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Endre Sik: The future of migration network in the globaltransnational world

Communication, travelling cheaper -> easier to maintain the relations

Mass tourism, international organizations, multinational companies -> global migrants new type German marriages in Greece (Bacas) Political career, family law becomes international Threats: sovinism, xenophobia etc. Diaspora policy: the case of the Chinese diaspora (Nyri) Strenghtening of transnational communities Migrant networks serve the interest of bourgeois Think globally, act locally -> Think locally, act globally

The spread of the transnational small enterprises

Portes et al, Foner: its not a new phenomenon New characteristics: different activity, more export and import, they go home more often The case of Otavalo

Transnational world order

Migrant networks have an impact on the international trading Chinese diaspora -> global network, bilateral trading Money remittances keep countries alive:
India, Maroco, Nicaragua

The internationalizationing of labor market (Vertovec)

In the process of labor market the relation capital is the most important resource In the case of international labor migration the increasing role of the migrant network is necessary

The internationalizationing informal economy

Relation capital is sensitive to institutional and structural characteristics and also to ethnical-cultural elements (Eder) Trust is connected to the long-term profitability of the business Informality increases the role of the migrant network

Migrant network in a more relation-sensitive world

Small enterprises instead of mass production Flexibility of the labor market Direkt marketing Piramyd enterprises based on personal relations Different functioning of the management More and more crisis, increasing difference between countries Relation-sensitivity has high inert strength

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