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Golf Strategy - How to Break 90

Most people who play golf have never broken 90 in their golf careers.

This is obviously a major goal for these folks and a source of major frustration...

When I talk and play with these golfers, there is one common observation that I can make
about their games that is creating a serious mental barrier to their progress... and that is an
intense desire for "more distance".

The other common observation I can make about their game is that they are passionate
about golf and will do whatever it takes to improve.

The golf industry thrives on these desires:

"buy this driver and add 10 extra yards to your game"

"buy this ball for extra distance"
"Learn to swing like the pros"
"Turn more for more distance"

Whenever you look in golf magazines or watch infomercials on TV these headlines are
everywhere....its no wonder that this distance message has rubbed off on the struggling

Yet, when you do the math on what distances you require to break 90 off the standard
white tees on the typical golf course, the numbers will surprise you...

Understand the Numbers

Golf is all about numbers and making smart decisions. If you can understand the numbers
that are necessary to meet your scoring goals, you will begin to make smarter decisions
that will quickly lead to lower scores.

I say this because it is this lack of understanding of the numbers involved in the game
that leads golfers to make bad decisions both on and off the course:

"I need this new $600 driver to get my drives to 230 yards....that will make a huge
difference to may scores"

"If only I could get my irons to go further, what a difference that would make"

Yet, talk to these same people 6 months after their purchase and many of them have made
little difference to their scores.....

This push for distance is a huge mental barrier. Those golfers who progress faster with
their games are those who have discovered how to overcome this mental obstruction.
What they need to do is make mental shift away from distance, to one of "consistency"...

If you can make that change, you will find your game will accelerate rapidly to lower

That process begins by knowing your numbers....

Understand the Distance Numbers

Golf is all about making smart decisions around distance. If you can understand the
numbers that are necessary to meet your scoring goals, you will begin to make smarter
decisions that will quickly lead to lower scores.

I say this because it is this lack of understanding of the distances involved in the game
that lead golfers to make bad decisions both on and off the course:

“I need this new $600 driver to get my drives to 230 yards…that will make a huge
difference to may scores”

“If only I could get my irons to go further, what a difference that would make”

Yet, talk to these same people 6 months after their purchase and many of them have made
little difference to their scores…

This push for distance is a huge mental barrier. Those golfers who progress faster with
their games are those who have discovered how to overcome this mental obstruction.

Make this mental shift, and you will find your game will accelerate rapidly to lower

That process begins by knowing your numbers…

Average distances to Break 90

Let’s assume you play on an average length course of 6,100 yards. I am going to throw
some average distance requirements per stroke out there to break 90 that are based on
different putting abilities…

45 putts/round - average distance/stroke to shoot 89 = 138 yards

40 putts/round - average distance/stroke to shoot 89 = 124 yards
36 putts/round - average distance/stroke to shoot 89 = 115 yards
(average distance = 6,100 ÷ (89 - # of putts/round) )

For ladies on a 5,500 yard course the yardages are less:

45 putts/round - average distance/stroke to shoot 89 = 128 yards

40 putts/round - average distance/stroke to shoot 89 = 115 yards
36 putts/round - average distance/stroke to shoot 89 = 104 yards

As you look at these numbers, even some absolute beginners using a set of old clubs can
reach these distances!

So where is the need for distance?

If you are any good at putting you could probably get round the course in 89 using only a
9/8 iron and a putter…

“Ah, but that is not how the game is played…” some might say.

That is certainly true. But then I would ask “how should you play the game and what are
you trying to achieve?”…

Change of Thinking
In showing you these distances and prodding these questions I am not trying to be critical
of those who play in the 90’s or above…

I am simply trying to help you clarify the numbers to encourage you think a little more
about how you may be approaching your own game.

Of course I would not suggest you go around the course with nothing but an 8 iron and a
putter. That is silly. However, these numbers clearly suggest that you do not need a 230
yard drive either.

So what can we learn from just studying these distances?

1. For starters, if you are able to average a 2 putt on every green for your round, you
remove a huge distance requirement from your game.

This then should be your top priority for breaking 90…practice putting at home to get
your putting average down to 36 or less per round.

