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Friday, October 30, 2009

Chap10[D]g Use structure to check dates

Write a program that compares two given dates. To store date use structure say date that contains three members namely date, month and year. If the dates are equal then display message as "Equal" otherwise "Unequal".

void main() { int i,f=0; struct date { int date; int month; int year; }; struct date d[2]; for(i=0;i<2;i++) { printf("\nEnter day for the %d) date\n",i+1); scanf("%d",&d[i].date); printf("\nEnter the month for the %d) date\n",i+1); scanf("%d",&d[i].month); printf("\nEnter the year for the %d) date\n",i+1); scanf("%d",&d[i].year); }

if(d[0].date==d[1].date) { if(d[0].month==d[1].month) { if(d[0].year==d[1].year) { f=1; } } } if(f==1) printf("\nThe dates are equal"); else printf("\nThe dates are not equal"); }
Posted bybbbat9:27 AM0 comments

Chap10[D]e Displaying data in structure with condition

There is a structure called employee that holds information like employee code, name, date of joining. Write a program to create an array of the structure and enter some data into it. Then ask the user to enter current date. Display the names of those employees whose tenure is 3 or more than 3 years according to the given current date. This program doesn't check whether your date is correct so even if you put 99990001 it is still valid. void main() { int i,k; char date[8]; char j[1]; struct em {

int code; char name[20]; char datej[8]; }; struct em e[5]; for(i=0;i<5;i++) { printf("\nKey in code, name and date(ddmmyyy) of employment for %d) employee\n",i+1); scanf("%d%s%s",&e[i].code,e[i].name,e[i].datej); if(strlen(e[i].datej)!=8) { printf("\nYou keyed the date wrongly, key again"); i--; continue; } } while(1) { clrscr(); printf("\nEnter current date\n"); scanf("%s",date);

for(i=0;i<5;i++) { k=0; k=funccheck(date,e[i].datej); if(k==1) printf("\nEmployee code= %d Employee name= %s has tenure more than or equal 3 years",e[i].code,e[i].name); } printf("\nKey q to quit or any other key to continue\n");

scanf("%s",j); if(j[0]==113) break; } } funccheck(char *date,char *datej) { int a,a1,i,t; for(i=7,t=1,a=0;i>3;i--,t*=10) { a=a+((*(date+i)-48)*t); } for(i=7,t=1,a1=0;i>3;i--,t*=10) { a1=a1+((*(datej+i)-48)*t); } if(a-a1>3) return(1); else if(a-a1<0) return(0); for(i=3,a=0,t=1;i>1;i--,t*=10) { a=a+((*(date+i)-48)*t); } for(i=3,a1=0,t=1;i>1;i--,t*=10) { a1=a1+((*(datej+i)-48)*t); } if(a-a1>0) return(1);

else if(a-a1<0) return(0); for(i=1,a=0,t=1;i>=0;i--,t*=10) { a=a+((*(date+i)-48)*t); } for(i=1,a1=0,t=1;i>=0;i--,t*=10) { a1=a1+((*(datej+i)-48)*t); } if(a-a1>=0) return(1); else if(a-a1<0) return(0); }
Posted bybbbat9:25 AM0 comments

Chap10[D]d Play Cricket

A record contains name of cricketer, his age, number of test matches that he has played and the average runs that he has scored in each test match. Create an array of structure to hold records of 20 such cricketer and then write a program to read these records and arrange them in ascending order by average runs. Use the qusort( ) standard library function.

Posted bybbbat9:19 AM1 comments

Chap10[D]c Automobile has weird serial numbers

An automobile company has serial number for engine parts starting from AA0 to FF9. The other characteristics of parts to be specified in a structure are: Year of manufacture, material and quantity manufactured. (a) Specify a structure to store information corresponding to a part. (b) Write a program to retrieve information on parts with serial numbers between BB1 and CC6. ***When keying in the parts key alphabets in uppercase. void main() { int i,j,letter,a,b,c,d; char m[3],n[3],q[1]; struct parts { int year; char material[20]; int qty; }; struct parts p[27]={ {1991,"rubber",5},{1992,"rubber",6},{1991,"metal",7},{1997,"wood",8 },{1993,"plastic",9},{1992,"wood",6},{1997,"metal",6},{1992,"rubber", 7},{1991,"wood",2}, {1992,"metal",6},{1995,"wood",4},{1992,"rubber",5},{1998,"wood",2}, {1997,"plastic",8},{1998,"plastic",9},{1998,"metal",8},{1991,"metal",8} ,{1992,"wood",5}, {1993,"wood",8},{1993,"rubber",7},{1997,"metal",2},{1998,"wood",1}, {1999,"plastic",8},{1995,"wood",6},{1990,"rubber",3},{1997,"plastic",9 },{1998,"wood",7} };

/* for(i=0,letter=65;i<2;i++,letter++) { for(j=0;j<9;j++) { printf("\Key in values for year,material and quantity respectively for part %c%c%d\n",letter,letter,j+1); scanf("%d%s%d",&p[i][j].year,&p[i][j].material,&p[i][j].qty); } } */ while(1) { clrscr(); printf("\nKey in the part number to retrieve the information from\n"); scanf("%s",m); printf("\nKey the part number till the information is retrieved(End)\n"); scanf("%s",n); a=((m[0]-65)*9+(m[2]-49)); b=((n[0]-65)*9+(n[2]-49)); printf("\na is %d,\nb is %d,\nm[0] is %d, n[0] is %d",a,b,m[0],n[0]); c=a; d=a; while(c>=9) { c-=9; } printf("\nc after while is %d",c); while( d>9) d-=9;

for(i=a;i<=b;i++,c++,d++) { if(c==9)

{ m[0]+=1; c=0; } if(d==9) { d=0; } printf("\nPart: %c%c%d, Year: %d, Material: %s, Quantity: %d",m[0],m[0],d+1,p[i].year,p[i].material,p[i].qty); }

printf("\nKey q to quit or any other key to continue\n"); scanf("%s",q); if(q[0]==113) break; } }

Posted bybbbat9:13 AM0 comments

Chap10[D]b Structure data of bank

Create a structure to specify data of customers in a bank. The data to be stored is: Account number, Name, Balance in account. Assume maximum of 200 customers in the bank. (a) Write a function to print the Account number and name of each customer with balance below Rs. 100. (b) If a customer request for withdrawal or deposit, it is given in the form: Acct. no, amount, code (1 for deposit, 0 for withdrawal) Write a program to give a message, The balance is insufficient for the specified withdrawal.

