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Course coordinator: Cristina Abbona-Sneider (Cristina_Abbona@brown.



Prerequisite: Completion of IT300 or placement exam. Section 01: Roberto Bacci (MTWR 12-12:50) Section 03: Anna Aresi (MW 2-2:50 & TR 12-12:50) COURSE DESCRIPTION Italian 400 is the second half of the intermediate sequence. The aim of this course is to improve students ability to read textsincluding a novelin the original Italian. We will spend much of our time reading and analyzing the novel but this will be accompanied by a thorough review of advanced grammar and by useful exercises. Compositions will help students develop the ability to express themselves in correct and elegant written Italian. Our in-class conversation will aim at reinforcing students fluency in spoken Italian speed, vocabulary, and accuracy - while deepening their knowledge of contemporary Italian society. The screening of three movies over the course of the semester will provide a foundation for class discussion. TEXTS: N. Amanniti, Io non ho paura, Einaudi, 2001 Marchegiani- Italiano, Crescendo (Thomson/Heinle), Second Edition Marchegiani- Italiano, Crescendo, Workbook A good dictionary (like Websters New World Italian dictionary) -- required

COURSE REQUIREMENTS: 1) Readings accompanied by written exercises which test vocabulary and comprehension and which provide an opportunity for analysis. 2) Four compositions with rewrites. Each composition must be 1 page in length, typed in 12-point font, double-spaced with one-inch margins. The compositions, like the assignments, will be corrected only if turned in on time. The first draft of each composition will receive a percent grade and will be returned to

students for revision. The rewrite will also receive a grade and the final grade of each composition will be the average between the two grades. 3) Grammar/listening exercises which must be handed on time. 4) Four tests for which there will be no make ups. 5) One oral exam. During this interview (approximately 15 minutes) you will be asked to comment on the novel read during the semester and on selected topics covered in class. 6) Every student has to lead a class discussion on Io non ho paura. 7) A final paper (600 words). ATTENDANCE: Attendance is fundamental for all language courses and is therefore required for this course. If you cannot come to class due to illness, you must present a certificate signed by a doctor or a certified nurse. Only three unexcused absences are allowed during the semester. For each additional unexcused absence one point will be deducted from your final grade. Be punctual. Two late arrivals will be considered the equivalent of one absence. GRADES: 10% Final paper 30% Compositions 30% Tests 10% Oral exam 10% Attendance and class participation 5% Blog 5% Discussion leading GRADING SCALE: 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C Below 70 NC THE CODE OF ACADEMIC INTEGRITY The Department of Italian Studies adheres to all university policies regarding academic integrity (cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, etc). The work you submit in class is expected to be your own. If you submit work that has been copied without attribution from some published and unpublished source (including the Internet) you will face severe discipline by the university. You may not use electronic translation programs. Please, keep in mind that this is a language course, and you are evaluated on your use of Italian grammar, structure, and vocabulary. You may not have a native speaker or any other student proofread your essays before turning them in. This would violate the code of academic integrity.

Study Abroad. Brown University encourages study abroad opportunities for its students. For information about the Brown in Bologna program, visit: http://www.brown.edu/Departments/Italian_Studies/brown_in_bologna.html or contact Brown in Bologna advisor Cristina Abbona-Sneider (Cristina_Abbona-Sneider@brown.edu).

Syllabus settimanale
23-24 gennaio: 28-31 gennaio: Composizione #1 4-7 febbraio: Revisione #1 11-14 febbraio: Cultura: la guerra e il neorealismo (Crescendo cap. 9) FILM : Ladri di biciclette di V . De Sica Io non ho paura pp. 35-48 Grammatica: il discorso indiretto (Crescendo cap. 9) Io non ho paura pp. 12-35 Introduzione al corso Grammatica: i pronomi relativi Introduzione a Io non ho paura e pp. 5-12

Test 1: 14 febbraio

20-21 febbraio: Composizione #2 25-28 febbraio: Revisione #2 4-7 marzo: Test 2: 7 marzo 11-14 marzo: Composizione #3 18-21 marzo:

Grammatica: la concordanza di tempi (Crescendo cap. 9) Io non ho paura pp. 49-64 Grammatica: la forma passiva, gli interrogativi e le frasi esclamative (Crescendo cap. 10) Io non ho paura pp. 65-91 Cultura: leconomia italiana (Crescendo cap. 10) Io non ho paura pp. 91-105

Grammatica: gli avverbi e i comparativi Cultura: la musica italiana (Crescendo cap. 11) Io non ho paura pp. 105-124 Grammatica: gli aggettivi e i pronomi indefiniti (Crescendo cap. 11) Io non ho paura pp. 124-153

Revisione #3

1-4 aprile: Test 3: 4 aprile

Cultura: larte italiana (Crescendo cap. 11) Io non ho paura pp. 153-180

FILM : La vita bella di R. Benigni Io non ho paura pp. 181-211

8-11 aprile: Composizione #4 15-18 aprile:

Grammatica: i modi indefiniti (Crescendo cap. 12) Io non ho paura pp. 211-fine

ripasso FILM : Io non ho paura di G. Salvatores

Revisione #4 22-25 aprile: ripasso

Test 4: 24 aprile (ascolto e evaluations); 25 aprile (scrittura)

Esami orali: su appuntamento 7-9 maggio Consegna della scrittura finale: 10 maggio ore 10am

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