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Form #A-14a

Board or State Association

Address City State Zip

Decision of the Procedural Review Hearing Tribunal

Procedural review of the arbitration hearing in the matter of:

Complainant Respondent

A copy of the Award of Arbitrators is attached. The Procedural Review Tribunal met on _______________________, 20_________.

The Procedural Review Tribunal’s decision is as follows:

 Affirm the award of the arbitration Hearing Panel.

 Overturn the award of the arbitration Hearing Panel based on a substantial procedural error in the arbitration hearing process that
resulted in a denial of due process or in a determination that the appellant was otherwise deprived of due process, and

 the matter is to be referred to the Board’s Professional Standards Committee for a new hearing on the merits before a different
Hearing Panel.

 the matter is to be referred to the State Association for a new hearing on the merits before a different Hearing Panel pursuant to
Professional Standards Policy Statement #18, Local Member Board Requests for the Conduct of Ethics and Arbitration Hearing
by the State Association.

 the parties are released from their obligation to arbitrate and are free to pursue any other remedy that may be available
to them

Procedural Review Tribunal:

, Chairperson

, Member

, Member

, Member

, Member
Type/Print Signature

Dated: , 20

(Amended 11/17)

227 Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual

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