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Exams What I think of our exams yesterday and today: Day 1 * Math- as expected, its hard- bit its

kinda okay. Still easier than SS. * Filipino- a bit easy. Easier than SS. * Theology- its also okay. Easier than SS. Day 2 * Biology- multiple choice- nuff said. Easier than SS. * English- no jumbled words for vocabulary, There are choices (except for identification). I dont know some stuff in identification. I guessed the sentence patterns- STILL EASIER THAN SS. * Social Studies (SS)- no pointers, just vague references about 1st=4th - confusing analogy and matching type. - a chart with too many choices- which made it really confusing. - WORLD MAP. And instead of naming the countries, were supposed to write the OLD NAMES or CAPITALS. - THE FREAKIN HARDEST EXAM THIS YEAR. There. At least, its all over and I can calm down and enjoy life. quarter lessons.

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