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function F(X:real):real; begin F := X*X*X - 3*X + 2; end; procedure Secant(P0,P1,Delta,Epsilon:real; var P2,Y2,Dp,Ptwo,Pthree:real; var Cond,K:integer); const Small = 1E-20;

var Df,Y0,Y1,RelErr:real; begin K := 0; Cond := 0; Y0 := F(P0); Y1 := F(P1); while (K<Max) and (Cond=0) do begin Df := (Y1 - Y0)/(P1 - P0); if Df = 0 then begin Cond := 1; Dp := P1 - P0; P2 := P1; end else begin Dp := Y1/Df; P2 := P1 - Dp; end; Y2 := F(P2); RelErr := ABS(Dp)/(ABS(P2)+Small); if (RelErr <= Delta) then Cond := 2; if (ABS(Y2) < Epsilon) then Cond := 3; if (RelErr <= Delta) and (ABS(Y2) < Epsilon) then Cond := 4; P0 := P1; P1 := P2; Y0 := Y1; Y1 := Y2; K := K+1; if K = 1 then Ptwo := P1; if K = 2 then Pthree := P1; end; K := K+1; end;

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