Posted bybbbat9:04 AM0 comments

Chap10[D]a Printing specfic datas in structures

Create a structure to specify data on students given below: Roll number, Name, Department, Course, Year of joining Assume that there are not more than 450 students in the collage. (a) Write a function to print names of all students who joined in a particular year. (b) Write a function to print the data of a student whose roll number is given.

void main() { char j[1]; int yearc,rollc,i; struct book { int roll; char name[20]; char department[20]; char course[20]; int year;

}; struct book b[5]={ {1,"MrA","Science","Physics",2009}, {2,"MrB","Science","Maths",2008}, {3,"MrC","Arts","History",2009}, {4,"MrsD","Arts","History",2010}, {5,"MrsE","Science","Maths",2009} }; while(1) { clrscr(); printf("\nEnter a year(2000 or 2001)\n"); scanf("%d",&yearc); for(i=0;i<5;i++) { if(yearc==b[i].year) printf("\nName: %s Year: %d",b[i].name,b[i].year); } printf("\nEnter a roll number(1-5)\n"); scanf("%d",&rollc); for(i=0;i<5;i++) { if(rollc==b[i].roll) { printf("\nRoll number: %d, Name: %s, Department: %s\nCourse: %s,Year: %d",b[i].roll,b[i].name,b[i].department,b[i].course,b[i].year); break; } } printf("\nPress q to quit or any key to continue\n"); scanf("%s",j);

if(j[0]==113) break; } } linkfloat() { float a=0,*b; b=&a; a=*b; }

Posted bybbbat8:59 AM0 comments

Chap9[F]k Removing two vowels in succession

Write a program to count the number of occurrences of any two vowels in succession in a line of text. For example, in the sentence Pleases read this application and give me gratuity such occurrences are ea, ea, ui.

void main() { char sent[]="Pleases read this application and give me gratuity"; int i,c; for(i=0,c=0;sent[i]!='\0';i++) { if((sent[i]==97||sent[i]==101||sent[i]==105||sent[i]==117)&&(sent[i+ 1]==97||sent[i+1]==101||sent[i+1]==105||sent[i+1]==111||sent[i+1] ==117)) c++; } printf("\nThere are %d occurences of two vowels in succession",c); }
Posted bybbbat8:57 AM0 comments

Chap9[F]j Abbreviating names

Write a program that takes a set of names of individuals and abbreviates the first, middle and other names except the last name by their first letter. void main() { char names[5][30]={ "My Name Very Very Long", "Alien Ray Gun", "Berry Berry White", "Berry Berry Orange", "Name Short" };

int i,j,c,k,f,len,a; for(i=0;i<5;i++) { for(j=0;names[i][j]!=0;j++) { len=strlen(&names[i][0]); for(k=len;k>0;k--) { if(names[i][k]==32) { a=k; break; } } if(j==0) { c=j;

for(k=0,f=0;names[i][k]!=0;k++) { if(names[i][k]==32||f==1) { names[i][j+1]=names[i][k]; f=1; j++; } } names[i][j+1]='\0'; j=c; } else if(j==a) break; else if(names[i][j]==32&&names[i][j+2]!=32) { c=j; for(k=j+2,j=j+2,f=0;names[i][k]!=0;k++) { if(names[i][k]==32||f==1) { names[i][j]=names[i][k]; f=1; j++; } } names[i][j]='\0'; j=c; } } } for(i=0;i<5;i++) printf("\n%s",&names[i][0]);

Posted bybbbat8:51 AM0 comments

Chap9[F]i Deleting of all occurences of "the"

Write a program that will read a line and delete from it all occurrences of the word the. void main() { char sent[]="The time when the night comes is when the sun sets in the west"; int i; for(i=0;sent[i]!=0;i++) { if(sent[i]==116&&sent[i+1]==104&&sent[i+2]==101&&sent[i+3]==32) { for(;sent[i+4]!=0;i++) sent[i]=sent[i+4]; sent[i]='\0'; i=-1; } } printf("\n%s",sent); }
Posted bybbbat8:47 AM0 comments

Chap9[F]h Deleting all vowels from a sentence

Write a program to delete all vowels from a sentence. Assume that the sentence is not more than 80 characters long. void main() { char sent[]="She sells seashells on the seashore"; int i; for(i=0;sent[i]!=0;i++) { if(sent[i]==97||sent[i]==101||sent[i]==105||sent[i]==111||sent[i]==1 17) { for(;sent[i+1]!=0;i++) sent[i]=sent[i+1]; sent[i]='\0'; i=-1; } } printf("\n%s",sent); }
Posted bybbbat8:45 AM1 comments

Chap9[F]e Creating a dynamic calendar

Develop a program that receives the month and year from the keyboard as integers and prints the calendar in the following format.

Note that according to the Gregorian calendar 01/01/1900 was Monday. With this as the base the calendar should be generated. Modify the above program suitably so that once the calendar for a particular month and year has been displayed on the screen, then using arrow keys the user must be able to change the calendar in the following manner: Up arrow key : Next year, same month Down arrow key : Previous year, same month Right arrow key : Same year, next month Left arrow key : Same year, previous month If the escape key is hit then the procedure should stop. Hint: Use the getkey( ) function discussed in Chapter 8, problem number [L](c).

