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Illaignar Malar


Issue date : 5/5/2012

BjfX ANRX-10

Phrase L[ YefV GTz YNT|Y G TT.


I - Subject;; T] - went verb. PhraseL. CR

1) G ATP 2) S LX 3) TX TeL, GTY \ AR efVYR T YNT|R Y|.

`G ATP' GT L efVU], A|R `S LX', \Y `TX TT' G jL ]R geLPY AUjL.

I went with my father, yesterday morning, to meet the principal.

`TX TT' `G geLPY AUjL. ATP' `S LX' G YNT|R ]

I went to meet the prinicipal with my father, yesterday morning.

`S LX' `G] ATP' `TX TeL' G YNT|R ],

I went yesterday morning, with my father to meet the prinicipal.


Yesterday morning I went to meet the prinicipal with my father To meet the prinicipal, I went yesterday morning with my father With my father, yesterday morning, I went to meet the prinicipal PhraseL[ AR efVYR AN Subject-eh ]X, AX verb-eh ]X AUeL Y|. B] sub + verb AX Sub + Aux verb +

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5/23/2012 3:38 PM

Illaignar Malar


verb G\ YN U\eiP.
G C geLPTz pX NL[ ZeLX. 1) S Y|U\ J TVo N] C `Y|U\' G\


Subject eh, Verb eh CP ZeLX. I purposely (Y|U\) told a lie.


Police forcibly pushed him out.

PhraseL[ AUT RPTL Adverb T KW[ R LY SX.

J NV GY (how), GjL (where), GT (when) NVTyP GTR YT f. (1) GY NVTyP S WV NRUL yz]. (C NRUL GT Adverb ) BjfX I scolded Ravi loudly G NX Y|. B] LTUL GTRh AL AR RW Y| G ]R I loudly scolded Ravi G NXX. (2) Gjh, GT S WV AY] yz C LX NR. CR geLPTz YLVL NXX.

I met Ravi today morning at his house. I met Ravi at his house today morning. Today morning, I met Ravi at his house.
TYL, HL]Y N] T, Subject, verb RW U\Y\ RT LPpXV TrjL. BjfX NR[ ] TzjL. AY Phrases GjL GRTyzef\ G LYjL. U\YL BjfX TrT CRe LYjL. ] PhraseL[ GTz AUT GT EjLeh R]L Y. CT jL[L BjfX GYRh pX YefVjL[ RW E[. ARh S pX YefVjL[ BjfX GTz TrY GTRL] Y \L[e L|[. Tense Chart -I EP Ye L| TzR C G. S S UX DWy|eh G AQP T].

1. Verb and tense: a) LPpVL Y N `T]' GT verb . CR AzTP verb - T b) (S UX) SPR NV GTR Past. Verb J NXL CTR Simple. G]Y C Simple Past.
2. 3.

Subject : NVXo NRY - S I Simple Past tense-

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Illaignar Malar


a) YefV AU: Subject + Verb + Phrase b) Auxiliary verb : G CX. c) Form of verb: Past tense form Y. go GTR past tense : went.

Phrase-L Yesterday evening to Erode with my brother

1) S UX 2) DWy|eh -

3) G AQP -

Sentence: I went to Erode with my brother yesterday evening. (or) Yesterday evening I went to Erode with my brother.
G] \R S[ G UU G]eh J Tr L| YR.

1. Verb and tense: a) LPpVL Yeh NL `L| YR' GT Verb. CR AzTP Verb L| Y - bring. b) `L| Y', `CR' G] C NL CTR perfect. c) C | RPW Y[ GTR present perfect. 2. Subject: L| YR NVXo NRY - G] UU - my uncle. III person singular. 3. Present perfect tense a) YefV AU: Sub + Aux verb + Verb + Phrase b) Auxiliary verb : Present perfect tense III Person Singular -eh has c) Form of verb : Past Participle, bring - Past Participle & brought 4. Phrase: i) G \R S[ : On my birthday ii) G]eh : for me iii) J Tr : a gift Sentence: My uncle has brought a gift for me on my birthday. (or) On my birthday, my uncle has brought a gift for me.

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Illaignar Malar


U pX YefVjL[ A|R YW TT.

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