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Heres How To Approach ANY Girl Without Fear

Destroy Approach Anxiety

A Step-By-Step System For Absolutely Destroying Approach Anxiety and Losing Your Fear of Talking to Girls in LESS Than 33 Days!

Hunter Riley
www.destroyapproachanxiety.com 1 2009 Smarter Living Media

Approach Anxiety is NORMAL.
Yes, you read that correctly. Approach anxiety is normal. Every single guy has some form of approach anxiety, also known as AA. Approach anxiety is that feeling or fear you get just before you approach a girl you dont know. Anyone can EASILY beat approach anxiety. But before we get into that, let me first introduce myself. Good Morning Gentlemen, Im Hunter Riley. Im kind of a no nonsense dating coach that specializes in psychology, social dynamics, self-improvement and of course..how to pick up girls. You bought this system to learn how to ABSOLUTELY DESTROY that little bastard of a feeling that sometimes causes you to freeze up with fear and not introduce yourself to a girl who could be PERFECT for you. This little bastard of a feeling Im talking about is approach anxiety. Before getting into the system, let me first give you a slight warning.I dont EFF around. This means that I like to get straight to the point as quickly as possible. I create my eBooks and systems using only the information that is essential to get the job done. Because of this, my eBooks are very short and direct. They also happen to be very cheap So if youre looking for some pick up guru thats going to fill his eBooks with 500 pages of cool graphics, hot girls, fluff and bullshit, return this eBook right now, Im not your guy. I also believe that learning pick up really isnt that hard and therefore shouldnt cost you a ton of money. My simple systems are all you need. You will not find any $100 plus eBooks or $1000 plus coaching programs from me and youll also be able to try each one of my products for $1. What learning pick up does take however is a little bit of effort and work. You must be willing to put in a relatively small amount of work to succeed. You must ACT on this information and actually complete the system. Its hard to believe, but about 70% of guys NEVER do the work! So I want you to commit


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yourself right now to taking action. If you arent willing to take even a small amount of action then save your money and return this eBook right now. Heres the thing, beating approach anxiety is the hardest thing to learn in pick up. But compared to learning anything else outside of pickup its easy! Learning how to ride a bike or learning how to speak French is much harder than learning how to beat AA. And the best thing is that once you destroy approach anxiety (which this step by step system will show you how to do in 33 days or less), youve learned the hardest part of pick up! Everything else is easy. You can become a pick up master in less than a year. So, lets get started with learning how to destroy approach anxiety


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Table Of Contents

Introduction ............................................................. 2

Chapter 1: Exactly What is Approach Anxiety................. 5

Chapter 2: How to Create a Habit .................................. 6

Chapter 3: Destroy Approach Anxiety Overview ................. 8

Chapter 4: The Destroy Aproach Anxiety System............. ..10

Chapter 5: Approach Anxiety Extra Credit ...................... .17

Chapter 6: PUA Secrets for Destroying AA ....................... 20


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Chapter 1: Exactly What is Approach Anxiety?

Approach anxiety is the pickup communitys most common problem. 95% of guys have approach anxiety. Approach anxiety is a combination of a few different things. Its important first realize that these things exist only in your mind. First, AA is simply the natural, built in fear of approaching and talking to strangers. This probably came about a long time ago when we were cavemen. Approaching a stranger or someones mate could get you smashed over the head with a club. Talking to strangers also pushes you outside of your comfort zone. The problem is that you have a natural tendency to stay in your comfort zone. Breaking out of it takes a little bit of effort, not much though. Approach anxiety is also the result of years bad social conditioning that says that hot women are these perfect human beings. This causes you to feel all sorts of crazy things before going up to a girl like getting all nervous, imagining all the things that could possibly go wrong, feeling inadequate in some way, turning into a pussy, heart pounding, pulse racing etc. And finally, approach anxiety also comes from the fear of loss. Deep down inside, some of you dont approach because you want the girl so much. You think that if you do take action and approach her, you could lose her. So you take the easy road and just sit there and hope she approaches you. If she doesnt approach you (which is what happens most of the time), then its easy to just write it off and say she wasnt your type anyway.