#include "dos.h" void main() { int f=0,year,month,mod,i,j,k,m; char z[1]; clrscr(); while(1) { if(f==0) { gotoxy(20,2); printf("\nKey in the year"); scanf("%d",&year); gotoxy(20,4); printf("\nKey in the month(digits)"); scanf("%d",&month); clrscr(); if(year<1900||year>3500) { printf("\nCalendar out of range"); continue; }

if(month>12||month<1) { printf("\nInvalid month"); continue; } creategrid(); header(year,month); f=1; }

if(year<1900) break; mod=dayofmonth(year,month); if(mod==0) mod=7; j=daysinmonth(year,month);

for(i=1,k=mod;i<=j;i++,k++) { gotoarr(k); printf("%d",i); }

m=getkey(); if(m==72) year=year+1; if(m==80) year=year-1; if(m==75)

month=month-1; if(m==77) month=month+1; if(month==13) { month=1; year=year+1; } if(month==0) { month=12; year=year-1; } if(year<1900) break; clrscr(); creategrid(); header(year,month);

} } creategrid() { int i; for(i=17;i<=59;i++) { if(i==17) { gotoxy(i,1);

printf("%c",218); gotoxy(i,22); printf("%c",192); } else if(i==59) { gotoxy(i,1); printf("%c",191); gotoxy(i,22); printf("%c",217); } else { gotoxy(i,1); printf("%c",196); gotoxy(i,22); printf("%c",196); } } for(i=20;i<=56;i++) { if(i==20) { gotoxy(i,4); printf("%c",218); gotoxy(i,21); printf("%c",192); } else if(i==56) { gotoxy(i,4); printf("%c",191); gotoxy(i,21); printf("%c",217); } else {

gotoxy(i,4); printf("%c",196); gotoxy(i,21); printf("%c",196); } } for(i=2;i<=21;i++) { gotoxy(17,i); printf("%c",179); gotoxy(59,i); printf("%c",179); } for(i=5;i<=20;i++) { gotoxy(20,i); printf("%c",179); gotoxy(56,i); printf("%c",179); } gotoxy(22,7); printf("Mon"); gotoxy(27,7); printf("Tue"); gotoxy(32,7); printf("Wed"); gotoxy(37,7); printf("Thu"); gotoxy(42,7); printf("Fri");

gotoxy(47,7); printf("Sat"); gotoxy(52,7); printf("Sun"); gotoxy(21,23); printf("%c=Next year",30); gotoxy(39,23); printf("%c=Previous year",31); gotoxy(21,24); printf("%c=Next month",16); gotoxy(39,24); printf("%c=Previous month",17); } getkey() { union REGS i,o; while(!kbhit()) ; i.h.ah=0; int86(22,&i,&o); return(o.h.ah); } header(int year,int month) { int len; char *m; switch(month) { case 1:

m="January"; break; case 2: m="February"; break; case 3: m="March"; break; case 4: m="April"; break; case 5: m="May"; break; case 6: m="June"; break; case 7: m="July"; break; case 8: m="August"; break; case 9: m="September"; break; case 10: m="October"; break;

case 11: m="November"; break; case 12: m="December"; break; } len=strlen(m)+5; len=len/2; gotoxy(38-len,5); printf("%s %d",m,year); } dayofmonth(int year,int month) { int leap,mod,check=0,i,diff; float days; long days1; if((year%4==0&&year%100!=0)||year%400==0) check=1;

year=year-1; diff=year-1900; leap=(year-1900)/4-(year-1900)/100+((year/400)-4); days=((diff-leap)*365.0)+(leap*366.0)+365+1;

for(i=1;i<=12;i++) { if(i==month+1) break;

else if(i==1) continue; else if(i==3) { if(check==0) days=days+28; else if(check==1) days=days+29; } else if(i<9) { if(i%2==0) days=days+31; else days=days+30; } else if(i==9) days=days+31; else if(i>9) { if(i%2==0) days=days+30; else days=days+31; } } days1=days; mod=days1%7; return(mod);

} daysinmonth(int year,int month) { int days; if(((year%4==0&&year%100!=0)||year%400==0)&&month==2) days=29; else if(month==2) days=28; else if(month<8) { if(month%2==0) days=30; else days=31; } else if(month==8) days=31; else if(month>8) { if(month%2==0) days=31; else days=30; } return(days); } gotoarr(int i) { int row,col,x,y; row=((i-1)/7)+1;

if(i<=7) i=i+7; col=i%7; if(col==0) col=7; y=7+(2*row); x=17+(5*col); gotoxy(x,y); }

Posted bybbbat8:39 AM0 comments

Chap9[F]c Reversing strings

Write a program to reverse the strings stored in the following array of pointers to strings: char *s[ ] = { "To err is human...", "But to really mess things up...", "One needs to know C!!" }; Hint: Write a function xstrrev ( string ) which should reverse the contents of one string. Call this function for reversing each string stored in s.

void main() { char *s[]={ "To err is human...", "But to really mess things up...", "One needs to know C!!" };

int i;

for(i=0;i<3;i++) xstrrev(s[i]); for(i=0;i<3;i++) printf("\n%s",s[i]); } xstrrev(char *m) { char *temp1; char *temp2; char *clear; int i,len,j; *clear='\0'; len=strlen(m)-1; for(i=0,j=len;;i++,j--) { printf("\n b4 *(m+i) is %c",*(m+i)); *temp1=*(m+i); *temp2=*(m+j); *(m+i)=*clear; *(m+j)=*clear; *(m+i)=*temp2; *(m+j)=*temp1; /* printf("\n i is %d, j is %d",i,j); */ if((j-i)==1||j==i) break; printf("\n After *(m+i) is %c",*(m+i));

} }
Posted bybbbat8:08 AM0 comments

Chap9[F]b Arrange words alphabetically

Write a program to sort a set of names stored in an array in alphabetical order. void main() { char char char char words[10][20]; temp[30]; temp2[30]; clear[1]={'\0'};

int i,j; for(i=0;i<10;i++) { printf("\nKey in the %d) word",i+1); scanf("%s",&words[i][0]); } for(i=0;i<9;i++) { for(j=0;words[i][j]!=0;j++) { if(words[i][j]>words[i+1][j]) { strcpy(temp,&words[i][0]); strcpy(temp2,&words[i+1][0]); strcpy(&words[i][0],clear); strcpy(&words[i+1][0],clear); strcpy(&words[i][0],temp2); strcpy(&words[i+1][0],temp); i=-1;

} else if (words[i][j]==words[i+1][j]) continue; else break; } } for(i=0;i<10;i++) { printf("\n%s",&words[i][0]); } } Note: This code only works for small letters. If you want to use uppercase letters then create a function to convert all uppercase to lowercase first then do the main code then at the end convert back to uppercase and print.
Posted bybbbat8:03 AM0 comments

Chap9[F]a Replacing words in sentences

Write a program that uses an array of pointers to strings str[ ]. Receive two strings str1 and str2 and check if str1 is embedded in any of the strings in str[ ]. If str1 is found, then replace it with str2. char *str[ ] = { "We will teach you how to...", "Move a mountain", "Level a building", "Erase the past", "Make a million", "...all through C!" };

For example if str1 contains "mountain" and str2 contains "car", then the second string in str should get changed to "Move a car".

