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Teacher :Mrs.

Valli Class/Set: Arden7 Number of pupils: 26



Room: 26 Level:4

Subject: E-Safety Lesson 6

Scheme of Work:

Learning Objectives (WALT): Understand the importance of e-safety Able to produce an e-safety publication Intended Learning Outcomes (WILF): All must be able to: Complete the fact sheet/ leaflet Most should be able to: Complete the evaluation Some could: Explore tools available in Microsoft Publisher to produce an attractive publication Keywords: Publications, Leaflet, fact sheet, images, text, font, layout, audience, email, internet, mobile, cyberbullying Reference to cross-curriculum issues (Literacy, Numeracy, Citizenship, PSHE, ECM..): PSHE Entry ( 2.5 mins) Resources E-Safety Lesson 6 Starter (5 mins): Write down the contents needed to produce E-Safety & Cyber-bullying Starter.doc fact sheet/leaflet. Discussion with pupils. Main ( 45 mins) Teacher instructions (20 mins): Discuss with your partner sitting next to you. Write down: 1) TWO WWW (What Went Well)/ Good points 2) TWO EBI (Even Better If) / Improvements Based on your friends feedback, edit your fact sheet/ leaflet design. Complete within 20 mins. Teacher led discussion (5 mins): What makes a good evaluation? 1. Mention what you created and why. 2. Who your audience? 3. How your creation was suitable for audience and purpose? 4. How did ICT help you what specific tools and features did you use? a. Not just a computer (think about the software used) b. Why was it better than doing it by hand? 5. How you reviewed and evaluated a. Did you ask someone to look at your work and suggest improvements? b. What improvements would you make if you had more time? ALL MUST BE ANSWERED IN FULL DETAIL. NO ONE WORD ANSWERS Teacher instructions (15 mins): Go to MoodleArden7 - Tech ICTLesson 6 E-Safety Assessment DocumentSave to your E-Safety folder. Complete it within 15 mins. Answer the questions below What did you create? Who is your audience? What is the purpose? Is your fact sheet/leaflet suitable for the audience and purpose? Say HOW it is. Think about what you have done to make the audience like It? What software did you use. Give reasons WHY you used that software. What features did it have? List three things you have learnt in this unit relating to e-safety? How can what you have learnt help you outside of ICT lessons? Suggest two things you will do from now on, as a result of completing this topic. Suggest one area you would like to find out more about. Assessment Document.doc E-Safety Workbook Leaflet/fact sheet plan leaflet template.pub fact sheet.pub

Checklist (10 mins): Tick each task in checklist below once you have completed. Completed the E-Safety Workbook Completed the assessment evaluation Chosen an output form (leaflet / fact sheet) Selected the audience and purpose Completed a plan for fact sheet/leaflet Added detail to the plan(such as fonts, colours, etc) Created the fact sheet/ leaflet using Microsoft Publisher / Word

Finished evaluation Dont forget to write your name. Plenary ( 5 mins): Ask pupils question: 1. Three things you have learnt? 2. Two things you will do as a result of this unit? 3. One thing you would like to know more about. Exit ( 2.5 mins) Differentiation (related to Learning Outcomes) Support for Less Able: Help pupils to perform task of the day by providing design plan for their assessment. G&T: Explore tools available in Microsoft Publisher to produce an attractive publication Special Education Needs: Read through IEP and prepare lessons according to pupils needs. Other adult support/roles: Homework return, feedback and setting: No homework, feedback given through markbook. Assessment including WILF: Markbook in Dropbox Evaluation of the lesson Informal observations made by curriculum mentor [x]

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