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K + 12

The countrys Department of Education created a nationwide buzz about a topic most Filipinos dont even know about: the K-12 curriculum. But first, what is the K-12 curriculum? According to the Official Gazette, the K-12 program is a curriculum that aims to add an additional 2 years, which will serve as Senior High School. In addition, the K-12 has its new, unique salient features: the Universal Kindergarten, Mother TongueBased Education, Contextualization and Enhancement, Senior High School, Spiral Progression, and College an Livelihood Readiness schemes. The K-12 had garnered critical acclaims and at the same time, has endured hard-hits. Truly, the topic had sparked a nationwide debate. These debates, in turn, are led by the countrys leading minds. In one side, the pros argue that the K-12 curriculum can contribute a lot in a child, both academically and technically. First, the program would enable students to acquire accreditations from the TESDA; this opens doors to the students through learning middle-level and entrepreneurial skills. Second, the new teaching schemes introduced above is designed to enable students to learn the most; this means children will learn more and can engage more in social and academic activities. On the other hand, the antis have their say. The K-12 curriculum, according to them, will just bane most Filipinos specifically, those who cant afford another 2 years. Moreover, critics argue that K-12 can possibly increase the number of dropouts per year. The two sides have their own points, their own views. And these ideas influences how we think and how we decide. Regardless, I, being a Filipino, need to side in what I believe is right and just. Even though the K-12 curriculum has flaws of its own, I personally believe that with leadership and public support, the K-12 will bring prosperous growth in the Philippine Education System.

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