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English Banana.

15 Common Grammar Mistakes in Written and Oral Work
1. The verb doesnt agree with the subject: a) There are many person in this class. b) The film finish at four oclock. Advice: The verb should agree with the subject: a) There are many people in this class. b) The film finishes at four oclock. 2. There are mixed tenses or the wrong tense has been used: a) I went to the supermarket and meet my friend James. b) I have saw my sister yesterday. Advice: Use the correct tense, and dont mix tenses: a) I went to the supermarket and met my friend James. b) I saw my sister yesterday. 3. There are articles or determiners in the wrong place or missing altogether: a) I bought new computer last weekend. b) I had some interesting journey to work this morning. Advice: Use articles and determiners correctly: a) I bought a new computer last weekend. b) I had an interesting journey to work this morning. 4. Capital letters are used incorrectly: a) Ill see you on sunday. b) my friend rob lives at 44 sunnybank drive, ollerton, southampton, sh2 5pb. Advice: Put a capital letter at the start of a proper noun and where necessary: a) Ill see you on Sunday. b) My friend Rob lives at 44 Sunnybank Drive, Ollerton, Southampton, SH2 5PB. 5. There are spelling mistakes: a) I came to Britain last autum. b) The children finished their diner and went outside. Advice: Check your spelling with a dictionary if you are unsure and learn lists of common words: a) I came to Britain last autumn. b) The children finished their dinner and went outside. For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto www.englishbanana.com now!

big resource book English Banana.com 2005


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