, 13] n. [AV.xiv, r, 36 TS.ii TBr. ii, &c.] the hinder part, buttock, hip and loins, pudenda, mons veneris (ifc. f. %{A} [Pa1n2. 4-1, 56 Ka1s3.] MBh. xiii, 5324 R. Megh.); the hinder part of an altar Sulbas. iii,

52; rear-guard MBh. iii, v f. ix; (%{ena}) instr. ind. behind (with gen. [ChUp. ii, 24, 3] or acc. [S3Br. i f. vii, xi] following, once [vii, 2, 2, 4] preceding); so as to turn the back towards S3a1n3khGr2. ii, 1; iv, 12 jagrat.h = awakened jagrataH = or one who keeps night watch too much jagraaha V*= took up; caught hold of; caught;took up; kept; assumed the responsibility for; accepted; SB 6.9.7; caught; brought under her control; grasped; SB 8.7.4 took; seized; took; took hold of; He seized; He seized; jaghanya = of abominable jaghni * mfn. (Pn. 3-2, 171) striking (with acc.) RV. ix, 61, 20; m. a weapon L. jaghnivat * mfn. containing an Intens. form of {han} AitBr. i, 25. jaghnu * mfn. striking, killing Un. i, 22. jaha * = mfn. (3. {hA}) see {zardham-}; ({A}) f. N. of a plant L.; ({A4}) ind. see s.v. jahaati = can get rid of

jahan jahi = conquer *= see jahan jahiihi = jahi+iha, leave/give up+here(in this world) jahnu = name of an ancient king who adopted the ganga river jahnusutaa = ganga jaiminii = Maharishi Jaimini a sage who wrote an elucidation of sections of Maharishi Parashara's work. This became the basis for another system of Astrology in India jaji* = mfn. ({jan} redupl. Pn. 3-2, 171 and Vrtt. 3) germinating, shooting TS. vii, 5, 20, 1; f. seed (Pn. 3-2, 171 (?) Ks'.) Siddh. jala = Water * = 1 mfn. = %{jaDa} (cf. %{jal}), stupid (cf. %{-lA7dkipa}, %{-lA7zaya}) S3a1rn3gP. xxi (v.l.); m. (g. %{jvalA7di}) a stupid man S3is3. v, 37; N. of a man (with the patr. Ja1tu1karn2ya) S3a1n3khS3r. xvi, 29, 6; n. (also pl.) water, any fluid Naigh. i, 12 Ya1jn5. i, 17 MBh. &c. (ifc. f. %{A}); a kind of Andropogon Bhpr. vii, 10, 52 & 78; 28, 18; the 4th mansion (in astrol.) VarYogay. iv,

26; a cow's embryo (%{go-kalaka} or %{-lana}) L.; (= %{jaDa}) frigidity (moral or mental or physical) W.; (%{A}) f. N. of a river MBh. iii, 10556. \\ 2 Nom. %{-lati}, to become water S3atr. xiv "' jalaM = (Nr.non. + acc.S)water jaladhi = sea/ ocean jalandhara = bandha where the chin rests in the notch between the collar bones jalapatanasaham.h = Sensitive point relating to going on a voyage. One of many used in Varshaphal and similar in idea to Arabic parts jalapaataH = (m) waterfall jalabandhaH = (m) dam jalalava = water drop jalaashaya = lake, pond jalp.h = to babble jalpa * m. (g. {uJchA7di}) talk, speech, discourse (also pl.) MBh. xiii, 4322 Pn. 4-4, 97 Das'. BhP.; (pl.) chatter, gossip, x, 47, 13; a kind of disputation

(overbearing reply and disputed rejoinder) Nyyad. Car. iii, 8 Sarvad. Madhus. S'Br. xiv Sch.; N. of a Rishi MatsyaP. ix, 16; n. for {-lpya} MBh. i, 5066 (C) R. ii, 60, 14; cf. {citra-}, {bahu-}. jam* = (derived fr. {jama4d-agni}) cl. 1. {ja4mati}, to go Naigh. ii, 14 Nir. iii, 6; to eat Dhtup. xiii, 28: Intens. p. {jAjamat} consuming continually MBh. xiii, 4495. jambaala = (masc) mud jambiiram.h = (n) lemon jambuukaH = fox jana = man: * = mf({I})n. `" generating "' see {puraM-}; m. (g. {vRSA7di}) creature "', living being, man, person, race ({pa4Jca ja4nAs} "', the five races "' = {p kRSTa4yas} RV. iii, viii ff. MBh. iii, 14160), people, subjects (the sg. used collectively e.g. {dai4vya} or {divyA4 j-} "', divine race "', the gods collectively RV.; {mahat j-}, many people R. vi, 101, 2; often ifc. denoting one person or a number of persons collectively, e.g. {preSya-}, {bandhu-}, {sakhI-} &c., qq. vv. [410, 2]; with names of peoples VarBriS. iv, 22 and v, 74; {ayaM} {janaH}, `" this person, these persons "', I, we MBh. viii, 709 Hariv. 7110 R. ii, 41, 2 S'ak. &c.; {eSa

j-}, id. Kvya7d. ii, 75) RV. &c.; the person nearest to the speaker (also with {ayam} or {asau}, this my lover "' Kvya7d. ii, 271 Ratna7v. i, 24/25) Nal.x, 10 S'ak. Mlav.; a common person, one of the people Kir. ii, 42 and 47; the world beyond the Mahar-loka BhP. iii, 11, 29 SkandaP.; ({-na4}) m. (g. {azvA7di}) N. of a man (with the patr. S'rkara7kshya) S'Br. x ChUp.; ({A}) f. `" birth "', {a-jana}, the unborn "', Nryana BhP. x, 3, 1. janaanta* = m. a number of men Sh. vi, 139; a region ({deza}) Sus'r. i, 46, 2, 38; `" man-destroyer "', Yama BhP. vi, 8, 16. janaH = people janaka = father janakaatmajaa = janakA's daughter janakaadayaaH = Janaka and other kings Janaloka * = m. `" world of men "', the 5th Loka or next above Mahar-loka (residence of the sons of Brahm and other godly men), ArunUp. NriisUp. i, 5, 6 BhP. MrkP. SkandaP.; cf. {janas}. janana = birth\


jananaM = birth jananii = mother janapadam.h = (n) district janapadeshhu = in the society (janapada really meaning a village ) janayet.h = causal form from jan.h meaning ``should generate'' janasa.nsadi = to people in general janaaH = persons janaadhipaH = kings janaanaaM = of the persons janaardana = O maintainer of all living entities ja.nghe = ankle jangamaM = moving jan.h = to to be born or produced jaj* = cl. I. P.= {jaj} Dhtup.vii, 69; p. f. {ja4JjatI},

glittering, flashing (Gmn.; = {abhibhavantI} Sy.) RV. i, 168, 7. jantu * = m. a child , offspring RV. Katha1s. iic , 58 ; a creature , living being , man , person (the sg. also used collectively e.g. %{sarva@j-} , everybody "' S3ak. v , 5/6 ; %{ayaM@jantuH} , `" the man "' Kat2hUp. ii , 20 S3vetUp. iii , 20 Mn. xii , 99) RV. Mn. &c. ; a kinsman , servant RV. i , 81 , 9 and 94 , 5 ; x , 140 , 4 ; any animal of the lowest organisation , worms , insects Mn. vi , 68 f. MBh. xiv , 1136 Sus3r. ; (n.) HYog. iii , 53 and Subh. ; a tree Gal. ; N. of a son of Somaka MBh. iii , 10473ff. Hariv. 1793 BhP. ix , 22 , 1 Katha1s. xiii , 58ff ; cf. %{kSiti-} , %{kSudra-} , %{jala-} ja.ntuunaaM = (Nr.Poss.pl.) living beings; insects jantavaH = the living entities jantoH = of living beings janma = birth, incarnation janmaH = (Mas.nom.Sing.)birth.janma:(Nr.) janmakarmaphalapradaaM = resulting in good birth and other fruitive reactions janman.h = birth

janmanaaM = repeated births and deaths janmabandha = from the bondage of birth and death janmaraashi = Sign occupied by the Moon at birth janmasu = in births janmaani = births jap * = cl. 1. %{ja4pati} (rarely A1. S3a1n3khS3r. iii, 6, 4 MBh. iii, xiii; pf. %{jajApa}; 3. du. %{jepatur} R. i; inf. %{japitum} MBh. xii, 7336; ind. p. %{ptvA} Mn. xi R. i; %{-pitvA} Mn. xi Vet.) to utter in a low voice, whisper, mutter (esp. prayers or incantations) AitBr. ii, 38 S3Br. La1t2y. Ka1tyS3r. Kaus3. Mn. &c.; to pray to any one (acc.) in a low voice MBh. xiii, 750; to invoke or call upon in a low voice BhP. iv, 7, 29 BhavP. i: Intens. %{jaJjapyate}, %{-pIti} (Pa1n2. 7-4, 86 [412,1]; p. %{pya4mAna}) to whisper repeatedly (implying blame, iii, 1, 24) S3Br. xi, 5, 5, 10. japa = Recitation1 \\ * = mfn. `" muttering, whispering "' see %{karNeku-}; m. (Pa1n2. 3-3, 61; oxyt. g. %{uJchA7di}) muttering prayers, repeating in a murmuring tone passages from scripture or charms or names of a deity, &c., muttered prayer or

spell AitBr. ii, 38 S3Br. ii S3a1n3khS3r. Nir. &c.\\ japA = f. (= %{javA}) the China rose VarBr2S. xxviii, 14\\jApa * = m. ( %{jap}) `" whispering "' see %{karNa-}; muttering prayers L. a muttered prayer L. (R. i, 51, 27 for %{japa}; see also %{jApya}). japati = (1 pp) to mutter, mumble japannityaM = japan+nityaM, chanting+ever japayaGYaH = chanting japtvaa = having chanted jaraa = old age jarjara = old/digested (by disease etc) jasha* m. N. of an aquatic animal (cf. {jhaSa4}) AV. xi, 2, 25 TS. v, 5 GopBr. ii, 2, 5. jatha *= mfn. wearing twisted locks of hair g. {arzaAdi}; m. metrically for {-TA} Hariv. 9551; ({A}) f. the hair twisted together (as worn by ascetics, by Siva, and persons in mourning) PrGri. ii, 6 Mn. vi, 6 MBh. (ifc. f. {A}, iii, 16137) &c.; a fibrous root, root (in general) Bhpr. v, 111 S'ngS. i, 46 and 58; N. of several plants (= {TA-vatI} L.; Mucuna

pruritus L.; Flacourtia cataphracta L.; = {-TAmUlA} L.; = {rudra-jaTA} L.) Sus'r. v f.; N. of a Pthha or arrangement of the Vedic text (still more artificial than the Krama, each pair of words being repeated thrice and one repetition being in inverted order) Caran.; ({I}) f. Nardostachys Jathmns L.; (= {-Ti}) the waved-leaf fig-tree L.; cf. {tri-}, {mahA-}, {vi-}; {kRSNa-jaTA} "' jathaamukuTama.nDitam.h = adorned by locks of hair forming a crown jathilaH = with knotted hair jathi* =m f. twisted hair L.; a mass, multitude L.; Ficus infectoria L. jaThara = Intestine jaThara\-parivartanaasana = the belly-turning posture jaThare = in the stomach java * = mfn. ( {ju}, or {jU}) swift AV. xix, 7, 1; m. (parox. Pn. 3-3, 56, Vartt. 4 and 57) speed, velocity, swiftness RV. i, 112, 21; x, 111, 9 VS. AV. S'Br. &c.; pl. impulse (of the mind) RV. x, 71, 8; ({At}) abl. ind. speedily, at once Kaths. lxiii, 188

Vcar. xii, 15. javaa* = f. = {japA} MBh. Hariv. R. Megh. 36; saffron L javanikaa = (f) towel javishthha* = mfn. quickest, fleetest RV. iv, 2, 3; vi, 9, 5 VS. xxxiv, 3 S'Br. xi AitBr. i, 5 BhP. xi jaya = victory jayaH = victory jayate = becomes victorious; wins jayama.ngalam.h = victory that is auspicious jayaajayau = both victory and defeat jayema = we may conquer jayeyuH = they conquer jaGYire = (Verb, Past IIIP pl.PP) took birth; were born jetaasi = you will conquer


jhashhaaNaaM = of all fish jhrimbaNam.h = (n) yawning jigishhataaM = of those who seek victory jighaamsaa * = wish or intention to strike or slay or destroy; malice, revenge jighra * = mfn. ( %{ghrA}) smelling Pa1n2. 3-1, 137; ifc. observing, conjecturing Sa1h. iii, 66/6 jighrati = (1 pp) to smell jighran.h = smelling jijiivishhaamaH = we would want to live jijIviSu * = mfn. desirous of life Mn. MBh. &c. jiGYaasuH = inquisitive jii = to live jiirNa = very old, dilapidated, torn jiirNaani = old and useless jiiv.h = to live jiiva* = mf({A4})n. living, existing, alive RV. &c.;

healthy (blood) Car. viii, 6, 74; ifc. living by (see {jala-cara-}, {rUpa-}); causing to live, vivifying (see, {putra-}, {-jala}); m. n. any living being, anything living RV. &c.; life, existence MBh. iv, vi Hariv. &c. (ifc. f. {A} Kaths.); m. the principle of life, vital breath, the living or personal soul (as distinguished from the universal soul see {jIvA7tman}) RV. i, 164, 30 ChUp. S'vetUp. Pras'nUp. Mn. &c.; N. of a plant L.; Briihaspati (regent of Jupiter) VarBriS. Laghuj. Sryas. Ks'Kh.; the 3rd lustrum in the 60 years "' Briihaspati cycle VarBriS. viii, 26; N. of one of the 8 Maruts Yj. ii, 102/103 39; Karna L.; n. N. of a metre RPrt. xvii, 4 [422,3]; ({A}) f. life L.; the earth L.; a bow-string L.; (in geom. = {jyA}) the chord of an arc; the sine of an arc Sryas. ii, 57 (cf. {tri-}, {tri-bha} "', {dRg-gati-}, {lamba-} and {zaGku-jIvA}); N. of a plant ({jIvantI} or {vacA} L.) VarBriS. iii, 39; the tinkling of ornaments L.; pl. N. of a particular formula Kaus'. Vait.; cf. {ati-}, {upa} and {saM-jIva4}; {a-}, {kumAra-}, {ciraM-}, {jagaj-}, {dur-}, {nir-}, {pApa-}, {bandhu-}, {sa-}, {su-}; {khSudra-jivA}, {yAvaj-jIvam}; [cf. {bi4os}; Lat. {vivus}; Lith. {gIvas}; Goth. {qvius}; Eng. {quick}; Hib. {beo}.] jiivada* = m. `" life-cutter "', an enemy L. jiivadeva* = m. N. of a man,

jiivaja* = mfn. born-alive ChUp. vi, 3, 1. jiivakoza* = m. a case (or sheath) enveloping the personal soul BhP. iv, 22 f.; x. jiivaMjIva* = m. = {-j-} L.; the Greek partridge L.; a mythical bird with two heads Buddh.; N. of a tree L. jiivaMjIvaka* = m. = {-jIva} MBh. iii Hariv. 6957 Lalit. Sus'r. Kd. MrkP. jiivanas'* = mfn. (nom. {-na4T}; also {-nak} [= {jivasya nAza}] Pn. 8-2, 63, Kas'.) [a sacrifice] in which living beings are killed MaitrS. i, 4, 13. jiivanetrii* = f. a kind of pepper L. jiivatva* = n. the state of life RmatUp. i, 14; the state of the individual soul KapS. vi, 63. - 1. {-da} m. `" life-giver "', a physician L.; ({A}) f. = {-vantI} L. -2. jiivapati* = m. a living husband, vi, 19, 24. = jiiva = life jiiva-loka = the mortal world


jiivaH = life jiivati = while living(without earning) jiivana = life jiivanaM = life jiivanmuktiH = salvation+freedom from bondage of birth jiivabhuutaH = the conditioned living entity jiivamaana = one who lives jiivaloke = in the world of conditional life jiivaatman* = m. the living or personal or individual soul (as distinct from the %{paramA7t-} q.v.), the vital principle Tarkas. BhP. vi, viii Sarvad. iv; vii, 57. jiivatva * = n. the state of life Ra1matUp. i, 14; the state of the individual soul KapS. vi, 63. - 1. %{-da} m. `" life-giver "', a physician L.; (%{A}) f. = %{vantI} L. -2. jiivasya = (masc.poss.S) of life


jiivaatman.h = Also spelt Jeevatman. Is the soul within the human sphere jiivaatmaa = the individual soul jiivita = life jiivitena = living jiivemaH = may we live jijaasaka* = mfn. ( {jJA} Desid.) {-su} W. jijIviishaa * = f. ( %{jIv} Desid.) desire to live MBh. viii , 1790. jijaasanIya* = mfn. = {-sitavya} W. jijaasaa* = f. = {-sana} MBh. ii f. xiii Hariv. R. Pn. 1-3, 21 Vrtt. 3, &c. ({kRta-jijJAsa} mfn. having put to the proof any one [gen.] Kaths. cxiii, 78). jijaasaaprastaava* = m. N. of wk., Pratpar. Sch. jijaasita* = mfn. investigated, inquired BhP. i, 5, 3f.; tested MBh. xiii, 932. jijaasitavya* = mfn. to be investigated Sarvad.

jijaasu* = mfn. desirous of knowing, inquiring into, examining, testing MBh. R. BhP. &c. jijaasya* = mfn. = {-sitavya} BhP. ii, 9 Sarvad. ji.nvhaa = tongue jita = having conquered jitaH = conquered jitaatmanaH = of one who has conquered his mind jitaatmaa = having control of the mind jitendriyaM = the conqueror of senses jitendriyaH = having conquered the senses jitvaa = by conquering jivadhaaraNakaari = responsible for life's existence jivabhuutaaM = comprising the living entities jivyate = remain alive jivhaa = (f) tongue


jivhaaM = tongue jaa* = 1 cl. 9. P. . {jAnA4ti}, {-nite4} (cf. Pn. 13, 76; Subj. {-nat}; Impv. {-nItat}, 2. sg. {-nIhi4}, once irr. {jJa} BhP. x, 89, 46; [fr. cl. 3.] {jijAhi} MBh. xiii, 4493; 2. pl. irr. {-nata}. ii, 2397; 2. sg. . irr. {-nase} DivyA7v. xviii; p. {-na4t}, {-nAna4} irr. {-namAna} [MBh.]; pf. {jajJau}, {-jJe} [Pass. Rjat. v, 481], 3. pl. {-jJu4r} RV. vii, 79, 4 S'Br. xi; p. {jJAna4} RV. x, 14, 2; fut. {jJAsyati}, {-te}; aor. {ajJAsIt}, {-sta} Pass. {a4jJAyi}, vi, 65, 1 &c.; Pot. {jJAyAt} or {jJey-} Pn. 6-4, 68 [425,3]; 2. sg. {jJeyas} = {$} RV. ii, 10, 6; inf. {jJAtum}) to know, have knowledge, become acquainted with (acc.; rarely gen. MBh. iii, 2154 Hariv. 7095), perceive, apprehend, understand (also with inf. [Pn. 3-4, 65] MBh. ii, v Das'.), experience, recognise, ascertain, investigate RV. &c.; to know as, know or perceive that, regard or consider as (with double acc. e.g. {tasya mAM tanayAM jAnIta} "', know me to be his daughter "' MBh. iii, 2476; with {mRSA}, `" to consider as untrue "' Ratna7v. ii, 18) Mn. &c.; `" to acknowledge, approve, allow VS. xviii, 59 f. AV. ix, 5, 19 S'Br. i, xi, xiv; to recognise as one's own, take possession of SaddhP.; to visit as a friend AV. x, 1, 25; to remember (with gen.) MBh. xii, 5169; . to engage in (gen. e.g. {sarpiSo}, `" to make an oblation with clarified butter "') Pn. 1-3, 45; ii, 3, 51: Caus. {jJapayati}, to teach any one

(acc.) SnkhS'r.xv; {jJAp-} (Pass. {jJApyate}) to make known, announce, teach anything MBh. ii, xii Kty. and Pat.; to inform any one (gen.) that (double acc.) MBh. i, 5864; . to request, ask ChUp. ii, 13, 1 ({jJap-}) MBh. iii, 8762 ({jJAp-}): Desid. {jijJAsate} (Pn. 1-3, 57; ep. also P.) to wish to know or become acquainted with or learn, investigate, examine Mn. ii, 13 MBh. &c.; to wish for information about (acc.) Kaths. xxii, 84; to conjecture AV. xiv, 1, 56: Caus. Desid. {jijJapayiSati} (also {-jJAp-} Siddh.) and {jJIpsati} (cf. {-psyamAna}), to wish to make known or inform Pn. 7-2, 49 & 4, 5; [cf. $ &c.] ja * = 2 mf({A})n. (iii, 1, 135) knowing, familiar with (chiefly in comp.; rarely gen. or loc. MBh. xii, 12028 R. vii, 91, 25) S'Br. xiv, 7, 2, 3 Mn. &c.; intelligent, having a soul, wise, (m.) a wise and learned man S'vetUp. Pras'nUp. Bdar. VarBri. BhP. vii; having J as deity Pn. 6-4, 163 Pat.; m. the thinking soul (= {puruSa}) Snkhyak. Nyyad.iii, 2, 20 Sch.; the planet Mercury VarBriS. VarBri. Laghuj. Sryas.; the planet Mars L.; Brahm L.; ({A}) f. N. of a woman Pn. 6-4, 163 Pat.; [cf. Lat. {mali-} and {beni-gnu-s}.] jJaa* =3 f. for {A-j-} (by irr. Sandhi after {e} and {o}) MBh. i, 3168; iii, 16308.


jaa4* = mfn. ifc. `" knowing, familiar with "' see {Rta-}, {pada} and {pra-jiJA4}, {a4-saM-}. jatva*= n. intelligence Nyyad. Sch. jazakti*= f. the intellectual faculty Bdar. ii, 2, 9. jaka*= mf({akA} or {ikA})n. dimin, fr. 2. {jJa4} Pn. 7-3, 47. japta*= mfn. (2, 27) instructed S'Br. xi, 5, 3, 8ff. jaati*= m. `" intimately acquainted "' (cf. Goth. {kno1di}), a near relation (`" paternal relation "' L. and Sch.; cf. {sam-bandhin}), kinsman RV. AV. xii, 5, 44 TBr. i &c. jaateya*= n. (Pn. 5-1, 127) affinity, kindred sentiments Hcar. i, 534. jaanakIrti*= m. N. of a Buddh. teacher. jaanaketu*= m. `" having marks of intelligence "'N. of a man Lalit. xiii, 156; {-dhvaja} m. N. of a Devaputra, iii, 160. jaanagamya*= mfn. attainable by the understanding (S'iva).


jaanagUha*= mf({A})n. concealing the understanding BhP. iii, 26, 5. jaana-ghana*= m. pure or mere knowledge or intellect, viii, 3, 12; ix, 8, 23; {-nA7cArya}, m.N. of a teacher W. jaana = * n. knowing, becoming acquainted with, knowledge, (esp.) the higher knowledge (derived from meditation on the one Universal Spirit) S'nkhS'r.xiii Gobh. Mn. &c.; knowledge about anything cognizance "' see {-tas} and {a-jJAnAd} {a-jJAnAd} {vA}, knowingly or ignorantly, xi, 233); conscience MBh.; = {-ne7ndriya} KathhUp. vi, 10; engaging in (gen. e.g. {sarpiSas} "', in sacrifice with clarified butter "') Pn. 2-2, 10 Vrtt. Pat.; N. of a S'akti Rasik.xiv, 36 RmatUp. i, 90 Sch.; ({A}) f. id. Pacar. iii, 2, 30 Rmapjs'. jaa4na * mf({I})n. prudent, wise L. [659, 2]; easily known AV.; n. knowledge, wisdom, intelligence, discrimination AV. &c. &c.; a distinctive mark, token of recognition, any mark or sign or characteristic AV. MBh. R. &c.; a monument, memorial S'Br.; {-kumuda-candrikA} f. N. of wk.; {-ghana4} m. nothing but knowledge S'Br. (cf. under {ghana4}); {-tRpta} mfn. satiated with i.e. full of knknowledge MBh.; {-saMtati} f. a train of thought Tattvas.; {-nA7nanda}, {-nA7zrama}, and

{-ne7ndra} m. N. of authors Cat. jaanakIrti * =N. of a Buddh. teacher. jaana-ketu*= `" having marks of intelligence "'N. of a man Lalit. xiii, 156; {-dhvaja} m. N. of a Devaputra, iii, 160. jaana-khaNDa * N. of part of S'ivaP. jaana-gamya *=mfn. attainable by the understanding (S'iva). jaana-garbha * `" filled with knowledge "'N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh. L.; of a scholar ib. jaana-gUha *= mf({A})n. concealing the understanding BhP. iii, 26, 5. jaana-ghana * m. pure or mere knowledge or intellect, viii, 3, 12; ix, 8, 23; {-nA7cArya}, m.N. of a tea jnendrya*= n. `" knowledge-organ "', an organ of sensation BhP. Sy. on S'Br. ix. japayata `V*: communicate, tell, announce jaati * =`" intimately acquainted "' (cf. Goth.

{kno1di}), a near relation (`" paternal relation "' L. and Sch.; cf. {sam-bandhin}), kinsman RV. AV. xii, 5, 44 TBr. i &c. japta * (2, 27) instructed jatva *=intelligence joshhayet.h = he should dovetail jrimbhate = to yawn jyaayasaH = gen. sing. of jyaayas, greater jyaayasi = better jyaayaaH = better jyaishthha* = m. N. of a month (May-June, the full moon standing in the constellation Jyeshthh) Lthy. x, 5, 18 Mn. viii, 245 Hariv. 7828 KtyS'r. Sch.; ({I}) f. the full moon in month Jyaishthha VarBriS. xxiii, 1 (cf. {mahA-jyaiSThI}); see {jyeSThI}. jyeshhThaa = Eighteenth nakshatra jyotiH = light


jyotirdhyaana = luminous contemplation jyotishha = The study of Illuminated bodies. The study of Astrology and Astronomy which were one science in the past jyotishhii = An Astrologer jyotii = inner light jyotiishhaaM = of all luminaries jyotsna = moonlight jyotsnaa = (f) moonlight jugupsita* =mfn. abhorring anything (abl.) Vop. v, 21; disliked, detested, disgusting MBh. R. &c.; censured W.; n. a disgusting or horrible deed BhP. i, 5, 15; (also {karma-} id., i, 7, 42); = {-psA} Sarvad. iii, 270. jushhTaM = practiced by jushtha * = mfn. (%{-STa4} RV. ix, 42, 2 AV. and in later language Pa1n2. 6-1, 209f.) pleased, propitious RV. ix, 42, 2; liked, wished, loved, welcome, agreeable, usual (cf. Pa1n2. 3-2, 188 Ka1r.; with dat. or gen., rarely instr.) RV. AV. S3Br.

&c.; frequented, visited, inhabited MBh. R. BhP.; swept over (by the wind) Hariv. 6984; afflicted by (instr. or in comp.) Sus3r.; served, obliged, worshipped W.; practised W.; furnished with, possessed of (instr. or in comp.) R. iii BhP.; n. the remnants of a meal L.; cf. %{a4-}. juhosi = you offer juhvati = offer jush * = 1 cl. 6. . {-Sa4te} (also P. RV. [{-Sa4t}, {a4juSat}] MBh. &c.; Subj. {-SAte}; Pot. {-Se4ta}; 3. pl. {-Serata} RV.; Impv. {-Sa4tAm}; impf. {ajuSata}, ii, 37, 4; 1. sg. {a4juSe} AV. vi, 61, 3; p. {Sa4mANa}) cl. 3. P. irr. {ju4joSati} (Subj. and p. {ju4joSat}; cf. Pn. 7-3, 87 Vrtt. 2; Impv. 2. pl. {juSTana} RV.), rarely cl. i. P. {joSati} (Subj. {jo4Sat}; - aor. p. {juSANa4}; 3. pl. {ajuSran}, i, 71, 1; 2. sg. {jo4Si}, ii, iv; 3. sg. {jo4SiSat}, ii, 35, 1 [cf. Ks'. on Pn. 3-1, 34 and 4, 7; 94 and 97]; pf. {jujo4Sa}, {-juSe4}; p. {-juSva4s}, generally {SANa4}; ind. p. {juSTvI4} RV.) to be pleased or satisfied or favourable RV. AV. &c.; to like, be fond of delight in (acc. or gen.), enjoy RV. (with {tanvAm} or {-va4s}, `" to be delighted "', iii, 1, 1; x, 8, 3) AV. &c.; to have pleasure in granting anything (acc.) to (loc.) RV. vi, 14, 1; to have pleasure in (dat.), resolve to (Ved. Inf.), i, 167, 5; iv, 24, 5 S'Br.

iii, 6, 4, 7; to give pleasure to (loc.) RV. x, 105, 8; to choose for (dat.) VS. v, 42 TS. vi S'Br. iii, 6, 4, 8; to devote one's self to (acc.), practise, undergo, suffer BhP. ii, 2, 7; viii, 7, 20 Bhathth. xvii, 112; to delight in visiting, frequent, visit, inhabit, enter (a carriage &c.) MBh. iii, v, xiv Bhathth. xiv, 95; to afflict MBh. iii: Caus. . (Subj. 2. sg. {joSa4yAse}) to like, love, behave kindly towards (acc.), cherish RV.; to delight in, approve of(acc.), choose S'Br. iii MBh. xiv, 1289; (P. cf. Dhtup. xxxiv, 28) Bhag. iii, 26; [cf. $; Zd. {zaoSa}; Hib. {gus}; Goth. {kiusu}; Lat. {gus-tus}.] jush * = 2 mfn. ifc. liking, fond of, devoted to (once with acc. BhP. vii, 6, 25; cf. {nikRtiM-}) BhP. Bhartri. Sntis'. Kaths.; dwelling in Hcar. vii; visiting, approaching BhP. ii, 7, 25 Madhus.; having, showing Blar. iv, 17; ix, 25 Sinha7s. Introd. 5l; xv, 4 Kuval. 169; similar Hcar. i, 44; cf. {sa-}. jusha=jushkaka jvara = fever jvala = flame jvalati = (1 pp) to glow


jvaladbhiH = blazing jvalanaM = a fire

ka* = 1 the first consonant of the alphabet, and the first guttural letter (corresponding in sound to {k} in {keep} or {king}). ka* = 2 {kas}, {kA}, {kim}, interrog. pron. (see {kim} and 2. {kad}, and cf. the following words in which the interrogative base {ka} appears, {katama}, {katara}, {kati}, {katham}, {kadA}, {karhi}, {kA}, &c.), who? which? what? In its declension {ka} follows the pronoun {tad} except in nom. acc. sing. neut., where {kim} has taken the place of {kad} or {kat} in classical Sanskriit; but the old form {kad} is found in the Veda (see Gram. 227); [cf. Zd. {ka}, {ko7}, {kA7}, {kat}; Gk. $, $, (Ion. $, $,) $, $; Lat. {quis}, &75137[240,2] {quid}; Lith. {kas} {ka4}; Goth. {hvas}, {hvo7}, {hva}, Angl. Sax. {hw}, {hwaet}; Eng. {who}, {what}.] The interrogative sentence introduced by {ka} is often terminated by {iti} (e.g. {kasya sa putra iti

kathyatAm}, let it be said, `" whose son is he? "'), but {iti} may be omitted and the sentence lose its direct interrogative character (e.g. {kasya sa putro na jJAyate}, it is not known whose son he is). {ka} with or without 1. {as} may express `" how is it possible that? "' `" what power have I, you, they, &c.? "' (e.g. {ke mama dhanvino'nye}, what can the other archers do against me? {ke AvAm paritrAtum}, what power have we to rescue you?) {ka} is often connected with a demonstrative pron. (e.g. {ko 'yam AyAti}, who comes here?) or with the potential (e.g. {ko hariM nindet}, who will blame Hari?) {ka} is sometimes repeated (e.g. {kaH ko 'tra}, who is there? {kAn kAn}, whom? whom? i.e. which of them? cf. Gram. 54), and the repetition is often due to a kind of attraction (e.g. {keSAM kiM zAstram adhyayanIyam}, which book is to be read by whom? Gram. 836. {a}). When {kim} is connected with the inst. c. of a noun or with the indecl. participle it may express `" what is gained by doing so, &c.? "' (= {ko'rthas}) [240,3]; (e.g. {kiM vilambena}, what is gained by delay? {kim bahunA}, what is the use of more words? {dhanena kiM yo na dadAti}, what is the use of wealth to him who does not give? with inst. and gen., {nIrujaH kim auSadhaiH}, what is the use of medicine to the healthy?) {ka} is often followed by the particles {iva}, {u}, {nAma}, {nu}, {vA}, {svid}, some of which serve merely to generalize the interrogation (e.g. {kim iva etad}, what can this be? {ka u zravat},

who can possibly hear? {ko nAma jAnAti}, who indeed knows? {ko nv ayam}, who, pray, is this? {kiM nu kAryam}, what is to be done? {ko vA devAd anyaH}, who possibly other than a god? {kasya svid hRdayaM nA7sti}, of what person is there no heart?) {ka} is occasionally used alone as an indefinite pronoun, especially in negative sentences (e.g. {na kasya ko vallabhaH}, no one is a favourite of any one; {nA7nyo jAnAti kaH}, no one else knows; {kathaM sa ghAtayati kam}, how does he kill any one?) Generally, however, {ka} is only made indefinite when connected with the particles {ca}, {cana4}, {cid}, {vA}, and {a4pi}, in which case {ka} may sometimes be preceded by the relative {ya} (e.g. {ye ke ca}, any persons whatsoever; {yasyai kasyai ca devatAyai}, to any deity whatsoever; {yAni kAni ca mitrANi}, any friends whatsoever; {yat kiMca}, whatever). The particle {cana}, being composed of {ca} and {na}, properly gives a negative force to the pronoun (e.g. {yasmAd indrAd Rte kiMcana}, without which Indra there is nothing), but the negative sense is generally dropped (e.g. {kazcana}, any one; {na kazcana}, no one), and a relative is sometimes connected with it (e.g. {yat kiMcana}, anything whatsoever). Examples of {cid} with the interrogative are common; {vA} and {api} are not so common, but the latter is often found in classical Sanskriit (e.g. {kazcid}, any one; {kecid}, some; {na kazcid}, no one; {na kiMcid api}, nothing whatsoever; {yaH

kazcid}, any one whatsoever; {kecit} - {kecit}, some - others; {yasmin kasmin vA deze}, in any country whatsoever; {na ko 'pi}, no one; {na kimapi}, nothing whatever). {ka} may sometimes be used, like 2. {kad}, at the beginning of a compound. see {ka-pUya}, &c. ka* = 3 m. (according to native authorities) N. of Prajpati or of a Prajpati VS. xx, 4; xxii, 20 TS. i S'Br. &c.; of Brahman MBh. i, 32 BhP. iii, 12, 51; xii, 13, 19; 20; of Daksha BhP. ix, 10, 10; of Vishnu L.; of Yama L.; of Garuda; the soul Tattvas.; a particular comet VarBriS.; the sun L.; fire L.; splendour, light L.; air L.; a peacock L.; the body L.; time L.; wealth L.; sound L.; a king L.; = {kAmagranthi} (?); ({am}) n. happiness, joy, pleasure ChUp. iv, 10, 5 Nir. &c.; water MaitrS. i, 10, 10 S'Br. x Yj. &c.; the head; hair, a head of hair L.; (also regarded as ind.; cf. 1. {kam}.) ka* = 4 a Taddhita affix (much used in forming adjectives; it may also be added to nouns to express diminution, deterioration, or similarity e.g. {putraka}, a little son; {azvaka}, a bad horse or like a horse). kaa* = 1 onomat. imitation of the cry of the ass BhP. x, 15, 30. \\2 = 2. {ka4d} and 1. {ku} in comp. to express depreciation e.g. {kA7kSa}, {kA-patha},

{kApuruSa}, {ko7SNa}, qq. vv. Pn. 6-3, 104 Vop. vi, 93. \\3 = {kan} (perf. {cake}, {cakAna4}; see {kA4yamAna} s.v.), to seek, desire, yearn, love (with acc. and dat.) RV.; to like, enjoy, be satisfied with (loc. gen. or inst.) RV.: Intens. (p. {cAka4t}) to please, be sought after, be wished for, satisfy RV. x, 29, 1 (cf. {anu-}, {A-}, {saM-} 3. {kA}, {kAti}.) kaa = who kaaJNchana = gold kaaJNchanaH = gold kaagadam.h = (n) paper kaaka = crow kaakaasana = the crow posture kaakiNii = the goddess in anaahata chakra kaaksha * = 1 mfn. (fr. 2. %{kA} + %{akSa}) frowning, looking scornfully or in displeasure Siddh. on Pa1n2. 6-3, 104 Sch. on Bhat2t2. v, 24; (%{as}, %{am}) m. n. a glance, wink, leer Pa1n2. 63, 104 Bhat2t2. v, 24 Vop. vi, 93 (cf. %{kaTA7kSa}.)\\ 2 m. a kind of plant g. %{plakSA7di} in the Ka1s3.; (%{am}) n. the fruit of

the same ib.; (%{I}) f. the plant Cytisus Cajan L.; a kind of fragrant earth, perfume (%{kacchI}, %{saurASTra-mRttikA}) L. kaakutsthaM = kAkutsthaH is another family name for rAma(kakutstha's kaakutsthaH = descendant of `kakutstha' kaala *= 1 mf(%{I} Pa1n2. 4-1, 42)n. (fr. 3. %{kal}?), black, of a dark colour, dark-blue MBh. R. &c.; m. a black or dark-blue colour L.; the black part of the eye Sus3r.; the Indian cuckoo L.; the poisonous serpent Coluber Na1ga (= %{kAlasarpa}) Vet.; the plant Cassia Sophora L.; a red kind of Plumbago L.; the resin of the plant Shorea robusta L.; the planet Saturn; N. of S3iva; of Rudra BhP. iii, 12, 12; of a son of Hrada Hariv. 189; of the prince Ka1la-yavana BhP. iii, 3, 10; of a brother of king Prasena-jit Buddh.; of a future Buddha; of an author of Mantras (= As3va-ghosha) Buddh.; of a Na1ga-ra1ja Buddh.; of a Rakshas R. vi, 69, 12; of an enemy of S3iva L.; of a mountain R. iv, 44, 21 Ka1ran2d2.; of one of the nine treasures Jain.; a mystical N. of the letter %{m}; (%{A}) f. N. of several plants (Indigofera tinctoria L.; Piper longum L.; (perhaps) Ipomoea atropurpurea Sus3r.; Nigella indica L.; Rubia Munjista L.; Ruellia longifolia L.; Physalis flexuosa L.; Bignonia

suaveolens Bhpr.); the fruit of the Ka1la1 g. %{harItaky-Adi}; N. of a %{zakti} Hcat.; of a daughter of Daksha (the mother of the Ka1leyas or Ka1lakeyas, a family of Asuras) MBh. i, 2520 Hariv.; N. of Durga1 L.; (%{I}) f. black colour, ink or blacking L.; abuse, censure, defamation L.; a row or succession of black clouds L.; night L.; a worm or animalcule generated in the acetous fermentation of milk (= %{kSIra-kITa} or %{kSAra-kITa}) L.; the plant Ka1la7n5jani1 L.; Ipomoea Turpethum L.; a kind of clay L.; Bignonia suaveolens L.; one of the seven tongues or flames of fire Mun2d2Up. i, 2, 4; a form of Durga1 MBh. iv, 195 Hariv. Kum.; one of the Ma1tr2is or divine mothers L.; N. of a female evil spirit (mother of the Ka1lakeyas) Hariv. 11552; one of the sixteen Vidya1-devi1s L.; N. of Satyavati1, wife of king S3a1ntanu and mother of Vya1sa or Kr2ishn2advaipa1yana (after her marriage she had a son Vicitra-vi1rya, whose widows were married by Kr2ishn2a-dvaipa1yana, and bore to him Dhr2itara1sht2ra and Pa1n2d2u MBh. Hariv.; according to other legends Ka1li1 is the wife of Bhi1masena and mother of Sarvagata BhP.); (with or without %{gaGgA}) N. of a river; (%{am}) n. a black kind of Agallochum L.; a kind of perfume (%{kakkolaka}) L.; iron L. kaala *= 2 m. (3. %{kal}, `" to calculate or

enumerate "'), [ifc. f. %{A} RPra1t.], a fixed or right point of time, a space of time, time (in general) AV. xix, 53 & 54 S3Br. &c.; the proper time or season for (gen. dat. loc., in comp., inf., or Pot. with %{yad} e.g. %{kAlaH@prasthAnasya} or %{-nAya} or %{-ne}, time for departure; %{kriyA-kAla}, time for action Sus3r.; %{nA7yaM@kAlo@vilambitum}, this is not the time to delay Nal.; %{kAlo@yad@bhuJjIta@bhavAn}, it is time for you to eat Pa1n2. 3-3, 168 Ka1s3.) S3Br. MBh. &c.; occasion, circumstance MBh. xii, 2950 Mr2icch.; season R. &c.; meal-time (twice a day, hence %{ubhau@kAlau}, `" in the morning and in the evening "' MBh. i, 4623; %{SaSThe@kAle}, `" in the evening of the third day "' MBh.; %{SaSThA7nna-kAla}, `" one who eats only at the sixth meal-time, i.e. who passes five meals without eating and has no meal till the evening of the third day "' Mn. xi, 200; or without %{anna} e.g. %{caturtha-kAlam}, `" at the fourth meal-time i.e. at the evening of the second day "' Mn. xi, 109); hour (hence %{SaSThe@kAle@'hnaH}, `" at the sixth hour of the day, i.e. at noon "' Vikr.); a period of time, time of the world (= %{yuga}) Ra1jat.; measure of time, prosody Pra1t. Pa1n2.; a section, part VPra1t.; the end ChUp.; death by age Sus3r.; time (as leading to events, the causes of which are imperceptible to the mind of man), destiny, fate MBh. R. &c.; time (as destroying all things), death, time of death (often personified and represented

with the attributes of Yama, regent of the dead, or even identified with him: hence %{kAlam-i} or %{kAlaM-kR}, `" to die "' MBh. &c.; %{kAla} in this sense is frequently connected with %{antaka}, %{mRtyu} e.g. %{abhyadhAvata@prajAH@kAla@ivA7ntakaH}, `" he attacked the people like Time the destroyer "' R. iii, 7, 9; cf. %{kAlA7ntaka}; %{kAla} personified is also a Devarshi in Indra's court, and a son of Dhruva MBh. i, 2585 Hariv. VP.); (%{am}) acc. ind. for a certain time (e.g. %{mahAntaM@kAlam}, for a long time Pan5cat.) [278,2]; %{nitya-k-}, constantly, always Mn. ii, 58 and 73; %{dIrgha-k-}, during a long time Mn. viii, 145; (%{ena}) instr. ind. in the course of time Mn. ix, 246 MBh. &c.; with %{gacchatA} id. VP.; %{dIrgheNa@kAlena}, during a long time MBh.; after a long time R. i, 45, 40; %{kAlena@mahatA} or %{bahunA} id.; (%{At}) abl. ind. in the course of time Mn. viii, 251; %{kAlasya@dIrghasya} or %{mahataH} id. Mn. MBh. &c.; %{kasya-cit@kAlasya}, after some time MBh. i, 5299 Hariv.; (%{e4}) loc. ind. in time, seasonably RV. x, 42, 9 S3Br. (cf. %{a-kAle}); %{kAle@gacchati}, in the course of time; %{kAle@yAte}, after some time; %{kAle@kAle}, always in time MBh. i, 1680 Ragh. iv, 6; [cf. $; Lat. {calen-doe}: Hib. {ceal}, `" death and everything terrible. "'] kaalakuutha* = m. (n. L.) a poison (contained in a bulbous root or tube) MBh. iii, 540 Pacat.; a

poison (produced at the churning of the ocean, swallowed by S'iva and causing the blueness of his neck) MBh. i, 1152 BhP. &c. [277,2]; poison (in general) BhP. iii, 2, 23.\\* = m. id. L.; (for 1. and 3. see p. 277, col. 1, and p. 279, col. 2.)\\ 3 {As} m. pl. (1. fr. {kalak-})N. of a country near the Hima7laya and of the people inhabiting it MBh.; mfn. relating to that country g. {palady-Adi}. kaalika* =1 m. a species of heron (Ardea jaculator) L. (v.l. {kAlIka}); N. of a king of the Ngas Lalit.; of a prince Pacad. kaalikaa* =1 (f. of 1. {kAlaka} q.v.) kaalika* =2 mf({I} Pn. 5-1, 108)n. relating to or connected with or depending on time Bhshp.; fit for any particular season, seasonable MBh. iii, 868; lasting a long time Pn. 5-1, 108; (often ifc. e.g. {Asanna-k-}, relating to a time near at hand, impending Pn. 5-4, 20 Sch.; {mAsa-k-}, monthly MBh. ii, 2080). kaaM = which kaamya * = Nom. P. {-yati}, to have a desire for (only ifc. e.g. {putra-kAmyati}, to have a desire for children) Pn. 3-1, 9 Comm. on Pn. 8-3, 38 and 39 Vop. xxi, 1 S'ntis'. Bhathth. ix, 59.

kaamya * = 2 mf({A})n. desirable, beautiful, amiable, lovely, agreeable RV. VS. R. ii, 25, 9; v, 43, 13 Ragh. vi, 30 S'ntis'. ii, 7 Bhartri. iii, 40; to one's liking, agreeable to one's wish KtyS'r. iv, 5, 1 S'nkhS'r. iii, 11, 5 s'vGri. iv, 7; optional (opposed to {nitya} or indispensable observance), performed through the desire of some object or personal advantage (as a religious ceremony &c.), done from desire of benefit or from interested motives KtyS'r. xii, 6, 15 s'vS'r. ii, 10 s'vGri. iii, 6 Kaus'. 5 ChUp. v, 2, 9 Mn. ii, 2 MBh. &c.; ({A}) f. N. of an Apsasas MBh. i, 4820 Hariv.; of several women VP. kaamyaa * = f. wish, desire, longing for or striving after (gen. or in comp. e.g. {putra-kAmyayA}, through desire for a son R. i, 13, 36 Ragh. i, 35); will, purpose, intention (e.g. {yat-kAmyA4}, irreg. instr. `" with which intention "' S'Br. iii, 9, 3, 4) Mn. MBh. R. Ragh. &c.; [cf. Zd. {khshathro1kmya}, `" wish for dominion. "'] kaankshati = desires kaankshantaH = desiring kaankshitaM = is desired kaankshe = do I desire


kaa.nchanamaashraya.nti = take refuge in gold or money kaate = kA+te, who+your kaadaMbarii = name of a girl or title of a novel kaadambaH = (m) duck kaala = Time, providence = * 2 m. (3. %{kal}, `" to calculate or enumerate "'), [ifc. f. %{A} RPra1t.], a fixed or right point of time, a space of time, time (in general) AV. xix, 53 & 54 S3Br. &c.; the proper time or season for (gen. dat. loc., in comp., inf., or Pot. with %{yad} e.g. %{kAlaH@prasthAnasya} or %{-nAya} or %{-ne}, time for departure; %{kriyAkAla}, time for action Sus3r.; %{nA7yaM@kAlo@vilambitum}, this is not the time to delay Nal.; %{kAlo@yad@bhuJjIta@bhavAn}, it is time for you to eat Pa1n2. 3-3, 168 Ka1s3.) S3Br. MBh. &c.; occasion, circumstance MBh. xii, 2950 Mr2icch.; season R. &c.; meal-time (twice a day, hence %{ubhau@kAlau}, `" in the morning and in the evening "' MBh. i, 4623; %{SaSThe@kAle}, `" in the evening of the third day "' MBh.; %{SaSThA7nna-kAla}, `" one who eats only at the sixth meal-time, i.e. who passes five meals without eating and has no meal till the evening of the third

day "' Mn. xi, 200; or without %{anna} e.g. %{caturtha-kAlam}, `" at the fourth meal-time i.e. at the evening of the second day "' Mn. xi, 109); hour (hence %{SaSThe@kAle@'hnaH}, `" at the sixth hour of the day, i.e. at noon "' Vikr.); a period of time, time of the world (= %{yuga}) Ra1jat.; measure of time, prosody Pra1t. Pa1n2.; a section, part VPra1t.; the end ChUp.; death by age Sus3r.; time (as leading to events, the causes of which are imperceptible to the mind of man), destiny, fate MBh. R. &c.; time (as destroying all things), death, time of death (often personified and represented with the attributes of Yama, regent of the dead, or even identified with him: hence %{kAlam-i} or %{kAlaM-kR}, `" to die "' MBh. &c.; %{kAla} in this sense is frequently connected with %{antaka}, %{mRtyu} e.g. %{abhyadhAvata@prajAH@kAla@ivA7ntakaH}, `" he attacked the people like Time the destroyer "' R. iii, 7, 9; cf. %{kAlA7ntaka}; %{kAla} personified is also a Devarshi in Indra's court, and a son of Dhruva MBh. i, 2585 Hariv. VP.); (%{am}) acc. ind. for a certain time (e.g. %{mahAntaM@kAlam}, for a long time Pan5cat.) [278,2]; %{nitya-k-}, constantly, always Mn. ii, 58 and 73; %{dIrgha-k-}, during a long time Mn. viii, 145; (%{ena}) instr. ind. in the course of time Mn. ix, 246 MBh. &c.; with %{gacchatA} id. VP.; %{dIrgheNa@kAlena}, during a long time MBh.; after a long time R. i, 45, 40; %{kAlena@mahatA} or %{bahunA} id.;

(%{At}) abl. ind. in the course of time Mn. viii, 251; %{kAlasya@dIrghasya} or %{mahataH} id. Mn. MBh. &c.; %{kasya-cit@kAlasya}, after some time MBh. i, 5299 Hariv.; (%{e4}) loc. ind. in time, seasonably RV. x, 42, 9 S3Br. (cf. %{a-kAle}); %{kAle@gacchati}, in the course of time; %{kAle@yAte}, after some time; %{kAle@kAle}, always in time MBh. i, 1680 Ragh. iv, 6; [cf. $; Lat. {calen-doe}: Hib. {ceal}, `" death and everything terrible. "'] //* 2 1 mf(%{I} Pa1n2. 4-1, 42)n. (fr. 3. %{kal}?), black, of a dark colour, dark-blue MBh. R. &c.; m. a black or dark-blue colour L.; the black part of the eye Sus3r.; the Indian cuckoo L.; the poisonous serpent Coluber Na1ga (= %{kAlasarpa}) Vet.; the plant Cassia Sophora L.; a red kind of Plumbago L.; the resin of the plant Shorea robusta L.; the planet Saturn; N. of S3iva; of Rudra BhP. iii, 12, 12; of a son of Hrada Hariv. 189; of the prince Ka1la-yavana BhP. iii, 3, 10; of a brother of king Prasena-jit Buddh.; of a future Buddha; of an author of Mantras (= As3va-ghosha) Buddh.; of a Na1ga-ra1ja Buddh.; of a Rakshas R. vi, 69, 12; of an enemy of S3iva L.; of a mountain R. iv, 44, 21 Ka1ran2d2.; of one of the nine treasures Jain.; a mystical N. of the letter %{m}; (%{A}) f. N. of several plants (Indigofera tinctoria L.; Piper longum L.; (perhaps) Ipomoea atropurpurea Sus3r.; Nigella indica L.; Rubia Munjista L.; Ruellia longifolia L.; Physalis flexuosa L.; Bignonia suaveolens Bhpr.); the fruit of the Ka1la1 g.

%{harItaky-Adi}; N. of a %{zakti} Hcat.; of a daughter of Daksha (the mother of the Ka1leyas or Ka1lakeyas, a family of Asuras) MBh. i, 2520 Hariv.; N. of Durga1 L.; (%{I}) f. black colour, ink or blacking L.; abuse, censure, defamation L.; a row or succession of black clouds L.; night L.; a worm or animalcule generated in the acetous fermentation of milk (= %{kSIra-kITa} or %{kSAra-kITa}) L.; the plant Ka1la7n5jani1 L.; Ipomoea Turpethum L.; a kind of clay L.; Bignonia suaveolens L.; one of the seven tongues or flames of fire Mun2d2Up. i, 2, 4; a form of Durga1 MBh. iv, 195 Hariv. Kum.; one of the Ma1tr2is or divine mothers L.; N. of a female evil spirit (mother of the Ka1lakeyas) Hariv. 11552; one of the sixteen Vidya1-devi1s L.; N. of Satyavati1, wife of king S3a1ntanu and mother of Vya1sa or Kr2ishn2advaipa1yana (after her marriage she had a son Vicitra-vi1rya, whose widows were married by Kr2ishn2a-dvaipa1yana, and bore to him Dhr2itara1sht2ra and Pa1n2d2u MBh. Hariv.; according to other legends Ka1li1 is the wife of Bhi1masena and mother of Sarvagata BhP.); (with or without %{gaGgA}) N. of a river; (%{am}) n. a black kind of Agallochum L.; a kind of perfume (%{kakkolaka}) L.; iron L. kaalaM = time


kaalaanala = the fire of death kaalaapa * = m. (fr. %{kalA7pa}), a serpent's hood L.; a demon, imp or goblin L.; a student of the Kala1pa grammar L.; (fr. %{kalApin}) a pupil of Kala1pin Pa1n2. MBh. ii, 113; N. of A1ra1d2a (a teacher of S3a1kya-muni) Buddh. (v.l. %{kAlAma}); (%{As}) m. pl. the school of Kala1pin (often named together with the Kat2has q.v.) kaalaaya = (masc.dat.S)to the (Lord of) Time kaalaH = Master Time kaalatraya = three states of time(present, past and future) kaalapurushha = Universal Prototypal Human. Spirit of Time kaalabala = Temporal strength of planets used in Shad bala kaalabaahyam.h = (adj) outdated, obsolete kaalabhairavaasana = Lord Kalabhairava's posture kaalasarpayoga = Planets on one side of the Nodal Axis of Rahu-Ketu

kaalaya * = Nom. P. {-yati}, to show or announce the time Dhtup. xxxv, 28 (v.l.) kaaliimaatuH = Mother Kali's kaale = time kaalena = in the course of time kaaleshhu = times kaalii* = (f. of 1. {kAla} q.v.) kaalpa* = mfn. (fr. %{ka4lpa}), preceptive, ritual W.; relating to a period called Kalpa W.; m. the plant Curcuma Zerumbet L. kaalya * = mf(%{A})n. timely, seasonable Pa1n2. 5-1, 107; being in a particular period g. %{aig-Adi}; ifc. g. %{vargyA7di}; pleasant, agreeable, auspicious (as discourse cf. %{kalya}) L.; (%{A}) f. (with %{prajane}) a cow fit for the bull Pa1n2. 3-1, 104: (%{am}) n. `" day-break "', (%{am}, %{e}) acc. loc. ind. at day-break R. Sus3r. [279,2] 3 kAlya see 2. %{kAla}. kaam * = ind. an interjection used in calling out to another L.


kaama = lust* = m. (fr. 2. {kam}; once {kAma4} VS. xx, 60), wish, desire, longing ({kAmo me bhuJjIta bhavAn}, my wish is that you should eat Pn. 3-3, 153), desire for, longing after (gen. dat., or loc.), love, affection, object of desire or of love or of pleasure RV. VS. TS. AV. S'Br. MBh. R. &c.; pleasure, enjoyment; love, especially sexual love or sensuality; Love or Desire personified AV. ix; xii; xix (cf. RV. x, 129, 4) VS. PrGri.; N. of the god of love AV. iii. 25, 1 MBh. Lalit.; (represented as son of Dharma and husband of Rati [MBh. i, 2596 ff. Hariv. VP.]; or as a son of Brahm VP.; or sometimes of Sankalpa BhP. vi, 6, 10; cf. {kAmadeva}); N. of Agni SV. ii, 8, 2, 19, 3 AV. TS. KtyS'r. S'nkhS'r.; of Vishnu Gal.; of Baladeva (cf. {kAmapAla}) L.; a stake in gambling Nr. xvi, 9; a species of mango tree (= {mahA-rAja-cUta}) L.; N. of a metre consisting of four lines of two long syllables each; a kind of bean L.; a particular form of temple Hcat.; N. of several men; ({A}) f. `" wish, desire "' (only instr. {kAmayA} q.v.); N. of a daughter of Priithus'ravas and wife of Ayuta-nyin MBh. i, 3774; ({am}) n. object of desire L.; semen virile L.; N. of a Trtha MBh. iii, 5047; ({am}) ind. see s.v.; ({ena}) ind. out of affection or love for; ({Aya}, or {e}) ind. according to desire, agreeably to the wishes of, out of love for (gen. or dat.) RV. AV. TS. S'Br. ChUp.; ({At}) ind. for one's own pleasure, of one's own free will, of one's own accord, willingly, intentionally Mn. R.; ({kAma4}) mfn. wishing,

desiring RV. ix, 113, 11; (ifc.) desirous of, desiring, having a desire or intention (cf. {go-k-}, {dharmak-}; frequently with inf. in {tu} cf. {tyaktu-k-}.) kaamaaH = desires kaamaat.h = from desire kaamaatmaanaH = desirous of sense gratification kaamaan.h = desiring kaamaatura* = mfn. love-sick, affected by love or desire; m. N. of a man Pacat. kaamaatman* = mfn. `" whose very essence is desire "', consisting of desire, indulging one's desires, given to lust, sensual, licentious MBh. Mn. vii, 27 [273, 1]; desiring, wishing for W.; {-tma-tA} f. passion, lust Mn. ii, 2 R. ii, 21, 57. kaamabhogeshhu = to sense gratification kaamadhenu = the heavenly cow kaamadaam.h = (the hymn which) gives (grants) all desires kaamadeva* = m. the god of love (see {kAma}

above; according to some, son of Sahishnu and Yas'o-dhar VP.); N. of Vishnu (as the god who creates, preserves, or destroys at will) Vishn. xcviii, 10 (cf. BhP. v, 18, 15); of S'iva L.; of a poet; of a king of Jayant-pur; N. of the author of the Pryas'cittapaddhati; {-tva} n. the being the god of love Kaths.; {-maya} mfn. representing the god of love AgP. kaamadhuk.h = kaamadhenu: the cow who can milk out anything you wish kaamaH = desire kaamahaitukaM = it is due to lust only kaamakaama = desirer of desires (kaamaan kaamayati iti aN) kaamakaamaaH = desiring sense enjoyments kaamakaamii = one who desires to fulfill desires kaamakaarataH = acting whimsically in lust kaamakaareNa = for enjoying the result of work kaamaM = desire


kaamamadhiite = desire, reads kaamapri = son of kaamapra kaamaruupaM = in the form of lust kaamaruupeNa = in the form of lust kaamatIrtha* = n. N. of a Trtha. kaamaThaka* = m. N. of a Nga MBh. i, 2157. kaamaTha* = mfn. (fr. {kamaTha}), peculiar or belonging to the tortoise R. i, 45, 30. kaamaye = (Vr.Pr.IP.S.AP)desire; wish for kaamavikaaraH = sensual/sexual attraction kaamaiH = by desires kaamepsunaa = by one with desires for fruitive results kaamebhyaH = material sense gratification kaameshvara = lord of desires kaamakAmin* = mfn. `" wishing wishes "', having

various desires or wishes, following the dictates of passion TA1r. i, 31, 1 MBh. iii, 11256 Bhag. kaamin * = mfn. desirous, longing after (acc. or in comp.); loving, fond, impassioned, wanton; amorous, enamoured, in love with (acc. or with %{saha} or %{sA7rdham}) RV. AV. S3a1n3khS3r. MBh. R. S3ak. &c.; (%{I}) m. a lover, gallant, anxious husband; the ruddy goose (%{cakra-vAka}) L.; a pigeon L.; Ardea Sibirica L.; a sparrow L.; N. of S3iva L.; (%{inI}) f. a loving or affectionate woman Mn. viii, 112 R. Megh. Hariv. Ragh. &c.; a timid woman L.; a woman in general L.; a form of Devi1 Hcat.; the plant Vanda Roxburghii L.; the plant Curcuma aromatica L.; a spirituous liquor L. kaamIna* = or m. the plant Areca Triandra L. kaaminI * = (f. of %{kAmin} q.v.) kaamita = something one has wished for kaamopabhoga = sense gratification kaaMsa * = mf({I})n. born in Kansa g. {takSazilA7di}. kaamyaanaaM = with desire


kaaNa* = mf({A})n. (etym. doubtful; g. {kaDArA7di}) one-eyed, monoculous ({akSNA kANaH}, blind of one eye Comm. on Pn. 2-1, 30 and 3, 20) RV. x, 155, 1 AV. xii, 4, 3 TS. ii, 5, 1, 7 Mn. MBh.; pierced, perforated (as a cowrie perforated or broken by insects) Comm. on Pn. 23, 20 Hit. Pacat. Bhartri. iii, 5; `" having only one loop or ring "' and `" one-eyed "' Pacat.; m. a crow L. kaanana * = a forest, grove (sometimes in connection with {vana}) R. Nal. Ragh. Pacat. Sus'r.; (ifc. f. {A} R. Ragh.); a house L. kaanana = forest kaac* = cl. 1. A1. %{kAJcate}, to shine Dha1tup. vi, 10; to bind ib. (cf. %{kac}, %{kaJc}.) kaaJc * = cl. 1. A1. %{kAJcate} , to shine Dha1tup. vi , 10 ; to bind ib. (cf. %{kac} , %{kaJc}.) {kaJc cl. 1. A1. %{kaJcate} , %{cakaJce} , %{kaJcitA} , &c. , to bind ; to shine Dha1tup. vi , 9 ; [cf. %{kac} and %{kAJc} , %{kakSa} ; Lat. {cingere}.} kaaJcana * = n. gold Naigh. i, 2 Mn. Ya1jn5. Nal. Sus3r. Hit. [268,3]; money, wealth, property W.; the filament of the lotus L.; (mf(%{I})n.) golden, made or consisting of gold MBh. R. Mn. Megh. S3ak. BhP.; m. N. of several edible plants (Mesua

ferrea L.; Michelia Champaca L.; Ficus glomerata L.; Bauhinia variegata L.; Datura fastuosa L.; Rottleria tinctoria L.); a covenant binding for the whole life Ka1m. (= Hit.); a particular form of temple Hcat.; N. of the fifth Buddha L.; N. of a son of Na1ra1yan2a (author of the play Dhanan5jayavijaya); N. of a prince (cf. %{kAJcanaprabha}); (%{I}) f. turmeric L.; a kind of Asclepias (%{svarNakSIrI}) L.; a plant akin to the Premna spinosa L.; a kind af yellow pigment. kaaNDa* = [or {kANDa4} TS. vii], {as}, {am} m. n. (ifc. f. {A}, or {I}) [cf. {khaNDa}, with which in some of its senses {kANDa} is confounded] a single joint of the stalk or stem of a plant, such as a bamboo or reed or cane (i.e. the portion from one knot to another cf. {tri-k-}), any part or portion, section, chapter, division of a work or book (cf. {trik-}), any distinct portion or division of an action or of a sacrificial rite (as that belonging to the gods or to the manes) AV. TS. VS.; a separate department or subject (e.g. {karma-kANDa}, the department of the Veda treating of sacrificial rites Ks'. on Pn. 42, 51) AV. TS. S'Br. R.; a stalk, stem, branch, switch MBh. R. Mn. i, 46, 48 Kaus'. Sus'r.; the part of the trunk of a tree whence the branches proceed W.; a cluster, bundle W.; a multitude, heap, quantity (ifc.) Pn. 4-2, 51 Ks'.; an arrow MBh. xiii, 265 Hit.; a bone of the arms or legs, long bone (cf.

{kANDa-bhagna} and {pucchakANDa4}) Sus'r.; a rudder (?) R. ii, 89, 19; a kind of square measure Pn. 4-1, 23 Vop. vii, 55; a cane, reed, Saccharum Sara ({zara}) L.; water L.; opportunity, occasion (cf. {a-kANDa}) L.; a private place, privacy L.; praise, flattery L.; (ifc. implying depreciation) vile, low Pn. 6-2, 126; = {kANDasyA7vayavo vikAro vA7} g. {bilvA7di}; ({I}) f. a little stalk or stem Rjat. vii, 117. kaandarpa*= m. descended from or relating to Kandarpa g. {bidA7di}. kaanta * 1 mf({A})n. (fr. 2. {kam}), desired, loved, dear, pleasing, agreeable, lovely, beautiful; m. any one beloved, a lover, husband; the moon L.; the spring L.; the plant Barringtonia Acutangula L.; iron L.; a stone (cf. {sUrya-k-}, &c.) L.; N. of Kriishna L.; of Skanda MBh. iii, 14631; of a son of Dharma-netra Hariv. i, 33, 3; ({A}) f. a beloved or lovely woman, wife, mistress Kaths.; a charming wife L.; the earth L.; N. of certain plants L.; large cardamoms L.; a kind of perfume ({reNukA}, Piper aurantiacum) L.; N. of a metre of four lines of seventeen syllables each; a kind of S'ruti; ({am}) n. saffron L.; a kind of iron L.; a magnet Buddh.; a kind of hou kaantaM = lovely, glowing * = mf({A})n. (fr. 2.

{kam}), desired, loved, dear, pleasing, agreeable, lovely, beautiful; m. any one beloved, a lover, husband; the moon L.; the spring L.; the plant Barringtonia Acutangula L.; iron L.; a stone (cf. {sUrya-k-}, &c.) L.; N. of Kriishna L.; of Skanda MBh. iii, 14631; of a son of Dharma-netra Hariv. i, 33, 3; ({A}) f. a beloved or lovely woman, wife, mistress Kaths.; a charming wife L.; the earth L.; N. of certain plants L.; large cardamoms L.; a kind of perfume ({reNukA}, Piper aurantiacum) L.; N. of a metre of four lines of seventeen syllables each; a kind of S'ruti; ({am}) n. saffron L.; a kind of iron L.; a magnet Buddh.; a kind of house L. kaantaa = wife kaanti = splendourkaa-purushha = contemptible fellow* = f. desire, wish L.; loveliness, beauty, splendour, female beauty, personal decoration or embellishment Nal. S'ak. Megh. Pacat. Sus'r. Kaths.; a lovely colour, brightness (especially of the moon) Kaths.; (ifc. f. {I}) Caurap.; (in rhetoric) beauty enhanced by love Vm. iii, 1, 22; xxii, 14 Sh.; a lovely or desirable woman personified as wife of the moon Hariv. 5419; N. of Lakshm BhP. x, 65, 29; of Durg DevP. kaara * =1 mf({I})n. (1. {kR} Pn. 3-2, 23), making, doing, working, a maker, doer (ifc. see {kumbha-k1036

}, {yajJa k-}, {suvarNa-k-}); an author (e.g. {vArttika-k-}); m. (ifc.) an act, action (see {kAmak-}, {puruSa-k-}); the term used in designating a letter or sound or indeclinable word (e.g. {a-k-}, {ka-k-}, qq. vv.; {eva-k-}, the word {eva}; {phUt-k-} q.v.) Prt. Mn. &c.; effort, exertion L.; determination L.; religious austerity L.; a husband, master, lord L.; ({as} or {A}) m. or f. act of worship, song of praise Divyv.; ({I}) f. N. of a plant (= {kArikA}, {kAryA} &c.) L. kaara *= 2 m. (= 2. {kara}) tax, toll, royal revenue Pn. 6-3, 10; a heap of snow or a mountain covered with it L.; (mfn.) produced by hail Sus'r. kaara * =3 m. (2. {kR}), a song or hymn of praise RV.; a battle song RV. kaara * = 4 m. (2. {kRR}), killing, slaughter L. kaaraa * =f. (1. {kR}?), a prison Vikr. Das'.; binding, confinement g. {bhidA7di}; the part of a lute below the neck (for deadening the sound) L.; pain, affliction L.; a female messenger L.; a female worker in gold L.; a kind of bird L. -kaara * = m. bringing down, humiliation, wrong, offence, injury MBh. Kv. &c.; wickedness, malice W.; opposition, contradiction W.; = next Gal.

kaaraka = Planetary Significator which remain the same for all houses \ * = 1 mf(%{ikA})n. (generally ifc.) making, doing, acting, who or what does or produces or creates MBh. &c. (cf. %{siMhak-}, %{kRtsna-k-}, %{zilpa-k}); intending to act or do Pa1n2. 2-3, 70 Sch.; (%{am}) n. `" instrumental in bringing about the action denoted by a verb (= %{kriyA-hetu} or %{-nimitta}) "', the notion of a case (but not co-extensive with the term case; there are six such relations accord. to Pa1n2., viz. %{karman}, %{karaNa}, %{kartR}, %{sampradAna}, %{apA7dAna}, %{adhikaraNa}, qq. vv. The idea of the genitive case is not considered a %{kAraka}, because it ordinarily expresses the relation of two nouns to each other, but not the relation of a noun and verb).\ 2 n. hail-water L. \5 mf(%{ikA})n. panting, gasping L. kaarakaiH = which are causes kaaraNa = reason kaaraNa * = * = 1 n. cause, reason, the cause of anything (gen., also often loc.) KtyS'r. MBh. Mn. &c.; instrument, means; motive origin, principle; a cause (in phil. i.e. that which is invariably antecedent to some product cf. {samavA7yi-k-}, {asamavA7yi-k-}, {nimitta-k-}); an element, elementary matter Yj. iii, 148 Bhag. xviii, 13; the

origin or plot of a play or poem Sh.; that on which an opinion or judgment is founded (a sign, mark; a proof; a legal instrument, document) Mn. MBh. &c.; an organ of sense Ragh. xvi, 22 &c.; an action MBh. xii, 12070; agency, instrumentality, condition Kaths. cxii, 178; `" the cause of being "', a father W.; `" cause of creation "', a deity W.; the body L.; a kind of musical instrument L.; a sort of song L.; a number of scribes or Kyasthas W.; ({A}) f. pain, agony Das'.; an astronomical period W. [{kAraNAt}, from some cause or reason, Rprt. iii, 13 Mn. viii, 355; {kasmAt kAraNAt}, from what cause? {mama-kAraNAt}, for my sake R. &c.; {akAraNena}, without a reason Yj. ii, 234; {yena kAraNena}, because; {yasmin kAraNe}, from which motive, wherefore.] \\ 2 n. killing, injury L. kaaraNa n. killing, slaughter L. kaaaraNa* = n. killing, slaughter L. kaaraNaM = the means kaaraNam.h = reason kaaraNaani = causes kaarayan.h = causing to be done


kaaraagriham.h = (n) prison, jail kaardama * = mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{kardama}), made of mud, muddy, filled or covered with mud R. v, 27, 16 Pa1n2. 4-2, 2 Ka1s3.; belonging to Praja1pati Kardama BhP. iii, 24, 6. kaari = causing *= 1 %{is} mf. an artist , artificer , mechanic Pa1n2. 4-1 , 152 ; (%{is}) f. action , act , work (only used in questions) Pa1n2. 3-3 , 110.\\2 mfn. raising hymns of praise VS. xxx , 6 and 20. kaarin *= 1 mfn. (Pa1n2. 5-2 , 72) doing , making , effecting , producing , acting , an actor Ya1jn5. MBh. &c. (mostly ifc. S3Br. Mn. &c.) ; (%{I}) m. a mechanic , tradesman L.\\ 2 mfn. rejoicing , praising \\ m. injurer , oppressor VS. kaarmana* = mf({I})n. relating to or proceeding from a work or action W.; finishing a work W.; performing anything by means of magic; ({am}) n. magic, sorcery, witchcraft Pn. 5-4, 36 Rjat. kaarpaNya = of miserliness1 * = n. (fr. %{kRpaNa}), poverty, pitiful circumstances MBh. &c. R.; poorness of spirit, weakness ib.; parsimony, niggardliness Hit. &c.: compassion, pity BhP. v, 8, 10.


kaarpaNyavaadii = adj. wrechedness incarnate kaaruNyaruupaM = the personification of compassion kaartikeya = the god of war, was reared by the Pleiades kaarttikeya* = m. N. of a son of S'iva and Prvat (popularly regarded as god of war, because he leads the Ganas or hosts of S'iva against the demon hosts see RTL. p. 213; accord. to one legend he was son of S'iva without the intervention of Prvat, the generative energy of S'iva being cast into the fire and then received by the Ganges, whence he is sometimes described as son of Agni and Gang; when born he was fostered by the six Kriittiks q.v., and these offering their six breasts to the child he became six-headed; he is also called Kumra, Skanda, and Subrahmanya; his N. Krttikeya may be derived from his foster mothers or from the month Krttika as the best for warfare: in the Mriicch. and elsewhere he is regarded as presiding over thieves) MBh. &c. kaarya = work kaaryaM = work


kaaryakartaa = worker, active participant in an organization kaaryate = is forced to do kaaryaalayaH = (m) office, place of work kaarye = work kaars'a* = m. Curcuma Zedoaria L. kaashate = (1 ap) to shine kaazaya* = m. N. of a son of Ks'a or Ks'i Hariv. 1734; of the country of the Ks'is Comm. on Un. iv, 117. kaas'a* =1 m. `" the becoming visible, appearance "', only in {sa-k-} q.v.; N. of a man g. {azvA7di}; of a prince (the son of Suhotra and father of Ksirja) Hariv. VP.; a species of grass (Saccharum spontaneum, used for mats, roofs, &c.; also personified, together with the Kus'a grass, as one of Yama's attendants) Kaus'. R. Kum. &c.; ({A}, {I}) f. id. L. ({am}) n. id. L.\\kaas'a* =2 wrongly spelt for {kAsa} q.v. kaas'ishNu * = mfn. shining, brilliant BhP. iv, 30, 6.

kaashiraajaH = Kasiraja kaashyaH = the King of Kasi (Varanasi) kaashhaaya = saffron cloth kaashhTa = wood, branch kaashthha m. N. of one of Kubera's attendants MBh. ii, 415; (%{a4m}) n. a piece of wood or timber, stick S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. Mn. &c.; wood or timber in general; an instrument for measuring lengths; a kind of measure SaddhP.; [%{kASTha-}, in comp., or %{kASTham} ind. with a verb expresses excellence or superiority Pa1n2. 8-1, 67 and 68.] kaashthhaa f. a place for running, raceground, course (also the course, path or track of the wind and clouds in the atmosphere) RV.; the mark, goal, limit VS. TS. S3Br. &c.; the highest limit, top, summit, pitch Kum. Das3. &c.; a quarter or region of the world, cardinal point Naigh. Nir. MBh. &c.; the sixteenth part of the disk of the moon BhP. i, 12, 31; a measure of time (= 1/30 Kala1 Mn. i, 64 Sus3r.; = 1/12 Kala1 Jyot.; = 1/15 Laghu, = 1/225 Na1d2ika1, = 1/450 Muhu1rta BhP. iii, 11, 7) MBh. i, 1292 &c.; form, form of appearance BhP. iii, 28, 12; vii, 4, 22; the sun Nir. ii, 15; water ib.; the plant

Curcuma xanthorrhiza L.; N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Kas3yapa (mother of the solidungulous quadrupeds). BhP. vi, 6, 25 ff.; N. of a town. kaashhTha = (neut) piece of wood kaashthhabhakSaNa * = n. `" devouring of wood (of the funeral pile) "', %{--SThA7dhirohaNa} Pan5cad. khabhAra * = m. a particular weight of wood Hariv. 4356 R. i, 4, 21. kaashthhabhArika * = mfn. a wood-carrier, bearer of wood Katha1s. vi, 42. kaashthhabheda * = m. cleaving of wood Pa1n2. 62, 144 Ka1s3. kaashthhabhid * = mfn. cleaving wood Pa1n2. 3-2, 61 Ka1s3. kaashthhabhRt * = see s.v. %{kA4SThA}. kaashthhabhRt * = mfn. leading to a mark or aim S3Br. xi. kaashthhabhUta * = mfn. one who has become

wood or stands stock still (as an ascetic) R. i, 65, 3; m. N. of a demon who causes diseases Hariv. 9559. kaasate = to cough kaasaaraH = lake kaatara * = (etym. doubtful,, `" uncertain as to which of the two "' BRD.), cowardly, faint-hearted, timid, despairing, discouraged, disheartened, confused, agitated, perplexed, embarrassed, shrinking, frightened, afraid of, timidity, despair, agitation. " kaat * =ind. a prefix implying contempt (cf. 2. {kad}), only in comp. with kaati * = mfn. (fr. 3. {kA}), `" wishing, desiring "' (only in comp. see {RNa4-kAti} and {kA4ma-kAti} cf. {RNa-ci4t}); ({ayas}) m. pl.N. of a school. kaavya = poetr kaaya * =1 mf({I})n. (fr. 3. {ka} Pn. 4-2, 25), relating or devoted to the god Ka (Praj-pati RV. x, 121) VS. TS. S'Br.; &c.; m. one of the eight modes of marriage (= Prjpatya see {vivAha}) Mn. iii, 38 Yj. i, 60; ({am}) n. part of the hand sacred to Praj-pati, the root of the little finger Mn. ii, 58 and

59. \\ 2 m. ({ci} Pn. 3-3, 41), the body KtyS'r. Mn. &c.; the trunk of a tree R.; the body of a lute (the whole except the wires) L.; assemblage, collection, multitude SaddhP.; principal, capital Nr. Briih.; a house, habitation L.; a butt, mark L.; any object to be attained L.; natural temperament L. kaayaM = the body kaaya * = 1 mf(%{I})n. (fr. 3. %{ka} Pa1n2. 4-2, 25), relating or devoted to the god Ka (Praja1-pati RV. x, 121) VS. TS. S3Br.; &c.; m. one of the eight modes of marriage (= Pra1ja1patya see %{vivAha}) Mn. iii, 38 Ya1jn5. i, 60; (%{am}) n. part of the hand sacred to Praja1-pati, the root of the little finger Mn. ii, 58 and 59.\\ 2 m. (%{ci} Pa1n2. 3-3, 41), the body Ka1tyS3r. Mn. &c.; the trunk of a tree R.; the body of a lute (the whole except the wires) L.; assemblage, collection, multitude SaddhP.; principal, capital Na1r. Br2ih.; a house, habitation L.; a butt, mark L.; any object to be attained L.; natural temperament L. kaayikaa = pertaining to the body kaayena = with the body ka = what( use) is the


kachchit.h = whether kachchhapa = (masc) tortoise kadaliphalam.h = (n) banana kadaachan.h = never kadaachana = at any time kadaachit.h = at any time (past, present or future) kadaapi = at any time kahalayoga = Stubborness (Ranjan says laziness). Lords of 4th and 9th houses should be in Kendras from each other and the lord of Lagna should be strongly disposed kadana * = n. destruction , killing , slaughter MBh. R. Pan5cat. &c. kaiH = by whom kailaasa = a Himalayan mountain, home of Shiva kaitava * = mf({I})n. (fr. {kit-}), deceitful Hariv. 7095; m. patr. of Ulka MBh. i, 7002; ({I}) f. fraud, deceit Blar.; ({am}) n. the stake in a game MBh. ii,

2163 Nal. xxvi, 10; gambling L.; deceit, fraud, cheating, roguery R. v, 86, 19 Kum. Bhartri. &c.; beryl L. kaivalya = spiritual independence and freedom * = n. (fr. {ke4vala}), isolation Vm.; absolute unity Veda7ntas. BhP.; perfect isolation, abstraction, detachment from all other connections, detachment of the soul from matter or further transmigrations, beatitude MBh. KapS. Snkhyak. &c.; for {vaikalya} Rjat. vii, 1149; (mf({A})n.) leading to eternal happiness or emancipation MBh. xiii, 1101. kajjala = lamp black kaJNchukaH = blouse kaH = who kakudi = hump of an ox kaksha * = m. (%{kaS} Un2. iii, 62; cf. %{kac}), lurking-place, hiding-place RV. x, 28, 4 VS. xi, 79; a wood, large wood (?) RV. vi, 45, 31; a forest of dead trees, a dry wood, underwood (often the lair of wild beasts) VS. TS. Ta1n2d2yaBr. Mn. &c.; an inner recess, the interior of a forest; grass, dry grass; a spreading creeper, climbing plant L.; side or flank

L.; sin L.; a gate W.; a buffalo L.; Terminalia Bellerica W.; (%{as}, %{A}) mf. the armpit (as the most concealed part of the human body), region of the girth AV. vi, 127, 2 Sus3r. Mr2icch. &c.; [cf. Lat. {coxa}, `" hip "'; O. H. G. {hahsa}; Zd. {kasha}; cf. Sk. {kaccha}]; a girdle, zone, belt, girth MBh. BhP. &c.; the end of the lower garment (which, after the cloth is carried round the body, is brought up behind and tucked into the waistband); hem, border, lace BhP. ix, 10, 37; the scale of a balance Ka1vya7d. Vcar.; (%{A}) f. painful boils in the armpit Sus3r.; a surrounding wall, a wall, any place surrounded by walls (as a court-yard, a secluded portion of a building, a private chamber or room in general) MBh. BhP. Mn. &c.; the orbit of a planet VarBr2S. Su1ryas. &c.; the periphery, circumference Su1ryas. xii, 65; balance, equality, similarity, resemblance MBh. xii, 7269 VarBr2S. 26, 6; emulation, rivalry, object of emulation Naish.; the jeweller's weight called Retti L.; objection or reply in argument L.; a particular part of a carriage L.; (%{As}) m. pl.N. of a people MBh. VP. kala=* mf(%{A})n. (etym. doubtful) indistinct, dumb Br2A1rUp. ChUp.; (ifc., %{bASpa}, or %{azru} preceding) indistinct or inarticulate (on account of tears) MBh. R. &c. [260,2]; low, soft (as a tone), emitting a soft tone, melodious (as a voice

or throat) R. BhP. Vikr. &c.; a kind of faulty pronunciation of vowels Pat.; weak, crude, undigested L.; m. (scil. %{svara}) a low or soft and inarticulate tone (as humming, buzzing &c.) L.; Shorea robusta L.; (in poetry) time equal to four Ma1tras or instants W.; (%{As}) m. pl. a class of manes MBh.; (%{am}) n. semen virile L.; Zizyphus Jujuba; (%{A}) f. see %{kalA} below. kalaa = Art= *f. (etym. doubtful) a small part of anything, any single part or portion of a whole, esp. a sixteenth part RV. viii, 47, 17 TS. S3Br. Mn. &c.; a digit or one-sixteenth of the moon's diameter Hit. Katha1s.; (personified as a daughter of Kardama and wife of Mari1ci BhP.); a symbolical expression for the number sixteen Hcat.; interest on a capital (considered as a certain part of it) S3is3. ix, 32; a division of time (said to be 1/900 of a day or 1-6 minutes Mn. i, 64 Hariv.; or 1/1800 of a day or 0-8 minutes Comm. on VP.; or 2 minutes and 26 54/201 seconds Sus3r.; or 1 minute and 35 205/301, seconds, or 8 seconds BhavP.); the sixtieth part of one-thirtieth of a zodiacal sign, a minute of a degree Su1ryas.; (in prosody) a syllabic instant; a term for the seven substrata of the elements or Dha1tus of the human body (viz. flesh, blood, fat, phlegm, urine, bile, and semen; but according to Hemacandra, %{rasa}, `" chyle "', %{asthi}, `" bone "', and %{majjan}, `" marrow "',

take the place of phlegm, urine, and bile) Sus3r.; an atom (there are 3015 Kala1s or atoms in every one of the six Dha1tus, not counting the %{rasa}, therefore in all 18090); (with Pa1s3upatas) the elements of the gross or material world Sarvad.; an embryo shortly after conception (cf. %{kalana}); a designation of the three constituent parts of a sacrifice (viz. %{mantra}, %{dravya}, and %{zraddhA} Ni1lak. on MBh. [ed. Bomb.] xiv, 89, 3); the menstrual discharge L.; any practical art, any mechanical or fine art (sixty-four are enumerated in the S3aivatantra [T.]; the following is a list of them: %{gItam}, %{vAdyam}, %{nRtyam}, %{nAtyam}, %{Alekhyam}, %{vizeSaka-cchedyam}, %{taNDula-kusumabalivikArAH}, %{puSpA7staranam}, %{dazanavasanA7GgarAgAH}, %{maNi-bhUmikA-karma}, %{zayana-racanam}, %{udaka-vAdyam}, %{udakaghAtaH}, %{citrA@yogAH}, %{mAlya-granthanavikalpAH}, %{keza-zekharA7pIDayojanam}, %{nepathya-yogAH}, %{karNa-pattra-bhaGgAH}, %{gandha-yuktiH}, %{bhUSaNa-yojanam}, %{indrajAlam}, %{kaucumAra-yogAH}, %{hastalAghavam}, %{citrazAkA7pUpa-bhakSya-vikArakriyA}, %{pAnaka-rasarAgA7sava-yojanam}, %{sUcIvApa-karma}, %{vINA-Dama-ruka-sUtrakrIDA}, %{prahelikA}, %{pratimA}, %{durvacakayogAH}, %{pustaka-vAcanam}, %{nATakA7khyAyikA-darzanam}, %{kAvyasamasyA-pUraNam}, %{paTTikA-vetrabANa1051

vikalpAH}, %{tarkU-karmANi}, %{takSaNam}, %{vAstu-vidyA}, %{rUpya-ratna-parIkSA}, %{dhAtu-vAdaH}, %{maNi-rAga-jJAnam}, %{Akara-jJAnam}, %{vRkSA7yur-veda-yogAH}, %{meSa-kukkuTa-lAvaka-yuddha-vidhiH}, %{zuka-sArikA-pralApanam}, %{utsAdanam}, %{keza-mArjana-kauzalam}, %{akSara-muSTikAkathanam}, %{mlechitaka-vikalpAH}, %{dezabhASA-jJAnam}, %{puSpa-zakaTikA-nimittajJAnam}, %{yantra-mAtRkA}, %{dhAraNamAtRkA}, %{saMpATyam}, %{mAnasI@kAvyakriyA}, %{kriyA-vikalpAH}, %{chalitakayogAH}, %{abhidhAna-koSa-cchando-jJAnam}, %{vastragopanAni}, %{dyUta-vizeSaH}, %{AkarSaNakrIDA}, %{bAlaka-krIDanakAni}, %{vainAyikInAM@vidyANAM@jJAnam}, %{vaijayikInAM@vidyAnAM@jJAnam} [261,2]; see also Va1tsy. i, 3, 17) R. Pan5cat. Bhartr2. &c.; skill, ingenuity; ignorance; a low and sweet tone Ba1lar.; a boat L.; a N. given to Da1ksha1yan2i1 in the region near the river Candrabha1ga1 MatsyaP.; N. of a grammatical commentary. kalaapa* = (%{kalA7pa}, fr. %{Ap}) m. `" that which holds single parts together "', a bundle, band (cf. %{jaTA-k-}, %{muktA-k-}, %{razanA-k-}) MBh. Kum. &c.; a bundle of arrows, a quiver with arrows, quiver MBh. R. &c.; (once n. MBh. iii, 11454); a peacock's tail MBh. Pan5cat. &c.; an

ornament in general Ma1lav.; a zone, a string of bells (worn by women round the waist) L.; the rope round an elephant's neck L.; totality, whole body or collection of a number of separate things (esp. ifc.; cf. %{kriyA-k-}, &c.); the moon L.; a clever and intelligent man L.; N. of a grammar also called Ka1tantra (supposed to be revealed by Ka1rttikeya to S3arvavarman); N. of a village (cf. %{kalApagrAma}) VP.; a poem written in one metre W.; (%{I}) f. a bundle of grass Ka1tyS3r. A1s3vS3r.; %{khaJja} m. a particular disease (said to be St. Vitus's dance; v.l. %{kalAyakhaJja}) Bhpr.; %{grAma} m. N. of a village Hariv. BhP. VP.; %{cchanda} m. an ornament of pearls consisting of twenty-four strings L.; %{-tattvA7rNava} m. N. of a commentary on the grammar called Kala1pa; %{dvIpa} m. v.l. for %{kalApa-grAma} above; %{varman} m. N. of a man Ka1d.; %{-zas} ind. in bundles, bundle by bundle MBh. xiii; %{-ziras} m. N. of a man (v.l. %{kapAla-ziras}) R.//2 &c. see %{kalA}. kalakala* = m. any confused noise (as a tinkling or rattling sound, the murmuring of a crowd &c.) Mriicch. S'is'. Ratnv. &c.; the resinous exudation of Shorea robusta L.; a N. of S'iva MBh. xii, 10378; {-rava} m. a confused noise Bhartri.; {-vat} mfn. tinkling, rattling Amar.; {-lA7rava} m. a confused noise Pacat.; {-le7zvaratIrtha} n. N. of a Trtha,

S'ivP. kalaja* = m. a cock Bhpr. kala-tva* = n. melody, music W. kala-rava* = m. a low sweet tone Bhartri.; `" having a sweet voice "', the Indian cuckoo L.; a pigeon L. kalaGka* = m. (etym. doubtful) a stain, spot, mark, soil; defamation, blame Kaths. Mriicch. &c. kalatra* = n. a wife, consort MBh. Bhartri. Hit. &c.; the female of an animal Vikr.; the hip and loins L.; pudendum muliebre L.; a royal citadel, a stronghold or fastness W.; (in astron.) the seventh lunar mansion VarBri. kalaanaatha = moon (??? I may be wrong here) kalaayaH = (m) groundnut kalaaya * m. a sort of pea or pulse MBh. Sus'r. &c.; a kind of plant with darkcoloured flowers S'is'. xiii, 21; ({A}) f. a species of Drv-grass L. kalakattaanagaraM = Calcutta kalakala = a sort of sound imitation

(dhvnyanukaraNa) like a river flow kalakuutha* = {As} m. pl.N. of a warrior-tribe Pn. 4-1, 173.; the poison: see kaalakuutha kalatrakaaraka = Significator of marriage partner which is Venus: kalatra *= a wife, consort MBh. Bhartri. Hit. &c.; the female of an animal Vikr.; the hip and loins L.; pudendum muliebre L.; a royal citadel, a stronghold or fastness W.; (in astron.) the seventh lunar mansion VarBri. kalaya * = 1 Nom. P. (fr. {kali}) {kalayati}, to take hold of the die called Kali Ks'. on Pn. 3-1, 21. kalaaya * = m. a sort of pea or pulse MBh. Sus'r. &c.; a kind of plant with darkcoloured flowers S'is'. xiii, 21; ({A}) f. a species of Drv-grass L. kalayataaM = of subduers kalaha = fight/discord/argument kalatra n. a wife, consort MBh. Bhartr2. Hit. &c.; the female of an animal Vikr.; the hip and loins L.; pudendum muliebre L.; a royal citadel, a stronghold or fastness W.; (in astron.) the seventh

lunar mansion VarBr2. kalau = during the kali age kaldaspaagheti = (m) left-overs kalevara = (neut) body kalevaraM = the body kali = Budkali * = m. (1. {kal} Comm. on Un. iv, 117)N. of the die or side of a die marked with one dot, the losing die AV. vii, 109, 1 S'Br. &c. (personified as an evil genius in the episode of Nala); symbolical expression for the number 1; Terminalia Bellerica (the nuts of which in older times were used as dice) L.; N. of the last and worst of the four Yugas or ages, the present age, age of vice AitBr. Mn. i, 86; ix, 301 f. MBh. &c. (the Kali age contains, inclusive of the two dawns, 1.200 years of the gods or 432, 000 years of men, and begins the eighteenth of February, 3102 B.C.; at the end of this Yuga the world is to be destroyed; see {yuga}); strife, discord, quarrel, contention (personified as the son of {krodha}, `" Anger "', and {hiMsA}, `" Injury "', and as generating with his sister {durukti}, `" Calumny. "' two children, viz. {bhaya}, `" Fear "', and {mRtyu}, `" Death "' BhP. iv, 8, 3; 4) MBh. Hit. &c. [262, 1]; the worst of a

class or number of objects MBh. xii, 361; 363; a hero (or an arrow, {zUra}, or {zara}) L.; N. of S'iva MBh. xiii, 1192; N. of an Upanishad (= {kalisaMtaraNa}); ({i4s}) m. N. of a class of mythic beings (related to the Gandharvas, and supposed by some to be fond of gambling; in epic poetry Kali is held to be the fifteenth of the Deva-Gandharvas or children of the Munis) AV. x, 10, 13 MBh. Hariv.; N. of a man RV.; ({is}, {I}) f. an unblown flower, bud L. kaliyuga = the current, pleasure-loving age kalilaM = dense forest kalita * mfn. impelled, driven &c. (cf. 3. {kal}); made, formed S'is'. iii, 81; furnished or provided with Vikr. Bhpr. &c.; divided, separated L.; sounded indistinctly, murmured W. \\ * = m. (n. L.), (3. {kal} Un. iii, 40), a viscous sediment deposited by oily substances when ground, a kind of tenacious paste Sus'r. Yj. &c.; dirt, filth; the wax of the ear; ordure, faeces L.; impurity, meanness, falsehood, hypocrisy, deceit, sin MBh. BhP. &c.; Terminalia Bellerica L.; Olibanum L.; (mfn.) sinful, wicked L. (cf. {kaluSa}, {kalmaSa}, {ki4lbiSa}.) kalikaa* = f. the sixteenth part of the moon

Bhartri.; a division of time (= {kalA} q.v.); an unblown flower, bud S'ak. Ragh. &c.; the bottom or peg of the Indian lute (made of cane) L.; N. of several metres; a kind of artificial verse (cf. {kAntak-}); N. of wk. on medicine. kalika* = m. a curlew W. kalkaphala * = m. the pomegranate kalkiikR * to knead, render doughy kalkana * = n. meanness, wickedness kalkin * mfn. foul, turbid, having sediment, dirty W.; wicked W.; ({I}) m. = {kalki} abov kalkuSI * = f. or n. du. wrist and elbow kalmashhaH = all material contamination kalmasha * = n. ({as} m. BhP. viii, 7, 43 = {karmaSa} fr. {karma} + {so}, `" destroying virtuous action "' Ks'. on Pn. 8-2, 18) stain, dirt; dregs, settlings (cf. {jala-k-}); darkness; moral stain, sin MBh. R. BhP. Mn. iv, 260; xii, 18, 22; ifc. f. {A} Bhag. iv, 30 &c.; mf({A})n. dirty, stained L.; impure, sinful L.; ({am}) n. the hand below the wrist L.; m. or ({am}) n. a particular hell L.

kalmaa4sha * =mf({I})n. (Pn. 4-1, 40 g. {gaurA7di} Pn. 4-1, 41) variegated, spotted, speckled with black VS. TS. S'Br. s'vGri. MBh.; black L.; m. a variegated colour (partly black, partly white) L.; a Rakshas L.; a species of fragrant rice L.; N. of a Nga MBh.; a form of Agni Hariv.; N. of an attendant on the Sun (identified with Yama) L.; a kind of deer T.; N. of S'kya-muni in a former birth; ({I}) f. the speckled cow (of Jamad-agni, granting all desires) MBh. R.; N. of a river (the Yamun) MBh. i, 6360; ({am}) n. a stain S'Br. vi, 3, 1, 31 [263, 2]; N. of a Sman. kalmashhaaH = of sinful reactions kalpa (see also kaalpa) * = 1 mf(%{A})n. (%{klRp}), practicable, feasible, possible S3Br. ii, 4, 3, 3; proper, fit, able, competent, equal to (with gen. loc., inf., or ifc.; e.g. %{dharmasya@kalpaH}, competent for duty; %{svakarmaNi@na@kalpaH}, not competent for his own work; %{yadA@na@zAsituM@kalpaH}, if he is not able to rule) BhP.; m. a sacred precept, law, rule, ordinance (= %{vidhi}, %{nyAya}), manner of acting, proceeding, practice (esp. that prescribed by the Vedas) RV. ix, 9, 7 AV. viii, 9, 10; xx, 128, 6-11 MBh.; (%{prathamaH@kalpaH}, a rule to be observed before any other rule, first duty Mn. iii, 147 MBh. &c.; %{etena@kalpena}, in this way; cf.

%{pazu-k-}, &c.); the most complete of the six Veda1n3gas (that which prescribes the ritual and gives rules for ceremonial or sacrificial acts) Mun2d2Up. Pa1n2. &c.; one of two cases, one side of an argument, an alternative (= %{pakSa}; cf. %{vikalpa}) Sarvad.; investigation, research Comm. on Sa1m2khyak.; resolve, determination MW.; (in medic.) treatment of the sick, manner of curing Sus3r. ii; the art of preparing medicine, pharmacy Car.; the doctrine of poisons and antidotes Sus3r. i; (ifc.) having the manner or form of anything, similar to, resembling, like but with a degree of inferiority, almost (e.g. %{abhedyakalpa}, almost impenetrable; cf. %{prabhAta-k-}, %{mRta-k-}, &c.; according to native grammarians, %{kalpa} so used is an accentless affix [Pa1n2. 5-3, 67], before which a final %{s} is left unchanged, and final %{I} and %{U} shortened Pa1n2. Vop.; %{kalpam} ind., may be also connected with a verb e.g. %{pacati-kalpam}, he cooks pretty well Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 8-1, 57) [262,3]; a fabulous period of time (a day of Brahma1 or one thousand Yugas, a period of four thousand, three hundred and twenty millions of years of mortals, measuring the duration of the world; a month of Brahma1 is supposed to contain thirty such Kalpas; according to the MBh., twelve months of Brahma1 constitute his year, and one hundred such years his lifetime; fifty years of Brahma1's are supposed to have elapsed, and we are now in the %{zvetavArAha1060

kalpa} of the fifty-first; at the end of a Kalpa the world is annihilated; hence %{kalpa} is said to be equal to %{kalpA7nta} below L.; with Buddhists the Kalpas are not of equal duration) VP. BhP. Ra1jat. &c.; N. of Mantras which contain a form of %{klRp} TS. v S3Br. ix; a kind of dance; N. of the first astrological mansion VarBr2S.; N. of a son of Dhruva and Bhrami BhP. iv, 10, 1; of S3iva MBh. xii, 10368; the tree of paradise; = %{-taru} below L.; (with Jainas) a particular abode of deities (cf. %{-bhava} and %{kalpA7tIta} below); (%{am}) n. a kind of intoxicating liquor (incorrect for %{kalya}) L. kalpaadau = in the beginning of the millennium kalpaanta* = m. the end of a Kalpa, dissolution of all things L. (cf. {pralaya}); {-vAsin} mfn. living at the end of a Kalpa R. iii, 10, 4 [263,1]; {-sthAyin} mfn. lasting to the end of time Hit. i, 50 BhP. kalpaantara* = n. another Kalpa. kalpaatiita* ={As} m. pl.N. of a class of deities among the Jaina kalpa-druma = kalpa-vRiksha: the tree that will give you anything you can


kalpaka* = mfn. conforming to a settled rule or standard BhP. i, 8, 6; ix, 11, 1; adopting Hariv.; m. a rite, ceremony MBh. [TBr. ii, 7, 18, 4 of doubtful meaning Comm. %{kaplaka}]; a barber (cf. %{kalpanI}; Lith. {kerpikas}) L.; a kind of Curcuma (commonly %{karcUra}) L. kalpana * = n. forming, fashioning, making, performing L.; `" forming in the imagination, inventing "', composition of a poem Prab.; cutting, clipping, working with edge-tools VarBr2S.; N. of a religious ceremony; anything put on for ornament MBh. xiii, 2784; (%{A}) f. making, manufacturing, preparing Sus3r. BhP.; practice Car.; fixing, settling, arranging Mn. ix, 116 Ya1jn5.; creating in the mind, feigning, assuming anything to be real, fiction KapS. &c.; hypothesis Nya1yam.; caparisoning an elephant Das3.; form, shape, image; a deed, work, act Mr2icch.; (%{I}) f. a pair of scissors or shears L. kalpataru = (m) The heavenly tree giving whatever one desires * = m. one of the five trees (cf. {paJcavRkSa}) of Svarga or Indra's paradise fabled to fulfil all desires (cf. {saMkalpa-viSaya}), the wishing tree, tree of plenty Hit. Pacat. Ragh. i, 75, xvii, 26; any productive or bountiful source BhP. i, 1, 3; (fig.) a generous person MW.; N. of various works; {-parimala} m. N. of wk.; {-rasa} m. a

particular kind of mixture Bhpr. kalpataa* = f. fitness, ability, competency BhP. xi. kalpate = is considered eligible kalpavrikshaaNaaM = the kalpa(imagined) vR^iksha trees (wish-yielding) kalpakshaye = at the end of the millennium kalpita = imagined * = mfn. made, fabricated, artificial; composed, invented; performed, prepared; assumed, supposed; inferred; regulated, well arranged Yj.; having a particular rank or order MBh. Mn. ix, 166; caparisoned (as an elephant) L.; m. an elephant armed or caparisoned for war W.; ({A}) f. a kind of allegory Vm. iv, 2, 2. kalpena* = he imagines kalpetara * = mf({A})n. having or requiring a different kind of treatment kalpita * = mfn. made, fabricated, artificial; composed, invented; performed, prepared; assumed, supposed; inferred; regulated, well arranged Ya1jn5.; having a particular rank or order MBh. Mn. ix, 166; caparisoned (as an elephant) L.;

m. an elephant armed or caparisoned for war W.; (%{A}) f. a kind of allegory Va1m. iv, 2, 2. kalpya* = mfn. (Pn. 3-1, 110 Vop. xxvi, 17, 18) to be formed from (inst.) Naish. viii, 21; to be performed, to be prescribed; to be settled or arranged VarBriS.; to be conceived or imagined VarBriS.; to be substituted W.; relating to ritual W. kalya * = mf(%{A})n. (3. %{kal} T.) well, healthy, free from sickness (cf. %{a-k-} Gaut. ix, 28); hale, vigorous MBh. ii, 347 Naish. Ya1jn5. i, 28; sound, perfect, strong MBh.; clever, dexterous L.; ready or prepared for (loc. or inf.) MBh.; agreeable, auspicious (as speech) L.; instructive, admonitory L.; deaf and dumb (cf. %{kala} and %{kalla}) L.; (%{am}) n. health L.; dawn, morning L.; yesterday L.; (%{am}, %{e}) ind. at day-break, in the morning, tomorrow MBh. Nal. xxiv, 14 R. BhP.; (%{am}, %{A}) n. f. spirituous liquor L. (cf. %{kadambarI}); (%{A}) f. praise, eulogy T.; good wishes, good tidings L.; Emblic Myrobalan (%{harItakI} q.v.), [cf. Gk. $.] &81904[263,2]. kalyaaNa = well being (of others) *= mf(%{I4})n. (g. %{bahv-Adi}) beautiful , agreeable RV. S3Br. &c. ; illustrious , noble , generous ; excellent , virtuous , good (%{kalyANa} voc. `" good sir "' ; %{kalyANi} , `" good lady "') ; beneficial , salutary ,

auspicious ; happy , prosperous , fortunate , lucky , well , right RV. i , 31 , 9 ; iii , 53 , 6 TS. AV. S3Br. Nir. ii , 3 MBh. R. ; m. a particular Ra1ga (sung at night) ; N. of a Gandharva ; of a prince (also called Bhat2t2a-s3ri1-kalya1n2a) ; of the author of the poem Gi1ta1-gan3ga1-dhara ; (%{I}) f. a cow L. ; the plant Glycine Debilis L. ; red arsenic L. ; a particular Ra1gin2i1 ; N. of Da1ksha1yan2i1 in Malaya ; N. of one of the mothers attending on Skanda MBh. ix , 2625 ; N. of a city in the Dekhan and of one in Ceylon ; a river in Ceylon ; (%{am}) n. good fortune , happiness , prosperity ; good conduct , virtue (opposed to %{pApa}) S3Br. Bhag. R. Ragh. Pan5cat. Mn. iii , 60 , 65 Sus3r. ; a festival Mn. viii , 292 ; gold L. ; heaven L. ; N. of the eleventh of the fourteen Pu1rvas or most ancient writings of the Jainas L. ; a form of salutation (`" Hail! "' `" May luck attend you! "') , S3a1ntis3. kalyaaNakrit.h = one who is engaged in auspicious activities kaM = whom kam * = 1 ind. (Gk. $) well (opposed to {a-kam}, &78525[251, 3] ill "') TS. S'Br. &c.; a particle placed after the word to which it belongs with an affirmative sense, `" yes "', `" well "' (but this sense is generally so weak that Indian grammarians are

perhaps right in enumerating {kam} among the expletives Nir.; it is often found attached to a dat. case, giving to that case a stronger meaning, and is generally placed at the end of the Pda, e.g. {a4jIjana o4SadhIr bho4janAya ka4m}, thou didst create the plants for actual food RV. v, 83, 10) RV. AV. TS. v; {kam} is also used as an enclitic with the particles {nu}, {su}, and {hi} (but is treated in the Pada-pthha as a separate word; in this connection {kam} has no accent but once AV. vi, 110, 1) RV. AV.; a particle of interrogation (like {kad} and {kim}) RV. x, 52, 3; (sometimes, like {kim} and {kad}, at the beginning of compounds) marking the strange or unusual character of anything or expressing reproach L. [252, 1]; head L.; food Nir.; water Nir. Nigh.; happiness, bliss L. \\ * = 2 cl. 1. . (not used in the conjugational tenses) {cakame}, {kamitA}, {kamiSyate}, {acakamata} Dhtup. xii, 10 to wish, desire, long for RV. v, 36, 1; x, 117, 2 AV. xix, 52, 3 S'Br. Ragh. &c.; to love, be in love with, have sexual intercourse with S'Br. xi BhP.: Caus. . (ep. also P.) {kAmayate}, {-ti}, {kAmayAM-cakre}, {acIkamata}, &c.; to wish, desire, long for (with acc. or inf. or Pot. Pn. 3-3, 157; e.g. {kAmaye bhuJjIta bhavAn}, I wish your worship may eat; {kAmaye dAtum}, I wish to give Ks'.) RV. AV. TS. MBh. &c.; to love, be in love with, have sexual intercourse with RV. x, 124, 5; 125, 5 S'Br. MBh. &c.; to cause any one to love Riitus. (in that sense P. Vop.); (with {bahu} or {aty-artham}) to rate or

value highly R.: Desid. {cikamiSate} and {cikAmayiSate}: Intens. {caMkamyate}; [cf. Lat. {comis}; also {amo}, with the loss of the initial, for {camo}; {cA7-rus} for {cam-rus}: Hib. {caemh} "', love, desire; fine, handsome, pleasant "'; {caomhach}, `" a friend, companion "'; {caomhaim}, `" I save, spare, protect "'; Armen. {kamim}.] kamaniiyakaraM = desired hands kamala = Lotus kamalapatra = Lotus leaf kamalapatraaksha = O lotus-eyed one kamalaa = saraswati kamalaasanasthaM = sitting on the lotus flower kamaTha* = m. (Un. i, 102) a tortoise BhP. Pacat. &c.; a porcupine L.; a bamboo L.; N. of a king MBh.; of a Muni; of a Daitya; ({as} or {am}) m. or n. a water-jar (esp. one made of a hollow gourd or cocoa-nut, and used by ascetics) L.; ({I}) f. a female tortoise, a small one S'ntis'. kampa * = m. trembling, tremor, trembling motion,

shaking MBh. Sus'r. &c.; earthquake (cf. {bhUmikampa}, {mahI-k-}, &c.); tremulous or thrilling pronunciation (a modification of the Svarita accent which may take place if the Svarita syllable is followed by an Udtta syllable) Nir. &c.; a kind of time (in mus.); N. of a man. kampate = (1 ap) to shake kampayati = to shake kampiutaH = (m) Sanskrit hi-tech kaMsa * = {as}, {am} m. n. ({kam} Un. iii, 62), a vessel made of metal, drinking vessel, cup, goblet AV. x, 10, 5 AitBr. S'Br. &c.; (a noun ending in {as} followed by {kaMsa} in a compound does not change its final cf. {ayas-kaMsa}, &c. Pn. 8-, 3, 46); a particular measure (= two dhakas Car.; = one dhaka L.); a metal, tutanag or white copper, brass, bell-metal; m. N. of a king of Mathur (son of Ugra-sena and cousin of the Devak who was mother of Kriishna [Ugra-sena being brother of Devaka, who was father of Devak]; he is usually called the uncle, but was really a cousin of Kriishna, and became his implacable enemy because it had been prophesied to Kansa that he would be killed by a child of Devak; as the foe of the deity he is identified with the Asura

nemi; and, as he was ultimately slain by Kriishna, the latter receives epithets like {kaMsa-jit}, conqueror of Kansa, &c.) MBh. VP. BhP. &c.; N. of a place g. {takSazilA7di} Pn. 4-3, 93; ({A}) f. N. of a sister of Kansa Hariv. BhP. VP. kaNa = small bit* = m. (Nir. vi, 30; related to {kanA}, {kaniSTha}, {kanIyas}, {kanyA}, in all of which smallness is implied BRD.), a grain, grain of corn, single seed AV. x, 9, 26; xi, 3, 5 KtyS'r. Mn. &c.; a grain or particle (of dust) Ragh. i, 85 Vikr.; flake (of snow) Amar.; a drop (of water) S'ak. 60 a Megh. BhP. &c.; a spark (of fire) Pacat.; the spark or facet of a gem; any minute particle, atom Prab. S'ntis'.; ({A}) f. a minute particle, atom, drop; long pepper Sus'r.; cummin seed L.; a kind of fly (= {kumbhIra-makSikA}) L.; ({I}) f. = {kaNikA} below L.; ({am}) n. a grain, single seed Kaths. (cf. {kaniSTha}.) kana* = mfn. (substituted for {alpa}, `" little, small "', in forming its comparative and superlative see below; cf. {kaNa}; according to Gmn. fr. {kan}, `" to shine, be bright or merry "', originally meaning `" young, youthful "'). kanaa* = f. a girl, maid RV. x, 61, 5; 10; 11; 21. kanaa* = see p. 248, col. 3.

kanaka = gold kacit VB = for a few days; SB 1.13.14//someone; SB 6.1.58-60//SB 10.41.32// a certain; SB 10.52.26//a certain; SB 11.7.25// any; SB 11.18.30// for some; SB 12.1.20//yam kacit &emdash; some kac * = cl. 1. A1. %{kaJcate}, %{cakaJce}, %{kaJcitA}, &c., to bind; to shine Dha1tup. vi, 9; [cf. %{kac} and %{kAJc}, %{kakSa}; Lat. {cingere}.] kacana *V = any, someone, anyone, by all means, whatever you like. kanda* - {as}, {am} m. n. ({kan} Comm. on Un. iv, 98), a bulbous or tuberous root, a bulb MBh. BhP. Sus'r. &c.; the bulbous root of Amorphophallus Campanulatus L.; garlic L.; a lump, swelling, knot Sus'r. i, 258, 9 [249,3]; [cf. Gk. $, $; O. H. G. &77847[249,3] {hnUtr}, {hnUta}]; an affection of the female organ (considered as a fleshy excrescence, but apparently prolapsus uteri W.); N. of a metre (of four lines of thirteen syllables each); (in mus.) a kind of time; ({I}) f. see {mAMsa-k-}. kaNDolaH = (m) a wooden basket


kaNDuuyati = to scratch kanda = a knot, the place where the three main nadis join kandaH = (m) root kanda* = {as}, {am} m. n. ({kan} Comm. on Un. iv, 98), a bulbous or tuberous root, a bulb MBh. BhP. Sus'r. &c.; the bulbous root of Amorphophallus Campanulatus L.; garlic L.; a lump, swelling, knot Sus'r. i, 258, 9 [249,3]; [cf. Gk. $, $; O. H. G. &77847[249,3] {hnUtr}, {hnUta}]; an affection of the female organ (considered as a fleshy excrescence, but apparently prolapsus uteri W.); N. of a metre (of four lines of thirteen syllables each); (in mus.) a kind of time; ({I}) f. see {mAMsa-k-}. kandarpaH = Cupid kandarpa* = m. (etym. doubtful; according to some fr. {kaM-darpa}, `" inflamer even of a god "' see 3. {ka}, or `" of great wantonness "')N. of Kma (q.v.), love, lust MBh. Bhag. Sus'r. &c.; (in mus.) a particular Rga (q.v.); a kind of time; membrum virile L.; N. of a man Kaths.; ({A}) f. one of the divine women attending on the fifteenth Arhat (Jain.)


kandaasana = the upward ankle-twist posture kanduka = (m) a ball kandha = neck kanishhThikaa = (f) little finger kaniinikaa = (f) eyeball ka.nkana = bracelet ka.nchna = anyone (or someone) kanta * mfn. (fr. 1. {kam} ind.), happy Pn. 5-2, 138. kanTha = throat kanti = brightness, lustre kanthaH = throated man ka.nThaM = neck ka.nThe = in yhe neck ka.nthaa = rags?


ka.nsya = bronze kaNikaapiitaa = a little droplet, drunk kaNTa * = m. (thought by some to be for original {karnta}, fr. 2. {kRt}) a thorn BhP. ix, 3, 7 (cf. {trikaNTa}, {bahu-kaNTa}, &c.); the boundary of a village L.; [cf. Gk. $ $ $?] kaNTakam.h = (n) thorns kaNTha = throat kaNThaH = (m) throat, neck kaNThabhuushhaa = (f) necklace kaNThasthiikaraNiiya = (adj) that which must be memorized, learned by heart kaNThahaaraH = (m) necklace kuNapa * = n. [{as} m. g. {ardharcA7di}] a dead body, corpse AV. TS. S'Br. Mn. &c.; (said contemptuously of) the living body BhP.; dung; m. a spear MBh. R.; ({As}) m. pl.N. of a people VarBriS.; ({I}) f. a small bird (Maina or Salik cf. {viT-sArikA}); ({kuNa4pa}) mfn. mouldering, smelling like a carcase S'Br. Sus'r.

ku4Napa-gandha4 * = m. the smell of a dead body S'Br. iv. kuNapANDya * = m. `" having dead testicles "'N. of a man. kuNapA7zana * = mfn. eating dead bodies S'ak. kanya * mf({A})n. the smallest (opposed to {uttama} and {madhyama}) Hcat. i, 302, 8 ff.; ({A4}) f. see {kanyA4} below; [cf. Zd. {kainin}; Hib. {cain}, `" chaste, undefiled. "'] kanyaa4 * = f. ( {kan} Un. iv, 111), a girl, virgin, daughter RV. AV. &c. MBh. &c. ({kanyAM} {dA} or {pra-dA} or {pra-yam} or {upa-pad}, Caus. to give one's daughter in marriage Mn. viii, ix; {kanyAM prati-grah} or {hR} or {vah}, to receive a girl in marriage, marry Mn. ix); the sign of the zodiac Virgo VarBri. and BriS. &c.; the female of any animal Mriicch.; N. of Durg MBh. iii, 8115; N. of a tuberous plant growing in Kas'mra Sus'r.; Aloe Perfoliata L.; several other plants L.; N. of a metre (of four lines, each of them containing four long syllables). kapaTika = cunning, scheming kapaala = forehead

kapaalaH = (m) human skull kapaalabhati = a process to clear the sinuses kapaalnala = fire in the forehead (??? again perhaps wrong) kapi = monkey kapiH = (m) monkey kapidhvajaH = he whose flag was marked with Hanuman kapota = pigeon, dove kapotaasana = the dove posture kapolaH = (m) cheek kara = Hand* * = 1 (for 2. see p. 254, col. 3) mf({I}, rarely {A})n. (1. {kR}), a doer, maker, causer, doing, making, causing, producing (esp. ifc.; cf. {duHkhakara}, {bhayaM-k-}, {sampat-k-}, &c.; cf. Lat. {cerus}, `" creator "') AV. xii, 2, 2 Mn. Pacat. &c.; helping, promoting RV. i, 116, 13; m. the act of doing, making &c. (ifc.; cf. {ISatkara}, {su-k-}, {duS-k-}, &c.); `" the doer "', the hand RV. x, 67, 6 MBh. Mn. &c.; a measure (the breadth of twenty1075

four thumbs); an elephant's trunk MBh. Pacat. &c.; the claws of a crab Hit.; symbolical expression for the number two; the lunar mansion Hasta VarBriS. kara = * 2 (for 1. see p. 253, col. 1) m. ({kRR}), a ray of light, sunbeam, moonbeam R. Megh. Pacat. &c.; hail L.; royal revenue, toll, tax, tribute, duty Mn. Yj. MBh. &c. karaM = the cause of karakushalavastuu = (n) handicraft, hand-made objects of art karaNaM = the means karaNa * = (once {karaNa4} RV. i, 119, 7) mf({I})n doing, making, effecting, causing (esp. ifc.; cf. {antakaraNa}, {uSNaM-k-}, &c.) R. &c.; clever, skilful RV. i, 119, 7; m. a helper, companion AV. vi, 46, 2; xv, 5, 1-6; xix, 57, 3; a man of a mixed class (the son of an outcast Kshatriya Mn. x, 22; or the son of a S'dra woman by a Vais'ya Yj. i, 92; or the son of a Vais'ya woman by a Kshatriya MBh. i, 2446; 4521; the occupation of this class is writing, accounts &c.) a writer, scribe W.; (in Gr.) a sound or word as an independent part of speech (or as separated from the context; in this sense usually n.)

Ks'. on Pn. 3-1, 41 Pat. Comm. on RPrt.; (in mus.) a kind of time Kum. vi, 40; ({I}) f. a woman of the above mixed tribe Yj. i, 95; (with {sutA}) an adopted daughter R. (ed. Gorr.) i, 19, 9; (in arithm.) a surd or irrational number, surd root; the side of a square S'ulbas. Comm. on VS.; a particular measure Comm. on KtyS'r.; a particular position of the fingers; ({am}) n. the act of making, doing, producing, effecting S'Br. MBh. &c. (very often ifc. e.g. {muSTi-k-}, {virUpa-k-}); an act, deed RV.; an action (esp. a religious one) Yj. i, 250 R.; the special business of any tribe or caste L.; a calculation (esp. an astronomical one) VarBriS.; an astrological division of the day (these Karanas are eleven, viz. {vava}, {valava}, {kaulava}, {taitila}, {gara}, {vaNija}, {viSTi}, {zakuni}, {catuSpada}, {kintughna}, and {nAga}, two being equal to a lunar day; the first seven are called {a-dhruvANi} or movable, and fill, eight times repeated, the space from the second half of the first day in the moos increase to the first half of the fourteenth day in its wane; the four others are {dhruvANi} or fixed, and occupy the four half-days from the second half of the fourteenth day in the wane of the moon to the first half of the first day in its increase) VarBriS. Sus'r. &c.; pronunciation, articulation, APrt.; (in Gr.) a sound or word as an independent part of speech, separated from its context Pn. Ks'. &c., ({karaNa} may be used in this way like {kAra} e.g. {iti-karaNa} S'nkhS'r.); the posture of an ascetic; a

posture in sexual intercourse; instrument, means of action S'vetUp. Yj. Megh.; an organ of sense or of speech VPrt. PrGri.; (in law) an instrument, document, bond Mn. viii, 51; 52; 154; (in Gr.) the means or instrument by which an action is effected, the idea expressed by the instrumental case, instrumentality Pn. 1-4, 42; ii, 3, 18; iii, 2, 45; cause (= {kAraNa}); a spell, charm Kaths. (cf. {karaNa-prayoga}); rhythm, time Kum.; body Megh. Kum. Kd.; N. of a treatise of Varha-mihira on the motion of the planets; of a work belonging to the S'iva-dars'ana; a field L.; the mind, heart W. (cf. {antaH-karaNa}); grain W. karaNaaya = to do karaNiiyaM = to be done karatalabhikshaa = alms in the palms karatalam.h = (n) palm karadiipaH = (m) torch, flashlight karabhoru = fair-limbed karaka * = 1 (for 2. see col. 3), %{as} m. a watervessel (esp. one used by students or ascetics) MBh. R.; a species of bird L.; hand (?) L.; N. of

several plants (the pomegranate tree, Pongamia Glabra, Butea Frondosa, Bauhinia Variegata, Mimusops Elengi, Capparis Aphylla) L.; a cocoanut shell L.; (%{as}, %{am}) m. n. a cocoa-nut shell hollowed to form a vessel; (%{As}) m. pl.N. of a people MBh. VP.; (%{am}) n. fungus, mushroom L.; (%{ikA}) f. a wound caused by a finger-nail S3is3. iv, 29.\ karaka (for 1. see col. 1) m. hail; toll, tax, tribute. karalaM = terrible karavaala = sword karavaavahai = may we do karasthaaH = obtaining(literally standing) in his very hands karaaMshukam.h = (n) full-sleeved shirt karaala = dreadful karaalaM = horrible karaalaani = terrible kardama * = m. (Un2. iv, 84) mud, slime, mire, clay, dirt, filth MBh. Ya1jn5. Ragh. &c.; sin Comm.

on Un2.; shade, shadow (in Veda according to BrahmaP.); N. of a Praja1pati (born from the shadow of Brahma1, husband of Devahu1ti and father of Kapila) MBh.; a kind of rice Sus3r.; a kind of poisonous bulb; N. of Pulaka (a son of Praja1pati) VP.; of a Na1ga MBh. i, 1561; (%{I}) f. a species of jasmine; (%{am}) n. flesh L.; Civet L.; (mfn.) covered with mud or mire or dirt, dirty, filthy Sus3r. karhi *= ind. (fr. 2. %{ka}) , when ? at what time ? Pa1n2. 5-3 , 21 ; (with %{svid} , or %{cid} or %{api} [BhP. v , 17 , 24]) at any time RV. MBh. BhP. &c. ; (with %{cid} and a particle of negation) never , at no time Mn. Pan5cat. &c. ; [cf. Goth. {hvar} , `" where ? "' Eng. {where} ?] kari *= 1 mfn. (ifc.) causing , accomplishing (cf. %{zakRt-k-}) ; (%{is}) m. the hand L.\\2 (in comp. for %{karin} col. 3).\\&c. see p. 254 , col. 2. karin *= mfn. doing , effecting &c. Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3 , 70 ; (%{I}) m. `" having a trunk "' , an elephant MBh. BhP. Pan5cat. &c. ; (%{iNI}) f. see above. kariyaadaH = (m) hippopotamus karishhyati = can do

karishhyasi = perform karishhye = I shall execute karoti = does karomi = I do karosi = you do karau = hands (lower arms) karka = The Zodiacal sign Cancer karkaTi = (f) cucumber karma = Action or activity (see karman) karma-bhaava = The 10th house of Careers and Work karmajaM = due to fruitive activities karmajaa = from fruitive work karmajaan.h = born of work karman * = %{a} n. (%{A} m. L.), (%{kR} Un2. iv, 144), act, action, performance, business RV. AV.

S3Br. MBh. &c.; office, special duty, occupation, obligation (frequently ifc., the first member of the compound being either the person who performs the action [e.g. %{vaNik-k-}] or the person or thing for or towards whom the action is performed [e.g. %{rAja-k-}, %{pazu-k-}] or a specification of the action [e.g. %{zaurya-k-}, %{prIti-k-}]) S3Br. Mn. Bhartr2. &c.; any religious act or rite (as sacrifice, oblation &c., esp. as originating in the hope of future recompense and as opposed to speculative religion or knowledge of spirit) RV. AV. VS. Ragh. &c.; work, labour, activity (as opposed to rest, %{prazAnti}) Hit. RPra1t. &c.; physicking, medical attendance Car.; action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories of the Nya1ya philosophy; of these motions there are five, viz. %{ut-kSepaNa}, %{ava-kSepaNa}, %{A-kuJcana}, %{prasAraNa}, and %{gamana}, qq. vv.) Bha1sha1p. Tarkas.; calculation Su1ryas.; product, result, effect Mn. xii, 98 Sus3r.; organ of sense S3Br. xiv (or of action see %{karme7ndriya}); (in Gr.) the object (it stands either in the acc. [in active construction], or in the nom. [in passive construction], or in the gen. [in connection with a noun of action]; opposed to %{kartR} the subject) Pa1n2. 1-4, 49 ff. (it is of four kinds, viz. a. %{nirvartya}, when anything new is produced e.g. %{kaTaM@karoti}, `" he makes a mat "' [258,3]; %{putraM@prasUte}, `" she bears a son "'; b. %{vikArya}, when change is implied either of the

substance and form e.g. %{kASThaM@bhasma@karoti}, `" he reduces fuel to ashes "'; or of the form only e.g. %{suvarNaM@kuNDalaM@karoti}, `" he fashions gold into an ear-ring "'; c. %{prApya}, when any desired object is attained e.g. %{grAmaM@gacchati}, `" he goes to the village "'; %{candraM@pazyati}, `" he sees the moon "'; d. %{anIpsita}, when an undesired object is abandoned e.g. %{pApaM@tyajati}, `" he leaves the wicked "'); former act as leading to inevitable results, fate (as the certain consequence of acts in a previous life) Pan5cat. Hit. Buddh., (cf. %{karmapAka} and %{-vipAka}); the tenth lunar mansion VarBr2S. &c. karmaNaH = than fruitive action karmaNaa = by work karmaNaaM = of prescribed duties karmaNi = in action karman.h = work karmaphala = the result of an action karmaphalaM = the results of all activities

karmaphalatyaagaH = renunciation of the results of fruitive action karmaphalaasangaM = attachment for fruitive results karmaphale = in fruitive action karmabandhaM = bondage of reaction karmabandhanaH = bondage by work karmabhiH = from the bondage of the law of fruitive actions karma * = (in comp. for %{ka4rman} above). karman * = n. Kus3a grass (as essential part in many religious acts) L. 71 karman %{a} n. (%{A} m. L.) , (%{kR} Un2. iv , 144) , act , action , performance , business RV. AV. S3Br. MBh. &c. ; office , special duty , occupation , obligation (frequently ifc. , the first member of the compound being either the person who performs the action [e.g. %{vaNik-k-}] or the person or thing for or towards whom the action is performed [e.g. %{rAja-k-} , %{pazu-k-}] or a specification of the action [e.g. %{zaurya-k-} , %{prIti-k-}]) S3Br. Mn. Bhartr2. &c. ; any religious act or rite (as sacrifice ,

oblation &c. , esp. as originating in the hope of future recompense and as opposed to speculative religion or knowledge of spirit) RV. AV. VS. Ragh. &c. ; work , labour , activity (as opposed to rest , %{prazAnti}) Hit. RPra1t. &c. ; physicking , medical attendance Car. ; action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories of the Nya1ya philosophy ; of these motions there are five , viz. %{ut-kSepaNa} , %{ava-kSepaNa} , %{AkuJcana} , %{prasAraNa} , and %{gamana} , qq. vv.) Bha1sha1p. Tarkas. ; calculation Su1ryas. ; product , result , effect Mn. xii , 98 Sus3r. ; organ of sense S3Br. xiv (or of action see %{karme7ndriya}) ; (in Gr.) the object (it stands either in the acc. [in active construction] , or in the nom. [in passive construction] , or in the gen. [in connection with a noun of action] ; opposed to %{kartR} the subject) Pa1n2. 1-4 , 49 ff. (it is of four kinds , viz. a. %{nirvartya} , when anything new is produced e.g. %{kaTaM@karoti} , `" he makes a mat "' [258,3] ; %{putraM@prasUte} , `" she bears a son "' ; b. %{vikArya} , when change is implied either of the substance and form e.g. %{kASThaM@bhasma@karoti} , `" he reduces fuel to ashes "' ; or of the form only e.g. %{suvarNaM@kuNDalaM@karoti} , `" he fashions gold into an ear-ring "' ; c. %{prApya} , when any desired object is attained e.g. %{grAmaM@gacchati} , `" he goes to the village "' ; %{candraM@pazyati} , `" he sees the moon "' ; d.

%{anIpsita} , when an undesired object is abandoned e.g. %{pApaM@tyajati} , `" he leaves the wicked "') ; former act as leading to inevitable results , fate (as the certain consequence of acts in a previous life) Pan5cat. Hit. Buddh. , (cf. %{karma-pAka} and %{-vipAka}) ; the tenth lunar mansion VarBr2S. &c. karmayoga = unselfish actions karmayogaM = devotion karmayogaH = work in devotion karmayogeNa = by the linking process of devotion karmasa.nnyaasaat.h = in comparison to the renunciation of fruitive work karmasanginaaM = who are attached to fruitive work karmasangishhu = in the association of those engaged in fruitive activities karmasangena = by association with fruitive activity karmasu = in all activities

karmaaNaM = the fruits of actions karmaaNaaM = whose work karmaaNi = deeds karmibhyaH = than the fruitive workers karmendriya = an action organ, e.g. the hands or feet karmendriyaaNi = the five working sense organs karmendriyaiH = by the active sense organs karNa = ear, also KarNa from Mahabharata karNaM = Karna karNaH = Karna karNapiDaasana = the ear-press posture karNikaara = Himalayan tree karNebhiH = through the ears karpura = camphor


karshha = attracted, contacted karsha * =m. ({kRS}), the act of drawing, dragging Pn.; (with and without {halasya}) ploughing, agriculture p. Yj. ii, 217; `" anything scratched off "' see {kSAma-karSa-mizra4}; ({as}, {am}) m. n. a weight of gold or silver (= 16 Mshas = 80 Rettis = 1/4 Pala = 1/400 of a Tul = about 176 grains troy; in common use 8 Rettis are given to the Msha, and the Karsha is then about 280 grains troy) Sus'r. VarBriS. &c. [260, 1]; Terminalia Bellerica (also called {akSa} q.v.) L.; a boat L. kaarsha * = m. ({kRS}; g. {chattrA7di}), `" one who ploughs "', a peasant, husbandman DivyA7v.; ({I}) f. see {gomaya-k-}. karshhaka = farmer karshhati = (1 pp) to draw, to pull karshhayantaH = tormenting karzita* = mfn. emaciated, thin R. Sus'r. Ragh. Kum. &c. karzana* = mfn. ({kRz}), rendering lean, attenuating, causing emaciation Sus'r.; troubling, hurting MBh. xiii, 6307 (cf. {karSaNa}); ({am}) n.

the act of rendering lean, causing emaciation Car. karzya* = m. turmeric plant L. kartayati = to cut kartarii = (f) scissors kartavya = should be done kartavyaM = prescribed duty kartavyaani = should be done as duty kartaa = doer, also attributed to main person in a household kartaa.asi = are the doer kartaaraM = the father kartuM = to perform kartritva =* n. id. Ka1s3.; the state of being the performer or author of anything MBh. BhP. &c. kartritvaM = proprietorship kartritve = in the matter of creation

kartumarhasi = kartuM + arhasi:to do + deserve (You are entitled or you should)karuNaH = kindly karuNaa = the sentiment of sorrow karuNa * mf({A})n. (1. {kRR} Un. iii, 53; but in some of its meanings fr. 1. {kR}), mournful, miserable, lamenting MBh. Das'. &c.; compassionate BhP. [255, 3]; ({am}) ind. mournfully, wofully, pitifully, in distress MBh. Pacat. Vet. &c.; m. `" causing pity or compassion "', one of the Rasas or sentiments of a poem, the pathetic sentiment Sh. &c.; Citrus Decumana L.; a Buddha L.; N. of an Asura Hariv.; ({A}) f. pity, compassion BhP. Ragh. Pacat. &c.; one of the four Brahma-vihras (Buddh.); the sentiment of compassion (cf. above) L.; a particular tone (in mus.); ({I}) f. a particular plant L.; ({am}) n. an action, holy work RV. i, 100, 7 AV. xii, 3, 47 TS. i. karuNaakara.n = the one induces compassion karuNaarNavaM = the ocean of `karuna' (compassion) kashaa = (f) a whip kas'a* = m. a species of rodent animal VS. TS. (cf. {kazIkA4}); a whip, thong MBh. (cf. {prakaza4});

({As}) m. pl.N. of a people BhP. (ed. Bomb.) kas'aa* = f. (Naigh. i, 11 Nir. ix, 19) a whip RV. AV. S'Br. MBh. R. &c. (also written {kaSA} R. BhP.); a rein, bridle S'is'.; whipping, flogging W.; a string, rope, thong L.; face, mouth L.; quality L.\\kas'aa* = &c. see {kaz}. kas'aaya* = m. N. of a preceptor Ks'. on Pn. 4-3, 106 (v.l. {kaSAya}). kashaaya * = mfn. astringent MBh. xiv, 1280 and 1411 R. Sus3r. Pan5cat. BhP.; fragrant Megh. 31; red, dull red, yellowish red (as the garment of a Buddhist Bhikshu) MBh. Hariv. Mr2icch. Ya1jn5.; (%{as}, %{am}) m. n. (g. %{ardharcA7di}) an astringent flavour or taste Sus3r.; a yellowish red colour Ya1jn5. i, 272 Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 4-2, 1; an astringent juice, extract of juice S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. Mn. xi, 153; a decoction or infusion Sus3r. (the result of boiling down a mixture consisting of one part of a drug and four or, according to some, eight or sixteen parts of water until only one quarter is left Sus3r.); any healing or medicinal potion Bhpr.; exudation from a tree, juice, gum, resin L.; ointment, smearing, anointing L.; colouring or perfuming or anointing the person with cosmetics MBh.; dirt, filth; stain or impurity or sin cleaving to the soul ChUp. BhP.; dulness, stupidity Veda1ntas.;

defect, decay, degeneracy (of which, according to Buddhists, there are five marks, viz. %{Ayus-k-}, %{dRSTi-k-}, %{kleza-k-}, %{sattva-k-}, %{kalpak-}); attachment to worldly objects W.; m. red, redness; a kind of snake Sus3r. ii, 265, 14; emotion, passion (%{rAga}, of which the Jainas reckon four kinds HYog. iv, 6 and 77); the Kali-yuga L.; the tree Bignonia Indica R. ii, 28, 21; N. of a teacher (v.l. %{kazAya}) g. %{zaunakA7di}; (%{as}, %{A}, %{am}) mf. n. the tree Grislea tomentosa L.; (%{A}) f. a thorny shrub, a species of small Hedysarum L.; (%{am}) n. a dull or yellowish red garment or robe MBh. ii, 675 (cf. %{kASAya}, %{paJca-kaSAya}; %{a-niSkaSAya}, full of impure passions MBh. xii, 568.) kasheruH = (m) spine, spinal chord kashchana = cerain kashchit.h = someone kashmalaM = dirtiness kashhaaya = (m) astringent kaste = kaH+te, who+yourkasmaat.h = why kasmala* = for {kazmala} q.v.

kasmaat* = ind. (abl. fr. 2. {ka4} AV. &c.) where from? whence? why? wherefore? MBh. R. S'ak. Pacat. &c. (cf. {a-kasmAt}.) kas'mala * =mf({A}, or {I})n. foul, dirty, impure Dhrtas.; timid, pusillanimous; ({am}) n. dirt, filth Subh.; impurity, sin L.; ({as}, {am}) m. n. (ifc. f. {A}) consternation, stupefaction, faintheartedness, pusillanimity MBh.; dejection of mind, weakness, despair MBh. BhP. kasmai = to `Ka' kashtha* = mfn. (perhaps p.p. of {kaS} Pn. 7-2, 22 Vop. 26, 111 Ks'. on Pn. 6-2, 47), bad R. [266,1]; ill, evil, wrong Mn. MBh. R. Sus'r. &c.; painful Sus'r.; grievous, severe, miserable Mn. xii, 78 Yj. iii, 29 Bhartri.; difficult, troublesome Mn. vii, 186 and 210; worst Mn. vii, 50 and 51; pernicious, noxious, injurious Sus'r.; dangerous (= {kRcchra}) Pn. 7-2, 22 Nal. xiii, 16; inaccessible (= {gahana}) Pn. 7-2, 22; boding evil Comm. on Pn. 3-2, 188; m. `" N. of a man "' see {kASTAyana}; (in rhetoric) offending the ear Vm. ii, 1, 6; forced, unnatural; ({am}) n. a bad state of things, evil, wrong; pain, suffering, misery, wretchedness; trouble, difficulty; bodily exertion, strain, labour, toil, fatigue, weariness, hardship, uneasiness, inquietude (mental or bodily) R. Kaths. Pacat. S'ak. Hit.;

{kaSTAt-kaSTam}, or {kaSTataram}, worse than the worst; {kaSTena} or {kaSTAt}, with great difficulty Pacat.; ({am}) ind. an exclamation of grief or sorrow; ah! woe! aIas! MBh. R. Mriicch. kasya = whose kasyachit.h = anyone's kat * =(in comp. for 2. {kad} above). katama * = %{as}, %{A}, %{at} mfn. (superlative of 2. %{ka}; declined as a pronom., Gram. 236), who or which of many? (e.g. %{katamena@pathA@yAtAs@te}, by which road have they gone?); it is often a mere strengthened substitute for %{ka}, the superlative affix imparting emphasis; hence it may occasionally be used for `" who or which of two? "' (e.g. %{tayoH@katamasmai}, to which of these two?); it may optionally be compounded with the word to which it refers (e.g. %{katamaH@kaThaH}, or %{katama-kaThaH}, which Kat2ha out of many?); when followed by %{ca} and preceded %{yatama} an indefinite expression is formed equivalent to `" any whosoever "', `" any whatsoever "', &c. (e.g. %{yatamad@eva@katamac@ca@vidyAt} he may know anything whatsoever). In negative sentences %{katama} with %{cana} or %{katama} with

%{api} = not even one, none at all (e.g. %{na@katamaccanA7haH}, not even on a single day, on no day at all) [246,3]; in addition to the above uses %{katama} is said to mean `" best "', `" excessively good-looking "' (cf. 3. %{ka}) RV. &c. katara* = who or which of many kaatara = uncertain as to which of the two, cowardly, faint-hearted, timid, despairing, discouraged, disheartened, confused, agitated, perplexed, embarrassed, shrinking, frightened, afraid o kataara* = libidinous man, lecher katarat.h = which kath* = 1 cl. 1. P. {kaTati} or {kaNTati}, to go Dhtup. ix, 33. \\2 cl. 1. P. {kaTati}, {cakATa}, {kaTitA}, &c. to rain; to surround; to encompass, cover, screen; to divide Dhtup. ix, 6 (cf. {cat}.) kathaH = (m) carpet kathaaksha = glance kathi = hip


kathiH = waist kathikaasana = the front-stretching posture kathivastram.h = (n) underwear kathii = waist kathi * = * {is}, {I} f. the hip, buttock kati * = 1 (fr. 2. {ka} declined in pl. only, Gram. 227 {a}; all the cases except the nom. voc. and acc. taking terminations, whereas the correlative {iti} has become fixed as an indeclinable adverb), how many? {quot}? several (e.g. {kati devAH}, how many gods? {kati vyApAdayati kati vA tADayati}, some he kills and some he strikes). In the sense of `" several "', `" some "', {kati} is generally followed by {cid} or {api} (e.g. {katicid ahAni}, for several or some days); it may be used as an adverb with {cid} in the sense of `" oftentimes "', `" much "', in many ways "' (e.g. {katicit stutaH}, much or often praised) RV. &c.; [cf. Zd. {caiti}; Gk. $; Lat. {quot}; cf. Sk. {tati} and &76993[246, 3] Lat. {tot}.] \\kati * 2 (for 1. see above) m. N. of a sage (son of Vis'vmitra and ancestor of Ktyyana) Hariv. kathu = (m) pungent, hot


kathhina = tough katipaya = Some kath.h = to tell kathaM = tell kathana * mfn. telling, talkative W.; ({am}) n. the act of telling, narration, relating, informing Sus'r. Bhartri. Pacat. &c kathanta = howness kathaya = describe kathayataH = speaking kathayati = (10 up) to narrate, to tell kathayate = (10 up) to narrate, to tell kathayantaH = talking kathayishhyanti = will speak kathayishhyaami = I shall speak kathaa = story

kathha* = 1 (for 2. see s.v.), {am} n. distress (?). kathha* = 2 m. N. of a sage (a pupil of Vais'ampyana and founder of a branch of the Yajur-veda, called after him) MBh. &c.; m. a pupil or follower of Kathha (esp. pl.); a Brhman L.; ({I}) f. a female pupil or follower of Kathha Comm. on Pn.; the wife of a Brhman L. kathaa* = (for 2. see col. 3) f. conversation, speech, talking together s'vGri. MBh. Mn. &c.; talk, mention; ({kA kathA} [with gen. or more commonly with loc. and sometimes with {prati}), what should one say of? how should one speak of? e.g. {eko 'pi kRcchrAd varteta bhUyasAM tu kathai9va kA}, even one person would live with difficulty, what should one say of many? i.e. how much more many? Kaths. iv, 123; {kA kathA bANa-saMdhAne}, what mention of fitting the arrow? i.e. what necessity for fitting the arrow? S'ak. 53 a); story, tale, fable MBh. R. Hit. &c.; a feigned story, tale (as one, of the species of poetical composition) Sh. 567 Kvya7d.; Story (personified) Kaths.; (in log.) discussion, disputation Sarvad.\\2 (for 1. see col. 1) ind. (Ved. for {katha4m} Pn. 5-3, 26) how? whence? why? RV. AV. viii, 1, 16 TS. &c.; ({yathA4 kathA4 ca}, in any way whatsoever S'Br. iv); sometimes merely a particle of interrogation (e.g. {kathA4 zRNoti}..

{i4ndraH}, does Indra hear? RV. iv, 23, 3; {kathA4kathA4}, whether-or? TS. ii, 6, 1, 7). kaaththha* = mf({I})n. proceeding from or composed by Kathha Pn. 4-3, 107 Ks'.; m. a rock, stone L. kathaamrita = Gospel kathaamritaM = Gospel kathita = told katthana * = mfn. boasting, praising MBh. R.; ({am}) n. the act of boasting MBh. R. Sus'r.; ({A}) f. id. Comm. on Bhathth. kautuka = (neut) curiosity, eagerness kautuuhala * = n. (fr. %{kut-}; g. %{yuvA7di}), curiosity, interest in anything, vehement desire for (loc., or acc. with %{prati}, or inf.) MBh. R. &c.; anything causing curiosity, any unusual phenomenon Megh. 48; a festival MBh. i, 7918 DivyA7v. i. kauNapa * =, coming from corpses; m. `" feeding upon corpses "', a Rkshasa or goblin,; N. of a Nga (these beings are supposed to eat human flesh)

kaunteya = O son of Kunti kaunteyaH = the son of Kunti kaupiina = slenderloin cloth that covers genitals kaumaaraM = boyhood kaumaarya = childhood kaumudii = (f) moonlight kaushalaM = art kausalyeyo = kausalyA's (son) kaustubha = one of Vishnu's jewels* = {as}, {am} m. n. (cf. {kust-})N. of a celebrated jewel (obtained with thirteen other precious things at the churning of the ocean and suspended on the breast of Kriishna or Vishnu) MBh. Hariv. R. &c.; m. a manner of joining the fingers Tantras.; = {kiMtughna} AV. Jyot.; ({am}) n. a kind of oil ({sarSapo7dbhava}) KtyS'r. i, 8, 37 Sch.; N. of wk. kautUhala * = n. (fr. %{kut-}; g. %{yuvA7di}), curiosity, interest in anything, vehement desire for (loc., or acc. with %{prati}, or inf.) MBh. R. &c.; anything causing curiosity, any unusual

phenomenon Megh. 48; a festival MBh. i, 7918 DivyA7v. i. kautuka * n. (fr. {kut-}; g. {yuvA7di}), curiosity, interest in anything, vehement desire for (loc. or in comp.), eagerness, vehemence impatience Pacat. Kaths. (ifc. f. {A}) &c.; anything causing curiosity or admiration or interest, any singular or surprising object, wonder Pacat. Kaths. Vet.; festivity, gaiety, festival, show, solemn ceremony (esp. the ceremony with the marriage-thread or necklace preceding a marriage) Kum. Das'. Bhartri. BhP. &c.; the marriage-thread or necklace Kaths. li, 223; pleasure, happiness, prosperity BhP. i, 17, 26; N. of nine particular substances Hcat. i, 110, 19; ii, 49, 10; sport, pastime L.; public diversion L.; song, dance, show, spectacle L.; season of enjoyment L.; kind or friendly greeting, civility L.; ({At}) abl. ind. out of curiosity or interest Kaths. Hit.; for amusement, as a relaxation W. kavayaH = the intelligent kavayitrii = (f) poetess kavala: ) a mouthful (as of water &c.); a morsel MBh. R. Ragh. Mn. Bhartri.; a wash for cleansing the mouth, gargle Sus'r.; a kind of fish (commonly Baliya) L.

kavaliikrita = (adj) swallowed kavara * = mf.({A})n. (3. {ku} Un. iv, 154) mixed, intermingled, variegated S'is'. v, 19; m. a lecturer L.; ({as}, {I}) m. f. (Pn. 4-1, 42 Vop. iv, 26; also n. according to a Sch.) a braid, fillet of hair BhP. Gt. Sh. S'is'.; ({am}) n. salt L.; sourness, acidity L.; ({A}) f. (Sch. on Pn. 4-1, 42) the plant Ocimum gratissimum L.; ({I}) f. id. L.; Acacia arabica or another plant Npr. kavi = poet * = kavi mfn. (1. %{kU} cf. 2. %{kava}, %{A4kUta}, %{A4kUti}, %{kAvya} Naigh. iii, 15 Nir. xii, 13 Un2. iv, 138) gifted with insight, intelligent, knowing, enlightened, wise, sensible, prudent, skilful, cunning; (%{is}) m. a thinker, intelligent man, man of understanding, leader; a wise man, sage, seer, prophet; a singer, bard, poet (but in this sense without any technical application in the Veda) RV. VS. TS. AV. S3Br. i, 4, 2, 8 Kat2hUp. iii, 14 MBh. Bhag. Bha1gP. Mn. vii, 49 R. Ragh.; N. of several gods, (esp.) of Agni RV. ii, 23, 1; x, 5, 4, 3; iii, 5, 1; i, 31, 2; 76, 5; of Varun2a, Indra, the As3vins, Maruts, A1dityas; of the Soma; of the Soma priest and other sacrificers; (probably) N. of a particular poet; cf. %{a4Ggiras} (Mn. ii, 151) and %{uza4nas} (Bhag. x, 37); of the ancient sages or patriarchs (as spirits now surrounding the sun); of the R2ibhus (as skilful in contrivance); of

Pu1shan (as leader or guider); N. of a son of Brahma1 MBh. xiii, 4123, 4142-4150; of Brahma1 W.; of a son of Bhr2igu and father of S3ukra MBh. i, 2606 (cf. 3204 Bha1gP. iv, 1, 45 and Kull. on Mn. iii, 198); that of S3ukra (regent of the planet Venus and preceptor of the demons) Ra1jat. iv, 495; of the planet Venus NBD.; of the sons of several Manus Hariv. Bha1gP. VP.; of a son of Kaus3ika and pupil of Garga Hariv.; of a son of R2ishabha Bha1gP.; of Va1lmi1ki L.; a keeper or herd RV. vii, 18, 8; (fig.) N. of the gates of the sacrificial enclosure TS. v, 11, 1, 2 (cf. %{kava4S}); the sun W.; of various men; the soul in the Sa1m2khya philosophy Comm.; a cunning fighter L.; an owl L.; (%{is}, or %{I} W.) f. the bit of a bridle L.; the reins (cf. %{kavikA}) W.; a ladle (cf. %{kambi}) L. kaviM = the one who knows everything kaviH = poet kavitaa = poetry kavitaashaakhaaM = the poetry-branch (of a tree) kaviinaaM = of all great thinkers kavya = poetry


kaya *= only gen. sg. with, every one, bow well down the haughtiness of everyone [cf. Zd. {kaya}; Armen. {ui}.] \\ ka4ya* = (Ved. for 2. {ka}; only gen. sg. with {cid}), every one (e.g. {ni4 SU4 namA74timatiM ka4yasya cit}, bow well down the haughtiness of everyone RV. i, 129, 5) RV. i, 27, 8; viii, 25, 15; [cf. Zd. {kaya}; Armen. {ui}.] kayaa *=in what manner? ke = who kechit.h = some of them kedara * = mfn. = {kekara} L.; m. N. of a plant L. kedaara * = m. (n. L.) a field or meadow, especially one under water Mn. ix, 38 & 44 MBh. R. &c.; {kapilasya k-}, `" Kapila's field "'N. of a Trtha MBh. iii, 6042 ff.; {mataGgasya k-}, `" Matanga's field "', another Trtha, 8159; a basin for water round the root of a tree L.; a bed in a garden or field W.; plain, area KtyS'r. xviii, 5, 4 Sch.; N. of a particular constellation VarBri.; of a Rga (in music); of a mountain country (the modern Kedr, part of the Hima7laya mountains W.) MBh. vi, 427 NandiP.; N. of S'iva as worshipped in the

Hima7laya; of the author of a work entitled Abdhi; ({I}) f. N. of a Rgin; ({am}) n. N. of a Trtha MatsyaP.; of a Linga ib.; (in the Hima7laya) S'ivaP. keli * = play, sport, amorous sport, pastime, amusement Mn. viii, 357 Mriicch. &c.; disguise, concealment Gal.; ({is}) f. the earth L. kena = by what kenachit.h = by somebody kendre = (adv) at the centre kemadruma = No planet flanking the Moon sign. Traditionally a sign of great misery and mental instability kes'a = hair kes'aghna * = n. `" destroying the hair "', morbid baldness, falling of the hair L. kes'a-caNa * =mfn. known by his hair, having fine hair Pn. 5-2, 26. kes'a-cUDa * =mfn. one who has dressed his hair in a top-knot Pn. 2-2, 24 Vrtt. 13 Pat.


kes'acaitya * =n. N. of a Caitya W. kes'a-jAha * =n. the root of the hair g. {karNA7di}. [310, 2] kes'adhara * ={As} m. pl.N. of a people VarBriS. xiv, 26. kes'apaas'a * = m. much or ornamented hair, tuft MBh. Kum. Vikr. Riitus. (ifc. f. {A}), &c.; ({I}) f. a lock of hair hanging down from the top of the head L. kes'abhU* =f. `" hairground "', head L. kes'abhUmi * =f. the skull on which hair grows Jain. Sus' kes'ava * mfn. (Pn. 5-2, 109) having long or much or handsome hair AV. viii, 6, 23 S'Br. KtyS'r.; m. N. of Vishnu or Kriishna MBh. Hariv. R. &c.; (hence) of the month Mrgas'rsha VarBriS. cv, 14; Rottleria tinctoria L.; N. of the author of a lexicon called Kalpa-dru; of the author of the Dvaitaparis'ishtha; of the father of Govinda and Rucikara; of the father of Brhma and uncle of Mahes'vara; of the son of Vis'va-dhara and brother of Kari-ntha; of the father of Vopa-deva.


kes'avasya = of KRishhNa keshinishuudana = O killer of the Kesi demon keshhu = in which kesara* = n. the hair (of the brow) VS. xix, 91; (in classical literature usually {kezara}) m. or n. (?), the mane (of a horse or lion) R. S'ak. Pacat. &c.; ({A}) f. id. KtyS'r. ({kes-}); ({am}) n. the tail of the Bos grunniens (used as a fan for driving away flies) L.; ({as} L.; {am}) m. n. the filament of a lotus or of any vegetable R. Sus'r. S'ak. &c.; a fibre (as of a Mango fruit) Sus'r.; m. the plants Rottleria tinctoria, Mimusops Elengi, and Mesua ferrea MBh. xiii, 5042 R. Lalit. Kum. Megh. [311, 1]; ({am}) n. the flower of those plants L.; ({as}, {A}, {am}) mf. n. Asa foetida L.; ({am}) n. gold L.; sulphate of iron L.; N. of a metre (of 4 x 18 syllables); m. N. of a mountain MBh. vi, 11, 23; [cf. Lat. {eoesaries}; Angl. Sax. {haer}; Eng. {hair}; Germ. {Haar}.] ke4sara-grAma * = m. N. of a village Kshiti7s'. ke4sara-pura * = n. N. of a town Vsant. kesaravat * = ({ke4s-}) mfn. having a mane S'Br. vi.


ke4sara-vara * = n. saffron L. kesaravarNaH = orange colour kesarin * = mfn. having a mane MBh. i, iii; ({I}) m. a lion MBh. Sus'r. Bhartri. &c.; a horse TBr. Sch.; N. of an aquatic bird Car. i, 27; the plant Rottleria tinctoria L.; the plant Mesua ferrea L.; a citron tree L.; a variety of Moringa with red flowers (= {raktazigru}) L.; N. of a monkey (husband of the mother of Hanumat) MBh. iii, 11193 R. Das'.; N. of a prince Lalit.; of a mountain VP.; ({iNI}) f. a lioness Kaths. lxx, 102. kesava = O killer of the demon Kesi (KRishhNa) ketakii = a fragrant flower ketuu = The south Lunar Node also known as Cauda Draconis in latin. The Dragos tail in English ketu * = m. (fr. 4. {cit}), bright appearance, clearness, brightness (often pl., `" rays of light "') RV. VS. AV.; lamp, flame, torch ib.; day-time S'nkhBr.; (Naigh. iii, 9) apparition, form, shape RV. PrGri.; sign, mark, ensign, flag, banner RV. AV. MBh. &c.; a chief, leader, eminent person RV. R. iv, 28, 18 Ragh. ii, 33 BhP.; intellect, judgment,

discernment (?) RV. v, 66, 4 AV. x, 2, 12; any unusual or striking phenomenon, comet, meteor, falling star AdbhBr. Mn. i, 38 VarBriS. BhP. &c.; the dragos tail or descending node (considered in astron. as the 9th planet, and in mythol. as the body of the demon Sainhikeya [son of Sinhik] which was severed from the head or Rhu by Vishnu at the churning of the ocean, but was rendered immortal by having tasted the Amriita) Hariv. 4259 R. VP.; `" a pigmy race "' see {-gaNa} below; disease L.; an enemy L.; N. of a son of Agni (author of RV. x, 156) RAnukr.; (with the patr. Vjya) VBr.; N. of a Dnava Hariv. 198; of a son (of Riishabha BhP. v, 4, 10; of the 4th Manu, viii, 1, 27); {aruNA4H keta4vaH}, `" red apparitions "', a class of spirits (a kind of sacrificial fire is called after them {AruNaketuka} q.v.) AV. xi, 10, 1 f. and 7 Tr. MBh. xii, 26, 7. kevala = whole, pure * = m. (nom. pl. {e} RV. x, 51, 9) f. ({I} RV. x, 73, 6 AV. S'Br.; {A} Mn. &c. see Pn. 4-1, 30)n. (in comp. Pn. 2-1, 49) exclusively one's own (not common to others) RV. AV.; alone, only, mere, sole, one, excluding others RV. AV. TS. &c.; not connected with anything else, isolated, abstract, absolute [310,1]; simple, pure, uncompounded, unmingled S'Br. &c.; entire, whole, all Mn. MBh. &c.; selfish, envious L.; ({am}) ind. only, merely, solely ({na kevalam} - {api}, not

only-but also Ragh. VP. Rjat.; {kevalam-na tu}, only - but not, S'riingr.) Mn. MBh. &c.; entirely, wholly, absolutely R. ii, 87, 23; but Kd. Hcar.; (= {nirNItam}) certainly, decidedly L.; m. (= {kelaka}) a dancer, tumbler Gal.; N. of a prince BhP. ix, 2, 30; ({A}) f. N. of a locality MBh. iii, 254, 10 (v.l. {lI}); ({I}) f. `" the whole of a philosophical system "' see {pAzaka-k-}; N. of a locality (v.l. for {-lA} q.v.); ({am}) n. the doctrine of the absolute unity of spirit; the highest possible knowledge (= {kevalajJAna}) Jain.; N. of a country (v.l. {kerala}) MBh. vi, 9, 34. kevalaM = (adv) merely kevalaiH = purified kevalin *= mfn. alone , one , only W. ; (%{I}) m. `" devoted to the doctrine of the absolute unity of spirit "' , a meditative ascetic BhP. iv , 25 , 39 ; vi , 5 , 40 ; `" possessing the %{kevala} (%{-jJAna}) "' , an Arhat Jain. keyuura = armlet (bracelet worn on upper arm) kha = sky, aakaasha * = 1 the second consonant of the alphabet (being the aspirate of the preceding consonant; often in MSS. and Inscr. confounded with %{Sa}). // 2 2 m. the sun L. [334,2] // 3

kha 3 n. (%{khan}) a cavity, hollow, cave, cavern, aperture RV.; an aperture of the human body (of which there are nine, viz. the mouth, the two ears, the two eyes, the two nostrils, and the organs of excretion and generation) AV. xiv, 2, 1 and 6 Pra1t. Kat2hUp. Gaut. Mn. &c.; (hence) an organ of sense BhP. viii, 3, 23; (in anat.) the glottis W.; `" the hole made by an arrow "', wound Mn. ix, 43; the hole in the nave of a wheel through which the axis runs RV. S3Br. xiv; vacuity, empty space, air, ether, sky S3Br. xiv Pras3nUp. Mn. xii, 120 &c.; heaven L.; Brahma (the Supreme Spirit) W.; (in arithm.) a cypher Su1ryas. Sa1h.; the Anusva1ra represented by a circle (%{bindu}) L.; N. of the tenth astrological mansion VarBr2.; talc L.; a city L.; a field L.; happiness (a meaning derived fr. %{sukha}, %{duH-kha}) L.; action L.; understanding L.; (%{A4}) f. a fountain, well RV. ii, 28, 5 (%{khA4m@Rta4sya}), cf. Zend {aSahe@khAo}) & vi, 36, 4; [cf. Gk. $; Lat. &103509[334,2] {halo}.] khA mfn. digging (ifc. e.g. %{kUpa-}; %{bisakhA4}) Pa1n2. 3-2, 67. // see %{khan}, p. 337, col. 1. khaata* = mfn. (Pa1n2. 6-4, 42) dug, dug up, excavated RV. iv, 50, 3 AV. S3Br. iii &c.; digged into the earth, buried MBh. xiii, 3089; torn, rent W.; m. a ditch Hcat. i, 3, 921; n. (Naigh. iii, 23) a

ditch, fosse, moat, well, pond S3Br. ix, 4, 3, 9 S3a1n3khS3r. Pan5cat. BhP. &c.; an excavation, cavern; digging a hole W.; (%{A}) f. an artificial pond L. (cf. %{deva-kh-}, %{viSama-kh-}, %{samakh-}, %{sUcI-kh-}.)3 khaatha * = m. (= %{khaTTi}) a bier, cot or bedstead on which dead bodies are conveyed to the pyre L.; (%{A}) f. id. L.; (%{I}) f. id. Gal. khaM = ether khaga = one traversing in the sky, a name of Sun, also birds khagaH = bird (literally the sky-goer, 'khah' meaning sky khagolashaastram.h = astronomy khangaH = (m) sword khangamrigaH = (m) rhinoceros khaJNjaH = (m) a handicapped person, lame khaDga = sword khaDgii = with sword

khaNDa = (masc, neut) piece khaNDana = to pound, cut into pieces, injuring, hurting khaNDapiTaasana = the ankle-twist posture khaNDayati = to grate (as in grating a coconut) khaNDashaskritaH = made into pieces khanati = (1 up) to dig khara = sharp kharadhva.nsii = he who smashed (killed) khara (a Rkshasa) khala = rouge; * (n. g. {ardharcA7di}) a threshingfloor, granary RV. x, 48, 7 AV. S'nkhS'r. &c.; earth, mould, soil L.; place, site L.; m. contest, battle Naigh. Nir.; sediment or dregs of oil Pacat. ii, 53; (= {khaDa}) butter-milk boiled with acid vegetables and spices Sus'r. i, vi; a mischievous man Mriicch. Cn. BhP. Pacat. &c.; the sun L.; Xanthochymus pictorius ({tamAla}) L.; the thornapple L.; ({A}) f. a mischievous woman Amar.; N. of a daughter of Raudra7s'va Hariv. VyuP. ii, 37, 122; ({I}) f. sediment or deposit of oil Car. Bhartri.

ii, 98. khalayoga = The Yoga of a swindler or confidence trickster khalu = (indec.) indeed * =ind. (as a particle of asseveration) indeed, verily, certainly, truly R. S'ak. &c.; (as a continuative particle) now, now then, now further RV. x, 34, 14 TS. &c.; (as a particle in syllogistic speech) but now, = Lat. {atqui} TBr. S'Br. &c.; [{khalu} is only exceptionally found at the beginning of a phrase; it is frequently combined with other particles, thus {a4tha kh-}, {u kh-}, {vai4 kh-}, {kh- vai4}, = now then, now further TS. TBr. S'Br. &c.; in later Sanskriit {khalu} frequently does little more than lay stress on the word by which it is preceded, and is sometimes merely expletive; it is also a particle of prohibition (in which case it may be joined with the ind. p. [{khalu kRtvA}, `" desist from doing that "'] Nir. i, 5 [also {-tam}] Pn. 3-4, 18 S'is'. ii, 70); or of endearment, conciliation, and inquiry L.; {na khalu}, by no means, not at all, indeed not R. &c.] khalvaaTaH = (m) pate, baldness khathvaanga* = ({-vA7G}) m. n. `" a club shaped like the foot of a bedstead "' i.e. a club or staff with a skull at the top (considered as the weapon of S'iva

and carried by ascetics and Yogins) Gaut. VarBriS. Mlatm. v, 4 Kaths.; m. the back-bone Gal.; N. of a plant ib.; wood from a funeral pile W.; N. of a king of the solar line MBh. i, 2109 VP. (v.l. {khaTvA7Ggada}) BhP. ii; xi; (= Dilpa) Hariv. 808 and BhP. ix; N. of an attendant in the retinue of Dev; ({I}) f. N. of a plant Gal.; of a river Hariv. 5329; {-dhara} m. `" staff-bearer "'N. of S'iva BhP. iv, 19, 20; {-dhAra} m. id. Hariv. 10680; {nAmikA} f. `" named after the {khaTvA7Gga} "'N. of a plant (resembling Plectranthus) L.; {-bhRt} mfn. one who bears the {khaTvA7Gga} staff Mn. xi, 105 Sch.; ({t}) m. N. of S'iva L.; {-vana} n. N. of a forest Hariv. 4171; {-zUlin} mfn. bearing the weapons called {kh-} and {zUla} Hcat. khANDava * = {as}, {am} m. n. sugar-candy, sugarplums, sweetmeats MBh. xiii R. i, vii; N. of a forest in Kuru-kshetra (sacred to Indra and burnt by the god of fire aided by Arjuna and Kriishna MBh. Hariv. BhP. i, 15, 8 Kaths.) TndyaBr. xxv, 3 Tr.; ({I}) f. N. of a town built by Sudars'ana L. khaadat.h = one who eats khaadati = (1 pp) to eat khidira: * a pauper, an ascetic, pentinent, the moon, name of Indra

khinna = sad khe = in the sky *= loc. of 3. %{kha4}, in comp. khecharii = mudra where the tongue is inserted in the upper cavity kheda * = m. lassitude, depression R. &c.; exhaustion, pain, affliction, distress Pan5cat. &c.; sexual passion Pat. Introd. on Va1rtt. 1; (%{khe4dA}) f. an instrument for splitting (belonging to Indra) RV. viii, 72, 8; 77, 3; x, 116, 4; N. of a locality Ra1jat. ii, 135. kheDa * = (g. %{azvA7di} Ka1s3.) for %{kheTa}, a village Jain. (cf. %{gandha-kh-}.) khethaH = (m) shield kheda = sorrow * = kheda m. lassitude, depression R. &c.; exhaustion, pain, affliction, distress Pacat. &c.; sexual passion Pat. Introd. on Vrtt. 1; ({khe4dA}) f. an instrument for splitting (belonging to Indra) RV. viii, 72, 8; 77, 3; x, 116, 4; N. of a locality Rjat. ii, 135. khyaata = famous khyaatii = an outlook of knowledge, fame

khrista = Christ khristaabde = A. D., calendar year khristi = Christian ki* = 2 cl. 3. P. {cike4ti}. see {ci}. \\ki* = m. n. an ant-hill L. \\ 1 a pronominal base, like 2. {ka4} and 1. {ku}, in the words {ki4m}, {ki4yat}, {kis}, {kIdRkSa}, {kI-dR4z}, {kI-dRza}, {kI4vat}. kiila * = m. (ifc. f. %{A}), a sharp piece of wood, stake, pin, peg, bolt, wedge, &c. MBh. &c.; a post, post in a cow-house to which cows are fastened, pillar L.; a gnomon L.; handle, brace Sus3r.; the elbow VP.; a kind of tumour (having the form of a stake) Sus3r.; a position of the foetus impeding delivery Sus3r.; N. of the inner syllables of a Mantra Ra1matUp.; N. of Vi7ta-ra1ga Mahe7s3a (= %{kIle7zvara}); = %{bandha} Comm. on VS. ii, 34; a weapon L.; flame, lambent flame L.; a minute particle L.; a blow with the elbow (= %{kilA}) L.; (%{A}) f. a stake, pin L.; the elbow L.; a weapon L.; flame L.; a minute particle L.; a blow with the elbow (or `" a blow in copulation "') Va1tsya1y.; (%{am}) n. (= %{kIna}), flesh Gal. kiilaa4la * =m. a sweet beverage (also a heavenly drink similar to Amriita, the food of the gods) AV.

VS. Kaus'. [285, 3]; ({a4m}) n. id. Naigh. ii, 7; blood Prab.; water L. kiilaka * =m. a pin, bolt, wedge Pacat. Hit.; a splint (for confining a broken bone) Sus'r.; a kind of tumour (having the form of a pin) L.; (= {zivaka}) a kind of pillar for cows &c. to rub themselves against, or one to which they are tied L.; N. of the forty-second year of the sixty years "' cycle of Jupiter VarBriS.; ({As}) m. pl.N. of certain Ketus ib.; ({ikA}) f. a pin, bolt Pacat. Hcat.; ({am}) n. N. of the inner syllables of a Mantra. kiilana * =n. fastening, staking. kiirtayantaH = chanting kiirtiM = reputation kiirtiH = fame kiirtii = fame kiitha* = m. (ifc. f. {A} Hcat.) a worm, insect S'Br. xiv s'vS'r. &c.; the scorpion in the zodiac VarBriS.; (ifc.) an expression of contempt (cf. {zUra-k-}) Mcar.; ({I}) f. a worm, insect L.; ({am}) n. id. L.; (= {kiTTa}) feces L.


kiidrishii = how kiila * = m. (ifc. f. {A}), a sharp piece of wood, stake, pin, peg, bolt, wedge, &c. MBh. &c.; a post, post in a cow-house to which cows are fastened, pillar L.; a gnomon L.; handle, brace Sus'r.; the elbow VP.; a kind of tumour (having the form of a stake) Sus'r.; a position of the foetus impeding delivery Sus'r.; N. of the inner syllables of a Mantra RmatUp.; N. of Vi7ta-rga Mahe7s'a (= {kIle7zvara}); = {bandha} Comm. on VS. ii, 34; a weapon L.; flame, lambent flame L.; a minute particle L.; a blow with the elbow (= {kilA}) L.; ({A}) f. a stake, pin L.; the elbow L.; a weapon L.; flame L.; a minute particle L.; a blow with the elbow (or `" a blow in copulation "') Vtsyy.; ({am}) n. (= {kIna}), flesh Gal. kiina* = n. flesh L. (cf. {kIra}.) kiirt.h = to tell kilakila * = m. N. of S'iva MBh. xii, 10365; ({As}) m. pl.N. of a Yavana tribe VP. (cf. {kilikila}); ({A}) f. (an onomatopoetic word), sounds or cries expressing joy, or the expression of joy by any sound or cry MBh. R. Mcar. Blar. kilakilaaya * =Nom. P. . {-yati}, {-yate}, to raise

sounds expressing joy Bhathth. vii, 102 Krand.; to cry, give a shriek Krand. [284, 2] kilaatha * =m. inspissated milk Hariv. (v.l. {kilAda}) Sus'r. Bhpr.; ({I}) f. id. L. kila * =1 m. play, trifling L. \\2 ind. (a particle of asseveration or emphasis) indeed, verily, assuredly RV. AV. &c.; (or of explanation) namely S'Br. &c.; `" so said "' `" so reported "', pretendedly VarBriS. Kd.; ({kila} is preceded by the word on which it lays stress, and occurs very rarely at the beginning of a sentence or verse [R. iv, 14, 14 Pacat. lxxxix, 4]; according to native lexicographers {kila} may be used in communicating intelligence, and may imply `" probably "', `" possibly "', `" agreement "', `" dislike "', `" falsehood "', `" inaccuracy "', and `" reason. "') kila * =3 m. N. of a man Pravar. kilbishaM = sinful reactions kilbishhaH = all of whose sins kilbishhaiH = from sins kim = what* = is much used as a particle of interrogation like the Lat. {num}, {an}, sometimes

translatable by `" whether? "' but oftener serving only like a note of interrogation to mark a question (e.g. {kiM vyAdhA vane 'smin saMcaranti}, `" do hunters roam about in this wood? "' In an interrogation the verb, if uncompounded with a preposition, generally retains its accent after {kim} Pn. 8-1, 44). To this sense may be referred the {kim} expressing inferiority, deficiency, &c. at the beginning of compounds (e.g. {kiM-rAjan}, what sort of king? i.e. a bad king Pn. 2-1, 64; v, 4, 70); also the {kim} prefixed to verbs with a similar meaning (e.g. {kim-adhI7te}, he reads badly Pn. 8-1, 44 Ks'.) {kim-uta}, or {kim-uta-vA} or {kimathavA-uta}, whether-or-or R. S'ak. Bhartri. &c. (cf. {uta4}.) \\= is very frequently connected with other particles, as follows: {ki4m aGga4}, wherefore then? RV.; {atha kim} see {a4tha}; {kim api}, somewhat, to a considerable extent, rather, much more, still further S'ak. Megh. &c.; {kim iti}, why? S'ak. Kum. Pacat. &c.; {kim-iva}, what for? S'is'. xvi, 31; {ki4m-u} or {ki4m-uta4} how much more? how much less? RV. S'Br. MBh. &c.; {kiM kila}, what a pity! (expressing dissatisfaction) Pn. 3-3, 146; {kiM-ca}, moreover, further Pacat. Kaths. &c.; what more (expressing impatience) S'ak.; {kiM-cana} (originally {-ca na}, negative = `" in no way "'), to a certain degree, a little Kaths.; (with a negation) in no way, not at all MBh. i, 6132; {kiM-cid}, somewhat, a little MBh. R. &c.; {kiM tarhi}, how then? but, however Pn. 2-2, 4 Pat.; iv,

1, 163, Kas'.; {kiM-tu}, but, however, nevertheless (bearing the same relation to {tu} that {kiM-ca} bears to {ca}) MBh. R. &c.; {kiM-nu}, whether indeed? (a stronger interrogative than {kim} alone) MBh. R. &c.; how much more? how much less? Bhag. i, 35; {kiM nu khalu}, how possibly? (a still stronger interrogative) S'ak.; {kim punar}, how much more? how much less? R. Bhag. ix, 33 &c.; however Blar.; but ib.; {kiM vA}, whether? or whether? S'ak. Pacat. &c.; or (often a mere particle of interrogation); {ki4M svid}, why? Kaths. xxvi, 75; a stronger interrogative than {kim} alone RV. MBh. Kaths. kiM* = 1 (in comp. for {ki4m}). kim* = (in comp.) kiim* = ind. see {A4-kIm}, {mA4-kIm}. kiM tu* = or though - still kiM tu* = still, nevertheless kiMkartavyataamuuDhaH = (m) confused, bewildered kiina* = n. flesh L. (cf. {kIra}.)


kiinaara* = m. (perhaps = {kInA4za}) a cultivator of the soil [`" a vile man "' Sy.] RV. x, 106, 10. kiinaas'a* = m. ({kliz} Un. v, 56) a cultivator of the soil RV. iv, 57, 8 VS. xxx, 11 AV. &c.; niggard MBh.; Das. BhP. Kaths.; N. of Yama Naish. vi, 75 Blar.; (= {kIza}) a kind of monkey L.; a kind of Rkshasa L.; (mfn.), killing animals (or `" killing secretly "') L. kiikatha * = m. N. of a son of Riishabha BhP. v, 4, 10; of a son of Sankatha BhP. vi, 6, 6; a horse (perhaps originally a horse of the Kkathas) L.; ({As}) m. pl.N. of a people not belonging to the ryan race RV. iii, 53, 14 BhP.; (mfn.), poor L.; avaricious L. kiNavat* = mfn. id. MBh. iv, 633 and 639. kiNa* = m. a corn, callosity MBh. Mriicch. S'ak. &c.; a scar, cicatrix Bhpr.: Hcar.; an insect found in wood L. kiinaasha* = m. ({kliz} Un. v, 56) a cultivator of the soil RV. iv, 57, 8 VS. xxx, 11 AV. &c.; niggard MBh.; Das. BhP. Kaths.; N. of Yama Naish. vi, 75 Blar.; (= {kIza}) a kind of monkey L.; a kind of Rkshasa L.; (mfn.), killing animals (or `" killing secretly "') L.

kinkiNii = (f) ghungroo kicha *V moreover, some more, anything, whatever. kichana = any kichit.h = a few, very little, something, nothing, whatever, anything, some, at all. kintu = but kimuu = how come ? kiriithin * mfn. decorated with a diadem MBh. &c.; ({I}) m. N. of Indra MBh. i, 1525; xiii, 765; of Arjuna MBh. Bhag. Pacat.; of Nara [according to the Comm.] MBh. i; of an attendant of Skanda MBh. ix, 2573; of an attendant of S'iva Comm. on Kum. vii, 95. kiraNa = ray kirati = (6 pp) to scatter kiriTam.h = (n) crown kiriTi + {i} n. the fruit of the marshy date tree (Phoenix paludosa) L.

kiriiTin.h = Arjuna kiriiTinaM = with helmets kitava *= m. (g. {zauNDA7di} [also {vyAghrA7di}, but not in Ks'. and Ganar.]) a gamester, gambler RV. VS. AV. &c.; a cheat, fraudulent man BhP. viii, 20, 3 Megh. Amar.; (also ifc. e.g. {yAjJika-k-} Pn. 2-1, 53 Ks'.); (= {matta}) a crazy person L.; thornapple (cf. {dhUrta} and {unmatta}) L.; a kind of perfume (commonly Rocana) Bhpr.; N. of a man g. {tikA7di}, {utkarA7di}, {azvA7di}; ({As}) m. N. of a people MBh. ii, 1832; ({I}) f. a female gambler s'vGri. kiithaavapanna* = mfn. anything on which an insect has fallen Kapishthh. MnS'r. (cf. {kezakITA7vapatita}.) kindhin* = {I} m. a horse L. (v.]. for {kilkin}). kiNa* = m. a corn, callosity MBh. Mriicch. S'ak. &c.; a scar, cicatrix Bhpr.: Hcar.; an insect found in wood L. kinaatha* = n. the inner part of a tree S'Br. xiv. kiNakrita* = mfn. (for {kRta-kiNa}) callous MBh. iv, 53

kicit = SB: anything, something, sometimes, somewhat, slightly, very little, some.; (na-):nothing kindhin* = {I} m. a horse L. (v.]. for {kilkin}) kiNva* = [{as} m. L] n. ferment, drug or seed used to produce fermentation in the manufacture of spirits from sugar, bassia, &c. p. Mn. viii, 326 Sus'r. (cf. {taNDula-k-}); ({am}) n. sin Un. i, 150. kishora = son kishorii = daughter krti * = f. (Pn. 3-3, 97; fr. 2. {kR}) mention, making mention of, speech, report RV. x, 54, 1 AV. S'Br. &c.; good report, fame, renown, glory AV. S'Br. TUp. Mn. &c. [285, 2]; Fame (personified as daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma) MBh. Hariv. VP.; (in music) a particular measure or time; extension, expansion L.; lustre L.; = {prasAda} (favour) or {prAsAda} (a palace) L.; (fr. 1. {kRR}), dirt L.; N. of one of the Mtriiks (or personified divine energies of Kriishna) L.; ({is}) m. N. of a son of Dharma-netra VP. kitha* = m. a kind of ape kiyat * = mfn. (fr. 1. %{ki} Pa1n2. 5-2, 40; vi, 3, 90),

how great? how large? how far? how much? of what extent? of what qualities? RV. AV. &c. (Ved. loc. %{ki4yAti} with following %{A4}, how long ago? since what time? RV. i, 113, 10; ii, 30, 1; %{kiyaty@adhvani}, at what distance? how far off? MBh. xiv, 766; %{kiyad@etad}, of what importance is this to (gen.) Katha1s. iii, 49; %{tena@kiyAn@arthah}, what profit arises from that? BhP.; %{kiyac@ciram} ind. how long? Katha1s.; %{kiyac@cireNa}, in how long a time? how soon? S3ak.; %{kiyad@dUre}, how far? Pan5cat. lii, 4; %{kiyad@rodimi}, what is the use of my weeping? Ka1d.; %{kiyad@asubhis}, what is the use of living? BhP. i, 13, 22); little, small, unimportant, of small value (often in comp., e.g. %{kiyad-vakra}, a little bent Comm. on Ya1jn5.; %{kiyad@api}, how large or how far soever Pan5cat.; %{yA4vat@ki4yac@ca}, how large or how much soever, of what qualities soever AV. viii, 7, 13 S3Br.); (%{ki4yat}) ind. how far? how much? how? RV. AV. S3Br.; a little Pan5cat. Hit. klaibyaM = impotence klama m. fatigue, exhaustion, languor, weariness MBh. S3ak. iii, 18 Sus3r. BhP.; (ifc. Mn. &c.; f. %{A} MBh. Nal.) klinna = wet

klaibya* = n. impotence TS. ii Sus3r. Hit.; unmanliness, weakness, timidity, cowardice MBh. R. BhP. Hit.; weakness (as of a lotus leaf) Ragh. xii, 86; the neuter gender W. kledayanti = moistens kles'a = (masc) distress kles'aH = trouble * = m. pain, affliction, distress, pain from disease, anguish S'vetUp. Mn. Yj. MBh. &c.; (in Yoga phil. five Kles'as are named, viz. {a-vidyA}, `" ignorance "', {asmi-tA}, egotism "', {rAga}, `" desire "', {dveSa}, `" aversion "', and {abhiniveza}, tenacity of mundane existence "' Yogas. Prab. Sarvad.; the Buddhists reckon ten, viz. three of the body [murder, theft, adultery], four of speech [lying, slander, abuse, unprofitable conversation], three of the mind [covetousness, malice, scepticism] Buddh. Sarvad.); wrath, anger L.; worldly occupation, care, trouble (= {vyavasAya}) L. klid *= cl. 4. %{klidyati} (rarely A1. %{-te} Vet.) , to be or become wet or damp Sus3r. Bhat2t2. Hit. ; to rot , putrefy Car. vi , 30: Caus. P. %{kledayati} , to bedew , wet , moisten Bhag. ii , 23 Sus3r. i , 6 , 3 ; iii , 5 , 1 ; (aor. %{aciklidat}) Bhat2t2. xv , 48 ; `" to soil "' see %{kledita}.

ko.api = whosoever ko.ahaM = who am I koustubha = gem named Kostubha kokila = the cuckoo koshthha * = m. (%{kuS}?; probably related to %{kukSi4} and %{ko4za}), any one of the viscera of the body (particularly the stomach, abdomen) MBh. Sus3r. &c. [314,3]; (%{as} L.; %{am}) m. n. a granary, store-room MBh. BhP. (ifc. f. %{A}); a treasury W.; m. an inner apartment L.; the shell of anything W.; a kind of pan, pot Kaus3. Pat. Car. Bhpr.; property (or mfn. `" own "') L.; night L.; (%{am}) n. a surrounding wall BhP. iv, 28, 57; any enclosed space or area, chess square VarBr2S. liii, 42 Hcat. Tithya1d. Ka1tyS3r. Sch. koTi = (fem) extreme corner/edge koTibhaaga = (masc) edge portion koTii = 1 crore, 10 million see also arbuda koTi * = f. the curved end of a bow or of claws, &c., end or top of anything, edge or point (of a sword), horns or cusps (of the moon) MBh. &c.; the highest

point, eminence, excellence Pacat. Ratna7v. Sarvad.; `" a point or side in an argument or disputation "', (if there are two) `" alternative "' see {-dvaya} below; the highest number in the older system of numbers (viz. a Krore or ten millions) Mn. Yj. MBh. &c.; the complement of an arc to 90 degrees; the perpendicular side of a rightangled triangle Sryas.; Medicago esculenta L. koNaH = (m) angle, corner of a room koNe = (adv) in the corner kona = an angle kopa = anger kopavatii = when angry kopaaya 8 = Nom. . {-yate}, to rage (as a passion) kopita = angered kolaahala = (masc) uproar kosha = body or sheath kos'a * = m. (n. L.; in class. literature {koza}, or {koSa}; fr. {kuz} or {kuS}?, related to {kukSi4} and

{koSTha}?), a cask, vessel for holding liquids, (metaphorically) cloud RV. AV. Sus'r.; a pail, bucket RV.; a drinking-vessel, cup L.; a box, cupboard, drawer, trunk RV. vi, 47, 23 AV. xix, 72, 1 S'Br.; the interior or inner part of a carriage RV.; (ifc.) MBh. viii, 1733; a sheath, scabbard, &c. MBh. R. VarBriS.; a case, covering, cover AV. ChUp. MundUp. TUp. PrGri. BhP.; store-room, store, provisions Mn. MBh. &c.; a treasury, apartment where money or plate is kept, treasure, accumulated wealth (gold or silver, wrought or unwrought, as plate, jewellery, &c.) ib.; (in surg.) a kind of bandage Sus'r.; a dictionary, lexicon or vocabulary; a poetical collection, collection of sentences &c. Kvya7d. i, 13 Sh.; a bud, flowercup, seed-vessel (cf. {bIja-}) R. Ragh. BhP. Dhrtas.; the sheath or integument of a plant, pod, nut-shell MrkP.; a nutmeg L.; the inner part of the fruit of Artocarpus integrifolia and of similar fruits L.; the cocoon of a silk-worm Yj. iii, 147 Veda7ntas.; the membrane covering an egg (in the womb) Sus'r. VarBri. MrkP.; the vulva L.; a testicle or the scrotum Sus'r. VarBriS.; the penis W.; an egg L.; (in Veda7nta phil.) a term for the three sheaths or succession of cases which make up the various frames of the body enveloping the soul (these are, 1. the {Ananda-maya k-} or `" sheath of pleasure "', forming the {kAraNa-zarIra} or `" causal frame "'; 2. the {vijJAna-maya} or {buddhim-} or {mano-m-} or {prA7Na-m- k-}, `" the

sheath of intellect or will or life "', forming the {sUkSma-zarIra} or `" subtile frame "'; 3. the {anna-m- k-}, `" the sheath of nourishment "', forming the {sthUla-zarIra} or `" gross frame "') Veda7ntas.; (ifc.) a ball or globe (e.g. {sUtra-}, a ball of thread L.; {netra-}, the eye-ball R. iii, 79, 28); the water used at an ordeal or judicial trial (the defendant drinks thrice of it after some idol has been washed in it) Yj. ii, 95; an oath Rjat. v, 325; a cup used in the ratification of a treaty of peace ({-zaM-pA}, to drink from that cup) Rjat. vii, 8; 75; 460 and 493; viii, 283; N. of a conjunction of planets VarBriS.; of the 2nd astrological mansion, Var Yogay.; (with Buddh.) of a collection of Gth verses Krand. Hcar.; ({A}) f. N. of a river MBh. vi, 9, 34; of a courtesan HParis'. viii, 8; ({I}) f. `" a bud "' see {arka-}; a seedvessel L.; the beard of corn L.; a shoe, sandal L.; a kind of perfume Gal.; an iron ploughshare ib.; [cf. {ko4kkos}.] koshhaH = (m) pocket koshthha *V =, warehouse, place where foodgrains are stocked, {-gatam} situated in the whomb *= m. (%{kuS}? ; probably related to %{kukSi4} and %{ko4za}) , any one of the viscera of the body (particularly the stomach , abdomen) MBh. Sus3r. &c. [314,3] ; (%{as} L. ; %{am}) m. n. a granary ,

store-room MBh. BhP. (ifc. f. %{A}) ; a treasury W. ; m. an inner apartment L. ; the shell of anything W. ; a kind of pan , pot Kaus3. Pat. Car. Bhpr. ; property (or mfn. `" own "') L. ; night L. ; (%{am}) n. a surrounding wall BhP. iv , 28 , 57 ; any enclosed space or area , chess square VarBr2S. liii , 42 Hcat. Tithya1d. Ka1tyS3r. Sch. kraamat * = mfn. (pr. p. P.) walking , going , &c. krakachaH = (m) a saw krama * =m. a step AV. x, 5, 25 ff. TS. iii MBh. &c.; going, proceeding, course (cf. {kAla-k-}) Mriicch. Pacat. Mlatm. Hit.; the way R. ii, 25, 2; a position taken (by an animal &c.) before making a spring or attacking Pacat. Bhathth. ii, 9; the foot MBh. iii, 14316; uninterrupted or regular progress, order, series, regular arrangement, succession (e.g. {varNa-krameNa}, `" in the order of the castes "' Mn. viii, 24 and ix, 85) AV. viii, 9, 10 RPrt. xv, 5 KtyS'r. R. &c.; hereditary descent Yj. ii, 119; method, manner (e.g. {yena krameNa}, in which manner R. ii, 26, 20; {tad-anusaraNa-krameNa}, so as to go on following him Hit.); diet Car. vi, 13; custom, rule sanctioned by tradition MrkP. xxiii, 112; ({kramaM} 1. {kR}, `" to follow that rule "') Nyyam.; occasion, cause (with gen. or ifc.) Kaths. xviii, 380 Hit.; `" progressing step by step "', a

peculiar manner or method of reading and writing Vedic texts (so called because the reading proceeds from the 1st member, either word or letter, to the 2nd, then the 2nd is repeated and connected with the 3rd, the 3rd repeated and connected with the 4 h, and so on; this manner of reading in relation to words is called {pada-} [TPrt. ii, 12], in relation to conjunct consonants {varNa-} [ib.]) Prt.; the words or letters themselves when combined or arranged in the said manner ib.; (in dram.) attainment of the object desired (or accord. to others `" noticing of any one's affection "') Das'ar. i, 36 f. Sh. Pratpar.; (in rhet.) a kind of simile (in which the comparisons exhibited correspond to each other in regular succession) Vm. iv, 3, 17; power, strength L.; ({eNa}, {At}) instr. abl. ind. in regular course, gradually, by degrees R. Pacat. Ragh. &c.; according to order or rank or series Mn. Ragh. &c. kramatas * = ind. gradually , successively ; in order. kratavaH = good deeds; sacrifices kratuH = Vedic ritual kraamati = to cross


krandas * = {as} n. battle-cry RV. viii, 38, 1; ({asI}) du. two contending armies shouting defiance [`" heaven and earth "' Sy.] RV. ii, 12, 8; vi, 25, 4; x, 121, 6. krandana * = m. `" crier "', a cat L.; ({am}) n. crying out, calling; mutual daring or defiance, challenging L.; lamenting, weeping Pacat. Hit. krau.ncha = a mountain said to be pierced by Kartikeya krau.nchapati = kArtikeya krauJNcha = a heron krauJNchaasana = the heron posture kri = to do krichchhara = difficult kRcchrataa * = f. painful or dangerous state (especially in disease) Sus'r. kricchra*= diffculty, hardship causing trouble or pain, painful, attended with pain or labour; being in a difficult or painful situation; bad, evil, wicked, miserably, painfully, with difficulty, trouble,

labour, hardship, calamity, pain, danger, the difficulties of living in a forest;, in difficulties, in a miserable situation, danger of life; bodily mortification, austerity, penance; a particular kind of religious penance; with difficulty, with great exertion, painfully, hardly, scarcely krIDana *= m. `" playing "'N. of the wind Gal. ; (%{am}.) n. playing , play , sporting , &c. R. BhP. Hit. kriDa(ti) = (1 pp) to play. to sport, anusement, amourous play kRD * =v.l. for 1. {kUD} q.v. kri4dara * =n. a store-room VS. xxix, 1 (Nir. iii, 20); m. id. Un. v, 41. kridhu4 * =mfn. shortened, mutilated, small, deficient RV. iv, 5, 14 VS. xxiii, 28; (superl. {kradhiSTha} and compar. {kradhIyas}) Kthh. kridhu4-ka4rNa * =mfn. having short ears (as a sort of imp) AV. xi, 9, 7 and 10, 7; hearing badly RV. x, 27, 5. kridhuka * =mfn. = {kRdhu4} Naigh. iii, 2 (v.l.)


krid-anta * =m. a word ending with a Kriit affix (such a word would be called by Pn. simply {kRt}). kriiDati = plays kriiDaa = play kriiDaanaka = (n) a toy kriiDaaluH = (m) sportsman kriita* = mfn. bought, purchased S'Br. Mn. &c.; purchased from his natural parents (as a son; one of the twelve kinds of sons acknowledged by the ancient Hind law) Mn. ix, 160; won by (instr.) S'ak. iii (v.l.); ifc. (with the purchase-price; f. {I}) Pn. 4-1, 50; vi, 2, 151; (f. also {A}) Siddh.; ({a4s}) m. N. of a man MaitrS. iv, 2, 6; ({As}) m. pl. a sort of despised caste W.; ({am}) n. a bargain Comm. on Yj. ii, 6. krikalaasa * m. a lizard, chameleon MaitrS. VS. S'Br. &c. krikara = one of the vital airs, causes coughing and sneezing krimi * = or {kri4mi} m. (fr. {kram} Un.), a worm,

insect VS. TS. AV. S'Br. Mn. &c.; `" a spider "' (see {-tantu-jAla}); a silk-worm L.; a shieldlouse L.; an ant L.; lac (red dye caused by insects) L.; N. of a son (of Us'nara Hariv. 1676 ff.; of Bhajamna Hariv. 2002); of an Asura (brother of Rvana) L.; of a Nga-rja Buddh. L.; ({is}) f. N. of the wife of Us'nara and mother of Kriimi Hariv. 1675 and VP. (v.l. {kRmI}); N. of a river MBh. vi, 9, 17; [cf. Lith. {kirminis}, {kirmele}; Russ. {c8ervj}; Hib. {cruimh}; Cambro-Brit. {pryv}; Goth. {vaurms}; Lat. {vermi-s} for {quermi-s}.] krimii * = f. N. of the wife of Us'nara = {kRmi} q.v. krintati = (6 pp) to cut krintana * = n. cutting, cutting off, dividing BhP. iii, 30, 28 and vi, 2, 46 (cf. %{tantu-}, %{ziraH-}.) kriNva.ntaH = that person who is doing kripaalu* = mfn. pitiful, compassionate (with gen.) MBh. BhP. Das'. kripaNa * = 1 mf({A4}; {I} g. {bahv-Adi})n. (ganas {zreNyAdi} and {sukhA7di} Pn. 8-2, 18 Pat.) inclined to grieve, pitiable, miserable, poor, wretched, feeble S'Br. xi, xiv MBh. &c.; resulting from tears AV. xi, 8, 28; low, vile W.; miserly,

stingy Pacat. Hit.; m. a poor man VarBriS.; a scraper, niggard Pacat. S'rngP.; a worm L.; N. of a man VP.; ({am}) ind. miserably, pitiably MBh. Pacat. Das'.; ({kRpa4Nam}) n. wretchedness, misery RV. x, 99, 9 AitBr. vii, 13 S'nkhS'r. Mn. iv, 185 &c.; ({sa-kRpaNam}, `" miserably, pitiably "'), S'ntis'. (cf. {kArpaNya}.) kripaNa * = 12 Nom. . (3. pl. {kRpa4Nanta}) to long for, desire RV. x, 74, 3. kripaaNa * = 1m. (Pn. 7-2, 18 Pat.) a sword Das'. Prab.; a sacrificial knife W.; ({I}) f. a pair of scissors, dagger, knife Kd. (cf. {ajAkRpANIya}.) kripaH = Krpa kripa* = m. N. of a man (described as a friend of Indra) RV. viii, 3, 12 and 4, 2; m. and ({I}) f. N. of the son and daughter of the sage S'aradvat (who performed severe penance; the jealous Indra therefore sent a nymph to tempt him, but without success; however, twin sons were born to the sage in a clump of grass [{zara-stambe}], who were found by king S'ntanu and out of pity [{kRpA}] taken home and reared; the daughter, Kriip, married Drona, and had by him a son called As'vatthman; the son, Kriipa, became one of the council at Hastinpura, and is sometimes called

Gautama, sometimes S'radvata; according to Hariv. and VP., Kriipa and Kriip were only distant descendants of S'aradvat; according to others, Kriipa = Vysa or = a son of Kriishna) MBh. &c.; ({A}) f. see s.v. below. kripaa* = f. (g. {bhidA7di}) pity, tenderness, compassion (with gen. or loc.; {kRpAM-kR}, to pity [with loc.] Nal. xvii R.) MBh. &c.; N. of a river (v.l. {rUpA}) VP. kripaNa = adj. niggardly kRpaNa * = 1 mf({A4}; {I} g. {bahv-Adi})n. (ganas {zreNyAdi} and {sukhA7di} Pn. 8-2, 18 Pat.) inclined to grieve, pitiable, miserable, poor, wretched, feeble S'Br. xi, xiv MBh. &c.; resulting from tears AV. xi, 8, 28; low, vile W.; miserly, stingy Pacat. Hit.; m. a poor man VarBriS.; a scraper, niggard Pacat. S'rngP.; a worm L.; N. of a man VP.; ({am}) ind. miserably, pitiably MBh. Pacat. Das'.; ({kRpa4Nam}) n. wretchedness, misery RV. x, 99, 9 AitBr. vii, 13 S'nkhS'r. Mn. iv, 185 &c.; ({sa-kRpaNam}, `" miserably, pitiably "'), S'ntis'. (cf. {kArpaNya}.) \\ kRpaNa Nom. . (3. pl. {kRpa4Nanta}) to long for, desire kRpaaNa* m. (Pn. 7-2, 18 Pat.) a sword Das'. Prab.; a sacrificial knife W.; ({I}) f. a pair of

scissors, dagger, knife Kd. (cf. {ajAkRpANIya}.) kripaNaaH = misers kripayaa = please kripayaa.apaare = out of boundless compassion kripaa = compassion kripaachhaayaa = care, protection krish * = 1 cl. 1. P. {ka4rSati}, rarely . {-te} (perf. {cakarSa}, 2. sg. {-Sitha} Pn. 7-2, 62 Ks'.; fut. {karkSyati} or {krakSy-}; {kRSiSy-} DivyA7v. xvii; {karSTA} or {kraSTA} Pn. 7-2, 10 Ks'.; aor. {akRkSat} [or {akArkSIt}] or {akrAkSIt}, iii, 1, 44 Vrtt. 7; inf. {kraSTum}), to draw, draw to one's self, drag, pull, drag away, tear RV. AV. S'Br. &c.; to lead or conduct (as an army) MBh.; to bend (a bow) Ragh. v, 50; to draw into one's power, become master of, overpower Mn. ii, 215 MBh. iv, 20 R. Pacat.; to obtain Mn. iii, 66; to take away anything (acc.) from any one (acc.) Vop. v, 8; to draw or make furrows, plough RV. viii, 22, 6 Lthy. v, 1, 4 Vait. (.) R. iii, 4, 12 BhP. (ind. p. {kRSTvA}): cl. 6. P. . {kRSa4ti}, {-te} (p. {kRSa4t}), to draw or make furrows, plough RV. AV. TS. S'Br. &c.; . to obtain by ploughing AV. xii,

2, 16; to travel over MBh. iii, 16021: Caus. {karSayati}, to draw, drag RV. x, 119, 11 (aor. 1. sg. {acikRSam}) R. Mriicch.; to draw or tear out MBh. iii, 2307; to pull to and fro, cause pain, torture, torment Mn. MBh. &c.; `" to plough "' see {karSita}: Intens. (pr. p. and Subj. 3. sg. {ca4rkRSat}; impf. 3. pl. {acarkRSur}) to plough RV. AV.; {carIkRSyate} or Ved. {karIk-}, to plough repeatedly Pn. 7-4, 64; [cf. Lith. {karszu}, {pleszau}; Russ. {c8eshu}; Lat. {verro}, {vello}; Goth. {falh}.] krisha = weak krishaH = (adj) thin krishati = (6 pp) to plough krishhakaH = (m) farmer krishhi = plowing krishhiivalaH = (m) farmer Krishna = 1. (n) the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krishna = 2. (n) the Cause of All Causes


krishhNa = the eighth incarnation of Vishnu i.e. Krishna krishhNa-paksha = Dark half of lunar month, also known as vadyapaksha krishhNaM = unto KRishhNa krishhNaH = the fortnight of the dark moon krishNa-saara* = mf({I})n. chiefly black, black and white (as the eye), spotted black Nal. R. Vikr. Hcat. &c.; m. (with or without {mRga}) the spotted antelope Mn. ii, 23 S'ak. Megh. &c.; Dalbergia Sissoo L.; Euphorbia antiquorum L.; Acacia Catechu L.; ({A}) f. Dalbergia Sissoo L.; Euphorbia antiquorum L.; the eyeball Nyyad.; {-mukha} n. N. of a particular position of the hand PSarv. krishhNaajinaambarau = )two) persons wearing the deer-skin as clothes krishhNaat.h = from KRishhNa krishhNaasana = the Krishna posture krishhNe = and darkness krit.h = the man who did (the destruction of

raakshasa kula) krita = Done*=1 mfn. done, made, accomplished, performed RV. AV. &c.; prepared, made ready ib.; obtained, gained, acquired, placed at hand AV. iii, 24, 5; well done, proper, good S'Br. iv; cultivated Mn. x, 114; appointed (as a duty) Yj. ii, 186; relating or referring to Yj. ii, 210; m. N. of one of the Vis've Devs MBh. xiii, 4356; of a son of Vasudeva BhP. ix, 24, 45; of a son of Sannati and pupil of Hiranya-nbha Hariv. 1080 BhP. xii, 6, 80; of a son of Kriita-ratha and father of Vibudha VP.; of a son of Jaya and father of Haryavana BhP. ix, 17, 17; of a son of Cyavana and father of Upari-cara VyuP.; ({am}) n. (with {saha} or with instr.) `" done with "', away with, enough of, no need of, &c. (e.g. {kRtaM saMdehena}, away with doubt S'ak.; {k- parihAsena}, enough of joking ib.); the past tense AitBr. v, 1; ({a4m}) n. deed, work, action RV. AV. S'vetUp. Mn. &c.; service done, kind action, benefit (cf. {kRta-jJa} and {-ghna}) MBh. v, 1692 Pacat.; magic, sorcery SmavBr.; consequence, result L.; aim Vop. i, 2; stake at a game RV. AV.; prize or booty gained in battle ib.; N. of the die or of the side of a die marked with four points or dots (this is the lucky or winning die) VS. xxx, 18 TS. S'Br. &c.; (also the collective N. of the four dice in opposition to the fifth die called {kali} Comm. on VS. x, 28); (hence) the number `" four "' VarBriS.

Sryas.; N. of the first of the four ages of the world (also called {satya} or `" the golden age "', comprehending together with the morning and evening dawn 4800 years of men [Mn. MBh. Hariv.] or according to the later conception [BhP. &c. Comm. on Mn. i, 69] 4800 years of the gods or 1, 728, 000 years of men); ({e}) loc. ind. on account of, for the sake of, for (with gen. or ifc. e.g. {mama kRte} or {mat-kRte}, on my account, for me) Yj. i, 216 MBh. R. &c.; ({ena}) instr. ind. id. MBh. R. i, 76, 6 and vi, 85, 10.\\*=2 mfn. injured, killed L. (cf. 2. {kIrNa}.) f. an abyss RV. ii, 35, 5.\\mfn. brought down, humiliated, offended, injured, tricked, deceived MBh. R. &c.; low, base, wicked ib.; removed, set aside, dismissed W.; n. lowering, humbling, humiliation Bhartr2. ii, 30 (v.l. %{-ti}); %{-prajJa} (MBh.), %{-mati} (BhP.) mfn. depraved in mind. kritaM = done kritaa*= f. an abyss RV. ii, 35, 5. \\ see 2. {kRt}. krita*= mfn. brought down, humiliated, offended, injured, tricked, deceived MBh. R. &c.; low, base, wicked ib.; removed, set aside, dismissed W.; n. lowering, humbling, humiliation Bhartri. ii, 30 (v.l. {-ti}); {-prajJa} (MBh.), {-mati} (BhP.) mfn. depraved in mind.

kritakrityaH = the most perfect in his endeavors kritadhiyaaM = of sanes (stable-minded) kritaGYa = Grateful kritaGYataa = gratitude kritaaJNjaliH = with folded hands kritaante = in the conclusion kriti = Direction kritena = by discharge of duty krittikaa = Third nakshatra kritvaa* = ind. p. having done see s.v. 1. %{kR} kritya = Deed krityaiH = that which was done kritvaa = after doing kritsnaM = whole kritsnakarmakrit.h = although engaged in all

activities kritsnavat.h = as all in all kritsnavit.h = one who is in factual knowledge kritsnasya = all-inclusive kriya = action kriya* = m. (borrowed fr. Gk.$.) the sign &99331[320,3] Aries VarBri. i, iii, x, xvii; Ganit. Hors'. kriyaa* = f. (Pn. 3-3, 100), doing, performing, performance, occupation with (in comp.), business, act, action, undertaking, activity, work, labour. KtyS'r. Mn. Yj. &c.; bodily action, exercise of the limbs L.; (in Gr.) action (as the general idea expressed by any verb), verb Ks'. on Pn. 1-3, 1 &c. (according to later grammarians a verb is of two kinds, {sakarma-kriyA}, `" active "', and {akarmak-}, `" intransitive "'); a noun of action W.; a literary work Vikr.; medical treatment or practice, applying a remedy, cure (see {sama-kriya-tva} and {viSama-k-}) Sus'r.; a religious rite or ceremony, sacrificial act, sacrifice Mn. Yj. MBh. &c.; with {caramA}, `" the last ceremony "', rites performed immediately after death, obsequies, purificatory

rites (as ablution &c.) MBh. iv, 834 R. vi, 96, 10; religious action, worship BhP. vii, 14, 39 RmatUp.; Religious Action (personified as a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma MBh. i, 2578 Hariv. 12452 BhP.; or as a daughter of Kardama and wife of Kratu BhP.); judicial investigation (by human means, as by witnesses, documents, &c., or by superhuman means, as by various ordeals) Comm. on Yj.; atonement L.; disquisition L.; study L.; means, expedient L. kriyaH = and activities kriyate = is done kriyante = are done kriyamaaNa = someone in the process of doing kriyamaaNaani = being done kriyaa = Purificationary rite, religious ceremony kriyaaH = performances kriyaabhiH = by pious activities kriyaavisheshha = pompous ceremonies


kriyaayoga* = m. the connection with an action or verb APrt. Pn. 1-1, 14 Kr.; the employment of expedients or instruments MBh. iii, 69 Sus'r.; the practical form of the Yoga philosophy (union with the deity by due performance of the duties of every day life, active devotion) Yogas. ii, 1 BhP. iv, 13, 3; N. of wk.; {-sAra} m. a section of the PadmaP. kriiNaati = to buy kruura = cruel kruura-graha = Malefic planet kruuraan.h = mischievous krodha = anger krodhaM = anger krodhaH = and anger krodhaat.h = from anger kroshati = (1 pp) to cry kshaatra* = mf({I})n. (fr. {kSatra4}), belonging or relating or peculiar to the second caste Mn. vii, 87 Yj. MBh. &c.; ({am}) n. the dignity of a ruler or

governor MBh. iii, 5097 and xiii, 3026 R. ii f. v. ksha* = 1 (fr. 1. or 2. {kSi}) see {dyukSa4}; m. a field L.; the protector or cultivator of a field, peasant L. \\2 mfn. (fr. 4. {kSi}) see {tuvikSa4}; m. destruction, loss L.; destruction of the world L.; lightning L.; a demon or Rakshas L.; the fourth incarnation of Vishnu (as the manlion or narasinha) L. kshaa* = f. (derived fr. some forms of 2. {kSa4m}) the earth, ground Naigh. i, 1 Nir. ii, 2 Sy. \\ = see 1. {kSam} kshaa= the earth, the ground kshaalayati = (10 pp) to wash kshaanti * =f. patient waiting for anything Vop. xxiii, 3; patience, forbearance, endurance, indulgence Mn. v, 107 MBh. R. &c.; the state of saintly abstraction DivyA7v. vi, xii, xviii; (in music) N. of a S'ruti; N. of a river VP. kshaantIya * =mfn. fr. {-ta} g. {utkarA7di}. kshaantu * =mfn. patient, enduring Un.; ({us}) m. a father. L.


kshaanta * =1 mfn. (g. {priyA7di}) borne, endured ({soDha}) L.; pardoned MBh. Pacat.; (Pn. 3-2, 188 Kr.) enduring, patient Mn. v, 158 Yj. R. Ragh. (compar. {-tara}); m. (g. {utkarA7di}) N. of a man g. {azvA7di}; of a hunter Hariv. 1206; of S'iva (cf. {kSama}); ({A}) f. `" the patient one "', the earth L.; ({am}) n. patience, indulgence R. i, 34, 32 and 33. kshaa4nta * =1 mfn. ending with the letter {kSa} RmatUp. kshaanta * = 2 see 1. {kSam}. kshaantiH = tolerance kshaamaye = ask forgiveness kshaara = salty kshaatraM = of a ksatriya kshamaa = forgivance kshamii = forgiving kshana = to invite kshana = quick, a quick measure of time =* kshaNa

= 1 m. any instantaneous point of time, instant, twinkling of an eye, moment Nal. S3ak. Ragh. &c.; a moment regarded as a measure of time (equal to thirty Kala1s or four minutes L.; or (in astron.) to 48 minutes VarBr2S. &c.; or 4/5 or 24/35 seconds BhP. iii, 11, 7 and 8); a leisure moment, vacant time, leisure (e.g. %{kSaNaM-kR}, to have leisure for, wait patiently for MBh.; cf. %{kRta-kSaNa}); a fit or suitable moment, opportunity (%{kSaNaMkR}, to give an opportunity. MBh. iv, 666; cf. %{datta-kSaNa} and %{labdha-kS-}); a festival Megh. Das3. BhP. iii, 3, 21; a certain day of the fortnight (as the full moon, change of the moon, &c.) Sarvad.; dependence L.; the centre, middle L.; (%{am}) n. an instant, moment Bhartr2. (= Subh.); (%{am}.) acc. ind. for an instant R. vi, 92, 35 BrahmaP. Vet. &c. [325,1]; in a moment Ragh. xii, 36 S3a1ntis3. (cf. %{tat-kSaNam}); (%{eNa}) instr. ind. in a moment Nal. R. &c.; (%{At}) abl. ind. after an instant, immediately, at once Mn. R. S3ak. &c.; %{tataH@kSaNAt} (= %{tat-kSaNAt} q.v.), immediately upon that Katha1s.; %{kSaNAtkSaNAt}, in this moment - in that moment Ra1jat. viii, 898; (%{eSu}) loc. ind. immediately, at once R. vi, 55, 19; %{kSaNe@kSaNe}, every instant, every moment Ra1jat. v, 165 and 337.\\2 %{-Natu}, %{Nana}, &c. see %{kSan}.\\2 m. killing (= ma1ran2a) Gal.


kshaanti * = f. patient waiting for anything Vop. xxiii, 3; patience, forbearance, endurance, indulgence Mn. v, 107 MBh. R. &c.; the state of saintly abstraction DivyA7v. vi, xii, xviii; (in music) N. of a S'ruti; N. of a river VP. kshantiH = tolerance kshantR * = mfn. one who pardons or bears patiently MBh. xiii, 4873. kshaNaM = one second kshaNaprabhaa = (f) lightning kshaNaviyoga = momentary separation kshaNaviikshita = glance kshapayishNu * = 1 mfn. one who intends to efface or do penance for 2: destroying kshara = prone to end, destructible ksharaM = to the fallible ksharaH = constantly changing kshatra * = n. (1. {kSi}?; g. {ardharcA7di}) sg. and

pl. dominion, supremacy, power, might (whether human or supernatural, especially applied to the power of Varuna-Mitra and Indra) RV. AV. VS. S'Br. ii; xi; sg. and pl. government, governing body RV. AV. VS. x, 17 TBr. ii; the military or reigning order (the members of which in the earliest times, as represented by the Vedic hymns, were generally called Rjanya, not Kshatriya; afterwards, when the difference between Brahman and Kshatra or the priestly and civil authorities became more distinct, applied to the second or reigning or military caste) VS. AV. TS. &c. [325, 2]; a member of the military or second order or caste, warrior Mn. MBh. &c. (fancifully derived fr. {kSatAt tra} fr. {trai} i.e. `" a preserver from injury "' Ragh. ii, 53); the rank of a member of the reigning or military order, authority of the second caste AitBr. viii, 5 S'Br. xiii, 1, 5, 2 BhP. iii, ix; wealth Naigh. ii, 10; water, i, 12; the body L.; Tabernaemontana coronaria (v.l. {chattra}) L.; ({I}) f. a woman of the second caste L. kshatriya = the caste of princes and warriors kshatriyabalaM = the power or might of the kshatriyas or kings kshatriyasya = of the ksatriya


kshatriyaaH = the members of the royal order kshatta: person born from a male sudra with a ksatriya female: For instance, a brhmana begets an ambastha of a vaisya woman, a parasava or a nisada of a sudra woman. A kshatriya begets an ugra of a sudra woman, a suta of a brhmana woman. A vaisya begets a magadha of a kshatriya woman, a vaidehaka of a brhmana woman. A sudra begets an ayogava of a vaisya woman, a ksatta of a kshatriya woman and a chandala of a brhmana woman. kshauma * mf({I})n. (fr. {kSumA}; = {kSoma} Un. i, 138), made of linen, linen Lthy. Gobh. PrGri. &c.; covered with linen W.; prepared from linseed (as oil) Sus'r.; ({as}, {am}) m. n. = {aTTa} (an airy room on the top of a house, apartment on the roof, back of an edifice, fortified place in front of a building, building of a particular form W.; cf. {kSoma}) L.; ({I}) f. flax (Linum usitatissimum) L.; ({am}) n. linen cloth or garment KtyS'r. Gaut. Mn. &c. (also = {dukUla} L.); linseed Sus'r.; the flower of flax L. kshaura* = mfn. (fr. {kSura4}), performed with a razor (with {karman}, `" shaving "') VarBriS. iic, 12; ({as}), m.= {-mantra} Sy. on TS. i; ({I}) f. a razor W.; ({am}) n. shaving the head, shaving in

general ({-raM} 1. {kR}, to shave Hit.; {-raM}, Caus. 1. {kR}, to have one's self shaved Hit.) Cn. kshaudra * m. (fr. {kSudra} and {-drA}), Michelia Campaka MBh. iii, 11569; N. of a mixed caste (son of a Vaideha and a Mgadh) MBh. xiii, 2584; ({am}) n. smallness, minuteness g. {pRthvAdi}; honey, species of honey L.; water L.; N. of a Stra of the SV. kshaya = loss, weakening, scaricity kshayaM = destruction kshayas* = see {aurukSayasa}. kshayaja* = mfn. produced by consumption (as cough) Sus'r. kshayaNa* = 1 mfn. habitable [? m. `" a place with tranquil water "' Comm.] VS. xvi, 43; ({kSa4yaNa}) TS. iv; ({kSeNa4}) MaitrS.; m. a bay, harbour Comm. on RPrt.; ({am}) n. a dwelling place Nir. vi, 6. kshayaNa* = 2 mfn. ifc. `" destroying, annihilating, driving away, dispersing "' see {arAya-}, {asura-}, {pizAca-}, {bhrAtRvya-}, {yAtudhAna-}, {sadAnvA} and {sapatna-kSa4yaNa}.

kshaya* = see 1. 2. and 4. {kSi}. kshaya* = 1 m. `" dominion "' Sy. (on RV. vii, 46, 2). kshaya* = 2 mfn. dwelling, residing RV. iii, 2, 13; viii, 64, 4; m. an abode, dwelling-place, seat, house (cf. {uru-} and {su-kSa4ya}, {rAtha-}, {divikSaya4}) RV. VS. v, 38 TS. Pn. MBh. R. BhP.; the house of Yama (cf. {yama-kS-}, {vaivasvata-kS}); abode in Yama's dominion Comm. on R. (ed. Bomb.) ii, 109, 11; (= {kSiti4}) family, race RV. i, 123, 1. kshaya* = 3 m. (Pn. 6-1, 201) loss, waste, wane, diminution, destruction, decay, wasting or wearing away (often ifc.) Mn. MBh. &c.; fall (as of prices, opposed to {vRddhi} e.g. {kSayo vRddhiz ca paNyAnAm}, `" the fall and rise in the price of commodities "') Yj. ii, 258; removal W.; end, termination (e.g. {nidrA-kS-}, the end of sleep R. vi, 105, 14; {dina-kSaye}, at the end of day MBh. i, 699 R. iv, 3, 10; {jIvita-kSaye}, at the end of life Das'.; {AyuSaH kS-} id. Ragh.; {kSayaM} {gam}, {yA}, {i}, or {upai}, to become less, be diminished, go to destruction, come to an end, perish Nal. R. Sus'r. VarBriS. Das'. Amar. Hit.; {kSayaMnI}, to destroy R. v, 36, 51); consumption, phthisis pulmonalis Sus'r. Hcat.; sickness in general L.; the

destruction of the universe Pacat.; (in alg.) a negative quantity, minus ryabh.; = {-mAsa} Jyot.; = {kSayA7ha} Ganit.; N. of a prince VP.; ({A}) f. N. of a Yogini Hcat.; ({am}) n. N. of the last year in the sixty years "' Briihaspati cycle VarBriS. [328,2] kshayakrit.h = the destroyer kshayati = (1 pp) to decay kshayaat.h = (from) consunption/destruction kshayaaya = for destruction kshemaM = protection kshema * mf({A})n. (2. {kSi}) habitable; giving rest or ease or security MBh. R.; at ease, prosperous, safe W.; m. basis, foundation VS. xviii, 7 AV. iii, 12, 1 and iv, 1, 4 S'Br. xiii KapS. i, 46; residing, resting, abiding at ease RV. x AV. xiii, 1, 27; iii; viii; ({as}, {am}) m. n. (Ved. only m.; g. {ardharcA7di}), safety, tranquillity, peace, rest, security, any secure or easy or comfortable state, weal, happiness RV. AV. VS. Mn. MBh. &c. ({kSe4ma} & {yo4ga} [or {pra-yu4j}], rest and exertion, enjoying and acquiring RV. VS. xxx, 14 PrGri. MBh. xiii, 3081; cf. {kSema-yoga} and {yoga-kS-}; {kSemaM te}, `" peace or security may be to thee "' [this is also the

polite address to a Vais'ya, asking him whether his property is secure Mn. ii, 127], S'ntis'. ii, 18); final emancipation L.; m. a kind of perfume (= {caNDA}) L.; Ease or Prosperity (personified as a son of Dharma and S'nti VP.; as a son of Titiksh BhP. iv, 1, 51); N. of a prince MBh. i, 2701 DivyA7v. xviii; of a son of S'uci and father of Su-vrata BhP. ix, 22, 46; N. of a kind of college ({maTha}) Rjat. vi, 186; ({eNa}) instr. ind. at ease; in security, safely R. Mriicch. Pacat. BhP.; (ifc. with {yathA} R. ii, 54, 4); ({ais}) instr. pl. ind. id. MBh. xiii, 1519; ({A}) f. a kind of perfume (= {kASTha-guggula}, or {coraka} Comm.) VarBriS. iii; N. of Durg L.; of another deity (= {kSemaM-karI}) DevP.; of an Apsaras MBh. i, 4818; ({am}) n. N. of one of the seven Varshas in Jamb-dvpa BhP. v, 20, 3. kshemakAma * = ({kSe4ma-}) mfn. longing for rest RV. x, 94, 12. kshemajit * = m. N. of a prince MatsyaP. (vv.ll. {kSatrau9jas}, {kSemA7rcis}). kshe4ma-yoga * = {au} m. du. rest and exertion AitBr. kshe4ma-vat * = mfn. attended with tranquillity and security, prosperous Pn. Siddh.; ({An}) m. N. of a prince VP.; ({atI}) f. N. of a woman Buddh.; of

a locality. kshemataraM = better kSepaNa * = n. the act of throwing, casting, letting fly or go (a bow-string) Nir. ii, 28 MBh. iv, 352 and 1400; throwing away (in boxing) VP. v, 20, 54; sending, directing W.; sending away MBh. iii, 13272; passing away or spending time (v.l. %{kSapaNa}); `" omitting "', for 1. %{kSapaNa} Mn. iv, 119; sling BhP. iii, 19, 18; x, 11, 38; (%{I}) f. id. R. vi, 7, 24; an oar L.; a kind of net L. kshepaNaastraH = (m) missile kshepaNii = (f) rocket kshetra = fieldk* = n. (2. {kSi}) landed property, land, soil ({kSe4trasya pa4ti}, `" lord of the soil "'N. of a kind of tutelary deity RV. AV. ii, 8, 5; also {kSe4trasya pa4tnI}, `" mistress of the soil "', and {kSe4trANAm pa4ti}, `" the lord of the soil "'N. of tutelary deities AV. ii, 12, 1 VS. xvi, 18); `" soil of merit "', a Buddha or any holy person DivyA7v.; a field (e.g. {-traM-kR}, `" to cultivate a field "' Mn. Yj. ii, 158; cf. {sasya-kS-}) RV. &c.; place, region, country RV. AV. iii, 28, 3 TS. vii Sus'r. Megh. Vet.; a house L.; a town L.; department, sphere of action MBh. xiv, 126 R. &c.; place of origin, place where

anything is found Yogas. ii, 4 Sus'r. BhP. viii, 12, 33; a sacred spot or district, place of pilgrimage (as Benares &c.; often ifc.) BrahmaP.; an enclosed plot of ground, portion of space, superficies (e.g. {svalpa-kS-}, of a small circuit Yj. ii, 156); (in geom.) a plane figure (as a triangle, circle, &c.) enclosed by lines, any figure considered as having geometrical dimensions Gol.; a diagram W.; a planetary orbit Ganit.; a zodiacal sign Sryas.; an astrological mansion VarBriS. VarBri. i, xi; (in chiromancy) certain portions marked out on the palm VarBriS. lxviii, 1; `" fertile soil "', the fertile womb, wife Mn. Yj. ii, 127 MBh. R. S'ak. BhP.; the body (considered as the field of the indwelling soul) Yj. iii, 178 Bhag. xiii, 1 and 2 Kum. vi, 77; (in Snkhya phil.) = {a-vyakta} (q.v.) Tattvas.; ({I4}) f. only dat. {-triyai4} for {-triyA4t} (AV. ii, 10, 1) TBr. ii, 5, 6, 1; [cf. {a4-kS-}, {anya-} and {kuru-kSetra4}, {karma-kS-}, {deva-kS-}, {dharma-kS-}, {raNa-kS-}, {siddha-kS-}, {su-kS-}, {sure7zvarI-kS-}; cf. also Goth. {haithi}, Them. {haithjo}; Germ. {Heide}.] kshetraM = the field kshetraGYa = and the knower of the body kshetraGYaM = the knower of the field


kshetraGYaH = the knower of the field kshetraGYayoH = and the knower of the field kshetrii = the soul kshetreshhu = in bodily fields kSi *= 1 cl. 1. P. %{kSa4yati} (2. du. %{kSa4yathas} or %{kSay-}, 2. pl. %{kSa4yathA}; Subj. 1. %{kSa4yat} or %{kSayat} RV. vi, 23, 10 and vii, 20, 6; x, 106, 7; pr. p. %{kSa4yat}), to possess, have power over, rule, govern, be master of (gen.) RV.; [cf. Gk. &101454[327,3] \\ cl. 2. 6. P. %{kSe4ti}, %{kSiya4ti}; (3. du. %{kSita4s}, 3. pl. %{kSiyanti}; Subj. 2. sg. %{kSayat}, 2. sg. %{kSa4yas}, 3. du. %{kSayatas}, 1. pl. %{kSa4yAma}; pr. p. %{kSiya4t}; aor. Subj. %{kSeSat}; fut. p. %{kSeSya4t}), to abide, stay, dwell, reside (used especially of an undisturbed or secret residence) RV.; to remain, be quiet AV. S3Br.; to inhabit TBr. iii; to go, move (%{kSi4yati}) Naigh. ii, 14 Dha1tup.: Caus. (Impv. 2. sg. %{kSaya4yA}; Subj. %{kSepayat}) to make a person live quietly RV. iii, 46, 2 and v, 9, 7; [cf. Gk. $.] \\3 f. abode L.; going, moving L. \\4 cl. 1. P. %{kSayati} (only once R. iv, 6, 14) cl. 5. P. %{kSiNoti} (S3Br. Mn. MBh. &c.; 1. sg. %{kSiNo4mi} VS. for %{-NA4mi} of AV.) cl. 9. P. %{kSiNA4ti} (3. pl. %{kSiNa4nti}; perf. 3. du.

