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Anorexia Nervosa Info

is a psychiatric syndrome and characterized of loss of body weight to 15%,

loss of three consecutive menstrual cycles, intense fear of becoming fat
distorted way of perceiving ones body
subtype purging and subtype non-purging

Appears on adolescence 90% on women

it affects athlets and those in activities that require thinness


its a predisposition
eating disorders have more to do with feelings and acceptance and control
they are obsessive, perfectionists and feel insecure
no one causes and problem is the same, trauma and sexual trauma

causes are not known, involves, biological,psychological and social triggers.

Some believe is related to amount of serotonin in the brain.
If you have a parent with anorexia you are at risk.
Stressful life events can also trigger anorexia
Negaitive remark mado to their personal appearance, so they dont eat.

weights 85% less of the normal weight of same age and weight
obsesive about gaining weight
disorted body image
denies the problem
ceases to menstruate or does not start to menstruate
strange eating rituals
abuses laxatives
vomits exessively
exercises too much

Lifestyle changes
instill self confidence and healthy body image in children that helps combar the
personality of disorder
detect and treat anorexia early to control the disease before it progresses
patient can learn to control her eatin habits with help of doctor, mental health
and nutritionist
they need love of their family


help them get out of denial that is a psychiatric syndrome, 500,000 deaths occur a
year as consequence of eating disorders.
Then understand what contributed and establish balanced relationship with food, to
become nutritionally stable
most peopel with e.disorders are nurochemcally imbalanced, we know that anti
depressants help restablish a serotonin balance and other neurotransmitter
balances to they can think more rationally

Anorexia Video

cause is in the movies, videos, magazines, pop culture, we watch

every channel you see sends you a message of skiny girls and when you look in the
mirror you think you dont look as good as you should

they become secretive, ailolated, avoid social interaction

Thinspiration role model to follow

proano website, its seen as an alternative lifestyle
they give you tips and tricks to improve your illness
this sites have forums that give bad advices and hide the illness from parents

you can acquire other illneses such as bulimia

in USA 5 to 10 million girls after puberty are struggling with eating disorders

estimate of 9 and a half americans suffering from eating disorders

it has many mental and physical side effects

you become isolated you avoid your friends, irritated, act inmature like a child
you develop feelings of guilt for hurting your loved ones, then the only way to
avoid is is drugs and alchohol

physical effects
damage to your brain, bad memory, hair and nail weak, muscles weaker, suffer
osteoporosis, low potasion, magnisum, instestine fail, skin dry up, skin turn
yellow, heart slow down and it leads to dead.

3 out of 20 will die, you dont have the right to make your family and friends

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