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Stylistic devices and expressive means [stalstk dvasz nd kspresv minz+

(epithet *epet+) - , :
silvery laugh
a thrilling tale /
a sharp smile
, .
a wooden table ( ) - , ,
a penetrating look ( ) - .
(simile *smli]) - -
The boy seems to be as clever as his mother. , , , .
(irony *arni]) - , c
. ,
She turned with the sweet smile of an alligator. .
, .
How clever you are! ! ( - .)
(hyperbole *hap(r)bli]) - ,
I have told you it a thousand times. .
/ (litotes *lattiz+/understatement *nd(r)stetmnt]) -
. .
a cat-sized horse .
Her face isn't a bad one. ( "" "").
// (periphrasis *prfrss]) -
, , .
The big man upstairs hears your prayers. ( "
" ).
(euphemism *jufmzm]) - ,
toilet lavatory/loo
(oxymoron *ksimrn]) - ,
. The suffering was sweet! !

(zeugma *zjum+) -
She lost her bag and mind. .
(metaphor *metf(r)+) -
floods of tears
a storm of indignation
a shadow of a smile
pancake/ball the sun /
(metonymy *metnmi]) - ; .
: . ,
. .
The hall applauded. ( "" , ,
The bucket has spilled. ( , ).
(synecdoche *snekdki]) - ;
The buyer chooses the qualitative products. ( ""
(antonomasia *antnmez]) - .
The Iron Lady
Mr. All-Know
(inversion *nv(r)()n]) - .
Rude am I in my speech. .
(repetition *rept()n]) - ,
, . .
Stop! Don't tell me! I don't want to hear this! I don't want to hear what you've come for. ! !
! , .
c (anadiplosis *ndplss]) -
I was climbing the tower and the stairs were trembling. And the stairs were trembling under my feet.
, . .

(epiphora [pf()r]) -
Strength is given to me by fate. Luck is given to me by fate. And failures are given by fate. Everything in this world is
given by fate. . . .
/ (anaphora *naf()r]) - ,
What the hammer? What the chain? , ,
In what furnace was thy brain? ?
What the anvil? What dread grasp ,
Dare its deadly terrors clasp? ?
("The Tiger" by William Blake ; )
/ (polysyndeton *pli:sndtn]) -
I will either go to the party or study up or watch TV or sleep.
/ (antithesis *ntss]/contraposition [kntrpz()n]) -
Youth is lovely, age is lonely, youth is fiery, age is frosty. , ,
, .
: - ,
antithesis *n'tss+. - , , - .
(ellipsis *lpss]) - , .
Some people go to priests; others to poetry; I to my friends. , - ,
- .
(aposiopesis *ap()spiss]) - , ;
I if only could I ... But now is not the time to tell it. , ...
( . -
" ").
(rhetoric/rhetorical questions *retrk/rtrk()l kwest()nz]) - ,
, .
, .
Have you just said something? - ? ( , ,
. , - ,
, .
/ (pun *pn]) - , .

What is the difference between a schoolmaster and an engine-driver?

(One trains the mind and the other minds the train.)
( , ).

(interjection *nt(r)dek()n]) - , , ,
., .
O! Oh! Ah! ! ! ! !
Pooh! ! ! !
Gosh! ! !
Hush! ! ! !
Fine! !
Yah! ?
Gracious Me! Gracious! !
Christ! Jesus! Jesus Christ! Good gracious! Goodness gracious! Good heavens! Oh my god!(! !
/ (cliche *klie]) - , .
Live and learn. - .
(proverbs and sayings *prv(r)bz ndsez+).
A shut mouth catches no flies. .
/ (idiom *dim] / set phrase [set frez]) - ,
. - ,
( ) .
No matter /
Cloud up

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