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Chapter 2: How to Create a Habit

The easiest way to learn pickup is to create a habit out of it. Creating a habit out of it is how you are going are going to destroy your approach anxiety. Again, for a very small percentage of you, creating a habit is easy, but for the other 80% of you its going to take about 30 days to create a habit that will stick. There are three phases to creating a habit that sticks. This is exactly what you are about to go through.

During the first phase which lasts about 10 days, the work will be very hard for you to do. Your mind will do its best to convince you that this system is never going to work. Even though you bought this system to learn how to destroy AA, you may feel a strange urge not to complete this system! The key is to know in advance this is how youre going to feel and push through it! The next phase in building a habit comes in days 10 to 20. Youll find things starting to get a little easier to do. You may actually even find yourself looking forward to doing the exercises. However there will still be a bit of resistance in your mind and that little voice in your head may still be trying to convince you that what youre doing is crazy, but dont give in. Youre almost done. Keep going. In the 3rd and final phase of building a habit, days 20 to 30, youll actually start to like building the habit. Things will be much easier to do than they were at first. You will feel very little resistance and this wont feel like a chore anymore. This habit will now become part of your life!

So when youre doing the approach anxiety exercises, remember that the first 20 days may be hard to do mentally. You may not want to do them. You might want to quit. Dont! Realize that this is just how your mind works and if you can just get to that 20 day mark, things will get a hell of a lot easier. By day 30, you will have conquered approach anxietythe hardest part of pickup. Then prepare to boggle your friends minds because becoming great at picking up girls is all downhill from there. www.destroyapproachanxiety.com 6 2009 Smarter Living Media

By the way, if youd like to use the exact same time management and habit building software that I use to put my pickup learning on light speed, you can get it for free by going to: www.destroyapproachanxiety.com/Simpleology.html


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Chapter 3: The Destroy Approach Anxiety System Overview & Rules

Ok, you become a social person and destroy approach anxiety through experience. Anyone can easily do it! You get better by practicing a little at a time each and every day. Its just like working out to build muscles or boiling a frog alive. If you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water, hell jump right out. But is you put the frog into a pot of cold water and slowly heat the pot, hell never make it out alive because the changes that take place to the water are so subtle. This is the beauty of the system. We start out with slow and simple steps that dont feel like much but they add up to destroy approach anxiety in the end. Here are the rules:

RULE #1: If you have a serious case of approach anxiety, for the next 30 days, I want you to do nothing but this exercise. You can go out with your friends and whatever, but the only pickup related training I want you to do is this approach anxiety exercise. RULE#2: Try to take a half hour break each day and get out of the house, out of class or out of work and take a walk. While youre on your walk, complete your exercises. If you cant walk for a half hour, try to make it two 15 minute sessions.

Overview of Your Daily Exercises

Step 1- Wake up in the morning and visualize for 2 minutes. Step 2- Get out of the house/work/school and walk around for a total of at least 30 minutes every day. Walking in the deep forest or some disserted hallway doesnt count. You must go for a walk in an area where there are tons of people. 8 2009 Smarter Living Media


Step 3- Always SWW. Smile while walking. I want you to have a huge effin grin on your face for the entire 30 minutes of your walk. Step 4- During the first half of your walk, say hi to at least three living people that speak your language. Step 5- Say hello to the first girl you see after youve said hi to three people. Step 6- Keep track of your results each day for 33 days. Step 7- Do a visualization before you go to bed each night.

Thats it. Destroying approach anxiety is really that simple. Doing this for 33 days will break down the social barriers that are deep within you and crush your approach anxiety. Of course, there is some extra credit that you can do to accelerate the process, but first lets take a look at these steps in detail.

Ohand for you guys who have really bad approach anxiety, I want you to remember these words and say them out loud. And mean it when you say it, and feel it when you say itYOUR PAST IS NOT YOUR FUTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!! You may have been a mental pussy in the past, but that all ends today.


