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Temario ingls Conocimiento General acerca de las Teoras de Aprendizaje de una Lengua Extranjera: Grammar Translation Method: Form-focused

approach. Behaviorism: Form-focused approach and Audio-lingual approach. Innatism: Universal Grammar, Krashens Monitor Model and Communicative language teaching. Cognitive Psychology: Psychological theories, Processing and Connectionism (environment). The Interactionist Position: Input interaction output, meaning focused language. Trminos relacionados con el Aprendizaje de una Lengua Extranjera: Motivation. The role of error (interference, interlanguage). Differences between mother tongue and foreign language (age, context and way of learning). Learners characteristics and needs. Total Physical Response (TPR). Presentation, Practice and Production (PPP). Communicative competence. Task-based instruction. Contribuciones recientes a la enseanza de una Lengua Extranjera: Corpus linguistics (analysis of corpora: grammar of writen and spoken texts). Lexical approach (concept that language is grammaticalized lexis vs. lexicalized grammar). Authentic texts.Subeje Habilidades y Destrezas del Lenguaje. Skills: concepts of oral and written language, listening and reading comprehension. Subskills: skimming and scanning, prediction, deduction of unknown language, use of cognates, etc. Subeje Caractersticas de los Textos Orales y Escritos. Type Organization Authenticity

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