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Sean Griswold Period 6

Annotated Bibliography Primary Sources:

Iwo Jima Statue. N.d. iwojima.comWeb. 25 Nov 2012. <http://www.iwojima.com/statue/index.htm>. This picture showed me how important Iwo Jima was to the United States war effort. It showed a huge victory over the Japanese. It also showed a great display of patriotism.

Map of Iwo Jima. Digital image. Seacoast Marines WWII Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2012. <http://www.seacoastmarines.com/WWII.html>. This picture helped me understand the layout of the island. It helped me visualize how the Marines advanced to capture Iwo Jima. I was able to see where everything was located, including Mount Suribachi. The map even showed the front line advancement as it happened by date.

Rosenthal, Joe. Iwo Jima Flag Raising. Image. N.d. WikipediaWeb. 14 Nov 2012. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:WW2_Iwo_Jima_flag_raising.jpg>. This picture helped me understand the morale and teamwork of the American forces. It showed how important it was to capture Mount Suribachi. It also showed how the Marines always felt they could win the battle because they believe in freedom.

Secondary Sources:
Alexander, Joseph. "Battle of Iwo Jima." History Net. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2012. <http://www.historynet.com/battle-of-iwo-jima.htm/1>. This site had a lot of detailed information about the battle. I learned that the battle lasted 36 days and was the only battle where the Marines had more casualties than the Japanese. I also learned that another reason for capturing the island was so that fighter jets could take off to escort the bombers.

Barley, Whitman S. "Marines in World War II Historical Monograph." HyperWar: Iwo Jima: Amphibious Epic [USMC Historical Monograph]. HyperWar Foundation, n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2012. <http://ibiblio.org/hyperwar/USMC/USMC-M-IwoJima/index.html>. This website gave a lot of information on what happened during the battle, such as the fact that the first emergency bomber landing was on March 4th, 1945. I also learned that we captured Iwo Jima to provide air escort for bomber missions in the Pacific Ocean and to Japans mainland. The website also explained the events as they happened day by day.

Bradley, James, and Ron Powers. Flags of Our Fathers. New York: Bantam, 2006. Print. This book gave some details about the battle, but was very specific to the flag raising on Mount Suribachi. Some details included that the island was declared secure while the Marines were still fighting. I also learned that it was important because Iwo Jima was right in the path of bombers flying to Japan, and the Japanese used the island to attack the bombers.

Frank, Richard B. Downfall: The End of the Imperial Japanese Empire. New York [etc.: Penguin, 1999. Print. This book gave some details such as he fact that there were 22,099 U.S. casualties in the first 5 weeks of the battle. This was almost the total amount of Japanese that were stationed on the island. I also learned that Iwo Jima is almost directly between Saipan and Tokyo.

Iwo Jima. PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2012. <http://video.pbs.org/video/2260094830/>. This video helped me feel the emotions that the battle inflicted on the United States. It also provided great details, such as how tanks were used in the battle to escort the marines forward on the front lines. There was also information on how the Japanese had built their underground bunkers and camouflaged the ones above ground.

Hagen, Jerome T. War in the Pacific. Vol. 2. Honolulu: Hawaii Pacific University, 2007. Print. This book is the best source that I found because it taught me new things about the battle that no other sources did. This includes information such as bombs were dropped on the island months before the actual battle and bomb raids began. These bombs wiped out many Japanese structures and shelters and killed many Japanese, but it gave them the chance to fortify the island with underground tunnels and structures that made it more difficult to attack. If we had attacked the island right after these bombs were dropped, the battle would have been easier for the Marines.

Harney, Will. "Battle of Iwo Jima." World War 2 Facts. World War 2 Facts, 23 July 2011. Web. 19 Oct. 2012. <http://www.worldwar2facts.org/battle-of-iwo-jima.html>. This source was very broad and explained the entire operation. It helped me understand the size and scale of the battle. It gave me great specifics about how the battle went such as the initial air raids began in June, 1944. Also, I learned that there were 10 days of naval bombardment requested before the Marines were to land on the island, but only three were given, and the Generals would not change the D-day date.

McGowen, Tom. The Battle for Iwo Jima. New York: Children's, 1999. Print. I learned that the original flag that was raised on Mount Suribachi was to signal that the mountain had been captured. The original flag was actually a small flag that was carried by one of the marines. The second flag was raised later, and the flag was donated by a navy ship. A photographer took a picture of the second flag being raised and it became the most printed picture in history.

O'Brien, Cyril J. "Iwo Jima: A Remembrance." Military.com. Military.com, n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2012. <http://www.military.com/NewContent/0,13190,NI_Iwo_Jima2,00.html>. This site was very specific about personal experiences. It helped me realize how people felt at the time. I also learned many specifics about the Marines that were deployed which were the 3rd, 4th and 5th amphibious corps divisions of the Marines.

"Operation Detachment: The Battle for Iwo Jima February - March 1945." HistoryOfWar.Org. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2012. <http://www.historyofwar.org/articles/battles_iwojima.html>. This site gave so many details about the entire operation, such as the strategies involved. For example, I learned that the island was declared secure on March 14, 1945, but the final fight was on March 26, 1945. I also learned that by late morning on D-Day, before the Japanese surprise attack, we had 6,000 troops on shore.

Smith, Nicole. "The Battle of Iwo Jima." Article Myriad. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2012. <http://www.articlemyriad.com/battle-iwo-jima/>. This site provided a lot of information about the geography of the island. I learned it was approximately 8 square miles and was very barren. I also learned that overall the Americans had over 70,000 troops on the island during the battle.

Stokesbury, James L. "World War II." World Book. Vol. 21. Chicago: World Book, 2009. 493. Print. This source was not very specific about the battle. It gave some general information such as there were about 21,000 Japanese on the island. It also stated that there were 2,250 emergency bomber landings on Iwo Jimas air fields after we captured the island.

The Battle for Iwo Jima Timeline. Chart. The Battle for Iwo Jima. By Tom McGowen. New York: Childrens Press, 1999. Print. This timeline helped me visualize how the battle happened. It also gave me a different perspective on the order of events since everything was listed by date. I learned that the battle ended only two months before the end of World War II.

The Battle of Iwo Jima in 1945. N.d. Video. WatchKnowLearn.orgWeb. 5 Nov 2012. <http://watchknowlearn.org/Video.aspx?VideoID=43543&CategoryID=1865>. The Battle of Iwo Jima in 1945 was a very broad overview of the major events. This video was helpful in explaining the events that led up to Iwo Jima. This includes information on the bomb raids conducted before the Marines landed. U.S. forces thought most of the Japanese on the island were killed in the bomb raids which wasnt true. It also gave me a good indication of what was happening in other parts of the world at the time.

"The Battle: The Land Battle." Iwo Jima RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. <http://www.iwojima.com/battle/battlec.htm>. This website gave some interesting facts about the battle. I learned that the Japanese were well prepared for the invasion. Also, flame throwers and grenades were more effective against the Japanese then guns since most of the Marines didnt even see the Japanese they were fighting because they were underground. Flame throwers and grenades could kill enemies you dont see.

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