Note: There is a limitation to this code *** Except for the first sentence if the word you want to replace is longer than the original word the program doesn't work ideally. So the replace function seem in the program works only on single line

sentences(i.e One dimension char array). The reason for this is that a longer word pushes the location of the last letter of the sentence into the next sentence.For example if a is replace with two in the mountain sentence then the last letter "n" of mountain gets pushed to a location at around "e" in "Level" in the next sentence. The code in replace only accounts for longer words in one sentence. If you want to overcome this limitation then add a new string array. "replace" function becomes replace(char *m,int j,char *n,char *new) where char *new is a blank array defined in main(). Then pass this blank array to char *new in replace function.
Posted bybbbat7:31 AM0 comments

Chp9[D]f Removing two or more spaces in a string

Write a program that replaces two or more consecutive blanks in a string by a single blank. For example, if the input is

void main() { char sent[]="Grim return to the planet of apes!!"; int i; for(i=0;sent[i]!=0;i++) { if(sent[i]==32&&sent[i+1]==32) {

for(;sent[i+1]!=0;i++) { sent[i]=sent[i+1]; } sent[i]='\0';


} printf("\n%s",sent); }
Posted bybbbat7:26 AM0 comments

Chap9[D]e Converting string digits to integers

Write a program that converts a string like "124" to an integer 124.

Posted bybbbat7:20 AM0 comments

Chap 9[D]d Working with strings is fun

Write a program that extracts part of the given string from the specified position. For example, if the sting is "Working with strings is fun", then if from position 4, 4 characters are to be extracted then the program should return string as "king". Moreover, if the position from where the string is to be extracted is given and the number of characters to be extracted is 0 then the program should extract entire string from the specified position.

void main() { char stri[]="Working with string is fun"; char stri2[10]; int a,flag=0,i=0,b; printf("\nEnter a position for sentence: Working with string is fun"); scanf("%d",&a); while(flag==0) { if(i==(a-1)) { if(stri[i]==32) { i++; for(b=0;;b++,i++) { if(stri[i]==32||stri[i]=='\0') { stri2[b]='\0'; break; } stri2[b]=stri[i]; } }

else for(b=0;;b++,i++) { if(stri[i]==32||stri[i]=='\0') { stri2[b]='\0'; break; } stri2[b]=stri[i]; } flag=1; } i++; } printf("\n%s",stri2); }

Posted bybbbat7:16 AM0 comments

Chap9[D]c Converting all lowercase to uppercase in string

Write a program that converts all lowercase characters in a given string to its equivalent uppercase character. void main() { char word[30]; int i=0; printf("\nType a word with capital and small letters"); scanf("%s",word);

while(word[i]!='\0') {

if(word[i]>=97&&word[i]<=122) word[i]-=32; i++; } printf("\nThe edited word is %s",word); }

Posted bybbbat7:14 AM0 comments

Creating your own strcat()

Creating your own strcat()

void main() { char source[]="Folks!"; char target[30]="Hello"; scat(target,source); printf("\nSource string = %s",source); printf("\nTarget string = %s",target); } scat(char *m,char *n) { char *p; p=m; while(*n!='\0') { if(*m=='\0'||m>p+6) { *m=*n; n++; } m++;

} *m='\0'; }
Posted bybbbat7:09 AM0 comments

Chap8[L]s Summation from first coordinate to last coordinate

The X and Y coordinates of 10 different points are entered through the keyboard. Write a program to find the distance of last point from the first point (sum of distance between consecutive points). #include math.h(include arrows) void main() { float dis(int,int); int arr[10][2]; int i,j; float sum; for(i=0;i<10;i++) { for(j=0;j<2;j++) { printf("\nKey in the [%d][%d]) value",i+1,j+1); scanf("%d",&arr[i][j]); } } for(i=0;i<10;i++) sum=sum+dis(arr[i][0],arr[i][1]); printf("\nThe sum of the distance is %f",sum); } float dis(int a,int b) { float c;

c=sqrt((a*a)+(b*b)); return(c); }
Posted bybbbat7:07 AM0 comments

Chap8[L]r Computing straight line

For the following set of point given by (x, y) fit a straight line given by y = a + bx where,

#include math.h (include arrows) void main() { float arr[10][2]={ 3.0,1.5, 4.5,2.0, 5.5,3.5, 6.5,5.0, 7.5,6.0, 8.5,7.5, 8.0,9.0, 9.0,10.5, 9.5,12.0, 10.0,14.0 }; int i,j; float sx=0,sy=0,sx2=0,sxy=0,my,mx,a,b; /* for(i=0;i<10;i++) { for(j=0;j<2;j++) { printf("\nKey in the [%d][%d] value",i+1,j+1); scanf("%f",&arr[i][j]); } } */ /*calculating summation x*/ for(i=0;i<10;i++) sx=sx+arr[i][0];

/*calculating summation y*/ for(i=0;i<10;i++) sy=sy+arr[i][1]; /*calculating summation x2*/ for(i=0;i<10;i++) sx2=sx2+(arr[i][0]*arr[i][0]);

/*calculating summation xy*/ for(i=0;i<10;i++) sxy=sxy+(arr[i][0]*arr[i][1]); my=sy/i; mx=sx/i; b=((i*sxy)-(sx*sy))/((i*sx2)-(sx*sx)); a=my-(b*mx); printf("\nThe value of a is %f\nThe value of b is %f",a,b); }
Posted bybbbat7:02 AM0 comments

Chap8[L]q Computing correlation coefficient

For the following set of n data points (x, y), compute the correlation coefficient r, given by

#include math.h (include arrows) void main() { float arr[11][2]={ 34.22,102.43, 39.87,100.93, 41.85,97.43, 43.23,97.81,

40.06,98.32, 53.29,98.32, 53.29,100.07, 54.14,97.08, 49.12,91.59, 40.71,94.85, 55.15,94.65 }; int i,j; float sx=0,sy=0,sx2=0,sy2=0,sxy=0,b,r;

