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Performance, Stability, Dynamics, and Control of Airplanes Bandu N, Pamadi NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia @AIAA- EDUCATION SERIES J. 8. Przemieniecki Series Editor-in-Chief Air Force Institute of Technology ‘Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio Published by American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Reston, VA 2019! American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., Reston, Virginia S43 21 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Pamadi, Bandu N., 1945~ Performance, stability, dynamics, and control of aisptanes / Bandu N, Pani. D. cih—-(ATAA education series) Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. MeleneePerformance. 2. Subilty of planes 3. Airplanes—Control systems. 4. Aerodynames, 1, Title, Ti. Series. TLO7L4.P28 1998 -629.13-~de2d 98-34737 cr ISBN 1-56347-222-8 (atk, paper) MATLAB™ isa registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc. Copyright © 1998 by the American Institute of Acronatitics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Data and information appearing in this book are for informational purposes only. ALAA is not responsible for any injury or damage resulting from use or reliance, nor docs ALAA. warrant that use or reliance will be free from privately owned rights, ‘This book was written by the author in his private capacity. No official support or endorse- ment by NASA is intended or should be inferred. Foreword Performance, Stability, Dynamics, and Control of Aircraft by Bandu N. Pamadi represents a novel approach of teaching an aeronautical engincering course a3 a comprehensive and integrated exposure to several interrelated disciplines. The text reflects many years of teaching experience of the author and his consul- ting work as a senior research engineer with NASA Langley Research Center. It contains all the necessary background material on aerodynamics, dynamics, and control systems, discussing the fundamental principles with the use of sketches, solved examples, and design exercises. It takes the reader from the early days of the Wright Brothers to the modern era of combat aircraft flying at poststall angles of attack, Chapters 1 through 3 present basic principles of aerodynamics, aircraft perfor mance, and static equilibrium and control in steady flight. ‘Chapter 4 deals with aircraft dynamics and decoupled equations for longitudinal and lateral motion, and it introduces the concept of stability derivatives. Chapter 5 discusses design of stability augmentation systems and autopilots. Chapter 6 discusses aircraft res- ponse and methods of closed-loop control of aircraft, while Chapters 7 and 8 dis- cuss problems of inertial coupling, aircraft spin, and high angle of attack. A useful feature of the text is the inclusion of solved examples presented to illustrate the theory and basic principles involved. ‘The Education Series of textbooks and monographs published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics embraces a broad spectrum of theory and application of different disciplines in aeronautics and astronautics, including aerospace design practice. The series also includes texts on defense science, engi- neering, and management. The complete list of textbooks published in the series (more than 56 titles) can be found at the end of this volume. The serics serves as teaching texts as weil as reference materials for practicing engineers, scientists. and managers. d. S. Przemieniecki Editor-in-Chief AIAA Education Series Table of Contents Preface... eee ce eee cee eee eee eet e tees neeenee xi Chapter 1. Review of Basic Aerodynamic Principles . .t Introduction ©... 6.0... eee eae 1 L 2 Fluid Flow over Wings and Bodies . . 12 1.3 Drag of Bodies ... iL 14) Wing Parameters . . 12 1.5 Aerodynamic Characteristics of ‘Wing Sections . 7 L.6 Aerodynamic Characteristics of Finite Wings 26 17 Methods of Reducing Induced Drag .. . 31 18 Tip Vortices: Formation and Hazards . 32 1.9 Flow of a Compressible Fluid ..... 35 1.10 Aerodynamic Forces in Superson Ps Flow 1.11 Critical Mach Number . LIZ LAS Introduction 2.2 Equations of Motion for Flight in Vertical Plane 2.3 Gliding Flight . perme Aircraft Performance .. 24 Level Flight . 81 2.5 Climbing Flight . 94 2.6 Range and Endurance 106 * 2.7 Endurance .8 Turning Flight . Chapter 3, Static Stability and Control... 00.6.0. 0.0 c ee eee eens 165 3.1 Introduction . see : . 3.2 Concept of Equili 3.3 Static Longitudinal Stability vill 3.4 Stability in Maneuvering Flights . ~ 248 3.5 Static Directional Stability - 258 3.6 Lateral Stability . . 293 3.7 Summary . . » 31 References . 312 Problems .. 312 Chapter 4, Equations of Motion and Estimation of Stability Derivatives . . . 4.1 Introduction .... 4.2" Axes Systems ... 4.3. Equations of Motion . 359 44 Estimation of f Stability ‘Derivatives . 389 45 Sumunary - 436 References . 436 Problems .. 437 Chapter 5. Linear Systems, Theory, ane Design: A Brief Review wee 439 5.1 Introduction .... + 5.2 Laplace ‘Transform 5.3 Transfer Function. 