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Archives of the Thi lp trinh tru+.

c tuye^n PTIT
main problemset

Thch code nhu+ng dt

Last updated: 2013-01-18 11:12:42

This electronic material contains a set of algorithmic problems, forming the archives of the Thi lp trinh tru+.c tuye^n PTIT (http://www.spoj.com/ACMPTIT/), main problemset. The document can be accessed at the following URLs: in PostScript format: http://www.spoj.com/ACMPTIT/problems/main.ps in Portable Document Format: http://www.spoj.com/ACMPTIT/problems/main.pdf These resources are constantly updated to synchronise with the ever-changing hypertext version of the problems, and to include newly added problems. If you have obtained this document from another source, it is strongly recommended that you should download the current version from one of the aforementioned URLs.

Enjoy problem-solving at the Thi lp trinh tru+.c tuye^n PTIT!

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Table of Contents
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Problem REPSTR (13217. Replacing Digits) Problem FINDCOW (13239. Find the Cow!) Problem STRBALAN (13240. Chui cn bng) Problem GOODFRIE (13265. Good friends) Problem REMOVBIT (13266. Xa bit) Problem SUMSQR1 (13313. Tng binh phu+o+ng) Problem PRISUSTR (13379. Prime Substring) Problem YOUNGCLA (13380. Birthdates) Problem NUMPOLY (13400. Giao ie^?m trong a gic)

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SPOJ Problem Set (main)

13217. Replacing Digits

Problem code: REPSTR
Cho s nguyen du+o+ng a c N chu+~ s va s day s c M chu+~ s. Chu+~ s o+? vi. tr j (1<=j<=M) cu?a day s c the^? cho.n bt ki vi. tr i (1<=i<=N) trong s a va thay the^ bng s j . Mi chu+~ s cu?a day s chi? u+o+.c thay the^ khng qu mt ln. Nhie^.m vu. cu?a ba.n la hay tim cch thay sao cho s a a.t gi tri. lo+n nht. Ba.n c the^? khng cn su+? du.ng tt ca? cc chu+~ s trong s.

Dong u chu+a s nguyen du+o+ng a c dai N (khng bt u bng chu+~ s 0). Dong 2 chu+a day s c dai M (1<=N,M<=10 5 )

S a lo+n nht c the^? thay the^ u+o+.c.

Input: 1024 010 Output: 1124 Input: 987 1234567 Output: 987

Added by: Thch code nhu+ng dt Date: 2013-01-10 Time limit: 1s Source limit:50000B Cluster: Cube (Intel Pentium G860 3GHz) Languages: C++ 4.3.2 C++ 4.0.0-8 JAVA

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SPOJ Problem Set (main)

13239. Find the Cow!

Problem code: FINDCOW
C bo Bessie a trn thot va ang trn o+? mt i ni vo+i nhu+~ng ng co? cao. Nng dn John (FJ), ngu+o+i ang mun tim kie^m Bessie, a quye^t i.nh bo tren ng co? bng tay va du gi e^? tim ra du ve^t cu?a Bessie. Khng may thay, ng ta c vn e^ vo+i vie^.c tim kie^m Bessie tu+ vi. tr thun lo+.i nay. Day co? o+? tru+o+c mt FJ trng nhu+ mt chui ngoc o+n c dai N (1 <= N <= 50,000); v du.: )((()())()) FJ bie^t rng Bessie chn sau cu?a Bessie ging nhu+ mt cp du mo+? ngoc o+n ((, va chn tru+o+c cu?a c ta ging nhu+ mt cp du ng ngoc o+n. Vi. tr cu?a Bessie c the^? u+o+.c die^~n ta? bo+?i mo.t cp x < y , trong (( u+o+.c tim o+? vi. tr x, va )) u+o+.c tim o+? vi. tr y. Hay e^m c bao nhieu vi. tr ma Bessie c the^? ang u+ng.

Dong 1: Mt chui ngoc o+n c dai la N (1 <= N <= 50,000).

Dong 1: S vi. tr ma Bessie c the^? u+ng - C nghia la s cp (x,y) khc nhau vo+i x < y sao cho (( u+o+.c tim thy o+? x va )) u+o+.c tim thy o+? y.

