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Unit 4

1. (/) Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition.

__________ ____________ _____________

. _____________ ,

_____________ . ______________

_______________ _______________ .

2. Compose sentences from the following strings of words, adding prepositions
where necessary. Be sure to make the verbs agree with their subjects and the
adjectives agree with the nouns they modify; remember to conjugate nouns if





3. Indicate in the blank after each italicized word or phrase whether it is

nominative (N), prepositional (P), or accusative (A).

_________. ___________.

___________. __________.


__________ __________,

4. Fill in the blanks with adjectives and nouns in the accusative case.

[] ___________________________________.

[ ] __________________________________ .

[ ] ___________________________ ?

[ ] ____________________ ?

5. Answer in the affirmative, using as many pronouns as possible



6. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of .


. ____________________________ , .

____________________________ ?

7. Fill with question words (, , , )

, ____________________ .

-, ____________________ -

8. Fill in the blanks correctly with either or .

- ?

-, ____________ .

- ?

-, _______________ .

: _

Unit 5

A. Fill in the blank according to the parenthetical English FOLLOWING the blank.

1. ? ____________________________________ (in the library).

cinema). ! _
__________________ (Where) ? _
2. ______________________________ (are late) __________________________ (to the


(in the library) _

(on Monday)


3. _____________________________ (studied) _________________________________

4. ______________________ (where) __________________________ (have dinner)?

B. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate of the following verbs: , ,

_________________ 7 .
_________________ .
_________________ .
_________________ .

1. __________________ .


. () Change sentences such as Jane studies to Jane ought to study

1. .


2. .


3. .

/ .

4. .


5. -.


Unit 6

A. Make grammatically correct sentences out of the following strings of words. Do
not change the word order.

1. /////. ////.

2. ///. /////.

B. Compose three sentences. Begin with and then choose a different word (no
repeating words!) from each column, putting them in the correct case. Do not
change the word order.





P. T. O.
C. Negate the following questions using FULL SENTENCES. Do not substitute
(e.g. ).

6. ?

7. ?


D. Fill in the blank with the correct non-past conjugation of .

8. _______________________________ ?

9. _______________________________ .

E. Fill in the blank with the correct non-past conjugation of , , or

10. _______________________________ .

11. _______________________________ .

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