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Chapter 4: The Destroy Approach Anxiety Step by Step System

Step 1) Your Secret Morning Visualization

This is super easy and super effective. Each morning, before you get out of bed, just visualize or imagine yourself doing the 30 minute walk each day. Just about two minutes of visualization in bed will do the trick. This is based on a very effective and proven psychological principle. Your mind cant really tell the difference between something you imagine and something you actually do. Every single top athlete in sports does visualizations every day. They imagine themselves hitting the winning shot or making the perfect pass over and over again. For the first 33 days, all you have to do is imagine or visualize yourself on your walk, with a big smile on your face. Really make this picture vivid in your mind. Imagine yourself saying hi to 3 people and them smiling and saying hi back. Maybe ask one of them for the time. Finally, imagine yourself smiling and walking up to a girl you see on your walk, introducing yourself, asking her name and maybe making small talk with her. Then imagine yourself saying Hey thanks, it was nice meeting you and imagine her saying It was nice to meet you too and thats all you have to do. Do this each morning when you wake up and make it as vivid, positive and real in your mind as possible. It should take about 2 minutes. AFTER the 33 days are up, you can use this visualization technique to become better at anything you want. You just have to imagine yourself being good at whatever it is you want to become better at.

Step 2) Your 30 Minute Daily Walk

Whatever you do, try to take your 30 minute daily walk every day for 33 days! If you have to break it up into two 15 minute walks thats ok. If youd www.destroyapproachanxiety.com 10 2009 Smarter Living Media

like to take a walk that lasts longer than 30 minutes, thats ok too. You can go for a walk indoors or outdoors, just make sure you walk in an area with a lot of other people. Indoor or outdoor malls are great, so are parks, town squares or centers, beaches, boardwalks, campus quads or downtowns.

Step 3) SWW: Smile While Walking!

I really want you to always have a big, shit eating grin on your face. If you dont like to smile (I dont), try to force yourself to smile. Even if it feels weird. A couple funny things happen when you smile. First, smiling changes your energy and your mood. Its almost impossible to smile and think or feel a bad or mean thought at the same time! Go ahead, try it right now. Ill wait. Put a big smile on your face and try to think nasty or mean thoughts and really mean it. You cant do it, can you? Now put a huge frown or scowl on your face and try to think those mean, nasty thoughts. Its much easier, isnt it? At the same time, its going to be hard to think any happy, positive thoughts when youre frowning. This crazy phenomenon affects how you feel and, more importantly, how people feel towards you before you even meet them! Always smile! The second thing that happens when you smile is that any normal girl will feel as though she has to return your smile. So before you even say a word to her, she is already smiling back at you because you are smiling at her. You remember the neat trick above about what happens to yourself when you smile, right? Well, because she is now smiling, the same thing will happen to her and therefore anything you say to her is going to be much more acceptable than if she wasnt smiling. This makes her, almost automatically and uncontrollably, give you a good response! So make sure to smile early and often.



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Step 4) Say Hi to at Least Three People

Saying hi to three people is going to warm you up and get you used to opening strangers. At the beginning of your walk every day, before you do anything else, say hi to at least three people you do not know. Nothing special here. Just look three people in the eye, smile, and say hi while you are walking. Thats it. You dont even have to stop walking. You dont need them to answer or even acknowledge you. I just want to get you used to saying hi to strangers and subconsciously realizing that it aint no thing.

Step 5) Meet a Girl

This is the fun part. For some of you it may be the hard part, but after a few days, youll see that it is really no big deal. After youve said hi to at least 3 people on your walk, stop and introduce yourself to a girl. Realize that youre not trying to get anything from her, you dont want her number. Just say hi, introduce yourself, ask her name, make small talk or compliment her then say goodbye. Thats it. If this is still a major issue for you, find the ugliest girl you can and introduce yourself. She doesnt have to be hot. She doesnt even have to be your age at first. Going up to an ugly, older woman is easy for most guys. Heres what an average interaction will look like: You: See a girl. Smile. Say Excuse meHiIm Hunter, whats your name? Her: Hi Hunter, Im Amanda. You: Amanda, nice to meet you. Hey, do you know a good place to eat around here? Her: Sure, Chucks Palace of Corn Dogs, its right around the corner. You: Ok, thanks Amanda! It was nice meeting you>>>>>>>>Leave.

Thats it! Thats all you have to do. Now of course you could stay and talk if you wanted to, but you dont have to. Most guys when they start out say thanks and leave pretty quickly, but after about 10 or so days of doing this, youll probably want to stay and talk. You could also ask other questions like: Where are you from? www.destroyapproachanxiety.com


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Do you have the time? Do you know where a cool clothing store for guys is? Have you by any chance seen the new ____ movie this month? Take me to your leader.

