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forma longa

forma contrada

exemplos There is a man in the car.


H um homem no carro. H uma mosca na sua sopa. H uma loja nova aqui.

there is theres h, existe

Theres a fly in your soup. There is a new store here. There are 40 students in my class.

H 40 alunos na minha classe. H dois ces na casa. H 10 pessoas na famlia.

there are h, existe

There are two dogs in the house. There are 10 people in the family.

Veja que em portugus falamos na conversa de todo dia Tem um homem no carro ou Tem 40 alunos na minha classe ao invs de usar h. No ingls, no se usa o verbo have (ter) para isso.

There is a man in the car. e no Has a man in the car. There are 40 students in my class. e no Have 40 students in my class.

Veja como fica a negativa de there is e there are: negativa negativa (forma contrada) Theres not negativa (forma contrada) There isnt There arent

afirmativa There is There are

(forma longa) There is not There are not

Alguns exemplos: afirmativa There is a man in the car. negativa There is not

a man in the car. [No h um homem no carro.] Theres a fly in your soup. Theres not a fly in your soup. [No h uma mosca na sua sopa.] There is a new store here. There isnt a new store here. [No h uma loja nova aqui.] There are 40 students in my class. There are not 40 students in my class. [No h 40 alunos na minha classe.] There are two dogs in the house There arent two dogs in the house. [No h dois cachorros na casa.] There are 10 people in the family. There arent 10 people in the family. [No h 10 pessoas na famlia.]

Usa-se there isnt any ou there arent any para se dizer no h nenhum. Veja os exemplos:

There isnt any milk in the refrigerator [No h (nenhum) leite na geladeira] There arent any apples in the basket [No h nenhuma ma no cesto]

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