%{cikSiyatur} Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 6-4, 77 and vii, 4, 10), to destroy, corrupt, ruin, make an end of (acc.), kill, injure RV. AV. &c.: Pass. %{kSIya4te} (AV. xii, 5, 45; 3. pl. %{kSI4yante} RV. i, 62, 12; aor. Subj. %{kSeSTa} [AV. iv, 34, 8] or %{kSAyi} TBr. i; Cond. %{akSeSyata} S3Br. viii), to be diminished, decrease, wane (as the moon), waste away, perish RV. AV. S3Br. &c.; to pass (said of the night) Katha1s.: Caus. P. %{kSapayati} (fut. %{-yiSyati}), rarely A1. %{-te} (MBh. i, 1838 Das3.), very rarely %{kSayayati} (MBh. v, 2134 ed. Calc.), to destroy, ruin, make an end of (acc.), finish MBh. R. &c.; to weaken Mn. v, 157 MBh. i, 1658 Kum. v, 29; to pass (as the night or time, %{kSapAm}, %{-pAs}, %{kAlam}) Pan5cat. Ka1d. S3a1rn3gP.; [cf. $ $, &c.] \\ 5 f. destruction, waste, loss L.\\ = 4. %{kSi} (derived fr. %{kSINa4}, %{-kSI4ya}) Dha1tup. xxxi, 35 (v.l.) kshiiba (or %{kSIva}) mf(%{A})n. (pf. p. Pass. %{kSIb} Pa1n2. 8-2, 55) excited, drunk, intoxicated MBh. R. Bhartr2. BhP. &c. kshiti = earth kshitipaala = (m) protector of the earth, king kship = (root) to throw * = 1 cl. 6. P. %{kSipa4ti} A1. %{kSipate} (MBh. &c.; cl. 4. P. %{kSipyati},

only Bhat2t2.; Subj. %{kSipa4t}; perf. %{cikSepa} MBh. &c.; ep. also %{cikSipe}; fut. 2nd %{kSepsyati} MBh. &c.; ep. also %{-te}; inf. %{kSeptum}; cf. Pa1n2. 7-2, 10 Siddh.), to throw, cast, send, despatch AV. ix, 1, 10 and 20 Mn. MBh. (Pass. pr. p. %{kSipyat}, i, 1126) &c.; to move hastily (the arms or legs) Mr2icch. BhP. x, 36, 14; to throw a glance (as the eye) Bhartr2. i, 94; to strike or hit (with a weapon) RV. i, 182, 1-3; to put or place anything on or in (loc.), pour on, scatter, fix or attach to (loc.) Ya1jn5. i, 230 Bhag. Mr2icch. &c.; to direct (the thoughts) upon (loc.) Sarvad.; to throw away, cast away, get rid of Bhartr2. ii, 69 Katha1s.; to lay (the blame) on (loc.) Hit.; to utter abusive words, insult, revile, abuse Mn. MBh. &c.; `" to disdain "' i.e. to excel, beat, outvie BhP. iv, 8, 24 and 15, 17; to strike down, ruin, destroy BhP. vi, 1, 14 BrahmaP.; (A1. `" to destroy one another, go to ruin "' Pot. 3. pl. %{kSiperan} MBh. iii, 1094); to pass or while away (the time or night, %{kAlam}, %{kSapAm}) Katha1s. lv, 154; xcii, 84; to lose (time, %{kAlam}; cf. %{kAlakSepa}) R. vii, 80, 14; to skip or pass over (a day, %{dinam}.) Car. vi, 3; (in math.) to add Gol.: Caus. P. %{kSepayati}, to cause to cast or throw into (%{antar}) Katha1s. xiii, 160; to throw into R. ii, 76, 16; to cause to descend into (loc.) Katha1s. lxxv, 121; to pass or while away (the night, %{kSapAm}) ib. lvi, 75; (aor. Subj. 2. sg. %{cikSipas}) to hurt, injure RV. x, 16, 1 (cf. Subj. %{kSepayat} s.v. 2. %{kSi}); [cf. Lat. {sipo},

{dissipo}, for {xipo}.]\\2 %{pas} f. pl. (only used in nom.; the instr. is formed fr. %{kSi4pA} RV. ix, 59, 57) `" the movable ones "', the fingers RV. iii, v, ix (Naigh. ii, 5). [329,1] kshipaami = I put kshipati = (6 pp) to throw kshipa* = mfn. `" throwing, casting "' see %{girikS-}; m. a thrower W.; (%{A}) f. throwing, sending, casting g. %{-bhidA7di}; (for %{kSapA4}) night Comm. on L.; (%{kSi4pA}) f. only instr. pl. %{pAbhis} see 2. %{kSi4p}. kshipaka* = m. an archer L.; (%{A}) f. ? Pa1n2. 7-3, 45 Va1rtt. 5; g. %{pre7kSA7di}. kshipakin* = mfn. fr. %{-kA} g. %{pre7kSA7di}. kshipaNi* = f. `" moving speedily "', gallop [NBD.] RV. iv, 40, 4; a missile weapon Un2.; a kind of net L.; = %{mantra} L.; = %{adhvaryu} L.; an oar Comm. on L. (also %{-NI} f. ib.) kshipaNu* = m. `" an archer "', or (%{u4}) n. `" a missile weapon "' RV. iv, 58, 6; (%{us}) m. air, wind Un2. iii,


kSipaNyu* = mfn. diffusive, what may be sent or scattered, fragrant L.; (%{us}) m. the body L.; spring Un2. iii, 51 Sch. kshipta = neglected or distracted kshipra = sudden, quick kshipraM = soon kshii = to dimnish kshiiNakalmashhaaH = who are devoid of all sins kshiiNe = spent-up/weakened state of kshiina* =mfn. diminished, wasted, expended, lost, destroyed, worn away, waning (as the moon) S'Br. MundUp. S'vetUp. Mn. &c.; weakened, injured, broken, torn, emaciated, feeble Mn. vii, 166 Sus'r. Ks'. on Pn. 6-4, 61 & viii, 2, 46 &c.; delicate, slender S'ak. Gt. iv, 21 Naish. vii, 81; poor, miserable Pacat. iv, 16 and 32; ({am}) n. N. of a disease of the pudenda muliebria Gal. kshiira = milk kshiirodaka* = m. N. of a tree Hcar. Sch.


ksiirodIya* = Nom. P. to behave like the ocean of milk Sh. kshiti * = 1 is f. dominion (Comm.) MBh. xiii, 76, 10. kshiti4 * = 2 f. an abode, dwelling, habitation, house (cf. also {uru-} and {su-kSiti4}, {dhruva4}.) RV.; (Naigh. i, 1) the earth, soil of the earth Mn. MBh. R. &c.; the number `" one "' Bijag.; ({a4yas}) f. settlements, colonies, races of men, nations (of which five are named; cf. {kRSTi4}) RV.; (said of the families of the gods) iii, 20, 4; estates Rjat. v, 109 (cf. {uru-} and {su-kSiti4}, {dhAraya4t-}, {dhruva4-}, {bhava-}, {raNa-}, {samara-}.) kshi4ti * = 3 f. wane, perishing, ruin, destruction AV.; the period of the destruction of the universe, end of the world L. (cf. {a4-}, {a4sura-}.) kshIyamaaNa* = mfn. (Pass. p.) perishing, wasting away, decaying BhP. v, 22, 9 Hit. (cf. {a4}.) kshiyaa* = f.. (g. {bhidA7di}) loss, waste, destruction L.; offence against the customs Pn. 81, 60 and ii, 104. kshnana = to annihilate


kshouti = to sneeze kshobhaM = disturbance kSobha* = m. shaking, agitation, disturbance, tossing, trembling, emotion MBh. R. Ragh. Vikr. Megh. &c.; (in dram.) an emotion that is the cause of any harsh speeches or reproaches Sa1h. 471 and 480 (cf. %{bala-kS-}.) kshudra = insignificant, small kshudraM = petty kshudh = hunger kshudhaa = hunger kshudhaarta = hungry kshudhyati = (4 pp) to be hungry kshubhyati = (4 pp) to tremble kshud* = 1 cl. 1. P. {kSo4dati}, to strike against, shake RV. vii, 85, 1 (Naigh. ii, 14); . to move, be agitated or shaken RV. v, 58, 6: cl. 7. P. . {kSuNatti}, {kSuntte} (impf. {akSuNat}; aor. 3. pl. {akSautsur}; fut. {kSotsyati} Pn. 7-2, 10 Siddh.),

to stamp or trample upon Bhathth.: Caus. {kSodayati} (impf. {a4kSodayat}), to shake or agitate by stamping RV. iv, 19, 4; to crush, pound, pulverise Sus'r.; (Nom. P. fr. {kSudra4}) to reduce, diminish Bhathth. xviii, 26; [cf. Gk. $, $ for $, $, $ &102340[330, 2] $ Lith. {skausti}?] kshudhita 8 = mfn. hungered Pa1n2. 7-2, 52; (g. %{tArakA7di}) hungry ChUp. MBh. R. Sus3r. Ragh. kshudra V*= petty, * = mf({A})n. (compar. {kSodIyas}, superl. {-diSTha}, qq.vv.) minute, diminutive, tiny, very small, little, trifling AV. VS. xiv, 30 TBr. iii S'Br. ChUp. AitUp. Yj. &c.; mean, low, vile Mn. vii, 27 Yj. i, 309 MBh. &c.; wicked (said in joke) Mlav.; niggardly, avaricious L.; cruel L.; poor, indigent L.; m. a small particle of rice L. [330, 3]; = {-roga} (q.v.) Sus'r.; = {-panasa} (q.v.) L.; ({A}) f. (Pn. 4-3, 119) a kind of bee Bhpr.; a fly, gnat L.; a base or despicable woman Pn. 4-1, 131; a maimed or crippled woman ib. Pat.; a whore, harlot L.; a dancing girl L.; a quarrelsome woman L.; N. of several plants (Solanum Jacquini, also another variety of Solanum, Oxalis pusilla, Coix barbata, Nardostachys Jath-mns) L.; ({a4m}) n. a particle of dust, flour, meal RV. i, 129, 6 and viii, 49, 4; [cf. Lith. {kUdikis}, `" an infant "'; Pers. $ {kUdak}, `" small a boy. "']

kshulla * = mfn. (originally a Pra1kr2it form of %{kSudra4} ; derived fr. 2. %{kSu4dh} and %{lA} Pa1n2. 6-2 , 39 Ka1s3.) small , little , minute , inferior BhP. kshullaka * = mf({A})n. (Naigh. iii, 2) little, small AV. ii, 32, 5 TS. S'Br. i BhP.; low, vile L.; poor, indigent L.; wicked, malicious, abandoned L.; hard L.; youngest L.; pained, distressed L.; m. a small shell L.; N. of a prince VP. (v.l. {kSulika}); ({am}) n. a sort of play or game (= {muSTi-dyUta}) L. kshura = (masc) knife kshurakriyaa = (fem) shaving, cutting with a knife kshurapatram.h = (n) blade kshut* = 1 {t} f. a sneeze, sneezing MrkP. xxxv, 24. kshuudra = weak (here) kshveli*= see keli kuumanas* = mfn. (1. {ku}) Ved. wicked-minded Pn. 6-3, 133 Ks'. ku * =1 a pronom. base appearing in {ku4tas}, {ku4tra}, {kuvi4d}, {ku4ha}, {kva4}, and as a

prefix implying deterioration, depreciation, deficiency, want, littleness, hindrance, reproach, contempt, guilt; originally perhaps {ku} signified `" how (strange!) "'; as a separate word {ku} occurs only in the lengthened form 3. {kU4} q.v. \\ =2 f. the earth ryabh. VarBriS. VarBri. BhP. vi, 1, 42; the ground or base of a triangle or other plane figure, Comm on ryabh.; the number `" one. "' kU * = 1 or {ku} cl. 2. P. {kauti} (Ved. {kavIti} Pn. 7-3, 95), or cl. 1. . {kavate} (Dhtup. xxii, 54), or cl. 6. {kuvate} (ib. xxviii, 108), or cl. 9. P. . {kU8nAti}, {kU8nAte} (perf. 3. pl. {cukuvur} Bhathth.), to sound, make any noise, cry out, moan, cry (as a bird), coo, hum (as a bee) &c. Bhathth.: cl. 1. {ka4vate}, to move Naigh. ii, 14: Intens. . {kokUyate} (Nir. Pn.) P. . {kokavIti} and {cokUyate} (Pn. 7-4, 63 Ks'.), to cry aloud Bhathth.; [cf. Gk. $.] &92760[299, 1] \\2 ind. (= {kva4}) where? RV. v, 74, 1. \\3 {Us} f. a female Pis'ca or goblin L. kuhaka * = 1 m. (Un2. ii, 38) a cheat, rogue, juggler MBh. BhP. Ka1m.; an impostor A1p.; a kind of frog Sus3r.; N. of a Na1ga prince BhP.; (%{am}) n. juggling, deception, trickery Hit. BhP. &c.; (%{A}) f. id. MBh. v, 5461.//2 ind. onomat. from the cry of a cock, &c., only in comp.


kuja = Mars kujadoshha = Affliction caused by Mars occupying the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th houses. There are some more details and it is best to learn more about this before delineating marital relationships kula * = n. (ifc. f. {A}) a herd, troop, flock, assemblage, multitude, number, &c. (of quadrupeds, birds, insects, &c., or of inanimate objects e.g. {go-kula}, a herd of cows R. &c.; {mahiSIk-}, a herd of female buffaloes Riitus.; {alik-}, a swarm of bees S'is'. Gt. &c.; {alaka-k-}, a multitude of curls BhP.); a race, family, community, tribe, caste, set, company (e.g. {brAhmaNa-k-}, the caste of the Brhmans BhP.; {padAtInAM kula}, infantry Rjat. v, 247); (ifc. with a gen. sg.) a lot, gang (e.g. {caurasya-k-}, a gang of thieves) Pn. 6-3, 21 Ks'.; the residence of a family, seat of a community, inhabited country (as much ground as can be ploughed by two ploughs each drawn by six bulls Comm. on Mn. vii, 119) [294, 3]; a house, abode MBh.; a noble or eminent family or race Mn. MBh. &c.; high station (in comp. `" chief, principal "' cf. {kula-giri}, &c.); the body L.; the front, forepart W.; a blue stone L.; (with S'ktas) N. of S'akti and of the rites observed in her worship (cf. {kaula}); = {kula-nakSatra} q.v. Tantras.; m. the chief of a corporation or guild L.; =

{kula-vAra} q.v. Tantras.; N. of a man R. vii, 43, 2; ({A}) f. `" a principal day "'N. of the 4th and 8th and 12th and 14th day in a {pakSa}, or half-month Tantras.; ({I}) f. a wife's elder sister L.; the plant Solanum Jacquini or Solanum longum L. kU4la * = n. a declivity, slope RV. viii, 47, 11; a shore, bank S'Br. xiv Nir. Mn. &c. (ifc. Pn. 6-2, 121; 129 & 135; f. {A} MBh. xiv, 1163); a heap, mound, tope Car.; a pond or pool L.; the rear of an army L.; N. of a locality g. {dhUmA7di}; [cf. {ajakUlA}, {anu-kUla}, {ut-k-} &c.; cf. also Hib. {cul}, `" custody, guard, defence, back part of anything "'; {col}, `" an impediment "'; Lat. {collis}?] kulaM = family kulaghnaanaaM = for those who are killers of the family kulajanaa = of noble people kuladharmaaH = the family traditions kuladharmaaNaaM = of those who have the family traditions kulaniha.ntaarau = family+destroyers (2 persons)


kulavinaasha = the destroyer of the kula(dynasty, lineage) of (Rkshasaas) kulastriyaH = family ladies kulasya = for the family kulakshaya = in the destruction of a dynasty kulakshaye = in destroying the family kulaani = lineages kulaalaH = (m) potter kuliina = from a good family kuliiraH = (m) a crab kule = in the family kulyaa = (f) canal (carrying water for irrigation) kuNDa = starting place of kundalini* n. [{as} m. L.], a bowlshaped vessel, basin, bowl, pitcher, pot, water-pot KtyS'r. MBh. &c.; a vessel for coals R. v, 10, 16 &c.; a round hole in the ground (for receiving and preserving water or fire cf. {agni-kuNDa}), pit, well, spring or basin of water (especially

consecrated to some holy purpose or person) MBh. R. &c.; m. an adulterine, son of a woman by another man than her husband while the husband is alive Mn. iii, 174; (see. {gola} and {-golaka} below); N. of S'iva MBh. xii, 10358; of a Nga MBh. i, 4828; of a son of Dhriita-rshthra MBh. i, 4550; ({A}) f. ( {kuND}) mutilation Pn. 3-3, 103 Ks'.; N. of Durg L.; ({I}) f. (Pn. 4-1, 42) a bowl, pitcher, pot Hcat. Prasannar.; ({ami}) n. ifc. a clump (e.g. {darbha-k-}, a clump of Darbha grass) Pn. 6-2, 136; a particular measure L.; N. of certain mystical figures; a particular appearance of the moon (surrounded by a circle) VarBriS. iv, 15. kunda *m. (Un. iv, 101) a kind of jasmine (Jasminum multiflorum or pubescens) MBh. &c.; fragrant oleander (Nerium odorum, {karavIra}) L.; Olibanum (the resin of the plant Boswellia thurifera) L.; a turner's lathe L.; one of Kubera's nine treasures (N. of a {guhyaka} Gal.) L.; the number `" nine "' W.; N. of Vishnu MBh. xiii. 7036; of a mountain BhP. v, 20, 10; ({am}) n. the jasmine flower. kuNDala = coil of rope, ring kuNDali = The Wheel or Horoscope Chart kuNDalinii = a coiled female snake, the latent

energy at the base of the spine ku.njaraH = (Masc.nom.S)elephant ku-pariikshaka = one who cannot judge value correctly kukuTaasana = the cockerel (rooster) posture kukkuTa = rooster kukkuTaH = (m) cock kukkuTii = (f) hen kukkuraH = (m) dog kunmalaH = (m) button kula = family, dynasty kulaaya * = n. (in later language also {as} m. Pacat. &c.) a woven texture, web, nest (of a bird), case or investing integument, receptacle, home AV. TS. S'Br. &c.; the body as the dwellingplace of the soul AV. S'Br. xiv BhP.; the kennel or resting-place of a dog Pn. 1-3, 21 Vrtt. 4; a place, spot in general L.; (with {agneH} Vait.; or with {indrA7gnyoH} TndyaBr. s'vS'r. &c.) N. of a

particular Eka7ha (cf. {aindrA7gna-k-}.) kumaniishin * = mfn. of slow intellect kumantra * = m. a bad advice BhP.; a bad charm Kaths. kumantrin * = m. a bad counsellor BhP. kumanas * = ({ku4-}) mfn. displeased, angry MaitrS. iv, 2, 13 kumaara = (m) boy, young kumaaraH = boy kumaarikaa = (f) girl kumaari * = (shortened for {-rI} q.v.; cf. Pn. 6-3, 63). kumaarii = (f) girl, young* = f. of {-ra4} q.v.; (mfn.) desirous of a daughter Pn. 1-4, 3 Pat kumbha = The Zodiacal sign of Aquarius kumbhaka = holding the breath:* = m. ifc. a pot Kaths.; a measure (of grain, &c.) Jyot.; the prominence on the upper part of an elephant's

forehead MBh. xii, 4280; ({as}, {am}) m. n. stopping the breath by shutting the mouth and closing the nostrils with the fingers of the right hand (a religious exercise) BhP. Veda7ntas. Sarvad. &c.; m. the base of a column Buddh.; N. of an attendant of Skanda MBh. ix, 2577; ({ikA}) f. a small pot or pitcher Kaths. vi, 41; the plant Myrica sapida Bhpr.; the plant Pistia Stratiotes L.; Bignonia suaveolens L.; a small shrub (= {droNapuSpI}) L.; a disease of the eyes (= {kumbhIkA}); N. of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2633. kumuda * = n. [{as} m. L.], `" exciting what joy "', the esculent white water-lily (Nymphaea esculenta) AV. iv, 34, 5 Sus'r. S'ak. &c.; the red lotus (Nymphaea rubra) L.; m. camphor Bhpr.; (in music) N. of a Dhruvaka; N. of a particular comet VarBriS.; of a Nga MBh. Ragh.; of an attendant of Skanda [MBh. ix, 2558] or of Vishnu [BhP.]; of the elephant of the south-west or southern quarter L.; of a Daitya L.; of a son of Gada by Briihat Hariv. 9193; of a confidant of king Unmatta7vanti Rjat.; of a monkey-hero MBh. R.; of a poet; of a pupil of Pathya BhP. xii, 7, 2; of a mountain BhP. VP.; of one of the smaller Dvpas VP.; ({A}) f. a form of Durg BhP. x, 2, 12 MatsyaP.; the plant Gmelina arborea L.; the plant Pistia Stratiotes L.; the plant Desmodium gangeticum L.; the plant Grislea

tomentosa L.; another plant (commonly Kathphala) L.; ({I}) f. the plant Kathphala (Myrica sapida); ({am}) n. camphor L.; silver L. kunchikaa = (f) key kuntaH = (m) spear kuNthha* = * = mfn. (g. {kaDArA7di}) blunt, dull MBh. i, 1178 R. &c.; stupid, indolent, lazy, foolish kuntibhojaH = Kuntibhoja kuntiiputraH = the son of Kunti kunda = night lily kupita = angered* = mfn. provoked, incensed, offended, angry. kupitaM = angry kupyati = (4 pp) to be angry kupyasi = you get angry kurma = a tortoise, one of the vital airs - controls blinking


kurmaasana = the tortoise (leg-lock) posture kuranga = deer kuru = do kurute = does (from kRi) kurunandana = O beloved child of the Kurus kurupraviira = O best among the Kuru warriors kuruvriddhaH = the grandsire of the Kuru dynasty (Bhishma) kurushreshhTha = O best of the Kurus kurushhva = do kurusattama = O best amongst the Kurus kurukshetre = in the place named Kuruksetra kuruun.h = the members of the Kuru dynasty kuryaaM = I perform kuryaat.h = must do


kurva.nti = (Vr.Pr.IIIP Pl.PP)do; act kurvan.h = doing anything kurvanti = do (from kRi) kurvantu = may do kurvannapi = although engaged in work kurvavadhaanaM = pay attention kurvaaNa = one who does* = mfn. (pr. p. A1.) doing , making ; acting as a servant , agent L. kurvaaNaH = performing kurvaan.h = doing kus'a * = m. grass S'Br. S'nkhS'r. KtyS'r. s'vGri.; (the Brhmanas commonly call it {darbha4}); the sacred grass used at certain religious ceremonies (Poa cynosuroides, a grass with long pointed stalks) Mn. Yj. MBh. &c.; a rope (made of Kus'a grass) used for connecting the yoke of a plough with the pole L.; N. of a son of Vasu Uparicara Hariv. 1806; of the founder of Kus'athal SkandaP.; of a son of Balka7s'va (grandson of Balka, father of Kus'mba or Kus'a-nbha) R. BhP. ix, 19, 4; of a

son of Suhotra (cf. {kAza}) BhP.; of a son of Vidarbha ib.; of a son of Rma (cf. {kuzIlava}) Hariv. 822 BhP. Ragh. xvi, 72; of and son of Lava (king of Kas'mira) Rjat. i, 88; one of the great Dvpas or divisions of the universe (surrounded by the sea of liquified butter) BhP. v, 1, 32 VP. [297, 1]; ({A}) f. (Pn. 8-3, 46) a small pin or piece of wood (used as a mark in recitation) Lthy. ii, 6, 1 and 4; a cord (cf. {ka4zA}) L.; a horse's bridle (cf. {ka4zA}) L.; N. of a plant (commonly Madhukarkathik) L.; ({I4}) f. ( = {kuzA}) a small pin (used as a mark in recitation and consisting of wood [MaitrS. iv] or of metal [TBr. i S'Br. iii]; a ploughshare L.; a pod of cotton L.; ({am}) n. water; (mfn.) wicked, depraved L.; mad, inebriate L. kushalaM = welfare kuSIda* = mfn. indifferent, apathetic W.; (%{am}) n. for %{kusIda} q.v. L. kusida* = m. id. Pa1n2. 4-1, 37. kusIda* = mfn. (fr. 1. %{ku} and %{sad}?; cf. %{kuSIda}), lazy, inert (?) TS. vii; (%{am}) n. any loan or thing lent to be repaid with interest, lending money upon interest, usury TS. iii Gobh. Gaut. Pa1n2. &c.; red sandal wood L.; (%{as}, %{A}) mf. a money-lender, usurer L.

kus'ala * =mf({A})n. (ganas {sidhmA7di}, {zreNyAdi}, and {zramaNA7di}) right, proper, suitable, good (e.g. {kuzalaM} {man}, to consider good, approve AitBr. S'nkhS'r.); well, healthy, in good condition, prosperous R. &c.; fit for, competent, able, skilful, clever, conversant with (loc. [Pn. 2-3, 40 ChUp. Mn. &c.] gen. [Pn. 2-3, 40 Yj. ii, 181] inf. [MBh.], or in comp. [gana {zauNDA7di}; Gaut Mn. &c.]); ({As}) m. pl.N. of a people MBh. vi, 359; N. of the Brhmans in Kus'advpa BhP. v, 20, 16; m. N. of S'iva; of a prince VP.; of a grammarian (author of the Pajik-pradpa); ({A}) f. N. of a woman g. {bAhv-Adi}; ({I}) f. the plant Oxalis Corniculata (= {azmantaka}) L.; the plant {kSudrA7mlikA} L.; ({am}) n. welfare, well-being, prosperous condition, happiness TUp. Gaut. p. MBh. &c. [{kuzalam-pracch}, to ask after another's welfare, to say `" how do you do? "' Mn. MBh. &c.; {kuzalaM te} (optionally with dat. Pn. 2-3, 73), `" hail to thee! "' (used as a salutation, especially in greeting a Brhman) MBh. &c.]; benevolence R. ii, 34, 22; virtue L.; cleverness, competence, ability Pacat.; N. of a Varsha governed by Kus'ala VP.; ({am}) ind. well, in a proper manner, properly ChUp.; (in comp.) g. {vispaSTA7di}; happily, cheerfully, (with {As}, `" to be well "') BhP.; ({ena}) ind. in due order Gobh. (also in comp. {kuzala-}). kushale = in the auspicious

kushahasta = holding kusha grass in hand kushmNDa * = m. (cf. {kUSm-}) a kind of pumpkin-gourd (Beninkasa cerifera) MBh. xiii, 4364 ({kUzm-} ed. Bomb.) Sus'r.; = {bhrUNA7ntara} (a state of the womb in gestation W.) L.; false conception (?); ({am}) n. N. of the verses VS. xx, 14 ff. Tr. ({kUzm-}) MBh. xiii, 6236 ff. ({kUzm-} ed. Bomb.); ({As}) m. pl. a class of demons (or of demi-gods attached to S'iva; cf. {kumbhA7NDa}) BhP. x VP. ({kUSm-}) Kaths.; m. N. of a demon causing disease Hariv. 9560 (v.l. {kUSm-}); ({I}) f. the gourd Beninkasa Cerifera L.; N. of the verses VS. xx, 14 ff. (see {kUSm-}) L.; N. of Durg Hariv. 10245 (v.l. {kUSm-}). kusidaayii* = f. (Pn. 4-1, 37) id. Kthh. x, 5; the wife of a money-lender L. kusIdaayii* = f. the wife of a usurer Vop. iv, 25. kushiida* = mfn. indifferent, apathetic W.; ({am}) n. for {kusIda} q.v. L. kusida* = m. id. Pn. 4-1, 37. kusiida* = mfn. (fr. 1. {ku} and {sad}?; cf. {kuSIda}), lazy, inert (?) TS. vii; ({am}) n. any loan or thing lent to be repaid with interest, lending

money upon interest, usury TS. iii Gobh. Gaut. Pn. &c.; red sandal wood L.; ({as}, {A}) mf. a moneylender, usurer L. kusuma = flower * = (fr. {kus} Un.; g. {ardharcA7di}), a flower, blossom Mn. xi, 70 R. &c. (ifc. f. {A}) Mlav. & Ratnv. [298, 2]; N. of the shorter sections of Deves'vara's Kavi-kalpa-lat (the longer chapters being called {stabaka}); fruit L.; the menstrual discharge L.; a particular disease of the eyes L.; m. a form of fire Hariv. 10465; N. of an attendant of the sixth Arhat of the present Avasarpin L.; N. of a prince Buddh. kusumaakaraH = spring kusumita = blooming kusyati = (4 pp) to embrace, to hug kuTiichaka = the hut-builder kuTiilbuddhii = adj. heinous, attrocious, nefarious kuTuMbakaM = small family kuTumba = family kuTumbaka = family

kuTTati = to grind, to pound kutaH = from where kutha * = {as} or {am} m. n. a house, family (cf. {kuTi}) RV. i, 46, 4 [?= {kRta} Nir. v, 24]; a waterpot, pitcher L.; m. a fort, stronghold L.; a hammer, mallet for breaking small stones, ax L.; a tree L.; a mountain L.; N. of a man g. {azvA7di} and {kurvAdi} [also RV. i, 46, 4, accord. to Gmn.]; ({I}) f. g. {gaurA7di} (Ganar. 47). kuta * = m. N. of one of the eighteen attendants of the sun (identified with the god of the ocean) L. kutra = where kutsya = despicable kuuja.ntaM = making the `coo'ing sound kuujat.h = the singing (chirping) one kuuTasthaM = unchanging kuuTasthaH = spiritually situated kuupaH = (m) well


kuupii = (f) bottle kuurchikaa = (f) paint brush, drawing brush kuurdati = to jump kuurparaH = (m) elbow kuurmaH = tortoise kuushmNDa * = v.l. for {kuSm-} q.v.; ({A}) f. N. of Durg; ({I}) f. id. (see {kuSm-}); ({yas}) f. pl.N. of the verses VS. xx, 14-16 (spoken in a certain rite for penance or expiation) Yj. iii, 304; ({am}, {Ani}) n. sg. and pl. id. Gaut. Mn. viii, 106. kuutha * = n. the bone of the forehead with its projections or prominences, horn RV. x, 102, 4 AV. S'Br. AitBr.; a kind of vessel or implement Kaus'. 16; ({as}, {am}) m. n. any prominence or projection (e.g. {aMsa-k-}, {akSi-k-}, qq. vv.); summit, peak or summit of a mountain MBh. &c.; summit, head i.e. the highest, most excellent, first BhP. ii, 9, 19; a heap, multitude (e.g. {abhra-k-}, a multitude of clouds) MBh. R. BhP.; part of a plough, ploughshare, body of a plough L.; an iron mallet MBh. xvi, 4, 6; a trap for catching deer, concealed weapon (as a dagger in a wooden case, sword-stick, &c.) R. Pacat.; ({as} L.; {am}) m. n. illusion,

fraud, trick, untruth, falsehood L.; a puzzling question, enigma BhP. vi, 5, 10 and 29; m. a kind of hall (= {maNDapa}) Hcat.; N. of a particular constellation VarBri. xii, 8 and 16; a subdivision of Graha-yuddha Sryas.; a mystical N. of the letter {kSa} RmatUp.; N. of Agastya (cf. {kuTaja}) L.; of an enemy of Vishnu R. BhP. x; ({as}, {am}) m. n. uniform substance (as the etherial element, &c.) L.; a water-jar Hcar.; a kind of plant L.; ({as}, {I}) mf. a house, dwelling (cf. {kuTa} and {kuTI}) L.; ({kUta4}) mf({A4})n. not horned or cornuted (as an animal with incomplete continuations of the bone of the forehead) AV. xii, 4, 3 TS. i Kthh. &c.; false, untrue, deceitful Mn. Yj. Kaths. &c.; base (as coins) Yj. ii, 241; m. an ox whose horns are broken L.; ({am}) n. counterfeited objects (of a merchant) VarBri. xiv, 3. kva = where kvachit.h = at any time, sometimes, at that time kvathati = to boil kyAn *V: of what extent, how much


laabha = acquirement, acquisition* = m. meeting with, finding Mn. Katha1s.; obtaining, getting, attaining, acquisition, gain, profit Mn. MBh. &c.; capture, conquest Hariv. VarBr2S.; apprehension, perception, knowledge S3am2k. Sa1h. BhP.; enjoying MW.; N. of the 11th astrological house or lunar mansion VarBr2S. (also %{-sthAna}, Cat) laabhaM = gain laabhaalaabhau = both profit and loss laaghava = sweetness, kindness, lightness n. (fr. {laghu}) * = swiftness, rapidity, speed MBh. R.; alacrity, versatility, dexterity, skill MBh. Kv. &c.; lightness (also of heart), ease, relief Mn. Yj. Sus'r.; levity, thoughtlessness, inconsiderateness, rashness R. Kaths.; insignificance, unimportance, smallness R. Mlav. MrkP.; (in prosody) shortness of a vowel or syllable (opp. to {gaurava}), Ping.; shortness of expression, brevity, conciseness Sarvad. Kty. Sch.; lack of weight or consequence, derogation of dignity, slight, disrespect MBh. Kv. &c. laaghavaM = with ease or lightness


laajaiH = with the roasted rice, wheat flakes laakiNii = the goddess in manipuraka laakshaNa* = mf({I})n. (fr. {lakSaNa}) relating to or acquainted with characteristic signs or marks APrt. Sch. laakshmaNa * = mf({I})n. (fr. {lakSmaNa}) relating to the plant Lakshman Vgbh.; a patr. fr. {lakSmaNa} Sanskrak. laal.h = to pamper laalasa* =mf({A})n. (fr. Intens. of {las}) eagerly longing for, ardently desirous of, delighting or absorbed in, devoted or totally given up to (loc. or comp.) MBh. Kv. &c. ({-tA} f.); m. and ({A}) f. longing or ardent desire, fond attachment or devotion to (loc.) Bhartri. Blar. (L. also `" regret, sorrow; asking, soliciting; the longing of a pregnant woman; dalliance "'); ({A}) f. a kind of metre Ping. Sch. laava* =1 {lAvaka} &c. see p. 905, col, 2. \\2 {lAvaka} w.r. for {lAba}, {lAbaka}. \\* = mf({I})n. (ifc.) cutting, cutting off, plucking, reaping, gathering Ragh. Sh.; cutting to pieces, destroying, killing Bhathth.

laavaNa =* mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{lavaNa}) saline, salt, salted, cooked or dressed with salt Hariv. Sus3r.; m. N. of the salt sea which surrounds Jambudvi1pa L. labdha* = m mfn. taken, seized, caught, met with, found &c.; got at, arrived (as a moment) Kaths.; obtained (as a quotient in division) Col. (cf. {labdhi}); ({A}) f. N. of a partic. heroine L.; a woman whose husband or lover is faithless W. labdhaM = gained labdhaa = regained labdhvaa = having achieved labh.h = to obtain (see also laabha) labhate = (1 ap) to get, to obtain labhante = do achieve labhasva = gain labhe = I obtain labhet.h = gains


labhya = Easy labhyaH = can be achievedlaguDa = a club, a stick lac = a one hundred thoausand ladduka = laddoo, a sweet-ball lagna = The Ascendant or 1st house lagnadhipati = Ascendant lord laghu = small / inferior / light laghuH = light laghuDa = club, stick laghutvaM = lightness laghutaa * = f. quickness, promptness, agility, dexterity MBh. Ma1rkP.; lightness, ease, facility Sus3r. R2itus.; feeling of ease, ffeeling of bodily freshness Ka1ran2d2.; prosodial shortness VarBr2S.; smallness, littleness, meanness, insignificance MBh. Ra1jat. S3is3.; lightmindedness, thoughtlessness, levity, wantonness R.; want of rank or dignity, humbleness, disregard, disrespect Ka1v. Pan5cat. &c.

laghvaashii = eating a small quantity lAja * =m. (or %{A} f.) pl. fried or parched grain (esp. rice grain) VS. &c. &c.; n. the root of Andropogon Muricatus L. lajjaa = modesty\\* = f. shame, modesty, bashfulness, embarrassment (also Shame personified as the wife of Dharma and mother of Vinaya) MBh. Kv. &c.; the sensitive plant, Mimosa Pudica L. lajja* =m. N. of a man; pl. his descendants Vop.; ({A}) f. see below. laJja* = m. (only L.) a foot, a tail; = {kaccha}; = {paGgu}; ({A}) f. (only L.) an adulteress; sleep; a current; N. of Lakshm. lajjyate = (1 ap) to be ashamed, embarrassed. lakshaNa* = mfn. indicating, expressing indirectly Veda7ntas.; m. Ardea Sibirica L.; N. of a man Rjat. (often confounded with, {lakSmaNa}); ({A}) f. see s.v.; n. (ifc. f. {A}) a mark, sign, symbol, token, characteristic, attribute, quality (ifc. = `" marked or characterized by "', `" possessed of "') Mn. MBh. &c.; a stroke, line (esp. those drawn on the sacrificial ground) S'Br. GriS'rS.; a lucky mark,

favourable sign GriS'rS. Mn. MBh. &c.; a symptom or indication of disease, Cat; a sexual organ MBh. xiii, 2303; a spoon (?) DivyA7v; accurate description, definition, illustration Mn. Sarvad. Sus'r.; settled rate, fixed tariff Mn. viii, 406; a designation, appellation, name (ifc. = `" named "', `" called "') Mn. MBh. Kv.; a form, species, kind, sort (ifc.= `" taking the form of "', `" appearing as "') Mn. S'ank. BhP.; the act of aiming at, aim, goal, scope, object (ifc. = `" concerning "', `" relating to "', `" coming within the scope of "') APrt. Yj. MBh. BhP.; reference, quotation Pn. 1-4, 84; effect, operation, influence ib. i, 1, 62 &c.; cause, occasion, opportunity R. Das'.; observation, sight, seeing W. lakshaNA* = f. aiming at, aim, object, view Hariv.; indication, elliptical expression, use of a word for another word with a cognate meaning (as of `" head "' for `" intellect "'), indirect or figurative sense of a word (one of its three Arthas; the other two being {abhidhA} or proper sense, and {vyaJjanA} or suggestive ssense; with {sA7ropA}, the placing of a word in its figurative sense in apposition to another in its proper ssense) Sh. Kpr. Bhshp. &c. [892, 2]; the female of the Ardea Sibirica (= {lakSmaNA}) Sus'r.; a goose Un. iii, 7 Sch.; N. of an Apsaras MBh. Hariv.


laksh * = cl. 1. . {lakSate}, to perceive, observe BhP. Kaths.; (P. {-ti}), to recognise MBh.; cl. 10. P. . (Dhtup. xxxii, 5; xxxiii, 23; rather Nom. fr. {lakSa} below) {lakSayati}, {-te} (aor. {alalakSat}, {-ta}; inf. {lakSayitum}; ind. p. {lakSayitvA}, {lakSya}), to mark, sign MBh.; to characterize, define (in Comms.); to indicate, designate indirectly S'ank. Kpr. Sh. Sarvad.; to aim, it (as to aim an arrow at any object), direct towards, have in view, mean Ks'. on Pn. 2-3, 37 &c.; to consider or regard any one (acc.) as (acc. with or without {iva}) MBh. Hariv. Pur.; to suppose of any one (acc.) that he will &c. (oratio recta with {iti}) MBh. iii, 10375; to know, understand, recognise by (instr.) or as (acc.) or that &c. (oratio recta with {iti}) MBh. Kv. Pur.; to notice, perceive, observe, see, view MaitrUp. Mn. MBh. &c.: Pass. {lakSyate}, to be marked &c.; to be meant or intended Ks'. on Pn. 2-3, 14 &c.; to be named or called (with double nom.) BhP.; to be perceived or seen, appear, seem, look like (nom. with or without {iva}) MBh. Kv. &c.: Desid. see {lilakSayiSita}. lakshataa * = f. the state of being a mark or aim MW. lakshes'a * = m. = {lakSA7dhI7za} Kv. lakshaka * = mfn. indicating, hinting at, expressing

indirectly or elliptically or by metonymy Sh.; N. of two men Rjat.; n. a lac, one hundred thousand Pacar. laksha = Lakh, 100, 000 in number, also sight lakshaNaM = symptom; indication; aspect; characteristics lakshmaNa * = mf({A4})n. having marks or signs or characteristics TS.; endowed with auspicious signs or marks, lucky, fortunate L.; m. Ardea Sibirica past.; N. of a Vsishthha g. {zubhrA7di}; of a son of Das'a-ratha by his wife Su-mitr (he was younger brother and companion of Rma during his travels and adventures; LLakshmana4 and S'atru-ghna were both sons of Su-mitr, but LLakshmana4 alone is usually called Saumitri; he so attached himself to Rma as to be called RRma's second self; whereas S'atru-ghna attached himself to Bharata) R. Pur. &c.; N. of various authors and other persons (also with {AcArya}, {kavi}, {dezika}, {dvivedin}, {paNDita}, {bhaTTa}, {zAstrin}, {sUri} &c.) Cat.; ({A}) f. the female of the Ardea Sibirica MBh.; a goose Un. iii, 7 Sch.; a kind of potherb Car.; N. of various other plants (Hemionitis Cordifolia; Uraria Lagopodioides; = {putra-kandA} and a whiteflowering Kanthaka7ri). L.; N. of a wife of Kriishna

Hariv. Pur.; of a daughter of Dur-yodhana (carried off by Smbha, a son of Kriishna) BhP.; of an Apsaras Hariv.; of a Buddhist Dev Klac.; of the mother of the 8th Arhat of the present Avasarpin L.; n. a mark, sign, token MBh. R. &c. (often v.l. {lakSaNa}), a name L. lakshmaNapuurvajaM = the (earlier-born)elder of LakshmaNa lakshmaNaanucharo = having LakshmaNa as the follower lakshmaNo = laksshmaNaH lakshmaNopetaM = having Lakshmana nearby lakshmi = goddess of wealth, beauty and luck, wife of Vishnu lakshmii = wealth lakSya *= mfn. to be marked or characterized or defined, Kap. Sch.; to be indicated, indirectly denoted or expressed Sh. Veda7ntas.; (to be) kept in view or observed VarBriS. Kaths.; to be regarded as or taken for (nom.) S'is'. Hit.; to be recognised or known, recognisable by (instr. or comp.) Hariv. Klid. Dhrtas.; observable,

perceptible, visible MBh. Kv. &c.; m. N. of a magical formula or spell recited over weapons R.; n. an object aimed at, prize MBh. R. Km.; (exceptionally also n. with m. as v.l.) an aim, butt, mark, goal Up. Gaut. MBh. &c. ({lakSyaM-labh}, to attain an object, have success; {lakSyam-bandh} with loc., `" to fix or direct the aim at "', with {AkAze} = {AkAze lakSam-bandh} see under {lakSa}) [893, 2]; the thing defined (opp. to {lakSaNa}) A.; an indirect or secondary meaning (that derived from {lakSaNA}, q.v.) Kpr.; a pretence, sham, disguise Ragh. Km. (cf. {-supta}); a lac or one hundred thousand Rjat.; an example, illustration (?) Sh.; often v.l. or w.r. for {lakSa} and {lakSman}. lakshyam.h = (n) aim, target, goal lakshyamaatravyaapakaH = lakshyam + atra + vyApakaH:goal or target + here + manifested lalaama *= mf(%{I})n. having a mark or spot on the forehead, marked with paint &c. (as cattle) AV. TS.; having any mark or sign MBh.; beautiful, charming L.; eminent, best of its kind (f. %{A}) L.; m. n. ornament, decoration, embellishment MBh. Ka1v. &c.; (%{I}) f. N. of a female demon AV.; a kind of ornament for the ears L.; n. (only L.) a coloured mark on the forehead of a horse or bull; a

sectarial mark; any mark or sign or token; a line, row; a flag, banner; a tail; a horse; = %{prabhAva}. lalaaman *= n. an ornament , decoration Vcar. ; (only L.) a sectarial mark ; any mark or sign ; a banner , flag ; a tail ; a horn ; a horse ; chief or principal ; a species of stanza (having 10 syllables in the first two Pa8das , 11 in the third , and 13 in the fourth) ; = %{ramya} or %{sukha}. lalaaTa = the forehead lalaaTaka = (n) forehead lalita = lovely, beautiful, elegant, graceful laMbodaraM = having a long stomach laMbodaraaya = to the long-stomached lampaTa * = mf({A})n. covetous, greedy, lustful, desirous of or addicted to (loc. or comp.) Inscr. Kv. Pur.; m. a libertine, lecher, dissolute person, w.; ({A}) f. a partic. personification L. lampaTa-tA * = n. greediness, dissoluteness, lewdness. laampaTya * = n. (fr. {lampaTa}) lasciviousness,

lustfulness, dissoluteness Nalac. lankaa = the kingdon of Ravana, Ceylon or Sri Lanka la.ngh.h = to climb lashunam.h = (n) garlic lasatbhiH = glowing lasiikaa* = f. watery humour in the body, lymph, serrum &c. Car. Bhpr.; the juice of the sugar-cane L.; a tendon, muscle L. lasitaM = beautified lata = creeper lataa = (f) creeper, vine laulikii = a movement of the abdominal muscles and organs laukika * = mf({I})n. (fr. {loka}) worldly, terrestrial, belonging to or occurring in ordinary life, common, usual, customary, temporal, not sacred (as opp. to {vaidika}, {ArSa}, {zAstrIya} [909, 3]; {laukiheSu} ind. = {loke} `" in ordinary or

popular speech "', opp. to {vaidikeSu} Nir.) S'rS. Mn. MBh. &c.; (ifc.) belonging to the world of(ct. {brahma-l-}); m. common or ordinary men (as opp. to `" the learned, initiated "' &c.) S'ank. Sarvad.; men familiar with the ways of the world, men of the world Uttarar.; men in general, people, mankind MBh.; n. anything occurring in the world, general custom, usage S'ak. MrkP.; a persos ordinary occupation BhP. lava = Piece * = m. (1. {lU}) the act of cutting, reaping (of corn), mowing, plucking or gathering (of flowers &c.), Das. Nalo7d.; that which is cut or shorn off, a shorn fleece, wool, hair Mn. Ragh.; anything cut off, a section, fragment, piece, particle, bit, little piece ({am} ind. a little; {lavam api}, even a little) MBh. Kv. &c. (cf. {padAti-l-}); a minute division of time, the 60th of a twinkling, half a second, a moment (accord. to others 1/4000 or 1/5400 or 1/20250 of a Muhrta) ib.; (in astron.) a degree Gol.; (in alg.) the numerator of a fraction Col.; the space of 2 Kshthhs L.; loss, destruction L.; sport L. (cf. {lala}); Perdix Chinensis W.; N. of a son of Rmacandra and St (he and his twin-brother Kus'a were brought up by the sage Vlmki and taught by him to repeat his Rmyana at assemblies; cf. {kuzI-lava}) R. Ragh. Uttarar. Pur.; of a king of Kas'mra (father of Kus'a) Rjat.; n. (only L.) nutmeg; cloves; the root of

Andropogon Muricatus; a little (cf. m.). lavana=* mfn. one who cuts &c., a cutter, reaper g. %{nandy-Adi}; (%{I}) f. Anona Reticulata L.; n. the act of cutting, reaping, mowing &c. Ka1tyS3r.; an implement for cutting, sickle, knife &c. Kaus3. (see %{darbha-l-}). lavaNa=*mf(%{A})n. (derivation doubtful) saline, salt, briny, brinish S3Br. &c. &c. (%{NaM@kRtvA}, or %{kRtya} g. %{sAkSA7di}); tasteful, graceful, handsome, beautiful W.; m. saltness, saline taste W.; the sea of salt water (in MBh. vi, 236 &c. one of the seven oceans which surround the Dvi1pas in concentric belts) IW. 420; N. of a hell VP. (v.l. %{savana}); of a Ra1kshasa or Daitya MBh. Hariv. Pur.; of a king belonging to the family of Haris3candra Cat.; of a son of Ra1ma (= %{lava} q.v.) S3atr.; of a river L.; = %{bala} and %{asthi-deva} L.; (%{A}) f. lustre, grace, beauty L. (cf. %{lAvaNya}); Cardiospermum Halicacabum L.; N. of a river Ma1lati1m.; (%{I}) f. (g. %{gaurA7di}) N. of various rivers L.; n. (according to some also m. and %{A} f.) salt (esp. seasalt, rock or fossil salt; but also factitious salt or salt obtained from saline earth) AV. &c. &c.; oversalted food L.; lustre, beauty, charm, grace (ifc. see, %{nir-l-} and %{lava-NA7kara}); a partic. mode of fighting (prob. w.r. for %{lambana}) Hariv.

lavanga = clove lavangaH = (m) cloves lavaNa = (m) salty lavaNam.h = (n) salt lavana = mineral layaM = tranquillity or the lull after destruction or the Deluge layayoga = yoga using the latent power of kundalini lekhya * = 2 mfn. to be scratched or scraped or scarified Sus'r.; to be written or transcribed Yj. MrkP.; to be drawn or painted Yj.; to be portrayed, painted BhP.; to be written down or numbered among (loc.) Kvya7d.; favourable to the gods (said of Vishnu) Vishn. (Sch.); n. the act or the art of writing, Mbh. R.; copying, transcribing VarBriS.; delineation, drawing, painting ib.; a writing, letter, manuscript Km. Kaths. Sh.; (in law) any written document (esp. a written accusation or defence) Vishn. Yj. (cf. IW. 293); an inscription MBh. xiii, 6330; ({gaNanA-}) a catalogue, list of Ragh.; a painted figure BhP.


lekha = writings, article lekhanii = (f) pencil lekhaphalakam.h = (n) slate lekhaani = writings lepa = smearing lepakaaraH = (m) person who builds houses lelihyase = You are licking lesha = little-bit, slight lihanta: * licking liilaa * = f. (derivation doubtful) play, sport, diversion, amusement, pastime MBh. Kv. &c.; mere sport or play, child's play, ease or facility in doing anything ib.; mere appearance, semblance, pretence, disguise, sham Kv. Kaths. Pur. (ibc. sportively, easily, in sport, as a mere joke [903, 3]; also = {lIlayA} ind. for mere diversion, feignedly); grace, charm, beauty, elegance, lovelniess Klid. Kaths. Rjat.; (in rhet.) a maides playful imitation of her lover, Dalar. Sh. Pratp.; a kind of metre (4 times $) Col.; N. of a Yogini HParis'.

liina * = mfn. clung or pressed closely together , attached or devoted to , merged in (loc. or comp.) R. Sarvad. ; sticking Mahi1dh. ; lying or resting on , staying in , lurking , hiding MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; dissolved , absorbed in (loc. or comp.) , disappeared , vanished S3vetUp. MBh. &c. ; n. the clinging to , being dissolved or absorbed in , disappearance Pan5car. likh.h = to write likhati = wrote likhitavaan.h = wrote limpati = (6 pp) to anoint limpanti = do affect linga*= n. (once m. in Nr2isUp.; ifc. f. %{A}, %{I} only in %{viSNu-liGgI}; prob. fr. %{lag}; cf. %{lakSa}, %{lakSaNa}) a mark, spot, sign, token, badge, emblem, characteristic (ifc. = %{tal-liGga}, `" having anything for a mark or sign "') Up. MBh. &c.; any assumed or false badge or mark, guise, disguise MBh. Ka1v. &c.; a proof, evidence Kan2. Ka1tyS3r. Sarvad.; a sign of guilt, corpus delicti Ya1jn5. Sch.; the sign of gender or sex, organ of generation Mn. Hariv. Pur. &c.; the male organ or

Phallus (esp. that of S3iva worshipped in the form of a stone or marble column which generally rises out of a %{yoni}, q.v., and is set up in temples dedicated to S3iva; formerly 12 principal S3ivalin3gas existed, of which the best known are Somana1tha in Gnjara1t, Maha1-ka1la at Ujjayini1, Vis3ve7s3vara at Benares &c.; but the number of Lin3gas in India is estimated at 30 millions IW. 322 n. RTL. 78, 1; 90) MBh. R. &c.; gender (in gram.; cf. %{puM-l-}), Prst. Pa1n2.; the image of a god, an idol VarBr2S.; (in logic) = %{vyApya}, the invariable mark which proves the existence of anything in an object (as in the proposition `" there is fire because there is smoke "', smoke is the %{liGga}; cf. IW. 62); inference, conclusion, reason (cf. %{kAvya-l-}); = %{lingazarIra} (in Vedanta); anything having an origin and therefore liable to be destroyed again Kap.; = %{AkAza} Ka1ran2d2.; (in Sa1m2khya) = %{prakRti} or %{pradhAna}, `" the eternal procreative germ "' L. [902,1]; = %{vyakta} L.; cf. RTL. 30; = %{prAtipadika}, the crude base or uninflected stem of a noun (shortened into %{li}) Vop. Sch.; (in rhet.) an indication (word that serves to fix the meaning of another word; e.g. in the passage %{kupito@makara-dhvajaH} the word %{kupita} restricts the meaning of %{makaradhvaja} to `" Ka1ma "') = %{linga-purANa} BhP.; the order of the religious student W.; a symptom, mark of disease W.

lingaM = gender lingaanaaM = genders lingaani = genders lingaiH = symptoms lip = to smear lipa * = m. smearing, anointing, plastering W. lipyate = Vb: be affected, tainted, or: becomes involved or attached or entangled lobha* = m. perplexity, confusion (see {a-l-}); impatience, eager desire for or longing after (gen. loc. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.; covetousness, cupidity, avarice (personified as a son of Pushthi or of Dambha and My) ib. lobha = greed lobhaM = greed lobhaH = greed lobhaviraha = greedless


lobhaavishhTa = (adj) greedy lochana = eye lochanam.h = eyes loha = iron lohamaargaH = (m) railway track loka = this world * = m. (connected with {roka}; in the oldest texts {loka} is generally preceded by {u}, which accord. to the Padap. = the particle 3. {u}; but {u} may be a prefixed vowel and {uloka4}, a collateral dialectic form of {loka}; accord. to others {u-loka} is abridged from {uru-} or {ava-loka}), free or open space, room, place, scope, free motion RV. AV. Br. S'vS'r. (acc. with {kR} or {dA} or {anu-} {nI}, to make room grant freedom "'; {loke} with gen. `" instead of "'); intermediate space Kaus'.; a tract, region, district, country, province S'Br.; the wide space or world (either `" the universe "' or, any division of it "', esp. `" the sky or heaven "'; 3 Lokas are commonly enumerated, viz. heaven, earth, and the atmosphere or lower regions; sometimes only the first two; but a fuller classification gives 7 worlds, viz. Bh-lloka, the earth; Bhuvar-lloka "' the space between the earth and sun inhabited by Munis, Siddhas &c.; Svar1208

lloka, Indra's heaven above the sun or between it and the polar star; Mahar-lloka, a region above the polar star and inhabited by Bhriigo and other saints who survive the destruction of the 3 lower worlds; Janar-lloka, inhabited by Brahm's son Sanat-kumra &c.; Tapar-lloka, inhinhabited by deified Vairgins; Satya-lloka or Brahma-lloka, abode of Brahm, translation to which exempts from rebirth [906, 2]; elsewhere these 7 worlds are described as earth, sky, heaven, middle region, place of re-births, mansion of the blest, and abode of truth; sometimes 14 worlds are mentioned, viz. the 7 above, and 7 lower regions called in the order of their descent below the earth- A-tala, Vi-ttala, Su-ttala, Rasttala, Talttala, Mah-ttala, and Ptla; cf. RTL. 102 n. 1 IW. 420, 1; 435, 1) AV. &c. &c.; N. of the number `" seven "' (cf. above) VarBriS. Sch.; the earth or world of human beings &c. Mn. MBh. &c. ({aya4M loka4H}, this world "'; {asau4} or {pa4ro loka4H}, that or the other world "'; loke or {iha} {loke}, `" here on earth "', opp. to {para-tra}, {para-loke} &c.; {kRtsne} {loke}, `" on the whole earth "'); (also pl.) the inhabitants of the world, mankind, folk, people (sometimes opp. to `" king "') Mn. MBh. &c.; (pl.) men (as opp. to `" women "') Vet. Hit.; a company, community (of ten ifc. to form collectives) Kv. Vas. Kaths. &c.; ordinary life, worldly affairs, common practice or usage GriS. Nir. Mn. &c. ({loke} either `" in ordinary life "', `" in worldly matters "'; or, in

common language, in popular speech "', as opp. to {vede}, {chandasi}); the faculty of seeing, sight (only in {ca4kSur-l-} q.v.); {lokAnAM sAmanI} du. and {lokAnAM vratAni} pl.N. of Smans rshBr. [Cf. Lat. {lsus}, originally, a clearing of a forest "'; Lith. {lau4kas}, a field.] lokaayana * = m. `" refuge of the wworld "'N. of Na1ra1yan2a Hariv. lokaayata * = mfn. `" world-extended (?) "', materialistic; m. a materialist Buddh. Ni1lak. A1ryav. (%{-tI-kR} P. %{-karoti}, to consider as materialistic); n. (scil. %{zAstra} or %{mata} or %{tantra}), materialism, the system of atheistical philosophy (taught by Ca1rva1ka) Prab. Sarvad. &c. lokaayatana * = (l) m. a materialist Col. okaayatika * = m. id. Sam2k.on Br2A1rUp. and Pras3nUp. &c.; (perhaps) a man experienced in the ways of the world MBh. Hariv.; %{-pakSa-nirAsa} m. N. of wk. lokaayatika * = m. id. Sank.on BrirUp. and Pras'nUp. &c.; (perhaps) a man experienced in the ways of the world MBh. Hariv.; {-pakSa-nirAsa} m. N. of wk.


lokaH = world lokaM = world;people lokatraye = in the three planetary systems lokaya = (verbal stem) to see lokayaanam.h = (n) car lokayaatraa* f. the business and traffic of men, worldly affairs, conduct of men, ordinary actions Mn. MBh. Kv. &c.; worldly existence, career in life Mlav.; support of life Hit. lokasa.ngrahaM = the people in general lokasya = of the people lokaaH = all the world lokaat.h = from people lokaan.h = to heaven lokaapavaada = general infamy lokaabhiraamaM = the laudable one of the people


loke = in the world lokeshhu = planetary systemsloma = hair lola = swinging lolaasana = the swing posture lolupa * = mf({A})n. (fr. Intens. of 1. {lup}) very destructive, destroying MW.; (prob. corrupted fr. {lolubha}) very desirous or eager or covetous, ardently longing for (loc. or comp.) MBh. Kv. &c.; ({A}) f. eager desire, appetite, longing for (loc.) MBh.; N. of a Yogin Hcat. lolupatva * = n. eager desire or longing for (comp.), greediness, cupidity, lust, Kv Pur. Sus'r. loshhTa = clay loshhTra = pebbles luJNchhitakesha = hair cut here and there lupta = stopped lubdhaH = greedy lubdhaka = (m) hunter

lubhyati = (4 pp) to covet lumpati = (6 pp) to break M maa = Do not maaDa* = m. measure, weight, quantity W.; Caryota Urens L. (also {maDA-druma}; cf. {madyad-}). maada * = m. (2. {mad}) drunkenness, exhilaration, delight. passion, stupor L.; fighting war Sy. (cf. {gandha-} and {sadha-m-}). maadana* = mfn. exhilarating, delighting RV.; maddening. intoxicating Sus'r.; m. the god of love L.; Vanguiera Spinosa L.; the thorn-apple L.; ({I}) f. N. of two plants (= {mAkandI} and {vijayA}) L.; n. intoxication, exhilaration L.; `" stupefier "'N. of a mythic weapon. R. (v.l. {madana}). maadyati = (4 pp) to be glad maadhava = vishnu, krishhna * = mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{madhu}; f. %{A} only in %{mAdhavA} [= %{madhavyA}] %{tanUH} Pa1n2. 4-4, 129 Sch.) relating to spring, vernal Hariv. Vikr. Katha1s.;

belonging or peculiar to the descendants of Madhu i.e. the Ya1davas Hariv.; representing Kr2ishna (as a picture) Hcat.; M. N. of the second month of spring (more usually called Vais3a1kha, = AprilMay) TS. &c. &c. spring Ka1v. Pan5car.; Bassia Latifolia L.; Latifolia L.; Phaseolus Mungo L.; a son or descendant of Madhu, a man of the race of Yadu (sg. esp. N. of Kr2ishn2a-Vishn2u or of Paras3ura1ma as an incarnation of this god; pl. the Ya1davas or Vr2ishn2is) MBh. R. Hariv. BhP.; N. of S3iva S3ivag.; of Indra Pan5cat. Vet. (w.r. for %{vAsava}?); of a son of the third Manu Hariv.; of one of the 7 sages under Manu Bhautya Ma1rkP.; of the hero of Bhava-bhu1ti's drama Ma1lati1ma1dhava; of various other men Katha1s. Hit. &c.; of various scholars and poets (also with %{paNDita}, %{bhaTTa} %{mizra}, %{yogin}, %{vaidya}, %{sarasvatI} &c.; cf. %{mAdhavA7cArya}); (%{I}) f. see below; n. sweetness L.; (also m.) a partic. intoxicating drink L. maadhavaH = KRishhNa (the husband of the Goddess of Fortune) maadhurya = Sweetness maadhyam.h = (n) medium, platform


maadhyama* = mfn. (fr. {madhyama}) relating to the middle, middlemost, central (also applied to the composers of the middle portion of the Riigveda i.e. of books ii-vii) S'nkhBr. GriS. Pat.; middleborn W.; m. pl. N. of a race Pravar. maagaa = mA+gaa, Dot+go maagadha4 * = mf({I})n. relating to or born in or living in or customary among the Magadhas or the Magadha country AV.Paris'. Lalit. &c.; m. a king of the MMagadha MBh. Hariv.; N. of a mixed caste AV. &c. &c. (accord to Mn. x, 11 the son of a Kshatriya mother and a Vais'ya father; he is the professional bard or panegyrist of a king, often associated with {suta} and {bandin} MBh. Kv. &c.; accord. to others one who informs a Rja of what occurs in bazaars; also an unmarried womas son who lives by running messages or who cleans wells or dirty clothes &c.; also opprobrious N. of a tribe still numerous in GujarSt, and called the Bhts W.); white cumin L.; N. of one of the seven sages in the 14th Manv-antara Hariv.; of a son of Yadu ib.; (pl.) N. of a people (= {magadhAH}) AV.Paris'. MBh. &c.; of the warrior-caste in S'ka-dvi0pa VP.; of a dynasty ib.; ({A}) f. a princess of the Magadhas PadmaP.; long pepper L.; ({I}) f. a princess of the MMagadhas MBh. R.; the daughter of a Kshatriya mother and a Vais'ya father MBh.; a female bard

Kd.; (with or scil. {bhASA}), the language of the MMagadhas (one of the Prakriit dialects) Sh. &c. (cf. {ardha-m-}); Jasminum Auriculatum L.; a kind of spice Sus'r. (long pepper; white cumin; anise; dill; a species of cardamoms grown in Gujarat. L.); refined sugar L.; a kind of metre VarBriS.; N. of a river (= {zoNA}) R. maaghavana * = mf(%{I})n. belonging to or ruled by Indra Pa1n2. 6-4 , 128 Sch. ; (%{I}) f. (with %{kakubh}) the east S3is3. maa4ghona * = bountifulness, liberality RV.; ({I}) f. (scil. {diz}) the east L. maahaa * = f. a cow L. (cf. {mahA}, {mahI}, {mAheyI}). \\ 2 Vriiddhi form of {mahA}, in comp. maahaatmyaM = glories maahaatmya * = n. (fr. %{mahA7tman}) magnanimity, highmindedness MBh. Ka1v. &c.; exalted state or position, majesty, dignity ib.; the peculiar efficacy or virtue of any divinity or sacred shrine &c. W. (cf. RTL. 433); a work giving an account of the merits of any holy place or object W. (cf. %{devI-m-} &c.) maahaaraajya = being the great king

maahaaraajika* = mf({I})n. (fr. {mahA-rAja}) attached or devoted to the reigning prince Pn. 4-2, 35. maakara* = mf({I})n. relating or belonging to a Makara or sea-monster (with {Akara} m. mine of MMakara, the sea Nalo7d.; with {Acana} n. a partic. posture in sitting Cat.; with {vyUha} m. a partic. form of military array Hariv.; with {saptamI} f. = {makara-saptamI} W.); m. pl. N. of a people VarBriS. maakha * =(prob.) n. (fr. {mabha}) any relationship based upon an oblation offered in common Hariv. (v.l. {maukha}). maala = a wreath *= m. (derivation doubtful) N. of a district (lying west and south-west of Bengal) Megh. ; of one of the 7 islands , of Antara-dvilpa L. , of Vishn2u L. ; of the son of a Su1dra and a Su1ta L. ; pl. N. of a barbarous tribe or people MBh. ; (%{A}) f. see col. 3 ; n. a field Inscr. MBh. ; a forest or wood near a village L. ; fraud , artifice L. ; (in some comp.) = ma1la1 , a wreath , garland. maalaa f. a wreath , garland , crown Gr2S3rS. MBh. &c. ; a string of beads , necklace , rosary. Ka1v. Pan5cat. (cf. %{akSa-} and %{ratna-m-}) ; a row , line , streak MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; a series , regular

succession (with %{nAmnAm} , a collection of words arrayed in a series , a vocabulary , dictionary ; cf. %{nAma-m-}) ; a kind of Krama-pa1tha (cf. %{krama-mAlA}) ; N. of various metres Col. ; (in rhet.) a series of epithets or similes W. ; (in dram.) a series of offerings for obtaining any object of desire (S3ak. iii , 17) Sa1h. ; (in astrol.) a partic. Dala-yoga (q.v.) VarBr2S. Sch. ; Trigonella Corniculata L. ; N. of a river MBh. ; of a glossary. maalaa = Garland maalaakaara = (m) gardener maalaakaarii = (f) a woman selling flowers and garlands maalaasana = the garland posture maalikaa = Garland maalinii = shining, also maalinii metre, the one with garland maalya = garlands: * =m. patr. PacavBr. (also pl. Sanskrak.); ({A}) f. Trigonella, Corniculata L.; n. a wreath, garland, chaplet GriS'rS. Up. Mn. &c.; a flower L.; mfn. relating to a garland W.


maalyavat * = mfn. crowned with garlands , garlanded MBh. ; m. N. of a Ra1kshasa (son of Sukes3a) R. ; of one of S3iva's attendants Katha1s. ; of a mountain or mountainous range (lying eastward of mount Meru) MBh. ; (%{atI}) f. N. of a river R. maaM = me maam.h = me maamakaM = from Me maamakaaH = my party (sons). maamikaaM = My maan * = cl. 1. 10. P. {mAnati}, {mAnayati}, to honour, respect Dhtup. xxxiv, 36 (cf. {man}, of which {mAnayati} is the Caus.) maana * = 1 m. ( %{man}) opinion, notion, conception, idea Tattvas. (cf. %{Atma-m-}); purpose, wish, design AitBr.; self-conceit, arrogance, pride KaushUp. Mn. &c. (with Buddhists one of the 6 evil feelings Dharmas. 67; or one of the 10 fetters to be got rid of. MWB. 127); (also n.) consideration, regard, respect, honour Mn. MBh. &c.; a wounded sense of honour, anger or indignation excited by jealousy (esp. in women),

caprice, sulking Ka1v. Das3ar. Sa1h.; N. of the father of Agastya (perhaps also of AAgastya himself Pa1n2. the family of Ma1na) RV.; (in astron.) N. of the tenth house VarBr2S. (W. also a blockhead [809,2]; an agent; a barbarian "').\\ 2 m. (3. %{mA}) a building, house, dwelling RV.; an altar A1past.; (%{mAna4}) a preparation, decoction(?) RV. x, 144, 5; (%{I}) f. measure (see %{tiryan-m-}); a partic. measure "' (= 2 An5jalis) L.; n. measuring. meting out Ka1tyS3r. Hariv. &c.; measure, measuring-cord, standard RV. &c. &c.; dimension, size, height, length (in space and time), weight ib. (ifc.= fold see %{zata4-m-}); a partic. measure or weight (= %{kRSNata} or %{raktikA}; accord. to Sch. on TS. and KatyS3r. 100 Ma1nas= 5 Palas or Pan2as); form, appearance RV.; likeness, resemblance S3is3.; (in phil.) proof. demonstration, means of proof (= %{pra-mANa}. q.v.) maanda * = 1 mf({A})n. (1. {mand}) `" gladdening "'N. of water in partic. formularies VS. TS. Kthh. \\2 mfn. (fr. {manda}) relating to the higher apsis of a planet's course ({-daM karma}, the process of correction for the apsis; {-dam phalam}, the equation of the apsis) Sryas.; n. = {mAndya} g. {pRthv-Adi}. maaNikya = perl

maanda * = 2 mfn. (fr. {manda}) relating to the higher apsis of a planet's course ({-daM karma}, the process of correction for the apsis; {-dam phalam}, the equation of the apsis) Sryas.; n. = {mAndya} g. {pRthv-Adi}. maa.ngalika = auspicious maa.nsaavasaadi = mAmsau+Adi, flesh+etc maana =1: Respect * = m. ( {man}) opinion, notion, conception, idea Tattvas. (cf. {Atma-m-}); purpose, wish, design AitBr.; self-conceit, arrogance, pride KaushUp. Mn. &c. (with Buddhists one of the 6 evil feelings Dharmas. 67; or one of the 10 fetters to be got rid of. MWB. 127); (also n.) consideration, regard, respect, honour Mn. MBh. &c.; a wounded sense of honour, anger or indignation excited by jealousy (esp. in women), caprice, sulking Kv. Das'ar. Sh.; N. of the father of Agastya (perhaps also of AAgastya himself Pn. the family of Mna) RV.; (in astron.) N. of the tenth house VarBriS. (W. also a blockhead [809, 2]; an agent; a barbarian "').\\2: *= m. (3. {mA}) a building, house, dwelling RV.; an altar past.; ({mAna4}) a preparation, decoction(?) RV. x, 144, 5; ({I}) f. measure (see {tiryan-m-}); a partic. measure "' (= 2 Ajalis) L.; n. measuring. meting out KtyS'r. Hariv. &c.; measure, measuring-cord, standard RV. &c. &c.;

dimension, size, height, length (in space and time), weight ib. (ifc.= fold see {zata4-m-}); a partic. measure or weight (= {kRSNata} or {raktikA}; accord. to Sch. on TS. and KatyS'r. 100 Mnas= 5 Palas or Panas); form, appearance RV.; likeness, resemblance S'is'.; (in phil.) proof. demonstration, means of proof (= {pra-mANa}. q.v.) maanana* = mfn. (fr. Caus.) honouring, serving as a token of respect Nir.; n. and (%{A}) f. paying honour, showing respect MBh. Ka1v. &c. maanasa* = mf(%{I}, once %{A})n. (fr. %{ma4nas}) belonging to the mind or spirit, mental, spiritual (opp. to %{zArirA}, corporeal) VS. &c. &c.; expressed only in the mind, performed in thought i.e. silent, tacit (as a hymn or prayer) S3rS. Mn. MBh.; conceived or present in the mind, conceivable, imaginable R.; relating to or dwelling on the lake Ma1nasa (see n. below) BhP.; m. a form of Vishn2u VP.; N. of a serpent-demon MBh.; of a son of Vapush-mat Ma1rkP.; pl. a partic. class of deceased ancestors (regarded as sons of Vasisht2ha) Cat.; a class of ascetics Ra1matUp.; N. of the Vais3yas in S3kadvi1pa MBh.; of the worlds of the Soma-pa Hariv.; (%{I}) f. (with %{pUja}) mental or spiritual devotion (opp. to %{mUrti-p-}, adoration of images) RTL. 524; N. of a Kim2-nari1 Ka1ran2d2.; of a Vidya1-devi1 L.; n. (ifc. f. %{A})

the mental powers, mind, spirit, heart, soul (= %{manas} g. %{prajJA7di}) Kat2hUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c.; (in law) tacit or implied consent W.; a kind of salt Ka1tyS3r. Sch.; the 25th mansion from that under which one is born VarYogay.; (with or scil "' %{saras}, or %{tIrtha}) N. of a sacred like and place of pilgrimage on mount Kaila1sa (the native place of the wild geese, which migrate to it every year at the breeding season) MBh. Ka1v. Pur.; N. of wk. on S3ilpa or art. maanava = human maanavaH = a man maanavadharma = humanity based ideology, prescribed behavior for humans maanavaaH = human beings maanavii = (adj) done by human maanasa = mind maanasaM = of the mind maanasaH = within the mind maanasaaH = from the mind

maanasika = of the mind maaniindha* = m. N. of an astronomer (v.l. {mAnindha}; cf. {maNittha}). mAnin* = 1 mfn. (fr. {man} or fr. 1. {mAna}) thinking, being of opinion KathhUp.; high-minded, haughty, proud towards ({pratI}) or of ({-tas}) MBh. Kv. &c.; highly honoured or esteemed ib.; (ifc.) thinking (esp. one's self) to be or have, appearing as or passing for (see {darzanIya-}, {paNDita-m-} &c.); highly esteeming or honouring (see f.); m. Marsilia Dentata L.; ({inI}) f. a disdainful or sulky woman Kv.; (ifc.) the wife of (see {madhu-mAninI} lit. `" highly esteeming her husband "'); Aglaia Odorata L.; a kind of metre W. (prob. w.r. for {mAlinI}); N. of an Apsaras VP.; of a daughter of Vidrastha and wife of Rjya-vardhana MrkP. maaNi * = Vr2iddhi form of %{maNi} in comp. maani * = in comp. for 1. %{mAnin}. maanin* = 2 mfn. measuring, applying a measure, measurable VP. maanmatha: *= mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{manmatha}) relating to or concerning love, produced by love, filled with love &c. Ka1v.; belonging to the god of llove Vcar.

maantra * = mf(%{I})n, (fr. %{mantra}) proper or peculiar to Vedic or magical texts MW. maanushhaM = human maanushhiiM = in a human form maanushhe = in human society maanusha * = or %{mAnuSa4} mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{manus}) belonging to mankind , human RV. &c. &c. ; favourable or propitious to men , humane RV. AV. ; m. (ifc. f. %{A}) a man , human being (pl. the races of men , 5 in number) RV. &c. &c. ; N. of the signs of the zodiac Gemini , Virgo , and Libra VarBr2S. ; (%{I}) f. a woman MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; (scil. %{cikitsA}) , human medicine "' , a branch of medmedicine , the administering of drugs (opp. to %{AsurI} and %{daivIcik-}) W. ; n. the condition or manner or action of men , humanity , manhood RV. &c. &c. ; N. of a place Cat. maanya* = mfn. to be respected or honoured, worthy of honour, respectable, venerable Mn. MBh. &c.; ({mAnya4}) m. patr. fr. 1. {mA4na} RV. i, 163, 14, &c.; N. of Maitrvaruni (author of RV.viii, 67) RAnukr. maanyamaana* = m. (fr. %{manyamAna} see

%{man}) the proud one RV. vii, 18, 20 (lit. `" the son of the proud "' Sa1y. `" the son of Manyma1na "'). maapanadaNDaH = (m) ruler, scale maapikaa = (f) scale, ruler maaraya = (verbal stem) to kill maarakata*= of the color or nature of emerald maaraatmaka = habitual killer maarakata * = mf({I})n. (fr. {marakata}) belonging to an emerald, having any of the properties or qualities of an eemerald, coloured like an eemerald MBh. Kv. Pur.; m. (with {dhAtu}) an emerald MBh. maardavaM = gentleness maarga = way (masc) maargaH = a way, road, path, a means, search, inquiry, investigate maargashiirshhaH = the month of NovemberDecember

maargaachala = mountain coming in the way maarj * = (rather Caus. of %{mRj} q.v.) cl. 10. P. (Dha1tup. xxxii , 106 Vop.) %{mArjayati} , to wipe , cleanse , purify ; to sound (?) Dha1tup. ib. maarjana = cleaning maarjanaM = correcting, rubbing maarjaara = cat maarsha * m. (cf. {mAriSa}) an honourable man, respectable person Buddh.; Amaranthus Oleraceus Bhpr. maartya * = n. (fr. {martya}) the corporeal part (of man), mortality BhP. maaruta = wind maarutaH = wind maarutatulyavegam.h = with the speed equal to that of wind-god(his father maarutiryasya = mArutiH+yasya, Hanuman+whose


maashha = (m) a gold coin maasa = month maasa* = m. (or n. Siddh.) the moon (see {pUrNam-}); a month or the 12th part of the Hind year (there are 4 kinds of months, viz. the solar, {saura}; the natural, {sAvana}; the stellar, {nAkSatra}, and the lunar, {cA7ndra}; the latter, which is the most usual and consists of 30 Tithis, being itself of two kinds as reckoned from the new or full moon cf. IW. 179; for the names of the months see ib. 173 n. 3) RV. &c. &c. ({mAsam}, for a month; {mAsam ekam}, for one month; {mAsena}, in the course of a month; {mAse}, in a mmonth = after the lapse of a mmonth); a symbolical N. for the number `" twelve "' Sryas. maasha* = m. (n. g. {ardharcA7di}) a bean RV. &c. &c. (sg. the plant; pl. the fruit; in later times = Phaseolus Radiatus, a valued kind of pulse having seeds marked with black and grey spots); a partic. weight of gold (= 5 Kriishnalas= 1/10 Suvrna; the weight in common use is said to be about 17 grains troy) Mn. Yj.; a cutaneous eruption resembling beans L.; a fool, blockhead L.; N. of a man g. {bAhv-Adi}; pl. (with or scil. {akRSTAH}) `" wild beans "'N. of a Riishi-gans (the children of S'urabhi, to whom RV. ix, 86, 1-10 is ascribed)

RAnukr. R. Hariv.; ({I}) f. see below. maasI= relating to the black, to soot, darkening, the dark moon a new moon maasaanaaM = of months maata = mother matha* = m. (Prkr. for {mRta}) the son of a Vais'ya and a Kuthi L. maata* = 1 mfn. (for 2. and 3. see pp. 806 and 807) formed, made, composed (?) RV. v, 45, 6 (others, `" fr. {man} "', others, {mAtA}, mother "'; cf. {devamAta}). maata* = 2 m. (for 1. see p. 804, col. 2; for 3. under 2. {mAtR}, p. 807, col. 2) metron. fr. {mati4}; ({I4}) f. in {vA4n mAtI} TS. ({mAtyA4} VS. MaitrS.; cf. Pn. 4-1, 85 Vrtt. 1 Pat.) maataa* = 1. 2 {mAtA-duhitR} &c. see col. 3. mAtA 2 nom. of %{mAtR} , in comp. maata* = (for 1. and 2. see pp. 804 and 806) ifc. after a proper N. = {mAtR} Pn. 6-1, 14 Pat. maataa* = 1 f. = {mAtR} (see {kAka-} and {vizva1229

m-}).\\* = 2 nom. of {mAtR}, in comp maata.nga = Matang maataraM = (fem.acc.Sing.)mother maataa = mother maataamaha = (m) grandfather (mother's father) maataamahi = (f) grandmother (mother's mother) maati * =f. measure, accurate knowledge L.; a partic. part of the body L. maathi * =f. armour, mail L. maatri *= 2 f. (derivation from 3. %{mA} very doubtful ; for 1. %{mA4tR} see p. 804 , col. 2) a mother , any mother (applicable to animals) RV. &c. &c. (sometimes ifc. e.g. %{kuntI-m-} , having KKunti1 for a mother) ; du. father and mother , parents RV. iii , 3 , 33 ; vii , 2 , 5 (also "' , %{mAta4rA-pita4rA} , iv , 6 , 7 , and %{pita4rAmAta4rA} Pa1n2. 6-3 , 33 ; cf. %{mAtarapitarau} , col. 2) ; the earth (du. heaven and earth) RV. ; (with or scil. %{lokasya}) , a cow MBh. ; (du. and pl.) the two pieces of wood used in kindling fire RV. (cf. %{dvi-m-}) ; (pl.) the waters RV. (cf.

%{saptam-} and Naigh. i , 13) ; (pl.) the divine mothers or personified energies of the principal deities (sometimes reckoned as 7 in number , viz. Bra1hmi1 or Brahma1n2i , Ma1hes3vari1 , Kauma1ri1 , Vaishn2avi1 , Va1ra1hi1 , Indra1n2! or Aindri1 or Mihendri1 , Ca1mun2d2a1 ; sometimes 8 , viz. Bra1hmi , Ma1hes3vari1 , Kauma1ri , Vaishn2avi1 , Va1ra1hi1 , Raudri1 , Carmamun2d2a1 , Ka1la-sam2pkarshin2i1 ; sometimes 9 , viz. Brahma1n2i1 , Vaishn2avi1 , Raudri1 , Va1ra1hi1 , Na1rasin6hika1 , Kauma1ri , Ma1hendri1 , Ca1mun2d2a1 , Can2d2ika1 ; sometimes 16 , viz. Gauri1 , Padma1 , S3aci1 , Medha1 , Sa1vitri1 , Vijaya1 , Jaya1 , Deva-sena1 , Sva-dha1 , Sva1ha1 , S3a1nti , Pusht2i , Dhr2iti , Tusht2i , A1tma-devata1 and Kula-devata1 ; they are closely connected with the worship of S3iva and are described as attending on his son Skanda or Ka1rttikeya , to whom at first only 7 Ma1tr2is were assigned , but later an innumerable number ; also the 13 wives of Kas3yapa are called , %{lokAnAm@mAtaraH}) MBh. R. Pur. Hcat. (RTL. 222 &c.) ; (pl.) the 8 classes of female ancestors (viz. mothers , grandmothers , great-grandmothers , paternal and maternal aunts &c. Sam2ska1rak. ; but the word `" mother "' is also applied to other female relatives and in familiar speech to elderly women generally) ; N. of Lakshmi1 Bhartr2. ; of Durga1 L. ; of Da1ksha1yan2i in certain places Cat. ; accord. to L. also = a colocynth ; Salvinia

Cucullata , Nardostachys Jatamansi , Sphaerantus Indicus ; air , space ; the lower mill-stone ; = %{vibhUti} ; %{-revatI}. [Cf. Gk. , $ , $ ; Lat. {mater} ; &244768[807 ,1] Lith. {mote} ; Slav. {mati} ; Germ. {muotar} , {Mutter} ; Eng. {mother}.] maatra * = m. a Bra1hman of the lowest order i.e. only by birth Hcat.; (%{A}) f. see s.v.; n. an element, elementary matter BhP.; (ifc.) measure, quantity, sum, size, duration, measure of any kind (whether of height, depth, breadth, length, distance, time or number e.g. %{aGgula-mAtram}, a finger's breadth Pan5cat.; %{artha-mAtram}, a certain sum of money ib.; %{kroza}. %{mAtre}, at the distance of a Kos Hit. [804,3]; %{mAsamAtre}, in a month La1t2y.; %{zata-mAtram}, a hundred in number Katha1s.); the full or simple measure of anything, the whole or totality, the one thing and no more, often = nothing but, entirely, only (e.g. %{rAja-mAtram}, the whole class of kings S3a1n3khSr.; %{bhaya-m-}, all that may be called danger, any danger VarBr2S.; %{rati-m-}, nothing but sensuality Mn.; %{zabda-mAtreNa}, only by a sound S3ak.); mf(%{A} and %{I})n. (ifc.) having the measure of i.e. as large or high or long or broad or deep or far or much or many (cf. %{aGguSTha-}, %{tAla-}, %{bAhu-}, %{yava-}, %{tavan-}, %{etavan} mmany); Possessing (only)

as much as or no more than (cf. %{prA7NayAsrika-m-}); amounting (only) to (pleonastically after numerals; cf. %{tri-m-}); being nothing but, simply or merely (cf. %{padAti-}, %{manuSya-m-}; after a pp. = scarcely, as soon as, merely, just e.g. %{jAta-m-}, scarcely or just born Mn.; %{kRSTam-}, merely ploughed Ka1tyS3r.; %{bhuktamAtre}, immediately after eating Mn.) maatraa * = f. measure (of any kind), quantity, size, duration, number, degree &c. RV. &c. &c. (%{bhUyasyA@mAtrayA}, in a higher degree Lalit.); unit of measure, foot VarBr2S.; unit of time, moment Sus3r. Sa1rn3gS. (= %{nimeSa} VP.; ifc. = lasting so many moments Gaut.); metrical unit, a mora or prosodial instant i.e. the length of time required to pronounce a short vowel (a long vowel contains 2 Ma1tra1s, and a prolated vowel 3) Pra1t.; musical unit of time (3 in number) Pan5cat.; (only once ifc.) the full measure of anything (= %{mAtra}) Hariv. 7125; right or correct measure, order RV. ChUp.; a minute portion, particle, atom, trifle S3Br. &c. &c. (%{ayA}, ind. in small portions, in slight measure, moderately Das3. Sus3r.; %{AyAm} ind. a little Gan2ar.; %{rAje7ti@kiyatI@mAtrA}, of what account is a king? a king is a mere trifle Pan5cat.; %{kA@mAtrA@samudrasya}, what is the importance of the sea? the sea will easily be

managed ib.; an element (5 in number) BhP.; matter, the material world MaitrUp. MBh. BhP.; materials, property, goods, household, furniture, money, wealth, substance, livelihood (alsopl.) Vas. Mn. MBh. &c.; a mirror Vishn2.; an ear-ring, jewel, ornament Ka1d.; the upper or horizontal limb of the Na1gari1 characters W. maatratas* = ind. (ifc.) from the first moment of (cf. {bhUmi-STha-m-}). maatratA* = f. (ifc.) the being as much as, no more nor less than anything S'ankar. maatratraya* = mfn. threefold MrkP. maatratva* = n. = {-tA} Veda7ntas. maatrarAja* = m. (with {anaGgaharSa}) N. of a poet Cat. maatraka* = (ifc.) = {mAtra} MBh. Kv. &c.; ({ikA}) f. = {mAtrA}, a prosodial instant RPrt. (cf. {mAtrika}). maatrAkRta* = mfn. (a metre) regulated by morae L. maatrAvat* = mfn. containing a partic. measure

KtyS'r. Sus'r. maatra* = m. a Brhman of the lowest order i.e. only by birth Hcat.; ({A}) f. see s.v.; n. an element, elementary matter BhP.; (ifc.) measure, quantity, sum, size, duration, measure of any kind (whether of height, depth, breadth, length, distance, time or number e.g. {aGgula-mAtram}, a finger's breadth Pacat.; {artha-mAtram}, a certain sum of money ib.; {kroza}. {mAtre}, at the distance of a Kos Hit. [804,3]; {mAsa-mAtre}, in a month Lthy.; {zatamAtram}, a hundred in number Kaths.); the full or simple measure of anything, the whole or totality, the one thing and no more, often = nothing but, entirely, only (e.g. {rAja-mAtram}, the whole class of kings S'nkhSr.; {bhaya-m-}, all that may be called danger, any danger VarBriS.; {rati-m-}, nothing but sensuality Mn.; {zabda-mAtreNa}, only by a sound S'ak.); mf({A} and {I})n. (ifc.) having the measure of i.e. as large or high or long or broad or deep or far or much or many (cf. {aGguSTha-}, {tAla-}, {bAhu-}, {yava-}, {tavan-}, {etavan} mmany); Possessing (only) as much as or no more than (cf. {prA7Na-yAsrika-m-}); amounting (only) to (pleonastically after numerals; cf. {tri-m-}); being nothing but, simply or merely (cf. {padAti-}, {manuSya-m-}; after a pp. = scarcely, as soon as, merely, just e.g. {jAta-m-}, scarcely or just born Mn.; {kRSTa-m-}, merely ploughed KtyS'r.;

{bhukta-mAtre}, immediately after eating Mn.) maatrA* = f. measure (of any kind), quantity, size, duration, number, degree &c. RV. &c. &c. ({bhUyasyA mAtrayA}, in a higher degree Lalit.); unit of measure, foot VarBriS.; unit of time, moment Sus'r. SrngS. (= {nimeSa} VP.; ifc. = lasting so many moments Gaut.); metrical unit, a mora or prosodial instant i.e. the length of time required to pronounce a short vowel (a long vowel contains 2 Mtrs, and a prolated vowel 3) Prt.; musical unit of time (3 in number) Pacat.; (only once ifc.) the full measure of anything (= {mAtra}) Hariv. 7125; right or correct measure, order RV. ChUp.; a minute portion, particle, atom, trifle S'Br. &c. &c. ({ayA}, ind. in small portions, in slight measure, moderately Das'. Sus'r.; {AyAm} ind. a little Ganar.; {rAje7ti kiyatI mAtrA}, of what account is a king? a king is a mere trifle Pacat.; {kA mAtrA samudrasya}, what is the importance of the sea? the sea will easily be managed ib.; an element (5 in number) BhP.; matter, the material world MaitrUp. MBh. BhP.; materials, property, goods, household, furniture, money, wealth, substance, livelihood (alsopl.) Vas. Mn. MBh. &c.; a mirror Vishn.; an ear-ring, jewel, ornament Kd.; the upper or horizontal limb of the Ngar characters W.


maatra* = {-traka} &c. see p. 804, cols. 2, 3. maatri = mother maatri-bhaava = The 4th house of Mother maatra = only maatra* = m. a Brhman of the lowest order i.e. only by birth Hcat.; ({A}) f. see s.v.; n. an element, elementary matter BhP.; (ifc.) measure, quantity, sum, size, duration, measure of any kind (whether of height, depth, breadth, length, distance, time or number e.g. {aGgula-mAtram}, a finger's breadth Pacat.; {artha-mAtram}, a certain sum of money ib.; {kroza}. {mAtre}, at the distance of a Kos Hit. [804, 3]; {mAsa-mAtre}, in a month Lthy.; {zatamAtram}, a hundred in number Kaths.); the full or simple measure of anything, the whole or totality, the one thing and no more, often = nothing but, entirely, only (e.g. {rAja-mAtram}, the whole class of kings S'nkhSr.; {bhaya-m-}, all that may be called danger, any danger VarBriS.; {rati-m-}, nothing but sensuality Mn.; {zabda-mAtreNa}, only by a sound S'ak.); mf({A} and {I})n. (ifc.) having the measure of i.e. as large or high or long or broad or deep or far or much or many (cf. {aGguSTha-}, {tAla-}, {bAhu-}, {yava-}, {tavan-}, {etavan} mmany); Possessing (only) as much as or no more

than (cf. {prA7Na-yAsrika-m-}); amounting (only) to (pleonastically after numerals; cf. {tri-m-}); being nothing but, simply or merely (cf. {padAti-}, {manuSya-m-}; after a pp. = scarcely, as soon as, merely, just e.g. {jAta-m-}, scarcely or just born Mn.; {kRSTa-m-}, merely ploughed KtyS'r.; {bhukta-mAtre}, immediately after eating Mn.) maa4traa * = f. measure (of any kind), quantity, size, duration, number, degree &c. RV. &c. &c. ({bhUyasyA mAtrayA}, in a higher degree Lalit.); unit of measure, foot VarBriS.; unit of time, moment Sus'r. SrngS. (= {nimeSa} VP.; ifc. = lasting so many moments Gaut.); metrical unit, a mora or prosodial instant i.e. the length of time required to pronounce a short vowel (a long vowel contains 2 Mtrs, and a prolated vowel 3) Prt.; musical unit of time (3 in number) Pacat.; (only once ifc.) the full measure of anything (= {mAtra}) Hariv. 7125; right or correct measure, order RV. ChUp.; a minute portion, particle, atom, trifle S'Br. &c. &c. ({ayA}, ind. in small portions, in slight measure, moderately Das'. Sus'r.; {AyAm} ind. a little Ganar.; {rAje7ti kiyatI mAtrA}, of what account is a king? a king is a mere trifle Pacat.; {kA mAtrA samudrasya}, what is the importance of the sea? the sea will easily be managed ib.; an element (5 in number) BhP.; matter, the material world MaitrUp. MBh. BhP.; materials, property,

goods, household, furniture, money, wealth, substance, livelihood (alsopl.) Vas. Mn. MBh. &c.; a mirror Vishn.; an ear-ring, jewel, ornament Kd.; the upper or horizontal limb of the Ngar characters W. maatraasparshaH = sensory perception maatula = maternal uncle maatulaaH = maternal uncles maatulaan.h = maternal uncles maaya * = mfn. (3. {mA}) measuring (see {dhAnyam-}); creating illusions (said of Vishnu) MBh.; ({A}) f. see below. maayaa * = f. art, wisdom, extraordinary or supernatural power (only in the earlier language); illusion, unreality, deception, fraud, trick, sorcery, witchcraft magic RV. &c. &c.; an unreal or illusory image, phantom, apparition ib. (esp. ibc= false, unreal, illusory; cf. comp.); duplicity (with Buddhists one of the 24 minor evil passions) Dharmas. 69 (in phil.) Illusion (identified in the Snkhya with Prakriiti or Pradhna and in that system, as well as in the Veda7nta, regarded as the source of the visible universe) IW. 83; 108; (with

S'aivas) one of the 4 Ps'as or snares which entangle the soul Sarvad. MW.; (with Vaishnavas) one of the 9 S'aktis or energies of Vishnu L.; Illusion personified (sometimes identified with Durg, sometimes regarded as a daughter of Anriita and Nirriiti or Nikriiti and mother of Mriityu, or as a daughter of Adharma) Pur.; compassion, sympathy L.; Convolvulus Turpethum L.; N. of the mother of Gautama Buddha MWB. 24; of Lakshm W.; of a city Cat.; of 2 metres Col.; du. ({mAye indrasya}) N. of 2 Smans ArshBr. maayaavaada* = m. the doctrine affirming the world to be illusion (applied to the doctrine of the Vednta and of Buddhism) Cat.; {-khaNDana} n. ({-na-TippaNI} f. {-na-TIkA} f.), {khaNDavivaraNa} n. {-saMdUSaNI} f. N. of wks. maayayaa = by the illusory energy maayaa = Unreality, illusion, prakRitii maayaametaaM = this illusory energy maayaayantra * = n. instrument of illusion "' , enchantment (ibc. = enchanted , magical , e. g. %{tra-vimAna} m. n. an enchenchanted chariot , magical car) Katha1s.


maayaayin * = mfn. = %{mAyA-vi4n} above MW. maayaayodhin * = mfn. fighting illusively or with deceitful artifices MBh. maayaayoga * = m. the application or employment of illusion , emplemployment of magical arts R. BhP. machchittaH = in consciousness of Me machchittaaH = their minds fully engaged in Me mad.hbhaktaH = My devotee mad.hbhaktiM = My devotional service mad.hbhaavaM = transcendental love for Me mad.hvyapaashrayaH = under My protection madhya *= mf(%{A})n. middle (used like {medius} e.g. %{ma4dhye} %{samudre4} , `" in the midst of the sea "') RV. VPra1t. Kat2hUp. ; middlemost , intermediate , central Var. Megh. ; standing between two , impartial , neutral Ka1m. ; middle i.e. being of a middle kind or size or quality , middling , moderate (with %{vRtti} f. `" a middle course "') La1t2y. Mn. Sus3r. &c. ; (in astron.)

mean i.e. theoretical (opp. to %{spaSTa} , or %{sphuTa}) Su1ryas. (%{-tva} n.) ; lowest , worst L. ; m. n. (ifc. f. %{A}) the middle of the body , (esp.) a woman's waist S3Br. &c. &c. ; (in alg.) the middle term or the mean of progression Col. ; (%{A}) f. a young woman , a girl arrived at puberty Sa1h. ; the middle finger L. ; (in music) a partic. tone Sam2gi1t. ; (also n.) a kind of metre Col. ; n. (m. g. %{ardharcA7di}) the middle , midst , centre , inside , interior RV. &c. &c. (%{am} ind. into the midst of , into , among , with gen. or ifc. MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; %{ena} ind. in or through the midst of , on the inside , through , between , with gen. acc. or ifc. S3Br. MBh. &c. ; %{At} ind. from the midst of. out of. from among R. Hariv. &c. ; %{e} ind. see s.v.) ; the middle of the sky (with or scil. %{nabhasas}) Mn. MBh. ; space between (e.g. %{bhruvos} , the eye brows) MBh. ; midday (with %{ahnaH}) , Ma1av. ; the meridian Ma1lati1m. ; intermediate condition between (gen.) R. ; the belly , abdomen Kum. ; the flank of a horse L. ; (in music) mean time Sam2gi1t. ; ten thousand billions MBh. ; cessation , pause , interval L. ; N. of a country between Sindh and Hindu1stan proper Cat. [Cf. Zd. {maidhya} ; Gk. $ , $ for $ ; Lat. &237399[781 ,3] {medius} ; Goth. {midjis3} ; Eng. {mid} in {midland} , {midnight} &c.] madhyaa *= ind. in the middle , between , among

(gen.) RV. i , 89 , 9 &c. ; meanwhile ib. x , 61 , 6. madhyama* = mf({A})n. (superl. of {ma4dhya}) middle (used like Lat. {medius} e.g. {madhyaime gulme}, `" in the midst of the troop "') MBh. R.; being or placed in the middle, middlemost, intermediate, central RV. &c. &c.; middle-born (neither youngest nor oldest), Venis.; of a middle kind or size or quality, middling, moderate TS. &c. &c.; standing between two persons or parties, impartial, neutral MBh. Kv. &c.; (in astron.) mean (cf. {madhya}) Sryas.; relating to the meridian ib.; m. the middlemost prince (whose territory lies between that of a king seeking conquest and that of his foe) Mn. vii, 155; the middle character in plays IW. 473; the midland country (= {madhya-deza}) L.; (in music) the 4th or 5th note Sangt.; the middlemost of the 3 scales ib.; a partic. Rga ib.; (in gram.) the 2nd person (= {-puruSa}) Pn.; the governor of a province L.; a kind of antelope L.; N. of the 18th Kalpa (s.v.) Cat.; pl. a class of gods S'nkhSr.; (with Buddhists) N. of a partic. Buddh. sect Sarvad.; m. n. the middle of the body, waist MBh. R. &c.; ({A}) f. the womb TBr.; the middle finger Kaus'. Sus'r.; midnight L.; a girl arrived at puberty L.; the pericarp of a lotus L.; a central blossom W.; a kind of metre L.; (in music) a partic. Mrchan Sangt.; n. the middle APrt.; mediocrity, defectiveness, S'riingr.; N. of the 12th

(14th) Knda of the S'Br.; (in astron.) the meridian ecliptic point Sryas. mada = Intoxication * = m. hilarity, rapture, excitement, inspiration, intoxication RV. &c. &c.; (du. wite {madasya}N. of 2 Smans rshBr.); ardent passion for (comp.) MBh.; (ifc. f. {A}) sexual desire or enjoyment, wantonness, lust, ruttishness, rut (esp. of an elephant) MBh. Kv. &c.; (ifc. f. {A}), pride, arrogance, presumption, conceit of or about (gen. or comp.) ib.; any exhilarating or intoxicating drink, spirituous liquor, wine, Soma RV. &c. &c,; honey Ragh.; the fluid or juice that exudes from a rutting elephant's temples MBh. Kv. &c.; semen virile L.; musk L.; any beautiful object L.; a river L.; N. of the 7th astrol. mansion Var.; Intoxication or Insanity personified (as a monster created by Cyavana) MBh.; N. of a son of Brahm VP.; of a Dnava Hariv.; of a servant of S'iva BhP.; ({I}) f. any agricultural implement (as a plough &c.) L.; n. N. of 2 Smans rshBr. madaandha = blind from lust madaanvitaaH = absorbed in the conceit madaashrayaH = in consciousness of Me (KRishhNa consciousness) madaM = illusion

madana = manmatha (god of Love)* = m. (ifc. f. {A}) passion, love or the god of love MBh. Kv. &c.; a kind of embrace L.; the season of spring L.; a bee L.; (?) bees-wax (see {paTTikA}); Vanguiera Spinosa Sus'r.; a thorn-apple and various other plants (e.g. Phaseolus Radiatus, Acacia Catechu &c.) L.; a bird L.; (in music) a kind of measure Sangt.; (in astrol.) N. of the 7th mansion Var.; N. of various men and authors (also with {AcArya}, {bhaTTa}, {sarasvatI} &c.; cf. below) Rjat. Inscr. Cat.; ({A}) f. any intoxicating drink, spirituous liquor L.; ({I}) f. id. L.; musk L.; N. of a plant (= {atimukta}) L.; the civet-cat L.; n. the act of intoxicating or exhilarating MW.; (scil. {astra})N. of a mythical weapon R. (v.l. {mAdana}); bees-wax L.; mfn. = {mandra4} Nir. madanaM = god of love, Cupid madanugrahaaya = just to show me favor madarthaM = for My sake madarthe = for my sake madayat * = mfn. (fr. Caus.) intoxicating &c.; (%{antI}) f. Arabian or wild jasmine L.; N. of the wife of Kalma1sha-pa1da or Mitra-saha MBh. Pur.


madira = (f) wine madiiya = Mine madgatapraaNaaH = their lives devoted to Me madgatena = abiding in Me, always thinking of Me madbhaktaH = engaged in My devotional service madbhaavaM = My nature madbhaavaaH = born of Me madbhaavaaya = to My nature madbandhanasamudbhava* = mfn. causel by the binding of me i.e. by my bondage ib. madbhakta* = mfn. devoted to me ib. madbhAva* = m. my essence ib. madbhU* = P. {-bhavati}, to become I ib madya = liqour madyaajii = My worshiper


madhu = Sweet * = mf({U8} or {vI})n. (gen. n. Ved. {ma4dhvas}, {ma4dhos}, or {ma4dhunas}; instr. {ma4dhvA}; dat. {ma4dhune}; loc. {ma4dhau}) sweet, delicious, pleasant, charming, delightful RV. TS.; bitter or pungent L.; m. N. of the first month of the year (= Caitra, March-April) S'Br. &c. &c.; the season of spring Var. Klid.; Bassia Latifolia L.; Jonesia Asoka L.; liquorice L.; N. of S'iva MBh.; of two Asuras (the one killed by Vishnu, the other by S'atru-ghna) MBh. Hariv. Pur.; of one of the 7 sages under Manu Ckshusha MrkP.; of a son of the third Manu Hariv.; of various princes (of a son of Vriisha, of Deva-kshatra, of Bindu-mat, of Arjuna Krtavirya) Hariv. Pur.; of a son of Bhaththanryana, Kshitti7s of a teacher (= {madhva} or {ananda-tIrtha}) Col.; of a mountain MrkP.; (pl.) the race of Madhu (= the Ydavas or Mthuras) MBh. Hariv. BhP.; ({u}) f. a partic. plant (= {jIvA} or {jIvantI}) L.; n. anything sweet (esp. if liquid), mead &c. RV. AV. TBr.; Soma (also {somyam madhu}) RV.; honey (said to possess intoxicating qualities and to be of 8 kinds; {madhuno leha} m. licker of honey a bee W.) RV. &c. &c.; milk or anything produced from milk (as butter, ghee &c.) RV. VS. GriS'rS.; the juice or nectar of flowers, any sweet intoxicating drink, wine or spirituous liquor Kv. Var. Sh. [779, 3]; sugar L.; water L.; pyrites Bhpr.; N. of a Brhmana S'Br.; a kind of metre Col. [Cf. Gk., $, $, Slav. {medu8}; Lith. &236803[779, 3] {midu4s}, {medu4s}; Germ, {meth}; Eng.

{mead}.] madhukara = bee madhukarii = bee madhukarkaTi = (f) papaya madhukoshaH = (m) beehive madhumakshikaa = (f) bee madhumehaH = diabetes madhura = sweet madhuraM = sweet madhuratva = sweetness madhuraaksharam.h = sweet letter(s) madhusuudana = O killer of the demon Madhu (KRishhNa) madhusuudanaH = the killer of Madhu madhusphiitaa = sweet


madhya = middle madhyaM = middle madhyama = medium madhyamaruupaM = having this form in the middle madhyastha = mediators between belligerents madhyaani = in the middle madhyaayu = Medium span of life 32-75 years madhye = among, in madhyonnatakaachaH = (m) magnifying lens magadha * = m. the country of the Magadhas, South Behr (pl. the people of that country) AV. &c. &c.; a minstrel who sings the praises of a chief's ancestry L.; ({A}) f. the town of the MMagadhas L.; long pepper Sus'r. maghavan * = (%{magha4-}.) mfn. (middle stem %{magha4-vat} [which may be used throughout] , weak stem %{magho4n} ; nom. m. %{magha4vA} or %{-vAn} f. %{magho4nI} or %{maghavatI}

[Vop.] ; n. %{maghavat} ; nom. pl. m. once %{magho4nas} ; cf. Pa1n2. 6-4 , 128 ; 133) , possessing or distributing gifts , bountiful , liberal , munificent (esp. said of Indra and other gods , but also of institutors of sacrifices who pay the priests and singers) RV. AV. TS. S3Br. Up. ; m. N. of Indra (also pl. %{-vantaH}) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; of a Vya1sa or arranger of the Pura1n2as Cat. ; of a Da1nava Hariv. ; of the 3rd Cakra-vartin in Bha1rata L. ; %{vat-tva4} n. liberality , munificence RV. ; %{-vannagara} n. `" Indra's city "'N. of a town Ra1jat. ; %{-van-mukta-kuliza} m. or n. (?) the thunderbolt hurled by Indra Bhartr2. magna = (adj) immersed maghaa = Also known as makka. Tenth nakshatra maha * = 1 mfn. great, mighty, strong, abundant RV.; m. (cf. {makha}, {magha}) a feast, festival MBh.; the festival of spring S'is'. Hariv. Var. [794, 2]; a partic. Eka7ha S'nkhS'r.; a sacrifice L.; a buffalo L.; light, lustre, brilliance L.; ({A}) f. a cow L.; Ichnocarpus Frutescens L.; n. pl. great deeds RV. maha * = 2 in comp. for {mahA} before {R} and before {r} for {R}.


mahaa * = in comp. for {mahat} (in RV. ii, 22, 1 and iii, 23; 49, 1 used for {mahat} as an independent word in acc. sg. {mahA4m} = {mahAntam}). mahaa * = {mahA-kaGkara} &c. see p. 794, col. 3. mahaa = Big mahaabhaaga * = mf({A})n. one to whom a grgreat portion or lot has fallen, highly fortunate, eminent in the highest degree, illustrious, highly distinguished (mostly of persons and frequently in address) Mn. MBh. Hariv. &c.; virtuous in a high degree, pure, holy W.; m. grgreat luck, prosperity MW.; N. of a king VP.; ({A}) f. N. of Dkshyan in Maha7laya Cat.; {-tA} f. (W.) or {-tva} n. (MW.) high excellence, grgreat good fortune, exalted station or merit; the possessing of the 8 cardinal virtues. mahaabaahuH = mighty-armed mahaabaaho = O mighty-armed one mahaabhaarataH = epic Mahabharat, part of itihas (history) mahaabandha = types of mudraa

mahaabalau = (two)great powerful persons mahaabhuutaanii = the great elements mahaadeva = the great god - Shiva mahaadhaatu* = m. `" great metal or element "', gold L.; lymph L.; N. of S'iva MBh. (= {meruparvata} Nlak.) mahaadoshhaat.h = from the great defects, wrongs mahaajanaH = great man mahaakaavya = epic poem, very long poem mahaakalpa* = m. a great cycle of time MBh. Pur. Buddh.; N. of S3iva MBh. (= %{divya-bhUSaNa} Sch.) mahaamudraa = types of mudraa mahaan.h = great mahaanadyaaM = in the great river mahaanubhavaan.h = great souls mahaapaataka = great sins


mahaapaapaat.h = from the great sins mahaapaapmaa = greatly sinful mahaapurushhayoga = Combination for an extraordinary personality. Usually a planet is in Exaltation and in a Kendra (Angular sign or house) mahaaraajika* = m. N. of Vishnu MBh.; {-deva} pl. (with Buddhists) N. of a class of gods (the inhabitants of the lowest heaven) MWB. 206. 2 mahaarathaH = great fighter mahaarathaaH = great chariot fighters mahaaraashhtra = Indian state mahaarha = great (those that deserve to be called great) mahaasanni * = m. (in music) a kind of measure Sam2gi1t mahaashankhaM = the terrific conchshell mahaashanaH = all-devouring mahaatattva * = n. `" the grgreat principle "',

Intellect (second of the Snkhya Tattvas; see {mahat}); ({A}) f. N. of one of Durg's attendants W. // mahatattvam * = n. `" the great principle "', Intellect (see above) BhPn. `" the grgreat principle "', Intellect (second of the Sa1m2khya Tattvas; see %{mahat}); (%{A}) f. N. of one of Durga1's attendants W. mahaatman.h = great man mahaatman* = (%{-hA7t-}) mfn. `" high-souled "', magnanimous, having a grgreat or noble nature, high-minded, noble Mn. MBh. R. &c.; highly gifted, exceedingly wise Pan5cat.; eminent, mighty, powerful, distinguished MBh. R. Pan5cat. Sus3r.; m. the Supreme Spirit, grgreat soul of the universe MaitrUp. Mn.; the grgreat principle i.e. Intellect BhP.; (scil. %{gaNa})N. of a class of deceased ancestors Ma1rkP.; of a son of Dhi1-mat VP.; %{-ma-vat} mfn. `" high-souled "', highly gifted, very wise Ka1m.; %{-tmya} mfn. magnanimous MW.; n. w.r. for %{mAhAtmya} (q.v.) PadmaP. Das3. mahaatmanaH = the great souls mahaatmaa = Great man mahaatmaanaH = the great souls

mahaatala* = n. N. of the 6th of the 7 lower worlds or regions under the earth inhabited by the Ngas &c. (see {pAtAla}) runUp. Pur. &c. (IW. 431 n. 1). mahaatithi* = f. the great lunar day, the 6th day of a lunation MBh mahaatman* = ({-hA7t-}) mfn. `" high-souled "', magnanimous, having a grgreat or noble nature, high-minded, noble Mn. MBh. R. &c.; highly gifted, exceedingly wise Pacat.; eminent, mighty, powerful, distinguished MBh. R. Pacat. Sus'r.; m. the Supreme Spirit, grgreat soul of the universe MaitrUp. Mn.; the grgreat principle i.e. Intellect BhP.; (scil. {gaNa})N. of a class of deceased ancestors MrkP.; of a son of Dh-mat VP.; {-mavat} mfn. `" high-souled "', highly gifted, very wise Km.; {-tmya} mfn. magnanimous MW.; n. w.r. for {mAhAtmya} (q.v.) PadmaP. Das'. mahaayogeshvaraH = the most powerful mystic mahaayuga * = n. a grgreat Yuga or YYuga of the gods (= 4 Yugas of mortals or the aggregate of the Kriita, Tret, Dvpara and Kali Yugas = 4, 320, 000 years; a day and a night of Brahm comprise 2, 000 Mah-yugas) Sryas. (IW. 178). mahaavighnaat.h = from the great obstacles

mahat.h = great man mahat-tattva: *= "the great principle, the Intellect mahaatattva* = n. `" the grgreat principle "', Intellect (second of the Snkhya Tattvas; see {mahat}); ({A}) f. N. of one of Durg's attendants W. mahataH = from very great mahataa = great mahati = in a great mahatiiM = great mahadavadhaanaM = great care \& attention mahadyoniH = source of birth in the material substancemahaapadma* = m. (L.) or n. a partic. high number MBh. R. Ll.; m. N. of one of the 9 treasures of Kubera Cat. L.; (with Jainas) N. of a partic. treasure inhabited by a Nga L.; of one of the 8 ttreasure connected with the Padmini magical art MrkP.; of a hell DivyA7v. (one of the 8 cold hells Dharmas. 122); a kind of serpent Sus'r.; N. of a Nga dwelling in the Mah-padma treasure mentioned above Hariv. VP. &c.; of the

southernmost of the elephants that support the earth MBh. R. (IW. 432); of Nanda Pur.; of a son of NNanda Buddh.; of a Dnava Hariv.; a Kin-nara or attendant on Kubera MW.; a species of esculent root L.; n. a white lotus flower L.; the figure of a whwhite llotus flflower Kaths. MrkP. RmatUp.; a partic. compound of oil Car.; N. of a city on the right bank of the Ganges MBh.; m. or n. (?) N. of a Kvya; {-pati} m. `" proprietor of millions "'N. of Nanda BhP.; {-saras} or {-salila} n. N. of a lake Rjat. mahan *= n. greatness , might , power , abundance (only instr. sg. %{mahnA4} and once pl. %{maha4bhiH} , which also = greatly , mightily , right heartily) RV. mahaniiya = great person maharshhayaH = great sages mahar* = ind. (for {mahas}) the fourth of the seven worlds which rise one above the other (supposed to be the abode of those saints who survive a destruction of the world Pur.; Veda7ntas; cf. IW. 55 n. 2). maharshi* = m. a great Riishi, any great sage or saint (accord. to Mn. i, 34 ten Maharshis were

created by Manu Svyambhuva, viz. Marci, Atri, Angiras, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, Pracetas, Vasishthha, Bhriigu, Nrada, also called the 10 Prajpatis, q.v.; some restrict the number to 7, and some add Daksha, Dharma, Gautama, Kanva, Vlmki, Vysa, Manu, Vibhndaka &c.) Mn. MBh. &c. (IW. 206 n. 1); N. of S'iva S'ivag.; of Buddha L.; of a poet Cat. maharshhi = great sages maharshhiiNaaM = of the great sages mahaaviira = Mahavir mahi *V= the land, the earth, the planets, the glory mahi * = 1 mfn. (only nom. acc. sg. n.) = {maha4t}, great RV. AV. VS.; ind. greatly, very, exceedingly, much ib. S'nkhS'r.; m. n. greatness BhP.; m. = {mahat}, intellect ib.; f. = 1. {mahI4} the earth L. (in comp. not always separable from 1. {mahi4n} q.v.) mahii * = 1 f. (cf. 2. {ma4h}), the great world "', the earth (cf. {urvI}, {pRthivI}) RV. &c. &c. (in later language also = ground, soil, land, country); earth (as a substance) Mn. vii, 70; the base of a triangle or other plane figure Col.; space RV. iii, 56, 2; v, 44,

6 &c.; a host, army ib. iii, 1, 12; vii, 93, 5 &c.; a cow RV. VS. (Naigh. ii, 11); du. heaven and earth RV. i, 80, 11; 159, 1 &c. (Naigh. iii, 30); pl. waters, streams RV. ii. 11, 2; v, 45, 3 &c.; Hingtsha Repens L.; a kind of metre Col.; N. of a divine being (associated with Id and Sarasvat RV. i, 13, 9 Sy.; cf. Naigh. i, 11); of a river MBh. Hariv.; of the number `" one "' Ganit. mahipaala = (m) king mahimaa = Glory mahimaanaM = glories mahimnaH = of greatness mahisha = he - buffalo mahishha = (m) buffalo mahishhaH = demon mahishhaasurasya = of demon mahisha mahishhaasureNa = by the demon mahishasura mahiiM = the world


mahiikrite = for the sake of the earth mahiipate = O King mahiikshitaaM = chiefs of the world mahIya *= Nom. A1. %{-ya4te}, to be joyous or happy RV. &c. &c.; to prosper TUp.; to be exalted, rise high R.; to be highly esteemed or honoured Ka1v. (also pr. p. Pass. %{mahIyyamAna} Bhat2t2.) mahIyaa *= f. joyousness, happiness, exultation (dat. %{-yai4}) RV. TS.; N. of a partic. verse A1pS3r. Sch. mahIyas *= mfn. greater, mightier, stronger (or, very great, vvery mighty &c. "') Up. MBh. Ka1v. &c. (with %{hAsa} m. very loud laughter; with %{kula} n. a very noble family). mahendra = Indra, god of gods maheshvaraM = the Supreme Lord maheshvaraH = the Supreme Lord maheshvaasaaH = mighty bowmen mahodadhi = ocean

mahyam.h = Mine maitraH = friendly maitrii = friendship maithuna = sacramental intercourse majina = deer skin? majjana * = m. N. of a demon causing sickness or fever Hariv.; of one of Siva's attendants L.; n. sinking (esp. under water), diving, immersion, bathing, ablution GriS'rS. MBh. &c.; (with {niraye}), sinking into hell MBh.; drowning, overwhelming ib.; = {majjan}, marrow L. majjat.h = one who takes a dip majjati = (6 pp) to sink, to drown majja* = 1 mfn. sinking, diving (in {uda-majja}; see {audamajji}). majja* = 2 in comp. for {majjan}. majjA4* = f. id. S'Br. MaitrUp. Hariv. (cf. {nirmajja}).


maJjA* = f. = {maJarI}, a cluster of blossoms &c. L.; = {ajA}, a she-goat L. maJNchaH = (m) bed makara = crocodile makaara* = m. the letter or sound {ma} S'nkhBr. AV.Paris' &c.; {-paJcaka} n. = {paJca-makAra} W.; {-rA7di-sahasranAman} n. N. of ch. of the Rudraymala (containing 1000 names of Rma beginning with {m}). \\ m. the foot called molossus; {-vipulA} f. N. of a metre Ping. Sch. makara* = m. a kind of sea-monster (sometimes confounded with the crocodile, shark, dolphin &c.; regarded as the emblem of Kma-deva [cf. {mokara-ketana} &c. below] or as a symbol of the 9th Arhat of the present Avasarpin; represented as an ornament on gates or on head-dresses) VS. &c. &c.; a partic. species of insect or other small animal Sus'r.; N. of the 10th sign of the zodiac (Capricornus) Sryas. Var. &c.; the 10th arc of 30 degrees in any circle L.; an army of troops in the form of a MMa4kara Mn. vii, 187; an ear-ring shaped like a MMa4kara BhP. (cf. {makarakuNDala}); the hands folded in the form of a MMa4kara Cat.; one of the 9 treasures of Kubera L.; one of the 8 magical treasures called Padmin

MrkP.; a partic. magical spell recited over weapons R.; N. of a mountain BhP.; ({I}) f. the female of the sea-monster MMa4kara Pacat.; N. of a river MBh. makaraH = crocodile makaraasana = the crocodile posture makha * mfn. (prob. connected with 1. {mah} or {maMh}) jocund, cheerful, sprightly, vigorous, active, restless (said of the Maruts and other gods) RV. Br.; m. a feast, festival, any occasion of joy or festivity RV. S'nkhGri.; a sacrifice, sacrificial oblation S'Br. &c. &c. (Naigh. iii, 17); (prob.) N. of a mythical being (esp. in {makhasya ziraH}, `" Makha's head "') RV. VS. S'Br. (cf. also comp.) makhatraataa = the protector, saviour of makha (Indra) maNa * = m. or u. (?) (fr. Arabic) a partic. measure of grain Col. mana * = 1 m. Indian spikenard, Nardostachys Jatamansi L.; N. of a son of S3ambara Hariv. (v.l. %{mata}).\\ 2 in comp. for %{manas}.\\3 m. du. (for 1. and 2. see p. 783, col. 2) a partic. ornament RV. viii, 78, 2.

manaa * = f. devotion, attachment, zeal, eagerness RV.; envy, jealousy ib. manasvin * = mfn. full of mind or sense , intelligent , clever , wise TBr. &c. &c. ; in high spirits , cheerful , glad (%{a-man-}) R. ; fixing the mind attentive W. ; m. the fabulous animal called S3arabha L. ; N. of a Na1ga Lalit. ; of a son of Devala VP. ; (%{inI}) f. a virtuous wife W. ; Momordica Mixta L. ; N. of the mother of the moon MBh. (cf. %{manasija}) ; of Durga L. ; of the wife of Mr2ikan2d2u Pur. ma..ndo.api = mandaH + api:though dull or slow ma.ngalaM = (Nr. nom. + accc.S)auspiciousness ma.ntrasya = mantra's ma.ntreNa = thro' the mantra ma.nda = Dull maNDa* = m. n. (ifc. f. %{A}) the scum of boiled rice (or any grain) Nir. Uttarar. Sus3r.; the thick part of milk, cream, S3veUp. MBh. &c. (cf. %{dadhi-m-}); the spirituous part of wine &c. Hariv. R. (W. also `" foam or froth; pith, essence; the head "'); m. (only L.) Ricinus Communis; a

species of potherb; a frog (cf. %{maNDUka}); ornament, decoration; a measure of weight (= 5 Ma1shas); (%{A}) f. the emblic myrobalan tree L.; spirituous or vinous liquor, brandy L.; n. see %{nau-maNDa4}. manda * = mf(%{A}) n. slow, tardy, moving slowly or softly, loitering, idle, lazy, sluggish in (loc. or comp.), apathetic, phlegmatic, indifferent to (dat.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; weak, slight, slack (as a bow), dull, faint (as light), low (as a voice), gentle (as rain or wind), feeble (as the digestive faculty) ib.; weak i.e. tolerant, indulgent to (loc.) MBh.; dull-witted, silly, stupid, foolish Kat2hUp. MBh. &c.; unhappy, miserable (L. = %{kRpaNa}) MBh. Hariv.; languid, ill, sick Ma1lav.; bad, wicked Ma1rkP.; drunken, addicted to intoxication L.; = %{-mandra} L.; m. the planet Saturn Var.; the (upper) apsis of a planet's course or (according to some) its anomalistic motion Su1ryas.; N. of Yama L.; a stupid or slow elephant L. (cf. %{mandra}, %{bhadra-manda}, %{mRga-manda}); the end of the world (= %{pralaya}) L.; (%{A}) f. a pot, vessel, inkstand L.; N. of Da1ksha1yan2i1 Cat.; (scil. %{saMkrAnti}) a partic. astron. conjunction L.; (in music) N. of a S3ruti Sam2gi1t.; n. the second change which takes place in warm milk when mixed with Takra L.; (%{am}) ind. slowly, tardily, gradually, slightly, faintly, softly (also %{manda}

ibc., and %{mandam@mandam}) MBh. Ka1v. &c. maNDala * = mf(%{A})n. circular, round VarBr2S.; n. (rarely m. g. %{ardharcA7di}, and f. %{I} g. %{ganrA7di}) a disk (esp. of the sun or moon); anything round (but in Hcat. also applied to anything triangular; cf. %{maNDalaka}); a circle (instr. `" in a circle "'; also `" the charmed ccircle of a conjuror "'), globe, orb, ring, circumference, ball, wheel S3Br. &c. &c.; the path or orbit of a heavenly body Su1ryas.; a halo round the sun or moon VarBr2S.; a ball for playing MBh.; a circular bandage (in surgery) Sus3r.; (also n. pl.) a sort of cutaneous eruption or leprosy with circular spot ib.; a round mole or mark (caused by a finger-nail &c.) on the body La1t2y. Ka1tyS3r. Sch.; a circular array of troops MBh. Ka1m.; a partic. attitude in shooting L.; a district, arrondissement, territory, province, country (often at the end of modern names e.g. Coro-mandal coast) Inscr. AV.Paris3. MBh. &c.; a surrounding district or neighbouring state, the circle of a king's near and distant neighbours (with whom he must maintain political and diplomatic relations; 4 or 6 or 10 or even 12 such neighbouring princes are enumerated) Mn. (esp. vii, 154 &c.) Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.; a multitude, group, band, collection, whole body, society, company Ya1jn5. MBh. Ka1v. &c.; a division or book of the R2ig-veda (of which there are 10,

according to the authorship of the hymns; these are divided into 85 Anuva1kas or lessons, and these agan into 1017, or with the 11 additional hymns into 1028 Su7ktas or hymns; the other more mechanical division, is into Asht2akas, Adhya1yas and Vargas q.v.) RPra1t. Br2ih. &c.; m. a dog L.; a kind of snake L.; (%{I}) f. Panicum Dactylon L.; Cocculus Cordifolius Bhpr.; n. Unguis Odoratus L.; a partic. oblation or sacrifice L. ma.ndira = temple ma.nsyante = they will consider mangala = Mars. Also Auspiciousness and wellbeing mangalavaara = Tuesday maNi = gem * = pearl (also fig.), any ornament or amulet, globule, crystal; a magnet, loadstone p.; glans penis; N. of the jewel-lotus prayer; clitoris maNigaNaaH = pearls maNipura = a chakra near or at the navel maNibandhaH = (m) wrist


maNDala = circle maNDita = shining maNDuka = a frog maNDukaasana = the frog posture makha4-kriyA *= f. a sacrificial rite L. makha4-vat *= ({makha4-}) mfn. companion of Makha (a word used to explain {magha4vat} q.v.) S'Br.; a sacrificer manu * = mfn. thinking, wise, intelligent VS. S3Br.; m. `" the thinking creature(?) "', man, mankind RV. VS. AitBr. TA1r. (also as opp. to evil spirits RV. i, 130, 8; viii, 98, 6 &c.; the R2ibhus are called %{manor@na4pAtaH}, the sons of man, iii, 60, 3); the Man par excellence or the representative man and father of the human race (regarded in the RV. as the first to have instituted sacrifices and religious ceremonies, and associated with the R2ishis Kan2va and Atri; in the AitBr. described as dividing his possessions among some of his sons to the exclusion of one called Na1bha1-nedisht2ha q.v.; called Sa1m2varan2a as author of RV. ix, 101, 10-12; A1psava as author of ib. 106, 7-9; in Naigh. v, 6 he is numbered among the 31 divine beings of

the upper sphere, and VS. xi, 66 as father of men even identified with Prajs-pati; but the name Manu is esp. applied to 14 successive mythical progenitors and sovereigns of the earth, described Mn. i, 63 and in later wks. as creating and supporting this world through successive Antaras or long periods of time see %{manv-antara} below; the first is called Sva1yambhuva as sprung from %{svayam-bhU}, the Self-existent, and described in Mn. 12, 34 as a sort of secondary creator, who commenced his work by producing 10 Praja1patis or Maharshis, of whom the first was %{marIci}, Light; to this Manu is ascribed the celebrated `" code of Manu "' see %{manu-saMhitA}, and two ancient Su1tra works on Kalpa and Gr2ihya i.e. sacrificial and domestic rites; he is also called Hairan2yagarbha as son of Hiran2ya-garbha, and Pra1cetasa, as son of Pra-cetas; the next 5 Manus are called Sva1rocisha, Auttami, Ta1masa, Raivata, Ca1kshusha cf. IW. 208 n. 1; the 7th Manu, called %{vaivasvata}, Sun-born, or from his piety, %{satya-vrata}, is regarded as the progenitor of the present race of living beings, and said, like the Noah of the Old Testament, to have been preserved from a great flood by Vishn2u or Brahma1 in the form of a fish: he is also variously described as one of the 12 A1dityas, as the author of RV. viii, 27-31, as the brother of Yama, who as a son of he Sun is also called Vaivasvata, as the founder and first king of Ayodhya1, and as father of Ila1 who married

Budha, son of the Moon, the two great solar and lunar races being thus nearly related to each other see IW. 344; 373; the 8th Manu or first of the future Manus accord. to VP. iii, 2, will be Sa1varn2i; the 9th Daksha-sa1varn2i; the 12th Rudra-ssa1varn2i; the 13th Raucya or Devassa1varn2i; the 14th Bhautya or Indrassa1varn2i); thought (= %{manas}) TS. Br.; a sacred text, prayer, incantation, spell (= %{mantra}) Ra1matUp. Pan5car. Prata1p.; N. of an Agni MBh.; of a Rudra Pur.; of Kr2is3a7s3va BhP.; of an astronomer Cat.; (pl.) the mental Powers BhP.; N. of the number `" fourteen "' (on account of the 14 Manus) Su1ryas. [784,3]; f. Manu's wife (= %{manAvI}) L.; Trigonella Corniculata L. [Cf. Goth. {manna}; Germ. {Mannus}, son of {Tuisto} [TM], mentioned by Tacitus, in his wk. {Germania}, as the mythical ancestor of the WestGermans, {mann}, {man}; Angl. Sax. {man}; Eng. {man}.] makhas *= see next apd {sa4dma-makhas}. makhasya *= Nom. P. A. {-sya4ti}, {-te}, to be cheerful or sprightly RV. [cf. $]. makhasyu4 *= mfn. cheerful; sprightly, exuberant ib.


makha4 *= 1 mfn. (prob. connected with 1. {mah} or {maMh}) jocund, cheerful, sprightly, vigorous, active, restless (said of the Maruts and other gods) RV. Br.; m. a feast, festival, any occasion of joy or festivity RV. S'nkhGri.; a sacrifice, sacrificial oblation S'Br. &c. &c. (Naigh. iii, 17); (prob.) N. of a mythical being (esp. in {makhasya ziraH}, `" Makha's head "') RV. VS. S'Br. (cf. also comp.) makha *= 2 m. or n. (?) the city of Mecca Klac. makshikaa = bee mala = dirt, rubbish *= n. (in later language also m. ; prob. fr. %{mlai}) dirt , filth , dust , impurity (physical and moral) AV. &c. &c. ; (in med.) any bodily excretion or secretion (esp. those of the Dha1tus q.v. , described as phlegm from chyle , bile from the blood , nose mucus and ear wax from the flesh , perspiration from the fat , nails and hair from the bones , rheum of the eye from the brain ; cf. also the 12 impurities of the body enumerated in Mn. v , 135) Sus3r. Va1gbh. &c. ; (with S3aivas) , original sin , natural impurity Sarvad. ; camphor L. ; Os Sepiae L. ; m. the son of a S3u1dra and a Ma1luki1 L. ; (%{A}) f. Flacourtia Cataphracta L. ; n. tanned leather , a leathern or dirty garment (?) RV. x , 136 , 2 ; a kind of brass or bell-metal L. ; the tip of a scorpion's tail L. (v.l. %{ala}) ; mfn. dirty ,

niggardly L. ; unbelieving , godless L. [Cf. Gk. $ ; &240436[792 ,1] Lat. {ma8lus} ; Lith. {mo4lis} , {me4lynas}.] malana* = m. a tent L.; ({A}) f. the long cucumber L.; n. crushing, grinding L. (= {mardana}; cf. {parimala}) malaya = malaya mountain *= m. (Un2. iv , 99) N. of a mountain range on the west of Malabar , the western Gha1ts (abounding in sandal trees) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; of the country Malabar and (pl.) its inhabitants ib. ; of another country (= %{zailA7Mza-dezaH} , or %{zailA7Ggo@d-}) L. ; of an Upa-dvi1pa L. ; of a son of Garud2a MBh. (B. %{mAlaya}) ; of a son of R2ishabha BhP. ; of a poet Cat. ; a celestial grove (= %{nandana-vana}) L. ; a garden L. ; (in music) a kind of measure Sam2gi1t. ; (%{A}) f. Ipomoea Turpethum L. ; N. of a woman Va1s. , Introd. malayaja = arising out of mount malaya malena = by dust mallaH = (m) wrestler mallayuddham.h = (n) wrestling


maN * cl. 1. P. {maNati}, to sound, murmur Dhtup. xiii, 5. man * in comp. for 1. {mad}. man * cl. 8. 4. . (Dhtup. xxx, 9; xxv, 67) {manute4}, {ma4nyate} (ep. also {-ti}; 3. pl. {manvate4} RV.; pf. {mene} Br. &c.; {mamnA4the}, {-nA4ts} RV.; aor. {a4mata}, {a4manmahi} Subj. {manAmahe}, {mananta}, p. {manAna4} q.v. RV.; {maMsi}, {amaMsta} Subj. {maMsate} Prec. {maMsISTa}, 1. pers. m. c. {masIya} ib.; {mAMsta} AV., {-stAdm} Tr.; {mandhvam} Br.; {amaniSTa} Gr.; fut. {maMsyate} Br., {-ti} MBh.; {manta}, {manitA} Gr.; {maniSyate} RV.; inf. {mantum} MBh. &c., {ma4ntave}, {-tavai} RV., {ma4ntos} Br.; ind. p. {matvA4} Up. &c.; {manitvA} Gr.; {-matya} Br. &c.; {-manya} MBh. &c.), to think, believe, imagine, suppose, conjecture RV. &c. &c. ({manye}, I think, methinks, is in later language often inserted in a sentence without affecting the construction; cf. g. {cA7di} and Pn. 4-1, 106); to regard or consider any one or anything (acc.) as (acc. with or without {iva}, or adv., often in {-vat}; in later language also dat., to express contempt [cf. Pn. 2-3, 17], e g. {rAjyaM tRNaya} {manye}, `" I value empire at a straw "' i.e. I make light of it = {laghu} {man}, and opp. to {bahu}, or {sAdhu}

{man}, to think much or well of. praise, approve) ib.; to think one's self or be thought to be, appear as, pass for (nom.; also with {iva}) ib.; to be of opinion, think fit or right MBh. Kv. &c.; to agree or be of the same opinion with (acc.) MBh.; to set the heart or mind on, honour, esteem (with {nau}, disdain), hope or wish for (acc. or gen.) RV. &c. &c.; to think of (in prayer &c., either `" to remember, meditate on "', or `" mention, declare "', or `" excogitate, invent "') RV. AV.; to perceive, observe, leam, know, understand, comprehend (acc., Ved. also gen.). RV. &c. &c.; to offer, present MBh.: Caus. (Dhtup. xxxiv, 36) {mAnayati} (ep. also {-te}; aor. {amImanat}; Pass. {mAnyate}), to honour, esteem, value highly (also with {uru}, {bahu} and {sAdhu}) AV. &c. &c.; (.) {stavibhe} Dhtup. xxxiii, 35; {garvake} ib. Vop.: Desid. (Dhtup. xxiii, 3) {mImAMsate} (rarely {-ti}; {amImAMsiSThAs} S'Br.; {mInAMsya4te} AV.; {mimaMsate}, {mimaniSate} Gr.), to reflect upon, consider, examine, investigate AV. Br. &c.; to cali in question, doubt (`" with regard to "' loc.) ib.: Desid. of Desid. {mimAmiSate} Gr.: Intens. {manmanyate}, {manmanti} ib. [Cf. Zd. {man}; Gk. $, $, &237786[783, 1] Lat. {meminisse}, {monere}; Slav. and Lith. {mine4ti}; Goth. {ga-munan}; Germ, {meinen}; Eng. {mean}.] man.h = to think

mana = Mind manaana * = mfn. devout, pious RV. vi, 67, 10. manaaya *= Nom. P. %{-ya4ti}, to be zealous or devoted RV.; to think, consider ib. manaH = heart manaHprasaadaH = satisfaction of the mind manana = Reflection// mfn. thoughtful, careful RV.; n. thinking, reflection, meditation, thought, intelligence, understanding (esp. intrinsic knowledge or science, as one of the faculties connected with the senses Nir. viii, 6 = %{manman}) Hariv. S3am2k. Sarvad. (%{-nA4} ind. thoughtfully, deliberately RV.); homage, reverence Sa1y. on RV. i, 165, 4. manapravaaha = Stream of thought manavaH = Manus manave = unto the father of mankind (of the name Vaivasvata) manas.h = mind


manasa m. N. of a R2ishi RV. v, 44, 10 (Sa1y.); (%{A}) f. see 1. %{manasA}; n. (ifc., with f. %{A}) = %{manas}, mind, heart Pa1rGr2. MBh. &c. manasaa *= 1 f. N. of a partic. goddess (described as consisting of a particle of Prakr2iti and as daughter of Kas3yapa. sister of the serpent-king Ananta, wife of the Muni Jarat-ka1ru, mother of the Muni A1sti1ka and protectress of men from the venom of serpents; cf. %{viSa-harI}) Pan5car.; of a Kim2-nari1 Ka1ran2d2.\\ manasA 2 instr. of %{manas}, in comp. manasaM = whose mind manasaH = more than the mind manasaa = by the mind manasi = in the mind mandaakinii = the ganges mandaan.h = lazy to understand self-realization mandaara = mountain used by the gods to stir the cosmic ocean maNDa * = m. n. (ifc. f. {A}) the scum of boiled rice (or any grain) Nir. Uttarar. Sus'r.; the thick part of

milk, cream, S'veUp. MBh. &c. (cf. {dadhi-m-}); the spirituous part of wine &c. Hariv. R. (W. also `" foam or froth; pith, essence; the head "'); m. (only L.) Ricinus Communis; a species of potherb; a frog (cf. {maNDUka}); ornament, decoration; a measure of weight (= 5 Mshas); ({A}) f. the emblic myrobalan tree L.; spirituous or vinous liquor, brandy L.; n. see {nau-maNDa4}. manda * = mf({A}) n. slow, tardy, moving slowly or softly, loitering, idle, lazy, sluggish in (loc. or comp.), apathetic, phlegmatic, indifferent to (dat.) MBh. Kv. &c.; weak, slight, slack (as a bow), dull, faint (as light), low (as a voice), gentle (as rain or wind), feeble (as the digestive faculty) ib.; weak i.e. tolerant, indulgent to (loc.) MBh.; dull-witted, silly, stupid, foolish KathhUp. MBh. &c.; unhappy, miserable (L. = {kRpaNa}) MBh. Hariv.; languid, ill, sick Mlav.; bad, wicked MrkP.; drunken, addicted to intoxication L.; = {-mandra} L.; m. the planet Saturn Var.; the (upper) apsis of a planet's course or (according to some) its anomalistic motion Sryas.; N. of Yama L.; a stupid or slow elephant L. (cf. {mandra}, {bhadra-manda}, {mRga-manda}); the end of the world (= {pralaya}) L.; ({A}) f. a pot, vessel, inkstand L.; N. of Dkshyan Cat.; (scil. {saMkrAnti}) a partic. astron. conjunction L.; (in music) N. of a S'ruti Sangt.; n. the second change which takes place in

warm milk when mixed with Takra L.; ({am}) ind. slowly, tardily, gradually, slightly, faintly, softly (also {manda} ibc., and {mandam mandam}) MBh. Kv. &c. maNDala* = mf({A})n. circular, round VarBriS.; n. (rarely m. g. {ardharcA7di}, and f. {I} g. {ganrA7di}) a disk (esp. of the sun or moon); anything round (but in Hcat. also applied to anything triangular; cf. {maNDalaka}); a circle (instr. `" in a circle "'; also `" the charmed ccircle of a conjuror "'), globe, orb, ring, circumference, ball, wheel S'Br. &c. &c.; the path or orbit of a heavenly body Sryas.; a halo round the sun or moon VarBriS.; a ball for playing MBh.; a circular bandage (in surgery) Sus'r.; (also n. pl.) a sort of cutaneous eruption or leprosy with circular spot ib.; a round mole or mark (caused by a finger-nail &c.) on the body Lthy. KtyS'r. Sch.; a circular array of troops MBh. Km.; a partic. attitude in shooting L.; a district, arrondissement, territory, province, country (often at the end of modern names e.g. Coro-mandal coast) Inscr. AV.Paris'. MBh. &c.; a surrounding district or neighbouring state, the circle of a king's near and distant neighbours (with whom he must maintain political and diplomatic relations; 4 or 6 or 10 or even 12 such neighbouring princes are enumerated) Mn. (esp. vii, 154 &c.) Yj. MBh. &c.; a multitude,

group, band, collection, whole body, society, company Yj. MBh. Kv. &c.; a division or book of the Riig-veda (of which there are 10, according to the authorship of the hymns; these are divided into 85 Anuvkas or lessons, and these agan into 1017, or with the 11 additional hymns into 1028 Su7ktas or hymns; the other more mechanical division, is into Ashthakas, Adhyyas and Vargas q.v.) RPrt. Briih. &c.; m. a dog L.; a kind of snake L.; ({I}) f. Panicum Dactylon L.; Cocculus Cordifolius Bhpr.; n. Unguis Odoratus L.; a partic. oblation or sacrifice L. mandi = A mathematical point that arises every day a certain number of hours after sunset. Used in Electional Astrology or Muhurtha mandira = abode* = n. any waiting or abidingplace, habitation, dwelling, house, palace, temple, town, camp &c. (ifc. dwelling in) MBh. Kv. &c. [788,3]; a stable for horses L. (cf. {mandurA}); the body L.; m. the sea L.; the hollow or back of the knee L.; N. of a Gandharva L. mandiira* = m. (prob.) N. of a man KtyS'r. (v.l. {maGgIra}); n. w.r. for {maJjIra}. mandire = in the temple


maNDita mfn. adorned, decorated MBh. Ka1v. &c.; m. (with Jainas) N. of one of the 11 Gan2sdhipas L. mangala = auspicious * =maGgala n. (accord. to Un. v, 70 fr. {maGg}) happiness, felicity, welfare, bliss (also pl.; ifc. f. {A}) Mn. MBh. &c.; anything auspicious or tending to a lucky issue (e.g. a good omen, a prayer, benediction, auspicious ornament or amulet, a festival or any solemn ceremony on important occasions &c.; cf. mfn. below) Kaus'. MBh. Kv. &c.; a good old custom PrGri. Mn.; a good work MBh. BhP.; (in music) a partic. composition Sangt.; N. of the capital of Udyna Buddh.; m. N. of Agni Griihys.; of the planet Mars L.; of a king belonging to the race of Manu Cat.; of a Buddha Lalit.; of a poet Cat.; of a chief of the Clukyas ib.; the smell of jasmine L.; ({A}) f. the white- and blue-flowering Drv grass L.; a sort of Karaja L.; turmeric L.; a faithful wife L.; N. of Um Hcat.; of Dakshsyani (as worshipped in Gay) Cat.; of the mother of the 5th Arhat of the present Avasarpin. L.; ({I}) f. g. {gaurA7di}; mf({A})n. auspicious, lucky Hcat.; having the scent of jasmine L. mangalaM = auspiciousness maNi * = m. (%{i} f. only L.; %{I} f. Sin6ha7s.;

%{maNI7va} = %{maNI} [du.] %{iva} Naish.) a jewel, gem, pearl (also fig.), any ornament or amulet, globule, crystal RV. &c. &c.; a magnet, loadstone Kap.; glans penis Sus3r.; N. of the jewellotus prayer MWB. 37 2; clitoris L.; the hump (of a camel) MBh.; the dependent fleshy excrescences on a goat's neck VarBr2S.; thyroid cartilage L. (cf. %{kaNTha-m-}); the wrist (= %{mmaNi4bandha}) L.; a large water-jar L.; N. of a Na1ga MBh.; of a companion of Skanda (associated with Su-man2i) ib.; of a sage ib.; of a son of Yuyudha1na ib. (in Hariv. v.l. %{tUNi}); of a king of the Kimn2aras, Ka1ran2d.; of various wks. and a collection of magical formulas (also abridged for Tattvacinta1man2i and Siddha7nta-s3iroman2i). [Cf. Gk. &235359[774,3] $, $; Lat. {monile}; Germ. {mane}, {Ma1hne}; Eng. {mane}.] maNinaaga* = m. N. of a snake-demon MBh. Hariv.; m. or n. (?) N. of a sacred bathing-place MBh. maNiniryaatana* = n. the restitution of a jewel R. maNiindra* = m. `" jewel-chief. "' a diamond Pacar. maNDita* = mfn. adorned, decorated MBh. Ka1v. &c.; m. (with Jainas) N. of one of the 11

Gan2sdhipas L. maniish = lord of the mind maniishhiNaH = great sages or devotees maniishikaa f. wisdom , intelligence (%{svamanISikayA} , `" according to one's own judgment "') BhP. ; expectation Ba1lar. maniishin * = mfn. thoughtful , intelligent , wise , sage , prudent. RV. &c. &c. ; devout , offering prayers or praises RV. ; m. a learned Bra1hman , teacher , Pan2d2it W. ; N. of a king VP. maniishhiNaaM = even for the great souls maniishitaa* = wisdom maniishhita = (n) a wish maniishita * = mfn. desired, wished maju: * = pleasing charming, sweet manogataan.h = of mental concoction manojavaM = having the speed of mind


manobhiH = and mind manomani = samadhi manoraJNjana = entertainment, pleasant to mind manoratha = wish manorathaM = according to my desires manorame = another appellation to PArvati here meaning `pleasing to the mind' manohara = beautiful mantavyaH = is to be considered manthin* = mfn. shaking, agitating Bhathth.; paining, afflicting W.; m. Soma-juice with meal mixed in it by stirring RV. TS. Br. S'rS.; semen virile (cf. {Urdhva-m-}); ({inI}) f. a butter-vat L.; N. of one of the Mtriis attending on Skanda MBh. mantra = spel * = m. (rarely n.; ifc. f. %{A}), `" instrument of thought "', speech, sacred text or speech, a prayer or song of praise RV. AV. TS.; a Vedic hymn or sacrificial formula, that portion of the Veda which contains the texts called %{Rc} or %{yajus} or %{sAman} (q.v.) as opp. to the

Bra1hmana and Upanishad portion (see IW. 5 &c.) Br. Gr2S3rS. &c. [786,1]; a sacred formula addressed to any individual deity (e.g. %{om} %{zivAya} %{namaH}) RTL. 61; a mystical verse or magical formula (sometimes personified), incantation, charm, spell (esp. in modern times employed by the S3a1ktas to acquire superhuman powers; the primary Mantras being held to be 70 millions in number and the secondary innumerable RTL. 197-202) RV. (i, 147, 4) A1s3vS3r. Mn. Katha1s. Sus3r.; cousultation, resolution, counsel, advice, plan, design, secret RV. &c. &c.; N. of Vishn2u Vishn2.; of S3iva MBh.; (in astrol.) the fifth mansion VarYogay. mantraH = transcendental chant mantrayate = (10 ap) to consult mantrahiinaM = with no chanting of the Vedic hymns manthati = to churn (as in to get butter from curds) manmatha= god of love, Cupid*= m. (either an intens. form fr. %{math}, or fr. %{man} = %{manas} + %{matha}, `" agitating "'; cf. %{mandeha} and %{mandhAtR}) love or the god of love, amorous passion or desire (ifc. f. %{A}) MBh.

Ka1v. &c.; Feronia Elephantum L.; the 29th (3rd) year in a 60 years "' cycle of Jupiter VarBr2S.; N. of a physician and various other men Cat.; (%{A}) f. N. of Da1ksha1yan2i1 ib. manmanaaH = always thinking of Me manmayaa = fully in Me manu = father of the human race * = mfn. thinking, wise, intelligent VS. S3Br.; m. `" the thinking creature(?) "', man, mankind RV. VS. AitBr. TA1r. (also as opp. to evil spirits RV. i, 130, 8; viii, 98, 6 &c.; the R2ibhus are called %{manor@na4pAtaH}, the sons of man, iii, 60, 3); the Man par excellence or the representative man and father of the human race (regarded in the RV. as the first to have instituted sacrifices and religious ceremonies, and associated with the R2ishis Kan2va and Atri; in the AitBr. described as dividing his possessions among some of his sons to the exclusion of one called Na1bha1-nedisht2ha q.v.; called Sa1m2varan2a as author of RV. ix, 101, 10-12; A1psava as author of ib. 106, 7-9; in Naigh. v, 6 he is numbered among the 31 divine beings of the upper sphere, and VS. xi, 66 as father of men even identified with Prajspati; but the name Manu is esp. applied to 14 successive mythical progenitors and sovereigns of the earth, described Mn. i, 63 and in later wks. as

creating and supporting this world through successive Antaras or long periods of time see %{manv-antara} below; the first is called Sva1yambhuva as sprung from %{svayam-bhU}, the Self-existent, and described in Mn. 12, 34 as a sort of secondary creator, who commenced his work by producing 10 Praja1patis or Maharshis, of whom the first was %{marIci}, Light; to this Manu is ascribed the celebrated `" code of Manu "' see %{manu-saMhitA}, and two ancient Su1tra works on Kalpa and Gr2ihya i.e. sacrificial and domestic rites; he is also called Hairan2yagarbha as son of Hiran2ya-garbha, and Pra1cetasa, as son of Pracetas; the next 5 Manus are called Sva1rocisha, Auttami, Ta1masa, Raivata, Ca1kshusha cf. IW. 208 n. 1; the 7th Manu, called %{vaivasvata}, Sunborn, or from his piety, %{satya-vrata}, is regarded as the progenitor of the present race of living beings, and said, like the Noah of the Old Testament, to have been preserved from a great flood by Vishn2u or Brahma1 in the form of a fish: he is also variously described as one of the 12 A1dityas, as the author of RV. viii, 27-31, as the brother of Yama, who as a son of he Sun is also called Vaivasvata, as the founder and first king of Ayodhya1, and as father of Ila1 who married Budha, son of the Moon, the two great solar and lunar races being thus nearly related to each other see IW. 344; 373; the 8th Manu or first of the future Manus accord. to VP. iii, 2, will be

Sa1varn2i; the 9th Daksha-sa1varn2i; the 12th Rudra-ssa1varn2i; the 13th Raucya or Devassa1varn2i; the 14th Bhautya or Indrassa1varn2i); thought (= %{manas}) TS. Br.; a sacred text, prayer, incantation, spell (= %{mantra}) Ra1matUp. Pan5car. Prata1p.; N. of an Agni MBh.; of a Rudra Pur.; of Kr2is3a7s3va BhP.; of an astronomer Cat.; (pl.) the mental Powers BhP.; N. of the number `" fourteen "' (on account of the 14 Manus) Su1ryas. [784,3]; f. Manu's wife (= %{manAvI}) L.; Trigonella Corniculata L. [Cf. Goth. {manna}; Germ. {Mannus}, son of {Tuisto} [TM], mentioned by Tacitus, in his wk. {Germania}, as the mythical ancestor of the WestGermans, {mann}, {man}; Angl. Sax. {man}; Eng. {man}.] manuH = the father of mankind manushhya = man manushhyaloke = in the world of human society manushhyaaH = all men manushhyaaNaaM = of such men manushhyeshhu = in human society


manya* = mfn. (only ifc.; cf. Pn. 3-2, 83; vi, 3, 68 Sch.) thinking one's self to be, passing for, appearing as (see {kAlim-}, {dhanyam-}, {naramm} &c.) ma4nyaa* = f. du. and pl. the back or the nape of the neck (musculus cucullaris or trapezius) AV. VS. Sus'r.; m. (l) the middle of an elephant's goad L. manyate = (4 ap) to think, to believe manyante = think manyase = you so think manye = think manyeta = thinks manyu * = m. (L. also f.) spirit, mind, mood, mettle (as of horses) RV. TS. Br.; high spirit or temper, ardour, zeal, passion RV. &c. &c.; rage, fury, wrath, anger, indignation ib. (also personified, esp. as Agni or Kma or as a Rudra; {manyuM} {kR}, with loc. or acc. with {prati}, `" to vent one's anger on, be angry with "'); grief, sorrow, distress, affliction MBh. Kv. &c.; sacrifice Nalac.; N. of a king (son of Vitatha) BhP.; (with {tApasa})N. of the author of RV. x, 83; 84; (with {vAsiSTha})N. of the author of

RV. ix, 97, 10-12. {-ta4s} ind. from anger, in a rage AV. mama = mine mamaapi = even my maunaM = silence mauni = silent mJNjushhaa = (f) a box marakata* = n. an emerald R. Var. Pacat. &c. [Cf. Gk. $; Lat. {smaragdus}. maraNa = death maraNaM = death maraNaat.h = than death mariicha = a name of Sun mariichi = rays mariichiH = Marici mariichikaa = (f) chillies

mariichimaalin.h = (adj) garlanded with rays, sun marjaaraH = (m) cat marakata * n. an emerald R. Var. Pacat. &c. [Cf. Gk. $; Lat. {smaragdus}. marsha * m. ( {mRS}) patience, endurance L. (cf. {a-} and {dur-marSa}). martya * = mfn. who or what must die, mortal Br. Kaus'.; m. a mortal, man, person RV. &c. &c.; the world of mortals, the earth L.; ({A}) f. dying, death (see {putra-martyA}); n. that which is mortal, the body BhP. maru = desert marut* = m. pl. (prob. the `" flashing or shining ones "'; cf. {marIci} and Gk. $) the storm-gods (Indra's &239948[790,2] companions and sometimes e.g. Ragh. xii, 101 = {devAH}, the gods or deities in general; said in the Veda to be the sons of Rudra and Priis'ni q.v., or the children of heaven or of ocean; and described as armed with golden weapons i.e. lightnings and thunderbolts, as having iron teeth and roaring like lions, as residing in the north, as riding in golden cars drawn by ruddy horses sometimes called Priishath q.v.; they are

reckoned in Naigh. v, 5 among the gods of the middle sphere, and in RV. viii, 96, 8 are held to be three times sixty in number; in the later literature they are the children of Diti, either seven or seven times seven in number, and are sometimes said to be led by Mtaris'van) RV. &c. &c.; the god of the wind (father of Hanumat and regent of the northwest quarter of the sky) Kir. Rjat. (cf. comp.); wind, air, breath (also applied to the five winds in the body) Kv. Pur. &c.; a species of plant Bhpr.; = {Rtvij} Naigh. iii, 18; gold ib. i, 2; beauty ib. iii, 7; N. of a Sdhya Hariv.; of the prince Briihad-ratha MaitrUp.; f. Trigonella Corniculata L.; n. a kind of fragrant substance (= {granthi-parNa}) L. marut.h = wind marutaH = the forty-nine Maruts (demigods of the wind) marutta * = (= {marud-datta} accord. to Pat. on Pn. 1-4, 58. 59 Vrtt. 4) m. N. of various kings Br. S'nkhS'r. &c.; wind, a gale (?) W. marutaaM = in the air or thoro' the air marubhuumiH = (m) desert, barren land martya = mortal

martyalokaM = to the mortal earth martyeshhu = among those subject to death maryaada * = m. `" one who sets marks or limits "', an arbiter, umpire (?) AV. v, 1, 8. maryaadaa * = f. (doubtful whether fr. %{maryA} + %{dA} or %{maryA} + %{Ada} [fr. %{A} + %{dA}]; fancifully said to be fr. %{marya} + %{ada}, `" devouring young men "' who are killed in defending boundaries) `" giving or containing clear marks or signs "', a frontier, limit, boundary, border, bank, shore, mark, end, extreme point, goal (in space and time) RV. &c. &c. (%{SaNmAsmaryAdayA}, within six months VarBr2S.); the bounds or limits of morality and propriety, rule or custom, distinct law or definition Mn. MBh. &c.; a covenant, agreement, bond, contract MBh. Ka1v. &c.; continuance in the right way, propriety of conduct Ka1v. Pan5cat.; N. of a kind of ring used as an amulet AV. vi, 81, 2; N. of the wife of Ava1ci1na (daughter of a king of Vidarbha) MBh.; of the wife of Deva7tithi (daughter of a king of Videha) ib. masa * = m. measure, weight W. mashaka = gnat, small fly


mashakaH = (m) mosquito mashakajaalaH = (m) mosquito net mashii = (f) ink mat.h = upon Me (KRishhNa) mata* = {mataM-ga} &c. see under {man}, p. 783, col. 1. mata= Opinion* = mfn. thought, believed, imagined, supposed, understood RV. &c. &c.; regarded or considered as, taken or passing for (nom. or adv.) Mn. MBh. &c.; thought fit or right, approved Yj. Kv. Km.; honoured, esteemed, respected, liked (with gen. Pn. 3-2, 188) Ragh. Km.; desired, intended R.; m. N. of a son of S'ambara Hariv. (v.l. {mana}); n. a thought, idea, opinion, sentiment, view, belief. doctrine MBh. Kv. &c.; intention, design, purpose, wish MBh. BhP.; commendation, approbation, sanction L.; knowledge W.; agallochum L. mataM = injunctions mataH = (f) mother mataa = is considered

mataaH = are considered mati * = (in S'Br. also {ma4ti}) f. devotion, prayer, worship, hymn, sacred utterance RV. VS.; thought, design, intention, resolution, determination, inclination, wish, desire (with loc. dat. or inf.) RV. &c. &c. ({matyA} ind. wittingly, knowingly, purposely; {matiM} {kR} or {dhA} or {dhR} or {AdhA} or {samA-dhA} or {A-sthA} or {sam-A-sthA}, with loc. dat. acc. with {prati}, or {artham} ifc., to set the heart on, make up one's mind, resolve, determine; {matim} with Caus. of {ni-vRt} and abl. of a verbal noun, to give up the idea of; {Ahitamati} ifc. -having resolved upon; {vinivRtta-mati} with abl. = having desisted from); opinion, notion, idea, belief, conviction, view, creed S'rS. Mn. MBh. &c. ({matyA} ind. at will; ifc., `" under the idea of "' e.g. {vyAghra-m-}, `" under the idea of its being a tiger "'); the mind, perception, understanding, intelligence, sense, judgment S'Br. &c. &c. (in RV. also `" that which is sensible "', intelligent, mindful, applied to Aditi, Indra and Agni); esteem, respect, regard Kir.; memory, remembrance L.; Opinion personified (and identified with Subala7tmaj as one of the mothers of the five sons of Pndu, or regarded as a daughter of Daksha and wife of Soma, or as the wife of Viveka) MBh. Hariv. Prab.; a kind of vegetable or pot-herb L.; m. N. of a king Buddh. [Cf. Lat. {mens}; Angl. Sax. {ge1294

mynd}; Eng. {mind}.] matiM = intellect matiH = intellect, thought, opinion matiraapaneyaa = matiH + ApaneyA:mind + to be led matirbhinnaH = mind +different (different opinions or views) matirmama = my opinion mate = in the opinion matkarma = My work matkarmakrit.h = engaged in doing My work matkuNa = bed-bug matkuNaH = (m) bedbug, khatamal matparaM = subordinate to Me matparaH = in relationship with Me matparamaH = considering Me the Supreme

matparamaaH = taking Me, the Supreme Lord, as everything matparaaH = being attached to Me matparaayaNaH = devoted to Me matprasaadaat.h = by My mercy matri = mother matsa.nsthaaM = the spiritual sky (the kingdom of God) matsara = Anger, Jealousy, Envy, Hostility matsthaani = in Me matsya = a fish matsyaNDii = (n) molasses matsyaasana = the fish posture matsyendraasana = the posture of Matsyendra maththa * = m. a kind of drum Sam2gi1t. (cf. %{maDDu}); a kind of dance ib. (also %{-nRtya} n.)

matta * = &c. see p. 77, col. 3\\ . excited with joy, overjoyed, delighted, drunk, intoxicated (lit. and fig.) AV. &c. &c.; excited by sexual passion or desire, in rut, ruttish (as an elephant) MBh. R. &c.; furious, mad, insane ib.; m. a buffalo L.; the Indian cuckoo L.; a drunkard L.; a ruttish or furious elephant L.; a madman L.; a thorn-apple L.; N. of a Ra1kshasa R.; (%{A}) f. any intoxicating drink, spirituous or vinous liquor L.; N. of a metre Col. [cf. Lat. {mattus}, drunk]. mattaH = (VB) beyond Me; from me, than me* = mfn. excited with joy, overjoyed, delighted, drunk, intoxicated (lit. and fig.) AV. &c. &c.; excited by sexual passion or desire, in rut, ruttish (as an elephant) MBh. R. &c.; furious, mad, insane ib.; m. a buffalo L.; the Indian cuckoo L.; a drunkard L.; a ruttish or furious elephant L.; a madman L.; a thorn-apple L.; N. of a Ra1kshasa R.; (%{A}) f. any intoxicating drink, spirituous or vinous liquor L.; N. of a metre Col. [cf. Lat. {mattus}, drunk]. maturaa = the city of mathura matvaa = having thought, thinking that maula * = mf(%{A})n. (fr. %{mUla}) derived from roots (as poison) Hcar.; handed down from antiquity, ancient (as acustom) MBh.; holding

office from previous generations, hereditary (as a minister or warrior) Mn. MBh. &c.; aboriginal, indigenous Mn. viii, 62; 259; m. an hereditary minister (holding his office from father and grandfather) Ragh. Das3.; pl. aboriginal inhabitants who have emigrated L.; (with %{pArthivAH}) = %{mUlaprakR-tayaH} Ka1m. mauna* = m. (fr. {muni}) a patr. s'vS'r.; pl. N. of a dynasty VP.; ({I}) f. N. of the 15th day in the dark half of the month Phlguna (when a partic. form of ablution is performed in silence) Col.; n. the office or position of a Muni or holy sage S'Br. MBh. [837, 1]; silence, taciturnity ChUp. Mn. MBh. &c. ({maunaM} with {kR}, or {vi-dhA} or {sam-A-car}, to observe silence, hold one's tongue). may * = cl. 1. A1. to go , move Dha1tup. xv , 50. maya * = mf({I})n. consisting or made of orpiment Kum. maya * = 1 m. (3. {mA}) N. of an Asura (the artificer or architect of the Daityas, also versed in magic, astronomy and military science) MBh. Kv. &c.; N. of various teachers and authors (esp. of an astronomer and a poet) Cat.; ({A}) f. medical treatment L. \\ = 2 m. (prob. fr. 2. {mA}) a horse VS.; a camel L.; a mule L.; ({I}) f. a mare Lthy.

Sch. [789, 2] \\3 m. (1. {mI}) hurting, injuring W. mayaa = by me, V: magic mayaH = full of mayaM = full of/completely filled V* possessing, consisting, fully engaged in, pervaded by, made of, sum total mayas * n. (prob. fr. 3. {mA}) refreshment, enjoyment, pleasure, delight RV. VS. TBr. ma4yas-kara4 * mfn. causing enjoyment, giving pleasure VS. mayata= prasmayata- prasada= grace maye: V*: consists of, made of, in the form of, situated in, full of, filled with,. affected by mayi = in myself mayuraasana = the peacock posture mayuura = a peacock mayuuraH = (m) peacock


mayyasahishhNu = mayi+asahishhNuH, in me+intolerant me = mine megha = cloud medaH = (neu) fat medas* = n. fat, marrow, lymph (as one of the 7 Dhtus, q.v.; its proper seat is said to be the abdomen) RV. &c. &c.; excessive fatness, corpulence S'rngS.; a mystical term for the letter {v} Up. medhas * = n. = %{medha}, a sacrifice S3Br. S3a1n3khSr.; m. N. of a son of Manu Sva1yambhuva Hariv.; of son of Priya-vrata (v.l. %{medha}) VP.; (ifc.) = %{medhA}, intelligence, knowledge, understanding. medhasa * = m. N. of a man Cat. medhasaati* = (%{medha4-}) f. the receiving or offering of the oblation, sacrificial ceremony RV. (Sa1y.; others `" the offering of devotion, service or worship of the gods "'; others "' the gaining or deserving of a reward or praise "'). medhayaa = (fem.instr.S)intellect

medhaa = (f) memory, ability to remember things medhaavaan.h = well- read man, intellectual medhaavii = intelligent mekhala* =m. or n. a girdle, belt R.; m. pl. N. of a people VarBriS. (prob. w.r. for {mekala}); ({A}) f. see below mekhalaa* = f. a girdle, belt, zone (as worm by men or women, but esp. that worn by the men of the first three classes; accord. to Mn. ii, 42 that of a Brhman ought to be of {muJja} [accord. to ii, 169 = {yajJo7pavIta} q.v.]; that of a Kshatriya, of {mUrvA}; that of a Vais'ya, of {zaNa} or hemp, I.W. p. 240) AV. &c; &c.; the girth of a horse Kaths.; a band or fillet L.; (ifc. f. {A}) anything girding or surrounding (cf. {sAgara-m-}); investiture with the girdle and the ceremony connected with it VarBriS.; a sword-belt, baldric L.; a sword-knot or string fastened to the hilt L.; the cords or lines drawn round an altar (on the four sides of the hole or receptacle in which the sacrificial fire is deposited) BhP.; the hips (as the place of the girdle) L.; the slope of a mountain (cf. {netamba}) Klid.; a partic. part of the fire-receptacle Hcat.; Hemionitis Cordifolia L.; N. of the river Narma-d (prob. w.r. for {mekalA}) L.; of a place (?) Vs.,

Introd.; of various women Viddh. Kaths. meruH = Meru merudaNDa = the spinal column meshha = First Zodiacal sign Aries mesha * = m. (2. {miS}) a ram, sheep (in the older language applied also to a fleece or anything woollen) RV. &c. &c.; the sign of the zodiac Aries or the first arc of 30 degrees in a circle Sryas. Var. BhP.; a species of plant Sus'r.; N. of a partic. demon L. (cf. {nejam-}); ({A}) f. small cardamoms L.; ({I}) f. (cf. {me4zI}) a ewe RV. VS. Kaus'.; Nardostachys Jatamansi L.; Dalbergia Ougeinensis L. meshhaH = (m) sheep miiDhvas * = mf(%{u4Si})n. (declined like a pf. p.; nom, %{mIDhvan} voc. %{mIDhvas} dat. %{mIDhu4Se-} or %{mILhu4Se} &c.), bestowing richly, bountiful, liberal R. V. &c. &c.; (%{uSI}) f. N. of Devi1 (the wife of I1s3a1na) A1pGr2. miimaaMsaa* = f. profound thought or reflection or Consideration, investigation, examination, discussion S'Br. Tr.; theory (cf. {kAvya-m-}); `"

examination of the Vedic text "'N. of one of the 3 great divisions of orthodox Hind philosophy (divided into 2 systems, viz. the Prva-mnns or Karma-mmns by Jamini, concerning itself chiefly with the correct incalled the Mimns; and the Uttara-mimns or Brahma-mmimns or S'rraka-mmimns by Bdaryana, commonly styled the Veda7nta and dealing chiefly with the nature of Brahma8 or the one universal Spirit) IW. 46; 98 &c. misha :*. rivalry, emulation L.; the son of a Kshatriya and a low woman L.; n. false appearance, fraud, deceit ({miSeNa} or {miSAt} or {-tas} or ifc. under the pretext of) Kv. Kaths. Rjat. mita4 *fixed, set up, founded, established RV. AV. SnkhS'r.; firm, strong (see comp.); cast, thrown, scattered W. mita * = measured, meted out, measured or limited by i.e. equal to (instr. or comp.) Sryas. VarBriS. BhP.; containing a partic. measure i.e. measuring, consisting of (acc.) RPrt.; Bharthr. (v.l.); measured, moderate, scanty, frugal, little, short, brief. Inscr. Mn. Kv. &c.; measured i.e. investigated, known (see. {loka}); m. N. of a divine being (associated with Sammita) Yj.; of a Riishi in the third Manv-antara VP.

mitha * = in comp. for %{mithah} = %{mithas}\\in comp. for %{mithaH} mithas * = ind, together, together with (instr.), mutually, reciprocally, alternately, to or from or with each other RV. &c, &c.; privately, in secret Mn. Ka1lid. Das3.; by contest or dispute BhP. mithasamaya * = m. mutual agreement ib. (v.l. %{-samavA7ya}). mithaspRdhya * = ind. p. ( %{spR4dh}) meeting together as rivals, mutually emulous RV. i, 166, 9 (Padap. %{mithaspri4dhyA}). mitra = (neut) friend *= 1 m. (orig. %{mit-tra}, fr. %{mith} or %{mid}; cf. %{medin}) a friend, companion, associate RV. AV. (in later language mostly n.); N. of an A1ditya (generally invoked together with Varun2a cf. %{mitrA-v-}, and often associated with Aryaman q.v.; Mitra is extolled alone in RV. iii, 59, and there described as calling men to activity, sustaining earth and sky and beholding all creatures with unwinking eye; in later times he is considered as the deity of the constellation Anura1dha1, and father of Utsarga) RV. &c. &c.; the sun Ka1v. &c. (cf. comp.); N. of a Marut Hariv.; of a son of Vasisht2ha and various other men Pur.; of the third Muhu1rta L.; du. =

%{mitra4-varuNa} RV.; (%{A}),f. N. of an Apsaras MBh. (B. %{citrA}); of the mother of Maitreya and Maitreyi1 S3am2k. on ChUp. BhP.; of the mother of S3atru-ghna (= %{su-mitrA}) L. (W. %{I}); n. friendship RV.; a friend, companion (cf. m. above) TS. &c, &c.; (with %{aurasa}) a friend connected by blood-relationship Hit.; an ally (a prince whose territory adjoins that of an immediate neighbour who is called %{ari}, enemy. Mn. vii, 158 &c., in this meaning also applied to planets VarBr2S.); a companion to = resemblance of (gen.; ifc. = resembling, like) Ba1lar. Vcar.; N. of the god Mitra (enumerated among the 10 fires) MBh.; a partic. mode of fighting Hariv. (v.l. for %{bhinna}). mitra * = 2 Nom. P. %{mitrati}, to act in a friendly manner S3at mitraavaruNa * = vi. du. Mitra and Varun2a RV. &c. &c. (together they uphold and rule the earth and sky , together they guard the world , together they promote religious rites , avenge sin , and are the lords of truth and light cf. under 1. %{mitra4} above [816,3] ; %{-Nayor@ayanam} and %{Nayor@iSTiH}N. of partic. sacrifices ; %{NayoH@saMyojanam}N. of a Sa1man) RV. VS. Br. &c. (sg. , w.r. for %{maitrAvaruNa} Hariv.) ; %{vat} mfn. accompanied by Mitra and Varun2a RV. ; %{-samIrita} mfn. impelled by MMitra and

VVarun2a TBr. mitrataa* = f. friendship ({-tam samprA7ptaH}, one whd has become a friend) MBh. Pacat. &c.; equalness, likeness with (comp) Vcar. mitratva* = n. friendship TS. Pacat. &c. mitradhita* = ({mitra4-}) n. (RV.) or ({mitra4-}) f. (ib.) ?or ({mitra4-}) f. (ib.) ?or n. (VS. S'Br.) a covenant or contract of friendship. mitradheya* = n. (VS. S'Br.) a covenant or contract of friendship. mitrapati* = m. lord of friends or of friendship RV. mitrabheda* = m. separation of frfriend, breach of friendship MBh. Km. &c.; N. of the first book of the Paca-tantra. mitradrohe = in quarreling with friends mitre = in (towards) the friend mithuna = Sexual union. The Zodiacal sign Gemini miththyaachaaraNi = adj. living in the falsehood


miththyaavaadii = adj. adherent to improper philosophy mithyaa = (fem.nom.S)false; unreal mithyaachaaraH = pretender mithyaaGYaanena = (instr.) through false knowledge mithyaishhaH = this is all false mimaaM = this mimaa.nsaa = one of the schools (systems) of Indian philosophy milati = ( 6 pp) to join, meet mis'raM = mixed;* = mf({A4})n. (prob. fr. a Iost {miz} cf. under {mikS}) mixed, mingled, blended, combined RV. &c. &c. ({vacAMsi mizrA} 1. {kR} A. {-kRNute}, to mingle words, talk together RV. x, 93, 1) [818, 1]; manifold, diverse, various TS. &c. &c.; mixed or connected or furnished with, accompanied by (instr. with or without {samam} gen. or comp.; rarely {mizra} ibc. cf. {mizra-vAta}) VS. &c. &c.; pl. (ifc. after honorific epithets = &c.; e.g. {Arya-mizrAH}, respectable or honourable

people &c.; often also in sg. ifc. and rarely ibc. with proper names by way of respect cf. {kRSNa-}, {madhu-m} and comp. below); mixing, adulterating: (cf. {dhAnyam-}); m. a kind of elephant L.; (in music) a kind of measure Sangt.; N. of various authors and other men (also abbreviation for some names ending in {mizra} e.g. for Madana-, Mitra-, Vcaspati-mis'ra) Cat.; n. principal and interest Lalit. (cf. {-dhana}); a species of radish L. mishrayati = to mix mihira = sun miina = The Zodiacal sign Pisces mle.nchchha = adj. barbarian mleccha* = m. a foreigner, barbarian, non-Aryan, man of an outcast race, any person who does not speak Sanskriit and does not conform to the usual Hind institutions S'Br. &c. &c. ({I} f.); a person who lives by agriculture or by making weapons L.; a wicked or bad man, sinner L.; ignorance of Sanskriit, barbarism Nyyam. Sch.; n. copper L.; vermilion L. mocita * = mfn. caused to be released , set free Hit.

mochaya = (verbal stem) to make free mocayitR * = mfn. freeing , releasing Kull. on Mn. viii , 342. modaka * = with the sweetened riceballs modate* = (1ap) to rejoice, to be happy modishhye = I shall rejoice mogha* = (or {mogha4} MaitrS.) mf({A})n. (1. {muh}) vain, fruitlets, useless, unsuccessful, unprofitable (ibc. and {am} ind. in vain, uselessly, without cause) RV. &c. &c.; left, abandoned MBh.; idle ib.; m. a fence, hedge L.; ({A}) f. Bignonia Suaveolens L.; Embelia Ribes L. moghakarmaaNaH = baffled in fruitive activities moghaM = uselessly moghaGYaanaaH = baffled in knowledge moghaashaaH = baffled in their hopes moha = temptation* = m. (1. {muh}; ifc. f. {A}) loss

of consciousness, bewilderment, perplexity, distraction, infatuation, delusion, error, folly AV. &c. &c. ({moham-brU}, to say anything that leads to error; {mohaM-yA}, to fall into error; {mohAt} ind. through folly or ignorance); fainting, stupefaction, a swoon MBh. Kv. &c.; (in phil.) darkness or delusion of mind (preventing the discernment of truth and leading men to believe in the reality of worldly objects); (with Buddhists) ignorance (one of the three roots of vice Dharmas. 139); a magical art employed to bewilder an enemy (= {mohana}) Cat.; wonder, amazement L.; Infatuation personified (as the offspring of Brahm) VP. mohaM = infatuation mohaH = illusion mohanaM = the delusion mohayasi = You are bewildering mohaat.h = by illusion mohaaddaasyati = out of infatuation+ will give mohaaveshaM = infatuated state(moha+AveshaMseizure)

mohitaM = deluded mohitaaH = are bewildered mohiniiM = bewildering mohena = by the illusion mohau = and illusion moksha = emancipation of the soul from rebirth mokshaM = the liberation mokshakaankshibhiH = by those who actually desire liberation mokshayishhyaami = will deliver mokshaaya = for the purpose of liberation mokshyase = you will be liberated mriyate = dies mriDa * mfn. showing compassion or mercy, gracious Kthh. s'vGri.; m. N. of Agni at the Prna7huti Griihys.; of S'iva S'ivag.; ({A} or {I}) f. N. of Prvati L.

mridaa * = f. clay, loam, earth S'vetUp. mriga = animal* = m. (prob. `" ranger "', `" rover "') a forest animal or wild beast, game of any kind, (esp.) a deer, fawn, gazelle, antelope, stag, muskdeer RV. &c. &c.; the deer or antelope in the moon (i.e. the spots on the disk supposed to resemble those of an antelope as well as a hare); the ddisk or antantelope in the sky (either the Nakshatra Mriiga-s'iras or the sign of the zodiac Capricorn; also in general the 10th arc of 30 degrees in a circle) Sryas. VarBriS. &c.; an elephant with partic. marks (accord. to L. `" one the secondary marks of whose body are small "') R. Var.; a large soaring bird RV. i, 182, 7 &c.; N. of a demon or Vriitra in the form of a deer slain by Indra ib. i, 80, 7 &c.; of a celestial being (occupying a partic. place in an astrol. house divided into 81 compartments) VarBriS. Hcat.; of a partic. class of men whose conduct in coitus resembles that of the roebuck L.; of the district in S'aka-dvpa inhabited principally by Brhdvipa themselves VP. (v.l. {maga}); of a horse of the Moou VP.; musk (= {mRga-nAbhi} or {-mada}) VarBriS.; a partic. Aja-pia sacrifice L.; search, seeking, asking, requesting L.; ({A}) f. = {mRga-vIthI} L.; ({I}) f. a female deer or antelope, doe Hariv. R. &c.; N. of the mythical progenitress of antelopes MBh. R. Pur.; a partic. class of women L.; a kind of metre Col.; a partic. gait of a dancing

girl Sangt.; demoniacal possession, epilepsy L. mriga-trishhNikaa = mirage mrigaaNaaM = of animals mrige.ndrataa = the nature of the king of animals mrigya* = mfn. to be hunted after or sought for or found out Kv. Pur.; to be striven after or aimed at ({a-m-}). Kum.; to be investigated, questionable, uncertain Vm. mrigendraH = the lion mriNaala = soft mriSTa* = mfn. (for 2. see p. 831, col. 1.) washed, cleansed, polished, clean, pure (lit. and fig.) RV. &c. &c.; smeared, besmeared with (instr.) R. Naish.; prepared, dressed, savoury, dainty R. Hariv. Var. (cf. {miSTa}); sweet, pleasant, agreeable MBh. Kv. &c.; n. pepper L. mrishaa* ind. in vain, uselessly, to no purpose RV. &c. &c.; wrongly, fabely, feignedly, lyingly AV. &c. &c. (with {kR}, to feign; with {jJA} or {man}, to consider false or untrue; {mRSai9va} {tat}, that is wrong; {varanIyam mRSA budhaiH},

untruthfulness is to be avoided by the wise); `" Untruth "' personified as the wife of A-dharma BhP. mrita = Dead mritaM = dead mritasya = of the dead mritaasana = the corpse posture mrittikaa = mud mrityu = of death mrityu-bhaava = House of Death or the 8th mrityuM = death mrityuH = death mrityuu = death mrityoH = (masc.poss.S) death's mrida.nga = drum mridanga = Drum

mriduu = soft mriyate = (6 ap) to die mriishati = (6 pp) to ponder, to reflectmauna = silence muchyante = get relief mucuTI * f. a pair of forceps Vgbh.; (also {-Ti}) a closed hand, fist L.; snapping the fingers L. muculinda * m. a kind of big orange L. (cf. {mucalinda} and {mucilind mudaa* = pleasure, joy, gladness mudhaa* = ind. ( {muh}) in vain, uselessly, to no purpose MBh. Kv. &c.; falsely, wrongly, Bhaflri. (v.l.) mudita = delight mudgara = hammer, mallet mudgaraH = (m) hammer mudraNa = printing, publication


mudraa = a seal, postures especially with hands and face * = f. (fr. {mudra} see above) a seal or any instrument used for sealing or stamping, a sealring, signet-ring (cf. {aGguli-m-}), any ring MBh. Kv. &c.; type for printing or instrument for lithographing L.; the stamp or impression made by a seal &c.; any stamp or print or mark or impression MBh. Kv. &c.; a stamped coin, piece of money, rupee, cash, medal L.; an image, sign, badge, token (esp. a token or mark of divine attributes impressed upon the body) Kv. Pur. Rjat.; authorization, a pass, passport (as given by a seal) Mudr.; shutting, closing (as of the eyes or lips gen. or comp.) Kv.; a lock, stopper, bung Amar. Bhpr.; a mystery Cat.; N. of partic. positions or intertwinings of the fingers (24 in number, commonly practised in religious worship, and supposed to possess an occult meaning and magical efficacy Das'. Sarvad. Krand. RTL. 204; 406); a partic. branch of education (`" reckoning by the fingers "') DivyA7v.; parched or fried grain (as used in the S'kta or Tntrik ceremonial) RTL. 192; (in rhet.) the natural expression of things by words, calling things by their right names Kuval.; (in music) a dance accordant with tradition Sangt. mudra* = mfn. joyous, glad AV.; ({A}). f. see {mudrA} below.


mugdha* = gone astray, lost, perplexed, bewildered, foolish, ignorant, silly, inexperienced, simple, innocent, artless, attractive or charming (from youthfulness), lovely, beautiful, tender, young, a young and beautiful female muhu *= or ind. suddenly, in a moment RV. S3Br. muhuurta *= m. n. a moment, instant, any short space of time RV. &c. &c. (ibc., in a moment; %{ena} ind, after an instant, presently); a partic. division of time, the 3oth part of a day, a period of 48 minutes (in pl. personified as the children of Muhu1rta) S3Br. &c. &c.; (%{A}) f. N. of a daughter of Daksha (wife of Dharma or Manu and mother of the Muhu1rtas) Hariv. Pur. mukulam.h = (n) a bud mukta = liberated muktaM = liberated muktaH = released mukta\-hasta\-shirshhaasana = the freehand headstand posture muktasangaH = liberated from association

muktasya = of the liberated muktaanaaM = pearls or released muktaasana = the liberated posture muktiM = salvation/freedom muktvaa = quitting mukha = mouth mukhaM = mouth mukhadvaaram.h = (n) the main entrance gate (of a house) mukhapuTalekhaH = (m) cover story mukhaani = faces mukhe = through the mouth mukhyaM = the chief mukhya * = mf({A})n. being in or coming from or belonging to the mouth or face AV. &c. &c.; being at the head or at the beginning, first, principal, chief, eminent (ifc. = the first or best or chief

among, rarely = {mukha} or {Adi} q.v.) TS. &c. &c.; m. a leader, guide Km.; N. of a tutelary deity (presiding over one of the 81 or 63 divisions or Padas of an astrological house) VarBriS. Hcat.; pl. a class of gods under Manu Svarni Pur.; ({A}) f. N. of the residence of Varuna VP.; n. an essential rite W.; reading or teaching the Vedas ib.; the month reckoned from new moon to new moon ib.; moustache Gal. mulaalin* = m. or {mulAli} f. (prob.) a species of edible lotus AV. muNDaM = head muNDii = shaven head munayaH = the sages muniH = a sage muniinaaM = of the sages muneH = sage mumukshaa *= f. (fr. Desid.) desire of liberation from (abl.) or of final emancipation MBh. Ka1v. Pur.


mumukshaa *= %{-kSu} , %{mumucAna} , %{-cu} see p. 821 , col. 2. mumukshubhiH = who attained liberation mumocha = left, gave up muja *= m. `" sounding, rustling (?) "', a species of rush or sedge-like grass, Saccharum Sara or Munja (which grows to the height of 10 feet, and is used in basketwork) S3Br. &c. &c.; the Bra1hmanical girdle formed of Munja (cf. %{mauJja} Mn. ii, 27, 42 &c.) an arrow(?) W.; N. of a king of Dha1ra1 Das3ar.; of a prince of Campa1 Pin3g. Sch.; of a man with the patr. Sa1mas3irsvasa Shad2vBr.; of a Bra1hman MBh.; of various authors &c. Cat.; (%{A}) f. N. of a river VP.; = m. (see comp. below). mura * = 1 n. encompassing, surrounding L.; ({A}) f. see 2. {mura}. \\2 m. N. of a Daitya slain by Kriishna MBh. Hariv. BhP. (cf. {muru}); ({A}) f. a species of fragrant plant (named after the Daitya) Bhpr.; said to be the N. of the wife of Nanda and mother of Caudragupta VP.; n. see under 1, {mura}. murabhit.h = one who has killed Mura - Lord Vishnu


muralii = flute muraliidhara = one who holds flute attribute to Krishna muraari = the enemy of `Mura' (Lord Krishna)murAri * = m. `" enemy of Mura "'N. of Kriishna or Vishnu Kv. Pur. Kaths.; N. of the author of the Mura7ri-nthaka or Anargharghava; of a Sch. on the Ktantra grammar and other authors &c. (also with {pA7Thaka}, {bhaTTa}, {mizra} &c.) Cat.; {-gupta} m. N. of a disciple of Caitanya Cat.; {-nATaka} n. Mura7ri's drama i.e. Anargha-rghava ({-vyAkhyA}, f. and {vyAkhyA-pUrNa-sarasvatI} f. N. of Comms, on it); {-mizrIya} n. N. of wk.; {-vljaya} n. N. of a drama by Kriishna-kavi (son of Nrii-sinha); {-zrI-pati} m. (with {sAvabhauma}) N. of an author Cat. muraare = Oh Mura's enemy!(KrishhNa) murchhaa = mind-fainting muru * = m. N. of a country MBh.; of a Daitya (= {mura}) MBh. (C. {maru}) Hariv. VP.; a species of plant (in explanation of {maurvI}) PrGri. Sch.; a kind of iron L.; ({U}) f. (in music) a kind of dance Sangt.


mushhTiH = (m) fist mushita* = mfn. stolen, robbed, carried off RV. &c. &c.; plundered, stripped, naked S'Br. GriS.; bereft or deprived of, free from (acc. ) RV.; removed, destroyed, annihilated Ratna7v. Kaths.; blinded, obscured MBh.; seized, ravished, captivated, enraptured MBh. Kv. &c.; surpassed, excelled Kvya7d.; deceived, cheated Ratna7v. BhP.; made fun of Rjat. musala = pestle* = m. n. (often spelt {muzala} or {muSala}; cf. Un. i, 108 Sch.) a pestle, (esp.) a wooden pestle used for cleaning rice AV. &c, &c.; a mace, club Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. {cakra-m-}); the clapper of a bell Kaths.; a partic. surgical instrument Sus'r.; a partic. constellation VarBriS.; the 22nd astron. Yoga or division of the moos path MW.; m. N. of a son of Vis'mitra MBh.; ({I}) f. Curculigo Orclnoides L.; Salvinia Cucullata L.; a house-lizard L.; an alligator L. muslima = Muslim muhurmuhuH = repeatedly muhyati = (4 pp) to faint muhyanti = are bewildered

mukshiya = release (Verb) muuka = dumb muuDha = foolish person muuDhaH = the fool muuDhamate = O, foolish mind! muuDhayonishhu = in animal species muuDhaa = fools muuDhaaH = foolish men muudha = foolish man muuDha * = mfn. stupefied, bewildered, perplexed, confused, uncertain or at a loss about (loc. or comp.) AV. &c.&c.; stupid, foolish, dull, silly, simple Mn. MBh. &c.; swooned, indolent L.; gone astray or adrift As'vGri.; driven out of its course (as a ship) R.; wrong, out of the right place (as the fetus in delivery) Sus'r.; not to be ascertained, not clear, indistinct past. R.; perplexing, confounding VP.; m. a fool, dolt MBh. Kv. &c.; pl. (in Snkhya) N. of the elements Tattvas.; n. confusion of mind Sarvad.

muuDha * = {mUDha-garbha} &c. see col. 2 muulaani = roots muulaashinau = roots-eaters (2 persons) muula = Also spelt Moola. The nineteenth nakshatra\\* = n. (or m. g. {ardharcA7di}; ifc. f. {A} or {I}; prob. for 3. {mU4ra} see above) "' firmly fixed "', a root (of any plant or tree; but also fig. the foot or lowest part or bottom of anything) RV. &c. &c. ({mUlaM} {kR} or {bandh}, to take or strike root); a radish or the root of various other plants (esp. of Arum Campanulatum, of long pepper, and of Costus Speciosus or Arabicus) L.; the edge (of the horizon) Megh.; immediate neighbourhood ({mama mUtam} = to my side) R.; basis, foundation, cause, origin, commencement, beginning ({mUlAd Arabhya} or {A} {mUlAt}, from the begbeginning; {mUlAt}, from the bottom, thoroughly; {mUlaM} {kramataz ca}, right through from beginning DivyA7v.) Mn. MBh. &c. (ibc.= chief principal cf. below; ifc. = rooted in, based upon, derived from); a chief or principal city ib.; capital (as opp. to `" interest "') SmavBr. Prab.; an original text (as opp. to the commentary or gloss) R. Kaths. Sus'r.; a king's original or proper territory Mn. vii, 184; a temporary (as opp. to the rightful) owner Mn. viii, 202; an old or hereditary

servant, a native inhabitant MW.; the square root Sryas.; a partic. position of the fingers (= {mUtabandha}) Pacar.; a copse, thicket L.; also m. and ({A}) f. N. of the 17th (or 19th) lunar mansion AV. &c. &c.; m. herbs for horses, food DivyA7v.; N. of Sad-s'iva Cat.; ({A}) f. Asparagus Racemosus L.; ({I}) f. a species of small house-lizard L.; mfn. original, first Cat.; = {nija}, own, proper, peculiar L. muulabandhaasana = the ankle-twist posture muulaja* = mfn. `" rroot-born "', growing from a rroot L.; formed at the roots of trees MBh.; m. a plant growing from a rroot (as a lotus) W.; n. green ginger L. muulajAti* = f. chief or principal origin L.; = {guNa-jAti} above MW. muulakRt* = mfn. preparing rroot (for magical uses) AV. muuLa = Nineteenth nakshatra muulaM = rooted muulashodhana = cleansing the rectum


muulatas* = ind. on the root, on the lower side TBr. Kaus'. &c.; {A} mmagical, from the rroot upwards Riitus.; from the beginning Kaths. muulatrikona = Root trine. Specially favourable sign positions for planets. Almost as good as Exaltation muulatva* = n. the state of being a root or foundation or source, the having a ffoundation ({tan-mUlatvAt} {prajAnAM rAjA skandhaH}, `" the king is the stem of his subjects through their being his root "'; {veda-mUlatva}, `" the fact that the Veda is the original source of all knowledge "'; {zAstra-m-}, `" the being founded upon the S'stras "') Km. (cf. {tan-m-}). [826,3] muulya = value, worth muulyaankaH = (m) postage stamp muura4 * = 1 mf({A})n. (either = {mUDha} or fr. {mRR}) dull, stupid, foolish RV. PacavBr. \\= 2 mfn. (fr. 1. {mU} = {mIv}) rushing, impetuous (said of Indra's horses) RV. iii 43, 6 (Sy. = {mAraka}). \\ = 3 n. (prob. also fr. 1. {mU} and meaning `" something firm and fixed "' cf. Ks'. on Pn. 8-2, 18) = {mUla}, a root AV. i, 28, 3.


muurkha = fool* = mf({A4})n. stupid, foolish, silly, dull TS. Mn. &c.; inexperienced in (loc.) Kaths.; = {gayatrI-rahita} or {sA7rtha-gAyatrI-rahita} L.; m. a fool, blockhead Bhartri.; Phaseolus Radiatus L.; N. of a poet Cat. muurtayaH = forms muurti = idol* = f. any solid body or material form, (pl. material elements, solid particles; ifc. = consisting or formed of) Up. Mn. MBh. &c.; embodiment, manifestation, incarnation, personification TBr. Mn. MBh. &c. (esp. of S'iva Hcat.); anything which has definite shape or limits (in phil. as mind and the 4 elements earth, air, fire, water, but not {AkAza}, ether IW. 52 n. 1), a person, form, figure, appearance MBh. Kv. &c.; an image, idol, statue Kv.; beauty Pacat.; N. of the first astrological house VarBriS.; of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma BhP.; m. N. of a Riishi under the 10th Manu ib.; of a son of Vasishthha VP. muurdhajaa = hair (from the head) muurdhan.h = head muurdhni = on the head muurkha * = mf(%{A4})n. stupid, foolish, silly, dull

TS. Mn. &c.; inexperienced in (loc.) Katha1s.; = %{gayatrI-rahita} or %{sA7rtha-gAyatrI-rahita} L.; m. a fool, blockhead Bhartr2.; Phaseolus Radiatus L.; N. of a poet Cat. muushhakaH = (m) mouse muushhakadhvajam.h = having the mouse as the flag muushita* = mfn. = {muSita}, stolen, robbed, plundered L

N naabhiM = navel naabha * ifc. (mfn.) = {nAbhi}, nave, navel, central point (cf. {abja-nAbha}, {vajra-n-}, {su-n-} &c.); m. N. of S'iva MBh.; of a son of S'ruta and father of Sindhudvpa BhP. nabhi m. a wheel W. naabhi *= f. (prob. fr. 1. %{nabh}, `" to burst asunder or into a hole "'; ifc. f. %{i} or %{I} Va1m. v, 49) the navel (also nnavel-string cf. %{1328

kRntana}), a navel-like cavity RV. &c. &c. (in later language also m. and %{-bhI} f.); the nave of a wheel ib. (also m. L., and %{-bhI} f.); centre, central point, ppoint of junction or of departure, home, origin, esp. common oorigin, affinity, relationship; a near relation or friend ib. (m. L.); musk: (= %{mRra-n-}) L.; m. or f. musk-deer Megh. 53 (?) BhP.; m. a chief (= central point) of (gen.) Ragh. xviii, 19 (cf. %{maNDala-nAbhi-tA}); a sovereign or lord paramount (= %{mukhya-rAj}) L.; a Kshatriya L.; N. of a grandson of Priya-vrata (son of Agnidhra and father of R2ishabha) Pur.; of the father of R2ishabha (first Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i) L. [Cf. Angl. Sax. {nafu}, {nafela}; Germ. {naba}, {Nabe}, {nabolo}, {Nabel}; Eng. {nave}, {navel}.] naabhasa* = mf({I})n. (fr. {nabhas}) celestial, heavenly, appearing in the sky Var.; (with {yoga}) N. of certain constellations ib. (according to Bhaththo7pala 2, divided into 4 classes, viz. 3 s'raya-, 2 Dala-, 20 kriiti- and 7 Sankhy-yogas). naabhijaanaati = does not know naabhipedaasana = the upward ankle-twist posture naabhiideshaM = nAbhI+deshaM, navel+region/country

naaDii = a channel within the subtle body naaDiishodhana = the purification of the nadis naada = Sound naaDa* = n. (fr. {naDa}) = {nAla}, a hollow stalk L.; ({A}) f. N. of a partic. verse Vait. naada* = m. ( {nad}) a loud sound, roaring, bellowing, crying RV. &c. &c.; any sound or tone Prt. R. &c. (= {zabda} L.); (in the Yoga) the nasal sound repressented by a semicircle and used as an abbreviation in mystical words BhP.; a praiser (= {stotR}) Naigh. iii, 16. naadaH = the sound naadabrahma = Blissful tone naaga = snake naagaphaNii = cactus naagabandha = cobra pattern, a form of poetry naagavalli = the paan (betel leaf) naagaanaaM = of the manyhooded serpents

naagaashana = peacock (whose food is snakes) naagendra = elephant naa4husha* = 1 mf({I})n. (fr. {na4huSa}) neighbouring, kindred; m. neighbour, kinsman RV. \\* = 2 m. (fr. {na4huSa}) patron. of Yayti MBh. R &c. N. of a serpent-demon VyuP. naaka = heaven, sky *= m. ( %{nam}[?] ; according to Br. and Nir. fr. 2. %{na4} + 2 %{a4ka} , `" where there is no pain "' [?] ; cf. Pa1n2. 6-3 , 75 and below mfn. ) vault of heaven (with or scil. %{diva4s}) , firmament , sky (generally conceived as threefold cf. %{tri-diva} , %{tri-nAka} , and AV. xix , 27 , 4 ; in VS. xvii , 67 there is a fivefold scale , viz. %{pRthivI} , %{antari-kSa} , %{div} , %{divo-nAka} , and %{svar-jyotis}) RV. &c. &c. ; the sun Naigh. i. 4 ; N. of a Maudgalya S3Br. &c. ; of a myth. weapon of Arjuna MBh. ; of a dynasty VP. ; mfn. painless ChUp. ii , 10 , 5. naakshatra* = mf({I})n. relating to the Nakshatras, starry, sidereal Lthy. Var. &c.; m. astronomer, astrologer MBh.; n. a month computed by the moos passage through the 27 mansions, or of 30 days of 60 Ghaths each W. naalaH = (m) tap

naalikaa = (f) pipe naama = Name naaman.h = name naamabhiH = the names of rAma naamabhirdivyaiH = by the divine `nAmAs'(names) naamayati = to bend naamasmaraNaat.h = (exceept) through/from rememberance of the lord's name naana * = m. N. of a man (also {-bhaTTa}) Cat.; ({A}) f. coin (= = {nANaka}) Hcat. naanaa = many * = 1 ind. (Pn. 5-2, 27; g. {svarAdi}) differently, variously, distinctly, separately, (often used as an adj. = various, different, distinct from [with instr. e.g. {vizvaM na} {nAnA} {zambhunA}, `" the Universe is not distinct from S'S'ambhun "' Vop.; rarely mfn. e.g. {nArISu nAnAsu} Pacar.] esp. in comp.; cf. below) RV. &c. &c.; {-vinA}, without (with instr. abl. or acc.) Pn. 2-3, 32.


naanaatva* = n. difference, variety, manifoldness Br. MBh. &c.; {-vAda-tattva} n. N. of wk. naanaabhaavaan.h = multifarious situation naanaatva * =n. difference, variety, manifoldness Br. MBh. &c.; %{-vAda-tattva} n. N. of wk. naanaavidhaani = variegated naanritaM = na + anR\^itaM: not untruth naantaM = no end naanyaM = na+anyaM, no other naanyagaaminaa = without their being deviated naaNakam.h = (n) coin naarangaphalam.h = (n) orange naaradaH = Narada naarasi.nhii = pertaining to Narasimha naaraayaNaH = Lord Narayana naaraayaaNa = the supporter of life - Vishnu

naara4 * = relating to or proceeding from men, human, mortal Mn. Kv.; spiritual (?) W.; m. a man Tr. (v.l.); (pl.) water (also sg. n. and {A} f. L.) Mn. i, 10 (prob. invented to explain {nArAyaNa}); = {nArAyaNa} L.; a calf L.; ({I}) f. see {nArI}; n. a multitude of men L.; dry ginger L. naa4ra * = ka mf({I})n. (fr. {naraka}) relating to hell, hellish, infernal; (with {loka4}) m. hell AV. (also {nAraka4} m. VS.); m. inhabitant of hell Pur. naaraayaNa * = m. (patr. fr. {na4ra} q.v.) the son of the original Man (with whom he is generally associated e.g. Mn. i, 10; he is identified with Brahm ib. 11 with Vishnu or Kriishna Tr. MBh. &c.; the Apsaras Urvas' is said to have sprung from his thigh Hariv. 4601; elsewhere he is regarded as a Kas'yapa or Angirasa, also as chief of the Sdhyas, and with Jainas as the 8th of the 9 black Vsudevas); the Purusha-hymn (Ry. x, 90, said to have been composed by NNryana4) S'Br. S'nkhS'r.; (as synonym of Vishnu) N. of the 2nd month (reckoning from Mrgas'rsha) Var.; a mystical N. of the letter {A} Up.; N. of a son of Ajmila BhP.; of a son of Bhu-mitra or Bhmi-mitra (a prince of the dynasty of the Kanvlyanas) Pur.; of a son of Nara-hari Kshiti7s'.; of sev. men, authors and commentators (also with {AcArya}. {kavi}, {gArgya}, {cakra-cUDAmaNi}, {daiva-vid},

{dharmA7dhikArin}, {paNDina}, {paNDita}, {dharmA7dkikAriG} {paNDitA7cArya}, {parivrAj}, {bhaTTa} [cf. below, and {bhaTTa-n-}], {bhaTTA7cArya}, {bhaTTA7raDa}, {bhAratI}, {bhiSaj}, {muni}, {yati}, {yatI7vara}, {rAya}, {vandya}, {vAdI7zvara}, {vidyA-vinoda}, {vaiSNava-muni}, {zarman}, {sarasvatI}, {sarvajJa}, {sArvabhauma}); mf({I})n. relating or belonging to Nryana or Kriishna MBh. &c. (m. pl. the warriors of KKriishna, iv, 147); n. (with {kSetra}) N. of the ground on the banks of the Ganges for a distance of 4 cubits from he water L.; (with {cUrNa}) a partic. medicinal powder Bhpr.; (with {taila}) a medic. oil expressed from various plants ib. [537, 1]; ({I}) f. see s.v. naarikela = coconut naarikelaH = (m) coconut naarikelam.h = (n) coconut naarii = female naariiNaaM = of women naaryaH = (fem.nom.pl.) women naathaka = (m) a play, drama

naath = lord naatha = Protector naathaaya = to the protector or lord naasha = destruction naaza *= 1 m. (1%{naz}) attainment (see %{dUN}).\\ 2 m. (2. %{naz}) the being lost, loss, disappearance, destruction, annihilation, ruin, death Br. Mn. MBh. &c. (ifc. destroying, annihilating cf. %{karma-nAzA}, %{graha-nAta}, %{duH-svapna.n-}); flight, desertion W.; (arithm.) elimination ib.; (%{I}) f. N. of a river near Benares L. naashaH = loss naashanaM = the destroyer naashanam.h = destroyer naashayati = destroys naashayaami = dispel naashaaya = for destruction


naashitaM = is destroyed naashha = destruction naasaabhyantara = within the nostrils naasikaa = nose naasti = na+asti, not there naava * = 1 m. ( -4. {nu}) a shout of joy or triumph RV. \\ 2 = {nau}, a boat, a ship (in comp. f. {ardhan-}, {dvi-n-} Pn. 5-4, 99, 100); ({A4}) f. id. RV. i, 97, 8. naavaasana = the boat posture naava = a boat naaya* = m. ( %{nI}) a leader, guide RV. vi, 24, 10; 46, 11 (pr. N. Sa1y.; cf. %{azva-}, %{go-}); guidance, direction L.; policy, means, expedient Bhat2t2. Sch. naayaka * =m. a guide, leader, chief, lord, principal MBh. Kv. &c. (with or scil. {sainyasya}, a general, commander; ifc. f. {akA} cf. a. {nAyaka}); a husband BhP.; (in dram.) the lover or hero; the central gem of a necklace (implying also `" a

general "' cf. {nAyakAya} and {mahA-nAyaka}); a paradigm or example (in gram.); N. of Gautama Buddha Buddh.; of a Brhman Rjat.; of an author (also {bhaTTa-n-}) Cat.; m. or n. a kind of musk L. (cf. {nAyikA-cUrNa}); ({ikA}) f. see {nAyikA}; {tva} n. leadership R. naayakaaH = captains Na * = 1: no, it is not so "' Bdar. ii, 1, 35 Sarvad. ii, 15 \\2 m. knowledge L.; certainty, ascertainment L.; ornament L.; a water-house L.; = {nirvRti} (invented for the etymology of {kriSNa}, ) MBh. v, 70, 5 Sch.; a bad man L.; N. of S'iva or of a Buddh. deity L.; the sound of negation L.; gift L. na * =or not-but * =1 the dental nasal (found at the beginning of words and before or after dental consonants as well as between vowels; subject to conversion into $ Pn. 8-4, 1-39). = 1. * = 2 ind. not, no, nor, neither RV. ({nA}, x, 34, 8) &c. &c. (as well in simple negation as in wishing, requesting and commanding, except in prohibition before an Impv. or an augmentless aor. [cf. a. {mA}]; in successive sentences or clauses either simply repeated e.g. Mn.iv, 34; or strengthened by another particle, esp. at the second place or further on in the sentence e.g. by {u} [cf. {no7}], {uta4}, {api}, {cA7pi}, {vA}, {vA7pi} or {atha vA} RV. i, 170, 1;

151, 9 Nal. iii, 24, &c.; it may even be replaced by {ca}, {vA}, {api ca}, {api vA}, &c. alone, as Mn.ii, 98 Nal.i, 14, &c.; often joined with other particles, beside those mentioned above esp. with a following {tu}, {tv eva}, {tv eva tu}, {ce7d} q.v., {khalu} q.v., {ha} [cf. g. {cA7di} and Pn. 8-1, 31] &c.; before round or collective numbers and after any numeral in the instr. or abl. it expresses deficiency e.g. {ekayA na viMzati}, not 20 by 1 i.e. 19 S'Br.; {paJcabhir na catvAri zatAni}, 395 ib.; with another {na} or an {a} priv. it generally forms a strong affirmation [cf. Vm. v, 1, 9] e.g. {ne7yaM na vakSyati}, she will most certainly declare S'ak. iii, 9; {nA7daNDyo 'sti}, he must certainly be punished Mn. viii, 335; it may also, like {a}, form compounds Vm. v, 2, 13 [cf. below]); that not, lest, for fear lest (with Pot.) MBh. R. Das'. &c.; like, as, as it were (only in Veda and later artificial language, e.g. {gauro na tRSitaH piba}, drink like [lit. `" not "' i.e. `" although not being "'] a thirsty deer; in this sense it does not coalesce metrically with a following vowel). [Cf. Gk. $; Lat. &161835[523, 1] {ne8-}; Angl. Sax. {ne}, `" not "'; Eng. {no}, &c.] -2. na \\3 (L.) mfn. thin, spare; vacant, empty; identical; unvexed, unbroken; m. band, fetter; jewel, pearl; war; gift; welfare; N. of Buddha; N. of Gane7s'a; = {prastuta}; = {dviraNDa} (?); ({A}) f. the navel; a musical instrument; knowledge.


na = not nabha * = the sky* = m. (rather fr. {nabh} denoting `" bursting forth "' or `" expanding "' than fr. {nah} `" connecting "', scil. heaven and earth) the sky, atmosphere (= {nabhas}) L.; the month S'rvana Car.; N. of a son of Manu Svrocisha or of the 3rd MManu (together with Nabhasya) Hariv.; of one of 7 sages of the 6th Manv-antara ib.; of a demon (son of Vipra-citti by Sinhik) ib. VP.; of a son of Nala (Nishadha) and father of Pundarka (cf. {nabhas}) Hariv. BhP.; ({A}) f. a spitting-pot (?) L.; N. of the city of the sun W. nabha * m. (rather fr. {nabh} denoting `" bursting forth "' or `" expanding "' than fr. {nah} `" connecting "', scil. heaven and earth) the sky, atmosphere (= {nabhas}) L.; the month S'rvana Car.; N. of a son of Manu Svrocisha or of the 3rd MManu (together with Nabhasya) Hariv.; of one of 7 sages of the 6th Manv-antara ib.; of a demon (son of Vipra-citti by Sinhik) ib. VP.; of a son of Nala (Nishadha) and father of Pundarka (cf. {nabhas}) Hariv. BhP.; ({A}) f. a spitting-pot (?) L.; N. of the city of the sun W. nabhaHsprishaM = touching the sky nabhasa* = mfn. vapoury, misty AV.; m. sky,

atmosphere L.; the rainy season L.; the ocean L.; N. of a Rishi of the 10th Manv-antara Hariv.; of a Dnava ib. (v.l. {rabhasa} and {razmisa}); of a son of Nala, Vp. nabhastala = sky Nactan' = 'nigth nada = The Universal Sound. Vibration naDa* = or m. (L. also n.) a species of reed, Arundo Tibialis or Karka RV. AV. S'Br. nada* = m. a roarer, bellower, thunderer, crier, neigher &c. (as a cloud, horse, bull, met. a man, i, 179, 4) RV.; N. of RV. viii, 58, 2 (beginning with {nadam}) S'Br. S'nkhS'r.; a river (if thought of as male ifc. ind. {-nadam}; cf. {nadI}) Mn. MBh. &c.; = {naDa}, reed RV. i, 32, 8; ({I}) f. see {nadI4}. nadi = (f) river nadiinaaM = of the rivers naga = the vital air that causes burping* = m. `" not moving "' (cf. {a4-ga}), a mountain (ifc. f. {A}; cf. {sa-naga}) AV.&c. &c.; the number 7 (because of the 7 principal mountains; cf. {kula-giri}) Sryas.;

any tree or plant MBh. Kv. &c.; a serpent L.; the sun L. naH = by us nah* = 1 cl. 4. P. A1. (Dha1tup. xxvi, 57) %{na4hyati}, %{-te} (Pot. %{-nahet} MBh.; %{nahyur} AitBr.; p. A1. %{na4hyamAna} [also with pass. meaning] RV. &c.; pf. %{nanAha}, %{nehe}; fut. %{natsyati}, %{naddhA} Siddh. [cf. Pa1n2. 8-2, 34]; aor, %{anAtsIt}, Bhst2t2.; %{anaddha} Vop.; ind. p. %{naddhvA} Gr.; %{na4hya} Br. &c.; inf. %{-naddhum} Ka1v.) to bind, tie, fasten, bind on or round or together; (A1.) to put on (as armour &c.), arm one's self. RV. &c. &c.: Pass. %{nahyate}, p. %{-hyamAna} (see above): Caus. %{nAhayati} (aor. %{anInahat} Gr.) to cause to bind together BhavP.: Desid. %{ninatsati}, %{te} Gr.: Intens. %{nAnahyate}, %{nAnaddhi}. ib. [Prob. for %{nagh}; cf. Lat. {nectere}, Germ. {Nestel} (?).]\\2 (only in %{na4dbihyas} RV. x, 60, 6; but cf. %{akSA-na4h}) a bond, tie. nahi = No; never nahusha * = m.= {na4hus} RV. i, 31, 11; v, 12, 6; (prob.) N. of a man, viii, 46, 27; of a son of Manu and author of RV. ix, 101 Anukr.; of an ancient king (son of yu or yus [cf. RV. i. 31, 11] and father of

Yayti; he took possession of Indra's throne but was afterwards deposed and changed into a serpent Mn. vii, 41 MBh. R. &c. (cf. RTL. 240); according to R. i, 72, 30 and ii, 119, 30 he is a son of Ambarisha and father of Nabhga); of a serpent-demon MBh. Hariv.; of a Marut Hariv.; of Vishnu-Kriishna MBh. [532, 3] nahyati = (4 pp) to bind naiH* = Vriiddhi form of {niH} (for {nis}) in comp. nahusha* = m.= {na4hus} RV. i, 31, 11; v, 12, 6; (prob.) N. of a man, viii, 46, 27; of a son of Manu and author of RV. ix, 101 Anukr.; of an ancient king (son of yu or yus [cf. RV. i. 31, 11] and father of Yayti; he took possession of Indra's throne but was afterwards deposed and changed into a serpent Mn. vii, 41 MBh. R. &c. (cf. RTL. 240); according to R. i, 72, 30 and ii, 119, 30 he is a son of Ambarisha and father of Nabhga); of a serpent-demon MBh. Hariv.; of a Marut Hariv.; of Vishnu-Kriishna MBh. [532, 3] naihara * =produced by mist or fog naipuNa * = mfn. = %{nipuNa} (ifc.) Ja1takam. ; n. = next.


naipuNya * = (cf. g. %{brAhmaNA7di}) n. dexterity , experience in (gen. or comp.) , skill or anything which requires skill ; completeness , totality (%{ena} ind. totally , exactly) Mn. MBh. R. &c. naitika = (adj) ethical naiva = never is it so naisargikabala = Natural strength and a part of Shad Bala or Six strength calculation method of planetary weighting naiHzreyasa* = mf({i})n. leading to happiness or future beatitude Mn. ({-sika}, xii, 88) MBh.; n. N. of a wood in the world of Vishnu BhP. naiHsaGgya* = n. absence of attachment, indifference Jtakam. naiHsargika* = mfn. cast off, put off DivyA7v.; N. of partic. transgressions punished with the confiscation of something belonging to the transgressor Buddh. naiHsnehya* = n. absence of love or affection Mn. ix, 15.


naiHspRhya* = n. absence of longing for anything Kv. naiHsvabhAvya* = n. (fr. {niH-svabhAva}) L. naiHsvya* = n. (fr. {nih-sva}) absence of property, destitution, poverty Var. naihaara* = mfn. (fr. {nI-hAra}) produced by mist or fog BhP. naipuNa* = zie nipuNa nairaas'ya* = n. hopelessness, non-expectancy, despair at ({prati} or comp.) MBh. R. &c. nairaas'ya * =nairAzya n. hopelessness, nonexpectancy, despair at ({prati} or comp.) MBh. R. &c. naishaa = na + eshA:no + this(fem.) naishkarmyaM = freedom from reaction naishkarmyakarma = actionless action naishkarmyasiddhiM = the perfection of nonreaction


naishkritikaH = expert in insulting others naishthhika* = (or {naiH-}; see 2. {ni-SThA}) mf({i})n. forming the end, final, last MBh. Hariv. Ragh.; definitive, fixed, firm MBh. R. Yj.; highest, perfect, complete MBh. Kv. Pur. ({sundara} mfn. perfectly beautiful Kum. v, 62); completely versed in or familiar with (comp.) Var.; belonging to the character or office of a perpetual student W.; m. a perpetual religious student or Brhman who observes the vow of chastity Rjat. BhP. naishthhikiiM = unflinching nakulaH = (m) a mongoose nakta.ncharaantakam.h = the finisher(destroyer) of the nakra = a crocodile nakha = nail nakshatra = A division of the Zodiac into 27 parts. There were originally 28 parts but one seems to have been dropped. Each Division is ruled by a planet and is further divided into Padas or quarters. The nakshatra contains 9 navaa.nshas

and forms the base position for lunar Dasha systems\\* = n. (m. only RV. vi, 67, 6; prob. fr. {nakS} cf. {nakS dyAm}, i, 33, 14 &c.) a star or any heavenly body; also applied to the sun; n. sg. sometimes collectively `" the stars "' e.g. vii. 86, 1 RV. &c. &c.; an asterism or constellation through which the moon passes, a lunar mansion AV. &c. &c. (27, later 28, viz. S'ravishthh or Dhanishthh, S'ata-bhishaj, Prva-bhdrapda, Uttarabhbhdrapda, Revat, As'vin, Bharan, Kriittik, Rohin or Brhm, Mriiga-s'iras or grahyan, rdr, Punarvas or Ymakau, Pushya or Sidhya, s'lesh, Magh, Prva-phalgun, Uttaraphphalgun, Hasta, Citr, Svt, Vis'kh or Rdh, Anurdh, Jyeshthha, Mla, Prva7shdh, Uttara7shdh, Abhijit, S'ravana; according to VarBriS. Revat, Uttara-phalgun, Uttarabhdrapda and Uttara7shdha are called {dhruvANi}, fixed; in the Vedas the Nakshatras are considered as abodes of the gods or of pious persons after death Sy. on RV. i, 50, 2; later as wives of the moon and daughters of Daksha MBh. Hariv. &c.; according to Jainas the sun, moon, Grahas, Nakshatras and Trs form the Jyotishkas); a pearl L. nakshatram.h = (n) constellation nakshatraaNaaM = of the stars

nandana* = rejoicing, gladdening nalinii = lotus naliniidalagata = nalinI+dala+gata, lotus+petal+reached/gone nam.h = to salute namaH = a salute namati = to bow namaskaara = Salutation namaskaaraniichamanii = Salutation to evil minded namaskuru = offer obeisances namaskritvaa = offering obeisances namaste = offering my respects unto You namasyantaH = offering obeisances namasyanti = are offering respects namaami = I bow

namaamyaham.h = namAmi+ahaM, bow+I nameran.h = they should offer proper obeisances namo = salutation namya = (adj) bendable nanaa * = f. fam. expression for `" mother "' RV. ix, 112, 3 (cf. 2. {tata4}); = {vAc} Naigh. i, 11. nanu = really nandaH = nanda nandati = revels nandatyeva = nandati+eva, revels alone/revels indeed nandana = child napu.nsakaM = neuter nara = Man a man, a male, a person (pl. men, people) TS. &c. &c.; husband Mn. ix, 76; hero VarBriS. iv, 31 Blar. viii, 56; a man or piece at chess or draughts &c. L.; the pin or gnomon of a sun-dial Sryas. (cf. {-yantra}); person, personal

termination Ks'. on Pn. 3-1, 85 (cf. {puruSa}); the primeval Man or eternal Spirit pervading the universe (always associated with Nryana, `" son of the prprimeval man "' [529, 1]; both are considered either as gods or sages and accordingly called {devau}, {RSI}, {tApasau} &c.; in ep. poetry they are the son, of Dharma by Mrti or A-hins and emanations of Vishnu, Arjuna being identified with Nara, and Kriishna with Nryana) Mn. (cf. {sUnu}) MBh. Hariv. Pur.; (pl.) a class of myth. beings allied to the Gandharvas and Kin-naras MBh.. Pur.; N. of a son of Manu Tmasa BhP.; of a sson of Vis'vmitra Hariv.; of a sson of Gaya and father of Virj VP.; of a sson of Su-dhriiti and ffather of Kevala Pur.; of a sson of Bhavanmanyu (Manyu) and ffather of Sankriiti ib.; of Bhradvja (author of RV. vi, 35 and 36) Anukr.; of 2 kings of Kas'mra Rjat.; of one of the 10 horses of the Moon L.; ({I}) f. a woman (= {nArI}) L.; n. a kind of fragrant grass. narayaaNa * = or n. a carriage drawn by men naraH = a man naraka = hell * = (Nir.; {nara4ka} Tr.) m. or n. hell, place of torment Mn. MBh. &c.; (distinguished from {pAtAla} q.v.; personified as a son of Anriita and Nirriiti or Nirkriiti MrkP.; there are many

different hells, generally 21 Mn. iv, 88-90 Yj. Pur. &c.); m. N. of a demon (son of Vishnu and Bhmi or the Earth, and therefore called Bhauma, haunting Prg-jyotisha and slain by Kriishna) MBh. Pur. Rjat. &c.; of a son of Vipra-citti VP.; = {deva-rAtriprabheda} (?) L.; m. or n. N. of a place of pilgrimage MBh. (v.l. {anaraka}); ({ikA}) f. Pn. 7-3, 44 Vrtt. 4 Pat. narakasya = of hell narakaaya = for the hell narake = in hell narajanma = human birh narapungavaH = hero in human society nararaakshasa = adj. devil incarnate naralokaviiraaH = kings of human society narasi.nha = the man-lion, fourth incarnation of Vishnu naraaNaaM = among human beings naraadhamaaH = lowest among mankind

naraadhamaan.h = the lowest of mankind naraadhipaM = the king naraiH = by men nara * m. (cf. {nR}) a man, a male, a person (pl. men, people) TS. &c. &c.; husband Mn. ix, 76; hero VarBriS. iv, 31 Blar. viii, 56; a man or piece at chess or draughts &c. L.; the pin or gnomon of a sun-dial Sryas. (cf. {-yantra}); person, personal termination Ks'. on Pn. 3-1, 85 (cf. {puruSa}); the primeval Man or eternal Spirit pervading the universe (always associated with Nryana, `" son of the prprimeval man "' [529, 1]; both are considered either as gods or sages and accordingly called {devau}, {RSI}, {tApasau} &c.; in ep. poetry they are the son, of Dharma by Mrti or A-hins and emanations of Vishnu, Arjuna being identified with Nara, and Kriishna with Nryana) Mn. (cf. {sUnu}) MBh. Hariv. Pur.; (pl.) a class of myth. beings allied to the Gandharvas and Kin-naras MBh.. Pur.; N. of a son of Manu Tmasa BhP.; of a sson of Vis'vmitra Hariv.; of a sson of Gaya and father of Virj VP.; of a sson of Su-dhriiti and ffather of Kevala Pur.; of a sson of Bhavanmanyu (Manyu) and ffather of Sankriiti ib.; of Bhradvja (author of RV. vi, 35 and 36) Anukr.; of 2 kings of Kas'mra Rjat.; of one of the 10 horses

of the Moon L.; ({I}) f. a woman (= {nArI}) L.; n. a kind of fragrant grass. narka = Hell Naraka* =(Nir.; {nara4ka} Tr.) m. or n. hell, place of torment Mn. MBh. &c.; (distinguished from {pAtAla} q.v.; personified as a son of Anriita and Nirriiti or Nirkriiti MrkP.; there are many different hells, generally 21 Mn. iv, 88-90 Yj. Pur. &c.); m. N. of a demon (son of Vishnu and Bhmi or the Earth, and therefore called Bhauma, haunting Prg-jyotisha and slain by Kriishna) MBh. Pur. Rjat. &c.; of a son of Vipra-citti VP.; = {deva-rAtriprabheda} (?) L.; m. or n. N. of a place of pilgrimage MBh. (v.l. {anaraka}); ({ikA}) f. Pn. 7-3, 44 Vrtt. 4 Pat nartakii = (f) danseuse, a female dancer nashtha* = mfn. lost, disappeared, perished, destroyed, lost sight of invisible; escaped (also {vat} mfn. MBh.), run away from (abl.), fled (impers. with instr. of subj. Ratn. ii. 3) RV. &c. &c.; spoiled, damaged, corrupted, wasted, unsuccessful, fruitless, in vain Mn. Yj. MBh. &c.; deprived of(instr.) R. i, 14, 18 (in comp. =, without "', `" -less "', `" un- "'; see below); one who has lost a lawsuit Mriicch. ix, 4.

nasta* = m. the nose L.; ({A}) f. a hole bored through the septum of the nnose L.; n. a sternutatory, snuff L. nashyati = (4 pp) to perish, to be destroyed nashyaatsu = being annihilated nashvara = Temporary nashhTa = Destroyed or missing birth data. A method of calculating the Chart when one has missing data nashhTaH = scattered nashhTaan.h = all ruined nashhTe = being destroyed nas'vara* = mf({I})n. perishing, perishahle, transitory Kv. Pur. &c.; destructive, mischievous W. nartana = Dance nathaH = (m) actor, filmstar nathi = Actress

nathii = (f) actress, heroine nata = Bowed nataraaja = Lord of the dancers, a name of Shiva nataraajaasana = the Lord of the Dance posture nataaH = bowed down nayaka * = mfn. clever in policy. L. nayana = eye nayanaM = eyes nayet.h = must bring under nava = (adj) nine nava* = 1 mf({A})n. (prob. fr. 1. {nu4}) new, fresh, recent, young, modern (opp. to {sana}, {purANa}) RV. &c. &c. (often in comp. with a subst. e.g. {navA7nna} cf. Pn. 2-1, 49; or with a pp. in the sense of `" newly, just, lately "' e.g. {navo7dita}, below); m. a young monk, a novice Buddh.; a crow L.; a red-flowered Punar-nav L.; N. of a son of Us'nara and Nav Hariv.; of a son of Viloman VP.; ({A}) f. N. of a woman (see above) Hariv.; n. new

grain, Kaus. [Cf. Zd. {nava}; Gk. $ for $; Lat. &164066[530, 3] {novus}; Lith. {nau4jas}; Slav. {no8vu8}; Goth. {niujis}; Angl. S. {ni7we}; HGerm. {niuwi}; {niuwe}, {neu}; Eng. {new}.]\\2 m. (2. {su}) praise, celebration L. \\ = 3 m. (5. {nu}) sneezing Car.\\ = 4 in {tri-Nava} q.v. &c. in comp. = {-van}. [531, 2]\\ navaM = a boat navakamaladala = newly blossomed lotus petal (another meaning for `nava' is navadvaare = in the place where there are nine gates navami = Ninth Tithi of the Moon navavastu = New article navaa.nsha = A Varga. The Ninth divisional harmonic. Used with the Rashi, Chandra and bhaava charts to determine a basic delineation. Used for reading the delineations of the Spouse navaani = new garments naviinam.h = (adj) new


nava * new, fresh, recent, young, modern nau = us naukaa = Boat naukiilakam.h = (n) anchor nauli = an abdominal exercise (lauliki) nava naya* = m. (1. {nI})leading (of an army) R.; conduct, behaviour, (esp.) prudent cconduct or bbehaviour, good management, polity, civil and military government MBh. Kv. &c.; wisdom, prudence, reason ({naya} ibc. or {nayeSu}, in a prudent manner MBh.) R. BhP.; plan, design MBh. Pac. Kaths.; leading thought, maxim, principle, system, method, doctrine R. Sh. Bhshp. Sarvad.; a kind of game and a sort of dice or men for playing it L.; N. of a son of Dharma and Kriy Pur.; of a son of 13th Manu Hariv.; guide, conductor L.; mfn. fit, right, proper L.h. ne = not nesh, neshate: * to go to move


netaa = (m) leader neti = not so netiyoga = cleansing of the nostrils netra = eye netraM = eyes neyaM = is to be lead/taken ni = down * =1 ind. down, back, in, into, within (except AV. x, 8, 7 always prefixed either to verbs or to nouns; in the latter case it has also the meaning of negation or privation [cf. `" downhearted "' = heartless]; sometimes w.r. for {nis}); it may also express {kSepa}, {dAna}, {upa-rama}, {Azraya}, {mokSa} &c. L. [Cf. Zd. {ni}; Gk. $; Slav. {ni-zu}; &166432[538, 3] Germ, {ni-dar}, {ni-der}, {nieder}; Angl. Sax. {ni-ther}, Eng. {ne-ther}, {beneath}.] ni+vid.h = to tell ni+vrit.h = to go away nibha* = mf({A})n. ( {bhA}) resembling, like, similar (ifc.) MBh. R. &c. (sometimes pleonast.

after adj. e.g. {cAru-nibhA7nana}, `" handsomefaced "' Hariv., or comp. with a synonym e.g. {naga-nibho7pama}, `" mountain-like "' MBh.; {padma-pattrA7bha-nibha}, `" like a lotus-leaf "' ib.); m. or n. appearance, pretext (only ifc. instr. Das'.; abl. Kaths.). nibhrita * = mfn. ( %{bhR}) borne or placed down , hidden , secret MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; nearly set (as the moon) Ragh. ; firm , immovable Hariv. Ka1v. Pur. ; shut , closed (as a door) L. ; fixed , settled , decided RV. ; fixed or intent upon (comp.) Ka1d. ; filled with , full of (instr. or comp.) BhP. ; attached , faithful MBh. Ma1rkP. ; still , silent Kum. ; quiet , humble , modest , mild , gentle MBh. R. &c. ; free from passions , undisturbed (= %{zAnta}) Hcar. ; lonely , solitary Gi1t. ; (%{A}) f. a kind of riddle Ka1vya7d. ; (%{am}) ind. secretly , privately , silently , quietly Mn. Ka1v. ; Pan5c. &c. ; n. humility , modesty MBh. v , 1493 (Ni1lak. `" secrecy , silence "'). nibaddha = tied down (from bandh) nibaddhaH = conditioned nibadhnanti = bind nibadhnaati = binds

nibadhyate = becomes affected nibadh{}nanti = do bind nibandhaaya = for bondage, crushing, destroying, removing MBh. R. &c.; n. destruction, annihilation ib. nibarhaNa* =crushing, destroying, removing MBh. R. &c.; n. destruction, annihilation ib. nibiDa * = or {ni-viDa} mf({A})n. (prob. fr. {biDa} = {bila}, a hole; cf. {ni-khila}) without spaces or interstices, close, compact, thick, dense, firm MBh. Kv. &c. full of abounding in (instr. or comp.) Hariv. S'ak. vii, 11 (v.l. for {ni-cita}); low Kd.; crooked-nosed Pn. 5-2, 32 Ks'.; m. N. of a mountain MBh. vi, 460; n. crooked-nosedness Pn. 5-2, 32 Ks' nibodha = just take note of, be informed nibodhita(H) = (masc.Nom.sing.)having been enlightened niboddhavya * = mfn. to be learnt ; to be regarded or considered as (with nomin.) Var. niboddhR * = mfn. knowing , wise Gal.

nibhrita = are served nichridgaayatriichchha.ndaH = the prosody form is `nichR\^it.h gAyatrii' nicholaH = (m) skirt nidaana *= n. a band , rope , halter RV. vi , 32 , 6 MBh. ; a first or primary cause (cf. %{nibandhana}) RV. x , 114 , 2 Br. Ka1t2h. ; original form or essence (%{ena} ind. originally , essentially , properly) Br. ; (with Buddh.) a cause of existence (12 in number) MWB. 56 ; 103 ; any cause or motive DivyA7v. ; the cause of a disease and enquiry into it , pathology (= %{nidAna-sthAna} q.v.) L. ; = %{nidAna-sUtra} Cat. ; cessation , end L. ; purification , correctness L. ; claiming the reward of penitential acts L. ; %{-tattva} n. %{pradIpa} m. N. of wks. ; %{-vat} (%{nidA4na-}) mfn. funded on a cause , essential TBr. Ka1t2h. ; %{-vid} mfn. knowing the causes or symptoms of a disease BhP. ; %{-saMgraha} m. N. of a medic. wk. ; %{-sUtra} n. N. of wk. on metres and Vedic Stomas ; %{-sthAna} , ii. the subject of the causes of diseases , pathology (one of the 5 departments of medic. science) Sus3r. ; %{-dAnA7rthakara} mfn. operating as a cause Bhpr. nididhyaasana = meditation and contemplation

nidraa = sleep * = f. sleep, slumber, sleepiness, sloth RV. MBh. Kv. &c.; the budding state of a flower (hence {-drAM-tyaj}, to bloom) S'rngP.; a mystic. N. of the letter {bh} Up.; {-kara} mfn. making sleepy Hariv. Sus'r.; {-kSaNa} m. or n. a moment of sleep BhP.; {--gama} ({-drA7g-}), approach or time of ssleep, S'ntis'.; {-caura} m. stealer of ssleep Mriicch.; {--tura} ({-drA7t-}) mfn. sleepy, languid Cat.; {-daridra} mfn. suffering from want of sleep Vcar.; m. N. of a poet Cat.; {daridrI-kR}, to deprive of ssleep Kpr.; {-druh} (mfn. nom. {dhruk} Pn. 8-2, 37; cf. Vm. v, 2, 88), disturbing ssleep; {--ntarita} ({-drA7nt-}). mfn. asleep Pac.; {--ndha} ({-drA7n-}) mfn. blind with sleep, dead asleep, fast asleep MBh.; {-bhaGga} m. rousing from ssleep, awaking W.; {--bhibhUta} ({drA7bh-}) mfn. subdued by ssleep, sleeping Sus'r.; {-maya} mf({I})n. consisting in ssleep Hariv.; {-yoga} m. a state of such deep meditation as to resemble sleep ib. (cf. {yoganidrA}); m light sleep, doze L.; {--lasa} ({-drA7l-}) mf({A})n. slothful from drowsiness, fast asleep Hit.; {--lasya} ({-drA7l-}) n. sleepiness, long sleeping MBh. Var.; {-vaza} mfn. overpowered by sleep Vet.; {-vRkSa} m. `" sleep-plant "', darkness L.; {-saMjanana} n. `" producing ssleep "', phlegm, the phlegmatic humour L. nidraabhiH = and sleep

nidhanaM = destruction nidhana* = 1 mfn. (for 2. see col. 3) having no property, poor L. nidha4na* = (for 1. see col. 2) n. (m. only Hariv. 4846; g. {ardharcA7di}) settling down, residence or place of rresidence, domicile, receptacle AV. Sus'r. BhP.; conclusion, end, death, destruction, loss, annihilation Mn. Var. MBh. &c.; (in music) the concluding passage of a Sman which is sung in chorus; any finile AV. TS. Br. &c.; N. of the 8th mansion Var.; race, family L.; m. the head of a family W.; ({A}) f. pl. N. of partic. verses or formulas Kaus'.; {-kAma} n. N. of sev. Smans TndBr. Lthy.; {-kArin} mfn. causing death, destroying W.; {-kriyA} f. a funeral ceremony Hariv.; {-pati} m. lord of the end or of destruction Tr.; {-bhUta} mfn. (in music) forming a finale Lthy.; {-vat} ({-dha4na-}) mfn. having a finale VS. TndBr. &c.; {-sUtra} n. {-sUtra-vRtti} f. N. of wks.; {-no7ttama} m. N. of S'iva R. 2. nidhAna* = n. putting or laying down, depositing, keeping, preserving KtyS'r. MBh. &c.; laying aside (cf. {daNDa-n-}); placing (the sacrificial fire) KtyS'r.; place for depositing anything, receptacle (rarely m.; ifc. f. {I}; cf. {garbha-n-}) RV. &c. &c.; a place of cessation or rest W.; anything laid up, a

store, hoard, treasure (esp. the ttreasure or Kubera) Mn. Mriicch. Ragh. &c. ({-tA} f. Jtakam.); ({I}) f. N. of a formula TBr. pS'r.; mfn. containing anything (gen.) in itself Tr.; {-kumbha} m. a pot or jar containing a treasure Sh.; {-nI-kR}, to pile up Hcar.; {-ne7za} m. `" lord of treasure "', a Yaksha S'atr. nidhanaani = when vanquished nidhaanaM = resting place nidhaanikaa = (f) cupboard, almariah nidhi = reservoir, treasure nigama * =m. insertion (esp. of the name of a deity into a liturgical formula) S'rS.; the place or passage (esp. of the Vedas) where a word occurs or the actual word quoted from such a passage Nir.; the root (as the source from which a word comes; hence ifc. `" derived from "') ib.; the Veda or the Vedic text Hariv. Pn. Pur. &c.; any work auxiliary to and explanatory of the Vedas Mn. iv, 19 (Kull.); a sacred precept, the words of a god or holy man MBh. Pur. &c.; doctrine, instruction in, art of (comp.) Blar.; certainty, assurance L.; trade, traffic W.; a town, city, market-place past. Car. Lalit.; a road L.; a caravan or company of

merchants (ifc. f. {A}) R. Das'.; = {pariziSTa} Cat.; n. a partic. number Buddh.; {-kalpa-druma} m. {kalpa-latA} f. {-kalpa-sAra} m. N. of wks.; {-jJa} mfn. familiar with the holy texts Var.; {-tattvasAra} m. {-pariziSTa} n. {-latA} f. {-sAra} m. N. of wks.; {-sthAna} n. place of insertion (cf. above) S'rS.; {mA7khya-koza} and {-mA7ntA7rtha-ratnA7kara} m. nigachchhati = attains nigaDaH = (m) handcuffs nigaDa* = m. (g. {ardharcA7di}) and n. (fr. {gaD} = {gal}?) an iron chain for the feet, (csp.) the heel chains for an elephant or a noose for catching the feet and throwing an animal down, any fetter or shackle Hariv. Kv. &c.; N. of a teacher ({kSveDana} n. N. of wk.); mfn. bound or fettered on the feet Mn. iv. 210. nigada* = m. reciting, audible recitation, a prayer or sacrificial formula recited aloud Br. S'rS. &c.; mention, mentioning Bdar.; speech, discourse W.; N. of wk.; m. or n. a partic. potion Car.; {vyAkhyAta} mfn. explained i.e. clear by mere mentioning Nir. nigAda* = m. recitation L.; {-din} mfn. reciting,

telling, speaking Sus'r. nigama* = m. insertion (esp. of the name of a deity into a liturgical formula) S3rS.; the place or passage (esp. of the Vedas) where a word occurs or the actual word quoted from such a passage Nir.; the root (as the source from which a word comes; hence ifc. `" derived from "') ib.; the Veda or the Vedic text Hariv. Pa1n2. Pur. &c.; any work auxiliary to and explanatory of the Vedas Mn. iv, 19 (Kull.); a sacred precept, the words of a god or holy man MBh. Pur. &c.; doctrine, instruction in, art of (comp.) Ba1lar.; certainty, assurance L.; trade, traffic W.; a town, city, market-place A1past. Car. Lalit.; a road L.; a caravan or company of merchants (ifc. f. %{A}) R. Das3.; = %{pariziSTa} Cat.; n. a partic. number Buddh.; %{-kalpa-druma} m. %{-kalpa-latA} f. %{-kalpa-sAra} m. N. of wks.; %{-jJa} mfn. familiar with the holy texts Var.; %{tattvasAra} m. %{-pariziSTa} n. %{-latA} f. %{sAra} m. N. of wks.; %{-sthAna} n. place of insertion (cf. above) S3rS.; %{-mA7khya-koza} and %{-mA7ntA7rtha-ratnA7kara} m. niguuDhaa = cast in nigrihiitaani = so curbed down nigrihIti f. restraint, check; overpowering

Katha1s. nigrihNaami = withhold nigrahaM = subduing nigrahaH = repression * = m. keeping down or back, restraining, binding, coercion, suppression, subjugation Mn. MBh. &c.; defeat, overthrow, destruction Kv.; seizing, catching, arresting, holding fast MBh. R. &c.; suppression of an illness i.e. healing, cure Sus'r.; confinement, imprisonment, any punishment or chastisement Mn. MBh. R. Pac. &c. ({vadhanigt-}, pain of death Kaths.); reprimand, blame L.; aversion, ill-will, dislike, disgust L.; anything for catching hold of. a handle (ifc. f. {A}) Sus'r.; a place or occasion for being caught hold of, (esp. in Nyya phil.) an occasion for refutation, a weak point in an argument or fault in a syllogism (cf. {-sthAna}) [546, 2]; a boundary, limit L.; N. of S'iva and VishnuKriishna MBh.; {-sAdhana} and {-stotra} n. N. of wks.; {-sthAna} n. (in phil.) the position of being unfit to carry on an argument from impossibility of agreeing about first principles; {sthAna-sUtra-TIkA} f. {-hA7STaka} n. N. of wks nigraaha * = m. punishment, chastisement Bhathth. (esp. used in imprecations e.g. {ni-grAhas

te bhUyAt}, confusion seize thee Pn. 3-3, 45 Ks'.) niguuDha* = mfn. concealed, hidden, secret, obscure (lit. and fig.) RV. ({ni4-gULha}) &c. &c.; ({am}) ind. privately, secretly Kaths.; {-kArya} mfn. secret in operation MW.; {-cArin} mfn. walking concealed or in disguise Mn. ix, 260; {tara} mfn. well cconcealed or hidden Pac.; {nizcaya} mfn. whose design is cconcealed MBh.; {-roman} mfn. having cconcealed hair Sus'r.; {DhA7rtha} mfn. having a hidden or mysterious sense, abstruse, occult; {-DhA7rtha-dI}, {pikA} and {-DhA7rtha-maJjUSikA} f. N. of wks. niH = without nihataaH = killed nihatya = by killing nihan.h = destroy ni.HkrishThkuliinaH = adj. born to a lowly family niHsaara * = mf(%{A})n. sapless, pithless, worthless, vain, unsubstantial (%{-tA} f. %{-tva} n.) Hariv. Var. Ka1v. Pur.; m. Trophis Aspera or a kind of S3yo. na1ka L.; (in music) a kind of time (also %{sAru} and %{-ruka}); (%{A}) f. Musa Sapientum L.; %{-raka} n. a kind of diarrhoea

Bhpr. =\\ m. going forth or out MBh. niHsara * = mfn. issuing out; %{-tva} n. = %{pitta-roga} L. niHsheshha = remainderless niHshreNikaa = (f) ladder niHshreyasakarau = leading to the path of liberation niHs'reNi* = f. = {ni-zreNI} L.; the wild date tree L.; {-NikA} f. a ladder Dharmas'arm.; a kind of grass L.; {-Ni-puSpaka} m. a species of thorn-apple L. niHs'reyaNI* = f. = {ni-zrayNI} Gal. = niHzreyasa* = mf({I})n. `" having no better "', best, most excellent MBh. R. &c.; m. N. of Siva L.; n. the best i.e. ultimate bliss, final beatitude, or knowledge that brings it KaushUp. Mn. MBh. &c.; belief, faith L.; apprehension, conception L. {-kara} mfn. conferring final happiness or emancipation W. [539,1] niHsprihaH = desireless niHsvana = silent (without sound)

nii = to take * = 1 for %{nis} (q.v.) before r.\\ 2 (for 1. see p. 543, col. 3) cl. 1. P. A1. (Dha1tup. xxii. 5) %{nayati} %{-te} (pf. P. %{ninAya}, 2. sg. %{ninetha} RV., 1. pl. %{nInima} TS.; Subj. %{ninItha4s} Pot. %{ninIyAt} RV.; Impv. %{ninetu} MaitrS.; A1. %{ninye} Br. &c.; %{nayAm@Asa} MBh.; %{-nayAM@cakre} R.; aor. P. 3. du. %{anItAm} Subj. %{ne4Si}, %{nethA4} RV.; %{anaiSIt} Subj. %{neSati}, %{-Sat}, 3. pl.A1. %{aneSata} ib.; %{anayIt} AV.; fut. %{neSyati} AV.; %{-te} Br.; %{nayiSyati}, %{-te} MBh. R.; %{ni4tA}, %{nayitA} ib.; ind. p. %{nItvA} Br.&c.; %{nayitvA} MBh.; %{nI4ya} AV. &c.; inf. %{neSa4Ni} RV.; %{ne4tavai}, %{-tos} and %{nayitum} Br.; %{ne4tum} ib. &c. &c.), to lead, guide, conduct, direct, govern (also with %{agram} and gen.; cf. %{agra-NI}) RV. &c. &c.; to lead &c. towards or to (acc. with or without %{prati} dat., loc. or %{artham} ifc.) ib.; to lead or keep away, exclude from (abl.) AitBr.; (A1.) to carry off for one's self(as a victor, owner &c.) AV. TA1r. MBh.; (A1., rarely P.) to lead home i.e. marry MBh. R.; to bring into any state or condition (with acc. e.g. with %{vazam}, to bring into subjection, subdue [A1. RV. x, 84, 3 AV. v, 19, 5; P. Ragh. viii, 19]; with %{zUdra-tAm}, to reduce to a S3u1dra Mn. iii, 15; with %{sAkSyam} [A1.], to admit as a witness, viii, 197; with %{vyAghra-tAm}, to change into a tiger Hit.; with %{vikrayam}, to sell Ya1jn5.; with %{paritoSam}, to satisfy Pan5c.; with

%{duHkham}, to pain Amar.; rarely, with loc. e.g. %{duhitR-tve}, to make a person one's daughter R. i, 44, 38; or with an adv. in %{-sAt} e.g. %{bhasmasAt} to reduce to ashes Pan5c. i, 198/199); to draw (a line &c.) S3a1n3khS3r. Su1ryas.; to pass or spend (time) Ya1jn5. Ka1v. &c.; (with %{daNDam}) to bear the rod i.e. inflict punishment Mn. Ya1jn5. (with %{vyavahAram}) to conduct a process Ya1jn5.; (with %{kriyAm}) to conduct a ceremony, preside over a religious act MBh.; to trace, track, find out, ascertain, settle, decide(with %{anyathA}, `" wrongly "') Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.; (A1.) to be foremost or chief Pa1n2. 1-3, 36: Caus. %{nAyayati}, %{-te}, to cause to lead &c.; to cause to be led by (instr.) Mn. v, 104 (cf. Pa1n2. 1-4, 52 Va1rtt. 5 Pat.): Desid. %{ni4nISati}, %{te} (AV. xix, 50, 5, w. r. %{nineSati}), to wish to lead or bring or carry to or into (acc. or dat.) AV. Up. MBh. &c.; to wish to carry away R.; to wish to spend or pass (time) Naish.; to wish to exclude from (abl.) AitBr.; to wish to find out or ascertain, investigate MBh.: Intens. %{nenIya4te} to lead as a captive, have in one's power, rule, govern TS. VS. MBh.\\ 3 mfn. leading, guiding, a leader or guide (mostly ifc., cf. Pa1n2. 3-2, 61 and %{agra-NI}, %{agreNI}; but also alone cf. vi, 4, 77; 82 &c.)\\4 P. %{ny-eti} (3. pl. %{ni-yanti}; p. %{-yat}; impf. %{ny-Ayan} ind. p. %{nI7tya}), to go into (cf. %{nyAya}), enter, come or fall into, incur (acc.) RV. AV. TS. S3Br.; to

under go the nature of i.e. to be changed into (%{bhAvam}) RPra1t. \\5 in comp.= 1. %{ni} (p. 538, col. 3). niica* = mf({A})n. ({ni} +2. {aJc}) low, not high, short, dwarfish Mn. MBh. &c.; deep, depressed (navel) Pac.; short (hair, nails) Sus'r.; deep, lowered (voice) Prt.; low, vile, inferior (socially or morally), base, mean (as a man or action or thought) Var. MBh. Kv. &c.; m. a kind of perfume (= {coraka}) L.; n. (in astrol.) the lowest point of a planet (= $), the 7th house from the culminating point Var. (cf. 2. {ny-aJc}). niicaa* = ind. below, down, downwards RV. AV. niicha = the inferior man niichaM = low niichabhanga = neechabhanga Raja Yoga. A combination whereby a debilitated planet by virtue of its placement and association of relevant planets can reverse and bestow great wealth and power niichamanii = Evil minded niiDa = (masc, neut) nest


niila = (adj) blue * = ({A} or {I}; cf. Pn. 4-1, 42 Vrtt. Vm. v, 2, 48)n. of a dark colour, (esp.) ddark-blue or ddark-green or black RV. &c. &c.; dyed with indigo Pn. 4-2, 2 Vrtt. 2 Pat.; m. the sapphire L. (with {maNi} R. iii, 58, 26); the Indian fig-tree (= {vaTa}) L.; = {nIla-vRkSa} L.; a species of bird the blue or hill Maina L.; an ox or bull of a dark colour L.; one of the 9 Nidhis or divine treasures of Kubera L.; N. of a man g. {tikA7di}; of the prince of Mhishmat MBh.; of a son of Yadu Hariv.; of a son of Aja-mdha BhP.; of a son of Bhuvana-rja Rjat.; of an historian of Kas'mra ib.; of sev. authors (also {-bhaTTa}) Cat.; N. of Majus'r L.; of a Nga MBh. Rjat.; of one of the monkey-chiefs attending on Rma (said to be a son of Agni) MBh. R. &c.; the mountain Nla or the blue mmountain (immediately north of Ila7vriita or the central division; cf. {nIlA7dri}) MBh. Hariv. Pur.; ({A}) f. the indigo plant (Indigofera Tinctoria) L. (cf. {nIlI}); a species of Boerhavia with blue blossoms L.; black cumin L.; a species of blue fly L.; (du.) the two arteries in front of the neck L.; a black and blue mark on the skin L.; N. of a goddess W.; (in music) of a Rgini (personified as wife of Mallra); of a river MBh. (v.l. {nAlA}); ({I}) f. the indigo plant or dye Mn. Var. Sus'r. &c. Blyxa Octandra. L.; a species of blue fly L.; a kind of disease L.; N. of the wife of Aja-mdha MBh. Hariv. (v.l. {nalinI} and {nIlinI}); n. dark (the colour), darkness TS. KaushUp.; any dark substance S'Br.

ChUp.; = {tAlI-pattra} and {tAlI7za} L.; indigo Yj. iii. 38; black salt L.; blue vitriol L.; antimony L.; poison L.; a partic. position in dancing L.; a kind of metre Col. niilalohitaH = navy blue colour niilaabja = blue lotus niilaaya* = Nom. P. . {-yati} and {-te}, to begin to become blue or dark-coloured Kd. (cf. Pn. 3-1, 13 niilotpalashyaamaM = bearing the bluish black color of blue lilies niita = take * = 1 mfn. (for 2. see 4. %{nI7}) led, guided, brought &c. RV. &c. &c.; gained, obtained W.; well-behaved, correct, modest ib.; n. wealth, corn, grain L.; = %{nava-nIta} A1pS3r.\\mfn. entered, gone or come to (%{mRtyorantikam}) RV. AV.\\%{nIti} &c. see %{nI} niitiH = morality niiraja = (n) lotus niiradaabham.h = bearing a resemblance to rainbearing cloud i.e with


niirata* = mfn. not delighting in, indifferent (= {virata}) L. -1. niiruja = free from disease niire = water niivaaraa * = v.l. for {nivArA} (see under {ni-vR}). niivara * = m. ( {nI}?; cf. Un. iii.) a trader; an inhabitant; a beggar; mud; n. water L. niivaa4ra * = m. (ifc. f. {A}) wild rice (sg. the plant; pl. the grains) VS. S'Br. MBh. &c.; ({A}) f. N. of a river MBh. VP. (v.l. {ni-v-}). nija = one's own * = mf(%{A})n. ( %{jan}) innate , native , of one's own party or country (with %{ripu} m. an enemy in one's own country Hit. ; m. pl. one's own people Ra1jat.) ; constant , continual AV. Br. Mn. MBh. &c. (in later Sanskr2it used as a reflex. possess. pron. = %{sva} , my own , his own , our own &c.) nijakarma = nija+karma, one's+duty(normal work) nikaaya *= (1. %{ci}) a heap, an assemblage, a group, class, association (esp. of persons who perform the same duties) Mn. MBh. &c.;

congregation, school Buddh.; collection (of Buddh. Su1tras, there are 5 MWB. 62, 63); habitation, dwelling, hiding-place R. (cf. Pa1n2. 3-3, 41); the body S3vetUp.; the air, wind VS. xv, 5 (Mahidh.); aim, mark L.; the Supreme Being L. nikaaman *= (%{nI-}) mfn. desirous, eager RV. nikaH = rays nikam *= (Pot. %{-kAmoyet} BhP.; p. A1. %{kAma4yamAna} TS.; pf. %{cakame} S3Br.; inf. %{kamam} Ka1t2h.), to long or wish for, lust after (acc.) %{-kAma4} m. desire, wish, pleasure RV. VS. AV.; ibc., = (%{am}) ind, according to wish or desire, to one's heart's content, abundantly, excessively Var. Mr2icch. &c. (cf. %{yadAnikA4mam}); (%{nl-k-}) mfn. desirous, covetous, greedy RV.; m. N. of an Agni S3a1n3khGr2.; %{kAma} mfn. covetous, Bhp.; %{-jala} mfn. (a river) yielding abundant water S3ak. vi, 16; %{-tapta} mfn. excessively burnt Kum.; %{-dha4raNa} mfn. bearing according, to wish TBr.; %{-niraGkuza} mfn. freely ruling over (gen, ), Gtt. vii, 40; %{bhAma-bhASya} n. N. of wk.; %{-varSa} mfn. having plenty of rain MBh.; %{-varSin} mfn. raining according, to wish ib.; %{-sukhin} mfn. exceedingly happy S3is3. iv, 54.


nikaaman *= (%{nI-}) mfn. desirous , eager RV. nikaamana *= n. desire La1t2y. nikaaya *= (1. %{ci}) a heap , an assemblage , a group , class , association (esp. of persons who perform the same duties) Mn. MBh. &c. ; congregation , school Buddh. ; collection (of Buddh. Su1tras , there are 5 MWB. 62 , 63) ; habitation , dwelling , hiding-place R. (cf. Pa1n2. 33 , 41) ; the body S3vetUp. ; the air , wind VS. xv , 5 (Mahidh.) ; aim , mark L. ; the Supreme Being L. niketana * = n. a house, mansion, habitation, temple, Mn. MBh. &c.; m. an onion L. nikhila * V expansive, * complete, all, whole, entire Up. Mn. MBh. &c. [545, 3]; ({ena}) ind. completely, totally MBh. R. &c. (cf. {a-kh-}). nikR * 1. P.. {-karoti}, {-kurute}, (dat. inf. {ni4kartave} RV. viii, 78, 5), to bring down, humiliate, subdue, overcome RV. AV. VS. S'Br.: Desid. {cikIrskati}, to wish to overcome AV. nikrand * =cl. 1. P. {-krandati}, (aor. {nyakrandIt}), to cry from above (as a bird on a tree) Nir. ix, 4: Caus. {-krandayati}, to cause to roar RV. x, 102, 5.

nikrandita * =mfn. cried or roared (said of a faulty recitation), Sanhito7p. nikram * =P. {-krAmati}, (aor. {nyakramIt}), to put down the feet, tread down (acc.) RV.; to enter (loc.) AV. TS. nikramaNa * =n. putting down the feet, footstep, footfall RV. AV. TS. nikrit * 1. P. . {-kRntati}, {-te}, to cut or hew down, cut away, cut or chop off, cut through or or to pieces, massacre KtyS'r. MBh. R. Sus'r. &c.; . {-te}, (also) to cut one's self (or one's nails &c.) TS. S'Br.: Caus. {-kartayati}, to cause to cut or cut down SnkhS'r. nikritii = (f) falsehood, cunning move nikritta * mfn. cut off, cut up MBh. R.; {-mUla} mfn. cut up by the roots Sus' nikRntana * = mf({I})n. cutting down or off, destroying (ifc.) MBh. R.; m. N. of a hell MrkP.; n. cutting, cutting off (hair, the neck &c.) KtyS'r. MBh.; massacring, destruction (of enemies) MBh.; an instrument for cutting (cf. {nakha}) nikrishhTa = inferior nikRntin * =mfn. tearing asunder (ifc.), Ks'ikh.

nikRS * =1. P. {-karSati}, to draw or drag down TS. S'Br.; {-kRSati}, to plough in ({phalaM kSetreSu}) AV.Paipp.: Pass. {-kRSyate}, to be borne down by the stream of a river MBh. i, 3616., nikRSTa * =mfn. debased, vile, low, despised, outcast MBh. Kv. &c.; near n. nearness Kaths. Sus'r.; {-bhUta} mfn. appearing low or small in comparison with (gen.) MBh.; {-TA7zaya} mfn. base-minded ({-ya-tA} f.) Das'.; {-TI-} {kR}, to surpass, excel Kv. ii, 37 Sch.; {-TpA7dhi} mfn. having something inferior as a condition ({-dhitA} f.) Veda7ntas. nikrID * =Caus. {-krIDayati} to cease or finish (playing) ShadvBr. (Sch. = {vi-} {ram}). nikrIDa * = m. play, sport, with {marutAm}N. of a Sman rshBr. nikrit * = 1. P. A1. %{-kRntati}, %{-te}, to cut or hew down, cut away, cut or chop off, cut through or or to pieces, massacre Ka1tyS3r. MBh. R. Sus3r. &c.; A1. %{-te}, (also) to cut one's self (or one's nails &c.) TS. S3Br.: Caus. %{-kartayati}, to cause to cut or cut down Sa1n3khS3r. nikshipati = to throw in


nikshepaNaya = for putting down (the next step) nilaya* = m. rest, resting-place (cf. {a-nil-}); hiding- or dwelling-place, den, lair, nest; house, residence, abode (often ifc. [f. {A}] = living in, inhabiting, inhabited by) MBh. Var. Kv. &c.; {sundara} m. N. of a man Cat. 2. nilaaya* = m. place of refuge AV. iv, 16, 2. nilimpa = a pictured one: a god nimajjati = to drown nimbaarka * = m. id.; {-karavIrA7rcanavrata} n. N. of a partic. vow and of ch. of BhavP. nimittamaatraM = just the cause nimittaani = causes nimishhan.h = closing nimitta* n. (possibly connected with {ni-mA} above) a butt, mark, target MBh.; sign, omen Mn. Yj. MBh. &c. (cf. {dur-n-}); cause, motive, ground, reason Up. Kap. Var. Mn. MBh. Kv. &c. (in all oblique cases = because of, on account of cf. Pn. 2-3, 23 Pat.; mfn. ifc. caused or occasioned by;

{-ttaMyA}, to be the cause of anything Kd.); (in phil.) instrumental or efficient cause (opp. to {upA7dAna}, the operative or material cause) Veda7ntas. Bhshp.; = {Agantu}; {deha}; {Adeza}; {parvan} L. nimiilita = closed nimeshhaat.h = in the twinkling of the eye nimnagaa = (f) river nimba = neem niMbhuminyak.h = (f) a woman who cat get enough ninaada = sound nind.h = to condemn nindati = (1 pp) to blame nindantaH = while vilifying nindaa = in defamation niNya* = mfn. (fr. %{ni}; cf. %{ni-Ni4k}) interior, hidden, concealed, mysterious RV.; n. a secret,

mystery ib.; (%{a4m}) ind. secretly, mysteriously ib. nipaana = (n) a pond niraahaarasya = by negative restrictions niraalamba = unsupported niraashiiH = without desire for profit niraashrayaH = without any shelter nirucchvaasa *= mf(%{A})n. not breathing, breathless MBh. Sus3r. &c. [540,3]; narrow, contracted, crowded W.; m. breathlessness (%{nipIDita} mfn. afflicted by bbreathlessness); m. or n. N. of a partic. hell where the wicked cannot breathe L. nipaataka*= ifc. = {pAtaka}, a bad deed, a sin MBh. v, 4053. nipaatanIya*= mfn. to be caused to fall; (with {daNDa} m. `" punishment must be inflicted) "' Sh. nipatana*= n. falling down, falling, descending MBh. Hariv.; ({garbhiNyAgarbhasya}) the lying-in of a pregnant woman VarBriS. li, 35; flying MBh.

nipaata*= m. falling down, descending, alighting (lit. and fig.), falling from (abl.) into or upon (comp.), rushing upon, attacking (comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.; decay, destruction, ruin, death ib.; (from the Caus.) casting, hurling, discharging Kum. iii, 15; accidental occurrence or mention Nir. s'vS'r.; (in gram.) irregular form, irregularity, exception (cf. {para-}, {pUrva-}); a particle (all adverbs including conjunctions and interjections) Nir. Prt. Pn. 1-4, 56; {-tva} n. the state of being a particle MW.; {-pratIkAra} m. the repelling of assaults ib.; {-tA7vyayo7pasarga} m. pl. N. of wk. nipaatana*= mfn. (fr. Caus.) throwing down, killing, destroying, knocking out (an eye) MBh. [549, 3]; n. causing to descend or fall, throwing down, letting drop or sink Mn. Yj. R. (cf. {daNDa-n-}); putting on, applying (as a knife), touching with (comp.) Sus'r.; overthrowing, destroying, killing Mn. MBh.; (in gram.) accidental mention or use of a word, putting down as an irregularity; an irregular form or exception Prt. Pn. Sch. Vop.; = {ni-patana}, falling down (of a fire-brand) Yj. i, 145; alighting (said of a bird) Pac. ii. 57.niraaloka*= mfn. not looking about R.; deprived of light, dark or blind MBh. Ma1lati1m. Ka1m.; ifc. looking at, investigating, scrutinizing (cf. %{Atma-n-}) MBh nipuNa* = mf({A})n. (said to be from a {puN}),

clever, adroit, skilful, sharp, acute Mn. MBh. Sus'r. Kv. &c.; skilled in, conversant with, capable of (mostly comp. [cf. Pn. 2-1, 31 and g. {zauNDA7di}]; but also infin. [Kv.] loc. [Var.] gen. [Vop. v, 29] or instr. [Pn. 2-1, 31]); kind or friendly towards (loc. or {prati} Pn. 2-3, 43); delicate, tender Jtakam.; perfect, complete, absolute (as purity, devotion &c.) Mn. BhP.; ({am}) ind. in a clever or delicate manner MBh. Kv.; completely, perfectly, absolutely, exactly, precisely R. (also {nipuNa} ibc. Pn. 6-2, 24, and {-Nena} MBh. BhP.) niraamaya = (adj) healthy, disease-free niraas'is *= mfn. hopeless , despairing MBh. Ka1v. &c. (%{-zIs-tva} n. MBh.xii , 12440) ; free from desire , indifferent , Kuns. v , 76 ; without a blessing W. niraaya * = mfn. having or yielding no income, profitless W.; %{-vyaya-vat} m. having neither income nor expenditure, an idler who lives from hand to mouth W. -1. nirabhibhava* =mfn. not subject to humiliation or disgrace Bhartr2.; not to be surpassed MW. nirabhilapya* = mfn. unutterable, inexpressible Sarvad.

nirabhilASa* =mfn. not desirous of. indifferent to (comp.) S3ak. nirabhimAna* =mfn. free from pride BhP. nirabhImAna* =mfn. = %{-abhim-} MBh.; unconscious ib. nirabhiprAya* =mfn. purposeless Katha1s. nirabhisaMdhAna* =n. absence of design, Sa1m2khyas. Sch.; %{-saMdhin} mfn. free from egoistic designs Sam2k. nirahankaaraH = without false ego - nirahaMkaara * = mfn. free from egotism, unselfish, humble MBh. BhP.; m. a partic. heaven Hcat.; %{-kArin} mfn. free from the sentiment of egotism BhP.; %{kRta} mfn. having no self-conscioumess or personality BhP.; = next MBh. BhP.; %{-kRti} mfn. free from egotism or pride, humble, Bhanr2. BhP.; %{-kriya} mfn. having no personality or individuality BhP.; (%{A}) f. absence of egotism or selfishness ib., niraJNjana = pure, free from falsehood niran'kus'a * = mfn. unchecked (lit. not held by a hook), uncontrolled, independent, free, unruly,

extravagant (%{am} ind.; %{-tva} n.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; %{-zaya} Nom. P. %{yati}, to unfetter Ka1d. nirantara * = mf(%{A})n. having no interval (in space or time), close, compact, dense, uninterrupted, perpetual, constant (%{-tA} f.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; faithful true Pan5c.; abounding in, full of (comp.) R. Sa1h.; not other or different, identical MBh. R. &c.; not hidden from view W.; (%{am}) ind. closely, tightly, firmly, R2it. Sus3r.; constantly, continually MBh. Ka1v. &c.; immediately, at once Ka1m. Vet.; %{-grihavAsin} mfn. living in the next house Kull.; %{-payodharA} f. having closely contiguous breasts (clouds) Mr2icch.v, 15 %{-vizeSa} mfn. (pl.) being without difference in regard to (loc.), being treated alike MBh.; %{-zarIra} mfn. one whose body is densely transfixed with (arrows) R.; %{-rA7bhyAsa} m. constant repetition or study, diligent exercise or practice Prab.; %{-rA7tkaNThA} f. continual longing for Ratn.; %{-ro7dbhinna} mfn. densely sprouted ib. niranukros'a * = mf(%{A})n. pitiless , hardhearted (%{-tA} f.) MBh. R. ; m. mercilessness , cruelty R. ; %{-kArin} mfn. acting pitilessly MBh. ; %{-tas} ind. in a cruel manner Pan5c. ; %{-yukta} mfn. uncompassionate , hard-hearted R. nirapatrapa * = mf(%{A})n. shameless , impudent

, confident MBh. R. Sus3r. &c. nirapavaadaH = free from blemish nirapeksha* = mf({A})n. regardless of. indifferent to, independent of (loc. or comp.); desireless, careless, indifferent, disinterested Mn. MBh. Kv. &c. (also {-ka} BhP.); ({am}) ind. regardlessly, accidentally MBh. Das'.; ({A}) f. (R.) {-tA} f. (Kaths.), {-tva} n. (RmatUp.) disregard, indifference, independence; {-kSita} mfn. regardless Prab.; disregarded Das'.; {-kSin} mfn. indifferent, independent MBh.; {-kSya} mfn. not to be regarded Bhartri. nirarthakaM = needlessly nirasta = removed nirashtha* = ( {akS}), emasculated, deprived of vigour RV. S'Br. (cf. {mahA-n-}). nirasta* = (R. also {-asita}) mfn. cast out or off, expelled, banished, rejected, removed, refuted, destroyed S'Br. Mn. MBh. &c.; shot off (as an arrow) L.; spit out, vomited L.; pronounced hurriedly or dropped in pronouncing ({a-n-} ChUp. ii, 22, 3) [553,2]; n. dropping or leaving out (considered a fault in pronunciation) Pat.; {-bheda} mfn. having all difference removed, identical MW.;

{-rAga} mfn. one who has abandoned worldly desires or has devoted himself to religious penance ib.; {-saMkhya} mfn. innumerable (lit. refusing calculation) Dhananj.; {-sukho7daya} mf({A})n. hopelessly unfortunate (lit. whose fortune has given up rising) Amar. nirastapaadapa = (adj) barren, tree-less nirataH = engaged nirati* = f. delighting in, attachment to (comp.) Var. 1. nirata* = {-ti} see {ni-ram}. [553,1] nirata* = mfn. pleased, satisfied, delighting in, attached or devoted to, quite intent upon, deeply engaged in or occupied with (loc. instr. or comp.) Mn. Var. MBh. Kv. &c. niratiyasha = (adj) unsurpassed, perfect niraya * = m. (either fr. %{nis} + %{i} = egression, sc. from earthly life, or fr. %{nir} + %{aya} `" without happiness "') Niraya or Hell (personified as a child of fear and death BhP.) Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c. nirayana = Sidereal or fixed Zodiac without

precession nirbandha * = m. objection Gaut. ; insisting upon (loc. or comp.) , pertinacity , obstinacy , perseverance MBh. Ka1v. &c. (ibc. , %{-dhAt} , %{dhena} , %{-dhatas} ind. perseveringly , with or by perseverance ; %{-dhaM-kR} , to urge [gen.] Katha1s. i , 25 ; to show obstinacy against [instr.] MBh. xiii , 5034) ; the attributing anything to , accusing of (comp.) Mn. xi , 56 ; %{-para} mf(%{A})n. intent upon , desirous of (comp.) Kum. v , 66 ; %{-pRSTa} mfn. urgently asked , importuned Ragh. xiv , 32. nirbhara = dependent nirbarhana: see nibarhana nirbhrta= nirbhaata:*nirbhAta mfn. shone or shining forth, appeared, arisen MBh. Kv. &c. nirbhartsita * = mfn. threatened, menaced, reviled, abused Kaths. Pur.; {-vat} mfn. Pac. nirbhatha * = nirbhaTa mfn. hard, firm L. (v. r. {nirvaha}, perhaps w.r. for {nibhaTa} = {ni-bhRta} q.v.) nirbhaata * = mfn. shone or shining forth ,

appeared , arisen MBh. Ka1v. &c. nirbhinna * = mfn. broken asunder, budded, blossomed; divided, separated, disunited; pierced, penetrated; found out, betrayed Br. MBh. Ka1v. &c.; %{-tanu} mfn. having the body pierced through or transfixed MW. niriiha = the desireless person niriihataa = Lack of desire niriikshe = may look upon nirriti * = (%{ni4r-}) f. dissolution, destruction, calamity, evil, adversity RV. &c. &c. (personified as the goddess of death and corruption and often associated with Mr2ityu, A-ra1ti &c. RV. AV. VS.; variously regarded as the wife of A-dharma, mother of Bhaya, Maha1-bhaya and Mr2ityu [MBh.] or as a daughter of A-dharma and Hin6sa1 and mother of Naraka and Bhaya [Ma1rkP.]; binds mortals with her cords AV. Br. &c.; is regent of the south [AV.] and of the asterism Mu1la [Var.]); the bottom or lower depths of the earth (as the seat of putrefaction) AV. VS. S3Br.; m. death or the genius of death BhP.; N. of a Rudra MBh. Hariv. Pur.; of one of the 8 Vasus Hariv. (v.l. %{ni-kRti}); %{gRhIta} (%{ni4r-R-}) mfn. seized by Nir-r2iti

S3Br.; %{-pAza4} m. the fetters of NNir-r2iti TS. nirdaalana = Destruction nirdishati = to indicate, to point out nirdeshaH = indication nirdeshakaH = (m) director nirdoshhaM = flawless nirdvandvaH = without duality nirdhana = poor nirdhanayoga = Combinations for poverty nirdhuuta = cleansed nirgama* = came out; going forth, setting out, departure Var. R. &c.; escaping from (abl.) Veda7ntas.; disappearing, vanishing, cessation, end MBh. Kv. Sus'r. &c.; exit, issue, outlet R. Pac.; a door L.; export-place (of goods). nirguNaM = without material qualities nirguNatvaat.h = due to being transcendental

nirguNa* mf({A})n. having no cord or string, Kiv.; having no good qualities or virtues, bad, worthless, vicious MBh. R. &c.; devoid of all qualities or properties Up. MBh. &c.; having no epithet, KatyS'r. Sch.; (said of the Supreme Being) W.; {ka} mfn. having no qualities RmatUp.; {-tattva} n. N. of wk.; {-tA} f. {-tva} n. absence of qualities or properties; want of good qqualities, wickedness, viciousness MBh. Kv. Pur.; {-NA7masa} mfn. of bad or vicious mind Kv.; {-NA7tmaka} mfn. having no qqualities MBh. nirlipta = unstainedness nirmaa = to create nirmaaMsa* = mfn. fleshless, emaciated MBh. R. &c. nirmamaH = without a sense of proprietorship nirmama* = mf({A})n. unselfish, disinterested, (esp.) free from all worldly connections MBh. R. &c.; regardless of, indifferent to (loc.) ib.; m. (with Jainas) N. of 15th Arhat of the future Ut-sarpin; N. of S'iva S'ivag.; {-tA} f. (Ksv.), 1. {-tva} n. (Pur.) complete unselfishness or indifference (see {ni4s}); 2. {-tva} mfn. free from selfishness, indifferent Kull.

nirmala = clear nirmalaM = purified nirmalatvaat.h = being purest in the material world nirmatsara* = mfn. without envy or jealousy, unselfish Rjat. BhP. nirmita = made * = ({ni4r-}) mfn. constructed, built, fashioned, formed, created, made by (instr. or comp.) out of (abl. instr. or comp.) S'Br. Mn. MBh. &c.; (law) fixed, settled Mn. ix, 46; (ceremony) performed, celebrated R. (B) i, 14, 42; (sacrificial animal) put apart, separated, isolated (= {nir-UDha}) s'vS'r.; m. pl. (with Buddhists) a class of deities Lalit. nirmitavataH = of the author nirmuktaaH = free from nirmukti* = ({ni4r-}) f. liberation, deliverance from (abl. or comp.), Av. Kaths. or {dAna} Sch. on BhP. x, 17, 18. nirmuulana = uprootment nirmUla* = mfn. rootless (as a tree) MBh.;

baseless, unfounded BhP.; eradicated W.; {-la-tA} f. rootlessness, baselessness Prab.; {-lana} m. an uprooter, Damayantk.; n. uprooting, extirpating Bhartri.; {-laya}, Nom P. {-yati}, to uproot, eradicate, annihilate Kd. nirmohatvaM = non-infatuated state/clearheadedness nirNiita* = mfn. traced out, ascertained, settled, decided MBh. &c. nirodha = control or restraint niruddha * = mfn. held back, withheld, held fast, stopped, shut, closed, confined, restrained, checked, kept off, removed, suppressed RV. (%{ni4-ruddha}, i, 32, 11; %{ni-ruddha4}, x, 28, 10) &c. &c.; rejected (= %{apa-ruddha}) Ta1n2d2Br. Ka1t2h.; covered, veiled MBh. Hariv. &c.; filled with, full of (instr. or comp.) R. Katha1s. BhP.; m. N. of a prince (v.l. %{a-nir-} q.v.); %{kaNTha} mfn. having the breath obstructed, suffocated MW.; %{-guda} m. contraction or obstruction of the rectum Sus3r.; %{-prakaza} m. stricture of the urethra ib.; %{-vat} mfn. having (= he has) invested or besieged Ra1jat. BhP.; %{zama-vRtti} mfn. `" whose state of repose is interrupted "', wearied, tired W.

niruddhaM = being restrained from matter1 nirudhya = confining nirukta* n= mfn. ( {vac}) uttered, pronounced, expressed, explained, defined Br. Up. MBh. &c.; declared for (nom.) MBh.; explicitly mentioned or enjoined s'vGri.; containing the name of a god (as a verse) S'nkhBr.; distinct, loud (opp. to {upA7Mzu}) S'Br.; interpreted i.e. become manifest, fulfilled, accomplished (as a word) MBh. ix, 1316; n. explanation or etymological interpretation of a word ChUp. viii, 3, 3 MBh. i, 266 &c.; N. of sev. wks., esp. of a Comm. on the Nighanthus by Yska. nirupita A* relative to * = nirUpita mfn. seen, observed, considered, weighed, discovered, ascertained, determined, defined Kv. Pur. &c.; appointed, elected, chosen BhP. Pac.; pointed against, shot off BhP.; n. the state of having been discussed or ascertained Hcat. niruuha* = 2 m. ({nir-} 2. {Uh}) logic, disputation W.; certainty, ascertainment ib.; mfn. = {niz-cita} L. 2 niruudhha * = mfn. unmarried W.


niruudhha * = (cf. {nir-UDha}, p. 540, col. 3) mfn. grown up BhP.; conventional, accepted (as a word or its meaning, opp. to {yaugika} q.v.) Dyabh. Sarvad.; m. (in rhet.) the force or application of words according to their natural or received meanings W.; (in logic) the inherence of any property in the term implying it (as of redness in the word `" red "' &c.) ib.; {-mUla} mfn. firmly rooted BhP.; {-lakSaNA} f. (in rhet.) the secondary use of a word which is based not on the particular intention of the speaker but on its accepted and popular usage. niruudhha * = mfn. drawn out, put aside, separate Gaut.; purged Car. Sus'r.; eviscerated (cf. comp.); {pazupaddhati} f. N. of wk.; {-pazu-bandha} m. `" the offering of an eviscerated animal "' or `" separate offoffering of an aanimal "'N. of one of the regular Havir-yajas Gaut. &c. ({-dhaprayoga}, {-dha-maitrAvaruNa-prayoga}, {-dhahautra-prayoga} m. N. of wks.); {-ziras} ({ni4r-}) mfn. with the head laid apart S'Br. nirvaNa* = m. or n. a country without forests L.; mfn. = {-vana}; ({-Ne}) ind. in the open country Pn. vi, 2, 178; viii, 4, 5 Ks'. nirvana* = mfn. having no wood, being out of a wwood or in the open country MBh. v, 863 (cf. {1396

vaNa}). nirvaaNa* = mfn. blown or put out, extinguished (as a lamp or fire), set (as the sun), calmed, quieted, tamed (cf. {a-nirv-}), dead, deceased (lit. having the fire of life extinguished), lost, disappeared MBh. Kv. &c.; immersed, plunged L.; immovable L.; {-bhUyiSTha} mfn. nearly extinguished), or vanished Kum. ii, 53; n. blowing out, extinction, cessation, setting, vanishing, disappearance ({-NaM-kR}, to make away with anything i.e. not to keep one's promise); extinction of the flame of life, dissolution, death or final emancipation from matter and re-union with the Supreme Spirit MBh. &c. &c.; (with Buddhists and Jainas) absolute extinction or annihilation (= {zUnya} L.) of individual existence or of all desires and passions MWB. 137139 &c.; perfect calm or repose or happiness, highest bliss or beatitude MBh. Kv. &c.; N. of an Upanishad; instructing in sciences L.; bathing of an elephant L.; the post to which an elephant is tied Gal.; offering oblations (for 1. {nir-vApaNa} ?) L.; {-kara} m. `" causing extinction of all sense of individuality "', a partic. Samdhi Krand.; {-kANDa} m. or n. N. of wk.; {tantra} see {bRhan-nirvANat-} and {mahA-n-}; {da} mfn. bestowing final beatitude MBh.; {-dazaka} n. N. of wk.; {-dIkSita} m. N. of a grammarian Cat.; {-dhAtu} m. the region of Nirvna Vajracch.

Krand.; {-purANa} n. offering oblations to the dead Rjat.; {-prakaraNa} n. N. of wk.; {-priyA} f. N. of a Gandharv Krand.; {-maNDapa} m. N. of a temple, Skandap.; {-mantra} n. N. of a mystical formula Cat.; {-maya} mf({I})n. full of bliss VP.; {mastaka} m. liberation, deliverance W.; {-yogapaTala-stotra} and {-yogo7ttara} n. N. of wks.; {ruci} m. pl. `" delighting in final beatitude "'N. of a class of deities under the 11th Manu BhP. (cf. {nirmANa-rati}); {-lakSaNa} mfn. having complete bliss as its characteristic mark MW.; {-SaTka} n. N. of a Stotra; {-saMcodana} m. a partic. Samdhi, Krand.; {-sUtra} n. N. of partic. Buddh. Stras; {No7paniSad} f. N. of an Upanishad. nirvaira* = n. absence of enmity, Bh. (also {-riNa} Tarkas.); mfn. free from enmity, peaceable, amicable Var. MBh. &c.; ({am}) ind. peaceably, without enmity R.; m. N. of a hunter Hariv.; {-tA} f. concord MBh. Hariv. nirvartana* = n. completion, execution Sank.; v.l. for {niv-}. nirvartaka* = {nir-vartana}, &c. see under {nirvRt}. nirvartaka* = mfn. (fr. Caus.) bringing about, accomplishing, performing, finishing Sank. Pat.;

v.l. for {niv-} nirvartana * = n. completion, execution Sam2k.; v.l. for %{niv-}. nirvarti* = mfn. wickless Kd. nirvartin* = mfn. accomplishing (ifc.) S'ak. v, 20/21 (v.l. {niv-}). nirvartitavya* = mfn. to be performed (in Prkr.), Ratna7v. 2. nirvartya* = mfn. to be brought about or accomplished or effected ({-tva} n.) Das'ar. Rjat. Sank.; to be uttered or pronounced VPrt. Sch. nirvikalpa * = mfn. (or %{-pana} L.) not admitting an alternative, free from change or differences, Tejob. Up. Veda7ntas.; admitting no doubt, not wavering Bhartr2. (%{am}) ind. without hesitation or reflection Pan5c.; %{-vAda} and %{-vicAra} m. N. of wks. nirvinna* = mfn. (wrongly {-vinna}; cf. Pn. 8-4, 29 Vrtt. 1 Pat.) despondent, depressed, sorrowful, afraid, loathing, disgusted with (abl. instr. gen. loc. or comp.) MBh. Kaths.; pur. &c.; abused, degraded, humble W.; known, certain ib.; {-cetas}

mfn. depressed in mind, meek, resigned Bhag. nirvyalIka* = mfn. not causing pain, (either = ) not offending, harmless (as a word) BhP.; (or =) easy, hearty, willingly done (as a gift) MBh.; not feeling pain or uneasiness, willing, ready, sincere, undissembling MBh. R. &c.; %{-kena@cetasA} or %{hRdA}, with a willing or easy heart or mind MBh.; (%{-kam} or %{-ka-tas}) ind. sincerely, willingly BhP. nirvrita * = mfn. satisfied, happy, tranquil, at ease, at rest Mn. MBh. Kv. &c.; extinguished, terminated, ceased, Ven. vi, 1 MrkP.; emancipated W.; n. a house W. niryaasaH = (m) gum, glue niryaata * gone out or forth, issued, &c.; laid aside (as money) MBh.; completely familiar or conversant with (loc. or comp.) Lalit. (v. l. {nirjAta}). niryaataka * =mfn. bearing away, carrying off, removing (ifc.; cf. %{preta-}, %{mRta-}). niryaatana * =, n. giving back, returning, restoring, delivery of a deposit, replacing anything lost, payment of a debt (with gen. or comp.; cf. %{vaira1400

}) Hariv. R. &c.; gift, donation L.; revenge, killing, slaughter L. niryogakshemaH = free from ideas of gain and protection nis'cita * = mfn. one who has come to a conclusion or formed a certain opinion, determined to, resolute upon (dat. loc., %{artham} ifc. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. Sus3r. &c.; ascertained, determined, settled, decided Up. MBh. (superl. %{-tama}) R. &c.; (%{am}) ind. decidedly, positively Ka1v. Katha1s. Pan5c.; n. certainty, decision, resolution, design R.; (%{A}) f. N. of a river MBh. VP.; %{tA7rtha} mfn. one who has formed a certain opinion about (loc.), judging rightly (compar. %{tara}) R. (B.) nisheva *= practising, exercising, observing (ifc.) MBh.; ({A}) f. exercising, practice, service BhP.; use, employment ib.; worship, adoration ib. nishaa = Night nishaachara = animals who roam around in the dark or night nishaacharachamuu = the army of the nightwanderers(demons)

nishita = sharpened nishiitha = night nisheka = Coital Chart nis'cala* = mf({A})n. motionless, immovable, fixed, steady, invariable, unchangeable MBh. Kv. &c.; ({A}) f. the earth L.; Desmodiuni Gangeticum L.; {la-kara} and, {-la-dAsa-svAmin} m. N. of authors; {-lA7Gga} m. `" firm-limbed, firm, Ardea Nivea L.; a rock, mountain L. nishchaya = determination nishchayaM = certainty nishchayaH = in certainty nishchayena = with firm determination nishchalatattvaM = tranquillity/imperturbability nishchalati = becomes verily agitated nishchalaa = unmoved nishchaayakapramaaNena = thro'confirmation and proof

nis'cita = determined, ascertained* = mfn. one who has come to a conclusion or formed a certain opinion, determined to, resolute upon (dat. loc., {artham} ifc. or comp.) MBh. Kv. Sus'r. &c.; ascertained, determined, settled, decided Up. MBh. (superl. {-tama}) R. &c.; ({am}) ind. decidedly, positively Kv. Kaths. Pac.; n. certainty, decision, resolution, design R.; ({A}) f. N. of a river MBh. VP.; {-tA7rtha} mfn. one who has formed a certain opinion about (loc.), judging rightly (compar. {tara}) R. (B.) nishchitaM = confidently nishchitaaH = having ascertained nishchitya = ascertaining nishkala *= mfn. without parts , undivided Up. MBh. &c. ; waned , diminished , decayed , infirm MBh. Das3. ; seedless , impotent L. ; m. an old man W. ; N. of S3iva S3ivag. ; a receptacle L. ; pudendum muliebre L. ; (%{A} or %{I} ; g. %{gaurA7di}) f. a woman past childbearing or menstruation L. ; %{-tva} n. indivisibility , the state of the absolute Brahma MBh. nishkarshhaH = (m) conclusion, result


nishkaasayati = to remove, to take off nishkoshhayati = to peel nishkrita * = mfn. done away , removed , expelled , atoned , expiated (cf. %{a-niSkRta}) ; made ready , prepared ; n. atonement , expiation BhP. ; a fixed place , place of rendezvous RV. ; %{-tA7hAva} mfn. furnished with a trough TS. nishna *= mfn. clever, skilful, versed or experienced in (comp.) Bhat2t2. (cf. %{ni-zna}, %{nadI-Sna}, and next) nishthhaa = faith nishthhaa* = ( {sthA}; aor {ny-aSThAt} pf. {nitasthau} Vop.): Caus. (aor. {ny-atiSThipat}) to fix in (loc.) S'Br.; to give forth, emit, yield HParis'. nishthana * = m. groan , sigh R. nishthaanaka * = mfn. speaking loud R. ; m. roar , murmur , rustling MBh. ; N. of a serpent-demon MBh. (v.l. %{-SThAnaka}). nishthha* = mfn. (in some senses = or w.r. for {niH} + {stha}) being in or on, situated on, grounded or resting on, depending on, relating or

referring to (usually ifc.) Mn. MBh. &c.; intent on, devoted to ib. (cf. {dharma-}, {satya-}); conducive to, effecting (dat.) Blar. v, 51; {-loka} m. pl. dependent people i.e. servants Rjat. vii, 114. 1. nishthhaa* = f. (ifc. f. {A}) state, condition, position Bhag.; firmness, steadiness, attachment, devotion, application, skill in, familiarity with, certain knowledge of (loc.) MBh. Kv. Pur.; decision about (gen.) Rjat.; decisive sentence, judgment Gaut. p.; completion, perfection, culminating or extreme point Mn. p. MBh. &c. [563,2]; conclusion, end, termination, death (ifc. `" ending with "') MBh. Kv. &c.; asking, begging L.; trouble, distress L.; (in gram.) N. of the p.p. affixes {ta} and {tavat}; (in dram.) the end or catastrophe W.; {-gata} mfn. gone to or attaining perfection; m. pl. a class of Buddh. deities Lalit.; {-nta} ({ThA7nta}) m. end, conclusion MBh. BhP. (v.l. {diSTA7nta}); {-va} mfn. concluding, deciding AitBr.; {-vat} mfn. perfect, complete, consummate R.; {-zUnya} mfn. devoid of firmness, unsteady, irresolute, Mlatim. 2. nishthhaa* = (Padap. {niH-SThA}) mfn. excelling, eminent RV. nishthhiivati = to spit


nishpaavaH = (m) peas nishphala* = mf({A})n. bearing no fruit, fruitless, barren, resultless, successless, useless, vain Mn. MBh. Var. Kv. &c.; seedless, impotent W.; ({A}) f. a woman past childbearing or menstruation (also {I}, v.l. {niS-kalA}) L.; a species of Momordica L.; {-tva} n. unfruitfulness, uselessness Mriicch. iv, 9; {-laya} Nom. P. {-yati}, to render fruitless Kull.; {lI} {kR}, to make fruitless, neglect Mriicch.; v.l. for {niS-kulI-} {kR} VarBriS. Iv, 29. nishpiiDayati = to squeeze nishkaama* = ({ni4S-}) mfn. desireless, disinterested, unselfish S'Br. Mn. &c.; {-cArin} mfn. acting without interest or selfishness MrkP. nishNAta* = mfn. deeply versed in, skilful, clever, learned (with loc. or ifc.) MBh. Kv. Pur.; agreed upon Yj. Mlatm.; {-tva} n. skill in, familiarity with ({prati}) Kull. x, 85. nistraiguNyaH = transcendental to the three modes of material nature nisprihaH = devoid of desire nissangatvaM = aloneness/non1406

attachment/detachment nisspriha = one who has no desire nita = to bend nitaram * = nd. ({ni} with the compar. suffix) downwards TBr.; in a low tone, S'nkh. Br.; completely, wholly, entirely; by all means, at all events; especially, in a high degree Kv. Pur.; explicitly Kull. nitaM = has been led nitya = always nityaM = daily/always nityaH = eternal nityajaataM = always born nityatvaM = constancy nityam.h = ever nityamadhiiyataaM = daily, may be studied nityayuktaH = always engaged

nityayuktaaH = perpetually engaged nityavairiNa = by the eternal enemy nityashaH = regularly nityasattvasthaH = in a pure state of spiritual existence nityasya = eternal in existence nityaaH = in eternity nivartaka* = mf(%{ikA})n. turning back, flying (%{a-niv-}) Hariv.; causing to cease, abolishing, removing MBh. Sam2k. (%{-tva} n.); desisting from, stopping, ceasing MW. nivartana* = mfn. causing to turn back RV.; n. turning back, returning, turning the back i.e. retreating, fleeing AV. MBh. &c. (%{mRtyuM@kRtvA@nivartanam}, making retreat equivalent to death i.e. desisting from fighting only in death MBh. vi, vii; w.r. %{kRtvA@mRtyu-niv-}); ceasing, not happening or occurring, being prevented MBh. Hariv. &c.; desisting or abstaining from (abl.) MBh. BhP.; desisting from work, inactivity (opp. to %{pravartana}) Ka1m.; causing to return, bringing back

(esp. the shooting off and bringing back of weapons) MBh. Ka1v.; turning back (the hair) Ka1tyS3r.; a means of returning RV. AV.; averting or keeping back from (abl.) Veda7ntas.; reforming, repenting W.; a measure of land (20 rods or 200 cubits or 40,000 Hastas square) Hcat.; %{-stUpa} m. N. of a Stu1pa erected at the spot where the charioteer of Buddha returned. nivarta.nte = return (Verb Pr.III P. plural PP) nivartate = he ceases from nivartanti = they come back nivartante = come back nivartituM = to cease nivasati = lives/dwells nivasishhyasi = you will live nirvaachana = (m ?) election nirvaaNa = freedom of the personal soul from the physical world nirvaaNaparamaaM = cessation of material

existence nirvaata = (adj) windless nirvaapayati = to douse nirveda* = mfn. not having the Vedas, infidel, unscriptural W. nirveda* = (for 1. see p. 542, col. 3) m. id., complete indifference, disregard of worldly objects S'Br. Up. MBh. &c.; loathing, disgust for (loc. gen. or comp.) MBh. R. &c.; {-duH-saham} ind. in a despairingly insupportable manner Mlatm.; {-vat} mfn. despondent, resigned, indifferent Pac. nirveda* =1. and 2 see p. 542, col. 2, and {nir-vid} nis'cala * = mf(%{A})n. motionless, immovable, fixed, steady, invariable, unchangeable MBh. Ka1v. &c.; (%{A}) f. the earth L.; Desmodiuni Gangeticum L.; %{-la-kara} and, %{-la-dAsasvAmin} m. N. of authors; %{-lA7Gga} m. `" firmlimbed, firm, Ardea Nivea L.; a rock, mountain L. nishthhaa* = ( %{sthA}; aor %{ny-aSThAt} pf. %{ni-tasthau} Vop.): Caus. (aor. %{ny-atiSThipat}) to fix in (loc.) S3Br.; to give forth, emit, yield HParis3.// =f. (ifc. f. %{A}) state, condition,

position Bhag.; firmness, steadiness, attachment, devotion, application, skill in, familiarity with, certain knowledge of (loc.) MBh. Ka1v. Pur.; decision about (gen.) Ra1jat.; decisive sentence, judgment Gaut. A1p.; completion, perfection, culminating or extreme point Mn. A1p. MBh. &c. [563,2]; conclusion, end, termination, death (ifc. `" ending with "') MBh. Ka1v. &c.; asking, begging L.; trouble, distress L.; (in gram.) N. of the p.p. affixes %{ta} and %{tavat}; (in dram.) the end or catastrophe W.; %{-gata} mfn. gone to or attaining perfection; m. pl. a class of Buddh. deities Lalit.; %{-nta} (%{-ThA7nta}) m. end, conclusion MBh. BhP. (v.l. %{diSTA7nta}); %{-va} mfn. concluding, deciding AitBr.; %{-vat} mfn. perfect, complete, consummate R.; %{-zUnya} mfn. devoid of firmness, unsteady, irresolute, Ma1latim. 2.//(Padap. %{niH-SThA}) mfn. excelling, eminent RV. nishthha* =mfn. (in some senses = or w.r. for %{niH} + %{stha}) being in or on, situated on, grounded or resting on, depending on, relating or referring to (usually ifc.) Mn. MBh. &c.; intent on, devoted to ib. (cf. %{dharma-}, %{satya-}); conducive to, effecting (dat.) Ba1lar. v, 51; %{-loka} m. pl. dependent people i.e. servants Ra1jat. vii, 114. 1.


nivedana* = mfn. announcing, proclaiming Hariv.; m. N. of S'iva MBh.; n. making known, publishing, announcement, communication, information ({Atma-niv-}, presentation or introduction of one's self) MBh. R. &c.; delivering, entrusting, offering, dedicating MBh. Rjat. BhP.; (in dram.) the reminding a person of a neglected duty Sh. nivedayiSu* = mfn. (fr. Desid. of Caus.) wishing to report or to relate about (acc.) MBh. (B. {vived-}). nivedita* = mfn. made known, announced, told, represented, entrusted, presented, given MBh. R. Kaths. &c. nivedin* = mfn. knowing, aware of (comp.) Mlatm.; communicating, reporting MBh. R.; offering, presenting BhP. nivedya* = mfn. to be communicated or related or presented or delivered MBh. Rjat. Hcat.; n. an offering of food for an idol (for {naivedya}) Rjat. nivedaka* = mf({ikA})n. (fr. Caus.) communicating, relating MBh. nivedaka* = {-dana} &c. see 1. {ni-vid}. nives'ayitavya * = mfn. to be put or placed S3am2k.

nirvikaaraH = without change niruupita * = mfn. seen, observed, considered, weighed, discovered, ascertained, determined, defined Ka1v. Pur. &c.; appointed, elected, chosen BhP. Pan5c.; pointed against, shot off BhP.; n. the state of having been discussed or ascertained Hcat. nirvichaara = non-investigational meditation nirvitarka = non-inspectional meditation nirvisheshha = Ordinary nirvritiM = non-engagement, non-performance, release from bondage, salvation nirvedaM = callousness nivahena = by carrying nivanaa * = ind. downwards, downhill RV. (cf. {nivatA}). nivaatasthaH = in a place without wind nivaasa = residence* = m. clothing, dress (ifc. = prec.) Hariv. * = m. living, dwelling, residing, passing the night; dwelling-place, abode, house,

habitation, night-quarters MBh. R. &c.; {-bhavana} n. sleeping-room Kaths.; {-bhUmi} f. place of residence S'rngP.; {-bhUya} n. habitation or inhabiting W.; {-racanA} f. an edifice Mriicch. iii, 23; {-rAjan} m. the king of the country in which one dwells Yj. iii, 25; {-vRkSa} m. `" dwelling tree "', a tree on which a bird has its nest Vikr. v, 4/5. nivaasaH = living nivaasana * = n. (fr. Caus.) living , residing , sojourn , abode Ca1n2. R. ; passing or spending time R.\\n. (fr. Caus.) a kind of raiment Buddh. nirvairaH = without an enemy nivara * = &c. see {ni-vR}. ni-vaara * =m. covering, protection or a protector RV. viii, 93, 15 (Sy. `" a preventer, obstructer "'); ({A}) f. a virgin, unmarried girl Pn. 3-3, 48 Sch. (fr. {ni} + {vara}, `" having no husband "' W.) ni-vaara * =m. keeping off, hindering, impediment (cf. {dur-niv-}); ({A}) f. N. of a river MBh. VP. (v.l. {nIv-}). nivad * = Caus. . {-vAdayate}, to make resound

(as a drum &c.) MBh. [559, 1] nivadh * = (aor. {-avadhIt}), to strike down, kill MBh. R. &c.; to fix in, hurl down upon (loc.) RV. iv, 41, 4. nivaha = flow nivah * = P. . {-vahati}, {-te}, to lead down, lead or bring to (dat. or loc.) RV. S'Br.; to flow MBh. xii, 10318; to carry, support (see below): Caus. {vAhayati} (Pass. {vAhyate}), to set in motion Hariv. nivahaH = (m) group, crowd, herd nivarta* = mfn. causing to turn back RV. nivartaka* = mf({ikA})n. turning back, flying ({aniv-}) Hariv.; causing to cease, abolishing, removing MBh. Sank. ({-tva} n.); desisting from, stopping, ceasing MW. nivartana* = mfn. causing to turn back RV.; n. turning back, returning, turning the back i.e. retreating, fleeing AV. MBh. &c. ({mRtyuM kRtvA nivartanam}, making retreat equivalent to death i.e. desisting from fighting only in death MBh. vi, vii; w.r. {kRtvA mRtyu-niv-}); ceasing, not happening or occurring, being prevented MBh.