Just kidding about that last one. Complimenting her on some unique piece of clothing shes wearing or something unique about her (like her smile) is also acceptable. You: (smiling) Excuse meHiIm Hunter. Whats your name? Her: Hi Hunter, Im Julie. You: Hey Julie, I just wanted to say youve got a great smile. Her: Oh, why thank you Hunter. You: No problem, Julie. It was nice meeting you. See you later.

The point of all this is not to pick her up, but just to get your brain used to the fact that nothing bad happens when you talk to strange girls. After you introduce yourself and ask her name and a simple question, you can go. Pretty soon youll feel comfortable talking and having a normal conversation with any girl. After 33 days of positive interactions, your brain will rewire itself and youll now have a new model of the World. A model that says approaching strange women isnt scary at all. Your AA should be reduced by at least 90%. Oh, and feel free to introduce yourself to more than one girl on your walks if you want. You dont have to, but it will speed up the process if you do

Step 6) Keep Track of Your Results

Being able to see the progress you are making in real time is a huge motivator. Youll feel the need to do better, increase your performance and beat your best times if you keep track of your progress. Just print out the results table that Ive included for you at the end of this chapter and write down your results every day. Give yourself a star for going on a walk, a star for each person you say hi to and a star for each girl you www.destroyapproachanxiety.com 13 2009 Smarter Living Media

meet. You dont have to, but I find it fun to try to beat all my previous best scores. Seeing your results add up over time lets you know that the system is working and gives you a subconscious boost to complete the system in 33 days. You can use my results table to track your progress or you can use the special Simpleology 101 Time Management and Habit Forming Software I told you about earlier. I would suggest printing out my sheet and using it and at the same time, taking the Simpleology 101 course and learning how to use their free software. Doing this will take less than 15 minutes per day and you will learn pickup in 75% less time than it normally takes to learn. To sign up for the Simpleology 101 course and get the software, set up your free account at www.destroyapproachanxiety.com/Simpleologyy.html

Step 7) Secret Night Visualization

For the first 33 days, your night visualization is going to be the exact same as what you do in your morning visualization. Just take two minutes and visualize going on your walk the next day. Try to do this every night just before you go to bed. If you have to, write down what your perfect walk would look like in great detail on a piece of paper and just read and visualize it a couple times to yourself each morning and night. Again, after you complete this 33 day system, you can use these visualization techniques to get insanely better at any part of pickup you want. This is exactly what superstar pro athletes do.



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Chapter 5: Approach Anxiety Extra Credit

This is the extra credit section. Its not required, but if you have very severe approach anxiety these three tactics will help you out immensely. Ill also give you a tactic that you should try to do all the time after you complete the 33 day system.

Tactics to Do if You Have SEVERE Approach Anxiety

Take out the phone book and pick out 10 random numbers in your area. Dial *67 if you want (dialing this before you call blocks caller ID). Choose a number, dial it. When someone answers just say Hi, is Mary there? When the person you called says no, you have the wrong number, IMMEDIATELY say something like I see, wellJust let me quickly ask you this question because Im out of ideasCould you recommend a good restaurant around here? Be nice and polite the entire time and SMILE while youre asking the question. The object is to get a complete stranger to suggest a good restaurant to you. This will increase your social skills and decrease your fear of talking to strangers. Of course, it doesnt have to be a restaurant. You could ask your phone friend to suggest a movie or vacation destination or whatever. Once you feel comfortable enough doing this, then move on to the next tactic.


Before you start saying hi to people on your walks, just practice making eye contact with girls as you pass them by. Heres all you have to do. As you www.destroyapproachanxiety.com 17 2009 Smarter Living Media

are walking (make sure you are smiling), make eye contact with a girl who is approaching you and hold it. DO NOT look away until she does. Do this every day on your walks until you get to a point where you can at least say hi. Some of you may have to do this exercise for a few days before you go up and introduce yourself to a girl. Make sure you smile when you do this otherwise youll look like a serial killer. I kind of like to squint my eyes and smile at the same time when I do it.


