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Ortega Daz Eduardo

A way to a better health

Nowadays we have so many experts on health issues, but the fact is that we have more maladies than ever, so what are those tips worthy of a healthy person.

One of these tips which is really important has to do with sleeping at least eight hours, for we need a good rest for these hard days that we are living. We work more cautiously, full of energy and we understand orders more efficiently, but not only that our body also needs energy just as cars need fuel, and experts recommend at least having three meals a day starting by something light like orange juice a eggs, in the afternoon a well and balances meal will do and finally a light dinner like cookies and milk are enough.

One of these potential drawbacks of not getting enough sleep is that our level of alert and wakefulness in our jobs or activities can be low causing us to be messy, thoughtless and more likely to have accidents and the probability can be even higher if you go to work with an empty stomach ending the whole story in a terrible situation for our partners, boss and ourselves.

In my opinion, I believe that people should have enough vitamins in their bodies and rest enough instead of taking care of their appearances; after all without health we do not have anything.

Graded By Lili Marlene Gonzales Lara Grammar 26/30 Punctuation 7/10 Vocabulary Range 10/10 Coherence 19/20 Spelling 8/10

Task Completion 10/10 Register 5/5

Total Score 90.

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