Hariv. &c.; desisting or abstaining from (abl.) MBh. BhP.; desisting from work, inactivity (opp. to {pravartana}) Km.; causing to return, bringing back (esp. the shooting off and bringing back of weapons) MBh. Kv.; turning back (the hair) KtyS'r.; a means of returning RV. AV.; averting or keeping back from (abl.) Veda7ntas.; reforming, repenting W.; a measure of land (20 rods or 200 cubits or 40,000 Hastas square) Hcat.; {-stUpa} m. N. of a Stpa erected at the spot where the charioteer of Buddha returned. nivartanIya* = mfn. to be brought back Mlav. v, 14/15 (w.r. {nir-v-}); to be prevented or hindered MBh. nivartayitavya* = mfn. to be kept back or detained R. nivartita* = mfn. turned or brought back, averted, prevented, given up, abandoned, suppressed, removed MBh. Kv. Pur.; {-pUrva} mfn. one who has turned away before MW.; {-tA7khilA7hAra} mfn. one who has abstained from all food BhP. nivartin* = mfn. turning back, retreating, fleeing (mostly {a-niv-} q.v.); abstaining from (comp.) MBh.; allowing or causing to return ({a-niv-}) Hariv.; w.r. for {nir-v-} q.v.

nivartya* = mfn. to be turned back (see {dur-niv-}); annulled, declared to be invalid Pat. nivarta* = mfn. causing to turn back RV. nivasana * = n. putting on (a garment) R. ; cloth , garment (cf. %{kaTI-niv-}) Var. Ka1v. &c. ; an under garment L. nivasana* = n. dwelling , habitation L. nirveda* = mfn. not having the Vedas, infidel, unscriptural W. nirveda* = (for 1. see p. 542, col. 3) m. id., complete indifference, disregard of worldly objects S'Br. Up. MBh. &c.; loathing, disgust for (loc. gen. or comp.) MBh. R. &c.; {-duH-saham} ind. in a despairingly insupportable manner Mlatm.; {-vat} mfn. despondent, resigned, indifferent Pac. nivrita* ({ni4-}) mfn. held back, withheld RV. [560, 1]; surrounded, enclosed L.; m. or f. or n. (= {nivIta}) a veil, mantle, wrapper L.; n. = next L. nivrittiM = not acting improperly nivrit* = A1. %{-vartate} (ind. p. %{-vRtya} AV.; infin. %{-vartitum} MBh.; rarely P. e.g. Pot. %{vartet} MBh. Hariv.; impf. or subj. %{-vartat} RV.;

pf. %{-vAvRtur} ib.; fut. %{-vartiSyati} MBh.; %{vartsyan} Bhat2t2.; aor. %{-avRtat} ib.), to turn back, stop (trans. and intrans.) RV. &c.; to return from (abl.) to (acc. with or without %{prati}, or dat.); to return into life, revive, be born again MBh. Ka1v. &c.; to turn away, retreat, flee, escape, abstain or desist from, get rid of (abl.) ib.; to fall back, rebound R.; to leave off (%{sAmi}, in the midst or when anything is half finished S3Br.), cease, end, disappear, vanish TS. S3Br. Up. &c.; to be withheld from, not belong to (abl.); to be omitted, not to occur La1t2y. Mn. MBh.; to be ineffective or useless MBh. Katha1s.; to be wanting, not to exist (%{yato@vAco@nivartante}, for which there are no words) TUp.; to pass over to (loc.) MBh.; to be turned upon (loc. or %{tatra}) ib.: Caus. %{-vartayati}, %{-te} (A1. Pot. %{-vartayIta} A1s3vS3r.; Pass. %{-vartyate} Ragh.), to turn downwards, let sink (the head) TBr.; to turn back i.e. shorten (the hair) Br.; to lead or bring back, reconduct, return AV. &c. &c.; to turn away, avert or keep back from (abl.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; to give up, abandon, suppress, withhold, refuse, deny; to annul, remove, destroy Mn. MBh. Ka1v. Pur.; to bring to an end i.e. perform, accomplish (a sacrifice &c.) R. BhP.; to procure, bestow Hariv. Ma1rkP.; to desist from (abl.) MBh. R. nivrita * = (%{ni4-}) mfn. held back , withheld

RV. [560,1] ; surrounded , enclosed L. ; m. or f. or n. (= %{ni-vIta}) a veil , mantle , wrapper L. ; n. = next L. nivRtti* = f. (often w.r. for %{nir-v-}) returning, return, MlBh. Ragh.; ceasing, cessation, disappearance S3rS. Up. MBh. &c.; leaving off, abstaining or desisting from (abl.) Mn. MBh. Bhartr2. &c.; escaping from (abl.) Pan5c. ii, 87 (w.r. %{-ttaH}); ceasing from worldly acts, inactivity, rest, repose (opp. to %{pra-vRtti}) Bhag. Prab.; (in dram.) citation of an example Sa1h.; suspension, ceasing to be valid (as of a rule) Pa1n2. Sch.; destruction, perdition Ra1matUp.; denial, refusal W.; abolition, prevention ib. nivedana * = mfn. announcing, proclaiming Hariv.; m. N. of S'iva MBh.; n. making known, publishing, announcement, communication, information ({Atma-niv-}, presentation or introduction of one's self) MBh. R. &c.; delivering, entrusting, offering, dedicating MBh. Rjat. BhP.; (in dram.) the reminding a person of a neglected duty Sh. nivedayiSu * = mfn. (fr. Desid. of Caus.) wishing to report or to relate about (acc.) MBh. (B. {vived-}). nivedaka* =mf({ikA})n. (fr. Caus.) communicating, relating MBh.

nivedaka * ={-dana} &c. see 1. {ni-vid} nivedita* = mfn. made known, announced, told, represented, entrusted, presented, given MBh. R. Kaths. &c niveshaya = apply nives'ita mfn. made to enter, placed in or upon, turned to, fixed or intent upon, engaged in &c. MBh. Ka1v. &c. nives'ya * = mfn. to be founded (as a town) Hariv.; to be married (as a man) MBh.; w.r. for {nirv-} (see {nir-viz}). nivrit * = A1. %{-vartate} (ind. p. %{-vRtya} AV.; infin. %{-vartitum} MBh.; rarely P. e.g. Pot. %{vartet} MBh. Hariv.; impf. or subj. %{-vartat} RV.; pf. %{-vAvRtur} ib.; fut. %{-vartiSyati} MBh.; %{vartsyan} Bhat2t2.; aor. %{-avRtat} ib.), to turn back, stop (trans. and intrans.) RV. &c.; to return from (abl.) to (acc. with or without %{prati}, or dat.); to return into life, revive, be born again MBh. Ka1v. &c.; to turn away, retreat, flee, escape, abstain or desist from, get rid of (abl.) ib.; to fall back, rebound R.; to leave off (%{sAmi}, in the midst or when anything is half finished S3Br.), cease, end, disappear, vanish TS. S3Br. Up. &c.; to

be withheld from, not belong to (abl.); to be omitted, not to occur La1t2y. Mn. MBh.; to be ineffective or useless MBh. Katha1s.; to be wanting, not to exist (%{yato@vAco@nivartante}, for which there are no words) TUp.; to pass over to (loc.) MBh.; to be turned upon (loc. or %{tatra}) ib.: Caus. %{-vartayati}, %{-te} (A1. Pot. %{-vartayIta} A1s3vS3r.; Pass. %{-vartyate} Ragh.), to turn downwards, let sink (the head) TBr.; to turn back i.e. shorten (the hair) Br.; to lead or bring back, reconduct, return AV. &c. &c.; to turn away, avert or keep back from (abl.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; to give up, abandon, suppress, withhold, refuse, deny; to annul, remove, destroy Mn. MBh. Ka1v. Pur.; to bring to an end i.e. perform, accomplish (a sacrifice &c.) R. BhP.; to procure, bestow Hariv. Ma1rkP.; to desist from (abl.) MBh. R.\\ w.r. for %{ni-cRt}.\\ (L.), nivrita * = (%{ni4-}) mfn. held back, withheld RV. [560,1]; surrounded, enclosed L.; m. or f. or n. (= %{ni-vIta}) a veil, mantle, wrapper L.; n. = next L. nivriti * = f. covering, enclosing L\\(HParis3.) f. an inhabited country, a realm. nivritta * = mfn. (often w.r. for %{nir-vRtta}, %{vi-vRtta}, %{ni-vRta}) turned back, returned to (acc.) MBh.; rebounded from (abl.) R.; retreated, fled (in battle) MBh.; set (as the sun) R.; averted

from, indifferent to, having renounced or given up (abl. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; abstracted from this world, quiet BhP. Hcat.; rid or deprived of (abl.) MBh. R.; passed away, gone, ceased, disappeared, vanished ib.; (with %{karman} n. an action) causing a cessation (of mundane existence) Mn. xii, 88 (opp. to %{pravRtta}); ceased to be valid or binding (as a rule) Pat. Ka1s3.; omitted, left out (cf. comp. below); finished, completed W.; desisting from or repenting of any improper conduct ib.; n. return (see %{durniv-}); %{kAraNa} mfn. without further cause or motive; m. a virtuous man, one uninfluenced by worldly desires W. [560,2]; %{-kRSi-gorakSa} mfn. ceasing from agriculture and the tending of cattle MBh.; %{-dakSiNA4} f. a gift renounced or despised by another S3Br.; %{-deva-kArya} mfn. ceasing from sacrificial rites MW.; %{-mAMsa} mfn. one who abstains from eating meat Uttarar.; %{-yajJasvA7dhyAya} mfn. ceasing from sacrifices and the repetition of prayers MBh.; %{-yauvana} mfn. whose youth has returned, restored to yyouth Ragh.; %{-rAga} mfn. of subdued appetites or passions W.; %{-laulya} mfn. whose desire is averted from, not desirous of (comp.) Ragh.; %{vRtti} mfn. ceasing from any practice or occupation W.; %{-zatru} m. `" having one's foes kept off "'N. of a king Hariv.; %{-saMtApa} mfn. one whose heat or pain has ceased Sus3r.; %{-hRdaya} mfn. with relenting heart MBh.; one whose heart is averted

from or indifferent to (%{prati}) Ma1lav. ii, 14; %{ttA7tman} m. `" one whose spirit is abstracted "', a sage W.; N. of Vishn2u ib.; %{-tte7ndriya} mfn. one whose senses or desires are averted from (comp.) Ragh. nivritti * = f. (often w.r. for %{nir-v-}) returning, return, MlBh. Ragh.; ceasing, cessation, disappearance S3rS. Up. MBh. &c.; leaving off, abstaining or desisting from (abl.) Mn. MBh. Bhartr2. &c.; escaping from (abl.) Pan5c. ii, 87 (w.r. %{-ttaH}); ceasing from worldly acts, inactivity, rest, repose (opp. to %{pra-vRtti}) Bhag. Prab.; (in dram.) citation of an example Sa1h.; suspension, ceasing to be valid (as of a rule) Pa1n2. Sch.; destruction, perdition Ra1matUp.; denial, refusal W.; abolition, prevention ib. niyaama * = m. = {niyama} Pn. 3-3, 63; a sailor, boatman (cf. next and {nir-yAma}) niyaamaka mf(%{ikA})n. restraining , checking , subduing , controlling , governing MBh. Ka1m. Sarvad. ; restrictive , limiting , defining (%{-tA} f. %{-tva} n.) BhP. Sarvad. ; m. a guide or ruler Sarvad. ; a charioteer L. ; a sailor or boatman L. 4 niyamana mfn. subduing , taming , overpowering Hariv. ; n. the act of subduing &c. MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; restriction , limitation , definition

Ra1jat. Kpr. Sa1h. ; precept , fixed practice or rule W. ; coercion , humiliation MW. nyaasa * = putting down or in, placing, fixing, inserting, applying, impressing, drawing, painting, writing down MBh. Ka1v. &c. (cf. %{akSara-}, %{khura-}, %{caraNa-}, %{nakha-}, %{pada-}., %{pAda-}., %{bIja-}, %{rekhA-}); putting away, taking off, laying aside MBh. Hariv. Das3. BhP. (cf. %{deha-}, %{zarIra-}, %{zastra-}); abandoning, resigning Up. Bhag. BhP.; depositing, intrusting, delivering; any deposit or pledge Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.; written or literal text (cf. %{yathA-nyAsam}) Pat.; lowering (the voice) RPra1t.; (in music) the final tone; bringing forward, introducing (cf. %{arthA7ntara}.); consigning or intrusting anything to the mind W.; mental appropriation or assignment of various parts of the body to tutelary deities RTL. 205 &c.; N. of sev. wks., (esp.) of a Comm. on Ka1s3.; %{-kAra} or %{-kRt} m. the author of the Comm. on Ka1s3. called Nya1sa i.e. Jine7ndra-buddhi; %{-khaNDa} m. or n. %{khaNDana} n. %{-tilaka} m. or n. %{-tUlikA} f. %{dazaka} n. N. of wks. [572,2]; %{-dhAraka} or %{rin} m. the holder of a deposit Mn.; %{-prakaraNa} n. N. of wk.; %{-bhUta} mfn. being (or that which is) a deposit MBh.; %{-lopa} m. wasting a ddeposit ib.; %{-viMzati} f. %{-vidyA-darpaNa} m. %{-vidyA-vilAsa} m. %{-vidhAna} n. %{-vizeSa}

m. %{-zataka} n. N. of wks.; %{-hara} m. robber of a deposit BhP.; %{-sA7deza-vivaraNa} n. N. of wk.; %{-sA7pahnava} m. repudiation of a ddeposit MW.; %{-so7ddyota} m. N. of wk. niyantaa = controller niyantraNa = (n) control niyantrayati = (10 pp) to control niyam * P. {-yacchati}, to stop (trans.), hold back, detain with (loc.) [552, 1]; (.) to stop (intrans.), stay, remain RV.; to keep back, refuse; (.) to fail, be wanting ib.; to fasten, tie to (loc.), bind up (hair &c.) ib. &c. &c.; to hold over, extend ({zarma}) AV.; to hold downwards (the hand) TS.; to bring near, procure, bestow, grant, offer, present (rain, gifts &c.) RV. AV. Br. &c.; to hold in, keep down, restrain, control, govern, regulate (as breath, the voice, the organs of sense &c.) Mn. MBh. &c.; to suppress or conceal (one's nature) Mn. x, 59; to destroy, annihilate (opp. to {sRj}) BhP.; to restrict (food &c.; cf. below); to fix upon, settle, determine, establish Sarvad. Kaths. BhP. Ks'. on Pn. 2-3, 66; (in gram.) to lower, pronounce low i.e. with the Anudtta RPrt.: Caus. {-yamayati}, to restrain, curb, check, suppress, restrict MBh. Kv. &c.


niyama = self-purification through discipline * = m. restraining, checking, holding back, preventing, controlling Mn. MBh. &c.; keeping down, lowering (as the voice) RPrt.; limitation, restriction ({ena} ind. with restrictions i.e. under certain conditions Car.); reduction or restriction to (with loc. or {prati}), determination, definition GriS'rS. Prt. MBh. Rjat.; any fixed rule or law, necessity, obligation ({ena} and {At} ind. as a rule, necessarily, invariably, surely) Var. R. Sus'r. &c.; agreement, contract, promise, vow R. Kaths.; any act of voluntary penance or meritorious piety (esp. a lesser vow or minor observance dependent on external conditions and not so obligatory as {yama} q.v.) Tr. Mn. MBh. Kv. &c.; a partic. process applied to minerals (esp. to quicksilver w.r. {yAma}) Cat.; (in rhet.) a common-place, any conventional expression or usual comparison; (in Mm. phil.) a rule or precept (laying down or specifying something otherwise optional); restraint of the mind (the 2nd of the 8 steps of meditation in Yoga); performing five positive duties MWB. 239; N. of Vishnu MBh.; Necessity or Law personified as a son of Dharma and Dhriiti Pur.; {-dharma} m. a law prescribing restraints Mn. ii, 3; {-niSThA} f. rigid observance of prescribed rites MW.; {-pattra} n. a written agreement or stipulation ib. [552, 2]; {para} mfn. observing fixed rules; relating to or corroborative of a rule W.; {-pAla} m. `" observer of vows "'N. of a sage (from whom the Nepalese

derive the N. Nepl); {-bhaGga} m. breach of a stipulation or contract MW.; {-laGghana} n. trangression of a fixed rule or obligation, Kp.; {vat} mfn. practising religious observances MBh.; ({I}) f. a woman in her monthly courses Sus'r.; {sthiti} f. state of selfrestraint, ascetism L.; {-hetu} m. a regulating cause Sarvad.; {-yamA7nanda} m. another N. of Nimba7rka Cat.; {-yamo7pamA} f. a simile which expressly states that something can be compared only with something else Kv. ii, 19. niyamaadeva = control alone(niyamAt.h eva) niyamaM = regulations niyamya = regulating niyamya * = ind. having restrained or checked or bound &c. MBh. R. &c. 2. niyamya * = mfn. to be restrained &c. ib.; to be (or being) limited or restricted or defined S'ank. niyata = Discipline niyataM = always niyatamanasaH = with a regulated mind niyatasya = prescribed

niyataaH = controlled niyataatmabhiH = by the self-controlled niyata * {ni4-}) mfn. held back or in, fastened, tied to (loc.) RV.; put together (hands) R.; restrained, checked, curbed, suppressed, restricted, controlled Mn. MBh. &c.; limited in number Ratna7v. iii, 3; connected with, dependent on (loc.) Mn. iv, 256; contained or joined in (loc.) R. iii, 70, 5; disciplined, self-governed, abstemious, temperate; constant, steady, quite concentrated upon or devoted to (loc.) MBh. Kv. &c.; fixed, established, settled, sure, regular, invariable, positive, definite GriS'rS. Mn. MBh. &c.; customary, usual (cf. {a-n-} MBh. iii, 15416); (in gram.) pronounced with the Anudtta RPrt.; m. N. of the Sandhi of {As} before sonants ib.; ({am}) ind. always, constantly, decidedly, inevitably, surely; n. pl. (in Snkhya) the organs of sense; {-kAla} mfn. limited in time, temporary Ks'. on Pn. 1-4, 44; {-bhojana} mfn. abstemious in food, temperate R.; {-mAnasa} mfn. of subdued mind or spirit W.; {-maithuna} mfn. abstaining from cohabitation R.; {-vAc} mfn. limited as to the use of words Nir. i, 15; {vibhaktika} mfn. limited as to case, standing always in the same case Pn. 1-2, 44 Sch.; {viSayavartin} mfn. steadily abiding in one's own sphere MW.; {-vrata} mfn. constant in the

observance of vows, regular in observances, pious, religious MBh.; {-yatA7Jjali} mfn. putting the joined hands to the forehead R.; {-yatA7tman} mfn. self-controlled, selfrestrained Mn. R.; {yatA7nupUrvya} mfn. limited as to the order of words Nir. i, 15; {-yatA7pti} f. (in dram.) sure expectation of attaining an object by overcoming a partic. obstacle Sh.; {-yatA7zin} mfn. = {-tabhojana} Yj.; {-yatA7hAra} mfn. id. Mn. ({zvamAMsa-n-}, eating only dog's flesh R.); {yate7ndriya} mfn. having the passions subdued or restrained Mn. MBh. &c. niyojaya = (verbal stem) make ready niyojayasi = You are engaging niyojitaH = engaged niyokshyati = will engage niyuta *= (%{ni4-}) mfn. fixed , fastened RV. i , 121 , 3 ; m. or n. a very high number , generally a million Br. Pur. no = nor nri = man


nrityati = (6 pp) to dance nripa = (m) king nripatva = The title of king nriloke = in this material world nrisha.nsa = wicked nrishaa mfn. ( %{san}) procuring men ib. (cf. Pa1n2. 3-2, 67). nrishaac * = mfn. favouring or befriending men RV. nrishad * = mfn. sitting or dwelling among men RV. VS. AitBr.; m. N. of the father of Kan2va RV.; (prob. f.) = %{buddhi} BhP. nrishadana * = n. assemblage or residence of men RV. nrishaDgu * = m. N. of a R2ishi R. (v.l. %{ruzaGgu}). nrishadman * = (SV.), nrishadvan * = (RV.), nrishadvara * = (AitBr.; but cf. %{ni-Sadvara4} under %{niSad}) mfn. sitting or dwelling among men. nrishaah * = mfn. overcoming men RV. nrishaahya * = mfn. overpowering men ib.; n. the overpowering of men ib. nrishaati * = f. the capturing or procuring of men ib. nrishhu = in men

nu = of course* = 1 (in RV. also {nU4}; esp. at the beginning of a verse, where often = {nu4} + {u}), ind. now, still, just, at once; so now, now then RV. AV. Br. Up.; indeed, certainly, surely RV. &c. &c.; cf. Pn. 3-2, 121 Sch. (often connected with other particles, esp. with negatives e.g. {nahi4 nu4}, `" by no means "', {na4kir nu4}, no one or nothing at all "', {mA4 nu4}, `" in order that surely not "' [567, 2]; often also {gha nu}, {ha nu}, {in nu}, {nu kam} &c. [{nU4 cit}, either `" for ever, evermore; at once, forthwith "' or, never, never more; so also {nU} alone RV. vii, 100, 1]; with relat. = -cunque or soever; sometimes it lays stress upon a preceding word, esp. an interr. pronoun or particle, and is then often connected with {khalu} RV. &c. &c.; it is also employed in questions, esp. in sentences of two or more clauses [cf. Pn. 8-2, 98 Ks'.] where {nu} is either always repeated [S'ak. vi, 9] or omitted in the first place [ib. i, 8] or in the second place and further replaced by {svid}, {yadi vA} &c., and strengthened by {vA}, {atha vA} &c.) [Cf. 1. {na4va}, {nU4tana}, {nUna4m}; Zd. {n}; Gk. &174536[567, 2] $; Lat. {nun-c}; Germ. {nu}, {nun}; Angl.Sax. {nu}, {n}; Eng. {now}.] nu * = 1 (in RV. also {nU4}; esp. at the beginning of a verse, where often = {nu4} + {u}), ind. now, still, just, at once; so now, now then RV. AV. Br. Up.; indeed, certainly, surely RV. &c. &c.; cf. Pn. 3-2,

121 Sch. (often connected with other particles, esp. with negatives e.g. {nahi4 nu4}, `" by no means "', {na4kir nu4}, no one or nothing at all "', {mA4 nu4}, `" in order that surely not "' [567, 2]; often also {gha nu}, {ha nu}, {in nu}, {nu kam} &c. [{nU4 cit}, either `" for ever, evermore; at once, forthwith "' or, never, never more; so also {nU} alone RV. vii, 100, 1]; with relat. = -cunque or -soever; sometimes it lays stress upon a preceding word, esp. an interr. pronoun or particle, and is then often connected with {khalu} RV. &c. &c.; it is also employed in questions, esp. in sentences of two or more clauses [cf. Pn. 8-2, 98 Ks'.] where {nu} is either always repeated [S'ak. vi, 9] or omitted in the first place [ib. i, 8] or in the second place and further replaced by {svid}, {yadi vA} &c., and strengthened by {vA}, {atha vA} &c.) [Cf. 1. {na4va}, {nU4tana}, {nUna4m}; Zd. {n}; Gk. &174536[567, 2] $; Lat. {nun-c}; Germ. {nu}, {nun}; Angl.Sax. {nu}, {n}; Eng. {now}.] nu * = 2 m. a weapon L.; time L. * = 3 cl. 1. . {navate} ({nauti} with {apa}), to go Naigh. ii, 14: Caus. {nAvayati}, to move from the place, remove ShadvBr. * = 4 or {nU} cl. 2. 6. P. (Dht. xxiv, 26; xxviii, 104) {nauti}, {nuvati}, (pres. also {na4vate}, {-ti} RV. &c.; p. P. {nuva4t}, {na4vat} . {na4vamAna} RV.; pf. {nunAva} Kv.; aor. {a4nUnot}, {a4nUSi}, {-Sata}, {anaviSTa} RV.;

{anauSit}, {anAvit}, {anuvIt} Gr.; fut. {naviSyati}, {nuv-}; {navitA}, {nuv-} ib.; ind. p. {-nutya}, {nAvam} Br.; inf. {lavitum} v.l. {nuv-} Bhathth.), to sound, shout, exult; praise, commend RV. &c. &c.: Pass. {nUyate} MBh. &c.: Caus. {nAvayati} aor. {anUnavat} Gr.: Desid. {nunUSati} ib.; Desid. of Caus. {nunAvayiSati} ib.: Intens. {no4navIti}, {nonumas} (impf. {anonavur} Subj. {na4vInot}; pf. {no4nAva}, {nonuvur} RV.; {nonUyate}, {nonoti} Gr.), to sound loudly, roar, thunder RV. * = 5 m. praise, eulogium L. * = 6 Caus. {nAvayati}, to cause to be drawn into the nose Car. (cf. 3 {nava}). * = 7 (ifc.) = {nau}, a ship BhP. nuda * = mfn. pushing, impelling, driving away, removing Up. MBh. Ka1v. &c. (ifc. or with acc.) nunna = nutta = *nutta pushed or driven away AV.; despatched, sent, ordered W.; m. N. of a plant ib nuta = praised nuunaM = (really) *, otherwise; ind. now, at present, just, immediately, at once; for the future; now then, therefore; (esp. in later lang.) certainly, assuredly, indeed, when indeed?, where indeed? nyaasa *= m. putting down or in, placing, fixing, inserting, applying, impressing, drawing, painting,

writing down MBh. Kv. &c. (cf. {akSara-}, {khura}, {caraNa-}, {nakha-}, {pada-}., {pAda-}., {bIja-}, {rekhA-}); putting away, taking off, laying aside MBh. Hariv. Das'. BhP. (cf. {deha-}, {zarIra-}, {zastra-}); abandoning, resigning Up. Bhag. BhP.; depositing, intrusting, delivering; any deposit or pledge Mn. Yj. MBh. &c.; written or literal text (cf. {yathA-nyAsam}) Pat.; lowering (the voice) RPrt.; (in music) the final tone; bringing forward, introducing (cf. {arthA7ntara}.); consigning or intrusting anything to the mind W.; mental appropriation or assignment of various parts of the body to tutelary deities RTL. 205 &c.; N. of sev. wks., (esp.) of a Comm. on Ks'.; {-kAra} or {-kRt} m. the author of the Comm. on Ks'. called Nysa i.e. Jine7ndra-buddhi; {-khaNDa} m. or n. {khaNDana} n. {-tilaka} m. or n. {-tUlikA} f. {dazaka} n. N. of wks. [572, 2]; {-dhAraka} or {-rin} m. the holder of a deposit Mn.; {-prakaraNa} n. N. of wk.; {-bhUta} mfn. being (or that which is) a deposit MBh.; {-lopa} m. wasting a ddeposit ib.; {-viMzati} f. {-vidyA-darpaNa} m. {-vidyA-vilAsa} m. {-vidhAna} n. {-vizeSa} m. {-zataka} n. N. of wks.; {-hara} m. robber of a deposit BhP.; {sA7deza-vivaraNa} n. N. of wk.; {-sA7pahnava} m. repudiation of a ddeposit MW.; {-so7ddyota} m. N. of wk. nyaasad *= P. {-sIdati} (pf. {-sasAda} ind. p. {1434

sadya}), to sit down near or in or upon (loc. or acc.) RV. nyaasin *= mfn. one who has abandoned all worldly concerns ib. nyaaya = justice * m. (fr. 4. {ni}) that into which a thing goes back i.e. an original type, standard, method, rule, (esp.) a general or universal rule, model, axiom, system, plan, manner, right or fit manner or way, fitness, propriety TS. Br. Mn. MBh. &c. ({nyAyena} and {-yAt} ind. either `" in the right manner, regularly, duly "', or ifc. `" after the manner of, by way of "'); a lawsuit, legal proceeding, judicial sentence, judgment Mriicch. Pac.; a logical or syllogistic argument or inference (consisting of a combination of enthymeme and syllogism, and so having, according to the Naiyyikas 5 members, viz. {pratijJA}, {hetu}, {udAharaNa}, {upanaya}, {nigamana}, or according to the Vedntins 3 members); a system of philosophy delivered by Gotama or Gautama (it is one of the six {darzanas} q.v., and is perhaps so called, because it `" goes into "' all subjects physical and metaphysical according to the above syllogistic method treated of in one division of the system; its branch is called Vais'eshika); likeness, analogy, a popular maxim or apposite illustration (cf. {kAkA7kSi-}, {ghuNA7kSara-}, {daNDA7pUpa}.

&c.); ({am}) ind. after a finite verb expresses either censure or repetition Pn. 8-1, 27. nyaayika* = n. logic nyas *= P. {-asyati}, or {-asati}, to throw or cast or lay or put down (with loc. e.g. {bhuvi}, on the earth) AV. &c. &c.; to take off MBh. R.; to give up, resign (as life) R.; to set in the ground, plant ({prarohAn}, shoots) Blar.; (with loc.) to throw or hurl upon, pour or shed on or in, put or place or fix or insert in, turn or direct to, deposit with, intrust or commit to; to settle arrange MBh. Kv. &c. (with {citre}, `" to place in a picture "', paint, depict; with {zirasi}, to place on the head "', receive with reverence; with {manasi}, to call to mind "', reflect, ponder; with {pathi}, `" to lay on the road "', give up); to bring forward, mention Mall.: Caus. (pf. {nyAsayAm Asa} or {-sayAM cakre}) to cause to put or lay down MBh. nyasta *= mfn. thrown or cast or laid down , put , placed , fixed , inserted , applied , deposited , committed ; given up , resigned Mn. MBh. Ka1v. ; stretched out , lying R. ; exposed (%{krayAya} , for sale) L. ; mystically touched , Ma1latim. v , 2 ; put on , donned ib. 22 ; having the low tone (as a vowel) RPra1t. ; short S3rutab. ; %{-cihna} mf(%{A})n. one who has relinquished one's marks or characteristics , destitute of external signs Ragh. ii , 7 ; %{-daNDa}

mfn. `" one who has laid down the rod "' , meek , harmless R. ; %{-deha} mfn. `" one who has laid down the body "' , dead ib. ; %{-zastra} mfn. `" one who has laid down the weapons , averse from strife , peaceful Mn. iii , 192 ; m. the Pitr2is or deified progenitors L. ; %{-vAda} mfn. one who has ceased to speak , ceasing to speak about (%{prati}) Hariv. ; %{-tA7rtvijya} mfn. where the R2itvij have laid down their office S3a1n3khS3r. nyaya* = m. (fr. 4. {nI7}) going off, destruction, loss, waste Pn. 3-3, 37 Sch. L. H3) ny- aasita [p= 572,2] [L=112793] nyaasita * = mfn. (fr. Caus.) caused to lay or put down. nyaayalayaH = (m) court nyaayavaadii = (m) lawyer nyaayaadhishaH = (m) judge nyaayyaM = right nyaasaM = renunciation nyarbuda * = n. one hundred millions AV. &c.


nyas * = P. {-asyati}, or {-asati}, to throw or cast or lay or put down (with loc. e.g. {bhuvi}, on the earth) AV. &c. &c.; to take off MBh. R.; to give up, resign (as life) R.; to set in the ground, plant ({prarohAn}, shoots) Blar.; (with loc.) to throw or hurl upon, pour or shed on or in, put or place or fix or insert in, turn or direct to, deposit with, intrust or commit to; to settle arrange MBh. Kv. &c. (with {citre}, `" to place in a picture "', paint, depict; with {zirasi}, to place on the head "', receive with reverence; with {manasi}, to call to mind "', reflect, ponder; with {pathi}, `" to lay on the road "', give up); to bring forward, mention Mall.: Caus. (pf. {nyAsayAm Asa} or {-sayAM cakre}) to cause to put or lay down MBh. O ogha* = m. (ifc. f. {A}); ({vah}) flood, stream, rapid flow of water MBh. Megh. S'ak. &c.; heap or quantity, flock, multitude, abundance MBh. BhP. Kaths. &c.; quick time (in music) L.; uninterrupted tradition L.; instruction L. (cf. {augha}.) om * (see also AUM and pranava) = ind. (%{av} Un2. i, 141; originally %{oM} = %{AM}, which may be derived from %{A} BRD.), a word of solemn affirmation and respectful assent, sometimes

translated by `" yes, verily, so be it "' (and in this sense compared with Amen; it is placed at the commencement of most Hindu1 works, and as a sacred exclamation may be uttered [but not so as to be heard by ears profane] at the beginning and end of a reading of the Vedas or previously to any prayer; it is also regarded as a particle of auspicious salutation [Hail!]; %{om} appears first in the Upanishads as a mystic monosyllable, and is there set forth as the object of profound religious meditation, the highest spiritual efficacy being attributed not only to the whole word but also to the three sounds %{a}, %{u}, %{m}, of which it consists; in later times %{om} is the mystic name for the Hindu1 triad, and represents the union of the three gods, viz. a (Vishn2u), %{u} (S3iva), %{m} (Brahma1); it may also be typical of the three Vedas; %{om} is usually called %{praNava}, more rarely %{akSara}, or %{ekAkSara}, and only in later times %{oMkAra}) VS. S3Br. ChUp. &c.; (Buddhists place %{om} at the beginning of their %{vidyA@SaDakSarI} or mystical formulary in six syllables [viz. %{om@maNi@padme@hUM}]; according to T. %{om} may be used in the following senses: %{praNave}, %{Arambhe}, %{svIkAre}, %{anumatau}, %{apA7kRtau}, %{asvIkAre}, %{maGgale}, %{zubhe}, %{jJeye}, %{brahmaNi}; with preceding %{a} or %{A}, the %{o} of %{om} does not form Vr2iddhi (%{au}), but Gun2a (%{o}) Pa1n2. 6-1, 95.)

omkaara * = (%{oM-k-}) m. the sacred and mystical syllable %{om}, the exclamation %{om}, pronouncing the syllable %{om} Mn. ii, 75; 81 Katha1s. Bhag. &c., (cf. %{vijayoMkAra}, %{kRtoMkAra}) [236,1]; a beginning, prosperous or auspicious beginning of (e.g. a science) Ba1lar.; N. of a Lin3ga; (%{A}) f. a Buddhist S3akti or female personification of divine energy L.; %{grantha} m. N. of wk. of Na1ra1yan2a; %{-tIrtha} n. N. of a Ti1rtha; %{-pITha} n. N. of a place; %{bhaTTa} m. N. of a man. onkaraasana = the OM posture ojasa = concentrated psychic power ojasaa = by My energy oja* = mfn. odd (as the first, third, fifth, &c. in a series) RPrt. Sryas. VarBriS.; m. N. of a son of Kriishna BhP.; = {o4jas} L. o4jas* = {as} n. ({vaj}, or {uj}; cf. {ugra}), bodily strength, vigour, energy, ability, power RV. AV. TS. AitBr. MBh. &c.; vitality (the principle of vital warmth and action throughout the body) Sus'r. &c.; (in rhet.) elaborate style (abounding with compounds); vigorous or emphatic expression Sh. Vm.; water L.; light, splendour, lustre L.;

manifestation, appearance L.; support L.; ({As}) m. N. of a Yaksha BhP.; [cf. Zd. {avjanh}, `" power "'; Gk. $, $, $; Lat. {vige1re}, {augere}, {augur}, &73513[235, 2] {augus-tus}, {auxilium}; Goth. {aukan}, Eng. {eke}.] o4jastara* = mfn. = {o4jIyas} Comm. on BrirUp. ojasvat* = mfn. vigorous, powerful, strong, energetic RV. viii, 76, 5 AV. viii, 5, 4; 16 VS. ojasvin* = mfn. id. TS. S'Br. MBh. &c.; ({I}) m. N. of a son of Manu Bhautya VP. ({ojasvi}) {-tA} f. an energetic or emphatic manner of expression or style Sh. ojasIna* = mfn. having strength, powerful TS. iv Pn. ojasya* = mfn. vigorous, powerful MaitrS. ii Pn. ojAya* = Nom. . {ojAyate} (p. {ojAya4mAna}) to exhibit strength or energy, make effort RV. i, 140, 6; ii, 12, 11; iii, 32, 11 Pat. on Pn. 3-1, 11 Bhathth. ojAyita* = n. stout-heartedness, courageous behaviour. oka* = m. (%{uc} Comm. on Un2. iv, 215), a house,

refuge, asylum (cf. %{an-oka-zAyin}); a bird L.; = %{vRSala} T.; conjunction of heavenly bodies L. oshhati = (1 pp) to burn ostha * = lip. mouth okasa= inhabitant om * = ind. (%{av} Un2. i, 141; originally %{oM} = %{AM}, which may be derived from %{A} BRD.), a word of solemn affirmation and respectful assent, sometimes translated by `" yes, verily, so be it "' (and in this sense compared with Amen; it is placed at the commencement of most Hindu1 works, and as a sacred exclamation may be uttered [but not so as to be heard by ears profane] at the beginning and end of a reading of the Vedas or previously to any prayer; it is also regarded as a particle of auspicious salutation [Hail!]; %{om} appears first in the Upanishads as a mystic monosyllable, and is there set forth as the object of profound religious meditation, the highest spiritual efficacy being attributed not only to the whole word but also to the three sounds %{a}, %{u}, %{m}, of which it consists; in later times %{om} is the mystic name for the Hindu1 triad, and represents the union of the three gods, viz. a (Vishn2u), %{u} (S3iva), %{m} (Brahma1); it may also be typical of the three

Vedas; %{om} is usually called %{praNava}, more rarely %{akSara}, or %{ekAkSara}, and only in later times %{oMkAra}) VS. S3Br. ChUp. &c.; (Buddhists place %{om} at the beginning of their %{vidyA@SaDakSarI} or mystical formulary in six syllables [viz. %{om@maNi@padme@hUM}]; according to T. %{om} may be used in the following senses: %{praNave}, %{Arambhe}, %{svIkAre}, %{anumatau}, %{apA7kRtau}, %{asvIkAre}, %{maGgale}, %{zubhe}, %{jJeye}, %{brahmaNi}; with preceding %{a} or %{A}, the %{o} of %{om} does not form Vr2iddhi (%{au}), but Gun2a (%{o}) Pa1n2. 6-1, 95.)

paa = to bless paada = foot * = m. (ifc. f. {A}, rarely {I}) the foot (of men and animals) RV. &c. &c. (the pl. sometimes added to proper names or titles in token of respect e.g. {deva-pAdAH}, `" the king's majesty "' Pac. [617, 2]; {nArAyaNap-}, `" the venerable

NNryana "' Sh.; {pAdaiH} ind. on foot [said of several persons]. R.; {-dayoH} and {-de-pat}, to fall at a persos [gen.] feet Kv. Hit); the foot or leg of an inanimate object, column, pillar AV. S'Br. MBh. &c.; a wheel S'is'. xii, 21; a foot as a measure (= 12 Angulas) S'Br. S'rS. MrkP.; the foot or root of a tree Var.; the foot or a hill at the ffoot of a mountain MBh. Kv. &c.; the bottom ({dRteh pAdAt}, `" from the bbottom of a bag "' v.l. {pAtrAt}) MBh. v, 1047; a ray or beam of light (considered as the ffoot of a heavenly body) ib.; a quarter, a fourth Part (the ffourth of a quadruped being one out of 4) S'Br. Mn. MBh. &c. (pl. the 4 parts i. e. all things required for [gen.] Sus'r.); the quadrant (of a circle) ryabh. Sch.; a verse or line (as the fourth part of a regular stanza) Br. S'rS. Prt. &c.; the caesura of a verse AgP., the chapter of a book (orig. only of a book or section of a bbook consisting of 4 parts, as the Adhyyas of Pnini's grammar). paadaM = and legs paadatraaNam.h = (n) shoes paadahastaasana = the balancing forward bend posture paadaaMshukam.h = (n) pyjama

paadaangushhTha = the big toe paadaasana = the foot above posture paadau = feet paahi = protect paaJNchajanyaM = the conchshell named Pancajanya paaJNchaalikaa = (f) doll paaka * = 1 mfn. (either fr. 1. {pA+ka}, `" drinking, sucking, or fr. 2. {pac}, `" ripening, growing "') very young GriS.; simple, ignorant, inartificial, honest AV. TS. s'vS'r.; m. the young of an animal (see {uluka-}, {kapata-}); a child, infant L.; N. of a Daitya slain by Indra MBh. Pur. {-trA4} ind. in simplicity, in a simple or honest way RV. paaka* = 2 m. (2. {pac}; ifc. f. {I}) cooking, baking, roasting, boiling (trans "' and intrans.) S'rS. Mn. MBh. &c. [614, 1]; burning (of bricks, earthenware &c.) ib.; any cooked or dressed food BhP.; digestion, assimilation of food Sus'r.; ripening, ripeness (of fruit or of a boil) KtyS'r. Mn. Var. Sus'r.; inflammation, suppuration Sus'r.; an abscess, ulcer ib.; ripening of the hair i.e. greyness,

old age L.; maturity, full development (as of the mind &c.), completion, perfection, excellence Hariv. Kv. &c.; development of consequences, result (esp. of an act done in a former life) Var. Pac. MrkP.; any act having consequences. BhP.; the domestic fire L.; a cooking utensil L.; general panic or revolution in a country W. (in comp. 2. {pAka} is not always separable from 1. {pAka}). paakashaalaa = (f) kitchen paakSa* = mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{pakSa}) belonging to a half month; relating to a side or party W. paalaniiya = should be protected or observed paalayati = (10 up) to protect paala * = m. (ifc. f. {A}) a guard, protector, keeper R. Hariv.; a herdsman Mn. Gaut. Yj. MBh.; protector of the earth, king. prince BhP.; (also n.) a spitting spittoon (as `" recipient "' ?) L.; N. of a serpent-demon of the race of Vsuki MBh.; of a prince Cat.; (with {bhatTa}) N. of an author ib.; ({I}) f. a herdsmas wife MBh. v, 3608; an oblong pond (as `" receptacle "' of water?) Var. (cf. {pAli}). paalaka* = guarding, protecting, nourishing, a guardian, protector; a foster-father; a prince, ruler,

sovereign; a world-protector paacaala * = mf(%{I})n. relating or belonging to or ruling over the Pan5ca1las MBh. R. &c.; m. a prince of the PPan5ca1las ib.; (with %{bAbhravya}) N. of an author Cat.; the country of the PPan5ca1las L.; pl. the people of the PPan5ca1las MBh. Var. &c.; an association of 5 guilds (carpenter, weaver, barber, washerman, and shoe-maker) L.; (%{I}) f. see below; n. the language of the PPan5ca1las Cat. paannaga * = mf({I})n. (fr. {panna-ga}) formed or consisting of snakes, having serpents, snaky Hariv. paa.nDityaM = punditry; expertise or scholarliness paaNi = hands * = 1 m. a place of sale , shop , market W.\\ 2 m. (said to be fr. %{paN}) the hand RV. &c. &c. (often ifc. = holding in the hhand e.g. %{asi-p-} , holding a sword in the , ssword in hhand ; %{pANiM-grah} or %{-Nau-kR} , to take the hhand of a bride , marry ; %{-niMdA} , to give the hhand in marriage) ; a hoof. RV. ii , 31 , 2 ; N. of Sch. on the Das3a-rupaka Cat. [Orig %{palni} ; cf. Gk. $ ; Lat. {palma} ; Angl. Sax. &188673[615 ,2] {folm} ; Germ. {fu10hlen} ; Eng. {feel}.] paaNidharma * = m. form of marriage MBh.

paaNigata * = mfn. being in the hand or at hhand , ready , present Naish. paaNDava = O son of Pandu paaNDavaH = Arjuna (the son of Pandu) paaNDavaaH = the sons of Pandu paaNDavaanaaM = of the Pandavas paaNDavaaniikaM = the soldiers of the Pandavas paaNDitya = wisdom paaNDuputraaNaaM = of the sons of Pandu paana = drinking paantha = traveller paartha* = 1 m. (fr. {pRthi}) patr. of Tnva RAnukr.; n. N. of 12 sacred texts (ascribed to Priithi Vainya and repeated during the ceremony of unction in the Rja-sya sacrifice) Br. KtyS'rS.; of sev. Smans Br. Lthy. \\ =2 m. (fr. {pRthA}) metron. of Yudhi-shthhira or Bhma-sena or Arjuna (esp. of the last; pl. the 5 sons of Pnu) MBh. (cf. IW. 381 n. 4); N. of a king of Kas'rriira

(son of Pangu) and of another man Rjat.; Terminalia Arjuna L.\\* =3 m.= {pArthiva}, a prince, king L. \\* =4 or {pArthona} m. (in astron.) = $ as (the Virgo of the zodiac). paapa = Bad deed paapaM = sin paapakrittamaH = the greatest sinner paapaghniiM = which kills the sins (the hymn) paapajanya = adj. derived from sin, son of sin :-) paapayonayaH = born of a lower family paapavaasaniik.h = adj. desirous of sin paapavaasaniik.h = (adj) desirous of sin paapaaH = sinners paapaacharaNaM = pApa+AcharaNa, sinpractising paapaat.h = from sins paapaatmanaaM = of the wicked people

paapaatmaa = wicked people, sinners paapiiyaan.h = sinner paapiiyas *= mfn. worse, worse off, lower, poorer, more or most wicked or miserable TS. &c. &c.; m. a villain, rascal Mn. R. &c.; (with Buddhists) %{mAraH@pApIyAn}, the evil spirit, the devil Lalit. paapena = by sin paapebhyaH = of sinners paapeshhu = unto the sinners paapaiH = sin paapmaanaM = the great symbol of sin paara *= 1 mfn. (fr. %{pR}; in some meanings also fr. %{pRR}) bringing across RV. v, 31, 8; n. (rarely m.) the further bank or shore or boundary, any bank or shore, the opposite side, the end or limit of anything, the utmost reach or fullest extent RV. &c. &c. (%{dUre4@pAre4}, at the farthest ends RV.; %{pAraM-gam} &c. with gen. or loc., to reach the end, go through, fulfil, carry out [as a promise], study or learn thoroughly [as a science] MBh. R.

&c.; %{paraM-nI}, to bring to a close, Yaljn5.); a kind of Tusht2i (s.v.), Sa1m2khyas. Sch.; m. crossing (see %{duS-} and %{su-}); quicksilver L.; a partic. personification Sa1mavBr. Gaut.; N. of a sage Ma1rkP.; of a son of Pr2ithu-shena (Rucira7s3va) and father of Ni1pa Hariv.; of a sson of Samara and ffather of Pr2ithu ib.; of a son of An3ga, and ffather of Divi-ratha VP.; (pl.) of a class of deities under the 9th Manu BhP.; (%{A}) f. N. of a river (said to flow from the Pa1riya1tra mountains or the central and western portion of the Vindhya chain) MBh. Pur.; (%{I}) f. a milk-pail S3is3.; any cup or drinking vessel Vcar. Ra1jat.; pollen L.; a rope for tying an elephant's feet L.; a quantity of water or a town (%{pUra} or %{pura}) L.; a small piece or quantity of anything Nalac.\\' 2 (for 1. see p. 619), Vr2iddhi form of %{para} in comp.\\3 m.= %{pAla}, a guardian, keeper (see %{brahma-dvAra-p-}). paarakya mfn. = %{parakIya}, belonging to another or a stranger, alien (opp. to %{sva}), hostile Mn. MBh. &c.; m. an enemy Hit. paaraM = limit; * = 1 mfn. (fr. {pR}; in some meanings also fr. {pRR}) bringing across RV. v, 31, 8; n. (rarely m.) the further bank or shore or boundary, any bank or shore, the opposite side, the end or limit of anything, the utmost reach or fullest

extent RV. &c. &c. ({dUre4 pAre4}, at the farthest ends RV.; {pAraM-gam} &c. with gen. or loc., to reach the end, go through, fulfil, carry out [as a promise], study or learn thoroughly [as a science] MBh. R. &c.; {paraM-nI}, to bring to a close, Yalj.); a kind of Tushthi (s.v.), Snkhyas. Sch.; m. crossing (see {duS-} and {su-}); quicksilver L.; a partic. personification SmavBr. Gaut.; N. of a sage MrkP.; of a son of Priithu-shena (Rucira7s'va) and father of Npa Hariv.; of a sson of Samara and ffather of Priithu ib.; of a son of Anga, and ffather of Divi-ratha VP.; (pl.) of a class of deities under the 9th Manu BhP.; ({A}) f. N. of a river (said to flow from the Priytra mountains or the central and western portion of the Vindhya chain) MBh. Pur.; ({I}) f. a milk-pail S'is'.; any cup or drinking vessel Vcar. Rjat.; pollen L.; a rope for tying an elephant's feet L.; a quantity of water or a town ({pUra} or {pura}) L.; a small piece or quantity of anything Nalac.\\* = 2 (for 1. see p. 619), Vriiddhi form of {para} in comp.\\* = 3 m.= {pAla}, a guardian, keeper (see {brahma-dvAra-p}). paarameshthha * =m. (fr. {parame-SThin}) patr. of Narada MBh.; {-SThya} mfn. relating or belonging to or coming from the supreme god (Brahm) MBh. Hariv. Pur.; relating to a king, royal (cf. below); m. patr. of Nrada MBh. (v.l. {-STha}); n.

highest position, supremacy AitBr. MBh. Pur.; pl. the royal insignia BhP. paaraMpaarika = traditional paaradarshaka = (adj) transparent, clear paarameshhTya = supreme rulership paarata* = m. (cf. 2. {pArada}) quicksilver Kaths. xxxvii, 232; pl. N. of a people Var. (also {-taka} v.l. in VP.) paaraayaNa * = n. going over, reading through, perusing, studying, RPra1t A1past.; (esp.) reading a Pura1n2a or causing it to be read W.; the whole, totality MBh. xiii, 2701 Pa1n2. 3-2, 130 Sch.; (esp.) complete text, ccausing collection of (cf. %{dkAtupperusing@nAma-p-}); N. of a gram. wk. (abridged fr. %{dhAtu-p-}); (%{I}) f. (L.) action; meditation; light; N. of the goddess Sarasvati1; %{Na-krama} m. %{-Na-mAhAtmya} n. %{-Navidhi} m. N. of wk.; %{-Nika} mfn. one who goes through or studies Pa1n2. 5-i, 72; m. a lecturer, reader of the Pura1n2as W.; a pupil, scholar W.; PlN. of a partic. school of grammarians Cat.; %{-NIya} n. N. of a grammar. paarikha* =(fr. %{pari-khA}) g. %{palady-Adi}.

paarikheya* =mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{pari-kha}) surrounded by a ditch ib. v, 1, 17. paarikhIya* =mfn. (fr. %{pArikha}) Pa1n2. 4-2, 141 Sch. paarushhyaM = harshness paary-antika * =mf({I})n. ({-anta}) final, concluding, last MW. paartha = O son of Pritha paarthaH = Arjuna paarthasya = and Arjuna paarthaaya = unto Arjuna paarshva = the side1 * = n. (rarely m. g. %{ardharcA7di}; ifc. f. %{A} fr. 1. %{parzu}) the region of the ribs (pl. the ribs), side, flank (either of animate or inanimate objects) RV. &c. &c.; the side = nearness, proximity (with gen. or ifc.; %{ayaH}, on both sides; %{am}, aside, towards; %{e}, at the side, near [opp. to %{dura-tas}]; %{At}, away, from; by means of, through) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; a curved knife S3Br.; a side of any square figure W.; the curve or circumference of a wheel ib.; (only n.)

a multitude of ribs, the thorax W. [622,2]; the extremity of the fore-axle nearest the wheel to which the outside horses of a four-horse chariot are attached L.; a fraudulent or crooked expedient L.; m. the side horse on a chariot MBh.; N. of an ancient Buddhist teacher; (with Jainas) N. of the 23rd Arhat of the present Ava-sarpin2i1 and of his servant; (du.) heaven and earth L.; mfn. near, proximate (cf. comp. below). paarshva\-dhanuraasana = the sideways bow posture paarshva\-shirshhaasana = the headstand posture paarshva\-sarvaangaasana = the sideways shoulderstand posture paarshva\-halaasana = the lateral plough posture paarshvaakakaasana = the sideways crow posture paarshhNiH = (m) heel paars'va * = n. (rarely m. g. {ardharcA7di}; ifc. f. {A} fr. 1. {parzu}) the region of the ribs (pl. the ribs), side, flank (either of animate or inanimate objects) RV. &c. &c.; the side = nearness, proximity (with gen. or ifc.; {ayaH}, on both sides; {am},

aside, towards; {e}, at the side, near [opp. to {duratas}]; {At}, away, from; by means of, through) MBh. Kv. &c.; a curved knife S'Br.; a side of any square figure W.; the curve or circumference of a wheel ib.; (only n.) a multitude of ribs, the thorax W. [622, 2]; the extremity of the fore-axle nearest the wheel to which the outside horses of a fourhorse chariot are attached L.; a fraudulent or crooked expedient L.; m. the side horse on a chariot MBh.; N. of an ancient Buddhist teacher; (with Jainas) N. of the 23rd Arhat of the present Ava-sarpin and of his servant; (du.) heaven and earth L.; mfn. near, proximate (cf. comp. below). paashaNDa * mf({I})n. (wrongly spelt {pAkhaNDa}) heretical, impious MBh. Pur.; m. a heretic, hypocrite, impostor, any one who falsely assumes the characteristics of an orthodox Hind, a Jaina, Buddhist ib. &c.; m. or n. false doctrine, heresy Mn. BhP. paas'a *= m. (once n. ifc. f. %{A} ; fr. 3. %{paz}) a snare , trap , noose , tie , bond , cord , chain , fetter (lit. and fig.) RV. &c. &c. ; (esp.) the noose as attribute of Siva or Yama RTL. 81 ; 290 ; (with Jainas) anything that binds or fetters the soul i.e. the outer world , nature Sarvad. (cf. also RTL. 89) ; selvage , edge , border (of anything woven) , S3rGr2S. ; a die , dice MBh. ; (in astrol.) a partic.

constellation ; (ifc. it expresses either contempt e.g. %{chattra-p-} , a shabby umbrella "' , or 0admiration e.g. %{karNa-p-} , `" a beautiful ear "' ; after a word signifying , hair "' abundance , quantity e.g. %{keza-p-} , `" a mass of hair "') ; (%{I}) f. a rope , fetter Sis3. xviii , 57 (cf. also 2. %{pAzI}). paarshada* = m. (fr. {parSad}) an associate, companion, attendant (esp. of a god), RamatUp. MBh. Sus'r. (pl. attendance, retinue Hariv. BhP. Lalit.); a member of an assembly, spectator Prasannar.; n. a text-book received by any partic. grammatical school (a N. given to the Prtis'khyas) Nir. i, 17; N. of wk. paarthiva* = mf({I} or {A}; cf. Pn. 4-1, 85, Varit. 2) u. (fr. {pRthivI} f. of {pRthu}) earthen, earthy, earthly, being in or relating to or coming from the earth, terrestrial RV. &c. &c.; (from m. below) fit for kings or princes, royal, princely MBh. Hariv.; m. an inhabitant of the earth RV. AV.; a lord of the earth, king, prince, warrior Mn. MBh. &c.; an earthen vessel L.; a partic. Agni Griihys.; the 19th (or 53rd) year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years Var.; (pl.) N. of a family belonging to the Kaus'likas Hariv.; ({I}) f. `" earth-born "'N. of St Ragh.; of Lakshm L.; (with {zAnti}) N. of wk.; n. (pl.) the regions of the earth RV.; an earthy substance

Hariv. (v.l. {-thavi}) Sus'r.; Tabernaemontana Coronaria L. paarthivatva* = n. the dignity or rank of king, royalty MBh. paarthivesvara* = m. id.; {-cintAmaNi}, ni. ({Nipaddhati} f.), {pUjanavidhi} and. {-pUjA-vidhi} m. N. of wks paarvaNa * = :mf({I})n. (fr. {parvan}) belonging or relating to a division of time or to the changes of the moon (such as at new or full moon); increasing, waxing, full (as the moon; {parvaNau zazidivAkarau}, mmoon and sun at the time of full mmoon Ragh. xi, 82) GriS'rS. Kv. Pur. &c.; m. a halfmonth (= {pakSa}) Jyot.; oblations offered at new and full moon GriS. paashaM = rope/ties paas'aNDa* = mf({I})n. (wrongly spelt {pAkhaNDa}) heretical, impious MBh. Pur.; m. a heretic, hypocrite, impostor, any one who falsely assumes the characteristics of an orthodox Hind, a Jaina, Buddhist ib. &c.; m. or n. false doctrine, heresy Mn. BhP. paashaasana = the noose posture

paas'a * = m. (once n. ifc. f. {A}; fr. 3. {paz}) a snare, trap, noose, tie, bond, cord, chain, fetter (lit. and fig.) RV. &c. &c.; (esp.) the noose as attribute of Siva or Yama RTL. 81; 290; (with Jainas) anything that binds or fetters the soul i.e. the outer world, nature Sarvad. (cf. also RTL. 89); selvage, edge, border (of anything woven), S'rGriS.; a die, dice MBh.; (in astrol.) a partic. constellation; (ifc. it expresses either contempt e.g. {chattra-p-}, a shabby umbrella "', or 0admiration e.g. {karNa-p-}, `" a beautiful ear "'; after a word signifying, hair "' abundance, quantity e.g. {keza-p-}, `" a mass of hair "'); ({I}) f. a rope, fetter Sis'. xviii, 57 (cf. also 2. {pAzI}).

paaTa* =1 mfn. (for 2. see p. 616, col. 3) watched, protected, preserved L. \\m. ( {paT}) breadth, expanse, extension L.; (in geom.) the intersection of a prolonged side and perpendicular or the figure formed by such an intersection Col.; = {vAdyatUrA7tkara} Vikr. iv, 13/14 Sch.; ({A4}) f. a species of plant AV. Kaus'. (cf. {pAThA}); regular order, series, succession W.; ({I}) f. see {pATI}. \\ 2 m. (for 1. see under 3. {pA}) flying, mode of flying, flight MBh.; throwing one's self or falling into (loc.) or from (abl.), fall, downfall (also ifc. after what would be a gen. or abl. &c. e.g., {gRha-}, fall of a

house; {parvata-}, fall from a mountain; {bhU-}, fall on the earth) Mn. MBh. Kv. &c.; alighting, descending or causing to descend, casting or throwing upon, cast, fall (of a thunderbolt), throw, shot MBh. R. Pacat.; a stroke (of a sword &c.) Kaths.; application (of ointment, of a knife &c.) Kvya7d.; casting or directing (a look or glance of the eyes) Ragh.; decay of the body ({deha-pAta}), death Kaths. Bdar.; (with {garbhasya}) fall of the fetus, miscarriage Sus'r.; an attack, incursion Var.; a cass, possibility, S'ankhBr.; happening, occurrence, appearance Prab. Kaths. Das'ar.; a fault, error, mistake Sryas.; the node in a planet's orbit ib. (cf. IW. 179); a malignant aspect ib.; N. of Rhu L.; pl. N. of a school of the Yajur-veda ib. paataka* = mfn. causing to fall (see {garbha-}); n. (rarely m.; ifc. f. {A}), `" that which causes to fall or sink "', sin, crime, loss of caste GriS'rS. Mn. MBh. &c. pata * = m. flying, falling (cf. g. {pacA7di} and {jvalA7di}). \\ pata * = 2 mfn. well fed (= {puSTa}) L. paati * = m.= {pati}, a master, lord, husband Un. v, 5 Sch. paathii * f. arithmetic, Bjag.; a species of plant L. paatha* = m. = {patha} g. {jvalA7di}; fire L.; the

sun L.; n. water L.; N. of 2 Smans rshBr. paathha* = m. ( {paTh}) recitation, recital Kv.; reading, perusal, study (esp. of sacred texts) S'iksh. &c.; a partic. method of reciting the text of the Veda (of which there are 5, viz. Sanhit, Pada, Krama, Jath and Ghana RTL. 409); the text of a book, SrS. MBh.; the reading (of a text) Naish. Sch.; = {dhAtu-pA7Tha} Vop.; ({A}) f. Clypea Hernandifolia L. paathaka* = m. a splitter, divider Hariv.; (only L.) the half or any part or a kind of village; a shore, bank; a flight of steps leading to the water; a kind of musical instrument; a long span (= {mahAkiSku}) [615,1]; expense or loss of capital or stock; throwing dice; ({ikA}) f. see {dina-pATikA}. paathava* = m. (fr. {paTu}) a son or deseendant or pupil of Pathu S'Br. Pravar. (cf. Pn. 4-2, 119 Sch.); mfn. clever, sharp, dexterous W.; n. sharpness, intensity Sus'r. Tattvas.; skill, cleverness in (loc.) Kv. Rjat. Hit.; quickness, precipitation in (comp.) Kaths.; health L. paathalam.h = (n) rose flower paathhayati = (1 pp, causative) to teach paathhashaalaa = (f) school

paathhiinaH = (m) prawns paathhyakrama = syllabus paatakaM = sinful reactions paatakamuula = adj. essentially criminal paataJNjalii = author of the Yoga Sutras paataala = nether-world paaThya* = mfn. to be recited R. Sa1h.; to be taught, needing instruction BhP. paatita = taken down paatu = may he protect paatra = vessel paatre = to a suitable person paathI*= f. arithmetic, Bjag.; a species of plant L. paavaka = gold paavakaH = fire


paavana* = mf({I})n. purifying, purificatory; pure, holy Mn. MBh. &c.; living on wind Nlak.; m. a partic. fire Kull. on Mn.iii, 185; fire L.; incense L.; a species of Verbesina with yellow flowers L.; a Siddha (s.v.) L.; N. of Vysa L.; of one of the Vis've Devh MBh.; of a son of Kriishna BhP.; ({I}) f. Terminalia Chebula L.; holy basil L.; a cow L.; N. of a river MBh. R.; the Ganges or the goddess Gang W.; n. the act or a means of cleansing or purifying, purification, sanctification Mn. MBh. &c.; penance, atonement L.; watee L.; cow-dung L.; the seed of Elaeocarpus Ganitrus (of which rosaries are made) L.; Costus Speciosus L.; a sectarial mark L.; = {adhyAsa} L. paavanaani = purifying paavitra* = n. a kind of metre Col. (w.r. for {pav}?). [623, paati*= m.= {pati}, a master, lord, husband Un. v, 5 Sch. paavita* = mfn. (fr. {pU}, Caus.) cleansed, purified Mn. MBh. & pachati = (1 pp) to cook pachanti = prepare food

pachaami = I digest pachyante = are cooked? pada = step * = pada n. (rarely m.) a step, pace, stride; a footstep, trace, vestige, mark, the foot itself. RV. &c. &c. ({padena}, on foot; {pade pade}, at every step, everywhere, on every occasion; {trINi padAni viSNoH}, the three steps or footprints of Vishnu [i.e. the earth, the air, and the sky; cf. RV. i, 154, 5 Vikr. i, 19], also N. of a constellation or according to some `" the space between the eyebrows "'; sg. {viSNoH padam}N. of a locality; {padaM-dA}, {padAt padaM-gam} or {cal}, to make a step move on; {padaM-kR}, with loc. to set foot in or on, to enter; with {mUrdhni}, to set the foot upon the head of [gen.] i.e. overcome; with {citte} or {hRdaye}, to take possession of any one's heart or mind; with loc. or {prati}, to have dealings with {padaM ni-dhA} with loc., to set foot in = to make impression upon; with {padavyAm}, to set the foot on a persos [gen. or ibc.] track, to emulate or equal; {padam ni-bandh} with loc., to enter or engage in); a sign, token, characteristic MBh. Kaths. Pur.; a footing, standpoint; position rank station, site, abode, home RV. &c. &c. ({padam A-tan}, to spread or extend one's position; {padAt padam bhrAmayitvA}, having caused to wander from place to place); a business affair,

matter, object or cause of (gen. or comp.) Kv. Pac. &c.; a pretext L.; a part, portion, division (cf. {dvi-}, {tri-}); a square on a chess-board R.; a plot of ground Inscr.; the foot as a measure of length (= 12 or 15 fingers "' breadth, or 1/2 or 1/3 or 3/7 of a Prakrama) KtyS'r.; a ray of light (m. L.); a portion of a verse, quarter or line of a stanza RV. &c. &c.; a word or an inflected word or the stem of a noun in the middle cases and before some Taddhitas Pn. 1-4, 14 &c. [583, 2]; = {pada-pATha} Prt.; common N. of the P. and . Cat.; any one in a set of numbers the sum of which is required; a period in an arithmetical progression Col.; a square root Sryas.; a quadrant ib.; protection L. [Cf. Gk. $; &179282[583, 2] Lat. {peda}; {op-pidum} for {oppedum}.] padaani = words or steps padaiH = by the aphorisms

padakam.h = (n) medal padaM = the step padavii *= m. (nom. %{s}) a leader, guide, forerunner RV. AV. (cf. %{-vAya}) [583,3]; f. (nom.

%{vI}) a road, path, way, track, reach, range; acc. with %{gam}, %{yA} &c., to go the way of (cf. under %{artha-padavI}, %{ghana-}, %{pavana-}, %{mokSa-}, %{yauvana-}, %{sAdhu-}, %{smaraNa-}, %{hAsya-}; %{padam-dhA} or %{nidhA@padavyAm} [comp. or gen.], to tread in the footsteps of a person i.e. imitate or rival him) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; station, situation, place, site R. Pan5c.; %{--vI4ya} n. footsteps, track RV. x, 71, 3 (if not acc. for %{vya4m}).paddhati * = (for %{-hati}) f. `" foot-stroke "', a way, path, course, line Hariv. Ka1v. &c. (also %{-tI} g. %{bahv-Adi}); sign, token Ja1takam.; N. of a class of writings (described as guide-books or manuals for partic. rites and ceremonies and the texts relating to them) and of sev. wks.; a family N. or title (or rather the characteristic word denoting caste or occupation in comps. serving as proper names e.g. %{-gupta}, %{-dAsa} at the end of Vais3ya and S3u1dra names). L.; %{-candrikA} f. %{-cintAmaNi} m. %{prakAza} m. %{-prakAzikA}, f. %{-bhUSaNa} n. %{-ratna} n. %{-sAra} m. N. of wks. paddhati (for %{-hati}) f. `" foot-stroke "', a way, path, course, line Hariv. Ka1v. &c. (also %{-tI} g. %{bahv-Adi}); sign, token Ja1takam.; N. of a class of writings (described as guide-books or manuals for partic. rites and ceremonies and the texts relating to them) and of sev. wks.; a family N. or title (or rather the characteristic word denoting

caste or occupation in comps. serving as proper names e.g. %{-gupta}, %{-dAsa} at the end of Vais3ya and S3u1dra names). L.; %{-candrikA} f. %{-cintAmaNi} m. %{-prakAza} m. %{prakAzikA}, f. %{-bhUSaNa} n. %{-ratna} n. %{sAra} m. N. of wks. padma = lotus padmanaabha = a name of Vishnu padmapatraM = a lotus leaf padmaasana = the lotus posture padmaakshaM = lotus-eyed padhashala = school pakvaM = ripe paksha = (m) political party, fortnight * = m. (ifc. f. %{A} or %{I}) a wing, opinion (in one passage n.) RV. &c. &c.; a symbol. N. of the number two Var. Hcat.; a feather, the feathers on both sides of an arrow (cf. %{gArdhra-p-}); the fin of a fish (cf. %{nis-tvak-p-}); the shoulder; the flank or side or the half of anything RV. &c. &c.; the side or wing of a building AV. [573,3]; the wing or flank of an army MBh. Hariv.; the half of a lunar month (the first

half from new moon to full moon was called %{pUrva} or %{apUryamANa}, later %{zukla} or %{zuddha}; the other half %{apara} or %{apakSIyamANa}, later %{kRSNa} or %{tAmisra}; each fortnight consists of 15 Tithis or lunar days called %{prathamA}, %{dvitIyA} &c.) Br. Gr2S3rS. MBh. Var. &c.; a side, party, faction; multitude, number, troop, set, class of beings; partisan, adherent, follower, friend (%{zatru-} `" the enemy's side "' or `" a partisan of the enemy "'; %{mahA-}, `" one who has many adherents "') MBh. Ka1v. &c.; side i.e. position, place, stead (%{-kSe} ifc. instead of or by way of) ib.; quantity (see %{keza-}); one of two cases or one side of an argument, an alternative (%{-kSe}, `" on the other hand "', with %{atra}, `" in this case "', %{pakSA7ntare}, `" in the other case "') Pa1n2. Sch.; a point or matter under discussion, a thesis, a particular theory, a position advanced or an argument to be maintained (cf. %{pUrva-}, %{uttara-}); an action or lawsuit Ya1jn5. Sch.; (in logic) the proposition to be proved in a syllogism Tarkas. Bha1sha1p.; any supposition or view, motion, idea, opinion (%{mukhyaH@pakSaH}, `" an excellent idea "' S3ak. Sch.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; the sun Sa1y. on RV. iii, 53, 16; N. of sev. men VP.; (in alg.) a primary division or the side of an equation in a primary division; the wall of a house or any wall L.; an army L.; favour L.; contradiction, rejoinder L.; the ash-pit of a fire-place L.; a royal elephant L.; a limb or member of the body L.; the

feathers of the tail of a peacock, a tail L.; proximity, neighbourhood L.; a bracelet L.; purity, perfection L.; mfn. = %{pAcaka}, %{bAdhaka} Sa1y. on RV. vi, 47, 19. [Cf. OGerm. {fahs}; Angl.Sax. {feax}.] pakshabala = Strength based on the Lunar phases. Used in Shad Bala calculations pakshayoH = to the parties pakshi = bird pakshiNaaaM = of birds pakshin.h = (masc) bird pakshin * = mfn. winged (lit. and fig.) RV. &c.&c. ; (ifc.) taking the side of. siding with Hariv. ; m. a bird or any winged animal RV. &c. &c. ; the bird Garud2a as one of the 18 attendants of the Sun L. ; N. of S3iva MBh. ; a day with the 2 nights enclosing it L. ; an arrow L. ; a partic. sacrificial act Ta1n2d2Br. ; (%{iNI}) f. a female bird Hariv. ; (with or sc. %{rAtri}) a night with the 2 days enclosing it Gobh. Gaut. ; the day of full moon L. ; N. of a S3a1kini L. pakshma = eyelid


pallava*: a sprout, shoot, twig, spray, bud, blossom (met. used for the fingers, toes, lips &c.) MBh. Kv. &c.; a strip of cloth, scarf, lappet Kd. Blar. Rjat.; spreading, expansion L. (cf. below); strength L. (= {bala}; v.l. = {vana}, a wood); red lac ({alakta}) L.; a bracelet L.; sexual love L.; unsteadiness L.; m. a partic. position of the hands in dancing Cat.; a libertine, catamine L.; a species of fish L.; pl. N. of a people MBh. Pur. (v.l. for {pahlava}); of a race of princes Inscr. pala = Moment* = m. (scarcely to be connected with prec.) straw L.; = {pAla} g. {jvalA7di}; n. a partic. weight = 4 Karshas = 1/100 Tul (rarely m.; ifc. f. {A}) Mn. Yj. Sus'r. &c.; a partic. fluid measure Nir. xiv, 7 KtyS'r. Sch.; a partic. measure of time (= 1/60 Ghath) Ganit.; flesh, meat Yj. Sus'r. [Cf. Lat. {palea}; Fr. {paille}, Lith. {pelai}.] palaaNDuH = (m) onion palaayituM = to run away palitaM = ripened(grey) pamb * = cl. 1. P. %{pambati} , to go , move Dha1tup. xi , 35 Vop. paNava * m. (prob. fr. {pra-Nava}) a small drum or

a kind of cymbal (used to accompany singing) MBh. Kv. (also {A} f. L.); a kind of metre Col. (v.l. {pan-}); N. of a prince VP. paNa = Play paNavaanaka = small drums and kettledrums panaparaH = Succedant houses. Houses 2, 5, 8 and 11 panasaphalam.h = (n) jackfruit paNca = (adj) five pacaala m.pl. (fr. %{paJcan}; cf. %{pAtAla}) N. of a warrior-tribe and their country in the north of India S3Br. Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. %{apara-}, %{pUr}. %{va-}); of a Vedic school S3Br. RPra1t.; (sg.) a man belonging to the tribe of the Pan5ca1las L.; a king of the PPan5ca1las MBh. (cf. %{pAJc-}); N. of S3iva ib.; of a man brought by Vishvak-sena to the childless Gan2du1sha Hariv.; of a serpentdemon L.; a partic. venomous insect MW.; n. (?) N. of a metre Col.; (%{I}) f. a doll, puppet Ka1d.; a style of singing L.; a chequered cloth for playing at draughts &c. W. ( see also paacaala) pacan * = pl. (said to be fr. 1. %{pac}, to spread

out the hand with its five fingers; nom. acc. %{pa4Jca} AV. v, 15, 5 %{paJca4}]; instr. %{ca4bhis}; dat. abl. %{-ca4bhyas}; loc. %{-ca4su} [Class. also, %{-cabhis}, %{-cabhya4s}, %{-casu4} cf. Pa1n2. 6-1, 179 &c.]; gen. %{-cAnA4m}) five RV. &c. &c. (cf. under %{indriya}, %{kRSTi}, %{carSaNi}, %{jana}, %{bhUta}, %{mAtra}, %{yajJa}, %{svasR} &c.); sg. N. of Katha1s. xiv. [Cf. Zd. {pan5can}; Gk. $, Aeol. $; Lat. {quinque}; Lith. &177787[578,2] {penki4}; Goth. {fimf}; Germ. {fu10nf}; Angl. Sax. {fif}; Eng. {five}.] 128 paJcat mfn. consisting of five Pa1n2. 5-1, 60. pacataa * = f. five foldness, fivefold state or amount Mn. viii, 151; an aggregate or a collection of 5 things (esp.) the 5 elements, viz. earth, air, fire, water and %{akAza} ether, and dissolution into them i.e. death (%{-tAm} with %{gam}, %{yA} &c., to die, with %{upa-nI}, to kill) Ka1v. Sus3r. Pur. panchamii = Fifth lunar Tithi panchaanga = Fivefold method of forecasting. Also the name of a Vedic Astrological Almanac. It is based upon Vara, nakshatra, Tithi, karaNa and Yoga pacha = five


pachamaM = the fifth pa.nchatva.ngaM = to die pa.nchamaH = (Masc.Nom.S)the fifth paNDita = learned man paNDita* mfn. (according to some, for {spandita}) learned, wise, shrewd, clever, skilful in, conversant with (loc. or comp.; cf. Pn. 2-1, 40) S'Br. Up. MBh. &c.; m. a scholar, a learned man, teacher, philosopher, a Pandit MBh. Kv. &c.; N. of a man (= {-taka}) MBh.; of a Brhman changed into an antelope Hariv.; incense L. paNDitaM = learned paNDitaaH = the learned paNdita = the wise man pa.nDitaH = (Masc.nom.Sing.)learned person paNDita* = mfn. (according to some, for {spandita}) learned, wise, shrewd, clever, skilful in, conversant with (loc. or comp.; cf. Pn. 2-1, 40) S'Br. Up. MBh. &c.; m. a scholar, a learned man, teacher, philosopher, a Pandit MBh. Kv. &c.; N. of

a man (= {-taka}) MBh.; of a Brhman changed into an antelope Hariv.; incense L. paNDita4-tva* = n. (Mriicch.) learning, knowledge, wisdom, cleverness, skill. pa.ngu = cripple pa.nka = mud panka = mud pankajasthiita = adj. gutter fallen pannaga * = m. (ifc. f. {A}) `" creeping low "', a serpent or serpent-demon Suparn. MBh. &c.; Cerasus Puddum L.; ({I}) f. see below; {-kesara} m. Mesua Roxburghii L.; {-nAzana} m. `" sserpentkiller "'N. of Garuda Hariv.; {-purI} f. the city of the sserpent-demons L.; {-bhojana} m. `" sserpenteater "'N. of Garuda MBh.; {-maya} mf({I})n. formed or consisting of sserpent Hariv.; {-rAja} m. sserpent-king MBh.; {--gA7ri} m. `" serpentfoe "'N. of Garuda Hariv.; of a teacher (v.l. {-gAni}) VP.; {--gA7zana} m. = {-gabhojana} L.; {-ge7ndra} and {--gezvara} m. `" sserpent king "' MBh. pansi = (m) an alternative man


pantha = sects, based on the word path panthaH = wayfarer? pa.nthaa = way pa.nthaaH = (masc.Nom.Sing.) path; way pa.nthaanaH = ways; paths papakartariyoga = Hemmed in between 2 malefics para = other* = 1 mf({A})n. (1. {pR}; abl. sg. m. n. {pa4rasmAt}, {-rAt}; loc. {pa4rasmin}, {-re}; nom. pl. m. {pa4re}, {-rAs}, {-rAsas}; cf. Pn. 1-1, 34; vii, 1, 16; 50) far, distant, remote (in space), opposite, ulterior, farther than, beyond, on the other or farther side of, extreme; previous (in time), former; ancient, past; later, future, next; following, succeeding, subsequent; final, last; exceeding (in number or degree), more than; better or worse than, superior or inferior to, best or worst, highest, supreme, chief (in the compar. meanings [where also {-tara}], with abl., rarely gen. or ifc.; exceptionally {paraM zatam}, more than a hundred lit. `" an excessive hhundred, a hhundred with a surplus "' R. [586, 2]; {parAH koTayaH} Prab. Hcat.) RV. &c. &c.; strange, foreign, alien, adverse, hostile ib.; other than, different from (abl.) Prab.;

left, remaining Kaths.; concerned or anxious for (loc.) R.; m. another (different from one's self), a foreigner, enemy, foe, adversary RV. &c. &c.; a following letter or sound (only ifc. mfn. e.g. {tapara}, having {t} as the ffollowing lletter, followed by {t}) RPrt. Pn.; (scil. {graha}) a subsidiary Soma-graha TS.; N. of a king of Kosala with the patr. thnra Br.; of another king MBh.; of a son of Samara Hariv.; (sc. {prAsAda}) of the palace of Mitravind ib.; m. or n. the Supreme or Absolute Being, the Universal Soul Up. R. Pur.; ({A}) f. a foreign country, abroad (?) Kaths.; a species of plant L.; N. of a sound in the first of its 4 stages L.; a partic. measure of time Sy.; N. of a river MBh. VP. (v.l. {pArA}, {veNA}, {veNNA}); of a goddess (cf. s.v.) n. remotest distance MBh.; highest point or degree ib.; final beatitude L. (also {-taram} and {parAt para-taram}); the number 10, 000, 000, 000 (as the full age of Brahm) VP.; N. of partic. Smans Kthh.; any chief matter or paramount object (ifc. [f. {A}] having as the chief object, given up to, occupied with, engrossed in, intent upon, resting on, consisting of, serving for, synonymous with &c. MBh. Kv. &c.); the wider or mare extended or remoter meaning of a word Jaim. Kull.; (in logic) genus; existence (regarded as the common property of all things) W.; ({am}) ind. afterwards, later; (with abl.) beyond, after (e.g. {paraM vijJAnAt}, beyond human knowledge; {astam-ayAt p-}, after sunset; {mattaH p-}, after

me; {ataH p-} or {param ataH}, after this, farther on, hereafter, next; {itaH p-}, henceforward, from now; {tataH p-} or {tataz ca p-}, after that, thereupon; {nA7smAt p-} [for {mA7sm-p-}], no more of this, enough) MBh. Kv. &c.; in a high degree, excessively, greatly, completely ib.; rather, most willingly, by all means ib.; I will, so be it DivyA7v.; at the most, at the utmost, merely, no more than, nothing but ib.; but, however, otherwise ({paraM tu} or {paraM kiM tu} id.; {yadi p-}, if at all, perhaps, at any rate; {na-p-}, not-but; {na pparaM-api}, not only-but also; {pparaM na-api na}, not only not-but not even; {na pparaMyAvat}, not only-but even) ib.; ({pa4reNa}) ind. farther, beyond, past (with acc.) RV. &c. &c.; thereupon, afterwards, later than, after (with abl.or gen.). Mn. MBh. &c.; ({pare4}) ind. later, farther, in future, afterwards RV. MBh. Kv. [Cf. Zd. {para}; Gk. $; Lat. {peren-die}; Goth. &180201[586, 2] {fai4rra}; Germ. {fern}; Eng. {far} and {fore}.] paraa* = (for 1. see col. 1). ind. away, off, aside, along, on, (Lat. {per}; it occurs only in {-taram} and {-vat}, and as a prefix to nouns and verbs; it is prob. akin to {para}, {paras}, {pra}.) paraanta* = m. `" the last end "', death ({-kAla} m. time of ddeath) MundUp.; `" living at the

remotest distance "'N. of a people MBh. parAntaka* = m. a frontier DivyA7v.; pl. N. of a people L. pa4ra-bhaava * =m. the being subsequent or second member in a compound Pat. (cf. {-bhUta}). paraa-bhava4 * =m. vanishing, disappearance, dissolution, separation R.; overthrow, defeat, humiliation, mortification, contempt, injury, destruction, ruin S'Br. MBh. Kv. &c.; N. of the 40th (or 14th) year in Jupiter's cycle of 6o years Var. (cf. {parAvasu}); {-pada} n. an object of contempt MW. paraa-bhaava * =m. defeat, overthrow MBh.; humiliation, contempt L. parayaa = of a high grade paraa = beyond, higher paraaga* m. (prob. for %{apa-r-}), the pollen of a flower Ka1v. Pur. &c.; dust Ragh. iv, 30; fragrant powder used after bathing L.; sandal L.; an eclipse of the sun or moon L.; fame, celebrity L.; independence L.; N. of a mountain L.


paraaM = transcendental paraakrama = valor paraakramaH = the daring warrior paraakramaaNaaM = of valients paraamars'a * = m. seizing, pulling (%{keza-}, by the hair) MBh.; bending or drawing (of a bow) R.; violation, injury, assault, attack MBh. R. Ka1d.; affection (by disease &c.) Ma1rkP.; remembrance, recollection Veda7ntas.; referring or pointing ttouched Sa1h.; reflection, consideration, judgment MBh. Bha1sha1p.; (in logic) inference, conclusion, drawing conclusions from analogy or experience, knowledge of the minor premiss in its connection with the major; N. of wk.; %{kAraNapakSatA-vAda} m. %{-karya-kAraNabhAva-vicAra} m. %{-grantha} m. %{-grantharahasya} n. %{-TippanI} f. %{-pUrva-pakSagrantka-TIkA} f. (%{-thakroDa} m. %{-tha-dIdhitiTIkA} f. %{-tha-prakAza} m. %{-tha-vivecana} n. %{-thA7nugama} m.), %{-pUrvapakSa-rahasya} n. %{-rahasya} n. %{-vAda} m. %{-vAdA7rtha} m. %{-vicAra} m. %{-siddhA7nta-grantha-TIkA} f. (%{-tha-kroDa} m. %{-tha-prakAza} m. %{-thavivecana} n. %{-thA7loka}, m.), %{-siddhA7ntarahasya} n. %{-hetutA-vicAra} m. N. of wks.

[590,3] paraangmukhii = facing inwards paraaNi = superior paraardha = other end paraardha* = m. the more remote or opposite side or half. Br. KathhUp. MBh.; mn. the highest number (100, 000 billions) VS. TS. MBh. &c.; the number of mortal days corresponding to 50 years of Brahm's life Pur.; (as mfn. w.r. for {-dhya}.) paraashara = Maharishi Parashar(a). One of the Fathers of Vedic Astrology. Author of the text which is the basis for the most commonly used Astrological System in India paraasya* = or mfn. to be thrown away S'Br. paraasya* = mfn. to be thrown away S'Br. paraayaNaM = the one to be worshipped paraayaNaH = being so destined paraayaNa* = n. (for 2. see p. 590, col. 3) final end or aim, last resort or refuge, principal object, chief

matter, essence, summary (%{-NaM-kR}, to do one's utmost) S3Br. Up. MBh. &c.; (in medic.) a universal medicine, panacea Car.; a religious order or division W.; (ifc.; f. %{A}) making anything one's chief object, wholly devoted or destined to, engaged in, intent upon, filled or occupied with, affected or possessed by (%{-tA} f. Das3.) Mn. MBh. &c.; mf(%{A})n. violent, strong (as pain) MBh. i, 8367 (Ni1lak.); principal, being the chief object or final aim ib.; dependent on (gen.) R.; leading or conducive to (gen.) MBh.; m. N. of a pupil of Ya1jn5avalkya Va1yuP.; %{-vat} mfn. occupying the principal point, most elevated MBh.\\ 2 n. (%{parA} + %{i}) going away, departure or way of departure, final end, last resort RV. AV. S3Br. (cf. 1. %{parA7yaNa}, p. 587). paraayaNaaH = so inclined parabhaava * =mf({A})n. loving another MBh. -2. paradesha = foreign land, foreign country paradesha-sahama = Sensitive point related to foreign travel paradharmaH = duties prescribed for others paradharmaat.h = than duties mentioned for

others paraH = in the next life parahaste = (loc.sing.) in other persos hand parahyaH = day before yesterday paraM = better param, tato * = afterwards, at another time AitBr. vii, 17, 4; [cf. $,$], parama * = mf(%{A})n. (superl. of %{pa4ra}) most distant , remotest , extreme , last RV. &c. &c. ; chief , highest , primary , most prominent or conspicuous ; best , most excellent , worst (%{meNa@cetasA} , with all the heart ; %{-makaNThena} , `" with all the throat "' , roaring , speaking aloud) ib. ; (with abl.) superior or inferior to , better or worse than MBh. R. ; m. N. of 2 authors Cat. ; n. highest point , extreme limit (%{catur-viMzati-p-} , at the utmost 24) MBh. &c. ; chief part or matter or object (ifc. f. %{A} = consisting chiefly of , completely occupied with or devoted to or intent upon) Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; (%{am}) ind. yes , very well ; (also %{parama-} in comp. ; see below) very much , excessively , excellently , in the highest degree MBh. Ka1v. &c.


paramaa = greatest paramaaH = the highest goal of life paramaaM = the supreme paramaaNu * = m. an infinitesimal particle or atom (30 are said to form a mote in a sun-beam) Ya1jn5. Yogas. MBh. &c. (cf. %{bhRtya-p-}); the passing of a sun-beam past an atom of matter Pur.; n. 1/8 of a Ma1tra1 VPra1t.; %{-kAraNa-vAda} m. the atomistic system of the Vais3eshikas, Sam2k.; %{-tA} f. infinite minuteness, the state of an atom Ragh. BhP.; %{-maya} mf(%{I})n. consisting merely of atoms BhP.; %{-Nv-aGgaka} m. `" subtle-bodied "'N. of Vishn2u L. 1. paramaatma = the Supersoul paramaatman.h = The soul within the Divine sphere paramaatmaa = the supreme spirit paramaananda = one who leads to the greatest happiness parama * = mf(%{A})n. (superl. of %{pa4ra}) most distant, remotest, extreme, last RV. &c. &c.;

chief, highest, primary, most prominent or conspicuous; best, most excellent, worst (%{meNa@cetasA}, with all the heart; %{-makaNThena}, `" with all the throat "', roaring, speaking aloud) ib.; (with abl.) superior or inferior to, better or worse than MBh. R.; m. N. of 2 authors Cat.; n. highest point, extreme limit (%{caturviMzati-p-}, at the utmost 24) MBh. &c.; chief part or matter or object (ifc. f. %{A} = consisting chiefly of, completely occupied with or devoted to or intent upon) Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c.; (%{am}) ind. yes, very well; (also %{parama-} in comp.; see below) very much, excessively, excellently, in the highest degree MBh. Ka1v. &c. // paarama Vr2iddhi form of %{parama} in comp. paraM tu* = though - still para.ntapa = O chastiser of the enemies paraMparaa = tradition parama = highest, the utmost, most excellent paramaM = supreme paramaH = perfect paramaha.nsa = a highest spiritual/discriminatory

state(from Swan) paramesha = God parameshvara = O Supreme Lord parameshvaraM = the Supersoul parameshhvaasaH = the great archer parameshthhin * mfn. standing at the head, highest, chief, principal AV. &c. &c.; m. N. of any supreme being, of Agni AV.; of Praj-pati ib. &c.; a son of PrPraj-pati Br.; of Brahm MBh.; of S'iva ib.; of Vishnu Ragh.; of Garuda MBh.; of Manu Cakshus MrkP.; (with Jainas) = {-SThi} L.; the teacher of the tteacher of any one's tteacher L.; a kind of Virj RPrt.; a kind of ammonite L.; N. of a son of Aja-mdha MBh.; of a son of Indradyumna (Devadyumna) Pur.; du. Vishnu and S'r BhP.; ({nI}) f. Ruta Graveolens L. [589, 1] parameshthhi * = m. a superior or a chief god of the Jainas S'atr.; {-tA} f. supremacy, superiority TndBr. parameshthhi4na * == {-SThi4n} AV. xix, 9, 4. parame-shthha * =mfn. standing at the top,

supreme, superior Pn. 8-3, 97; m. N. of Brahma or any supreme deity W.; ({A}) f. a kind of metre L. paramparaa = by disciplic succession parantapa = O Arjuna, subduer of the enemies parantapaH = the chastiser of the enemies para-piiDaa = harrasment of others paraspara * = (fr. nom. sg. m. of %{para} + %{para}; cf. %{anyo'nya}) mf(%{A})n. mutual, each other's Bhat2t2.; pl. like one another MBh. xii, 2420; (mostly in the oblique cases of m. sg. %{am}, %{eNa}, %{At}, %{asya}) ind. one another, each other, with or from one another, one another's, mutually, reciprocally Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c.; so also ibc. (cf. below); rarely ifc. e.g. %{avijJAta-parasparaiH}, `" not knowing each other "' Ragh. xvii, 51. paraprakaashita = reflectively illumined like planets or moonparashuH = (m) axe parashuraama = sixth incarnation of Vishnu parashvaH = day after tomorrow parastaat.h = transcendental

paraspara = mutually parasparaM = mutually paras'u * = m. a hatchet, axe, the axe of a woodcutter; (Naigh. ii, 20) a thunderbolt RV. &c. &c.; N. of a king MBh.; w.r. for {parzu} q.v. [Cf. Gk. $, &181040[589, 2] &c.] parasya = to others parataa* = f. highest degree, absoluteness, (ifc.) the being quite devoted to or intent upon Bhshp. Rjat. parataH = superior parataraM = superior parataraH = later paratra ind. elsewhere, in another place, in a future state or world, hereafter Mn. MBh. &c.; below i.e. in the sequel (of a book) Vop. Sch.; %{bhIru} m. `" one who stands in awe of futurity "', a pious or religious man W. pare = in the lofty;high;supreme


pareta * = mfn. departed, deceased, dead RV. AV. Ya1jn5.; m. a kind of spectre, a ghost, spirit L.; %{kalpa} mfn. almost dead R.; %{-bhartR} m. `" lord of the departed "'N. of Yama S3is3.; %{-bhUmi} f. `" place of the ddeparted "', a cemetery Kum.; %{rAj} (L.), %{-rAja} (Naish.) m. = %{-bhartR} L.; %{-tA7carita} mfn. frequented or inhabited by the ddeparted Das3.; %{-tA7vAsa} m. = %{-bhUmi} ib. paretara * = mfn. other than hostile, faithful, friendly Kir. i, 14. pari = sufficiently pari * = round, around, about, round about; fully, abundantly, richly (esp. ibc. [where also {parI}] to express fulness or high degree) RV. &c. &c.; as a prep. (with acc.) about (in space and time) RV. AV.; against, opposite to, in the direction of, towards, to ib. (cf. Pn. 1-4, 90; also at the beginning of a comp. mfn.; cf. ib. ii, 2, 18 Vrtt. 4 Pat. and {paryadhyayana}); beyond, more than AV.; to the share of (with {as}, or {bhU}, to fall to a persos lot) Pn. 1-4, 90; successively, severally (e.g. {vRkSam pari siJcati}, he waters tree after tree) ib.; (with abl.) from, away from, out of RV. AV. S'Br. (cf. Pn. 1-4, 93); outside of, except Pn. 1-4, 88 Ks'. (often repeated ib. viii, 1, 5; also at the beginning or the end of an ind. comp. ib. ii, 1, 12); after the lapse of

Mn.iii, 119 MBh. xiii, 4672 (some read {parisaMvatsarAt}); in consequence or on account or for the sake of RV. AV.; according to (esp. {dha4rmaNas pa4ri}, according to ordinance or in conformity with law or right) RV. [Cf. Zd. {pairi}; Gk. $.] &181611[591, 2] parI * =2 ({pari-i}) P. {pary-eti} (Impv. {parI7hi} MBh.; Pot. {pa4rtyAm} TS.; impf. {paryait} S'Br.; pf. {pa4rI7yAya} TS.; fut. {pary-etA} ChUp.; ind. p. {parI7tya} PrGri.; {pary-AyaM} Br.; inf. {pa4ryetave} RV.), to go about, move in a circle; (trans.) to go or flow round (acc.), circumambulate, surround, include, grasp, span RV. &c. &c.; to run against or into, reach, attain AV. S'Br. ChUp.; (with or sc. {manasA}) to perceive, ponder MBh. R.: Intens. . {pa4rI7yate}, to move round or in a circle RV. pari+aT.h = to tour paribhaashaa * = f. speech, discourse, words MBh. BhP.; blame, censure, reproof (only pl.) Pat. Ba1lar.; any explanatory rule or general definition, (in gram.) a rule or maxim which teaches the proper interpretation or application of other rules Pa1n2.; (in medic.) prognosis; a table or list of abbreviations or signs used in any work; (also pl.) N. of sev. wks.; %{-kroDa-pattra} n. %{--Gka1489

sUtra} (%{-SA7Gk-}) n. %{-chando-maJjarI} f. %{TIkA} f. %{-prakaraNa} n. %{-prakAza} m. %{prakAzikA} f. %{-pradIpa} m. %{-pradIpA7rcis} n. %{-bhASya-sUtra} n. %{-bhAskara} m. %{maJjarI} f. %{-rahasya} n. %{--rtha-maJjarI} (%{SA7rth-}) f. %{--rtha-saMgraha} (%{-SA7rth-}) m. %{-viveka} m. %{-vizeSa} m. %{-vRtti} f. %{ziromaNi} m. %{-saMgraha} m. %{-sAra} m. %{sAra-saMgraha} m. %{-sUtra} n. %{-Se7ndubhAskara} m. %{-Se7ndu-zekhara} m. %{-Se7nduzekharasaMgraha} m. %{-So7paskAra} m. N. of wks. [598,2] paribhaavaya = deem well/visualise paribhava* = m. insult, injury, humiliation, contempt, disgrace MBh. Kv. &c.; {-pada} n. an object or occasion of contempt Klid. Hit.; {-vidhi} m. humiliation, S'riingr.; {-vA7zpada} n. = {-vapada} Vikr. MrkP. paribhaava* = (also {pari-bh-}) m. contempt Pac. i, 258/259 (B. {-bhava} paricchada * = m. a cover, covering, garment, dress, S'nkhS'r. MBh. &c.; paraphernalia, external appendage, insignia of royalty R.; goods and chattels, personal property, furniture Mn. MBh. &c.; retinue, train, attendants, necessaries for

travelling MBh. Kv. &c.; ifc. = {-cchad} S'nkhS'r. MBh. Hariv. &c. paricchanda * = m. train, retinue L. paricchanna * = mfn. covered, clad, veiled, concealed, disguised MBh. R. Hit. &c. paricchad * = ( {chad}), Caus. {-cchAdayati} (ind. p. {-cchAdya}), to envelop, cover, conceal MBh. Pac. paricchad * = mfn. furnished or provided or adorned with (comp.) Ragh. i, 19. parichaya = familiarity parichayaat.h = (masc.abl.sing.) from familiarity; from knowing the facts paricharya = service parichakshate = is called parichintayan.h = thinking of parichhinna = precise (literally, cut around) paridahyate = is burning

paridevanaa = lamentation parigIta *= mfn. sung , celebrated , proclaimed , declared MBh. BhP. parigraha = hoarding parigrahaM = and acceptance of material things parigrahaH = sense of proprietorship over possessions parigrihIta* = mfn. taken hold of on both sides AV.; surrounded, embraced, enclosed, enveloped, fenced TS. S3Br. MBh. &c.; seized, grasped, taken, received, obtained, accepted, adopted, admitted, followed, obeyed Br. MBh. Ka1v. &c.; opposed, checked W.; m. g. %{AcitA7di}. parigrihIti * = (%{pa4ri-}) f. grasping, comprehension TS. Br. parigrihya* = ind. having taken or seized, in company or along with (acc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; considering regarding W.; %{-vat} (%{-gri4hya-}) mfn. containing the word %{parigRhya} TS. 2.\\ mfn. to be taken or accepted or regarded W.; (%{A}) f. designation of a partic. kind of Vedi or sacrificial mound Kaus3.; a married woman L.

parigha = a bolt for shutting a gate parighaasana = the locked gate posture pariguNDita * = mfn. covered with dust, S3i1l. pariguNita * = mfn. (fr. %{-guNaya}) reiterated, repeated BhP.; augmented by addition of (comp.) VarBr2S. lxv, 5. pariguNThita * = mfn. ( %{guNTh}) veiled in, hidden by (instr.) R. parigup * = only Desid. %{-jugupsate}, to beware of, be on one's guard against (abl.) MBh. pariGYaataa = the knower parigiiyamaana = singing parihaaraH = (m) compensation parihri = to abandon parihUta: called together pariita * = mfn. standing or moving round, surrounding MBh.; past, elapsed, expired R.; surrounded, encompassed, filled, taken possession

of, seized (with instr. or in comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; = %{viparI7ta}, inverted MBh.; w.r. for %{parItta} ib.; m. pl. N. of a people VP.; %{-ta-tA} f. the being surrounded or filled L.; %{-tin} mfn. (ifc.) filled with, seized by Sus3r. parikalpa * = %{-pana} &c. see %{pari-klRp} , p. 592 , col. 1.\\ m. i1llusion Buddh. ; w.r. for %{kampa}. parikalpana * = n. fixing , settling , contriving , making , inventing , providing , dividing , distributing ; (%{A}) f. making , forming , assuming (see %{rUpa-parik-}) ; reckoning , calculation Var. parikalpita * = mfn. settled , decided ; fixed upon , chosen , wished for , expected , made , created , imagined , invented , contrived , arranged , distributed , divided (with %{khaNDa-zaH} , cut or broken in pieces) Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c. parikalpya * = mfn. to be settled &c. ; to be calculated Var. parikaraH = attempt parikiirtitaH = is declared* = mfn. proclaimed, announced, boasted of, said, called ib

pariklishhTaM = grudgingly parikhaa* = f. (once ibc. %{-kha} BhP.) a moat, ditch, trench or fosse round a town or fort (also applied to the sea surrounding the earth) Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c.; N. of a village in the North country g. %{palady-Adi} (iv, 2, 110); %{-sthita} mfn. impregnable, secure MBh. xii, 6250; %{-khI-kRta} mfn. made into a moat or ditch Ragh. i, 30. parikhacita* =mfn. ( %{khac}) strewn or inlaid with (comp.) Ka1ran2d2. parikhan* =(only ind. p. %{-khAya}), to dig round, dig up A1s3vGr2. parikhaNDa* =see %{pari-SaNDa}. parikhaNDana* =see %{mAna-parikh-}. parikhaNDaya* =Nom. P. %{-yati}, to make small, break, conquer Ba1lar. Bhat2t2. [592,3] parikhAta* =mfn. dug round; m. a furrow, rut BhP. parikheda* =m. (ifc. f. %{A}) lassitude, weariness, exhaustion MBh. Ka1v. &c. parikhedita* =mfn. (fr. Caus.) afflicted, exhausted,

ruined, destroyed Ka1v. BhP. parikhid* =P. %{-khidyati}, to be depressed or afflicted, feel uneasy BhP.: Caus. %{-khedayati}, to trouble, afflict, destroy ib. &c. parikhinna* =mfn. depressed, afflicted, exhausted MBh. R. &c. parikhyaa* =P. %{-khyAti} (Subj. %{-khyatam}, %{-khyan} RV.), to look round, look at, perceive RV. &c. &c.; to observe, regard, consider MBh. R.; to overlook, disregard RV.: Pass. %{-khyAyate}, to be perceived ChUp. parikhyaa* =f. enumeration, computation, sum, total, number S3a1n3khS3r. Mn. MBh. &c.; (in phil.) exhaustive enumeration (implying exclusion of any other), limitation to that which is enumerated Jaim. Kull. on Mn. iii, 45; (in rhet.) special mention or exclusive specification Kpr. Sa1h. parikhyaana* =n. enumeration, total, a number MBh.; exclusive specification BhP.; a correct judgment. proper estimate Ya1jn5. iii, 158. parikhyaata* =mfn. regarded as, passing for (nom.); called, named; celebrated, famous MBh. R.

parikhyaata* =mfn. reckoned up, enumerated, specified exclusively W. parikhyAti* =f. fame, reputation W. parikraanta * =f mfn. walked round, stepped upon, trod; n. the place stepped upon, foot-steps, traces R. pariikshate = to examine pariikshaa = test * = f. inspection, investigation, examination, test, trial by ordeal of various kinds (see 2. %{divya}) Mn. MBh. &c.; N. of wk.; %{kSama} mfn. standing the test Sarvad.; %{-tattva} n. %{-paddhati} f. N. of wks.; %{-kSA7rtha} mfn. wishing to try or test A1past. pariikshaka * = mfn. trying, examining W.; m. a prover, examiner, judge Ra1jat. Pan5c. parimaaNaH = (m) volume, size parimaargitavyaM = has to be searched out parimita = (adj) limited to, bounded, surrounded by parimiti = (f) limits, boundary

parimlaana* = mfn. faded, withered Kv. BhP.; exhausted, languid MBh. [599, 3]; become thinner, emaciated Car.; disappeared, gone Vm. iv, 3, 8; n. change of countenance by fear or grief W.; soil, stain ib. parimris' * = P. . {-mRzati}, {-te} (pf. {mamarza}; 3. pl. [RV.] {-mAmRzuH}; aor. {amRkSat}; ind. p. {-mRzya}), to touch, grasp, seize RV. &c. &c.; to examine, consider, inquire into ib.; to observe, discover BhP.: Pass. {-mRzyate} (with {pavanais}), to be touched i.e. fanned by the wind Sus'r.; to be considered MBh.: Intens. {marmRzat}, to encompass, clasp, embrace RV. pariNaamaH = (m) effect, result pariNaame = at the end paripanthinau = stumbling blocks paripaalana = Protection paripaalanaM = observance/governance paripaalaya = please maintain and cultivate pariplu* = m . {-plavate} (ind. p. {-plutya} MBh.; {-plUya} Pn. 6-4, 58), to swim or float or hover

about or through Br. &c. &c.; to revolve, move in a circle S'Br.; to move restlessly, go astray Br.; to hasten forward or near MBh.: Caus. {-plAvayati} (ind. p. {-plAvya}), to bathe, water MBh. paripluta* = mfn. bathed, one who has bathed in (loc. or comp.) MBh.; flooded, immersed, overwhelmed or visited by (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kv. &c.; n. a spring, jump Var.; ({A}) f. spirituous liquor L. pariplushtha* = mfn. ( {pluS}) burnt, scorched, singed paripuurNa = full pariprachchh.h = to enquire pariprashnena = by submissive inquiries parisaantv * = (also written %{zAntv}) , Caus. %{sAntvayati} , %{-te} (ind. p. %{-sAntvya}) , to console , comfort , conciliate MBh. R. Katha1s. parisaantvana * = n. the act of consoling and c. ; pl. friendly words , flattering speech Ka1d. parisaantvita * = mfn. consoled , conciliated MBh. R. BhP.

parisarpaNa* = n. crawling upon (comp.) Mr2icch.; running to and fro, going or flying about, constantly changing one's place A1s3vS3r. R. Mr2icch. BhP.; a kind of disease (= %{-sarpaNa}) Sus3r. parisatya * = n. the full or pure truth s'vS'r. parisamapyate = end paris'ankA* =f. suspicion, distrust Ja1takam.; hope, expectation R. paris'ankanIya* =mfn. to be doubted or distrusted or feared or apprehended (n. impers. `" distrust must be felt "') Ka1v. Pur. paris'ankin* =mfn. fearing, apprehending Ragh.; afraid on account of (comp.) BhP. paris'ankita* = mfn. suspicious, distrustful, afraid of (abl. or comp.) MBh. R. Pur.; suspected, questionable MBh.; believed, expected (%{a-pariz}) MBh.; thought to be, taken for (nom ) Gi1t. parishaantaa = that gives peace or solace parishah * = ( {sah}) . {-Sahate} (impf. {paryaSahata} or {-asahata}; fut. {pari-soDhA} [Vop. {1500

SahitA}]; inf. {-soDhum} Pn. 8-3, 70 &c.; aor. {pary-asahiSTa} Bhathth.), to sustain, bear up against (acc.): Caus. aor. {pary-asISahat} Pn. 8-3, 116. parishaJj * = ( {saJj}) P. {-Sajati} Pn. 8-3, 63 Sch.; . {-sajjate}, to have one's mind fixed on, be attached or devoted to MBh.: Desid. {-SiSaGkSati} Pn. 8-3, 64 Sch. parishadvan * = mfn. surrounding, besetting RV. parishaNDa * = m. or n. a partic. part of a house L.; ({A}) f. a valley (?) DivyA7v, (v.l. {-khaNDa}). parishanna * = (!) mfn. lost or omitted AV.Paris'. parishavaNa * = n. grasping, bunching together ib. parishushhyati = is drying up pariishtha * = m. an elder brother antecedently to whom the younger performs a Soma sacrifice ib. paris'rama * = m. fatigue, exertion, labour, fatiguing occupation, trouble, pain MBh. Kv. &c.; {mA7paha} mfn. relieving weariness MW. paris'raama m. fatiguing, occupation, trouble BhP.

paris'rita * = mfn. standing round MBh.; surrounded by (instr. or comp.) Katha1s. BhP.; w.r. for %{-zruta} MBh.; n. (%{pa4ri-}) = %{pa4rivRta} n. (see under %{pari-} 1. %{vR}) TS. Br. S3rGr2S. parIshtha * = m. an elder brother antecedently to whom the younger performs a SSoma ssacrifice ib. 2 see %{pari-yaj} , p. 599. paris'ush * = P. A1. %{-zuSyati} , %{-te} , to be thoroughly dried up , to shrivel , wither (lit. and fig.) , pine , waste away MBh. Ka1v. &c.: Caus. %{zoSayati} (Pass. %{-zoSyate}) , to dry up , emaciate Ka1v. Pan5c. Sus3r. paris'ushka * = mfn. thoroughly dried or parched up , withered , shrivelled , shrunk (as a vein) , hollow (as the cheeks) &c. MBh. Ka1v. Var. Sus3r. ; (with %{mAMsa}) n. meat fried in ghee dried and spiced L. ; %{-tAlu} mfn. having the palate dried up , R2it. ; %{-palAza} mfn. having withered foliage R. paritam * = P. %{-tAmyati}, to gasp for breath, be oppressed Sus3r. paritaMs* = (only inf. of Caus. %{taMsaya4dhyai}), to stir up RV. paritan* = P. A1. %{-tanoti}, %{-nute} (aor. %{1502

atanat}; ind. p. %{-tatya}), to stretch round, embrace, surround RV. S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. paritoshha = satisfaction parityakta = deprived of parityaj.h = to sacrifice parityajya = abandoning parityaagaH = renunciation parityaagii = renouncer paritraaNaaya = for the deliverance paritraata * = mfn. protected, saved, rescued, preserved Kv. Pur.; m. N. of a man L. paritraatavya * = mfn. to be protected or defended or saved from (abl.) Vikr. Blar. paritraatri * = mfn. protecting, a protector or defender (with gen. or acc.) MBh. R. Pac parivaaraH = (m) relatives, family parivartaka* = mfn. causing to turn round or flow

back Kaths. MrkP.; bringing to an end, concluding (gen. or comp.) MBh.; m. (in rhet.) the artificial separation of vowels and consonants to get another meaning of a word Vm. iv, 1, 6; (in dram.) change of occupation Bhar. Das'ar. Sh. exchange, barter Vas.; N. of a son of Duh-saha (son of Mriityu) MrkP.; ({ikA}) f. contraction of the prepuce, phimosis Sus'r. parivartana = Exchange of two signs* = mf({I})n. causing to turn round; ({I}) f. (with {vidyA}) N. of a partic. magical art Kaths.; n. turning or whirling round, moving to and fro (trans. and intrans.) Kv. Sus'r. Pac. BhP.; rolling about or wallowing on (comp.) Klid.; revolution, end of a period of time MBh. Hariv.; barter, exchange Kaths. Pac. Mriicch.; cutting or clipping the hair S'Br.; protecting, defending Nalac.; = {pre7raNa} TBr. Sch.; inverting, taking or putting anything in a wrong direction W.; requital, return ib. parivartanaM = (n) transformation, change parivartanam.h = (n) transformation, change parivartanIya* = mfn. to be exchanged, capable of being exchanged Kull. on Mn. x, 94. parivarta* = {-vartaka} &c. see {parivRt}, p. 601.

pari-varta* = m. revolving, revolution (of a planet &c.) Sryas.; a period or lapse or expiration of time (esp. of a Yuga q.v.) MBh. R. &c.; (with {lokAnAm}) the end of the world R.; a year L.; moving to and fro, stirring Prasannar.; turning back, flight L.; change, exchange, barter (also {parI-v-}) Yj. MBh. Kv. &c.; requital, return W.; an abode, spot, place Hariv.; a chapter, section, book &c. Lalit.; N. of a son of Doh-saha (son of Mriityu) MrkP. [601,3]; of the Krma or 2nd incarnation of Vishnu (also {parI-v-}) L. parivartin.h = one that changes pariveshhayati = to serve food pariveshhTri = attendent parIvarta* = m. exchange, barter Hit. (v.l.); N. of the Krma or 2nd incarnation of Vishnu L. (cf. {pari-v-}). {-vartam} ind. ( {vRt}) in a circle, recurring, repeatedly TndBr. parivraajaka = wanderer parivraaja* = (past.) m. a wandering mendicant, ascetic of the fourth and last religious order (who has renounced the world). parivri * = 1. P. A1. %{-varati} , %{-te} , (pf. %{1505

vavrur} , p. %{-vavRva4s} ; ind. p. %{-vRtya}) , to cover , surround , conceal , keep back , hem in RV. &c. &c.: Caus. %{-vArayati} , %{-te} (Pa1n2. 3-1 , 87 Va1rtt. 16 Pat. [601,2] ; ind. p. %{-vArya}) , to cover , surround , encompass , embrace (%{bAhubhyAm}) AV. &c. &c.\\ 2. A1. %{-vRNIte} , to choose RV. parivriddha * = mfn. grown , increased by (comp.) , strong , powerful Hariv. Ka1v. &c. ; %{tA} f. increase , extension , the swelling and becoming sour of food (in the stomach) Sus3r. parivriddhi * = f. increase , growth A1past. MBh. Ka1v. &c. parivrit * = A1. %{-vartate} (ep. also %{-ti} ; ind. p. %{-vRtya} , or %{parI-vartam}) , to turn round , revolve , move in a circle or to and fro , roll or wheel or wander about , circumambulate (acc.) RV. &c. &c. ; (with %{hRdi} or %{hRdaye}) to run in a person's mind MBh. ; to return , go or come back to (acc.) ib. ; to be reborn in (loc.) VP. ; (also with %{anyathA}) to change , turn out different MBh. Ka1v. ; to abide , stay , remain Mn. MBh. &c. ; to act , proceed , behave R.: Caus. %{-vartayati} , to cause to turn or move round or back or to and fro MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; (A1.) to roll or bring near (Subj. %{-vartayAte}) RV. v , 37 , 3 ; to overthrow , upset

(a carriage) Hariv. ; to invert , put in a reverse order Mr2icch. v , 9/10 (read %{-vartya} for %{vRtya}) ; to change , barter , exchange MBh. Hariv. &c. ; to renew (an agreement) Mn. viii , 154 &c. ; to understand or explain wrongly (words &c.) MBh. Ka1v. ; to turn topsyturvy i.e. search thoroughly R. ; to destroy , annihilate ib. ; to straiten , contract Car. ; (A1.) to cause one's self to be turned round (in having one's head shaved all round) TBr. S3Br. (cf. %{-vartana}): Intens. %{-va4vartti} , to turn (intrans.) continually RV. i , 164 , 11. parivririta * = (%{pa4ri-}) mfn. id. Br. &c. &c. ; n. a covered place or shed enclosed with walls used as a place of sacrifice S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. Gobh. ; (%{pa4rI}.) mfn. = prec. mfn. RV. AV. AitBr. ; surrounding RV. ; filled by , full of (comp.) Cat. parivritta * = mfn. (also %{-ka} g. %{RzyA7di}) turned , turned round , revolved , rolling , moving to and fro MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; lasting , remaining S3ak. vii , 34 (v.l.) ; passed , elapsed , finished , ended Hariv. ; = %{pari-vRta} , covered , surrounded L. ; retreated , returned W. ; exchanged ib. ; n. rolling , wallowing MBh. (v.l. %{-tti}) Ma1lati1m. ; an embrace MW. ; %{-tejas} mfn. spreading brilliance all around BhP. ; %{-nctra} mfn. rolling the eyes R. ; %{-phalA} f. N. of a plant Gal. ; %{-bhAgya} mfn. whose fortune has changed

or is gone Ma1lati1m. ; %{-ttA7rdha-mukha} mf(%{I})n. having the face half turned round Vikr. 30 parivRtti f. turning , rolling , revolution MBh. S3is3. ; return (into this world) A1past. ; exchange , barter (%{-ttyA} ind. alternately) BhP. ; moving to and fro or staying or dwelling in a place MBh. ; end , termination Kir. ; surrounding , encompassing ib. ; (in rhet.) a kind of figure in which one thing is represented as exchanged with another (e.g. Ma1lav. iii , 16 ; cf. Va1m. iv , 3 , 16) ; substitution of one word for another without affecting the sense (e.g. %{vRSalAJchana} for %{vRSadhvaja}) Kpr. ; contraction of the prepuce , phimosis (= %{-vartikA}) Sus3r. ; m. w.r. for %{pari-vitti} ; (%{I}) f. (%{pa4ri-v-}) , prob. w.r. for %{pari-vRktI}. parivroti * = f. surrounding , standing round R. parjanyaH = rain parjanyaat.h = from rains parjanya * = m. ( {pRc}, or {pRj} ?) a raincloud, cloud RV. &c. &c. [606, 2]; rain Bhag. iii, 14; rain personified or the god of rain (often identified with Indra) RV. &c. &c.; N. of one of the 12 dityas Hariv.; of a Deva-gandharva or Gandharva MBh. Hariv.; of a Riishi in several Manv-antaras Hariv.

MrkP.; of a Praj-pati (father of Hiranya-roman) VP.; ({-nyA} or {-nI}) f. Curcuma Aromatica or Xanthorrhiza L. [Cf. Goth. {fairguni}; Icel {fi"rgyn}; Lith. {perku4nas}.] parvan * = n. a knot , joint (esp. of a cane or other plant [cf. %{parus}] , but also of the body) , limb , member (lit. and fig.) RV. &c. &c. ; a break , pause , division , section (esp. of a book) S3Br. MBh. &c. ; the step of a staircase Ragh. ; a member of a compound Pra1t. Nir. ; a period or fixed time RV. VS. S3Br. Gr2S3rS. ; (esp.) the Ca1turma1sya festival , SrS. ; the days of the 4 changes of the moon (i.e. the full and change of the mmoon and the 8th and 14th of each half-month) Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c. ; a sacrifice performed on the occasion of a change of the moon R. ; the day of the moon's passing the node at its opposition or conjunction Var. Su1ryas. MBh. &c. ; the moment of the sun's entering a new sign W. ; any partic. period of the year (as the equinox , solstice &c.) ib. ; a division of time e.g. a half-month (24 in a year) MBh. ; a day (360) BhP. ; a festival , holiday W. ; opportunity , occasion ib. ; a moment , instant ib. parvaNa * = m. N. of a demon MBh. ; (%{I}) f. the period of a change of the moon ib. Hariv. ; a species of pot-herb (= %{parva-zAka}) Car. ; a partic. disease of the so-called juncture or Sam2dhi of the

eye Sus3r. (also %{-NI8kA}) ; ifc. = %{parvan} , a knot BhP. parivri 1. P. A1. %{-varati} , %{-te} , (pf. %{vavrur} , p. %{-vavRva4s} ; ind. p. %{-vRtya}) , to cover , surround , conceal , keep back , hem in RV. &c. &c.: Caus. %{-vArayati} , %{-te} (Pa1n2. 3-1 , 87 Va1rtt. 16 Pat. [601,2] ; ind. p. %{-vArya}) , to cover , surround , encompass , embrace (%{bAhubhyAm}) AV. &c. &c. \\ 2. A1. %{-vRNIte} , to choose RV. paryanta * =m. circuit, circumference, edge, limit, border; side, flank, extremity, end TBr. MBh. Kv. &c. (ifc. `" bounded by "', `" extending as far as "' [f. {A}]; or ibc. `" adjoining, neighbouring "'); ({am}) ind. entirely, altogether, S'ukas; (ifc.) to the end of, as far as Kap.; {paryantAt paryantam}, from one end to the other Var.; ({e}) ind. at the end Kaths.; mf({A})n. coming to an end with, being a match for Lalit.; extending in all directions Hariv. (v.l. {pary-asta}). pary-anta4-deza * =m. a neighbouring or adjacent district Hariv. paryantI-kR * =to finish; {-kRta} mfn. finished DivyA7v.


paryantIya * =mfn. being at the end pS'r. paryanya * =w.r. for {parjanya}. [607, 2] paryaaNii * =paryANI * =( {nI}) P. {-Nayati} (but Impv. {pary-A7nayata} MBh. i, 5446), to lead round S'Br. GriS. MBh.; to lead or bring forward RV. MBh. paryantikaa * =paryantikA * =: f. loss of all good qualities, depravity L. parye (%{-A-i}) P. %{-ai9ti} (ind. p. %{e4tya}), to roam about AitBr.; to go round, circumambulate (acc.) S3Br.; to come back, return ChUp. paryehi m. N. of a man; (%{I}) f. N. of a woman g. %{zArGgaravA7di}. 5 paryeshaNa n. search, inquiry, investigation MBh.; striving after Nya1yas.; (%{A}) f. = %{parI7STi} Pa1n2. 3-3, 107 Va1rtt. 3 Pat. 6 paryeaNa &c. see %{parI7S}. 7 paryeshthavya mfn. to be sought MBh.; to be striven after Car. 8 paryeshthi f. searching for, inquiry SaddhP.; striving after worldly objects Ja1takam. 9 paryetri m. subduer, conqueror RV. 10 paryetri %{paryehi} see 2. %{parI7}. paroksha * = ({-ro4-}) mf({A})n. beyond the range

of sight, invisible, absent, unknown, unintelligible AV. &c. &c.; past, completed (in a partic. sense cf. below and Ks'. on Pn. 3-2, 115); (ibc.) in an invisible or imperceptible manner (cf. below); ({am}) ind. out of sight, behind one's back, in the absence or without the knowledge of (instr.; later gen. or comp.) S'Br. &c. &c.; ({eNa}) ind. out of sight, secretly, mysteriously Br. Up.; ({At}) ind. secretly, without the knowledge of (instr.) Br. [589,2]; ({e}) ind. behind the back of (gen.) Mriicch. Pac. &c.; one's self not being present Pn. 3-2, 115; m. an ascetic L.; N. of a son of Anu BhP.; ({A}) f. (sc. {vRtti}) a past or completed action APrt.; (sc. {vibhakti}) a termination of the perfect tense Kt.; N. of a river VP.; {-kAma} ({kSa4-}) mfn. liking what is secret or mysterious S'Br.; {-kRta} mfn. (a hymn) in which a deity is not addressed but only spoken of in the 3rd person Nir. vii, 1; {-jit} mfn. victorious in an imperceptible manner BhP.; {-tA} f. (MBh.), {-tva} n. (Veda7ntas.) invisibility, imperceptibility; {pRSTha} m. a partic. Priishthhya S'rS.; {-priya} mfn. = {-kAma} AitBr.; {-bandhu} ({paro7kSa-}) mfn. not clear in its relation MaitrS.; {-buddhi} mfn. regarding as something distant, indifferent to, Jtakam.; {-bhoga} m. enjoyment or possession of anything in the proprietor's absence W.; {manmatha} mfn. inexperienced in love S'ak.; {vRtti} mfn. living out of sight Km.; formed in an obscure or indistinct manner Nir. Sch.; {1512

kSA7rtha} mfn. having a secret or recondite meaning; n. an absent or invisible object Hit. paaroksha * = mf({I})n. (fr. {paro'kSa}) undiscernible, mysterious (v.l. for next) Bh paarzva * = n. (rarely m. g. %{ardharcA7di}; ifc. f. %{A} fr. 1. %{parzu}) the region of the ribs (pl. the ribs), side, flank (either of animate or inanimate objects) RV. &c. &c.; the side = nearness, proximity (with gen. or ifc.; %{ayaH}, on both sides; %{am}, aside, towards; %{e}, at the side, near [opp. to %{dura-tas}]; %{At}, away, from; by means of, through) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; a curved knife S3Br.; a side of any square figure W.; the curve or circumference of a wheel ib.; (only n.) a multitude of ribs, the thorax W. [622,2]; the extremity of the fore-axle nearest the wheel to which the outside horses of a four-horse chariot are attached L.; a fraudulent or crooked expedient L.; m. the side horse on a chariot MBh.; N. of an ancient Buddhist teacher; (with Jainas) N. of the 23rd Arhat of the present Ava-sarpin2i1 and of his servant; (du.) heaven and earth L.; mfn. near, proximate (cf. comp. below). paroksham V* = without being seen; SB 4.29.54; unknown; SB 4.29.59; indirectly; SB 5.14.11;without the knowledge of the demigods; SB

6.9.3; privately; SB 10.21.3; confidential; SB 11.21.29-30; indirect explanation; SB 11.21.35; invisible; CC Adi 4.176 paropakaara = benefitting others (para-upakAra) paropakaaraaya = (Dative S) for helping others or for doing good to others paropadeshe = (Loc.S) in advising others parNa = leaf parNakuTii = (f) a thatched hut parNaani = the leaves parnashala = place for performing sacrifices parus n. a joint or knot (esp. of a cane or reed , orig. `" fullness "' i.e. the full or thick part of the stalk) , a limb or member of the body RV. AV. VS. S3Br. ; a part or portion RV. TS. TBr. ; Grewia Asiatica L. parusha = (adj) rough * = paruSa mf(%{A})n. (older f. %{pa4ruSNI}) knotty (as reed) AV. ; spotted , variegated , dirty-coloured RV. &c. &c. ; hard , stiff , rugged , rough , uneven , shaggy MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; intertwined with creepers (as a tree) Katha1s. [606,1] ; piercing , keen , sharp

, violent , harsh , severe , unkind ib. (%{am} ind.) ; m. a reed AV. ; an arrow S3a1n3khS3r. La1t2y. ; Grewia Asiatica or Xylocarpus Granatum L. ; (%{paru4Sa}) m. N. of a demon Suparn2. ; (%{A}) f. a kind of riddle MW. ; (%{-SNI}) f. N. of one of the rivers of the Panja1b now called Ra1vi1 RV. ; n. harsh and contumelious speech , abuse MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; the fruit of Grewia Asiatica or Xylocarpus Granatum L. ; a species of Barleria with blue flowers L. parva * = in comp. for {-van}. parva-kAla * =m. a periodic change of the moon R. MrkP.; the time at which the moon at its conjunction or opposition passes through the node MBh. Var.; {-nirNaya} m. N. of wk.; {-rAzi} m. time for festivals Jyot. parva-divasa * =m. the day of a periodic change of the moon Hcat. parva-dhi * =m. `" period-container "', the moon L. parva-nAdI * =f. `" moment of the Parvan "', moment of opposition or conjunction MW. parvaka * =n. the knee-joint L.


paryaacar * = P. %{-ca4rati} , to come near , approach RV. AV. paryanka = a bed* m. (also {paly-} Pn. 8-2, 22) a bed, couch, sofa, litter, palanquin KaushUp. MBh. Kv. &c. (also {-kikA} f. Kd.; {-kI-kRta} mfn. turned into a couch Gt.); a partic. mode of sitting on the ground (a squatting position assumed by ascetics and Buddhists in meditation) Buddh. (cf. below); a cloth wound round the back and loins and knees while so sitting L.; N. of a mountain (son of Vindhya) L. paryanta * = circuit, circumference, edge, limit, border; side, flank, extremity, end TBr. MBh. Kv. &c. (ifc. `" bounded by "', `" extending as far as "' [f. {A}]; or ibc. `" adjoining, neighbouring "'); ({am}) ind. entirely, altogether, S'ukas; (ifc.) to the end of, as far as Kap.; {paryantAt paryantam}, from one end to the other Var.; ({e}) ind. at the end Kaths.; mf({A})n. coming to an end with, being a match for Lalit.; extending in all directions Hariv. (v.l. {pary-asta}). pary-an * =P. {pary-aniti} Pn. 8-4, 20 Vrtt. 1 Pat. pary-anta4 * =m. circuit, circumference, edge, limit, border; side, flank, extremity, end TBr. MBh. Kv. &c. (ifc. `" bounded by "', `" extending as far

as "' [f. {A}]; or ibc. `" adjoining, neighbouring "'); ({am}) ind. entirely, altogether, S'ukas; (ifc.) to the end of, as far as Kap.; {paryantAt paryantam}, from one end to the other Var.; ({e}) ind. at the end Kaths.; mf({A})n. coming to an end with, being a match for Lalit.; extending in all directions Hariv. (v.l. {pary-asta}). paryantI-kR * =to finish; {-kRta} mfn. finished DivyA7v. paryantIya * =mfn. being at the end pS'r. paryanya * =w.r. for {parjanya}. [607, 2] pary-Antam * =ind. (prob.) w.r. for {pary-antam}, as far as, up to (comp.) past. paryantikA * =f. loss of all good qualities, depravity L. paryantaM = including paryaaptaM = limited paryaavaraNam.h = (n) environment paryupaasate = worship perfectly


paryushhitaM = decomposed parvata = mountain parvaNa * =m. N. of a demon MBh.; ({I}) f. the period of a change of the moon ib. Hariv.; a species of pot-herb (= {parva-zAka}) Car.; a partic. disease of the so-called juncture or Sandhi of the eye Sus'r. (also {-NI8kA}); ifc. = {parvan}, a knot BhP. parvataasana = the mountain posture pashchaat.h = later pashchaaddhanta = later on in the end pashchima = west, the back of the body pashchimottoanaasana = the back-stretching posture pashu = animal pashubhiH = (instr.pl.) animals pas'upati * = m. `" lord of animals "' (or `" llord of a servant named Pas'u "' or `" llord of the soul "' RTL. 89)N. of the later Rudra-S'iva or of a similar deity (often associated in the Veda with Bhava,

S'arva, Ugra, Rudra, Mah-deva, s'na and others who together with Bhima are in later times regarded as manifestations of Rudra) AV. &c. &c.; of Agni "' TS. S'Br.; of S'iva MBh. &c. (according to one legend every deity acknowledged himself to be a mere {pazu} or animal when entreating Siva to destroy the Asura Tri-pura); of a lexicographer; of a Scholiast &c.; {-dhara} m. N. of a poet Cat.; {nagara} n. `" S'iva's town "'N. of Ks' or Benares ib.; {-nAtha} m. N. of a partic. form of Siva W.; {purANa} n. (prob.) = S'ivaP.; {-zarman} m. N. of a man Cat.; {-zAsTra} n. the sacred book of the Ps'upatas revealed by S'iva Col.; {-tI7zvaranAhAtmya} and {-ty-askTaka} n. N. of wks. pazya * = mf(%{A})n. seeing , beholding , rightly understanding Up. (cf. Pa1n2. 4-1 , 137). pas'yat* = mf({antI})n. seeing, beholding &c.; ({antI}) f. a harlot L.; N. of a partic. sound L. pas'yatohara* = mfn. stealing before a persos eyes Pn. 6-3, 21 Vrtt. 1 Pat. pas'yata* = mfn. visible, conspicuous AV. pas'yanA* = f. see {a-pazyanA}. pas'ya* = mf({A})n. seeing, beholding, rightly

understanding Up. (cf. Pn. 4-1, 137). pas'ya = see (from dRish.h) pas'yataH = for the introspective pas'yati = sees pas'yan.h = seeing pas'yanti = see pas'yannapi = even after seeing pas'yaatmaanaM = see your own self pas'yaama = we see pas'yaami = I see pas'yet.h = see pashyemaakshabhiH = May we see through the eyes pashyemaakshabhiryajatraaH = may we see with eyes? pataga = Bird

patangaaH = moths patati = (1 pp) to fall patatrin.h = bird patana = falling patanti = fall down pataye = husband pathagriham.h = (n) a tent path.h = to read pathanaM = reading pathhaniiyaa = should be read pathaami = read pathitvaa = after reading pathet.h = may read pat.h = to fall patha * = m. (n. L.; ifc. f. {A}) woven cloth, cloth, a blanket, garment, veil, screen MBh. Kv. &c. (cf.

{marut-}, {vAta-}); a painted piece of cloth, a picture Yj. Kd.; monastic habit Krand.; a kind of bird Lalit.; Buchanania Latifolia L.; = {puraskRta} L.; ({I}) f. a narrow piece of cloth, the hem or edge of a garment Blar. Hcar.; the curtain of a stage L. (cf. {apaTI}); n. a thatch or roof (= {paTala}) L. patha* = * = m. a way, path, road, course, reach MBh. Kv. &c. (generally ifc. for {pathin}; cf. Pn. 5-4, 74). pathaha * m. (rarely n. or f. ) a kettledrum, a wardrum, drum, tabor (acc. with {dA}, or Caus. of {dA} or {bhram}, to proclaim anything by the sound of a drum) MBh. Kv. &c. [579, 2]; m. beginning L.; hurting L. pathaka* = m. cotton-cloth L.; a camp, encampment L.; the half of a village L. (v.l. for {pAT-}). pathaaka* = m. a bird Un. iv, 14 Sch. (cf. {paiT-}); ({A}) f. a flag, banner L. (cf. {patAkA}). path.h = road pathha* = m. reading, recitation (? see comp.); N. of a serpent-demon MBh.


pataka* = mfn. who or what falls or descends &c.; m. an astronomical table W. pataaka* = m. (`" flying "'), a flag or banner (perhaps incorrect for {-kA}) AdbhBr.; a partic. position of the hand or the fingers in shooting off an arrow, SrngP. (cf. {tri-p-}); ({A}) f. see next. pataakaa* = f. (ifc. f. {A}) a flag, pennon, banner, sign, emblem Br. MBh. Kv. &c. ({-kAM-labh} or {hR}, `" to win the palm "' Das'. Vcar.) [581,2]; a flag-staff L.; a partic. high number MBh. (= {mahA-padma} Nlak.); (in dram.) an episode or episodical incident Das'ar.; good fortune, auspiciousness L.; N. of wk. pathha * = m. reading , recitation (? see comp.) ; N. of a serpent-demon MBh. patha * = m. a way , path , road , course , reach MBh. Ka1v. &c. (generally ifc. for %{pathin} ; cf. Pa1n2. 5-4 , 74). pathi = on the path pathika = traveller pathya = suitable


pati = husband pathi*= f. a kind of cloth Pac. (cf. {paTI} under {paTa}); = {vAguli} L.; a species of plant L. pathi*= see under {paTa}, col. 1. pa4ti*= 1 m. (cf. 1. {vat}; when uncompounded and meaning `" husband "' instr. {pa4tya}; dat. {pa4tye}; gen. abl. {pa4tyur}; loc. {pa4tyau}; but when meaning `" lord, master "', and ifc. regularly inflected with exceptions; cf. Pn. 1-4, 8; 9) a master, owner, possessor, lord, ruler, sovereign RV. &c. &c.; a husband ib. (in comp. either with the stem or with the gen., e.g. {duhitR-p-} or {-tuH-p-} Pn. 6-3, 24; when mfn. f. = m. e.g. {-jIvat-patyA tvayA} R. ii, 24, 8, or {patikA} e.g. {pramItapatikA} Mn. ix, 68); one of the 2 entities (with {pAzupata4s}) RTL. 89; a root L.; f. a female possessor, mistress Pn. 4-1, 33 Sch.; a wife ({vRddha-p-} = {-patnI}, the wwife of an old man ib. 34 Sch.) [Cf. Gk. $, `" husband "'; &178937[582, 1] Lat. {potis}, {pos-sum} for {potis-sum}; Lith. {patis}, `" husband "'; Goth. ({bruth-}) {faths}, `" bridegroom "'] pathya* = mfn. `" belonging to the way "', suitable, fit, proper, wholesome, salutary (lit. and fig.; esp. said of diet in a medical sense) Ya1jn5. MBh. Sus3r.

&c.; containing elements or leading forms, regular, normal La1t2y. Nid.; m. Terminalia Chebula or Citrina L.; N. of a teacher of AV.; (%{A4}) f. a path, way, road (with %{reva4tI}, `" the auspicious path, personified as a deity of happiness and welfare) RV. TS. Br.; Terminalia Chebula or Citrina and other plants L.; N. of sev. metres Nid. Col.; N. of a woman Katha1s.; n. a species of salt L. patitaM = fallen (past part.) patireka = He is the One Lord pattanam.h = (n) town, city patni = wife patnii = wife patra = leaf patraM = a leaf patrakaaraH = (m) journalist patrapeTikaa = (m) letter-box patram.h = (n) a letter, note patravaahaH = (m) postman

patraalayam.h = (n) post office patrikaa = (f) newspaper, magazine paTTa * = m. (fr. {pattra}?) a slab, tablet (for painting or writing upon) MBh.; (esp.) a copper plate for inscribing royal grants or orders (cf. {tAmra-}); the flat or level surface of anything (cf. {lalATa-}, {zilA-}) MBh. Kv. &c.; a bandage, ligature, strip, fillet (of cloth, leather &c.) MBh. Sus'r.; a frontlet, turban (5 kinds, viz. those of kings, queens, princes, generals, and the {prasAdapaTTas}, or turban of honour [579, 3]; cf. VarBriS. xlix), tiara, diadem MBh. Kv. Rjat. (ifc. f. {A}); cloth (= {paTa}); coloured or fine cloth, woven silk (= {kauzeya}) Kv. Pac. (cf. {cIna-p-}, {paTTA7Mzuka} &c.); an upper or outer garment Bhathth.; a place where 4 roads meet (= {catuSpatha}) L.; Corchorus Olitorius W.; = {vidUSaka} Gal.; N. of sev. men Rjat.; ({I}) f. a forehead ornament L.; a horse's food-receptacle (= {tAlasAraka}) L.; a species of Lodhra L.; a city, town (cf. {-nivasana}). patu = (adj) skilled, clever paulastya = ravaNa pau.nDraM = the conch named Paundra


pauNDraka* = m. the pale straw-coloured species of sugar-cane Bhpr.; a prince or (pl.) the people of the Paundras Mn. MBh. Hariv. Pur.; N. of a partic. mixed caste of hereditary sugar-boilers (the son of a Vais'ya by a woman of the distiller class, regarded as one of the degraded races of Kshatriyas) Mn. x, 44; n. (as mfn. ifc.) a sectarian mark patyuH = Lord's pautra = (m) grandson (sos son) pautraaH = grandsons pautraan.h = grandsons pautri = (f) granddaughter (sos daughter) paura = (masc) townsman paurushha = manliness, virility, courage, effort paurusha * = 1 mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{puruSa}) manly, human S3Br. MBh. &c.; belonging or sacred to Purusha RPra1t. Mn. MBh. &c.; = %{puruSadvayasa}, %{-daghna} or %{-mAtra} Pa1n2. 5-2, 37; 38; m. a weight or load which can be carried by one man Mn. viii, 404 (Kull.); N. of a Ra1kshasa VP. (v.l. %{pauruSeya}); (%{I}) f. a woman

S3a1n3khS3r.; a period of 3 hours (= %{yAma}) HParis3.; n. manhood, virility (opp. to %{strItva}) R.; manliness, manly strength or courage or deed, valour, heroism MBh. Ka1v. &c.; force (opp. to %{buddhi}, `" intellect "') Katha1s.; a man's length VarBr2S.; a generation A1s3vS3r. Ma1rkP.; semen virile L.; the penis Sus3r.; a sun-dial L. paurushhaM = ability paurva* = 1 mf({I})n. (fr. {pUrva}) relating or belonging to the past; relating to the east, eastern W. paurva* = 2 Vriiddhi form of {pUrva} in comp paurvadehikaM = from the previous body pavataaM = of all that purifies pavana * = m. `" purifier "', wind or the god of wind, breeze, air (ifc. f. {A}) MBh. Kv. &c.; vital air, breath Sus'r. Sarvad.; the regent of the Nakshatra Svti and the north-west region Var.; N. of the number 5 (from the 5 vital airs) ib.; a householder's sacred fire Hr.; a species of grass L.; N. of a son of Manu Uttama BhP.; of a mountain ib.; of a country in Bharata-kshetra W.; ({I}) f. a broom L.; the wild citron-tree L. (v.l. {pacanI}); N.

of a river VP.; n. or m. purification, winnowing of corn L.; a potter's kiln, S'riingr.; n. an instrument for purifying grain &c., sieve, strainer AV. s'vGri.; blowing Kan.; water L.; mfn. clean, pure L. pavana = breeze pavanaH = air/breath pavanamuktaasana = the knee squeeze posture pavita* = mfn. purified, cleansed W.; n. black pepper L. pavitrakIrti* = mfn. of spotless renown Dhrtas. pavitratA* = f. purity, cleanness MrkP. Rjat. pavitratva* = n. id. Uttarar. Hcat.; the being a means of purification Kthh. TndBr. pavitrayoni* = mfn. of spotless origin, Pac pavitraratha* = ({vi4tra-}) mfn. having the strainer as a chariot (Soma) RV. pavitraka* = m. a small sieve or strainer KtyS'r. (see also under {pavitra}); m. Poa Cynosuroides L.; Artemisia Indica L.; Ficus Religiosa or Glomerata

L. pavitraya* = Nom. P {-yati}, to cleanse, purify, render happy Kaths. S'atr. Pacad. pavitra* = n. a means of purification, filter, strainer, straining-cloth &c. (made of thread or hair or straw, for clarifying fruits, esp. the Soma) RV. &c. &c.; Kus'a grass (esp. two KKus'a leaves for holding offerings or for sprinkling and purifying ghee &c.) S'Br. KtyS'r. Mn. &c. (ifc. also {ko} see {sa-pavitraka}), a ring of KKus'a grass worn on the fourth finger on partic. occasions W.; a purifying prayer or Mantra Mn. Yj. MBh.; a means of purifying or clearing the mind RV. iii, 26, 8; 31, 6 &c.; melted butter L.; honey L.; water L.; rain or rubbing ({varSaNa} or {gharSaNa}) L.; copper L.; the vessel in which the Argha is presented L. (ifc. {-ka} MrkP.); the Brhmanical cord (cf. {-trA7ropaNs}); N. of Vishnu (also {ppresented pavintrANAm}) MBh. (cf RTL. 106); of S'iva ib.; (with {AdityAnAm} and {devAnAm}) N. of Smans ArshBr.; a kind of metre Col.; m. N. of a partic. Soma-sacrifice belonging to the Rjasya TndBr. Sch. S'rS.; Sesamum Indicum L.; Nageia Putranjiva L.; N. of a man g. {azvA7di}; of an ngirasa (the supposed author of RV. ix, 67; 73; 83; 107) RAnukr.; (pl.) N. of a class of deities in the 14th Manv-antara, Pur; ({A}) f. N. of sev. plants

(basil, saffron, the small Pippala tree &c.) L.; of sev. rivers MBh. Pur.; the 12th day of the light half of S'ravana (a festival in honour of Vishnu) W.; mf({A})n. purifying, averting evil, pure, holy, sacred, sinless, beneficent Mn. MBh. &c. pavitraM = sanctified paaya V*= get, obtain paaya *= water payas.h = water payas * = n. (1. {pI}) any fluid or juice, (esp.) milk, water, rain; semen virile, (met.) vital spirit, power, strength RV. &c. &c.; a species of Andropogon Bhpr.; N. of a Sman S'rS.; of a Virj RPrt.; night Naigh. i, 7. payoda = cloud (one who gives water)1 =* mf(%{A})n. milk-giving (as a cow) Hariv.; yielding water (as a cloud) Subh.; m. a cloud Ka1lid. Var. &c. (%{-suhRd} m. `" friend of clouds "', a peacock Sa1h.); N. of a son of Yadu Hariv.; (%{A}) f. N. of one of the Ma1tr2is attending on Skanda MBh. payodhara = cloud payodhi = (m) sea, ocean

payodhii = sea (one that stores water) pedabhaila = (m) a father who loves his son very much peya = should be drunk peSa * = pounding, grinding (ifc.) Baudh. (cf. {zilAp-}); m. the act of pounding or grinding or crushing S'is'. (cf. {piSTa-p-}). pes'a* =m. ( {piz}) an architect, carpenter(?) RV. i, 92, 5; vii, 34, 11; ornament, decoration AitBr. BhP. (cf. {puru-} and {su-}; g. {gaurA7di} and {sidhmA7di}); ({I}) f. see below. pes'ala * = mf({A})n. (g. {sidhmA7di}) artificially formed, adorned, decorated VS. TBr.; beautiful, charming, lovely, pleasant MBh. Kv. &c.; soft, tender, delicate, Kalid.; expert, skilful, clever Bhartri.; fraudulent, crafty L.; ({am}) ind. tenderly, delicately Kaths.; m. N. of Vishnu, V.; n. charm, grace, beauty, loveliness BhP. pes'askrit * = m. the hand (as `" the artist "') BhP.; a wasp ib. phaalguna * = mf({I4})n. relating to the Nakshatra Phalgun S'Br. S'rS.; born under the NNakshatra

PhPhalgun Pn. 4-3, 34 (v.l.); m. (with or scil. {mAsa}) the month during which the full moon stands in the NNakshatra PhPhalgun (February-March) Mn. MBh.; N. of Arjuna (= {phalguna}) MBh. Hariv.; Terminalia Arjuna (= {nadI-ja}) L.; ({I}) f. see below; n. a species of grass used as a substitute for the Soma plant (and also called {arjunAnI}) S'Br. TBr. s'vS'r. [718, 2]; N. of a place of pilgrimage BhP. phaaT ind. an interjection of calling W. phaTaaTopa = (m) expanding of the hood by a cobra phaNin.h = snake phal.h = to bear fruit phala = fruit phalaM = results phalakaH = (m) board, blackboard, bill-board phaladaa = giver of fruits (rewards, results ) phaladiipika = A classical work on Astrology by Mantreswara

phalahetavaH = those desiring fruitive results phalaakaankshii = desiring fruitive results phalaani = results phalaanumeyaaH = fruits resembling actions phale = in the result phaleshhu = in the fruits phalgu* = mf({U84}, or {vI})n. reddish, red TS.; small, minute, feeble, weak, pithless, unsubstantial, insignificant, worthless, unprofitable, useless VS. &c. &c.; f. Ficus Oppositifolia L.; a red powder usually of the root of wild ginger (coloured with sappan wood and thrown over one another by the Hinds at the Hol festival; cf. {phalgU7tsava}) W.; the spring season L.; (scil. {vAc}) a falsehood lie L.; N. of a river flowing Past Gay MBh. Hariv.; du. (in astrol.) N. of a Nakshatra. phalguna * = mf({I})n. reddish, red VS. TS.; born under the Nakshatra Phalgun Pn. 4-3, 34; m. N. of a man ({-svAmin} m. a temple built by PhPhalgun) Rjat.; the month Phlguna L.; N. of Arjuna L.; ({I}) f. see below.


phalaiH = results phaT *= ind. (onom.) crack! VS. AV. TA1r. (also a mystical syllable used in incantation). phat *= ind. , an interjection (in %{phat-kR} , prob. w.r. for %{phuT-kR}). phulla = open, flowered phenaH = (m) foam phenakam.h = (n) soap piidita = mfn. squeezed, pressed Mn. MBh. &c.; hurt, injured, afflicted, distressed, troubled, badly off ib.; covered, eclipsed, obscured Var.; laid waste W.; bound, tied ib.; suppressed; badly pronounced, APrt.; ({am}) ind. closely R.; n. damage Gaut.; harassment, annoyance MBh. (v.l. {pIDana}); a kind of coitus L. pi.nDe = truncated or lump of a body or rice/flourball given in oblation pikaH = cuckoo pingalaa = the channel on the right of the spine


pichchham.h = (n) feather piJNcha = the chin, feather piJNjaH = (m) an electirc switch piDaa = pain piNDa = morsel of food * =. (rarely n.) any round or roundish mass or heap, a ball, globe, knob, button, clod, lump, piece (cf. {ayaH-}., {mAMsa-} &c.) RV. (only i, 162, 19 and here applied to lumps of flesh) TS. S'Br. &c. &c.; a roundish lump of food, a bite, morsel, mouthful; (esp.) a ball of rice or flour &c. offered to the Pitriis or deceased ancestors, a S'rddha oblation (RTL. 293; 298-310) GriS'rS. Mn. MBh. &c.; food, daily bread, livelihood, subsistence MBh. Kv. &c.; any solid mass or material object, the body, bodily frame Ragh. S'ank. Vajracch.; the calf of the leg Mlatm. v, 16; the flower of a China rose L.; a portico or partic. part of a house L.; power, force, an army L.; m. (du.) the fleshy parts of the shoulder situated above the collar-bone MBh.; (du.) the two projections of an elephant's frontal sinus L.; the embryo in an early stage of gestation L.; a partic. kind of incense Var. (`" myrrh "' or `" olibanum "' L.); meat, flesh L.; alms Mlatm. (cf. {-pAta} below); Vangueriya Spinosa L.; quantity, collection

L.; (in arithm.) sum, total amount; (in astron.) a sine expressed in numbers; (in music) a sound, tone; N. of a man g. {naDA7di}; n. (L.) iron; steel; fresh butter; ({A}) f. a kind of musk L.; ({I}) f. see 1. {piNDI}. pis'aaca * = m. (ifc. f. {A}) N. of a class of demons (possibly so called either from their fondness for flesh [{piza} for {pizita}] or from their yellowish appearance; they were perhaps originally a personification of the ignis fatuus; they are mentioned in the Veda along with Asuras and Rkshasas see also Mn. xii, 44; in later times they are the children of Krodh cf. IW. 276); a fiend, ogre, demon, imp, malevolent or devilish being AV. &c. &c. (ifc. `" a devil of a - "' Kd.); N. of a Rakshas R.; ({A}) f. N. of a daughter of Daksha and mother of the Pis'cas VP.; ({I}) f. a female PPis'cas, a she-devil AV. &c. &c. (also ifc. = m.); excessive fondness for (ifc.; e.g. {Ayudha-p-}, eexcessive ffondness for fighting) Blar. Anarghar.; a species of Valerian L.; N. of a Yogini Hcat. pitaH = (m) father pitaraH = fathers pitaa = father


pitaamaha = (m) grandfather (father's father) pitaamahaH = the grandfather pitaamahaaH = grandfathers pitaamahaan.h = grandfathers pitaamahi = (f) grandmother (father's mother) pitaambara = yellow sacred clean cloth worn by gods and priest pithha* = m. pain, distress W. piithha* = n. (rarely , f.; possibly corrupted fr. {pisad}, to sit upon) a stool, seat, chair, bench, GriS'. MBh. &c.; a religious student's seat (made properly of Kus'a grass) W.; case, pedestal (esp. of an idol) Rjat. Var. Sch.; royal seat, throne RmatUp.; place, office (cf. {pIThA7dhikAra}); N. of various temples (erected on the 5 1 spots where the limbs of Prvat fell after she had been cut to pieces by the discus of Vishnu) L.; a district, province Pac.; a partic. posture in sitting Cat.; (in geom.) the complement of a segment Col.; m. a kind of fish L.; the sun Gal.; N. of an Asura MBh.; of a minister of Kansa Hariv.


piitha* = 1 m. a drink, draught (cf. {go-p-}, {surAp-}, {soma-p-}); n. water L.; melted butter pitri = father pitrihuu * = mfn. invoking the PPitris; f. (sc. %{dvAr}) N. of the southern aperture of the human body i.e. the right ear BhP. (cf. %{deva-hU}). pitrihuuya * = n. invoking or summoning the Pitr2is S3Br. pitri-kaaraka = Significator of Father which is the Sun pitrin.h = fathers pitrivrataaH = worshipers of ancestors pitriiNaaM = of the ancestors pitriin.h = to the ancestors piteva = like a father pitta = Biological Fire humour. Used in Ayurvedic Medical Typology pidadhaati = to close

pidhaana *= n. (m. g. %{ardharcA7di}) covering , stopping , shutting , closing Ma1lav. Sa1h. ; a cover , lid , sheath &c. MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; (%{-vat} mfn. covered with a lid Ra1jat.) ; a partic. process to which quicksilver is subjected Sarvad. ; (%{I}) f. a cover , lid L. pidhaanam.h = (n) cork pipaasaa = thirst pipaasita = thirsty pipiilikaa = ant pib.h = to drink piba.ntu = (Vr.Imp.III P Pl.PP) let them drink pibati = (1 pp) to drink pibet.h = (Verb. Imp. III P.S.PP) may one drink pihitapatram.h = (n) an envelope piiTha = sitting base piiDana = harrasment


piiDayati = (10 up) to oppress piiDayaa = by torture piiDaaya* = Nom. . {-yate}, to feel pain, be uneasy Snkhyak. Sch. piiDa* = m. n. in {tila-p-}, {triNa-p-}. piitha (Yoga encyclopedia) * ("seat") is sometimes used synonymously for *sana. The term can also refer to a sacred site (*trtha), such as a temple, or a special locus of spiritual energy (*shakti) within the *body, corresponding to a *cakra. For instance, the *Laghu-Yoga-Vsishtha (VI.2.100f.) speaks of the thirty-six trthas in the body in which *God should be worshiped.\\Moreover, in one of its several classification systems, *Shaiva *Tantrism employs the term ptha to denote a certain type of scripture (see *gama), analogous to the categories of *mnya and *srota. There are four such pthas, namely vidy-, mantra-, mudr-, and mandalaptha. While the scriptures of a particular class deal chiefly with the subject matter indicated by the name of their category (such as *mantras or *mandalas), each scripture covers all the important *Tantric principles. piithha* = n. (rarely , f.; possibly corrupted fr. {pi1541

sad}, to sit upon) a stool, seat, chair, bench, GriS'. MBh. &c.; a religious student's seat (made properly of Kus'a grass) W.; case, pedestal (esp. of an idol) Rjat. Var. Sch.; royal seat, throne RmatUp.; place, office (cf. {pIThA7dhikAra}); N. of various temples (erected on the 5 1 spots where the limbs of Prvat fell after she had been cut to pieces by the discus of Vishnu) L.; a district, province Pac.; a partic. posture in sitting Cat.; (in geom.) the complement of a segment Col.; m. a kind of fish L.; the sun Gal.; N. of an Asura MBh.; of a minister of Kansa Hariv. piitha* = 1 m. a drink, draught (cf. {go-p-}, {surAp-}, {soma-p-}); n. water L.; melted butter L. \\* = 2 m. id. (see {go-p-}). piiDA* = f. pain, suffering, annoyance, harm, injury, violation, damage ({ayA} ind. with pain i.e. unwillingly) Mn. MBh. &c.; devastation (cf. {pIDana}) W.; restriction, limitation KtyS'r. Sch.; obscuration, eclipse (of a planet cf. {graha-p-}) Var.; pity, compassion L.; a chaplet or garland for the head L. (cf. {ApIDa}); Pinus Longifolia L.; a basket L.; w.r. for {pITha}. piiDita = Distress. Usually caused by Combust position of planet* = mfn. squeezed, pressed Mn. MBh. &c.; hurt, injured, afflicted, distressed,

troubled, badly off ib.; covered, eclipsed, obscured Var.; laid waste W.; bound, tied ib.; suppressed; badly pronounced, APrt.; ({am}) ind. closely R.; n. damage Gaut.; harassment, annoyance MBh. (v.l. {pIDana}); a kind of coitus L. piinaH = (m) something you suck on piita = yellow piitaM = yellow piitavaasasam.h = wearing the yellow dress pishtha *= 1 mfn. (for 2. see %{piS}) fashioned , prepared , decorated (superl. %{-tama}) RV. AV. VS. ; n. = %{rUpa} Naigh. iii , 7.\\ 2 piSTa 2 mfn. (for 1. see above) crushed , ground &c. RV. &c. &c. ; clasped , squeezed , rubbed together (as the hands) W. ; kneaded ib. ; m. a cake , pastry L. ; N. of a man g. %{zivA7di} ; pl. his descendants g. %{upakA7di} ; (%{I}) f. see s.v. ; n. flour , meal , anything ground (%{na@pinaSTi@piSTam} , `" he does not grind flour "' i.e. he does no useless work) BhP. ; lead L. pithha* = m. pain, distress W. pIva * = 1 mfn. fat RV. AitBr.; (%{A}) f. water L.\\ 2 Nom. P. %{-vati}, to be fat or corpulent Dha1tup.

xv, 55.\\ 3 in comp.= %{pI4vas}. pkasha = (masc) wing pluta * = mfn. floated, floating or swimming in (loc.), bathed, overflowed, submerged, covered or filled with (instr. or comp.) Yj. MBh. R. &c.; protracted, prolated or lengthened (as a vowel) to 3 Mtrs (q.v.) Prt. Pn. 1-2, 27 esp. S'rS. &c. (also said of a kind of measure Cat.) [715, 3]; flown R.; leaped, leaping MBh. Hariv.; n. a flood, deluge (pl.) Hariv.; leaping, moving by leaps MBh. R. Vcar.; capering (one of a horse's paces) L. poshasya V: - maintainer of -, sustainer ofpothalikaa = (f) a sack potaka = young one of an animalpraak.h = a long time ago praa-bhava * = n. (fr. {-bhu}) superiority L. praabhava * = &c. see under 3. {prA} ib. praacurya * = n. (fr. {-cura}) multitude, abundance, plenty Bdar. Rjat. Pacat.; amplitude, prolixity TPrt. Sch.; prevalence, currency S'ank. Rjat.; ({eNa}) ind. in a mass, fully,

mostly MrkP.; in detail BhP. praachii = (f) east praachiinam.h = (adj) old, ancient pra+chal.h = to agitate praadhaanyataH = which are principal praagalbhya = development, depth, maturity praaGYa = wise man praaGYaH = the learned man praaja* = mf({A} and {I}) (fr. {jJA}) intellectual (opp. to {zArIra}, {taijasa}) S'Br. Nir. MndUp.; intelligent, wise, clever KathhUp. Mn. MBh. &c.; m. a wise or learned man MBh. Kv. &c.; intelligence dependent on individuality Veda7ntas.; a kind of parrot with red stripes on the neck and wings L.; ({A}) f. intelligence, understanding L.; ({I}) f. the wife of a learned man L.; {-kathA} f. a story about a wise man MW.; {-tA} f. (Mis.), {-tva} n. (Veda7ntas.) wisdom, learning, intelligence; {bhUta-nAtha}, m.N. of a poet Cat.; {-mAna} m. respect for learned men W.; {-mAnin} (S'ank.), {m-mAniG} (Kaths.), {-vAdika} (MBh.). mfn.

thinking one's self wise. praaha = told praahuH = they say praaJNjalayaH = with folded hands praakritaH = materialistic praaktanaaH = earlier ones? praalamba* = mf({I})n. hanging down R.; m. a kind of pearl ornament L.; the female breast L.; a species of gourd L.; n. (?) a garland hanging down to the breast Ragh. (also {-baka}, n. and {-bikA} f. L.) praalamba* = {prAleya} &c. see under 3. {prA}, p. 702, col. 2. praamaaNyaM = proof praaN.h = life praaNa = Soul * = 2 m. (ifc. f. %{A}; for 1. see under %{prA}, p. 701) the breath of life, breath, respiration spirit vitality; pl. life RV. &c. &c. (%{prA7NAn} with %{muc} or %{hA} or %{pari-}

%{tyaj}, `" to resign or quit life "'; with %{rakS}, `" to save llife "'; with %{ni-han}, `" to destroy llife "'; %{tvam@me@prA7NaH} "', thou art to me as dear as llife "'; often ifc.; cf. %{pati-}, %{mA7napr-}); a vital organ vital air (3 in number, viz. %{prA7Na}, %{apA7na} and %{vyAna} AitBr. TUp. Sus3r.; usually 5, viz. the preceding with %{samAna} and, %{yd-Ana} S3Br. MBh. Sus3r. &c. cf. MWB. 242; or with the other vital organs 6 S3Br.; or 7 AV. Br. Mun2d2Up.; or 9 AV. TS. Br.; or 10 S3Br.; pl. the 5 organs of vitality or sensation, viz. %{prA7Na}, %{vAc}, %{cakSus}, %{zrotra}, %{manas}, collectively ChUp. ii, 7, i; or = nose, mouth, eyes and ears GopBr. S3rS. Mn. iv, 143); air inhaled, wind AV. S3Br. [705,2]; breath (as a sign of strength). vigour, energy, power MBh. R. &c. (%{sarvaprA7Nena} or %{-prA7NaiH}, `" with all one's strength "' or, all one's heart "'; cf. %{yathAprA7Nam}); a breath (as a measure of time, or the ttime requisite for the pronunciation of 10 long syllables = 1/6 Vina1d2ika1) Var. Aryabh. VP.; N. of a Kalpa (the 6th day in the light half of Brahma1's month) Pur.; (in Sa1m2khya) the spirit (= %{puruSa}) Tattvas.; (in Veda7nts) the spirit identified with the totality of dreaming spirits Veda7ntas. RTL. 35 (cf. %{prANA7tman}); poetical inspiration W.; myrrh L.; a N. of the letter %{y} Up.; of a Sa1man Ta1n2d2Br. (%{vasiSThasya@prA7NA7pA7nau} A1rshBr.); of Brahma1 L.; of Vishn2u RTL. 106; of a Vasu BhP.;

of a son of the Vasu Dhara Hariv.; of a Marut Ya1jn5. Sch.; of a son of Dha1tr2i Pur.; of a son of Vidha1tr2i BhP.; of a R2ishi in the 2nd Manvantara Hariv. prANA * = m. destruction of life, killing, slaughter MBh. R. &c. (with Buddhists one of the 10 sins Dharmas.) praaNaM = the air which acts outward praaNakarmaaNi = functions of the life breath praaNavaayu = a vital air that moves in the chest praaNaan.h = life (always used in plural ) praaNaapaanau = up-and down-moving air praaNaayaama = control of the breath praaNaayana* = n. (for 2. see below) an organ of sense BhP.\\praaNaayana* = 2 m. (for 1. see under {prA7Na}) the offspring of the vital airs VS. (cf. g. {naDA7di}). praaNinaaM = of all living entities praaNe = in the air going outward

praaNes'a * = m. `" lord of llife "', a husband Sa1h.; `" lord of breath "'N. of a Marut Ya1jn5. Sch.; (%{A}) f. a mistress, wife Katha1s. praaNes'vara * = m. `" lord of llife "', a husband, lover MBh. Ka1v. Hit.; a partic. drug Cat.; pl. the vital spirits personified Hariv.; (%{I}) f. a mistress, wife Inscr. praaNeshvara = husband praaNeshhu = in the outgoing air praanta = the end praap *= (%{pra-Ap}) P. A1. %{prA7pnoti} (irreg. Pot. %{prA7peyam}), to attain to; reach, arrive at, meet with, find AV. &c. &c.; to obtain, receive (also as a husband or wife) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; to incur (a fine) Mn. viii, 225; to suffer (capital punishment) ib. 364; (with %{dizaH}) to flee in all directions Bhat2t2.; to extend, stretch, reach to (%{A}) Pa1n2. 5-2, 8; to be present or at hand AV.; (in gram.) to pass or be changed into (acc.) Siddh.: to result (from a rule), be in force, obtain (also Pass.) Ka1s3.: Caus. %{prA7payati}, %{-te} (ind. p. %{prA7payya}, or %{prA7pya} Pa1n2. 6-4, 57 Sch.), to cause to reach or attain (2 acc.), advance, promote, further (P. ChUp. MBh. &c.; A1. TBr. MBh.); to lead or bring to (dat.) VP.; to impart,

communicate, announce, relate Mn. MBh. &c.; to meet with, obtain R.: Desid. %{pre7psati}, to try to attain, strive to reach S3Br. praap.h = to obtain praapta = occurred praaptaM = received praaptaH = achieving praaptiH = achievement praapnuyaat.h = he attains praapnuvanti = achieve praapya = achieving praapyate = is achieved praapsyasi = you gain praapsye = I shall gain praaraMbhaaH = (Masc.nom.S)beginning praarabhate = begins

praarambha = beginning (more motivated than aarambha) praarth.h = to beg / pray praarthanaa = Prayer praarthayante = pray for praarthe = request, pray praasaada = palace * = m. (for {pra-s-} lit. `" sitting forward "', sitting on a seat in a conspicuous place; cf. Pn. 6-3, 122) a lofty seat or platform for spectators, terrace S'nkhS'r. Mn.; the top-story of a lofty building Kd.; a lofty palatial mansion (approached by steps), palace, temple AdbhBr. MBh. Kv. &c.; (with Buddhists) the monks "' hall for assembly and confession MWB. 426. praataH = morning praataHkaala = morning praataradhiiyaano = morning-studied man praati* = f. filling (= {pUrti}) L.; the span of the thumb and forefinger. L. \\2 (for 1. see under {prA}), Vriiddhi or lengthened form of 1. {prati} in

comp. In the following derivatives formed with 2. {prAti} only the second member of the simple compound from which they come is given in the parentheses (leaving the preposition {prati}, which is lenghened to {prAti} in the derivatives, to be supplied). [706, 3] praatIpa* = m. (fr. %{pratIpa}) patr. of S3am2tanu MBh praatipada* = mf({I}) n. (fr. {-pad}) forming the commencement S'nkhS'r.; m. N. of a man S'atr. praavaarakam.h = (n) coat praavara * =m. (for 1. see under 3. {prA}. p. 702, col. 3) an enclosure, fence (cf. {mahI-pr-}) L. praavAra * m. id. MBh. Km. Mriicch. (also {-ka}); N. of a district (= {-varaka}) MBh.; mfn. found in outer garments or cloaks Kv.; {-karNa} m. `" Cloak-Ear "'N. of an owl MBh.; {-kITa} m. `" clothes-insect "' = {kuNa} L.; a louse W.; {-rika} m. a maker of cloaks R.; {-rIya} P. {-yati}, to use as a clcloaks Pn. 3-1, 10 Sch. praavraajya* = n. (fr. {-vrAj}) the life of a religious mendicant, vagrancy MBh. (w.r. {-vrajya}) MrkP.


praavrit *= (%{prA} m. c. for %{pra}), Caus. %{vartayati}, to produce, create MBh. Hariv. praavrita *= mfn. covered, enclosed, screened, hid in (instr. or comp.) RV. &c. &c.; put on (as a garment) Hcar. Katha1s. Hit.; filled with (instr.) R.; m. n. a veil, mantle, wrapper L.; n. covering, concealing Gaut.; (%{A}) f. a veil, mantle Shad2vBr. praavriT *= in comp. for %{prAvRS}. praavrithkaala* = m. the rainy season Var. Pacat.; {-vaha} mf({A})n. (a river) flowing only in the rainy season MrkP. praavriti *= f. an enclosure, fence, hedge L.; (with S3aivas) spiritual darkness (one of the 4 consequences of Ma1ya1) Sarvad. praaya * = m. (fr. {pra} + {aya}; 5. {i}) going forth, starting (for a battle) RV. ii, 18, 8; course, race AV. iv, 25, 2; departure from life, seeking death by fasting (as a religious or penitentiary act, or to enforce compliance with a demand; acc. with {As}, {upa-As}, {upa-viz}, {upa-i}, {A-sthA}, {sam-AsthA}, or {kR}, to renounce life, sit down and fast to death; with Caus. of {kR}, to force any one [acc.] to seek death through starvation) MBh. Kv. &c.;

anything prominent, chief part, largest portion, plenty, majority, general rule (often ifc., with f. {A} = chiefly consisting of or destined for or furnished with, rich or abounding in, frequently practising or applying or using; near, like, resembling; mostly, well-nigh, almost, as it were; cf. {Arya-}, {jita-}, {jJAti-}, {tRNa-}, {daNDa-}, {duHkha-}, {siddhipr-} &c.; also {-tA} f.) S'Br. Lthy. Mn. MBh. &c.; a stage of life, age L.; ({am}) ind. g. {gotrA7di}. praayaa* = to come near, approach praayaNa* = mfn. going forth, going VS.; n. entrance, beginning, commencement TS. Br. Up.; the course or path of life MBh. BhP.; going for protection, taking refuge BhP.; departure from life, death, voluntary ddeparture ({-NaM-kR}, to court ddeparture) Mn. ix, 323; a kind of food prepared with milk Pur. praayas* = 1 ind. (for 2. see below) for the most part, mostly, commonly, as a general rule MBh. Ka1v. &c.; in all probability, likely, perhaps MBh.; abundantly, largely W. praayas'citta n. (%{prA4yaz-}; `" predominant thought "' or `" thought of death "' cf. Pa1n2. 6-1, 157 Sch.) atonement, expiation, amends, satisfaction S3Br. Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. (v, 1086 as

m.) &c.; N. of sev. wks.; mfn. relating to atonement or expiation, expiatory Shad2vBr.; %{-kadamba} m. or n. %{-kamalA7kara} m. %{-kalpataru} m. %{-kANDa} m. or n. %{-kArikA} f. %{-kautUhala} n. %{-kaumudI} f. %{-krama} m. %{-khaNDa} m. or n. %{-grantha} m. %{-candrikA} f. %{cintAmaNi} m. %{-tattva} n. %{-taraMga} (?) m. %{-dIpikA} f. %{-nirUpaNa} n. %{-nirNaya} m. %{-paddhati} f. %{-parAzara} m. or n. %{pArijAta} m. %{-prakaraNa} n. %{-prakAza} m. %{-pratyAmnAya} m. %{-pradIpa} m. %{pradIpikA} f. %{-prayoga} m. %{-bhASya} n. %{maJjarI} f. %{-manohara} m. %{-mayUkha} m. %{-mAdhavIya} n. %{-mArtaNDa} m. %{muktA7valI} f. %{-muktA7valI-prakAza} m. %{ratna} n. %{-ratna-mAlA} f. %{-rahasya} n. %{vAridhi} n. %{-vidhAna} n. %{-vidhi} m. %{vinirNaya} m. %{-viveka} m. %{-viveko7ddyota} m. %{-vyavasthA-saMkSepa} m. %{-zakti} f. %{-zatadvayI} f. (or %{-zata-dvayI-prA7yazcitta} n.), %{zekhara} m. %{-zrauta-sUtra}, n. %{-saMkalpa} m. %{-saMgraha} m. %{-samuccaya} m. %{-sAra} m. %{-sAra-kaumudI} f. %{-sAra-saMgraha} m. %{sArA7vali} f. %{-sudhAnidhi} m. %{-subodhinI} [708,2]; f. %{-sUtra} n. %{-setu} m. %{-sthAna} n. %{-hemA7dri} m. %{-ttA7NDa-bilA} f. %{-ttA7digodAna} n. %{-ttA7di-saMgraha} m. %{ttA7dhikAra} m. %{-ttA7dhyAya} m. %{ttA7dhyAya-bhASya} n. %{-ttA7parA7rka} m. N. of wks.; %{-ttA7huti} f. an expiatory sacrifice Br.

A1s3vS3r.; %{-tte7ndu-zekhara} m. and %{-rasAra-saMgraha} m. N. of wks.; %{-tte7STi}. f. = %{-ttA7huti} Gr2S3rS.; %{-tte7STi-candrikA} f. %{-tto7ddyota} m. %{-ttau9gha-sAra} m. N. of wks. praayeNa * = ind. mostly, generally, as a rule S3rS. Mn. R. &c.; most probably, likely Hit. (cf. %{prA7yazas} and 1. %{prA7yas}). praayeNa* = see under %{prA7ya} above. praayojakaH = (m) sponsor prabhava * = &c. see under {pra-bhU}. pra-bhAva * = &c. see {pra-bhU}. pra-bhava4 * = mfn. prominent, excelling, distinguished RV.; m. production, source, origin, cause of existence (as father or mother, also `" the Creator "'), birthplace (often ifc., with f. {A}, springing or rising or derived from, belonging to) Up. Mn. MBh. &c.; might, power (= {pra-bhAva}) L.; N. of a Sdhya Hariv.; of Vishnu A.; of sev. men HParis'.; N. of the first or 35th year in a 60 years "' cycle of Jupiter Var.; {-prabhu} and {-svAmin} m. (with Jainas) N. of one of the 6 S'ruta-kevalins L.


pra-bhaava * = m. (ifc. f. {A}) might, power, majesty, dignity, strength, efficacy Mn. MBh. &c. ({-veNa}, {-vAt} and {-vatas} ind. by means or in consequence of, through, by) [684, 3]; supernatural power Klid.; splendour, beauty MBh. R.; tranquillizing, conciliation (?) L.; N. of the chapters of the Rasikapriy Cat.; N. of a son of Manu Sva-rocis MrkP.; {-ja} mfn. proceeding from conscious majesty or power W.; {-tva} n. power, strength Km.; {-vat} mfn. powerful, strong, mighty MBh. Kaths. prabhavaM = origin, opulences prabhavaH = the source of manifestation prabhavati = is manifest prabhavanti = become manifest prabhavasya = of borned prabhavaan.h = born of prabhavishhNu = developing prabhavaiH = born of prabhaa = light

prabAdhaka mfn. (ifc.) pressing back, keeping away Sus3r.; refusing MW. 2 prabAdhana n. keeping off, keeping at a distance MBh. Ma1rkP.; pressing hard upon, tormenting, paining MBh. (also %{A} f. Ja1takam.); refusing, denying MW. prabhaasa* = M. `" splendour "', `" beauty "'N. of a Vasu MBh.; of a being attendant on Skanda ib.; of a deity under the 8th Manu MrkP.; (with Jainas) of one of the 11 Gana7dhipas L.; of a son of a minister of Candraprabha king of Madra Kaths.; (pl.) N. of a race of Riishis MBh.; m. or n. N. of a celebrated place of pilgrimage on the west coast of the Dekhan near Dvrak MBh. Kv. &c. (also {-kSetra} n. {kSetra-tIrtha} n. {-deza} m.); {-kSetra-tIrthayAtrA7nukrama} m. {-kSetra-mAhAtmya} n. {khaNDa} m. or n. and {-se7zvara-mAhAtmya} n. N. of wks. [684,2] prabhaasha* = m. declaration, doctrine Hariv. (Nlak.); w.r. for {-bhAsa}. prabhaata = morning prabhaava m. (ifc. f. %{A}) might, power, majesty, dignity, strength, efficacy Mn. MBh. &c. (%{-veNa}, %{-vAt} and %{-vatas} ind. by means or in consequence of, through, by) [684,3]; supernatural power Ka1lid.; splendour, beauty

MBh. R.; tranquillizing, conciliation (?) L.; N. of the chapters of the Rasikapriya1 Cat.; N. of a son of Manu Sva-rocis Ma1rkP.; %{-ja} mfn. proceeding from conscious majesty or power W.; %{-tva} n. power, strength Ka1m.; %{-vat} mfn. powerful, strong, mighty MBh. Katha1s. prabhava = influence*= mfn. prominent, excelling, distinguished RV.; m. production, source, origin, cause of existence (as father or mother, also `" the Creator "'), birthplace (often ifc., with f. %{A}, springing or rising or derived from, belonging to) Up. Mn. MBh. &c.; might, power (= %{pra-bhAva}) L.; N. of a Sa1dhya Hariv.; of Vishn2u A.; of sev. men HParis3.; N. of the first or 35th year in a 60 years "' cycle of Jupiter Var.; %{-prabhu} and %{-svAmin} m. (with Jainas) N. of one of the 6 S3ruta-kevalins L. prabhavana n. production, source, origin (ifc. `" springing from "'; cf. %{meru-prabh-} and Pa1n2. 8-4, 34 Sch.); ruling, presiding (?) W. 10 prabhAvana mf(%{I})n. (fr. Caus.) creating, creative MBh.; explaining, disclosing (= %{prakAzaka}) R. (B.); m. creator MBh. R. Hariv.; (%{A}) f. disclosing, revealing, promulgation (of a doctrine) HYog. prabhaavat mfn. luminous, radiant, splendid

MBh. Ka1v. &c.; (%{I}) f. the lute of one of the Gan2as or demigods attendant on S3iva L.; a kind of metre S3rutab.; (in music) a partic. S3ruti Sam2gi1t.; N. of a Buddh. deity Lalit.; of the wife of the sun MBh.; of one of the Ma1tr2is attendant on Skanda ib.; of an Apsaras VP.; of a Sura7n3gana1 Sin6ha7s.; of a sister of the Asura Indra-damana L.; of a daughter of king Vajra-na1bha and wife of Pradyumna Hariv.; of the wife of Citra-ratha king of An3ga MBh.; of the daughter of Suvi1ra and wife of Marutta Ma1rkP.; of a Ta1pasi1 MBh.; of them other of Malli (the 19th Arhat of present Avasarpin2i1) L.; of the daughter of the S3resht2hin Soma-datta and wife of Madana the son of Vikrama-sena S3ukas.; of a river W.; (%{pariNaya} m. `" the marriage of Prabha1vati1 "'N. of a drama by Vis3va-na1tha). prabhavaniiya mfn. Pa1n2. ib. prabhavat mf(%{antI})n. coming forth, arising &c.; mighty, powerful, potent MBh. Ka1v. prabhaashheta = speaks prabhu = lord, king (here) prabhu * = see under {pra-bhU} below.


pra-bhU * = P. {-bhavati} (rarely . {-te}; Ved. inf. {-bhUSa4Ni}), to come forth, spring up, arise or originate from (abl.), appear, become visible, happen, occur S'Br. &c. &c.; to be before, surpass (with {pRSTham}, `" to be greater or more than the back can carry "', applied to wealth RV. ii, 13, 4) to become or be numerous, increase, prevail, be powerful RV. &c. &c. (3. sg. {prabhavati-tarAm}, `" has more power "' Vikr. v, 18); to rule, control, have power over, be master of (gen. loc. or dat.) Mn. MBh. &c.; to be equal to or capable of (dat. or loc.) ib.; to be a match for (dat.) Pn. 2-3, 16 Vrtt. 2 Pat.; to be able to (inf.) Klid. Kaths. &c.; to profit, avail, be of use to (dat.) RV. Br.; to implore, beseech (?) Hariv.: Caus. {-bhAvayati}, to increase, spread out, extend, augment, multiply (esp. the Soma by placing it in a greater number of vessels) Br.; to provide more amply, endow more richly, cause to thrive or prosper, cherish, nurture ib. MBh. &c.; (as Nom. fr. {-bhAva} below) to gain or possess power or strength, rule over (acc.) MBh. R.; to recognise R.: Desid. of Caus. {bibhAvayiSati}, to wish to increase or extend AitBr. pra-bhu4 * = mfn. (Ved. also {U4} f. {vI}) excelling, mighty, powerful, rich, abundant RV. &c. &c.; more powerful than (abl.) MBh.; having power over (gen.) VP.; able, capable, having power to (loc. inf. or comp.) Kv.; a match for (dat.) Pn. 2-3, 16

Vrtt. 2 Pat.; constant, eternal L.; m. a master, lord, king (also applied to gods e.g. to Srya and Agni RV.; to Praj-pati Mn.; to Brahm ChUp.; to Indra R.; to S'iva MBh.; to Vishnu L.); the chief or leader of a sect RTL. 142; a sound, word L.; quicksilver L.; N. of a deity under the 8th Manu MrkP.; of a son of Kardama Hariv.; of a son of S'uka and Pvar ib.; of a son of Bhaga and Siddhi BhP.; of a poet Cat.; of sev. other men HParis'.; ({-bhvI} f. N. of a S'akti Pacar.); {-kathA} f. N. of wk.; {-tA} f. lordship, dominion, supremacy Yj. (v.l.) Kaths.; power over (loc.) S'ak.; possession of (comp.) Ragh.; prevalence (instr. `" for the most part "') Ratna7v.; {-tva} n. lordship, sovereignty, high rank, might, power over (gen. loc. or comp.) MBh. Kv. &c.; prevalence (instr. `" for the most part "') Sus'r.; {tvabodhi} f. knowledge joined with supreme power Krand.; {-tvA7kSepa} m. (in rhet.) an objection based on power (i.e. on a word of command) Kvya7d. ii, 138; {-deva} m. N. of a Yoga teacher Cat.; ({I}) f. (with {lATI}) N. of a poetess ib.; {bhakta} mfn. devoted to his master (as a dog) Cn.; m. a good horse L.; {-bhakti} f. loyalty, faithfulness MW.; {-liGga-caritra} n. {-liGga-lIlA} f. {-vaMza} m. N. of wks.; {-zabda-zeSa} mfn. having only the title of lord remaining Ragh. pra-bhU * = = {-bhu} (cf. above); {-tva} n. sufficiency KtyS'r. (cf. {prabhu-tva}); {-vasu} ({1562

bhU4-} Padap. {-bhu4-}) mfn. abundantly wealthy (said of Indra and Soma) RV.; m. N. of a descendant of Angiras, author of RV. v, 35, 36; ix, 35, 36 prabhuH = the master of the city of the body prabhuddho = having risen( after sleep, unconscious state) prabhuuta = large quantity prabhriti = from prabho = Oh Lord pracakra * = n. an army in motion L. pracaNDa* = mf({A})n. excessively violent, impetuous, furious, fierce, passionate, terrible, direful, formidable MBh. Kv. &c.; great, large, hot, burning, sharp (see comp. below); m. a species of oleander with white flowers L.; N. of a Dnava Kaths.; of a goblin MrkP.; of a son of Vatsa-pr and Su-nand ib.; ({A}) f. a species of Drv with white flowers L.; a form or S'akti of Durg Cat. pracar * = P. %{-carati} (ep. also A1. %{-te}), to proceed towards, go or come to, arrive at (acc.) RV.

&c. &c.; to come forth, appear MBh. R. &c.; to roam, wander Prab. BhP.; to circulate, be or become current (as a story) R. Var.; to set about, perform, discharge (esp. sacred functions, with instr. of the object or of the means employed) AV. Br. Ka1tyS3r.; to be active or busy, be occupied or engaged in (loc.) MBh. BhP.; to proceed, behave, act in peculiar manner Mn. MBh. &c.; to come off, take place BhP.: Caus. %{-cArayati}, to allow to roam, turn out to graze Hariv.; to make public W. pracal * = P. %{-calati} (rarely A1. %{-te}), to be set in motion, tremble, quake TBr. MBh. &c.; to stir, move on, advance, set out, depart MBh. BhP. Pan5cat.; to start, spring up from (a seat) R.; to swerve, deviate from (abl.) MBh.; to become troubled or confused, be perplexed or bewildered or excited ib. BhP.: Caus. %{-calayati}, to set in motion, move, jog, wag Ka1v.; to remove from (abl.) Sus3r.; %{-cAlayati}, to cause to shake or tremble R.; to stir up, stir round Pan5cat. pracala * = mfn. moving, tremulous, shaking MBh. Ka1v. Sus3r.; what goes well or widely W.; current, circulating, customary ib.; %{-kAJcana-kuNDala} mfn. (an ear) adorned with golden rings R2itus.; %{-dAsa} m. N. of a poet Cat.; %{-latA-bhuja} mfn. having tremulous arm-creepers (= slender arms that tremble) Prab.; %{-siMha} m. N. of a poet

Cat.; %{--calA7Gga} mfn. having tremulous limbs MBh. pracaraNa* = n. going to graze Cat.; proceeding with, beginning, undertaking S3rS. Ba1lar.; circulating, being current W.; employing, using MW.; (%{I4}) f. (sc. %{sruc}) a wooden ladle employed for want of a better at a sacrifice S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. pracAraNa* = n. (prob.) scattering, strewing Ka1d. pracaraNIya* = mfn. being in actual use S3Br. prachalita = something that has started pracura * = mf({A})n. much, many, abundant (opp. to {alpa}); plenteous, plentiful, frequent; (ifc.) abounding in, filled with MBh. Kv. &c.; m. a thief A. prachura = many pracuurN * =P. {-cUrNayati} (only aor. {prA7cucUrNat}), to crush, grind to dust Bhathth. prachodayaat.h = (abl.Sing.)from His inducement or stirring the consciousnessprachchhanna = covered, secretly clad

pradadhmatuH = sounded pradarshayati = to display, to exhibit pradarshinii = (f) exhibition pradars'ita *= mfn. shown, pointed out, indicated; taught, mentioned, specified Mn. MBh. &c.; prophesied W. pradaa = one that bestows pradaaH = causing pradhaana = giving * =n. a chief thing or person, the most important or essential part of anything KtyS'r. Mn. MBh. &c.; (ibc.) the principal or first, chief, head of; [often also ifc. (f. {A}) e.g. {indrapradhAna}, (a hymn) having Indra as the chief object or person addressed Nir.; {prayoga-p-}, (the art of dancing) having practice as its essential part, chiefly practical Mlav.]; `" the Originator "', primary germ, original source of the visible or material universe (in Snkhya = {prakRti} q.v.) IW. 53, 1 &c.; primary or unevolved matter or nature Sarvad.; supreme or universal soul L.; intellect, understanding L.; the first companion or attendant of a king, a courtier, a noble (also m.) L.; an elephant-driver (also m.) L.; (in gram.) the

principal member of a compound (opp. to {upasarjana} q.v.); mf({A})n. chief, main, principal, most important; pre-eminent in (instr.); better than or superior to (abl.) MBh. Kv. &c.; m. N. of an ancient king MBh.; ({A}) f. N. of a S'akti, Tantr. (cf. IW. 522). pradhana * =n. (cf. {dha4na}) spoil taken in battle, a prize gained by a victor, the battle or contest itself RV. &c. &c.; the best of one's goods, valuables Nr.; tearing, bursting &c. (= {dAraNa}) L.; m. N. of a man; pl. his descendants BrahmaP. pradigdhaan.h = tainted with pradishhTaM = indicated pradiipaH = (Masc.Nom.S)lamp; name of a person pradiiptaM = blazing pradushhaNam.h = (n) pollution pradushhyanti = become polluted pradeya = worth diving pradesha = Territory


pradvishhantaH = blaspheming pradyumna * =m. `" the pre-eminently mighty one "'N. of the god of love (re-born as a son of Kriishna and Rukmin, or as a son of Sankarshana and then identified with Sanat-kumra) MBh. Kv. &c.; the pleasant (= {kAma}) Subh.; the intellect (= {manas}) S'ank.; N. of a son of Manu and Nadval BhP.; of a king Kaths.; of sev. authors and teachers Cat.; of a mountain Rjat.; of a river ib. pradhaana = important pragatiH = (m) progress, developments praghasa* = m. ( {ghas}) a devourer (pl. N. of false gods) L. (cf. Pn. 2-4, 37; 38); N. of a Rkshasa MBh.; of a monkey follower of Rma R.; ({A}) f. N. of one of the Mtriis attending on Skanda MBh. praGyaa = intellect praGYaa = (f) intelligence, grasping-power praGYaaM = intelligence praGYaanaM = greater knowledge or awareness praGYaavaadaan.h = learned talks

prahara = Part of the day praharaNa = arms praharaNaaH = equipped with praharati = to knock prahasa *= m. N. of S'iva Gal.; of a Rakshas R. prahasan.h = smiling prahaasa * m. loud laughter, laughter Hariv. Kv.; derision, irony Pn. 1-4, 106 &c.; appearance, display Venis.; splendour, of colours Jtakam.; an actor, dancer L.; N. of S'iva L. (cf. {-hasa}); of an attendant of S'S'iva MBh.; of a Nga ib.; of a minister of Varuna R.; of a Tirtha (w.r. for {bhAsa}?) L.; n. (with {bharad-vAjasya}) N. of a Sman (w.r. for {prAsAha}) L. prahaasyasi = you can be released from prahiNoshi = you strike prahita *= mfn. urged on incited , stirred up RV. BhP. ; hurled , discharged at Hariv. R. Pur. ; thrown forward i.e. stretched out (as an arm) MBh. ; imbedded (as nails) Sa1h. ; (ifc.) directed or

turned towards , cast upon (as eyes , the mind &c.) , Kalid. BhP. ; conveyed , sent , procured Das3. Katha1s. Pan5cat. ; sent out , dispatched (as messengers) RV. &c. &c. ; sent away , expelled , banished to (dat.) R. Katha1s. ; sent to or towards or against (loc. gen. with or without %{pArzve} , or dat.) , appointed , commissioned MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; m. du. (with %{gaurIviteH} and %{zyAvA7zvasya}) N. of 2 Sa1mans A1rshBr. ; n. sauce , gravy , condiment L. prahri = to hit prahrittaM = ready to strike prahrishhyati = is rejoicing prahrishhyet.h = rejoices prahlaada = a devotee of Vishnu prahlaadaH = Prahlada prajanaH = the cause for begetting children prajahaati = gives up prajahi = curb


prajaa = people, subjects (especially ruled and protected by a king) prajaaH = generations prajaata.ntuM = the umbilical cord? prajaanaaM = (dative of)people prajaanaati = knows prajaanaami = do I know prajaapati = Lord of created beingsprajApati\\({jA-}) m. `" lord of creatures "'N. of Savitrii, Soma, Agni, Indra &c. RV. AV.; a divinity presiding over procreation, protector of life ib. VS. Mn. Sus'r. BhP. [658,3]; lord of creatures, creator RV. &c. &c. (N. of a supreme god above or among the Vedic deities [RV. (only x, 21, 10) AV. VS. Br.] but in later times also applied to Vishnu, S'iva, Time personified, the sun, fire, &c., and to various progenitors, esp. to the 10 lords of created beings first created by Brahm, viz. Marci, Atri, Angiras, Pulastya, Pulaka, Kratu, Vasishthha, Pracetas or Daksha, Bhriigu, Nrada [Mn.i, 34; cf. IW. 206 n. 1], of whom some authorities count only the first 7, others the last 3); a father L.; a king, prince L.; a son-in-law L.; N. of the 5th (39th) year in a 60

years "' cycle of Jupiter Var.; the planet Mars, a partic. star, $ Aurigae Sryas.; (in astrol.) = 2. {kAla-nara} q.v.; a species of insect L.; N. of sev. men and authors Cat.; ({I}) f. a matron, lady DivyA7v.; N. of Gautama Buddha's aunt and nurse (with the patr. Gautam, the first woman who assented to his doctrines) Lalit.; {-grihIta} ({-jA4p-}) mfn. seized by Praj-pati VS.; {-carita} n. N. of wk.; {-citi4} f. PPraj-pati's layer S'Br.; {-datta} m. N. of a man Pat.; {-nivAsinI} f. N. of a Gandharv Krand.; {-pati} m. `" lord of the PPraj-pati "'N. of Brahm BhP.; of Daksha ib.; {bhakSita} ({-jA4-p-}) mfn. eaten by PPraj-pati VS.; {-mukha} ({jA4-p-}) mfn. having PPraj-pati as head or chief S'Br.; {-yajJa} m. `" sacrifice to PPraj-pati "', the procreation of children enjoined by law VP.; {-loka4} m. PPraj-pati's world (situated between the sphere of Brahm and that of the Gandharvas) S'Br.; {-zarman} m. N. of a man L.; {-sRSTa} ({-jA4-p-}) mfn. created by PPraj-pati AV. S'Br.; {-smRti} f. N. of wk.; {hRdaya} n. `" PPraj-pati's heart "'N. of a Sman S'rS. (also {prajA4pater-hR4d-} S'Br. TS.) prajaapatiH = the Lord of creatures prajaaprabhutvaM = (n) democracy prajaya * = see under %{pra-ji}.2\m. victory,

conquest S3Br. praja* = 1 mfn. = {pra-jJu} L.\\ praja* =2 mf({A})n. (for 1. see above) wise, prudent MndUp.; (ifc.) knowing, conversant with (cf. {nikRti-}, {pathi-}); ({A}) f. see col. 2; {-tA} ({jJa4-}) f. knowledge. S'Br. prajaa* = P. {-jAnAti}, to know, understand (esp. a way or mode of action), discern, distinguish, know about, be acquainted with (acc.) RV. &c. &c.; to find out, discover, perceive, learn MBh. Kv. &c.:, Caus. {-jJA8payati}, to show or point out (the way) S'Br.; to summon, invite Lalit. 2. prajaa* = f. wisdom, intelligence, knowledge, discrimination, judgment S'Br. &c. &c.; device, design S'Br. S'nkhS'r.; a clever or sensible woman W.; Wisdom personified as the goddess of arts and eloquence, Sarasvat L.; a partic. S'akti or energy Hcat.; (with Buddh.) true or transcendental wisdom (which is three fold Dharmas. 110) MWB. 126; 128; the energy of di-buddha (through the union with whom the latter produced all things) MWB. 204. praji *= P. %{-jayati}, to, win, conquer AV. &c. &c. prajJaka* = see {akRta-prajJaka}.


prajaata* = mfn. known, understood, found out, discerned, known as (nom.), well-known, public, common, notorious Mn. MBh. &c. prajaati* = ({pra4-}) f. knowing the way to (gen.) or the right way S'Br. TndBr. prajaakoza* = m. N. of a man Kaths. prajaagupta* = mfn. protected by understanding ({-zarIra}) S'rngP.; N. of a Buddh. scholar. prajaaghana* = m. nothing but intelligence BhP. prajaaDhya* = ({-jJA7Dhya}) m. `" rich in wwisdom "'N. of a man Kaths. prajaaditya* = ({-jJA7d-}) m. `" sun of wwisdom "'N. applied to a very clever man Rjat. prajaadeva* = m. `" god of wwisdom "'N. of a scholar Buddh. prajaabhadra* = m. `" excelling in wwisdom "'N. of a scholar Buddh. prajaavat* = mfn. wise, knowing, shrewd, intelligent Kaths. Pacat. &c.


prajaavAda* = m. a word of wwisdom Bhag. prajaavRddha* = mfn. old in wwisdom or knowledge MBh prajvaalitaH = ( ger.Masc.nom.sing.)rekindled; inflamed;fuelled the flames prajval * = P. {-jvalati} (ep. also . {-te}), to begin to burn or blaze, be kindled (lit. and fig.), flame or flash up, shine, gleam TBr. ChUp. MBh. &c.: Caus. {-jvA8layati}, to set on fire, light, kindle, inflame GriS'rS. ChUp. MBh. &c.; (with Buddh.) to illustrate, explain DivyA7v. prakaTitaa = has appeared, been bestowed prakaroti = do prakaara = variety, options prakaareNa = means; method prakaala = Armageddon prakaasha = shining, clear prakaashaM = illumination


prakaashaH = manifest prakaashakaM = illuminating prakaashate = to shine prakaashana = Publication prakaashayati = discloses prakaashita = (adj) published prakampa* = mfn. trembling R.; m. (ifc. f. {A}) trembling or violent motion, quaking, staggering &c. MBh. Kv. &c. prakiirtya = by the glories prakIrtita *= mfn. announced, proclaimed, revealed, stated, said, mentioned Mn. Ya1jn5.; named, called Mn. Pan5c.; approved, praised, celebrated Ya1jn5. Pan5c prakopa *= m. effervescence, excitement, raging (of diseases, war &c.) Var. Ra1jat.; tumult, insurrection Hit.; violent anger, rage, fury, wrath, ire Mn. MBh. &c.; (in med.) excess, superabundance, vitiation Sus3r.


prakriti = Nature* = f. `" making or placing before or at first "', the original or natural form or condition of anything, original or primary substance (opp. to {vi-kRti} q.v.) Prt. Nir. Jaim. MBh.; cause original source Mn. MBh. S'ak. &c.; origin, extraction Mriicch.; nature, character, constitution, temper, disposition MBh. Kv. Sus'r. &c. (ibc. and {-tyA} ind. by nature, naturally, unalterably, properly Prt. S'rS. Mn. &c.); fundamental form, pattern, standard, model, rule (esp. in ritual) S'rS.; (in the Snkhya phil.) the original producer of (or rather passive power of creating) the material world (consisting of 3 constituent essences or Gunas called {sattva}, {rajas} and {tamas}), Nature (distinguished from {puruSa}, Spirit as My is ddistinguished from Brahman in the Veda7ntas); pl. the 8 producers or primary essences which evolve the whole visible world (viz. {a-vyakta}, {buddhi} or {mahat}, {ahaM-kAra}, and the 5 {tan-mAtras} or subtle elements; rarely the 5 elements alone) IW. 80 &c.; (in mythol.) a goddess, the personified will of the Supreme in the creation (hence the same with the S'akti or personified energy or wife of a deity, as Lakshm, Durg &c.; also considered as identical with the Supreme Being) W. IW. 140 RTL. 223; (pl.) N. of a class of deities under Manu Raibhya Hariv.; (in polit.) pl. a king's ministers, the body of ministers or counsellors, ministry Mn. MBh. &c.; the subjects of a king, citizens, artisans &c. ib.; the

constituent elements or powers of the state (of which are usually enumerated, viz. king minister, alies, treasure, army, territory, fortresses Mn. ix, 294; 295); the various sovereigns to be considered in case of war (viz. the {madhyama}, {vijigISu}, {udAsIna} and {zatru}; to which should be added 8 remoter princes, viz. the {mitra}, {arimitra}, {mitra-mitra}, {arimitra-mitra}, {pArSNi-graha}, {Akranda}, {pArSNigrAhA7sAra}, {AkrandA7sAsa}; each of these 12 kings has 5 Prakriitis in the form of minister, territory, fortresses, treasure and army, so that the total number of Prakriitis may be 72) Mn. vii, 155; 157 Kull.; (in gram.) the crude or elementary form of a word, base, root, an uninflected word Sh. Pn. Sch. Vop.; N. of 2 classes of metres Col.; (in arithm.) a co-efficient multiplier ib.; (in anat.) temperament, the predominance of one of the humours at the time of generation W.; (with {tritIyA}) the third nature, a eunuch MBh.; matter, affair Lalit.; the male or female organ of generation L.; a woman or womankind L.; a mother L.; an animal L.; N. of a woman Buddh.; N. of wk. prakritiM = nature prakritiH = nature prakritijaan.h = produced by the material nature

prakritijaiH = born of the modes of material nature prakritisthaH = being situated in the material energy prakritii = Nature prakriteH = of material nature prakrityaa = by nature prakshaalana = washing off prakshaalayati = to wash prakopa = aggravation prakoshhThaH = (m) roompraNamya = offering obeisances pralabdha mfn. seized MBh.; overreached, cheated, deceived pralamba* = mf({A})n. hanging down, depending, pendent, pendulous (generally ibc.) KtyS'r. Sch. MBh. Hariv. R.; bending the upper part of the body forward MBh.; prominent MW.; slow, dilatory W. [689,3]; m. hanging on or from, depending L.; a branch L.; a shoot of the vine-palm L.; a cucumber

Bhpr.; a garland of flowers worn round the neck W.; a kind of necklace of pearls L.; the female breast L.; tin (?) W.; N. of a Daitya slain by Balarma or Kriishna MBh. Hariv. Kaths. &c.; of a mountain R.; ({A} f. N. of a Rkshas Buddh.); {keza} mfn. one whose hair hangs down VP.; {ghna} m. `" slayer of Pralamba "'N. of Bala-rma and of Kriishna L.; {-tA} f. the hanging down, being pendulous Kd.; {-nAsika} mfn. one who has a prominent nose A.; {-bAhu} mfn. one whose arms hang down MBh. Hariv. BhP. Buddh. ({-tA} f. one of the 32 signs of perfection Dharmas. 83); m. N. of a man Kaths.; {-bhid} m. `" crusher of Pralamba "'N. of Bala-rma L.; {-bhuja} mfn. one whose arms hang down L.; m. N. of a Vidy-dhara Kaths.; {mathana} (Hariv.), {-han} (MBh.), {-hantR} (L.) m. `" slayer of Pralamba "'N. of Bala-rma and of Kriishna; {-bA7NDa} m. a man with pendent testicles Vet.; {-bo7jjvala-cAru-ghoNa} mfn. having a prominent and bright and handsome nose MBh.; {-bo7dara} m. `" having a pendent belly "'N. of a prince of the Kin-naras Krand.; of a fabulous mountain ib. pralambha * = m. obtaining. gaining R. ; (also pl.) overreaching , deceiving MBh.\\ %{-lambhana} see %{pralabh}. pralapan.h = talking

pralayaM = dissolution* = m. dissolution, reabsorption, destruction, annihilation; death; (esp.) the destruction of the whole world, at the end of a Kalpa (s.v.) ShadvBr. ChUp. S'ank. MBh. Kv. &c.; setting (of the stars) Subh.; end ({saMjAta-nidrA-p-} mfn. having done sleeping Pacat.); cause of dissolution Bhag. Briih.; fainting, loss of sense or consciousness Pratp. Sh. Sus'r.; sleepiness Gal.; N. of the syllable {om}, Atharvas'Up.; {-kAla} m. the time of universal dissolution MW.; {-kevala} mfn. = {-layA7kala} (q.v.) Sarvad.; {-ghana} m. the cloud which causes the destruction of the world Hit.; {-M-kara} mf({I})n. causing destruction or ruin Up. Kv.; {jaladhara-dhvAna} m. the rumbling or muttering of clouds at the dissolution of the world MW.; {-tA} f. dissolution ({-tAM-gam}, to perish, be annihilated) Hariv.; {-tva} n. id. ({-tvAya-klRp} = {-tAM-gam}) MBh. BhP.; {-dahana} m. the fire causing the destruction of the world, Ratna7v. Amar. [690, 1]; {-sthiti-sarga} m. pl. destruction, preservation and creation (of the world). Kum.; {layA7kala} mfn. (an individual soul) to which {mala} and {karman} still adhere (with S'aivas) Sarvad.; {-layA7nta-ga} mfn. perishing only at the destruction of the world (the sun) MrkP.; {layo7daya} m. du. dissolution and creation Bhag. Sus'r. Kaths.


pralayaH = annihilation pralayaantaaM = unto the point of death pralaye = in the annihilation praliinaH = being dissolved praliiyate = is annihilated praliiyante = are annihilatedprama = greatest pramada *= m. joy, pleasure, delight MBh. Katha1s.; mfn. wanton, dissolute Ragh. (also %{daka} Nir.); mad, intoxicated L.; m. the thornapple L.; the ankle L.; N. of a Da1nava Hariv.; of a son of Vasisht2ha and one of the sages under Manu Uttama BhP.; (%{A} f. see below); %{-kaNTha} m. N. of a man Ra1jat.; %{-kAnana} n. = %{-dA-k-} L.; %{-ropya} n. N. of a city in the Dekhan Pan5cat.; %{-vana} n. = %{-dA-v-} Ka1lid. pramadaa f. (of %{-da}) a young and wanton woman, any woman Mn. MBh. &c.; the sign of the zodiac Virgo L.; N. of 2 kinds of metre Col.; %{kAnana} n. the royal garden or pleasureground attached to the gynaeceum L.; %{-jana} m. womankind, the female sex R. Var.; %{--nana} (%{-dA7n-}) n. a kind of metre Col.; %{-vana} n. =

%{-kAnana} R.; (%{-na-pAlikA} f. a woman who has the inspection of a royal pleasure-garden Ma1lav.); %{--spada} (%{-dA7sp-}) n. the gynaeceum of a prince Katha1s. pramaa A1. %{-mimIte} (Ved. inf. %{pra-me4}; Pass. %{-mIyate}), to measure, mete out, estimate AV. S3rS. MBh.; to form, create, make ready, arrange RV. MBh.; to form a correct notion of (acc.), understand, know MaitrUp. Hariv. Hit.: Caus. %{-mApayati}, to cause correct knowledge, afford proof or authority MW. 1.\\ 2 f. basis, foundation AV.; measure, scale RV.; right measure, true knowledge, correct notion Prab. Kap. Tarkas. IW. 59 &c.; a kind of metre RPra1t.; %{-tva} n. accuracy of perception Bha1sha1p.; %{-tva-cihna} n. N. of wk. pramaada* =m. intoxication RV. MBh.; madness, insanity L.; negligence, carelessness about (abl. or comp.) Kaus3. Mn. MBh. &c.; an error, mistake W.; a partic. high number L.; %{-cArin} mfn. acting in a careless manner Ka1ran2d2.; %{-pATha} m. a wrong reading S3am2k.; %{-vat} mfn. = %{mAdin} L. pramaada * = &c. see %{pra-mad}. pramaaNa = authority, an ideal

pramaaNa * = n. (ifc. f. {A}) measure, scale, standard; measure of any kind (as size, extent, circumference, length, distance, weight, multitude, quantity, duration) KtyS'r. KathhUp. Mn. &c. (instr. `" on an average "' Jyot.); prosodical length (of a vowel) Pn. 1-1, 50 Sch.; measure in music MBh. (Nlak.); accordance of the movements in dancing with music and song Sangt.; measure of physical strength S'ak. (cf. comp. below); the first term in a rule of three sum Col.; the measure of a square i.e. a side of it S'ulbas.; principal, capital (opp. to interest) Col.; right measure, standard, authority GriS'rS. Mn. MBh. &c. ({pramANam bhavatI}, `" your ladyship is the authority or must judge "' Nal.; in this sense also m. and f. sg. and pl. e.g. {vedAH pramANAH}, `" the Vedas are authorities "' MBh.; {strI pramANI yeSAm}, `" they whose authority is a woman Pn. Sch.); a means of acquiring Pram or certain knowledge (6 in the Veda7nta, viz. {pratyakSa}, perception by the senses; {anumAna}, inference; {upamAna}, analogy or comparison; {zabda} or {Apta-vacana}, verbal authority, revelation; {an-upalabdhi} or {abhAva-pratyakSa}, non-perception or negative proof; {arthA7patti}, inference from circumstances; the Nyya admits only 4, excluding the last two; the Snkhya only 3, viz. {pratyakSa}, {anumAna} and {zabda}; other schools increase the number to 9 by adding {sambhava}, equivalence; {aitihya}, tradition or fallible testimony; and

{ceSTA}, gesture IW. 60 &c. &c.); any proof or testimony or evidence Yj. MBh. Kv. &c.; a correct notion, right perception (= {pramA}) Tarkas.; oneness, unity L.; = {nitya} L.; m. (cf. n.) N. of a large fig-tree on the bank of the Ganges MBh.; ({I}) f. (cf. n.) N. of a metre Col. pramaaNatas* = ind. according to measure or weight Mn. viii, 137; according to proof or authority. W. pramaaNayukta* = mfn. having the right measure Var. pramaaNavat* = mfn. established by proofs, wellfounded Prab pramaaNaM = example pramaathi = agitating pramaathiini = agitating pramaada = indifference *= m. intoxication RV. MBh.; madness, insanity L.; negligence, carelessness about (abl. or comp.) Kaus3. Mn. MBh. &c.; an error, mistake W.; a partic. high number L.; %{-cArin} mfn. acting in a careless manner Ka1ran2d2.; %{-pATha} m. a wrong

reading S3am2k.; %{-vat} mfn. = %{-mAdin} L.\\ &c. see %{pra-mad}. pramaadaH = madness pramaadaat.h = out of foolishness pramaade = in madness pramaatha * = m. stirring about, racking, paining, tormenting MBh. Hariv.; rape (cf. {draupadI-pr-}); subjugation, destruction (of enemies) Uttarar.; N. of a son of Dhriita-rshthra MBh.; of one of the attendants of Skanda ib.; of a Dnaya Kaths.; pl. N. of a class of fiends attending on S'iva Hariv. (cf. {pramatha}). pramada* = m. joy, pleasure, delight MBh. Katha1s.; mfn. wanton, dissolute Ragh. (also %{daka} Nir.); mad, intoxicated L.; m. the thornapple L.; the ankle L.; N. of a Da1nava Hariv.; of a son of Vasisht2ha and one of the sages under Manu Uttama BhP.; (%{A} f. see below); %{-kaNTha} m. N. of a man Ra1jat.; %{-kAnana} n. = %{-dA-k-} L.; %{-ropya} n. N. of a city in the Dekhan Pan5cat.; %{-vana} n. = %{-dA-v-} Ka1lid. pramadaa* =f. (of %{-da}) a young and wanton woman, any woman Mn. MBh. &c.; the sign of the

zodiac Virgo L.; N. of 2 kinds of metre Col.; %{kAnana} n. the royal garden or pleasureground attached to the gynaeceum L.; %{-jana} m. womankind, the female sex R. Var.; %{--nana} (%{-dA7n-}) n. a kind of metre Col.; %{-vana} n. = %{-kAnana} R.; (%{-na-pAlikA} f. a woman who has the inspection of a royal pleasure-garden Ma1lav.); %{--spada} (%{-dA7sp-}) n. the gynaeceum of a prince Katha1s. pramadaH = (become) proud or arrogant pramathapataye = to the lord destroying pride pramatha * = m. `" Tormentor "'N. of a class of demons attending on S'iva MBh. Kv. &c. (cf. RTL. 238); of a son of Dhriita-rshthra MBh.; a horse L.; ({A}) f. Terminalia Chebula or Citrina L.; N. of the wife of Kshupa and mother of Vra MrkP.; pain, affliction W.; {-nAtha} (Kd.), {-pati} (L.) m. `" lord of the Pramathas "' N. of S'iva [685, 2]; {prathama} m. `" first of the PPramathas "'N. of Bhriingirithi Blar.; {-thA7dhipa} m. `" ruler of the PPramathas "'N. of S'iva VarBriS.; of Gane7s'a L.; {-thA7laya} m. `" abode of torment "', hell L. pramatta * = mfn. excited, wanton, lascivious, rutting Mn. Pacat.; drunken, intoxicated S'ak.; mad, insane W.; inattentive, careless, heedless,

negligent, forgetful of (abl. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.; indulging in (loc.) MBh. R.; blundering, a blunderer W.; {-gIta} mfn. sung or recited by an intoxicated person Pat.; {-citta} mfn. carelessminded, heedless, negligent Km.; {-tA} f. inattentiveness, sleepiness, mental inactivity ({apram-}) Rjat.; {-rajju} f. (?) Kaus'.; 1. {-vat} mfn. inattentive, careless ({a-pram-}) MBh.; 2. {-vat} ind. as if drunk, like one intoxicated MW.; {zramaNa} n. (with Jainas) N. of the 6th among the 14 stages which lead to liberation Cat. pramukhaH = (m) leader, chief (adj) principal, main pramukhataH = in front of pramukhe = in the front pramuchyate = is completely liberated pramudita = joyous pramukha * = mfn. turning the face towards, facing (acc.) R.; first, foremost, chief, principal, most excellent Hit.; (generally ifc.; f. %{A}) having as foremost or chief, headed or preceded by, accompanied by or with [cf. %{prIti-p-}; %{vasiSThap-}] MBh. Ka1v.; honourable,

respectable L.; m. a chief, respectable man, sage W.; a heap, multitude L.; Rottleria Tinctoria L.; n. the mouth MW.; commencement (of a chapter) Br2A1rUp. S3am2k.; time being, the present, the same time Prata1p.; (ibc. or %{e} ind.) before the face of, in front of, before, opposite to (with gen. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v.; (with %{kR}) to cause to go before or precede R. praNata * = mfn. bent forwards, bowed, inclined S'nkhBr. Mn. &c.; bowed to, saluted reverentially BhP.; bent towards, offered respectfully Mlav. (cf. below); humble, submissive to (gen. or acc.) MBh. R. BhP.; skilful, clever W.; a partic. kind of accentuation Sy.; of a Paris'. of SV.; {-kAya} mfn. having the body bent down SaddhP.; {-bahu-phala} mfn. one to whom various fruits or good things are offered Mlav. i, 1; {-vat} mfn. bowing, bent, bowed W.; {-ziras} mfn. having the head bowed, inclined, stooping W.; {-tA7tmavat} mfn. `" having one's person bowed "', inclined, stooping R. (B.); {tA7zeSa-sAmanta} mfn. one to whom all his neighbours bow or are submissive L. praNayena = out of love praNava = another name for AUM * (see also under om) = (or {pra4-N-}) m. (ifc. f. {A}) the mystical or sacred syllable {om} VS. TS. S'Br. Mn.

(ifc. also {-ka}) &c. ({-tva} n. RmatUp.); a kind of small drum or tabor = (and prob. w.r. for) {paNana} L.; {-kalpa} m. {-darpaNa} m. {pariziSTa} n. {-vyAkhyA} f. {-vA7rcana-candRkA} f. {-vA7rtha-nirNaya} m. {-vA7rtha-prakAzikAvyAkhyAna} n. {-vo7paniSad} f. N. of wks. praNavaH = the three letters a-u-m pranaya* = m. a leader Pn. 3-1, 142 ({jyotiSAm} Nir. ii, 14); guidance, conduct MBh.; manifestation, display Mriicch.; setting forth (an argument) Jtakam.; affection, confidence in (loc.), love, attachment, friendship, favour (ibc.; {At}, {ena} and {-yo7pe7tam} ind. confidentially, affectionately, openly, frankly) MBh. Kv. &c.; desire, longing for (loc.; {anyathA}, `" for something else "') ib.; an entreaty, request, solicitation R. Vikr.; reverence, obeisance L.; final beatitude L.; {-kalaha} m. a quarrel of lovers, mere wanton quarrelsomeness Megh. Kd. Pacat.; {kupita} mfn. angry through love, feigning anger Megh.; {-kopa} m. the (feigned) anger of a coquette towards her lover MW.; {-pezala} mfn. soft through affection R.; {-prakarSa} m. excess of affaffection, extraordinary attachment Kaths.; {-bhaGga} m. breach of confidence, faithlessness Vikr. Pur.; {madhura} mfn. sweet through affection Bhartri.; {maya} mf({I})n. full of confidence Jtakam.; {1590

mAna} m. `" love-pride "', the jealousy of llove W.; {-vacana} n. a declaration of llove or affection Megh.; {-vat} mfn. possessing candour, unceremonious, frank, open, confident Klid.; attached or devoted to, loving (loc. or comp.) ib.; desirous of. longing for (loc.) S'is'.; (ifc.) familiar with, used to Blar.; {-virhAta} = {-vihata} A.; {vimukha} mf({I})n. averse from love or friendship Megh.; {-vihati} f. refusal of a request, noncompliance W.; {-spRz} mfn. exciting love, affectionate Mlatm.; {-yA7parAdha} m. an offence against (mutual) affection or confidence Amar.; {-yA7pahArin} mfn. taking with cconfidence or without shyness MW.; {-yA7mRtapaJcAzaka} n. N. of wk.; {-yI-kR}, to attach closely Vcar.; {-yI-bhU}, to become attached or affectionate Sus'r.; {-yo7nmukha} mf({I})n. expectant through love Mlav.; {-yA7pe7ta} mfn. possessing candour, frank, open MrkP. praNayana* = n. bringing forwards, conducting, conveying, fetching S'rS. MBh. &c.; means or vessel for bringing or fetching (cf. {agni-}); showing, betraying (ct. {zraddhA-}); (with {daNDasya} or {daNDa}.), applying(the rod), infliction of (punishment) Mn. Yj.; establishing, founding (of a school) BhP.; execution, performance, practice MBh. Kv.; bringing forward, adducing L.; composing, writing L.; satisfying, satiating R.

praNashyati = one falls down praNashyanti = become vanquished praNashyaami = am lost praNashhTaH = dispelled praNata * = mfn. bent forwards, bowed, inclined S3a1n3khBr. Mn. &c.; bowed to, saluted reverentially BhP.; bent towards, offered respectfully Ma1lav. (cf. below); humble, submissive to (gen. or acc.) MBh. R. BhP.; skilful, clever W.; a partic. kind of accentuation Sa1y.; of a Paris3. of SV.; %{-kAya} mfn. having the body bent down SaddhP.; %{-bahu-phala} mfn. one to whom various fruits or good things are offered Ma1lav. i, 1; %{-vat} mfn. bowing, bent, bowed W.; %{-ziras} mfn. having the head bowed, inclined, stooping W.; %{-tA7tmavat} mfn. `" having one's person bowed "', inclined, stooping R. (B.); %{-tA7zeSa-sAmanta} mfn. one to whom all his neighbours bow or are submissive L. praNejana * = mf(%{I})n. washing or wiping away La1t2y.; n. the act of washing or bathing AV.; water for washing S3Br. praNenii * = mfn. (fr. Intens.) leading or guiding constantly or repeatedly RV. praNetavya * = mfn. to be led or

guided MBh.; to be accomplished or executed or used or applied praNetri * = m. a leader, guide RV. &c. &c. (Ved. with gen. or acc.; Class. gen. or comp.); a maker, creator MBh. Hariv.; an author, promulgator of a doctrine MBh. Pur.; a performer or one who plays a musical instrument L.; one who applies (a clyster) Car.; %{-mat} mfn. containing the notion of leading AitBr. praNetra * = see %{vAyu4-praNetra}. praNeya * = mfn. to be guided or led, docile, obedient MBh. Hariv. S3am2k.; to be (or being) used or applied Ba1lar. Car.; to be executed or accomplished MBh.; to be fixed or settled ib. praNidhaana = dedication praNidhaaya = laying down praNihita * = mfn. laid on, imposed, applied Sus3r.; put down, deposited Ba1lar. BhP.; outstretched, stretched forth Megh. Sa1h.; directed towards, fixed upon (loc.) Hariv. Bhartr2. BhP.; delivered, committed, entrusted to (dat.) Ba1lar.; contained in (comp.) BhP.; sent out (as a spy) MBh.; found out, discovered ib.; ascertained or stated Mn. vii, 54; one who has his thoughts

concentrated on one point, intent upon (loc.) R. Bhat2t2.; obtained, acquired W.; prudent, cautious, wary ib.; resolved, determined ib.; agreed to or admitted ib.; %{-dhI} (Bhartr2.), %{-tA7tman} (A1past.) mfn. having the mind fixed upon (loc. or comp.); %{-te7SaNa} mfn. having the eyes directed towards or fixed upon (comp.) Hariv. praNipaatena = by approaching a spiritual master praNudati = to push, to press, to ring a bell prapaada* = see {a4-prapAda}. [682,2] prapaadika* = or {-dIka} m. a peacock L. prapaaduka* = mfn. falling away prematurely (as a fetus) TS. Kthh. prapaaTha * = or m. a lecture (i.e. chapter or subdivision of a book) TS. Br. &c. prapaatha * = m. a road, way L. prapaaThaka * = m. a lecture (i.e. chapter or subdivision of a book) TS. Br. &c. prapaaThaka * = see %{pra-paTh}.


prapad* =1 2. . {-padyate} (ep. also P.), to fall or drop down from (abl.), throw one's self down (at a persos feet) MBh.; to go forwards set out for, resort to, arrive at, attain, enter (with acc., rarely loc.) AV. &c. &c.; to fly to for succour, take refuge with (acc.) TS. &c. &c.; to fall upon, attack, assail RV. AV.; to come to a partic. state or condition, incur, undergo (acc.) MBh. Kv. &c.; (with an adv. in {sAt}), to become e.g. {sarpasAt pra-pad}, to becbecome a serpent Bhatt.; to obtain, gain ({patini}, `" as husband "'), partake of, share in (acc.) ib.; to adopt or embrace (a doctrine) Rjat.; to undertake, commence, begin, do MBh. Kv.; to form (a judgment) MBh.; to assume (a form) Kaths.; to enjoy (pleasure) R.; to take to (dat.) Hariv.; to come on, approach, appear AV. R. Hariv.; to take effect, succeed MBh.; to turn out ({anyathA}, `" differently "' i.e. without any effect or consequence) Hariv.; to admit (a claim) R.: Caus. {-pAdayati}, {-te}, to cause to enter, introduce into (acc. or loc.) Br.: Desid. P. {pi4tsati}, to wish to enter S'Br.; . {-pitsate} (cf. Pn. 7-4, 54), to be going to incur or undertake Das'. \\ =2 f. away AitBr.; N. of partic. sacred texts Br. GriS'rS. prapada* n. id. the point of the foot, tip of the toes ({ais} ind. on tiptoe) RV. &c. &c. prapadana* = n. entering, entrance into (comp.)

s'vGri. Vait.; access, approach S'Br. ChUp. prapadam* = ind. a term applied to a partic. mode of recitation (in which the Vedic verses are divided, without reference to the sense and construction, into parts of an equal number of syllables and between these parts partic. formulas inserted containing the word {pa-padye}) AitBr. prapadiina* = w.r. for {A-prapadIna} q.v. prapadyate = surrenders prapadyante = surrender prapadye = surrender prapanna * = mfn. arrived at, come to (%{zaraNam}, for protection), got into (any condition) ChUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c.; (with %{pAdau}) fallen at a person's feet R.; suppliant (cf. comp.); approached, appeared, happened, occurred R.; acknowledged (as a claim) Ya1jn5.; provided with (instr.) S3ak. 1, 1; effecting, producing W.; poor, distressed ib.; %{-gati-dIpikA} f. %{-dina-caryA} f. %{-duSTA7riSTa-zAnti} f. %{-pArijAta} m. N. of wks.; %{-pAla} m. `" protector of suppliants "'N. of Kr2ishn2a MBh.; %{-mAlikA} f. %{-lakSaNa} n. N. of wks.; %{-nnA7mRta} n. `" nectar for suppliants

"'N. of a legendary biography of Ra1ma7nuja (cf. RTL. 119 &c.); %{-nnA7rti-hara} mf(%{I})n. relieving the distress of suppliants MW. prapannaM = surrendered prapaTh * = P. %{-paThati}, to recite aloud Hariv. prapatha * = m. a way, journey (esp. to a distant place) RV. AitBr.; (ifc. f. %{A}) a broad road or street Ka1t2h. BhP.; mfn. `" about to go off "' (?), loose, relaxed L. prapathin * = mfn. roaming on distant paths (superl. %{-tama}) RV.; m. N. of a man ib. prapaaThita * = mfn. (fr. Caus.) taught, expounded L. prapathya * = mfn. being on the road, wandering (also applied to Pu1shan, the protector of travellers) VS.; (%{A}) f. = %{pathyA}, Terminalia Chebula or Citrina L. prapashya = just see prapashyadbhiH = by those who can see prapashyaami = I see

prapitaamahaH = the great-grandfather parisamaap * = Pass. %{-Apyate}, to be fully completed, arrive at completion BhP.; to be contained in (loc.) Bhag.; to relate or belong to (loc. or %{prati}) Pat. parisamaapana * = n. the act of finishing completely W. parisamaapanIya * = or mfn. to be completely finished Jaim. Sch. parisamaapta * = mfn. finished, complete S3ak.; centred, comprehended S3is3. parisamaapti * = f. entire completion, end, conclusion S3am2k. Sa1h. Pa1n2. Sch.; relating or belonging to (loc. or %{prati}) Pat. prarocita * = mfn. (fr. Caus.) commended, praised, approved, liked MBh. pra+sha.ns.h = to praise pra+sah.h = to withstand, endure prashaste = in bona fide


prashaanta = unagitated prashaantaM = at rest or passionless prashaantasya = who has attained tranquillity by such control over the mind prashNa = Horary Astrology. The word means question or query prashtara-ashhTakavarga = Planetary spreadsheet of points used in transits and predictions pras'naM = question * = 1 m. basket-work, a plaited basket Kaus'. (Sch. `" a turban "'). * =2 m. ( {prach}) a question, demand, interrogation, query, inquiry after (comp.; cf. {kuzala-p-}) S'Br. &c. &c.; judicial inquiry or examination (cf. {sA7kSi-p}); astrological inquiry into the future (cf. {divya-}, {deva-}, {daiva-p-}); a subject of inquiry, point at issue, controversy, problem S'Br. &c. &c. ({praznam} {pra-brU} "', to decide a controverted point "'; {nam} {i}, with acc. or {-nam} {A} {gam}, with loc. of pers., `" to lay a question before any one for decision "'; {praznas tava pitari}, the point at issue is before thy father "'); a task or lesson (in Vedic recitation) RPrt.; a short section or paragraph (in books) Col. &c.


prashvaasa = expiration prasaadana* = mf({I})n. clearing, rendering clear (cf. {ambu} - {p-}, {toya-p-} &c.); calming, soothing, cheering R. Sus'r. BhP.; m. a royal tent L.; ({A}) f. service, worship L.; n. clearing, rendering clear ({netra-p-} `" administering soothing remedies to the eyes "') Sus'r.; calming. soothing, cheering, gratifying (cf. {zruti-p-}), rendering gracious, propitiating ({tvatprasdanAt} `" for the sake of propitiating thee "') MBh. Kv. &c.; boiled rice L.; w.r. for {pra-sAdhan} Hariv. Mlav. prasaada * = m. (ifc. f. {A}) clearness, brightness, pellucidnees, purity (cf. {ambu-p-}), UP. Klid. &c. (Nom. P. {-sAdati}, to be clear or bright. S'atr.) [697, 1]; clearness of style, perspicuity Pratp. Kvya7d. Sh.; brightness (of the face) Ragh.; calmness, tranquillity, absence of excitement KathhUp. Sus'r. Yogas.; serenity of disposition, good humour MBh. Sus'r. Ragh. &c.; graciousness, kindness, kind behaviour, favour, aid, meditation ({-dAt} ind. through the kindness or by the favour of; {-daM} {kR}, to be gracious; cf. {duS-p-}, {drikp-}) Gobh. MBh. Kv. &c.; Kindness personified as a son of Dharma and Maitr BhP.; clarified liquor, a decoction Car.; settlings, a residuum ib.; free gift, gratuity Ratna7v.; a propitiatory offering or gift (of

food = {p--dravya}, {prasAdA7nna}) L.; the food presented to an idol, or the remnants of food left by a spiritual teacher (which any one may freely appropriate to his own use) RTL. 69; 145 &c.; approbation W.; well-being, welfare W.; N. of a Comm. on the Prakriy-kaumudi; {-cintaka} w.r. for {-vittaka} Blar.; {-dAna} n. a propitiatory gift, a gift in token of favour, gift of food by a superior MW.; {-paTTa} m. a turban of honour (worn as a token of royal favour) Var.; {-paTTaka} n. a written edict of favour, Lokapr.; {-parAGmukha} mf({I}) not caring for any one's favour Amar.; withdrawing ffavour from any one (gen.) Pacat.; {-pAtra} n. an object of ffavour Das'.; {-puraga} mfn. inclined to ffavour, favourably inclined MrkP.; {pratilabdha} m. N. of a son of Mra Lalit.; {-bhAj} mfn. being in favour, Smkhyas. Sch.; {-bhUmi} f. an object of ffavour, favourite Hcar.; {-mAlA} f. N. of wk.; {-vat} mfn. pleased, delighted; gracious, favourable L. ({-vatI-samAdhi} m. a partic. Samdhi Buddh.); {-vitta} mf({A})n. (Kd. Kaths. Rjat. Blar.) or {-vittaka} mfn. (Kaths.) rich in favour, being in high ffavour with any one (gen. or comp.); m. and favourite, darling; {-SaT-zlokI} f. {stava} m. N. of 2 Stotras; {-su-mukha} mf({I})n. inclined to favour (others `" having a clear or serene face "') Mlav. Ragh.; {-stha} mfn. abiding in serenity, kind, propitious; happy W.; {sAdA7ntara} n. another (mark of) favour MW.; {sAdA7nna} n. see {-sAda} above; {-sAdI-} {kR}, to

bestow as a mark of favour, bestow graciously, Present (with gen. of person) Pacat. Kd. Rjat. &c. pra-saada * = &c. see {pra-} {sad}. prasaadya * mfn. to be rendered gracious, be propitiated MBh. R. Sh. Bla prasaktaaH = attached prasaktaanaaM = for those who are attached prasanga = event, happenning, incidence * = prasaGga see under %{pra-} %{zaJj}. 2 prasaGga m. adherence, attachment, inclination or devotion to, indulgence in, fondness for, gratification of, occupation or intercourse with (loc. gen. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (%{ena} ind. assiduously, zealously, eagerly; cf. also below); evil inclination or illicit pursuit Mn. ix, 5; union, connection (ifc. `" connected with "' e.g. %{madhuprasaGga-madhu}, `" honey connected with or coming in the spring season "') Ratna7v. i, 17 [696,3]; (pl.) all that is connected with or results from anything Ka1m.; occurrence of a possibility, contingency, case, event S3rS. Mn. S3am2k. Pa1n2. Sch. (e.g. %{ecaH@pluta-prasaGge}, `" in the event of a diphthong being prolated "');

applicability Vajras.; an occasion, incident, conjuncture, time, opportunity MBh. Ka1v. &c. (ibc.; %{ena}, %{At} and %{atas} ind. when the occasion presents itself, occasionally, incidentally; %{prasaGge@kutrA7pi}, `" on a certain occasion "'; %{amunA@prasaGgena}, %{tat-prasaGgena} or %{etat-prasaGge}, `" on that occasion "'); mention of parents (? = %{guru-kIrtita}) Sa1h.; (in dram.) a second or subsidiary incident or plot W.; N. of a man Katha1s.; (pl.) of a Buddhistic school; %{nivAraNa} n. the prevention of (similar) eases, obviation of (like future) contingencies Kull. on Mn. viii, 334; %{-pro7Sita} mfn. happening to be departed or absent Das3.; %{-ratnA7kara} m. %{ratnA7valI} f. N. of wks.; %{-vat} mfn. occasional, incidental Das3.; %{-vazAt} ind. according to the time, as occasion may demand MW.; %{-vinivRtti} f. the non-recurrence of a case Mn. viii, 368; %{sama} m. (in Nya1ya) the sophism that the proof too must be proved Nya1yas. Sarvad.; %{-gA7nu}. %{saGgena} ind. by the way, by the by, Sa1m2khyas. Sch.; %{-gA7bharaNa} n. N. of a modern poetical anthology. prasangena = because of attachment prasannachetasaH = of the happy-minded prasannam.h = with pleasant, satisfied look

prasanna * = mfn. clear, bright, pure (lit. and fig.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; distinct, perspicuous MBh. Ka1m.; true, right, plain, correct, just Ma1lav. Ma1lati1m.; placid, tranquil R. Var. A1p.; soothed, pleased; gracious, kind, kindly disposed towards (with loc. gen., or acc. aod %{prati}), favourable (as stars &c.); gracious, showing favour (as a speech) MaitrUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c.; m. N. of a prince Hemac.; (%{A}) f. propitiating, pleasing W.; spirituous liquor made of rice Car. Pat.; %{-kalpa} mfn. almost quiet, tolerably calm Pan5cat.; %{gAtr-tA}. f. having tranquil limbs (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmas. 84; %{caNDikA} f. N. of a drama; %{-candra} m. N. of a prince HParis3.; %{-jala} mfn. containing clear water R.; %{-tarka} mfn. conjecturing right Ma1lav.; %{-tA} f. brightness, clearness, purity Sus3r.; clearness of expression, perspicuity Cat.; complacence, good humour Ka1v. Ra1jat. VP.; %{tva} n. clearness, purity MBh. Ragh.; %{-pAda} m. or n. (?) N. of wk. by Dharma-kirti; %{-prA7ya} mfn. rather plain or correct, Ma1latim.; %{-mukha} mfn. `" placid-countenanced "', looking pleased, smiling W.; %{-rasa} mfn. clear-juiced Kpr.; %{rAghava} n. N. of a drama by Jaya-deva; %{veGkaTe7zva-mAhAmya} n. N. of a legend in the Bhavishyo7ttara-Pura1n2a; %{-salila} mfn. %{jala} MBh.; %{-sannA7tman} mfn. graciousminded, propitious MaitrUp.; %{-sanne7rA} f. spirituous liquor made of rice L.

prasannaa = is pleased prasannaatmaa = fully joyful prasannena = happily prasabhaM = by force prasavishhyadhvaM = be more and more prosperous prasahyasaahin.h = he who overcomes the powerful prasaadaM = the mercy of the Lord prasaadajaM = born of the satisfaction prasaadaye = to beg mercy prasaadaat.h = by favour, grace prasaade = on achievement of the causeless mercy of the Lord prasaadhayati = to comb prasaadya *= mfn. to be rendered gracious , be propitiated MBh. R. Sa1h. Ba1lar.

prasaaraH = (m) broadcast, propoganda, expanse prasaarayati = to spread prasaarita = stretched out prasaarya = (gerund) holding forth prasaJj * = P. A1. %{-sajati}, %{-te}, (P.) to hang on, attach to (loc.) La1t2y.; to hang with i.e. to provide or supply with (instr.) S3Br.; to cling to (loc.) Das3.; to engage with any one(loc.) in a quarrel or dispute, ChUP.; (only ind. p. %{-sajya}) to be attached to the world BhP.; to result, follow, be the consequence of anything Sarvad.; to cause to take place Pat.; (A1.) to attach one's self to (acc.) MBh.: Pass. %{sajyate}, or %{-sajjate} (%{-ti}), to attach one's self, cling to, be devoted to or intent upon or occupied with (loc.) Mn. MBh. &c.; to be in love (pr.p. %{-sajjantI}) Hariv.; (%{-sajjate}), to be the consequence of something else, result, follow, be applicable Pat. Bha1sha1p. Sarvad.: Caus. P. %{saJjayati}, to cause to take place Naish.; A1. %{sajjayate}, to attach to, stick in (loc.; with %{na}, `" to fly through "', said of an arrow) R. prasakta* = mfn. attached, cleaving or adhering or devoted to, fixed or intent upon, engaged in, occupied with (loc. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.;

clinging to the world, mundane BhP.; being in love, enamoured MBh. Ka1v.; (ifc.) supplied or provided with R. (v.l. %{pra-yukta}); resulting, following, applicable Ka1s3. Katha1s. Sarvad.; continual, lasting, constant, eternal MBh. Ka1v. &c.; used, employed W.; got, obtained ib.; opened, expanded ib.; contiguous, near A.; (%{-sakta4}), w.t for %{satta4} AV.; ibc. and(%{am}) ind. continually, incessantly, eternally, ever Ka1v.; %{-dhI} or %{hRdaya} mfn. with heart or mind intent upon or occupied with (comp.) Var.; %{-tA7zrumukha} mf(%{I})n. having the face wet with tears R. prasaktavya* = mfn. to be attached to (loc.) Katha1s. pras'ama* = m. calmness, tranquillity "' (esp. of mind), quiet, rest, cessation, extinction, abatement MBh. Kv. &c.; m. N. of a son of naka-dundisbhi and S'nti-deva BhP.; ({I}) f. N. of an Apsaras MBh.; {-M-kara} mfn. causing the cessation of (gen.), disturbing, interrupting R.; {-rati-sUsra} n. N. of wk.; {-sthita} mfn. being in a state of quiescence Ragh.; {-mA7yana} mfn. walking in tranquillity BhP. pras'aama* = tranquillity, pacification, suppression W


pras'aMsaa* = f. praise, commendation, fame, glory (with Buddhists one of the 8 worldly conditions Dharmas. 61) S'Br. &c. &c. (cf. {aprastuta-p-}, {strI-p-}; w.r. {-zaMzA}); {nAman} n. an expression of praise Nir.; {mukhara} mfn. loud with praise, praising loudly ({-rA7nana}, mfn. `" one whose mouth is lloud wwith prpraise "', speaking loudly in praise of anything) Rjat.; {--lApa} ({-sA7l-}) m. applause, acclamation Das'.; {-vacana} n. pl. a laudatory speech MBh.; {-vali} ({-sA7v-}) f. a poem of praise, panegyric Blar.; {-zaMso7pamA} f. (in rhet.) laudatory comparison, comparing to anything superior Kvya7d. [695,1] prasan'ga (prasaGga) * = m. adherence , attachment , inclination or devotion to , indulgence in , fondness for , gratification of , occupation or intercourse with (loc. gen. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (%{ena} ind. assiduously , zealously , eagerly ; cf. also below) ; evil inclination or illicit pursuit Mn. ix , 5 ; union , connection (ifc. `" connected with "' e.g. %{madhu-prasaGga-madhu} , `" honey connected with or coming in the spring season "') Ratna7v. i , 17 [696,3] ; (pl.) all that is connected with or results from anything Ka1m. ; occurrence of a possibility , contingency , case , event S3rS. Mn. S3am2k. Pa1n2. Sch. (e.g. %{ecaH@plutaprasaGge} , `" in the event of a diphthong being

prolated "') ; applicability Vajras. ; an occasion , incident , conjuncture , time , opportunity MBh. Ka1v. &c. (ibc. ; %{ena} , %{At} and %{atas} ind. when the occasion presents itself , occasionally , incidentally ; %{prasaGge@kutrA7pi} , `" on a certain occasion "' ; %{amunA@prasaGgena} , %{tat-prasaGgena} or %{etat-prasaGge} , `" on that occasion "') ; mention of parents (? = %{gurukIrtita}) Sa1h. ; (in dram.) a second or subsidiary incident or plot W. ; N. of a man Katha1s. ; (pl.) of a Buddhistic school ; %{-nivAraNa} n. the prevention of (similar) eases , obviation of (like future) contingencies Kull. on Mn. viii , 334 ; %{-pro7Sita} mfn. happening to be departed or absent Das3. ; %{-ratnA7kara} m. %{-ratnA7valI} f. N. of wks. ; %{-vat} mfn. occasional , incidental Das3. ; %{vazAt} ind. according to the time , as occasion may demand MW. ; %{-vinivRtti} f. the non-recurrence of a case Mn. viii , 368 ; %{-sama} m. (in Nya1ya) the sophism that the proof too must be proved Nya1yas. Sarvad. ; %{-gA7nu}. %{saGgena} ind. by the way , by the by , Sa1m2khyas. Sch. ; %{gA7bharaNa} n. N. of a modern poetical anthology. 3 prAsaGga m. a kind of yoke for cattle MBh. ; %{-vAhIvA4h} mfn. = %{uSTR} A1pS3r. Sch. prastha * = mfn. going on a march or journey, going to or abiding in (cf. %{vana-pr-}); stable,

firm, solid W.; expanding, spread ib.; m. n. tableland on the top of a mountain MBh. Ka1v. &c.; a level expanse, plain (esp. at the end of names of towns and villages; cf. %{indra-}, %{oSadhi-}, %{karIra-pr-} and see Pa1n2. 4-2, 110); a partic. weight and measure of capacity (= 32 Palas or = 1/4 of an A1d2haka; or = 16 Palas= 4 Kud2avas= 1/4 of an Ad2haka; or = 2 S3ara1vas; or = 6 Palas; or = 1/16 of a Dron2a) MBh. Ka1v. Sus3r. &c.; m. N. of a monkey R.; %{-kusuma} or %{-puSpa} m. `" flowering on mountain-tops "', a species of plant, a variety of Tulasi or basil L.; %{-m-paca} mf(%{A})n. cooking the amount of a Prastha (said of a cooking utensil capable of containing one PPrastha) Pa1n2. 3-2, 33 Sch.; %{-vat} m. a mountain L. prasthaa * = P. %{-tiSThati}, (rarely A1. %{te}). to stand or rise up (esp. before the gods. an altar &c.) RV. TS. VS.; to advance towards (acc.) S3Br. S3a1n3khSr.; (A1.; cf. Pa1n2. i, 3, 22) to be awake MBh.; (A1. m. c. also P.) to set out, depart from (abl.), proceed or march to (acc. with or without %{prati}) or with a view to or in order to (dat. or inf) A1s3vGr2. MBh. Ka1v. &c.; (with %{AkAze}) to move or abide in the open air R.: Caus. %{sthApayati}, to put aside AV. [699,3]; to send out, send to (acc. with or without %{prati}) or for the purpose of (dat. or loc.), send away or home,

dispatch messengers &c., dismiss, banish MBh. Ka1v. &c.; drive, urge on (horses), Kum Desid. A1. %{-tiSThAsate}, to wish to set out S3am2k. Bhat2t2.\\%{-stha} in %{-vat} mfn. having a platform AV.; (%{-vatI}), t N. of a river Hariv. prashthha * = mf(%{I})n. ( %{sthA}; cf. Pa1n2. 83, 92) standing in front, foremost, principal, best, chief Ragh. Ra1jat.; m. a leader, conductor Kuval.; a species of plant L.; (%{I}) f. the wife of a leader or chief L. prasiidati *V: is pleased, becomes happy, becomes satisfied, gets satified.

prasid.hdhyet.h = is effected *= brough about, acoomplished, arranged, adorned, wellknown, notorious prasiddhaH = famous (Masc.nom.S) prasiddhaka* = m. N. of a prince descended from Janaka (son of Maru and father of Kriitti-ratha) R. prasiddhi* = f. accomplishment, success, attainment Mn. Yj. Km. BhP.; proof, argument Kaths.; general opinion, publicity, celebrity,

renown, fame, rumour Var. Kv. Kaths.; {-mat} mfn. universally known, famous Kaths.; {viruddha-tA} f. the state of being opposed to general opinion, sh. (= {khyAti-v-}); {-hata} mfn. having no value, very trivial Kpr. prasiddha * = (%{pra4-}) mfn. brought about, accomplished Kum. (%{a-pras-}); arranged, adomed (as hair) ib.; well known, notorious, celebrated TS. &c. &c.; (%{A}) f. (in music) a partic. measure Sam2gi1t.; %{-kSatriya-prA7ya} mfn. consisting for the most part of renowned Kshatriyas MW.; %{-tA} f. (Ni1lak.), %{-tva} n. (Sarvad.) celebrity, notoriety. prasIdikA* = f. a small garden L. (v.l. {prasedikA}). prasidh* = 2. P. . {-sedhati}, {-te}, to drive on RV. TndBr. Lthy. \\3. P. {-sidhyati}, (rarely . {te}), to be accomplished or effected, succeed Mn. MBh. &c.; to result from (abl.) Mn. xii, 97; to be explained or made clear Ks'. on Pn. 3-1, 122. prasiida = be pleased * = (%{pra4-}) mfn. brought about, accomplished Kum. (%{a-pras-}); arranged, adomed (as hair) ib.; well known, notorious, celebrated TS. &c. &c.; (%{A}) f. (in music) a partic. measure Sam2gi1t.; %{-kSatriya-prA7ya} mfn. consisting for the most part of renowned

Kshatriyas MW.; %{-tA} f. (Ni1lak.), %{-tva} n. (Sarvad.) celebrity, notoriety. prasidati * = thus becomes fully satisfied; SB 1.2.19\\ becomes reconciled; SB 2.1.19\\ become satisfied; SB 3.9.12\\ becomes very pleased; SB 3.13.48\\ becomes happy; SB 3.14.47\\ becomes fully satisfied; SB 4.20.9\\ is pleased; SB 5.2.15\\ actually becomes happy; SB 6.2.32\\is pleased; SB 6.19.1\\ become fully satisfied; SB 7.11.7\\ is in favor; SB 8.21.24\\ is spiritually satisfied; SB 11.20.22\\ becomes satisfied; SB 11.21.43\\ gets satisfaction; CC Madhya 20.147-148 prasi* = 1. (only . pf. {siSye}, with pass. meaning), to bind-render harmless Rjat. prasic* = P. {-siJcati}, to pour out, shed, emit AV. &c. &c,; to sprinkle, water MBh. Hariv.; to fill (a vessel) KaushUp.: Pass. {-sicyate}, to be poured out or flow forth MBh. Sus'r.; to be watered i.e. refreshed MBh.: Caus. {-secayati}, to pour into (loc.) Yj. prasikta* = mfn. poured out Uttarar. Sus'r.; (ifc.) sprinkled with MBh. prasiv* = P. {-sIvyati}, to sew up S'Br.


prasIdikA* = f. a small garden L. (v.l. {prasedikA}). prasita* = mfn. (for 2. see below) bound, fastened W.; diligent, attentive, attached or devoted to, engrossed by, engaged in, occupied with (loc. or instr.; cf. Pn. 2-3, 44) Ragh. Siddh.; lasting, continuous SaddhP. 1. prasiti* = ({pra4-}) f. (for 2. see below) a net for catching birds RV. iv, 4, 1 &c. (Nir. Sy.); a ligament, binding, fetter L. prasita* = 2 mfn. (2. {si}; cf. {pra-si} above) darting along RV.; n. pus, matter L. 2. prasiti* = ({pra4-}) f. (for 1. see above) onward rush, onset, attack, assault RV.; a throw, cast, shot, missile VS. TBr.; stretch, reach, extension, sphere RV.; succession, duration VS.; dominion, power, authority, influence RV. prasritaa = extended prasritaaH = extendedpravachanena = (instr.sing.)thro' discourse or lecture prastotR * = m. N. of the assistant of the Udgtrii (who chants the Prastva) Br. S'rS. MBh. &c.; {prayoga} m. {-sAman} n. N. of wks.

pra-stotrIya * =mfn. relating to the Prastotrii Lthy. Sch. pra-stobha * =m. allusion or reference to (gen.) BhP.; du. (with {rajer} {aGgirasasya}) N. of 2 Smans rshBr. prazna * =1 m. basket-work, a plaited basket Kaus'. (Sch. `" a turban "'). \\* =2 m. ( {prach}) a question, demand, interrogation, query, inquiry after (comp.; cf. {kuzala-p-}) S'Br. &c. &c.; judicial inquiry or examination (cf. {sA7kSi-p}); astrological inquiry into the future (cf. {divya-}, {deva-}, {daiva-p-}); a subject of inquiry, point at issue, controversy, problem S'Br. &c. &c. ({praznam} {pra-brU} "', to decide a controverted point "'; {nam} {i}, with acc. or {-nam} {A} {gam}, with loc. of pers., `" to lay a question before any one for decision "'; {praznas tava pitari}, the point at issue is before thy father "'); a task or lesson (in Vedic recitation) RPrt.; a short section or paragraph (in books) Col. &c. prasupta * = mfn. fallen into sleep, fast asleep, sleeping, slumbering Mn. MBh. &c.; closed (said of flowers) Ka1lid.; having slept Hit.; asleep i.e. insensible Sus3r.; quiet, inactive, latent BhP.; %{tA} f. = next Sus3r.


prasvaapana * = mf(%{I})n. causing sleep MBh. Ka1v. &c. (%{-nI@dazA} f. condition of ssleep Ma1rkP.); n. the act of sending to ssleep R. prata = Quality prataapavaan.h = the valiant prataapa * = m. glowing heat , heat , warmth Ka1v. Var. Sus3r. ; splendour , brilliancy , glory , majesty , dignity , power , strength , energy Mn. MBh. &c. ; Calotropis Gigantea (= %{arka}) L. ; N. of a man MBh. Ra1jat. ; %{-candra} m. N. of a king Katha1s. ; of a Jaina author Sarvad. ; %{-deva} (Cat) , %{-dhavala} (Inscr.) m. N. of princes ; %{nAraziMha} or %{-nRsiMha} m. N. of wks. ; %{pAla} m. N. of a man Ra1jat. ; %{-pura} n. N. of a town ib. ; %{-mArtaNDa} m. N. of sev. wks. ; %{mukuTa} m. N. of a prince Vet. ; %{-rAja} m. N. of a king Dharmas3. ; %{rAma-pUjA} f. N. of wk. [661,2] ; %{-rudra} m. N. of a king of the Ka1kati1yas (or according to others of Vijayanagara or of Eka-s3ila1 ; sev. wks. are attributed to him , though in reality composed by different authors) Cat. ; %{-dra-kalyANa} n. N. of a drama ; %{-drayazo-bhUSaNa} , or = %{-drIya} n. N. of wk. by Vidya1-na1tha on rhetoric (in which king Prata1parudra is eulogized) ; %{-vat} mfn. full of splendour , majestic , glorious , powerful MBh. R. &c. ; m. N.

of S3iva S3ivag. ; of an attendant of Skanda MBh. ; %{-velA7valI} f. (in music) N. of a Ra1ga ; %{-zIla} m. N. of a king (= %{zilA7ditya}) Ra1jat. ; %{zekhara} m. (in music) a kind of measure ; %{siMha} and %{-siMha-rAja} m. N. of authors Cat. ; %{-pA7ditya} m. N. of sev. princes (%{-tA} f.) Ra1jat. ; %{-pA7laMkAra} m. N. of wk. (prob.= %{parudrIya}) ; %{-pe7ndra} m. N. of the sun Hcar. pratap * = P. %{-tapati} , to give forth heat , burn , glow , shine (lit. and fig.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; to feel pain , suffer R. ; to warm , heat , shine upon S3Br. &c. &c. ; to roast , bake R. Sus3r. ; to kindle , light , illumine RV. ; to pain with heat , torment , harass MBh. Ka1v.: Pass. %{-tapyate} , to suffer pain BhP.: Caus. %{-tApayati} (fut. %{-tApitA} MBh. viii , 1971) , to make warm , heat Gr2S3rS. MBh. and e. ; to set on fire , irradiate , illuminate R. ; to destroy or pain with heat , torment , harass MBh. R. &c. pratapa * = m. the heat of the sun ; %{-tra} n. a parasol BhP. pratapana * = n. warming , heating Ka1tyS3r. MBh. Sus3r. ; %{-ne-kR} , (prob.) to put near the fire , make warm (ind. p. %{-kRtya} , or %{kRtvA}) g. %{sA7kSAd-Adi}. pratapat * = mf(%{antI})n. burning glowing ,

shining (lit. and fig.) , feeling pain , doing penance MBh. ; m. the sun MW. (cf. MBh. iv , 42) ; an ascetic R. pratapta * = mfn. hot , glowing shining MBh. ; subjected to great heat , annealed BhavP. ; pained (esp. by heat) , tortured , harassed MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; (prob.) n. annealed gold R. prataptR m. one who burns or singes S3am2k. pratapanti = are scorching prathaya * = Nom. P. %{-yati} = %{pRthum@AcaSTe} Pat. (cf. Caus. of %{prath}). prathayat * = mfn. spreading out, extending &c. AV. &c. &c.; seeing, beholding W. prati = towards * = 1 ind. (as a prefix to roots and their derivative nouns and other nnouns, sometimes {pratI}; for 2. see p, 664) towards, near to; against, in opposition to; back, again, in return; down upon, upon, on; before nouns it expresses also likeness or comparison (cf. {prati-candra}); or it forms Avyayibhvas of different kinds (cf. {pratikSaNam}, {prati-graham}, {praty-agni} &c.; rarely ifc. e.g. {sUpaprati}, a little broth Pn. 2-1, 9); or as a prep. with usually preceding acc., in the sense of towards, against, to, upon, in the direction of (e.g.