You dont have to introduce yourself, you dont even have to stop and say hi. All you have to do is give a sincere compliment. Look for something unique about the person and compliment her on it as you are walking by. An article of clothing, a piece of jewelry, the way move, their accent, the color of their hair, the book they are reading. Whatever. Make it a specific compliment like I love that bracelet youre wearing and NOT like You are very pretty. If youre still freaked out by doing this to strangers, start off by complimenting girls you already know. Dont expect her to say anything back, just smile, say it and move on. Complimenting a girl while you are walking past her will force you to think on your feet and come up with something to compliment her on quickly. It will also slowly let you realize that talking to a girl really is no big deal and youll be able to escape if she trys to eat you

Tactics for AFTER You Complete the 33 Day Mission


This is a very simple rule that will ensure that you are continually developing your social skills and preventing approach anxiety from ever www.destroyapproachanxiety.com 18 2009 Smarter Living Media

coming back again. The Arms Length rule is simple. Reach out both of your arms like youre a bird and take a mental image of how far out your arms reach. Any time anyone EVER comes within an arms length of you, you MUST say smile and say hi. Id prefer if you commented on something or made a bit of small talk, but you must at least say hi. Do this constantly, never stop and your social skills will become almost unhuman eventually.

AFTER You Complete the 33 Day Mission & Extra Credit

Now that youve completed your 33 day approach anxiety mission, your AA should be 80-90% less than it originally was. A small percentage of you, less than five percent actually, will need to do the walking exercise for another week or two. So go back and do another week or two of the walking exercise now if you feel you have to. If you feel you dont have to then congratulations for passing the destroy approach anxiety course! But were not quite finished yet. Ive been doing pickup for over five years and every once in a while, when Im out at night, I sometimes get AA! It doesnt happen that often, but approach anxiety will come back every once in a while if, especially if you stop approaching regularly, if you dont follow the Arms Length rule or if you just get into your old habit of not being social. So Im going to finish off this training by giving you the Advanced Secrets to Destroying Approach Anxiety. These secrets are exactly what all the top PUAs (Pick Up Artists) use infield when they get AA from time to time. Just one warning before we move on. If you HAVENT completed your 33 day walking mission yet, dont read any further. I suggest you go back, do the 33 day mission and then come back here. The 33 day mission is key. Its like www.destroyapproachanxiety.com 19 2009 Smarter Living Media

learning to walk before you run. You NEED to learn the fundamentals. So go back and do it now!

Chapter 6: Top PUA Secrets for DESTROYING Approach Anxiety

Just in case you dont know, PUA stands for pick up artist. The following are their secrets for destroying approach anxiety. Every PUA has already gone through the 33 day walking mission or at least the equivalent of it. So remember, youve got to put in your 33 days before you start using these techniques. You need to learn the fundamentals. Go back and do that now if you havent done it yet. That being said, here are the seven secrets.


Youve got to be in the right mood to approach. State is just another term for mood. So before you go out, you should always get into state. Basically pump yourself up. This is a simple thing to do. Every night before I go out, I usually put on my favorite music, go over some of my opening lines or attraction routines in front of a mirror and even do about 30 push ups. On the way to the bar or club, I say hi to every person I see. When I get to where Im going, I will just compliment two or three girls before I do any approaches. Doing all this will get you into the right state of mind which will make approaching girls the easiest.


Some guys have a 3 second rule, some guys have a 1 second rule, some guys have an if shes hot or not rule, it really doesnt matter. All this means is that you have to approach any girl you like within 3 seconds of www.destroyapproachanxiety.com 20 2009 Smarter Living Media

seeing her. We do this because if you see a girl that you think is hot and approach her right away, your mind doesnt have time to make up excuses not to approach her or get you scared. The key to making this work is to turn it into a habit and always do it. Go out for the next 30 days and follow this rule.


