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Land Rover Promotion

www.landrover-africa.com/test-drive Win a Luxury Victoria Falls Trip! Test Drive a Land Rover Today.


For God knows how long people have been looking for the end of the world. There will be no end of the world in a physical sense. When Jesus and others talked of the end times they meant the end of an astrological age. We are living in that kind of end now. We are experiencing the end of the Age of Pisces and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. Do not believe those doomsday prophets who say the world would end in 1914, then in 1970, then in 1984, then in 2000. When none of those ends actually ended, they said May 5 2003 would mask the end because the 12th planet was on the way. When that failed to materialize they latched onto the Mayan calendar which runs out in 2012 and so now thats the doomsday target date. 2012 will come and go and not much will have changed --- in the sense of destruction of the world. The chaos were experiencing is due to the shift in ages. Pisces rules over oil, cinema, plastic, prisons, drugs, slavery, confusion, spiritual worlds, the ocean, cosmetics and more. Oil markets are in turmoil, the slavery-prison population has swelled, oceans are polluted and the majority of American is on drugs. These are expressions of the dying age of Pisces. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad wrote an article entitled Old World Going Out, New World Coming In. That actually

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3/23/2013 9:18 AM



referred to the shift from Pisces to Aquarius. There will be a new heaven (spiritual system) and new earth (political/economic system). Aquarius is the age of energy. People will exercise their psychic abilities more and more. Governments will topple as people rebel against all forms of tyranny and injustice.

Land Rover Promotion

www.landrover-africa.com/test-drive Win a Luxury Victoria Falls Trip! Test Drive a Land Rover Today.

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3/23/2013 9:18 AM

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