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Clients for Life | 2013

Clients for Life: Breakout Exercise

The Clients for Life Challenge
Enacting Clients for Life is critical if we are going to deliver on our 2013 operating goals and beyond. To do so will require us to expand our consideration of our most important relationships to include key internal stakeholders in addition to clients, if we are to achieve our objectives of 98% client satisfaction, 99% client retention, and same-rate renewals or better for 75% of all renewals.

Step 1: Conduct a personal/professional check-in with the other people at your table. It is all about relationships, but the first ones are the relationships you have with each other! Take the first step to using intimacy as a foundational element of your relationships both internally and externally.

Step 2: Identify one area within your responsibility and key actions that you will take and drive forward within your role to support client retention.

Step 3: Collaborate with your team to identify the three most important people critical to bring this initiative to fruition and brainstorm the basis for connection with each.

Step 4: Commit to the specific actions you will take in the next 30 days to advance this initiative and help make Clients for Life a reality. Step 5: If time permits, collaborate with your group on ways to engage the personnel who are not at this meeting in the Clients for Life Challenge.

Follow Up: Within 30 days, each participant to share the progress to date with their initiative. Information to be submitted to the I Am Catamaran email inbox and to include activities to date, individuals with whom they have collaborated, results and how it connects to client retention metrics, and how their initiative has contributed to making Clients for Life a reality.

Clients for Life | 2013


Clients for Life: Breakout Exercise

Clients for Life Challenge Exercise
Describe your Initiative:

1. Name the three (3) people most critical to bring this initiative to fruition as well as identify the basis for connection for each. 2.


Identify and commit to a set of specific actions that you will take in the next 30 days to advance this initiative.

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