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to select a motto for the Police Academy, Officer Joseph M.

sponsored contest

In a reeent Police Show Committee

for his first plize entry, "To Plotect To Serve."

Seconcl piace

Doiobek, TED, won a $100 savings bond


R. Ennis, R & l. laiiiug rbe $95 dollal thirC plize rvas Sgt. Dale M. Dennis, \\'ilshile, rpith the' entry, "Pro Justitia"-"In the Selvice of
Service" was OJficer Jack

with the motto "Knowledge, Justice,

winner {a


dollar bond )



The rvinners rvere chosen by a boald officers consisting of Lt. i\'lerrill V. Duncan, chailman, and Sgt. Frank L. Crewe, Officel Gene E. Luther and OfrA11 contest entries were copies on
M, Beck tleft), preridenl of lhe Police Relief Associotion, honds oui JS sovings bonds to lhe ihree lop winners in lhe.ecenl Police Show Commiltee conlest to choo5 { mollo for lhe Police Acodemy, Beside Be<k, lefr lo righi, lhe winners ore Oficer J.oclt R. Ennis. I & l, second prize; Sgt. Dqlc M. Dennis, Wilshire, third; ond Officer Joseph S. Dorobek, TED !irsl $.iVIOTTO CHAMPS-Sg|, Kennelh

cer Arthur Carter.

special cards on which names of the enir:ants did not appear. Cards and or:iginal entries were numbered by machine and ihe oriqinals were kent in the Personnel and Training Bureau offices rvhile the cards were sent to the motto board for

\f inning mottoes selected by the board were then submitted to the Police Commission for approval. After Commission
approval, the winning selections were
submitted to a committee consisting o{ Capt. Carey M. Buxton, Inspector James G. Fisk aad Lt. Peter Hagan, trho compared the cards viitb the orig:inal entries and deterr*ined the winners' names.

The mottoes wer.e selected f+r their explession of the ideals to rvhich the Los Angeles poliee service is dedicated' It is possible that the winning motto may $ome day be adopted 4's the official mottc
af the Department.

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