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"Command Mode" Switches to Command mode.

"Spelling Mode" Switches to Spelling mode.

"Go To Sleep" Puts MacSpeech Dictate to sleep.
"Wake Up" Wakes MacSpeech Dictate from sleep.
"Microphone On" Turns on the microphone.
"Show Available Commands Window"Displays a window with a list of commands that can be spoken.
"New Line" Presses the Enter Key once.
"New Paragraph" Presses the Enter Key twice.
"Space Bar" Presses the space bar.
"Tab Key" Presses the tab key.
"Go To End" Moves the insertion point to the end of the current document.
"Go To Beginning" Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the document.
"Scratch That" 0 R"Forget That" Deletes the last thing you said.
"Delete <word or words>" Deletes the word or phrase spoken.
"Insert before/after <word or words>"
Locates the word or words spoken in the current document and
puts the insertion point before or after the text.
"Do Select <word or words>" Selects the instance of the word or words spoken closest to the
insertion point.
"Cap <word>"OR"Cap Next <word>" Starts the next word spoken with a capital letter. Example: "CAP
hot CAP dog"="Hot Dog"
"Caps On/OfT" When on, each word will be Capitalized.
"All Caps <word>" Types the next word in all capital letters.
"All Caps On/OfT" Turns All Caps on or ofT When on, words will be in ALL CAPS.
"No Space On/OfT" When on, No Space will be typed between words.
"Period" Types a dot at the end of a sentence [ . ]
"Comma" Types a comma [ , ]
"Question Mark" Types a question mark [ ? ]
"Exclamation Point" Types an exclamation mark [ ! ]
"Dollars"OR"Dollar Sign" Types a dollar sign [ $ ]
"Sterling Pound Sign" Types a pound sign [ £ ]
"Euros"OR"Euro Sign" Types a euro sign [ € ]
"At sign" Types an"at"sign [ @]
"Ampersand"OR"And Sign" Types an ampersand [ &]
"Asterisk" Types an asterisk [ * ]
"Number Sign"OR"Pound Sign" Types a number or hash sign [ # ]
"Colon" Types a colon [ : ]
"Semicolon" Types a semicolon [ ; ]
"Hyphen" Types a hyphen [ - ]
"Dash" Types a dash [ -- ]
"Open Quote" Types an open quote [" ]

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