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Steve SantarSiero



At a time when Pennsylvania faced record debt levels, Democrat Spendthrift Steve Santarsiero added $3 billion dollars in NEW debt to fund wasteful pork projects.1

What DiD SpenDthrift Steve have taxpayerS take on More Debt to funD?2
Over $20 million to pay for building a luxury golf and spa resort. Over $10 million in corporate welfare to a private financially sound company to help build their new headquarters even though they are profitable. And the most IRRESPONSIBLE project Santarsiero voted for was to give over $3 million of borrowed tax dollars to convicted criminal Jerry Sanduskys Second Mile Foundation AFTER it was revealed that it was under investigation for being the place Jerry Sandusky used to find his future child victims.
1017 Mumma Road Lemoyne, PA 17043

Paid for by Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania PAC, the connected PAC of the Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania

DeMocrat SpenDthrift Steve SantarSiero: IrresponsIble spendIng and More debt

Check the record: 1. (Act 130 12/19/2011) (Capital Budgets 2009-2011) 2. (Act 130 12/19/2011)


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