5.4 System Response . 5.5 Steady-State Errors of Unity Feedback Systems . 5.6 Frequency Response........... 5.7 Stability of Closed-Loop Systems 5.8 Relations Between Time-Domain and Frequency-Domain Parameters » 484 5.9 Design of Compensators . . 486 5.10 State-Space Analysis and Design . 507 5.11 Summary .. 531 References 331 Problems . . 532 Chapter 6. Airplane Response and Closed-Loop Control Introduction .....-.- a Longitudinal Response . 6.3 Lateral-Directional Response 6.4 Flying Qualities ....... 6.5 Closed-Loop Flight Control . 66 Summary .. References . Problems . . Chapter 7. Inertia Coupling and a Spin . 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Inertia Coupling... . 73° Autorotation of ‘Wings Fuselages ... 74° Airplane Spin .......2. 0.00.0 ae 7.5 Equations of Motion for Steady-State Spin . . 16 V7 78 Spin Recovery... 6.0. eee eee Geometrical Modifications to Improve Spin Resistance ... .. - Summary .. . References . Problems .. Chapter 8. Stability and Control Problems at High Angles of Attack . BL 8.2 83 84 85 8.6 87 88 89 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 Introduction .. A Brief Historical Sketch ..... Brief Overview of High-Alpha Problems . Delta Wings at High Angles of Attack Leading-Edge Extensions Forebodies at High Angles of Attack . Relation Between Angle of Attack, Sideslip, a and Roll Angle . Wing Rock Roll Attractor of Delta Wings Forebody-Induced Wing Rock Suppression of Wing Rock .. Roll Reversal and Yaw Departure . . Control Concepts at High Angles of Attack . . Summary . . References . Appendix Standard Atmospheres .......0-+ 00s eee reece nee ee Bibliography 2.0.0... 0.0. ec cece eee eee eee Preface The objective of this book is to provide a comprehensive and integrated expo- sure to airplane performance, stability, dynamics, and flight control. This book is intended as a text for senior undergraduate or first-year graduate students in aerospace engineering. The material presented in this book has mainly evolved from the lecture notes I used to prepare for teaching while I was at the Aerospace Engineering Department of the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. Ideally, the material presented in this text could be covered in two semesters. ‘The text includes adequate background material on basic aerodynamics, dynamics, and linear control systems to help the reader grasp the main subject matter. In this text, the airplane is assumed to be a rigid body, and elastic deformations and their effects on airplane motion are not considered. Chapter 1 presents 4 brief review of basic principles of acrodynamics. The reader is also exposed to various modern concepts like supercritical airfoils, swept- forward wings, and slender delta wings. The slender delta wing represents a de- parture from the long-held doctrine of attached flow to the concept of controlled separated flow at high angles of attack. Chapter 2 discusses the subject of airplane performance starting with the simple. power-off gliding flight and covers various categories of flight in vertical and hori- zontal planes with a discussion of the conditions that optimize the local or the point performance. The limitations of the method of point performance optimization are brought to the attention of the reader. ‘The airplane is adynamic system with all six degrees of freedom. However, when itis in a steady flight with uniform speed, the principles of static equilibrium can be applied, and this forms the subject matter of Chapter 3. The discussion is focused on concepts such as longitudinal and lateral-directional stability, determination of control surface deflections for trim, hinge moments, and stick force gradients for various flight conditions, A brief discussion is included on the concept of relaxed static stability. Chapter 4 deals with airplane dynamics, starting with the derivation of equa- tions of motion and a discussion on various coordinate systems. The equations of motion are derived using the moving axes thearem, and then simplifications are introduced to obtain the well-known small disturbance, decoupled equations for the longitudinal and lateral-directional motions. The concept of stability and con- trol derivatives is introduced. Simple methods based on strip theory are presented for the evaluation of stability and control derivatives that should be helpful for understanding the physical principles involved in airplane motion. Also included is a discussion of engineering methods based on Datcom (Data Compendium) for the estimation of the stability and control derivatives. Chapter 5 presents a brief review of the linear system theory and design with an objective to provide the background material for understanding airplane response xi xi and design of stability augmentation systems and autopilots. The discussion covers the frequency domain methods like Nyquist and Bode plots, time domain methods like the root-locus, modem state-space methods, and the design of