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preemie, head pr. 36-38cm

Soft baby yarn

(or other soft yarn, not wool because of easy
washing and allergy)
10 gr basic colour and a bit of green
4 nld 3mm

YO=yarn over
K2tog = knit 2 together
Dpo= 1slip, k2tog , pass slip stitch
over the knitted stitches

ssk= slip 2st as knit, put left-needle

from back to front and knit these 2
stitches .

k1, 1yo, k1, 1yo, 4x k2tog , 4x k1, 1yo, end with k1, 1yo, k1, 1yo.
Knit 3 rows

k1*,k2tog, 1yo, k3 repeat from*
Knit 3 rows
k4*, k2tog, 1yo repeat from*
Knit 3 rows

CO 72 st with basic colour (co on 2 needles together, for more elasticity).

devide on 3 nld 24-24-24
1st row: k
2nd row: p
3rd -6th row: peacockstitch pattern repeat this 2x ( 7th -10th , 11th -14th )
From 15th row go on with lace-stitch repeat 2 ½ x.(15th -22nd ,23rd -30th , 31st -
34th )
35th row toer: k4*, k2tog repeat from*(=60st)
36th and all even rows: k
37th row: k3*, k2tog repeat from* (=48st)
39th row: k2*,k 2tog repeat from* (=36st)
41st row : k1*,k 2tog repeat from* (=24st)
Gemaakt door Marbada
43rd row: k2tog (=12st)
45th row: k2tog (=6 st)
Take yarn through 6 left stitches and finish.

Crown(on 2nld):
CO 1st , increase 1st k-wise(row1), turn work and increase 1st p-wise (row2).
3rd row: k1, 1yo, k1, 1yo,k1.
4th and all even rows purl
5th row: k2, 1yo, 1k, 1yo,k2
7th row: k2, 1yo, k3, 1yo, k2
9th row: k2, 1yo, k5, 1yo, k2
11th row: k2, 1yo, k2, Dpo, k2, 1yo, k2
13th row: k2, 1yo,k2, 1yo, Dpo, 1yo, k2, 1yo, k2
15th row: k2, 1yo,k3, 1yo, Dpo, 1yo, k3, 1yo, k2 (=15st)
17th row: k2, 1yo, k2, ssk, 1yo, Dpo, 1yo, k2tog, k2, 1yo, k2 (=17st)
19th row: k2, 1yo, k2, ssk, 1yo, Dpo, 1yo, k2tog, k2, 1yo, k2
21st row: k2, 1yo, k2, ssk, Dpo, k2tog, k2, 1yo, k2 (=15st)
23rd toer: k2, 1yo, k2, Dpo, k2, 1yo, k2 (=13st)

Knit 3 leaves and connect them with a ssk of the first and the last stitch of 2
leaves. Put them on 3 needles. 12-12-12
1st row: k1*, k2tog repeat from *(=24st)
2nd, 4th k
3rd row: k2tog (=12st)
5th row: k2tog (=6st)
Knit 9 rows and cast of the 6 stitches left.

Crochet or sew the crown on the hat.

Gemaakt door Marbada

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