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For my evaluation I want to create a questionnaire in order to get supporting feedback of the
magazine I have created from my target audience. I have created 15 questions in order to get
accurate information.
Q1. Do you think the front cover looks professional?
Yes / No
Why? ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Q2. Is the front cover over of VINYL.1 cluttered?

Yes/ No
Why? _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Q3. Does the front cover follow the genre hip-hop and RnB?
Yes / No
Why? ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Q4. Do you think the front cover has the conventions of a typical music magazine?
Yes / No

Q5. Do you agree with the colour scheme?

Strongly Agree


Not Sure


Strongly Disagree

Q6. Does the contents page have too many images?

Yes / No

Q7. Does the contents page show continuity from the front cover, how?
Q8. Does the page have too much:
(circle one, 1 being the least, 3 the most)



Q9. Is the text relevant to the contents page?

Yes /No

Q10. Are the colours on the contents page successful?

Q11. Is the article relevant these genres?
(circle one, 1 being the least, 3 the most)


Hip- Hop

Q12. Are the choices of images appropriate

NO: ______________________________________________________________________________

Q13. How could the page be improved and why?

Q14. What would you class this magazine genre as a whole?
Thank You for your feedback.

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