{zabdam p-}, in the dirdirection of the sound R.; {agnim pr-}, against the fire Mn.; also {praty-agni} ind. Pn. 6-2, 33 Sch.; {ripum pr-}, agagainst the enemy Mn.; {AtmAnam pr-}, to one's self Ratna7v.); opposite, before, in the presence of (e.g. {rodasI pr-}, befbefore heaven and earth RV.); in comparison, on a par with, in proportion to (e.g. {indram pr-}, in comparcomparison with llittle RV.; {sahasrANi pr-}, on a par with i.e. equivalent to thousands ib.; also with abl. or {-tas}; cf. Pn. 14, 92; ii, 3, 11); in the vicinity of, near, beside, at, on (e.g. {yUpam pr-}, near the sacrificial post AitBr.; {gaGgAm pr-}, at or on the Ganges R.; {etat pr-}, at this point TS.; {Ayodhanam pr-}, on the field of battle MBh.); at the time of, about, through, for (e.g. {phAlgunam pr-}, about the month PhPhlguna Mn.; {ciram pr-}, for a long time MBh.; {bhRzam pr-}, often, repeatedly Car.); or used distributively (cf. Pn. 1-4, 90) to express at every, in or on every, severally (e.g. {yajJam pr-}, at every sacrifice Yj.; {yajJaM yajJam pr-} TS.; {varSam pr-}, every year, anually Pacat.; in this sense often comp.; cf. above); in favour of, for (Pn. 1-4, 90; e.g. {pANDavAn pr-}, in favour of the PPn. MBh.) [661, 3]; on account of, with regard to, concerning (Pn. ib. e.g. {sImAm pr-}, concconcerning a boundary Mn.; {gautamam pr}, with regregard to GGanges R.); conformably or according to (e.g. {mAm pr-}, accaccording to me, i.e. in my opinion Mlav.; cf. {mAm praty

araNyavat pratibhAti}, `" it seems to me like a forest "' Hit.; {na bubhukSitam prati bhAti kiM cit}, `" to a hungry man nothing is of any account "' Ks'. on Pn. 2-3, 2); as, for (after a verb meaning, to regard or consider "'; cf. Vikr. iv, 69); or as prep. with abl. in return or as compensation for, instead or in the place of (Pn. 1-4, 92 Sch.); with abl. or {tas} see above; with abl. or gen. (?) to express, `" about "', `" at the time of "' (only {prprati vastoH} "', at daybreak "' RV.); as prep. with gen. = with reference to Hariv. 10967. [Cf. Zd. {paiti}; Gk. $, $, $.] &202234[661, 3] pratibuddha * = (%{pra4ti-}) mfn. awakened , awake (also said of the Dawn) RV. &c. &c. ; one who has attained to perfect knowledge S3Br. (cf. MWB. 98 n.) ; illuminated , enlightened BhP. ; observed , recognized ib. ; known , celebrated W. ; made prosperous or great ib. ; %{-vastu} mfn. understanding the real nature of things BhP. ; %{ddhA7tman} mfn. having the mind roused or awakened , awake MW. pratibuddhaka * = mfn. known , recognized (%{apratib-}) MBh. pratii* = 1 in comp. for {prati} (cf. Pn. 6-3, 122 Vrtt. 3 Pat.)\\2 ({prati-i}) P. {praty-eti}, to go towards or against, go to meet (as friend or foe)

RV. &c. &c.; to come back, return ib.; to resort or apply to RV. AV. S'Br.; to fall to a persos (dat.) lot or share AitBr.; to receive, accept MBh.; (also Pass.) to admit, recognize, be certain of, be convinced that (2 acc.) GriS'rS. Nir. R. &c.; to trust, believe (with gen.) Kaths.: Pass. {pratI7yate}, to be admitted or recognized, follow, result Kv. S'ank. Hit. (p. {-yamAna}, known, understood, implicit Pn. Sh.): Caus. {praty-Ayayati} (Pass. {praty-Ayyate}), to lead towards i.e. cause to recognize or acknowledge, convince (any one of the truth of anything) Klid.; to make clear, prove S'ank. Sh.: Desid. {pratI7SiSati}, to wish or try to understand Pn. 2-4, 47 Sch. pratiiciina * = mfn. turned towards, going or coming ttowards RV.; (%{-cI4na}) mfn. turned away from, turning the back RV.; being behind, coming from bbehind AV.; turning westward, western TS. Br.; subsequent, future (with abl.) RV. TBr.; (%{am}) ind. back to one's self TBr.; backwards, behind TS. TBr. Ka1t2h. BhP. pratiiksha*= mf(%{A})n. looking backward (see %{apr-}); (also %{-kSaka} R.) looking forward to, waiting for, expectant of (ifc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; having regard to (ifc.) Hariv.; (%{A4}) f. expectation TBr. Kat2hUp.; consideration, attention, respect, veneration A1past. MBh. R.

pratiita * = mfn. acknow. ledged, recognized, known ({zyAmaiti}, `" by the name of SS'ank "') Nir. Mn. MBh. &c.; convinced of anything, trusting in, firmly resolved upon (comp.) KathhUp. MBh. Hit.; satisfied, cheerful, glad, pleased AitBr. MBh. &c.; respectful L.; past, gone L.; clever, wise L.; m. N. of a divinity enumerated among the Vis've Devs. MBh.; {-sena} m. N. of a prince Buddh.; {tA7kSarA} f. N. of a Comm. on the Mita7kshar; {tA7tman} mfn. confident, resolute MBh.; {tA7rtha} mfn. having a recognized or acknowledged meaning Nir.; {-tA7zva} m. N. of a prince VP. pratijaaniihi = declare pratijaa* f. admission, acknowledgment, assent, agreement, promise, vow MBh. Kv. &c.; a statement, assertion, declaration, affirmation ib.; (in logic) a proposition, the assertion or proposition to be proved, the first member or {avyaya} of the fivemembered Nyya syllogism IW. 61; (in law) a plaint, complaint, indictment, prosecution Yj. pratijaane = I promise pratidinaM = every day


pratinidhii = (m) representative, delegate pratinivishhTa = perverse, obstinate pratibimbam.h = (n) reflection pratiloma = going against the grain* = mf({A})n. against the hair or grain (opp. to {anu-l-}), contrary to the natural course or order, reverse, inverted; adverse, hostile, disagreeable, unpleasant; low, vile S'Br. RPrt. S'rS. &c.; left, not right W.; contrary to caste (where the mother is of a higher caste than the father) ib.; (ibc. and {a4m} ind.) against the hair, agagainst the grain, in reversed or inverted order TS. Br. s'vS'r. &c.; m. N. of a man; pl. his descendants g. {upakA7di}; ({A}) f. a partic. incantation (to be recited from the end to the beginning) Kaths.; n. any disagreeable or injurious act; ({ena}) ind. in an unfriendly manner, unpleasantly Cn.; {-ja} mfn. born in the inverse order of the classes (as of a Kshatriya father and Brhman mother, or of a Vais'ya ffather and Kshatriy mman or BBrhman mman, in which cases the wife is of a higher caste than the husband; cf. Mn. x, 16) W.; {-tas} ind. in consequence of the inverted order or course Mn. x, 68; invertedly, in inverted order or series Yj. MBh. Pacat.; {-rUpa} mfn. inverted KaushUp.; {mA7nuloma} mfn. speaking against or for

anything; (ibc. and {am} ind.) in inverted order or course and in the natural oorder or ccourse Mn. Yj.; {-ma-tas} ind. in an unfriendly and friendly manner R. pratimaa = (f) statue, image; perceived, understood, apprehended; resulted, followed as a consequeuce; that has experienced, tasted, tried or enjoyed \\* = m. a creator, maker, framer AV. VS.; ({A4}) f. an image, likeness, symbol RV. &c. &c.; a picture, statue, figure, idol Mn. Hariv. Ragh. (IW. 218, 1; 241); reflection (in comp. after a word meaning `" moon "' cf. below); measure, extent (cf. below); N. of a metre RPrt.; the part of an elephant's head between the tusks (also {-ma} m.) L. (ifc. like, similar, resembling, equal to TBr. MBh. &c.; having the measure of, as long or wide &c. as e.g. {tri-nalva-pr-}, 3 Nalvas long Hariv.; {-ma-tA} f. {-tva} n. reflection, image, shadow W.); {-gata} mfn. present in an idol (as a deity) Ragh.; {candra} m. `" reflection-moon "', image of the mmoon Ragh.; {-dAna} n. {-dravyA7di-vacana} n. N. of wks.; {-paricAraka} m. an attendant upon an idol (= {devala}) Kull. (cf. IW. 218, 1); {-pUjA} f. worship of images MWB. 464; {-pratiSThA} f. (and {-thA-vidhi}, m.), {-rodanA7di-prA7yazcitta-vidhi} m. {-lakSaNa} n. N. of wks.; {vizeSa} m. a sort of image, a kind of figure MW.; {-zazA7Gka} m. = {candra} Ragh.; {-sampro7kSaNa} n. N. of wk.; {1624

me7ndu} m. = {-mAcandra} Rjat. pratiichii = (f) west pratipa* = m. N. of a prince L. (prob. w.r. for %{pratIpa} q.v.) pratIpa* = mf(%{A})n. (fr. %{prati+ap}; cf. %{anUpa}, %{dvIpa}, %{samIpa}), `" against the stream "', `" agagainst the grain "', going in an opposite direction, meeting, encountering, adverse, contrary, opposite, reverse MBh. R. Ragh. &c.; inverted, out of order Sus3r. Var.; displeasing, disagreeable Mn. MBh. R. Hariv.; resisting, refractory, cross, obstinate; impeding, hindering BhP. MBh. R. &c. backward, retrograde; turned away, averted W.; m. an adversary, opponent BhP.; N. of a prince, the father of S3a1m2tanu and grandfather of Bhi1shma AV. MBh. Hariv. &c.; n. (in rhet.) inverse comparison (e.g. `" the lotus resembles thine eyes "', instead of the usual comparison `" thine eeyes resemble the llotus; 5 forms are enumerated) Kuval. Prata1p. Sa1h. Kpr.; N. of a gram. wk.; (%{a4m}) ind. against the stream, backwards; against RV. &c. &c.; in return Ba1lar.; in inverted order Mn.; refractorily (with %{gam}, to resist S3ak.; with %{abhy-upa-gam}, to go against, oppose R.).


pratipad* . {-padyate} (ep. fut. also {-patsyati}), to set foot upon, enter, go or resort to, arrive at, resch, attain VS. &c. &c.; to walk, wander, roam ChUp.; to come back to (acc.), return MBh.; to happen, occur, take place PrGri. MBh.; to get into (acc.), meet, with, find, obtain, receive, take in or upon one's self. S'Br. &c. &c.; to receive back, recover AitBr. S'ak.; to restore to favour Ragh.; to undertake, begin (acc. dat. or inf.), practise, perform, accomplish Nir. MBh. Kv. &c.; to do anything to any person, act or proceed or behave towards or against (loc. gen. or acc.) MBh. Hariv. R.; to make, render MBh.; to fall to a persos (acc.) lot or share, PrGr.; to let a person (dat.) have anything past.; to give back, restore Mn. viii, 183; to perceive, find out, discover, become aware of or acquainted with, understand, learn MBh. R. &c.; to deem, consider, regard S'ank. Sh.; to answer affirmatively say yes (with or scil. {tathA}, or {tathe7ti}), acknowledge, assent, agree, promise MBh. Kv. &c.; to begin to speak, commence (with acc. or instr.) RV. Br.; to answer ChUp. (also with {uttaram} R.): Caus. {-pAdayati}, to convey or lead to, procure, cause to partake of (2 acc.). give a present to, bestow on (loc. dat. or gen.) Kaus'. Mn. MBh. &c.; to give in marriage past.; to spend. ib.; to present with (instr.) Krand.; to put in, appoint to (loc.) R.; to produce, cause, effect MBh. R. &c.; to establish, substantiate, prove, set forth, explain, teach, impart MBh. R. &c.; to deem, consider,

regard as (2 acc.) Pacat. (v.l. {-vadasi} for {pAdayasi}): Desid. {-pitsate} (Pn. 7-4, 54), to wish to attain S'ank.; to wish to know Bhm.: Desid. of Caus. {-pipAdayiSati}, to wish or intend to explain or analyze S'ank. pratipad* = f. access, ingress. entrance VS. S'Br.; the path to be walked, the right path L.; beginning, commencement TS. TBr.; an introductory verse or stanza Br. S'rS.; (also {-padA} or {-padI}) the first day of a lunar fortnight (esp. of the moos wane) AgP. L.; understanding, intelligence L.; taste for anything Jtakam.; rank, consequence W.; a kettledrum ib.; {-paccandra} m. the moon on the first day, the new moon (esp. revered and saluted) Ragh.; {-pat-tUrya} n. a kind of kettle-drum (cf. {patti-paTaha}) L.; {-pan-maya} mfn. obedient, willing Jtakam. pratipadyate = attains pratipada* = n. N. of an Upa7nga; ({am}) ind. (also {-da} ibc.) at every step, on every occasion, at every place, everywhere Kv.; at every word, word by word Sarvad.; literally, expressly (Pn. 2-2, 10 Vrtt.1; vi, 2, 26 Sch.); each, singly R. (= {pratyekam} Sch.); {-da-tva} n. walking step by step Kthh.


pratipadaa* = or f. see under {-pad}. pratipaadya* = mfn. to be treated of or discussed, to be explained or propounded ({-tva}. n.) S'ank. Veda7ntas. Ks'. pratipUjya * = mfn. to be honoured Mn. pratirodhaH = (m) opposition pratisaMkram * = A1. %{-kramate}, to go back again, come to an end BhP.: Caus. %{-krAmayati}, to cause to go back or return ib. pratisaMkrama * = m. re-absorption, dissolution (m.c. also %{-krAma}) ib.; (ifc. f. %{A}) impression Sarvad. pratishhThaa = the rest pratishhThaapya = placing pratishhThitaM = situated pratishhThitaa = fixed pratispardhii = rival, competitor pratiyotsyaami = shall counterattack

prativara * - warding off, resisting prativasati = lives adjunctly prativeshin.h = (m) neighbour pratyaaniikeshhu = on the opposite sides pratyaahaara = control of the senses pratyaJc (pratyak) *= mfn. (nom. %{pratya4G}. %{pratI4cI}, %{pratIcI4} [and %{pratyaJcI} Vop.] [675,1]; %{pratya4k}) turned towards, facing (acc.) RV. AV. VS.; coming (opp. to %{arvAJc}, `" going "') RV.; being or coming from behind, turning the back, averted, moving in an opposite direction ib. Br. Ka1tyS3r.; westward, western, occidental, to the west of (abl.) VS. AV. Br. Mn. &c.; turned back or inward, inner, interior Prab. BhP. Veda7ntas.; equal to, a match for (acc.) AV.; past, gone L.; m. the individual soul Prab. vi, 4/5; (%{pratI4cI}) f. (with or scil. %{diz}) the west AV. &c. &c.; N. of a river BhP.; (%{pratya4k}) ind. backwards, in an opposite direction RV. AV.; behind (abl.) Ka1tyS3r.; down (opp. to %{Urdhvam}) Kat2hUp.; westward, to the west of (abl.) S3rS. MBh. BhP.; inwardly, within BhP. Veda7ntas.; in former times L.


pratyavaayaH = diminution pratyavavaruddha* = mfn. stopped, suppressed ib pratyavarudh * = 2. (only ind. p. %{-rudhya}), to recover BhP. pratyaksha = direct evidence pratyakshaM = standing before the eye pratyac *= mfn. (nom. %{pratya4G}. %{pratI4cI} , %{pratIcI4} [and %{pratyaJcI} Vop.] [675,1] ; %{pratya4k}) turned towards , facing (acc.) RV. AV. VS. ; coming (opp. to %{arvAJc} , `" going "') RV. ; being or coming from behind , turning the back , averted , moving in an opposite direction ib. Br. Ka1tyS3r. ; westward , western , occidental , to the west of (abl.) VS. AV. Br. Mn. &c. ; turned back or inward , inner , interior Prab. BhP. Veda7ntas. ; equal to , a match for (acc.) AV. ; past , gone L. ; m. the individual soul Prab. vi , 4/5 ; (%{pratI4cI}) f. (with or scil. %{diz}) the west AV. &c. &c. ; N. of a river BhP. ; (%{pratya4k}) ind. backwards , in an opposite direction RV. AV. ; behind (abl.) Ka1tyS3r. ; down (opp. to %{Urdhvam}) Kat2hUp. ; westward , to the west of (abl.) S3rS. MBh. BhP. ; inwardly , within BhP. Veda7ntas. ; in former times L.

pratyaya*= m. belief firm conviction , trust , faith , assurance or certainty of (gen. loc. or comp.) ; proof , ascertainment Mn. MBh. &c. (%{pratyayaM-gam} , to acquire confidence , repose cconfidence in MBh. ; %{asty@atra@pratyayo@mama} , that is my conviction Katha1s. ; %{kah@pratyayo@'tra} , what assurance is there of that? ib.) ; conception , assumption , notion , idea Ka1tyS3r. Nir. S3am2k. &c. ; (with Buddhists and Jainas) fundamental notion or idea (%{-tva} n.) Sarvad. ; consciousness , understanding , intelligence , intellect (in Sa1m2khya = %{buddhi}) ; analysis , solution , explanation , definition L. ; ground , basis , motive or cause of anything MBh. Ka1v. &c. (in med.) = %{nimitta} , %{hetu} &c. Cat. ; (with Buddhists) a co-operating cause ; the concurrent occasion of an event as distinguished from its approximate cause ; an ordeal Ka1ty. ; want , need Ka1ran2d2. ; fame , notoriety Pa1n2. 8-2 , 58 ; a subsequent sound or letter Pra1t. ; an affix or suffix to roots (forming verbs , substantives , adjectives and all derivatives) Pra1t. Pa1n2. ; an oath L. ; usage , custom L. ; religious meditation L. ; a dependant or subject L. ; a householder who keeps a sacred fire L. ; %{-kara} (R.) , %{-kAraka} (Pan5cat.) , %{kAraNa} (S3ak.) mfn. one who awakens confidence , trustworthy ; %{-kArin} mfn. id. L. ; (%{iNI}) f. a seal , signet L. ; %{-tattva-prakAzikA} f. N. of wk. ; %{-tva} n. (cf. above) the being a cause , causality Sarvad. ; %{1631

dhAtu} m. the stem of a nominal verb Pat. ; %{prativacana} n. a certain or distinct answer , Sak. ; %{-mauktika-mAlA} f. N. of wk. ; %{-lopa} m. (in gram.) elision of an affix ; %{-sarga} m. (in Sa1m2khya) the creation which proceeds from Buddha ; %{-svara} m. (in gram.) an accent on an affix ; %{-ayA7tma} mfn. causing confidence R. (v.l. %{pratyag-Atma}) ; %{-ayA7dhi} m. a pledge which causes confidence in regard to a debt L. ; %{-ayA7nta-zabda-kRd-anta-vyUha} m. N. of wk. pratyupakaaraarthaM = for the sake of getting some return prathama = first prathamaM = in the first place prathaa = (f) fame prathita = renowned prathitaH = celebrated pratiyoga * = m. resistance, opposition, contradiction, controversy BhP.; an antidote, remedy Katha1s.; cooperation, association W.; the being a counterpart of anything ib. pratyarham* = ind. in %{yathA-p-} q.v.(

yathApratyarham) ind. according to merit Buddh. pratyavavaruddha* = mfn. stopped, suppressed ib. pratyudaahrita* = mfn. named, answered BhP. prauDha *= mfn. (fr. %{pra} + %{UDha}, %{vah}) raised or lifted up (see %{-pAda}); grown up, fullgrown Hariv. Ka1v. Ra1jat.; mature, middleaged (as a woman; in Subh. %{bAlA}, %{taruNI}, %{prau9Dha} and %{vRddhA} are distinguished; cf. f. below); married W.; luxuriant (as a plant) Bhartr2. Ka1vya7d.; large, great, mighty, strong Ka1v. Katha1s. Pan5cat.; violent, impetuous (as love) Prab. Ra1jat.; thick, dense (as darkness) Ma1lati1m.; full (as the moon) W.; (ifc.) filled with, full of (see %{mRdu-pr-}); proud, arrogant, confident, bold, audacious, impudent (esp. said of a woman) Ka1v. BhP.; controverted W.; m. (in music) N. of one of the Ru1pakas; (with S3a1ktas) N. of one of the 7 Ulla1sas; n. (with %{brAhmaNa}) = %{tANDya-brAhmaNa} Sa1y.; (%{A}) f. a married woman from 30 to 55 years of age W.; a violent or impetuous woman (described as a Na1yika1 who stands in no awe of her lover or husband) W. pravaada * = m. speaking forth, uttering s'vS'r. MBh.; expressing, mentioning Nir.; talk, report,

rumour, popular saying or belief MBh. Kv. &c. ({dAya}, in order to spread the rumour Kaths.; {dena}, according to rrumour, as the saying goes MBh.); ill rumour about (gen.), slander, calumny (pl.) Kv.; mutual defiance, words of challenge (prior to combat) Bhathth.; (ifc.) passing one's self off as R.; (in gram.) any form or case of (gen. or comp.; opp. to a specified fform or ccase) Prt.; ({A}) f. anything belonging to (comp.) Vait. pravaaha = current *= m. (ifc. f. %{A}) a stream, river, current, running water (%{-he-mUtrita} n. `" making water in a river "', doing a useless action Pa1n2. 2-1, 47 Sch.); met. = continuous flow or passage, unbroken series or succession, continuity S3Br. &c. &c.; continuous use or employment S3am2k.; ccontinuous train of thought Sarvad.; N. of ch. in Sad-ukti-karn2a7mr2ita; flowing or streaming forth L. (cf. %{-vaha}); course of action, activity L.; course or direction towards W.; a pond, lake ib.; a beautiful horse L.; N. of one of the attendants of Skanda MBh.; (pl.) N. of a people VP.; (%{I}) f. sand L. (also %{-ho7tthA} f. Gal.)\\ &c. see %{pra-vah}. pravaalaaH = twigs pravaasaH = (m) journey, travel, trip pravaha mf(%{A})n. bearing along, carrying (ifc.) MBh. R.; m. N. of one of the 7 winds said to cause

the motion of the planets MBh. Hariv. &c. (cf. IW. 179); wind, air L.; N. of one of the 7 tongues of fire Col.; a reservoir into which water is carried Ya1jn5.; flowing or streaming forth L. (cf. %{-vAka}); going forth, ggoing from a town W. pravada * = mfn. sounding forth, sounding (as a drum) Kaus3.; m. a herald, bard (?) AV. v, 20, 9. pravaada * = m. speaking forth, uttering A1s3vS3r. MBh.; expressing, mentioning Nir.; talk, report, rumour, popular saying or belief MBh. Ka1v. &c. (%{-dAya}, in order to spread the rumour Katha1s.; %{-dena}, according to rrumour, as the saying goes MBh.); ill rumour about (gen.), slander, calumny (pl.) Ka1v.; mutual defiance, words of challenge (prior to combat) Bhat2t2.; (ifc.) passing one's self off as R.; (in gram.) any form or case of (gen. or comp.; opp. to a specified fform or ccase) Pra1t.; (%{A}) f. anything belonging to (comp.) Vait.\\m. or n. (?) = %{pra-vAla}, coral SaddhP. \\ &c. see under %{pra-vad}. pravadataaM = of arguments pravadanti = say pravara* =1 mf({A})n. (fr. {pra} + {vara} or fr. {pra} 2. {vR}; for 2. and 3. see p. 693) most

excellent, chief, principal, best Mn. MBh. &c.; eldest (son) MBh.; better than (abl.) BhP.; greater (opp. to {sama}, `" equal "', and {nyUna}, `" smaller "') Var.; (ifc.) eminent, distinguished by Hariv.; m. a black variety of Phaseolus Mungo L.; Opuntia Dillenii L.; N. of a messenger of the gods and friend of Indra Hariv.; of a Dnava ib.; ({A}) f. N. of a river (which falls into the Godvar and is celebrated for the sweetness of its water) MBh. VP.; n. aloe wood Bhpr.; a partic. high number Buddh. //3 m. a call, summons (esp. of a Brhman to priestly functions) AitBr.; an invocation of Agni at the beginning of a sacrifice, a series of ancestors (so called because Agni is invited to bear the oblations to the gods as he did for the sacrificer's progenitors, the names of the 4 10 5 most nearly connected with the ancient Riishis being then added) Br. S'rS.; a family, race L.; an ancestor KtyS'r. Sch. ({I} f. Pat.); {-kANDa} m. or n. a chapter about a series of ancestors Cat.; {-khaNDa} m. or n. {-darpaNa} m. {-dIpikA} f. {-nirNaya}, m. {-maJjarI} f. {-ratna} n. N. of wks.; {-vat} mfn. having a series of ancestors L.; {-rA7dhyAya} m. {re-kRta-zAnti} f. N. of wks. 2. pravargya m. a ceremony introductory to the Soma sacrifice (at which fresh milk is poured into a heated vessel called, %{mahA-vIra} or %{gharma}, or into boiling ghee) Br. S3rS. MBh. &c.; n. N. of a

Sa1man A1rshBr.; %{-kANDa} m. N. of S3Br. xvi (in the %{kANva-zAkhA}); %{-prayoga} m. N. of wk.; %{-vat} (%{-gya4-}.) mfn. connected with the Pravargya ceremony S3Br. S3rS.; %{-sAman} n. N. of a Sa1man A1rshBr. pravAra * m. a covering, cover, woollen cloth, BriArUp. (cf. 2. {pra-vara}). pravartaka = (adj m) a promoter pravartate = act pravarta * = m. a round ornament AV. (TS. Sch. `" an ear-ring "'; cf: {pra-vRtta}); engaging in, undertaking W.; excitement, stimulus ib. pravartante = they flourish pravartitaM = established by the Vedas pravakshyaami = I shall explain pravakshye = I shall explain praveka * = mfn. ( %{vic}) choicest , most excellent , principal , chief (always ifc.) MBh. R. &c. praves'a * = m. (ifc. f. {A}) entering, entrance,

penetration or intrusion into (loc. gen. with or without {antar}, or comp.) MBh. Kv. &c. (acc.with {kR}, to make one's entrance, enter); entrance on the stage Hariv. Malav.; the entrance of the sun into a sign of the zodiac Var.; coming or setting in (of night) L.; the placing (e. g. of any deposit) in a persos house or hand Pacat.; interfering with another's business, obtrusiveness Kaths.; the entering into i.e. being contained in (loc.) Pn. 2-1, 72 Sch. Sh.; employment, use, utilisation of (comp.) Kull. Inscr.; income, revenue, tax, toll (cf. {-bhAgika}); intentness on an object, engaging closely in a pursuit or purpose W.; manner, method Lalit.; a place of entrance, door MBh. Kv. &c.; the syringe of an injection pipe Sus'r.; {-bhAgika} m. (prob.) a receiver or gatherer of taxes Rjat. praves'ita *= mfn. (fr. Cause.) caused to enter, brought or sent in, introduced MBh. Ka1v. &c.; thrown into (any condition, as sleep &c.) Ragh.; appointed, installed BhP.; (%{A}) f. impregnated, pregnant (%{dArakam} "', with a boy "') DivyA7v.; n. causing to appear on the stage BhP. pravibhaktaM = divided pravibhaktaani = are divided praviliiyate = merges entirely

pravilas* = m P. {-lasati}, to shine forth brightly BhP.; to appear in full strength or vigour Gt. Sch. pravilI* = . or Pass. {-lIyate}, ({-ti}), to become dissolved, melt or vanish away MundUp. MBh. &c.: Caus. {-lApayati}, to cause to disappear or dissolve itself into (loc.) S'ank. BhP. Sch.; to dissolve, melt (trans.) Sus'r. pravilayana* = n. complete dissolution or absorption Car. pravilaya* = m. melting Sus'r.; = next S'ank. pravish.h = to enter pravisha = enter pravishanti = enter praviSTa * = mfn. entered R. Ragh.; one who has entered or gone or come into, being in or among (loc., acc. or comp.; cf. %{madhya-prav-}) RV. &c. &c. (in dram. `" one who has entered the stage "'); sunk (as an eye) Sus3r.; appeared or begun (as an age) Vet.; one who has entered upon or undertaken, occupied with, intent upon, engaged in (loc. or comp.) BhP. Ra1jat.; initiated into (acc.) Prab.; agreeing with (loc.) MBh.; made use of.

invested (as money) Ya1jn5. Ra1jat.; (%{A}) f. N. of the mother of Paippala1di and Kaus3ika Hariv. (prob. w.r. for %{zraviSThA}). pravistaram.h = extensively praviiNa = expert pravraj* = P. {-vrajati}, to go forth, proceed, depart from (abl.), set out for, go to (acc. loc. or dat.) S'Br. Up. GriS'rS. MBh. &c.; to leave home and wander forth as an ascetic mendicant S'rS. Mn. MBh. &c.; (with Jainas) to become a monk HParis'.: Caus. {vrAjayati} (w.r. {-vraj-}), to send into exile, banish from (abl.) MBh. R. &c.; to compel any one to wander forth as an ascetic mendicant or to become a monk MBh. HParis'. pravrajya * = n. going abroad, migration MBh.; (%{A}) f. id. ib.; going forth from home (first rite of a layman wishing to become a Buddh. monk) MWB. 77; roaming, wandering about (esp. as a religious mendicant, in a dress not authorized by the Veda) Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c.; the order of a relreligious mmendicant MBh. Var.; %{-jyAyoga} m. a constellation under which future relreligious mmendicants are born Var.; %{jyA7vasita} m. a relreligious mmendicant who has renounced his order Ya1jn5.

prAvrAjya n. (fr. %{-vrAj}) the life of a religious mendicant, vagrancy MBh. (w.r. %{-vrajya}) Ma1rkP. pravraaja* = m. the bed of a river RV. pravraajaka* = m. a religious mmendicant R. Kaths.; ({ikA}) f. a female ascetic (also {-jakastrI}) Kaths. pravraaj* = m. a religious mendicant Var. Kaths. pravraajana* = n. banishment, exile MBh. R. pravraajita* = mfn. become a monk DivyA7v. pravraj* = P. {-vrajati}, to go forth, proceed, depart from (abl.), set out for, go to (acc. loc. or dat.) S'Br. Up. GriS'rS. MBh. &c.; to leave home and wander forth as an ascetic mendicant S'rS. Mn. MBh. &c.; (with Jainas) to become a monk HParis'.: Caus. {vrAjayati} (w.r. {-vraj-}), to send into exile, banish from (abl.) MBh. R. &c.; to compel any one to wander forth as an ascetic mendicant or to become a monk MBh. HParis'. pravrajana* = n. going abroad MBh.


pravrajita* = mfn. gone astray or abroad R. Ks'. on Pn. 2-3, 38; run away (said of horses) MBh.; (also with {vanam}) one who has left home to become a religious mendicant or (with Jainas) to become a monk Mn. MBh. HParis'.; m. a religious mendicant or a monk MBh. Var. Sus'r.; ({A}) f. a female ascetic or a nun Yj. Var. Kd. Sh.; Nardostachys Jatamansi L.; another plant ({muNDIrI}) L.; n. the life of a religious mendicant MBh. pravrajya* = n. going abroad, migration MBh.; ({A}) f. id. ib.; going forth from home (first rite of a layman wishing to become a Buddh. monk) MWB. 77; roaming, wandering about (esp. as a religious mendicant, in a dress not authorized by the Veda) Mn. MBh. Kv. &c.; the order of a relreligious mmendicant MBh. Var.; {-jyA-yoga} m. a constellation under which future relreligious mmendicants are born Var.; {jyA7vasita} m. a relreligious mmendicant who has renounced his order Yj. pravridh.h = to grow fast pravridh * = P. %{vardhati}, to exalt, magnify. RV. viii, 8, 22; A1. %{vardhate} (rarely P. %{-ti}), to grow up, grow, increase, gain in strength, prosper, thrive RV. &c. &c.: Caus. %{-vardhayati}, %{-te}, to strengthen, increase, augment, extend RV. &c. &c.; to raise,

exalt, cause to thrive Hariv.; to rear, cherish, bring up Katha1s. pravriddha * = mfn. grown up, fully developed, increased, augmented, intense, vehement, great, numerous RV. &c. &c.; swollen, heaving R. Ka1lid.; risen to wealth or power, prosperous, mighty, strong MBh. Var.; (also with %{vayasA}) advanced in age, grown old MBh. Katha1s.; expanded, diffused W.; full, deep (as a sigh) ib.; haughty, arrogant MW.; w.r. for %{pra-vRtta}, %{-viddha}, %{-buddha}. pravriddhaH = great pravriddhaaH = developed pravriddhe = developed pravrih* = P. . {-vRhati}, {-te}, to tear out or off or asunder, destroy RV. TS. Br. Up.; () to draw towards one's self. attract S'Br. pravrij* = P. . {-vRNakti}, {-vRGkte}, (Ved. inf. {vR4je}), to strew (the sacrificial grass) RV. Br.; to place in or on the fire, heat ib.; to perform the Pravargya ceremony Br. KtyS'r. pravrijya* = mfn. to be placed in or near the fire

pS'r. pravrikta* = ({pra4-}.) mfn. placed in or near the fire S'Br. pravrit * = A1. %{-vartate}, (ep. also P. %{-ti}), to roll or go onwards (as a carriage), be set in motion or going ChUp. MBh. &c.; to set out, depart, betake one's self MBh. R. &c.; to proceed (%{vartmanA}, or %{-ni}, on a path; %{apathena}, on a wrong path) Ka1v. Katha1s.; to come forth, issue, originate, arise, be produced, result, occur, happen, take place VS. Br. MBh. &c.; to commence, begin to (inf.), set about, engage in, be intent upon or occupied with (dat. loc., or %{artham} ifc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; to proceed against, do injury to (loc.) MBh. R. Ragh. [693,3]; to debauch (%{anyo@'nyam}, `" one another "') MBh.; to act or proceed according to or with (instr. or abl.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; to behave or conduct one's self towards, deal with (loc.) ib.; to hold good, prevail ib.; to continue, keep on (pr. p.) Hariv. Sarvad.; to be, exist Ma1rkP.; to serve for, conduce to (dat., or %{artham} ifc.) Sarvad.; to mean, be used in the sense of (loc.) ib.; to let any one (gen.) have anything (acc.) MBh.: Caus. %{-vartayati}, to cause to turn or roll, set in motion RV. &c. &c.; to throw, hurl, Pour forth RV. MaitrS.; to send Prab.; to set on foot, circulate, diffuse, divulge MBh. Ka1v. &c.;

to introduce, appoint, instal ib.; to produce, create, accomplish, devise, invent, perform, do, make ib. (with %{setum} to erect a dam; with %{vyayakarma}, to effect expenditure; with %{loka-yAtrAm}, to transact the business of life; with %{kathAm}, to relate a story); to exhibit, show, display R. BhP.; to undertake, begin Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c.; to use, employ Bhat2t2.; to induce any one to do anything, betray into (loc.) Katha1s.; to proceed against (loc.) MBh. pravrita *= mfn. chosen, selected, adopted (as a son) BhP.; %{-homa} m. an oblation offered on the appointment of a priest, S3rS.; %{-mIya} mfn. relating to it S3a1n3khBr.; %{-tA7huti} f. = %{tahoma} ib. Vait. pravritta* = mfn. rotund, globular S'nkhBr.; driven up (as a carriage) ChUp.; circulated (as a book) Pacat.; set out from ({-tas}), going to, bound for (acc. loc. inf., or {artham} ifc.; {dakSiNena}, `" southwards "'; with {pathA} "', proceeding on a path "') MBh. Kv. &c.; issued from (abl.), come forth, resulted, arisen, produced, brought about, happened, occurred VS. &c. &c.; come back, returned MBh.; commenced, begun MBh. Kv. &c.; (also {-vat} mfn. ) having set about or commenced to (inf.) Kaths.; purposing or going to, bent upon (dat. loc., or comp.) Kv. Kaths.

Rjat.; engaged in, occupied with, devoted to (loc. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.; hurting, injuring, offending MBh.; acting, proceeding, dealing with (loc.) Mn. MBh. &c.; existing past.; who or what has become (with nom.) R.; (with {karman} n. action) causing a continuation of mundane existence Mn. xii, 88 [694,1]; w.r. for {pra-cRtta} and {pra-nRtta}; ({-vRtta4}) m. = {-varta}, a round ornament S'Br.; ({A} f. N. of a female demon MrkP.); {-karman} n. any act leading to a future birth W.; {-cakra} mfn. `" whose chariot wheels run on unimpeded "', having universal power ({kra-tA} f.) Yj.; {-tva} n. the having happened or occurred Jaim.; {-pAnIya} mfn. (a well) with abundant water MBh.; {-pAraNa} n. a partic. religious observance or ceremony S'ak. (v.l.); {vAc} mfn. of fluent speech, eloquent MBh.; {samprahAra} mfn. one who has begun the fight ({ra-tva} n.) Kaths.; {-ttA7zin} m. N. of a partic. class of ascetics Baudh. pravrittaH = engaged pravritte = while about to engage pravritti = (f) tendency, behaviour pravritti* = f. moving onwards, advance, progress GriS'rS. MBh. Sus'r.; coming forth, appearance,

manifestation S'vetUp. Klid. Rjat.; rise, source, origin. MBh.; activity, exertion, efficacy, function Kap. Snkhyak. MBh. &c. (in the Nyya one of the 82 Prameyas IW. 63); active life (as opp. to {nivRtti} [q.v.] and to contemplative devotion, and defined as consisting of the wish to act, knowledge of the means, and accomplishment of the object) W.; giving or devoting one's self to, prosecution of. course or tendency towards, inclination or predilection for (loc. or comp.) Rjat. Hit. Sh.; application, use, employment Mn. MBh. MrkP.; conduct, behaviour, practice Mn. MBh. &c.; the applicability or validity of a rule KtyS'r. Pn. Sch.; currency, continuance, prevalence ib.; fate, lot, destiny R.; news, tidings, intelligence of (gen. or comp.) MBh. Kv. &c.; cognition (with {viSayavatI}, `" a sensuous ccognition "') Yogas.; the exudation from the temples of a rutting elephant L. (cf. Vikr. iv, 47); N. of Avanti or Oujein or any holy place L.; (in arithm.) the multiplier W. (w.r. for {pra-kRti}?); {-jJa}, m. `" knowing the news "', an emissary, agent. spy L.; {-jJo4na} n. {-vijJAna} Sarvad.; {-nimitta} n. the reason for the use of any term in the particular significations which it bears MW.; {-nivRtti-mat} mfn. connected with activity and inactivity BhP.; {paro4Gmukha} mf({I})n. disinclined to give tidings Vikr.; {-pratyaya} m. a belief in or conception of the things relating to the external world Buddh.; {-mat} mfn. devoted to anything, Kaiy.; {mArga} m. active or worldly life,

occupancy about the business and pleasures of the world or with the rites and works of religion MW.; {-vacana} mfn. (a word) expressing activity Ks'. on Pn. 2-3, 51; {-vijJAna} n. cognition of the things belonging to the external world Buddh.; {-ttyaGga} n. N. of wk. pravrittiM = mission pravrittiH = activity praavrittika* = mf({I})n. (fr. {-vRtti}) corresponding to a former mode of action KtyS'r. Sch.; (ifc.) well acquainted with Hariv. praveshhTuM = to enter into pravyathita = perturbed pravyathitaM = perturbed pravyathitaaH = perturbed prayaa * =prayA to go forth, set out, progress, advance towards or against, go or repair to (acc., also with {accha}, or {prati}, or loc.) RV. &c. &c.; to walk, roam, wander MBh. Kv. &c.; to part, go asunder, be dispersed, pass away, vanish, die ib.; to get into a partic. state or condition, enter, undergo, incur (acc.) ib.; to proceed i.e. behave Bhartri. (v.l.); to cause to go i.e. to lead into (acc.) Hcat.:

Caus. {-yApayati}, to cause to set out S'Br. (cf. Pn. 8-4, 29; 30 Sch.): Desid. {-yiyAsati}, to wish to set out ib.: Caus. of Desid. {-yiyAsayati}, to cause a person to wish to set out Bhathth. prayachchhati = offers prayataatmanaH = from one in pure consciousness prayata * mfn. outstretched, far-extended RV. AV.; placed upon (loc.) RV.; offered, presented, given, granted, bestowed RV. &c. &c.; piously disposed, intent on devotion, well prepared for a solemn rite (with loc. or ifc.), ritually pure (also applied to a vessel and a place past. R.), selfsubdued, dutiful, careful, prudent KathhUp. Mn. MBh. &c.; m. a holy or pious person W.; {-tA} f. {-tva} n. purity, holiness MBh.; {-dakSiNa} ({pra4y-}) mfn. one who has made presents (to the priests at a sacrifice), a giver, donor RV.; {-parigraha-dvitIya} mfn. accompanied by a pious or chaste wife MW.; {-mAnasa} mfn. pious-minded, devout, ascetic MBh.; {-tA7tman} or {-tA7tma-vat} mfn. id. Mn. R. prayatna = excertion *= m. persevering effort, continued exertion or endeavour, exertion bestowed on (loc. or comp.), activity, action, act Mn. MBh. &c. (instr. sg. and pl. abl. and %{-tas} ind. with special effort, zealously, diligently,

carefully; %{-tna} ibc. and %{-tnAt} ind. also = hardly, scarcely); great care, caution Pan5cat.; (in phil.) active efforts (of 3 kinds, viz. engaging in any act, prosecuting it, and completing it); pl. volitions (one of the 17 qualities of the Vais3eshikas) IW. 68; (in gram.) effort in uttering, mode of articulation (also %{Asya-pray-}, distinguished into %{Abhyantara-p-} and %{bAhya-p-}, internal and external effort) Pra1t. Pa1n2. 1-1, 9 Sch.; (%{A}) f. N. of a partic. S3ruti Sam2gi1t.; %{-cchid} mfn. frustrating a person's (gen.) efforts Mudr.; %{pre7kSaNIya} mfn. hardly visible S3ak.; %{muktA7sana} mfn. rising with difficulty from a seat Ragh.; %{-vat} mfn. assiduous, diligent, persevering Ka1m.; %{-tnA7nanda} m. N. of wk. prayatnaat.h = by rigid practice prayantu = may go prayaaNa = of death prayaaNakaale = at the time of death prayaasa* = m. exertion, effort, pains, trouble (ibc., with loc. or gen., {-arthAya} or {-nimittena}) VS. TS. Kv. &c. (cf. {a-prayAsena}) [688,1]; high degree Jtakam.; {-bhAj} mfn. capable of exertion, active, energetic W.

prayaataaH = having departed prayaati = goes prayaanti = they go prayaaNa* = n. (Ks'. on Pn. 8-4, 29) setting out, starting, advancing, motion onwards, progress, journey, march, invasion RV. &c. &c. (with {gardabhena}, `" riding on an ass "' Pacat.); departure, death (cf. {prA7Na-pray-}); onset, beginning, commencement Kthh. S'Br.; {-kAla} m. time of departure, death Bhag.; {-paTaha} m. a drum beaten while marching Hcar.; {-purI} f. N. of a town ({-rI-mAhAtmya} n. N. of wk.); {-bhaGga} m. the breaking or suspending of a journey, a halt Pacat.; {-vicAra} m. N. of wk.; {-NA7rha} mfn. deserving death W. prayaantu = may go to prayojana * = n. (ifc. f. %{A}) occasion, object, cause, motive, opportunity, purpose, design, aim, end Pra1t. MBh. Ka1v. &c.; %{prayojanena}, with a particular intention, on purpose MBh.; %{-navazAt} id. Pan5cat.; %{kena@-nena}, from what cause or motive ? Prab.; %{kasmai@-nAya}, %{kasmAt@-nAt}, %{kasya@-nasya} and %{kasmin@-ne} id. Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3, 27; %{1651

nam@ati-kram}, to neglect an opportunity MBh.; profit, use or need of, necessity for Ka1v. Pan5cat. &c. (with instr., %{taruNA@kim@prayojanam}, what is the use of the tree? Kuval.; %{bhavatv@etaiH@kusumaiH@prayojanam}, let these flowers be used S3ak.; with gen. or dat. Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3, 27; ii, 3, 72); means of attaining Mn. vii, 100; (in phil.) a motive for discussing the point in question IW. 64; %{-vat} mfn. having or connected with or serving any purpose or interest, interested R.; serviceable, useful Sus3r. (%{-ttva} n. Sarvad.); having a cause, caused, produced W. prayoga = practice prayogaH = (m) experiment prayogashaalaa = (f) laboratory prayojana = (n) reason prayojaniiyaM = should use prayu.njaano = combined prayuktaH = impelled prayuktavyaM = should be used

prayujyate = is used prayujyet.h = is used prauchchaarita = (adj) loud, prominent prayAsa * = exertion, effort, pains, trouble (ibc., with loc. or gen., {-arthAya} or {-nimittena}) VS. TS. Kv. &c. (cf. {a-prayAsena}) [688, 1]; high degree Jtakam.; {-bhAj} mfn. capable of exertion, active, energetic W. prekshaa * = f. seeing , viewing , beholding , regarding , looking on (at a performance) MBh. R. BhP. (often ifc. cf. %{dharma-pre7kSa} , %{mukhapr-}) ; a sight or view (esp. a beautiful ssight or vview) BhP. ; a public show or entertainment Mn. Hariv. Katha1s. ; (ifc.) the being understood or meant as Nir. i , 17 ; circumspection , consideration , reflection MBh. Hariv. Ra1jat. ; the branch of a tree L. prema = Divine Love preraNa* = n. driving out; see {pazu-pr-}; (also {A} f.) setting in motion, urging, inciting, direction, command, impelling to ({prati} or comp.) Naish. Kaths. Rjat. Hit.; activity, action Yj. Megh.; the sense of the causal verb Vop.

prepsuH = desiring preshh.h = to send preshhaNaM = posting preshhaNaani = postings preshhayanti = post or send preshhayaami = present, post preshhayet.h = present preshhthha = (past part.) sent (thing) pre4shthha * mfn. (superl. fr. {priya}) dearest, most beloved or desired RV.; (in address) KathhUp. BhP.; very fond of (loc.) RV. vi, 63, 1; m. a lover, husband BhP.; ({A}) f. a mistress, wife L.; a leg L. preshthhatama * mfn. dearest, most beloved BhP. pretaan.h = spirits of the dead pretya = after death * = ind. having died, after death, in the next world, in the life to come, hereafter (opp. to {iha}) S'Br. Mn. MBh. &c.

prekshaa * = f. seeing, viewing, beholding, regarding, looking on (at a performance) MBh. R. BhP. (often ifc. cf. {dharma-pre7kSa}, {mukha-pr}); a sight or view (esp. a beautiful ssight or vview) BhP.; a public show or entertainment Mn. Hariv. Kaths.; (ifc.) the being understood or meant as Nir. i, 17; circumspection, consideration, reflection MBh. Hariv. Rjat.; the branch of a tree L. preyas * = mfn. (compar. fr. %{priya}) dearer, more agreeable, mmore desired RV. AV. S3Br. &c.; m. a lover Amar. Katha1s.; a dear friend Ma1lati1m.; (%{asI}) f. a mistress Bhartr2. Dhu1rtas. [711,3]; n. (in rhet.) flattery Prata1p. Kuval. Sa1h. preyaskara * = m. the hand of a lover BhP. preyastaa * = f. (Ra1jat.) or (BhP.) the being dearer or very dear. preyastva * = n. (BhP.) the being dearer or very dear. pricchaa* = f. asking, questioning (acc.), question about (comp.) Ka1v.; an inquiry into the future VarBr2S.


prishtha (pRSTa) *= mfn. ( %{prach}) asked , inquired , questioned , interrogated , demanded , wished for , desired , welcome RV. &c. &c. ; n. a question , inquiry A1pGr2. Pa1n2. prithak * = ind. ( %{pRth} or %{prath} + %{aJc}) widely apart, separately, differently, singly, severally, one by one (often repeated) RV. &c. &c.; (as a prep. with gen. or instr.; cf. Pa1n2. 2-3, 32) apart or separately or differently from L.; (with abl.) without Prab.; except, save Bhat2t2. prithu * = mf({vI4} or {u})n. broad, wide, expansive, extensive, spacious, large; great, important; ample, abundant; copious, numerous, manifold RV. &c. &c. ({u} ind.); prolix, detailed Var.; smart, clever, dexterous L.; m. a partic. measure of length (= {pRtha}) L.; fire L.; N. of S'iva MBh.; of one of the Vis've Devs VP.; of a Dnava Hariv.; of a son of An-enas MBh. Hariv.; of a Vriishni and son of Citraka ib.; of a son of Citraratha BhP.; of a descendant of Ikshvku (son of Anaranya and father of Tri-s'anku) R.; of a son of Para Hariv.; of a son of Prastra VP.; of a son of Rucaka BhP.; of a son of one of the Manus Hariv.; of one of the Saptarshis ib.; of a son of Vathe7s'vara (father of Vis'kha-datta) Cat.; of a son of Vena MWB. 423; of a monkey R.; ({u}) f. Nigella Indica L.; = {hiGgupattrI} L.; opium L.; ({vI}) f. see below. [Cf. Gk. $;

Germ. {platt}; Eng. {plate}.] priya = dear priyaM = the pleasant priyaMvada * = mf({A})n. speaking kindly, agreeable, affable to (gen. or comp.) MBh. Kv. &c.; m. a kind of bird R.; N. of a Gandharva Ragh.; of a poet Cat.; ({A}) f. a kind of metre Col.; N. of a woman S'ak. Das'.; {-da-ka} m. N. of a man Mudr. priyakRt * mfn. doing a kindness MBh. R.; m. a friend, benefactor W.; {-tama} mfn. doing that which pleases most MW. priyaH = dear priyakrittamaH = more dear priyakarman * mfn. doing kind actions, kind Km.; n. the action of a lover BhP. priyatva * n. the being dear, bbeing beloved MBh. R.; the being fond of (comp.) Kum. Sus'r. [710, 2 priyadhA * ind. lovingly, kindly TS. priyadhAma * ({priya4-}) mfn. fond of home,

loving the sacrificial enclosure (said of Agni) RV. i, 140, 1. priyaMdada * mfn. giving what is pleasant, Krand.; ({A}) f. N. of a Gandharv ib. priyataraH = dearer priyamvada = (f) one who speaks agreeable things priyavaadii = one who speaks nice things priyaaH = palatable priyaayaaH = with the dearmost priitamanaaH = pleased in mind priiti = and satisfaction * = f. any pleasurable sensation, pleasure, joy, gladness, satisfaction (with loc. or ifc.; with ind. p., `" joy at having done anything "') Gr2S3rS. &c. &c.; friendly disposition, kindness, favour, grace, amity (with %{samam} or ifc.), affection, love (with gen. loc., or ifc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; joy or gratification personified (esp. as a daughter of Daksha or as one of the two wives of Ka1ma-deva) Hariv. Pur. Katha1s.; N. of a S3ruti Sam2gi1t.; the 2nd of the 27 astrological Yogas. L.; N. of the 13th Kala1 of the moon Cat.; a symbolical

expression for the sound %{dh} Ra1matUp.; (%{yA}) ind. in a state of joyful excitement, gladly, with joy MBh. R. Ragh. Katha1s.; in a friendly way, amicably Mn. Ragh. &c. priitiH = pleasure priitipuurvakaM = in loving ecstasy priiyamaaNaaya = thinking you dear to Me proksha* = m. the act of sprinkling upon pS'r. prokshaNa*= n. id., consecration by sprinkling (of a sacrificial animal or of a dead body before burial) TS. &c. &c.; a vessel for holy water Hariv. (v.l. {NI}); immolation of victims L. ({-vidhi} m. N. of wk.); ({I}) f. see below. prokta = said proktaM = is called proktaH = spoken proktavaan.h = instructed proktaa = were said


proktaaH = spoken proktaani = said proktaanyenaiva = proktAn.h + ena + eva:said + this + alone prochyate = are said prochyamaanaM = as described by Me prota *= mfn. (fr. %{pra} + %{uta} , or %{Uta} ; %{ve}) sewed (esp. with the threads lengthwise , and opp. to %{o7ta} cf. under %{A-ve} , p. 156) ; strung on , fixed on or in , put or sticking in (loc. or comp.) ChUp. MBh. &c. ; set , inlaid MBh. ; contained in (loc.) , pervaded by (instr.) S3Br. Up. ; fixed , pierced , put on (a spit) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; m. n. woven cloth , clothes L. protaM = is strung plavate = to swim plihaa = the spleen prichchhati = inquires/asks/minds prichchhaami = ask

prichhati = (6 pp) to ask, to question prithak * = ind. ( {pRth} or {prath} + {aJc}) widely apart, separately, differently, singly, severally, one by one (often repeated) RV. &c. &c.; (as a prep. with gen. or instr.; cf. Pn. 2-3, 32) apart or separately or differently from L.; (with abl.) without Prab.; except, save Bhathth. prithak-krita * = mfn. separated, sundered, cut off MrkP. prithak-cara * = mf({I})n. going separately or alone MW. prithak-tA * = f. separateness, severalty, singleness, individuality Nyyam. Sch. prithak-tva * = n. id. S'nkhS'r. Nir. MBh. &c. (cf. IW.68); ({ena}) ind. singly, one by one MBh.; {tas} (S'nkhS'r.) and {-zas} (Nyyam. Sch.), separately, singly. prithak-pada * = mfn. consisting of single i.e. uncompounded words ({-tva} n.) Vm. prithak-zabda * = m. a separate or distinct or independent word Vop.


prithak-zruti * = mfn. uttering a distinct sound, distinctly heard RPrt. prithak-sthiti * = f. separate existence, separation Vikr. prithakat * = ind.= {pRthak} Pn. 5-3, 72 Sch. prithak.h = each separately prithakkaraNam.h = (n) analysis prithaktvena = in duality prithag.hvidhaM = of different kinds prithag.hvidhaaH = variously arranged prithag.hvidhaan.h = different prithagbhaavaM = separated identities prithiviiM = Earth prithiviipate = O King prithivyaaM = in the earth prithvii = earth

prishthha * = n. (prob. fr. %{pra-stha}, `" standing forth prominently "'; ifc. f. %{A}) the back (as the prominent part of an animal), the hinder part or rear of anything RV. &c. &c. (%{pRSThena-yA}, with gen., to ride on; %{-Thena-vah}, to carry on the back; %{-ThaM-dA}, to give the back, make a low obeisance; %{-The} ind. behind or from behind); the upper side, surface, top, height ib. (with %{diva4H}, or %{nA4kasya}, the surface of the sky, vault of heaven; cf. %{ghRta-p-}); the flat roof of a house (cf. %{gRha-p-}, %{harmya-p-}); a page of a book MW.; N. of partic. arrangement of Sa1mans (employed at the midday libation and formed from the Ratham2tara, Br2ihat, Vairu1pa, Vaira1ja, S3a1kvara, and Raivata SS3alkvara) TS. Br. S3rS.; N. of various Sa1mans A1rshBr. prishhThataH = (adv) above prishhThabhumikaa = (f) background prishhThebhaanuH = pRishhThe+bhaanuH, behind+sun puchchha = tail puchchham.h = (n) tail pujayati = (10 pp) to worship

pujaarii = priest pulakita = shivering with joy pumaan.h = a person pumanujA* = f. `" born after a male child "', having an elder brother Pn. 3-2, 100 Ks'. (cf. {puMsA7nuja}). pumapatya* = n. male offspring L. pum-artha* = m. the aim of man ({-tA} f.) TBr. Sch.; ({am}) ind. for the sake of the soul KapS. pum-Akhya* = mfn. designated as male or masculine Pn. 8-3, 6 Sch.; ({A}) f. a name or designation for male beings L. Pn. 4-1, 48 Sch. pumAcAra* = m. the custom or usage of men Pn. 8-3, 6 Sch pumbhaava * = m. the being a man , manhood , masculine gender Das3. pumbhUman * = m. a word of the mascmasculine gender in the pl. number L. puMguNajantu jIva* = m. the living or animal soul

combined with the qualities of man Tattvas. puMs * = 1 cl. 10. %{puMsayati}, to crush, grind Dha1tup. xxxii, 94 (Nom. fr. next?). 2 puMs 2 m. (the strong cases from %{pumAns} [cf. Pa1n2. 7-1, 89]; sg. nom. %{pu4mAn}; voc. %{pu4mas} or %{pu4man}; acc. %{pu4mAMsam}; du. nom. %{pu4mAMsau}; pl. nom. %{pu4mAMsas} [irreg. %{puMsas} MBh. iii, 13825]; the weak from %{puMs} [e.g. sg. instr. %{puMsA4}; loc. %{puMsi4} acc. pl. %{puMsa4s}], which loses its %{s} before consonants [e.g. instr. pl. %{pumbhi4s}; loc. pl. %{puMsu4}]; for %{puMs}, ibc see Pa1n2. 8-3, 6) a man, a male being RV. &c. &c.; (in gram.) a masculine (word) S3Br. Pa1n2. Vop.; a human being MBh. Ka1v. &c.; a servant, attendant BhP.; the soul, spirit, spirit of man (= %{puruSa}; with %{para} or %{parama}, the Supreme Spirit, Soul of the Universe, Vishn2u) KapS. Tattvas. Sa1m2khyak. MBh. Pur. Katha1s. puMsa * = in comp. for 2. %{puMs}. -1. puM-s'abda * m. a masculine word L. puMsI * = f. a cow which has a bull-calf. Kaus3. puM-sU * f. bringing forth only mmale children pGri.

puMvat * = ind. like a man, like or in or with a man &c. MBh. Kv.; like or in or with the masculine gender S'rS. Pn. Vop. ({-vad-vidhAna} n. ceremonies as on the birth of a male MW.) puM-veSa * mf({A})n. wearing male attire, dressed like a man Kaths. puNDarIka* = n. ( {puN} [?]; cf. Un. iv, 20 Sch.) a lotus-flower (esp. a white lotus; ifc. expressive of beauty cf. g. {vyAghrA7di}) RV. &c.&c. (it is sacred to S'ikhin, one of the Buddhas MWB. 515); a white umbrella L.; a kind of drug L.; (m. or n. ?) a mark on the forehead S'atr.; N. of a Trtha MBh.; m. a kind of sacrifice MBh.; a species of rice Sus'r.; a kind of fragrant mango L.; Artemisia Indica L.; a variety of the sugar-cane L.; a tiger L.; a kind of bird L.; a kind of serpent L.; a kind of leprosy L.; fever in an elephant L.; white (the colour) L.; N. of a Nga MBh.; of the elephant of the south-east quarter Ragh.; of an ancient king MBh.; of a son of Nabha or Nabhas Hariv.; of a Brhman renowned for filial piety, and afterwards worshipped as the god Vithhobl RTL. 263; (with Jainas) of a Ganadhara S'atr.; of a hermit (son of Sveta-ketu and Lakshmi) Kd.; of a poet Cat.; of a mountain S'atr.; ({A}) f. N. of an Apsaras MBh.; of a daughter of Vasishthha (wife of Pra7na or Pndu) VP.; of a river in Krau9ca-dvipa ib.

pu.nDariika = lotus pungava (puMgava0)m. (ifc. f. {A}) a bull Lthy. Hariv.; a hero, eminent person, chief of ifc. cf. {kuru-p-}, {gaja-p-} &c.); a kind of drug L.; {-ketu} m. `" marked by a bull "'N. of S'iva Kum. pu.nlingaM = masculine pu.nsaH = of a person pu.nsaaM = to the males (to all people) pu.nstriilinge = masculine punaH = again (on the other hand) *= in comp. for %{punar}. punar * = ind. back, home, in an opposite direction RV. &c. &c. (with 1. %{gam}, %{yA}, to go back or away; with %{dA}, to give back, restore; with %{bhU}, to turn round; with %{as} and dat., to fall back upon); again, once more (also with %{bhUyas}) ib. (with %{bhU}, to exist again, be renewed, become a wife again, re= marry); again and again, repeatedly ib. (mostly %{pu4naH@p-} which with %{na} = nevermore); further, moreover, besides ib. (also %{punar@aparam}; %{Adau-punar-pazcAt}, at first-then-later);

however, still, nevertheless MBh. Ka1v. &c. (at the end of a verse it lays stress on a preceding %{atha@vA}, %{api@vA}, or %{vA} alone; %{punar@api}, even again, on the other hand, also; %{kadA@p-}, at any time, ever; %{kim@p-}, how much more or less? however; %{pprecedingp-}, now-now; at one time - at another time). punarapi = punaH+api, again \& again punaravasuu = Seventh nakshatra punarjanma = rebirth punashcha = and again punaami = shall purify puja* = m. (mostly ifc.; f. {A}) a heap, mass, quantity, multitude MBh. Kv. &c. punkhitashara = feathered arrow puNya = purification acquired by virtuous deeds; auspicious, propitious, fair, pleasant, good, right, virtuous, meritorious, pure, holy, sacred; ni. N. of a poet Cat.; of another man Buddh.; m. or n. N. of a lake MBh.; ({A}) f. holy basil L.; Physalis Flexuosa L.; N. of a daughter of Kratu and Sannati VP.; n.

(ifc. f. {A}) the good or right, virtue, purity, good work, meritorious act, moral or religious merit MBh. Kv. &c.; a religious ceremony (esp. one performed by a wife in order to retain her husband's affections and to obtain a son; also {ka}) MBh. Hariv.; a brick trough for watering cattle W. puNyaM = pious, meritorious puNyaH = original puNyakarmaNaaM = of the pious puNyakritaM = of those who performed pious activities puNyaphalaM = result of pious work puNyaaH = righteous puNyaapuNya = virtues \ + sins puNyaaya = (Dative S) for virtu puNye = the results of their pious activities pura * = 1 (for 2. see p. 635), in comp. for {puras}.


puraa4 * = ind. (cf. {pra}, {puras}, {pUrva}) before, formerly, of old (with {na}, never "') RV. &c. &c.; in a previous existence VarYogay.; (with pres. = pf.) from of old, hitherto, up to the present time (also with {sma} cf. Pn. 3-2, 122; with {na}, never yet) RV. &c. &c.; at first, in the beginning Bhartri. (opp. to {pazcA}, {pazcAt} Pn. 5-3, 33 Ks'.); soon, shortly (with pres.= fut.) Klid. Naish.; (as prep., mostly in earlier language, with abl., rarely with dat. or gen.) before; securely from; except, beside; (with pres.= fut. [cf. Pn. 3-3, 4], once with Pot.) ere, before (sometimes with {na} or {na} and {yAvat} [followed by {tAvat}], with {mA} or {yadi} MBh. Kv. &c.) pura * = (for 1. see p. 634, col. 2) n. (ifc. f. {A}) a fortress, castle, city, town (a place containing large buildings surrounded by a ditch and extending not less than one Kos in length [635, 3]; if it extends for half that distance it is called a {kheTa}, if less than that, a {karvaTa} or small market town; any smaller cluster of houses is called a {grAma} or village W.) Mn. MBh. &c.; the female apartments, gynaeceum MBh. (cf. {antaH-p-}, {nArI-p-} &c.); a house, abode, residence, receptacle BhP. Tattvas.; an upper story L.; a brothel L.; `" the city "' Gk. $ i.e. Pthali-putra or Patn L.; = {tri-pura}, the 3 strong holds of the Asuras Kaths.; the body (cf. 3. {pur}) BhP.; the skin L.; a species of Cyperus L.; N.

of a constellation Var.; a leaf rolled into the shape of a funnel L. (prob. w.r. for {puTa}); N. of the subdivisions of the Vedanta wk. {tripurI} or {tripuTI} (perhaps also w.r. for {puTa}) Cat.; mf({A})n. a kind of resin, bdellium, Susr. L.; m. N. of an Asura= {tri-pura} (cf. {pura-jit}), of another man, g. {kurv-Adi}; ({A}) f. a stronghold, fortress (cf. {agni-purA} and {azma-p-}); a kind of perfume L.; ({I}) f. a fortress, castle, town Tr. MBh. &c.; N. of a town (the capital of Kalinga, noted for the worship of Jagan-ntha or Kriishna IW. 244 n. 1); the sanctuary or adytum of a temple Inscr.; the body BhP.; N. of one of the 10 orders of mendicants (said to be founded by disciples of S'ankara, the members of which add the word {purI} to their names) W. puura * = mfn. ( {pRR}, Caus.) filling, making full (cf. {pANi-}); fulfilling, satisfying (cf. {kAma-}); m. the act of filling, fulfilling &c. Kv. Pur.; the swelling or rising of a river or of the sea, a large quantity of water, flood, stream (also met. = abundance, high degree, esp. ifc.) Kv. Sus'r. &c. [642, 1]; a cake R. (cf. {ghRta-}); a kind of breathexercise = {pUraka} below BhP.; the cleansing of a wound L. (cf. {pUraNa}); the citron tree (= {bIjapUra}) L.; ({I}) f. N. of a woman Cat.; n. a kind of incense L.; bdellium L.; mf({A})n. a sort of unleavened cake fried with ghee or oil W. (cf.

{pUrikA} below). pura* = 1 (for 2. see p. 635), in comp. for {puras}.\\ (for 1. see p. 634, col. 2) n. (ifc. f. {A}) a fortress, castle, city, town (a place containing large buildings surrounded by a ditch and extending not less than one Kos in length [635,3]; if it extends for half that distance it is called a {kheTa}, if less than that, a {karvaTa} or small market town; any smaller cluster of houses is called a {grAma} or village W.) Mn. MBh. &c.; the female apartments, gynaeceum MBh. (cf. {antaH-p-}, {nArI-p-} &c.); a house, abode, residence, receptacle BhP. Tattvas.; an upper story L.; a brothel L.; `" the city "' Gk. $ i.e. Pthali-putra or Patn L.; = {tri-pura}, the 3 strong holds of the Asuras Kaths.; the body (cf. 3. {pur}) BhP.; the skin L.; a species of Cyperus L.; N. of a constellation Var.; a leaf rolled into the shape of a funnel L. (prob. w.r. for {puTa}); N. of the subdivisions of the Vedanta wk. {tripurI} or {tripuTI} (perhaps also w.r. for {puTa}) Cat.; mf({A})n. a kind of resin, bdellium, Susr. L.; m. N. of an Asura= {tri-pura} (cf. {pura-jit}), of another man, g. {kurv-Adi}; ({A}) f. a stronghold, fortress (cf. {agni-purA} and {azma-p-}); a kind of perfume L.; ({I}) f. a fortress, castle, town Tr. MBh. &c.; N. of a town (the capital of Kalinga, noted for the worship of Jagan-ntha or Kriishna IW. 244 n. 1); the sanctuary or adytum of a temple Inscr.; the

body BhP.; N. of one of the 10 orders of mendicants (said to be founded by disciples of S'ankara, the members of which add the word {purI} to their names) W. puraa = formerly* = ind. (cf. {pra}, {puras}, {pUrva}) before, formerly, of old (with {na}, never "') RV. &c. &c.; in a previous existence VarYogay.; (with pres. = pf.) from of old, hitherto, up to the present time (also with {sma} cf. Pn. 3-2, 122; with {na}, never yet) RV. &c. &c.; at first, in the beginning Bhartri. (opp. to {pazcA}, {pazcAt} Pn. 5-3, 33 Ks'.); soon, shortly (with pres.= fut.) Klid. Naish.; (as prep., mostly in earlier language, with abl., rarely with dat. or gen.) before; securely from; except, beside; (with pres.= fut. [cf. Pn. 3-3, 4], once with Pot.) ere, before (sometimes with {na} or {na} and {yAvat} [followed by {tAvat}], with {mA} or {yadi} MBh. Kv. &c.) puraaNa* = mf({I} or {A})n. belonging to ancient or olden times, ancient, old (also= withered, worn out, opp. to {nUtana}, {nava}) RV. &c. &c.; m. a Karsha or measure of silver (= 16 Panas of cowries) Mn. viii, 136 (also n. L.); N. of a Riishi Kthh.; pl. the ancients MW.; n. a thing or event of the past, an ancient tale or legend, old traditional history. AV. &c. &c.; N. of a class of sacred works (supposed to have been compiled by the poet Vysa and to

treat of 5 topics [cf. {paJca-lakSaNa}]; the chief Purnas are 18, grouped in 3 divisions: viz. 1. Rjasa exalting Brahm [e.g. the Brahma, Brahma7nda, Brahmavaivarta, Mrkandeya, Bhavishya, Vmana]; 2. Sttvika exalting Vishnu [e.g. the Vishnu, Bhgavata, Nradiya, Garuda, Padma, Varha]; 3. Tmasa exalting Siva [e.g. the S'iva, Linga, Skanda, Agni or in place of it the Vyu, Matsya, Krma]; by some the PPadma are divided into 4, and by others into 6 groups; cf. IW. 509 &c.); N. of wk. (containing an index of the contents of a number of PPadma and some other wks.) puraaNa* = {purAtana} see p. 635. puraaNaM = the oldest puraaNaH = the oldest puraaNapurushhottamaH = the ancient \&the best of men puraaNaaH = Purana puraaNii = very old puraatanaH = very old puraH = before or in front, East is considered front

for auspicious occasion puraka = inhalation purataH = in front purato = in the front puramathana = O Destroyer of Tripura purandhrii = wife puraNa* = m. ( {pRR}) the sea, ocean Un. ii, 81 Sch. puraNDa* = m. pl. N. of a dynasty VP. (cf. {puruNDa}). puraskaaraH = (m) prize purastaat.h = from the front purii = stronghold, city pure = in the city purNatva = perfection puroDaas'a m. id. AV. &c. &c. (RTL. 367); any

oblation Mn. v, 23; the leavings of an offering L.; Soma juice L.; a prayer recited while offering oblations in fire Pa1n2. Sch.; %{-tA} f. state or condition of an oblation; acc. with %{nI}, to offer in fire, burn Pa1rvat.; %{-bRgala4} n. a piece of the sacrificial cake S3Br.; %{-bhuj}. m. eater of the ssacrificial ccake, a god S3is3.; %{-vatsA} (%{DAza4-}) f. having a sacrificial ccake for a calf. AV.; %{-sviSTakRt} m. the SvSvisht2akr2it connected with the ssacrificial ccake AitBr.; %{hara} m. `" receiver of the ssacrificial ccake "'N. of Vishn2u Vishn2.; %{-zika} mf(%{I})n. Pa1n2. 43, 70; %{si4n} mfn. connected with the ssacrificial ccake TS.; %{-zIya} mfn. relating to or destined for the ssacrificial ccake A1pS3r.; %{-zA7DA4} f. the Id2a1 portion of the sacrificial ccake S3Br.; %{-zya4} mfn. = %{-zIya} MaitrS. purodhasaaM = of all priests purohita = priest puroga * = mf({A})n. going before, leading, a leader, chief principal (ifc. preceded or accompanied by) MBh. Kv. &c. purogaa * = purogA m. a leader purohita* = ({puro-}.) mfn. placed foremost or in

front, charged, commissioned, appointed; m. one holding a charge or commission, an agent; (esp.) a family priest, a domestic chaplain RV. &c. &c. (RTL. 352 &c.); {-karman} n. N. of 3rd Paris'. of AV.; {-tva} n. the rank of a Purohita MBh. purujit.h = Purujit purusha = man* = m. (m. c. also {pU4r-}; prob. fr. {pRR} and connected with {puru}, {pUru} ifc. f. {A}, rarely {I}; cf. Pn. 4-i, 24) a man, male, human being (pl. people, mankind) RV. &c. &c.; a person, ({pumAn puruSaH}, a male person S'nkhGri. Mn.; {daNDaHp-}, punishment personified Mn.; esp. grammatical pers.; with {prathama}, {madhyama}, {uttama} = the 3rd, 2nd, 1st pers. Nir. Pn.), an officer, functionary, attendant, servant Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. {tat-p-}); a friend L.; a follower of the Snkhya Philosophy (?) L.; a member or representative of a race or generation TS. Br. Mn. &c.; the height or measure of a man (= 5 Aratnis = 120 Angulas) S'Br. S'ulbas. Var.; the pupil of the eye S'Br.; (also with {nArAyaNa}) the primaeval man as the soul and original source of the universe (described in the Purusba-su7kta q.v.) RV. S'Br. &c.; the personal and animating principle in men and other beings, the soul or spirit AV. &c. &c.; the Supreme Being or Soul of the universe (sometimes with {para}, {parama}, or {uttama}; also identified

with Brahm, Vishnu, S'iva and Durg) VS. S'Br. &c. &c.; (in Snkbya) the Spirit as passive and a spectator of the Prakriiti or creative force IW. 82 &c.; the, `" spirit "' or fragrant exhalation of plants RV. x, 51, 8; (with {sapta}) N. of the divine or active principles from the minute portions of which the universe was formed Mn. i, 19; N. of a Pda in the Mahsnmn verses Lthy.; of the Ist, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th signs of the zodiac Jyot.; of a son of Manu Ckshusha BhP.; of one of the 18 attendants of the sun L.; pl. men, people (cf. above); N. of the Brhmans of Krauca-dvipa BhP.; (with {paJca}) N. of 5 princely personages or miraculous persons born under partic. constellations, Var; Rottleria Tinctoria L.; Clerodendrum Phlomoides L.; ({I}) f. a woman, female RV. &c. &c.; m. or n. = {puruSaka} m. n. S'is'. v, 56 Sch.; n. (!) N. of mount Meru L. purushhaM = to a person purushhaH = person purushharshhabha = O best among men purushhavyaaghra = O tiger among human beings purushhasya = of a man


purushhaaH = such persons purushhaat.h = from the person purushhottama = O Supreme Person purushhottamaM = the Supreme Personality of Godhead purushhottamaH = as the Supreme Personality purushhau = living entities purushakAma * = mfn. desirous of men TndBr. purushakSetra * =n. a male or uneven zodiacal sign or astrological house, Var, purushagati * =f. N. of a Sman Gaut. purushatA * =({-Sa4-}) f. manhood, manliness; ind. (as instr.) after the manner of men, among men RV. [637, 2] purusha-tejas purushatejas * =({pu4-}) mfn. having a mas energy or manly vigour AV.


purushatva * =n. manhood, manliness MBh. Pur.; {-tva4-tA} ind. after the manner of men RV. purushadharma * =m. personal rule or precept KtyS'r. purushaniyama * =m. (in gram.) a restriction as to person. purushapati * = m. `" lord of men "'N. of Rma MW. purushapazu * =m. a beast of man, a brutal man Pac. VP.; a man as a sacrificial victim BhP.; the soul compared with animal IW. 85; a human animal, man W. purushapura * =n. N. of the capital of Gndhra, the modern Peshwar ($ L. purushaprabhu * =m. N. of a prince VP. puru * = much, many, abundant (only {purU8}, {rU4Ni}, {-rUNAm} and sev. cases of f. {pUrvI}; in later language only ibc.) RV. &c. &c. ({-ru84}. much, often, very [also with a compar. or superl.]; with {simA}, everywhere; with {tira4s}, far off, from afar; {purA7ru4}, far and wide; {puru4 vi4zva}, one and all, every RV.); m. the pollen of a

flower L.; heaven, paradise L.; (cf. {pUru}) N. of a prince (the son of Yayti and S'armishthh and sixth monarch of the lunar race) MBh. S'ak.; of a son of Vasu-deva and Saha-dev BhP.; of a son of Madhu VP.; of a son of Manu Ckshusha and Nadval Pur. [Cf. Old Pers. {paru}; Gk. $; Goth. {filu}; Angl. Sax. {ftolu}; Germ. {viel}.] &194957[636, 2] purvi = (f) sunrise, east, sun purvottana = the front of the body purvottanaasana = the front-stretching posture pushkala = a lot1 * = mf(%{A})n. (cf. %{puSka}) much, many, numerous, copious, abundant MBh. Ka1v. &c.; rich, magnificent, full, complete, strong, powerful, excellent, best AV. &c. &c.; loud, resonant, resounding MBh. Hariv. Pur.; purified L.; m. (v.l. %{-kara}) a kind of drum MBh.; (in music) a Partic. stringed instrument; N. of S3iva S3ivag.; of a son of Varun2a L.; of an Asura Hariv.; of a R2ishi Cat.; of a son of Bharata R.; of a Buddha Lalit.; of a Tirtha (rather n.) L.; pl. N. of, people Ma1rkP.; of the military caste in Kus3advipa VP.; (%{I}) f. g. %{gaurA7di}; n. (ifc. f. %{A}) the bowl of a spoon Gr2ihya1s. (v.l. %{-kara}); a partic. measure of capacity (= 8 Kun5cis = 64 handfuls)

A1pS3r. Sch.; a partic. weight of gold Ka1tyS3r. Sch.; alms to the exient of 4 mouthfuls of food W (rather m.) N. of mount Meru L. pushya = Eighth nakshatra pushhkalaabhiH = Vedic hymns pushhTiH = nourishment pushthi * = (or {puSTi}, esp. RV.) f. well-nourished condition, fatness, plumpness, growth, increase, thriving, prosperity, wealth, opulence, comfort RV. &c. &c.; breeding, rearing (esp. of cattle; also with {pazoH}) RV. TS. S'Br.; development, fulness, completeness Sh.; N. of a partic. ceremony performed for the attainment of welfare or prosperity Cat.; N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma MBh. Hariv. Pur. [639, 2]; of the mother of Lobha MrkP.; of a ddaughter of Dhruva VP.; of a ddaughter of Paurnamsa ib.; of a S'akti Hcat.; one of the 16 Mtriiks or divine mothers L.; of a Kal of the moon BrahmaP.; of a Kal of Prakriiti and wwife of Gane7s'a BrahmaP.; of a form of Dakshyan MatsyaP.; of a form of Sarasvat W.; Physalis Flexuosa L. pushhNaami = am nourishing


pushpamitra* = m. (v.l. {puSya-m-}) N. of a king (according to the Brhmanical account, a general of the last Maurya dynasty and father of prince Agnimitra, or according to Buddhists, a king, the successor of Pushyadharman) Mlav. Pur. Buddh. (cf IW. 167 n. 2); of another king VP.; {-sabhA} f. the court of king PPushyadharman Pn. 1-1, 68 Vrtt. 7 Pat. pushhpa = flower pushhpaM = a flower pushhpadhaanii = (f) vase, flower-pot pushhpita = one that has flowered pushhpitaaM = flowery pushhpitaagraM = flowertipped (also the metre with that name) pushhya = Eighth nakshatra pushhyati = (4 pp) to nourish pustaka = book pushya* = n. nourishment (pl.) Car.; the blossom

or flower i.e. the uppermost or best of anything (cf. Gk. &196071[640,2] $; Lat. {flos}) RV.; ({puSyA}) m. N. of the 6th (or 8th, but see {nakSatra}) lunar asterism (also called Sidhya and Tishya) AV. &c. &c.; (= {-yoga}), the conjunction of the moon with Pushya Mn. MBh. &c.; N. of the month Pausha VP.; of the Kali-yuga or fourth age W.; of one of the 24 mythical Buddhas MWB. 136 n. 1; of various princes VP.; n. N. of a Sman rshBr.; ({puSyA4}) f. a species of plant AV.; the asterism Pushya L. pushyamitra* = m. N. of a prince VP.; pl. his dynasty ib. (cf. {puSpa-m-}) puT * = cl. 6. P. (Dhtup. xxviii, 74) {puTati}, to clasp, fold, envelop in (instr.) Bhpr.; to rub together with (instr. ib.); cl. 1. P. {poTati}, to grind, pound Dhtup. ix, 38 (v.l. for {muT}); cl. 10. P. {puTayati}, to be in contact with, xxxv, 58 {poTayati}, to speak or to shine ({bhASA7rthe} or {bhAsA7rthe}), xxxiii, 80; to grind or pound, xxxii, 72 Vop.; to be small, xxxii, 24 (v.l. for {puTT}). put * = or {pud} (a word invented to explain {putra} or {put-tra} see Mn. ix, 138, and cf. Nir. ii, 11), hell or a partic. hell (to which the childless are condemned) MBh.: Kv. and C. [632, 3] pUt * = ind. an onomat. expressive of blowing or

hard breathing (prob. w.r. for {phUt}, {phut} q.v. puTiikaroti = to fold, to roll (a carpet) putrau = 2 sons of putra = son * = m. (etym. doubtful, perhaps fr. 2. {puS}; traditionally said to be a comp. {put-tra}, `" preserving from the hell called Put "' Mn. ix, 138) a son, child RV. &c. &c. (also the young of an animal; cf. Pn. 8-1, 15 Sch.; ifc. it forms diminutives cf. {dRSat-p-} and {zilA-p-}; voc. sg. du. pl. often used to address young persons, my son, my children &c. "'; du. `" two sons "' or, a son and a daughter "'; cf. Pn. 1-2, 68); a species of small venomous animal (= {putraka}) Cat.; (in astrol.) N. of the fifth house Var.; N. of a son of Brahmishthha Ragh.; of a son of Priya-vrata VP. &c. &c.; ({I}) f. a daughter MBh. Hariv. &c.; a doll or puppet (see {dAru-putrI}); ifc. used to form diminutives (see {asi-putrI}); a species of plant L.; N. of Prvati L. [Cf. Zd. {puthra}; Gk. $ and Lat. {puer} (?).] &193862[632, 3] putra-bhaava = House of children or the 5th putraH = son putrakaaraka = Significator of Offspring

putrakritakaan.h = as a son putrasya = with a son putraaH = sons putraadapi = even from the the son putraan.h = sons putrii = with daughter(s)(here it may mean, a man with issues) putre = in(towards) the son puuj.h = to worship puujana = worship puujayati = to worship puujaa = Hindu ritual sometimes done to propitiate a planet puujaaM = Worship puujaagriham.h = (n) the puja room puujaanaM = worship

puujaarhau = those who are worshipable puujaavidhiM = methods of worship puujaasthaanaM = (Nr.nom. + acc.S) the place of worship; altar puujita = worshiped puujya.nte = are worshipped (verb passive Pr.IIIP, pl.) puujyaH = worshipable puujyate = is worshipped puurNa * = mfn. filled with tears. puurNa4 * = mfn. filled, full, filled with or full of (instr. or gen. or comp.) RV. &c. &c.; abundant, rich Kv.; fulfilled, finished, accomplished, ended, past S'nkhGri. MBh. R. &c.; concluded (as a treaty), Rajat.; complete, all, entire SnkhBr. Mn. MBh. &c.; satisfied, contented R.; (ifc.) perfectly familiar with Hcat.; drawn, bent to the full (as a bow) MBh. Hariv.; (in augury) fullsounding, sonorous and auspicious (said of the cry of birds and beasts, opp. to {dIpta} q.v.); uttering this cry VarBriS.; strong, capable, able L.; selfish, self1687

indulgent W.; m. a partic. form of the sun Cat.; a kind of tree R.; (in music) a partic. measure; N. of a Nga MBh.; of a Deva-gandharva ib.; of a Buddhist ascetic Lalit.; ({A}) f. N. of the 15th Kal of the month BrahmaP.; of the 5th, 10th and: 15th Tithis Var.; N. of a woman Vet.; (with S'iktas) of an authoress of Mantras Cat.; of 2 rivers VP.; ii. fulness, plenty, abundance AV. TS.; water Naigh. i, 12; the cipher or figure o Ganit. puurta * = mfn. filled, full, complete, completed, perfected Pur.; ({iSTaz ca pUrtaz ca dharmau} = {iSTApUrta} q.v. MrkP.); covered, concealed L.; n. fulfilling, fulfilment; granting, rewarding, a reward, merit, a meritorious work, an act of pious liberality (such as feeding a Brhman, digging a well &c.) RV. &c. &c.; keeping, guarding L.; N. of wk. (also {kamabA7kara}); {-dharma} (w.r. {pUrNa-dh-}) m. a meritorious work (cf. {pUrta}) MrkP.; {prakAza} m. {mAlA} f. {-to4ddyota} m. N. of wks. puuta = purified puutaaH = being purified puuti = bad-smelling puur.h = to fill


puura = flood* = mfn. ( {pRR}, Caus.) filling, making full (cf. {pANi-}); fulfilling, satisfying (cf. {kAma-}); m. the act of filling, fulfilling &c. Kv. Pur.; the swelling or rising of a river or of the sea, a large quantity of water, flood, stream (also met. = abundance, high degree, esp. ifc.) Kv. Sus'r. &c. [642,1]; a cake R. (cf. {ghRta-}); a kind of breathexercise = {pUraka} below BhP.; the cleansing of a wound L. (cf. {pUraNa}); the citron tree (= {bIjapUra}) L.; ({I}) f. N. of a woman Cat.; n. a kind of incense L.; bdellium L.; mf({A})n. a sort of unleavened cake fried with ghee or oil W. (cf. {pUrikA} below). puuraka* = inhaling breath*= mfn. filling, completing, fulfilling, satisfying (ifc. or with gen.; cf. Pn. 2-3, 70 Ks'.) Mn. MBh. &c.; m. flood, stream, effusion BhP.; (in arithm.) the multiplier; a ball of meal offered at the conclusion of the oblations to the Pitriis L. (also pinda m. Kull. on Mn. v, 85); closing the right nostril with the forefinger and then drawing up air through the left and then closing the left nostril and drawing up air through the right (as a religious exercise) RTL. 402; the citron tree L.; ({ikA}) f. a sort of cake MBh. Yj. ({-kA7pUpa}) Bhpr. &c. puuraNa* = mf({I})n. filling, completing, satisfying causing, effecting KtyS'r. S'ank. Hariv.; drawing (a

bow) MW.; m. `" completer "'N. of the masculine ordinal numbers from {dvitIya} upwards Pn. 2-2, 11 &c.; a dam, bridge L.; the sea L.; a medicinal oil or embrocation L.; N. of a man s'vS'r.; (with the patr. {vaizvAmitra})N. of the author of RV. x, 160; ({I}) f. an ordinal number in the feminine gender Pn. v, 4, 116 &c.; Bonibax Heptaphyllum L.; (du.) the cross threads in weaving cloth, warp Rjat.; N. of Durg MW.; of one of the two wives of the popular deity Ayenr RTL. 219 ({pU4r-}) n. the act or filling or filling up, puffing or swelling up AV. &c. &c.; fulfilling, satisfying Mlav.; furnishing, equipping Var.; (with {dhanuSaH}) drawing or bending a bow to the full MBh. R.; (in medic.) injection of fluids or supplying with food; (in astron.) the revolution of a heavenly body through its orbit Sryas.; (in arithm.) multiplication; rain L.; a sort of cake Bhpr.; Cyperus Rotundus L.; the cross threads in weiving cloth, warp L. puuraya = (verbal stem) to fill puurayati = to pour puurushhaH = a man puurNa4 * = mfn. filled, full, filled with or full of (instr. or gen. or comp.) RV. &c. &c.; abundant, rich Kv.; fulfilled, finished, accomplished, ended,

past S'nkhGri. MBh. R. &c.; concluded (as a treaty), Rajat.; complete, all, entire SnkhBr. Mn. MBh. &c.; satisfied, contented R.; (ifc.) perfectly familiar with Hcat.; drawn, bent to the full (as a bow) MBh. Hariv.; (in augury) fullsounding, sonorous and auspicious (said of the cry of birds and beasts, opp. to {dIpta} q.v.); uttering this cry VarBriS.; strong, capable, able L.; selfish, selfindulgent W.; m. a partic. form of the sun Cat.; a kind of tree R.; (in music) a partic. measure; N. of a Nga MBh.; of a Deva-gandharva ib.; of a Buddhist ascetic Lalit.; ({A}) f. N. of the 15th Kal of the month BrahmaP.; of the 5th, 10th and: 15th Tithis Var.; N. of a woman Vet.; (with S'iktas) of an authoress of Mantras Cat.; of 2 rivers VP.; ii. fulness, plenty, abundance AV. TS.; water Naigh. i, 12; the cipher or figure o Ganit. puurNa * = mfn. filled with tears puurNaH = the complete, perfect one puurNamadaH = complete; whole; is that (the other worlds?) puurNamidaM = complete and wwhole is this world puurNamudachyate = complete whole is produced

puurNaat.h = From he Complete whole puurnaayu = Full lifespan taken as 75-120 years puuru4 * = m. (orig.= {puru}, and connected with {puruSa}, {pUrvSa}) a man, people. RV.; N. of a tribe (associated with the Yadus, Turvas'as, Druhyus) ib.; of a class of demons S'Br.; of an ancient prince (the son of Yayti and S'armishthh) MBh. S'ak. Pur. (cf. Pn. 4-1, 165 Vrtt. 3 Pat.) [643, 1]; of a descendant of Atri and author of RV. v, 16; 17 RAnukr.; of a son of Manu and Nadval Hariv.; of a son of Jahnu BhP. puurva = previous; pUrva mf({A})n. (connected with {purA}, {puras}, {pra}, and declined like a pron. when implying relative position whether in place or time, but not necessarily in abl. loc. sg. m. n. and nom. pl. m.; see Pn. 1-1, 27; 34; vii, 1, 16) being before or in front fore, first RV. &c. &c.; eastern, to the east of (abl.) ib.; former, prior, preceding, previous to, earlier than (abl. or comp.) ib. ({gaja-pUrva}, preceding the number `" eight "' i.e. seven, the seventh S'rutab.; {mAsena p-}, or {mAsa-p-}, earlier by a month Pn. 2-1, 31; ifc. often = formerly or before e.g. {strI-p-}, fformerly a wife; {ADhya-p-}, fformerly wealthy; esp. after a pp. e.g. {kRta-p-}, done before, {dRSTa-p-}, seen bbefore; ifc. also preceded or accompanied by,

attended with e.g. {smita-pUrvA-vAk}, speech accompanied by smiles; sometimes not translatable e.g. {mRdu-pUrvA vAk}, kind speech); ancient, old, customary, traditional RV. &c. &c.; first (in a series), initial, lowest (opp. to {uttara}; with {dama} or {sAhasa} `" the lowest fine "') Mn. viii, 120 &c.; (with {vayas}) `" first age "', youth MBh.; foregoing, aforesaid, mentioned before (abl.) Mn. MBh. Pn.; m. an ancestor, forefather (pl. the ancients, ancestors) RV. &c. &c.; an elder brother R.; N. of a prince BhP.; ({A}) f. (with or sc. {diz}) the east MBh. R.; N. of a country to the east of Madhya-des'a L.; of the Nakshatras Prvaphalgunt, Prva7shdh and Prvabhadrapad collectively Var.; n. the fore part S'ak. ii, 4 (cf. Pn. 2-2, 1); a partic. high number (applied to a period of years) Buddh.; N. of the most ancient of Jaina writings (of which 14 are enumerated) L.; N. of a Tantra Cat.; an ancient tradition W.; ({am}) ind. before (also as a prep. with abl.), formerly, hitherto, previously (sometimes with pres.) RV. &c. &c. (often ibc. e.g. {pUrva-kArin}, active before, {pUrvo7kta}, said bbefore; also ifc. in the sense of `" with "' e.g. {prIti-pUrvam}, with love; {matipUrvam} with intention, intentionally; {mRdupUrva-bhAS}, to speak kindly; cf. above; also with an ind. p. e.g. {pUrva-bhojam}, or {-bhuktvA}, having eaten bbefore Pn. 3-4, 24; {adya-p-}, until now, hitherto; ppreviously {-tataH}, firstthen; {pUrva-pazcAt}, previously-afterwards;

{pUrva-upari}, previously-subsequently; {pUrvaadhUnA} or {adya}, formerly-now); ({eNa}) ind. in front, before; eastward, to the east of (opp. to {apareNa}, with gen. or acc.; cf. Pn. 5-3, 35 Sch.) S'Br. &c. &c.; (with {tataH}) `" to the east of that "' MBh. puurvaabhadrapada = Twenty-fifth nakshatra puurvaaNi = before puurvaaphalguni = Eleventh nakshatra, (also just puurvaa) puurvaashhaDhaa = Twentieth nakshatra puurvaka = (m) ancestors puurvameva = by previous arrangement puurvaM = before, ago puurvataraM = in ancient times * = ({pU4rva-}) mfn. earlier, previous, prior, anterior RV. &c.; ({am}) ind. before, first, previously Bhag. R. puurvaruupaM = having this form in the beginning puurve = before

puurvaiH = by the predecessors puushhaa = a god? puushhNa = a name of Sun puurva: before, being before or in front fore, first puuya* = m. n. purulent matter, pus, suppuration, discharge from an ulcer or wound S'Br. &c. &c. R raadhaka* = mfn. liberal, bountiful MW. raadhana * = n. (only L.), propitiating, conciliating; pleasure, satisfaction [876, 3]; obtaining, acquisition; the means or instrument of accomplishing anything ({-dravya} n. = {pAcala}); ({A}) f. speech L.; ({I}) f. worship A. raa4dhas * = n. favour, kindness, bounty, a gift of affection, any gift RV. AV.; munificence, liberality ib.; accomplishment of one's wishes, success BhP.; striving to accomplish or gain ib.; wealth, power ib. raadhAaavat * = mfn. wealthy, rich Nalo7d. raaga = Anger * = m. (fr. {raJj}; ifc. {A}, or {I}) the

act of colouring or dyeing (cf. {mUrdhaja-r-}); colour, hue, tint, dye, (esp.) red colour, redness MBh. Kv. &c.; inflammation Car.; any feeling or passion, (esp.) love, affection or sympathy for, vehement desire of, interest or joy or delight in (loc. or comp.) Up. Mn. MBh. &c.; loveliness, beauty (esp. of voice or song) S'ak. Pacat.; a musical note, harmony, melody (in the later system a partic. musical mode or order of sound or formula; Bharata enumerates 6, viz. {bhairava}, {kauzika}, {hindola}, {dIpaka}, {zrI-rAga}, and {megha}, each mode exciting some affection; other writers give other names; sometimes 7 or 26 Rgas are mentioned; they are personified, and each of the 6 chief Rgas is wedded to 5 or 6 consorts called Rgins; their union gives rise to many other musical modes) Bhar. Sangt. Rjat. Pacat. &c.; nasalization, Rprt.; a partic. process in the preparation of quicksilver Sarvad.; seasoning, condiment Car.; a prince, king L.; the sun L.; the moon L.; ({A}) f. Eleusine Coracana (a sort of grain, commonly called Rggy, and much cultivated in the south of India) L.; N. of the second daughter of Angiras MBh.; ({I}) f. Eleusine Coracana L. raagavati = red-coloured, passionate rAghavendra* = m. `" RRghavas-chief. N. of

various authors and others (also with {AcArya}, {muni}, {yati}, {zatA7vadhAna}, and {sarasvatI}) Cat.; {-stotra-vyAkhyA}, f.; {-drIya} n. N. of wks. raagaatmakaM = born of desire or lust raagii = very much attached raaghavaM = thew descendant of Raghu rAghava* = m. (fr. {raghu}) a descendant of Raghu patr. of Aja, of Das'a-ratha, and (esp.) of Rmacandra (du. {rAghavau} = Rma and Lakshmana) R. Ragh. &c.; N. of various authors and others (also with {AcArya}, {bhaTTa}, {paJcA7nanabhaTTA7cArya}, {cakravartin}, {rAya} &c.) Cat.; of a serpent-demon L.; the ses, ocean L.; a species of large fish L. raaghavaH = RAghava (RAma) raaGYii = (f) queen raahuu = North Lunar Node. Caput Draconis or Dragos head raaja * = m. (ifc.) = 1. {rAjan}, a king, sovereign, chief or best of its kind MBh. Kv. &c.


raajaguhyaM = the king of confidential knowledge raajaduutaH = (m) ambassador, diplomat raajadvaara = doors of apalace raajan.h = king raajaniti = (f) politics raajamaNiH = the jewel of the kings or the king of jewels raajayoga = Combinations for Status and Power raajarshhayaH = the saintly kings raajavidyaa = the king of education raajasaM = in the mode of passion raajasaH = in the mode of passion raajasabhaa = assembly of king, advisors, and subjects raajasasya = to one in the mode of passion raajasaaH = those situated in the mode of passion

raajasika = Regal planets - Sun, Mars and Venus raajasii = in the mode of passion raajaha.nsa = swan raajaha.nsaH = the royal swan raajaa = a ruler, king raajaadhiraaja = Overking of kings raajiiv = lotus raajiiva = lotus raajiivanetraM = the lotus-eyed raaje.ndraM = the lord of kings raajya = Kingdom;* = mfn. kingly, princely, royal TBr.; n. (also {rA4jya} or {rAjyA}) royalty, kingship, sovereignty, empire (`" over "' loc. or comp.; `" of "' gen. or comp.; acc. with {kR} or Caus. of {kR} or with {upa-As} or {vi-dhA}, to exercise government, rule, govern) AV. &c. &c.; kingdom, country, realm (= {rASTra}) ib. 1. raajyaM = kingdom

raajyasukhalobhena = driven by greed for royal happiness raajyasya = for the kingdom raajyena = is the kingdom raakaa * = f. (Un. iii, 40) the goddess presiding over the actual day of full moon (or regarded as the Full Moos consort; Anumati is supposed to preside over the previous day) Jyot. (cf. IW. 158); the day of full moon, full moon RV. &c. &c.; N. of a daughter of Angiras and Smriiti Pur.; of a daughter of Angiras and S'raddh ib.; of the wife of Dhtrii and mother of Prtrii ib.; of a Rkshas (the mother of Khara and S'rpa-nakh) MBh.; of a daughter of Su-mlin R.; of a river BhP.; itch, scab L.; a girl in whom menstruation has begun L. [871, 3] raakiNii = the goddess in svadhishthana raati * = mfn. ready or willing to give, generous, favourable, gracious RV. AV. VS. Br.; f. a favour, grace, gift, oblation RV. &c. &c. (in RV. also `" the Giver "' conceived of as a deity and associated with Bhaga; {indrasya rAtI} v.l. {-tiH}N. of a Sman rshBr.) raaTi * = f. ( {raT}) war, battle L.

raatra = night raatri = night raatriM = night raatriH = night raatrikritaM = night-done raatrichandrau = the pair of night and moon raatrau = in the night raatryaagame = at the fall of night raadhaa = Radha, Krishna's beloved raakshasa = demon raakshasiiM = demonic raama = Rama, deity Shrii Rama raama * = mf({A4})n. (prob. `" causing rest "', and in most meanings fr. {ram}) dark, dark-coloured, black (cf. {rAtri}) AV. Tr. ({rAmaH zakuniH}. a black bird, crow KthhGri. Vishn.); white (?) L.; pleasing, pleasant, charming, lovely, beautiful

MBh. Kv. &c.; m. a kind of deer Car.; a horse L.; a lover VarBriS.; pleasure, joy, delight BhP.; N. of Varuna. L.; N. of various mythical personages (in Veda two Rmas are mentioned with the patr. Mrgaveya and Aupatasvini; another RRmas with the patr. Jmadagnya [cf. below] is the supposed author of RV. x, 110; in later times three RRmas are celebrated, viz. 1. Paras'u-rma [q.v.], who forms the 6th Avatra of Vishnu and is sometimes called Jmadagnya, as son of the sage Jamad-agni by Renuk, and sometimes Bhrgava, as descended from Bhriigu; 2. Rma-candra [see below]; 3. Bala-rma [q.v.], `" the strong Rma "', also called Hala7yudha and regarded as elder brother of Kriishna [RTL. 112] accord. to Jainas a Rma is enumerated among the 9 white Balas; and in VP. a RRmas is mentioned among the 7 Riishis of the 8th Manv-antara) RV. &c &c. N. of a king of Malla-pura Cat.; of a king of S'riinga-vera and patron of Nge7s'a ib.; of various authors and teachers (also with {AcArya}, {upA7dhyAya}, {kavi}, {cakra-vartin}, {jyotir-vid}, {jyau-} {tiSaka}, {tarka-vAg-Iza}, {dIkSita}, {daiva-jJa}, {paNDita}, {bhaTTa}, {bhaTTA7cArya}, {vAjapeyin}, {zarman}, {zAstrin}, {saMyamin}, {sUri} &c.) Cat.; N. of the number `" three "' (on account of the 3 Rmas) Hcat. ({rAmasya iSuH}, a kind of cane = {rAmakaNDa} L.); pl. N. of a people VP.; ({A4}) f. a beautiful woman, any young and charming woman, mistress, wife, any woman KathhUp. MBh. &c. (for

comp. see p. 878); a dark woman i.e. a woman of low origin TS. Tr.; N. of various plants (Jonesia Asoka; Aloe Perfoliata; Asa Foetida &c.) L. vermilion L.; red earth L.; a kind of pigment (= {gorocanA}) L.; a river L.; a kind of metre L.; (in music) a kind of measure Sangt.; N. of an Apsaras L. Sch.; of a daughter of Kumbha7nda Hariv.; of the mother of the ninth Arhat of the present Avasarpin L.; ({I4}) f. darkness, night RV.; n. id. ib.; the leaf of Laurus Cassia L.; Chenopodium Album L.; = {kuSTha} L. raamaa * = f. (of {rAma}) a lovely or charming wom raamaanuja * = m. `" younger brother of Rma "' (this title would be applicable to Kriishna as born after Bala-rma of the same father); N. of a celebrated Vaishnava reformer (founder of a particular Vedantic school which taught the doctrine of {viziSTA7dvaita} or qualified nonduality i.e. that the human spirit is separate and different from the one Supreme Spirit though dependent on it and ultimately to be united with it; he lived at Kcpuram and S'r-rangam in the South of India, in the 12th century, and is believed by his followers to have been an incarnation of S'esha; he is also called Rma7nujcrya and Yatirja; n. or {jam matam}, Rma4nuja's doctrine)

RTL. 119, 448 &c.; (with {dIkskita}) N. of another author Cat.; {-guru paramparA} f. {-grantha} m. {campU} f. {-carita} n. {-caritra} n. {-daNDaka} m. or n. {-darzana} n. N. of wks.; m. N. of an author Cat.; {-divyacaritra} n. {-bhASya-gAmbhIrya} n. {matakhaNDana} n. {mata-dhvaMsana} n. {mauktika} n. {-vaMzA7vali} f. {-vijaya},m., {zataka-TIkA} f. {-siddhA7nta-padavI} f. {siddhA7nta-vijaya} m. {-siddhA7nta-saMgraha} m. {su-prabhAta} n. {-stotra} n. N. of wks. [878,2]; {svAmin} m. N. of an author Cat.; {-jA7rAdhanavidhi} m. {-jA7STo7ttara} n. {-jIya} n. {-jIyasiddhA7nta} m. N. of wks. raamaM = rAma raamaH = Rama raamakavachaM = rAma-armour raamakrishhNa = Commonly known Ramakrishna, a saint from Bengal raamakrishhNasya = of Ramakrishna raamacha.ndra = rAmachandra raamacha.ndraH = rAma


raamacha.ndram.h = rAmachandra raamacha.ndraaya = to rAmachandra raamacha.ndreti = saying `rAmachandra' raamacha.ndro = Lord RAmachandra raamanaama = the name of rAma (uttering of the word `rAma' only once is raamanaamnaa = by the name of rAma raamabalopetaaM = that which has been attained through rAma'a strength, power raamabhadra = raama who gives the well-being raamabhadraaya = to the good-giving, protecting RAma raamabhadreti = rAmabhadra+iti, saying `rAmabhadra"(raama who gives the raamarakshaa = rAma armour or rama- protection raamarakshaaM = raamarakshA (hymn) raamarakshaastotrajape = in the chanting of

rAmaraksha hymn raamalakshmaNau = raama \& lakshmaNa raamasya = rAmaa's raamah = Lord Rama raamaannaasti = no one is except from rAma raamaabhoga = sexual pleasures? raamaaya = to rAma raamaayaNaH = epic Ramayana, part of itihas (history) raame = in RAma raameNaabhihataa = the one struck by rAma raameti = rAma+iti saying thus rAma raamo = rAma raaNa* = m. n. (2. {raN}) murmuring L.; n. a leaf. L.; a peacock's tail L. (cf. {rAja-rANaka}); ({A}) f. (prob.) N. of a goddess.


raaNaa* = m. (corruption of {rAjan} q.v.) a king. raasa * = m. uproar, noise, din L.; N. of a partic. rustic dance practised by cowherds, (esp.) the dance practised by Kriishna and the Gops Hariv. Pur. Gt. &c. (cf. {rAsaka}) [879, 3]; any sport or play L.; a legend (?), in {narmadA-sundarI-r-} (q.v.); = {bhASA-zRGkhalaka} raasalaasya = raasa dance raashi = Sign of the Zodiac raashTra = nation raasabha * = (1. {rAs}), the brayer "', an ass, jackass, donkey RV. &c. &c.; ({I}) f. a she-ass MBh. Pacat. raata * = mfn. given, presented, bestowed RV. &c. &c. (often ifc.; cf. {asmad-}, {deva-}, {brahma-r-}. &c.); m. N. of a teacher Ping. Sch. raati * = mfn. ready or willing to give, generous, favourable, gracious RV. AV. VS. Br.; f. a favour, grace, gift, oblation RV. &c. &c. (in RV. also `" the Giver "' conceived of as a deity and associated with Bhaga; {indrasya rAtI} v.l. {-tiH}N. of a Sman rshBr.)

raathi * = f. ( {raT}) war, battle L. raatraa V*= nights raatri * = or (older) %{rA4trI} f. (prob. `" bestower "' , fr. %{rA} ; or `" season of rest "' , fr. %{ram}) night , the darkness or stillness of night (often personified) RV. &c. &c. (%{rAtrau} or %{-tryAm} ind. at nnight , by nnight ; %{rAtrau@zayanam} , a festival on the 11th day of the first half of the month A1sha1d2ha , regarded as the night of the gods , beginning with the summer solstice , when Vishn2u reposes for four months on the serpent S3esha) ; = %{ati-rAtra} S3Br. ; = %{rAtriparyAya} ib. ; = %{rAtri-sAman} La1t2y. ; (only %{rAtri}) one of the 4 bodies of Brahma1 VP. ; = %{haridrA} , turmeric MBh. Sus3r. ; (with the patr. %{bhAradvAjI}) N. of the authoress of RV. x , 127 Anukr. raavaNa = a demon king from Lanka who abducted the wife of Rama raavaNaarim.h = rAvaNasya ariM, the enemy of rAvaNa raaya* = m. (at the beginning or end of a proper N. used as a title of honour = {rAjan}, of which it is a corruption) a king, prince; N. of a son of Pur1708

ravas W. (prob. w.r. for {raya}). rabhate = (1 ap) to begin, start rabhasa * = mf({A})n. (fr. prec.) impetuous, violent, rapid, fierce, wild RV. &c. &c.; (ifc.) eager for, desirous of Klid.; strong, powerful (said of the Soma) RV.; shining, glaring ib.; m. impetuosity, vehemence, hurry, haste, speed, zeal, passion, eager desire for (comp.) MBh. Kv. &c. (also {A} f. L.; {rabhasa} ibc.; {at} and {ena} ind. violently, impetuously, eagerly, quickly); joy, pleasure Gt.; regret, sorrow W.; poison L.; N. of a magical incantation recited over weapons R.; of a Dnava (v.l. {razmisa}); of a king (son of Rambha) BhP.; of a Rkshasa L.; of a lexicographer (also called {rabhasa-pAla}) Cat.; of a monkey R. rach.h = to form rachayati = (10 up) to arrange racita * = mfn. produced , fashioned , constructed , performed , arranged , prepared , made of (instr. or comp.). Ka1v. Var. BhP. ; made or chosen for (nom.) Bhat2t2. ; placed , inserted , inlaid , fixed on or in (loc.) Ka1v. Katha1s. BhP. ; set out , displayed in (loc. or comp.) Ka1lid. ; directed towards (loc.) BhP. ; furnished , provided , set or studded with

(instr. or comp.) Hariv. Ka1lid. Sus3r. ; (ifc.) occupied with , engaged in Ba1lar. ; (with %{mRSA}) invented Katha1s. ; m. N. of a man g. %{bidA7di}. radaM = ? raghukulatilakaM = the mark (e.g. one on the forehead) of the Raghu family raghuttamaH = best of the Raghu race raghuna.ndana = the delighter of the Raghus raghuna.ndanam.h = thedelighter of Raghus raghunandana = Rama raghunaathasya = lord of the Raghu's(rAma descended from the famous raghunaathaaya = to the lord of Raghus raghuva.nshanaatham.h = the lord of the Raghu family raghuvaraM = the chosen Raghu raghuuttamaH = the best of the raghus (raghu1710

descendants) raghuuttamau = the best two of the Raghu race rahas * n. 1 n. (for 2. see p. 871, col, 1) swiftness, speed, velocity BhP.\\ (for 1. see p. 859, col. 3) a lonely or deserted place, loneliness, solitude, privacy, secrecy, retirement (%{rahas}, %{-si} and %{-ssu} ind. privately, in secret) Mn. MBh. &c.; a secret, mystery, mystical truth Ka1v. Pur.; sexual intercourse, copulation L. rahasi = in a secluded place rahasyaM = mystery rajaH = (m) king raja * = m. (g. {pacA7di}) = {rajas}, dust (cf. {nI-}, {vi-r-}); the pollen of flowers, Prasanga7bh.; the menstrual excretion (also n.) L.; emotion, affection L.: the quality of passion Un. iv, 216 Sch.; N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh.; of a king (son of Viraja) VP. rajakaH = (m) washerman, dhobi rajani = night


rajanii = night rajaniichara = moon, demon rajasa = mobility rajasaH = from the mode of passion rajasi = of the mode of passion rajoguNa = the mode of passion rajju = (fem) rope, straight line rajjuH = (m) rope raJNjana = entertainment, delight raJNjanaa = (f) a giver of delight raksh.h = to protcet rakshaH = the Rkshasaas rakshakaH = (m) guard, protector rakshaNa = protection rakshaNaaya = for protection

rakshati = (1 pp) to protect Rkshasa = adj. devil rakshaa = protection rakshaaM = protecting armour rakshaa.nsi = the demons rakshitaM = the person who has ben protected(by) rakshitaH = (past part.masc.nom.S) the protected one rakshya = protection rakta * = mf({A})n. coloured, dyed, painted Br. GriS'rS. Mn. &c. (cf. Pn. 4-2, 1); reddened, red, crimson S'nkhGri. MBh. Kv. &c. (said of 5 or 7 parts of the body which ought to be red MBh. iv, 253 VarBriS. lxviii, 84); `" coloured or modified by nasalization "', nasalized (said of a vowel) RPrt. (cf. {raGga}); excited, affected with passion or love, impassioned, enamoured, charmed with (instr.), attached or devoted to, fond of (loc. gen. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.; beloved, dear, lovely, pleasant, sweet Kv.; fond of play, engaging in pastime, sporting L.; m. red colour L.; safflower L.;

Barringtonia Acutangula L.; N. of S'iva MBh.; of the planet Mars VarBriS. Sch.; ({A}) f. lac (= {lAkSA}) Sus'r.; Abrus Precatorius (or its seeds as a measure or weight, = {raktikA}) Car.; Rubia Munjista L.; Echinops Echinatus L.; N. of one of the 7 tongues of fire L.; (in music) N. of a S'ruti Sangt.; n. blood Mn. Hariv. &c.; a partic. disease of the eyes, Hcat; the menstrual fluid L.; copper L.; vermilion L.; cinnabar L.; saffron L.; the fruit of Flacourtia Cataphracta L.; = {padmaka} L. raka * =m. the sun gem; crystal; a hard shower raksha * = 1 mf(%{I})n. (%{A} f. see p. 860) guarding, watching, protecting, serving; a watcher, keeper Suparn2. MBh. &c. (mostly ifc.; cf. %{kSetra-}, %{go-}, %{cakra-r-} &c.) \\ akSa 2 in comp. for %{rakSas}. rakshA f. the act of protecting or guarding, protection, care, preservation, security Mn. MBh. &c.; a guard, watch, sentinel Mr2icch. Ka1m.; any preservative, (esp.) a sort of bracelet or amulet, any mysterious token used as a charm BhP. Sus3r.; a tutelary divinity (cf. %{mahA-r-}); ashes (used as a preservative) L.; (%{A} or %{I}) f. a piece of thread or silk bound round the wrist on partic. occasions (esp. on the full moon of S3ra1van2a, either as an amulet and preservative against misfortune, or as a

symbol of mutual dependence, or as a mark of respect) MW. rakta = red raktaM = the red one (raktaM may mean blood also) raktaH = attached raktaga.ndha = red scent raktapusshhpaiH = with red flowers raktavaasasam.h = haaving red dress rambhaaphala = plantain ramaa * = f. of {rama} q.v.; a wife, mistress W.; N. of Lakshm, the Goddess of Fortune Bhartri. BhP.; good luck, fortune, splendour, opulence Cn.; splendour, pomp Bhm. [868, 2]; N. of the 11th day in the dark half of the month Krttika Cat.; of the syllable {zRRm} (also {rama}) Sarvad.; of a daughter of S'as'i-dhvaja and wife of Kalki KalkiP. ramaavaasa = the abode of rama (lakshmi) rama * = mfn. pleasing, delighting, rejoicing (only

ifc.; cf. {mano-r-}); dear, beloved W.; m. (only L.) joy; a lover, husband, spouse; Kma-deva, the god of love; the red-flowering As'oka; ({A}) f. see s.v. rama.nte = revel; enjoy (Vr.Pr.III P Pl.AP) ramanti = enjoy transcendental bliss ramate = delights rame = Oh! ramA (Shiva tells this shloka to his consort PArvati rameshaM = the lord of ramA(sItA) raMhas * = n. speed, quickness, velocity MBh. Ka1v. &c.; eagerness, impetuosity BhP.; m. N. of S3iva (Vehemence personified) MBh.; of Vishn2u Hariv. raMhasa* = (ifc.) = %{raMhas} (e.g. %{manomArutar-}, having the swiftness of thought or of the wind Hariv.) ra.ngaavalii = colored design ra.nj..h = to entertain rangavalli = (f) rangoli

raNa = battle raNa* = 1 m. delight, pleasure, gladness, joy RV. VS. AV.; (also n.) battle (as an object of delight), war, combat, fight, conflict RV. &c. &c.\\ =2 m. (for 1. see p. 863, col. 3) sound, noise L.; the quill or bow of a lute (= {koNa}) L. - 2.\\ =3 m. going, motion L. raNakarkasha = the vanquishing one in the war raNara.ngadhiiram.h = the brave in the stage of war raNaat.h = from the battlefield randhrikaa = (f) punching machine raNe = on the battlefield rajana * = mf(%{I})n. colouring, dyeing (%{-tva} n.) Sarvad.; (ifc.) pleasing, charming, rejoicing, delighting Gi1t. (cf. %{jana-raJjanI}); conciliating, befriending MW.; m. Saccharum Munja L.; (%{I}) f. prob. friendly salutation Buddh.; the indigo plant L.; Nyctanthes Arbor Tristis L.; turmeric L.; saffron L.; a kind of fragrant perfume L.; red arsenic L.; (in music) a partic. S3ruti Sam2gi1t.; n. the act of colouring or dyeing Va1gbh.; colour, dye, paint R.;

(in gram.) nasalization VPra1t. Sch.; the act of pleasing, delighting, conciliating, giving pleasure MBh. Ka1v. &c.; a partic. game L.; red sandalwood L.; cinnabar L. rajaka * = mf(%{ikA})n. colouring, dyeing S3a1rn3gS.; exciting passion or love, charming, pleasing Cat.; m. a colourist, dyer, painter Mn. iv, 216 [863,3]; an inciter of affection &c., stimulus W.; the red powder on the capsules of the Rottleria Tinctoria L.; biliary humour on which vision depends W.; (%{akI}) f. a female colourer or dyer Cat.; n. cinnabar L.; vermilion L. rarijana = Entourage rasa = enjoyment, interest * rasa = m. (ifc. f. {A}) the sap or juice of plants, Juice of fruit, any liquid or fluid, the best or finest or prime part of anything, essence, marrow RV. &c. &c.; water, liquor, drink MBh. Kv. &c.; juice of the sugarcane, syrup Sus'r.; any mixture, draught, elixir, potion R. BhP.; melted butter L.; (with or scil. {gavAm}) milk MBh.; (with or scil. {viSasya}) poison Das'. Rjat. [869, 3]; nectar L.; soup, broth L.; a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body, serum, (esp.) the primary juice called chyle (formed from the food and changed by the bile into blood) ib.; mercury, quicksilver (sometimes

regarded as a kind of quintessence of the human body, else where as the seminal fluid of S'iva) Sarvad.; semen virile RV. i, 105, 2; myrrh L.; any mineral or metallic salt Cat.; a metal or mineral in a state of fusion (cf. {upa-}, {mahA-r-}); gold L.; Vanguieria Spinosa L.; a species of amaranth L.; green onion L.; resin L.; = {amRta} L.; taste, flavour (as the principal quality of fluids, of which there are 6 original kinds, viz. {madhura}, sweet; {amla}, sour; {lavaNa}, salt; {kaTuka}, pungent; {tikta}, bitter; and {kaSAya}, astringent; sometimes 63 varieties are distinguished, viz. beside the 6 original ones, 15 mixtures of 2, 20 of 3, 15 of 4, 6 of 5, and 1 of 6 flavours) S'Br. &c. &c.; N. of the number `" six "' VarBriS. S'rutab.; any object of taste, condiment, sauce, spice, seasoning MBh. Kv. &c.; the tongue (as the organ of taste) BhP.; taste or inclination or fondness for (loc. with or scil. {upari}, or comp.), love, affection, desire MBh. Kv. &c.; charm pleasure, delight ib.; (in rhet.) the taste or character of a work, the feeling or sentiment prevailing in it (from 8 to 10 Rasas are generally enumerated, viz. {zRGgAra}, love; {vIra}, heroism; {bIbhatsa}, disgust; {raudra}, anger or fury; {hAsya}, mirth; {bhayAnaka}, terror; {karuNa}, pity; {adbhuta}, wonder; {zAnta}, tranquillity or contentment; {vAtsalya}, paternal fondness; the last or last two are sometimes omitted; cf. under {bhAva}) Bhar. Das'ar. Kvya7d. &c.; the prevailing sentiment in human character

Uttarar. Rjat.; (with Vaishnavas) disposition of the heart or mind, religious sentiment (there are 5 Rasas or Ratis forming the 5 degrees of {bhakti} q.v., viz. {zAnti}, {dAsya}, {sAkhya}, {vAtsalya}, and {mAdhurya}) W.; a kind of metre Ping.; N. of the sacred syllable, `" Om, `" S'nkhGri.; the son of a Nishda and a S'anak L.; ({A}) f. see s.v. rasaa * = f. moisture, humidity RV.; N. of a river ib.; a mythical stream supposed to flow round the earth and the atmosphere ib. (Nir. xi, 23); the lower world, hell MBh. Pur. (cf. {-tala}); the earth, ground, soil Kv.; the tongue L.; N. of various plants (Clypea Hernandifolia; Boswellia Thurifera; Panicum Italicum; a vine or grape; = {kAkolI}) L. rasaH = sense of enjoyment ras'anaa *= f. (prob. connected with %{razmi} and %{rAzi} and derived from a lost %{raz}) a rope, cord, strap [869,2]; rein, bridle; girth, girdle, zone (esp. of woman) RV. &c. &c. (also fig. applied to the fingers; cf. Naigh. ii, 5); a ray of light, beam S3a1n3khBr.; the tongue (w.r. for %{rasanA}) L.; (ifc.) girt by, dependent on Hariv. BhP. rasanaM = tongue rasavarjaM = giving up the taste

rasaatmakaH = supplying the juice rasaayanashaastram.h = chemistry rasaala = mango rasika * = mf(%{A})n. tasteful, elegant Bhartr2.; having a discriminating taste, aesthetic Ka1v. Katha1s.; having a taste for or a sense of, fond of, devoted to, delighting in (loc. or comp.) ib. Ra1jat. Sa1h.; sentimental W.; fanciful MW.; lustful ib.; m. a man full of taste or feeling (cf. %{a-r-}); a libertine W.; Ardea Sibirica L.; a horse L.; an elephant L.; unboiled juice of sugar-cane L.; (%{A}) f. see below.\\ rasikA *= f. an emotional wife (cf. comp.); the juice of sugar-cane, molasses L.; curds with sugar and spice L.; chyle L.; the tongue L.; a woman's girdle L. (cf. %{razanA}). rasyaaH = juicy rata = engaged in* mfn. pleased, amused, gratified BhP.; delighting in, intent upon, fond or enamoured of, devoted or attached or addicted or disposed to (loc. instr. or comp.) S'Br. &c. &c.; (ifc.) having sexual intercourse with BhP.; loved, beloved MW.; ({A}) f. N. of the mother of Day MBh.; n.

pleasure, enjoyment, (esp.) enjoyment of love, sexual union, copulation Kv. Var. &c.; the private parts L. rataaH = engaged rathh* = (cf. {raT}) cl. 1. P. {raThati}, to speak Dhtup. ix, 50. ratha = chariot* = 1 m. (4. {R}) `" goer "', a chariot, car, esp. a two-wheeled war-chariot (lighter and swifter than the {anas} q.v.), any vehicle or equipage or carriage (applied also to the vehicles of the gods), waggon, cart RV. &c. &c. (ifc. f. {A}); a warrior, hero, champion MBh. Kaths. BhP.; the body L.; a limb, member, part L.; Calamus Rotang L.; Dalbergia Ougeinensis L.; = {pauruSa} L.; ({I}) f. a small carriage or waggon, cart S'is'. \\ 2 m. ( {ram}) pleasure, joy, delight (cf. {mano-ratha}); affection, love (cf. ne rati * = f. rest, repose VS. S'nkhGri.; pleasure, enjoyment, delight in, fondness for (loc. or comp.; {ratim} with {Ap}, {labh}, {upa-labh}, {adhi-gam}, {vidkR} or {bandh} and loc., `" to find pleasure in "') Up. Mn. MBh. &c.; the pleasure of love, sexual passion or union, amorous enjoyment (often personified as one of the two wives of Kma-deva, together with Prti q.v.) Mn. MBh. &c.; the

pudenda L.; = {rati-gRha}, pleasure-house VarBriS.; N. of the sixth Kala of the Moon Cat.; of an Apsaras MBh.; of the wife of Vibhu (mother of Prithhu-shena) BhP.; of a magical incantation recited over weapons R.; of the letter {n} Up.; of a metre Col. ratii * =f. m. c. for {rati}, the goddess of love MBh. Hariv ratna = precious stones rathaM = the chariot rathottamaM = the finest chariot rathyaa = ? raudra = the sentiment of violence, wrath, rage * = or %{raudra4} mf(%{A} or %{I})n. (fr. %{rudra}) relating or belonging to or coming from Rudra or the Rudras, Rudra-like, violent, impetuous, fierce, wild (%{am} ind.) RV. &c. &c.; bringing or betokening misfortune, inauspicious R. Var.; m. a descendant of Rudra MBh.; a worshipper of Rudra W.; (pl., or sg. with %{gaNa}) a class of evil spirits Hariv.; (scil. %{rasa}) the sentiment of wrath or fury Sa1h. Prata1p.; N. of Yama L.; the cold season of the year, winter L.; a partic. Ketu VarBr2S.; N. of

the 54th year of the Jupiter cycle of 60 years ib.; (pl.) N. of a people MBh.; (also n.) heat, warmth, sunshine L.; (also n. and %{I} f.) N. of the Nakshatra A1rdra1 when under Rudra VarBr2S.; (%{I}) f. N. of Gauri1 L.; one of the 9 Samidhs Gr2ihya1s.; a partic. S3akti Hcat.; (in music.) a partic. S3ruti Sam2gi1t.; a partic. Mu1rchana1 ib.; a species of creeper L.; N. of the Comms. on the Tattva-cinta1man2i-di1dhiti and the Nya1yasiddha7nta-mukta7vali1 by Rudra Bhat2t2a7ca1rya; (with %{megha-mAlA} and %{zAnti}) of two older wks.; n. savageness, fierceness, formidableness Katha1s. Sus3r.; N. of a Lin3ga Cat.; of various Sa1mans A1rshBr. raura (see rora) raurava * = mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{ruru}) coming from or made of the skin of the deer called Ruru Gr2S3rS. MBh. &c. ; fearful L. ; unsteady , dishonest L. ; m. N. of one of the hells Mn. MBh. &c. (personified as husband of Vedana1 and father of Duh2kha Ma1rkP. ; with Buddhists , one of the 8 hot hells Dharmas. 121) ; N. of the fifth Kalpa (q.v.) ; a savage , monster W. ; n. the fruit of the Ruru tree g. %{plakSA7di} ; N. of various Sa1mans A1rshBr. rava* = roar, yell, cry, howl

ravi = a name of Sun; ravi m. (accord. to Un. iv, 138 Sch. fr. 1. {ru}) a partic. form of the sun (sometimes regarded as one of the 12 dityas; hence {ravi} is also a N. of the number `" twelve "') Var. Hariv. &c.; the sun (in general) or the sun-god, Mn. MBh. &c.; = {ravidina}, Sunday Inscr.; Calotropis Gigantea L.; a mountain L.; N. of a Sauvraka MBh.; of a son of Dhriita-rshthra ib.; of the author of a Comm. on the Kvya-praks'a Cat.; of the author of the Horpraks'a ib.; the right canal for the passage of the vital air (?) W. raviH = the sun ravivaara = Sunday raya* = m. ( {rI}) the stream of a river, current MBh. Kv. &c. [868, 3]; quick motion, speed, swiftness ({eNa} and {At} ind. quickly, immediately, straightway) Kv. Pur.; course (cf. {saMvatsarar-}); impetuosity, vehemence, ardour, zeal, S'is. BhP.; N. of a son of Pur-ravas BhP.; of another king Cat. recaka= outbreathing* = exhaling btrbh}), clever, skilful, inventive, prudent (said of Indra, Agni, and the dityas RV.; also of property or wealth RV. iv, 37, 5; viii, 93, 34; of an arrow AV. i, 2, 3); ({us}) m. an artist, one who works in iron, a smith, builder

(of carriages &c.)N. of three semi-divine beings (Riibhu, Vja, and Vibhvan, the name of the first being applied to all of them; thought by some to represent the three seasons of the year [Ludwig RV. vol. iii, p. 187], and celebrated for their skill as artists; they are supposed to dwell in the solar sphere, and are the artists who formed the horses of Indra, the carriage of the As'vins, and the miraculous cow of Briihaspati; they made their parents young, and performed other wonderful works [Sv-apas]; they are supposed to take their ease and remain idle for twelve days [the twelve intercalary days of the winter solstice] every year in the house of the Sun [Agohya]; after which they recommence working; when the gods heard of their skill, they sent Agni to them with the one cup of their rival Tvashthrii, the artificer of the gods, bidding the Riibhus construct four cups from it; when they had successfully executed this task, the gods received the Riibhus amongst themselves and allowed them to partake of their sacrifices &c.; cf. Kaegi RV. p. 53 f.) RV. AV. &c.; they appear generally as accompanying Indra, especially at the evening sacrifice; in later mythology Riibhu is a son of Brahman VP.; a deity L.; ({avas}) m. a class of deities; [cf. Gk. $; Lat. {labor}; Goth. &70848[226, 2] {arb-aiths}; Angl. Sax. $; Slav. {rab-u8}.] rekhaa = line

reta = semen reta* = {retas}, semen virile L retas * = n. ( %{ri} , %{rI}) a flow , stream , current , flow of rain or water , libation RV. AV. ; flow of semen , seminal fluid , sperm , seed RV. &c. &c. (%{retaH-sic} or %{ni-sic} or %{A-dhA} with loc. , `" to discharge semen into "' , intpregnate ; %{reto-dhA} A. , to conceive ; %{retaso@'nte} , after the discharge of ssemen) ; offspring , progeny , descendants TS. S3Br. ; quicksilver (regirded as S3iva's semen) L. ; water L. ; sin (?) Sa1y. on RV. iv , 3 , 7. retasa* (ifc.) = {retas} (cf. {agni-} and {kapota-r-}). revati = Twenty-seventh nakshatra ri * = 3 (for %{RSabha}), the second note of the Hindu1 gamut. rii * = 1 or %{ri} (cf. %{li}) cl. 9. P. (Dha1tup. xxxi, 30) %{riNA4ti} cl. 4. P. (Dha1tup. xxvi, 29) %{rI4yate} (%{riNIte} RV. Br. Gr2S3rS.; %{riyati} Dha1tup. xxviii, 111; impf. %{ariNvan} MaitrS.; Gr.pf. %{rirAya}, %{rirye}; aor. %{araiSIt}, %{areSTa}; fut. %{retA}; %{reSyati}, %{-te}; inf. %{retum}), to release, set free, let go RV.; to sever,

detach from (abl.) ib.; to yield, bestow AV.; (A1.) to be shattered or dissolved, melt, become fluid, drop, flow RV.: Caus. %{repayati} (aor. %{arIripat}) Gr.: Desid. %{rirISati}, %{-te} ib.: Intens, %{rerIyate}, %{rerayIti} ib. richaH = the Rig Veda rica* = ifc. = 2. {R4c}, verse, sacred verse (cf. {tryRca}, &c.); m. N. of a king VP. richchhati = one attains riddhi* f. increase, growth, prosperity, success, good fortune, wealth, abundance VS. TS. S'Br. s'vGri. &c. (personified as Kuvera's wife MBh. Hariv.); accomplishment, perfection, supernatural power BhP. Lalit. &c.; magic; a kind of medicinal plant Bhpr. Car.; N. of Prvat L.; of Lakshm L. riitaM = truth riitiH = procedure/practice/custom rijuH = (adj) straight Rjubuddhi * = or mfn. of honest mind, sincere R. Dhu1rtas.


riNa = debt ritaM = truth rita * =mf(%{A})n. met with, afflicted by (with instr.) TS. v; proper, right, fit, apt, suitable, able, brave, honest RV. VS. xvii, 82; true MBh. BhP. Mn. viii, 82; 87 Bhag. &c.; worshipped, respected L.; enlightened, luminous L.; m. N. of a Rudra MBh.; of a son of Manu Ca1kshusha BhP. iv, 13, 16; of a son of Vijaya VP.; (%{am}) n. fixed or settled order, law, rule (esp. in religion); sacred or pious action or custom, divine law, faith, divine truth (these meanings are given by BRD. and are generally more to be accepted than those of native authorities and marked L. below) RV. AV. VS. S3Br. &c. [223,3]; truth in general, righteousness, right RV. AV. MBh. Mn. viii, 61; 104 Pan5cat. &c.; figuratively said of gleaning (as the right means of a Bra1hman's obtaining a livelihood as opposed to agriculture, which is %{anRta}) Mn. iv, 4 ff.; promise, oath, vow Ta1n2d2yaBr. La1t2y.; truth personified (as an object of worship, and hence enumerated among the sacred objects in the Nir.); water L.; sacrifice L.; a particular sacrifice L.; the sun L.; wealth L.; (%{a4m}) ind. right, duly, properly, expressly, very RV. BhP.; (%{Rtam} %{i}, to go the right way, be pious or virtuous RV.); (%{e4na}) ind. right, duly, properly, regularly,

lawfully, according to usage or right RV. AV.; truly, sincerely, indeed RV. MBh. i. rita * = %{Rti}, %{Rtu} see p. 223, col. 2 - p. 224, col. 1. ritu = season rituunaaM = of all seasons rite = without, except for riddhaM = prosperous riddham.h = enriched rik.h = the Rg Veda rikshaa * = f. a nit (= {likSA}) L.; a mote in a sunbeam W. \\ V: the excact time riksha (RkSa)* =1 mfn. (etym. doubtful) bald, bare TS. MaitrS.\\= 2 mfn. (2. %{RS} Un2. iii, 66; 67; probably fr. %{Rz}), hurting, pernicious RV. viii, 24, 27; m. a bear (as a ravenous beast) RV. v, 56, 3 VS. xxiv, 36 Mn. Sus3r. &c.; a species of ape Katha1s.; Bignonia Indica L.; N. of several men RV. viii, 68, 15 MBh. &c.; of a mountain VP. MBh.; (ifc.) the best or most excellent L.; (%{As}) m. pl. the

seven stars, the Pleiades, the seven R2ishis RV. i, 24, 10 S3Br. ii TA1r.; (%{A}) f. N. of a wife of Ajami1d2ha MBh. i; of a woman in the retinue of Skanda MBh. ix; (%{I}) f. a female bear MBh. R. Katha1s.; m. and (%{am}) n. a star, constellation, lunar mansion Mn. MBh. R. &c.; (%{am}) n. the twelfth part of the ecliptic; the particular star under which a person happens to be born VarBr2S. Su1ryas. &c.; [cf. Gk. $; Lat. {ursus}; Lith. {loky-s} for &70306[224,3] {olkys}.]\\ = 3 mfn. cut, pierced L. ringati = to crawl ripavaH = enemies ripu = Enemy ripuH = enemy rishi* = m. (2. {RS} Comm. on Un. iv, 119; {RSati jJAnena saMsAra-pAram} T.; perhaps fr. an obsolete {RS} for {dRz}, `" to see ? "' cf. {RSi-kRt}), a singer of sacred hymns, an inspired poet or sage, any person who alone or with others invokes the deities in rhythmical speech or song of a sacred character (e.g. the ancient hymn-singers Kutsa, Atri, Rebha, Agastya, Kus'ika, Vasishthha, Vyas'va) RV. AV. VS. &c.; the Riishis were regarded

by later generations as patriarchal sages or saints, occupying the same position in India history as the heroes and patriarchs of other countries, and constitute a peculiar class of beings in the early mythical system, as distinct from gods, men, Asuras, &c. AV. x, 10, 26 S'Br. AitBr. KtySr. Mn. &c.; they are the authors or rather seers of the Vedic hymns i.e. according to orthodox Hind ideas they are the inspired personages to whom these hymns were revealed, and such an expression as `" the Riishi says "' is equivalent to `" so it stands in the sacred text "' [227,1]; seven Riishis, {sapta RSayaH}, or {saptaRSayaH} or {saptarSayaH}, are often mentioned in the Brhmanas and later works as typical representatives of the character and spirit of the pre-historic or mythical period; in S'Br. xiv, 5, 2, 6 their names are given as follows, Gotama, Bharadvja, Vis'v-mitra, Jamadagni, Vasishthha, Kas'yapa, and Atri; in MBh. xii, Marci, Atri, Angiras, Pulaha, Kratu, Pulastya, Vasishthha are given as the names of the Riishis of the first Manvantara, and they are also called Prajpatis or patriarchs; the names of the Riishis of the subsequent Manv-antaras are enumerated in Hariv. 417 ff.; afterwards three other names are added, viz. Pracetas or Daksha, Bhriigu, and Nrada, these ten being created by Manu Svyambhuva for the production of all other beings including gods and men s'vS'r. MBh. VP. &c.; in

astron. the seven Riishis form the constellation of `" the Great Bear RV. x, 82, 2 AV. vi, 40, 1 S'Br. s'vGri. MBh. &c.; (metaphorically the seven Riishis may stand for the seven senses or the seven vital airs of the body VS. xxxiv S'Br. xiv KtyS'r.); a saint or sanctified sage in general, an ascetic, anchorite (this is a later sense; sometimes three orders of these are enumerated, viz. Devarshis, Brahmarshis, and Rjarshis; sometimes seven, four others being added, viz. Maharshis, Paramarshis, S'rutarshis, and Kndarshis) Mn. iv, 94; xi, 236 S'ak. Ragh. &c.; the seventh of the eight degrees of Brhmans Hcat.; a hymn or Mantra composed by a Riishi; the Veda Comm. on MBh. and Pat.; a symbolical expression for the number seven; the moon; an imaginary circle; a ray of light L.; the fish Cyprinus Rishi L.; [cf. Hib. {arsan}, `" a sage, a man old in wisdom "'; {arrach}, `" old, ancient, aged. "'], rishhayaH = those who are active within rishhiH = the sage rishhin.h = great sages rishhibhiH = by the wise sages rishtha *= 1 mfn. (for 2. see below) torn off,

broken, injured RV. AV.// 2 riSTa 2 mfn. hurt, injured wounded (cf. %{a4riSTa} and 1. %{riSTa}); failed, miscarried S3Br.; m. a sword L. (cf. %{riSTi}); Sapindus Detergens L. (cf. %{a-riSTa}); N. of a Daitya Hariv.; of a king MBh.; of a son of Manu Ma1rkP. [881,2]; (%{A}) f. N. of the mother of the Apsarases ib. (prob. w.r. for %{a-riSTA}); n. misfortune, calamity VarBr2S. Sch.; a bad omen Sus3r.; good luck, fortune L. rita: real, true, not false, rita *= {A})n. met with, afflicted by (with instr.) TS. v; proper, right, fit, apt, suitable, able, brave, honest RV. VS. xvii, 82; true MBh. BhP. Mn. viii, 82; 87 Bhag. &c.; worshipped, respected L.; enlightened, luminous L.; m. N. of a Rudra MBh.; of a son of Manu Ckshusha BhP. iv, 13, 16; of a son of Vijaya VP.; ({am}) n. fixed or settled order, law, rule (esp. in religion); sacred or pious action or custom, divine law, faith, divine truth (these meanings are given by BRD. and are generally more to be accepted than those of native authorities and marked L. below) RV. AV. VS. S'Br. &c. [223, 3]; truth in general, righteousness, right RV. AV. MBh. Mn. viii, 61; 104 Pacat. &c.; figuratively said of gleaning (as the right means of a Brhmas obtaining a livelihood as opposed to agriculture, which is {anRta}) Mn. iv, 4 ff.;

promise, oath, vow TndyaBr. Lthy.; truth personified (as an object of worship, and hence enumerated among the sacred objects in the Nir.); water L.; sacrifice L.; a particular sacrifice L.; the sun L.; wealth L.; ({a4m}) ind. right, duly, properly, expressly, very RV. BhP.; ({Rtam} {i}, to go the right way, be pious or virtuous RV.); ({e4na}) ind. right, duly, properly, regularly, lawfully, according to usage or right RV. AV.; truly, sincerely, indeed RV. MBh. i. ritasatya* = {e} n. du. right and truth S'Br. xi. ritasad* = mfn. seated or dwelling in truth [BRD.] RV. iv, 40, 5 TS. iii; (seated at sacrifice Sy.) ritasap* = (in strong forms {-sA4p}) mfn. connected with or performing worship or pious works (as men), connected with or accepting worship or religious acts (as gods) RV. ritasaata* = mfn. filled with truth or righteousness AV. xviii, 2, 15. ritasaaman* = n. N. of a Sman rshBr. ritasadanii* = f. the right or proper seat VS. iv, 36. ritasap* = (in strong forms {-sA4p}) mfn.

connected with or performing worship or pious works (as men), connected with or accepting worship or religious acts (as gods) RV. ritaashah* = {SAT} mfn. maintaining the sacred law VS. xviii, 38 TS. iii, 4, 7 mfn. seated or dwelling in truth [BRD.] RV. iv, 40, 5 TS. iii; (seated at sacrifice Sy.) ritasena* = m. N. of a Gandharva BhP. ritastubh* = m. `" praising properly or duly "'N. of a Riishi RV. i, 112, 20. ritasthA* = mfn. standing right AV. iv, 1, 4. ritaspati* = (voc. {Rtaspate}) m. lord of pious works (as sacrifice &c. [224, 1]; N. of Vyu) RV. viii, 26, 21. ritaspris'* = mfn. connected with pious works or worship RV. v, 67, 4 (N. of the dityas); i, 2, 80; iv, 50, 3 (N. of Mitra-varuna); (touching water Sy.) ritASah* = {SAT} mfn. maintaining the sacred law VS. xviii, 38 TS. iii, 4, 7 ritu * = m. (Un2. i, 72) any settled point of time, fixed time, time appointed for any action (esp. for

sacrifices and other regular worship), right or fit time RV. AV. VS.; an epoch, period (esp. a division or part of the year), season (the number of the divisions of the year is in ancient times, three, five, six, seven, twelve, thirteen, and twenty-four; in later time six seasons are enumerated, viz. Vasanta, `" spring "'; Gri1shma, `" the hot season "'; Varsha1s (f. nom. pl.), `" the rainy season "' S3arad, `" autumn "'; Hemanta, `" winter "'; and S3is3ira, `" the cool season "'; the seasons are not unfrequently personified, addressed in Mantras, and worshipped by libations) RV. AV. VS. &c. MBh. Mn. &c.; symbolical expression for the number six VarBr2S. Su1ryas. &c.; the menstrual discharge (in women), the time after the courses (favourable for procreation; according to Bhpr. sixteen days after their appearance) Sus3r. MBh. Mn. &c.; sexual union at the above time Mn. ix, 93 MBh.; fixed order, order, rule [BRD.] RV. i, 162, 19; light, splendour L.; a particular mineral L.; N. of a R2ishi; of the twelfth Manu. rohiNii * = f. (f. of {rohita}, `" red "', below; also f. of {rohin} above) a red cow or [later] any cow (represented as a daughter of Surabhi and mother of cattle, esp. of Kma-dhenu, `" cow of plenty "'; in the Veda, Rohin may perhaps also mean `" a red mare "') RV. &c. &c.; N. of the ninth Nakshatra or lunar asterism and of the lunar day belonging to it

(in this sense it may optionally have the accent on the last syllable; it is personified as a daughter of Daksha, and as the favourite wife of the Moon, called `" the Red one "' from the colour of the star Aldebaran or principal star in the constellation which contains 5 stars, prob. $, $, $, $, $, Tauri, and is figured by a wheeled vehicle or sometimes by a temple or fish; it is exceptionally pl., and in TS. and TBr. there are 2 Nakshatras of this name; it may also be used as an adj. and mean `" born under the Nakshatra Rohin "' Pn. 4-3, 34 Vrtt. 1); lightning L.; a young girl (in whom menstruation has just commenced; others `" a girl nine years of age "') Griihys. Pacat.; N. of various plants Sus'r. Bhpr. (= Helleborus Niger; Acacia Arabica; Gmelina Arborea &c. L.); inflammation of the throat (of various kinds) Sus'r.; (in music) a partic. S'ruti Sangt.; a partic. Mrchan ib.; a kind of steel L.; N. of two wives of Vasudeva and the mother of Bala-rma MBh. Pur.; of a wife of Kriishna Hariv.; of the wife of Mah-deva Pur.; of a daughter of Hiranya-kas'ipu MBh.; of one of the 16 Vidy-devs L.; of a river VP. roga = disease rogii = patient, ill or sick person rocate = (1 ap) to like

rocanam V*= pleasing. inducement, enticement rocana* = mf({I} or {A})n. bright, shining, radiant AV. Br. GriS. MBh. Hariv.; giving pleasure or satisfaction, pleasant, charming, lovely Bhathth. BhP.; sharpening or stimulating the appetite, stomachic Sus'r. [889,1]; m. N. of various plants (Andersonia Rohitika; Alangium Hexapetalum; the pomegranate tree &c.) L.; apartic. yellow pigment (v.l. for {rocanA}) MBh. (C.); a stomachic W.; N. of a demon presiding over a partic. disease Hariv.; of one of the 5 arrows of the god of love (`" exciter "') Cat.; of a son of Vishnu by Dakshin BhP.; of Indra under Manu Svrocisha ib.; of one of the Vis've Devh VP.; of a mountain MrkP.; ({A4}) and ({I}) f. see below; n. light, brightness, (esp.) the bright sky, firmament, luminous sphere (of which there are said to be three; cf. under {rajas}) RV. AV. Br. (in this sense sometimes {A}, f.); pl. lights, stars AV.; (ifc.) the causing a desire for BhP.; ({ruci-ruce r-}) N. of a Sman rshBr. rocanaa* =1 f. the bright sky or luminous sphere (= {rocana}, m.) AV. TBr.; a partic. yellow pigment (commonly called {go-rocanA}) Mn. Yj. MBh. Sus'r.; a handsome woman L.; a red lotusflower L.; bamboo manna or Tabshr L.; dark S'lmali L.; N. of a wife of Vasu-deva BhP.; of a Sura7ngan Sinha7s.

roci m* = f. light, a beam, ray Hariv. Ma1rkP. rocis* =n. light, lustre, brightness RV. &c. &c.; grace, loveliness BhP. rociSa* =m. (fr. %{rocis}) N. of a son of Vibha1vasu by Ushas BhP. rociSmat* =mfn. (fr. %{rocis} + %{mat}) possessing or giving light Hariv.; m. N. of a son of Manu Sva1rocisha BhP. rociSNu* =mfn. shining, bright, brilliant, splendid, gay VS. &c. &c.; giving an appetite, stomachic Sus3r. rociSNumukha* =mfn. having a bright countenance MW. rocanaa* =2 ind. (in {rocanA-kR} ind. p. {-kRtvA} or {-kRtya}) g. {sAkSAd-Adi roditi = to cry rodhaka* = mfn. stopping, holding back, restraining, shutting up, besieging, blockading Kv. rodhas* = n. a bank, embankment, dam, mound, wall, shore RV. &c. &c.; a mountain slope R. Hariv.;

the steep wall or bank (of a cloud) Kaths.; the brink (of a well) BhP.; the flank, side, a womas hips BhP. (cf. {taTa}). rodhasvat* = ({ro4dhas-}) mfn. having high banks RV.; ({atI}) f. N. of a river BhP. rodhana* = 1 see 2. {ava-} {ud-}, {-pra-r-}. rodhana* = 2 mf({I})n. (for 1. see above, col. 1) obstructing, impeding, being an obstacle or hindrance W.; m. the planet Mercury L.; ({A}) f. a dam, bank, wall (= {rodhas}) RV. ii, 13, 10; ({ro4-}) n. shutting up, confinement RV. BhP.; stopping, restraining, checking, preventing, impeding Kv. Pur. rodha* = (ifc.) sprouting, growing &c. (cf. 2. {avarodha} and {nyag-r-}); m. growing, ascending, moving upwards (cf. next). rodha* = 2 m. (for 1. see above, col. 1) the act of stopping, checking, obstructing, impeding; suppressing, preventing, confining, surrounding, investing, besieging, blockading MBh. Kv. &c.; obstruction of the bowels, costiveness Car.; attacking, making war upon (gen.) R.; a dam, bank, shore Rjat. Sus'r. (cf. {rodhas}); an arrow L.; a partic. hell VP.; N. of a man g. {zivA7di}.

rodha* = 1 {rodhana}. see p. 884, col. 1. rodha* = 2 {rodhaka} &c. see p. 884, col. 2. romaharshhaH = standing of hair on end romaharshhaNaM = making the hair stand on end rohaNa * = m. N. of a mountain (Adam's Peak in Ceylon) Ra1jat. [890,2] ; (%{I}) f. a medicine for healing or cicatrizing AV. ; n. a means of ascending RV. ; the act of mounting or ascending or riding or sitting or standing on (comp.) Ya1jn5. ; the putting or fastening on (of a bowstring) Cat. ; the growing over , healing (of a wound ; cf. %{kSata-r-}) MBh. ; the proceeding from , consisting of Va1s. Sa1h. ; semen virile L. rohanta * = m. a partic. tree (others `" any tree "') L. ; (%{I}) f. a partic. creeper (others `" any creeper "') L. rohati = (1 pp) to grow rohiNii = Fourth nakshatra rora (raura) *= 1 m. a partic. part of the body MaitrS. (du.) VS. (= %{aMsa-granthi} , Mahidh.)\\2 or %{raura} m. a worker , labourer (?)

HParis3. roravaNa *= &c. see s.v.\\ n. (fr. Intens. of 1. %{ru}) a loud roaring or bellowing Nir. ru = light ruchiH = taste; flavour rud.h = to cry rudatha* = m. (only L.) a child, pupil, scholar; a dog; a cock. rudana* = n. the act of crying, weeping, lamentation Hariv. rudantikA* = and f. `" weeper "'N. of a species of small succulent plant (= {amRta-sravA}) L. rudantI* = f. `" weeper "'N. of a species of small succulent plant (= {amRta-sravA}) L. rudita* = mfn. wept, lamented MBh. Kv. &c. weeping, crying, lamenting ib.; wet with tears MBh.; n. weeping, crying, lamentation Kv. VarBriS. Kaths. &c. ruddha * = mfn. obstructed, checked, stopped,

suppressed, kept back, withheld RV. &c. &c.; shut, closed, covered MBh. Ka1v. &c.; invested, besieged, blockaded R. Pan5cat.; secured, held, taken possession of Ka1v. BhP.; obstructed in its effect, ineffectual (as a spell) Sarvad.; (%{A}) f. a siege W.; (prob.) n. N. of a town Cat. rud.hdhvaa = checking rudra = a form of Shiva\\* = mfn. (prob.) crying, howling, roaring, dreadful, terrific, terrible, horrible (applied to the As'vins, Agni, Indra, Mitra, Varuna, and the {spa4zaH}) RV. AV. (accord. to others `" red, shining, glittering "', fr. a {rud} or {rudh} connected with {rudhira}; others `" strong, having or bestowing strength or power "', fr. a {rud} = {vRd}, {vRdh}; native authorities give also the following meanings, `" driving away evil "'; `" running about and roaring "', fr. {ru} + {dra} = 2. {dru}; `" praiseworthy, to be praised "'; `" a praiser, worshipper "' = {stotR} Naigh. iii, 16); m. `" Roarer or Howler "'N. of the god of tempests and father and ruler of the Rudras and Maruts (in the Veda he is closely connected with Indra and still more with Agni, the god of fire, which, as a destroying agent, rages and crackles like the roaring storm, and also with Kla or Time the allconsumer, with whom he is afterwards identified; though generally represented as a destroying deity,

whose terrible shafts bring death or disease on men and cattle, he has also the epithet {ziva}, `" benevolent "' or `" auspicious "', and is even supposed to possess healing powers from his chasing away vapours and purifying the atmosphere; in the later mythology the word {ziva}, which does not occur as a {name} in the Veda, was employed, first as an euphemistic epithet and then as a real name for Rudra, who lost his special connection with storms and developed into a form of the disintegrating and reintegrating principle; while a new class of beings, described as eleven [or thirty-three] in number, though still called Rudras, took the place of the original Rudras or Maruts: in VP. i, 7, Rudra is said to have sprung from Brahm's forehead, and to have afterwards separated himself into a figure half male and half female, the former portion separating again into the 11 Rudras, hence these later Rudras are sometimes regarded as inferior manifestations of S'iva, and most of their names, which are variously given in the different Purnas, are also names of S'iva [883, 2]; those of the VyuP. are Ajai9kapad, Ahir-budhnya, Hara, Nirriita, s'vara, Bhuvana, Angraka, Ardha-ketu, Mriityu, Sarpa, Kaplin; accord. to others the Rudras are represented as children of Kas'yapa and Surabhi or of Brahm and Surabhi or of Bhta and Su-rp; accord. to VP. i, 8, Rudra is one of the 8 forms of S'iva; elsewhere he is reckoned among the Dik-plas as regent of

the north-east quarter) RV. &c. &c. (cf. RTL. 75 &c.); N. of the number `" eleven "' (from the 11 Rudras) VarBriS.; the eleventh Cat.; (in astrol.) N. of the first Muhrta; (in music) of a kind of stringed instrument (cf. {rudrI} and {rudravINA}); of the letter {e} Up.; of various men Kaths. Rjat.; of various teachers and authors (also with {AcArya}, {kavi}, {bhaTTa}, {zarman}, {sUri} &c.) Cat.; of a king Buddh.; du. (incorrect acc. to Vm. v, 2, 1) Rudra and Rudrni (cf. also {bhavA-r-} and {somA-rudra}); pl. the Rudras or sons of Rudra (sometimes identified with or distinguished from the Maruts who are 11 or 33 in number) RV. &c. &c.; an abbreviated N. for the texts or hymns addressed to Rudra GriS'rS. Gaut. Vas. (cf. {rudra-japa}); of a people (v.l. {puNDra}) VP.; ({A}) f. a species of creeping plant L.; N. of a wife of Vasu-deva VyuP.; of a daughter of Raudrs'va (v.l. {bhadrA}) VP.; pl. a hundred heatmaking suns "' rays L.; ({I}) f. a kind of lute or guitar L. (cf. m. and {rudra-vINA}). rudraaksha* = m. `" RRudra-eyed "', Elaeocarpus Ganitrus or its berry (used for rosaries) W. (cf. RTL. 67, 82); a rosary (gender doubtful) Rjat.; N. of an Upanishad (gender ddoubtful); {-kalpa} m. {-dhAraNa} n. {-parI7kSA} f. N. of wks.; {-mAlA} (Hcar.) or {-mAlikA} (Kd.) f. a rosary; {mAhAtmya} n. {-ya-varNana} n. N. of wks.; {1746

valaya} m. or n. (?) a rosary Kd.; {-So7paniSad} (f. N. of an Upanishad. rudraH = the Destroying God rudraaNaaM = of all the Rudras rudraan.h = the eleven forms of Rudra rudh.h = to stop, control rudhira = blood rupaM = beauty rupita* = see {A4-ropita}. rush* = 1 (cf. %{ruz}) cl. 1. 4. P. (Dha1tup., xvii, 42; xxvi, 120) %{roSati} or %{ruSyati} (rarely %{-te}, and %{ruSati}, cf. %{ruSat}; Gr. also pf. %{ruroSa}; aor. %{aruSat} or %{aroSIt}; fut. %{roSitA}, %{roSTA}; %{roSiSyati}; inf. %{roSitum} or %{roSTum}; ind. p. %{ruSya} MBh.), to hurt, injure, kill (%{hiMsAyAm}) Dha1tup.; (cl. 1.) to be hurt or offended by, take offence (acc.) RV. viii, 99, 4; to displease, be disagreeable to (gen.) ib. viii, 4, 8 AitBr. iv, 10 (cf. %{ruSat} and 1. %{ruzat}); (cl. 4.) to be vexed or cross, be angry with (gen.) MBh. R. &c.: Caus. (or

cl. 10. Dha1tup. xxxii, 131) %{roSayati}, %{-te} (aor. %{arUruSat}; Pass. %{roSyate}), to vex, annoy, displease, irritate, exasperate MBh. Ka1v. &c.; to be furious or angry DivyA7v.: Desid. %{ruruSiSati}, %{ruroSiSati} Gr.: Intens. %{roruSyate}, %{roroSTi} ib. [Cf. Gk. $ &c.] &268111[885,1] rush* = 2 f. (nom. %{ruT} Siddh.) anger, westh, rage, fury, passion MBh. Ka1v. &c. rushaa* = f. = 2. %{ruS} (mostly ifc.) rus'at * = 1 mf(%{a4ntI} or %{atI})n. cropping, browsing on AV. iv, 21, 7 (RV. %{riza4ntI}); hurting, injuring, mortifying, detestable, disagreeable AV. Kaus3. MBh. (v.l. %{ruSat}) BhP. 10\\2 mf(%{atI})n. (cf. 1. %{ruc}) brilliant, shining, bright, white RV. rukma * m. `" what is bright or radiant "', an ornament of gold, golden chain or disc RV. AV. (here n.) VS. Br. S'rS.; Mesua Roxburghii L.; the thorn-apple L.; N. of a son of Rucaka BhP.; n. gold L.; iron L.; a kind of collyrium L. ruksha = dry ruksha * =1 m. (prob.) a tree (cf. {vRkSa}) RV. vi, 3,

7. ruksha * = 2 w.r. for {rUkSa} q.v. ruuksha4 * = 1 mf({A})n. (prob. fr. {rUS}; cf. 2. {rukSa}) rough, dry, arid, dreary S'Br. &c. &c.; emaciated, thin Sus'r.; rough to the taste, astringent MBh. Sus'r.; not greasy or oily (as food or medicine) Kaths. Sus'r.; hard, harsh, unkind, cruel (as a person or speech) MBh. Kv. &c.; unpleasant, disagreeable, not soft (to the sight, smell &c.) ib.; dismal (as a house) Pacat.; soiled, smeared, dirtied R. Mudr.; having the smell of an elephant in rut L.; m. hardness, harshness L.; the smell of the rut of an elephant L.; a kind of grass (= {varaka}) L.; ({A}) f. Croton Polyandrum or Tiglium L.; n. a good kind of iron L.; the thick part of curds L. ruuksha * = 2 m. (prob. for Prkriit {rukkha} = {vRkSa}) a tree L. ruusha * rUSa m. bitter and sour taste L.; mf({A})n. bitter and sour L. (cf. {rUkSa}). rusaa * =f. = 2. {ruS} (mostly ifc.) ruupa = beautiful form


ruupaM = beaut ruupamaishvaraM = universal form ruupasa.npannau = (two)persons endowed with beautiful appearance ruupasya = form ruupaaNi = forms ruupeNa = form ruupin * = mf(%{iNI})n. having or assuming a partic. form or figure, embodied, corporeal MBh. Ka1v. &c.; having a beautiful form or figure, wellshaped, handsome, beautiful S3Br. &c. &c.; (ifc.) having the form or nature or character of, characterised by, appearing as MBh. Ka1v. &c. ruupita* = mfn. formed, represented, exhibited, imagined Kv. Sarvad rus'at ('us'atii') 1 mf(%{a4ntI} or %{atI})n. cropping, browsing on AV. iv, 21, 7 (RV. %{riza4ntI}); hurting, injuring, mortifying, detestable, disagreeable AV. Kaus3. MBh. (v.l. %{ruSat}) BhP.\\ 2 mf(%{atI})n. (cf. 1. %{ruc}) brilliant, shining, bright, white RV.

S sa = he * = 1 the last of the three sibilants (it belongs to the dental class and in sound corresponds to %{s} in %{sin}). -1. 5 sa 2 (in prosody) an anapest ($-). -2. 6 sa 3 (in music) an abbreviated term for %{SaD-ja} (see p. 1109, col. 2). 7 sa 4 (only L.) m. a snake; air, wind; a bird; N. of Vishn2u or S3iva; (%{A}) f. N. of Lakshmi or Gauri1; n. knowledge; meditation; a carriage road; a fence. 8 sa 5 mfn. (fr. %{san}) procuring, bestowing (only ifc.; cf. %{palu-Sa4} and %{priya-sa4}). 9 sa 6 the actual base for the nom. case of the 3rd pers. pron. %{ta4d} q.v. (occurring only in the nom. sg. mf. [%{sa4} or %{sa4s}, %{sA}], and in the Ved. loc. [%{sa4smin} RV. i, 152, 6; i, 174, 4; x, 95, 11]; the final %{s} of the nom. m. is dropped before all consonants [except before %{p} in RV. v, 2, 4, and before %{t} in RV. viii, 33, 16] and appears only at the end of a sentence in the form of Visarga; %{sa} occasionally blends with another vowel [as in %{saI7SaH}]; and it is often for emphasis connected with another pron. as with %{aham}, %{tvam}, %{eSa}, %{ayam} &c. [e.g. %{so@'ham} %{sa@tvam}, `" I (or thou) that very person "'; cf. under %{ta4d}, p. 434], the verb then following in the 1st and 2nd pers. even if %{aham} or %{tvam} be omitted [e.g. %{sa} %{tvA@pRcchAmi} `" I that very person ask

you "' Br2A1rUp.; %{sa} %{vai@no@brUhi} `" do thou tell us "' S3Br.]; similarly, to denote emphasis, with %{bhavAn} [e.g. %{sa@bhavAn@vijayAya@pratiSThatAm}, `" let your Highness set out for victory "' S3ak.]; it sometimes [and frequently in the Bra1hman2as] stands as the first word of a sentence preceding a rel. pronoun or adv. such as %{ya}, %{yad}, %{yadi}, %{yathA}, %{ce7d}; in this position %{sa} may be used pleonastically or as a kind of ind., even where another gender or number is required [e.g. %{sa@yadi} %{sthAvarA@Apo@bhananti}, `" if those waters are stagnant "' S3Br.]; in the Sa1m2khya %{sa}, like %{eSa}, %{ka}, and %{ya}, is used to denote Purusha, `" the Universal Soul "') RV. &c. &c. [Cf. Zd. {ha1}, {hA}; Gk. $, $.] &336305[1111,2] 10 sa 7 ind. (connected with %{saha}, %{sam}, %{sama}, and occasionally in BhP. standing for %{saha} with instr.) an inseparable prefix expressing `" junction "', `" conjunction "', `" possession "' (as opp. to %{a} priv.), `" similarity "', `" equality "'; and when compounded with nouns to form adjectives and adverbs it may be translated by `" with "', `" together or along with "', `" accompanied by "', `" added to "', `" having "', `" possessing "', `" containing "', `" having the same "' [cf. %{sa-kopa}, %{sA7gni}, %{sa-bhAya}, %{sa-droNa}, %{sadharman}, %{sa-varNa}]; or it may = `" ly "', as in %{sa-kopam}, `" angrily "', %{so7padhi}, `"

fraudulently "') RV. &c. &c. [Cf. Gk. {a4} in $; Lat. {sim} in {simplex}; &336323[1111,2] {sem} in {semel}, {semper} Eng. {same}.] Sa 1 the second of the three sibilants (it belongs to the cerebral class, and is sometimes substituted for %{s}, and more rarely for %{z}, and occasionally interchangeable with %{kh}; in sound it corresponds to %{S} on the English word {Sun}; many roots which begin with %{s} are written in the Dha1tu-pa1t2ha with %{S}, prob. to show that their initial %{s} is liable to be cerebralized after certain prepositions). 2 Sa 2 mfn. (only L.; for 3. %{Sa} see below) best, excellent; wise, learned; m. loss, destruction; loss of knowledge; end, term; rest, remainder; eternal happiness, final emancipation; heaven, paradise; sleep; a learned man, teacher; a nipple; = %{kaca}; = %{mAnava}; = %{sarva}; = %{garbhavimocana}; n. the embryo; (accord.to some) patience, endurance. 3 Sa 3 mfn. = %{SaS} ifc. (in %{paJca-Sa} q.v.) sa: V: that is, that with this, both along with saa = that is saadhaara* =having a support or basis or foundation


saaDesaati = Saturs transit of the lunar 12, 1, 2 houses. It lasts about 7 1\/2 years and is regarded as problematic for the Native by some Jyotishi. If the sarvaashhTakavarga of the signs in 12th, 1st and 2nd from the Moon have more than 30 points this relieves a lot of the above malefic side-effects. One should also judge the whole chart and see whether there is real malevolence to this transit saadhaka = an aspirant, seeker saadhakaM = means saadhana = instrument * = mf(%{I} or %{A}) jn. leading straight to a goal, guiding well, furthering RV.; effective, efficient, productive of (comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; procuring Ka1v.; conjuring up (a spirit) Katha1s.; denoting, designating, expressive of (comp.) Pa1n2. Sch.; m. N. of the author of RV. x, 157 (having the patr. %{bhauvana}) Anukr.; (%{A}) f. accomplishment, performance (see %{mantra-s}); propitiation, worship, adoration L.; (%{am}) n. (ifc. f. %{A}), the act of mastering, overpowering, subduing Kir. Pan5cat.; subdueing by charms, conjuring up, summoning (spirits &c.) MBh. Katha1s.; subduing a disease, healing, cure Sus3r. MBh. &c.; enforcing payment or recovery (of a debt) Das3.; bringing about, carrying out, accomplishment, fullilment, completion, perfection

Nir. MBh. &c.; establishment of a truth, proof. argument, demonstration Ya1jn5. Sa1h. Sarvad.; reason or premiss (in a syllogism, leading to a conclusion) Mudr. v, 10; any means of effecting or accomplishing, any agent or instrument or implement or utensil or apparatus, an expedient, requisite for (gen. or comp.) Mn. R. &c.; a means of summoning or conjuring up a spirit (or deity) Ka1lac.; means or materials of warfare, military forces, army or portion of an army (sg. and pl.) Hariv. Uttar. Ra1jat.; conflict, battle S3is3.; means of correcting or punishing (as `" a stick "', `" rod "' &c.) TBr. Sch.; means of enjoyment, goods, commodities &c. R.; efficient cause or source (in general) L.; organ of generation (male or female), Sah.; (in gram.) the sense of the instrumental or agent (as expressed by the case of a noun, opp. to the action itself) Pat.; preparing, making ready, preparation (of food, poison &c.) Katha1s. Ma1rkP.; obtaining, procuring, gain, acquisition Ka1v. BhP.; finding out by calculation, computation Gan2it.; fruit, result Pan5cat.; the conjugational affix or suffix which is placed between the root and terminations (= %{vIharaNa} q.v.) Pa1n2. 8-4, 30 Va1rtt. 1; (only L. `" matter, material, substance, ingredient, drug, medicine; good works, penance, self-mortification, attainment of beatitude; conciliation, propitiation, worship; killing, destroying; killing metals, depriving them by oxydation &c. of their metallic properties [esp. said

of mercury]; burning on a funeral pile, obsequies; setting out, proceeding, going; going quickly; going after, following.). saadhaana* = mfn. together with the receptacle S3Br. saadhaaraNa *= mf(%{I} or %{A})n. `" having or resting on the same support or basis "', belonging or applicable to many or all, general, common to all, universal, common to (gen. dat. instr. with and without %{saha}, or comp.) RV. &c. &c.; like, equal or similar to (instr. or comp.) Hariv. Ka1lid.; behaving alike Dhu1rtas.; having something of two opposite properties, occupying a middle position, mean (between two extremes e.g. `" neither too dry nor too wet "', `" neither too cool nor too hot "') Sus3r. Ka1m. VarBr2S.; (in logic) belonging to more than the one instance alleged (one of the three divisions of the fallacy called %{anaikAntika} q.v.); generic W.; m. N. of the 44th (or 18th) year of Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBr2S.; (%{I}) f. a key L.; a twig of bamboo (perhaps used as a bolt) MW.; m. or n. (?) N. of a Nya1ya wk. by Ga1da-dhara; (%{am}) n. something in common, a league or alliance with (comp.) Subh.; a common rule or one generally applicable W.; a generic property, a character common to all the individuals of a species or to all the species of a genus &c. ib.;

(%{am}) ind. commonly, generally L. saadhanaa = practice, a quest saadhayitavya *= mfn. (fr. Caus. of %{sAdh}) to be accomplished or performed Hit. saadhayitR *= mfn. (fr. id.) one who brings about , an accomplisher , performer Nir. saadhvasa * = n. (ifc. f. %{A}; fr. %{sa} + %{dhvasa} = %{dhvaMsa}) consternation, perturbation, alarm, terror, fear of (gen. or comp.; %{-saM-gam}, to become terrified "') MBh. Ka1v. &c.; (in dram.) false alarm, sudden fright, panic (one of the 7 divisions of the Bhan2ika q.v.) Sa1h saadhayet.h = achieves saadharmyaM = same nature saadhibhuuta = and the governing principle of the material manifestation saadhiyaGYaM = and governing all sacrifices saadhu = good man * f. {sAdhvI3} straight, right, good, excellent, virtuous. -- m. a good or honest man; f. {sAdhvI} a. faithful or excellent wife; n. the

good or right, as adv. well, right; bravo! saadhuH = a saint saadhubhaave = in the sense of the nature of the devotee saadhuvRtta * = a. beautifully round (arm) or wellconducted; n. good conduct. saadhus'abda * = Meaning m. cry of good or bravo. saadhus'Ila * = a. having a good character; abstr. {tva} n saadhushhu = unto the pious saadhuunaaM = of the devotees saadhvasa * = n. (ifc. f. %{A}; fr. %{sa} + %{dhvasa} = %{dhvaMsa}) consternation, perturbation, alarm, terror, fear of (gen. or comp.; %{-saM-gam}, to become terrified "') MBh. Ka1v. &c.; (in dram.) false alarm, sudden fright, panic (one of the 7 divisions of the Bhan2ika q.v.) Sa1h. saadhyaaH = the Sadhyas saadhya * =mfn. to be subdued or mastered or won

or managed, conquerable, amenable MBh. R. &c.; to be summoned or conjured up L.; to be set to rights, to be treated or healed or cured Sus'r. MBh. Kaths.; to be formed (grammatically) Vop.; to be cultivated or perfected Kv.; to be accomplished or fulfilled or brought about or effected or attained, practicable, feasible, attainable Mn. MBh. &c.; being effected or brought about, taking place Ks'.; to be prepared or cooked Car.; to be inferred or concluded Sarvad. Bhshp. Kpr.; to be proved or demonstrated Ragh. Sh.; to be found out by calculation VarBriS. Ganit.; to be killed or destroyed MW.; relating to the Sdhyas (see below) MBh. BhP.; m. (pl.) `" they that are to be propitiated "'N. of a class of celestial beings (belonging to the {gaNa-devatA} q.v., sometimes mentioned in the Veda [see RV. x, 90, 16]; in the S'Br. their world is said to be above the sphere of the gods; according to Yska [Nir. xii, 41] their locality is the Bhuvarloka or middle region between the earth and sun; in Mn. i, 22, the Sdhyas are described as created after the gods with natures exquisitely refined, and in iii, 195, as children of the Soma-sads, sons of Virj; in the Purnas they are sons of Sdhy, and their number is variously twelve or seventeen; in the later mythology they seem to be superseded by the Siddhas see {siddha}; and their names are Manas, Mantrii, Pra7na, Nara, Pna, Vinirbhaya, Naya, Dansa, Nryana, Vriisha, Prabhu) RV. &c. &c.; the god of love L.; N. of a

Vedic Riishi, IndSt.; of the 21st astronomical Yoga L.; ({A}) f. N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma or Manu (regarded as the mother of the Sdhyas) Hariv. Pur.; ({am}) n. accomplishment, perfection W.; an object to be accomplished, thing to be proved or established, matter in debate ib.; (in logic) the major term in a syllogism ib.; silver L.; N. of a Sman ArshBr. saadhvii = (feminine form of saadhu ie, a virtuos person ) saadris'ya * = n. likeness, resemblance, similarity to (comp.) past. R. Hariv. &c. saadriza * = mfn. = {sa-dRza}, like, similar S'nkhS'r.; proper DivyA7v.; ({I}) f. saadya * mfn. (fr. {sAdin}) fit for riding; m. a ridinghorse s'vS'r. saadhayitavya * = mfn. (fr. Caus. of {sAdh}) to be accomplished or performed Hit. saadhayitR * = mfn. (fr. id.) one who brings about, an accomplisher, performer Nir. saadhana * =mf({I} or {A}) jn. leading straight to a goal, guiding well, furthering RV.; effective,

efficient, productive of (comp.) MBh. Kv. &c.; procuring Kv.; conjuring up (a spirit) Kaths.; denoting, designating, expressive of (comp.) Pn. Sch.; m. N. of the author of RV. x, 157 (having the patr. {bhauvana}) Anukr.; ({A}) f. accomplishment, performance (see {mantra-s-}); propitiation, worship, adoration L.; ({am}) n. (ifc. f. {A}), the act of mastering, overpowering, subduing Kir. Pacat.; subdueing by charms, conjuring up, summoning (spirits &c.) MBh. Kaths.; subduing a disease, healing, cure Sus'r. MBh. &c.; enforcing payment or recovery (of a debt) Das'.; bringing about, carrying out, accomplishment, fullilment, completion, perfection Nir. MBh. &c.; establishment of a truth, proof. argument, demonstration Yj. Sh. Sarvad.; reason or premiss (in a syllogism, leading to a conclusion) Mudr. v, 10; any means of effecting or accomplishing, any agent or instrument or implement or utensil or apparatus, an expedient, requisite for (gen. or comp.) Mn. R. &c.; a means of summoning or conjuring up a spirit (or deity) Klac.; means or materials of warfare, military forces, army or portion of an army (sg. and pl.) Hariv. Uttar. Rjat.; conflict, battle S'is'.; means of correcting or punishing (as `" a stick "', `" rod "' &c.) TBr. Sch.; means of enjoyment, goods, commodities &c. R.; efficient cause or source (in general) L.; organ of generation (male or female), Sah.; (in gram.) the sense of the instrumental or

agent (as expressed by the case of a noun, opp. to the action itself) Pat.; preparing, making ready, preparation (of food, poison &c.) Kaths. MrkP.; obtaining, procuring, gain, acquisition Kv. BhP.; finding out by calculation, computation Ganit.; fruit, result Pacat.; the conjugational affix or suffix which is placed between the root and terminations (= {vIharaNa} q.v.) Pn. 8-4, 30 Vrtt. 1; (only L. `" matter, material, substance, ingredient, drug, medicine; good works, penance, self-mortification, attainment of beatitude; conciliation, propitiation, worship; killing, destroying; killing metals, depriving them by oxydation &c. of their metallic properties [esp. said of mercury]; burning on a funeral pile, obsequies; setting out, proceeding, going; going quickly; going after, following.). saadhaana * =mfn. together with the receptacle S'Br. sadhana sadhana * = n. (i.e.7. %{sa} + %{dh-}) common property S3Br.; mfn. possessing riches, wealthy, opulent R. VarBr2S.; together with riches Katha1s.; %{-tA} f. wealthiness Prasan3g. saadhana * = mf(%{I} or %{A}) jn. leading straight to a goal, guiding well, furthering RV.; effective, efficient, productive of (comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.;

procuring Ka1v.; conjuring up (a spirit) Katha1s.; denoting, designating, expressive of (comp.) Pa1n2. Sch.; m. N. of the author of RV. x, 157 (having the patr. %{bhauvana}) Anukr.; (%{A}) f. accomplishment, performance (see %{mantra-s-}); propitiation, worship, adoration L.; (%{am}) n. (ifc. f. %{A}), the act of mastering, overpowering, subduing Kir. Pan5cat.; subdueing by charms, conjuring up, summoning (spirits &c.) MBh. Katha1s.; subduing a disease, healing, cure Sus3r. MBh. &c.; enforcing payment or recovery (of a debt) Das3.; bringing about, carrying out, accomplishment, fullilment, completion, perfection Nir. MBh. &c.; establishment of a truth, proof. argument, demonstration Ya1jn5. Sa1h. Sarvad.; reason or premiss (in a syllogism, leading to a conclusion) Mudr. v, 10; any means of effecting or accomplishing, any agent or instrument or implement or utensil or apparatus, an expedient, requisite for (gen. or comp.) Mn. R. &c.; a means of summoning or conjuring up a spirit (or deity) Ka1lac.; means or materials of warfare, military forces, army or portion of an army (sg. and pl.) Hariv. Uttar. Ra1jat.; conflict, battle S3is3.; means of correcting or punishing (as `" a stick "', `" rod "' &c.) TBr. Sch.; means of enjoyment, goods, commodities &c. R.; efficient cause or source (in general) L.; organ of generation (male or female), Sah.; (in gram.) the sense of the instrumental or agent (as expressed by the case of a noun, opp. to

the action itself) Pat.; preparing, making ready, preparation (of food, poison &c.) Katha1s. Ma1rkP.; obtaining, procuring, gain, acquisition Ka1v. BhP.; finding out by calculation, computation Gan2it.; fruit, result Pan5cat.; the conjugational affix or suffix which is placed between the root and terminations (= %{vIharaNa} q.v.) Pa1n2. 8-4, 30 Va1rtt. 1; (only L. `" matter, material, substance, ingredient, drug, medicine; good works, penance, self-mortification, attainment of beatitude; conciliation, propitiation, worship; killing, destroying; killing metals, depriving them by oxydation &c. of their metallic properties [esp. said of mercury]; burning on a funeral pile, obsequies; setting out, proceeding, going; going quickly; going after, following.). saadhAna * = mfn. together with the receptacle S3Br. saadhvasa * = n. (ifc. f. %{A} ; fr. %{sa} + %{dhvasa} = %{dhvaMsa}) consternation , perturbation , alarm , terror , fear of (gen. or comp. ; %{-saM-gam} , to become terrified "') MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; (in dram.) false alarm , sudden fright , panic (one of the 7 divisions of the Bhan2ika q.v.) Sa1h. saadhvasaadhu * = mfn. good and bad (%{-tva} n.) VarBr2S. ; m. pl. the good and the wicked MBh.

; n. du. good and bad things S3Br. R. saadhvasavipluta * = mfn. overwhelmed with consternation MW. saadhya * = mfn. to be subdued or mastered or won or managed, conquerable, amenable MBh. R. &c.; to be summoned or conjured up L.; to be set to rights, to be treated or healed or cured Sus3r. MBh. Katha1s.; to be formed (grammatically) Vop.; to be cultivated or perfected Ka1v.; to be accomplished or fulfilled or brought about or effected or attained, practicable, feasible, attainable Mn. MBh. &c.; being effected or brought about, taking place Ka1s3.; to be prepared or cooked Car.; to be inferred or concluded Sarvad. Bha1sha1p. Kpr.; to be proved or demonstrated Ragh. Sa1h.; to be found out by calculation VarBr2S. Gan2it.; to be killed or destroyed MW.; relating to the Sa1dhyas (see below) MBh. BhP.; m. (pl.) `" they that are to be propitiated "'N. of a class of celestial beings (belonging to the %{gaNa-devatA} q.v., sometimes mentioned in the Veda [see RV. x, 90, 16]; in the S3Br. their world is said to be above the sphere of the gods; according to Ya1ska [Nir. xii, 41] their locality is the Bhuvarloka or middle region between the earth and sun; in Mn. i, 22, the Sa1dhyas are described as created after the gods with natures exquisitely refined, and in iii, 195, as children of the

Soma-sads, sons of Vira1j; in the Pura1n2as they are sons of Sa1dhya1, and their number is variously twelve or seventeen; in the later mythology they seem to be superseded by the Siddhas see %{siddha}; and their names are Manas, Mantr2i, Pra7n2a, Nara, Pa1na, Vinirbhaya, Naya, Dan6sa, Na1ra1yan2a, Vr2isha, Prabhu) RV. &c. &c.; the god of love L.; N. of a Vedic R2ishi, IndSt.; of the 21st astronomical Yoga L.; (%{A}) f. N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma or Manu (regarded as the mother of the Sa1dhyas) Hariv. Pur.; (%{am}) n. accomplishment, perfection W.; an object to be accomplished, thing to be proved or established, matter in debate ib.; (in logic) the major term in a syllogism ib.; silver L.; N. of a Sa1man ArshBr. saagaraM = (masc.Acc.S) ocean saagaraH = the ocean saagaraat.h = from the ocean saahankaareNa = with ego saahasa = adventure saahase = (loc.sing.) in bravery or adventure


saahaayyaka = (m) assitant, helper saahaayyam.h = (n) help, assistance saahitya = literature saajyasamidbhiH = with ghee(clarified butter) and `samidhaa' sticks s'aakra *= mf({I})n. (fr. {zakra}) relating or belonging or sacred to or addressed to Indra MBh. VarBriS. Kaths.; ({I}) f. Indra's wife (also applied to Durg) Pur.; n. the Nakshatra Jyeshthh (presided over by Indra) VarBriS. saakaM = with saakhya * = n. association, party RV. KtyS'r.; friendship (prob. w.r. for {sakhya}) L.; mfn. {sAkheya} KtyS'r. [1198, 2] saakshaat * = ind. (abl. of {sA7kSa} above) with the eyes, with one's own eyes Kv. Kaths. Sarvad.; before one's eyes, evidently, clearly, openly, manifestly AV. &c. &c. [1198, 1]; in person, in bodily form, personally, visibly, really, actually MBh. Kv. &c.; immediately, directly Sarvad. Kull. saakshin* = mfn. seeing with the eyes, observing,

witnessing; an eye-witness, witness (in law) of or to (gen. loc., or comp.) Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c.; m. (in phil.) the Ego or subject (as opp. to the object or to that which is external to the mind, AshthvS.; cf. {sA7kSi-mAtra}); N. of a man (also pl.) Sanskrak. saaksha* = mfn. (fr. 7. {sa} + {akSa}) furnished with a yoke (of oxen) Kaus'. \\sAkSa* = 2 mfn. (fr. 7. {sa} + {akSa}) having the seeds (of which rosaries are made), having rosary MW. \\sAkSa* = 3 (fr. 7. {sa} + {akSa}), having eyes (only in abl.; see next). saakshatkaara = the spirit saakshaat = directly * = ind. (abl. of %{sA7kSa} above) with the eyes, with one's own eyes Ka1v. Katha1s. Sarvad.; before one's eyes, evidently, clearly, openly, manifestly AV. &c. &c. [1198,1]; in person, in bodily form, personally, visibly, really, actually MBh. Ka1v. &c.; immediately, directly Sarvad. Kull.\\in comp. with forms of %{kR}. saakshin * = mfn. seeing with the eyes , observing , witnessing ; an eye-witness , witness (in law) of or to (gen. loc. , or comp.) Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c. ; m. (in phil.) the Ego or subject (as opp. to the object or to that which is external to the mind , Asht2a1vS. ; cf. %{sA7kSi-mAtra}) ; N. of a man (also pl.)

Sam2ska1rak. saala *= 1 m. (often incorrectly written for 1. {zAla}) the S'l tree; a wall, fence &c.; for these and other meanings and compounds such as {salagrAma} &c., see 1. {zAla}; ({A}) f. see next. saalaa * f. (generally written {zAlA}) a house (see {niHsAla4}). saalamba = supported saalamba\-sarvaangaasana = the supported shoulderstand posture saam* = see 1. {sAmaya}, p. 1205, col. 1. saaMprataM = (indeclinable) now saama = the Sama Veda saaman * =1 n. (fr. 1. {sA} = 1. {san}) acquisition, possession, property, wealth, abundance RV. VS. \\ saaman * = 2 n. (m. only in TBr.; prob. connected with {sAntv}; accord. to some fr. 1. {sA}; cf. 3. {sAman}) calming, tranquillizing, (esp.) kind or gentle words for winning an adversary, conciliation, negotiation (one of the 4 Upa7yas or

means of success against an enemy, the other 3 being {dAna}, {bheda}, and {daNDa}, qq. vv.; ibc. or instr. sg. and pl., `" by friendly means or in a friendly way, willingly, voluntarily "') TBr. &c. &c. saaman * =3 n. (of doubtful derivation; accord. to Un. iv, 152 fr. {so} = 2. {sA}, as `" destroying sin "'; in Nir. vii, 12 apparently connected with {sammita}; by others derived fr. 1. {san}, {sA}, {sAntv}, and perhaps not to be separated fr. 1. and 2. {sAman}) a metrical hymn or song of praise, (esp.) a partic. kind of sacred text or verse called a Sman (intended to be chanted, and forming, with {Rc}, {yajus}, {chandas}, one of the 4 kinds of Vedic composition mentioned first in RV. x, 90, 9) RV. &c. &c.; any song or tune (sacred or profane, also the hum of bees) MBh. Kv. &c.; the faculty of uttering sounds (?) TBr. (Sch.) saamana * = 1 mf(%{A})n. (for 2. see under 2. %{sAman}) rich, affluent, abundant (others `" common, universal "') RV. iii, 30, 9.\\ 2 mfn. (for 1. see under 1. %{sAman}) quiet, calm RV. x, 85, 9.\\ sAmAna Vr2iddhi form of 2. %{samAna} in comp. saamarthyaM = ability saamarsha* = mfn. having impatience or anger,

impatient, indignant, wrathful, enraged at (prati) Kv. Kaths. &c.; ({am}) ind. angrily Mriicch. saamavedaH = the Sama Veda saamaajika = social saamaani = Nr.nom.pl.)the Sama Veda saamaanya = common saamaasikasya = of compounds saamatva* = n. state or condition of (being) a SShadvBr. S'Br. saamaya* = 1 (Nom. fr. {sAman} or fr. artificial {sAm}; for 2. {sA7maya} see col. 3) cl. 10. P. {sAmayati} (aor. {asasAmat} or {asISamat}), to conciliate, appease, pacify. tranquillize Dhtup. xxxv, 27. saamaya* = 2 mfn. (for 1. see col. 1) connected with or suffering from disease S'ank. saamba* = 1 m. (also written {zAmba}) N. of a son of Kriishna and Jmbavat (in consequence of the curse of some holy sages who had been deceived by a female disguise which he had assumed, he was

condemned to produce offspring in the shape of a terrific iron club for the destruction of the race of Vriishni and Andhaka; he is said to have been instructed by Nrada in the worship of the sun, and by Vysa in the ritual of the Magi) MBh. Hariv. Pur.; (also with {zAstrin}) N. of various authors and teachers Cat.; n. = {-purANa} ib.\\2 mfn. attended by Amb (q.v.), Ksikh. saaMgamana*= m. (fr. {sam-g-}) patr. of Agni Anas'nat S'Br saaMhita* = mf({I})n. relating to the Sanhit, found in the SSanhit text or based upon it &c. Prt. Pn. Sch. saaMkhya (saan'khya)* = mfn. (fr. {saM-khyA}) numeral, relating to number W.; relating to number (in gram as expressed by the caseterminations &c.) Pat.; rational, or discriminative W.; m.one who calculates or discriminates well, (esp.) an adherent of the Snkhya doctrine ClUp. MBh. &c.; N. of a man Car.; patr. of the Vedic Riishi Atri Anukr.; N. of S'iva MBh.; n. (accord. to some also m.) N. of one of the three great divisions of Hind philosophy (ascribed to the sage Kapila [q.v.], and so called either from, discriminating "', in general, or, more probably, from `" reckoning up "' or `" enumerating "' twenty-five Tattvas [see

{tattva}] or true entities [twenty-three of which are evolved out of Prakriiti `" the primordial Essence "' or `" first-Producer "', viz. Buddhi, Ahankra, the five Tan-mtras, the five Mah-bhtas and Manas; the twenty-fifth being Purusha or Spirit [sometimes called Soul] which is neither a Producer nor Production [see {vikAra}], but wholly distinct from the twenty-four other Tattvas. and is multitudinous, each separate Purusha by its union with Prakriiti causing a separate creation out of Prakriiti, the object of the philosophy being to effect the final liberation of the Purusha or Spirit from the fetters caused by that creation; the Yoga [q.v.] branch of the Saqikhya recognizes a Supreme Spirit dominating each separate Purusha; the Tantras identify Prakriiti with the wives of the gods, esp. with the wife of S'iva; the oldest systematic exposition of the SSnkhya seems to have been by an author called Paca-s'ikha [the germ, however, being found in the Shashthi-tantra, of which only scanty fragments are extant]; the original Stras were superseded by the SSnkhyakrik of s'vara-kriishna, the oldest manual on the SSnkhya system that has come down to us and probably written in the 5th century A.D., while the SSnkhya-stras or SS'iva-pravacana and Tattva-samsa, ascribed to the sage Kapila, are now thought to belong to as late a date as the 14th or 15th century or perhaps a little later) S'vetUp. MBh. &c. IW. 73 &c. RTL.

saamnaM = of the Sama Veda songs saaMyamana* = mfn. (fr. %{saMyamana}) relating to restraint or self-control KaushUp. (v.l.) saamparaaya * = mfn. (fr. %{sam-parA7ya}) required by necessity or calamity VarYogay.; relating to war or battle, warlike MW.; relating to the other world or to the future ib.; m. the passage from this world into another Up. MBh. &c.; need, distress, calamity MBh.; a helper or friend in need ib. i, 723 (Ni1lak.); contention, conflict S3is3.; the future, a future life L.; inquiry into the future MW.; investigation (in general) ib.; uncertainty ib. saamye = in equanimity saamyena = generally saaMyuga * = mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{saM-yuga}) relating to battle (with %{ku} f. `" a battle-field "') S3is3. saamraajya = universal soverignty saaMvartaka * = mfn. (fr. {saM-vartaka} = {saMvarta}) relating to or appearing at the dissolution of the universe (as fire, the sun &c.) R. BhP.

saaMvatsara* = mf({I})n. (fr. {saM-vatsara}) yearly, annual, perennial, lasting or occupying year (with {bhRti}, f. `" annual wages "') S'rS. MBh. BhP.; m. an astrologer, almanac-maker MBh. Kv. &c.; a lunar month L.; black rice L.; (with {dIkSita}) N. of an author Cat.; ({I}) f. a funeral ceremony performed a year after a persos death L. saantvayati = (10 up) to console saankhya = one of the schools(systems) of Indian philosophy saankhyaM = analytical study saankhya\-yoga = the yoga of science saankhyaanaaM = of the empiric philosophers saankhye = in the fight saankhyena = of philosophical discussion saankhyaiH = by means of Sankhya philosophy saanna* = mf({A})n. together with, food, having food Vishn. saanu * = m. n. (accord. to Un. i, 3 fr. {san};

collateral form 3. {snu}) a summit, ridge, surface, top of a mountain, (in later language generally) mountain-ridge, table-land RV. &c. &c. (L. also, a sprout; a forest; road; gale of wind; sage, learned man; the sun "'). s'aanti * = f. tranquillity, peace, quiet, peace or calmness of mind, absence of passion, averting of pain ({zAnti}! {zAnti}! {zAnti}! may the three kinds of pain be averted!), indifference to objects of pleasure or pain KathhUp. MBh. &c.; alleviation (of evil or pain), cessation, abatement, extinction (of fire &c.) AV. &c. &c.; a pause, breach, interruption Hcat.; any expiatory or propitiatory rite for averting evil or calamity Br. &c. (cf. RTL. 346); peace, welfare, prosperity, good fortune, ease, comfort, happiness, bliss MBh. R. &c.; destruction, end, eternal rest, death Kv. Kaths. BhP.; = {zAnti-kalpa} BhP.; Tranquillity &c. personified (as a daughter of S'raddh, as the wife of Atharvan, as the daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma) Hariv. Prab. Pur.; m. N. of a son of Indra MBh.; of Indra in the tenth Manv-antara Pur.; of a Tushita (son of Vishnu and Dakshin) ib.; of a son of Kriishna and Klind ib.; of a Riishi MBh.; of a son of Angiras ib.; of a disciple of Bhti MrkP.; of a son of Nla and father of Su-s'nti VP.; (with Jainas) of an Arhat and Cakra-vartin L.; of a teacher (also called {ratnA7kara-z-}) Buddh.

s'aapa * = 1 m. (ifc. f. {A}; fr. {zap}) a curse, malediction, abuse, oath, imprecation, ban, interdiction (acc. with {vac}, {dA}, {pra-yam}, {nyas}, {vi-sRj}, {A-diz}, `" to pronounce or utter a curse on any one "', with dat. gen. loc., or acc. with {prati}) MBh. Kv. &c. s'aa4pa * = 2 m. (of doubtful derivation) floating wood or other substances RV. AV. saapatna * = mfn. (fr, {sa-patna}, or {sapatnI}) coming or derived from a rival AV.; based on rivalry (as enmity) MBh.; born of a rival or cowife; m. (with or without {bhrAtR}, `" a half-brother on the mother's side "') R.; (pl.) the children of different wives of the same husband MBh. saapatnya* mf({A})n. based on rivalry (as enmity) Km.; born from a rival or fellow-wife R.; m. a halfbrother ib.; a rival, enemy L.; n. enmity or rivalry among wives of the same husband S'is'.; relationship of children born from different wives of the same husband R. saapatnyaka * = n. rivalry, enmity saapatnaka * = n. rivalry among the wives of the same husband MBh.; rivalry in general, enmity ib. Blar.

saapatneya * = mf({I})n. born from a rival wife saara = essence; * = m. or n. (?) salts of iron L saara * = 1 (fr. {sR}) m. course, motion (see {pUrva-s-}); stretching out, extension Klac.; mfn. driving away, destroying Blar. ii, 60/61 saara * = 2 m. n. (ifc. f. {A}; perhaps to be connected with 1. {sAra} above; prob. fr. a lost root meaning. `" to be strong "') the core or pith or solid interior of anything RV. &c. &c.; firmness, strength power, energy AV. &c. &c.; the substance or essence or marrow or cream or heart or essential part of anything, best part, quintessence (ifc. = `" chiefly consisting of or depending on &c. "' [cf. {para}] e.g. {dharma-sAraM jagat}, `" the world chiefly depends on justice "'; {tUSNIM-sAra} mfn. `" chiefly silent "'; {sArat sAram}, `" the very best "') AitBr. &c. &c.; the real meaning, main point MW.; a compendium, summary, epitome (often ifc. in titles of books); a chiefingredient or constituent part of the body (causing the peculiarities of temperament; reckoned to be 7, viz. {sattva}, {zukra}, {majjan}, {asthi}, {medas}, {mAMsa}, {rakta}) Sus'r. VarBriS.; any ingredient Sus'r.; nectar R. BhP.; cream, curds L.; worth, value ({eNa}, `" in consideration of. "', according to "') Mn. Yj. &c.; wealth, property, goods, riches Kv.

Pur. Rjat.; (in rhet.) a kind of climax ({uttaro7ttaram utkarSaH}) Sh. Kpr.; resin used as a perfume Sus'r. SrngS.; water Vs.; dung Kriishis.; the matter formed in a boil or ulcer, pus MW.; impure carbonate of soda ib.; a confederate prince, ally VarBriS.; (= 1. {zAra}) a piece at chess or backgammon &c.; ({A}) f. a kind of plant( = {kriSNa-trivRtA}) L.; Kus'a grass L.; ({I}) f. see under {sAri} and {sArI} (next p.); mf({A})n. hard, firm solid strong MBh. Rv. &c.; precious, valuable Das'.; good, sound, best, excellent BhP. Pacar.; sound (as an argument, thoroughly proved) W.; full of (instr.) VarBriS.; motley, speckled (= {zAra}) Sus'r. Kd. saara * = 3 mfn. having spokes S'ulba saaraH = (m) essence, summary saaroha 8 = mf(%{A})n. having elevation, elevated to (loc.) R.; together with a horseman ib. saarikaa = a bird (nightingale / cuckoo ? ) saartha * = mf(%{A})n. having an object or business , Sa1n3khBr. ; anything that has attained its object , successful (as a request) S3ak. Sch. ; having property , opulent , wealthy Ra1jat. ; having meaning or purport , significant , important ,

Kusum. ; of like meaning or Purport W. ; serving a purpose , useful , serviceable MW. ; m. a travelling company of traders or pilgrims , caravan MBh. R. &c. ; a troop , collection of men MBh. ; a multitude of similar animals , herd , flock &c. Pan5cat. ; any company (%{ena} , with gen. = `" in the company of. "' Campak.) , collection , multitude MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; a member of any company W. ; a wealthy man W. saarthakyaM = (n) fulfillment saarthavaaha = (m) a merchant saaruupya * = n. (fr. {sa-rUpa}) sameness or similarity of form, identity of appearance, resemblance, likeness, conformity with (gen.) Mn. MBh. &c.; assimilation to or conformity with the deity (one of the grades of Mukti or beatitude = {sarUpa-tA}, {sAlokya}) BhP.; (in dram.) a mistake caused by the mutual resemblance of two persons (as in Venis. vs Yudhi-shthhira takes Bhma for Duryodhana and injures him) Bhar. Sh.; mf({A})n. seasonable, fit, proper, suitable Lalit. saarvabhauma = of the whole earth saarvaayushha = of full life-span


saasahaana * = mfn. (for %{sa-s-}) overcoming, conquering RV. saasana* = mf(%{I})n. punishing, a punisher, chastiser (see %{pAka-}, %{pura-}, %{rukmi-}, %{smara-z-}) [1069,1]; teaching, instructing, an instructor BhP.; (%{I}) f. an instructress RV. i, 31, 11; (%{am}) n. (ifc. f. %{A}) punishment, chastisement, correction (%{zAsanaM-kR}, to inflict punishment) Baudh. Mn. MBh. &c.; government, dominion, rule over (comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; an order, command, edict, enactment, decree, direction (%{zAsanaM-kR} [%{kAGkS} Baudh.] or %{zAsane-vRt} or %{sthA}, `" to obey orders "'; %{zAsanAt} with gen., `" by command of "'; %{zAsanA} f. Sch. on S3is3. xiv, 36) RV. &c. &c.; a royal edict, grant, charter (usually a grant of land or of partic. privileges, and often inscribed on stone or copper) Ya1jn5. Ka1v. Ra1jat. &c.; a writing, deed, written contract or agreement W.; any written book or work of authority, scripture (= %{zAstra}) ib.; teaching, instruction, discipline, doctrine (also= `" faith "', `" religion "') MBh. Ka1m. Katha1s.; a message (see comp.); selfcontrol W. s'aalva * =m. pl. (also written {sAlva}; cf. {zalva}) N. of a people GopBr. MBh. &c. (mfn. `" relating to the S'alvas "' g. {kacchA7di}); sg. a king of the

S'lvas (mentioned among the enemies of Vishnu; cf. {zAlvA7ri} below) MBh. Hariv. BhP.; ({A}) f. (prob.) N. of a river g. {nady-Adi}; n. the fruit of the S'lva plant Pn. 4-3, 166 Vrtt. 2 Pat. (v.l.) s'aastra= see shaastra saa7svaadana* = n. (scil. {sthAna}; with Jainas) N. of the second of the 14 stages towards supreme bliss Cat. s'aatha*= m. (fr. {zaT}?) a strip of cloth, a kind of skirt or petticoat, a partic. sort of garment or gown Vas. Cn.; ({I}) f. see below. s'aata4* = 1 mfn. (fr. {zo}; cf. {zita}) sharpened, whetted, sharp Kaths. Rjat.; thin, feeble, slender, emaciated Hariv. Kv. VarBriS.; n. the thorn-apple MW. s'aata* = 2 m. (fr. 2. {zad}) falling out or decaying (of nails, hair &c.) Sus'r. s'aata* = 3 n. joy, pleasure, happiness L.; mfn. handsome, bright, happy W. saat * = 1 a Taddhita affix which when put after a word denotes a total change of anything into the thing expressed by that word (see {agni-}, {bhasma-sAt} &c.) \\ * = 2 a Sautra root meaning

`" to give pleasure "' Pn. Vop. \\ 3 n. N. of Brahman L. saati * = 1 f. gaining, obtaining, acquisition, winning of spoil or property RV.; a gift, oblation L.; N. of a teacher (having the patr. {auSTrAkSi}) Cat. \\ 2 f. end, destruction L.; violent pain ib. \\3 (for 1. and 2. see p. 1196, col. 3)N. of a metre Ping. \\ 3 (for 1. and 2. see p. 1196, col. 3)N. of a metre Ping saath * = cl. 10. P. {sATayati}, to make visible or manifest Dhtup. xxxv, 84. saatmataa* = (%{sA7tma4-}) f. community of essence or nature with (gen. instr., or comp.) S3Br. MBh.; absorption into the essence (of Brahma1) MW. saaTopa = (adj) proud saatvat * m. pl. (cf. {satvat}) N. of a people Hariv. S'is'. (= {yadu} Sch.) saatvata *sAtvata f({I})n. relating to the Satvats or the Satvatas, belonging or sacred to Satvata or Kriishna &c. MBh. Pur.; containing the word {satvat} g. {vimuktA7di}; m. a king of the Satvats (N. of Kriishna, Bala-deva &c.) MBh. BhP.; (pl.) N. of a people S'is'. (= {yAdava} Sch.); an adherent or

worshipper of Kriishna L.; a partic. mixed caste (the offspring of an outcaste Vais'ya; accord. to L., `" the son of an outcaste VVais'ya and a VVais'ya woman who was formerly the witt of a Kshatriya "') Mn. x, 43; N. of a son of yu or Ans'u Pur.; ({I}) f. see below. saattvika = to one in goodness saattvikaM = in the mode of goodness saattvikaH = in the mode of goodness saattvikaaH = in goodness saattvikii = in the mode of goodness saatya* = mfn. (fr. {satya}, of which it is also the vriiddhi form in comp.) one whose nature is truth S'Br.; n. N. of a Sman rshB saatyakiH = Satyaki (the same as Yuyudhana, the charioteer of Lord KRishhNa) saatvata * = mf({I})n. relating to the Satvats or the Satvatas, belonging or sacred to Satvata or Kriishna &c. MBh. Pur.; containing the word {satvat} g. {vimuktA7di}; m. a king of the Satvats (N. of Kriishna, Bala-deva &c.) MBh. BhP.; (pl.) N. of a

people S'is'. (= {yAdava} Sch.); an adherent or worshipper of Kriishna L.; a partic. mixed caste (the offspring of an outcaste Vais'ya; accord. to L., `" the son of an outcaste VVais'ya and a VVais'ya woman who was formerly the witt of a Kshatriya "') Mn. x, 43; N. of a son of yu or Ans'u Pur.; ({I}) f. see below. saatvika = Pure Planets i.e. Waxing Moon, Jupiter and Mercury saatya* = mfn. (fr. {satya}, of which it is also the vriiddhi form in comp.) one whose nature is truth S'Br.; n. N. of a Sman rshBr. saava m. (fr. 3. %{su}) a Soma libation (cf. %{prAtaH-} and %{sahasra-s-}) RV. saavadhaana = attentions * =mf(%{A})n. having attention, attentive, heedful, careful Bhartr2. HParis3.; intent upon doing anything (inf.) Uttamac.; (%{am}) ind. attentively, cautiously S3ak. saavana * = mfn. (fr. 1. %{savana}, p. : 190) relating to or determining the three daily Soma libations i.e. corresponding to the solar time (day, month, year) VarBr2S. Sch.; m. an institutor of a sacrifice or employer of priests at a sacrifice (=

%{yajamAna}) L.; the conclusion of a sacrifice or the ceremonies by which it is terminated L.; N. of Varun2a L.; n. scil. (%{mAna}) the correct solar time Nida1nas. saayaM = evening saayaMpraataH = both evening \& morning saayana = The Tropical Zodiac with precession saayamadhiiyaano = evening studied man sabala * =({sa4-}) mfn. powerful, strong RV. &c. &c.; together with strength or power L.; accompanied by a force or army. MBh. R.; together with Bala (Kriishna's eldest brother) BhP.; m. N. of a son of Manu Bhautya Hariv.; of a son of Vasishthha (and one of the 7 Riishis) MrkP.; of one of the 7 Riishis under Manu S'varna ib.; {-tA} f. (S'nkhBr.), {-tva} n. (S'is'.) power, strength; {vAhana} mfn. with an army and followers Yj. Sch.; {-siMha} m. N. of a king Inscr.; {-lAt-kAram} ind. with force, forcibly S'ak.; {-lA7nuga} mfn. followed by an army MBh. R.; = {sa-balavAhana} MW. sabaandhavaan.h = along with friends


sabhaa = (f) assembly, meeting sabhaajita * = mfn. served, honoured, gratified, pleased MBh. R. &c.; praised, celebrated BhP. sabhaasada = literally one who sits in the assembly sabhya * = mfn. being in an assembly-hall or meeting-room, belonging to or fit for an assembly or court, suitable to good society, courteous, polite, refined, civilized, not vulgar, decorous (as speech) AV. &c. &c.; being at the court of (gen.) Va1s., Introd.; m. an assistant at an assembly or council, (esp.) an assessor, judge Mn. MBh. &c.; the keeper of a gambling. house W.; a person of honourable parentage ib.; N. of one of the five sacred fires (see %{paJcA7gni}) Ka1tyS3r. Mn. iii, 100, 185 Kull. sachanta = to accompany, procure sachiva = (m) minister sachetaaH = in my consciousness sachchhabdaH = the sound sat sadhana * =n. (i.e.7. {sa} + {dh-}) common property S'Br.; mfn. possessing riches, wealthy, opulent R. VarBriS.; together with riches Kaths.;

{-tA} f. wealthiness Prasang. sadaa = always sadaachaar = good conduct / behaviour sadaananda = ever joyous sadaasaa * mfn. (nom.pl. {-sAH}) alwalways gaining (superl. {-tama}) RV.; alwalways subsisting abundantly ib. sadaashiva = a form of Shiva sadaiva = always sadasat.h = to cause and effect sadasya * = m. `" present in the sacrificial enclosure, an assessor, spectator, member of an assembly (at a sacrifice), a superintending priest, the seventeenth priest (whose duties accord. to the Kushtakins, are merely to look on and correct mistakes) TS. Br. GriS'rS. MBh. BhP.; a person belonging to a learned court-circle Jtakam. sadaya = compassionate sadbuddhiM = sat.h+buddhiM,

good+awareness(loosely speaking:mind) sadgamay a = sat.h and gamaya: Truth and lead(causal of 'go') sadhana * = n. (i.e.7. %{sa} + %{dh-}) common property S3Br.; mfn. possessing riches, wealthy, opulent R. VarBr2S.; together with riches Katha1s.; %{-tA} f. wealthiness Prasan3g. sad.hbhav e = in the sense of the nature of the Supreme sadhUma * + a. veiled in smoke. sadoshhaM = with fault sadodita = always, constant sadrisha = (adj) similar, looking like sadrishaM = accordingly sadrishaH = like sadrishii = like that sadris' * = mfn. (nom. {sadR4G} or {sadRk}; n. pl. {sadRMzi}) = {sadRkSa} (with instr. or ifc.) RV.

&c. &c.; fit, proper, just, right MW. sadris'a* = mf({I}, once in R. {A})n. like, resembling, similar to (gen. instr., loc "', or comp.) or in (instr. loc., or comp.) RV. &c. &c. (accord. to Pat. on Pn. 6-2, 11 Vrtt. 2 also compounded with a gen. e.g. {dAsyAH-s-}, {vRSalyAH-s-}); conformable, suitable, fit, proper, right, worthy MBh. Kv. &c.; ({am}) ind. suitably, well Uttarar. sadupayoga = correct or right use derived from sat.h + upayoga sadyaH = instantly sadyah = immediately sadyas * = ind. (fr. 7. {sa+dyu}; cf. {sadi4vas}) on the same day, in the very moment (either `" at once "', `" immediately "' or `" just "', `" recently "') RV. &c. &c.; daily, every day RV. AV. AitBr. MBh. sah* =1 cl. 1. A1. (Dha1tup. xx, 22) %{sa4hate} (Ved. and ep. also %{-ti} and exceptionally %{sAhati}, once in MBh. 1. sg. %{sahyAmi}; p. %{sa4hat} %{sa4hamAna} [q.v.]; pf. %{sche}, %{sasAha}; Ved. also %{sasA8he4} and %{sAsAhat}; %{sAsa4hat}; %{sAsahISTA4H}, {sAsahyAma}3{sAsahyA4ma}; p. %{sehAna4},

%{sAsahAna4}, %{sA8sahva4s} and %{sAhva4s} [q.v.]; aor. %{asAkSi}, %{sAkSi}, %{sAkSate} RV.; %{sAkSIt} GopBr.; %{sakSati} AV.; %{sakSat}, %{sA4kSAma} RV.; Impv. %{sakSi}, %{sA8kSva} ib.; p. %{sa4kSat} ib.; %{a4sahisTa} RV.; Prec. %{sahyAs}, %{sAhyA4ma} ib.; %{sAkSIya}. AV.; %{sA4hiSIma4hi} RV.; fut. %{soDhA} MBh. &c.; %{sahitA} Gr.; %{sakSyati} MBh., %{-te} Br.; %{sAkSye} [?] AV.; %{-sahiSyati}, %{-te} MBh.; Cond. %{asahisyat} ib.; inf %{sa4hadhyai} RV. Ka1t2h.; %{sA4Dhyai} MaitrS.; %{soDhum}, %{sahitum} MBh.; ind. p. %{soDhvA} A1pS3r. Sch.; %{sAdhvA}, %{sahitvA} Gr.; %{sa4hya} RV. &c.; %{sa4ham} Br.), to prevail, be victorious; to overcome, vanquish, conquer, defeat (enemies), gain, win (battles) RV. AV. Br. R. Bhat2t2.; to offer violence to (acc.) AitBr. S3Br. [1193,1]; to master, suppress, restrain MBh. R. &c.; to be able to or capable of (inf. or loc.) ib.; to bear up against, resist, with. stand AV. &c. &c.; to bear, put up with, endure, suffer, tolerate (with %{na}, `" to grudge "') MBh. Ka1v. &c.; to be lenient towards, have patience with any one (gen.) Bhag.; to spare any one Ma1rkP. Pan5cat.; to let pass, approve anything Sarvad.; (with %{kalam}, %{kalakSepam} &c.) to bide or wait patiently for the right time Ka1v. Katha1s.: Caus. or cl. 10. %{sAhayati} (aor. %{asISahat}), to forbear Dha1tup. xxxiv, 4: Desid. of Caus. %{sisAhayiSati} Pa1n2. 8-3, 62?: Desid. %{sI4kSate} (p. %{sI4kSat}; accord. to

Pa1n2. 8-3, 61, also %{sisahiSa}), to wish to overcome RV. TS.: Intens. %{sAsaSyate}, %{sAsoDhi} (cf %{sA8sahi4} Gr. [Cf. %{sahas} and $ for $; $, $.] sah* = 2 (strong form %{sAh}) mfn. bearing, enduring, overcoming (ifc.; see %{abhimAti-SA4h} &c.) sah* = 3 cl. 4. P. %{sahyati}, to satisfy, delight Dha1tup. xxvi, 20; to be pleased ib.; to bear, endure (cf. 1. %{sah}) ib. saha = With * = mf(%{A})n. powerful, mighty RV.; (ifc.) overcoming, vanquishing MBh.; bearing, enduring, withstanding, defying, equal to, a match for (gen. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; causing, effecting, stimulating, exerting S3is3.; able to, capable of (inf. cr comp.) Ka1lid. S3is3. Katha1s.; m. the month Ma1rgas3i1rsha (see %{sahas}) VS. S3Br. Car.; a partic. Agni MBh.; a species of plant AV.; N. of a son of Manu Hariv.; of a son of Pra7n2a and U1sjasvati1 BhP.; of a son of Dhr2itara1shi7ra MBh.; of a son of Kr2ishn2a and Ma1dri1 BhP.; (%{A}) f. the earth L.; (with Buddhists) N. of a division of the world (with %{loka-dhAtu}, `" the world inhabited by men "') Ka1ran2d2.; N. of various plants (accord. to L. = Aloe Perfoliata, %{daNDo7patA}, %{rAsnA} &c.)

VarBr2S. Sus3r.; Unguis Odoratus L.; n. = %{bala} L.; kind of salt L. 1.\\2 ind. (prob. fr. 7. %{sa+dhA}, which in Veda may become %{dha}; cf. 1. %{sadha}) together with, along with, with (with %{grah} and %{A-dA}, `" to take with one "'; with %{dA}, to give to take away with one "'; with %{kRtvA} and acc., `" taking with one, `" in the company of "'; often as a prep. governing instr. case, but generally placed after the governed word e.g. %{tena@saha}, `" along with him "' [1193,3]; exceptionally with abl. e.g. %{aizvaryAt@saha}, `" with sovereignty "' Ca1n2. 104); in common, in company, jointly, conjointly, in concert (often used as a prefix in comp., expressing `" community of action "', e.g. %{sahA7dhyayana} q.v.; or forming adjectives expressing `" the companion of an action "', e.g. %{saha-cara} q.v.); at the same time or simultaneously with (prefixed to adverbs of time e.g. %{saha-pUrvA7hNam} q.v.; rarely ifc. e.g. %{vainateya-s-}, `" with Vainateya "' Hariv.) RV. &c. &c.; m. a companion L.; (%{A}) f. a female companion BhP. saha.nsha = Special positions or points signifying important events in life. They are somewhat similar to Arabic parts sahaH = force, strangth (neut)


sahaja = the karma to which one is born sahaja-bhaava = House of Siblings or 3rd sahajaM = born simultaneously sahate = (1 ap) to bear sahadevaH = Sahadeva sahanavavatu = saha + nau + avatu: together + us + (You)protect sahanau = together us sahasaa = (adv) hastily, perforce * (instr. of {sahas}), forcibly, vehemently, suddenly, quickly, precipitately, immediately, at once, unexpectedly, at random, fortuitously, in an unpremeditated manner, inconsiderately (with instr. `" together with sahastraavartanaat.h = according to the prescribed shAstrA cycle sahasra = one thousand sahasraM = 1000 times


sahasrakritvaH = a thousand times sahasrapaat.h = thousand-footed sahasrabaaho = O thousand-handed one sahasrashaH = thousands sahasrashiirshhaa = thousand-headed sahasrasya = of many thousands sahasraantaaM = similarly, ending after one thousand sahasraara = the thousand-petalled lotus within the cerebral cavity sahasraakshaH = thousand-eyed sahasreNa = by thousand sahasreshhu = out of many thousands sahaaya = helper, friend, ally sahaasaM = with smile sahitaM = with

saH = He s'aila * mf({I})n. (fr. {zilA}) made of stone, stony, rocky MBh. Hariv. &c.; stone-like, rigid (with {Asana} n. a partic. manner of sitting) Cat.; m. (ifc. f. {A}) a rock, crag, hill, mountain (there are seven [or, accord, to some, eight] mythical mountain ranges separating the divisions of the earth, viz. {niSadha}, {hema-kUTa}, {nIla}, {zveta}, {zRngin}, {mAlyavat}, {gandha-mAdana} VP.) Mn. MBh. &c.; N. of the number `" seven "' Ganit.; a dike MW.; ({A}) f. N. of a nun DivyA7v.; ({I}) f. see below; n. (only L.) benzoin or storax; bitumen; a sort of collyrium. sainikaH = (m) soldier * = mfn. relating or belonging to an army, military, martial, drawn up in martial array MBh. R. &c.; m. an army-man, soldier, guard, sentinel, a body of forces in array ib.; N. of a son of S3ambara Hariv. sainya * = mfn. belonging to or proceeding from an army MBh. Hariv.; m. (ifc. f. {A}) a soldier (pl. `" troops "') R.; an army MBh. Rjat.; a sentinel, guard L.; n. a body of troops, army MBh. R. &c.; a camp VarBriS. sainyasya = of the soldiers


saishhaa = saa+eshhA, that feminine formsagadgadaM = with a faltering voice sajala = With water sajja = adorned, equipped sajjate = becomes attached sajjana = good man sajjante = they become engaged sakalaapadaam.h = all dangers' sakaaraNam.h = with reason sakaasha = company sakala = the entire sakalaani = all sakaruNa * = mfn. lamentable, pitiable, piteous, full of pity (%{am} ind. `" piteously "') Mr2icch. Ratna7v. Hit.; tender, compassionate (%{am} ind. `" compassionately "') S3ak. BhP. s'akra * = mf({A4})n. strong, powerful, mighty (applied to various gods, but esp. to Indra) RV. AV.

TBr. Lthy.; m. N. of Indra MBh. Kv. &c.; of an ditya MBh. Hariv.; of the number, fourteen "' Ganit.; Wrightia Antidysenterica L.; Terminalia Arjuna L. s'aakra * = mf({I})n. (fr. {zakra}) relating or belonging or sacred to or addressed to Indra MBh. VarBriS. Kaths.; ({I}) f. Indra's wife (also applied to Durg) Pur.; n. the Nakshatra Jyeshthh (presided over by Indra) VarBriS. sakrit.h = (ind) once sakrit *= 1 mfn. (fr. 7. %{sa} + 1. %{kRt}) acting at once or simultaneously AV. xi , 1 , 10 ; ind. at once , suddenly , forthwith , immediately RV. Br. S3rS. Mn. MBh. ; once (= semel , with %{a4hnaH} , `" once a day "' ; repeated = `" in each case only once "') RV. &c. &c. ; once , formerly , ever (with %{mA} = `" never "' Ka1v. VarYogay. ; once for all , for ever ChUp. Ka1v. Ma1rkP. ; at once , together W. [For cognate words see under 7. %{sa}.] sakridapi = once even sakta = attached saktaM = attached


saktaH = attached/engrossed/absorbed saktah = capable of saktaaH = being attached sakti * f. adherence, attachment, devotion or addiction to, indulgence or perseverance in, occupation with (loc. or comp.) Mn. Kir. Kaths. (cf. {a-pras-} and {ati-pras-}); occurrence, practicability ({-timpra} {yA}, `" to be practicable "') Rjat.; (in gram.)bearing upon, applicability (of a rule) RPrt. Sch.; connection, association W.; inference, conclusion ib.; a topic of conversation ib.; acquisition ib. sakti * f. connexion, entwinement (of creepers) Kir.; clinging or adhering to (loc. or comp.), attachment, addiction (esp. to worldly objects) S'is'. Rjat. Sarvad. s'a4kti * =or f. power, ability, strength, might, effort, energy, capability ({zaktyA} or {Atma-z-} or {sva-z-}, `" according to ability "' s'akti4 * =f. power, ability, strength, might, effort, energy, capability ({zaktyA} or {Atma-z-} or {sva-z}, `" according to ability "'; {paraM zaktyA}, with all one's might "'; {vitta-zaktyA}, `" according to

the capability of one's property "'; {zaktim ahApayitvA}, `" not relaxing one's efforts, exerting all one's strength "'), faculty, skill, capacity for, power over (gen. loc. dat., or inf.) RV. &c. &c.; effectiveness or efficacy (of a remedy) S'rngS.; regal power (consisting of three parts, {prabhutva}, personal pre-eminence; {mantra}, good counsel, and {utsAha}, energy) Km. (cf. Ragh. iii, 13); the energy or active power of a deity personified as his wife and worshipped by the S'kta (q.v.) sect of Hinds under various names (sometimes only three, sometimes eight S'akti goddesses are enumerated, as follow, Indrni, Vaishnav, S'nt, Brahmn, Kaumri, Nrasinh, Vrh, and Mhes'var, but some substitute Cmund and Cndik for the third and sixth of these: according to another reckoning there are nine, viz. Vaishnav, Brahmni, Raudri, Mhes'var, Nrasinh, Vrh, Indran, Krttik, and Pradhn: others reckon fifty different forms of the S'akti of Vishnu besides Lakshm, some of these are Krtti, Knti, Tushthi, Pushth, Dhriiti. S'nti, Kriy, Day, Medh &c.; and fifty forms of the S'akti of S'iva or Rudra besides Durg "' or Gaur, some of whom are Guno7dar, Viraj, Slmali, Lola7kshi, Vartula7ksh, Drgha-ghon, Sudirgha-mukh, Gomukh, Dirgha-jihv, Kundo7dar, Ardha-kes', Vikriita-mukh, Jvl-mukhi, Ulkmukhi &c.; Sarasvati is also named as a S'akti, both of Vishnu and Rudra: according to the Vyu-Purna the

female nature of Rudra became twofold, one half {asita} or white, and the other {sita} or black, each of these again becoming manifold, those of the white or mild nature included Lakshm, Sarasvati, Gaur, Um &c.; those of the dark and fierce nature, Durg, Kli &c.) Kv. Kaths. Pur. (cf. RTL. 181 &c. MWB. 216); the female organ (as worshipped by the S'kta sect either actually or symbolically) RTL. 140; the power or signification of a word (defined in the Nyya as {padasya padA7rthe} {sambandhaH} i.e. `" the relation of a word to the thing designated "') Bhshp. Sh.; (in Gram.) case-power, the idea conveyed by a case (= {kAraka}) Pn. 2-3, 7 Sch.; the power or force or most effective word of a sacred text or magic formula Up. Pacar.; the creative power or imagination (of a poet) Kvya7d.; help, aid, assistance, gift, bestowal RV.; a spear, lance, pike, dart RV. &c. (also {zaktI} g. {bahv-Adi}); a sword MW.; (prob.) a flag-staff (see {ratha-z-}) [1044, 3]; a partic. configuration of stars and planets (when the latter are situated in the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th astrological house), VirBriS.; m. N. of a Muni or sage (the eldest of Vasishthha's hundred sons; accord. to VP. he was father of Pars'ara, and was devoured by king Kalmsha-pda, when changed to a man-eating Rkshasa, in consequence of a curse pronounced upon him by the sage; he is represented as having overcome Vis'vmitra at the sacrifice of king Saudsa; he is regarded as the

author of RV. vii, 32, 26; ix, 97, 19-21; 108, 3; 1416; S'akti is also identified with one of the Vylsas, and with Avalokite7s'vara, and has elsewhere the patr. Jtukarna and Snkriiti) Pravar. MBh. &c. s'amala * = n. (Un2. i, iii) impurity, sin, blemish, fault, harm AV. TS. Ka1t2h. Kaus3. BhP.; feces, ordure L s'auca * = m. (fr. %{zuci}) N. of a man (also called A1hneya) TA1r.; n. cleanness, purity, purification (esp. from defilement caused by the death of a relation) A1s3vS3r. Mn. MBh. &c.; purity of mind, integrity, honesty (esp. in money-matters) MBh. R. &c.; (with Buddhists) self-purification (both external and internal) MWB. 240; evacuation of excrement MW. sakthinii = pivotal region? sakhaa = friend sakhi = friend sakhiin.h = friends sakhaiva = like a friend sakhya * = n. friendship, intimacy with, relation to

(loc. or instr. with and without {samam}, {saha} &c.), fellowship, community RV. &c. &c. sakhyuH = with a friendsa.MmuuDhabhaavin.h = adj. deluded saksha* = mfn. (fr. {sah}) overpowering TS. TBr. saMroha * = m. growing over TS.; curing, healing Sus3r.; growing up, bursting forth or into view, appearance BhP. sala* =. (cf. {sara}) a dog L.; water L. salakshmaNaH = with LakshmaNa salila = water sha *= (only L.; for 3. {Sa} see below) best, excellent; wise, learned; m. loss, destruction; loss of knowledge; end, term; rest, remainder; eternal happiness, final emancipation; heaven, paradise; sleep; a learned man, teacher; a nipple; = {kaca}; = {mAnava}; = {sarva}; = {garbhavimocana}; n. the embryo; (accord.to some) patience, endurance. saM* = (in comp.) = 2. {sam} q.v. sam* = 1 or {stam} cl. 1. P. {samati} or {stamati}, to

be disturbed (accord. to some `" to be undisturbed "'; cf. {zam}) Dhtup. xix, 82; cl. 10. P. {samayati} or {stamayati}, to be agitated or disturbed Vop. sam* = 2 ind. (connected with 7. {sa} and 2. {sama}, and opp. to 3. {vi} q.v.) with, together with, along with, together, altogether (used as a preposition or prefix to verbs and verbal derivatives, like Gk. $, &348389[1152, 1] Lat. {con}, and expressing `" conjunction "', `" union "', `" thoroughness "', `" intensity "', `" completeness "' e.g. {saMyuj}, `" to join together "'; {saM-dhA}, `" to place together "'; {saM-dhi}, `" placing together "'; {saM-tap}, `" to consume utterly by burning "'; {sam-uccheda}, `" destroying altogether, complete destruction "'; in Ved. the verb connected with it has sometimes to be supplied, e.g. {A4po agni4m yaza4saH sa4M hi4 pUrvI4ih}, `" for many glorious waters surrounded Agni "'; it is sometimes prefixed to nouns in the sense of 2. {sama}, `" same "'; cf. {samartha}) RV. &c. &c. samaarabdha * = mfn. taken in hand, undertaken, begun (also, begun to be built "') MBh. Ka1v. &c.; one who has begun or commenced MBh.; happened, occurred R.; %{-tara} mfn. more frequent Nida1nas. samaarabh* =A1. %{-rabhate} (rarely P. %{-ti}), to

take in hand, undertake, begin, commence (with acc. or inf.; ind. p. %{-rabhya} with acc.= `" begining from "') TS. &c. &c.; to try to get near to or propitiate MBh. samaanita * =mfn. brought together or near, brought, conducted, convoked, assembled samaahva * = m. calling out, mutual calling, challenge, defiance W.; ({I}) f. id. ib.; ({A}) f. a partic. plant (= {go-jihvA}). L.; mfn. (fr. {sam} + {AhvA}) bearing the same name S'is'. samaaH = like samaakula = (adj) confused, bewildered samaagataaH = assembled samaachara = do perfectly samaacharan.h = practicing samaachiina = appropriate, apt, proper samaaja = Society samaajasevaa = social service benefiting society


samaadhaatuM = to fix samaadhaaya = fixing samaadhinaa = by complete absorption samaadhividhaana = in the state of trance samaadhisthasya = of one situated in trance samaadhii = state where the aspirant is one with the object of his meditation samaadhau = in the controlled mind samaahara* = mfn. crushing together, destroying R. {-AharaNa} n. bringing together, collection, accumulation, combination, composition W. samaahaara* = m. seizing, taking hold of. Griihys.; aggregation, summing up, sum, totality, collection, assemblage, multitude MBh. Kv. &c.; (in gram.) conjunction or connecting of words or sentences (as by the particle {ca}) Sank. Prt. Sch. Pn. Sch.; compounding of words, a compound (esp. applied to a Dvamdva whose last member is in the neuter gender [e.g. {ahi-nakulam}, `" a snake and an ichneumon "'], or to a Dvigu, when it expresses an aggregate; see {trilokI}). Pn.; =

{pratyAhAra} Vop (cf. IW. 169 n. 1); withdrawal (of the senses from the world) Km.; contraction, abridgment L.; -varma m. N. of the diphthongs {ai} and {au} Pat, samaahartuM = in destroying samaahita = (adj) content, satisfied samaahitaH = approached completely samaahrita * = mfn. brought together, collected, fetched MBh. Ka1v. &c.; gathered, assembled, met Hariv. Ragh. BhP.; taken together, contracted, combined, all Ka1s3. Katha1s.; drawn (as a bowstring) Kathals.; related, told BhP.; accepted, received, taken W. samaahriti * = f. taking together, collecting (= %{saMgraha}) L.; withdrawal (of the senses) from (abl.) L. samaahritya * = ind. (taking) together, all at once TBr. Kaus3. samaakhyaakhyAya* = mfn. to be addressed or exhorted past. (v.l.) samaakhyaakhyAyam* = ind. while mentioning by

name (in {aGga-s-}) AitBr. samaakhyaa* = P. {-khyAti}, to reckon up, count up, calculate, enumerate Mn. MBh. R.; to relate fully, report, communicate, tell, declare MBh. Kv. &c. samaakhyaa* = f. name, appellation Nir. Kan. BhP.; explanation, interpretation Sarvad.; report, fame, celebrity L.; {-bhakSa} m. drinking the Soma while mentioning by name (the partic. receptacles for holding it) s'vS'r. Sch. samaana = identical, likeness, comparable *= m. (for %{samAna} and %{sa-mAna} see p. 1160) one of the five vital airs (that which circulates about the navel and is essential to digestion; it is personified as a son of Sa1dhya) AV. &c. &c.\\ samAna mf(%{I4}, or %{A})n. (connected with 1. and 2. %{sama}; in RV. v, 87, 4 abl. sg. %{samAna4smAs} for %{samAnA4t} see 1. %{sama}; for %{sam-ana} see %{sam-an}, for %{sa-mAna} see col. 3) same, identical uniform, one (= %{eka} L.) RV. &c. &c.; alike, similar, equal (in size, age, rank, sense or meaning &c.), equal or like to (with instr. gen., or comp.) VS. &c. &c.; having the same place or organ of utterance, honogeneous (as a sound or letter) Vop.; holding the middle between two extremes, middling moderate BhP.; common, general,

universal all RV. Br. S3rS. BhP.; whole (as a number opp to `" a fraction "') Pa1n2. 5-2, 47 Va1rtt. 4; being (= %{sat}, after an adj.) Divya1v.; virtuous, good L.; %{-varNa-bhid} L.; (%{am}) ind. like, equally with (instr.) Kir.; m.an equal. friend TBr. Ca1n2. BhP.; (%{I}) f. a kind of metre Pin3g.; (prob.) n. N. of wk. (cf. %{zAkhA-s-}).\\1 mfn. (for %{samAna} see col. 1; for %{sam-Ana} see p. 1154, col. 2)possessing honour or esteem, honoured by (gen.) Vet.; with anger BhP. \\ 2 mfn. (for 1. see above) having the same measure L. samaanaaH = (Masc.nom.pl) are equal samaaptam.h = is complete or over samaapnoshhi = You cover samaas'ritya V= resorting to samaasa = compound word samaasataH = in summary samaasena = in summary samaarambhaaH = attempts samaaroha = programme


samaavishhTaH = absorbed samaavritaH = covered samaayaa* = P. {-yAti}, to come together, meet MBh. Kv. &c.; to come near, approach, come from (abl.) or to (acc. or loc.), go to or towards (acc.) ib.; to elapse, pass away MBh.; to fall upon, get into any state or condition (acc.) Pacat. Rjat. samaaya* = m. a visit, arrival W. samaayuktaH = keeping in balance sama = Equal samabhAva* = m. equability, homogeneousness Bhm. HParis'.; mfn. of like nature or property W samabuddhayaH = equally disposed samabuddhiH = having equal intelligence samachittaH = equal-minded/equanimity samachittatvaM = equilibrium samada = furious


samaadatta *= mfn. taken away, taken hold of, seized, received BhP. samadarshanaH = seeing equally samadarshinaH = who see with equal vision samadhigachchhati = attains samagra mf(%{A4})n. (see 2. %{sam}) all, entire, whole, complete, each, every (ibc. = `" fully "', `" entirely "'; n. `" all, everything "') AV.&c. &c.; fully provided with (instr. or comp.) Ma1lav. Ka1vya7d.; one who has everything or wants nothing MBh. R. samagraM = in total samagraan.h = all samaH = equipoised samakaala * = m. the same time or moment W. ; (ibc. or %{am} , once also %{e} [v.l.]) ind. simultaneously Ya1jn5. Ka1v. &c. ; %{-bhava} m. a contemporary of (comp.) Ra1jat. samakhaata* = n. a cavity having the figure of a regular solid with equal sides, a parallel epipedon, cylinder &c. Col.

samakonaasana = the sideways leg-splits posture samam * = 1 &c. see 2. {sama}, p. 1152. \\2 . {amate}, to ask eagerly, solicit, win over RV.; to fix or settle firmly ib.; to ally or connect one's self with AV. samaM = in equanimity samana * = n. (prob. connected with 2. %{sam}, or 2. %{sama}) meeting (cf. %{a-samana4}), assembly, concourse, festival RV. AV.; intercourse, commerce, pursuit RV. i, 48, 6; amorous union, embrace RV. vi, 75, 4 &c.; conflict, strife ib. vi, 73, 3; 5 &c. (Naigh. ii, 17). samanantara mf(%{A})n. immediately contiguous to or following (abl. or gen.; %{yaccA7tra@sam-anantaram}, and what is immediately connected with it "') R. BhP. Sarvad.; (%{am}) ind. immediately behind or after (gen. or abl. or comp.) MBh. R. &c. samanta * = mf(%{A})n. `" having the ends together "', contiguous, neighbouring, adjacent RV. AV. Pan5cavBr.; `" being on every side "', universal, whole, entire, all (%{sa4mantam} ind., in contiguity or conjunction with "', `" together with "'; %{samanta4m}, or %{-tAt} or %{-ta-tas} ind. on

all sides, around "', or, wholly, completely "'; %{tena} ind. `" all round "'; with %{na} = `" nowhere "') AV. &c. &c.; (%{A}) f. (pl.) neighbour. hood S3Br.; N. of a grammar Col.; n. (also with %{agneH}, %{varuNasya}, or %{vasiSThasya}) N. of various Samans Br.; n. or m. (?) N. of a country Buddh. samantataH = from all sides sama.ntaat.h = from all around samantaat.h = everywhere saman * = P. {-aniti}, to breathe, live RV. samanuvarNita * = m. fn. ( %{varN}) well described or narrated, explained MBh. BhP. samanuvartin * = mfn. obedient, willing, devoted to (gen.) R. samapada * = m. `" holding the feet even "', a partic. posture in sexual union L.; an attitude in shooting ib. samapaada * = n. `" holding the feet even "', a partic. posture in dancing Sam2gi1t.; a posture in shooting L.

samanvi * = P. %{-eti}, to go together after, follow MW.; to infer or ensue as a consequence ib. samanvaya * = m. regular succession or order, connected sequence or consequence, conjunction, mutual or immediate connection (%{At} ind., in consequence of "') Kap. Ba1dar. MBh. &c.; %{pradIpa} m. %{-pradipa-saMketa} m. %{sUtravivRti} f. N. of wks. samau = in suspension samanvitaH = qualified* = mfn. connected or associated with, completely possessed of, fully endowed with, possessing, full of (instr. or comp.) S'vetUp. Mn. MBh. &c.; corresponding or answering to (comp.) R. samara = war samarchaa = well worshipped samarthanam.h = (n) support samarpaNa * = n. the act of placing or throwing upon S'Br.; delivering or handing completely over, consigning, presenting, imparting, bestowing (cf. {Atma-s-}) R. Kaths. BhP.; making known, communicating S'ank. Sarvad.; (in dram.) angry

invective between personages in a play (one of the 7 scenes which constitute a Bhnik q.v.) Sh. sam-arpaNarpaNIya * =mfn. to be delivered or handed over or entrusted Kd. samarpaNarpayitR * =mfn. one who hands over or bestows or imparts (gen. or comp.) MBh. Hariv. sam-arpaNarpita * =mfn. thrown or hurled at &c. &c. (see Caus.); placed or fixed in or on, made over or consigned to (loc. or comp.) S'Br. &c. &c.; restored Hit.; filled with Lalit.; {-vat} mfn. one who has consigned or delivered over MW. sam-arpaNarpya * =mfn. to be handed over or consigned Pacar. sam-arpaka * ={-paNa} &c. see {samR}, p. 1170, col. 3. sam-arpaka * =mfn. (fr. Caus.) furnishing, yielding ({-tA} f.) S'ank. Sarvad. samasta = all samastaM = entire samastaaH = all; the entire

samasthitii = standing still samatala = Level surface samataa = equilibrium samatitya = transcending samatiitaani = completely past samatvaM = equanimity samatva* = n. equality with (instr. or gen.) KtyS'r. VS. Prt. VarBri. &c.; equanimity HYog.; uniform conduct towards (loc. or comp.) Bhag. BhP.; equableness, normal condition Sus'r. samavadhaa * = P. A1. %{-dadhAti}, %{-dhatte}, to lay or put together A1pS3r. samavadhaana* = n. the being brought together, meeting, Kusum. Sarvad. Buddh.; great attention MW.; preparation ib. samavartataagre = was there before samavasthitaM = equally situated samavrittii = prANayAma with equally long

inhalation, exhalation, suspension samavetaaH = assembled samavetaan.h = assembled samaya * = time, pact, agreement, bet* = m. (ifc. f. {A}) coming together, meeting or a place of meeting AV. S'Br.; intercourse with (instr.) Mn. x, 53; coming to a mutual understanding, agreement, compact, covenant, treaty, contract, arrangement, engagement, stipulation, conditions of agreement, terms ({ena} or {At} or {-tas}, according to agreement, conditionally "'; {tena samayena}, `" in consequence of this agreement "'; {samayaM} acc. with {kR}, `" to make an agreement or engagement "', `" agree with any one [instr. with or without {saha}] "', `" settle "', stipulate "'; with {samvad} id.; with {dA}, to propose an agreement, offer terms "'; with {brU} or {vac} or {abhi-dhA}, to state the terms of an agragreement, `" make a promise; with {grah} or {prati-pad}, `" to enter into an agragreement "', `" make or accept conditions of an agragreement "'; with {pAl}, or {rakS} or {parirahS} &c., `" to keep an agragreement "', `" keep one's word "'; with {tyaj} or {bhid} or {vy-abhi-car} &c., `" to break an agragreement "'; abl. with {bhraMz} id.; loc. with {sthA}, `" to keep an engagement, `" keep one's word "'; acc. with Caus.

of {sthA} or of {ni-viz} `" to fix or settle terms "', `" impose conditions "') TS. &c. &c.; convention, conventional rule or usage, established custom, law, rule, practice, observance MBh. R. BhP.; order, direction, precept, doctrine Nir. MBh. S'ank. Sarvad.; (in rhet.) the conventional meaning or scope of a word, Kusum.; appointed or proper time, right moment for doing anything (gen. or Pot. Pn. 3-3, 68), opportunity, occasion, time, season (ifc. or ibe. or {e} ind., `" at the appointed time or at the right moment or in good time for "', or `" at the time of "', `" when there is "'; {tena samayena}, `" at that time "') MBh. Kv. &c.; juncture, circumstances, case ({iha samaye}, under these circumstances "', `" in this case "') Pacat. Hit.; an ordeal Vishn.; sign, hint, indication W.; demonstrated conclusion ib.; limit, boundary ib.; solemn address, harangue, speech, declaration Vishn.; (in gram.) a Vedic passage which is the repetition of another one RPrt.; (in dram.) end of trouble or distress Bhar. Das'ar. Sh.; N. of a son of Dharma VP.; (with S'ktas) N. of the author of a Mantra Cat. samayocita * = mfn. suited to the occasion or time or to an emergency , seasonable , opportune BhP. ; (%{am}) ind. suitably to the occoccasion MW. ; %{-zloka} , m.N. of wk. sambhrama * = m. (ifc. f. {A}) whirling round,

haste, hurry, flurry, confusion, agitation, bustling; activity, eagerness, zeal ({At} and {ena}, `" excitedly, hurriedly "'; acc. with {kR} or {gam}, and dat., to get into a flurry about, show great eagerness or zeal "'; with {tyaj} or {vi-muc}, `" to compose one's self "') MBh. Kv. &c.; awe, deference, respect Kv. Kaths.; error, mistake, delusion (ifc. =, feigning or seeming to be "') Rjat. Kaths.; grace, beauty (v.l. for {vi-bhrama}) Bhartri.; N. of a class of beings attending on S'iva Cat.; mfn. agitated, excited, rolling about (as the eyes) BhP.; {-jvalita} mfn. excited by flurry MW.; {bhRt} mfn. possessing bewilderment, embarrassed, agitited ib. saMcita * mfn. piled together, heaped up, gathered, collected, accumulated S'Br. &c. &c.; dense, thick (as a wood) R.; fitted or provided with, full of (comp.) MBh.; impeded, obstructed VarBriS.; frequently practised or exhibited MBh.; {-karman} n. the rites to be performed after arranging the sacrificial fire S'rS. saM+tri = to cross saMbhaavanaamaatreNa = by honouring (with gifts) alone sambandha = Full relationship between planets

sambandhinaH = relatives sambhava = birth* = (or {sa4m-bhava}) m. (ifc. f. {A}) being or coming together, meeting, union, intercourse (esp. sexual intintercourse, cohabitation) Gobh.; finding room in, being contained in (ifc.= `" contained in "') MBh. Sus'r.; birth, production, origin, source, the being produced from (abl.; ifc. = `" arisen or produced from, made of, grown in "') Mn. MBh. &c.; cause, reason, occasion (ifc.= `" caused or occasioned by "') ib.; being brought about, occurrence, appearance (ifc. = `" occurring "' or `" appearing in "') ib.; being, existence S'vetUp. MBh. &c.; capacity, ability, possibility (ifc. `" made possible by "'; {ena}, `" according to possibility "', `" as possible "') MBh. MrkP. Sh.; (in rhet.) a possible case Kuval.; (in phil.) equivalence (regarded as one of the Pramnas q.v.; illustrated by the equivalence between one shilling and pence) MW.; agreement, conformity (esp. of the receptacle with the thing received) W.; compatibility, adequacy ib.; acquaintance, intimacy ib.; loss, destruction ib.; (with Buddhists) N. of a world SaddhP.; N. of a prince, VF.; of the third Arhat of the present Avasarpin. L.; mf({A})n. existing, being Pacar.; {kANDa} m. n. N. of a Pauranic wk.; {-parirnan} n. `" the section about the origin (of the gods) "', N. of ch. of the first book of the MBh.

sambhavaM = born of sambhavaH = production sambhavati = occur, arise sambhavanti = they appear sambhavaaH = produced of sambhavaan.h = produced of sambhavaami = I do incarnate sambhaavitasya = for a respectable man sambhaashhaNa = conversation, talk, chat sambhRta* = mfn. brought together, collected, assembled, accumulated, concentrated RV. &c. &c.; provided, stored, laden, filled, covered, furnished or endowed with, possessed of (instr. or comp.) AV. &c. &c.; carried, borne (in the womb) MBh.; well maintained or nourished RV. R.; honoured, respected BhP.; produced, effected, caused, made, prepared S'Br. Klid. Sus'r.; loud, shrill (as a sound) MBh. vii, 3911; {-kratu} mfn. one in whom all knowledge is concentrated, intelligent, wise (said of Indra) RV.; {-tama} mfn. fully

concentrated S'nkhS'r.; {-bala} mfn. one who has assembled an army Rjat.; {-zrI} ({sa4m-}) mfn. one in whom all beauty is concentrated, lovely, charming AV. Megh.; {-zruta} mfn. possessed of knowledge, learned, wise Rjat.; {-sambhAra} ({sa4m-}) mfn. one who has brought together all requisite materials, quite ready or prepared for anything TS. MBh. BhP.; {-sneha} mfn. full of love for (loc.) Megh.; {-tA7Gga} ({sa4m-}) mfn. one whose body is well nourished or fed TBr.; (ifc.) one whose limbs are covered with MBh. (B. {sam-vRt}); {-ta4rtha} mfn. one who has accumulated wealth Ragh.; {-tA7zva} ({sa4m-}) mfn. one who has well-fed horses RV.; {-tau9Sadha} mfn. one who has collected many drugs MBh. sambhuutaM = arisen kim saMcAra* = m. (ifc. f. {A}) walking about, wandering, roaming, driving or riding, any motion MBh. Kv. &c.; transit, passage ib.; the passage or entrance of the sun into a new sign MW.; passing over, transition, transference to (comp.) Yj.; transmission (of disease), contagion W.; course, path, way (also fig. = `" mode, manner "') MBh. Hariv.; track (of wild animals) S'ak. Sch.; course of life, career Sh.; a partic. class of spies L.; difficult progress, difficulty, distress W.; leading, guiding ib.; inciting, impelling ib.; a gem supposed to be in

the head of a serpent ib.; = {huM-kAra} ChUp.; [w.r. for {saM-cara}, {saM-sAra}, and {sac-cAra}]; {-jIvin} m. (prob.) a tramp, vagabond L.; {-patha} m. a walk, walking-place Hariv.; (in dram.) a female attendant on a king (= {yavanI}) Bhar.; {pUta} mfn. purified by the course or passage (of anything) MW.; {-vyAdhi} m. a partic. (prob. infectious) disease L. saMdagdha * = mfn. burned up, consumed TS. &c. &c. saMdaMs'a * = m. compression (of the lips) MBh. ; too great compression of the teeth in the pronunciation of vowels RPra1t. ; junction , connection Subh. ; a pair of tongs or pincers or nippers AV. Br. Pur. Sus3r. ; N. of those parts of the body which are used for grasping or seizing (as the thumb and forefinger together , the opposite eye-teeth , the nippers of a crab &c.) Ya1jn5. VarBr2S. Sus3r. Pan5cat. Katha1s. ; a partic. Naraka or hell (where the flesh of the wicked is tortured with pincers) Pur. ; a chapter or section of a book Da1yabh. ; a partic. Eka7ha Vait. ; the site of a village &c. (fixed according to the compass) L. saMdes'ita* = mfn. (fr. Caus.) made to point out, asked to declare MBh.


saMdes'ya* = mfn. to be directed or instructed Kaths.; founded on direction or impulse, done on purpose AV.; belonging to this place, domestic (as opp. to {vi-dezya}, `" foreign "') AV. saMdes'a* = m. (ifc. f. {A}) communication of intelligence, message, information, errand, direction, command, order to (gen. or loc.; {-tas} with gen., `" by order of "') Kaus'. MBh. &c.; a present, gift L.; a partic. kind of sweetmeat L.; {gir} f. news, tidings L.; {-pada} n. pl. the words of a message Ragh.; {-vAc} f. (= {-gir}) L.; {-hara} m. a newsbringer, messenger, envoy, ambassador Kv.; ({A}) f. a female messenger Gal.; {-hAra} mfn. bringing news or tidings Sh.; {-hAraka} (Sh.), {hArin} (S'ak.) m. (= {-hara}); {-zA7rtha} m. the contents of a message Megh.; {-zo7kti} f. (= {-gir}) L. same = in equanimity sametaM = come together with * = come together, assembled, joined, united Mn. MBh. &c.; connected or united or furnished with, possessed of (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kv. &c.; encountered, come into collision with (instr.) MBh.; come near or to, got into any state or condition (acc.) Pacat.; {-mAya} mfn. affected by or possessing illusions MW.

saMgara = (m) a vow saMgAh* = . {-gAhate} (only aor. {samagAhiSTa}), to plunge into, enter, go into (acc.) Bhathth. saMgai* = P. {-gAyati}, to sing together, celebrate by singing together, sing in chorus, chant S'Br. &e. &c.: Pass. {-gIyate}, to be sung or praised in chorus BhP. saMga* = and {saGga} see below and {saJj}. saMga* = m. (for {saGga} see {saJj}) `" coming together "', conflict, war RV. (cf. Naigh. ii, 17). saMgA* = P. {-jigAti}, to come together AV.; to go to, approach (acc.) BhP. saMgaNanA*= f. counting together, enumeration MBh. saMgaNikA*= f. society, the world DivyA7v. saMgarj* = P. {-garjati}, to roar together, shout at or against (acc.) MBh. saMgara* = 1 m. agreeing together, agreement, assent AV. &c. &c.; conflict, combat, fight, battle

with (instr.) or for (gen.) Mn. MBh. &c.; a bargain, transaction of sale L.; knowledge L.; {-kskama} mfn. fit for combat or war Km.; {-stha} mfn. engaged in combat or war R. saMgara* = 2 m. swallowing up, devouring MW.; n. poison L.; misfortune, calamity L.; n. the S'am fruit L. saMgava* = m. (fr. {sam} and {go}) the time when grazing cows are collected for milking or when they are together with their calves (the second of the five divisions of the day, three Muhrtas after Prtastana q.v.) RV. AV. Br. S'rS. saMgataka*= m. contact (see {bhrU-s-}); N. of a story-teller Kaths. saMgatin*= mfn. come together, met, assembled MrkP. saMgam* = . {-gacchate} (rarely P. {-ti}, and accord. to Pn. 1-3, 29 only with an object; pf. {jagme}; Vedic forms &c. {-gamemahi}, {gamAmahai}, {-ajagmiran}, {-agata} [3. sg.], {aganmahi}, {-agasmahi}, or {-agaMsmahi}, {gmiSIya}, {-gasISTa} or {-gaMsISTa}, {-gaMsyate} &c.; cf. 1. {gam} and Pn. 1-2, 13; vii, 2, 38), to go or come together, come into contact or collision,

meet (either in a friendly or hostile manner), join or unite with (instr. with and without {saha} or {sA7rdham}) RV. &c. &c.; to unite sexually with (acc.) Bhathth.; to harmonize, agree, fit, correspond, suit R. Kaths. Veda7ntas.; to go to or towards, meet (acc.) BhP.; to come together or assemble in (loc.) AV.; to undergo or get into any state or condition, become (e.g. with {vizrambham}, `" to become trustful, confide "') BhP.; (P.) to partake of (instr.) RV.; to go away, depart (this life), decease, die Lthy.; (P.) to visit (acc.) Pn. 1-3, 29 Sch.: Caus. {-gamayati} (ind. p. {-gamayya}), to cause to go together, bring together, connect or unite or endow or present with (instr. of pers. and acc. of thing) AV. &c. &c.; to lead any one to (two acc.) Hit., Introd.; to deliver or hand over to (loc.), transfer, bestow, give MBh. Ragh.; to connect, construe (words) Sh.; to cause to go away or depart (this life), kill MBh. (Nlak.): Desid. {-jigaMsate}, to wish to meet with (instr.). Pat.; {-jigAMsati}, to wish to attain to (acc.) ib. saMgamaka*= mfn. leading to, showing the way Nlak. on Hariv. 8992. saMgamanIya*= mfn. leading to union, effecting union Vikr. saMgamita*= mfn. (fr. Caus.) brought together,

united ib.; {-vat} mfn. one who has brought together or united Das'. saMgavavelA*= f. (ChUp.) the time when cows are collected for milking. saMgavinI*= f. the place where cows come together for milking AitBr. (Sy.) saMgaraNa*= n. transaction together, agreement Nir. iii, 9. sAMgamiSNu*= mfn. (fr. {saM-g-}) a kind of sand (or expressive of some quality belonging to it) TBr. saMgama*= m. (or n. g. {ardharcA7di}; ifc. f. {A}) coming together, meeting (in a friendly or hostile manner), union, intercourse or association with (instr. with and without {saha} gen., or comp.) RV. &c. &c.; connection or contact with (instr. or comp.; with {anarthena}, `" coming to harm "', `" injury "') R. Km.; sexual union L.; confluence (of two rivers as of the Ganges and the Jumn, or of a river, at its mouth, with the ocean; such confluences are always held sacred RTL. 347) Yj. MBh. &c.; conjunction (of planets) VarBriS.; harmony, adaptation W.; point of intersection Gol.; an uninterrupted series of (comp.) RPrt.; acquirement of (gen.) Pacat.; {-jJAna} m. N. of a

scholar (cf. {-zrI-jJ-}) Buddh.; {-tantra-rAja}N. of wk.; {-datta} m. N. of a man Kaths.; {-maNi} m. a jewel effecting union (of lovers) Vikr.; {-zrI-jJAna} m. N. of a scholar (cf. {saMgama-jJ-}) Buddh.; {sAdhvasa} n. perturbation in regard to sexual union Mlav.; {-svAmin} m. N. of a man Kaths.; {mA7ditya} m. N. of a man Cat.; {-me7za} n. N. of a Linga Ks'Kh.; {-me7zvara} m. a surname of Vis'va-ntha (the author of the Vrata-rja) Cat.; N. of a Linga Ks'Kh.; ({-ra-mAhAtmya} n. {-stotra} n. N. of wks.; {-svAmin} m. N. of a man ib.) saMgamana*= mf({I})n. gathering together, a gatherer RV. AV.; m. N. of Yama (q.v.) MW.; n. coming together, coming into contact with, meeting with (comp.) AV. TBr.; partaking of (instr) MBh. saMgAyana*= n. singing or praising together KtyS'r. saMgata* = mfn. come together, met, encountered, joined, united AV. &c. &c.; allied with, friendly to (instr. or comp.) Gaut. Rjat.; fitted together, apposite, proper, suitable, according with or fit for (comp.) Kv. Kaths.; contracted, shrunk up MBh. (cf. comp.), in conjunction (as planets) W.; m. (scil. {saMdhi}) an alliance or peace based on mutual friendship Km. Hit.; N. of a king (belonging to the

Maurya dynasty) Pur.; ({am}) n. coming together, meeting with (instr. loc. gen., or comp.) MBh. Kv. &c.; frequent meeting, intercourse, alliance, association, friendship or intimacy with (instr. gen., or comp.) KathhUp. Mn. MBh. &c.; addiction or devotion to (gen.) Kvya7d.; agreement MBh.; {gAtra} mfn. having contracted or shrivelled limbs MBh.; {-saMdhi} m. a friendly alliance (see above) MW.; {-tA7rtha} mfn. containing a fit or proper meaning KtyS'r. saMgati* = f. coming together, meeting with (gen. or comp.) RV. &c. &c.; going or resorting to (loc.) Cn. Hit.; association, intercourse, society, company (with instr. with and without {saha} or {samam}; loc. gen., or comp.) MBh. Kv. &c.; a league, alliance Cn.; sexual union L.; meeting or coming to pass accidentally, chance, accident ({tyA}, ind. `" by chance, haply "') MBh. R. &c.; adaptation, fitness, appropriateness, applicability Kaths. Sarvad.; connection with, relation to (instr. or comp.) Kvya7d.; becoming acquainted, knowledge L.; questioning for further information W.; (in the Prva-mmns) one of the 5 members (Avayavas) of an Adhikarana Sarvad.; {-prakAza} m. {-mAlA} f. {-lakSaNa} n. {-vAda} m. {-vicAra}, m.; ({-ty}) {-anumiti} f. {-anumiti-vAda} m. N. of wks. [1128, 3]


sAMgatika*= mfn. (fr. {saM-gati}) relating to society, social, associating W.; m. a new comer, visitor, guest, acquaintance Vishn. Mn.; one who comes to transact business MW. saMgatha* = m. meeting-place, centre RV. TBr.; conflict, war Naigh.; ({A}) f. confluence MW. sAMgatya* = n. (fr. {saM-gata}) meeting, intercourse with ({saha}) Hit. Subh. samgati = company samgatiraikaa = sa.ngatiH+ekA, company+(only) one (way) samgavarjitaH = freed from the contamination of fruitive activities and mental speculation samGYake = which is called samGYaarthaM = for information samGYitaM = in the matter of samGYitaH = is called samGYaiH = named


samghe = (loc.sing.) in Union or togetherness or group samgiita = (m) divine music, the space between the breaths samgiita = music samgraha = collection* = m. holding together, seizing, grasping, taking, reception, obtainment MBh. Kv. &c.; taking (in the sense of eating or drinking food, medicine &c.) Ragh. Bhartri.; the fetching back of discharged weapons by magical means MBh. Hariv.; bringing together, assembling (of men) R. Ragh. Sinha7s.; collecting, gathering, conglomeration, accumulation (as of stores) Mn. MBh. &c.; (in phil.) agglomeration (= {saMyoga} q.v.) MW.; a place where anything is kept, a storeroom, receptacle BhP.; complete enumeration or collection, sum, amount, totality ({eNa}, `" completely "', `" entirely "') Yj. MBh. &c.; drawing together, making narrower, narrowing, tightening, making thin or slender, the thin part of anything Car. Vgbh. KtyS'r. Sch.; a compendium, summary, catalogue, list, epitome, abridgment, short statement ({eNa} or {At}, `" shortly "', `" summarily "', `" in few words "') KathhUp. MBh. &c.; inclusion, comprehension, Kusum. Kull.; check, restraint, control ib. Vet.; keeping, guarding,

protection Mn. MBh. &c.; a guardian, ruler, manager, arranger R. BhP.; obstruction, constipation (see {-grahanI}); attracting, winning, favouring, kind treatment, propitiation, entertaining, entertainment Mn. MBh. &c.; taking to wife, marriage (see {dAra-s-}); perception, notion Kap. BhP.; mention, mentioning L.; elevation, loftiness L.; velocity L.; N. of S'iva MBh.; of various wks. (esp. of a gram. wk. in 100,000 S'lokas by Vydi; also often in comp.); {-kAra} m. the composer or author of the Sangraha; {grantha} m. N. of wk.; {-grahaNI} f. a partic. form of diarrhoea (alternating with constipation) Bhpr.; {-cUDAmaNi} m. {-parvan} n. (IW. 370 n. 1), {prakAzikA}, f. {-ratnamAlA} f. {-rAmA7yaNa} n. N. of wks.; {-vat} mfn. provided with a short summary of a subject Cat.; {-vastu} n. an element of popularity DivyA7v.; {-vivaraNa} n. {vaidyanAthIya} n. N. of wks.; {-zloka} m. a verse recapitulating what has been explained before (in prose intermixed with Stras). saM-graaha* = m. grasping, laying hold of. forcible seizure W.; the fist or clenching the fist L. (cf. Pn. 3-3, 36 Sch.); the handle of a shield L. samgrahaH = the accumulation samgraheNa = in summary

samgraama-bhuumi = (fem) battleground samgraamaM = fighting saMhata* = mfn. struck together, closely joined or united with (instr.), keeping together, contiguous, coherent, combined, compacted, forming one mass or body s'vS'r. Mn. MBh. &c. [1122, 3]; accompanied or attended by (instr.) Mn. vii, 165; become solid, compact, firm, hard MBh. Kv. &c.; strong-limbed, athletic MBh.; strong, intensive VarBriS.; (prob.) complex, composite, compound (said of a partic. tone and odour) MBh.; struck, hurt, wounded, killed W.; n. a partic. position in dancing, Sanigt.; {-kulIna} mfn. belonging to a family closely allied or related pS'r. Sch.; {-jAnu} or {-jAnuka} mfn. knock-kneed L.; {-tala} m. the two hands joined with the open palms brought together W.; {-tA} f. close contact or union S'is'.; {tva} n. id. Pacat. (v.l.); complexity. compactness, close combination W.; {-pucchi} ind. with contracted tail g. {dvidaNDy-Adi}; {-bhrU} mfn. knitting the brows MBh.; {-bhrUkuTi-mukha} mfn. one on whose face the brows are contracted ib.; {mUrti} mfn. of compact form or shape, strong, intensive VarBriS.; {vAk-kala} mfn. (du.) `" joining the tones of the voice "', singing a duet MrkP.; {vRtto7ru} mfn. one who has round and firm thighs R.; {-starnI} f. a woman whose breasts are very

close to each other MW.; {-hasta} mfn. seizing or holding each other by the hand ({-tva}, n.) Gobh. Sch.; {-tA7Gga} mfn. strong-limbed, well-knit Sus'r.; in close contiguity (as hills) MBh.; {tA7Jjoli} mfn.; joining the hollowed han ds (as a mark of supplication) Hariv.; {-tA7zva} m. N. of a king (son of Nikumbha) Hariv.; {-to7ru} mfn. firmthighed MBh. saMhaata* = m. (for {saM-ghAta}, which is often v.l.) conciseness (in, {akSara-s-}) Sh.; N. of a partic. hell Mn. iv, 89; of one of S'iva's attendants L. samh = being so samhaara = destroy (take away) samharate = winds up saMhata* = mfn. struck together, closely joined or united with (instr.), keeping together, contiguous, coherent, combined, compacted, forming one mass or body A1s3vS3r. Mn. MBh. &c. [1122,3]; accompanied or attended by (instr.) Mn. vii, 165; become solid, compact, firm, hard MBh. Ka1v. &c.; strong-limbed, athletic MBh.; strong, intensive VarBr2S.; (prob.) complex, composite, compound (said of a partic. tone and odour) MBh.; struck,

hurt, wounded, killed W.; n. a partic. position in dancing, Sam2igi1t.; %{-kulIna} mfn. belonging to a family closely allied or related A1pS3r. Sch.; %{jAnu} or %{-jAnuka} mfn. knock-kneed L.; %{tala} m. the two hands joined with the open palms brought together W.; %{-tA} f. close contact or union S3is3.; %{-tva} n. id. Pan5cat. (v.l.); complexity. compactness, close combination W.; %{-pucchi} ind. with contracted tail g. %{dvidaNDy-Adi}; %{-bhrU} mfn. knitting the brows MBh.; %{-bhrUkuTi-mukha} mfn. one on whose face the brows are contracted ib.; %{-mUrti} mfn. of compact form or shape, strong, intensive VarBr2S.; %{vAk-kala} mfn. (du.) `" joining the tones of the voice "', singing a duet Ma1rkP.; %{vRtto7ru} mfn. one who has round and firm thighs R.; %{-starnI} f. a woman whose breasts are very close to each other MW.; %{-hasta} mfn. seizing or holding each other by the hand (%{-tva}, n.) Gobh. Sch.; %{-tA7Gga} mfn. strong-limbed, well-knit Sus3r.; in close contiguity (as hills) MBh.; %{tA7Jjoli} mfn.; joining the hollowed han ds (as a mark of supplication) Hariv.; %{-tA7zva} m. N. of a king (son of Nikumbha) Hariv.; %{-to7ru} mfn. firm-thighed MBh. saMhaata* = m. (for %{saM-ghAta}, which is often v.l.) conciseness (in, %{akSara-s-}) Sa1h.; N. of a partic. hell Mn. iv, 89; of one of S3iva's attendants

L. samhita = sandhi: the phonetic combination of words in sanskrit saMhita* = mfn. (1. {dhA}) put together, joined, attached RV. &c. &c.; fixed, settled AitBr.; composed of (comp.) ib.; placed together ({pArzvas-}, `" placed side by side "') Lthy.; uninterrupted (as a series of words) RPrt.; joined or connected or endowed or furnished with, abounding in, possessed of, accompanied by (comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.; agreeing with, conformable to ({dharma-s-}, `" in accordance with justice "') R.; relating to, concerning (comp.) ib.; connected with, proceeding from (comp.) MBh.; being on friendly terms with (instr.) ib.; ({-ta4}) mfn. mixed in colour, variegated VS. TS.; ({A}) f. see next; n. N. of a Sman rshBr. saMhitaa* = f. conjunction, connection, union TUp.; (in gram.) the junction or combination of letters according to euphonic rules (= {saMdhi}, but sometimes considered rather as the state preparatory to the actual junction than the junction itself Prt.; a text treated according to euphonic rules (esp. the real continuous text of the Vedas as formed out of the Padas or separate words by proper phonetic changes [according to various

schools; cf. IW. 152]: beside the Sanhits of the Riig-, Sma-, and Atharvaveda there is the Vjasaneyi-SSanhits belonging to the White Yajur-veda, and five other Sanhits belonging to the black Yajur-veda, viz. the Taittirya-SSanhit, the Sanhita of the treyas [known only by its Anukraman], the SSanhit of the Kathhas, the Kapishthhala-Kathha-SSanhit, and the SSanhit of the Maitryaniyas or MaitryanSSanhit) Nir. Prt. &c.; any methodically arranged collection of texts or verses (e.g. the Rma7yana, the various law-books, the medical works of Caraka and S'rngadhara, the complete system of natural astrology &c. [cf. {bRhat-s-}]; there is also a Sanhit of the Purnas said to have been compiled by Vysa, the substance of which is supposed to be represented by the Vishnu-purna) MBh. VarBriS. Pur. &c.; science L.; the force which holds together and supports the universe (a term applied to the Supreme Being accord. to some) MW.; N. of various wks. samhitaasa.ndhiH = sa.nhitaa+sandhiH joined together? samhri = to completely destroy1 saMhrita * = mfn. drawn or brought together &c.; interrupted (in %{a-s-}) Uttarar.; %{-busam} ind.

after the chaff has been got in g. %{tiSThadguprabhRti}; %{-yavam} ind. after the barley has been got in ib. samhrishhTa = (adj) happy samiddhaH = blazing samiihaa* = f. striving after , longing for , wish , desire MBh. Ka1v. &c. samIh * = A1. %{-Ihate} (pr. p. %{-Ihat}) , to strive after , wish for , desire , endeavour to gain (acc.) VS. &c. &c. samIhaa * = f. striving after , longing for , wish , desire MBh. Ka1v. &c. samIhana * = mfn. zealous , eager (said of Vishn2u) MBh. samIhita * = mfn. longed or wished for , desired , striven after , undertaken R. Bhartr2. Pan5cat. ; n. great effort to obtain anything , desire , longing , wish Ka1v. Katha1s. Hit. samiikaraH = (m) electric iron samiikaraNa = equation


samiipa-stha = (standing) nearby samiipe = (adv) near samiira = breeze samiiksh.h = to examine samiikshya = after seeing samiiksha* n. complete investigation "'N. of the Smkhya system of philosophy L.; ({A}) f. thorough or close inspection, perceiving, beholding (dat., within the range of any one's [gen.] sight "') past.; desire or wish to see MBh.; a glance BhP.; view, opinion in regard to (with {prati}) MBh.; deep insight, understanding, intellect BhP.; investigation, search W.; the Mmns philosophy or any work examining or explaining Vedic ritual ib.; essential nature or truth or principle (= {tattva} q.v.) ib. [1165,1]; effort ib. samitiJNjayaH = always victorious in battle samitii = (f) comittee sam'ja *= 1 mfn. (fr. %{saM} + 1. %{jJa} = %{jJu} ; cf. 1. %{pra-jJa}) knock-kneed L. sam'ja *= 2 mfn. (ifc. for %{saM-jJA} e.g.

%{labdha-saMjJa} , `" one who has recovered consciousness "' MBh. ; %{-tA} f. `" recovery of cconsciousness "' Ven2is.) ; (%{A}) f. see below ; n. a yellow fragrant wood , yellow sanders L. sam'jaa *= P. A1. %{-jAnAti} , %{-jAnIte} , (A1.) to agree together , be of the same opinion , be in harmony with (loc. ; accord. to Pa1n2. 2-3 , 22 , also instr. or acc.) RV. AV. VS. S3Br. ; (A.) to obey (dat.) AitBr. ; (A1.) to appoint , assign , intend (for any purpose) , destine ib. ; (only ind. p. %{-jJAya}) to direct , order , command Hariv. ; to acknowledge , recognize , own Pa1n2. 1-3 , 46 Sch. ; (P.) to acknowledge or claim as one's own , take possession of SaddhP. ; (P.) to think of. recollect sorrowfully (with acc. or gen.) Pa1n2. Vop. ; A1. to know well , understand R. ; to watch for Bhat2t2.: Caus. %{-jJA8payati} , %{-te} , to cause to be of the same opinion or agree together AV. AitBr. ; to cause to acquiesce or agree in (euphemistically said of a sacrificial victim , which ought not to be led forcibly to its death but made to resign itself) S3Br. Gr2S3rS. MBh. BhP. ; to appease , satisfy MBh. Ka1lid. ; to make to be understood or known , cause to understand S3Br. ; to make signs to (acc.) , communicate or make anything known by signs Mr2icch. Hcar. ; to command , enjoin , instruct Hariv. [1133,3]\\ f. (ifc. f. %{A}) agreement , mutual understanding , harmony TBr. S3Br.