Input: )((()())()) Output: 4

C 4 vi. tr c the^? cu?a Bessie u+o+.c the^? hie^.n o+? du+o+i1. )((()())())^^ ^^2. )((()())()^^^^3. )((()())()^^ ^^4. )((()()) ())^^^^

C 4 vi. tr c the^? cu?a Bessie u+o+.c the^? hie^.n o+? du+o+i 1. )((()())()) ^^^^ 2. )((()())()) ^^^^ 3. )((()())()) ^^^^ 4. )((()())()) ^^^ ^

Added by: Thch code nhu+ng dt Date: 2013-01-11 Time limit: 1s Source limit:50000B Cluster: Cube (Intel Pentium G860 3GHz) Languages: C++ 4.3.2 C++ 4.0.0-8 JAVA

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SPOJ Problem Set (main)

13240. Chui cn bng

Problem code: STRBALAN
Bessie vu+a mo+i mua mt my tnh xch tay mo+i, nhu+ng c ta la.i khng go ban phm u+o+.c cho tt lm vi mng chn lo+n cu?a c ta so vo+i kch thu+o+c nho? cu?a ban phm. Bessie vu+a nhp vao ban phm mt day k tu+. u+a thch cu?a c ta - mt chui ngoc cn bng. Tuy nhien, c ta nhn ra rng c ta c le~ a go nhm mt k tu+. mt cch v tinh, tu+ du mo+? ngoc o+n thanh du ng ngoc o+n, hoc ngu+o+.c la.i. Hay gip Bessie e^m s vi. tr trong chui e^? ne^u ta i ngu+o+.c du o+? vi. tr thi chui ban u se~ thanh chui cn bng. C nhie^u cch e^? i.nh nghia mt chui ngoc la "cn bng." Cch de^~ nht la s lu+o+.ng du mo+? ngoc ( bng s lu+o+.ng du ng ngoc ), va vo+i bt ki chui tie^n t nao, s lu+o+.ng du mo+? ngoc o+n ( pha?i lo+n ho+n hoc bng s lu+o+.ng du ng ngoc o+n ). Trong nhu+~ng v du. sau y, nhu+~ng chui o+? ben du+o+i la chui cn bng: () (()) ()(()()) Nhu+~ng chui sau y la chui khng cn bng: )( ()) ( ((()) ))

Bessie vu+a mo+i mua mt my tnh xch tay mo+i, nhu+ng c ta la.i khng go ban phm u+o+.c cho tt lm vi mng chn lo+n cu?a c ta so vo+i kch thu+o+c nho? cu?a ban phm. Bessie vu+a nhp vao ban phm mt day k tu+. u+a thch cu?a c ta - mt chui ngoc cn bng. Tuy nhien, c ta nhn ra rng c ta c le~ a go nhm mt k tu+. mt cch v tinh, tu+ du mo+? ngoc o+n thanh du ng ngoc o+n, hoc ngu+o+.c la.i. Hay gip Bessie e^m s vi. tr trong chui e^? ne^u ta i ngu+o+.c du o+? vi. tr thi chui ban u se~ thanh chui cn bng. C nhie^u cch e^? i.nh nghia mt chui ngoc la "cn bng." Cch de^~ nht la s lu+o+.ng du mo+? ngoc ( bng s lu+o+.ng du ng ngoc ), va vo+i bt ki chui tie^n t nao, s lu+o+.ng du mo+? ngoc o+n ( pha?i lo+n ho+n hoc bng s lu+o+.ng du ng ngoc o+n ). Trong nhu+~ng v du. sau y, nhu+~ng chui o+? ben du+o+i la chui cn bng: () (())

()(()()) Nhu+~ng chui sau y la chui khng cn bng: )( ()) ( ((()) ))

Dong 1: Mt chui ngoc o+n c dai la N (1 <= N <= 100,000).

Dong 1: S vi. tr trong chui ban u ma ne^u ta i ngu+o+.c du o+? vi. tr thi chui se~ thanh chui cn bng.

Input: ()(()))) Output: 4
Ne^u ta nhin cu. the^? vao chui ban u: 12345678 ()(()))) Ne^u ta i ngu+o+.c du cu?a k tu+. thu+ 2 thi chui se~ thanh chui cn bng: 12345678 (((()))) Tu+o+ng tu+. ne^u ta i o+? vi. tr thu+ 5,6, va 7, ta e^u c ke^t qua? la chui cn bng.

Added by: Thch code nhu+ng dt Date: 2013-01-11 Time limit: 1s Source limit:50000B Cluster: Cube (Intel Pentium G860 3GHz) Languages: C++ 4.3.2 C++ 4.0.0-8 JAVA

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SPOJ Problem Set (main)

13265. Good friends

Problem code: GOODFRIE
Trong mt lo+p ho.c, c gio xe^p ha.ng N ho.c sinh theo thu+ tu+. ie^?m s tu+ cao xung thp. Hai ho.c sinh se~ la ba.n ne^u thu+ tu+. cu?a ho. la gn nhau, tu+c la khc bie^.t giu+~a thu+ tu+. khng qu K. V du.: ne^u K = 1, thi chi? c 2 ho.c sinh o+? tru+o+c va sau danh sch la ba.n cu?a 1 ho.c sinh. Them nu+~a, hai ho.c sinh go.i la ba.n tt ne^u ho. la ba.n va ten cu?a ho. c cung dai. Vie^t chu+o+ng trinh tnh s cc cp ba.n tt trong lo+p.