2. The second observation that jumps out at us is that distance is not an issue if you are
able to execute every shot cleanly during the round without a miss hit or duff shot.

Swing consistency becomes key, not distance.

Here is how your thinking and mental approach to your swing has to change…

It does not matter how far you hit the ball, but it is vital that you hit every shot with some
level of consistency.

Consistency comes with a lot of practice, but it can also come from making smart
decisions with your shot making…
Operating at the Top End of your Swing Capability Curve
Your judgment calls on distance and club selection can seriously affect your swing
consistency…this is all a “mental process” and has nothing to do with your physical

Let me show you an example…

Let’s say that you are faced with an approach shot to the green of 140 yards. What are
your choices?

Well, on the range you know that you can reach 140 yards with an 8 iron….in most cases
you might have a go with that decision.

How confident do you feel at executing that shot? What are the likely outcomes if you
do not pull it off?

Here is what I observe with many high handicap golfers when making decisions of this

9 times out of 10 they are always short of the green. This is because of either a complete
miss hit duff shot or they did not catch the ball cleanly at contact.

On top of this the accuracy of the shot is off as well.

The reason for this is they are swinging at the high end of their swing capability curve
trying to execute a “full turn”, because that is what they have read, or been told will give
them the “most distance”.

If they adopt this same mental approach to swinging with a full turn during their practice
sessions with all their clubs, their decisions on distance capability with each club is going
to be influenced by the results they achieve on the range.

The shots they remember are the shots they hit well that go a mile, but do they remember
how far they hit the balls that did not go so well?....probably not.

Whenever you try to run a “system” at the high of it capability it is going to experience
some failure.

The same can be said of your golf swing. Try to swing with a full turn on every shot, and
you will experience failure more times than not.

That is because with a full backswing extension you are more likely to experience:
• Balance problems
• Breakdowns of the left arm
• Excessive tension in the arms that leads to a prerelease of the hands from the top
of the swing and poor timing

to mention but a few…

OK. Now I want you to consider your chances of reaching the same 140 yards with either
a 7 iron or even a 6 iron. Are you likely to be short with either of these two clubs?

The answer is, “no, only if I miss hit the shot completely. If anything I may overshoot the

Choose a Club Down for better Swing Consistency

Here is how you can immediately improve your swing consistency on the course…

I want you to ask yourself why you put yourself under distance pressure for this 140 yard

Why do you need to operate your swing at the high end of your capability curve and push
the extremes of your swing limits with an 8 iron, knowing that you are likely to
experience a miss hit?

This is totally unnecessary. You have the option of selecting down a club that you know
you will reach the distance with a much higher degree of certainty.

This same thought process can be applied to every swing decision you make with every
iron you have in the bag.

The only time you reach a point where you have to make a full turn to increase distance
comes with clubs at the low end such as a 3 iron, 3 wood and driver where you no longer
have the option to choose down a club.

Choosing to club down for all of your distance decisions changes your mental approach
from one of going for distance, to one of going for consistency.

The first reaction you have when you make this decision is worrying about over shooting
the target.

This thought process forces you to shorten your backswing so that you take some “heat”
out of the shot.

When you shorten your backswing:

• Your balance is better and your swing is much easier to time.

• With improved balance also comes improved accuracy.

So, club down and shorten your backswing for improved consistency…

Set a scoring goal for each hole

You can reduce the pressure to swing for distance from your swing even further by
accurately knowing what distance you need to achieve your scoring goal for every hole to
break 90.

On a par 72 hole course you need to score 17 over par in order to achieve an 89.

You can break that down to a scoring goal for every hole of a 1 over par, only needing a
single par on any one hole somewhere during the round.

Now let’s look at how knowing this information affects your decision making and club
selection on the course…

For those of you who feel you need to add more distance to your game but have yet to
break 90, I want to try and dispel this mental obstacle once and for all with this following

Let’s put you under a pressure for distance scenario on the course by imaging you are
standing on the tee of a 410 yard par 4. Does this intimidate you? You bet!

“I need to have a long drive so that I can give myself every chance of getting on or near
the green with my approach shot…”

“It is holes like this that bring out the need for that 230 yard drive! Even with that drive I
still have 180 yards to go with the next shot.”