Katha1s. ; consciousness , clear knowledge or understanding or notion or conception S3Br. &c. &c. ; a sign , token , signal , gesture (with the hand , eyes &c. ; %{saMjJAm-kR} or %{dA} , `" to give a signal "') MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; direction (in %{a-kRtas} , `" one who has received no ddirection "') MBh. ; a track , footstep BhP. ; a name , appellation , title , technical term (ifc. = `" called , named "') Nir. Mn. MBh. &c. ; (in gram.) the name of anything thought of as standing by itself , any noun having a special meaning (%{saMjJAyAm} therefore denotes `" [used] in some peculiar sense rather than in its strictly etymological meaning "' e.g. as a proper name) Pa1n2. 1-1 , 34 ; 2 , 53 &c. ; a technical expression in grammar (see %{-sUtra}) ; (with Buddhists) perception (one of the 5 Skandhas q.v.) Dharmas. 22 MWB. 109 ; N. of the Ga1yatri1 (q.v.) L. ; of a partic. high number Buddh. ; N. of a daughter of Tvasht2r2i or Vis3va-karman (the wife of the Sun and mother of Manu , Yama and Yami1) Hariv. Pur. saMjnna * = mf(%{I})n. producing harmony AitBr. ; (%{I}) f. a ceremony for producing unanimity TS. A1s3vS3r. ; n. unanimity , harmony with (loc. or instr.) RV. AV. VS. TS. ; consciousness S3Br. AitUp. BhP. ; right conception Pratijn5a1s. ; perception (= %{saM-jJA}) Buddh. saMkaara* = m. dust, sweepings ({-kUTa} n. a

heap of rubbish) DivyA7v.; the crackling of flame L.; ({I}) f. a girl recently deflowered, new bride L. saMkath* = P. {-kathayati}, to relate or narrate fully, tell, speak about (acc.), converse MBh. BhP. saMkan* = (only p. {-cakAna4}), to be pleased or satisfied RV. v, 30, 17. saMkalpa* = m. (ifc. f. {A}) conception or idea or notion formed in the mind or heart, (esp.) will, volition, desire, purpose, definite intention or determination or decision or wish for (with loc. dat., or ifc.), sentiment, conviction, persuasion; (ibc. often = `" intentionally "', `" purposely "', `" on purpose "', `" according to will "', &c.; acc. with {kR}, `" to form a resolution, make up one's mind "') AV. &c. &c.; idea or expectation of any advantage W.; a solemn vow or determination to perform any ritual observance, declaration of purpose (e.g. a declaration by a widow of her intention to burn herself with her deceased husband) W.; the Will personified (as a son of Sankalp and Brahm) Hariv. MrkP.; ({A}) f. N. of a daughter of Daksha (the wife of Dharma and mother of Sankalpa) Hariv.; of Manu's wife Hariv. saMkA* = f. (prob. connected with {saJj}) contest, strife, fight RV. TBr.

saMkaara* = m. dust, sweepings ({-kUTa} n. a heap of rubbish) DivyA7v.; the crackling of flame L.; ({I}) f. a girl recently deflowered, new bride L. saMkara* = m. mixing together, commingling, intermixture confusion (esp. of castes or races, proceeding from the intermarriage of a man with a woman of a higher caste or from the promiscuous intercourse of the four tribes, and again from the indiscriminate cohabitation of their descendants; cf. {yoni-s-}) Mn. MBh. &c.; the offspring of a mixed marriage R.; any action similar to the intermixture of castes (sometimes n.) MBh.; (in rhet.) the confusion or blending together of metaphors which ought to be kept distinct (opp. to {saM-sRSTi} q.v.) Sh. Kpr.; anything that may be defiled by the touch of any unclean thing MBh.; dung Car.; dust, sweepings L.; the crackling of flame L.; N. of a man Buddh.; {-ja} mfn. born from a mixed caste Cat.; {-jAta} mfn. id. Mn. v, 89; {jAti} mfn. id. BhP.; {-jAtIya} mfn. id. MW.; {-tA} f. (see {varNa-s-}); {-mImAMsA} f. N. of wk.; {saMkara} m. the mixed offspring of mixed offspring Vishn.; {-sveda} m. a partic. sudorific treatment; {-rA7pAtra-kRtyA} f. an action which degrades a man to a mixed caste or makes him unworthy to receive gifts Mn. xi, 126; {-rAzva} m. `" mongrel horse "', a mule L.


saMkarshana * = n. drawing out, extraction Hariv. BhP.; a means of joining or uniting BhP.; drawing together, contracting W.; making rows, ploughing ib. [1126,2]; m. N. of Bala-deva or Bala-ra1ma (also called Hala7yudha [q.v.], the elder brother of Kr2ishn2a; he was drawn from the womb of Devaki1 and transferred to that of Rohin2i1; among Vaishn2avas he is considered as the second of the four forms of Purusho7ttama) MBh. Hariv. Pur. Sarvad.; N. of the father of Ni1la7sura Cat.; (also with %{sUri}) of various authors ib.; %{-kANDa} (or %{saM-karSa-k-}) m. N. of an appendix to the Mi1ma1n6sa1-su1tra; %{-maya} mf(%{I})n. representing Bala-deva AgP.; %{-vidyA} f. the art of drawing a child from the womb of one woman and transferring it to that of another (applied to Baladeva cf. above) Prab.; %{-zaraNa} m. N. of an author, Cat; %{-sUtra-vicAra} m. N. of wk.; %{Ne7zvara-tIrtha} n. N. of a Ti1rtha Cat. see also zamkara under s'amkara samkatha = calamity / danger saMkhyaa* = P. {-khyAti}, to reckon or count, up, sum up, enumerate, calculate S'Br. Mn. MBh. &c.; to estimate by (instr.) MBh.; . (only aor. {saMakhyata}) to appear along with, be connected with, belong to (instr.) RV. VS.: Caus. {-khyApayati}, to

cause to be looked at or observed by (instr.) TS. S'Br. saMkhya* = mfn. counting up or over, reckoning or summing up Pn. 3-2, 7 Sch. (ifc.; cf. {go-s-}); m. N. of a man Cat.; ({A}) f. see below; n. conflict, battle, war (only in loc.; cf. Naigh. ii, 17) MBh. Kv. Rjat.; {-tA} f. {-tva} n. numerableness, numeration MW. saMkhyaa* = f. reckoning or summing up, numeration, calculation (ifc. = `" numbered or reckoned among "') R. Ragh. Rjat.; a number, sum, total (ifc. `" amounting to "') S'Br. &c. &c.; a numeral Prt. Pn. &c.; (in gram.) number (as expressed by case terminations or personal tterminations) Ks'. on Pn. 2-3, 1; deliberation, reasoning, reflection, reason, intellect MBh. Kv.; name, appellation (= {AkhyA}) R.; a partic. high number Buddh.; manner MW.; (in geom.) a gnomon (for ascertaining the points of the compass), RmRs. saMkhyAta * = mfn. reckoned up , enumerated , numbered , counted , measured AV. &c. &c. [1128,2] ; estimated by R. ; considered (see comp.) ; m. pl. N. of a people VarBr2S. ; (%{A}) f. (scil. %{prahelikA}) a kind of riddle based on counting Ka1v. iii , 101 ; n. number , multitude BhP. ; %{1846

saMkhyeya} mfn. one who has considered what is to be considered Car. ; %{-tA7nudeza} m. a subsequent enumeration the members of which correspond successively to those of a previous one Ka1s3. on saMkrama* = m. going or coming together VS.; progress, course, (esp.) transition, passage or transference to (loc.), Kusum.; the passage of the sun or a planet through the zodiacal signs Yj. VarBriS. &c.; the falling or shooting of stars Mriicch.; the meeting of two words in the Krama text (caused by omitting those between) VPrt.; a bridge or steps leading down to water Mn. MBh. &c.; N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh.; of a king of the Vidy-dharas (the son of Vasu) Kaths.; m. or n. (?) a particular high number Buddh.; m. n. difficult passage or progress (as over rocks or torrents or inaccessible passes) L.; a means or vehicle for effecting a difficult passage or of obtaining any object Das'.; n. du. (with {indrasya} or {vasiSThasya}) N. of two Smans rshBr.; {dvAdazA7ha} m. a partic. form of the Dvdas'a7ha (q.v.) KtyS'r.; {-yajJa} m. a kind of sacrifice Vait. saMkraama* = m. passing away pS'r.; m. n. difficult passage or progress L. sammantrya V: consulting, deliberating, discussing

sammarjanii = (f) broom\ sammata * mfn. thinking together, being of the same opinion, agreed, consented or assented to, concurred in, approved by (gen. or comp.) MBh. Kv. &c.; (ifc.) agreeing with BhP.; thought, supposed, considered or regarded as (nom.) R.; thought highly of, esteemed, renowned, celebrated, highly honoured by (gen.) Mn. MBh. &c.; allowed, authorized (see {a-sammata}); m. N. of a son of Manu Svarna Hariv.; (pl.) of a school Buddh.; ({A}) f. N. of a daughter of Marutta Hariv.; of a treatise on the Dhtu-pthha; ({am}) n. opinion, impression ({e} or {ena} with gen., `" in the opinion of. "' `" under the idea of "') MBh.; consent, assent, approval, acquiescence, concurrence ({e}, `" with the consent or approval of "') MW. saMmaarjayati = to clean, to wash, to wipe saMmishraNaM = mixed sammis'ra* = mf(%{A})n. commingled, mixed together, joined, connected, furnished or endowed with (instr. or comp.) MBh. R. &c. sammita* = mfn. measured out, measured, meted BhP.; measuring. so much, just so much (no more nor less) MBh. BhP.; of the same measure or

extent, equal, like, same (in length, height, number, value &c.), corresponding to, resembling, passing for (instr., rarely gen.; or comp.) AV. &c. &c.; reaching up to (comp.) S3Br. A1s3vS3r.; symmetrical (?) Pan5car.; consisting of. furnished or provided with (instr. or comp.) MBh. Pan5car.; destined for (comp.) MBh.; v, 2462 (B. %{saMdhita}); (%{am}) ind. perpetually, incessantly Ka1ran2d2. (prob. w.r. for %{samitam}); m. N. of a mythical being Ya1jn5.; of a son of Vasisht2ha VP.; (%{am}) n. distance (%{e} ifc. = `" at a distance from "') VarBr2S.; %{-tva} n. (in rhet.) universal analogy Prata1p.; %{-varNA} f. N. of a Commentary. &c. see above. sammohaH = perfect illusion sammohaat.h = from illusion sammuuDha = bewildered * = sammUDha mfn. completely stupefied, astounded, perplexed, bewildered, unconscious, senseless MBh. Ka1v. &c.; foolish, ignorant Ya1jn5. Ra1jat.; heaped, accumulated (as clouds; accord. to others, `" torn asunder "') Hariv.; produced rapidly W.; broken ib.; (%{A}) f. a kind of riddle or enigma Cat.; (%{Dhacetas} mfn. troubled or infatuated in mind,

S3a1ntis3.; %{-tA} f. (Katha1s.), %{-tva} n. (MaitrUp.) stupefaction, infatuation, bewilderment, unconsciousness; %{-piDakA} f. N. of partic. eruptions on the membrum virile Sus3r.; %{-hRdaya} mfn. troubled in heart MW. sammugdha * = mfn. gone astray (see %{a-s-}); perplexed, bewildered, stupefied Uttarar.; not clearly understood Ni1lak.; (%{am}) ind. furtively Gi1t. [1181,1] sammuh * = P. %{-muhyati} (pf. %{-mumoha}, or %{-mumuhs}), to become quite stupefied or bewildered or unconscious MBh. R. BhP.; to become confused or unrecognizable (as the quarters of the sky) MBh. : Caus. %{-mohayati}, to stupefy, make unconscious, perplex, bewilder, lead astray MBh. Ka1v. &c. sammukha * = mf(%{I} rarely %{A}) n. facing, fronting, confronting, being face to face or in front of or opposite to (gen. or ifc. or ibc.), present, before the eyes S3Br. &c. &c.; being about to begin or at the beginning of (comp.) Hariv.; directed or turned towards S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.; inclined or favourable to (gen. or comp.), propitious Ka1v. Katha1s. Pan5cat.; intent upon (loc. or comp.) S3atr. Katha1s.; adapted to circumstances, fit, suitable Lalit.; with the mouth or face A1pS3r.;

(%{am}) ind. towards, near to (%{atmanaH}, `" one's self "'); opposite, in front or in presence of (gen.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; (%{e}) ind. opposite, before, face to face, in front or in presence or in the beginning of (gen. or comp.; with %{bhU}, `" to oppose, resist "'; with %{sthA}, to look any one in the face "') ib. sammuuDhaaH = befooled by material identification sammohaM = into delusion samnidhau = in the presence of, close saMnives'ayitavya* = mfn. (fr. id.) to be placed or made to enter or inserted S3am2k samnyasi = one who has renounced the world samnyasta = one who has renounced samnyasya = giving up completely samnyaasa = of renunciation samnyaasaM = renunciation samnyaasaH = renunciation of work


samnyaasanaat.h = by renunciation samnyaasasya = of renunciation samnyaasii = renouncer saMnyAsin * = mfn. laying aside, giving up, abandoning, renouncing, Asht2a1vS.; abstaining from food Bhat2t2.; m. one who abandons or resigns worldly affairs, an ascetic, devotee (who has renounced all earthly concerns and devotes himself, to meditation and the study of the A1ran2yakas or Upanishadas, a Bra1hman in the fourth A1s3rama [q.v.] or stage of his life, a religious mendicant; cf. RTL. 53, 55 &c.) Up. MBh. Pur.; (%{-si})%{-tA} f. %{-tva} n. abandonment of worldly concerns, retirement from the world MW.; %{-darzana} n. N. of a ch. of the PadmaP.; %{saMdhyA} f. %{-samArAdhana} n. N. of wks. samnyaasiinaaM = for the renounced order samnyaasena = by the renounced order of life saMnyas* = P. {-asyati} (rarely {-asati}), to, throw down together, place or put or lay together S'Br.; to impose, put or lay upon, intrust or commit to (gen. or loc.) Mn. MBh. &c.; to put or lay down, deposit MBh. Kv. &c.; to lay aside, give up, abandon,

resign (esp. the world i.e. become an ascetic or Sannysin) Mn. MBh. &c. saMnyasana* = n. throwing down, laying aside, giving up, resignation, renunciation of worldly concerns Bhag. saMnyasta* = mfn. thrown down, laid aside, relinquished, abandoned, deserted MBh. Kv. &c.; encamped R.; deposited, intrusted, consigned ib.; {-deha} mfn. one who has given up his body MW.; {-zastra} mfn. one who has laid aside his weapons Ragh. saMnyaasa* = m. (ifc. f. {A}) putting or throwing down, laying aside, resignation, abandonment of (gen. or comp.) MBh. R. Sarvad.; renunciation of the world, profession of asceticism Mn. MBh. &c.; abstinence from food L.; giving up the body, sudden death W.; complete exhaustion Sus'r.; deposit, trust R. Mriicch.; compact, agreement Kaths.; stake, wager MBh.; Indian spikenard L.; {karma-kArikA} f. N. of wk.; {-grahaNa} n. assuming or practising asceticism Pacar.; {grahaNa-paddhati} f. {-grahaNa-ratnamAlA} f. {grAhyapaddhati} f. {-dIpikA} f. {-dharmasaMgraha} m. {-nirNaya} m. {-pada-maJjarI} f. {paddhati} f. N. of wks.; {-pallI}, F. (for {-si-p-}?) an ascetic's hut L.; {-bheda-nirNaya} m. {-rIti} f. N. of

wks.; {-vat} mfn. connected with asceticism L.; {vidhi}, m.; {-sA7zrama-vicAra} m. {-sA7hnika} n. {-so7paniSad} f. N. of wks. saMnyaasin* = mfn. laying aside, giving up, abandoning, renouncing, AshthvS.; abstaining from food Bhathth.; m. one who abandons or resigns worldly affairs, an ascetic, devotee (who has renounced all earthly concerns and devotes himself, to meditation and the study of the ranyakas or Upanishadas, a Brhman in the fourth s'rama [q.v.] or stage of his life, a religious mendicant; cf. RTL. 53, 55 &c.) Up. MBh. Pur.; ({si}){-tA} f. {-tva} n. abandonment of worldly concerns, retirement from the world MW.; {darzana} n. N. of a ch. of the PadmaP.; {saMdhyA} f. {-samArAdhana} n. N. of wks. saMnyaasika* = in {veda-s-} (q.v.) saaMnyaasika* = mfn. (fr. {sam-nyAsa}) forming the original or correct text Pat. on iii, 2, 107, Vartt. 2; m. a Brhman in the fourth stage of his life, religious mendicant L. sampaadaka = (m) editor saMpaadakaH = (m) editor


sampaadakaH = (m) editor sampaadana = editting sampaadikaa = (f) editor sampat.h = assets sampatti = prosperity sampat *= to fly or rush together (in a friendly or hostile manner), encounter, meet any one (acc.), meet with (instr.) RV. &c. &c.; to fly along, fly to, hasten towards, arrive at, reach (acc. or loc.) AitBr. MBh. &c.; to fly or fall down, alight on (loc.) MBh.; to go or roam about R. VarBriS.; to come to pass, take place, happen, occur MBh. Hariv.: Caus. {pAtayati}, to cause to fly or fall, throw or hurl down R. BhP. sampat * =in comp. for {samp ad] sampad *: to fall or happen well, turn out well, succeed, prosper, accrue to (dat. or gen.) AV. &c. &c.; to become full or complete (as a number), amount to Br. ChUp. Hariv.; to fall together, meet or unite with, obtain, get into, partake of (instr. or acc.) Br. Mn. MBh. &c.; to enter into, be absorbed in (acc. or loc.) ChUp. BhP.; to be produced, be

brought forth, be born, arise MBh. R.; to become, prove, turn into (nom.) MBh. Kv. &c.; to be conducive to, sampa4d *: success, accomplishment, completion, fulfilment, perfection Yj. MBh. &c.; a condition or requisite of success &c. BhP.; concord, agreement, stipulation, bargain TS. s'vS'r.; equalization of similar things S'ank.; attainment, acquisition, possession, enjoyment, advantage, benefit, blessing VarBriS. Sarvad. Pur.; turning into, growing, becoming S'ank.; being, existence sampad* = . {-padyate} (in some forms also P.; ind. p. {-pAdam} q.v.), to fall or happen well, turn out well, succeed, prosper, accrue to (dat. or gen.) AV. &c. &c.; to become full or complete (as a number), amount to Br. ChUp. Hariv.; to fall together, meet or unite with, obtain, get into, partake of (instr. or acc.) Br. Mn. MBh. &c.; to enter into, be absorbed in (acc. or loc.) ChUp. BhP.; to be produced, be brought forth, be born, arise MBh. R.; to become, prove, turn into (nom.) MBh. Kv. &c.; to be conducive to, produce (dat.) Pacat. Vrtt. on Pn. 2-3, 13; (with adv. in {sAt}) to become thoroughly Pn. 5-4, 53; to fall into a Persos, power ib. 54; (with adv. in {tra}) to fall to a persos share ib. 55; to produce a partic. sound (as that expressed by an onomatopoetic word in

{A}) Vop. vii, 88: Caus. {-pAdayati} (rarely {-te}), to cause to succeed, cause to arise, bring about, produce, effect, accomplish (with {zuzrUSAm} and gen., `" to obey "') MBh. Kv. &c.; to make full, complete S'Br. BhP.; to transform, make or turn into (acc.) Kaths.; to provide or furnish with (instr.; with {kriyayA}, to charge or entrust a person with a business "') S'Br. MBh. [1172, 1] SaddhP.; to afford to, procure for (dat. or gen.) AitBr. MBh. &c.; to attain, obtain, acquire AV. R. &c.; to ponder on, deliberate MBh.; to consent, agree Br. ChUp.: Desid. of Caus. {-pipAdayiSati} (see {sam-pipAdayiSA} &c., col, 2): Intens. {panIpadyate}, to fit well Sarvad. sampadaM = assets sampadyate = he attains sampanna = endowed with * = mfn. fallen or turned out well, accomplished, effected, perfect, excellent (ifc. or with loc. = `" perfectly acquainted or conversant with "') AV. &c. &c.; of perfect or correct flavour, palatable, dainty s'vGri. MBh. R.; endowed or furnished with, possessed of (instr. adv. in {-tas}, or comp. also with transposition of the members; cf. below) S'Br. MBh. &c.; (ifc.) become, turned into R.; m. N. of S'iva MBh.; ({am}) n. dainty food, a delicacy MBh. xiii, 4567; {-krama}

m. a partic. Samdhi Buddh.; {-kskIrA} f. giving good milk (superl. {-ra-tamA}) Ks'. on Pn. 2-3, 41; {-M-kAram} ind. making dainty, seasoning ib. iii 4, 26; {-tama} mfn. most complete or perfect, AitAr.; {-tara} mfn. more or most dainty or delicate R.; {-tA} f. the being endowed with or possessed of (comp.) Das'.; {-danta} mfn. possessing teeth s'vGri.; {-pAnIya} mfn. rich in water Pat. on Pn. 1-2, 52; {-rUpa} mfn. of perfect form, complete MW.; dainty, delicate ib. sampanne = fully equipped samparaaya * = m. (fr. %{sam-parA}. 5. %{i}) decease, death Vas. BhP.; existence from eternity, Sa1n2d2.; conflict, war, battle Suparn2. Das3.; calamity, adversity L.; futurity, future time L.; a son W. samparikhyaa* =P. %{-khyAti}, to communicate completely, relate in full MBh. samparka = contact sampashyan.h = considering saMpashyan.h = (pr.participle) looking at sampiiDa * = m. pressing or squeezing together ,

pressure Kir. ; (%{A}) f. pain , torture Gobh. Mn. Hariv. sampiiDana * = n. compression , pressing , squeezing (also as a partic. fault in pronunciation) MBh. Ka1v. &c. samplava* = m. flowing together, meeting or swelling (of waters), flood, deluge R. Hariv. BhP. a dense mass, heap, multitude Mn. MBh. &c.; conglomeration, taking a form or shape, rise, origin BhP.; noise, tumult (esp. of battle) Hariv. R.; submersion by water, destruction, ruin Yj. MBh. Kv. &c.; end, close of (comp.) BhP. samplutodake = in a great reservoir of water sampradaaya * = m. a bestower, presenter S3a1rn3gP.; tradition, established doctrine transmitted from one teacher to another, traditional belief or usage Gr2S3rS. &c. &c.; any peculiar or sectarian system of religious teaching, sect RTL. 61; 62; %{-candrikA} f. N. of wk.; %{-tas} ind. according to tradition MW.; %{-nirUpaNa} n. %{-paddhati} f. %{-parizuddhi} f. %{-prakAzinI}, f. %{-pradIpa} m. %{-pradIpa-paddhati} f. N. of wks.; %{-pradyotaka} m. a revealer of the tradition of the Veda, Kusum.; %{-prA7pta} mfn. obtained through tradition MW.; %{-vigama} m. want or

loss of tradition S3is3.; %{-vid} m. one versed in traditional doctrines or usages Sa1y. sampradis' *= P. %{-dizati}, to point out or indicate fully, appoint, designate MBh. BhP. samprakiirtitaH = is declared sampramatta * = mfn. ( {mad}) very excited (said of an elephant in rut) Hariv.; very careless, thoughtless, neglectful MBh. [1175, 3]; very fond of (inf.) ib. viii, 3509 (B. {sam-pra-vRtta}). sampratishhThaa = the foundation samprapad * = A1. %{-padyate} (in some forms also P.), to go towards or enter together, approach, enter (acc.) AitBr. BhP.; to set out (on a journey acc.) Hariv.; to betake one's self or have recourse to (acc.) MBh. Hariv. BhP.; to succeed, be accomplished Pan5cat.; to become, be turned into (%{-sAt}) Bhat2t2.; to set about, begin MW. samprapad.h = to become sampradaaya* = m. a bestower, presenter S3a1rn3gP.; tradition, established doctrine transmitted from one teacher to another, traditional belief or usage Gr2S3rS. &c. &c.; any

peculiar or sectarian system of religious teaching, sect RTL. 61; 62; %{-candrikA} f. N. of wk.; %{-tas} ind. according to tradition MW.; %{-nirUpaNa} n. %{-paddhati} f. %{-parizuddhi} f. %{-prakAzinI}, f. %{-pradIpa} m. %{-pradIpa-paddhati} f. N. of wks.; %{-pradyotaka} m. a revealer of the tradition of the Veda, Kusum.; %{-prA7pta} mfn. obtained through tradition MW.; %{-vigama} m. want or loss of tradition S3is3.; %{-vid} m. one versed in traditional doctrines or usages Sa1y. sampras'na *= m. asking, inquiring about (comp.), inquiry, question (%{-prazno} "' %{tra@na@vidyate}, `" there is here no question, it is a matter of course "') RV. MBh. Ka1v. &c.; courteous inquiry MW.; a refuge, asylum (Ved.) ib. sampravaaha * = m. continuous stream, uninterrupted continuity Kd. BhP. sampraapta * = mfn. well reached or attained, obtained, gained &c.; one who has reached or attained, arrived at, met with, fallen into (acc.) MBh. Kv. &c.; (ifc.) extending to Sus'r.; come, become, appeared, arrived (as a period of time) Mn. MBh. &c.; sprung or descended from ({-tas}) Mn. ix, 141; {-yauvana} mfn. one who has fully attained youth or manhood, come of age MBh.; {vidya} mfn. one who has acquired all knowledge ib.

sampravrittaani = although developed samprekshya = looking sampuurNa = full saMpuurNam.h = complete, finis, over saMpraapte = ( when you have) reached/obtained saMpraapnoti = attains saMrambha * = m. (ifc. f. {A}) the act of grasping or taking hold of. MBh. iv, 1056 (C.); vehemence, impetuosity, agitation, flurry MBh. Kv. &c.; excitement, zeal, eagerness, enthusiasm, ardent desire for or to (inf, or comp.) Kv. Rjat.; anger, fury, wrath against (loc. or {upari} with gen.) Mn. MBh. &c.; angriness (i.e.) inflammation or irritation of a sore or wound Sus'r.; pride, arrogance W.; intensity, high degree (ibc.= `" intensely "') Kv. Kaths.; the brunt (of battle) Rjat.; beginning (= {A-rambha}) MW.; {-tAmra} mf. red with fury ib.; {-dRz} mfn. having inflamed or angry eyes, Bhp.; {-paruSa} mfn. harsh from rage, intensely or exceedingly harsh or rough W.; {rasa} mfn. having angry or impetuous feelings ib.; {-rUkSa} mfn. exceedingly harsh or cruel Vikr. iii, 20; {-vat} mfn. wrathful, angry Harav.; {-vega} m.

the vilence or impetuosity. of wrath MW. samriddha = with full * = mfn. accomplished, succeeded, fulfilled, perfect, very successful or prosperous or flourishing, fortunate AV. Br. ChUp. MBh. R.; full-grown (as trees) MBh.; complete, whole, entire ib.; fully furnished or abundantly endowed with (instr. abl., or comp.) S'Br. Mn. MBh. &c.; rich, wealthy ib. Kaths.; plenteous, abundant, much Ratna7v.; m. N. of a serpentdemon MBh.; {-tejas} mfn. endowed with splendour or strength R.; {-yazas} mfn. rich in fame, renowned, celebrated MW.; {-vega} mfn. increasing in speed, excessively swift Bhag.; {ddhA7rtha} mfn. having increased substance or wealth, increasing in resources R. [1171,2] samriddhaM = flourishing samriddhavegaH = with full speed saMruddha * = mfn. stopped completely, detained, obstructed, hindered &c.; surrounded by (comp.) Mn. BhP.; held, closed Katha1s.; invested, besieged R.; covered, concealed, obscured MBh. R.; stopped up, filled with R. Katha1s. BhP.; withheld, refused Nir.; %{-ceSTa} mfn. one whose motion is impeded Ragh.; %{-prajanana} mfn. one who is hindered from having offspring Nir. v, 2.

saMsaaraanta* = m. the end of mmundane exexistence or of human life Bhartr saMsaara* = m. going or wandering through, undergoing transmigration MaitrUp.; course, passage, passing through a succession of states, circuit of mundane existence, transmigration, metempsychosis, the world, secular life, worldly illusion ({A saMsArAt}, `" from the beginning of the world "') Up. Mn. MBh. &c. [1119,3]; w.r. for {saM-cAra} Bhartri. saMsaarakupa * =m. the world comp. compared to a well or pit BhP. saMsaara-cakra * =n. the world compared to a wheel MaitrUp. saMsaarataru* =m. the wworld compcompared to a tree BhP. saMsaarabIja * =n. the seed or origin of the world Sarvad. saMsaaravat * =mfn. possessing or liable to mundane exexistence, AshthtvS. saMsaarasAra * =m. the quintessence of (the joys of) the world Dhrtas.

saMsaarasukha. the joys of the world Caurap. samsarga = company samsaara = world2 // *= saMsaara: m. going or wandering through, undergoing transmigration MaitrUp.; course, passage, passing through a succession of states, circuit of mundane existence, transmigration, metempsychosis, the world, secular life, worldly illusion (%{A@saMsArAt}, `" from the beginning of the world "') Up. Mn. MBh. &c. [1119,3]; w.r. for %{saM-cAra} Bhartr2. samsaaraH = world/family samsaaraat.h = fromthe world samsaariNo = ordinary family man samsaare = world samsaareshhu = into the ocean of material existence saMsevaa* = f. visiting, frequenting BhP.; use, employment ib.; attendance, reverence, worship ib.; (ifc.) inclination to, predilection for Rjat. saMsiddhi * = f. complete accomplishment or

fulfilment, perfection, success Gobh. MBh. &c.; perfect state, beatitude, final emancipation Mn. MBh. Pur.; the Iast consequence or result BhP.; fixed or settled opinion, the last or decisive word R. (L. also= `" nature "'; `" natural state or quality "'; `" a passionate or intoxicated woman "'). sams'aya = doubt* = m. (ifc. f. {A}) lying down to rest or sleep L.; uncertainty, irresolution, hesitation, doubt in or of (loc., acc. with {prati}, or comp; {saMzayaH}, with Pot., `" there is doubt whether "'; {na} {s-}, {nA7sti s-}, {nA7tra s-}, {na hi s-}, {nA7sty atra-s-} &c., `" there is no doubt "', `" without doubt "') s'vS'r. Mn. MBh. &c.; a doubtful matter Car.; (in Nyya) doubt about the point to be discussed (one of the 16 categories) IW. 64; difficulty, danger, risk of or in or to (gen. loc., or comp.) s'vGri. MBh. &c.; {-kara} mf({I})n. causing doubt or risk, dangerous to (comp.) S'is'.; {-kAraNA7rthA7patti-pUrva-pakSa-rahasya} n. {kAraNA7rthA7patti-rahasya} n. N. of Nyya wks.; {-gata} mfn. fallen into danger S'ak.; {-ccheda} m. the solution of doubt ({-dya} mfn. relating to it) Ragh.; {-cchedin} mfn. clearing all doubt, decisive S'ak.; {-tattva-nirUpaNa} n. {-pakSatA-rahasya} n. {-pakSatA-vAda}, m. {-parI7kSA} f. {-vAda} m. {vAdA7rtha} m. N. of wks.; {-sama} m. (in Nyya) one of the 24 Jtis or self-confuting replies Nyyas. Sarvad. (cf. IW. 64); {-sama-prakaraNa} n. N. of

wk.; {-stha} mfn. being in uncertainty, doubtful W.; {-yA7kSepa} m. `" removal of doubt "', a partic. figure of speech Kvya7d. ii, 163; 164; {-yA7tmaka} mfn. consisting of doubt, dubious, uncertain Pacat.; {-yA7tman} mfn. having a doubtful mind, a sceptic Bhag. Sarvad.; {-yA7numiti} f. {yA7numiti-rahasya} n. N. of wks.; {-yA7panna} mfn. beset with doubt, dubious ({-mAnasa} mfn. irresolute in mind) W.; {-yA7vaha} mfn. causing danger, dangerous to (gen. or comp.) MBh.; {yo7cchedin} mfn. resolving doubts Hit., Introd.; {yo7pamA} f. a comparison expressed in the form of a doubt Kvya7d. ii, 26; {yo7pe7ta} mfn. possessed of uncertainty, doubtful, uncertain MW. sams'ayaM = doubts sams'ayaH = doubt sams'ayasya = of the doubt samshitavrataaH = taken to strict vows saMshodhanam.h = (n) research, discovery samshuddha = washed off samshuddhiH = purification


samshritaaH = having taken shelter of samsiddhaH = he who is mature samsiddhiM = in perfection saMsiddhi * = f. complete accomplishment or fulfilment, perfection, success Gobh. MBh. &c.; perfect state, beatitude, final emancipation Mn. MBh. Pur.; the Iast consequence or result BhP.; fixed or settled opinion, the last or decisive word R. (L. also= `" nature "'; `" natural state or quality "'; `" a passionate or intoxicated woman "'). samsiddhau = for perfection saMskaaraaH = (Masc.Nom.Pl.) prescribed ritual duties(16?) saMskaara* = m. (ifc. f. {A}) putting together, forming well, making perfect, accomplishment, embellishment adornment, purification, cleansing, making ready, preparation, dressing (of food), refining (of metals), polishing (of gems), rearing (of animals or plants) GriS'rS. MBh. Kv., &c.; cleansing the body, toilet, attire Hariv.; forming the mind, training, education R. Ragh.; correction (also in an astronomical sense Sryas.), correct formation or use of a word Nir. Sarvad.;

correctness, purity (esp. of pronunciation or expression) MBh. R. &c.; making sacred, hallowing, consecration Mn. MBh. &c.; a sacred or sanctifying ceremony, one which purifies from the taint of sin contracted in the, womb and leading to regeneration (12 such ceremonies are enjoined on the first three or twice-born classes in Mn. ii, 27, viz. 1. {garbhA7dhAna}, 2. {puM-savana}, 3. {sImanto7nnayana}, 4. {jAta-karman}, 5. {nAmakarman}, 6. {niSkramaNa}, 7. {annaprA7zana}, 8. {cUDA-karman}, 9. {upanayana}, 10. {kezA7nta}, 11. {samAvartana}, 12. {vivAha}, qq. vv.; accord. to Gaut. viii, 8 &c. there are 40 Sanskras) GriS. Mn. MBh. &c. (IW.188; 192 &c. RTL. 353) [1120, 3]; the ceremony performed on a dead body (i.e. cremation) R.; any purificatory ceremony W.; the faculty of memory, mental impression or recollection, impression on the mind of acts done in a former state of existence (one of the 24 qualities of the Vais'eshikas, including {bhAvanA}, the faculty of reproductive imagination "') Kan. Sarvad. (IW. 69); (pl., with Buddhists) a mental conformation or creation of the mind (such as that of the external world, regarded by it as real, though actually non-existent, and forming the second link in the twelvefold chain of causation or the fourth of the 5 Skandhas) Dharmas. 22; 42; a polishing stone MW.


saMskrita * = (or {sa4M-skRta}) mfn. put together, constructed, well or completely formed, perfected Lalit.; made ready, prepared, completed, finished RV. &c. &c.: dressed, cooked (as food) MBh. R. BhP.; purified, consecrated, sanctified, hallowed, initiated S'Br. &c. &c.; refined, adorned, ornamented, polished, highly elaborated (esp. applied to highly wrought speech, such as the Sanskriit language as opp, to the vernaculars) Mn. MBh. &c.; m. a man of one of the three classes who has been sanctified by the purificatory rites W.; a Iearned man MW.; a word formed according to accurate rules, a regular derivation ib.; ({a4m}) n. making ready, preparation or a prepared place, sacrifice RV. TS. S'Br. GriS'rS.; a sacred usage or custom MW.; the Sanskriit language (cf. above) S'iksh. Bhar. Das'ar. &c.; {-tva} n. the being prepared or made ready &c. Jaim.; {-maJjarI} f. N. of wk.; {-maya} mf({I}) u. consisting of Sanskriit, Ks'ikh.; {-mAlA} f. {-ratna-mAlA} f. {-vAkyaratnA7valI} f. N. of wks.; {-vat} mfn. one who has perfected or elaborated or finished MW.; {tA7tman} m. one who has received the purificatory rites Mn. x, 110; a sage W.; {-to7kti} f. refined or polished language, a Sanskriit word or expression Hit. [1121, 1] saMskriti * f. making ready, preparation, perfection VS. &c. &c.; formation AitBr.; hallowing,

consecration BhP.; determination, effort L.; m. N. of Krishna MBh. (B. {saM-skRta}); of a king VP. (v.l. {saM-kRti}). saMskritatra * = n. a bench used in sacrificing or slaughtering animals RV. vi, 28, 4. saMskritrima * mfn. highly polished, artificially adorned (in {a-saMskR-}) Bhathth. saMsriti * = f. course, revolution, (esp.) passage through successive states of existence, course of mundane existence, transmigration, the world (%{cakra} n. and %{-cakra-vAla} n. "' the wheel or circle of mundane existence), Asht2ivS. BhP. saMstu* = 1. P. {-stauti}, to praise together with (instr.) Nir. vii, 6; to praise all at once, ivS'r.; to praise properly or well, laud, celebrate MBh.; kv. &c. saMstR* = (or - {stRR}) P.. {-striNoti}, {stRNute}; {-stRNAti}, {-stRNIte} (ep. also {starati}), to spread out (side by side), extend TS. S'Br.; to strew over, cover KaushUp. MBh. Sus'r.; to spread, make even, level Kaus'. saMsthAna* = mfn. standing together MW.; like, resembling W.; applied to Vishnu MBh.; m. (pl.) N.

of a people ib.; n. (ifc. f. {A}) staying or abiding in (comp.) Hit. (cf. {dUra-s-}); standing still or firm (in a battle) Gaut.; being, existence, life MBh. S'ank. BhP.; abiding by, strict adherence or obedience to (comp.) Km.; abode, dwelling-place, habitation Nir. KaushUp. MBh. &c.; a public place (in a town) Mn. MBh. &c.; shape, form, appearance (often with {rUpa}) MBh. R. &c.; beauty, splendour MBh.; the symptom of a disease Sus'r.; nature, state, condition BhP.; an aggregate, whole, totality BhP.; termination, conclusion MaitrS.; end, death L.; formation L.; vicinty, neighbourhood L.; {cArin} w.r. for {sa-sthAsnu-c-}; {-bhukti} f. (with {kAlasya}) the passage through various periods of time BhP.; {-vat} mfn. being, existing R.; having various forms Km. saMsthAsnu* = see {sa-sthAsnu-cArin}. saMsthita* = mfn. standing (as opp. to `" lying "' or `" sitting "') Yj.; one who has stood or held out (in fight) MrkP.; placed, resting, lying, sitting, being in or on ({upari} loc., or comp.) Yj. MBh. &c.; abiding, remaining, left standing (for a long time, as food; with {tathai9va}, remaining in the same condition "') Yj. VarBriS. Ragh.; lasting, enduring MBh.; imminent, future Hariv.; shaped, formed (cf. {duH-} and {su-s-}), appearing in a partic. shape or form, formed like, resembling

(often ifc.; with {navadhA}, `" ninefold "'; with {masI-rUpeNa}, `" appearing in the form of black ink "') MBh. Kv. &c.; being in a partic. state or condition, addicted or given to, intent upon (loc. or comp.) Hariv. Kv. VarBriS.; founded or based upon (loc.) MBh.; directed to wards, fixed upon (comp.) BhP.; relating to, concerning (loc. or comp.) Km. MrkP.; skilled in, acquainted or familiar with (loc.) MBh. R.; started, set out for (dat. or {abhimukham}) R.; frequented (as a place) Mn. viii, 371; finished, concluded, completed, ready Br. S'rS.; perished, died (n. impers.) Mn. MBh. BhP.; near or contiguous to W.; heaped, collected ib.; n. conduct Cat.; form, shape MBh.; {-yaju4s} n. the final sacrificial formula and the oblation connected with it Br.; {-vat} mfn. (pl, = 3. pl. pf.; pl. [with {sukhena}] `" they lived happily together "') Pacat.; {-homa} m. a final sacrifice, S'rS saMsthiti* = f. staying together, living in or with or near, union with (loc.) Mn. MBh. &c. [1122,1]; standing or sitting on (loc.) Yj. i, 139; duration, continuance in the same state or condition Hariv. Km.; constancy, perseverance Hariv. BhP.; being bent upon, attaching importance to (loc.) Mn. ix, 14; existence, possibility of (gen. or comp.) MrkP.; form, shape ib.; established order Km. VyuP.; nature, condition, quality, property Yj. MBh. Pur.; conclusion, completion (of a sacrifice) TS.

TBr. Vait.; end, death Pur.; obstruction of the bowels, constipation Sus'r.; heap, accumulation W.; restraint ib. saMSThula* = see {vi-s-}, p. 953, col. 1. saMsthaa = (f) organisation, company saMsthaa*= saMsthA 1. {-tiSThate} (Pn. 1-3, 22; ep. and m. c. also P. {-tiSThati}; Ved. inf. {sthAtos} pS'r.), to stand together, hold together (pf. p. du. {-tasthAne4}, said of heaven and earth) RV.; to come or stay near (loc.) ib. VS. S'Br.; to meet (as enemies), come into conflict RV.; to stand still, remain, stay, abide (lit. and fig.; with {vAkye}, to obey "') MBh. R. &c.; to be accomplished or completed (esp. applied to rites) Br. S'rS. Mn. MBh. BhP.; to prosper, succeed, get on well MBh.; to come to an end, perish, be lost, die MBh. Kv. BhP.; to become, be turned into or assume the form of (acc.) Lalit.: Caus {-sthApayati} (subj. aor. {tiSTipaH} S'Br.), to cause to stand up or firm, raise on their legs again (fallen horses) MBh.; to raise up, restore (dethroned kings) ib.; to confirm, encourage, comfort ({AtmAnam}, or {hRdayam}, one's self "' i.e. `" take heart again "') Kv. Pacat.; to fix or place upon or in (loc.) Kaus'. MBh. &c.; to put or add to ({uparI}) Yj.; to build (a town) Hariv.; to heap, store up (goods) VarBriS.; to

found, establish, fix, settle, introduce, set a foot MBh. R. Rjat.; to cause to stand still, stop, restrain, suppress (breath, semen &c.) AitBr.; to accomplish, conclude, complete (esp. a rite) Br. Kaus'. MBh.; to put to death, kill S'Br. MBh.; to perform the last office for i.e. to burn, cremate (a dead body) S'nkhBr.; to put to subjection, subject MW.: Desid. of Caus. {-sthApayiSati}, to wish to finish or conclude S'nkhBr. saMstha* = mf({A})n. standing together, standing or staying or resting or being in or on, contained in (loc. or comp.) MBh. Kv. &c.; being in or with, belonging to (loc. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.; based or resting or dependent on (loc.) MBh.; partaking or possessed of (comp.) MBh. Pacat.; existing, lasting for a time (comp.) Vet.; ended, perished, dead L.; ({saM-stha4}) m. presence (only loc. `" in the presence or midst of. "' with {cid}, `" by one's mere presence "') RV.; a spy, secret emissary (cf. {saMsthA} below) L.; a dweller, resident, inhabitant W.; a fellow-countryman, neighbour ib.; ({A4}) f. see next. saMsthaa4 * = f. (ifc. f. {A}) staying or abiding with (comp.) MBh.; shape, form, manifestation, appearance (ifc. `" appearing as "') Up. MBh. &c.; established order, standard, rule, direction (acc. with {kR} or Caus. of {sthA}, to establish or fix a

rule or obligation for one's self "'; with {vyatikram} or {paribhid}, `" to transgress or break an established rule or obligation "') MBh. R. &c.; quality, property, nature Kv. Pur.; conclusion, termination, completion TS. S'Br. &c. [1121, 3]; end, death Pur.; destruction of the world (= {pralaya}, said to be of four kinds, viz. {naimittika}, {prAkRtika}, {nitya}, {Atyantika}) ib.; a complete liturgical course, the basis or essential form of a sacrifice (the Jyotih-shthoma, Havir-yaja, and Pka-yaia consist of seven such forms) S'rS.; killing ({pazu-s-}, `" killing of the sacrificial animal "') BhP.; cremation (of a body; also {pre7ta-s-}) ib.; (prob.) = {zrAddha} MrkP.; a spy or secret emissary in a king's own country (= {cara} m. prob. a group of five spies consisting of a {vaNij} "', merchant "', {bhikSu}, `" mendicant "', {chAttra} "', pupil "', {lingin} "', one who falsely wears the mark of a twice-born "', and {kRSIvala}, `" husbandman "' cf. {paJca-varga}, and Mn. vii, 154 Kull.) Km.; continuation in the right way L.; occupation, business, profession W.; an assembly ib.; a royal ordinance ib.; {-kRta} mfn. settled, determined Hariv.; {--gAra} ({-thA7g-}) m. n. a meeting-house Lalit.; {-japa} m. a closing prayer s'vS'r.; {-tva} n. the being a form or shape BhP.; {-paddhati} f. N. of wk.; {--vayava-vat} ({-thA7v-}) mfn. having a shape and limbs BhP.


saMstuta * = mfn. praised or hymned together TS. TBr. Nir.; praised, celebrated, extolled Hariv. R. Pur.; counted together (as one Stotra), reckoned together TS. Br. KtyS'r.; equal to, passing for (instr. or comp.) past. Kaths. BhP.; acquainted familiar, intimate Kv. VarBriS. Rjat.; {-tva} n. the being praised together ChUp.; {-prA7ya} mfn. for the most part lauded or hymned together, associated in hymns MW. samsthaapanaarthaaya = to reestablish samsparshajaaH = by contact with the material senses samsparshana = (neut) contact samsmritya = remembering samskaara = impression, conditioning samskrit.h = Sanskrit samskrita = refined samskritashikshaNaM = learning of Sanskrit samskriti = culture


saMsri* = P. {-sarati} (in. c. also {-te}), to flow together with. (instr.) RV. ix, 97, 45; to go about, wander or walk or roam through MBh. Kv. &c.; to walk or pass through (a succession of states), undergo transmigration, enter or pass into (acc.) Mn. MBh. &c.; to be diffused or spread into (acc.) MBh.; to come forth BhP.: Caus. {-sArayati}, to cause to pass through a succession of states or to undergo transmigration Mn. BhP.; to introduce, push into (loc.) MBh. xii, 7878; to put off, defer ib. v, 1004; to use, employ ib. xii, 11,932. saMsriti* = f. course, revolution, (esp.) passage through successive states of existence, course of mundane existence, transmigration, the world ({cakra} n. and {-cakra-vAla} n. "' the wheel or circle of mundane existence), AshthivS. BhP. saMsrishtha* = mfn. gathered together, collected RV. x, 84, 7; brought forth or born together (as a litter of animals) VS.; associated or connected together (as partners or brothers who combine their property after division), Ma. Yj.; united, combined, mingled or mixed with, involved in (instr.) VS. S'Br. R. &c.; nearly related or acquainted friendly, familiar MBh. R. Hariv.; affected with (comp.) Sus'r.; connected with, belonging to (comp.) Hariv.; mixed, of various kinds, both good and bad in quality &c. S'Br. Car.;

accomplished, performed (cf. {-maithuna}); cleared through vomiting &c. L.; cleanly dressed W.; created MW.; m. N. of a fabulous mountain Krand.; ({am}) n. near relationship, friendship, intimacy ({-taM} {car}, with loc., `" to enter on intimate relations with "') AitBr. MBh.; {-karman} mfn. denoting mixed or various actions Nir.; {-ji4t} mfn. victorious in contest RV.; {tva} n. commixture, union, association Sank.; (in law) voluntary reunion or co-residence of kinsmen (as of father and son or of brothers with each other, after partition of the family property) Dyabh.; {dhaya4} mfn. sucking (as a calf) and left with (the cow) TBr.; {-bhAva} m. near relationship, friendship R.; {-maithuna} mf({A})n. one who has performed sexual intercourse Yj.; {-rUpa} mfn. mixed in form or kind, adulterated W.; {-homa} m. a common oblation (to Agni and Srya) TBr. saMsrishthi* = ({sa4M-}) f. union, combination, association, intercourse MaitrS.; living together in one family W.; collection, collecting, assembling ib.; (in rhet.) the association of two distinct metaphors in close proximity in one sentence (cf. {saMkara}) Vm. Sh. saMsrishthin* = m. a re-united kinsman (said of relatives who, after partition of the family inheritance, again live together, annulling the

previous partition) Gaut. Yj. &c.; a co-partner, co-parcener W. samstabhya = by steadying saMstuta *= mfn. praised or hymned together TS. TBr. Nir.; praised, celebrated, extolled Hariv. R. Pur.; counted together (as one Stotra), reckoned together TS. Br. Ka1tyS3r.; equal to, passing for (instr. or comp.) A1past. Katha1s. BhP.; acquainted familiar, intimate Ka1v. VarBr2S. Ra1jat.; %{-tva} n. the being praised together ChUp.; %{-prA7ya} mfn. for the most part lauded or hymned together, associated in hymns MW. saMstutaka*=mfn. affable, condescending, civil Buddh. saMstuti*=f. praise, eulogy MBh. BhP.; figuritive mode of expression A1past. [1121,2] saMsUcita* = mfn. indicated, displayed, manifested, shown BhP. Pan5cat.; informed, told, apprised MW.; reproved ib. samudbhava * = (ifc. f. {A}) existence, production, origin (ifc. either `" arisen or produced from "' or `" being the source of "') Mn. MBh. &c.; coming to life again, revival MBh.; N. of Agni at the

Vrata7des'a Griihys. samuha = (m) group samuhe = in group samudaya * = m. (rarely n.) coming together, union, junction, combination, collection, assemblage, multitude, aggregation, aggregate (acc. with %{kR}, `" to collect or assemble "') MaitrUp. MBh. &c.; (with Buddhists) the aggregate of the constituent elements or factors of any being or existence (in later times equivalent to `" existence "' itself) Buddh. Sarvad.; a producing cause (e.g. %{duHkhas-} `" the cause of suffering "') Dharmas. 22; income, revenue Mn. MBh.; success, prosperity Mr2icch.; war, battle L.; a day L.; = %{udgama} or %{samudgama} L. [1167,3]; rising (of the sun &c.) W.; n. an auspicious moment (= %{lagna}) L. samudita = (adj) flourishing samuddhartaa = the deliverer samudbhavaM = directly manifested samudbhavaH = born of samudbhavaan.h = produced of samUDha * = (or %{-Ulha}) mfn. swept or pressed

together, brought together, collected, united RV. TS.; regularly arranged, restored to order (as opp. to %{vy-UDha}, `" disarranged "', `" transposed "') Br. S3rS.; purified L.; tamed L.; %{-cchandas} mfn. having metres restored to their order S3Br.; %{dvAdazA7hapaddhati} f. %{-puNDarIka-paddhati} f. N. of wks. samudIraNa *= n. setting in motion or getting into motion Ma1rkP.; raising the voice, uttering pronouncing, reciting W. samudyame = in the attempt samudra = sea samudra-paryantaa = bounded by ocean samudraM = the ocean samudreshhuu = among the oceans samudyata *= mfn. raised up, lifted up MBh. Ka1v. &c.; offered, presented R. Ma1rkP.; intended, prepared, begun ib.; ready or eager for action, prepared to or about to (inf. or dat.), engaged in (loc.) R. BhP. Katha1s.; ready to march against (%{prati}) MBh. vi, 5166. samudya *= ind. having spoken together &c.;

having concluded or agreed upon BhP.\\see %{saM-vad} and %{sam-ud}, pp. 1114, 1166. samudyaa *= P. %{-yAti}, to rise up against (acc.), assail MBh. samudyam *= P. %{-yacchati}, to raise up, lift up MBh. R. &c.; to rein in, curb, restrain, drive (horses &c.) MBh. samudyama *= m. lifting up MBh.; great effort or exertion, setting about, readiness to or for (loc. dat., or comp.) Ka1v. Katha1s. samudyamin *= mfn. exerting one's self. strenuous, eager, zealous Ka1m. samudyata *= mfn. raised up, lifted up MBh. Ka1v. &c.; offered, presented R. Ma1rkP.; intended, prepared, begun ib.; ready or eager for action, prepared to or about to (inf. or dat.), engaged in (loc.) R. BhP. Katha1s.; ready to march against (%{prati}) MBh. vi, 5166. samudyaata *= mfn. risen up against (acc.) samutthena = arisen from samutpanna = arisen

samunnati = prosperity samupaashritaH = having taken shelter of samupacAra * = m. attention, homage Pacar. samupaci * = P. {-cinoti}, to heap up, gather Ng.: Pass. {-cIyate}, to grow up, increase Sus'r. samupacita * = mfn. collected, heaped W.; abundant Ratna7v.; thick Car.; {-jala} mfn. having accumulated waters (as the ocean) MW. samupacchAda * = m. (1. {chad}) Pn. 6-4, 96 Sch. samupagama * = m. going near, approach, contact W. samupaguh * = P.. {-gUhati}, {-te}, to embrace, surround Caurap. samupajan * = . {-jAyate}, to arise, spring up, take place Kv.; to be born again MBh.: Caus. {janayati}, to generate, cause, produce Riitus. samupajJA * = P. . {-jAnAti}, {-janite}, to ascertain fully, find out MBh.; to perceive, learn W. samupasthita = present


samupasthitaM = present samupatap * = Pass. {-tapyate}, to feel pain MBh. samupadhA * = P. . {-dadhAti}, {-dhatte}, to put together, construct, create, produce MW. [1169, 2] samupapad * = . {-padyate}, to come to pass, be brought about or accomplished MBh.; to meet with (acc.), experience ib.: Caus. {-pAdayati}, to bring about, make ready, prepare. R. samupapAdita mfn. (fr. Caus.) made ready, prepared ib. samupavrit.h = Thus saMs'raavayitR m. (fr. Caus.) an announcer, crier, proclaimer KaushUp.; %{-mat} mfn. having an announcer ib. %{-zrAvita} mfn. (fr. id.) read out or aloud Katha1s samucita * = mfn. delighted in, liked, well suited, fit, right, proper R. Megh. Inscr.; accustomed or used to (gen.) Megh. samuuha = (m) a multitude, crowd saMvaada = (m) conversation, dialouge

saMvatsara* = m. (rarely n.; cf. {pari-v-}) a full year, a year (having 12 [TS.] or 13 [VS.] months or 360 days [S'Br. AitBr. Sus'r.]; {am}, `" for a year; {eNa} `" after or in course of a yyear "'; {e} or {asya}, after or within a yyear "') RV. &c. &c.; a year of the Vikrama era (see above; {varSa} is used for the {zaka}) the first in a cycle of five or six years TS. PrGri. VarBriS. BhP.; the Year personified (having the new and full moon for eyes and presiding over the seasons) TS. Pur.; N. of S'iva MBh. saMvartaka * mfn. (cf. {sAM-v-}) rolling up, destroying (all things at the end of the world) NriisUp. MBh. &c.; m. the world-destroying fire (pl. `" the fires of hell "'), Grihys. BhP.; submarine fire (= {bADava}) L.; (scil. {gaNa}) a group or class of world-destroying clouds VP.; the end or dissolution of the universe R. Hariv.; Terminalia Bellerica L.; N. of Baladeva (q.v.) L.; of a serpentdemon MBh.; of an ancient sage (= {saM-varta}) VarBriS.; of a mountain Col.; ({ikA}) f. a young lotus-leaf (still rolled up) Bhpr. Kd.; n. Bala-deva's ploughshare Hariv.; {-kA7gni} m. the worlddestroying fire MW.; {-kA7bhra} n. pl. the clouds at the destruction of the world, Nga7n.; {-kin} m. N. of Bala-deva (cf. above) L. saMves'a * = m. approaching near to, entrance TS.

Br.; lying down, sleeping Ragh.; dreaming, a dream W.; a kind of sexual union L.; a bedchamber BhP.; a chair, seat, stool L.; %{-pati} (%{-za4-}) m. the lord of rest or sleep or sexual union (Agni) VS. A1s3vS3r. saMvida:* =mfn. having consciousness, conscious (in {a-s-}) S'Br.; n. (?) stipulation, agreement MBh. viii, 4512. saMvidhA * = P.A1. %{-dadhAti}, %{-dhatte}, to dispose, arrange, settle, fix, determine, prescribe MBh. R. Sus3r.; to direct, order Hariv.; to carry on, conduct, manage, attend to, mind Mn. MBh. &c.; to use, employ R.; to make use of. act or proceed with (instr.) Pan5cat.; (with %{mAnasam}) to keep the mind fixed or composed, be in good spirits Bhartr2.; to make, render (two acc.) Naish.; to set, put, lay, place MBh.: Pass. %{-dhIyate}, to be disposed or arranged &c. MBh.: Caus. %{dhApayati}, to cause to dispose or manage Ka1d. saMvigna * = mfn. agitated , flurried , terrified , shy MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; moving to and fro BhP. ; (ifc.) fallen into ib. ; %{-mAnasa} mfn. agitated or distracted in mind MBh. saMviz * = P. %{vizati}, (ep. also A1. %{-te}), to approach near to, associate or attach one's self to

(acc. or instr.) RV. VS.; to enter together, enter into (acc., rarely loc.) Kaus3. MBh. &c.; to merge one's self into (acc.) MBh.; to lie down, rest, repose in or upon (loc. or %{upari} ifc.), sleep with (instr. with and without %{saha}, or dat.) S3Br. &c. &c.; to cohabit, have sexual intercourse with (acc.) Mn. Ya1jn5. Ma1rkP.; to sit down with (acc.) Hariv.; to engage in, have to do with (acc.) BhP.: Caus. %{vczayati}, to cause to lie together or down or on Ya1jn5. Sch.; to place or lay together or on, bring to (loc.) Kaus3. MBh. &c. saMyojayati = to thread (i.e. pass a thread through the eye of a needle) samyaJc * = mfn. (fr. %{sami} = 2. %{sam} + 2. %{aJc} cf. Pa1n2. 6-3, 93; nom. %{samya4n}, %{samIcI4}, or %{samI4cI}, %{samya4k}) going i, long with or together, turned together or in one direction, combined, united (acc. with %{dhA}, to unite or provide with "' [acc. or dat. of pers. and instr. or acc. of thing]), entire, whole, complete, all (%{samyaJcaH} %{sarve}, `" all together "') RV. Br. S3a1n3khS3r.; turned towards each other, facing one another RV. VS. Br.; lying in one direction, forming one line (as foot steps) S3Br.; correct, accurate, proper, true, right BhP.; uniform, same, identical W.; pleasant, agreeable ib.; (%{I4cI}) f. praise, eulogy L.; a doe Un2. iv, 92

Sch.; N. of a divine female TBr.; of an Apsaras MBh. Hariv.; (%{a4k}) ind. in one or the same direction, in the same way, at the same time, together (with %{sthA}, `" to associate with "') RV. MBh.; in one line, straight (opp. to %{akSNayA}, `" obliquely "') S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.; completely, wholly, thoroughly, by all means (with %{na}, by no means, not at all "') Mn. MBh. &c.; correctly, truly, properly, fitly, in the right way or manner, well, duly (with %{kR}, `" to make good [a promise] "') Up. Mn. MBh. &c.; distinctly, clearly MW. samyak.h = proper saMyam* = P. {-yacchati} (rarely .), to hold together, hold in, hold fast, restrain, curb, suppress, control, govern, guide (horses, the senses, passions) RV. &c. &c.; to tie up, bind together (hair or a garment) MBh. Kv. &c.; to put together, heap up (. `" for one's self "') Pn. 1-3, 75 Sch.; to shut up, close (a door) Bhag.; to press close to or against Sus'r.; to present with, give to (. with instr. of person, when the action is permitted P. with dat., when the action is not permitted) Pn. 1-3, 35: Caus. {-yamayati} (cf. {yamita}), to cause to restrain &c.; to bind up (the hair) Venis. samyaggraahayitvaa = well+captured

saMyaava: m. a sort of cake (of wheaten flour fried with ghee and milk and made up into an oblong form with sugar and spices) Mn. MBh. &c. [1112, 2] saMyama * = m. holding together, restraint, control, (esp.) control of the senses, self-control Mn. MBh. &c.; tying up (the hair) Sh.; binding, fettering VarBriS.; closing (of the eyes) MrkP.; concentration of mind (comprising the performance of Dhran, Dhyna, and Samdhi, or the last three stages in Yoga) Yogas. Sarvad.; effort, exertion ({A4}, with great difficulty "') MBh.; suppression i.e. destruction (of the world) Pur.; N. of a son of Dhmra7ksha (and father of Kriis'a7s'va) BhP.; {-dhana} mfn. rich in selfrestraint MBh.; {-puNya-tIrtha} mfn. having restraint for a holy place of pilgrimage MBh.; {-vat} mfn. self-controlled, parsimonious, economical Kaths.; {-mAgni} m. the fire of abstinence Bhag.; {-mA7mbhas} n. the flood of water at the end of the world BhP. saMyAma * = m. = {saM-yama} Pn. 3-3, 63; {-vat} mfn. self-controlled Bhathth. saMyamana * = mf(%{I})n. id. MBh. Pur.; bringing to rest RV.; (%{I}) f. N. of the city or residence of Yama (fabled to be situated on Mount Meru) MBh. BhP.; n. the act of curbing or checking or

restraining VP.; self-control KaushUp.; binding together, tying up Vikr. Sa1h.; drawing tight, tightening (reins &c.) S3ak.; confinement, fetter Mr2icch.; Yama's residence (cf. above) Ba1dar. saMyuga* = n. (in BhP. also m.) union, conjunction MBh.; conflict, battle, war MBh. Ka1v. &c. (cf. Naigh. ii, 17); %{-goSpada} n. a contest in a cow's footstep (met. `" an insignificant struggIe "') MBh.; %{-mUrdhan} m. the van or front of battle Ragh.//2 = mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{saM-yuga}) relating to battle (with %{ku} f. `" a battle-field "') S3is3. saMyuta* = mfn. joined or bound together, tied, fettered R. Ragh.; put together, joined or connected with (instr. with and without {saha}, or comp.) AV. &c. &c.; increased hy, added to (instr. or comp.) VarBriS. Rjat.; (ifc.) being in conjunction with VarBriS.; consisting of. containing (instr. or comp.) R.; (ifc.) relating to, implying ({praI7Sya-s-}, `" implying service "') Mn. ii, 32; accumulated (v.l. for {sam-bhRta}) S'ak. iv, 120/121 san * = cl. 1. P., 8. P. . (Dhtup. xiii, 21; xxx, 2) {sa4nati}, {-te} or {sano4ti}, {sanute} (. rare and only in non-conjugational tenses; pf. {sasA4na} RV.; p. {sasava4s} ib. f. {sasanu4SI} Br.; {sasanivas} or {senivas} Gr.; {sene} ib.; aor. {asAniSam} [Subj. {saniSat} . {saniSAsmahe},

{sa4niSanta}] RV.; Impv. {sa4niSantu} SV.; {seSam}, {set} MaitrS. Br.; {asAta} Gr.; Prec. {sanyAt}, {sAyAt} ib.; fut. {sanitA} ib.; {saniSya4ti} RV. Br.; inf. {sanitum} Gr.), to gain, acquire, obtain as a gift, possess, enjoy RV. AV. Br. S'rS.; to gain for another, procure, bestow, give, distribute RV.; (.) to be successful, be granted or fulfilled ib.: Pass. {sanyate} or {sAyate} Pn. 6-4, 43: Caus. {sAnayati} (aor. {asISaNat}) Gr.: Desid. of Caus. {sisAnayiSati}. ib.: Desid. {sisaniSati} (Gr.) or {si4SAsati} (? {sISatI} AV. iv, 38, 2), to wish to acquire or obtain RV. TS. AV.; to wish to procure or bestow RV. AV.: Intens. {saMsanyate}, {sAsAyate}, {saMsanti} (Gr.), to gain or acquire repeatedly (only 3. pl. {saniSNata} RV. i, 131, 5). \\2 in %{goSa4n} q.v.\\3 (in gram.) a technical term for the syllable %{sa} or sign of the desiderative.\\4 N. of an era (current in Bengal and reckoned from 593 A.D.), RTL; 433. sana * = 2 mf({A})n. (derivation doubtful; for 1. see p. 1140, col. 3) old, ancient ({am} ind. "' of old, formerly "') RV. AV.; lasting long BhP.; m. N. of a Riishi (one of the four or seven spiritual sons of Brahm; cf. {sanaka}) MBh. Hariv. [Cf. Lat. {senex}, {senior}; Lith. {se4nas}; Goth. {sinista}.] sana * 1 m. (for 2. see p. 1141, col. 1) gain, acquisition (in {ahaM-sana} and {su-SaNa}, qq.

vv.); presenting, offering BhP. sanaa * = ind. (g. {svar-Adi}) from of old RV. S'Br. sana * =3 m. the flapping of an elephant's ears L.; Bignonia Suaveolens or Terminalia Tomentosa (cf. 2. {asana}) L. sanaatana = ancient sanaatanaM = eternal atmosphere sanaatanaH = eternally the same sanaatanaaH = eternal sanaatana * mf({I}, m.c.also {A})n. eternal, perpetual, permanent, everlasting, primeval, ancient S'Br. &c. &c.; m. N. of Brahm L.; of Vishnu Bhathth.; of S'iva L.; a guest of deceased ancestors, one who must always be fed whenever he attends S'rddhas L.; N. of a Riishi (in MBh. and later `" a mind-born son of Brahm "') TS. &c. &c.; of a king Buddh.; (with {zarman} and {gosvAmin}) of two authors Cat.; pl. N. of partic. worlds Hariv.; ({I}) f. N. of Durg Cat. [1141, 2]; of Lakshm or Sarasvat L. sachaya = collection

sachayaan.h = accumulation sachikaa = (f) file sachhinna = cut sajanayan.h = increasing sajaya = O Sanjaya sajayati = binds sajaayate = develops sajiivanii = a life-restoring elixir or herbsa-yata = attempting sa.nchaya = collection sandarbha = reference sa.ndarshaya = (verbal stem) to show sa.ndhaanaM = combination? or san-dhnm; acquiring as a gift grain, rice or barley sandrishyante = are seen sandes'a = message (see samdes'a)

sandehaH = (m) doubt sandoha * V= diversity, different types, or S: the amount, the volume sandhi = The junctional point of two consecutive bhaavas sandhiikaala = twilight (both morning and evening time) sangama = to meet sanga = togetherness, closeness sanga (saGga) * = m. (ifc. f. %{A} or %{I}) sticking, clinging to, touch, contact with (loc. or comp.) TS. &c. &c.; relation to, association or intercourse with (gen. instr. with and without %{saha} loc., or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; addiction or devotion to, propensity for, (esp.) worldly or selfish attachment or affection, desire, wish, cupidity Mn. MBh. &c.; (with %{atreH}) N. of a Sa1man Br.\\or %{saGga} mfn. having limbs or a body Katha1s.; together with the limbs AV. S3Br.; with all its An3gas or supplements Ka1tyS3r.; complete, entire MBh.; concluded, finished Uttarar. sangaM, see saMgam = attachment, associating,

meeting sangaH = attachment sangaNaka = computer sangarataH = indulging in good company sangarahitaM = without attachment sangavivarjitaH = free from all association sangaviihinaH = bereft of company sangaat.h = from attachment sangiita = music sangiitakam.h = (n) a music concert sange = in the company sangena = by association sangraha = collection, see saMgraha sangraama = battle, battlefield sangha =(see saMga) group, organization,

gathering sanghaTita = united sanghaaH = the assemblies sanghaataH = the aggregate sanghaiH = the groups saNghaTana = organization, unity sankalpamastu = saMkalpaM + astu:resolution + let there be s'an'kaamaya (zaGkAmaya) mf(%{I})n. full of doubt or uncertainty, fearful, afraid R. sankatha *= mf(%{A})n. (prob. Pra1kr2it for %{saM-kRta} ; cf. 2. %{vi-kaTa} &c.) `" brought together "' , contracted , closed , narrow , strait MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; crowded together , dense , impervious , impassable MBh. Ma1rkP. ; dangerous , critical MBh. ; (ifc.) crowded with , full of Ka1d. ; m. N. of a partic. personification (a son of Kakubh) BhP. ; of a man Ra1jat. ; of a gander or flamingo Katha1s. Pan5cat. Hit. ; (%{A}) f. see below ; (%{am}) n. a narrow passage , strait , defile , pass MBh. Ka1v. &c. , a strait , difficulty , critical

condition , danger to or from (comp. ; cf. %{prA7Na-s-}) ib.\\ f. N. of a Yogini1 (seven others are named , viz. Man3gala1 , Pin3gala1 , Dhanya1 , Bhra1mari1 , Bhadrika1 , Ulka1 , Siddhi) Jyot. ; of a goddess worshipped in Benares L. sankaTaasana = the dangerous posture sankara: see samkara sankaraH = such unwanted children sankarasya = of unwanted population sankalanam.h = (n) addition sankalpa = determination sankalpaH = (m) decision, resolution, plan san'karsha &c. see %{saM-} %{lRS}. [1125,3] san'karsha *= mfn. drawing near , vicinity , neighbourhood Gobh. ; %{-kANDa} m. N. of wk. (= %{saMkarSaNa-k-} ; see col. 2) ; %{-bhATTadIpikA} f. N. of wk. san'karshaNa *= n. drawing out , extraction Hariv. BhP. ; a means of joining or uniting BhP. ;

drawing together , contracting W. ; making rows , ploughing ib. [1126,2] ; m. N. of Bala-deva or Balara1ma (also called Hala7yudha [q.v.] , the elder brother of Kr2ishn2a ; he was drawn from the womb of Devaki1 and transferred to that of Rohin2i1 ; among Vaishn2avas he is considered as the second of the four forms of Purusho7ttama) MBh. Hariv. Pur. Sarvad. ; N. of the father of Ni1la7sura Cat. ; (also with %{sUri}) of various authors ib. ; %{-kANDa} (or %{saM-karSa-k-}) m. N. of an appendix to the Mi1ma1n6sa1-su1tra ; %{maya} mf(%{I})n. representing Bala-deva AgP. ; %{-vidyA} f. the art of drawing a child from the womb of one woman and transferring it to that of another (applied to Baladeva cf. above) Prab. ; %{zaraNa} m. N. of an author , Cat ; %{-sUtra-vicAra} m. N. of wk. ; %{-Ne7zvara-tIrtha} n. N. of a Ti1rtha Cat. san'karshin mfn. drawing together , contracting , shortening (see %{kAla-s-}). sankuchit.h = (adj) limitted, narrow sanketa = indication sanketaH = (m) address, information san'kiirtana *= n. the act of mentioning fully &c. ;

praise , celebration , glorification MBh. Ka1v. &c. sankramaNa = concurrence, coming together sankraanti = the festival of makara sankraant sankhyaa = (f) number, count sankhye = in the battlefield sanna* = mfn. set down VS. S'Br. S'rS.; sitting at i.e. occupied with (comp.) Hariv.; sunk down in (loc.) BhP.; depressed, low (in spirits), languid, exhausted, decayed, perished, lost, dead AV. &c. &c.; shrunk, contracted (see comp.); resting, motionless (see ib.); weak, low (see ib.); (= {prasanna}), appeased, satisfied (see {sannIkRta}); m. Buchanania Latifolia L.; (prob.) n. destruction, loss (see {sanna-da}). sanna* = {sannaka} see p. 1139, col. 1. [1146,1] sannaddhaH = fully armed, prepared sannibhaani = as if sanniyamya = controlling sannihite = (in the) presence/nearness of

sanni* = f. depression of the mind, despondency, despair BhP. sanniikrita* = mfn. appeased, satisfied Kaths. sannimat* = mfn. desponding, despairing ib. sannimitta* = n. a good omen R.; a ggood cause; the cause of the ggood MW.; ({am}) ind. for a ggood ccause Hit.; ({e}) ind. for the sake of the ggood MW. sannipaata: *(Sastr.G.) product, combined effect, V*=combination. sannisarga* = m. ggood nature, kindness ib. sannivaasa* = mfn. (for {saM-n-} see {saM-ni-} 5. {vas}) staying with the ggood (Vishnu) MBh. sannivishhTaH = situated sannyasin: see samnyasin santah V* = the holy, the devoted *= see s'anta santaH = the devotees santata = repeated

santatagamana = unbroken togetherness santapta = burning santarishhyasi = you will cross completely santaaH = are respected santya* mfn. bestowing gifts, bountiful (only voc. in addressing Agni; accord. to others fr. {sat} = `" benevolent, kind "') RV santaapa = harrasment santi = there are santushhTa = satisfied santushhTaH = perfectly satiated santosha = satisfaction santoshha = satisfaction sa.nyata = controlled sa.nyama = dharana, dhyana and samadhi taken together


sa.nyamataaM = of all regulators sa.nyaminaH = tamed or self-denying like that of a hermit sa.nyamii = the self-controlled sa.nyamya = keeping under control sa.nyaati = verily accepts sa.nyuktaaH = engaged sa.nyogaM = connection sa.nyogaat.h = by the union between sa.nvatsara = Designated year, 60 in number and change cyclically sa.nvaadaM = conversation sa.nvigna = distressed sa.nvrittaH = settled santi: * see sati and saati s'apa * = m. a curse, imprecation, oath (=

{zapatha}) L.; a corpse (w.r. for {zava} q.v.) W.; N. of a man g. {azvA7di}. sapaala * = mfn. attended by a herdsman Mn. viii, 240; together with a king or kings BhP.; m. N. of a king Buddh. sapatnaan.h = enemies sapatna * = m. (fr. 1. {sa-pa4tnI} below) a rival, adversary, enemy RV. &c. &c. sapatnI * = 1 f. (once in R. {-tni}) a woman who has the same husband with another woman (Pn. 4-1, 35) or whose husband has other wives, a fellowwife or mistress, female rival RV. &c. &c. sapatnya * = w.r. for %{sAp} (q.v.) - see saapatnya sapta = (adj) seven saptavarga = Seven Vargas a sequence of varga or harmonic charts. Consists of Rashi, Hora, Drekkana, navaa.nsha, dvaadasha.nsha, tri.nshaa.nsha and Saptaa.nsha saptaa.nsha = A varga. The harmonic Seventh Division. Used for delineations of Children and Grandchildren and one's creative projections

saphala = fruitful sara* = mf({A})n. (fr. {sR}) fluid, liquid VS.; cathartic, purgative, laxative Sus'r. Vgbh.; (ifc. f. {I} Pn. 3-2, 18) going, moving &c. (cf. {anu-}, {abhi-}, {puraH-s-}); m. going, motion L.; a cord, string (cf. {prati-}, {maNi-}, {muktA-maNi-}, and {mauktika-s-}); a short vowel (in prosody) Col.; salt L.; N. of Vyu or the wind L.; a waterfall L.; often v.l. or w.r. for {zara} (also in comp. {sara-ja} &c. for {zara ja} &c.); ({A4}) f. moving or wandering about Gal.; a brook AV. TS.; a cascade, waterfall L.; Paederia Foetida L.; ({I}) f. a cascade (cf. {sari}) L.; n. a lake, pool (also irregularly in comp. for {saras}) Un. iv, 188 Sch.; milk L. saraH = (neut) lake sarati = (1 pp) to go sarani = (f) stream, path sarala = straight, candid saras.h = lake sarasa = Excellent sarasaaM = of all reservoirs of water

sarasaangayashhthii = she whose body is like a (lean)stick sarasvati = goddess of speech and learning sarira *= n. (cf. {salila}) the heaving sea, flood, tide VS. TBr.; = {bahu} Naigh. iii, 1; the universe (= {loka} or {tri-loka}) VS. Sch. saritaa = (f) river saroja = lotus ( one that is born in a lake) sarovaram.h = (n) lake sargaH = birth and death sargaaNaaM = of all creations sarge = while taking birth sarge.api = even in the creation sarpa = snake sarpaaNaaM = of serpents sarva = all


sarvaM = all sarvaH = all sarvakarma = of all activities sarvakarmaaNi = all reactions to material activities sarvakaaraH = (m) coalition sarvagataM = all-pervading sarvagataH = all-pervading sarvaguhyatamaM = the most confidential of all sarvajagat.h = the eentire world sarvataH = on/from all sides (indecl) sarvato = from all (sides) sarvatra = everywhere sarvatragaM = all-pervading sarvatragaH = blowing everywhere sarvathaa = in all respects

sarvadehinaaM = of all embodied beings sarvadvaaraaNi = all the doors of the body sarvadvaareshhu = in all the gates sarvadhanushhmataam.h = of all shooters (bow, arrow carriers) sarvadharmaan.h = all varieties of religion sarvapaapaiH = from all sinful reactions sarvabhaavena = in all respects sarvabhuuta = to all living entities sarvabhuutasthaM = situated in all beings sarvabhuutasthitaM = situated in everyone's heart sarvabhuutahite = for the welfare of all living entities sarvabhuutaanaaM = of all living entities sarvabhuutaani = all created entities sarvabhuutaanii = all living entities

sarvabhuuteshhu = among all living beings sarvabhrit.h = the maintainer of everyone sarvamatena = according to all schools of thought/unanimously sarvayonishhu = in all species of life sarvaloka = of all planets and the demigods thereof sarvavit.h = the knower of everything sarvavid.h = one who knows everything sarvavrikshaaNaaM = of all trees sarvashaH = all sarvasaMpadaam.h = all wealth sarvasankalpa = of all material desires sarvasminnapi = in all beings sarvasya = of everyone sarvasvaM = all of one's belongings, holding


sarvaharaH = all-devouring sarvaGYaana = in all sorts of knowledge sarvaaH = all sarvaanga = the whole body sarvaangaasana = the shoulderstand posture sarvaaNi = all sarvaan.h = all kinds of sarvaarambha = of all endeavors sarvaarambhaH = all ventures sarvaartha = for all worthy or meaningful or riches sarvaarthaan.h = all things sarve = all sarvebhyaH = of all sarveshhaaM = all sarveshhu = in all the

sarvekshaNam.h = (n) survey, poll sarvaiH = all sasaara: possessing strength end anergy, steewgth and sound sasarja V: created, generated, produced, evolved, released sasharaM = along with arrows sasvadha* = m. pl. `" having the Svadha (q.v.), a partic. class of deceased ancestors MW. sa-svana* = mf({A})n. sounding, loud ({am} ind.) MBh. sa-svara* = mfn. sounding, having the same sound with (instr. or comp.) Prt.; having accent, accentuated IndSt.; ({am}) ind. loudly VP. sa-svaahaa-kAra* = mfn. accompanied with the exclamation Svh AitBr. pS'r. sasva4r* = ind. (of unknown derivation), secretly RV. (cf. Nalgh. iii, 25). sasya = grain

sas'raddha* n= mf({A})n. trustful, frank, confident Kaths. sat* = mf({satI4})n. (pr. p. of 1. {as}) being, existing, occurring, happening, being present ({sato me}, `" when I was present "'; often connected with other participles or with an adverb e.g. {nAmni kRte sati}, `" when the name has been given "'; {tathA sati}, `" if it be so "'; also ibc., where sometimes = `" possessed of "' cf. {satkalpavRkSa}) RV. &c. &c.; abiding in (loc.) MBh.; belonging to (gen.) S'Br.; living MundUp.; lasting, enduring Kv. RV. &c. &c.; real, actual, as any one or anything ought to be, true, good, right ({tan na sat}, `" that is not right "'), beautiful, wise, venerable, honest (often in comp. see below) RV. &c. &c.; m. a being, (pl.) beings, creatures RV. &c.; a good or wise man, a sage MBh. R.; good or honest or wise or respectable people Mn. MBh. &c.; ({I4}) f. see {sati4} below; ({sat}) n. that which really is, entity or existence, essence, the true being or really existent (in the Veda7nta, `" the self-existent or Universal Spirit, Brahma "') RV. &c. &c.; that which is good or real or true, good, advantage, reality, truth ib.; water Naigh. i, 12; (in gram.) the terminations of the present participle Pn. 3-2, 127 &c.; ({sat}) ind. (cf. {sat-kR} &c.) well, right, fitly. [Cf. Gk. $ for $; Lat. {sens} in &343162[1134, 2] {absens}, {pra-sens}; {sons}, `" guilty "', orig. `"

the real doer "'; Lith. {ss}, {e4sas}; Slav. {sy}, {sas8ta}.] saT * =cl. 1. P. %{saTati}, to be a part of Dha1tup. ix, 26: Caus. or cl. 10. %{sATayati} (see %{sAT}). saTaa * = f. (cf. %{zaTA}, %{chaTA} and %{jaTA}) an ascetic's matted or clotted hair, a braid of hair (in general) MBh.; the mane (of a lion or horse) or the bristles (of a boar) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; a crest (= %{zikhA}) L.; a multitude, number VarBr2S.; light, lustre BhP. sataabja * =mfn. having a hhundred lotus-flowers DhynabUp. saTaa--Gka * =({-TA7Gka}) mfn. `" mane-marked "', a lion L. sataahvayA * =f. Anethum Sowa Sus'r.; Asparagus Racemosus L. sataakaaraa * =f. N. of a female Gandharva ib. sataakSara * =mf({A})n. of a hhundred syllables, pS'. saTaalu * = {zalATu}, an unripe fruit, PrGiri. sataaM = of saintly peoplesataanaka* =n. a burning-ground, cemetery L.

sataanana * =m. Aegle Marinelos L.; ({A}) f. `" hundredfaced "'N. of a goddess Cat. sataasat * =({-tA7satI4}) n. du. (= {sad-asatI}, formed in analogy to {sutA7sute4}) the true and the false TBr. sataashTaka * =n. one hhundred and eight Pacar.

sataas'va * =mfn. numbering a hhundred horses ({saha4sraM zatA7zvam}, a thousand cattle with a hhundred horses) RV. S'rS. Vait.; {-ratha} n. sg. a hhundred cattle and a car with horses KtyS'r.; {vijaya} m. N. of part of wk. sataH = of the eternal satata = always satataM = always satatayuktaanaaM = always engaged saTaMkaara * =mfn. (fr., 7. {sa} + {T-}) having notoriety or fame, famous MW.sat.h = a good man sat.h\-chit.h-aananda = bliss consciousness


sati = being satI4 * = 1 f. (fem. of {sat}; for 2. see P. 1138, col. 2) her ladyship, your ladyship (= {bhavatI}, sometimes = `" you "') MBh.; a good and virtuous or faithful wife (esp. applied in later use to the faithful wwife [popularly called Suttee who burns herself with her husband's corpse W.; compar. {satI-tarA}, {sati-t-} or {sat-t-}) Kv. VarBriS. Kaths. &c.; a wife, female (of an animal) BhP.; a female ascetic MW.; a fragrant earth L.; two kinds of metre Col.; N. of the wife of Vis'vmitra RV.; of the goddess Durg or Um (sometimes described as Truth personified or as a daughter of Daksha and wife of Bhava [S'iva], and sometimes represented as putting an end to herself by Yoga, or at a later period burning herself on the funeral pyre of her husband) Pur. Kum.; of one of the wives of Angiras BhP.; of various women of modern times (also {-devI}) Cat. sati * = f. = {sAti}, {santi} Pn. Vop.; = {dAna}, {avasAna} L. satI * = 2 f. (for 1. see p. 1135, col. 1) = {sAti} L. sati * = see p. 1138, col. 2. satii = Sati * = 1 f. (fem. of {sat}; for 2. see P. 1138,

col. 2) her ladyship, your ladyship (= {bhavatI}, sometimes = `" you "') MBh.; a good and virtuous or faithful wife (esp. applied in later use to the faithful wwife [popularly called Suttee who burns herself with her husband's corpse W.; compar. {satI-tarA}, {sati-t-} or {sat-t-}) Kv. VarBriS. Kaths. &c.; a wife, female (of an animal) BhP.; a female ascetic MW.; a fragrant earth L.; two kinds of metre Col.; N. of the wife of Vis'vmitra RV.; of the goddess Durg or Um (sometimes described as Truth personified or as a daughter of Daksha and wife of Bhava [S'iva], and sometimes represented as putting an end to herself by Yoga, or at a later period burning herself on the funeral pyre of her husband) Pur. Kum.; of one of the wives of Angiras BhP.; of various women of modern times (also {-devI}) Cat. satkaara = respect satraa * = ind. (fr. 7. %{sa} + %{trA4}) together, together with (instr.), altogether, throughout; always, by all means RV. AV. Br. satkaarya = good or useful work particularly helpful to many sattama * = (%{sa4t-}) mfn. very good or right, the best, first, chief of (gen. or comp.) Br.

S3a1n3khS3r. ChUp. &c.; most virtuous W.; very venerable or respectable ib.; %{-tA} f. the first rank of all BhP. sattva * = inner strengthn. being, existence, entity, reality, `" the existence of a Supreme Being "'; true essence, nature, disposition of mind, character; spiritual essence, spirit, mind; vital breath, life, consciousness, strength of character, strength, firmness, energy, resolution, courage, selfcommand, good sense, wisdom, magnanimity MBh. R. &c.; the quality of purity or goodness (regarded in the Snkhya phil. as the highest of the three Gunas r constituents of Prakriiti because it renders a person true, honest, wise &c., and a thing pure, clean; material or elementary substance, entity, matter, a thing sattvaM = the strength sattvastha * = mf(%{A})n. being in the nature (of anything) W.; adherent in firmness of character, resolute, energetic MaitrUp. Cu1lUp. &c.; clinging to or adherent in the quality of goodness Bhag. BhP. Yogava1s.; inherent in animals W.; animate ib. sattvavataM = of the strong


sattvasa.nshuddhiH = purification of one's existence sattvasthaaH = those situated in the mode of goodness sattvaat.h = from the mode of goodness sattvaanaaM = good beings' sattvaanuruupaa = according to the existence sattve = the mode of goodness satpurushha = good man satvara* mf({A})n. having or making haste, speedy, expeditious, quick ({am} and compar. {-taram} ind.) MBh. Kv. &c.; {-tA} f. {-tva} n. quickness, hastiness, speed ib.; {-racanam} ind. quickly, immediately, at once Gt. satya = Truth * = mf({A})n. true, real, actual, genuine, sincere, honest, truthful, faithful, pure, virtuous, good. successful, effectual, valid ({satyaM-kR}, `" to make true, ratify, realise, fulfil "') RV. &c. &c.; m. the uppermost of the seven Lokas or worlds (the abode of Brahm and heaven of truth; see {loka}) L.; N. of the ninth Kalpa (q.v.)

Pur.; the As'vattha tree L.; N. of Vishnu L.; of Rma-candra L.; of a supernatural being Gaut. VarBriS. Hcat.; of a deity presiding over the Nndmukha S'rddha L.; of one of the Vis've Devh Cat.; of a Vysa Cat.; of a son of Havir-dhna BhP.; of a son of Vitatya MBh.; of one of the 7 Riishis in various Manvantaras Hariv. Pur.; (with {AcArya}) N. of an astronomer (author of the Hor-s'stra) VarBriS.; pl. N. of a class of gods in various Manvantaras Hariv. Pur.; ({A}) f. speaking the truth, sincerity, veracity W.; a partic. S'akti Pacar.; N. of Durg Cat.; of S'it L.; of Satyavat (mother of Vysa) L.; = {satya-bhAmA} MBh. Hariv. S'is'.; of the family deity of the Kutsas and Atharvans Cat.; of a daughter of Dharma (and wife of S'an-yu) MBh.; of the mother of Satya (= {tuSita}) VP.; of the wife of Manthu (and mother of Bhauvana) BhP.; of a daughter of Nagna-jit (and wife of Kriishna) ib.; ({am}) n. truth, reality ({satyena}, `" truly "', `" certainly "', `" really "'; {ka4smAt sa4tyAt}, `" for what reason, how is it that? "' {te4na satye4na}, `" for that reason, so truly "'; {yathA-tena} [or {evaM}] {satyena}, `" asso truly "'; with Buddhists truth is of two kinds, viz. {saMvRti-} and {paramA7rtha-satyam}, `" truth by general consent "' and `" self-evident truth "' Dharmas. 95; for the four fundamental truths of Buddhists see MWB. 43; 56) RV. &c. &c.; speaking the truth, sincerity, veracity KenUp. Mn. R. &c.; a solemn asseveration, vow, promise, oath ({satyaM

cikIrSamANa}, `" wishing to fulfil one's promise or keep one's word "') AV. &c. &c.; demonstrated conclusion, dogma W.; the quality of goodness or purity or knowledge MW.; the first of the four Yugas or ages (= 1. {-kRta4} q.v.) L.; a partic. mythical weapon R.; the uppermost of the 7 Lokas (see under m.) Veda7ntas. BhP.; one of the 7 Vyhriitis L.; partic. Satya-formula s'vS'r.; = {udaka}, water Naigh. i, 12; (also with {prajApateH}) N. of Smans rshBr. S'rS.; ({a4m}) ind. (g. {cA7di} and {svar-Adi}) truly, indeed, certainly, verily, necessarily, yes, very well ({satyam-tu}, {kiM tu}, {tathA7pi}, `" it is true but, yet, however "'; {yat sasyam}, `" indeed, certainly "') RV. &c. &c. [Cf. accord. to some, Gk. $.] satyaM = Truth satyameva = Truth alone satyasa.ndhaM = the one bound by Truth satyasya = of truth satsangatve = in good company sakshii = witness


satvat * satvat m. pl.N. of a people inhabiting the south of India (cf. {sAtvata}) Br. KaushUp. MBh. Hariv.; of a son of Madhu Hariv. satvata * = m. N. of a son of Mdhava (Mgadha) and Ans'a Hariv. V sau.ndaryamaalikaa = Garland of beauty saubha * = m. (also written {zaubha}) N. of the aerial city of Hari-s'candra (q.v.) MBh. BhP.; of a town of the S'alvas MBh.; a king of the Saubhas ib.; pl. N. of a people ib. saubhaga * = mfn. (fr. %{subhaga}) `" auspicious "' , coming from or made of the tree Su-bhaga Car. ; m. N. of a son of Br2ihac-chloka BhP. ; n. (ifc. f. %{A}) welfare , happiness , wealth , riches , enjoyment RV. ; loveliness , grace , beauty BhP. 2 saubhagatva n. welfare , happiness RV. sauchikaH = (m) tailor saucakya* = n. (fr. {sUcaka}) g. {purohitA7di}. sauci* = m. = next L. saucikya* = n. (fr. {sUcika}) g. {purohitA7di}.


saucitti* = m. (prob. fr. {su-citta}) patr. of Satyadhriiti MBh. saucuka* = m. N. of the father of Bhti-rja (and grandfather of Indu-rja) Cat. saucika* = m. (fr. {sUci}) one who lives by his needle, a tailor (in the caste system he is the son of a S'aundika and a Kaivart) Kull. on Mn. iv, 214. saucIka* = m. N. of a partic. Agni Sy. in RV., Introd. saudaaminii = (f) lightning saubhadraH = the son of Subhadra saubhaagyavatii = Mrs saubhaga * - mfn. (fr. {subhaga}) `" auspicious "', coming from or made of the tree Su-bhaga Car.; m. N. of a son of Briihac-chloka BhP.; n. (ifc. f. {A}) welfare, happiness, wealth, riches, enjoyment RV.; loveliness, grace, beauty BhP. sauHrida // sauhrida= friendship * = mfn. relating to or coming from a friend R.; m. a friend Pan5cat.; pl. N. of a people MBh.; n. (ifc. f. %{A}) affection, friendship for or with (loc. or %{saha} or comp.)

MBh. R. &c.; liking for, fondness of (comp.) Ja1takam. saukshmyaat.h = due to being subtle saumadattiH = the son of Somadatta saumana* = n. (fr. {su-mana}, or {-nas}); m. or ({A}) f. a flower, blossom Sus'r.; a partic. mythical weapon saumitrivatsalaH = he who is affectionate to LakshmaNa saumya* = (once in AV. {sau4mya}) mf({I4} later {A}; once in RV. {sau4myA})n. relating or belonging to Soma (the juice or the sacrifice or the moon-god), connected or dealing with Soma, having his nature or qualities &c. RV. &c. &c.; cool and moist (opp. to {agneya}, `" hot and dry "') Br. Hariv. Sus'r.; northern ({ena}, `" to the north "') Hariv. VarBriS.; `" resembling the moon "', placid, gentle, mild ({saumya} voc. = `" O gentle Sir! "' `" O good Sir! "' `" O excellent man! "' as the proper mode of addressing a Brhman Mn. ii, 125) S'Br. &c.&c.; auspicious (said of birds, planets &c.; esp. of the Nakshatras Mriiga-s'iras, Citr, Anurdh, and Revat) R. VarBriS. Hariv. S'rngS.; happy, pleasant, cheerful MW.; m. a Soma sacrifice L.; an

adherent, worshipper BhP.; a Brhman L.; patr. of Budha or the planet Mercury VarBriS.; of the Vedic Riishi Budha (author of RV. x, 1) RAnukr.; the left hand Hcat.; Ficus Glomerata L.; the fifteenth cubit ({aratni}) from the bottom or the third from the top of the sacrificial post L.; (in anat.) the blood before it becomes red, serum W.; the gastric juice MW.; the month Mrgas'rsha Hcat.; N. of the 43rd (or 17th) year in the 60 years "' cycle of Jupiter VarBriS.; (pl.) the people of Soma S'nkhGri.; a partic. class of deceased ancestors Mn. iii, 199; m. n. a partic. penance (see {-kRcchra}) Yj. GrudaP.; N. of a Dvpa of the earth or of Bharatavarsha Pur.; of the 7th astrol. Yuga Jyot.; ({yA}) f. N. of various plants (Abrus Precatorius; Glycine Debilis; Ruta Graveolens &c.) L.; a pearl L.; the Nakshatra Mriiga-s'iras Hariv.; N. of the five stars in Orios head (also called {ilvala} q.v.) W.; a species of the ry metre Col.; N. of Durg Cat.; ({I}) f. moonshine MBh.; ({am}) n. the nature or condition of Soma AV.; gentleness MBh. Pacat. the Nakshatra Mriiga-s'iras (presided over by the Moon) MaitrUp. Hariv. (accord. to Nlak. `" Wednesday "'); the left eye L.; the middle of the hand L.; N. of the fifth Muhrta Cat.; (scil. {adbhuta}) a partic. kind of omen or prodigy (occurring in the Diva or sky) MW. saumyaM = very beautiful

saumyatvaM = being without duplicity towards others saumyavapuH = the beautiful form saurata: mfn. (fr. {su-rata}) relating to sexual enjoyment BhP.; n. sexual enjoyment ib.; m. mild wind L. saurabha = fragrance sautraamaNI * =f. a partic. sacrifice in honour of Indra ({su-trAman}; described as the 6th or 7th; of the 7 Havir-yaja-sansths q.v.; in the S'Br. it is said that every one consecrated by the Sautrmani enters among the gods and is born {sarva-tanUH} i.e. with his entire body; {-tva4} n. S'Br.) AV. VS. Br. S'rS. BhP.; N. of wk. by Deva-bhadra. sauravyuuhaH = (m) the solar system s'auri m. patr. of Vasu-deva MBh. BhP.; of VishnuKriishna (also among the names of the sun) ib.; of Prajti MrkP.; of Bala-deva MW.; Terminalia Tomentosa L. (v.l. {sauri}); the planet Saturn (w.r. for {sauri}). sauvarNa = golden


sava * = 1 m. (fr. 3. %{su}) pressing out the juice of the Soma plant RV. S3Br. S3a1n3khS3r.; pouring it out L.; the moon L.; n. the juice or honey of flowers L.\\ 2 m. (fr. 1. %{sU}) one who sets in motion or impels, an instigator, stimulator, commander VS. S3Br.; m. the sun (cf. %{savitR}) L.; setting in motion, vivification, instigation, impulse, command, order (esp. applied to the activity of Savitr2i; dat. %{savA4ya}, for setting in motion "') RV. AV. VS. TBr.; N. of partic. initiatory rites, inauguration, consecration Br.; a kind of sacrifice Kaus3.; any sacrifice MBh.; a year (?) BhP. (see %{bahu-s-}).\\ 3 m. (fr. 2. %{sU}) offspring, progeny L. savana 1 n. (for 2. see col. 2) the act of pressing out the Soma-juice (performed at the three periods of the day; cf. %{tri-SavaNa}; %{prAtaH-}., %{mAdhyaMdina-} and %{tRtIya-s-}) RV. &c. &c.; the pressed out Soma-juice and its libation, a Soma festival, any oblation or sacrificial rite ib.; (with %{puMsaH}) = %{puMsavana} Ya1jn5. i, 11 (pl.) the three periods of day (morning, noon, and evening) Gaut. Mn. BhP. [1190,2]; time (in general) BhP.; bathing, ablution, religious bathing (performed at mmorning, nnoon, and evevening) Kir \\ n. (for 1. see col. 1; for see p. 1191, col. 2; for %{sa-vana} see col. 3) instigation, order, command (cf. %{satya4-s-}) RV. MaitrUp.\\

mf(%{A})n. (fur %{savana} see col. 1 &c.) together with woods MBh. \\ 3 n. (fr. %{su} or %{sU}; for 1. 2 see 1190, cols. 1. 2 for %{sa-vana}, p. 1190, col. 3) fire BhP.; a kind of hell VP.; N. of a son of Bhr2igu MBh.; of a son of Vasisht2ha (one of the seven Rishsis under Manu Rohita) VP.; of a son of Manu Svayambhuva Hariv.; of a son of Priya-vrata (v.l. %{savala}) Pur. savana* = mf({A})n. (fur {savana} see col. 1 &c.) together with woods MBh. savikaaraM = with interactions savichaara = investigational meditation savitarka = inspectional meditation savitri = a name of Sun savyasaachin.h = O Savyasaci sayanthini = (f) that belongs to the evening s'ayitavya * =mfn. to be lain or slept Pacar. Kaths. (n. impers.; {mayA-hutavahe-zayitavyam}, `" it must be lain down by me in the fire "' Vs.) s'ayitR * = * =m. one who sleeps or rests Pn. 4-2,

15. s'ayita * = mfn. reposed, lying, sleeping, asleep MBh. Kv. &c.; m. the plant Cordia Myxa W.; n. the place where any one has lain or slept Ks'. on Pn. 2-3, 68. sayujya * = mfn. (fr. prec.) closely united with MW.; %{tA} f. intimate union or junction ib. saayujya * = n. (fr. %{sa-yuj}) intimate union, communion with (gen. loc. instr., or comp.); identification, absorption (into the divine Essence; this is one of the four grades or states of Mukti cf. %{sAlokya} RTL.41) Ka1t2h. Br. MBh. &c.; likeness, similarity W. s'aayi-taa * f. (fr. next) the state of lying or reposing or abiding in (ifc.) MBh. Kaths. sechananaalaH = (m) a water-gun used during Holi, pichkaari sehe - deriv of sehana = * saasahaaNa mfn. (for %{sa-s-}) overcoming, conquering RV. setavya * = mfn. to be bound or fastened together Nir. xi, 31 v.l.


setu = a bridge* mfn. (fr. 1. {si}) binding, who or what binds or fetters RV.; m. a bond, fetter ib.; a ridge of earth, mound, bank, causeway, dike, dam, bridge, any raised piece of ground separating fields (serving as a boundary or as a passage during inundations) RV. &c. &c.; Rma's bridge (see {setubandha}) BhP.; a landmark, boundary, limit (also fig. = `" barrier, bounds "') Mn. MBh. &c.; a help to the understanding of a text, an explanatory commentary (also N. of various commentaries) Cat.; an established institution, fixed rule MW.; the Pranava or sacred syllable Om (which is said to be {mantrANAM setuH}) KlP.; Crataeva Roxburghii or Tapia Crataeva (= {varaNa}, {varuNa}) L.; N. of a son of Druhyu and brother of Babhru Hariv.; of a son of Babhru Pur.; of a place MW. setukritpaatu = may the builder of bridge (over the sea) protect setu\-bandhaasana = the bridge posture setuba.ndhanaM = bridging senayoH = of the armies senaaniinaaM = of all commanders sendriyamaanasa = sa+indriya+mAnasa, wwith

senses and mind sev.h = to serve sevaka = (m) servant sevanIya 1 mfn. (for 2. see col. 2) to be followed or practised Bhartr2.; to be served or waited upon or honoured Hariv. BhP.// 1 mfn. (for 1. see col. 1) to be sewn or stitched together MW. sevate = (1 ap) to serve savala *= see %{zabala} and 3. %{savana}. savalataa *= f. the plant yielding Soma-juice (cf. %{soma-l-}) Sa1y. on RV. viii , 29 , 1. savaalakhilya *= mfn. together with the Va1lakhilya hymns MW. = 1. sevama = (n) apple sevayaa = by the rendering of service sevaa = service sevitaa * = f. service, attendance Ma1rkP. sevita * = mfn. dwelt in, visited, frequented,

followed, served &c. (see %{sev}); furnished or endowed with, abounding in (comp.) R.; n. = 1. %{sevi} L. sevitaa * = f. service, attendance Ma1rkP. sevitavya * = 1 mfn. (for 2. see below) to be frequented or inhabited Hariv.; to be followed or practised TUp. Mn. &c.; to be tended or taken care of Ca1n2. Mr2icch.\\ 2 mfn. (for 1. see above) to be sewn Nir. sevya * = to be resorted to or frequented or inhabited by (gen.) Hariv. Pacat. Kaths.; to be followed (as a path) Rjat.; to be approached Cn.; to be waited upon or served or obeyed, a master (as opp. to `" a servant "') R. Klid. &c.; to be honoured, honourable Yj. MBh. &c.; to be enjoyed carnally Subh.; to be practised or used or employed MBh. R. &c.; to be studied Cat.; to be kept or hoarded Hit.; to be taken care of or guarded W.; m. the As'vattha tree, Ficus Religiosa L.; Barringtonia Acutangula L.; a sparrow L.; an intoxicating drink made from the blossoms of the Bassia Latifolia L.; ({A}) f. the parasitical plant Vand L.; Emblic Myrobolam L.; a kind of wild grain or rice L.; ({am}) n. the root of Andropogon Muricatus Sus'r.; red sandal-wood L.; sea-salt L.; the thick middle part of curds L.; water L.

sevaamahe = (verb.Pr.I Per.Pl.Atma.Pada) sevitvaM = aspiring s'ekhara: the highest part, chief or head or best or most beautiful of s'aabda * = mf({I})n. (fr. {zabda}) sonorous, sounding W.; relating to sound (as opp. to {Artha} q.v.) Sh.; based on sounds, expressed in words oral, verbal, (esp.) resting on or enjoined by sacred sound (i.e. on the Veda; with {brahman}. n. = `" the Veda "') S'Br. &c.; nominal (as inflection) W.; m. a philologist, grammarian RPrt.; pl. a partic. sect Hcar.; ({I}) f. Sarasvat (as goddess of speech and eloquence) W. s'aaD* = cl. 1. . {zADate}, to praise Dhtup. viii, 37. shaadhi = just instruct shaakiNii = the goddess in vishuddha chakra shaakha = branch shaakhaM = branches shaakhaa = (fem) branch

shaakhaaH = branches s'aakuni *= m. `" a bird-catcher "' or `" an augur "' VP. s'aala* = 1 mfn. (fr. {zR} for {zri}) being in a house &c. S'Br. ({a4m} ind. `" at home "' ib.); m. (also written {sAla}), an enclosure, court, fence, rampart, wall Inscr. Kv.; the S'l tree, Vatica Robusta (a valuable timber tree) MBh. Kv. &c.; Artocarpus Locucha L.; any tree L.; a kind of fish, Ophiocephalus Wrahl Vs.; N. of a son of Vriika BhP.; of king S'li-vhana L.; of a river W.; ({A}) f. see below; n. (ifc.) = {zAlA} (col. 2). s'aalaa* = f. (ifc. also {zAla} n.) a house, mansion, building, hall, large room, apartment, shed, workshop, stable AV. &c. &c. [cf. Germ. {saal}; Eng. {hall}]; a large branch (cf. {zAkhA}) L.; a kind of metre (cf. {zAlinI}). s'aala* = 2 m. (for 1. see col. 1) = {zala} g. {jvalAdi}; m. n. (also written {sAla}) g. {ardharcA7di}. s'aalva * m. pl. (also written {sAlva}; cf. {zalva}) N. of a people GopBr. MBh. &c. (mfn. `" relating to the S'alvas "' g. {kacchA7di}); sg. a king of the S'lvas (mentioned among the enemies of Vishnu; cf. {zAlvA7ri} below) MBh. Hariv. BhP.; ({A}) f.

(prob.) N. of a river g. {nady-Adi}; n. the fruit of the S'lva plant Pn. 4-3, 166 Vrtt. 2 Pat. (v.l.) s'aambalAmbAvarmaratna* = n. N. of a ch. of the Saubhgya-lakshm-tantra. s'aamitra * =mfn. (fr. %{zamitR}) relating to the official who cuts up the sacrificial victim (see %{karman}) BhP.; m. (scil. %{agni}) the fire for cooking the sacrificial flesh Gr2S3rS. [1065,3]; n. the place for the above fire S3rS.; any place of immolation, shambles Vait. Mr2icch.; = next MBh. s'aaMtanu* = m. N. of the father of Bhshma (in older language {za4Mtanu} q.v.) MBh. Hariv. &c.; a partic. inferior kind of grain Sus'r s'aaMkara* = mf({I})n. (fr. {zaM-kara}) relating or belonging to S'iva Kaths.; relating to or derived from or composed by S'ankara7crya Sarvad. Cat.; m. a bull W.; a follower of S'ankaracrya MW.; ({I}) f. see below; n. the Nakshatra rdr (presided over by S'iva) VarYogay. shaambhavii = related to S'iva who is known as shambhu s'aama* = mfn. (1. {zam}) appeasing, curing, having curative properties MW. s'aamaa* = f. (prob.) a kind of plant (used for

curing leprosy) AV. i, 24, 4 (Paipp. {zyAmA}) s'aambara * mf({I4})n. relating or belonging or peculiar to S'ambara RV. Hariv. &c.; coming from the deer called S'S'ambara Bhpr.; ({I}) f. jugglery, sorcery, illusion (as practised by the Daitya S'S'ambara) Naish.; a sorceress W.; n. the fight with S'S'ambara RV.; a kind of sandal L. (cf. {zAbara}). s'aaMkara * = mf({I})n. (fr. {zaM-kara}) relating or belonging to S'iva Kaths.; relating to or derived from or composed by S'ankara7crya Sarvad. Cat.; m. a bull W.; a follower of S'ankaracrya MW.; ({I}) f. see below; n. the Nakshatra rdr (presided over by S'iva) VarYogay. shaambhavii\-mudraa = gazing between ones eyes shaamyati = (4 pp) to stop shaaNDhya* n. (fr. {SaNDha}) the state of being a eunuch, impotence Car. (printed {zAThya}). s'aanta* = 1 mfn. (perhaps always w.r. for 1. {zAta} q.v.) = {zAnita} L.; thin, slender Hariv. R. (Sch.)\\2 mfn. (fr. 1. {zam}) appeased, pacified, tranquil, calm, free from passions, undisturbed Up. MBh. &c.; soft, pliant Hariv.; gentle, mild, friendly, kind,

auspicious (in augury; opp. to {dIpta}) AV. &c. &c.; abated, subsided, ceased, stopped, extinguished, averted ({zAntam} or {dhik zAntam} or {zAntam pApam}, may evil or sin be averted! may God forfend! Heaven forbid! not so!) S'Br. MBh. Kv. &c.; rendered ineffective, innoxious, harmless (said of weapons) MBh. R.; come to an end, gone to rest, deceased, departed, dead, died out ib. Ragh. Rjat.; purified, cleansed W.; m. an ascetic whose passions are subdued W.; tranquillity, contentment (as one of the Rasas q.v.); N. of a son of Day MBh.; of a son of Manu Tmasa MrkP.; of a son of S'ambara Hariv.; of a son of Idhma-jihva BhP.; of a son of pa VP.; of a Devaputra Lalit.; ({A}) f. (in music) a partic. S'ruti Sangt.; Emblica Officinalis L.; Prosopis Spicigera and another species L.; a kind of Drv grass L.; a partic. drug (= {reNukA}) L.; N. of a daughter of Das'a-ratha (adopted daughter of Loma-pda or Roma-pda and wife of Riishyas'riinga) MBh. Hariv. R.; (with Jainas) of a goddess who executes the orders of the 7th Arhat L.; of a S'akti MW.; n. tranquillity, peace of mind BhP.; N. of a Varsha in Jambu-dvpa ib.; N. of a Trtha W. shaa.ntamuurtim.h = the personification of peace or unruffled benign-looking shaa.ntiH = peace shaanta = the sentiment of happiness, peace,

pleasure shaantaH = peaceful shaantarajasaM = his passion pacified shaanti = calmness shaantiM = peace shaantiH = peaceshaaradaa = Wife of Sri Ramakrishna (also Goddess Sarasvati) s'aapa * = 1 m. (ifc. f. {A}; fr. {zap}) a curse, malediction, abuse, oath, imprecation, ban, interdiction (acc. with {vac}, {dA}, {pra-yam}, {nyas}, {vi-sRj}, {A-diz}, `" to pronounce or utter a curse on any one "', with dat. gen. loc., or acc. with {prati}) MBh. Kv. &c. s'aapa * = 2 m. (of doubtful derivation) floating wood or other substances shaariiraM = (n) body shaardulaH = (m) tiger s'aarva * = mf({I})n. (fr. {zarva}) relating or belonging or sacred to or derived from S'iva Kv. Kaths. (with {diz} f. the east VarBriS.)

shaashvataH = permanent shaashvatasya = of the eternal shaashvataaH = eternal shaashvatiiH = many shaashvate = of the Vedas shaasakiiya = (adj) of the government shaasana = government, discipline shaastra = science s'aastra* = n. an order, command, precept, rule RV. Kv. Pur.; teaching, instruction, direction, advice, good counsel MBh. Kv. &c.; any instrument of teaching, any manual or compendium of rules, any bock or treatise, (esp.) any religious or scientific treatise, any sacred book or composition of divine authority (applicable even to the Veda, and said to be of fourteen or even eighteen kinds [see under {vidyA}]; the word {zAstra} is often found ifc. after the word denoting the subject of the book, or is applied collectively to whole departments of knowledge e.g. {vedA7nta-z-}, a work on the Veda7nta philosophy or the whole body of teaching

on that subject; {dharma-z-}, a law-book or whole body of written laws; {kAvya-z-}, a poetical work or poetry in general; {zilpi-z-}, works on the mechanical arts; {kAma-z-}, erotic compositions; {alaMkAra z-}, rhetoric, &c.) Nir. Prt. Mn. MBh. &c.; a body of teaching (in general), scripture, science Kv. Pur. shaastraM = revealed scripture shaastravidhiM = the regulations of the scriptures shaastraaNi = sciences (scriptures) s'aastritva * = n. the state of being a ruler , ruling , governing BhP. shaathikaa = (f) saree s'aaya * mfn. (fr. {zI}) lying, sleeping, abiding shabda = Word shabdaM = sound s'abda m. (in DhynabUp. also n. ifc. f. {A} perhaps connected with 3. {zap} cf. also 2. {zap}) sound, noise, voice, tone, note ({zabdaM} {kR}, to utter a sound, raise the voice, cry aloud; sound is

supposed to be sevenfold [MBh. xii, 6858] or eight. fold [Dharmas. 35] or tenfold [MBh. xiv, 1418] [1052, 3]; in the Mmns it is taught to be eternal); a word ({zabdena}, by word, explicitly, expressly) ib. Ks'. on Pn. 2-3, 19; speech, language BhP.; the right word, correct expression (opp. to {apa-zabda}) Pat.; the sacred syllable Om, AmriitUp.; (in gram.) a declinable word or a wordtermination, affix Pn. Sch.; a name, appellation, title Mn. MBh. &c. ({tacchabdAt} "', because it is so-called "' KtyS'r.); a technical term TPrt.; verbal communication or testimony, oral tradition, verbal authority or evidence (as one of the Pramnas q.v. ) Nyyas. Sarvad. shabdaH = combined sound shabdabrahma = ritualistic principles of scriptures shabdaadin.h = sound vibration, etc shabdhaartha = word by word meaning shaD.hbala = Six Strengths. A method of determining planetary powers shaD.hvarga = The Six Harmonic Charts: Rashi, Hora, dreshhkaaNa, navaa.nsha, dvadasha.nsha and tri.nsha.nsha

s'ad* = 1 (only occurring in the forms {zAzadu4H}, {zAzadmahe}, {zAzadre4}, and {zA4zadAna}), to distinguish one's self. be eminent or superior, prevail, triumph RV. AV. [Cf. Gk. $, $, &318197[1051,2] $, $], \\2 cl. 1. 6. . (Dhtup. xx, 25; xxviii, 134) {zIyate} (cf. Pn. 7-3, 78; P. in nonconjugational tenses, i, 3. 60; pf. {zazada}, {zeduH} Br.; fut. {zatsyati} AV.; aor. {azadat} Gr.; fut. {zattA} ib. [1051,3]; inf. {zattum} ib.), to fall, fall off or out AV. Br. Bhathth.: Caus. {zAdayati}, to impel, drive on (cattle) Pn. 7-3, 42; {zAta4yati}, {-te} (cf. ib), to cause to fall off or out or asunder, hew or cut off, knock out AV. &c. &c.; to fell, throw down, slay, kill MBh. Hariv. R.; to disperse, dispel, remove, destroy Gobh. S'is'. Sus'r.: Desid. {zizatsati} Gr.: Intens. {zAzadyate}, {zAzatti} ib. [Cf., accord. to some, Lat. {cedo}.] shaibyaH = Saibya shaila = shell shailaadhiraaja = the king of mountains (Himaalayaas) shailii = (f) style shath =* (adj) six


shakunta = crane shakta = strong shaktaaH = capable s'akti: or f. power, ability, strength, might, effort, energy, capability ({zaktyA} or {Atma-z-} or {sva-z}, `" according to ability "' s'akti: f. power, ability, strength, might, effort, energy, capability ({zaktyA} or {Atma-z-} or {sva-z}, `" according to ability "'; {paraM zaktyA}, with all one's might "'; {vitta-zaktyA}, `" according to the capability of one's property "'; {zaktim ahApayitvA}, `" not relaxing one's efforts, exerting all one's strength "'), faculty, skill, capacity for, power over (gen. loc. dat., or inf.) RV. &c. &c.; effectiveness or efficacy (of a remedy) S'rngS.; regal power (consisting of three parts, {prabhutva}, personal pre-eminence; {mantra}, good counsel, and {utsAha}, energy) Km. (cf. Ragh. iii, 13); the energy or active power of a deity personified as his wife and worshipped by the S'kta (q.v.) sect of Hinds under various names (sometimes only three, sometimes eight S'akti goddesses are enumerated, as follow, Indrni, Vaishnav, S'nt, Brahmn, Kaumri, Nrasinh, Vrh, and Mhes'var, but some substitute Cmund and

Cndik for the third and sixth of these: according to another reckoning there are nine, viz. Vaishnav, Brahmni, Raudri, Mhes'var, Nrasinh, Vrh, Indran, Krttik, and Pradhn: others reckon fifty different forms of the S'akti of Vishnu besides Lakshm, some of these are Krtti, Knti, Tushthi, Pushth, Dhriiti. S'nti, Kriy, Day, Medh &c.; and fifty forms of the S'akti of S'iva or Rudra besides Durg "' or Gaur, some of whom are Guno7dar, Viraj, Slmali, Lola7kshi, Vartula7ksh, Drgha-ghon, Sudirgha-mukh, Gomukh, Dirgha-jihv, Kundo7dar, Ardha-kes', Vikriita-mukh, Jvl-mukhi, Ulkmukhi &c.; Sarasvati is also named as a S'akti, both of Vishnu and Rudra: according to the Vyu-Purna the female nature of Rudra became twofold, one half {asita} or white, and the other {sita} or black, each of these again becoming manifold, those of the white or mild nature included Lakshm, Sarasvati, Gaur, Um &c.; those of the dark and fierce nature, Durg, Kli &c.) Kv. Kaths. Pur. (cf. RTL. 181 &c. MWB. 216); the female organ (as worshipped by the S'kta sect either actually or symbolically) RTL. 140; the power or signification of a word (defined in the Nyya as {padasya padA7rthe} {sambandhaH} i.e. `" the relation of a word to the thing designated "') Bhshp. Sh.; (in Gram.) case-power, the idea conveyed by a case (= {kAraka}) Pn. 2-3, 7 Sch.; the power or force or most effective word of a sacred text or magic

formula Up. Pacar.; the creative power or imagination (of a poet) Kvya7d.; help, aid, assistance, gift, bestowal RV.; a spear, lance, pike, dart RV. &c. (also {zaktI} g. {bahv-Adi}); a sword MW.; (prob.) a flag-staff (see {ratha-z-}) [1044, 3]; a partic. configuration of stars and planets (when the latter are situated in the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th astrological house), VirBriS.; m. N. of a Muni or sage (the eldest of Vasishthha's hundred sons; accord. to VP. he was father of Pars'ara, and was devoured by king Kalmsha-pda, when changed to a man-eating Rkshasa, in consequence of a curse pronounced upon him by the sage; he is represented as having overcome Vis'vmitra at the sacrifice of king Saudsa; he is regarded as the author of RV. vii, 32, 26; ix, 97, 19-21; 108, 3; 1416; S'akti is also identified with one of the Vylsas, and with Avalokite7s'vara, and has elsewhere the patr. Jtukarna and Snkriiti) Pravar. MBh. &c. s'akti = strength s'aktiH = power; might s'aktichaalanii = one of the mudras, involves contracting the rectum s'akti\-chaalinii = the nerve-power posture


s'aktimat * = mfn. possessed of ability, powerful, mighty, able to (inf. or loc.) Mn. MBh. &c.; possessing a competence, one who has gained a fortune MW.; possessed of or united with his Sakti or energy (as a god) Katha1s.; armed with a spear or lance Hariv.; m. N. of a mountain (prob. w.r. for %{zukti-mat}) MBh.; (%{atI}) f. N. of a woman, Kathis.; (%{-mat}) %{-tva} n. power, might Ragh. s'aktitrayaH = three powers of `ichcha', `kriya' and `gyana' s'akra * = mf({A4})n. strong, powerful, mighty (applied to various gods, but esp. to Indra) RV. AV. TBr. Lthy.; m. N. of Indra MBh. Kv. &c.; of an ditya MBh. Hariv.; of the number, fourteen "' Ganit.; Wrightia Antidysenterica L.; Terminalia Arjuna L. shaknavaama = I pl `imperative' paras. of shak, be able shaknoti = (5 pp) to be able shaknomi = am I able shaknoshhi = you are able shakya = possible

shakyaM = is able shakyaH = practical shakyattvaat.h = from capability shakyase = are able shakrasya = (masc.poss.S)of God Indra s'akuni *= m. a bird (esp. a large bird L. = %{gridhra} or %{cilla} accord. to some `" a cock "') RV. &c. &c. ; (in astronomy) N. of the first fixed %{karaNa} (q.v.) VarBr2S. ; N. of a Naga MBh. ; of an evil demon (son of Duh2-saha) Ma1rkP. ; of an Asura (son of Hiran2ya7ksha and father of Vr2ika) Hariv. Pur. ; of the brother of queen Gandha1ri1 (and therefore the brother-in-law of Dhr2itara1sht2ra and the Ma1tula or maternal uncle of the Kuru princes ; as son of Subala , king of Ga1ndha1ra , he is called Saubala ; he often acted as counsellor of Duryodhana , and hence his name is sometimes applied to an old officious relative whose counsels ten to misfortune) MBh. Hariv. &c. (cf. IW. 380) ; of a son of Vikukshi and grandson of Ikshva1ku) Hariv. ; of a son of Das3a-ratha ib. BhP. ; of the great-grandfather of As3oka Ra1jat. ; du. N. of the A1s3vins MW. ; (%{i} or %{I}) f. see below.


s'akunii *= f. (of %{zakuna} or %{-ni} , col , 2) a female bird MBh. Hariv. ; a hen-sparrow L. ; Turdus Macrourus L. ; N. of a female demon (sometimes identified with Durga1) causing a partic. child's disease (sometimes = %{pUtanA} , and in this sense also %{zakuni}) MBh. Hariv. s'akunta *= m. a bird MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; a partic. bird of prey BhP. ; a blue jay L. ; a sort of insect L. ; N. of a son of Vis3va1mitra MBh. s'ala = a building or a house, normally with a specific purpose shalabha = a locust shalabhaH = (m) grasshopper shalabhaasana = the locust posture shalaakaa = a small twig (in this case, like an eyepencil) s'ala* = mfn. (connection with above very doubtful) = {dravaNa-samartha} Nir. Sch.; m. a staff TBr.; a dart, spear L.; a kind of animal Pacar. (accord. to L. `" a camel "' or `" an ass "'); = {kSetrabhid} L.; = {vidhi} L.; N. of Bhriingi (one of S'iva's attendants) L.; of Brahm W.; of a serpent-demon MBh.; of a

son of Dhriita-rshthra ib.; of a son of Soma-datta ib.; of a son of Parkshit ib.; of a son of S'una-hotra Hariv.; m. or n. the quill of a porcupine L.; a partic. measure of length (cf. $-, {paJcaz-}. &c.); ({I}) f. see below. s'alva * = m. pl. N. of a people L. (cf. {sa4lva}); a kind of plant L. shalyaH = (m) porcupine s'am * = 1 cl. 4. P. (Dhtup. xxvi, 92), {zA4myati} (rarely {-te}, and ep. also {zanati}, {-te}; Ved. {zamyati}, {zimyati}, and cl. 9. {zamnAti} [Naigh. ii, 9], {zamnISe}, {zamnIthAs} Impv. {zamnISva}, {zamISva}, {zamiSva}, {zamIdhvam}; pf. {zazAma}, {zemuH} Br. &c.; {zazame4} Subj. {zaza4mate} RV.; p. {zazamAna4} [q.v.]; aor. {a4zamiSThAs} RV.; {azamat} Br. [cf. pres.]; Prec. {zamyAt} Gr.; fut. {zamizA}, {zamiSyati} ib.; ind. p. {zamitvA}, {zAntvA}, {zA8mam} ib.), to toil at, fatigue or exert one's self (esp. in performing ritual acts) RV. TBr.; to prepare, arrange VS.; to become tired, finish, stop, come to an end, rest, be quiet or calm or satisfied or contented TS. S'Br. &c.; to cease, be allayed or extinguished MBh. Kv. &c.; cl. 9. (cf. above) to put an end to, hurt, injure, destroy Kthh.: Pass. {zamyate} (aor. {azami}) Pn. 7-3, 34: Caus. {zama4yati} (m. c. also {zAmayati}; aor.

{azIzamat}; Pass. {zAmyate}), to appease, allay, alleviate, pacify, calm, soothe, settle RV. &c. &c.; to put to an end or to death, kill, slay, destroy, remove, extinguish. sup. press TS. &c. &c.; to leave off, desist MBh.; to conquer, subdue Klid. Bhathth.: Desid. {zizamiSati} Gr.: Intens. {zaMzamIti} (Blar.), {zaMzamyate}, {zaMzanti} (Gr.), to be entirely appeased or extinguished (pf. {zaMzamAM cakruH} Bhathth.). [Cf. Gk. $], &318859[1053, 3] s'a4m * = 2 ind. (g. {cA7di} and {svar-Adi}) auspiciously, fortunately, happily, well (frequently used in the Veda, rarely in later language; often to be translated by a subst., esp. in the frequent phrase {za4M yo4H} or {za4M ca yo4z ca}, `" happiness and welfare "', sometimes joined with the verbs {bhU}, as, {kR}, {dAvah}, {yA}, sometimes occurring without any verb; with dat. or gen. [cf. Pn. 2-3, 73 Sch.]; in some cases corresponding to an adj. e.g. {zaM tad asmai}, that is pleasant to him) RV. &c. &c. s'ama = Tranqulity * = zama m. tranquillity, calmness, rest, equanimity, quietude or quietism, absence of passion, abstraction from eternal objects through intense meditation ({zamaM} {kR}, `" to calm one's self "', be tranquil "') Mn. MBh. &c.; peace, peace with ({sA7rdham}) MBh.;

Quietism or Tranquillity (personified as a son of Dharma and husband of Pra7pti) MBh.; tranquillization, pacification, allayment, alleviation, cessation, extinction MBh. Kv. &c.; absence of sexual passion or excitement, impotence TndBr.; alleviation or cure of disease, convalescence W.; final happiness, emancipation from all the illusions of existence L.; indifference, apathy Rjat.; the hand (cf. {zaya}) L.; imprecation, malediction (w.r. for {zapa}) L.; N. of a king of the Nandi-vegas MBh.; of a son of Andhaka Hariv.; of a son of Dharma-stra BhP.; ({A}) f. N. of a divine female, PrGth.; ({za4ma}) mfn. tame, domestic RV. i, 32, 15; 33, 15. shamaM = mental tranquillity shamaH = cessation of all material activities shamanaM = subsiding s'ambhala* m. (also written {sambhala}) N. of a town (situated between the Rathapr and Ganges, and indentified by some with sambhal in Moradbd; the town or district of S'ambhala is fabled to be the place where Kalki, the last incarnation of Vishnu, is to appear in the family of a Brhman named Vishnu-yas'as) MBh. Hariv. Pur.; ({I}) f. a procuress L. (cf. {zamphalI} and

{zambhalI}). s'ambhalagrAma* = m. the town S'ambhala MBh. Hariv. Pur. (also {-grAmaka}); {-mAhAtmya} (or {zambhala-m-}) n. `" glory of S'ambhala "'N. of part of the SkandaP. shambuukaH = (m) snail shambhu = a name of Shiva s'ambara * m. N. of a demon (in RV. often mentioned with Sushna, Arbuda, Pipru &c.; he is the chief enemy of Divo-dsa Atithigva, for whose deliverance he was thrown down a mountain and slain by Indra; in epic and later poetry he is also a foe of the god of love) RV. &c. &c.; a cloud Naigh. i, 10; a weapon Sy. on RV. i, 112, 14; war, fight L.; a kind of deer Vs. Bhpr.; a fish or a kind of fish L.; Terminalia Arunja L.; Symplocos Racemosa L.; a mountain in general or a partic. mountain L.; best, excellent L.; = {citraka} L.; N. of of a Jina L.; of a king Vs. (v.l. for {zambaraNa} and {saMvaraNa}); of a juggler (also called {zambarasiddhi}) Ratna7v.; ({I}) f. Salvinia Cucullata L. Croton Polyandrum L.; = {mAyA}, sorcery, magic (prob. w.r. for {zAmbarI}) L.; n. water Naigh. i, 12 (but Sh. censures the use of {zambara} in this sense); power, might Naigh.ii, 9; sorcery, magic Kaths.

(printed {saM-vara}); any vow or a partic. vow (with Buddhists) L.; wealth L.; = {citra} L.; (pl.) the fastnesses of S'ambara RV. s'ambala* = m. n. (also -written {sambala}, or {saM-vala} q.v.) provender or provisions for a journey, stock for travelling Kv. Krand.; `" a bank, shore "' or "' a race, family "' ({kUla} or {kula}) L.; envy, jealousy L.; ({I}) f. a procuress L. (cf. {zambhalI} and {zamphalI}). s'ambhu * = mfn. being or existing for happiness or welfare, granting or causing happiness, beneficent, benevolent, helpful, kind RV. AV. Br. S'rS.; m. N. of S'iva MBh. Kv. &c.; of Brahm MBh. Hariv.; of a partic. Agni MBh.; of Vishnu L.; of a son of Vishnu MBh.; of Indra in the 10th Manvantara BhP.; of one of the 11 Rudras MBh. Hariv. VP.; of a king of the Daityas R.; of an Arhat L.; of a Siddha L.; of a king MBh. (v.l. {zanku}); of a son of S'uka Hariv.; of a son of Ambarsha BhP.; (also with {bhaTTa}) of various authors and other men Cat.; a kind of Asclepias L.; a kind of metre Col.; f. N. of the wife of Dhruva Hariv. VP. s'ambhU4 * =mfn. (= {zambhu4} above) beneficent, kind RV.; m. N. of an author of Tntric prayers Cat.


s'aMkara* = mf({I})n. causing prosperity, auspicious, beneficent Nir. MBh. BhP.; m. N. of Rudra or S'iva VS. s'vGri. MBh. &c.; of a son of Kas'yapa and Danu VP.; of Skanda AV.Paris'.; of a serpentdemon L.; of a Cakra-vartin L.; N. of various authors and commentators, (esp.) of S'ankara7crya (see next page, col. 1; also with {bhaTTa}, {paNDita}, {zarman}, {rAjA7naka}, &c.); ({A}) f. (cf. {zaM-garA} under {zaM} above) = {zakunikA}, PIn. iii, 2, 14 Vrtt.i Pat.; N. of a female ib.; a partic. Rga or musical mode MW.; ({I}) f. see p. 1055. s'amitR* = mfn. one who keeps his mind calm, Raj.; (%{-tR4}) m. a killer, slaughterer, cutter up (of a slaughtered victim), preparer, dresser RV. Br. MBh. s'auNDi * = mfn. fond of, devoted to BhP. (B.) s'aMtanu* = ({za4M-}) mfn. wholesome for the body or the person ({-tva4} n.) TS.; m. (also written {zAMtanu}) N. of an ancient king with the patr. Kauravya (he was fourteenth descendant of Kuru, son of Pratpa and younger brother of Devpi, and usurped the sovereignty whilst the latter became a hermit; he married Gang and S'atya-vati; by the former he had a son named Bhshma, and by the latter Citra7ngada and Vicitravirya cf. IW. 375) RV.

MBh. Hariv. &c.; (with {cakra-vartin}) N. of an author (son of Uddharana, of the Tomara race) Cat.; {-tanUja} m. `" son of S'antanu "'N. of Bhshma, S'is. xv, 20. samplava* m. flowing together, meeting or swelling (of waters), flood, deluge R. Hariv. BhP. a dense mass, heap, multitude Mn. MBh. &c.; conglomeration, taking a form or shape, rise, origin BhP.; noise, tumult (esp. of battle) Hariv. R.; submersion by water, destruction, ruin Yj. MBh. Kv. &c.; end, close of (comp.) BhP. s'ama* = m. tranquillity, calmness, rest, equanimity, quietude or quietism, absence of passion, abstraction from eternal objects through intense meditation ({zamaM} {kR}, `" to calm one's self "', be tranquil "') Mn. MBh. &c.; peace, peace with ({sA7rdham}) MBh.; Quietism or Tranquillity (personified as a son of Dharma and husband of Pra7pti) MBh.; tranquillization, pacification, allayment, alleviation, cessation, extinction MBh. Kv. &c.; absence of sexual passion or excitement, impotence TndBr.; alleviation or cure of disease, convalescence W.; final happiness, emancipation from all the illusions of existence L.; indifference, apathy Rjat.; the hand (cf. {zaya}) L.; imprecation, malediction (w.r. for {zapa}) L.; N. of a king of the Nandi-vegas

MBh.; of a son of Andhaka Hariv.; of a son of Dharma-stra BhP.; ({A}) f. N. of a divine female, PrGth.; ({za4ma}) mfn. tame, domestic RV. i, 32, 15; 33, 15. s'ami* = n. labour, toil, work, effort RV. AV.; f. a legume, pod (v.l. {zimi}) L.; the S'am tree (see below); m. N. of a son of Andhaka Hariv.; of a son of Us'inara BhP. s'amii* = f. (cf. {za4mi}) effort, labour, toil RV. VS.; ({zamI4}) the S'am tree, Prosopis Spicigera or (accord. to others) Mimosa Suma (possessing a very tough hard wood supposed to contain fire cf. Mn. viii, 247 Ragh. iii, 9; it was employed to kindle the sacred fire, and a legend relates that Pur-ravas generated primeval fire by the friction of two branches of the Sam and As'vattha trees) AV. &c. [1054,2]; a legume, pod (cf. {-jAti}); a partic. measure (see {catuh-z-}) = {valgulI} or {vAgnji} L. s'aMkara * = mf({I})n. causing prosperity, auspicious, beneficent Nir. MBh. BhP.; m. N. of Rudra or S'iva VS. s'vGri. MBh. &c.; of a son of Kas'yapa and Danu VP.; of Skanda AV.Paris'.; of a serpentdemon L.; of a Cakra-vartin L.; N. of various authors and commentators, (esp.) of S'ankara7crya (see next page, col. 1; also with {bhaTTa}, {paNDita}, {zarman}, {rAjA7naka},

&c.); ({A}) f. (cf. {zaM-garA} under {zaM} above) = {zakunikA}, PIn. iii, 2, 14 Vrtt.i Pat.; N. of a female ib.; a partic. Rga or musical mode MW.; ({I}) f. see p. 1055. sankarshana: see saMkarshana or san'karshana sanni * = f. depression of the mind, despondency, despair BhP. SaNNidhana * = n. N. of a Sa1man A1rshBr. sannIkRta * = mfn. appeased, satisfied Katha1s. sannimat * = mfn. desponding, despairing ib. sannimitta * = n. a good omen R.; a ggood cause; the cause of the ggood MW.; (%{am}) ind. for a ggood ccause Hit.; (%{e}) ind. for the sake of the ggood MW. sannisarga * = m. ggood nature, kindness ib. SaNNivartanI * = f. a partic. mode of subsistence Baudh. (v.l. %{-niv-}). sannivAsa * = mfn. (for %{saM-n-} see %{saM-ni-} 5. %{vas}) staying with the ggood (Vishn2u) MBh.


shani = Saturn shanivaara = Saturday shanaiH = slowly shantiM = perfect peace shankaraH = Lord S'iva shankaa = doubt// saMkA * = f. (prob. connected with {saJj}) contest, strife, fight shankha = conch shell shankhaM = conchshell shankhaH = (m) a conch shankhaaH = conchshells shankhaan.h = conchshells shankhau = conchshells sha.Nsati = (1 pp) to praise asaah s'aMkara (with preceding {mahA-rAja}) m. N. of a king and author Cat.

s'anakais* = ind. (dimin. of {zanais}) quietly, softly, gently, by degrees, in every case that arises, with alternations, alternately RV. &c. &c. s'anna* = mfn. fallen, decayed, withered &c. ({mala} mfn. Nir. xi, 8); n. offal (see {haviSya-z-}). s'anna* = see zad s'anaistarAm* = ind. more (or very) quietly, softly &c. AitBr. s'vS'r. sha.nkara = Shankara sha.nkaa = fear s'ak * = zaGk = cl. 1. . (Dhtup. iv, 12) {sa4G kate} (ep. also P.; aor. 2. sg. {azaGkIs}, {azaGkiSTa}, {zaGkiSThAs}, {zaGkithAs} MBh. &c. inf. {zaGkitum} ib.; ind. p.; {-zaGkya} ib.; Gr. also pf. {zazaGke} fut. {zaGkitA}, {zaGkiSyate}), to be anxious or apprehensive, be afraid of (abl.), fear, dread, suspect, distrust (acc.) Br. MBh.; to be in doubt or un certain about (acc.), hesitate MBh. Kv. &c.; to think probable, assume, believe, regard is (with two acc.), suppose to be ({zaGke}, `" l think "', I suppose "', `" it seems to me "') ib.; (in argumentative works) to ponder over or propound a doubt or objection: Pass. {zaGkyate} (aor.

{azaGki}), to be feared or doubted &c.: Caus. {zaGkayati}, to cause to fear or doubt, render anxious about (loc.) Mlav. s'akita* = mfn. alarmed, apprehensive, distrustful, suspicious, afraid of (abl. gen., or comp.), anxious about (loc. or acc. with {prati}) MBh. Kv. &c.; assuming, supposing Rjat.; feared, apprehended R. S'ntis'.; doubted, doubtful, uncertain Mn. Mriicch. &c.; weak, unsteady W. s'akin * =mfn. afraid of. fearing (comp.) MBh. Kv. &c.; timid, suspicious, distrustful as (comp. e.g. {kAka-s-}, `" distrustful as a crow "') MBh. Kaths.; assuming, supposing, suspecting, imagining Ragh. Hit.; full of apprehension or danger Pacat. s'akya* = mfn. to be distrusted or suspected or feared (n. impers.; superl. {-tama}) MBh. Kv. &c.; to be assumed or expected or anticipated Das'. Rjat. s'akila * = m. (prob. w.r. for {zankhila}; cf. {zaGkha}) a conch-shell suspended on the ear of an elephant L. s'akitadrishthi * = mfn. looking afraid or shy Pacat.

s'akitamanas * mfn. fainthearted, timid, apprehensive shaNNidhana* = n. N. of a Sman rshBr. shaNNivartanii* = f. a partic. mode of subsistence Baudh. (v.l. {-niv-}). sha.nsa = praise sha.nsasi = You are praising shapati = (1 pp) to curse s'apa * =m. a curse, imprecation, oath (= {zapatha}) L.; a corpse (w.r. for {zava} q.v.) W.; N. of a man g. {azvA7di}. s'ataghnI * = f. (cf. {-han}, p. 1050) a partic. deadly weapon (used as a missile, supposed by some to be a sort of fire-arms or rocket, but described by the Comm. on the Mahbhrata as a stone or cylindrical piece of wood studded with iron spikes) MBh. Hariv. Kv. &c.; a deadly disease of the throat Sus'r. S'rngS.; Tragia Involucrata L.; Pongamia Glabra L.; a female scorpion W.; N. of S'iva (m.) MW.; {-pAza-zakti-mat} mfn. having a S'ata-ghn and a noose and a spear MBh. xiii, 17, 134 (but {zata-ghnI} may also be, separate).

saMyuga * = n. (in BhP. also m.) union, conjunction MBh.; conflict, battle, war MBh. Ka1v. &c. (cf. Naigh. ii, 17); %{-goSpada} n. a contest in a cow's footstep (met. `" an insignificant struggIe "') MBh.; %{-mUrdhan} m. the van or front of battle Ragh. shara = Arrow s'ara * = m. (fr. %{zrI} `" to rend "' or `" destroy "') a sort of reed or grass , Saccharum Sara (used for arrows) RV. &c. &c. ; an arrow , shaft Mun2d2Up. Mn. MBh. &c. ; N. of the number `" five "' (from the 5 arrows of the god of love) VarBr2S. ; (in astron.) the versed sine of an arc (accord. to A1ryabh. also `" the whole diameter with subtraction of the versed sine "') ; a partic. configuration of stars (when all the planets are in the 4tb , 5th , 6th , and 7th houses) VarBr2S. ; the upper part of cream or slightly curdled milk (v.l. %{sara}) , ApSr. Car. ; mischief , injury , hurt , a wound W. ; N. of a son of Ricatka RV. ; of an Asura Hariv. (v.l. %{zuka}) ; (%{I}) f. Typha Angustifolia L. ; n. water (see %{zara-varSa} and %{-Sin}) sharaNa = Refuge sharaNaM = resort/surrender


sharaNaarthii = Refugee sharaNyau = the refuge, people who are worthy of giving asylum, protection to sharad.h = autumn sharadaH = (autumnal seasons) years s'ariira = body (neut) * = n. (once in R. m.; ifc. f. {A}; either fr. {zri} and orig. = `" suport or supporter "' cf. 2. {zaraNa} and Mn. i, 7; or accord. to others, fr. {zRR}, and orig. = `" that which is easily destroyed or dissolved "') the body, bodily frame, solid parts of the body (pl. the bones) RV. &c. &c.; any solid body (opp. to {udaka} &c.) MBh. VarBriS. Pacat.; one's body i.e. one's own person Mn. xi, 229; bodily strength MW.; a dead body ib. s'aariira * =mf({I})n. (fr. {zarIra}) bodily, corporeal, relating or belonging to or being in or produced from or connected with the body (with {daNDa} m. corporal punishment) S'Br. &c. &c.; made of bone Sus'r.; n. bodily constitution MBh. VarBriS.; (in med.) the science of the body and its parts, anatomy Sus'r. Car.; the feces, excrement Mn. xi, 202; the embodied soul or spirit W.; = {vRSa} (?) L.


shariiraM = body shariiramaadyaM = body + the beginning shariirasthaM = situated within the body shariirasthaH = dwelling in the body shariiraaNi = bodies shariiriNaH = of the embodied soul shariire = in the body sharkaraa = (f) sugar s'aradhi: * = arrow-case, quiver s'araja * = mfn. born in a clump of reeds Pn. 6-3, 16; m. = {-janman} L.; n. produced from sour cream "', butter L s'araNa * = 1 m. (for 2. see p. 1057, col. 1) one of the arrows of Kma-dev Cat.; n. falling asunder, bursting, falling in Vop.; killing, slaying L.; what slays or injures MW. \\2 mfn. (fr. {zR} for {zri}; for 1. see p. 1056) protecting, guarding, defending RV. AV.; m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh.; of a poet Gt. (cf. {-deva}); of a king Buddh.; ({A} and {I}) f. N. of

various plants &c. (prob. w.r. for {saraNA}, {-NI} q.v.); n. (Ifc f. {A}), shelter, place of shelter or refuge or rest, hut, house, habitation, abode, lair (of an animal), home, asylum RV. &c. &c.; refuge, protection, refuge with ({zaraNaM} {gam} or {yA} or {i} &c., `" to go to any one for protection, seek refuge with "' [acc. or gen.]; often ifc.) Mn. MBh. &c.; water L.; (with {indrasya}) N. of a Sman rshBr.2. s'araNya * = 1 n. (for 2. see ib.) injury, hurt W. s'araNi * = 1 f. (for 2. see under 2. {zaraNa}) refractoriness, obstinacy RV. AV. (others `" hurt, injury, offence "'). sharma = grace s'arva * = m. (fr. {zu4ru}) N. of a god who kills people with arrows (mentioned together with Bhava and other names of Rudra-S'iva); N. of the god S'iva (often in the later language; esp. in the form Kshitimrti; du. S'arva and S'arvni cf. Vm. v, 2, 21) AV. &c. &c.; of one of the 11 Rudras VP.; of Vishnu MW.; of a son of Dhanusha VP.; of a poet Sadukt.; pl. N. of a people MrkP. (w.r. {sarva}); ({A}) f. N. of Um BhP. s'asta * = 1 mfn. (for 2. see under %{zas}) recited

repeated RV.; praised, commended, approved MBh. Ka1v. &c.; auspicious (cf. %{a4-z-}) AV. Ra1jat.; beautiful R.; happy, fortunate Katha1s.; n. praise, eulogy RV.; happiness, excellence W.\\ 2 zasta 2 mfn. (for 1. see p. 1044, col. 1) cut down, slaughtered, killed MBh. iii, 1638. s'a4stra * = 2 m. (for 1. see p. 1044, col. 1) a sword L.; ({I}) f. see below; n. an instrument for cutting or wounding, knife, sword, dagger, any weapon (even applied to an arrow Bhathth.; weapons are said to be of four kinds, {pANi-mukta}, {yantramukta}, {muktA7mukta}, and {amukta}) S'Br. &c. &c.; any instrument or tool (see comp.); iron, steel L.; a razor L. s'astra * = (see also saastra) 1 n. (for 2. see under {zas}) invocation, praise (applied to any hymn recited either audibly or inaudibly, as opp. to {stoma}, which is sung, but esp. the verses recited by the Hotrii and his assistant as an accompaniment to the Grahas at the Soma libation) VS. Br. S'rS. ChUp.; reciting, recitation S'nkhBr s'ata* = n. (rarely m.; ifc. f. {I}) a hundred (used with other numerals thus, {ekA7dhikaM zatam}, or {eka-z-}, a hhundred + one, 101 {viMzatyadhikaM zatam} or {viMzaM z-}, a hhundred +

twenty, 120; {zate} or {dve zate} or {dvi-zatam} or {zata-dvayam}, 200; {trINi} {zatAni} or {trizatAni} or {zata-trayam}, 300; {SaT-zatam}, 600; or the comp. becomes an ordinal e.g. {dvi-zata}, the 200th; {dvikaM}, {trikaM zatam} = 2, 3 per cent; {zatAtpara}, `" beyonda hhundred, exceeding 100 "'; the counted object is added either in the gen., or in the same case as {zata}, or ibc. e.g. {zatam pitaraH} or, {zatam pitRRNAm} or {pitR-zatam} a hhundred ancestors "'; sometimes also ifc. see comp. below; rarely {zatam} is used as an indecl. with an instr. e.g. {zata4M ra4thebhiH}, `" with a hhundred chariots "' RV. i, 48, 7; rarely occurs a masc. form in pl. e.g. {paJca-zatA}, {rathAn} MBh. iv, 1057; and {zata} n. rarely in comp. of the following kind, {catur-varSa-zatam} or {-tAni}, `" 400 years "') RV. &c. &c.; any very large number (in comp. as {zata-pattra} &c. below). [Cf. Gk. $ `" one "' hundred; &317439[1048, 3] Lat. {centum}; Lith. {szmtas}; Got. (twa) {hunda}; Germ. {hundert}; Eng. {hund-ed}.] s'atha* mfn. sour, astringent, acid L.; m. N. of a man g. {gargA7di}; of a son of Vasu-deva Hariv. (prob. w.r. for {zaTha}); of a country g. {zaNDikA7di}. s'ath* = f. (= {saTA}, {jaTA}) an ascetic's clotted hair W.

shasha = rabbit shashaH = (m) rabbit shashaanka = moon shashaankaH = the moon shashi = moon shashisuuryayoH = of the moon and the sun shashii = the moon shashvachchhaantiM = lasting peace s'as'vat *: mf({za4zvatI}, or {-tI4})n. (accord. to some for {sasvat} and corresponding to Gk. $) &320906[1060, 3] perpetual, continual, endless, incessant, frequent, numerous, many (esp. applied to the ever-recurring dawns) RV.; all, every RV. AV. TBr.; ({at}) ind. perpetually, continually, repeatedly, always, ever ({za4zvat purA4}, from immemorial time; {zazvac-chazvat}, again and again, constantly) RV. &c. &c.; at once, forthwith, directly (generally preceded or followed by {ha}; {za4zvat-za4zvat}, no sooner-than forthwith) S'Br. BhP.; it is true, certainly, indeed Br.


s'as'vata4*: mf({I})n. (fr. {zazvat}) eternal, constant, perpetual, all ({zA4zvatIbhyaH sa4mAbhyaH}, {zAzvatIH samAH}, or {zAzvatam}, for evermore, incessantly, eternally) VS. &c. &c.; about to happen, future MW.; m. N. of S'iva L.; of Vysa L.; of a son of S'ruta (and father of Sudhanvan) VP.; of a poet and various other writers (esp. of a lexicographer, author of the Aneka7rthasamuccaya); ({I}) f. the earth L.; n. continuity, eternity MBh.; heaven, ether W. s'as'vatika*: mfn. = {zAzvaTa}, eternal, constant, permanent Nir. past. Kd. shashhTashhTaka = 6th and 8th from each other shashhTyaa.nsha = A varga. The 60th Harmonic Chart. Used in cases of delineation of twins s'astra * = 1 n. (for 2. see under {zas}) invocation, praise (applied to any hymn recited either audibly or inaudibly, as opp. to {stoma}, which is sung, but esp. the verses recited by the Hotrii and his assistant as an accompaniment to the Grahas at the Soma libation) VS. Br. S'rS. ChUp.; reciting, recitation S'nkhBr\\2 m. (for 1. see p. 1044, col. 1) a sword L.; ({I}) f. see below; n. an instrument for cutting or wounding, knife, sword, dagger, any weapon (even applied to an arrow Bhathth.;

weapons are said to be of four kinds, {pANimukta}, {yantra-mukta}, {muktA7mukta}, and {amukta}) S'Br. &c. &c.; any instrument or tool (see comp.); iron, steel L.; a razor L. s'aastra * = n. an order, command, precept, rule RV. Kv. Pur.; teaching, instruction, direction, advice, good counsel MBh. Kv. &c.; any instrument of teaching, any manual or compendium of rules, any bock or treatise, (esp.) any religious or scientific treatise, any sacred book or composition of divine authority (applicable even to the Veda, and said to be of fourteen or even eighteen kinds [see under {vidyA}]; the word {zAstra} is often found ifc. after the word denoting the subject of the book, or is applied collectively to whole departments of knowledge e.g. {vedA7nta-z}, a work on the Veda7nta philosophy or the whole body of teaching on that subject; {dharma-z-}, a law-book or whole body of written laws; {kAvya-z}, a poetical work or poetry in general; {zilpi-z-}, works on the mechanical arts; {kAma-z-}, erotic compositions; {alaMkAra z-}, rhetoric, &c.) Nir. Prt. Mn. MBh. &c.; a body of teaching (in general), scripture, science Kv. Pur. shastra = weapon shastraM = weapon

shastrapaaNayaH = those with weapons in hand shastrapuutaaH = having become holy by (strike of) weapon shastrabhritaaM = of the carriers of weapons shastrasampaate = in releasing his arrows shastraaNi = weapons s'astra* = 1 n. (for 2. see under {zas}) invocation, praise (applied to any hymn recited either audibly or inaudibly, as opp. to {stoma}, which is sung, but esp. the verses recited by the Hotrii and his assistant as an accompaniment to the Grahas at the Soma libation) VS. Br. S'rS. ChUp.; reciting, recitation S'nkhBr s'astra* = 2 m. (for 1. see p. 1044, col. 1) a sword L.; ({I}) f. see below; n. an instrument for cutting or wounding, knife, sword, dagger, any weapon (even applied to an arrow Bhathth.; weapons are said to be of four kinds, {pANi-mukta}, {yantra-mukta}, {muktA7mukta}, and {amukta}) S'Br. &c. &c.; any instrument or tool (see comp.); iron, steel L.; a razor L. s'aastra* = n. an order, command, precept, rule RV.

Kv. Pur.; teaching, instruction, direction, advice, good counsel MBh. Kv. &c.; any instrument of teaching, any manual or compendium of rules, any bock or treatise, (esp.) any religious or scientific treatise, any sacred book or composition of divine authority (applicable even to the Veda, and said to be of fourteen or even eighteen kinds [see under {vidyA}]; the word {zAstra} is often found ifc. after the word denoting the subject of the book, or is applied collectively to whole departments of knowledge e.g. {vedA7nta-z-}, a work on the Veda7nta philosophy or the whole body of teaching on that subject; {dharma-z-}, a law-book or whole body of written laws; {kAvya-z-}, a poetical work or poetry in general; {zilpi-z-}, works on the mechanical arts; {kAma-z-}, erotic compositions; {alaMkAra z-}, rhetoric, &c.) Nir. Prt. Mn. MBh. &c.; a body of teaching (in general), scripture, science Kv. Pur. s'as'vat * = mf({za4zvatI}, or {-tI4})n. (accord. to some for {sasvat} and corresponding to Gk. $) &320906[1060, 3] perpetual, continual, endless, incessant, frequent, numerous, many (esp. applied to the ever-recurring dawns) RV.; all, every RV. AV. TBr.; ({at}) ind. perpetually, continually, repeatedly, always, ever ({za4zvat purA4}, from immemorial time; {zazvac-chazvat}, again and again, constantly) RV. &c. &c.; at once, forthwith,

directly (generally preceded or followed by {ha}; {za4zvat-za4zvat}, no sooner-than forthwith) S'Br. BhP.; it is true, certainly, indeed Br. s'atha *= mfn. sour, astringent, acid L.; m. N. of a man g. {gargA7di}; of a son of Vasu-deva Hariv. (prob. w.r. for {zaTha}); of a country g. {zaNDikA7di}. s'athA *=f. (= {saTA}, {jaTA}) an ascetic's clotted hair W. s'ata *=n. (rarely m.; ifc. f. {I}) a hundred (used with other numerals thus, {ekA7dhikaM zatam}, or {eka-z-}, a hhundred + one, 101 {viMzatyadhikaM zatam} or {viMzaM z-}, a hhundred + twenty, 120; {zate} or {dve zate} or {dvi-zatam} or {zata-dvayam}, 200; {trINi} {zatAni} or {trizatAni} or {zata-trayam}, 300; {SaT-zatam}, 600; or the comp. becomes an ordinal e.g. {dvi-zata}, the 200th; {dvikaM}, {trikaM zatam} = 2, 3 per cent; {zatAtpara}, `" beyonda hhundred, exceeding 100 "'; the counted object is added either in the gen., or in the same case as {zata}, or ibc. e.g. {zatam pitaraH} or, {zatam pitRRNAm} or {pitR-zatam} a hhundred ancestors "'; sometimes also ifc. see comp. below; rarely {zatam} is used as an indecl. with an instr. e.g. {zata4M ra4thebhiH}, `" with a hhundred chariots "' RV. i, 48, 7; rarely occurs a

masc. form in pl. e.g. {paJca-zatA}, {rathAn} MBh. iv, 1057; and {zata} n. rarely in comp. of the following kind, {catur-varSa-zatam} or {-tAni}, `" 400 years "') RV. &c. &c.; any very large number (in comp. as {zata-pattra} &c. below). [Cf. Gk. $ `" one "' hundred; &317439[1048, 3] Lat. {centum}; Lith. {szmtas}; Got. (twa) {hunda}; Germ. {hundert}; Eng. {hund-ed}.] s'aatha *= m. (fr. {zaT}?) a strip of cloth, a kind of skirt or petticoat, a partic. sort of garment or gown Vas. Cn.; ({I}) f. see below. s'aata * = mfn. (fr. {zo}; cf. {zita}) sharpened, whetted, sharp Kaths. Rjat.; thin, feeble, slender, emaciated Hariv. Kv. VarBriS.; n. the thorn-apple MW. \\2 m. (fr. 2. {zad}) falling out or decaying (of nails, hair &c.) Sus'r. \\3 n. joy, pleasure, happiness L.; mfn. handsome, bright, happy W. \\4 Vriiddhi form of {zata}, in comp. \\mfn. see 1. {zAta}, p. 1063, col. 3. s'athha* = * = mf({A})n. false, deceitful, frauduIent, malignant, wicked past. Mn. MBh. &c.; m. a cheat, rogue (esp. a false husband or lover, who pretends affection for one female while his heart is fixed on another; one of the four classes into which husbands are divided) W.; a, fool, blockhead ib.; an idler ib.; a mediator, umpire L.;

the thorn-apple L.; white mustard seed L.; N. of an Asura MBh.; of a son of Vasu-deva Hariv. (v.l. {gada} and {suta}); ({I}) f. w.r. for {zaTI} Car.; n. saffron L.; Tabernaemontana Coronaria L.; steel L.; tin L. s'athhamati * =(VP.) mfn. wicked -minded, malicious. s'athhatva * =n. (Sh.) roguery, depravity, malice, wickedness ({-tA7caraNa} n. wicked or roguish conduct MW.) shaTha = Rogue shaThaH = deceitful shata = Hundred shataM = a hundred shatakoTi = 100 koti or 1000 millions shatataarakaa = Twenty-fourth nakshatra, hundred minor stars shatapadii = (f) centipede shatashaH = hundreds

shataabhishaka = Twenty-fourth nakshatra (also shatataarakaa) shatena = hundred shataiH = by hundreds shatru = enemy shatru-bhaava = House of Enemies or 6th shatruM = the enemy shatruH = enemy shatrutve = because of enmity shatrun.h = enemies shatruvat.h = as an enemy shatrau = in (towards)the enemy shaucha = mental and bodily cleanliness shauchaM = cleanliness s'auNDa* = mf({A}, or {I})n. (fr. {zuNDA}) fond of spirituous liquor, addicted to drinking MBh.

MrkP.; drunk, intoxicated L.; (ifc.) passionately fond of or devoted to ({-tA} f.) MBh. R. &c.; skilled in, familiar with BhP.; being the pride of Blar. x, 0/1; m. a cock L.; ({A}) f. spirituous liquor (ifc. perhaps w.r. for {zuNDa}) R.; ({I}) f. long pepper or Piper Chaba Bhpr.; = {kaTabhI} (a tree) L.; a line of clouds L. shauryaM = heroism s'auri * =m. patr. of Vasu-deva MBh. BhP.; of Vishnu-Kriishna (also among the names of the sun) ib.; of Prajti MrkP.; of Bala-deva MW.; Terminalia Tomentosa L. (v.l. {sauri}); the planet Saturn (w.r. for {sauri}). shava = cadaver shavapetikaa = (f) coffin shavaasana = the corpse posture shaya = Sleep shayana = a bed shayanaM = sleep s'ayana* = mfn. lying down, resting, sleeping

Pacar.; n. the act of lying down or sleeping, rest, repose, sleep MBh. Kv. &c.; (ifc. f. {A}) a bed, couch, sleeping-place (acc. with {bhaj}, {A-} {ruh}, {saM-viz} &c., to go to bed or to rest "'; with Caus. of {A-ruh}, `" to take to bed, have sexual intercourse with "' [acc.]; {zayanaM} {zRta} or {-ne sthita} mfn. gone to bed, being in bed) S'Br. &c. &c [1056, 1]; copulation, sexual intercourse L.; N. of a Sman L. s'ayaana* = mfn. lying down, resting, sleeping Mn. MBh. &c.; m. a lizard, chameleon L. s'aayana* = n. N. of a Sman rshBr. s'aya * = mf({A})n. (fr. 1. {zI}) lying, sleeping, resting, abiding (ifc. after adv. or subst. in loc. case or sense; see {adhaH-z-}, {kuze-z}, {giri-z-} &c.); m. sleep, sleeping Dhtup. xxiv, 60 (cf. {divA-z-}); a bed, couch (see {vIra-z-}); a snake (accord. to some, the boa constrictor) L.; a lizard, chameleon L.; the hand (= {hasta}, also as a measure of length) VarBriS. Naish. KtyS'r. Sch.; = {paNa} L.; abuse, imprecation L. (prob. w.r. for {zapa}); pl. N. of a people MBh.; ({A4}) f. a place of rest or repose (cf. {zayyA}) RV. [Cf. Gk. $-$.] &319454[1055, 3] shayanaprakoshhThaH = (m) bedroom


shayanaasana = the repose posture shayyaa = (f) bedshafarii = a very small fish shekishpira = (m) a play with too many words sheNishheveta = does not marry shenota = (n) the great void sheshha = remaining s'esha * m. n. (fr. 2. {ziS}) remainder, that which remains or is left, leavings, residue (pl. `" all the others "'), surplus, balance, the rest ({zeSe} loc. `" for the rest "', `" in all other cases "'; {zeSe rAtrau}, `" during the rest of the night "'; {mama zeSam asti}, `" there remains something to happen to me "'); that which has to be supplied (e.g. any word or words which have been omitted in a sentence; {iti zeSaH}, `" so it was left to be supplied "', a phrase commonly used by Comm. in supplying any words necessary to elucidate the text); that which is saved or spared or allowed to escape (nom. with {as}, or {bhU}, `" to be spared "'; {zeSaM-kR} "', to spare "', `" allow to escape "'; {zeSam avA7p} `" to escape "') Mn. MBh. R. &c.; remaining (used as an adj. at the end of adj. comp. [f. {A}], cf. {kathA-z-}, {kRtya-z}) AitBr. &c. &c.; remaining out of or from, left

from (with abl. or loc. e.g. {prayAtebhyo ye zeSAH}, `" the persons left out of those who had departed "'; but mostly ifc. after a pp. in comp. e.g. {bhukta-zeSa}, `" remaining from a meal "', `" remnant of food "'; {hata-zeSAH}, `" those left out of the slain "', `" the survivors "' &c.) Mn. MBh. &c.; end, issue, conclusion, finish, result RV. 77, 15; last, last-mentioned Rjat.; a supplement, appendix Nir. iii, 13; a keepsake, token of remembrance Das'.; secondary matter, accident KtyS'r. Sch.; death, destruction W.; m. N. of a celebrated mythological thousand-headed serpent regarded as the emblem of eternity (whence he is also called An-anta "', the infinite "'; in the VishnuPurna he and the serpents Vsuki and Takshaka are described as sons of Kadru, but in one place S'esha alone is called king of the Ngas or snakes inhabiting Ptla, while elsewhere Vsuki also is described as king of the Nagas and Takshaka of the serpents; the thousand headed S'esha is sometimes represented as forming the couch and canopy of Vishnu whilst sleeping during the intervals of creation, sometimes as supporting the seven Ptlas with the seven regions above them and therefore the entire world [1089, 1]; he is said to have taught astronomy to Garga; according to some legends he became incarnate in Bala-rma q.v.) MBh. Hariv. Pur. &c. (RTL. 105; 112; 232 n. r); N. of one of the Praj-patis R. VP.; of a Muni MW.; (also with {AcArya}, {dIkSita}, {zAstrin} &c.) of

various authors (cf. below); of one of the mythical elephants that support the earth L.; a kind of metre L.; ({A}) f. pl. the remains of flowers or other offerings made to an idol and afterwards distributed amongst the worshippers and attendants (sg. `" a garden made of the remains of flowers "') MBh. R. &c.; ({I}) f. N. of a woman Cat.; n. see above. s'eshavat* = mfn. left alive, spared MBh.; characterized by an effect or result (sometimes applied in logic to {a posteriori} reasoning) Nyyas. setu mfn. (fr. 1. %{si}) binding, who or what binds or fetters RV.; m. a bond, fetter ib.; a ridge of earth, mound, bank, causeway, dike, dam, bridge, any raised piece of ground separating fields (serving as a boundary or as a passage during inundations) RV. &c. &c.; Ra1ma's bridge (see %{setubandha}) BhP.; a landmark, boundary, limit (also fig. = `" barrier, bounds "') Mn. MBh. &c.; a help to the understanding of a text, an explanatory commentary (also N. of various commentaries) Cat.; an established institution, fixed rule MW.; the Pran2ava or sacred syllable Om (which is said to be %{mantrANAM@setuH}) Ka1lP.; Crataeva Roxburghii or Tapia Crataeva (= %{varaNa}, %{varuNa}) L.; N. of a son of Druhyu and brother of Babhru Hariv.; of a son of Babhru Pur.; of a

place MW. seva*=(either fr. %{sev} or %{siv}) g. %{pacA7di}; n. = 1. %{sevi}, an apple L. sevA *= f. going or resorting to, visiting, frequenting Ca1n2. Subh.; service, attendance on (loc. gen., or comp.; %{sevAM-kR}, with gen., `" to be in the service of "') Mn. MBh. &c.; worship, homage, reverence, devotion to (gen. or comp.) ib.; sexual intercourse with (comp.) Hit. Subh.; addiction to, indulgence in, practice or employment or frequent enjoyment of (comp.) Nir. Mn. MBh. &c. sevana 1 n. (for 2. see col. 2) the act of frequenting or visiting or dwelling in or resorting to (comp.) Ka1v. Pan5cat. BhP.; waiting upon, attendance, service Mn. MBh. &c.; honouring, reverence, worship, adoration (also %{A} f.) Ka1v. VarBr2S. &c.; sexual enjoyment, intercourse with (comp.) Mn. xi, 178; devotion or addiction to, fondness for, indulgence in, practise or employment of (gen. or comp.) Mn. R. &c\\ 2 n. (for 1. see col. 1) the act of sewing, darning, stitching Sus3r. Vop. A1pS3r. Sch.; a sack L.; (%{I}) f. a needle L.; a seam L.; a suture or peculiar, seamlike union of parts of the body (seven in number, viz. five of the cranium, one of the tongue, and one

of the glans penis) Br. Sus3r.; (%{I}) f. a kind of small jasmine L. shevadhi* = m. (L. also n.) `" treasure-receptacle "', wealth, treasure, jewel RV. &c. &c.; treasury, an inexhaustible quantity (of good or evil) Sinha7s.; one of the nine treasures of Kubera MW.; {-pA4} mfn. guarding treasure RV. shii = to sleep siva* = or m. one who sews or stitches, a sewer, stitcher L s'ii4la * = n. (and m. g. {ardharcA7di}; ifc. f. {A}) habit, custom, usage, natural or acquired way of living or acting, practice, conduct, disposition, tendency, character, nature (often ifc. = `" habituated "' or `" accustomed "' or `" disposed "' or `" addicted to "', `" practising "'; cf. {guNa-}, {dAna-}, {puNya-z-} &c.) VS. &c. &c. good disposition or character, moral conduct, integrity, morality, piety, virtue Mn. MBh. &c.; cf. IW. 208; (with Buddhists {zIla} "', moral conduct "', is one of the 6 or 10 perfections or Pramits [q.v.] and is threefold, viz. {sambhAra}, {kuzala-saMgrAha}, {sattvA7rtha-kriyA} Dharmas. 106); a moral precept (with Buddh. there are 5 fundamental precepts or rules of moral conduct cf. {paJca-zIla})

MWB. 126; form, shape, beauty W.; m. a large snake in this sense prob. fr. 1. {zI}) L.; N. of a man Buddh.; of a king Rjat.; ({A}) f. see below. s'iilaa * = f. N. of the wife of Kaundinya Vs., Introd.; (also {-bhaTTArikA}) N. of a poetess S'rngP. Cat. shiigraM = hurry; quickness shiighraM = immediately shiita = cold s'ilpa * = n. (of doubtful derivation) the art of variegating, variegated or diversified appearance, decoration, ornament, artistic work VS. Br. Hariv. Katha1s. BhP.; any manual art or craft, any handicraft or mechanical or fine art (64 such arts or crafts, sometimes called %{bAhya-kalA}, `" external or practical arts "', are enumerated e.g. carpentering, architecture, jewellery, farriery, acting, dancing, music, medicine, poetry &c. [cf. IW. 185]; and 64 %{abhyantara-kalA}, `" secret arts "' e.g. kissing, embracing, and various other arts of coquetry) S3a1n3khBr. Mn. MBh. &c.; skill in any art or craft or work of art, ingenuity, contrivance MBh. Ka1v. &c.; any act or work (also m.) BhP.; ceremonial act, ceremony, rite (also m.)

MW.; form, shape Naigh. iii, 7 (cf. %{su-zilpa}); a partic. kind of S3astra or hymn (of a highly artificial character, recited on the 6th day of the Pr2isht2hya Shad2-aha, at the Vis3vajit &c.) Br. S3rS.; a kind of sacrificial ladle (?) L.; (du. with %{jamad-agneH}) N. of two Sa1mans A1rshBr.; m. N. of a teacher S3Br.; (%{A}) f. a barber's shop L.; (%{I}) f. a female artisan or mechanic Cat.; (%{zilpa4}) mfn. variegated VS. TS. s'ita* = 1 mfn. (for 2. see p. 1071, col. 2) satisfied, regaled RV. viii, 23, 13. s'ita* = 2 mfn. (for 1. and 4. see under %{zi} and %{zo}) w.r. for %{sita}, `" bright-coloured, white. "'\\3 m. N. of a son of Vis3va1mitra MBh.\\mf(%{A4})n. (fr. %{zyai}; cf. %{zIna}) cold, cool, chilly, frigid (with ind. p. of %{kR} either %{zItaM@kRtya}, or %{kRtvA} g. %{sA7kSA7di}) RV. &c. &c.; dull, apathetic, sluggish, indolent L.; boiled (= %{kvathita}; %{zIta} prob. w.r. for %{zRta}) L.; m. Calamus Rotang L.; Cordia Myxa and Latifolia L.; Azadirachta Indica L.; = %{asanaparNI} and %{parpaTA} L.; camphor L.; (%{A}) f. spirituous liquor L.; a kind of Du1rva1 grass L.; another kind of grass (= %{zilpikA}) L.; often w.r. for %{sItA} (q.v.); n. cold, coldness, cold weather L.; cold water L.; Cassia bark L.\\4 mfn. (for 1. &c. see p. 1069, col. 3) whetted, sharp RV. &c. &c.;

thin, slender, weak, feeble L.\\see p. 1077, col. 3. s'ithaa* = f. a rope (?) DivyA7v. shiitaka = (m) refrigerator shiitala = cool shiirsha = head shiirshha = head s'iila = charactern. (and m. g. %{ardharcA7di}; ifc. f. %{A}) habit, custom, usage, natural or acquired way of living or acting, practice, conduct, disposition, tendency, character, nature (often ifc. = `" habituated "' or `" accustomed "' or `" disposed "' or `" addicted to "', `" practising "'; cf. %{guNa-}, %{dAna-}, %{puNya-z-} &c.) VS. &c. &c. good disposition or character, moral conduct, integrity, morality, piety, virtue Mn. MBh. &c.; cf. IW. 208; (with Buddhists %{zIla} "', moral conduct "', is one of the 6 or 10 perfections or Pa1ramita1s [q.v.] and is threefold, viz. %{sambhAra}, %{kuzala-saMgrAha}, %{sattvA7rtha-kriyA} Dharmas. 106); a moral precept (with Buddh. there are 5 fundamental precepts or rules of moral conduct cf. %{paJca-zIla}) MWB. 126; form, shape, beauty W.; m. a large snake in this sense prob. fr. 1.

%{zI}) L.; N. of a man Buddh.; of a king Ra1jat.; (%{A}) f. see below. s'iilaa f. N. of the wife of Kaun2d2inya Va1s., Introd.; (also %{-bhaTTArikA}) N. of a poetess S3a1rn3gP. Cat. shiilaM = chastity shiishkaaraH = (m) a whistleshikharam.h = (n) summit, mountain top s'ilpa* = n. (of doubtful derivation) the art of variegating, variegated or diversified appearance, decoration, ornament, artistic work VS. Br. Hariv. Kaths. BhP.; any manual art or craft, any handicraft or mechanical or fine art (64 such arts or crafts, sometimes called {bAhya-kalA}, `" external or practical arts "', are enumerated e.g. carpentering, architecture, jewellery, farriery, acting, dancing, music, medicine, poetry &c. [cf. IW. 185]; and 64 {abhyantara-kalA}, `" secret arts "' e.g. kissing, embracing, and various other arts of coquetry) S'nkhBr. Mn. MBh. &c.; skill in any art or craft or work of art, ingenuity, contrivance MBh. Kv. &c.; any act or work (also m.) BhP.; ceremonial act, ceremony, rite (also m.) MW.; form, shape Naigh. iii, 7 (cf. {su-zilpa}); a partic. kind of S'astra or hymn (of a highly artificial

character, recited on the 6th day of the Priishthhya Shad-aha, at the Vis'vajit &c.) Br. S'rS.; a kind of sacrificial ladle (?) L.; (du. with {jamad-agneH}) N. of two Smans rshBr.; m. N. of a teacher S'Br.; ({A}) f. a barber's shop L.; ({I}) f. a female artisan or mechanic Cat.; ({zilpa4}) mfn. variegated VS. TS. s'ilaandhas* = n. ears of corn left on a field BhP. s'ilaahaarin* = mfn. one who gathers stalks or ears of corn MBh. s'ila * = 1 m. (L. also n.; for 2. see col. 2) gleaning, gathering stalks or ears of corn (accord. to Kull. on Mn. x, 112 {zila} = {aneka-dhAnyo7nnayana} i.e. `" gleaning more than one ear of corn at a time "', opp. to {uJcha} = {ekai9ka-dhAnyA7diguDako7ccayana}) Mn. MBh. &c.; m. N. of a son of Prytra Ragh. \\2 (for 1. see col. 1), in comp. for {zilA}. s'ilaa4 * = f. (perhaps connected with 1. {zi}) a stone, rock, crag AV. &c. &c.; red arsenic Sus'r.; camphor L.; the lower mill-stone L.; the lower timber of a door L.; the top of the pillar supporting a house L.; a vein, tendon (for {zira} q.v.) L. [1073, 2]; N. of a river R.; of a woman Cat.


shila = rock shilaa = (fem) stone shilpam.h = (n) sculpture, carving shilpin.h = sculptor shilpii = (m) sculptor s'ikha* = m. N. of a serpent-demon (mentioned together with {anu-zikha} q.v.) PacavBr.; ({A}) f. see below; ({I}) f. a kind of magic DivyA7v.; N. of a river VP. s'ikhaa* = f. (of doubtful derivation; prob. connected with 1. {zi}, `" to sharpen "') a tuft or lock of hair on the crown of the head, a crest, topknot, plume S'Br. &c. &c.; a peacock's crest or comb MBh. Hariv. &c.; a pointed flame, any flame ib.; a ray of light Kum. Kaths.; a sharp end, point, spike, peak, summit, pinnacle, projection, end or point (in general) MaitrUp. Kv. VarBriS.; the end or point or border of a garment S'ak.; the point or tip of the foot L.; the nipple L.; a branch which takes root, any branch L.; a fibrous root, any root L.; the plant Jussiaea Repens L.; the head or chief or best of a class L.; the fever or excitement of love L.; a partic. part of a verse or formula (the crest of

the verse compared to a king) RmatUp. [1070, 3]; = {zikha-vRddhi} Gaut.; N. of various metres Col.; of a river (prob. w.r. for {zikhI}) VP. shikhi.n = peacock shikshaNaM = of teaching shikshate = (1 ap) to learn shiraH = head shiras.h = head shirasaa = with the head shirastraaNa = (m) helmet shiriishha = name of a flower shirovedanaa = (f) headache shirshha = the head shirshhaasana = the head-stand posture shirsangushhThaasana = the deep lunge posture shishira = frosty season

shishhTatva = wisdom shishhya = student shishhyaH = disciple shishhyam.h = the disciple. the student shishhyaan.h = desciples shishhyeNa = disciple shishhyaiH = disciples s'is'upaala * = m. `" child-protector "'N. of the king of the Cedis inhabiting a country in central India, probably the same as Bundelkhand (see {cedi}; he was son of Dama-ghosha, and is also called Suntha; his impiety in opposing the worship of Kriishna is described in the Sabh-parvan of the Mah-bhrata; when Yudhi-shthira was about to perform a Rjasya sacrifice, numerous princes attended, and Bhishma proposed that especial honour should be paid to Kriishna, who was also present, but S'is'u-pla objected, and after denouncing Kriishna as a contemptible person challenged him to fight, whereupon Kriishna struck off his head with his discus; the Vishnu-Purna identifies this impious monarch with the demons

Hiranya-kas'ipu and Rvana; his death forms the subject of Mgha's celebrated poem called S'is'upla-vadha); {-kathA} f. N. of a tale; {-niSU} S'is'pla-vadha); {-kathA} f. N. of a tale; {niSUdana} m. destroyer of S'isu-plaN. of Kriishna L.; {-vadha} m. `" slaying of S'S'isu "'N. of a poem by Mgha (q.v.) on the above subject; {-vadhaparvan} n. N. of a ch. of the Mah-bhrata (ii, 14181627) on the same subject; {-ziraz-chettR} (Pacar.) and {-han} (W.) m. N. of Kriishna. shivasutaaya = to the son of `shiva' s'is'u * = m. (fr. 1. {zU} = {zvi}) a child, infant, the young of any animal (as a calf, puppy &c.; also applied to young plants, and to the recently risen sun; often ifc.) RV. &c. &c.; a boy under eight years of age W.; a lad under sixteen ib.; a pupil, scholar ib.; N. of Skanda MBh. R. (cf. {kumAra}); of a descendant of Angiras (author of RV. ix, 112). Anukr.; of a son of Srana VP.; of a king Buddh.; mfn. young, infantine L. s'is'unaaga* = m. a young snake R.; a young elephant MW.; a kind of Rkshasa or demon ib.; N. of a king of Magadha (pl. his descendants) BhP. VP. (v.l. {-nAka}). s'iva = the destroyer * mf({A4})n. (according to Un.

i, 153, fr. 1. {zI}, `" in whom all things lie "'; perhaps connected with {zvi} cf. {zavas}, {zizvi}) auspicious, propitious, gracious, favourable, benign, kind, benevolent, friendly, dear ({a4m} ind. kindly, tenderly) RV. &c. &c.; happy, fortunate BhP.; m. happiness, welfare (cf. n.) R. v, 56, 36; liberation, final emancipation L.; `" The Auspicious one "'N. of the disintegrating or destroying and reproducing deity (who constitutes the third god of the Hind Trimrti or Triad, the other two being Brahm `" the creator "' and Vishnu `" the preserver "'; in the Veda the only N. of the destroying deity wss Rudra `" the terrible god "', but in later times it became usual to give that god the euphemistic N. S'iva `" the auspicious "' [just as the Furies were called $ `" the gracious ones "'], and to assign him the office of creation and reproduction as well as dissolution; in fact the preferential worship of S'iva as developed in the Purnas and Epic poems led to his being identified with the Supreme Being by his exclusive worshippers [called S'aivas]; in his character of destroyer he is sometimes called Kla `" black "', and is then also identified with Time "', although his active destroying function is then oftener assigned to his wife under her name Kl, whose formidable character makes her a general object of propitiation by sacrifices; as presiding over reproduction consequent on destruction S'iva's symbol is the Linga [q.v.] or Phallus, under which

form he is worshipped all over India at the present day; again one of his representations is as Ardhanr, `" half-female "', the other half being male to symbolize the unity of the generative principle [RTL. 85]; he has three eyes, one of which is in his forehead, and which are thought to denote his view of the three divisions of time, past, present, and future, while a moos crescent, above the central eye, marks the measure of time by months, a serpent round his neck the measure by years, and a second necklace of skulls with other serpents about his person, the perpetual revolution of ages, and the successive extinction and generation of the races of mankind: his hair is thickly matted together, and gathered above his forehead into a coil; on the top of it he bears the Ganges, the rush of which in its descent from heaven he intercepted by his head that the earth might not be crushed by the weight of the falling stream; his throat is darkblue from the stain of the deadly poison which would have destroyed the world had it not been swallowed by him on its production at the churning of the ocean by the gods for the nectar of immortality; he holds a {tri-zUla}, or threepronged trident [also called Pinka] in his hand to denote, as some think, his combination of the three attributes of Creator, Destroyer, and Regenerator; he also carries a kind of drum, shaped like an hourglass, called Damaru: his attendants or servants are called Pramatha [qq.vv.]; they are regarded as

demons or supernatural beings of different kinds, and form various hosts or troops called Ganas; his wife Durg [otherwise called Kl, Prvat, Um, Gaur, Bhavn &c.] is the chief object of worship with the S'ktas and Tntrikas, and in this connection he is fond of dancing [see {tANDava}] and wine-drinking [1074, 2]; he is also worshipped as a great ascetic and is said to have scorched the god of love (Kma-deva) to ashes by a glance from his central eye, that deity having attempted to inflame him with passion for Prvat whilst he was engaged in severe penance; in the exercise of his function of Universal Destroyer he is fabled to have burnt up the Universe and all the gods, including Brahm and Vishnu, by a similar scorching glance, and to have rubbed the resulting ashes upon his body, whence the use of ashes in his worship, while the use of the Rudra7ksha berries originated, it is said, from the legend that S'iva, on his way to destroy the three cities, called Tri-pura, let fall some tears of rage which became converted into these beads: his residence or heaven is Kailsa, one of the loftiest northern peaks of the Hima7laya; he has strictly no incarnations like those of Vishnu, though Vra-bhadra and the eight Bhairavas and Khando-b &c. [RTL. 266] are sometimes regarded as forms of him; he is especially worshipped at Benares and has even more names than Vishnu, one thousand and eight being specified in the 69th chapter of the S'iva-Purna and in the 17th chapter

of the Anus'sana-parvan of the Maha-bhrata, some of the most common being Mah-deva, S'ambhu, S'ankara, s'a, s'vara, Mahe7s'vara, Hara; his sons are Gane7s'a and Krttikeya) s'vS'r. MBh. Kv. &c. RTL. 73; a kind of second Siva (with S'aivas), a person who has attained a partic. stage of perfection or emancipation MBh. Sarvad.; {ziva-liGga} L.; any god L.; a euphemistic N. of a jackal (generally {zivA} f. q.v.); sacred writings L.; (in astron.) N. of the sixth month; a post for cows (to which they are tied or for them to rub against) L.; bdellium L.; the fragrant bark of Feronia Elephantum L.; Marsilia Dentata L.; a kind of thorn-apple or = {puNDarIka} (the tree) L.; quicksilver L. (cf. {ziva-bIja}); a partic. auspicious constellation L.; a demon who inflicts diseases Hariv.; = {zukra} m. {kAla} m. {vasu} m. L.; the swift antelope L.; rum, spirit distilled from molasses L.; buttermilk L.; a ruby L.; a peg L.; time L.; N. of a son of Medha7tithi MrkP.; of a son of Idhma-jihva BhP.; of a prince and various authors (also with {dIkSita}, {bhaTTa}, {paNDita}, {yajvan}, {sUri} &c.) Cat.; of a fraudulent person Kaths.; (du.) the god S'iva and his wife Kir. v, 40 Pracand. i, 20 (cf. Vm. v, 2, 1); pl. N. of a class of gods in the third Manvantara Pur.; of a class of Brhmans who have attained a partic. degree of perfection like that of S'iva MBh.; ({A}) f. S'iva's wife (also {zivI}) see {zivA} below; ({am}) n. welfare, prosperity, bliss ({Aya}, {e4na} or

{e4bhis}, `" auspiciously, fortunately, happily, luckily "'; {zivAya gamyatAm}, `" a prosperous journey to you! "') RV. &c. &c.; final emancipation L.; water L.; rock-salt L.; sea-salt L.; a kind of borax L.; iron L.; myrobolan L.; Tabernaemontana Coronaria L.; sandal L.; N. of a Purna (= {zivapurANa} or {zaiva}) Cat.; of the house in which the Pndavas were to be burnt MrkP.; of a Varsha in Plaksha-dvpa and in Jambu-dvpa Pur. s'ivaa * =. the energy of S'iva personified as his wife (known as Durg, Prvat &c.) Inscr. Kv. Kaths. Pur.; final emancipation (= {mukti}) Pur.; a euphemistic N. of a jackal (generally regarded as an animal of bad omen) GriS. Baudh. MBh. &c. [1076, 1]; N. of various plants (accord. to L. `" Prosopis Spicigera or Mimosa Suma; Terminalia Chebula or Citrina, Emblica Offcinalis; Jasminum Auriculatum; turmeric; Drv grass &c. "'); the root of Piper longum L.; a kind of yellow pigment (= {-go-rocanA}) L.; a kind of metre L.; (in music) a partic. S'ruti Sangt.; N. of the wife of Anila MBh.; of the wife of Angiras ib.; of a Brhman woman ib.; of the mother of Nemi (the 22nd Arhat of the present Avasarpini) L.; of the mother of Rudrabhaththa Cat.; of a river MBh. Hariv. (In the following comp. not always, distinguishable from {ziva} m. or n.)


shmashru = moustache, beard s'obha * mfn. (fr. {zubh}) bright, brilliant, handsome W.; m. N. of a man Rjat.; (pl.) of a class of gods L.; of a class of heretics L.; lustre (in comp. for {zobhA} q.v.) s'obhA * = f. (ifc. f. {A}) splendour, brilliance, lustre, beauty, grace, loveliness ({kA zobhA} with loc., `" what beauty is there [in that] "' i.e. `" it has no beauty "'; {zobhAM na-kR}, `" to look bad or ugly "'; ifc. often = `" splendid "', `" excellent "' e.g. {zaurya-zobhA}, `" splendid heroism "'; {karmazobhA}, `" a masterpiece "') TS. &c. &c.; distinguished merit W.; colour, hue VarBriS. Mudr.; wish, desire L.; a kind of metre Col.; turmeric L.; the yellow pigment Go-rocan L. s'obhana * = mf({A} or {I})n. brilliant, splendid, beautiful (at end of comp. = `" beautiful by reason of "') S'Br. Kaus'. MBh. &c.; excellent, glorious, magnificent, distinguished in or by (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kv. &c.; (ifc.) superior to, better than BhP. propitious, auspicious VarBriS. Rjat.; virtuous, moral (see comp.); correct, right Sarvad.; m. N. of Agni at the S'ung-karman Griihys.; of S'iva MBh.; a burnt offering for auspicious results W.; the fifth of the astron. Yogas. L.; a planet L.; the eleventh year of Jupiter's cycle MW.; ({A}) f. a

beautiful woman (often in voc.) MBh. Kv. &c.; turmeric L.; the yellow pigment Go-rocan L.; N. of one of the Mtriis attending on Skanda MBh.; ({am}) n. the act of adorning, causing to look beautiful MW.; an ornament (see {karNa-z-}); anything propitious or auspicious, welfare, prosperity R. Pur.; moral good, virtue ib. brilliance MW.; a lotus L.; tin L.; (with {kazyapasya}) N. of a Sman rshBr. shobh.h = to shine, look good shobhini = person glowing with shobheta = shine s'ochati = (1 pp) to grieve s'ochaniiya = adj. lamentable s'ochituM = to lament s'ochya = (participle, fem.)fit to be worried about; worth-concern s' ocana* =mfn. Pa1n2. 3-2, 150; n. (L.) and (%{A}) f. (Ha1sy.) grief, sorrow. s' ocanIya* = mfn. lamentable, deplorable (n.

impers. `" it should be lamented "') Ka1lid. Ra1jat. s' ocanIyatA* =f. deplorableness Kum. s' ocayat* =mf(%{antI})n. (fr. Caus.) causing to burn or causing to grieve; (%{zoca4yantI}) f. pl. `" inflaming "', `" afflicting "'N. of the Apsarases of the Gandharva Ka1ma TBr. s' ocayitR * = m. a causer of grief or pain ib. shodashaa.nsha = A Varga. The 16th Harmonic Chart. Used for deeper delineation of Fourth House matters shodhana = purification shoDaza *= 1 mf(%{I4})n. (ifc. f. %{A}) the sixteenth , (with %{aMza} or %{bhAga} m. a 16th part Mn. Ma1rkP. ; %{RSabha-SoDazAH} [Gaut.] or %{vRSabha-S-} [Mn. ix , 124] "' , 15 cows and one bull "') Br. Gr2S3rS. &c. ; + 16 ChUp. ; consisting of 16 VS. TS. Pan5cavBr. &c. ; Pl. incorrectly for %{So-Dazan} , 16 Ra1matUp. ; (%{I}) f. having the length of the 16th of a man (said of a brick) S3ulbas. ; N. of one of the ten Maha1-vidya1s (also pl.) Pan5car. Cat. ; one of the 12 forms of Durga1 called Maha1-vidya1 MW. ; n. 1/16 AV. VarBr2S. 3 SoDaza 2 in comp. for

%{So4-Dazan} below. s'oka: sorrow mfn. ( {zuc}) burning, hot AV.; ({zo4ka}) m. (ifc. f. {A}) flame, glow, heat RV. AV. S'Br.; sorrow, affliction, anguish, pain, trouble, grief for (gen. or comp.) RV. &c. &c.; Sorrow personified (as a son of Death or of Drona and Abhimati) Pur.; ({I}) f. see below. shokaM = lamentation shokahataM = attacked(hata) by grief(shoka) shoNita = red (adj); blood (neut) s'osha* = 1 mfn. (fr. 1. {zuS}) drying up, desiccating (also fig. = `" removing, destroying "') BhP.; m. the act of drying up, desiccation, dryness MBh. Sus'r.; pulmonary consumption (also personified as an evil demon) Sus'r. VarBriS. Hcat.; (also w.r. for {zotha} or {zopha}.) s'oshasambhava* = m. the root of long pepper L. s'oshaapahaa* = f. `" removing consumption "', a kind of plant (= {klItanaka}) L. s'oshaka* = mfn. drying up, absorbing, removing, destroying BhP.

s'oshaNa* = mf({I})n. drying up, draining, parching, withering Nir. MBh. Sus'r.; (ifc.) removing, destroying BhP.; m. N. of an Agni, Hiriv.; of one of the arrows of Kma-deva (god of love) Vet. Gt. Sch.; Bignonia Indica L.; n. drying up (intr.), desiccation MaitrUp. VarBriS.; making dry, draining, suction MBh. Pacat. Sus'r.; dry ginger L. s'oshaNIya* = mfn. to be dried or sucked up or drained or absorbed VarBriS. s'oshayitavya* = mfn. to be dried up &c. MW. shoshhayati = driesshri.ngaara = the sentiment of love shothaH = (m) swelling shouchagriham.h = (n) toilet s'raama * = m. a temporary shed (= {maNDapa}) L.; a month L.; time L.; w.r. for {zrama} R. s'rama* = m. (ifc. f. {A}) fatigue, weariness, exhaustion RV. &c. &c.; exertion, labour, toil, exercise, effort either bodily or mental, hard work of any kind (as in performing acts of bodily mortification, religious exercises and austerity;

{zramaM-kR}, `" to work hard at one's studies "'), pains or trouble bestowed on (loc. or comp.) AV. &c. &c.; military exercise, drill W. [1096, 2]; N. of a son of pa Hariv.; of a son of Vasu-deva BhP. s'alva * = m. pl. N. of a people L. (cf. {sa4lva}); a kind of plant L. s'ataghnii *= f. (cf. %{-han} , p. 1050) a partic. deadly weapon (used as a missile , supposed by some to be a sort of fire-arms or rocket , but described by the Comm. on the Maha1bha1rata as a stone or cylindrical piece of wood studded with iron spikes) MBh. Hariv. Ka1v. &c. ; a deadly disease of the throat Sus3r. S3a1rn3gS. ; Tragia Involucrata L. ; Pongamia Glabra L. ; a female scorpion W. ; N. of S3iva (m.) MW. ; %{-pAzazakti-mat} mfn. having a S3ata-ghni1 and a noose and a spear MBh. xiii , 17 , 134 (but %{zata-ghnI} may also be , separate). s'aya =* mf(%{A})n. (fr. 1. %{zI}) lying, sleeping, resting, abiding (ifc. after adv. or subst. in loc. case or sense; see %{adhaH-z-}, %{kuze-z}, %{giri-z-} &c.); m. sleep, sleeping Dha1tup. xxiv, 60 (cf. %{divA-z-}); a bed, couch (see %{vIra-z-}); a snake (accord. to some, the boa constrictor) L.; a lizard, chameleon L.; the hand (= %{hasta}, also as a measure of length) VarBr2S. Naish. Ka1tyS3r. Sch.;

= %{paNa} L.; abuse, imprecation L. (prob. w.r. for %{zapa}); pl. N. of a people MBh.; (%{A4}) f. a place of rest or repose (cf. %{zayyA}) RV. [Cf. Gk. $-$.] &319454[1055,3] //2 mfn. (fr. %{zI}) lying, sleeping, abiding (see %{kaGka-z-}). shlathayati = (v) to unweave shlaaghate = (1 ap) to praise s'lakshNa *= mf(%{A})n. (in Un2. iii , 19 said to be fr. %{zliS}) slippery , smooth , polished , even , soft , tender , gentle , bland AV. &c. &c. ; small , minute , thin , slim , fine (cf. comp.) L. ; honest , sincere W. ; (%{am}) ind. softly , gently MBh. R. ; m. N. of a mountain , Di1vya7v. ; (%{A}) f. N. of a river ib. s'loka* = m. (prob. connected with 1. {zru} R. i, 2, 33 gives a fanciful derivation fr. {zoka}, `" sorrow "', the first {zloka} having been composed by Vlmki grieved at seeing a bird killed) sound, noise (as of the wheels of a carriage or the grinding of stones &c.) RV.; a call or voice (of the gods) ib.; fame renown, glory, praise, hymn of praise ib. AV. TS. Br. BhP.; a proverb, maxim MW.; a stanza, (esp.) a partic. kind of common epic metre (also called Anu-shthubh q.v.; consisting of 4 Pdas or quarter verses of 8 syllables each, or 2 lines of 16 syllables each, each line allowing great liberty

except in the 5th, 13th, 14th and 15th syllables which should be unchangeable as in the following scheme, 8. 1. 8-8., the dots denoting either long or short; but the 6th and 7th syllables should be long; or if the 6th is short the 7th should be short also) S'Br. KaushUp. MBh. &c.; N. of a Sman rshBr. s'mas'aa*= f. (prob. connected with {azman}) the elevated ridge or edge of a trench or ditch or channel for water or of a vessel RV. x, 105, 1 (but in S'Br. the m. pl. {zmazA4H} is said to mean those deceased ancestors who consume or eat the oblations [?], and a comp. {zmazA7nna4} is formed to explain {zmazAna}) s'mas'aana* = n. (accord. to Kir. iii, 5 for {zmazayana} above; but prob. for {azma-zayana}) an elevated place for burning dead bodies, crematorium, cemetery or burial-place for the bones of cremated corpses AV. &c. &c.; an oblation to deceased ancestors (= {pitR-medha} see above) PrGri. KtyS'r. Sch.; = {brahma-randhra}. s'oka* = mfn. ( %{zuc}) burning, hot AV.; (%{zo4ka}) m. (ifc. f. %{A}) flame, glow, heat RV. AV. S3Br.; sorrow, affliction, anguish, pain, trouble, grief for (gen. or comp.) RV. &c. &c.; Sorrow personified (as a son of Death or of Dron2a and Abhimati) Pur.; (%{I}) f. see below

s'rama* = m. (ifc. f. %{A}) fatigue, weariness, exhaustion RV. &c. &c.; exertion, labour, toil, exercise, effort either bodily or mental, hard work of any kind (as in performing acts of bodily mortification, religious exercises and austerity; %{zramaM-kR}, `" to work hard at one's studies "'), pains or trouble bestowed on (loc. or comp.) AV. &c. &c.; military exercise, drill W. [1096,2]; N. of a son of A1pa Hariv.; of a son of Vasu-deva BhP. s'raamyati = (4 pp) to be tired s'raava* m. hearing, listening MW.; N. of a son of Yuvans'va (and father of S'rvastaka) MBh. s'raddhayat * = (?) mfn. = {zrad-dadhAna} MundUp. s'rad-dhayita * = mfn. trustful, believing in (gen.) DivyA7v. s'raavayitavya * = mfn. (fr. id.) to be caused to be heard, to be communicated VarBr2S.; to be caused to hear, to be apprized or informed S3ak. s'raddhA4-vat * = mfn. = {-yukta} Bhag. MrkP.; consenting, assenting Kaths.; ({vatI}) f. N. of a mythical town on mount Meru BhP. Sch.


s'raddhAtR * = mfn. one who has belief or is faithful MW. [1096, 1] s'raddhApana * = n. (fr. Caus. of {zrad-dhA}) a means of inspiring faith or belief Jtakam. s'raddhAlu * = mfn. disposed to believe or trust, faithful, trustful S'ank. BhP.; (ifc.) vehemently longing for Rjat.; f. a pregnant woman who longs for anything L. s'raaddha-kara * = and m. one who performs a S'rddha or offers an oblation to the Pitriis W. s'raaddha-kRt shrama = (masc) excertion s'raama m. a temporary shed (= %{maNDapa}) L.; a month L.; time L.; w.r. for %{zrama} R./ %{zrAmaNaka} &c. see p. 1096, col. 2. shraDhaavaan.h = believer; man of faith shraddadhaanaaH = with faith shraddhaH = faith shraddhayaa = with faith shraddhayaanvitaH = accompanied with faith

shraddhayaanvitaaH = with faith shraddhaa = faith shraddhaaM = faith shraddhaavantaH = with faith and devotion shraddhaavaan.h = a faithful man s'rama m. (ifc. f. %{A}) fatigue, weariness, exhaustion RV. &c. &c.; exertion, labour, toil, exercise, effort either bodily or mental, hard work of any kind (as in performing acts of bodily mortification, religious exercises and austerity; %{zramaM-kR}, `" to work hard at one's studies "'), pains or trouble bestowed on (loc. or comp.) AV. &c. &c.; military exercise, drill W. [1096,2]; N. of a son of A1pa Hariv.; of a son of Vasu-deva BhP. s'ramaNa*= mf({A} or {I})n. making effort or exertion, toiling, labouring, (esp.) following a toilsome or menial business W.; base, vile, bad ib.; naked L.; m. one who performs acts of mortification or austerity, an ascetic, monk, devotee, religious mendicant S'Br. &c. &c.; a Buddhist monk or mendicant (also applied to Buddha himself cf. MWB. 23 &c.; also applied to a Jain ascetic now commonly called Yati) MBh. R.

&c.; N. of a serpent-demon Buddh.; ({A} or {I}), a female mendicant or nun L.; a hard-working woman L.; ({A}) f. a handsome woman L.; = {zabarI-bhid}, {mAMsI}, {muNDIrI} L.; n. toil, labour, exertion S'nkhS'r. s'rava4 * = 1 mfn. (1. {zru}) sounding VS.; m. hearing ({At}, `" from hearsay "', {e}, with gen., `" within hearing of "') MBh. Hariv.; the ear VarBriS. Kaths.; the hypotenuse of a triangle Sryas. shravaH = having heard(old learned man?) shravaNa = Twenty-second nashaktra shravana = hear, to hear shravishhTaa = Twenty-third nakshatra also known as dhanishhThaa shrayati = (1 pp) to reach s'reyas* = mfn. (either compar. of {zrI}, or rather accord. to native authorities of {zrI-mat} or {prazasya}; cf. Gk. $) more splendid or beautiful, &333597[1102, 2] more excellent or distinguished, superior, preferable, better, better than (with abl. or with {na} see below) RV. &c. &c.; most excellent, best MBh. iii, 1256; propitious, well disposed to (gen.) ib. i, 3020; auspicious, fortunate, conducive

to welfare or prosperity Kv. Hit. MrkP.; m. (in astron.) N. of the second Muhrta; of the third month (accord. to a partic. reckoning); (with Jainas) N. of the 11th Arhat of the present Avasarpin L.; ({zreyasI}) f. N. of various plants (accord. to L. Terminalia Chebula or Citrina; Clypea Hernandifolia; Scindapsus Officinalis; = {rAsnA}, {ambaSThA} and {priyaGgu}) Car. Bhpr. &c.; N. of a deity of the Bodhi tree Lalit.; ({as}) n. the better state, the better fortune or condition (sometimes used when the subject of a sentence would seem to require the masc. form) AV. TS. Br. Kaus'.; good (as opp. to `" evil "'), welfare, bliss, fortune, happiness KathhUp. MBh. &c.; the bliss of final emancipation, felicity (see {zreyaHparizrAma}, col. 3); ind. better, rather, rather than (used like {varam} [q.v.] with {na}; e.g. {zreyo mRtaM na jIvitam}, `" better is death and not life "' or `" rather than life "', or `" death is better than life "') MBh. R. &c.; = {dharma} L.; N. of a Sman rshBr. s'reyasa * n. welfare, happiness, bliss (mostly ifc.; cf. {ahaM-}, {niH-}, {zvaH-zr-}). s'reyAMsa * = m. N. of the 11th Arhat of the present Avasarpin L. V* process of spiritual well-being s'reyasi-tarA * = r f. a more excellent woman Pn.

6-2, 45. s'reyaskara * =({zre4yas-}) mf({I})n. making better or superior VS.; causing or securing fortune, conducive to happiness or prosperity, salutary, wholesome Mn. MBh. &c. [1102, 3]; {-tara} mfn. more efficacious for securing happiness Mn. xii, 84; 86; {-bhASya} n. N. of wk. s're4yas-kAma * =mf({A})n. desirous of welfare or prosperity MBh. BhP.; {-tA} f. desirous of causing happiness or rendering happy MBh. s'reyastara* =mfn. very much better MW. s're4yas-tva* =n. betterness, superiority Mn. x, 66. s'reyasa * =n. welfare, happiness, bliss (mostly ifc.; cf. {ahaM-}, {niH-}, {zvaH-zr-}). s'reyasi-tarA * =or f. a more excellent woman Pn. 6-2, 45. s'reyasItarA * =f. a more excellent woman Pn. 6-2, 45. shreyaH = good shreyaan.h = far better

shreshhTha = best shreshhThaH = a respectable leader shreshhThau = the best (2 persons) shrii = Added before a name to show respect shriiH = wealth s'ridhyaa * = f. boldness, defiance RV. shrigaalaH = fox shrinkhalaa = (f) a chain shringam.h = (n) horn shriNu = just hear shriNuyaat.h = does hear shriNuyaama = May we hear s'riNoti = (5 pp) to listen s'riNvataH = hearing s'riNvan.h = hearing

s'rita* = mfn. clinging or attached to, standing or lying or being or fixed or situated in or on, contained in, connected with (loc. acc., or comp.) RV. &c. &c.; one who has gone or resorted to (acc.) Rjat. Kaths. BhP.; having attained or fallen or got into any condition (acc. or comp.; cf. {kaSTa-zr-}) ib.; having assumed (a form) Kaths.; gone to, approached, had recourse to, sought, occupied (as a place) Kv. Kaths.; taken, chosen Rjat.; served, honoured, worshipped W.; subservient, subordinate, auxiliary MW. shritaaH = taking shelter of shrivatsa = the curl on Vishnu's breast

s'ru* = 1 cl. 5. P. (Dha1tup. xxii, 44) %{zRNo4ti} (Ved. and ep. also A1. %{zRNute}, and in RV. 3. sg. %{zRNve4}, 2. sg. %{-viSe4}, 3. pl. %{-vire4} [cf. below]; Impv. %{zRNu}, %{-NudhI84} and %{NuhI84} pl. %{zRNutA84}, %{-Nota} and %{Notana} RV.; pf. %{zuzrA4va} [once in R. with pass. sense], %{zuzruve} [2. sg. %{zuzrotha}, 1. pl. %{zuzruma}, in Up. also %{-mas}; %{zuzravat}, %{zuzrUyA4s} RV., p. %{zuzruva4s} q.v.]; aor. Ved. %{a4zravam}, %{a4zrot}, 2. sg. %{zro4Si}; Subj. %{zra4vat}, %{-vathaH}; [?] %{zruvam}

TA1r.; Impv. %{zrudhI84}, %{zro4tu} RV.; %{azrauSIt} Br. &c.; Subj. %{zroSan} Impv. %{zroSantu} RV. [cf. %{zro4SamANa}]; Prec. %{zrUyA4sam} AV. &c.; fut. %{zrotA} MBh.; %{zroSyati}, %{-te} Br. &c.; inf. %{zrotum} MBh. &c.; ind. p. %{zrutvA4} RV. &c.; %{-zru4tya} AV. &c.; %{zrAvam} Gr2S3rS. &c.), to hear, listen or attend to anything (acc.), give ear to any one (acc. or gen.), hear or learn anything about (acc.) or from (abl. gen. instr., %{mukhAt} or %{zakAzAt}), or that anything is (two acc.) RV. &c. &c.; to hear (from a teacher), study, learn S3rS. MBh. &c.; to be attentive, be obedient, obey MBh. R. &c.: Pass. %{zrUya4te} (ep. also %{-ti}; and in RV. %{zRNve} &c. [cf. above] with pass. meaning; aor. %{azrAvi}, %{zrAvi}), to be heard or perceived or learnt about (acc.) or from (gen. abl. or %{mukhAt}; in later language often 3. sg. %{zrUyate} impers. `" it is heard "', `" one hears or learns or reads in a book "', = `" it is said "', `" it is written in (with loc.) "'; Impv. %{zrUyatAm}, `" let it be heard "' = `" listen! "') RV. &c. &c.; to be celebrated or renowned, be known as, pass for, be called (nom.) RV. [1101,1]; to be heard or learnt (from a teacher) Pan5cat.; to be taught or stated (in a book) Sarvad.; to be heard i.e. pronounced or employed (as a sound or word) TPra1t. Sch.: Caus. %{zrAva4yati} (ep. also %{-te}, in RV. also %{zrava4yati}; aor. %{azuzravi}, %{vuH} RV.; %{azuzruvat} Br.; %{azizravat} Gr.; Pass. %{zrAvyate} see below), to cause to be heard

or learnt, announce, proclaim, declare RV. &c. &c.; to cause to hear, inform, instruct, communicate, relate, tell (with acc. of thing, and acc. gen., or dat. of pers., or with instr. in sense of `" through "') Mn. MBh. &c.: Pass. of Caus. %{zrAvyate}, to be informed of (acc.) MBh. &c.: Desid. %{zu4zrUSate} (Pa1n2. 1-3, 57; ep. or m. c. also %{-ti}; Pass. %{zuzrUSyate}), to wish or like to hear (acc.), desire to attend or listen to (dat.) RV. &c. &c.; to attend upon, serve, obey (acc., rarely gen.) Mn. MBh. &c.: Caus. of Desid. %{zuzrUSayati}, to wait upon, be at the service of (acc.) Kull. on Mn. ii, 243: Desid. of Caus. %{zizrAvayiSati} or %{zuzrAvayiSati} Gr.: Intens. %{zozrUyate}, %{zozravIti}, %{zozroti} Gr. [Cf. Gk. $, $ = %{zrudhi4}, $ = %{zruta4} &c.; Lat. &333159[1101,1] {cluo}, {in-clutus}; Slav. {sluti}; Germ. {laut}; Eng. {loud}.] s'runa*: see suzruNa s'riita* = mfn. mixed, mixed with (instr.), cooked RV. shriigaNeshaaya = to Lord Ganesh shriidaruupa = resembling lakshmii shriibudhakaushika = sHrI budhakaushika (the

author of this hymn) shriibhagavaanuvaacha = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said shriimachchhankarabhagavat.h+charaNaiH = by the Shankaracharya who is known shriimat.h = honourable prefix shriimataM = of the prosperous shriimad.h = respectful prefix shriimaan.h = the man with `shrI' i.e. the endowed man shriiraama = Lord Rama shriiraamaM = shri rAma shriiraamacha.ndracharaNau = the two feet of rAmachandra shriiraamacha.ndrapriityarthe = For pleasing the Lord sItArAma shriiraamacha.ndram.h = rAma


shriiraamaduutaM = the messenger of rAma shriiraamarakshaa = the protection of Lord Rama srishTa * = mfn. let go, discharged, thrown &c.; given up, abandoned (in %{a-sR-}) Das3.; brought forth produced, created AV. &c. &c.; provided or filled or covered with (instr. or comp.) MBh. R.; engrossed by, intent upon (instr.) MBh.; firmly reasolved upon (loc. or dat.) Gaut.; ornamented, adorned L.; abundant, much, many L.; ascertained W.; (%{A}) f. a kind of medicinal plant L.; a musical instrument like a stick which produces a soft sound L. s'riyaa * = f. (collateral form of 3. {zrI}) prosperity, happiness (personified as the wife of S'r-dhara i.e. Vishnu) Kv. BhP srjaami: VB (do I) create, manifest, discover shriipati = Lakshmi's consort MahAvishhNu's s'rin'gi * = 1 f. (= %{zRGgI}) a species of fish L.; gold used for ornaments (also %{-kanaka}) W.\\2 in comp. for %{zRGgin}. s'rin'gi * = f. (g. %{gaurA7di}) a sort of Silurus or sheat fish Bhpr.; N. of various plants (Trapa

Bispinosa, Ficus Infectoria or Indica &c.) ib. Sus3r.; a kind of vessel (?) Hcat.; = %{-kanaka} L. s'roNi * =f. (L. also m.; mostly du.; ifc. f. {I} for {zroNI-} see below) the hip and loins, buttocks RV. &c. &c. [1103, 1]; the thighs or sides of the Vedi or of any square Baudh. S'ulbas.; a road, way L. [Cf. Lat. {clunis}; Lith. {szlauni4s}.] shrotavyasya = toward all that is to be heard shrotaaram.h = one who hears shrotraM = ears shrotraadiini = such as the hearing process s'ruNoti = (5 pp) to hear s'runa: hearing * = see susruNa shruta = knowledge shrutaM = heard shrutavaan.h = knowledgeable shrutasya = all that is already heard


shruti = ear or veda shthhiv * =or {SThIv} cl. 1. 4. P. (Dhtup. xv, 52; xxvi, 4) {SThIvati} or {SThIvyati} (pf. {tiSTheva} Br.; {tiSTheva} Gr.; aor. {aSThevIt} ib.; fut. {SthevitA}, {SThevtSyati} ib.; inf. {SThevitum} ib.; ind. p. {SThevitvA} or {SThUtvA} ib.; {-SThIvya} Mn.), to spit, spit out, expectorate, spit upon (loc.) Sus'r. VarBriS. Kaths.: Pass. {SThIvyate} (aor. {aSThevi}) Gr.: Caus. {SThevayati} (aor. {aTiSThivat} or {atiSThivat}) ib.; Desid. {TiSTheviSati} or {tiSTheviSati}; {TuSThyUSati} or {tuSThyUSati}) ib.: Intens. {teSThIvyate} or {teSThIvyate} ib. [Cf. Gk., $; &336206[1111, 1] Lat. {spuo}: Lith. {spia4uju}; Goth. {speiwan}; Germ. {spi7wan}, {speien}; Angl. Sax. {spwan}; Eng. {spew}.] shthhIva * =see {hiraNya-SThIva}. shthhIvana * =mfn. spitting frequently, sputtering Car.; n. spitting, ejecting saliva, expectoration, spitting upon (loc.) PrGri. MBh. Sus'r. &c.; n. saliva, spittle Mn. MBh. &c. shthhIvin* =mfn. (only ifc.; cf. {suvarNa-}, {hiraNya-STh-}) spitting, ejecting. s'ruti * = f. an answer Hariv. S'atr.; a promise, assent Vait.; = next S'is'.

s'ru4ti * = 1 f. hearing, listening ({zrutim abhinIya}, `" feigning to hear "'; {zrutiM vaco 'nugAM-kR}, `" to listen to a speech "') S'Br. &c. &c.; the ear, organ or power of hearing Kv. VarBriS. Kaths.; the diagonal of a tetragon or hypothenuse of a triangle Gol. [1101, 3]; that which is heard or perceived with the ear, sound, noise &c. RV. AV. Prt. Kaths. BhP.; an aggregate of sounds (whether forming a word or any part of a word) TPrt.; rumour, report, news, intelligence, hearsay ({zrutau-sthA}, `" to be known by hearsay "') MBh. Kv. &c.; a saying, saw, word MBh. R. BhP.; that which has been heard or communicated from the beginning, sacred knowledge orally transmitted by the Brhmans from generation to generation, the Veda (i.e. sacred eternal sounds or words as eternally heard by certain holy sages called Riishis, and so differing from {smR4ti} or what is only remembered and handed down in writing by human authors see Mn. ii, 10; it is properly only applied to the Mantra and Brhmana portion of the Vedas, although afterwards extended to the Upanishads and other Vedic works including the Dars'anas; {iti zruteH}, `" because it is so taught in the Veda, according to a {zruti} or Vedic text "'; pl. `" sacred texts, the Vedas "', also `" rites prescribed by the Vedas "') AitBr. S'rS. Mn. MBh. &c. IW. 144; (in music) a particular division of the octave, a quarter tone or interval (twenty-two of these are enumerated, four constituting a major tone, three a

minor, and two a semitone; they are said to be personified as nymphs) Yj. S'is'. Pacar.; a name, title Kvya7d. ii, 331; learning, scholarship S'ak. VarBriS. (prob. w.r. for {zruta}); = {buddhi} L.; N. of a daughter of Atri and wife of Kardama VP. s'ru4ti * = 2 f. (cf. {sruti}) course, path (?) RV. ii, 2, 7; x, 111, 3; the constellation, S'ravan L. s'rutiparaayaNaaH = inclined to the process of hearing s'rutimat.h = having ears s'rutii = that which hears i.e.ears s'rutena = (instr.S)thro' hearing, or thro' Veda s'rutau = have been heard s'rutvaa = having heard s'ubha * = mf({A})n. splendid, bright, beautiful, handsome (often f. voc, {zubhe} "', fair one! "' in addressing a beautiful woman) Mn. MBh. Kv. &c.; pleasant, agreeable, suitable, fit, capable, useful, good (applied to persons and things) ib.; auspicious, fortunate, prosperous ib.; good (in moral sense), righteous, virtuous, honest S'vetUp.

Mn. &c.; pure (as an action) Yj. Sch.; eminent, distinguished W.; learned, versed in the Vedas ib.; m. water L.; the Phenila tree (Sapindus Detergens) L.; a hegoat L. (prob. w.r. for {stubha}); the 23rd of the astrol Yogas. L.; N. of a man (cf. g. {tikA7di}) Kaths.; of a son of Dharma BhP.; of an author Cat.; (also {A} f.) a city floating in the sky (cf. {zaubha} = {vyomacAri-pura}) MW.; ({A}) f. (only L.) light, lustre, splendour, beauty; desire; Prosopis Spicigera or Mimosa Suma; white Drv grass; = {priyaGgu}; bamboo manna; a cow; the yellow pigment Gorocan; an assembly of the gods; a kind of metre; N. of a female friend and companion of the goddess Um; ({am}) n. anything bright or beautiful &c.; beauty, charm, good fortune, auspiciousness, happiness, bliss, welfare, prosperity Kaus'. Kv. Kaths.; benefit, service, good or virtuous action Kv. VarBriS. Kaths.; the wood of Cerasus Puddum L s'uddha* = mfn. cleansed, cleared, clean, pure, clear, free from (with instr.), bright, white RV. &c. &c.; cleared, acquitted, free from error, faultless, blameless, right, correct, accurate, exact, according to rule Ka1v. VarBr2S. Sus3r.; upright (see comp.); pure i.e. simple, mere, genuine, true, unmixed (opp. to %{mizra}) Mn. MBh. &c.; pure i.e. unmodified (as a vowel not nasalized) S3a1n3khBr. Pra1t.; complete, entire Ra1jat.; unqualified,

unmitigated (as capital punishment) Mn. ix, 279; (in phil.) veritable, unequalled (= %{dvitIyarahita}) MW.; tried, examined Ka1m.; authorised, admitted W.; whetted, sharp (as an arrow) ib.; m. the bright fortnight (in which the moon increases) Inscr.; N. of S3iva MBh.; of one of the seven sages under the 14th Manu BhP.; of a son of Anenas ib.; (with %{bhikSu}) of an author Cat.; of a bird Hariv.; (pl.) of a partic. class of gods MBh.; (%{A}) f. N. of a daughter of Sin6hahanu Buddh.; (%{am}) n. anything pure &c.; pure spirit W.; rock-salt L.; black pepper L. shushka = * dried out (WvW) shvaH = tomorrow shvan.h = (m) dog s'vapada n. a dog's foot (or its mark branded on the body) Mn. ix , 237. s'vaapada * = (%{zvA4-}) m. n. a beast of prey , wild bbeast RV. &c. &c. ; a tiger L. ; pl. N. of a people Ma1rkP. (w.r. %{svAp-}) ; mfn. relating or belonging to a wild beast (= %{zauvApada}) Pa1n2. 7-3 , 9 ; %{-rAjan} m. a king of the beasts Ml. ; %{sevita} mfn. frequented or infested by wild bbeast MW. ; %{-dA7carita} mfn. overrun or infested by

wwild bbeast MBh. ; %{-dA7nusaraNa} n. the chase after wild bbeast MW. shvapaake = in the dog-eater (the outcaste) shvashura = father-in-law shvashuraan.h = fathers-in-law shvashuuraaH = fathers-in-law shvasan.h = breathing shvasiti = breathe shvastika = (f) a symbol of hatred shvaana = Dog shvaasa = Breath shvaasaprashvaasa = heaving and sighing shveta = (adj) white shvetaketaH = Shvetaketu(maan with white flag?) shvetaayasaH = (m) steel


shvetaiH = with white shhaT-pada = one with six legs (insect); here, a bumble bee shhaD.h = six shhaN.h = six shhaNDa = (masc/neut) collection. shhaNmaasaaH = the six months shhaNmukha = with six mouths, a name of Kartikeya shhad.h = to sit shhashhThaaNi = the six shhoDasha = 16 shhoDashaH = number sixteen s'ubha = good, auspicious * =zubha mf({A})n. splendid, bright, beautiful, handsome (often f. voc, {zubhe} "', fair one! "' in addressing a beautiful woman) Mn. MBh. Kv. &c.; pleasant, agreeable, suitable, fit, capable, useful, good (applied to

persons and things) ib.; auspicious, fortunate, prosperous ib.; good (in moral sense), righteous, virtuous, honest S'vetUp. Mn. &c.; pure (as an action) Yj. Sch.; eminent, distinguished W.; learned, versed in the Vedas ib.; m. water L.; the Phenila tree (Sapindus Detergens) L.; a hegoat L. (prob. w.r. for {stubha}); the 23rd of the astrol Yogas. L.; N. of a man (cf. g. {tikA7di}) Kaths.; of a son of Dharma BhP.; of an author Cat.; (also {A} f.) a city floating in the sky (cf. {zaubha} = {vyomacAri-pura}) MW.; ({A}) f. (only L.) light, lustre, splendour, beauty; desire; Prosopis Spicigera or Mimosa Suma; white Drv grass; = {priyaGgu}; bamboo manna; a cow; the yellow pigment Gorocan; an assembly of the gods; a kind of metre; N. of a female friend and companion of the goddess Um; ({am}) n. anything bright or beautiful &c.; beauty, charm, good fortune, auspiciousness, happiness, bliss, welfare, prosperity Kaus'. Kv. Kaths.; benefit, service, good or virtuous action Kv. VarBriS. Kaths.; the wood of Cerasus Puddum L. shubrataa = whiteness shubhaM = good, auspicious shubhagraha = Benefic planet


shubhadi = giver of auspicious shubhasya = of good things shubhaan.h = the auspicious shubhra = clean s'uca = worry, * = mf({A4})n. = {zuci}, pure RV. x, 26, 6; ({A}) f. grief. sorrow BhP. shuchi = clean shuchiH = pure shuchiinaaM = of the pious shuchau = in a sanctified shuNThii = (f) ginger shuNDaa = (f) elephant's trunk s'uddha = pure * = mfn. cleansed, cleared, clean, pure, clear, free from (with instr.), bright, white RV. &c. &c.; cleared, acquitted, free from error, faultless, blameless, right, correct, accurate, exact, according to rule Ka1v. VarBr2S. Sus3r.; upright (see comp.); pure i.e. simple, mere, genuine, true,

unmixed (opp. to %{mizra}) Mn. MBh. &c.; pure i.e. unmodified (as a vowel not nasalized) S3a1n3khBr. Pra1t.; complete, entire Ra1jat.; unqualified, unmitigated (as capital punishment) Mn. ix, 279; (in phil.) veritable, unequalled (= %{dvitIya-rahita}) MW.; tried, examined Ka1m.; authorised, admitted W.; whetted, sharp (as an arrow) ib.; m. the bright fortnight (in which the moon increases) Inscr.; N. of S3iva MBh.; of one of the seven sages under the 14th Manu BhP.; of a son of Anenas ib.; (with %{bhikSu}) of an author Cat.; of a bird Hariv.; (pl.) of a partic. class of gods MBh.; (%{A}) f. N. of a daughter of Sin6hahanu Buddh.; (%{am}) n. anything pure &c.; pure spirit W.; rock-salt L.; black pepper L. shuddhapaksha = Bright side of the lunar month, also shuklapaksha shuddhaye = for the purpose of purification shudra = the caste of servants and labourers shukaH = (m) parrot shukaharitaH = dark green colour (literally, parrot green) shuka = parrot

shuktiH = oyster s'ukra = The planet Venus. The word means Semen or Sexual Secretions* = mf({A4})n. (fr. 1. {zuc} cf. {zukla}) bright, resplendent RV. AV. VS. Br. MBh.; clear, pure RV. AV. VS. S'Br.; light-coloured, white RV. AV. S'nkhBr.; pure, spotless RV. Br.; m. N. of Agni or fire R.; of a month (Jyeshthha = May-June, personified as the guardian of Kubera's treasure) MBh. Sus'r.; the planet Venus or its regent (regarded as the son of Bhriigu and preceptor of the Daityas) MBh. R. &c.; clear or pure Soma RV.; (with or scil, {graha}) a partic. Graha or receptacle for Soma VS. S'Br.; a partic. astrol. Yoga L.; a N. of the Vyhriitis ({bhUr}, {bhuvaH}, {svar}) MW.; a kind of plant (= {citraka}) ib.; N. of a Marutvat Hariv.; of a son of Vasishthha VP.; of the third Manu Hariv.; of one of the seven sages under Manu Bhautya MrkP.; of a son of Bhava VP.; of a son of Havir-dhna (cf. {zukla}) VP.; (with Jainas) of a partic. Kalpa (q.v.); n. brightness, clearness, light RV. Up. MBh. R.; (also pl.)any clear liquid (as water, Soma &c.) RV. VS.; juice, the essence of anything Br. S'rS. (also pl.); semen virile, seed of animals (male and female), sperm RV. &c. &c.; a morbid affection of the iris (change of colour &c. accompanied by imperfect vision; cf. {zukla}) Sus'r. S'rngS.; a good action L.; gold, wealth L.; N. of a Sman rshBr.; of a Vedic metre RPrt.

s'ukravaara = Friday shukla = light shuklaH = the white fortnight s'ulka* = m. n. (ifc. f. {A}) price, value, purchasemoney RV.; the prize of a contest MBh.; toil, tax, duty, customs (esp. money levied at ferries, passes, and roads) Gaut. past. Mn. &c.; nuptial gift (orig. a price given to parents for the purchase of a bride, but in later times bestowed on the wife as her own property together with the profits of household labour, domestic utensils, ornaments &c.), dower, dowry, marriage settlement Gaut. Vishn. Mn. &c. (cf. IW. 267); wages of prostitution Kaths. MrkP.; w.r. for {zukra} and {zukla} MBh. shu.nThaH = roasted? shunaka = (m) dog sisRkSA* = f. (fr. Desid. of %{sRj}) wish or purpose to create (with gen. or ifc.) Mn. Hariv. BhP. s'uNTa* = n. the hair under the arm-pit Gal. s'uNTh* = cl. 1. P. {zuNThati}, to limp, be lame Dhtup. ix, 56 (cf. {zuTh}); to dry, become dry

({zoSaNe}) ib. 60; cl. 10. P. {zuNThayati}, to dry, become dry ({zoSaNe}) ib. xxxii, 103. s'uNTha* = mf({A})n. (applied to a bull or cow) TS. MaitrS. Kthh. S'rS. (accord. to Sch. either `" white coloured "' or `" of small stature or = {AveSTitakarNa}); a kind of grass Gobh. (v.l.); a piece of flesh or meat L.; ({I}) f. see next. s'uND* = cl.1. P. {zuNDati}, to break, crush, disturb, vex, torment Dhtup. ix, 40. s'uNDaka* = m. a military flute or fife L.; a distiller or seller of spirituous liquors L.; ({ikA}) f. the uvula (in the throat) L.; swelling of the uvula ({gala-z-}) Vgbh. s'uNDAra* = m. the trunk of a young elephant Mcar.; an elephant 60 years old Gal.; a distiller or seller of spirituous liquor L. s'uNDAla* = m. `" possessing a proboscis or trunk "', an elephant L. s'uNDika* = m. or n. (prob.) a tavern, dram-shop Pn. 4-3, 76; m. pl. N. of a people MBh. (C. {maNDika}); ({ikA}) f. see under {zuNDaka}. s'uNDin* = m. `" possessing spirituous liquor "', a

distiller, preparer or seller of spirituous liquors (constituting a partic. mixed caste) Cat.; `" having a proboscis "', an elephant W. s'uNDI* = f. the swelling or enlargement of any gland (cf. {kaNTha}, and {gala-z-}; the plant Heliotropium Indicum L. s'un* = cl. 6. P. {zunati}, to go Dhtup. xxviii, 46. s'unaH* = in comp. for {zunas}. s'unaka* = m. a young or small dog, any dog MBh.: xiii, 6070 (cf. Un. ii, 32 Sch.); N. of a Riishi MBh.; of an ngirasa and disciple of Pathya BhP.; of a king MBh.; of a son of Ruru ib.; of a son of Riicka R.; of a son of Riita BhP.; of a son of Griitsa-mada Hariv.; of the slayer of Puram-jaya and father of Pradyota BhP.; = {zaunaka} Cat.; pl. the family or race of S'unaka S'rS. (cf. {zaunaka}); ({I}) f. a bitch L. s'unya* = 1 mfn. (fr. {zvan}) g. {gav-Adi}; n. and ({A}) f. a number of dogs or female dogs L. \\2 mfn. = {zUnya}, empty, void L.; n. a cypher L. s'uunya* = mf({A}) n. empty, void (with {vAjin} = `" a riderless horse "'; with {rAjya} = `" a kingless kingdom "'), hollow, barren, desolate, deserted Br.

&c. &c. [1085,2]; empty i.e. vacant (as a look or stare), absent, absentminded, having no certain object or aim, distracted MBh. Kv. &c.; empty i.e. possessing nothing, wholly destitute MBh. Kaths.; wholly alone or solitary, having no friends or companions R. BhP.; void of, free from, destitute of (instr. or comp.), wanting, lacking Kv. Kaths. Pur. Sarvad. non-existent, absent, missing Kv. Pacat.; vain, idle, unreal, nonsensical R. Rjat. Sarvad.; void of results, ineffectual ({a-zUnyaMkR}, `" to effect "', accomplish "') S'ak. Ratna7v.; free from sensitiveness or sensation (said of the skin), insensible Bhpr.; bare, naked MW.; guileless, innocent ib.; indifferent ib.; ({A}) f. a hollow reed L.; a barren woman L.; Cactus Indicus = {malI} (for {nalI}?) L.; n. a void, vacuum, empty or deserted place, desert ({zUnye}, in a lonely place) MBh. R. &c.; (in phil.)vacuity, nonentity, absolute nonexistence (esp. with Buddhists) IW. 83 n. 3; 105, n.4 MWB.7 n. 1; 142; N. of Brahma MW.; (in arithm.) nought, a cypher VarBriS. Ganit. (cf. IW. 183); space, heaven, atmosphere L.; a partic. phenomenon in the sky. L.; an earring (see next). [Cf. Gk. $, $; $. &328360[1085,2] $.] s'us'hmi* = m. wind or the god of wind L. s'us'ruu* = f. (fr. Desid. of 1. %{zru}) `" one who waits on a child "', a mother MBh. xii, 9513 (B.)

s'us'ruushaa * = f. desire or wish to hear Ka1m.; obsequiousness, reverence, obedience, service (said to be of five kinds (see %{zuzrUSaka}) Mn. MBh. &c.; saying, speaking, telling L.; %{-para} mfn. diligent or attentive in service Katha1s. zuzrUSaka * = mfn. desirous of hearing, attentive, obedient, attending or waiting on (gen. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; m. an attendant, servant (comprehending five descriptions of persons, viz. a pupil, a religious pupil, a hired servant, an officer, and a slave) W. s'ushka* = 1 mf({A})n. dried, dried up, dry, arid, parched, shrivelled, emaciated, shrunk, withered, sere RV. &c. &c.; useless, fruitless, groundless, vain, unprofitable, empty Mn. MBh. &c.; mere, simple (see {-gAna}); m. N. of a man (a relative of Sukha-varman; cf. {zuSkaTa-varman}) Rjat.; n. (and m. g. {ardharcA7di}) anything dry (e.g. dry wood, dry cow-dung &c.) RV. Vishn. s'ushka* = 2 Nom. (only mf. {zuSkitum}) to become dry DivyA7v s'us'ruushaNa* = n. desire of hearing BhP.; obedience, service, dutiful homage to (gen. dat. loc., or comp.) MBh. R. &c.; (ifc.) attention to, maintenance of (fire) MBh.

s'us'ruushaa* = f. desire or wish to hear Km.; obsequiousness, reverence, obedience, service (said to be of five kinds (see {zuzrUSaka}) Mn. MBh. &c.; saying, speaking, telling L.; {-para} mfn. diligent or attentive in service Kaths. s'us'ruushaka* = mfn. desirous of hearing, attentive, obedient, attending or waiting on (gen. or comp.) MBh. Kv. &c.; m. an attendant, servant (comprehending five descriptions of persons, viz. a pupil, a religious pupil, a hired servant, an officer, and a slave) W. s'us'ukvani * = mfn. shining, resplendent, brilliant RV. s'us'ucAna4 * = see {A-zuz-} under {A-zuc}. s'us'umAra-giri * = m. (perhaps for {ziz-}) N. of a place DivyA7v. s'us'umAra-girIya * = or mfn. living at S'us'umragiri ib. s'us'umAra-girIyaka * = mfn. living at S'us'umragiri ib. s'us'ulUka-yAtu * = ({-lU4ka-}) m. a demon in the shape of an owlet RV. vii, 104, 22.

s'us'ukvana4 * = or mfn. shining, resplendent, brilliant RV. s'us'ulUka * = m. a small owl, owlet Sy. on RV. vii, 104, 22. s'us'ulU4kA * = f. a partic. bird MaitrS. (Padap. {suSilI4kA}). [1084, 3] s'ura * = m. a lion L.; w.r. for {zUra}, a hero MBh. i, 3708. shuura = valiant * = mfn. (prob. fr. 1. {zU} = {zvi} and connected with {zavas}, {zuna}, {zUna}) strong, powerful, valiant, heroic, brave (cf. {-tama} and {-tara}) RV. MBh.; m. a strong or mighty or valiant man, warrior, champion, hero, one who acts heroically towards, any one (loc.) or with regard to anything (loc. instr., or comp.; ifc. f. {A}) RV. &c. &c.; heroism (?, = or w.r. for {zaurya}) Kv.; a lion L.; a tiger or panther L.; a boar L.; a dog L.; a cock L.; white rice L.; lentil L.; Arthocarpus Locucha L.; Vatica Robusta L.; N. of a Ydava, the father of Vasu-deva and grandfather of Kriishna MBh.; of a Sauviraka ib.; of a son of Ilina ib.; of a son of Krtavrya Hariv. Pur.; of a son of Vidratha ib.; of a son of Deva-midhusha ib.; of a son of Bhajamna Hariv.; of a son of Vasu-deva BhP.; of a son of Vatsa-pr MrkP.; of a poet Cat.; of various other

men Buddh. Rjat.; w.r. for {sUra} L.; (pl.) N. of a people MBh. Hariv. [Cf. Gk. $ in $.] &328609[1086, 1] s'uuraNa * mfn. high-spirited, fiery (said of horses) RV. i, 163, 10 (= {vikrama-zIla} Sy.); m. (also written {sUraNa}) Amorphophallus Campanulatus (the Telinga potato) Hcar. Sus'r.; Bignonia Indica L. shuuraaH = heroes shuuro = warrior or skilled one shuurpakarNakaM = having long ears shushruushaa = service * zuzrUSaNa * n. desire of hearing BhP.; obedience, service, dutiful homage to (gen. dat. loc., or comp.) MBh. R. &c.; (ifc.) attention to, maintenance of (fire) MBh. shushruuSaa * f. desire or wish to hear Km.; obsequiousness, reverence, obedience, service (said to be of five kinds (see {zuzrUSaka}) Mn. MBh. &c.; saying, speaking, telling L.; {-para} mfn. diligent or attentive in service Kaths. shushruu * mfn. desirous of hearing or learning NriisUp. Bhag. &c.; eager to obey, obedient,

attentive, serving, attending on (gen. or comp.) TBr. &c. &c. shushhke = in the drying up of siushka *= 1 mf({A})n. dried, dried up, dry, arid, parched, shrivelled, emaciated, shrunk, withered, sere RV. &c. &c.; useless, fruitless, groundless, vain, unprofitable, empty Mn. MBh. &c.; mere, simple (see {-gAna}); m. N. of a man (a relative of Sukha-varman; cf. {zuSkaTa-varman}) Rjat.; n. (and m. g. {ardharcA7di}) anything dry (e.g. dry wood, dry cow-dung &c.) RV. Vishn.\\2 Nom. (only mf. {zuSkitum}) to become dry DivyA7v. shushhyati = (4 pp) to dry shuudraH = lower-class men shuudrasya = of the shudra shuudraaNaaM = of the shudras shuunya = zero shuunyaM = zero shuula = triant, trishuula *= m. n. (ifc. f. %{A}) a sharp iron pin or stake , spike , spit (on which meat

is roasted) RV. &c. &c. ; any sharp instrument or pointed dart , lance , pike , spear (esp. the trident of S3iva) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; a stake for impaling criminals (%{zUlam@A-ruh} , `" to be fixed on a stake , suffer impalement "' ; with Caus. of %{Aruh} , `" to fix on a stake , have any one [acc.] impaled "' cf. %{zUlA7dhiropita} &c.) Mn. MBh. &c. ; any sharp or acute pain (esp. that of colic or gout) Ka1v. VarBr2S. Sus3r. ; pain , grief , sorrow MBh. Hariv. ; death L. ; a flag , banner L. ; = %{yoga} (q.v.) VarBr2S. ; (%{A}) f. a stake (= %{zUla}) L. ; a harlot , prostitute Va1s. ; Krit2t2anim. ; (%{I}) f. a kind of grass L. s'vasana *= mfn. blowing , hissing , panting , breathing RV. S3a1n3khBr. VarBr2S. ; breathing heavily Sus3r. ; m. air , wind (also of the body) or the god of wind MBh. R. Sus3r. ; N. of a Vasu (son of S3va1sa1) MBh. i , 2583 ; (%{zva4s-}) N. of a serpent-demon Suparn2. ; Vanguieria Spinosa Car. ; (%{am}) n. breathing , respiration , breath Ka1v. Pur. Sus3r. ; heavy breathing Sus3r. ; clearing the throat ib. ; hissing (of a serpent) S3is3. ; sighing , a sigh Ratna7v. ; feeling or an object of feeling BhP. (Sch.) s'vasaana *= mfn. breathing , living , alive BhP. shyati = to sharpen

shyaamala = dark shyaamalaM = the dark-complexioned one shyaalaaH = brothers-in-law sid.hdhyasid.hdhyoH = in success and failure siddha = a prophet or adept, ever-ready, having psychic power siddhaH = perfect siddhayaH = great achievements including mystic powers siddhaye = for perfection siddhaloka* = m. the world of the Blest BhP siddhasanghaaH = perfect beings siddhaa.nsha = A Varga. The 24th Harmonic Chart. Also known as Chaturvi.nsha.nsha. Used in delineating Spiritual Gifts siddhaanaaM = of those who have achieved perfection


siddhaanta = thesis siddhaasana = the adept's posture siddhaloka* = m. the world of the Blest BhP. siddhi= success, achievement * = 1 f. driving off, putting aside Yj. \\2 f. (for 1. see p. 1215, col. 1) accomplishment, performance, fulfilment, complete attainment (of any object), success MBh. Kv. &c.; the hitting of a mark (loc.) Km.; healing (of a disease), cure by (comp.) Yj.; coming into force, validity ib.; settlement, payment, liquidation (of a debt) Mn. viii, 47; establishment, substantiation, settlement, demonstration, proof. indisputable conclusion, result, issue RPrt. Up. Sarvad.; decision, adjudication, determination (of a lawsuit) W.; solution of a problem ib.; preparation, cooking, maturing, maturity ib.; readiness W.; prosperity, personal success, fortune, good luck, advantage Mn. MBh. &c.; supreme felicity, bliss, beatitude, complete sanctification (by penance &c.), final emancipation, perfection L.; vanishing, making one's self invisible W.; a magical shoe (supposed to convey the wearer wherever he likes) ib.; the acquisition of supernatural powers by magical means or the supsupposed faculty so acquired (the eight usually enumerated are given in the following S'loka, {aNimA} {laghimA prA7ptiH

prAkAmyam mahimA tathA IzitvaM ca vazitvaM ca tathA kAmA7vasAyitA} [1216, 3]; sometimes 26 are added e.g. {dUra-zravaNa}, {sarvajJa-tva}, {agnistambha} &c.) Snkhyak. Tattvas. Sarvad.; any unusual skill or faculty or capability (often in comp.) Pacat. Kaths.; skill in general, dexterity, art Car.; efficacy, efficiency Kv. Pacat.; understanding, intellect W.; becoming clear or intelligible (as sounds or words) BhP.; (in rhet.) the pointing out in the same person of various good qualities (not usually united) Sh.; (prob.) a work of art Rjat. iii, 381; a kind of medicinal root (= {Rddhi} or {vRddhi}) L.; (in music) a partic. S'ruti Sangt.; a partic. Yoga (either the 16th or 19th) Col.; Success or Perfection personified MBh. VarBriS.; N. of Durg Kaths.; of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma Pur.; of the wife of Bhaga and mother of Mahiman BhP.; of a friend of Danu Kaths.; of one of the wives of Gane7s'a RTL. 215, 2; N. of S'iva (in this sense m.) MBh. siddhiM = powers siddhiH = success siddhii = a psychic (or occult) power siddhau = in success


sidh.h = to be accomplished sidhama.ntro = having got the effect of the mantra sidhda = accomplished sidhdaa.rth = (m) pr.n sidhya.nti = (Vr.Pr.III P.pl.PP)materialise sidhyati = (4 pp) to reach s'iilana * = n. repeated practice, constant study (of the S3a1stras &c.) MBh.; frequent mentioning Pat.; wearing, putting on, possessing MW.; serving, honouring ib. siikataa = (f) sand siisa* = n. (of doubtful derivation) lead (also used as money) VS. &c. &c.; the leaden weight used by weavers VS.; mf({A})n. leaden, of lead VS. LthyS'r. siitaa = the wife of Rama sita* = 1 mfn. (for 2. see below; for 3. p. 1214, col. 2) bound, tied, fettered RV. &c. &c.; joined with, accompanied by (instr.) Prab. Rjat. BhP.

sita* = 2 see 2. {pra4-sita} p. 697, col. 3. sita* = 3 mf({A})n. (prob. formed fr. {a-sita} as {sura} fr. {asura}; for 1. and 2. {sita} see p. 1213, col. 1; for 4. see 1. {so}) white, pale, bright, light (said of a day in the light half of a month and of the waxing moon) MBh. Kv. &c.; candid, pure (see {karman}); m. white (the colour) L.; the light half of the month from new to full moon VarBriS.; the planet Venus or its regent (= {zukra}) ib.; sugar ib.; Bauhinia Candida L.; N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh.; ({A}) f. white sugar, refined sugar Sus'r.: Hcat.; moonlight L.; a handsome woman.; spirituous liquor L.; N. of various plants (a species of Aparjit; white Kanthakr; white Drv grass; Arabian jasmine &c.) Sus'r.; bamboo juice L.; N. of the Ganges (in {sitA7sitA}, under {sitA}); one of the 8 Devis (Buddh.) Klac.; ({am}) n. silver L.; sandal L.; a radish L. siitaa* = f. (less correctly written {zItA}; cf. {sIma4n}, {sIra}) a furrow, the track or line of a ploughshare (also personified, and apparently once worshipped as a kind of goddess resembling Pomona; in RV. iv, 57, 6, Sit is invoked as presiding over agriculture or the fruits of the earth; in VS. xii, 69-72, Sit, the Furrow "' is again personified and addressed, four furrows being required to be drawn at the ceremony when the

above stanzas are recited; in TBr. she is called {sAvitrI}, and in PrGri. {indra-patnI}, `" the wife of Indra "'; in epic poetry SSit is the wife of Rmacandra and daughter of Janaka, king of Mithil, capital of Videha, who was otherwise called Sradhvaja; she was named Sit because fabled to have sprung from a furrow made by Janaka while ploughing the ground to prepare it for a sacrifice instituted by him to obtain progeny, whence her epithet Ayoni-j, `" not womb-born "'; her other common names, Maithil and Vaideh, are from the place of her birth; according to one legend she was Vedavat q.v., in the Kriita age; accord. to others she was an incarnation of Lakshmi and of Um; the story of Rma's bending the bow, which was to be the condition of the gift of Sit, is told in R. i, 67; St's younger sister Urmil was at the same time given to Lakshmana, and two nieces of Janaka, daughters of his brother king Kusa-dhvaja, to Bharata and S'atrughna) RV. &c. &c. IW. 335 n. 1; 337 &c.; N. of a form of Dkshyan Cat.; of a poetess Cat.; of a river MBh. R. &c.; of the eastern branch of the four mythical branches of the heavenly Ganges (into which it is supposed to divide after falling on mount Meru; this branch is fabled to flow into the Varsha or Dvpa called Bhadra7va) L.; of an Upanishad Cat.; spirituous liquor W.


siitaapatiM = siotA's husband siitaapatiH = the husband or lord of sItA siitaayaaH = sItA's siitha = one that belongs to earth siidati = (1 pp) to sit siidanti = are quivering siimaa = limit, boundary siivyati = to sew siJNchati = (6 pp) to sprinkle sikataa = salt sikta = sprayed sikthaM = (n) wax sikthavartikaa = (f) candle sik* = to scatter about, sprinkle siida* = see {ku4sIda}, p. 298, col. 1.

siidantIya* = n. (fr. {sIdantas}, the first word of RV. viii, 21, 5) N. of various Smans rshBr siik (zik)* = to rain in fine drops, drizzle, sprinkle, wet, moisten; to go, move, to besprinkle;t o speak, to shine siMhaH = (m) lion si.nha = lion si.nhanaadaM = roaring sound, like that of a lion si.nhaasana = the lion posture siMhaasanam.h = (n) throne sita = Blank sindhuH = ocean sisrikshaa * = f. (fr. Desid. of %{sRj}) wish or purpose to create (with gen. or ifc.) Mn. Hariv. BhP. sisrikshu * = mfn. wishing to let flow or emit MBh.; wishing or purposing to create Mn. MBh. &c. [1218,2]


sHrid.h = friend skaanda* = mfn. relating to Skanda &c. Sarvad.; composed by Skanda-svmin ({-bhASya} n. N. of a Commentary); n. (with or scil. {purANa}) N. of the Skanda-purna. ska.ndhau = shoulders skanda = a name of Kartikeya, god of war skanda* = m. anything which jumps or hops (in {tRNa-skanda4}, `" grasshopper "'N. of a man) RV.; spurting, effusing, effusion, spilling, shedding (cf. {a4} and {ghraNa-sk-}); perishing, destruction Gt.; quick-silver L.; `" Attacker "'N. of Krttikeya (q.v., son of S'iva or of Agni; he is called god of war as leader of S'iva's hosts against the enemies of the gods [1256,2]; he is also leader of the demons of illness that attack children [cf. {-graha}], also god of burglars and thieves; cf. {-putra} and IW. 427 n. 1) MaitrS. MBh. &c.; N. of S'iva MBh.; a king prince L.; a clever or learned man (cf. {skandha}) L.; the body L.; the {jA7di} (pl. Sanskrak.) skandaH = Kartikeya skandhaH = (m) shoulder


skhalanashiila = adj. liable to lapse sma = an indeclinable that changes the sentence to past tense from present tense * = {smA}, (or {Sma}, {SmA}) ind. a particle perhaps originally equivalent to `" ever "', `" always "'; and later to `" indeed "', `" certainly "', `" verily "', `" surely "' (it is often used pleonastically, and in earlier language generally follows a similar particle [esp. {ha}, {na}], or relative, or prep. or verb, while in later language it frequently follows {iti}, {na} and {nA4} [cf. 1. {mA4}]; it is also joined with a pres. tense or pres. participle to give them a past sense [e.g. {pravizanti sma}, `" they entered "']; this use of {sma} is also found in the Brhmanas and is extended to {veda} and {Aha} cf. Vm. v, 2, 46) RV. &c. &c. smaara * = m. remembrance, recollection of (comp.) Tr.; (fr. {smara}) relating or belonging to the god of love Naish. smayate = (1 ap) to smile smaya* = m. (ifc. f. {A}) smiling at anything, wonder, surprise, astonishment MBh. Bhartri. (v.l.); arrogance, conceit, pride in or at (comp.) Ragh. Das'. BhP.; Pride (personified as the son of Dharma and Pushthi), Bhp.

smara * mf({A}) n. remembering, recollecting (see {jAti-smara}); m. (ifc. f. {A}) memory, remembrance, recollection ChUp. Uttarar.; loving recollection love, (esp.) sexual love AV. &c. &c.; Kma-deva (god of love) Klid. Kaths. &c.; an interpreter or explainer of the Veda (and `" the god of love "') Naish.; the 7th astrol. mansion VarBriS. smarati = (1 pp) to remember, recollect smaran.h = thinking of smaraami = remember smaret.h = remembers, recalls smaashana = graveyard smera * = mild smiles smita * = mfn. smiled, smiling MBh. R. &c.; expanded, blown, blossomed S'is'. Pacat.; n. a smile, gentle laugh ({-taM-kR}, `" to smile "') MBh. Kv. &c. smrita = remembered smritaM = is considered


smritaH = is considered smritaa = when remembered smriti = of memory smritiH = memory smritibhra.nshaat.h = after bewilderment of memory smritii = memory snaatakottara = post graduate snaati = to bathe snaana = bath, ablution snaana-shiila = (metaphorically) pure snaanagriham.h = (n) bathroom snaayu = sinew snaayuvitananaM = sprain snigdha = affectionate; also oily, greasy * = mfn. sticky, viscous or viscid, glutinous, unctuous,

slippery, smooth MBh. Ka1v. Sus3r. &c.; glossy, resplendent Ka1lid.; oily, greasy, fat Sus3r. Subh.; treated or cured with oily substances Car.; adhesive, attached, affectionate, tender, friendly, attached to or fond of (loc.) Mn. MBh. &c.; soft, mild, bland, gentle (%{am} ind.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; lovely, agreeable, charming Ka1lid. Uttarar.; thick, dense (as shade) Megh.; m. a friend L.; Pinus Longifolia L.; the red castor-oil plant L.; (scil. %{gaNDUSa}) a partic. mode of rinsing the mouth MW.; (%{A}) f. marrow (= %{medA}) L.; a partic. root similar to ginger L.; (%{am}) n. viscidity, thickness, coarseness W.; bees'-wax L.; civet L.; light, lustre W. snigdhaaH = fatty snushhaa = (f) daughter-in-law sneha = love * = m. (or n. g. {ardharcA7di}; ifc. f. {A}) oiliness, unctuousness, fattiness, greasiness, lubricity, viscidity (also as one of the 24 Gunas of the Vais'eshika branch of the Nyya phil.) Sus'r. Yj. Tarkas. Sarvad. (IW. 69); oil, grease, fat, any oleaginous substance, an unguent S'nkhBr. &c. &c.; smoothness, glossiness VarBriS.; blandness, tenderness, love, attachment to, fondness or affection for (loc. gen., or comp.), friendship with ({saha}) MaitrUp. MBh. Kv. &c.; moisture MW.; a

fluid of the body ib.; (pl.) N. of the Vais'yas in Kus'a-dvpa VP. snehaH = friendship (oil) s'oshasambhava* = m. the root of long pepper L. s'oshaapahaa* = f. `" removing consumption "', a kind of plant (= {klItanaka}) L. s'oshaka* = mfn. drying up, absorbing, removing, destroying BhP. s'oshaNa* = mf({I})n. drying up, draining, parching, withering Nir. MBh. Sus'r.; (ifc.) removing, destroying BhP.; m. N. of an Agni, Hiriv.; of one of the arrows of Kma-deva (god of love) Vet. Gt. Sch.; Bignonia Indica L.; n. drying up (intr.), desiccation MaitrUp. VarBriS.; making dry, draining, suction MBh. Pacat. Sus'r.; dry ginger L. s'oshaNiiya* = mfn. to be dried or sucked up or drained or absorbed VarBriS. s'oshayitavya* = mfn. to be dried up &c. MW. s'oshayitR* = m. one who dries up or parches Sy.


s'osha* = &c. see 1. {zoSa}, p. 1092, col. 2. s'osha* = see 2. {zoSa}, p. 1092, col. 2. s'osha* =1 mfn. (fr. 1. {zuS}) drying up, desiccating (also fig. = `" removing, destroying "') BhP.; m. the act of drying up, desiccation, dryness MBh. Sus'r.; pulmonary consumption (also personified as an evil demon) Sus'r. VarBriS. Hcat.; (also w.r. for {zotha} or {zopha}.) s'osh4a* =2 m. (fr. {zU} = {zvi}; cf. {zUSa}) breath, vital energy VS. (Mahdh soDhuM = to tolerate sopaanam.h = (n) staircase, steps soma = The Moon somaH = the moon somapaaH = drinkers of soma juice somavaara = Monday spandate = (1 ap) to throb spardha* = mfn. emulous, envious ({-tA} f.) W.;

({A}) f. see below. spardhaa* = f. emulation, rivalry, envy, competition for or with (instr. with and without {saha} gen. loc., or comp.; {-dhayA}, `" in rivalry or emulation "') MBh. R. &c.; desire for (comp.) Bhartri. (v.l.) sparshanaM = touch sparshaan.h = sense objects, such as sound spashtha = Longitude of planet or house (bhaava) sphathika * = m. crystal, quartz S'vetUp. Yj. MBh. &c.; ({A}) f. alum (accord. to some also {-kI}) L.; camphor L. sphaathika * =mf({A} or {I})n. made of crystal, crystal-line MBh. Kv. &c.; n. crystal MBh. R..; a kind of sandal s'vGri. Paris'. sphaathIka * =m. = {sphaTika}, crystal, quartz L. spridh* = f. contest, competition, battle, fight RV.; a rival, adversary ib.; m. a rival, enemy BhP.; mfn. emulous, vying with (comp.) ib.; desirous of ib. sprihaa = aspiration

sprihaNiyaruupaM = desirable form (personal appearance) sphiita = (adj) prosperous spris' = to touch spris'a * = mfn. touching, reaching to (in {sarvadvAra-sp-}) MBh.; m. touch, contact (in {duH-sp-} q.v.); ({A}) f. a kind of plant ( = {bhujaMga-ghAtinI}) L.; ({I}) f. the prickly nightshade, Solanum Jacquini L. spris'ati = (6 pp) to touch spris'an.h = touching spris'tha= * mfn. touched, felt with the hand handled AV. &c. &c.; affected or afflicted or possessed by (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kv. &c.; defiled (cf. comp.); (in gram.) formed by complete contact of the organs of utterance (applied to all consonants except semivowels [called {ISatspRSTa}, `" formed by slight contact "'] and except sibilants and {h}, which are called {ardha-spRSTa}, `" formed by half-contact "') Prt. Siksh. spris'thi * = f. touch, touching, contact S'Br.


sphuTatara = (adj) crystal clear sphura* = mfn. id. Pacat.; m. quiver, throb &c. (in {sa-sphura}, `" throbbing "' i.e. `" living "') Bhathth.; = (and v.l. for) {sphara}, a shield L. sphuraNa* = mfn. glittering, sparkling VarBriS.; n. the act of trembling, throbbing, vibration, pulsation (also {A} f.) Dhtup. L.; quivering or throbbing of parts of the body (as indicating good or bad luck) MW.; springing or breaking forth, starting into view, expansion, manifestation Sh. BhP. Sarvad.; flashing, coruscation, twinkling, glittering Megh. Mlatm. sphurat* = mfn. (pr. p. P.) trembling, shaking &c. (see root and cf. comp.) sphurati = (6 pp) to throb sphurad* = in comp. for {sphurat}. sphuran* = in comp. for {sphurat}. sphurita = shining* = mfn. quivering, throbbing, trembling, palpitating, flashing &c. Kv. VarBriS. Pacat.; struggling Vs.; glittered, flashed (n. impers. `" it has been flashed by "') Hariv. Klid. BhP.; broken forth, burst into view, suddenly

arisen or appeared Kaths. Sarvad.; plainly displayed or exhibited S'is'.; swelled, swollen W.; ({am}) n. a tremulous or convulsive motion, quiver, throb, twitch, tremor, convulsion Klid. Bhartri.; agitation or emotion of mind MW.; flash, gleam, glittering, radiance, shren MBh. Kaths.; sudden appearance, coming into being Rjat. sphuurta* = mfn. (accord. to some) throbbed, throbbing MW.; suddenly risen into remembrance ib. sphuurti* = f. quivering, throbbing, throb, palpitation, tremor, vibration Bhpr.; breaking forth visibly, sudden appearance or display, manifestation Kv. Rjat.; bragging, boasting Pacad. sphuurj* = cl. 1. P. (Dhtup. vii, 61) {sphUrjati} (only in pres.; Gr. also pf. {pusphUrja} fut. {sphUrjitA} &c.), to rumble, roar, thunder, crash Kv. Kaths.; to burst forth, be displayed, appear ib. Rjat. Sh.: Caus. {sphUrja4yati} (aor. {apusphUrjat}), to crash, crackle AV. AitBr.: Desid. {pusphUrjiSati} Gr.: Intens. {posphUrjyate}, {posphUrkti} ib. [Cf. Gk. $.] &383822[1271,2] sphuurja* = m. the crashing sound of thunder, thunder-clap W.; Indra's thunderbolt ib.; sudden

outbreak (cf. {narma-sph-}); N. of a Rkshasa, BhgP.; a kind of plant (= {sphUrjaka}) L. sphur* = 1 (cf. {sphar}) cl. 6. P. (Dhtup. xxviii, 95) {sphura4ti} (m. c. also {-te}; p. {sphurat} and {sphuramANa} [qq.vv.]; only in pres. base, but see {apa-sphur}; Gr. also pf. {pusphora}, {pusphure}; fut. {sphuritA}, {sphuriSyati}; aor. {asphorIt}; Prec. {sphUryAt}; inf. {sphuritum}), to spurn RV. AV.; to dart, bound, rebound, spring RV. MBh. Kv.; to tremble, throb, quiver, palpitate, twitch (as the nerves of the arm S'ak.), struggle Kaus'. MBh. &c.; to flash, glitter, gleam, glisten, twinkle, sparkle MaitrUp. R. &c.; to shine, be brilliant or distinguished Rjat. Kaths. MrkP.; to break forth, burst out plainly or visibly, start into view, be evident or manifest, become displayed or expanded NriisUp. MBh. &c.; to hurt, destroy Naigh. ii, 19: Caus. {sphorayati} (aor. {apusphurat} or {apuspharat}), to stretch, draw or bend (a bow) Bhathth. [1271,1]; to adduce an argument S'ank. Sch.; to cause to shine, eulogize, praise excessively Pacad.; {sphurayati}, to fill with (inser.) Lalit.: Desid. {pusphuriSati} Gr.: Intens. {posphuryate}, {posphorti}. [Cf. Gk. $; Lat. {sperno}; Lith. &383704[1271,1] {spi4rti}; Germ. {sporo}, {spor}, {Sporn}; Eng. {spur}, {spurn}.] sphur* = 2 (ifc.) quivering, trembling, throbbing

S'is'. ii, 14. sraak *=quickly, speedily, instantly sraja *: a garland MBh. Hariv.; m. N. of one of the Vis've Devh MBh sraavaNa* = mfn. causing to flow, shedding ({rudhira-srAvaNaM-kR}, `" to shed any one's blood "') KtyS'r. Sus'r. Kull. s'ramaNa *= mf(%{A} or %{I})n. making effort or exertion, toiling, labouring, (esp.) following a toilsome or menial business W.; base, vile, bad ib.; naked L.; m. one who performs acts of mortification or austerity, an ascetic, monk, devotee, religious mendicant S3Br. &c. &c.; a Buddhist monk or mendicant (also applied to Buddha himself cf. MWB. 23 &c.; also applied to a Jain ascetic now commonly called Yati) MBh. R. &c.; N. of a serpent-demon Buddh.; (%{A} or %{I}), a female mendicant or nun L.; a hardworking woman L.; (%{A}) f. a handsome woman L.; = %{zabarI-bhid}, %{mAMsI}, %{muNDIrI} L.; n. toil, labour, exertion S3a1n3khS3r. sravanta: *mfn. flowing, dropping sravaNa* = n. streaming, flowing, flowing off (also

pl.; cf. {azva-sr-}) R.; premature abortion VarBriS.; sweat, perspiration L.; urine L. sravantI* = f. (of {sravat} q.v.) flowing water, a river RV. &c. &c. (cf. Naigh. i, 13); a kind of herb L. sravana * = hearing sravat * = mfn. (pr. p.) streaming, flowing &c.; (%{a4t}) f. a river RV. AV.; (%{antI}) f. see below. sravatha * = m. or n. flowing, streaming, running RV. s'reNi f. (L. also m.; according to Un2. iv, 51, fr. %{zri}; connected with %{zreTI} above) a line, row, range, series, succession, troop, flock, multitude, number RV. &c. &c.; a swarm (of bees) S3is3.; a company of artisans following the same business, a guild or association of traders dealing in the same articles Mn. MBh. &c.; a bucket, wateringpot L.; the fore or upper part of anything L.; Sanseviera Roxburghiana L.\\ f. a line, row &c. (= %{zreNi}) Mn. MBh. &c. sringara = amourous srijati = (6 pp) to create srijs* = mfn. to be let go or emitted or created BhP.

