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ASSESSMENT AT UNIS Teaching & Learning Committee Review I.

Introduction In 2004 a faculty committee was convened to review the school's internal and external assessment program and make recommendations for improvements. The committee presented a report of its findings, including recommendations, in 2007. In 2011, a subcommittee of the Teaching and Learning Committee reviewed the report to determine what progress had been made as a result of the initial recommendations and, in light of present research on assessment, to set out a plan for the way forward for a balanced assessment system at UNIS. II. Definition Assessment is an ongoing process to inform instruction and improve student learning by systematically gathering, analyzing, and interpreting evidence of students understanding as they develop concepts and skills. A. Formative assessment reflects progress towards learning objectives and is used to adapt instruction in order to support learning. Formative assessment enhances, recognizes and responds to learning. B. Summative assessment measures student achievement at a point in time. Assessment results can be used to evaluate and improve school level instructional priorities. III. Principles Effective assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning and should reflect the range of learning objectives. A. Assessment enables teachers and students to monitor present learning and plan for the future. B. Teachers use appropriate and varied assessment tasks. C. The assessment task is clearly defined and has explicit criteria for success. D. Students collaborate with teachers to establish assessment criteria. E. Assessment provides explicit feedback to the learner so the student can monitor progress. F. Self-assessment and reflection are essential. G. Students work with peers to review and reflect on their learning.
(UNIS Teaching & Learning Policy)


Balanced Assessment A comprehensive balanced assessment program includes a variety of assessment components and processes that align with expectations for learning and meet the needs of all users. To be effective, assessment systems must be built around the reality that different users need different information in different forms and at different times in order to fulfill their decision making responsibilities (Refield, Roeber and Stiggins)

Assessment Subcommittee, Teaching and Learning Committee 9/20/12




Designated skill questions within Summative Assessment

Responsibility of TEACHER, GRADE or DEPARTMENT

Responsibility of STUDENT and TEACHER

(Major units-Enduring Understandings/ Subject Skill Acquisition)

Feedback OF Learning


Assessment Subcommittee, Teaching and Learning Committee 9/20/12


MANAGED BY PRIMARY USERS Student and Teacher Students Teachers


Teacher, Grade, Department, Curriculum Office Teachers Departments Curriculum Office Verify individual and group mastery of enduring understandings and subject skill acquisition Measure achievement at a point in time for purposes of reporting and accountability Make decisions about school programs and resources Communicate evidence of performance to parents and students Identify students who require additional support Provide instructional feedback to teachers Track skill development longitudinally for both student and program evaluation Comprehension of enduring understandings and essential questions Application of knowledge and skills Key skills identified by the departments in conjunction with the curriculum office

ASSESS WHY? Assessment processes and results serve clear and appropriate purposes

Enable students to take responsibility for their own learning by engaging in self-assessment, reflection, goal-setting, monitoring and communicating their own progress Support learning Reflect progress toward mastery of objectives Assist teachers respond to student needs Inform instruction based on results Understand which learning targets require attention Provide descriptive feedback to students Progress toward developing an understanding of learning objectives Learning targets identify: How new knowledge connects to previous knowledge Patterns of reasoning and critical thinking skills Progress towards enduring understandings and essential questions Product planning and execution Development of skills Teachers understand and use varied assessment methods to optimize student learning Teachers choose assessment methods that match intended learning targets Selected response Constructed response Extended written response Performance/Product (demonstrated and observed)

ASSESS WHAT? Assessments reflect clear and valued student learning targets

ASSESS HOW? Assessments are varied, valid and administered appropriately

Departments utilize a variety of assessment formats Teachers collaborate to establish summative assessments and assessment criteria that measure students understandings, and critical skills. Questions related to key skills are identified by the departments in conjunction with the curriculum office as

Assessment Subcommittee, Teaching and Learning Committee 9/20/12

Personal communication Observation Peer Assessment Self Assessment Students collaborate and/or are guided by the rubrics used for assessments ASSESS WHEN?
Assessments are administered when it makes sense pedagogically and to best support students learning

part of the summative assessments. Students are provided ahead of time with the rubrics used for summative assessments

Continuous, in order to support students during the learning process At the discretion of the individual teacher as part of instruction Teachers effectively involve students in assessing, tracking, reflecting and setting goals for their own learning. Teachers involve students in communicating about their own learning.