We all get the same type of negative thoughts. Shes too hot for me, What happens if she says no?, Im too short, Im too old for her, Im scared. Lets face it; listening to this nonsense in our head has made all of us not approach at one time or another. These are called Limiting Beliefs. So whenever one of these limiting beliefs or negative thoughts pops into our heads, we have to turn it into a positive thought or belief. So if the thought Im too ugly for her pops into your head, drown out that thought with positive thoughts. Imagine how good it will be kissing her. Focus on the positives and forget about the negatives. Focus on why you should approach instead of why you shouldnt. Another way to do this is when you first feel AA coming on and your pulse starts racing and thoughts start popping into your head, just accept it! Tell yourself, Ok, I have approach anxiety and I dont care!. I actually say to myself HahahahaI have approach anxietyand you know whatI dont effin carenothing bad is going to happen because of thisnow get your ass moving and approach her. Then I immediately approach the girl. Combine this type of thinking with the 3 second rule and you will turn into an approach machine. Another type of reframe or refocus is just telling yourself before you start your approach that talking to the girl is either going to be hella fun or really dumb. Your only goal is to find out if shes fun or dumb. So instead of you going up to her and waiting for her to either accept or reject you, you flip the tables. YOU are approaching her to find out if she is acceptable to you, if she is fun or dumb. If shes fun, stay. If shes dumb leave!



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Just knowing what you are going to say in advance to a girl will decrease AA by at least 35%. So come up with what youre going to say to girls in advance and practice it in front of a mirror until you have it down. When you approach a girl in a club or bar, you need to be doing most of the talking for the first 3-5 minutes of the conversation (this is sometimes referred to as the attraction phase). Soooooo, create an opener. The opening line I use the most is simply Hey there, you girls look fun, I had to come say hi. After saying that, I do most of the talking for the next 3 to 5 minutes. If you dont know what an attraction routine is or you dont know what to talk about for 3 to 5 minutes, you can find out at www.fiveminuteattraction.com Basically, during those first 3 to 5 minutes, you want to playfully tease her, tell an attractive or funny story and basically do anything that will give her a stream of good emotions.


When you find yourself feeling AA coming on, quickly look around the room for any non-living object and just stare at it for 30 seconds to 1 minute. As youre staring at the object, think about its color, think about its shape, how much it costs, how much it might weight, whatever. Then pick another object close to it and do the same thing. This whole process should take about a minute. IMMEDIATELY after you do this, turn around and approach the girl! Focusing on the objects will take your mind completely out of its approach anxiety. Even better, try staring and thinking about an object WHILE you are approaching the girl. Your mind wont be able to get AA because youll be busy thinking about the object.


The moment you feel AA, do four repetitions of 4-7-8 deep breathing. 4-7-8 deep breathing is simply taking a deep breath for four seconds, holding www.destroyapproachanxiety.com 22 2009 Smarter Living Media

that breath for seven seconds and blowing that breath out for eight seconds. Just do this sequence four times in a row and it should calm your nerves down, loosen you up, clear your mind and really invigorate you.


This is actually a very fun game to play. For your first approach of the night, deliberately try to get blown out. Deliberately try to make the girls ask you to nicely leave them alone. Wear a stupid hat on your head; make animal noises as you talk to them. Dont be completely insulting, be playfully insulting. Do whatever you can to get them to tell you to go away. The neat thing is that once you get rejected or blown out, you realize that its really not that bad and all of the sudden you become super powerful and you approach anxiety will hover around ZERO for the rest of the night.


So thats it, gentlemen. You now have all the information youll EVER need to absolutely destroy approach anxiety. Whatever you do, make sure you do the 33 day exercise/mission. Once you complete that, walking up and talking to random girls will be no problem. Use the PUA Secret tactics anytime AA ever pops back up. As long as you consistently follow the Arm Length rule, approach girls or just be social, AA should never be that much of a problem again.



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So go out and congratulate yourself. Youve just conquered the HARDEST part of pickup. Becoming a master pick up artist is all downhill from here. Please email hunter@destroyapproachanxiety.com if you have any other questions and make sure to check out my other products, you can try them all for a buck.

PSThe fastest way and my secret method for becoming really good at pickup, really fast is by using Simpleology. Simpleology is a time management and productivity method based on secret methods used in the U.S. Military. By learning Simpleology, youll be able to get 3 times the amount of things done in one day. It will speed up your pick up learning process by light years. Simpleology consists of a 30 day Simpleology 101 course and a very cool piece of time management software. I highly suggest you take the Simpleology 101 course and use the Simpleology time management software to accelerate your learn process and basically improve your life in ALL areas. As one of your bonuses, Ive set up a special deal for you with the Simpleology team. You can take the 101 course and use their software without ever paying a dime. Go set up your account and start taking the class now at www.destroyapproachanxiety.com/Simpleologyy.html

-Hunter Riley



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