Sarvad. srij* =1 (cf. 1. 2. {sarj}) cl. 6. P. (Dhtup. xxviii, 121) {sRja4ti} (Ved. and ep. also {-te}, and once in AV. {sa4rjati}; pf. {sasarja}, {sasRje4} [2. sg. accord. to Pn. 7-2, 65, {sasarjitha} and {sasraSTha}, in BhP. once {sasarktha}]; Vedic forms are {sasRjma4he}, {-jrire}, {sasRjyAt}, {asasRgram}; p. {sasRjAna4} q.v.; {sasRgma4he}; aor. {asrAkSIt}; {a4sRkSi}, {a4sRSTa} [Ved. also {a4sRgram} or {-ran}; {a4sarji}; {asrAk}, {asrAT}; {srAs}; {srakSat}; p. {sRjAna4} q.v.] ib. [1245,2]; fut. {sraSTA} PacavBr.; {srakSyati}, {-te} Br. &c.; inf. {sraSTum} MBh. &c.; ind. p. {sRSTvA} Br.; {sR4jya} ib. &c.; {-sa4rgam} or {-sa4rjam} Br.), to let go or fly, discharge, throw, cast, hurl at (acc. or dat.) RV. &c. &c.; to cast or let go (a measuring line) RV.; to emit, pour forth, shed, cause to flow (rain, streams &c.) ib. &c. &c.; to utter (a sound) Kaths.; to turn or direct (glances) Kum.; to let loose, cause (horses) to go quickly; . `" to speed, run, hasten "' RV.; to release, set free ib. AV. Kaus'.; to open (a door) Kaus'.; to publish, proclaim AitBr.; to draw out and twist (a thread), twist, wind, spin (lit. and fig.; . {sRjyate}, `" for one's self "'; cf. Pat. on Pn. 3-1, 87 Vrtt. 15, and Dhtup. xxvi, 69) TS. AV. S'Br. S'rS.; (in older language only .) to emit from one's self i.e. create, procreate, produce, beget RV. &c. &c.; to procure, grant, bestow MBh. R. &c.;

to use, employ Rjat.; to get, acquire, obtain, take (interest on money lent) Mn. viii, 140; to hang on, fasten to (loc.) MBh. iii, 2218 (perhaps {asRjat}, w.r. for {asajat}; see {saJj}): Pass. {sRjyate} (aor. {a4sarji}), to be let loose or emitted or created RV. &c. &c.: Caus. {sarjayati}, {-te} (aor. {asasarjat} or {asIsRjat}), to cause to let loose, let go, create &c. Br. &c.: Desid. {sisRkSati}, {-te}, to wish to send forth or hurl or throw Hariv.; (.) to wish to produce or create Kthh. BhP.: Intens. {sarIsRjyate}, {sarIsRSTi} &c. Gr. srij* =2 (ifc.) letting loose, emitting, discharging MBh. Kv. &c.; producing, creating, begetting (also with gen.) Inscr. MBh. Rjat. srijaami* = manifest srijaana* mfn. let go, poured out, shed, emitted, sent forth, hurled, thrown RV. srijati* = m. (used as, a substantive to denote the root {sRj}, `" to create "') S'is'. srijatvakarman* = n. begetting children Sanskrak. srijaya* = m. a kind of bird VS. (Mahdh.); ({A4}) f. = {nIla-makSikA}, {zukla-sarpa}, or {nIla-mahiSa} TS. (Sch.)

srijavaana* = m. N. of a son of Dyuti-mat (v.l. {sRjAvaNa}) VP. [1245,3] srijana* = w.r. for {sarjana} (q.v.) Cat. srijAna* = mfn. let go, poured out, shed, emitted, sent forth, hurled, thrown RV srijati srijya * = mfn. to be let go or emitted or created BhP. Sarvad. sritii = different paths srip (sRp)* = cl. 1 P. (Dha1tup. xxiii, 14) %{sa4rpati} (ep. and m. c. also %{-te}; p. %{sa4rpat} [see s.v.] and %{sarpamANa}; pf. %{sasarpa} [1. du. %{sasRpiva}] Br.; aor. %{asRpat} AV. Br.; %{asRpta} Br. &c.; %{asArpsIt}, or %{asrApsIt} Gr.; fut. %{sarptA} or %{sraptA} ib.; %{sarpsyati} Br.; %{srapsyati} ib. &c.; inf. %{sarpitum} MBh. &c.; %{sarptum} or %{sraptum} Gr.; %{-sR4pas} Br.; ind. p. %{sRptvA} ib.; %{-sR4pya} AV. &c.; %{-sarpam} Br. &c.), to creep, crawl, glide, slink, move gently or cautiously (%{sarpata}, `" depart! "' Ra1jat.) RV. &c. &c.; to slip into (acc.) AitBr.; (in ritual) to glide noiselessly and with bended body and hand in

hand (esp. from the Sadas to the Bahishpavama1na) Br. S3rS. ChUp.: Pass. %{sRpyate} (aor. %{asarpi}), to be crept &c. MBh. &c.: Caus. %{sarpayati} (aor. %{asIsRpat} or %{asasarpat}, to cause to creep &c. (see %{ava-}, %{anu-pra-}, %{visRp}): Desid. %{si4sRpsati} (see %{ut-sRp}): Intens. %{sarIsRpyate} (AitA1r.), %{sarIsarpti}, p. %{sarIsRpat} (BhP.), to creep along or hither and thither, glide about &c. [Cf. Gk. $; Lat. &375922[1245,3] %{serpere}; see also %{sarpa}.] srishhTiH = creation srishtha* = mfn. let go, discharged, thrown &c.; given up, abandoned (in {a-sR-}) Das'.; brought forth produced, created AV. &c. &c.; provided or filled or covered with (instr. or comp.) MBh. R.; engrossed by, intent upon (instr.) MBh.; firmly reasolved upon (loc. or dat.) Gaut.; ornamented, adorned L.; abundant, much, many L.; ascertained W.; ({A}) f. a kind of medicinal plant L.; a musical instrument like a stick which produces a soft sound L. srishhTii = World srishhTvaa = creating s'ruta* = mfn. heard, listened to, heard about or of,

taught, mentioned, orally transmitted or communicated from age to age S'Br. ChUp. MBh. &c.; known, famous, celebrated RV. AV. Br. MBh.; known as, called (nom. with {iti}) MBh. R. &c.; m. N. of a son of Bhagratha Hariv.; of a son of Kriishna BhP.; of a son of Su-bhshana ib.; of a son of Upagu VP.; ({A}) f. N. of a daughter of Drghadanshthra Kaths.; ({am}) n. anything heard, that which has been heard (esp. from the beginning), knowledge as heard by holy men and transmitted from generation to generation, oral tradition or revelation, sacred knowledge (in the Pur. personified as a child of Dharma and Medh), the Veda AV. &c. &c.; the act of hearing MundUp. Kv. Kaths.; learning or teaching, instruction ({zrutaM-kR}, `" to learn "') past.; memory, remembrance AV. i, 1, 2. srotasaaM = of flowing rivers staH = is stanabhara = breasts that are(full-with milk) stabdhaH = impudent * = mfn. firmly fixed, supported, propped &c.; reaching up to (loe.) S'vetUp. MBh.; stiff, rigid, immovable, paralyzed, senseless, dull ({am} ind.) MBh. Kv. &c.; solidified (as water) Hariv.; puffed up, proud, arrogant

ChUp. Bhag. &c.; tardy, slack, slow (?) VarBriS.; obstinate, stubborn, hard-hearted MW.; coarse ib. stabh = (root) to make immobile, to stun stambhaH = (m) pillar * =stambha m. (ifc. f. {A}) a post, pillar, column, stem (as of a tree; also improperly applied to an arm) Kthh. GriS'rS. MBh. &c.; support, propping, strengthening Bhartri.; inflation, pretentiousness, arrogance MBh. R. &c.; fixedness, stiffness, rigidity, torpor, paralysis, stupefaction MBh. Kv. &c.; becoming hard or solid Rjat.; stoppage, obstruction, suppression (also the magical arresting of any feeling or force, as of hunger, thirst, or of the forces of water, fire &c. as taught in the Tantras) Kv. Sus'r. Pacar.; filling up, stuffing R.; N. of a partic. Adhyya Pat. on Pn. 5-2, 60 Vrtt. 1; of a Riishi &c. VP. (cf. g. {kuJjA7di} and {zaunakA7di}). stamba: a clump or tuft of grass, any clump or bunch or cluster AV. &c. &c.; a sheaf of corn L. a bush, thicket L. [1258, 1]; a shrub or plant having no decided stem (such as the Jhinth or Barleria) L.; the post to which an elephant is tied (wrongly inferred from {stambe-rama} q.v.) L.; a mountain L.; N. of various men Hariv. Pur.; n. (in these senses prob. w.r. for {stambha}, m.) a post, pillar in general W.; stupidity, insensibility W.

stambhana = Stationary planet staram.h = (n) level stana * = m. (or n. g. {ardharcA7di} ifc. {A} or {I}; derivation doubtful, but prob. connected with {stan}, from the hollow resonance of the human breast), the female breast (either human or animal), teat, dug, udder RV. &c. &e.; the nipple (of the female or the male breast) Sus'r.; a kind of pin or peg on a vessel shaped like a teat S'Br. stanayitnu * = m. (sg. or pl.) thunder (pl. personified as children of Vidyota ,`" Lightning "') RV. AV. VS. &c. ; a ththunder-cloud Ka1v. BhP. ; lightning L. ; sickness ib. ; death ib. ; a kind of grass (= %{mustaka}) MW. sthaa* = 1 cl. 1. P. A1. (Dha1tup. xxii, 30) %{ti4SThati}, %{-te} (pf. %{tasthau4}, %{tasthe} RV. &c. &c.; aor. %{a4sthAt}, %{a4sthita} ib.; 3. pl. %{asthiran} RV. AV. Br.; %{Asthat} [?] AV.; %{asthiSi}, %{-Sata} Br. &c.; Subj. %{sthAti}, %{sthA4thaH} RV.; Prec. %{stheyAt} ib.; %{stheSam}, %{-SuH} [?] AV.; %{sthAsISTa} Gr.; fut. %{sthAtA} MBh. &c.; %{sthAsyati}, %{-te} Br.&c.; inf. %{sthA4tum} ib.; %{-tos} Br. Gr2S3rS.; %{-sthitum} R.; ind. p. %{sthitvA} MBh. &c.; %{sthA4ya} RV. &c. &c.; %{-sthAyam} Bhat2t2.), to

stand, stand firmly, station one's self stand upon, get upon, take up a position on (with %{pAdAbhyAm}, `" to stand on the feet "'; with %{jAnubhyAm}, `" to kneel "'; with %{agre} or %{agratas} and gen., `" to stand or present one's self before "'; with %{puras} and with or without gen., `" to stand up against an enemy &c. "') RV. &c. &c.; to stay, remain, continue in any condition or action (e.g. with %{kanyA}, `" to remain a girl or unmarried "'; with %{tUSNIm} or with %{maunena} instr. `" to remain silent "'; with %{sukham}, `" to continue or feel well "') AV. &c. &c.; to remain occupied or engaged in, be intent upon, make a practice of, keep on, persevere in any act (with loc.; e.g. with %{rAjye}, `" to continue governing "'; with %{zAsane}, `" to practise obedience "'; with %{bale}, `" to exercise power "'; with %{sva-dharme}, `" to do one's duty "'; with %{sva-karmaNi}, `" to keep to one's own business "'; with %{saMzaye}, `" to persist in doubting "'; also with ind. p. e.g. %{dharmam@Azritya}, `" to practise virtue "') AV. Mn. MBh. &c.; to continue to be or exist (as opp. to `" perish "'), endure, last TS. Mn. MBh. &c.; to be, exist, be present, be obtainable or at hand AV. &c. &c.; to be with or at the disposal of, belong to (dat. gen., or loc.) Mn. MBh. &c.; (A1. m. c. also P. cf. Pa1n2. 1-3, 23; iv, 34) to stand by, abide by, be near to, be on the side of, adhere or submit to, acquiesce in, serve, obey (loc. or dat.) RV. &c. &c.; to stand still, stay quiet,

remain stationary, stop, halt, wait, tarry, linger, hesitate (see under %{sthitvA} below) RV. &c. &c.; to behave or conduct one's self (with %{samam}, `" to behave equally towards any one "' loc.); to be directed to or fixed on (loc.) Hariv. Katha1s.; to be founded or rest or depend on, be contained in (loc.) RV. AV. MBh.; to rely on, confide in (loc. e.g. %{mayi@sthitvA}, `" confiding in me "') Bhat2t2.; to stay at, resort to (acc.) R.; to arise from (abl. or gen.) RV. ChUp.; to desist or cease from (abl.) Katha1s.; to remain unnoticed (as of no importance), be left alone (only Impv. and Pot.) Ka1v. Pan5cat.: Pass. %{sthIyate} (aor. %{asthAyi}), to be stood &c. (frequently used impers. e.g. %{mayA@sthIyatAm}, `" let it be abided by me "' i.e. `" I must abide "') Br. &c. &c.: Caus. %{sthApayati}, %{-te} (aor. %{a4tiSThipat}; ind. p. %{sthApayitvA} [q.v.] and %{-sthA4pam}: Pass. %{sthApyate}), to cause to stand, place, locate, set, lay, fix, station, establish, found, institute AV. &c. &c.; to set up, erect, raise, build MBh. R.; to cause to continue, make durable, strengthen, confirm MBh. R. Sus3r. &c.; to prop up, support, maintain MBh. Hcat.; to affirm, assent Sa1h. Nya1yas. Sch.; to appoint (to any office loc.) Mn. MBh. &c.; to cause to be, constitute, make, appoint or employ as (two acc.; with %{dhAtrIm}, `" to employ any one as a nurse "'; with %{rakSA7rtham}, `" to appoint any one as guardian "'; with %{sajjam}, `" to make anything

ready "' [1262,3]; with %{su-rakSitam}, `" to keep anything well guarded "'; with %{svIkRtya}, `" to make anything one's own "'; with %{parizeSam}, `" to leave anythanything over or remaining "') S3vetUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c.; to fix, settle, determine, resolve Mn. MBh. &c.; to fix in or on, lead or being into, direct or turn towards (loc., rarely acc.; with %{hRdi}, `" to impress on the heart "'; with %{manas}, `" to fix the mind on "') AV. &c. &c.; to introduce or initiate into, instruct in (loc. e.g. with %{naye}, `" to instruct in a plan or system "') MBh. Katha1s.; to make over or deliver up to (loc. or %{haste} with gen., `" into the hands of "') Ya1jn5. Ratna7v. Katha1s.; to give in marriage MBh.; to cause to stand still, stop, arrest, check, hold, keep in, restrain (with %{baddhvA}, `" to keep bound or imprisoned "') S3Br. &c. &c.; to place aside, keep, save, preserve MBh. Hariv.: Desid. of Caus. %{sthApayiSati} (see %{saM-sthA}): Desid. %{ti4SThAsati}, to wish to stand &c. S3Br.: Intens. %{teSThIyate}; %{tAstheti}, %{tAsthAti} Gr. [Cf. Gk. $; Lat. {stare}; Lith. {sto4ti}; Slav. {stati}; &381116[1262,3] Germ. {sta7n}, {stehen}; Eng. {stand}.]//(or %{STha}) mf(%{A})n. (only ifc.) standing, staying, abiding, being situated in, existing or being in or on or among (see %{agni-}, %{garbha-}, %{jala-}, %{naraka-}, %{rAjya-stha} &c.); occupied with, engaged in, devoted to performing, practising (see %{dhyAna-}, %{yajJa}, %{yoga-}, %{savana-stha} &c.); a place, ground

(ibc. = %{sthala}) L.//sthA* = (or %{SThA4}) mfn. (nom. m. n. %{sthA4s}) standing, stationary (often ifc. = `" standing, being, existing in or on or among "' cf. %{agni-SThA}, %{RtasthA} &c.) RV. Pan5cavBr. S3a1n3khS3r. sthaH = situated sthagayati = to stop someone sthalaa = (f) tiles (on the floor) sthaa = to stand sthaa(tishhThati) = to stand sthaaNuH = unchangeable sthaana = place, house, position * = n. (also said to be m. Siddh.) the act of standing, standing firmly, being fixed or stationary AV. &c. &c.; position or posture of the body (in shooting &c.) R.; staying, abiding, being in or on (loc. or comp.) Das3. Ka1m. Hariv. Sa1h.; storingplace or storage (of goods) Mn. viii, 401; firm bearing (of troops), sustaining a charge (as opp. to %{yuddha}, `" charging "') ib. vii, 190; state, condition (ifc. = `" being in the state of "') Up. BhP.; continued existence, continuance in the same state (i.e. in a kind of neutral state

unmarked by loss or gain), continuing as or as long as (with instr.) MBh. R. BhP.; a state of perfect tranquillity Sarvad.; station, rank, office, appointment, dignity, degree MaitrUp. Mn. MBh. &c.; place of standing or staying, any place, spot, locality, abode, dwelling, house, site (%{sthAne@sthAne} or %{sthAne@sthAneSu}, `" in different places "', `" here and there "') RV. &c. &c.; place or room, stead (%{sthAne} with gen. or ifc. `" in place of "', `" instead of "', `" in lieu of "'; %{ripu-sthAne-vRt}, `" to act in the place of an enemy "'; %{vilocana-sthAna-gata}, `" acting the part of eyes "'; also %{sthAna} ifc. = `" taking the place of "', `" acting as "', `" representing "' or `" represented by "' e.g. %{pitR-sth-}, `" acting as a father "' or `" represented by a ffather "'; %{iyaGuvaG-sthAna}, `" reprrepresented by %{iy} or %{uv} "' [as %{I} and %{U} Pa1n2. 1-4, 4]; in Pa1n2ini's grammar the gen. case is often used alone, when the word %{sthAne} has to be supplied e.g. %{hanter@jaH}, `" %{ja} is to be substituted in place of %{han} "', i, 1, 49) AitBr. Gr2S3rS. &c.; place for, receptacle of (gen.) Mn. MBh. &c.; proper or right place (%{sthAne}, `" in the right place or at the right time, seasonably, justly "') Pan5cavBr. &c. &c. (cf. g. %{svar-Adi}); province, region, domain, sphere (of gods or virtuous men; said to be in one of three places, viz. `" earth "' or `" atmosphere "' or `" heaven "'; accord. to some that of virtuous Bra1hmans is called Pra1ja1patya; of Kshatriyas,

Aindra; of Vais3yas, Ma1ruta; of S3u1dras, Ga1ndharva) Nir. VarBr2S.; the main support or strength or chief constituent of a kingdom (said to be four, viz. `" army "', `" treasury "', `" city "', `" territory "') Mn. vii, 56; a stronghold, fortress Pan5cat.; the place or organ of utterance of any sound (said to be 8 in number, viz. %{kaNTha}, `" throat "'; %{tAlu}, `" palate "'; %{mUrdhan}, `" top of palate "'; %{danta}, `" teeth "'; %{oSTha}, `" lips "'; %{kaNTha-tAlu}, `" throat and palate "'; %{kaNTh'-oSTha}, `" throat and lips "'; %{dant'oSTha}, `" teeth and lips "'; to which are added %{nAsikA}, `" nose "', said to be the place of utterance of true Anusva1ra, and %{uras}, `" chest "', of Visarga) Pa1n2. 1-9 Sch. Pra1t. Sarvad.; any organ of sense (e.g. the eye) BhP.; the pitch or key of the voice, note, tone (of which accord. to RPra1t., there are three [see %{mandra}], or accord. to TPra1t., seven; %{vInA@cyutA@sthAnAt}, `" a lute out of tune "') S3rS. Pra1t. MBh. &c.; shape, form, appearance (as of the moon) VarBr2S.; the part or character of an actor MW.; case, occurrence (%{ne7daM@sthAnaM@vidyate}, `" this case does not occur "') Ya1jn5. Pan5cat. Vajracch.; occasion, opportunity (or (gen. or comp.; %{sthAne} ind. `" occasionally "') S3rS. MBh. &c.; cause or object of (gen. or comp. e.g. %{zulka-sthAna}, `" an object of toll "'; %{pUjA-} or %{mAnya-sth-}, `" an object of honour "'; also applied to persons; %{sthAne} ind. `" because of "', `" on account of "') MBh. Pan5cat.

Katha1s.; a section or division (e.g. of medicine) Car. Sus3r. &c.; an astrol. mansion or its subdivision VarBr2S.; = %{kAryo7tsarga}, S3i1l.; an open place in a town, plain, square W.; a holy place MW.; an altar ib.; N. of a Gandharva king R. sthaanaM = place sthaanaka = (m) station, base sthaanabhrashTa = adj. skidrow bum sthaani = situated sthaane = rightly sthaapaya = please keep sthaapayati = to put, to keep sthaapayitvaa = placing sthaalikaa = (f) plate, dish sthaavara = not moving sthaavaraaNaaM = of immovable things sthaavira * = n. (fr. %{sthavira}) old age (described

as commencing at seventy in men and fifty in women, and ending at ninety, after which period a man is called %{varSIyas}) La1t2y. MBh. &c.; mfn. (v.l. for %{sthavira}) old, senile MBh. Hit. sthaasyati = remains sthairyam: *V steadiness, gravity, immovability, permanence *= sthairya. firmness, hardness, solidity Yj. MBh. &c.; fixedness, stability, immobility Prab. BhP. Sarvad.; calmness, tranquillity Pacad.; continuance, permanence Kv. Kaths.; steadfastness, constancy, perseverance, patience MBh. R. &c.; firm attachment to, constant delight in (loc.) Kv. Pacat. Kaths. &c. sthairyaM = steadfastness sthavira * = mf(%{A} or %{I})n. (cf. %{sthAvara}, p. 1264) broad, thick, compact, solid, strong, powerful RV. AV. Br. MBh. Hariv.; old, ancient, venerable (%{-re@kAle} or %{bhAve}, `" in old age "') Br. &c. &c. [1265,3]; m. an old man W.; (with Buddhists) an `" Elder "' (N. of the oldest and most venerable Bhikshus) MWB. 184; 255 &c.; N. of Brahma1 L.; (pl.) N. of a school (also %{Arya-sth-}) Buddh.; (%{A}) f. an old woman MW.; a kind of plant L.; (%{am}) n. benzoin L.

sthira* = mf({A4}) n. firm, hard, solid, compact, strong RV. &c. &c.; fixed, immovable, motionless, still, calm S'Br. MBh. &c.; firm, not wavering or tottering, steady R. VarBriS.; unfluctuating, durable, lasting, permanent, changeless RV. &c. &c.; stern, relentless, hard-hearted Kum.; constant, steadfast, resolute, persevering ({manas} or {hRdayaM sthiraM-kR}, `" to steel one's heart, take courage "' R. Kaths.); kept secret Vet.; faithful, trustworthy Yj. MBh. &c.; firmly resolved to (inf.) MBh.; settled, ascertained, undoubted, sure, certain Mn. MBh. &c.; m. a partic. spell recited over weapons R.; a kind of metre VarBriS.; N. of S'iva MBh.; of one of Skanda's attendants ib.; N. of a partic. astrol. Yoga MW.; of certain zodiacal signs (viz. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius; so called because any work done under these signs is supposed to be lasting) ib. (L. also `" a tree; Grislea Tomentosa; a mountain; a bull; a god; the planet Saturn; final emancipation "'); ({A}) f. a strong-minded woman MW.; the earth L.; Desmodium Gangeticiim L.; Salmalia Malabarica L.; = {-kAkolI} L.; N. of the sound {j} Up.; ({am}) n. steadfastness, stubbornness, resistance (acc. with {ava-tan} P. `" to loosen the resistance of [gen.] "'; . `" to relax one's own resistance, yield "'; with {A-tan} . `" to offer resistance "') RV. sthavishthha * = mfn. (superl. of %{sthUra}) very

broad or thick or solid or strong TS. &c. &c. sthitaM = situated sthitaH = situated sthitadhiiH = one fixed in KRishhNa consciousness sthitapraGYaH = transcendentally situated sthitapraGYasya = of one who is situated in fixed KRishhNa consciousness sthita * = mfn. standing (as opp. to `" going "', `" sitting "', or `" lying "'; {parasparaM sthitam}, `" standing opposed to each other "'; {sthitaM tena}, `" it was stood by him "' = `" he waited "') Mn. MBh. &c.; standing firm ({yuddhe}, `" in battle "') Hariv.; standing, staying, situated, resting or abiding or remaining in (loc. or comp.; with {uccA7vaceSu}, `" abiding in things high and low "'; with {anityam}, `" not remaining permanently "', `" staying only a short time "' KtyS'r. Mn. MBh. &c.; being or remaining or keeping in any state or condition (loc., instr. abl. comp., or a noun in the same case, also ind. p. or adv.; {vyApya sthitaH}, `" he keeps continually pervading "' S'ak. Vikr.; {upavizya sthitaH}, `" he remains sitting "' Vikr.; {kathaM sthitA7si}, `" how did you fare? "' Vikr.

[1264, 2]; {evaM sthite}, `" it being so "' Pac.; {puraH sthite}, `" it being imminent "') MBh. Kv. &c.; engaged in, occupied with, intent upon, engrossed by, devoted or addicted to (loc. or comp.), performing, protecting Mn. MBh. &c.; abiding by, conforming to, following (loc.) ib.; being in office or charge Pacat. Rjat.; adhering to or keeping with (loc.) Hariv.; lasting RPrt.; firm, constant, invariable Kaths.; settled, ascertained, decreed, established, generally accepted S'Br. &c. &c.; fixed upon, determined S'ak.; firmly convinced or persuaded MBh. Subh.; firmly resolved to (inf. or loc.) MBh. R. &c.; faithful to a promise or agreement L.: upright, virtuous L.; prepared for or to (dat.) Yj. Kum.; being there, existing, present, close at hand, ready ({sthito hy eSaH}, `" I myself am ready "'; {agraje sthite}, `" when the elder brother is there "') Mn. MBh. &c.; belonging to (gen.) R.; turned or directed to, fixed upon (loc. or comp.) VarBriS. Sarvad.; resting or depending on (loc.) MBh. R. &c.; leading or conducive to (dat.) Pacat.; one who has desisted or ceased Pacad.; left over L.; (in Vedic gram.) not accompanied by {iti} (in the Pada-pthha), standing alone ({pade sthite}, `" in the Pada text "') Prt.; ({am}) n. standing still, stopping Bhartri.; staying, remaining, abiding R.; manner of standing ib.; perseverance on the right path ib.


sthitaaH = are situated sthitaan.h = standing sthiti = position* = f. standing upright or firmly, not falling Kvya7d.; standing, staying, remaining, abiding, stay, residence, sojourn in or on or at (loc. or comp.; {sthitiM-kR} or {vi-} 1. {dhA} or {grah} or {bhaj}, `" to make a stay "', `" take up one's abode "') Kv. Kaths. &c.; staying or remaining or being in any state or condition (see {rAjya-sth-}); continuance in being, maintenance of life, continued existence (the 2nd of the three states of all created things, the 1st being {utpatti}, `" coming into existence "', and the 3rd {laya}, `" dissolution "'), permanence, duration S'vetUp. R. Klid. BhP. Sarvad.; duration of life MrkP.; (in astron.) duration of an eclipse Sryas.; continued existence in any place MBh. Sh.; that which continually exists, the world, earth BhP.; any situation or state or position or abode Kv. Pacat. Kaths.; station, high position, rank Mn. Yj. Bhag. &c.; maintenance, sustenance Mlatm.; settled rule, fixed decision, ordinance, decree, axiom, maxim S'Br. &c. &c.; maintenance of discipline, establishment of good order (in a state &c.) Ragh.; continuance or steadfastness in the path of duty, virtuous conduct, steadiness, rectitude, propriety MBh. R. Ragh.; constancy, perseverance Bhag.

Sarvad.; devotion or addiction to, intentness on (loc.) MBh. R.; firm persuasion or opinion, conviction Yj. Km.; settled practice, institution, custom, usage Kaths. Rjat.; settled bountary or bounds (esp. of morality e.g. {sthitim-bhid}, `" to transgress the bounds of mmorality "'), term, limit R. Klid. Bhathth.; standing still, stopping, halting ({sthitim A-car}, `" to remain standing "') Ragh. Rjat. Sus'r.; standing-place, halting-place, stand or place or fixed abode S'Br. Mn. Rjat.; resistance to motion, inertia (in phil.); fixedness, immobility, stability Ragh. BhP.; depositing, laying down Rjat. Kaths.; form, shape MrkP.; manner of acting, procedure, behaviour, conduct Mn. S'is'. Hit.; occurrence MBh.; regard or consideration for (loc.) Pacat. v.l.; (in Vedic gram.) the standing of a word by itself (i.e. without the particle {iti}; see {sthita}). sthitiM = situation sthitiH = situation sthitii = existing sthitau = situated sthitvaa = being situated


sthi4ti * =f. standing upright or firmly, not falling Kvya7d.; standing, staying, remaining, abiding, stay, residence, sojourn in or on or at (loc. or comp.; {sthitiM-kR} or {vi-} 1. {dhA} or {grah} or {bhaj}, `" to make a stay "', `" take up one's abode "') Kv. Kaths. &c.; staying or remaining or being in any state or condition (see {rAjya-sth-}); continuance in being, maintenance of life, continued existence (the 2nd of the three states of all created things, the 1st being {utpatti}, `" coming into existence "', and the 3rd {laya}, `" dissolution "'), permanence, duration S'vetUp. R. Klid. BhP. Sarvad.; duration of life MrkP.; (in astron.) duration of an eclipse Sryas.; continued existence in any place MBh. Sh.; that which continually exists, the world, earth BhP.; any situation or state or position or abode Kv. Pacat. Kaths.; station, high position, rank Mn. Yj. Bhag. &c.; maintenance, sustenance Mlatm.; settled rule, fixed decision, ordinance, decree, axiom, maxim S'Br. &c. &c.; maintenance of discipline, establishment of good order (in a state &c.) Ragh.; continuance or steadfastness in the path of duty, virtuous conduct, steadiness, rectitude, propriety MBh. R. Ragh.; constancy, perseverance Bhag. Sarvad.; devotion or addiction to, intentness on (loc.) MBh. R.; firm persuasion or opinion, conviction Yj. Km.; settled practice, institution, custom, usage Kaths. Rjat.; settled bountary or bounds (esp. of morality e.g. {sthitim-bhid}, `" to

transgress the bounds of mmorality "'), term, limit R. Klid. Bhathth.; standing still, stopping, halting ({sthitim A-car}, `" to remain standing "') Ragh. Rjat. Sus'r.; standing-place, halting-place, stand or place or fixed abode S'Br. Mn. Rjat.; resistance to motion, inertia (in phil.); fixedness, immobility, stability Ragh. BhP.; depositing, laying down Rjat. Kaths.; form, shape MrkP.; manner of acting, procedure, behaviour, conduct Mn. S'is'. Hit.; occurrence MBh.; regard or consideration for (loc.) Pacat. v.l.; (in Vedic gram.) the standing of a word by itself (i.e. without the particle {iti}; see {sthita}). sthity * =in comp. for {sthiti}. sthitvA * =ind. having stood or stayed or stopped or waited &c. (sometimes used alone to express, after some time "'; {mAsaM sth-}, `" after a month "'; {ciram api sth-}, `" after a long period "' = `" sooner or later "') RV. &c. &c. sthin * =see {tri-SThi4n} and {parame-SThi4n}. sthira = fixed sthira-raashi = Fixed Signs sthiraM = firm

sthiraH = still sthirataa = steadiness sthirabuddhiH = self-intelligent sthiraaM = stable sthiraaH = enduring sthiraiH = with firm or strong (limbs) sthuula = (adj) strong, big sthuulaH = (adj) fat sthula* = 1 n. (perhaps for {sthuDa} see prec.) a sort of long tent S'is'. \\2 see {apa-SThula} p. 53, col. 1. sthuula* = mf({A4})n. (fr. {sthU} = {sthA} and originally identical with {sthUra}) large, thick, stout, massive, bulky, big, huge AV. &c. &c.; coarse, gross, rough (also fig. = `" not detailed or precisely defined "'; cf. {yathA-sth-}) Mn. MBh. &c.; dense, dull, stolid, doltish, stupid, ignorant (cf. comp.) MBh. Pacat.; (in phil.) gross, tangible, material (opp. to {sUkSma}, `" subtle "'; cf. {sthUlazarIra}); m. Artocarpus Integrifolia L.; N. of one of

S'iva's attendants L.; m. n. g. {ardharcA7di}; ({A}) f. Scindapsus Officinalis L.; Cucumis Utilissimus L.; large cardamoms L.; n. `" the gross body "' (= {sthUla-z-}) Up. MBh. &c.; sour milk, curds L.; = {kUTa} L.; a heap, quantity W.; a tent (prob. for 1. {sthula}) ib. sthuulashariira = (bahuvriihi) big-bodied stuta = praised stuti = praise stutiH = praise stutibhiH = with prayers stuva.nti = praise, flatter stuvAna* mfn. praising (Sy. `" being praised "'). see root, col. 1 stuvanti = are singing hymns stenaH = thief steya = robbery stoka = (adj) little bit, small amount

stotra = hymn stotraM = hymn stotre = in composing a hymn styana = sloth straiNa* = mf({I})n. female, feminine RV. &c. &c.; relating or belonging to women, subject to or ruled by women, being among wwomen Kv. BhP.; worthy of a woman L.; n. womankind, the female sex AV. &c. &c.; the nature of wwomen Uttarar. BhP. stra.nsate = is slipping stravati = (1 pp) to flow striyaH = women stri* = (?) = 2. {stR}, a star (q.v.) strI* = f. (perhaps for {sUtrI}, or {sotrI}, `" bearer of children "', fr. 2. {sU}; accord. to some connected with Lat. {sator}; nom. {strI4}; acc. in later language also {strIm} and {strIs} pl.) a woman, female, wife RV. &c. &c.; the female of any animal (e.g. {zAkhA-mRga-strI}, `" a female

monkey "') S'Br. MBh.; a white ant L.; the Priyangu plant L.; (in gram.) the feminine gender Nir. S'Br. &c.; a kind of metre Col. striyashcharitraM = the characater of a woman strii = (f) woman striikaaraka = Significator of wife or partner Venus striishhu = by the womanhood. su = good, used as a prefix subhaaga *= mf(%{A4}) n. fortunate , wealthy , rich RV. ; (%{A}) f. N. of a daughter of Raudra1s3va VP. subhaga *= mf(%{A}) n. possessing good fortune , very fortunate or prosperous , lucky , happy , blessed , highly favoured RV. &c. &c. ; beautiful , lovely , charming , pleasing , pretty (voc. %{subhaga} and %{subhage} , often in friendly address) ib. ; nice (ironical) Va1s. (= %{zobhanapazu} Sch.) ; liked , beloved , dear (as a wife) AV. MBh. R. ; delicate , slender , thin Car. ; (ifc.) suitable for S3ak. (v.l.) ; (%{am}) ind. beautifully , charmingly Megh. ; greatly , in a high degree (v.l. for %{sutarAm}) S3ak. ; m. N. of S3iva S3ivag. ;

borax L. ; Michelia Champaka L. ; Jonesia Asoka L. ; red Amaranth L. ; N. of a son of Subala MBh. ; (%{A}) f. good fortune (in this sense the loc. %{Asu} seems to be used) Pan5cavBr. ; a beloved or favourite wife R. (cf. comp.) ; a five-year-old girl representing Durga1 at festivals L. ; musk L. ; N. of various plants (a species of Musa ; Glycine Debilis ; Cyperus Rotundus &c.) L. ; (in music) a partic. Ra1gin2i1 Sam2gi1t. ; N. of a daughter of Pra1dha1 MBh. ; of one of the Ma1tr2is attending on Skanda ib. ; of a kind of fairy Buddh. ; (%{am}) n. good fortune ; bitumen L. MW. ; %{-M-karaNa} (%{ga4M-}) mf(%{I})n. making happy AV. ; charming , enchanting Ra1jat. ; n. fascinating , winning (a woman) Cat. ; %{-tA} f. love , conjugal felicity VarBr2S. ; %{-tva4} n. welfare , prosperity RV. Pa1rGr2. ; favour , dearness (esp. of a wife) VarBr2S. Va1s. [1229,3] ; %{-mAnin} mfn. thinking one's self fortunate or pleasing R. Das3. ; %{mbhavinSNu} mfn. becoming fortunate or pleasing Pa1n2. 3-2 , 57 ; %{-m-bhAvuka} mfn. id. ib. Dhu1rtas. ; %{-m-manya} mfn. (= %{-mAnin}) Das3. (%{-bhAva} m. `" self-conceit , vanity "' Megh.) ; %{-saMdeza} m. N. of a poem by Na1ra1yan2a ; %{-gA7kheTa-bhUmi} mfn. having fine hunting-grounds (%{-tva} n.) Katha1s. ; %{gA-tanaya} m. the son of a beloved wife or of an honoured mother R. ; %{-gA7nanda} m. N. of a Prahasana (%{-nAtha} m. N. of an author Cat.) ; %{-gA7rcana-candrikA} f. %{-gA7rcA-ratna} n. N.

of wks. ; %{-gA-suta} m. (= %{-gA-tanaya}) L. ; %{go7daya} m. `" rise of prosperity "'N. of wk. (also %{-ya-darpaNa} , m.).\\ %{-bhaGga} &c. see p. 1229 , cols. 2 , 3. subhagaya *= Nom. P. %{-yati} , to make beautiful , adorn BhP. sucira mfn. very long (ibc., %{am}, %{Aya}, and %{ena}, `" for a very long time, a good while "'; %{at}, `" after a very long time "') MBh. R. &c.; %{zrama} m. fatigue or exertion for a very long time BhP.; %{-rA7yus} mfn. `" having a very long life "', a god, divinity L.; %{-rA7rpita} mfn. fixed or directed for a long time Amar.; %{-ro7tsuka} mfn. anxious or desirous for a long ttime Katha1s.; %{ro7Sita} mfn. one who has dwelt or stayed for a long ttime R. 2 sucIrA see %{-cArA}. sudhiti * mfn. = {svadhiti}, an axe, hatchet, knife L. [1226, 2] su-dhita: * =({su4-}) mfn. (for {sudhita} see p. 1226, col. 1) well placed or fixed RV.; well ordered or arranged or contrived ib. TBr.; well prepared or served, ready (as food) RV.; fixed upon, meant, intended ib.; well-disposed, kind, benevolent ib. VS.


sudhita * = mfn. (for {su-dhita} see p. 1225, col. 3) nectar-like sudars'ana * = mf(%{A})n. easily seen by (instr.) Vop.; good-looking, beautiful, handsome, lovely MBh. R. &c.; m. `" keen-sighted "', a vulture L.; a fish Bhpr.; (in music) a kind of composition Sam2gi1t.; N. of S3iva MBh.; of a son of Agni and Sudars3ana1 ib.; of a Vidya1-dhara BhP.; of a Muni ib.; of a Buddha Lalit.; of a patriarch Buddh.; of a serpent-demon ib.; of a Cakravartin ib.; of one of the 9 Jaina S3ukla-balas or Bala-devas L.; of the father of the 18th Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i1 L.; of a king of Ma1lava MBh.; of a king of Ujjayini1 Cat.; of a king of Pa1t2ali-putra Hit.; of a son of S3an3khana R.; of a son of Artha-siddhi Hariv.; of a son of Dhruva-sam2dhi Ragh.; of a son of Dadhici Cat.; of a son of Aja-mid2ha Hariv.; of a son of Bharata BhP.; of a son-in-law of Pratika ib.; of a gambler Katha1s.; of various authors &c. (also with %{AcArya}, %{kavi}, %{bhaTTa}, %{sUri} &c.) Cat.; of a Jambu1 tree MBh.; of a mountain TA1r. MBh. Ka1ran2d2.; of a Dvipa MBh.; m. n. N. of the %{cakra} or circular weapon of Vishn2uKr2ishn2a (or `" the disc of the sun "') MBh. Ka1v. &c.; of a mystical staff (carried by Sam2nya1sins as a defence against evil spirits, and consisting of a bamboo with six knots) RTL. xxi; (%{A4}) f. a handsome woman, a woman W.; a night in the light

half of a month TBr.; an order, command L.; Coculus Tomentosus L.; a sort of spirituous liquor L.; N. of a daughter of Duryodhana and Narmada1 MBh.; of a princess Pan5cat.; of a Gandharva maiden Ka1ran2d2.; of a lotus pond R.; of a Jambu1 tree MBh.; of Indra's city Amara1vati1 Cat.; of a Comm. on the Tantra-ra1ja; (%{I}) f. N. of Indra's city (also %{-nI-nagara}) DivyA7v.; (%{am}) n. (cf. m.) a partic. powder composed of various substances Bhpr.; N. of Indra's city; of a Tirtha BhP.; %{-kavaca} n. %{-kAla-prabhA} f. N. of wks.; %{-cakra} n. Vishnu's discus Cat.; %{cUrNa} n. `" beautiful powder "', a medicinal compound used in fevers S3a1rn3gS.; %{-jvAlamantra} m. N. of a Mantra; %{-dvIpa} n. Jambudvi1pa MW.; %{-nRsiMhA7rAdhana} n. %{paJjaro7paniSad} f. %{-pAJcajanya-pratiSThA} f. N. of wks.; %{prIti-kara} m. N. of a Kim2-nara prince Buddh.; %{-bhASya} n. %{-mantra} m. %{mahA-mantra} m. %{-mAhAtmya} n. %{mImAMsA} f. %{-vijaya} m. %{-zataka} n. %{-SaDakSara} n. %{-saMhitA} f. %{-sampAta} m. %{sahasra-nAman} n. %{-sukarNaka-carita} f. %{stava} m. %{-stotra} n.; %{-nA7di-yantra-vidhi} m. %{-nA7rAdhana} n. %{-nA7rAdhana-krama}, m. %{-nA7STaka} m. N. of wks.; %{-no7paniSad} f. N. of an Upani. shad. [1224,3] sudati = woman

sudhi * = see %{-dhI}. sudhii * = f. good sense or understanding , intelligence Subh. ; (%{-dhI4}) mfn. (nom. %{Is} , %{i}) having a good understanding , wise , clever , sensible R. Katha1s. &c. ; religious , pious RV. ; m. a wise or learned man , Pandit , teacher L. ; %{candrikA} f. N. of wk. ; %{--ndra-yati} (%{dhI7ndr-}) m. N. of an author ; %{-mayUkha} m. %{-vAda} m. %{-vilocana} n. %{-vilocana-sAra} m. %{-zRGgAra} m. N. of wks. ; %{-dhy-upA7sya} see %{suddhyup-} (s.v.) -1.\\ &c. see p. 1225 , col. 3. sudhiikR * = P. %{-karoti} , to change into nectar Naish. sudhiira* = mfn. very considerate or wise MW. -2. sudhiira * = mfn. very firm or resolute Pan5cat. (v.l.) sudhita * = (%{su4-}) mfn. (for %{sudhita} see p. 1226 , col. 1) well placed or fixed RV. ; well ordered or arranged or contrived ib. TBr. ; well prepared or served , ready (as food) RV. ; fixed upon , meant , intended ib. ; well-disposed , kind , benevolent ib. VS. sudhita * = mfn. (for %{su-dhita} see p. 1225 , col.

3) nectar-like BhP. sudhiti * = mfn. = %{svadhiti} , an axe , hatchet , knife L. [1226,2] suduraachaaraH = one committing the most abominable actions sudurdarshaM = very difficult to see sudurlabhaH = very rare to see sudushhkaraM = difficult sudhaa = Nectar sudhaaM = (fem.Acc. Sing.)nectar sudhaakar = Moon sudhaakhaNDaH = (m) chalk sugandhiM = one that has a nice fragrance sugriiv sudaama * = m. `" giving well "'N. of a cowherd attendant on Kriishna Pacar.; pl. N. of a people (v.l. for {su-dAsa}) R.; ({A}) f. N. of one of the Mtriis attendant on Skanda MBh.; of a river (in

the north of India) R. eshaH = master-sugrIva, the monkey king (literally meaning the one sughoshhamaNipushhpakau = the conches named Sughosa and Manipuspaka suHrid.h = affectionate suhrit.h = to well-wishers by nature suhrd *uhRd * `" good-hearted "', kindhearted "', `" well-disposed "', a friend, ally (also said of planets; {suhRdo janAH}, `" friends "') S'rS. Mn. MBh. &c.; N. of the fourth astrol. mansion VarBriS.; f. a female friend Gobh. Kaus'.; mfn. (only ifc.) fond of, liking or devoted to Blar.; very similar to, closely resembling ib. suhrid.h = (bahuvriihi) friend suhridaM = the benefactor suhridaH = well-wishers sujana = good man sukanya = good virgin

sukara = easy sukumaarau = (two) handsome young lads sukha = happiness sukhaM = easily sukhaH = and happiness sukhataH = for happiness sukhada = the one giving comfort sukhaduHkha = happiness and distress sukhamedhate = happiness, obtains sukhaleshaH = (even a little) happiness sukhasampadaam.h = of the happiness and wealth sukhasya = of happiness sukhaani = happiness thereof sukhaarthinaH = (of) a man seeking happiness sukhaasana = the easy posture

sukhaasanam.h = (n) a reclining chair, rocking chair sukhinaH = happy sukhii = happy sukhe = in happiness sukhena = in transcendental happiness sukheshhu = in happiness s'ukla *= mf(%{A})n. (later form of %{zukra}, for which it is sometimes w.r.) bright, light (with %{pakSa} = %{zukla-p-} q.v.) Ka1tyS3r. Mn. MBh. &c.; white, whitish AitBr. &c. &c.; pure, spotless, unsullied MBh. Ka1v. &c.; m. the bright half of a lunar month or any day in it Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c.; the month Vais3a1kha BhP. (Sch.); white (the colour) L.; mucus, saliva (%{zukla4M-kR}, to spit at) AV.; ricinus or white r L.; Mimusops Hexandra L.; the 37th (or 3rd) year of Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBr2S.; the 24th of the astronomical Yogas. L.; N. of S3iva MBh.; of Vishn2u BhP.; of a son of Havir-dha1na (cf. %{zukra}) Hariv.; of a Muni Cat.; of a king Buddh.; of a mountain BhP.; (%{A}) f. a white cow Ka1tyS3r.; white or candied sugar L.; Euphorbia Antiquorum L.; = %{kAkOlI}

and %{vidArI} L.; N. of Sarasvati1 L.; of a daughter of Sin6ha-hanu Buddh.; of a river BhP.; n. brightness, light MaitrUp.; a white spot, white substance, anything white AV. S3Br. ChUp.; the white of the eye S3Br. R. Sus3r.; a disease of the cornea or white part of the eye (opacity, albugo; cf. %{zukra}) L.; silver L.; fresh butter L. sukritaM = pious activities sukritadushhkrite = good and bad results sukritasya = pious sukritiM = good deed sukritinaH = those who are pious sukritinaaM = of the good-doer sukritii = the man with good deeds sukshma * = mf({A4})n. consisting of good earth VS. (Sch.) sulabha = Easy sulabhaH = very easy to achieve


sumano* = (for {-manas}) in comp.; {--kasa} n. (fr {su-manas} + {okas}) the abode or world of gods (v.l. {-nau9kasa}) Hariv.; {-jJaghoSa} m. N. of a Buddha Lalit.; {--ttarA} f. (fr. {su-manas} + {utt-}) N. of a woman and the story about her Pn. 4-3, 87 Vrtt. 1 Pat.; {-dAman} n. a garland of flowers Mriicch.; {-bhara} mfn. possessing or ornamented with flowers W.; {-bhirAma} mf({A})n. very captivating or agreeable, lovely, charming R.; {mattaka}, m.N. of a man Rjat.; f. {-maya} mf({I})n. `" consisting of flowers "' and `" being of pious disposition "', Srikanthh.; {-mukha} m. N. of a serpentdemon MBh.; {-rajas} n. the pollen of a flower L.; {-raJjinI} f. N. of wk.; {-latA} f. a flowering creeper Sh. sumanorama* = mfn. very charming or lovely R.; ({A}) f. N. of two wks. sumanohara* = mf({A})n. very captivating or charming, beautiful MBh. Pur. [1231,1]; ({A}) f. N. of a Comm. on the Kvya-praks'a. sumanasya = benevolence sumanda * = mfn. very slow or dull; (%{A}) f. N. of a partic. S3akti Pan5car.; (%{-da})%{-buddhi} mfn. very dull-witted or much disheartened MBh.; %{bhAj} mfn. very unfortunate ib.


sumitraa = dasharath's wife, laxmas mother sunaabha * = mfn. having a good nave or centre MBh.; (also %{-bhaka}) having a good handle R.; m. a partic. spell recited over weapons ib.; N. of a counsellor of Varun2a MBh.; of a son of Dhr2it2ara1sht2ra ib.; of a son of Garud2a ib.; of a brother of Vajra-na1bha Hariv.; of a mountain MBh. R.; (prob.) n. a wheel, discus BhP. su.ndaram.h = the handsome one sundara = beautiful sundariiM = (sundari in objective case) suniyamanaya = with good niyama or GYaana, also with na, ya, ma, na, ya gaNaas sunishchitaM = definitely supakva *= mf(%{A})n. (i.e. 5. %{su+p-}; 2. %{pac}) well-cooked or matured, thoroughly ripe (lit. and fig.) AV. Sus3r. Pan5car.; a sort of fragrant Mango L. suputra = good son supuujitam.h = well worshipped supta = asleep

supta\-jaanu\-shirshhaasana = the supine headknee posture supta\-paschimottanaasana = the supine backstretching posture supta\-paadaangushhThaasana = the supine big toe posture supta\-baddha\-padmaasana = the supine bound lotus posture supta\-vajraasana = the supine thunderbolt posture supra = whitesura = god suragaNaaH = the demigods suraguroH = of Brihaspati (the teacher of Gods) surangikaa = (f) a small tunnel surasanghaaH = groups of demigods suraaNaaM = of the demigods suraapaana = drinking, alcoholism


suratataa* f. godhead MBh.; the rice of gods Cat surata * =; mfn. sporting, playful Un. v, 14 Sch.; compassionate, tender L.; m. N. of a mendicant Buddh.; ({A}) f. a wife Hariv. (Sch.); N. of an Apsaras MBh.; ({am}) n. great joy or delight ib.; (ifc. f. {A}) amorous or sexual pleasure or intercourse, coition Kv. Kaths. &c.; {-keli} f. amorous sport or dalliance Cat.; {-krIDA} f. id. Kaths.; {-gahvarA} f. N. of a Sura7ngan Sinha7s.; {-glAni} f. exhaustion from sexual intercourse Megh.; {-janita} mfn. produced by sexual intintercourse ib.; {-tAlI} f. a female messenger, go-between L.; a chaplet, garland for the head L.; {nivRtti} f. cessation of sexsexual intintercourse Cat.; {-pradIpa} m. a lamp burning during sexsexual intintercourse Kum.; {-prabhA} f. N. of a woman Kaths.; {-prasaGga} m. addiction to sexsexual intintercourse MW.; {-prasaGgin} mfn. addicted to sexsexual intintercourse Riitus.; {-priya} mfn. id. VarBriS.; N. of a woman Dhrtas.; {-bandha} m. a kind of coition L.; {bheda} m. a kind of ccoition Cat.; {-maJjarI} f. N. of a daughter of the Vidy-dhara Matanga-deva and of the 16th Lambaka of the Kath-sarit-sgara (called after her); {-mRdita} mfn. worn out by sexual intintercourse Bhartri.; {-raGgin} mfn. (for {sura-t-} see p. 1234, col. 2), delighting in or addicted to sexual intercourse Subh.; {-varNana} n.

description of sexsexual intercourse Cat.; {vArarAtri} f. a night fit for sexsexual intintercourse Ragh.; {-vidhi} m. performance or rule or mode of sex intintercourse VarBriS.; {vizeSa} m. a partic. kind of sexsexual intintercourse Kir.; {-vyApArajAta-zrama} mfn. wearied by addiction to sexsexual intintercourse Subh.; {-sambhoga} m. enjoyment of sexsexual intintercourse Vet.; {-saukhya} n. the pleasure of sexsexual intintercourse ib.; {-stha} mfn. engaged in sexsexual intintercourse Kaths.; {to7tsava} m. the joy of sexual intintercourse Subh.; {-to7tsuka} mfn. desirous of sexsexual intintercourse VarBriS.; {-to7pacAra-kuzala} mfn. skilled in sexsexual intintercourse ib. sures'a * = m. a lord of the gods BhP. ; N. of a partic. god MBh. ; of a partic. Agni (son of Tapas) ib. ; of Indra VarBr2S. Katha1s. BhP. ; of Vishn2uKr2ishn2a Cat. ; of S3iva S3ivag. ; of a place Pan5car. ; (%{I}) f. N. of Durga1 Ca1n2. ; %{-loka} m. Indra's world BhP. surendra = king of gods surkiMsijan.h = (m) what happens to some babies' weewees surya = A name for the Sun

suryodaya = sun-rise sushiila = of good character sushiilatva = good character sus'ruNa * = mfn. obtaining good hearing (Sy. `" very famous "') RV. sushumnaa = the spinal cord sushhuptiH = deep sleeping sushhuptii\-avasthaa = the state of the mind in dreamless sleep susukhaM = very happy sus'loka* = (%{su4-}) mf(%{A})n. well sounding or speaking VS. TBr. &c.; of good renown, famous, celebrated BhP. susmita = endowed with good smiles suta = son suta * = 1 mfn. impelled, urged S'Br.; allowed, authorized ib. \\2 mfn. pressed out, extracted; m. (sg. and pl., once n. in ChUp. 12, 1) the expressed

Soma. Juice, a Soma libation RV. AV. S'Br. ChUp. BhP. \\3 mfn. begotten, brought forth; m. (ifc. f. {A}) a son, child, offspring ({sutau} du. = `" son and daughter "') Mn. MBh. &c.; a king L.; N. of the 5th astrological house VarBriS.; N. of a son of the 10th Manu Hariv.; ({A}) f. see below. sutaa = daughter* = f. (ifc. f. {A}) a daughter Mn. MBh. &c.; the plant Alhagi Maurorum L. suurata * = mfn. (for {su-r-}) well disposed towards, compassionate, tender Un. v, 14; tranquil, calm ib.; ({A}) f. a tractable cow suu = to produce suuchanaa = suggestion suuchi = (fem) needle, pointer suuchikaa = (f) safety pin suuchii = (f) (sewing) needle suukta = good words suurya * = m. the sun or its deity (in the Veda the name Su1rya is generally distinguished from Savitr2i [q.v.] , and denotes the most concrete of

the solar gods , whose connection with the luminary is always present to the poet's mind [1243,2] ; in Nir. vii , 5 he is regarded as one of the original Vedic triad , his place being in the sky , while that of Agni is on the earth , and that of Indra is in the atmosphere ; ten hymns in the RV. are entirely in praise of Su1rya , e. g. i , 50 , i , 115 &c. , also AV. xiii , 2 ; he moves through the sky in a chariot drawn by seven ruddy horses or mares [see %{saptA7zva} , %{harit} , %{harid-azva}] ; in the later mythology Su1rya is identified with Savitr2i as one of the 12 A1dityas or emblems of the Sun in the 12 months of the year , and his seven-horsed chariot is said to be driven by Arun2a or the Dawn as its charioteer , who is represented without legs ; the Sun , whether named Su1rya or Vivasvat , has several wives see %{sUryA} below) RV. &c. &c. (cf. IW. 11 ; 16 &c. RTL. 341) ; a symbolical expression for the number `" twelve "' (in allusion to the sun in the 12 signs of the zodiac) Jyot. Hcat. ; the swallow-wort (either Calotropis or Asclepias Gigantea , = %{arka}) L. ; N. of the son of Bali L. ; of a Da1nava VahniP. ; of an astronomer (= %{sUrya-dAsa}) Cat. ; epithet of S3iva MBh. ; (%{A4}) f. the wife of Su1rya or the Sun (also called Sam2jn5a1 , q.v.) ; the daughter of Su1rya or the Sun (see RV. i , 116 , 17 ; also described as daughter of Praja1pati or of Savitr2i and wife of the As3vins , and in other places as married to Soma ; in RV. i , 119 , 2 she is called U1rja1ni1 , and in vi , 55 , 4 , vi ,

58 , 4 the sister of Pu1shan [q.v.] , who is described as loving her , and receiving her as a gift from the gods ; accord. to some she represents a weak manifestation of the Sun ; Su1rya1 Sa1vitri1 is regarded as the authoress of the Su1rya1-su7kta RV. x , 85) RV. AV. AitBr. Kaus3. ; = %{vAc} Naigh. i , 11 ; = %{sUryA-sU7ktA} (q.v.) S3a1n3khGr2. ; a new bride ; a drug L. ; the colocynth or bitter gourd L. ; mfn. solar (perhaps w.r. for %{saurya}) Jyot. [For cognate words see under 2. %{sva4r}.] suuta = the chariot driver suutaputraH = Karna suutra = a thread suutrachakram.h = (n) spinning wheel, charkha suutrikaa = (f) noodles suutre = on a thread suuyate = manifests suurya = sun suuryaH = the sun


suuryakaanta = Effulgent like Sun suuryagrihe = in the home of sun(during the solar eclipse) suurya\-namaskaara = the homage to the sun posture suuryanaaraayaNa = used for addressing Sun suuryavarchasvii = with the prowess and brilliance of sun suuryashcha = sun + and suuryaastaH = (m) sunset suuryodayaH = (m) sunrise suukshma = minute, extremely small, keen suukshmatvaat.h = on account of being subtle suukshmadarshakam.h = (n) microscope suukshmashariira = the astral body suuya * = n. extraction of the Soma-juice, libation, sacrifice (cf. {rAja-s-}) MBh.

suvaasas * = mfn. having beautbeautiful garments, well dressed RV. &c. &c.; well feathered (as an arrow) MBh. suyama * = mf({A})n. easy to be guided, tractable (as a horse &c.) RV. TBr.; easy to be restrained or controlled or kept in order, well regulated RV. AV. VS.; m. pl. a partic. class of gods BhP.; ({A}) f. the Priyangu plant L. su-yaama4 * = mfn. binding or restraining well (as reins) RV.; m. N. of a Deva-putra Lalit.; pl. a partic. class of gods MB suvarNakaaraH = (m) goldsmith suvipulaM = great, in bulk suviruuDha = strongly su-vrit-tattva = the principle of goodness suvyavasthitaa = well organised suGYaanaaya = (instr.S) thro'good knowledge suta * = 1 mfn. impelled, urged S'Br.; allowed, authorized ib. \\ 2 mfn. pressed out, extracted; m. (sg. and pl., once n. in ChUp. 12, 1) the expressed

Soma. Juice, a Soma libation RV. AV. S'Br. ChUp. BhP. \\3 mfn. begotten, brought forth; m. (ifc. f. {A}) a son, child, offspring ({sutau} du. = `" son and daughter "') Mn. MBh. &c.; a king L.; N. of the 5th astrological house VarBriS.; N. of a son of the 10th Manu Hariv.; ({A}) f. see below. sutaa * = f. (ifc. f. {A}) a daughter Mn. MBh. &c.; the plant Alhagi Maurorum L. suucaka * =mf(%{ikA})n. pointing out, indicating, showing, designating MBh. Ka1v. &c.; pointing to (acc.) Hariv.; informing, betraying, treacherous Car.; m. a denouncer, informer Mn. MBh. &c.; (the following only in L.) the manager or chief actor of a company; a narrator, teacher; the son of an A1yogava and a Kshatriya1; a Buddha; a Siddha; demon, imp; villain, dog; jackal; cat; crow; needle; balustrade, parapet; kind of rice. suukshma * = mf({A})n. (prob. connected with {sUci}, p. 1241, col. 1) minute, small, fine, thin, narrow, short, feeble, trifling, insignificant, unimportant (with {artha} m. `" a trifling matter "' ) Yj. MBh. &c.; acute, subtle, keen (understanding or mental operation; {am} ind.) KathhUp. R. &c.; nice, exact, precise Col.; subtle, atomic, intangible Up. Snkhyak. MBh. &c.; m. a partic. figure of rhetoric (`" the subtle expression of

an intended act "') Cat.; (with S'aivas) one who has attained a certain grade of emancipation Hcat.; a mystical N. of the sound {I} Up.; N. of S'iva MBh.; of a Dnava ib. Hariv.; m. or n. an atom, intangible matter Snkhyak. Sarvad. MBh. &c.; the subtle allpervading spirit, Supreme Soul L.; the Kataka or clearing-nut plant L.; = {kRtaka}, or {kaitava} L.; ({A}) f. sand L.; small cardamoms L.; N. of two plants (= {yUthikA} or {karuNI}) L.; of one of the 9 S'aktis of Vishnu L.; ({am}) n. the cavity or socket of a tooth Vishn.; woven silk L.; marrow L.; the Veda7nta philosophy L. suunrita* = mf(%{A}) n. joyful, glad RV.; friendly, kind Mn. (iii, 150) MBh. &c.; pleasant and true (in this sense supposed to be fr. 5. %{su} + %{Rta}) Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.; (%{A}), E see below; (%{am}) n. joy, gladness, delight RV. AV.; (with Jainas) pleasant and true speech (one of the five qualities belonging to right conduct) Sarvad. suunritaa* = f. gladness, joy, exultation, song of joy, glee (instr. pl. `" joyfully "') RV. TS. Pa1rGr2.; kindness, friendliness, kind and true speech Kat2hUp. MBh. &c. [1242,3]; truth (opp. to %{anRta}) personified as a goddess RV. AV. &c.; the wife of Dharma BhP.; a daughter of Dharma and wife of Utta1na-pa1da Hariv. VP.; of an Apsaras L.


suuta * = 1 mfn. urged, impelled &c. (cf. 3. {sUta}, p. 1241, col. 2, 1. {suta}, and {nR-SUta}). \\2 mfn. (for 3. see p. 1241, col. 2) born, engendered (see {su-SUta}); one that has, brought forth (young) Mn. VarBriS.; m. quicksilver S'rngS. Sarvad.; the sun W.; ({A}) f. a woman who has given birth to a child MW.; a young quadruped L.; w.r. for {sutA} Pacat. iii, 192/193. \\ 3 m. (of doubtful derivation, prob. to be connected with 1. {sU}; for 1. 2. {sUta} see pp. 1239 and 1240) a charioteer, driver, groom, equerry, master of the horse (esp. an attendant on a king who in earlier literature is often mentioned together with the {grAma-NI4}; in the epics also a royal herald or bard, whose business was to proclaim the heroic actions of the king and his ancestors, while he drove his chariot to battle, or on state occasions, and who had therefore to know by heart portions of the epic poems and ancient ballads; he is the son of a Kshatriya by a Brhman or of a Brhman [accord. to S's'vata also of a S'dra] and a Kshatriy; the most celebrated S'ta was Loma-harshana who was a pupil of Vysa) AV. &c. &c. (IW. 510 n.); a carpenter or wheelwright L.; N. of a son of Vis'vmitra MBh.; ({yA}) f. g. {krauDy-Adi}; ({I}) f. the wife of a Sta MW.; a female bard ib. suutra* = n. (accord. to g. {ardhacA7di} also m.; fr. {siv}, `" to sew "', and connected with {sUci} and

{sUnA}) a thread, yarn, string, line, cord, wire AV. &c. &c.; a measuring line (cf. {-pAta}) Hariv. VarBriS. &c.; the sacred thread or cord worn by the first three classes (cf. {yajJo7pavIta}) BhP.; a girdle ib.; a fibre Klid.; a line, stroke MBh. VarBriS. Gol.; a sketch, plan Rjat.; that which like a thread runs through or holds together everything, rule, direction BhP.; a short sentence or aphoristic rule, and any work or manual consisting of strings of such rules hanging together like threads (these Stra works form manuals of teaching in ritual, philosophy, grammar &c.: e.g. in ritual there are first the S'rauta-su7tras, and among them the Kalpa-su7tras, founded directly on S'ruti q.v.; they form a kind of rubric to Vedic ceremonial, giving concise rules for the performance of every kind of sacrifice [IW. 146 &c.]; other kinds of SS'ruti works are the Griihya-stras and Smaycrika or Dharma-stras i.e. `" rules for domestic ceremonies and conventional customs "', sometimes called collectively Smrta-stras [as founded on {smRti} or `" tradition "' see {smArta}]; these led to the later DharmaS'stras or `" law-books "' [IW. 145]; in philosophy each system has its regular text-book of aphorisms written in Stras by its supposed founder [IW. 60 &c.]; in Vykarana or grammar there are the celebrated Stras of Pnini in eight books, which are the groundwork of a vast grammatical literature; with Buddhists, Ps'upatas &c. the term

Stra is applied to original text books as opp. to explanatory works; with Jainas they form part of the Driishthivda) IW. 162 &c.; a kind of tree DivyA7v. suunrita* = mf({A}) n. joyful, glad RV.; friendly, kind Mn. (iii, 150) MBh. &c.; pleasant and true (in this sense supposed to be fr. 5. {su} + {Rta}) Yj. MBh. &c.; ({A}), E see below; ({am}) n. joy, gladness, delight RV. AV.; (with Jainas) pleasant and true speech (one of the five qualities belonging to right conduct) Sarvad. suunritaa* = f. gladness, joy, exultation, song of joy, glee (instr. pl. `" joyfully "') RV. TS. PrGri.; kindness, friendliness, kind and true speech KathhUp. MBh. &c. [1242, 3]; truth (opp. to {anRta}) personified as a goddess RV. AV. &c.; the wife of Dharma BhP.; a daughter of Dharma and wife of Uttna-pda Hariv. VP.; of an Apsaras L. sva* = 1 mf({A4})n. own, one's own, my own, thy own, his own, her own, our own, their own &c. (referring to all three persons accord. to context, often ibc., but generally declinable like the pronominal {sarva} e.g. {svasmai} dat. {svasmAt} abl. [optionally in abl. loc. sing. nom. pl. e.g. {taM svAd AsyAd asRjat}, `" he created him from his own mouth "' Mn. i, 94]; and always like s'iva when

used substantively [see below]; sometimes used loosely for `" my "', `" thy "', `" his "', `" our "' [e.g. {rAjA bhrAtaraM sva-grIham pre7SayAm-Asa}, `" the king sent his brother to his (i.e. the brother's) house "']; in the oblique cases it is used as a reflexive pronoun = {Atman}, e.g. {svaM dUSayati}, `" he defiles himself "'; {svaM nindanti}, `" they blame themselves "') RV. &c. &c.; m. one's self, the Ego, the human soul W.; N. of Vishnu MBh.; a man of one's own people or tribe, a kinsman, relative, relation, friend ({svAH}, `" one's own relations "', `" one's own people "') AV. &c. &c.; ({A}) f. a woman of one's own caste MBh.; ({am}) n. (ifc. f. {A}), one's self, the Ego (e.g. {svaM ca brahma ca}, `" the Ego and Brahman "'); one's own goods, property, wealth, riches (in this sense said to be also m.) RV. &c. &c.; the second astrological mansion VarBriS.; (in alg.) plus or the affirmative quantity W. [Cf. Gk. $; Lat. {se}, {sovos}, {suus}; &385055[1275,1] Goth. {sik}; Germ. {sich} &c.] (N. B. in the following comp. {o} own stands for one's own). sva* = 2 Nom. P. {svati} (pf. {svAm-Asa}) = {sva ivA7carati}, he acts like himself or his kindred Vop. xxi, 7. svaa* = in comp. for {svar}. -2.


svaabhaava * = m. own non-existence Nlak. svaabhaavika mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{svabhAva}) belonging to or arising from one's own nature , natural , native , spontaneous , original , peculiar , inherent (%{-tva} n.) Up. MBh. &c. ; m. pl. N. of a Buddhistic school (cf. Buddhac. ix , 48 ; 51). svaabhaaviketara mf(%{A})n. not natural or inherent Sa1h. svaagatakaxaH = (m) drawing room svaada = (m) taste svaadate = (1 ap) to taste svaadishhTaH = (m) delicious, tasty svaadu = sweet svaadhiina = dependent on the self svaadhyaaya = self-study svaadhyaayaH = study of Vedic literature svaadhyaaya* = m. reciting or repeating or rehearsing to oone's self, repetition or recitation

of the Veda in a low voice to oone's self S'Br. &c. &c.; repeating the VVeda aloud (acc. with caus. of 1. {zru}, `" to cause the VVeda to be repeated aloud "') Mn. iii, 232; recitation or perusal of any sacred texts W.; the Veda L.; a day on which sacred recitation is resumed after its suspension MW.; N. of wk.; mfn. studying the VVeda ({-tama}, perhaps w.r. for {svA7dhyAyi-t-}) DivyA7v.; {dhRk} mfn. one who repeats or recites the VVeda past.; {-brAhmaNa} n. N. of ch. in the Taittiriya7ranyaka; {-vat} mfn. (= {-dhRk}) Yj. MBh. Hariv.; m. a repeater or student of the VVeda W.; {-yAyA7rthin} m. one who seeks a maintenance for himself during his studentship Mn.xi, 1. 2. svaadhyaaya* = Nom. P. {-yAyati}, to study, recite, read to (acc.) DivyA7v. SaddhP. svaadhyaayaanmaa = sva + adhyAyAt.h + mA:fromone's learning + dot svaaM = of Myself svaami = master* = in comp. for {svAmin}. svaamii = the master svaamin* = (Hit.) m. lion or lord among bbird "'N. of Garuda. [574,2]\\ see p. 1284, col. 1. \\ m.

(fr. 1. {sva} + {min}) an owner, proprietor, master, lord or owner of (gen. loc., or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.; a chief, commander (of an army) Vikr. Subh.; a husband, lover (du. `" husband and wife "') past. Mn. MBh. &c.; a king, prince (in dram. used as a form of address = {deva}); a spiritual preceptor, learned Brhman or Pandit (used as a title at the end of names, esp. of natives of the Carnatic); the image or temple of a god (often ifc.; see {zrIdhara}, {viSNu-sv-} &c.); N. of Skanda Yj. i, 293; of Vishnu L.; of S'iva L.; of Garuda L.; of the Muni Vtsyyana L.; of the 11th Arhat of the past Utsarpin L.; of various authors (also with {mizra} and {zAstrin}; sometimes abridged from names ending in {svAmin} e.g. for {kSIra-} and {zabarasvAmin}) Cat.; ({inI}) f. see next. svaana m. (cf. 3. %{su}, p. 1219) sounding, making a noise, rattling (as a chariot), Panting (as a horse) RV.; m. sound, noise, rattle ib.; twang (of a bowstring) S3is3.; N. of one of the seven guardians of Soma VS. svaapa = (m) sleep svaaraajya = `self-rule', i.e., not being subordinate someone else svaartha = one's own ends* = m. oone's own affair

or cause, personal matter or advantage, selfinterest, oone's own aim or object (also pl.) MaitrUp. MBh. R. &c.; oone's own property or substance MW.; own or original meaning Sh. Veda7ntas. TPrt. Sch.; similar meaning (prob. for {sA7rtha}), a pleonasm MW.; = {liGgA7rthavizeSa} L.; mf({A})n. directed to oone's self egoistical ({-tA} f.) Kum. Tarkas. &c.; adapted to (its) purpose Car.; having one's object, expressing (its) own inherent or true meaning, havhaving a natural or literal meaning, havhaving a similar mmerits (= {sA7rtha}), pleonastic MW.; ({am} or {e}) ind. on oone's own account, for oone's self Kv. Kaths. KapS. &c.; {-paNDita} mfn. clever in oone's own affairs MBh.; {-para} mfn. intent on oone's own advantage, self-interested S'is'. ({-tA} f. `" selfishness "' MW.); {-parA7yaNa} mfn. id. MW.; {-prayatna} m. a self-interested project Ratna7v.; {-bhAj} mfn. managing one's own affairs HParis'.; {-bhraMzin} mfn. ruinous to oone's own interests Pacat.; {-lipsu} mfn. wishing to gain oone's own object, self-seeking MW.; {-vighAta} m. frustration of one's object ib.; {-sAdhaka} mfn. effective of or promoting one's own object Cn. BhP. Nir.; {-sAdhana} n. accomplishment of one's own object or desire Mn. Rjat.; ({-na}) {-tatpara} mfn. intent upon it Mn. iv, 196; {-siddhi} f. (= {sAdhana}) Rjat.; {-thA7numAna} n. `" inference for oone's self "', (in log.) a partic. process of induction MW.; {-the74t} mfn. attending to one's

own affairs TS.; {-tho7papatti} f. the gaining oone's own object Ragh. svaarthii = adj. self-centered s'vaasa * = m. hissing, snorting, panting R. Katha1s. BhP.; respiration, breath (also as a measure of time = %{prA7Na}, %{asu}) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; breathing or aspiration (in the pronunciation of consonants) RPra1t., Introd.; inspiration Sarvad.; sighing, a sigh S3ak. Sa1h.; affection of the breath, hard breathing, asthma (of which there are five kinds, viz. %{kSudra}, %{tamaka}, %{chinna}, %{mahat}, and %{Urdhva}) Sus3r.; (%{A}) f. N. of the mother of S3vasana (the god of wind) MBh.; Convolvulus Turpethum L.; %{-karma-prakAza} m. N. of wk. svaas'ishaatman * = mfn. (%{AziSA} instr. of %{Azis}) thinking only of oone's own wishes BhP svaati = The fifteenth nakshatra. Can be spelt Svati svaayatta = dependent only one onself sva = Self svabhaava = nature, personal mental attributes, habit, existence* = m. (ifc. f. {A}) native place

Vishn.; own condition or state of being, natural state or constitution, innate or inherent disposition, nature, impulse, spontaneity; ({-vAt} or {-vena} or {-va-tas} or ibc.), from natural disposition, by nature, naturally, by oone's self, spontaneously) S'vetUp. Mn. MBh. &c.; {-kRta} mfn. done by nature, natural VarBriS.; {-kRpaNa} m. `" naturally mean "'N. of a Brhman Pacat.; {ja} mfn. produced by natural disposition, innate, natural R. Sh. &c.; {-janita} mfn. id. Kv.; {-tas} ind. see above; {-tA} f. (Jtakam.) or {-tva} n. (TPrt. Sch.) the state of innate disposition or nature; {-daurjanya} n. natural or innate wickedness W.; {-dveSa} m. natural hatred L.; {prabhava} mfn. (= {-ja} above) VarBriS.; {-bhAva} m. natural disposition Pacat.; {-vAda} m. the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties MW. [1276, 2]; {-vAdin} m. one who maintains the above doctrine ib.; {-zUra} mfn. possessing natural heroes (others, `" valiant by nature "') Hit.; {siddha} mfn. established by nature, natural, imiate s'vS'r. Bhartri.; self-evident, obvious Ks'.; {vA7rtha-dIpikA} f. N. of Comm.; {-vo7kta} mfn. said or declared spontaneously Yj. Sch.; {vo7kti} f. statement of the exact nature (of anything), accurate description of the properties (of things) Kvya7d. Pratp. &c.; spontaneous declaration A.; {-vo7nnata-bhAva} mfn. high2119

minded by nature ({-tva} n.) Hariv. svabhaavaH = characteristics svabhaavajaM = born of his own nature svabhaavajaa = according to his mode of material nature svabhaavajena = born of your own nature svabhaavaniyataM = prescribed according to one's nature svabhAvikI (prob.) w.r. for %{svAbhAvikaM} Cat. svachakshushhaa = your own eyes svachchha = pure svachchha.ndii = adj. self-absorbed svadesha = one's own country svadhaa* = f. (for {svadhA4} see p. 1280) selfposition, self-power, inherent power (accord. to someN. of Nature or the material Universe; {svadha4yA} `" by self-power "') RV.; own state or condition or nature, habitual state, custom, rule, law RV.; ease, comfort, pleasure ({a4nu

svadhA4m}, {svadhA4m a4nu} or {svadhA4 a4nu}, {svadha4yA}, or {svadhA4bhiH}, `" according to one's habit or pleasure, spontaneously, willingly, easily, freely, undisturbedly, wantonly, sportively "') RV. AV. VS. TBr.; own place, home ({svadhe4} du. `" the two places or homes "', heaven and earth Naigh. iii, 30) ib.; `" own portion or share "', the sacrificial offering due to each god, (esp.) the food or libation, or refreshing drink (cf. 2. {su-dhA}) offered to the Pitriis or spirits of deceased ancestors (consisting of clarified butter &c. and often only a remainder of the Havis; also applied to other oblations or libations, and personified as a daughter of Daksha and wife of the Pitriis or of Angiras or of a Rudra or of Agni) RV. &c. &c.; ({dha4}) ind. (with dat. or gen.) the exclamation or benediction used on presenting (or as a substitute for) the above oblation or libation to the gods or departed ancestors (accord. to Mn. iii, 252 the highest form of benediction at a S'rddha; with {kR}, `" to pronounce the exclamation or benediction {sva-dhA} "'; {svadhA7stu}, `" let there be a blessing on it "' [cf. RTL. 104, n. 1]) RV. &c. &c. svadhaa* = f. (for {sva-dhA} see p. 1278, col. 1) an axe, knife TS. svaahaa* = ind. (prob. fr. 5. {su} and {ah}; cf. {durAhA}) hail! hail to! may a blessing rest on! (with

dat.; an exclamation used in making oblations to the gods; with {kR} [ind. p. {-kA4ram}, or {kRtya}] and acc. `" to pronounce the exclamation Svh over "') RV. &c. &c.; f. an oblation (offered to Agni, Indra &c.) or Oblation personified (as a daughter of Daksha and wife of Agni; she is thought to preside over burnt-offerings; her body is said to consist of the four Vedas, and her limbs are the six Angas or members of the Veda; she is represented also as a wife of the Rudra Pas'u-pati) RV. &c. &c. svadharmaM = your religious duty svadharmaH = one's prescribed duties svadharme = in one's prescribed duties svadhaa = oblation svah= svar *=1 (= %{sur}) cl. 10. P. %{svarayati}, to find fault, blame, censure Dha1tup. xxxv, 11.// 2 (prob. = a lost %{sur}; cf. %{svR}) cl. 1. P. %{svarati}, Caus. %{svarayati}, to shine.// svar // 4 (in Yajur-veda also %{su4var}) ind. (used in Veda as nom acc. loc., or gen., in Naish. vi, 99 also as abl.; from the weak base %{sU4r} the RV. forms the gen. %{sU4ras} and the dat. %{sUre4} [iv, 3, 8]), the sun, sunshine, light, lustre RV. AV. VS.

[1281,2]; bright space or sky, heaven (as distinguished from %{div}, which is regarded as the vault above it; often `" heaven "' as a paradise and as the abode of the gods and the Blest, in AV. also of the Asuras; %{svaH@prayAtaH}, `" gone to heaven "' i.e. `" departed this life "') RV. &c. &c.; the space above the sun or between the sun and the polar star, the region of the planets and constellations (regarded as the 3rd of the 7 worlds [see %{loka}] and the 3rd of the three Vya1hr2itis [i.e. %{bhu4r@bhu4vaH@sva4H}]; %{svar} is pronounced after %{om} and before the Ga1yatri1 by every Bra1hman on beginning his daily prayers) Mn. MBh. &c.; water Naigh. i, 12; N. of S3iva MBh. [Cf. Gk. $; Lat. {sol}; &386838[1281,2] Lith. {sa4ule}; Goth. {sauil}; Angl. Sax. {so7l}.] svaira *= mf(%{A})n. (prob. fr. %{sva} + %{Ira}, `" going, moving "') going where one likes, doing what one likes, self-willed, wilful, independent, unrestrained L.; walking slowly or cautiously Ka1v.; voluntary, optional MW.; (%{am}) n. wilfulness ib.; (%{am}) ind. according to one's own inclination or will or pleasure, of one's own accord, freely, unconstrainedly, easily, spontaneously, at random Vas. MBh. Ka1v. &c., slowly, softly, gently, cautiously Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.; unreservedly, confidingly ib.; (%{eNa}) ind. at will, at random R. BhP.; (%{eSu}) ind. in optional or indifferent

matters MBh. R. svairin *= mfn. going where one likes , free , independent , unrestrained (esp. said of unchaste women) ChUp. MBh. &c. ; (%{iNI}) f. a bat L. svajanaM = kinsmen svakaM = His own svakarma = in his own duty svakarmaNaa = by his own duties svakshetra = Planet in its own sign svaliilayaa = sva+lIlaya, through one's play-like action svalpa = little svalpaM = a little svaM = own svamatipariNaamaavadhi = according to one's intellectual capacity svana *= m. (ifc. f. %{U}) sound, noise (in the older language applied to the roar of wind,

thunder, water &c.; in later llanguage to the song of birds, speech, and sound of any kind cf. Naigh. i, 11) RV. &c. &c.; a partic. Agni MBh.; (%{sva4na}), roaring water VS. TBr.; mfn. ill-sounding L. svanushhThitaat.h = perfectly done svapati = (2pp) to sleep svapan.h = dreaming svapna = dream svapnaM = dreaming svapnaH = dreaming svapnashiilasya = of one who sleeps svapnaavabodhasya = sleep and wakefulness svapnaavasthaa = the state of the mind in a dream svapne = in dream svar (svaha)* = 1 (= {sur}) cl. 10. P. {svarayati}, to find fault, blame, censure Dhtup. xxxv, 11. \\* =2 (prob. = a lost {sur}; cf. {svR}) cl. 1. P. {svarati}, Caus. {svarayati}, to shine.\\ * =4 (in Yajur-veda

also {su4var}) ind. (used in Veda as nom acc. loc., or gen., in Naish. vi, 99 also as abl.; from the weak base {sU4r} the RV. forms the gen. {sU4ras} and the dat. {sUre4} [iv, 3, 8]), the sun, sunshine, light, lustre RV. AV. VS. [1281,2]; bright space or sky, heaven (as distinguished from {div}, which is regarded as the vault above it; often `" heaven "' as a paradise and as the abode of the gods and the Blest, in AV. also of the Asuras; {svaH prayAtaH}, `" gone to heaven "' i.e. `" departed this life "') RV. &c. &c.; the space above the sun or between the sun and the polar star, the region of the planets and constellations (regarded as the 3rd of the 7 worlds [see {loka}] and the 3rd of the three Vyhriitis [i.e. {bhu4r bhu4vaH sva4H}]; {svar} is pronounced after {om} and before the Gyatr by every Brhman on beginning his daily prayers) Mn. MBh. &c.; water Naigh. i, 12; N. of S'iva MBh. [Cf. Gk. $; Lat. {sol}; &386838[1281,2] Lith. {sa4ule}; Goth. {sauil}; Angl. Sax. {so7l}.] svara = sound svara* = or m. (ifc. f. {A}) sound, noise RV. &c. &c. svara* = m. (ifc. f. {A}) sound, noise RV. &c. &c.; voice Mn. MBh. &c.; tone in recitation &c. (either high or low), accent (of which there are three kinds, {udAtta}, {anudAtta} qq. vv., and {svarita}, col. 3), a note of the musical scale (of which seven [rarely

six or eight] are enumerated, 1. {niSAda}; 2. {RSabha}; 3. {gAndhAra}; 4. {SaDja}; 5. {madhyama}; 6. {dhaivata}; 7. {paJcama} [described as resembling respectively the notes of an elephant, bull, goat, peacock, curlew or heron, horse, and Koil [1285, 2]; and designated by their initial letters or syllables thus, {ni}; {R}; {ga}; {Sa}; {ma}; {dha}; {pa}], but the order is sometimes changed, {Sadja} being placed first, and {niSAda} last) Prt. S'rS. Sangt. MBh. &c.; a symbolical expression for the number `" seven "' VarBriS.; a vowel (either {dIrgha}, `" long "'; or {hrasva}, `" short "'; or {pluta}, `" prolated "') Prt. S'rS. MBh. &c.; air breathed through the nostrils ChUp.; N. of Vishnu Vishn.; ({A}) f. N. of the chief wife of Brahm L.; ({am}) n. a musical note Sy. on RV. x, 146, 2; N. of various Smans rshBr. svarbhaaNu *= m. = %{-bhAnu} i.e. Ra1hu HParis3.\\ (%{svA7r-}) m. N. of a demon supposed to eclipse the sun and the moon (in later language applied to Ra1hu or the personified ascending node) RV. &c. &c. ; of a Kas3yapa VP. ; of a son of Kr2ishn2a BhP. ; %{-sUdana} m. `" destroyer of Ra1hu "'N. of the Sun MBh. svarloka* = m. the world of hheaven, a partic. hheaven, the region called Svar (cf. {bhuvar-}, {bhUr-l-}) R. Pur.; N. of mount Meru (also {2127

zikhara}) Das'.; m. an occupant of hheaven, a god, one of the Blest ({-tA} f.) BhP. svaahaa* = ind. (prob. fr. 5. {su} and {ah}; cf. {durAhA}) hail! hail to! may a blessing rest on! (with dat.; an exclamation used in making oblations to the gods; with {kR} [ind. p. {-kA4ram}, or {kRtya}] and acc. `" to pronounce the exclamation Svh over "') RV. &c. &c.; f. an oblation (offered to Agni, Indra &c.) or Oblation personified (as a daughter of Daksha and wife of Agni; she is thought to preside over burnt-offerings; her body is said to consist of the four Vedas, and her limbs are the six Angas or members of the Veda; she is represented also as a wife of the Rudra Pas'u-pati) RV. &c. &c. svaara* = m. sound, noise (of a snorting horse) RV.; tone, accent RPrt.; the Svarita accent TPrt.; mfn. relating to sound or accent MW.; having the Svarita accent; n. a Sman ending with the Svarita accent VS. PacavBr. Lthy. s'van* = 1 m. (nom. sg. du. pl. {zvA}, {zvAnau}, {zvAnas}; weakest base {zun} cf. 2. {zuna} &c., p. 1082; in some comp. {zvA} for {zva} cf. below), a dog, hound, cur RV. &c. &c.; ({zunI4}) f. a female dog. [Cf. Zd. {sp}; Gk. $; Lat. {canis}; Lit. {szu4}; Goth. {hunds}; Eng. {hound}; Germ. {Hund}.]\\ 2

(prob. fr. {zvi}) in {Rji4-}, {durgR4bhi-}, and {mAtari4-zvan}, qq. vv svaruupa = one's true nature svaruupaM = form svarga = heaven svargaM = to heaven svargatiM = passage to heaven svargaparaaH = aiming to achieve heavenly planets svargalokaM = heaven svargaat.h = (Masc.abl.S)heaven svarge = in heaven svargepsu * = mfn. desirous of obtaining hheaven MW. svarna= gold svartha* = mf({A})n. pursuing or serving worthy ends RV.


svaruupa* = n. (ifc. f. {A}) oone's own form or shape, the ffrom or shshape of (gen. or comp.; with or without {zabdasya} or {zabda-sva-r-}, `" a word itself or in its own form "' [opp. to its synonyms or varieties]; with {nAmnAm} = `" names themselves "') MBh. Pacat. BhP. &c. [1276, 3]; own condition, peculiarity, character, nature ({eNa} or ibc., `" by nature "', `" in reality "' `" by itself "') RPrt. NriisUp. Mn. &c.; peculiar aim W.; kind, sort ib.; a partic. relation (in phil. see under {sambandha}) MW.; occurrence, event Campak. Uttamac. Sinha7s.; mfn. having oone's own peculiar form or character MW.; having a like nature or charcharacter, similar, like, S'nkhyak. (w.r. for {sa-r-}); pleasing, handsome (for {sa-r-}) L.; wise, learned L.; m. N. of a Daitya MBh.; of a son of Su-nand MrkP.; of a pupil of Caitanya W.; m. or n. N. of a place Cat.; ({A}) f. N. of a place MW.; {-gata} mfn. endowed with oone's own form or nature, having a like character W.; {-tas} ind. in oone's own form BhP.; according to oone's own fform, analogously, similarly, identically MW.; by nature, in reality, by itself MrkP.; ({-to}, {godAnaprayogaH}N. of wk.); {-tA} f. (or {-tva} n.) the state of oone's own form or nature ({-tayA}, `" literally "', `" in reality "') MBh. BhP. S'ak. Sch. Sh.; the having a natural form, identity of form or nature W.; w.r. for {su-rUpa-tA} Rjat.; {-dhArin} mfn. having one's own form MBh.; {-nirUpaNa} n. {nirNaya} m. {-prakAza} m. N. of wks.; {-bhAva} m.

(a short word) whose essence is of the same efficacy (as that of the full form) Mn. ii, 124; {-vat} mfn. having the form of (comp.) MBh.; {sambandha-rUpa} n. {-sambodhana} n. {sambodhana-paJca-viMzati-vRtti} f. {-rUpA7khya-stotra} n. N. of wks.; {--rUpA7cArya} m. N. of a teacher Cat.; {--rUpA7nusaMdhAna} n. {--rUpA7nusaMdhAna-stotra} n. N. of wks.; {-rUpA7siddhi} f. a form of non-proof (where the quality alleged to belong to a subject is not really proved) Tarkas.; {--rUpo7tpre7kSA} f. a kind of simile Sh. Kuval.; {--rUpo7paniSad} f. N. of an Upanishad. svasa.nvedana = the understanding of oneself svasaH = (f) sister svastha* = mf(%{A})n. self-abiding, being in oone's self (or `" in the self "' Sarvad.), being in one's natural state, being oone's self uninjured, unmolested, contented, doing well, sound well, healthy (in body and mind; often v.l. for %{sustha}), comfortable, at ease (compar. %{-tara}) MaitrUp. &c. &c.; relying upon one's self, confident, resolute, composed W.; self-sufficient, independent ib.; (%{am}) ind. composedly MW.; %{-citta} mfn. sound in mind Ja1takam.; %{-tA} f. well-being, health, ease Pan5cat. HYog.; %{-vRtta}

n. medical treatment of a healthy person Car.; %{thA7riSTa} n. a death-token in a healthy person, As3vav. svasti = all peace * i n. f. (nom. {svasti4}, {-ti4s}; acc. {svasti4}, {-ti4m}; instr. {svasti4}, {-tyA4}; dat. {svasta4ye}; loc. {svastau4}; instr. {svasti4bhis}; also personified as a goddess, and sometimes as Kal cf. {svasti-devI}), well-being, fortune, luck, success, prosperity RV. VS. S'Br. MBh. R. BhP.; ({i4}) ind. well, happily, successfully (also = `" may it be well with thee! hail! health! adieu! be it! "' a term of salutation [esp. in the beginning of letters] or of sanction or approbation) RV. &c. &c svastikaasana = the prosperous posture svastinastaarkshyo = let tArkshya or Garuda do good to us svastirno = good to us svasthaH = being situated in himself svasthaiH = by healthy persons (ie, healthy in minds, their minds being well svasyaH = by his own

svata.ntra = Free svataa *= f. the state of belonging to one's self , ownership (%{-tAm@pazyati} , `" he thinks it belongs to him "' ; %{rAja-svatAm@upapadyate} , `" it accrues to the king's ownership "') S3ak. ; = %{-tva} MW. svatas *= ind. = %{svasmAt} (e.g. %{svato@'MzAt} , `" from oone's own share "' ; %{rakSer@apacAraM@tvaM@svato@vA@parato @'pi@vA} , `" ward off injury from thyself and from others "') Mn. Katha1s. ; of oone's own self , of oone's own accord (applicable to all three persons) MBh. Ragh. Katha1s. &c. ; by nature Katha1s. ; out of (their) own estate Mn. viii , 166 ; (%{ca@svataH} w.r. for %{zAzvataH} Pan5cat. iii , 96) ; %{-tahpramANa} mfn. self-proved , selfevident Sarvad. ; %{-taH-siddha} mfn. sselfaccomplished MW. ; sself-proved , sselfdemonstrated ib. ; %{-tas-tva} n. the being sselfproved Sarvad. svatantra *= n. self-dependence , independence , self-will , freedom Pan5cat. Hit. ; oone's own system or school Sus3r. ; oone's own army ib. ; (with Buddh.) a partic. doctrine of free-will or independence Buddh. ; N. of wk. (also called %{tra-tantra}) ; mf(%{A}) n. self-dependent , self2133

willed , independent , free , uncontrolled (with %{pada} n. `" an indindependent word "') La1t2y. Up. Mn. &c. ; of age , full grown W. ; m. N. of a Cakra-va1ka Hariv. ; %{-tantra} n. see above ; %{tA} f. self-dependence , independence , freedom Mn. MBh. Katha1s. Ma1rkP. ; originality Cat. ; wilfulness W. ; %{-mukha@mardana} n. %{lekhana} n. N. of wks. ; %{-vRtti} f. acting selfreliantly , independent action L. ; %{-sAra}N. of wk. svatejasaa = by Your radiance svayaM = herself svayaMprakaashita = self-illumined like stars(Sun) svayaa = by their ownsvahastaH = Signature svin * = see {zata-svin} and {zrotra-svin}. [1279,1] sviiya * = s mf({A})n. relating or belonging to one's self, own, proper, peculiar, characteristic Kv. Pur. &c.; m. (pl.) one's own people or kindred ib.; ({A}) f. `" one's own wife "', a wife solely attached to her husband Sh. svita * = s n. = {suvita}, welfare, luck VS.


svishthi * = s f. a successful sacrifice AV. TS. Kaus'.; mfn. sacrificing well or with success MBh. svI * = s in comp. for 1. {sva}. svikaa * = s see under {svaka}, p. 1278. svI * = s {svI-karaNa} &c. see p. 1219. col. 1. svid * = s1 ind. (prob. fr. 5. {su} + {id}; cf. {kuvid}) a particle of interrogation or inquiry or doubt, often translatable by `" do you think? "' `" perhaps "', `" pray "', `" indeed "', `" any "' (esp. used after the interrogative {ka} and its derivatives e.g. {kaH svid eSAm brAhmaNAnAm anucAna-tamaH}, `" pray who [or `" who do you think "'] is the most learned of these Brahmans? "' S'Br.; but also without another interrogative e.g. {tvaM svin no yAjJavalkya brakmiSTho 'si}, `" do you think Yjavalkya, you are the greatest Brhman among us? "' ib.; also used after {uta}, {api}, {Aho}, and {utA7ho}, and disjunctively in the first or second or both parts of a double interrogation, thus: {kiMnusvid}; {kiMsvid-svid}; {svid-svid}; {svid-utA7ho}; {nu-svid}; {svid-nu}; {svid-uta}; {svid-vA}; {svidkimu}; {svid-kim-nukim}; sometimes making a preceding interrogative indefinite e.g. {kva4 svid}, `" anywhere "'; {ka4H svid}, `" whoever "', `" any one "'; similarly with {yad} e.g. {yad svid dIyate}, `"

whatever is given "' MaitrS.; sometimes apparently a mere expletive) RV. &c. &c. svid * = 2 cl. 1. . 4. P. (Dhtup. xviii, 4; xxvi, 79) {svedate} or {svidyati} (. {svidyate} Yj.; p. {svidyamAna} Sus'r.; pf. {siSveda} Gr.; {siSvide} MBh.; p. {siSvidAna4} RV.; aor. {asvidat} S'is'.; fut. {svettA}, {svetsyati} Gr.; ind. p. {-svedam} Br.), to sweat, perspire Aitr. ChUp. KtyS'r. MBh. &c.; ({svedate}), to be anointed Dhtup.; to be disturbed (?) ib.: Caus. {svedayati} (aor. {asiSvidat}), to cause to sweat, treat with sudorifics Sus'r.; to foment, soften SmavBr.: Desid. of Caus. {sisvedayiSati}, Gr.: Desid. {sisvitSati} ib.: Intens. {seSvidyate}, {seSvetti} ib. [Cf. Gk. $; Lat. {sdor}, {sUdare}; &387913[1284,3] Angl. Sax. {swa7t}; Eng. {sweat}; Germ. {Schweiss}, {schwitzen}.] svid * = s' (ifc.) sweating, perspiring S'is'. sviikaroti = to accept sviikaara* = m. making one's own, appropriation, claiming, claim BhP. Siddh.; reception Kaths.; assent, agreement, consent, promise Sarvad.; {graha} m. robbery, forcible seizure Mcar.; {-pattra} n. a written document or will disposing of one's property RTL. 531; {-rahita} mfn. devoid of assent, not agreed to W.; {-rA7nta} mfn. ended or

concluded by assent, agreed to ib. svena = by your own svyaM = of one's own svraa.njalii = Musical notes s'yaams'aaMkara*= mf({I})n. (fr. {zaM-kara}) relating or belonging to S'iva Kaths.; relating to or derived from or composed by S'ankara7crya Sarvad. Cat.; m. a bull W.; a follower of S'ankaracrya MW.; ({I}) f. see below; n. the Nakshatra rdr (presided over by S'iva) VarYogay. syandane = chariot syandin.h = oozing syaaM = would be syaat *= ind. (3. sg. Pot. of 1. %{as}) it may be, perhaps, perchance (esp. used in Jaina wks. and occurring in 7 formulas, viz. 1. %{syAd@asti}, `" perhaps it is [under certain circumstances] "'; 2. %{syAn@nA7sti}, `" perhperhaps it is not, &c. "'; 3. %{syAd@asti@ca@nA7sti@ca}, `" perhperhaps it is and is not [under certain circumstances] "'; 4. %{syAd@avaktavyaH}, `"

perhperhaps it is not expressible in words "'; 5. %{syAd@asti@cA7vaktavyaH}, `" perhaps it is and is not expressible in words "'; 6. %{syAn@nA7sti@cA7vaktavyaH}, `" perhaps it is not and is and is not expressible in words "'; 7. %{syAd@asti@ca@nA7sti@cA7vaktavyaH}) Sarvad. syaama = will we become s'yaamasaah s'aMkara* = (with preceding {mahArAja}) m. N. of a king and author Ca syamantaka* = m. N. of a celebrated jewel (worn by Kriishna on his wrist [cf. {kaustubha}], described as yielding daily eight loads of gold and preserving from all dangers; it is said to have been given to Satr-jit [q.v.] by the Sun and transferred by him to his brother Prasena, from whom it was taken by Jmbavat, and after much contention appropriated by Kriishna see VishnuP. iv, 13) Hariv. Pur. Pacar. syU * f. (fr. {siv}) a string, thread syuH * = form from ``as.h'' meaning ``those who may be'' syutam.h = (n) a bag syutna * =n. happiness, delight (cf. below) L.

syUta* =mfn. sewn, stitched, woven RV. &c. &c.; sewn on HParis'.; sewn or woven together, joined, fabricated MW.; pierced, penetrated ib.; m. a sack, coarse canvas bag L. syUti * =f. (only L.), sewing, stitching, weaving; a bag, sack; lineage, offspring. syUna * =m. (only L.) a sack; a ray of light; the sun; ({A}) f. a ray of light L.; a girdle L. syUman * =n. a band, thong, bridle RV.; a suture (of the skull) AitBr. syUma * =1 m. n. (only L.) a, ray of light; water.

taadita = beaten taaDa = a mountain taaDayati = (10 up) to beat, slap taadris'a * = mf({I})n. (Pn. 3-2, 60; vi, 3, 91) = {2139

dR4z} S'Br. xi, 7, 3 Mn. &c.; {yAdRza t-} [Pacat.) or {za-t-} [MBh. xiii, 5847], anybody whosoever taakshaka* = mfn. relating or belonging to Takshaky g. {bilvakA7di}. taalaH = (m) lock taalikaa = clap taaM = to that taama* = m. ( {tam}) = {bhISaNa} L.; = {doSa} L.; anxiety, distress W.; ({I}) f. = {tamI}, night L. Sch.; see also {-mi}. taamasa = to one in the mode of darkness taamasaM = in the mode of ignorance taamasaH = in the mode of ignorance taamasaaH = in the mode of ignorance taamasika = Planets that are slothful - Waning Moon, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Mercury taamasii = in the mode of ignorance


taamisra * = (fr. %{tam-} and %{ta4misrA} g. %{jyotsnA7di}) mfn. (with %{pakSa}) or m. the dark half of the month La1t2y.ix Gobh. iii f. MBh. iii, 11813; m. `" nightwalker "', a Ra1kshasa Ragh. xv, 2; (in Sa1m2khya phil.) indignation, anger (one of the 5 forms of A-vidya1) MBh. xiv, 1019 Sa1m2khyak. Tattvas. BhP. iii (also n.) Ma1rkP. iii l; N. of a hell Mn. iv, xii Ya1jn5. iii, 222 BhP.iii, v Ma1rkP.; cf. %{andha-}. taandava: dancing taan.h = them taani = his taantrik.h = pertaining to Tantra taantrika* = mf({A} Sus'r. i, 3; {I})n. taught in a scientific manual Tattvas. ({-kI saMjJA}, `" a technical N.); taught in the Tantras. mystical Hr. (Mn. ii, 1/2) Sus'r. &c.; m. one completely versed in any science or system Bhshp.; a follower of the Tantra doctrine BhP. xii, 11, 2 SS'ankar. taaNa = to stretch taaNDula = (rice) grains


taantra* = mf({I})n. having wires ({ta4ntra}), stringed (a musical instrument) W.; regulated by a general rule pS'r. xiv, 12, 5 f.; relating to the Tantras W.; n. the music of a stringed instrument R. i, 3. taapa = trouble * (2. {tap}; g. {uJchA7di}) heat, glow Mn. xii, 76 S'ak. &c. (ifc. f. {A} Kum. vii, 84); heating Nyyam. x, 1, 22; testing (gold) by heat MBh. xii, 12357 Subh. ({-pana}, GarP.); pain (mental or physical), sorrow, affliction MBh. &c.; fever W.; ({I}) f. the Tapt river (`" also the Yamun river "' L.) Hariv. ii, 109, 30 BhP. v, 19, 18; x, 79, 20; cf. {pazcAt-}. taapasa = austerity, purification taapasau = (2)penance-doers taapa* = m. (2. {tap}; g. {uJchA7di}) heat, glow Mn. xii, 76 S'ak. &c. (ifc. f. {A} Kum. vii, 84); heating Nyyam. x, 1, 22; testing (gold) by heat MBh. xii, 12357 Subh. ({-pana}, GarP.); pain (mental or physical), sorrow, affliction MBh. &c.; fever W.; ({I}) f. the Tapt river (`" also the Yamun river "' L.) Hariv. ii, 109, 30 BhP. v, 19, 18; x, 79, 20; cf. {pazcAt-} taapana mf(%{I})n. ifc. illuminating BhP. ii, 9, 8;

burning, causing pain, distressing MBh. Hariv. 9427 R. (cf. %{indra-}, %{candra-}); m. the sun MBh. v, 1739; the hot season Npr.; the sun-stone L.; one of Ka1ma's arrows L.; n. burning Sus3r. i, 41, 3; pain, torment MBh. xiii, 1098; (in dram.) helplessness, perplexity Sa1h. v, 91; N. of a hell Ya1jn5. iii, 224; gold Npr.; (%{A}) f. austerity HParis3. i, 68; (%{I}) f. N. of several Upanishads; of a river L. 42 tApana mfn. making hot, paining, tormenting MBh. R. Sus3r.; m. N. of S3iva S3ivag.; a partic. hell BhP.; n. warming, heating, turning, paining, distressing MBh. Sus3r. taapya* = (fr. {tap}) regret DivyA7v. xviii; m. n. (fr. {-pI}) = {-pI-samudbhava} Car.vi, 18 and 24 Bhpr. v, 26, 160 taara4 * =mfn. ( {tRR}) carrying across, a saviour, protector (Rudra) VS. xvi, 40 S'iraUp.; (Vishnu) MBh. xiii, 6986; high (a note), loud, shrill, (m. n.) a high tone, loud or shrill note TndyaBr. vii, 1, 7 (compar. {-tara} and superl. {-tama}) TPrt.; S'iksh MBh. vii Mriicch. &c.; mfn. (ft. {stR4}?) shining, radiant Megh. Amar. Kaths. lxxiii Sh.; clean, clear L.; good, excellent, well flavoured L. Sch.; m. `" crossing "' see {dus-}, {su-}; `" saving "', a mystical monosyllable (as {om}) RmatUp. S'ikhUp. Sarvad. Tantr.; Andropogon bicolor L.; N. of Mani-rma (author of a Comm. on Bhm.); of a Daitya (slain by Vishnu) Hariv.; of one of Rma's

monkey generals (son of Briihas-pati, husband of Tr) MBh. iii, 16372 R. i, iv, vi; pl. a class of gods in the 12th Manv-antara VP. iii, 2, 33; m. [n. and ({A}) f. L.] the clearness or transparency of a pearl, clear pearl Sus'r. v, 3, 19 Gt. xi, 25; (m. n. L.) = {rA7bhra} L.; m. n. a star L.; the pupil of the eye L.; n. descent to a river, bank (cf. {tIra}, {tIrtha4}) AV. iv, 37, 3 Pn. 6-3, 109 Vrtt. 1; silver BhP. iv, 6, 27 Bhpr. v, 26, 43; ({A}) f. (g. {bhidA7di}) a fixed star, asterism (cf. {stR4}) Yj. iii, 172 MBh. &c. (ifc. f. {A} Mriicch. iii, 10); the pupil of the eye (chiefly ifc.) VarBriS. lviii, 11 &c.; a kind of meteor, vli, 86 and 94; (in Snkhya phil.) one of the 8 Siddhis Tattvas.; (in music) N. of a Rga of six notes; a kind of perfume L.; a form of Dkshyani (worshipped on the mountain Kishkindha MatsyaP. xiii, 46; protectress of the Griitsa-madas BrahmaP. ii, 18, 8; cf. RTL. p. 187); N. of a Buddh. goddess, Vsav, 433; of Briihaspati's wife (carried off by Soma) MBh. v, 3972 Hariv. 1340 ff. BhP. &c.; of the wife of Buddha Amoghasiddha Buddh.; of a S'akti Jain.; of a Yogin Hcat. ii, 1, 710; of a female monkey (daughter of Sushena, wife of Blin and mother of Angada) MBh. iii, 16110 ff. R. i, iv, vi. taariNi = the one who crosses taareNa = thro' the star


taarkshya* = m. N. of a mythical being (originally described as a horse with the epithet {a4riSTanemi} [RV. i, 89, 6; x, 178, 1 Naigh. i, 14 Kaus'. 73], later on taken to be a bird [RV. v, 51, interpol. s'vS'r. x, 7] and identified with Garuda [MBh. Hariv. &c.] or called his elder brother [L.] or father [BhP. vi, 6, 2 and 21; see also {-putra}]; mentioned with Arishtha-nemi VS. xv, 18; with Arishtha-nemi, Garuda, Aruna and runi as offspring of Kas'yapa by Vinat MBh. i, 2548 and 4830 Hariv. 12468 and 14175; called a Yaksha VP. ii, 10, 13; a Muni with the N. Arishtha-nemi MBh. iii, 12660 and 12665; xii, 10615; pl. a class of demi-gods grouped with the Gandharvas, Yakshas, and Cranas R. i, 16, 9); N. of the hymn RV. x, 178 (ascribed to Trkshya Arishthanemi) s'vS'r. ix SnkhS'r. xi f. Lthy. i; a horse Naigh. i, 14; a cart L.; a bird MBh. vi, 71 Sus'r. iv, 28, 5; a snake L.; = {-prasava}, vi, 51, 19 ({-kSa} ed.); a sort of antidote, v, 5, 66; gold L.; = {netrA7Jca keza} Npr.; S'iva; N. of a man Pravar. ii, 3, 6 (p. and s'v.); pl. N. of a people MBh. ii, 1871; n. = {-ja} Sus'r. iv, 9, 45. taasaaM = of all of them taat.h = that location i, e.protect me from behind taata = My friend


taataH = father taaraka = star, eye taarkika* = mfn. (fr. {tarka}) related or belonging to logic W.; m. a dialectician, logician, philosopher Gthsangr. Veda7ntas. &c. taaratama * = mfn. very loud Ta1n2d2yaBr. VPra1t. i. taartiiya * = mfn. belonging to the 3rd (%{tRt-}) A1s3vS3r. x, 2 BhP. iii, 6, 29; the 3rd, viii, 19, 34; n. a 3rd part Ka1tyS3r. iv, 7, Paddh. taata * = m. (cf. 1. {tata4}) a father MBh. i R. Vikr. S'ak. iv, 4/5 (in comp.) &c.; ({tA4ta}) voc. a term of affection addressed to a junior [S'Br. xiv AitBr. vii ChUp. MBh. &c.] or senior [i, 6796 Ragh. &c.], addressed to several persons MBh. i, 6825; v, 5435 (C) [442, 1]; in the latter use also ({As}) voc. pl. ib. (B); i, 6820 f.; iv, 133; [cf. $; Lat. {tata} &c.] taavat.h = by that time(when it was over), meanwhile * taavat* = mf({atI})n. (fr. 2. {ta} Pn. 5-2, 39; vi, 3, 91) so great, so large, so much, so far, so long, so many (correlative of {yA4vat}; rarely of {ya} or {yatho7kta} Nal.&c.) RV. &c. ({yAvatA kSaNena tAvatA}, `" after so long time, in that time

"', as soon as Rjat. v, 110); just a little Kir. ii, 48; (in alg.) an unknown quantity (also with {yAvat}); ind. (correlative of {yA4vat}) so much, so greatly, to such an extent, in such a number, so far RV. AV. &c. ({tA4vat-tAvat} S'Br. i, 8, 1, 6); so long, in that time RV. x, 88, 19 S'Br. i Mn. &c.; meanwhile, in the mean time (the correlative {yAvat} being often connected with a neg. e.g. {tAvac chobhate mUrkho yAvat kiM-cin na bhASate}, `" so long a fool shines as long as he says nothing "' Hit.; {zocayiSyAmy AtmAnaM tAvad yAvan me prA7ptam brAhmaNyam}, `" so long I will emaciate myself, as long as [i.e. until] I have obtained the state of a Brhman "' R. i, 64, 19) S'Br. xiv, 4, 2, 30 ChUp. vi, 14, 2 Mn. MBh. &c. (also correlative of {purA} [R. i, 28, 21], of {yAvatA na}, of {yAvat} preceded by {purA} [MBh. xiii, 4556], or without any correlative [2727 Kaths. Hit.]); at once, now, just, first (followed by {anantaram} [Hit.], {aparam} [Pacat.], {api} [ib.], {idAnIm} [Hit.], {uta} [S'ak.], {ca} [Das'. Prab.], {tatas} [Mn. iv, 174 Ragh. vii, 4f.], {tad-anu} [Megh.], {tu} [Das'. vii Veda7ntas.], {pazcAt} [R. ii], {punar} [Pacat.], {vA}; very often connected with an Impv., rarely [MBh. iv, 888 R. ii, 56, 13] with a Pot., often with the 1st person of pr. or fut. MBh. &c.; the Impv. is sometimes to be supplied [{itas tAvat}, `" just come hither "'; {mA tAvat}, `" by no means, God forbid! "'] S'ak. Mlav. Vikr. Prab.; sometimes {arhasi} with the inf. is used instead R. i f.); (with {na} or {a-}) not yet

MBh. &c. (followed by {yAvat}, `" while "' Kaths. xxvi, 23; {tAvan na-api na}, `" not only not-but also not "' Kd.); very well, all right Hcar.; indeed, truly (e.g. {dRDhas tAvad bandhaH}, `" the knot is tight I must admit "' Hit.; {gatA tAvat}, `" she is indeed gone "' Kaths. xviii, 241) R. &c.; already (opposed to `" how much more "' or `" how much less "') R. iv f. S'ak.; really (= {eva}, sometimes connected with this particle e.g. {vikrayas tAvad eva saH}, `" it is really a sale "') Mn. iii, 53 Hariv. 7110 R. &c.; ({tA}) instr. ind. to that extent RPrt. xiii, 13 BhP. v, viii; in that time, in the mean time, meanwhile Das'. Kaths. x, 24 Bharath.; ({ti}), loc ind. so far S'Br. viii, 6, 2, 8; so long, in that time TS. ii, 4; [cf. Lat. {tantus}.] taavannija = tAvat.h+nija, till then+one's taavaan.h = similarly taavanta: so much taM = him tam * = cl. 4. %{tA4myati} (Pa1n2. 7-3, 74; rarely A1. R. ii, 63, 46 Gi1t. v, 16; pf. %{tatAma} S3Br. iv; aor. Pass. %{atami} Pa1n2. 7-3, 34 Ka1s3.; Ved. inf. %{ta4mitos}, with %{A4} preceding, `" till exhaustion "' TBr. i, 4, 4, 2 Ta1n2d2yaBr. xii

La1t2y. A1p.; pf. Pass. p. %{-tAnta4} q.v.) to gasp for breath (as one suffocating), choke, be suffocated, faint away, be exhausted, perish, be distressed or disturbed or perplexed RV. ii, 30, 7 (%{na4@mA@tamat} [aor. subj.] `" may I not be exhausted "') Ka1t2h. TBr. &c.; to stop (as breath), become immovable or stiff Sus3r. Ma1lati1m. Amar. Ra1jat. v, 344; to desire (cf. 2. %{-ma}, %{mata}) Dha1tup. xxvi, 93: Caus. %{tama4yati} (aor. Pass. %{atAmi} Pa1n2. 6-4, 93 Ka1s3.) to suffocate, deprive of breath S3Br. iii, 3, 2, 19 and 8, 1, 15 Ka1tyS3r. vi, 5, 18; cf. %{a4-tameru}. takraM = (Nr.nom. + acc.S)curd or buttermilk tajaka = A system of Solar Return Charts also known as Varshaphal taD * = cl, 10. {tADayati} (perf. {-DayAmAsa} Kaths., twice {tatADa} BhP. vi f.; Pass. {tADyate}) to beat, strike, knock, strike (with arrows), wound, punish Nir. iii, 10 Mn. iv, xi Yj. i MBh. &c.; to strike a musical instrument MBh. Hariv. 15092 Mriicch. v Kum. &c.; (in astron.) to obscure or eclipse partially VarBriS. xxiv, 34; `" to speak "' or `" to shine "' Dhtup. xxxiii, 126. ta4d * = (nom. and acc. sg. n. of and base in comp. for 2. {ta4} from which latter all the cases of this

pron. are formed except nom. sg. m. {sa4s} or {sa4} & f. {sA4}; instr. pl. {tai4s} AV. &c.; Ved. {te4bhis} RV. AV. &c.) m. he f. she n. it, that, this (often correlative of {ya4} generally standing in the preceding clause e.g. {yasya buddhiH sa balavAn}, `" of whom there is intellect he is strong "'; sometimes, for the sake of emphasis, connected with the 1st and 2nd personal pronouns, with other demonstratives and with relatives e.g. {so 'ham}, `" I that very person, I myself "' [{tasya} = {mama} Nal. xv, 10]; {tAv imau}, `" those very two "'; {tad etad AkhyAnam}, `" that very tale "' AitBr. vii, 18; {yat tat kAraNam}, `" that very reason which "' Mn. i, 11; {yA sA zrI}, `" that very fortune which "' MBh. vii, 427) RV. &c.; ({tad}) n. this world (cf. {idam}) R. vi, 102, 25; = Brahma see {tat-tva}; ({ta4d}) ind. there, in that place, thither, to that spot (correlative of {ya4tra} or {ya4tas}) AV. AitBr. ii, 11 S'Br. i, x, xiv ChUp.; then, at that time, in that case (correlative of {yadA4}, {ya4d} AV.; of {ya4tra} S'Br. xiv; of {yadi} Nal. Bhag. &c.; of {ce7d} S'ak. &c.) RV. iv, 28, 1 AV. &c.; thus, in this manner, with regard to that, ix, xiii S'Br. AitBr.; ({tad etau zlokau bhavataH}, `" with reference to that there are these two verses "') Pras'nUp.; on that account, for that reason, therefore, consequently (sometimes correlative of {yatas}, {yad}, {yena}, `" because "' Das'. Pacat. Kaths. &c.) Mn. ix, 41 MBh. &c.; now (clause-connecting particle) AV. xv S'Br. AitBr.; so also, equally, and AV. xi, xv

tad tad * = this and that, various, different (e.g. {taM taM dezaM jagAma}, `" he went to this and that place "'; {tAsu tAsu yoniSu}, `" in different or various birth-places "' Mn. xii, 74); respective BriNrP. xiii, 88; {tenaiva tenaiva pathA}, on quite the same path R. iii, 50, 28 tad-anu = after that tadana.ntaraM = later to that tadanantaraM = thereafter tadapi = tat.h+api, then even tadaa = then tadaatmaanaH = those whose minds are always in the Supreme taD.h = to hit tad.h = he/she/it tad.hdhaama = that abode tadiha = tat.h+iha, that+here taDaagaH = lake, pond

taDit * = ind. = %{-Di4tas} RV. i, 94, 7 (%{talit}); f. stroke (%{vadha-karman} Naigh. ii, 19) "', lightning Nir. iii, 10f. Sus3r. &c. (ifc. %{-Dita} Vet. Introd. 20). tadvat.h = like that tadviddhi = you must know it taijana* = mfn. coming from the plant {tejanI} Kthh. xxi, 10 (pS'r. xvii, 14). taijanitvac* = a kind of lute Lthy. iv. taijasa * = mf({I})n. originating from or consisting of light ({te4jas}), bright, brilliant S'Br. xiv MndUp. MBh. &c.; consisting of any shining substance (as metal), metallic s'vGri. Gaut. Mn. KtyS'r. Sch.; said of the gastric juice as coloured by digested food Sus'r. i, 14; passionate Snkhyak. Tattvas. Veda7ntas. Sus'r. BhP.; n. metal L.; vigour W.; N. of a Trtha MBh. iii, 7035; ix, 2723; ({I}) f. Scindapsus officinalis Npr.; long pepper Gal.; {sA7vartanI}, {-tinI} f. a crucible L. taiH = by them taila = oil


tailapaH = (m) cockroach taistaiH = various takshakaH = (m) carpenter takshati = to sculpt, to carve takshaka* = m. (Pn. 8-2, 29 Ks'.) `" a cutter "' see {kASTha-}, {vRkSa-}; a carpenter L.; Vis'vakarman L.; the Stra-dhra or speaker in the prelude of a drama L. Sch.; N. of a tree L.; of a Nga prince (cf. {-kSa}) AV. viii, 10, 29 TndyaBr. xxv, 15 S'nkhGri. iv, 18, 1 Kaus'. MBh. &c.; of a son of Prasena-jit BhP. ix, 12, 8; see also {-kSa}. tala = Bottom talpaH = (m) mattress tam.h = him tama = Anger * = 1 m. (Pn. 7-3, 34 Ks'.) = {tamas} (`" the ascending node "' VarBri. [?] Jyot.) L. Sch.; (= {-mAla}) Xanthochymus pictorius L.; = {-makA} L.; n. (= {-mas}) darkness L.; the point of the foot L.; ({A}) f. night L.; Xanthochymus pictorius L.; ({I}) f. (g. {gaurA7di} Ganar. 47) night S'is'. ix, 23 BhP. x, 13, 45 Gol. vii, 10 Naish. vii, 45.

tama* = 2 an affix forming the superl. degree of adjectives and rarely of substantives ({ka4Nva-}, &c.) Sus'r. i, 20, 11; mfn. most desired Kir., ii, 14; ({Am}), added (in older language) to adverbs and (in later language) to verbs, intensifying their meaning; ind. in a high degree, much Naish. viii. tamaH = (m) darkness, ignorance tamanena = that+thro' this tamana* = n. the becoming breathless S'nkhS'r. ii, 7, 7; iv KtyS'r. iv, 1, 13; cf. {nAga-tamanI}. tamasvan* = ({ta4m-}) mf({arI})n. = {-vat} TS. ii, 4, 7, 2; cf. {a4m-}. tamam* = ind. so as to faint away Pn. 6-4, 93. tamas* = n. darkness, gloom (also pl.) RV. ({maH}, {pra4NIta}, `" led into darkness, `" deprived of the eye's light or sight, i, 117, 17) &c.; the darkness of hell, hell or a particular division of hell Mn. iv, viii f. VP. ii, 6, 4 MrkP. xii, 10; the obscuration of the sun or moon in eclipses, attributed to Rhu (also m. L.) R. VarBriS. v, 44 VarBri. ii VarYogay. Sryas.; mental darkness, ignorance, illusion, error (in Snkhya phil. one of the 5 forms of {a-vidjA} MBh. xiv, 1019 Snkhyak.

&c.; one of the 3 qualities or constituents of everything in creation [the cause of heaviness, ignorance, illusion, lust, anger, pride, sorrow, dulness, and stolidity; sin L.; sorrow Kir. iii; see {guNa} and cf. RTL; p. 45] Mn. xii, 24 f. and 38 Snkhyak. &c.) RV. v. 31, 9 R. ii S'ak. Rjat. v, 144; N. of a son (of S'ravas MBh. xiii, 2002; of Daksha, i Sch.; of Priithu-s'ravas VP. iv, 12, 2); [cf. {timira}; Lat. {temere} &c.] tamasa* = mfn. dark-coloured AV. xi, 9, 22; m. darkness Un. Sch. a well Un. vri.; n. ifc. for {-mas}, `" darkness "' see {andha-}, {-dhA-}, {ava-}, {vi-}, {saM-}; a city Un. vri.; ({A}) f. N. of a river (falling into the Ganges below Pratishthhna) MBh. iii, 14231; vi, 338 Hariv.12828 R. if.; iv, 40, 24 Ragh.ix, 16. tamas.h = darkness tamas * = n. darkness, gloom (also pl.) RV. ({maH}, {pra4NIta}, `" led into darkness, `" deprived of the eye's light or sight, i, 117, 17) &c.; the darkness of hell, hell or a particular division of hell Mn. iv, viii f. VP. ii, 6, 4 MrkP. xii, 10; the obscuration of the sun or moon in eclipses, attributed to Rhu (also m. L.) R. VarBriS. v, 44 VarBri. ii VarYogay. Sryas.; mental darkness, ignorance, illusion, error (in Snkhya phil. one of

the 5 forms of {a-vidjA} MBh. xiv, 1019 Snkhyak. &c.; one of the 3 qualities or constituents of everything in creation [the cause of heaviness, ignorance, illusion, lust, anger, pride, sorrow, dulness, and stolidity; sin L.; sorrow Kir. iii; see {guNa} and cf. RTL; p. 45] Mn. xii, 24 f. and 38 Snkhyak. &c.) RV. v. 31, 9 R. ii S'ak. Rjat. v, 144; N. of a son (of S'ravas MBh. xiii, 2002; of Daksha, i Sch.; of Priithu-s'ravas VP. iv, 12, 2); [cf. {timira}; Lat. {temere} &c.] tamasa = darkness, inertia, ignorance tamasaH = to darkness tamasi = the mode of ignorance tamisra * = m. = %{-pakSa} W.; n. darkness, dark night (also pl.) MBh. iv, 710 BhP. v, 13, 9 Gi1t. xi, 12; a dark hell, hell (in general) BhP. iv, 6, 45; anger L.; (%{A}) f. (Pa1n2. 5-2, 114) a dark night RV. ii, 27, 14 TBr. ii, 2, 9, 6 MBh. iii Ra1gh. &c.; cf. %{su-}; %{tAmisra} tamodvaaraiH = from the gates of ignorance tana = Body tanaya = (m) son

tanayaa = daughter tannishhThaaH = those whose faith is only meant for the Supreme tanno = he to us tanmaatra = the five potentials or senses* = mfn. = {-traka} MBh. ix, 1806 Pacat.; = {-trika} BhP. iii, 10, 15; n. merely that, only a trifle Kaths. v, 15; lxiii, 60 Rjat. vi, 1; a rudimentary or subtle element (5 in number, viz. {zabda-}, {sparza-}, {rUpa-}, {rasa-}, {gandha-}, from which the 5 Mah-bhtas or grosser elements are produced cf. RTL. p. 31 and 33) Yj. iii, 179 MBh. i, xiii Snkhyak. KapS. &c.; {-tA} f. the state of a Tanmtra MrkP. vl, 46; {-tva} n. id. BhP. iii, 26, 33 ff.; {-sarga} m. (in Snkhya phil.) creation of the subtle elements, rudimentary creation. tanmukhyaM = tat.h + mukhyaM:that + important tanmemanaH = tat.h + me + manaH: that + my + mind tantu = thread / stalk tantuvaayaH = (m) spinner (one who spins cloth, not the bowler :)

tantra = treatises on ritual, meditation, discipline, etc* = n. (Pn. 7-2, 9 Ks'.) a loom, v, 2, 70; the warp RV. x, 71, 9 AV. x, 7, 42 TBr. ii TndyaBr. x, 5 S'Br. xiv Kaus'. MBh. i, 806 and 809; the leading or principal or essential part, main point, characteristic feature, model, type, system, framework S'Br. xii TndyaBr. xxiii, 19, 1 Lthy. KtyS'r. &c. (e.g. {kulasya t-}, `" the principal action in keeping up a family i.e. propagation "' MBh. xiii, 48, 6; ifc. `" depending on "' cf. {Atma-}, {sva-}, {para-}, &c.); doctrine, rule, theory, scientific work, chapter of such a work (esp. the 1st section of a treatise on astron. VarBriS. i, 9; Pars'ara's work on astron., ii, 3; vii, 8) MBh. &c. (cf. {SaSTi-} &c.); a class of works teaching magical and mystical formularies (mostly in the form of dialogues between S'iva and Durg and said to treat of 5 subjects, 1. the creation, 2. the destruction of the world, 3. the worship of the gods, 4. the attainment of all objects, esp. of 6 superhuman faculties, 5. the 4 modes of union with the supreme spirit by meditation [436,2]; cf. RTL. pp. 63, 85, 184, 189, 205ff.) VarBriS. xvi, 19 Pacat. Das'. Kaths. xxiii, 63 Sarvad.; a spell HYog. i, 5 Vcar.; oath or ordeal L.; N. of a Sman (also called `" that of Virpa "') rshBr.; an army (cf. {-trin}) BhP. x, 54, 15; ifc. a row, number, series, troop Blar. ii f. vi; = {rAjya-t-}, government Das'. xiii S'is'. ii, 88; ({para t-}, `" the highest authority "') Subh.; a means which leads to two or more results,

contrivance Hariv. ii, 1, 31; a drug (esp. one of specific faculties), chief remedy cf. {-trA7vApa}; = {paricchada} L.; = {anta} L.; wealth L.; a house L.; happiness W.; ({eNa}) instr. ind. so as to be typical or hold good KtyS'r. xvi, xx; ({A}) f. for {-ndrA} Sus'r.; ({Is} cf. Pn. 5-4, 159 Ks'.; {I} L.) f. = {-ntI} Gobh. iii, 6, 7 and BhP. iii, 15, 8 (v.l. for {-ntI}; see also {vatsatantrI}); the wire or string of a lute S'nkhS'r. xvii Lthy. iv, 1, 2 Kaus'. &c. ({-tri} R. vi, 28, 26); (fig.) the strings of the heart Hariv. 3210 (v.l.); any tubular vessel of the body, sinew, vein Pn. 5-4, 159; the plant {-trikA} L.; a girl with peculiar qualities L.; N. of a river L.; cf. {ku-tantrI}. tantraya * = Nom. (fr. {-tra}) {-yati}, to follow, as one's rule, xii, 215, 21; to provide for (acc.) S'ak. v, 5 (ind. p. {-yitvA} v.l.; . `" to support a family "' Dhtup. xxxiii, 5); . to regulate Car.iv, 1; vi, 26. tantrataa* = f. the state of anything that serves as a {tantra} s'vS'r. xi, 1; comprehending several rites in one, ceremony in lieu of a number W. tantratva* = n. dependance on (in comp.) Sarvad. i, 41. tantraratna* = n. N. of wk. by Prtha-srathi. tantraraaja* = m. N. of wk. Tantras. i nand. 99

Sch. tantravaaya* = m. (= {-ntu-v-}) a weaver R. (G) ii, 90, 15; a spider L.; m. n. weaving L. tantrasaara* = m. `" Tantra-essence "'N. of a compilation. tantraya* = Nom. (fr. {-tra}) {-yati}, to follow, as one's rule, xii, 215, 21; to provide for (acc.) S'ak. v, 5 (ind. p. {-yitvA} v.l.; . `" to support a family "' Dhtup. xxxiii, 5); . to regulate Car.iv, 1; vi, 26. tantraayin* = mfn. (said of the sun) drawing out threads or rays (of light) VS. xxxviii, 12. tantraka* = mfn. recently from the loom, new and unbleached Pn. 5-2, 70; ifc. for {-tra}, doctrine see {paJca-}; ({ikA}) f. Cocculus cordifolius Bhpr. v, 3, 7; noise in the ears S'rngS. vii, 142; cf. {apa-}. tantraNa* = n. the supporting of a family MBh. v, 3751. tantrakaara* = m. the author of any scientific treatise Mlav. i, 8/9 Das'. xiii, 87. tantrakaumudi* = * = f. N. of wk. Tantras. ii.


tantragarbha* = m. N. of wk., vii. tantracUDaamaNi* = m. N. of wk. Tantras. ii. tantrathiikaa* = f. N. of {-vArttika} i-iv W. tantraprakaaza* = m. N. of wk., Vratapr. tantrapradiipa* = m. N. of a Comm. on Dhtup. tantrabheda* = m. N. of a Tantra nand. 31 Sch. tantramantraprakAza* = m. N. of wk., Skta7n. iv. tantraraajaka* = m. N. of a medical work by Jbla BrahmaP.i, 16, 18. tantravaarttika* = n. = {mImAnsA-t-}. tantrazaastra* = n. N. of wk., Pratpar. Sch. tantrasaara* = m. `" Tantra-essence "'N. of a compilation. tantrahridaya* = n. N. of wk. Tantras. ii. tantraantarIya* = m. pl. the Snkhya philosophers Bdar. ii, 4, 9 Sch.


tantraavaapa* = n. sg. `" attention to the affairs of both one's own and an enemy's country "' [Das'. xiii, 92], and `" drugs and their preparation "' S'is'. ii, 88. tantu * = m. a thread, cord, string, line, wire, warp (of a web), filament, fibre RV. &c.; a cobweb W.; a succession of sacrificial performances BhP.; any one propagating his family in regular succession Ka1tyS3r. iii A1p. TUp. MBh. (cf. %{kula-}) &c.; a line of descendants AitBr. vii, 17; any continuity (as of thirst or hope) MBh. xii, 7877 Ma1lati1m.; N. of a Sa1man A1rshBr.; = %{-nAga} L.; (g. %{gargA7di}) N. of a man Pravar. iv, 1; cf. %{kASTha-}, %{vara-}, %{sapta4-}. tanu = body tanu-bhaava = First house or house of body tanuM = form of a demigod tanuuM = body tanuuja = son tanuubhiH = through the bodies (sharIra) tanutaa* = f. thinness, tenuity, littleness Hariv. R. v

Megh. Ragh. &c. tanutara* = mfn. = {ta4nIyas} Amar. tanutyAga* = mfn. spending little Hit.; m. risking one's life R. ii, 40, 6. tanutra* = n. `" body-guard "', armour MBh. iv, 1009 Sus'r. BhP. Tantr.; {-vat} mfn. having armour R. vi. tanutrin* = mfn. = {-tra-vat} S'is'. xix; 99. tanutva* = n. = {-tA} MBh. xiii, 541 VarBriS. iii, 16 Sarvad. tanutvac* = m. id., (ifc.) Nal. xii, 78; the cinnamon tree Bhpr. v, 2, 66; Cassi Senna Npr. tanUtala* = m. a measure of length equal to the arms extended, fathom L. tanutyaj* = mfn. giving up one's body, dying, i, 8; = {-nU-t-} p. MBh. iv, 2354 Ragh. vii Mlav. v, 11/12 BhP. tanUtyaj* = mfn. risking one's life RV. x, 4, 6 and 154, 3 (Nir. iii, 14).


tanvi = woman taNDava = violent dance of Shiva taNDula * = m. (g. {ardharcA7di}) grain (after threshing and winnowing), esp. rice AV. x ff. S'Br. AitBr. &c.; rice used as a weight Car. vii, 12 VarBriS.; = {-lIka} L.; m. = {-lu} L.; ({A}), f.id. L.; ({I}) f. a kind of gourd L.; = {-lIka} L.; the plant {yava-tiktA} L. tanmaatra* = mfn. = {-traka} MBh. ix, 1806 Pacat.; = {-trika} BhP. iii, 10, 15; n. merely that, only a trifle Kaths. v, 15; lxiii, 60 Rjat. vi, 1; a rudimentary or subtle element (5 in number, viz. {zabda-}, {sparza-}, {rUpa-}, {rasa-}, {gandha-}, from which the 5 Mah-bhtas or grosser elements are produced cf. RTL. p. 31 and 33) Yj. iii, 179 MBh. i, xiii Snkhyak. KapS. &c.; {-tA} f. the state of a Tan-mtra MrkP. vl, 46; {-tva} n. id. BhP. iii, 26, 33 ff.; {-sarga} m. (in Snkhya phil.) creation of the subtle elements, rudimentary creation. tanmaya * = mfn. made up of , that , absorbed in or identical with that Mun2d2Up. S3vetUp. Pa1rGr2. MBh. &c. ; %{-tA} f. the being absorbed in or identical with that Ka1d. BhP. Ra1jat. iii , 498 ; %{-tva} n. id. MBh. v , 1622 &c. ; %{-yI-bhAva} , m.id. Sa1h.

tap*= (cf. 1. %{pat}) cl. 4. A1. %{-pyate}, to rule Dha1tup. xxvi, 50.\\2 cl. 1. %{ta4pati} (rarely A1.; Subj. %{-pAti} RV. v, 79, 9; p. %{ta4pat} RV. &c.; cl. 4. p. %{ta4pyat} VS. xxxix, 12; pf. 1. sg. %{tata4pa} RV. vii, 104, 15; 3. sg. %{-tA4pa}, x, 34, 11 AV. vii, 18, 2 &c.; p. %{tepAna4} RV.; fut. %{tapsya4ti} Br. &c.: %{-te} & %{tapiSyati} MBh.) to give out heat, be hot, shine (as the sun) RV. &c.; to make hot or warm, heat, shine upon ib.; to consume or destroy by heat ib.; to suffer pain MBh. viii, 1794 Gi1t. vii, 31; (with %{pazcAt}) to repent of MBh. viii, 39, 15; to torment one's self, undergo self-mortification, practise austerity (%{tapas}) TUp. ii, 6 Mn. i f. MBh. &c.; to cause pain to, injure, damage, spoil RV. AitBr. vii, 17 S3Br. xiv &c.: Pass. or cl. 4. A1. %{tapya4te} (xiv; or %{ta4py-} TBr. ii; p. %{-pya4mAna} AV.; %{ta4py}, xix, 56, 5; cf. %{a4-}; aor. %{atApi} RV. vii, 70, 2; %{atapta} Pa1n2. 3-1, 65 Ka1s3.; pf. %{tepe} MBh. &c.; p. %{-pAna4} S3Br.; also P. %{tapyati}, %{pyet}, %{atapyat}, &c. MBh. R. Katha1s. x, 4) to be heated or burnt, become hot RV. &c.; to be purified by austerities (as the soul) Sarvad.; to suffer or feel pain RV. x, 34, 10 and 95, 17 AV. xix, 56, 5 S3Br. xiv MBh. &c.; to suffer pain voluntarily, undergo austerity (%{tapas}) AV. S3Br. TBr. Shad2vBr. S3a1n3khS3r. &c.: Caus. %{tApayati}, %{-te} (p. %{-pa4yat} AV.; Pass. %{-pyate} MBh. &c.; aor. %{atItape} & [Subj.] %{tata4pate} RV.) to make warm or hot, iv, 2, 6; viii, 72, 4 Kaus3. MBh. &c.; to

consume by heat R. &c.; to cause pain, trouble, distress AV. xix, 28, 2 MBh. &c.; to torment one's self, undergo penance, iii, 8199: Intens. (p. %{tAtapyamAna}) to feel violent pain, be in great anxiety R. i, 11, 8 BhP. ii, 7, 24; [cf. Lat. {tepeo} &c.]\\3 mfn. `" warming one's self. "' see %{agnita4p}. tapa = to burn, shine, suffer * `" consuming by heat "' see {lalATam-}; `" causing pain or trouble, distressing "' see {janaM-} and {paraM-}; tormented by Hariv. i, 45, 37; m. heat, warmth (cf. {A-}) Pacat. ii, 3, 5/6; the hot season S'is'. i, 66; the sun W.; = {-pas}, religious austerity Car. Cn. (cf. {mahA-} and {su-}); a peculiar form of fire (which generated the seven mothers of Skanda) MBh. iii, 14392; Indra Gal.; N. of an attendant of S'iva L. Sch.; ({A}) f. N. of one of the 8 deities of the Bodhi-vriiksha Lalit. xxi, 404; cf. {a-}. tapaH = penance tapaHsu = in undergoing different types of austerities tapati = (1 pp) to heat up tapantaM = heating


taapana * = mfn. warming, burning, shining (the sun) MBh. i, v R. vi, 79, 57; causing pain or distress RV. ii, 23, 4; x, 34, 6 AV. iv, xix; m. (g. %{nandyAdi}) the sun MBh. i, vi, xiii R. i, 16, 11 Ragh. &c.; heat L.; the hot season L.; N. of a hell (cf. %{mahA}) Mn. iv, 89 Buddh.; N. of an Agni Hariv. 10465; Agastya (cf. %{Agneya}) L.; Semecarpus Anacardium Npr.; = %{-cchada} (or `" a white kind of it "' Npr.) L.; Premna spinosa L.; Cassia Senna Npr.; the civet cat Gal.; = %{-maNi} L.; N. of a Yaksha MBh. i, 32, 18; of a Rakshas R. vi; n. (%{na4}) the being hot, burning, heat TBr. ii, 2, 9, 1 f.; pining, grieving, mental distress Ka1t2h. xxviii, 4 Sa1h. iii; (%{I4}) f. heat RV. ii, 23, 14; the root of Bignonia suaveolens Npr.; = %{-panti} DivyA7v. xxx, 317 and 409; a cooking vessel Baudh. (TS. Sch.); cf. %{gopAla-}, %{tripu4ra}, %{rAma-}. tapas.h = sustained effort tapas * = warmth, heat ({paJca tapAMsi}, the 5 fires to which a devotee exposes himself in the hot season, viz. 4 fires lighted in the four quarters and the sun burning from above Mn. vi, 23 R. BhP. iv BrahmaP.; cf. Ragh. xiii, 41) RV. AV. VS. SnkhS'r.; pain, suffering RV. vii, 82, 7; religious austerity, bodily mortification, penance, severe meditation, special observance (e.g. `" sacred learning "' with Brhmans, `" protection of subjects "' with

Kshatriyas, `" giving alms to Brhmans "' with Vais'yas, `" service "' with S'dras, and `" feeding upon herbs and roots "' with Riishis Mn. xi, 236) RV. ix, 113, 2; x (personified, 83, 2 f. & 101, 1, `" father of Manyu "' RAnukr.) AV. &c.; (m. L.) N. of a month intervening between winter and spring VS. TS. i S'Br.iv Sus'r. Pn. 4-4, 128 Vrtt. 2 Pat. S'is'. vi, 63; the hot season L. Sch.; = {-po-loka} Veda7ntas. 120; the 9th lunar mansion ({dharma}) VarBri. i, 19; ix, 1 and 4; N. of a Kalpa period, VvuP. i, 21, 27. tapasaa = by the penance tapasaaM = and penances and austerities tapasi = in penance tapasyasi = austerities you perform tapasyaa = (f) penance, meditation tapasvibhyaH = than the ascetics tapasvin * = mfn. (Pa1n2. 5-2 , 102) distressed , wretched , poor , miserable TS. v , 3 , 3 , 4 (compar. %{-vi4-tara}) R. ii f. S3ak. Ma1lav. BhP. Sa1h. ; practising austerities , (m.) an ascetic AV. xiii , 2 , 25 Ka1t2h. xx (compar.) , xxiii (superl. %{-vi2168

tama}) S3Br. (compar. ii) &c. ; m. a pauper W. ; = %{-paHkara} L. ; a kind of Karan5ja tree L. ; Na1rada L. ; N. of a son of Manu Ca1kshusha Hariv. 71 ; of a R2ishi of the 12th Manv-antara , 482 BhP. viii , 13 , 29 VP. ; (%{inI}) f. a female devotee , poor wretched woman Nal. R. iii , 2 , 7 S3ak. Das3. ; Nardostachys Jat2a1-ma1n6si1 L. ; Helleborus niger L. ; = %{mahAzrAvaNikA} Bhpr. ; %{-svikanyakA} or %{-nyA} f. the daughter of an ascetic S3ak. i , 15/16 and 24 ; %{-tA} f. devout austerity MBh. xiii , 2896 S3atr. ; %{-pattra} m. Artemisia L. ; %{-svI7STA} f. Prosopis spicigera Gal. tapasvishhu = in those who practice penance tapaami = give heat tapobhiH = by serious penances tapoloka* = m. one of the 7 worlds (also called {tapar-l-}, situated above the {jana-l-}) runUp. BhP. ii, 5, 39 Ks'Kh. xxii; pl. N. of a family Pravar. vi, 2. tapoyaGYaaH = sacrifice in austerities tapta = troubled, frustrated taptaM = executed

tapyante = undergotapyati* = f. heat TS. i, 4, 35, 1 (v.l. {-tu4}). tapyatu* = mfn. hot RV. ii, 24, 9; f. see {-ti4}. tapya* = mfn. to be refined Sarvad. Bdar. ii, 2, 10 Sch. ({-tva} n. abstr.); performing austerity (= {sattva-maya} Sch.; said of S'iva) MBh. xii, 10381. tara * =1 an affix forming the compar. degree of adjectives and rarely (cf. {vRtra-ta4ra}) of substantives Sus'r. i, 20, 11; ({Am}), added (in older language) to adverbs (see {ati-tarA4m} &c.) and (in later language) to verbs (Pacat. i, 14, 7 Ratna7v. iii, 9 Kaths.), intensifying their meaning; ind. with {na}, not at all BhP. x, 46, 43. tara = crossing over ta4ra * =2 mfn. ( {tRR}; g. {pacA7di}) carrying across or beyond, saving (?, said of S'iva) MBh. xii, 10380; ifc. passing over or beyond W.; `" surpassing, conquering "' see {zokatara4} cf. {rathaMtara4}; excelling, w.; m. crossing, passage RV. ii, 13, 12; viii, 96, 1 Mn. viii, 404 and 407 Yj. (ifc.) MBh. xii; ({a-} mfn. `" impassable "') Bhathth. vii, 55 (cf. {dus-}); `" excelling, conquering "' see {duS-Ta4ra}, {su-ta4ra}, {dus-}; = {-paNya} Mn. viii, 406; a raft W.; a road L.; N. of a magical spell (against evil spirits supposed to possess certain weapons) R. i, 30, 4; fire W.; N. of a

man Rjat. vii, 809; ({I}; also {Is} L.) f. (g. {gaurA7di} Ganar. 48), a boat, ship (cf. {-ri}) MBh. i, 4228 f. BhP. iv S'is'. iii, 76 (cf. {nis-tarIka}); a clothes-basket (also {-ri}) L.; the hem of a garment (also {-ri}) L.; = {-raNi-peTaka} L.; a club L.; for {starI} (smoke) W. tara.ntu = (Vr.Imp.IIIP.Pl.PP) let them cross taraka = a demon slain by Kartikeya taram * = see tara taranga = (m) wave tarangaH = (m) wave taraNe = in crossing taraTa * = N. of a medicinal plant Npr.; (%{I}) f. N. of a thorny plant (cf. %{tAr-}) L. taratamatas * = ind. more or less, 87, 19; cf. %{tAratamya}. tarati = (1 pp) to cross taran.h = swimming or crossing


tarangeshhu = among the waves taranti = overcome tarhi * = ind. (fr. {ta4d-hi4}; see {tarvan} Pn. 5-3, 20 f.) at that time, then, at that moment, in that case (correlative of {ya4d} [TBr. ii, 1, 10, 1], {yadA4} [AV. iii, 13, 6 BhP.], {ya4rhi} [TS. i AitBr. i, 27], {ya4tra} [S'Br. ii BhP. v], {yadi} [S'ak. v.l. Pacat. Kaths. &c.], {ced} [Prab. Sh.]; often connected with an Impv. [S'ak. Pacat. &c.] or interrogative pron. [Pat. Ks'. Siddh. Sh.]) RV. x, 129, 2 AV. &c. (not in MBh. &R.); cf. {eta4r-}, {ka4r-}. tarishhyasi *= you will overcome tarjaka * = mfn. one who threatens Pacar. iv, 3. tarjana * = n. threatening, scolding R. iii, v Ragh. xix, 17 Kum. vi, 45 &c.; (ifc.) frightening MBh. iii, 12569; derision W.; putting to shame, surpassing W.; anger W.; ({A}) f. scolding Sh.; ({I}) f. `" threatening finger "', the fore-finger Kaths. xvii, 88 KtyS'r. Sch.; = {-nikA} Hcat. ii, 1. tarjanikaa * = f. a kind of weapon (?), ii, 1, 953. tarjanIya * = mfn. to be threatened or scolded.

tarka* = m. conjecture MBh. &c.; reasoning, speculation, inquiry KathhUp. ii, 9 PrGri. ii, 6, 5 Gaut. Mn. xii, 106 MBh. &c.; doubt W.; system or doctrine founded on speculation or reasoning, philosophical system (esp. the Nyya system, but applicable also to any of the six Dars'ana q.v.) BhP. ii, vii f. Prab. Vop. Caran. Madhus.; the number 6 Sryas. xii, 87; logic, confutation (esp. that kind of argument which consists in reduction to absurdity) Tarkas. Sarvad. Madhus.; wish, desire L.; supplying an ellipsis L.; cause, motive L.; n. a philosophical system Hcat. i, 7; ({A}) f. reasoning, inquiry (`" = {kAGkSA} "' Sch.) MBh. iv, 892; cf. {a-}, {ku-}, {dus-}, {rUpa-}. tarkshya* = m. saltpetre L. (see also taarkshya) tarpaka * = mfn. ifc. satiating, satisfying BhP. vii, 15, 10 Sch. ta4rpaNa * =mf({I})n. id. Sus'r. (cf. {ghrANa-}); (m. or n.) N. of a plant, iv, 5, 13 and 18; 16, 3; n. satiety MBh. xiv, 673; satiating, refreshing (esp. of gods and deceased persons [cf. {RSi-}, {pitR-}] by presenting to them libations of water; a particular ceremony performed with a magical Mantra Sarvad.; cf. RTL. p. 394 and 409) PrGri. iii, 3, 11 Mn. iii, 70 Yj. i, 46 MBh. xiii &c.; gladdening (ifc.) BhP. iii, 1, 27; refreshment, food AV. ix, 6, 6

MBh. xviii, 269 and 275 Car. Pn. 2-3, 14 Ks'. Hcat. (ifc. f. {A}); fuel L.; (satiating i.e.) filling the eyes (with oil &c.) Sus'r.; ({I}) f. N. of a plant L. ta4rpaNa-vidhi * =m. a ch. of Smriity-artha-sra. tarpaNecchu * =m. `" desirous of a Tarpana libation "', Bhshma L. tarpaNIya * =mfn. to be satisfied, Kathhup. i, 27. tarpara * =m. a bell hanging down from the throat of cattle, g. {kapilakA7di} (Ganar. 446). taru = Tree taruNaH = young man taruNii = young woman taruNau = (two)youngsters tarutalavaasaM = living under the trees taruu = Tree tarkeNa = (masc.instr.Sing.)logic tarjanaM = the fear

tarjanii = Finger tas * =1 cl. 4. {-syati}, to fade away, perish Dhtup. xxvi, 103; (cf. {taMs}) to cast upwards (or `" to throw down "') ib. (Vop.); to throw Pn. 3-4, 61 Ks'. 2. tas * =mfn. `" throwing "'; see {sukha-}. tashtha * =mfn. ( {takS}) pared, hewn, made thin L.; fashioned, formed in mind, produced RV. AV.xi, 1, 23; cf. {su4-}, {sto4ma-}; {vibhva-taSTa4}. tashthi * =f. v.l. for {tvaSTi} q.v. tasara * =(m. L.) n. ( {taMs}?) a shuttle RV. x, 130, 2 VS. xix, 83 (`" the cloth in the loom "' TBr. Sch.) taskara * =m. (for {tat-k-} Nir. iii, 14 VPrt. iii, 51) a thief, robber RV. AV. VS. &c. (ifc. f. {A} Hariv. 5180 Km. iv, 53; cf. {a-taskara4}; ifc. used as a term of contempt [Kaths. ci, 140] Ganar. 114); Trigonella corniculata Sus'r. iv, 37, 15; Vanguiera spinosa L.; Ardisia humilis (?) L.; the ear (derived fr. Ragh. i, 27) W.; pl. N. of particular Ketus VarBriS. xi, 20; ({I}) f. a passionate woman L.; a kind of Mimosa Npr. tasthu * =mfn. stationary BhP. vii, 7, 23.

tasdI * =in astron.= $, hexagon. tasthau = stood tashtha * mfn. ( {takS}) pared, hewn, made thin L.; fashioned, formed in mind, produced RV. AV.xi, 1, 23; cf. {su4-}, {sto4ma-}; {vibhva-taSTa4}. tasmaat.h = hence* = ind. (abl. of 2. {ta4}) from that, on that account, therefore (correlative of {ya4d}, {yasmAt}) AV. S'Br. AitBr. Mn. Nal. &c. tasmin.h = in that tasminkaaye = tasmin.h+kaye, in that body tasmai = (masc.dat.S)to him tasya = its tasyasu..ndaraM = beautiful to him tasyaaM = in that tasyaisha = tasya + esha(H):His + this tat: V* that, therefore, the same *= see tad tat* =1 for {ta4d}. see col. 3. \\2 I. {tata4}. see

{tan} \\ mfn. ifc. see {parI-}; cf. {purI-ta4t}. taat* = ind. (obs. abl. of 2. {ta4}) thus, in this way RV. vi, 21, 6; x, 95, 16; obs. acc. pl. [!] of 2. {ta4} Pn.; vii, 1, 39 Ks'.; cf. {adha4s-tAt} &c. tata * = 2 m. (cf. {tAta}) chiefly Ved. a father (familiar expression corresponding to {nanA4}, mother) RV. viii, 91, 5 f.; ix, 112, 3 AV. TS. iii TBr. &c. (voc. [like {tAta}] also term of affection addressed to a son AitBr.v, 14, 3; vii, 14, 8). tata 4 = 2 mfn. (vi, 4, 37) extended, stretched, spread, diffused, expanded RV. &c.; spreading over, extending to W.; covered over by (instr. or in comp.) Laghuj. ii, 16 Kir. v, 11 S'is'. ix, 23; protracted W.; bent (a bow) MBh. i, 49, 25; iv, 5, 1; spreading, wide L.; composed (a tale), i, 2455; performed (a ceremony) RV. &c.; m. wind L.; n. any stringed instrument L.; a metre of 4 x 1 2 syllables. taa4t * ind. (obs. abl. of 2. {ta4}) thus, in this way RV. vi, 21, 6; x, 95, 16; obs. acc. pl. [!] of 2. {ta4} Pn.; vii, 1, 39 Ks'.; cf. {adha4s-tAt} &c. tataM = pervaded tataH = Then

tatastataH = from there tat.h = that tatbuddhayaH = those whose intelligence is always in the Supreme tath * = cl. 1. P. {-Tati}, to rumble ShadvBr. v, 7; (derived fr. {taTa}) to be raised Dhtup.ix, 21: Caus. {tATayati} v.l. for {tADay-}, to strike, xxxii, 43. tathaa V*: also, so, thus as well, similarly6, then, as also, as far as, in that way, true to that, at that time, too tathaa api V*= yet; yet, in spite of, nonetheless tathaa eva V*= likewise tatha * = m. (exceptionally n. Das'ar. ii. 18/19) a slope, declivity, any part of the body which has (as it were) sloping, sides (cf. {zroNi-}, {stana-}, &c.), a shore MBh. (said of Siva, xii, 10381) Hariv. &c. (ifc. f. Bhartri.); ({I}) f. (g. {gaurA7di} Ganar. 49) id. Gt. Prab. Sh.; cf. {a-}, {ut-}; {pura-taTI}. tathasthaH = (m) neutral, disinterested, not taking any side

tato = then, afterwards tatohaMsaH = tataH: then or from there + haMsaH:swan or Brahman tattva = an element, the twenty-four categories of thatness * = n. true or real state, truth, reality S'vetUp. Mn. Bhag. &c.; (in phil.) a true principle (in Snkhya phil. 25 in number, viz. {a-vyakta}, {buddhi}, {ahaM-kAra}, the 5 Tan-mtras, the 5 Mah-bhtas, the 11 organs including {manas}, and, lastly, {puruSa}, qq.vv.) MBh. xii, 11840; xiv, 984 R. iii, 53, 42 Tattvas.; 24 in number MBh. xii, 11242 Hariv. 14840 (m.); 23 in number BhP. iii, 6, 2 ff.; for other numbers cf. xi, 22, 1 ff. RmatUp.; with Mhes'varas and Loka7yatikas only 5 [viz. the 5 elements] are admitted Prab. ii, 18/19; with Buddh. 4, with Jainas 2 or 5 or 7 or 9 Sarvad. ii f.; in Veda7nta phil. {tattva} is regarded as made up of {tad} and {tvam}, `" that [art] thou "', and called {mahA-vAkya}, the great word by which the identity of the whole world with the one eternal Brahma [{tad}] is expressed); the, number 25 Sryas. ii; the number 24 DevibhP. S'Br. vii, 3, 1, 43 Sy.; an element or elementary property W.; the essence or substance of anything W. [433, 1]; the being that Jaim. i, 3, 24 Sch.; = {tata-tva} L.; N. of a musical instrument L.; ({ena}) instr. ind. according to the true state or nature of anything, in

truth, truly, really, accurately Mn. vii, 68 MBh. R.; {-kaumudI} f. `" Tattva-moonlight "'N. of a Comm. on Snkhyak. Sarvad. xiv, 20; {-candra} m. `" truthmoon "'N. of a Comm. on Prakriy-kaumud; `" Tattva-moon "'N. of a Comm. on {-kaumudI}; {cintAmaNi} m. N. of a philos. work by Gange7s'a; of another work Nirnayas. iii; {-jJa} mfn. ifc. knowing the truth, knowing the true nature of, knowing thoroughly Mn.xii, 102 MBh. ({a-} neg., xii, 6623) R. &c.; m. a Brhman Npr.; {-jJAna} n. knowledge of truth, thorough knowledge, insight into the true principles of phil. Sarvad.; {-jJAnin} mfn. = {-jJa} W.; {-taraMgiNI} f. `" truth-river "'N. of wk. by Dharmasgara; {-tas} ind.= {-ttvena} MundUp. i, 2, 13 Mn. MBh. &c.; {-tA} f. truth, reality W.; {-tyaj} mfn. mistaking the true state Viddh. iii, 19; {-trayamaya} mfn. consisting of the 3 realities Hcat. i, 11, 893; {-darza} m. (= {-dRz}) N. of a Riishi under Manu Deva-svarni BhP. viii, 13, 32; {-darzin} mfn. = {-dRz} MBh. iii, 1149 Rmag.; m. N. of one of Manu Raivata's sons Hariv. 433; of a Brhman, 1265; {-dIpana} n. `" Tattva-light "'N. of wk.; {-dRz} mfn. perceiving truth Veda7ntas.; {nikaSa-grAvan} m. the touchstone of truth Hit. i, 9, 12; {-nizcaya} m. `" ascertainment of truth "', right knowledge Sarvad. vi, 91 and 94; {-niSThatA} f. veracity Hemac.; {-nyAsa} m. `" application of true principles "'N. of a ceremony in honour of Vishnu (application of mystical letters &c. to parts of the body while prayers are recited), Tantr.; {-prakAza}

m. `" light of true principles "'N. of a Comm. Sarvad. vii; {-prabodha-prakaraNa} n. N. of wk. by Haribhadra II (A.D. 1.200); {-bindu} m. `" truthdrop "'N. of a philos. treatise; {-bodha} m. knowledge or understanding of truth, xii, 46; N. of wk. Tantras. ii; {-bodhinI} f. `" teaching true principles "'N. of a Comm. on Sankshepa-s'rraka; of a Comm. on Siddh. by Jne7ndra-sarasvat; truth-teaching cf. RTL. p. 492 and 509; {-bhava} m. true being or nature KathhUp. vi S'vetUp. i; {bhUta} mfn. true MBh. xii, 5290; {-muktA7vali} f. `" necklace of truth "'N. of wk. Sarvad. iv, 110; cf. RTL. p. 123; {-vat} mfn. possessing the truth or reality of things MBh. xii, 11480; {-vAda-rahasya} n. N. of wk. Sarvad. v, 110; {-vid} mfn. knowing the true nature of(gen.) Bhag. iii, 28; {-vivitsA} f. desire of knowing the truth W.; {-viveka} m. the sifting of established truth; N. of wk. on astron. (also {siddhA7nta-t-}); of another work Sarvad. v, 6; {-ka-dIpana} n. `" light of truth-investigation "'N. of a philos. work; {-zambara} n. N. of a Tantra nand. 31 Sch.; ({-raka}, ryav.); {-zuddhi} f. ascertainment or right knowledge of truth Kaths. lxxv, 194; {-saMgraha} m. N. of wk. Sarvad. vii, 88; {-satya-zAstra} n. N. of a Buddh. work by Gunaprabha; {-samAsa} m. `" Tattva-compendium "'N. of Kapila's Snkhya-stras Tattvas.; {-sAgara} m. `" truth-ocean "'N. of wk. Smriitit. xi Nirnayas. i, 318; {-sAra} m. `" truth-essence "'N. of wk. S'kta7n. ii; {-vA7khyAno7pamA} f. a simile

expressing or stating any truth Kvya7d. ii, 36; {vA7dhigata} mfn. learnt thoroughly Sus'r.; {vA7pahnava-rUpaka} n. a metaphor denying a truth (as that two eyes are not eyes but bees) Kvya7d. ii, 95; {-vA7bhiyoga} m. a positive charge or declaration Yj. ii, 5/6, 4 ff.; {-vA7rtha} m. the truth Sarvad. iii; {-tha-kaumudI} f. `" truth-light "'N. of a Comm. on Pryas'c. by (Govinda7nanda; {tha-vid} mfn. knowing the exact truth or meaning of (in comp.) Mn.i, 3; (see {veda-}); {-tha-sUtra} n. N. of a Jaina work by Um-svti Sarvad. iii, 103; {vA7vabodha} m. perception of truth W. tattvaM = truth/nature tattvataH = in reality tattvavit.h = the knower of the Absolute Truth tattvaGYaana = of knowledge of the truth tattve = truth tattvena = in reality tatparaM = afterwards tatparaH = very much attached to it


tatparaayaNaH = who have completely taken shelter of Him tatprasaadaat.h = by His grace tatsamanantaram ind. immediately upon that Katha1s. iv, 24; cf. %{tadanant-}. tatra = there* = (also {-trA} RV.) ind. ({ta4-tra}, correlative of {ya4-tra}; g. {cA7di}, not in Ks'.) used for the loc. (sg. du. and pl.) of {ta4d} (q.v. Pn. 5-3, 10; vi, 3, 35) RV. AV. Mn. &c.; in that place, there (in comp. Pn. 2-1, 46) RV. &c.; thither, to that place ib.; in that, therein, in that case, on that occasion, under those circumstances, then, therefore, (also correlative of {ya4d} [vi, 57, 4 AV. xii, 1, 34 Nal. &c.], {yadA} [Pacat. i, 19, 8], {yadi} [Mn. viii f. Cn. Hit.], or {ced} [Mn. viii, 295; ix, 205]; {tatra mAsa}, `" that month "' i.e. the month that has been spoken of Kaths. xviii, 208) tatra tatra* = used for double loc. of {ta4d} Nal. v, 8; in that and that place, here and there, everywhere Mn. vii, 87 MBh. BhP.; to every place MBh. tatvidaH = by those who know this tatsamakshaM = among companions


tatsiddhiH = that materialisation tathaa = and, also, like that tathaapi = yet, even then tathaiva = similarly tau = they tausthau = stood (motionless) (past perfect tense of sthaa tishhTha to stand) tava = Yours tavaM = you tayaa = by her tayoH = of them thaara * = m. a horse L.; a catamite L. thaat* = ind, (onomat.) with {kR}, to cause to jingle or rattle Prasannar. i, 32. thasat * = ind. (onomat.) an interjection imitating the sound of bursting Kaths. vc, 78; ({-sad-iti}) cvi, 181.

thasiti * =ind. id. Blar. ii, 31. tigma * = mfn. sharp, pointed (a weapon, flame, ray of light) RV. AV. iv, 27, 7, xiii S'nkhGri. &c.; pungent, acrid, hot, scorching RV. &c.; violent, intense, fiery, passionate, hasty ib.; m. Indra's thunderbolt W.; = {-gmA7tman} VP. iv, 21, 3; pl. N. of the S'dras in Krauca-dvpa, ii, 4, 53 (v.l. {tiSya}); n. pungency L. tiira = (neut) edge, bank \\ * = 1 m. tin (cf. %{tIvra}) L.; n. a kind of arrow (cf. Pers. $) Pan5cad. ii, 76; (%{I}) f. id. L.\\2 n. ( %{tRR} Siddh.pum2l. 56) a shore, bank AitBr. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} MBh. R. Ragh.; ifc., for d\\mfn. furthering, granting success or victory AitA1r. 2.\\mfn. (?) carrying across, furthering, helping TS. (Sch.) tiirtha * = n. (rarely m. MBh.) a passage, way, road, ford, stairs for landing or for descent into a river, bathing-place, place of pilgrimage on the banks of sacred streams, piece of water RV. &c.; the path to the altar between the, Ctvla and Utkara ShadvBr. iii, 1 s'vS'r. iv, ix S'nkhS'r. Lthy. KtyS'r.; a channel, iv, 8, Paddh.; the usual or right way or manner TS. S'Br. xiv, ({a4-}, xi) KtyS'r. MBh. iv, 1411; the right place or moment ChUp. viii Anup. &c.; advice, instruction, counsel, adviser, preceptor MBh. v Mlav. i, 12/13 Kir. ii, 3; certain lines or

parts of the hand sacred to the deities Mn. ii Yj. &c.; an object of veneration, sacred object BhP.; a worthy person p. Mn. iii, 130 MBh. &c.; a person worthy of receiving anything (gen.) MnGri. i, 7; N. of certain counsellors of a king (enumerated in Pacat. iii, 67/68) MBh. ii, 171 Ragh. xvii S'is'. xiv [449, 2]; one of the ten orders of ascetics founded by S'ankara7crya (its members add the word {tIrtha} to their names); a brhman Un. vri.; = {darzana} L.; = {yoga} L.; the vulva L.; a womas courses L.; fire Un. vri.; = {nidAna} ib tiivra * = mf({A})n. (fr. {tiv-ra}, {tu}) strong, severe, violent, intense, hot, pervading, excessive, ardent, sharp, acute, pungent, horrible RV. &c.; m. sharpness, pungency Pn. 2-2, 8 Vrtt. 3. Pat.; for {-vara} (?) g. {rAjanyA7di}; S'iva; n. pungency W.; a shore (for 2. {tIra} ?) Un. k.; tin (cf. 1. {tIra}) ib.; steel L.; iron L.; ({am}) ind. violently, impetuously, sharply, excessively W.; ({A}) f. Helleborus niger L.; black mustard L.; basil L.; {gaNDa-dUrvA} L.; {taradI} L.; {mahA-jyotiSmatI} L.; (in music) N. of a S'ruti; of a Mrchan; of the river Padmavat (in the east of Bengal) L. tiikshNa = pungent *= mf(%{A4})n. ( %{tij}) sharp , hot , pungent , fiery , acid RV. x , 87 , 9 AV. &c. ; harsh , rough , rude Mn. vii , 140 MBh. R. VarBr2S. ; sharp , keen S3is3. ii , 109 Pa1n2. 5-2 , 76 Ka1s3. ;

zealous , vehement L. ; self-abandoning L. ; (with %{gati} , `" a planet's course "' , or %{nakSatra} `" asterism "') inauspicious VarBr2S. vii , 8 and 10 ; iic , 7 (asterisms Mu1la , A1rdra1 , Jyesht2ha1 , A1s3lesha1) ; m. nitre L. ; = %{-taNDulA} Npr. ; black pepper ib. ; black mustard ib. ; = %{-gandhaka} ib. ; = %{-sArA} ib. ; majoram ib. ; white Kus3a or Darbha grass ib. ; the resin of Boswellia thurifera ib. ; an ascetic L. ; (g. %{azvA7di}) N. of a man Ra1jat. viii , 1742 f. ; of a Na1ga Buddh. L. ; n. pl. sharp language R. ii , 35 , 33 Ma1rkP. xxxiv , 46 ; sg. steel (cf. %{-varman}) Npr. ; iron L. ; any weapon L. Sch. ; sea-salt L. ; nitre L. ; Galmei Npr. ; poison L. ; Bignonia suaveolens L. ; Piper Chaba L. ; Asa foetida Npr. ; battle L. ; pestilence L. ; death L. Sch. ; heat , pungency W. ; haste W. ; (%{A}) f. N. of several plants (Mucuna pruritus , Cardiospermum Halicacabum , black mustard , %{atyamla-parNI} , %{mahA-jyotiSmatI} , %{vacA} , %{sarpakaGkAlikA}) Npr. ; a mystical N. of the letter %{p} , Ra1mat. i , 77 ; cf. %{a-} , %{su}. tikta = (adj) bitter tila = sesame seeds tilakam.h = (n) bindi (the "dot on the forehead")


tilaka * = m. (g. %{sthUlA7di}) Clerodendrum phlomoides (Symplocos racemosa L.) MBh. &c.; a freckle (compared to a sesamum-seed) VarBr2S. l, 9; lii, 10 Katha1s.; a kind of skin-eruption L.; (in music) N. of a Dhruvaka; a kind of horse L.; N. of a prince of Kampana1 Ra1jat. viii, 577 ff; m. (n. Pan5cad. ii, 57) a mark on the forehead (made with coloured earths, sandal-wood, or unguents, either as an ornament or a sectarial distinction) Ya1jn5. i, 293 MBh. iii, 11591 R. (ifc. f. %{A}, iii) &c.; the ornament of anything (in comp.) Pan5cat. i, 1, 92 Katha1s. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} Ra1jat. iii, 375); n. id. L.; the right lung L.; black sochal salt L.; alliteration Ra1jat.; a metre of 4 x 6 syllables; = %{tri-zlokI} L.; a kind of observance Ka1lanirn2. Introd. 12; (%{A}) f. a kind of necklace L.; cf. %{eNa-}, %{kha-}, %{vasanta-}; %{Urdhva-tilakin}. titikshasva = just try to tolerate tittibha = a firefly tittibhaasana = the firefly posture tintriNii = (f) tamarind timira = darkness tira * = mfn. furthering, granting success or victory

AitA1r. 2.\\mfn. (?) carrying across, furthering, helping TS. (Sch.) tiraskara* = mf({I})n. excelling (with gen.) BhP. i, 10, 27. tiraskaara* = m. placing aside, concealment W.; abuse, censure Hit. i, 2, 25/26; iv; disdain Pn. 2-3, 17 Ks'. Kaths.xxxii, 55 SrngP.; a cuirass Kir. xvii, 49. tiryakkAram* = ind. having laid aside (after the completion of any work), the work being done Pn. 3-4, 60; cf. {tIraya}. tiryakkSipta* = mfn. placed obliquely L.; said of a form of dislocation (when a part of the joint is forced outwards) Sus'r. ii, 15, 2 f. tiryaktA* = f. animal nature Rjat. iii, 448. tiryakpAtana* = n. a kind of process applied esp. to mercury. tiryakpAtin* = mfn. falling obliquely on (loc.) S'is'. x, 40. tiryakpramANa* = n. measurement across, breadth KtyS'r. i f. Sch. ({purastat-}, `" breadth in front "';

{pazcAt-}, `" breadth behind. "') tiryakphalA* = f. Oldenlandia herbacea L. tiryaksrotas* = mfn. (an animal) in which the current of nutriment tends transversely R. ii, 35, 19 Sch.; m. n. animals collectively VP. i, 5, 8 MrkP. vlii NarasP. iii, 25. tishhThati = (1 pp) to stand tishhThani = stand (from sthaa) tishhThantaM = residing tishhThanti = dwell tishhThasi = remain tishya* = m. N. of a heavenly archer (like Kriis'nu) and of the 6th Nakshatra of the old or 8th of the new order RV. v, 54, 13; x, 64, 8 TS. ({-Sya4}) &c.; the month Pausha L.; Terminalia tomentosa L.; = {-SyA} L.; (Pn. 4-3, 34; i, 2, 63 Ks'.) `" born under the asterism TTerminalia "', a common N. of men Buddh. (cf. {upa-}); n. (m. L.) the 4th or present age MBh. vi Hariv. 3019; mfn. auspicious, fortunate W.; ({A}) f. Emblic Myrobalan L.


tiras * = through (acc.) RV. AV. xiii, 1, 36; across, beyond, over (acc.) RV. AV. vii, 38, 5; so as to pass by, apart from, without, against (acc.) RV. ({-ra4s citta4ni}, `" without the knowledge "', vii, 59, 8; {ro4 va4zam}, `" against the will "', x, 171, 4); apart or secretly from (abl.) AV. xii, 3, 39 S'Br. i, iii; obliquely, transversely MrkP. xvii, 3; apart, secretly TS. ii, 5, 10, 6 AitBr. ii S'Br.; [cf. Zd. {taro1}; Lat. {trans}; Goth. {thairh}; Germ. {durch}; Hib. {tar}, {tair}.] titiksha * = m. (fr. Desid.) N. of a man g. {kaNvA7di}; ({A}) f. endurance, forbearance, patience MBh. Pn. 1-2, 20 Sus'r. &c.; Patience (daughter of Daksha; wife of Dharma; mother of Kshema) BhP. iv, 1, 19ff. tiivra * = mf(%{A})n. (fr. %{tiv-ra} , %{tu}) strong , severe , violent , intense , hot , pervading , excessive , ardent , sharp , acute , pungent , horrible RV. &c. ; m. sharpness , pungency Pa1n2. 2-2 , 8 Va1rtt. 3. Pat. ; for %{-vara} (?) g. %{rAjanyA7di} ; S3iva ; n. pungency W. ; a shore (for 2. %{tIra} ?) Un2. k. ; tin (cf. 1. %{tIra}) ib. ; steel L. ; iron L. ; (%{am}) ind. violently , impetuously , sharply , excessively W. ; (%{A}) f. Helleborus niger L. ; black mustard L. ; basil L. ; %{gaNDa-dUrvA} L. ; %{taradI} L. ; %{mahAjyotiSmatI} L. ; (in music) N. of a S3ruti ; of a

Mu1rchana1 ; of the river Padmavati1 (in the east of Bengal) L. tiivraya %{-yati}, to strengthen Ta1n2d2yaBr. xviii. te = they te.api = even they tejaH = prowess tejas.h = brilliance tejas * = n. (often pl.) the sharp edge (of a knife &c.), point or top of a flame or ray, glow, glare, splendour, brilliance, light, fire RV. &c.; clearness of the eyes VS. xxi AitBr. &c.; the bright appearance of the human body (in health), beauty Nal. Sus'r. i, 15 [454, 3]; the heating and strengthening faculty of the human frame seated in the bile, 14 and 26; the bile L.; fiery energy, ardour, vital power, spirit, efficacy, essence AV. &c.; semen virile MBh. R. Ragh. S'ak.; marrow L.; the brain W.; gold L.; (opposed to {kSamA}) impatience, fierceness, energetic opposition MBh. iii VarBri. Sh. iii, 50 and 54 Das'ar. ii, 3; (in Snkhya phil.) = {rajas} (passion); spiritual or moral or magical power or influence, majesty, dignity, glory, authority AV. VS.

&c.; a venerable or dignified person, person of consequence MBh. v, xiii S'ak. vii, 15; fresh butter L.; a mystical N. of the letter $ RmatUp. i, 23; ({ase}) dat. inf. {tij} q.v.; cf. {a-}, {agni-}, {ugra-} &c. tejasa = radiant energy, majesty tejasvin.h = one who has tej (brilliance) tejasvinaaM = of the powerful tejasvinaavadhiitamastu = with glory \& strength, our study, be tejobhiH = by effulgence tejomayaM = full of effulgence tejoraashiM = effulgence tena = by that; with that tenaiva = in that teshaaM = their teshhaaM = their


teshhu = on them thaat* = ind, (onomat.) with {kR}, to cause to jingle or rattle Prasannar. i, 32. thathaa api V*: still, nevertheless, yet, even so, nonetheless thu* = Meaning m. gold L.; one who changes his shape at will W.; love, god of love W. tilaka* m. (g. {sthUlA7di}) Clerodendrum phlomoides (Symplocos racemosa L.) MBh. &c.; a freckle (compared to a sesamum-seed) VarBriS. l, 9; lii, 10 Kaths.; a kind of skin-eruption L.; (in music) N. of a Dhruvaka; a kind of horse L.; N. of a prince of Kampan Rjat. viii, 577 ff; m. (n. Pacad. ii, 57) a mark on the forehead (made with coloured earths, sandal-wood, or unguents, either as an ornament or a sectarial distinction) Yj. i, 293 MBh. iii, 11591 R. (ifc. f. {A}, iii) &c.; the ornament of anything (in comp.) Pacat. i, 1, 92 Kaths. &c. (ifc. f. {A} Rjat. iii, 375); n. id. L.; the right lung L.; black sochal salt L.; alliteration Rjat.; a metre of 4 x 6 syllables; = {tri-zlokI} L.; a kind of observance Klanirn. Introd. 12; ({A}) f. a kind of necklace L.; cf. {eNa-}, {kha-}, {vasanta-}; {Urdhva-tilakin}. tilakaka* = n. N. of a man Rjat. viii, 469.

tilakaya* = Nom. P. to mark with spots HParis'. viii, 210; to mark Blar. i, 1; vi, 37; to adorn, i, 1 Viddh. ii, 13. tilakita* = mfn. (g. {tArakA7di}) marked Blar. vi, 55 and 58; adorned Kaths. xciii, 17 Rjat. ii, 40. tilakin* = mfn. marked with the Tilaka. tiraskRta * = mfn. concealed R. ii Amar. Bhat2t2. ; eclipsed W. ; excelled Pan5cat. ; censured , reviled , despised ib. (%{a-} neg.) ; %{-prAtivezya} m. = %{tiraH-pr-} q.v. ; %{-sambhASa} mfn. %{a-} neg. speaking together without abusing each other MBh. iii , 233 , 27. tiryaJc [tiryak or tiryac] * = mfn. (fr. %{tira4s} + %{aJ} Pa1n2. 6-3 , 94 ; nom. m. %{-rya4G} n. %{rya4k} f. %{-ra4izcI} , also %{-ryaJcI} Vop. iv , 12) going or lying crosswise or transversely or obliquely , oblique , transverse (opposed to %{anva4Jc}) , horizontal (opposed to %{Urdhva4}) AV. VS. TS. &c. ; going across S3Br. xiv , 9 , 3 , 2 f. ; moving tortuously W. ; curved , crooked W. ; meandering W. ; lying in the middle or between (a tone) , xi , 4 , 2 , 5 ff. VPra1t. i , 149 ; m. n. `" going horizontally "' , an animal (amphibious animal , bird , &c.) Mn.v , 40 ; xii , 57 Ya1jn5. MBh. &c. [448,1] ; the organic world (including plants) Jain.

; n. = %{-ryak-pramANa} S3ulbas. ; f. the female of any animal W. ; (%{rya4k}) ind. across , obliquely "' , transversely , horizontally , sideways S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. S3a1n3khS3r. VPra1t. Mn. &c. ; (%{razcA4}) instr. ind. id. RV. i , 61 , 12 ; ii , 10 , 4 ; x , 70 , 4 ; (%{-razci4}) loc. ind. id. S3Br. ii , 3 , 2 , 12 Ka1tyS3r. xvii , 8 , 14 and 12 , 1. tiryagja * = mfn. born or begotten by an animal Mn. x , 72. tiryagjana * = m. an animal BhP. ii , 7 , 46. tiryagjAti * = mfn. belonging to the race of animals W. ; m. an animal Ka1d. ; f. the brute kind W. tishthhati V*= stands, reamains, resides, exists tishthhad * = %{-SThat} , pr. p. %{sthA} q.v. [448,3] tishthhaddhoma * = mfn. (a sacrifice) at which the oblation (%{homa}) is offered standing Ka1tyS3r. i , 2 , 6. tishthhadgu * = ind. (Pa1n2. 2-1 , 17) , when the cows (%{go}) stand to be milked "' , after sunset Bhat2t2. iv , 14.

toyaM = water toyadaH = (m) cloud toka* = n. (fr. 1. {tuc}) offspring, children, race, child (often joined with {ta4naya}; rarely pl. AV. i, v BhP. vi) RV. AV. Kthh. S'Br. AitBr. Pn. 3-3, 1 Kr. BhP.; a new-born child; ii, x; m. ifc. the offspring of an animal (e.g. {aja-}, a young goat), iii, x; cf. {ava-}, {jIvat-} and {sa-tokA}; {tvakS}. tola = a balance tolayati = (10 up) to weigh tolaangulaasana = the balance posture tolaasana = the scales posture tokataa: childhood trai * = cl. 1. . {trA4yate} (Impv. {-yatAm}, 2. sg. {-yasva} and {trA4sva} pl. {-yadhvam} and {trA4dhvam} RV.; ep. {trAti}, {trAtu}, {trAhi}; aor. Subj. {trAsate}, 2. du. {trA4sAthe} Prec. {trA4sIthAm} RV.; inf. {trAtum} MBh. &c.; ind. p. {trAtvA} BhP. ii, 7, 9) to protect, preserve, cherish, defend, rescue from (gen. or abl.); cf. {pari-}, {saM}.

trasura * = mfn. timid , fearful Un2. vr2. trayaM = three trayaH = (adj) three trayaaNaaM = three trayii = triplet trayImaya * = mf(%{I})n. consisting of or containing or resting on the 3 Vedas BhP. (the sun , v , 20 , 4 ; the sun's chariot , 21 , 12) Ma1rkP. xxix Ku1rmaP. i , 20 , 66 (Rudra) Sin6ha7s. xviii. traye = in the three trayovi.nshati = number 23 traa = to save traaTaka = an exercise to clear the vision traaNa = protection* = mfn. protected Pn. 8-2, 56; n. protecting, preserving, protection, defence, shelter, help (often ifc.) ChUp. Mn. MBh. &c.; protection for the body, armour, helmet &c., iii, 12092; = {trAyamANA4} L.; ({A}) f. id. L.; cf. {aGguli-}, {udara-}, {uras-} &c.

traatuM = for protecting traayate = releases traayetaaM = (may the two) protect, save (us).(for one persons the verb is traahi = (Vr.Imp.II P.S PP)Protect traiguNya = pertaining to the three modes of material nature trailokya = of the three worlds traividyaH = the knowers of the three Vedas tretaa* = f. (fr. {traya4}) and triad, triplet MBh. xiv, 2759; the 3 sacred fires (= {agni-}), v, 1559 Hariv. 1410; trey (throw at dice or the side of a die marked with 3 spots) VS. xxx, 18 TS. iv Mriicch. ii, 9; `" age of triads "', the 2nd Yuga (or silver age) AitBr. MundUp. S'nkhS'r. Mn. &c. tri: three, *= m. {tra4yas} f. nom. acc. {tisra4s} n. {trI4Ni} [{trI4} RV. S'Br. xi], 3 RV. &c. ({tribhi4s} & {tisR4bhis}, &c. RV.; only once {tri4bhis} [viii, 59, 5] with the later accentuation, cf. Pn. 6-1, 177 and 180 f.; gen. {trINA4m} [RV. x, 185, 1; cf. Pn. 7-1, 53 Ks'.] and {tisRRNA4m} [RV. viii, 19, 37

and 101, 6], later on [fr. {-ya4}] {trayANAm} [AitBr. Mn.] and {tisRNA4m} [RV. v, 69, 2 against metre; cf. Pn. 6-4, 4 f.]; ifc., vii, 2, 99 f. Ks'.) [458, 1]; [cf. $, Lat. {tres}; Goth. {threis}; &c.] tribhiH = three tribhujam.h = (n) triangle tridas'a* = mf({A})n. 3 X 10 (= 30) MBh. i, 4445; m. pl. (cf. Pn. 2-2, 25; v, 4, 73; vi, 3, 48 Ks'. and {dvi-d-}) the 3 X 10 (in round number for 3 X 11) deities (12 dityas, 8 Vasus, 11 Rudras, and 2 As'vins; cf. RV. ix, 92, 24) MBh. &c.; du. the As'vins, iii, 10345; mfn. divine R. iii, 41, 21; n. heaven MBh. xiii, 3327 ({tri-diva}, B); {-guru} m. `" thirty-god-preceptor "', Briihaspati (regent of Jupiter) VarBriS. VarBri.; {-gopa} m. = {indra-g-}, a fire-fly Ragh. xi, 42; {-gopaka} m. id. Npr.; {-tA} f. divine nature Blar.; {-tva} n. id. Ragh. xviii, 30; {-dIrghikA} f. `" heavenly lake "', Gang L.; {-nadI} f. `" heavenly river "', Gang W.; {-pati} m. `" lord of the gods "', Indra Mriicch. Ratna7v. iv, 11 VP. v, 18; {-puMgava} m. `" god-chief "', Vishnu R. i, 14, 42; {-pratipakSa} m. = {-zA7ri}; {-maJjarI} f. `" heavenly plant "', the Tulas L.; {-vadhU} f. `" wife of the gods "', an Apsaras W.; {-vanitA} f. id. Megh.; {-zaila} m. `" heavenly mountain "', the Kailsa Kaths. cxiv; {-zreSTha} mfn. best of gods

(Brahm, Agni) R. vi, 102 f.; {-sarSapa} m. = {devas-} Npr.; {-zA7Gkuza} m. `" divine goad "', a thunderbolt L.; {-zA7GganA} f. = {-za-vadhU} Bhakta7m. 15; {-zA7cArya} m. = {-za-guru} L.; {zA7dhipa} m. a lord of the gods, 28; {-zA7dhipati} m. S'iva; {-zA7yana} mfn. `" resort of the gods "', Nryana Hariv.; {-zA7yudha} n. `" divine weapon "', the rainbow Ragh. ix, 54; the thunderbolt L.; {zA7ri} m. an enemy of the gods, Asura R. vi, 36, 78; {-zA7laya} m. `" abode of the gods "', heaven MBh. iii R. i Vet.; the mountain Su-meru L.; a heavendweller, god MBh. iii, 1725; {-zA7vAsa} m. = {zA7laya}, heaven L.; {-zA7hAra} m. `" divine food "', nectar L.; {-zI-bhUta} mfn. become divine Ragh. xv, 102; {-ze7dra} m. `" god-chief "', Indra Pacat. i; {-ze7ndra-zatru} m. `" Indra's foe "', Rvana R. vi, 36, 6; {-ze7za} m. = {-ze7ndra} MBh. iii; {ze7zadviS} m. = {-zA7ri} MBh.; {-ze7zvara} m. = {ze7ndra} MBh. R. ii; S'iva MBh.; pl. Indra, Agni, Varuna, and Yama Nal. iv, 31; ({I}) f. Durg DevP.; N. of a female attendant of Durg W.; {-ze7zvaradviS} m. = {-ze7ndra-zatru} R. i, 14, 47. tridhaa = of three kinds triguNa = three qualities (i.e. satva, rajas and tamas) trigunadoshaiH = having all three qualities as well

as faults trijagati = in the three worlds trikoNa = a triangle trikoNamiti = trigonometry trikoNaasana = the triangle posture trikona = Trinal houses or 1, 5, 9 trimsat.h = (adj) thirty triiNi = three triin.h = three triNa = grass triNaa = grass trina * = grass triNemi mfn. with 3 fellies BhP. iii, 8, 20. (v.l. {nemi}). triph *= cl. 6. %{-phati}, to satisfy (cf. %{tRp}) Dha1tup.; to kill (cf. %{tarphitR}) W.

tripishthapa *= n. (m. Un2. Sch.) = %{-diva4} , Indra's heaven MBh. i , 7580 and 7657 R. i , vi Ma1rkP. xviii , 27 ; the sky L. ; cf. %{-viST-} ; %{sad} m. `" heavendweller "' , a god L tripta = satisfied triptaH = being satisfied triptiH = satisfaction trishhu = in the three trishNaa = desire* = f. thirst, i, vii, ix AV. S'Br. &c.; desire, avidity (chiefly ifc.) R. Ragh. BhP. &c.; Avidity as mother of Dambha (Prab. ii, 11/12), daughter of Death (Mriityu VP. i, 7, 31; or Mra Lalit. xxiv, 20), generated by Vedan and generating Upa7dna (Buddh.); cf. {ati-}. trishhNaaM = thirst/desiretri = three trivikrama = fifth incarnation of Vishnu commonly known as vaamana trividhaM = of three kinds trividhaH = of three kinds


trividhaa = of three kinds truTayaH = shortcomings, mistakes truTi = shortcomings, mistakes tuuNa = quiver(arrow receptacle) tuula = air tuulaa = Zodiacal Sign of Libra tu = but * = Meaning 1 cl. 2. ({tauti} Dhtup.; fut. 2nd {totA} or {tavitA} Vop.) to have authority, be strong RV. i, 94, 2 (pf. {tUtAva} cf. Naigh. iv, 1 Pn. 6-1, 7 Ks'.); to go Dhtup.; to injure ib.: Caus. (aor. {tUtot}, 2. sg. {-tos}) to make strong or efficient RV. ii, 20, 5; vi, 26, 4; cf. {ut-}, {saM-}; {tava4s}, &c., {tIvra4}; [Zd. {tav}, `" to be able "'; Lat. {tumor}, {tueri}, {totus}.] tu4 * = Meaning 2 (never found at the beginning of a sentence or verse; metrically also {tU4} RV.; cf. Pn. 6-3, 133) pray! I beg, do, now, then, Lat. {dum} used (esp. with the Imper.) RV.; but (also with {eva4} or {vai4} following) AV. iv, 18, 6 TS. S'Br. &c.; and Mn. ii, 22; or, i, 68; xi, 202; often incorrectly written for {nu} MBh. (i, 6151 B and C); sometimes used as a mere expletive

tu (in conjuction) * = cana tu * =Meaning thoughstill not\\kiM tu * =g or though - still\\paraMtu * = though - still\\varam-natu * = it is true - but not, ere - than\\kiM u * = still, nevertheless\\naparaMtu * = not-however\\ na caapi tu* = not-but This page was generated by SFgate 4.0.30. vai tuccha * = mfn. empty, vain, small, little, trifling BhP. Nr2isUp. Prab.; n. anything trifling S3a1rn3gP. xxxi, 15; chaff Un2. k.; (%{A}) f. the 14th lunar day Su1ryapr. tucchiikrita * = mfn. despised BhP. tuchchha = adj. trifling tuda* = mfn. ifc. `" striking "' see {aruM-}, {tilaM}, {vidhuM-}; m. N. of a man g. {zubhrA7di}; cf. {ut-}. tulanaa = comparison tula * = m. (for {-lA}) the sign Libra, Utp. (on VarBri. xi, xvi, xxiii and VarYogay. iv, 55). tulaa = (f) balance, weighing scales * f. a balance, weight VS. xxx S'Br. xi Mn. &c. ({-layA dhR} or {lAM} with Caus. of {adhiruh}, `" to hold in or put on a balance, weigh, compare "'; {-lAM} with Caus. of {adhi-ruh}, `" to risk "' Pacat. i, 16, 9; {-lAm

adhi-} or {A-} or {sam-A-ruh}, `" to be in a balance "', be equal with [instr.]; the balance as an ordeal Yj. ii Mriicch. ix, 43); equal measure, equality, resemblance Ragh. &c. ({-lAm i} or {gam} or {AyA} or {A-lamb} or {dhA}, `" to resemble any one or anything "' [instr. or in comp.]; {-lAM na bhR}, `" to have no equal "' Prasannar. i, 37; {-lAM} with Pass. of {nI}, `" to become equal to "' [gen.]); = {la} Pacat. i, 14, 14 VarBri. &c.; N. of a measure (= 100 Palas) MBh. iii, xiv VarBriS. Sus'r. Ashtha7ng. S'rngS. i, 31; a kind of beam in the roof of a house VarBriS. liii, 30. tulas * = f. holy basil (small shrub venerated by Vaishnavas; commonly Tuls) BhP. VyuP. and PadmaP. (produced from the ocean when churned) BrahmaP. (produced from the hair of the goddess Tulas, ii, 19.) tulya = comparable *= mf(%{A})n. (in comp. accent Pa1n2. 6-2 , 2) equal to , of the same kind or class or number or value , similar , comparable , like (with instr. or gen. [cf. ii. , 3 , 72] or ifc. ; e.g. %{tena} [Mn. iv , 86] or %{etasya} [Kat2hUp. i , 22] or %{etat-} [24] , `" equal to him "') Ka1tyS3r. La1t2y. Pa1n2. &c. ; fit for (instr.) Su1ryas. xiv , 6 ; even VarBr2. iv , 21 ; n. N. of a dance ; (%{am}) ind. equally , in like manner Pa1n2. MBh. R. Hariv. ; contemporaneously Dharmas3arm. xvii , 14.

tulyaM = equivalent, comparable tulyaH = equal tumburu m. N. of a pupil of Kala1pin Pa1n2. 4-3 , 104 Ka1s3. (Ka1r.) ; of a Gandharva MBh. &c. (`" attendant of the 5th Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i1 "' Jain.) ; n. coriander or the fruit of Diospyros embryopteris (also %{-rI} and %{tubarI} L.) Sus3r. iv ; vi , 42 , 67 and (metrically %{-rU}) 118 Pa1n2. 6-1 , 143 Ka1s3. tumulaH = uproarious tuNDaM = jaws/mouth? turya* = mfn. (Pn. 5-2, 51 Vrtt. 1) 4th BhP. Vet. Srut.; forming a 4th part BhP.; n. the 4th state of soul (see {-rIya}), vii, 9, 32 Hathhapr. iv, 45 RmatUp. ii, 4, 15 Sch.; mfn. being in that state of soul BhP. vi f. turyaa* = f. superior power TS.ii, 2, 12. tush.h = to be satisfied tushhaara = (m) ice/snow tushhTaH = satisfied

tushhTiH = satisfaction tushhTishchaastu = tushhTiH + cha + astu:happiness + and + let there be tushhTuvaa.nsaH = May we satisfy or make them happy? tushhNiM = silent tushhyati = (4 pp) to be pleased tushhyanti = become pleased tushita* = m. pl. a class of celestial beings MBh. xiii, 1371 Buddh. &c. (12 in number Hariv. VP. BhP. iv, 1, 8 VyuP. ii, 6; 36 in number L.); sg. Vishnu in the 3rd Manv-antara Vishn. iic, 47 VP. iii, 1, 38; ({A}) f. N. of the wife of Veda-s'iras and mother of the Tushitas, 37 BhP. viii, 1, 21. tushthi * = f. satisfaction, contentment Mn. MBh. &c. (9 kinds are reckoned in Snkhyaphil. Kap. iii, 39 Snkhyak. 47 and 50 Tattvas.; `" Satisfaction "' personified [Hariv. 9498] as daughter of Daksha and mother of Santosha or Muda VP. i, 7 BhP. iv, 1, 49 f. MrkP. l; or as daughter of Paurnamsa VyuP. i, 28, 8 LingaP.; as a deity sprung from the Kals of Prakriiti "' BrahmaP. ii, 1; as a Mtriik,

Bhavadev.; as a S'akti Hcat. i, 5, 197); N. of a Kal of the moon BrahmaP. ii, 15; the plant {vRddhi} L. tushthi-kara * = mfn. causing satisfaction Mn. xi, 234. tushthimat * = mfn. satisfied Hariv. iii, 86, 16, Nl.; m. N. of a prince VP. iv, 14, 5 BhP. ix, 24, 23. tushtha * = mfn. satisfied, pleased MBh. &c.; m. N. of a prince VyuP. ii, 34, 122. tushtha * = {-STi}, {-Sya} see {tuS}. tusta * = m. n. dust (= {tUs-}) L. Sch. tuuda* = m. the cotton tree L.; = {tUta} ($) Npr.; Thespesia populneoides L.; ({I}) f. N. of a district Pn. 4-3, 94. tuula * =n. a tuft of grass or reeds, panicle of a flower or plant AV. xix, 32, 3 Kthh. TndyaBr. ChUp. ({ISIkA-}) Kaus'. p. Pn. 6-2, 121 (ifc. ind.); a pencil DivyA7v. v. xxxvi; = {tUta} L.; air L.; m. the thorn-apple Npr.; n. (m. L.) cotton MBh. R. &c.; ({A}) f. id. L.; a lamp wick L.; ({I}) f. id. L.; cotton Snkhyak. 17, Gaudap.; = {-li} Un. Sch.; = {paTI} Subh. RmatUp. i, 86 Sch.; the Indigo plant L.; cf. {a4pa-}, {indra-}, {udak-}, {prAk-},

{bhasma-}, {zaNa-}, {sa-}, {haMsa-}, tuurya * = see {ap-}, {mitra-} &c. \\ 2 n. (m. L.) a musical instrument Pn. Mn. vii MBh. &c. (ifc. f. {A} KathhUp. Hariv.); cf. {sa-}.\\ 3 mfn. = {tur-}, 4th Rjat. ii, 91; m. N. of a family W. tuusta * = n. (Pn. 3-1, 21; ifc. g. {cUrNA7di}) dust, iii, 1, 21 Ks'. Purusho7tt. (Un. iii, 86 Sch.); sin L.; an atom L.; a braid of hair L. tuvigra * = mfn. swallowing much (Agni) RV. i, 140, 9. tvadanyena = besides you tvak.h = skin tvameva = you only tvaM = you tvat.h = than you tvattaH = from You tvatto = from you tvatprasaadaat.h = by Your mercy

tvatsamaH = equal to You tvayaa = by you tvayata* - ({tva4-}) mfn. given by thee, vii, 20, 10. tvAya4t* = mfn. = {tvA4M-kAma} RV. tvAyA* = ind. out of love towards thee, for thee, i-v tvayi V* = in yourself, of you, unto you tvarate = (1 ap) to hurry, to hasten tvaramaaNaaH = rushing tvaraa = hurry tvarita = quick, without delay tvahaM = tu + aham: emphasis + I tvaa = unto you tvaaM = to you tvaca * =. skin (ifc. see {mukta-}, {mRdu-}) Un. ii, 63 Sch.; cinnamon, cinnamon tree R. iii, 39, 22 Sus'r.; Cassia bark L.; ({A}) f. skin L.; cf. {guDa-};

{tanu-} and {pRthak-tvacA}. tvca: relating to the skin tvai = with regard to thee tyaaga = sacrificing/abandonment* = m. (Pn. 6-1, 216) leaving, abandoning, forsaking Mn. &c.; quitting (a place, {deza-}) Pacat.; discharging, secretion MBh. xiv, 630 VarBriS. giving up, resigning, gift, donation, distribution KtyS'r. Mn. &c.; sacrificing one's life RV. iv, 24, 3; liberality Mn. ii, 97 R. &c.; a sage L.; cf. {Atma-}, {tanu-}, {deha-}, {prA7Na-}, {zarIra-}. tyaagaM = renunciation tyaagaH = renunciation tyaagasya = of renunciation tyaagaat.h = by such renunciation tyaagii = the renouncer tyaage = in the matter of renunciation tyaajana n. abandoning (worldly attachments , %{saGgAnAm}) BhP. xi , 20 , 26.

tyaajita * = mfn. made to abandon (with acc.) Kaths. lxxxvi, 13; made to give up MrkP. lxxxix, 19; deprived of (acc.) MBh. xiii Kum. vii, 14 Megh. &c.; expelled Pacad. iii, 60; caused to be disregarded Ragh. vi, 56. tyaajya * = mfn. (Pn. 7-3, 66 Vrtt.) to be left or abandoned or quitted or shunned or expelled or removed Mn. ix, 83 MBh. &c.; to be given up Bhag. &c.; to be sacrificed Das'. vii, 211; to be excepted W.; n. part of an asterism or its duration considered as unlucky W. tyajana * = n. leaving , abandoning W. ; giving W. ; excepting , exclusion W. ; expelling AV. Paipp. xix , 12 , 4. tyajanIya * = mfn. to be left or abandoned W. ; to be avoided or excepted W. tyaajyaM = to be given up tyak.h = to sacrifice tyakta = giving up tyaktajiivitaaH = prepared to risk life tyaktuM = to be renounced tyaktvaa = having abandoned/sacrificed

tyaktvaa.atmaanaM = having abandoned see as one's own self tyaj.h = to leave tyajati = (1 pp) to abandon, to relinquish tyaja* = n. abandonment, difficulty, danger RV.; alienation, aversion, envy (= {krodha} Naigh. ii, 13) RV.; {-ja4s} m. `" offshoot "', a descendant, x, 10, 3. tyaj* = 1 cl. 1. {-jati} (metrically also {-te}; pf. Ved. {tityA4ja}, Class. {tat-} Pn. 6-1, 36; {tatyaja} BhP. iii, 4; fut. {tyakSyati} Pn. 7-2, 10 Kr.; {tyajiSy-} R. ii, vii MrkP.; aor. {atyAhSIt}; inf. {tyaktum}) to leave, abandon, quit RV. x, 71, 6 Mn. MBh. &c.; to leave a place, go away from Mn. vi, 77 MBh. &c.; to let go, dismiss, discharge VarBriS. xvii, 22 Bhathth.; to give up, surrender, resign, part from, renounce s'Up. 1 Mn. MBh. &c. ({tanum} or {deham} or {kalevaram}, `" to abandon the body, die "' Mn. vi MBh. &c.; {prANAn} or {zvAsam} or {jIvitam}, `" to give up breath or life, risk or lose one's life "' MBh. R. &c.); P. . to shun, avoid, get rid of, free one's self from (any passion &c.) MBh. &c.; to give away, distribute, offer (as a sacrifice or oblation to a deity; {tyajate} etymologically = $) Mn. Yj. MBh. &c.; to set aside, leave unnoticed, disregard S'nkhS'r. Mn. iii MBh. i, 3098 Hit. ii, 3,

30; (ind. p. {tyaktvA}) to except VarBriS. Caurap. Sch.; Pass. {tyajyate}, to be abandoned by, get rid of (instr.) Pacat. i, 10, 0/1: Caus. {tyAjayati} (aor. {atityajat} Bhathth.) to cause anyone to quit MBh. xiii, 288; to cause anyone to give up Kaths. lxxxiii, 34; to expel, turn out, xx, 126; to cause any one to lose, deprive of (instr.) Bhathth. xv, 120; to empty the body by evacuations Bhpr.: Desid. {tityakSati}, to be about to lose (one's life, {prANAn}) Car. v, 10 and 12. tyaj* = 2 mfn. ifc. leaving, abandoning W.; giving up, offering BhP. viii Rjat. iv; cf. {tanu-}, {tanU-}, {su-}. tyajana* = n. leaving, abandoning W.; giving W.; excepting, exclusion W.; expelling AV. Paipp. xix, 12, 4. tyajita* = mfn. = {tyakta} Hariv. ii, 2, 22. tyajan.h = quitting tyajet.h = one must give up


uh * =cl. 1. P. %{ohati}, %{uvoha}, %{auhIt}, &c., to give pain, hurt, kill L. (cf. 1. %{Uh}.) [221,1] uuh * =1 cl. 1. P. A1. %{Uhati}, %{-te}, %{UhAMcakAra} and %{-cakre}, %{UhitA}, %{auhIt}, %{auhiSTa} (connected with %{vah}, q.v., and in some forms not to be distinguished from it), to push, thrust, move, remove (only when compounded with prepositions); to change, alter, modify S3a1n3khS3r. Comm. on Nya1yam. uuh * = 2 cl. 1. P. A1. %{Uhati}, %{-te} (Ved. %{ohate}), %{UhAM-cakAra}, &c. (by native authorities not distinguished from 1. %{Uh} above), to observe, mark, note, attend to, heed, regard RV. AV. xx, 131, 10; to expect, hope for, wait for, listen for RV.; to comprehend, conceive, conjecture, guess, suppose, infer, reason, deliberate upon MBh. BhP. Nya1yam. Bhat2t2. &c.: Caus. %{Uhayati} (aor. %{aujihat}), to consider, heed MBh.; to cause to suppose or infer Bhat2t2. uuru * = m. [the f. may be {U} at the end of compounds in comparison Pn. 4-1, 69], (fr. {UrNu} Un. i, 31) the thigh, shank RV. AV. VS. TS. S'Br. MBh. Mn. &c.; N. of an ngirasa and author of a Vedic hymn; N. of a son of Manu Ckshusha. ubhaya = both* mf(%{I})n. (only sg. and pl.;

according to Hara-datta also du. see Siddh. vol. i, p. 98) both, of both kinds, in both ways, in both manners RV. AV. TS. S3Br. AitA1r. Mn. &c.; (%{I}) f. a kind of bricks S3ulbas. ubhayaa* = 1 ind. in both ways RV. x, 108, 6.\\2 (in comp. for %{ubhaya} above). ubhayatra = at both places ubhayoH = both ubhe = both ubhau = both ucca* = mfn. (said to be fr. {ca} fr. {aJc} with 1. {ud}), high, lofty, elevated; tall MBh. Kum. S'is'. Kaths. &c.; deep Caurap.; high-sounding, loud Bhartri. VarBriS.; pronounced with the Udtta accent RPrt. VPrt. &c.; intense, violent R.; m. height MBh.; the apex of the orbit of a planet, Klas. R. &c.; compar. {ucca-tara}, superl. {uccatama}; [cf. Hib. {uchdan}, `" a hillock "'; CambroBrit. {uched}, `" cleve. "' uccaa* = ind. above (in heaven), from above, upwards RV. AV. xiii, 2, 36. uchchaara = pronunciation

uccaarita mfn. pronounced , uttered , articulated L. ; having excretion , one who has had evacuation of the bowels Gaut. Sus3r. ; (%{am}) n. evacuation of the bowels Sus3r. uccarita* = mfn. gone up or out , risen ; uttered , articulated ; (%{am}) n. excrement , dung BhP. Sus3r. Mn. Hit. uchchaarya = having uttered or pronounced uchchaiH = up uchchaiHshravasaM = Uccaihsrava uchchha = Exalted Planet uchchhabda = loud sound (masc) uchchhishhTaM = remnants of food eaten by others uchchhoshhaNaM = drying up uchchhritaM = high uchyate = is said uDDaayayati = to fly


uDDiyaana = a fetter or binding involving the raising of the diaphragm ud * = 1 a particle and prefix to verbs and nouns. (As implying superiority in place, rank, station, or power) up, upwards; upon, on; over, above. (As implying separation and disjunction) out, out of, from, off, away from, apart. (According to native authorities {ud} may also imply publicity, pride, indisposition, weakness, helplessness, binding, loosing, existence, acquisition.) {ud} is not used as a separable adverb or preposition; in those rare cases, in which it appears in the Veda uncompounded with a verb, the latter has to be supplied from the context (e.g. {u4d u4tsam zata4dhAram} AV. iii, 24, 4, out (pour) a fountain of a hundred streams). {ud} is sometimes repeated in the Veda to fill out the verse Pn. 8-1, 6 ({kiM na ud ud u harSase dAtavA u} Ks'. on Pn.) [Cf. Zd. {uz}; Hib. {uas} and in composition {os}, {ois} e.g. {os-car}, `" a leap, bound "', &c. see also {uttama4}, 1. {u4ttara}, &c.] \\2 or {und} cl. 7. P. {una4tti} (RV. v, 85, 4): cl. 6. P. {undati} (p. {unda4t} RV. ii, 3, 2: Impv. 3. pl. {undantu} AV. vi, 68, 1; 2) . {unda4te} (AV. v, 19, 4; {undAM cakAra}, {undiSyati} &c. Dhtup. xxix, 20) to flow or issue out, spring (as water); to wet, bathe RV. AV. S'Br. KtyS'r. s'vGri. PrGri. &c.: Caus. (aor. {aundidat} Vop. xviii, 1): Desid. {undidiSati} Ks'.

on Pn. 6-1, 3; [cf. Gk. $; Lat. {unda}; Goth. {vato}; Old High Germ. &57290[183, 1] {waz-ar}; Mod. Eng. {wat-er}; Lith. {wand-4}.] ud.hghaaTayati = to open udaagaa * = 1. P. (aor. 1. sg. {-A74gAm}) to come up or out towards udaana = the vital air controlling the intake of food and air udaara = generous udaaraaH = magnanimous udara* = n. ( {dRR} Un. v, 19; {R} BRD. and T.), the belly, abdomen, stomach, bowels RV. AV. S'Br. Sus'r. MBh. Kaths. &c.; the womb MBh. VP. Car.; a cavity, hollow; the interior or inside of anything ({udare}, inside, in the interior) Pacat. S'ak. Ragh. Mriicch. &c.; enlargement of the abdomen (from dropsy or flatulence), any morbid abdominal affection (as of the liver, spleen &c.; eight kinds are enumerated) Sus'r.; the thick part of anything (e.g. of the thumb) Sus'r. Comm. on Yj.; slaughter Naish. udaara4* = mf({A} and {I} [gana {bahv-Adi} Pn.

4-1, 45])n. ( {R}), high, lofty, exalted; great, best; noble, illustrious, generous; upright, honest MBh. S'ak. S'is'. &c.; liberal, gentle, munificent; sincere, proper, right; eloquent; unperplexed L.; exciting, effecting RV. x, 45, 5; active, energetic Sarvad.; m. rising fog or vapour (in some cases personified as spirits or deities) AV. AitBr.; a sort of grain with long stalks L.; a figure in rhetoric (attributing nobleness to an inanimate object). udaasiina = neutrals between belligerents * = mfn. (pres. p.) sitting apart, indifferent, free from affection; inert, inactive; (in law) not involved in a lawsuit MBh. Yj. Bhag. &c.; m. a stranger, neutral; one who is neither friend nor foe; a stoic, philosopher, ascetic. udaasiinaH = free from care udaasiinavat.h = as neutral udaaharaNa = example udaaharaNaaya = for example udaahritaM = exemplified udaahrita * = mfn. said , declared , illustrated ; called , named , entitled MBh. BhP. VarBr2S. &c.


udaahritaH = is said udaahritya = indicating udaara* = mf(%{A} and %{I} [gan2a %{bahv-Adi} Pa1n2. 4-1, 45])n. ( %{R}), high, lofty, exalted; great, best; noble, illustrious, generous; upright, honest MBh. S3ak. S3is3. &c.; liberal, gentle, munificent; sincere, proper, right; eloquent; unperplexed L.; exciting, effecting RV. x, 45, 5; active, energetic Sarvad.; m. rising fog or vapour (in some cases personified as spirits or deities) AV. AitBr.; a sort of grain with long stalks L.; a figure in rhetoric (attributing nobleness to an inanimate object). udaayam * = P. (Impv. %{-A4yacchatu}) to bring out, fetch out, get fetch out, get off AV. v, 30, 15: A1. (aor. 3. sg. %{-A7yata} du. %{-A7yasAtAm} pl. %{-A7yasata}) to show, exhibit, make known Pa1n2. 1-2, 15; (but also aor. %{-A7yaMsta}, in the sense to bring out, get off Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 1-2, 15.) udaaya * = emerging, coming forward; see {try-ud} udadhi = sea udagayana n. the sun's progress north of the equator ; the half year from the winter to the

summer solstice S3Br. Kaus3. A1s3vGr2. &c. ; (mfn.) being on the path of the sun at its progress north of the equator BhP. udagaayata mfn. extending towards the north A1s3vGr2. udaka = (n) water udara = bellies * = n. ( %{dRR} Un2. v, 19; %{R} BRD. and T.), the belly, abdomen, stomach, bowels RV. AV. S3Br. Sus3r. MBh. Katha1s. &c.; the womb MBh. VP. Car.; a cavity, hollow; the interior or inside of anything (%{udare}, inside, in the interior) Pan5cat. S3ak. Ragh. Mr2icch. &c.; enlargement of the abdomen (from dropsy or flatulence), any morbid abdominal affection (as of the liver, spleen &c.; eight kinds are enumerated) Sus3r.; the thick part of anything (e.g. of the thumb) Sus3r. Comm. on Ya1jn5.; slaughter Naish. udaranimittaM = for the sake of the belly/living udaram.h = (n) stomach udaya = rise * = m. going up, rising; swelling up R.; rising, rise (of the sun &c.), coming up (of a cloud) S'Br. KtyS'r. Mn. S'ak. &c.; the eastern mountain (behind which the sun is supposed to rise) MBh.

Hariv. Kaths. &c.; going out R.; coming forth, becoming visible, appearance, development; production, creation RV. viii, 41, 2 R. Ragh. Yj. S'ak. Kum. &c.; conclusion, result, consequence MBh. Ragh. Mn.; that which follows; a following word, subsequent sound Pn. 8-4, 67 RPrt. APrt. &c.; rising, reaching one's aim, elevation; success, prosperity, good fortune Kaths. Ragh. &c.; profit, advantage, income; revenue, interest R. Yj. Mn. &c.; the first lunar mansion; the orient sine (i.e. the sine of the point of the ecliptic on the eastern horizon) Sryas.; N. of several men. udayana * = n. rise, rising (of the sun &c.) RV. i, 48, 7 S3Br. R. &c.; way out, outlet AV. v, 30, 7; exit; outcome, result, conclusion, end TS. S3Br. Ta1n2d2yaBr.; means of redemption Car.; m. N. of several kings and authors. udayat.h = rising udavasAya * = ending, concluding udasta *= mfn. thrown or cast up; raised, thrown &c. udapaane = in a well of water udaya * m. going up, rising; swelling up R.; rising, rise (of the sun &c.), coming up (of a cloud) S'Br.

KtyS'r. Mn. S'ak. &c.; the eastern mountain (behind which the sun is supposed to rise) MBh. Hariv. Kaths. &c.; going out R.; coming forth, becoming visible, appearance, development; production, creation RV. viii, 41, 2 R. Ragh. Yj. S'ak. Kum. &c.; conclusion, result, consequence MBh. Ragh. Mn.; that which follows; a following word, subsequent sound Pn. 8-4, 67 RPrt. APrt. &c.; rising, reaching one's aim, elevation; success, prosperity, good fortune Kaths. Ragh. &c.; profit, advantage, income; revenue, interest R. Yj. Mn. &c.; the first lunar mansion; the orient sine (i.e. the sine of the point of the ecliptic on the eastern horizon) Sryas.; N. of several men. // udbhR *= P. A1. %{-bharati} , %{-te} (pf. %{jabhAra} pres. p. %{-bha4rat} ; but %{-bibhrat} Gi1t. 1 , 16) to take or carry away or out RV. AV. S3Br. ; to take for one's self , choose , select RV. AV. VS. ; to raise up , elevate RV. viii , 19 , 23 ; to carry above , raise up Gi1t. udbriMhaNa *= mfn. (%{bRh}) , increasing , strengthening BhP. uddaama * = mfn. (fr. %{dAman} with 1. %{ud}), unrestrained, unbound, set free; self-willed; unlimited, extraordinary; violent, impetuous, fiery; wanton; proud, haughty; large, great MBh. Megh. Ra1jat. &c.; m. a particular metre; `" one whose noose is raised "'N. of Yama L.; of Varun2a L.;

(%{am}) ind. in an unrestrained manner, without any limits Sa1h. Ka1d. uddama m. the act of subduing, taming L. udiichii = (f) north uduudashaa = Vinshottari Dasha udgachchhati = to overflow udgaara = expression uddishya = desiring * having shown or explained; stipulating for, demanding; (used as a preposition) aiming at, in the direction of; with reference to; towards; with regard to, for, for the sake of, in the name of &c. (with acc.) MBh. BhP. S'ak. &c. uddiSTa* = mfn. mentioned, particularized; described; promised; ({am}) n. a kind of time (in music). uddes'aH = (m) aim, goal uddes'a* = m. the act of pointing to or at, direction; ascertainment; brief statement; exemplification, illustration, explanation; mentioning a thing by name MBh. Bhag. Sus'r. Pacat. &c.; assignment,

prescription; stipulation, bargain MBh. R.; quarter, spot, region, place; an object, a motive; upper region, high situation MBh. Pacat. S'ak. &c.; (in Nyya phil.) enunciation of a topic (that is to be further discussed and elucidated) Nyyak.; ({ena} and {At}) ind. (ifc.) relative to, aiming at, Kaths. Sus'r. &c. [188, 2] uddeshataH = as examples uddhara = uplift* = m. (in some senses perhaps from 1. {ud-dhR}), the act of raising, elevating, lifting up; drawing out, pulling out Gaut. MBh. Comm. on BrirUp.; removing, extinction, payment (of a debt); taking away, deduction; omission Mn. Comm. on Yj.; selection, a part to be set aside, selected part; exception TS. S'Br. AitBr. Mn. &c.; selecting (a passage), selection, extract (of a book) Comm. on Kir. x, 10; extraction, deliverance, redemption, extrication MBh. Prab. &c.; a portion, share; a surplus (given by the Hind law to the eldest son beyond the shares of the younger ones) W.; the first part of a patrimony W.; the sixth part of booty taken in war (which belongs to the prince) W.; a debt (esp. one not bearing interest), KtyDh.; obligation Das'.; recovering property; refutation Car. Comm. on Nyyad.; ({A}) f. the plant Cocculus Cordifolius L.; ({am}) n. a fire-place L.

uddharshaNa* = 1 (for 2. see p. 189, col. 3) mfn. animating, encouraging R.; ({am}) n. the act of animating or encouraging MBh. uddharaNa* = n. (in some meanings perhaps from 1. {ud-dhR} q.v.), the act of taking up, raising, lifting up MBh. S'rng.; the act of drawing out, taking out, tearing out Mn. MBh. Sus'r. &c.; means of drawing out Vet.; taking off (clothes) Sus'r.; taking away, removing Vm.; putting or placing before, presenting, treatment KtyS'r. iv, 1, 10; extricating, delivering, rescuing Hit. Ragh. &c.; taking away (a brand from the Grhapatya-fire to supply other sacred fires) KtyS'r.; eradication; extermination; the act of destroying; vomiting, bringing up; vomited food; final emancipation L.; m. N. of the father of king S'antanu (the author of a commentary on a portion of the Mrkandeyapurna). uddhAraNa* = n. the act of raising, elevating; drawing out BhP.; the act of giving out or paying Pacat. 138, 14 (ed. Kosegarten). uddharsha* = 2 mfn. (for 1. see s.v.) glad, pleased, happy BhP.; m. the flaring upwards (of the fire) Sy. on AitBr. iii, 4, 5; great joy; a festival (especially a religious one) L.


uddharshaNa* =2 mfn. (for 1. see p. 188, col. 3) causing joy, gladdening; ({I}) f. a kind of metre; ({am}) n. erection of the hair (through rapture) L. uddharati = to draw up (water from a well) uddharet.h = one must deliver uddhaaraNa = lifting up uddhritaM = that which had been lifted uddhvahantii = she who is bearing or carrying the load udbhavaM = produced udbhava * = m. existence, generation, origin, production, birth; springing from, growing; becoming visible Yj. Mn. Kaths. Pacat. &c.; birth-place S'vetUp. Kvya7d.; N. of a son of Nahusha VP.; a sort of salt L., (ifc.) mfn. produced or coming from MBh. Mn. &c. ud-bhaava * = m. production, generation g. {balA7di} Pn. 5-2, 136; rising (of sounds) Pushpas. ix, 4, 22. udbhavaH = generation.

udgrihiita* = mfn. lifted up, taken up, turned up, upraised Megh. &c. udgrihya* = ind. p. having lifted up; having taken out S'B n. the act of throwing, casting, discharging (a missile) MBh.; throwing out; exciting, stirring up Car.; saying, speaking, communicating Kum. Katha1s. Sa1h. udvaha * = mfn. carrying or leading up AV. xix , 25 , 1 ; carrying away , taking up or away S3Br. Pa1n2. ; continuing , propagating MBh. R. Katha1s. ; eminent , superior , best L. ; m. the act of leading home (a bride) , marriage BhP. ; son , offspring MBh. R. Ragh. ; chief offspring Ragh. ix , 9 ; the fourth of the seven winds or courses of air (viz. that which supports the Nakshatras or lunar constellations and causes their revolution) Hariv. ; the vital air that conveys nourishment upwards ; one of the seven tongues of fire ; N. of a king MBh. ; (%{A}) f. daughter L. udvaaha * = m. the act of leading home (a bride) , marriage , wedding MBh. Katha1s. VarBr2S. &c. udvaapa* = m. the act of throwing out, removing Comm. on Nyyam.; ejection KtyS'r. Kaus'.; (in logic) non-existence of a consequent resulting from the absence of an antecedent W.

udyata = uplifted udyataaH = trying udIraNa *= n. the act of throwing, casting, discharging (a missile) MBh.; throwing out; exciting, stirring up Car.; saying, speaking, communicating Kum. Katha1s. Sa1h. udyaama =* m. the act of erecting or stretching out S'Br. viii, 5, 1, 13; a rope, cord TS. S'Br. KtyS'r. udyamena = (msc.instr.S) effort; exercise udyamya = taking up udyaana = garden udyaanapaalakaH = (m) gardener, mali udyaanam.h = (n) garden udyogin.h = industrious udvarta = plentiful udvaaha = (m) marriage udvA * = to be blown out, go out


udvijate = are agitated udvijet.h = become agitated udvegaiH = and anxiety ugra = powerful, noble ugraM = terrible ugraH = terrible ugrakarmaaNaH = engaged in painful activities ugraruupaH = fierce form ugraasana = the posterior stretch posture ugraiH = by terrible ujjrimbhita * = mfn. opened, stretched; expanded, blown; (%{am}) n. effort, exertion L. ujjvala = radiant uktaM = said; ukta mfn. (p.p. of {vac} q.v.), uttered, said, spoken; m. N. of a divine being (v.l. for {uktha} q.v.) Hariv.;

({am}) n. word, sentence S'is'. &c.; ({am}, {A}) n. f. a stanza of four lines (with one syllabic instant or one long or two short syllables in each); [cf. Zd. {ukhta}.] uktaH = addressed uktaaH = are said uktvaa = saying uluukaH = (m) owl ulbena = by the womb ulkA * = f. (%{uS} Un2. iii, 42), a fiery phenomenon in the sky, a meteor, fire falling from heaven RV. iv, 4, 2; x, 68, 4 AV. xix, 9, 9 MBh. Ya1jn5. Sus3r. &c.; a firebrand, dry grass &c. set on fire, a torch S3Br. v R. Katha1s. &c.; (in astrol.) one of the eight principal Das3a1s or aspect of planets indicating the fate of men, Jyotisha (T.); N. of a grammar. ullaH = to shine ullaasa * = m. light , splendour L. ; the coming forth , becoming visible , appearing Katha1s. xiv , 13 Sa1h. Kap. &c. ; joy , happiness , merriness

Katha1s. Amar. &c. ; increase , growth BhP. vii , 1 , 7 ; (in rhet.) giving prominence to any object by comparison or opposition Kuval. ; chapter , section , division of a book (e.g. of the Ka1vya-praka1s3a). ullaasana * = n. the act of shining forth , radiating Ra1jat. v , 343 ; (%{A}) f. causing to come forth or appear Ba1lar. ullasitaM = shining ullola = a large wave uma* = m. a city, town L.; a wharf, landing-place L. umaa= pArvatI* = f. (perhaps fr. {ve} BRD.) flax (Linum Usitatissimum) S'Br. vi Kaus'. Pn.; turmeric (Curcuma Longa) Car.; N. of the daughter of Himavat (wife of the god S'iva; also called Prvat and Durg; the name is said to be derived from {u mA}, `" O [child], do not [practise austerities] "' the exclamation addressed to Prvat by her mother) Hariv. 946 S'ivaP. Kum. i, 26 R. Ragh. &c.; N. of several women; splendour, light L.; fame, reputation L.; quiet, tranquillity L.; night L. uuma* = m. (Un. i, 143) a helper, friend, companion RV. AV. v, 2, 1; 3 AitBr. S'nkhS'r.; ({am}) n. N. of a town or place Comm. on Un.

Siddh. uu4ma* = Uma unmad* = ({ud-mad}) P. {-mAdyati}, to become disordered in intellect or distracted, be or become mad or furious TS. TBr. TndyaBr. S'Br. MBh. Kaths.: Caus. {-madayati}, or {-mAdayati}, to excite, agitate AV. vi, 130, 4 (see also {u4nmadita}); to make furious or drunk, inebriate, madden TS.: MBh. R. Das'. (cf. {un-mand}, next page.) unmakara * = (%{ud-ma-}) m. `" a rising Makara "', a kind of ornament for the ears (so shaped) BhP. v, 21, 13. unmanii = samadhi unmaatha * = m. the act of shaking Prab.; killing, slaughter L.; a snare, trap MBh.; murderer L.; N. of an attendant of Skanda MBh. ix, 2532. unmatta* = &c. see {un-mad}. unmatta* = mfn. disordered in intellect, distracted, insane, frantic, mad AV. vi, 111, 3 AitBr. Yj. MBh. &c.; drunk, intoxicated, furious MaitrUp. MBh. S'ak. &c.; m. the thorn-apple, Datura Metel and

Fastuosa Sus'r.; Pterospermum Acerifolium L.; N. of a Rakshas R.; of one of the eight forms of Bhairava. unmishhan.h = opening unmiilita = opened unmuulayati = to pull out, uproot unna mfn. wetted , wet , moistened , moist Ka1tyS3r. &c. ; kind , humane L. [184,1]\\ unna see 2. %{ud}. unnaaha m. excess , abundance BhP. xi , 19 , 43 ; impudence , haughtiness BhP. ; sour gruel (made from the fermentation of rice) L. unnata *= mfn. bent or turned upwards, elevated, lifted up, raised, high, tall, prominent, projecting, lofty MBh. S3ak. Hit. &c.; (figuratively) high, eminent, sublime, great, noble Katha1s. Bhartr2. Sa1h. &c.; having a large hump, humpbacked (as a bull) VS. TS. La1t2y.; m. a boa (%{aja-gara}) L.N. of a Buddha Lalit.; of one of the seven R2ishis under Manu Ca1kshusha VP.; of a mountain VP.; (%{am}) n. elevation, ascension; elevated part TS.; means of measuring the day, SiddhS3ir. Su1ryas.


unnatiiH = (m) progress, developments unnayati = to lift unnAha* = m. excess, abundance BhP. xi, 19, 43; impudence, haughtiness BhP.; sour gruel (made from the fermentation of rice) L. unnAda* = m. crying out, clamour MBh.; N. of a son of Kriishna Bh unnidra* = mfn. (fr. %{nidrA} with %{ud}), sleepless, awake S3ak. 137 b Megh.; expanded (as a flower), budded, blown Katha1s. S3is3. Ka1vya7d. &c.; shining (as the moon, supposed to be awake when others are asleep; or as the rising sun) Prab. Prasannar.; bristling (as hair) Naish. upa = near * = ind. (a preposition or prefix to verbs and nouns, expressing) towards, near to (opposed to {apa}, away), by the side of, with, together with, under, down (e.g. {upa-gam}, to go near, undergo; {upa-gamana}, approaching; in the Veda the verb has sometimes to be supplied from the context, and sometimes {upa} is placed after the verb to which it belongs, e.g. {Ayayur upa} = {upA7yayuH}, they approached). (As unconnected with verbs and prefixed to nouns {upa} expresses) direction towards, nearness, contiguity in space, time,

number, degree, resemblance, and relationship, but with the idea of subordination and inferiority (e.g. {upa-kaniSThikA}, the finger next to the little finger; {upa-purANam}, a secondary or subordinate Purna; {upa-daza}, nearly ten); sometimes forming with the nouns to which it is prefixed compound adverbs (e.g. {upa-mUlam}, at the root; {upa-pUrva-rAtram}, towards the beginning of night; {upa-kUpe}, near a well) which lose their adverbial terminations if they are again compounded with nouns (e.g. {upakUpajalA7zaya}, a reservoir in the neighbourhood of a well); prefixed to proper names {upa} may express in classical literature `" a younger brother "' (e.g. {upe7ndra}, `" the younger brother of Indra "'), and in Buddhist literature `" a son. "' (As a separable adverb {upa} rarely expresses) thereto, further, moreover (e.g. {tatro7pa brahma yo veda}, who further knows the Brahman) RV. AV. S'Br. PrGri. (As a separable preposition) near to, towards, in the direction of, under, below (with acc. e.g. {upa AzAH}, towards the regions); near to, at, on, upon; at the time of, upon, up to, in, above (with loc. e.g. {upa sAnuSu}, on the tops of the mountains) [195, 1]; with, together with, at the same time with, according to (with inst. e.g. {upa dharmabhiH}, according to the rules of duty) RV. AV. S'Br. {upa}, besides the meanings given above, is said by native authorities to imply disease, extinction; ornament; command; reproof;

undertaking; giving; killing; diffusing; wish; power; effort; resemblance, &c.; [cf. Zd. {upa}; Gk. $; Lat. {sub}; Goth. {uf}; Old &60988[195, 1] Germ. {oba}; Mod. Germ. {ob} in {Obdach}, {obliegen}, &c.] upaa * = ind. a particular Nidhana or concluding chorus at the end of a Sman Lthy. vii, 10, 1 ff. Sy. on TndyaBr. upaacaara * = m. proceeding , procedure S3a1n3khS3r. ; established use (of a word) Nir. i , 4 ; a particular Sandhi (see above) , APra1t. iv , 74 RPra1t. upaadaa * = 1. . {-datte}, (once P. pf. 3. pl. {dadus} BhP. i, 8, 12) to receive, accept, gain, acquire, appropriate to one's self. take away, carry off, steal MBh. BhP. Mlav. &c. [213, 2]; to take with; to take in addition, include, comprise; to take as help, use, employ, apply BhP. Pat. (cf. {upA7dAya}); to seize, lay hold of, gather, take up, draw up MBh. Ragh. Kum. &c.; to assume (a form or meaning) BhP. MrkP. Pat. &c.; to cling to; to feel, perceive, experience MBh. vii S'is'. vi, 23 Riitus. &c.; to consider, regard MBh. xii; to mention, enumerate; to set about, undertake, begin Hariv. Kum. &c.: Caus. P. {-dApayati}, to cause to use or employ Comm. on KtyS'r.: Desid. P. {-ditsati}, to strive to acquire BhP. v, 14, 7.

upaadaaya * = ind. p. having received or acquired &c.; receiving, acquiring &c.; taking with, together with MBh. Hariv. Kaths. &c.; including, inclusive of BhP. Comm. on RPrt. &c.; by help of, by means of (acc.) MBh. upaadhi * = 1 (for 2. see s.v.), %{is} m. that which is put in the place of another thing, a substitute, substitution R.; anything which may be taken for or has the mere name or appearance of another thing, appearance, phantom, disguise (said to be applied to certain forms or properties considered as disguises of the spirit W.) Prab. Bha1sha1p. Sa1h. &c.; anything defining more closely, a peculiarity; an attribute (%{asty-upA7dhi}, having, `" is "' as an attribute); title, discriminative appellation, nickname; limitation, qualification (e.g. %{anupA7dhi-rAmaNIya}, beautiful without limitation i.e. altogether beautiful); (in log.) a qualifying term added to a too general middle term to prevent ativya1pti; that which is placed under, supposition, condition, postulate Sarvad. Veda1ntas. Tarkas. BhP. &c.; deception, deceit MBh. iii, 13017; species.\\= 2 (for 1. see col. 2) m. ( %{dhyai}), point of view, aim Car.; reflection on duty, virtuous reflection L.; a man who is careful to support his family L. upaadhyaaya * = m. (%{i}) , a teacher , preceptor

(who subsists by teaching a part of the Veda or Veda1n3gas , grammar &c. ; he is distinguished from the A1ca1rya q.v.) Mn. iv , 141 , &c. Ya1jn5. i , 35 MBh. S3ak. &c. ; (%{A} , or %{I}) f. a female teacher Ka1ty. on Pa1n2. 3-13 , 21 ; (%{I}) f. the wife of a teacher Ka1ty. on Pa1n2. 4-1 , 49. upaahaaragriham.h = (n) restaurant upaakrita *= mfn. brought or driven near, fetched AV. ii, 34, 2; prepared, undertaken, begun; attended with evil omens, disastrous, calamitous L.; m. a sacrificial animal (killed during the recitation of particular prayers) L.; disaster, calamity L. upaalambha *= m. reproach , censure , abuse , finding fault with MBh. Hit. Katha1s. &c. ; prohibition , interdict Nya1yad. upaarama* = m. the act of ceasing BhP. upaarama* = m. the act of ceasing BhP.\\ m. ceasing, stopping, desisting. upaaraama* = m. rest, repose GopBr. upaaraama* = m. rest, repose GopBr.upaarjana = earning/acquiring

upaaram* = P. . {-ramati}, {-te}, to rest, cease MBh. BhP. &c.; to cease, leave off, give up MBh. R. BhP. Kum. upaaraama * = m. rest, repose GopBr. upaasaadita mfn. met with, approached g. %{iSTA7di} Pa1n2. 5-2, 88. upaasad * = P. (Ved. inf. {-sa4dam}) to sit down upon (acc.) RV. viii, 1, 8; to approach, walk along Kir. iv, 1. upaasaka* = mfn. serving, a servant Kaus3. Katha1s.; worshipping, a worshipper, follower Mr2icch.; intent on, engaged or occupied with Kap.; a Buddhist lay worshipper (as distinguished from the Bhikshu q.v.) Sarvad. Lalit. Prab. &c.; a S3u1dra L.; (%{ikA}) f. a lay female votary of Buddha (as distinguished from a Bhikshun2i1 q.v.) upaasana* =1 n. the act of throwing off (arrows), exercise in archery MBh. \\* =2 {am}, {A} n. f. the act of sitting or being near or at hand; serving, waiting upon, service, attendance, respect p. Gaut. Mn. Yj. &c.; homage, adoration, worship (with Rmnujas, consisting of five parts, viz. Abhigamana or approach, Updna or preparation of offering, Ijy or oblation, Svdhyya or

recitation, and Yoga or devotion) Sarvad. Vedntas. &c.; ({am}) n. a seat Vait.; the being intent on or engaged in Mriicch. R.; domestic fire Yj. iii, 45. upaas' * = 1 (%{upa-} 1. %{az}) P. A1. %{-aznoti}, %{-aznute}, to reach, obtain, meet with MBh. Mn.\\ 2 (%{upa-} 2. %{az}) P. %{-aznAti}, to eat, taste, enjoy MBh.upaasana* = 1 n. the act of throwing off (arrows), exercise in archery MBh. \\2 {am}, {A} n. f. the act of sitting or being near or at hand; serving, waiting upon, service, attendance, respect p. Gaut. Mn. Yj. &c.; homage, adoration, worship (with Rmnujas, consisting of five parts, viz. Abhigamana or approach, Updna or preparation of offering, Ijy or oblation, Svdhyya or recitation, and Yoga or devotion) Sarvad. Vedntas. &c.; ({am}) n. a seat Vait.; the being intent on or engaged in Mriicch. R.; domestic fire Yj. iii, 45. upaashritaaH = being fully situated upaashritya = taking shelter of upaas'raya* = m. leaning against, resting upon Kaths. Kvya7d.; any support for leaning against, a pillow, cushion Car.; shelter, refuge, recourse MBh. Bhartri. upaas'rita* = mfn. lying or resting upon, leaning

against, clinging to S3a1n3khGr2. Kat2hUp. R.; having recourse to, relying upon, taking refuge with MBh. Bhag. Katha1s. &c.; taking one's self to; approached, arrived at, abiding in MBh. BhP. VarBr2S. &c.; anything against which one leans or upon which one rests Uttarar. upaasthaa * = . {-tiSThate}, to betake one's self to, approach, set about, devote one's self to S'nkhS'r. R.; to approach (sexually) MBh. upaasate = worship upaashri = to take shelter inupaasita*= mfn. served, honoured, worshipped &c.; one who serves or pays worship. upaas'ri* = P. %{-zrayati}, to lean against, rest on Mn.; to go or betake one's self towards R.; to take refuge or have recourse to, seek shelter from, give one's self up to, abandon one's self to Hariv. R. Bhag. &c. upaatta = obtained upaastamanavelaa* = f. the time about sunset MBh. x , 1. upaastamayam * = ind. about the time of sunset S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. [215,2] upaaya = (masc) means upaayataH = by appropriate means

upaayuj* = P. (1. sg. {-yunajmi}) to put to, harness RV. iii, 35, 2. upabarhaNa * =a cushion, pillow RV. x, 85, 7 AV. AitBr. S'Br. TBr. &c.; ({I}) f. id. RV. i, 174, 7; m. N. of the Gandharva Narada BhP. VP. Pacar. &c. ({upabarhaNa}) mf({A})n. having a cushion, furnished with a pillow Vait. 36, 7. upabrim: see upavrim upabrimhitam V: by combination and permutation; SB 2.9.27 \\accompanied by the glories of the Supreme Lord; SB 5.4.11-12\\ in which is described; SB 7.10.46\\ being charged; SB 10.3.20\\ expanded; SB 10.20.30-31\\ overflowing; SB 10.45.42-44\\replete; SB 10.48.2\\fully endowed; SB 11.7.21\\ strengthened; SB 11.19.25\\ established; SB 11.21.37\\enriched; SB 11.30.11\\filled; SB 12.10.26 upacaara m. approach , service , attendance Hcat. i , 111 , 2 seqq. ; act of civility , obliging or polite behaviour , reverence S3Br. MBh. S3ak. &c. (64 Upaca1ras are enumerated in the Tantra-sa1ra , quoted by T.) ; proceeding , practice ; behaviour , conduct ; mode of proceeding towards (gen.) , treatment S3Br. MBh. A1p. Mn. &c. ; attendance on a patient , medical practice , physicking Sus3r. Pan5cat. Vikr. ; a ceremony Kum. vii , 86 ; present ,

offering , bribe ; solicitation , request L. ; ornament , decoration Kum. Ragh. vii , 4 ; a favourable circumstance Sa1h. 300 ; usage , custom or manner of speech Nya1yad. ; a figurative or metaphorical expression (%{upacArAt} ind. metaphorically) , metaphor , figurative application Sa1h. Sarvad. Comm. on S3is3. &c. ; pretence , pretext L. ; a kind of Sandhi (substitution of %{s} and %{S} in place of Visarga) Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 8-3 , 48 ; N. of a Paris3isht2a of the Sa1ma-veda. upacara *= mfn. accessory , supplementary S3a1n3khBr. ; m. access , approach S3Br. ii , 3 , 4 , 30 ; attendance , cure Sus3r. (cf. %{sU7pacara}.) upacaya * m. accumulation, quantity, heap; elevation, excess; increase, growth, prosperity MBh. Sus'r. Hit. &c.; ({upacayaM} 1. {kR}, to promote or advance the prosperity of, help, assist Km.); addition KtyS'r.; the third, sixth, tenth, and eleventh of the zodiacal signs VarBriS. &c. upachaya = Houses of earning (3, 6, 10, 11) upaciti f. accumulation, increase; augmentation, S3a1ntis3.; gain, advantage; a heap, pile MBh. iii, 15144; (in arithm.) progression A1ryabh. ii, 21. upagrahaH = (m) satellite, spacecraft


upadhaanam.h = (n) pillow upadaa * = 1 1. P. {-dadAti}, to give in addition, add; to give, grant, offer RV. vi, 28, 2 AV. iv, 21, 2; xix, 34, 8 R.; to take upon one's self: Pass. (irr. p. {dadya4mAna}) to be offered or granted (as protection) RV. vi, 49, 13. upadaa4 * = 2 mfn. giving a present VS. xxx, 9; ({A}) f. a present, offering (esp. a respectful present to a king or person of rank); a bribe Pn. Ragh. S'atr. &c. upadrashthri* = %{TA} m. a looker-on, spectator; a witness AV. xi, 3, 59 TS. S3Br. A1s3vS3r. Ka1t2h. BhP. &c.; (%{upa-dra4STRkA}) f. a female witness MaitrS. iii, 2, 4. upadrashthrimat* = mfn. having witnesses; (%{ma4ti} loc. ind. before witnesses TBr. ii, 2, 1, 3; 5.) upadrava* = m. that which attacks or occurs suddenly, any grievous accident, misfortune, calamity, mischief, national distress (such as famine, plague, oppression, eclipse, &c.); national commotion, rebellion; violence, outrage MBh. R. S3ak. VarBr2S. &c. [199,3]; a supervenient disease or one brought on whilst a person labours under another Sus3r.; the fourth of the five parts of a

Sa1man stanza Shad2vBr. Comm. on TA1r. &c. upadravin * = mfn. attacking suddenly, falling on; tyrannical, violent; factious; (%{I}) m. a tyrant, oppressor; a rebel L. upadhyaata * = mfn. remembered, thought of MBh. upadhaaraya = know upadhaatu* = m. a secondary mineral, semi-metal (seven are specified: {svarNa-mAkSika}, pyrites; {tAra-mAkSika}, a particular white mineral; {tuttha}, sulphate of copper; {kAMsya}, brass; {rIti}, calx of brass; {sindUra}, red lead; {zilAjatu}, red chalk) Bhpr.; secondary secretions and constituents of the body (viz. the milk, menses, adeps, sweat, teeth, hair, and lymph) S'rngS. &c. upadah * = P. {-dahati} (aor. {-adhA-} {kSIt} MBh. iii, 546) to burn, set fire to S'Br. Gobh. MBh. [199, 1] upadadya * = ind. p. having taken or taking upon one's self AV. x, 8, 18 (= xiii, 3, 14). upadesha = advice


upadeshaH = advice upadeshayati = giving advice upadekshyanti = they will initiate upadeva m. an inferior or secondary deity (as a Yaksha , Gandharva , Apsaras , &c.) BhP. ; N. of several men Hariv. VP. ; (%{A} , %{I}) f. N. of a wife of Vasu-deva Hariv. VP. upadharma* = m. a minor or subordinate duty; a by-law Mn. ii, 237; iv, 147; a false faith, heresy Bh upadhi* = m. the act of putting to, adding, addition La1t2y.; the part of the wheel between the nave and the circumference RV. ii, 39, 4 AV. vi, 70, 3 Ka1t2h.; fraud, circumvention MBh. R. Ya1jn5. Kir. &c.; condition; peculiarity, attribute (Buddh.; see %{upA7-dhi}); support MW. upadrashhTaa = overseer upadruta * = mfn. run after, persecuted, attacked, oppressed, visited (by calamities), tyrannized over Hariv. R. Katha1s. Hit. Sus3r. &c.; (in astrol.) eclipsed = boding evil, inauspicious VarBr2S.; (%{am}) n. a kind of Sandhi S3a1n3khS3r.


upahata = overpowered upahanyaaM = would destroy upahaara * = m. offering, oblation (to a deity); complimentary gift, present (to a king or superior) MBh. Megh. Kaths. &c.; ({upahAraM vi-dhA}, to offer an oblation to a god [acc.], sacrifice to any one Kaths.); a particular kind of alliance (purchased through a gift) Km. Hit. &c.; food (dis- tributed to guests &c.) [212, 2]; (with the Ps'upatas) a kind of religious service (consisting of laughter, song, dance, muttering {huDuk}, adoration and pious ejaculation) Sarvad. 77, 22. upai = to go to upaiti = gets upaishhyasi = you will attain upajaayate = takes place upajaayante = are born upajigamishu * = mfn. (fr. Desid.) , wishing or desiring to go near Megh. 43. upajiiva * = mfn. probably not very different in

meaning from %{jIva4} q.v. AV. xix, 69, 2; (%{A4}) f. subsistence TBr. i, 5, 6, 4. upajivana * = upajIvana n. livelihood, subsistence S'Br. Mn. ix, 207 Yj. iii, 236 MBh. Pacat. &c.; dependance, submissiveness Prasannar. upajuhvati = offer upakalpa * = m. an appurtenance BhP. upakalpana * = n. the act of preparing, preparation KtyS'r.; ({A}) f. preparing (articles of food or medicine), fabricating, making Sus'r.; substituting L. upakalpaniiya * = mfn. to be prepared or procured or fetched Car.; treating of preparation &c. (as & chapter) ib. upa-kalpayitavya * = mfn. to be prepared or made Sus'r. upakalpita* = mfn. prepared, procured, fetched; arranged &c. upakaraNa = means upakaara = benefit


upakaaraka = beneficial upakrama * = m. the act of going or coming near , approach MBh. R. ; setting about , undertaking , commencement , beginning La1t2y. Ka1tyS3r. BhP. Sa1h. Sarvad. &c. ; enterprise , planning , original conception , plan Ragh. Ra1jat. Pan5cat. &c. ; anything leading to a result ; a means , expedient , stratagem , exploit MBh. Ya1jn5. Ma1lav. &c. ; remedy , medicine Sus3r. ; attendance (on a patient) , treatment , practice or application of medicine , physicking Sus3r. &c. ; the rim of a wheel Hcat. ; a particular ceremony preparatory to reading the Vedas W. ; trying the fidelity &c. of a counsellor or friend ib. ; heroism , courage L. upakramaH = (m) project, undertaking upakri = to do a favor upakrita*= mfn. helped, assisted, benefited; rendered as assistance, done kindly or beneficently &c.; ifc. g. %{kRtA7di} Pa1n2. 2-1, 59; (%{am}) n. help, favour, benefit S3ak. 165 a Sa1h. upalipyate = mixes upala* = m. a rock, stone MBh. Sus'r. S'ak. &c.; a precious stone, jewel Yj. iii, 36 S'is'. iii, 48 Kir.; a cloud L.; ({A}) f. ({u4palA}) the upper and smaller mill-stone (which rests on the {dRSad}) S'Br.

KtyS'r. s'vGri.; = {zarkarA} L.; [cf. Gk. $; Lat. {apalus}?] &64342[205, 3] upalabh.h = to obtain upalabhyate = can be perceived upalI * = A1. %{-lIyate}, to lie close to, cling to MBh. viii. upalabh * = A1. %{-labhate}, to seize, get possession of, acquire, receive, obtain, find MBh. R. Mn. Mr2icch. &c.; (with %{garbham}) to conceive, become pregnant R.; to perceive, behold, hear [cf. Gk. $], to &64395[205,3] understand, learn, know, ascertain MBh. BhP. Pan5cat. VarBr2S. &c.: Caus. P. %{-lambhayati}, to cause to obtain or take possession BhP. viii, 15, 36; to cause to hear or learn or know Pat. on Va1rtt. 2 on Pa1n2. 1-4, 52; to cause to be known or distinguished BhP. iv, 1, 25: Desid. (p. %{-li4psamAna} AV. vi, 118, 11) to wish to catch or grasp. upalaksh * = P. A1. %{-lakSayati} , %{-te} , to look at , observe , behold , perceive A1s3vS3r. S3a1n3khS3r. MBh. Sus3r. &c. ; to pay attention to , regard MBh. Ka1m. ; to regard or value as MBh. R. ; to distinguish , mark ; to distinguish by a secondary or unessential mark ; to imply in

addition , designate implicitly Sa1y.: Pass. %{lakSyate} , to be observed &c. ; to be implied BhP. Comm. on Mn. Sarvad. &c. upalakSa * = m. distinction , distinguishing (see %{dur-upa-}). upalakshaka * = mfn. observing closely or with attention ; implying ; designating by implication Comm. on Pa1n2. and TPra1t. upalakshaNa n. the act of observing S3ak. 142 , 4 ; designation Ka1tyS3r. Comm. on Pa1n2. ; the act of implying something that has not been expressed , implying any analogous object where only one is specified ; using a term metaphorically or elliptically or in a generic sense ; synecdoche (of a part for the whole , of an individual for the species , or of a quality for that in which it resides) VPra1t. Comm. on Pa1n2. Sa1h. Nya1yak. &c. ; a mark Vikr. Katha1s. upalal *= Caus. %{lAlayati}, to treat with tenderness, caress, fondle BhP. S3ak. 292, 8 Ma1lav. upalAlita *= mfn. caressed , fondled BhP. upalambha *= m. obtainment R. S3is3. ; perceiving , ascertaining , recognition Ragh. S3ak. Sarvad. Nya1yak. &c.

upalaalana*=%{am}, %{A} n. f. the act of caressing, fondling BhP. Comm. on R. upalaalita*=mfn. caressed, fondled upama* = 1 mf({A})n. uppermost, highest; most excellent, eminent, best RV. AV.; nearest, next, first RV. Nigh. upamaa = comparative* 1 (for 2. see below, and for 3. see col. 3) ind. (Ved. instr. of the above) in the closest proximity or neighbourhood RV. i, 31, 15; viii, 69, 13. \\2 P. . (Impv. 2. sg. {-mimIhi}, {mAhi}, and {-mAsva}; Subj. 2. sg. {-mAsi}) to measure out to, apportion to, assign, allot, grant, give RV.: . {-mimIte}, to measure one thing by another, compare MBh. Hariv. Caurap. &c. [203, 3] \\3 f. comparison, resemblance, equality, similarity; a resemblance (as a picture, portrait &c.) S'Br. MBh. Kum. &c.; a particular figure in rhetoric, simile, comparison (a full simile must include four things; see {pUrNo7pama}, {lupto7pamA}, &c.) Sh. Kvya7d. Vm. &c.; a particle of comparison Nir.; a particular metre RPrt.; (mfn. ifc.) equal, similar, resembling, like (e.g. {amaro7pama} mfn. resembling an immortal) MBh. Ragh. Das'. Hit. &c. upanagaram.h = (n) suburb


upanadam * = ind. (fr. {nadi} Pn. 5-4, 110), near the river, on the river. upananda * = m. N. of a Nga; of several men VP. BhP. &c. upanam * = P. {-namati}, to bend towards or inwards; to tend towards, approach, come to, arrive at; to fall to one's share or lot, become one's property, share in (with acc. dat., or gen.) VS. S'Br. TBr. ChUp. Rjat. &c.; to come to one's mind, occur TS. TBr. i, 1, 2, 8; to attend upon any one (acc.) with (instr.); to gain the favour of any one (acc.) BhP. vi, 19, 16: Caus. {-nAmayati}, to put or place before (gen.) Gobh. ii, 1, 7; to lead towards or into the presence of, present any one (gen.) Lalit.; to reach, hand to ib.; to offer, present ib. Krand. upanata * = mfn. bent towards or inwards S'Br. KtyS'r. Kthh.; subdued, subjected, surrendered; dependent on (for protection &c.) p. MBh. Ragh. &c.; brought near to, approached, near (either in form or space); fallen to one's share; brought about, produced, existing, being BhP. Megh. &c. upanAth * = P. {-nAthati}, to ask, entreat Ks'. on Pn. 2-3, 55. upanAman * = {a} n. a surname, nickname W.

upanishhat.h = says the `upanishat.h' upanishhad.h = the philosophical parts of the Vedas. upanishadtkR * =({upaniSat-kR}), to treat anything as a mystery (?) Pn. 1-4, 79. upanishada * =n. = 2. {upa-niSa4d} above (esp. occurring ifc.) upanishAdin * =mf({inI}) n. staying or sitting near at hand S'Br. ix, 4, 3, 3. upanishkara vm. ( {kRR}), a main road, highway L. upanishkram * =({upa-nis-kram}) P. {-krAmati}, to go out towards S'Br. upa-ni-shad * =1 ({upa-ni-sad}) P. (pf. {-ni4Sedus}) to sit down near to; to approach, set about AV. xix, 41, 1 S'Br. Kaus'. upanishad 1 (%{upa-ni-sad}) P. (pf. %{-ni4Sedus}) to sit down near to ; to approach , set about AV. xix , 41 , 1 S3Br. Kaus3. \\ 2 %{t} f. (according to some) the sitting down at the feet of another to listen to his words (and hence , secret knowledge given in this manner ; but according to

native authorities %{upaniSad} means `" setting at rest ignorance by revealing the knowledge of the supreme spirit "') ; the mystery which underlies or rests underneath the external system of things (cf. IW. p. 35 seqq.) ; esoteric doctrine , secret doctrine , mysterious or mystical meaning , words of mystery &c. S3Br. ChUp. &c. ; a class of philosophical writings (more than a hundred in number , attached to the Bra1hman2as [but see I1s3opanishad] ; their aim is the exposition of the secret meaning of the Veda , and they are regarded as the source of the Veda1nta and Sa1m2khya philosophies ; for the most important of the Upanishads see IW. p. 37 seq.) upanetram.h = (n) spectacles, glasses upapada = The sign which is as apart from the 12th lord as the latter is from the 12th house upapaadita * = mfn. effected, accomplished, performed, done; given, delivered, presented; proved, demonstrated; treated medically, cured. [202,1] [samupapAdita mfn. (fr. Caus.) made ready, prepared ib.] upapadyate = is befitting upapattishhu = having obtained

upapatti * = f. happening, occurring, becoming visible, appearing, taking place, production, effecting, accomplishing MBh. BhP. Bhag. Ragh. &c.; proving right, resulting; cause, reason; ascertained or demonstrated conclusion, proof, evidence, argument Sarvad. Sa1h. Veda1ntas. Naish. Ra1jat. &c.; fitness, propriety, possibility Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c. (instr. %{upa-pattyA}, suitably, in a fit manner); association, connection, possession; religious abstraction L. upapannaM = arrived at uparamatva* = n. the state of ceasing from (all worldly desires and actions) Vedntas. uparamaNa* = n. the abstaining from worldly actions or desires Vedntas.; ceasing, discontinuance. [205,1] uparambh* = P. {-rambhati}, to cause to resound BhP. x, 35, 12. uparaamam* = ind. near Rma T. uparam* = P. . (Pn. 1-3, 85) {-ramati}, {-te}, to cease from motion, stop TS. TBr. S'Br. S'nkhS'r.; to cease from action, be inactive or quiet (as a quietist) BhP. Bhag.; to pause, stop (speaking or

doing anything) S'Br. S'nkhS'r. s'vGri. Pacat. &c.; to leave off, desist, give up, renounce (with abl.) MBh. R. BhP. Comm. on BrirUp. Das'.; to await, wait for S'Br. ii, 2, 1, 2; iii, 8, 2, 29; to cause to cease or stop; to render quiet Pn. 1-3, 84: Caus. {-ramayati}, to cause to cease or stop; to render quiet Nir. Ks'. uparama* = m. cessation, stopping, expiration MBh. R.; leaving off, desisting, giving up Sus'r. Snkhyak.; death Kd. uparacita * = mfn. constructed, formed, made, prepared BhP. Bhartri. Kd. uparataM = ceased uparanjitaiH = splendid, resplendant uparamate = cease (because one feels transcendental happiness) uparamet.h = one should hold back upari = (adv) above uparaamam* = ind. near Rma T. uparaama* = m. ceasing, stopping, desisting.

uparajya* = ind. p. having dyed or coloured; darkening, obscuring BhP. iv, 29, 69. upasad *= 1 P. %{-sIdati} (Ved. Pot. 1. pl. %{sadema} ; impf. %{-asadat}) to sit upon (acc.) RV. vi , 75 , 8 ; to sit near to , approach (esp. respectfully) , revere , worship RV. AV. TS. S3Br. &c. MBh. Ragh. &c. ; to approach (a teacher in order to become his pupil) Katha1s. [209,2] ; to approach asking , request , crave for RV. i , 89 , 2 ; vii , 33 , 9 TS. ii S3Br. ii ; to approach in a hostile manner BhP. vi , 3 , 27 ; to possess RV. viii , 47 , 16 AV. iii , 14 , 6 ; to perform the Upasad ceremony (see below) TS. vi , 2 , 3 , 4: Caus. %{-sAdayati} , to place or put upon or by the side of TS. TBr. S3Br. &c. ; to cause to approach , lead near (see %{upasAdita}).\\ 2 mfn. approaching (respectfully) , worshipping , serving AV. VS. xxx , 9 ; (%{t}) m. N. of a particular fire (different from the Ga1rhapatya , Dakshin2a1gni , and A1havani1ya) VahniP. ; (%{t}) f. attendance , worship , service RV. ii , 6 , 1 ; settlement (?) AV. vi , 142 , 3 ; siege , assault S3Br. iii AitBr. Ka1t2h. ; N. of a ceremony or sacrificial festival preceding the Sutya1 or pressing of the Soma (it lasts several days , and forms part of the Jyotisht2oma) VS. xix , 14 TS. S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. &c. upasada * = mfn. one who goes near W.; m. the Upasad ceremony (see above) ChUp.; approach W.;

gift, donation W.; (%{I}) f. (%{u4pa-}) continuous propagation S3Br. xiv. 9, 4, 23 (= %{saMtati} Comm.) uparama* = m. cessation, stopping, expiration MBh. R.; leaving off, desisting, giving up Sus3r. Sa1m2khyak.; death Ka1d. uparamaNa* = n. the abstaining from worldly actions or desires Veda1ntas.; ceasing, discontinuance. [205,1] uparamatva* n. the state of ceasing from (all worldly desires and actions) Veda1ntas. upasaadanavn. the act of placing or putting upon Sa1y. on TBr. ii, 1, 3, 6; approaching respectfully, reverence, respect BhP. upasaadana* = &c. see %{upa-sad}. upasadana* = n. the act of approaching (respectfully), respectful salutation MBh. i; approaching (a work), setting about, undertaking Gaut.; approaching or going to (a teacher [gen.] to learn any science or art [loc.]) MBh. iii, 17169; performing (a ceremony or sacrifice) R.; neighbouring abode, neighbourhood R. upas'ama* = m. the becoming quiet, assuagement, alleviation, stopping, cessation, relaxation,

intermission Ma1n2d2Up. Prab. Pan5cat. &c.; tranquillity of mind, calmness, patience MBh. iii Bhartr2. S3a1ntis3.; (in astron.) N. of the twentieth Muhu1rta. upasarpa * = m. approaching, approach, sexual approach MBh. iii, 2513 (= %{upa-sasarpa} Ni1lak.; erroneous for %{upa-sRpya} BRD.) upas'ri* = P. %{-zrayati}, to lean (anything) against TBr. i, 6, 6, 2 S3Br. xiv Ka1tyS3r.: A1. %{-zrayate} (p. of the pf. %{-zizriyANa4}) to lean against, support, prop RV. x, 18, 12; to cling to, fit closely (as an ornament) RV. vii, 56, 13; to place one's self near to, go towards MBh. BhP.; to accommodate one's self to ChUp. vi, 8, 2. upasrishTa* = mfn. let loose towards; sent or thrown off BhP. i, 12, 1; admitted (as the calf to its mother; also applied to the milk at the time of the calf's sucking) TBr. ii, 1, 7, 1 Ka1tyS3r.; increased; furnished with S3a1n3khS3r.; furnished with an Upasarga or preposition (e.g. %{dA} with %{A} is said to be %{upasRSTa}) Pa1n2. 1-4, 38 Nir. APra1t. &c.; visited, afflicted, burdened with, plagued R. Sus3r. BhP. &c.; obscured (by Ra1hu, as the sun), eclipsed MBh. Mn. iv, 37; possessed (by a god or demon) Ya1jn5. i, 271 R.; (%{am}) n. coition, sexual intercourse L.

upas'rI* = f. an over-garment (fitting closely) KaushUp. upas'rita* = mfn. placed near, brought to the attention of RV. vii, 86, 8; leaning towards or upon TS. VS. Ka1tyS3r. upaas'rita* = mfn. lying or resting upon, leaning against, clinging to S3a1n3khGr2. Kat2hUp. R.; having recourse to, relying upon, taking refuge with MBh. Bhag. Katha1s. &c.; taking one's self to; approached, arrived at, abiding in MBh. BhP. VarBr2S. &c.; anything against which one leans or upon which one rests Uttarar. upasrishtha * = mfn. let loose towards; sent or thrown off BhP. i, 12, 1; admitted (as the calf to its mother; also applied to the milk at the time of the calf's sucking) TBr. ii, 1, 7, 1 Ka1tyS3r.; increased; furnished with S3a1n3khS3r.; furnished with an Upasarga or preposition (e.g. %{dA} with %{A} is said to be %{upasRSTa}) Pa1n2. 1-4, 38 Nir. APra1t. &c.; visited, afflicted, burdened with, plagued R. Sus3r. BhP. &c.; obscured (by Ra1hu, as the sun), eclipsed MBh. Mn. iv, 37; possessed (by a god or demon) Ya1jn5. i, 271 R.; (%{am}) n. coition, sexual intercourse L. upasthaana * =n. proximity, imminence S'ank.

upa-sthaa * =P. . {-tiSThati}, {-te} (irr. aor. Pot. 3. pl. {-stheSus} AV. xvi, 4, 7) to stand or place one's self near, be present (. if no object follows Pn. 13, 26); to stand by the side of, place one's self near, expose one's self to (with loc. or acc.) RV. AV. KtyS'r. Gobh. MBh. Mn. &c.; to place one's self before (in order to ask), approach, apply to RV. AV. S'Br. s'vGri. Ragh. &c.; to come together or meet with, become friendly with, conciliate (only . Vrtt. on Pn. 1-3, 25); to lead towards (as a way, only . ib.); to go or betake one's self to Pacat. R.; to stand near in order to serve, attend, serve MBh. Kaths. &c.; to attend on, worship (only . Kty. on Pn. 1-3, 25, e.g. {arkam upatiSThate}, he worships the sun; but {arkam upatiSThati}, he exposes himself to the sun Pat.) MBh. BhP. Ragh. &c.; to serve with, be of service or serviceable by, attend on with prayers (e.g. {aindryA gArhapatyam upatiSThate}, he attends on the Grhapatya with a Riic addressed to Indra; but {bhartAraM upatiSThati yauvanena}, (she) attends on her husband with youthfulness Ks'.) MBh. Ragh. Das'. &c.; to stand under (in order to support), approach for assistance, be near at hand or at the disposal of RV. AV. TS. MBh. S'ak. &c.; to fall to one's share, come to the possession of MBh. R. &c.; to rise against RV. vii, 83; to start, set out Hariv. Das'.: Caus. {-sthApayati}, to cause to stand by the side of, place before, cause to lie down by the side of (e.g. a woman) AitBr. s'vS'r. KtyS'r. &c.; to cause

to come near, bring near, procure, fetch MBh. R. S'ak. &c.; (in Gr.) to add {iti} after a word (in the Pada-pthha) RPrt. 842 (cf. {upasthita}). upa4-stha * =1 m. `" the part which is under "', lap, middle or inner part of anything, a wellsurrounded or sheltered place, secure place RV. AV. VS. AitBr. S'Br. &c.; ({upasthaM-kR}, to make a lap, sit down with the legs bent AitBr. viii, 9, 5 s'vGri. S'nkhS'r.; {upasthe-kR}, to take on one's lap S'Br. iii); ({as}, {am}) m. n. the generative organs (esp. of a woman) VS. ix, 22 S'Br. MBh. Mn. Yj. &c.; the haunch or hip; the anus L. upa-stha4 * =2 mfn. standing upon AV. xii, 1, 62; standing by the side of, being near at hand, near L. upas'ada * = m. (perhaps fr. 2. %{zad}, `" to excel "') a particular Eka1ha or sacrifice during one day A1s3vS3r. Vait.; removal of an impediment to get children Sa1y. on Ta1n2d2yaBr. xix, 3, 1. upasad * = 2 mfn. approaching (respectfully), worshipping, serving AV. VS. xxx, 9; ({t}) m. N. of a particular fire (different from the Grhapatya, Dakshingni, and havanya) VahniP.; ({t}) f. attendance, worship, service RV. ii, 6, 1; settlement (?) AV. vi, 142, 3; siege, assault S'Br. iii AitBr. Kthh.; N. of a ceremony or sacrificial festival preceding the Suty or pressing of the Soma (it

lasts several days, and forms part of the Jyotishthoma) VS. xix, 14 TS. S'Br. KtyS'r. &c. upasatpatha * = m. the path or way of the Upasad ceremony (see below) S'Br. v, 4, 5, 17. upa-satti * = f. connection with, union L.; service, worship L.; gift, donation W. upa-sattR * = {tA} m. one who has seated himself near or at (esp. at the domestic fire), any person who is domiciled, the inhabitant of a house (with and without {gRha}) AV. ii, 6, 2; iii, 12, 16; vii, 82, 3 VS. xxvii, 2; 4 ChUp. upa+shaM = to extinguish upas'am * = P. A1. %{-zAmyati}, %{-te}, to become calm or quiet; to cease, become extinct AitBr. Kaus3. A1s3vGr2. ChUp. MBh. &c.: Caus. %{zamayati} and ep. %{-zAmayati}, to make quiet, calm, extinguish; to tranquillize, appease, pacify, mitigate MBh. VarBr2S. Das3. &c. upas'ama *= m. the becoming quiet, assuagement, alleviation, stopping, cessation, relaxation, intermission MndUp. Prab. Pacat. &c.; tranquillity of mind, calmness, patience MBh. iii Bhartri. S'ntis'.; (in astron.) N. of the twentieth Muhrta.

upas'Amaka * = mfn. calming, quieting, affording repose, making patient Lalit. upas'amakSaya * = m. (with Jainas) the destruction (of activity &c.) through quietism Sarvad. upas'amana * = mf(%{I})n. calming, appeasing BhP.; (%{am}) n. the becoming extinct, ceasing Nir.; calming, appeasing, mitigation MBh. BhP. Sus3r. Pan5cat.; an anodyne. upasangamya = approaching upasarga = Prefix upasat*= (in comp. for 2. {upa-sa4d} below). upasattva*= n. the being an Upasad ceremony (see below) MaitrS. iii, 8, 1. upasatpatha*= m. the path or way of the Upasad ceremony (see below) S'Br. v, 4, 5, 17. upasatti*= f. connection with, union L.; service, worship L.; gift, donation W. upasattR*= {tA} m. one who has seated himself near or at (esp. at the domestic fire), any person

who is domiciled, the inhabitant of a house (with and without {gRha}) AV. ii, 6, 2; iii, 12, 16; vii, 82, 3 VS. xxvii, 2; 4 ChUp. upacita * = mfn. heaped up, increased; thriving, increasing, prospering, succeeding MBh. BhP. Megh. Ragh. &c.; big, fat, thick Sus3r. Car.; covered over, furnished abundantly, possessing plentifully MBh. Hariv. Pan5cat. &c.; plastered, smeared; burnt L. upastabdha * = mfn. supported , stayed Car. upastambh* = P. %{-stabhnAti} (1. sg. %{stabhnomi} TBr. iii , 7 , 10 , 1) to set up , erect , prop , stay , support S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.: Caus. P. (Subj. %{-stabhAyat}) to raise , erect , set up , stay , support RV. ; %{-stambhayati} id. upashthambha * = &c. see %{upa-stambha}. upastambha * = m. (less correctly written %{upaSTambha}) stay , support , strengthening Hit. Comm. on ChUp. ; encouragement , incitement ; excitement Comm. on Sa1m2khyak. ; base , basis , ground , occasion ; support of life (as food , sleep , and government of passions) Car. upastambhaka * = mfn. (less correctly written

%{upa-STa-}) supporting , promoting , encouraging Sa1m2khyak. Comm. on Br2A1rUp. upastambhana * = n. a support , stay TS. S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. upastara * = m. anything laid under , a substratum AV. xiv , 2 , 21. upastaara * = m. anything poured under Nya1yam. x , 2 , 2. upastaraNa * = n. the act of spreading over , a cover RV. ix , 69 , 5 AV. v , 19 , 12 ; the act of spreading out under , anything laid under , an undermattress , pillow A1s3vGr2. A1p. BhP. &c. ; the act of pouring under S3a1n3khGr2. i , 13 , 16 ; pouring out so as to form a substratum , a substratum (said of the water which is sipped before taking food ; cf. %{amRto7pa-}) A1s3vGr2. i , 24 , 12 HirGr2. &c. ; scattering grass (round the A1havani1ya and Ga1rhapatya fire , accompanied with the Mantra %{ubhAv@agnI@upa-stRNate}) Comm. on TS. i , 6 , 7 , 2 , &c. 12 upastava m. praise Sam2hUp. upasri = (root) go near upasrita * = mfn. one who has approached, come

near (esp. for protection) TBr. i, 4, 6, 1 BhP.; approached, applied to TS. ii, 1, 4, 6; asked for S3a1n3khBr.; furnished with, having BhP. iv. upas'rita* = mfn. placed near, brought to the attention of RV. vii, 86, 8; leaning towards or upon TS. VS. Ka1tyS3r. upasrishtha * = mfn. let loose towards; sent or thrown off BhP. i, 12, 1; admitted (as the calf to its mother; also applied to the milk at the time of the calf's sucking) TBr. ii, 1, 7, 1 Ka1tyS3r.; increased; furnished with S3a1n3khS3r.; furnished with an Upasarga or preposition (e.g. %{dA} with %{A} is said to be %{upasRSTa}) Pa1n2. 1-4, 38 Nir. APra1t. &c.; visited, afflicted, burdened with, plagued R. Sus3r. BhP. &c.; obscured (by Ra1hu, as the sun), eclipsed MBh. Mn. iv, 37; possessed (by a god or demon) Ya1jn5. i, 271 R.; (%{am}) n. coition, sexual intercourse L. upasruta* A= finding out, coming to hear, gathering, figuring out upasevate = enjoys upasthaa = to stand near, to stand by upasthaa * 2 mfn. standing upon AV. xii, 1, 62;

standing by the side of, being near at hand, near L. upastha* = P. . {-tiSThati}, {-te} (irr. aor. Pot. 3. pl. {-stheSus} AV. xvi, 4, 7) to stand or place one's self near, be present (. if no object follows Pn. 13, 26); to stand by the side of, place one's self near, expose one's self to (with loc. or acc.) RV. AV. KtyS'r. Gobh. MBh. Mn. &c.; to place one's self before (in order to ask), approach, apply to RV. AV. S'Br. s'vGri. Ragh. &c.; to come together or meet with, become friendly with, conciliate (only . Vrtt. on Pn. 1-3, 25); to lead towards (as a way, only . ib.); to go or betake one's self to Pacat. R.; to stand near in order to serve, attend, serve MBh. Kaths. &c.; to attend on, worship (only . Kty. on Pn. 1-3, 25, e.g. {arkam upatiSThate}, he worships the sun; but {arkam upatiSThati}, he exposes himself to the sun Pat.) MBh. BhP. Ragh. &c.; to serve with, be of service or serviceable by, attend on with prayers (e.g. {aindryA gArhapatyam upatiSThate}, he attends on the Grhapatya with a Riic addressed to Indra; but {bhartAraM upatiSThati yauvanena}, (she) attends on her husband with youthfulness Ks'.) MBh. Ragh. Das'. &c.; to stand under (in order to support), approach for assistance, be near at hand or at the disposal of RV. AV. TS. MBh. S'ak. &c.; to fall to one's share, come to the possession of MBh. R. &c.; to rise against RV. vii, 83; to start, set out Hariv. Das'.:

Caus. {-sthApayati}, to cause to stand by the side of, place before, cause to lie down by the side of (e.g. a woman) AitBr. s'vS'r. KtyS'r. &c.; to cause to come near, bring near, procure, fetch MBh. R. S'ak. &c.; (in Gr.) to add {iti} after a word (in the Pada-pthha) RPrt. 842 (cf. {upasthita}). upades'a * = m. pointing out to, reference to Pa1n2. 1-4, 70 Kap. Ba1dar. Jaim. &c.; specification, instruction, teaching, information, advice, prescription TUp. MBh. Mn. Sus3r. S3ak. Hit. &c.; plea, pretext (= %{apa-deza}) Mn. ix, 268 Ragh. Katha1s.; initiation, communication of the initiatory Mantra or formula Ka1tyS3r.; (in Gr.) original enunciation (i.e. the original form [often having an Anubandha] in which a root, base, affix, augment, or any word or part of a word is enunciated in grammatical treatises) Pa1n2. Ka1s3. Siddh. &c.; N. of a class of writings (Buddh.); a name, title MW. upakalpita * = mfn. prepared, procured, fetched; arranged &c. upakSip P. %{-kSipati} , to throw at , hurl against BhP. Sa1h. ; to beat , strike S3Br. ; to strike with words , insult , accuse , insinuate R. ; to allude , hint at Sa1h. Mr2icch. Das3. ; to speak of , describe , define Sa1h. Sarvad. ; to commence , set about (a work) Mall.

uparama * = m. cessation, stopping, expiration MBh. R.; leaving off, desisting, giving up Sus3r. Sa1m2khyak.; death Ka1d. uparaama * = m. ceasing, stopping, desisting. upasaadita mfn. caused to come near, led near, conveyed to BhP. upasRSTa* = mfn. let loose towards; sent or thrown off BhP. i, 12, 1; admitted (as the calf to its mother; also applied to the milk at the time of the calf's sucking) TBr. ii, 1, 7, 1 Ka1tyS3r.; increased; furnished with S3a1n3khS3r.; furnished with an Upasarga or preposition (e.g. %{dA} with %{A} is said to be %{upasRSTa}) Pa1n2. 1-4, 38 Nir. APra1t. &c.; visited, afflicted, burdened with, plagued R. Sus3r. BhP. &c.; obscured (by Ra1hu, as the sun), eclipsed MBh. Mn. iv, 37; possessed (by a god or demon) Ya1jn5. i, 271 R.; (%{am}) n. coition, sexual intercourse L. upasRta* = mfn. one who has approached, come near (esp. for protection) TBr. i, 4, 6, 1 BhP.; approached, applied to TS. ii, 1, 4, 6; asked for S3a1n3khBr.; furnished with, having BhP. iv. upasthe = on the seat upastha * = 1 m. `" the part which is under "', lap,

middle or inner part of anything, a wellsurrounded or sheltered place, secure place RV. AV. VS. AitBr. S'Br. &c.; ({upasthaM-kR}, to make a lap, sit down with the legs bent AitBr. viii, 9, 5 s'vGri. S'nkhS'r.; {upasthe-kR}, to take on one's lap S'Br. iii); ({as}, {am}) m. n. the generative organs (esp. of a woman) VS. ix, 22 S'Br. MBh. Mn. Yj. &c.; the haunch or hip; the anus L. upatishya* = m. N. of a son of Tishya. upatishthhaasu* = see {upa-sthA}., mfn. (fr. Desid.), wishing or being about to betake one's self to Das'. upavana * = n. a small forest or wood, grove, garden MBh. Mn. Megh. &c.; a planted forest L. upavastu = (n) by-product upavishat.h = sat down again upavishati = to sit upavishya = sitting upaviz * = P. %{-vizati}, to go or come near, approach RV. viii, 96, 6; to sit down, take a seat (as men), lie down (as animals) AitBr. S3Br. MBh.

