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P N THI IELTS NGY 20-1-2012 Should parents be encouraged to take part in training courses?

Timing: 5 minutes Written by Pham Thi Le Na

Pros - Gain knowledge and understanding of childrens psychology - Reduce the burden for schools Cons Put pressure on parents with more work to do Be waste of money for parents Demand great investment from governments Not effective for all kids

Children are important to social development. It is claimed that to ensure the best education for them, parents should take childcare training courses while others believe that it is unnecessary and the job should be reserved for schools. I partly agree with the idea of asking parents to follow these courses. First, when parents take training courses, they can gain better psychological understanding of their children. Hence, they teach them more effectively. Nevertheless, hardly can parents have enough time to pursue such a training course because of their overloaded work schedule. Besides, not all training courses are compatible to all kids when each one has his own personality and ability. Second, by following these courses, parents help ease the burden of teachers at school. While teachers are supposed to guide a big number of students, parents can focus on their only children with their heart and soul. Nevertheless, no sooner have parents been well trained in these courses than schools are no longer necessary to them since they can home-school their children. Were it true, hundreds of teachers and educators would go dismissed. In addition, that parents have to pay extra fee for these courses is annoying in such a cut-throat society like today. Equally important, not only are governments supposed to provide training for teachers to deliver child-care lectures, but the investment in facilities and the construction of standards is far from easy to them. For all reasons above, I am convinced by the belief that this course should be optional to parents. In order to ensure the best education for children, both parents and schools work together.

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