Periodic At the culmination of a unit of study, as determined by the teacher, grade or department.

INVOLVE STUDENTS HOW? Students Are Involved in Their Own Assessment

Students are familiar with the format used for summative assessments Students have been provided with the rubric for the summative assessment so they know what is expected Students reflect on summative assessment results Teachers and students engage in shared feedback Teachers record assessment information, respect student confidentiality, and appropriately combine and summarize it for reporting. Such a summary accurately reflects the current level of student learning Teachers communicate results to HODs or principals as agreed upon Teachers report selected skills results to the HOD / Curriculum Director


Assessment results are collected, analyzed and communicated effectively

Teachers record assessment information, respect student confidentiality, and appropriately combine and summarize it for reporting. Such a summary accurately reflects the current level of student learning Teachers share assessment results with students and provide relevant feedback Teachers effectively communicate assessment results to a variety of audiences outside the classroom, including parents, as agreed upon

Assessment Subcommittee, Teaching and Learning Committee 9/20/12


External Assessments A. Junior School None B. Middle School - Optional Terra Nova; To be reviewed 1. Purpose of assessment external use only? 2. Is there an assessment that is more closely aligned with our reading/math curriculum or can be customized to our curriculum? 3. What standardized assessments, if any, do other international /comparable schools use? C. Tutorial House IB exams, Tut 3 and 4


Recommendations: A. 2011-2012 1. Summative Assessments (Dept. vertical) a. Identify major units by department (or departments, topics, or enduring Understandings in the case of interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary units) for each grade year (M1-Tut 2); JS will identify major interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary units by subject or enduring understanding within a grade For units already on Atlas Rubicon review and/or develop summative assessments, including identifying designated skill(s) component For units that need to be developed on Atlas Rubicon complete units b. Curriculum office to collaborate with departments to identify targeted skills c. Identify skill question(s) on assessment to be tracked by department and curriculum office d. Moderate assessments and Identify anchor pieces to be used as exemplars e. Summative assessments should be reviewed by department for varied format and vertical articulation 2. Complete Draft Assessment Report for review a. Definitions of Assessment Tools b. Complete timeline recommendations 3. Review use of Terra Nova other options or formats? B. 2012-2013 Summative Assessments (Grade- horizontal) 1. Review summative assessments for technology and library integration a. Develop rubrics and determine scoring for integration components b. Review anchor pieces and determine exemplars where needed 2. Examine summative assessments horizontally for cross-curricular connections and horizontal articulation C. 2013-2014 Formative Assessments 1. Share formative assessments in common teaching areas in order to determine key scaffolding concepts and skills to support differentiation 2. Identify/design common formative interim assessments based on above (#1) 3. Examine how feedback for students can be improved 4. Review and expand the use of student reflection as part of the learning process

Assessment Subcommittee, Teaching and Learning Committee 9/20/12

Glossary of Common Assessment Terms

In order to provide clarity and consistency for students and faculty, this glossary has been included.

Achievement Achievement Levels

Student learning demonstrated at a given time Descriptions of the degree of achievement based on the curriculum standards A teachers short narrative of individual student events, incidents or behaviors A systematic, ongoing process aimed at understanding and improving student learning and informing instruction A process that permits students to demonstrate the knowledge and skills acquired Lack of objectivity, fairness or impartiality A comprehensive assessment program that includes a variety of assessment components and processes which align with expectations for learning and meet the needs of all users. Assessments administered periodically to measure students knowledge and skills relative to specific curriculum objectives or benchmarks. A list of expected skills, concepts, behaviors, processes and/or attitudes used to facilitate assessment of students achievement Characteristics of student performance upon which inferences and judgments are made Assessment to determine what students know and can do and to identify strengths and weaknesses for the purposes of programming appropriately A structured written response that may be open or closed in nature and/or may have guiding questions. As students progress, this may move from descriptive to analytical or evaluative in nature and have increasingly more structured depending on the subject and nature of the task An examination is the most comprehensive form of testing, typically given at the end of the term (as an IB exam) or one or two times during the semester (as in midterm exams). An assessment strategy in which students display personal competence by performing special skills or demonstrating understandings The process of integrating assessment information from a variety of sources to determine student achievement Work or performance that demonstrates a particular level of achievement

