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LUCK IS NO ACCIDENT Making the most of happenstance in your life and career. -by John D. Krumboltz and Al S.

Levin This is a book about how unplanned events are influential in ones career and life PLANNED HAPPENSTANCE. For that:1) Be aware of your surroundings observe 2) Take a risk, even with risk as possible outcome. 3) Be adaptable and open minded. CHAPTER 1 Make the most of unplanned events. Unplanned events determine more than planned events. 1) 2) 3) 4) Take actions to open up opportunities even when you dont know the outcome. Take advantages of chance events. Keep all options open. Make the most of what life offers.

Unexpected events are inevitable. Unexpected events take place throughout our life. Some may turn out to be wonderful surprises and other events may turnout to be unexpected disasters (that is, positive or negative outcome). While we do not really have any say or control over the occurring of unexpected events; yet we can control the actions that we take and how we choose to react to positive and negative experiences. These are powerful factors in determining the directions our life takes. We have control over our own actions and how we think about the events that impact our life. We cannot control the outcome, but our actions can increase the probability that desired outcomes will occur. There are no guarantees in life. The only guarantee is that doing nothing will get us nowhere. MAKE MOST OF UNEXPECTED EVENTS, WHEN THEY HAPPEN BY BEING ALERT

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