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COMPOSITIONS: SOME HINTS 1. Write about 110- 150 words (thats about 12 lines in normal handwriting).

More than this means a lack of synthesis ability, and less would mean shortage of fluency. 2. Watch the assignment and decide: a) The text type: narrative, descriptive, opinion, argumentative b) The verb tenses: narratives and experiences (pasts); daily (presents); predictions (futures); hypothesis (conditionals) 3. Do not invent words and do not write words in Spanish: use synonyms/antonyms or paraphrase. 4. Use simple sentences. An English sentence is usually shorter and less complex than the Spanish one. 5. Watch punctuation, handwriting and presentation. 6. Do not plan your text in Spanish and then translate to English or you are likely to make lots of mistakes. 7. Catch the readers attention: ask a question, use adjectives or exclamations 8. Follow the writing process: ideas order in paragraphs add details draft revise edit 9. Watch word and sentence order: a) Adjective + noun b) S + V + Indirect Object + Direct Object + manner + place + time 10. Revise most common mistakes: compulsory subject; agreement; tenses; MARKING CRITERIA (3 points) COHESION: 1.5 p Fulfillment of topic & originality (to a certain extent) & right length Paragraphs: well balanced; logically organized; include a topic sentence. Use of connectors and sequencing words Good use of referent words (articles, pronouns, determiners, possessives, relatives) Right punctuation and spelling, appropriate register (formal, standard language) and presentation.

ACCURACY: 1.5 p Sentence and word order Verb tenses Lexis: varied, appropriate, rich Compulsory subjects and agreement Correct and appropriate grammar structures

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