/*calculating summation x*/ for(i=0;i<11;i++) sx=sx+arr[i][0]; printf("\nsummation x is %f",sx); /*calculating summation y*/ for(i=0;i<11;i++) sy=sy+arr[i][1]; printf("\nsummation y is %f",sy); /*calculating summation x2*/ for(i=0;i<11;i++) sx2=sx2+(arr[i][0]*arr[i][0]); printf("\nsummation x2 is %f",sx2); /*calculating summation y2*/ for(i=0;i<11;i++) sy2=sy2+(arr[i][1]*arr[i][1]); printf("\nsummation sy2 is %f",sy2); /*calculating summation xy*/ for(i=0;i<11;i++) sxy=sxy+(arr[i][0]*arr[i][1]); printf("\nsummation sxy is %f",sxy);

/*calculating bottom part*/ b=(i*sx2-(sx*sx))*(i*sy2-(sy*sy)); printf("\nbottom is %f",b); /*calculating coefficient r*/ r=(sxy-(sx*sy))/(sqrt(b)); printf("\n The correlation coefficient is %f",r); }
Posted bybbbat6:58 AM0 comments

Chap8[L]p Area of triangle and largest plot of land

The area of a triangle can be computed by the sine law when 2 sides of the triangle and the angle between them are known. Area = (1 / 2 ) ab sin ( angle ) Given the following 6 triangular pieces of land, write a program to find their area and determine which is largest,

#include math.h (include arrows) void main() { float arr[6][3];

int i,j,d; float area,c=0; for(i=0;i<6;i++) { for(j=0;j<3;j++) { printf("\nKey in the [%d][%d] value",i+1,j+1); scanf("%f",&arr[i][j]); } } for(i=0;i<6;i++)

{ area=(1.0/2.0)*arr[i][0]*arr[i][1]*sin(arr[i][2]); if(area>c) { printf("\n1"); c=area; d=i; } } printf("\nThe biggest plot of land is plot no. %d with area %f",d+1,c); }
Posted bybbbat6:52 AM0 comments

Chap8[L]o Standard deviation and mean

Posted bybbbat6:26 AM0 comments

Chap8[L]L Finding norm of matrix

Write a function to find the norm of a matrix. The norm is defined as the square root of the sum of squares of all elements in the matrix.

Posted bybbbat6:23 AM0 comments

Chap8[L]d Creating grid puzzle

Very often in fairs we come across a puzzle that contains 15 numbered square pieces mounted on a frame. These pieces can be moved horizontally or vertically. A possible arrangement of these pieces is shown below:

As you can see there is a blank at bottom right corner. Implement the following procedure through a program:

Draw the boxes as shown above. Display the numbers in the above order. Allow the user to hit any of the arrow keys (up, down, left, or right). If user hits say, right arrow key then the piece with a number 5 should move to the right and blank should replace the original position of 5. Similarly, if down arrow key is

hit, then 13 should move down and blank should replace the original position of 13. If left arrow key or up arrow key is hit then no action should be taken. The user would continue hitting the arrow keys till the numbers arent arranged in ascending order. Keep track of the number of moves in which the user manages to arrange the numbers in ascending order. The user who manages it in minimum number of moves is the one who wins. How do we tackle the arrow keys? We cannot receive them using scanf( ) function. Arrow keys are special keys which are identified by their scan codes. Use the following function in your program. It would return the scan code of the arrow key being hit. Dont worry about how this function is written. We are going to deal with it later. The scan codes for the arrow keys are: up arrow key 72 down arrow key 80 left arrow key 75 right arrow key 77 /* Returns scan code of the key that has been hit */ #include "dos.h" getkey( ) { union REGS i, o ; while ( !kbhit( ) ) ; i.h.ah = 0 ; int86 ( 22, &i, &o ) ; return ( o.h.ah ) ; }

ANS: #include "dos.h" void main() { void creategrid(); int g,c; int arr[16]={1,4,15,7,8,10,2,11,14,3,6,13,12,9,5,0};

clrscr(); creategrid(); printarray(arr); for(g=15,c=0;;) { int k,a,b,i; k=getkey(); if(k==80) { if((g-4)<0) a="arr[g-4];" b="arr[g];" k="="72)">15) continue; a=arr[g+4]; b=arr[g]; arr[g+4]=b; arr[g]=a; go(g); printf("%d",arr[g]); go(g+4); printf("%c%c",0,0); go(g+4); c++; g+=4; } if(k==75) { if(g==3g==7g==11g==15) continue; a=arr[g+1]; b=arr[g]; arr[g+1]=b; arr[g]=a; go(g); printf("%d",arr[g]);

go(g+1); printf("%c%c",0,0); go(g+1); c++; g+=1; } if(k==77) { if(g==0g==4g==8g==12) continue; a=arr[g-1]; b=arr[g]; arr[g-1]=b; arr[g]=a; go(g); printf("%d",arr[g]); go(g-1); printf("%c%c",0,0); go(g-1); c++; g-=1; } for(i=0;i<15;i++) { if(arr[i]!=i+1) break; if(arr[i]==(i+1)&&i==14) { gotoxy(6,24); printf("\nNumber of moves to complete is %d",c); exit(); } } }

} go(int g) { switch(g) { case 0: gotoxy(8,5); break; case 1: gotoxy(12,5); break; case 2: gotoxy(16,5); break; case 3: gotoxy(20,5); break; case 4: gotoxy(8,9); break; case 5: gotoxy(12,9); break; case 6: gotoxy(16,9); break; case 7: gotoxy(20,9); break; case 8: gotoxy(8,13); break; case 9:

gotoxy(12,13); break; case 10: gotoxy(16,13); break; case 11: gotoxy(20,13); break; case 12: gotoxy(8,17); break; case 13: gotoxy(12,17); break; case 14: gotoxy(16,17); break; case 15: gotoxy(20,17); break; } }

getkey() { union REGS i,o; while(!kbhit()) ; i.h.ah=0; int86(22,&i,&o); return(o.h.ah); } printarray(int *m) { int a,b,i,j;

