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GLAN HYMN GLAN MARCH Proudly we stand arms hand-in-hand In the land of sun-kissed hills and of rolling seas

Of, white sandy beaches and coco palm trees dancing In the breeze Land of noble, the brave and the free, Glan, our homeland, we sing to you! Our forebears brave the call of frontier days And carve you home of your hardy people, Hail to you! Glan, our homeland. The rain and sun will always smile in your hills, The bounty of the seas will always fill your shores, Gods grace will always reign in your land, And bravely you shall live through the years Glan, our homeland, we bring you glory! The Years may bring us smiles or tears, Our dreams may bring us joys or pains, But we shall live to honor you Our hearts shall forever beat for you! Hail! Hail! Our homeland, Glan! Hail! (Repeat 4th Stanza) Glan, beloved land of our birth Where mornings glow with each new day And sunsets fade to bring the evenings rest Proudly! Thy coco palms trees wave in the wind Over distant hills, the fertile plains and open seas Our hearts sing to thee, our beloved homeland. (Refrain) Glan beloved, the home of our dreams Savor the freshness of the blowing breeze And the smiles of heaven glittering in each face, Where Gods bounty always fill the land, Proudly we feat you, dear homeland! Feel the love that dwells in our blossom, Feel the fervour coloring our prayers Feel the calloused hands from constant toil And hear the unceasing tune out of love songs To thee we offer all of these Glan, our homeland, we give thee our praise! (Repeat 2nd stanza)


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