various types of compensators. . Chapter 6 discusses airplane response and methods of closed-loop control of the airplane. The longitudinal and lateral-directional stability and response to various control inputs are discussed. Also discussed briefly are the concept of handling qualities, design of various longitudinal and lateral-directional stability augmen- tation systems, and autopilots to meet the desired level of handling qualities. The problems of inertial coupling and airplane spin are discussed in Chapter 7. These are the typical examples of flight conditions where the longitudinal and lateral-directional motions of the airplane are coupled due to inertia terms in the equations of motion. The discussion includes the basic principles of inertia cou- pling, divergence in pitch or yaw, and methods of preventing inertia coupling. The discussion on spinning motion includes kinematics of spin, steady-state spin, recovery, and methods of improving spin resistance, The problems of stability and control at high angles of attack are discussed in Chapter 8. The discussion is focused on the high angle-of-attack aerodynamics of slender fuselages and delta wings, which are characteristic of modern com- bat aircraft. The discussion includes phenomena such as wing rock caused by wings and slender forebodies, methods of suppressing wing rock, directional di- vergence/departure, roll reversal, and modern concepts of forebody flow control and thrust vectoring. Effort is made to present a number of solved examples to illustrate the theory and basic principles. Also, several exercise problems are included to help the reader develop probiem-solving skills. It is hoped that this text will be useful to the students of aerospace engineering and serve as a useful reference to the practicing aerospace engineer, Lwould like to express my sincere thanks to several of my friends and colleagues whose help was of crucial importance in the preparation of the material presented in this text. First, 1 am extremely thankful to all my students, who have actually taught me this subject. I am grateful to Prof. Colin P. Britcher and Dr. Atul Kelkar for reviewing various parts of the manuscript and making helpful suggestions. I greatly appreciate the discussions I had at various times with Walt England, Richard Powell, Dr. Eric Queen, Dr. Suresh Joshi, Dr. D. M. Rao, Fred Laiman, and H, Paul Stough. 1 am thankful to Dr. Sudhir Mehrotra for providing me with the facilities to work on this project and to Charles Eldred and Larry Rowell for their support and encouragement to bring this project to a successful completion. I appreciate the help of Dr. K. Sudhakar in the preparation of the manuscript. I am also thankful to John Aguire for his help with computers. Lam especially grateful to my wife, whose constant love, affection, and untiring support has sustained me all the time during this project. I cannot thank her enough for her patience to put up with me on countless weeknights, weekends, and holidays when I was working on this book. I am deeply indebted to my son and daughter, whose love and affection have given me the inspiration to work on this text. I certainly owe a sense of gratitude to various authors on this subject, including C. D. Perkins, R. E. Hage, B. Etkins, A. W. Babister, B. W. McCormick, Angelo Miele, R. C. Blakelock, and many others whose works have made a significant xiii contribution to this subject and have been useful to me in the preparation of the material presented in this text. Finally, 1 would like to record my appreciation to AIAA for publishing this as an AIAA textbook. The help and encouragement of all the editorial staff of AJAA and in particular that of Rodger Williams and John Calderone is gratefully acknowledged. Bandu N. Pamadi duly 1998 1 Review of Basic Aerodynamic Principles 1.1. introduction ‘The performance, stability, and control characteristics of an airplane depend on the aerodynamic forces and moments acting on it that, in turn, depend on the shape and size of the body, the attitude of the body relative to the airstream, the density p and viscosity 44 of the air, velocity of the body Voo, and the speed of sound a in air. By a dimensional analysis, it can be shown that a number of these variables can be grouped into two important nondimensional parameters, the Reynolds number Re and the Mach number M. ‘The Reynolds number is the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces. ___nertia force ~~ Viscous force (1.1) __ Change in momentum/time ao 1 Shear stress x Area a2) a (A Veo) ay ‘We assume m= pL> (La) d 1 dt * ime o> Von =>— (1.6) av Veg OT ay where L is the characteristic dimension (length) of the body. Then. PVogh Re = em 1.8) a (1.8) The Mach number is defined as the ratio of velocity of the body Voo to the speed of sound a. (9) 2 PERFORMANCE, STABILITY, DYNAMICS, AND CONTROL. Chonitine Upper Surface a>o Veo Lower surfuce 2) Airfoil at positive angle of attack Upper Surface Yoo a

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