for(a=5,i=0;a<=17;a+=4,i++) { for(b=8,j=0;b<=20;b+=4,j++) { gotoxy(b,a); printf("%d",*(m+(i*4)+j)); } } gotoxy(20,17); printf("%c",0); }

void creategrid() { int a,b; for(a=3;a<=19;a+=4) { for(b=6;b<=22;b++) { if(b==6(b-6)%4==0) { if(a==3) { if(b==6) { gotoxy(6,3); printf("%c",218); } else if(b==22) { gotoxy(22,3); printf("%c",191); }

else { gotoxy(b,3); printf("%c",194); } } else if(a==19) { if(b==6) { gotoxy(6,19); printf("%c",192); } else if(b==22) { gotoxy(22,19); printf("%c",217); } else { gotoxy(b,19); printf("%c",193); } } else { if(b==6) { gotoxy(6,a); printf("%c",195); } else if(b==22) {

gotoxy(22,a); printf("%c",180); } else { gotoxy(b,a); printf("%c",197); } } } else { printf("%c",196); } } } for(b=6;b<=22;b+=4) { for(a=4;a<=18;a++) { if((a-3)%4==0) continue; else { gotoxy(b,a); printf("%c",179); } } } }
Posted bybbbat6:04 AM0 comments

Chap8[L]c Transpose 4X4 matrix

Write a program to obtain transpose of a 4 x 4 matrix. The transpose of a matrix is obtained by exchanging the elements of each row with the elements of the corresponding column.

void main() { int arr[4][4]; int i,j,a,b,f; printf("\nInput numbers to 4*4 matrix"); for(i=0;i<4;i++) { for(j=0;j<4;j++) { printf("\nKey in the [%d][%d]) value",i+1,j+1); scanf("%d",&arr[i][j]); } } for(i=0;i<4;i++) { for(j=0,f=0;j<4;j++) { if(i!=j&&f==0) continue; a=arr[i][j]; b=arr[j][i]; arr[i][j]=b; arr[j][i]=a; f=1; } } for(i=0;i<4;i++) { for(j=0;j<4;j++)

printf("%d ",arr[i][j]); printf("\n"); } }

Posted bybbbat6:02 AM0 comments

Chap8[L]b Pick largest number from matrix

Write a program to pick up the largest number from any 5 row by 5 column matrix.

Posted bybbbat5:57 AM0 comments

Chap8[L]a Initialising 3D array

How will you initialize a three-dimensional array threed[3][2][3]? How will you refer the first and last element in this array?

void main() { int threed[3][2][3]={ { 1,2,3, 4,5,6 },

{ 7,8,9, 10,11,12 }, { 13,14,15, 16,17,18 } }; printf("\nFirst element of array is %d\nLast element of the array is %d",threed[0][0][0],threed[2][1][2]); }
Posted bybbbat5:54 AM0 comments

Write a program which performs the following tasks: initialize an integer array of 10 elements in main( ) pass the entire array to a function modify( ) in modify( ) multiply each element of array by 3 return the control to main( ) and print the new array elements in main( )

Posted bybbbat5:50 AM0 comments

Chap8[I]c Finding smallest number in array using pointers

Find the smallest number in an array using pointers.

Posted bybbbat5:45 AM0 comments

Chap8[I]b Check similar integers in array

If an array arr contains n elements, then write a program to check if arr[0] = arr[n-1], arr[1] = arr[n-2] and so on. This program will have repeated results if the input contains more than 2 same integers

void main() { int arr[25]; int i,*j,k; j=arr; printf("\nInput 25 integers"); for(i=0;i<25;i++,j++) { printf("\nKey in the %d) value",i+1); scanf("%d",&*j); }

for(i=0;i<25;i++) { for(k=24;k>i;k--) if(arr[i]==arr[k]) printf("\nArray [%d] = Array[%d]",i,k); } }

Posted bybbbat5:42 AM0 comments Posted bybbbat5:34 AM0 comments

Chap8[I]a Reversing contents and copy to another array

Write a program to copy the contents of one array into another in the reverse order. void main() { int arr1[5]={1,2,3,4,5}; int arr2[5]; int i,k; for (i=4,k=0;i>=0;i--,k++) arr2[k]=arr1[i]; for(i=0;i<5;i++) printf("\nValue of arr2[%d] is %d",i,arr2[i]); }

With Pointers void main() { int arr1[5]={1,2,3,4,5}; int arr2[5]; int *m; int i,*j,k,l=5;

j=arr1; m=arr2; func(j,m,l); for(i=0;i<5;i++) printf("\nValue of arr2[%d] is %d",i,arr2[i]); } func(int *j, int *m, int l) { int i; for(j=j+4,i=0;i<5;i++,j--,m++) *m=*j; }
Posted bybbbat5:31 AM0 comments

Chap8[D]d Sieve of Eratosthenes

Implement the following procedure to generate prime numbers from 1 to 100 into a program. This procedure is called sieve of Eratosthenes. step 1 Fill an array num[100] with numbers from 1 to 100 step 2 Starting with the second entry in the array, set all its multiples to zero. step 3 Proceed to the next non-zero element and set all its multiples to zero. step 4 Repeat step 3 till you have set up the multiples of all the non-zero elements to zero step 5 At the conclusion of step 4, all the non-zero entries left in the array would be prime numbers, so print out these numbers.

Posted bybbbat5:24 AM2 comments

Chap8[D]c Insertion sort

Implement the Selection Sort, Bubble Sort and Insertion sort algorithms on a set of 25 numbers. (Refer Figure 8.11 for the logic of the algorithms) Selection sort Bubble Sort Insertion Sort

/*Insertion sort*/ void main() { int arr[25]; int a,b,c,i;

printf("\nInput 25 numbers into the array"); for(i=0;i<25;i++) { printf("\nKey in the %d) value",i); scanf("%d",&arr[i]); } printf("\nStarting insertion sort"); for(a=1;a<25;a++) { b=arr[0]; c=arr[a]; arr[0]=c; arr[a]=b; } printf("\nInsertion sort done");

for(i=0;i<25;i++) printf("\nThe %d) value is%d",i,arr[i]); }

Posted bybbbat5:04 AM1 comments

Chap8[D]c Buuuubbbble sort

Implement the Selection Sort, Bubble Sort and Insertion sort algorithms on a set of 25 numbers. (Refer Figure 8.11 for the logic of the algorithms) Selection sort Bubble Sort Insertion Sort