S3ak. Hit. &c.; to enter; to stop, settle one's self MBh. iii; to sit near to MBh. i, 573 R. ii; to set (as the sun) Katha1s.; to apply or devote one's self to, cultivate BhP.: Caus. P. %{-vezayati}, to cause to sit down, summon or invite to sit down AitBr. A1s3vGr2. Gobh. MBh. Sus3r. &c.; to cause to settle BhP. R. upAviz * = P. %{-vizati}, to enter, enter into any state MBh. R. BhP.; (the augmented forms might also be referred to %{upa-viz}.) upavishhTha = seated upavrajya * = ind. p. having gone towards, coming near, approaching TBr. iii, 10, 11, 3 BhP.; going behind, following upavriMh * = Caus. {-vRMhayati}, to make strong or powerful, promote BhP. MrkP. &c. [207, 2]; (see also {upa-bRh}.) upa-vRMhaNa * =. the act of making strong, invigorating, promoting R. BhP. upa-vRMhita * = mfn. made strong or powerful, invigorated, supported, promoted; (ifc.) increased or supported or aided by, accompanied by MBh. BhP. Kaths. Das'. &c.

upa-vRMhin * = mfn. invigorating, supporting Kaths. upayaa * = P. %{-yAti} (inf. %{-yai4}, opposed to %{ava-yai4} see %{ava-yA}) to come up RV. viii, 47, 12; to come near, go near or towards, approach (for protection), visit, frequent RV. AV. A1s3vGr2. MBh. BhP. Katha1s. &c.; to approach (a woman for sexual intercourse) MBh. R. &c.; to arrive at, reach, obtain, to get into any state or condition MBh. VarBr2S. Ragh. &c.; to occur, befall Hit.; to give one's self up to VP. 2 upaaya &c. see p. 215, col. 2. 3 upaayaa P. %{-yAti}, to come near or towards, approach RV. MBh. BhP. Katha1s. &c.; to come into any state or condition, undergo Ma1rkP. Kir. 4 upaaya m. coming near, approach, arrival Bhartr2.; that by which one reaches one's aim, a means or expedient (of any kind), way, stratagem, craft, artifice MBh. Mn. Ya1jn5. Pan5cat. &c.; (esp.) a means of success aga upayaanti = come upayuj.h = use upayuj* = only . (Pn. 1-3, 64) {-yuGkte} (but also rarely P. e.g. impf. {-ayunak} RV. x, 102, 7) to harness to RV. AV. iv, 23, 3 S'Br. v; to take for one's self, appropriate RV. i, 165, 5 MBh. Mn. viii, 40; to

follow, attach one's self to, be devoted; to undertake MBh.; to use, employ, apply S'Br. AitBr. MBh. BhP.; to have the use of, enjoy (e.g. food or a woman or dominion &c.) s'vGri. Lthy. MBh. &c.: Pass. {-yujyate}, to be employed or applicable, be useful or fit or proper MBh. Pacat. Kaths. &c.: Caus. {-yojayati}, to use, employ Sus'r.; to cause to eat MnGri.; to come into contact BhP. upayoga = use upayogitaa = Utility upetaH = haaving reached or attained upeta * = mfn. one who has come near or approached, one who has betaken himself to, approached (for protection), arrived at, abiding in MBh. VarBriS. &c.; one who has obtained or entered into any state or condition, one who has undertaken (e.g. a vow) MBh. Ratnv. Sh. &c.; come to, fallen to the share of Prab.; (a pupil) who has approached (a teacher), initiated Yj. iii, 2 s'vGri. i, 22, 21; 22 PrGri. iii, 10, 10; accompanied by, endowed with, furnished with, having, possessing MBh. R. Bhag. Hit. &c.; one who has approached (a woman sexually) T. upetya = achieving; 1 mfn. to be set about or

commenced Ta1n2d2yaBr. iv, 10, 3; 4.//2 ind. p. having approached, approaching &c. upekshaa = disregard * m. N. of a son of S'vaphalka Hariv.; ({A}) f. overlooking, disregard, negligence, indifference, contempt, abandonment MBh. Ragh. Hit. &c.; endurance, patience; dissent; trick, deceit (as one of the minor expedients in war) L.; regard L. upendra* = m. `" younger brother of Indra "'N. of Vishnu or Kriishna (born subsequently to Indra, especially as son of Aditi, either as ditya or in the dwarf Avatra) MBh. Hariv. R. VP. &c.; N. of a Nga L.; ({A}) f. N. of a river MBh. VP. upeya * = mfn. to be set about or undertaken, a thing undertaken Mn. vii, 215 Ma1lav.; to be approached sexually Mn. xi, 172; to be striven after or aimed at, that which is aimed at, aim Naish. Comm. on VarBr2S. uposhya* = 1 mfn. to be celebrated or passed by fasting (as time). upo7shya* = 2 ind. p. having fasted, fasting MBh. Yj. &c. uragaan.h = serpents

urasthala = place on the chest uru = thighs\\*= mf({vI4})n. (1. {vR}; {UrNu} Un. i, 32), wide, broad, spacious, extended, great, large, much, excessive, excellent RV. AV. MBh. Ragh.; ({us}) m. N. of an ngirasa rshBr.; of a son of the fourteenth Manu BhP. VP.; ({vI}) f. the earth; see {urvI4}, p. 218, col. 1; ({u}) n. wide space, space, room RV. (with {kR}, to grant space or scope, give opportunity RV.); ({u}) ind. widely, far, far off RV.; ({uruyA4} MaitrS.; 1. {urvyA4} and {urviyA4} instr. of the fem.) ind. far, far off, to a distance RV. VS. TS.; compar. {varIyas}, superl. {variSTha}; [cf. Gk. $, $, &c.: Hib. {ur}, `" very "'; &68196[217, 3] {uras}, `" power, ability. "'] urukrama: 'wide-stride', giant atep, name for vamana. usha * = 1 m. (for 2. see s.v.) early morning, dawn, daybreak L.; bdellium; saline earth L.; ({A}) f. see below; ({am}) n. fossile salt L. (cf. {USa}.) ushaa4 * = f. morning light, dawn, morning RV. AV. xii, 2, 45 VS. &c.; night VP. Car.; a cow L.; N. of a daughter of Bna and wife of A-niruddha AgP.; burning, scorching Sus'r.; ({A}) ind. at daybreak L.; at night L.


usha * = 2 (for 1. see col. 1) m. (probably for {uza}, fr. {vaz}; cf. {uza-dah}), a lover L. us'atii* = f. incorrect for %{ruzatI} q.v. us'at * = 1 %{an}, or %{uzata} m. N. of a king Hariv.\\2 mfn. (pres. p. of %{vaz} q.v.) wishing, desiring. uru * = mf({vI4})n. (1. {vR}; {UrNu} Un. i, 32), wide, broad, spacious, extended, great, large, much, excessive, excellent RV. AV. MBh. Ragh.; ({us}) m. N. of an ngirasa rshBr.; of a son of the fourteenth Manu BhP. VP.; ({vI}) f. the earth; see {urvI4}, p. 218, col. 1; ({u}) n. wide space, space, room RV. (with {kR}, to grant space or scope, give opportunity RV.); ({u}) ind. widely, far, far off RV.; ({uruyA4} MaitrS.; 1. {urvyA4} and {urviyA4} instr. of the fem.) ind. far, far off, to a distance RV. VS. TS.; compar. {varIyas}, superl. {variSTha}; [cf. Gk. $, $, &c.: Hib. {ur}, `" very "'; &68196[217, 3] {uras}, `" power, ability. "'] urugAya * = mfn. making large strides , widestriding [fr. %{gA} Nir. ii , 7 ; also according to Sa1y. , `" hymned by many , much-praised "' , fr. %{gai}] RV. AV. VS. TBr. &c. (said of Indra , Vishn2u , the Soma , and the As3vins) ; spacious for walking upon , wide , broad (as a way) AitBr. vii

, 13 , 13 ; (%{am}) n. wide space , scope for movement RV. S3Br. Kat2hUp. ; %{-vat} mfn. offering ample space for motion , unconfined ChUp. uruka = (n) pant urukrama * = mfn. far-stepping , making wide strides (said of Vishn2u) RV. TUp. ; m. (Vishn2u's) wide stride MaitrS. i , 3 , 9 ; N. of Vishn2u BhP. ; of S3iva. urjitaM = glorious urvaarukaM = (Masc.Acc.S)water melon; melon ushanaa = Usana ushhitvaa = after dwelling ushhTra = a camel ushhTraH = (m) camel ushhTrapakshii = (m) ostrich ushhTraasana = the camel posture ushhNa = (summer) hot, warm; ardent, passionate,

impetuous; pungent, acrid; sharp, activ ushhNamaapakam.h = (n) thermometer ushhNarakshakam.h = (n) thermos flask ushhNiishham.h = (n) turban ushhmapaaH = the forefathers usaH = (f) dawn uSat * = m. N. of a son of Su-yaja Hariv.; a harsh speech; erroneous for uttishthhaasaa * = f. the intention to leave off ; the wish to leave (a sacrifice &c.) unfinished Nya1yam. uvaacha = said uta = it is said, * 2 ind. and, also, even, or RV. AV. S'Br. ChUp. &c.; often used for the sake of emphasis, especially at the end of a line after {iti} or a verb (e.g. {sarva-bhUtAni tam pArtha sadA paribhavanty uta}, all creatures, O king, certainly always despise him MBh. iii, 1026) MBh. Bhag. &c. (As an interrogative particle, generally at the beginning of the second or following part of a

double interrogation) or, utrum - an (e.g. {katham nirNIyate kiM syAn niSkAraNo bandhur uta vizvAsa-ghAtakaH}, how can it be decided whether he be a friend without a motive or a violator of confidence? Hit.) Kum. Kaths. Bhartri. Sh. &c.; in this sense it may be strengthened by {Aho} (e.g. {kaccit tvam asi mAnuSI utA7ho surA7GganA}, art thou a mortal woman or divine? Nala), or by {Ahosvit} (e.g. {zAlihotraH kiM nu syAd utA7hosvid rAjA nalaH}, can it be S'lihotra or king Nala?) Rarely {kim} is repeated before {uta} used in this sense (e.g. {kim nu svargAt prAptA tasyA rUpeNa kimutA7nyA7gatA}, has she arrived from heaven or has another come in her form? Mriicch.) Amar. MBh. &c. (As a particle of wishing, especially at the beginning of a sentence followed by a potential) would that! utinam! (e.g. {utA7dhIyIta}, would that he would read!) ({uta} preceded by {kim}) on the contrary, how much more, how much less (e.g. {samartho 'si sahasram api jetuM kimutai9kam}, thou art able to conquer even a thousand, how much more one R.) S'ak. Vikr. Ragh. &c. ({uta} preceded by {prati}) on the contrary, rather (e.g. {eSa pRSTo 'smAbhir na jalpati hanti praty-uta pASANaih}, this one questioned by us does not speak, but rather throws stones at us) Kaths. Pacat. &c.; {uta vA}, or else, and (e.g. {samudrAd uta vA purISAt}, from the sea or from the moisture in the air); {vA} - {uta vA} or {utA7ho vA7pi} {vA}, either - or; {uta} - {uta}, both - and (e.g. {uta

balavAn utA7balaH}, both the strong and the weak); {kim} - {uta vA}, whether - or else. uu4sha * = m. ({uS} BRD.; {US} T.), salt ground, soil impregnated with saline particles TS. AitBr. iv, 27, 9 S'Br. Mn. v, 120 Sus'r. &c. (according to the Brhmanas also `" cattle "'); a cleft, hole L.; the cavity of the ear L.; the Malaya mountain L.; dawn, daybreak L. (in the latter sense also n. W.); ({A} and {I}) f. soil impregnated with saline particles, sterile soil KtyS'r. BhP.; ({A}) f. N. of a daughter of Bna and wife of Aniruddha (v.l. {uSA} q.v.) utaaho * = and %{utA7ho-svid} see 2. %{uta4} above. utha * =m. leaves, grass &c. (used in making huts, thatches &c.) L. utkatha = fierce utkaTaasana = the the hunkering posture utkarshhaH = (m) prosperity, growth utkrityamaana = one who is cut up utkrishhTa = excellent utkrishtha* = mfn. (opposed to {apa-kRSTa} and

{ava-kRSTa}), drawn up or out; attracted; extracted; taking a high position; excellent, eminent; superior, best; (ifc. e.g. {jJAno7tkRSTa} mfn. eminent in knowledge); much, most, excessive Mn. MBh. Pacat. &c. utkrishthatA* = f. or excellence, superiority, eminence. utkrishthatva* = n. excellence, superiority, eminence. ut-krishtha-bhUma utkrishthabhUma* = m. a good soil. utkrishthavedana* = n. marrying a man of a higher caste Mn. iii, 44. utkrishthopAdhitA* = f. state of having something superior as an indispensable condition Vedntas. 42. utkraamati = gives up utkraamantaM = quitting the body utsedha * = m. height , elevation , altitude S3Br. Car. ; thickness , bigness MBh. Sus3r. Kum. S3is3.

&c. ; excelling ; sublimity R. ; the body R. vii , 116 , 19 [Comm.] Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 5-2 , 21 ; (%{am}) n. killing , slaughter L. ; N. of several Sa1mans. uttaara* = 1 (fr. {tArA} with 1. {ud} in the sense of `" apart "') mfn. (an eye) from which the pupil is taken out BhP. vi, 14, 46; (for 2. {ut-tAra} &c. see {ut-tRR}.) \\2 (for 1. see s.v. above), {as}?2 m. transporting over Prab.; landing; delivering, rescuing MBh. [179,3]; ejecting, getting rid of; vomiting; passing away, instability; (mfn.) surpassing others, excellent, pre-eminent L. uttangataa = greatness uttama = exceptional* = mfn. (superlative fr. 1. {ud}; opposed to {avama}, {adhama}, &c.; cf. {anuttama}), uppermost, highest, chief; most elevated, principal; best, excellent RV. AV. AitBr. Mn. Pacat. &c. (often ifc., e.g. {dvijo7ttama}, best of the twice-born i.e. a Brhman Mn.); first, greatest; the highest (tone) s'vS'r. KtyS'r.; the most removed or last in place or order or time RV. S'Br. MBh. &c.; ({a4m}) ind. most, in the highest degree R.; at last, lastly S'Br. iii, 2, 1, 21; m. the last person (= in European grammars the first person) Pn. Kty. Ks'. &c.; N. of a brother of Dhruva (son of Uttna-pda and nephew of Priya-vrata) VP.; of a son of Priya-vrata and third Manu; of the twenty2287

first Vysa VP.; ({As}) m. pl.N. of people VP. MBh.; ({A}) f. a kind of Pidak or pustule Sus'r.; the plant Oxystelma Esculentum (Asclepias Rosea Roxb.) Sus'r.; an excellent woman (one who is handsome, healthy, and affectionate) L. uttamaM = transcendental uttamaH = the best uttamavidaaM = of the great sages uttamaangaiH = heads uttamaujaaH = Uttamauja uttara* = 1 mfn. (compar. fr. 1. {ud}; opposed to {adhara}; declined Gram. 238. {a}), upper, higher, superior (e.g. {uttare dantAs}, the upper teeth) RV. AV. TS. ChUp. Ragh. &c.; northern (because the northern part of India is high) AV. Mn. Sus'r. Pacat. &c.; left (opposed to {dakSiNa} or right, because in praying the face being turned to the east the north would be on the left hand) AV. KtyS'r. MBh. &c.; later, following, subsequent, latter, concluding, posterior, future RV. AV. KtyS'r. MBh. Ragh. Hit. &c. (opposed to {pUrva}, &c. e.g. {uttaraH kAlaH}, future time; {uttaraM vAkyam}, a following speech, answer, reply; {phalam

uttaram}, subsequent result, future consequence; {varSo7ttareSu}, in future years); followed by (e.g. {smo7ttara} mfn. followed by `" {sma} "' Pn. 3-3, 176); superior, chief, excellent, dominant, predominant, more powerful RV. AV.; gaining a cause (in law); better, more excellent RV.; m. N. of a son of Virtha MBh.; of a king of the Ngas L.; N. of a mountain Kaths.; of several men; ({As}) m. pl.N. of a school; ({A}), of. (scil. {diz}) the northern quarter, the north Kaths. &c.; N. of each of the Nakshatras that contain the word `" {uttara} "' (cf. {uttara-phalgunI}, &c.); N. of a daughter of Virtha and daughter-in-law of Arjuna MBh.; of a female servant Lalit.; ({e}) f. du. the second and third verse of a Triica (or a stanza consisting of three verses); ({As}) f. pl. the second part of the Smasanhit; ({am}) n. upper surface or cover MBh. Ragh. Das'. &c.; the north R. Dhrtas.; the following member, the last part of a compound; answer, reply Ragh. R. Prab. &c.; (in law) a defence, rejoinder, a defensive measure; contradiction Car.; (in the Mimns philosophy) the answer (the fourth member of an adhikarana or case); superiority, excellence, competency R. Pacat. Kaths. &c.; result, the chief or prevalent result or characteristic, what remains or is left, conclusion, remainder, excess, over and above, (often ifc. e.g. {bhayo7ttara}, attended with danger, having danger as the result; {dharmo7ttara}, chiefly characterized by virtue; {SaSTy-uttaraM

sahasram}, one thousand with an excess of sixty, i.e. 1060; {sapto7ttaraM zatam}, 107); remainder, difference (in arithmetic); N. of a song Yj.; N. of each of the Nakshatras that contain the word `" {uttara} "'; a particular figure in rhetoric; N. of the last book of the Rmyana; ({am}) ind. at the conclusion, at the end e.g. {bhavad-uttaram}, having the word `" {bhavat} "' at the end; {asro7ttaram IkSitA}, looked at with tears at the close i.e. with a glance ending in tears; afterwards, thereafter; behind MBh. &c.; in the following part (of a book); [cf. Gk. $.] u4ttara* = 1 &c. see p. 178, col. 1; for 2. see {uttRR}, col. 2. \\2 mfn. (for 1. see p. 178, col. 1), crossing over; to be crossed (cf. {dur-uttara}). uttaraa* = ind. north, northerly; northward (with gen. or abl.) Pn. Vop.; ({uttarA-patha}, &c. see p. 178, col. 3.) uttaraM = covering uttaraNa * = mfn. coming out of, crossing over VS. &c.; ({am}) n. coming forth or out of (especially out of water) VarBriS.; landing, disembarking; crossing rivers &c. Pacat. ut-taaraNa * = mfn. transporting over MBh.;

bringing over, rescuing; ({am}) n. the act of landing, delivering; rescuing, helping to cross over or escape; transportation R. &c. uttararuupaM = having it in the northern direction uttaraaphaalguni = Twelfth nakshatra uttaraabhaadrapada = Twenty-sixth nakshatra uttaraayaNaM = when the sun passes on the northern side uttaraashhaDhaa = Twenty-first nakshatra uttaana = an intense stretch uttishthha = get up uttishThaasaa * = f. the intention to leave off; the wish to leave (a sacrifice &c.) unfinished Nya1yam uttishthhata = (Verb Imp.II P.pl.PP)get up; stand up; rise; arise uttunga = tall utthaa * = ({ud-sthA} Pn. 8-4, 61; cf. {ut-tambh}, col. 1) P. . (but not . in the sense of, `" rising,

standing up "' Pn. 1-3, 24) {-tiSThati}, {-te} (pf. {tasthau} aor. {-asthAt} &c.) to stand up, spring up, rise, raise one's self, set out RV. AV. S'Br. Ragh. S'ak. Bhag. &c.; to rise (from the dead) BhP.; to rise (from any occupation), leave off; to finish AitBr. S'Br. TndyaBr. &c.; to come forth, arise, appear, become visible, result; to spring, originate from RV. AV. S'Br. TS. MBh. Kaths. &c.; to come in (as revenues) S'ak.; to rise (for the performance of any action); to be active or brave; to make efforts, take pains with, strive for; to excel MBh. R. &c.: Caus. {thApayati} (aor. 1. sg. {u4d-atiSThipam} AV. vii, 95, 2) to cause, to stand up, raise, rouse, start AV. AitBr. TBr. S'Br. MBh. Das'. BhP. &c.; to set up, lift up, erect Gobh. MBh. R. Hit. &c.; to get out Hit.; to drive out, send out, push out AitBr.: Kaths. BhP.; to excite; to produce Ragh. Sh.; to arouse, awaken, raise to life, make alive, animate; to stir up, agitate S'Br. KaushUp. Hariv. R. Kaths. &c.: Desid. {tiSThAsati}, to wish or intend to stand up S'Br. xi, 1, 6, 5; to intend to leave off (a sacrifice) Nyyam. ut-tha * = mfn. (generally ifc.) standing up, rising, arising MBh. Ragh. Caurap. &c.; coming forth, originating, derived from Bhag. Kaths. Rjat. Pacat. &c.; m. arising, coming forth L.; [cf. Zd. {usta}.] utthaM = produced of

utthita = stretched utthitaa = present utpaaTin.h = (masc) puller-up utpaataya = (causative of ut+pat) produce utpaadanam.h = (n) production, creation utpatti = production* = f. arising, birth, production, origin Sus'r. MBh. Yj. &c.; resurrection Mn.; production in general, profit, productiveness, Rjat; producing as an effect or result, giving rise to, generating as a consequence; occurrence, the being mentioned or quoted (as a Vedic passage) Jaim. utpad.h = to obtain utpiithhikaa = (f) table utplavate = to jump utsanna = spoiled utsava = festival * m. enterprise, beginning RV. i, 100, 8; 102, 1; a festival, jubilee; joy, gladness, merriment MBh. Ragh. Kaths. Amar. &c.;

opening, blossoming BhP.; height, elevation; insolence L.; passion, wrath L.; wish, rising of a wish L. utsaadanaarthaM = for the sake of causing annihilation utsaadyante = are devastated utsaaha = enthusiasm utsikta *= mfn. overflowing , foaming over ; puffed up , superabundant Car. BhP. Ra1jat. ; drawn too tight (as a bow) Hariv. 1876 ; elevated , raised ; haughty , proud ; wanton ; rude ; crackbrained , disordered , disturbed in mind MBh. BhP. Mn. Katha1s. &c. utsiideyuH = would be put into ruin utsrija = give up utsrij* = ({ud-sRj}) P. . {-sRjati}, {-te}, to let loose, let off or go [182,3]; to set free; to open RV. AitBr. s'vGri. and S'r. KtyS'r. MBh. S'ak. &c.; to pour out, emit, send forth s'vGri. MBh. &c.; to sling, throw, cast forth or away; to lay aside MBh. R. Mriicch. &c.; to quit, leave, abandon, avoid, eschew Mn. Yj. MBh. &c.; to discontinue,

suspend, cease, leave off TS. TBr. TndyaBr. KtyS'r. &c.; to send away, dismiss, discharge AitBr. S'nkhS'r. MBh.; to drive out or away S'Br.; to hand out, deliver, grant, give AV. xii, 3, 46 BhP. R. Mlatm.; to bring forth, produce, create AV. vi, 36, 2 R.: Desid. {-sisRkSati}, to intend to let loose PrGri.; to intend to leave BhP. utsrijya* = ind. p. having let loose, having abandoned &c utsrijaami = send forth utsrijya = giving up utkaNTha * = 1 mfn. having the neck uplifted (on the point of doing anything) Ragh.; having the throat open (as in crying) BhP.; longing for; m. longing for; a kind of sexual union L.; ({A}) f. longing for (a beloved person or thing); regretting or missing anything or a person MBh. Bhartri. Pacat. Amar. &c. \\ 2 Nom. . {utkaNThate}, to raise the neck; to long for, regret, sorrow for R. S'is'. Bhathth. &c.: Caus. {utkaNThayati}, to cause any one to lift up the neck; to excite longing, inspire with tender emotions Bhartri. Kvya7d. &c. uusa * = salt ground, soil impregnated with saline particles TS. AitBr. iv, 27, 9 S'Br. Mn. v, 120 Sus'r.

&c. (according to the Brhmanas also `" cattle "'); a cleft, hole L.; the cavity of the ear L.; the Malaya mountain L.; dawn, daybreak L. (in the latter sense also n. W.); ({A} and {I}) f. soil impregnated with saline particles, sterile soil KtyS'r. BhP.; ({A}) f. N. of a daughter of Bna and wife of Aniruddha (v.l. {uSA} q.v.) uuchchhabala = Exaltation strength part of Shad Bala uupasad * = 1 P. {-sIdati} (Ved. Pot. 1. pl. {sadema}; impf. {-asadat}) to sit upon (acc.) RV. vi, 75, 8; to sit near to, approach (esp. respectfully), revere, worship RV. AV. TS. S'Br. &c. MBh. Ragh. &c.; to approach (a teacher in order to become his pupil) Kaths. [209, 2]; to approach asking, request, crave for RV. i, 89, 2; vii, 33, 9 TS. ii S'Br. ii; to approach in a hostile manner BhP. vi, 3, 27; to possess RV. viii, 47, 16 AV. iii, 14, 6; to perform the Upasad ceremony (see below) TS. vi, 2, 3, 4: Caus. {-sAdayati}, to place or put upon or by the side of TS. TBr. S'Br. &c.; to cause to approach, lead near (see {upa-sAdita}). uurdhva = raised * = mf({A})n. ({vRdh} BRD.; perhaps fr. {R}), rising or tending upwards, raised, elevated, erected, erect, upright, high, above RV. AV. VS. S'Br. AitBr. &c. (in class. Sanskriit

occurring generally in compounds); ({am}) n. height, elevation L.; anything placed above or higher (with abl.) L.; ({am}) ind. upwards, towards the upper part, aloft, above, in the upper regions, higher (with abl.) AV. xi, 1, 9 S'Br. xii KtyS'r. MBh. Mn. &c.; ({UrdhvaM-gam}, to go upwards or into heaven, die); in the sequel, in the later part (e.g. of a book or MS.; because in Sanskriit MSS. the later leaves stand above), subsequent, after (with abl.) S'Br. S'nkhS'r. Sus'r. Mn. &c.; ({ata Urdhvam}, or {ita Urdhvam}, hence forward, from that time forward, after that passage, hereafter S'Br. S'nkhS'r. Yj. &c.; {UrdhvaM saMvatsarAt}, after a year Mn. ix, 77; {UrdhvaM dehAt}, after life, after death MBh. i, 3606); after, after the death of (with abl. e.g. {UrdhvaM pituH}, after the father's death Mn. ix, 104); in a high tone, aloud BhP.; [cf. Gk. $; Lat. &69531[222, 1] {arduus}; Gae0l. {ard}.] uurdhvaM = upwards* = mf({A})n. ({vRdh} BRD.; perhaps fr. {R}), rising or tending upwards, raised, elevated, erected, erect, upright, high, above RV. AV. VS. S'Br. AitBr. &c. (in class. Sanskriit occurring generally in compounds); ({am}) n. height, elevation L.; anything placed above or higher (with abl.) L.; ({am}) ind. upwards, towards the upper part, aloft, above, in the upper regions, higher (with abl.) AV. xi, 1, 9 S'Br. xii KtyS'r. MBh. Mn. &c.; ({UrdhvaM-gam}, to go upwards or into

heaven, die); in the sequel, in the later part (e.g. of a book or MS.; because in Sanskriit MSS. the later leaves stand above), subsequent, after (with abl.) S'Br. S'nkhS'r. Sus'r. Mn. &c.; ({ata Urdhvam}, or {ita Urdhvam}, hence forward, from that time forward, after that passage, hereafter S'Br. S'nkhS'r. Yj. &c.; {UrdhvaM saMvatsarAt}, after a year Mn. ix, 77; {UrdhvaM dehAt}, after life, after death MBh. i, 3606); after, after the death of (with abl. e.g. {UrdhvaM pituH}, after the father's death Mn. ix, 104); in a high tone, aloud BhP.; [cf. Gk. $; Lat. &69531[222, 1] {arduus}; Gae0l. {ard}.] uurdhva\-prasaarita-ekapaadaasana = balancing forward posture uurdhva\-mukha = face upwards uurdhva\-retaH = a celibate intending to control(upward) the semen uurdhva\-hastattanaasana = the up-stretched arms posture uurdhvamuulaM = with roots above uurdhvaat.h = from above uurja * = mfn. strong, powerful, eminent BhP.

S'is'.; invigorating, strengthening; m. N. of a month (= {kArttika}) TS. i VS. S'Br. Sus'r. i, 19, 9 BhP. &c.; power, strength, vigour, sap MBh. Mn. ii, 55 BhP. &c.; life, breath L.; effort, exertion L.; N. of several men; ({A}) f. strength, vigour, sap RV. x, 76, 1 AV. SV. Sus'r. &c.; N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Vasishthha VP. BhP.; ({am}) n. water L. uurjaad * =(3) mfn. consuming food RV. x, 53, 4. uurjaavat * =mfn. powerful, strong PrGri. i, 15, 6 MBh. uurjayat * =mfn. pres. p. of {Urj} q.v.; ({an}) m. N. of a teacher VBr. uurjavya4 * =mfn. abounding in strength, sappy, strengthening RV. v, 41, 20. uurjas * ={as} n. vigour, strength, power S uurmi = wave uurNanaabhaH = (m) spider uurNaa = (f) wool uuruu = thighs uuruuH = (m) thigh

uuta * = mfn. (p.p. of {av} q.v.) favoured; loved; promoted, helped; protected. uuta **= 2 mfn. (p.p. of {ve} q.v.) woven, sewed. uuyate = to weave V va*= 1 ind. or (excluded, like the Lat. {ve}, from the first place in a sentence, and generally immediately following, rarely and only m.c. preceding, the word to which it refers) RV. &c. &c. (often used in disjunctive sentences; {vA-vA}, `" either'- `" or "', `" on the one side `" - `" on the other "'; {na vA} {vA} or {na} - {vA}, `" neither'- `" nor "'; {vA navA}, `" either not'-`" or "'; {yadi vA-vA}, `" whether'-`" or "'; in a sentence containing more than two members {vA} is nearly always repeated, although if a negative is in the first clause it need not be so repeated; {vA} is sometimes interchangeable with {ca} and {api}, and is frequently combined with other particles, esp. with {atha}, {atho7}, {uta}, {kim}, {yad}, {yadi} q.v. [e.g. {atha vA}, `" or else "']; it is also sometimes used as an expletive); either-or not, optionally KtyS'r. Mn. &c. (in gram. {vA} is used in a rule to denote its being optional e.g. Pn. 1-2, 13; 35 &c.); as, like (=

{iva}) PrGri. MBh. &c.; just, even, indeed, very (= {eva}, laying stress on the preceding word) KtyS'r. Kv.; but even if, even supposing (followed by a future) Pac. v, 36/37; however, nevertheless Bdar. Blar.; (after a rel. or interr.) possibly, perhaps, I dare say MBh. Kv. &c. (e.g. {kiM vA zakuntale7ty asya mAtur AkhyA}, `" is his mother's name perhaps S'akuntal? "' S'ak. vii, 20/21; {ko vA} or {ke vA} followed by a negative may in such cases be translated by `" every one, all "' e.g. {ke vA na syuH paribhava-padaM niSphalA7ram-bhayatnAH}, `" everybody whose efforts are fruitless is an object of contempt "' Megh. 55). va *= 2 (only L.) m. air, wind; the arm; N. of Varuna; the ocean, water; addressing; reverence; conciliation; auspiciousness; a dwelling; a tiger; cloth; the esculent root of the water-lily; ({A}) f. going; hurting; an arrow; weaving; a weaver (?). n. a sort of incantation or Mantra (of which the object is the deity Varuna); = {pra-catas}; mfn. strong, powerful. va*= 3 ind.= {iva}, like, as MBh. Kv. &c. (in some more or less doubtful cases). vaa = or * = 1 the 3rd semivowel (corresponding to the vowels {u} and {U}, and having the sound of the English {v}, except when forming the last member of a conjunct consonant, in which case it is

pronounced like {w}; it is often confounded and interchanged with the labial consonant {b}). vaa*= 2 cl. 2. P. (Dhtup. xxiv, 42) {vA4ti} (pf. {vavau} Br. MBh. &c.; aor. {avAsIt} Br.; fut. {vAsyati} Megh.; inf. {vAtum} Hariv.), to blow (as the wind) RV. &c. &c.; to procure or bestow anything (acc.) by blowing RV. i, 89, 4; to blow towards or upon (acc.) MBh. xii, 2798; to emit an odour, be diffused (as perfume) S'Br.; to smell (trans.) Vikr. iv, 41 (v.l.); to hurt, injure Vop.: Caus. {vApayati} see {nir-vA} and cf. {vAjaya}: Desid. {vivAsati} see 1. {van}. [Cf. Gk. $ for $; Lat. &283227[934, 2] {ventus}; Slav. {vejati}; Goth. {waian}, {winds}; Germ. {wa7jan}, {woejen}, {wehen}, {Wind}; Angl. Sax. {wa7wan}; Eng. {wind} vaara *= 1 m. (earlier form of %{vAla} q.v.) the hair of any animal's tail (esp. of a horse's tail, = $) RV.; m. n. sg. and pl. a hair-sieve ib. 4 vAra 2 (fr. 1. %{vR}) m. keeping back, restraining (also mfn. ifc. = difficult to be restrained TBr.; cf. %{durv-}); anything which covers or surrounds or restrains, a cover MW.; anything which causes an obstruction, a gate, door-way W.; anything enclosed or circumscribed in space or time, esp. an appointed place (e.g. %{sva-vAraM@samA-sthA}, to occupy one's proper place) R.; the time fixed or

appointed for anything (accord. to some fr. 2. %{vR}, to choose), a person's turn MBh. Ka1v. &c. (often, esp. with numerals, = times e.g. %{varAMs@trIn} or %{vara-trayam}, three times; %{bhUribhir@vAraiH} or %{bhUri-vArAn} or %{bahu-vAram} or %{vAraM@vAram} or %{vAraM@vAreNa}, many times, often, repeatedly); the turn of a day (under the regency of a planet), a day of the week (they are A1ditya-, Soma-, Man3gala-, Budha-, Guru., S3ukra-, and S3ani-vva1ra; cf. IW. 178 n. 1) Gan2it. Ya1jn5. Sch. Ka1v. &c. (cf. %{dina} and %{divasa-v-}); a moment, occasion, opportunity W.; a multitude, quantity (see %{bANa-v-}); an arrow L.; Achyranthes Aspera L.; N. of S3iva L.; (%{A}) f. a harlot, courtezan MBh. vi, 5766 (cf. %{-kanyakA} &c.); n. a vessel for holding spirituous liquor L.; a partic. artificial poison L. 5 vAra 3 m. (fr. 2. %{vR}) choice (see %{vAre-vRta}); anything chosen or choice or exquisite, goods, treasure RV. (often ifc.; cf. %{azasta-}, %{Rdhad-}, %{dAti-v-} &c.); N. of a poet Cat. vaavritta * = mfn. chosen , selected , appointed L. vaac f. (fr. %{vac}) speech , voice , talk , language (also of animals) , sound (also of inanimate objects as of the stones used for pressing , of a drum &c.) RV. &c. &c. (%{vAcam-R} , %{Ir} , or %{iS} , to

raise the voice , utter a sound , cry , call) ; a word , saying , phrase , sentence , statement , asseveration Mn. MBh. &c. (%{vAcaM-vad} , to speak words ; %{vAcaM@vyA-hR} , to utter words ; %{vAcaMdA} with dat. , to address words to ; %{vAcA@satyaM-kR} , to promise verbally in marriage , plight troth) ; Speech personified (in various manners or forms e.g. as Va1c Ambhr2in2i1 in RV. x , 125 ; as the voice of the middle sphere in Naigh. and Nir. ; in the Veda she is also represented as created by Praja1-pati and married to him ; in other places she is called the mother of the Vedas and wife of Indra ; in VP. she is the daughter of Daksha and wife of Kas3yapa ; but most frequently she is identified with Bha1rati1 or Sarasvati1 , the goddess of speech ; %{vAcaH@sAma} and %{vAco@vratam}N. of Sa1mans A1rshBr. ; %{vAcaH@stomaH} , a partic. Eka7ha S3rS.) vaacaa* = 1 f. speech, a word Pacat. KtyS'r. Sch. &c.; the goddess of spspeech Un. ii, 57 Sch.; a holy word, sacred text MW.; an oath ib.; w.r. for {vacA} MBh. xiii, 6149. [937, 3]\\vaacaa* = 2 instr. of {vAc}, in comp. vaaca* = m. (only L.) a species of fish; a species of plant; = {madana vaachaM = words

vaachaH = the Vedas vaachaa = speech vaachaala = capable of talking vaachyaM = to be spoken vaadya * = mfn. to be said or spoken or pronounced or uttered AitBr.; to be sounded or played (as a musical instrument) Cat.; n. a speech S'Br.; instrumental music Mlav. Kaths. &c.; m. or n. a musical instrument R. Kaths. Pacat. vaada = argument * = mfn. (fr. {vad}) speaking of or about (see {brahma-v-}); causing to sound, playing (see {vINA-v-}); m. speech, discourse, talk, utterance, statement Mn. MBh. &c.; (ifc.) speaking about, mentioning MBh. Hariv. BhP.; advice, counsel MBh.; a thesis, proposition, argument, doctrine Sarvad. Sus'r.; discussion, controversy, dispute, contest, quarrel Mn. MBh. &c.; agreement Das'.; cry, song, note (of a bird) AitBr. [940, 1]; sound, sounding (of a musical instrument) Pacat.; demonstrated conclusion, result W.; a plaint, accusation ib.; a reply ib.; explanation, exposition (of holy texts &c.) MW.; report, rumour ib. vaadaH = (m) argument, discussion

vaadayati = to play (a musical instrument) vaadaan.h = fabricated words vaadin *= mfn. saying , discoursing , speaking , talking , speaking or talking about (often ifc. or sometimes with acc. of object) , declaring , proclaiming , denoting , designating (or sometimes = designated as , addressed by a title &c.) Mn. MBh. &c. [940,2] ; producing sounds S3a1n3khS3r. ; m. a speaker , asserter , (ifc.) the teacher or propounder , or adherent of any doctrine or theory MaitrUp. S3am2k. Sarvad. ; a disputant MBh. Hariv. &c. ; a plaintiff , accuser , prosecutor (du. plaintiff and defendant) Ya1jn5. Na1r. ; an alchemist Ka1lac. ; a player on any musical instrument , musician (see f.) , the leading or keynote W. ; N. of Buddha (as `" the disputant "') L. ; (%{inI}) f. a female musician R. ; (prob.) N. of a Comm. on the Amara-kos3a. vaadIndra *= m. N. of a philosopher and a poet ib. vaadinaH = the advocates vaadinii = she who speaks vaa4dya * = mfn. to be said or spoken or pronounced or uttered AitBr.; to be sounded or

played (as a musical instrument) Cat.; n. a speech S'Br.; instrumental music Mlav. Kaths. &c.; m. or n. a musical instrument R. Kaths. Pacat. vaagmii = master of speech vaagya * = (?) mfn. (perhaps fr. %{vAc} + %{ya} fr. %{yam} ; cf. %{vAg-yata}) speaking little , speaking cautiously or humbly L. ; spspeaking truly L. ; m. modesty , humility , selfdisparagement L. ; doubt , alternative L. vaahana = vehicle vaahaNa * mfn. (fr. Caus.) carrying off, removing, destroying (ifc.) Var.; n. = {-vahaNa} L. vaahana * =1 n. (for 2. see col. 2) the act of making effort, endeavouring, exertion W. vaahaNa * mfn. (fr. Caus.) carrying off, removing, destroying (ifc.) Var.; n. = {-vahaNa} L vaa4hana * =1 n. (for 2. see col. 2) the act of making effort, endeavouring, exertion W. \\2 mfn. (for 1. see col. 1) drawing, bearing, carrying, conveying, bringing &c. Kaths. Rjat.; m. N. of a Muni Cat.; ({A}) f. an army S'is'. xix, 33; n. the act of drawing, bearing, carrying, conveying MBh. R.

&c.; driving Sus'r.; riding Kaths.; guiding (horses) MBh.; any vehicle or conveyance or draughtanimal, carriage, chariot, waggon, horse, elephant (cf. Pn. 8-4, 8) AitBr. &c. &c. (ifc. [f. {A}] riding or driving on or in); any animal Kaths. xxi, 30; `" oar "' or `" sail "' R. ii, 52, 5. vaahanakaaraka = Significator of vehicles which is Venus vaaJNchhasi = you desire vaaJNchhita = desired vaak.h = language/speech vaakya = sentence* = n. (ifc. f. {A}) speech, saying, assertion, statement, command, words ({mama vAkyAt}, in my words, in my name) MBh. &c. &c.; a declaration (in law), legal evidence Mn.; an express decldeclaration or statement (opp. to {liGga}, `" a hint "' or indication) Sarvad.; betrothment Nr.; a sentence, period RmatUp. Pn. Vrtt. &c.; a mode of expression Cat.; a periphrastic mode of expression Pn. Sch. Siddh.; a rule, precept, aphorism MW.; a disputation MBh.; (in logic) an argument, syllogism or member of a syllogism; the singing of birds Hariv.; (in astron.) the solar process in computations MW

vaakyaM = words vaakyaani = sentences vaakyena = words vaalmiiki* = m. (incorrectly {vAlmiki}) N. of the celebrated author of the Rma7yana (so called, according to some, because when immersed in thought he allowed himself to be overrun with ants like an anthill; he was no doubt a Brhman by birth and closely connected with the kings of Ayodhy; he collected the different songs and legendary tales relating to Rma-candra and welded them into one continuous poem, to which later additions may have been made; he is said to have invented the S'loka metre, and probably the language and style of Indian epic poetry owe their definite form to him; according to one tradition he began life as a robber, but repenting be took himself to a hermitage on a hill in the district of Banda in Bundelkund, where he eventually received St, the wife of Rma, when banished by her husband; cf. IW. 314; 315 &c.) MBh. R. &c.; of a son of Garuda MBh.; of a grammarian TPrt.; of the authors of various wks. (the Yoga-vsishthha, the Adbhutarma7yana, and the Gangashthaka) Cat.; (with {kavi}) of the son of Rudra-mani Tri-pthhin and author of the Ramale7ndu-praks'a ib.

vaalkala mfn. (fr. %{valkala}) made of bark L.; (%{I4}) f. intoxicating liquor L.; n. a bark dress worn by ascetics W. vaalmiikikokilam.h = the vaalmIki-cuckoo vaama = left side vaama *= 1 m. (for 2. and 3. see col. 2) the act of vomiting g. %{jvalA7di}; (%{I}) f. id. Gal. 3 vAma 2 mf(%{I4} or %{A})n. (fr. 1. %{van}; for 1. see col. 1) lovely, dear, pleasant, agreeable, fair, beautiful, splendid, noble RV. &c. &c.; (ifc.) striving after, eager for, intent upon, fond of Ka1v. Katha1s. Ra1jat.; m. the female breast L.; the god of love L.; N. of S3iva BhP.; of a Rudra ib.; of Varun2a L.; (with S3aivas) = %{vAma-deva-guhya} Sarvad.; of a son of R2ici1ka MBh. (B. %{rAma}); of a son of Kr2ishn2a and Bhadra1 BhP.; of a prince (son of Dharma) Cat.; of a son of Bhat2t2a-na1ra1yan2a Kshiti7s3. (cf. %{-deva}); of one of the Moon's horses VP.; m. or n. a kind of pot-herb, Chenopodium Album L.; (%{A}) f. a beautiful woman, any woman or wife Pan5car. Sa1h.; a partic. form of Durga1 Pur.; a partic. S3akti Hcat.; N. of Lakshmi1 W.; of Sarasvati1 ib.; of one of the Ma1tr2is attending on Skanda MBh.; of the mother of Pa1rs3va (the 23rd Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i1) L.; (%{a4yA}) ind. in a pleasant or

lovely manner RV. viii, 9, 7; (%{I}) f. a mare L. (%{vAmI-ratha} mfn. Pat. on Pa1n2. 4-2, 104 Va1rtt. 20); a she-ass L.; a female camel (cf. %{uSTra-v-}); a young female elephant L.; the female of the jackal L.; n. a lovely thing, any dear or desirable good (as gold, horses &c.), wealth, fortune RV. AV. Br. ChUp.; mfn. relating to a mare Pat. (cf. under %{I} f. above). 4 // 3 mf(%{A})n. (perhaps originally identical with 2. above) left, not right, being or situated on the left side S3Br. &c. &c. (the quivering of the left eye or arm is supposed to be a good omen in women and of the left arm a bad omen in men); reverse, adverse, contrary, opposite, unfavourable Ka1v. Katha1s.; crooked, oblique (%{am} ind. sideways) BhP.; refractory, coy (in love) Sa1h.; acting in the opposite way or differently S3ak. iv, 18; hard, cruel Ka1v. Pur. [941,3]; vile, wicked, base, low, bad Kir.; m. or n. the left side (%{vAmAd@dakSiNam}, from the left to the right; %{vAmena}, on the left side) Ka1v. Katha1s.; m. the left hand Ra1matUp.; a snake L.; an animal, sentient being L.; n. adversity, misfortune Katha1s.; the left-hand practices of the followers of the Tantras (= %{vAmA7cAra} q.v.) Cat. vaamadevaasana = Vamadeva's posture vaamana = Vishnu's fifth incarnation also known

as trivikrama vaamaprakaasha = lovely shiningness vaamaa.nkaaruuDha = having the left side of the body climbed, occupied by vaame = left side vaaMs'a* = mf({I})n. (fr. {vaMza}) relating or belonging to sugar-cane Car.; made of bamboo W.; ({I}) f. bamboo-manna Car. Bhpr. vaana * = 1 mfn. (for 2. see p. 940) blown &c. (cf. %{nir-vANa}) ; n. blowing L. ; a perfume , fragrance L. ; living ib. ; going , moving , rolling W. ; the rolling of water or of the tide (esp. the high wave in Indian rivers , commonly called `" the Bore "') ib. vaaNa * = 1 m. (fr. %{vaN} ; often written %{bANa} q.v.) sounding , a sound Kir. xv , 10 ; an arrow (see %{bANa} , p. 727 for comp.) RV. ix , 50 , 1 ; music (esp. of flutes , harps &c.) RV. i , 85 , 10 &c. AV. x , 2 , 17 (here written %{bANa4}) ; a harp with 100 strings TS. Br. S3rS. ; (%{I}) f. see below ; n. the sound of a partic. little hand-drum L.\\ 2 w.r. for %{vAna} in %{vAnadaNDa} and %{vAnaprastha} (see 3. and 6. %{vAna}).

vaana * = 2 mfn. (fr. %{vai} ; for 1. see p. 935 , col. 3) dried &c. ; n. dry or dried fruit L. ; a kind of bamboo manna L.\\3 n. (fr. %{ve}) the act of weaving or sewing Nya1yam. Sa1y. (reckoned among the 64 Kala1s) ; a mat of straw L.\\4 m. or n. (?) a hole in the wall of a house L. [940,3]\\ 5 m. an intelligent man L. ; N. of Yama L.\\ 6 mf(%{I})n. (fr. 1. %{vana} , p. 917) relating to a wood or to a dwelling in a wood &c. W. ; n. a dense wood Nalo7d. ; a multitude of woods or groves or thickets W.\\ mfn. dried &c. (see 2. %{vAna} , p. 940 , col. 2). vaasana* =1 n. the act of perfuming or fumigating, infusing, steeping Gi1t. Sch.; (%{A}) f. id. S3is3. Sch. vaasana* = 2 n. covering, clothing, garment, dress Ka1v.; an envelope, box, casket Ya1jn5.//3 mfn. belonging to an abode, fit for a dwelling W.; n. causing to abide or dwell Ba1lar.; abiding, abode L.; a receptacle for water L.; knowledge L.; a partic. posture (practised by ascetics during abstract meditation, and by others; described as sitting on the ground with the knees bent and the feet turned backwards) W.; (%{A}) f. see next. vaasanaa*= f. the impression of anything remaining unconsciously in the mind, the present

consciousness of past perceptions, knowledge derived from memory S3am2k. Ka1v. Katha1s.; fancy, imagination, idea, notion, false notion, mistake (ifc., e.g. %{bheda-v-}, the mistake that there is a difference) ib. Ra1jat. Sarvad. &c.; thinking of, longing for, expectation, desire, inclination Katha1s.; liking, respectful regard Bha1m.; trust, confidence W.; (in math.) proof, demonstration (= %{upapatti}) Gol.; a kind of metre Col.; N. of Durga1 BhP.; of the wife of Arka ib.; of a Comm. on the Siddha7nta-s3iroman2i. vaN* = (also written {baN}) cl. 1. P. {vaNati} (pf. {vavANa} &c.; Caus. aor. {avIvaNat}, or {avavANat}), to sound Dhtup. xiii, 3. van* = 1 cl. 1. P. (Dhtiip. xiii, 19; 20; xix, 42) {va4nati} (Ved. also {-te}, and {vana4ti}); cl. 8. P. . (xxx, 8) {vano4ti}, {vanute4} (pf. {vAvA4na}, {vAva4ntha}, {vavanma4}, {vavne4}; p. {vavanva4s} RV.; aor. {vanta}, {va4Msva} ib.; {vaMsat}, {-sate} ib.; {vaniSat} AV.; {-Santa} TS.; {vanuSanta} "' RV.; Pot. {vaMsImahi}, {vasImahi} ib.; Prec. {vaniSISta} RV. {vaMsiSIya} AV.; fut. {vanizA} Gr.; {vaniSyate}, SnkhSr.; inf. {vanitum} Gr.; {-vantave} RV.), to like, love, wish, desire RV. AV. S'Br. Kthh. S'nkhSr.; to gain, acquire, procure (for one's self or others) RV. AV. S'Br.; to conquer, win, become master of, possess RV. AV.;

to prepare, make ready for, aim at, attack RV.; to hurt, injure MW. (Dhtup. also `" to sound "'; `" to serve, honour, worship. help, aid "'): Caus. {vanayati} or {vAnayati} Dhtup. xix, 68; xxxix, 33 v.l. (cf. {saM-van}): Desid. {vi4vAsati}, {-te}, to attract, seek to win over RV.: Intens. (only {vAva4naH} and {vAvandhi4}; but cf. {vanIvan}) to love, like RV. [Cf. Lat. {venia}, {Venus}; Got. {gawinnan}; Germ. {gewinnen}; Eng. {win}.] va4n* = 2 = {va4na} (only in gen. and loc. pl. {vanA4m} {va4Msu}), `" wood "' or, a wooden vessel "' RV.; love, worship L. vaanaprastha* = m. (fr. {vana-prastha}) a Brhman in the third stage of life (who has passed through the stages of student and householder and has abandoned his house and family for an ascetic life in the woods; see {Azrama}), hermit, anchorite (mentioned by Megasthenes under the name $) past. Mn. MBh. &c. RTL. 362; a class of supernatural beings MW.; Bassia Latifolia or Butea Frondosa L.; mfn. relating to a Vnaprastha; m. (scil. {Azrama}) the third stage of a Brhmas life, forest-life MBh. R. Hariv. vaanara * = m. (prob. fr. {vanar}, p. 918) `" forestanimal "', a monkey, ape (ifc. f. {A}) Mn. MBh. &c.; a kind of incense, Olibanum L.; (with {AcArya}) N.

of a writer on medicine Cat.; ({I}) f. a female ape MBh. R. Kaths.; Carpopogon Pruriens L.; mf({I})n. belonging to an ape or monkey, mmonkey-like &c. MBh. R. vaaNii* = 1 f. sound, voice, music (pl. a choir of musicians or singers) RV. (the {sapta vANIs} are referred by the Comms. to the seven metres or to the seven notes of the gamut &c.); speech, language, words, diction, (esp.) eloquent speech or fine diction MBh. Kv. &c.; a literary production or composition Uttarar. Bhm.; praise, laudation MW.; the goddess of speech, Sarasvat R. BrahmaP.; N. of a metre consisting only of long syllables Kvya7d. Sch.; of a river (accord. to some the Sarasvat) VP.\\ f. (only L.; cf. 1. 2. {vANI}) weaving; a weaver's loom; voice, speech; a species of metre; a cloud; price, value.\\2 f. (cf. {vANi}) weaving L. \\3 f. reed RV. v, 86, 1; du. the two bars of a car or carriage ib. i, 119, 5 vaanmayaM = of the voice vaanmayaH = full of the `word' i.e. master of the word \& language vaa.ngmaya = full of speech vaa.nchh.h = to want

vaa.nchhaa = (fem) desire vaachita* = mfn. wished, desired, beloved, longed for MBh. Ka1v. &c.; n. wish, desire ib.; m. (in music) a kind of measure. vaanara = monkey vaanarayuuthamukhyam.h = the chieftain of the monkey brigade vaaNijyaM = trade vaaNijyam.h = (n) trade, commerce vaaNii = language vaaNii * = 1 f. sound, voice, music (pl. a choir of musicians or singers) RV. (the %{sapta@vANIs} are referred by the Comms. to the seven metres or to the seven notes of the gamut &c.); speech, language, words, diction, (esp.) eloquent speech or fine diction MBh. Ka1v. &c.; a literary production or composition Uttarar. Bha1m.; praise, laudation MW.; the goddess of speech, Sarasvati1 R. BrahmaP.; N. of a metre consisting only of long syllables Ka1vya7d. Sch.; of a river (accord. to some the Sarasvati1) VP.\\* = 2 f. (cf. %{vANi}) weaving L.\\= 3 f. reed RV. v, 86, 1; du. the two bars of a car

or carriage ib. i, 119, 5. vaaNi * = f. (only L.; cf. 1. 2. %{vANI}) weaving; a weaver's loom; voice, speech; a species of metre; a cloud; price, value. vaaNiiM = speech vaasu * = m. (said to be fr. 5. {vas}) N. of Vishnu (is dwelling in all beings) Un. i, 1 Sch.; the spirit or soul considered as the Supreme Being or Soul of the universe W. (also Vriiddhi form of {vasu} in comp.) vaarNa mfn. (fr. {varNa}) relating to a sound or letter (in gram.) vaarya * = 1 mfn. (for 2. and 3. see p. 944, col. 1) watery, aquatic L. y\\ 2 mfn. (for 1. see p. 943, col. \\ 3) to be warded off or prevented or checked or impeded MBh. Kv. &c.; m. a wall R. vaas'itaagrishthi * = f. a young female elephant MBh. xi, 642 (cf. Pn. 2-1, 65). vaas'ita * =1 mfn. roared, cried, sung MBh. &c.; n. roaring, croaking, yelling, howl, cry, scream MBh. R. VarBriS. Kaths.


vaas'itaa* = f. (also written {vAsitA}, prob. fr. {vaz}) a cow desiring the bull (also applied to other animals desiring the male, esp. to a female elephant) AV. &c. &c. [947, 2]; a woman, wife MBh. vaata = (masc) wind * = 1 mfn. (for 2. see p. 939, col. 3) blown &c.; ({vA4ta}) m. wind or the windgod (pl. also `" the Maruts "', cf. {vAyu}) RV. &c. &c.; wind, air Hit.; wind emitted from the body MBh. iv, 117; wind or air as one of the humours of the body (also called {vAyu}, {mAruta}, {pavana}, {anila}, {samIraNa}) Kaths. Sus'r. &c.; morbid affection of the windy humour, flatulence, gout, rheumatism &c. VarBriS. S'riingr.; N. of a people (see {vAta-pati} and {vAtA7dhipa}); of a Rkshasa VP.; of a son of S'ra ib. \\\\vAta * = 2 mfn. (fr. {van}) = {vanita}, solicited, wished for, desired (cf. {vivasvad-v-}); attacked, assailed, injured, hurt (cf. 3. {a-v-} and {nivAta}). \\3 mfn. (for 1. and 2. see pp. 934, 939) dried up (see 1. {a-vAta4}) vaatha * = mf({I})n. (fr. {vaTa}) made or consisting of the Banyan or Indian fig-tree or its wood &c. Mn. ii, 45; m. an enclosure, (either) a fence, wall, (or) a piece of enclosed ground, garden, park, plantation MBh. Kv. &c.; a district Das'.; a road Vs.; the site of a house L.; Panicum Spicatum W.; the groin W.; the son of a Vais'ya and a Maitr L.; (also n. and [{I}] f.) an enclosure of a (low-caste)

village consisting of boundary trees L.; ({I}). f. a piece of enclosed ground, garden Hariv. Sh. BhP.; the site of a house L.; a hut L.; a species of bird Car.; n. = {varaNDa}, {aGga}, and {anna-bheda}. vaataya = blow (like a wind?) vaataaTaH = (m) kite vaataatmajaM = the son of the wind-god (`vAta' or `vAyu) vaataayana = a horse vaataayanaM = window vaataayanaasana = the horseface posture vaataavaraNam.h = (n) environment, also used to mean weather vaapi = at all vaara = Day vaara * = 1 m. (earlier form of {vAla} q.v.) the hair of any animal's tail (esp. of a horse's tail, = $) RV.; m. n. sg. and pl. a hair-sieve ib.


vaara * = 2 (fr. 1. {vR}) m. keeping back, restraining (also mfn. ifc. = difficult to be restrained TBr.; cf. {dur-v-}); anything which covers or surrounds or restrains, a cover MW.; anything which causes an obstruction, a gate, doorway W.; anything enclosed or circumscribed in space or time, esp. an appointed place (e.g. {svavAraM samA-sthA}, to occupy one's proper place) R.; the time fixed or appointed for anything (accord. to some fr. 2. {vR}, to choose), a persos turn MBh. Kv. &c. (often, esp. with numerals, = times e.g. {varAMs trIn} or {vara-trayam}, three times; {bhUribhir vAraiH} or {bhUri-vArAn} or {bahu-vAram} or {vAraM vAram} or {vAraM vAreNa}, many times, often, repeatedly); the turn of a day (under the regency of a planet), a day of the week (they are ditya-, Soma-, Mangala-, Budha-, Guru., S'ukra-, and S'ani-vvra; cf. IW. 178 n. 1) Ganit. Yj. Sch. Kv. &c. (cf. {dina} and {divasa-v-}); a moment, occasion, opportunity W.; a multitude, quantity (see {bANa-v-}); an arrow L.; Achyranthes Aspera L.; N. of S'iva L.; ({A}) f. a harlot, courtezan MBh. vi, 5766 (cf. {-kanyakA} &c.); n. a vessel for holding spirituous liquor L.; a partic. artificial poison L. vaara * =3 m. (fr. 2. {vR}) choice (see {vAre-vRta}); anything chosen or choice or exquisite, goods, treasure RV. (often ifc.; cf. {azasta-}, {Rdhad-},

{dAti-v-} &c.); N. of a poet Cat. vaaradhipati = Ruler of the Day vaari = water vaari-dhara = water-carrier(cloud ) vaaraM = and again vaaramukhya * = m. (prob.) a singer, dancer Ma1rkP.; (%{A}) f. the chief of a number of harlots, a royal courtezan MBh. R. &c vaariNi = the one who prevents vaarida = cloud (one who gives water) vaaristha * = mfn. standing in water, reflected in the wwater Mn. iv, 37. vaarivaaha = (m) cloud vaarshmaNa * = mfn. (fr. %{varSman}) being uppermost Kaus3. (accord. to others `" a tree struck at the top by lightning "'). vaartaa = news


vaartaaM = word (here enquiry/inquiry) vaartaaharaH = (m) reporter, journalist vaarshhNeya = O descendant of VRishhNi vaarsha* = 1 mf({I4})n. (fr. {varSa} or {varSA}) belonging to the rainy season VS.; belonging to a year, yearly, annual W.; ({I}) f. = {varSA}, the rainy season L. \\ 2 Vriiddhi form of {varSa} in comp.\\3 n. (fr. {vRSa} of which it is also the Vriiddhi form in comp.) g. {pRthv-Adi}; N. of a Sman L. vaaruNi * = 1 m. `" son of Varuna "' patr. of various persons (esp. of Bhriigu, Satya-dhriiti, Vasishthha, Agastya &c.) Br. RAnukr. MBh. \\ 2 f. (m. c.) = {vAruNI}, spirituous liquor Hariv. vaaruNI * = f. the western quarter or region (presided over by Varuna), the west (with or without {diz}) VarBriS.; N. of partic. serpents GriS.; (pl.) of partic. sacred texts Gaut.; Varuna's female Energy (personified either as his wife or as his daughter, produced at the churning of the ocean and regarded as the goddess of spirituous liquor) Tr. MBh. R. Pur.; a partic. kind of spirit (prepared from hogweed mixed with the juice of the date or palm and distilled), any spirituous liquor MBh. Kv. &c.; N. of S'iva's wife L.; a partic.

fast-day on the thirteenth of the dark half of Caitra Col.; Drv grass or a similar species L.; colocynth L.; the Nakshatra S'ata-bhishaj (ruled by Varuna) L.; N. of a river R. vaarya * =1 mfn. (for 2. and 3. see p. 944, col. 1) watery, aquatic L.\\2 mfn. (for 1. see p. 943, col. 3) to be warded off or prevented or checked or impeded MBh. Kv. &c.; m. a wall R. \\3 mfn. to be chosen Pn. 3-1, 101 Sch.; precious, valuable RV.; n. treasure, wealth, goods ib. \\4 m. (for 1. 2. 3. see pp. 943, col. 3, and 944, col. 1) patr. (?) rshBr.. vaasa * = 1 m. perfuming, perfume Vikr. Mlatm. Car.; Gendarussa Vulgaris L. (also {A} f.) \\ 2 m. (fr. 4. {vas}) a garment, dress, clothes (m. c. for {vAsas}) MBh. (cf. {kRSNavAsa}). \\ 3 m. (fr. 5. {vas}) staying, remaining (esp. `" overnight "'), abiding, dwelling, residence, living in loc. or comp.; cf. Pn. 6-3, 18 Sch.), abode, habitation RV. &c. &c.; ifc. = having one's abode in, dwelling or living in [947, 3]; {vAsaM-vas}, to take up one's abode, abide, dwell; place or seat of (gen.) R.; a day's journey ib.; state, situation, condition Hariv.; = {vAsa-gRha}, bed-chamber (see {-sajjA}); = {vAsanA}, imagination, idea, semblance of MBh. vaasaH = living


vaasana * = 1 n. the act of perfuming or fumigating, infusing, steeping Gt. Sch.; ({A}) f. id. S'is'. Sch. \\2 n. covering, clothing, garment, dress Kv.; an envelope, box, casket Yj \\3 mfn. belonging to an abode, fit for a dwelling W.; n. causing to abide or dwell Blar.; abiding, abode L.; a receptacle for water L.; knowledge L.; a partic. posture (practised by ascetics during abstract meditation, and by others; described as sitting on the ground with the knees bent and the feet turned backwards) W.; ({A}) f. see next. vaasanaa = longings, craving* = f. the impression of anything remaining unconsciously in the mind, the present consciousness of past perceptions, knowledge derived from memory S'ank. Kv. Kaths.; fancy, imagination, idea, notion, false notion, mistake (ifc., e.g. {bheda-v-}, the mistake that there is a difference) ib. Rjat. Sarvad. &c.; thinking of, longing for, expectation, desire, inclination Kaths.; liking, respectful regard Bhm.; trust, confidence W.; (in math.) proof, demonstration (= {upapatti}) Gol.; a kind of metre Col.; N. of Durg BhP.; of the wife of Arka ib.; of a Comm. on the Siddha7nta-s'iromani. vaasara = Day vaasava = indra

vaasavaH = the heavenly king vaasas.h = apparel / clothes vaasaa.nsi = garments vaas'a* = 1 mfn. roaring, sounding RV. viii, 19, 31; ({vA4za}) id. (only {A} and {I} f. pl. applied to water) VS. TS. vaas'a* = 2 m. patr. fr. {vaza} S'nkhS'r.; n. N. of a Sman rshBr. vaasita = made fragrant vaastu* = n. (m. only in BhP.) the site or foundation of a house, site, ground, building or dwellingplace, habitation, homestead, house RV. &c. &c.; an apartment, chamber VarBriS.; m. N. of one of the 8 Vasus BhP.; of a Rkshasa Cat.; (prob.) f. N. of a river MBh.; n. the pot-herb Chenopodium Album L.; a kind of grain pS'r. Sch. (cf. {-maya}). vaastunara* = m. the archetype or ideal pattern of a house personified as a deity VarBriS. vaasu* = m. (said to be fr. 5. {vas}) N. of Vishnu (is dwelling in all beings) Un. i, 1 Sch.; the spirit or soul considered as the Supreme Being or Soul of

the universe W. (also Vriiddhi form of {vasu} in comp.) vaasuu* = f. (of doubtful derivation) a young girl, maiden (voc. {vAsu}) Das'. vaasukiH = Vasuki vaasukii = a name of Shesha vaasudeva * = (fr. {vasu-d-}) patr. of Kriishna Tr. &c. (RTL. 111); of a king of the Pundras Hariv.; N. of a class of beings peculiar to the Jainas L.; a horse L.; N. of various kings and authors (also with {AcArya}, {dIkSita}, {zarman}, {zAstrin} &c.) Inscr. Cat.; ({I}) f. Asparagus Racemosus L.; n. N. of an Upanishad; mf({I})n. relating to (the god) Kriishna NriisUp.; written or composed by VVsudeva Cat.; {-jJAna} n. N. of wk.; {-jyotis} m. N. of a poet Cat.; {-tIrtha} m. N. of a man ib.; {dvAdazA7kSarI} f. {-puNyA7ha} n. {-pUjA} f. N. of wks.; {-priya} m. `" friend of VVsudeva "'N. of Krttikeya MBh.; {-priyaM-karI} f. Asparagus Racemosus L.; {-manana} n. N. of a Veda7nta wk.; {-maya} mf({I})n. consisting of Kriishna, representing him AgP.; {-mahA7rAdhana} n. {rahasya} n. N. of wks.; {-vargINa} or {-vargya} mfn. taking VVsudeva's side, partial to him Pn. 4-2, 104 Vrtt. 11 Pat.; {-vijaya} m. {-sahasra2327

nAman} n. N. of wks.; {-suta} m. {-sena} m. N. of authors Cat.; {-stotra} n. N. of a Stotra; {vA7nandI-campU} f. N. of a poem; {-vA7nubhava} m. N. of a medical wk.; {-vA7zrama} m. {-ve7ndra} m. {-ve7ndra-ziSya} m. N. of authors Cat.; {-vo7paniSad} f. N. of one of the more recent Upanishads of the Atharva-veda. vaasudevaH = the Personality of Godhead, KRishhNa vaasudevasya = of KRishhNa vaasudevaaH = KRishhNa vaaso = cloth, dress vaastu n. (m. only in BhP.) the site or foundation of a house, site, ground, building or dwellingplace, habitation, homestead, house RV. &c. &c.; an apartment, chamber VarBr2S.; m. N. of one of the 8 Vasus BhP.; of a Ra1kshasa Cat.; (prob.) f. N. of a river MBh.; n. the pot-herb Chenopodium Album L.; a kind of grain A1pS3r. Sch. (cf. %{-maya}). vaastushaastra = study of architecture


vaath* = ind. (g. {cA7di}) an exclamation on performing a sacrifice (prob.= `" bring "' or `" take "', fr. {vAh} = {vah}) VS. Br. S'rS. vaat* = 1 ind. g. {cA7di}. [939, 3] vaat* = 2 cl. 10. P. {vAtayati}, to fan (cf. {vAtaya}, p. 935, col. 2); to fan; to serve, make happy; to go Dhtup. xxxv, 30. vaata*=1 mfn. (for 2. see p. 939, col. 3) blown &c.; ({vA4ta}) m. wind or the wind-god (pl. also `" the Maruts "', cf. {vAyu}) RV. &c. &c.; wind, air Hit.; wind emitted from the body MBh. iv, 117; wind or air as one of the humours of the body (also called {vAyu}, {mAruta}, {pavana}, {anila}, {samIraNa}) Kaths. Sus'r. &c.; morbid affection of the windy humour, flatulence, gout, rheumatism &c. VarBriS. S'riingr.; N. of a people (see {vAta-pati} and {vAtA7dhipa}); of a Rkshasa VP.; of a son of S'ra ib.\\*=1 &c. see p. 934, col. 2 &c. *=2 mfn. (fr. {van}) = {vanita}, solicited, wished for, desired (cf. {vivasvad-v-}); attacked, assailed, injured, hurt (cf. 3. {a-v-} and {nivAta}). vaatha*= mf({I})n. (fr. {vaTa}) made or consisting of the Banyan or Indian fig-tree or its wood &c. Mn. ii, 45; m. an enclosure, (either) a fence, wall, (or) a piece of enclosed ground, garden, park,

plantation MBh. Kv. &c.; a district Das'.; a road Vs.; the site of a house L.; Panicum Spicatum W.; the groin W.; the son of a Vais'ya and a Maitr L.; (also n. and [{I}] f.) an enclosure of a (low-caste) village consisting of boundary trees L.; ({I}). f. a piece of enclosed ground, garden Hariv. Sh. BhP.; the site of a house L.; a hut L.; a species of bird Car.; n. = {varaNDa}, {aGga}, and {anna-bheda} vaaTikaa = (f) garden vaava* = ind. (a particle laying stress on the word preceding it, esp. in relative clauses; also {ha vA4va4}, {ha} [{kha4lu}] {vA4va4}, {u ha vAva}, {ha tvA4va4} [q.v.]) just, indeed, even TS. Br. (in S'Br. only from book vi) Up. BhP. [947,1] vaavrit * = cl. 4. A1. (Dha1tup. xxvi , 51 , rather Intens. fr. a lost 3. %{vRt}) %{vAvRtyate} (only pr. p. %{vAvRtyamAna}) , to choose , select Bhat2t2. vaayu = wind vaayuna* = m. a god, deity L. vaayuH = the vital airs vaayoH = of the wind vaayau = air(life-breath)

vac *= cl. 2. P. (Dha1tup. xxiv , 55) %{vakti} (occurs only in sg. %{vacmi} , %{vakSi} , %{vakti} , and Impv. %{vaktu} ; Ved. also cl. 3. P. %{vi4vakti} ; pf. %{uvA4ca} , %{Uj} RV. &c. &c. ; %{uva4ktha} AV. ; %{vavAca} , %{vavakSe4} RV. ; aor. %{avocat} , %{-cata} RV. &c. &c. ; in Veda also Subj. %{vocati} , %{-te} , %{vecAti} ; Pot. %{voce4t} , %{-ceta} ; Impv. %{vocatu} ; Prec. %{ucyAsam} Br. ; fut. %{vaktA4} ib. &c. ; %{vakSya4ti} RV. &c. &c. ; %{-te} MBh. ; Cond. %{avakSyat} Br. Up. ; inf. %{vA7ktum} Br. &c. ; %{-tave} RV. ; %{-tos} Br. ; ind. p. %{uktvA4} Br. &c. ; %{-u4cya} ib.) , to speak , say , tell , utter , announce , declare , mention , proclaim , recite , describe (with acc. with or without %{prati} dat. or gen. of pers. , and acc. of thing ; often with double acc. e.g. %{tam@idaM@vAkyam@uvAca} , `" he spoke this speech to him "' ; with double acc. also , to name , call "' A1. with nom ; `" one's self "' ; with %{punar} , `" to speak again , repeat "' ; or `" to answer , reply "') RV. &c. &c. ; to reproach , revile (acc.) Hariv. R.: Pass. %{ucya4te} (aor. %{avAci} , or in later language %{avoci}) , to be spoken or said or told or uttered &c. RV. &c. &c. (%{yad@ucyate} , `" what the saying is "') ; to resound RV. ; to be called or accounted , be regarded as , pass for (nom. L. also loc.) Mn. MBh. &c.: Caus. %{vAcayati} , %{-te} (Pot. %{vAcayIta} As3vGr2. ; aor. %{avIvacat} ; Pass. %{vAcyate}) , to cause to say or speak or recite or pronounce (with , double

acc. ; often the object is to be supplied) Br. Gr2S. MBh. &c. ; to cause anything written or printed to speak i.e. to read out loud Hariv. Ka1v. Katha1s. &c. ; (Dha1tup. xxxiv , 35) to say , tell , declare Bhat2t2. ; to promise MBh.: Desid. %{vivakSati} , %{-te} (Pass. %{vivakSyate}) , to desire to say or speak or recite or proclaim or declare MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; (Pass.) to be meant Sam2k. Sarvad.: Intens. (only %{a4vAvacIt}) to call or cry aloud RV. x , 102 , 6. [Cf. Gk. $ for $ in $ , $ , $ &c. ; Lat. {vocare} , {vox} ; &276413[912 ,1] Germ. {gi-waht} , {gi-wahinnen} , {er-whnen}.] vaca * = mfn. speaking , talking (see %{ku-v-}) ; m. a parrot L. ; = %{sUrya} , the sun L. vachaH = words vachana = talk vachanaM = word vachane = (loc.sing) in words or speech vachasaa = with words vachii = with armor vachmi = vachAmi or shall speak


vad.h = to talk vaDaa * f. (cf. = {vaTa}) a small lump, globule, round mass or cake L. vada = please tell* = mfn. speaking, a speaker (only ifc.; see {ku-v-}, {priyaM.v-}); speaking well or sensibly L.; m. N. of the first Veda (with the Magians) Cat. vada.nti = (Vr.Pr.IIIP.pl.PP) tell; speak vadati = (1 pp) to speak vadana = face vadanam.h = (n) mouth vadanaiH = by the mouths vadanti = say vadasi = You tell vadha * = m. one who kills, a slayer, vanquisher, destroyer RV. VS. TS. S'Br.; a deadly weapon (esp. Indra's thunderbolt) RV. AitBr. S'nkhGri.; the act of striking or killing, slaughter, murder, death, destruction RV. &c. &c.; (in law) capital or (more

commonly) corporal punishment Mn. Yj. &c. = {vadha-bhUmi}, place of execution Caurap., Introd.; stroke, hurt, injury Nir.; paralysis Sus'r.; annihilation, disappearance (of inanimate things) MBh. Kv. &c.; frustration, prevention Gaut.; a defect, imperfection (28 are enumerated) VP.; multiplication Ganit.; a product Bijag.; N. of a Rkshasa VP.; ({A}) f. a kind of pot-herb, Convolvulus Repens L. vadishhyanti = will say vadyapaksha = Dark half of the lunar month vadya * = mfn. to be spoken &c. (see {a-v-} and {anav}); N. of the days of the dark lunar fortnight; n. speech, speaking about, conversing (see {brahma-v-}, {satya-v-}). vadhanaM = face vadhuu = (f) bride vadhya * = mfn. (frequently written {ba4dhya}) to be slain or killed, to be capitally punished, to be corporally chastised (cf. under {vadha}), sentenced, a criminal AV. &c. &c.; to be destroyed or annihilated MBh. Kv. &c.; m. an enemy MW.; ({A}) f. see below. [917,

vahati = (1 pp) to carry vahamyahaM = vahAmi + ahaM:bear or carry + I vahaa = Porter vahaami = carry vahaNa * = n. end, issue, completion Kv. Rjat.; the catastrophe of a drama Das'ar. vahana * =mfn. bearing, carrying, conveying (see {rAja-v-}); n. the act of bearing, carrying, conveying, bringing MBh. Kv. VarBriS.; the flowing (of water) Nir. vi, 2; a ship, vessel, boat Kaths.; the undermost part of a column, VrBriS.; a square chariot with a pole L. vahantI *= - f. (of pr. p. of 1. {vah}) flowing water vahanta *= m. air, wind L.; an infan vahaNa *= n. end, issue, completion Kv. Rjat.; the catastrophe of a drama Das'ar. vahatu *= m. the bridal procession (to the husband's house), nuptial ceremony RV. AV. AitBr. (pl. the objects constituting a bride's dowry TBr.); means of furthering RV. vii, 1, 17 (= %{stotra} and %{zastra} Sa1y.); an ox L.; a traveller L.

vahni = fire * = m. any animal that draws or bears along, a draught animal, horse, team RV. AV. VS. TBr.; any one who conveys or is borne along (applied to a charioteer or rider, or to various gods, esp. to Agni, Indra, Savitr2i, the Maruts &c.) RV. AV.; N. of Soma (as `" the flowing or streaming one "') RV. ix, 9, 6 &c.; the conveyer or bearer of oblations to the gods (esp. said of Agni, `" fire "', or of the three sacrificial fires see %{agni}) RV.; partic. fire Gr2ihya1s.; fire (in general or `" the god of fire "') Mn. MBh. &c. (%{vahninA@saM-skR}, to hallow by fire, burn solemnly); the fire of digestion VarBr2S.; N. of the number `" three "' (fr. the three sacred fires) L.; N. of various plants (accord. to L. Plumbago Ceylanica; Semecarpus Anacardium; Poa Cynosuroides; and the citron tree) Sus3r.; a mystical N. of the letter %{r} Up. [934,1]; N. of the 8th Kalpa (q.v.) Cat.; of a Daitya MBh.; of a son of Kr2ishn2a BhP.; of a son of Turvasu ib.; of a son of Kukura ib. vahniH = fire ( for worship) vahnikaNa = spark vaH = your vai = emphasis * = Meaning 1 (orig. identical with 2. {vA}) cl. 1. P. (Dhtup. xxii, 24) {vA4yati}, to

become languid or weary or exhausted RV. ({zoSaNe} Dhtup.); to be deprived of (gen.) RV. viii. 47, 6; P. and (ep. also .), to blow past. MBh.\\Meaning 2 ind. a particle of emphasis and affirmation, generally placed {after} a word and laying stress on it (it is usually translatable by `" indeed "', `" truly "', `" certainly "', `" verily "', `" just "' &c.; it is very rare in the RV.; more frequent in the AV., and very common in the Brhmanas and in works that imitate their style; in the Stras it is less frequent and almost restricted to the combination {yady u vai}; in Manu MBh. and the Kvyas it mostly appears at the end of a line, and as a mere expletive. In RV. it is frequently followed by {u} in the combination {vA4 u} [both particles are separated, v, 18, 3] [1020, 1]; it is also preceded by {u} and various other particles e.g. by {i4d}, {a4ha}, {uta4}; in the Brhmanas it often follows {ha}, {ha sma}, {eva}; in later language {api} and {tu}. Accord. to some it is also a vocative particle). vaibhava * =. (fr. {vi-bhava}) might, power (ifc. f. {A}); high position, greatness Kv. Kaths. &c.; superhuman power or might MW.; grandeur, glory, magnificance Kaths. vaicitra n. (fr. %{vi-citra}) = %{vaicitrya} below Ra1jat. ; (%{I}) f. strangeness , wonderfulness , marvellous beauty Ba1lar. Katha1s.

vaicitravirya * = m. (fr. %{vicitra-v-}) patr. of Dhr2ita-ra1sht2ra , of Pa1n2d2u and of Vidura Ka1t2h. MBh. Hariv. BhP. vaicitravIryaka * = mfn. belonging to Vicitravi1rya &c. Hariv. vaicitravIryin * = (m. c.) m. = %{-vIrya} MBh. vaicitrya* = n. variety , manifoldness , diversity Kap. Hit. VarBr2S. &c. ; = %{vaicitrI} above Ka1v. Sa1h. &c. ; w.r. for %{vaicittya} Ma1lati1m. ; sorrow , despair MW. vaicitryavIrya w.r. for %{vaicitra-vI-} MBh. vaidyaH = doctor vaiDuurya * = n. (rarely m.; cf. {vidUra-ja}) a cat'seye gem (ifc. `" a jewel "', = `" anything excellent of its kind "') AdbhBr. MBh. Kv. &c.; m. N. of a mountain (also {-parvata}) MBh. VarBriS. &c.; mf({A})n. made of cat's-eye gems MBh. R. &c. vaidurya * =w.r. for {vaidUrya} (or {vaiDUrya}) MrkP. vaiduurya* =1 mf({I} or {rI})n. (fr. {vi-dUra}) brought from Vidra Pn. 4-3, 84.

vaiduurya * =2 w.r. for {vaiDUrya}. vaiGYaanikaH = (m) scientist vaihAyasa * = mf(%{I})n. (fr. 2. %{vi-hAyas}) being or moving in the air, suspended in the air, aerial Gr2S. MBh. &c.; (%{am}) ind. in the open air A1past.; m. pl. `" sky-dwellers "', the gods &c. BhP.; N. of partic. R2ishis (personified luminous phenomena) VarBr2S.; m. N. of a lake MW.; (%{I}) f. N. of a river BhP.; n. the air, atmosphere MBh.; flying in the air BhP. (%{-gata} n. id. R.); a partic. attitude in shooting L vaijayanta *= m. (fr. {vi-jayat}, or {-yanta}) the banner of Indra MBh.; a banner, flag R.; the palace of Indra Buddh.; a house A.; N. of Skanda L.; of a mountain MBh. Hariv.; pl. (with Jainas) N. of a class of deities L.; ({I}) f. a flag, banner MBh. Kv. &c.; an ensign W.; a kind of garland prognosticating victory MBh. Pur.; the necklace of Vishnu MW.; N. of the 8th night of the civil month Sryapr.; Premna Spinosa Sus'r.; Sesbania Aegyptiaca L.; N. of a lexicon by Ydavapraks'a; of a Comm. to Vishnu's Dharmas'stra (IW. 304, 305); of various other wks.; of a town or a river AV. Paris'.; n. N. of a gate in Ayodhy R.; of a town (= {vana-vAsI}) R. Inscr.


vaikaarika * = mf({I})n. (fr. {vi-kAra}) based on or subject to modification, modifying or modified MBh. Sus'r. Pur. &c.; m. a class of deities MW.; (with {kAla}) the time necessary for the formation of the fetus Car.; n. emotion, flurry R. vaikalpika* = mf({I})n. admitting of difference of opinion, optional rshBr. s'vS'r. &c vaiklava * = bewilderment, despondency vaikrita* = mf({I})n. (fr. {vi-kRti}) modified, derivative, secondary ({-tva} n. Lthy.) RPrt. TPrt. Sch. &c.; undergoing change, subject to modification Snkhyak. KapS.; disfigured, deformed MBh.; not natural, perpetuated by adoption (as a family) Cat.; m. N. of the Ahan-kra or I-making faculty MBh.; of a demon causing a partic. disease Hariv.; n. (ifc. f. {A}) change, modification, alteration, disfigurement, abnormal condition, changed state MBh. R. Sus'r. &c.; an unnatural phenomenon, portent Ragh. VarBriS. Rjat.; mental change, agitation MBh. R. &c.; aversion, hatred, enmity, hostility MBh. Hariv. Kaths. Rjat. vaikuNthha = the abode of Vishnu vaikuNthhaadhipatii = ruler of Vaikunthha which

is Vishnu vaimaanikaH = (m) pilot vaimana* veman= n. (L. also m.) a loom VS.; a slay vainateyaH = Garuda vaira * = mfn. (fr. %{vIra}) hostile, inimical, revengeful AV.; n. (exceptionally m. [?] ifc. f. %{A}) enmity, hostility, animosity, grudge, quarrel or feud with (instr. with or without %{saha}, or %{sA7rdham}, or comp.; often pl.) AV. Pan5cavBr. MBh. &c.; heroism, prowess W.; a hostile host S3is3.; money paid as a fine for manslaughter Ta1n2d2yaBr. vaitasa* = mf({I})n. (fr. {vetasa}) made of or peculiar to a reed ({-sI vRtti}, `" reed-like action "' i.e. yielding to superior force, adapting one's self to circumstances) TS. Br. KtyS'r. &c.; m. or n. a basket made of reed KtyS'r.; m. (met.) the penis AV.; Rumex Vesicarius L.; Calamus Fasciculatus W. vaitasena* = m. (prob. derived fr. a misunderstanding of {vaitase4na} instr. RV. x, 95, 4; cf. {vaitasa4})N. of Pur-ravas BhP.


vaira = enmity* = mfn. (fr. {vIra}) hostile, inimical, revengeful AV.; n. (exceptionally m. [?] ifc. f. {A}) enmity, hostility, animosity, grudge, quarrel or feud with (instr. with or without {saha}, or {sA7rdham}, or comp.; often pl.) AV. PacavBr. MBh. &c.; heroism, prowess W.; a hostile host S'is'.; money paid as a fine for manslaughter TndyaBr. vairaagya = uncolouredness, not desiring physical objects vairaagyaM = renunciation vairaagyeNa = by detachment vairaajya = excelent rulership vairiNaM = greatest enemy vairishhu = on enemies vais'aarada* = mf({I})n. (fr. {vi-zArada}) experienced, skilled, expert, unerring BhP.; n. profound learning R. vais'aaradya* = n. experience, skill in (loc.), expertness, wisdom MBh. Blar. Sh.; clearness of intellect, infallibility Yogas. BrirUp. Sch.;

Buddha's confidence in himself (of four kinds) DivyA7v. (cf. Dharmas. 77). vais'asa * = mfn. (fr. a form %{vi-zasa}, derived fr. %{vi-zas}; cf. %{vi-zasana}) causing death or destruction MBh.; n. (ifc. f. %{A}) rending in pieces MW.; slaughter, butchery, war, strife, injury, hurt, outrage, distress, calamity, ruin (with %{premNaH}, ruin of affection) MBh. Hariv. Ka1v. &c.; the hell BhP.; N. of a hell ib. vais'eshika* = mf({I})n. (fr. {vi-zeSa}, p. 990) special, peculiar, specific, characteristic past. Sus'r. Bhshp. Hcat.; distinguished, excellent, pre-eminent MBh.; relating or belonging to or based on or dealing with the Vais'eshika doctrine Bhshp. Madhus.; m. a follower of the VVais'eshika doctrine Kap. Kusum. Buddh.; n. peculiarity, distinction Kan.; N. of the later of the two great divisions of the Nyya school of philosophy (it was founded by Kana7da, and differs from the, `" Nyya proper "' founded by Gautama, in propounding only seven categories or topics instead of sixteen; and more especially in its doctrine of {vizeSa}, or eternally distinct nature of the nine substances, air, fire, water, earth, mind, ether, time, space, and soul, of which the first five, including mind, are held to be atomic) IW. 65 &c. [1026,3]

vaishya = the caste of merchants and professionals vaishyaH = mercantile people vaishravaNa = son of Vishravas (typically applied only to Kubera) vais'va* = mf({I})n. (fr. {vizva}, of which it is also the Vriiddhi form in comp.), relating to or presided over by the Vis've Devh; ({I}) f. N. of the Nakshatra Uttara7shdha L.; n. id. VarBriS.; (with {yuga}) the 8th cycle of 5 years in the 60 years "' cycle of Jupiter VarYogay. vaishvaanaraH = My plenary portion as the digesting fire vaishhNava = a large sect of the followers of Sri Vishnu vaitaanika * mf({I})n. = {vaitAna} (with {dvi-ja} or {vipra}, a Brhman who observes the precepts relative to the three sacred fires) GriS'rS. Mn. MBh. &c.; sacrificial, sacred (as fire) W.; n. a burntoffering (esp. of clarified butter, as presented daily by the Brhmans) W. vaitanika * = mf({I})n. (fr. {vetana}) living on wages, serving for wages; m. a hireling, labourer

vaitaana * = mf({I})n. (fr. 2. {vi-tAna}) relating to or performed with the three sacred fires GriS'rS. Mn. MBh.; m. (m. c.) = {vitAna}, a canopy BhP. (accord. to Comm. = {vitAna-samUha}); a patr. Caran. (v.l. {vaitAyana}); n. a rite performed with the three sacred fires PrGri. Mn. &c.; an oblation with fire W. vaitaalika * =1 m. one who is possessed by a Vetla, the servant of a Vetla W.; the worshipper of a Vetla MW.; a magician, conjurer ib. vaitaalika * = 2 m. (fr. {vi-tAla}) a bard, panegyrist of a king (whose duty also is to proclaim the hour of day) MBh. Kv. &c.; = {-kheDDatAla} L.; one who sings out of tune (?) W. (prob. w.r. for 2. {vaitAnika} above); n. knowledge of one of the 64 arts BhP. Sch. vaitaanika * = 1 mf(%{I})n. = %{vaitAna} (with %{dvi-ja} or %{vipra} , a Bra1hman who observes the precepts relative to the three sacred fires) Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c. ; sacrificial , sacred (as fire) W. ; n. a burnt-offering (esp. of clarified butter , as presented daily by the Bra1hmans) W.\\ 2 mfn. (fr. 1. %{vi-tAna}) see under 2. %{vaitAlika} below. vaivasvata * = mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{vivasvat}) coming from or belonging to the sun R.; relating or belonging to Yama Vaivasvata Kaus3. MBh. Ka1v.;

relating to Manu Vaivasvata MBh. Hariv. Pur.; m. patr. of Yama RV. &c. &c.; of a Man3u AV. S3Br. &c.; of the planet Saturn L.; N. of one of the Rudras VP.; (%{I}) f. a daughter of Su1rya MBh.; patr. of Yami1 MW.; the south L.; N. of Yamuna1 A.; n. (scil. %{antara}) N. of the 7th or present Manvantara (as presided over by Manu Vaivasvata) MW. vaivasvatamanvantara* = n. N. of the 7th or present Manvantara (q.v.) MW. vaivasvatIya * = mfn. relating to Manu Vaivasvata Ra1jat vaiyaakaraNa = Grammar vaiyaakaraNasyaishhaH = to the grammarian+this vaiyaasika: derived from or composed by Vysa suka, the son of ysa vajra = one of the channels in the spine, a thunderbolt, diamond vajra-maNii = diamond vajraM = the thunderbolt vajram.h = (n) diamond

vajraasana = the thunderbolt posture vajrolii = the thunderbolt contraction vaksha = chest vakshaHsthalam.h = (n) breasts, chest vakshoja = breasts vakshyaami = shall explain vaktaaram.h = the man who speaks or utters vaktuM = to say vaktri = orator vaktra = the mouth vaktraM = face vaktraaNi = the mouths vakra = Retrogra * mf({A})n. crooked, curved, bent, tortuous, twisted, wry, oblique AV. &c. &c.; curled, curly (as hair) AV. &c. &c.; having an apparently backward motion, retrograde (said of planets) Sryas. Var. &c. [911, 1]; (in prosody) long

(the form of the long mark being curved); crooked in disposition, cunning, fraudulent, dishonest, evasive, ambiguous KathhUp. MBh. &c.; hostile, cruel, malignant, inauspicious Kv. Kaths. Sh.; m. a nose L.; the planet Mars VarBriS.; the planet Saturn L.; a partic. drug (= {parpaTa}) L.; N. of Rudra L.; of the Asura Bna L.; of a prince of the Karshas MBh. (v.l. {vaktra}); of a Rkshasa R.; pl. N. of a people VP. (v.l. {cakra}); () f. a partic. musical instrument Lthy.; (scil. {gati}) a partic. variation in the course of Mercury VarBriS.; n. the winding course of a river, the arm or bend of a stream S'vetUp.; the apparent retrograde motion of a planet MBh. Hariv. VarBriS.; a form of fracture (when a bone is bent or only partially broken) Sus'r.; w.r. for {vaktra}. vakragati = not straight vakratuNDaaya = to one who has crooked limb or part(the twised broken tusk) vakraa = (adj) curved, crooked vakraasana = the curved posture valakhilya = a class of tiny entities, about the size of a thumb


valaya = circle valayam.h = (n) bangle valgu * = mfn. (Un. i, 20) handsome, beautiful, lovely, attractive ({u4} ind. beautifully) RV. &c. &c.; m. a goat L.; N. of one of the four tutelary deities of the Bodhi tree Lalit.; (prob.) N. of a place g. {varaNA7di}; n. an eyelash L. ja m. or valli = (fem) creeper valkala m. n. (ifc. f. %{A}) the bark of a tree, a garment made of bark (worn by ascetics &c.) Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.; m. = %{valka-rodhra} L.; N. of a Daitya BhP. (prob. w.r. for %{balvala}); pl. N. of a school of the Bahv-r2icas (cf. %{bASkala}) DivyA7v. [928,2]; (%{A}) f. = %{zilAvalka}, a medicinal substance said to be of cooling and lithonthryptic properties Sus3r.; n. the bark of Cassia L.\\valkala &c. see col. 1.\\ vamati = (1 pp) to vomit vama mf(%{I})n. vomiting, ejecting, giving out W.; m. = %{vAma} g. %{jvalA7di}. vams'a*= m. (derivation doubtful) the bamboo cane or any cane (accord. to L. also `" sugarcane "'

and `" Shorea Robusta "') RV. &c. &c.; the upper timbers or beams of a house, the rafters or laths fastened to the beams (of a roof; cf. {prAcIna-v-}) AV. &c. &c.; a cross-beam, joist, joint VarBriS.; a reed-pipe, flute, fife Kv. Rjat.; the back-bone, spine VarBriS. BhP.; a hollow or tubular bone BhP. (B.) Sch.; the upper nasal bone L.; the central projecting part of a scimitar or sabre VarBriS.; the line of a pedigree or genealogy (from its resemblance to the succession of joints in a bamboo), lineage race, family, stock S'Br. &c. &c. (esp. a noble race, a dynasty of kings, a list of teachers &c.; cf. Pn. 2-1, 19 Sch.); offspring, a son BhP.; (ifc.) a succession or collection of similar things, assemblage multitude, host (as of chariots, stars &c.) MBh. Kv. &c; a partic. measure of length (= 10 Hastas) Ll.; a partic. musical note S'is'.; pride, arrogance Vs.; bamboo-manna L.; N. of Vishnu L. ({A}) f. N. of an Apsaras (daughter of Prdh) MBh.; ({I}) f. see s.v. vanaprastha* = m. or n. (?) a forest situated on elevated or table land MBh.; N. of a place Rjat.; mfn. retiring into a forest, living the life of an anchorite MW. vanara * = m.= {vAnara}, an ape L. vacita* = mfn. deceived, tricked, imposed upon

MBh. Kv. &c.; () f. a kind of riddle or enigma Cat. vanga = Bengal va.nda = Worship va.nde = (Vr. Pr.I. P.Sing.AP)bow; salute vandatha * = m. `" a praiser "' or `" one deserving praise "' L. vandita4 * =mfn. praised, extolled, celebrated AV. &c. &c. vandin * =mfn. to praise or honour (ifc.) Kum. (cf. 1. {bandin}). va4ndya * =mfn. to be praised, praiseworthy RV. &c. &c.; to be saluted reverentially, adorable, very venerable Kv. Kaths.; to be regarded or respected L.; m. N. of a man Cat.; ({A}) f. a parasitical plant L.; {-go-rocanA} L.; N. of a Yaksh Kaths. vandra * =mfn. praising, doing homage, worshipping Un. ii, 13 Sch.; m. a worshipper, votary, follower W.; n. prosperity, plenty abundance L. va.nsha = family

va.nshahiina = without family vana = forest vanaM = forest vanachara = animal vanaprastha* = m. or n. (?) a forest situated on elevated or table land MBh.; N. of a place Ra1jat.; mfn. retiring into a forest, living the life of an anchorite MW. vaanaprastha* = m. (fr. %{vana-prastha}) a Bra1hman in the third stage of life (who has passed through the stages of student and householder and has abandoned his house and family for an ascetic life in the woods; see %{Azrama}), hermit, anchorite (mentioned by Megasthenes under the name $) A1past. Mn. MBh. &c. RTL. 362; a class of supernatural beings MW.; Bassia Latifolia or Butea Frondosa L.; mfn. relating to a Va1naprastha; m. (scil. %{Azrama}) the third stage of a Bra1hman's life, forest-life MBh. R. Hariv. vanaspatishaastram.h = botany vacita * = mfn. deceived, tricked, imposed upon MBh. Ka1v. &c.; (a1) f. a kind of riddle or enigma

Cat. vand.h = to bow down vanda = Worship vandate = (1 ap) to salute vandita = praised, saluted vande = worship vandya* mfn. to be praised, praiseworthy RV. &c. &c.; to be saluted reverentially, adorable, very venerable Kv. Kaths.; to be regarded or respected L.; m. N. of a man Cat.; ({A}) f. a parasitical plant L.; {-go-rocanA} L.; N. of a Yaksh Kaths. vandin * = mfn. to praise or honour (ifc.) Kum. (cf. 1. {bandin} vanhiH = fire vani* = f. wish, desire AV. m. fire L. ({va4ni} ifc.) procuring, bestowing (cf. {rAyas-poSa-v-} and Pn. 3-2, 27). vanii* = see under 1. {vana}.


vantaH = subject to vapati = (1 pp) to sow vapuH = body vapuna* = m. a god L.; n. knowledge L. (w.r. for {vayuna}). vara = Groom vara * = 1 m. (fr. 1. %{vR}), `" environing "', `" enclosing "', circumference, space, room RV. AV. TS. (%{va4ra@A4@pRthivyA4H}, on the wide earth); stopping, checking RV. i, 143, 5.\\ 2 inf(%{A})n. (fr. 2. %{vR}) choosing (see %{patiMvarA}, %{svayaM-varA}); m. `" chooser "', one who solicits a girl in marriage, suitor, lover, bridegroom, husband (rarely `" son-in-law "') RV. &c. &c.; a bridegroom's friend MW.; a dissolute man (= %{vita} or %{SiDga}) L.; (%{va4ra}) mf(%{A})n. `" select "', choicest, valuable, precious, best, most excellent or eminent among (gen. loc. abl., or comp.) or for (gen.) S3rS. MBh. &c.; (ifc.) royal, princely Ja1takam.; better, preferable, better than (abl., rarely gen.) or among (abl.) Mn. MBh. &c.; eldest W.; (%{am}) ind. (g. %{svar-Adi}) preferably, rather, better (also = preferable, sometimes with abl. which in Veda is often

followed by %{A} e.g. %{agni4bhyo@va4ram}, `" better than fires "' RV.; %{sa4kkibhya@A4@va4ram}, `" better than companions "' ib.; exceptionally with acc. e.g. %{ziSyaiH@zata-hutAn@homAn}, %{ekaH@putra-kut@varam}, `" better one sacrifice offered by a son than a hundred offered by disciples "' Shad2vBr.) RV. &c. &c.; it is better that, it would be best if (with pres. e.g. %{varaM@gacchAmi}, `" it is better that I go "'; or with Impv. e.g. %{varaM@naye@sthApyatAm}, `" it would be better if he were initiated into our plan "' Katha1s.; or without any verb e.g. %{varaM@siMhAt}, `" better [death caused] by a lion "' Pan5cat.; sometimes with Pot., e. %{varaM@tat@kuryAt}, `" better that he should do that Ka1m.) Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.; it is better than, rather than (in these senses %{varam} is followed by, %{na}, %{na@ca} %{na@tu}, %{na@punaH} %{tad@api@na} or %{tathA7pi@na}, with nom. e.g. %{varaM@mRzyur@nacA7kIrtiH}, `" better death than [lit. `" and not "'] infamy "'; exeptionally with instr. e.g. %{varam@eko@guNI@putro@ta@ca@mUrkhazatair@api}, `" better one virtuous son than hundreds of fools "' Hit.; %{na@hi-varam}, `" by no mean - but rather "') Mn. MBh. &c.; m. (rarely n.; ifc. f. %{A}) `" act or object of choosing, election, wish, request; boon, gift, reward, benefit, blessing, favour (%{va4rAya}, %{va4ram@A4},

%{pra4ti@va4ram} or %{va4raM@varam}, `" according to wish, to one's heart's content "'; %{mad-varAt}, in consequence of the boon granted by me "'; %{va4raM-vR}, to choose a boon "'; %{varaM-yAc} or %{A-kAGkS} or %{brU} or Caus. of %{pra-arth}, `" to prefer a request "'; %{va4raMdA}, `" to grant a boon or blessing "'; %{varam@pra-dA} or %{pra-yam} id.; %{varaMlabh}, to receive a boon or reward "') RV. &c. &c.; a benefit, advantage, privilege Das3.; charity, alms VarBr2S.; a dowry Pan5cat.; m. a kind of grain (= %{varata}) Ka1tyS3r. Sch.; bdellium L.; a sparrow L.; N. of a son of S3vaphalka VP.; (%{A}) f. N. of various plants and vegetable products (accord. to L. `" the three kinds of myrobolan "'; Clypea Hemandifolia; Asparagus Racemosus; Cocculus Cordifolius; turmeric; Embelia Ribes; a root similar to ginger; = %{brAhrnI} and %{reNukA}) Sus3r.; N. of Pa1rvati1 L.; N. of a river BhP.; (%{I}) f. Asparagus Racemosus L.; N. of Cha1ya (the wife of Su1rya) L.; n. saffron BhP. (In comp. not always separable from 1. %{vara}.) varaM = better varaH = better varada = the one granting boons * mf({A4})n. granting wishes, conferring a boon, ready to fulfil requests or answer prayers (said of gods and men)

AV. S'vetUp. Tr. &c.; m. a benefactor W.; N. of Agni in S'ntika Griihys.; fire for burnt offerings of a propitiatory character W.; N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh.; of a partic. class of deceased ancestors MrkP.; of a partic. Samdhi Krand.; of one of the 7 Rishis in the 4th Manvantara VP.; of a Dhyni-buddha W.; (mostly with {AcArya}, {kavi}, {dezika}, {bhaTTAraka} or {dezdezika Ac-}) N. of various authors and other men Cat.; pl. N. of a people R.; ({A}) f. a young woman, girl, maiden L.; N. of a guardian goddess in the family of Vara-tantu Cat.; of a Yogin Hcat. (cf. {vara-pradA}); of various plants, Physalis Flexuosa Bhpr. Npr.; Polanisia Icosandra L.; Helianthus Npr.; Linum Usitatissimum Bhpr.; the root of yam ib.; = {tri-parNI} Npr.; N. of a river MBh. Kv.; {gaNapati-stotra}, {-gaNe7?za-stotra} n. N. of Stotras; {-caturthI} f. N. of the 4th day in the light half of the month Mgha Cat. (prob. w.r. for {varadA-caturthI}); {-nAtha}, {-thA7cAryasUnu}, {-nAyaka-sUri} (Cat.), {-bhaTTa} (V. P, ), {mUrti} (Cat.) m. N. of authors; {-rAja} m. (also with {AcArya}, {colapaNDita}, {bhaTTa}, {bhaTTAraka}) N. of various authors and other persons Cat. ({-ja-campU} f. {-daNDaka}, {paJcAzat} f. {-maGgala}, {-mahiSI-stotra} n. {mUla} n. {-zataka} n. {-su-prabhAta}, {-stava} m. {-stotra} n.; {-jA7STaka} n. {-jA7STo7ttara-zata} n. N. of wks.; {-jIya} mfn. coming from or relating to or composed by Varada-rja; n. N. of wk.); {2357

viSNu-sUri} m. N. of a Commentator Cat.; {-hasta} m. the beneficent hand (of a deity or benefactor of any kind) MW.; {-das-caturthI} see {varada-c-} above L.; {-dA-tantra} n. N. of wk.; {odA7dhizayajvan} m. N. of an author Cat.; {-dA7rka} m. {do7paniSad-dIpikA} f. N. of wks. varadaM = that which gives boons varadamuurtaye = to the personified boongiver varaan.h = (masc.Acc.Pl.) boons; bridegrooms varaanane = Oh! lady having the best face! varaaha = the boar varaahaH = (m) pig, boar varaaya * = Nom, (only {-yita} n. impers.) to be or represent a boon Kaths. varcas* = n. ( {ruc}) vital power, vigour, energy, activity, (esp.) the illuminating power of fire or the sun i.e. brilliance, lustre, light RV. &c. &c.; colour R. BhP. [924, 2]; splendour, glory Kv. Pur.; form, figure, shape L.; excrement, ordure, feces Rjat. Sus'r.; m. N. of a son of Soma MBh.; of a son of Sutejas or Su-ketas ib.; of Rkshava BhP. (Sch.)

varcasvin mfn. vigorous, active, energetic AV. VS. &c.; m. an energetic man S3Br.; N. of a son of Varcas and grandson of Soma MBh. Hariv. varishhTham.h = the foremost vardhate = (1 ap) to grow, to increase vardhana = Who prospers vardhamaanakaH = (m) special containers used to store pickles vardhita * = 1 mfn. cut off L.; carved or fashioned (as timber for a building); fabricated, built Va1stuv.; filled, full L.\\ 2 mfn. increased, grown, expanded, augmented, strengthened, promoted, gladdened MBh. Ka1v. &c.; n. a kind of dish (?) Mn. iii, 224. vareNya * = mfn. to be wished for, desirable, excellent, best among (gen.) RV. &c. &c.; m. a partic. class of deceased ancestors MrkP.; N. of a son of Bhriigu MBh.; ({A}) f. N. of S'iva's wife L.; n. supreme bliss VP.; saffron L. vareNyakratu * = ({vA-}) mfn. having excellent understanding, intelligent, wise RV. AV.


varga * = Divisional or Harmonic Charts;varga* (accented only in Nigh.) m. (fr. {vRj}) one who excludes or removes or averts KaushUp.; (ifc. f. {A}) a separate division, class, set, multitude of similar things (animate or inanimate), group, company, family, party, side (mostly ifc. e.g. {catur}, {tri-v-} q.v.; often pl. for sg.) KtyS'r. Prt. &c.; (esp.) any series or group of words classified together (as {manuSya-vanas-pati-v-} &c.), or a class or series of consonants in the alphabet (seven such classes being given, viz. {ka-varga}, `" the class of Guttural letters {ca-kAra-v-}, or {ca-v-}, `" the Palatals "' [924, 1]; {Ta-v-} `" the Cerebrals "'; {ta-v-} `" the Dentals "'; {pa-v-} `" the Labials "'; {ya-v-} `" the Semivowels "'; {za-v-} `" the Sibilants "', and the aspirate h cf. {varga-dvitIya} and {prathama}) Prt. VarBriS. Vop.; everything comprehended under any department or head, everything included under a category, province or sphere of. VarBriS.; = {tri-varga} (q.v.) BhP.; a section, chapter, division of a book, (esp.) a subdivision of an Adhyya in the Riig-veda (which accord. to the mere mechanical division, contains 8 Ashtakas or 64 Adhyyas or 2006 Vargas; cf. {maNDala}) and a similar subdivision in the Briihad-devat; (in alg.) the square of a number Col. (e.g. {paJca-v-}, square of five cf. {bhinna-v-}); = {bala}, strength Naigh. ii, 9; N. of a country Buddh.; ({A}) f. N. of an Apsaras MBh.

vargamuula = square root vargottama = Same sign in navaa.nsha as in Bhavi usually increasing power for good or bad varishthha * = 1 mfn. (superl. of %{uru4} q.v.) widest, broadest, largest, most extensive RV. VS. TBr. R.\\ 2 mf(%{A})n. (superl. of 2. %{vara}) the most excellent or best, most preferable among (gen. or comp.) RV. &c. &c.; better than (abl.) Mn. vii, 84; chief (in a bad sense) = worst, most wicked MBh. xiv, 879; iii, 12590. varjayet.h = (verb III P.sing.PP) should be avoided; given up varjitaaH = are devoid of1 varjita * = mfn. excluded, abandoned, avoided MBh. Ka1v. &c.; (with instr. or ifc.) deprived of. wanting, without, with the exception of. Mn. MBh. &c. varman * = n. (or m. Siddh. ; fr. 1. %{vR}) `" envelope "' , defensive armour , a coat of mail RV. &c. &c. ; a bulwark , shelter , defence , protection ib. (often at the end of the names of Kshatriyas) ; bark , rind VarBr2S. ; N. of partic. preservative formulas and prayers (esp. of the mystic syllable

%{hum}) BhP. varN* = (rather Nom. fr. {varNa}) cl. 10. P. (Dhtup. xxxv, 83) {varNayati} (m.c. also {-te}; aor. {avavarNat}; inf. {varNayitum} or {varNitum}), to paint, colour, dye. Yj. Das'.; to depict, picture, write, describe, relate, tell, explain MBh. Kv. &c.; to regard, consider Kaths.; to spread, extend MBh.; to praise, extol, proclaim qualities W.: Pass. {varNyate} (aor. {avarNi}), to be coloured or described &c. MBh. Kv. &c. va4rNa-ja* = mfn. produced from castes VarBriS. varNanIya mfn. to be painted or coloured or delineated or described BhP. Sa1h. Sarvad. (cf. %{zoNita-v-}). varNatanu* = f. N. of a partic. Mantra addressed to Sarasvat Cat. varNatas* = ind. by or with or according to colour &c. RPrt. AgP. varNada* = mfn. giving colour, colouring, dyeing W.; giving tribe &c. ib.; n. a kind of fragrant yellow wood L. varNadUta* = m. `" letter-messenger "', a letter,

epistle L. varNapAta* = m. the dropping or omission of a letter in pronunciation MW. varNapuSpa* = n. the blossom of globe-amaranth L.; ({I}) f. Echinops Echinatus L. varNa = color * = m. (or n. g. {ardharcA7di}, prob. fr. 1. {vR}; ifc. f. {A}) a covering, cloak, mantle L.; a cover, lid Yj. iii, 99; outward appearance, exterior, form, figure, shape, colour RV. &c. &c.; colour of the face, (esp.) good colour or complexion, lustre, beauty Mn. MBh. &c.; colour, tint, dye, pigment (for painting or writing) MBh. Kv. &c.; colour = race, species, kind, sort, character, nature, quality, property (applied to persons and things) RV. &c. &c.; class of men, tribe, order, caste (prob. from contrast of colour between the dark aboriginal tribes and their fair conquerors; in RV. esp. applied to the ryas and the Dsas; but more properly applicable to the four principal classes described in Manu's code, viz. Brhmans, Kshatriyas, Vais'yas, and s'dras; the more modern word for `" caste "' being jti; cf. IW. 210 n. 1) ib.; a letter, sound, vowel, syllable, word Br. Prt. &c.; a musical sound or note (also applied to the voice of animals) MBh. R. Pacat.; the order or arrangement of a song or poem W.; praise,

commendation, renown, glory Mriicch. Kum. Rjat.; (in alg.) an unknown magnitude or quantity; (in arithm.) the figure, `" one "'; (accord. to some) a co-efficient; a kind of measure L. (cf. {tAla}); gold L.; a religious observance L.; one who wards off, expeller Sy. on RV. i, 104, 2; ({A}) f. Cajanus Indicus L.; n. saffron L. [Cf. accord. to some, Slav. {vranu8}, `" black "', `" a crow "'; Lith. {vA7rnas}, `" a crow. "'] varNaas'rama *= n. caste and order , class and stage of life (see %{Azrama}) S3ak. ; %{-guru} m. `" chief of caste and order "'N. of S3iva L. ; %{dharma} m. the duties of caste and order W. ; N. of wk. (also %{-madIpa} , m.) ; %{-zrama-vat} or %{zramin} mfn. possessed of caste and order BhP. varNaM = colors varNayaaM = do we describe varNasankara = of unwanted children varNasankaraH = unwanted progeny varNaadii.n = the letter groups or caste groups varsha = Year varsha * = mf({A})n. (fr. {vRS}) raining (ifc. e.g.

{kAma-v-}, raining according to one's wish) BhP.; m. and (older) n. (ifc. f. {A}) rain, raining, a shower (either `" of rain "', or fig. `" of flowers, arrows, dust &c. "'; also applied to seminal effusion) RV. &c. &c.; (pl.) the rains AV. (cf. {varSA} f.); a cloud L.; a year (commonly applied to age) Br. &c. &c. ({A varSAt}, for a whole year; {varSAt}, after a year; {varSeNa} within a year; {varSe} every year); a day (?) R. vii, 73, 5 (Sch.); a division of the earth as separated off by certain mountain ranges (9 such divisions are enumerated, viz. Kuru, Hiranmaya, Ramyaka, Ila7vriita, Hari; Ketu-ml, Bhadra7s'iva. Kimnara, and Bhrata "'; sometimes the number given is 7) MBh. Pur. (cf. IW. 420); India (= {bhAratavarSa} and {jambu-dvIpa}) L.; m. N. of a grammarian Kaths.; ({A4}) f. see p. 92 7, col. 2. varshaa4* = f. rain S'nkhGri. VarBriS.; pl. (exceptionally sg.) the rains, rainy season, monsoon (lastyear into six seasons [see {Rtu}], the rains falling in some places during S'rvana and Bhdra, and in others during Bhdra and s'vina; and in others for a longer period) TS. &c. &c.; Medicago Esculenta L. [Cf. Gk. $, `" rain-drops. "'] varshaphala = Annual results. Method of Progression using Solar Returns


varshh.h = to pour varshha = year varshhaM = rain varshhatu = (Vr.Imp.IIIP S)let it rain varshhaa = monsoon varshman *= m. height, top RV. AV.; the vertex RV.; n. (%{va4rihman}) height, top, surface, uttermost part RV. VS. TS. &c.; height, greatness, extent MBh. Hariv. &c.; measure W.; body MBh. Hariv. Ya1jn5. &c.; a handsome form or auspicious appearance L.; mfn. holding rain W.\\ vaarshmaNa mfn. (fr. %{varSman}) being uppermost Kaus3. (accord. to others `" a tree struck at the top by lightning "'). varshma *= 1 m. Pa1rGr2. i , 3 , 8 (%{varSmo'smi} prob. w.r. for %{varSmA7smi}) ; n. body , form = %{va4rSman} MW. varshma *= 2 in comp. for %{varSman}.

varshmaabha *= mfn. resembling the body or form (of anything) MW.


varshmala *= mfn. fr. %{varSman} g. %{sidhmA7di}. varshman *= m. height , top RV. AV. ; the vertex RV. ; n. (%{va4rihman}) height , top , surface , uttermost part RV. VS. TS. &c. ; height , greatness , extent MBh. Hariv. &c. ; measure W. ; body MBh. Hariv. Ya1jn5. &c. ; a handsome form or auspicious appearance L. ; mfn. holding rain W. varshmavat *= mfn. having a body MBh. varshmavIrya *= n. vigour of body MW. vartani* = f. the circumference or felloe of a wheel RV. Br.; the track of a wheel, rut, path, way, course ib. AV. ChUp.; the course of rivers RV. TS.; the eyelashes S'Br. (cf. {vartman}); the eastern country L.; = {stotra} g. {uJchA7di}. vartanin* = see {eka-}, {ubhaya-} and {sahasra-v-}. vartanIya* = mfn. to be stayed or dwelt in; n. (impers.) it should be applied or attended to (loc.) Vcar. varti-tva* = n. (ifc.) treatment as of Km. vartin* = mfn. abiding, staying, resting, living or situated in (mostly comp.) Kv. Kaths. &c.; (ifc.)

being in any position or condition, engaged in, practising, performing MBh. R. &c.; obeying, executing (an order; cf. {nideza-v-}); conducting one's self, behaving, acting Mn. MBh. &c.; (ifc.) behaving properly towards ib. (cf. {guru-v-}; {guruvat} = {gurAv iva}); turning, moving, going MW.; m. the meaning of an affix (= {pratyayA7rtha}) Pat. varti4s* = n. circuit, orbit RV.; lodging, abode ib. (= {mArga} Mahdh.; = {gRha} Sy.) vartIkR* = P. {-karoti}, to make into a paste or pill, &c. SrngS. vartula* = mf({A})n. round, circular, globular BhP. Vet. Hcat.; m. a kind of pea Madanav.; a ball L.; N. of one of S'iva's attendants L.; ({A}) f. a ball at the end of a spindle to assist its rotation, L,; ({I}) f. Scindapsus Officinalis L.; n. a circle Cat.; the bulb of a kind of onion L. vartuli* = (gender doubtful), a kind of bean Buddh. vartma* = in comp. for {vartman}. vartate = (1 ap) to exist, to be vartana = Behavior


vartani* = f. the circumference or felloe of a wheel RV. Br.; the track of a wheel, rut, path, way, course ib. AV. ChUp.; the course of rivers RV. TS.; the eyelashes S'Br. (cf. {vartman}); the eastern country L.; = {stotra} g. {uJchA7di}. vartante = are being engaged vartman* = n. the track or rut of a wheel, path, road, way, course (lit. and fig.) RV. &c. &c. (instr. or loc. ifc. = by way of. along, through, by); an edge, border, rim Sus'r.; an eyelid (as encircling the eye) AV. ChUp. Sus'r.; basis, foundation, RPrat. (cf. {dyUta-v-}). vartamana = present vartamaana = Present vartamaanaH = being situated* = vartamAna* mfn. turning, moving, existing, living, abiding &c.; present KtyS'r.; ({A}) f. the terminations of the present tense Kt.; n. presence, the present time Kv. BhP.; (in gram.) the present tense. vartamaanaani = present vartana * = mfn. (also fr. Caus.) abiding, staying &c. (= %{vartiSNu}) L.; setting in motion,

quickening, causing to live or be (also applied to Vishn2u) Hariv. BhP.; m. a dwarf. L.; (%{A}) f. see under n.; (%{I}) f. staying, abiding, living, life L.; a way, road, path (= %{vartani4}) HParis3.; `" grinding "' or `" despatching "' (= %{peSaNa} or %{pre4SaNa}) L.; a spindle or distaff, Lali.; n. the act of turning or rolling or rolling on or moving forward or about (trans. and intrans.) Nir. Ka1tyS3r. BhP. Car. &c. (also %{A} f. Harav.); twisting (a rope) L.; staying, abiding in (loc.) Uttarar.; living on (instr.), livelihood, subsistence, occupation, earnings, wages Ka1v. Ra1jat. Katha1s. Hit.; commerce, intercourse with (%{saha}) Ka1m.; proceeding, conduct, behaviour Sa1h.; (ifc.) application of. Kir.; a distaff or spindle L.; a globe or ball L.; an often told word L.; a place where a horse rolls L.; decoction L. vartani f. the circumference or felloe of a wheel RV. Br.; the track of a wheel, rut, path, way, course ib. AV. ChUp.; the course of rivers RV. TS.; the eyelashes S3Br. (cf. %{vartman}); the eastern country L.; = %{stotra} g. %{uJchA7di}. vartaya = to operate (causal from vart.h) varti 1 (or 33 vartI ) * = f. anything rolled or wrapped round, a pad, a kind of bandage bound round a wound Sus3r.; any cosmetic prepared from

various substances (used as a remedy in the form of a paste or pill) ib. [925,3]; ointment, unguent, collyrium Uttarar. Katha1s.; a suppository ib.; the wick of a lamp MBh. VarBr2S. Katha1s.; a magical wick Pan5cat.; a limp L.; the projecting threads or unwoven ends of woven cloth, a kind of fringe L.; a projecting rim or protuberance round a vessel Ka1tyS3r.; a swelling or poly. pus in the throat Sus3r.; a swelling or protuberance formed by internal rupture ib. (cf. %{mUtra-v-}); a surgical instrument, bougie L.; a streak, line (see %{dhUma-v-}. vartin.h = one who lives / behaves* = vartin mfn. abiding, staying, resting, living or situated in (mostly comp.) Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.; (ifc.) being in any position or condition, engaged in, practising, performing MBh. R. &c.; obeying, executing (an order; cf. %{nideza-v-}); conducting one's self, behaving, acting Mn. MBh. &c.; (ifc.) behaving properly towards ib. (cf. %{guru-v-}; %{guru-vat} = %{gurAv@iva}); turning, moving, going MW.; m. the meaning of an affix (= %{pratyayA7rtha}) Pat. vartita= *mfn. (fr. Caus.) turned, rounded (see %{su-v-}); turned about, rolled (as a wheel) BhP.; caused to be or exist, brought about, accomplished, prepared MBh. Pan5cat.; spent, passed (as time or life) MBh. BhP.

vartitaa= * f. (ifc.) conduct or behaviour towards R. vartitavya= *mfn. to be dwelt or stayed in BhP.; to be carried out or practised or observed R.; to be treated or dealt with MBh.; n. (impers.) it should be abided or remained in (loc.; with %{asmadvaze}, `" in obedience to us "' - `" we ought to be obeyed "') BhP. Katha1s. Pan5cat.; it should be applied (by any one) to (loc.) MBh. R.; it should be lived or existed Pan5cat.; (with an adv. or instr.) it should be proceeded or behaved towards or dealt in any way with any one (loc. gen., or instr. with %{saha}) MBh. Ka1v. &c. (%{mAtR-vat} = %{mAta4rva}, `" as with a mother "'). varte = I am engaged varteta = remains varteyaM = thus engage vartin mfn. abiding, staying, resting, living or situated in (mostly comp.) Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.; (ifc.) being in any position or condition, engaged in, practising, performing MBh. R. &c.; obeying, executing (an order; cf. %{nideza-v-}); conducting one's self, behaving, acting Mn. MBh. &c.; (ifc.) behaving properly towards ib. (cf. %{guru-v-}; %{guru-vat} = %{gurAv@iva}); turning, moving,

going MW.; m. the meaning of an affix (= %{pratyayA7rtha}) Pat. vartma = path vartmani = on the path varuNaH = the demigod controlling the water varuutha * = n. protection, defence, shelter, secure abode RV. AV. VS. TBr.; a house or dwelling Naigh.; armour, a coat of mail L.; a shield L.; (also m.) a sort of wooden ledge or guard fastened round a chariot as a defence against collision Sa1n3khS3r. MBh. &c.; any multitude, host, swarm, quantity, assemblage (also of sons &c.) BhP.; m. the Indian cuckoo L.; time L.; %{-nija-rASTraka} (?) L.; N. of a Gra1ma R.; of a man Ma1rkP. varya * =mf({A})n. (fr. 2. {vR}) to be chosen, eligible, to be asked or obtained in marriage Pn. 3i, 101 Sch.; excellent, eminent, chief, principal, best of (gen. or comp.) MBh. Kv. &c.; m. the god of love L.; ({A}) f. a girl who chooses her husband L. vasaa * = (sometimes written {vazA}) f. `" shining "', `" white "', the serum or marrow of the flesh (considered by some as distinct from that of the bones by others as the same), marrow, fat, grease,

lard, suet, melted fat, any fatty or oily substance VS. &c. &c.; brain Kaths.; a partic. root similar to ginger L.; N. of a river MBh. vasa * = m. or n. dwelling, residence (see {durvasa}); ({A4}) f. (accord. to some) id. (?) RV. v. 2, 6. vasat.h = one who lives vasana = dwelling * = 1 n. (for 2. see col. 3) cloth, clothes, dress, garment, apparel, attire (du. an upper and lower garment) RV. &c. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} = clothed in, surrounded by, engrossed by i.e. wholly devoted or attached to e.g. to a doctrine Ka1v. Pur.); investment, siege L.; a leaf of the cinnamon tree L.; (also %{A} f.) an ornament woris by women round the loins L. //2 n. (for 1. see col. 1) dwelling, abiding, sojourn, residence in (comp.) MBh. vas'ana* = n. wishing, desiring, willing &c. Pa1n2. 3-3, 58 Va1rtt. 3 Sch. vasanaM = pitambharam vasanta = the deity of Spring, also Spring itself vasantau = (and) Spring season

vasaanaM = having worn vasana * = 1 n. (for 2. see col. 3) cloth, clothes, dress, garment, apparel, attire (du. an upper and lower garment) RV. &c. &c. (ifc. f. {A} = clothed in, surrounded by, engrossed by i.e. wholly devoted or attached to e.g. to a doctrine Kv. Pur.); investment, siege L.; a leaf of the cinnamon tree L.; (also {A} f.) an ornament woris by women round the loins L. \\ 2 n. (for 1. see col. 1) dwelling, abiding, sojourn, residence in (comp.) MBh. vasantakaala * = m. spring-time, vernal season R. vasati = (1 pp) to stay, dwell vasaunaaM = of the Vasus vasav = of clothes, wearing clothes vasavaH = the Vasus vasha = Agree vas'a* = 1 m. will, wish, desire RV. &c. &c. (also pl. {va4zAn a4nu} or {a4nu va4za}, `" according to wish or will, at pleasure "'); authority, power, control, dominion (in AV. personified) ib. (acc. with verbs of going e.g. with {i}, {anu-i}, {gam}, {A2375

gam}, {ya}, {A-pad}, {A-sthA} &c., `" to fall into a persos [gen.] power, become subject or give way to "'; acc. with {nI}, {A-nI} and {pra-yuj}, or loc. with {kR}, {labh} or Caus. of {sthA} or {saM-sthA}, `" to reduce to subjection, subdue "'; loc. with {bhU}, {vRt}, {sthA} and {saM-sthA}, `" to be in a persos [gen.] power "'; {vazena}, {-zAt}, and {-zataH}, with gen. or ifc., `" by command of, by force of, on account of, by means of, according to "'); birth, origin L.; a brothel L. (cf. {veza}); Carissa Carandas L.; the son of a Vais'ya and a Karan L.; N. of a Riishi preserved by the As'vins RV.; (with {azvya}) of the supposed author of RV. viii, 46 (in S'Br. &c. also of this hymn itself); = {vAlmIki} Gal.; pl. N. of a people AitBr. MBh.; ({A}) f. see below; mf({A})n. willing, submissive, obedient, subject to or dependent on (gen.) Kaths. BhP. Pacat.; docile L.; free, licentious L. vas'a* = 2 n. (cf. {vasA}) liquid fat, grease AV. AitBr. Kthh. vas'aa* = f. (rather fr. {vAz}, as `" the lowing animal "', than fr. {vaz}) a cow (esp. barren) RV. AV. Br. GriS'rS.; (with {a4vI}) a ewe TS. TBr.; a female elephant Vikr. Kaths.; a barren woman Mn. viii, 28; any woman or wife L.; a daughter L.; Premna Spinosa and Longifolia L. [Cf. accord. to some, Lat. {vacca}.]

vashaM = control vashaaH = (Nom.Pl.) (are under) control or influence vas'a * = 1 m. will , wish , desire RV. &c. &c. (also pl. %{va4zAn@a4nu} or %{a4nu@va4za} , `" according to wish or will , at pleasure "') ; authority , power , control , dominion (in AV. personified) ib. (acc. with verbs of going e.g. with %{i} , %{anu-i} , %{gam} , %{A-gam} , %{ya} , %{A-pad} , %{AsthA} &c. , `" to fall into a person's [gen.] power , become subject or give way to "' ; acc. with %{nI} , %{A-nI} and %{pra-yuj} , or loc. with %{kR} , %{labh} or Caus. of %{sthA} or %{saM-sthA} , `" to reduce to subjection , subdue "' ; loc. with %{bhU} , %{vRt} , %{sthA} and %{saM-sthA} , `" to be in a person's [gen.] power "' ; %{vazena} , %{-zAt} , and %{-za-taH} , with gen. or ifc. , `" by command of , by force of , on account of , by means of , according to "') ; birth , origin L. ; a brothel L. (cf. %{veza}) ; Carissa Carandas L. ; the son of a Vais3ya and a Karan2i1 L. ; N. of a R2ishi preserved by the As3vins RV. ; (with %{azvya}) of the supposed author of RV. viii , 46 (in S3Br. &c. also of this hymn itself) ; = %{vAlmIki} Gal. ; pl. N. of a people AitBr. MBh. ; (%{A}) f. see below ; mf(%{A})n. willing , submissive , obedient , subject to or dependent on (gen.) Katha1s. BhP. Pan5cat. ;

docile L. ; free , licentious L.\\ 2 n. (cf. %{vasA}) liquid fat , grease AV. AitBr. Ka1t2h. vas'aa * = f. (rather fr. %{vAz} , as `" the lowing animal "' , than fr. %{vaz}) a cow (esp. barren) RV. AV. Br. Gr2S3rS. ; (with %{a4vI}) a ewe TS. TBr. ; a female elephant Vikr. Katha1s. ; a barren woman Mn. viii , 28 ; any woman or wife L. ; a daughter L. ; Premna Spinosa and Longifolia L. [Cf. accord. to some , Lat. {vacca}.] vashath * = ind. (accord. to some fr. 1. {vah}; cf. 2. {vaT} and {vauSaT}) an exclamation uttered by the Hotrii priest at the end of the sacrificial verse (on hearing which the Adhvaryu priest casts the oblation offered to the deity into the fire; it is joined with a dat. e.g. {pUSNe vaSaT}; with {kR}, to utter the exclamation {vaSaT} "') RV. VS. Br. S'rS. Mn. MBh. Pur vashaat.h = under obligation vashii = one who is controlled vashii+kri = to conquer, overcome vashe = in full subjugation vas'itva * = n. freedom of will, the being one's own

master MBh. Hariv. [929, 3]; power or dominion over (loc.) Sarvad.; the supernatural power of subduing to one's own will MrkP. Pacar. &c.; mastery of one's self, self-command Kum. MrkP.; subduing by magical means, fascinating, bewitching MW. vas'itaa * = f. subjugation, dominion W.; the supernatural power of subduing all to one's own will, unbounded power of (comp.; a Bodhi-sattva is said to have 10 Vas'its, viz. {Ayur-}, {citta-}, {pariSkAra-}, {dharma-}, {Rddhi-}, {janma-}, {adhimukti-}, {praNidhAna-}, {karma-}, and {jAna-v-} Dharmas. 74) BhP. Buddh.; subduing by the use of magical means, fascinating, bewitching W. vasishthha * = mfn. (superl. fr. 1. {va4su}; cf. {va4sIyas} and under 3. {vas}) most excellent, best, richest RV. AV. Br. ChUp. MBh.; m. (wrongly written {vaziSTha}), `" the most wealthy "'N. of a celebrated Vedic Riishi or sage (owner of the `" cow of plenty "', called Nandin, offspring of Surabhi, which by gransing all desires made him, as his name implies, master of every {vasu} or desirable object; he was the typical representative of Brhmanical rank, and the legends of his conflict with Vis'v-mitra, who raised himself from the kingly or Kshatriya to the Brhmanical class, were probably founded on the actual struggles which

took place between the Brhmans and Kshatriyas; a great many hymns of the RV. are ascribed to these two great rivals; those of the seventh Mandala, besides some others, being attributed to Vasishthha, while those of the third Mandala are assigned to Vis'v-mitra; in one of Vasishtha's hymns he is represented as king Su-ds "' family priest, an office to which Vis'v-mitra also aspired; in another hymn Vasishthha claims to have been inspired by Varuna, and in another [RV. vii, 33, 11] he is called the son of the Apsaras Urvas' by Mitra and Varuna, whence his patronymic Maitrvaruni [930,3]; in Manu i, 35, he is enumerated among the ten Praj-patis or Patriarchs produced by Manu Svyambhuva for the peopling of the universe; in the MBh. he is mentioned as the family priest of the solar race or family of Ikshvku and Rmacandra, and in the Purnas as one of the arrangers of the Vedas in the Dvpara age; he is, moreover, called the father of Aurva [Hariv.], of the Suklins [Mn.], of seven sons [Hariv. Pur.], and the husband of Aksha-ml or Arundhat [MBh.] and of rj [Pur.]; other legends make him one of the 7 patriarchal sages regarded as forming the Great Bear in which he represents the star (see {RSi}) RV. &c. &c. (cf. IW. 361; 402 n. 1 &c.); N. of the author of a law-book and other wks. (prob. intended to be ascribed to the Vedic Riishi above); pl. the family of Vasishthha RV. S'Br. S'rS. ({vasiSThasyA7GkuzaH} &c.N. of Smans

rshBr.); N. of an Anuvka Pat. on Pn. 4-3, 131 Vrtt. 2; n. flesh Gal. vashya = under control vas.h = to livevasudhara = one that is wearing vasu, earth vasti = internal cleansing vastu = Article* = 1 f. (for 2. see p. 932, col. 3) becoming light, dawning, morning RV. VS. (gen. {va4stoH}, in the mmorning; {va4stor vastoH}, every mmorning; {va4stor asyA4H}, this mmorning; {pra4ti va4stoH}, towards mmorning; dat. {va4stave} see under 2. {vas}). vastu* = 2 n. (for 1. see p. 931, col. 3) the seat or place of (see {kapila-}, {vraNa-v-}); any really existing or abiding substance or essence, thing, object, article Kv. VarBriS. Kaths. &c. (also applied to living beings e.g. S'ak. ii, 7/8); (in phil.) the real (opp. to {a-v-}, `" that which does not really exist, the unreal "'; {a-dvitIya-v-}, `" the one real substance or essence which has no second "') IW. 53 n. 1; 103 &c.; the right thing, a valuable or worthy object, object of or for (comp.) Kv.; goods, wealth, property (cf. {-vinimaya} and {-hAni}); the thing in question matter, affair, circumstance MBh.

Kv. &c.; subject, subject-matter, contents, theme (of a speech &c.), plot (of a drama or poem) Kv. Das'ar. Sh. &c.; (in music) a kind of composition Sangt.; natural disposition, essential property W.; the pith or substance of anything W. vastutaa *= f. (ifc.) the state of being the object of Pan5cat. ; = next BhP. vastutaH = actually, in reality vastuuni = objects vastunirdes'a* = m. table of contents, register Kvya7d. Sh. vastra = Garment vastrakos'a* = n. a clothes-bag L. vastragriha* = n. '" cloth-house "', a tent L. vastradazaa* = f. the border of a garment Gobh. vastrapa* = m. pl. N. of a people MBh. vastravat* = mfn. having fine clothes, welldressed MBh.


vastravidyaa* = w.r. for {vAstu-v-} q.v. vastraveza* = m. or a tent L. vastu* = 1 f. (for 2. see p. 932, col. 3) becoming light, dawning, morning RV. VS. (gen. %{va4stoH}, in the mmorning; %{va4stor@vastoH}, every mmorning; %{va4stor@asyA4H}, this mmorning; %{pra4ti@va4stoH}, towards mmorning; dat. %{va4stave} see under 2. %{vas}).//2 n. (for 1. see p. 931, col. 3) the seat or place of (see %{kapila-}, %{vraNa-v-}); any really existing or abiding substance or essence, thing, object, article Ka1v. VarBr2S. Katha1s. &c. (also applied to living beings e.g. S3ak. ii, 7/8); (in phil.) the real (opp. to %{a-v-}, `" that which does not really exist, the unreal "'; %{a-dvitIya-v-}, `" the one real substance or essence which has no second "') IW. 53 n. 1; 103 &c.; the right thing, a valuable or worthy object, object of or for (comp.) Ka1v.; goods, wealth, property (cf. %{-vinimaya} and %{hAni}); the thing in question matter, affair, circumstance MBh. Ka1v. &c.; subject, subjectmatter, contents, theme (of a speech &c.), plot (of a drama or poem) Ka1v. Das3ar. Sa1h. &c.; (in music) a kind of composition Sam2gi1t.; natural disposition, essential property W.; the pith or substance of anything W.//1. 2 see pp. 931 and 932.


vastutaa f. (ifc.) the state of being the object of Pan5cat. ; = next BhP. vastutantra* = mfn. dependent on things, objective ({-tva} n.) S'ank. vastutas* = ind. owing to the nature of things BhP.; in fact, in reality, actually, verily, essentially ib. Rjat. Sarvad. vasudhaa = earth vasudhaiva = vasudhA(fem.nom.sing.)earth;world + eva:alone;itself vasun.h = the eight Vasus vasundharaa = (f) earth vasu * = 1 mf({u} or {vI})n. (for 2. see p. 932, col. 3) excellent, good, beneficent RV. GriS'rS.; sweet L.; dry L.; N. of the gods (as the `" good or bright ones, esp. of the dityas, Maruts, As'vins, Indra, Ushas, Rudra, Vyu, Vishnu, S'iva, and Kubera) RV. AV. MBh. R.; of a partic. class of gods (whose number is usually eight, and whose chief is Indra, later Agni and Vishnu; they form one of the nine Ganas or classes enumerated under Gana-devat q.v.; the eight Vasus were originally personifications, like other Vedic deities, of natural

phenomena, and are usually mentioned with the other Ganas common in the Veda, viz. the eleven Rudras and the twelve diyas, constituting with them and with Dyaus, Heaven, and Priithiv, `" Earth "' [or, according to some, with Indra and Praj-pati, or, according to others, with the two As'vins], the thirty-three gods to which reference is frequently made; the names of the Vasus, according to the Vishnu-Purna, are, 1. pa [connected with {ap} "', `" water "']; 2. Dhruva, `" the Pole-star; 3. Soma, `" the Moon "'; 4. Dhava or Dhara; 5. Anila, `" Wind "'; 6. Anala or Pvaka, `" Fire "'; 7. Pratyusha, `" the Dawn "'; 8. Prabhsa, `" Light "'; but their names are variously given; Ahan, `" Day "', being sometimes substituted for 1; in their relationship to Fire and Light they appear to belong to Vedic rather than Purnic mythology) RV. &c. &c.; a symbolical N. of the number `" eight "' VarBriS.; a ray of light Naigh. i, 15; a partic. ray of light VP.; = {jina} S'l. (only L. the sun; the moon; fire; a rope, thong; a tree; N. of two kinds of plant = {baka} and {pIta-madgu}; a lake, pond; a kind of fish; the the of the yoke of a plough; the distance from the elbow to the closed fist); N. of a Rishi (with the patr. Bharad-vja, author of RV. ix, 80-82, reckoned among the seven sages) Hariv.; of a son of Manu ib.; of a son of Uttna-pda ib.; of a prince of the Cedis also called Upari-cara MBh.; of a son of lina ib.; of a son of Kus'a and the country called after him RV.; of a son of Vasu-deva BhP.; of

a son of Kriishna ib.; of a son of Vatsara ib.; of a son of Hiranya-retas and the Varsha ruled by him ib.; of a son of Bhtajyotis ib.; of a son of Naraka ib.; of a king of Kas'mra Cat. [931, 1]; ({u}) f. light, radiance L.; a partic. drug L.; N. of a daughter of Daksha and mother of the Vasus (as a class of gods) Hariv. VP.: ({vI}) f. night Naigh. i, 7; n. (in Veda gen. {va4sos}, {va4svas} and {va4sunas}; also pl., exceptionally m.) wealth, goods, riches, property RV. &c. &c. ({vasoS-pati} m. prob. `" the god of wealth or property "' AV. i, 12 [Paipp. {asoS-p-}, `" the god of life "']; {va4sor-dhA4rA} f. `" stream of wealth "'N. of a partic. libation of Ghriita at the Agni-cayana AV. TS. Br. &c.; of the wife of Agni BhP.; of the heavenly Gang MBh.; of sacred bathing-place ib.; of a kind of vessel ib.; {-rAprayoga} m. N. of wk.); gold (see {-varma-dhara}); a jewel, gem, pearl (see {-mekhala}); any valuable or precious object L.; (also f.) a partic. drug L.; a kind of salt (= {romaka}) L.; water L.; a horse (?) L.; = {zyAma} L vasu * = 2 m. or n. (for 1. see p. 930, col. 3) dwelling or dweller (see {sa4M-vasu}). vasu 2 m. or n. (for 1. see p. 930, col. 3) dwelling or dweller (see {sa4M-vasu}). vasudeva * = m. N. of the father of Kriishna (he was

the son of S'ra, a descendant of Yadu of the lunar line, and was also called naka-dundubhi q.v., because at his birth the gods, foreseeing that Vishnu would take a human form in his family, sounded the drums of heaven for joy; he was a brother of Kunt or Priith, the mother of the Pandu princes, who were thus cousins of Kriishna; see 1. {kRSNa}) MBh. Hariv. BhP. &c.; of a king of the Kanva dynasty Pur. Vs., Introd.; of Kriishna Pacar.; of the grandfather of the poet Mgha Cat.; (also with {brahma-prasAda}) of two authors Cat.; ({A}) f. N. of a daughter of S'va-phalka VP.; n. the lunar mansion Dhanishthh VarBriS.; {-janman} m. N. of Kriishna S'is'.; {-tA} f. a goddess granting wwealth Hariv. (cf. {vasu-devatA} below); {putra} m. N. of Kriishna Kv.; {-brahma-prasAda} m. N. of an author Cat.; {-bhU} m. `" son of Vasudeva "'N. of Kriishna L.; {-vA7tma-ja} m. id. Pacar vasya* = to be put on vath* = (prob. invented to serve as a root for the words below; cf. 1. {vRt}) cl. 1. P, {vaTati} (pf. {vavATa} &c.), to surround, encompass Dhtup. ix, 13; cl. 10. P. {vaTayati}, to tie, string, connect, xxxv, 5; to divide, partition, xxxv, 65; to speak, xix, 1 7: Pass. {vaTyate} (only {vaTyante} Vishn. xliii, 34), to be crushed or pounded or ground down.


va4th* = 2 ind. an interjection or exclamation used in sacrificial ceremonies TS. vat* = 1 an affix (technically termed {vati}; see Pn. 5-1, 115 &c.) added to words to imply likeness or resemblance, and generally translatable by `" as "', `" like "' (e.g. {brAhmaNa-vat}, like a Brhman; {pitR-vat} = {pite7va}, {pitaram iva}, {pitur iva} and {pitarI7va}). vat* = 2 see {api-vat}. vata * = mfn. uttered, sounded, spoken W.; asked, begged ib.; killed, hurt MW.; (ind.) see {bata}. vatha*= m. (perhaps Prkriit for {vRta}, `" surrounded, covered "'; cf. {nyag-rodha}) the Banyan or Indian fig. tree (Ficus Indica) MBh. Kv. &c. RTL. 337 (also said to be n.); a sort of bird BhP.; a small shell, the Cypraea Moneta or cowry L.; a pawn (in chess) L.; sulphur L.; = {sAmya} L.; N. of a Trtha Vishn.; of one of Skanda's attendants MBh.; the son of a Vais'ya and a Venuk L. (also n. and {I} f.); a string, rope, tie L. (only {vaTa} ibc., and {paJca-v-}, q.v.); a small lump, globule &c. = {vaTaka} S'rngS.; ({I}) f. a kind of tree, Rajan.; (with {gA-DhA}) a partic. position in the game of Catur-anga or chess L.; a little round ball L.


vathavrikshaH = (m) a banyan tree vatsa* = yearling, a calf, the young of any animal, offspring, child, often used as a term of endearment = my dear child, my darling; a son, boy vatsya = reside vava * = see %{bava}, and vaava vavra * = mfn. (fr. 1. %{vR}) hiding or concealing one's self. RV. ; m. `" hiding-place "' , a cavern , hole , cave ib. vavraya * = Nom. A1. %{-yate} , to retire or shrink from , keep aloof RV. viii , 40 , 2. vavre *V = asked, proposed, acepted, said, requested, chose vaya = age vayaM = (pron) we vayanam.h = weaving vayas* =1 n. a web (?) RV. ii , 31 , 5. \\ 2 n. (cf. 2. %{vi4}) a bird , any winged animal , the winged tribe (esp. applied to smaller birds) RV. &c. &c.\\ 3

n. ( %{vI}) enjoyment, food, meal, oblation RV. AV. (cf. %{vIti}) [920,3]; energy (both bodily and mental), strength, health, vigour, power, might RV. AV. VS. (often with %{bRha4t}; with %{dhA} and dat. or loc. of pers. `" to bestow vigour or might on "'); vigorous age, youth, prime of life, any period of life, age RV. &c. &c. (%{sarvANi@vayAMsi}, animals of any age; %{vayasA7nvita} or %{vayasA7tI7ta}, aged. old); degree, kind (in %{vayAMsi@pra-brUhi}) S3Br. vayasi = of age vayasigate = vayasi+gate, when age has advanced/gone vayasya *= mfn. being of an age or of the same age, contemporary MBh. Kv. &c.; m. a contemporary, associate, companion, friend (often used in familiar address) ib.; ({A4}) f. a female friend, a womas confidante Mriicch. Kaths.; (scil. {iSTakA}) N. of 19 bricks used for building the sacrificial altar (so called from the word {vayas} in the formula of consecration) TS. Kthh. Br. vayuna *= mfn. (rather fr. %{vI} than fr. %{ve}) moving, active, alive S3Br.; waving, agitated, restless (applied to the sea) TS. MaitrS.; clear (as an eye) BhP. (cf. %{a-vayuna}); a path, way (=

%{mArga} also fig. either - `" means expedient "', or `" rule, order, custom "') RV. AV. VS. (instr., according to rule "' RV. i, 162, 18); distinctness, clearness, brightness RV. ii, 19, 3; iii, 29, 3 &c. (loc. pl. `" clearly, distinctly "', ii, 34, 4); a mark, aim(?) RV. i, 182, 1; ii, 19, 8 &c.; knowledge, wisdom BhP.; a temple Un2. iii, 61 Sch.; (%{A}) f. a mark, aim, goal(?) RV. iv, 5, 13; x, 49, 5; knowledge, wisdom BhP.; N. of a daughter of Svadha1 BhP.; m. N. of a son of Kr2is3a7s3va and Dhishan2a1 BhP. (vAyuna *= m. a god, deity L.) vayunaadha *= or (for %{vayuna-dhA8} mfn. establishing rule or order MaitrS. vayunaadhaa *= (for %{vayuna-dhA8} mfn. establishing rule or order MaitrS. veda = Ancient Indian Religious Texts veDa * = n. a kind of coarse sandal (= {sAndravicchinna-candana}) L.; ({A}) f. (also written {beDA}) a boat L. (cf. {veTI}). veda * =1 m. (fr. 1. {vid} q.v.) knowledge, true or sacred knowledge or lore, knowledge of ritual RV. AitBr.; N. of certain celebrated works which constitute the basis of the first period of the Hind

religion (these works were primarily three, viz. 1. the Riig-veda, 2. the Yajur-veda [of which there are, however, two divisions see {taittirIyasaMhitA}, {vAjasaneyi-saMhitA}], 3. the Smaveda [1015,2]; these three works are sometimes called collectively {trayI}, `" the triple Vidy "' or `" threefold knowledge "', but the Riig-veda is really the only original work of the three, and much the most ancient [the oldest of its hymns being assigned by some who rely on certain astronomical calculations to a period between 4000 and 2500 B.C., before the settlement of the ryans in India; and by others who adopt a different reckoning to a period between 1400 and 1000 B.C., when the ryans had settled down in the Panjb]; subsequently a fourth Veda was added, called the Atharva-veda, which was probably not completely accepted till after Manu, as his law-book often speaks of the three Vedas-calling them {trayam brahma sanAtanam}, `" the triple eternal Veda "', but only once [xi, 33] mentions the revelation made to Atharvan and Angiras, without, however, calling it by the later name of Atharva-veda; each of the four Vedas has two distinct parts, viz. 1. Mantra, i.e. words of prayer and adoration often addressed either to fire or to some form of the sun or to some form of the air, sky, wind &c., and praying for health, wealth, long life, cattle, offspring, victory, and even forgiveness of sins, and 2. Brhmana, consisting of Vidhi and Artha-vda, i.

e. directions for the detail of the ceremonies at which the Mantras were to be used and explanations of the legends &c. connected with the Mantras [see {brAhmaNa}, {vidhi}], both these portions being termed {zruti}, revelation orally communicated by the Deity, and heard but not composed or written down by men [cf. I. W. 24 &c.], although it is certain that both Mantras and Brhmanas were compositions spread over a considerable period, much of the latter being comparatively modern; as the Vedas are properly three, so the Mantras are properly of three forms, 1. Riic, which are verses of praise in metre, and intended for loud recitation; 2. Yajus, which are in prose, and intended for recitation in a lower tone at sacrifices; 3. Sman, which are in metre, and intended for chanting at the Soma or Moon-plant ceremonies, the Mantras of the fourth or Atharvaveda having no special name; but it must be borne in mind that the Yajur and Sma-veda hymns, especially the latter, besides their own Mantras, borrow largely from the Riig-veda; the Yajur-veda and Sma-veda being in fact not so much collections of prayers and hymns as special prayerand hymn-books intended as manuals for the Adhvaryu and Udgtrii priests respectively [see {yajur-veda}, {sAma-veda}]; the Atharva-veda, on the other hand, is, like the Riig-veda, a real collection of original hymns mixed up with incantations, borrowing little from the Riig and

having no direct relation to sacrifices, but supposed by mere recitation to produce long life, to cure diseases, to effect the ruin of enemies &c.; each of the four Vedas seems to have passed through numerous S'khs or schools, giving rise to various recensions of the text, though the Riig-veda is only preserved in the S'kala recension, while a second recension, that of the Bhshkalas, is only known by name; a tradition makes Vysa the compiler and arranger of the Vedas in their present form: they each have an Index or Anukraman [q.v.], the principal work of this kind being the general Index or Sarva7nukraman [q.v.]; out of the Brhmana portion of the Veda grew two other departments of Vedic literature, sometimes included under the general name Veda, viz. the strings of aphoristic rules, called Stras [q.v.], and the mystical treatises on the nature of God and the relation of soul and matter, called Upanishad [q.v.], which were appended to the ranyakas [q.v.], and became the real Veda of thinking Hinds, leading to the Dars'anas or systems of philosophy; in the later literature the name of `" fifth Veda "' is accorded to the Itihsas or legendary epic poems and to the Purnas, and certain secondary Vedas or Upavedas [q.v.] are enumerated; the Veda7ngas or works serving as limbs [for preserving the integrity] of the Veda are explained under {vedA7Gga} below: the only other works included under the head of Veda being the Paris'ishthas,

which supply rules for the ritual omitted in the Stras; in the Briihad-ranyaka Upanishad the Vedas are represented as the breathings of Brahm, while in some of the Purnas the four Vedas are said to have issued out of the four mouths of the four-faced Brahm and in the Vishnu-Purna the Veda and Vishnu are identified) RTL. 7 &c. IW. 5; 24 &c.; N. of the number `" four "' VarBriS. [1015,3] Srutabh.; feeling, perception S'Br.; = {vRtta} (v.l. {vitta}) L. (cf. 2. {veda}). veda * =2 m. (fr. 3. {vid}) finding, obtaining, acquisition (see {su-v-}); property, goods s'vGri. veda * =3 m. (perhaps connected with 1. {ve}, to weave or bind together) a tuft or bunch of strong grass (Kus'a or Muja) made into a broom (and used for sweeping, making up the sacrificial fire &c., in rites) AV. MS. Br. S'rS. Mn. veda * =vedaH = (masc.nom.sing.)the Veda vedaanga* = n. `" a limb (for preserving the body) of the Veda "'N. of certain works or classes of works regarded as auxiliary to and even in some sense as part of the Veda, (six are usually enumerated [and mostly written in the Stra or aphoristic style]; 1. {zikSA}, `" the science of proper articulation and pronunciation "', comprising the knowledge of

letters, accents, quantity, the use of the organs of pronunciation, and phonetics generally, but especially the laws of euphony peculiar to the Veda [many short treatises and a chapter of the Taittirya-ranyaka are regarded as the representatives of this subject; but other works on Vedic phonetics may be included under it see {prAtizAkhya}]: 2. {chandas}, `" metre "' [represented by a treatise ascribed to Pingala-nga, which, however, treats of Prkriit as well as Sanskriit metres, and includes only a few of the leading Vedic metres]: 3. {vyAkaraNa}, `" linguistic analysis or grammar [represented by Pnini's celebrated Stras]: 4. {nirukta}, `" explanation of difficult Vedic words "' [cf. {yAska}]: 5. {jyotiSa}, `" astronomy "', or rather the Vedic calendar [represented by a small tract, the object of which is to fix the most auspicious days for sacrifices]: 6. {kalpa}, `" ceremonial "', represented by a large number of Stra works [cf. {sUtra}]: the first and second of these Veda7ngas are said to be intended to secure the correct reading or recitation of the Veda, the third and fourth the understanding of it, and the fifth and sixth its proper employment at sacrifices: the Veda7ngas are alluded to by Manu, who calls them, in iii, 184, Pravacanas, `" expositions "', a term which is said to be also applied to the Brhmanas) IW. 145 &c.


vedakrama = vedaas vedanaa = feelings of pain, vedana* = pain, torture, agony, feeling sensation, but also: announcing, proclaiming; n. perception, knowledge; making known, proclaiming vedana * =1 mfn. (for 2. see p. 1017, col. 2) announcing, proclaiming (see %{bhaga-v-}); n. perception, knowledge Nir. MBh. Ka1v. &c. (rarely %{A} f.); making known, proclaiming Ra1jat.; (%{A}) f. pain, torture, agony (also personified as a daughter of Anr2ita) MBh. R. &c. (exceptionally n.); feeling, sensation Ya1jn5. S3is3. (with Buddhists one of the 5 Skandhas MWB. 109); (%{I}) f. the true skin or cutis L.\\ 2 mfn. finding, procuring (see %{naSTa} and %{pati-v-}); n. the act of finding, falling in with (gen.) MBh.; the act of marrying (said of both sexes, esp. the marriage of a S3u1dra woman with a man of a higher caste; cf. Mn. iii, 44, and %{utkRSTa-v-}) Mn. Ya1jn5.; the ceremony of holding the ends of a mantle (observed by a S3u1dra female on her marriage with a man of a higher caste) W.; property, goods RV. AV. [1017,3] ve4dana: finding, procuring


vedayaGYa = by sacrifice vedavaadarataaH = supposed followers of the Vedas vedavit.h = the knower of the Vedas vedavidaH = persons conversant with the Vedas vedaaH = Vedic literatures vedaanaaM = of all the Vedas vedaanta = Vedic method of Self-Realization* = m. end of the Veda (= `" complete knowledge of the Veda "' cf. {vedA7nta-ga}) Tr. MBh.; N. of the second and most important part of the Mmns or third of the three great divisions of Hind philosophy (called Veda7nta either as teaching the ultimate scope of the Veda or simply as explained in the Upanishads which come at the end of the Veda; this system, although belonging to the Mmns [q.v.] and sometimes called Uttarammns, `" examination of the later portion or {jJAna-kANDa} [q.v.] of the Veda "', is really the one sole orthodox exponent of the pantheistic creed of the Hinds of the present day - a creed which underlies all the polytheism and multiform mythology of the people; its chief doctrine [as

expounded by S'ankara] is that of Advaita i.e. that nothing really exists but the One Self or Soul of the Universe called Brahman [neut.] or Parama7tman, and that the Jva7tman or individual human soul and indeed all the phenomena of nature are really identical with the Parama7tman, and that their existence is only the result of Ajna [otherwise called Avidy] or an assumed ignorance on the part of that one universal Soul which is described as both Creator and Creation; Actor and Act; Existence, Knowledge and Joy, and as devoid of the three qualities [see {guNa}]; the liberation of the human soul, its deliverance from transmigrations, and re-union with the Parama7tman, with which it is really identified, is only to be effected by a removal of that ignorance through a proper understanding of the Veda7nta; this system is also called Brahma-mmns and S'rrakammns, `" inquiring into Spirit or embodied Spirit "'; the founder of the school is said to have been Vysa, also called Bdaryana, and its most eminent teacher was S'ankara7crya) Up. MBh. &c.; ({As}) m. pl. the Upanishads or works on the Veda7nta philosophy Kull. on Mn. vi, 83 vedaantakrit.h = the compiler of the Vedanta vedaantavedyo = one knowable thro' `upanishat.h'


vede = in the Vedic literature vedeshhu = Vedic literatures veditavyaM = to be understood vedituM = to understand vedaiH = by study of the Vedas [sarva]vedasa *= mfn. accompanied by a gift of all one's goods (as a sacrifice; also m. [scil. %{kratu}], a sacrifice of the above kind "') MaitrS. Br. S3rS.; giving all one's property to priests after a sacsacrifice Mn. xi, (v.l.); (%{am}) n. all one's propproperty TS. Br. Kait2hUp. S3rS.; %{dakSiNa} mf(%{A})n. attended with a gift of all one's propproperty as a fee (at a sacrifice) S3rS. Mn.\\[saarva]vedasa mfn. (and v.l. for %{sarva-s}) one who gives away all his wealth at a sacred rite Mn. xi, 1; (%{am}) n. a person's entire property; %{-dakSiNa} mfn. (a sacrifice) at which one's whole property is given away as a fee to Bra1hmans Ya1jn5. vedas *= 1 n. (for 2. see p. 1017, col. 3) knowledge, science RV. (cf. %{keta-}, %{jAta-}, %{vizva-v-}).\\ 2 n. property, wealth RV. AV.


vedyaM = what is to be known vedyaH = knowable vedhashaalaa = (f) observatory (weather, solar) vedhas.h = brahmaa vedhase = to the Brahman (like rAma) vegaM = urges vega * = m. (fr. {vij}) violent agitation, shock, jerk AV. R.; a stream, flood, current (of water, tears &c.) AV. S'vetUp. MBh. &c.; rush, dash, impetus, momentum, onset MBh. BhP.; impetuosity, vehemence, haste, speed, rapidity, quickness, velocity ({vegAd vegaM-gam}, to go from speed to speed, increase one's speed) MBh. Kv. &c.; the flight (of an arrow) Kir.; outbreak, outburst (of passion), excitement, agitation, emotion ib.; attack, paroxysm (of a disease) Sus'r.; circulation, working, effect (of poison; in Sus'r. seven stages or symptoms are mentioned) Yj. Kv. &c.; expulsion of the feces Sus'r.; semen virile L.; impetus Kan. Sarvad.; the fruit of Trichosanthes Palmata L.; N. of a class of evil demons Hariv. vegavat* = mfn. agitated (as the ocean) R.;

impetuous, rapid, hasty, swift, violent MBh. Kv. &c.; m. a leopard L.; N. of an Asura MBh.; of a Vidydhara Kaths.; of a son of Kriishna BhP.; of a king (son of Bandhu-mat) ib.; of a monkey R.; ({vatI}) f. N. of a river R.; a partic. drug Sus'r.; a kind of metre Ping.; N. of a Vidydhar Kaths.; (pl.) N. of a class of Apsarases or celestial nymphs VP.; {-tama} mfn. speediest, quickest, very quick or swift MW.; {-tara} mfn. more speedy, quicker, very quick ib.; {-tA} f. swiftness, velocity ib.; {-stotra} n. N. of a Stotra. vegarodha* = m. obstruction of speed or activity, retardation, check W.; obstruction of the movement or evacuation of the bowels ib. vegatara* = m. greater swiftness ({vegAd vegataraM-gam}, to run faster and faster; cf. {vega}) Pacat. (B.) vegatas* = ind. with a sudden impetus R.; with speed, quickly, hastily, impetuously Kaths. vegaaH = speed velaa*= f. limit, boundary, end S'Br. Kvya7d.; distance S'Br. KtyS'r.; boundary of sea and land (personified as the daughter of Meru and Dhrin, and the wife of Samudra), coast, shore ({velAyAm},

on the sea-shore, coast-wise) MBh. Kv. &c. [1018, 3]; limit of time, period, season, time of day, hour (with {pazcimA}, the evening hour; {kA velA}, `" what time of the day is it? "' {kA velA prA7ptAyAH}, `" how long has she been here? "' {velam} ifc. after a numeral = times) S'Br. &c. &c.; opportunity, occasion, interval, leisure ({velAm pra-kR}, to watch for an opportunity; {velAyAm}, at the right moment or season; {artha-velAyAm}, at the moment when the meaning is under consideration) MBh. Kv. &c.; meal-time, meal (as of a god = {Izvarasya bhojanam}, S'iva's meal) L.; the last hour, hour of death BhP.; easy or painless death L.; tide, flow (opp. to `" ebb "'), stream, current MaitrUp. MBh. &c.; `" sickness "' or `" passion "' ({rAga} or {roga}) L.; the gums L.; speech L.; N. of the wife of Buddha L.; of a princess found on the seashore (after whom the 11th Lambaka of the Kathsarit-sgara is called). vela * = n. a garden, grove L. (cf. {vipina} fr. 1. {vip}); a partic. high number Buddh.; m. the mango tree L. veNii = (f) pigtail, ponytail veNu *= or %{ve4Nu} m. (prob. connected with 1. %{ve}) a bamboo , reed , cane RV. &c. &c. ; a flute , fife , pipe MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; N. of a deity of the

Bodhi tree Lalit. ; of a king of the Ya1davas MBh. ; of a son of S3ata-jit VP. ; of a mountain Ma1rkP. ; of a river L. ; (pl.) the descendants of Ven2u A1s3vS3r. (%{veNor@vizAle}N. of two Sa1mans A1rshBr.) veNuH = flute vepathuH = trembling of the body vepathumathii = she who is sweating vepamaanaH = trembling vepita *= n. trembling, agitation (in {sa-vepitam}), S'ntis'. vesha = dress veshhaH = make-ups/garbs/roles veshhTiH = (m) dhoti vetanam.h = (n) salary vetaala * = m. (of doubtful derivation) a kind of demon, ghost, spirit, goblin, vampire (esp. one occupying a dead body) Hariv. Kv. Kaths. &c.; N. of one of S'iva's attendants, KlikP.; of a teacher

BhP.; of a poet Cat.; a door-keeper (?) L.; ({A}) f. a form of Durg Vs.; ({I}) f. N. of Durg Hariv. vetravat* = mfn. containing or consisting of reeds BhP.; m. N. of a mythical being (a son of Pu1shan) Katha1s.; (%{atI}) f. a female door-keeper S3ak. Prab.; a form of Durga1 Hariv. (v.l. %{citra-rathI}); N. of a river (now called the Betwa1, which, rising among the Vindhya hills in the Bhopa1l State and following a north-easterly direction for about 360 miles, falls into the Jumna1 below Hami1rpur) MBh. R. &c.; of the mother of Vetra7sura VarP. vetrika* = m. pl. N. of a people MBh. (v.l. %{veNika}). vetrin* = mfn. (ifc.) having a cane, having anything for a cane MaitrUp.; m. a staff-bearer, door-keeper Ra1jat. vetrIya* = mfn. (fr. %{vetra}) g. %{utkarA7di}. vetta = the knower vetti = knows vettha = knowvelaa = (fem) time vettR * = 1 mfn. (fr. 1. %{vid}) ono who knows or

feels or witnesses or experiences, a knower, experiencer, witness S3vetUp. MBh. &c.; m. a sage, one who knows the nature of the soul and God W.\\ = 2 m. (fr. 3. %{vid}) one who obtains in marriage, an espouser, husband A1past. vi * = 1 m. (nom. {vi4s} or {ve4s} acc. {vi4m} gen. abl. {ve4s}; pl. nom. acc. {va4yas} [acc. {vIn} Bhathth.]; {vi4bhis}, {vi4bhyas}, {vInA4m}) a bird (also applied to horses, arrows, and the Maruts) RV. VS. PacavBr, (also occurring in later language). [Cf. 1. {va4yas}; Gk. $ for $; Lat. {a-vis}; accord. to &287958[949, 3] some Germ. {Ei}; Angl. Sax. {ae4g}; Eng. {egg.}] - 1. vi * = 2 n. an artificial word said to be = {anna} S'Br. \\* = 3 ind. (prob. for an original {dvi}, meaning `" in two parts "'; and opp. to {sam} q.v.) apart, asunder, in different directions, to and fro, about, away, away from, off, without RV. &c. &c. In RV. it appears also as a prep. with acc. denoting `" through "' or `" between "' (with ellipse of the verb e.g. i, 181, 5; x, 86, 20 &c.) It is esp. used as a prefix to verbs or nouns and other parts of speech derived from verbs, to express `" division "', `" distinction "', `" distribution "', `" arrangement "', `" order "', `" opposition "', or `" deliberation "' (cf. {vi-bhid}, {-ziS}, {-dhA}, {-rudh}, {-car}, with their nominal derivatives); sometimes it gives a meaning opposite

to the idea contained in the simple root (e.g. {krI}, `" to buy "'; {vi-krI}, `" to sell "'), or it intensifies that idea (e.g. {hiMs}, `" to injure "'; {vi-hiMs}, `" to injure severely "'). The above 3. {vi4} may also be used in forming compounds not immediately referable to verbs, in which cases it may express `" difference "' (cf. 1. {vi-lakSaNa}), `" change "' or `" variety "' (cf. {vi-citra}), `" intensity "' (cf. {vikarAla}), `" manifoldness "' (cf. {vi-vidha}), `" contrariety "' (cf. {vi-loma}), `" deviation from right "' (cf. {vi-zIla}), `" negation "' or `" privatlon "' (cf. {vi-kaccha}, being often used like 3. {a}, {nir}, and {nis} [qq. vv.], and like the Lat. {dis}, {se}, and the English {a}, {dis}, {in}, {un} &c.); in some cases it does not seem to modify the meaning of the simple word at all (cf. {vi-jAmi}, {vijAmAtR}); it is also used to form proper names out of other proper names (e.g. {vi-koka}, {vi-pRthu}, {vi-viMza}). To save space such words are here mostly collected under one article; but words having several subordinate compounds will be found s.v. vi+apa+gam.h = to go away vi+bhaa = to adorn vi+GYaa = to know


vibhaktaM = divided1 * = vibhakta mfn. divided, distributed among (instr.). AV. &c. &c. (%{e} ind. after a partition, Ya1jn. ii, 126); one who has received his share Mn. ix, 210; 215; one who has caused a partition to be made BhP. (Sch.); parted, separated by (instr. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; separated from i.e. without (instr.) Ya1jn5. iii, 103; isolated, secluded R.; distinct, different, various, manifold MBh. Ka1v. &c.; divided into regular parts, harmonious, symmetrical ib.; ornamented, decorated Hariv. Katha1s.; divided (arithmetically) Su1ryas.; m. N. of Skanda MBh.; n. isolation, seclusion, solitude Pa1n2. 2-3, 42; %{-gAtra} mfn. one whose limbs are embellished with (comp.) Hariv.; %{-ja} m. a son born after the partition of the family property between his parents and brothers Gaut.; %{-tva} n. manifoldness, variety Va1m. iv, 1, 7 (quot.); %{-tA7tman} mfn. divided (in his essence) Ragh. x, 66; %{-tA7vibhaktanirNaya} m. N. of wk. vibhakteshhu = in the numberless divided vibhaaga * = m. distribution, apportionment RV. AitBr.; partition of patrimony, law of inheritance (one of the 18 titles or branches of law) Mn. Ya1jn5. &c. (cf. IW. 261); a share, portion, section, constituent part of anything Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.; division, separation, distinction, difference Nir.

Gr2S3rS. &c. (%{ena}, separately, singly, in detail; cf. also %{yoga-v-}); disjunction (opp. to %{saMyoga} and regarded in Nya1ya as one of the 24 Gun2as) IW. 68; (in arithm.) the numerator of a fraction Col.; N. of S3iva R.; %{-kalpanA} f. apportioning or allotment of shares or portions W.; %{-jJa} mfn. (ifc.) knowing the difference between S3a1n3khGr2. MBh. %{-tas} ind. according to a part or share, proportionately Sarvad. W.; %{tattva-vicAra} m. N. of wk.; %{-tva} n. state of separation or distinction Sarvad.; %{-dharma} m. the law of division, rule of inheritance Mn. i, 115; %{-pattrikA} f. a deed of partition MW.; %{-bhAj} mfn. one who shares in a portion of property already distributed (applied esp. to a son by a father and mother of the same tribe, born subsequently to a distribution of property amongst his parents and brethren, in which case he inherits the portion allotted or reserved to the parents) Ya1jn5. Pan5cat.; %{-bhinna} n. = %{takra}, buttermilk mixed with water L.; %{-rekhA} f. partition-line, boundary between (gen.) Ba1lar.; %{-vat} mfn. divided, separated, distinguished (%{-tA} f.) Sarvad.; %{-zas} ind. according to a part or share, separately, proportionately Mn. MBh. &c.; (ifc.) according to BhP. [977,3]; %{-sAra} m. N. of wk.; %{-ge7cchu} mfn. wishing for a partition or distribution MW.


vibhaagayoH = differences vibhaagashaH = in terms of division vibhaavasau = in the fire vibhaata* = mfn. shone forth, grown light &c. ({-tA vibhAvarI}, the morning has dawned Kaths.); become visible, appeared ChUp. BhP.; n. dawn, day-break, morning Klid. vibhaajya* = mfn. to be divided or apportioned, divisible Mn. ix, 219. vibhaashita* = mfn. admitting an alternative (esp. in gram. = optional) Nir. Kaus'. Pn. vi-bhaasita* = mfn. (fr. Caus.) made bright, illuminated MBh. vibhid * =P. . {-bhinatti}, {-bhintte} to split or break in two, break in pieces, cleave asunder, divide, separate, open RV. &c. &c.; to pierce, sting S'Br. MrkP.; to loosen, untie Hariv. BhP.; to break, infringe, violate R. Blar. BhP.; to scatter, disperse, dispel, destroy MBh. Kv. &c.; to alter, change (the mind) MBh. BhP.: Pass. to be split or broken, burst asunder &c. (also P. Cond. {vyabhetsyat} ChUp.); to be changed or altered R.

BhP.: Caus. {-bhedayati}, to cause to split &c.; to divide, alienate, estrange MBh. R. vi4-bhida * = m. N. of a demon Suparn.; ({A}) f. `" perforation "' and `" falling away "', `" apostasy "' S'is'. xx, 23. vibhI4daka * = vm. n. id. RV. GriS'rS. (cf. {vibhedaka} under {vi-bhid}). vibhrama * = m. (ifc. f. %{A}) moving to and fro, rolling or whirling about, restlessness, unsteadiness Ka1v. VarBr2S. Ra1jat.; violence, excess, intensity, high degree (also pl.) Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.; hurry, rapture, agitation, disturbance, perturbation, confusion, flurry MBh. Ka1v. &c.; doubt, error, mistake, blunder (with %{daNDasya}, `" erroneous application of punishment "') Mn. MBh. &c.; illusion, illusive appearance or mere semblance of anything Ka1v. Katha1s. &c. (cf. %{bhASita}); beauty, grace Ka1lid. Ma1lati1m.; feminine coquetry, amorous gestures or action of any kind (esp. play of the eyes), perturbation, flurry (as when a woman in her confusion puts her ornaments in the wrong places) Bhar. Das3ar. Sa1h.; caprice, whim MW.; (%{A}) f. old age L.; %{tantra} n. (= %{-sUtra}); %{-bhASita} n. pl. language in appearance Subh.; %{-vatI} f. a girl Harav.; N. of a female servant Prab.; %{-sUtra} n.

N. of a treatise on grammar (attributed to Hemacandra); %{-mA7rka} m. N. of a man Ra1jat. vibububhuushu* =mfn. wishing to develop or expand one's self. ib. vi4-buddha* mfn. (for 2. see {vi-budh}) without consciousness W. vi-buddha* = 2 mfn. (for 1. see p. 951, col. 3) awakened, wide awake MBh. Kv. &c.; expanded, blown ib.; clever, experienced, skilful in (loc.) MBh. xiv, 1015; {-kamala} mfn. having expanded lotuses MBh.; {-cUta} m. a mango-tree in blossom Mlav. vibhu *= ; %{-dA4van} mfn. bestowing richly , liberal TS. ; %{-ma4t} mfn. joined with the Vibhus or Ribhus MaitrS. ; %{-vasu} (%{vibhU4}.) mfn. possessing mighty treasures or wealth RV. vibhuM = greatest vibhuH = the Supreme Lord vibhum.h = the Lord who shines vibhuu *= P. %{-bhavati} , to arise , be developed or manifested , expand , appear RV. TS. Mun2d2Up. ; to suffice , be adequate or equal to or

a match for (dat. or acc.) S3Br. ; to pervade , fill Pan5cavBr. ; to be able to or capable of (inf.) , Bhp. ; to exist (in %{a-vibhavat} , `" not existing "') Ka1tyS3r.: Caus. %{-bhAvayati} , to cause to arise or appear , develop , manifest , reveal , show forth , display S3a1n3khBr. MBh. &c. ; to pretend , feign Kull. on Mn. viii , 362 ; to divide , separate BhP. ; to perceive distinctly , find out , discover , ascertain , know , acknowledge , recognise as (acc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; to regard or consider as , take for (two acc.) Kuval. ; to suppose , fancy , imagine BhP. Pan5car. ; to think , reflect Katha1s. Pan5cat. ; to suppose anything of or about (loc.) BhP. ; to make clear , establish , prove , decide Mn. Ya1jn5. ; to convict , convince Ya1jn5. Das3.: Pass. of Caus. %{bhAvyate} , to be considered or regarded as , appear , seem (nom.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.: Desid. see %{-bubhUSA}: Intens. see %{-bobhuvat}\\2 mf(%{U4} or %{vI4})n. being everywhere , farextending , all-pervading , omnipresent , eternal RV. VS. Up. MBh. &c. ; abundant , plentiful RV. VS. Br. ; mighty , powerful , excellent , great , strong , effective , able to or capable of (inf.) RV. &c. &c. ; firm , solid , hard L. ; m. a lord , ruler , sovereign , king (also applied to Brahma1 , Vishn2u , and S3iva) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; (ifc.) chief of or among VarBr2S. ; a servant L. ; the sun L. ; the moon L. ; N. of Kubera L. (W. also `" ether ; space ; time ; the soul "') ; N. of a god (son of Veda-s3iras and Tushita1) BhP. ; of a class of gods under Manu

Sa1varn2i Ma1rkP. ; of Indra under Manu Raivata and under the 7th Manu ib. BhP. ; of a son of Vishn2u and Dakshin2a1 BhP. ; of a son of Bhaga and Siddhi ib. ; of Buddha L. ; of a brother of S3akuni MBh. ; of a son of S3ambara Hariv. ; of a son of Satya-ketu and father of Su-vibhu VP. ; of a son of Dharma-ketu and father of Su-kuma1ra ib. ; of a son of Varsha-ketu or Satya-ketu and father of A1narta Hariv. ; of a son of Prasta1va and Niyutsa1 BhP. ; of a son of Bhr2igu MW. ; pl. N. of the R2ibhus RV. ; %{-kra4tu} mfn. strong. heroic RV. ; %{-tA} f. power , supremacy W. ; %{-tva} n. being everywhere , omnipresence S3vetUp. Sarvad. ; omnipotence , sovereignty Pras3nUp. S3ak. Ba1lar. ; %{-tva-samarthana} n. N. of wk. ; %{-pramita} n. the hall of Brahma1 KaushUp. ; %{-ma4t} mfn. extending everywhere RV. ; joined with the Vibhus or R2ibhus VS. AitBr. S3rS. ; %{-varman} m. N. of a man Inscr. vibhuutayaH = opulences vibhuuta * = mfn. arisen , produced &c. ; great , mighty (see comp.) ; m. = next Buddh. ; %{-MgamA} f. a partic. high number Buddh. ; %{dyumna} (%{vi4-}) mfn. abounding in splendour or glory RV. ; %{-manas} mfn. (used to explain %{vi-manas}) Nir. x , 26 ; %{-rAti} (%{vi-}) mfn. bestowing rich gifts.

vibhuuti = divine power * = mfn. penetrating, pervading Nir.; abundant, plentiful RV.; mighty, powerful ib.; presiding over (gen.) ib. viii, 50, 6; m. N. of a Sdhya Hariv.; of a son of Vis'vmitra MBh.; of a king VP.; f. development, multiplication, expansion, plenty, abundance Kv. Kaths. &c.; manifestation of might, great power, superhuman power (consisting of eight faculties, especially attributed to S'iva, but supposed also to be attainable by human beings through worship of that deity, viz. {aNiman}, the power of becoming as minute as an atom; {laghiman}, extreme lightness; {prA7pti}, attaining or reaching anything [e.g. the moon with the tip of the finger] [979, 1]; {prAkAmya}, irresistible will; {mahiman}, illimitable bulk; {IzitA}, supreme dominion; {vazitA}, subjugating by magic; and {kAmA7vasAyitA}, the suppressing all desires) ib.; a partic. S'akti Hcat.; the might of a king or great lord, sovereign power, greatness Klid. Pacat. Kaths. &c.; successful issue (of a sacrifice) MBh. R.; splendour, glory, magnificence Hariv. Ragh. VarBriS.; fortune, welfare, prosperity Pras'nUp. MBh. &c.; (also pl.) riches, wealth, opulence Km. Kv. Kaths.; N. of Lakshmi (the Goddess of Fortune and welfare) BhP.; the ashes of cow-dung &c. (with which S'iva is said to smear his body, and hence used in imitation of him by devotees) Pacar. Sh.; (in music) a partic. S'ruti Sangt.; {grahaNa} n. taking up ashes (at the Vais'vadeva

ceremony) RTL. 420; {-candra} m. N. of an author, Cat; {-dvAdazI} f. a Vrata or religious observance on a partic. twelfth day (in honour of Vishnu) ib.; {dhAraNa-vidhi} m. N. of wk.; {-bala} m. N. of a poet Cat.; {-mat} mfn. mighty, powerful, superhuman Bhag. BhP.; smeared with ashes W.; {-mAdhava} m. N. of a poet Cat.; {-mAhAtmya} n. N. of a ch. of the PadmaP.; {-yoga} m. N. of the 6th canto of the S'iva-gt. vibhuutiM = opulence vibhuutinaaM = opulences vibhuutibhiH = opulences vibhuuteH = of opulences vibhuush.h = to decorate vibhuushhaNa = ornament, asset vibhram * = P. %{-bhramati}, %{-bhrAmyati}, to wander or roam or fly about, roll, hover, whirl MBh. Ka1v. &c.; to reel, quiver, shake BhP.; to roam over, wander through (acc.). MBh.; to fall into disorder or confusion, be disarranged or bewildered MBh. Hariv. &c.; to drive asunder, disperse, scare away MBh.; to move about (the tail)

R.: Caus. %{-bhramayati}, or %{-bhrAmayati} (Pass. %{-bhrAmyate}), to confise, perplex Ma1rkP. Hcat. vibhrama m. (ifc. f. %{A}) moving to and fro, rolling or whirling about, restlessness, unsteadiness Ka1v. VarBr2S. Ra1jat.; violence, excess, intensity, high degree (also pl.) Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.; hurry, rapture, agitation, disturbance, perturbation, confusion, flurry MBh. Ka1v. &c.; doubt, error, mistake, blunder (with %{daNDasya}, `" erroneous application of punishment "') Mn. MBh. &c.; illusion, illusive appearance or mere semblance of anything Ka1v. Katha1s. &c. (cf. %{bhASita}); beauty, grace Ka1lid. Ma1lati1m.; feminine coquetry, amorous gestures or action of any kind (esp. play of the eyes), perturbation, flurry (as when a woman in her confusion puts her ornaments in the wrong places) Bhar. Das3ar. Sa1h.; caprice, whim MW.; (%{A}) f. old age L.; %{tantra} n. (= %{-sUtra}); %{-bhASita} n. pl. language in appearance Subh.; %{-vatI} f. a girl Harav.; N. of a female servant Prab.; %{-sUtra} n. N. of a treatise on grammar (attributed to Hemacandra); %{-mA7rka} m. N. of a man Ra1jat. vibhramaH = bewilderment vibhramin * = mfn. moving hither and thither Chandom.

vibhraMs' * = (sometimes written %{bhraMs}) A1. %{-bhraMzate}, to fall off (fig.), be unfortunate, fail or be unsuccessful in (loc.) Pan5cavBr.; to be separated from, desert (abl.) Ka1tyS3r.: Caus. %{bhraMzayati}, to cause to fall MBh.; to strike or break off R.; to cause to disappear or vanish, destroy annihilate BhP.; to divert from, deprive of (abl) MBh. BhP. vibhraMs'a * = m. diarrhoea, laxity of the bowels (see %{manda-v-}); decline, cessation, end MBh. Katha1s. Pur.; disturbance, perturbation (see %{citta-v-}); fall, decay, ruin MBh. VarBr2S. BhP.; (ifc.) being deprived of, loss Pur. Ra1jat.; a precipice MW.; %{-yAjJa} m. a partic. Eka7tha Vait. vibhraMzin * = mfn. crumbling to pieces (see %{a-v-}); falling down, dropping from (ifc.) Megh. [979,2] vibhraMs'ita * = mfn. (fr. Caus.) caused to fall &c.; %{-jJAna} mfn. deprived of reason or consciousness BhP.; %{-puSpa-pattra} mfn. having the flowers and leaves knocked off R. vibhraMs'in * = mfn. crumbling to pieces (see {a-v}); falling down, dropping from (ifc.) Megh. [979,2]


vibhrashhTaH = deviated from vibhraantaaH = perplexed vibudha* = mfn. (for 2. see {vi-budh}) destitute of learned men Kvya7d. - 1.\\* = 2 mfn. (for 1. see p. 951, col. 3) very wise or learned Kv. Kaths. Pacat. &c.; m. a wise or learned man, teacher, Pandit ib.; a god MBh. Kv. &c.; the moon L.; N. of a prince (son of Deva-midha) R.; of Kriita VP.; of the author of the Janma-pradipa; {-guru} m. `" teacher of the gods "', Briihas-pati or the planet Jupiter VarBriS.; {-taTinI} f. `" river of the gods "', the Gang Prasang.; {-tva} n. wisdom, learning Cat.; {-nadI} f. = {-taTinI} Viddh.; {-pati} m. `" king of the gods "'N. of Indra Car.; {-priyA} f. `" favourite of the gods "'N. of a metre Ping.; -mati mfn. of wise understanding Km.; {-raJjanI} f. N. of wk.; {-rAja}, m.= {-pati} R.; {-ripu} m. an enemy of the gods Prab.; {-rSabha} (for {-RS-}) m. chief of the gods BhP.; {-vijaya} m. a victory won by the gods MW.; {-vidviS} (MBh.) or {-zatru} (Vikr.) m. `" foe of the gods "', a demon; {-sakha} m. a friend of the gods Bhathth.; {-sadman} n. `" abode of the gods "', heaven or the sky Kd.; {-strI} f. `" divine female "', an Apsaras S'ak.; {-dhA7cArya} m. `" teacher of the gods "'N. of Briihas-pati Das'.; {dhA7dhipa} (MBh.), {-dhA7dhipati} (VarBriS.) m. sovereign of the gods ({-tya} n. sovereignty of the

gods BhP.); {-dhA7nucara} m. a god's attendant Mn. xii, 47; {-dhA7vAsa} m. `" god's abode "', a temple Rjat.; {-dhe7tara} m. `" other than a god "', an Asura BhP.; {-dhe7ndra} m. `" best of the wise "', (with {AcArya} or {Azrama}) N. of a teacher Cat.; {-dhe7zvara} m. lord of the gods MBh.; {dho7padeza} m. N. of a vocabulary vicakSaNa * = mfn. conspicuous, visible, bright, radiant, splendid RV. AV. Br. Gr2S3rS.; distinct, perceptible Pa1rGr2.; clear-sighted (lit. and fig.), sagacious, clever, wise, experienced or versed in, familiar with (loc. or comp.) RV. &c. &c.; m. N. of a preceptor (with the patr. Ta1n2d2ya) VBr.; (%{A}) f. Tiaridium Indicum L.; N. of Brahma1's throne KaushUp.; N. of a female servant Viddh.; (%{am}) ind. g. %{gotrA7di}; %{-canasita-vat} mfn. accompanied by the word %{vicakSaNa}, or %{canasita} Ka1tyS3r.; %{-tva} n. sagaciousness, cleverness, discernment, judgment, wisdom MBh.; %{-m-manya} mfn. considering one's self clever or wise Sarvad.; %{-vat} mfn. connected with the word %{vicakSaNa} AitBr. (cf. %{-NA7nta} La1t2y., %{-No7ttara} Vait.) vicArin* = mfn. having wide paths (as the earth) RV. v, 84, 2; moving about, wandering, traversing MBh. R. &c.; proceeding, acting MBh.; changing, mutable A1s3vS3r.; wanton, dissolute, lascivious

Ca1n2. (v.l.); (ifc.) deliberating, judging, discussing MBh. Mr2icch.; m. N. of a son of Kavandha GopBr. vicarita * = mfn. moved in different directions &c.; n. wandering, roaming about MBh. vicaarita* = mfn. deliberated, considered, discussed, judged Mn. MBh. &c.; anything which is under discussion, dubious, doubtful, uncertain ib.; anything which has been discussed or decided, ascertained, settled Mn. xi, 28; n. (also pl.) deliberation, doubt, hesitation MBh. Mr2icch. Pan5cat. vicaarita* =mfn. deliberated, considered, discussed, judged Mn. MBh. &c.; anything which is under discussion, dubious, doubtful, uncertain ib.; anything which has been discussed or decided, ascertained, settled Mn. xi, 28; n. (also pl.) deliberation, doubt, hesitation MBh. Mriicch. Pacat. vicar.h = to think vicara * = mfn. wandered or swerved from (abl.) MBh. v, 812. 2. vicaara* = m. (ifc. f. %{A}) mode of acting or proceeding, procedure (also = a single or particular

case) S3rS.; change of place Gobh.; pondering, deliberation, consideration, reflection, examination, investigation RPra1t. MBh. &c.; doubt, hesitation R. Katha1s. BhP.; a probable conjecture Sa1h.; dispute, discussion W.; prudence MW.; %{-kartR} m. one who makes investigation, a judge, investigator W.; %{-cintAmaNi} m. N. of wk.; %{-jJa} mfn. knowing how to discriminate or judge, able to decide on the merits of a case, a judge MW.; %{-driz} mfn. `" employing no spies for eyes "' (see %{cAra}), and `" looking at a matter with consideration "' Naish.; %{-nirNaya} m. N. of wk.; %{-para} m. N. of a king, S3in6ha7s.; %{-bhU} f. a tribunal L.; the judgment-seat of Yama (judge of the dead) W.; %{-maJjarI} f. %{-mAlA} f. N. of wks.; %{-mUDha} mfn. foolish or mistaken in judgment Ragh. Hit.; %{-vat} mfn. proceeding with consideration, considerate, prudent S3atr. Ka1v.; %{-vid} m. (prob.) `" knowing how to discriminate "'N. of S3iva MBh.; %{-zAstra} n. N. of wk.; %{zIla}, disposed to deliberation or reflection, considerate, deliberative MW.; %{-sudhA7kara} m. %{-dhA7rNava} m. N. of wks. [958,3]; %{-sthala} n. a place for discussion or investigation, tribunal MW.; a logical disputation W.; %{-rA7rkasaMgraha} m. N. of wk.; %{-rA7rthasamAgama} m. assembly for the sake of trial or judgment, an assembly for investigation or discussion MW.; %{ro7kti} f. discriminating speech L.

vicakshaNa = clever, wise* = mfn. conspicuous, visible, bright, radiant, splendid RV. AV. Br. GriS'rS.; distinct, perceptible PrGri.; clear-sighted (lit. and fig.), sagacious, clever, wise, experienced or versed in, familiar with (loc. or comp.) RV. &c. &c.; m. N. of a preceptor (with the patr. Tndya) VBr.; ({A}) f. Tiaridium Indicum L.; N. of Brahm's throne KaushUp.; N. of a female servant Viddh.; ({am}) ind. g. {gotrA7di}; {-canasita-vat} mfn. accompanied by the word {vicakSaNa}, or {canasita} KtyS'r.; {-tva} n. sagaciousness, cleverness, discernment, judgment, wisdom MBh.; {-m-manya} mfn. considering one's self clever or wise Sarvad.; {-vat} mfn. connected with the word {vicakSaNa} AitBr. (cf. {-NA7nta} Lthy., {No7ttara} Vait.) vicakshaNaH = the experienced vicakshaNa* = mfn. conspicuous, visible, bright, radiant, splendid RV. AV. Br. GriS'rS.; distinct, perceptible PrGri.; clear-sighted (lit. and fig.), sagacious, clever, wise, experienced or versed in, familiar with (loc. or comp.) RV. &c. &c.; m. N. of a preceptor (with the patr. Tndya) VBr.; ({A}) f. Tiaridium Indicum L.; N. of Brahm's throne KaushUp.; N. of a female servant Viddh.; ({am}) ind. g. {gotrA7di}; {-canasita-vat} mfn. accompanied by the word {vicakSaNa}, or

{canasita} KtyS'r.; {-tva} n. sagaciousness, cleverness, discernment, judgment, wisdom MBh.; {-m-manya} mfn. considering one's self clever or wise Sarvad.; {-vat} mfn. connected with the word {vicakSaNa} AitBr. (cf. {-NA7nta} Lthy., {No7ttara} Vait.) vicetana *= mf(%{A})n. (for 2. see under %{vi-cit}) senseless , unconscious , absent-minded MBh. R. &c. ; inanimate , dead Hit. ; foolish , stupid Kum. ; (f. %{I}) , rendering unconscious Pan5car. 1. vichaara = thought vichaaraM = thought vichaalayet.h = should try to agitate vichaalyate = becomes shaken viceshTa * = mfn. motionless R. viceshTA* = f. motion (see %{nir-viceSTa}); acting, proceeding, conduct, behaviour MBh. Ka1m. BhP. (cf. %{dur-viceSTa}); effort, exertion MW. viceshTana* = n. moving the limbs MBh.; kicking or rolling (said of horses) Ragh.


vi+chint.h = think vic(h)itra = foolish, extraordinary, strange * mf({A})n. variegated, many-coloured, motley, brilliant MBh. R. &c.; manifold, various, diverse Mn. MBh. &c.; strange, wonderful, surprising MBh. Kv. &c.; charming, lovely, beautiful R. Riitus.; amusing, entertaining (as a story) Kaths.; painted, coloured W.; ({am}) ind. manifoldly, variously BhP.; charmingly R.; m. the As'oka tree L.; N. of a king MBh.; of a son of Manu Raucya or Devasvarni Hariv. Pur.; of a heron Hit.; ({A}) f. a white deer MW.; colocynth L.; (in music) a partic. Mrchan Sangt.; N. of a river VP.; n. variegated colour, party-colour W.; wonder, surprise Gt.; a figure of speech (implying apparently the reverse of the meaning intended) Kuval. Pratp.; {-katha} m. `" one whose stories are amusing "'N. of a man Kaths.; {-caritra} mfn. behaving in a wonderful manner MW.; {-cInA7Mzuka} n. variegated China cloth, shot or watered China silk W.; {-tA} f. {-tva} n. variegation, variety, wonderfulness Kv. Sh.; {deha} mfn. having a painted body W.; elegantly formed ib.; m. a cloud L.; {-pazu} m. N. of a poet Cat.; {-bhUSaNa} m. N. of a Kin-nara Buddh.; {mAlyA7bharaNa} mfn. having variegated garlands and ornaments Nal.; {-maulizrI-cUDa} m. N. of a prince Buddh.; {-rUpa} mfn. having various forms, various, diverse MBh.; {-varSin} mfn. raining here

and there (not everywhere) VarBriS.; {-vAkyapaTutA} f. great eloquence Prasang.; {vAguro7cchrAya-maya} mf({I})n. filled with various outspread nets Kaths.; {-vIrya} m. `" of marvellous heroism "'N. of a celebrated king of the lunar race (the son of S'ntanu by his wife Satyavat, and so half-brother of Bhshma; when he died childless, his mother requested Vysa, whom she had borne before her marriage to the sage Pars'ara, to raise up issue to Vicitra-vrya; so Vysa married the two widows of his half-brother, Ambik and Amblik, and by them became the father of Dhriita-rshthra and Pndu; cf. IW. 375; 376) MBh. Hariv. Pur.; ({-sU} f. `" mother of Vicitra-vrya "'N. of Satya-vat L.); {-siMha} m. N. of a man Rjat.; {-trA7Gga} m. `" having variegated limbs or a spotted body "', a peacock L.; a tiger L.; {-trA7pIDa} m. N. of a Vidy-dhara Kaths.; {-trA7laMkAra-svara} m. N. of a serpentdemon Buddh. vichitraH = wonderful/mysterious viccchitti * = (%{vi4-}) f. cutting asunder or off, breaking off, prevention, interruption, cessation TBr. &c. &c.; wanting, lack of (instr.) S3is3.; (in rhet.) a pointed or cutting or sharp style Sa1h. Kuval.; irregularity or carelessness in dress and decoration Va1s. Das3ar.; colouring or marking the

body with unguents, painting S3ak. S3is3.; caesura, pause in a verse W. vichintaya = think well vichintya = having thought viceSTita* = mfn. struggled, striven, exerted &c.; effected, produced Hit.; investigated, inquired into W.; unconsidered, illjudged ib.; n. motion (of the body), gesture Ka1v. Sus3r.; action, exertion, conduct, behaviour Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.; evil or malicious act, machination W. vichetasaH = bewilderedvi+smri = to forget viceshthita * = mfn. struggled, striven, exerted &c.; effected, produced Hit.; investigated, inquired into W.; unconsidered, illjudged ib.; n. motion (of the body), gesture Kv. Sus'r.; action, exertion, conduct, behaviour Yj. MBh. &c.; evil or malicious act, machination W. vicitra *= mf({A})n. variegated, many-coloured, motley, brilliant MBh. R. &c.; manifold, various, diverse Mn. MBh. &c.; strange, wonderful, surprising MBh. Kv. &c.; charming, lovely, beautiful R. Riitus.; amusing, entertaining (as a story) Kaths.; painted, coloured W.; ({am}) ind.

manifoldly, variously BhP.; charmingly R.; m. the As'oka tree L.; N. of a king MBh.; of a son of Manu Raucya or Deva-svarni Hariv. Pur.; of a heron Hit.; ({A}) f. a white deer MW.; colocynth L.; (in music) a partic. Mrchan Sangt.; N. of a river VP.; n. variegated colour, party-colour W.; wonder, surprise Gt.; a figure of speech (implying apparently the reverse of the meaning intended) Kuval. Pratp.; {-katha} m. `" one whose stories are amusing "'N. of a man Kaths.; {-caritra} mfn. behaving in a wonderful manner MW.; {cInA7Mzuka} n. variegated China cloth, shot or watered China silk W.; {-tA} f. {-tva} n. variegation, variety, wonderfulness Kv. Sh.; {-deha} mfn. having a painted body W.; elegantly formed ib.; m. a cloud L.; {-pazu} m. N. of a poet Cat.; {bhUSaNa} m. N. of a Kin-nara Buddh.; {mAlyA7bharaNa} mfn. having variegated garlands and ornaments Nal.; {-maulizrI-cUDa} m. N. of a prince Buddh.; {-rUpa} mfn. having various forms, various, diverse MBh.; {-varSin} mfn. raining here and there (not everywhere) VarBriS.; {-vAkyapaTutA} f. great eloquence Prasang.; {vAguro7cchrAya-maya} mf({I})n. filled with various outspread nets Kaths.; {-vIrya} m. `" of marvellous heroism "'N. of a celebrated king of the lunar race (the son of S'ntanu by his wife Satyavat, and so half-brother of Bhshma; when he died childless, his mother requested Vysa, whom she had borne before her marriage to the sage

Pars'ara, to raise up issue to Vicitra-vrya; so Vysa married the two widows of his half-brother, Ambik and Amblik, and by them became the father of Dhriita-rshthra and Pndu; cf. IW. 375; 376) MBh. Hariv. Pur.; ({-sU} f. `" mother of Vicitra-vrya "'N. of Satya-vat L.); {-siMha} m. N. of a man Rjat.; {-trA7Gga} m. `" having variegated limbs or a spotted body "', a peacock L.; a tiger L.; {-trA7pIDa} m. N. of a Vidy-dhara Kaths.; {-trA7laMkAra-svara} m. N. of a serpentdemon Buddh. vid.h = to obtain vidaH = who understand viDa * = m. n. a kind of salt (either factitious salt, procured by boiling earth impregnated with saline particles, or a partic. kind of fetid salt used medicinally as a tonic aperient, commonly called Vit-lavan or Bit-noben cf. {viD-lavaNa}; it is black in colour and is prepared by fusing fossil silt with a small portion of Emblic Myrobalan, the product being muriate of soda with small quantities of muriate of lime, sulphur, and oxide of iron) Sus'r.; m. N. of a country and its king Inscr.; a fragment, bit, portion (?) W. vida * = mfn. = prec. (cf. {ko-}, {trayI-}, {dvi-v-});

m. knowledge, discovery (cf. {dur-v-}); m. N. of a man (cf. {bida}). vi-daa * = P. {-dadAti}, to give out, distribute, grant R. vi-daa * = (or {do}, not separable fr. 4. {dA}) P. {dAti}, or {-dyati} (ind. p. {-ditya}), to cut up, cut to pieces, bruise, pound VS.; to untie, release, deliver from (abl.) S'Br.; to destroy Hariv. vidadhaami = give vidadas'va * = m. `" granting horses "'N. of a man (cf. %{vaidadazvi}). vidadvasu * = (%{vida4d-}) mfn. possessing or granting wealth RV. Br. vidadhaati = VB: award, perform, arrange, execute viDamba * mfn. imitating, representing BhP.; m. mockery, derision Kv. Sh.; degradation, desecration VarBriS.; afflicting, distressing, annoyance MW. vidaarayati = to split apart vidaahinaH = burning viddha *= mfn. (p.p. of %{vyadh}) pierced,

perforated, penetrated, stabbed, struck, wounded, beaten, torn, hurt, injured AV. &c. &c.; cleft, split, burst asunder MBh.; (with %{zUlAyAm}) impaled Katha1s.; opposed, impeded L.; thrown, sent L.; stung, incited, set in motion BhP.; filled or affected or provided or joined or mixed with (instr. or comp.) Hariv. VarBr2S. BhP.; like, resembling S3rutab.; m. Echites Scholaris L.; n. a wound MW. viddhi = know for sure videsha = foreign land videha*= *mfn. bodiless, incorporeal; deceased, dead (also {videha-prA7pta}) MBh. R. BhP. &c.; ({a4}) m. (cf. {vi-degha4}) N. of a country (= the modern Tirhut) S'Br. &c. &c.; a king of VVi-deha (esp. applied to Janaka) Up. BhP. Rjat.; N. of a medical author (also called {-pati}, or {-hA7dhipa}) Cat.; ({A}) f. the capital city of VVi-deha i.e. Mithil L.; ({As}) m. pl. the people of VVi-deha; {kaivalya-prA7pti} f. the attainment of emancipation after death Madhus.; {-jA} f. `" daughter of Janaka "'N. of S't R.; {-tva} n. bodilessness (acc. with {gataH} = deceased, dead) R.; {-nagara} n. (Cat.), {-rI} f. (Ragh.) the city of Mithil; {-pati}, lord of MMithil; {-mukti} f. deliverance through release from the body RmatUp. ({-ti-kathana} and {-ty-Adi-kathana} n.

N. of two treatises); {-rAja} m. a king of VVi-deha R.; {-hA7dhipa} see {viheha}; {-hA7dhipati} m. = {-ha-rAja} Hariv. vidharaNa *= mf(%{I}) n. checking, restraining S3Br.; (%{I}) f. maintaining, supporting ib. vidhaaraNa *= mf(%{I})n. dividing, separating Vas. BhP.; n. stopping, detaining (a carriage) Katha1s.; checking, restraining, retention, suppression, APra1t. MBh. &c.; bearing, carrying MBh. Hariv. &c.; maintaining, supporting MBh. [969,1] vidhaatri = the creator vidhaataa f. = %{madya} L. vidhaatavya *= mfn. to be fixed or settled Hariv.; to be got or procured MBh.; to be performed or accomplished or exhibited MBh. Ka1v. &c.; to be striven after or cared for ib.; n. impers. with %{yathA}, `" care must be taken that "' R.; to be used or employed or appointed Sa1h. Sarv. vidhaatR *= mf(%{trI})n. distributing. arranging, disposing &c.; m. a distributer, disposer, arranger, accomplisher, maker, author, creator RV. &c. &c.; a granter, giver, bestower Kum.; N. of Brahma1 (as

the creator of the world and disposer of men's fate, sometimes in pl. = %{prajA-pati} e.g. S3ak. vii, 30/31; sometimes Vi-dha1tr2i is mentioned together with Dha1tr2i e.g. MBh. iii, 10419 &c.; both are supposed to be the sons of Brahma1 [MBh.] or of Bhr2igu [Pur.]; in VarBr2S. Vidha1tr2i is the regent of the 2nd Tithi, while Brahma1 presides over the first) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; Fate or Destiny (personified) Ka1v. Hit.; N. of Vishn2u BhP.; of S3iva S3ivag.; of Ka1ma (god of love) L.; of Vis3va-karman MW.; (%{trI}) f. see below; %{-bhU} m. `" son of Brahma1 "'N. of Na1rada L.; %{-vazAt} ind, from the will of BrBrahma1, through the power of destiny MW.; %{-tr-Ayus} m. the sunflower L. vidhaatrI *= f. a female creator, mother of (comp.), Pan5cav. vidhaatRkA *= f. (used to explain %{vidhavA}) Nir. iii, 15. vidhaana = placing * = mf({I})n. disposing, arranging, regulating Vait.; acting, performing, possessing, having MW.; m. N. of a Sdhya Hariv.; n. order, measure, disposition, arrangement, regulation, rule, precept, method, manner RV. &c. &c. (instr. sg. and pl., and {-tas} ind. according to rule or precept; {saMkhyA-vidhAnAt}, according to mathematical method, mathematically; {dezakAla-vidhAnena}, in the right place and at the right

time); medical prescription or regulation, diet Sus'r.; fate, destiny MBh. Kv.; taking measures, contriving, managing Mn. MBh. &c.; a means, expedient Pacat.; setting up (machines) Yj.; creating, creation Kum. Ragh.; performance (esp. of prescribed acts or rites), execution, making, doing, accomplishing Mn. MBh. &c.; enumeration, statement of particulars Sus'r.; (in dram.) conflict of different feelings, occasion for joy and sorrow Sh. Pratp.; (in gram.) affixing, prefixing, taking as an affix &c. W.; an elephant's fodder &c. S'is'. v, 51 (only L. worship; wealth; wages; sending; act of hostility &c.); {-kalpa} m. {-khaNDa} m. or n. (?) N. of wks.; {-ga} m. `" rulegoer "', a Pandit, teacher L.; {-gumpha} m. N. of wk.; {-jJa} mfn. one who knows rules or precepts MBh. Sus'r.; m. a teacher, Pandit W.; {-tilaka} n. {-pArijAta} m. {-mAlA} f. N. of wks.; {-yukta} mfn. agreeable to rule or precept MBh.; {-ratna} n. {-ratnamAlA} f. {-rahasya} n. N. of wks.; {-saptamI} f. N. of the 7th day in the light half of Mgha W.; {-sArasaMgraha} m. N. of wk.; {no7kta} mfn. proclaimed or enjoined according to rule or (sacred) precept Bhag. vidhana* = mfn. devoid of wealth, poor VarBriS.; {tA} f. poverty Mriicch. Hit.; {-nI-kR} P. {-karoti}, to impoverish Kaths. vidhana* = {vi-dhanuSka} &c. see p. 951, col. 1.

vidhaanoktaH = according to scriptural regulation vidhaatri * = mf(%{trI})n. distributing. arranging , disposing &c. ; m. a distributer , disposer , arranger , accomplisher , maker , author , creator RV. &c. &c. ; a granter , giver , bestower Kum. ; N. of Brahma1 (as the creator of the world and disposer of men's fate , sometimes in pl. = %{prajA-pati} e.g. S3ak. vii , 30/31 ; sometimes Vidha1tr2i is mentioned together with Dha1tr2i e.g. MBh. iii , 10419 &c. ; both are supposed to be the sons of Brahma1 [MBh.] or of Bhr2igu [Pur.] ; in VarBr2S. Vidha1tr2i is the regent of the 2nd Tithi , while Brahma1 presides over the first) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; Fate or Destiny (personified) Ka1v. Hit. ; N. of Vishn2u BhP. ; of S3iva S3ivag. ; of Ka1ma (god of love) L. ; of Vis3va-karman MW. ; (%{trI}) f. see below ; %{-bhU} m. `" son of Brahma1 "'N. of Na1rada L. ; %{-vazAt} ind , from the will of BrBrahma1 , through the power of destiny MW. ; %{-tr-Ayus} m. the sunflower L. vidhaatrii * = f. a female creator , mother of (comp.) , Pan5cav. vidhi = ritual* = 1 m. (for 2. see p. 968, col. 1) a worshipper, one who does homage AitBr. \\2 m. (for 1. see p. 967, col. 2) a rule, formula, injunction, ordinance, statute, precept, law, direction (esp. for

the performance of a rite as given in the Brhmana portion of the Veda, which accord. to Sy. consists of two parts, 1. Vidhi, `" precepts or commandments "' e.g. {yajeta}, `" he ought to sacrifice "', {kuryAt}, `" he ought to perform "'; 2. Artha-vda, `" explanatory statements "' as to the origin of rites and use of the Mantras, mixed up with legends and illustrations) GriS'rS. Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. IW. 24); a grammatical rule or precept Pn. 1-1, 57; 72; any prescribed act or rite or ceremony Mn. Klid. Pacat.; use, employment, application Car.; method, manner or way of acting, mode of life, conduct, behaviour Mn. MBh. &c.; a means, expedient for (dat. loc., or comp.; {adhvavidhinA}, by means of i.e. along the road) Hariv. Kv. Pur. Hit.; any act or action, performance, accomplishment, contrivance, work, business (ifc. often pleonastically e.g. {mathana-vidhi}, the [act of] disturbing) Yj. S'ak. &c.; creation (also pl.) Kum. Kir.; fate, destiny MBh. Kv. &c.; the creator Pacar.; N. of Brahm S'ak. Naish.; of Vishnu L.; of Agni at the Pra7yas'citta Griihys.; a physician L. time L.; fodder, food for elephants or horses L.; f. N. of a goddess Cat. vidhii* = (or {dIdhI}, only Subj. {-dIdhayaH} and {-dIdhyaH}), to be uncertain, hesitate RV. AV vidhidishhTaH = according to the direction of

scripture vidhihiinaM = without scriptural direction vidhiiyate = does take place vidhitsaa * = f. intention to do, intention, design, purpose, desire for (comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; the wish to make or turn into (comp.) Ra1jat. vidhitsita* = mfn. intended; n. intention, purpose BhP. vidhu* = 1 mfn. (prob. fr. 2. {vidh}; for 2. {vi-dhu4} see {vi-dhU}, col. 3) lonely, solitary RV. x, 55, 5 (applied to the moon; accord. to Sy. = {vi-dhAtR}, {vi-dhArayitR}); m. the moon Mn. Bhartri. Gt.; (L. also, camphor; N. of Brahm and of Vishnu; a Rkshasa; wind; an expiatory oblation; time; = {Ayudha} "'); N. of a prince VP. (v.l. {vipra}). \\ vidhu * = 2 m. (for 1. see col. 2) palpitation, throbbing (of the heart) AV. ix, 8, 22 vidhuu //vidhunoti * =P. . {-dhUnoti}, {dhUnute} (later also {-dhunoti}, {-dhunute}; inf. {dhavitum}, or {-dhotum}), to shake about, move to and fro, agitate, toss about (. also `" one's self "') RV. &c. &c.; to fan, kindle (fire) MBh.; to shake off,

drive away, scatter, disperse, remove, destroy R. Kaths. BhP. &c.; (.) to shake off from one's self, relinquish, abandon, give up AV. Mn. MBh. &c.: Pass. {-dhUyate} (ep. also {-ti}), to be shaken or agitated MBh.: Caus. {-dhUnayati}, to cause to shake about &c.; to shake violently, agitate, harass, annoy MBh. R. &c. vidhuuta = moving vidhuunana * = mf(%{I})n. (fr. Caus.) causing to move to and fro Naish. ; n. shaking , agitation Sa1h. ; waving , undulating Cat. ; repugnance , repulsion (as of love) Das3ar. Sch. vidhuunita * = mfn. shaken , agitated , harassed , annoyed W. vidhvasta * = mfn. fallen asunder, fallen to pieces, dispersed, ruined, destroyed MBh. Ka1v. &c.; whirled up (as dust) R.; (in astron.) darkened obscured, eclipsed Su1ryas.; %{-kavaca} mfn. one whose armour is destroyed R.; %{-tA} f. ruin, destruction Katha1s.; %{-nagarA7zrama} mfn. containing ruined cities and hermitages MBh.; %{para-guNa} mfn. one who detracts from the merits of another Va1s.; %{-vipaNA7paNa} mfn. (a town) whose market and trade are ruined R.


vidhema = make vidhunana * = n. = %{-dhUnana} L. vidhuunana * = mf(%{I})n. (fr. Caus.) causing to move to and fro Naish.; n. shaking, agitation Sa1h.; waving, undulating Cat.; repugnance, repulsion (as of love) Das3ar. Sch. vidhuunita * = mfn. shaken, agitated, harassed, annoyed W. viditam.h = known viditaatmanaaM = of those who are self-realized viditvaa = having known/realised vidishaaM = non-direction vidmaH = do we know vidraavita* =mfn. caused to disperse, driven away, defeated, routed R BhP.; liquefied, fused W. vidmahe = ? viduH = understood


viduushhakaH = (m) clown, joker vidura * = mfn. knowing, wise, intelligent, skilled in (comp.) Uttamac.; m. a learned or clever man W.; an intriguer ib.; N. of the younger brother of Dhr2ita-ra1sht2ra and Pa1n2d2u (they were all three sons of Vya1sa, but only the latter two by the two widows of Vicitra-vi1rya; when Vya1sa wanted a third son, the elder widow sent him one of her slave-girls, dressed in her own clothes, and this girl became the mother of Vidura, who is sometimes called Kshattr2i, as if he were the son of a Kshatriya man and S3u1dra woman Vidura is described as %{sarva-buddhimatAM@varaH} and is one of the wisest characters in the Maha1bha1rata, always ready with good advice both for his nephews, the Pa1n2d2avas, and for his brother Dhr2ita-ra1sht2ra) MBh. Hariv. Pur. (cf. IW. 376; 385 &c.) viduura * =mf(%{A})n. very remote or distant S3a1n3khS3r. Ka1v. &c. (acc. with %{kR}, to remove; %{vi-dUram} ind. far distant, far away TBr.; %{vi-dUrAt}, or %{-ra-tas}, from afar, far away; %{-re}, far distant; %{-ra} ibc. far, from afar); far removed from, not attainable by (gen.) BhP.; (ifc.) not caring for ib.; m. N. of a son of Kuru MBh. (B.); of a mountain or town or any locality S3is3. Sch. (cf. Pa1n2. 4-3, 84); %{-kramaNa2440

kSama} mfn. able to run far away Ka1m.; %{-ga} mfn. going far away Cat.; far-spreading (as scent) L.; %{-gamana} n. the going far away Katha1s.; %{ja} n. cat's eye (a sort of jewel) Harav.; %{-jAta} mfn. grown a long way off MBh.; %{-tA} f. = next Mr2icch.; %{-tva} n. a great distance (abl. `" from afar "') Hariv.; %{-bhUmi} f. N. of a locality (= %{vidUra}) Kum.; %{-ratna} n. = %{-ja} L.; %{vigata} mfn. `" come from afar "', of lowest origin BhP.; %{-saMzrava} mfn. audible a long way off R.; %{-rA7dri} m. N. of a mountain W.; %{-rI-bhU} P. %{-bhavati}, to become far distant Ragh.; %{rodbhAvita} n. = %{-ra-ja} L. vidvat.h = scholar vidvattva = scholarliness vidvaan.h = learned vidvan* = 1 mfn. = {vidva4s} AV. ix, 9, 7. \\2 in comp. for {vidvat vidvas * = mf({u4SI})n. one who knows, knowing, understanding, learned, intelligent, wise, mindful of, familiar with, skilled in (acc. loc., or comp.) RV. &c. &c. (cf. {vidvat-tara}, {vidvat-tama}, {viduSTara}, {viduSI8-tara}); m. a wise man, sage, seer W.; N. of a Brhman Hariv.

vidvesha * = m. hatred , dislike , contempt , aversion to (loc. or gen.) AV. &c. &c. (%{-SaMgam} , to make one's self odious ; %{-SaM-kR} , with loc. , to show hostility towards ; %{-SaMgrah} , with loc. , to conceive hatred against) ; a magical act or formula used for exciting hatred or enmity (also %{-karman} n.) Cat. ; proud indifference (even for desired objects) Bhar. ; a class of evil demons Hariv. ; %{-vIra} m. N. of a chief of the S3aivas Cat. vidveshaka * = mfn. hating , adverse to (comp.) MBh. vidveshaNa * = mfn. causing to hate , rendering hostile RV. ; m. one who hates , a hater MW. ; (%{I}) f. a woman of resentful disposition ib. ; N. of a female demon (daughter of Duh2-saha) Ma1rkP. (v.l. for %{-SiNI}) ; n. hating , disliking , having an aversion to (gen. or comp.) MBh. Hariv. [967,2] ; the being hated or disliked , a means for making one's self hateful MBh. VarBr2S. ; exciting hatred or enmity Gaut. ; a magical act performed to excite hatred Cat. vidveshas * = (%{vi4-}) mfn. opposing or resisting enmity RV. vidveshin * = mf(%{iNI})n. hating , hostile ,

inimical to (gen. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; (ifc.) rivalling or vying with S3rutab. ; (%{iNI}) f. N. of a female demon Ma1rkP. (cf. %{-SaNI}) ; %{Si-tA} f. hatred , enmity Ra1jat. ; %{-Si-prabhava} mfn. proceeding from an enemy MW. vidvish * = 1 P. A1. %{-dveSTi}, %{-dviSTe}, to dislike, hate, be hostile to (acc.) Ka1tyS3r. MBh. Hariv.; (A1.) to hate each other mutually, dislike one another AV. Kat2hUp. Gr2S3rS.: Caus. %{dveSayati}, to cause to dislike, render an enemy, make hostile towards one another Bhat2t2.\\] 2 mfn. hating, hostile, an enemy to (mostly ifc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. vidvishhaavahai = may us not quarrel or hate vidyaa* = f. knowledge (cf. {kAla-jAta-v-}), science, learning, scholarship, philosophy RV. &c. &c. (according to some there are four Vidys or sciences, 1. {trayI}, the triple Veda; 2. {AnvIkSikI}, logic and metaphysics; 3. {daNDa-nIti}, the science of government; 4. {vArttA}, practical arts, such as agriculture, commerce, medicine &c.; and Manu vii, 43 adds a fifth, viz. {Atma-vidyA}, knowledge of soul or of spiritual truth; according to others, Vidy has fourteen divisions, viz. the four Vedas, the six Vedngas, the Purnas, the Mmns. Nyya, and Dharma or law [964,1]; or with the four Upa-vedas,

eighteen divisions; others reckon 33 and even 64 sciences [= {kalAs} or arts]; Knowledge is also personified and identified with Durg; she is even said to have composed prayers and magical formulas); any knowledge whether true or false (with Ps'upatas) Sarvad.; a spell, incantation MBh. Ragh. Kaths.; magical skill MW.; a kind of magical pill (which placed in the mouth is supposed to give the power of ascending to heaven) W.; Premna Spinosa L.; a mystical N. of the letter {i} Up.; a small bell L. (cf. {vidyAmaNi}). 1. vidya* = 1 (for 2. see p. 965, col. 1) = {vidyA} (ifc.; see {a-v-} {-kRta-vidya}, {samAna-vidya-tA}). \\vidya* =2 n. finding, acquiring, gaining (see {pativ-} and {putra-v-}). \\=1 {vidyA} &c. see p. 963, col. 3. vidyate = there is vidyamAna * = mfn. (Pass. pr. p.) `" being found "', existent, existing, present, real Pat. Kv. Pur. (cf. {a-vid-}). vidyanipuNai = by the ace scholar Shankara (Plural is used for reverance) vidyayaa = (fem.instr.sing.) by knowledge


vidyaa = knowledge vidyaat.h = you must know vidyaaturaanaaM = (poss.pl.) of people who are indulging in knowledge vidyaanaaM = of all education vidyaanidhiH = the stock-pile of knowledge (here rAma) vidyaamahaM = shall I know vidyaarthinii = (f) student vidyaarthii = (m) student vidyaalayaH = (m) school vidyaavaan.h = a knowledgeable manor scholar vidyota * = mfn. flashing, glittering BhP.; m. a flash of light, lightning Hariv.; N. of a son of Dharma and Lamba1 (father of Stanayitnu, the Thunder "') BhP.; (%{A}) f. N. of an Apsaras MBh. vidyut.hkandaH = (m) incandescent bulb


vidya* =1 (for 2. see p. 965, col. 1) = {vidyA} (ifc.; see {a-v-} {-kRta-vidya}, {samAna-vidya-tA}). vidyaa4* = f. knowledge (cf. {kAla-jAta-v-}), science, learning, scholarship, philosophy RV. &c. &c. (according to some there are four Vidys or sciences, 1. {trayI}, the triple Veda; 2. {AnvIkSikI}, logic and metaphysics; 3. {daNDa-nIti}, the science of government; 4. {vArttA}, practical arts, such as agriculture, commerce, medicine &c.; and Manu vii, 43 adds a fifth, viz. {Atma-vidyA}, knowledge of soul or of spiritual truth; according to others, Vidy has fourteen divisions, viz. the four Vedas, the six Vedngas, the Purnas, the Mmns. Nyya, and Dharma or law [964, 1]; or with the four Upavedas, eighteen divisions; others reckon 33 and even 64 sciences [= {kalAs} or arts]; Knowledge is also personified and identified with Durg; she is even said to have composed prayers and magical formulas); any knowledge whether true or false (with Ps'upatas) Sarvad.; a spell, incantation MBh. Ragh. Kaths.; magical skill MW.; a kind of magical pill (which placed in the mouth is supposed to give the power of ascending to heaven) W.; Premna Spinosa L.; a mystical N. of the letter {i} Up.; a small bell L. (cf. {vidyAmaNi}). 1. vidya* =2 n. finding, acquiring, gaining (see {pativ} and {putra-v-}).

vidya* =1 {vidyA} &c. see p. 963, col. 3. vidya* =2 {vidyamAna} &c. see p. 965. [966, 3] vidyaadhara * = mfn. possessed of science or spells. L.; m. a kind of supernatural being (dwelling in the Hima7laya, attending upon S'iva, and possessed of magical power), fairy ({-tva} n.) Hariv. Kv. &c.; (also {-kavi}, {-rA7cArya}) N. of various scholars Kir. Sch. Vs., Introd. Cat.; a kind of metre Col.; (in music) a kind of measure Sangt.; ({A} and {I}) f. N. of a Sura7ngan Sinha7s.; ({I}) f. a female of the above class of supernatural beings, fairy, sylph MBh. Kv. &c.; N. of a daughter of S'ra-sena Kaths.; {-cakravartin} m. a supreme lord of the Vidy-dharas Vs.; {-tAla} m. (in music) a kind of measure (= {vidyA-dhara}) Cat.; {-piTaka} (?)N. of wk.; {-mahA-cakravartin} m. the paramount lord of all fairy-like beings ({-ti-tA} f.) Kaths.; {yantra} n. an apparatus for sublimating quicksilver Bhpr.; {-rasa} m. a partic. mixture Cat.; {rA7dhI7za}, m.= {-ra-cakra-vartin} ({-tA} f.) Kaths.; {-rA7bhra} m. a partic. mixture L.; {-rIparijana} mfn. attended by Vidy-dhars MW.; {-rIbhU}, to become a Vidy-dhara Kaths.; {-rIvilAsa} m. N. of wk.; {-re7ndra} m. a prince of the Vidy-dharas ({-tA} f. {-tva}, n.) Rjat. Kaths.; N. of Jmbavat MBh.


vidyaa4dhaara * = ({-yA7dh-}) m. `" receptacle of knknowledge "', a gre vidyota * flashing, glittering BhP.; m. a flash of light, lightning Hariv.; N. of a son of Dharma and Lamb (father of Stanayitnu, the Thunder "') BhP.; ({A}) f. N. of an Apsaras MBh. vidheyaatmaa = one who follows regulated freedom vigalita * = mfn. flowed away , drained off , dried up MBh. Mr2icch. Prab. ; melted away , dissolved Katha1s. Gi1t. ; fallen down or out , slipped out of (abl.) MBh. Ka1v. Pan5cat. ; slackened "' , untied (see %{-nIvi}) ; dishevelled (see %{-keza}) ; passed away , disappeared , vanished Bhartr2. Katha1s. ; come forth MBh. ; %{-keza} mfn. having dishevelled hair W. ; %{-nIvi} mfn. having the knot untied MW. ; %{-bandha} mfn. having the band loosened Vikr. ; %{-lajja} mfn. free from shame , bold Gi1t. ; %{-vasana} mfn. destitute of garments , unclothed ib. ; %{-zuc} mfn. freed from sorrow Megh. vigarhaa * = f. blame, censure ib vigarhita* = mfn. blamed, reprehensible, prohibited, forbidden by (instr. gen., or comp.) or on account of (comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.; {-tA7cAra}

mfn. of reprehensible conduct Mn. iii, 167. vigata = having discarded vigataH = is removed vigatajvaraH = without being lethargic vigatabhiiH = devoid of fear vigatasprihaH = without being interested viguNaH = even faulty vigraha = attack vigraha * = 2 m. (for 1. see p. 950. col. 2) keeping apart or asunder, isolation Nir. BhP.; division, Bh.; distribution (esp. of fluids cf. {vi-grah}) KtyS'r.; (in gram.) independence (of a word, as opp. to composition) APrt.; separation, resolution, analysis, resolution of a compound word into its constituent parts, the separation or analysis of any word capable of separation (such words are Kriidantas, Taddhitas, all Samsas or compound words, Ekas'eshas, and all derivative verbs like desideratives &c.; the only words incapable of resolution being the simple verb, the singular of the noun, and a few indeclinables not derived from

roots; all compounds being called {nitya} or `" fixed "', when their meaning cannot be ascertained through an analysis of their component parts; cf. {jamad-agni}) Pn. Sch. S'ank. &c.; discord, quarrel, contest, strife, war with (instr. with or without {saha}, {sA7rdham} or {sAkam} loc. gen. with {upari}, or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.; (one of the 6 Gunas or measures of policy Mn. vii, 160 [cf. under {guNa}], also applied to the conflict of hostile planets, in this sense also n. Sryas. R.; acc. with {kR}, to make or wage war); separate i.e. individual form or shape, form, figure, the body Up. MBh. &c. (also applied to the shape of a rainbow; acc. with {grah}, {pari-grah}, {kR}, {upA7-dA}, to assume a form); an ornament, decoration MBh. R.; (in Snkhya) an element; N. of S'iva MBh. [957, 3]; of one of Skanda's attendants ib.; {-grahaNa} n. the assumption of a form Sarvad.; {-dhyAna} n. N. of a Stotra; {-para} mfn. intent on war, engaged in fighting MW.; {-parigraha} m. = {-grahaNa} Sarvad.; {-pAla-deva} m. N. of a king Col.; {-rAja} m. N. of various kings Rjat.; of a poet Cat.; {-vat} mfn. having form or figure, embodied, incarnate MBh. R. &c.; having a handsome form or shape, fine, beautiful MW.; {-vyAvartanI} f. N. of wk.; {hA7vara} n. `" hinder part of the body "', the back L.; {-he7cchu} mfn. eager for combat Mcar. vigrAham * = ind. in portions, successively

vigrahasandhau = for war(dissension) or peacemaking vijigISa* = mfn. (fr. Desid.) desirous of victory, emulous W.; ({A}) f. desire to conquer or overcome or subdue (acc. dat., or comp.) R. Km. Kaths. ({SA-vat} [Nlak.] or {-Sin} [MBh.] mfn. desirous to conquer or overcome; {-SA-vivarjita} mfn. devoid of ambition MW.; {-SIya} mfn. g. {utkarA7di}). vighati = Equivalent to 24 seconds of clock time vighna = calamity vighnanaashine = to the destroyer of all obstacles vighnaiH = difficulties, obstacles viGYaataM = has been known viGYaatuM = to know viGYaana = comprehension, Science viGYaanaM = numinous knowledge viGYaanamaya = full of greater(scientific in a way) knowledge


viGYaanii = scientist viGYaapana = advertisement, ad viGYaaya = after understanding vihaga = bird vihaaya = giving up vihanana* = n. (only L.) killing, slaying; hurting, injury; opposition, obstruction; a bow-like instrument for carding cotton. vihaana* = (?) m. n. morning, dawn L. vihaara = in relaxation; * distribution, transposition (of words) AitBr. Lthy.; arrangement or disposition (of the 3 sacred fires; also applied to the fires themselves or the space between them), S'rS.; too great expansion of the organs of speech (consisting in too great lengthening or drawling in pronunciation, opp. to {saM-hAra} q.v.) RPrt.; walking for pleasure or amusement, wandering, roaming MBh. Kv. &c.; sport, play, pastime, diversion, enjoyment, pleasure (`" in "' or `" with "' comp.; ifc. also = taking delight in) Yj. MBh. R. &c.; a place of recreation, pleasure-ground MBh. Kv. &c.; (with

Buddhists or Jainas) a monastery or temple (originally a hall where the monks met or walked about; afterwards these halls were used as temples) Lalit. Mriicch. Kaths. &c. (cf. MWB. 68; 81 &c.); consecration for a sacrifice past.; N. of the country of Magadha (called Bihr or Behr from the number of Buddhist monasteries see MWB. 68) Cat.; the shoulder L.; a partic. bird (= {bindurekaka}) L.; = {vaijayanta} L.; {-kArikA} f. pl. N. of wk.; {-krIDA-mRga} m. a toy-antelope to play with BhP.; {-gRha} n. a pleasure-house, playhouse, theatre MW.; {-dAsI} f. a female attendant of a convent or temple Mlatm.; {-deza} m. a place of recreation, pleasure-ground MBh. R. MrkP.; {bhadra} m. N. of a man Das'.; {-bhUmi} f. = {deza} Hariv.; a grazing-ground, pasturage Kir.; {yAtrA} f. a pleasure-walk MBh.; {-vat} mfn. possessing a place of recreation Mn. MBh.; (ifc.) delighting in Mn. x, 9; {-vana} n. a pleasure-grove Das'.; {-vApI} f. `" plpleasure-pond "'N. of wk.; {vAri} n. water for sporting or playing about in Ragh.; {-zayana} n. a plpleasure-couch R.; {-zaila} m. a plpleasure-mountain R.; {-sthalI} f. (Vs.), {sthAna} n. (BhP.); {-rA7jira} n. (= {-radeza}); {rA7vasatha} m. (= {-ra-gRha}) MBh. vihara * =vihara taking away, removing, shifting, changing Bhartri.; separation, disunion, absence W.

vihaaraNa * = n. pleasure, delight (ifc. = delighting in) viharaNa * =n. the act of taking away or removing or changing or transposing Lthy. MrkP.; opening, expanding Pn. 1-3, 20; stepping out ib. i, 3, 41; going about for pleasure or exercise, roaming, strolling Kv. Pur. Sus'r.; taking out for a walk or for airing Gobh.; moving to and fro, brandishing MBh. vihaarasya = recreation vihaariNi = one who strolls vi4hata*= torn up, furrowed TBr. S'Br.; struck or beaten away or dashed out (of a persos hand) BhP.; struck or touched or visited by (instr. or comp.) Kv. Pur.; warded off, repelled MBh. R.; rejected, repulsed BhP.; disturbed, impeded Kv. Pur. vihaayasa * = m. n. heaven, sky, atmosphere Tr. MBh. Hariv.; m. a bird L. vihara* = m. taking away, removing, shifting, changing Bhartri.; separation, disunion, absence W.


vihaara* = m. (once in BhP. n.) distribution, transposition (of words) AitBr. Lthy.; arrangement or disposition (of the 3 sacred fires; also applied to the fires themselves or the space between them), S'rS.; too great expansion of the organs of speech (consisting in too great lengthening or drawling in pronunciation, opp. to {saM-hAra} q.v.) RPrt.; walking for pleasure or amusement, wandering, roaming MBh. Kv. &c.; sport, play, pastime, diversion, enjoyment, pleasure (`" in "' or `" with "' comp.; ifc. also = taking delight in) Yj. MBh. R. &c.; a place of recreation, pleasure-ground MBh. Kv. &c.; (with Buddhists or Jainas) a monastery or temple (originally a hall where the monks met or walked about; afterwards these halls were used as temples) Lalit. Mriicch. Kaths. &c. (cf. MWB. 68; 81 &c.); consecration for a sacrifice past.; N. of the country of Magadha (called Bihr or Behr from the number of Buddhist monasteries see MWB. 68) Cat.; the shoulder L.; a partic. bird (= {bindurekaka}) L.; = {vaijayanta} L.; {-kArikA} f. pl. N. of wk.; {-krIDA-mRga} m. a toy-antelope to play with BhP.; {-gRha} n. a pleasure-house, playhouse, theatre MW.; {-dAsI} f. a female attendant of a convent or temple Mlatm.; {-deza} m. a place of recreation, pleasure-ground MBh. R. MrkP.; {bhadra} m. N. of a man Das'.; {-bhUmi} f. = {deza} Hariv.; a grazing-ground, pasturage Kir.; {yAtrA} f. a pleasure-walk MBh.; {-vat} mfn.

possessing a place of recreation Mn. MBh.; (ifc.) delighting in Mn. x, 9; {-vana} n. a pleasure-grove Das'.; {-vApI} f. `" plpleasure-pond "'N. of wk.; {vAri} n. water for sporting or playing about in Ragh.; {-zayana} n. a plpleasure-couch R.; {-zaila} m. a plpleasure-mountain R.; {-sthalI} f. (Vs.), {sthAna} n. (BhP.); {-rA7jira} n. (= {-radeza}); {rA7vasatha} m. (= {-ra-gRha}) MBh. vihiaa = vihitA?, understood vihiina* = mfn. entirely abandoned or left &c.; low, vulgar MBh.; (ibc.) wanting, missing, absent R. VarBriS.; destitute or deprived of, free from (instr. abl., or comp.) MBh. Kv. &c.; {-tA} f. abandonment MW.; (ifc.) absence or want of Hariv. Pacat.; {-tilaka} mf({A})n. having no coloured sectarian mark (see {tilaka}) on the forehead R.; {yoni} mfn. of low origin MBh.; {-varNa} mfn. of low caste Gaut. vihita = prescribed vi4hita* = mfn. (for see under {vi-dhA}) improper, unfit, not good W.\\2 mfn. (fr., {vi-} 1. {dhA}, p. 967; for 1. {vi-hita} see p. 953, col. 2) distributed, divided, apportioned, bestowed, supplied &c.; put in order, arranged, determined, fixed, ordained, ordered RV. &c. &c.; prescribed, decreed, enjoined

GriS'rS. Mn. MBh. &c.; destined or meant for (nom.) MBh.; contrived, performed, made, accomplished, done Mn. MBh. &c.; supplied, endowed, furnished with or possessed of (instr.) MBh. R. (cf. {su-vihita}); n. an order, command, decree Pacat.; {-kSaNa} mfn. eager for the right moment, intent upon ({artham}) Vcar. (cf. {kRtakS-}); {-tva} n. the being enjoined or prescribed, prescription, direction Hcat. {-durga-racana} mfn. one who has enjoined the building of a fortress MW.; {-pratiSiddha} mfn. enjoined and prohibited ({-tva} n.) KtyS'r. Sch.; {-yajJa} mfn. performing sacrifices S'ak. (v.l. for {vitata-y-}); {-vat} mfn. one who has performed or undertaken W.; {-vRtti} mfn. one who is maintained or nourished by (instr.) Rjat.; {-sena} m. N. of a prince Kaths.; {tA7gas} mfn. one who has committed a fault, faulty, wicked W.; {-tA7Jjali} mfn. making a respectful obeisance S'is'.; {-te7ndriya} mfn. possessed of one's senses Bhathth. vihitaM = directed vihitaaH = used vihitaan.h = arranged vihiina = without


vihiinaa = bereft vihiti * = f. procedure, way of acting AitBr.; action, performance, accomplishment Kvya7d. Blar. vihri = to roam Viigana *: a fragrant grass viihaara* = m. = {vi-h-}, a temple, sanctuary, (esp.) a Jaina or Buddhist convent or temple W. viijati = to fan viiNaa* = f. (of doubtful derivation) the Vn or Indian lute (an instrument of the guitar kind, supposed to have been invented by Nrada q.v., usually having seven wires or strings raised upon nineteen frets or supports fixed on a long rounded board, towards the ends of which are two large gourds; its compass is said to be two octaves, but it has many varieties according to the number of strings &c.) TS. S'Br. &c. &c.; (in astrol.) a partic. configuration of the stars (when all planets are situated in 7 houses) VarBriS.; lightning L.; N. of a Yogin Cat.; of a river MBh. vijApita* = mfn. = %{-jJapta} Ragh. Hit.


vijapta mfn. (fr. Caus.) made known, reported, informed Katha1s. Hit. viita = free from viitaraagaaH = in the renounced order of life viithi = (f) road, way viira = the sentiment of valor viiraJNcha = name of Brahma viirabhadraasana = the arrow posture viiraasana = the hero posture viirya = vitality, enthusiasm, semen * = n. (ifc. f. {A}) manliness, valour, strength, power, energy RV. &c. &c.; heroism, heroic deed ib.; manly vigour, virility, semen virile MBh. Kv. &c.; efficacy (of medicine) Kum. Kir.; poison BhP.; splendour, lustre W.; dignity, consequence ib.; ({A}) f. vigour, energy, virility L.; N. of a serpent-maid Krand. viiryaM = valour viiryavaan.h = very powerful


viiryaaM = glories viiksh.h = to see viikshante = are beholding viikshya = having seen vijaya4* =m. contest for victory, victory, conquest, triumph, superiority RV. &c. &c. (fig. applied to `" the sword "' and to `" punishment "' MBh. xii, 6204; 4428); the prize of victory, booty KtyS'r.; N. of a partic. hour of the day (esp. the 17th, and the hour of Kriishna's birth accord. to some the 11th Muhrta) MBh. Hariv. &c.; the third month L.; the 27th (or first) year of Jupiter's cycle VarBriS.; a kind of military array Km.; a province, district HParis'.; (in music) a kind of flute Sangt.; a kind of measure ib.; a kind of composition ib.; a divine car, chariot of the gods (?) L.; N. of Yama L.; of a son of Jayanta (son of Indra) Hariv.; of a son of Vasudeva ib.; of a son of Kriishna BhP.; of an attendant of Vishnu ib.; of an attendant of Padmapni W.; of a son of Sva-rocis MrkP.; of a Muni Hariv.; of a prince MBh.; of a son of Dhriitarshthra (?) ib.; of a warrior on the side of the Pndavas ib.; of one of the eight councillors of Das'aratha R.; of Arjuna MBh. BhP.; of a son of Jaya Hariv. Pur.; of a son of Cacu or Cucu ib.; of a son of Sanjaya VP.; of a

son of Su-deva BhP.; of a son of Purravas ib.; of a son (or grandson) of Briihan-manas Hariv. Pur.; of a son of Yaja-s'r Pur.; of the founder of Buddhist civilisation in Ceylon MW.; (with Jainas) N. of one of the 9 white Balas and of one of the 5 Anuttaras; of the 20th Arhat of the future and of the father of the 21st Arhat of the present Avasarpin; of the attendant of the 8th Arhat of the same; of a son of Kalki KalkiP.; of a son of Kalpa KlP.; of a hare Kaths.; of the lance of Rudra (personified) MBh.; (pl.) of a people MBh.; ({A}) f. N. of various plants (accord to L. Terminalia Chebula; Sesbania Aegyptiaca; Vitex Negundo; Rubia Munjista; Premna Spinosa; a kind of hemp; a kind of {zamI}; = {vacA}) VarBriS. Sus'r. &c.; of a partic. Tithi or lunar day (the 12th day in the light half of S'rvana i.e. Kriishna's birthday, the 10th in that of s'vina, being a festival in honour of Durg, and the 7th in that of Bhdrapada, if it falls on a Sunday; also the 7th night in the Karma-msa) VarBriS. BhP. &c.; of a partic. magical formula Bhathth.; N. of Durg MBh. Hariv.; of a female friend of Durg Mudr.; of the wife of Yama L.; of another goddess Cat.; of a Yogin Hcat.; of a Sura7ngan Sinha7s.; of the mother of the 2nd Arhat of the present Avasarpin L.; of a daughter of Daksha R.; of the mother of various Su-hotras MBh.; of Kriishna's garland MBh.; of a Kumr (i.e. small flag-staff) on Indra's banner VarBriS.; of a partic. spear R.; n. the poisonous root of the plant Vijay Sus'r.; a royal

tent Vstuv.; a kind of pavilion ib.; N. of a sacred district in Kas'mra Kaths. (cf. {-kSetra}); mfn. leading to victory, proclaiming victory MBh.; victorious, triumphant L. viivaaha *= m. = %{vi-vAha}, taking a wife, marriage (`" with "', %{saha}) HParis3. Pan5cad. vijayaM = victory vijayaH = victory vijayate = is victorious vijayii = victorious man vijaanataH = who is in complete knowledge vijaani * = ({vi4-}) mfn. `" strange, foreign "' or `" having no wife " vijaaniitaaH = are in knowledge vijaaniiyaM = shall I understand vijaati * =mfn. belonging to another caste or tribe, dissimilar, heterogeneous Kull.; m. N. of a prince VP.; f. different origin or caste or tribe W.; {-tIya} mfn. = {-jAti} Sarvad. Kull.

vijala * =mfn. waterless, dry Hariv. VarBriS.; n. drought AdbhBr.; m. n. and ({A}) f. sauce &c. mixed with rice-water or gruel, W. [950, 3] vijara * mfn. not growing old S'Br. &c. &c.; m. a stalk W.; ({A}) f. N. of a river in Brahm's world KaushUp. vijitaatmaa = self-controlled vijitendriyaH = sensually controlled vijjanaaman*=m. N. of a Viha1ra called after Vijja1 ib. vijaana (vijJAna) *= n. (ifc. f. %{A}) the act of distinguishing or discerning, understanding, comprehending, recognizing, intelligence, knowledge AV. &c. &c.; skill, proficiency, art Uttamac.; science, doctrine Sus3r.; worldly or profane knowledge (opp. to %{jJAna}, `"knowledge of the true nature of God "') Mn. MBh. &c.; the faculty of discernment or of right judgment MBh. R. &c.; the organ of knknowledge (= %{manas}) BhP.; (ifc.) the understanding of (a particular meaning), regarding as Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3, 17; 66 &c.; (with Buddhists) consciousness or thought-faculty (one of the 5 constituent elements or Skandhas, also considered as one of the 6

elements or Dha1tus, and as one of the 12 links of the chain of causation) Dharmas. 22; 42; 58 (cf. MWB. 102; 109); %{-kanda} m. N. of a man Cat.; %{-kAya} m. N. of a Buddhist wk.; %{-kRtsna} n. one of the 10 mystical exercises called Kr2itsnas Buddh.; %{-kevala} mfn. (with S3aivas) an individual soul to which only %{mala} adheres Sarvad.; %{-kaumudI} f. N. of a female Buddhist Cat.; %{-ghana4} m. pure knowledge, nothing but intelligence S3Br. Sarvad.; %{-taraMgiNI} f. N. of wk.; %{-tA} f. knowledge of (loc.) Ca1n2.; %{tArA7valI} f. N. of wk.; %{-tailagarbha} m. Alangium Decapetalum L.; %{-dezana} m. a Buddha L.; %{-naukA} f. N. of sev. wks.; %{-pati} m. a lord of intelligence TUp.; N. of one who has attained to a partic. degree of emancipation Ba1dar. Sch.; %{-pAda} m. N. of Vya1sa L.; %{bhaTTAraka} m. %{-bhArata} m. %{-bhikSu} m. N. of scholars Cat.; %{-bhairava}, %{-vo7ddyotasaMgraha} m. N. of wks.; %{-ma4ya} mf(%{I})n. consisting of knowledge or intelligence, all knknowledge, full of intellintelligence S3Br. Up. &c.; %{-ya-koSa} m. the sheath consconsisting of intellintelligence, the intelligent sheath (of the soul accord. to the Veda7nta) or the sheath caused by the understanding being associated with the organs of perception MW.; %{-mAtRka} m. `" whose mother is knowledge "', a Buddha L.; %{yati} m. = %{-bhikSu} Cat.; %{-yogin} m. = %{vijJAne7zvara} Col.; %{-latikA} f. %{-lalita} or

%{-ta-tantra} n. N. of wks.; %{-vat} mfn. endowed with intelligence Up. ChUp. Sch. Katha1s.; %{vAda} m. the doctrine (of the Yoga7ca1ras) that only intelligence has reality (not the objects exterior to us) Ba1dar. Sch.; %{-vAdin} mfn. one who affirms that only intelligence has reality; m. a Yoga7ca1ra Sarvad. Buddh.; %{-vinodinI-TIkA} f. %{-vilAsa} m. %{-zAstra} n. %{-zikSA} f. %{saMjJA-prakaraNa} n. N. of wks.; %{-nA7kala} mfn. = %{-na-kevala} above Sarvad.; %{nA7cArya} m. N. of a teacher Cat.; %{-nA7tman} m. N. of an author ib.; %{-nA7ntyA7yatana} n. (with Buddhists) N. of a world Buddh.; %{nA7mRta} n. N. of Comm.; %{-nA7zrama} m. = %{-nA7tman} Cat.; %{-nA7stitva-mAtra-vAdin} mfn. = %{-na-vAdin} Ba1dar. Sch.; %{-nA7hAra} m. spiritual food as nourishment L.; %{-ne7zvara} m. N. of an author Cat. (%{-tantra} n. %{-vArttika}, n. N. of wks.); %{-ne7zvarIya} n. a wk. of Vijn5a1ne7s3vara Cat.; %{-nai9ka-skandha-vAda} m. = %{-na-vAda} above Ba1dar. Sch. vijaananA*=f. (perhaps for %{-jAnanA} or %{jAnatA}) perceiving, understanding L. vijaanika*=mfn. = %{vi-jJa} or %{vaijJAnika} L. vijaanin*=mfn. having intelligence or knowledge or science, clever, skilful, a specialist Hcar.

Katha1s. Ma1rkP.; %{-ni-tA} f. (ifc.) science or knowledge of, acquaintance with Ka1m. vijaaniiya*=mfn. (ifc.) treating of the science or doctrine of Sus3r. vijrimbhin* = mfn. breaking forth, appearing Ka1v. vijrimbhita* =mfn. yawned, gaped, opened, expanded, blown &c. (n. impers.); drawn, bent (said of a bow) MBh. R.; sported, wantoned W.; n. yawning Gaut.; coming out, appearance, manifestation, consequences Ka1v. Katha1s. Sarvad.; exploit Ma1lav. [961,1] vijvara * = mf({A})n. free from fever or pain Kaths.; free from distress or anxiety, cheerful MBh. R. &c.; exempt from decay W. vikaara * = m. (for 2. see {vi-} 1. {kR}) the syllable {vi} BhP.v\\ 2 m. (for 1. see p. 950, col. 1) change of form or nature, alteration or deviation from any natural state, transformation, modification, change (esp. for the worse) of bodily or mental condition, disease, sickness, hurt, injury, (or) perturbation, emotion, agitation, passion S'rS. MBh. &c. [954,3]; an apparition, spectre Kaths.; extravagance ib.; a product Gaut.; (in Snkhya) a production or derivative from Prakriiti (there are 7 Vikras, viz.

{buddhi}, `" intellect "', {ahaM-kAra}, `" the sense of individuality "', and the 5 {tan-mAtras} q.v.; these are also producers, inasmuch as from them come the 16 Vikras which are only productions, viz. the 5 {mahA-bhUtAni} q.v., and the 11 organs, viz. the 5 {buddhI7ndriyANi} or organs of sense, the 5 {karme7ndriyANi} or organs of action, and {manas}, `" the mind "') IW. 82 &c.; the derivative of a word Nir.; contortion of the face, grimace Kaths.; change of sentiment, hostility, defection MBh. Rjat.; {-tas} ind. from or through change MW.; {-tva} n. the state of change, transformation Veda7ntas.; {-maya} mf({I})n. consisting of derivatives (from Prakriiti) Up.; {-vat} mfn. undergoing changes Km.; {-hetu} m. `" cause of perturbation "', temptation, seduction Kum. vikaaraM = appearance (generally, grotesque/ugly) vikaaraan.h = transformations vikaari = changes vikara * = mfn. (for 2. see {vi-} 1. {kR}) deprived of hands (as a punishment) Vishn. - 1. vikara * = 1 {vi-karaNa}. see p. 950. \\ 2 m. (for 1. see p. 950, col. 1; for 3. see {vi-kRR}) disease, sickness L.; a partic. mode of fighting Hariv. (v.l.

