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I havent practiced because

You can tell by the look o his face; he hasnt practiced. Will his excuse be plausible or bizarre? Whatever it is, chances are high that youve heard it before or even used it yourself when you were small. To save precious lesson time, try passing out the following Table of Excuses and simply ask your student to give the appropriate excuse by number. Do-It-Yourself Table of Excuses I havent practiced because 1. We had a fire in the piano. 2. Thieves stole my music. 3. The metronome was struck by lightening. 4. The dog ate my music 5. A little green man from outer space, with six arms, three eyes, and a horn in the middle of his forehead, disintegrated my music with his little space gun. 6. My fingernails grew so long they caught in between the keys and my nail file was stolen by a little green man from outer space with 7. I broke my (check one) thumb finger glasses shoelace big toe 8. I dropped my contacts in the (check one) gravy sink swimming pool 9. I injured all my muscles while using the (check one) horse bars balance beam diving board bathroom sleeping 10. Our house is (check one) too hot too coldtoo full too empty too noisy missing 11. My (check as many as you can get) mother drove us shopping father drove us to the ball game grandmother drove us to Disneyland little brother drove us crazy. 12. I had too much (check one) homework housework dinner fun. 13. I was busy practicing to be a (check at least five) baseball player prom decorator madrigal singer musical show star water ballet star chearleader tennis team staryearbook editor champion nail counter at the lumber yard Miss America NBA MVP 14. I played out a lot, got into too many activities, goofed off some and just plain didnt get around to practicing. All students using excise number 14 will be given a A for honesty! Raise your right hand and say aloud: I will practice only on the days I eat!

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