/*Bubble sort*/ void main() { int arr[25]; int a,b,c,d,i; printf("\nInput 25 numbers into the array"); for(i=0;i<25;i++) {

printf("\nKey the %d) value",i); scanf("%d",&arr[i]); } printf("\nStarting bubble sort"); for(i=24;i>0;i--) { for(b=0,c=b+1;c<=i;b++,c++) { a=arr[b]; d=arr[c]; arr[b]=d; arr[c]=a; } } printf("\nBubble sort done"); for(i=0;i<25;i++) printf("\n%d value is %d",i,arr[i]); }
Posted bybbbat5:02 AM0 comments

Chap8[D]c Selection sort

Implement the Selection Sort, Bubble Sort and Insertion sort algorithms on a set of 25 numbers. (Refer Figure 8.11 for the logic of the algorithms) Selection sort Bubble Sort Insertion Sort

/* Selection sort */ void main() { int arr[25]; int a,b,d,i; printf("\nInput 25 numbers into array"); for(i=0;i<25;i++) {

printf("\nKey the %d) value",i); scanf("%d",&arr[i]); } printf("\nStarting selection sorting"); for(i=0;i<24;i++) { for(d=i+1;d<25;d++) { a=arr[i]; b=arr[d]; arr[i]=b; arr[d]=a; } } printf("\nSelection sorting done"); for(i=0;i<25;i++) printf("\n%d) value is %d",i,arr[i]); }
Posted bybbbat4:57 AM1 comments

Chap8[D]b Finding +tive -tive zeros, odd and even numbers in array
Twenty-five numbers are entered from the keyboard into an array. Write a program to find out how many of them are positive, how many are negative, how many are even and how many odd. void main() { int arr[25]; int a,b,c,d,e,i; a=0; b=0; c=0;

d=0; e=0; for(i=0;i<25;i++) { printf("\nKey the %d) value",i); scanf("%d",&arr[i]); } for(i=0;i<25;i++) { if(arr[i]>0) a++; if(arr[i]<0) b++; if(arr[i]==0) c++; if(arr[i]%2==0) d++; else e++; } if(a>0) printf("\nThere are %d positive integers",a); if(b>0) printf("\nThere are %d negative integers",b); if(c>0) printf("\nThere are %d zeros",c); if(d>0) printf("\nThere are %d even numbers",d);

if(e>0) printf("\nThere are %d odd numbers",e); }

Posted bybbbat4:53 AM2 comments

Chap 8[D]a Search quantity of instances in Array

Twenty-five numbers are entered from the keyboard into an array. The number to be searched is entered through the keyboard by the user. Write a program to find if the number to be searched is present in the array and if it is present, display the number of times it appears in the array. void main() { int arr[25]; int a,d,i; for(i=0;i<25;i++) { printf("\nKey %d) value",i); scanf("%d",&arr[i]); } printf("\n25 numbers stored, enter any integer again"); scanf("%d",&d); for(i=0,a=0;i<25;i++) { if(arr[i]==d) a++; } if(a>0) printf("\nThe integer appeared %d times in the array",a); else printf("\nThe integer did not appear in the array"); }

Posted bybbbat4:50 AM0 comments

Evaluating Sin(x) series

Write a C function to evaluate the sin series

void main() { float sin(float); float d,e; printf("\nInput x value into sin(x) to find its result"); scanf("%f",&d); e=sin(d); printf("\nThe result is %f",e); } float fact(float x) { int f; if(x==1) return(1); else f=x*fact(x-1); return(f); } float power(float y,float z) { float w; if(z==0) return(1); if(z==1) return(y); w=y*(power(y,z-1));

return(w); } float sin(float a) { float fact(float); float b; float power(float,float); b=a-(power(a,3)/fact(3.0))+(power(a,5)/fact(5.0))(power(a,7)/fact(7.0))+(power(a,9)/fact(9.0)); return(b); }
Posted bybbbat4:47 AM0 comments

Running sum of first 25 numbers

Write a recursive function to obtain the running sum of first 25 natural numbers.

void main() { int d,e; d=25; e=naturaln(d); printf("\nThe sum of the first %d digits is %d",d,e); } naturaln(int x) { int a; if(x==1) return(1); else { a=x+naturaln(x-1); return(a); }

Posted bybbbat4:46 AM0 comments

Fibonacci Sequence
Write a recursive function to obtain the first 25 numbers of a Fibonacci sequence. In a Fibonacci sequence the sum of two successive terms gives the third term. Following are the first few terms of the Fibonacci sequence: 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89... void main() { void Fib(float,float,float); float e,d; /* i put d=24 because the function will start off by printing 1 and starts counting its recursion only after the first digit so if i want 25 numbers its 25-1=24*/ d=24; e=1; printf("\Display Fibonacci sequence"); Fib(d,e,1.0); }

void Fib(float x,float a,float b) { if(a==1) printf("\n1"); if(x==0) exit(); printf("\n%f",a); if(x==1) exit(); b=a+b; printf("\n%f",b);

Fib(x-2,a+b,b); }
Posted bybbbat4:44 AM0 comments

Sum of 5 digits using recursion

A 5-digit positive integer is entered through the keyboard, write a function to calculate sum of digits of the 5-digit number Using recursion code obtained from: https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=20225658&postID=115134 493576072577 -->comment by (rahul sahay) void main() { int f,l; printf("\nInput a 5 digit number"); scanf("%d",&f); l=sum(f); printf("\nThe sum of the digits is %d",l); } sum(int n) { if(n==0) return 0; else return(n%10+sum(n/10)); }
Posted bybbbat4:40 AM0 comments

Average and percentage 5[F]c

Write a function that receives marks received by a student in 3 subjects and returns the average and percentage of these marks. Call this function from main( ) and print the results in main( ).

void main() { int a,b,c,full; float av,perc; printf("\nEnter the marks received by the student in 3 subjects and the total possible marks for 1 paper"); scanf("%d%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c,&full); calc(a,b,c,full,&av,&perc); printf("\nThe average marks is %f.\nThe percentage is %f",av,perc); } calc(int i,int j,int k,int full,float *ave,float *perce) { *ave=(i+j+k)/3.0; *perce=(*ave/full)*100.0; }
Posted bybbbat4:38 AM0 comments

