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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Myrrh is a powerful antioxident, antitumoral, antiinflammatory, antiviral and antiparasitic. It is used against diabetes, cancer, hepatitis, fungal infections like candida, ringworm and eczema, as well as tooth/gum infections, skin conditions like chapped skin, cracked, wrinkles and stretch marks. It promotes spiritual awareness and is uplifting. It contains sesquiterpenes, a natural chemical that pulls oxygen to the limbic system of the brain (the center of memory and emotions) and the hypothalamus which is the master gland of the body that produces many hormones.

2-4 drops on location on chakras and/or Vita Flex points Inhale directly Diffuse Take as a dietary supplement: 2 drops in water or in capsule

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