Anecdotal Record Assessment Assessment Strategy Bias Balanced Assessment

Benchmark or Interim Assessment Checklist


Diagnostic Assessment






Assessment Subcommittee, Teaching and Learning Committee 9/20/12

Formative Assessment

Ongoing assessment using a variety of strategies to inform teaching and improving learning along the progression of students studies. Goals are general statements about knowledge, skills, attitudes and values expected in graduates of the program. Learning outcomes are clear, concise statements that describe how students can demonstrate their mastery of program goals. There are usually multiple learning outcomes for each goal. Peer assessment refers to the process of having other learners constructively reflect and provide feedback on the learning of their peers. A performance task is a task that requires the students to synthesize knowledge and skills learned and apply them to construct a response, create a product and/or performance that demonstrate understanding. Portfolios are purposeful, organized, systematic collections of student work that tell the story of a student's efforts, progress, and achievement in specific areas. The student participates in the selection of portfolio content, the development of guidelines for selection, and the definition of criteria for judging merit. Portfolio assessment is a joint process for instructor and student. An informal written or oral review on a limited topic or skill that is used as formative assessment. Reflection is a mental process which, applied to the act of learning, challenges students to use critical thinking to examine presented information, question its validity, and draw conclusions. Students also reflect on themselves as learners when they evaluate the thinking processes they used to determine which strategies worked best. They can then apply that information about how they learn as they approach learning in the future. Reliability describes how well a particular assessment method provides consistent results. A research project deals with a limited topic and is based upon information from a variety of sources. It is an original work that may also include ones own analysis or opinions of the information that is found. The final product may take a variety of forms a paper, oral presentation, power point, etc. Specific criteria or guidelines used to evaluate student work. A rubric also includes levels of potential achievement for each criterion. An instructional technique in which the teacher breaks a complex task into smaller tasks, models the desired learning strategy or task, provides support as students learn to do the task, and then gradually shifts

Learning Goals

Learning Outcomes

Peer Assessment

Performance Task/Presentation





Research Project



Assessment Subcommittee, Teaching and Learning Committee 9/20/12

responsibility to the students. In this manner, a teacher enables students to accomplish as much of a task as possible without adult assistance. Self-Assessment Self-assessment is the process of critically reviewing the quality of ones own performance and encourages taking responsibility for ones own learning. Assessments that are administered and scored in exactly the same way for all students. They are designed to measure skills and knowledge that are thought to be taught to all students in a fairly standardized way. Performance assessments also can be standardized if they are administered and scored in the same way for all students. Summative assessment provides a cumulative description of student achievement (understanding and skills) at the end of a unit or specified period of time. A test is more limited in scope than an exam, focusing on particular aspects of the course material. Validity describes how well a particular assessment method actually measures the learning outcome it is intended to measure.

Standardized Tests

Summative assessment



1) http://www.lmu.edu/about/services/academicplanning/assessment/Assessment_Resources/Glossar y_of_Assessment_Terms.htm 2) http://www.tcdsb.org/academic_it/ntip/Assessment%20Files/PDF%20Format%20V5/8a%20Assessment%20-%20Resources.pdf 3) http://www.ride.ri.gov/highschoolreform/DOCS/Alignment%20Workshop%20Resources/Stiggins_B alanced_Assessment_Systems.pdf 4) http://www.nciea.org/publications/ConsideringInterimAssess_MAP07.pdf 5) http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/dec07/vol65/num04/The-Best-Value-inFormative-Assessment.aspx 6) http://datause.cse.ucla.edu/benchmark.php 7) http://www.qualityresearchinternational.com/glossary 8) http://www.nclrc.org/essentials/assessing/peereval.htm 9) http://www2.honolulu.hawaii.edu/facdev/guidebk/teachtip/quizzes.htm 10) www.mde.k12.ms.us/acad/id/curriculum/physed/gloss.html 11) http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/misc/glossary.htm 12) http://www.intime.uni.edu/model/learning/refl.html 13) http://www.acdsnet.org/uploads/file/library/MS_Research_Guide.pdf

Assessment Subcommittee, Teaching and Learning Committee 9/20/12

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