Sum,Average Standard deviation 5[F]b

Write a function that receives 5 integers and returns the sum, average and standard deviation of these numbers. Call this function from main( ) and print the results in main( ).#include void main() { float ave,sd; int a,b,c,d,e,sum; printf("\nInput 5 integers"); scanf("%d%d%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c,&d,&e); func(a,b,c,d,e,&sum,&ave,&sd); printf("\nThe sum is %d\nThe average is %f\nThe standard deviation is %f",sum,ave,sd); } func(int a,int b,int c,int d,int e,int *su,float *av,float *std) { *su=a+b+c+d+e; *av=*su/5;

*std=sqrt((((a-*av)*(a-*av))+((b-*av)*(b-*av))+((c-*av)*(c*av)))/5.0); }
Posted bybbbat4:37 AM0 comments

Product of float and integer 5[F]a

Write a function which receives a float and an int from main( ), finds the product of these two and returns the product which is printed through main( ). void main() { float product(float,int); float a,p; int b; printf("\nEnter the two values to find the product"); scanf("%f%d",&a,&b); p=product(a,b); printf("The product is %f",p); } float product(float i,int j) { float pr; pr=i*j; return(pr); }
Posted bybbbat4:36 AM0 comments

Finding prime numbers

A positive integer is entered through the keyboard. Write a function to obtain the prime factors of this number. For example, prime factors of 24 are 2, 2, 2 and 3, whereas prime factors of 35 are 5 and 7. Using recursion:

void main() { int x; printf("\nInput an integer\n"); scanf("%d",&x); prime(x); } prime(int x) { int a; for(a=2;a<=x;a++) { if(x%a==0) { printf("%d ",a); prime(x/a); break; } } }

without recursion void main() { int x; printf("\nInput an integer\n"); scanf("%d",&x); prime(x); } prime(int x) { int a;

for(a=2;a<=x;a++) { if(x%a==0) { printf("%d ",a); x/=a; a--; } } }

Posted bybbbat4:32 AM0 comments

Checking for leap year

Any year is entered through the keyboard. Write a function to determine whether the year is a leap year or not. void main() { int y; printf("\nInput the year to check if its a leap year"); scanf("%d",&y); leap(y); } leap(int year) { if((year%4==0&&year%100!=0)||year%400==0) printf("\nIt is a leap year"); else printf("\nIts not a leap year"); }
Posted bybbbat4:31 AM0 comments

Power function
Write a function power ( a, b ), to calculate the value of a raised to b.

void main() { float power(float,float); float x,y,z; printf("\nInput the first value and second of which the first is raised to the power of the second value"); scanf("%f%f",&x,&y); z=power(x,y); printf("\nThe answer is %f",z); }

float power(float a,float b) { float c; if(b==0) return(1); if(b==1) return(a); else c=a*power(a,b-1); return(c); }
Posted bybbbat4:30 AM0 comments

Finding Factorial
Write a function to calculate the factorial value of any integer entered through the keyboard. void main() {

float fact(float); float a,a1; printf("\nInput a number to find the factorial"); scanf("%f",&a); a1=fact(a); printf("\nThe factorial of %f is %f",a,a1); } float fact(float x) { float f; if(x==1) return(1); else f=x*fact(x-1); return(f); }
Posted bybbbat4:25 AM0 comments

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CHAP 3[E]a Printing prime numbers from 1 to 300 CHAP 3[B]f Playing with matchsticks CHAP 3[B]e Printing armstrong numbers CHAP 3[B]d Printing ASCII characters using while... CHAP 3[B]c Finding power of a value CHAP 3[B]b Finding Factorial CHAP 3[B](a) Calculating overtime pay CHAP 4[D] Case Control Structure (using switch) CHAP 14[A](b) Newspaper Problem (Using bits and FI... CHAP 14[A]a Rainbow problem Jan 23(1) Reading multiple words from text file

2009(69) November(13) Nov 30(1) Nov 15(3) Nov 14(1) Nov 12(1) Nov 11(4) Nov 04(2) Nov 01(1) October(56) Oct 30(51) Chap10[D]g Use structure to check dates Chap10[D]e Displaying data in structure with condi... Chap10[D]d Play Cricket Chap10[D]c Automobile has weird serial numbers Chap10[D]b Structure data of bank Chap10[D]a Printing specfic datas in structures Chap9[F]k Removing two vowels in succession Chap9[F]j Abbreviating names Chap9[F]i Deleting of all occurences of "the" Chap9[F]h Deleting all vowels from a sentence Chap9[F]e Creating a dynamic calendar Chap9[F]c Reversing strings Chap9[F]b Arrange words alphabetically

Chap9[F]a Replacing words in sentences Chp9[D]f Removing two or more spaces in a strin... Chap9[D]e Converting string digits to integers Chap 9[D]d Working with strings is fun Chap9[D]c Converting all lowercase to uppercase ... Creating your own strcat() Chap8[L]s Summation from first coordinate to las... Chap8[L]r Computing straight line Chap8[L]q Computing correlation coefficient Chap8[L]p Area of triangle and largest plot of l... Chap8[L]o Standard deviation and mean Chap8[L]L Finding norm of matrix Chap8[L]d Creating grid puzzle Chap8[L]c Transpose 4X4 matrix Chap8[L]b Pick largest number from matrix Chap8[L]a Initialising 3D array Chap8[I]d Chap8[I]c Finding smallest number in array using... Chap8[I]b Check similar integers in array Chap8[I]a Reversing contents and copy to another ... Chap8[D]d Sieve of Eratosthenes Chap8[D]c Insertion sort Chap8[D]c Buuuubbbble sort Chap8[D]c Selection sort Chap8[D]b Finding +tive -tive zeros, odd and even... Chap 8[D]a Search quantity of instances in Arra... Evaluating Sin(x) series Running sum of first 25 numbers Fibonacci Sequence Sum of 5 digits using recursion Average and percentage 5[F]c Sum,Average Standard deviation 5[F]b Product of float and integer 5[F]a Finding prime numbers Checking for leap year Power function

Finding Factorial Oct 29(5)

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