Dong u chu+ N (3<=N<=300 000) va K (1<= K <=N). N dong tie^p theo, mi dong chu+a ten mt ho.c sinh theo danh sch xe^p ha.ng (tu+ 2 e^n 20 chu+~ ci tie^ng Anh in hoa).

S cp ba.n tt.


Added by: Thch code nhu+ng dt Date: 2013-01-12 Time limit: 1s Source limit:50000B Cluster: Cube (Intel Pentium G860 3GHz) Languages: C++ 4.3.2 C++ 4.0.0-8 JAVA

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SPOJ Problem Set (main)

13266. Xa bit
Problem code: REMOVBIT
Cho s a vie^t o+? he^. co+ s 2. Nhie^.m vu. cu?a ba.n la pha?i xa mt chu+~ s e^? s con la.i xa khi xa la lo+n nht !!!

Mt dong chu+a s a vie^t o+? he^. nhi. phn.

S lo+n nht sau khi xa 1 chu+~ s tu+ a.

Input: 101 Output: 11

Added by: Thch code nhu+ng dt Date: 2013-01-12 Time limit: 1s Source limit:50000B Cluster: Cube (Intel Pentium G860 3GHz) Languages: C++ 4.3.2 C++ 4.0.0-8 JAVA

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SPOJ Problem Set (main)

13313. Tng binh phu+o+ng

Problem code: SUMSQR1
Cho day a gm c N phn tu+? la hon vi. cc s tu+ 1 e^n N. Tnh tng binh phu+o+ng cc s trong day A.

Gm mt s N duy nht (1<=N<=10 9 )

Tng binh phu+o+ng cc s trong day a.

Input: 2 Output: 5

Added by: Thch code nhu+ng dt Date: 2013-01-14 Time limit: 1s Source limit:50000B Cluster: Cube (Intel Pentium G860 3GHz) Languages: C++ 4.3.2 C++ 4.0.0-8 JAVA

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SPOJ Problem Set (main)

13379. Prime Substring

Problem code: PRISUSTR
Cho mt xu cc chu+~ s, nhie^.m vu. cu?a ba.n la tim s nguyen t lo+n nht (gm cc chu+~ s lien tie^p nhau) xut hie^.n trong xu. Cc s nguyen t trong oa.n 2 e^n 100 000.

Mi dong chu+a 1 xu (ti a 255 s). Ke^t thc bo+?i dong chu+a s 0 (khng cn xu+? l)

Vo+i mi xu, in ra tren 1 dong ke^t qua?

Input: 112491321150441226406011245 91321150448 1226406 0 Output: 11 1321 2

Added by: Thch code nhu+ng dt Date: 2013-01-17 Time limit: 1s Source limit:50000B Cluster: Cube (Intel Pentium G860 3GHz) Languages: C++ 4.3.2 C++ 4.0.0-8 JAVA

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SPOJ Problem Set (main)

13380. Birthdates
Problem code: YOUNGCLA
Vie^t chu+o+ng trinh tim ngu+o+i tre? nht va gia nht trong lo+p.

Dong 1 chu+a s n (1<=n<=100), s ngu+o+i trong lo+p. N dong sau, mi dong la thng tin 1 ngu+o+i c da.ng: personName dd mm yyyy Trong : personName la ten khng qu 15 chu+~ ci, dd,mm,yyyy ln lu+o+.t la ngay, thng, va nm sinh.

Dong 1: ten ngu+o+i tre? nht Dong 2: ten ngu+o+i gia nht

Input: Garfield Mickey 1 Alice 30 Tom 15 8 Jerry 18 Garfield Output: Tom Jerry 20 9 19905 10 1991 12 1990 1993 9 1990 20 9 1990

Added by: Thch code nhu+ng dt Date: 2013-01-17 Time limit: 1s Source limit:50000B Cluster: Cube (Intel Pentium G860 3GHz) Languages: C++ 4.3.2 C++ 4.0.0-8 JAVA

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SPOJ Problem Set (main)

13400. Giao ie^?m trong a gic

Problem code: NUMPOLY
Cho tru+o+c mt a gic li N ca.nh, tho?a man khng c 3 u+o+ng cho nao ng quy. Hay e^m s giao ie^?m ta.o bo+?i cc cp u+o+ng cho trong a gic. Hinh ve~ minh ho.a vo+i lu.c gic:

Chu+a 1 s nguyen N (3 <= N <=100) duy nht la s i?nh cu?a a gic.

S giao ie^?m ta.o bo+?i cc u+o+ng cho nm trong a gic.



Added by: Thch code nhu+ng dt Date: 2013-01-18 Time limit: 1s Source limit:50000B Cluster: Cube (Intel Pentium G860 3GHz) Languages: C++ 4.3.2 C++ 4.0.0-8 JAVA

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