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/* * evalgraph.

c - Evaluation graph back-end part * * Author: Alessandro Scotti (Dec 2005) * * Copyright 2005 Alessandro Scotti * * Enhancments Copyright 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * -----------------------------------------------------------------------* * GNU XBoard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * GNU XBoard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. * * *-----------------------------------------------------------------------** See the file ChangeLog for a revision history. */ // code refactored by HGM to obtain front-end / back-end separation #include "config.h" #include <stdio.h> #if STDC_HEADERS # include <stdlib.h> # include <string.h> #else /* not STDC_HEADERS */ # if HAVE_STRING_H # include <string.h> # else /* not HAVE_STRING_H */ # include <strings.h> # endif /* not HAVE_STRING_H */ #endif /* not STDC_HEADERS */ #include #include #include #include "common.h" "frontend.h" "backend.h" "evalgraph.h"

/* Module globals */ ChessProgramStats_Move * currPvInfo; int currFirst = 0; int currLast = 0; int currCurrent = -1; int range = 1; int nWidthPB = 0; int nHeightPB = 0; int MarginX = 18;

int MarginW = 4; int MarginH = 4; // back-end static void DrawLine (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int penType) { DrawSegment( x1, y1, NULL, NULL, PEN_NONE ); DrawSegment( x2, y2, NULL, NULL, penType ); } // back-end static void DrawLineEx (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int penType) { int savX, savY; DrawSegment( x1, y1, &savX, &savY, PEN_NONE ); DrawSegment( x2, y2, NULL, NULL, penType ); DrawSegment( savX, savY, NULL, NULL, PEN_NONE ); } // back-end static int GetPvScore (int index) { int score = currPvInfo[ index ].score; if( index & 1 ) score = -score; /* Flip score for black */ return score; } char * MakeEvalTitle (char *title) { int score, depth; static char buf[MSG_SIZ]; if( currCurrent <0 ) return title; // currCurrent = -1 crashed WB on start w ithout ini file! score = currPvInfo[ currCurrent ].score; depth = currPvInfo[ currCurrent ].depth; if( depth <=0 ) return title; if( currCurrent & 1 ) score = -score; /* Flip score for black */ snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "%s {%d: %s%.2f/%-2d %d}", title, currCurrent/2+1, score>0 ? "+" : " ", score/100., depth, (currPvI nfo[currCurrent].time+50)/100); return buf; } // back-end /* For a centipawn value, this function returns the height of the corresponding histogram, centered on the reference axis. Note: height can be negative! */ static int

GetValueY (int value) { if( value < -range*700 ) value = -range*700; if( value > +range*700 ) value = +range*700; if(value > 100*range) value += (appData.zoom - 1)*100*range; else if(value < -100*range) value -= (appData.zoom - 1)*100*range; else value *= appData.zoom; return (nHeightPB / 2) - (int)(value * (nHeightPB - 2*MarginH) / ((1200. + 2 00.*appData.zoom)*range)); } // the brush selection is made part of the DrawLine, by passing a style argument // the wrapper for doing the text output makes this back-end static void DrawAxisSegmentHoriz (int value, Boolean drawValue) { int y = GetValueY( range*value*100 ); if( drawValue ) { char buf[MSG_SIZ], *b = buf; if( value > 0 ) *b++ = '+'; sprintf(b, "%d", range*value); DrawEvalText(buf, strlen(buf), y); } // [HGM] counts on DrawEvalText to have select transparent background for do tted line! DrawLine( MarginX, y, MarginX + MarginW, y, PEN_BLACK ); // Y-axis tick mark s DrawLine( MarginX + MarginW, y, nWidthPB - MarginW, y, PEN_DOTTED ); // hor grid } // The DrawLines again must select their own brush. // the initial brush selection is useless? BkMode needed for dotted line and tex t static void DrawAxis () { int cy = nHeightPB / 2, space = nHeightPB/(6 + appData.zoom); DrawAxisSegmentHoriz( DrawAxisSegmentHoriz( DrawAxisSegmentHoriz( DrawAxisSegmentHoriz( DrawAxisSegmentHoriz( DrawAxisSegmentHoriz( DrawAxisSegmentHoriz( xis DrawLine( MarginX + MarginW, MarginH, MarginX + MarginW, nHeightPB - MarginH , PEN_BLACK ); // y-axis } // back-end static void DrawHistogram (int x, int y, int width, int value, int side) { +5, +3, +1, 0, -1, -3, -5, TRUE ); space >= space >= TRUE ); space >= space >= TRUE ); 20 ); 20 && space*appData.zoom >= 40 ); 20 && space*appData.zoom >= 40 ); 20 );