{viSkara}). \\ 3 m. (for 1. see p. 950, col. 1; for 2. p. 954, col. 2) an earth-pit TS. Sch.; {-rya4} mf({A4})n. being in earth-pits ib. vikaasaH = (m) progress, well-being, growth vikalpa* = m. (for 2. see under %{vi-klRp}) an intermediate Kalpa, the interval between two Kalpas (q.v.) BhP.\\ = &c. see under %{vi-klRp}.\\ 2 m. (for 1. see p. 950, col. 1) alternation, alternative, option S3rS. Mn. VarBr2S. &c. (%{ena} ind. `" optionally "'); variation, combination, variety, diversity, manifoldness Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c.; contrivance, art Ragh.; difference of perception, distinction Nya1yas. BhP.; indecision, irresolution, doubt, hesitation MBh. Ka1v. &c.; admission, statement BhP.; false notion, fancy, imagination Yogas. Gi1t.; calculation VarBr2S.; mental occupation, thinking L.; = %{kalpa-sthAna} Car.; a god BhP. (Sch.); (in rhet.) antithesis of opposites Prata1p.; (in gram.) admission of an option or alternative, the allowing a rule to be observed or not at pleasure (%{ve7ti@vikalpaH} Pa1n2. 1-1, 44 Sch.); a collateral form VarBr2S.; pl. N. of a people MBh. (C. %{vikalya}); mfn. different BhP.; %{-jAla} "' n. a number of possible cases, dilemma Sarvad. TPra1t. Sch.; %{-tva} n. manifoldness, variety Sus3r.; %{-vat} mfn. undecided, doubtful Veda7ntas.; %{-sama} m. a

partic. sophistical objection Sarvad.; %{pA7nupapatti} f. untenableness owing to a dilemma Sarvad.; %{-pA7saha} mfn. not standing (the test of) a dilemma (%{-tva} n.) ib.; %{po7pahAra} m. an optional offering. MW. vikampituM = to hesitate vikarNaH = Vikarna vikarmaNaH = of forbidden work vikarSaNa * = drawing (a bow-string); taking away, removing, destroying; n. the act of drawing or dragging asunder; the drawing (a bow-string); putting apart, distributing; putting off eating, abstinence from food; searching, investigation; a cross-throw (in wrestling); m. `" distractor "', one of the five arrows of Kma-deva ib. vikala = disabled vikalaM = not related or joined vikalpa = imagination, fancy * = 2 m. (for 1. see p. 950, col. 1) alternation, alternative, option S'rS. Mn. VarBriS. &c. ({ena} ind. `" optionally "'); variation, combination, variety, diversity, manifoldness KtyS'r. MBh. &c.; contrivance, art

Ragh.; difference of perception, distinction Nyyas. BhP.; indecision, irresolution, doubt, hesitation MBh. Kv. &c.; admission, statement BhP.; false notion, fancy, imagination Yogas. Gt.; calculation VarBriS.; mental occupation, thinking L.; = {kalpasthAna} Car.; a god BhP. (Sch.); (in rhet.) antithesis of opposites Pratp.; (in gram.) admission of an option or alternative, the allowing a rule to be observed or not at pleasure ({ve7ti vikalpaH} Pn. 1-1, 44 Sch.); a collateral form VarBriS.; pl. N. of a people MBh. (C. {vikalya}); mfn. different BhP.; {-jAla} "' n. a number of possible cases, dilemma Sarvad. TPrt. Sch.; {-tva} n. manifoldness, variety Sus'r.; {-vat} mfn. undecided, doubtful Veda7ntas.; {-sama} m. a partic. sophistical objection Sarvad.; {pA7nupapatti} f. untenableness owing to a dilemma Sarvad.; {-pA7saha} mfn. not standing (the test of) a dilemma ({-tva} n.) ib.; {-po7pahAra} m. an optional offering. MW. vikalpana * = m. a contriver, composer Cat.; n. and ({A}) f. allowing an option or alternative Pacar. Kr. on Pn.; the use of a collateral form VarBriS. Sch.; distinction (pl. = different opinions) Sarvad.; false notion or assumption, fancy, imagination BhP.; indecision MW.; inconsideration ib. vikara * =mfn. (for 2. see {vi-} 1. {kR}) deprived of

hands (as a punishment) Vishn. - 1. \\2 m. (for 1. see p. 950, col. 1; for 3. see {vi-kRR}) disease, sickness L.; a partic. mode of fighting Hariv. (v.l. {viSkara}). \\ 3 m. (for 1. see p. 950, col. 1; for 2. p. 954, col. 2) an earth-pit TS. Sch.; {-rya4} mf({A4})n. being in earth-pits ib. vi4-kaara * =m. (for 2. see {vi-} 1. {kR}) the syllable {vi} BhP. vi-kaara * =2 m. (for 1. see p. 950, col. 1) change of form or nature, alteration or deviation from any natural state, transformation, modification, change (esp. for the worse) of bodily or mental condition, disease, sickness, hurt, injury, (or) perturbation, emotion, agitation, passion S'rS. MBh. &c. [954, 3]; an apparition, spectre Kaths.; extravagance ib.; a product Gaut.; (in Snkhya) a production or derivative from Prakriiti (there are 7 Vikras, viz. {buddhi}, `" intellect "', {ahaM-kAra}, `" the sense of individuality "', and the 5 {tan-mAtras} q.v.; these are also producers, inasmuch as from them come the 16 Vikras which are only productions, viz. the 5 {mahA-bhUtAni} q.v., and the 11 organs, viz. the 5 {buddhI7ndriyANi} or organs of sense, the 5 {karme7ndriyANi} or organs of action, and {manas}, `" the mind "') IW. 82 &c.; the derivative of a word Nir.; contortion of the face, grimace Kaths.; change of sentiment, hostility, defection

MBh. Rjat.; {-tas} ind. from or through change MW.; {-tva} n. the state of change, transformation Veda7ntas.; {-maya} mf({I})n. consisting of derivatives (from Prakriiti) Up.; {-vat} mfn. undergoing changes Km.; {-hetu} m. `" cause of perturbation "', temptation, seduction Kum. vikatthana * = mfn. boasting, a boaster, braggart MBh. R. &c.; praising ironically W.; n. and ({A}) f. the act of boasting or vaunting or praising MBh. Das'. Kaths. &c.; irony W.; {-tva} n. boastfulness Rjat. vikhanana * = n. digging up Nir. vikhaanasa * = m. (prob.) `" one who digs up (scil. roots) "'N. of a Muni S'ak. Sch. (cf. {vaikhAnasa}). vikarsha *= m. the drawing (a bow-string) R.; parting or dragging or drawing asunder (as in the separation of semivowel-combinations &c.) RPra1t. Nid.; distance Gobh. Nir.; an arrow L. vikarshaNa * = mfn. drawing (a bow-string) MBh.; taking away, removing, destroying BhP.; n. the act of drawing or dragging asunder MBh. Sus3r.; the drawing (a bow-string) MBh. Hariv. S3is3.; putting apart, distributing MBh. BhP.; putting off eating, abstinence from food MBh.; searching,

investigation Ka1m.; a cross-throw (in wrestling) MW.; m. `" distractor "', one of the five arrows of Ka1ma-d2eva ib. vikirati = to cast a net vikiirNa = scattered vikiriDa * = (Kthh.), {-rida} (TS.), {-ridra} (VS.), mfn. applied to Rudra (accord. to Sch. `" averting wounds "' or `" sending off arrows "'). [954, 2] vi-kIrNa * = mfn. scattered, thrown about, dispersed &c.; dishevelled (as hair) Kum. (cf. comp.); filled with, full of (comp.) MBh.; celebrated, famous W.; n. a partic. fault in the pronunciation of vowels Pat.; {-keza} or {mUrdhaja}, having dishevelled hair MW. (cf. above); {-roman} or {-saMjJa} n. a kind of fragrant plant L. vi-kira * = {vi-kiraNa}, {vi-kIrNa} &c. see under {vi-kRR}. vi-kira * = m. scattering or anything scattered L.; a scattered portion of rice (offered to conciliate beings hostile to sacrifice) Mn. iii, 245; `" scatterer "', a kind of gallinaceous bird past.; a partic. Agni ib.; water trickled through Sus'r. ({cikira} Bhpr.)

vi-kiraNa * = n. scattering, strewing Kull. on Mn. iii, 245; m. a partic. Samdhi Buddh. (v.l. {vikiriNa}) viklava *= mf({A})n. overcome with fear or agitation, confused, perplexed, bewildered, alarmed, distressed MBh. Kv. &c.; timid, shy Megh. Sis'.; (ifc.) disgusted with, averse from S'ak.; faltering (as speech) R.; unsteady (as gait) S'ak.; impaired (as senses) Ks'Kh.; exhausted Kaths.; n. agitation, bewilderment R. BhP.; {-tA} f. {-tva} n. agitation, confusion, alarm, fear, timidity, irresolution MBh. Kv. &c.; {-vA7nana} mfn. one whose face is troubled or sorrowful R. viklidha *= mfn. moist with perspiration (others `" having projecting teeth "' or `" leprous "') Br. S3rS. (Sch.) vikraantaH = mighty vikrama * = m. (for see %{vi-kram}) the absence of the Krama-pa1t2ha (q.v.) RPra1t. \\2 m. (for 1. see p. 950, col. 1) a step, stride, pace S3Br. &c. &c.; going, proceeding, walking, motion, gait MBh. Ka1s3. &c.; course, way, manner (%{anukramavikrameNa} = %{anukrameNa}, in regular order) MBh.; valour, courage, heroism, power, strength ib. Ka1v. &c. (%{-maM-kR}, to display prowess, use

one's strength); force, forcible means ib. (%{-mAt} ind. by force; %{nA7sti@vikrameNa}, it cannot be done by force); intensity, high degree VarBr2S.; stability, duration (opp. to `" cessation "') BhP.; a kind of grave accent TPra1t.; non-change of the Visarga into an U1shman RPra1t.; the 14th year in the 60 years cycle of Jupiter VarBr2S.; the 3rd astrological house ib.; a foot L.; N. of Vishn2u MBh.; of the son of Vasu Katha1s.; of a son of Vatsa-pri1 Ma1rkP.; of a son of Kanaka Cat.; of various authors (also with %{bhaTTa}) Cat.; = %{candragupta} ib.; = %{vikramA7ditya} Pan5cad.; N. of a town Cat.; %{-karman} n. an act of prowess, feat of valour MW.; %{-kesarin} m. N. of a king of Pa1t2ali-putra Katha1s. [955,3]; of a minister of Mr2iga7n3ka-datta ib.; %{-caNDa} m. N. of a king of Va1ra1n2asi1 ib.; %{-candrikA} f. N. of a drama; %{-carita} or %{-caritra} n. N. of 32 stories describing the acts of Vikrama7ditya (also called %{siMhA7sana-dvAtriMzat} q.v.); %{tuGga} m. N. of a prince of Pa1t2ali-putra Katha1s.; of a prince of Vikrama-pura ib.; %{-deva} m. N. of Candra-gupta Inscr.; %{-nare7zvara} m. = %{vikramA7ditya} Sin6ha7s.; %{-nava-ratna} n. `" the 9 jewels (on the court) of Vikrama7ditya "' N. of wk.; %{-nidhi} m. N. of a warrior Katha1s.; %{paTTana} n. `" VVikrama7ditya's town "'N. of Ujjayini1 Cat.; %{-pati} m. = %{vikramA7ditya} Ca1n2.; %{-pura} n. (Katha1s.), %{-purI} f. (Buddh.) N. of a town (prob. = %{-paTTana}); %{2475

prabandha} m. N. of wk.; %{-bAhu} m. N. of various princes Ratna7v. Cat.; %{-bhArata}, a modern collection of legends about Vikrama7ditya and of Pauranic stories; %{-rAja} m. N. of a king Ra1jat.; %{-rAjan} m. = %{vikramA7ditya} Vcar.; %{-rddhi} (for %{Rddhi}) m. (with %{kavi}) N. of a poet Cat.; %{-lAJchana} m. id. ib.; %{-zakti} m. N. of various men of the warrior-caste Katha1s.; %{zIla} m. N. of a king Ma1rkP.; of a monastery Buddh.; %{-sabhA} f. VVikrama7ditya's court Sin6ha7s.; %{-siMha} m. N. of a king of Ujjayini1 Ma1rkP.; of a king of Ujjayini1 ib.; %{-sena} m. N. of a kking of pratisht2ha1na Katha1s. (%{-nacampU} f. N. of a poem); %{-sthAna} n. a walkingplace, promenade, Kr2ishn2aj.; %{-mA7Gka} (or %{-deva}) m. N. of a king of Kalya1n2a (also called Tribhuvana-malla; of the 11th century A.D. and was celebrated by Bilhan2a in the Vikrama7n3ka-devacarita); %{-mA7ditya} m. see below; %{-mA7rka} m. = %{vikramA7ditya} (%{-carita}, %{-caritra} n. = %{vikrama-c}); %{-mA7rjita} mfn. acquired by valour W.; %{-me7za} m. N. of a Buddhist saint W.; %{-mezvara} m. (with Buddh.) N. of one of the 8 Vi7ta-ra1gas W.; of a temple built by Vikrama7ditya Ra1jat.; %{-mo7daya} n. N. of wk.; %{-mo7pA7khyAna} n. = %{vikrama-carita}; %{mo7rvazI} f. `" valour-(won) Urvas3i1 "'N. of a celebrated drama by Ka1lida1sa.


vikraama* = m. a step's width TBr. [956,1] vikrayaNa * = the act of selling vikri = modify, alter vikriita * = mfn. sold Mn. MBh. &c.; m. N. of a Praja1-pati R. (v.l. %{vi-kRta} and %{vi-krAnta}); n. sale Mn. viii, 165. vikriDa* = mfn. (applied to Rudra) MaitrS. vikriiDa* = m. a play-ground Hariv.; a plaything, toy HParis'.; ({A}) f. play, sport BhP. vikrita = Ugly * = mfn. transformed, altered, changed &c.; (esp.) deformed, disfigured, mutilated, maimed, unnatural, strange, extraordinary Mn. MBh. &c.; unaccomplished, incomplete RV. ii, 33, 6; ugly (as a face) MBh.; estranged, rebellious, disloyal, hostile ib.; decorated, embellished, set with (comp.) ib.; (with %{vadha} m.) capital punishment with mutilation Mn. ix, 291; sick, diseased. L.; m. the 24th year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBr2S.; N. of a Praja1pati R. (v.l. %{vi-krIta} and %{vi-krAnta}); of a demon (the son of Pari-varta) Ma1rkP.; (%{A}) f. N. of a Yogini1 Hcat.; n. change, alteration Vop.; disgust, aversion W.; misshaped offspring,

abortion Mn. ix, 247; untimely silence caused by embarrassment Sa1h. (v.l. %{vi-hRta}); %{-jananazAnti-vidhAna} n. N. of a ch. of the Padmapura1n2a; %{-tva} n. the state of being changed, transformation S3am2k.; %{-daMSTra} m. N. of a Vidya1-dhara Katha1s.; %{-darzana} mfn. changed in appearance MBh. R.; %{-buddhi} mfn. changed in mind, estranged, made unfriendly or ill-disposed MW.; %{-rakta} mfn. dyed red, red-stained (as a garment) Bhpr.; %{-locana} mfn. having troubled eyes MW.; %{-vadana} mfn. having a distorted face, ugly-faced W.; %{-veSin} mfn. having an unusual dress BhP.; %{-tA7kAra} mfn. changed in form or appearance, misshaped, distorted in form MBh.; %{-tA7kRti} mfn. having a deformed shape or aspect Mn. xi, 52; %{-tA7kSa} mfn. blind Pa1n2. 6-3, 3 Va1rtt. 2 Pat.; %{-tA7Gga} mfn. changed in form, having misshaped limbs, deformed W.; %{tA7nana} mfn. = %{-ta-vadana} above MBh.; %{mUrdhaja} mfn. having a disturbed face and dishevelled hair ib.; %{-to7dara} m. N. of a Ra1kshasa R vikritavahaa = Ugly porter vikriti f. change, alteration, modification, variation, changed condition (of body or mind; acc. with %{gam}, %{yA}, %{vraj}, or %{pra-pad}, to undergo a change, be changed) MBh. Ka1v. &c.;

sickness, disease L.; perturbation, agitation, emotion MBh. Katha1s. &c.; alienation, hostility, defection Ka1m. Pan5cat.; a verse changed in a partic. manner S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.; an apparition, phantom, spectre Katha1s.; any production (ifc. anything made of) MBh. Sus3r.; (in Sa1m2khya) = 2. %{vi-kAra}; (in gram.) a derivative Nir.; formation, growth, development AitBr.; abortion Sus3r. (v.l. %{vaikRta}); = %{Dimba} L.; = %{pralApa} Harav. Sch.; N. of a class of metres Pin3g.; m. N. of a son of Ji1mu1ta VP.; %{kaumudI} f. %{-pradIpikA} f. N. of wks.; %{-mat} mfn. liable to change S3ak.; indisposed, ill Nalo7d.; %{-hautra} n. N. of wk. vikriiNiite = to sell vikrtaacharaNii = adj. mentally disturbed behaviour vikriyA * =transformation, change, modification, altered or unnatural condition Kv. Pur. Sus'r.; change for the worse, deterioration, disfigurement, deformity R.; ailment, indisposition, affection R. Das'. Sus'r. [955, 1]; perturbation, agitation, perplexity MBh. Kv. &c.; hostile feeling, rebellion, defection, alienation Hariv. Kv. Kaths.; injury, harm, failure, misadventure (acc. with {yA}, to suffer injury, undergo failure) ib.; extinction (of a

lamp) Kaths.; a strange or unwonted phenomenon ib.; any product or preparation Mn. Yj. MrkP.; contraction, knitting (of the brows; see {bhrU-v-}); bristling (of the hair; see {roma-v-}); {-yo7pamA} f. a kind of simile (in which the object of comparison is represented as produced from that to which it is compared e.g. `" thy face, O fair one, seems to be cut out from the disc of the moon "') Kvya7d. ii, 41. vikhyaata = famousviMsati = (adj) twenty vikrodha * = mfn. free from anger or wrath pGri. vIksha * = m. sight, seeing W.; ({A}) f. id. R.; investigation Cat.; knowledge, intelligence BhP.; unconsciousness, fainting L. [1004, 3]; n. surprise, astonishment W.; any visible object ib.; {kSA7panna} (or {-kSA7p-}) mfn. astonished, surprised ib.; {-kSA7raNya-mAhAtmya} n. N. of wk. vikshipta = mental aggitation vikship * = P. . {-kSipati}, {-te}, to throw asunder or away or about, cast hither and thither, scatter, disperse MBh. Kv. &c.; to remove, destroy (pain) Sus'r.; to extend, stretch out ib.; to bend (a bow), draw (a bow-string) MBh. R.; to handle, manage Ks'. on Pn. 2-3, 57; to separate Sryas.; to cause

to deviate in latitude ib. vikshipta * = mfn. thrown asunder or away or about, scattered &c.; distorted, contracted (see comp.); agitated, bewildered, distraught Sarvad.; frustrated (see {a-v-}); sent, dispatched W.; refuted, falsified ib.; projected MW. (see {vikSepa}); n. the being dispersed in different places RPrt. Sch.; {-citta} mfn. distraught in mind Madhus.; {-bhrU} mfn. having contracted eyebrows BhP.; {-tendriya-dhI} mfn. bewildered in senses and mind BhP. vikshiptaka * = n. a dead body which has been torn asunder or lacerated Buddh. vikshepa = confusion; v* = m. the act of throwing asunder or away or about, scattering, dispersion MrkP. Dhtup.; casting, throwing, discharging Ragh. VP.; moving about or to and fro, waving, shaking, tossing MBh. Kv. &c.; drawing (a bowstring) Hariv.; letting loose, indulging (opp. to {saMyama}) BhP.; letting slip, neglecting (time) L.; inattention, distraction, confusion, perplexity MaitrUp. Yogas. Mlatm.; extension, projection Veda7ntas. (see {-zakti}); abusing, reviling Bhar.; compassion, pity Das'ar.; celestial or polar latitude Sryas.; a kind of weapon MBh. (Nlak.); a camp, cantonment (?) Buddh.; a kind of disease Cat.;

sending, dispatching W.; refuting an argument ib.; {-dhruva} m. (in astron.) the greatest inclination of a planet's orbit W.; {-lipi} m. a kind of writing Lalit.; {-vRtta} n. = {kSepa-v-} Gol.; {-zakti} f. (in phil.) the projecting power (of My or A-vidy i.e. that power of projection which raises upon the soul enveloped by it the appearance of an external world) Veda7ntas. ({-ti-mat} mfn. endowed with the above power ib.); {-pA7dhipati} m. the chief of a camp or cantonment (?) Buddh. vikshubh * = A1. %{-kSobhate} &c. (Ved. inf. %{vi-kSobdhos} S3Br.) , to be shaken about or agitated or disturbed AV. BhP. ; to confuse , disturb S3Br.: Caus. %{-kSobhayati} , to agitate , disturb , throw into disorder or confusion MBh. R. Sus3r. vikuNTha *= mfn. sharp, keen, penetrating, irresistible BhP.; very blunt (%{a-v-}, sharp &c.) ib.; m. N. of Vishn2u MBh. BhP.; N. of Vishn2u's heaven BhP.; %{-Thana} m. N. of a son of Hastin MBh.; (%{A}) f. inward glance, mental concentration L.; %{-Thita} mfn. see %{vi-kuNTh}. vikup * = only Caus. %{-kopayati} , to disturb DivyA7v. vilimpita* mfn. (fr. Caus.) smeared, anointed


vilaapana * = mfn. (for 2. see under %{vi-lI}) causing moaning or lamentation (as a weapon) R. Hariv. ; m. N. of one of S3iva's attendants Hariv. ; n. the act of causing moaning or llamentation MBh. xii , 6113 (= %{nAza} Ni1lak.) ; m.c. = %{-vilapana} , wail , llamentation BhP.\\ 2 mf(%{I})n. (fr. Caus. ; for 1 see under %{vi-lap}) dissolving , destroying , removing Sus3r. ; melting , liquefying (see %{Ajaya-vilA4panI}) ; n. destruction , death BhP. ; a means of destruction VP. ; melting or a means of melting ib. ; a partic. product of milk VarYogay. (cf. %{vi-layana}). vilagnaaH = becoming attached vilajja* = mfn. shameless BhP vilajjita * = mfn. ashamed , abashed ib. ilapana n. wailing , lamenting Uttarar. Hit. ; talking idly or wildly W. ; the dirt or sediment of any oily substance (as of clarified butter , &c.) Ya1jn5. Sch. ; %{-vinoda} m. removing grief by weeping Uttarar. vilasita* = mfn. gleaming, glittering, shining forth, appearing BhP.; played, sported (n. also impers.) Ka1v. Katha1s.; moving to and fro BhP.; n. flashing, quivering (of lightning) Vikr. Prab.; appearing, manifestation (%{vidyA}, %{v-} manifestation of

knowledge) Cat.; sport play, pastime, dalliance Ka1v. Katha1s.; any action or gesture Ragh. vilayamaM = extinct vilaya * = m. dissolution, liquefaction, disappearance, death, destruction (esp. ddestruction of the world) MBh. Kv. &c. (acc. with {gam}, {yA}, {vraj} &c. to be dissolved, end; with Caus. of {gam}, to dissolve, destroy) vilepana = smearing viliGga* = n. absence of marks; mfn. of a different gender Pat.; {-stha} mfn. not to be understood MBh. ii, 845. - 1. viliptikaa* = f. a second (= 1/3600 of a degree) Ganit. - 1. vilikh* = P. {-likhati} (Ved. inf. {-likhas}; cf. Pn. 34, 13 Sch.), to scratch, scrape, tear up, lacerate Lthy. MBh. &c.; to rub against, reach to, touch Hariv.; to wound (the heart) i.e. vex, offend S'Br.; to scratch in or on, make a furrow or mark, write, delineate, paint Gol. MBh. &c.; (in medicine) to tear up i.e. stir up (phlegm &c.) Car.: Caus. {lekhayati}, or {-likhApayati}, to cause to scratch or write, Kriishnaj.

vilikhana* = n. the act of scraping, scratching &c. Blar. vilikhita* = mfn. scratched, scraped, scarified Pacat. viligii* = f. a kind of serpent AV. vilinaatha* = m. (with {kavi}) N. of a poet (author of the drama Madana-majar) Cat. vilimpita* = mfn. (fr. Caus.) smeared, anointed L. viliptaa* = or f. a second (= 1/3600 of a degree) Ganit. - 1. vilip* = P. . {-limpati}, {-te}, to smear or spread over, anoint (also `" to anoint one's self "' P.) S'Br. &c. &c.; to smear or spread with (instr.) Kum.: Caus. {-lepayati}, to smear or anoint with (instr.) Hcat.; {-limpayati} see {-limpita}. vilis'* = . {-lizate}, to become out of joint, be disarranged or disordered, break off, become rent or torn TS. S'Br. vilisteGgaa* = f. N. of a Dnavi Kthh. vilishtha* = mfn. (cf. {vi-riSTa}) broken off, out of

due order VS. KtySr.; {-bheSaja} n. a remedy for fractures or dislocation AV. Paipp. vilih* = P. . {-leDhi}, {-lIDhe}, to lick, lick up, lap MBh. BhP. Sus'r.: Intens. (only p. {-lelihat} and {hAna}), to lick continually or repeatedly MBh. vilii* = . {-lIyate} (pf. {-lilyuh} MBh.; fut. {-letA}, or {-lAtA}; ind. p. {-lIya} or {-lAya} Pn. 6-1, 51 Sch.), to cling or cleave or adhere to MBh. Ratna7v. Sis'.; to hide or conceal one's self, disappear MBh. Kv. &c.; to be dissolved, melt AV. &c. &c.: Caus. {lApayati} or {-lAyayati} or {-lAlayati} or {-lInayati} (Pn. 7-3, 39 Sch.), to cause to disappear, destroy Sank.; to cause to be dissolved or absorbed in (loc.) BhP. Sch.; to make liquid, dissolve, melt Sus'r. viliina* = mfn. clinging or sticking or attached to, fixed on, immersed in (loc. or comp.) Kv. Pacar.; (ifc.) alighted or perched on (said of birds) Kaths.; sticking (see comp.); hidden, disappeared, perished, absorbed in (loc.) MaitrUp. MBh. &c.; dissolved, melted, liquefied ChUp. Kaths. Sus'r.; contiguous to, united or blended with W.; infused into the mind, imagined ib.; {-SaTpada} mfn. having bees clinging or attached MW.; {nA7kSaram} ind. so that the sound sticks (in the throat) Bhartri.


viliiyana* = n. melting (intrans.) pS'r. Sch. viiLita* = mfn. made strong, strengthened, firm, hard RV. [1005,1] vilipta* = mf({A})n. smeared over, anointed &c.; ({A}) f. see p. 952, col. 2; ({I4}) f. a cow in a partic. period after calving AV. vilokayataaM = of those who are seeing vilokya = on seeing viloma = against the natural order of things vimaana* = mfn. (for 2. see {vi-man}) devoid of honour, disgraced BhP. \\2 m. (for 1. see p. 951, col. 3; for 3. under {vi-mA}) disrespect, dishonour (see {a-vi mana})\\3 mf({I})n. (for 1. see p. 951, col. 3; for 2, under {vi-man}) measuring out, traversing RV. AV. MBh.; m. n. a car or chariot of the gods, any mythical self-moving aerial car (sometimes serving as a seat or throne, sometimes self-moving and carrying its occupant through the air; other descriptions make the Vimna more like a house or palace, and one kind is said to be 7 stories high; that of Rvana was called {puSpaka} q.v.; the {nau-v-} [Ragh. xvi, 68] is thought to resemble a ship) MBh. Kv. &c.; any car or vehicle

(esp. a bier) Rjat. vii, 446; the palace of an emperor or supreme monarch (esp. one with 7 stories) MBh. Kv. &c.; a temple or shrine of a partic. form VarBriS.; a kind of tower (?) R. v, 52, 8; a grove Jtakam.; a ship, boat L.; a horse L.; n. measure RV.; extension ib.; (in med.) the science of (right) measure or proportion (e.g. of the right relation between the humours of the body, of medicines and remedies &c.) Car.; {-gamana} n. `" going in a car "'N. of a ch. of the GanP.; {cArin} mfn. travelling in a celestial car MW.; {-cyuta} mfn. fallen from a celcelestial car Rjat.; {-tA} f. {-tva} n. the state or condition of a celcelestial car Kv. Kaths.; {-nirvyUha} m. a partic. Samidhi Krand.; {-pAla} m. the guardian of a celcelestial car MBh.; {-pratima} mfn. resembling a celcelestial car MBh.; {-prabhu-tA} f. the ownership of a celcelestial car MW.; {-mAhAtmya} n. N. of a ch. of the VP.; {-yAna} mf({A})n. going or driving in a celcelestial car BhP.; {-rAja} m. the driver of a celestial car MW.; {-lakSaNa} n. N. of wk. on architecture; {-vat} ind. like a self-moving car Kir.; {-vidyA} f. {-suddhi-pUjA} f. N. of wks.; {-stha} mfn. standing on a celcelestial car MW.; {sthAna} n. N. of awk. on medicine. vimaanam.h = (n) an aircraft, plane vimaanana * = n. (and {A} f.) disrespect, contempt,

slight, humiliation MBh. Kv. &c.; refusal, denial Sus'r. vimaanaka * = (ifc.) = {vi-mAna}, a celestial car Kaths.; a seven-storied palace or tower R vimana* = mfn. (m. c.) = {vi-manas}, dejected, downcast R. vimanaaya * = Nom. . {-yate}, to be out of one's mind, be disconsolate or downcast Naish. Sh. vimaanya * = mfn. to be dishonoured or offended S3ak. vimanaska * = mfn. perplexed in mind, distressed, disconsolate MBh. R. &c. vimanas * = ({vi4-}) mfn. having a keen or penetrating mind or understanding, sagacious RV. x, 82, 2. - 2. vi4-manas * = * =mfn. destitute of mind, foolish, silly RV. viii, 86, 2; out of one's mind or senses, discomposed, perplexed, dejected, downcast, heart-broken Yj. MBh. &c.; changed in mind or feeling, averse, hostile R.; m. N. of the author of a hymn (v.l. for {vizva-manas} q.v.) vi-manas * =1. 2 {vi-manthara}, {vimanyu} &c. see p. 951, col. 3.

vi4-mana * =mfn. (m. c.) = {vi-manas}, dejected, downcast R. - 1. vimarsha* = m. irritation, impatience, displeasure W vimatsaraH = free from envy vimath* = (or {manth}) P. . {-mathati}, {-te}, {mathnAti}, {-nIte} &c. (in Veda generally .; inf. {mathitos} AitBr.; {-tum} BhP.), to tear off, snatch away TS. S'Br.; to tear or break in pieces, rend asunder, bruise ib. AitBr. Kthh.; to cut in pieces, disperse, scatter MBh. R.; to confuse, perplex, bewilder BhP. vimathita *= mfn. crushed or dashed to pieces, scattered, dispersed, destroyed S'nkhS'r. MBh. &c. [979, 3] vimatta * = mfn. discomposed, perplexed AitBr.; being in rut, ruttish ib. Kir.; intoxicated MW. vi4-maana * = mfn. (for 2. see {vi-man}) devoid of honour, disgraced BhP. \\ * = 2 m. (for 1. see p. 951, col. 3; for 3. under {vi-mA}) disrespect, dishonour (see {a-vi mana}). \\ * = 3 mf({I})n. (for 1. see p. 951, col. 3; for 2, under {vi-man}) measuring out, traversing RV. AV. MBh.; m. n. a

car or chariot of the gods, any mythical self-moving aerial car (sometimes serving as a seat or throne, sometimes self-moving and carrying its occupant through the air; other descriptions make the Vimna more like a house or palace, and one kind is said to be 7 stories high; that of Rvana was called {puSpaka} q.v.; the {nau-v-} [Ragh. xvi, 68] is thought to resemble a ship) MBh. Kv. &c.; any car or vehicle (esp. a bier) Rjat. vii, 446; the palace of an emperor or supreme monarch (esp. one with 7 stories) MBh. Kv. &c.; a temple or shrine of a partic. form VarBriS.; a kind of tower (?) R. v, 52, 8; a grove Jtakam.; a ship, boat L.; a horse L.; n. measure RV.; extension ib.; (in med.) the science of (right) measure or proportion (e.g. of the right relation between the humours of the body, of medicines and remedies &c.) Car.; {-gamana} n. `" going in a car "'N. of a ch. of the GanP.; {cArin} mfn. travelling in a celestial car MW.; {-cyuta} mfn. fallen from a celcelestial car Rjat.; {-tA} f. {-tva} n. the state or condition of a celcelestial car Kv. Kaths.; {-nirvyUha} m. a partic. Samidhi Krand.; {-pAla} m. the guardian of a celcelestial car MBh.; {-pratima} mfn. resembling a celcelestial car MBh.; {-prabhu-tA} f. the ownership of a celcelestial car MW.; {-mAhAtmya} n. N. of a ch. of the VP.; {-yAna} mf({A})n. going or driving in a celcelestial car BhP.; {-rAja} m. the driver of a celestial car MW.; {-lakSaNa} n. N. of wk. on architecture; {-vat} ind. like a self-moving car Kir.;

{-vidyA} f. {-suddhi-pUjA} f. N. of wks.; {-stha} mfn. standing on a celcelestial car MW.; {sthAna} n. N. of awk. on medicine. vimris'ya = deliberating vimris'a * = m. reflection, consideration, deliberation ib. vimochana = freedom vimohayati = bewilders vimohitaaH = deluded vimohini * = bewilderer vimokshaNaat.h = giving up vimokshaaya = meant for liberation vimokshyase = you will be liberated vimriga* = mfn. containing no deer (as a forest) R vimuchya = being delivered from vimuc* = 1 P. . {-muJcati}, {-te} (Impv. {mumoktu} RV. i, 24, 13), to unloose, unharness (.

`" one's own horses "'), unyoke (i.e. make to halt, cause to stop or rest "') RV. &c. &c.; to take off (clothes, ornaments &c.) MBh. Kv. &c.; to release, set free, liberate ib.; to leave, abandon, quit, desert, give up, relinquish ib.; to shun, avoid MundUp. Bhag. &c.; to lose (consciousness) Hariv.; to pardon, forgive Gt. BhP.; to emit, discharge, shed, pour or send forth MBh. R. Pacat. (with {grastam}, to set free a seized planet i.e. `" free it from eclipse "' Sryas.); to throw, hurl, cast (with {AtmAnam} and loc., `" to cast one's self into "' Uttarar.) MBh. R. &c.; to utter (a sound) MBh.; to assume (a shape) Mn. i, 56; to lay (eggs) Pacat. i, 353/354/; Pass. {-mucyate}, to be unloosed or detached &c.; to be slackened (as reins) S'ak.; to drop or be expelled (prematurely, as a fetus) Sus'r.; to be freed or delivered or released (esp. from the bonds of existence), get rid of, escape from (abl. adv. in {-tas} gen., or instr.) Mn. MBh. &c.; to be deprived of (instr.) Hit.: Caus. {-mocayati}, to loosen, detach S'ak.; to unyoke Kaus'.; to set free, deliver from (abl.) Mn. MBh. &c.; to keep off, avoid R.: Desid. {-mumukSati}, {-te}, to wish to liberate (. `" one's self "') BhP. vimuc* =2 f. unyoking, alighting, stopping, putting up RV. ({vimuco napAt}, `" son of unyoking "'N. of Pshan as "' conductor on the way to the next world "' ib.)

vimuJNchati = one gives up vimuhyati = one is bewildered vimuuDha = foolish vimuuDhaH = bewildered vimuuDhabhaavaH = bewilderment vimuuDhaaH = foolish persons vimuuDhaan.h = perfectly befooledvinaas'a* = m. utter loss, annihilation, perdition, destruction, decay, death, removal TPrt. Up. MBh. &c.; {-kRt} mfn. (ifc.) causing destruction of, destroying Yj.; {-dharman} mfn. subject to the law of decay Ragh. viii, 10 (v.l. {-min}; but cf. Pn. 5-4, 124); {sambhava} m. a source of destruction, cause of the subsequent non-existence of a composite body ({avayavin}) MW.; {-hetu} mfn. being the cause of death Sus'r.; {-zA7nta} m. `" end (caused by) destruction "', death MBh.; mfn. ending in death ib.; {-zo7nmukha} mfn. ready to perish, fully ripe or mature L. vimuktaH = liberated vimuktaanaaM = of those who are liberated

vimuktaiH = by one who has become free from vina = without vinaa *= or %{vinA4} ind. (prob. a kind of instr. of 3. %{vi}) without, except, short or exclusive of (preceded or followed by an acc. instr., rarely abl.; cf. Pa1n2. 2-3, 32; exceptionally ifc., e g. %{zucivinA}, without honesty, %{satya-v-}, without faith Subh.) AV. xx, 136, 13 (not in manuscript) Mn. MBh. &c. (sometimes %{vinA} is used pleonastically, e.g. %{natad@asti@vinA@deva@yat@te@virahitaM@ hare}, `" there is nothing, O god Hari, that is without thee "' Hariv. 14966). vinankshyasi = you will be lost vinadya = vibrating vinaya = humility\\* =vinaya 2 mfn. (for 1. see p. 969) leading away or asunder, separating RV. ii, 24, 9; cast, thrown L.; secret L.; m. taking away, removal, withdrawal S'is'. x, 42; leading, guidance, training (esp. moral trtraining), education, discipline, control MBh. Kv. &c.; (with Buddhists) the rules of discipline for monks MWB. 55 &c.; good breeding, propriety of conduct, decency, modesty, mildness ib. (in the Purnas sometimes

personified as son of Kriy or of Lajj); an office, business S'is'. xi, 36; N. of a son of Sudyumna MrkP.; a man of subdued senses L.; a merchant, trader L.; ({A}) f. Sida Cordifolia L.; {-karman} n. instruction Ragh.; {-kSudraka} or {-ka-vastu} n. N. of a Buddhist wk.; {-grAhin} mfn. conforming to rules of discipline, compliant, tractable L.; m. an elephant which obeys orders L.; {-jyotis} (?) m. N. of a Muni Kaths.; {-tA} f. good behaviour; modesty Cn.; {-datta} m. N. of a man Mriicch.; {deva} m. N. of a teacher Buddh.; of a poet Sadukt.; {-nandin} m. N. of the leader of a Jaina sect Inscr.; {-M-dhara} m. N. of a chamberlain Venis.; {pattra} n. = {-sUtra} (below) Buddh.; {-piTaka}, `" basket of discipline "', (with Buddhists) the collection of treatises on discipline (cf: above); {pradhAna} mfn. having humility pre-eminent, of which modesty is chief. MW.; {-pramAthin} mfn. violating propriety, behaving ill or improperly W.; {-bhAj} mfn. possessing propriety or modesty ib.; {-maya} mf({I})n. consisting of propriety Kd.; {yogin} mfn. possessing humility MW.; {-rAma} m. = {-sundara} Cat.; {-vat} mfn. well-behaved (in {avin-}) Vet.; ({atI}) f. N. of a woman Kaths. Das'. Pacat.; {-vallI} f. N. of wk.; {-vastu} n. (with Buddhists) N. of a section of the works which treat of Vinaya (q.v.) [972, 1]; {-vAc} mfn. speaking modestly W.; f. modest speech ib.; {-vijaya} m. N. of an author Cat.; {-vibhaGga} m. N. of wk.; {vibhASA-zAstra} n. N. of a Buddhist wk.; {-zrI} f.

N. of a woman HParis'.; {-sAgara}, {-sundara} m. N. of authors Cat.; {-sUtra} n. (with Buddhists) the Stra treating of discipline (cf. above); {-stha} mfn. conforming to discipline, compliant, tractable L.; {svAminI} f. N. of a woman Kaths.; {-yA7ditya} m. N. of Jaya7pida, Rajat.; of a king of the race of the Clukyas Inscr.; ({-pura} n. N. of a town built by Jaya7pida Rjat.); {-yA7didhara} (i.e. {vinaya-dh}) m. N. of a man Kv.; {-yA7nvita} mfn. endowed with modesty, humble L.; {-yA7vanata} mfn. bending down modestly, bowing low with modesty MBh. Kaths.; {-yo7kti} f. pl. modest speech B vinaayaka * = mf({ikA})n. taking away, removing MW.; m. `" Remover (of obstacles) "'N. of Gane7s'a Yj. VarBriS. &c.; a leader, guide MBh. R.; a Guru or spiritual preceptor L.; a Buddha L.; N. of Garuda L.; an obstacle, impediment L.; = {anAtha} (?) L.; N. of various authors &c. Cat.; pl. a partic. class of demons MnGri. MBh. &c.; N. of partic. formulas recited over weapons R.; ({ikA}) f. the wife of Gane7s'a or Garuda L.; {-caturthI} f. the fourth day of the festival in honour of Ganea Cat.; ({-thIvrata} n. N. of wk.); {-carita} n. N. of the 73rd ch. of the Krd-khanda or 2nd part of the Gane7s'aPurna.; {-dvAdaza-nAma-stotra} n. N. of wk.; {paNDita} m. N. of a poet S'rngP.; = {nandapaND-} Cat.; {-purANa} n. {-pUjA-vidhi} m. N. of wks.; {-bhaTTa} m. N. of various authors Cat.; {2497

bhojana-varNanA} f. {-mAhAtmya} n. {vratakalpa} m. {-vrata-pUjA} f. {-zAnti} f. {-zAntipaddhati} f. {zAnti-prayoga} m. {-zAnti-saMgraha} m. {-saMhitA} f. {-sahasra-nAman} n. {-stavarAja} m. N. of wks. or chs. from wks.; {-snapanacaturthI} f. the fourth day of the Gane7s'a festival (when his image is bathed) Cat.; {-kA7vatAravarNana} n. {-kA7vir-bhAva} m. {-ko7tpatti} f. N. of parts of wks vinayana * = mfn. taking away, removing MBh. Megh.; n. the act of taming or training, education, instruction Das'. vinayii = man with humility vinas'ayasi = you destroy vinaas'ya* = mfn. to be destroyed or annihilated (%{-tva} n.) MBh. Katha1s. Sarvad. vinas'yati = falls back vinas'yatsu = in the destructible vinaa = without* = or {vinA4} ind. (prob. a kind of instr. of 3. {vi}) without, except, short or exclusive of (preceded or followed by an acc. instr., rarely abl.; cf. Pn. 2-3, 32; exceptionally ifc., e g. {zuci2498

vinA}, without honesty, {satya-v-}, without faith Subh.) AV. xx, 136, 13 (not in manuscript) Mn. MBh. &c. (sometimes {vinA} is used pleonastically, e.g. {natad asti vinA deva yat te virahitaM hare}, `" there is nothing, O god Hari, that is without thee "' Hariv. 14966). vinaasha = total destruction vinaashaM = destruction vinaashaH = destruction vinaashaaya = for the annihilation vinaz * = P. %{-nazati}, to reach, attain RV.\\ 2 P. %{-nazati}, or %{-nazyati} (fut. %{-naziSyati} or %{-naGkSyati}; inf. %{-nazitum} or %{naMSTum}), to be utterly lost, perish, disappear, vanish RV. &c. &c.; to come to nothing, be frustrated or foiled ib.; to be deprived of (abl.) RV. ix, 79, 1; to destroy, annihilate Hariv.: Caus. %{nAzayati} (aor. %{vy-anInazat}), to cause to be utterly lost or ruined or to disappear or vanish RV. &c. &c. (once in Su1ryas. with gen. for acc.); to frustrate, disappoint, render ineffective (a weapon) AV.; to suffer to be lost or ruined Ragh. ii, 56; (aor.) to be lost, perish MBh. R.


vinda *= mfn. finding , getting , gaining (ifc. ; see %{go-} , %{cAru-v-} &c.) ; m. a partic. hour of the day R. ; N. of a son of Dhr2ita-ra1sht2ra MBh. ; of a king of Avanti ib. vindati = (6 pp) to find vindate = enjoys vinda* = mfn. finding, getting, gaining (ifc.; see {go-}, {cAru-v-} &c.); m. a partic. hour of the day R.; N. of a son of Dhriita-rshthra MBh.; of a king of Avanti ib. vindaka* = m. N. of a man Rjat. vindatvat* = mfn. containing a form of 3. {vid}; ({atI}) f. a verse of this kind Maitr vindaami = I have vinigrahaH = control viniha.nsi = you kill vinimayaH = (m) exchange vinimaya *= m. ( %{me}) exchange , barter (%{ena} , alternately) A1past. MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; mutual engagement , reciprocity (see %{kArya-vin}) ; a pledge , deposit , security L. ; transmutation

(of letters) MW. vinirNaya *= m. complete settlement or decision , certainty , a settled rule Mn. MBh. &c. vinirNI *= ( %{nI} ; only ind. p. %{-NIya}) , to decide or determine clearly BhP. vinirNIta *= mfn. determined clearly , ascertained , certain W. vinirmuktaaH = liberated vinipaata *= m. falling down , falling L. ; a great fall , ruin , loss , calamity Mn. MBh. &c. ; death Hcar. ; frustration Subh. ; failure (see %{a-vin-}) ; %{-gata} mfn. fallen into misfortune R. ; %{pratikriyA} f. (Katha1s.) , %{-pratIkAra} m. (Pan5cat.) a remedy against mmisfortune ; %{zaMsin} mfn. announcing mmisfortune or destruction , portentous W. vinipaataka *= mfn. throwing down , causing to fall , destroying MBh. vinipat *= P. %{-patati} , to fall down , fall in or into (loc.) Hariv. Sa1h. ; to flow down , alight upon (loc.) Hariv. ; to fall upon , attack , assail Katha1s.: Caus. %{-pAtayati} (Pass. %{-pAtyate}) , to cause to fall down , strike off (a man's head) MBh. ; to

throw down , kill , destroy , annihilate Mn. MBh. &c. vinirdah* = P. {-dahati}, to burn completely, consume by fire, destroy MBh. BhP. vinirdagdha* = mfn. completely burned up or consumed, utterly destroyed MBh. R. Hariv. vinirdahana* = n. the act of burning or destroying utterly MW.; ({I}) f. a partic. remedy Sus'r. vinirdiz* = P. {-dizati}, to assign, destine for (loc.) BhP.; to point out, indicate, state, declare, designate as (two acc.) MBh. BhP. Sus'r.; to announce, proclaim Yj. VarBriS.; to determine, resolve, fix upon MBh. vinirdiSTa* = mfn. pointed out &c.; charged or entrusted with (loc.) R. vinirdezya* = mfn. to be announced or reported VarBriS. vinirdhU* = (only ind. p. {-dhUya}), to shake off, drive or blow away, scatter R.; to shake about, agitate ib.; to reject, repudiate Vcar. vinirdhuta* = mfn. shaken off or about, tossed,

agitated ib. vinirdhuuta* = mfn. shaken off BhP.; driven away MBh. vinirdhuu* = (only ind. p. {-dhUya}), to shake off, drive or blow away, scatter R.; to shake about, agitate ib.; to reject, repudiate Vcar. vinirdhuta* = mfn. shaken off or about, tossed, agitated ib. vinirdhuuta* = mfn. shaken off BhP.; driven away MBh. vinirmita * = mfn. formed, created, constructed, built, prepared, made from or fashioned out of (abl. or comp.) MBh. R. &c.; laid out (as a garden) Katha1s.; fixed, appointed, destined to be (nom.) Hariv. Ka1v.; kept, celebrated, observed (as a feast) R. vinirmukta* = mfn. liberated, escaped, free or exempt from (instr. or comp.) MBh. VarBriS. Sus'r. &c.; discharged, shot off, hurled R. vinirmukti* = f. (ifc.) liberation W. vinishchitaiH = certain

vinis'cita* = mfn. firmly resolved upon (comp.) MBh.; ascertained, determined, settled, certain ib. R. &c.; (%{am}) ind. most certainly, decidedly Amar.; %{-tA7rtha} mfn. having a decided meaning Bhartr2. viniSkriya* = mfn. abstaining from ceremonial rites MW. viniSad* = ( {sad}) P. {-SIdati}, to sit down separately. viniSkR* = Caus. {-kArayati}, to cause to be mended or repaired Kaus'. viniSTan* = (prob. for {vi-niH-STan}; {STan} = {stan}) P. {-STanati}, to groan loudly Car. vinivartaka *= mfn. reversing, annulling TPra1t. vinivartante = are practiced to be refrained from vinivartana *= n. turning back, return MBh. R. &c.; coming to an end, cessation Das3ar. Sch. vinivarti *= f. ceasing, cessation DivyA7v. vinivartin *= see %{a-vinivartin}. vinivartita *= mfn. caused to turn back or to desist

from anything MBh.; turned away, averted Ma1lav.vi.ndati = enjoys vinivritta = disassociated viniyataM = particularly disciplined viniyamya = regulating viniyogaH = distribution (of various limbs, postures) vinoda = humor vinodaya = divert/recreate(be happy) vi.nsha.nsha = A Varga. The harmonic twentieth division. Used for delineating Religious fervour and accrued spiritual merit vi.nshottari = The most popular Dasha method in use today vi.nshopaka = A method of calculating planetary strength using the Vargas vinyaasa* = m. putting or placing down &c.; a deposit W.; putting on (ornaments) Kvya7d.; movement, position (of limbs), attitude TPrt. Kv.; arrangement, disposition, order Pur.; scattering, spreading out MBh. Hariv.; establishment, foundation MrkP.; putting together, connecting (words &c.), composition (of literary works) Vs. Sh. &c.; exhibition, display

(ifc. = showing, displaying) MBh.; the utterance of words of despair Sh.; assemblage, collection W.; any site or receptacle on or in which anything is deposited ib.; {-rekhA} f. a line drawn Blar. vipaadya* = mfn. to be killed, destructible ib. vipaaka = the distressing results of karmas: * = mf({A})n. ripe, mature RV.; m. cooking, dressing (= {pacana}) L.; ripening, maturing (esp. of the fruit of actions), effect, result, consequence (of actions in the present or former births pursuing those who commit them through subsequent existences) Yj. MBh. &c.; maturing of food (in the stomach), digestion conversion of food into a state for assimilation MBh. Hariv. Sus'r.; bad digestion Car.; any change of form or state Uttarar.; calamity, distress "', misfortune Yj. Uttarar.; withering, fading S'is'.; `" sweat "' or `" flavour `" ({sveda} or {svAda}) L.; (ibc.) subsequently, afterwards (see comp.); {-kaTuka} mfn. sharp or bitter in its consequences Kaths.; {kAla} m. the time of ripening or maturing Rjat.; {tIvra} mfn. sharp or terrible in consequence of (comp.) BhP.; {-dAruNa} mfn. terrible or dangerous in results Prab.; {-doSa} m. morbid affection of the digestive powers Sus'r.; {visphUrjathu} m. the consequences (of sins committed in a former birth) compared to a

thunder stroke Ragh.; {-zruta} n. N. of a sacred book of the Jainas W. \\%{vi-pAkin} see under %{vi-pac}, p. 973. vipaakin* = mfn. ripening, maturing bearing fruits or having consequences, Ma1latim.; difficult to be digested (in %{a-vip-}) Car. vipaana * = n. drinking up VS. Br. vipac* = P. %{-pacati}, to cook thoroughly, dissolve by cooking or boiling Ka1tyS3r. Sus3r. [973,2]; Pass. %{-pacyate}, to be cooked or baked or roasted MBh.; to be digested ib.; to be completely matured or ripened or developed Ragh. Sus3r.; to bear fruit, develop consequences VarBr2S.: Caus. %{-pAcayati}, to cook thoroughly, dissolve by cooking, melt, liquefy Sus3r. vipaksha = of the opposite side vipaNa *= m. (for 2. see %{vi-paN}) low or petty traffic MW.\\ 2 m. (for 1. see p. 951, col. 2) selling, sale Mn. MBh. &c.; a wager MBh.; a trading-place, shop, market-place MBh. Ma1rkP.; `" market "' (fig. applied to speech, the organ of speech, or the energy of activity) Ma1rkP.; N. of S3iva MBh. (= %{nirvyavahAra} or %{daNDA7di-rahita}); %{NA7paNa-vat} mfn. furnished with shops and markets MBh.

vipanna mfn. gone wrong, failed, miscarried (opp. to %{sam-panna}) MBh.; afflicted, distressed Hit.; ruined, destroyed, decayed, dead, gone MBh. Ka1v. &c.; m. a snake L.; %{-kRtya} mfn. (a deity) whose rites have been disturbed or neglected VarBr2S.; %{-tA} f. misfortune, ruin, destruction VarBr2S. (%{-tAMgataH}, ruined R.); %{-dIdhiti} mfn. one whose splendour or glory is gone. Bhartr2.; %{-deha} mfn. `" having a decomposed body "', dead, defunct Mr2icch. i, 30; %{nnA7patyA} f. a woman who has lost her child by abortion MW.; %{-nnA7rtha} mfn. one whose property or fortune is ruined R. (v.l. %{nnA7tman}). vipatti = calamity viparivartate = is working vipariita = inverted, contrary to rule, wrong vipariitaM = the opposite vipariitakaraNii = the upside-down posture vipariitaan.h = in the wrong direction vipariitaani = just the opposite


viparyaya = inversion // viparyaya *= mfn. reversed, inverted, perverse, contrary to (gen.) BhP.; m. turning round, revolution Jyot.; running off, coming to an end R.; transposition, change, alteration, inverted order or succession, opposite of. A1s3vS3r. Nir. MBh. &c. (e.g. %{buddhi-v-}, the opposite opinion; %{svapna-v-}, the opp of sleep, state of being awake; %{saMdhi-viparyayau}, peace and its opposite i.e. war; %{viparyaye}, %{-yena} and %{-yAt} ind. in the oppopposite case, other wise); exchange, barter (e.g. %{dravya-v-}, exchange of goods, buying and selling, trade) MW.; change for the worse, reverse of fortune, calamity, misfortune Mn. MBh. &c.; perverseness R. Katha1s. BhP.; overthrow, min, loss, destruction (esp. of the world) Ka1v.; change of opinion Sa1h.; change of purpose or conduct, enmity, hostility W.; misapprehension, error, mistake Mn. BhP. Sarvad.; mistaking anything to be the reverse or opposite of what it is MW.; shunning, avoiding R. vii, 63, 31 (Sch.); N. of partic. forms of intermittent fever Sus3r. // viparyAya m. = %{vi-paryaya}, reverse, contrariety L. viparyak* = ind. (fr. {-paryaJc}) invertedly BhP. viparyANa* = mfn. unsaddled Kaths.; {-NI-kRta} mfn. id. ib.


viparya* = m. or n. (?) a partic. high number Buddh. viparyas* = . {-asyate}, to turn over, turn round, overturn, reverse, invert S'Br. Gaut.; to change, interchange, exchange KtyS'r.; to have a wrong notion, be in error Bhartri.: Caus. {-Asayati}, to cause to turn round or to change Blar. viparyasta* = mfn. turned over, reversed, opposite, contrary AitBr. MBh. &c.; (in gram.) interchanged, inverted Pn. 2-3, 56 Sch.; standing round Kaths.; erroneously conceived to be real W.; {-tA} f. perverseness Sinha7s.; {-putrA} f. a woman bearing no male children MW.; {-manaz-ceSTa} mfn. having mind and actions perverted or inverted Mriicch. viparyAsa* = m. overturning, overthrow, upsetting (of a car) GriS.; transposition, transportation MBh.; expiration, lapse (of time) MBh.; exchange, inversion, change, interchange S'rS. MBh. &c.; reverse, contrariety, opposition, opposite of (e.g. {stuti-v-}, the opposite of praise i.e. blame) MBh. Kv. &c.; change for the worse, deterioration MBh.; death R.; perverseness Rjat.; error, mistake, delusion, imagining what is unreal or false to be real or true Kv. Bhshp. Pacat.; {-so7pamA} f. an inverted comparison (in which the relation

between the Upamna and Upameya is inverted) Kvya7d. viparyAsam* = ind. alternately AitBr. S'Br. S'ulbas. viparyAvRt* = . {-vartate}, to be turned back Kaus'.: Caus. {-vartayati}, to cause to turn away from, cause to be overturned TS. viparyaya* = mfn. reversed, inverted, perverse, contrary to (gen.) BhP.; m. turning round, revolution Jyot.; running off, coming to an end R.; transposition, change, alteration, inverted order or succession, opposite of. s'vS'r. Nir. MBh. &c. (e.g. {buddhi-v-}, the opposite opinion; {svapna-v-}, the opp of sleep, state of being awake; {saMdhiviparyayau}, peace and its opposite i.e. war; {viparyaye}, {-yena} and {-yAt} ind. in the oppopposite case, other wise); exchange, barter (e.g. {dravya-v-}, exchange of goods, buying and selling, trade) MW.; change for the worse, reverse of fortune, calamity, misfortune Mn. MBh. &c.; perverseness R. Kaths. BhP.; overthrow, min, loss, destruction (esp. of the world) Kv.; change of opinion Sh.; change of purpose or conduct, enmity, hostility W.; misapprehension, error, mistake Mn. BhP. Sarvad.; mistaking anything to be the reverse or opposite of what it is MW.; shunning, avoiding R. vii, 63, 31 (Sch.); N. of

partic. forms of intermittent fever Sus'r. viparyAya* = m. = {vi-paryaya}, reverse, contrariety L. viparyayeNaa.api = by changing also viparyaaya = a mistaken view vipashchit.h = (m) a learned man, scholar vipashchitaH = full of discriminating knowledge vipaT =* P. %{-pATayati}, to split in two, tear open, tear out, destroy MBh. Ka1v. &c.; to drive asunder, scare away Ka1d. Ra1jat. vipat=*P. %{-patati}, to fly or dash or rush through RV. i, 168, 6; to fly apart, fall off, burst asunder, be divided or separated S3Br. ChUp.; to fly along RV. x, 96, 9: Caus. %{-patayati}, to fly in various directions RV. iii, 55, 3; to fall asunder, be opened ib., vi, 9, 6; %{-pAtayati}, to cause to fly away, shoot off (arrows) AV.; to cause to fly asunder or off, split or strike off (a head) ib.; to strike down, kill MBh.//in comp. for %{vi-pad}; %{-kara} mf(%{I})n. causing misfortune Harav.; (%{I}) f. N. of a goddess ib.; %{-kAla} m. season of mmisfortune or calamity Hit.; %{-phala} mfn.

resulting in mmisfortune, calamitous MW.; %{sAgara} m. `" ocean of misfortune "', heavy calamity W. vipas'cit* = mfn. inspired, wise, learned, versed in or acquainted with (comp.) RV. &c. &c.; m. N. of Indra under Manu Sva1rocisha Pur.; of the Supreme Spirit Sarvad.; of a Buddha (prob. w.r. for %{vipazyin}) Lalit. viphalaH = not good, fruitless; * = mf({A})u. bearing no fruit (as a tree) Kv. VarBriS.; fruitless, useless, ineffectual, futile, vain, idle Yj. Hariv. &c.; having no testicles R.; m. Pandanus Odoratissimus L.; {-tA} f. {-tva} n. fruitlessness, uselessness, unprofitableness Kv. Pacat.; {pre7raNa} mfn. flung in vain Hit.; {-zrama} mfn. exerting one's self in vain ({-tva} n.), Rjat; {lA7rambha} mfn. one whose efforts are vain or idle Yj.; {-lA7za} mfn. one whose hopes are disappointed Hariv. (v.l. {niSphal-}). vipina * =`" stirring or waving (scil. in the wind) "', a wood, forest, thicket, grove MBh. Kv. &c.; a multitude, quantity Blar.; {-tilaka} n. a kind of metre Col.; {-nau9kas} m. wood-dweller "', an ape, monkey Mcar. vipra = Brahmin, sage


vipralambaka * = w.r. for %{-lambhaka} Prab. vipralup P. %{-lumpati} , to tear or snatch away , rob , plunder Mn. MBh. ; to visit , afflict , disturb MBh. vipralambha * = m. (fr. Caus.) deception , deceit , disappointment MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; the being disappointed or deceived through (abl.) MBh. xiv , 133 ; separation of lovers Ragh. Uttarar. &c. ; disunion , disjunction W. ; quarrel , disagreement ib. vipralambhaka * = mfn. deceiving , fallacious , a cheat or deceiver Katha1s. Prab. ; %{-tva} n. deceptiveness , fallaciousness Sam2k. vipralambhana * = n. pl. deception , fraud , trick Das3. vipralambhin * = mfn. deceiving , fallacious Pan5cat. vipratipanna = adj. perplexed vipratipannaa = without being influenced by the fruitive results viprapriyaM = the loved of the Brahmins

vipraaH = (masc.nom.Pl.)Brahmins vipula = ample * = mf(%{A})n. (prob. fr. %{pula} = %{pura}; cf. under %{pul}) large, extensive, wide, great, thick, long (also of time), abundant, numerous, important, loud (as a noise), noble (as a race) Pa1rGr2. MBh. &c.; m. a respectable man W.; N. of a prince of the Sauviras MBh.; of a pupil of Deva-s3arman (who guarded the virtue of Ruci, his preceptor's wife, when tempted by Indra during her husband's absence) MBh.; of a son of Vasu-deva BhP.; of a mountain (either Meru or the Hima7laya) Pur.; (%{A}) f. the earth L.; a form of the A1rya1 metre (in which the caesura is irregular; divided into 3 species, A1di-, Anlya-, and Ubhayavipula1) Col.; (in music) a kind of measure Sam2gi1t.; n. a sort of building Gal.; %{-grIva} mfn. long-necked R.; %{-cchAya} mfn. having ample shade, shady, umbrageous MW.; %{jaghanA} f. a woman with large hips ib.; %{-tara} mfn. larger or very large S3is3.; %{-tA} f. (S3ak.), %{-tva} n. (MBh.) largeness, greatness, extent, width, magnitude; %{dravya} mfn. having great wealth, wealthy Car.; %{-pArzva} m. N. of a mountain Buddh.; %{-prajJa} (MBh.), %{-buddhi} (Sus3r.) mfn. endowed with great understanding; %{-mati} mfn. id. Bhartr2.; m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh.; %{-rasa} m. `" having abundant juice "', the sugar-cane L.; %{-vrata} mfn. one who has

undertaken great duties MBh.; %{-zroni} mf(%{I})n. having swelling hips MW.; (%{-NIbhara} mf[%{A}]n. id. Amar.) [975,1]; %{skandha} m. `" broad-shouldered "'N. of Arjuna L.; %{-sravA} f. = %{-lA7sravA} L.; %{-hRdaya} mfn. large-hearted, llarge-minded Bhartr2. (v.l.); %{lA7yatA7kSa} mfn. having large and long eyes MW.; %{-lA7rtha-bhoga-vat} mfn. having great wealth and many enjoyments VarBr2S.; %{lA7zravA} f. Aloe Perfoliata L.; %{-le7kSaNa} mfn. large-eyed MW.; %{-lo7raska} mfn. broad-chested ib.; %{-lau9jas} mfn. having great strength, very strong R. vipulaM = more than enough, plenty vira * = m. a man, (esp.) a brave or eminent man, hero, chief (sometimes applied to gods, as to Indra, Vishnu &c.; pl. men, people, mankind, followers, retainers) RV. &c. &c.; a hero (as opp. to a god) RTL. 272 n.; a husband MBh. R. Pur.; a male child, son (collect. male progeny) RV. AV. Br. GriS'rS.; (collect. male progeny) RV. AV. Br. GriS'rS.; the male of an animal AV. S'nkhS'r.; (with, Tntrikas) an adept (who is between the {divya} and the {pazu} RTL. 191) Rudray.; (in dram.) heroism (as one of the 8 Rasas [q.v.]; the Vra-carita [q.v.] exhibits an example) Bhar. Das'ar. Sh. &c.; an actor W.; a partic. Agni (son of Tapas) MBh.; fire,

(esp.) sacred or sacrificial fire L.; N. of various plants (Terminalia Arunja; Nerium Odorum; Guilandina Bonduc, manioc-root) L.; N. of an Asura MBh.; of a son of Dhriita-rshthra ib.; of a son of Bharad-vja ib.; of a son of Purusha Vairja and father of Priya-vrata and Uttna-pda Hariv.; of a son of Griijima ib.; of two sons of Kriishna BhP.; of a son of Kshupa and father of Vivins'a MrkP.; of the father of Llvat ib.; of a teacher of Vinaya Buddh.; of the last Arhat of the present Avasarpini L.; (also with {bhaTTa}, {AcArya} &c.) of various authors &c. Cat.; (pl.) of a class of gods under Manu Tmasa BhP.; ({A}) f. a wife, matron (whose husband and sons are still alive) L.; an intoxicating beverage ib.; N. of various plants and drugs (Flacourtia Cataphracta; Convolvulus Paniculatus; Gmelina Arborea; the drug Ela-vluka &c.) L.; (in music) a partic. S'ruti Sangt.; N. of the wife of Bharad-vja L.; of the wife of Karan-dhama MrkP.; of a river MBh. (B. {vANI}); n. (only L.) a reed (Arundo Tibialis); the root of ginger(?); pepper; rice-gruel; the root of Costus Speciosus, of Andropogon Muricatus &c. [1005, 3]; mf({A})n. heroic, powerful, strong, excellent, eminent L. [Cf. Lat. {vir}; Lith. {vy4ras}; Goth. {wair}; Angl. Sax. {wr}, {wre-wulf}; Eng. {werewolf}; Germ. {Werwolf}, {Wergeld}.] viraagaH = Non-attachment/desirelessness

viraath* = in comp. for 2. {vi-rAj}. viraaj* = m. (for 2. see s.v.) king of birds BhP.\\* = P.. {-rAjati}, {-te}, to reign, rule, govern, master (gen. or acc.), excel (abl.) RV. AV. Br.; to be illustrious or eminent, shine forth, shine out (abl.), glitter ChUp. Mn. MBh. &c.; to appear as (nom.) MBh.: Caus. {-rAjayati}, (rarely {-te}) cause to shine forth, give radiance or lustre, brighten, illuminate MBh. R. &c. vi-raa4j* =2 mfn. (for 1. see p. 949, col. 3) ruling far and wide, sovereign, excellent, splendid RV.; mfn. a ruler, chief. king or queen (applied to Agni, Sarasvat, the Sun &c.) ib. AV. VS. Br. MBh.; f. excellence, pre-eminence, high rank, dignity, majesty TS. Br. S'rS.; m. or f. the first progeny of Brahm (according to Mn. i, 32 &c., Brahm having divided his own substance into male and female, produced from the female the male power Virj, who then produced the first Manu or Manu Svyambhuva, who then created the ten Prajpatis; the BhP. states that the male half of Brahm was Manu, and the other half S'ata-rp, and does not allude to the intervention of VVirj; other Purnas describe the union of S'ata-rp with VVirj or Purusha in the first instance, and with Manu in the second; Virj as a sort of secondary creator, is sometimes identified with Praj-pati,

Brahm, Agni, Purusha, and later with Vishnu or Kriishna, while in RV. x, 90, he is represented as born from Purusha, and Purusha from him; in the AV. viii, 10, 24; xi, 8, 30, VVirj is spoken of as a female, and regarded as a cow; being elsewhere, however, identified with Pra7na) IW. 22 &c.; (in Vednta) N. of the Supreme Intellect located in a supposed aggregate of gross bodies (= {vaizvAnara}, q. v.), Vedantas.; m. a warrior (= {kSatriya}) MBh. BhP.; the body MW.; a partic. Eka7ha PacavBr. Vait.; N. of a son of Priya-vrata and Kmy Hariv.; of a son of Nara VP.; of Buddha L. [983,1]; of a son of Rdh MW.; of a district ib.; f. a particular Vedic metre consisting of four Pdas of ten syllables each (and therefore also a symbolical N. of the number `" ten "'; in RV. x, 130, 5 this metre is represented as attaching itself to Mitra and Varuna, and in AitBr. i, 4 Virj is mystically regarded as `" food "', and invocations are directed to be made in this metre when food is the especial object of prayer; in prosody VVirj is applied to any metre defective by two syllables RPrt.); pl. N. of partic. bricks (40 in number) VS. S'Br. viraajana* = mfn. embellishing, beautifying (ifc.) Car.; n. ruling, being eminent or illustrious, &c. Nir.


viraaTaH = Virata viraam.h = to stop viraama = stop * cessation, termination, end S'nkhGri. Mn. &c. (acc. with {yA} or {pra-yA}, to come to an end, rest); end of a word or sentence, stop, pause (ifc. = ending with), APrt. Pn. &c.; end of or caesura with in a Pda S'rutab.; (in gram.), the stop "'N. of a small oblique stroke placed under a consonant to denote that it is quiescent i.e. that it has no vowel inherent or otherwise pronounced after it (this mark is sometimes used in the middle of conjunctions of consonants; but its proper use, according to native grammarians, is only as a stop at the end of a sentence ending in a consonant); desistence, abstention Ks'. Vop.; exhaustion, languor Car.; N. of Vishnu MBh.; of S'iva S'ivag.; {-tA} f. cessation, abatement Pacar. viraamaH = respite, full stop viraamaka * = mfn. ending in (ifc.) L. viraamaNa * = n. a pause Hcat. viracita* = mfn. constructed, arranged &c. [982,1]; performed BhP.; composed, written, Kalid.

Pan5cat.; put together, spoken, uttered (see comp.); put on, worn Ragh.; furnished with (instr.) Megh.; put in, inlaid, set MW.; (%{A}) f. N. of a woman Katha1s.; %{-pada} mfn. (a speech or song &c.) the words of which are artificially composed or arranged, rhythmic, poetic Ka1lid.; %{-vapus} mfn. one who has his body formed or arranged MW.; %{-vAc} mfn. one who has composed a speech or who has spoken Ragh.; %{-to7kti} mfn. id. Katha1s. viramamNa * = n. ceasing cessation KtyS'r.; (ifc.) desistence from Subh. viramArga* = m. the course or career of a hero MBh. Hariv vira4matii * = f. N. of a woman HParis'. vira4matsya * = m. pl. N. of a people R. vira4maya * = mf({I})n. (with Tntrikas) relating or belonging to an initiated person L. vira4mANikya * = m. N. of a king Prasannar. vira4maanin * = mfn. thinking one's self a hero Kaths.; m. N. of a hero Vcar. vi-ramita * = mfn. (fr. Caus.) made to cease,

stopped BhP. viram * = P. {-ramati} (rarely .; cf. Pn. 1-3, 83), to stop (esp. speaking), pause, cease, come to an end TS. &c. &c.; to give up, abandon, abstain or desist from (abl.) KtyS'r. MBh. &c.: Caus. {rA8mayati}, to cause to stop or rest &c., bring to an end, finish R. BhP.: Desid. see {vi-riraMsA}. vi-rama * = m. cessation, end MBh. BhP.; sunset S'is'. ix, 11; (ifc.) desistence or abstention from MBh. virachita = created virachitaM = created, composed viracita *=f mfn. constructed , arranged &c. [982,1] ; performed BhP. ; composed , written , Kalid. Pan5cat. ; put together , spoken , uttered (see comp.) ; put on , worn Ragh. ; furnished with (instr.) Megh. ; put in , inlaid , set MW. ; (%{A}) f. N. of a woman Katha1s. ; %{-pada} mfn. (a speech or song &c.) the words of which are artificially composed or arranged , rhythmic , poetic Ka1lid. ; %{-vapus} mfn. one who has his body formed or arranged MW. ; %{-vAc} mfn. one who has composed a speech or who has spoken Ragh. ; %{to7kti} mfn. id. Katha1s.

viraha = separation * = m. abandonment, desertion, parting, separation (esp. of lovers), absence from (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kv. &c.; lack, want (ifc. = lacking, with the exception of) Kv. Kaths. &c.; {-guNita} mfn. increased by separation Megh.; {-ja} mfn. arising from sseparation S'ak.; {-janita} mfn. id. MW.; {-jvara} m. the anguish of sseparation ib.; {-virasa} mfn. painful through (the idea of) separation, S'ntis'.; {-vyApad} mfn. decreased by sseparation Megh.; {-zayana} n. a solitary couch or bed Megh.; {hA7dhigama} m. experiencing sseparation ib.; {hA7nala} m. the fire of sseparation ib.; {-hA7rta} mfn. pained by sseparation W.; {-hA7vasthA} f. state of sseparation MW.; {-ho7tkaNThikA} f. (in dram.) a woman who longs after her absent lover or husband Sh.; {-ho7tsuka} mfn. suffering from sseparation A. virahitaM = without viraaja *= mfn. shining, brilliant Pan5car.; m. a partic. form of a temple Hcat.; a part. Eka7ha Vait.; a species of plant L.; N. of a Praja1-pati Hariv.; of a son of A-vikshit MBh. viraja*= (3. %{vi+raja} for %{rajas}) mf(%{A})n. free from dust, clean, pure (also fig. `" free from passion "') S3Br. MBh. &c.; free from the menstrual

excretion L.; m. N. of a Marut-vat Hariv.; of a son of Tvasht2r2i BhP.; of a son of Pu1rn2iman ib.; of a pupil of Ja1tu1karn2ya ib.; of the world of Buddha Padma-prabha SaddhP.; (pl.) of a class of gods under Manu Sa1varn2i BhP.; (%{A}) f. Panicum Dactylon (= %{dUrA}) MBh. (= %{kapitthAnI} L.); of the wife of Nahusha (spiritual daughter of a class of Pitr2is called Su-svadhas or Sva.svadhas) Hariv.; of a mistress of Kr2ishn2a (who was changed into a river) Pan5car.; of a Ra1kshasi1 Cat.; n. N. of a place of pilgrimage MBh.; %{-prabha} m. N. of a Buddha Buddh.; %{-loka} m. N. of a partic. world, VB.; %{-jA7kSa} m. N. of a mountain (to the north of Meru) Ma1rkP.; %{-jAkSetra} n. N. of a sacred district Cat.; %{-je7zvarI} f. N. of Ra1dha1 Pan5car. virajAta * = (%{vIra4-}) mfn. (wealth) consisting in men or sons RV. virica or viraca * = A* 'beyond passion' m. (perhaps fr. {ric}; but cf. {viraJca}) N. of Brahm (but also applied to Vishnu and S'iva) MBh. Kaths. Pur. ({-ta} f. BhP.) virakta = uninerested virala = rare virama V = become detached, stop

virica* = m. (perhaps fr. {ric}; but cf. {viraJca}) N. of Brahm (but also applied to Vishnu and S'iva) MBh. Kaths. Pur. ({-ta} f. BhP.) virochana = a demon prince virodha = opposition viruda * = hot out, sprouted, budded, grown; come forth, formed, produced, born, arisen; ascended, mounted, ridden, overgrown with young grass virugna * =mfn. (less correctly {vi-rugna}) broken to pieces, torn asunder &c. Bhathth. visarga* = m. sending forth, letting go, liberation, emission, discharge GriS'rS. MBh. &c.; voiding, evacuation (of excrement) S'Br. MBh. Sus'r.; opening (of the closed hand) KtyS'r.; getting rid of, sending away, dismissal, rejection Mn. MBh. &c.; letting loose i.e. driving out (cows; see {go-vis}); final emancipation, exemption from worldly existence BhP.; cessation, end RV. GriS.; end of the annual course of the sun Car.; destruction of the world BhP.; giving, granting, bestowal Mn. MBh. &c.; scattering, hurling, throwing, shooting, casting (also of glances) MBh. Ragh. BhP.; producing, creating (esp. secondary creation or creation in detail by Purusha; see under {sarga}) Bhag. BhP.;

creation (in the concrete sense), product, offspring Hariv. BhP.; `" producer "', cause BhP.; membrum virile ib.; the sus southern course L.; separation, parting W. (cf. {-cumbana}); light, splendour ib.; N. of a symbol in grammar (= {vi-sarjanIya}, which is the older term see below) Pn. Sch. S'rutab. MBh. BhP.; N. of S'iva MBh. xiii, 1241; {-cumbana} n. a parting kiss Ragh.; {-lupta} n. elision of the Visarga Pratp. vishaNNa * =mfn. dejected, sad, desponding, sorrowful, downcast, out of spirits or temper Kv. Kaths. BhP.; {-cetas} mfn. dejected in mind, lowspirited, downcast R.; {-tA} f. {-tva} n. dejection, sadness, languor, lassitude (esp. as one of the effects of unsuccessful love) L.; {-bhAva} m. id. Das'.; {-manas} mfn. = {-cetas} BhP.; {-mukha} mf({I})n. dejected in countenance, looking sad or dejected R.; {-rUpa} mf({A})n. having a sorrowful aspect, being in a dejected mood R.; {-vadana} mfn. = {-mukha} ib.; {-NNA7tman} mfn. lowspirited, desponding, downcast BhP. vishate = he enters vishama *= mf(%{A})n. (fr. %{vi} + %{sama}) uneven , rugged , rough MBh. Hariv. Ka1v. &c. ; unequal , irregular , dissimilar , different , inconstant Br. S3a1n3khGr2. Mn. &c. ; odd , not

even (in numbers &c.) Var. Ka1vya7d. ; that which cannot be equally divided (as a living sheep among three or four persons) Mn. ix , 119 ; hard to traverse , difficult , inconvenient , painful , dangerous , adverse , vexatious , disagreeable , terrible , bad , wicked (ibc. `" terribly "' S3is3.) Mn. MBh. &c. ; hard to be understood Gol. Ka1v. ; unsuitable , wrong Sus3r. Sarvad. ; unfair , dishonest , partial Mn. MBh. ; rough , coarse , rude , cross MW. ; odd , unusual , unequalled W. ; m. a kind of measure Sam2gi1t. ; N. of Vishn2u MW. ; (%{I}) f. N. of various wks. ; n. unevenness , uneven or rough ground or place (%{sama-viSameSu} , `" on even and uneven ground "' S3is3.) , bad road VS. TS. S3Br. &c. ; oddness (of numbers) W. ; a pit , precipice Mn. MBh. &c. ; difficulty , distress , misfortune MBh. R. &c. ; unevenness , inequality (%{eNa} ind. `" unequally "') Ka1s3. ; (in rhet.) incongruity , incompatibility Ka1vya7d. Prata1p. Kuval. ; pl. (with %{bharad-vAjasya})N. of Sa1mans SV. A1rshBr. ; (%{am}) ind. unequally , unfairly MW. ; %{-karNa} mfn. having unequal diagonals Col. ; m. or n. (?) any four-sided figure with ununequal didiagonals MW. ; the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle (esp. as formed between the gnomon of a dial and the extremities of the shadow) W. ; %{-karman} n. an odd or unequalled act W. ; a dissimilar operation ; the finding of two quantities when the difference of their squares is given and either the sum or the

difference of the quantities Col. ; %{-kAla} m. an unfavourable time , inauspicious season MW. ; %{kriya} mfn. undergoing unequal (medical) treatment (%{-tva} n.) Sus3r. ; %{-khAta} n. an irregular cavity or a solid with unequal sides Col. ; %{-gata} mfn. situated or placed on an uneven place (higher or lower) A1past. ; fallen into distress ib. ; %{-cakra-vAla} n. (in math.) an ellipse Su1ryapr. ; %{-catur-azra} , or %{-catur-bhuja} or %{-catuSkoNa} m. an unequal four-sided figure , trapezium Su1ryapr. ; %{-cchada} m. = %{saptacch-} , Alstonia Scholaris L. ; Echites Scholaris W. ; %{-cchAyA} f. `" uneven-shadow "' , the shadow of the gnomon at noon when the sun is on the equinoctial line W. ; %{-jvara} m. irregular (chronic) fever Sus3r. ; (%{-rA7ntaka-lauha} m. a partic. ferruginous preparation Rase7ndrac. ; %{rA7ntaka-lauha} m. id. L.) ; %{-tri-bhuja} m. a scalene triangle Col. ; %{-tva} n. inequality , difference MaitrUp. ; dangerousness , terribleness Vishn2. ; %{-dRSTi} mfn. looking obliquely , squint-eyed A1pGr2. Sch. ; %{-dhAtu} mfn. having the bodily humors unequally proportioned , unhealthy MW. ; %{-nayana} or %{-netra} mfn. `" having an odd number of eyes "' , `" three-eyed "'N. of S3iva L. ; %{-pada} mf(%{A})n. having unequal steps (as a path) Kir. ; having ununequal Pa1das (a stanza) RPra1t. RAnukr. VS. Anukr. ; %{-davRtti} f. N. of various commentaries ; %{-palAza} m. Alstonia Scholaris (= %{sapta-pal-}) L. [997,1] ;

%{-pAda} mf(%{A})n. consisting of unequal Pa1das Nida1nas. ; %{-bANa} m. `" five-arrowed "'N. of the god of love L. ; (%{-Na-lIlA} f. N. of a poem) %{-bhojana} n. eating at irregular hours MW. ; %{maya} mf(%{I})n. = %{viSamAd@AgataH} L. ; %{rAga} mfn. differently nasalized (%{-tA} f.). RPra1t. ; %{-rUpya} mfn. unequal quantities or qualities W. ; %{-rca} mfn. (fr. %{viSama} + %{Rc}) having an unequal number of verses S3a1n3khS3r. ; %{lakSmI} f. adverse fortune , bad luck VarBr2S. ; %{vibhAga} m. unequal division of property amongst co-heirs W. ; %{-vilocana} m. `" three-eyed "'N. of S3iva (cf. %{-nayana} above) Siddh. ; %{-vizikha} m. `" five-arrowed "'N. of the god of love Cat. ; %{vRtta} n. a kind of metre with unequal Pa1das Pin3g. ; %{-vyAkhyA} f. N. of Comm. ; %{vyAptika} mfn. furnishing an example of partial or one-sided invariable concomitance , Sa1m2khyas. Sch. ; %{-zara} m. `" five-arrowed "'N. of the god of love Das3. ; %{-zAyin} mfn. sleeping irregularly W. ; %{-ziSTa} mfn. inaccurately prescribed (%{-tva} n.) L. ; left-unfairly , unjustly divided (as property &c. at death) W. ; %{-zIla} mfn. having an unequable disposition , cross-tempered , rough , difficult W. ; m. N. of Vikrama7ditya Katha1s. ; of the 18th Lambaka of the Katha1-sarit-sa1gara called after him ; (w.r. for %{viSama-zilA} , `" an uneven rock "' Pan5cat. iii , 310/311) ; %{-zlokaTIkA} f. %{-zloka-vyAkhyA} f. N. of wks. ; %{sAhasa} n. irregular boldness , temerity , W ; %{2529

stha} mf(%{A})n. standing unevenly W. ; being in an inaccessible position ib. ; standing on a precipice , ststanding in a dangerous place Pan5cat. ; being in difficulty or misfortune MBh. R. &c. ; %{-spRhA} f. coveting wrongly another's property L. ; %{-mA7kSa} m. `" three-eyed "'N. of S3iva S3ivag. ; %{-mA7ditya} m. N. of a poet Subh. ; %{-mA7nna} n. irregular or unusual food MW. %{-mA7yudha} m. `" five-arrowed "'N. of the god of love Sin6ha7s. ; %{-mA7rtha-dIpikA} f. N. of wk. ; %{-mA7vatAra} m. descending on uneven ground MW. ; %{-mA7zana} n. eating irregularly (either as to quantity or time) Va1gbh. Sin6ha7s. Bhpr. ; %{mA7zaya} mfn. having an unfair disposition , dishonest , crafty W. ; %{-me7kSaNa} m. `" threeeyed "'N. of S3iva S3is3. ; %{-me7Su} m. `" fivearrowed "'N. of the god of love S3is3. Hit. ; %{mo7nnata} mfn. raised unevenly L. ; %{-mo7pala} mfn. having rough stones or rocks MW.\\ vishama\-vrittii = uneven or strained movement whilst breathing vishanti = enter vishaNNa * = mfn. dejected, sad, desponding, sorrowful, downcast, out of spirits or temper Ka1v. Katha1s. BhP.; %{-cetas} mfn. dejected in mind, lowspirited, downcast R.; %{-tA} f. %{-tva} n. dejection, sadness, languor, lassitude (esp. as one

of the effects of unsuccessful love) L.; %{-bhAva} m. id. Das3.; %{-manas} mfn. = %{-cetas} BhP.; %{-mukha} mf(%{I})n. dejected in countenance, looking sad or dejected R.; %{-rUpa} mf(%{A})n. having a sorrowful aspect, being in a dejected mood R.; %{-vadana} mfn. = %{-mukha} ib.; %{NNA7tman} mfn. low-spirited, desponding, downcast BhP. vishaaM = and the vaisyas vishaakhaa = Sixteenth nakshatra vishaala = very great vishaalaM = vast vishaalaakshau = (two)persons with (lotuslike)large eyes vis'aala* = mf({A} accord. to g. {bahvAdi} also {I})n. (prob. fr. {viz}; accord. to others, fr. {vi-zR}) spacious, extensive, broad, wide, large TS. &c. &c. ({am} ind. extensively PacavBr.); great, important, powerful, mighty, illustrious, eminent MBh. Kv. &c.; (ifc.) abundant in, full of Kap.; m. a kind of beast or bird or plant L.; a partic. Shad-aha S'rS.; N. of the father of Takshaka, S'ankhGri.; of an Asura Kaths.; of a son of Ikshvku (founder of

the city Vis'l) R.; of a son of Triinabindu Pur.; of a king of Vaidis'a MrkP.; of a mountain ib.; ({A}) f. colocynth Sus'r.; Basella Cordifolia L.; Portulaca Quadrifida L.; {--mahe7ndravAruNI} L.; (in music) a partic. Mrchan Sangt.; N. of the city Ujjayin or Ougein R. Megh. Kaths.; of another town (see {vaizAlI}, {vaizalI}); of a river and a hermitage situated on it MBh. R. BhP.; = {sarasvatI} L.; N. of an Apsaras VP.; of the wife of Aja-midha MBh.; of the wife of Arishtha-nemi (and daughter of Daksha) GrudaP.; ({I}) f. a kind of plant L.; n. N. of a place of pilgrimage, Bh.; du. (with {viSNoH}) N. of two Smans rshBr. vis'aarada * = mf({A})n. experienced, skilled or proficient in, conversant with (loc. or comp.; {-tva} n. Pacad.) Mn. MBh. &c.; learned, wise W.; clever (as a speech) BhP.; of a clear or serene mind Lalit.; famous, celebrated W.; beautifully autumnal Vs.; lacking the gift of speech ib.; bold, impudent ib.; = {zreSTha} L.: m. Mimusops Elengi Kir. Sch.; N. of an author and of another person Cat.; ({A}) f. a kind of Alhagi L.; {-di-man} m. skill, proficiency, conversancy Harav. vishaaya * = Nom. . {-yate} (m. c. also P. {-yati}), to become poison, turn into poison Bhartri. Subh. viSama * = mf(%{A})n. (fr. %{vi} + %{sama})

uneven, rugged, rough MBh. Hariv. Ka1v. &c.; unequal, irregular, dissimilar, different, inconstant Br. S3a1n3khGr2. Mn. &c.; odd, not even (in numbers &c.) Var. Ka1vya7d.; that which cannot be equally divided (as a living sheep among three or four persons) Mn. ix, 119; hard to traverse, difficult, inconvenient, painful, dangerous, adverse, vexatious, disagreeable, terrible, bad, wicked (ibc. `" terribly "' S3is3.) Mn. MBh. &c.; hard to be understood Gol. Ka1v.; unsuitable, wrong Sus3r. Sarvad.; unfair, dishonest, partial Mn. MBh.; rough, coarse, rude, cross MW.; odd, unusual, unequalled W.; m. a kind of measure Sam2gi1t.; N. of Vishn2u MW.; (%{I}) f. N. of various wks.; n. unevenness, uneven or rough ground or place (%{sama-viSameSu}, `" on even and uneven ground "' S3is3.), bad road VS. TS. S3Br. &c.; oddness (of numbers) W.; a pit, precipice Mn. MBh. &c.; difficulty, distress, misfortune MBh. R. &c.; unevenness, inequality (%{eNa} ind. `" unequally "') Ka1s3.; (in rhet.) incongruity, incompatibility Ka1vya7d. Prata1p. Kuval.; pl. (with %{bharad-vAjasya})N. of Sa1mans SV. A1rshBr.; (%{am}) ind. unequally, unfairly MW.; %{-karNa} mfn. having unequal diagonals Col.; m. or n. (?) any four-sided figure with ununequal didiagonals MW.; the hypotenuse of a rightangled triangle (esp. as formed between the gnomon of a dial and the extremities of the shadow) W.; %{-karman} n. an odd or unequalled

act W.; a dissimilar operation; the finding of two quantities when the difference of their squares is given and either the sum or the difference of the quantities Col.; %{-kAla} m. an unfavourable time, inauspicious season MW.; %{-kriya} mfn. undergoing unequal (medical) treatment (%{-tva} n.) Sus3r.; %{-khAta} n. an irregular cavity or a solid with unequal sides Col.; %{-gata} mfn. situated or placed on an uneven place (higher or lower) A1past.; fallen into distress ib.; %{-cakravAla} n. (in math.) an ellipse Su1ryapr.; %{-caturazra}, or %{-catur-bhuja} or %{-catuSkoNa} m. an unequal four-sided figure, trapezium Su1ryapr.; %{-cchada} m. = %{sapta-cch-}, Alstonia Scholaris L.; Echites Scholaris W.; %{-cchAyA} f. `" unevenshadow "', the shadow of the gnomon at noon when the sun is on the equinoctial line W.; %{-jvara} m. irregular (chronic) fever Sus3r.; (%{-rA7ntakalauha} m. a partic. ferruginous preparation Rase7ndrac.; %{-rA7ntaka-lauha} m. id. L.); %{tri-bhuja} m. a scalene triangle Col.; %{-tva} n. inequality, difference MaitrUp.; dangerousness, terribleness Vishn2.; %{-dRSTi} mfn. looking obliquely, squint-eyed A1pGr2. Sch.; %{-dhAtu} mfn. having the bodily humors unequally proportioned, unhealthy MW.; %{-nayana} or %{netra} mfn. `" having an odd number of eyes "', `" three-eyed "'N. of S3iva L.; %{-pada} mf(%{A})n. having unequal steps (as a path) Kir.; having ununequal Pa1das (a stanza) RPra1t. RAnukr. VS.

Anukr.; %{-da-vRtti} f. N. of various commentaries; %{-palAza} m. Alstonia Scholaris (= %{sapta-pal-}) L. [997,1]; %{-pAda} mf(%{A})n. consisting of unequal Pa1das Nida1nas.; %{-bANa} m. `" five-arrowed "'N. of the god of love L.; (%{Na-lIlA} f. N. of a poem) %{-bhojana} n. eating at irregular hours MW.; %{-maya} mf(%{I})n. = %{viSamAd@AgataH} L.; %{-rAga} mfn. differently nasalized (%{-tA} f.). RPra1t.; %{rUpya} mfn. unequal quantities or qualities W.; %{-rca} mfn. (fr. %{viSama} + %{Rc}) having an unequal number of verses S3a1n3khS3r.; %{lakSmI} f. adverse fortune, bad luck VarBr2S.; %{vibhAga} m. unequal division of property amongst co-heirs W.; %{-vilocana} m. `" three-eyed "'N. of S3iva (cf. %{-nayana} above) Siddh.; %{-vizikha} m. `" five-arrowed "'N. of the god of love Cat.; %{vRtta} n. a kind of metre with unequal Pa1das Pin3g.; %{-vyAkhyA} f. N. of Comm.; %{-vyAptika} mfn. furnishing an example of partial or one-sided invariable concomitance, Sa1m2khyas. Sch.; %{zara} m. `" five-arrowed "'N. of the god of love Das3.; %{-zAyin} mfn. sleeping irregularly W.; %{ziSTa} mfn. inaccurately prescribed (%{-tva} n.) L.; left-unfairly, unjustly divided (as property &c. at death) W.; %{-zIla} mfn. having an unequable disposition, cross-tempered, rough, difficult W.; m. N. of Vikrama7ditya Katha1s.; of the 18th Lambaka of the Katha1-sarit-sa1gara called after him; (w.r. for %{viSama-zilA}, `" an uneven rock "' Pan5cat.

iii, 310/311); %{-zloka-TIkA} f. %{-zloka-vyAkhyA} f. N. of wks.; %{-sAhasa} n. irregular boldness, temerity, W; %{-stha} mf(%{A})n. standing unevenly W.; being in an inaccessible position ib.; standing on a precipice, ststanding in a dangerous place Pan5cat.; being in difficulty or misfortune MBh. R. &c.; %{-spRhA} f. coveting wrongly another's property L.; %{-mA7kSa} m. `" threeeyed "'N. of S3iva S3ivag.; %{-mA7ditya} m. N. of a poet Subh.; %{-mA7nna} n. irregular or unusual food MW. %{-mA7yudha} m. `" five-arrowed "'N. of the god of love Sin6ha7s.; %{-mA7rtha-dIpikA} f. N. of wk.; %{-mA7vatAra} m. descending on uneven ground MW.; %{-mA7zana} n. eating irregularly (either as to quantity or time) Va1gbh. Sin6ha7s. Bhpr.; %{-mA7zaya} mfn. having an unfair disposition, dishonest, crafty W.; %{me7kSaNa} m. `" three-eyed "'N. of S3iva S3is3.; %{-me7Su} m. `" five-arrowed "'N. of the god of love S3is3. Hit.; %{-mo7nnata} mfn. raised unevenly L.; %{-mo7pala} mfn. having rough stones or rocks MW. vishaya* = m. (ifc. f. {A}; prob. either fr 1. {viS}, `" to act "', or fr. {vi} + {si}, `" to extend "' cf. Pn. 83, 70 Sch.) sphere (of influence or activity), dominion, kingdom, territory, region, district, country, abode (pl. = lands, possessions) Mn. MBh. &c.; scope, compass, horizon, range, reach (of eyes,

ears, mind &c.) S'nkhS'r. MBh. &c.; period or duration (of life) Pacat.; special sphere or department, peculiar province or tield of action, peculiar element, concern (ifc. = `" concerned with, belonging to, intently engaged on "'; {viSaye}, with gen. or ifc. = `" in the sphere of, with regard or reference to "'; {atra viSaye}, `" with regard to this object "') MBh. Kv. &c.; space or room (sometimes = fitness) for (gen.) Kv. Pacat.; an object of sense (these are five in number, the five {indriya}, or organs of sense having each their proper {viSaya} or object, viz. 1. {zabda}, `" sound "', for the ear cf. {zruti-viSaya}; 2. {sparza}, `" tangibility "', for the skin; 3. {rUpa}, `" form "' or `" colour "', for the eye; 4. {rasa}, `" savour "', for the tongue; 5. {gandha}, `" odour "' for the nose: and these five Vishayas are sometimes called the Gunas or `" properties "' of the five elements, ether, air, fire, water, earth, respectively; cf. {zruti-viSaya-guNa}) Yj. S'ank. Sarvad. IW. 83; a symbolical N. of the number `" five "' VarBriS.; anything perceptible by the senses, any object of affection or concern or attention, any special worldly object or aim or matter or business, (pl.) sensual enjoyments, sensuality KathhUp. Mn. MBh. &c.; any subject or topic, subject-matter MBh. Kv. &c.; an object (as opp. to `" a subject "') Sarvad. [997, 2]; a fit or suitable object (`" for "' dat. gen., or comp.) MBh. Kv. &c.; (in phil.) the subject of an argument, category, general head (one of the 5 members of an

Adhikarana [q.v.], the other 4 being {vizaya} or {saMzaya}, {pUrva-pakSa}, {uttara-pakSa} or {siddhA7nta}, and {saMgati} or {nirNaya}) Sarvad.; un-organic matter IW. 73; (in gram.) limited or restricted sphere (e.g. {chandasi viSaye}, `" only in the Veda "') Ks'. (ifc. = restricted or exclusively belonging to); (in rhet.) the subject of a comparison (e.g. in the comp. `" lotus-eye "' the second member is the {viSaya}, and the first the {viSayin}) Kuval. Pratp.; a country with more than 100 villages L.; a refuge, asylum W.; a religious obligation or observance ib.; a lover, husband ib.; semen virile ib. vis'aaya m. sleeping and watching alternately W. (cf. Pa1n2. 3-3, 39). vis'aya &c. see under %{vi-zI}.\\m. the middle, centre S3ulbas.; doubt, uncertainty Jaim. S3am2k.; = %{Azraya} L.; %{-vat} mfn. = next Nir. vishayakarman * = n. worldly business or act W. vishaya-kAma * = m. desire of worldly goods or pleasures ib. vishaya-tA * = f. the character or condition of being an object or having anything for an object, the relation between an object and the knowledge of it

Sh. Veda7ntas. Sarvad.; {-rahasya} n. {-vAda} (or {-vicAra}) m. {-vAda-TippaNa} n. {-vAdA7rtha} m. N. of wks. vishaya-tva * = n. = {-tA} Sarvad. Yj. Sch.; (ifc.) the being restricted to, occurring only in Pat. vishaya-nirati * =f. attachment to sensual objects A. vishaya-pati * = m. the governor of a province Inscr. vishaya-vat * = mfn. directed to objects of sense MBh.; objective Yogas. vishayaa7nta * =m. the boundary of a country MBh. R. Kaths vis'iirNa * = mfn. broken, shattered &c.; scattered, dispersed (as an army) R.; fallen out (as teeth) Ka1v.; squandered (as a treasure) MBh.; rubbed off (as unguent) Ga1rud2aP.; frustrated (as an enterprise), S3a1ntis3.; destroyed (as a town) R.; %{-jirNa-vasana} n. pl. worn and shattered garments Bhartr2.; %{-tA} f. crumbling or falling to pieces Ka1m.; %{-dhAra} mfn. intermittent (as urine) BhP.; %{-paGkti} mfn. having broken ranks or lines Ragh.; %{-parNa} m. Azadirachta Indica

L.; %{-mUrti} mfn. having the body destroyed (said of Ka1ma-deva) Kum. vishishhTaaH = especially powerful vishishhyate = is by far the better viruta * = mfn. roared, cried, &c.; invoked VarBr2S.; made to resound, filled with the cries &c. of (instr. or comp.) R. BhP.; n. shrieking, howling, yelling, humming, chirping, &c., any noise or sound Mn. R. screaming, howling Ka1d. Mudr. vis'ruta * = mfn. flowed forth, dropped, flowing W.; spread, diffused, stretched ib. \\ 2 mfn. (for 2. see col. 2) flowed away, flowing forth W.\\ 2 mfn. heard of far and wide, heard, noted, notorious, famous, celebrated RV. &c. &c.; known as, passing for, named (nom.) Hariv.; pleased, delighted, happy L.; m. N. of a man Das3.; of a son of Vasu-deva BhP.; of Bhavabhu1ti Gal.; n. fame, celebrity BhP.; learning (see comp.); %{-deva} m. N. of a king Buddh.; %{-vat} mfn. possessing much learning, very learned Hariv.; m. N. of Maru (the father of Br2ihad-bala) VP.; %{tA7bhijana} mfn. of a renowned family, of noted birth MW. visthaana * = mfn. belonging to another place or organ (as a sound) RPrt. - 1.

vishthhaa * = 1 f. (for 2. 3. see p. 999, col. 1) = 3. {viS}, feces, excrement (acc. with {kR} or {vi-dhA}, to void excrexcrement) Mn. MBh. &c. (often w.r. {viSTA}). vishthhaa * = 2 ( {sthA}; for 1. {viSThA} see p. 996, col. 2) . {-tiSThate} (cf. Pn. 1-3, 22; Ved. and ep. also P.), to stand or go apart, be spread or diffused or scattered over or through (acc. or {adhi} with loc.) RV. VS. AV.; to be removed or separated from (instr.) TS. AV.; to stand, be stationary stand still, remain firm, abide, dwell, stop RV. &c. &c.; to keep ground, not to budge R.; to be present or near MBh.; to be engaged in (loc.) Hariv.: Caus. (only aor. {-tiSThipaH}) to spread, expand RV. i, 56, 5. vishthhaa * = 3 f. place, position, station, form, kind RV. AV. TBr. S'rS.; a rope (?) DivyA7v.; {vrAji4n} mfn. remaining in one place, stationary S'Br. vishuddha = pure vishuddhayaa = fully purified vishuddhaye = for clarifying vishuddhaatmaa = a purified soul


visheshha = particular vis'esha * = m. (once in Pacat. n.; ifc. f. {A}) distinction, difference between (two gen., two loc., or gen. and instr.) GriS'rS. MBh. &c.; characteristic difference, peculiar mark, special property, speciality, peculiarity Mn. MBh. &c.; a kind, species, individual (e.g. {vRkSa-v-}, a species of tree, in comp. often also = special, peculiar, particular, different, e.g. {chando-v-}, a particular metre, {vvizeSa-maNDana}, a peculiar ornament "'; {argha-vizeSAH}, different prices "') MBh. Kv. &c.; (pl.) various objects Megh.; distinction, peculiar merit, excellence, superiority (in comp. often= excellent, superior, choice, distinguished e.g. {AkRti-v-}, `" an excellent form "' [990, 3]; cf. {vvizeSa-pratipatti}) Mn. MBh. &c.; (in gram.) a word which defines or limits the meaning of another word (cf. {vi-zeSaka} and {vi-zeSaNa}); (in phil.) particularity, individuality, essential difference or individual essence (with the Vais'eshikas the 5th cate gory or Pada7rtha, belonging to the 9 eternal substances or Dravyas, viz. soul, time, place, ether, and the 5 atoms of earth, water, light, air, and mind, which are said to be so essentially different that one can never be the other) IW. 66 &c.; (in medicine) a favourable turn or crisis of a sickness Sus'r.; (in rhet.) statement of difference or distinction, individualization,

variation Kuval. (cf. {vizeSo7kti}); a sectarian mark, any mark on the forehead (= {tilaka}) L.; (in geom.) the hypotenuse S'ulbas.; N. of the primary elements or Mah-bhtas (q.v.) MaitrUp.; the earth as an element BhP.; the mundane egg ib.; {virAj} ib.; (ibc., {ena} or {At} ind. exceedingly, especially, particularly, even more Mn. MBh. &c.; {At} ifc., by reason or in consequence of. VarBriS.; {yena yena vizeSeNa}, in any way whatever MBh.); mf({A})n. extraordinary, abundant Ragh. ii, 14 (B. {vizeSAt} for {vizeSA}); {-karaNa} n. making better, improvement Mlav.; {-kRt} mfn. making a distinction, distinguishing RPrt.; {--garhaNIya} mfn. especially reprehensible, even more blamable Kuval.; {-guNa} m. a special or distinct quality Nlak.; (in phil.) a substance of a distinct kind (as soul, time, space, ether, and the five atoms enumerated above) W.; {-jJa} mfn. knowing distinctions, judicious Kv. Kaths.; (ifc.) knowing various kinds of. R.; {jJAna-vAdA7rtha} m. N. of wk.; {-tac} ind. according to the difference of. in proportion to (comp.) Mn. xi, 2; especially, particularly, above all Mn. MBh. &c.; individually, singly, Vedantas.; {-tva} n. distinction, notion of the particular L.; {-drizya} mfn. of splendid aspect or appearance Ragh.; {-dharma} m. a peculiar or different duty W.; a special law MW.; {niyama} m. a partic. observance MBh.; {-nirukti} f. (ibc.) `" explanation of differences "'; N. of wk. ({-kroDa} m. {-TIkA} f. {-prakAza}, m.; {-tyAloka} m. N. of

wks.); {-patanIya} n. a partic. crime or sin Yj. iii, 298; {-padA7rtha} m. (in Nyya) the category of particularity (cf. above under {vizeSa}); {pratipatti} f. a special mark of honour or respect Ragh.; {-pratiSedha} m. a special exception MW.; {-pramANa} n. spspecial authority ib.; {-bhAga} m. a partic. part of an elephant's fore-foot L.; {bhAvanA} f. reflecting on or perceiving difference W.; (in arithm.) a partic. operation in extracting roots, composition by the difference of the products ib.; {-bhUta-pariziSTa} n. N. of wk.; {maNDana} n. a peculiar ornament S'ak.; {-mati} m. N. of a Bodhisattva and of another man Buddh.; {mitra} m. N. of a man Buddh.; {-ramaNIya} mfn. especially delightful, particularly pleasant Vikr.; {lakSaNa} n. any specific or characteristic mark or sign W.; ({-NATIkA} f. N. of wk.); {liGga} n. a partic. mark, specific property, attribute of a subordinate class Kap.; {-vacana} n. `" distinguishing or defining word "', an adjective, apposition Pn. 8-1, 74; a special text, special rule or precept W.; {-vat} mfn. pursuing something particular MBh. ii, 849; possessed of some distinguishing property or specific quality BhP.; excellent, superior, better than (abl.) MBh. Hariv.; making a difference (see {a-v-}); {-vAda} m. the above doctrine of the Vais'eshikas; ({-TIkA} f. N. of wk.; {-din} m. an adherent of that doctrine Snkhyak. Sch.); {-vikrama-ruci} mfn. taking delight in splendid heroism Bhartri.; {-vid} mfn. =

{jJa} MBh.; {-vidvas} m. `" eminently learned "', a sage, philosopher W.; {-vidhi} m. a special rule or observance W.; {-vyApti} f. (in logic) a form of Vypti or pervasion L.; N. of wk. (also {-rahasya} n.); {-zArGgadhara} m. N. of wk.; {-zAlin} mfn. possessing peculiar merit or excellence Kir.; {zAstra} n. (in gram.) a special rule(= {apavAda}) MW.; {-sthu} mfn. being (found only) in excellent persons or things Kvya7d. ii, 170; {-SA7tideza} m. a spspecial supplementary rule ib.; {-SA7mRta} n. N. of wk.; {-SA7rtha} m. the sense or essence of distinction, difference ({am} ind. for the sake of ddifference MW.); {-prakAzikA} f. {-bodhikA} f. N. of wks.; {-SA7rthin} mfn. seeking for excellence or distinction MBh.; particular in searching for anything MW.; ({-thi}) {-tA} f. the searching for something better Pacat.; {-SA7vasyakaniryukti} f. N. of wk.; {-So7kti} f. `" mention of difference "'N. of a figure of speech (in which the excellence of a thing is implied by comparing it to some highly prized object, yet mentioning the difference e.g. {dyUtaMnAma puruSasyA7siMhA7sanaM rAjyam}, `" truly gambling is a mas throneless kingdom "' Mriicch. ii, 6/7) Vm. iv, 3, 23 (cf. Kvyad. ii, 323 &c.) [991, 1]; enumeration of merits, panegyric W.; {-SA7cchvasita} n. the peculiar breath or life, cherished object), a peculiar treasure (applied to an object especially dear) MW.; {-So7ddeza} m. (in Nyya) a partic. kind of enunciation ib.

visheshhataH = especially visheshhasanghaan.h = specifically assembled visheshhaGYa = the knowledgeable or wise person vishyati = (4 pp) to pierce vishleshha = lonely (antonym of aashleshha which is embrace) vishuucIna * = mfn. going apart or in different directions, spreading everywhere RV. AV. VS. TS. BhP.; n. = %{manas} BhP. visphotha * = m. cracking , crashing MBh. ; a blister , boil Ka1v. Katha1s. Sus3r. ; mfn. open DivyA7v.\\ &c. see above under %{vi-sphuT}. [1002,2] visphuth * = P. %{-sphuTati} , %{-sphoTati} (fut. %{-sphuTiSyati}) , to burst open , be split or cleft or rent asunder R. Ma1rkP. visphutha * = mfn. burst open , gaping (%{-TIkRta} mfn. = next) Sus3r. visphuthita * = mfn. opened , burst MBh.


vis'vaM = the universe vis'va* = mf({A})n. (prob. fr. 1. {viz}, to pervade cf. Un. i, 151; declined as a pron. like {sarva}, by which it is superseded in the Brhmanas and later language) all, every, every one; whole, entire, universal RV. &c. &c.; all-pervading or allcontaining, omnipresent (applied to VishnuKriishna, the soul, intellect &c.) Up. MBh. &c.; m. (in phil.) the intellectual faculty or (accord. to some) the faculty which perceives individuality or the individual underlying the gross body ({sthUlazarIra-vyaSty-upahita}) Veda7ntas.; N. of a class of gods cf. below; N. of the number `" thirteen "' Gol.; of a class of deceased ancestors MrkP.; of a king MBh.; of a well-known dictionary = {vizvaprakAza}; pl. ({vi4zve}, with or scil. {devA4s} cf. {vizve-deva}, p. 995) `" all the gods collectively "' or the, All-gods "' (a partic. class of gods, forming one of the 9 Ganas enumerated under {gaNadevatA} q.v.; accord. to the Vishnu and other Purnas they were sons of Vis'v, daughter of Daksha, and their names are as follow, 1. Vasu, 2. Satya, 3. Kratu, 4. Daksha, 5. Kla, 6. Kma, 7. Dhriiti, 8. Kuru, 9. Pur-ravas, 10. Mdravas [?]; two others are added by some, viz. 11. Rocaka or Locana, 12. Dhvani [or Dhri; or this may make 13]: they are particularly worshipped at S'rddhas and at the Vais'vadeva ceremony [RTL. 416]

[992,3]; moreover accord. to Manu [iii, 90, 121], offerings should be made to them daily - these privileges having been bestowed on them by Brahm and the Pitriis, as a reward for severe austerities they had performed on the Hima7laya: sometimes it is difficult to decide whether the expression {vizve devAH} refers to all the gods or to the particular troop of deities described above) RV. &c.; &c.; ({A}) f. the earth L. (loc. pl. `" in all places, everywhere "' RV. viii, 106, 2); dry ginger L.; Piper Longum L.; Asparagus Racemosus L.; = {ativiSA}, or {viSA} L.; N. of one of the tongues of Agni MrkP.; a partic. weight L.; N. of a daughter of Daksha (the wife of Dharma and mother of the Vis've Devh) MBh. Hariv. Pur.; of a river BhP.; n. the whole world, universe AV. &c.&c.; dry ginger Sus'r.; myrrh L.; a mystical N. of the sound {o} Up. vishva* = mfn. injurious, hurtful, mischievous (= {hiMsra}) L. vishvataaH = from all around the world vishvatomukhaM = and in the universal form vishvatomukhaH = Brahma vishvamaaryaM = vishvaM:Universe and AryaM: (acc.sing.):noble person

vishvamuurte = O universal form vishvaruupa = in the form of the universe vishvavidyaalayaH = (m) university vishvavedaaH = one who has understood the world(vishva) vis'vadeva* = ({vizva4-}) mfn. all-divine RV. Hariv.; m. N. of a god Hariv.; of a teacher Cat.; Pl. a partic. class of deities, the Vis've Devh (see {vizva} above) RV. VS. Hariv. VarBriS.; ({A}) f. Uraria Lagopedioides Sus'r.; Hedysarum LagopLagopedioides W.; a species of redflowering Dando7tpala L.; {-tA} f. pl. the Vis've Devh L.; {-dIkSitIya} n. N. of wk.; {-netra} ({vizva4-deva-}) mfn. led by the VVis've DDevh VS.; {-bhakta} mfn. (prob.) inhabited by worshippers of the VVis've DDevh (g. {aiSukAry-Adi}); {-vat} ({vizva4-deva-}) mfn. united with all gods AV. vis've-deva* = m. pl. the Vis've Devh (see under {vizva}) Pur.; sg. N. of the number `" thirteen "' (at the end of the Sandeha-vishau9shadhi); of Mahpurusha Hariv.; of an Asura ib.; or another divine being Kthh.; ({A}) f. Uraria Lagopodioides L.

vishvasya = universe vishvaamitra = vishvAmitra's vis'vaasa = faith * = m. confidence, trust, reliance, faith or belief in (loc. gen. instr. with or without %{saha}, or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; a confidential communication, secret Das3. Hit.; %{-kAraka} mf(%{ikA})n. inspiring confidence, causing trust MBh.; %{-kAraNa} n. reason for cconfidence Hit.; %{-kArya} n. a confidential matter of business Hit.; %{-kRt} mfn. = %{-kAraka} W.; %{-ghAta} m. destruction of confidence, violation of trust, treachery Ra1matUp.; %{-ghAtaka} or %{-ghAtin} mfn. one who destroys cconfidence, a traitor MBh. R. &c.; %{-janman} mfn. produced from cconfidence MW.; %{-devI} f. N. of the patroness of Vidya1-pati (to whom he dedicated his Gan3ga1va1kya7vali1, a wk. on the worship of the water of the Ganges) Cat.; %{-parama} mfn. wholly possessed of cconfidence, thoroughly trustful R.; %{-pAtra} n. `" receptacle of confidence "', a trustworthy person Hit.; %{-pratipanna} mfn. possessed of cconfidence, trustful Hit.; %{-prada} mfn. inspiring cconfidence W.; %{-bhaGga} m. violation of cconfidence, breach of faith Ma1lati1m.; %{-bhUmi} f. `" ground for cconfidence "', a trustworthy person Hit.; %{maya} mf(%{I})n. consisting in cconfidence

Ja1takam.; %{-rAya} m. N. of a minister Cat.; %{sthAna} n. `" place for or object of cconfidence "', a hostage, surety Pan5cat.; %{-hantR} (Ma1rkP.) or %{-hartR} (MBh.) m. `" destroyer or stealer of cconfidence "', a traitor; %{-sai9ka-bhU} f. `" sole ground for cconfidence "', sole trustworthy person, Kusum.; %{-sai9ka-sAra} m. `" one whose sole essence is cconfidence "'N. of a man MW.; %{zo7jjhita-dhI} mfn. `" one whose mind has abandoned cconfidence "', distrustful, suspicious Ra1jat. [995,2]; %{-so7pagama} m. access of cconfidence S3ak. vishvaasabhuumi = trustworthy vishve = the Visvedevas vishveshvara = O Lord of the universe visha = poison vishama = odd (as in odd or even) vishamiva = like poison vishame = in this hour of crisis vishaya = kingdom (here)


vishayaaH = on the subject matter vishayaan.h = sense objects vishaye = in topics, in subjects vishaaNa = horns vis'aarada mf(%{A})n. experienced , skilled or proficient in , conversant with (loc. or comp. ; %{tva} n. Pan5cad.) Mn. MBh. &c. ; learned , wise W. ; clever (as a speech) BhP. ; of a clear or serene mind Lalit. ; famous , celebrated W. ; beautifully autumnal Va1s. ; lacking the gift of speech ib. ; bold , impudent ib. ; = %{zreSTha} L.: m. Mimusops Elengi Kir. Sch. ; N. of an author and of another person Cat. ; (%{A}) f. a kind of Alhagi L. ; %{-diman} m. skill , proficiency , conversancy Harav. vishaadaM = moroseness vishaadi = morose vishiidan.h = while lamenting vishiidantaM = lamenting vishheshhataa = difference vishhopameyaM = poison-like

vis'lesha *= m. loosening, separation, dissolution, disjunction, falling asunder Katha1s. Sus3r. (%{saMdhau@v-} or %{saMdhi-v-}, non-union of letters, hiatus Sa1h.); separation (esp. of lovers) Ka1v. Katha1s.; a chasm MW.; (in arithm.) the converse of addition Gan2it.; %{-jAti} f. (in arithm.) the assimilation of difference, reduction of fractional ddifference Li1l.; %{-sUtra} n. a rule for (an operation which is) the converse of addition Col. vishthabhya = pervading vishthhitaM = situated vishNu = the preserver of life vishNuH = the Lord MahaavishhNu vishNutvaM = the quality/state of Brahman/godrealisation vishNo = O Lord Visnu vis'iirNa* = mfn. broken, shattered &c.; scattered, dispersed (as an army) R.; fallen out (as teeth) Ka1v.; squandered (as a treasure) MBh.; rubbed off (as unguent) Ga1rud2aP.; frustrated (as an enterprise), S3a1ntis3.; destroyed (as a town) R.;

%{-jirNa-vasana} n. pl. worn and shattered garments Bhartr2.; %{-tA} f. crumbling or falling to pieces Ka1m.; %{-dhAra} mfn. intermittent (as urine) BhP.; %{-paGkti} mfn. having broken ranks or lines Ragh.; %{-parNa} m. Azadirachta Indica L.; %{-mUrti} mfn. having the body destroyed (said of Ka1ma-deva) Kum. vishusprisha = touched, tinged with poison (poison-tipped arrow?) vishvaksena* = m. (sometimes written {vizvak-s-}) `" whose hosts or powers go everywhere "'N. of Vishnu-Kriishna (or of a partic. form of that deity to whom the fragments of a sacrifice are offered) MBh. Kv. &c.; of S'iva MBh. xiii, 1168; of an attendant of Vishnu Pur.; of a Sdhya Hariv.; of the 14th (or 13th) Manu VP.; of a Riishi MBh.; of a king R.; of a son of Brahma-datta Hariv. Pur.; of a son of S'ambara Hariv.; ({A}) f. a kind of plant (= {priyaGgu} or {phalinI}) L.; {-kAntA} f. a kind of plant (= {priyaGgu} or a Diascorea) Car.; {-priyA} f. `" beloved of Vishnu "'N. of Lakshm L.; a Diascorea L.; {-saMhitA} f. N. of wk. vismaarita *= (fr. Caus.) caused to forget anything (acc.) Rjat.; caused to be forgotten, lost to memory BhP.


vismaya *=wonder, surprise, amazement, bewilderment, perplexity; pride, arrogance; doubt, uncertainty, mfn. causing astonishment or admiration, astonishing, wonderful mfn. manifesting pride or arrogance Hcat.; mfn. filled with astonishment and perplexity Kaths.; {-harSamUla} mfn. caused by astonishment and Joy MW.; {-yA7kula}, {-yA7nvita} or mfn. filled with astonishment or wonder; mfn. having eyes wide open or staring with astonishment. \\mfn. amazed, surprised, perplexed MaitrUp. MBh. &c.; wondered at, surprising R. BhP.; proud, arrogant BhP.; n. and ({A}) f. a kind of metre Col.; {-mAnasa} mfn. surprised or perplexed in mind MW.; {-tA7nana} mfn. having a surprised face ib. vismayapadaM = object of wonder vismayaavishhTaH = being overwhelmed with wonder vismitaaH = in wonder vismrita * = mfn. one who has forgotten anything, forgetful of (acc. or comp.) Kv.; forgetful of all R. ii, 58, 30; forgotten by (instr. or gen.) R. Klid. Rjat. &c.; {-pUrva-saMskAra} mfn. forgetting a former promise or resolution MW.; m. N. of Bhavabhti L.; {-vat} mfn. one who has forgotten S'ak.; {saMskAra} mfn. one who forgets an agreement

MW. visrijan.h = giving up visrijya* = mfn. to be sent out or let go &c.; to be (or being) produced or effected (as subst. = `" effect "') BhP. visrijaami = I create visrijya = putting aside visrishTa * = mfn. sent or poured forth, let go, allowed to flow or run, discharged, emitted, shed, cast, thrown, hurled RV. &c. &c.; spat out VP.; removed TS.; turned, directed Mr2icch.; deprived or destitute of (instr.) BhP.; spread, diffused AV.; opened Vait.; (ifc.) bestowed on Ma1rkP.; produced, created, founded R. Ragh.; n. (in gram.) = %{vi-sarjanIya} Ka1t.; %{-dhena} (%{vi4-}) mfn. streaming or yielding milk RV.; %{-bhUmi} mfn. one who has space or room given (to sit down &c.) MW.; %{-rAti} (%{vi4-}) mfn. munificent in gifts RV.; %{-vat} mfn. one who has sent out or despatched (messengers) Katha1s.; %{-vAc} mfn. uttering words i.e. breaking silence A1s3vS3r.; %{tA7tman} mfn. one who has cast off (i.e. does not care for) his own self, unselfish R.


vistaraH = the expanse vistarashaH = in detail vistarasya = to the extent vistareNa = in detail vistaaraM = the expansion vistyArayam *V: expanding vistaarita = expanded visphuraNai = by emanation visrishtha *= mfn. sent or poured forth , let go , allowed to flow or run , discharged , emitted , shed , cast , thrown , hurled RV. &c. &c. ; spat out VP. ; removed TS. ; turned , directed Mr2icch. ; deprived or destitute of (instr.) BhP. ; spread , diffused AV. ; opened Vait. ; (ifc.) bestowed on Ma1rkP. ; produced , created , founded R. Ragh. ; n. (in gram.) = %{vi-sarjanIya} Ka1t. ; %{-dhena} (%{vi4}) mfn. streaming or yielding milk RV. ; %{bhUmi} mfn. one who has space or room given (to sit down &c.) MW. ; %{-rAti} (%{vi4-}) mfn. munificent in gifts RV. ; %{-vat} mfn. one who has sent out or despatched (messengers) Katha1s. ; %{2557

vAc} mfn. uttering words i.e. breaking silence A1s3vS3r. ; %{-tA7tman} mfn. one who has cast off (i.e. does not care for) his own self , unselfish R. vis'uddha* = mfn. completely cleansed or purified (also in a ritual sense), clean, clear, pure (lit.and fig.) Mn. MBh. &c.; free from vice, virtuous, honest MBh. Kv. &c.; brilliantly white (as teeth) Riitus.; thoroughly settled or established or fixed or determined or ascertained ib.; (ifc.) one who has gone through or thoroughly completed ({upadezav-}) Mlav.; cleared i.e. exhausted, empty (as a treasury) Rjat.; (in alg.) subtracted Gol.; n. a kind of mystical circle in the body (cf. {cakra} and {vizuddhi-c-}); {-karaNa} mfn. one whose acts are pure or virtuous BhP.; {-gAtra-tA} f. the having bright or pure limbs (a minor mark of a Buddha) Dharmas'. 84; {-cAritra} m. `" of virtuous conduct "'N. of a Bodhi-sattva SaddhP.; {-tA}, f. (Kv.), {tva} n. (S'ank.) purity; {-dhiSaNa} mfn. having the mind purified BhP.; {-dhI} mfn. id. Rjat.; {-dhIra} mfn. pure and grave Kaths.; {-netra-tA} f. having the eyes bright (one of the minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmas'. 84; {-pArSNi} mfn. having the rear or back protected or covered Km.; {-prakRti} mfn. of pure or virtuous disposition Rjat.; {bhAva} (R.), {-manas} (Bhartri.) mfn. pureminded; {-mugdha} mfn. ppure and innocent Mlatm.; {-rasa-dIpikA} f. N. of wk.; {-vaMzya}

mfn. of a ppure or virtuous family Rjat.; {sattva} mfn. of a pure character MundUp.; {sattva-pradhAna} mfn. chiefly characterized by pure goodness MW.; {-sattva-vijJAna} mfn. of pure character and understanding R.; {-siMha} m. N. of a man Buddh.; {svara-nirghoSA} f. a partic. Dhran Buddh.; {-ddhA7tman} mfn. of a ppure nature or character MBh. R. &c.; {-ddhe7zvaratantra} n. N. of a Tantra. vitan * = P. A1. %{-tanoti}, %{-tanute} (fut. %{tAyitA} BhP.), to spread out or through or over, cover, pervade, fill TUp. MBh. &c.; to spread, stretch, extend (a net, snare, cord &c.) RV. &c. &c.; to draw or bend (a bow) MBh.; to spread out i.e. lay on, impose (a yoke) RV.; to apply (ointment) Ka1v.; to extend, make wide (with %{tanva4s}, the bodies, = to oppose or resist boldly RV.; with %{padAni}, steps, = to stride Gi1t.); to unfold, display, exhibit, manifest RV. &c. &c.; to carry out, perform, accomplish (esp. a rite or ceremony) ib.; to sacrifice Hariv.; to cause, effect, produce Sa1h.; to make, render (two acc.) Prasannar. vitataH = are spread vitaana * = mfn. (for 2. see under %{vi-tan}) `" out of tune "', dejected, sad Ragh. vi, 86; empty Harav. (also in %{av-} S3is3. iii, 50); dull, stupid W.; wicked, abandoned ib.; %{-nI-bhUta} mfn. being sad or dejected Ja1takam. // 2 m. n. (for 1. see p. 950, col. 3) extension, great extent or

quantity, mass, heap, plenty, abundance Ka1v. VarBr2S.; high degree Bhartr2.; manifoldness, variety Gi1t.; performance, accomplishment, development, growth BhP.; an oblation, sacrifice MBh. S3is3. BhP.; an awning, canopy, cover MBh. Ka1v. &c.; the separate arrangement of the three sacred fires or the separate fires themselves Gr2S3rS.; m. or n. (?) a partic. bandage for the head Sus3r.; (%{A}) f. N. of the wife of Sattra1yan2a BhP.; n. N. of a partic. metre or of a class of metres Pin3g. Sch. Col.; leisure, opportunity L.; %{-kalpa} m. N. of a Paris3isht2a belonging to the Atharva-veda Caran2.; %{mUlaka} n. the root of Andropogon Muricatus L.; %{-vat} mfn. having a canopy or awning Kum. vitana * = see %{Ahara-vitanA}. vitarati = to distribute vitarka = discernment* = m. conjecture, supposition, guess, fancy, imagination, opinion MBh. Kv. &c.; doubt, uncertainty Yogas. Sarvad.; a dubious or questionable matter Yogas.; reasoning, deliberation, consideration Kv. Sh.; purpose, intention Jtakam.; a teacher, instructor in divine knowledge W.; a partic. class of Yogis Jtakam.; N. of a son of Dhriita-rshthra MBh.; pl. N. of the five principal sins Jtakam.; {-padavI} f.

the path of conjecture or supposition Prab.; {-vat} mfn. (speech) containing a cconjecture or ssupposition Das'ar. vitasti * = f. (once in Hcat. m.; prob. fr. {tan}) a partic. measure of length (defined either as a long span between the extended thumb and little finger, or as the distance between the wrist and the tip of the fingers, and said to = 12 Angulas or about 9 inches) S'Br. GriS'rS. &c. [963, 1]; {-dezya} mfn. almost a Vitasti long Rjat. vitata * = mfn. spread out, extended &c.; diffused, drawn (as a bow-string) RV.; bent (as a bow) R.; covered, filled Hariv.; prepared (as a road) AV.; extensive, far-spreading, broad, wide ({am} ind.) VS. &c. &c.; n. any stringed instrument (such as a lute &c.) L.; {-tva} n. extendedness, expansiveness, largeness Hariv. Pur.; {-dhanvan} mfn. one who has drawn a bow to its full stretch MBh.; {-vapus} mfn. having an elongated body MW.; {-tA7dhvara} ({vi4-}) mfn. one who has prepared a sacrifice S'Br.; {-tA7yudha} mfn. = {vitata-dhanvan} MBh.; {-to7tsava} mfn. one who has arranged a festival Kaths. vith* = stool, to ask beg vitri = to distribute

vitrishhNaaM = desirelessness vitta * = 1 mfn. (for 2. see under 3. {vid}) known, understood (see comp.); celebrated, notorious, famous for (comp.) Das'. (cf. Pn. 8-2, 58). vitta4 * = 2 mfn. (for 1. see p. 963) found, acquired, gained, obtained, possessed AV. Br.; caught or seized by (instr. or comp.) Br. Kaus'.; ({A}) f. taken, married (as a woman) S'Br.; n. anything found, a find AitBr.; (in later language also pl.) acquisition, wealth, property, goods, substance, money, power RV. &c. &c.; the second astrological mansion VarYogay. vitta = money vittArtha* = m. `" one who knows the matter "', an expert L. vittakAma* = mfn. desirous of wealth, covetous, avaricious MBh.; {-myA4} ind. (instr. f.) from avarice AV. vittaja* = mfn. produced by wwealth Pacat. vittada* = m. `" wealth-giver "', benefactor W.; ({A}) f. N. of one of the Mtriis attendant on Skanda MBh.

vittadha* = mfn. `" wwealth-possessing "', rich VS. vittapa* = mf({A})n. guarding wwealth BhP.; m. N. of Kubera R. Hariv. vittavat* = mfn. possessing wwealth, opulent, rich s'vS'r. MBh. &c. vItta* = mfn. (for {vi-datta}, 1. {dA}) APrt. Sch. (cf. {parI-tta}). vittasaMcaya* = m. accumulation of wwealth or riches R. vittaM = wealth vittakoshhaH = (m) bank vitte = wealth vitteshaH = the lord of the treasury of the demigods vivaaha = Wedding *= m. leading away (of the bride from her father's house), taking a wife, marriage with (instr. with or without %{saha}) AV. &c. &c. (eight kinds of marriage are enumerated in Mn. iii, 21, viz. Bra1hma, Daiva, A1rsha,

Pra1ja1patya, A1sura, Ga1ndharva, Ra1kshasa, and Pais3a1ca; cf. Ya1jn5.)i. i, 58-61 and IW. 190 &c.); a partic. wind S3ak. Sch. (prob. w.r. for %{vi-vaha}); a vehicle (and, marriage "' AitBr. vii, 13; n. a partic. high number Buddh.; %{-karman} n. %{-mapaddhati} f. N. of wks.; %{-kAma} mfn. desirous of marriage MW.; %{-kArikA} f. pl. N. of wk.; %{kAla} m. the (right) time for mmarriage VarBr2S.; %{-griha} n. `" mmarriage-house "', the house in which a wedding is celebrated Katha1s.; %{caturthika} n. or %{-caturthI-karman} n. N. of wks.; %{-catuSTaya} n. a quadruple mmarriage, the marrying of four wives MW.; %{-tattva} (or %{udvAha-t-}) n. %{-tattva-dIpikA} f. N. of wks.; %{-dIkSA} f. the mmarriage rite, mmarriage ceremony Ragh.; (%{-kSA-tilaka} m. n. a Tilaka mark made on the forehead during a mmarriage cerceremony MW.; %{-kSA-vidhi} m. the preparatory rites of mmarriage ib.); %{-dvirAgamanapaddhati} f. N. of wk. (containing rules to be observed on a bride's coming for the second time from her father's to her husband's house); %{nepathya} n. a mmarriage-dress Ma1lav.; %{paTala} m. n. N. of various wks. (or of that section in an astrological wk. that treats of the times fit for mmarriage); %{-paTaha} m. a mmarriage-drum Mr2icch.; %{-paddhati} f. %{-prakaraNa} n. (and %{-Na-TIkA} f.), %{-prayoga} m. %{-bhUSaNa} n. %{-mela-vANI-vidhi} m. N. of wks.; %{-yajJa} m. a mmarriage-sacrifice MW.; %{-ratna} n. N. of wk.;

%{-vidhi} m. the law of mmarriage Mn. ix, 65 (also N. of wk.); %{-vRndAvana} n. N. of an astrol. wk. by Kes3ava7rka; %{-veSa} m. (ifc. f. %{A}) a mmarriage-dress Ragh.; %{-samaya} m. = %{kAla} Pan5cat.; %{-sambandha} m. relation or connection by mmarriage, Pracan2d2.; %{siddhA7nterahasya} n. %{-saukhya} n. N. of wks.; %{-sthAna} n. the place for a mmarriageceremony (before a house) A1pGr2. Sch.; %{homa} m. = mmarriage-sacrifice; (%{-ma-vidhi} m. and %{-mo7payuktA@mantrAH} m. pl. N. of wks.); %{-hA7gni} m. a mmarriage-fire A1s3vGr2.; %{-hA7di-kArmaNAm@prayoga} m. N. of wk.; %{-hA7rtha} m. purpose of mmarriage, a m. suit MW.; %{-he7cchu} mfn. desirous of mmarriage ib.; %{-ho7tsava} m. `" marriage feast "'N. of wk. [987,3] vivaahaM = marriage vivaha m. `" carrying away "'N. of one of the seven winds MBh. Hariv.; of one of the seven tongues of fire Col. vivaara* = m. dilation, expansion W.; (in gram.) open or expanded state of the organs of speech, expansion of the throat in articulation (one of the bhyantara-prayatnas or efforts of articulate utterance which take place within the mouth, opp. to {saM-vAra} q.v.) Pn. 11, 9 Sch.

vivaarayishu* = mfn. (fr. Desid. of Caus. of 1. {R}) wishing to keep back or ward off (an army) MBh. vivakshaNa* = mfn. ( {vakS}) swelling, exuberant (applied to the Soma) RV. (Sy. `" gushing "', `" spurting "' or, bringing to heave= {svargaprA7paNa-zIla}). vivakshaa = choice* = f. (fr. Desid. of {vac}) the wish or desire to speak or declare or teach or express Sank. Sarvad. &c.; meaning, signification, sense, sense of (loc. or comp.) BhP. Pn. Sch. [986, 3]; the (mere) wish or intention to speak, uncertainty, doubt, hesitation (`" as to "' comp.) MBh. R.; wish, desire W.; a question MW.; {-rtham} ({-kSA7r-}) ind. (ifc.) in order to point out or lay stress upon Pn. Sch.; {-vazAt} ind. according to the meaning (of a speaker or writer) MW. vivakshaNa* = mfn. ( {vakS}) swelling, exuberant (applied to the Soma) RV. (Sy. `" gushing "', `" spurting "' or, bringing to heave= {svargaprA7paNa-zIla}). vivakshase* = (fr. {vakS}, or {vac} or {vah}, either 2. sg. A. or Ved. inf.), occurring only as refrain and without connection with other words in the hymns of Vi-mada RV. x, 24 &c. (accord. to Naigh. iii, 3=

{mahat}). vivakshita* = mfn. wished or intended to be spoken or said, meant, intended MBh. R. S'ank.; expressly meant, to be urged, essential (in {a-viv-}) S'ank.; chief, favourite Km.; literal (not figurative) W.; n. what is wished or intended to be spoken &c.; any desired object or aim ib.; ({A}) f. meaning, purpose, wish (?) ib.; {-tva} n. the being intended or meant to be said Nlak. vivakshitavya* = mfn. to be intended or meant to be said, necessarily meant Nyyam., Sch {-vakSu4} mfn. calling or crying aloud AV.; wishing to speak, intending to say or announce or tell or ask anything (acc., rarely gen., or comp.) MBh. Hariv. &c.; wishing to speak to (acc.) MBh. vivardhayiSu * = mfn. (fr. Desid. of Caus.) wishing to increase or augment MBh. Hariv. BhP. vivas'a* = mf({A})n. deprived or destitute of will, powerless, helpless (`" through "' comp.), unwilling, involuntary, spontaneous (ibc. `" involuntarily "') Mn. &c. &c.; (only W.) unrestrained; independent; subject; apprehensive of death; desirous of death (as being free from worldly cares); m. a town, suburb (?) Gal.; pl. v.l. for {viviMza} below VP.; {-tA} f. absence of will,

helplessness Rjat.; {-zI-kR}, to render helpless; {zI-kRta}, checked (as a carriage in motion) MBh. Rjat. Kaths. vivasvataH = of the sun-god vivasvate = unto the sun-god vivasvaan.h = Vivasvan (the sun-god's name) vivarjita = without/ having abandoned vivaraNa* = mfn. the act of uncovering, spreading out, opening, laying bare or open TPrt. MBh. Sus'r.; explanation, exposition, interpretation, gloss, comment, translation, interpretation, specification &c. Pur. S'ank. Sarvad.; a sentence MW.; N. of wk. on Veda7nta; {-kArikA-bhASya} n. {-catuHsUtrI} f. {-tattva-dIpana} n. {-darpaNa} m. {-prameya-saMgraha} m. {-prasthAna} n. {-bhAvaprakAzikA} f. {-ratna} n. {-vraNa} (?) m. {saMgraha}, m. {-sAra-saMgraha}, m.; {NA7panyAsa} m. N. of wks. vivara* = {vi-varaNa} &c. see under {vi-} 1. {vR}, p. 988. vivara* = m. n. a fissure, hole, chasm, slit, cleft, hollow, vacuity (also applied to the apertures of the

body and to gaping wounds) RV. &c. &c.; intermediate space, interstice MBh. Kv. &c.; difference VarBriS. Ganit.; a breach, fault, flaw, vulnerable or weak point MBh. Kv.; harm, injury MrkP.; expansion, opening, widening BhP.; N. of the number, nine "' (cf. above and under {randhra}) MW.; a partic. high number Buddh.; {darzaka} mfn. showing one's weak points MBh.; {nAlika} f. a fife, flute L.; {-rA7nuga} mfn. seeking after (another's) weak points MBh.; {-re-sad} mfn. abiding in intermediate space, an inhabitant of the sky Kir. vivarjitaM = devoid of vivardhanaaH = increasing viveka *= m. discrimination , distinction Mn. Sarvad. Sus3r. ; consideration , discussion , investigation Gi1t. Ma1rkP. Sarvad. ; true knowledge , discretion , right judgment , the faculty of distinguishing and classifying things according to their real properties ChUp. Kap. &c. ; (in Veda7nta) the power of separating the invisible Spirit from the visible world (or spirit from matter , truth from untruth , reality from mere semblance or illusion) ; a water trough (= %{jala-droNI}) L. [988,1] ; N. of wk. ; %{-kaumudI} f. N. of wk. ; %{khyAti} f. right knowledge Sarvad. ; %{2569

candro7daya} m. %{-cUDAmaNi} m. N. of wks. ; %{-ja} mfn. produced or arising from discrimination Dharmas. 72 ; %{jJa} mfn. skilled in discrdiscrimination , intelligent , well acquainted with (comp.) R. &c. ; %{-jJAna} n. knowledge arising from discrdiscrimination , the faculty of discrdiscrimination Sarvad. ; %{-tA} w.r. for %{viveki-tA} (q.v.) ; %{-tilaka} m. %{-dIpaka} m. (or %{ikA} f.) N. of wks. ; %{-dRzvan} mfn. one who sees or is conversant with true knowledge (%{zva-tva} n.) Bhat2t2. ; %{-dhairyA7zraya} m. N. of wk. on Bhakti (by Vallabha7ca1rya) ; %{-padavI} f. path of discrdiscrimination "' , reflection Katha1s. ; %{-paripanthin} mfn. obstructing right judgment Katha1s. ; %{-phala} n. N. of wk. ; %{-bhAj} mfn. `" possessed of discrdiscrimination , discerning , wise Bha1m. ; %{-bhraSTa} mfn. one who has lost the faculty of discrdiscrimination , foolish , unwise Bhartr2. ; %{-makaranda} m. %{-maJjarI} f. N. of wks. ; %{-mantharatA} f. feebleness of judgment Ml. ; %{-mArtaNDa} m. N. of various wks. ; %{-rahita} mfn. `" not separated "' (applied to breasts) and `" wanting discernment "' , S3r2in3ga1r. ; %{-vat} mfn. `" possessing discrdiscrimination "' , judicious , discerning Katha1s. ; %{-viguNa} mfn. wanting discrdiscrimination "' , unwise , foolish Ra1jat. ; %{-viraha} m. `" want of discrdiscrimination "' , ignorance , folly , S3a1ntis3. ; %{-vilAsa} m. N. of wk. ; %{-vizada} mfn. distinct , clear , intelligible

Ra1jat. ; %{-vizrA7nta} mfn. void of discrdiscrimination , foolish , unwise Ma1lav. ; %{-zataka} n. %{-zloka} m. %{-saMgraha} m. %{sAra} m. %{-saravarNana} n. %{-sAra-siGdhu} m. %{-sindhu} , m. ; %{-kA7Jjana} n. %{-kA7mRta} n. %{-kA7rNava} m. N. of wks. ; %{-kA7rtham} ind. in order to distinguish Mn. i , 26 ; %{-kAzrama} m. N. of a man Cat. ; %{-ko7daya} m. the rise of true knowledge or wisdom , Bhattr2.\\&c. see under %{vi-vic}. vivekin.h = one who is thoughtful and just vivic *= P. %{-vinakti} , to sift (esp. grain by tossing or blowing) , divide asunder , separate from (instr. or abl.) S3Br. S3rS. BhP. to shake through (acc.) RV. i , 39 , 5 ; to cause to lose , deprive of (abl.) Bhat2t2. ; to distinguish , discern , discriminate Kat2hUp. BhP. to decide (a question) MBh. ; to investigate , examine , ponder , deliberate Ka1v. Katha1s. BhP. ; to show , manifest , declare MBh.: Pass. %{-vicyate} , to go asunder , separate (in. trans.) AV.: Caus. %{-vecayati} , to separate , distinguish Mn. Sus3r. ; to ponder , investigate , examine Pan5car. Sa1h. vivici *= id. (applied to Agni or Indra) RV. Br. A1s3vS3r. ; %{-cI7STi} f. an oblation made to Agni Vivici TS. Sch.

vividha = varied vividhaH = various vividhaaH = various vividhaiH = various vivikta = to solitary* = mfn. separated, kept apart, distinguished, discriminated Kap. MBh. BhP.; isolated, alone, solitary Mn. MBh. &c.; (ifc.) alone with i.e. intent upon (e.g. {cintA-v-}) MBh.; free from (instr. or comp.) Hariv. Kum.; pure, clean, neat, trim Mn. MBh. &c.; clear, distinct Hariv. Km.; discriminative, judicious ( = {vi-vekin}) L.; profound (as judgment or thought) W.; m. = {vasunandana} or {vasu-nanda} L.; n. separation, solitude, a lonely place (see comp.); clearness, purity MrkP.; {-ga} mfn. going to a lonely place, seeking solitude Kaths.; {-carita} mfn. faultless in conduct or behaviour BhP.; {-cetas} mfn. pureminded ib.; {-tarka} mfn. clear in reasoning MW.; {-tA} f. separation, isolation, Rjat; clearness, purity Sus'r.; being well, good health ib.; distinction, discrimination L.; an empty or free place, loneliness MW.; {-tva} n. solitude Mriicch.; {-dRSTi} mfn. clear-sighted BhP.; {-nAman} m. N. of one of the 7 sons of Hiranyaretas and of the Varsha ruled by him ib.; {-bhAva} mfn. having a

mind separated or abstracted (from other pursuits), intent on any object W.; {-varNa} mfn. containing letters or syllables distinctly enunciated MW.; {-zaraNa} (BhP.), {-sevin} (Bhag.) mfn. resorting to or seeking solitude; {-ktA7sana} mfn. having a secluded seat, sitting at a sequestered place Mn. ii, 215; {-ktI-kRta} mfn. emptied, cleared Kaths.; left, deserted Ragh. viviktasevii = living in a secluded place vivitsaa* = f. (fr. Desid.) desire of knowing MBh.\\ {vivitsu}, {vividiSu} see p. 964, col. 3. vivriNute = (Vr. Pr.III Per.S.AP)chooses vivriddhaM = increased vivriddhe = when developed vivyata: *A= shaken, disturbed, agitated, daunted vivyadh * P. {-vidhyati}, to pierce through, transfix VS. vivyaadhin * mfn. piercing, transfixing vivyaduh*: beat attack.


vivyadh * P. {-vidhyati}, to pierce through, transfix vivyathita * mfn. ( {vyath}) greatly troubled or alarmed viyogaM *= extermination viyuj *= P. A1. %{-yunakti}, %{-yuGkte}, to disjoin, detach, divide, separate from or deprive of (instr., rarely abl.) AV. &c. &c.; to part from (instr.) S3am2k.; (A1.) to forsake, abandon (acc.) Kir.; to relax, abate, yield BhP.: Pass. %{-yujyate}, to be separated from or deprived of, lose (instr.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; to break (a vow instr.) Mn., v, 91; to be relaxed, yield, give way R.: Caus. %{-yojayati}, %{te}, to cause to be disjoined, separate or deliver from, deprive of (instr. or abl.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; to rob MBh.; to subtract Li1l. viyukta *= mfn. disjoined, detached, separated or delivered from, deprived or destitute of. deserted by (instr. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.; disunited (as husband and wife) Mn. ix, 102; failing, deficient MW.; %{-tA} f. (ifc.) the being free from L. viyuta *= mfn. separated from, deprived of (instr. or comp.) RV. &c. &c.; not being in conjunction with (comp.) VarBr2S.; diminished, that from which something has been subtracted Su1ryas.;

(%{A}) f. du.'the two separated ones "', heaven and earth RV. iii, 54, 7; %{-tA7rthaka} mfn. void of meaning, Lvraaja *= 1 m. (for 2. see below) going, movement, motion MW.\\ 2 m. (for 1. see above) = 2. %{vraja4}, a troop, host, band (%{am} ind. in troops) AV.; a domestic cock L. vraata = disciplined course* = m. (connected with 1. {vR}, or with {vrata4} and 2. {vR}) a multitude, flock, assemblage, troop, swarm, group, host ({vrA4taM} {vrAtam}, in companies or troops; {pa4Jca vrA4tAs}, the five races of men), association, guild RV. &c. &c.; the company or attendants at a marriage feast W.; = {manuSya} Naigh. ii, 3; the descendant of an out-caste Brhman &c. (= {vrAtya}) L.; n. manual or bodily labour, day-labour ib. vraja = go* = 1 m. (for 2. see p. 1042, col. 1) a way, road L.; n. wandering, roaming W. \\2 m. (n. only RV. v, 6, 7; ifc. f. {A}; fr. {vRj}) a fold, stall, cowpen, cattle-shed, enclosure or station of herdsmen RV. &c. &c.; m. N. of the district around Agra and Mathur (the abode of Nanda, of Kriishna's fosterfather, and scene of Kriishna's juvenile adventures; commonly called Braj; cf. {vRji}) Inscr.; a herd, flock, swarm, troop, host, multitude MBh. Kv. &c.

({saMgrAmaH savrajaH} `" a fight with many "' MrkP.; {vrajo girimayaH}, prob. = {giri-vraja}, q.v Hariv.); a cloud (= {megha}) Naigh. i, 10; N. of a son of Havir-dhna Hariv. VP. vraj cl. i P. (Dha1tup. viii, 79) %{vra4jati} (m.c. also %{-te}; pf. %{vavrA4ja} RV. &c. &c.; aor. %{avrAjIt} Br. Up.; fut. %{vrajitA} Gr.; %{vrajiSyati} Br. &c.; inf. %{vrajitum} MBh.; ind. p. %{vrajitvA}, %{-vra4jya}, %{-vrAjam} Br. &c.), to go, walk, proceed, travel, wander, move (also applied to inanimate objects; with acc. or instr. of the road acc. of the distance, and acc., rarely loc. or dat., of the place or object gone to; with or scil. %{padbhyAm}, `" to go on foot "'; with %{upAnadbhyAm} id. lit. `" with shoes "'; with %{dhuryais}, `" to travel by means of beasts of burden "'; with %{paramAMgatim}, `" to attain supreme bliss "'; with %{zaraNam} and acc., `" to take refuge with "'; with %{mUrdhnA@pAdau} and gen., `" to prostrate one's self at anyone's feet "'; with %{antam} and gen., `" to come to the end of "'; with %{anyena}, %{anyatra} or %{anyatas}, `" to go another way or elsewhere "'; with %{adhas}, either `" to sink down [to hell] "' or `" to be digested [as food] "'; with %{punar}, `" to return to life "') RV. &c. &c.; to go in order to, be going to (dat. inf. or an adj. ending in %{aka} [e.g. %{bhojako@vrajati}, he is going to eat "']) Pa1n2.

2-3, 15; iii, 3, 10 &c.; to go to (a woman), have sexual intercourse with (acc.) Mn. Sus3r.; to go against, attack (an enemy; also with %{vidviSam}, %{dviSato'bhimukham}, %{abhy-ari} &c.) Mn. Ya1jn5. Ka1m.; to go away. depart from (abl.), go abroad, retire, withdraw, pass away (as time) MBh. Ka1v. &c.; to undergo, go to any state or condition, obtain, attain to, become (esp. with acc. of an abstract noun e.g. with %{vinAzam}, `" to go to destruction, become destroyed "'; with %{chattratAm}, `" to become a pupil "'; with %{nirvRtim}, `" to grow happy "' [cf. %{gam}, %{yA} &c.]; with %{sukham}, `" to feel well "'; with %{jIvan}, `" to escape alive "') ib.: Caus. or cl. 10. P. (Dha1tup. xxxii, 74) %{vrAjayati}, to send, drive, AitAr.; to prepare, decorate Dha1tup.: Desid. %{vivrajiSati} Gr.: Intens. %{vAvrajate}, %{vAvrakti}, to go crookedly Pa1n2. 3-1, 23 Sch. vraja 1 m. (for 2. see p. 1042, col. 1) a way, road L.; n. wandering, roaming W. \\ 2 m. (n. only RV. v, 6, 7; ifc. f. %{A}; fr. %{vRj}) a fold, stall, cowpen, cattle-shed, enclosure or station of herdsmen RV. &c. &c.; m. N. of the district around Agra and Mathura1 (the abode of Nanda, of Kr2ishn2a's foster-father, and scene of Kr2ishn2a's juvenile adventures; commonly called Braj; cf. %{vRji}) Inscr.; a herd, flock, swarm, troop, host, multitude MBh. Ka1v. &c. (%{saMgrAmaH@savrajaH} `" a

fight with many "' Ma1rkP.; %{vrajo@girimayaH}, prob. = %{giri-vraja}, q.v Hariv.); a cloud (= %{megha}) Naigh. i, 10; N. of a son of Havirdha1na Hariv. VP. vrajana *= n. going, travelling (%{anyatra}, `" elsewhere "') Pan5cat. ii 62/63 going into exile ib. iii, 268 (v.l. %{pra-vrajana}); a road, way RV. vii, 3, 2; m. N. of as one of Aja-mi1d2ha and brother of Jahnu (considered as one of the ancestors of Kus3ika) MBh. vrajeta = walks vraNa = injury, wound (masc, neut) vraNaH = (m) scar vrata = austerities* = n. (ifc. f. {A}; fr. 2. {vR}) will, command, law, ordinance, rule RV.; obedience, service ib. AV. s'vGri.; dominion, realm RV.; sphere of action, function, mode or, manner of life (e.g. {zuci-vr-}, pure manner of life "' S'ak.), conduct, manner, usage, custom RV. &c. &c.; a religious vow or practice, any pious observance, meritorious act of devotion or austerity, solemn vow, rule, holy practice (as fasting, continence &c.; {vrata4M-car}, to observe a vow "', esp., `" to practise chastity "') ib.; any vow or firm purpose,

resolve to (dat. loc., or comp.; {vratAt}, or {vratavazAt}, `" in consequence of a vow "'; cf. {asidhArA-vrata} and {AsidhAraM vratam}) MBh. Kv. &c.; the practice of always eating the same food (cf. {madhu-vr-}) L.; the feeding only on milk (as a fast or observance according to rule; also the milk itself) VS. Br. KtyS'r.; any food (in {a-yAcita-vr-} q.v.); = {mahA-vrata} (i.e. a partic. Stotra, and the day for it) Br. S'rS "'; (with gen. or ifc.) N. of Smans rshBr. (L. also `" month; season; year; fire; `" = Vishnu; `" N. of one of the seven islands of Antara-dvpa "'); ({vra4ta}) m. (of unknown meaning) AV. v, 1, 7 pS'r. xiii, 16, 8; N. of a son of Manu and Nadval BhP.; (pl.) N. of a country belonging to Prcya L.; mfn. = {veda-vrata}, one who has taken the vow of learning the Veda Griihys. ii, 3 (Sch.) vrataaH = avowed vriddha = old, aged *= vRddha 1 mfn. (fr. %{vardh}, p. 926, col. 1) cut, cut off, destroyed MBh.; n. what is cut off, a piece S3ulbas. (v.l. %{vRdhra}). \\ 2 mfn. grown, become larger or longer or stronger, increased, augmented, great, large RV. &c. &c.; grown up, full-grown, advanced in years, aged, old, senior (often in comp. with the names of authors, esp. of authors of law-books [cf. IW. 300, 302], to denote either an older recension

of their wks. or the wk. of some older authors of the same name; cf. %{vRddha-kAtyAyana}, %{-garga} &c.) TS. Mn. MBh. &c.; (ifc.) older by Gaut. vi, 15; experienced, wise, learned MBh. Ka1m.; eminent in, distinguished by (instr. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. [1010,3]; important VPra1t.; exalted, joyful, glad (also applied to hymns) RV.; (in gram., a vowel) increased (by Vr2iddhi q.v.) to %{A} or %{ai} or %{au}, APra1t. La1t2y.; containing (or treated as containing) %{A} or %{ai} or %{au} in the first syllable Pa1n2. 1-73 &c.; m. an old man (ifc. `" eldest among "') Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. comp.); a religious mendicant VarBr2S.; an elephant eighty years old Gal.; Argyreia Speciosa or Argentea L.; (%{A}) f. an old woman MBh. Ka1v. &c.; m. and (%{A}) f. an elder male or female descendant, a patronymic or metron. designating an elder descendant (as opp. to %{yuvan} q.v.; e.g. %{gArgya} is %{vRddha}, %{gArgyAyaNa} is %{yuvan}) Pa1n2. 1-2, 65 &c.; n. a nominal stem (and some other stems) whose first syllable contains an %{A} or %{ai} or %{au} Pa1n2. 1-1, 73 &c.; the word %{vRddha} ib. v, 3, 62. vridh* cl. 1. . (Dhtup. xviii, 20) {va4rdhate} (Ved. and ep. also {-ti}; pf. {vava4rdha}, {vavRdhe} RV. &c. &c. [Ved. also {vA7vR-}; {vavRdhAti}, {dhItA4s}, {-dha4sva} RV.; {vAvRdhe4te} RV.; p. {vA8vRdha4t} RV. AV.; aor. Ved. {avRdhat},

{vRdhAtas}, {-dhAtu}; p. {vRdha4t}, {-dhAna4}]; {avardhiSTa} MBh. &c.; Prec. {vardhiSIma4hi} VS.; fut. {vardhitA} Gr.; {vartsyati} Kv.; {vardhiSyate} Gr.; inf. Ved. {vRdhe} [`" for increase "', `" to make glad "'], {vRdha4se}, {vAvRdha4dhyai}; Class. {vardhitum}; ind. p. {vRddhvA}, or {vardhitvA} Gr.; in MBh. {vRdh} is sometimes confounded with 1. {vRt}), trans. P., to increase, augment, strengthen, cause to prosper or thrive RV. AV. S'Br. MBh.; to elevate, exalt, gladden, cheer, exhilarate (esp. the gods, with praise or sacrifice) RV.; (intrans. .; in Ved. P. in pf. and aor.; in Class. P. in aor. fut. and cond.; also P. m. c. in other forms), to grow, grow up, increase, be filled or extended, become longer or stronger, thrive, prosper, succeed RV. &c. &c.; to rise, ascend (as the scale in ordeals) Yj. Sch.; to be exalted or elevated, feel animated or inspired or excited by (instr. loc. gen.) or in regard to (dat.), become joyful, have cause for congratulation ({vRdhaH}, {dhat} in sacrificial formulas = `" mayest thou or may he prosper "'; in later language often with {diStyA}) RV. &c. &c.: Caus. {vardha4yati}, {-te} (in later language also {vardhApayati}; aor. Ved. {avIvRdhat}, {-dhata}), to cause to increase or grow, augment, increase, make larger or longer, heighten, strengthen, further, promote (. `" for one's self "') RV. &c. &c.; to rear, cherish, foster, bring up ib.; to elevate, raise to power, cause to prosper or thrive AV. S'Br. MBh. &c.; to exalt,

magnify, glorify (esp. the gods), make joyful, gladden (. in Ved. also= to rejoice, be joyful, take delight in [instr.], enjoy RV. &c. &c.; (with. or scil. {diSTyA}) to congratulate Kd.; (cl. 10. accord. to Dhtup. xxxiii, 109) `" to speak "' or `" to shine "' ({bhASA7rthe} or {bhAsA7rthe}): Desid. of Caus. see {vivardhayiSu}: Desid. {vivardhiSate} or {vivRtsati} Gr.: Intens. {varivRdhyate}, {varivRdhIti} ib. vriddhatA * f. = {-tva} MBh.; (ifc.) pre-eminence in (e.g. {jJAna-v-}, `" in knowledge "') Prab vriddha = aged vriddhaH = old man vriddhashravaaH = having become old with years of hearing knowledge vrI *= (cf. %{vri} and %{vlI}) cl. 9. P. and 4. A1. %{vrINAti} , %{vriNAti} , or %{vrIyate} , to choose "' or `" to cover "' (%{varaNe}) Dha1tup. xxxi , 31 ; xxvi , 31 Caus. %{vrayayati} , or %{vrepayati} Gr.: Desid. %{vivrISati} , %{-te}: Intens. %{vevrIyate} , %{vevrayIti} , %{vevreti} ib. vrijanaM = the ocean of miseries


vrijina * = mf({A})n. bent, crooked (lit. and fig.), deceitful, false, wicked RV. &c. &c.; disastrous, calamitous MBh. ii, 857; m. curled hair, hair L.; ({A4}) f. deceit, intrigue, guile AV.; n. id. RV. AV. TBr.; sin, vice, wickedness MBh. Kv. &c.; distress, misery, affliction BhP.; red leather L. vvrika = wolf vrikodaraH = the voracious eater (Bhima) vriksha = tree* = m. (ifc. f. {A}; prob. connected with 2. {bRh}, `" to grow "', or with 1. {bRh}, `" to root up "', or with {vrasc}, as `" that which is felled "') a tree, (esp.) any tree bearing visible flowers and fruit (see Mn. i, 47; but also applied to any tree and other plants, often = wood see comp.) RV. &c. &c.; the trunk of a tree RV. i, 130, 4; a coffin AV. xviii, 2, 25; the staff of a bow RV. AV.; a frame (see comp.); Wrightia Antidysenterica Sus'r.; a stimulant L. vrikshaasana = the tree posture vrikshi = I sing. aatmane. `injunctive' of vRij, `to avoid vrnda = bunches, clusters, groups, heap, multitude, host, flock, swarm, number, quantity, aggregation vrinda * = n. (fr. 1. %{vR} ?) a heap, multitude,

host, flock, swarm, number, quantity, aggregation (%{vRndaM@vRndam}, %{vRndais}, or %{vRndavRndais}, in separate groups, in flocks or crowds) Naigh. MBh. &c.; a bunch, cluster (of flowers or berries &c.) BhP.; achorus of singers and musicians Sam2gi1t.; a partic. high number (100,000 millions) L.; m. a tumour in the throat Sus3r.; a partic. high number (1,000 millions) A1ryabh.; (with Jainas) a partic. S3akti L. (prob. %{vRndA}); N. of a medical author Bhpr.; (%{A}) f. sacred basil (= %{tulasI}) Cat.; N. of Ra1dha1 (Kr2ishn2a's mistress) Pan5car. Vr2ishabha1n.; of the wife of Jalam2-dhara (daughter of king Keda1ra) L.; mfn. numerous, many, much, all W. vrintam.h = (n) the stem of a flower vrintaakam.h = (n) brinjal vriNute = chooses vrishalii * = f. a woman of low caste , S3u1dra woman S3Br. &c. &c. (L. also `" an unmarried girl twelve years old in whom menstruation has commenced ; a woman during menstruation ; a barren woman ; the mother of a still-born child "'). vrishaliipati * = m. the husband of a S3u1dra woman or a Bra1hman who owns such a wwoman

as his mistress Mn. iii , 155. vrishashaila = vRishaa hill vrishchika = The Zodiacal Sign of Scorpio vrishchikaasana = the scorpion posture vrishhabha = The Zodiacal Sign of Taurus vrishhabhaH = (m) bull, the Zodiacal Sign of Taurus vrishhTi = rain vrishhTiH = (m) rain, showers vrishhNiinaaM = of the descendants of VRishhNi vrishNi * = mfn. manly, strong, powerful, mighty RV.; angry, passionate L.; heretical, heterodox L.; m. a ram VS. TS. S'Br.; a bull L.; a ray of light L.; air, wind L.; N. of S'iva MBh.; of Vishnu-Kriishna L.; of Indra L.; of Agni L.; of various kings Hariv. Pur.; pl. N. of a tribe or family (from which Kriishna is descended, = {yAdava} or {mAdhava}; often mentioned together with the Andhakas) MBh. Hariv. &c.; n. N. of a Sman rshBr.


vrita * = 1 mfn. concealed, screened, hidden, enveloped, surrounded by, covered with (instr. or comp.) RV. &c. &c.; stopped, checked, held back, pent up (as rivers) RV.; filled or endowed or provided or affected with (instr. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.\\ 2 mfn. chosen, selected, preferred, loved, liked, asked in marriage &c. RV. &c. &c.; n. a treasure, wealth (= {dhana}) L. vrit.h = to exist vritta = desire vritti * =f. rolling, rolling down (of tears) S'ak. iv, 5; 14; mode of life or conduct, course of action, behaviour, (esp.) moral conduct, kind or respectful behaviour or treatment (also v.l. for {vRtta}) GriS'rS. Mn. MBh. &c.; general usage, common practice, rule Prt.; mode of being, nature, kind, character, disposition ib. Kv.; state, condition Tattvas.; being, existing, occurring or appearing in (loc. or comp.) Lthy. Hariv. Kv. &c.; practice, business, devotion or addiction to, occupation with (often ifc. `" employed about "', `" engaged in "', `" practising "') MBh. Kv. &c.; profession, maintenance, subsistence, livelihood (often ifc.; cf. {uJcha-v-}; {vRttiM-kR} or {klRp} [Caus.] with instr., `" to live on or by "'; with gen., `" to get or procure a maintenance for "'; only certain means of

subsistence are allowed to a Brhman see Mn. iv, 4-6) S'rS. Mn. MBh. &c.; wages, hire, Pacav.; working, activity, function MaitrUp. Kap. Veda7ntas. &c.; mood (of the mind) Veda7ntas.; the use or occurrence of a word in a partic. sense (loc.), its function or force Pn. Sh. Sch. on KtyS'r. &c.; mode or measure of pronunciation and recitation (said to be threefold, viz. {vilambitA}, {madhyamA}, and {drutA} q.v.) Prt.; (in gram.) a complex formation which requires explanation or separation into its parts (as distinguished from a simple or uncompounded form e.g. any word formed with Kriit or Taddhita affixes, any compound and even duals and plurals which are regarded as Dvandva compounds, of which only one member is left, and all derivative verbs such as desideratives &c.); style of composition (esp. dram. style, said to be of four kinds, viz. 1. Kais'ik, 2. Bhrat 3. Stvat, 4. rabhath, qq.vv.; the first three are described as suited to the S'riingra, Vra, and Raudra Rasas respectively, the last as common to all) Bhar. Das'ar. &c.; (in rhet.) alliteration, frequent repetition of the same consonant (five kinds enumerated, scil. {madhurA}, {prau9DhA}, {puruSA}, {lalitA}, and {bhadrA}) Das'ar., Introd.; final rhythm of a verse (= or v.l. for {vRtta} q.v.); a commentary, comment, gloss, explanation (esp. on a Stra); N. of the wife of a Rudra BhP.

vrittapatrikaa = (f) newspaper vrittisthaaH = whose occupation vrittii = tendancy vrithaa = (indecl) wanton, uselessly, idly; * = ind. (prob. connected with 2. {vR} at will, at pleasure, at random, easily, lightly, wantonly, frivolously RV. Br. Gobh. Mn. Yj. MBh.; in vain, vainly, uselessly, fruitlessly, idly TBr. &c. &c. (with {kR}, `" to make useless "', disappoint, frustrate; with {bhU}, `" to be useless "', be disappointed or frustrated); wrongly, falsely, incorrectly, unduly MBh. Kv. &c. vriN * = cl. 8. P. . {vRNoti}, {vRNute}, to consume, eat Dhtup. xxx, 6 (Vop.); cl. 6. P. {vRNati}, to please, gratify, exhilarate ib. xxviii, 40. vyaadhaH = (m) hunter vyaadhi = disease vyaadhii = illness vyaaghraH = (m) tiger vyaaharan.h = vibrating

vyaakship * = P. . {-kSipati}, {-te}, to stretch out (the hand &c.) MBh.; to shoot off(an arrow) ib.,; to carry away, captivate (the mind) R. Pacat. vyaakshipati = (v) to postpone vyaakshipta * = mfn. stretched out &c.; (ifc.) filled with, full of VarBriS.; {-manas} (Pacat.), {hRdaya} (R.) mfn. having the mind or heart carried away or captivated or distracted. vyaakula = alarmed (adj) vyaakulatva = (neut) sorrow, concern vyaakulitaa = she who has been afflicted/affected vyaala = elephant vyaamishreNa = by equivocal vyaana = one of the vital airs, circulates energy all over the body vyaapaara = affair (masc) vyaaptaM = pervaded vyaapya = pervading

vyaahrita * = mfn. spoken, uttered, said, told, declared, stated VS. &c, &c.; one who has uttered a sound R.; eaten, devoured Ja1takam.; n. speaking, talking, conversation Ka1v. BhP.; information, instruction, direction Pa1n2. 5-4, 35; inarticulate speech or song (of animals and birds) MBh. Hariv.; %{-saMdeza} mfn. one who tells news or communicates information MW. vyaasaH = Vyasa vyaasa* = m. severing, separation, division Sarvad.; a kind of drawl (as a fault in pronunciation), Prt.; extension, diffusion, prolixity, detailed account (instr.; abl. and {-tas} ind. in detail, at length, fully) MBh. Sus'r. BhP.; width, breadth, the diameter of a circle S'ulbas. VarBriS.; `" distributing, disjoining "'N. of the Pada-pthha or, disjoined text "' Aprt.; `" arranger, compiler "'N. of a celebrated mythical sage and author (often called Veda-vysa and regarded as the original compiler and arranger of the Vedas, Veda7ntastras &c.; he was the son of the sage Pars'ara and Satyavati, and half-brother of Vicitra-vrya and Bhshma; he was also called Vdaryana or Baldaryana, and Kriishna from his dark complexion, and Dvaipyana because he was brought forth by Satyavat on a Dvpa or island in the Jumn; when grown up he retired to the

wilderness to lead the life of a hermit, but at his mother's request returned to become the husband of Vicitra-vrya's two childless widows, by whom he was the father of the blind Dhriita-rshthra and of Pndu; he was also the father of Vidura [q.v.] by a slave girl, and of S'uka, the supposed narrator of the Bhgavata-Purna, he was also the supposed compiler of the Mah-bhrata, the Purnas, and other portions of Hind sacred literature; but the name Vysa seems to have been given to any great typical compiler or author) MBh. Hariv. Pur. cf. IW. 371 n. 2; 373 &c.; a Brhman who recites or expounds the Purnas &c. in public (= {pAThakabrAhmaNa}) MW.; n. a bow weighing 100 Palas L. vyaasanga = varied interests, (involvement in) many hobbies vyaasaprasaadaat.h = by the mercy of Vyasadeva vyaasochchhishhThaM = vyAsa + uchchhishhThaM:by VyAsa + mouth-dropped vyabhichaarin.h = adj. deviate vyacas * = n. expanse, capacity, compass RV. AV. VS.; wide space, free scope, room RV. AV. S'Br. ({vyacas-kR}, to dilate, expand, open Kaus'.)


vyaccha * = see {go-vyaccha4}. vyadaarayat.h = shattered vyagraya * = Nom. P. {-yati}, to divert or distract any one's thoughts Car. vyajana* = n. (ifc. f. {A}) fanning Kd.; a palmleaf or other article used for fanning, fan, whisk (often du.) Mn. MBh. &c. vyajanakriyA* = f. the act of fanning Kd. vyajanacaamara* = n. the tail of the Bos Grunniens used as a whisk or fan, a chowry (cf. {vyajanacAmara}). vyaadhi * = m. (less probably from %{vyadh} , p. 1031) disorder , disease , ailment , sickness , plague (esp. leprosy) ChUp. Mn. MBh. &c. ; Disease personified (as a Child of Mr2ityu or Death) VP. ; any tormenting or vexatious person or thing (ifc. , e .g. %{strI-v-} , a plague of a woman , very troublesome woman) VarBr2S. ; Costus Speciosus or Arabicus L. vyaahri * = P.. {-harati}, {-te}, to utter or pronounce a sound, speak, say to (acc.), converse with ({saha}), name (with {nAmabhis}, to call by

name; with {praznAn}, to answer questions; with {udAharANi}, to state examples) TBr. &c. &c.; to begin to talk (said of a child) MBh.; to confess, avow to (gen.) ib.; to utter inarticulate sounds, cry, scream (said of animals) KtyS'r.; to sport, enjoy one's self (exceptionally for {vi-hR}) BhP.; to cut off, sever MBh. vi, 2757 (B. {vi-hR}): Desid. {jihIrSati}, to wish to pronounce or utter S'Br. vyaahrita * = mfn. spoken, uttered, said, told, declared, stated VS. &c, &c.; one who has uttered a sound R.; eaten, devoured Jtakam.; n. speaking, talking, conversation Kv. BhP.; information, instruction, direction Pn. 5-4, 35; inarticulate speech or song (of animals and birds) MBh. Hariv.; {-saMdeza} mfn. one who tells news or communicates information MW. vyaahriti * = f. utterance, speech, declaration, statement MBh. Klid. VarBriS.; (also {-tI}; ifc. {tikA}), the mystical utterance of the names of the seven worlds (viz. {bhUr}, {bhuvar} [or {bhuvaH}], {svar}, {mahar}, {janar}, {tapar}, {satya} [qq. vv.] the first three of which, called, the great Vyhriitis "', are pronounced after {om} by every Brhman in commencing his daily prayers and are personified as the daughters of Savitrii and Priis'ni) TS. Br. RTL. 403 Mn. ii, 76 MBh. &c.; N. of a Sman rshBr.; {-traya} n. the first three of the above

mystical words MW.; {-pUrvaka} mfn. preceded by the above three mystical words ib. vyaahruti * = w.r. for {vy-AhRti}. vyaakhyaa * = P. %{-khyAti} , to explain in detail , tell in full , discuss S3Br. S3rS. ; to relate , communicate MBh. Bhat2t2. ; to name , call , S3rutab Desid. %{-cikhyAsati} , to wish to explain S3am2k.\\ f. explanation , exposition , gloss , comment , Paraphrase MaitrUp. Hariv. &c. vyaasa *: m. severing, separation, division Sarvad.; a kind of drawl (as a fault in pronunciation), A1Pra1t.; extension, diffusion, prolixity, detailed account (instr.; abl. and %{-tas} ind. in detail, at length, fully) MBh. Sus3r. BhP.; width, breadth, the diameter of a circle S3ulbas. VarBr2S.; `" distributing, disjoining "'N. of the Pada-pa1t2ha or, disjoined text "' Apra1t.; `" arranger, compiler "'N. of a celebrated mythical sage and author (often called Veda-vya1sa and regarded as the original compiler and arranger of the Vedas, Veda7ntasu1tras &c.; he was the son of the sage Para1s3ara and Satyavati, and half-brother of Vicitra-vi1rya and Bhi1shma; he was also called Va1dara1yan2a or Baldara1yan2a, and Kr2ishn2a from his dark complexion, and Dvaipa1yana because he was brought forth by Satyavati1 on a Dvi1pa or island in

the Jumna1; when grown up he retired to the wilderness to lead the life of a hermit, but at his mother's request returned to become the husband of Vicitra-vi1rya's two childless widows, by whom he was the father of the blind Dhr2ita-ra1sht2ra and of Pa1n2d2u; he was also the father of Vidura [q.v.] by a slave girl, and of S3uka, the supposed narrator of the Bha1gavata-Pura1n2a, he was also the supposed compiler of the Maha1-bha1rata, the Pura1n2as, and other portions of Hindu1 sacred literature; but the name Vya1sa seems to have been given to any great typical compiler or author) MBh. Hariv. Pur. cf. IW. 371 n. 2; 373 &c.; a Bra1hman who recites or expounds the Pura1n2as &c. in public (= %{pAThaka-brAhmaNa}) MW.; n. a bow weighing 100 Palas L. vyadha *= m. piercing , hitting , striking , a stroke , wound S3is3. ; cutting , opening (of a vein) Sus3r. ; (%{A}) f. bleeding MW.\\ *V : did it, created, applied, established, awarded, begot, made, constructed, bestowed, arranged. vyajana* = n. (ifc. f. {A}) fanning Kd.; a palmleaf or other article used for fanning, fan, whisk (often du.) Mn. MBh. &c. vyajanin* = m. the Yak (Bos Grunniens) L.


vyakta = made known* = mfn. adorned, embellished, beautiful RV.; caused to appear, manifested, apparent, visible, evident ({am}, ind. apparently, evidently, certainly) MBh. Kv. &c.; developed, evolved (see below); distinct, intelligible (see {-vAc}); perceptible by the senses (opp. to {avyakta}, transcendental) MBh. BhP.; specified, distinguished L.; specific, individual L.; hot L.; wise, learned Lalit.; m. heat L.; a learned man L.; an initiated monk S'l.; `" the manifested One "'N. of Vishnu MW.; of one of the 11 Gana7dhipas (with Jainas); n. (in Snkhya) `" the developed or evolved "' (as the product of {a-vyakta} q.v.), Sankhyak. (cf. IW. 82); {-kRtya} n. a public action or deed Rjat.; {-gaNita} n. calculation with known numbers, arithmetic IW. 176, n. 3; {-gandhA} f. (only L.) long pepper; jasmine; a species of Sanseviera; Clitoria Ternatea; {-tA} f. or {-tva} n. distinctness, manifestation (instr. `" clearly, distinctly "'; acc. with {gam}, `" to appear "') Up. Kaths.; {-tAraka} mfn. having clear stars MW.; {darzana} mfn. one who has attained to right knowledge R.; {-dRSTA7rtha} mfn. perceiving or witnessing a transaction with one's own eyes, a witness L.; {-bhuj} mfn. consuming all manifested or visible things (said of time) MW.; {-maya} mf({I})n. relating to what is perceptible by the senses MBh.; {-mAricika} mfn. much peppered Car.; {-rasa} mfn. having a perceptible taste ({tA} f.) Sus'r.; {-rAzi} m. (in arithm.) known or absolute

quantity; {-rUpa} m. `" having a manifested form "'N. of Vishnu MW.; {-rUpin} mfn. having a discernible shape ib.; {-lakSman} mfn. having evident sings or marks, clearly characterized W.; {lavaNa} mfn. much salted Car.; {-vAc} f. a clear or distinct speech Pn. 1-3, 48; {-vikrama} mfn. displaying valour MW.; {-tA7vadhUta} mfn. one who has publicly shaken off worldly ties (opp. to {guptA7v-} q.v.) W.; {-to7dita} mfn. spoken clearly or plainly MW. [1029,3] vyaktayaH = living entities vyaktiM = personality vyaktitva = personality vyalIka * = mfn. very false or untruthful, lying, hypocritical (%{am} ind.) Amar. BhP.; disagreeable, painful, offensive, strange MW.; improper or unfit to be done MW.; not false, S3ls3.; = %{vyaJgya} L.; m. = %{nAgara} L.; a catamite MW.; n. anything displeasing ib.; any cause of pain or uneasiness ib.; pain, grief. MBh. Ka1v. Pur. &c.; a falsehood, lie, fraud (also pl.) Ka1v. Pur. &c.; transgression, offence, misdeed Ratna7v. Ja1takam.; = %{vailakSya} L.; reverse, contrariety, inversion MW.; %{-tA} f. or %{-tva} n. disagreeableness, painfulness MW.; impropriety,

displeasure ib.; %{-niHzvAsa} m. a sigh of pain or sorrow Kum. vyalla * = mischievous, wicked, vicious; prodigal, extravagant, a vicious elephant, Kav.; a beast of prey; a snake; a lion L.; a tiger L.; a hunting leopard L.; a prince, king L.; Plumbago Ceylanica L.; the second {dRkANa} (q.v.) in Cancer, the first in Scorpio, and the third in Pisces; a kind of metre Col.; of the number `" eight; N. of a man a female snake vyanakti (SB): expressed, he produces, shows. vyaMs * = P. {-aMsayati}, to cheat, deceive DivyA7v. vyac* = see {uru-vya4Jc}. vyaj* = P.. {-anakti}, {-aGkte}, (.) to anoint thoroughly RV.; to decorate, adorn, beautify ib.; (P. .) to cause to appear, manifest, display RV. &c. &c.: Pass. {-ajyate}, to be manifested or expressed RV. Ragh. Pacat.: Caus. {-aJjayati}, to cause to appear, make clearly visible or manifest Mn. MBh. &c. vyajana* = mfn. manifesting, indicating Hariv. (v.l. {vyaJcana}); m. (once for n.; cf. below) a

consonant VPrt.; Pandanus Odoratissimus L.; = {vAditra-karman} L.; ({A}) f. (in rhet.) implied indication, allusion, suggestion Sh. Pratp.; a figurative expression ({-nA-vRtti} f. figurative style) W.; n. decoration, ornament RV. viii, 78, 2; manifestation, indication Sus'r. Rjat.; allusion, suggestion (= {A} f.), Sah. s'vS'r. Sch.; figurative expression, irony, sarcasm W.; specification Nir.; a mark, badge, spot, sign, token pS'r. R. Kaths. &c.; insignia, paraphernalia Kv.; symptom (of a disease) Cat.; mark of sex or gender (as the beard, breasts &c.), the private organs (male or female) GriS'rS. MBh. &c.; anything used in cooking or preparing food, seasoning, sauce, condiment MBh. R. &c.; a consonant Prt. S'rS. &c.; a syllable VPrt. (cf. {hInavy-}); the letter (as opp. to {arha}, `" meaning "') Mahv.; a limb, member, part L.; a day L.; purification of a sacrificial animal (also m. and {A} f.) L.; a fan L. (w.r. for {vyajana}); {-kAra} m. the preparer of a sauce or condiment MBh.; {guNa} (?) m. N. of wk. on condiments in cookery; {-saMgama} m. a collection or group of consonants MW.; {-saMdhi} m. (in gram.) the junction of consonants ib.,; {-saMnipAta} m. a falling together or conjunction of consonants ib.; {-sthAne} ind. in the place of sauce or seasoning ib.; {-hArI7kA} f. N. of a female demon supposed to remove the hair of a womas pudenda MrkP.; {-no7daya} mfn. followed by a consonant MW.; {-no7padha} mfn. preceded by a cconsonant ib.

vyajita* = mfn. (fr. Caus.) clearly manifested or made visible; {-vRtti-bheda} mfn. having various actions manifested MW. vyajanam.h = (n) fan vyas * = 2 %{as} P. %{-asyati} (ep. pf. %{vivyAsa} as if fr. a %{vyas}), to throw or cast asunder or about or away, throw (effort) into, divide, separate, dispose, arrange [1035,1]; scatter, disperse; expel, remove RV. &c.&c. vyathA* = f. agitation, perturbation, alarm, uneasiness, pain, anguish, fear MBh. Ka1v. &c. (%{vyathAM-kR}, either, `" to cause pain "' or `" to feel pain "'); loss, damage, ill-luck S3Br. VarBr2S.; (with %{hRdi} or %{hRdaye}), palpitation, throbbing of the heart Sus3r. vyathaka* = mfn. agitating, frightening, afflicting Kir. vyathana * = mfn. greatly disturbing or perplexing MBh.; n. tottering, wavering Pa1n2. 5-4, 46; alteration, change (of a sound) RPra1t.; feeling pain. Sus3r.; vexing, tormenting Dharmas3.; piercing, perforating (= %{vyadhana}) A1past. vyathAkara* = mfn. causing pain (bodily or mental), painful, excruciating W.

vyathAkrAnta* = (%{vyathA7kr-}) mfn. id. Katha1s. vyathAkula* = (%{vyathA7k-}) mfn. agitated by fear or anguish Pan5cat. vyathana* = mfn. greatly disturbing or perplexing MBh.; n. tottering, wavering Pa1n2. 5-4, 46; alteration, change (of a sound) RPra1t.; feeling pain. Sus3r.; vexing, tormenting Dharmas3.; piercing, perforating (= %{vyadhana}) A1past. vyathanIya* = mfn. to be pained or afflicted or disturbed W. vyathita * = mfn. tottering, rocking, reeling R.; troubled, changed (as colour) Das3.; disquieted, agitated, perturbed, distressed, afflicted MBh. Ka1v. &c.; painful, causing pain BhP. vyatitarishhyati = surpasses vyatikara* = 1 mfn. acting reciprocally, reciprocal W.; m. reciprocity, reciprocal action or relation ib.; contact, contiguity, union (ifc. = joined with, spreading through or over, pervading) MBh. Kv. &c.; (ifc.) taking to, accomplishing, performing Amar. Das'. Rjat.; incident, opportunity Nalac.; reverse, misfortune, calamity, accident, fatality

Hcar. Pacat. Kaths. [1030,1]; destruction, end BhP.\\* =2 m. mixing or blending together, mixture MBh. BhP.; a confusing (or striking) resemblance Jtakam.; {-vat} mfn. mixed, of contrary kind or nature Mcar. vyatiikaara* = m.= 1. {vy-atikara}, contact, hostile encounter Hariv. vyatiSaGga * = m. mutual connection, reciprocal junction or relation Pan5cavBr. Ka1tyS3r.; entanglement S3is3. v, 61; hostile encounter MBh.; exchange, barter BhP.; absorption MW.; %{-vat} mfn. having mutual connection, connected, united, mixed ib. vyatiitaani = have passed vyatta = open vyathanti = are disturbed vyathayanti = are distressing vyathaa = trouble vyathishhThaaH = be disturbed vyapades'a = (m) mention, name* = m.

representation, designation, information, statement RPrt. S'rS. &c.: a name, title Uttarar.; a family, race S'ak.; summons (of an army) R.; appeal to (gen.) Pacat.; talk, speech MBh. iii, 8665 (Nlak.); a partic. form of speech MW.; fame, renown (see comp.); fraud, stratagem, pretext, excuse ({ena}, under pretext or excuse [also {-tas}] ifc. = under the pretext of) MBh. Kv. &c.; {-vat} mfn. having a partic. designation or name (with {pitR-tas}, designated by the name of the father) Pat.; {-zA7rtham} ind. for the purpose of (acquiring) renown Mn. vii, 168. {-apadezaka} mfn. designating, indicating BhP. vyapaashrayaH = taking shelter of vyapaashritya = particularly taking shelter vyapeta * = mfn. gone apart or asunder, separated MBh.; passed away, disappeared, ceased Mn. MBh. &c.; (ifc.) opposed to Yj.; {-kalmaSa} mfn. having taint or guilt removed, free from sin Mn. iv, 260; {-ghRNa} mfn. devoid of compassion, pitiless Amar.; {-dhairya} mfn. one who has abandoned firmness MBh.; {-bhaya} or {-bhI} mfn. free from fear ib.; {-mada-matsara} mfn. free from infatuation and selfishness Yj.; {-harSa} mfn. devoid of joy R.


vyapetabhiiH = free from all fear vyasu * = mf({u})n. lifeless, dead MBh. BhP. S'is'. Rjat.; {-tva} n. loss of life VarBriS. vyaya-bhaava = House of Expenditure/Loss or 12th vyayam.h = (n) expenditure, spending vyara.nsiit.h = passed, elapsed vyartha = u(adj)seless, purposelss vyavakalanam.h = (n) subtraction vyavachchhetsiiH = cut or dissect vyavasaayaH = enterprise or adventure vyavasaayaatmikaa = resolute in KRishhNa consciousness vyavasitaH = situated in determination vyavasitaa = engaged vyavasthitaan.h = situated vyavasthitiH = the situation

vyavasthitau = put under regulations vyavaasitaaH = have decided vyavaaya* = m. intervention, interposition, separation by insertion, being separated by (instr. or comp.) S'rS. Prt. Pn.; entering, pervading, penetration MBh. Sus'r.; change, transmutation BhP.; sexual intercourse, copulation MBh. VarBriS. Sus'r.; wantonness, lasciviousness BhP.; covering, disappearance W.; interval, space ib.; an obstacle, impediment MW.; n. light, lustre L. vyartha* = mf({A})n. (fr. 3. {vi+artha}) useless, unavailing, unprofitable, vain MBh. &c. &c.; deprived or devoid of property or money Pacat.; excluded from, having no right (instr.) past.; unmeaning, inconsistent Hariv. Kvya7d.; = {-thanAmaka} below MBh.; ({am}) ind. uselessly, in vain, without having effected one's object Kv. Pacat. &c.; {-tA} f. uselessness ({-tAM-yA}, or {gam}, to become useless) Pacat. Kusum.; absence of meaning, nonsense R.; falseness MBh.; inoffensiveness MW.; {-tva} n. absence of meaning, contradictoriness Kvya7d. Sch.; {-nAmaka} or {nAman} mfn. having a name inconsistent with one's character MBh.; {-yatna} mfn. useless in its efforts Hit.; {-thIkR} P. {-karoti}, to make useless or superfluous Prab. Kd. k; {-thI-bhU} P. {2605

bhavati}, to become useless Naish. Kd. vyashema = ? vyasana = addiction * = vyasana n. moving to and fro, wagging (of a tail) Pn. 3-1, 20, Vartt. 3; throwing (effort) into, assiduity, industry Bhartri. Subh.; separation, individuality W.; attachment or devotion or addiction to (loc. or comp.), passion, (esp.) evil passion, sin, crime, vice (said to arise either from love of pleasure or from anger; eight are enumerated under the first head, vix. {mRgayA}, {dyUta} or {akSa}, {divA-svapna}, {parivAda}, {striyaH}, {mada}, {taurya-trika}, {vRthA7tyA}; and eight under the second, viz. {paizunya}, {sAhasa}, {droha}, {irSyA}, {asUyA} {artha-dUSaNa} {vAkpAruSya}, {daNDa-pAruSya}, qq.vv.) Mn. vii, 47, 48 MBh. &c.; favourite pursuit or occupation, hobby MBh. Pacat. Rjat.; evil predicament or plight, disaster, accident, evil result, calamity, misfortune ({vyasanAni} pl. misfortunes), ill-luck, distress, destruction, defeat, fall, ruin Mn. MBh. &c.; setting (of sun or moon) Mriicch. S'ak.; fruitless effort L.; punishment, execution (of criminals) MW.; incompetence, inability W.; air, wind ib.; tale-bearing L.; {-kAla} m. time of need Subh.; {prasArita-kara} mfn. having the hand stretched forth for (inflicting) calamity Hit.; {-prahArin} mfn. inflicting calamity,

giving trouble or pain W.; {-prA7pti} f. occurrence of calamity Sh.; {-brahmacArin} m. a companion of adversity, fellow-sufferer Mudr.; {-mahA7rNava} m. a sea of troubles Mriicch.; {-rakSin} mfn. preserving from calamity R. Kaths.; {-vat} mfn. one who has had ill-luck with (comp.) Km.; {vAgurA} f. the net or snare of adversity R.; {saMstkita} mfn. one who indulges in any whim or favourite fancy Pacat.; {-nA7krAnta-tva} n. distressful condition, grievous distress MW.; {nA7gama} m. approach of calamity S'ukas.; {nA7tibhAra} mfn. weighed down or overburdened with misfortunes MW.; {-nA7tyaya} m. the passing away of calamity or distress BhP.; {-nA7nantaram} ind. immediately after misfortune Kv.; {nA7pAta} m. (= {-nA7gama}) Rjat.; {-nA7vApa} m. receptacle or abode of calamity BhP.; {nA7nvita} or {-nA7pluta} mfn. involved in or overwhelmed with ccalamity MW.; {-nA7rta} mfn. afflicted by calamity, suffering pain L.; {-no7tsava} m. a feast for the (evil) passions, an orgy &c. VarBriS.; {-no7daya} m. the rising or approaching of misfortune Pacat.; mfn. followed by or resulting in calamities MBh. vyatirikta* = mfn. reaching beyond, excessive, immoderate (ifc. = abundantly furnished with) MBh.; separate, different or distinct from, other than (abl. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.; (ifc.) free from

Sarvad.; left remaining from Ragh. Sch. (v.l.); with drawn, withheld W.; excepted ib.; (%{am}) ind. with the exception of, except, without (e. g. %{svara-v-}, `" except the accent "') MW.; %{-tA}, f. (BhP.), %{-tva} n. (Sarvad.) distinction, difference. 2 vyatiriktatiriktaka n. a partic. manner of flying MBh. vyu * =to urge on, incite, animate vyudasya = laying aside vyuuDhaM = arranged in a military phalanx vyuuDhaaM = arranged vyUha* = 1 m. placing apart, distribution, arrangement R. VarBriS. &c.; orderly arrangement of the parts of a whole (cf. {caraNa-vy-}), disposition Nyyas.; military array, an army, host, squadron (various arrays are {daNDa-}, `" stafflike array "'; {zakaTa-}, `" cart array "'; {varAha-}, `" boar array "'; {maNDala-}, `" circular ararray; {A-saMhata-}, `" loose ararray "'; {AkheTavyUha}, `" hunting array "' &c.) Mn. vii, 187 MBh. &c.; shifting, transposition, displacement S'Br. S'rS.; separation, resolution (of vowels, syllables &c.) RPrt.; detailed explanation or description SaddhP.; a section, division, chapter Sarvad.; form,

manifestation (esp. the quadruple manifestation of Purusho7ttama as Vsudeva, Sankarshana, Pradyumna, and Aniruddha), appearance (often ifc. after numerals cf. {catur-}, {trir-vy-}) MBh. BhP. Sarvad.; formation, structure, manufacture L.; an aggregate, flock, multitude Vs. S'atr.; the body W.; breathing Nyyas.; {pArSNi} m. or f. {pRSTha} n. the rear of an army L.; {-bhaGga} m. {bheda} m. the breaking of an array, throwing into, disorder W.; {-racanA} f. arrangement of troops ({naM vi-dhA}, `" to assume a warlike attitude "') Pacat.; 1. {-rAja} m. the chief or best form of military array MBh.; {-hA7ntara} m. a different arrangement or position MW. \\2 m. reasoning, logic (= {tarka}) L.; {-mati} m. N. of a Deva-putra Lalit.; -2. {-rAja} m. a partic. Samdhi SaddhP.; N. of a Bodhi-sattva ib. ({-je7ndrA} f. N. of a Kin-nar Krand.) vyomagaamii = astronaut, cosmonaut vyomachaariNaH = the people who wander over the sky (and `pAtAla'\&bhUtala') vyoman.h = (n) the sky vyoman * = mfn. (for 2. see s.v.) one who cannot be saved


vyoman * = 2 m. (for 1. see p. 1029, col. 1; accord. to Un. iv, 150 fr. {vye} accord. to others fr. {vi-av} or {ve}) heaven, sky, atmosphere, air ({vyomnA}, {vyoma-mArgeNa} or {-vartmanA}, `" through the air "') RV. &c. &c.; space Kap.; ether (as an element) Kv. Pur. Sus'r.; wind or air (of the body) BhP.; water L.; talc, mica L.; a temple sacred to the sun L.; a partic. high number L.; the 10th astrol. mansion VarBriS.; preservation, welfare TS. (= {rakSaNa} Sch.); m. a partic. Eka7ha S'rS.; N. of Praj-pati or the Year (personified) TS. VS. (Mahdh.); of Vishnu Vishn.; of a son of Dasa7rha Hariv. Pur. (v.l. {vyoma}).

Y ya * = the 1st semivowel (corresponding to the vowels %{i} and %{I} , and having the sound of the English %{y} , in Bengal usually pronounced %{j}).\\2 m. (in prosody) n. bacchic ($) Pin3g.\\ 3 the actual base of the relative pronoun in declension [cf. %{ya4d} and Gk. $]. \\ 4 m. (in some senses fr. 1. %{yA} , only L.) a goer or mover ; wind ; joining ; restraining ; fame ; a carriage (?) ; barley ; light ; abandoning ; (%{A}) f. going , a car ; restraining , religious meditation ; attaining ; pudendum muliebre ; N. of Lakshmi1. yaa

* = 1 (collateral form of 5. %{i}) cl. 2. P. (Dha1tup. xxiv , 41) %{yA4ti} (1. pl. %{yAmahe} MBh. ; impf. 3. pl. %{ayuH} Br. ; %{ayAn} Pa1n2. 3-4 , 111 Sch. ; pf. %{yayau4} , %{yayA4tha} , %{yaya4} , %{yayu4H} RV. &c. &c. ; %{yaye} Ka1v. ; aor. %{ayAsam} or %{ayAsiSam} ; Subj. %{yA4sat} , %{yeSam} , %{yAsiSat} RV. Br. ; Prec. %{yAsiSISThAs} Br. ; fut. %{yAtA} MBh. &c. ; %{yAsyati} AV. ; %{-te} MBh. ; inf. %{yAtum} MBh. &c. ; Ved. inf. %{yai4} , %{yA4tave} or %{vai4} ; ind. p. %{yAtvA4} Br. &c. ; %{-yA4ya} ,\\2 (ifc.) going , moving (see %{RNa-} %{eva-} , %{tura-} , %{deva-yA}).\\3 f. of 3. %{ya} q.v. yaabhiH = by which yaachaka = begger yaacana * = begging, soliciting, asking (also in marriage) S'rngP. Sh. Vet.; ({A}) f. asking, soliciting, request, petition, entreaty for or solicitation of (comp.) R. Klid. &c. ({-nAm-kri}, to fulfil a request). yaac * = cl. 1. P. . (Dhtup. xxi, 3) for {yA4cati}, {te} (usually . in sense of `" asking for one's self "'; pf. {yayAca} Gr., {yayAce} Br. &c.; aor. {ayAcIt}, {ciSTa} Subj. {yAciSat}, {-SAmahe} RV.; Prec. {yAcyAt} Gr.; fut. {yAcitA} ib.; {yAciSyati}, {-te}

Br. &c.; inf. {yAcitum} AV. &c.; ind. p. {yAcitvA}, {yA4cya} Br. &c.), to ask, beg, solicit, entreat, require, implore (with double acc.; or with abl., rarely gen. of pers.; the thing asked may also be in acc. with {prati}, or in dat., or ibc. with {arthe}, or {artham}) RV. &c. &c.; (with {pu4nar}) to ask anything back TBr.; (with {kanyAm}) to be a suitor for a girl, to ask a girl in marriage from (abl., rarely acc.) or for ({kRte} or {arthe}; also with {vivAhA7rtham}) MBh. Kv. &c.; to offer or tender anything (acc.) to (dat.) AV.; to promise (?) ib.: Pass. {yAcyate}, to be asked (`" for "', acc.; rarely of things) MBh. Kv. &c.; Caus. {yAca4yati} ({-te} AV.; aor. {ayayAcat} Pn. 7-4, 2), to cause to ask or woo MBh.; to request anything (acc.) for ({arthe}) Pacat.: Desid. {yiyAciSate} Pn. 6-1, 8 Vrtt. 3 Pat.: Intens. {yAyAcyate}, {yAyAkti} Gr. yaacaka* = m. a petitioner, asker, beggar Yj. MBh. &c.; ({I}) f. a female beggar MBh. yaacana* = n. begging, soliciting, asking (also in marriage) S'rngP. Sh. Vet.; ({A}) f. asking, soliciting, request, petition, entreaty for or solicitation of (comp.) R. Klid. &c. ({-nAm-kri}, to fulfil a request). yaachate = (1 ap) to beg, to plead


yaaci* = or f. a petition, request Ks'. on Pn. 3-3, 110. yaacita* = mfn. asked, begged (borrowed) Mn. MBh. &c.; solicited or asked for (anything, aoc.), entreated, importuned ib.; asked in marriage Vet.; required, requisite, necessary MW.; n. alms obtained by begging L. yaacin* = mfn. (ifc.) asking, requesting Nir. yaacA *= f. begging, asking for (comp.), asking alms, mendicancy, any petition or request, prayer, entreaty TS. &c. &c. ({yAcJAM-kR}, to fulfil a request); the being a suitor, making an offer of marriage Kaths. yaacya* = mfn. to be asked (esp. for alms) Mn. viii, 181 &c.; to be wooed ({-tA} f.) MBh.; to be required ib. Hariv.; n. asking, making a request MBh. yaadasaaM = of all aquatics yaadrik.h = as it is yaaji = worshiper yaaksha * = mf({I})n. (fr. {yakska}) belonging or peculiar to the Yakshas Snkhyak. Sch

yaama = one-eighth part of day, three yaamaas constitute one night yaa4ma * = 1 m. (for 2. see below, for 3. see p. 851, col. 3) motion, course, going, progress RV. AV. Br.; a road, way, path ib.; a carriage, chariot RV.; (ifc. f. {A}) a night-watch, period or watch of 3 hours, the 8th part of a day Mn. MBh. &c.; pl. N. of a partic. class of gods MBh. Hariv. Pur. ({yama-syA7rkaH} w.r. for {yam-} q.v.); ({I}) f. N. of a daughter of Daksha (wife of Dbarma or Manu; sometimes written {yAmi}) Hariv. Pur.; of an Apsaras Hariv. \\yAma * = 2 in comp. for 2. {yA4man}. \\ * = 3 m. ( {yam}; for 1. 2. {yAma} see p. 850, col. 1) cessation, end TS.; restraint, forbearance (= {yama}, {saMyama}) L.; ({yAma4}) mf({I4})n. (fr. {yama}, of which it is also the Vriiddhi form in comp.) relating to or derived from or destined for Yama Br. Kaus'. Mn.; n. N. of various Smans rshBr. yaamini = night yaamimaaM = all these yaamuna = of the yamunaa river yaan.h = those who


yaanti = undergo yaana* = mfn. leading, conducting (said of a road; `" to "' gen. or adv. in {-trA4}) RV.; ({yA4nI}) f. a path, course TS. MaitrS. Kthh. (cf. g. {gaurA7di}); n. (ifc. f. {A}) a journey, travel; going, moving, riding, marching &c. to (loc. or comp.) or upon (instr. or comp.) or against (acc. with {prati}) Mn. MBh. &c.; a vehicle of any kind, carriage, waggon, vessel, ship, litter, palanquin RV. &c. &c.; (with Buddhists) the vehicle or method of arriving at knowledge, the means of release from repeated births (there are either 3 systems, the {zrAvakayAna}, the {pratyeka-buddha-y-} or {pratyeka-y-}, and the {mahA-y-}; or more generally only 2, the {mahA-yAna} or `" Great method "' and the {hinay-} or `" Lesser method "'; sometimes there is only `" One Vehicle "', the {eka-yAna}, or `" one way to beatitude "') SaddhP. Dharmas. 2 (cf. MWB. 159 &c.) yaasyasi = you will go yaat * = 1 mfn. (nom. {yAn}, {yAtI}, or {yAntI}, {yAt}; for 2. {yAt} see p. 851, col. 1) going, moving &c. (in RV. i, 32, 15, `" travelling "', as opp. to {a4va-sita}, `" resting "'). yaatana* = n. (2. %{yat}) requital, retaliation,

return (with %{vairasya}, revenge, vengeance) MBh.; (%{A}) f. see next. yaatanaa * = f. id. (%{-nAM-dA}, to make requital, revenge; %{vaira-y-}, vengeance; cf. above) MBh. Hariv. Pan5cat.; acute pain, torment, agony, (esp.) punishment inflicted by Yama, the pains of hell (in BhP. personified as the daughter of %{bhaya} and %{mRtyu}, Fear and Death) Mn. MBh. &c. yaatayaamaM = food cooked three hours before being eaten yaathaarthyameva = the original nature of things or the natural states + alone yaati = goes yaatraa = maintenance yaatudhaana * = m. = {yAtu}, a kind of evil spirit or demon ({I} f.) RV. &c. &c.; {-kSa4yaNa} mfn. destroying YYtus AV.; {-pre7Sita} ({-dhA4na-}) mfn. hurled by YYtus S'Br. yaatu * = m. one who goes, a traveller L.; `" going against, attack (?) "', sorcery, witchcraft RV. AV. Kthh. S'Br.; a kind of evil, spirit, fiend, demon RV. AV. Kaus'.; wind L.; time L.; n. = {rakSas} L.

yaa4t * = 2 ind. (obs. abl. of 3. {ya} cf. {ta4t}; for 1. {yAt} see p. 849, col. 2) inasmuch as, so far as, as long as, since RV. AV. [Cf. Gk. $.] &257890[851, 1] \\ 3 (2. {yat}). see {riNa-yA4t yaava* = 1 m. = 1. {yava} TS. \\2 mf({I})n. (fr. 3. {yava}, of which it is also the Vriiddhi form in comp.) relating to or consisting of or prepared from barley KtyS'r.; m. a kind of food prepared from bbarley L.; ({I}) f. Andro graphis Paniculata L.\\3 m. lac or the red dye prepared from the cochineal insect Naish. yaavat * = mf(%{atI})n. (fr. 3. %{ya} ; correlative of %{tAvat} q.v.) as great , as large , as much , as many , as often , as frequent , as far , as long , as old &c. (or how great &c. = quantus , quot or qualis) RV. &c. &c. (%{yA4vantaH@ki4yantaH} , `" as many as "' TBr. ; %{yA4vad@vA@yAvad@vA} , `" as much as possible "' S3Br. ; %{yAvat@tAvat} , `" so much as "' , in alg. applied to the first unknown quantity [= x] or so much of the unknown as its coefficient number ; in this sense also expressed by the first syllable %{yA} cf. IW. 182 ; %{iti@yAvat} in Comms. `" just so much "' , `" only so "' , `" that is to say "' , `" such is the explanation "') ; ind. as greatly as , as far as , as much or as many as ; as often as , whenever ; as long as , whilst ; as soon as , the moment that , until that , till , until RV. &c.

&c. (in these senses used with either pres. Pot. fut. impf. , or aor. , or with the simple copula). %{yAvat} with the 1st sg. of pres. , rarely of Pot. , may denote an intended action and may be translated by `" meanwhile "' , `" just "' ; %{yA4vad@yAvad-tA4vat@tAvat} , `" as gradually as-so "' S3Br. ; %{yAvan@na} , `" while not "' , `" before "' , `" till "' ; `" if not "' , `" whether not "' ; %{na@yAvattAvat} , `" scarcely-when "' , `" no sooner-than "' ; %{na@param} , or %{na@kevalam-yAvat} , `" not only-but even. "' Sometimes %{yAvat} is also used as a preposition with a prec. or following acc. , or with a following abl. , rarely dat. e.g. %{mAsam@ekaM@yAvat} , `" during one month "' ; %{sUryo7dayaM@yAvat} , `" until sunrise "' ; %{sarpa-vivaraM@yAvat} , `" up to the serpent's hole "' ; %{yAvad} or %{yAvadA@samApanAt} , `" until the completion "' ; %{yAvad@garbhasya@paripAkAya} , `" until the maturity of the fetus. "' Sometimes also with a nom. followed by %{iti} e.g. %{anta@iti@yAvat} , `" as far as the end "' ; %{paJca@yAvad@iti} , `" up to five "' ; or with another ind. word e.g. %{adya@yAvat} , `" up to this day. "' %{yAvatA} ind. as far as , as long as A1past. R. BhP. ; till , until (with Pot.) La1t2y. (with %{na} , as long as not , before BhP.) ; as soon as , the moment that Cat. ; in as much as Pat. ; %{yA4vati} ind. as long as , as far as &c. S3Br. TBr. ; %{yAvati-tAvati} Das3.

yaavachcha..ndrashcha = yAvat.h + chandraH + cha:till the moon and (sun last) yaaja* = m. a sacrificer (in {ati-yAja4}) RV.; m. a sacrifice (cf. {upA7Mzu-}, {Rtu-y-} &c.); boiled rice or any food L.; N. of a Brahmarshi MBh. yaajana* = n. (fr. Caus.) sacrificing for others, the act of performing a sacrifice for (gen. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. yaana mfn. leading, conducting (said of a road; `" to "' gen. or adv. in %{-trA4}) RV.; (%{yA4nI}) f. a path, course TS. MaitrS. Ka1t2h. (cf. g. %{gaurA7di}); n. (ifc. f. %{A}) a journey, travel; going, moving, riding, marching &c. to (loc. or comp.) or upon (instr. or comp.) or against (acc. with %{prati}) Mn. MBh. &c.; a vehicle of any kind, carriage, waggon, vessel, ship, litter, palanquin RV. &c. &c.; (with Buddhists) the vehicle or method of arriving at knowledge, the means of release from repeated births (there are either 3 systems, the %{zrAvaka-yAna}, the %{pratyeka-buddha-y-} or %{pratyeka-y-}, and the %{mahA-y-}; or more generally only 2, the %{mahA-yAna} or `" Great method "' and the %{hina-y-} or `" Lesser method "'; sometimes there is only `" One Vehicle "', the %{eka-yAna}, or `" one way to beatitude "') SaddhP. Dharmas. 2 (cf. MWB. 159 &c.)

yaavat.h = by the time when yaavat *= mf(%{atI})n. (fr. 3. %{ya}; correlative of %{tAvat} q.v.) as great, as large, as much, as many, as often, as frequent, as far, as long, as old &c. (or how great &c. = quantus, quot or qualis) RV. &c. &c. (%{yA4vantaH@ki4yantaH}, `" as many as "' TBr.; %{yA4vad@vA@yAvad@vA}, `" as much as possible "' S3Br.; %{yAvat@tAvat}, `" so much as "', in alg. applied to the first unknown quantity [= x] or so much of the unknown as its co-efficient number; in this sense also expressed by the first syllable %{yA} cf. IW. 182; %{iti@yAvat} in Comms. `" just so much "', `" only so "', `" that is to say "', `" such is the explanation "'); ind. as greatly as, as far as, as much or as many as; as often as, whenever; as long as, whilst; as soon as, the moment that, until that, till, until RV. &c. &c. (in these senses used with either pres. Pot. fut. impf., or aor., or with the simple copula). %{yAvat} with the 1st sg. of pres., rarely of Pot., may denote an intended action and may be translated by `" meanwhile "', `" just "'; %{yA4vad@yAvadtA4vat@tAvat}, `" as gradually as-so "' S3Br.; %{yAvan@na}, `" while not "', `" before "', `" till "'; `" if not "', `" whether not "'; %{na@yAvattAvat}, `" scarcely-when "', `" no sooner-than "'; %{na@param}, or %{na@kevalam-yAvat}, `" not only-but even. "' Sometimes %{yAvat} is also used

as a preposition with a prec. or following acc., or with a following abl., rarely dat. e.g. %{mAsam@ekaM@yAvat}, `" during one month "'; %{sUryo7dayaM@yAvat}, `" until sunrise "'; %{sarpa-vivaraM@yAvat}, `" up to the serpent's hole "'; %{yAvad} or %{yAvad-A@samApanAt}, `" until the completion "'; %{yAvad@garbhasya@paripAkAya}, `" until the maturity of the fetus. "' Sometimes also with a nom. followed by %{iti} e.g. %{anta@iti@yAvat}, `" as far as the end "'; %{paJca@yAvad@iti}, `" up to five "'; or with another ind. word e.g. %{adya@yAvat}, `" up to this day. "' %{yAvatA} ind. as far as, as long as A1past. R. BhP.; till, until (with Pot.) La1t2y. (with %{na}, as long as not, before BhP.); as soon as, the moment that Cat.; in as much as Pat.; %{yA4vati} ind. as long as, as far as &c. S3Br. TBr.; %{yAvati-tAvati} Das3. yaavantaH = as many as yaavaan.h = all that ya = who yacchIla* = (for {-zIla}) mfn. having which disposition MBh. yacchraddha* = (for {-zraddha}) mfn. having

which faith or belief Bhag. yac* = in comp. for {yad} yad * = (nom. and acc. sg. n. and base in comp. of 3. %{ya}), who, which, what, whichever, whatever, that RV. &c. &c. (with correlatives %{tad}, %{tyad}, %{etad}, %{idam}, %{adas}, %{tad@etad}, %{etad@tyad}, %{idaM@tad}, %{tad@idam}, %{tAdRza}, %{IdRza}, %{IdRz}, %{etAvad}, by which it is oftener followed than preceded; or the correl. is dropped e.g. %{yas@tu@nA7rabhate@karma@kSipram@bhava ti@nirdravyaH}, `" [he] indeed who does not begin work soon becomes poor "' R.; or the rel. is dropped e.g. %{andhakam@bhartAraM@na@tyajet@sA@mah A-satI}, `" she who does not desert a blind husband is a very faithful wife "' Vet. %{yad} is often repeated to express `" whoever "', `" whatever "', `" whichever "', e.g. %{yo@yaH}, `" whatever man "'; %{yA@yA}, `" whatever woman; %{yo@yaj@jayati@tasya@tat}, `" whatever he wins [in war] belongs to him "' Mn. vii, 96; %{yad@yad@vadati@tad@tad@bhavati}, `" whatever he says is true "', or the two relatives may be separated by %{hi}, and are followed by the doubled or single correl. %{tad} e.g. %{upyate@yad@dhi@yad@bIjam@tat@tad@eva

@prarohati}, `" whatever seed is sown, that even comes forth "' Mn. ix, 40; similar indefinite meanings are expressed by the relative joined with %{tad} e.g. %{yasmai@tasmai}, `" to any one whatever "', esp. in %{yadvA@tadvA}, `" anything whatever "'; or by %{yaH} with %{kazca}, %{kazcana}, %{kazcit}, or [in later language, not in Manu] %{ko'pi} e.g. %{yaH@kazcit}, `" whosoever "'; %{yAni@kAni@ca@mitrANi}, `" any friends whatsoever "'; %{yena@kenA7py@upA7yena}, `" by any means whatsoever. "' %{yad} is joined with %{tvad} to express generalization e.g. %{zUdrAMs@tvad@yAMs@tvad}, `" either the S3u1dras or anybody else "' S3Br.; or immediately followed by a pers. pron. on which it lays emphasis e.g. %{yo@'ham}, `" I that very person who "'; %{yas@tvaM@kathaM@vettha}, `" how do you know? "' S3Br.; it is also used in the sense of `" si quis "' e.g. %{striyaM@spRzed@yaH}, `" should any one touch a woman. "' %{yad} is also used without the copula e.g. %{andho@jaDaH@pITha@sarpI@saptatyA@stha virazca@yaH}, `" a blind man, an idiot, a cripple, and a man seventy years old "' Mn. viii, 394; sometimes there is a change of construction in such cases e.g. %{ye@ca@mAnuSAH} for %{mAnuSAMz-ca} Mn. x, 86; the nom. sg. n. %{yad} is then often used without regard to gender or number and may be translated by `" as regards "', `" as for "', e.g.

%{kSatraM@vA@etad@vanaspatInAM@yan@nya g-rodhaH}, `" as for the Nyag-rodha, it is certainly the prince among trees "' AitBr.; or by `" that is to say "', `" to wit "' e.g. %{tato@devA@etaM@vajraM@dadRzur@yad@ap aH}, `" the gods then saw this thunderbolt, to wit, the water "' S3Br. %{yad} as an adv. conjunction generally = `" that "', esp. after verbs of saying, thinking &c., often introducing an oratio directa with or without %{iti}; %{iti@yad}, at the end of a sentence = `" thinking that "', `" under the impression that "' e.g. Ratna7v. ii, 2/8. %{yad} also = `" so that "', `" in order that "', `" wherefore "', `" whence "', `" as "', `" in as much as "', `" since "', `" because "' [the correlative being %{tad}, `" therefore "'], `" when "', `" if "' RV. &c. &c.; %{a4dha@ya4d}, `" even if "', `" although "' RV. %{yad@api} id. Megh. %{yad@u} - %{evam}, `" as - so "' S3vetUp.; %{yad@uta}, `" that "' Ba1lar.; `" that is to say "', `" scilicet "' Ka1ran2d2. DivyA7v.; %{yat@kila}, `" that "' Prasannar.; %{yac@ca}, `" if "', `" that is to say "' Car.; %{yac@ca-yac@ca}, `" both - and "' DivyA7v.; `" that "' [accord. to Pa1n2. 3-3, 148 after expressions of `" impossibility "', `" disbelief "', `" hope "', `" disregard "', `" reproach "' and, wonder "']; %{yad@vA}, `" or else "', `" whether "' Ka1v. Ra1jat.; [%{yad@vA}, `" or else "', is very often in commentators]; `" however "' Ba1lar.; %{yad@vA} - %{yadi@vA}, `" if-or it "' Bhag.; %{yad@bhUyasA}, `" for the most part "'

DivyA7v.; %{yat@satyam}, `" certainly "', `" indeed "', `" of course "' Mr2icch. Ratna7v.; %{yan@nu}, with 1st pers., `" what if I "', `" let me DivyA7v.); m. = %{puruSa} Tattvas. yadaa = when yadaayuH = yat+AyuH yadi = if yadrichchhayaa = by its own accord yadricchaa = out of its own accord * = mf({A})n. spontaneous, accidental pGri.; ({A}) f. self-will, spontaneity, accident, chance (ibc. or {ayA} ind. spontaneously, by accident, unexpectedly), S'vetUP. Mn. MBh. &c.; (in gram.) see {-zabda}, below; {-tas} ind. by chance, accidentally BhP.; {-bhijJa} ({-cchA7bh-}) m. a voluntary or self-offered witness Nr.; {-mAtra-tas} ind. only quite by accident Kaths.; {-lAbha-saMtuSTa} mfn. satisfied with obtaining what comes spontaneously, easily satisfied Bhag.; {-zabada} m. `" chance-word "', a word neither derived from authority nor possessing meaning S'is'.; {-saMvAda} m. accidental or spontaneous conversation Uttarar.; {-cchika} m. (scil. {putra}) a son who offers himself for adoption MW.

yadeva = yat.h + eva: whatever + itself or alone yadyat.h = whatever yadyapi = even though yadvat.h = as yadvaa = whether yaGYa = a sacrifice yaGYaM = sacrifice yaGYaH = performance of yajna yaGYabhaavitaaH = being satisfied by the performance of sacrifices yaGYavidaH = conversant with the purpose of performing sacrifices yaGYashishhTa = of the result of such performances of yajna yaGYashishhTaa = of food taken after performance of yajna yaGYakshapita = being cleansed as the result of

such performances yaGYaaH = sacrifices yaGYaat.h = from the performance of sacrifice yaGYaanaaM = sacrifices yaGYaaya = for the sake of Yaja (KRishhNa) yaGYaarthaat.h = done only for the sake of Yaja, or Visnu yaGYe = in sacrifice yaGYena = by sacrifice yaGYeshaH = lord of all sacrifices, worshipping rites yaGYeshhu = in the performances of yajna, sacrifice yaGYaiH = with sacrifices yaja *= m. a word formed to explain %{yajus} S3Br. ; (%{A}) f. N. , of a female tutelary being (mentioned with Si1ta1 , S3ama1 and Bhu1ti) Pa1rGr2. \\ see also yAja.

yajata* = mf({A4})n. worthy of worship, adorable, holy, sublime RV. [cf. Zd. {yazata}]; m. a priest (= {Rtv-ij}) L.; the moon L.; N. of S'iva L.; (with treya) of a Riishi (author of RV. v, 67, 68) Anukr. yajati* = m. N. of those sacrificial ceremonies to which the verb {yajati} is applied (as opp. to {juhoti}) KtyS'r. (cf. Kull. on Mn. ii, 84). yajatisthAna* = n. the place or position of the Vedi or sacrificial altar KtyS'r. Sch. yajatra* = mf({A})n. worthy of worship or sacrifice, deserving adoration RV. VS. AV.; m. = {agnihotrin} L.; = {yAga} L.; n. = {agni-hotra} L. yajatha* = (only in slat. = {-thAya}, construed like an inf.) worship, sacrifice RV. yajanta* = m. a sacrificer, worshipper (?) W. yajas* = n. worship, sacrifice RV. viii, 40, 4 (= {yAga} Sy.) yaja* = m. a word formed to explain {yajus} S'Br.; ({A}) f. N., of a female tutelary being (mentioned with St, S'am and Bhti) PrGri. yajanIya* = 1 mfn. (fr. prec.) relating to sacrifice or

worship; n. (with or scil. {ahan}) a day of sacrifice or consecration GriS'rS. yajati = (1 pp) to sacrifice yajatraaH = doing yAga or yagya or sacrifice? yajantaH = sacrificing yajanti = they worship yajante = they worship by sacrifices yajaama = I pl `imperative' parasmaipada of yaj yajinaH = devotees yajuH = the Yajur Veda yajurvedaH = Yajur Veda yajus *= n. religious reverence , veneration , worship , sacrifice RV. ; a sacrificial prayer or formula (technical term for partic. Mantras muttered in a peculiar manner at a sacrifice ; they were properly in prose and distinguished from the %{Rc} and %{sAman} q.v.) RV. &c. &c. ; N. of the Yajur-veda q.v. (also pl.) ; of a partic. sacrificial text Nr2isUp. ; m. N. of a man Katha1s.

yallabhase = yat.h+labhase, whatever+(you)obtain yakrit.h = liver yaksha *= the Yakshas *= n. a living supernatural being, spiritual apparition, ghost, spirit RV. AV. VS. Br. GriS'rS. (accord. to some native Comms. = {yajJa}, {pujA}, {pUjita} &c.); m. N. of a class of semi-divine beings (attendants of Kubera, exceptionally also of Vishnu; described as sons of Pulastya, of Pulaha, of Kas'yapa, of Khas or Krodh; also as produced from the feet of Brahm; though generally regarded as beings of a benevolent and inoffensive disposition, like the Yaksha in Klidsa's Megha-dta, they are occasionally classed with Pis'cas and other malignant spirits, and sometimes said to cause demoniacal possession; as to their position in the Buddhist system see MWB. 206, 218) Up. GriS. Mn. MBh. &c.; (with Jainas) a subdivision of the Vyantaras; N. of Kubera VarYogay.; of a Muni R.; of a son of S'vaphalka VP.; of Indra's palace L.; a dog L.; ({A}) f. N. of a woman HParis'.; ({I}) f. a female Yaksha MBh. R. &c. ({yakSINAm prathamA yakSI} = {durgA} Hariv.); N. of Kubera's wife L. yaksh *= (perhaps Desid. of a {yah}, from which {yahu} and {yahva}) cl. 1. P. . {ya4kSati}, {-te}, (prob.) to be quick, speed on (only in {pra-yakS}

q.v.; and once in {yakSAmas}, to explain {yakSa} R. vii, 4, 12), cl. 10. . {yakSayate}, to worship, honour Dhtup. xxxiii, 19. yaksha4-taa *= f. (Kaths.) or (R.) the state or condition of a YYaksha-tank. yaksha4-tva *= n. (R.) the state or condition of a YYaksha-tank. yaksha4-raaja *= m. `" YYaksha-tank-king "'N. of Kubera MBh. yaksha4-raatri *= f. `" night of the YYaksha-tank "'N. of a festival (= {dIpA7lI} q.v.) L. yaksha4-sena *= m. N. of a king Buddh. [838, 3] yakshendra *= m. a king of the YYaksha-tank R. MrkP.; N. of Kubera MBh. R. yakshes' *= m. N. of the servants of the 11th and 18th Arhat of the present Avasarpin L. yakshes'a *= m. = next W yakshaRkshasaaM = of the Yakshas and Raksasas yaksharakshaa.nsi = demons

yakshye = I shall sacrifice yama = the god of death, also the five moral commandments* = m. a rein, curb, bridle RV. v, 61, 2; a driver, charioteer ib. viii, 103, to; the act of checking or curbing, suppression, restraint (with {vAcAm}, restraint of words, silence) BhP.; selfcontrol forbearance, any great moral rule or duty (as opp. to {niyama}, a minor observance; in Yj. iii, 313 ten Yamas are mentioned, sometimes only five) Mn. MBh. &c.; (in Yoga) self-restraint (as the first of the eight Angas or means of attaining mental concentration) IW. 93; any rule or observance PrGri.; ({yama4}) mf({A4} or {I4})n. twin-born, twin, forming a pair RV. &c. &c.; m. a twin, one of a pair or couple, a fellow (du. `" the twins "' N. of the As'vins and of their twin children by Mdr, called Nakula and Saha-deva; {yamau mithunau}, twins of different sex) ib.; a symbolical N. for the number `" two "' Hcat.; N. of the god who presides over the Pitriis (q.v.) and rules the spirits of the dead RV. &c. &c. IW. 18; 197, 198 &c. RTL. 10; 16; 289 &c. (he is regarded as the first of men and born from Vivasvat, `" the Sun "', and his wife Sarany; while his brother, the seventh Manu, another form of the first man, is the son of Vivasvat and Sanj, the image of Sarany; his twin-sister is Yam, with whom he resists sexual alliance, but by whom he is mourned after his death, so that the

gods, to make her forget her sorrow, create night; in the Veda he is called a king or {saMgamano janAnAm}, `" the gatherer of men "', and rules over the departed fathers in heaven, the road to which is guarded by two broad-nosed, four-eyed, spotted dogs, the children of S'aram q.v.; in Post-vedic mythology he is the appointed Judge and `" Restrainer "' or `" Punisher "' of the dead, in which capacity he is also called {dharmarAja} or {dharma} and corresponds to the Greek Pluto and to Minos; his abode is in some region of the lower world called Yama-pura; thither a soul when it leaves the body, is said to repair, and there, after the recorder, Citra-gupta, has read an account of its actions kept in a book called Agra-sandhn, it receives a just sentence; in MBh. Yama is described as dressed in blood-red garments, with a glittering form, a crown on his head, glowing eyes and like Varuna, holding a noose, with which he binds the spirit after drawing it from the body, in size about the measure of a mas thumb; he is otherwise represented as grim in aspect, green in colour, clothed in red, riding on a buffalo, and holding a club in one hind and noose in the other; in the later mythology he is always represented as a terrible deity inflicting tortures, called {yAtanA}, on departed spirits [846, 2]; he is also one of the 8 guardians of the world as regent of the South quarter; he is the regent of the Nakshatra Apabharan or Bharan, the supposed author of RV. x,

10; 14, of a hymn to Vishnu and of a law-book; {yamasyA7rkaH}N. of a Sman rshBr.); N. of the planet Saturn (regarded as the son of Vivasvat and Chy) Hariv. BhP.; of one of Skanda's attendants (mentioned together with Ati-yama) MBh.; a crow L. (cf. {-dUtaka}); a bad horse (whose limbs are either too small or too large) L.; ({I4}) f. N. of Yama's twin-sister (who is identified in Postvedic mythology with the river-goddess Yamun) RV. &c. &c.; n. a pair, brace, couple L.; (in gram.) a twinletter (the consonant interposed and generally understood, but not written in practice, between a nasal immediately preceded by one of the four other consonants in each class) Prt. Pat. on Pn. 11, 8; pitch of the voice, tone of utterance, key Prt. yamaH = the controller of death yamaduutaanaaM = the messengers of the lord of death (yama) yamana * mf({I})n. restraining, governing, managing VS.; m. the god Yama L.; n. the act of restraining &c. Hariv. Rjat.; binding, tying L.; cessation, end L. yamena = by Yama, the lord of Death yamevaisha = yaM + eva + esha: him + itself or

alone + this yaM = one to whom yana, see: yAna * =. leading, conducting (said of a road; `" to "' gen. or adv. in {-trA4}) RV.; ({yA4nI}) f. a path, course TS. MaitrS. Kthh. (cf. g. {gaurA7di}); n. (ifc. f. {A}) a journey, travel; going, moving, riding, marching &c. to (loc. or comp.) or upon (instr. or comp.) or against (acc. with {prati}) Mn. MBh. &c.; a vehicle of any kind, carriage, waggon, vessel, ship, litter, palanquin RV. &c. &c.; (with Buddhists) the vehicle or method of arriving at knowledge, the means of release from repeated births (there are either 3 systems, the {zrAvakayAna}, the {pratyeka-buddha-y-} or {pratyeka-y-}, and the {mahA-y-}; or more generally only 2, the {mahA-yAna} or `" Great method "' and the {hinay-} or `" Lesser method "'; sometimes there is only `" One Vehicle "', the {eka-yAna}, or `" one way to beatitude "') SaddhP. Dharmas. 2 (cf. MWB. 159 &c.) yantavya * = mfn. to be restrained or checked or controlled MaitrS. MBh. yantri (yantR) * = mfn. restraining , limiting , withholding from (loc.) A1past. ; fixing , establishing RV. AV. VS. (f. %{ya4ntrI}) ; granting ,

bestowing RV. ; m. (ifc. also %{-tRka}) a driver (of horses or elephants) , charioteer ib. &c. &c. ; a ruler , governor , manager , guide RV. Hariv. ; %{yantAraH} among the %{yAcJA-karmANaH} Naigh. iii , 19. yantra * = n. any instrument for holding or restraining or fastening , a prop , support , barrier RV. &c. &c. ; a fetter , band , tie , thong , rein , trace Mn. MBh. ; a surgical instrument (esp. a blunt one , such as tweezers , a vice &c. , opp. to %{zastra}) Sus3r. Va1gbh. ; any instrument or apparatus , mechanical contrivance , engine , machine , implement , appliance (as a bolt or lock on a door , oars or sails in a boat , &c.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. (cf. %{kUpa-} , %{jala-} , %{taila-y-} ; ibc. or ifc. often = mechanical , magical) ; restraint , force (%{eNa} ind. forcibly , violently) MW. ; an amulet , mystical diagram supposed to possess occult powers Katha1s. Pan5car. (cf. RTL. 203). yantra = a design used in meditation yantram.h = (n) machine yantraagaaram.h = (n) factory yantr * = (rather Nom. fr. %{yantra} see col. 3) cl. 10. P. (Dha1tup. xxxii , 3) %{yantrayati} (or 1. P. %{yantrati}) , to restrain , curb , bind

(%{saMkocane}) Dha1tup. ; to bind up , bandage Sus3r. ya.ntu = reach us yarhi: V* when because, whenever, as if, *= ind. (fr. 3. {ya}; correlative of {ta4rhi}, {eta4rhi}, but also followed by {tadA}, {tatra}, {atha} &c.) when, at which time, whenever, while, whereas (with pres. or Pot., imp. aor. or pf.; sometimes also with no verb) TS. AitBr. BhP.; since, as, because BhP. yasha = Success yashaH = fame yashas.h = glory yas'as *= n. beautiful appearance, beauty, splendour, worth RV. AV. VS. S'Br. GriS'rS.; honour, glory, fame, renown AV. &c. &c. (also personified as a son of Kma and Rati Hariv.; or of Dharma and Krti Pur.); an object of honour, a person of respectability S'Br.; favour, graciousness, partiality RV.; N. of various Smans rshBr.; = {udaka}, water, or {anna}, food, or {dhana}, wealth Naigh.; ({yaza4s}) mfn. beautiful, splendid, worthy, excellent RV. AV.; honoured, respected, venerated ib.; pleasant, agreeable, estimable ib.

yashaa.nsi = reputation yas'oda*= mfn. conferring fame or renown L.; m. quicksilver L. (cf. {yazo-dhA}); ({A}) f. see 1. {yazodA}. yas'odaa*= f. (of {yazoda}) N. of the daughter of a class of deceased ancestors Hariv.; of the wife of the cowherd Nanda (Kriishna's foster-mother who nursed him immediately after his birth cf. IW. 332) Hariv. Pur. &c.; of the wife of Mah-vra (and daughter of Samaravra) W.; {-garbha-sambhUtA} f. N. of Durg MBh.; {-nanda} (Hariv.), {-nandana} (Pacar.), {-suta} (Cn.), m. `" Yas'o-d's son "', metron. of Kriishna. -2.\\*=mfn. bestowing fame or honour TS.; f. N. of partic. bricks ib. pS'r. yashovaan.h = man with fame yashhTavyaM = must be performed yashhTikaasana = the stick posture yashhTikriiDaa = (f) dandia (a dance using wooden sticks) yasmaat.h = from whom yasmin.h = in which

yasmai = that person to whom yasya = whose, * to be endeavored, to be killed, to be one oines way, to be gone yasyaaM = in which yat V*= that which, which, whatever, because, as* = 1 mfn. (pr. p. of 5. {i}) going, moving RV. &c. &c. ({abde yati}, in this year L.) \\ 2 cl. 1. . (prob. connected with {yam} and orig. meaning, to stretch "' Dhtup. ii, 29) {ya4tate} (Ved. and ep. also P. {ti}; p. {ya4tamAna}, {ya4tAna} and {yatAna4} RV.; pf. {yete}, 3. pl. {yetire} ib. &c.; aor. {ayatiSTa} Br.; fut. {yatiSyate} Br., {-ti} MBh.; inf. {yatitum} MBh.; ind. p. {-ya4tya} MBh.), (P.) to place in order, marshal, join, connect RV.; (P. or .) to keep pace, be in line, rival or vie with (instr.) ib.; (.) to join (instr.), associate with (instr.), march or fly together or in line ib.; to conform or comply with (instr.) ib.; to meet, encounter (in battle) ib. Br.; to seek to join one's self with, make for, tend towards (loc.) ib.; to endeavour to reach, strive after, be eager or anxious for (with loc. dat. acc. with or without {prati}, once with gen.; also with {arthe}, {arthAya}, {artham} and {hetos} ifc.; or with inf.) Mn. MBh. Kv. &c.; to exert one's self, take pains, endeavour, make effort, persevere, be cautious or watchful ib.; to be prepared for (acc.) R.: Caus. (or

cl. 10 Dhtup. xxxiii, 62) {yAta4yati} (or {-te}; aor. {ayIyatat}; Pass. {yAtyate}), to join, unite (. intrans.) RV.; to join or attach to (loc.), P PacavBr.; to cause to fight AitBr.; to strive to obtain anything (acc.) from (abl.) Mlav.; (rarely .) to requite, return, reward or punish, reprove (as a fault) RV. &c. &c. [841, 1]; (.) to surrender or yield up anything (acc) to (acc. or gen.) MBh.; (P. .) to distress, torture, vex, annoy BhP.; accord. to Dhtup. also {nikAre} (others {nirAkAre} or {khede}) and {upaskAre}: Desid. {yiyatiSate} Gr.: Intens. {yAyatyate} and {yAyatti} ib. yata * = see under %{yam}, p. 845.\\mfn. restrained, held in, held forth, kept down or limited, subdued, governed, controlled &c. RV. &c. &c. (cf. comp. below); n. restraint (?) see %{yataMkara4}; the spurring or guiding of an elephant by means of the rider's feet L. yaata * = mfn. gone, proceeded, marched (n. also impers.) RV. &c. &c.; gone away, fled, escaped MBh. Ka1v. &c.; passed by, elapsed Hariv. Var.; entered upon, pursued (as a path) R.; gone to, come or fallen into (acc. loc, or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.; situated (as a heavenly body) VarBr2S.; become, turned out (%{kva@tad@yAtam}, what has become of this?) Hariv.; known, understood Pat.; n. motion, progress, gait, course, drive RV.

&c. &c.; the place where a person has gone Pa1n2. 2-3, 68 Sch.; the past time (opp. to %{an-Agatam}, the future) VarBr2S.; the guiding or driving of an elephant with a goad L. yat.h = to strive yata = controlled yataH = because; VB: from whom, by which, wherein, wherever, whereupon, as it is so yatachitta = controlling the mind yatachittasya = whose mind is controlled yatachittaatmaa = always careful in mind yatachetasaaM = who have full control over the mind yatamaanaH = endeavoring yatantaH = fully endeavoring yatana* = n. making effort or exertion W. yatanti = endeavor


yatataH = while endeavoring yatataa = while endeavoring yatataaM = of those so endeavoring yatati = endeavors yatate = (1 app) to attempt, to try yatayaH = enlightened persons yatasyataH = wherever yataatma = self-controlled yataatmanaaH = engaged in self-realization yataatmavaan.h = self-situated yathaa * = `" in such a manner as follows "', namely, viz. Buddh. (cf. Pli {seyyathA}; {sa4 ya4thA-} S'Br.) Jain. (in Prkriit {taM jahA}; cf. {sejjahA}) Pat. S'ak.; [cf. $; Goth. {sa}, {so}, {thata}; Lat. {(is-te}, {(is)-ta}, {(is-)tud}, {tam}, {tum}, {tunc}.] yathaa * = * = ind. (in Veda also unaccented; fr. 3. {ya}, correlative of {ta4thA}) in which manner or

way, according as, as, like (also with {cid}, {ha}, {ha vai}, {iva}, {ivA7Gga}, {iva ha}, {eva}, and followed by correl. {tathA}, {tathA tathA}, {tadvat}, {cvam}, Ved. also {eva4}) RV. &c. &c. ({yathai9tat} or {yathai9vai9tat}, `" as for that "' [841, 3]; {yathA-tathA} or {yathA} - {tena satyena}, `" as surely as "' - `" so truly "'); as, for instance, namely (also {tad yathA}, `" as here follows "') Up. GriS'rS. Nir.; as it is or was (elliptically) BhP.; that, so that, in order that (with Pot. or Subj., later also with fut. pres., imperf. and aor.; in earlier language {yathA} is often placed after the first word of a sentence; sometimes with ellipsis of {syAt} and {bhavet}) RV. &c. &c.; that (esp. after verbs of `" knowing "', `" believing "', `" hearing "', `" doubting "' &c.; either with or without {iti} at the end of the sentence) Up. MBh. Kv. &c.; as soon as Megh.; as, because, since ({yathA-tathA}, `" as'-`" therefore "') MBh. Kv. &c.; as if (with Pot.) Das'. S'ak.; how (= {quam}, expressing `" admiration "') Pn. 8-1, 37 Sch.; according to what is right, properly, correctly (= {yathAvat}) BhP. ({ya4thA yathA-ta4thA tathA} or {evaI74va}, `" in whatever manner "', -`" in that manner "', `" according as "' or `" in proportion as "', -`" so "', `" by how much the more'-`" by so much "', `" the more'-`" the more; {yathA tathA}, `" in whatever manner "', `" in every way "', `" anyhow "'; with {na}, `" in no way "', `" really not "'; {yathA kathaMcit}, `" in any way "', `" somehow or other "'; {yathai9va}, `" just as "'; {tad

yathA7pinAma}, `" just as if "'). yatha* = for {yathA} before {R} and {r} = {R}. ycita * = mfn. accordant with propriety or equity, fit, suitable, becoming R. Hit. &c.; ibc. (Katha1s.) or %{am} ind. (R. BhP. &c.) suitably, fitly. yati = Mendicant * = 1 m. (for 2. and 3. see col. 2 and p. 845) a disposer RV. vii, 13, 1 (Sy. `" a giver "'); `" a striver "', an ascetic, devotee, one who has restrained his passions and abandoned the world Up. Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. IW. 131); N. of a mythical race of ascetics (connected with the Bhriigus and said to have taken part in the creation of the world) RV. &c. &c.; N. of a son of Brahm BhP.; of a son of Nahusha MBh. Hariv. Pur.; of a son of Vis'vmitra MBh.; N. of S'iva MBh.; = {nikAra} or {kAra} L.\\ 2 (fr. 3. {ya} correlative of {ta4ti}; declined only in pl. nom. acc. {ya4ti}), as many as (= Lat. {quot}), as often, how many or often RV. (for 1. and 3. {yati} see col. 1 and p. 845).\\3 f. (for 1. and 2. see p. 841, cols. 1 and 2) restraint, control, guidance TS. Br.; stopping, ceasing, a pause (in music) Sangt.; a caesura (in prosody) Ping.; (also {I}) f. a widow L. yatiinaaM = of the saintly persons yatna = effort *= m. activity of will, volition,

aspiring after Kan2. Bha1sha1p.; performance, work Bhar.; (also pl.) effort, exertion, energy, zeal, trouble, pains, care, endeavour after (loc. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (%{yatnaM} with %{kR}, %{A-sthA}, %{samA-sthA}, %{A-dhA} and loc. or inf., `" to make an effort or attempt "', take trouble or pains for "'; %{yatnena} or %{-tnais}, `" with effort "', `" carefully "', `" eagerly "', `" strenuously "' [also %{yatna} ibc.]; %{yatnenA7pi}, `" in spite of every effort "'; %{yatnair@vinA}, `" without effeffort "'; %{yatnAt}, with or notwithstanding effeffort; %{mahato@yatnAt} "', with great effeffort "', `" very carefully "'); a special or express remark or statement A1pS3r. Sch. yatnaM = effort yatra = wherein yathaa = just as (or how) * = `" in such a manner as follows "', namely, viz. Buddh. (cf. Pli {seyyathA}; {sa4 ya4thA-} S'Br.) Jain. (in Prkriit {taM jahA}; cf. {sejjahA}) Pat. S'ak.; [cf. $; Goth. {sa}, {so}, {that-a}; Lat. {(is-te}, {(is)-ta}, {(is-)tud}, {tam}, {tum}, {tunc}.]\\ ind. (in Veda also unaccented; fr. 3. {ya}, correlative of {ta4thA}) in which manner or way, according as, as, like (also with {cid}, {ha}, {ha vai}, {iva}, {ivA7Gga}, {iva ha}, {eva}, and followed by correl. {tathA}, {tathA tathA}, {tadvat},

{cvam}, Ved. also {eva4}) RV. &c. &c. ({yathai9tat} or {yathai9vai9tat}, `" as for that "' [841,3]; {yathA-tathA} or {yathA} - {tena satyena}, `" as surely as "' - `" so truly "'); as, for instance, namely (also {tad yathA}, `" as here follows "') Up. GriS'rS. Nir.; as it is or was (elliptically) BhP.; that, so that, in order that (with Pot. or Subj., later also with fut. pres., imperf. and aor.; in earlier language {yathA} is often placed after the first word of a sentence; sometimes with ellipsis of {syAt} and {bhavet}) RV. &c. &c.; that (esp. after verbs of `" knowing "', `" believing "', `" hearing "', `" doubting "' &c.; either with or without {iti} at the end of the sentence) Up. MBh. Kv. &c.; as soon as Megh.; as, because, since ({yathA-tathA}, `" as'-`" therefore "') MBh. Kv. &c.; as if (with Pot.) Das'. S'ak.; how (= {quam}, expressing `" admiration "') Pn. 8-1, 37 Sch.; according to what is right, properly, correctly (= {yathAvat}) BhP. ({ya4thA yathA-ta4thA tathA} or {evaI74va}, `" in whatever manner "', -`" in that manner "', `" according as "' or `" in proportion as "', -`" so "', `" by how much the more'-`" by so much "', `" the more'-`" the more; {yathA tathA}, `" in whatever manner "', `" in every way "', `" anyhow "'; with {na}, `" in no way "', `" really not "'; {yathA kathaMcit}, `" in any way "', `" somehow or other "'; {yathai9va}, `" just as "'; {tad yathA7pinAma}, `" just as if "').


yathaabhaagaM = as differently arranged yathaavat.h = as they areyauvana = youth yatra tatra* = used for the loc. {yasmiMs tasmin}, in whatever Mn. iii, 50; vi, 66; xii, 102; in whatever place, anywhere MBh. xiii, 3686; to any place whatever, v, 5997; at any rate, indiscriminately, xiii, 514; {yatra tatrA7pi}, to whatever place, v, 1084 Kaths. xxxvi, 101; [cf. Goth. {thathro1}.] yauvanaM = youth yava* = 1 m. the first half of a month (generally in pl.; accord. to Comn. = {pUrva-pakSAH}; also written {yAva}) VS. S'Br. Kthh. \\2 mfn. (1. {yu}) warding off, averting AV. Yj. \\=3 m. barley (in the earliest times, prob. any grain or corn yielding flour or meal; pl. barley-corns) RV. &c. &c.; a barley-corn (either as a measure of length = 1/6 or 1/8 of an Angula VarBriS.; or as a weight= 6 or 12 mustard seeds= 1/2 Guj Mn. Yj.); any grain of seed or seed corn Bhpr.; (in palmistry) a figure or mark on the hand resembling a barley-corn (supposed to indicate good fortune) VarBriS.; N. of a partic. astron. Yoga (when the favourable planets are situated in the 4th and 10th mansions and the unfavourable ones in the 1st and 7th) ib.; speed, velocity W. (prob. w.r. for {java}); a double convex

lens ib. [Cf. Zd. {yava}; Gk. $; Lith. &256791[847, 2] {javai4}.] yavana = Foreign yavana* =1 mfn. (1. {yu}) keeping away, averting (see {dveSo-ya4vana}). //2 n. (2. {yu}) mixing, mingling (esp. with water) Nyyam. \\3 mfn. quick, swift; m. a swift horse L. (prob. w.r. for {javana}). \\ = mfn. quick, swift L. (prob. w.r. for {javAna}). \\4 w.r. for {paijavana} Mn. vii, 41. \\ =5 m. an Ionian, Greek (or a king of the Greeks g. {kambojA7di}; in later times also a Muhammadan or European, any foreigner or barbarian) Mn. MBh. &c.; N. of a caste Gaut. (accord. to L. `" the legitimate son of a Kshatriya and a Vais'y or `" an Ugra who is an elephant catcher "') of a country (= {yavana-deza}, sometimes applied to Ionia, Greece, Bactria, and more recently to Arabia) W.; wheat L.; a carrot L.; olibanum L.; pl. the Ionians, Greeks (esp. the Greek astrologers) MBh. VarBriS. &c.; N. of a dynasty Pur.; ({I}) f. the wife of a Yavana, a Greek or Muhammadan woman Klid. Sis'. (Yavana girls were formerly employed as attendants on kings, esp. to take charge of their bows and quivers); = {javanI}, a curtain L.; n. salt from saline soil L. yaavana* =1 mf({I})n. (fr. {yavana}; for 2. and 3.

see p. 853, col. 1) born or produced in the land of the Yavanas, Pra7yas'c.; m. olibanum L. \\2 n. (fr. Caus.; for 1. see p. 852, col. 3; for 3. below) keeping off, removing Nir. Sy. \\3 n. (fr. Caus.) uniting, joining, mixing (see {a-y-}). yavanikaa = (f) curtain yayaa = by which yayau = went (past perfect tense of yaa gachha meaning to go)yaa = to go yayu* = mfn. (%{yayu4} in a corrupted passage AV. iv, 24, 2) going, moving, swift (applied to a horse) VS.; m. a horse (esp. `" one fit for sacrifice "') L.; N. of one of the horses of the Moon VP.; the way of final beatitude L.; f. obtaining L.; mfn. having a long stick L. ye = those who yethechchayaa = (adverb) at will yena = by whom yenakenachit.h = with anything yeshhaaM = whose

yo = who yo.adhiite = who studies yo.ayaM = this system yoddhavyaM = have to fight yoddhukaamaan.h = desiring to fight yodhamukhyaiH = chiefs among the warriors yodhasaMrAva * = m. challenging to battle, mutual defiance of combatants L. yodhaviiraan.h = great warriors yodhaaH = the soldiers yoga* = m. (1. {yuj}; ifc. f. {A}) the act of yoking, joining, attaching, harnessing, putting to (of horses) RV. MBh.; a yoke, team, vehicle, conveyance S'Br. Kaus'. MBh.; employment, use, application, performance RV. &c. &c.; equipping or arraying (of an army) MBh.; fixing (of an arrow on the bow-string) ib.; putting on (of armour) L.; a remedy, cure Sus'r.; a means, expedient, device, way, manner, method MBh. Kv. &c.; a supernatural means, charm, incantation, magical

art ib.; a trick, stratagem, fraud, deceit Mn. Kaths. (cf. {yoga-nanda}); undertaking, business, work RV. AV. TS.; acquisition, gain, profit, wealth, property ib. Kaus'. MBh.; occasion, opportunity Km. MrkP.; any junction, union, combination, contact with (instr. with or without {saha}, or comp.). MBh. Kv. &c. ({yogam} {i}, to agree, consent, acquiesce in anything R.); mixing of various materials, mixture MBh. R. VarBriS.; partaking of, possessing (instr. or comp.) Mn. R. Hariv.; connection, relation ({yogAt}, {yogena} and {yoga-tas} ifc. in consequence of, on account of, by reason of, according to, through) KtyS'r. S'vetUp. Mn. &c.; putting together, arrangement, disposition, regular succession Kthh. [856,3] S'rS.; fitting together, fitness, propriety, suitability ({yogena} and {yoga-tas} ind. suitably, fitly, duly, in the right manner) MBh. Kv. &c.; exertion, endeavour, zeal, diligence, industry, care, attention ({yoga-tas} ind. strenuously, assiduously; {pUrNena yogena}, with all one's powers, with overflowing zeal) Mn. MBh. &c.; application or concentration of the thoughts, abstract contemplation, meditation, (esp.) selfconcentration, abstract meditation and mental abstraction practised as a system (as taught by Patajali and called the Yoga philosophy; it is the second of the two Snkhya systems, its chief aim being to teach the means by which the human spirit may attain complete union with I7s'vara or

the Supreme Spirit; in the practice of selfconcentration it is closely connected with Buddhism) Up. MBh. Kv. &c. (IW. 92); any simple act or rite conducive to Yoga or abstract meditation Sarvad.; Yoga personified (as the son of Dharma and Kriy) BhP.; a follower of the Yoga system MBh. S'ank.; (in Snkhya) the union of soul with matter (one of the 10 Mlika7rths or radical facts) Tattvas.; (with Ps'upatas) the union of the individual soul with the universal soul Kula7rn.; (with Pcartras) devotion, pious seeking after God Sarvad.; (with Jainas) contact or mixing with the outer world ib.; (in astron.) conjunction, lucky conjuncture Lthy. VarBriS. MBh. &c.; a constellation, asterism (these, with the moon, are called {cAndra-yogAH} and are 13 in number; without the moon they are called {kha-yogAH}, or {nAbhasa-yogAH}) VarBriS.; the leading or principal star of a lunar asterism W.; N. of a variable division of time (during which the joint motion in longitude of the sun and moon amounts to 13 degrees 20 minutes; there are 27 such Yogas beginning with Vishkambha and ending with Vaidhriiti) ib.; (in arithm.) addition, sum, total Sryas. MBh.; (in gram.) the connection of words together, syntactical dependence of a word, construction Nir. Sus'r. (ifc. = dependent on, ruled by Pn. 2-2, 8 Vrtt. 1); a combined or concentrated grammatical rule or aphorism Pn. Sch. Siddh. (cf. {yoga-vibhAga}); the connection of

a word with its root, original or etymological meaning (as opp. to {rUDhi} q.v.) Nir. Pratp. KtyS'r. Sch.; a violator of confidence, spy L.; N. of a Sch. on the Parama7rthasra; ({A}) f. N. of a S'akti Pacar.; of Pvar (daughter of the Pitriis called Barhishads) Hariv. yogaaruuDhaH = elevated in yoga yogaasana = the anchor posture yogaat.h = from the mystic link yogaaya = for the sake of devotional service yogaaya * Nom. . {-yate}, to become Yoga, to be changed into religious contemplation or devotion Cat. yoga = effort yogabalena = by the power of mystic yoga yogabhrashhTaH = one who has fallen from the path of self-realization yogadaNDaasana = the yogis staff posture yogadhaaraNaaM = the yogic situation

yo4ga* =m. (1. {yuj}; ifc. f. {A}) the act of yoking, joining, attaching, harnessing, putting to (of horses) RV. MBh.; a yoke, team, vehicle, conveyance S'Br. Kaus'. MBh.; employment, use, application, performance RV. &c. &c.; equipping or arraying (of an army) MBh.; fixing (of an arrow on the bow-string) ib.; putting on (of armour) L.; a remedy, cure Sus'r.; a means, expedient, device, way, manner, method MBh. Kv. &c.; a supernatural means, charm, incantation, magical art ib.; a trick, stratagem, fraud, deceit Mn. Kaths. (cf. {yoga-nanda}); undertaking, business, work RV. AV. TS.; acquisition, gain, profit, wealth, property ib. Kaus'. MBh.; occasion, opportunity Km. MrkP.; any junction, union, combination, contact with (instr. with or without {saha}, or comp.). MBh. Kv. &c. ({yogam} {i}, to agree, consent, acquiesce in anything R.); mixing of various materials, mixture MBh. R. VarBriS.; partaking of, possessing (instr. or comp.) Mn. R. Hariv.; connection, relation ({yogAt}, {yogena} and {yoga-tas} ifc. in consequence of, on account of, by reason of, according to, through) KtyS'r. S'vetUp. Mn. &c.; putting together, arrangement, disposition, regular succession Kthh. [856, 3] S'rS.; fitting together, fitness, propriety, suitability ({yogena} and {yoga-tas} ind. suitably, fitly, duly, in the right manner) MBh. Kv. &c.; exertion, endeavour, zeal, diligence, industry, care, attention ({yoga-tas} ind. strenuously, assiduously;

{pUrNena yogena}, with all one's powers, with overflowing zeal) Mn. MBh. &c.; application or concentration of the thoughts, abstract contemplation, meditation, (esp.) selfconcentration, abstract meditation and mental abstraction practised as a system (as taught by Patajali and called the Yoga philosophy; it is the second of the two Snkhya systems, its chief aim being to teach the means by which the human spirit may attain complete union with I7s'vara or the Supreme Spirit; in the practice of selfconcentration it is closely connected with Buddhism) Up. MBh. Kv. &c. (IW. 92); any simple act or rite conducive to Yoga or abstract meditation Sarvad.; Yoga personified (as the son of Dharma and Kriy) BhP.; a follower of the Yoga system MBh. S'ank.; (in Snkhya) the union of soul with matter (one of the 10 Mlika7rths or radical facts) Tattvas.; (with Ps'upatas) the union of the individual soul with the universal soul Kula7rn.; (with Pcartras) devotion, pious seeking after God Sarvad.; (with Jainas) contact or mixing with the outer world ib.; (in astron.) conjunction, lucky conjuncture Lthy. VarBriS. MBh. &c.; a constellation, asterism (these, with the moon, are called {cAndra-yogAH} and are 13 in number; without the moon they are called {kha-yogAH}, or {nAbhasa-yogAH}) VarBriS.; the leading or principal star of a lunar asterism W.; N. of a variable division of time (during which the joint

motion in longitude of the sun and moon amounts to 13 degrees 20 minutes; there are 27 such Yogas beginning with Vishkambha and ending with Vaidhriiti) ib.; (in arithm.) addition, sum, total Sryas. MBh.; (in gram.) the connection of words together, syntactical dependence of a word, construction Nir. Sus'r. (ifc. = dependent on, ruled by Pn. 2-2, 8 Vrtt. 1); a combined or concentrated grammatical rule or aphorism Pn. Sch. Siddh. (cf. {yoga-vibhAga}); the connection of a word with its root, original or etymological meaning (as opp. to {rUDhi} q.v.) Nir. Pratp. KtyS'r. Sch.; a violator of confidence, spy L.; N. of a Sch. on the Parama7rthasra; ({A}) f. N. of a S'akti Pacar.; of Pvar (daughter of the Pitriis called Barhishads) Hariv. yogaH = KRishhNa consciousness yogaiH = by devotional service yogakaaraka = Planet in both its Rashi and navaa.nsha sign giving it Swakshetra-like strength. Also a combination that produces a Yoga yogakshemaM = family welfare yogamaayaa = by internal potency


yogamaishvaraM = inconceivable mystic power yogaM = self-realization yoganidraa = the sleep of yoga, where the body is resting but the mind is awake yoganiyojita = controlled by yoga yogarataH = indulging in yoga yogasa.nsiddhiM = the highest perfection in mysticism yogasa.nGYitaM = called trance in yoga yogasevayaa = by performance of yoga yogasthaH = equipoised yogasya = about yoga yogavittamaaH = the most perfect in knowledge of yoga yogayaGYaaH = sacrifice in eightfold mysticism yogayuktaH = engaged in devotional service


yogayuktaatmaa = one who is dovetailed in KRishhNa consciousness yogau = work in devotional service yoge = in work without fruitive result yogena = in devotional service yogeshvara = O Lord of all mystic power yogeshvaraH = the master of mysticism yogeshvaraat.h = from the master of all mysticism yogin.h = one who practices yoga (Male) yogin* = mfn. joined or connected with, relating to, accompanied by, possessed of (comp.) Ka1tyS3r. MBh. Hariv.; being in conjunction with (e.g. %{candra-y-}) Ma1rkP.; possessed of superhuman powers W.; m. a follower of the Yoga system, a Yogin (usually called Yogi1) or contemplative saint, devotee, ascetic MaitrUp. Bhag. &c. (cf. RTL. 87); a magician, conjurer W. [858,1]; a partic. mixed caste Cat. (v.l. %{yuGgin}); an orange tree L.; natron, alkali L.; N. of Ya1jn5avalkya Cat.; of Arjuna L.; of Vishn2u MBh.; of S3iva L.; of a Buddha L.; (%{inI}) f. see next.

yogendra* = m. a master or adept in the Yoga W. yogin* = mfn. joined or connected with, relating to, accompanied by, possessed of (comp.) KtyS'r. MBh. Hariv.; being in conjunction with (e.g. {candra-y-}) MrkP.; possessed of superhuman powers W.; m. a follower of the Yoga system, a Yogin (usually called yogi) or contemplative saint, devotee, ascetic MaitrUp. Bhag. &c. (cf. RTL. 87); a magician, conjurer W. [858, 1]; a partic. mixed caste Cat. (v.l. {yuGgin}); an orange tree L.; natron, alkali L.; N. of Yjavalkya Cat.; of Arjuna L.; of Vishnu MBh.; of S'iva L.; of a Buddha L.; ({inI}) f. see next. yoginii* = f. a female demon or any being endowed with magical power, a fairy, witch, sorceress (represented as eight in number and as created by Durg and attendant on her or on S'iva; sometimes 60, 64 or 65 are enumerated) Hariv. Kaths. &c. (cf. RTL. 188, 189); N. of Durg L.; (with Tntrikas) a partic. S'akti; (with Buddhists) a woman representing any goddess who is the object of adoration. yoginiidas'aa* = f. state or condition of a Yogin; {krama} m. {-cintAmaNi} m. {-jJAna} n. {--dhyAya} ({-zA7dh-}) m. {-prakaraNa} n. {-vicAra} m. N. of wks.

yoginaM = yogi yoginaH = mystics yoginaaM = of the devotees yoginii = one who practices yoga (Female) yoginiidazs'aa* - f. state or condition of a Yogin; {krama} m. {-cintAmaNi} m. {-jJAna} n. {--dhyAya} ({-zA7dh-}) m. {-prakaraNa} n. {-vicAra} m. N. of wks. yogi* = 1 (m. c.) = {yogin} (only in gen. pl. {yogInAm}). \\* = 2 in comp. for {yogin}. yogidaNDa* = m. a kind of reed or cane (= {vetra}) L. yoginidraa* = f. `" a yogi's sleep "', light sleep, wakefulness W yogitA* = f. the being connected with (ifc.), connection, relation Bhshp.; the state or condition of a yogi (cf. {yogin}) MW. yogita* = mfn. bewitched, enchanted, mad, crazy, wild L


yogii = one who practices yoga (Male) yogiiya* = Nom. . {-yate}, to regard or treat as Yoga Cat. yogiis'vara* = m. = prec. Kv. Yj.; a master in sorcery Kaths.; ({I}) f. N. of a goddess Ca yogya = like yogyataa = appropriateness yojakastatra = yojakaH + tatra:the joiner and there yojana * = n. joining , yoking , harnessing Pa1rGr2. Hariv. ; that which is yoked or harnessed , a team , vehicle (also applied to the hymns and prayers addressed to the gods) RV. ; course , path ib. ; (sometimes m. ; ifc. f. %{A}) a stage or Yojana (i.e. a distance traversed in one harnessing or without unyoking ; esp. a partic. measure of distance , sometimes regarded as equal to 4 or 5 English miles , but more correctly = 4 Kros3as or about 9 miles ; according to other calculations = 2 1/2 English miles , and according to some = 8 Kros3as) RV. &c. &c. ; instigation , stimulation Sa1h. ; mental concentration , abstraction , directing the thoughts to one point (= %{yoga}) Up. ; the Supreme Spirit of the Universe (=

%{paramA7tman}) L. ; a finger L. ; n. and (%{A}) f. use , application , arrangement , preparation RV. Ka1tyS3r. MBh. Sa1h. ; erecting , constructing , building Ra1jat. Katha1s. ; junction , union , combination Sa1h. Veda7ntas. ; (%{A}) f. application of the sense of a passage , grammatical construction S3am2k. yojita * = mfn. yoked, harnessed BhP.; used, employed, applied, performed MBh.; undertaken, begun Ya1jn5.; appointed to, charged with (loc.) BhP.; tied or fastened to, put or placed in (loc.) ib.; joined, connected, put together, arranged, composed MBh. R.; supplied or furnished with (instr. or comp.) VarBr2S. Ra1jat. yojinii = (f) stapler yoktavyaH = must be practiced yonayaH = sources of yoni = species of life yoniM = species yoniH = source of birth yonishhu = into the wombs

yonii = vagina, womb, or the source yoniini = whose source of birth yotsyamaanaan.h = those who will be fighting yoshaNaa* = (once {yoSa4NA}) f. (prob. fr. 2. {yu}; cf. {yuvan}) a girl, maiden, young woman, wife RV. (accord. to Sy. also = {stuti}, a hymn, praise). yoshan* = f. id. ib. (also applied to the fingers). yoshaa* = f. = {yoSaNA} RV. &c. &c. (esp. applied to Ushas; accord. to Sy. also `" a mare "'); (with {dAru-mayI}) a wooden doll MBh. yoshit* = f. = {yoSaNA} (also applied to the females of animals and to inanimate things e.g. {yoSito mantrAH}, `" female magical texts "') RV. &c. &c. yoshitaa* = f. a woman, wife MundUp. Sch. yos * = ind. (only in {za4M yo4H} and {za4M ca yo4z ca}) welfare, health, happiness R yuddha = Planetary War yuddhaM = war


yuddhavishaaradaaH = experienced in military science yuddhaat.h = than fighting yuddhaaya = for the sake of fighting yuddhe = in the fight yudhaamanyuH = Yudhamanyu yudhi = in the fight yudhishhThiraH = Yudhisthira yudhiSThira * = m. (for %{-sthira}) `" firm or steady in battle "'N. of the eldest of the 5 reputed sons of Pa1n2d2u (really the child of Pr2itha1 or Kunti1, Pa1n2d2u's wife, by the god Dharma or Yama, whence he is often called Dharma-putra or Dharma-ra1ja; he ultimately succeeded Pa1n2d2u as king, first reigning over Indra-prastha, and afterwards, when the Kuru princes were defeated, at Hastina1-pura; cf. IW. 379 &c.) MBh. Hariv. Pur.; of a son of Kr2ishn2a Hariv.; of two kings of Kas3mi1ra Ra1jat.; of a potter Pan5cat.; (with %{maho7pA7dhyAya}) of a preceptor Cat.; pl. the descendants of Yudhi-sht2hira (son of Pa1n2d2u) Pa1n2. 2-4, 66 Sch.; %{-vijaya} (or %{-dig-v-}) m.

N. of a poem by Va1sudeva Parama-s3iva-yogin of Kerala. [855,2] yudhya = fight yudhyate = (4 ap) to fight yudhyasva = fight yuga = World Ages yugapat.h = simultaneously yugale = dual yugala* = n. (rarely m.; ifc. f. {A}) a pair, couple, brace Kv. Pur. Pacat. &c. ({-lo-bhU}, to be yoked or united with); `" double prayer "'N. of a prayer to Lakshm and Nryana L. yugalaja* = m. du. twins HParis'. yugalaka* = n. a pair, couple, brace Kaths.; a double S'loka (= {yuga} q.v.) Rjat. yugalAya* = Nom. . {-yate}, to be like or represent a pair (of anything) Kv. yugaMdhara * = mf({A})n. holding or bearing the

yoke (?) MBh.; m. n. the pole of a carriage or wood to which the yoke is fixed MBh.; m. a partic. magical formula spoken over weapons R.; N. of a king Hariv. Pur.; of a mountain MBh. (with Buddhists one of the 8 mountains Dharmas. 125); of a forest Pacar.; pl. N. of a people MBh. VarBriS. VP. yugapad * = ind. `" being in the same yoke or by the side of each other "', together, at the same time, simultaneously (`" with "' instr. Pn. 2-1, 6 Sch.; cf. {yuga-za4ram}) GriS'rS. &c. &c.; ({-pat}){-karman} n. a simultaneous action Lthy.; ({-pat}) {-kAla} mfn. taking place at the same time pS'r.; ({-pat}) {-prA7pti} f. reaching simultaneously s'vGri.; ({pad}) {-bhAva} m. simultaneousness KtyS'r. yuga4-bhanga * = m. the breaking of a yoke Kath yuge = millennium yugma *= mf(%{A})n. even (as opp. to `" odd "') Gr2S3rS. Mn. &c. ; n. a pair , couple , brace S3a1n3khGr2. Ya1jn5. R. &c. ; twins Sus3r. ; (in astron.) the sign of the zodiac Gemini ; a double S3loka (cf. %{yuga}) Ra1jat. ; junction , confluence (of two streams) R. ; often w.r. for %{yugya}. yuj.h = to yoke, join, concentrate on

yujyate = is engaged yujyasva = engage (fight) yukta = used* = mfn. yoked or joined or fastened or attached or harnessed to (loc. or instr.) RV. &c. &c.; set to work, made use of, employed, occupied with, engaged in, intent upon (instr. loc. or comp.) ib.; ready to, prepared for (dat.) MBh.; absorbed in abstract meditation, concentrated, attentive RV. &c. &c.; skilful, clever, experienced in, familiar with (loc.) MBh. R.; joined, united, connected, combined, following in regular succession RV. S'nkhS'r. Var. BhP. ({a4m} ind. in troops S'Br.); furnished or endowed or filled or supplied or provided with, accompanied by, possessed of (instr. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. [853, 3]; come in contact with (instr.) R.; (in astron.) being in conjunction with (instr.) s'vGri.; (ifc.) added to, increased by (e.g. {catur-yuktA viMzatiH}, twenty increased by four i.e. 24) VarBriS.; (ifc.) connected with, concerning KtyS'r.; (ifc.) subject to, dependent on MBh.; fitted, adapted, conforming or adapting one's self to, making use of (instr. e.g. {yuktaH kAlena yaH}, one who makes use of the right opportunity) Km.; fit, suitable, appropriate, proper, right, established, proved, just, due, becoming to or suitable for (gen. loc. or comp., e.g. {Ayati-yukta}, suitable for the future; or ibc. see

below; {yuktam} with {yad} or an inf. = it is fit or suitable that or to; {na yuktam bhavatA}, it is not seemly for you) Mn. MBh. &c.; auspicious, favourable (as fate, time &c.) Mn. R.; prosperous, thriving R.; (with {tathA}) faring or acting thus MBh.; (in gram.) primitive (as opp. to `" derivative "') Pn. 1-2, 51; m. N. of a son of Manu Raivata Hariv.; of a Riishi under Manu Bhautya ib.; ({A}) f. N. of a plant L. (cf. {yukta-rasA}); n. a team, yoke S'Br.; junction, connection Pn. 2-3, 4; 8 &c.; fitness, suitableness, propriety ({am} ind. fitly, suitably, justly, properly, rightly; {e4na}, properly, suitably RV. v, 27, 3; {buddhi-yuktena}, conformably to reason Rjat.) yuktasena* = mfn. one whose army is ready (for marching) Sus'r.; {-nIya} mfn. relating to him ib. yuktaH = dovetailed yuktachetasaH = their minds engaged in Me yuktatamaH = the greatest yogi yuktatamaaH = most perfect in yoga yuktasya = engaged yuktaa = with

yuktaaH = engaged yuktaatma = having the mind firmly set on yuktaatmaa = self-connected yuktakrit* = (BhP.) mfn. acting properly or suitably. yuktatva* = n. application, employment KtyS'r.; fitness, propriety ({a-y-}) Veda7ntas. yuktavat* = ({yukta4-}) mfn. containing a form of 1. {yuj} S'Br. yuktaayas* = n. `" bound with iron "', a sort of spade or shovel W yuktasvapnAvabodha* = mfn. moderate in sleeping and waking Bhag yuktaiH = engaged yukte = being yoked yuktena = being engaged in meditation yukti = utility; proportion * = f. union, junction, connection, combination AitBr. Ta1n2d2Br.;

preparation, going to, making ready for (loc. or comp.) R.; application, practice, usage Katha1s. Sus3r.; trick, contrivance, means, expedient, artifice, cunning device, magic Ka1v. Katha1s. Pan5car. (%{yuktiM-kR}, to find out or employ an expedient; %{yukti} ibc.; %{-tyA}, %{-tibhis}, and %{-ti-tas} ind. by device or stratagem, artfully, skilfully, under pretext or pretence; %{yuktyA} &c. ifc. = by means of); reasoning, argument, proof, influence, induction, deduction from circumstances Kap. Ka1v. Var. &c. (%{-tas}, by means of an argument); reason, ground, motive BhP. Ma1rkP.; suitableness, adaptedness, fitness, propriety, correctness MBh. Ka1v. &c. (%{yuktyA} and %{-titas}, properly, suitably, fitly, justly, duly); meditation on the supreme being, contemplation, union with the universal spirit S3am2k. (cf. IW. 111, 3); (in law) enumeration of circumstances, specification of place and time &c. Ya1jn5. ii, 92; 212; (in rhet.) emblematic or mystical expression of purpose W.; (in dram.) connection of the events in a plot, concatenation of incidents, intelligent weighing of the circumstances Das3ar. Sa1h. Prata1p.; (in astron.) conjunction Jyot.; (in gram.) connection of words, a sentence Nir.; connection of letters Vishn2. [854,1]; supplying an ellipsis W.; mixture or alloying of metals VarBr2S.; sum, total Su1ryas.


yuktvaa = being absorbed yujataH = constantly engaged yujan.h = practicing yujiita = must concentrate in KRishhNa consciousness yujyaat.h = should execute yujaka* = mfn. applying, performing, practising (e.g. {dhyAna-y-}, practising devotion) Cat. yujaana* = mfn. uniting, joining, arranging, performing Kaths. BhP.; appointing to, charging or entrusting with (loc.) MBh.; suitable, proper MW.; successful, prosperous ib.; m. a driver, coachman L.; a Yogin L. yujaanaka* = mfn. containing the word {yuJjAna} g. {goSad-Adi}. yujanda* = m. or n. (?) N. of a place Cat. yujavat* = w.r. for {muJja-vat}. yuta= equipped with * = 1 mfn. (for 2. see below) kept off, removed (see comp.); separate (= {pRthak}) L.* = 2 mfn. (for 1. see above) attached, fastened (ifc.) Bhartri.;

added Sryas.; united, combined, joined or connected or provided or filled or covered with, accompanied by, possessed of (instr. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.; (ifc.) standing in conjunction with VarBriS.; made or consisting of R.; (with instr.) occupied in, performing (sacrifices) L.; (ifc.) connected with, concerning R. BhP.; n. a partic. measure of length (= 4 Hastas) L. \\ {yutaka}, {yuti} see under 1. 2. {yu} yutaka = (n) shirt yuyaM = (pron) you (pl) yuyutsavaH = desiring to fight yuyutsuM = all in a fighting spirit yuyudhaanaH = Yuyudhana yuvan.h = young yuvaa = the two youths yuutha = (neut) collection, troop



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