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Chapter 16: Restoring Life to Its Original State

Empty yourself to the utmost.

Uphold firmly to stillness.
All things rise and fall, thus I observe their cycles.
Sigh! Though all things flourish in infinite variety, each will return to their root.
Returning to the root is the meaning of stillness. Stillness is the restoration of life to its
original state. Restoring life to its original state is called the eternal. To know the eternal is
called enlightenment. Not knowing the eternal and acting blindly will result in disaster.
Knowing the eternal, one can be accommodating. By being accommodating, one is
By being impartial, one acquires kingliness. By being kingly, one is like heaven.
By being heaven-like, one is in accord with Tao. Being in accord with Tao is everlasting.
Although the body dies, one will never perish.
Questions for discussion and contemplation:
1. How can we empty ourselves to the utmost and uphold firmly to stillness?
2. According to Lao Zi, what is the key to restoring life to its original state?
3. Do we know the eternal or are we simply acting blindly?
Reflection and realisation:

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