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4/16-4/18 Aristotle Book 10: what the point of his talking about all the excellences if there is only

1? Human being political animal Mind most divine immortal part of us therefore the best part. Eudemian ethnics = ealier work; contemplation is best kind of activity; but need other kinds of pleasures How does acting according to the excellences (temperance) give you time, etc? Contradicts himself Schools of philosophy after Aristotles time = Skepticism, Epicureans, Stoicism, Skepticism = Pyrrho of Elis 360-275 ; Lameades 213-129 Arose among some of the later students of Plato Demand for reasons for your claim What reason do you have for that claim? What reason do you have to hold that reason true? Danger; when you try to find knowledge that cannot be refuted (subjective knowledge) Descartes Cratylus = nothing can be known; stopped talking about it as nothing can be known Epicureans = Epicurus 341-270; Lucrtius 99-55; Epicurus concerned about way of life; people afraid of dying; his philosophy involves against fear of death; dont worry about being death: if you are alive, you are not death; if your bodys dead you are not there. Everything is random; it just happens; there are no gods, if they are there just happened to be. The only thing that is there is the moment. Lessen pain and increase pleasure Pleasure is just a feeling: not true pleasure comes from doing something. Greeks thought if you got too much pleasure, you would get sick. Stoicism = system of life that lasted for a long time. First stoic is Zeno of Citium, 316-260 Feelings link to what you are thinking=epicureans dont believe; rivals of epicureans;

4/16-4/18 Epictetus, 50-130 AD: educated man became slave; abused; saved by friends; Marcus Aunelius, 121-180 AD; emperor dying ( in the gladiator in the beginning); Stoics: everything is set; there are rigid laws; only one thing in the world that is free the human mind; you feelings and mind is not in tune with the universe The universe is your ancestral city Kosmopolis; my hometown the universe Feeling out of place; but you are not Feelings are just ways of thinking about the world Feelings arise from distorted thought; worried about anxiety which just consists in thinking there is something harmful Most things you cant do anything about it If you love, youll fear whatever can take them away. Fear and anious involved in what you thought was a good feeling love. Thus no good feelings.

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