How do you rate your chances of pulling off consistent shots under this amount of

Not very high is my guess…”

Before you reach into the bag for the heavy artillery and psych yourself up for a monster
drive, step back for a minute and think about what you are trying to achieve on this hole.

You are not trying to play for par, you are trying to play for a one over par because that is
your goal for this hole.

Come to think of it, even a 5 handicap golfer does not need to go for par on this hole
because holes of this nature usually have a handicap index of 5 or less!

Knowing you have 5 strokes to meet your goal, how can you best use those strokes to
make each shot as simple as possible?
The trick lies in working your way back from the green to the tee, not from the tee to the
green in your club selection…

Work backwards from the green for shot simplicity and improved consistency

First of all, I am going to assume you took note of my first observation and have
practiced your putting at home and feel pretty good at averaging 2 putts per green.

That leaves you with 3 shots with which to work your way back to the tee to cover the
410 yards.

The first decision you need to make is at what distance and with what club can I feel
confident at getting anywhere on the green 9 times out of 10, remembering that there is
no need to push your swing to it’s high limits for distance.

Let’s say that a 65 yard pitching wedge comes to mind.

Ok, now let’s work back a little further and decide what would be a reasonable shot that
you feel pretty confident at getting you within that 65 yard approach shot range even
from light rough.

Maybe a 160 yard iron or hybrid club.

What’s left for your drive….185 yards, which for some of you may be a 3 wood distance.

What this exercise does for you is reduce the pressure to swing for distance completely
from every shot tee to green. You will be able to swing well within your distance
capability…especially if you also club down.

Your chances of executing this strategy with reasonable consistency compared to the
“conventional approach” is going to be much higher because you are not swinging at the
high end of your swing range.

On top of this, if you successfully land your third shot on the green, you give yourself a
one putt chance of a par!

Now compare that opportunity to the “conventional approach” where you would
probably be satisfied with a one or even a two over par….

Adding the Extra Shot and Shorten your Approach Shot

The one over scoring goal on every hole but one to break 90 allows you to design your
tee to green play with an “extra shot” compared to a regulation strategy.

That extra shot on all the par 4’s and par 5’s reduces the distance you require for every
shot considerably.
Knowing this allows you to back off and swing well within your distance capability by
clubbing down.

The extra shot also allows you to select a shorter approach shot on every hole which
improves your changes of getting on the green.

This helps you avoid many wasted short game shots from around the green which are
tremendous shot consumers for high handicap players who have not developed a short

Breaking 90
As I have shown you in this article, knowing the distance numbers to break 90 takes
away the pressure to operate at the high end of your swing capability on every shot

Making smart club choices by clubbing down, also eliminates this distance pressure.

The strategy of adding the extra shot from tee to green to shorten your approach shots on
every hole, not only reduces wasted shots from around the green, you also give yourself
more par opportunities for a one putt par.

The desire to add more distance to your game can be a major mental barrier that is
preventing you from lowering your scores and reaching your goal of 89.

Make the mental shift to thinking more on how to improve consistency by swinging well
within you distance capabilities and your scores will drop significantly in a short period
of time…

Good luck and good scoring!

How to Break 90 Video Presentation Series

I produced a three part video presentation series for both men and women that also comes
with a 50 page e-book covering:

• A 5 step process on how to create a golf strategy that you can use for breaking 90
or any other scoring goal.
• How to eliminate 3-4 wasted strokes from your round immediately.
• How to improve your swing consistency with smart decision making on the
• How to create effective practice plans to develop the specific skills you need to
break 90 if you have limited time to practice.
Les Ross is the owner of "Highlanderllc School of Golf" which provides "live" online
technical golf instruction at www.highlanderschoolofgolf.com

He is also the author of the books "Breaking the Distance Barrier" and "In Search of
Putting Excellence" which both apply "physics" to the golf swing to help golfers extract
the maximum performance potential from their swings.

Follow Les on Twitter @ http://twitter.com/golfmechanic

He is featured on suidoo.com at the following link


You can sign up for his technical newsletter which is full of great golf instruction articles
at http://www.highlanderschoolofgolf.com/newsletterrreg.htm

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