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Vinnumálastofnun / EURES will be offering following courses in spring

It’s possible to get financial support from The Directorate of Labour.
Registration and further information in EURES-office, Borgartún 7b.

Icelandic courses - Mímir:

Icelandic I
Icelandic II
Icelandic III
Icelandic IV

Mímir-símenntun offers Icelandic for foreigners from level one to level

four. The courses last for 7,5 weeks. The emphasis is on everyday
language and there are special textbooks for each level.
Taught at Skeifan 8, 108 Reykjavík.
School for Settlers - Mímir:
120 class hours for people who have finished Icelandic III or have similar
Icelandic lessons, lessons about Icelandic society and culture, computer
studies and more.
Taught at Öldugata 23, 101 Reykjavík

Career's Guidance - Mímir:

Career’s advisors advise people of all ages and give them information that
helps them decideon education and jobs. They also assist individuals with
various tasks related to studying and job development. A career’s
advisor’s main goal is to promote the well-being of individuals, having
their interests at heart.
A career’s advisor gives for example information about education and
jobs. The one seeking advice is helped to evaluate various educational
options and workfields coinciding with his or her interests and skills.
Taught at Öldugata 23, 101 Reykjavík.

Icelandic & Job Search A – Intercultural Center:

Icelandic course for unemployed people who are beginners in Icelandic

(have completed level 1 or 2). Special attention will be paid to cultural
competency, self-evaluation, CV writing, and how to read employment
advertisements etc.
Taught at Laugarvegur 37, 101 Reykjavík.

Icelandic & Job Search B - Intercultural Center:

Borgartún 7b IS-105 Reykjavík Iceland Sími/tel: +354-554 7600
Bréfasími/fax: +354 554 7601
Icelandic course for unemployed people who are intermediate speakers of
Icelandic (have completed level 3 or more).
Taught at Laugarvegur 37, 101 Reykjavík.

Borgartún 7b IS-105 Reykjavík Iceland Sími/tel: +354-554 7600

Bréfasími/fax: +354 554 7601

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