DrawLine( MarginX + MarginW, cy, nWidthPB - MarginW, cy, PEN_BLACK ); // x-a

int left, top, right, bottom; if( value > -appData.evalThreshold*range && value < +appData.evalThreshold*r ange ) return; left = x; right = left + width + 1; if( value > 0 ) { top = GetValueY( value ); bottom = y+1; } else { top = y; bottom = GetValueY( value ) + 1; } if( width == MIN_HIST_WIDTH ) { right--; DrawRectangle( left, top, right, bottom, side, FILLED ); } else { DrawRectangle( left, top, right, bottom, side, OPEN ); } } // back-end static void DrawSeparator (int index, int x) { if( index > 0 ) { if( index == currCurrent ) { DrawLineEx( x, MarginH, x, nHeightPB - MarginH, PEN_BLUEDOTTED ); } else if( (index % 20) == 0 ) { DrawLineEx( x, MarginH, x, nHeightPB - MarginH, PEN_DOTTED ); } } } // made back-end by replacing MoveToEx and LineTo by DrawSegment /* Actually draw histogram as a diagram, cause there's too much data */ static void DrawHistogramAsDiagram (int cy, int paint_width, int hist_count) { double step; int i; /* Rescale hist_count hist_count hist_count the graph every few moves (as opposed to every move) */ -= hist_count % 8; += 8; /= 2;

step = (double) paint_width / (hist_count + 1); for( i=0; i<2; i++ ) { int index = currFirst; int side = (currCurrent + i + 1) & 1; /* Draw current side last */ double x = MarginX + MarginW;

if( (index & 1) != side ) { x += step / 2; index++; } DrawSegment( (int) x, cy, NULL, NULL, PEN_NONE ); index += 2; while( index < currLast ) { x += step; DrawSeparator( index, (int) x ); /* Extend line up to current point */ if( currPvInfo[index].depth > 0 ) { DrawSegment((int) x, GetValueY( GetPvScore(index) ), NULL, NULL, PEN_BOLD + side ); } index += 2; } } } // back-end, delete pen selection static void DrawHistogramFull (int cy, int hist_width, int hist_count) { int i; // SelectObject( hdcPB, GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN) ); for( i=0; i<hist_count; i++ ) { int index = currFirst + i; int x = MarginX + MarginW + index * hist_width; /* Draw a separator every 10 moves */ DrawSeparator( index, x ); /* Draw histogram */ if( currPvInfo[i].depth > 0 ) { DrawHistogram( x, cy, hist_width, GetPvScore(index), index & 1 ); } } } typedef struct { int cy; int hist_width; int hist_count; int paint_width; } VisualizationData; // back-end static Boolean InitVisualization (VisualizationData *vd) { Boolean result = FALSE;

vd->cy = nHeightPB / 2; vd->hist_width = MIN_HIST_WIDTH; vd->hist_count = currLast - currFirst; vd->paint_width = nWidthPB - MarginX - 2*MarginW; if( vd->hist_count > 0 ) { result = TRUE; /* Compute width */ vd->hist_width = vd->paint_width / vd->hist_count; if( vd->hist_width > MAX_HIST_WIDTH ) vd->hist_width = MAX_HIST_WIDTH; vd->hist_width -= vd->hist_width % 2; } return result; } // back-end static void DrawHistograms () { VisualizationData vd; if( InitVisualization( &vd ) ) { if( vd.hist_width < MIN_HIST_WIDTH ) { DrawHistogramAsDiagram( vd.cy, vd.paint_width, vd.hist_count ); } else { DrawHistogramFull( vd.cy, vd.hist_width, vd.hist_count ); } } } // back-end int GetMoveIndexFromPoint (int x, int y) { int result = -1; int start_x = MarginX + MarginW; VisualizationData vd; if( x >= start_x && InitVisualization( &vd ) ) { /* Almost an hack here... we duplicate some of the paint logic */ if( vd.hist_width < MIN_HIST_WIDTH ) { double step; vd.hist_count -= vd.hist_count % 8; vd.hist_count += 8; vd.hist_count /= 2; step = (double) vd.paint_width / (vd.hist_count + 1); step /= 2; result = (int) (0.5 + (double) (x - start_x) / step); } else { result = (x - start_x) / vd.hist_width;

} } if( result >= currLast ) { result = -1; } return result; } // init and display part split of so they can be moved to front end void PaintEvalGraph (void) { VariantClass v = gameInfo.variant; range = (gameInfo.holdingsWidth && v != VariantSuper && v != VariantGreat && v != VariantSChess) ? 2 : 1; // [HGM] double range in drop games /* Draw */ DrawRectangle(0, 0, nWidthPB, nHeightPB, 2, FILLED); DrawAxis(); DrawHistograms(); }

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