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Technical Description

Peer response: February 20, 2012. Due: February 22, 2012 Part 1: Design a technical description: Design a one-to-four page technical description according to the directions for assignment #2 on pp. 543-44. That is, choose one of the items below and write a one-tofour page technical description that incorporates at least two visuals. You can refer to pp. 534, 537, and 538 for some examples of technical descriptions.

plasma-screen television DVD player MP3 player Bicycle clock radio telescope washing machine baby stroller toaster coffeemaker video camera

You may have me choose your topic if you wish as well.

Keep in mind these elements of technical descriptions as described on p. 543 of the text:

Basic features of a technical description include a title, introduction, body, graphics, and conclusion. An object, place, or process can be partitioned according to its features, functions, or stages. Technical descriptions tend to be written in the "plain style," meaning words and sentences are kept simple, direct, and concise. To add a visual element to the description, use your senses, similes, analogies, and metphors to describe the subject. Graphics are crucial in technical descriptions, because the purpose of the description is to allow the readers to "see" the objective, place, or process. You can use pictures, illustrations, and diagrams to add graphics to your text. Layout and design will be important to this assignment as well. While this is not an art project, there will be visual rhetorical cues important to these documents. The design of the description will depend on how it is being used. In sales literature, the design will probably be colorful or ornate. A specification for the company's files, on the other hand, might be rather plainly designed.

Part 2: Reflective memo. Write a Reflective memo to your instructor in which you discuss the rhetorical situation (subject, purpose, readers, and context) for your description. Then describe how you used at least three design principles from Chapter 10 to create your technical description. This memo should be about one-two pages. Be sure to use a memo format rather than a letter format. For guidance, see Figure 17.2 (b) on p. 455 for suggested memo format. Note that Figure 17.2 (a) on p. 454 shows a letter format; Fi\gure 17.2 (b) shows a memo format.

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