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Success Criteria



Who will lead this?


To ensure children wear comfortable and suitable clothing for PE

-Remind parents through a termly letter of their childs PE days -Reward those with correct kit with half termly certificates and yearly PE badges -Spare PE kits and shoes in a range of sizes

-All children participating in Physical Education -Motivation to remember PE kit

Introduce September 2013 Review July 2014

Budget for spare kits PE badges

PE coordinator

PE coordinator to oversee children who forget their PE kit more than once per half term Children who are repeat offenders to be tracked

To raise the profile of PE within school

-Use the celebration assembly to highlight the achievements of school sports teams -Update parents about clubs and teams through newsletters -Photographs and videos of sporting achievement to be posted on the website

-More children participating and enjoying PE -Higher attendance at after school sport clubs

Start September 2013 Review July 2015

PE coordinator to lead assemblies focussing on healthy lifestyles, determination and enjoyment of sport PE/Sport section in the newsletter More frequent updates of sport on the website

PE coordinator

PE coordinator to review numbers attending sports clubs in the academic year 20122013. Compare this with data collected at the end of 2014 and once again at the end of 2015

To improve the areas used for teaching PE.

X 4 netball posts to be concreted into the playground X 2 Basketball posts to be purchased

-Children can use netball/basketball posts during break and lunch times

Caretaker to concrete netball posts during August 2013

Cost for concrete 180 for x 2 Basketball posts on the playground

PE coordinator

Review the increase in Netball and Basketball played during break and lunch times

To improve the areas used for storing PE equipment.

To extend the Trim Trail

To extend the PE cupboard into the school kitchen OR to adapt the storage space in the hall behind the curtain OR have a separate storage unit accessible by the children next to the playground to store the outdoor equipment Wall mounted racket holders for tennis and badminton Two monitors from every class in upper school who are responsible to keep the PE cupboard tidy, balls pumped up and broken equipment reported. -To eventually extend the trim trail to include: >Crossed rope walk >Horizontal ladder (monkey bars) >Log climber >Net bridge >Net climber >Parallel rope walk

-Children and staff will take more care with the PE equipment. -Teachers will be able to find resources/equipment quickly ready for their lesson. -Less time will be spent in the long run tidying the PE cupboard by the PE coordinator. -Old equipment can be donated to the tag shed or disposed of. -Removal of unnecessary items to allow easy access into and out of the cupboard.

Summer 2013 ready for the new academic year.

New storage boxes to replace those that are broken 50 Wall mounted racket holder for tennis 38.88 Wall mounted racket holder for badminton 25.92

PE coordinator

Review how well kept the PE cupboard is over the first term Remind staff where needed that they are responsible for how the children put back the equipment Improved health and safety in the cupboard

An improved trim trail that challenges the older and more able children A larger array of apparatus so the entire class can use it at the same time In the summer term children can play on the trim trail at lunch time

Additional trim trail apparatus to be installed for September 2019.

Approximately 8000. Grants/funding required as this will not come out of the allocated PE budget

PE coordinator Fundraising committee? PTA? Governors? Local businesses?

To raise the suitable amount of money in a reasonable time scale To ensure high quality apparatus is purchased so it fulfils the OAA strand of the NC

To improve the equipment for use in PE lessons (Part funded by the Active Kids Vouchers)

An investment in outdoor athletics -Outdoor javelin (not foam) -Outdoor discus -Outdoor shot put 731.25 + jumping pit for long and triple jump New Hockey sticks and Tag Rugby balls 100 Investment in new Badminton rackets, nets and posts 119.07

Children in upper key stage 2 have the opportunity to safely participate in outdoor throwing athletics All children have the opportunity to develop their standing jumps as well as running long and triple jumps Children in upper key stage 2 have the opportunity to develop skills in tag rugby so they are confident and prepared for secondary school All children have the opportunity to participate in hockey and badminton If the residential trips do not include outdoor adventurous activities then the class teacher will be responsible for covering the syllabus during PE Children have the opportunity to participate in sports they may not have tried before.


1559.62 Active Kids Vouchers can be used to purchase part of the equipment

PE coordinator

To ensure children still cover the OAA strand of PE in the National Curriculum

Investment in new OAA equipment such as stampers, blindfolds, old tyres and ropes 100

2014 To be reviewed in 2016

100 + ask parents/staff for donations of unwanted car tyres.

PE coordinator

Introduce new sports to the curriculum

Stoolball (215.10) 2014 Stoolball bats (280 PE coordinator Ultimate Frisbee (10) Sainsburys Ultimate Dodgeball (20) vouchers) Shuffle Ball (0) Seated Volleyball (20) Staff training and Staff to complete an Training in particular areas to 2014-2015 Staff meeting time PE coordinator development audit stating their ensure staff feel confident in or Inset time to confidence levels of delivering outstanding PE deliver training Secondary School teaching different areas lessons PE specialists of PE Long Term Aspirations improved PE facilities, an increased variety of sports, higher participation in PE lessons and healthier children.

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